#dude Scooby doo though
broke-on-books · 1 year
Best thing about being a Scooby Doo fan: you can meet some of the nicest people with some really cool ideas and hcs, there's such an abiding love for the franchise, which on its own is just AMAZING, such a wealth of content to dive into, and I haven't even gotten into the fan REDESIGNS and aus and-
Worst thing about being a Scooby Doo fan: people irl in public will come up to you with some of the worst Scooby takes ever (Scrappy found dead in Miami, SDMI revolutionized animation, etc.) and you have to restrain yourself from getting into a fistfight with some rando acquaintance/friend-of-a-friend in public ALL THE TIME 💀
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moonfromearth · 8 months
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- *yawns* I could use a nap.
- How can you even think about sleep at a time like this?!
- *shrugs* I dunno, dudes, but this serial killer business has me drained.
Day 6 - The Sacrifice/Fool
"We care about them, they're funny and relatable. Usually ridiculed by The Jock and The Bad Girl. As much as we care about them, they typically die a gruesome death, ultimately warning the others of just what kind of danger they're in."
from @windbrook's Slashed Challenge.
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timeisacephalopod · 5 months
I've been watching a lot of old Scooby Doo content, mostly stuff I either got for Christmas the last couple years, have owned since I was a kid, and my latest is What's New Scooby Doo the complete series that I started yesterday.
Here's my Scooby Doo hot take- Shaggy and Scooby have eating disorders. If not binge eating disorder then pika, like shaggy AND Scooby there's a WNSD ep where shaggy eats moon rocks thinking they'd be blue cheese and the fact that he didn't spit them out and instead swallowed them is my pika evidence but I'd lean toward binge eating disorder. Seriously it is downright bizarre how much eating is involved with their characters and in amounts that are deeply concerning. Obviously it's a cartoon and depending on which Doo you're watching shaggy definitely has the munchies but that does not account for the extent of a deeply unhealthy relationship with food if youre an adult and you're aware the ability to eat anything in copious amounts is cartoon magic. That's it, that's my Very Stupid Dark Cartoon theory 😂😂
Also if they were fat people would shit their pants about their eating habits.
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There’s so many options for an adult scooby doo show though
More deeply criticizing rich people who often end up being the monsters
Same tone and goofiness as the kids’ shows but in adult situations like murders or strip clubs
Gang is college age and trying to still solve mysteries while growing up and living young adult lives
The gang embraces it’s Summer of ‘69 roots and is a period piece that shows how a hippie, a nerd, a rich girl, and some random white dude would be so close in divisive times. While fighting ghosts.
A Clue-like parody of the mystery genre
An openly ACAB show
An adaptation of the zombie comic
Mockumentary series where the gang has a ghost hunting yt channel
A generally more serious tone but still has jokes and a talking dog
Exactly the same as one of the kids’ shows but Shaggy smokes weed on screen and Scooby swears
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spacedace · 1 year
Something I've seen in fics a few times but not for comedic effect is the idea that Constantine selling his soul so many times makes him look/feel Wrong to ghosts.
Like I love various Danny ghost shenanigans giving Constantine a heart attack in stories but just imagine that Constantine is like deeply, deeply unsettling for Ghosts & Liminals to be around.
To the point of whenever he and Danny meet for the first time at the Watchtower after Danny's joined the League, Constantine just walks in and upon turning to look at who just walked in Danny just shrieks like a small child and throws a chair at him out of reflex, diving behind Captain Marvel to use him as a magical human meat shield while screeching "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT???! WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?!" At the top of his lungs and doesn't stop until Batman makes Constantine leave.
Even after Zantanna explains Constantine's whole deal and Danny explains to the Justice League how totally fucked up that looks/feels like to him ("Dude, Ghosts are their core, for us you see that before you see the shape of whoever you're talking to. Like, imagine someone walks up to you with a face that looks like it's made out of a shattered plate and the pieces are bleeding"
Or like, imagine instead it's a thing were Jason and Jazz are dating and Jazz, Danny & Elle are invited over for a nice meet the family brunch - "Brunch is fun and casual!" Dick insisted, "Way less intimidating than if we had them over for dinner!") and Constantine pops in to talk to Bruce about a case.
And the second he walks into the room all three just shriek like they're from an episode of Scooby Doo.
Elle takes one look at Constantine and just nopes out of there so hard she doesn't even gk intangible as she throws herself out the window and starts flying for the hills. Danny screeches like a cat whose tail has been stepped on and jumps onto the ceiling and scrambles away. Jazz screams like a house wife from an old Looney Tunes cartoon and starts climbing Jason like a tree - which is a bit of a problem since she's half a foot taller than Jay and throwing his center of balance off a bit and now half of the plates are smashed on the floor.
Jason doesn't even notice though because he also is losing his shit over what the fuck that thing is and unlike Elle is far more interested in Fight rather than Flight and pulls out a gun - "Why'd you bring a gun to brunch?! Guns aren't fun or casual!" - and just starts unloading on Constantine (who is very lucky Jason has switched to non lethal rounds and that he's quick enough with his spells to largely keep most of the rubber bullets from hitting him) also while screaming at the top of his lungs.
And well, turns out Jason's new girlfriend is the older sister of that ghost hero the League's been looking to recruit and Bruce is gonna take advantage of that - Phantom has been hard to pin down, which is fair, bad history with government agencies trying to kill him and all - to talk to him about a place with JL, though first he's going to have to get him down from the ceiling and that'd be a lot easier if Constantine would just leave already, they are supposed to be having a family brunch this is his one day off!
(Elle screams her all the way to Metropolis and doesn't stop until she nearly knocks Superman out of the sky. He isn’t really sure what's going on, but he does manage to calm her down and takes her to go get some ice cream. When he pitches joining JL she tells him that she thinks he's kinda lame but that Superboy is cool so she's down. It's...honestly kinda devastating but Clark manages to get through it.
A note gets made when the two ghost heroes officially join the League that partnerships with Constantine should be kept at an absolute minimum.)
And lol yeah, just, Constantine being utterly terrifying to Danny and the Pham
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apomaro-mellow · 1 year
based on this
It was supposed to be a joke. A laugh. A funny story to tell later. But five questions in and things were different.
It was a normal barbecue. Everyone was there at Hopper’s cabin and generally having a great time. Good food and good company tended to guarantee that. But then someone had pulled out a home version of the Newly Wed Game. It was clearly well-used and probably missing some parts, but still playable. The most important parts were the questions anyway.
Mike, definitely not compensating for anything, adamantly exclaimed that he and El could win in a heartbeat. And because he couldn’t help his annoying little brother tendencies, challenged Nancy and Jonathan. And because Nancy couldn’t stomp down the big sister urge to put her brother in his place, she accepted. So they already had two couples but Mike got it in his head that they needed a third. He vetoed Hopper and Joyce, saying that they didn’t count as newly weds.
Lucas and Max were still figuring out what they wanted and hadn’t officially come back as a couple even though Max wasn’t actively avoiding him anymore. Dustin proclaimed he’d kick their asses if Suzie was there, but alas.
“We’ll be your thirds”, Eddie said, putting an arm around Steve’s shoulders.
“You?”, Mike’s face and voice was so incredulous and while Steve was confused as well, Mike’s offense offended him on principle.
“You’ve got two couples who are absolutely made for each other. You need an obvious dud couple”, Eddie reasoned, then winked at Steve and oh.
This was another one of those attempts at getting him back with Nancy. Because he and Eddie wouldn’t get any of the questions right, but he’d know things about Nancy and she’d know things about him. A sound plan.
If only Steve wanted Nancy back.
Steve meant to tell Eddie as such but it was hard to fight against that blind optimism. 
And so the three couples sat down, with Argyle being their show host and asking the questions. The first few were easy. Steve got asked “What’s their favorite type of music?” Eddie got asked “Favorite sport?” Steve got asked “Favorite kind of weather?” Eddie got asked “Do they prefer the beach or the pool?” Steve got asked “Night in or night out?”
All easy. He knew those almost immediately. And it seemed Eddie did too by the quick way he answered. But while they were 5 for 5, Nancy and Jonathan had only gotten three and Mike and El had only gotten two. And Steve had to admit, he was at a loss for some of the answers for Nancy.
“You guys are on a roll my dudes”, Argyle said. “Next one: Crust on or off the sandwich?”
“Crusts off”, Mike answered.
El showed her response and Mike was correct.
“Crusts on”, Nancy answered.
Jonathan bit his lip. “Actually, I prefer them off.”
“Heh, yeah he does”, Argyle said. “He said crusts were crusty and it was like, profound man. Eddie?”
“Trick question, he’ll eat anything I make for him. Wontcha, big boy?”
Steve grinned. “I never turn down free food. Even when it’s one of your Scooby Doo specials.”
“His what?”, Mike asked.
“Moving on”, Argyle continued. “Your spouse can take one thing on a deserted island. What is it?”
El guessed a book, which turned out to be wrong. Jonathan replied with a gun, which turned out to be wrong. Argyle’s eyes turned to the third couple.
Steve bit his lip before answering. “My first instinct was to say his guitar, but I gotta go with a copy of Lord of the Rings.”
Argyle looked to Eddie. “Is this correct?”
“This man knows me like the back of his hand”, Eddie said, clapping Steve’s back. At some point he had forgotten his own plan and was just having fun.
“Okay, this is bullshit”, Mike finally broke. “How are you guys getting all of these right.”
Steve didn’t have an answer. And neither did Eddie. They shared a look without words and once again they came up with the same answer but neither of them wanted to admit it.
“Just admit you lost, Mike”, Nancy said.
“You lost too.”
“Second’s better than third.”
“God you’re so-”
“Hey guys! There’s more hot dogs!”, Lucas called out.
The game ended there, the other two couples going about their business. Whereas Steve and Eddie were left with the question that already had an answer. How did they know all of those things about each other?
Part 2
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scoobydoowhatareyou · 20 days
Sarah Michelle Gellar really was the perfect casting choice for Daphne. Like, everyone talks about Matthew Lillard, but Sarah Michelle Gellar did such an amazing perfect job. Animated Daphne should have a gun, but Buffy Daphne IS the gun. I didn’t have a “gay awakening”, but seeing Daphne kick that luchador motherfucker’s ass was definitely a factor. Seriously though, she did such a good job combining damsel and badass, which makes sense because she’s fucking Buffy. Dude. Is there a Buffy/Scooby Doo crossover. I want one. I think Velma and Fred would die of nosebleeds, quite honestly
TLDR: Sarah Michelle Gellar is hot and Buffy is a badass and so is Daphne and we have her to thank
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mindingmybidness12 · 1 year
Settling Differences [Jenna Ortega x GN! Reader]
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Summary: You and Jenna were having a bit of a dispute and you two go about solving it like any normal couple would.
Warnings: Fluff, banter, no editing
“Ok, it’s your turn to do the dishes.”
“BULLSHIT! It’s your turn! It was my turn last time.”
“and I had to do it for a month straight before that!”
“Oh. So what you’re telling me is that you’re too Hollywood for the dishes? Dawn and Mr Clean just couldn’t fit into your schedule?”
“Oh. SHUT. UP."
"Oh? Has this worthless peon spoken out of turn? Forgive me Lady Hollywood."
"Oh will you stop being a petty little asshole? Geeeeez!!"
Despite the back and forth, your girlfriend Jenna had the biggest smile on her face. Even when she was continuously rolling her eyes she had nothing but fondness and slight exasperation on her face. This was how you guys worked. The banter was always lively and always came from both sides even though you were the one to instigate things more often then not. Jenna caught on to your bullshit quick and decided to roll with it by sometimes acting as your straight man on purpose. This is only one of the many things you love about her. She could take a joke.
"Hey if I was being petty I would have call you Miss Almost Golden Globe."
That's to say that you wouldn't try to push the envelope every now and then.
Jenna's eyes bugged out of her head and her jaw dropped as a laugh of disbelief escaped her lips.
"No you fucking didn't!"
"I didn't! I could've, but I didn't."
"You just did!"
"Nooo that was a hypothetical situation that could've happened in an alternate timeline. Sooo...."
"I'm gonna fucking kill you now."
"That would be rude and - oh god!"
You started booking it out of the kitchen with a pissed Ortega on your hills. You two would then reenact a Scooby doo ass chase scene throughout your shared living space. Eventually though she got a hold of you and would now exact her revenge.
"Take this you little shit! And this and that!"
She had you pinned down and straddle and was delivering a merciless assault of pinches all over your face. She got your cheeks and your ears. She grabbed at your hair and twisted it around and stuck two fingers in your nose and pulled. She wasn't mad still. She knew you were playing around. Didn't mean she couldn't give you hell though.
"Ow! Ouch! I give, I give! Uncle. I'm sorry!"
"That's right," she grinned while wiping her hands on your shirt. "Now prove to me your sorry by cleaning the kitchen."
"Oh alright..."
You threw her off you and she let a cute yelp.
"Y/N, what the fuck?!"
"I refuse to concede defeat." you said as you climbed to your feet while dusting yourself off.
"You just did though?"
"Hush child." You started off before going into a "dramatic" monologue all the while ignoring the mutter of an "Oh brother..." that came from the girl behind you. "We now find ourselves at a crossroads. Neither one of us willing to budge."
"Just do the dishes, dude."
"Best 2 out of 3?" At this point Jenna had gotten up and looked at you with a deadpanned stare but the amusement was clearly dancing in her eyes for anyone to see.
"Best 2 out of 3."
"Dammit loose already!" You cried.
"Never!" Jenna shouted back laughing.
You and Jenna sat at the dinner table with crumpled up paper all around you. One sheet of paper was laid out between the two of you with a myriad of x's and o's across it.
"Ok. Rock, Paper, and scissors is one thing..." You began, "But how the hell do you tie in tic-tac-toe? 20 times in a row?"
"Maybe you should just get a clue and lose already." Jenna shrugged while playing with her hair. She wasn't winning but she still had a smug air about her. She was stopping you from winning so she couldn't help but feel smug. You wanted to wipe that smirk off her face.
"Alright you little garden gnome, this next game will be your last."
Y/N : 2000 LP
Jenna: 1200 LP
"I tribute my two monsters and summon my Blue-Eyes White Dragon." You cried in glee.
"FUCK!" Jenna wasn't feeling the glee.
"I'm gonna wipe out the puny monster of yours and-"
"Nope!" Jenna interrupted with a "Negate Attack".
"I can nope too." You said while activating a "Trap Jammer" to cancel her Trap card.
"Nope!" Jenna said again while activating her own "Trap Jammer".
"Right back at yah, kid." Activating your second "Trap Jammer" and she just gave you a look as you grinned cheekily at her. You were about to resume your attack before she flipped over her last trap card.
"Ring of Destruction? AH SHIT!"
That card would destroy a monster and deal damage to both equal to its attack points. Your Blue-Eyes was the target and with its 3000 attack points that means....
"Draw" You and Jenna sighed at the same time.
You were now on what would potential be the last chance of victory for the both of you. A fighting game. Specifically the fighting game the both of you played together all the time. This game would always get competitive one way or the other and would often become a way to settle all disputes that got too far. Really something as petty as dish washing didn't need to call for all of this but the two of you were having way too much fun and both of you wanted to win.
It was a martial arts game that had a good move pull and several good mechanics and fun little gimmicks in the game. Like being able to show respect to your opponent.
"Ok let's begin with a bow of respec- DAMN!!"
Respect seemed to be the furthest thing from your opponent's mind. You were immediately interrupted by Jenna, who at the word "begin", threw a mean roundhouse kick at your character who was halfway into a bow. The poor bastard had no choice but to eat shit.
"Oh! You said begin! So I just... got to work I guess. My bad."
She didn't sound too sorry. Neither did she stop giving you the business either. You then quickly got into as well. Despite the cheap shot from Jenna (You were secretly proud as hell) you were able to catch up in terms of damage.
Soon you were both on your last legs and with one hit, there would be a winner. You both mashed your controllers and!!!
knocked each other clean the fuck out.
"DRAW!!" the game called out.
"BULLSHIT!!" You both raged.
"Well there's only a few more ways this could go." You said after you both had time to cool off.
"How?" Jenna asked whiled looking towards you.
"Either you or I could be the bigger person and volunteer to clean the kitchen."
Jenna raised a delicate eyebrow.
"Or.... the one to last longest in bed wins and doesn't have to clean the kitchen for two weeks?"
It was tie. You both lost. But you ended up cleaning the kitchen in the morning and making her breakfast in bed so really you lost.
You didn't feel like much of a loser though :)
A/N: And that's that. Went a little longer than I thought it would but I had fun. Leave a like and comment and I'll see you when I see you!
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juicywritinghoard · 1 year
object + emotion combo prompts list
Select an option from each list and send to the rebblogger of this list (with a character/ship/etc)!
Sword-shaped dangly earrings
Fake red delicious apple with bite marks
Box too good to throw away just yet
Elegantly made brioche loaf
Blue Scooby Doo fruit snack
Hair dye stain
Holographic vampire sticker
Tiny pizza-shaped eraser
Probably haunted object, too big for the trash compactor to eat
Hello Kitty tarot card (the Tower)
Pile of bills, internet offers, and ads for burger
Very small crocheted frog
Teapot shaped like a strawberry
Single popcorn kernel where it doesn’t belong
Denim jacket with bleach-painted bone motif
8 ball that is always wrong no matter what
Wet cellphone, with an unsent text
Arcade carpet
Key to a storage unit
Flickering neon motel sign
Button that just says BEEF
Lava lamp that sort of works
Ceramic octopus
Costume for a lizard or perhaps small rodent
Bowling ball with a gargoyle in it
Build-a-Bear receipt 
Unrequited love, probably
Stomach Ache at the worst possible moment
Anxiety that would better suit an active bank robbery than laying in bed in the sunny afternoon
Totally Chill, Nothing Can Prove Otherwise
Clawing at the furniture 
[smooth saxophone begins to play] 
Mortified, perhaps to literal death
Gee Doc How Do You SUGGEST I Lower My Stress Levels
Gotta make gotta make gotta make something new
If they don’t smile at me today I’m going to eat an entire drum set 
Safe with you. Despite
Can’t stop humming love songs
Do you want to hear half an hour straight of facts I know about this just kidding here we go [deep breath] THE
I will start a fight and I do not care if I win that fight, even though I will win that fight. I want to draw blood
Cowabummer dude
Proud, so proud it hurts
Quick question what if we didn’t, actually
[deeply affectionate] they are so stupid
I am looking Respectfully??
The Fear ™ 
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itshype · 1 year
Triple Threat (DC x DP)
So, this is based slightly on this prompt I wrote! Here is the link to my DC x DP masterpost, and one of my last notfics I posted here was Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss, Godhood where Danny and Vlad try to manipulate and mansplain their way out of trouble with the JLA. So, Danny and Billy are brothers. Maybe they're twins separated at birth, but I prefer that they bonded at some other point, maybe they adopted each other after meeting on the street. Danny's parents said they didn't care he was a halfa, but their behaviour changed so much because they were utterly incapable of hiding their fear of him. He ran away. Billy was at this time, already living on the streets.
They 'come out' to each other on the same day revealing their powers out of brotherly love and unconditional trust - not as an accident. And you know what? Trans Rights! They can come out that way too. At this point, Billy is working with the justice league and Danny is spending a lot of his time in the Zone. He is the king, but mostly his job is to be a key judicial figure as the 'only dude who can pretty much beat anyone up' and has a lot of friends there. Hey, the sovereign ruler of the ghost zone was locked up for thousands of years and nothing really seemed to happen so I can't imagine he'd have a lot to do day-to-day. Actually, instead of sleeping on the streets they both spend most nights in the Zone in Danny's Haunt (though I'd imagine Billy also sleeps frequently at the watchtower because the pair of them are quasi-immortal homeless children who also somehow have fulltime jobs that pay nothing. And the watchtower has a kitchen). When I think of Danny's personality displayed as a physical location, I think it looks like a little suburban street lined with weird ghostly trees growing sentient flowers. There's a nasty burger though it's empty of employees and food; they still use it as a dining room. His actual house (ghosts don't need one but I still think Danny would have one) is moderate in size and charming. But it has defences built in, to the same absurd level as home alone or that live action scooby doo film https://youtu.be/2x7W225iC88?t=62 where there's a trapdoor under the doormat. There's a park across the road (which is always empty of cars but has a pedestrian crossing anyways) with purple grass and some plants that are only vaguely carnivorous. Every now and then, Billy helps out Danny with some magic tomfoolery in the Zone (you cannot tell me Aragon's amulets or Desiree aren't magic over and above normal ghost shenanigans). In one of Billy's first ever team missions he calls Danny as backup. He barely knows these people and he knows he won't be able to do his best hero-ing when he can't fully trust them to watch his back. Phantom doesn't end up having to do much because the JLA members are nice and trustworthy, but he is physically and visibly there. At the conclusion of the mission, following a nice orderly debriefing, Wulf comes to pick up Danny to get Walker back in line. This is a point where there are only a few JLA members, but Batman carefully adds "Brother/Twin??: King of Ghosts - The Phantom" to Shazam's file and begins investigating ecto-activity. A few years pass. Enough that Billy’s and Danny’s lives get a lot busier. Billy is doing some non-traditional school shit (I refuse to google the laws around out-of-school younger-age education in a foreign country for a city that doesn’t exist) and Danny is now working in a space agency. He obviously can’t be an astronaut because of the required physical -which he would not be able to pass - and he is busy with king stuff often enough that going into space for half a year isn’t really do-able. I think his Jack Fenton genes might kick in and he bulks out just a tad. It took him a year to be able to look at his ghost self in the mirror because he looked like Dan’s scarier big brother.
The justice league stop some evil invasion but in the process disable a giant spaceship that is now floating, untethered through their solar system. The aliens had been prepared for superman so there is artificial kryptonite meaning he cannot just punt it into the sun. They contact some space scientists to help them figure out how much of a problem this floating object will be; if it will affect future space travel attempts, if it could crash into the moon or Earth itself, if benevolent alien visitors in the future could think Earth was full of deranged murderers if they came to visit and encountered it.
Every agency they contact recommends one guy.
So, Shazam has need of his cool older twin Danny to come and help out with this problem! He is visibly thrilled and eventually admits that Daniel Nightingale (he wasn’t going to add to the prestige of his parents name or risk dragging his career down with their shenanigans) is his brother.
Only a couple of the original members remember all those years ago that Marvel has a brother they’ve met and that’s who they’re expecting when Danny arrives with his team. Of course, the magic ghost is a good option for a dicey mission. But no, it’s Danny. He does a great job and there’s a lot of content here. But after Danny and Billy leave, Batman holds a meeting to update JLA members that have only been around a few years. Apparently, Captain “the champion of magic” Marvel, and Phantom – the king of ghosts are triplets with Danny “Just A Guy” Fenton.
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thefreakandthehair · 8 months
@eddiemonth prompt, oct 5th: Role Model | Slow Down — Ozzy Osbourne | Brave a/n: hospital setting, dustin & eddie heart-to-heart, post-s4 canon, implied pre-steddie if you squint. un-betaed because I’m challenging myself to write these in under an hour. read on ao3 | link to masterpost on ao3
Eddie’s always hated the color white. 
It’s too… empty, still, plain. Is it even a color? Or is it just the absence of color? He’s never been sure. Maybe he should’ve paid a little more attention in his art classes instead of going off-task and drawing Hellfire and Corroded Coffin designs. What matters though is that he’s always hated the color white and now, in what can only be described as adding insult to injury, he’s connected to several beeping machines surrounded and draped in nothing but white. Sterile, boring, useless white. 
The beeping is at least a solace, both in its predictable rhythm and as a sign that he’s still alive. Maybe he’ll eventually feel more comfortable with his survival but it’d been touch and go for awhile there so for now, he’s glad to have some sort of reminder that his heart is, indeed, beating. 
Another welcome reminder is the slew of visitors he’s had since waking up, some of whom have apparently been in and out since before he’d been brought out of the medically-induced coma. Wayne, of course, was no surprise. Steve, and Robin, and Nancy, and a few of their friends from California were something of a surprise but he supposes it makes sense. They’d nearly gone down together and Eddie’s sure they’re splitting time between his room and Max’s down the hall. 
Dustin Henderson though? Dustin surprises him. 
Not necessarily that he’s been there, waiting, probably giving the nurses the worst headaches of their lives with his questions and suggestions. The little shit loves him, he knows that without a shadow of a doubt now, but Eddie’s shocked that he’s not angry. Since waking up, Eddie’s just laid there, watching cartoons on the tiny TV bolted into the corner of the too-white room with the kid, his own casted leg propped up on the side of Eddie’s bed. If he didn’t know any better, he’d think he was just at home in the trailer. It feels too normal. 
Finally, one day, Eddie asks. Maybe it’s the latest round of painkillers that loosen his lips, but he has to ask. He has to know. 
“Henderson?” Eddie asks, keeping his eyes trained on the television. 
“Yeah?” Dustin responds. 
“Are you like… are we like… are we good? Are you not pissed at me?” It’s hard for him to choke out, stumbling over his words. The opinion of a kid shouldn’t frighten him so much but goddamn, it’s like asking his little brother if he hates him. He’s terrified of a Yes. 
Silence sits between them, Dustin surely burning a hole into the side of Eddie’s head. He can damn near feel it. Scooby Doo drones on though, and Eddie hopes that maybe Dustin just didn’t hear him. He’s on the good shit, so maybe he’d only asked in his head. 
“I was, a little bit, yeah.” 
But was is past-tense, and that just makes no sense. Dustin deserves to be mad at him, he’d gone off the plan and nearly died in front of him. Why isn’t he mad? What changed?
“What changed your mind?” Eddie still doesn’t look at him. 
“Dude, look at me for a second. This is way more important than what closet the ghost ran into.” Dustin’s tone is annoyed and a little pushy, just the way he’d been before all of this. 
Eddie sighs and turns to face Dustin, who’s looking at him with pinched eyebrows and wide eyes. 
“I was so goddamn mad at you, Eddie. You almost died. Well, technically, you did for a minute there but that’s besides my point. You didn’t need to go back, and I was mad that you, someone I look up to, did something so stupid.” 
Dustin takes a breath– it’s shaky, and Eddie nods him on encouragingly. He doesn’t speak though, doesn’t want to interrupt something that’s clearly not done. 
“And then… well, Steve sat me down and explained what you said when he was carrying you out of there.” 
Eddie’s heart monitor speeds up at the mention of Steve, and the mention that he’d apparently been talking before he blacked out and has absolutely no fucking memory of what he’d said. Dustin, genius and all that, notices and places a hand on top of Eddie’s which he only distantly recognizes is gripping the edge of the bar. 
“Hey, you alright?” 
Eddie nods again and makes a gesture with his free hand to continue. If he opens his mouth, he might vomit. Or panic. Maybe both, and neither is conducive to the conversation at hand. He’ll have that conversation with Steve later. 
Dustin eyes him with uncertainty but continues on regardless. “So, yeah. Steve told me what you said about making sure that I was okay, that you were bleeding out all over him and couldn’t shut up about my stupid ankle, that you were so sorry and it wasn’t supposed to happen like that, that you were trying to help however you could but you couldn’t let the bats get out. Or get to me.” 
Eddie sees the way Dustin’s throat bobs and his eyes begin to gloss over. If he starts crying right now, Eddie might lose it himself. He’s about to make some joke and deflect like he always does, but Dustin steamrolls on. 
“And that’s just– Eddie, do you know how brave that is? That’s the stuff of D&D heroism. That’s insane, and don’t ever do it again, but how could I stay mad at you for caring about me? And about all of us? I’m not a complete asshole.” 
Dustin calls him brave and Eddie's chest tightens, his jaw clicking with the effort it takes not to burst into tears. A few deep breaths later and he’s able to open his mouth without humiliating himself. 
“Well, not all the time, at least,” he teases, his laugh weak and his smile wide. 
“You know, Eddie, we were having such a nice moment there and you had to go and ruin it.” Dusin retorts, rolling his eyes and settling back into his chair. “Actually, you’re the asshole because you haven’t even asked to sign my cast yet. I’ve been telling everyone else who’s asked No because you get first dibs.” 
Dustin fishes around in his pocket, twisting in weird ways that Eddie can’t imagine he’ll ever be able to again, before coming up with a black Sharpie. “Do your worst.” 
Eddie takes the Sharpie and stares down at the cast. It’s white, just like the bed sheets and the painted cinder block walls, and curtains, and stupid hospital gown that doesn’t close in the back. But Dustin’s cast doesn’t feel sterile or empty. 
It just feels like canvas, and maybe the walls of this hospital room can be the same blank slate on which Eddie can rebuild his life.
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ninadove · 9 months
fav french media? (films, books, shows, games etc)
I’m sure I’ll forget a lot of things and smack my own forehead in shame afterwards, but this is what comes to mind right away:
Anything ever written by Victor Hugo is a masterpiece. This dude was a terrible human being, but he sure knew how to write, and he contributed to major changes in the social conscience of his contemporaries on many important topics (including but not limited to the death penalty and child labour). To give you a taste, here is my favourite poem ever, which he wrote, because of course he did.
My favourite piece of literature across all categories, though, is and forever will be Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand — the story of a man who convinced himself his unusually long nose makes him monstruous. The concept sounds so silly, I know, but this play is a masterpiece and a wonderful love letter to the French language.
Which brings me to my favourite comic series: De Cape et de Crocs by Alain Ayroles and Jean-Luc Masbou! Basically a twelve-volume-long fix-it fic, disguised as a tribute to French literature. Also, a beautiful bromance.
Visual arts:
Basically everyone in France can quote at least one line from Kaamelott, a comedic (?) series derived from the Arthurian legend. It is so well researched and hilarious — until it isn’t.
I’m sure there’s like, a very obvious movie choice that will come back to me in a minute, but I was raised on Disney and Scooby-Doo, so these are clogging my brain at the moment. Just give it time.
When I was very young, I would watch TV at my grandparents’ and enjoy Les Hydronautes, an animated series about an extraterrestrial explorer documenting the Earth’s marine wildlife in an effort to learn how to better protect her own planet (Aka There Are Many Benefits To Being A Marine Biologist: The Series), as well as C’est pas sorcier, a series of very fun documentaries on a plethora of subjects, from lavender farming to volcanic eruptions.
Obviously, Miraculous gets a place on the list too! 🐞🐈‍⬛
EDIT BECAUSE I FORGOT: Fantomette the animated series! This show is single-handedly responsible for my taste for smart women with amazing hair who ride motorbikes and kick ass. It even had Egytpology as a key part of the plot.
For me Formidable by Charles Aznavour is a classic, a very cute song, and a great place to start if you want to learn French!
A few other favourites include Fanny Ardant et moi by Vincent Delerm, Le Dîner by Bénabar (extremely funny to listen to while thinking about the Diamonds’ Dance) and J’ai cherché by Amir (This one is… Borderline when it comes to grammar, but cute enough that I grin and bear it. Also, it got us an honourable ranking at the Eurovision a while back, which is rare enough to be celebrated).
ALSO. I complain too much about bad translations and poor writing (see previous bullet point) not to show you kids how it’s done with Je vole from Aladdin (a genius play on words which delves into the two significations of the verb “voler”: to fly or to steal).
Video games:
Long ago, before I discovered the wonderful world of Nintendo, I would wait patiently every month for the new issue of Toboclic. This game had everything: cute animal mascots, stories, mini-games, arts-and-crafts suggestions, catchy songs, interactive documentaries… I’m sure my parents still have the CDs somewhere, but they probably don’t run anymore, which is a shame. I miss my friends.
Thank you so much for the ask, this was so fun to write!
@dragongutsixofficial please do this too so we can compare notes! 👀💖
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hwaightme · 1 year
Family for Hire (Ch.1)
(family for hire ml) -> blurb and general tags in series ml
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☀️ pairing: single dad!seonghwa x business woman!reader ☀️ genre: romance, family, domestic, fake marriage, slice of life ☀️ ch. summary: sometimes all you need is a not so gentle nudge from your friend to reconsider a four year silence. ☀️ ch. wordcount: 5.1k ☀️ ch. warnings/tags: language, suggestive, food/eating, social media creeping, talk of discrimination, mention of affairs, university, gossip, two friends roasting each other, a cheeky bit of promiscuity, lost contact, hint at family trauma, comparison between siblings, marriage, relationships ☀️ perma-taglist: @doom-fics @layzfeelit @acciocriativity @izuijin @justhere4kpop @honey-lemon-goose @byuntrash101 ☀️ series taglist: @yunnierights ☀️ a/n: Hello there! big hugs and much love, hope you enjoy this chapter~
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Chapter 1 - Promotion Proposal
“Honestly, your chances of getting that promotion are slim. I mean, you have to look at the facts for a second here, Y/N. Not a single one of the regional managers is single. And don’t get me started on the status that is attached to having kids and generally being a family person. They would basically make you CEO if you were child-popping machine.”
“Ew, now that is an image I did not want to have over lunch. Thanks, Yunho.”
Vexed, you forked at the watery, stale pasta salad that you had brought with you to work in the one beat-up Tupperware box you owned. You had been repeating the motion for the last five minutes already, and your close friend and colleague was not helping reignite your appetite a single bit. Whilst you enjoyed the daily routine of juicy office gossip and old-timer-style reminiscing about university, his shamelessness and ability to say outrageous or painfully truthful things with the most innocent look on his face never failed to irritate you.
“Anytime babes.” He pronounced, sending you a wink as he purposefully took a longer time to lick his spoon. You visibly gagged and shielded your face with your lower arm until you heard a burst of laughter.
“Another ew?” as Yunho returned to eating not so sensually, you uttered the question, unamused, and intending it to be rhetorical. Alas, he did not appear to share that with you, instead continuing to drive you up the wall:
“Would you rather I call you baby girl?”
“Dude save your kinks to yourself for your hoes please.” You pressed your cool hand to your forehead in an attempt to not rage quit then and there. And yet, a smile still danced on your lips. This was how your dynamic with Yunho had always been.
You had met during orientation in the first week of first year at university: you had accidentally knocked into each other while chatting with your new respective acquaintances, he had called you a battering ram, you had called him a Scooby Doo looking-ass, and the rest was history. It was a match made in hell, with you two bringing out the most colourful traits in one another. But it was all in sibling fashion: only you had the right to roast him into oblivion, and vice versa. If anyone else dared to try, they would get beat either by you, or by Yunho. Such was the rule that survived all the way through the years. Through your friend’s turbulent fraternity years and your unstoppable hustle from one job and internship to another. All the way until now, when you two ended up at the same company, and even though you had joined two years earlier than Yunho, he already climbed to your step on the ladder. More proof of discrimination and disregard of consistent effort to support your seething rage.
“Hey, don’t call my ladies like that!” after giving it a few seconds of thought, he retorted.
“Okay yeah fair. Yun-hoe.” You let the last syllable fly off your tongue in a languid manner, purposefully enunciating it in a borderline accusatory manner.
“What are we, fifth graders?” Unimpressed, your friend raised an eyebrow and stared back at you.
“In this economy, it would be lit to be a fifth grader. Be a boss at Roblox…”
“That is one luxury fifth grade life you are imagining there, Y/N.”
“What? A girl can dream. Just like about this damn promotion.”
It was hard to not continuously think about it. With the end of quarter approaching and management undoubtedly starting to think about bonuses, raises and positional promotions, you were getting nervous. You had heard too many stories about workers being forced to stay in the same place for most of their lives, even though they were fantastic, even though they had strived for the stars, all because of a handful of people higher than them in status deciding that they ‘did not vibe with them’ or that ‘they could not be bothered with this person’. It was terrifying to think that there always were more reasons to fire someone rather than keep them, let alone give them a better position in the business.
“Hey! I did not say that it was impossible, just, difficult. I mean, look at me. I got to the associate role pretty fast.” Yunho raised both of his hands slightly, as though he was defending himself.
“By sleeping with an executive’s daughter?” you reminded, pointing at him with your fork.
“Oi, I only found out about that after I got the raise,” your friend fired back, trying to poke the cutlery in your hand with his index finger, prompting you to retract your arm right back.
“Yun-hoe bringing in the big bucks with his special talents,” although it was a mere mumble, Yunho still overheard you and decided to stick with his classic image:
“I mean, no one has any complaints…”
“Ugh. Not even funny. Seriously though, I am not about that whole strategy one bit.”
“Wasn’t even suggesting it. Unless you are into sleazy married middle-aged men with a thirst for young blood.”
���You have a way with words, my guy.”
“We try, we try.”
“I swear. This family thing is ridiculous. You aren’t the only one to mention it either. I have heard some chicks gossiping about it in this exact canteen and sheesh it makes me livid. They were literally talking about themselves like objects!?” your gestures were getting wilder by the second as you immersed yourself in a passionate monologue, recollecting what you had personally had to be a witness to. “There isn’t just this nonsense with families, otherwise there would be plenty of women high up in the ranks. There is just blatant misogyny that people seem to want to willingly ignore and brush under the carpet! I swear, this company is corrupt to its very core.”
“Tell me, why are you in this company again?” part of you was disappointed that this was all Yunho had to say about the serious matter, but at the same time, you knew that he had been listening to it since college, and that you had his unshakeable support despite his rather lusty tendencies. As he liked to put it ‘he just loved women’.
“So that I can soak up all the knowledge and start my own, duh!”
“Oh yes, revolution and revenge hours. But for now, how are you planning to proceed?” finally, the conversation was back on its original track, and you settled into your pensiveness, letting the worry simmer.
“I really don’t know. Like, I wish I did. But I am afraid that I might have to take an L and sit this one out.”
“This ain’t it chief. Not the L/N Y/N I know. Grind your gears. Boot up the noggin. Go on, you must have something.” He set down his utensils and clapped demonstratively in front of your face, like that would somehow help in awakening the spirit of capitalism and entrepreneurial gains.
It seemed to work, as after about a minute of pondering, you began to slowly announce a prospective plan:
“Well… there is one. But it would be one complicated act to pull off.”
“I am all ears.”
“So, you know how there are all these evening events, right? And that one family-oriented day?” you asked him, pulling him in deeper into your story. He nodded along.
“Uh huh, there is one in about a month or so, isn’t there?” after getting a confirmation from you, he added, “it is literally prime time family flexing. Expensive flexing at that, the catering is always bomb – last time I literally got a date just to sneak in.”
“Well, I kind of want to do the same. What if I just… fake a family?”
“I know it’s ridiculous.”
“This is genius.” Yunho’s eyes lit up as he pressed a fist into his other palm, and grinned in approval.
You ran a hand through your hair, a sudden spike of nervousness overtaking you. Though you did propose the idea, you had silently hoped that it would be shot down within a fraction of a second, as it was something so entirely out of character for you that it might as well be a totally different person doing it.
“What… the fuck? Okay… I guess?”
“They want to play you, so you play them. Skilled moves, partner.”
Truth be told, that had indeed been your motivation. If there was a way to take down the corporate structure, you were willing to at least entertain the thought. There was no clear, immediate risk of everything crashing and burning – you were notoriously private about your personal life, rarely indulging in the water cooler conversations where your other colleagues would talk about their toddlers, or their spouses, or their partners… so nobody knew what your official status was. In addition, the last times that family-oriented events had been organised, you purposefully arranged either ‘core leave’, or business trips for months in advance, so no one could question you. It was clear that you were the unlikeliest candidate for ‘family woman’ in most people’s minds because of how you were not the ‘mushy gushy’ type, and you could use that to your advantage. Indeed, as Yunho said, you could play them.
“You can call me that if you actually believe in my business ideas, Yunho.” You chided, rolling your eyes. But Yunho returned the attitude instantly, with cold hard logic to add.
“I’ll believe it when I see you make it past angel investment rounds and successfully pull through the first seeds.”
“You know what, fair. But okay, back to the plan. There is one small problem. I have no idea who would be up for this mission.” You steered it all back to the chaos at hand. If this plan were to seriously go ahead, you needed a better-defined strategy. A business plan of sorts. And that included choosing your literal partner in crime.
“Uh… how about Woo? He is always down for this kind of fuckery.” Yunho’s first suggestion made you shudder as you imagined one of your closer colleagues, Wooyoung, who was working a few floors down from you, acting in the role of your husband.
“Nah, he is very likely to blab, and besides he works in too close proximity with us and would have told everybody and their grandmother about his relationship status update, if it were to happen. Like, random interns know him?!”
“True. Then… Mingi? He’s chill, you remember him, right?” Again, a miss. Although you did find Yunho’s housemate to be the most adorable and hilarious summoner of chaos.
“Yeah, but will he be able to keep the story consistent?”
“You know what, I retract him as an option… hm…”
“Hm, indeed.”
Your mind wandered as you traversed the many avenues and connections you had made over the years, crossing one person after another off your imaginary list of prospective ‘husbands’. You chuckled – were you really thinking about this? Treating it seriously? You – the self-proclaimed spinster, the person who struggled to stay in contact with her own relatives, the one who would rather work overtime than attend a family gathering or holiday? It seemed that your desperation for a professional upgrade had reached a new high. You were aching to take that leap and have more responsibility… just not the one of the family type.
The idea of fooling everyone into believing that you were happily settled and enjoying life to the fullest (in their eyes) was tempting, and besides you had chosen to not indicate your marriage status in your employee information, so they had nothing on you that could be used to disprove what you would serve. It was an empty, green playing field, just for you. And your partner, who you had no clue about. Who would be willing to play along?
The more you thought about it, the more discouraged you began to feel, even after just having had a wave of admiring one’s own genius. No, who were you kidding? This was as you had initially stated, ridiculous. You could not get any one person to stick, disproving them in just a couple of well-aimed critiques. You had even gone so far as to begin going over all the people who you had lost contact with over the years, surprised that you still remembered their names, their stories.
Thanks to Yunho, you had basically infiltrated his frat, and had ended up being ‘one of the bros’ on multiple occasions. So, perhaps, those were the people who you should try hitting up out of the blue. But who? You were sat frozen as the parties, last minute study sessions, group projects flashed by you like a film reel. There was one person who you would want to suggest, at least for attempting to ‘clear the air’, after all these years, but you did not dare utter his name. You searched for alternatives, but none came to mind.
“Wait. I think I’ve got it! Hold on.” Yunho dragged you out of your daze with his exclamation. You watched as he fished out his mobile phone from his trouser pocket, and proceeded to feverishly type. Soon enough, he appeared to have found exactly what, or who, he had been looking for: “Here. See who this is?”
It was him. The one who you had just decided to avoid mentioning, but of course you and Yunho shared a brain cell, so fate would make either you or him bring the same thing up. You leaned in to take a closer look at the photograph that your friend was holding up for you, noticing how this man had grown and, dare you say, bloomed over the years you had not seen him. Features had become noticeably sharper, but his expression still unreadable – though at first, it seemed cheerful, his eyes harboured thunder and lightning. He had re-styled himself, opting for an effortless, fluffy ‘do that softly framed his face, and clothing brighter than you had ever seen him wear back in the day. In that photo, he reminded you of early summertime, whilst before, when he had been one of the most scandalous members of the same frat as Yunho, and something of a friend to you, he had been more of a biting cold winter. You feigned neutrality, mentally patting yourself on the back when your friend either did not notice or did not want to show that he noticed. After giving the photo another glance, you moved back, and exclaimed:
“Woah, that’s Park Seonghwa! Damn, the years did him good, he went through a glow up after his fuckboy era for sure.” That seemed to satisfy Yunho, as he nodded in agreement and flipped the phone back around to continue scrolling, very concentrated on trying to find something.
“Well aside from that you can call him ‘daddy’-” while on his miniature online snooping quest, he mumbled the out of pocket phrase.
“Eyo I don’t mean to kink shame-” you tried to interrupt him, assuming that he was about to turn to the dark side again and get back to cracking not safe for work jokes, while at work.
“Nah, for real, he is an actual daddy. Look-” he spun the phone and stretched his arm out towards you, to the extent that you had to tilt your head back to focus your vision on the screen. And what you saw was something you had never expected to see, not in a million years.
“WHAT? NO WAY? That’s his SPAWN?” you blurted out, forgetting to put your morality and opinion filters on. But the girl was a splitting image of the man, and Seonghwa having close familial ties to here was the only conclusion that could be made. This made your friend snort, mirthful, as he hooked his chair underneath him with one hand, and waddled closer to you so you could indulge in the photos of an entirely socially transformed Seonghwa. Now his ‘lighter’ and sunnier image was totally understandable. He had a life to take care of and someone on whose parade he should try not to rain.
“I think most people would say ‘daughter’, but yes.” Yunho corrected you, clicking away from the photo and searching for another one that he appeared to have already seen. You noticed that some of the pictures that he was showing you he had already liked, sometimes even commented – damn, you lived under a rock didn’t you.
Child. A whole kid. One in hundreds of millions kind of chance, a complicated combination of gametes that then grew into more and more cells until at the end, this mini-sized up-walking homo sapiens popped out. But wait, not out of Seonghwa, you knew that much. So there had to be a certain someone else allowed this creation to come about. Whew, maybe this meant that he was not available, and you could keep on looking for someone else in distressed harmony.
“Okay, but like, wouldn’t that mean that he-” you tried, but was cut off as Yunho guessed what you were about to bring up.
“There is no boo thang on the horizon. None at all. And you know the reunion which you had so rudely missed?” he jumped topic, or maybe not. Sometimes, he was hard to keep up with. All you could ever be confident with, was that if he saw an opportunity to take a jab at you, he would do it.
“Excuse me, mister, I was on a work trip?!” you shot back, slapping the edge of the table for emphasis, but biting the inside of your cheek as you wanted to wince because of the miscalculated enthusiasm with which you hit it.
“Shame, shame, you could have seen me dancing to ABBA.” He playfully pouted as he showed you another picture.
It was, once again, Seonghwa with the little girl, nestled in his arms. What people liked to refer to as ‘a bundle of joy’, apparently. You eyed it. They seemed so happy. So full of love for one another. The girl looked like she felt so safe and adored – truly his princess and the apple of his eye. Seonghwa, over the moon as he grinned with his entire face, crinkling his eyes. His heart appeared to be entirely in his daughter’s hands. This was evidently taken in the summer, as the girl was wearing a flowy baby blue dress, while… her dad (a term you still had to get used to associating with a person who you knew to be a notorious party animal) was wearing a matching unbuttoned striped shirt with some darker blue decal that reminded you of ink splotches, revealing a white under tee, and what looked to be a dog tag necklace. So, they were the colour coordinated ‘we must match’ kind of family, huh.
You decided to stop having prolonged combat against your pasta and shoved the fork into the box and snapped the lid closed. This had allowed you some time to ground yourself again and fly back into discussion. It was easy enough to bring up a vivid image of Yunho dropping it low at a mutual friend’s birthday party after a few too many daiquiris (it had been the first time he allowed you to drive him home – outside of that he would have probably told you that you were a hazard behind the wheel with your temper and turning angles).
“I see that far too often anyways.” You concluded your visit to the memory palace with the remark, making Yunho mimic recoiling from being shot with a gun.
“Fine then, ouch, but alright. Anywho, I had chatted with Seonghwa at the reunion, and I recall him mentioning that ‘it was just him and Nari’, which he then explained is his four-year-old daughter’s name.”
“So, it is fully confirmed… But wait, four? That’s like… how many years it has been since college?” you started counting back, the numbers not adding up, unless he had gotten the ball rolling while still in university. Yunho dispelled your confusion by confirming your suspicions.
“Yeah, man got a head start in the family department.” He sighed as he returned his phone back into his pocket.
It was always strange to see people within your own age group start settling down in some way. There was your friend Jongho, who had managed to get married in secret and only reveal it with one single honeymoon picture. Then San, who had somehow beaten his engagement rejection free pass curse and gotten engaged just a couple of months ago. And now Seonghwa with a whole designer product on display. All these people, doing people things, while you were barely able to figure out what meal prep was and had to debate with yourself every morning whether having three mugs of coffee was sustainable in the long term or not. At least you had a nice car (but even that ended up being a financial strain that gave you extra cortisol).
“I feel aged as shit.” You slouch, resting your head on your upper arm as you bent it at an angle, slowly waving the hand in the air.
“So do I. But I feel like he would be a perfect candidate.” Yunho flicked it, making you mouth an ‘ow’ at him and return to a better posture and massage the hurt skin.
“For being a fake husband?” you hissed out.
“Yeah, I mean, Nari is like, a bonus, no?”
“Maybe? I don’t know…”
You had a reservation against children, one that had manifested itself sometime around secondary school, and one you had not been able to get rid of since. It was not that you ‘hated children’ per se, though it was not challenging for you to spot less than pleasant behaviours. It was just that, they felt like aliens. Little gremlins that lived according to their own rules, not caring for social constructs, proper conduct, and basic boundaries. You barely saw a difference between them and your friends when they were hammered – and that was not your idea of entertainment. Probably the only stark deviation from the alcohol-fuelled bonanza was that the former, the young citizens of the world, were drunk with joy, or at least supposed to be. It was hard to judge when you had always been the sober one.
“Remember the observations. Kids make seniors happy. Happy seniors mean happy news about salary. Happy salary news means happy worker. So go for it.”
Yunho did have a point. This same scheme also operated within traditional households like your own. Last spring, when your younger, but subjectively more ‘successful’ sister had brought home her chubby offspring and a doting husband with an annual salary approaching twenty million won, your parents had been over the moon. It had not been clear because of what exactly, since sister dearest had the full package, but the baby must have been influential – your father had not let go of the infant for the entirety of the day visit, bouncing him on his knees, playing, acting completely unlike himself. Following that day, you had quietly unfollowed your sister on most socials. But that lifestyle did give you a good grasp on what others expect and perceive as ‘happily ever after’ – too bad for them you were not going to let go of your career, but you could put on a show with everything else. All you had to do was swallow a bit of your pride.
“Just do it?” you mumbled, fishing out your own mobile phone and opening up the dreaded app that housed all universe’s flexes, filters and curated truths. And your lost contacts, apparently.
“Yep. In the words of our homie, San, ‘Nike, Adidas’.”
“Wise man.” You found Seonghwa’s profile, which did not really show you much since it was private. You could only just make out his and his daughter’s faces in the profile picture.
“Yeah, so listen to him and go forth.” Yunho egged you on, getting impatient with the way your thumb was hovering over the follow button.
“It has been a hot minute though.” You return to cradling your device with your fingers neatly wrapping the sides. It was hard to separate the person you were seeing on the screen with the person who you had fallen out with during your final year at university. Actually, it was virtually impossible.
“Well heat it up even more by shooting him a message. Doesn’t hurt right? I remember you guys were pretty close back in the day so it shouldn’t be a problem.” It seemed that Yunho was completely skipping over the part when you and Seonghwa had drifted further and further from one another until you had been as good as strangers. If only you had at least a fraction of your friend’s optimism, then maybe reconnecting would not be so daunting, especially since it was for your own benefit. Your mind was going through a full court trial, stuck in a debate.
“But… I didn’t even know about… this?” you tilted the screen once more, leading to Yunho attempting, albeit failing, to snatch your phone. He shook his head and chided:
“Well, that’s because you barely use Instagram you loser.”
“Jeong Yunho-”
“Don’t government name my ass; I am inspiring you. You need to get shit done? Do it.”
What was the likelihood of Seonghwa being mad at you, or holding a grudge, considering how long it had been since you two last had last spoken? You wanted to dream that the probability of that was low enough for you to give this impromptu action plan a go. In hindsight, you could almost say that the drama had not even been drama, just a little misunderstanding. Just you confessing to the wrong person at the wrong time and in the wrong state. Nothing you could not get over, and something that he had definitely done, and had a mini clone to prove it.
“To be honest, even if it doesn’t work out,” you conceded to Yunho’s intense encouragement, pressing on the button and opening up direct messages, “at least I’ll be able to catch up with an old… friend?”
“Hm, yeah. Seonghwa returned to my radar only recently too. Been missing in action ever since…” he trailed off, catching you turning morose, “… since, yeah. I don’t really know the details. But something tells me you still have a couple of things to resolve with him. So, for your sake, go for it and do it for the promotion and for your peace of mind.”
“I don’t know what you mean, Yunho.”
Your friend sent you a pointed look, not entertained by your feigned ignorance. Yunho had been on the sidelines of what had happened between you two, but due to Seonghwa’s sudden departure from the fraternity, and near total conversion to completing his studies online, had never found out the details. Now, he could roughly infer that it had been a series of misunderstandings that had been left abandoned, still wound together, and needed your collaboration to work through. Retrace the steps back.
“He asked about you, you know. Tried to be all discreet about it, too. But you know how obvious that guy is when he is being genuine.”
“Pfft-” you scoffed. Yunho was following his own agenda, like always. If it had not been so strongly linked with the career ladder you wished to climb, you would have shut him down at least five minutes ago. You were contemplating the possibility of conversing with Seonghwa, after a lifetime and a bit had passed, a little too seriously for your enjoyment.
“He’s such a sap now, you will be fine. I expect you to be like an undercover reporter for me please, okay sweetheart?”
You were glad that Yunho was not one to change much, or at least you saw him so often that you were changing at the same pace. That way, existing day to day was not too intimidating. This was yet another reason why children were a scary concept – they reminded you that time went by far too quickly, and if you were to succeed, and prove that you were able to carve out your own path despite derogatory remarks and disinterest, you needed to move at the speed of light. You wished you did not have to be so acutely aware of time, but this was something you had been practically born with. In addition to the hatred for Yunho’s tendency to call you anything aside from your name.
“Say a pet name one more fucking time and I will forcibly marry you.” You locked your phone, setting it down, and folded your hands together and pointed straight at your friend as though you were holding a gun. The dark-haired man raised both of his in return, and with a gasp, deadpanned:
“Shock, horror, murder with intent.” As you puffed out a ‘gunshot’, snorting at the dramatic imitation of a drama actor getting hit with a bullet in slow motion, you retraced your own intentions with this project.
At the end of the day, none of this was about Seonghwa. If anything he would be a collaborator, and you were more than ready to pay him if he so wished to receive money as a compensation. People put up all sorts of things for rent nowadays, so offering family services was not at all strange.
“Plus, I am doing this for my promotion, so I really don’t like your implied ulterior motives here.” You concluded out loud, hands flittering across the table.
“What ulterior motives?” Yunho batted his eyes, intentionally over exaggerating.
“Bro, I can read you, we are the exact same.”
“Speaking of, we have the exact same meeting, happening in the exact same five minutes. Are we going?”
“With all this scheming I completely forgot. Yes, let’s go.”
As you rose from the canteen table and briskly strode in the direction of the elevators, with Yunho switching the topic entirely to complaining about the agile framework and how his line manager had an odd way of organising work sprints, you did not notice your phone ping.
Seonghwa followed you back.
And was currently staring at his device in disbelief, poring over the meagre selection of photos that you did have gracing your profile. What could this mean? Would he be able to reconnect with you? Speak with you? Retrace? He could not stop himself when he opened messages, only slightly regretting the use of two exclamation points and double texting, and typed out a quick, amiable, yet hopeful:
<hwa.seong.hwa > Y/N, hi!! Long time no speak
<hwa.seong.hwa> How have you been?
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Dean taking care of you when you're sick would include...
pairings: Dean Winchester x GN!Reader
warnings: mentions of vomit and sickness
requested?: nope!
a/n: im feeling awful and whenever I feel sick, I watch Supernatural... self explanatory
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when you first start showing symptoms, he's already getting prepared
he's been able to recognize the signs since he took care of Sam when he was sick
"Dean I swear I feel fine! It's just a stuffy nose." "That's how it always starts out."
stocks up on your favorite soup and medicine
when you finally get that fever, he makes you stay in bed
no ifs or buts about it
"But-" "(Y/N), you're burning up and can barely get out of bed. You're not going on the hunt and that's final."
he would definitely call someone to cover your hunt
would keep a throw-up bucket by your bed (please tell me yall had one of those too when you're sick)
if you have long hair, I feel like he'd hold it back for you when you need to puke
him trying not to puke when you do
him also trying not to puke when he has to clean your bucket
he keeps the tissues on the side table if you have a stuffy nose
definitely would keep you company though
binging Scooby Doo with him
"I freakin' called that it was going to be that dude!" "haven't you watched this episode many times?"
if you're one to whine when sick and want to be touched, its gonna suck to be you
as much as you beg Dean to cuddle, he's not going to
he'd get you another pillow to cuddle with
actually I don't think he would be willingly touching you at all
not that he doesn't love you he just does not want to get sick
for the time being I'm sure he'd sleep in another room
I also feel like he'd run you a nice warm bath so you could get that dirty feeling you get when your sick off of you
when he's not taking care of you, he's wiping shit down and washing his hands religiously
him buying Gatorade/Powerade and making sure you are drinking it
being the one who gives you your medicine and making sure you take it on time
when you're finally better, he's gonna want compensation in the form of pie and kisses
he'd only kiss you when he's sure you're a 100% better though
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mintichoco · 2 years
CREDIBLE | twtptflob
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TITLE TRACK. psycho - red velvet
FANDOM. the way to protect the female lead's older brother
CHARACTER. oc-insert, visuals of aria valentine
PRONOUNS. she/her
SUMMARY. a gen-z kid gets dropped in the world of twtptflob. . .right infront of lante agriche
FORMAT. headcanons, scenarios
INSPIRATION. this post by @rouecentric
NEXT CHAPTER. [1, you are here] • [2]
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Nash was an iPad kid in every sense of the word. Her mother could not bother to care beyond sending monthly checks to the manor (more like luxurious jail) where the caretakers pocketed half the sum and the rest went to pamper her.
She could't be mad, there were plenty people out in the real world who'd kill for that kind of money. She spent her days tinkering on school projects, binge-watching historical k-dramas and being a general menace to the working staff.
Now imagine her surprise when she went to bed at three in the morning after haphazardly throwing together an art project featuring 'Kakashi the grey hare' and woke up on cold hard marble, instead of her fluffy mattress.
"What the heck?" She shuffled to a sitting stance, rubbing her sore neck.
The brushing of black skirts and the scruff of boots tethered her attention to the floor.
There were maids, a few dozens of them. Nash had her own nannies, sure, but nobody in the twenty-first century wore these silks unless as costumes, that too the very short version and for funzies on Tiktok or the bedroom.
"Woah-", a grin danced on her face. "Is this some sort of cult? Before the intro, I'll make this clear, I don't wanna be a part of this scooby-doo squad. Now, where am I?"
Silence, silence. Silence everywhere. Then, a fine looking specimen of testosterone-producer stepped up from the crowd, gripping a sword-A SWORD?!-in his hand.
"What business do you have with Agriche? How did you manage to get past the barrier guards? Start talking before I make sure you never will."
Well, zamn, who hurt you?
"Yeah, I was hoping you'd the know the answer to that?" She was thoroughly confused. "And since you don't, we can all just forget this ever happened and go our own seperate ways, okay? Okay, bye!"
A brilliant beyond brilliant idea popped up in her head. Taking out her phone, she tried searching for a signal. Hey, her mother may not pick up but she will dispatch atleast one guard to check on her.
"What is that?" The emo grandpa snapped his fingers. The phone was snatched away in an instant.
Nash reached for the object, only to be shoved away. "Hey, that's mine! Give it back!"
"Master, it seems to be some unknown technology, far beyond research-work mentioned in the archives", the woman replied and handed it over to the man in the lavish tux with a. . .bow?
What the frick is happening?!
The man chuckled and Nash felt a chill go down her spine. "A spy? Tell me, which lowlife has started copying my tactics, hm? Though, it is for the greater good, I suppose. The kids outside of this territory are pathetic, they pose no worthy challenge for my soldiers."
Which grown ass man sends people to fight kids?!
With furrowed brows, legs and arms crisscrossed, Nash drew a long breath. "Look dude, I don't know who you are or where I am but I don't mean to cause any trouble. . .yet. But if you don't return my phone, we're gonna have a problem here."
He quirked a brow and a tide of murmurs erupted from the audience. With a subtle clang his weapon was unseathed, the sharp blade pointed straight towards her neck.
Holy mother the of sweet Je-
"Are you aware that I can kill you without so much as moving an inch?"
Her breath hitched and she felt the hiccups coming. "So could a - hic - a chicken with enough motivation. You're not special-"
"Father, you called?"
A whispery voice carried by the wind stopped the man dead in his tracks from possibly ripping Nash a new one.
"Roxana", he rasped, clicking his tongue. "I don't appreciate tardiness. In any case, I'd like you to familiarize yourself with the latest brand of spies that are sent after us. Do they think of us as idiots!”
With that attitude, you’d make a fine Karen, sir. Wait. . .did he just say ’Roxana’?
Nash swiveled on her heel faster than light, coming face to face with said exotic beauty, shimmering rubies for eyes, adorned in a fashionable gown that almost made up for it’s weight.
"Y-You're Roxana Agriche?!"
At her starstruck exclaimation, the lady pursed her lips and only nodded curtly in acknowledgement.
Suddenly, Nash was clutching her head. She felt dizzy, she was definitely going to hurl.
Bye-bye fancy carpet, so long. . .
"Forking fudgecake!" The first row of maids probably jumped at the sheer decibel of her shout. "Did I get hit by truck-kun? No, that's not possible. How will a truck get in my house?! Murder, then? Not unlikely. . .although who would assassinate sweet ol’ me? Let’s see. . .”
"As you witness”, the newly recognized Lante Agriche waved the sword dangerously close to her face. Nash skiddadled to Roxana’s side. "This one doesn't know how to behave.”
Nash tilted her head to gander at the second heir’s face. She was lost in thought, her face overcome with a forlorn expression.
Roxana stroked her chin and then nodded. "You wish for me to oversee the interrogation?”
Lante grinned like a madman, thankfully storing away the blade. "As expected, you are a natural.” Nash had to do a double take to make sure his face fell in the matter of milliseconds. "Do not disappoint me.”
A sharp pain appeared in her scalp when her obnoxiously long pink hair was grasped and she was pushed back against the wall.
Yup, no wonder all the female leads hate this.
Lante did his best impression of a ravenous beast from the Black Forest, snarling and sneering. ”I will figure out where your loyalties lie and set an example through you. Am I understood?"
As astonishing as it is to be held like this by a 2D character, it ducking hurts, biAtch!
"Y-yes, sir!" As if-
He released her but it felt the same, as if her head was on fire. "Take her away.”
Roxana did not spare a moment to escort Nash to her room. They arrived in two minutes max and the blonde dismissed her tendants for the evening.
With a cotton swab and a bottle of suspiciously glowy liquid, she started dabbling the scratch that had formed on Nash's face, right under her eye from being thrown against the stone column.
She was quiet for most of the time while Nash observed Roxana's face. The teen truly was a looker, one worthy of people stopping in their tracks to stare at.
Light hair framed her face like a halo while piercing red eyes that tore through one's soul akin to the devil himself.
"Earlier, you mentioned a truck, yes?"
Nash blinked dumbly. "Uh-huh."
Roxana looked her directly in the eye. "Are your perhaps from. . .This is going to sound ridiculous but are you from Earth? Like, the actual modern world?"
The pinkette chewed on her botton lip. "Er. . .maybe?"
Roxana dropped her head and if Nash wasn't mistaken, she sighed out of relief. "How did you end up here?"
The younger girl threw her hands up. It felt weird talking to a fictional character who went into a fictional-fictional world.
Wait, that makes no sense.
"I don't know, lady! One minute I'm falling asleep reading manhwa on my computer and the next thing I know kaboom Lante-the-asshole Agriche is in front of me!"
"What's a manwha? Did you not read the novel-", Roxana paused mid-way, narrowing her gaze. "You are much too young to read those kinds of books."
Nash coughed awkwardly. "Well, I didn't exactly read it. It doesn't even exist in my world."
"Meaning? And you say your world as if we're from seperate ones."
Nash clapped her hands, slouching against the cushions on Roxana's bed. "Bingo." The girl stared at her, perplexed. "You know about the miltiverse theory, right? Y'know, spider-man and stuff like that?"
The blonde nodded.
"If I were to guess, we are both from two different realities. It's like a layer formation. The 'Flower of Hell' takes place in one, then you enter from another and change the course of the world and then I enter from a different reality like a cherry on top."
Roxana remained still, the subtle widening of her eyes being evidence of understanding. "I see. In any case, we need a place to fit you in. As far as I've looked, there is no escape. Other than death, but that is uncharted territory."
Nash made a face. You speak of death like it's the next door neighbor. Then she remembered. But for her, it probably isn't the worst thing to happen.
She cleared her throat, shrugging as nonchalantly as possible. "Any chance I can take a shower? I kinda sorta really stink."
The ghost of a smile passed over Roxana's face. "I will ask for a bath to be prepared." Her gaze traveled down, "And a tailor to take your measurements. Can't have my charge looking so haggard."
Nash looked down, her face burning red. She was still in her Hello Kitty jammies. "Hey!"
Roxana stood up, packing away the medical kit. "I will be back later. Your dinner will be sent here; eat after freshening up. And try to keep a low profile. The less people are aware of your existence, the better. Fa - Lante will likely dish out my orders for you at dinner."
She made to leave but turned around again.
"I did not catch your name."
"Nash", the pinkette replied with a too-shrill voice, trying to rub the exhaustion out of her eyes.
Roxana was amused. "Full name?"
"Ugh. . .Nashira Parker, at your service, m'Lady."
As soon as the door clicked shut, Nash threw herself on the heavenly bed, feeling her body sink into the spread of softness.
'What a day. Welp- this is my life now, I guess.'
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fortheloveofowen · 9 months
Luke Patterson College Au
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Summary: Just some Luke college! This is more or less if Luke was in college NOW lol IDK if that makes sense, but just pretend it does
Warnings: Man-whore Luke (I eat it up), mentions of sex, mentions of drug use/alcohol use, I'm in love with Luke I'm so delulu
Note: I am literally just working, and I'm bored so typing this on my work computer :) I hope you guys like this one, I've been wanting to make a Luke college au so so badly ;) Also guys I dropped out of college soooo living vicariously through this rn
Major: Childhood Education
Minor: Music Composition
Was on the hockey team freshman and sophomore year, but quit once his band started getting booked
Can't y'all just see him as the cutest little elementary school music teacher like showing his students his guitar and talking about when he was in a band awww
Luke and Alex definitely have a shared house off-campus and they like throw parties like it's nobody's business
Definitely tried to join Alex's comic book club, but was quickly kicked out because he spilled soda on Reggie's collector's edition of the original Spiderman comics
"Dude, do you know how expensive this was? Like, for real?"
Luke is definitely known as somewhat of a player around campus and pretty much everyone knows who he is. He can usually be found with his tongue down a random girls throat
But, that's what college is about for him duh
He never wanted to go in the first place, but when his parents put that check in his lap to send him to school what else could he do? Especially when his buddy, Bobby, told him about all the hot chicks running around campus
So how do you meet Mr. Luke? Well, you were couped up in the library preparing for this god awful Bio final that has been stressing you to the point of pulling your hair out when you hear some.... children's laughter???
You look to the main double-door entrance and see a gaggle of children that can't be more than 5 or 6 years old barreling through the doors
And what shocked you most was... Luke Patterson leading this wild pack of children into the building??? I guess you had just never taken interest in what his major is or really anything about him, so you couldn't be too sure what his intentions were
A quiet Luke puts up a finger to his lips and begins counting down from 10, attempting to shush the kids he was directing
"Hey guys, can we quiet down please, we can't be too loud in the library! shhhhh"
And you're like is he soft? and good with kids? Definitely not soft (or so you think right now hehe), but he is great with kids
The kids are shuffling around the library, giggling at the pages in the anatomy books while Luke sits at a nearby table
"Are they bothering you? I knew it was a bad idea to bring them here, but I-I-It's about to rain... had no idea where else to take them..."
And you're just like huh? Because one, why is he talking to you, and two, this is not the same douchebag player you thought you knew. But, you end up telling him that they're fine and you continued studying until your roommate, Julie, asked if you wanted to meet up for dinner
You don't end up seeing Luke for a while after the first meet, and you had long let him disappear from your thoughts
That is until your friend Flynn decides to drag you to a party to "celebrate" finals being over (Even though you'd rather be couped up in your room rewatching Scooby Doo if you were being honest)
The house wasn't anything too crazy, donned with LED lights and some old beer cans strewn across the porch
You had been drinking with Flynn for a while, the fresh smell of marijuana and vomit stinging your nose as you waltzed around the house
Your bladder quickly caught up with you, though, as you excused yourself from Flynn for a second to find a pisser because you know you can't hold your pee while you're drunk
So, you're bobbing around sticking your head into pretty much every single room when you finally come across a door at the end of the hallway
You turn the door handle, astonished to find it unlocked, but you let yourself in and...
There's Luke... hands under a tiny blonde girl's shirt as he kissed up and down her neck
"Oh my god, I can... I am so sorry let me just go!"
You shout almost too eager as you swiftly slam the door and make your way back downstairs, ready to tell Flynn the shit you just walked into
But, alas, your friend is sitting on the couch with Reggie, one of Luke's closest friends, you've come to find out so you averted your attention to the kitchen
It was quiet in here, other than the small bits of banter going on around you in the almost empty kitchen
You stared into your cup of whatever concoction Flynn had made you when you're startled by a sudden presence to your left
"Hey, you're the girl from the library right? Sorry about uhhh... the bathroom sitch.... just doing my civil duty haha"
Luke slurred out as he hoisted himself onto the kitchen counter beside you
You nod your head, not really trying to engage with his "type"
"You wanna dance? Everyone else here is so boring..."
You and Luke head out to the living where masses of people were dancing along to whatever rap song was blaring over the speaker
Luke instinctively holds you by the waist as you sway the entire night, especially when you sway to his bedroom and then to his bed and then.... you get the picture
And Luke took care of you that night, kissing your shoulders, looking into your eyes as he kissed up your stomach bro omg I am getting ahead of myself
But, anyways, you wake up and immediately feel TONED HANDSOME arms around your waist and you're like??? because this is definitely not your bed and who is this man?
Your eyes peak out over the covers and you have the biggest "oh fuck" moment of your life because YOU JUST SLEPT WITH LUKE PATTERSON
So, without thinking you swiftly jump up out of bed and search around his room for your clothes, but not before you're interrupted by a groan and a yawn coming from the bed
You mutter under your breath as Luke peers at you through hooded lids
When did he become so beautiful and why the hell hadn't you realized until now??
"Good morning to you too... You're leaving already? Didn't enjoy the show?"
He wiggles his eyebrows at you are you're like oh... my... god I gotta get out of here so you scurry off without much of a goodbye, but not before Luke puts his number into your phone
This goes on for a while, you sneaking over to his house, sleeping in his bed, waking up in his arms, and then spending the morning talking and eating breakfast. But, no lovely-dovey shit... ever
It had become somewhat of a routine, but for Luke, this wasn't normal
He'd sleep with a girl a few times, but then ditch her before things could get too serious
But now he's got himself a drawer of your clothes, and your smile embedded in his brain
So you're over this one time and you both had woken up rather sleepy due to the events of the prior night hehehehe
And Luke is just staring at you so lovingly and it was different than any way he had looked at you before
And he just instinctively wraps you in his arms and spoons you
You're like
"Luke, didn't we say that cuddling was off the table if we're awake? We're not like together, remember?"
And he freezes and is like
"We're together. We sleep together, we spend the mornings together, we are quite literally the definition of together..."
Aww he just chews on his thumb and looks up at you through his eyelashes and just kisses you
You and Luke are the couple that literally everyone is digusted with
He constantly needs to be touching you and will literally wait outside your classes so he can flash you that geeky smile and chuckle while holding out some food or coffee
He just wants to take care of you in all ways possible
Finally lets you come to one of his band practices and everyone is like
"Wow you're significant other is so cool, Luke!"
And he just gets antsy and is like yeah I know now leave them alone before I get jealous hehehe
Such a jealous boyfriend and sometimes you have to remind him how much you love him and he can get really insecure but he finds that comfort in you
Practically thinks you are gold and literally nothing in this world could compare to you
Alrighty y'all that is it for now, but I hope you likeeee
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