#drug energies
i love graffiti. "comics and jazz are the only american art forms" you forgot graffiti. did you remember graffiti? That art form birthed in Philly and NYC in the early 70s by poor Black kids. that art form that spread all over the world and influenced so many. that's used without irony in commercials when they're trying to appeal to a "young urban" customer.
did you forget graffiti? that racism broken windows theory victim? that reach the establishment takes claiming that it's exclusively violent gang members throwing up those full-color pieces and wildstyle tags in the middle of the night outsmarting fifty security cameras because the billboard was ugly anyway. as if, even if it was, it wouldn't be impressive as all hell. risking brutality and fall damage so your art can occupy the space a gentrified condo named something like "Coluumna" took away from you. proving that despite only assholes affording to live here anymore there's still a soul beneath it. an animal with dripping stripes and teeth that go clack-clack tsssss
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pangur-and-grim · 2 months
this young boy is on drugs
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captainkirkk · 1 month
Concept: Batman's (fanon?) "No metas in Gotham" rule is actually focused on metas superhero-ing on his terf, not about them visiting Gotham in general
Kon loves hanging out with Tim both in and out of the suits, except when he joins Tim for missions or patrol in Gotham, he's just a tag along. A passenger princess. He's a 6ft Kryptonian but he's not there to fight the villains, that's what Tim is for. Kon is just there to look pretty and crack jokes.
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toxicanonymity · 7 months
beach walks
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7k, Joel x f!reader; surf instructor Billy x f!reader (Billy gifs)
night walks au A/N: Picks up right after beach walks prequel.
SUMMARY: Paths cross, and Joel can't let you go. WARNINGS: I8+ angst, infidelity adjacent if you squint, drugs, dubcon (drugs/location) p in v, somewhat possessive!joel, exhibitionism, homoerotic tension if you squint. cuck!billy but you also sit on his face.
Joel can't sleep. He stares at the ceiling and keeps drifting back to what he shouldn't have seen - you in the pool with Billy. Plus, he evisions you fucking on the beach, in the hotel, in that stupid shack. He's not happy about it, but you’re so damn hot. He can't help the way his body reacts. He keeps hearing that moan, fuck.
He figures out what helps him get back to sleep, and by the end of the night, he's used all the lotion in that little bottle. 
He wakes up for the last time around five. He showers and packs his bag. It's still dark when he goes for a walk on the beach. As the sky hints at sunrise, he stands with his fingers interlaced on the crown of his head and listens to the birds. He’s been doing his best, and it turns out his best sucks. On a sandbar, he finds a live starfish missing an arm and gently tosses it like a Frisbee back into the ocean. 
What is he doing? He could've left it all alone. 
He walks back to the hotel and gets a cup of coffee and a newspaper. He goes out on the cafe porch to read. There's a yoga class in view on the beach, and he looks to see if you're in it. Yeah, there you are. His stomach drops and his nostrils flare with a deep breath. You look great, but he can't see your ass. Right behind you, there's Billy. 
Why Billy? He's impossible to hate. At least he's also impossible to tame. No way it goes beyond this vacation. But if anyone can make him wanna change, it might be you. Joel used to think Billy had it made, but he's a lonely guy underneath it all.
Four of you are eating breakfast at a table for six in the dining hall. You're sitting across from Billy.
“Can’t miss with Billy’s Bistro. Never burn the toast, never give ya salmonella . . .” 
“Salmonella?” Your friend Kari asks. “Was there an outbreak here?” 
Billy has a spoon in his mouth, but his eyes widen. He looks back and forth between all three of you as he slowly swallows his chia pudding, then says, “Explains the Groupon, doesn't it?” 
“Gross,” Kari pushes her plate away. 
Billy shrugs, then looks at you. “Billy’s bistro,” he mouths with a subtle sparkle in his eyes. His face softens, then comes to life when he looks behind you. 
“There he is,” Billy announces. 
You look back and do a double take. Your heart skips a beat, and your eyes widen. Joel gives you a nod of acknowledgement. 
He’s wearing swim trunks, and his thighs look massive. All of him does. Did the memories fade, or did he manage to put on 10 lbs of muscle in what, two months? His hair is longer – only an inch or so, but enough to curl. You can’t stop staring. Your face is cold and tingly.
“Have a seat, mate.” Billy uses his foot to push out the chair to his right, at the head of the table. He puts his hand on Joel's hulking trapezius as he sits down. 
“Joel Miller. This man is a legend,” Billy tells you.
You glance at your friends, and they're as shocked as you. They met Joel once, at the restaurant. 
“Taught me how to roll my first joint,” Billy says. “Now I can't even get’m to take a bong rip.” He turns to Joel. “That was some good shit ya brought, mate.”
“Yeah,” Joel says barely above a whisper, glancing at you.
“Hey Joel,” your friend Nahlah says. 
“Hey, Nahlah.” 
You had barely let him sit down to say hello at that restaurant. 
“So you know each other,” Billy concludes. “Brilliant! What a world.”
“Yeah, we know each other,” Joel subtly nods, looking at you. He looks tired.
“Do they know the new you?” Billy asks. 
“The new you?” you ask Joel. 
“Health nut.” Billy grabs Joel's arm, beaming. “Look at’m.” He turns his attention to Joel. “On the straight and narrow. Can't believe it.”   
“Really?” you ask Joel. 
Joel sighs and side-eyes Billy. “No. Just had to, kinda. . . get my life together for a minute.”
It’s a punch to the gut. Getting his life together meant dropping you? That’s where he went? Your face burns, and your nostrils flare. 
“Excuse me,” you tell the rest of them, and stand up with heat in your chest, determined not to make a scene.  
“Catch up later,” Billy says and reaches for you as you come around Joel’s chair. You lean in and he gives you a kiss on the cheek. You don't look back on your way out the door. 
You get down to the beach, take off your sandals, and walk, heading nowhere in particular. 
Soon enough, Joel is calling your name, jogging. You keep walking, but he catches up. He walks beside you in silence, between you and the ocean. You try to ignore the stride of his hulking form in your periphery. 
“Guess I don’t fit in your new life,” you mutter, then swallow the knot in your throat and put your shades on, even though it’s not sunny. You keep walking. 
“Yeah ya do, baby,” he reaches for your hand. The tenderness almost gets to you, but it’s out of nowhere. You just can’t. You cross your arms and slow your pace. 
“Guess I never did,” you mumble. 
“I’m sorry.” Joel looks at you. You keep looking down, taking slow, careful steps. 
“For what?” you ask, looking at the sand for an answer.
“Bein’ a fuckin’ idiot. Wrapped up in my own shit.” 
“What shit?” you ask. 
“I’ll tell ya everything, but–” 
“--But what?” 
“We’re supposed to head out in like (he looks at his watch) fuck. Like ten minutes.” 
You scoff. “Did something happen?”
“No—well, yeah.” He looks around then asks, “You okay?”
You don’t answer. 
“You looked happy,” he says, gesturing over his shoulder toward the dining hall. It sounds more like a question than an observation. Yeah, you were finally having a good time without him until he showed up. Now you’re confused, and mad at him for confusing you. 
You stop in your tracks and turn to face him and the water. “What happened? You couldn’t even text me?” 
The sky gets darker as thicker cloud cover creeps over the sun. “I should’ve,” Joel nods. 
You barely have the energy to walk. You sit down on the sand. He better tell you, right now, if there's any hope.
He swallows and looks down and away, then takes off his sunglasses and joins you on the sand.  “Got in my head,” he mumbles. “So many times, I was gonna. . .even walked to your door one night.” 
“.. .okay?” You wait for him to continue. 
“Thought ya might think I was lame, cause I wasn’t the same, I was. . .” 
“You were trying to get your life together,” you recite, genuinely trying to digest it for the first time. A tear falls out of your eye and you angrily wipe it away.
He shakes his head. “Never shoulda said it that way. I had somethin’ to take care of. Tell ya ‘bout it when we've got time” 
The lump is back in your throat, full force. He’s really gonna swoop in just long enough to make you sad, then leave you as confused as ever.
He looks dejected. “I know, I’m an idiot.” 
“So what do you want?” you ask. 
He looks at the sea for a moment. “To start over.” 
“Why?” you ask and wipe away more tears. Your voice becomes strained. “What do you regret?” 
“Nothin’, pumpkin. . . shit, I’m so bad at this.” He groans in frustration at himself. “And I know it, that’s why I. . .” he trails off and shakes his head. 
You glance at his eyes and curse yourself for a twinge of empathy.
He claws a handful of the dry sand between you into a little pile and mumbles, “You deserve better, always did.” He smoothes out the pile, then pivots to face more in your direction. “Look at me, pumpkin’. Please.” He reaches for your sunglasses. You pull back your head away and take them off yourself.  You turn and face him. He wipes his hand off on his shirt before brushing tears off your cheek with his thumb. “Only thing I regret is bein’ such a dick.” 
You begin to stand up, not wanting to feel him suddenly leave you again.  Once you’re standing, you cross your arms again. You dig the toes of one foot into the sand.  Joel’s hands gently engulf each of your elbows, and he gets as close as he can. You don’t pull away, but you don’t open up either. He hugs you anyway. 
God, his arms are huge. He holds you tight and breathes into your hair. He mutters, “Think about you all the time.” You let out a held breath, then his scent fills your lungs. A wave of affection threatens to break down your walls.
Your arms uncross on their own, and he hugs you with his body fully against yours. It feels like a warm mistake. It’s too late now. 
“Ya know, I would’ve done it with you,” you sniffle. “Whatever this lifestyle thing. . .” 
He whispers your name and hugs you tighter. He holds you for a minute, and you dab your eyes on his hulking shoulder. The weight of his arms is as soothing as his scent. This isn’t fixed, you tell yourself. You’re not going to pick up where you left off. If he invited you back to his room right now, you wouldn’t go. But somehow, you feel for him. You’ve never seen him anxious or vulnerable. He’s always been so sure of himself. So full of himself, but in a charming way.
You begin to pull away, still determined not to be the one who gets left. “Guess you’ve gotta go,” you mutter. 
He looks sad as he slowly drops his arms, running his hands down your back. “Talk when you’re home?”
You sigh and look at your feet. Your self-preservation instincts tell you to cut him off. Quit him while you can. While you have the upper hand. While he can’t hurt you worse than he has. “What can’t you say right now?”
“A lot,” he answers without missing a beat. He seems to glance at your neck, but you can’t be sure. 
You shake your head no. 
“Please. Then I’ll leave ya ‘lone if ya want.” His eyes shift away. Does he mean that? Your eyes cloud up again, and you put your glasses back on. 
“I dunno.” You walk back to the main building in silence and slip on your sandals on the way in.  Joel hugs you goodbye. It feels like he doesn’t want to let go, and you don’t want him to either. Your arms faintly itch as he walks away, and you brush off the sand.
After Joel leaves, your friends finish eating and emerge from the dining hall. 
“Where’s Billy?” you ask. 
“He has a lesson,” Nahlah says. 
You go back to your room and take a shower, trying to wash it all away, but Joel’s presence lingers, even as you turn off the water. You lie on your bed looking at the ceiling. Nahlah and Kari are on the other bed, watching ghost hunters on the free cable. 
“How was last night?” Kari asks. 
You sigh and mutter, “I need a nap.” 
“I bet you do,” Nahlah teases. 
You drift off, hoping everything will sort itself out while you dream. 
You sleep for hours and wake up alone, without the clarity you’d hoped for, except that you resent what Joel’s doing.  You’re already falling under his spell again, and you don’t like it.  It would be too easy for him to break your heart again. You know what could take your mind off it. 
You walk down to the shore, and Billy is finishing up a lesson. He sees you and nods toward the shack. You let yourself in and wait on the sofa, emo and increasingly horny. 
He comes through the door and takes off his long sleeves. He tousles his hair and stretches his neck with his hand on the tattoo. He takes a sip from a squeeze bottle, then asks, “You alright? What happened earlier?” 
“Nothing,” you rest your head in your left hand, with your elbow on the arm of the loveseat. 
“He’s a good guy,” Billy says, then looks at his watch and shifts gears. “Got fifteen minutes.” 
He joins you on the loveseat, then leans over you, pressing a kiss into your lips and pulling you closer. The kiss is loaded. You welcome his tongue, soothed by his touch, but your energy is gone. You’re practically catatonic compared to before. He kisses you for a few more seconds, then breaks away and asks, “You alright?” 
You nod and kiss him back, then reach for his shorts, cupping his semi-hard package. 
He breaks away and reads your eyes. “‘S’alright, love.” 
He pulls away entirely and slumps into the loveseat, using the opposite arm as a pillow. “C’mere,” he mumbles, and opens his arms. You lay face down on his warm, bare chest, beads of sea water transferring to your beach dress—through one of its crochet holes, a pierced nipple teases your skin.  
Billy holds you. You lie there, relaxed, one leg over his. A tear rolls out of your eye and onto his hot skin. “Shh,” He rubs your back for a few minutes, his chest rising and falling under you. His cock twitches against your thigh between his legs, and a shock of desire zaps through you. His hips lift slightly, just once, and your eyes flutter open. He sucks back his chin to look down at you, then his fingers lift your chin to look at him. You’re no longer crying at all. 
“There she is,” he murmurs, with his pupils widening before your eyes. He reads your eyes and glances at your lips. “Fucking gorgeous.” His face drifts toward yours, your neck extends, and his lips nudge your upper lip before your mouths come together. You prop yourself up with your forearm so neither of you has to strain your neck. The kiss starts languidly, then heats up and his hands come to your hips. As you kiss, his hips lift into you, and his cock hardens against your quad. As he licks into your mouth, you slowly grind on his thigh. He breaks away, searches your eyes, and whispers, “attagirl,” before claiming your lips again. With your limbs slotted together, you make out, grind, and quietly grunt.
For a while, your thoughts are gone, then Joel walks back into your head. You wonder how good he’d fuck you now, if he thinks it’s his last chance. Still moving on Billy’s thigh with your mouth half-connected with his, your breaths get heavy with desire. Would Joel be rough? Would he be tender? Would he be how he is so often–ravenous, but deliberate and appreciative of every inch of your body? You imagine his cock shoving into you and the way he’d sigh, yeah. 
Now you’re gushing wet, already about to cum. You break the kiss to moan, and Billy breathes, “Yeah, good girl.” He grinds against you and his hands move you on his bare thigh, now coated with your slick. “Fuck, that wet for me.” Not just for him, but, yeah, that wet. His cock has hardened against your hip. “Mmm,” he moans into your mouth as his lips take yours again. Joel’s a good kisser too. A little more forceful, but still smooth. You’re thinking about Joel being under you. Imagining the first time you were in Joel’s basement, when he pulled you into his lap so decisively. You’re on the edge of bliss, sliding on Billy’s thigh. You bite your lip, then moan. “Yeah,” Billy encourages you. 
When it’s clear you’re not quite there, Billy breathes, “Sit on me. C’mere.”
His mouth hangs slightly open, and his eyes are black with lust. You carefully lift your knee off the cushion between his legs, and the light touch of his hand helps you on top of him as he watches, spellbound. You lower yourself at just the right angle and moan at the first direct contact with the stiff shape in his shorts. Your eyelids are heavy. 
He lifts up the hem of your beach dress, and you take it off. He moans at the sight of your body. 
His lips remain slightly parted as his hips lift, grinding against you. He palms a breast, and you massage your other one. He begins to reach between you, fingertips sliding into his waistband, then looks behind you at the clock. “Sit on my face.” 
He scoots down to put his head flat on the cushion, and you rise off his shorts. He takes his cock out with a sigh and spits on his fingers as you knee walk forward. He spreads the spit on his cock and breathes vocally, eyes on your tits. You could swear you smell his precum. 
He unties your swimsuit bottom and lets half of it fall, leaving your slippery cunt bare. His palms on your ass bring you down, and his scruff drags against your inner thigh. His warm, humid breath envelopes your most sensitive place, then his lips make contact.
One hand leaves you to attend to his raging erection, and he grunts a short “mm” into your cunt at the relief. He laps at your entrance, licking upward, then latches onto the space just above that. He licks your clit, then sucks. He moans into the bundle of nerves, and your thighs tremble. He breaks away for short moments, breathing hot against your folds as he strokes his cock behind you. He eats you voraciously, and you whimper. He’s at just the right spot, doing just the right thing, and he keeps at it.
You brace your hands on the arm of the sofa and think about Joel looking up at you from between your legs. You take a deep breath and see stars. Your body twitches and you moan, riding your waves, with Billy moaning into your cunt. He gently laps at your entrance and strokes himself faster. As your climax wanes, you rise off his mouth, with Billy still stroking himself, not finished. He gathers slick from your folds, brings it to his cock, then pants pants, “How ‘bout another?” He begins to pull you back down.
“No,” you whisper, “that was perfect.” You allow him to keep you there, hovering over him. 
“Wanna ride?” His voice is shaky as he keeps pumping his cock behind you. 
“Not now,” you answer. 
He turns his head slightly, seals his lips on your thigh, and sucks. You reach down between your legs and grab hold of his damp, salty hair to pry him off. 
“Mmm,” he responds,“Yeah.” His strokes are heavier and so are his breaths. You experimentally tug at his hair again. He shudders, then paints his stomach in cum, with a warm squirt reaching your ass. 
He scoots out from under you and asks for the third time, “you alright?” 
You tie your swimsuit again and settle into the loveseat, face and chest still heated from your peak. “Yeah,” you nod. 
He fixes his swim trunks then prowls toward you to give you a gentle kiss and you taste yourself on his lips. “You’re tasty, love,” he murmurs, then pulls away. 
He puts on his rash guard, then points at you, “Aqua tonight.”  Right, his DJ thing. He gets off the loveseat and looks at the clock. “Before I forget,” He grabs his bag and unzips a front pocket that looks to be full of condoms and pill baggies. He turns his head to ask, “How many of ya?” 
“Three, I guess.” 
He rummages around, then holds up a little baggie with three pills. “Just a little X.” 
“Oh, I dunno if we’ll–” 
He shrugs. “Might try it.” He looks at the clock and mutters, “shit.”  
He presses the baggie into your palm and closes your hand. He holds up a few condoms and asks, “just in case?”. 
On the road, Tommy and Maria talk and listen to music. In the back seat, Joel looks out the window, or he wants to look out the window, but he looks at his reflection. He can’t shake the feeling of your warm tears wetting his shirt, or the image of you kissing Billy, or the glance at what he’s pretty sure was a hickey on your neck. He’d be surprised if it wasn’t after what he saw the night before. 
The further they get from the resort, the more Joel’s chest tightens. He takes out his phone to text you. He types, “I can’t leave you with him,” stares at it for a few seconds, then erases it. 
Who even is he anymore?  
Something clicks. 
At a stoplight, he says, “Stop at that gas station.” Tommy parks at a pump. They need gas anyway., “Open the hatch,”  Joel says. Tommy pops the trunk and gets out of the car to pump gas. Joel grabs his bag from the back and Tommy does a double take. 
“You goin’ back?” Tommy asks, not shocked. 
“Yeah.” Joel pinches the bridge of his nose. “I’ll find my way home.” 
“We can take ya back,” Tommy offers, nodding in the direction of the resort. 
“Nah,” Joel scratches the back of his neck. “Need the fresh air.”
He and Tommy share a brief, manly hug and pat on the back, then Joel walks off with his bag on one shoulder.
Joel’s coming for you. He might not have the right words, but he doesn’t need them. Never did. None of this was built on words. It was something unspoken under something physical and fierce. He pockets his phone and puts on his shades, walking with new resolve. There are things he wants to tell you, and some of them need words, but not all of them. The words can wait. They’ll come easier when you’re back where you belong. 
Two hours later, he’s back at the hotel. He smells his own sweat soaking through his shirt, and his phone’s about to overheat.
“Long time no see,” the receptionist says. 
“Yeah,” Joel mumbles without humor, then forces a smile. He gets a room, puts his things away, then heads out to find you. 
You’re not at the pool. You’re not in any of the common areas. 
He goes down to the beach, toward the surf lessons. 
Billy’s showing off for a customer. Joel sits in the sand and waits. He admires the way Billy moves in the water, resenting him at the same time. 
When Billy’s done, he walks up to Joel. Joel’s eyes fall on Billy’s swim trunks, then his mind goes to your hands, your mouth, your perfect cunt.  
Billy extends his hand, and pulls Joel up. He pats Joel’s arm, then lets him go. “Got some time if ya wanna catch a wave.” 
“Where is she?” Joel asks. 
“I dunno, mate. Prob’ly with her friends?” He motions for Joel to follow him to the shack. Years ago, Billy more or less offered Joel a handjob in that shack. Joel declined, and that was that. 
As they enter the shack, Billy unzips his quarter-zip long-sleeve top and pulls it off. He takes a sip of water, then wipes off his mouth. “So,” Billy starts. “What’s the story?” He turns up the water bottle again and it makes a high pitched sound as he sucks it. “Ex-lovers?” he asks with a smile. 
Joel’s jaw clenches. He takes a breath through his nose and calms himself. “Not ex.” 
Billy chokes on his water, then wipes his mouth again. “Does she know that?” 
Joel rakes his hand through his hair, at a loss. “That’s my girl,” he nods, heart pounding. 
“I don’t think she is, mate. Women aren’t property-” 
“-cut the crap, Billy.” Joel’s chest is heaving. 
Billy’s eyes fall to Joel’s right hand, which is flexing into a fist. 
“Hit me if it makes ya feel better,” Billy puts down the water bottle and braces himself in a welcoming stance. 
This fucker. No, Joel isn’t going to hit him. 
Joel forces himself to relax, puts his hands on his hips and shifts his weight, shaking his head at the floor. 
Billy lunges toward him, light on his feet as if he’s gonna sucker punch Joel. It’s playful, but Joel drops his shoulder and tackles him to the floor before he can get in a jab. 
On the floor, Billy fights back, eyes wild, but Joel’s too strong. He pins him with his left forearm on his chest, straddling him. 
Billy grabs Joel’s left tricep. “Look at that,” he marvels. “Unbelievable.” 
Joel looks into the blue eyes staring up at him and wonders if you’ve had this POV. For a brief moment, he’s tempted to slide his forearm up to his neck. Billy looks at Joel’s right hand which opens and shuts in the air, stretching.  
“I can take it,” Billy urges. “C’mon, knock me around.” 
Billy’s enthusiasm takes the wind out of Joel’s sails and brings him back to reality. He releases his forearm and sits back on his knees, still bracketing Billy’s hips. Joel slowly stands with a groan, then helps Billy to his feet. 
—- Later at Aqua —--
Billy has given you the closest VIP table. You and your friends are sitting there with a drink. He points at you from his DJ booth, which is on a raised platform. All three of you hold up your drinks and smile at him. 
Kari and Nahlah have had their eyes on a couple of guys who are finally approaching. It's a group of three. You decline to dance, so the third guy sits down to have a drink with you instead, shouting over the music, “HOW LONG ARE YOU IN TOWN?” You look past the man, and Billy is laughing, looking down at his mixer board. After indulging the man for another minute or so, you excuse yourself to the restroom, hoping the man will take the hint and disappear in your absence.
On the way to the restroom, you pass a couple of dark rooms with hall windows and suspect people might be fucking in there. The half-pill you’ve taken isn’t doing anything, but you know better than to double it just yet. 
When you come out from the restroom, the guy is still at your table. You curse him under your breath and head outside for some fresh air.
You duck out a door that’s propped open. Smokers are milling about. A few partiers are comforting a crying friend. You walk just far enough to get some space from that scene and the artificial light. You lean against the brick wall to breathe. The tiniest droplets of sea water tingle merrily on your face. You open your mouth and can taste it in the air. You fill your lungs and savor the breath. A buzz hums from your skin.
Your dress has a slit on one side and is long enough that you can lift your knee and rest one foot on the wall behind you without exposing yourself—but that wouldn’t be the end of the world anyway. You watch palm leaves rustle in the ocean breeze and look at the sky. There are more stars here than at home. Maybe you should take a walk. 
You’re still gazing into the sky when you notice someone in a colorful shirt approaching. They flick their cigarette away and it sparks. You smile, and as they come into focus, they turn into Joel. 
Are you rolling that hard after half a pill? You’ve still got your wits about you, don’t you? You watched Joel leave this morning, and you’ve never seen him dressed like this. The colors vibe perfectly on his silk shirt, and a gold chain sparkles underneath. His curls are fluffier than earlier. 
He slowly approaches and wets his lips when he’s a few feet away. His eyes rove your body. When he’s close enough, he rests his hand on the brick wall to lean over you. He smells like cloves. He looks tired. He leans a little closer, and you look him in the eyes. 
“Thought you left,” you mutter.
He shakes his head, and continues to gaze into your eyes. “Couldn’t do it.” 
You run a hand up his chest, palm gliding across his shirt. His chest is strong, and the fabric is like cool shaving cream under your fingers. In the back of your mind, you still have so many questions, but you don’t ask them. Not now. 
“You can be mad at me,” his brows knit and he nods twice. ”I deserve that.”  His eyes lock on yours.  “But I'm not gonna let ya go.” 
Your nipples harden with a chill, and your lips part.  
His gaze falls from your eyes to your lips, and you tilt your chin up. His eyes fall further, to your neck, and he inhales sharply through his nose. You turn your head the other way. Still braced on the wall, he nudges your chin so he can look at the bruising. You feel his heart rate quicken under your hand, and you slide your hand up to the cold sweat beading on his neck. 
His thumb brushes over the bruising. He brings his mouth and nose to the other side and grazes your sensitive skin with his nose. His tongue teases you and you shiver, then he plants his lips. He grunts softly as he marks you. His breath hits your wet skin as he lingers there to murmur, “Missed how ya taste.” 
He returns to the bruised side of your neck and licks the mark, tenderly, then harder. It’s sore, but you don’t react. For a moment, his lips lay plush and soft against your damaged skin. Then he opens his mouth wide. He scrapes his teeth, then plants his lips and sucks, and you try not to flinch but let out a little gasp. He tongues and sucks at it for almost five seconds before releasing you. 
He soothes the spot with the light touch of his lips, then kisses up your jaw, to your ear, where he murmurs, “What are you on, and how much?”
You tell him. 
“Should be fine,” he mutters to himself as he pulls his head back. 
He looks back and forth between your eyes. “Wanna make sure you remember.” 
You wet your lips and swallow. 
He’s close enough that his body heat enhances yours. His whole presence is a warm embrace. You half-heartedly try to conjure what you went through earlier—the hurt, the resolve not to let it happen again. You can’t find it under your affection, wonder, and empathy. Something tells you it’s going to be okay. 
He looks at your neck again. 
You open your mouth to apologize, but he cuts you off, “Shh.” He takes your hand and leads you back inside. 
It’s dark, minus the red and pink lights washing over the dance floor, which is crowded but not quite packed. He gets two soda waters from the bar, and you sit down in the VIP booth. He has his arm around you, caressing your shoulder. Soon, you have your legs in his lap, just happy to have him close. You reach into your dress for the small plastic baggie. Joel is watching the dance floor and idly stroking your leg as you pour the other piece of the pill into your hand. Some of it is powder by now. Joel’s eyes return just in time to see you put it on your tongue. 
He squeezes your chin to open your mouth, then, with the same hand, sticks two massive fingers between your lips to retrieve the pill. “You don’t need this,” he mutters, then sticks what remains of the pill in his mouth and takes a sip of water.  “What else ya got in there?” Joel feels you up through the fabric on and around your tits, and his eyebrows shoot up when his hand catches on something.
He shoves his hand down your dress and finds it tucked under your arm: a small, foil square. He turns it over and the clear backing reveals a glow-in-the-dark condom. He tosses it onto the table, then pulls you tighter against him. Your hip brushes a warm bulge in his soft black pants, and it twitches. These pants would be so easy to slip your hand into, you just know it. But before you can try, he brings his mouth to your ear. “C’mon, let’s dance.” 
On the dance floor, Joel stands behind you, and his heavy arms snake around your torso. He moves with you, with the music, and runs his palms over your dress. His dick hardens, and those silky pants leave nothing to the imagination as the vivid outline grinds against you. You lose yourself in his touch, in the soft rub of his cock, until you sense someone watching and glance toward the DJ booth. Billy smiles to himself and goes back to his mixing board. Joel shamelessly grabs your tit again. You’re already so wet for him.  In the corner of your eye, you see Billy still watching but pretend you don’t notice. 
“You’re so damn hot,” Joel growls right against your ear as he massages your breast and grinds against you with his arm crossing your body and one hand on your hip.  “Uggh,” he groans in arousal. He jostles behind you, adjusting his pants, then gathers the long skirt of your dress. He covers your ass with himself before the air has a chance to hit you. Then his hard, naked cock slides between your thighs. You gasp and look back. He kisses the side of your neck. You’re gushing all over him. Your thong is soaked through, and he’s sliding along your folds, hot and hard. He moans in your ear. His tip pushes the front of your dress out with every thrust through that warm, wet sleeve of your thighs against your cunt. 
Each pass of his tip makes you need him so bad. You turn your head back to say, “Let’s go somewhere.” 
“You want it?” he asks and slides out from your thighs, reaching down between you to put his dick away before letting your skirt down. 
You nod and begin to lead him to the restroom, but he firmly holds your elbow. You turn around and put your arms around his neck to plead, “Let’s go,” nodding toward the bathrooms. He grabs your ass and grinds against your front, raging hard.  He holds you close and you give up for the moment. 
He dips his head and noses your chin up. His lips brush a sore area, and you twitch. You slot your fingers into his curly locks, making him growl silently into your skin. "Joel," you sigh. "Let's go."
Either he doesn't hear you or pretends not to.  "Mmm," his hum vibrates into your skin. He pries his lips off your neck only to plant them on your mouth. Your tongues meet, and you need him, you really need him. Now. 
After a few seconds of bliss, you break the kiss to plead, "Let’s go." He reads your face and shakes his head no as a dim red light falls over you in passing. Your mouth falls open in protest. He grinds against you, letting his answer sink in. And in case there's any doubt, he brings his lips to your ear. "Gonna take it right here." 
He gathers the front of your dress. You swallow, stunned and throbbing in anticipation. 
He takes his cock out under your dress, then lifts one of your thighs, and you hook it around him. He keeps your raised knee against him. Your shoes are just the right height. He pulls your thong to the side and there’s no mistaking how wet and ready you are. Right away, he notches at your entrance. You tilt your hips. His fingers dig into your thigh and the plush of your ass. He plunges in with a grunt, pushing a gasp out of you as he divides your walls in what feels like slow motion. Your eyes flutter closed and your head falls back as his cock makes its place inside you. He holds you against himself, and your leg stays hiked up as he retreats, then begins to slide into you to the beat of the music. He brings his lips to your ear. “Ohh–good girl.”
You’d envisioned this every day since the last time and somehow forgot it was this good. He holds you close, his body flexing, expertly moving inside yours. You’ve missed this, you’ve really missed it. He grunts and moans into your hair, unrestrained. The music is loud enough. 
“Fuck, you’re hot,” he practically shouts, holding you by the ass and thigh as he fucks up into you. It’s a thrill being full of his cock in a sea of people. The song changes and you glance toward the DJ booth. Billy is looking right at you. Joel’s pace slows to match the new tempo. You melt into his arms with the perfect shape of his length dragging between your walls. Billy’s eyes smile, and he slowly nods. You catch him adjusting himself just below the DJ table which makes your walls twitch. You bite your lip. 
The grip of Joel’s fingers tightens, pressing firmly into your flesh. Billy’s hand is still below the mixing table when Joel turns your face back toward him and kisses you. Everything else fades away except his mouth on yours and his cock thrusting into you. The smooth slide of his tongue makes you twitch. His thrusts become sharper, deeper with the aid of his bruising grip, and your mouths break apart with labored breaths and moans. God, you’re wet, and only getting wetter. 
Joel searches your eyes as he thrusts into you. The lights wash over you again, and his pupils are wide. You gaze at each other, and you hold the back of his head, fingers tangling in his long curls as he slowly fucks you on the dance floor. There’s a glance from one or two dancers, but no one cares. 
You steal another glance at Billy, and he looks to be in a trance with his mouth hanging slightly open. He wets his lip and he closes his mouth, then runs his hand through his hair. You bury your face in Joel’s neck, and his familiar scent enhances everything. Pleasure is building more with each thrust of his cock making you whole. Nothing compares to this.
Joel grunts and sighs, and twitches. “Ohh, fuck,” he sighs. Is he going to come like this? God, he’s sexy. He tilts his head down and noses your nose so your chin tilts up and he finds your lips again. He kisses you sloppily, loosely, breathing and grunting, and the way he fills you up— shit, he feels good. Are you going to come like this? 
“Don’t let me fall,” you plead. 
He stares at your lips and his mouth draws yours in. He bottoms out and stays deep, moving in short pulses, holding you so your front grinds against his. 
You break the kiss to sigh, “Fuck.” You whimper against his lips as it overtakes you in slow motion. You don’t hold back. The moan rips out of your chest as your body clenches around his. You pulse, and your body spasms. He holds you tighter. “Ohh,” you moan.
“Oh, baby,” He pants. Each thrust is sharp. “Oh, fuck,” he bottoms out and groans as he pulses powerfully.  “Ohhh.” He holds you still as you milk his cock. “Ohh, gg–unghhh.” When he’s nearly spent, an air horn sounds.  Joel groans, and you both look toward Billy. He nods and gives a low thumbs up as the last of Joel’s cum dribbles into you. Joel laughs into your hair, “I’m gonna kill’m.”  
Joel dips his knees to let his cock slide out. He lets your leg down, then your dress, and fixes his pants. He holds you for a whole song. His cum dribbles down your thigh, and you don't even wipe it with your dress. 
“Let's get outta here.” 
You look for your friends, and they're still with the guys from earlier. Joel waits as you go over and say goodbye. When you return, he puts his arm around you as you walk outside.
Outside, he hugs you as you wait for an uber.  The night has dulled your anxiety, but it’s still there somewhere, and it reveals itself as you think about spending the night with him.
“I still don’t understand,” you whisper.
“I know, baby. Ya will. Promise.”
“Can you just answer one thing?”  He waits for your question.  “Who drives a black Mercedes?” 
You pull back to watch him react.
“Black Mercedes. . .” His brow furrows and he searches the pavement for an answer.
“The SUV you were in.” 
“Oh, pumpkin’,” his face softens.  “Just my lawyer, baby.” He kisses you on the forehead, which pauses your thoughts and weakens your eyes. 
Your phone buzzes with a call from Kari, but the call cuts off. Kari hasn’t texted, but in your messaging app, there’s a new group thread with three unread:
“come over to mine,” Billy had texted minutes ago. Then, “key’s under the cactus.”
Joel had already responded, “not tonight.” 
if you want the lore about the surf shack in didn't years ago here it is
I'm watching the comments and rbs for what people are excited about and what people want to see 👀
Thank you so much for reading. I really appreciate your patience and support. Your love of night walks Joel and investment in these two makes me really happy. Love you guys 🖤
@silkiers @eiviea @evyiione @queerly-anxious @chernayawidow @ambassadortotrilliusprime @fandomsfallnomore @djarinxore @blackvelveteen1339 @manazo @taeslarityy @str84pedro @lokanda  @kyloispunk @filthfairy @fieryglutenfreechickennoodles @harriedandharassed @moonlightdivine @worhols @fan-fiction-floozy @cutesyscreenname   @weddingfairy @pedropascal-whore @spideysimpossiblegirl @feministfanboi @prettypartyfavor @am-3-thyst @babeincolor @switchbladedreamz @within-the-depths @may-machin @sloanexx @paleidiot @yourmistysecret @bean-is-reading @rainstorms-library
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mamawasatesttube · 5 months
an excerpt of the "kon being a scary alien creature" wip im HOPING i finish + post later tonight...!
And then—
Something squeezes his hand.
Tim freezes.
The feeling spreads from his hand up his wrist all the way to his shoulder, and from there over his whole body, an invisible blanket draped over him like a second skin. The ropes tied around his wrists and ankles slide against each other like snakes, moving as if with a mind of their own; they loosen enough for him to easily escape their grasp, but stay draped over him so that it still looks like he’s tied up.
The invisible blanket-cocoon over him squeezes his whole body, just slightly. It’d probably be freaky if it wasn’t so familiar.
Kon, Tim thinks, his heart thundering with relief.
Wild hope zings through his chest, and he drags his tired gaze from the men at the table up into the dark warehouse. It takes him a second, but he spots a pair of eyes glinting up there, catlike; he twitches two fingers in a weak greeting, and the gentle weight wrapped around him gives him another squeeze.
Kon’s here. Holy shit, Tim’s not dying tonight after all.
Kon drops out of the air and lands just outside the circle of light from the lamp on the center of the table. He lets himself make enough of a sound to catch the four mens’ attention; all of them whip around, peering into the darkness.
“Who’s there?!” Goatee demands, reaching for his gun. “Show yourself!”
“Well, if you insist.”
Kon stalks forward, into the light. His jacket hangs from his shoulders, his footsteps eerily quiet in the darkness. He carries himself with a predatory, catlike grace; his face is deceptively calm, but every taut line of his body screams with fury. His smile spells danger.
Tim’s breath leaves him in a rush of pure, heady relief. He’s safe.
“Aw, hell—” Glasses whips out his gun and fires—BLAM! BLAM! BLAM!—three shots, right at Kon’s chest.
Kon raises an eyebrow. Glances down at himself. Brushes a speck of imaginary dust off his shoulder.
“Okay, seriously.” He gestures at the House of El crest on his chest, clearly amused. “Does the big, red S on my chest mean nothing to you? I know you guys can’t be that dumb.”
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Snowflame (singing): Oh Harley!
Harley Quinn: Not this guy. Roy, stand back.
Roy (Arsenal): Can you not say my government name out here.
Harley: Yeah, yeah, stay behind me.
Roy: Why, what is going on?
Snowflame: HEY I'M BEHIND YOU!
Jason to Roy: Get ready for this.
The trio turns around, the shorter Harley using herself as a shield to protect a confused Roy. They spot Snowflame... The cocaine powered super villain.
Roy: Am I high or is there a guitar riff in the background?
Harley: We haven't figured out where it comes from.
Snowflame: Harley, Helmet man... Ginger man I've never met before, how dare you return to my jungle! I sell COCAINE to give others the euphoria that COCAINE provides! They can never be as powerful as I, but the world needs-
Harley, aggravated: Stop, stop, stop! Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I get it! He gets it. You say this speech every time we have to deal with ya and turn off that guitar riff! I can't hear my thoughts!
Snowflame places his hands on his hips annoyed then snaps his fingers. The music stops.
Roy's eyes widen as he checks that the music actually stopped?
Roy: What?
Snowflame: You're no fun. Typical freaks like you who can't handle the true power that the life giver COCAINE provides!
Harley: Oh my God, Roy are you okay? Do you need to go a good distance. I know all the toxic talk is probably clouding your mind?
Roy, looking around confused: I'm fine.
Harley: You sure? I get if you need to be away from this walking drug dealer.
Roy, offended: OH FUCK YOU!
Snowflame: Have you deprived the follower of cocaine the sweet nectar as well? Red head join me and we will rule the world with the power of COCAINE!
Roy: I was never on cocaine! Harley you don't seriously think- Of course you do... of course you do!
Jason, rubbing his forehead: I'm getting a headache being around him again. Roy if you need another job he's hiring and pays in cocaine.
Harley: Hood! Stop it. Roy-
Roy: Stop calling me that! Is the name Arsenal that difficult to remember?! I was never on COKE, you jackasses!
Harley: Yeah but I know how those gateway drugs work. Snowflame, keep your distance from us we don't want your coke crack.
Roy: Those are different drugs.
Jason, trying not to laugh: You're not helping your case.
Roy walks a few feet away begrudgingly agreeing with his friend.
Snowflame: You may attempt to inflict pain on me, for I will not give up my magical powers that are provided by COCAINE! I feel no pain, freaks!
Roy: Is he ODing?
The guitar riff returns.
Roy: Seriously, how does he do that?
Snowflame: I don't know the meaning of that word for weaklings! I crave any excuse to burn brighter! I burn with thought, accelerated thought! Always moving. Always on! I never sleep!
Jason walks sits on the ground and rubs his eyes and laughs.
Jason: Okay... I can't every time... he's like an escaped mental patient.
Harley: J- Red Hood, you are insulting your boyfriend!
Roy: I'm not insulted... We're not dating! I'm embarrassed for this Snowflame nutjob and pissed off.
Harley, turning to Snowflame: See what you done? He's mad.
Snowflame: Hahahahaha! Weak! Another freak who can't handle the true flame to life! I will never give up my COCAINE! COCAINE is my God, I am its vessel and I am- am the human instrument of its will!
Guitar riff stops.
Harley checks her invisible watch.
Harley: You done?
Snowflame crosses his arms waiting a second then nods.
Harley: Goodie… can we have a moment to chat?
Snowflame: Yes, I will prepare over here! Precious COCAINE let's get started.
Snowflame sits down on the ground where a cutting board is with a large pile of white powder. He starts chopping it up and treating it as if he was eating a fancy meal.
Jason stands chuckling at the insane come addict. Harley walks to Roy and yanks him by his arm. Maintaining a safe distance from...the cocaine powered super villain.
Harley: We got about a minute, look at that man's smile. There's only one thing runnin' through that coke fiend's mind and it's snortin' coke. What’s your plan, Jason?
Roy: What if-
Harley: Nuh-uh, R- Arrow man? Nah that's not it... I forget your hero name. Red head, I can not sleep in good faith having you close to him. I don’t want you relapsin'. Sit this one out.
Harley turns Roy the other way, snaps her fingers like a parent and points the other direction. Jason chuckles.
Jason: I hate that she does have a point... But she has a point. I got a contact high punching him once, so yeah sit out.
Roy: But-
Harley: Nuh-uh. Over there.
Roy: Man. It wasn't even coke I was addicted to, it was heroin and I've been clean for years! Damn it!
Roy takes a few steps away and sits down annoyed.
Harley: Jason, plan?
Jason: Can I shoot him?
Harley: Yeah, but he’s strange. He can take a bullet so I’m not sure-
Jason shoots Snowflame five times as the man bounces around after doing his boogar sugar. Snowflame falls to the ground. Five seconds pass. Snowflame jumps to his feet.
Jason: I forgot he could do that… okay that was kind of awesome.
Snowflame: FOOLS! You think your measly human bullets can stop the COCAINE that flows through my blood! I am a TRUE GOD! Fueled by sweet co-
Roy, at his breaking point: Would you shut up!
Roy shoots Snowflame with an arrow. The guitar riff cuts off, but the former addict pays it no mind.
Roy: I didn't go through withdrawals, one relapse, custody battles and losing my father figure for some 80s villain rant!
He shoots another arrow and another, and another. Totaling to four. Snowflame topples backward. One arrow in his arm, one in his stomach, one punctuating his hip, and the last in his thigh. Snowflame remains hyped up but severely injured.
Snowflame, weakly: Snowflame ... Will tap out.
Jason claps as Roy seethes.
Roy, angry: Such an asshole. I hate guys like that. I’m going to the car!
Harley nods, appreciating Roy's resilience, at least that's what she thinks. Jason could spot how aggravated he was at a coke addict bragging about something Roy struggled with and dug himself out of that dark hole.
Harley: I'm proud of him. High-five?
Jason walks past Harley to get Snowflame.
Jason: You’re lucky Arsenal got pissed off.
Harley shrugs and high fives herself.
Harley: My years as a rehab counselor paid off.
Jason: You were a drug counselor too?
Harley: I was a psychiatrist, duh. Who did not sleep with her teachers.
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batboyblog · 6 months
Things Biden and the Democrats did, this week #12
March 29-April 5 2024
President Biden united with Senator Bernie Sanders at the White House to review Democratic efforts to bring down drug prices. President Biden touted his Administration’s capping the price of insulin for seniors at $35 a month and capping the price of  prescription drugs for seniors at $2,000 a year. Biden hopes to expand both to all Americans through legislation next year with a Democratic congress. The President also praised Senator Sanders' efforts as chair of the Senate Health Committee which has lead to major drug manufacturers capping the price of inhalers at $35 a month. “Bernie, you and I have been fighting this for 25 years,” Biden said “Finally, finally we beat Big Pharma. Finally.”
The White House gave an update on its actions around the Francis Scott Key Bridge disaster. The federal government working with state and local governments hope to have enough of the remains of the bridge cleared to partially reopen the Port of Baltimore by the end of the month and have the port working normally by May. The Administration has already released $60 million in emergency money toward rebuilding and promises the federal government will cover the cost. The Department of Labor has released $3.5 million for Dislocated Worker Grants and plans up to $25 million to cover lost wages. The Small Business Administration is offering $2 million in emergency loans to affected small businesses. The Administration is working with business and labor unions to keep workers at work and cover lost wages.
Vice-President Harris and EPA Administrator Michael Regan announced $20 billion to help finance tens of thousands of climate and clean energy projects across the country. The kinds of projects that will be financed through this project include distributed clean power generation and storage, net-zero retrofits of homes and small businesses, and zero-emission transportation. 70% of the funds, $14 billion, will be invested in low-income and disadvantaged communities. The project is part of a public private partnership so for every 1 dollar of federal money, private companies have promised 7 dollars of investment, bring the total to $150 billion for ongoing financing of climate and clean energy projects for years to come.
The Department of Transportation announced $20.5 billion in investments in public transportation. This represents the largest single investment in public transit by the federal government in history. The money will go to improving and expanding subways, light rail, buses, and ferry systems across America. The DoT hopes to use the funds to in particular expand and improve options for public transport for people with disabilities and seniors.
The Departments of Energy and The Treasury announced $4 billion in tax credits for businesses investing in clean energy, critical materials recycling, and Industrial decarbonization. The credits till go toward 100 projects across 35 states. 67% of the credits ($2.7 billion) will go to clean energy, wind, solar, nuclear, clean hydrogen, as well as updates to grids, better batter storage, and investments in electric vehicles. 20% ($800 million) will go to to recycling things like lithium-ion batteries, and 13% ($500 million) to decarbonization in industries like automotive manufacturing, and iron and steel.
The Department of Agriculture announced $1.5 Billion in investments in climate-smart agriculture. USDA plans to support over 180,000 farms representing 225 million acres in the next 5 years move toward more climate friendly agriculture. 40% of the project is reserved for disadvantaged communities, in line with the Biden Administrations standard for climate investment. $100 million has been reserved for projects in Tribal Communities.
The Department of the Interior approved the New England Wind offshore wind project. To be located off Martha’s Vineyard the New England project represents the 8th such off shore wind project approved by the Biden administration. Taken together these projects will generate 10 gigawatts of totally clean energy that can power 4 million homes. The Administration's climate goals call for 30 gigawatts of off shore wind power by 2030. The New England Wind project itself is expected to generate 2,600 megawatts of electricity, enough to power more than 900,000 homes in the New England area.
The Department of the Interior announced $320 Million for tribal water infrastructure. Interior also announced $244 million to deal with legacy pollution from mining in the State of Pennsylvania, as well as $25 million to protect wetlands in Arizona and $19 million to put solar panels over irrigation canals in California, Oregon and Utah. While the Department of Energy announced $27 million for 40 projects by state, local and tribal governments to combat climate change
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wraithsoutlaws · 2 months
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"Horror punk quartet, RATTUS RATTUS made waves in the underground music scene with the recent self-release of their new LP, "King of the Rat King," a twenty-seven minute train wreck of drug-laced ultra noise served up with the subtly of a rusty chainsaw. The band's become synonymous with pure chaos in the local NC music scene, often setting fire to the stage, fist fighting their own fans, and welcoming "blood sacrifices" mid-show. On one occasion, charismatic frontman "Dagger" finished a set with fresh wounds after stabbing himself several times and encouraging the crowd to follow his example. You won't find the album in record stores, but copies can be purchased from your local XBD vendor."
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gazkamurocho · 2 days
Have you seen goromi in the new gameplay overview????
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pienhime · 3 months
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toytulini · 8 months
Everyone stop youre drinking the battery acid spaghetti all wrong. the correct receptacle is a
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bigmammallama5 · 10 months
Speaking of a previous fandom post I just shared: I have Not stepped away from fandom this fall, I’m just dealing with some health stuff and I’ve been pretty short on the energy I usually have. I’m doing okay and should be all the way better soon! But energy has been going to real job and pottery (which is also real gig job with taxable $ involved but pottery is the art form I have consistently fallen back on for comfort the past decade). I still have so much interest in unfinished fics and art I hope to return to in the new year. And I’m still hoping to noodle out some drawpiles with @sango-blep as my body and energy level allow. But yeah, still here just working to keep my nose above the water.
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down-the-rabbid-hole · 11 months
I love how the fanon (kinda) characterization for Rayman in captain laserhawk basically went from
"Antagonistic, Tumblr sexyman energy TV show host/crime lord"
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Dandelion News - September 15-21
Like these weekly compilations? Tip me at $kaybarr1735 or check out my new(ly repurposed) Patreon!
1. A beam of hope for North America’s most endangered sparrow
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“Dozens of conservationists, gathered some distance away to avoid spooking the skittish sparrows, celebrated the [release of the 1000th captive-raised sparrow] in an unprecedented recovery program that in only a few years has doubled the bird’s wild population, from a mere 80 five years ago to some 200 today. […] “What we have achieved is the best case scenario.””
2. U.S. overdose deaths plummet, saving thousands of lives
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“"In the states that have the most rapid data collection systems, we’re seeing declines of twenty percent, thirty percent," said Dr. Nabarun Dasgupta, an expert on street drugs at the University of North Carolina. […] According to Donaldson, many people using fentanyl now carry naloxone, a medication that reverses most opioid overdoses. He said his friends also use street drugs with others nearby, ready to offer aid and support when overdoses occur.”
3. Propagated corals reveal increased resistance to bleaching across the Caribbean during the fatal heat wave of 2023
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“”[… Y]oung corals bred for restoration are a lot more resistant to bleaching under extreme levels of heat stress than the prevailing corals on the reef." [… Unlike with the previous propagation strategy, fragmentation, e]very time a population reproduces, new offspring receive newly mixed sets of genes through recombination, making them different from their parent colonies and thus enabling adaptation.”
4. Habitat Management Helps At-Risk Butterflies
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“For a number of at-risk butterflies in the United States, habitat management can play an important role in keeping them from going extinct. [… “In] places where people are actively engaged with ways to manage the habitat, the butterflies are doing the best,” said Cheryl Schultz, a professor of conservation biology at Washington State University[….]”
5. Study: Protecting the ocean helps fight malnutrition
“[The study] found that fish catches in coral reefs could increase by up to 20 percent by expanding sustainable-use marine protected areas — that is, areas where some fishing is allowed with restrictions[, … and] that sustainable-use marine protected areas have on average 15 percent more fish biomass than non-protected areas. […] “Allowing regulated fishing in marine protected areas can support healthy fish populations, while also having a positive impact on the quality of life of surrounding communities.””
6. [FWS] Advances Effort to Create Urban Conservation Footprint in Tucson
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““We want to continue to work together to create an urban footprint to improve access to nature, conserve habitats, and improve air and water quality.” […] The area provides habitat for several federally listed species, including southwestern willow flycatcher, western yellow-billed cuckoo, and Mexican garter snake. If protected, the area will also help connect critical habitat for jaguar and Chiracahua leopard frog.”
7. ‘Exciting’ solar breakthrough means energy can be kept in sustainable batteries that don’t overheat
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“The technology is based on a specially designed molecule of carbon, hydrogen and nitrogen that changes shape when it comes into contact with sunlight. These are common elements - providing an alternative to other technologies relying on scarce materials like lithium. […] A unique feature of the system is that the molecules also provide cooling in the photovoltaic cell[, which can store solar energy “for up to 18 years.”]”
8. Sea turtles make big comeback on sandy beaches at 2 British military bases in Cyprus
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“[… The] number of nests surpass[ed] last year’s record count by nearly 25%, environmentalists said Tuesday. […] “The steep increase in turtle nests has been the result of a consistent, systematic ‘hands-off’ approach, together with enforcement efforts to minimize illegal, damaging activities on nesting beaches[….” D]aily patrols by volunteers ensure that aluminum cages set atop the nests remain in place to protect the turtles from predators like foxes and dogs.”
9. First ever photograph of rare bird species New Britain Goshawk
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“The last documented scientific record of the bird is from 1969[….] Working closely with [“the Indigenous Mengen and Mamusi peoples”], WWF hopes to support local stewardship to safeguard the future of these incredible biodiversity hotspots through community-led conservation.”
10. Hospitals begin offering breakthrough radiation therapy for metastatic cancer tumors
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“[First,] a patient is injected with a radioactive glucose (or sugar) tracer. The machine picks up the tracer in real time and in bright colors, [… then] reads a signal from the cancer cells breaking down the tracer. [… “The] machine is automatically and autonomously reacting and responding to those signals by shooting radiation back to their source[….]””
September 8-14 news here | (all credit for images and written material can be found at the source linked; I don’t claim credit for anything but curating.)
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denipra · 1 year
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Megan fox is my sweetheart <3
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 7 months
SOLLUX: ii cannot waiit two get WA2TED twoniight
ARADIA: i will truly let the “wild side” c0me 0ut 0u0
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