#even if i plan to write something similar it's like. two cakes!
crimeronan · 4 months
i think i read this on your blog somewhere but just checking; are you okay with folks writing fics in the princess luz'verse? i'm fascinated by all this sickfic talk and may want to try my hand at it
oh absolutely!! i LOVE seeing what people do inspired by this verse. there's never enough messy AU owl house content to go around. and i love sickfics so, double excitement!
(i also drop this link every time the subject comes up because i love this fucking fic so much: here is an incredible fic inspired by the AU where hunter meets willow bc she's growing weed with eda. this is only tangentially related to your question, i just want everyone in the world to read it.)
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the-boy-meets-evil · 7 months
today of all days | vernon
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(the lull of the new year never really comes for you, which is fine. it's better to be busy. this year, you're a little too busy planning something else to worry much about valentine's day. It's never been your favorite holiday anyway. but, could your boyfriend have forgotten in entirely?)
pairing: vernon x afab!reader genre: est. relationship, non-idol!au | smut, slight angst, fluff rating: explicit, minors DNI word count: ~4.6k warnings: mentions of food, there's a little angst, but it's mostly miscommunication, kissing, oral sex (m & f receiving), fingering, marking, unprotected sex (don't do this without talking about it), multiple orgasms, slight overstimulation, i think that's it
a/n: happy valentine's day to the always wonderful, absolutely amazing @wonwussy 💕 it's been so much fun to get to write this for you. i hope you enjoy it! this is part of @svthub's cupid for you valentine's exchange organized by my bby @wongyuseokie (who is very amazing and also made the banner & divider). happy valentine's (and carat day)!
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There’s usually kind of a lull at the beginning of the new year. Like everyone decides that after the holidays, you’re due for a break. People try to work on their resolutions, businesses expect to see the drop off in their sales. Everything just feels more peaceful. It’s that calm before the storm when everything picks up again. 
Not for you, though. At least not this year. February brings Valentine’s Day and your boyfriend’s birthday. You don’t really care that much about the former. It’s nice to have someone to celebrate with, and you’re sure the two of you will do something, but it’s nothing crazy. As long as you have him and a quiet night in, you’re good. It’s the latter of the two things that’s keeping an otherwise peaceful time from being peaceful. 
Here’s the thing. Vernon isn’t one to make a big deal of his birthday, never has been. He feels similar to the way you feel about Valentine’s Day. He likes to do something to mark the passing of time, definitely enjoys the presents, but doesn’t feel the need for it to be some huge thing. It’s a little difficult, too, because he’s got another friend with the same birthday. For the years that they’ve been friends, they’ve always tried to work it around each other. Seokmin is a year older and feels a little more strongly about birthdays as something that should be celebrated. Somehow, that led to this year. A coordinated birthday for the two of them with all their friends there to celebrate the both of them. Two different cakes, two different contributions to the menu, and twice as many people to coordinate with. 
To say it’s been a bit of a headache is an understatement.
You love Vernon. He’s been your person for over two years and you wouldn’t trade him for the world. You also love to plan things for other people as a way to show them how much you care. This has just been a bigger undertaking than you imagined. Especially when you have to keep the party under wraps. Vernon knows you’re doing something with a group of friends. He thinks it’s only a small group. But, he’ll appreciate it all the same. Just like he seems to appreciate everything that you do. 
“Babe,” Vernon calls from the living room. He’s in the middle of gaming with Wonwoo, connected by their headsets.
“Yeah?” you answer.
“Wonwoo says that I’m gonna get in trouble for not planning some big thing for Valentine’s,” Vernon tells you.
You can hear the protests from Vernon even through the headset, which makes you chuckle. “As long as we get to cook something together and have a night in, I’m good.” 
“See?” Vernon says triumphantly. There’s a pause where Wonwoo must be asking something. “Oh, yeah, I’m definitely getting a gift.” 
“What?” you ask with clear surprise. Gifts were not part of the plan for this year.
“It’s nothing big, but I’ve got the perfect idea,” Vernon says with a familiar look of mischief. 
“Oh no, no you are not,” you counter. He bursts out in a cackle. “Vernon, you are not getting strawberry flavored condoms for Valentine’s Day. We don’t even use condoms.” 
The laugh through Vernon’s headset is just as loud. You would probably be embarrassed if it was anyone else, but Wonwoo has been in both of your lives long enough that most barriers have been erased. 
“No, don’t worry, that wasn’t actually it. I have a plan,” Vernon says and you watch him suspiciously. “Promise!”
You decide to let it lie for the time being. At least partly, because you don’t want to keep standing there while he’s playing video games. Partly because you knew it meant he would be distracted enough that you could sneak off to the bedroom to make a call about the party. 
Jeonghan had not been your first choice for a party planning committee because sometimes it’s hard to get an actual thought out of him. You’re not always sure what he’s thinking. But, he’s Seokmin’s best friend and one of the best schemers you know. Thankfully, these days he really only uses his talents for good. Well, it would be thankfully if you didn’t harbor a grudge over a prank he played when you first met. 
Miraculously, Jeonghan is also free and willing to do some final planning. It’s that stage where the final group of friends get clued in. Some friends, who shall remain nameless, had to find out much closer to the day. They just couldn’t be trusted to keep the secret. You’re actually impressed that you’ve managed to keep it from Vernon and Seokmin. You confirm that Vernon doesn’t know. He would have absolutely told you. Jeonghan also confirms that Seokmin doesn’t know because he can’t keep a secret either. 
When you wander back out into the living room, Vernon is still very engrossed in his game. You kiss the top of his head, watch the small smile with his eyes trained on the screen, and plop down at the other end of the couch. You prop your computer on your lap and reach for your headphones when Vernon turns to you between matches.
“Wanna order in for dinner?” he asks and you smile.
“Oh from that place around the corner?” you suggest. Vernon rolls his eyes without any real annoyance. It’s your favorite place.
“Whatever you want, babe,” he says and turns back to the game.
It’s easy, not only because you like it, but also since you know what he orders there. He’s kind of a creature of habit. Maybe you are too, since you always want to order from the same place. It’ll give you a chance to watch a few things while waiting as well as giving Vernon the chance to keep playing with Wonwoo. The gaming is always seamless for them after years of working together. 
When the food arrives, Vernon finishes his last game so that he can eat with you. It’s one of the things you love about him. He’s so thoughtful with things like that. When you first moved in with him, you were a little worried. You had never lived with a partner and weren’t sure how to navigate it. As it turns out, with the right person, it’s pretty easy. You leave each other to do your own things and then come together after.
“You’re sure you’re okay with a quiet Valentine’s Day?” he asks when you curl into him after dinner.
“It’s a little late if I’m not considering it’s in two days,” you say with a light laugh.
“I’m being serious,” he says. 
“I’m good, Vernon. I’ve got you and we’re going to make something together,” you say.
“I promise not to burn down the kitchen,” he assures you.
“You’ve been getting a lot better,” you say. “Plus, we also have dinner this weekend for your birthday.” 
“We don’t really have to do anything crazy for my birthday, you know. It’s so close to Valentine’s Day and…” Vernon trails off before you press a kiss to his lips.
“I love to celebrate your birthday. It’s another year of you and everyone should be thankful for that,” you say. 
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Valentine’s morning comes bright and early. Sun streams through the cracks in your shades. Not quite enough to wake you up, but enough for you to know that it’s morning. You smile and stretch out, thinking it’s probably earlier than you need to be up. As you’re considering waking Vernon up to celebrate the day when you register an emptiness.
You’re the only one in the bed. 
You open your eyes and confirm what you already knew. Vernon isn’t in bed with you. The door to the bathroom is open and the light is off, so he’s not in there either. Although you prefer to lay in bed to wake up, curiosity gets the better of you and propels you out of bed to the living room. The entire apartment is quiet, still. Well, still apart from your cat that’s weaving between your legs. He doesn’t seem hungry, so you think he’s just wondering what you’re doing. It’s odd that he would have left the apartment so early in the morning. 
Padding back to the bedroom, you find your phone on the nightstand, plugged in like it always is. When you unlock it, you have a myriad of messages and notifications. Conspicuously absent, though, is a message from your boyfriend. There’s nothing to tell you where he is or went or could be. Which is odd, yes, but mostly it just makes you a little irritated. Sure, you don’t ever want to make a big deal out of Valentine’s Day. It’s plenty to spend the day with someone you love that loves you back. 
Vernon can be a little spacy at times. It’s not his best quality, but it’s also impossibly endearing. Maybe it’s because you know how much he’s thinking about when he’s got that look like he’s never had a thought in his life. It also makes him really chill, which matches you well. He doesn’t always have to be going or doing something. But, he’ll just as happily go out and be your shield because he’s much more of a people person than you are. 
All this to say, there’s part of you that wonders if the holiday just slipped his mind. It’s not like it’s a big deal, you said as much to him. But, you still expect something. Even if it’s just to know where he is so early in the morning. You hate that you wonder if he forgot because you trust Vernon with your life. He can get distracted sometimes. One time, he got so caught up in a project that he entirely forgot dinner plans with his friends. 
The mature thing to do would be to send him a text and ask where he is or even to wish him a happy Valentine’s Day. You’re not feeling especially mature, though. And you feel very justified in that annoyance because he’s the one that left early. He should be the one to let you know where he is. It should not be on you.
Trying to push the thoughts of Vernon out of your mind, you get ready for the day. Opt to leave earlier so you can buy yourself something to eat and some coffee on the way. By the time you reach work, you’re even more irritated rather than calmer. Every radio station was playing love songs that fit the genre. Every host seems to want to know what people’s plans are for the day. The coffee shop by your office was decorated in red, white, and pink hearts with all sorts of specials for the day. When you head into the office, it only gets worse. People have flowers on their desks, are exchanging happy wishes, talking about how they can’t wait to get out of work for their plans. Some people are spending it with partners, others are spending it with friends. Either way, everyone seems to have plans that are better than whatever will be waiting when you get home. Why did Vernon have to pick today of all days to be forgetful? 
Your work best friend stops by your desk with the typical cup of coffee mid morning and stops in his tracks when he senses your mood.
“What’s wrong with your face?” Minho asks. 
“Wow, hello to you too,” you respond when you take the coffee from him.
“You seem like you’re in a bad mood,” he says. 
“Maybe I am,” you answer. 
“But, it’s Valentine’s Day and you have, like, the most perfect boyfriend. What’s there to be mad about?” he asks. 
“Can’t be the most perfect boyfriend if he was gone before I woke up and didn’t even text me to say anything,” you say with all the irritation you feel.
That catches Minho’s attention. “I’m sorry, what?” 
“I woke up and the bed was empty. No note. No text. Just empty,” you say. 
“And you haven’t heard from him?” Minho presses.
“No,” you say, only to be distracted by your phone lighting up.
“Looks like a message from him,” he observes.
You quickly glance at your phone, hating how eager you feel just to hear something from him. It’s disappointing, though.
Vernon: sorry that i wasn’t there when you woke up, i had a last minute errand Vernon: when do you think you’ll be home from work? 
Instead of telling Minho what happened, you just hand your phone over to him. His grimace says all you need to know. It’s not an overreaction. 
“That’s…all he’s said to you today?” he asks.
“You can scroll to see,” you say because he still has your phone.
“No thanks,” Minho says with a laugh. “I don’t wanna accidentally see something.”
“It was one time,” you say, snatching your phone back with an eye roll. 
“And I’m still scarred,” he says. “What are you going to say back?”
“Nothing,” you say.
“But…” he starts.
“No, I’m not saying anything. I know I’m chill about this holiday, but to not even say anything? And what errand does he have to do at 7 in the morning?” you ask, more irritated that you had been.
“If you want to hold onto a grudge, who am I to stop you?” he asks when he stands. “Let me know if he manages to get out of the dog house.” 
With that comment, he’s off to his own desk. It usually goes something like this every day anyway. Minho shows up with coffee for you, looking to see what you have to say. Even though he’s the one that has the best gossip. Sometimes, he just wants someone to share it with. It’s a nice reprieve from your irritation. One that he repeats in the afternoon, which is a break from the norm. Unfortunately, the irritation that settles in his wake is worse than before he stops by. 
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You consider staying at work late when the end of the day comes. It’s not like you’re in a rush to head home. There’s also a part of you that wants to punish Vernon for forgetting a holiday that you don’t even care that much about. (Okay, maybe you care, but that’s the whole point of having someone you love that also loves you to spend it with.) Staying late by yourself feels even worse when nobody else from the office is. Everyone seems to be out the door as soon as the day ends. And, despite not answering any of Vernon’s messages, you know he’s home. At least it’ll give you the chance to figure out how to approach this.
The drive home gives you a chance to run through all sorts of conversations in your head. You’re still stewing, a bit, because you’re upset at how the day went. But, you’re also preparing yourself to have a potentially difficult conversation with Vernon. Of course, he’ll be receptive to your feelings. He always is. It’s more that you’re frustrated it happened in the first place and don’t want your feelings to seem invalid. 
All of that goes out the window the second you step into your apartment. The lights are low, so it takes your eyes a second to adjust. When they do, however, you see that Vernon has transformed your living room into a scene from your favorite video game. It’s like stepping into another world. Every little detail is so carefully thought out that you can’t even appreciate it all in one look. Your feet carry you forward to examine the small things. The ones that very obviously took extra effort. You’re so busy appreciating it all that you don’t even notice Vernon coming in from the kitchen.
“I know we said no presents, but I wanted to do this anyway. Happy Valentine’s Day,” he says, pulling you out of your head.
“How did you…” you ask, unable to even finish the question.
“I found someone who had this whole set for their ex and wanted to get rid of it. He was practically giving it away, but I had to go pick it up like 2 hours away,” he says.
You look around and can tell the level of care that went into creating this. “That’s why you were gone when I woke up?” 
“Yeah, I left you notes on breakfast in the fridge and coffee in the microwave, but I guess you didn’t see those,” he says. 
“I’m so sorry,” you say and don’t even realize that tears started to fall until Vernon’s pulling you into his arms.
“It’s fine, what are you sorry for?” he asks, holding you tightly.
“I spent the whole day thinking you forgot Valentine’s Day and being mad. That’s why I didn’t answer your texts,” you say.
“I just figured it was a busy day and you were excited to get home,” Vernon says.
“I’m so sorry,” you repeat.
He pulls back so that he can look down at you. Wipes the tears gently away from under your eyes. “It’s fine, babe. I’m not upset at you when I can be forgetful.” 
Nobody has ever done something like this for you. You can’t imagine how long it took to transform the living room this way. There aren’t any words you can think of to express how much it all means to you, so you just press your lips against his. Throw your hands around his neck to keep him close to you. He’s surprised, at least for a second, before he pulls you in tighter against him and kisses you back. It’s not the time to talk, at least not right now. How could you have thought this man would ever forget? 
“Can I show you what I was thinking about before I realized you were already gone this morning?” you ask when you break the kiss.
“Should I be concerned?” he asks.
“Just trust me,” you say and pull him into the bedroom with you. 
Any hesitations that he may have had disappear when you resume kissing him. Your fingers nimbly undo his pants so that you can slide them down his legs. The clothes come flying off in a flurry from there, far quicker than usual for the two of you. There’s just an urgency given the way the day went. Neither of you seems to want to let your lips leave the other. As Vernon kisses down your neck, you take the opportunity to push him back onto the bed.
It’s the first time you take a second and you appreciate how beautiful he is laying on the bed. The lean lines of his muscle, his eyes hungry as they drink your body in, the way his cock rests heavily on his stomach. You need to do something, though. You nudge his legs apart as you settle yourself onto the bed between them. 
“You don’t have to…” he starts and you’re quick to cut him off.
“I want to,” you insist. 
And you do. You take his cock into your hand and lick a stripe up it. It’s not enough, though, so you spit into your hand so you can run it along his length. He shudders under your touch. Once you wrap your lips around his tip, you pull a groan out of him. For just a second, his eyes close and his head lolls back on the pillow. It’s so pretty to watch him from this angle. To know that this man, usually so relaxed and chill, is so wound up under your power. It’s not long before he’s watching you, though. Letting out a stream of praise for how good you look with his cock in your mouth. How it turns him on, how you know just how to use your tongue. You hollow out your cheeks and it’s more than he can take.
Vernon pulls you up so that he can kiss you, so hard that you lose your breath. You’re a little off balance, which makes it easier for him to flip your positions. Now he’s the one between your legs. That same fervor is back when he spreads your lips so he can lick up your entrance. He’s always been insanely good with his mouth. It’s actually unfair. When his thumb circles your clit, you see stars for a second and arch your back into his mouth. All you can do is watch as he works his tongue in and out of your cunt. The thumb on your clit is bordering on too much sensation. Makes it hard for you to watch him even though you love the sight of him between your legs. 
“Fuck, Vernon, I need more,” you whine. 
“I should make you draw it out,” he says, still so close to your pussy that you can feel his breath.
“Please, Vernon, please,” you beg. You know it’ll make him cave.
“Since you asked so nicely,” he answers.
He runs his fingers through your folds before sliding one into your pussy. The moment his mouth finds your clit, he inserts a second finger and pumps into you at a punishing pace. It’s everything you can do not to squirm under his efforts. As it is, the words coming out of your mouth are entirely incoherent. What you want to say is that he’s a god with both his mouth and his fingers. That he knows just how to fit you where you need him most. That nobody has ever felt as good as him.
What you manage to yell out: “Oh my fucking god, I’m gonna come.” 
Vernon hums against your clit and it’s all too much. Your release is nearly instant. You don’t even notice how he guides you through your high or that he doesn’t remove his fingers until your body stops shaking. Miss the way he wipes his mouth with the back of his hand before kissing you. Not that you would mind. His lips wander down your neck to your chest, kissing all the way. He loves your breasts, loves the soft skin there. Loves to nip and watch the way you react. Most of all, he loves to leave marks there. Even if you won’t let him mark you where other people can see (at least, not often), you’ll always let him mark up your chest. He roughly sucks a mark into your sensitive skin and you squirm. 
Any other time, you would let him enjoy it. Let him take his time. Not today. You need to feel him. Need to have that connection with him. He seems to realize it too.
“Roll over on your side,” he directs. 
You hasten to do exactly what he asks. He slides right in behind you and you bring your leg forward a little so that it’ll be easier on him. One of his arms slides under your neck. The other lines his cock up at your entrance. He presses lightly, at least at first, giving you time before he’s fully inside you. No matter how many times you and Vernon fuck, you’ll never be fully prepared for the way he feels. It’s the most perfect type of full. Just enough of a stretch without it being overwhelming. 
It’s only a second before he starts moving, with his hand on your stomach. Not too fast. Just enough to give you the relief that you need. Not enough that it’s going to push you over the edge again. You’re still sensitive, though. The connectedness of your bodies is exactly what you need. It’s intimate in all the ways that you couldn’t tell him that you needed. But, he knows. Of course, he knows. This man knows you better than anyone else, a fact clear in how he thrusts into you.
Vernon’s free hand moves from your stomach up to your breast. He rolls your nipple between his fingers and you groan out. That’s the other best part about your relationship with Vernon. There isn’t a need for constant communication during sex. He knows what you like and you know what he likes. He knows how to interrupt your moans and your pleas. Knows when to pick up the pace. 
It’s entirely too soon when you feel your second orgasm coming on. “I’m close, oh my god.” 
“I know, baby, just come for me,” Vernon urges as he continues to thrust hard into you.
Despite that, you try to hold out because you know that he’s not there yet, can feel it in the way he fucks into you. It’s a losing battle, though, and you end up coming even harder than the first time. Vernon fucks through your high before slowing down to give you a minute to breath. Always so considerate of what you need.
“It’s okay, keep going,” you urge.
He doesn’t have to ask if you’re sure, he can feel it in the way you clench around him. Makes him groan as he moves again. You’re still a little out of it from the two orgasms, so it doesn’t register just how sensitive you are. You tilt your head so that you can kiss him. Catch all his groans with your lips. Partly since you know how much the intimacy of it all means to him. Know that it’ll send him over the edge. 
A minute later it does just that. Even though you feel spent, he manages to pull a third orgasm out of you with his own. There’s a moment when you’re both catching your breath that neither of you move or even say anything. It gives you a moment to remember just how much you love him. Vernon slides out of you carefully and you roll over so that you can face him.
“I love you,” he says with a soft smile, fingers gently moving a few strands of hair away from your face.
“I love you, too,” you say. 
“Do we have to get up right now?” he asks.
You shake your head and let him pull you into his body. His arms feel strong and safe around you. Like home, which is what he’s always been for you. From entirely too early into the relationship. A feeling that’s only grown in the time you’ve been together.
“I’m sorry,” you say again. 
“You don’t need to be, “ Vernon assures you. “I’m forgetful sometimes and you’ve been busy lately. I figured this was a good way to say thank you for everything you do.”
“What? The sex?” you joke. 
He huffs into your hair. “I take it all back.”
You pull back to look at him. “It was perfect. Almost as perfect as you.” 
A light blush creeps up. “I don’t know about that.” 
“I do,” you whisper into his skin when you cuddle back against his chest.
“We still have to cook dinner,” he says.
“Let’s just order something. I don’t want to move from this spot right now,” you say.
“We can stay as long as you want,” he says.
Forever, you think. That’s how long you want to stay with him. It’s never felt more real than it does right now. You think, by the way he holds you, that maybe he wants to be with you forever too. It may have gotten out to a rocky start, but it ends up being the most perfect Valentine’s Day of your life. 
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klausysworld · 1 year
Hi, your writing about how a yandere reader kidnapped Klaus is quiet interesting and this gave me an idea: how about a scenario where a yandere reader kidnapped a yandere Klaus? Like where reader faked Klaus to believe she was innocent and sweet but in fact she was just obsessive and possessive as he was, so she kidnapped him to protect him from being hurt by his enemies? Thanks a lot.
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(Readers gonna be a witch cuz I doubt a human could kidnap him by themselves)
Power Play
He started it.
He was the one who started following me, not the other way around. He wanted to know more about me, know where I live and how involved I was with the ‘save Elena gang’. He wanted to stand outside my house and watch me like he didn’t know I left my curtains open on purpose.
It was all him.
It isn’t my fault that his obsession brought on mine.
He was just so possessive and jealous and damaged and desperate for love, I couldn’t just ignore him.
I wanted him so I took him. Just more gradually than maybe I would like.
I had to entice him first. Once I realised he had chosen me, I needed to find out why.
I didn’t really get in the way of his plans and kept relatively quiet whenever the others were planning anything and to Klaus that mean that I was innocent in the situation and didn’t like to hurt people. Partly true but it was more that I couldn’t be bothered.
But I was happy to play the innocent victim if that’s what he wanted.
All I had to do was have him find me crying over a boy and he was all over me, telling me I was too good for a common fool and that ‘a little witch like me’ should be with someone much more powerful to keep me safe.
The feel of his arms around me was perfect and I knew I would need it more. I could hear his breath hitch as I hugged him back tightly, his hand ran through my hair making us both sigh before inevitably having to pull away.
He kissed my forehead and I kissed his cheek before we both parted, each of us with a smile on our faces for very similar reasons.
That night when he stood outside my house I decided to give him more of a show, leaving the curtains open after my shower and sitting by my window as I rubbed cream onto my bare legs.
It was so easy to wind him up, showing him any amount of my skin had him immediately as close as he was allowed without it being suspicious.
Walking around in my mini skirt and tight cropped top always had him approaching me, his arm fining its way around my waist as he pulled me to him
“You look gorgeous today sweetheart” he would compliment while staring any others who looked my way down.
“Oh, thank you, I liked the colours” i mumbled while smiling up at him making his lips upturn and him to nod
“So do I”
Though I knew his attention was truly more focused on my legs and cleavage, not that I minded.
Occasionally he would request a spell or two from me but I pretended I wasn’t very good at all. Which earned me lessons from him
“A pretty little witch like you should know how to defend herself, how about we start with something simple hm?” He placed a candle in-front of me and although I could easily light a thousand of them alight, I made a struggle out off it and made myself appear frustrated and upset so he would bring comfort and words of encouragement.
Once I had it lit he was over the moon, spinning me in his arms and kissing the corner of my mouth before bringing a beginners spell book over and allowing me to choose one to try next.
I knew if I got too good or confident then he would feel threatened, he didn’t like powerful things, he liked people to be weaker and sweeter than him.
So I was just that. Even took to baking to make appear as though I had some basic human hobbies, I would bring him biscuits and cakes when we had my lessons and each time he tried a new one he threw a fuss over it.
When he started gifting me little flowy dresses I knew he thought me to be an angel. Diamond necklaces and pearl earrings always being presented to me wrapped in pink ribbons. White was his favourite colour on me
“The colour of innocence and purity my love, it’s perfect for your beauty”
“There must be something I can buy you?” I offered with a smile but he shook his head
“Your baked treats are all I need” he murmured
“Surely you desire something else? Anything?” I questioned and he shifted in his seat, clearly thinking something a little more than a normal gift. “How about my blood?” I tilted my head and his eyes widened
“No I insist, you can drink from me, I don’t mind” I gave him my wrist and watched the hesitation on his face. “Please? It’s my thank you to you…for being so generous and caring for me” I whispered and his eyes softened
“Alright…you tell me if you feel dizzy or if it hurts okay?” He checked and I nodded.
The second his teeth were in me I knew he was hooked, the moan that left him said enough as the veins danced beneath his eyes and he swallowed my blood down like an addict.
It drove his obsession through the roof and he found himself needing it more and more. As soon as I was offering he was latched onto my arm just like I had expected.
It was all too easy to have him feel like he saved me. Just had to put myself in a couple risky positions for him to swoop in and suddenly he never wanted to leave my side.
Only downside was it was hard to have any time when he wasn’t watching me to plan my attack on him.
So I had to move slow, unbearably slow. But eventually I had it set up. Turns out the Lockwoods have more than one underground cellars and they’re hidden all around.
I chose one furthest out in the woods and told him I had planned something special for us. Of course he probably expected a date of sorts, most likely didn’t think I would be kidnapping him.
I felt a little bad when I stabbed him in the back with a high concentration of wolfsbane and vervain but at the same time it was for the best. The group were planning to kill him and for once their planned actually sounded promising and I didn’t like that. It was more risky to let them go through with it than for me hide him. Besides it’s only temporary…
Lets say he wasn’t too pleased to wake up in chains, apparently it wasn’t one of his kinks,yet.
But really I think he was more upset that I wasn’t the sweet little flower that he thought I was.
His first question was who enchanted the chains but he knew. He just didn’t want it to be true.
“Sweetheart I don’t understand…if you had all this…power why hide it from me? Why do this now?” He gestured to the cage he trapped in.
“The Salvatores have another plan. But this one was a little too promising and I couldn’t risk them getting you.” I told him with a weak smile, still keeping my distance so he couldn’t get too mad
“So you have me here…so they don’t kill me?” He trailed a little confused and I nodded
“Yes and because…I love you and you aren’t very good at keeping yourself safe” I mumbled and he blinked right back at me. I could feel my face getting a little hotter and I glanced to the exit
“Y/n…I love you too, let me out and we can talk about this a little more…well humanly” he muttered with a small and somewhat nervous chuckle.
I sighed as I looked him over, I knew he was trying his best to keep his anger in check and I was beginning to feel a little bad but I was in the right. And it’s not like he wasn’t going to do the same thing to me, I watched him too difference was that he didn’t know it.
“I will…soon just after everything has cooled down okay? Everything’s gonna be just fine. You don’t have to worry, you can drink from me or blood bags, you have a mattress and pillow, blankets. What else do you need? I got the fairy lights so it’s not dark. Books, I even got you some canvases and artsy stuff. This place is temporary, just relax for a moment and I’m gonna be back really soon okay?” I had gotten closer to him as I spoke and my hand cupped his face gently.
“You’re leaving? Love, you can’t leave me down here!?” He grabbed my wrist firmly but not painfully however he was still incredibly weak so I easily got out of his grip.
“I have to make sure everyone believes you’ve left” I whispered while leaning forward and kissing his cheek. “I can’t have anyone looking for you”
“Y/n, don’t leave me” he murmured, his forehead pressed to mine making me sigh softly
“It’s not for long klaus, I promise”
“If you love me…you wont do this to me” he mumbled and I hummed
“You act as though you don’t have a room ready in your basement ready for me”
He pulled his head back and frowned at me “how on earth do you know that?”
“Do you think I don’t see you outside my window?” I whispered and his eye’s darkened
“You watch me too?”
“Mhm except I actually go inside, I don’t just wait in the garden”
He stared at me for a moment before a small smirk pulled at the corner of his lips “you truly are something else aren’t you sweetheart?” He muttered, the backs of his fingers brushed over my cheek. “What is it you want me to do love?”
“Just stay here until it’s safe…maybe we’ll go somewhere else after, somewhere real far away so it’s just us”
“Okay…how about we start looking, after you go secure your plan?” He kissed my neck softly and smiled down at me
“We can take Elena, for your hybrids if you really want” I whispered hoping if he was just lying to trap me back, I could sway his decisions.
“Nonsense, my hybrids don’t like me anyway, I’d rather just have you my love”
I just hoped it was true, not that it mattered, if he didn’t then I’d just have to get better security measures.
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nogenderbee · 8 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ 𝕄𝕚𝕤𝕤𝕖𝕕 𝕚𝕥 𝕒𝕘𝕒𝕚𝕟 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ @bl4cktourmaline request: yahoo~ bee! it's me again:33 I saw the requests are open? If it is and I'm not tripping then may I request for Lyney with an oblivious reader who is a big fan of his and they are like... mutual pining for each other but they aren't even aware of it that it's become annoyingly sweet lol
Words can't describe how I love this man
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Hey hey! You're not tripping don't worry I see our mental state is similar lol But omg help I love it!! Down for Lyney too won't lie-
But omg, I kinda wanna write part 2 of this!! If I'll still feel like doing this after my requests are all done and I don't forget, I'll def be continuing this!
Anyway tho... I hope you enjoy! I personally kinda like it so I really hope you do too ^^
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ platonic/fluff
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At this point Lynette and Freminet were watching you two. Even if they were 2km afar, they could still see you two and could only sigh about the view.
Lyney gave you another rainbow rose. It was like... 24 day strike by now! He gave you one every day, and every single time in a different time. First time it magically appeared in his hand, yesterday he pulled it out from ear your ear and today he "found it" in your tea!! How's even that possible?!
"For you, mon cherie~"
"Awh, thank you! I actually got something for you as well!"
"Oh really? Now what could it be... maybe you got me a reward for my latest magic show?"
"Well... yeah you could think so! Though I actually mean it as a gift for being such an amazing person for me!"
He could only chuckle as he took small box from you. His cheeks flushed gently but somehow, it just didn't got through his scalp what you really meant...
"Well isn't that sweet! Now what could we... ah- that's my favorite cake! How did you know?"
"I just happened to remember it. It's the least I could do for all the gifts you gave me recently."
But maybe it wasn't just him who was being a bit blunt here. You were as well, he was giving you rainbow roses every day, flowers meaning he loves you and yet, you just couldn't notice that special meaning...
"Should we finally help them?"
"Let them be for a bit longer."
2 siblings were now considering just coming up to you two and hitting you in the head, maybe then you'd notice how you both have obvious feelings for each other!
They know their brother has a crush on you because after every meeting with you, he's kicking his feet like highschool girl with crush in his bed. And you? You admitted yourself to Lynette while asking for advice because you thought he hated you when in reality, he was a tomato and had to run away from emberassment.
But both eventually decided to stay back and watch. They don't want to take this special moment away from you... But maybe the can at least do some backstage work at helping you with confessions?
"You see... I got something just for you! I have very important snow this weekend and naturally, I reserved a seat in front row just for you!"
Lyney smiled as he hands you the ticket with small bow, his eyes never leaving yours but not in a creepy way, he just couldn't help but admire you a bit.
"Oh you didn't had to really! But I do appreciate it. I'll definitely show up, thank you!"
"No need to thank me! It'll be enough for me if you come and let me see your smile~"
Finally realizing what he said, his cheeks became red and began stuttering even tho he's usually smooth with his words.
"I meant- naturally I'd want to make... my audience happy! That's... just natural... magician's instinct! Yeah."
"Oh that's understandable! Well knowing you, your abilities and charms, I'm sure it won't be hard at all."
But he wasn't any better. You were clearly trying to compliment him, but he thought it's just you saying it as audience and not as someone with a crush...
"Actually... let's maybe make a plan. We can start tomorrow."
Freminet nodded on his sister's statement and entered their hous, leaving the two of you be and prepared the great plan with simple goal: getting you two together!
@bleachtheidiot - come get your charming magician~
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Hi, it’s my birthday and I was wondering if I could get something with how the slashers treat you on your birthday/the gifts they might get you? btw love your writing style, I’ve been loving everything you’ve written so far
Aaaaaa Happy Birthday!
Slashers and what they do for their S/O’s birthday
Jason Voorhees
While his own birthday is not a pleasant memory, he doesn’t want it to be the same for you, so he pulls out all the stops. He tries to recreate dishes his mom used to make for birthdays with the few resources he has on hand, decorates the shack with anything pretty he can find in the old cabins and even tries his hand at baking a cake. It ends up less than stellar but it’s the thought that counts. And during the day, he will be constantly by your side, and fulfills every wish you may have. Even if there are campers around Crystal Lake during your birthday, he may let them live (for just this one day, mind. Once the clock hits midnight, it’s on sight again), because he doesn’t want anything distracting him from you and your happiness. This is a big day after all; the day that the love of his life was brought into this world.
His gifts to you would be something selfmade. A wooden figurine he carved, for example.
Vincent Sinclair
Vincent is gonna include his brothers on the planning. Bo drives to the next town over to get decorations, drinks and cake, and Vincent and Lester decorate the living room for the party. Vincent has, of course, been working on your gift for months beforehand. A painting, a wax figure, or something similar. Vincent is huge on selfmade gifts. And once everything is set up, he leads you to the living room, so the whole family can celebrate.
Freddy Krueger
Freddy can’t exactly arrange a party while you are awake or give you a gift, but once you go to bed on the eve of your birthday, he’ll greet you in your dreams and tell you that basically, his powers are yours for the night (and so is he, wink wink). Whatever you want, he’ll make it happen. No matter his own feelings about it. He *will* tease you about your wishes though, albeit in a much less malicious way than he usually does.
Brahms Heelshire
For your birthday, Brahms tries to take over the chores. Emphasis on *tries*. His heart is in the right place, but he only ends up making an even bigger mess. But when you want to go clean it up, he stops you, telling you that yeah there’s a mess, but it’s your birthday and you shouldn’t have to lift a finger. The mess can wait.
You two order some cake from the grocery delivery guy, and snuggle up on the couch, listening to some music while Brahms feeds you bites of cake.
He later surprises you with a piece of jewelry that belonged to his parents. A sign that he sees you as part of his family, and their old items are just as much yours as they are his.
Bubba Sawyer
Another slasher who makes your birthday a family affiar. Drayton may not be a fan of parties and general, viewing them as a waste of time and money, but Bubba persters him about it so relentlessly, even after being threatened with the broom, that the eldest brother eventually relents and drives to town to get everything needed for a birthday party. And while he is gone, Bubba begs Nubbins to help him decorate. The decorations all end up being made of human bone, but that’s to be expected. Bubba gifts you your very own chainsaw! Now you can also be part of the family business, like a true Sawyer!
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Team RWBY - Childhood friend Reader goes Missing
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(So I tried to respond to the actual ask but Tumblr glitched out. So I'm doing it like this instead, apologies!)
You're so sweet thank you so much!! This prompt hits so well for me, you have no idea. I wasn't sure whether you wanted EVERY girl from the series or just Team RWBY. For this one I'm gonna do just Team RWBY, but if you want me to do the rest of the girls in the series, just send me a message and I'll write those up eventually!
Ruby Rose
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You and Ruby were two peas in a pod the moment you met. It was like two puzzle pieces made perfectly for each other. You both were into similar things and your personalities mashed super well. Not only did you have a similar sense of humor, you were one of the few people that actually enjoyed her over the top antics and affections. Ruby would often ambush you with a hug while you walked around campus, sometimes leading to you two falling in a pile of giggles. Every week you guys had plans. On Tuesdays you both liked to have Debate Nights where you both defend your opinion on something (often roping in the rest of your friends to be the jury). There wasn't a dull moment with you two, every day was full of laughter and joy. You were each other's first school friend and that friendship has lasted for years. After the Fall of Beacon, you were split up like most, but found each other fairly quickly. You were a great support for her and would always listen to her issues. She felt connected to you deeply on a different level. Even after the rest of Team RWBY came back, Ruby found herself strangely attached to you more. Being reunited with her sister and friends was one of the best feelings in the world, but the moment you and her found each other again takes the cake in her heart. It became incredibly clear that she was in love with you. Looking back on it, she did have a habit of making excuses just to talk to you in private. Ruby didn't know what to do with this information, but it will come up at the right time
One day at about 5 am, Ruby was awoken by Qrow with a somber look. Apparently during the night you went missing. No one saw or heard a thing. You were there sleeping in your bed and then you were just… gone. The thought of you being missing was terrifying, but Ruby tapped into her abundance of optimism and quickly got dressed and headed towards the town. You couldn't have gone far, right? You probably just went through the city and got lost, no big deal! For the next week her routine remained the same; Wake up early, gather friends to look for you, take break for lunch, keep looking alone, head back, sleep. At the start she was hopeful, but everyday just wore her down until the 7th day when it broke her. You've been missing for a whole week, where were you? Yang held Ruby as she cried, eventually passing her to Qrow when it came time to go to bed. He did the best he could and was as supportive as possible, but he knew Ruby needed space to process it herself, and brought her to her room. With a hair ruffle and weak smile, Qrow wished her a good night and left her to rest
Ruby was awoken the next day early in morning yet again, except this time there was a knock at the door. When she opened it, her heart stopped. You stood on the doorstep, clothes torn and bloody. There were no major external injuries but it was clear you were heavily shaken up. Hobbling in with a limp you entered the house and sighed at the warmth. Ruby was at a loss for words, only able to muster out a vague question of what happened.
Apparently when you were going to sleep last week, you decided to throw out the trash as well beforehand. When you exited the house to take it out, you were suddenly ambushed by multiple Grimm and dragged deep into the forest. Since you were going to sleep, you didn't have your weapons, scroll, or any protection at all. You were completely vulnerable. For the past week you had been both fighting for your life against various Grimm and trying to navigate your way out of the forest labyrinth. Just when you were about to collapse, you finally found the opening into the town and limped all the way back to your home
It hurt like a bitch, but you tried to smile as big as possible. You could tell Ruby was feeling awful about this just looking at you. Before you could say another word, Ruby lunged at you, pushing you both onto the couch behind you. You let out a loud hiss as your leg bent at an odd angle and your hip twisted. Her arms were wrapped tightly around your neck, her head buried into your chest. As you gained the strength to question her, Ruby cut you off
"Oh my god I'm so happy you're okay! I love you so much, I don't know what I'd do without you! I can't lose you!"
Hearing the absolute heartbreak in her voice and the way her breathing staggered between sobs pushed you to shed your own tears. In the forest, all you could think of was getting back to Ruby, the girl you loved. The fact that the whole time she felt the same sent you over the edge. You tightly hugged her back, ignoring the pain you felt from your injuries. Both of you just went back and forth saying how much you love each other over and over again to the point of it becoming unintelligable. Tired from being overworked physically and emotionally, you fell asleep together on the couch in each others arms. When everyone woke up in the morning they helped patch you up, with Ruby holding your hand the whole day
Weiss Schnee
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Weiss never expected to like someone so much. She was cold and abrasive, especially at the academy. But for some reason you just… stayed. And it wasn't annoying like it was with Ruby, instead whenever you knocked on her door she could feel her heart skip a beat. She'd still scold you for interrupting her and tell you to leave of course. Every week you pushed a little further, giving her space at the same time as to not overwhelm her. Weiss took notice and appreciated it deeply. She never had someone who took her interests at heart and it was so foreign. Your friendship took awhile to start, but once it got going it veeeery quickly turned into a closeted romance. Maybe it was due to her sheltered upbringing, maybe it was due to you not judging her for her family name, she didn't know. But something about you melted her heart and she fell hard. And it was super obvious, she is not good at lying. It got to the point that basically everyone knew of her crush except you. Ruby and Nora kept trying to get Weiss to confess to you already, but she managed to avert the conversations elsewhere. She'd tell you, but now wasn't the time
Weiss quickly regretted that decision when she came back from a mission to hear you never returned from yours. At first she thought it was a prank and got angry, but when she realised it was true, she started freaking out. She pretty much interrogated everyone who interacted with you that day and started slinging accusations. Emotions got heated and multiple arguments broke out. Ruby and Jaune tried to organize a search party for the next day but that didn't do much. The day ended on a sour note, and Weiss instantly locked herself in her room. She spent the whole night crying, trying to contact you through your scroll
While on a mission, the whole group got a message that you were found alive. Badly hurt, but alive. Weiss basically abandoned whatever she was doing and got to the location marked on her scroll as fast as possible. On the way she went on call with Blake and learned what had happened. Apparently SDC protestors learned of your appearance and relationship with Weiss and grew enraged. A Schnee didn't deserve to find love, and you loving her just made you complicit with her family's crimes! They took their chance while you were alone and approached you, asking for help. When you followed them to the abandoned building, you instantly knew it was a trap, but they bashed you on the head and kidnapped you. They spent the last few days interrogating you about the SDC and Weiss' "secret plans". No matter how many times you said you didn't understand they wouldn't take that as an answer. You got incredibly lucky when Ren saw a shady person enter the building you were kept in and decided to call backup and investigate
The whole travel her anger grew and grew, a flurry of emotions clouding her head. She doesn't even remember traveling to you, she became concious again when she saw your beaten, bloody face. You had a black eye and bruises all over your body, but other than that you were in good shape. The moment your eyes met, Weiss stormed over and began yelling at you. She screamed about how foolish you were to follow strangers, how stupid you were for being so naively kind, it all just fell out of her mouth. Rant lasting awhile, it all accumulated in her confessing what she had been holding for years,
"Why can't you just understand that I love you and don't want you hurt?!"
When she realized what she said she fell quiet and put a hand over her mouth. For the next minute it was pure silence. You could hear a pin drop. It took you a bit to fully process so you just stared wide eyed. Weiss's face dropped as she looked to the ground solemnly. She blunted said you should have just exposed her so you could go free without harm. With that you broke out of your trance and instantly pulled her into a hug, letting out a small hiss at the pressure on your ribcage. You instantly let her know that it was worth protecting her, and when you confessed you felt the same into her ear, Weiss melted into your embrace. As you hugged she just kept calling you an idiot over and over again, threatening you to never get kidnapped again. Meanwhile everyone in the vicinity did a sigh of relief and thanked the gods you were finally a couple
Blake Belladonna
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At the start Blake didn't really like people much, that was obvious. But unlike Weiss who was more abrasive and combative, Blake preferred to ignore or dismiss. Even after you became friends with the rest of Team RWBY Blake was the last one to warm up to you. But things changed when you saw her reading a book from your favorite series. Shocked you knew of it, she inquired about your interest and you two spent the whole time talking about the plot and it's history. After that day Blake found herself intrigued by you, and was happy to find someone to enjoy books with her. Everyday she grew warmer. You noticed she would slowly start to approach you herself and actively start conversations. It was cute. Soon she realised that she was falling in love again. Blake tried so hard to fight those feelings off. Her relationships have always been plagued by tragedy and she doesn't want you involved in that. But every time she heard you laugh and saw you do cute little dances, it got nearly impossible to not fall for you
Although your friendship had been pretty steady, you knew Blake was hiding things from you. You tried to pry information from her to no avail, she kept being vague. Tensions just kept rising and rising until tt all came to a head when she finally spoke up. Blake told you everything, all about Adam and the White Fang. She even opened up about what happened with Yang and how she ran away from her team. It was… intense, to say the least. It was so much to process at once you couldn't really wrap your head around it. She was in the White Fang? Yang lost an arm for her? This Adam guy is still out there? The more she tried to explain herself and her history, it just made you more confused and overwhelmed. Your brain became overstimulated with emotions that you just blew up at her. She started silent, but eventually raised her voice as well. It was an intense back and forth argument between you two that ended with you both angrily retreating to your respective rooms. Blake layed in bed awake all night, thinking about your whole argument. It was wrong for you to blame her and yell, but she absolutely understood why you did. This situation is tough and multi-faceted. As she finally drifted to sleep, Blake made up her mind
The next day Blake emerged from her room to confront you and apologize, but found you were gone. Everyone else saw you leave the house in the early morning but haven't heard a thing from you since. Blake's heart instantly dropped. Remembering your last interaction made her imagine the absolute worst and made her heart race. Without a word she ran out and went looking for you. She didn't even have a game plan. Normally she is very levelheaded and able to control her emotions, but this time it was impossible. Adam was still out there watching, waiting. He already went for Yang multiple times, there is no doubt in her mind that he would target you too. Every possibility played in her head of him kidnapping you and hurting you
Blake scanned the streets and forest paths desperately, and after what seemed like hours, she finally found you. No hesitation she called your name, catching your attention. As she dropped in front of you, before you could say anything she grabbed you roughly by your shoulders. Voice quivering, Blake asked you if Adam touched you at all, tears in her eyes. You shook your head confused, gaining a desperate sigh of relief from the Faunus. She explained how you just up and left with no notice and how scared she got considering your fight. But you responded that you left behind a note telling her you were just going for a walk to cool down. You two spent the next couple of minutes clearing up misunderstandings and eventually got the full picture. And awkward silence fell upon you two, which you broke by apologizing for your outburst. Blake was silent at first, but responded in kind,
"I'm… sorry for not being upfront and honest with you. I always try to hide and run, because I'm afraid my past will come back to haunt me. Adam knows when I get close to someone, he knows when I…
I try to rationalize it by saying it's for your sake, but that's not fair to you. I can't do that to someone… someone that I love. I promise from now on there will be no secrets between us."
Her words shook your core, and made your face instantly flush. She was being the most upfront and genuine she's ever been, and you couldn't help but lose your breath. Gulping, you quietly tell her you feel the same, making her ears perk up. On the way back to your home, you both gently locked hands
Yang Xiao Long
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Yo, you didn't become friends, it's more like Yang kidnapped you and you got Stockholm Syndrome. Obviously I'm joking, you were actually a friend of Ruby's and happened to be Yang's age, so everytime you visited Ruby you two would get to talking. After a couple conversations, Yang deemed you to be fucking cool and constantly tried to talk to you and chill. It got to the point that you started hanging out with Yang more than Ruby, causing the latter to pout. Your interactions devolved into playful flirting and teasing. She would always call you "cutie" and make flirty puns at you, gaining a blush and sigh in response. As much as you guys messed around, Yang started to realize that it wasn't just jokes anymore. Over the years you've known each other the atmosphere changed. Subconciously she had been trying to give you hints about how she feels. It took her talking to Blake to really come to terms with her feelings and figure out what was going on with her
The next morning Yang happily slammed your door open and brightly called for you to get up. All of her happiness stopped in it's tracks when she saw your empty bed. With no hesitation she began asking everyone where you were, with varied answers. Nora and Ren ate breakfast with you, Oscar saw you watch tv, Weiss had an argument with you about beverage choices, etc. Blake was the only one with a solid answer, stating you were heading to the out of town store to get groceries. Yang could feel herself getting slightly annoyed, but appreciated the response and happily went to go meet you there. She hopped on Bumblebee and started the drive
While she drove, Yang tried contacting you through your scroll but wasn't getting a response which was odd. You were usually really attentive and always answered, at least sent a text message or something. After a couple more times she was about to put her scroll away, until you picked up. Yang happily spoke into the scroll, playfully scolding you for making her call so many times, but got no response. She listened closely and could hear the faint voices of two men yelling. They were clearly not friendly and were throwing threats all over the place. It was already giving her a bad feeling, but when Yang heard gunshots and the sound of you screaming in fear, she put Bumblebee in overdrive and beelined towards you
When you left the house, all you intended to do was get some bread and pasta for tonights dinner. You even went to the far off store that had the high quality noodles. But about halfway during your shopping the doors slammed open and two men stormed in holding guns. They began threatening the store and it's patrons. The old Shopkeep tried to tell them to leave but quickly backed down when they shot 3 bullets at his feet. One of the men chained the door shut and closed the blinds, while the other went around and gathered customers to the center of the store. Adults and children were herded onto the open floor and promptly restrained as to not intervene. Your scroll, thankfully on silent, kept telling you Yang was calling. You knew you couldn't respond to her, but you accepted the call to let her at least know what as going on. After a couple of gunshots you closed your scroll and shoved it in your pocket. As the other man got closer you looked around and found an opening behind the freezers. Before he approached you quickly slid behind and held your breath. No one noticed your escape, and went along their way. For the next 10 minutes you sat there in horror as you heard the store get ransacked and customers terrorized
The front windows suddenly shattered as a yellow and black bike got thrown through, ramming into one of the men. Yang quickly followed, eyes red and hair burning. She started to tear apart the store trying to find you, breaking shelves and display stands. You name was called but you could barely hear due to the freezers. Upset at the sudden entrance, the men tried to intimidate her, but she didn't even flinch. Knowing you were somewhere in the building, possible hurt, made her go blind with rage. With ease Yang defeated and apprehended the criminals with excessive force. A few extra punches and kicks and head slams are fine, right? Shopkeep thanked her and called the police, leaving Yang to find you. Now that the room was quieter, you could hear her desperate cries and called out for her, crawling out. You were barely off the floor when Yang nearly tackled you and hugged you tighter than before.
"I love you so much, I'll never let this happen again. I'll never let you get hurt."
In that moment Yang didn't even care about the fact she just confessed her true love to you, all she cared about was the fact you were in her arms unharmed. You didn't say it back, but you reciprocated her hug in a way that made her understand. The hug lasted for a couple of minutes, both of you just breathing together and calming yourselves. Once your heartrates dropped and your minds' settled, Yang gently helped you up and lead you to her bike, hopping on herself. Wrapping your arms around her waist, Yang quietly drove you back to the house in comfortable silence. That night Yang slept in your room with you due to anxiety and paranoia of you getting possible hurt. But even after those fears quieted down, you guys kept sleeping and cuddling in the same bed like the lovebirds you were
This was so long but so fun to write??? I hope these are alright!
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wavytam · 11 months
SaNami in Thriller Bark and Whole Cake: How one arc was used to foreshadow the other
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In this post I will talk about how Sanji's and Nami's storylines in Thriller Bark were used to foreshadow a lof of elements that played out in Whole Cake Island...
... and might as well foreshadow their dynamic in future arcs.
I decided to write this post after I rewatched Thriller Bark. 
As the episodes went by, having in mind that I had already caught up on Wano in the anime, I noticed some odd… similarities left in Thriller Bark that made me realize how much it foreshadowed future arcs (like Marine Ford and Fishman Island), but especially Whole Cake Island (and Egghead, but this is an analysis for the next post) especially the moments relating to Sanji and Nami.
I also remembered something that was speculation at the time and if anyone has a source for this information, please share, since it's been a while I've read about it and I don't remember where I got it from: apparently, during the time Marine Ford was being animated (and the manga was in Fishman Island) one of Oda's employees lost some type of sketchbook containing concepts and plans about Whole Cake Arc.
If this is true, it means that Oda had a lot of things figured out way ahead of the current storyline of One Piece - which is not exactly a surprise. But after rewatching Thriller Bark, I dare to speculate that Oda already had a lot of things planned for Whole Cake even before Fishman Island and even Marineford, and he actually used Thriller Bark itself to foreshadow it.
Obviously, every arc of One Piece usually leaves hints to future arcs (especially when it comes to Wano and Elbaf - Oda foreshadows both in almost every arc), but I'd like to take a moment to talk about the ones (on top of my head) that Thriller Bark left hints of.
Wano: Zoro's encounter with Ryuma's Zombie and Moria mentions Kaido.
Marineford: By the very end of the Thriller Bark arc, Boa Hancock's name is mentioned, and we also have a scene of Lola warning Luffy about Ace's vivre card.
These are just some of the elements I remember and won't get into much detail, otherwise this post would need two parts lol.
Anyway, with what I said in mind, there's one arc that Thriller Bark strangely foreshadows more than any other and, not only that, but also introduces elements that will later be essential in said arc: which is Whole Cake Island. There are so many moments thrown here and there, especially during Sanji and Nami's moments, that it got me curious to know for how long Oda:
Had planned to write Whole Cake
Had the entirety of Sanji's storyline figured out
Had planned some specific interactions between certain characters
As you can already guess by the title of this analysis, my assumption is that Sanji and Nami's roles and interactions in Whole Cake Island were something that Oda had planned ever since Thriller Bark… and maybe even before.
In this next part, I will show you the reasons why and also why I think that some of their moments in Thriller Bark still weren't mirrored in Whole Cake but might be in Egghead or maybe Elbaf.
Nami and Sanji’s roles in Thriller Bark
First, let's remember what happens to Nami and Sanji separately and how both their storylines intersect throughout Thriller Bark.
Nami starts off by getting lost from the Straw Hats along with Usopp and Chopper (the infamous Weak Trio) inside Thriller Bark. Through their perspective we see how weird and macabre the setting is and how there is something wrong with its inhabitants - specifically Doctor Hogback.
Meanwhile, Luffy, Sanji and the rest of the Straw Hats follow the trio's tracks and have an entirely different perception of the place. Through their perspective, everything that scared Usopp, Nami and Chopper is… kinda pathetic and weak? Lol, I loved how Oda planned this.
Once the Weak Trio arrives at Dr. Hogback's Manor, Nami is assaulted (ugh) by an invisible Absalom (mind you, a guy who has lion parts - a symbol that usually is connected to her throughout One Piece) and he decides to take her as his wife. Meanwhile, as the trio tries to escape, and the rest of the Straw Hats are looking for them, Sanji's and Zoro's shadows are taken by Gecko Moria and put inside Zombies. Something interesting happens: because Sanji is not well known like Zoro, Moria underestimates him and puts his shadow inside the body of a weaker Zombie (keep that in mind for later).
Sanji's zombie finds Usopp, Chopper and Nami, and rebels against his "programming" to protect Nami specifically.
That's when Moria's minions realize that Sanji is much stronger than they anticipated.
Later, Chopper and Usopp escape, but Nami is taken by Absalom. She also meets a Zombie named Lola whom she ends up befriending. Through Usopp, (original) Sanji finds out Nami was harassed by Absalom and was planning to force her into a marriage.
He gets so mad, he lights himself on fire and we have these interesting exchanges.
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(Posting two translations of the same panel because both translations are so interesting: one of them Zoro says that he might “transform” into something, but the other says he might “mutate” - and considering the things we know now of Sanji’s past once again shows how Oda gives a lot of thought to Sanji’s characterization.
Anyway, if anyone knows which phrase is the closest to the original japanese and what else it could be talking about, feel free to comment or DM! I have zero knowledge of Japanese and I just know how many hints we might be missing because of it). 
Meanwhile, Nami is (probably) drugged by Absalom and is carried to the altar to get married.
Obviously (and under Luffy's orders) Sanji goes to look for Nami and we know how things go after this. He
crashes Nami's "wedding",
fights Absalom as he protects her body against any minor harm,
and ends up talking about his dream to become invisible and how he studied devil fruits when he was a kid (that moment for me is enough to prove that Oda had already planned Sanji's entire storyline with Germa, his siblings and his metal mask - I will talk about it in more detail later)
All of that effort seemed to go nowhere since Sanji was unable to free Nami. Absalom escapes with her and tries to marry her again, only for her to (finally) wake up and defeat him.
That's when we realise that it was thanks to Sanji, who weakened Absalom in their previous fight, that Nami was able to (in a sense) oneshot Absalom so easily.
So, unbeknown to himself and Nami, Sanji did end up saving Nami - this is an interesting motif in their relationship, and something I plan to talk about more in future posts.
Later, after everything is resolved, Nami befriends the real Lola. Lola not only talks about her mother Linlin (the Big Mom, one of the Four powerful Yonkos) but also gives Nami Linlin's vivre card. Only later in Whole Cake we find out Lola ran away from home and Chiffon mentions how she rejected the advances of a prince (Loki - Elbaf foreshadow) whom Nami takes interest upon for being… well, a prince.
Obviously a bunch of other things happen, but I only talked about the points I wanted to explore in this analysis. I'm sure you noticed there's a lot of them to talk about already.
Also, if you watched/read WCI I'm sure that, as I listed what happened in Thriller Bark, you already noticed how there are some interesting elements in it that later become crucial for While Cake to play out the way it did.
As I mentioned, one of the most important things that I think Oda had been planning to write ever since Thriller Bark (or before) was for Nami specifically to participate in Whole Cake.
This part I will leave for last, since the next topics will serve as a way to explain it.
TB Absalom's Invisibility and Sanji's Dream mirror WCI Stealth Black and the Rejected Germa Prince Storyline
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Well, this topic is kinda controversial because of the sexual undertones it has and because of how Oda portrays Sanji's perviness. I won't talk about this part here since it's not the focus of this analysis, but I will link you to an amazing post that explores exactly that part of Sanji's character.
Here I will focus on the other part that Oda left implicit: which is the fact that Sanji had the dream to be invisible ever since he was a kid (when he still didn't have his hyperfixation on women) and how, at the same time, it was the exact power he was "supposed" to have as a Germa soldier and prince.
To me Oda not only used Absalom's powers as a way to leave open the possibility of Sanji having invisibility related powers in the future (which he kinda did in Wano), but also to tie it to his past with Germa. 
Only now do we know that the power Sanji was originally supposed to have was invisibility and the fact that Oda put Absalom with that exact power might show how ahead he was on the story (or how good he is with improvising hehe).
Now, this raises the question: if Sanji's mutation was supposed to be invisibility, where exactly did those fire powers come from? (This is something for a future post ;))
TB Nami and Lola mirrors WCI Nami and Chiffon
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Through the bond Oda developed between Lola and Nami, the Straw Hats (and we, readers) gathered a lot of important information that would later be used by Nami herself to survive their adventure through Whole Cake.
First, Lola had a twin sister, Chiffon, who, because of the bond already established between Lola and Nami, ended up taking a liking to Nami in Whole Cake (and vice versa).
Big Mom's Family and Political Marriages
Second, as we get to know Lola in Thriller Bark we see that the idea of finding the man she loves and marrying him is an important concept for her. This is later on explained in Whole Cake, where we realize that Big Mom uses political marriages to gain more power and wanted to force Lola to marry prince Loki. That’s the sole reason for Lola to leave Big Mom and, once again, it seems like something Oda had already planned in Thriller Bark.
Big Mom's Vivre Card
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Third, the Vivre Card Lola gave Nami was crucial for Nami, Luffy and the rest of the crew to navigate through Whole Cake and control Big Mom's henchmen. A lot of the problems that they were going through in Whole Cake were resolved because of that simple vivre card given around six arcs earlier, Thriller Bark.
Sanji and Nami Wedding Crashing Each Other's Weddings and Bridal Carries
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Well, this is the part the SaNami Fandom has already talked about the most and for obvious reasons. It's not everyday a ship has so many wedding motifs, and the fact that Oda chose to parallel a lot of things that happened during the wedding in Thriller Bark at Whole Cake with Sanji and Nami, obviously adds more fuel to the fire.
This topic, along with Lola, is actually the reason for me to write this analysis, since, in my opinion, there are a lot of details that seem too coincidental to be considered unplanned.
First detail: we have the fact that Nami was the main reason for Luffy to ever decide to invade Big Mom's territory and go after Sanji, whilst in Thriller Bark it was Sanji himself who was determined to stop Nami's wedding at all costs and Luffy… well, he just gave Sanji permission to do his thing lmao.
Second: during both wedding ceremonies, Sanji carried Nami bridal style; something that the groom was supposed to do with the bride.
Third detail: both Nami and Sanji were being forced to get married and it was always the other side that would try to save the forced groom/bride. The best part about this is the fact that neither Sanji nor Nami knew about the amount of difficulties the other went to save one another. Which brings me to the next topic:
Nami's Obliviousness to Sanji's efforts mirrors Sanji's obliviousness to Nami's efforts
Okay, this is more of a fact for the entirety of One Piece, but I think it's more evident in both Thriller Bark and Whole Cake. Again, although this is a topic that I want to talk about in more detail in another post, I do think it's worth mentioning a bit in here.
In Thriller Bark, Nami does not realize how important she is for Sanji and the extent of the things he is willing to do for her safety. Not only that, but Nami is also not aware of the things Sanji already did for her ever since Arlong Park.
In Whole Cake, it's more subtle, but the fact that only Luffy truly saw Sanji's breakdown and how much he was sacrificing himself for his crew, shows that Nami still does not know the true extent of Sanji's care and selflessness. 
And it raises the question: why? Why is it that Oda does not let Nami (until this day) know how much Sanji did to his crew and especially to her? To me, it's because, if Nami knew, she would treat Sanji differently. If she knew that Sanji does have a preference for her, that he defended her in Arlong Park, that he tried everything he could to protect her in Thriller Bark, and that he did a lot of things he wouldn't do for any other woman, maybe her view on him would change.
Consequently some type of tension between the two could eventually build up and what Oda has been trying to avoid for years (which was a romance between the crew) would eventually happen, and the entire dynamic of the crew would shift (but this is speculation ofc, it might be nothing and even if Nami knew, nothing could change).
And let's also consider that, although Sanji looks for Nami's validation when she witnesses him fighting, he never tries to brag or tell her about the times he defended her when she wasn't looking.
Obviously, in Whole Cake, Sanji is thinking about the entire crew when he sacrificed his happiness, not only her, but as I said, it's more about the fact that Nami does not know how much Sanji truly works under wraps to make sure the people he loves are safe - and how selfless he truly is for her when she only sees his perverted side.
Now, the same can be said about Sanji, to some extent. It's clear in the manga that Sanji does have strong feelings for Nami, if it's reciprocated, it's up to debate. But no one can deny that Nami does care about Sanji and sometimes, she cares more than anyone else in her crew.
We all noticed how Nami was the most eager to rescue Sanji, always trying to bring the seriousness of the situation to the rest of the crew and dragging Chopper, Luffy and Brook to the right path whenever they got distracted by something else. 
However, when it came to truly knock some sense into Sanji to accept help, Nami was conveniently taken out of the picture in favor of Luffy. 
Keep in mind that I am in no way complaining, the moments Sanji had with Luffy were beautiful, and he obviously would have the focus: Luffy is the main character and Sanji's captain.
But the fact that Oda kept Nami away in one of Sanji's moments of fragility, when he exposed his true nature and showed how caring he really is, can come off as suspicious. As if Oda does not really want Nami to see those moments… yet.
You can say that Oda also kept Chopper and Brook out of the picture, but even when Nami is with them, Oda kind of separates Nami's behavior from theirs. He emphasizes Nami's reactions and gives her serious expressions while the rest are put in more comical situations.
Also, during the Luffy vs. Sanji fight, one of the most emotional moments of WCI, Nami didn't need to be there if Oda only wanted to emphasize the importance of Luffy to Sanji.
In my opinion, he put Nami there, because Sanji cares about her and her opinion more than any other woman’s, even more than Robin’s. Which makes the following moment even more hurtful, especially because that was the only time Nami didn't use the "kun" honorific - showing how she lost respect for him.
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Conclusion: the importance of Sanji and Nami in each other’s stories
By looking at these topics, I think it's very interesting how Oda made sure to use parts of Nami's plot in Thriller Bark to gather information that would help her, Luffy, Brook and Chopper to save Sanji in Whole Cake.
To me, the fact that so many of these things seemed to point out something: the interactions that both Nami and Sanji have is something that Oda thinks about carefully. Not only that, but everytime they are having a major moment/development, most of the times one is there to support the other.
In Arlong Park Sanji defended Nami's actions
In Ennies Lobby Nami had a major fight against Khalifa because she knew Sanji wouldn't fight a woman
Until Nami decided to forgive Jimbei, Sanji was there to defend her
Again, the only exception is during Sanji's and Nami’s arcs in Wano -  but in my opinion it's because Oda’s intentional hiding of Sanji’s story from the other Strawhats will pay off in the future and will be a major factor in the One Piece story.
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Well, this is it.
Okay, with all of those topics in mind, there are two main events in Thriller Bark that happened in relation to Nami and Sanji that still don't seem to have been mirrored:
Sanji's Zombie fought his own programming to protect Nami in Thriller Bark mirrors (?)
The underestimation of Sanji's True Power, what it truly is and how will it be activated
I plan to write that part for my analysis of SaNami in Egghead. If anyone is interested, stay tuned!
For everyone who stayed until the end, thanks for reading!! See you in the next post.
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mint-yooxgi · 2 years
The Line Between “Inspiration” and Plagiarism.
I have been through a plethora of emotions recently, and this is not the first time I have felt this way about this specific situation with this specific author. As I sit here writing this, my heart is racing and my hands continue to shake. I am devastated. My heart is filled with anxiety. I have been made to feel guilty for being plagiarized.
But I think it’s fair to be honest with myself, and with all of you.
There have been many fics that have been written somewhat recently “inspired by” Hotel California. Normally, I don’t take issue with these types of things. It makes me happy to know my writing could inspire others. However, that being said, I take issue when my fic is stolen, and plagiarized in multiple ways.
There is only one fic in particular that stands out in my mind based on all of the similarities between my own and this supposed “inspiration” based fic. That fic is Inherited Demons by /senpai-of-doom.
I have been told that their other works are also quite similar to other authors, such as @hongism​ ‘s “Mist of Celeste” , @shadowynn​ ‘s “In love and lore”, and @chasingatinydream ‘s “Pirate King” fics. I am tagging the author’s here to let them know of the situation. They do not have to read this full post, but I feel they should be made aware that they could also be getting plagiarized by this account under the guise of simply being “inspired”.
Now, let me preface this by saying that, after the first ten chapter of their fic, they reached out to me multiple times about reading their little “inspiration” and I agreed. Somewhat reluctantly, I'll be honest, but I still agreed. The first maybe, two chapters or so, I didn’t notice anything too bad, but the more I read, the more horrible it made me feel.
There is nothing more devastating as an author than seeing someone plagiarize your work, or using your ideas and claiming them as their own. As the author of HC I spent over 6 months writing, planning, and pouring my soul into this fic, so of course I will be the most familiar with my story, it’s characters, and the scenarios within.
And here were the same characters, setting, and situations as in my fic, but taken by someone else as their own.
There were so many similarities, it was unbelievable to me; to me, there is a heavy difference between being “inspired” by something, and straight up taking someone else’s ideas and claiming they are your original work.
For example, an instance of inspiration would be my own scene in Hotel California where Yunho pulls OC out of the darkness of her own mind. If you’ve read that scene, you’ll be familiar with how a little orb of the OC’s soul appears to lead Yunho to where the OC is trapped and vulnerable in her broken state. 
I took inspiration from this scene from Demon Slayer, and the specific incident from Mugen Train Arc where a boy is within Tanjiro’s subconscious and is searching for his spirit core. Little glowing figures appear to lead this boy to the orb, so you can deduce here what specifics I took as inspiration.
Now, if you are unfamiliar with Demon Slayer, you may not have recognized that. Heck, if I hadn’t of mentioned this, would it have been obvious where I got the inspiration from?
To me, that is what inspiration means.
In terms of this specific fic, however, there were just too many similarities to be a coincidence of “inspiration”. Here are all of the similarities I discovered within the first ten (10) chapters alone. Please keep in mind these might not be in order of appearance within the fic, but they are there:
The very biggest one that stands out right away is the setting. It is clear from this authors note (see below) where the “inspiration” came from. Yes, I was credited, but when you work hard on creating something, and someone takes your cake and runs with it, it hurts. Even the descriptions of the rooms were similar to mine (also pictured below). I would like to add that i’m not even tagged in this particular chapter or note, just a link to my story. Also note the change in username in the screenshots. This has been bothering me since back when i first read it and came to all of these realizations, which i will also touch upon later.
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Another glaringly obvious similarity were all of the things the demons were able to do, and all things related to them being demons. 
Their telepathy and certain powers were scarily similar.
The fact that they want the OC to become their “Queen”
The majority of their hobbies, which I will talk about in a separate point.
Having the eight of them be referred to specifically as “Demon Kings” of their realm
Being able to read OC’s mind, and subsequently attaching themselves to it and her to them.
How they all have a mental connection with the OC where they can converse with her in her mind
Now, onto the hobbies:
Yunho is a artist, just as HC!Yunho is, who has a sketchbook filled with drawings of the oc. Where have I seen that one before? (granted, this came up more in later chapters, but I thought it appropriate to put here)
Jongho likes to read and spend his time in the library. Hmm, kind of similar to a particular HC boy with the same name. Especially when the OC spends so much time with him reading... in the library...
Yeosang plays a specific melody for the OC that is “her melody”. Wow, I wonder if that’s similar?
Hongjoong is essentially a tailor, and creates outfits for the OC, and implies the OC will be receiving a crown/wearing one at some point. Switch him to Seonghwa and omg, Hello there Mars from HC!!!
Another similarity I noticed was how Yeosang was OC’s first. Her first love, the first one she has sex with, the first one she became closest to. I wonder who that could be in HC? Oh wait... it’s also Yeosang...
Oc gets trapped inside the mansion and specifically cannot leave, so she sort of barricades herself in her room while the boys take care of her. Hmmm, where have I seen that one before?
Not to mention how they seem to not be able to control their eyes shifting around the OC to start, leading to the oc to question their sanity, just like in HC
Don’t even get me started on Jongho and the library... but also, how Jongho is one of the first ones to become close to the oc over time
Now, the next few were some things I noticed in later chapter, but here’s why they’re so important. After reading the first ten chapters at the time, I reached out to the author and expressed my concerns over the many similarities there were that I noticed. I wanted to avoid conflict, and they were super understanding at the time, even going so far as to offer to change a few things around. I told them that as long as they properly credited me, it should be okay. 
I realize now I should have been honest.
It was, and never has been, okay with me that these similarities were there. I take full responsibility for my decision at the time, and I stand by it, as I never believed the situation would come to this. I was told the story was going to divulge from my own at that point and become something completely different, which to an extent, yeah, okay, it did in certain aspects. However, there were still similarities that came through. Even ones in more recent chapters drawing from my newer series, Morning Mist.
I also want to preface this by saying I don’t own certain nicknames/tropes, but when they are that specific to a character that is my own, and my own story, it feels personal when they are used. Especially when it is literally stated that their fic is “inspired” by my own.
Hwa’s very personal nickname he uses for the OC in my fic is “My Divine”. Not a very common nickname, as I've not seen it used often, and it’s special to him because it calls back to what he says to my OC in his tailor shop the very first chapter when OC tries on the dress. (Also, the heartfelt comfort scene in chapter 4). Well, Hwa might not be the one to use it in this fic, but it’s certainly used. By Yeosang. The full “My Divine”.
Similarity, “Wolfgang” was used to describe the SKZ gang in a very recent chapter of this fic. A term that is specifically dedicated to my dragon fic, Morning Mist, which also feels very pointed when used considering where the “inspiration” is coming from.
Additionally, the order that the OC “falls in love” with the demons follows the exact same order as HC. Yeosang, and then Mingi as the first two. Very similar not to notice as the author of my fic.
Also, the fact that their demon realm is undergoing a coup, which is, similarly, a huge plot of my own story.
I’ve had multiple people reach out to me in my discord about similarities they’ve noticed between this fic and my own. So, clearly, I'm not the only one noticing and thinking these things. If a reader is able to identify similarities, there has to be too many to be coincidence.
Edit 2: I have been informed that the original picture I had here depicting someone informing me of a scene they got confused with was not from this fic. I have subsequently removed it and would like to apologize for this specific case of miscommunication and misuse of information. 
Tonight, it was the last straw.
So, doing the responsible thing, I reached out to the author and expressed my honest feelings. I politely asked them to change the similarities, and to take down their work until the changes had been implemented. I even wrote out every single similarity for them because they asked.
I was met with hostility, and messages were made to guilt trip me for asking that my own work not be plagiarized. I am not going to bombard with screenshots of the conversation, but if anyone would like to see more than the one posted below, I will happily share the conversation with you. Just send me a message privately, and I'll show more. Please note, this is just one example from the conversation which appeared later in said talks.
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Side note: the “I set the... original settings” comment completely contradicts what I have stated, and subsequently, what they had explained in their authors note, about the setting of the house being completely the same as in HC.
The only reason I had started getting tagged in this fic in the first place was because I told the author to credit me properly. Otherwise, I don’t know it I would have been.
As I'm typing this out, I have been informed that this author has made some posts regarding this situation. I would kindly ask you all not to stir the pot, or send any negative, or other, asks regarding this to them. The situation is handled in a way, and I'm hoping it does not escalate further from here.
I don’t necessarily appreciate the plagiarist playing the victim and acting like they did no wrong, so I'll end of with this specific picture of their most recent post, and a comment below:
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Yes, fans should share ideas. However, when those ideas are stolen and plagiarized, the original author has every right to ask the plagiarist to change and/or take that story down. 
Being plagiarized like this does not make me want to share my ideas. It makes me never want to post on this account again.
From one author to another, I had hoped you’d understand.
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tokiro07 · 10 months
Undead Unluck ch.183 thoughts
[Rip Has Two Hands]
(Contents: polyamorous gushing, thematic analysis, Latla analysis)
Being in a polyamorous relationship, it means so much to me and my family to see a scene like this. My wife runs a blog dedicated to polyamory in manga (@polyamanga), and so often potential triads or quads or whatever else will dissolve right at the end because of any number of excuses, like one character realizing that they see the love interest as like their mom, or something, or a harem protagonist insisting that polyamory is morally wrong even though he's too spineless to actually make a choice. It's endlessly frustrating, and even a lot of series that are centered around polyamory still miss the mark in certain ways. Kanojo mo Kanojo, for example, has every single character decrying the act of two-timing consistently despite the fact that that's the lifestyle that they agreed to live! Even the main dude calls himself a scumbag constantly, like he's a monster for actually being honest with his girlfriend and continuing to do something she, again, agreed to!
I don't know what Tozuka plans to do with this relationship, whether it's going to get a lot of focus or if it's going to mostly be a background detail or what, but just getting to see a character actively decide to enter a polyamorous relationship and be met with love and acceptance for that decision is extremely refreshing and exciting. I do hope we get to see them actually acting like a triad and that it doesn't devolve into jealous bickering, but from what we've seen of this group, the bickering that does happen is likely going to be mostly playful. More than anything, though, I hope that we get some more detailed characterization for Leila, as one of the major complaints I've seen is that she's just been generically smiley and supportive, not unlike Ichico in Nico's flashback
But what's wrong with that? Two different characters acted in a similar way in a similar situation, asking for their partner to be happy in the event of their impending death? That's not lazy writing, that's theming! Undead Unluck is about finding happiness through sorrow! Would Fuuko's parents have wanted her to kill herself after she found out that she was responsible for their death? No, they would have wanted her to be happy! Did Isshin's dad want her to lose faith in herself after her armor failed to protect him from a UMA? No, he wanted her to know that she had saved the rest of the village!
While plenty of characters enforce despair on themselves, no one in Undead Unluck deliberately enforces despair on anyone else except for God and the UMA, who represent that very despair. "I have to atone for what I did/this is my cross to bear/I deserve this." Those are all self-imposed rules! And if there's one thing Undead Unluck has taught us, it's that rules are meant to be broken!!! If a rule doesn't benefit or protect those it restricts, then it's just a tool that someone else is using to control them!
And that's exactly what we're told here, too. Society tells us that we have to pick one partner, even if it means someone's happiness has to be lost, but why? What purpose does it serve to compromise on what would make us happy? Sure, if one partner would be unhappy with that outcome, then it may not be worth pursuing, but Latla's objection isn't that she'd be unhappy, it's that other people will judge them for their choice
"Why do you always worry about me?! Why won't you just leave me be?" Latla has already decided that she doesn't get her happy ending because she wants Leila to get hers. She thinks that their happiness is mutually exclusive, so she resigned herself to finding happiness in Leila's happiness. But that's a fallacy. They aren't mutually exclusive, they can have their cake and eat it too, and they'll be happier for it because neither of them needs to think that they've deprived the other of their happiness. Do you think Rip and Leila would be satisfied knowing that Latla was hurting? That she was crying behind a tree while they kissed? That she was slowly backing away and would eventually be gone from their lives if they didn't literally drag her back?
Latla chastised Rip in both this and the previous loop for going out on his own and leaving her behind, but in her own way, Latla was doing the exact same thing. Rip was literally distant, but Latla was emotionally distant, refusing to allow herself to indulge in the happiness that would otherwise be lost to her sister. If she and Rip hadn't held each other at arm's length in the previous loop, how differently would their lives have gone? How happy could they have been? Better question, was happiness even possible for them at the time without Leila? Were they being disrespectful of Leila's wishes, or was the hole too great for them to fill on their own?
Nico couldn't fill the Ichico-shaped hole in his heart with Mico, even though that's what Ichico wanted, for fear that doing so would erase what little was left of her in his heart. Perhaps it was hopeless from the beginning that Rip and Latla would be able to move on without Leila, much like Rip and Leila wouldn't be able to smile knowing that Latla was crying
Undead Unluck is about joy and freedom, and its cast finds joy in living freely. Fuuko fell into despair because she couldn't touch anyone, but found joy when she met someone she could touch freely. Juiz was trapped in a never-ending cycle of loss, but found joy when she met someone who she trusted could break the cycle. Rip and Latla fell apart when they lost Leila, but now can laugh and smile without reservation or guilt because they can be with her forevermore without anyone telling them they can't. And who are we to tell them they can't be happy after everything they've been through?
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lordarsonizzzzt · 2 years
I just wanted to write something cause im bored
characters: Jack Bright, Alto Clef, Kondraki, Draven, Iceberg, Gerald
✦ Jack strikes me as a funny guy when in a relationship, dates with him aren't fancy and shit, he doesn't want to go to a place where you have to waste tons of money for food
✦ She prefers going to McDonald, convencing the staff to give both of you balloons if they have any. Maybe go to an arcade or go bowling, fun dates are her thing.
✦ If you want to, she can book some fancy restaurant so you both can go, but it really isn't his thing. I'm so sure Bright just loves goofing around when not in the foundation cause those are the few times he gets to be out of the place.
✦ Don't get me wrong, he's loyal to the Foundation but it can be a bit too much plus the whole being inmortal thing, he preferes dates that involve going out and to places where you will have a fun story to tell.
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♫ Similar to Jack, he preferes fun dates, fancy never was and never will be his thing.
♫ But contrary to Jack, he prefers being indoors, that being said, he loves dates where you two cook together.
♫ HE IS going to mess with whatever you are doing, and YOU WILL have to try and stop him from putting weird shit into the mix.
♫ If you are baking a cake, he's going to try to put gummy worms in it, if you are making dinner, he'll try to put chocolates in the spaguetti.
♫ But that's perfect with you, because that's your man.
♫ If you both already planned to have a date but that day was kinda of shitty for him, he'll try to put through it anyways, most likely you will notice and it wil be time for cuddles and maybe a movie that is just there for background noise while both of you sleep.
♫ I headcannon Clef as a pretty clingy guy when in private, he needs constant praise but he'll prefer dying before admiting it, Lily left some pretty nasty scars on him (both mentally and phsically), so this 'dates' are more of a schedule for both of you, they happen once a week.
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⌛︎ So this one depends on how much you support his drinking habit.
⌛︎ If you are ok with it you both will go to a bar and have a few drinks, but make sure they are actually a few because he doesn't know when to stop.
⌛︎ If you aren't okay with it, then you'll have dinners in your home, same as Clef, Kondraki prefers dates indoors rather than outdoors, he craves that domestic life. Hell! he may even invite Draven and Talloran if it's cool with you.
⌛︎ If Draven comes, he is not buying any alcoholic drinks, not even beer.
⌛︎ If he doesn't, he'll buy probably two cans of beer or vodka, enough to not get him wasted.
⌛︎ Dates with him are filled with talking about this and that, a new book he got into, some dumbass in the Foundation, a guy you don't like from your work and so on.
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➳ Anything will do good with him, wanna go to the beach? Okay! Want to try out food in this new restaurant? Sure, let's go! Wanna do a picnic? HE'S ON HIS WAY.
➳ He likes to have dates at night time, maybe have some take-out and eat in a park while you both talk, walk around holding hands.
➳ He likes to gossip, no you can't change my mind. He'll call you up and will tell you to come to his apartment, when you are there, there are a lot of bags of chips, candies and sodas
➳ You'll paint his nails while he tells you about some weird break up that happened in the foundation, you will ask him to stay still because he uses his hands so much to get his point across.
➳ Probably the only one that will take you to a fancy place with no trouble, yeah it's not his thing but it doesn't hurt to act like you are both rich and important people for one night.
➳ 10/10 would date again.
❆ "Why do you wanna go out if we see each other every day"
❆ Don't expect going out with him, he has to be in a really good mood to take you out, if you wanna go alone or with friends he has no trouble paying for you.
❆ But he's just, not going out, not his thing at all.
❆ Similar to most in this list, preferes staying inside, he'll make breakfast for you and you can watch a movie on the mornings.
❆ At night time, he'll order something from your favourite place and probably some dessert, he'll tell you he got it because it was cheap and it was for him, but since he was going to get something might as well feed you too.
❆ He got himself something else tho, he didn't ate desseart because it was for you.
❆ This one also craves domesticity, but he won't say it. He loves kisses in the morning when making coffee, holding hands when coming home and cuddling at night.
❆ Hell! He may even tell you that he loves you, and verbal affection from him is one hell of an achievement.
⚠︎ Everything he gets is from the market, if he cooks he'll burn everything down and he just wants dates with you to be perfect, he feels like he doesn't deserve you and feels bad because there are so many guys out there that are better than him.
⚠︎ So he tries, he really tries to make these dates perfect, there is no way anything can go wro-
⚠︎ So, most of the time you end up going home and having the picnic on your backyard.
⚠︎ He gets attacked by bears, beers, steps on snakes by mistake, everything that could go wrong goes wrong.
⚠︎ He may even cry.
⚠︎ When you are in your backyard he'll try to feed you parts of the cake he bought, only to attract more fucking bees.
⚠︎ You'll feed him a strawberry and he'll choke on it, but that's to expect.
141 notes · View notes
writingattemptsxx · 24 days
A Diamond and an Eel with a Clover
Trey starts dating Jade, and Cater finds himself picking up similar feelings.
First ever attempt at writing romance. This is just a ship I really like and wanted to share. This got way longer than I expected.
This is mostly Cater/Jade, but Trey and his ships are there.
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Trey suddenly paused his mixing and looked up at Cater, giving him a smile. “Oh, I wanted to tell you, I’ve finally started dating someone else who I've been talking to forever now.”
Cater and Trey had opened up their relationship a while ago. They were both fine with it, thought it would be nice if anything, so after some conversations they both easily agreed. Cater was honestly a bit shocked his boyfriend didn't have someone hounding him sooner, but maybe that's just his bias.
“Aw! That's adorable! Who is it?”
“Jade Leech.”
Cater felt his eyes widen and his mouth part a bit. “Who? You’ve started dating who?” It's not like he didn't trust Trey to pick out someone nice, but it's impossible to not hear the rumors. That trio from Octavinelle didn't have any good words surrounding them.
Trey sighed. “Jade Leech. I know what you've probably heard, but trust me on this.”
“No no! I trust you. It’s just…” What was it? He couldn't say he didn't trust Jade, though that is probably the truest statement. “I was just a bit shocked tbh. Not something you would expect.”
“You’d be surprised what you learn when you actually get to know people.” His boyfriend gave a shrug and poured the batter into a tin as the oven started to beep. “Maybe you should get to know him. You two might enjoy each other’s company, plus it would be nice for you two to get along.” He wasn't even facing Cater anymore, fully turned to putting the cake in the oven.
“I can def try. We’ll just have to see how we get along.” That seemed to satisfy Trey who started to hum as he started to clean everything up. It’s not like Cater ever planned to intervene in any way. He truly does trust Trey. He could only sigh and hope things ended up well.
Trey! There he is. Why was Cater, the one without muscles, sent to get the extra bag of hedgehog food? Totes not fair.
It was only when he got a bit closer he noticed the baker talking to a tall person, dressed in their school uniform, and with light blue short hair. Jade Leech. The one who noticed Cater first.
Jade gave a sudden yet quick shift in his body language, guarding himself. It’s something that probably would have gone unnoticed by most others who didn't have experience doing the same. “Hello, Diamond. How are you?” He gave a fake smile that made Cater’s hair stand on end. He didn't scare Cater instantly as the rumors made him out to be, but he seemed as if he was hiding something. Right as Cater walked up to them too…
“Cater, hello. Do you need help with that?” Trey’s voice dragged him out of his thoughts. He nodded and handed over the bag of food.
“Riddle gave poor old me the job of getting the extra food bag, can you imagine that?” He leaned into Trey, gaining a chuckle in response.
“Oh, I definitely can.” He turned to Jade. “Forgive me, but I should probably help here.
Jade gave a small nod. “Of course. I wish you two a good day.”
With that, Cater and Trey started walking off to their dorm. Cater cuddled up to his boyfriend, thanking him for being his big strong savior, but he couldn't shake what he saw. He doubted there was any danger involved, but what was he hiding? No matter how much he thought he couldn't read any further into the mask. He, Cater Diamond, the one who worked so hard to being able to be friendly with all by being able to read them, couldn't read someone. He couldn't tell what bugged him more, that or his actual suspicions.
He simply took a deep breath. Trey wouldn't pick a bad person. He just needs to trust that.
For someone who's constantly on their phone, Cater actually doesn't bump into people often. It shocks him just as much as anyone else who he tells it to. Sadly, that luck doesn't hit every time. Sometimes he runs into people, like how he ran into Jade Leech this time.
They were both walking, so luckily none of them got hurt, it was just a corner blocking their view.
Cater looked up to Jade. “Hey sorry about that.” He was about to ask if he was ok, but as he took a step away, he noticed something off.
Jade’s smile seemed forced, as always. He had a barely noticeable lean away from Cater. His arms were crossed and held slightly too high up than someone calm, unusually close to the chest. His eyes were scanning Cater, but refusing to look at him for too long, looking anywhere else. His whole perfect posture felt stiff, as if he had to physically force himself there.
Was he anxious?
“Are you ok?”Cater didn't even know he was speaking out loud until he heard his own words hit his ears.
“Yes, I am perfectly fine. A small bump into another wouldn't cause any damage.” Jade finally looks at Cater’s face. His gaze felt soft. He had all these sharp features, yet with his eyes, they felt comforting. “Are you alright?”
“Oh, yeah. I'm good.”
Jade gave a small bow. “Then if you will excuse me.” He continued to walk off.
Cater couldn't help but watch him leave, remaining utterly confused. He wasn't the man who was supposed to be able to ‘read your soul’, was he? He seemed anxious, not aloof. It made Cater think of him… differently… In what way? Cater didn't know himself.
Cater normally loved helping Trey bake for Unbirthday Parties. His boyfriend always seemed to be in his element and it was adorable, but this time, his mind kept wandering. Every time he tried to just think about the now, a thought of Jade popped up. Was he just anxious every time? Was he always just good at hiding his emotions? Cater even started to look around for him and noticed the same traits every time Jade talked to someone or was in a crowded space.
He looked up from the bowl he was helping mix. “So, uh… Is Jade good?”
Trey quickly looked up from taking the previous batch of cupcakes out of the oven. “Last I checked he was fine, yes. Why? Did something happen?”
“Oh! No, nothing happened. I just noticed that he kinda seems constantly anxious.”
Trey’s worried face instantly changed to one of amusement as he tried to hold in a laugh. “Oh, he's fine. He's just… not good with people. You need to learn to start with context, Cater.”
“Hey! I was only worried. We bumped into each other and I noticed stuff there. It was weird seeing the famed Jade Leech as someone who's simply anxious.”
“Seeing him as Jade and not Jade Leech?”
“Yeah, pretty much that tbh. His gaze seemed soft. It felt weird.”
Trey paused what he was doing for a second, looked Cater’s face up and down, then turned back to his cooling cupcakes. “For someone who can read others so well, neither of you can read yourselves.”
“What does that mean?”
“Nothing. Don't think about it.”
“Wha-? Trey!” With every pout, Trey only told him it meant nothing.
Wow… Sam’s shop prices were definitely cheaper than expected, at least to Cater. He was so used to going to all those popular pop-up restaurants with sky-high prices that when he counted out the money Trey gave him to see what ingredients were the best to go for, he realized he could get the better-end items for his whole list.
Cater was even more shocked that the school store had the whole list. Strawberries. Blueberries. Heavy cream. Flour. Sugar. How did Trey JUST realize he was he was running low on all of this?
Next and last was cinnamon. He turned the corner only to find Jade looking at some spices and carrying his own basket of baking supplies. Was Monstro Lounge going to offer baked treats? There's no other likely reason. Right?
Seeing Jade made Cater’s heart jump. “Hey, Jade!” He gave his usual high-energy smile as he quickly walked closer. The closer he got, the more noticed Jade leaning away. He didn't know why, but Jade leaning away stung his heart a bit. Cater just stopped walking forward.
“Hello, Diamond.” Jade stood up, placed the baking powder in his own basket, and tried his best to return to his proper posture. But after what happened before, it wasn't hard for Cater to notice the signs of anxiety.
“What are you up to? Monstro Lounge going to make some new sweet treats? You should 100% let me see them. I bet they'll be totes cammable.” Cater tried taking a deep breath. Trey mentioned him being good at reading people, so maybe he was picking up on the fake smile vibes? Just a natural smile, that’ll lighten the mood.
Cater checked Jade’s reaction and he seemed to calm down slightly. He stopped leaning away, his posture looked less stiff, and maybe his mind was playing tricks on him, but it seemed like whenever Jade looked at his smile, a slight pink dusted across his cheeks.
“No, Monstro Lounge has no intention of offering sweets yet, though I may suggest that to Azul. Trey told me he just noticed he was running low on some ingredients, so I was getting him some.”
“Wait really?” Cater looked between his basket and Jade’s. They had only sugar in common, the rest of them were completely different supplies, just from the same isles. Did their kitchen really need a full restock? What's with the two separate lists? “Trey told me the same thing.” Cater lifted his basket, showing off his own ingredients.
“How does one notice they are suddenly running low on so many ingredients at once? When was the last time your dorm bought stuff for your Unbirthday Parties?”
“We stock up regularly enough. I didn't notice we were running low on so much stuff. I just thought Trey knew better than I did with how much he’s in the kitchen.” Were they truly running out of this much stuff? Was Trey planning something big? Did Riddle agree to whatever Trey was planning, if he truly did have a plan?
Jade sighed. “What is that man doing?”
“I never know what's in his head.” Cater gave a light chuckle “You want to check out with me? We can both head to Heartslabyul together if you want, or I can just carry it all back.”
The faint pink that Cater thought he saw on Jade earlier, but came back definitely noticeable this time. It came back when he mentioned going to his Heartslabyul together. What? Was he flustered about seeing Trey while he was doing whatever he was trying to do? He seemed a bit lost in thought.
“Whatever he’s doing, it’s probably not something he would be upset we caught him on.”
Jade snapped back to reality. “Oh! Yeah, he probably wouldn't.”
“Come on.” Cater grabbed Jade’s basket and started walking to the check-out. “Let’s check out then grill Trey.”
Jade slowly tagged behind. A very slight smile on his lips and his cheeks ever so slightly pinker.
Cater thoughts continued to roam despite the homework splayed out on his desk. Apparently, Trey had gotten Riddle to agree to some sweet treats for the dorm before upcoming tests.
While it was nice, it was all a bit unusual too. This is the first time Trey had ever mentioned even wanting to do something like this, and going straight to Riddle with no mention of it before to anyone else was a first for him. Not only that, only Cater and Jade were sent for ingredients. One single student from his dorm and one student from a separate dorm.
What? Was Trey using his boyfriend privileges to get free work from Jade? Couldn't he use his Vice Housewarden privileges to send more people from Heartslaybul? What is Trey doing?
Only him and Jade? Now that thought of it, Trey always seemed to look between the two of them whenever they bumped into each other, even if it was only just for a second. On top of that, after he mentioned he felt weird after he mentioned feeling weird after bumping into Jade that once, Trey looked at him funny, then said Cater can't read himself.
What’s up with Trey? If Cater wasn't crazy here, he felt there was some pattern. Only the two of them… Looking between them… Feeling weird around-
Cater has a crush on Jade and Trey instantly caught it and tried to set them up together.
He felt heat rise to his cheeks as he jolted up from his chair. Trey, that traitor! Trey-tor! Cater immediately started speed-walking out of his room and to the kitchen. There is no way he's letting Trey get away with this.
He didn't even know what he was going to do if his boyfriend wasn't in the kitchen. He was just hoping the ever-present want to bake would work in his favor. He was supposed to be making the sweets for their dormmates anyway. After the corner, he found sweets did work in his favor for once.
“You!” Cater pointed at Trey who stopped in his tracks.
“Cater! Do you want to give me a heart attack?!” Trey set the oven timer and oven mitts down roughly, as roughly as he could without breaking the timer, then turned to face him.
He stomped right up to his boyfriend. “I want revenge! You noticed my developing crush, somehow before I myself did, then tried to set me up with him! Absolute Trey-tor!”
Trey just doubled over in laughter, only getting words out in between laughs and gasps for breath. “Again, you need to learn to start with context. You can't just jumpscare me.” He stood up straight again, barely keeping in a few residual laughs. “But I have no clue what you even mean. Why would I set you two up? How would I even notice your crush? It’s not like your cheeks flush whenever he talks to you or like you look around whenever you’re in an area he’s likely to be in too, or even like you've been bringing him up more and more. No, I would never be able to tell.”
Trey's smirk as he leaned onto a countertop top only made Cater’s face feel hotter and hotter. He couldn't even say what emotion he was feeling. He just tried to show some part of that wasn't happy.
“Aw, you can pout somewhere out of my kitchen if you're not going to help. I have a lot of baking to do still.” Trey turned Cater to face the entrance and pushed him towards it. “But if you two were to date, with your crush that no one ever knew of before now, that would be nice.”
Cater opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. He could only stomp back to his room.
It’s been a while since Cater’s realization, and maybe Trey was right. His crush was kinda obvi. Even right now, he was looking around since there was even a slight chance he could have bumped into Jade. Could you blame him? He did it with Trey before they started dating too. Is it sad? Probably. But he can't help it. They didn’t interact much during the school day, and Cater just wanted to interact more.
Jade was probably somewhere here in this courtyard around this time of day. All he had to do was look… And there he is! Sitting on a bench and what looks like copying something off his phone onto some notebook. He looked completely peaceful.
Cater makes his way to Jade, keeping his pace nice and peaceful. Hopefully keeping his pace slow might slow his heart too. “Sup Jade?”
Apparently, he was too absorbed in whatever he was doing because when Cater’s voice came out, he practically jumped and his face became absorbed in pink. “Hello, Ca-Diamond. How are you?”
“You can call me Cater, no worries. And, I'm good. What are you up to?” Cater couldn't tell how he scared Jade so badly that he couldn't get Jade couldn't gather himself and was practically dunked in pink paint, but he must have. He couldn't see another reason for any of it. He could at least try and act calmly.
“Oh!” He turned back to his notebook which had a mostly finished drawing of some mushroom, a copy of the mushrooms shown on his phone. “I was drawing a Common Ink Cap Mushroom. It’s also known as an inky cap, tipper’s bane, or even scientifically, Coprinopsis atramentaria. It starts off as bell-shaped, but flattens as it disintegrates. As they disintegrate, they also make a black liquid that can be easily used to make ink. You can also eat the mushrooms as long as you aren't eating any alcohol with them.”
Cater couldn't help but continue to listen and hum some acknowledgments as Jade rambled on and on about these mushrooms. He seemed so interested and happy to talk about them. His focus was solely on the mushrooms.
While Cater made an effort to listen, it was all interesting facts, Cater’s focus remained mostly on Jade’s face. His whole face was lit up by his smile. The corners of his eyes were crinkled up on following his mouth. All of his sharp features seem to only reflect the light of his smile. And while the pink on his face seemed to have died down, some of it still dusted his cheeks. It all made Cater’s heart melt.
Cater immediately started wondering how he could hear him all the time, and as expected, one thought came up. “Do you have a Magicam or something? I bet so many people would love to listen to and learn all of this. I could follow you.” The instant those words left his mouth he regretted them. Did it seem like he was taking attention away from Jade? Why would anyone else have his Magicam addiction? Did that make Jade hate him? Ugh!
Jade’s pink grew back to the same level as when he first shocked him and he gave no response. Yup, he totally hated Cater now. Sure, he had a smile, but how he got just jumped with Cater’s addiction, that was probably nothing more than an awkward smile before letting him down gently.
“Of course, you don't have to make one or let me follow you! It’s good either way.” Cater tried to laugh it all off. Oh, this was so stupid.
Lucky for him, Jade snapped back to reality at his words, at least enough to respond while clumsily tapping on his phone. “I actually do have one, I just don't post to it much. You can follow me though, and I could try posting more. That would be fun.” He brought up a Magicam account with the user ‘MountainEel’. “The account isn't all mushrooms. There are some plants and animals, but it's mostly mushrooms.”
Cater quickly brought up his phone to search for the account. It only took a few seconds to find, but with how his heart was racing it felt like ages. He finally found it and hit the follow button. He swore his heart was seconds from stopping. Cater looked up to see Jade give him another smile. Yup, he's dead. He could barely collect himself to smile back and watch Jade’s pink face deepen in color.
“Unfair! Just totes unfair! Why did you get him first?” Cater had been whining into the corner of Trey’s neck for a good few minutes now. It had all started when they wanted to spend time cozy with each other by cuddling in bed, but cuddle time was disrupted by a notification Jade had posted, a daily thing since Cater followed. Trey teased him for how he instantly went to check the post causing Cater to bury his face in between his boyfriend's shoulder and neck, who only responded with a sigh and started playing with Cater’s hair.
“It’s far from unfair. I simply got to know him first.”
“Unfair! That was because you just had the chance to get to know him first. If I had that chance, I woulda done it too!”
“You still can. There's nothing blocking you from talking to him. Just hang out for a bit and try to be friends, it will evolve from there. No matter where it ends up, two of the people I love just getting along well would be nice.”
Cater removed his face from hiding to glare pouty daggers at Trey. “Easy for you to say! I was about to die when I ended up getting his Magicam. I almost died again every time I wait for his reply to my comments.”
“If he's posting more, he probably enjoys the comments and attention. He has been on his phone more.”
“Still doesn't stop my heart from racing.”
“Just let yourself hang out with him.” Trey thought about something before letting a fond smile grow. “You can also just look at him. If you can see past his initial barrier he can’t really hide anything.”
“I think I keep scaring him. He keeps getting all fidgety and can't compose himself while I'm around. He also blushes when he gets startled, which is cute.”
“He wha- Cater… Dear…” Trey sighed and cupped Cater’s face.
“He doesn't- He’s not startled, well at least not only startled.”
“But I only see it when I say something out of the blue, like if I can walk with him or follow his account.”
Trey gave him a pitying look for a few seconds before taking a deep breath. “You’re lucky you’re cute. But, just hang out with him for a bit more. Try to learn his signs a bit more.” A playful smirk grew on his face. “You'll get plenty of chances to do that.”
“What does that mean? What’s with that smirk?”
Trey moved his hands from cupping Cater’s cheeks to covering his eyes “What smirk?”
‘Hang out’. ‘Why don't you just hang out?’ This is why! He was only walking through the halls while talking with Jade and it was taking all of his energy to not keel over.
What did Trey even mean by ‘learn his signs a bit more’? Cater was reading him pretty well, at least he thought he was. At minimum, he could tell Jade was happy when talking about his hikes, talking and listing about Trey, or listening to Cater talk about whatever he was caught up in at the moment.
“I did see a few beautiful birds on my last hike. Sadly, they flew away before I could get a picture, so I can't say their exact species.” Jade was standing tall, wearing a smile on his face, making the distance between himself and Cater ever so slightly smaller, and using his hands to gesture about the birds. See? Cater could read him. That's a happy eel.
“What did they look like?”
“They were small and ground songbirds. They looked to be some kind of finch.” His smile only grew as he continued to ramble on and on about the birds he saw, along with any animal, interesting plant, or cool fungus that crossed his path.
His smile only continued to grow. Every gesture he made fit exactly what he said. He leaned slightly towards Cater when he couldn't walk closer.
Cater just wanted to fawn over him. “You really are adorable.” It wasn't until his words hit his ears, that he even realized he said something.
Jade’s attention snapped right to Cater as he stopped walking and his face flushed. “Excuse me?”
“I- uh- I just-” Cater’s heart and mind were racing. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! Who just blindsides someone like that, especially someone who probably gets a heart attack with how much you spook them? But mostly, why would you ever tell that to someone who would never love you back?
Cater wanted to die on the spot, but he couldn't so he did the next best thing. He pushed past Jade and ran away. He heard Jade call his name behind him, but he only darted to his room.
Cater spent the past day or two in his room or hiding from Jade. When class was out he took the most roundabout way to get to the next one, making sure it changed almost every day so no one could wise up and tell Jade. The second school was out for the day he went right to his room and didn't go out. Trey and his clubmates kept bombarding him with texts.
Cater can't do anything right can he? First, he accidentally half-admits his crush. Then he does what anyone else would call an overreaction. Finally, he made everyone worry about him wallowing in self-pity over a crush. He even noticed Jade hadn't posted since he ran, probably a bit awkward to post with him constantly lurking.
So why was he here? He was out in the open sitting on the same bench he found Jade on while sketching those mushrooms. Ink caps, right? Trey had texted him and told him to be here for a surprise. Trey practically demanded he come. Yet he's been here for about ten minutes and hasn't heard from Trey once.
He accepted his fate to just sit there in silence for the foreseeable future until he heard a loud voice.
“Nuh-uh! You’re going!” It was Floyd Leech holding his brother in a headlock and dragging him in the same direction as Cater. That can't be comfortable.
Jade continued to try and futilely push against Floyd while complaining. “I said I’m fine just sitting in my room!”
“Nope! He said he needed you here.”
“Who?!” Someone needed Jade here but didn't tell Jade himself? Who tells someone to forcibly drag their brother somewhere without telling the brother first?
Floyd noticed Cater and finally let Jade go, pushing him in Cater’s direction. “Bench.”
Jade looked up and at the bench, making eye contact with Cater, and Cater instantly knew who forced Jade out. The same man who force him out as well. The Trey-tor.
Jade stood stalk still only for Floyd to push him again. “Bench!”
Cater turned his face away when Jade slowly started walking closer with Floyd grumbling and walking away from both of them. What felt like after waiting ages, Jade sat down next to him. They both just sat there silently for another long while. Cater wanted to die.
“You ran away.” Jade spoke up out of nowhere. When Cater looked over at him he was curled up, his feet on the bench and his face slightly hidden in his knees. His eyes had even started to tear up.
“I- uh-” Cater didn't know what to say. He did run. They were having a nice time. He complimented Jade. Then he ran. That must have turned any compliment straight into an insult.
“I thought we were getting along. Then you said something that made me feel so, so happy, then you ran away.”
“I'm sorry.”
“No, don't be. I got my hopes up for our relationship because I couldn't help my own feelings.” Jade gave a sigh and placed his feet back on the ground.
“You're feelings?” Feelings? Cater thought he might have known what that meant, and it made his heart jump. No, he shouldn't get his hopes u-
“I’ve liked you for a while now.”
“You what?”
“Ever since I saw you genuinely smile and laugh when we bumped into each other while shopping. When you said I was adorable I thought for a second you might have returned my feelings, but then you ran away and I didn't know what to think. Now I guess I just think I got my hopes too high.”
Cater was speechless. Jade liked him? Jade liked him! Wait, wasn't that when the blushing started? Oh! That's probably what Trey meant.
“I know I probably sound stupid here, but I couldn't help letting my em-”
“-I like you too!” Cater let everything just come out. “My crush started probably around the time we bumped into each other in the hall. Random seeming time, I know. I just convinced myself you wouldn't like me back, so I tried to keep it to myself. When I accidentally let my feelings slip I got so flustered and embarrassed I only thought to run.”
“Why would you think I wouldn't like you?”
“When we first met you were always anxious and guarded when I came around, so I just assumed you hated me. Well, that and I suc-”
“-Don’t you dare finish that sentence.” Jade glared daggers at Cater. His face then quickly morphed into a pout. “You were the exact same with me. When we first met, you always had a strained smile around me. I didn't know what you were thinking under the fake smile, and I might have gotten scared…”
Cater let a laugh bubble up. “So we scared each other by trying to fake pleasantries and only tried harder after getting scared?”
Jade's face instantly melted into one of joy as he brought one hand to cup Cater’s cheeks. “With how your genuine smile and laugh are what caused me to develop a crush, I probably would have fallen for you instantly if I had seen that first.” Before Cater’s mind gathered what Jade said, he had wrapped Cater into a tight and comforting hug.
Cater moved to rub Jade’s back. “If you had fallen earlier, would it have been any better? With what Trey said of you, I doubt you would have done more than silently pine.”
Jade jumped out of the hug with a playful gasp. “Excuse you? I am amazing at bringing myself to confess. Also, what are you and Trey doing together? Slandering me?”
“Oh really? Who confessed to who with you and Trey? Also, it’s not slander if it's factual, btw.”
“Trey is irrelevant. I confessed to you.”
“What? No! I confessed. That’s what got us here.”
“Yes, because calling someone adorable and then running away is confessing.”
“Shut it!” Cater could feel his cheeks flush. The color only got worse when Jade started to genuinely laugh. It sounded perfect. This whole scene was perfect. Jade was perfect.
Cater moved his hands to Jade’s cheek, mimicking what Jade had done before. He gave Jade a small genuine smile, causing the other’s cheeks to regain some of that pink Cater couldn't help but love.
“What are you up to now?”
“Can I kiss you?”
The small amounts of color on Jade’s face immediately turned to vibrantly cover it. Jade stared at Cater for a quick second, looking between him and his lips. Finally, he gave a nod.
Cater didn't waste another second before pulling him into a kiss. It was clumsy and didn't last for more than a few seconds, but it felt wonderful.
Once Cater pulled away, Jade immediately melted into a puddle. He leaned on Cater as if he had no bones in his body, and hid his face in the crook of Cater’s neck.
Cater couldn't help but laugh. “Are you hiding?” He only got a huff in response. “Mister big strong ‘I-confessed-you-first’ can't handle a kiss? Are you sure you even could withstand confessing? I think my argument is proven.”
That earned Cater a bigger response, a pinch on his cheek and a pout.
“Alright, ow, got the message.”
From behind them, they heard Trey’s voice suddenly appearing, nearly giving Cater a heart attack. “So I assume all went well?”
“Trey! Don't sneak up on people!” Cater turned to see Trey. He had a small basket with what looked like freshly baked bread. It smelled delicious.
“Sorry! Sorry. I didn't know you didn't hear me, though I probably should have guessed based on how you looked.” Of course Trey would instantly go to teasing them. Jade immediately poked his head out of his hiding spot and gave Trey a pouty look.
Wait, Cater had forgotten in all this mess but Trey was the one who set them up. How dare he? “Oh, wait! I'm mad at you. You set us up with all your tricks.”
Jade gave a nod in agreement. “How could you? Such tricks on your own boyfriends.”
“Fine, sure, I did. But I know both of you. Nothing would have come of it otherwise. Though, as recompense, we can all eat this pumpkin bread together.”
“Should we, Cater? If anything, I think we deserve more. Like some cuddles.” Jade gave such a saccharine and fake innocent face before leaning on Cater.
“Fine, fine. You'll get what you want, but we should probably eat where there's more space.”
Jade and Cater both got up to walk with Trey to Heartslabyul. Jade tried to steal a piece of the bread multiple times, and Trey moved it away every time. Jade immediately pouted and leaned on Cater, calling Trey mean. And, as silly or weird as the scene may have looked, Cater found it perfect.
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chershare · 1 year
AI BS because WTF guys
So like, I know I have a lot of WIP out there. A lot of fic I haven’t updated in a long time but have no plans of abandoning because I love all of my writing and I do have plans for all of my works. It’s just finding motivation that’s the issue, not the intent to finish them.
If I’d planned to never work on something again, I’d do what most people do these days and label it as Abandoned. Hell, if I hated it and decided to axe it completely, I’d just remove it.
There are plenty of fic I follow that haven’t been update in a long time - some over a decade, and that’s fine - and I love to reread and daydream about potential endings. A fun way to pass the time, because I can come up with the endings or continuations in my own way even if they never get finished.
I don’t, however, contemplate stealing them.
There are authors that I follow that have abandoned some of my fav of their works or left fandoms entirely, and that’s fine. I have never once thought while rereading a fic I know will never be continued “hey, what if I steal this and feed it into a capitalist machine for my own amusement?” because that’s not what decent people do. We don’t steal from people, even if they aren’t doing things in the fandoms or fic that we love, because why the fuck would we.
Who the fuck does that? No writer would thank you for it, and there is no doubt that you would know it’s wrong to take someone’s work like that.
Fandom isn’t perfect, but I want to think that the vast majority aren’t the kind of people who are so selfish and uncaring as this.
I haven’t removed Tsundoku from ffnet despite the many issues I have with the site, even though I haven’t updated it in an age, because someone who uses a text to voice app that works with ffnet better than Ao3 asked me not to. I could have done so despite the toxicity that I’ve known with the fandom on that site, but for someone else’s comfort I’ve left it up.
I haven’t stopped writing despite some truly unpleasant people trying to start shit in comments for their own petty, small minded amusement, even on Ao3. Where it is infinitely better than on ffnet, in my personal experience. I haven’t stopped updating and haven’t removed my works from the web even though trolls and shit stirrers exist.
But if I find out that someone has stolen my fics - no matter how long it’s been since I updated them - and fed them to a fucking AI of any kind, I will remove all my works and never post a goddamn thing again. I changed my settings on Ao3 to users only to potentially avoid the chance of being mined by some AI bullshit, and if I’m betrayed by even the fellow users of Ao3, I’ll just quit. I won’t like it, but I’ll fucking do it.
What else can I do? At that point? Where even real, live people in fandom just... steal from me to go expressly against my wishes? Who don’t respect my time, effort and creativity?
What would be the point of writing if someone doesn’t appreciate the time, effort and goddamn passion I’ve put into my works? Because feeding fic into an AI to get “an ending” - so fucking insulting - says that you don’t respect the authors writing and you don’t respect them as people. I’m sure there are some people - I can’t picture it, but I’m sure they might exist in some fictional universe - who don’t care.
I care. I really fucking care.
This isn’t about plagiarism or anything. I don’t make money from writing fanfic, I just have fun and like to play in sandboxes and share those ideas with my readers, hoping in good faith that they also enjoy and respect my efforts. There are plenty of fics and art that I’ve seen that are similar to my own works, and that’s fucking awesome. I’ve got some other authors who link me as inspired by, and so far I haven’t had any issues with people wholesale stealing my fics.
Who cares about a few similar lines or paragraphs in the grand scheme of things, because holy shit two cakes yaaaassss am I right? That’s just the way of things. If it’s like a whole chapter or more, then it’s like “hey bro, uh, nani the fuck” but I haven’t had the actual plagiarism issue. I’m flattered when someone has a style or idea that is similar to my own, because that means I’m at that point in my writing where someone is learning their own writing style based on mine.
That is nice. Flattering. Makes me feel like some kind of fandom parent or whatever, patting the little fandom babies on the back as they grow into themselves. You use that culture and world building I started - do it child! Expand! I’m so proud of those little shits.
This AI shit? That is not flattering.
That just makes me feel sick. Violated.
The thought that someone would just throw out that bridge - that trust - between writer and reader, just fucking burn it down, is so, so fucking horrifying. I don’t know how to express it, but my hands literally started to shake when I first learned that someone would steal work because it wasn’t finished and feed it to an AI without so much as a by-your-leave.
I have so many WIPs guys. So many beloved fic that I wanted to share even if they weren’t near done. I’d never thought I’d be afraid of posting something unfinished, but now I’m pretty fucking terrified.
And angry. So, so angry.
There are authors who stopped writing their fic for various reasons, who have disappeared from fandom, not because they don’t have inspiration or are experiencing burnout, but because they died. That’s right, you’re potentially whining about someone not finishing their WIP because their lives ended. I can’t even express how much writers not finishing their fics more than likely doesn’t have a thing to do with you.
Unless you harassed someone off a platform, then more often than not people don’t care about you when it comes to updating. Funnily enough, more often than not, it’s not about you.
If you’re upset about someone not finishing a fic - something that’s done for free and fun, shared without expectation - I would like you to think of that potential worst case scenario and take a goddamn chill pill. Sure, that’s not the result in some cases, thank all the gods, but it could be. It could be someone that didn’t just dip out of a fandom or abandoned a fic; it could be so much worse, and you’re stealing from them. They don’t even have a chance to consent - not that I think they would - and you stealing their hard work because “wah, I want to see the end boohoo” is just the epitome of being a giant, entitled piece of shit.
Why the fuck would you disrespect someone’s work by stealing it to give it to a machine that is literally built to be a capitalistic feeder? Why do you care so little about writers that you would do something like this?
If you don’t like that something isn’t finished, you can always ask to write a continuation. You can link as “inspired by” and write your own, if you’re that desperate. You don’t want to/think you can’t write? Live with it. Professional writers drop series or go on hiatus for decades all the time. And they get paid.
We don’t have to share our work with you. Honestly, I have plenty of people outside of wider fandom that I can share my work with privately and never worry about someone stealing my shit again. The fact that I’m contemplating that eventuality of someone going against my wishes, violating my contribution to fandom and the love I have of my work is just - awful.
It feels awful. Like, I have angry tears of frustration in my eyes as I’m writing this.
Writing for people who enjoy it is a joy! Interacting with people about my fics is one of the highlights of fandom! Getting comments - even the dreaded wall of emojis or “update soon” right after an update - is enough to brighten even the worst of days!
People who decide that their personal wants with an author’s work is more important than going on that journey with them? Deciding not to respect the author? That kills the joy.
The trust.
The drive.
I have less desire to write and post since learning about this, and I’m trying to fight back against that depressive wave of “what’s the point?” but it’s so fucking hard guys. If someone is going to decide to steal my shit anyway, what’s the fucking point in trying to continue or find inspiration?
I don’t want to have to leave fandom as a creator. I don’t want to take away my fic from the people who love it, who have been following my fics for years and respect that I can’t always wrap my soggy brain meat around a fic and leave it for a while - sometimes years - to work on other things. I don’t want to.
But I will.
To protect myself, my choices, my writing? To protect myself? I’ll leave.
It won’t be the first relationship that’s soured and gotten bad that I’ve needed to drop like hot coals, but it will be the longest lasting one. It’ll hurt, and maybe I’ll have regrets, but I’ll fucking do it because I won’t be disrespected and have my writing used like this.
Outside of fandom there’s already so much shit that I cannot stomach having to deal with this kind of fuckery here as well. Fandom isn’t necessarily a “safe space” but it has always been an escape and somewhere that I can have fun. That I can at least trust people to appreciate my writing when I manage to update someone after a while, even if it’s a small thing.
I don’t know what kind of asshole you have to be to decide to steal someone’s work, someone’s joy, and do something like this - at least outright plagiarism is almost flattering. I’m not the most popular writer out there, but I’ve been in fandom for a while, and it takes all kinds. All kinds does not include the AI that we’ve been suddenly having to defend ourselves against since they became a real problem.
This is just a slap in the face.
The fact that maybe there are people out there in fandom who are acting like the AI Trojan Horse, stealing our works - our time, effort, creative process and enjoyment - and doing things like this? It’s so fucking disheartening and hurtful and just downright cruel.
So yeah. Please don’t steal my shit. Don’t steal anyone’s work and do something like this. You’re doing more damage than you seem to think. Not that I’m sure you’re thinking at all.
Maybe you - the people who do this - don’t care. Maybe that’s why you did it in the first place. Maybe writers don’t count as real people to you, not when it comes to fanfic or anything. Maybe you are just that selfish that only your own wants matter.
Maybe you don’t care about how I, we, feel.
But I do.
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mysterybooks-world · 6 months
to @lezadoodles
You know what, your idea is Almost similar to my idea.
readmore in a tag
Do you know what part made me laugh the most
(So they separately decided to woo Vox )
This part made me laugh a lot
the word woo is funny
I ask @lezadoodles
Okay, quick question, where can I read this story?
 I think of writing it, so if I'll do it, I'll post it on my ao3 profile (lezascribbles)
(lezadoodles) has not written The story yet
I have ideas, scenes, and suggestions And some songs fit the scenes
For example, here is how the story begins
Vox walked angrily to his room. Wondering why he's angry?
the reason is valentino Surprise Surprise. Vox was really looking forward to this day. vox waited in a park. he wait and wait Hours,
so vox Text valentino
Vox: hey Val Where are you
Val: hey Voxxy, I'm in my new club with my worker
Vox: Did you have anything important today?
Val: No, I don't have anything important, just the club.
Why are you asking
Vox: Oh, nothing. I just want you to make sure that you are doing your work. I have enough work for me and I do not want you to throw your work papers at me like last time.
It was a lie
Val: Don't worry dear Angel cake here helps with work as usual.
Val: Another thing: I don't think I will return to the tower. I will be at the    Club.
Val: I'll see you later Voxxy XOXOXO
Vox: you too
vox couldn't believe what happened is still holding his phone And now Vox found himself on his bed. Then he looked at Picture frame on Bedside table. The pictures were of him with his old head and Val browsing and smiling in front of the camera. vox had been looking forward to this day all week. They both agree the day will be A romantic date. No Business & No Velvette No Angel. Just the two of them, vox even made plans for the day like going to their favorite places and going to a fancy restaurant. But valentino forgot their special day. And things get worse When he checked posts on Voxtagram. He saw photo of valentino with Angel Dust. Vox was really angry but then he sigh. Vox stood up and walked to his closet, He started searching among the old boxes for something. Vox took out an old picture book from a box and started checking the pictures. Some pictures of him and Valentino & Velvet, while some pictures of his business and partners in business, some pictures of investors, and Some pictures of events. Finally got to the first pictures These were pictures of when he had his own small studio and television shop. And some pictures with with.. with.. alastor
Vox remembers all these days before he became the CEO of VoxTek And before he met Valentino. How were things great with him and Alastor? He remembers the old times They always drank alcohol on Fridays They were both drunk, leaning on each other, singing and dancing. And they always They change the joke With each other And that times Alastor is cooking for him. Vox remembers trying to cook jambalaya for Alastor. The food was a little burnt, but Alastor Just hummed and then took a bite From the food that Vox cooked, He said that it tasted good and was not bad if it was a little burnt. Vox was happy with his comment, But next time, don't make too much of a mess in the kitchen. He looked at the messy kitchen and looked at Alastor with his hand on his neck with an embarrassed smile Then they burst out laughing. Vox smiles sadly as he remembers all the happy times and how everything was simple and easy. He asks himself what he did wrong with Alastor that made them enemies. His train of thought was interrupted by something licking his face. Vox looked at Vark, his pet shark cuddling and nuzzling him. he smiled and thanked  boy, I needed this. You know what, I think my friend was right. Vark tilted his head to the side as he looked at his dad curiously. When I was still alive I had a close friend, vox told the story
(Important information)from ME: When you see (frind name)
You guys can choose vox's friend
 can be OC Character or y/n The reader is a friend of vox
you guys Choose the gender (him/he)(her/she)(they/them)(doesn't matter)
It is your choice whether (frind name) are in heaven or hell.
vox remembers his teenage days when he was alive
he was with (frind name) drinking bubble tea They talk as usual but when vox told (frind name) about his crush His friend looked at him in a strange way and asked if there was a problem His friend shook They head and said that They only remembered some of their experiences with a relationship. Tell him about their first relationship with (boyfriend/Girlfriend) How wonderful their relationship was And they were both close But happiness does not last long because their (boyfriend/Girlfriend) brokeup Their relationship with them And tell vox how difficult it was for them at these times. And tell him about their relationship another (boyfriend/Girlfriend) How romantic and loving their relationship was however One day it was like someone flipped a switch.I no longer see love in their eyes, as if they lost their love in me. We don't go out on dates as often as before. They are always busy with their friends. And sometimes they ask for some favors from me Sometimes I see them making eye contact with someone else When I talked to them about this simply, they said they were just joking.
How many times have I given them too many chances? Until I had enough, I brokeup With (boyfriend/Girlfriend) They said they were angry and told me that I couldn't find someone like them. I didn't care however I ask myself if I was really the problem and not them. I continued to think a lot in the past few days about my current relationship and my old relationships. And on the last day. I left my house early at five in the morning, And I kept walking and walking and walking and don't ask where I'm going, even though I don't know where I'm going either. Until I reached a cliff and looked at a city & I look up to the sunrise
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And guess what I did. I screamed at the top of my lungs. I don't know if anyone heard or saw me and They wonder who this crazy person is.
When I finished screaming, I felt relieved. It's like I'm getting everything bad out of myself. I have to treat all my previous relationships as life experiences. I shouldn't be sad and I should face my memories. And I   learn to accept reality. And that what I did , I moved on From my relationship. On this day, I felt that my life had become much better. I should not be bothered by the past, but I should enjoy my life.
And guess what, about eight a week. my ex came to ask for my forgiveness and give them another chance. But I said no, but they tried to win me over until they gave up. My words may be harsh, but when I see the expression on their faces Sadness, anger, regret, and They bend their knee for me I felt some victory.
So when I say Love is a waste of time.
I don't mean stop loving your family or friends. but to a love relationship. If you feel ready to be in a new relationship, then this is your decision and Don't rush into things Take all your time.
song P!nk - Try
This is what happened on that day Vark. I think it's time to move on But first. vox stood up and mute Himself and started screaming loudly But without a sound While Vark looks at him surprised. When he stopped screaming, he looked at Vark and vox was moving his mouth, but no sound came out. he Turn mute off. My friend was right When they said when screaming really helps get rid of bad things in myself.
or Here's another opening scene
(friend name) In hell
vox friend is Shop or store owners
vox friend their power like Overlord level Or more if you want them. But they didn't want this position as Overlord So keep their presence secret. They live in their store or shop The only person who knows about them is vox, their best friend.
Important information from me: The shop or store can be anything for example Book café, restaurant, toys store, Pet shop, Tailor shop or clothing store, Pharmacy store, Book store, Comic book store, Plant shop, Furniture shop. Jazz club. Music store, Jewelry store, Antica store
Remember when you choose the store or Shop it will play with the events of the story.
Vox went to visit his friend store or Shop And tell them how Valentino forgot their important day. And tell them about how he's just talking about Angel dust do that or Angel dust this.Their friend told how Alastor had returned after seven years.(friend name) listened to his friend patiently until he calmed down. then (friend name) will say You know what Vox I advised you to Move on in your life So what if Valentino doesn't love you like he used to? Did Val think about your opinion or feelings?, I'm telling you, this is a failed relationship. What's the point if you break up With him And then in the following week you return to him? End matters now and forever with him. My advice: focus on your mental and physical health. As for Alastor You said it yourself or sing Stop giving him the time of day, don't listen to a word he'd say. Don't you see that he enjoys playing with your feelings? He just sees you as other entertainment like everyone else. Aren't you tired of your past and present now? (friend name) sing (Shawn Mendes - Treat You Better) There is no romance here They are just friends.
Now here is Valentino and Alastor's reaction
At first, he did not take the matter seriously When Vox told him I'm breaking up with you permanent, He thought vox was just angry But notice the changes in their relationship. He no longer let him touch him or do anything with sex. Val thinks Vox is playing someone who is hard to get. He is confident that vox will come back to him So Val just wait for him A day became days, days became weeks, and weeks became months. Valentino final realized that He really lost Vox. At first he told himself he didn't care about vox. Oh, who am I fooling? I need to win his love again And this is what Val did But of course vox rejects him every time. And when he noticed Alastor trying to take vox from him. He will say l refuse to lose to a stupid furry deer.
Alastor He only noticed a little At first he notice that Vox is no longer watching him Or appears on television. He doesn't see his little Fly devices. At first he didn't care about it and Enjoy some peace and quiet. Days passed And Vox did not appear to him yet. Alastor felt curious and wonders where he is So he Teleport To Vox office. Vox was surprised When Alastor came to him. He asked him what he was doing here in his office. Alastor tried to tease Vox, He said he was just curious why you weren't watching him anymore. Vox interrupted him by simply saying the show is was over. Alastor is confused. Al asked what he meant by these words. I no longer your rival. What. You heard me, What's wrong with you dear? Sad because I left you. Alastor would be like laughs and says That he doesn't care about him And he leaves. Time passed and Alastor was alone in his room Checking out an old photo book. He remembers his old days with Vox. and That is true Al had never been close to anyone. When he first met TV demon, He thought he was just an new entertainment For his enjoyment. But when he started spending time with him, He seemed to like Vox behaviour. And he allowed him to touch him. Alastor remembers the times when he was drunk with Vox And in the morning Alastor finds himself asleep on his couch, cuddling with a sleeping vox. He remembers cooking together. He still remembers his laughter Vox had two laughs one for the show And the second his real laugh. oh how much he adored Vox laugh Like music to his ear. Alastor started to feel a strange feeling. He doesn't want to dmit it But he needs Vox. True, their relationship is not the same as before, but he may try to bring it back by being his friend or Even more then friend. So Alastor started trying to win Vox affection again. And when he noticed Valentino trying to take his Vox from him, he would say. I will broadcast his screams on my radio If he doesn't stay away from MY VOX.
hey Remember when I told you about choosing a shop or store will play a role in the story events
Here are some ideas, for example
If you choose the pharmacy store. ( frind name) It may help treat injured people or If You chose a pet store. (frind name) He will suggest to Vox that he get a pet and they know the perfect animal for him.
A: (frind name) Give Vox a shark puppy It will be known later as vark or B: (frind name) Give Vox a adult shark It will be known later as vark.
Yes I know, I'm a genius.
As for Angel Dust
You can imagine Val was no longer focused on him. he Even gave a Angel Vacation from work for some time. To prove to Vox that he is not obsessed with an angel Dust.
Angel Dust talks to Husk How he owes for Vox And he wishes To Vox continue to reject Val or better yet Valentino release him from the contract to proves his love for Vox.
I can imagine Val asking Angel for advice
For example, Valentino sends angel to Vox To spy on him
Vox knows this And he talks to Angel Dust And they became friends. Because they have something in common and that is They hate Valentino. So Vox protects Angel from Val. like that song
[ANIMATIC] 'Valentino' (Angel + Vox Cover Ver.)
And here's the funny part
I can imagine Valentino asking Angel Dust to spy on Alastor while Alastor asking Angel Dust to spy on Valentino.
Poor angel is in the middle of a love war
Or he could turn this love war to his advantage He thinks about making Alastor kill Valentino for him
As for Velvette
Velvette don't want anything to do with them BUT I can imagine her take advantage From this situation. When Valentino asked her what was wrong with his relationship with Vox. Velvette will say, “You want your Flat-faced Prince to come back to you.” Control your anger And it doesn't cause problems And stop destroying workers and our stuff.
I imagine Alastor asking Charlie or Vaggie for advice for a friend About romance or a love relationship.
Or he talk to Rosie About a friend of his And his relationship with this person. And he asks for advice from him
And when he means a friend, he means himself and Vox
But of course Rosie finds out what he means From his words But she doesn't point it out and say Ok then tell your friend this And she tells him advice about a love relationship.
Here are some songs that suit the story scenes
Vox sing to Valentino Victoria Justice Sings "Beggin' On Your Knees" Blackbear - Do Re Mi Jax - Cinderella Snapped Leah Kate - 10 Things I Hate About You Taylor Swift - We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together Cher Lloyd - None Of My Business Netta Barzilai- Toy
Vox sing to Alastor Victorious Karaoke | Freak the Freak Out SonReal - Can I Get A Witness (Official) Bebe Rexha - I'm A Mess Kelly Clarkson - Stronger
Vox sing Both Valentino and Alastor Demi Lovato - Really Don't Care ft Elizabeth Gillies and Victoria Justice - Take A Hint Marshmello & Anne-Marie - FRIENDS (Lyric Video) Vicetone ft. Kat Nestel - Nothing Stopping Me Mabel - Don't Call Me Up Meghan Trainor - No (Lyrics) Untouchable Conor Maynard - R U Crazy Katy Perry - Part Of Me Zedd & Kehlani - Good Thing Karmin - Acapella Demi Lovato – Sorry Not Sorry
Valentino sing to Vox Lady Gaga - Bad Romance Hooked - Why Don't We
Alastor sing to Vox One Direction - What Makes You Beautiful Trust Fund Baby - Why Don't We
Valentino and Alastor sing to Vox NEFFEX - Rumors Panicland- Bad Word (Lyrics Word) The Vamps - Just My Type
So I will ask you @lezadoodles and you Guys, what do you think of my idea?
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soul-dwelling · 2 years
If Soul Eater got canceled about the baba yaga saga and got like a year to wrap up (12 chapters), do you think Okhubo would have made something even worse received than the anime ending or would it have let him focus on the right things and wrap everything up without any stalling or new bullshit getting introduced and going nowhere?
Ah, this is an exciting question--thanks! This helps motivate some thinking and writing.
Short version: Given this is Ohkubo and his interests, I don't think he would focus on what I consider to be the "right" things. But yes, I do think, in just twelve chapters, he could have wrapped it up--and in a way that may have avoided problems that the anime's ending had, and without having to introduce too many ideas that go nowhere, or new characters that overwhelm the plot.
I don’t think what I’m going to offer is as helpful, though--because this exercise, trying to outline a post-Baba Yaga finale for Soul Eater in just 12 chapters was harder than I anticipated. It forces me to give more credit to Ohkubo and his editor(s)--but that doesn’t mean what they turned out was as good as I think it could have been, and that I don’t have some suggestions that may have improved the finale. 
(This also forces me to give more credit to Horikoshi estimating he would wrap up My Hero Academia in about one year, or how delayed Sorachi was at finishing Gintama: I went in with a plan to get all of this done in twelve chapters, but as I kept outlining, I started wishing I had three or so more chapters.)
But as this is a hypothetical exercise, I have benefits Ohkubo does not. I’m working off of the work he already started. I’m not having to answer to editors, publishers, or even an audience--this is for me. And I get to basically “adapt” Ohkubo’s original final arcs, so I can introduce stuff as shorthand. In other words, I don’t have to show Kilik versus Medusa’s clown--but I can still have Kilik wielding the Pots and the Thompsons simultaneously to allude to that fight. I get my cake and can eat it, too. 
So, I’ll put the rest of my remarks under “Read More” so that this looooooooooong post won’t overwhelm anyone’s dashboard. 
While the Soul Eater Wiki ends the Baba Yaga arc at Chapter 62, I’m going in with this idea saying that the arc ends with Chapter 60--so that some details are pushed back to later. Chapter 60 ended with Maka killing Arachne and getting her soul for Soul, Medusa escaping, and Crona being revealed again. I think that’s enough of a cliffhanger to end that arc. Chapters 61 and 62 were the aftermath--stuff that I think could be part of the next 12 chapters (Soul actually becoming a Death Scythe, what Justin was really up to, Black Star’s recovery, what happened to Angela, the Thompsons asking Maka where Kid could be). 
The only major new addition in Chapters 61 and 62 was introducing Noah’s gang, so that’ll be a challenge to re-work here. I would have loved to remove Noah--but we already had him kidnap Kid, so he has to be there. 
That also means we’re getting rid of or having to drastically reduce the following arcs: 
The Grigori Arc (Maka versus Gopher)
The Witch’s Research Arc (Team B and the Thompsons versus the Clown, Black Star and Tsubaki versus Crona)
The Salvage Arc (retrieving Kid, the Book of Eibon, Maka’s self-doubt and fighting Giriko, the end of Greed Noah)
The Mad Blood Arc (Maka and Soul learning what happened to Pushka and finding the Black Blood Bubbles)
The Hunt Arc (sky whales, locating Crona, preparing to go to the Moon)
The War on the Moon Arcs (two of them) and the Dark Side of the Moon Arc (the finale)
So the major plot beats we need to get something similar to the current ending are the following: 
Medusa’s fate is revealed
Kid is rescued
Maka makes Soul into a Death Scythe
Kid becomes the new Lord Death
Crona’s fate is determined, emerging as a new Kishin and attempting to take out Asura
Speaking of Asura, we also have Noah trying to acquire Asura
And Asura is defeated or at least contained
I think we can actually pull off all of this in just twelve chapters--but not as well as I could if given more than twelve chapters. But that means we probably don’t get to introduce Gopher. And I don’t know how to pull off the “who was the ‘M’ who checked out the Book of Eibon?” storyline, because working through Maka’s responsibility and guilt is going to take a lot of time. 
I also considered other ways to fit Noah into the arc. Maybe Noah is revealed to be working for Asura? That’s a little too clean--in that, we reduce any villain to “they work for Medusa,” “they work for Arachne,” or “they work for Asura.” But we’re now on a time crunch, and of those, I see it more likely Noah is working with Asura in this proposed story. And we already established Noah is just a collector of objects, so back-stabbing Asura to acquire him has to happen. 
(This also means we will not explain that Noah is a creation of the Book and a tool of its Index. I’ll try not to plot anything that prevents that interpretation or back story, should there ever be prequel/sequel/more chapters to this hypothetical story. As well, Noah himself always struck me as someone who _thought_ he was autonomous, so it’s not as if you can’t write him in the story in a way that makes it believable that he _could_ be autonomous, even if we know he is actually just the Index’s pawn.)
Plus, I thought the manga had suggested Medusa and Noah were familiar with each other--and given where I think things will go in this story, Medusa and Noah would not get along in the final arc, so we’ll keep the Asura/Noah faction in conflict with the Medusa faction for this final arc. (This also could lead to a fun interaction between Medusa and Noah hinting at some previous rivalry--again, more content for the future should a prequel/sequel/more chapters came out of this hypothetical.) 
I think we can keep Giriko around, perhaps as part of Asura’s army (I don’t see him working for Medusa, and Noah could recruit him into Asura’s army to avenge Arachne’s death at the hands of Medusa and the DWMA). 
And we may have to change some things, due to lack of time or conflicting with the ending. For example, do we have Crona emerge as a potentially bigger threat than Asura, or have them saved earlier before fighting Asura? If Crona does become a threat, does that mean they killed Medusa, or is Medusa still around, whether as an ally to Asura or a third party in the fight between the DWMA and Asura’s army? If Kid is rescued too late in these last twelve chapters, is that really enough time to have him ascend to becoming the new Lord Death, and does that give him any time at all to see his father one last time before he dies? 
And, unfortunately, given how rushed this all is, and the lack of payoff even the manga gave it, these twelve chapters don’t really establish Asura as Lord Death’s first kid. I think having Kid in these twelve chapters escaping the Book of Eibon and madness is enough of a trial for him; to then immediately follow that up with Asura revealing he is Lord Death’s other son, and putting that doubt into Kid all over again, is too much for just this one final arc. It is a shame, as this is a disservice to Kid’s progression, and doesn’t really tie up the end of Lord Death’s story, either, seeing as he pretty much is still going to die at the end of this arc. It also doesn’t help that I have Maka getting more of the self-doubt and focus of this final arc (maybe to make up for my decision not to adapt the Book of Eibon arc, which was really the last time Maka had to overcome self-doubt, so I had to put it here in these last twelve chapters instead…although, I don’t think I give much payoff to Maka’s guilt over Kid being kidnapped in part due to her actions).
Speaking of Kid, we do need more fight scenes to keep up the action in this action story--and I don’t want to lose Mad!Kid versus Black Star. So, we will have an off-panel story of Kid being brainwashed while in the Book of Eibon, emerging as “Mad Kid” under Asura’s influence, and he is turned loose by Noah to distract the DWMA long enough for Asura to wipe them all out. This is lazy on my part, as well as potentially disablist: it’s “Kid lost his mind while in the Book, now he’s the antagonist.” It’s as bad as Superman being the antagonist in the shitty Snyder/Whedon Justice League after being resurrected, and as bad as “now Superboy is an antagonist due to Phantom Zone disease in Young Justice.” So, again, this exercise makes me more sympathetic to how rough it is for Ohkubo or any comics creator to finish a story with only so many pages and so much time. 
But that’s not to say that you shouldn’t rush some things. Then there are some details that I think would be better if they were rushed. For example, Maka made Soul into a Death Scythe…and then nothing much exciting happened after. Yes, they can fly now--but we can rush that so that, once Maka does fly with Soul, it’s a shock to the audience (think Hogarth’s shock when the Iron Giant starts flying). Yes, now Maka is better at sensing souls around the world--and then what? That’s kind of irrelevant in my story revision, as we’re going to skip to someone else just telling Lord Death that they located Asura on the Moon. If you keep building and building Maka and Soul’s power set up dramatically over twelve chapters instead of stretching it out over another 60 or so, maybe that heightens the energy. This means Soul probably doesn’t become a Death Scythe until into the middle of the final (Moon) arc. 
Plus, I think revealing Justin as an Asura adherent could be more interesting if it was kept until the final arc. What if Justin shows up back at the DWMA after the Baba Yaga arc, we don’t have Marie and Stein back yet, Justin goes with the others to the Moon, the fight is going well for the DWMA against Asura, Justin shows up to deliver a final blow to Asura--and instead demolishes almost all of the DWMA’s forces? (This can have its own problems, though: you’d have so much exposition revealing how Justin was pulled into Asura’s sway, that he killed Joe Buttataki, and maybe that’s too much.) Now we have that victory gone, the only ones left are a handful of the students (hence emphasizing why it’s these kids saving the day--they are all that is left), and forces Lord Death’s hand to even cut a deal with the witches (hence why Eruka and Free join the fight) because he is that desperate? But even this kids-and-witches coalition is getting decimated--and that’s when Marie and Stein arrive, and Stein finally overcomes any stigma of madness to destroy Justin, Marie avenges Joe by stopping his murderer Justin, and we get catharsis. 
But this is all a long disclaimer and prelude instead of just getting on with outlining these twelve chapters. So, how do we fit all of this into twelve chapters? Let’s see…
(I have never outlined a comic and its panels--as will be apparent--so I have zero idea how I would fit any of these proposals into about 20 pages of each chapter. Soul Eater chapters seemed to be under 20 pages in most cases, but also up to 30 towards the end. So, I’m averaging about 20 pages. I’ll do my best to imagine that you could pull this off in about 20 pages each.) 
(That being said: I think I fit in the plot points I wanted to reach--but the pace is off. The victories keep switching back and forth with little build up or reason: how come Medusa was able to stop Giriko and Noah but get done in by Crona; how did Crona fail to absorb Asura; why didn’t Medusa plan for this?) 
Chapter 1
For Chapter 1, I’ll give a page-by-page summary; this won’t happen for the later chapters, though.
Pages 1-2: Giriko wakes up in Baba Yaga Castle, horrified to see Arachne was killed. 
Page 3: That is, until Noah appears, holding the Book of Eibon, with an offer to join “the winning team” and avenge Arachne. 
Page 4: Elsewhere, at the DWMA, Lord Death is fretting over Kid’s kidnapping. 
Pages 5-7: Then he gets an alert from Azusa and Sid: DWMA intelligence agents found something weird happening on the Moon, and it’s affecting things on Earth. We get a collage showing the effects of madness upsetting people around the world (yes, even those freaking sky whales if we really want to keep that plot detail)--including a familiar-looking man with a screw through his head.
Pages 8-12: Meanwhile, Maka finishes a fight against a target, retrieving their soul. That is number 96--they are so close to making Soul into a Death Scythe. Soul tells her she is overworking herself, but she points out that Black Star is still injured, so they are having to make up for a lack of other students working right now. And of course she is worried about Crona, but nothing she investigates has turned up anything. But Soul senses she’s feeling guilty about something else. Soul asks: “Is this about Kid?” She tries to dodge the question--and is saved by an alert call coming in from the DWMA to return immediately. 
Pages 13-16: There is a piece of paper in the middle of a barren landscape--before Giriko is flung out of it. He is freaking out, saying he didn’t expect to be flung clear across the sky by some “thing.” Noah emerges through the paper before it lights on fire. He tells Giriko to calm down, as they have a meeting. It’s dark outside. The landscape is craggy and barren. They are led into a cave. Eyes are looking at them, before revealing they are clowns. Giriko is creeped out. Who is here to meet? Noah smiles, gesturing to a hulking figure in the shadows with three familiar eyes. 
Pages 17-19: In the Death Room, Lord Death addresses remaining Death Scythes (Spirit, Tezca, Azusa) and some of his top students (Maka, Clay and Akane who Soul and Maka already recognize) to reveal what has been discovered…
Pages 20: Giriko is surprised to find in this cave Asura…and we pull out to reveal the Moon. Lord Death announces: “The Kishin is on the Moon.” 
(Yes, this is all too fast to reveal where Asura is. No, I don’t explain how they found out Asura is up there. We’re moving along.)
Chapter 2
Page 1: We open with Black Star trying to get out of bed--before he’s forced down by Tsubaki and Naigus, explaining his injuries are too severe. 
Pages 2-3: But Back Star insists he is ready to go--before something stabs him in the top of his head…a sword, held by Angela--at which point Black Star is freaking out and ready to throttle her. Tsubaki sighs, hoping that the others are safe on their way to the Moon…
Pages 4-8: We already see the DWMA blimp on its way to the Moon, piloted by Gen. Soul notices Maka is still dodgy about Kid. Clay tries to break the tension--only to be embarrassed by Akane. Others there include Kilik--and we get a gag that he is now a “Swiss Army meister,” as he is wielding not only the Pots but also the Thompsons. Kim is fretting that everyone else is sitting away from her thanks to being revealed as a witch--when Granny from the reception desk sits next to her, shocking Kim to learn she’s entering this fight, too. 
Pages 9-10: Tezca is trying to make conversation with the other Death Scythes, saying it’s been so long since they were together. Pushka is exuberant. But Justin is just passively smiling, listening to his earbuds, not hearing a word. 
Pages 11-13: Meanwhile, on the Moon, Asura’s forces are tracking the arrival of the blimp. Giriko asks why they don’t just shoot it out of the sky already. Noah says Asura is not at full power yet and requires more souls--and now a “meal” is being delivered to them. Noah also says he can sense Arachne’s soul in that blimp, having been consumed by Soul--so doesn’t Giriko want to get revenge on those brats, first? Giriko smiles madly at the thought of sawing through those little shits…
I’m sure more can happen here--but I’m struggling to imagine how to fill out the remaining seven pages. All I know is, by the time you get to the last page, the fight between Asura’s forces and the DWMA starts, with an immediately fatal encounter. 
Chapter 3
Summary: The DWMA is making fast progress against Asura’s army. Asura is surprisingly knocked down quickly and easily. Justin goes in for the final blow--and instead wipes out almost all of the DWMA, including killing at least one Death Scythe. We end the chapter revealing that Justin’s allegiance is to the Kishin, as he takes on his Kishin worshipper look from the manga.
(I think there would be some exposition about Joe Buttataki, so that it’ll be easier to explain in the next chapter that he was killed by Justin.) 
Chapter 4
Summary: The fight is not going well for Maka and company…and it only gets worse when Asura’s madness has attracted another duo--Medusa and Crona. And Medusa sics the possessed Crona against Maka…
(Maybe Maka is not handling the fight well, before she finally reveals something…only I don’t know how to give that much exposition about how Noah got the Book of Eibon that she checked out from the DWMA library with Spirit’s badge. Maybe we should just drop Maka worrying about Kid and act like Noah had the Book all along?) 
More of the Moon battle will be in this chapter. Probably Kilik wielding all the weapons happens in this chapter. Maybe we have Tezca fighting Justin, trying to get through to him--only to die. Could we give Azusa more to do in this fight--or have her as the commander, given her vision ability? Maybe Azusa is about to order a retreat--when she is interrupted by an incoming call that someone is on her way to help. Azusa says, “I can’t believe--it’s you two?!” 
Then a lightning bolt comes down, as Stein, wielding Marie, slams Justin to the ground. But Stein looks like he is under the sway of madness…
Back at the DWMA, Lord Death gets a report about Justin’s turn. This is not good. He is joined by Excalibur, who says he has a difficult choice to make. Lord Death agrees. He directs the infirmary to release its “patient,” before he makes another call, this time to the Witch Council. 
Chapter 5
Summary: The fight is not going well for our heroes. Asura’s power has increased until characters are suffering from madness, with Soul’s chest wound aching, allowing Crona to strike Maka down. 
But hope arrives when Black Star arrives on the scene. 
(How did he get here so quickly? … *shrug* Maybe have Excalibur do it, only it was Tsubaki having to use him to open the fabric of reality, a la what Liz did in the Book of Eibon? Only even Tsubaki can barely handle it? It at least would give Tsubaki something to do.)
But Noah has a trick to reveal: he opens the Book of Eibon to revealed a possessed Kid, now suffering under madness. 
Elsewhere, Stein and Marie manage to defeat Justin. I would have Marie transform back to human at one point in the fight to deliver a barehanded direct punch at Justin--only to have Stein complain, “Why do my weapons always insist on doing that?” (a throwback to when Spirit turned back to human to grab Medusa by the collar in the Kishin Revival Arc). Spirit doesn’t look pleased with the comparison. 
Chapter 6
Most of this chapter is the fight between Black Star and Kid. It is going to be unfortunately rushed, though: Black Star defeats Kid, literally knocking the madness out of him. 
Meanwhile, Medusa has left Crona to deal with Maka, as she turns her attention to Noah and Asura. She compliments the DWMA and Asura for weakening each other. Now she will claim the Kishin. Giriko tries to stop Medusa, only to be disabled easily. She spots Noah and has an interaction before ending him as well. She picks up the Book of Eibon and approaches the Kishin…
Chapter 7
And before Medusa can do anything, a blade stabs her from behind through the chest: Crona has turned on Medusa. Asura smiles, saying his fear is stronger than even her power. All this planning, and Medusa dies. How pathetic. 
But Asura is stunned when Medusa just smiles and says that was her plan all along: why wouldn’t someone be willing to risk entering Lord Death’s own school and risk death--if death was not what she was waiting for all this time? Crona is her greatest creation, a power that will plunge the world into madness, all part of her grand experiment to see how fall this world will fall. 
With her last embers of life, Medusa gives a wicked grin at Asura, her only regret that she’ll never get to see how this ends. With Medusa’s body destroyed and her soul remaining, Crona, still under the sway of madness, has Ragnarok eat that witch soul--transforming the two into a horrifying version of a Death Scythe. We end the chapter with Asura shaken, admitting that this is truly frightening. All of the survivors of the DWMA can only look on from a far distance, as Crona’s horrific form grows more gigantic and powerful.  
Chapter 8
Kid is already back on his feet, ready to fight. He and Black Star retrieve Soul and Maka--the latter falling into the despair of fear. Soul shouts for Maka to snap out of it--but she shouts back that they are in over their head on this one. Kid begins to try to talk Maka out of her despair, trying to reason with her, while Tsubaki and the Thompsons try various pep talks (maybe even a silly gag of Patty somehow having cheerleader pom-poms to cheer Maka on)--before something just knocks Maka across the Moon. Kid, Tsubaki, the Thompsons, and Soul look in disbelief (think “shocked Pikachu face” reaction) as Black Star has knocked Maka clear across the Moon. 
After our team catches up to where Black Star knocked Maka (with Tsubaki glaring at Black Star, and Black Star having a giant bump on his head from where she slapped him), Black Star shouts that he was able to get back on his feet, and he doesn’t work with weaklings who can’t handle themselves in a fight. So, is Maka weak, or is she going to get up?! Maka lies on the ground before realizing how foolish she has been. We see her get back onto her feet, holding a hand out to Soul. 
In between Kid and Black Star finding Maka, and the first pep talk and Black Star’s punch, and Maka getting back on her feet, we see the rest of the battle--including the DWMA getting an assist from, of all places, the Witch Council, with Free and Eruka along for the ride. 
Chapter 9
Despite the arrival of the witches, though, both Crona and Asura are too powerful--and the two of them are more than a match for each other, while the DWMA are just caught in the crossfire of their attacks. We get some more devastating attacks, maybe fatalities of main and supporting characters we know (or just something less consequential, like Sid losing more of his body). 
The DWMA is out of fighters, so who do they have left? The kids--as Team B steps up…only for a gag when Team A with Maka lands in front of them, robbing Ox of his spotlight. The adults are less than convinced they have a chance. That’s when Maka reveals something in her hand: along the way, she fought off enough of Asura’s followers, all on Lord Death’s kill list. And with that, Soul transforms. We end this chapter revealing the newest Death Scythe, Soul Eater. 
Chapter 10
In this battle, Maka and the others are attacking Asura. We still get some cool moments--including Black Star swallowing and vomiting back the laser. 
But, to Maka’s detriment, her focus on containing Asura is leaving herself open to Crona’s attacks. She pleads with Crona to wake up, but nothing is working. Crona does seem to hesitate, though--and that’s the opening Asura, who has been on the ropes, needed. As a wave of regret washes over Crona--betraying Marie, the DWMA, and now killing their mother--Asura is able to absorb Crona, getting enough of a power boost to repel the students. Crona is gone. 
And Maka, even armed with Soul, is horrified--before Asura uses this new form to stab Maka through the chest. 
Chapter 11
This chapter is pretty much the same as Chapter 112. Maybe we emphasize Asura’s confidence he has won--only to hear Maka’s mad laughter. Now with Soul’s new Death Scythe form, he has command over the Black Blood, forming Maka’s dress and then her entrance into Asura’s body. We keep the same interaction with Crona. Maybe we keep that the Book of Eibon still has Brew in it, and Crona absorbed the Book along with Medusa’s soul, so we keep Crona using Brew to take over the Moon? Or maybe we free Crona? I don’t know. 
(I also toyed with Soul not becoming a Death Scythe until Maka is forced to kill Crona, thereby absorbing the last soul they need to make Soul a Death Scythe--but that seemed too grim.) 
Meanwhile, Kid connects the Lines of Sanzu to give Maka enough cover--and that’s how Lord Death ends up dying in this arc. 
Chapter 12
This chapter pretty much unfolds the same as Chapter 113--give or take what had to change given what wasn’t included in these twelve chapters (no Gopher, for example) and what suits my own tastes (e.g., we’re skipping the fanservice call backs). 
There’s a lot that I don’t like about this draft. It is rushed. Angela and the larger witch community don’t get much to do, and neither does Team B. But this is twelve chapters, and it’s not the worst thing I’ve written. 
My Concluding Remarks
And this was a fun exercise--so, thanks for this thought-provoking question! 
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casspurrjoybell-31 · 1 year
The Consort - Chapter 3 - Part 1
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*Warning Adult Content*
My fingers lazily slide along the frayed carpet in search of my beer.
The glass bottle is more to the left than I remember it being.
I frown as I bring it to my lips, silently chiding it for trying to make an escape.
There's not much left, so I'm forced to lap up the bitter froth caked around the rim.
Kelly strums his guitar in the background.
Every once in a while he stops abruptly and pulls the pencil from his ear, scribbling notes across a sheet of paper with the ferocity that borders on madness.
I used to get envious of the way he could write music.
Now I just see it as a secret treasure that I'll be privy to enjoy before anyone else.
Truthfully, I used to be envious of a lot more than Kelly's musical abilities.
We were four years apart in high school but even back then, the differences between us were notable.
Where he was popular and adored, I was gangly and blended in with the background.
Where he was intelligent and athletically inclined, I was middle of the road and shamefully uncoordinated.
Where he was good-looking and charming, I was plain and boring.
It wasn't until I graduated high school that I just stopped caring.
Even though I knew he surpassed me in... well, just about everything... I got the prize of being able to call someone like him my best friend.
That seemed to make all the rest irrelevant.
"Did that last hook sound like the one in 'Horseshoes and Hairpins?'"
I pull the beer bottle away from my lips and squint.
"Play it again?"
Kelly strums a few chords and his converse shoes tap along to the unique beat.
I try to compare it to the hook in question and shake my head when he's done.
"No," I confirm.
"They're completely different. They're both in 3:4 but that's about the only similarity I can tell."
Kelly smirks and jabs the end of his pencil in my direction.
"You're learning."
"Yeah," I scoff.
"Only took me about seven years to pick up a thing or two about music."
He shrugs, the very embodiment of patience when it comes to my mediocrity.
"Everyone learns at their own pace."
I roll my eyes and force myself into a sitting position.
"Speaking of pace, I need to pick mine up if I plan on being buzzed by the time Fiona and her gaggle of crows come over. I'm way too sober to deal with that shit right now."
Kelly snorts but doesn't look up from his music notes.
Once a month Fiona takes over their apartment and invites a handful of her friends over for a night of girl bonding.
I'm not exactly sure what it entails but it usually ends in high-pitched squeals and sickening gossip that tastes worse than the warm beer staining my lips.
"You want me to grab you one too?" I ask, standing and stretching my torso.
He doesn't answer right away.
He's lost in the musical realm and based on the early hour of the evening, he won't be joining me again for a while.
I round the corner of the living room and pad my way across the kitchen floor.
The refrigerator seems to beckon to me as I pry it open and reach for two more beers.
When I bring them back out to the living room though, Kelly is standing and frowning at his phone.
"What is it?" I ask.
"I got an alert from my vamp," he mutters.
"You need to go feed sometime soon?"
"Not soon," he answers.
"She needs me now."
If I didn't know any better, I'd say that he almost sounds worried.
It's hard to tell, though.
Kelly isn't the type of guy to let fear edge its way into his mind.
He's known for always dealing with situations using a clear mind and a sense of ease.
"What's wrong?"
"She wants me to go to the Village."
My eyes widen.
Whenever vampires and their consorts meet for a live-feeding, it's usually in a setting closer to other humans.
Or at the very least, it's in a chosen setting that's neutral to both parties.
That way if something goes wrong, the human is always close enough to get help.
But the Village isn't a part of our world.
It's a part of theirs.
"Why does she want you to go there?"
Kelly stands, scratching at the back of his neck.
"I dunno. She marked it as a code red, though. She needs a feeding."
As much as it pains me to see the torment in Kelly's features, that old, familiar feeling of envy resurfaces.
I know how much it annoys him to be a vampire's consort but at least he has a vampire.
The one assigned to me fled the scene, sent me a nast-o-gram rejection email the next day and hasn't responded to my sarcastic reply in almost a week.
I know, I know.
Why am I complaining?
Most humans would pay for this type of outcome.
It'd be like winning the lottery.
There's something seriously wrong with me for thinking otherwise.
Yet for reasons unknown to me, I just can't shake the desire to fulfill my role as consort.
"Let me take you," I offer.
Kelly snaps his head up.
"Seriously," I continue.
"I'll drive you into the Village, wait until you're done and then I'll drive us back."
My best friend vehemently shakes his head back and forth.
He wraps his hands around the neck of his guitar so tightly I wonder if it'll leave an indent.
"You can't do that, Finn. What if something happens? I can't. I... "
"Well you're sure as hell not going alone," I argue.
"And if you even tried, I'd tell Fiona. How do you think she'd react knowing you traveled to a place like that by yourself?"
Kelly's eyebrows arch with surprise.
"You wouldn't dare."
I grab my keys off the coffee table and dangle them in the air.
"Try me."
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ramabear · 2 years
2023 Writing Update
First of all: Trustfall Update: 
 Acts 1 (Gravity) and Acts 2 (Friction) have been posted! The intermissions are up, and we are officially on Act 3 (Inertia).
If you’ve been following along for a while now you’ll know that I’m posting the firstish weekend of every month since i have a good amount written and beta read and ready to post. 
secondly, here’s the wordcount tracker! o(*°▽°*)o
trustfall act 1: 69k
trustfall first intermission: 29k
trustfall act 2 part 1: 106k
trustfall second intermission: 8k
trustfall act 3 part 1 (ongoing): 101k
check for more general update notes and plans for the year: 
Last year ended with a total of 525k words, which was pretty good considering I really didn’t write much from about August on. I’m going to have a similar goal this year of about 50k a month and I’m excited to see how the data pans out in the end.
(oh! if anyone’s interested in some stats, here: highest month of 2022 was March with 100k and lowest month was October with 2.5k. quite a disparity!)
I went through quite a few fandoms (MCU, NCIS, etc) and stumbled back into fucking HP at the end there (with a new ship, gods help me) and I’m stuck there at the moment. 
As it is, I’m going to be posting more for this month (February) at the very least if not more for the year in general. I’m slowly coming to terms with the fact that I have lots of ideas but not everything gets finished so if I don’t post unfinished things I’ll basically never post. (Two cakes mentality, yall, thats what we’re going for here)
But I also am the kind of author that goes back and finishes something five to six years after I originally post it so like, nothing is abandoned 100% for sure unless I actually go through the effort of labelling it so. This means, yes, I am still working on things like Observer and such that are up and old and haven’t updated in a while. 
My work is constant but my interest in fandom is cyclical so even if I’m not in that fandom now, I’ll probably circle back around sooner or later. 
Thanks for everyone who is following along! The comments also have been lovely and encouraging and help me keep motivated during these long months.
if you have any questions, feel free to ask :)
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