#eating something new that isn't apart of a meal plan
nervousdemeanor7 · 11 months
crossing my fingers that when Nora said "TSC is a love story" she is talking about Jean falling in love with life.
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feefivefoe · 30 days
The Damian bonding post I promised.
The first few times is him just standing at your door, asking to be let in. If this does not work, he will soon switch to already being in your home by the time you get back.
He's willing to start polite, but if you insist on being stubborn, he'll just pick the lock or climb in through the window
Shouldn't this kid be at school or something?
But reader is an expert at ignoring inconveniences in life, and just pretends he isn't there for a while. Disregarding any conversation attempts even when he's standing right in front of you and refusing to move. Lying face down on the couch, wishing it would swallow you whole so that you wouldn't have to go to work tomorro- DID THIS KID JUST SIT ON YOU.
It's kind of like having a cat for a while. You occasionally return home to find a small creature demanding your attention, but this one talks and expects answers. You actively avoid answering questions that actually tell him anything about your life. Sure, you know any Robin can just follow you, but if he's gonna find out, he at least has to put in the work.
Very quickly he gets tired of hanging around your apartment. This slum house is below the both of you. He starts trying to talk you into going back to the 'family home.' Barf.
You're still heavily guarded against him, and he recognizes that. He doesn't LIKE it, but he knows it.
So he essentially bribes you. Starts inviting you to more expensive restaurants than you could ever go to on your own. A sibling outing!
Of course you know there are strings attached. There always are in this cesspool of a city. But free food is free food, and in this economy? Who in their right mind would turn down a free meal.
At this point, reader still thinks the rest of the family doesn't even remember them, and Jason is dead. So to them, this is just Bruce's newest kid having a fleeting interest. They don't think it'll last, and they certainly don't see it progressing to them having contact with the rest of the family.
So sure, they'll entertain the kid for a few hours a few times a week in order to eat some rich people food using the Wayne family money.
Damian is happy with the arrangement. His sibling is out in public with him, something that doesn't go unnoticed by the general public. You've been out of the public eye long enough that nobody knows who you are. There are insidious rumors at first.
Any questions are answered with a planned out response.
"Stop harassing my sibling. Our father gave us money for dinner, so we're going to enjoy it."
Now Gotham knows that you're Bruce's kid. And people with too much time on their hands now connect the dots to the handful of news stories that came out when you first joined the family. The only time you really spent in the public eye.
You couldn't go back to being a recluse now if you wanted to.
If the food and occasional alcoholic beverage cause you to lower your guard enough to start talking about where you work, even if it's just naming a chain?
He certainly won't complain! He'll pass that along to Drake or something as grunt work. Get the place shut down or something so you'll stop being stubborn and come home already.
Having meals with just the two of you is nice and all, and he isn't eager to share with the rest of your family, but the comfort of home would surely be better than all the stares, right?
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heich0e · 10 months
suna's parents divorced when he was eight.
he doesn't remember a lot of the finer details as he's gotten older, mostly just that there used to be a lot of yelling, but he does remember the two piles of belongings that stacked up in the empty living room of his childhood home: one consisting of his father's and his own, and the other comprised of his mother's and his little sister's. their entire life, their entire family, packed up into cardboard and then divided down the middle.
the apartment he moved into with his father was always too quiet. it was in aichi, far enough away from where he spent the first decade of his life that he didn't have to be reminded of it every time he left the house, but since his father worked so much it still left him with plenty of time to think. to grieve. though maybe he didn't recognize it as that at the time. he played video games his father bought for him after school. ate convenience store bentos or whatever leftovers were set aside for him in the fridge for dinner. he put himself to bed at night. it wasn't a bad life, though maybe a bit lonely.
he was scouted to play for inarizaki when he was 14.
the lonely apartment turned into a lively dorm. he had new friends (his teammates) to play video games with. his convenience store bentos were replaced with hot meals from the meal hall. the loneliness of the apartment in aichi was a distant memory, but still lingered.
"i'm home."
rintarou drops his training bag in the genkan as he toes off his shoes, calling into the apartment to announce his return.
"welcome home!" you call back from further in the apartment, and the sound makes him smirk a little to himself.
you've been coming over to his place a lot lately, ever since he gave you his spare key. he's not upset about this in the slightest, but it doesn't mean he won't take every possible opportunity to tease you for it. he plans how he's going to make fun of you as he pads into his home towards the sound of your voice. he almost has it all planned out—his delivery on the very tip of his tongue—when he falters to a stop.
"how was your day?" you ask him without looking up from what you're doing.
and suddenly, anything rintarou may have wanted to say—joke or otherwise—is beyond him.
he watches as you set a plate of food down on the already full table just off his little kitchen. the food that covers the surface is still hot enough that steam curls up into the air above it, its preparation perfectly timed to his arrival home. his apartment is warm, and smells good, and there's music playing from your cellphone on the other side of the room that you must have been listening to while you cooked.
his chest feels tight.
you turn to look at him when he doesn't respond to your question.
"rin?" you ask again, a lilt of worry in your tone. "you okay?"
"what's all this?" he manages to ask, nodding towards the table where the meal you prepared is still waiting.
"oh, i've been craving my mom's recipe for the past few days, i just thought i'd make it for dinner," you say, tugging at your fingers nervously. your entire countenance is a bit different now, strained like you're worried you've done something wrong. "hope that's okay?" your words lift at the end like a question.
rintarou's never seen so much food on his table. can't remember the last time he even sat there to eat a meal—let alone a home cooked one. his face feels hot, and his eyes sting, and he just can't bring himself to look at you.
"yeah," he says, and if you notice how his voice is a bit croaky, you're nice enough not to tease him about it. "'course it's okay."
you smile, and you look relieved. "wash your hands then, it's getting cold."
you eat your dinner together and talk about your days. you take a shower while he cleans up the dishes. you fall asleep tangled up together on the couch with a movie playing in the background.
his home isn't quiet anymore. he isn't lonely.
and it's thanks to you.
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cinnamoneve · 1 year
eonian \ əʊnɪən \ (adj.) - continuing forever or indefinitely; lasting for an immeasurable amount of time
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❆ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: gojo satoru x gn!reader ❆ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬: food always tastes better when it's shared with someone you love. even if you're too tired to appreciate it ❆ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: reader doesn't like red bean paste lol (this is self indulgent because i do not like red bean paste. im sorry.) ❆ 𝐰𝐜: 2k ❆ 𝐚/𝐧: i love domesticity i love boring things about being in love!!! in my mind gojo isn't sealed and nothing bad ever happens to him, he's eating taiyaki on the floor and happy ♡ please enjoy
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satoru said he’d be home hours ago.
tracking him down when he was out on a mission was near impossible. you both agreed that if there was any kind of emergency, he’d definitely find a way to get to you. but if not, no news was good news with satoru’s work.
unfortunately, this made any type of planning difficult for the two of you, so you had to soak up all the time together you could.
by the time you had finished dinner, your appetite was gone, and you’d realized that the last thing you wanted to do was eat by yourself in the quiet apartment. you covered the food, as if a thin layer of plastic would help to preserve the presentation and flavor. satoru would eat when he’s home, and you’d join him, you thought.
mealtimes always made satoru a little bashful. he refused to eat without you, and would pout if you didn’t uphold your end of it as well. satoru firmly believes that food always tastes better when you share it with someone you love. whether or not it’s true, or whether or not you believe it yourself, satoru has an almost parasitic way of infecting you with every inch of him; so throughout your entire relationship, you can count all the meals you’ve eaten alone on one hand.
hidden beneath the five languages of love, there has to be a secret, sixth one that satoru has surrounding food. what better way to tell you he loves you than to cut your apples the way you like? or remember your takeout order? not to mention the sampling of any dessert place within a certain radius of his mission, just for him to steal a bite. or two. or three.
sharing a meal with satoru felt deeply intimate. with every bite from his plate, it felt like his love was devouring you at the same time. whole, or piece by piece, even. he had always wondered if you’d caught on that his sweet tooth developed after he kissed you for the first time. he’s just hoping to find something sweet enough to hold himself over until the next time he gets to fall in love with you again, and again.
collapsing on the couch, you drifted off thinking about what dessert he’d bring you this time. some type of pastry? a sweet bread, doughnut, or maybe a cake sampling? you wondered if he’d smear icing on your nose so he could kiss it off again, or how many kisses he’d steal between bites. or even, the gentle way he held his hand underneath your chin to catch any stray crumbs.
your daydreaming got the best of you, however, and you hadn't realized the time when you heard the all-too familiar sound of a key jingling in the door handle.
you sit up a bit and make yourself look like you weren’t fantasizing about a man who is already and desperately yours. you didn’t want satoru to feel guilty–he wouldn’t want you to stay up too late for him.
it’s around 3am when the door opens.
he looks wiped. your poor, pouty boyfriend melted in your arms when you met him at the door.
“i missed you, love,” was all he managed to croak out before exhaustion hit him, nearly leaning on all of you with his weight to keep himself stable.
“i saved you something to eat, satoru,”
“oh, thank you. i love you,”
he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead after mumbling the confession, and shuffled his way into the kitchen. not even halfway in, his legs called it quits and he resorted to sitting down on the cold floor.
“i don’t think i’m moving from this spot”
“i’ll join you, honey,” you spoke softly, almost nervous that your words would shatter him. 
you leaned down and helped him take off his blindfold. he ran his fingers through his hair, eager to loosen it up and relieve the tension building. 
you notice a white box wrapped in delicate twine. 
“can i take that from you? where can i put this?”
satoru rubs the day out of his eyes. “anywhere’s fine. this shop near me today is known for its taiyaki. i couldn’t remember which filling you liked, so i got them all. we don’t have to eat them now”
satoru had watched you order taiyaki before, on numerous occasions. for a man who can remember every detail of orders from restaurants you like, there’s no way in hell he could ever forget which filling you preferred. chalk it up to exhaustion, maybe, or his own selfish intention of eating the ones you don’t like.
you grabbed the box and put it on the counter, silently.
satoru watched your every step as you carefully reheated the dinner you made. although, a puzzled expression crossed his pretty face when he saw you reheating two plates instead of one.
“you didn’t eat?” he asked, almost whispering.
“hm?” you almost didn’t hear him. “oh, no, satoru, how could i? i wanted to wait for you”
he rests his head on the cabinets behind him, gently pouting away from you.
“it’s late, love, you could’ve eaten without me.”
his voice was sincere, but you knew his words weren’t. eating alone would’ve been the straw that broke the camel's back, he realized, and he regretted his bold-faced lie the second the words left his mouth.
all you did was continue to heat up your plates, a soft smile adorning your tired features. satoru looked at you like you were made of an ornate and delicate glass, something precious to admire but never touch. you were almost a heavenly treasure, tonight especially, and he couldn’t help but watch in silence.
you grabbed your plates and sat with him on the floor, just enough to be close but not in his personal space. extending out your legs to get comfortable, satoru gently laced his long, spindly legs with yours. anything to be in your space.
“eat up, it’s hot,” was all you said.
satoru did as he was told, grabbing the plate from your hands gently so as to not burn himself.  
“thank you for the food,”
you sat in silence for a bit, just enjoying the meal you made and each other’s presence. usually, satoru is buzzing to tell you about work missions; the kind of curse, how his students did, if he had to dramatically save them (and how cool he looked doing it too). tonight was different. you’re not sure if something happened or if he was just too tired to even bring it up, but you still wanted to ask.
“do you wanna talk about your mission today, satoru?”
“mmm, there’s nothing to talk about, babe,” he added between bites, “it was super lame and long. i missed you the whole time, though”
“thinking about me with an ugly curse in front of you, how romantic”
“ah, hush, you know what i mean,” he rolls his eyes and shakes his leg against yours. “how about you, how was your day?”
you finish your meal and set your clean plate on the kitchen floor with a big sigh. 
“booooring,” you shifted closer to satoru as he finished up as well, “i had no work to do, so i just hung out here all day.”
“mmm, sounds fun though. a day to do nothing, i mean” satoru put his hand on your leg as he looked off at the floor. 
he wondered how he’d spend a day off. his first thought was to spend it with you, and the next, would be to take his students out. maybe to an expensive shop nobara wanted to see so he could spoil her a bit, or take yuuji to some movie he’s begged someone, anyone, to see with him. or actually, the day could be spent finding megumi a quiet bookstore in a quaint and cozy town so he can truly soak up some alone time.
naturally, his thoughts go back to you, and how you could spend the time together. god, the possibilities were just endless. a day trip? a movie marathon? a romantic day together filled with any type of date you’ve ever wanted? he didn’t care. a day in bed with you would be a day fulfilling and well-spent.
not once did he consider spending it alone. he was selfless like that, but also selfish like that. 
you grabbed his plate and stood up to put it in the sink, grabbing the pastry box on your way back to joining him on the floor.
“doing nothing is fun, i guess, until it really isn't. it’s lame being alone,” you say. you sit a little bit closer to him than before, throwing out your regard for satoru’s personal space. if anything, his hand on your thigh was an indication, a blinding one, really, that you should be closer to him.
satoru’s leg finds yours as his hands reach for the box. 
“what, you miss me or something?” 
his ridiculous question forms a reluctant smile on your lips. you look at him as he gently holds one of the taiyaki between his teeth, passing you the box and avoiding eye contact.
“hmm, maybe a little,” you answer, grabbing the box from his lap.
satoru takes a bite and looks at you, exaggeratedly offended.
his mouth is full.
“only a little?” 
“yeah. just, like, a teensy bit”
satoru sighs dramatically after he swallows his first bite.
“and to think i brought home your favorite filling too, from a famous taiyaki shop”
you meticulously pick out one of the crispy fish from the box, hoping you guessed the filling correctly.
“i thought you didn’t remember my favorite,”
satoru stops chewing for a second to mull it over.
“c’mon. did you really believe that?”
“hehe, no,” you giggle, “you’re not good at lying to me, you know”
“whatever,” he groans, finishing off his last bite.
biting into yours, you realize you picked wrong, and the taste of anko fills your mouth. you stop chewing immediately.
“blegh, i got a red bean paste filled one,” you moan.
“i’ll eat it, baby,” satoru grabs the fish and the box from your hands. he picks out another. “this one is chocolate filled, and this one is custard. i wasn’t sure if you liked matcha, but i got a couple of those too,”
you grab your favorite from the ones he pointed out, and scoot up to kiss him on the jaw.
“thank you, satoru, this is sweet.”
“i don’t even know how you function without liking anko,” satoru replies, “even if it’s a red flag, you’re so welcome,”
you both continue to eat your treats together, commenting on how the shop lives up to its reputation. satoru helps you to your feet as you begin putting the leftovers away for the night.
as you turn to the bedroom for your long overdue sleep, satoru doesn’t follow.
“coming to bed, honey?” you ask.
“i’m gonna clean up a little. you don’t have to wait for me,”
“leave it for the night, satoru, it’s been a hell of a day,”
if one person cooks, the other cleans. it was an unwritten rule in the household. satoru liked keeping a clean house to maintain a clear mind, but he was relieved to hear tonight was the exception.
he turns off the lights and finds you on his way to the bedroom.
“thank you for waiting for me tonight, my love”
“i only did so the food would taste better, you know,” you laugh back.
“i’d say it was worth it then.”
if only food could taste this good forever, could be this sweet, you would wait a million years just to sit with satoru on the kitchen floor.
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all content © cinnamoneve 2023. do not repost, modify, steal, or copy without permission.
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Don't Speak 28
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Warnings: this fic will include dark content such as dubcon/noncon, obsession, stalking, manipulation, reclusive behaviour, disordered eating, dissociation, allusions to abuse, and other possible triggers. My warnings are not exhaustive, enter at your own risk.
This is a dark!fic and explicit. 18+ only. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: Reader is a reclusive loner who ventures down to the library on a simple mission. Her task is complicated by the man she meets there. (f!short!reader)
Character: librarian!Andy Barber
Note: here was are again…
As per usual, I humbly request your thoughts! Reblogs are always appreciated and welcomed, not only do I see them easier but it lets other people see my work. I will do my best to answer all I can. I’m trying to get better at keeping up so thanks everyone for staying with me <3
Your feedback will help in this and future works (and WiPs, I haven’t forgotten those!)
Love you all. Take care. 💖
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Your bath is less than relaxing as the residue of your argument lingers. You sit among the bubbles as they dissolve and stare at the ceiling. You didn't mean to make Andy mad. You weren't trying to argue. You thought it would be a good idea to make amends.
Perhaps it is best to focus on one thing at a time. You let your eyes close as you fight to keep your nerves contained. You have that jittery feeling where you just want to scatter into pieces.
You don't stay long in the tub. You climb out, foam dripping from your legs down onto the mat. You dry off slowly and dress even more deliberately.
Your eyes wander and you pinpoint on the blank space on the wall. The speaker is gone, Andy must be dealing with the battery issue. You shrug and pull on your sweatshirt and hang the towel on the rack.
You gather your old clothes and near the door. You inch it open and peer out into the hall. You go into your room and dump your armful in the hamper.
You wander around, restless, and go to the dresser. You made sure to tuck away your journal with Kemp's gift. You don't want either to be discovered. 
You take your tablet and carefully slide back the cover. You jump as a knock comes on the door frame. You face Andy as he leans against the wall.
"You hungry, honey?" He asks. It seems like he's cooled down.
"Um, I guess..."
He clicks his tongue, "I'm not mad. You know? You're the one who holds onto these things. We can just move past it. That's a part of a relationship, we argue and then we work through it."
"Right," you agree hollowly, "I know."
"Hm, maybe I'm interrupting? You were planning on hiding in here all night? When we're trying to make progress." He crosses his arms, "therapy isn't cheap. It's hard work so are you gonna try this time?"
Your heart plummets. He says he's not angry but he sure sounds it. You hug your tablet and take a step forward.
"I just wanted to grab this," it's a half-lie; you weren't planning on coming out of your room. "What should I make for dinner?"
"You want to cook?" He arches a brow in surprise.
"Sure, why not? It'll be something to do..." you smile, you can put it in your journal too!
"Alright, whatever you want, dove," he pulls his arms apart and backs up, letting his shoulders slump, "can I ask you a favour?"
"Uh, okay?"
"Will you stay in my room again?" He lowers his voice, so quiet you can barely hear him. He rubs the back of his neck as if he's embarrassed, "it's just... been a while since I slept as good as last night."
"Oh..." you make an an O with your lips, "I guess... I could."
You don't want to, not really. You're tired and you didn't sleep very well yourself. But you don't want to annoy him. Maybe tonight will be better. Maybe you'll get used to it.
You make macaroni and cheese for supper. It's a classic and simple enough. Andy's content with the meal and thanks you with a kiss that leaves you standoffish. You want to like it for him but it still feels so new and different. Just another thing to get used to.
After, he watches a ball game as you draw on your tablet. The picture of a lily wilting beyond your original vision of plush ivory petals. Different, not bad, just like everything else, right? 
You yawn and slump down, closing your tablet and laying it on your lap. You look at Andy as he sips from a beer. He offered you one but you don't drink. You don't see the appeal.
"Andy," you murmur, "do you mind if I lay down? I'm tired."
"Sure," he leans in to sling his arm around you, "you can keep the bed warm, huh?"
He kisses your forehead, the smell of alcohol clinging to his breath. You keep from shying away and grip your tablet tight. When he lets you go, you stand and smile at him.
"Okay, um, good night."
"I'll be up shortly," he winks, "don't worry."
"Love you," he lilts curtly.
"Love you too," you return, hesitating as he stares expectantly.
You shift on your feet then take a step closer. You bend as Andy's lashes flutter up at you. You angle your head and squeeze your eyes shut as you kiss him, his lips slightly rough and his beard tickly.
You pull away and wiggle your nose, scratching along your mouth.
"What's wrong?" He asks.
"Nothing," you try not to sound upset, "just scratchy."
"Oh, uh," he drags his hands down his beard, "sorry, honey."
"Not in a bad way," you insist defensively.
"Good," he chuckles, "like I said, I'll be there soon."
He sits back as you sidle away. You don't let put the air trapped in your chest until your at the doorway. Your feet threaten to run but you keep your pace easy.
You climb the stairs and turn down the hallway. You slow near your door but continue to Andy's room. You sift through the dark and tentatively find your way to the bed.
You set your tablet on the pillow and click on the lamp. You climb beneath the covers as the yellow orb of light surrounds you. Despite the nagging displacement, it's cozy. The duvet is fluffy and the mattress is cushy.
You grab your tablet from behind you as you lay back and prop it up on your stomach. You open a colouring app and lazily fill in the lines. The mindless work keeps your mind from racing.
Your eyes droop as you find it more of a task to scribble with the digital nib. You let your hand rest in front of the screen as you shut your eyelids, letting the moment enshrine you. You don't even feel yourself sinking into sleep, your subconscious recreating the scene in a slightly off-kilter reflection.
It's like floating. You're not in your body, you're like air, weightless and free. Your snores rumble just beneath the haze, threatening to break your shallow slumber.
You feel a shift but don't stir, clinging to the embrace of your fatigue. You haven't slept in more than a day, not truly. Short spurts but nothing more.
A sudden heat enshrines you, like you're dropped into a furnace. The visions dim and you're trapped in a dark void, nothing to see, the rustle of noises you can't decipher. Floating still but on a stronger tide, rising and falling abruptly.
You snort, a break in the veneer. Then again, a soft snore that catches on your throat. Your eyelids part slightly and you find darkness around you and something else.
Your tablet is on the night table, a shadow folded and closed, just beside the dead lamp. The bed frame rocks and you figure it's Andy rolling over but his arm is around you snugly, and he's against you. Oh, he is flush to you, hugging you as his hips tilt oddly.
You feel that stiffness between you again. Your eyes go wide on the darkness but you cannot make a noise. He nuzzles your crown as he holds onto you, rubbing his… part against you as he carries his motion. Your heart spins, tangling up your breaths as his own grow shallow, interspersed with gritty groans.
You lock up. You don't know if he realises you're awake but you don't want him to. His arm slips down and he tugs at the bottom of your sweat shirt. He growls as his fingers slip beneath the fabric.
You quiver as his thick fingers tickle your stomach, the shirt rising with his advance. He brings his hand over one side of your chest and he gropes you. You squeak as you feel your nipple bud beneath his touch.
You don't think he heard you as he keeps going, voice droning louder and louder. You shut your eyes, hands balling to fists as you bite down. Just be over, just be over…
He snarls, a deep flow that courses into you as he spasms. He squeezes you tight, pushing his pelvis into you hard. He keeps you against him, puffing again your head, his hand nestled between your tits. You don’t dare let on that you’re awake.
Your eyes sting and you roll them back to keep the tears from spilling. You focus on your breathing, keeping it even and slow. That’s all you can do to keep from hiccuping or sobbing shock. You know what he’s done but you’re too afraid to confront him. What do you have to say about it? Is it wrong if you’re together like he says?
You lay awake just like the first night in his bed, this time confined in his grasp. It isn’t until Andy falls asleep that he lets you free. He pulls away slowly, his arm sprawling over the other side of the mattress. He’s still crowding you.
You shudder as you fix your shirt. Your hand wanders further down as you feel something damp. You touch the back of your pants and suck in a sharp breath. It can’t be… you know what it is and it makes you feel gross.
You’re too nervous to drag yourself out of bed, afraid to disturb him too much. You don’t know what to do. You know you won’t get any real rest.
When you hear Andy start to snore, you dare to reach for your tablet. You cautiously shimmy up enough to bend your neck. You turn the brightness down and scroll through your files. You can’t decide what to work on so you close out and open solitaire.
After a few games, you’re bored, still too wary to get out of the bed. Something tells you if Andy wakes to an empty bed, you’ll be in trouble. You stare at the icons along your home screen and thoughtlessly hit the little envelope.
Your email opens up. A few receipts from your sparse Etsy sales and promotional emails about drawing apps and software. Nothing too pressing. You’re very unimportant.
You don’t have any contacts. Just one. The newest. Dr. Kemp. You stare at his name and think. You should write him an email for the morning, you’ll likely forget by then and leave it too long. You have a horrible habit of procrastinating to the point of losing track.
You turn onto your side and awkwardly type with one hand. It takes you a few tries to just get your opener right.
‘Hey, Dr. Kemp’.
‘Dear Dr. Kemp’
Nope, not that either.
‘Hello, Dr. Kemp’.
Better, but not quite.
‘Good morning, Doctor Kemp.’
Okay, that’s good, he probably won’t see it until the morning. And it’s friendly. What next? Just pretend it’s like your journal.
‘Thank you for your visit today. I’m going to really try to listen and learn. I wrote down everything we talked about so I can go over them again tomorrow.
‘Me and Andy talked. He’s mad about Amber so I didn’t mention her again. He ran me a bath so I made him dinner. I drew for a little bit but I’m having a hard time finding focus. I went to bed shortly after that.
‘When I woke up, he was touching me and I was scared. But I let him finish and he’s sleeping now. I think that’s good.’
No, no, you won’t include that last part.
‘I hope you had a good night too.
Yours truly.’
You reread it and hit send. That feels better. Like you accomplished something. If you waited until the morning, you wouldn’t know what to say. You lay back and lean the tablet on your stomach. You listen to Andy’s rocky snores as they mount, louder and louder.
Your tablet bings and frightens you. Oh, shoot! You didn’t turn the volume down. You peek over at Andy and quickly hit the button to bring the audio all the way down to mute. The new notification surprises you.
‘Steve Kemp has invited you to chat.’
You look at Andy again. You have the tingly feeling along the nape of your neck, like you’re doing something wrong. You tap the notification and your email switches to a new window. You had no idea there was a chat function.
‘What are you doing up?’ Steve’s message pops up after you accept.
Your mouth opens. You don’t know what to say. Should you answer? It’d be rude not to.
‘Can’t sleep. Why are you awake?’
You wait for the response. You think maybe he’ll wait until morning to reply, thinking it may have been a rhetorical question. A sort of admonishment telling you that you should be asleep.
Three dots pop up then turn into a message.
‘You got me. I haven’t been able to settle down either’.
‘Oh. I’m sorry.’
‘Why are you sorry?’
You hesitate, ‘I don’t know. Because I know what it’s like to not be able to sleep.’
‘You’re sweet. Don’t worry about me. I don’t sleep much.’
You don’t know what to say to that. You don’t want to come off strange. You had the same problem with Andy, you just felt awkward about chatting through a screen. You couldn’t see the other person’s reaction.
‘Alright. I’ll tell you the truth.’
You’re surprised by his sudden message. As if you had challenged him or even had the thought that he was lying. You type in just ‘okay?’
‘I’ve been awake. Thinking about you.’
Your heart seems to stop and the world narrows to just your tablet. What? Your hand hits too many keys and you have to backspace before you sit and ponder your response.
‘Me? Did I do something wrong?’
You send and swallow, waiting. Andy snorts and you quickly press the screen to your chest, hiding the light. He grumbles and moves his arm but doesn’t wake up. You watch him as you raise the tablet to check the new message.
‘Nothing wrong. You’re special. So I think about you and how proud I am already. You’ve come a long way already. You’re a very good girl, sweetheart.’
You smile. You don’t know why. He can’t see it but his words make you feel bubbly. He never has anything bad to say. Andy coughs and you wince again.
‘Thank you, doctor. You’re very nice too but I don’t want to wake up Andy.’
You feel bad as the message blips into the chat. Your dread worsens as it takes a whole minute for dots to pop up on the other side. You nearly let out an audible sigh as you read his answer.
‘No worries. I’d rather you get some sleep. I’ll check in in the morning. Sleep tight, sweetheart.’
‘Good night’ you punch in the message and tap the arrow before closing your tablet.
You wriggle back down to your back and lay stranded in the dark next to Andy’s loud rumbles. You won’t sleep but that’s okay. You feel better now. The doctor said you’re doing a good job.
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shalomniscient · 6 months
HI SEV! i’m the anon who cooked up that whole milf reader rahu idea thing AND IM SO GLAD U LIKED IT HAHSGAATA i was honestly shocked you chose to write a whole MEAL for that tho (appreciate and love you 🫶🏻)
but now it got me thinking…….how would reader’s son react to his mother dating his teacher? 🤔 i feel like he’d flip tf out cus i imagined him and rahu having a somewhat close relationship kinda like a friendship
(also i plan to req a lot more if thats okay! so can i be 🕯️anon? :3)
hiiiii !! ofc u can be 🕯️anon, glad to have u here !!
me personally, i view it through the lens of what would be funniest, and for me it manifests as reader's son is a little bit of a brat in university. he's a conventionally attractive young adult (he gets his looks from his mom) who by extension is popular, which is a quite a feat given his niche course. also a party animal, so people know his name around campus. hell, he might even be part of a frat LMAO all that combines into a young man with maybe too much of an inflated ego, who thinks he can get away with slacking in class. rahu doesn't stand for that shit, so the next time he turns in half-assed work she smacks it with a flat D, even after he submitted an appeal saying he was sick (he was hungover, rahu saw him passed out on a bench outside a frat house while she walked back from campus to your apartment).
so now he's beefing with the TA. which isn't ideal, because everyone else loves the TA (they think she's super fucking hot). he calls his mom, reader, to complain about her but she just laughs and tells him it's about time someone made him work a little. he's annoyed, but his mom sounds... happier? so he lets it slide, because despite his outward persona he loves his mom more than anything. which is also why, when she invites him over for dinner, he drops all party plans and heads right back home.
he helps reader in the kitchen as she preps for dinner, all the while talking shit about the new TA. there's an amused, knowing smile on his mom's face, and he feels a twinge of suspicion but ignores it. but when he turns around after washing his hands, who does he come face to face with?
the fucking TA.
rahu does her best to school her features into a poker face as she watches her most annoying student cycle through the five stages of grief at light speed. reader laughs from the dinner table, then calls them both to eat. it takes a while before he recovers from the initial shock, and for the rest of dinner he can't look rahu in the eyes.
of course, reader talks to him about it later, on the apartment balcony. it's a lot to take in, but in the end, he just asks his mom if rahu makes her happy, and when she answers yes, with a smile on her face he hasn't seen in years, there's not much he can do but accept it, really. despite it all, he wants her to be happy—and if that annoying TA is the one who gives that to her, then so be it.
but that's my take. yours is also very fun, methinks. it's a lot more dramatic i think, and rahu would be more careful around him even when they go out for drinks and such. she'd watch her words a lot, and make sure not to mention you too much or he might realize something's up.
i think in this scenario, the news would break by accident. maybe he decides to visit reader spontaneously one evening, and he lets himself in (because he has the keys) and who does he see cuddling his mom on the couch? rahu. like you said, he flips out initially, feeling a little betrayed and a little confused because his friend ?? has something going on with his mom ?? what the fuck ???? though i think it ends the same way, with reader talking to him privately and him relenting in the end because rahu makes her happy, and that's all he wants for his mom.
in both cases though, things get a little awkward between rahu and reader's son. but they work through it, both for reader's sake, because at the end of the day they both love her.
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mistakenlyfoundnico · 11 months
Lately I have one been dealing with aphobia, that one was a new one for me. Like of course it happens but I have yet to experience it myself until recently and two i keep seeing posts like when i found out i was ace:🤷‍♀️ when i found out i was aro:😟 or something around making being aromantic sound like a very sad thing to happen so because of that here is a list of reasons I enjoy being aro and just aspec in general but mostly aro:
-i enjoy that fact that i don't have to worry if someone likes me back romanticaly
-the whole trope of "ruining" a friendship, i am genuinely happy being friend zoned
-i get a cool ass flag
-i don't have to stress out for dates
-i am apart of a rather accepting community
-i share a sexual and romantic orientation as saiki k
-if i was a secret government official i wouldn't be seduced for authorized information
-i can say i am above foolish human emotions like love
-i don't need to plan or pay for a wedding
-i will never have sex therefore i will never get stds or pregnant
-my cat can stay my first priority
-i don't have to find time in my very limited free time to spend with others
-i can wait to buy discounted valentines chocolate without someone upset i didn't buy the day of for them
-i can avoid any stress of dating
-when someone tells me love is what makes us human i can imply i am more than human
-if i start a tv show i can watch at my own speed without waiting for someone to watch it with me
-i can unpack and work through my trauma with out bringing someone with me through it
-i don't have to confront my commitment issues quite yet
-i get to be the comedic releif who is really into movies in a slasher film (i am totally talking about randy from scream)
-i get to be the comedic releif in general
-i am fine being a third wheel cause sometimes they pay for your meal
-messy breakups i don't have to deal with those
-i know i mentioned it but it is one of my favorite reasons i get a cool ass flag
-there is no one to judge me but myself when i eat a family size bag of chips in one sitting
That's all i can think of off the top my head, i think it would be pretty cool if yall could reblog more positives about being aro or aspect in general, i just really think we need stop making it seem like the worst thing to happen, and i am a part of this i have posted a fair share of sad things indirectly related to be aroace but being aro isn't a bad thing it and there is so much happy parts of it that we don't talk about
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yakuzacanons · 11 months
Yakuza 7 Dating Headcanons
Mini list of dating headcanons for the Yakuza 7 boys. Once I reopen the inbox, asks for any of these characters are valid! Will post the girlies in a separate list. Have a great weekend my loves.
Ichiban Kasuga
To put it in one word, a simp. Really, Ichiban just loves with his whole heart, head, and ass. When he has crushes, he crushes on them HARD. However, he is also insanely oblivious so if you're hinting at reciprocating, he just won't notice.
Having said that, he isn't exactly shy and will eventually work up the courage to ask you out. He's pretty good at consistently asking you out for dates and is considerate of your likes and dislikes. He will fall asleep during movies though if you don't poke him every now and then.
Likes hugging his romantic partner more than anything, even more than sex. Ichiban honestly doesn't have much of a sex drive but he does have extremely high endurance so if you do catch him in the mood, you better not have any other plans that day because you will just be stuck with him.
Tianyou Zhao
Natural flirt and he knows it. He's coy, but never smug as he's worried about saying something offensive. Smooth talker on the outside but biggest sweetie on the inside. Secretly loses his mind every single time he sees you. Honestly, the best way to figure out if he's into you is just to catch him staring at you, which he will do just about every chance he gets.
Most dates with Zhao are dinner dates, either at a restaurant or just a homecooked meal in his apartment. He also eats just about anything so if you want to cook him something, especially from your own culture, he would be honored to try it! He also loves sharing his Chinese cooking with you. His culture matters a lot to him an openminded and receptive partner is a must.
Genuinely and truly a verse, so whatever mood you're in, he'll follow suit accordingly. Actually gets most turned on simply by undressing you. Out of all the boys in Yakuza 7, he's the cuddliest. Kind of just turns into a puddle in your lap if you let him.
Joon-Gi Han
Won't admit it but he's kind of dumb as hell when it comes to dating. Whereas Ichiban is only oblivious to things like subtle hints or less than obvious flirting, Joon-Gi is kind of just a brick wall. He literally won't know you're into him until you say so. At the same time, he's so direct that he would just confess to you directly himself anyways.
Pretty casual when it comes to dates. He's new at this so whatever you suggest sounds good to him. The easiest for him is shopping as he's pretty into fashion. Would totally pick out matching outfits with you and proceed to do a whole Instagram worthy photoshoot with said outfits.
People always assume he's a top but he's totally a power bottom. He gets embarrassed when he tops and just starts getting flustered. Most gentle kisser in the world. Likes just holding your hand and measuring the difference between the size of your hands and his.
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jjuniesdaydream · 8 months
not requested
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wrote this bc i have been craving for some junseo softness and i think that it's a crime that there isn't more of it. also because i have that one moment of sleepy junseo with no shirt on seared into my brain, so that was the inspiration ig (also pls this is so self-indulgent) i'd obviously recommend listening to Slush by DKB while reading this, as it is its namesake :3
word count: 2,1k gender neutral reader
Junseo knew it would have to be a day of hell for you. Not only did you have your job that you, of course, had to do, and do well, but you were also in the middle of moving out of your apartment and into a new place. He had tried to come over more to help you pack, and you were grateful for the times that he had helped you, but he had his own schedule that was tightly packed and unfortunately didn’t have the most time to help out, much to his dismay.
One day he had managed to carve out a whole evening for you. Giddy, he picked up the flowers and the takeout he had planned to bring with him, knowing that you didn’t leave yourself much time to eat and your meals had mostly been cups of ramen. He smiled down at the plastic bag hanging from where he held onto the handles; he could smell the amazing food as he walked to the apartment that was still yours for a few days. He was wearing his black bucket hat and a facemask, as DKB was finally garnering some attention after Peak Time was aired and he had experienced more frequent times of being stopped on the street for an autograph or a selca, and as much as he loved his fans’ support, that day he just wanted to go straight to his love to help out with something as mundane as packing things in boxes and eating good food out of containers.
When he got there, he knocked, as he usually did, but as you sometimes did, the knocks were ignored. He chuckled to himself, thinking that you were probably just zooming around with headphones on and couldn’t hear him; it wouldn’t have been the first time that would happen, so he did what he had permission to do; he went to your mailbox and searched for the little nook in it where you hid your keys. You had a bad habit of forgetting your housekeys either at Junseo’s dorm or in your personal desk at work, so you decided that it would be good to have a backup plan for when that would happen, which you had told Junseo to take advantage of whenever he wanted to, since you trusted him with your home, even if you weren’t there with him.
He snatched the keys from where you’d hung them inside the mailbox and unlocked your front door, opening it casually like he would usually, thinking you’d hear that and come running to the front door to see him. But not this time; this time the apartment was silent. Junseo’s brows furrowed, worry invading his thoughts. You should’ve been off of work by then and you had said you were way too busy packing to go out with your friends at the time being, so why was your home so quiet that he was feeling as if he was doing something disruptive just by rustling a plastic bag? He toed off his shoes quickly and moved in to put the food and flowers in the, mostly empty, kitchen, walking swiftly into the bigger space. He stopped in his tracks and felt a smile creep onto his face as he saw your form lying on your couch. Your hair was wild as if you had literally just thrown yourself onto the cushions, with no regard to your hair possibly falling onto your face, which he wouldn’t be surprised if that was how it went down.
He looked you over; you had your big dress shirt on, something he loved about your style. When you got the job as a middle school teacher, you wanted to portray yourself as more professional but didn’t want to lose your personal style in that, and so your brilliant idea was to bring some of your love for street style/casual wear, with the oversized tees and huge jeans, was to buy oversized dress shirts, something Junseo had quipped at, mentioning that they were probably his size. You also had your tight slacks on, which looked considerably less comfortable than the shirt. Analysing the place, he could see that you had already devoured the cup noodle you were relying on for sustenance, and so was probably not that hungry. He quickly went out to put the food he’d brought into the fridge, always available to heat up later, and fill a big cup you’d sometimes use as a vase with water and a little sugar and put the flowers in there too, to make them at least look just as fresh when you’d wake up.
After making sure that the front door was locked and all the unnecessary lights in the apartment were off, he scooped you up with ease and walked you to your bed, making sure to put you down on your mattress as gently as possible, as to not wake you up from your needed sleep. He undid and slipped off your slacks but kept the dress shirt on you so that you could be comfortable, but also while making a mental note to wear more dress shirts himself, liking the idea of you borrowing them to lounge around in like this. When he had tucked you in, he went out into the kitchen again. He had come over to help you pack, and he still felt too energised to knock out with you, so he ventured into your kitchen again. You had specifically asked him to help you with the kitchen wares, feeling much better about there being an extra person there to help you handle the fragile glass and such, so without making too much noise, he wrapped up your plates and glass and packed them neatly in the box you had set out for it. One thing less for you to worry about when you woke up the morning after.
After getting the kitchen stuff packed it was an hour later and Junseo could feel his day catch up to him, exhaustion settling into his body. Pulling off his shirt but keeping his sweatpants on, he slipped into the bed beside you, softly wrapping his arms around you, humming to himself as he could feel your familiar warmth against him. He had always thought that you were made for him; you fit perfectly into his arms, into his heart and into his life, and he wished that he had more time to spoil you like he wanted to, but instead, he got moments like these, and well, he could never complain about that. He soon fell asleep, always finding it easier to do so when he had you safe and sound in his arms.
You woke up first the next morning as you had been the one to pass out first, feeling warm and content. You opened your eyes slowly so as to not blind yourself from the light coming from the window but found something casting a shadow over you from said light. You knew exactly who it was, even if the logical part of your brain that said that he’s the only one who it could possibly be hadn’t even woken up, you were sure; that was your Junseo lying with you. You could tell especially from the form of his body’s silhouette and from the arms wrapped around you, and then you could smell the lingering of his cologne mixing with his natural Junseo-smell that you adored so much. You nuzzled your face further into his body, taking in the fact that he was there and seizing the opportunity to enjoy every single second of it. You took your chance to place a few kisses on his broad chest, being the place where you could reach while being in his arms, wrapping an arm around him as well, giggling a little when you could feel his arms tighten around you. You had had a few mornings like these in the time of dating him and you knew all the right buttons to press by now to get Junseo to wake up the gentlest (with some help from his group mates who learned the hard way). You let your fingers travel up and down the expanse of his back, your nails dragging lightly, and you began talking to him softly, only stopping to place another kiss on his warm skin.
“Good morning, my love. Thank you for coming over and for caring for me like this. You're really special; I have no idea how I got so lucky as to get to be with you.” You were about to go on, knowing that Junseo loved waking up to the sound of your voice speaking to him, but it seemed as if it had worked a lot quicker than you had anticipated this time; “I’m the lucky one here,” Junseo grumbled, his morning voice hoarse and, not that he’d ever agree that it was; cute. A smile spread on your lips, blinking up at him with all the love you could muster. “Agree to disagree.” You kissed his chest again and felt one of his hands come up to brush your hair out of your face, looking down at you with a sleepy smile. “When did you come over last night? I don’t remember letting you in.” You questioned and he groaned, digging for the memories in his still sleep-hazy mind. “I think it was around 7:30 or 8 pm? You were knocked out on the couch when I got here.” You took in the words said in his raspy voice. “Sorry about that, I don’t know what happened,” you said in a light-hearted tone. He smiled down at you and loosened his arms around you to stretch them and give you some of your space back. “What happened was that those kids you love teaching so dearly are energy vampires,” he whined and leaned down to nuzzle his face into the crook of your neck. You laughed at his words; “energy vampires?!” He nodded and you could feel him pout against your skin. “Yeah, and when I finally get to have you all to myself, you’re sucked energy-dry!” You laughed even harder and brought your arms up to hug his head even closer to your body. “Oh no, I am so sorry, honey! You know I’m a sucker for those small creatures,” your puns just made him groan even more and suddenly he was escaping from your embrace with you giggling and fighting to keep him hugged to your body. “No, let me go! You're awful for punning me when I've just woken up.” He finally broke free and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. You ended up hugging around his waist, smiling up at him as he looked down at you, your head peeking just around his body.
“You know I’m gonna hold on and be dragged after you if you try to walk away,” you had a certain tone when you told him so, making him think that you were absolutely not bluffing but also knew that he wouldn’t do that to you. What you didn’t know was that he had woken up with an abundance of energy, ready to deal with your silly attitude. With one swift motion, he somehow grabbed a hold under your arms and lifted you up while turning you in the air, placing you over his shoulder, all the while standing up from the bed, making you yelp out in surprise. You knew he was strong and that your weight was really not a big deal to him, but it still surprised you when he just did stuff like that. He walked and spun around with you on his back, mostly to hear your squeals and giggles, only to grab you and throw you onto the bed again, making sure not to throw you far enough so that your head would hit the headboard, throwing himself on top of you, snaking an arm around your body again, to hold you close, while using the other arm to hold himself up. As your giggles died down, the two of you just looked at one another, smiles growing softly on both sets of lips. Junseo leaned down slowly and tenderly placed his soft lips on yours, kissing you properly for the first time since he’d seen you this time. The kiss was delicate and infused with love and went on until the both of you were lightheaded, and by the time you’d separated, there were ten fingers in some hair, four cheeks red with heat and two foreheads touching each other.
The first one to utter any words was Junseo; “let’s just melt into the sheets together for a little bit more.” And you had no objections whatsoever.
A/N: i know that some details or behaviours of the reader were probably oddly specific but as i said before; this was incredibly self-indulgent. when i started writing this i was in the middle of moving out and was so stressed out so this was written with myself in mind a bunch. but i hope whoever reads this enjoys it also! (i am now putting the finishing touches on it in my new apartment on a makeshift bed on the floor so there you go lmao)
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crunchesloudly · 9 months
Posted here
-Snippet for my current Ethubs season 7 WIP-
Recently, because of Grian and Scars nuptials Bdubs has been thinking about marriage and weddings a lot more. Never letting himself daydream for more than a few minutes, forcing himself to shake the thoughts away as quickly as they would show up. He thought that now that the wedding had passed and the newlyweds were offserver on their honeymoon that Bdubs would finally have a few weeks of peaceful non-wedding oriented discussions with his fellow hermits but of course Tango and Impulse cannot help themselves.
He stays in his seat within the Boomers shop feeling sorry for himself for what felt like only a few minutes but when a bell chimes on the door downstairs he's broken from his haze. He checks his clock seeing that an hour has gone by. He raises his hands to his face only to notice a wetness he wasn't aware of before. When had he started crying? Quickly wiping the tears away, a voice calling his name prompts him to move.
“Bdubs! Baby you here?”
Collecting himself as much as possible, Bdubs makes his way down the stairs into the main section of the shop. Etho greets him with a wide smile moving swiftly towards him and engulfing him in a hug. Bdubs melts into it immediately.
“Hey baby, how was your meeting? Get everything sorted?”
They pull back from each other slightly though, Etho keeps his hands around his waist, holding him close.
“Good, we got everything planned out just gotta do it now. How about you? Make any progress?”
The conversation shifts to Etho and his base production, Bdubs listens intently taking in every word Etho says, his mind shifting away from its previous thoughts, filling instead with present feelings of the comfort and security Etho gives him. Even if it sometimes feels incomplete.
Eventually they break apart and Etho suggests they go and make something to eat, it's at this moment Bdubs stomach rumbles reminding him that he hadn't eaten anything since breakfast, he is quite hungry. Etho grasps his hand and they leave the shop, walking hand in hand through the shopping district, towards the main nether portal by city hall.
They make their way to Bdubs base, hastily putting together a meal and mirroring their positions from earlier in the day across from each other at the table. Bdubs isn't really in the mood for talking anymore, choosing to keep his head down and eat in silence.
He doesn't want to ruin what they have. He just wishes things could be only slightly different.
A ring on his finger, a new title, that's all it is.
He cant bring it up , cant voice his inner monologue begging him to share. He can't lose Etho. Having him how he does is better than losing him over something as cynical as wanting to get married.
He'll be fine. He’ll get over it.
I hope you liked this! It’s a little Christmas treat I suppose 😁😁
This will be up some time after Christmas. I have about 1.5K rn knowing me it’ll probably be anywhere from 3-5K when it’s done. I will post it on ao3 then and update this post with a link as well as making a new post for it.
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vezlayfood1 · 3 months
Why You Should Buy Vegan Food: A Look at Vezlay Foods
Have you ever thought about going vegan? Maybe you've heard about the health benefits or the positive impact on the environment. But how do you start, and where do you find the right products? In this article, we're diving into the world of vegan food, focusing on a key player in the industry, Vezlay Foods. Whether you're a seasoned vegan or just curious, you'll find valuable insights here. And if you're looking to Buy Vegan Food, Vezlay Foods is a great place to start.
The Rise of Vegan Food
Veganism isn't just a trend; it's a movement. It has its roots in ancient cultures, but it's grown massively in recent years. From a niche lifestyle to mainstream adoption, veganism is now endorsed by celebrities, influencers, and athletes alike. With increasing awareness of health and environmental issues, more people are choosing to buy vegan food and embrace this lifestyle.
Health Benefits of Buy Vegan Food
Switching to a vegan diet can do wonders for your health. It's packed with nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants. Studies have shown that a plant-based diet can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. Additionally, vegan food can boost your mood and mental health, thanks to its rich nutrient profile.
Environmental Impact of Veganism
Choosing vegan food isn't just good for you; it's good for the planet. The production of plant-based foods generates a lower carbon footprint compared to animal products. It also conserves water and land resources. Plus, by opting to buy vegan food, you're supporting animal welfare and reducing the demand for factory farming.
Challenges of Maintaining a Vegan Diet
While the benefits are clear, maintaining a vegan diet can come with challenges. There are misconceptions that vegan diets lack essential nutrients like protein and B12. However, with proper planning and a variety of foods, these concerns can be easily managed. Social and cultural factors can also pose challenges, but the growing availability of vegan options is making it easier.
Introduction to Vezlay Foods
Enter Vezlay Foods, a company dedicated to making veganism accessible and delicious. Founded with a mission to provide healthy and sustainable food options, Vezlay offers a wide range of vegan products. Their innovative approach and commitment to quality have made them a favorite among vegans and non-vegans alike.
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Popular Products by Vezlay Foods
Vezlay Foods has an impressive lineup of products. From vegan meats like soy-based chicken and mutton to ready-to-eat meals and snacks, they've got something for everyone. Their products are designed to mimic the taste and texture of traditional meat, making the transition to veganism seamless.
Nutritional Value of Vezlay Products
What sets Vezlay Foods apart is their focus on nutrition. Their products are made with high-quality ingredients that offer substantial health benefits. For instance, their vegan meats are rich in protein and low in fat. Compared to traditional meat products, Vezlay Foods' offerings are a healthier and more ethical choice.
Cooking with Vezlay Foods
If you're new to vegan cooking, Vezlay Foods makes it easy. Their products come with simple recipes and cooking tips. Whether you're making a quick stir-fry or planning a gourmet meal, Vezlay's vegan options can be a game-changer. Try incorporating their products into your weekly meal plan for delicious and nutritious meals.
Buy Vegan Food
Wondering where to buy vegan food? Vezlay Foods' products are available in many health food stores and online. Shopping online can be particularly convenient, offering a broader range of products and often at competitive prices. Look for budget-friendly options and stock up on your favorites.
Customer Reviews and Testimonials
Don't just take our word for it; check out what customers are saying. Many users have shared their positive experiences with Vezlay Foods, praising the taste, convenience, and health benefits. Success stories highlight how Vezlay products have helped people transition to a vegan diet and improve their overall well-being.
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Veganism isn't limited to one region; it's a global phenomenon. Different cultures have their own traditional vegan dishes, from Indian curries to Mediterranean salads. Vezlay Foods takes inspiration from these diverse culinary traditions, offering products that cater to various tastes and preferences.
Vegan Food and Fitness
Athletes and fitness enthusiasts are increasingly turning to vegan diets for optimal performance. Vegan food provides ample protein and other nutrients essential for muscle recovery and energy. Vezlay Foods offers products perfect for pre and post-workout meals, ensuring you get the nutrition you need to stay active.
Future of Vegan Food
The future of vegan food looks promising, with continuous innovations and growing popularity. Vezlay Foods is at the forefront, constantly developing new products to meet the demands of health-conscious consumers. Keep an eye on upcoming trends and new releases from Vezlay as they continue to lead the way in vegan food innovation.
Vegan food is more than just a diet; it's a lifestyle that benefits your health, the environment, and animal welfare. Vezlay Foods plays a significant role in promoting veganism by providing delicious, nutritious, and sustainable products. So why not give Vezlay a try and start your journey towards a healthier and more compassionate lifestyle? Remember, when you buy vegan food from Vezlay, you're making a positive choice for yourself and the planet.
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akatsukirites · 10 months
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My first entry for @sweetspicybingo - Huddling for Warmth Narutoverse | KisaKonan | G | ~800 words
Kisame kicks down the door to an abandoned shed in the high foothills of Lightning Country. He breaks it apart for firewood, breath coming out in foggy clouds. With nothing to stop the snow from blowing in, Konan covers the opening with sheets of paper. It does little to insulate from the cold. Bright daylight filters through the paper, allowing her to strike some flint with her kunai into the gathered tinder. Kisame leans his greatsword on the wall behind him. He sits in the cramped space, cross legged; opposite of Konan, knees drawn up to her chest. The fire crackles, threatening to go out. Konan tucks strips of paper between the embers to encourage it.
They've been on the road for three days now, hunting down an Akatsuki member who leaked information about an upcoming attack to Hidden Cloud. It's a thorn in their plans, as it was their way to flush out another rogue shinobi Pein's had his eye on to recruit. Kisame volunteered to go on the mission. If they had members to spare, Pein would've assigned Kisame a partner. But since Akatsuki (the new one under Madara's advisement) is still in it's early days, Konan was selected to accompany him.
The woman isn't used to leaving Rain Country. In the coming years, she will travel to Wind Country to recruit Sasori of the Red Sand. But this is not now. She shivers underneath the thick cloak, biting down to keep her teeth from chattering; staring into the fire, eyes low. The wind beats against the thin, rotting walls of the shed.
Kisame takes note of Konan's waning stamina, dividing the estimated time left on the mission against their resources. Pein wants them back in four days, traitor found or not. The trail suggests they'll keep traveling north, but Kisame is no hunter-nin. Outside of Water and Fire country, he's too unfamiliar with the terrain to know what the best route is. However, unlike Konan, Kisame is used to the cold. In fact, this storm has nothing on northern Water Country blizzards, where they sent him to train after his 'graduation ceremony'. It was almost like they were trying to kill him on purpose, even after he did all that slaughter to his own classmates. He throws another piece of wood into the fire.
"Konan-sama, we should make an opening for smoke."
She nods and points her fingers at the makeshift door, peeling back the top few inches. What little heat they lose is easily made up for with the fire. But the storm doesn't seem like it's going to die down anytime soon.
The wood pile begins to dwindle as the hours whittle by. Kisame starts to ration the planks; one piece each hour. The current count means the fire should last about 20 hours. Surely the storm will be over by then, or at least light enough that they can travel again. Perhaps he can find firewood outside. While he debates traveling outside, Konan sets up provisions, heating up miso paste and dried whole bonito in water. She throws in a few handfuls of rice and sets the pot over the fire. She portions it out to him and says,
"If you eat something, it'll keep you warm."
Kisame takes the bowl and quietly thanks her. It's their third day together and he's somewhat gotten used to eating meals together. Except for the sharp memory of Miru asking for the same thing. If this is all it is, perhaps he should've said yes. It's not like they talk or anything.
It's a simple meal; one that Konan has eaten a thousand times. Having white rice and miso is a blessing she can never forget. Kisame is also used to simple meals. Kirigakure was only ever about function. Miso is something new to him– delicious. It flavors the rice and emboldens the taste of bonito. He briefly wonders how expensive the seasoning is, since Konan keeps it so close to her in a pouch on her belt. What's more is that she's right; it does keep him warm.
As the fire dies down, Konan inches her way closer. She'd like it to be warmer, but doesn't protest Kisame's rationing. The night comes. At some point, she falls asleep; and by the time she wakes up, the firewood is all used up. Kisame's eyes are glazed over, steadily keeping watch. She feels a tinge of guilt for letting him go without sleep, but if he wanted to switch, he should've woken her up. He flicks his eyes in her direction, acknowledging her presence.
"It looks like the storm is over." He says, gathering himself. Konan extends her observation outside the shack to confirm his report while Kisame slings Samehada over his shoulder. She nods and takes the paper door down. Today they pick up the trail.
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mistralxsoul · 19 days
As Flynn arrived at the Kresniks' apartment, he would find Julius reading the news on the couch, scratching Lulu's exposed belly. No words needed saying as Julius set everything down and walked over.
"Good morning, Flynn. Before you drag my brother to work, can we chat for a moment? I've already told Vera he's running late, so we have time."
Julius pulls out a chair for Flynn before sitting down at the kitchen table himself. Sadly there isn't any leftovers left on offer to sweeten the deal, so he'll stick to keeping the conversation short so nobody's later than Ludger's usual.
"In case he hasn't mentioned it yet, my brother loves cooking almost as much as his family. And he's been hoping to show he appreciates your company by cooking your favorite dish." The cold facts come out smoothly, but the next part... he takes a moment to think how to word things, "Ludger also asked me to trick you into telling me so it'd be a surprise. I would've done so, but I thought that might be tone deaf given why you're working for him."
Ludger didn't tell him everything, but he can't hide secrets from his big brother. A bit of snooping and subtle misdirection filled in the blanks. If only that snooping lead him to leads on whoever's building a roadmap to do... something to Ludger.
"Still, if you could do him a favor, please act surprised when he does cook that meal for you. He needs those little bits of joy where he can get it these days."
Flynn hasn’t gotten the opportunity to interact with Julius much, admittedly, but in the few times they had interacted, Flynn could quickly tell what sort of person the man was. He was respectable, at least from where Flynn stood and he seemed like the honest sort too. He knew better than to take people at face value but Flynn couldn’t help but trust the man. Especially after noticing a few similarities between him and his brother, even if they weren’t as obvious to others.
So when Julius requested that Flynn take a seat, Flynn did so without argument, tilting his head curiously at the man. The way Julius grabbed at his attention made Flynn wonder briefly if there had been some sort of news regarding the people who were after Ludger’s life or if he had done something wrong. Thankfully, as he took a seat, the casualness of the conversation soon revealed itself.
As Julius admitted Ludger’s plan to cook for him, Flynn couldn’t help but chuckle softly at the fact that Ludger convinced Julius to play “Spy” to try and get Flynn’s favorite foods from him, which was something that Flynn never really kept secret if someone were to ask. Still, it was the thought that counts, right?
“He needn’t go through the trouble of cooking for me but the sentiment is appreciated nonetheless.” Flynn smiles warmly at the man, genuine and maybe even a little bashful about it. “Sir Ludger is a very kind individual and declining such a kind gesture would be such a waste. So I will do my best to come off surprised when he does decide to cook for me. I imagine part of my reaction will be genuine regardless, so please don’t worry.”
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After a moment, he thinks over his favorite foods before settling on a generalization. “I have a few things I like but I suppose I prefer meaty foods, like steak and the like, though my partner tells me that I tend to lean towards spicier tastes… I will eat anything that is given to me, however. I was raised in an environment where food is not to be wasted.” A hesitant pause is given before he continues, eyes darting away. “...I must say, though, I’m not terribly fond of seafood… but will eat it if it’s given to me.”
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phylonthego · 3 months
Exploring the Charm of One House Bakery in 2024
Nestled in the heart of Benicia, California, One House Bakery continues to captivate locals and visitors alike with its delightful offerings and cozy ambiance. This quaint bakery, celebrated for its artisanal bread and delectable pastries, remains a beacon of culinary excellence in the community. Whether you're a connoisseur of baked goods or simply in search of a charming spot to unwind, One House Bakery promises an unforgettable experience.
A Haven of Artisanal Breads
Step through the doors of One House Bakery, and you're greeted by the irresistible aroma of freshly baked bread. From crusty sourdough loaves to fluffy brioche, each creation is a testament to the bakery's dedication to traditional baking techniques and premium ingredients. Every bite is a journey through textures and flavors crafted with precision and passion.
Indulge in Delectable Pastries
Beyond its renowned bread, One House Bakery boasts a mouthwatering array of pastries that cater to every palate. Picture-perfect croissants, buttery scones bursting with seasonal fruits, and decadent chocolate-filled treats beckon from the display case. Whether you opt for a classic favorite or dare to try something new, each pastry is a testament to the bakery's commitment to excellence.
A Cozy Retreat
More than just a place to satisfy your cravings, One House Bakery offers a cozy retreat from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. The warm, inviting atmosphere invites patrons to linger over a cup of expertly brewed coffee or tea, paired perfectly with a freshly baked treat. Whether you choose to enjoy your goodies indoors amidst the rustic charm of exposed brick and wooden accents or opt for a seat in the serene outdoor patio, every corner of One House Bakery exudes comfort and relaxation.
Community and Connection
What truly sets One House Bakery apart is its deep-rooted connection to the community. Locally owned and operated, the bakery prides itself on fostering meaningful relationships with its patrons. Whether you're a regular visitor or a first-time guest, you're welcomed with open arms and treated to a personalized experience that keeps you coming back for more.
A Culinary Gem
In a culinary landscape where authenticity and quality reign supreme, One House Bakery stands out as a true gem. Every visit is an opportunity to indulge in the simple pleasures of freshly baked bread and pastries made with love and expertise. It's not just about what you eat; it's about the experience—the laughter shared with friends, the moments of solitude with a good book, and the joy of savoring something made with care.
Plan Your Visit
If you find yourself in Benicia or are planning a trip to the Bay Area, a visit to One House Bakery is a must. Whether you're craving a loaf of artisanal bread to elevate your next meal or searching for the perfect spot to unwind and treat yourself, One House Bakery promises an experience that nourishes both body and soul.
Discover More
To learn more about One House Bakery and stay updated on their latest offerings and events, visit their website or follow them on social media. Join the community of food enthusiasts who have made One House Bakery their go-to destination for exceptional baked goods and warm hospitality.
One House Bakery isn't just a place to eat—it's a destination that celebrates the art of baking and the joy of community. Come for the bread, stay for the experience, and leave with memories that linger long after the last crumb has been enjoyed. PHYL On The Go
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harunayuuka2060 · 3 years
MC: *staring at Simeon*
Simeon: *looking at them innocently*
Barbatos: Is there something wrong, Your Grace?
MC: ...
MC: I was just thinking... Aren't children supposed to be chunky?
Barbatos: ...
Barbatos: I'm not sure, Your Grace. Why? Was your child chunky when they were a baby?
MC: Yes.
Barbatos: ...
Barbatos: Pft.
MC: Why? What's funny?
Barbatos: Your Grace— *cracks up*— You're not planning to spoil that child with food, are you?
MC: ...
MC: No. Not really. But I think he wasn't eating enough.
Barbatos: Hm. I suggest that you control your parental instincts, Your Grace.
MC: You're right. He isn't my own after all.
Simeon: Your Grace!
MC: Hm?
Simeon: *lies down on their lap* *raising his feet up high*
MC: ...
MC: *gently pushing his legs down* This is no time for acrobatics.
Simeon: *giggles*
Barbatos: *smiles* By the way, Your Grace, you need to attend school.
MC: Ah, yes. I'll get ready.
MC: Beelzebub, I have a meeting to attend. Would you mind taking care of him while I'm gone?
Beel: No problem, Your Grace.
MC: *about to hand Simeon over to Beel*
Simeon: *starts crying* Your Grace! Your Grace!
Beel: ...
MC: You can trust, Beelzebub. He's a gentle demon.
Simeon: *cries louder*
MC: ...
Beel: Looks like he doesn't want to be apart from you, Your Grace.
MC: ...
MC: *hugs Simeon*
Simeon: *stops from crying* *hugging them tight in return*
MC: It seems that I have to always bring him with me.
Beel: *nods in agreement*
Thirteen: *slams the door open* Your Grace! What is this new gossip that you have a child— *sees Simeon*
Thirteen: *eyes widened*
Beel: You're going to be late, Your Grace.
MC: Yes. Please excuse me, Miss Thirteen. *exits the room*
Thirteen: ...
Beel: Just to be clear, that isn't their child.
*the point of the meeting was to talk about the future development of curricular subjects, but instead, it has turned into an interrogation*
Teachers: Your Grace, are you sure that isn't your son?
Teachers: Or is it Lord Diavolo's?
Diavolo: ...
MC: *covering Simeon's ears*
Teachers: But is he even a demon? He doesn't have any horns!
Diavolo: That's enough—
Teachers: Does he have the same situation like the duke—
MC: *sigh*
Teachers: ...
MC: I honestly believe that educators should remove gossiping as one of their practices.
Diavolo: Pft.
Teachers: ...
Teachers: We apologize, Your Grace.
MC: You should. Since you are also being disrespectful to His Highness who has joined us today.
Diavolo: I'm fine, Your Grace. Let's get start with the true purpose of this meeting.
MC: Yes. Let shall—
Simeon: *his stomach growls*
Simeon: *about to cry* Your Grace...
MC: ...
MC: You all can start with me. Please excuse us, Your Highness.
Diavolo: Yes...
*watches them go*
Teachers: ...
Teachers: Lord Diavolo-!
Diavolo: Here we go again...
Simeon: *fell asleep after eating*
MC: *brushing his hair gently with their fingers*
Lucifer: *who was there and cooked his meal*
Lucifer: Is he not being bother to you?
MC: Not at all, Lucifer.
Lucifer: Just tell me if he is, I will gladly return him where he came from.
MC: Does that mean you have found his parents?
Lucifer: ...
Lucifer: Not yet.
MC: Hm...
MC: Won't it be better if he's an orphan instead?
Lucifer: ...
Lucifer: *clears throat* Your Grace—
MC: I know, Lucifer.
Lucifer: Of course.
MC: Though I would like to speak to his parents if we ever find them.
Lucifer: ...
Lucifer: I'm sure they'll be scared to face you.
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scribble-dee-doo · 3 years
Eliot is a nerd. Hardison knew this the minute he pulled out the “I dated a neurologist” card and pursued it with the singleminded glee he used for pulling apart security systems, because Eliot was hilarious. A couple of stakeouts and long nights teaching each other games and talking about stupid shit eventually wore through the excuses and Eliot pulled out things like Drake's Equation with a shit-eating grin because Hardison could talk circles around him in quantity but on the right turf they were pretty evenly matched on quality.
Eliot is smart. Hardison knows that, because Sophie and Nate and Parker are also smart, because you don't get to the top ten percent of your field without a little spark of something extra. Eliot, as far as he can tell, punched his way up on the power of Batman-level observation and tactical planning skills and stayed there through sheer bulldog determination.
Eliot was, after all, the one who rounded Parker and Hardison up after the Leverage offices were blown and drilled them on escape and evasion. He had to take a break in the middle after Parker demonstrated why she considered border checks as something more like tourist traps on a roadtrip than insurmountable obstacles, and Hardison nearly drove him away again immediately by temporarily rewriting the country lines of a small island nation by a couple of inches to make a point about how, exactly, his specialty was relevant even if he walked in without a computer, but he kept coming back.
Despite the hassling, neither of them were stupid enough to turn down training by the best in his field, and Hardison got to feel like a badass when he managed “the simplest takedown in the book, Hardison, this is shit for kids.”
Hardison is the king of geeks because of that takedown. Nobody beats a geek who can hack your systems and trip your security while they runaway after.
Anyway, Eliot listens when Hardison explains the new security system getting installed in private prisons out west and reads the “Monthly Newsletter Of Anti-Us Measures, Because We're That Awesome” back to front every second Tuesday of the month (or whenever Hardison gets around to it) and comes to warmup sessions with anti-anti-Leverage measures already ready to test out, so Hardison figures they're cool.
They watch sports and heckle late-night TV and tussle over a ball while Hardison's code crunches. Eliot drags him to gyms and on terrible, terribly morning runs all over the city, usually followed by coffee. They do bar crawls with the team after really good heists, or really bad heists, or really any kind of heist, just to shake out the last of the energy (and get shitfaced) and explore wherever they've ended up for the con this time, but Eliot has a tradition of doing the same thing with tiny hole-in-the wall restaurants on the day after and Hardison knows better than to miss that. Eliot has a skill for sniffing out the best food, and when it isn't good food his reactions are a meal for the soul, so it's a well-rounded venture in general. Eliot may or may not have walked into a mob front and made the cook cry twice (once by yelling about the food, once by teaching him some kind of cooking wizardry that made all the difference), but Hardison values his food sources and tiny, angry friend and follows him to the Greek place on the other side of town anyway.
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