#even if the computer only had the king left
daemoninfluff · 9 months
just played 4 games of chess and I think someone needs to help me cause out of these games I had 3 which counted as a draw and just 1 win
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foldingfittedsheets · 3 months
Mattresses, unbeknownst to many, are a lot like cars. Every year new ones roll out, they’re always tweaking and innovating and you’ll never find the same one you loved decades ago when buying a new one.
Where I sold mattresses had a three month return or exchange program for this reason. New beds take a while to break in, and they’re a big expense. Your body is used to the old one. So we made sure people were loving it. If a bed got returned we’d take it back, sanitize and clean it, then sell it again on clearance.
To sell these we always had to disclose what clearance meant to customers, and they had to sign that they knew what they were getting. (FYI, not every company is as… forthright about the used bed situation)
In clearance we had beds that were floor models, we had returns, and more rarely we had old models whose line had been discontinued. These clearance beds were always final sale, so a bed could only be sold twice.
Now, the manager at the store I was working at had realized a vital fact. Clearance beds in the warehouse didn’t sell, especially old models that salespeople weren’t familiar with. And even more especially in odd sizes, like twin extra longs. So he set up a split king on the showroom floor to exhibit clearance beds, pulling all those forgotten twin extra longs out onto the showroom.
Almost all of these were brand new discontinued models. Beds I’d never learned in training were exhumed to be displayed. The manufacturers had moved on to new lines and they’d been left behind. Why would he take such in interest in selling old stock, you might wonder? Because we made double commission on the sales margin of clearance beds, and if we’d had a bed long enough they dropped the cost in the system so it was a fucking cash cow to sell these. Even with huge discounts the commissions were wonderful so it was a win win.
When I got started I was jazzed about this program, I was so on board to sell weird old brand new beds and make a ton of money. I had a wonderful older couple come in, looking for a split king adjustable set. This was a white whale sale.
The current clearance models on the floor were a latex mattress that was brand new despite being of an age to start first grade, and a tempurpedic floor model. The couple laid down and it was like magic. They each loved the bed they’d laid down on. They wanted to buy the whole shebang.
I. Was. Thrilled. I told them about the clearance program and what that meant, and they weren’t bothered in the least. I wrote up the sale then dashed into the back, fizzing with excitement to tell my manager what I’d done.
“You sold the death bed?!” He asked in delight.
I pulled up short, my smile freezing in place. “What…?”
“Didn’t you check the notes?”
I hesitated for a long beat then slowly shook my head. You see, dear reader, all beds had a personal history. Every clearance bed had logs written up by the person who took the return, as well as warehouse crew after sanitizing. It helped us know what to expect when selling them. “Wasn’t it just a floor model? You said it was a floor model…”
He slowly shook his head. I checked the notes.
It turned out, it had been sold as a floor model. The first time. But the company had made an exception and taken it back as a return two months later. Why? Because it’s owner had passed away.
I stared at the computer in horror and my manager shrugged. “They signed the clearance form. Technically it was a floor model.”
“We know for a fact that a man died in that bed!”
“What they don’t know can’t haunt them,” he said philosophically.
The man came back a week later for more sheets, utterly delighted to tell me how well they were sleeping. I clamped my teeth down around the secret of the deathbed, choosing to let them love their new bed without the stigma. Only one person would be haunted by that deathbed, and it was me.
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deadsetobsessions · 7 months
Sea Cryptic! Danny AU- Pt.3
[Pt.1] [Pt.2] [Pt.4] [Pt.5] [Pt.6] [Pt.7] [Pt.8] [Pt.9] [Pt.10]
“Aquaman.” Batman swept into the room, beelining straight for the suddenly apprehensive Atlantean king.
“Batman. What can I do for you?”
“Phantom. Does he pay taxes?”
Batman makes a low noise that had Aquaman’s danger senses buzzing.
“Does Phantom have to pay taxes. Towards Atlantis.”
“No…? Why?”
“He wanted money, in exchange for… information, of a delicate sort,” Batman said, diplomatically avoiding the topic of Phantom bargaining for the identities of corpses in exchange for a measly $100 dollars per identity. Like a flea market dealer, that one was.
“You encountered Phantom again?” Aquaman perked up.
“Yes. Gotham’s bay is… polluted.” Batman paused. “With victims. Of murder.”
The entire area quieted as heads turned towards the Dark Knight.
“Yes, I am… distantly aware of Gotham’s waters.” By that, Aquaman gets green around the gills whenever he turns his awareness in that direction. There’s a reason he doesn’t enter Gotham, and the Dark Knight’s ban is only half of that reason. “Ah, but you’re correct. For what purpose would Phantom need mortal currency?”
“Maybe he needs some stuff?” Flash zipped to a stop next to Batman, feet tapping as he dug into the pile of snacks cradled in his arms. “Us mortals are always coming up with new things, maybe he wants to try some games or something?”
Batman tilted his head down, seriously considering Flash’s suggestion. “It’s plausible.”
“Barry, Barry, Barry. He’s old as hell, right? He probably wants to try the new booze!”
“Hal, my man!” Flash fist bumped Green Lantern, who came up. “You’re back! What happened to John?”
“Dunno. He got called somewhere that way,” Green Lantern waved a vague hand towards the left. “Had to deal with a politician or something from that area.” He shrugged, swinging an arm over Barry’s shoulders to put him in a headlock and stealing a chip.
“Huh. Anyways, would our mortal alcohol even work on a demi-god or something?”
“We should ask!” Hal turned towards Batman. “You should ask if he wants to go for a drink, spooky!”
“He’s a child.”
“He’s been around for more than a millennia, Bats.”
“Informational gathering, right, Hal?” Flashgot out of the headlock, quickly munching on his snacks to stop Green Lantern from stealing them.
“Totally. Yup.”
“Wait, are we just gonna ignore that Gotham’s waters are full of bodies?”
“What?” Danny asked, mind half on the bags he’s dragging out of the water and the other half on the essay he has to submit in about four hours.
“Green Lantern wanted to invite you out for a drink.”
Danny turned to the stoic Gotham knight, who had his wrist computer out to log the bodies’ info the moment Danny gave him the information. Some of them even told Danny who murdered them, so Batman could start building cases with solid leads.
Danny’s only twenty. He’s not legal yet but he doesn’t want to give any clues to who he is. How is he supposed to…
“Can’t.” Danny shrugged. “I’m not legal. I died when I was fourteen so…” Danny trailed off, speechless at the drowned puppy face Batman was giving him. What the fuck.
“Anyways, fork over my payment.”
Batman wordlessly hands him a wad of hundreds.
“What do you need cash for?” Batman suddenly asked.
“Huh? Isn’t it obvious?” Danny tucked it in. “Material things, obviously. I need a blanket,” because holy shit, Gotham is damn cold this time of year. “Anyways, see you same time next week, litterer.”
“I don’t litter.”
“Tell that to the batarangs I found under the water,” Danny grumbled. “But I’ll stop calling you that if you get a signature from Poison Ivy. I have a friend who loves her.”
“An alive friend?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know, weatherboy?”
Danny snickered and disappeared. He’s gotta cram that essay.
“There’s a possibility Phantom might be homeless.”
“Batman, I mean this in the nicest way, but for the love of Atlantis, please stop giving me headaches. It’s time like these I wish I stayed a lighthouse keeper.”
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ellecdc · 5 days
About the onde bed trope… since there aren’t a lot of those, I was wondering if you could write one with reader and wolfstar? Maybe a smut or just something fluff
hi babes! so I got this request right after someone had asked for recommendations for one-bed tropes, which I had only ever read one and shared it. SO, I wanted to remind everyone of the cute wolfstar x reader one bed fic I read by @longlivedelusion, and know that while I'm happy to contribute to this super fun trope with our lovely wolfstar, that it was more than likely inspired by their awesome work linked above!
poly!wolfstar x Potter!reader who have to share a bed [2.8k words]
CW: mutual pining, feelings of 3rd wheeling, fluff, potter family
The hotel was bustling with what appeared to be just as many staff as there were patrons waiting in the lobby.
Bags were being whisked away, key cards were being handed to waiting hands, and nearly every second person was wearing a Manchester United jersey. 
James was positively giddy and practically vibrating with excitement, Lily and Regulus had their faces shoved into Lily’s phone as they (re)read the itinerary they had planned for James’ birthday trip, Remus arched his shoulders as he let his duffle fall to the ground and Sirius murmured promises of a back massage when they got to their room, and you people watched. 
Your parents had given James (and all of his friends) tickets to the Manchester home game and a few nights stay at a posh hotel close to the stadium.
Lily and Regulus, being James’ dutiful partners, planned other things for the lot of you to do while you were here, too.
Right now, however, you wanted nothing more than to get to your room, take a shower to wash the train off of your being, and go to sleep.
Mercifully the check in counter cleared and your group stepped up to the waiting concierge. 
“Hi there! We’re checking in for Potter; group of six.” Lily offered primly as she handed the man a copy of the booking number. 
“Right! Okay, so Potter, two rooms, each with a king, for three nights.” The man read from the screen, looking over in concern when six varied protests sounded from the group.
“No, I’m quite sure it’s meant to be three rooms.” Lily corrected quickly, offering you a worried glance before she nearly leaned over the welcome desk to peer at the computer monitor as if she was ready to take over for the concierge. 
The man hummed as he continued tapping keys and clicking his mouse and scrolling and please for the love of God don’t let there be a mix up.
It was going to be you that was the problem; not Lily and Regulus who were counting on a romantic trip to celebrate their boyfriend, and not Remus and Sirius with their long-established relationship and promises of Remus’ massage.
“The booking is only showing two rooms, uhm, let me just confirm with my manager that I’m not missing anything.” He bumbled awkwardly before standing and all but fleeing from the group of you. 
“It’s probably just a mistake.” James offered quickly as he jostled your shoulder. “With this many people here, the system is probably just lagging.”
But it wasn’t just a mistake and the system wasn’t just lagging and there was very much only two rooms booked under Potter.
“Is there any way we can book a third room? It can go on the same card.” You asked meekly, nervously glancing between the manager and the computer. 
“Unfortunately, the hotel is entirely booked.” She offered you with a pained smile, and just from your survey of the lobby while you’d been waiting in line, you knew that had to be true. 
“Do you have any cots we could have sent up to the rooms?” Lily asked hopefully, earning another grimace from the manager which was all the response you needed.
You could feel the group looking at you awkwardly and you immediately regretted even coming; you should have just left James to celebrate his birthday with his partners and best friends and stayed out of it, but instead, you were the troublesome younger sibling who your parents forced the group to bring along. Maybe you could catch a train back home? Maybe you could catch a train a town or two over and just have your own mini vacation and leave them to their celebrations.
“Don’t worry, bug!” James said as he rubbed your arm roughly before reaching over you to grab the keys to the two rooms from the concierge who was clearly now only waiting for the lot of you to bugger off so he could help the people behind you. “We’ll make this work.”
“You shouldn’t have to make it work, Jamie.” You moaned as your group moved to stand against a wall across the lobby as you all tried to problem solve this. 
“Both rooms have just one bed each, right? Do either of them have a sofa?” Regulus asked first.
“The pictures online didn’t look like it; the rooms had the bed, one grandfather chair, and a desk with a rolling desk chair.” Lily responded. 
“Okay, well, both rooms have king sized beds, we can share.” Sirius offered simply, causing you to nearly whimper.
“I’m not going to impose on anyone’s beds.” You murmured as you stared resolutely at your feet.
“You can share with me! It’ll be like the old days when we’d have a “sleepover” in the living room!” James offered excitedly, and you had to hand it to him for his sense of adventure and enthusiasm, but you couldn’t help but notice the quick glance Lily and Regulus shared.
“It’s your birthday weekend, Jamie, you should get to spend it with your partners.”
“Okayyyy, uhm, what about the girls room together and boys room together?” He offered instead, causing Lily to furrow her brows at him.
“But then two of us will be sharing while four of you will be sharing.” She countered, followed up quickly by Regulus who stated he would not, under any circumstances, be sharing a bed with his brother. 
“No, you’re right, erm, well… Me, Pads, and Moony could share-”
“James, I love you, but you’re terrible at this.” Sirius interrupted before turning his gaze to you. “You should just stay with me and Moons; leave these three to their…canoodling.” He said around a theatrical gag. 
“You guys were probably looking forward to a romantic stay too.” You muttered somewhat petulantly, and that was what nearly brought you to the brink of tears.
Not that you were the figurative sixth wheel, not that you were left without a room and imposing on two relationships, and not even that you felt particularly out of place.
No, the thing that nearly brought you to tears was the fact that you were acting so petulant on your brother's birthday which he had been so incredibly excited for.
You would not ruin this for him, for any of them. 
“No, you know what, sorry, you’re right, Sirius. I’ll pile the extra bedding they keep in the closets and make myself a little nest on the floor, it’ll be like camping!” You decided, pasting on the widest smile you could muster. 
You swore you saw Sirius’ face fall slightly but powered on when James was back to clapping his hands together excitedly. “Brilliant! This will be so fun, and so worth it, bug. Don’t you worry.”
And you were worried, but he didn’t need to know that. 
ʚ ═══·୨ ꕤ ୧·═══ ɞ
“You’re not actually going to sleep on the floor, right doll?” Sirius asked after the hotel door shut with a click behind him as he glanced around the room. 
It was perhaps a bit tight, but if you set up your little nest underneath the window, neither boy should trip over you in the middle of the night should they need to use the loo.
“Oh it’ll be fine.” You offered in what you hoped was convincing nonchalance. 
“I really think the bed is big enough, dove. And Sirius usually latches onto me in the night so you shouldn’t even notice we’re there.” Remus offered gently, watching as you flung the closet doors open to procure the extra bedding. 
“S’not my fault, moons.” Sirius countered as he trailed right on your heels to where you were trying to make your ‘nest’. “You keep the thermostat so sodding low, I’d simply freeze to death if you didn’t share your body heat.”
He ignored your indignant “oi!” as he immediately plucked your pillows and blankets off the floor from where you’d placed them and moved them to the end of the bed. “And, I think you do that on purpose; you like cuddling.” He continued, gently swatting at your hands as you tried to reclaim your makeshift bed. 
“Oh, I love cuddling.” Remus agreed readily, clearly ignoring the fact that you and Sirius were currently in a petty squabble over linens. “What I don’t like is being jolted awake to your ice cold feet being shoved under my thighs at three o'clock in the morning- dove.” He gave you a pointed look with one arched eyebrow as you huffed petulantly and crossed your arms. 
“You are not sleeping on the floor, doll. Your parents paid for the sodding rooms.” Sirius claimed resolutely. 
“They were meant to pay for three rooms so that you two would have some privacy.” You argued.
“You’re really the only one upset about this, babes.” He stated, face softening when you nervously pulled your lip between your teeth. “If you’re worried about space, I’ll take the floor.”
“I don’t want you to take the floor.”
“Then I’ll take-” Remus started, but was interrupted when both you and Sirius spat “you’re not sleeping on the floor, Remus” and “like fuck you’re sleeping on the floor, don’t be ridiculous”, respectively. 
“So those are your choices, sweetheart; I take the floor or we share the bed.” 
After this many years of knowing each other, you knew when Sirius was bluffing, and you knew when it was better to fold; with the no nonsense look that currently adorned his face, you knew that those were, indeed, your only options.
You looked over at the bed wearily; it really was quite large…and you could use your own blanket so that you weren’t encroaching on their space or stealing their blankets. 
The problem was that the bed wasn’t the only problem. It also was very much the fact that you were pretty well completely gone for two of your brothers best friends.
Two of your brothers best friends who were very much dating each other. 
Two of your brothers best friends who were dating each other that you were completely gone for and now forced to share a bed with them. 
ʚ ═══·୨ ꕤ ୧·═══ ɞ
Sirius just about died when you stepped out of the bathroom with wet hair leaving damp patches on your sleep shirt and your legs on full display thanks to the matching shorts.
He just about died again when you caught him staring at you.
He nearly died a third time when Remus’ pointed clearing of his throat was what finally broke him from the trance you had on him; both he and Remus now red in the face while you looked to be fairing little better as you hid behind your wet hair and fussed with your toiletries instead of looking at either of them.
Sirius felt horribly pathetic - years of living with the Potter’s did absolutely nothing to dim the flame he held for you, nor did the physical space that living with Remus in their own flat for the past few years offered him.
The only thing that made his infatuation slightly less embarrassing was the fact that Remus held a similar flame for you, too. 
So while this was sort of everything he’d ever wanted - spending the night in a bed with two people he was absolutely crazy about - he was equally afraid of making you horribly uncomfortable. 
“Smooth.” Remus muttered as he came up behind Sirius only after you’d gone back into the bathroom to brush your teeth.
Sirius wanted to turn and sneer at his boyfriend. “I know I am” danced on the tip of his tongue; his usual suave blaseness in all its glory rearing its head at the insinuation that Sirius was anything but a certified charmer.
But all that managed to leave Sirius’ lips was a breathy “fuck” as he stared decisively at the space you’d been standing previously.
But before Sirius could spend any (more) time spiralling or Remus could offer words of encouragement (or commiseration), you were tentatively sliding into what the three of you had agreed would be your side.
Your side. 
The sentiment made Sirius stomach dip; after all these years he was finally getting a taste of what he’d always wanted.
Yet it wasn’t enough.
The lights were off and Sirius’ back was pressed into Remus’ chest as they both watched the steady rise and fall of your shoulders as you slept. They’d both felt so tired on the train ride here, yet neither of them could bring themselves to close their eyes when the alternative was getting to see you rest in their bed.
“Is this really happening?” Remus whispered quietly then, causing Sirius to snuggle impossibly further into him.
“Feels like a dream.” Sirius whispered back; his hand itching to reach out and twirl a lock of your drying hair around his finger, to encourage you to roll over so that they could see your pretty face, to pull you into him and hold you close. 
Remus tightened his hold around Sirius and pushed his nose into his shoulder. “We should tell her; need to tell her… this weekend.” 
Sirius shook his head, but it wasn’t in disagreement. Rather, it was in exasperation.
“I can’t believe she can’t tell how crazy we are about her.” 
And Sirius nearly died a fourth time in one night when you seemingly shot up out of a dead sleep and spun to face them. 
“You’re what?” You asked; no hints of sleep in your tone (nor your wild eyes) as you stared at them incredulously. 
“Fuck.” Sirius repeated eloquently as he and Remus both sat up, the latter leaning over to turn on a lamp causing both you and Sirius to wince as your eyes adjusted.
“I thought you were asleep?” Sirius accused then, but you didn’t take the bait. 
“You’re…what about me?” You whispered carefully.
“Crazy.” Remus responded quickly; whether he was braver than Sirius or opting to rip the bandaid off, Sirius didn’t know. “We’re crazy about you.”
You made a breathy sound, almost as if you were going to ask “what” or “why” or “when” before the question died on your lips. 
Sirius stared at you in wait; he didn’t know whether you were about to cry, whether you were going to demand they let you build a ‘nest’ on the floor so you could escape them, or whether you were going to call your folks and ask them to pick you up.
So when your face broke out into a slow, still disbelieving but equally relieved grin, well…he’d be damned. 
“Yeah?” You asked hopefully, eyes swimming with unshed tears as you nervously looked between the two of them. 
“Yeah…” Sirius let out with a breath, daring to reach across the expanse of the bed that the three of you had clearly decided would be a no-man zone and delighting when you eagerly accepted his hand in yours.
“We thought you were asleep, dove.” Remus offered gently, and a shy smile crept across your face as you shook your head, a lone tear trailing down your cheek that your free hand was quick to wipe away.
“Why not?” Sirius cooed pathetically, rubbing along your knuckles with his thumb as he took your inability to sleep to be a personal offence. 
“Was too busy thinking about how crazy I am about the two of you, too.” You admitted in a whisper, and Sirius wondered if he had even frozen long enough to share more than a 0.35 second glance with Remus before he bodily launched himself and tackled you to the bed before peppering your face with kisses as you squealed.
“You mean-” kisses “to tell me-” more kisses as you giggled “that we could have been doing this” you squealed as he nipped at your collar bone “this whole sodding time!?” 
“Oi!” Remus chided teasingly. “Don’t maul her!” Though his statement was severely undermined when he all but pulled you into his lap to press his own rough kiss to the side of your face. 
“Oh, I’m just getting started.” Sirius threatened with a beaming smile as you looked at him breathlessly; eyes bright, smile wide, and heart full. “We have lost time to make up for.” 
ʚ ═══·୨ ꕤ ୧·═══ ɞ
Enough was enough, quite frankly. The tiptoeing, the dancing, the shy glances, the longing looks - it was all too much.
Something simply needed to be done.
Was it temerarious? Perhaps. Was it conniving? More than slightly. But was it also necessary? Most definitely.
She only hoped that she hadn’t gone too far, is all.
But any worries that Euphemia Potter may have had vanished entirely the second that her phone buzzed with a text from James the next morning that simply read: it worked.
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strang3lov3 · 6 months
Invisible Line
Summary- Boundary after boundary is crossed when your boss is left with no choice but to share his bed with you.
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Roman Roy x F!Reader | 5.8k words
Tags- one bed trope mothafuckas!! mutual masturbation, unprotected piv, cream pie, oral (f receiving), come eating, dirty talk, soft dom!roman, power imbalance, needy and desperate reader, light degradation, manipulative Roman, Roman’s not the nicest but he does let you snuggle him
A/N- This is my first Roman Roy fic, so please be gentle 🫣 I know he’s got his issues with sex, so just play pretend with me. My usual Joel readers, I haven’t forgotten about you, he’s cumming soon 🫡🍆 but if you were feeling so inclined I’d appreciate it if you gave Roman a chance 🥺🩷
I had a fucking team of editors for this fic!! Thank you thank you thank you @noxturnalpascal, @papipascalispunk, @beefrobeefcal and @pinkypromisepascal for polishing this baby up
Fic notifs, Masterlist, Ko-Fi
You’ll never get used to the type of hotels you now stay in. All the lights glittering, floors shining, ceilings so high. You’d call it luxurious, but to your boss, Roman, this is considered modest. You’re always reminded that you and he come from two very different worlds.
As his assistant, you’re accompanying him on his “bullshit amusement park safety meeting in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere,” as Roman had so graciously put it. He’s got such a way with words. He’s exaggerating of course, always so hyperbolic. You’re not in the middle of nowhere, you’re in Nashville, Tennessee. It’s early June and the air is finally beginning to cool for the evening.
“We’re fully booked,” the receptionist says to you after first explaining that no, there’s no mix up of sorts, you had only booked one room and not two adjoining rooms like you’d thought. 
Just fifteen minutes earlier, you helped Roman with his bags and such up to his room. Roman carried the heaviest of his own bags to be a gentleman, call it his soft spot for you or whatever, but just to be a dick, still had you carry his briefcase that he was more than capable of carrying on his own. It is your job, after all. 
When you arrived with him to the spacious room, decorated with abstract wall art and odd sculptures, Roman wasted no time in flopping on the single king sized bed. After seeing no door to connect to an adjoining room, Roman sent you back to reception. “Well, better figure it out,” he said, waving you away, his eyes never once looking away from his phone screen. “I’m set here, so thanks. You can go fuck off. Have a nice evening and all that. Enjoy masturbating in your crispy white bed sheets, courtesy of Hyatt hospitality.” Always so vulgar. You’re not shocked by it anymore. 
“Nothing?” you ask the receptionist. “There’s no way. I just need a single queen, I don’t care what floor it’s on. Isn’t there something?”
“Bonnaroo,” the receptionist explains, once more typing on her keyboard to double check and see if there’s a room for you. “Yeah, I’m sorry, we don’t have any other rooms available. Bonnaroo weekend is always when we’re busiest. People book months in advance. I wish I could help you,” she frowns apologetically. 
You’re not upset. It’s your own fault. And you’d seen Bonnaroo posters around the lobby advertising the shuttle that transports people from the hotel to the festival. And you’d seen the headliners, too. Radiohead, Red Hot Chili Peppers, LCD Soundsystem. Friday and Saturday tickets are sold out. You’re not surprised it’s all booked.
“No, I know,” you reply. “It’s my fault.”
You sigh deeply, and the receptionist types into her computer, prints a piece of paper and hands it to you. “This is a list of hotels nearby. Call around, they might have something.” She wishes you good luck, and you pull out your phone to begin making the calls, only then realizing your battery is at 2%. Now you have nowhere to go but back to Roman’s room.
You knock on Roman’s door and wait. Nothing. You knock once more, nothing again. You’re about to knock for a third time when Roman finally opens, his shirt a few buttons undone and his belt loosened. “What do you want?”
“Can you let me in?” you ask, “I need to use your phone, please.”
Roman’s taken some getting used to. You never quite know where you stand with him, what exactly he thinks of you. Moment to moment, you never know which Roman you’re gonna get – the flirting Roman, the occasional sweet and tender Roman, or the cold, sarcastic, uncaring and taunting Roman.
 “Can you let me in?” Roman mocks, opening his door wider and guiding you into his room with his hand on your lower back. Taunting Roman. His touch makes your tummy flutter. Something about his unpredictability thrills you, excites you. You’re attracted to it, and you don’t know why. 
Your phone charges by a nearby outlet as you sit at the desk with the room phone as Roman paces around, rifling through his suitcase to find his pajamas. They’re simple looking clothes, pale blue bottoms and a plain white shirt, but you know the cost of the outfit is equivalent to someone’s rent. He changes in front of you, something he’s always done. You’re not exactly sure why he does that or what he’s trying to do, but you do your best to not steal any glimpses of him as you begin calling the numbers on the paper, though the task proves to be difficult. Flirting Roman?
The first hotel on your list is The Hermitage, which is a bust. The Joseph is also a bust. Conrad Nashville, same deal. You’re keeping your voice as low as possible, hoping Roman doesn’t overhear your conversation. The last thing you want to do is give him more ammo. You sigh as you cross out the names on the paper one by one with one of the hotel’s branded pens.
Roman’s on the bed, smirking, rolling his eyes. You can see it in your peripherals. “You fucked up, didn’t you? Forgot to book yourself a room?” 
“Shut up,” you mumble, now calling the fourth and final hotel on your list. 
“You shut up,” Roman says. “Told you to double check.”
You wave a hand in his direction to quiet him. After asking your now three times rehearsed ‘Do you have any rooms available?’ and being met with an apology and a no, you reply to the person on the other end of the call with a “Yup, Bonnaroo, understood. Thank you.” Sighing, you hang up the phone and bury your face in your palms. You know what your only option is here, and you’re scared to look at it, to look at Roman. You know that even if you don’t verbally ask, your eyes will say it all. 
  Roman slides off the bed and makes his way to you, then nudges your foot with his own. “Am I doing you a favor tonight?” 
“I uh…”
“Oh, of course I am. Good thing I’m feeling generous, huh?” Roman’s lips are curled into an almost-sweet smile when you finally look at him. “Bed is mine,” he enunciates. “You can take the floor, I don’t care. Or push those chairs together or some shit.” You look at the chairs he’s referring to and nod. Roman goes back to his bed, and you pull your own set of pajamas from your suitcase, then change in the bathroom. Once out of the bathroom, you push together the chairs that Roman was referring to.
“Oh god, I didn’t think you’d actually do that. No, no, I was just joking – we’ll share the fucking bed. Yeah?” Roman pats the other side of the bed. “I’m not cruel like that, Christ. Making me feel like some fuckin’ sort of - sort of sadist. Not gonna bite you.”
“Won’t you?” you tease. 
That was the wrong thing to say. Your blood goes cold as Roman glares at you, displeased with your teasing. Reminding you of your place, that even though Roman can joke, make however many unsavory comments as he’d like, you can’t always do the same. Cold Roman. But then Roman cracks a smile, flashing his pretty white teeth and winks, his eyes sparkling. The boss-employee dynamic between you and him is always inconsistent, things going from professional to unprofessional, from friendly to friendlier.
He pulls the covers down the bed, once more patting the space next to him, indicating his invitation for you to join him. You round the bed and slide under the covers, the sheets feeling cool against your bare feet and legs. “You’ve got ulterior motives, don’t you? You fucked up the booking on purpose.”
You roll your eyes, annoyed. “No, Roman.”
“You totally did,” Roman says as you adjust the pillows behind you, “You’re trying to entrap me. You’ve weaseled your way into my bed so you can sue me later for harassment or some shit but I’m telling you, it’s not gonna happen. Trust me when I say that it’s in your best interest to behave yourself.” Roman drags his finger down the center of the bed, bisecting it evenly. “Don’t cross this line. Not even your fuckin’…pinky finger. Got it?”
“Understood, Mr. Roy.”
“Attagirl,” he chirps. “Wait, ew. Jesus Christ, Roman, you call me Roman. Not that Mr. Roy shit. God, that’s gross.”
You’ll take any chance you can to get under his skin after all he does to you. Flipping over on your side, you face the window and watch the city lights dance before pulling out your phone and silently scrolling through Instagram. Roman does similar, though he doesn’t reciprocate the courtesy of doing so quietly. He watches videos at full volume, shaking the bed with his giggles. 
You shift to your other side, now facing Roman, who lays on his back. Your phone rests on the bed as you can’t help but admire how handsome he looks. You don’t often see him look relaxed like how he does now – how sexy he looks in those thin pajamas of his, his biceps toned and his bulge protruding from beneath the fabric of his pants. His usually sleek hair is slightly messy, and you wonder how those silky strands would feel between your fingers as you tug on them, with him holding you close in a tight embrace and his lips connected to yours, swallowing your moans. 
You tell yourself not to think about it, about him. Don’t think, don’t think, god, do not think about him. Don’t think about his thick bulge or his hands or their wrinkles, the bluish-green veins that climb up his knuckles. Don’t think about his waist, don’t think about his soft tummy, or the thin line of hair leading down his groin and beneath his pants. 
Roman’s looking at you, wearing that sly, cocky grin of his, pleased with the knowledge of what he does to you. He shuts his phone off and turns off the light on his nightstand, the faint glow coming from the open curtains now the only light.
He doesn’t take long to drift into a slumber, though you do, still thinking of the things you shouldn’t be. Images of Roman still dance in your mind for hours, you watch the time go by when you check your phone’s lock screen. You hear his voice in your head, that two word instruction from him playing over like a broken record. Behave yourself. And god, you can fucking smell him. He smells clean, like he always does, with notes of Caroline Herrera’s Bad Boy filling your nostrils – a cologne with a truly obnoxious bottle and an even more obnoxious name. Roman picked it out one time you were with him while he was shopping, just to piss you off. You’ve never hated the smell, though, and you love it even more on his skin. But he smells like sweat too, just a bit. So masculine and slightly musky, you can almost taste him. 
Your hand has moved on its own accord underneath your shirt and between your breasts. You’re not sure when it happened, but you become acutely aware of it when your knuckles brush against your nipple and you gasp. 
Roman stirs in his sleep, but he’s dead to the world. And you’re good at keeping yourself quiet – at least you think you are. 
You turn your head to look at Roman, pinching and twisting at your nipples. Alternating between soft and hard, gentle and rough touches. Roman’s got his arm draped over his head, his palm so close to you. You imagine it’s that hand, his hand, squeezing and groping the soft flesh of your breasts, pretending that tingling feeling when you drag your thumbs over your sensitive buds is his tongue, all hot and wet. You let yourself breathe, the quietest moans escaping your lips. 
And then you let your fingers dip lower, your fingertips skating down your body, feeling your sides and the soft curve of your tummy, your hips. Your hand goes lower and lower, your thighs parting as you find your core but not moving your legs wide enough to cross Roman’s invisible line. Tracing your lips first, your fingers travel closer to where you need to feel them the most. You’re wet, so fucking wet as you press your middle finger against your hole, collecting your slick and dragging it up to your clit.
You shift in the bed, spreading your legs wider and now circling your clit with your middle and ring fingers, dipping them into your entrance once more to gather your arousal and drag it up through your folds. Massaging yourself, you still pretend it’s Roman’s hand as you take in that sweet feeling that’s quickly beginning to build in the pit of your stomach. You can feel yourself getting wetter and wetter with each circle of your fingertips on your clit, fighting yourself to keep your hips as still as can be.
Romans voice startles you. “For a second I wondered if we’re near a fuckin’... earthquake, or uh– fault line or something, but you’re just rubbing one out next to your boss. Wow. Do you always shake the bed this much when you masturbate?” 
You gasp, “Roman.”
“Or just when you’re next to me?” You’re not really sure what the right move here is. You could pull your hand from under your pants, but Roman’s already caught you red handed. Leaving your hand between your thighs is not the right move either. “Funny,” he adds, “I thought we just had a conversation about behaving. Didn’t we?”
“I know, I–”
“I mean, you get brownie points for not crossing the line in the bed, I guess,” Roman lifts the covers of the bed, then reaches for your knee and gently pushes it back on your side of the bed. “But you are crossing all sorts of other lines. You must think you’re sneaky. I heard you moaning, you know,” he accuses. He mocks you then, all snark and derision as he lets out exaggerated and breathy moans you’re almost sure you weren’t making. Roman, oh, Roman! Yeah, right there, Roman, please…
 “Are you trying to get yourself in trouble?” he asks as he reaches for your jaw with one of his hands, turning you to look at him. He pinches, fingertips digging into the softness of your cheeks. No hiding now. “Is that what gets you off?” 
“No,” you stammer. 
The air feels thick and Roman’s hazel eyes are dark, inky black, perhaps from the lack of light or maybe, you think, his own arousal? No, probably not. He looks genuinely pissed and you can’t bring yourself to meet his eyes, his intense gaze making you squirm. But you can’t seem to look away, either. He allows a silence to hang heavily between you both as he stares at you with a look in his eyes you can’t quite read. And that’s when you notice it – with the hand that’s not holding your jaw, he’s stroking his cock underneath his pants. You can see the bulge, the shifting of his hand. 
���You’re touching yourself too,” you point out.
“Yeah, now I am. I’m a man. You made blood rush to my penis with your fucking moans and your Roman this and Roman that,” he huffs. Pulling down his pants and letting his cock spring free, he continues, “So my dick is hard. It should be your problem to deal with, but I’m bailing you out yet again. Always cleaning your— fuck,” he stutters, “Your messes.”
You have no clue what’s happening here. Roman lets go of his cock for a moment and he reaches for your arm, guiding you to start moving your hand once again. “Get it out of your system,” he says. “Go on. You didn’t have an issue fucking yourself next to me five minutes ago, did you?”
Cautiously, as with Roman you know full well that this could be a trap, you begin to move your hand with his guidance. “Yeah, good girl,” he whispers in a hushed, almost imperceptible tone, one that you probably weren’t supposed to hear. “God, I can’t believe you,” he says more clearly this time. “You better make it quick. We’re getting this over with, and we’re not looking at each other. Call it your punishment or something, just fuckin’—  take care of yourself.”
Roman adjusts so he’s flat on his back and resumes stroking his cock. His eyes are screwed shut and you’re watching his chest rise and fall, fully breaking the rule he just set. But you can’t help yourself, he looks so gorgeous like this. His pubic hair is longer than you would have expected Roman to have, but gorgeous nonetheless. He’s not the longest but his head is wide and round, with thick veins climbing his shaft. 
“You’re watching, you fucking creep,” he says in a breathy tone, his words slightly broken. He’s not looking at you, only at the ceiling above. “Breaking the rules. You have a hard time with that, don’t you? Look, I can follow rules. Why can’t you?”
“I don’t know,” you admit. 
Roman rolls his eyes at that, then flips on his side to finally look at you. A flicker of what looks to be relief quickly washes over his features, but quickly disappears. He reaches for your shirt, hiking it up your torso and tugging – up, take it off. You do as he asks, taking off your top and exposing your breasts to the chill of the air in the hotel room. 
“I hope you know that I’m not gonna touch you,” Roman says. 
“I know,” you breathe. “I know you won’t, I just, I just…”
“Just what?” Roman asks, still stroking his cock. You take off the rest of your pajamas and adjust yourself slightly, then spread your legs wide, the invisible line be damned as your knees fall back toward your chest and you rub your swollen clit. God, how you need his fingers inside you. You’d fuck yourself on your own fingers, but it won’t satisfy you in the way you think Roman could. “Spit it out,” Roman demands. 
Fuck it. You’ll deal with whatever consequences later. In the boldest of moves, you reach for the hand that strokes his cock and bring it to your pussy, guiding Roman’s middle and ring fingers to your entrance and pushing them inside. 
Roman wears a twisted sort of smile as he curls his fingers inside you, now playing his own game with you. He taunted you with an accusation of ulterior motives, but it was all talk, like how most of Roman is. He suspected this before, but now he's certain: you have nothing but need for him. Amused by it, he’s now playing his game with you. As you moan for him he wonders, how much can he toy with you, drag this out? How much will you beg for him? Your hand is wrapped around his cock now by your own choice, he wonders how low will you sink, and how high will he feel by the end of whatever this is? 
You’re inching closer to him. Desperate. 
“Your hand is wrapped around my cock,” he whispers. “And you buried my fingers inside your cunt. Is something not clicking in that head of yours?”
“So good,” you breathe. You work his shaft, twisting your hand up and down. He’s thick, veiny, his head feels smooth in your palm. Roman’s touch is firm as removes your hand from his cock to hover it beneath your chin. “Spit,” he tells you. You’re so pliant, and do as you’re told, spitting into your own palm, Roman putting it back where he wants it. “Wow. I pull my cock out and you’ll do anything for me, won’t you?” 
All you do is nod. 
“God you’re soaked. Are you always this soaked for me? Just walking around all day, panties fuckin’ ruined?”
“Sh– shut up.”
Oh, you’ve still got some bite left. Roman wonders how quickly he can make that diminish. “Poor thing, did I hit a nerve? You wanna fuck me that badly? Are you really that desperate for your boss?” You say nothing, just inch even closer to Roman now. You hook a leg over his hip, moving your cunt towards what you need most from him, slowly guiding him in your hand ever closer to your entrance and hoping he’ll remove his fingers from you and replace them with his cock. And thank god, he does it. He pushes your hand away, gripping his member and notching the tip in your entrance. Fucking finally.
But he only collects your wetness on his tip, then spreads it down his shaft. He pushes his pelvis forward, rubbing his cock against your hooded clit and making you shiver. 
“I’m not gonna fuck you,” he taunts, now dragging his cockhead down your dripping seam. 
“Roman,” you whine. 
“Roman,” he says, mimicking your whine, exaggerating how pathetic you sound. “Is that all you can say?”
“Fuck me,” you gasp. “Just fuck me, Roman.” 
“Yeah, I know. You know my name and how to nag me to fuck you. I get it. What you’re not getting is that I don’t care. It’s not gonna happen tonight, or tomorrow, or the day after that… Just gonna fuckin’ play with you like this,” he hums, now pushing his cock up against your clit again, tapping you. “Yeah, you’re good. This is… this is good. I’ve been so bored recently, you know? Wonder what happens when I do this,” Roman stops tapping his head against your sensitive clit, now sliding himself left and right across your sex. He bites his bottom lip when you gasp and squirm.
“I wonder if I could make you come just doing this,” he muses, continuing to tease you. “I know I could. I could blow my load on your pussy right now and make you clean up a mess for once. Is that what you need? For me to show you what you’re meant for?”
Maybe, you think. Maybe not. You don’t know what you think. You need his cock. Roman pushes himself forward, fitting just his head into your hole again. And you think it’s coming, the fullness, the pressure, the ache and the stretch and the burn. He’s bent on his two prior rules, but compromise never comes. He doesn’t give in to you. Roman’s grinning, giggling to himself as he draws his hips backward, denying you. Watching how you struggle for him, how you whine and squirm and push your hips towards him. “Is it?” he asks. 
“Fuck, is what?”
“Is that what you need?”
“Yeah, I need you to fuck me. Roman, please. Need it – need you inside.” 
 Roman pushes out an exhale somewhere between a scoff and a laugh. “Oh, that’s funny. That’s not what I asked at all. Is listening really that hard for you? What do they call that, tunnel vision but for hearing. Tunnel hearing? I don’t think that’s right.” 
“I’m sorry–”
“Google it for me.”
“What the fuck do you think I hired you for? Google it. For me. Thanks.”
Roman lifts his dick again, rubbing it against your clit and then lining himself up again, all as you scramble for your phone and quickly open Safari. ‘Funnel visipn bur for hearin g’ is what you type, the combined sensations of Roman’s teasing and the too-bright screen making your task difficult. “Audi-auditory exclusion,” you manage to tell him. 
“Lemme see it,” Roman takes your phone from your hand, squinting at the screen. “Auditory exclusion is a form of temporary loss of hearing occurring under high stress,” he reads in his phony serious tone, still teasing you, bumping into your clit and then notching himself at your entrance, again and again and again. Giving you just a taste of what you know he could offer you instead. He’s opening Wikipedia now. “Auditory exclusion happens as a result of the physiological effects of the acute stress response, specifically an increased heart rate.”
“Fuck me, Roman, fuck me, please, I’m begging, please, please…”
“Begging’s nice, good. Very good. Very cute. But uh–” Roman points to your phone, “I’m busy reading here, so maybe quiet down. I really don’t want to hear it,” he laughs breathlessly, but nothing about this is funny to you. You’re in tears now. Tears of anger, frustration, shock. Roman lines up with your slick hole, just as he’s done repeatedly before. He notices your tears, “My god, you’re crying for it. So desperate, aren’t you?” he mocks your pout, wiping away your tears. You tell him you need him. “Need me? What a strong word. Yeah, I know that you need me. Message clear. God, you repeat yourself a lot. Fucking annoying.” 
Fuck this. Roman’s still on Wikipedia and down some rabbit-hole not even related to auditory exclusion. He’s stopped teasing you, his cock just resting, nestled at your entrance as he scrolls. And you take your chance. 
You reach for his shoulders and flip yourself so you’re above him, then sink down on his cock. Roman’s startled but he moans as he disappears into you and you sigh, finally feeling that stretch of his cock you’ve been craving since you don’t even know when – long before tonight. Roman watches where your body connects to his, seemingly shocked. He scoffs. “Oh, fuck you.”
Roman pushes your body off of his, he’s small but stronger than he looks. He flips you on your tummy and his touch is harsh but just what you need when he finally grabs your hips, placing his palm between your shoulder blades and forcing your chest down to the mattress. He was somewhat gentle when he was teasing you before, but all of that is gone now, as he lines up with your entrance and slams his hips into you, rocking you forward. He pulls out almost all the way before doing it again, harder. So many noises. You – gushing on his cock, moaning, crying out for him. Roman – his thighs slapping against yours, his grunts and his curses and breathy groans. The bed creaking with each of his thrusts. Roman fills you up better than you could imagine – fucking perfectly –hitting your walls, that sweet spot inside you. 
“So fucking wet for your boss. What’s that say about you, huh?”
Roman grips your hips tight – too tight. He’s denting his nails into your skin and it hurts, his thumbs are digging into your lower back. There’s no fluidity to his thrusts, no steady roll of his hips. Just Roman, parting your insides with the harsh rutting of his hips. His heavy balls swinging, bouncing against your clit, his soft tummy warm against your back. 
He sets a steady rhythm, a rhythm for his pleasure alone. Fucking you seemingly in two, exactly how you want it. Of course you want it this way. He can hear it in your muffled whimpers and cries, he wonders if the sheets are stained under your face, soaked with your tears. Roman holds your waist, forcing you up with your back against his chest. “Fuck,” you cry, and Roman wraps a hand over your mouth, the other is groping your breasts. Not that he doesn’t love the sounds you’re making for him, he just wants to give you another reminder of who’s in charge here – of how this is gonna go down, according to Roman. 
He tugs your earlobe between his teeth, his nose nudging your cheek. His mouth travels lower then, he bites at your neck where it meets your shoulders, the stubble on his cheeks scratching your skin. He’s sucking at your flesh hard enough to leave a mark – for what reason, he’s not entirely sure. To punish and to hurt you, humiliate you, maybe even mark you as his. It’s possessive and primal in essence, how the way you need him so fervently makes him feel powerful in a way he often does not. And you’re not helping your case at all, with your squirming and your whimpers only egging him on. You tried to take what you need from him, but he’ll drill into your head that you’ll only receive what he’s willing to give to you.
He wonders what comes after this. If you’ll turn on your side in bed, leaking with his come and hiding yourself from him, or if maybe you’ll cling to him instead. He knows that he’ll lay next to you after this and wonder what you’ll be like for the rest of this trip. Will you be shyer, about the same as usual, or maybe even bold? He’ll experiment with you, see how you react to a cold shoulder or a shower of attention. See what you’ll do when he squeezes your ass, or when sitting next to him in the car, the helicopter, or at dinner when his hand finds your thigh and inches closer to your sex. Will you lean into it? Will you squirm and push his hand away?
His hands travel along your sides and down your torso, he can tell you’re loving his touch. You’re shameless in your reaction to him, your pussy squeezing him, your wanton moans. Curious, Roman reaches for your clit just to see how you’ll respond. He teases you, tries to write his name with his fingertips into you. Lewd sounds of skin slapping skin, the obscenity of your pussy’s slick noises. He’s not going to last much longer, that is quite clear. 
He doesn’t care to try to make you finish first, as a gentleman should, although Roman nor anyone else would describe himself as such. You’re on his time. He knows how desperate you are to come, but he doesn’t care. He’ll get his first, something he doesn’t often get otherwise. And so his pace quickens, still biting and nipping at the flesh of your neck and shoulders. He bets that in all those late-night fantasies of yours about this moment, touching yourself in the dark, you didn't picture him being a biter. This much is evident with your pussy clenching on him and your short gasps showing your surprise. 
He savors that feeling in every inch of himself – the power he holds knowing you’re aching not only to come on his cock, but to feel his touch, to experience him. It’s still just a game to Roman. Maybe it’ll always be a game. He’s not sure yet. 
His cock twitches inside you, that warm and sticky feeling in his balls is beginning to crescendo. “I need to come,” you beg. “Roman, please make me come, I need-.”
“Shut up. I don’t care.”  Roman fucks you with frenzied thrusts, and he doesn’t pull out to stroke himself above you, doesn’t ask you if you’re on the pill or if you want him to come on your ass or your tits or in your mouth. Roman shamelessly lets himself go and fills you with his hot spend. His noises are like music as he comes inside you, melodic grunts and moans coming from deep within him. And you take it all, everything he gives you because that’s what you’re meant for. 
Roman takes heaving breaths above you, pulling out and his spend spills onto the comforter. He doesn’t give a shit. And as you collapse down onto your hands and knees you think that’s that, that he really doesn’t care. That all of this was probably about Roman savoring the feeling of having control over another person, and that dangling pleasure over her head is how he’ll get it. 
Roman climbs off the bed and you’re trembling. He flips you onto your back, pulls you forward by your legs so that your sex is centered with his face as he kneels at the edge of the bed. His mind has changed quickly – first he wanted to know what would happen if he didn’t make you come. He thought next about eating you out from behind, denying you connection as he tastes you, buries himself in your most intimate place. But you’ve done well for him, and it’s clear that you’ll take what he gives you at any cost. Roman watches you with hooded eyelids, offering you that connection as he brings his face to your center, licking a thick stripe up your cunt. Call it his soft spot. 
“Don’t say I don’t do anything for you.”
Roman dives back into you, and you hesitate before reaching for his scalp. Tentatively, you do it anyway, just to see if he’ll react. He might smack your hands away, maybe he’ll place them down on the bed. You’re sure he won’t hold them. 
He lets your hands linger. Your fingers tug on those sleek strands of hair as he eats you, his scruff chafing your thighs. His eyes alternate between fluttering shut and peering up at you as dips his tongue into your entrance, licking his spend from your folds. He brings a hand to your cunt, two of his fingers pushing into your heat as his tongue dances circles around your clit. He’ll never tell you how sweet you taste on his lips. 
“Yes, oh god, Roman.” He’s kissing your cunt, lapping at your folds, his tongue teasing all of that sensitive flesh. His fingers curl inside you at the same time he sucks your clit between his lips, making you writhe for him. “Right there, Roman.” 
You’re not sure if he’s indulging himself or you at this moment. He eats you like a man starved, he eats you like it's his artwork. Nipping at your folds, his fingers inside you never once faltering their movements. You grind against his mouth as his tongue flicks and swirls. After all that’s taken place tonight, it doesn’t take you long to come. You bite down on your moans as pleasure washes over you, and you come on Roman’s tongue, gushing into the palm of his hand. When he’s ensured that he’s milked you entirely, he pulls away and takes his place back on his side of the invisible line. 
Roman had wondered if - once in bed - would you cling to him or turn away, but he doesn’t allow you that choice. Instead, he takes your wrist between his fingers as he turns away, curling on his side, effectively wrapping your body to spoon around his. He keeps your arm secured firm under his, tucked around his torso. Tender Roman. You’re on edge, he’s been relatively quiet this whole time, and you’re expecting some snarky comment or a vulgar insult. “I swear to god, I will smother you with my fucking pillow if you snore,” is all he says. His threat, albeit baseless, comforts you. 
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mmurderhousewrites · 6 months
Modern au sukuna and reader+ one bed trope+ fluff or smut you can choose
i love the ideaaa i did my best, i hope you like it. <3
Summary: You and Sukuna are forced to share a bed together.
Warnings: Smutttt! like real nasty. Fingering, friends to lovers kinda? unedited
wordcount: 1947
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It was late march when your boss had given you a mission out in the states. You were a detective in Tokyo but one of your men had gone missing, making your boss send his best men.
Unfortunately that meant you and your coworker Sukuna. You didn't exactly have a problem with him but he was a flirt. And sometimes you couldn't help but feel butterflies in your stomach when he would compliment you or make a joke. Perhaps it was because he only seemed to flirt with you? He was quit rude to everyone, even you but you seem to like his sarcastic attitude.
After arriving to the hotel, you tip your taxi driver. Sukuna was silent almost the whole way here, on his phone. You wondered if he didn't want to be on this mission. After all it was a long way from home.
"thank you" You say to your driver before stepping out. Looking up you could tell this was a nice hotel. It looked to be at least 50 floors high.
Sukuna steps out the car as well and follows you to the trunk, popping it open and taking out your guys' luggage. You grab your f/c suitcase from him and giving him a quick thanks.
"no problem, sweetheart." he flashes a smile down at you and closes the trunk, tapping it to let the driver now he could pull off.
The two of you make your way to the big entrance, A black archway above you and clear glass doors. Plants and flowers hung from the ceiling and down the sides, as well is littering the lower part of the wall.
Walking through you're greeted by the hostess, a fairly tall women in uniform. She was quit pretty with brunette curled hair.
"Welcome to Midas Hotel! The front desk is to your right. I can take your bags for you" she smiles. You notice the whole time she's looking at sukuna not acknowledging you.
"No we've got them." you say, continuing your way to the front desk.
As the two of you approach you notice the receptionist fidgeting in her seat, but still smiling as she notices the two of you. What's her problem you wonder to yourself.
"Hey were under Satoru" Sukuna says to the Woman. She pulls it up on her computer and smiles.
"Alright you booked the King bed suite, correct?" She asks smiling, looking at the two of you. You raise an eyebrow.
"King bed? I'm almost positive we booked a two bed" you protest, getting quite annoyed.
"Well it says here that originally it was booked as a two bed but someone called a few days later requesting to change it to a king bed. If that's a problem I can see if there are any two beds available." She says.
The only person you could think would do that is your friends getou, considering he has been pestering both you and sukuna about how you feel about each other. And you doubt Sukuna would make a big move like that. Sure he was a ladies man but he's definitely not the type to force that type of situation.
"I'd appreciate if you did that." You respond, looking over at sukuna who is leaning against the wall with his eyes shut. He was more then likely too tired to pay attention.
The receptionist sits there in silence for a few seconds before making a disappointed face. "unfortunately we don't have any available. I'm sorry about that." She says.
Just as you were about to respond Sukuna cuts in, "It's fine just give us the damn key." He says, You could tell by his tone he was getting frustrated just like you.
Quickly the woman nods her head, turning around and grabbing a key. Checking everything out, She hands it to Sukuna. "Room 4001 on the 40th floor, the elevator is to you left."
Sukuna nods his head and you mutter thank you before following him over to the elevator. You guys put your stuff on and you click the button for floor 40.
Once you get to your room, Sukuna opens the door and you cant but sigh in awe. It was huge. Walking in to your right a full kitchen and a small dining table, to your left was a full bathroom and a jacuzzi tub. Ahead was a living space with a tv on the left side of the wall and a couch across from it. There was a wall in the middle of the giant room, separating the bedroom and living room, in the bedroom was a king size bed and a tv mounted on the wall across from it.
You put your suit case down in the bedroom.
"Well i can sleep on the couch" Sukuna suggests, "or we can swap"
You ponder for a moment in awkward silence. Would it really be so bad to share a bed with the man you had a small crush on? I mean that's like a big step forward but it's not like you guys would do anything right?
"I'm sure it wouldn't kill us to share a bed for a few days. We're not gonna do anything so it doesn't matter" You say making him chuckle.
"I guess that's true. But I wouldn't mind doing something" He smirks. Yup Here he goes. Maybe this wasn't a good idea. Sukuna sets his suit case down on the right side of the bed. "If I'm being honest i think I'm gonna crash for a little bit, I'm exhausted."
"Yeah i think i might do the same." After a 14 and a half hour flight you could definitely use some sleep on an actual bed. You open your suitcase up, retrieving your laptop and setting it on the side table. Looking through your suitcase, you pull out a black tank top.
Sukuna takes his shirt off as well as his shoes and flops down onto the bed, laying on his stomach. You turn away and change out of your shirt, putting your tank top on and stripping out of your pants. You never were one to wear pants to bed and you weren't going to start now. And what could you say you weren't gonna miss out on an opportunity like this.
turning back around, Sukuna lets out a low whistle while looking up at you. Now he was laying on his side leaning on his elbow. "I don't wear pants to sleep i hope you don't mind" You say crawling into bed and under the covers.
"I do not mind at all sweetheart" he winks at you.
You roll your eyes, " good because i honestly didn't care" You laugh.
"well i hope you don't mind either because i don't sleep with pants on either." He says hoping up. You can't help but pay close attention as he unbuttons his belt and slides it off, following it with unzipping his pants and sliding them down his muscular thighs. This man was like a god. How the hell did you end up in bed with him.
You watch as his black pants fall down, revealing his grey boxers which looked tight and hugged his lower waist. not only that but hugged a thick cock. You could literally see the outline of it.
You turned the other way, facing away from him blushing like crazy. Perhaps your dreams should stay dreams. There was no way you would ever be able to take him. You could only imagine what he would look like hard. The thought made your toes curl and your pussy clench.
You feel Sukuna climb into the bed. He gets under the covers and you could feel that he was facing your back. You guys lay in silence for what seems to be forever before he breaks it.
"do you mind if i?" He says while putting arm around your waist, pulling you and him closer together, your back now pressed against his. You hoped he wouldn't turn you around because you were blushing like crazy.
Sighing and relaxing into his arms to reply, "this is fine" You feel Sukuna's breath against your neck and you move back a bit to get more comfortable, making it so your butt is against his dick.
Sukuna lets out a grunt before going silent again.
"sorry" you say hoping you didn't hurt him.
"you're fine" he says quickly. If Sukuna was being honest, as much as he wanted to he couldn't sleep. Not with your plump ass against his cock. The only thing blocking the two of you was your flimsy underwear and his boxers.
He couldn't help himself, bringing his hand that was round your waist down to grip your ass cheek making you inhale sharply. "Is this okay?" he questions, he knows he's pushing his limits but he couldn't help it. He knows he made it painfully obvious to you that he wanted more then friendship, at least he always thought he did. Especially with he excessive flirting at work and always trying to protect you on missions knowing you are fully capable of taking care of your self. So yeah Sukuna definitely wasn't going to let an opportunity like this slip through his fingers.
Sukuna's big hand gripped basically your whole butt cheek, moving it around and playing with it like it was a boob. You could feel him getting hard against you, poking your ass. You can't help but giggle.
"hm?" he questions. taking his hand away
"That tickles" You mutter. You turn around, facing him. He smirks down at you.
Sukuna leans towards you and places a small soft kiss on your forehead. With a sudden burst of confidence, You take your opportunity and push him on his back, climbing on top of him. He raises a eye brow but smirks at your little game.
You lean towards him going for his lips and as he leans towards you move your head to his neck, blowing a raspberry.
"ugh!" he shouts before flipping you over so the roles are reversed. He captures your hands into his left hand and hold them above your head. "you know you shouldn't start battles you can't finish" he chuckles before kissing you for real. His lips meet yours and you kiss him back, allowing him entrance into your mouth when his tongue brushed your lips.
As your tongues battle each other for dominance his right hand slips between your thighs. middle finger playing against the damp slit on your panties. He smiles into this kiss, sliding your panties to the side and running a finger lightly over your clit, making your body twitch into him at the contact. he runs his finger repeatedly over your sensitive bud, making you moan into his mouth.
Pulling his lips away from yours he looks into your e/c eyes as he slides his middle finger into your wet hole. You open your mouth letting out a small whine. Sukuna runs his thumb over your clit while fingering you, making you moan and lean into him, not able to do much with your hands bound.
"what a pretty girl" he smiles, giving you a small kiss. Your pussy clenches around his finger, you moan loudly knowing this was the end. You were gonna cum all over his fingers.
"sukuna!" you moan as your body shakes, pussy convulsing around sukuna's finger. you sigh as you try to get your breathing regulated again.
Sukuna pulls away and shakes his head, "I don't remember telling you to cum sweetheart." he says, looking at you disappointed.
"what" you question, raising an eyebrow at him.
"I've got a lot to teach obviously, and were only getting started." he lets out a dark chuckle before leaning over you.
The week you had ahead of yourself was sure going to be interesting.
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olsenmyolsen · 10 months
Ever Since Natasha Saw You (18+)
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Post Black Widow Dark!Natasha Romanoff (Female Reader X Natasha Romanoff)
Summary: She was a hero. But to her, YOU were so much more.
Word Count: 6.1K
Content: Dub-Con, Obsession, Kidnapping, Stalking, Blood, Knife, Knifeplay, Mommy Kink, Feelings, Trauma, Death,
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The Black Widow hid a secret.
She was in love with you. Sounds pretty innocent... right?
"Night Y/N!" Your coworker Daisy called out as you were still typing at your computer. It was Friday night, and everyone but you was already leaving. Leaving to be free of the thoughts of work for at least the weekend.
You had a marketing job in downtown Manhattan. Skyscraper. Cubicle. Long nights. That kind of job.
You liked it, honestly.
Sure, New York and the surrounding areas were dangerous. Hell, at times. But you had heroes and vigilantes to save you. You had first-hand experience in 2012 when you and your Dad were saved while out at your "I made it through University without killing myself" lunch.
Now, here you were 4 years later. Still in the city while your Dad left. But that was fine. Being on your own has been exemplary. Sure, you have some friends... coworkers, really. You went on dates! I mean, they didn't lead to much more. But you were going through life.
A cat! You have a cat. An orange tabby who only loves you for food...
Anyways! You were fine and finishing up work on your computer when a pop-up of World News showed up in the top right-hand corner of your screen.
What's New 3 Weeks After The Fall Of A Secret Organization Hiding In The Sky? Russia and the U.S. Remain Quiet.
You heard about the debris and strange things found over on that side of the world earlier this month. With that came the theories.
You rolled your eyes at most. But some were fun. Like aliens was a popular one. People online said it was a crashed group of green-shape-shifting aliens. Your coworker Lindsey swore by another that claimed it was a giant purple guy who crashed on Earth.
Yeah, that'll be the day.
You even had a friend of a friend named Darcy who said an Avenger was present to what happened, leaving you curious.
The Avengers, as far as you were concerned, were in trouble. Rumblings, sightings, and videos of two sides of the superhero group fighting at a German airport left many to speculate that this was the end. Plus, this coming weeks after what happened in Lagos and the murder of King T'Chaka made it all the more plausible.
So, if the rumor was confirmed that an Avenger was at the collapse of what many were confused about, it was... interesting.
But you couldn't dwell on that. You shook your head and closed out of the news to finish up your projected cost for the next wave of Roxxon Marketing.
As you walked out of your office building, you were unaware you were being followed.
It wasn't the first time you had been followed. Fuck it wasn't even the fiftieth time it had happened, but still you remained clueless. She thought it was cute at first how unaware of your surroundings you were. It always made her smile.
Because in one second, an innocent and pretty thing like you could be gone.
But she wouldn't let that happen.
Not by anyone else, at least.
You have to understand. She was your protector. Yeah.. Yeah, that's right! The one to make sure you got home safe. The one to take care of threats no matter how minuscule they might be. She also made sure no one got too close or even dared to ask you out.
You couldn't date. That would be unfair and very hurtful to the one who... watched over you...
I mean, you never wondered why suddenly Dennis never showed back up to work after asking you out to lunch, now did you?
Rumor was his family got sick, and he had to skip town. But we know about rumors now, don't we? I.E., purple aliens. Green shapeshifting ones. You get it.
Oh. Also. What happened to Dennis, you may ask?
I'll let you know when his body turns up.
However, all of this is to say that you were lucky Natasha Romanoff picked you.
She was back after being gone, having to deal with some family business. But she was back! For you! Natasha thought you should be grateful. She could be- SHOULD BE on the run right now, but here she was twenty feet behind you.
After tonight, you were going to know precisely who she was.
Natasha smiled as she followed you. She laughed as she saw how cautious you were of people even when you're on your phone like you are right now.
However, as cautious as you may be, it leaves you vulnerable. Sweet. Easy.
Natasha thinks you're too nice for your own good sometimes. Like you always see the best in people. It drives Natasha crazy the amount times she has had to stop because you stopped to help someone. A drunk. A homeless man. A- you get it.
As you and Natasha head down into the subway, she appreciates how your route hasn't changed at all since your first day of work many years ago. Yet she can't help but snicker at how you've never noticed her taking that walk with you. But then again, even with how cautious you are, you don't notice things.
You still haven't noticed the tiny cameras Natasha installed in your place. Or the amount of panties she's stolen. Or even the amount of times you've slept with her arms around your body. In addition to the hushed whispers and stolen kisses, she's left on your lips.
On top of that, you haven't noticed her feelings for you.
Natasha moves closer to you as you both are nearing your stop. With a plan in motion, The Black Widow can't help but smile.
Natasha takes another step forward and grabs onto the metal pole in front of herself to stop her movement when you look up and around the car. You stop when your eyes reach Natasha's green ones in a hoodie and jeans. You smile quickly before putting your head down, focusing back on your phone.
What you did just now was polite. You looked from your phone to stretch your neck and smiled at a cute blonde who just so happened to be looking your way.
That's what you thought.
To Natasha, you signaled her out.
With your eyes, you noticed her. After all this time, you did it! On tonight of all nights. It was a sign. It was meant to be!
Natasha smiled and stared at you, unaware.
When you finally got up to get off at your stop, you felt your arm being yanked back. When you stumbled back and turned your head to find a bald man older than your father looking at you like he won a prize, you pulled as hard as possible. But his grip was tight. "Where are you going, sweetheart?" He looked over your body, making you pull again.
How was no one stopping this man? Was no one seeing it? Did no one care?
The train car beeped, signaling the doors were going to be closing, and the man had yet to remove you from his grip. You were about to scream when the blonde woman from before grabbed your other arm, making you shriek in surprise. The woman acted fast and kicked the man in the knee hard enough to break it before rushing the two of you out of the train car just as the doors closed on three other men hitting their first against the door.
You wanted to wave them bye and flick them off, but your arm hurt. Not the one the man held.. But... but your other one. The one the woman held as she saved you.
"You, alright?" The blonde had a raspy voice as she spoke. It sounded familiar, but as you quickly scanned her face, you declared she must have that kind of face. (as if) But her eyes. Her eyes were one of a kind. Beautiful and a shimmering green you wanted to get lost in.
So lost that you almost forgot about the arm pain and the dizziness you were starting to feel...
"Yeah." You nodded to the blonde who had yet to release your arm. "I'm fine."
This was a lie, and Natasha, of course, knew that. I mean, she was the one wearing the ring that, with one turn of the gemstone, revealed a tiny needle. One that the blonde used to inject your arm with a sleeping agent.
"Are you sure?" The woman smiled as she asked you. Why was she smiling? You went to nod that you were indeed fine but found yourself more tired. Weaker even. "Oh, honey, you don't look so good."
Natasha smiled as she felt your body losing the fight. Natasha quickly looked around before wrapping your arm around her shoulder to make it appear as if you were a drunk friend who needed help getting home.
"Oh, Y/N, it looks like that guy must have really done something, huh?"
The guy in the group of men that she paid off.
Your mind was becoming black as your body went limp, and before you could ask her how she knew your name or who the hell she was, you took one last look at the blonde.
This time, you recognized who she was.
You went to speak but slurred your words as you closed your eyes, passing out in Natasha Romanoff's arms.
Getting you home was easy.
As Natasha unlocked your front door, she smiled, pulling you closer as you entered through the threshold between the hallway and your apartment. Natasha smiled wider as she looked around at what would become her place with you before looking at your limp, unconscious body. "We're home!"
Home was with you.
With a kick to the door, it closed behind you two as she hurried you to your room.
Once inside, Natasha was happy to find that not much, if anything, had changed since she last visited. She said hi to your cat, who purred at the sight of the blonde.
Natasha loved your cat and couldn't wait to be a good cat mom.
Natasha took you and gently placed you on the bed before looking around the room. She was looking for something. Natasha closed the bedroom door and went back, kicking the floorboard to the right of your end table, and up it flipped. She bent down and pulled out a small black backpack she stored two years ago.
Opening it up to make sure everything was still there. She knew you probably didn't even know that it existed. (You hadn't.) But Natasha had to be sure.
Dumping out the bag's contents, she was happy to see that nothing was missing. But she still took inventory. 5 Widow Bites. 1 Pistol. 12 Bullets. 1 Set of Handcuffs. 1 Knife. 3 Needles of the Sleeping Agent. 1 Burner Phone.
Finally, 2 very dry Nutri-Grain Bar.
Natasha kept the loaded gun, knife, and handcuffs out of the bag and placed it on the desk in the corner of your room. The bag moved to the edge of the bed—no point in hiding it now.
"Oh, Y/N!" Natasha sat next to your upper body, passed out on the bed. She spoke as her soft hand ran through your hair. It calmed Natasha. "You're so pretty, Y/N."
Natasha looked over your still-covered body before moving her hand down your back. "Here. Come on." She flipped you over onto your back and pulled you more onto the bed.
Natasha's eyes found your face. "Baby, I can't wait for the rest of our lives." Natasha bit her lip as she spoke to you. Hopefully, and giddy for the future. "We're going to be so happy." Natasha leaned down and planted a kiss at the top of your head. "You still smell like coconut. I still don't really like that shampoo, but I know how much you do." Natasha smiled as if this was a normal conversation before giving you another kiss. Just as one of her hands began to snake its way across your stomach before landing at your hip.
"I love you."
Natasha couldn't help herself. She smiled brightly as she said those words out loud to you for the first time.
Natasha's lips found the side of your face again and again. She always loved how soft you felt against her. Delicate. Like something Natasha wanted to cherish. Keep perfect. Forever.
But there was also that part inside of her. The side of Natasha that wanted to own you. Take that softness and fuck it out of you. Damage you. Hurt you.
Both were fighting for control.
Regardless, Natasha slid down the zipper of your unbuttoned jeans and slipped her hand over your black cotton panties. Moaning as her stomach flipped in the joys of touching you, feeling your heat on her fingers. Letting excitement wave over her, she cupped your pussy before dragging her index finger up over your growing wet-covered folds. "Oh fuck, baby!" Natasha moaned before looking at the side of your face.
Natasha smiles to herself. She leans over and kisses your cheek, and quickly removes her hand from your recently shaved pussy.
Natasha licks the little slick on her fingers off.
Natasha savored the taste before she laid flat on her back. Lifting her ass as she tore off the black jeans she was wearing along with her red panties. Choosing to keep her slightly raised pullover hoodie on, Natasha grabbed your left wrist. "I want you to feel me..." Natasha looked over and spoke to you. "I want you to feel how wet you make me, Y/N! How tight I am for you. I've been waiting."
With that, Natasha kept her eyes on your left hand as she moved it down her toned stomach. The tips of your fingers brushing over her skin, making her squirm in anticipation for what's to come.
Moving them further down, Natasha gasps as your hand gets pushed down onto the top of Natasha's bare pussy. "This is for you." She moans as she pushed your hand further down. Directing your middle and ring finger to her clit. "Oh fuck!" She moans and grows wetter at your unconscious touch.
"Keep going. Keep going!" Natasha directs your fingers to move in a circular motion. Before her mouth drops as your fingers get pushed over The Black Widows dripping pussy. She moans and grips your hand. "Right there." Natasha moves your fingers around her opening for you.
"It's for you, baby. Come on. I want you to fuck me!" She gives your hand one more push and bucks when your fingers easily slide into her. Natasha loudly moans while her left hand grips the comforter of the bed.
Your fingers feel perfect inside of her.
Natasha can't get over that.
She thinks you were made for her.
Slowly, Natasha starts to move herself against your fingers. Her hips working overtime. Only using her right hand to position your hand better. "Oh my God!" Natasha smiles as a shaky breath comes out. You're doing this to her. You're making her feel this good. You're fucking her right.
Natasha is rocking her hips up and down your slick fingers. You're pushing her closer and closer. "Oh god!" She grunts as she slams the back of your hand to feel you deeper, indirectly slapping her pussy and clit that, sends a wave of pain that morphs into pleasure. "Oh yes!"
Natasha does it repeatedly while her left-hand works on her clit. Her middle fingers pushes the bud of it up as she continues her circular motion. "That's it, baby! Make me cum! Make me fucking cum!" She turns her head to you and stares at your unconscious body. "You're doing so well, baby."
If you were awake right now, you'd feel Natasha's wetness run down your fingers. Into your palms. And down your wrist. You'd hear her moans and screams of pleasure as she makes herself cum with your fingers. "Oh my God!" Natasha Romanoff jolts up. "Y/N, I'm cumming! I'm cumming! Oh fuck! Oh, fuck, baby.."
Natasha rides her orgasm out and smiles when she falls back onto the bed. She turns and looks at your body. "You made me feel so good."
You're perfect.
As she catches her breath, Natasha gently pulls your fingers out and brings them up to her mouth. She marvels at the sight of you now covered in her before she takes her tongue and runs it over your fingers. Enjoying the taste of herself. "I can't wait to taste you." Now that we're together, she forgot to add.
Natasha insets your finger back into her mouth. Loudly sucking on them and moaning before shoving your fingers to the back of her throat, making herself gag on them. She repeats the action.
"Will you let me do that to you?" Natasha says after she's pulled them out and caught her breath. "Hmm?" She licks them again. "Will you gag for me?" She kisses your ring finger and twirls it around. "I wonder..."
Natasha kisses you one more time as she gently places your hand down and moves her body to lay half of it on you. "I wonder what you won't do now that you're mine." She takes your chin in her hand and moves it in her direction. "I can't wait for you to be awake. For us." Natasha deeply kisses your lips as her hand quickly pushes your boobs up. "But first." Natasha releases you and gets up from the bed. She takes off the rest of her clothes and tosses them into your now-shared laundry basket before moving to the desk where her belongings are located.
"I need to take care of a few things."
Slowly, your body starts to stir awake.
You go to move to your side but wince when you land on your arm. You are unsure why it hurts, but you are too stiff and tired to worry about that right now. But for some reason, since you're awakening, your body isn't going back to sleep.
Silent bells are ringing in your head, but you don't know they're there.
You groan and manage to flip your body onto its stomach. This position feels terrific, especially since you feel the coolness of the bedsheet against your body. You snuggle your face into your pillow- your eyes shoot open.
You don't remember coming home...
You open your eyes wider and take a look around the room. It's your room. You're relieved to see that but grow more worried at your nonexistent memory of getting home.
Plus, it looks like things around the room are off... you turn your tired back against the mattress and find yourself surprised to have another person in the room.
A blonde-haired woman wearing one of your college sweatshirts looking through one of your old journals... Once again, the alarm in your head is not alerting you. It's distant and faded.
"That's my shirt..?" Your groggy voice makes the woman look up with a smile.
To you, the woman's smile looks like a kid on Christmas morning.
To Natasha, she's testing out how you're gonna act.
"Hi!" The woman gets up with a glass of water from the chair at your desk. The action reveals to you that it looks like she's not wearing any bottoms, but you can't tell because of the length of her- your sweatshirt. The blonde rounds the bed and carefully gets on her knees before you on the floor. She looks kindly at you as your eyes quickly scan her face and exposed legs. "Nice to see you up." She says to you. Innocently enough. "How are you feeling?" She sweetly asks as she hands you the glass of water.
"I don't- I don't remember..." You say, making the blonde smile wider. "I was walking..." You struggle to come up with anything after that. It's like your mind went blank.
Why couldn't you remember?
You shake your head and take a few sips from the glass before the blonde takes it from you to place on your bedside table—a kind gesture on the outside. But the less you know about the pheromonal powder agent you just ingested, the better.
"Oh, honey..." The blonde lifts and places her hand on yours. The soft contact makes you feel warmer. However, the feeling of this being wrong is still unreachable to you. Natasha smiles when you don't pull away. The drugs from before and now are working. "Those men really did a number on you, huh?"
Men? You think as Natasha watches your face.
"You know you're lucky I was there," Natasha says as she rises from her kneeling position to stand in front of you. Now she towers you, and you feel her legs brush past your own. You don't stop her as she moves closer to you. She raises a hand and pushes some of your hair back. "A man grabbed you and wanted to hurt you, but I was there to stop them. But honey, I think they drugged you..."
Her touch and voice were soothing. She felt and smelled wonderful. You even did your best to not react to the pet name she gave you. "Dru-drugged me?" Once again, the bells should be going off, but Natasha knows exactly what she's doing. "Yeah, I got you off the train, but as we were walking, you started to walk funny. Your face got sleepy." She says this while looking into your eyes. She has her gaze fixated on you, and it pulls you in. "But you were smart." The blonde smiles down at you. "You made sure to tell me where you lived so I could get you home safe." Her raspy voice makes you smile, but her words are making you question if that happened... but you don't remember...
"Are you okay?" She asks as you're thinking. You look back up at her concerned face. "Yeah.. I- I was just trying to remember..." Natasha nods and moves her body in between your legs. Spreading them further apart. "What did you say your name was again?" You ask, making Natasha laugh. "I didn't. Good try, though." She places her hands on your shoulders. She's bold. "What's the matter? You don't trust me?" Something about the way she says it makes you feel sick and guilty for even thinking that you didn't trust her.
Natasha, of course, knows this.
"No- no, I trust you! I'm sorry!" You reach your hands out and place them on Natasha's covered hips. Natasha smiles at your action while faking a sad sniffle. "My name is Natasha." You look over the blonde and smile.
That's when it clicks.
"Natasha Romanoff." Natasha's frown turns into a smile. "Wow, you know who I am?" She fakes surprise and turns on the innocence. You nod with your mind, unable to think about anything else but her. "Wow! I got saved by The Black Widow."
Natasha watches as you process this faux information. Gosh, you look so cute. "I guess I was lucky, huh?" You look at her, earning a chuckle. "I just didn't want anything to happen to you," Natasha says, warming your heart. "You're too perfect." She adds in a low whisper. Something you catch that makes your brain fuzzy.
However, before you can do or say anything else, Natasha pushes her body closer to you. Carefully, she watches your eyes as she lifts one leg over yours. Placing one knee on the bed next to your hips before doing the same with the other. She smiles down at you as her bare ass finds itself sitting in your lap.
You feel her wet pussy on your tight black bike shorts.
"Is this okay?" She whispers as she brings her face close enough to yours to feel her breath on your ear. You inhale her scent and feel the butterflies in your stomach.
"More than okay, Natasha..." You find yourself saying. The alarms in your head have officially been silenced. You should be asking why she's doing this, why she's still here. You shouldn't be accepting her advances. But yet you aren't questioning her. You accept her actions with a smile.
She smiles back.
"You know..." Natasha leans down and kisses your cheek. "I'll always protect you." You feel a blush on your face when her soft lips touch your skin again. "I've loved you for so long, and now I get to show you." Natasha lifts her face away from you to look at your eyes flutter.
Natasha sees how defenseless you are now.
The drugs have all worked.
"You love me?" You question as you move your hands down from Natasha's hips to her thighs. The touch of her feels cool to your warm hands. You peer into her green eyes and see them sparkle. "For years, I've loved you." She unwraps her arms from around you and places them on your hands. She moves them up from her thighs to under what used to be your shirt. You feel the bend of her hips and the softness of the sides of her body as your fingertips brush past their way to her nipples.
She pushes your hand to grope her boobs.
"For years, I've wanted you, and now I have you. Don't I?"
Natasha slowly moves her hips back and forth, sending a wave of pleasure through her body as her wet clit brushes up and down the end seam of your bike shorts. She moans and whimpers while looking at you, waiting for an answer. "Don't I, Y/N?!" You push and pull her boobs as you look at Natasha Romanoff acting like a slut for you. "Yes. Yes, Natasha! You have me!"
"I'm yours!" You wanted to scream.
"Good girl." She whispers as she leans down and kisses you again and again. Her tongue pushing its way into your mouth. The taste of her is salvia is electrifying. The pleasure you feel makes you moan into her mouth. Natasha smirks as you push yourself deeper and closer to The Black Widow.
Natasha reaches down as you two fall onto the bed to places her hand in the middle of your bike shorts. She begins rubbing your core up and down as her hand pushes your legs open. "Come on, baby. Open up for me."
You nod with your eyes closed and feel Natasha's fingers slow down in speed as she now gently brushes her fingers past your wet clit seeping through the shorts.
Each time she touches it, you jump.
And then. Natasha pulls her hands away from you: nothing but the cool air touching the wet spot on your shorts. You feel needy and frustrated. You open your eyes to see Natasha on her knees, lifting her shirt off her body. Her blonde hair falls back into place right above her shoulder.
She smiles at you and watches as you take her in.
You feel your mouth become dry as you look up at Natasha's toned stomach. A set of abs staring at you. You move from her perfect breast and hard pink nipples to her shoulders and biceps. The definition in her arms makes you close your mouth to hold in a noise that would've been embarrassing.
You look up at her neck—a smile when you see a cute mole that was previously hidden. Finally, you bring your eyes to her face and the smirk on her lips.
"Can I take these off?" Natasha points down to your bike shorts. You nod, making Natasha internally laugh. The shorts were coming off no matter what your answer was.
You pull your head from Natasaba's gaze and watch as Natasha's left hand goes to the bottom seam of your shorts and lifts them up from your body.
Once again, her touch makes your skin flush with pleasure. It's as if you're addicted to her and her touch.
Natasha pulls her right arm from behind herself, and that's when you drop your mouth. "Na-natasha, what's that?"
"Did I say you can speak?"
You sit stunned as the knife in her hand comes closer to your body. You weren't aware that you couldn't speak unless spoken to, but... di- did Natasha expect that of you? Did she tell you, and you just forgot?
"Look at me." She sternly asks of you. "Not at the knife but at me." The movement of the knife doesn't stop when you pull your eyes to Natasha and her beautiful green ones. "What did I say earlier?" She asks. "Think real hard and then answer me, okay." Her eyes leave you as she focuses on the blade, meeting the bottom seam of your shorts. You keep your eyes on Natasha's face and hear the ripping sound of your shorts as she goes further and further up.
She stops at your hip close to the top seam when you decide to speak up.
"That you'll always protect me." Natasha smiles wide. You listened and answered her perfectly. Natasha smiles and can't help herself when she leans in and kisses you. "Good job." She says with care dripping from her lips. "What else did I say?"
"That you love me."
Natasha nods. "I do love you." She leans in and, with the knife still in her left hand, drags up the rest of the way. Her lips touch yours at the same time the blade cuts through your shorts.
Immediately, Natasha tosses the knife off the bed. It clatters on the floor, making you jump into Natasha's lips again. "Sorry." You say when she backs away. "It's okay." The blonde tells you. "As long as you know that I would never hurt you, right?"
"Right." You agree easily.
Natasha smiles as she pulls at the fabric resting on your pussy. The coating sticks to you as she pulls it further away until the string of wetness breaks mid-air. Falling back onto your thigh. "Did Mommy make you feel this way?"
She knows that she did.
But she wants to hear you say it.
"Yes." Natasha brings her fingers back to where they belong. "Yes, what?" She glides her middle finger over your pink mound. You moan and shudder.
"Yes, Mommy."
Natasha should've left soon after that night. But she couldn't bring herself to do it.
She knew her friends needed her help, but she couldn't leave you. She finally had you, and you had her. Why would she want to jeopardize that?
So as, the days turned into weeks to months to years. Natasha felt the pressure to run continue to build.
In contrast, as the days turned into weeks to months to years. You felt yourself falling deeper and deeper in love with the one who saved you. The Black Widow. The cute blonde hero who made you breakfast in bed. The woman who stayed with you. The one who whispered sweet nothings into your ear every night as you drifted asleep. The woman who saved the world repeatedly could now be there for you.
Natasha even let it be known that you didn't have to work anymore. She had an array of offshore accounts and wanted to spoil you, and you, in turn, let her.
You blushed when she looked your way and never got tired of seeing her smile. A goddess herself sculpted her body, and Natasha happily made sure you came for her. Only her.
"Hey, what's going on?"
You walked out of your and Natasha's bedroom after finding the bed empty to see her in the living room going over her weaponry. Something you didn't like, but you trusted Natasha with them. Knowing she would never harm you.
It was early afternoon, and after your morning trip to the farmers market, followed by some light grocery shopping, you came home to Natasha, waiting with some brunch and a board game.
You took a nap after that, and while you slept, Natasha made her decision.
"They need me."
You knew who Natasha was talking about. It wasn't a secret that you were dating Natasha Romanoff. Well, it was a secret to everyone else. But you get my point. You were dating a fugitive labeled that by the United Nations on account of the Sokovian Accords—an ex-Avenger who still wanted to help.
"What if I don't want you to go." You asked with hurt in your voice. You finally had the love of your life. Someone you weren't even looking for, and now she wanted to go?
"Baby..." She put her gun on the coffee table and made her way to you. Wrapping her arms around you as you wrapped around her body. "I don't want to go..." A white lie, considering her little weekend-avenging trips from time to time weren't enough. "But I have to. To protect us. To protect you." The truth.
"Rogers needs me. Plus, with Vision and Wanda running around trying to be a normal couple again. He really needs the help."
You nodded into Natasha's shoulder. You hated that she was right. "How long?" Natasha sighed. She really didn't know how long it would be.
"Give me two weeks, and I'll be back."
You deflated, and your heart formed cracks. You didn't want her to leave, and you didn't want her to go for that long!
Natasha started kissing your head and rubbing your back, and you didn't understand why until you felt the tears leaving your eyes. You were crying.
Natasha hated it. She hated hearing how heartbroken you were. But at the same time, she loved it. You were hers. And she was yours.
"I love you Y/N. I'll be back before you know it."
"I love you, Natty. Please be careful."
Natasha wasn't even gone for two weeks. In fact, her time with Captain and Birdboy lasted a mere pair of days.
On day 3, Vision turned off his transponder.
Within 48 hours, half of everything was dust.
When Natasha found the others at the corpse of the synthezoid. Two people ran through Natasha's mind.
And you.
Natasha screamed as she busted open the door to your shared space. She threw her useless phone onto the counter as she ran through the living room, still in her uniform. Passing by the TV that sat on the emergency broadcast. "Y/N!" She called out again as she stopped at the bedroom door. "Please be here. Please be alive.."
Natasha had tears in her eyes as she slowly opened the bedroom door. Her breath left her lips in a gasp before she blinked away tears that were escaping. She carefully made her way to the bed and sat down.
You turned over as you felt the bed shift. Then you opened your eyes when you felt Natasha's presence. "Natasha? Natasha!" You sprung up from the bed and collided into her body.
You both wept as the relief flooded your combined emotions. "You're alive..." Natasha whispered into your head before inhaling.
She grew to love your shampoo.
"I miss you." You said. "Don't worry, Detka. I'm here. I'm here." Natasha kissed the side of your head before leaning back and kissing your mouth.
God, she missed your lips and the softness of your cheeks as you tried to hide your blush.
"I miss you." You repeated, confusing Natasha.
"Babe?" She pulled back and held your head in her hands. Her green eyes scanned your beautiful face and saw nothing wrong until a speck of dust flew off your nose. "No.." Natasha whispered with pain. "Y/N." She kept your face in her hands as little by little. You ceased to exist. "Y/N!" Her hands started to be covered.
"I miss you."
"Y/N, please no! No! Please!"
"I miss-" "Stop it!" "Nata-"
"No!" She screamed and screamed as you vanished until she woke up thrashing in her bed at the compound. Alone. Gun drawn and ready...
"Whatever it takes..." Whispered by you... Is this the last thing Natasha always heard when she woke up from her nightmares..
Natasha looks around the room with bags under her red, dried eyes and chapped lips. She struggles every day to live. She hates herself for leaving.
She hates that the last thing you told her was, "be careful."
She is hurt. Alone. Scared.
She misses you.
Every day, she tries and uses her resources to find a way to bring everyone back. But so far, she's always coming up empty-handed.
The worst part is, is that even after three years of you being gone. Natasha never told anyone. You were a secret to everyone else.
But to Natasha, you were everything.
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dividers by @/benkeibear & @/firefly-graphics
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brucewaynehater101 · 4 months
Tim ruler of worlds
The reason why no one of the batfam knew that Tim is a king/emperor is simply because they didn't ask, Tim is almost constantly with a tablet or a computer managing his empire, but he never actually explained what he's doing to anyone outside of YJ, so everyone just assumed that his hobby was playing planet mangement games.
at the beginning Bruce thought that Tim gaming so much would end up interfering with Tim's life, but at the time he was still beginning to care about Tim so he just didn't say anything and left Tim to suffer the consequences of his own actions if it affected his studies or Robin.
But the only thing that happened was that Tim was happier than usual, and let's not talk about the fact that Tim felt better when he was helping a planet full of people who acknowledged him and were openly grateful for his actions, unlike someone who despite everything Tim did, was constantly testing him and barely acknowledging all that Tim did for him.
And so Bruce lost the chance to ask what Tim about his 'game', in fact Alfred was happy that Tim had a hobby and the positive effect it had on Tim, so time passed and everyone 'knew' that Tim liked to play those games and was constantly playing even multitasking while solving cases, the only one who could notice that it wasn't a game but instead a system that Tim made for managing his planets would be if Barbara hacked Tim's game to check it, but she has no reason to do that.
That's how despite not hiding at all what he was doing, no one ever noticed anything, in fact Tim thought that everyone knew about it but didn't care, the closest someone ever got was when Jason decided to mess with Tim by doing something on his 'game', but the second Jason touched something the glare that Tim gave him was so terrifying that Jason feared for his life, after that no one even tried to touch Tim's 'game'.
You went for Bruce's throat in this and I appreciate it so much: "unlike someone who who despite everything Tim did, was constantly testing him and barely acknowledging all Tim did for him."
Let's go!
Also, I imagine Jason would feel so guilty about going to mess with Tim's game if he knew that his actions would have drastically affected real people's quality of life.
You are absolutely correct that Tim would design himself an entire program to mimic the games he usually plays to help him understand ruling the world better. It's genius, even if it's unorthodox. That is part of the reason he's able to assume control so quickly.
Poor Tim probably isn't getting enough sleep with all the worlds he is managing. Though, he probably set up automatic processes to help them become independent, self-sufficient, and less reliant on him. He's still there to help them, but he's not directly assisting everything. My hc is that he went dark from Bruce for a few weeks until the worlds were able to manage on their own. He periodically has to "go help YJ with a mission" whenever he acquires a new world to rule. That stuff is better to implement in person, after all
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clubdionysus · 2 months
[BAD DECISION #60] Obduracy
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warnings: starlovers!!!! <33 i really luv jimin in this one hehehe, lots of callbacks to earlier chapters!! fingering, pretty tame by their standards!!! but kinda semi-public? i mean they're at home but like... kitchen?? i dunno up to you to decide!
a/n: this one doesnt have a little cover image :( had to make it fresh :( the first non wattpad chapter :( waaaa. im hoping to having something new ready for you tomorrow hehehehhe
wc: 8.3K
bd total wc: 540k (ongoing)
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Jeongguk wears his hangovers incredibly well. Like an oversized shirt draped over his broad shoulders, it billows down his body, leaving you to guess what's hidden underneath. 
It's hard to tell if he's suffering like you are, for his face gives nothing but contentment away.
Hair messy and dishevelled, it sits like an unruly crown on his head as he washes dishes left from the evening before. A soft smile lingers on his lips as he hums along to the song quietly playing through the kitchen speaker, his voice far prettier than the original singer. The king of his very own kitchen, there's an innate flick to his wrists as he shakes water off steel bowls and pops them on the drying rack. 
Chest bare, he pays it no mind when tiny flecks of warm water splash against his skin.
Vines of ink trail up his arm and onto his shoulder. His self-modification proves he wasn't born from gold but rather polished to resemble something like it. 
In a way, it makes him so much more valuable. Or at least it does to you.
As you watch on from a bar stool on the opposite side of the kitchen island, chatting with him about the events of the night before, you wonder how it's possible for a man with a smile like his to have a body like that. 
The maths just doesn't compute, but you've never been great with numbers. Have always been more drawn to art—and God, what a work Jeongguk is.
Quite the contrary, you wear your hangovers with far less grace. 
There's glitter all over your skin, and your hair looks more like a bird's nest than a crown.
In front of you sits a barely touched glass of water and two Tylenol tablets yet to be taken. The thud in your head has only intensified since you woke up with a dry throat and achy body, but you're trying to push through it. 
"You're only making it worse," Jeongguk softly scolds you when you whine and slump down to rest your head on the countertop. "Don't be so stubborn."
When he talks like that, all assertive and domineering, it only makes you wanna be even more stubborn. It's in part thanks to your defiant nature, but also in part due to your desperation to have him use that tone of voice with you again.
"I can defeat it," you whine against the cold stone, a pathetic moan humming in your throat. 
With your hair still damp from your shower, you find yourself irritated by how quickly Jeongguk's hair dries compared to yours. It's your own fault, for you're the one who insists on changing its colour with the seasons, but it annoys you nonetheless.
Then again, everything irritates you when you're this hungover.
Truth be told, you'd happily get your hair wet all over again, if it meant you got to indulge in another shower with Jeongguk. Want nothing more than to relieve the way it feels for him to shampoo your hair, rubbing the pads of his fingers in circular motions against your scalp. If the restaurant doesn't work out, he could always opt to be a hairdresser, you think, then mentally reprimand yourself for daring to even think of a scenario in which the restaurant doesn't work out. Would never forgive yourself if you jinxed it.
Jeongguk doesn't mind the grouchiness that comes with your hangovers, 'cause they always come with an added side of clinginess, too. You had wrapped around him like a koala bear for that entire shower. Had your cheek to his chest, arms tightly locked around his back, eyes firmly closed as he washed your hair.
Gorgeous girl, he thinks to himself, then resumes the stern telling off he was giving you. Just wants you to feel okay, that's all. Knows you're too determined for your own good, sometimes.
"Clearly," he almost scoffs, not mean but definitely a little curt. His head's killing him, too. He just hides it better. Swinging open the fridge, he grabs a bottle of water—2 litres—and cracks open the seal. "Take your pills, or I won't get you anything when I order breakfast."
"Gguk," you whine, slowly sitting up straight to look at him with the biggest pout. Head tipped back, he's chugging on his water straight from the bottle at such a rate you're surprised he doesn't choke.
By the time he's finished, he's practically at the halfway point of the bottle. Shaking his head, he swallows his last mouthful down. Pants, a little. Says, "Water, pills, now."
Narrowing your eyes, you finally do as you're told, but make sure to say, "You're mean."
Jeongguk just shakes his head. "I love you."
With your eyes on his, you try your hardest not to show any sign of weakness—but when he presses his lips into a thin, curved line and smiles in a way that makes it impossible to fight, you can't help yourself. 
"Fine," you strop regardless, tossing your pills back and swallowing them down with a chug of water.
"See," he softly says in a way that is both patronising yet ever so gentle. 
He walks around the counter to stand beside you, and welcomes the innate way your hand reaches up to hold his waist. He's just the same in how his hand cradles your cheek, keeping your face angled to look up towards him. 
"Wasn't so hard, was it, baby?" He gently toys.
"You're the worst," you assure him, 'cause he knows he's being a little git right now.
And so, just like the last incredibly soft insult thrown his way, he fends it off by saying, "I love you."
"If you really loved me, you would have let me stay in bed."
"We have shit to do today, B," he reminds you. "I forced you up because I love you. Now, don't be rude. Say it back."
Jeongguk's ability to demand you say such heavy, ardent words is nothing short of a miracle. 
When you first met Jeongguk, the idea of him being so straightforward and forthcoming with his own feelings felt like an impossible task. Yet here he is, unafraid to tell you how much he cares for you, and unashamed to ask for reciprocation.
Tugging him a little closer, you rest your pointed chin against his sternum, and get him looking down towards you. 
Quietly, you whisper, "You know I love you."
"Say it again," he demands once more, his heavy-lidded eyes trained on yours as he speaks.
"I love you."
He smiles, now. Nods. 
"Good," he says, then pulls away to grab his phone and open up a delivery app. Has his favourite cafe pinned to the top. Clicks through to the menu without a second thought, muscle memory prevailing. "French toast? Iced coffee?"
"You know me so well," you hum with a pleasant smile, hopping off the bar stool and meandering over to Jeongguk's sofa. 
He follows you without hesitation and tugs the blanket from the armchair as he does so. You're wearing one of his shirts, and he's just in a pair of sweats, so a blanket seems like a sensible choice for now. 
Jimin still hasn't risen from his pit, and Nabi's clothes are still in the living room—just in a neat pile now, thanks to Jeongguk's innate need for a clean space to ensure he can power through his hangover. 
"You reckon they're gonna wake up soon?" You ask Jeongguk as he snuggles in beside you, flicking on the television. 
"Not a chance," he laughs. "Nabi's probably gonna escape out his bedroom window or something like that. Spent years denying there was anything going on, and I don't think her pride will be able to take the hit of being wrong."
"You never know," you begin to playfully theorise. "Maybe they're just friends."
"Have you forgotten getting home last night?"
"Well, yeah, but I mean, I shagged you plenty of times, and we've always just been friends."
"Oh, fuck off," he laughs. "We've never been just friends."
"No," he says with a cocksure confidence that has been earned over many months of knowing you as intimately as he does. Smiling as you roll your eyes, you don't bother fighting back. It's a losing cause. "We're best friends. Duh."
If you could have it your way, the day would be spent exactly like this—cuddled up on Jeongguk's sofa without a care in the world—but you've got work to do.
The gallery needs to be cleaned up from the night before. It's not a huge amount of work, but still tedious labour that you'd rather not do with a raging headache. One of the reasons you're given such liberty with the gallery space is because you always make sure it's left without a trace, and so you know you need to get it sorted sooner rather than later.
Jeongguk's offered to help out, 'cause his day is empty. Other than discussing the business with Yoongi, his agenda is remarkably clear, and if he's being honest, the last thing he wants is to talk about the restaurant. 
See, Jeongguk worries. He's got everything in the palm of his hand—his girl, his dreams, his future. All it takes is one misstep, and he could lose everything.
Comfort is found in you. Solace.
"Smell good," he mumbles, nuzzling his nose against the curve of your neck, sinking into a more comfortable position snuggled up against you. Doesn't kiss you, but he does let his lips trail up your skin in a way that promises he eventually will.
"Smell like you," you sweetly reply, 'cause none of your things have made their way into his home yet. The shampoo you use is his. The shower gel, the moisturiser, the suncream. It's all him—and you love nothing more than going home with such innocent reminders of him on your skin.
"Mhm," he confirms. That's exactly why he likes it so much. The silage of you is the signpost of him. "Mine."
Any gap between you (which admittedly isn't much at all) is eliminated with the way Jeongguk drags you into his embrace. It's the kind of hug that can only be described as acceptance: there is no you, nor him. Just the pair of you, together. 
It's dangerous territory to embark upon, with such reliance on another person, but it's also a path that you just can't seem to resist.
Laced in berries, the hedgerows of this rambling walk you're strolling down together keep you going forward. Occasionally, you'll stop. Smell the roses. Pluck a berry here or there. Pause when you hear the noise of a wild beast in the forest that surrounds you, or the threatening echo of a farmer and his gun.
But then forwards, you'll go. Destination, unknown. Wherever you end up is exactly where you'll need to be.
The wait for food is wasted away together, dumb conversations about nothing and anything that comes to mind. Jeongguk toys with your fingers. Plays with your rings. Strokes the pad of his index finger over the small callous on your middle one.
"Used to be worse," you acknowledge, holding up your hand to study it. Back when you were in school, the amount of writing and doodling you did meant a callous was inevitable. Now that you're out of the habit of doodling, and far less likely to spend hours writing by hand, it's softened. Almost looks as if it wasn't even there to begin with. Part of your history that is slowly fading away.
One day, you won't be able to recall any part of your life that isn't inexplicitly saturated by him.
He holds up his own hands. Studies them against yours. It's like some juvenile flirt, comparing hand sizes, as if your legs aren't tangled with his, and his other hand isn't wedged between your thighs. 
You're not learning anything new. Are revising, for a lack of a better term. Just like you used to do with the birds, when you wanted any excuse you could use to be intimate with one another. 
It's different now, you suppose. Intimacy. How you view it. Just isn't what it once was. 
Things that used to be sacred to you are now second nature.
Glancing across to Jeongguk as he natters on about the deep line that runs along his palm, and how it signals he's destined for greatness, you realise there's an ache blooming in your chest. 
His pouty lips rabbit on, dark eyes occasionally fluttering across to you, then back to his hand. 
There's a vulnerability to him. It's his eyes, you think, and their need to check in on you. He's making sure you're listening. Interested. Aren't bored or waiting for him to shut up. It's a somewhat nervous habit of his, stemming from the fact he doesn't ever really talk this much with anyone else. 
In a way that no one else is lucky enough to experience, Jeongguk opens himself up to you. About the big and the bad, the emotional and the heavy, but also about the small, lovely, lightweight things, too. Weather talk, mindless chatter he'd never bother engaging in with other people. 
He talks of superstitions and legends, movies he watched as a kid, and dreams he had overnight—a stream of consciousness, all for you.
See, Jeongguk talks. 
Around you, he talks and talks and talks.
If his mother could see him like this, she'd be gobsmacked. He's always been the more quiet one of her sons. Reserved. Cautious to speak in fear of saying the wrong thing.
But he's childlike in his eagerness to share with you, Bambi eyes wide and sparkling, teeth nibbling down on his bottom lip whenever he leaves enough room for you to respond. 
Time is lost in conversation until his doorbell chimes—a notice of food arriving. 
"Go get changed," you say, tapping on his knee as you get to your feet. "I'll sort out breakfast." 
Nodding, he does as he's told, lightly spanking your ass before heading to his room. Glancing over your shoulder, you feign a little hurt.
"I'll kiss it better," he promises, and you know he will. 
The curse of his devotion to you means he can never lie. 
He can, however, keep secrets. Small ones. Teeny tiny ones that will have no consequence other than to make you melt when he finally reveals them.
Checking his phone, Jeongguk smiles to himself when he notices a notification of confirmation—plans made now rolling into motion. You cope with surprises far better than he does. Appreciate the romanticism of it all. He's sure you'll like it.
When he comes back into the kitchen, you have to hold in a desperate groan. Who gave him the right to look like that? And how many cats did you save from trees in a previous life to deserve it?
Dressed for the gym, he's in a pair of dark shorts that sit on his hips as if they were made just for him. The contours of his upper body are on display for everyone to see, a tight black compression shirt outlining the ridges on his chest. 
The silver chain he always wears is tucked outside of the shirt, 'cause he doesn't like the pressure of the fabric on top of it, and his hair lays flat against his head. He's perfectly undone.
As he's putting on a pair of socks by the sofa, he clocks you staring. Simply hums, "Hm?"
Eyes wide and unassuming, he's oblivious to the fact you feel like you might faint just by looking at him, even if the socks he's putting on have individual spaces for each of his toes.
We can't all be perfect, after all—though Jeongguk would argue his socks encourage correct toe alignment, which could only be a good thing. 
"Anyone ever told you that you're a menace to society?" You painfully whine, the groan you were hiding making its presence known.
Almost bashful, Jeongguk tips his head to the side, eyes twinkling your reflection back at you. 
"Flattery won't convince me to let you go back to bed," he teases, playing off the compliment. Socks on, he makes his way over to you without hesitation, his tattooed arm draping over your shoulders, as he presses a kiss to the side of your head. 
"Was worth a try," you playfully tease him, even if you did mean it. Hooking your arm around his waist, you give him a squeeze and glance up towards him. A tender kiss is given and received, his lips softly curving into a smile against yours. "Eat up. Quicker we leave, the quicker you can get to the gym, and the quicker you can come back to mine afterwards."
The outline of your day is solid: go to the gallery and get it cleaned up, meander back to town with Jeongguk, send him on his way to the gym, pick up some groceries and then head home. 
Small errands that will eat up most of the day, but an empty evening that can be spent exactly as you'd like: with him.
"We at yours tonight?" He hums, still getting used to just how easy it is to coexist next to you. Never in his wildest dreams could he have imagined a life like this. 
"Feel like Jimin might need the privacy," you note, very much aware that he hasn't made a single appearance, which is very unlike him. He's normally reciting lines from The Notebook by this point in the morning.
You know he's fine, 'cause you heard the synthetic ding of his speaker being turned on a little while earlier, presumably to drown out any 'conversations' he might be having. 
Jeongguk smirks, picking out a strawberry from the container next to the french toast, and says, "He never gave us privacy."
Tossing the strawberry to his back teeth, there's a smile on Jeongguk's lips that's impossible not to mirror. Turning slightly, you get yourself trapped between his body and the kitchen island. Wrap your arms around his neck. Encourage him down to nudge his nose against yours.
"Yeah, but he also never caught us having sex," you remind Jeongguk, lips brushing against his. Breakfast can wait. Or maybe the menu can just change. "We were incredibly well-behaved as far as he's concerned."
"We were?" Jeongguk quietly flirts, his hips pressing against your tummy, letting you know just how much he enjoys being with you. "I don't think you've ever been well behaved."
"Oh, but I am," you simper right back. Reaching down for his hands, you encourage them to roam your body. Squeeze them over your chest, then encourage them down to the tops of your thighs—or, more specifically, between them. "I'm such a good girl for you, aren't I?"
Pressing his fingers up against your thinly-covered cunt, Jeongguk smirks, the subtle markers of your arousal greeting him like they so often do.
"You are," he nods. "And you're gonna be good for me now aren't you?" His fingers hook the lace of your underwear to the side, and gently begin to tease your wet folds. "Gonna keep it nice and quiet for me, huh?"
Nodding, you let yourself succumb to your unbridled desire to have your lips on his as he sinks his middle finger into your cunt. With a small whine, you totally disregard the promise you've only just made.
And so Jeongguk shakes his head, still kissing you. Barely parts from your lips when he says, "Shush, shush, shush, baby. Quiet for me."
When he pushes a second finger into you, your brows furrow, but the whine you're dying to sound out just vibrates into his mouth. 
"Attagirl," he praises as his fingers begin to pump inside of you. Deepening his kisses, Jeongguk strokes his tongue against yours, as if your body was just made for him to claim. Signed, sealed, delivered: his. Your hips roll into his movements, but it's not enough. 
As much as he wants to keep you plugged, Jeongguk wants easy access more. 
Pulling his fingers from your cunt, there's a satisfied grin on his pretty lips when you whine. 
"Shush," he says with such affection it could make even the coldest heart thaw. Dipping slightly, he hooks his forearms just beneath your ass and swiftly lifts you up. Gets you perched up on the counter. Spreads your legs, and is pleased when you lift the hem of the baggy shirt you're wearing to fully reveal your pussy to him. 
"Look at you, gorgeous," he husks. Genuinely thinks he might die just from looking at your cunt. Too perfect. Too fuckin' nice. Stroking his still-wet fingers up your folds, he wastes no time sinking two fingers into you once more. "Quiet, baby."
"Room," you breathlessly say, desperately trying not to make any sounds that could give yourselves away. "Don't wanna be quiet. Take me to your room."
Jeongguk just smirks. Looks in your pretty eyes and challenges you. "Say chess. I'm not going to my room, but you can say chess."
He knows there's absolutely no way in hell you're saying chess. 
Narrowing your eyes, you reach to the front of his shorts, and stroke his hard cock through the fabric. If he's gonna make this hard for you, then you're gonna do it right back.
"If you're gonna torture me then you may as well do it right," you feign a little boredom, tugging his shorts down just enough to play with him over his boxers. "Your fingers are nothing, baby." A lie, but that's neither here nor there. "Make things difficult for me. Make it impossible for me to keep quiet."
"You really want Jimin to find out, huh?" Jeongguk teases, still playing on the idea that you've ever managed to convince anyone that you are, in fact, just friends. "You want him to know that we fuck?"
But then Jeongguk glances over your shoulder to the doorway that leads into Jimin's room, as the click of his latch goes. Jeongguk barely has enough time to pull his fingers from you, and definitely not enough time to pull his shorts back up over his boxer-covered boner, so instead, he presses up against you to keep himself covered. Thank God he's behind the island and not anywhere else.
If you thought it was torture before, then now must be a whole new level, just a few layers of fabric keeping you apart.
"It lingers, y'know," the grouchy voice of Jimin echoes from behind you. 
Turning your head, thighs squeezing against Jeongguk's hips to keep his dignity protected, you try to hide your embarrassment. 
Jeongguk's hands rest on your thighs, and the one that's out of sight to Jimin is being wiped against your skin to rid his fingers of your arousal. This could have been so much worse than what it is.
"The smell of sex," he adds with a little disdain. "I always knew."
As if the God of Thunder personally gave birth to him, Jimin's face is stormy as can be. His scowl is so deeply ingrained into his expression that you're certain the wind must have changed in his direction as he was first pulling the face. Whatever you drank last night, he must have had it too.
Hair all haphazard, face a little dewey from a warm slumber, there's an unusual dishevelled nature to Jimin. He's not even bothered to put on clothes. Is quite literally in just a pair of boxers. 
It's quite unlike him. Then again, so are the hickies on his collarbones. 
"Well, that's weird, 'cause me and Jeongguk have never had sex," you reply without even thinking, the lies ingrained into your reflexes at this point. Even Jeongguk looks at you with confusion this time. 
"Firstly, we eat off that counter, sickos. And secondly, I heard," Jimin simply assures you both, walking to the counter and picking up a plastic fork. He sticks it into a chunk of the french toast, and doesn't ask permission. Just chows down on it. Speaks with his mouth full. "Like, so many times. In fact, I've heard you at it so many times I can almost predict what's happening when."
"Bullshit," Jeongguk laughs—and he'd be right. Jimin's never heard, not properly at least, unless you count the muffled groans in Pohang that put him off his food for an entire day. He just hates the embarrassment of being walked in upon by the pair of you. The one time he needed privacy the most and he didn't even think to bolt the door—or better yet, go to his own bloody bedroom. He wants you to know what his embarrassment feels like. Jeongguk is unphased, though. "Nabi still here?"
"Shut up," Jimin replies, pulling the rest of the french toast towards him, closing the lid. He narrows his eyes, then snatches the box right up. Holds it to his chest. Scowls at you both. Turns on his heel and returns to his room, grinning now that you can't see him, shutting the door behind himself. 
Neither of you stop him. 
"Is he…"
"Okay?" Jeongguk finishes off your query. "No idea."
But one thing for certain is that Nabi's possessions are still very much inside the apartment. She's still here, and you're willing to bet he shut the door with a smile, holding his stolen breakfast with all the triumph of a cat who got the cream. 
"On that note," you begin to tangent off, knowing you've already wasted too much of the day. "You okay to drive? Or would you rather take the subway?"
"Subway," Jeongguk immediately responds, reaching over to take a sip of his coffee. "Don't wanna risk it."
And he also wants any excuse he can find to spend time with you. Takes three times as long to get to The Ryu on public transport than it does in his car, especially with how he drives.
"Alright," you don't argue against him or bother suggesting a taxi instead. "And am I cool to leave my things here? I'll pick them up next time—"
"You know you don't need to ask," Jeongguk grins, the ring in the corner of his mouth flipping ever so slightly in that heavenly way it so often does. 
"Well, yeah, but—"
"Keep it here," he says. "Don't take your stuff home next time. Leave it. I'll clear a drawer. Some hangers."
"Yeah," he nudges his nose up against yours. "You've been leaving glitter here for months. May as well move onto something more substantial."
As if your heart isn't enough.
"Plus," he considers. "At least that way you can stop stealing all my favourite shirts."
"You love it when I wear your shirts."
"B, I love it when you wear nothing at all," he smirks. "Clothes have nothing to do with it. But on that note, go put some clothes on so we can actually do something with our day."
Reluctantly, you agree.
And just as reluctantly, he lets you go.
The subway is always crowded at this time of day. Jeongguk insists you sit while he stands in front of you, holding on to the railing that runs overhead. It's a small kindness—the kind you never really thought about until you met him and learned how lovely it is to have someone actually care about your comfort and well-being. 
He doesn't spend the journey on his phone like so many of the other commuters. Instead, he focuses on the windows, and the small glimpses indicating where you are along the subway line. Occasionally he'll look down at you and smile. Though you're not sleeping, your eyes are closed, cutting out the harsh lights of the tin can you're situated inside. You've never been more desperate for your bed. 
Once you reach your stop, Jeongguk tightly scoots in behind you on the escalators.
"We can have a quiet night in," he softly promises. His hand rubs at your waist, and the elevated position of your body allows him to press a kiss to your shoulder.
Even despite the fabric of your shirt—one that belongs to him, of course—it still feels like a star is burning through your very being. 
Nodding, you place your hand over his and squeeze ever so gently. Reciprocate his warmth. 
You don't mean to be so grouchy and unexpressive, the hangover just really is killing you. If it wasn't for the video Jeongguk insisted on assessing after waking you up this morning, you might not have even recalled exactly just how raunchy you'd been with him at Dionysus. 
Fucking someone at work had always been one of his covert fantasies; the kind of thing he wanted to do just so he could say that he had. Wouldn't mind leaving the box next to it unchecked on his mental to-do list. Would happily do it all over again.
His notice has been handed in, though. Dionysus is no longer his place of work. His contract runs until the end of the month, but he saved up holiday time. Never has to go back, if he doesn't want to.
As his fingers squeeze a little tighter on your waist, he can't help but wonder if he's making the right choices. He's been comfortable at Dionysus. Wasn't making great money, but was making enough. 
But when you squeeze your hand over his, he knows it doesn't matter. He can make all the bad decisions in the world as long as he doesn't make any that'd result in him losing you.
The weather's slowly been getting warmer over the past few weeks. As you exit the subway station, the sun confronts you with such aggression that you almost stumble from the impact of her punch.
"I'm never drinking again," you whine, bringing the hand of yours that's holding his up to cover your eyes a little. He lets you dictate his movement freely.
"You say that every time," Jeongguk reminds you, playfully nudging into your side, before rounding the corner up towards the gallery. "C'mon. Fake it till you make it. Pretend you don't have one."
The remainder of the morning is slow. Every time you glance at the clock, it seems only a few minutes have passed. 
Cataloguing and processing the sales of art from the night before is laborious. It takes a lot of mental energy that you can't seem to conjure up.
Jeongguk doesn't really know how to help, but he is far stronger than you. Does all the heavy lifting as you prepare various canvases for shipping.
Eventually, he's left twiddling his thumbs, so you insist he heads straight to the gym.
"I'll meet you after," you tell him, as you sit on the floor of the gallery, crossed-legged, a pencil behind your ear and a million documents scattered around you. Jeongguk has no idea how you can work in such chaos. Finds himself getting stressed out by it.
It takes a solid fifteen minutes of assuring him you'd be fine on your own, but eventually he leaves for the gym. The way you see it, the quicker you both get your tasks for the day done, the quicker you can go back to yours, make some dinner, and call it a night. 
"Call me when you're done, yeah?" He says, lingering by the door because he just can't bear to leave you. As the sunlight peers in through the windows, small speckles of glitter sparkle on his skin. "I'll come meet you halfway."
With an ever-sincere smile, you just laugh. "Go."
Finally doing as he's told, Jeongguk walks backwards until you're out of sight. Feels his heart physically ache in his chest. Doesn't understand why he's so damn pathetic all of the time when it comes to you, just knows he wouldn't change it for the world.
Despite the solitude of an empty gallery, you're perfectly content. The lingering scent of paint and paper isn't too far removed from your place of work. Makes it easy to imagine a life where this could be your work. 
Devoting yourself to this is easy. Passion has always yielded a higher reward for you than wages, so you don't mind burning the candle at both ends.
The situation is becoming strained at best, you know. Eventually, something will have to give.
For now, though, you finish off your jobs. Arrange couriers to pick up the artworks sold, and make sure the names and numbers match the deposits with a copy of Jeongguk's business account bank statement, of which you made him print out for you.
"I can just log into my bank on your phone," Jeongguk had shrugged when you'd first asked him for it, seemingly not realising just how insane he sounded. When he clocked your look of bewilderment, he laughed. "What? It's not like you're gonna run off with all the money."
While this is true, looking at the sheer amount of money in there could make you cry. It's all so attainable now; Jeongguk's dreams and a reality in which they come true. 
So engrossed in your own thoughts, you almost jump out of your skin when a knock sounds at the doorway into the office. 
"Sorry," Shinwon hums ever so pleasantly, a smile on his face, thoroughly bemused by how startled you look. "Didn't mean to scare you."
"No, no," you shake your head, endearingly playing off your embarrassment. "I just didn't expect to see you here! Or see anyone here, for that matter."
Between exhibitions, the gallery will be closed for the next couple of weeks. It's partially to allow for the staff to reset, but mainly to allow for careful considerations of how the space will be used. 
As Jina's maternity leave cover, it's Shinwon's job, but you're yet to see any plans from him. You don't even know which artists are due to be showcased. She did say that a new vacancy would probably open up around this time, and if Shinwon doesn't start putting some tangible hard work in, you wouldn't be surprised if it's sooner rather than later.
There's been no mention of it, though. The big bosses don't seem to care about his underperformance, probably 'cause they know he's temporary.
"Just coming by to drop something off," he explains, holding up a small white envelope. Pressing it down on the desk, he looks uncertain, as if there are words dancing on the tip of his tongue. "It went well last night, didn't it?"
With a tight-lipped smile, you nod. Feel your cheeks swell. "Yeah. Went really well."
"Good," he nods. Is about to leave. Pauses when he reaches the door, and awkwardly turns to face you. Nods towards the letter on the desk. "There's gonna be a position opening up soon. You should apply. I'll put in a good word."
Furrowing your brows, you glance over the white envelope, then back to Shinwon. "But they're not hiring any—"
"Letter of resignation," he concedes with a tight-lipped smile. "I've got an overseas opportunity that I don't wanna pass on. I'll work my two weeks, but then there'll be a position to fill until Jina is back from maternity."
By overseas opportunity, he really means that some of his private school buddies are going travelling, and he wants in on the fun. This was always an opportunity of convenience for Shinwon. He was never passionate about it. Not like you are.
"Apply," he encourages. "You basically do my job as it is for free, anyway. May as well get paid for it if you can."
He doesn't stay to chitchat. Probably won't even remember your existence once he heads off on his trip. Was never in this for the right reasons.
You've resented him on plenty of occasions. Been annoyed at the fact he does fuck all and gets paid for it. Yet the idea of actually filling his (albeit incredibly small) shoes is fear-inducing.
A job at the gallery would be the first step to actually doing what you love for a living—being around art and artists. Sure, you could argue that the art cafe gives you that, but a highschooler nervously painting by numbers on a first date has nothing on the works that you see here.
There's joy to be found in your current job, though. Fun. Safety. Home.
But nothing remarkable ever happened to people who choose to remain comfortable.
Quickly finishing your to-do list, all you want to do is speak to Jeongguk about it. See what he thinks. You know it's a no-brainer. You have nothing to lose. You just want him to give you the green light that you're making the right choices.
The headache you've been battling is weak in comparison to your racing thoughts, now. You're thinking of the possibilities—of all of your hard work actually being for something. You've proven to the gallery that you can bring in punters, and that you can utilise their resources for profit. 
It's always been a case of who you know, not what you know, but you know the gallery, now. They know you. 
It could really happen. 
By the time you reach the gym, fantasies of a life with a staff ID card and access to the archives, you can't stop smiling. It'd change your life. Flip it upside down in the best of ways.
The gym is just the same as it always has been. There's a new girl behind the front desk. Not someone you recognise. Smiling as she greets you, she's keen to help, long dark hair tied into a ponytail, her branded shirt tight to her curves. You're reminded that the gym is a breeding ground for beauty, but it doesn't matter. You'll get your cardio in later beneath your sheets. 
She's also got the kind of smile that you just can't help but reciprocate. 
"I don't have a membership," you begin to explain, knowing just how troublesome it was on your first ever visit and not wanting a repeat of it. There's no way you're paying for a month, 'cause now you don't need it as an excuse just to see Jeongguk. You also can't help but overcompensate, and give far too many details in an awkward, endearing mess of an explanation. "Well, I mean, I used to have one so my details are probably on the system. Sorry, not important. I know you guys don't do day passes—"
Furrowing her brows, she kindly interrupts. "We do."
"Yeah," she says, nodding towards a sign in the corner of the countertop. Clear as day, daily and weekly memberships are listed. "We've done them for as long as I've been here. Don't think it's a new policy. Anyway, happy to help—just a day membership?"
Jiyeong might be a distant memory now, but thoughts of her will never fail to irritate you.
"Yeah please," you smile regardless, sliding your card out from your pocket—and then you're over explaining again. Probably habit from the Jiyeong era. Is also probably why you make a point to mention Jeongguk by a title only you have the privilege to use. "I'm just joining my boyfriend for a session. He's—"
"Oh, he's a member?" she chirps, not rude in her interruption but efficient.
"Yeah," you nod, and are about to mention him by name, but the girl speaks too quickly again.
"Oh, you should have said! Members get a monthly plus one. It's not a free session, but it's half price, so better than nothing," she smiles. "I'll just need his gym ID—or name, I can search the system—so I can put it through."
You know she really ought to ask Jeongguk's permission. You could be any random woman. 
But you're not, and so you tell her. "Jeon Jeongguk?"
"Ah," she nods, vaguely aware of his existence. Unlike Jiyeong, she hasn't spent a substantial amount of time fawning over Jeongguk. To her, he's just another dude who comes in and leaves her alone. She appreciates it, given how some guys can be, but she also doesn't care to reward bare minimum. 
She asks you to confirm his phone number, which you can do without issue, so at least there's some level of security in place. 
It's a perfectly pleasant exchange, and it thankfully rids you of woes you didn't even realise you had. The Jieyong debacle had left a mark on you, but it feels like it's been rubbed clean. Your mind tends to jump to thoughts of her whenever he goes to the gym, and so at least you can sleep well knowing that the new girl isn't interested in any way shape or form.
Buzzing you through, she tells you to enjoy yourself—but as you start heading up the stairs to the main gym section, you already feel your regret looming. A hangover is still a hangover.
You clock Jeon Jeongguk almost immediately. How anyone isn't immediately drawn to him, you'll never understand. Just finishing up with some weights, he's re-racking the ones he's used, skin glowing with sweat. 
There's a beauty to seeing him like this. Primal desires. 
Glancing up to the mirrored wall behind the rack, Jeongguk eyes are on yours just as quickly. It's like you're magnets, destined to meet.
A confused smile etches into his exhausted face, brows furrowing as he turns to face you.
"What are you doing here?" He mouths, head puppy-like in the way it tilts. 
Shrugging your shoulders, you walk towards him. Mouth, "I just love the gym."
"Liar," he simpers when you're within earshot, reaching his hand out for you to take so he can pull you closer, of which he immediately does.
One hand clasped in his, your other hand rests on his still-heaving torso. He's gone hard today, to make up for the night before. His compression shirt is silky beneath the palms of your hands, the strong ridges and contours of his body yours to hold. Other people can look all they like. None of them get to feel. Not like you do.
As he looks down at you, there's a softness to his gaze. A smile that he doesn't care to hide. A sparkle in his eyes that shines even out of direct light. Just a consequence of looking at a star.
"You shouldn't be here," he quietly hums. "We both know you hate it."
"I can go, if you like?"
Jeongguk just shakes his head. Smiles as he turns you both around and begins to walk backwards, pulling you with him.
"You're the one who hated being here," he reminds you. "I loved you being here."
"Obsessed," you grin, gingerly letting him drag you anywhere he likes. "And good, 'cause I used your monthly plus one."
"Yeah," he confirms, ignoring the curious glances of other people in the room as he leads you back to your old 'spot'. "Thought we'd established that already? And that's fine. Use it every month."
Funny, how you used to hypothesise over the lives of other people in this very room, and how you know others must be doing the same for you now. You hope they all think you're besotted with him.
When you look at him like that, all love drunk and starry-eyed, how could they not?
"Was just about to finish up, anyway," Jeongguk tells you, heading in the direction of the treadmills. Glances back to you, then nods in their direction. "For old times sake?"
"For old times sake," you beam, following his lead, stepping up onto the treadmill closest to you. They're all vacant, but Jeongguk steps up on the one beside yours, 'cause of course he does. He'd go on the same one as you, if it were possible. 
God, he loves you being here. Can't stop smiling.   
You don't mention the potential job opening. For old times sake.
Instead, you revel in what it used to be like whenever you came to the gym, 'cause it just makes you so much more grateful for what you've become. Like Dionysus, these four walls saw the groundwork of your relationship being laid. 
You've already lost access to one of the most important places to you both with Jeongguk leaving the club. 
If you change jobs, you'll lose the art cafe, too. The lease is coming up soon on your place, and if Danbi chooses to just move in with Tae, that'll be another safe haven gone. One by one, places of your past are closing their doors to usher you forward into new spaces. 
Life can't always stay the same. Change is needed. Necessary. 
You've changed. So has Jeongguk. You'll continue to change for years to come.
The difference now is that you'll change together. Adapt. Merge, in some ways, just like a pair of orbiting stars so often do.
On the way home, Jeongguk picks up a bunch of wildflowers from the market stall he once bought you apology flowers from. His fingers are intertwined with yours as he pays, hands lightly swinging. 
It dawns on you all rather quickly, as Jeongguk nibbles on his bottom lip and waits for the payment to go through, that maybe this is a change that you needn't fight. Perhaps it's okay to look forward to your future instead of being hung up on the past. 
"C'mon," he tugs on your hand as you leave the market stall, encouraging you to gain a little momentum. "I'm starving. If we don't get me food soon, I'll turn into you with a hangover."
"Oh, so close," he grins, then shakes his head. "But no. Grouchy and unbearable."
"You were practically begging to shag me," you remind him. "Can't have minded that much."
Jeongguk can't argue against this one. "I didn't—but working out increases like… all the hormones that were working overtime this morning. If I don't eat soon I might die, but if I don't shag you soon, I also might die. Honestly it's a lose-lose situation, B. There's only one solution."
"Sixty-nine?" You offer, 'cause it's perfectly logical. He gets to eat while you get him off. A win-win, you'd argue.
"You're a disgusting pervert," he tells you with stern sharpness, paired with a smirk he just can't help, as if he totally wasn't angling for you to say it. "But now that you mention it, yes. That'd be ideal."
"I don't shag boys who call me disgusting," you reply, knowing that he absolutely didn't mean it like that. You just like winding him up.
"I'm pretty sure I've called you worse before," he reminds you, then holds the flowers out in front of you both. "These can double as apology flowers instead of just my-girlfriend-is-really-pretty-and-I-love-her flowers."
You narrow your eyes as you look across to him, but the smile on his face is just too hard to resist. Thin lipped, his dimples are present, lip ring flipping in the corner of his mouth. 
It's like his lip ring does the thing and you're reduced to jelly.
"Lucky you're cute," you grumble.
"You can thank my mum for that one," he offers, fully aware of how often people would coo over his cuteness as a child and then proceed to tell his mum how similar they are. "And for how pretty I am, too."
Though he's just joking, he's right. He really is the prettiest man you've ever known, inside and out.
You won't tell him this, though. Would give him far too much negotiation power.
"Who do I thank for how annoying you are?"
“Jimin,” Jeongguk says. "That's a learned behaviour. Nurture over nature."
"Figures," you accept, before tugging on Jeongguk's hand to lead him into a grocery store. "I've got nothing in. Need to pick up food or else you'll be going hungry."
"I thought we already agreed on six—"
"A little decorum please," you cut him off. "We're in a public space."
"You said it first!"
Playfully shrugging, you let go of his hand and grab a basket as you enter. "Watcha fancy?"
"For dinner, idiot."
"B," Jeongguk sighs as if he really is hard done by. "We've already discussed this. Literally, you."
"Shut up," you laugh, and let the shopping trip descend into chaos. 
Jeongguk just puts whatever catches his eyes into the basket. Gets a kinder egg and a hot wheels car. Will surely just run it over the curves of your body when you're in bed later that evening. Also gets an entire pineapple, and when you raise an eyebrow, he just shrugs. 
"If I don't have a snack before I shower I will die," he assures you. "I'm craving a burger, so you should really be thanking me for the noble sacrifice I'm making. It benefits us both."
"You're an idiot."
"Fine, I'll get a burger."
But when he goes to put the pineapple back, you stop him. Smile. Say, "Pineapple is good."
"That's what I thought," he stands tall and proud, chest puffed, head tilted back. He looks like an asshole but god damn, does he look good doing so. As he peers down at you, you know it'll be a miracle if you even make it to the shower by the time you get home. Want him too bad.
"Stop bickering," you tell him. "Quicker we get home, the quicker we can—"
"Say no more," he nods, taking the basket from you, then zooming off up the aisle. "C'mon, B! Places to be! People to see!"
As he darts off to the next aisle, all you can do is wonder how on earth this is your life.
But it is—and when you finally find him again, standing in line to pay, basket full to the brim from his supermarket sweep, you know that all these changes happening around you really don't matter as long as you have him.
"Alright," you quietly say as you stand beside him, flicking open your phone and heading for your taxi hailing app. "I'll order a taxi. Don't want you to die on the way home."
"Teamwork," Jeongguk smiles. 
"It makes the dream work, or so I heard," you hum with a somewhat smug smile, pleased to be getting exactly what you want: time spent with Jeongguk away from the prying eyes of the three fates.
"Yeah," he quietly says, leaning over to press a kiss against the side of your head. "It sure does."
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shares-a-vest · 2 years
Everybody knows Eddie has a way with nicknames. Everyone gets a pet name from Eddie to the point he basically never says anyone's real name.
And Steve gets an array of them. More than anyone else. Sweetheart. Sugarplum. Stevie. Multiple pet names all strung together in quick succession. Very rarely he's Harrington. That one is typically reserved for when Eddie is being a total bitch and they are fighting. King Steve, of course. He still doesn't love it, but at least now it is said with affection instead of sarcasm and contempt.
Meanwhile, Steve's over here simply calling his boyfriend Eds. Okay, maybe he said 'babe' one time in the presence of Lucas, Mike and Dustin and he's never heard the end of it.
It's kinda lame and he rather die than explain it to anyone (or have anyone else hear it), but Steve sees Eddie as his Prince. It's a pet name Eddie hasn't used, which is surprising considering there is a side DND character who is a Prince that bares embarrassingly detailed physical similarities to Steve.
Eddie is the Prince who came and swept him off his feet when he was at his loneliest.
Again, kinda lame. And pathetic.
Unfortunately, Steve blurts out said name in the least romantic setting possible: the back storeroom of Family Video.
They're in the back looking for the copy of Top Gun Steve had stashed away for them to take home. The waitlist was a month long and Keith enforced a strict 'no employees on the waitlist' policy, even though he definitely took a copy for himself.
"Holy shit," Eddie says, staring at the VHS cover of Tom Cruise and Kelly McGillis.
Steve hands it over. "I reserved it under the fake account Rob and I have."
It was basically his only option considering Keith's flimsy rule and Eddie being banned from the store a few years back. Thank God they didn't have security cameras or else Steve would have been fired a hundred times over by now.
"Whoa," Eddie says with the wide-eyed wonder of a kid, holding the VHS in his hands like it is the most precious and delicate thing in the world.
"Anything for my Prince," Steve coos, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek.
He pulls back, staring. Oh god. He really just said that out loud.
Eddie blinks, clearly taking a moment to compute (or willing to tear his eyes away from ogling the back cover image of Val Kilmer). He quirks a brow, turning to look at Steve, a sly smile tugging at the corner of his mouth and accentuated by the scar that runs along the left side of his jaw.
"So that makes you the damsel in distress?" he says more than asks, glee in his eyes.
Shit, Steve really hadn't thought of it that way. Trust him to come up with a pet name that immediately made him vulnerable to teasing.
Before he can think of what to say, Eddie is scooping him up bridal-style. He promptly loops his arms around Eddie's neck when he feels his legs teetering on the spot at the cramped and awkward angle, wedged between Keith's desk and a shelving unit.
"Don't worry, Princess!" Eddie declares in dramatic fashion. "The Prince is here to save you from your dungeon and that wretched oaf."
He laughs hysterically as he sways Steve about.
"Stop!" Steve laughs, kicking and sending a stack of VHSs toppling to the ground.
"I shan't!" Eddie yells, his voice echoing through the small space. "Not until I have you in the safety of my bed chambers!"
"This wasn't supposed to happen!" Steve giggles as Eddie swings him around, sending more tapes flying.
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shepscapades · 8 months
So the part 5 thing huh? Welp IT'S GOOD I LOVE IT
Because X is my blorbo I just wanted to point out some things here
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MMMMMMMM HE HAS LONG HAIR??? I mean *looks at my posts* long hair fits him absolutely [Still not sure if he has long hair or not but looks like he has his hair tied in a ponytail or in a bun, I don't know it just looks like it on the second image]
[oh and also he called him "Doc" again, instead of Docm which I don't know what could mean in this situation yet, but one day it'll probably make sense as we get more parts]
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This Etho right here looks either terrified or confused, and I think it's because
X is going to go absolutely crazy and he's scared that X is now in control [based on the "you dropped your crown king'' caption that might refer to Etho who isn't the attacker anymore but could also refer to Xisuma which I'll explain later]
2. He finally snapped back into his senses
3. he sees X without his helmet for the first time and his good 'ol computer brain is like '??????? Who tf is that"
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"you dropped your crown king" could also refer to X as his helmet got destroyed in process [being the crown] and from what I know, we don't know the reason for why X wears helmet in this AU. The most popular headcannon for his armour and helmet is that he's a voidwalker and can't breathe in the overworld, we don't know if it's a thing in this AU but if it is that could mean that now he's powerless, he "dropped his crown" - he became weaker, powerless against his enemy. Also Doc looks kinda scared, or maybe just surprised after seeing X's face for probably first time. [if he's scared, then he's probably aware of Xisuma's condition when it comes to air]
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But also poor Doc he looks horrified
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*looking for lore through old posts* huh these seem familiar... WAIT
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[it's in Polish sorry, but it says 13th October]
SO THE COMIC HAS BEEN SKETCHED OUT SO EARLY?? Damn those really take long to do, I mean I was aware of that fact but It's been like 3 months since those sneak peeks have been posted and WOW THAT'S A WHOLE LOT OF MOTIVATION YOU HAVE HERE SHEP
[also only now noticed how in this panel Etho's body sketch is red as a sign that he's the danger in Doc's eyes and Xisuma's is green/blue. Oh and in the first sketch X didn't have his hair visible in the visor hee hee ]
So yes, loved it, even if there were only 3 images I still think it's amazing ! We got to see your Xisuma a bit [he- he handsome -makes big eyes]
Sorry for the long ask again!! just!! excited!!
Now I'm going into my drawing cave as I'm full of inspiration already bye bye <333
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(also also to reiterate, I have no idea how long part 6 will take since I just kinda have rough storyboarding for the rest of the comic, and classes just started up again— this is my exhibition semester so most of my drawing energy will be prioritized for my grad gallery… we will wait to see how much energy I have left by the day for destruction :3)
ALSO ALSO ALSO! “You dropped your crown king” was absolutely me trying to find a silly caption for what’s supposed to be a serious/dramatic part of the story while also referencing the fact that Xisuma’s helmet shattered/fell off— there are many conspiracies and clues to be had here but I just wanted to clarify that that line is not one of them SFKDFGHJ
I will therefore also not directly respond to anything else being discussed here BUT thank you as always for sharing your theories and analysis!! It always makes my day >:D
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corpupine · 5 months
I've been doing a lot of thinking...and I feel like I need to scream this out somehow even though I'm sure it's been talked about before (and I'm putting it under a readmore because it gets long).
No matter what, in any playthrough you do and any timeline you create.
UNDERTALE is a game about guilt.
You have Toriel, so guiltridden she couldn't protect her own children that she devotes herself to never letting another child leave again. And then they do!! over and over again, that guilt compounds until it's the center of her life and every choice she makes!!
And obviously Asgore, so guiltridden that he couldn't protect his own children from humans that he spends the rest of his days trying to get out and get revenge on them--as if that will stop the voices in his head saying, if you had been out there with them you could have stopped it, you could have stopped those humans from killing your children, and maybe he could have!! Or maybe not!! He'll never know and it eats him from the inside out!
Alphys, oh my sweet summer child this fandom does not deserve you!! Alphys, so guiltridden from her own perceived failures as a scientist that she began to try anything, anything to make the King happy, and it seemed to be working at first, and then it was so everlastingly worse, how can you cause something worse than death?? without even trying??
And it shows up in little ways, silly ways, too! Ways you wouldn't even think about as guilt! Undyne! She feels guilty that she won't let Papyrus join the Royal Guard so she gives him cooking lessons instead! Papyrus feels guilty that he's not in love with you after one date so he'll "keep being your cool friend and act like this never happened!"
SANS MY BOI don't even get me started. His guilt isn't as physically obvious but he made a promise to toriel, he promised her he would keep the human safe, and in timelines where you save everyone he follows you pretty much all throughout the Underground (even if he doesn't do anything to help smh) because he'd feel guilty not doing it, and in timelines where you kill everyone he feels guilty for not stopping you, AND in those SAME timelines he feels guilty for stopping you because it means he's breaking his promise to Toriel to keep you safe I!!! This boy can fit so much cosmic guilt in him!!!!
Asriel! FLOWEY!! Do you ever wonder if he feels guilty about being the one to wake up again? The one to survive, when Chara had to die twice?? He sits at their grave and he will do anything, anything to drown out those thoughts so he befriends and kills and torments and it's all the same and it's all useless!!
And their guilt compounds each others'! Toriel makes Sans make that promise because of her own guilt, which increases his! Asgore's guilt is what pushes Alphys so far past the limits of ethical science, because he increases hers!
And all of this, all of this, ALL OF THIS pales in comparison to you!!!
You!! The player! You return to the Underground after maybe accidentally killing Toriel or a few others because you didn't know, you never wanted to hurt them!! You listen to Flowey and you come back and you save them all!
You! The player!!! You cry at the ending and you'd feel guilty, so guilty about letting them all go, wouldn't you? So you ignore Flowey's pleas to let it alone, and you come back again, you say hello to your dear friends but this time it isn't the same, this time you kill them all because you want to see everything this game has to offer, might as well get your money's worth, the fights are cool, right?? And then you get hit with the most unsatisfying atomic bomb of an ending and the only thing left is your own reflection staring back at you from the black screen of your computer as the horror dawns, what have you done???
YOU!!! The player! You go back again even though there is no Flowey left to tell you to, and you save them all again because I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, nobody deserves what I did to all of you, and it's all good, nobody remembers, and then you get to the end. The game knows what you did!!! It never forgot, and it'll make certain you never forget either!! Guilt!! Guilt, guilt!!! It's baked into the code of this game!!
Anyways tl;dr, maybe it actually did make sense to give this game to the pope
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noroi1000 · 1 year
Love Hotel
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Dom Gojo x Sub fem reader
Summary: The only hotel in the area is the love hotel. After completing the mission, you went there with your friend.To rest before returning to home. There is only one bed...And he also had a plan...While you were in the shower, he started masturbating...He asked you for help.
Warnings: NSFW (oral-men receiving; breeding kink, size difference kink; masturbation; degradation kink)
Words: 4k
"You really don't have two separate rooms?" you asked as you stood in front of the receptionist's counter.
Her face was hidden behind dull glass.
"Sorry. We only have this. All other rooms are occupied." She replied looking at you and Gojo next to you, even though she couldn't see your faces.
Love hotels must ensure discretion. And you just found one where the service is behind frosted glass.
This woman was wondering why you guys came to a love hotel if you want separate rooms anyway.
Either you have other partners or you want to sleep.
However, overnight bookings do not start until 10pm. There's still half an hour left.
However, even if you want to spend the night here, there is only one large room available.
You thought of something that might happen... Since people come here for a few hours just to have sex, maybe a room will open up soon.
"Are there any bookings that are ending?" you asked.
You'd be a little disgusted to sleep in a bed where someone just fucked, but this hotel looks expensive. So the staff will definitely change the sheets after each guest.
But you'd send Gojo there anyway.
You finished the mission an hour ago. However, you would have to wait two hours for the next train to Tokyo. And it's late.
That's why you wanted to sleep.
However, the closest possible hotel was a love hotel...
That's why you already casually went there with him...
But to spite you, there was only one room...
"Unfortunately, they all end in three hours. Or four." she said. You heard the computer keyboard tapping as she checked.
You sighed.
The woman looked again at the outline of the White Haired Man.
She thought you came to the love hotel with the old man... She really thought so... Because he has white hair, and he's a man...
He's just grey. And that's why this idea popped into her mind.
"The only room available is large. Larger than a typical double." she said.
There's a light bulb in your mind.
Larger than a double? So is there a chance there are two beds?
"We'll take it." Gojo said suddenly as he put his hand on your shoulder.
You looked at him with slightly furrowed brows.
The woman handed the terminal under the window so that he could pay. And you saw how he pays easily.
You took the key from her as she handed it to you. And you went to the elevator.
As you left, he leaned back lightly against the counter.
"What are the amenities of the room?" he asked with a small smile.
Good thing the receptionist didn't see his demonic mind.
He wanted to see your face when you see that there is one bed and you will have to sleep there together.
You're friends, but when he's around, you run away from him and you're able to hit him when he has weird ideas.
It's such a friendship.
You know each other from work, you talk to each other. You go to lunch sometimes. You go on missions when you don't need only destructive power and you need to find something.
You have nothing against your presence. Especially him because he loves when he can be with you. Everything he did with you was his good memories.
However, he very much wants to see your reaction to what he wants to do. will you scream? Run away? Will you beat him?
Or will everything go according to his plan and you agree? If you want him to stop, you'll have to agree.
He liked you. Even very much. But he liked watching your nervous reactions just as much.
That's why he wanted to do it.
And also to make sure you can get closer somehow.
"Um... King Size bed, access to bathroom with shower, TV. Locker facilities with extra bedding, towels and bathrobes."
"All right. Thanks for the info." He said cheerfully before walking off to join you in the elevator.
"Why are you smiling like that?" you asked, looking at the magnetic key to the door. They don't even have regular keys in this hotel, just these.... It's really one of the more expensive hotels...
"Oh, nothing ~." He nodded with the same smile.
"You know something I don't. Tell me now! Why are you smiling like that again?!"
"You'll find out soon~." He hummed, lifting one piece of the blindfold to look at you with one eye.
His voice was still humming as he watched as your cheeks scowled at his answer.
Moments later, you reached your floor and, walking in front of him, began to look for the correct number on the door.
And when you found it, the key opened the door for you. So you opened the door waiting for him to follow you as well.
But when you turned on the lights, you saw that the room is quite large, however most of the space is occupied by a large bed placed in the middle of the room. Opposite the end of the bed there is a TV set, the entrance to the bathroom is on the side.
It was nice but there was one problem...
It was supposed to be a larger than a standard double room...
"Are those jokes?! One bed?!" You moaned quite loudly and his big hand suddenly appeared over your mouth, covering half of your face.
"People have rooms all around." He said still with the same smile as he hushed you.
"Those walls are probably soundproof." You said as you grabbed his wrist, pushing his hand away. "I'll go down to the front desk to ask if they have any mattresses."
"Will you sleep on the floor?" he asked.
His hand appeared on the door before you could open it.
"You will sleep on the floor." You smiled victoriously. "For me it is important to get enough sleep. But since you don't want to be a gentleman, I can sleep on a mattress."
His hands suddenly appeared on either side of your body as he stood in front of you.
He held the door with one hand while he closed the lock with the other.
"That's not cool, Gojo..." You muttered as you tried to grab the key in his hand, but he quickly shoved it into the pocket of his top uniform.
"We can sleep in the same bed. It's big enough that it shouldn't be a problem for you. Besides, compared to me, you won't take up much space. We'll be a perfect match, so we'll both fit in."
You blushed slightly at the idea that you were sleeping with him in the same bed, under the same covers...
What did he mean by fitting in?
Won't you take up a lot of space?
"You know... You're shorter than me. So it will be easy for us to adjust the sizes somehow ~." He smiled as he walked closer and put his hand on your head, showing that you are shorter.
Hardly anyone is taller than a six-foot guy like him!
Not many people reach his height!
"Come on, we can sleep in the same bed one night. true, (y/n)~?"
You sighed and put your hand under his chest, pushing him slightly away from you.
"Fine... Since it's only one night..."
"One night, but there may be more later~." He thought as he saw you walk away to see if there were towels in the sliding wardrobe.
He himself didn't even know why he had such a plan. But somehow he figured it out when he found out there was only one room, and that you were in a love hotel.
And since love hotels are most often used only for sex, no one will throw him out of here.
The main reason for his plan is to tease you.
And the secondary reason is the desire to see if you would be able to do something with him ... Or be closer to him than just work friends.
Because since he knows you, he doesn't consider you someone who couldn't be closer to him.
He's already rooted you in his life, so why can't he see if you could do one thing closer to him?
There aren't many people that close to him, but he would like you to be even closer.
What if he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you? You're nice and funny. Sweet. By the way, he likes you. So this plan is justified.
Besides, he'd like to see you blush when you see something he's planning.
"I'm going to take a shower. We'll sort out how we sleep later." You said as you walked around the bed and into the bathroom, giving him that look he loved.
An innocent look when you don't know what he's planning. Your normal face. It's so exciting.
Even if he didn't have a plan, he did the same. Because he wouldn't have anything to do here without you.
He couldn't go to sleep because he had to wait for you to come.
He grabbed the TV remote and turned on the screen as he sat on the edge of the bed.
As it should be in a love hotel, you could turn on a porn site on the TV.
Just as he expected.
He kept scrolling through the strip, but he couldn't think.
He finally found a video he liked. "A smaller girl fucked by a tall guy with a big cock."
As soon as the video started, he was imagining your face instead of the one in the video.
And instead of the guy who started fucking her mercilessly, it was him. He imagined his own cock disappearing into your pussy like in a video.
He kept seeing your face instead of the woman's face. And then he focused on the view of big cock stretching her pussy.
He already noticed that he was bigger than this guy, but he didn't complain since it was needed for his plan.
And just knowing that he was imagining it was you instead of that girl made his pants feel tight.
Therefore, not to delay any longer, he unbuckled his belt and pants, pulling out his already hardened penis from his boxers, which lay down softly on his stomach as he took off the top of his uniform to stay in his black T-shirt.
He lifted the blindfold, taking it off. And let his white hair fall over his face before running his fingers through it.
Staring at the close-up of the girl's pussy stretching in the video, he spat into his hand, and grabbed his dick lying on his shirt, smearing the skin to make it slippery.
Then he started moving his hand up and down with the pace the guy was fucking the girl with.
Your face was still in his eyes instead of hers.
That made him even more excited. It may not have been perfectly good and appropriate behavior and thoughts, however, at that moment, he couldn't stop thinking about you.
To make you a little nervous, to see your embarrassment as you see it, and to see if you can reach higher heights in your relationship.
He was very focused on the video and imagining him inside your pussy. So he mindlessly rocked his hips to fuck his saliva-slick fist.
What he didn't know was that a few minutes later you finished showering and entered the room.
As you adjust your robe over your spare set of clothes that you took just in case, you looked at the scene unfolding in front of you.
Porn on the screen and Satoru, sitting in front of the suspended TV, is fucking his fist. And he doesn't seem to see you at all!
He's more focused on watching!
If only you knew he was imagining your face...
With a red face at the sight of his hard (big) cock in his hand, you grabbed the first thing hanging from your arm. It was a wet towel.
And you threw it in his face, screaming in embarrassment.
He let go of his cock and took the towel off his face, setting it aside.
He looked at you questioningly and turned to you sideways.
A throbbing hard cock sticking out of his pants.
"You pervert!" you screamed, covering your eyes.
He laughed, and clicked pause on the video, the sounds of which echoed around the room.
"what?" he murmured.
"Go to the bathroom! Get dressed! You're so perverted!"
"I'm in a love hotel. Here you can do anything perverted." You could hear in his voice that he was smiling.
"Stop it!"
"What should I stop doing? Talk or jerk off?"
"Stop touching yourself!"
"Just go to the bathroom!" You pointed to the door while keeping your eyes closed. "And stop masturbating on the bed I'm supposed to sleep on!"
"If you want me to stop, help me with my boner."
He spoke, leaving your eyes suddenly wide.
He suddenly got up and walked over to you.
You took two steps away from him because his erection was there, facing you.
You also couldn't help but think that if he came now, your clean body would be dirty.
"You know... It'll go faster if you help me..."
"I politely ask for help. If you agree, it will be faster and we will forget about it sooner. We'll be able to go to sleep~."
You looked into his eyes, and you didn't read a single bit of a lie there.
You don't know if he was really telling the truth or if his eyes were just so mesmerizing that you couldn't think of him making fun of you.
"Satoru... You..."
"Will you help me?" he asked, looking at you sadly.
"...Fine..." you muttered with a red face.
Now you know what that means for you...
You have to help him by touching his cock... Your friend's cock...
You saw his smile when you said that, and he suddenly pulled you over and told you to sit on the bed.
Once you were positioned exactly on the soft mattress, you looked straight ahead, and quickly pulled your head back.
His red tip was in front of your face.
"You promised you'd help me..." he moaned sadly.
He really could play to make you feel sorry for him...
That sad voice he simulates to make you pay attention to him.
"Sā~ Touch me~." Hearing his voice, bordering on a whisper, you felt your body tense. All because of his voice.
You tentatively placed your fingers on his damp shaft until you wrapped your entire hand around it. Massaging the slightly stringy skin.
You looked up to see his little smile as he looked down at your smaller hand touching his cock.
You're as much smaller than he thought.
His cock will feel so good inside your tight little pussy...
You will fit well in his hands until you moan under him.
Your pussy must be as tight as he thought. Because if he were to talk about how he loves that you're smaller than him, everything would be different. Even though he's sure your pussy as well as your mouth and ass will be so tight for him.
He'll be able to fit you up with him and fill you with cum.
Watching his lovely little friend lie beneath him, totally fucked, with his cum flowing out of you.
That's what you do in a love hotel. He thinks about sex. He fucks with impunity.
You got a little closer to him, opening your mouth to let part of his tip inside. With the same blush. Or even deeper red.
It was then that his demonic side was fully revealed.
He placed his hand on your head, urging you to take more of his.
You opened your mouth tighter so that the entire tip of it showed up on your tongue. And then he lightly pushed his hips, showing that he wanted deeper.
He wanted to feel more of your lips.
You pulled it out, licking the tip with your tongue before he rubbed his fingers over your head and spoke.
"Can you suck me? It was so nice a moment ago..."
Turning your head away for a moment, you opened your mouth to take his tip again, but he stopped you.
"Pull out the tip of your tongue and keep it loose." he said, trotting your mouth open wider.
You did as he told you.
You still can't believe you agreed to give your friend a blowjob so you could go to sleep in peace...
It's your first time with your friend! Hell, Satoru was always just a work friend!
And now you're sitting in front of his hard cock, and you're taking his orders. Commands to make it easier for you to suck him. Or make it easier for him to get pleasure.
He brushed his thumb across your tongue before the tip slid into your mouth.
Such a good girl. You listen to him so closely.
You put your hand on his length, and began to move your head, putting it in your mouth more and more.
Until your mouth was full. Your eyes filled with tears as the tip touched the beginning of your throat.
And you were already fighting the gag reflex as you slowly massaged the rest of its length.
Why was he so big?
"Come on, take it easy. Enough of this." He said, pulling his hips away from your face.
And then he took off his shirt and pants, throwing himself on your body.
"Helping doesn't end with a short blowjob, baby~."
He threw you onto the bed and you didn't even notice when he started shoving his hard cock into your soaking wet pussy.
You were so naked underneath it.
You felt so exposed...
As you sucked it you got wet and your panties were uncomfortable. That's why he took it off.
To give relief to your dick waiting hole.
"Such a good girl." he murmured in your ear as he fucked your pussy mercilessly.
Your help has been invaluable. He wanted your help so badly.
Because he wanted to carry out his plan.
And now it works.
He put his lips on yours, putting his tongue in your mouth, catching your moans.
"This building has really soundproof walls. So you can moan as loud as you want." he bit into your neck as his hips accelerated against yours. "Moan when big dick fucks your tight pussy~."
He bent your legs, pressing your knees to your chest.
And he spat on your clit, collecting saliva with the tip of his cock before thrusting inside you again, enjoying the sound of his balls hitting your soft buttocks.
Your back arched as he thrust deeper, pushing your insides apart even more.
Then he kissed you again, pushing his tongue into your mouth more.
His hips continued to bounce against yours. That's why your toes curled up as you looked at the shiny mess you'd made on his belly.
"So wet. So eager for cock... I didn't know my dear friend would enjoy being fucked by me so much~."
He grunted as he pushed himself off the bed to sit on his heels.
He pulled out of you, lowering your thighs to his.
He pressed himself against you, placing his length on your stomach.
You looked at what was inside of you. The greatness that hit your insides. A length that went deeper than anything else before. Thickness that stretches your poor walls.
But it's so good...
Your helping him is so good...
"I think where my dick reaches is deep enough that I can happily pour all the cum we have inside you, and watch you walk with my child later for sure."
His voice was dark but so sexy...
"Right?" he chuckled as he thrust himself into you again, hitting bottom instantly. "Would you like me to get you pregnant? Would you like to have my children?"
His pubic bone was pressed hard against your body with each thrust. So that he will pierce your cervix every time.
And this strange feeling combined with the pleasant one was unstoppable because he wanted to do it.
"Good girl... Veeryy gooood giirl..." he groaned as he felt that wonderful pressure against him. "I want to breed you... I want this so much..."
His thrusts sped up again as he began attacking your mouth.
You couldn't keep up with his thrusts. As you exhaled as he backed away, you were forced to moan and inhale as he moved back between your tight walls.
"Calm your breath. I don't want you to pass out." He laughed as he lifted your trembling legs with no strength.
You tried so hard to listen to him, but you couldn't because with every thrust from him, you couldn't help moaning as he pounded you from the inside out.
"You will look so cute being round and plump~ Do you want this? Want to get your friend's kids? Do you want my cum in you?" he said breathlessly.
You nodded slightly, feeling a little humiliated by his words. But it was so good...
"Tell me... Do you want my cum inside you? My cum inside your womb. You want to feel it, don't you?" he whispered in your ear as he leaned in. "You want that dick to fill your insides so deep, don't you?"
He pressed against your lower abdomen, and you felt his tip go straight to your lap, hitting the wall. Pressing even harder against your cervix.
"Do you want it? I can stop. You want me to stop before..."
"...No..." you groaned.
"Don't stop..."
"Heh... How can I refuse to my sweet friend please?"
His hips attacked yours, pounding nonstop as he leaned over you, kissing your neck and your open mouth. Licking and kissing the tears on your cheeks.
With the brush of your clitoris by his pubic bone, the coil in your stomach snapped. Flooding its length with a new wave of your juices.
You saw how he frowned with a smile and clenched his jaw.
He plunged into you one last time, pressing his lips against yours as he let out a loud, guttural moan. And you felt more warmth inside you. How white floats inside you when he's finished.
He pulled out of you, leaving his cock on your stomach as he continued to kiss you. Drop the remaining cum from his orgasm on your skin.
"... Satoru..." you moaned softly.
He put a pillow under your head and gave you a glass of water from a pitcher on the table.
Your thighs quivering as cum oozed out of you.
He was really talking about breed you...
He laid down next to you, cuddling you against his chest as he kissed your forehead, cheek, and finally your lips.
"Thanks for your help, mochi~."
You cuddled up to him lightly.
"You don't even wear a condom..." you murmured, cheek against his bare chest.
"Aw, that's fine. I'll take all responsibility." He hugged you, wrapping his arms around your body. "We can live together now, right?"
"Live together?"
"We're friends for long time. Didn't you see that we're acting like a couple?"
You looked at him questioningly.
"I can't live without you. And if you're pregnant with my baby, we can't just still be friends."
"Satoru, you saying..."
"Be my girlfriend. That thing just now happened, show us that we can't be only job-friends. Especially if you're pregnant."
"You're really crazy with that thing you saying..."
"Don't you love me? Aren't we friends? I want you to live my side forever. If you don't love me, you will never agree to do that."
You cuddled up to him.
"I'm glad with that you're asking me to be your girlfriend..."
"And you agree?"
He smiled and put his forehead on yours.
"Then, I love you, (y/n)."
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Taglist: @weebotaku21; @yihona-san06; @mikkies; @raysheil; @dreeamiea; @safaia-47; @porridgesblog; @weebnk-popper; @mc-reborn
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boo-its-stress · 1 year
So I had a silly little idea about what if Danny was ghost king but he didn’t actually have to be in charge because he is baby. You don’t put a baby in charge you put an adult in charge until baby is ready. Vlad would be the most qualified. But he’s Vlad. So. It needs to be somebody else. Batman. I’m talking about Bruce Wayne. Death touched and not ready to rule the infinite realms in his stead. I’m full of big thoughts on this but instead of organizing them and sharing them I wrote a little Blurbo.
Bruce was on the bat computer writing incident reports on the night’s patrol. It was a quiet night and it looked like everyone might get at least 4 hours of sleep tonight. Well, quiet on the streets of Gotham. The cave was very much not quiet as Tim seemed to have had the stupendous idea to intentionally rile Damian up. Idle hands may be the devil’s playthings but apparently an Idle Tim was more likely to lose all sense of self preservation. He wasn’t too worried yet, he could hear Dick trying to keep the peace which had about 50/50 odds of working.
The sudden silence was the absolute worst thing he could be hearing right now. He spun around in that chair as fast as bathumanly possible and stood up. Prepared to deal with an attempted fratricide. But what he saw froze him in his tracks, though not quite as literally as everything else. Damian was frozen mid leap towards an equally frozen Tim who's laughing face was in the midst of shifting towards regret while Dick was reaching out to catch him. He was instantly on guard for whoever had done this, it would be an unlikely coincidence for him to be the only one (or even one of many) left unfrozen if this was a global event that had nothing to do with him. No this was likely a deliberate act but the question remained if the intent was hostile or not. Not that it really mattered because they froze his boys and he would not be relaxing until that was undone.
He felt a presence above him and threw a batarang even as he was turning to face them. And the batarang passed straight through a floating blue humanoid. A being who radiated an aura of power that was only somewhat ruined by the pendulum clock in their chest and a total lack of concern for the weaponry thrown their way. There was a beat of tense silence before they shifted into the form of a child and gave the impression of raising an eyebrow despite not having any above the unsettling wholly red eyes “Did I catch you at a bad time Bruce? I can come back.” And just like that his guard was up even further. An intruder in the batcave with this kind of power and he knew his name? That could not mean anything remotely good. He was mentally preparing alternative methods of attack should this turn to violence, as most forms of physical attack would be useless depending on what form of phasal shifting that just was.
“Oh there’s no need for any of that Bruce. I’m just here to congratulate you on your ascendancy to Kinghood.” That left him wrongfooted and before he could even muster up a response and begin with any proper Questioning, the being continued. “Well, King Regent at least. The rightful ghost king is still a child and you possess the familial relation necessary to stand in until they’re ready to ascend the throne. Should you choose to refuse this position you have 30 days to find a suitable replacement and contact the high council of the infinite realms with this information.” And just as suddenly as the… Ghost? Just as the possible ghost had appeared, they were gone.
All at once life returned to the world and there was an audible thump as one Robin collided with another. But it was Dick who screamed. For if one were to view things from his perspective, Bruce had teleported from across the room and he thought he was immune to the Batman jump scares now! With Dick and Tim briefly caught up in their own individual terrors it was Damian who noticed something was wrong. He shoved Tim aside with contempt, rising to his feet and dusting himself off as if he felt especially dirty after the physical contact he himself had initiated. “Father? What is it?”
Bruce let out the slightest huff of relief at seeing his boys in motion once more, most wouldn’t notice it at all, but the collection of current and former robins were not most people. They were all at attention, waiting to be told and willing to resort to trickery if he wasn’t in a sharing mood. “Something was in the bat cave.” All three stiffened, knowing this was serious. He returned to the computer to begin a profile on the (man? Ghost? clock?) and also to avoid looking his children in the eye. No need to give away how badly this had shaken him. “They were capable of freezing time selectively. And froze all of you while we spoke. Possibly everyone else. Oracle, is it still 1:27 outside the batcave?”
He could hear rapid fire typing before she replied. “Matches up with the time in Gotham and there’s no noticeable time delay between here and anywhere else on Earth. I’ll have to get back to you on if we fell out of alignment with other planets, but I can tell you there’s no gaps in the footage in the batcave either, it… it looks like you teleported.”
Well that was not comforting news in the slightest. Whoever this was, they were incredibly powerful. Possibly capable of stopping all of time with (hopefully) no consequences. Looks like he might actually have to take what was said seriously. For such a powerful entity would have little reason to lie about such a thing. But could he really? He might have had a few close calls with death but he was still living? His heart was still beating? How could a living man be the reigning king of ghosts? Even as a regent? And regent to who exactly? A child? Is that by human or ghost standards? Bruce seemingly didn’t qualify as a child but would Dick? The ghost had said familial relation which was incredibly vague and unhelpful. Did his adopted children count or was it only Damian? Could it possibly be some distant cousin? He didn’t know and unfortunately he had no leads to speak of. How was he even supposed to contact this High Council of the Infinite Realms? He got the sinking suspicion that was the point. That he wasn’t being given a choice in the matter.
His eldest broke him out of his thoughts with a hand on his shoulder, reading what he’d written before locking eyes with him. “And what exactly did he want to talk about B?”
He couldn’t help the slight downturn of his lips as he answered, “Apparently I’ve been named the Regent King of Ghosts.”
And with the widening of Dick’s eyes and a muffled curse from Tim as he missed a step and collided with a table he couldn’t help thinking he was right. The intruder hadn’t brought anything good.
When he later called Constantine asking if he knew how to contact The High Council of the Infinite Realms and the man promptly swore before hanging up? He was absolutely sure he had found himself tangled up in something that was bound to cause him at least one headache in the near future.
When he found the first green sticky note that appeared between one blink and the next he was ready to have words with whoever put him in this position. He sincerely hoped the King he was playing regent for wasn’t Jason.
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redtsundere-writes · 6 months
Jinx | Sukuna Ryomen
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mma fighter!sukuna ryomen x femalecoach!reader
Part 9. Don't Know
Beginning. ← Previous | Next →
Synopsis: Sukuna is a world champion with anger issues. It's believed by many that he is untrainable. Yeah, you can't train him, but you can dominate him. Contents: Fighting. Sukuna being Sukuna. Female reader being dom. Jinx AU (the BL, not the character from lol) Warnings: Cursed words. Fighting. Sexual harassment. I only read it once, lmao Word count: 2722 words. A/N: Shoutout to @ghosts-girl_ on IG for sending me a Sukuna fanart that was inspired by this fic! Tysm <3!
Btw I made a PLAYLIST
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Going back to the hospital always scared me. I always enter the doctor’s office with sweaty hands while imagining the worst in my mind. The white and neat walls, decorated with informative posters about the importance of exercising regularly. The light gray floor was freshly waxed, I could see my scared face reflected in it. There were a few fake plants around to make the place look less intimidating.
The doctor was asking me questions about my lifestyle over the past six months while typing incessantly on the computer perched in the middle of the large desk. The doctor took out the new x"ray that had been taken of my neck and inspected it in front of the light screen. He didn't say anything, he just analyzed her very carefully to not make a wrong diagnosis. My manager, Mei Mei, came with me this time for support despite having a tight schedule. She noticed I was nervous, so she patted me on the back to calm me down.
“Do you think she can fight soon, Doc?" Mei Mei asked him my biggest concern.
“Her neck has completely healed, if she wanted, she could fight tonight,” the doctor answered with a smile.
A sigh of relief escaped my lips at the wonderful news I had awaited for so long. 3 years to be precise. I was out of the octagon for 3 years on medical recommendation so that my neck would heal completely and avoid future injuries. My face was about to cry with joy, so I hid it in my hands. I was about to reborn, I already wanted to return to the gym with my team to train like in the old days. Start again, conquer the battlefield and recover the title that was taken from me.
Mei Mei and I left the office to meet my friend and training partner, Nobara, who was waiting for us along with Mei Mei's younger brother, Ui Ui. I told her the good news, and she hugged me happily. We used to do everything together before I was injured, now we could go back to our routine as if nothing had happened.
“Everyone will be very happy when they see you back at the gym,” Nobara said excitedly.
“Finally,” I sighed heavily jokingly. “Mei Mei, shall I ask you to gather the team?” I asked her nicely.
Mei Mei was in charge of ensuring that my schedule was met without delays. She was the one who organizes my fights, gathers athletes for special training, hires doctors, etc. She was always busy, but she never let me out of her sight. Not only that, but she always took care of my my needs even though Team Black gives me everything I need. I told her not to worry so much in several occasions, but she always responded with “you never know.”
"I'm already on it, darling. Also, since your appearances with Ryomen, there are several sponsors interested in you,” Mei Mei reminded me of the unexpected kiss Sukuna gave me after his crushing victory against Naoya a couple of weeks ago. "Your life will return to normal in no time."
"When do you plan to come back?” Nobara asked me excitedly.
"I don't know yet, I have to talk to Sukuna's manager to agree on a release date and find a replacement,” I replied.
"When you have the date, let me know,” Mei Mei asked me without taking her eyes off her phone.
"When you return, could you bring me something signed by the King of the Ring?". Ui Ui asked excitedly.
"I'll see what I can do,” I answered honestly.
Mei Mei and Ui Ui left after that. Once we lost sight of them, Nobara took my hands to approach my face curiously. I moved away from her face at the unexpected proximity. When I saw her eyes sparkling from excitement, I could imagine what she wanted.
"So… You and Sukuna, huh?" she asked excitedly.
Since living with him, I have noticed that our relationship had improved, but only as a coach-athlete relationship. I haven't noticed that he treats me sweeter, that he gives me flirtatious glances or that he gets nervous when I am around. He continues to act as the same fearsome Sukuna as always.
My feelings towards him have also increased. When I have to watch him to make sure he does the exercises, my mind travels back to the passionate nights we've had together. I can no longer see his hands without thinking about how he holds me by the waist or his face without imagining him moaning my name. He made me blush without even trying, I was fed up. It was so frustrating not being able to do my job well.
"There’s nothing between me and Sukuna,” I answered, removing my hands from the grip.
"Don’t lie to me! Everyone saw that passionate kiss he gave you!" Nobara scolded while pretending to make out with herself.
"Sukuna only did it to annoy Naoya," I answered, trying to downplay it…
…but I couldn't ignore it. After that night, my perspective on Sukuna had completely changed. I wasn't surprised that I fell in love with him, I mean, I have a reputation for choosing the worst possible men. I had to get rid of this feeling as soon as I could. If I could do it while I lived with him, great, but I knew perfectly well that after asking for my resignation, Sukuna would throw me out and this feeling would go away on its own like a cold.
"And how are you so sure that he doesn't like you?" Nobara asked me.
The idea that Sukuna was interested in me in that way was tempting. It wasn't crazy considering we've already slept together twice, and he kissed me on international television, but I highly doubted that was the case. Yuuji had told me that Sukuna wasn't interested in having a girlfriend and I doubt that will change anytime soon.
“Impossible,” I answered without further ado.
"Oh, come on! Men never kiss woman just because,” Nobara argued.
"What do you know know about men? You're a lesbian,” I joked.
"I know how they behave when they like a girl, it's what we have in common," she challenged me.
My heart wanted to believe her, but my mind warned me with red flags that I shouldn't. Being in love is complicated.
At first, I had a hard time adjusting to living with Sukuna. I lived alone for so long that I forgot how it was living with someone. Quickly, I could adapt to his cold attitude in the morning, seeing him walk around the house wet and with a towel wrapped around his slutty waist, and listening to his complaints when we left the gym. Sukuna is the one who pays for everything, the only thing I could contribute to the house was to cook for him from time to time if the cook was not available. I couldn't help but feel like a sugar baby, but that feeling went away every time I used the magnificent indoor pool.
The microwave announcing that my popcorn was ready brought me out of my thoughts. I was preparing myself some popcorn as tonight's fights began. The schedule was not very exciting, except for the main fight. The fight for the heavyweight division championship between Toji Fushiguro and Aoi Todo. A battle between two powerful giants of the UFC.
I returned to the kitchen to prepare the popcorn to my liking in a bowl. I opened the refrigerator to look for the juice I had bought before I got home. Being a high-performance athlete, Sukuna's smart refrigerator only served to store large amounts of chicken breast, vegetables, and sparkling water. If I wanted something with sugar or “chemicals”, I had to buy it myself and hide it so as not to tempt Sukuna's appetite. As I closed the door, I noticed the new dietary regimen that Sukuna's nutritionist had asked hm to follow.
"Chicken, rice, and broccoli for 4 days straight? No wonder he's always so angry,” I thought out loud as I quickly scanned the sheet of paper.
No sugar. Do not eat carbs after 6 pm. Just an egg without yolk in the morning. I knew that Sukuna was a highly disciplined athlete, but going on such a demanding diet was ridiculous. If a nutritionist asked me to follow this regimen like a soldier, I would fire her in no time.
There were so many things I wanted to change about his extreme lifestyle, but I was sure I wouldn't be able to figure it out before my last day. Furthermore, I had to tell him that I would no longer be his coach and that someone else was going to take my place. I didn't know how he would even take the news. I just had to make sure to tell him when he is in a good mood. Who am I kidding? He is never in a good mood, that goes against his personality.
"Fuck this shit!" Sukuna yelled as he reluctantly entered the house. Now was not the right time to tell him.
He tossed his backpack onto the small stool at the entrance, where we kept our shoes and had a mirror for finishing touches. Sukuna slammed the door shut which offended my ears. I just watched him confused while I ate my popcorn.
"Things didn’t go well with the Olympian?" I asked, trying to understand where his anger was coming from.
While I was at the doctor, Sukuna went to the Olympic stadium to have an exclusive sparring with a boxing gold medalist. He insisted that I cancel my appointment to come with him, but I told him that even if I did that, I wouldn't be much help. My specialty is jujitsu, not boxing. I told him that Gojo knows more than me, and he stopped annoying me.
"That idiot asked for a break on the fifth round. Can you fucking believe that?! The best boxer in the nation?! My balls can last longer than that!” He exclaimed in annoyance as he ran his fingers through his hair in exasperation.
"Could it be because it was training and not a real fight?" I asked before putting a popcorn in my mouth, staying calm. If I got down to his level, he would only get more upset.
"If I had wanted to waste my time, I would have trained with one of the gym's rookies,"Sukuna mumbled.
He sat on the stool and sighed heavily as he unlaced his shoes to enter the house. I could see the helplessness in his eyes at not having the demanding training he wanted. Having a perfect streak of 28 overwhelming victories, he hasn't had a rival who can match his level in years. Always being the winner means that you are not learning, and you are staying stagnant while others moved forward, Sukuna was afraid of being left behind.
I sighed as I understood his anger, putting the bowl aside to approach him. I took advantage of the fact that he was at my level to gently massage his shoulders. Even though I didn't do it with a romantic intention, touching him like that after weeks felt like drinking water in the middle of the Sahara. A temporary pleasure that I had to take advantage as much as I could.
"Do you know what it means that he didn't last more than 5 rounds?" I asked him while massaging his neck.
"I'm not in the mood for your shit," he mumbled, focused on his shoes.
"Let me finish!" I barked. "It means you're better than an Olympic medalist," he looked at me again, calmer now.
"You think?" he asked me, looking at me to deduce if I was saying it out of pity or not.
"Of course! You are the king of the ring, not just in the UFC!" I cheered, giving him a friendly pat on the arm.
"Not everyone can go against the king," he said with an evil smile.
It was one of those few times I've seen him smile like that. I'm glad to know that I could be of use to him outside the gym. I wanted to be the cause for him to smile more often, even if it meant he didn't feel the same way about me. A reality that I was willing to accept for the sake of both of us.
The fight between Aoi Todo and Toji Fushiguro was about to start. The current champion, Toji, entered shining his glorious belt with Welcome To The Jungle by Guns N' Roses in the background while the commentators read his statistics. Aoi, the challenger, Todo looked forward to the fight from the octagon. The crowd was excited, music was blaring from the speakers, and commentators were debating who would take home the belt. It was an important fight that deserved to be seen on the room's beautiful 80"inch screen.
"That son of a bitch," Sukuna snorted behind me, referring to Toji. He was in my robe as always before going to sleep.
"A talented son of a bitch," I joked. "Sit down and watch it with me."
"I'll watch it until I get sleepy," Sukuna scoffed as he sat next to me on the couch.
After formal introductions and the referee's instructions, the first round took place. The two mastodons faced each other face to face in a rain of punches and jabs that seemed to have no end. They were like two bulls striking each other with their sharp horns, making the plaza resonate with the power of their tackles. It was clear that Aoi Todo was a born boxer who did not allow himself to be intimidated by the enormous presence of Fushiguro with those beastly hits. Before Toji could take him to the ground, like he had done in the fight against Sukuna, the bell rang.
“Who are you rooting to?” I asked Sukuna excitedly.
"I do not know, and I do not care." he answered with a yawn. That answer deserved me to throw my empty popcorn bowl at him.
"It's a very important fight! You should know!" I scolded him as the TV went to commercial break. "Todo and Fushiguro have been fighting for the division title for 2 years. Both have won twice simultaneously. This is their fifth fight. It's the fight for 3 out of 3!” I explained. Sukuna shrugged his shoulders, downplaying it the importance it deserved.
"And who are you rooting for?" He asked me to make conversation as they returned to the fight.
"Aoi Todo is a magnificent boxer like you…". At the comparison, Sukuna gave me a killer glance. "Obviously, you are the best," I corrected before he killed me.
"That is what I thought."
"But Toji is a complete fighter, I am team Toji for life," I replied with a proud smile. Sukuna gave me another killing look, this time it was more stern. I really don't learn from my mistakes, huh? "Obviously I'm Team Black before that," I said with a guilty smile.
The champion threw a quick jab, but the challenger easily dodged it. Aoi responded with a combination of quick strikes that made Fushiguro flinched. He stumbled back, but stayed upright. He threw a wild right hand, but the challenger blocked it with his forearm. The challenger took the opportunity to launch a flurry of jabs that Toji dodged like a master. Aoi continued entering her field, causing Toji's back to hit the fence. He threw one last desperate right hand, but Todo dodged it and responded with a left hook that sent the champion to the ground.
"¡No!" I exclaimed upon seeing the knockout.
"Too bad…" Sukuna mocked me.
After my champion couldn't get up easily, the referee ended the fight. The challenger had won the fight with a monstrous knockout. The crowd roared and Todo raised his arms in victory as he ran around the octagon. He had defeated his legendary opponent and became the new champion of the heavyweight division.
"First words after defeating such an important rival?". The interviewer asked Todo as he celebrated with his team supporting him behind him.
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ozai-the-bonsai · 4 months
Thank you for answering my Zuko request ask. My request is Zuko x reader, water tribe princess. They have an underwater cave kingdom. Her father chose to follow his ancestors decision to stay in isolation like the other tribes. Her mother was murdered by an earth king assassin or a northern water tribe assassin (Ozai set it up to look like either tribe). They enter an alliance and betroth Zuko and the reader. Ozai wanted access to their underwater passage ways and healers for his army. The two meet before his banishment and seem to like eachother. During his banishment the underwater kingdom is open to him. They make a plan to lure the avatar and put him to sleep during a celebration banquet. Sokka finds the princess beautiful and flirts with her. Zuko has to keep his fire in check when spying on them. During the banquet a fight breaks out, Zuko vs Sokka and Aang. Sokka thinks Zuko is holding the reader hostage. Katara and the reader have a water bender fight before the Gaang escape. “I’m sorry sister of the south, but I have to protect my people so stand aside!” Aang realizes how sad and trapped the nations have gotten.
Pairing: Zuko x Water Tribe Princess!reader
Summary: See request
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: I guess implied sex, but nothing explicit
Additional details: Perhaps I didn't really have to give any thought to these details at all but I cannot start writing something out with question marks in my head. So this is how I imagined the underwater cave kingdom to be: the only way into the kingdom is through a special current in the sea. The kingdom resides in the Eastern Sea between the Eastern Airtemple and the Chameleon Bay of the Earth Kingdom. Which means that they control the waterways leading up to Ba Sing Se. Even though it is an underwater cave, the cave itself is not filled with water. I didn't really like the idea of everyone having to somehow breathe underwater all the time and literally live like people in Atlantis, hence I figured the almighty Waterbenders of the tribe have (with the assistance of the Ocean Spirit) found a way to keep the water away from their city. You can imagine it like a huge vein of caves inside a submerged volcano in the sea but without the water filling in the caves. Lastly, everyone is able to breathe normally without any oxygen shortage due to rich underwater plant life (like the algae) and the plankton around the caves, which produce the needed oxygen. Note: I am a computer scientist, not an oceanologist, so there may very well be problems with my construction. If that is the case, I am really sorry!
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"Princess, your guest is here."
Your blue eyes found the servant standing at your door through the mirror as you combed your hair. Realising how fast your heartbeat became by the second, you simply nodded at the servant, not uttering any words. It had been quite a while since you had last seen him, all the longing and the daydreaming had left you overmuch excited for his return.
Deep down, you really wished that you were the sole reason for his return to the Eastern Water Tribe; however, you very well knew that he was here for the big day that is tomorrow. For him, duty always came first - even though he did love you with all his heart.
The moment you saw his reflection through the mirror as he entered your chambers, your heart skipped a beat. Slowly, you turned around and stood up, your gaze meeting his. "You are finally here," you muttered, taking big steps towards him. "After all those long months, you are finally here."
As soon as you saw the shift in his amber eyes, you found yourself inside his arms, his lips capturing yours hungrily. The determination had left its place to longing. "I wish we had more time for each other, my love," Prince Zuko whispered in your ear as his warm lips left a trail of kisses down your neck, stealing your next breath. "But you know - we cannot allow distractions."
"I have missed you, Zuko," you spoke as you wrapped your arms around his body; his cold, firebender armour cold against your silver, satin gown.
Prince Zuko and you had been betrothed ever since you two were kids - eleven, to be more precise. At first, it was simply a great way to form an alliance with Fire Lord Ozai in exchange for giving the Fire Navy access to your tribe's underwater passageways and exceptional healers.
Your father, the Chief of the Eastern Water Tribe, had decided to form such an alliance and side with the Fire Nation after your mother was murdered by a Northern Water Tribe assassin.
Originally, the Eastern Water Tribe had lived in isolation, not meddling with the complications of the other Nations. Even during the war, the tribe had stayed neutral for many decades. The only sided act that could be considered had been carried out to help your sister tribes - whenever a Southern or Northern ship was spotted, the men of your tribe would ensure they had a safe and easy ride through the Eastern Sea.
Of course, the way your sisters and brothers from the North repaid the kindness of your tribe had changed everything. That night, as your mother gave her very last breath in the arms of your father, each and every person in your tribe swore to make the North pay for what they had done. Knowing that as the Eastern Wate Tribe alone, you would not stand a chance against the forces of the Northern Water Tribe, your father spent countless nights trying to find a way for your tribe to gain more power.
Then, one day, the proposal from the Fire Lord reached the Royal Chambers of the Eastern Water Tribe.
However, not to lose the upper hand, both your tribe and the Fire Nation had been holding this alliance as a secret - on the surface, it seemed like it was just two nations doing trading and some political business, nothing more. Also, only the Royal Families in both Nations knew about the betrothal.
Even after Zuko's banishment, your tribe left its doors wide open for him and his crew whenever they needed help around the Eastern Sea; they were also granted special access to your tribe's underwater passageways. Moreover, your father, the Chief, agreed to help the Banished Prince - his future son-in-law - on his quest to capture the Avatar.
After hearing the news about the return of The Last Airbender, you contacted Zuko, letting him know that Eastern Water Tribe was ready to help him if he needed any kind of assistance. That was when he came up with a discreet plan, at the end of which he would have his honour back and you would have your Prince back.
"Are the preparations done?" Zuko asked as he stepped back to look into your blue eyes. You nodded as a cunning smile formed on your lips.
With slow movements, you started to take off his armour. "At this time tomorrow, the Avatar will have fallen into his forever slumber," your voice was a mere whisper as you placed the body armour carefully on the ground. Reaching onto your fingertips, you brought your lips to a level with Zuko's ear. "You will have got your honour and your throne back," Zuko shivered slightly as he felt your warm breath licking the skin of his neck. You could hear his breath getting deeper and deeper. "And I will have had my Prince back at my side."
You let your satin gown fall down onto the ground, leaving you completely naked as Zuko's amber eyes darkened with lust and desire.
[Time Skip]
"I have never been to the Eastern Water Tribe before!" the Avatar spoke with much enthusiasm in his voice while you and your father led him and his friends to the Great Hall, where the celebration banquet was going to be held. You yourself were being followed by a Royal Guarding whereas your father had two - ever since the assassination of your mother, you weren't allowed to go anywhere without a Royal Guardian.
Of course, there normally wasn't a Fire Nation Crown Prince under the Royal Armour. Since the helmet of the armour was large enough to cover most of his scar, no one took another look at him.
"We have always preferred living in isolation, you see," your father spoke with a deep voice, his dark blue robe moving with each step. "Not only isolated from the other Nations but from our sister Tribes as well."
Only you could hear the sorrow and anger in his voice when he uttered the words sister Tribes.
Katara, the last waterbender from the Southern Water Tribe, nodded at your father's words. "That is probably why we have never really heard anything about your tribe," she said, then a frown appeared on her face. "But, you haven't been acting neutral during this war, right?"
"Actually, we have." You spoke before your father could take the word. "Just like the North, we don't mess with anyone unless they mess with us. And since no one can find the Easter Water Tribe without having someone from inside, this has worked out quite well for us."
Aang, the Avatar, was frowning too. "At some point, you will have to take action - we all depend on the balance!"
A big, fake smile inhabited your father's lips as you arrived at the Great Hall, which was illuminated by bioluminescent plants hanging from the ceiling, casting an ethereal glow on the cavern walls. "That is why we are holding this feast in your name, young Avatar, to celebrate your return and offer you our support, as the Eastern Water Tribe, while you put an end to this war and restore balance to the world!"
Everyone sitting inside the Great Hall began to applaud upon hearing your father's words. You, too, had a fake smile on your lips as you turned right, only to come face to face with the boy from the Southern Water Tribe - who happened to be Katara's older brother.
"Is there something on my face?" You asked Sokka because of the way he had been staring at you the whole time. Hearing your question caused him to shake himself properly to get rid of the drooling expression on his face.
"No, nothing, it is just a regular face!" Sokka immediately went red after realising what he had said. Dropping your Princess façade for a brief moment, you raised an eyebrow at him, Sokka started to wave his arms in the air. "I didn't mean it that way, I meant you have just your face on your face."
The brow was still arched. "You are not making this any better."
From behind, you heard Katara giggling.
Taking a deep breath, Sokka let his head fall down to his chest, averting your gaze as he spoke. "I was staring at you because of how pretty you are." He muttered quickly, almost as if he didn't want you to understand what he was saying.
A small, professional smile formed on your lips as you placed the side of your index finger under Sokka's chin to lift it up gently so that you could look into his eyes. "I really appreciate the compliment, Sokka from South."
As you all made your way towards the main table, you slowed down your steps on purpose, waiting for Zuko to catch up with you. Taking the hint, the Banished Prince walked a little bit faster. "Keep your fire in check, my love." You whispered, your gaze still fixed on the table in front of you with a big smile inhabiting your lips. "You are steaming, literally."
It was impossible not to feel jealousy radiating off Zuko's body but on top of that, he was indeed producing steam on top of his head with his firebending. He quickly shook himself to get his temper under control.
"I don't like the way he is looking at you," Zuko whispered under his armour, walking you towards your place next to your father. "You should have worn the betrothal necklace I have made for you."
You had to tighten the grip you had on yourself not to giggle, you found it somehow adorable how jealous he was getting. "Nobody knows that I'm engaged, we cannot blow up our cover just yet."
Katara was seated to your left and the Avatar was right next to your father. Sokka, upon seeing that you were headed to the seat next to Katara, decided he wanted to make himself comfortable close to his sister. Zuko clenched his fists.
"That peasant is pushing his luck," Zuko muttered under his breath. "But my patience is not infinite."
As if you have any, you thought to yourself while gathering your icy blue robe neatly before taking your seat.
[Time Skip]
"Is that a betrothal necklace?" You asked Katara while waiting for the dessert to be served. "Who is the lucky boy?"
The young waterbender's right hand went immediately to her neck as she shook her head while giggling. "Oh no, you have got it wrong - I am not ready for something like that, yet." She corrected the situation. Then, sadness fell onto her blue eyes. "I got this from my mother, who got it from my grandmother." Katara turned her gaze away. "This necklace is the only thing I have left of her."
Understanding the meaning behind her words, your expression softened immediately, empathy inhabiting your eyes. "I am so sorry, Katara." You spoke with a low voice as you placed your left hand on top of her right one in a sisterly manner.
"Thank you," Katara spoke with a low voice as well. "She died when I was little, during a Fire Nation raid."
Giving her hand a gentle squeeze, you pulled yours back. "I can understand how you feel." You said, your words causing the young waterbender to look into your eyes. "I lost my mother, too."
Before you two could share more about both your pasts, the Avatar came flying on an airball. "Hey, Katara, you should check this out!" Aang called at the waterbender. "I have met an incredible Waterbeding Master!"
The moment she heard Aang's words, Katara's eyes were highlighted. "Please, excuse me, I need to go with Aang."
As soon as his sister was gone, Sokka quickly slid onto her seat to be right next to you. "So, uh you enjoying this banquet?" He asked, trying to sound casual.
"It is just another feast for me" You responded with a smile as the servants brought the dessert. "But, how about you? How are you finding the Eastern Water Tribe so far?"
"It's... different," Sokka admitted, glancing around. "I mean, it's not every day you visit an underwater kingdom, am I right?" He chuckled nervously, making you laugh as well.
Upon seeing that the dessert was finally served, Sokka quickly stuffed some into his mouth, swallowed the piece probably as a whole, wiped his mouth smoothly with the blue napkin and turned to look at you once again, acting like the awkward stuffing moment hadn't even happened. "It seems like we will be sticking around longer than just a night."
Looking at where he pointed his head, you raised an eyebrow upon seeing that Katara and Aang were practising some basic waterbending moves with one of the masters' in your tribe. "Oh," you muttered as you turned back to Sokka. "I didn't know the Avatar was looking for a Waterbending Master."
Sokka nodded at you while leaning in a little bit closer. Once again, you could feel the jealousy radiating off Zuko's body. "He needs to master all four elements so that he can face and defeat the Fire Lord. Water is the next in line."
"I see," you said, your arms crossed over your chest. "In that case, you indeed need to stay a little bit longer than intended."
As if the Avatar will be leaving this place any time soon - once we put him into his eternal slumber, Eastern Watertribe will become his forever home.
"Since I won't be practising any waterbending for obvious reasons, would you be interested in, maybe, hanging out?" Sokka asked you, it felt like he had to use all the courage he could gather. "Or do an activity together?"
For a brief moment, you put your princess façade down without even noticing. "Shouldn't you have waited for the third date for that?" You put your hands over your mouth upon realising what you said. After the short, awkward silence, you and Sokka both burst into laughter.
Sokka's eyes wandered to your neck for a second. "You don't have a betrothal necklace?" He asked, kind of surprised. You needed a moment to remind yourself that nobody knew about Zuko; then, you shook your head.
The image of Zuko clenching his jaw and fists appeared in front of your eyes - even though you couldn't see him for he was standing behind you, it was quite easy to imagine how he looked like at the present moment.
"Well, who knows - maybe you will get one before we leave the Eastern Water Tribe." Sokka spoke, his voice flirtatious.
"That's enough!"
Before you could grasp Sokka's words, you saw a fire blast flying in his direction. The next thing you knew, Aang was standing between a frightened Sokka lying on the floor and a furious (and jealous) Zuko throwing away his helmet. The Airbender used his glider to dodge the flames and save his friend from getting burnt.
"Zuko?!" Aang shouted in a confused way. "What are you doing here?"
The Banished Prince held you from your upper arm and made you stand by his side. "Zuko, you're hurting me!" You tried to keep your voice as low as you could. Upon hearing you, he loosened his hold on you.
"Sorry, love, I didn't mean to hurt you," he whispered.
"There is a Fire Nation spy in the middle of your celebration and nobody is going crazy?!" Sokka asked in the circle as the noise in the background dimmed down. You realised how Sokka's eyes wandered from Zuko's hand holding you from your arm to your blue eyes which shined with fear. Of course, it wasn't for the reasons Sokka thought - you were afraid that your plan was about to fail.
"He is holding the Princess hostage!"
Without giving you any time to react, Sokka threw his boomerang right at Zuko, who ducked to avoid the boomerang, making you duck with himself. The next moment, you saw fire and air blasts clashing at each other, causing a giant explosion that threw both Aang and Zuko off of their feet.
Taking the opportunity, Sokka ran towards you. "Come on, follow me, there isn't much time!" He told you as he tried to drag you behind him but you forcefully shook your arms free from his hold.
"Let me go, Sokka." You spoke with a dangerous voice, which caused Sokka to take a step back rather clumsily. His blue eyes were wide with shock.
"You..." He stuttered while pointing behind your shoulder. "You are with him?"
The moment you heard Zuko's voice coming from behind you, a smirk formed on your lips. "Yes, you peasant - she is with me." He wrapped his arm around your waist. "For the record, she does have a betrothal necklace."
You chuckled at his words. "The Crown Prince of the Fire Nation craved it himself!"
Sokka's jaw dropped - if it could go any lower, it would hit the ground.
Upon realising that Aang was getting ready to take off, your father's deep voice filled the Great Hall. "Guards, do not let the Avatar escape!"
You knew the fear and betrayal falling into Aang's big, grey eyes had to make you feel guilty at some point, but it really didn't. Using the water from the cups next to you, you froze Sokka's feet to the ground while Zuko went after the Avatar, followed by the guards.
"Be careful!" You shouted, mostly for the guards to hear. "We need him alive!"
The water whip hitting you from behind left you screaming in pain as you quickly turned back, only to see the rage inhabiting Katara's pretty face. She was using the water from the waterfall that adorned the Great Hall.
"Why?" She asked as she generated ice spikes and threw them in your direction, one by one. "Why are you siding with the Fire Nation?" Using the waterfall as she did, you created a wall of ice with a swift movement of your hand. All the spikes Katara sent crashed into the wall, either falling onto the ground or getting stuck in the wall. "After everything they have done to our families?"
"Our families?" You asked while sending the ice wall at a breakneck speed. "It is funny how you so readily assumed that I was scarred by Fire Nation as if they are the only villains in this story!"
Katara turned the ice wall into a pile of water, created a huge wave out of it and tried to wash you over with it - only for you to part the wave in two with your hands. "I don't understand."
The water from the wave started to elevate in single drops, which then froze. "My mother was murdered by an assassin from the Northern Water Tribe." You spoke with a venom-like voice as the ice drops turned into ice bullets. Katara pulled more water from the waterfall.
"It... It cannot be. The North wouldn't do that! No one from the Water Tribes would do such a thing!"
You let out a condescending laughter as you made the ice bullets rotate around their own axis. "You are still so naive, Katara." Taking a deep breath, you took your offensive stance. "I am sorry, sister from the South, but I have to protect my people from the likes that have taken my mother away from me - so stand aside!"
However, before you could launch your attack on Katara, a boomerang hit the back of your head, knocking you out and sending you into a relatively long slumber.
"Sokka, Aang!" Katara yelled in joy as the boys caught up with her. "How did you manage to get away from the guards?"
"Hop on, there is no time to waste!" Aang was flying his glider with Sokka hanging from his leg. Taking the boomerang, Katara wrapped her arms around Sokka's body as the Airbender flew them clumsily towards the gate from which they had come in the first place.
"Aang kind of crushed the cave right on top of their heads," Sokka replied to Katara's question after getting off the glider. "Anyways, do you think you guys can get us to the surface?"
Katara nodded at her brother. "Sure, I guess we could just reverse what the Royal Guard was doing while he took us down here." Realising that Aang was calmer than usual, Katara laid her hand on his shoulder. "Aang, is everything alright?"
The young Avatar shook his head. "I have never truly realised how trapped the Nations became through the war," he spoke, his sadness dripping from his voice. "We... We used to live for balance and for happiness; not for one's selfish interests and desire for revenge."
"You are not alone this time, buddy," Sokka said as he patted Aang gently on the back. "I couldn't have imagined how... corrupt this whole Tribe has become." He put on a giant, but fake, smile. "I am sure it will be nothing like this stink-hole in the North Pole!"
Taglist: @annonymatic @yoongiesstar @lost-inthe-v0id @lokigodofmyheart @4l3x1s @potato87123 @asciendo @angelruinz @unamused-boss @junieshohoho @yourlivewire @itszzmoon @coolgirl458 @vyliie @6000-fandoms @aerikim246 @mymummydustxx @xenop0p @saikikusouswife @marsbars09 @stell404 (I took everyone from my taglist from Cry for the Moon because of zuko x reader, I hope that is alright for you! If not, I am sorry for the inconvenienc :/ )
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