#even living alone everything is either in very short walking distance or I can rely on taxi drivers or delivery services
-ignores argumentative people for my mental health-
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raggaraddy · 3 years
Bus Stop
Summary: Having decided to leave Namjoon, you get as far as the bus stop before everything starts to unravel.
Trigger warning: Emotional manipulation
Yandere! Namjoon Alpha!Namjoon
It was all becoming too much. It had only been 6 months, but you noticed how entangled your life had become with Namjoons. You had once been so independent, but now everything from your job, your friends, your home, all of it was centred around him. Of course, boyfriends and girlfriends become a part of the other's life, but not like this. You'd never had any relationship like this before.
You'd felt like this for a few weeks, slowly noticing more and more how intertwined you were becoming. But it was hard to say anything to him. You owed him so much. The only reason you weren't living on the street right now was because of him. But you couldn't take it anymore.
You knew if you sat down with him to talk it out, that you'd end up caving on all of your points. He has a way with words- with reason, that you just can seem to argue against.
So you decided to take the cowards' way out. You left a note on the kitchen counter while he was in the shower, stuffing your clothes in your suitcase, and hiking through town to the bus station. You weren't sure what you were going to do once you got back to the city, but you knew you needed to get there and try to begin again.
After 3/4 of an hour of waiting, you see the intercity bus arriving in the distance. Only to watch it ignore you completely and drive past you, leaving you in the dark.
Doubt was already starting to seep in. You can help but think you must be cursed. Without Namjoon you always seem to be overlooked and ignored, falling into bad luck and shitty circumstances.
Frustrated, you have no choice but to wait for the next one.
But Namjoon is quicker to find you than the bus is to arrive. He walks up, sitting on the bench beside you staring straight ahead.
"Where are you going?" He asks calmly. Your letter had explained that you needed to go back to the city to see if you could find yourself and start yourself again, but you guessed he just needs to hear it from your own mouth.
"I'm sorry Joon," You start, not able to build the courage to look at him. "I need to go back."
He sighs, stretching his neck. "I understand Y/n. I just want you to be happy." You can hear the sad acceptance in his voice. "I know you need to do this yourself. You need to rebuild your life. Be independent." He nods, biting his jaw, trying to keep himself composed.
You can't believe it. You were so sure that he would fight you on this. That he would argue for you to stay. A flood of relief overcomes you. You don't like to see him hurting, but you're so relieved that he understands.
"Thank you, Joon. Thank you for understanding." You scoot closer to him, putting a comforting hand on his arm. "I really appreciate everything you've done. But it's time for me to stop relying on you."
He nods, giving you a small comforting smile. "I know. I just worry about you Y/N. Can you tell me what your plan is at least?"
You don't have an answer to that. You struggled already so much last time when you lost your job and your apartment. The best you have come up with is that you have a friend or two who might still talk to you. You hope you can stay with one of them until you are earning money again.
"I don't really know," you admit, not wanting to reveal in full how shaky your plan of action is.
"Well, we still have," he looks at his watch, "38 minutes until the next intercity comes. Let me help you one last time, and we can talk it through." He suggests somberly.
You nod. He's very smart. Brainstorming with him is not a bad idea, and you're hoping if he sees your resolve it will satisfy his concern for you.
"I was thinking I would go to see my friend, Sarah. The last time I was let go, she said I could stay with her. I'll stay there a few weeks while I look for a new job."
He turns to you, crossing his legs, resting his knee on the bench. "Didn't Sarah just have a baby? Do you think she'll still have room for you?" He asks.
"Oh? I mean I think so." You nod, thinking for a moment. She only did have a two-bedroom apartment. And her husband wasn't too keen on the idea the first time around. "But if not, I'm sure Kevin or Bec wouldn't mind. So I think I'll be able to find somewhere to stay."
He thinks for a minute. "Kevin's the guy that was always hitting on you when he drinks?" He tilts his head to the side. "Do you think it's a good idea to stay with him? He might expect something in return. And Rebecca only has a studio apartment, right? You didn't find a job after nearly 3 months. Would she let you stay with her that long?"
His memory always astounds you. He remembers everything you ever tell him.
The more he questions you, the more uncertain you feel about how much you can rely on these people. You burnt so many bridges when you left, and you're not even sure if your relationships with them are free from scorches either. You'd messaged all of them in the last week and hadn't received any replies yet.
You only have enough money saved to stay a week or two in a motel and then you'd be stranded. And there is no way you would or could reach out to your family for help.
Anxiety is starting to set in as your optimism slips.
"I'm sorry Y/n. I just want you to be safe." He takes hold of your hand, seeing the reservation in your eyes.
You both sit quietly a few minutes more. You're thinking up and down your contact book of people that you might be able to get help from. Your concentration breaking every few thoughts to chastise yourself. How could you have been so stupid as to ruin so many relationships in such a short period of time?
"I have a compromise." Namjoon interrupts the silence. "We both know your intentions. We know you need to leave and start your life over. But right at this moment, you're missing a few of the tools to do that. Every beginning needs preparation. So come back, temporarily, and save up so you can support yourself. Reconnect with your friends, start talking with your business connections again. Then when you're prepared you can go back to the city certain you'll succeed. I'll even help you find a new job and a new apartment. Or I can completely stay out of it. Your choice." He smiles reassuringly.
"I-" You trail off, not sure how to refute such a reasonable plan. Or if you even want to.
"What's the alternative Y/n? I can't stand the idea of you ending up alone with nothing and no one. I need to know you're going to be safe. You owe me that much." He pleads with concern in his eyes.
You sigh lightly. He's right. And once again he's being so selfless. How can you refuse?
Nodding, you smile softly, feeling somehow both relieved and defeated at the same time. "Yeah, okay."
Smiling a bit wider, his shoulders release and he sits easier. He stands, holding his hand down for you, taking your suitcase in the other. "Come on, let's go home."
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
Hi dear! Can I ask for yandere headcanons for Ino, Shikamaru,Karin, Mei and Yagura?
I combined this and another request together since they’re basically the same.
Tw: Yandere themes, stalking, possessiveness, delusional thinking, manipulating, blackmailing, threatening, kidnapping, isolation, vicious behavior, violence, killing
Yandere Naruto Hc’s
Ino Yamanaka
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🌼Ino would be similar to Sakura. She’s the clingy and delusional Yandere. She thinks her and her darling are perfect together and there’s no way her s/o will be able to go anywhere without her.
🌼Also the manipulative Yandere. Ino can be so charming if she wants to be and how can her darling reject her when she looks so gorgeous and asks so sweetly? Her abilities can be useful in here as well since she might use them on the darling to control them without them realizing it. But just like Sakura she’ll use the ‘Please don’t act like Sasuke’ card on her s/o to guilt trip them. To my huge surprise I can see her as the controlling Yandere. She wants her darling to rely and trust her with everything they do. She wants them to depend on her as much as possible.
🌼Ino doesn’t have the calmest and most patient character and everyone will notice her jealousy. They should better leave her darling alone before Ino snaps and starts throwing a tantrum. She’s truly scary when she’s jealous.
🌼Why killing when her jutsu is so much more effective? She can just control someone with her jutsu and make them screw up big without doing much. Since she has been taught by Tsunade she isn’t all into killing. With her mind controlling jutsu she can cause much more damage.
🌼I think given her charm she’ll be most likely able to go into a relationship with her darling. She doesn’t really like the idea of kidnapping her darling and why do that if a little bit mind controlling is all that is needed? But she would only do that if she confesses to her darling and they reject her or want to break up with her.
🌼Ino would be a really gorgeous and charming girlfriend and it might be able to work out in a more or less “normal” relationship if we put her terrible jealousy and her wish that you depend on her aside. But the moment she’s forced to use her jutsu on you is the moment it gets twisted since she’s able to control you without you even realizing that you’re being controlled. You were just about to break up with her? Suddenly it feels like you fall in love with her all over again. How could you even think about leaving her? She has you wrapped around her fingers when she does this. Don’t get the wrong idea. She wants you to love her without needing to use her powers, but a little push might help, right?
Shikamaru Nara
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🦌That’s a hard one to grasp as a Yandere, but let’s see. Shikamaru is the obsessive and aware Yandere. This guy is terrifying smart and knows that his feelings can’t be seen as normal. He might even feel a bit ashamed that he feels that way. He might appear uninterested in his darling when he talks to them, but that’s a lie. He sneaks slyly questions or sentences in to get a reaction from his darling. Their language, way of speaking, movements, behavior, he’ll analyze it all carefully and attentively. This makes him a perfect manipulative one. He doesn’t really want to use that on the s/o, but sometimes he can’t help, but let the one or other sentence in to get the wanted reaction from them. He knows what he has to do and say.
🦌A stalker. This gives him the perfect opportunity to analyze his darling when they’re confronted with other situations and he also knows that if he spends too much time with his darling others might get suspicious. To be honest, stalking them is such a drag, but he has no other choice. I guess after he lost his sensei he might also become the overprotective one, realizing how fast he can lose people in this world.
🦌Shikamaru is pretty chill about his darling interacting with other people. He doesn’t have much of a problem. But he gets jealous when he notices that you show a liking to someone or the other way around, he knows it from the body language and the behavior. If he is stalking them he won’t interfere as long as no one gets too touchy. If he’s with his s/o at that time he reacts passive aggressive towards the other person.
🦌That’s too much of a drag. Shikamaru is very reasonable with the people around his s/o. He’ll rely more on manipulation and might spread some rumors about them or might humiliate them in public with his shadow possession jutsu. To bring this guy to kill someone they would have to attempt to kill his darling and hurt them. Then he’ll get flashbacks from how his sensei died and will come up with a cruel strategy how to get rid of that person.
🦌He’s as mentioned ashamed that he feels like this and will try to avoid this possibility. But if he witnesses his darling getting harmed his overprotectiveness will get the better of him. He’ll use manipulations to bring the s/o “willingly” to stay in their house, telling them that he’s just worried and that he doesn’t want to lose another person precious to him.
🦌Shikamaru is a very chill Yandere as long as he isn’t triggered enough. He tries to not show his Yandere tendencies too much and with him it might be able to have a not too messed up relationship. But don’t underestimate him. His intelligence makes him really dangerous for you and those who managed to anger him enough.
Karin Uzumaki
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♦️Karin is the clingy and lovestruck one. You do remember how she acted towards Sasuke and it’s much more worse with her darling. There’s no space left to breathe and she’s absolutely the type to force her affections on her s/o. Cuddles, kisses, holding hands, whatever you can think of. Her darling is in her eyes the most beautiful and amazing person that has ever walked on this planet. Obsessive and more than just obvious with it. The type to steal your clothes and wear them.
♦️Also the overprotective Yandere. She was used and mistreated after all in her past because she’s an Uzumaki and has no intention on ever letting something like this happen to her darling. Delusional, she believes that everything is fine between the two of you and that you are in love with each other. Probably even a small masochistic because do you remember the scene in the fight with Killer B where Sasuke bit her so that he could heal and her reaction to it?
♦️Bad temper! She starts yelling and cursing as soon as someone looks at you. It’s honestly a bit embarrassing for her darling. If someone dares to make a comment about her s/o they need to hold Karin back or else she’ll smack that asshole.
♦️She does have a bad temper and curses at anyone near you, but dogs who bark don’t bite. Most of the time. Karin beats the living shit out of everyone who doesn’t treat you like the perfect being she thinks you are. As long as no one hurts or makes her darling cry that’s enough for her. But god forbid the person who sinned that badly to scratch her darling or make them cry because then Karin will lose it.
♦️It’s not kidnapping. It’s spending time with the love of her life. Karin requires a lot of time with her s/o and if they ignore her or don’t want to spend time with her she’ll see it as a sign that they want to spend time with her. She has the key to your house and will invite herself in whenever she wants too. Don’t ask her how she got it. Trying to escape won’t be from use either, she’ll just sense your chakra and will always find you.
♦️Karin is a terrible Yandere. Not because she’s mean or hurts you, but because she’s so extremely clingy. She mistakes every sign of rejection you show her for the complete opposite. Her jealousy is horrible as well and people will start to avoid you because they don’t want to get yelled at. She steals all of your things and wears them herself. In short she’s annoying.
Shisui Uchiha
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🍂Shisui is the aware type of Yandere. He knows that this isn’t really love, but something darker and is ashamed of it. He is the overprotective Yandere. He feels still guilty for letting his friend die back then because he refused to help him and is on a daily base faced with dangerous situations and he swore to himself that he will protect his s/o.
🍂Shisui is also a stalker, choosing to watch from a distance. He’s very sharp in noticing smaller details, making him an obsessive one as well. This guy has also talent for the manipulative type since he can see through the emotional nature of others and is in general a very clever person.
🍂Shisui hates himself for feeling this way and wishes his darling to be happy. With the amount of patience he possesses he can stand a lot of talking and even slight flirting. He only starts feeling jealous when his s/o shows very strongly that they like someone.
🍂Shisui wouldn’t kill if it isn’t needed. Most of the time he can give persons a warning and can discuss the issue more politely with them. If someone won’t stand away from his darling despite the warning he’ll use genjutsu at first and trap them in with their greatest nightmare. He only kills as a last resort when someone exposes himself as a serious threat to his darling or is about to tell everyone about his unhealthy felling for the s/o. Then he sees himself cornered.
🍂He would really, really like to avoid this topic for preferably forever since he would never be able to look at himself properly again when he does this. But here again, if he’s cornered enough and with no other options left he’ll do it. Two possibilities where this might happen are when you’re either attacked and he couldn’t protect you or when you find out about his obsession with you and try to warn his clan and ask for help.
🍂Shisui can be a great boyfriend as long as he isn’t triggered enough. He has a lot of patience and awareness of his feelings mixed together with amazing self control. But he’s also really dangerous. He is respected by his clan and the third Hokage, he possesses strong powers and is really smart what makes a more than deadly mix for those who anger him enough and for you because you won’t be able to escape him. And don’t forget that even though he is really calm and gentle with you that this doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want. He hates punishing you, but he’ll do it if you give him no other option. He’ll use genjutsu on you if he punishes you.
Mei Terumi
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🔵Mei is the lovestruck, delusional and obsessive Yandere. She adores her darling a lot and believes that they are the person she has waited for her whole life and this fuels her desire to get to know them better as often and much as possible. This makes her the clingy type as well and the both of you will often be seen doing PDA.
🔵She’s also the manipulative type. Let’s be honest, Mei is beautiful and very witty and charming and also the Mizukage. She has the looks and powers and she can make her darling almost enchanted with her if she wants too.
🔵She’s rather sensitive to the topic of her darling being with other people, but she can hold for a short while on. But she loses her cool rather fastly when someone insults her darling. Then she’ll threaten to kill that person. She misunderstands things often so there’ll be a lot of people who she threatens to kill. Not like anyone would dare to make a move on the Mizukage’s darling.
🔵No villager is dumb enough to harm the s/o so there might not even be a reason for her to kill someone. Her darling is greatly protected by the Shinobi of Kirigakure and Mei herself. If a villager however does harm the s/o there will be harsh and cruel punishments, but she won’t kill as long as the person apologizes and won’t do it again. This is special treatment for villagers. If it’s someone from outside the village then this might turn out really ugly.
🔵Mei won’t kidnap them if they don’t reject her affections or are in danger. She’s someone who likes to show her darling off to the village and who likes it when the both of you are seen together. She loves it when people talk about how happy and great you look together.
🔵Mei is the type to spoil her darling if they behave well and to be honest you should consider yourself as lucky to have her as your girlfriend. She has everything someone could ask for. However, Mei doesn’t fear to manipulate, bribe and blackmail you if she has to since she believes that you are meant to be together. I can see her as someone who would go as far as paying people to attack you so she can step in and save you so you’ll see her as a hero. She really just wants to take care of you. But I think it isn’t necessary to go that far since she already has you hooked up with her charm and wits. It is hard to not fall in love with this woman here.
Yugito Nii
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🐅I didn’t see much of her, but I tried my best. She’s the aware type of Yandere. She knows that her feelings aren’t normal and will try to control them. She does have her tailed beast under control, but she can’t be careful enough. Also on the bit stricter side, not terribly, but there are some things she wishes her darling would act to her opinion accordingly on and she will scold them if they don’t act the way she wishes them to.
🐅She’s also the overprotective Yandere. Even though she is now respected by everyone she was hated when she was younger and there might be still some people who hate her and might use her darling as a bait. Also the manipulative Yandere. She’s calm and smart and will manipulate her darling if she’s forced to.
🐅As mentioned rather calm. She’ll let her darling interact with other people and can control her jealousy. But when she realizes that she reaches her limits she will come in and interrupt the interaction. She’ll never admit openly that she’s jealous since she’s a pretty proud person.
🐅It would be rather easy for her to dispose her enemies since she’s a jinchuriki, but that would break all the trust the villagers now have in her. Trust that she worked her ass off for. So she won’t kill unless it’s not a very serious situation where you’re being attacked and the enemy is dead serious about killing her s/o. She isn’t someone who misuses the power given to her unless she faces a strong enemy.
🐅She wouldn’t want to use such methods if there’s a way to avoid it. She would only does it if someone targets her darling. Yugito will most like be able to talk her darling into staying at home in such situations since she knows what she has to say.
🐅Yugito is a proud and wise woman who is sometimes a bit harsh on you, but she also knows that she shouldn’t feel that way and will try to not show her Yandere side too much. She’s also reasonable with you and would never force you to anything unless you’re in danger. And she does have a soft spot for you even though she doesn’t show it too often.
Yagura Karatachi
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🐢His Yandere type depends on whether he was at that time under Tobi’s control or not. If not he’s the obsessive, calm and aware one. He knows about his wrong feelings and will try to keep them under control. He is very calm and composed, but can also be very talkative and curious when it comes to his darling and might steal here and there some things from them. I can also see him as the overprotective and clingy type. Kirigakure has this brutal ritual that everyone has to undergo in order to become a genin and became the jinchuriki of the three-tailed at a very young age. He might be able to handle all this, but he isn’t too sure about his darling and will try to stick to their side as long and often as possible.
🐢If he’s being manipulated from Tobi then he’s the obsessive, aware, possessive, manipulative and violent type. He’ll be much more forceful with his obsessive tendencies and will steal whatever he likes from his darling and uses his influence to get all the informations he wants. He still knows that his feelings are wrong, but now he doesn’t care anymore and will just take what he desires. Shamelessly blackmails and threatens his s/o to get them to stay with him and at least pretend to love him or else he’ll kill their closed ones. He’ll be more willing to hurt them both, physically and mentally if they don’t behave. Also the controlling, isolating and removal type. He wants to control his darling’s life and if they anger him he’ll not only make sure that they never see other humans again, no, he’ll also kill everyone they love so he’s their only option left.
🐢If he’s not under Tobi’s control he’ll hold on for a while, but he gets jealous rather fastly and will after some time tell the other person politely to go. If someone mentions his rather childish looks he might have a small outburst since this is a sensitive topic for him. If both of you are in private and you pay attention to something else he might even have a more childish reaction and pout for your attention. If he’s being controlled then it’s unlikely that he has reasons to be jealous since he keeps his darling somewhere locked up, but if they pay attention to something else then he’ll have a scary outburst. They should better pay attention to him if they don’t want to get punished.
🐢Yagura is the Mizukage and holds some power which he will use to ruin someone’s life if the situation calls for it, but only if someone really gave him a reason to. That doesn’t count for the manipulated Yagura. If he finds out that someone searches for his darling which is kept in a safe house that person is as good as dead. Same goes for if his darling loves someone else even if it’s just sibling-like love. His possessiveness of being the only one to own their heart shines through in here.
🐢Yagura tries to hide his Yandere side and since he’s the clingy one and is most of the time near his darling there’s no reason for him to lock them in. Only if he’s needy for their attention and love or if there might be danger he’ll keep his darling trapped in a place. If he’s being controlled then there’s no question that he’ll kidnap the s/o almost instantly after discovering his dark feelings.
🐢It’s kind of obvious that he’s all messed up after put under Tobi’s genjutsu. He’s nothing, but terrifying and will use any means necessary to ensure that you can’t escape his grip. But before that he’s a much more easier Yandere who was much more patient with his darling and far more harmless. He’s not to blame, it’s Tobi’s fault.
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▪️Utakata is the aware and overprotective Yandere. He knows that these feelings he has for his s/o are dangerous and tries to cover them most of the time up. He experienced some shocking events in the past and believes that his master has betrayed him and since he went rogue he’s constantly hunted by the hunter-nin from Kirigakure so it’s understandable that he’s very overprotective.
▪️Also the possessive and slightly harsh, yet at the same time soft and desperate Yandere. He left his village and everything he ever trusted and believed in was shattered so he grasps almost desperately onto the only thing that this world left him. You. He has problems in acknowledging his strong feelings for his darling and might sometimes be a bit mean to them because of this, but he can also become really gentle and caring if he wants to be. He doesn’t have anyone left anymore so all he really wants is at least one person who he can trust and love.
▪️He’s constantly on the run so there aren’t many chances for him to be jealous. If they do come under people he’s fine with his darling talking to other people since he knows that they won’t stay long anyways. However, if someone gets too close to his darling he does step in. He can come over as quite impolite with his way of speaking and is the type to act passive aggressive.
▪️He has already enough troubles with being hunted down so the last thing he wants to do is killing someone and dealing with all the problems. It isn’t very smart to kill someone because this might lead to the hunting-nin finding him faster and he’s also the type who wants to avoid troubles. He only kills someone if this person attacks his darling and won’t back off.
▪️He needed to kidnap his s/o in order to keep them with him. He didn’t want to do it, but he couldn’t fight his inner desire.
▪️Utakata isn’t the worst one from this list. He has patience with you and knows that he ruined your whole life when forcing you to come with him. He is angry with himself that he feels this way and will sometimes let his frustration out on you, but he apologizes later on and tries to make it up for you. But the circumstances you’re under are pretty bad. You’ll most likely never see your family again and can’t even contact them because the Hunter-nin might find out about it. It’s exhausting to wander from place to place.
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🐛Fuu is the lovestruck and clingy Yandere. She’s so in love with her darling and sees them as pure beauty. She supports whatever her darling does and believes that whatever they say is right. If someone disagrees with her darling’s opinion this girl won’t stop arguing with the person until they admit that her darling is right. She’s all over her darling and probably one of the biggest fans of PDA.
🐛Also the delusional Yandere. She’s convinced that her darling and her are perfect for each other and that no one else is better for her darling than her.
🐛She gets fastly jealous since she’s needy for her darling’s attention. She’ll clinge desperately onto her darling’s arm and will constantly tug on their sleeves or poke them until they give her attention. If someone makes her darling uncomfortable or gets too touchy with them she’ll interrupt quickly and won’t stop talking about how they shouldn’t do this and that you are already taken and and and.
🐛I honestly can’t see her as someone who would ever attempt to kill someone, she’s way too innocent and social for that. She’s more the type to embarrass the person in public.
🐛She also isn’t the type to kidnap. She’s basically glued to her darling’s side 24/7 so there’s no need to kidnap them. The closest that gets to kidnapping when she forces her darling to let her spend the night in her house for a pyjama party.
🐛Fuu is a pretty innocent bean and a very tame Yandere. You can easily manipulate her since she’s almost blinded by her love for you. Would never harm you or manipulate you. The only thing annoying in here is her constant need for attention and that she smothers you in affection.
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🎇Does anyone even remember him? He was so briefly introduced, but for some reason popped in my head up whilst I was doing this so I decided to put him in. C is the aware and strict type of Yandere. He knows that his feelings are completely wrong and was at the beginning annoyed by this because it kept him distracted from focusing fully on his duties, but eventually he learned to accept them. It’s more than important for him that no one finds out how forced his relationship with his darling is and expects them to behave properly. This makes him the controlling one since he needs to make sure that his darling doesn’t get the chance of telling someone how he really is.
🎇Also the obsessive, possessive and manipulative type. I can imagine him as a really charming one who is talented in lying and will get his darling to dedicate most of their time with him. He has never experienced such abnormal feelings and that sparks his curiosity in why he feels this way about the s/o. What is it that makes them so special? He doesn’t know, but he’ll make sure to find out. His feelings also lead him to the point where he’ll become incredibly possessive over his darling, wanting to keep them for himself.
🎇He dislikes it when his darling spends time with other people and enjoys their presence. The only persons where he will hold back if they want to talk with his s/o are Darui, Killer B and the Raikage. But with everyone else it’ll be different. He’ll start telling his darling rumors about their family and friends. You want to see them? How funny. He overheard them talking about how annoying you are recently. Due to his manipulation you’ll start to avoid and isolate yourself from other people.
🎇He has a high position and is respected by the Raikage so he has to be smart about this. He’ll rely more on manipulation in such situations. Killing would only be used as a last resort and he has to plan carefully for this so that no trace will lead to him.
🎇Kidnapping is under his dignity. He makes it smarter. He’ll wrap his darling up in enough lies until they believe that they can’t trust anyone except him and will come willingly to him. If you should however try to escape him he’ll lock you up in a dark and empty room, not letting you see any sunlight or even the trace of a human anywhere near. Not even he will spend much time with you, only bringing you food and then leave. He keeps this up until you beg and cry for his attention and affection.
🎇If he would be a Yandere he would be a horrible one. Manipulative Yanderes are never funny to be with. He’ll have you think that you’re alone in this world and will make you paranoid around people so that you won’t leave his side. He’ll manipulate you until you’re exactly like he wants you to be. Dependent on only him.
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pls scream about Leo a lil bit cause my love for that man is neverending and i live for you guys' blog,,, and ur comte love fuels me??? head empty except for those two pureblood clowns
HNGNGNG I hope that both you and everyone that reads my shenanigans knows how utterly understood I feel when I see anyone stan Comte, if not both of those idiot purebloods bc good lord...I live for two tired fossil men that just want DOMESTIC BLISS. Literally they have no brain cells beyond respect women and we love that for us, it’s spectacular!!
Under a cut bc I went off and is long:
That being said I’d be happy to yell abt Leo!! Where do I even begin, this man was the reason I got into Ikevamp in the first place, and I’ve read just about every single one of his events at this point. He just makes me so TENDER!!!!!! For whatever reason the first thing that came to mind was this one time he lies about being jealous and MC is lolol u a fool if you think I can’t tell when you lie to me. And he’s so fuckiNG SHOOK?????? It’s even funnier because she’s internally like [I’m not 100% sure but for a second there he almost looked mad...time to test this theory even if it’s just A GAME T H E O R Y] And he’s so fucking pikachu meme that shit sends me. I can’t handle the fact that he’s so used to people just assuming he’s fine, that he can handle himself. That he’s lived for so long without really anyone noticing at all. (Comte absolutely notices and will lightly roast him, but doesn’t really push him about it or wants to overstep). And so when MC just actively pays attention and is so gentle with him he’s just floored???
God I’m crying now, but I will just never forget the funeral scene in his fucking rt. This asshole, this absolute moron, straight up tries to come at us with “yOu GeT uSeD tO iT aFtEr HaLf A mIlLeNiUm, i’M nOt SaD”. Like are you serious. Come here and let me hold you before I throttle you. Absolute clown. He’s just always trying so hard to get by on his own and it breaks my heart. How long...how long has he lived just getting by, nursing his own wounds and dragging himself up all by himself. HE LEFT HOME AT LIKE 14 (whatever the fuCK SOME TOO YOUNG AGE) AND RAN STRAIGHT INTO THE HANDS OF PEOPLE THAT HATED HIM FOR HIS TALENT. HE REMEMBERS HIS MENTORS DESTROYING HIS UTENSILS WHILE TRYING TO ESCAPE PARENTS THAT WHOLEHEARTEDLY REJECTED ANY EXPRESSION OF LOVE OR COMPASSION FOR HUMANITY THAT HE CHERISHED SO DEEPLY. I DON’T NEED SLEEP I NEED TO HUG HIM IMMEDIATELY FUCKING HELL.
Like.........there’s just........I don’t know how to explain it, but I once saw it explained so well in a post. It was basically talking about Castlevania, and how in that show Dracula sees humanity’s folly and develops so much hatred he just goes straight to murder rage. And while in some ways I understand that, I understand even more deeply Trevor’s response to humanity’s fear and violence. He says that he knows they’re short-sighted, that maybe we all just don’t deserve saving...but that he’s going to do it anyway. Leonardo just so much gives me that energy of knowing there’s so much pain in the world, but all we can do is keep walking--keep trying, even if we have to claw our way forward. Because if you only see the awfulness in front of you, you forget the way that strangers make silly faces at babies to make them laugh on the train, how a friend will put everything down to race over to someone and comfort them with some ice cream--do anything they can to distract them from the hurt. How the sight of a child crying will prompt careful cooing from a stranger as to their bravery, an offering of cool water, the gentle placement of a bandaid. How a pair of teenagers will spot a lost child in milliseconds and help them seek out their parents protectively. There is so much wretchedness, but also so much beauty in it all, and the older I get the more I see myself wanting to believe in the latter. I want to be hopeful, and easily impressed, and full of love. To be bitter and jaded accomplishes nothing, and only becomes a worsening self-fulfilling prophecy. The more you seek negativity, the more you will find it; and worse, create it.
I also scream a little bit bc like. I’ve gone on and on about how Comte is very obviously in love with MC all the time, and sure that may be true. But...I really don’t think Leo is exempt from that either if I’m honest lmfao. Only because what does Leonardo do when it isn’t his route? He almost never shows up. Once in a while he might appear for a split second in a scene, but he almost never converses with MC beyond those short moments. While Comte is the one to pine openly, I’d wager Leo is the opposite. He pines in absolute silence, because he knows that if he gets any closer--he’s going to fall. He’s going to enjoy it too much, going to keep seeking out more before he can stop himself. And losing another person he loves...he just can’t do it anymore. In his first meeting story he talks about seeing MC’s eyes and feeling like he’d known them all his life, and even in his MS he speaks to just being completely fascinated by and enamored of her. She doesn’t hesitate, always does her best, meets people head-on and without much hesitation. After a lifetime of people that are probably just immediately interested in him for his talents, or always seeking out his company for the novelty, this is someone that doesn’t give a single fuck if he’s Leonardo da Vinci. Sure she’s aware, and sure she’s impressed to some extent, but her respect--her attraction and admiration--is something that has to be earned. 
There’s something so refreshing about how their love was written. Sure it’s the whole fake marriage to a real relationship, but it’s also a kind of subtle enemies to lovers pulled off masterfully. MC is 100% minding her own business, just wants to do what she must in order to get home, tries to focus on her work to keep from thinking about how much she misses her old life. She doesn’t rely on anyone, doesn’t talk about how hard it is or how scary it is or how confusing. And even Leonardo forgets in his curiosity, is just chillin and also just trying to do the bare minimum to keep from getting too attached--figures he can admire her from a distance. And then he sees her staring at the hourglass. And suddenly, he can’t just watch her do that herself. Just wait for the hard times to pass, just sit with her own loneliness--that hollowing silence. There’s something so moving about it because he reaches out precisely because he knows that feeling to his fucking marrow, and literally just cannot watch somebody else do that to themselves. Sure he’s been dealing with it for three hundred years, BUT THIS GOOD BABIE CHILD DOES NOT DESERVE THIS. SHE WORKS HARD AND DESERVES NICE THINGS!!!!!!!! And so he drives her crazy as he races ahead of her, intercepting any attempt for her to preserve that silence and hide. She doesn’t see any pattern to it, and that’s just how he likes it--he doesn’t want her to worry about the how or why. 
Like I fully remembering playing in Japanese and being like oh my fucking god this is hilarious, this man is just a wild fucker and I love this. I was enjoying myself, mostly laughing and shaking my head. But then it just gets so, so serious. I was having so much fun that I, like a fool, forgot the anime effect. If you’re having fun, it’s going to come crashing down without mercy soon enough. And it does. He helps a little girl without any hope play her violin again, and maybe I’m just too English major but I was fucking FLOORED when I realized I didn’t see that that was straight foreshadowing. That little girl without hope? That was MC (and by extension depending on how you play, us). Though the metaphor isn’t quite so easily mapped without a physical space, the connection is clear when you think about it. With his careful social awareness, he makes a place for MC to exist in the mansion so naturally--as though she was meant to be there from the start, crafts a positive impression of her presence with each of the residents. And he does it with zero expectation of anything in return; he’s just happy to see her not stressing herself out anymore or trying to do everything alone. MC doesn’t fall in love with him despite their differences, she falls in love with him because they are the same in a singular and all-encompassing way that matters; they both care about other people so deeply, to the point where they will forego any personal needs in order to make that person’s life easier. Whether it be muting their own hardship, or working to involve another person in a new space (or opening up to the point of self-destruction to keep a person from feeling alone), they go above and beyond what anybody asks of them--perhaps strong to the point of their own detriment, in some cases. 
It’s why I always laugh when he says to Sebastian “That cara mia, she has a good heart.” Of course she does, Leonardo; it certainly takes one to know one. 
Like. I can’t think of another route I’ve ever done where I spent a good amount of time like “lmfao this guy is so wild im gonna punch him” to just be in a whirlpool of my own tears, regretting my entire fucking LIFE days later. Like Leonardo’s cultural impact???? Fucking immeasurable, I wish every white man disaster I ever met had a hidden heart of gold in all of his boyish dumbassery, an ICONIC himbo of our time. 
Also because I remembered it before posting and I am Dying^TM. The event where MC was a pureblood and he was human. That entire fucking event. I literally can’t think about it without screaming and crying. Her just so flustered at his reaction to her like “oh look, free real estate” as he plops her in his lap, absolutely no fear, treating her like a princess because of her noble title despite NO NECESSITY BEYOND PLAYFULNESS BUT ALSO STILL MEANING IT IN AN EARNEST WAY, being charming to no END just to see her laugh or look away shyly. 
WHEN HE SAID. WHEN HE SAID “...Can’t leave you alone, or you might go off someplace I can’t follow.” I. CONGRATULATIONS, YOU STRIPPED DEVOTION DOWN TO ITS BARE ESSENTIALS!!!!!! GAH HOW MC HERSELF SAYS “I would tell him the truth but...he’s much too generous for a human. I know he would offer his life without a moment’s hesitation.” How Leo describes the aftermath of her biting him: “Lucky for you, I’m a true gentleman, Unlike my principessa, who took me like a storm” HELLO??????? H E L  L O ???????????????????????? ARE WE JUST GOING TO SLEEP ON THE FACT THAT HE LOST HIS ENTIRE SOUL WHEN SHE BIT HIM???? I--
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.
(Also as much as I love him the cigarillos have got to go at some point, boy do you have any idea the shit secondhand smoke does good lordt)
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sunflowersseemhappy · 4 years
[Fluff] Morga X Mc hunting trip...where they cuddle by the fire?
So fortunately this was already a work in progress that I almost abandoned, probably the quickest fic I’ve done for a while but it’s bordering on angst as well as fluff. I hope you like @the-chaos-siblings! :)
REQUESTS ARE OPEN and here is my Masterlist!
This hunting trip had not gone as planned, that was all you were sure about, everything else? Not so much. You weren’t sure how long you and Morga had trekked through the forest checking snares, or if the sounds of the forest were just small critters hiding in the bush or something much more dangerous. Neither were you certain the fire would keep such dangers away but right now you’re not even sure if Morga wants to talk to you ever again.
Your uncertainties began an hour or two ago...
“Could you be... any louder?” Morga’s voice comes out as a hushed grumble as she ducks under the branch ahead, noiseless and smooth. You are less so; as twigs snap beneath your feet and you fight against the onslaught of grabbing branches and tickly leaves. Birdsong is loud in your ears and you watch as a robin cheeps down at you from above, so caught up in it’s song you forget the branch ahead.
“Why would I- ow!” Your head makes a thudding sound as you walk into the branch. “Who put that there?!” Rubbing at your forehead, you notice Morga has turned to look at you. Seeing the ghost of a smirk on her thin lips you smile, embarrassed flush rushing to your cheeks. But as soon as you see the look its gone, closing her silvery eyes and taking a deep breath Morga takes a moment to survey the surroundings.
“We’ll make camp soon, there’s a river down this hill, we’ll camp there.” Her careful gaze scorches over you, almost as if she’s looking for your approval. It’s nice, she’s been getting better at communicating with you, looking to you for opinions. Not that she needs it, you know, she’s a seasoned huntress. She knows what she’s doing, but you nod all the same. “Good, seeing as the snares are empty we might have to improvise some-”
Morga’s head snaps to look rightwards, further up the hill the cry of an eagle sounds. Jæger. You hadn’t heard from the bird in sometime, usually that was a good thing that meant there was no danger in sight. Even on the rare occasion you would hear his cry it usually meant there was a stag or something equally good to hunt. But this call, reverberating in your eardrum’s was a sign of something else something lurking in the forest.
“Morga?” The woman puts out a steadying hand to hush you, you fall into silence as Morga places herself before you. Her head swivelling around to look out into the trees, you mimic her. Knowing full well whatever was out there would see the both of you long before either of you saw it. Taking a steady breath you push back the surge of adrenaline, Morga had always said it was bad for survival to rely on adrenaline. But your legs are already turning to jelly, heart racing, taking in quick breaths.
The forest had always felt so sheltered, but now it was sheltering another, you were no longer safe.
That’s when the snake appeared, not a normal snake by any account. This one was the length of ten men and had a body as wide as the trunks of the ancient oaks around you, black and shimmery scales catching the evening glare of the sun. It’s eyes were equally as black, pits of ebony sitting in its head. Usually you quite liked snakes, but the fact that this one was eyeing you for its evening meal was not giving you much reason to like it.
“Morga,” your warning tone causes the woman to glance back at you, seeing the obvious fear in your eyes. She knows it, you know it and the snake knows it. There’s no outrunning the creature. Too much muscle ripples under the scales, it glides so smoothly over the leaf litter, languid and unhurried. “What do we do?”
“I’ll keep it from you,” Morga answers steadily, “run to the river and follow it’s path, there will be a village...” You startle, both at the at the end of the sentence and the fact that she want’s you to leave her. Before you can answer the snake strikes, leaping forward with such startling speed that if it were not for Morga’s hand tugging you by the wrist you’d be snake-chow.
Yelping you fall into the leaves, almost instantly regaining your feet you watch as Morga brandishes her spear in the snake’s direction. She shouts something at you before she charges, but you bearly catch it over the hiss of the snake. Not expecting it’s food to fight back, however striking out at Morga in it’s irritability. The strike misses by centimetres, the flash of Morga’s spear and the crack as it snaps down onto the skull of the snake makes you wince.
She’s twirling and dodging the snake as it slides around her, striking at given chances and hissing as Morga lands blows to it’s body. You’re caught up in a trance, unable to do anything, let alone run to the river. But then it happens, the snake’s blunt head flashing forward and ramming Morga in the chest. The hunter looks shocked as she is flung to the side, winded and grimacing on the ground as the snake advances.
“No!” On autopilot you scrabble forward, Morga only a few metres from your place. Bearing down on you the snake hisses triumphantly as you pick Morga up, wrenching her arm over your shoulder as she growls at you.
“I told you to run,” she says, tone desperate as she tries to stand to her feet.
“That’s not a lesson I remember learning.” You snap, facing down the snake, this time it’s mouth opens to swallow you both as it leaps.
You can’t fight, nor run, not with Morga winded and injured around your shoulders. Magic? Terrified nothing comes to mind as the fangs stretch out to tear into you. Your heel teeters behind you, the hill! It drops down and you hope its rushing water you can hear at the bottom and not the snake’s fierce hiss. Wrapping Morga up in a protective hug you take an intake of breath and let yourself fall...
The hissing of the giant snake is instantly cut short. Afterwards you were vaguely aware of how your hand cradled Morga’s skull, rolling down the hill and bashing into trees. Sharp rocks sticking you in the side and leaves whipping your skin like cat-o-nine-tails. You’re pretty sure you screamed as you hurtled down the hill, it probably wasn’t Morga. But you heard her own grunts of pain, until you didn’t. When you felt yourself float through the air and then crash down into water.
Swept against rocks and the banks with closed eyes and a prayer to someone, anyone that you would live as water closed over your head. That Morga would live, as the river swept you away. It seemed those prayers were answered.
You shivered as you built the fire and stripped off your clothes, it was warmer without them. Morga mimicked you, but said nothing as you built the biggest fire you could. You had found her spear, snapped in two by the fall, amazed it hadn’t impaled one or both of you. Well you would be amazed that you survived, but Morga wasn’t talking to you and that definitely down played the amazement.
At some point Jæger arrived, the big bird of prey surveying the two of you from the trees. It seemed even the bird could sense the uncomfortable tension in the silence, but at the very least he had not given you any indication that the snake had followed you down the hill and the river.
You were no longer sure about what to do, but you did know one thing. Morga had broken her leg, it was swelling too much to be anything else. Maybe that’s why she was mad, you had pushed the both of you down that hill. Each injury; the cut on your forehead, the ribs you are sure you broke, the gash along Morga’s arm, the broken leg, not to mention all the little cuts and bruises...
Were all your fault.
After setting her leg in deathly silence, minus the hisses of pain from Morga’s clenched teeth, you kept a safe distance between the two of you. Hugging your knees as you sidled up to the fire and Morga glared over her broken spear, you could only focus on how cold you were. All other thoughts were guilt, sadness and fear.
“Why didn’t you do as I told you?” Morga’s tone is even as she speaks, at first you’re confused. She doesn’t look at you as she says it, but when you stay silent she glances up at you. Taken aback you lower your hands from your knees and place them in the leaf litter, crunching them nervously between your hands.
“I... I don’t know...”
“Don’t lie to me Y/N,” Morga’s tone sounds borderline threatening, but it softens when she sees your shoulders tense up. “You should have done as I told you to, you were in danger. You needed to run.” She puts a particular stress on ‘needed’, but it sounds like she wishes she had begged you to run, not just ordered you to.
“You were in danger too and I needed to save you more than I needed to save myself. You’re not invincible, much as you’d like to think that.” You can see Morga open her mouth to comment but she closes her mouth before any words come out, grumbling to herself. If she was able to move she’d probably give you one of those taps at the back of your head, her way of saying ‘I hate you but you’re right.’
“I... know.” Morga states, she goes no further into the conversation, but suddenly a great weight has lifted between you. Now much more comfortable you stand stiffly and limp over to Morga, pain painted across your face at the aches, cuts and bruises pretty much everywhere. You settle beside her, leaning into her shoulder, the tenseness in them melts quickly as the two of you get comfortable beside each other in the leaf litter.
Evening droning on you stretch out next to each other, crickets chirps sending you to sleep, Morga’s arms warp around you. One arm cradling your skull from the floor and the other draped over your mid-section, you do the same for her. Bodies pressed flush together, skin touching skin you shiver despite the warmth of the fire as you tangle your legs up in her unbroken one.
Morga’s hand is already tugging through your hair, undoing the knots and riding it of the twigs and leaves, the feeling of her fingers against your scalp is heavenly as you bury into the crook of her neck. Gentle kisses from your chapped lips grazing over her skin, collarbone and shoulder tenderly loved as you press kisses to the cuts and bruises.
“I’m not going to run away when you need me Morga, never.” You whisper, etching circles against her skin with your fingernails. “I’d face millions of giant snakes and more before I ever do that...”
“You’re too stubborn for your own good,” Morga sighs tenderly, pulling back from your praise on her neck and watching as your eyes wind back up to look into hers. She tilts her head forward to nuzzle her face against yours, forehead resting gingerly against yours.
“I learned from the best.” You giggle giving her a lopsided grin, Morga actually chuckles under her breath knowingly, eyes fluttering. She’s usually last to fall asleep, but... God’s knows she needs it, you think hugging her closer as her breathing shallows. Morga stirs slightly, searching for your lips with closed eyes, not one to miss out on a kiss you bring your lips to meet hers.
The kiss melting so slowly as Morga falls into sleep, you break away and plant another lingering kiss on her cheek, then snuggle back into her neck. No longer afraid or unsure, just content in the fact that the two of you are in this together.
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backtobackbakubabe · 4 years
Stuck in the Middle with You (Part 2)
Bakugo x Reader 
Reader is a closet couponer and when word started spreading that there was going to be a mandatory quarantine to fend off a virus you weren't worried. You had enough supplies to last for months. However it wasn't until now that you realized you had no idea how to cook and you relied on take out and fast food for most of your meals. The only person who knew about your crazy couponing habit was Bakugo, so when he called and asked if he could raid your stash you got an idea.
Words: 2054
You tried not to moan as you took your first bite of Bakugo’s pancakes. They were so delicious, but you didn’t want to add to his already huge ego. For the most part you both are in silence, locking eyes every so often before immediately looking anywhere else but at each other. There was still some awkward tension between the two of you. He had kissed you, like actually kissed you but neither of you wanted to be the one to bring it up. 
You knew he only did it to try and help you through your panic attack. There was no way he would have done it for any other reason. He was Bakugo after all and you weren't even convinced that he even liked you as a friend. Sure he always attended movie nights, and yeah he brought you coupons. But that was it. The two of you never hung out one on one and you rarely spoke to each other over the phone. You had known the man for years and you didn’t know a damm thing about him. 
It wasnt until he cleared his thought that you realized you had been staring at him, “Do I need to teach you manners as well as cooking? Lesson number one, don’t stare at people.”
You snorted, “Oh that’s rich. A lesson on manners from the same person who manages to find a way to insult anyone who dares try and speak to him.”
He slammed his fork down, “Well at least I wasn't the one staring at another person practically drooling while they ate!”
You stood up and tossed your plate into the sink, “I was not drooling! I was just thinking...”
Bakugo came up behind you and rinsed your dish as well as his before putting them in the dish washer, “You really shouldn't leave dishes in the sink. Its a bad habbit...”
When you didnt answer he took a deep breath, “If we’re going to be stuck here then we should probably at least try and get along.”
Again you were struck by how little you knew about him. How had you been friends with him for this long and not know anything about him.
He groaned, “Are you even fucking listening to me?”
You nodded and pinched the bridge of you nose, “Yeah sorry, just was thinking again... I can be kind of spacey.” 
He softened a bit before leaning on the counter next to you, “So I’ve noticed... What are you thinking about?”
You blushed slightly before regaining your composure, “Honestly you... Not anything weird... It’s just. Well I feel like I actually don’t know much about you. Like are you a morning person? Whats your favorite color? What kind of movies do you like? I know none of that seems important but for some reason it just weirds me out that I dont know.”
Bakugo scratched the back of his neck, “Well I mean you never asked...” 
You hopped up on the kitchen counter and swung your legs that were now dangling, “Okay well to be fair that can go both ways. I’m sure you don’t know anything about me either.”
He seemed to think for a minute before nodding, “Well I guess it’s a good thing we have some time to catch up. Just promise me that what you learn stays between us. I dont need any fucking extras thinking they know me.” 
You rolled your eyes at his abrasiveness. “How about you pick something to watch and I’ll go raid my closet for things you could wear. I doubt you want to wear the same clothes every day for the foreseeable future.” 
“Tsk as if I’d wear girls clothes. The director from my hero agency said he’d send someone over with some clothes. It’ll probably just be a bunch of training gear with the agencies logo on it but I guess beggars cant be choosers.” 
Bakugo was right because halfway through “Gladiator” a man showed up with a duffle bag full of grey and black shirts, shorts, and sweats with his agencies logo on it. They were all still wrapped in plastic just to be safe. 
He threw the bag full of clothes behind the couch and reclaimed his spot next to you. You were bundled up in a blanket, trying not to fall asleep but you were drained after your episode earlier. It was only a little after 8 and you could feel your eye lids growing heavier. 
At some point you woke up and to your horror you were leaning on Bakugo. You would have panicked except you could feel his arm draped around your shoulders holding you to him. This was odd. You slowly sat up and stretched. “Sorry. You could have pushed me off. I wouldn't have blamed you. Especially with social distancing or whatever.”
He chuckled, “Oh believe me I thought about it. But you were cold and if we stuck together I cant have you getting sick.”
You saw a slight blush creep up his neck. You knew there was no way you would have gotten sick from being chilly in your own living room. But you also knew he was probably more comfortable doing something nice if he had an excuse. So you game him a genuine smile. “Thanks. I’ll be honest that's the best nap I’ve ever had. Well best I’ve slept in months actually. I’m always tossing and turning.” You turned off the tv that was now playing the credits. You had seriously slept through the entire second half of the movie. 
You walked over and started pulling out pillows and blankets from the hall closet. “You can sleep on the couch. It pulls out into a bed but honestly its more comfortable if you just sleep on it normally. We can take turns sleeping in the bed if you’re here long enough.”
He accepted the blankets but held tight to your hand. “Hey you know I meant it earlier when I said you could talk to me. I’m the last person to voluntarily open up about my feelings, but you know... I worry about you sometimes.” 
You plopped down on the couch with a huge sigh. “I appreciate your concern. But I wouldn't even know where to begin... I’m just... I don’t know. I’m fine.”
Bakugo took a seat next to you, “You’re what? Smart? Strong? Badass? Because those are the first words that come to mind when I think of you...”
You could feel your eyes prick with unshed tears. “Well those are definitely not high on the list of adjectives I would consider for myself. More like small, scared, and incompetent.” You leaned your head back on the couch and stared at the ceiling. 
Bakugo crossed his arms over his chest in mild frustration. “Why? That couldn’t be further from the truth! Well except the small thing. You are kinda little. But last I checked that wasn’t a bad thing. If anything... its kinda.... cute.” 
You looked up expecting to see him blushing. But instead you saw him giving you a nervous smile. You wiped a tear from the corner of your eyes and returned his smile, “Well you know how my quirk can be really vague? I only get fragments of the truth and even then it’s up to me to decide what they mean... That’s a lot of pressure. I cant be wrong. Ever. And there was this one time when I was a child... I was living with my mom.. I interpreted something wrong and someone died because of it. That kind of thing sticks with you.”
Bakugo reached out and took your hand, “Is that why you decided not to be a hero?”
You nodded as you wiped away another tear, “Yeah. Now I work behind a desk, looking at files, and no body gets hurt.” 
Bakugo surprised you by pulling you to him and giving you a tight hug. “I’m going to say something and you better not ever repeat it.... But I was always nervous to spar against you. You always seemed to be able to read me like a book. You worked harder than the rest of us including me. You were always in the gym or the library. I’m not saying I don’t understand your decision. I just want you to know that I think you would have been great.” 
You leaned into his hug, “Thank you... for everything today. For helping through my panic attack, for making me dinner, for hanging out with me. I know you say you didnt have a choice. But you really are a great friend.” 
You both laid there on the couch. Bakugo holding onto you taking deep breaths, “You want to talk about earlier? You dont have to but it might help me out to know what might trigger you if we’re going to be stuck here.”
You buried your face into his chest. “I dont really want to talk about it. But I will say I dont do very well when I feel trapped, especially if I have to be alone.”
He gave you a quick squeeze, “You going to be okay alone tonight?”
You sat up and swatted as his chest, “Bakugo Katsuki! Did you just ask if you could spend the night with me?”
He rolled his eyed before he pushed you off the couch. “Sorry for being concerned. I promise it’ll never happen again. Next time I’ll just let you suffer.”
You giggled, “There’s the Bakugo I know.” You started your trek up the stairs to your room calling a goodnight over your shoulder to the man who was getting cozy on your couch. When you had woken up this morning there was no way you could have predicted your day would end up like this. You didn’t know what was harder to believe, the lockdown, or the fact that Bakugo was a secret softy.
You were already so exhausted that it was hard for you to fall asleep. The hard part was staying asleep. You woke up several times, tossing and turning. Your anxiety was truly kicking your ass tonight. At one point you felt compelled to go and check that Bakugo was still there. Not that it would make any difference. There’s no way your insomnia would magically be cured by knowing that Bakugo was still there. 
But logic wasnt on your side tonight.
You wrapped yourself in a towel and tip toes across the cold hardwood floor. You tried really hard to be silent, slowly making your way down the stairs. It was so dark, but you could just make out the silhouette of his rising and falling chest. At least he could sleep. 
After you had satisfied your irrational need to make sure he was still there you stood and turned to go back up the stairs. You were almost to the top when the board groaned under your foot. You froze. 
“Y/n?” Bakugo slowly sat up. “Y/n what are you doing up?” He picked up his phone and groaned. “Y/n it’s four in the morning!” You remained frozen to your spot on the stairs. “Y/n I can see you... Are you okay?”
You sighed, “I’m fine, I was just having a hard time sleeping again. Its nothing new. Go back to sleep.”
He stood up and wrapped the blanket around his half asleep form. He slowly made his way up the stairs. When he got to you he didnt stop but kept walking towards your room. He only paused when he got to the door. “Are you coming or not?” 
You silently nodded and joined him in your room. He laid down on  the floor next to your bed, which looked extremely uncomfortable. “You sure you’re going to be okay down there?”
He scoffed, “Of course I’ll be okay. I’m no cry baby.”
You rolled your eyed and threw a pillow at him, “At lest take a pillow!”
He muttered something under his breath but excepted the pillow none the less. 
You rolled over and pulled the covers up to your chin, “Thank you Bakugo.”
“You’re welcome smalls.” 
Smalls.... It was a nickname he had used during your time at UA. You used to hate it but after tonights confession, you found it endearing. 
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I Refuse to be a Named Character pt 4
Here is the next part! More Luke and Nameless! 
Part 1 Part 2 and Part 3 linked here! 
Please don’t let me be too late!
I pushed my horse ahead, racing towards the Scorpion Camp. While I rode, I tried desperately to think of everything that “Deadly Crown” had said about the bandits there. 
In the original story, Lucien had taken the Tarif of the Serpent Camp, forcing Graham and his group to go to the Scorpion Camp instead. At that time the leader of the bandits, who went by the name of Slash, challenged Graham to a contest of wills. He would place one glass of wine on the table for each person that participated in the challenge. Only one of the drinks would be poisoned. The more people who were part of the challenge, the less chance that Graham would drink the poisoned wine.
Needless to say, all of Graham’s harem agreed to help. It was a tense seen, as everyone worried that the wine in front of them might be poisoned. Graham had actually lifted his cup to drink, but a young woman, the daughter of the sixth Lord, grabbed his cup and downed it first, succumbing to the poison and dying painfully in front of him.
Even though everyone had chosen random cups, Slash had managed to poison Graham’s somehow. If the girl hadn’t sacrificed herself… I felt a moment of pity for such a selfless person, upset that I couldn’t remember her name from the book. Graham in the story had been sad, of course… but he quickly recovered from her death, and she was forgotten. 
Will Luke face the same test? I patted the antidote tube in my pocket, trying to reassure myself. We could face Slash’s test. It was Eric and his betrayal that was the most concerning. 
The book had been frustratingly vague on Eric’s attack and wounding of Lucien. Just that he had nearly been successful at taking his life, and Lucien had never suspected him until it was too late. 
I needed to find him now.
Even as a panicked feeling welled up in my heart, though, I saw a large group of people in the distance. Sighing with relief, I drew closer, pulling up my horse far enough away that I wouldn’t be mistaken for an attacker. The Scorpion Camp was much less organized than the Serpent Camp, with tents instead of constructed buildings. The Scorpion Camp tended to roam more, ready to move at a moments notice. All the tents were aligned in an incomplete ring, with a large table standing in the middle.  It was tall, too tall to sit at, but at the right height for multiple people to stand around.
The table for the challenge.
Distracted by the sight where the poisoned challenge would occur, I almost didn’t see Luke at first.
“What are you doing here?” His excited voice broke me from my reverie, and I ran towards him, grabbing his arms and looking him over from head to toe.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt?”
“…” Luke stared at me for a few moments, an amused smile on his face. “Did you race here just because you were worried about me?”
I nodded, looking around to find Eric. Before I could locate him, however, I was pulled into a tight hug, a happy sigh tickling my ear.
“Thank you.” I felt warm, reaching out and hugging him back. My heart was beating violently within my chest, a sense of relief so strong overpowering me.
He was still alive.
I was unsure how long we stood there, holding each other, before a voice awkwardly spoke out, interrupting us. I stepped away from Luke, feeling slightly embarrassed, only to see a large muscular man with a scarred face watching us impatiently.
“Is Prince Lucien going to attempt the challenge for the Tarif or not?”
“We’ll be right with you.” I answered, pulling Luke away from the group so we wouldn’t be overheard.
Luke followed behind me, a bright smile lighting up his entire face. You would never think that he was about to face a life or death trial by looking at him. I felt slightly annoyed.
“You’re facing a poison drinking challenge, what are you so happy about?”
His smile didn’t fade. “You’re here. Why shouldn’t I be happy?”
“…” I was speechless for a few moments at his simple reply, before forcing myself to remember why I had come.
“Don’t trust Eric.”
A painful expression flashed across his face, making me wish I could hug him again. Before I could move, he quickly forced himself to appear calm again. “Eric is a traitor?”
“He may be working for Fetter.”
At the sound of his younger half-brother’s name he closed his eyes and groaned. “Are you sure?” 
I thought it over. It was difficult to say how much the plot had changed. Luke was a very different person from the villain Lucien in the book. What if Eric wouldn’t betray such a good man? “It’s not absolutely certain. But please be careful around him.”
“I will.” There was no hesitation in his voice as he looked back at me. 
“You trust me so easily?”
“With my life.” He grinned, lifting his hand to show me his wrist. “Just let me know if you want your bracelet back.”
I stared at the dark beads, feeling a sense of longing deep inside. I had worn it for years, always thinking of him each time I touched it. But now… it had too many meanings. It meant being a major character, part of this bloody plot.
“I can’t take it yet.” I answered him honestly, wishing I could say something different. 
He looked disappointed, but smiled anyways, putting his hand down. “Well then, I’ll hold onto it. But just know that it will always belong to you, if ever you want it.” His gaze held my own, and I found myself blushing at the intention in his eyes.
“Just be careful.” I muttered, turning away.
He laughed, a low pleasant sound that made me smile along. “I promise.”  He glanced back towards the group and added. “Since it’s not certain yet, I won’t act yet. But I’ll watch him closely.”
We walked back towards the scarred man at the table, who I assumed was Slash, the bandit leader. “Now can we get back to the challenge?” He asked, looking pissed. 
“Of course.” 
As Luke calmly answered him, I looked around for Eric. He stood near table, studying it as if lost in thought. I walked closer, and he looked up as I drew next to him, his face turning pale as he met my eyes. I wasn’t sure how I looked right then, but I knew it wasn’t a pleasant, welcoming expression.
“Miss…” He started to speak but stopped as I held up a hand.
“I will give you one chance to survive.” I leaned in and whispered in his ear. “If you protect him, serve him well, then there is no reason for us to fight. But if you hurt him, you will die. Painfully.”
I stepped back  “I promise you that.” 
“...” Eric stepped back, his eyes wide, looking confused, before nodding silently.
Slash watched our interchange, seemingly taken aback by my threatening our own teammate, but soon shrugged, regaining his composure and explaining the challenge.
It was the same as the one described in the book: one glass of wine for each participant, including Slash himself. Each person picked a random glass and drank from it. Only one of the glasses would be poisoned. If Luke survived, he would get the Tarif. 
The scarred man finished with a lazy grin. “Do you understand?”
Luke nodded. “I do.”
“How many of your team will join us?” He glanced at me and Eric, raising an eyebrow.
Eric stepped back as I stepped forward, but before either of us could speak, Luke shook his head. “I’ll do the challenge alone.”
“Really?” Slash seemed surprised. “You’d have a much higher risk of dying, you know.” 
Luke didn’t waver. “I won’t risk their lives.”
Slash had them bring two glasses over, setting them both in the center of the table. “Then pick your cup, Your Highness, and I’ll drink from the remaining one.” 
Luke stepped forward, staring at the glasses intently. But as he reached forward to grab it… 
“Sorry.” I took it first with a smile, tipping it back and swallowing the wine.
“WHAT ARE YOU…?” Before Luke’s horrified gaze, I grabbed the second glass, finishing it off as well. 
“Are you suicidal?” Slash watched me with a curious expression.
I thought of the poor girl in Deadly Crown who died in Graham’s place, and shook my head. “Nope, I’m not important enough of a character to die here.” 
With a grin I took the vial from my pocket, drinking half of its contents before stoppering it and storing it away. Slash’s eyes widened at the sight of the clear fluid, before settling into a hateful glare.
“You’ve seen Blade. That’s her antidote.” 
“I’m going to kill her.”
“You can try.” I started to laugh. “She was calling you a ‘weak bitch’ who had to rely on poisons when I left.”
Slash sputtered with rage, his face an angry red, and i laughed harder, smiling widely with relief.
My laughter abruptly changed into a startled shriek as I was pulled off my feet, toppling to the ground with someone, landing onto that person’s lap. I was wrapped in a tight embrace, almost too tight to breath. Before I could struggle free, however, a familiar voice spoke up.
“Idiot.” Luke sounded near tears. “What were you thinking?”
I tried to pull back, acutely aware that we were sitting on the ground in front of a large group of bandits, but he was holding on too tightly. After a few short struggles I gave up and leaned my head on his shoulder, instead. “If I only drank one he might still make you drink the other. So I took both.”
“You drank poison.” His voice was angry. 
“Um… yes… but I had the antidote…”
I heard a long sigh. “And why didn’t you just give the antidote to me?”
“…” I paused, thinking it over. “I didn’t want to risk you getting hurt.”
His arms tightened, and I was surprised to find he was trembling. “Do you think I could bear you getting hurt in my place?” His voice was weak. “The crown isn’t worth it. I’m not worth it. Don’t sacrifice yourself for me.”
I didn’t say anything, allowing him to hold me for a few minutes. Slowly, we got up, and my face reddened as I realized we had been hugging in front of a large group of people. Trying to regain some composure, I held out my hand towards Slash.
He glared at me. “You cheated.”
“So did you. Both glasses were poisoned.” I was just guessing, but his eyes widened, confirming my accusation. 
“How did you…? Ugh, nevermind. You remind me too much of that woman. Just take the Tarif and stay away.” He through the bony amulet to me, and I caught it, feeling a sense of relief.
Luke had survived the second task. Even as a sense of relief came over me, however, I felt a stab of anxiety.
Where is Eric?
I looked around frantically, but he had disappeared. Luke noticed my unease. “What’s wrong?”
“Don’t move!” A knife was pressed against my throat.
“Eric!” Luke’s face was pale, his hand pausing in mid air as he reached out towards me.
I prepared to stomp on his foot and fight him for the knife, but as if he knew what I was considering, he spoke up quickly. “There is a poison on this knife. If I break skin, then you’re dead.”
I held myself very still, not wanting to test his statement. “You’re a traitor.”
“No! I mean… yes…” He paused, confused. “Prince Fetter wanted me to kill Lucien… but I didn’t want to.”
Luke’s face was cold. “Betray me or don’t betray me. Why are you holding a knife against an innocent’s throat?”
“Innocent?” Eric laughed bitterly. “It’s her fault you’re like this, Your Highness!”
“Like what?”
“Caring, forgiving… WEAK!” Eric shook his head. “You should be standing above the masses, without a hint of remorse for destroying your enemies. You should be strong, ruthless… but instead you worry that she will be disappointed in you! You’ve lost your strength!” The pressure of the knife against my skin increased. “But don’t worry, once I kill her, you’ll be fine! You’ll be the prince I know you can be.”
I couldn’t help it, I chuckled.
“Why are you laughing?” Eric’s voice was increasing, he sounded panicked.
“You’re an idiot. Even if Luke had been vicious and ruthless from the start you would have betrayed him anyways.” After all, he had attacked him in the book, even if they didn’t explain why.
“Then why did you accept the money from Fetter? Do you think he’ll be happy enough by you killing a nameless woman at Luke’s side? You brought a poisoned dagger along on a trip where you thought it would be just the two of you?” I mocked him. “Stop pretending to be innocent.”
“THIS IS YOUR FAULT!” Eric’s face was distorted in the corner of my vision, his lips drawn back in a snarl. “YOU…”
I felt his hand move, and closed my eyes, expecting to feel my skin splitting under the blade. This is what I get for getting involved with this stupid plot. Even being a nameless side character wasn’t enough to protect me.
But there was no pain. Instead, I felt the brush of skin, and the pressure of the dagger receded. Surprised, I opened my eyes, my heart dropping at the sight in front of me.
Luke’s hand gripped around the blade, bright red blood dripping between his fingers. He had rushed forward and grabbed the poisoned dagger, preventing it was cutting my skin.
“Your Highness…” Shocked, Eric dropped the knife, it clattered to the ground with a dull sound. “You…” 
BAM! I punched him in the gut, knocking him to the ground.
“I’m glad… you’re alright.” Luke’s face was already pale, he smiled weakly at me as he sank to his knees. The poison was already acting. I reached out, helping him to rest on the ground, taking off my cloak and gently rolling it underneath his head, before turning to Eric with a snarl. 
“The antidote.” I barely recognized the threatening sound that left my throat as my own voice.
Eric shook his head slowly. “I don’t have one.”
He’s lying. No idiot would ever bring a poisoned blade without an antidote. What if he accidentally cut himself?
I needed to make him talk, and I didn’t have time to be nice.
“Slash.” I took out the Tarif and held it up for him to see. “ I need a poison.”
“Yes Miss.” He grinned and tossed me a vial with a light blue tinge to it. Eric stared at me with wide eyes, trying to scramble away.  I stomped down on his crotch, causing him to curl up with a howl of pain, as the bandits around me hissed with sympathy. 
Before he could recover, I uncorked the vial, grabbed his chin and forced the contents into his mouth. Then, covering his nose and mouth with one hand, I punched his throat with the other, forcing him to reflexively swallow.
As he swallowed the poison, his face grew pale. I pulled out the antidote vial from my pocket once more, it still was half full. “Give me your antidote and I’ll give you mine.”
“…” He stared at me in consternation.
“Vicious. I like it.” I heard Slash’s approval behind me but ignored it, every ounce of my attention focused on the man in front of me. 
“Quickly. Death from Slash’s poison is extremely painful.”
My words seemed to push him into action and he tore open his pant leg to reveal a hidden pocket with a small packet. “H-he has to swallow this.” He was already shaking with pain, barely handing over the packet. “Now give me…”
“Not until I’m sure it works.” I helped the barely conscious Luke swallow the granules in the packet, watching anxiously as his face slowly regained color. His eyes fluttered open, seeing me and smiling. 
“You’re here.”
Reaching out, I touched his head, smoothing back his hair. “I’m here.”
He whispered a word I hadn’t heard before, the unfamiliar sounds tugging at my heart.  Before I could ask it’s meaning, however, he had already fallen unconscious. I looked him over, feeling panicked, but noted that his breathing seemed even and his color good.
The antidote was working. I sighed with relief.
“See… see he’s cured! Now give me the antidote!” Eric’s eyes were bulging, his entire body shaking as the pain from the poison increased.
“As I promised.” I smiled, a cold expression, and opened the vial, dumping the contents on his head. “I’ve given you the antidote.”
He stared at me in horror. “You… you lied!”
“I never promised to let you drink it.” I stared back at him as he curled up in agony. “I warned you what would happen if you hurt him.”
“I made a promise.”
I turned away from him. “I keep my promises.” Leaning down to look over Luke’s condition, I ignored Eric’s screams as they became weaker and weaker, fading into silence.
As I listened to him die, externally my face was calm, but on the inside I felt horrified. How much have I changed since coming to this world? My grim and violent actions disturbed me. How had I come so far from the girl who was disturbed even by written descriptions of violence to someone who wouldn’t shy away from killing another person? I was slowly losing myself, becoming more and more the type of person who belonged in this terrible plot. 
Who am I?
But even as I panicked inside, I stared down at Luke’s peaceful sleeping face, and my thoughts slowly calmed.
I’ve changed the plot so much. Luke was supposed to be a vicious killer. A terrible villain. But now he’s kinder… softer. I’m happy… but how is he going to survive in this bloody world? Can he be ruthless enough to protect himself?
I reached out, brushing his dark hair from his face, sighing quietly. 
Maybe it’s fine if I need to be a little bit of a villain, if he can live a better life. If he can be happy.
He’s worth it.
I woke Luke up, helping him to climb into the saddle, and got up in front of him. Having him hold onto me, I slowly walked the horse away, ignoring Slash’s invitation to visit again soon. His approval only made me more uncomfortable. As we rode, I slipped the Tarif into Luke’s pocket, sighing with relief that we had survived the second task.
But there’s still the third task after this…
We rode for the rest of the day, coming up to the bridge as night fell. I helped Luke to the ground, making camp as best I could from the meager supplies in my pack. I started a fire, sitting us both next to it, and holding his injured hand carefully, cleaning out the wound.
Luke hissed with pain, fully awake for the first time since leaving Scorpion Camp. His eyes widened as he searched around, panicked, but on seeing my face he relaxed, leaning back once more.
“Are you alright?” He asked, watching me closely.
“So asks the man who grabbed a poisoned dagger.”
“Says the woman who drank poison.” He countered gently with a smile.
“Fine.” I rolled my eyes. “I’m uninjured. Which is more than you can say.” I continued cleaning out his wounds.
“I killed him.”  I answered bluntly.
“…” He stared at me silently for a few moments, and then sighed. “I’m sorry you had to face that alone.”
I looked up to meet his gaze. “Do you blame me?”
He smiled sadly. “How could I? If he had hurt you, I would have done much worse.”
I finished cleaning his wound and began to wrap his hand, the motion practiced.
“You’ve gotten better at bandaging wounds since we first met.”
I chuckled at that. “Blade taught me to hunt and use a sword. She gave me plenty to practice with.”
“I’m glad you can protect yourself.” He whispered. “I wish you didn’t have to know how to.”
I finished wrapping his hand, and patted it. “Speaking of Blade…” I looked up. “Care to tell me why you used up your one favor with her to have her teach me how to hunt and fight, instead of getting the Tarif easily and not risking your life like a fool?”
He struggled to sit up, his face swaying close to mine. The firelight reflected in his dark blue eyes, making them seem as if they were glowing. I stared back, feeling my heart beat faster at the sight.
His smile was nervous. “You being safe means more than the Tarif.”
“The Tarif is the only way to win the crown.” I reminded him.
“You’re worth more than the crown.” His smile widened. “I love you.”
“…” I stared back at him, shocked. I had understood that he had on some level  had feelings for me, as he had given me his token, but I hadn’t expected him to so bluntly say it out loud. He laughed slightly at my expression, continuing.
“I don’t want to hear your answer yet, if that’s okay. I’m trapped in this race for the crown right now. I can’t even quit, no matter how much I want to.” He shook his head. “I’ll end up like Corran, dead even after I’ve surrendered. The only way to be free of all this is to beat that old man’s foolish game.”
“You’ve already been betrayed once.” I whispered. “You need someone to watch your back.”
He reached over and held my hand, squeezing it gently despite his bandaged wounds. “I’m fine. I’d rather you be far away from all these plots, and be safe.”
“…” I leaned my head against his shoulder silently, thinking.
“Do you want to know how I knew about Eric?” I hesitantly started to talk, feeling nervous.
He didn’t answer for a while, and then whispered. “You can tell me later, you don’t sound ready to talk.”
I nodded slowly. I wanted to answer Luke’s feelings honestly. But if I did, I would need to tell him everything. The thought made very uncomfortable. Would he think I was crazy? A liar? Would he look at me differently if I told him I read about this world in a book? Or worse… would he want to use the knowledge of the plot I had to win the crown, like Graham used Chloe?
Luke was right, I wasn’t ready to talk just yet.
After a while Luke turned to face the flames, and we sat silently.
“Wait for me, please. I’ll come find you in the forest, and then tell you I love you again. Then I would like to hear your answer.”
We spent the rest of the night sitting side by side, talking about everything and nothing, just like when we were younger in the Ninth Lord’s Household.
In the morning, we silently crossed the bridge, entering the Eastern Forest once more. As we neared the branch point where we would have to part ways, both of us slowed our pace.
“You have to reach the Western City before two days are up.” I finally spoke up. “Otherwise you won’t qualify for the third task. “
Luke sighed quietly. “I’m going to miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too.”
He smiled at my words, leaning closer. “At least I know where to find you when this is all done.”
A gentle hand brushed my cheek, and he stepped closer, pressing his lips to my own.
A hesitant first kiss that slowly turned more confident as I returned it. Finally he parted the slightest distance, resting his forehead on my own.
“Stay safe.” He whispered.
“Be more worried about yourself.” I answered back, reluctant at the idea of parting.
But if I followed him, I was abandoning everything I had worked for. I would be jumping head first into the plot, becoming a main character. If I went to the Western City, there would be no turning back. 
I let him go.
But as I watched Luke walk away, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I had made the wrong decision.
 Luke settled into his palace quarters looking around with a spiritless glance. The room was richly furnished, but felt cold and empty to him now.
Of course it does. She’s not here. He laughed at himself, sitting down with a sigh. He had known he would miss her terribly, known it would be painful to leave her behind. But he had done it anyways.
Because more than I need her to be by my side, I need her to be happy. He would never forget the disappointed look she had given him when she handed back his token. When she saw the greed in his heart, the desire to keep her by his side. It wasn’t easy. The more time he spent by her side, protecting each other, caring for each other… it was addicting. The feeling of having someone to worry about, who thought about you in return. He wanted to be with her, to see her every day. 
I hope she’s doing well. She would have arrived at her cabin in the woods a day or so before he made it to the Western City. She should be settled in, perhaps going hunting.
Luke rubbed his chest idly, the ache there growing worse. I miss her. 
But she’s safe. And that’s what matters.
He whispered a word he had buried deep in his heart, resting his head in his hands.
“Your Highness.” A knock sounded at the door.
“What is it?” Luke’s voice was cold as he answered. He had instructed the servants that he didn’t want to be disturbed.
“Someone is here to see you…”
Luke shook his head. “I don’t want…”
“A young woman. She says she’s here to get her bracelet back.”
Jumping to his feet, he flung open the door. “Where is she?”
As he breathlessly ran into the sitting room of his quarters, he was greeted by a familiar face smiling back at him. In the candlelight it was difficult to see her eyes clearly, but the joy in them was evident.
“Luke!” She called out sweetly, rushing forward to greet him. Her smile was bright and lovely, and up close Luke could see the beautiful golden color of her eyes as she stared up at him. “I’m come back to you!”
Luke smiled warmly, standing in place a short distance away, his hands resting comfortably at his sides, slowly clenching into fists. “Welcome back.”
I came back from hunting, feeling tired. Staring around my cabin, I sat down and groaned. 
It was no use.
I couldn’t get back into the familiar rhythm I had lived in for so long. Even as I went through the motions, my mind was far away. Every spare thought was worrying about him, hoping he was safe. I already regretted not telling him more about the third task. It would be difficult, dangerous. A lot of people would die, in true Deadly Crown plot fashion.
What am I doing?
I sat in my safe, remote home, a nameless side character just like I always wanted. And I was miserable.
The plot is bloody and dangerous. Every important character dies and gets replaced… and then their replacement dies.
I stoked up the fire in the hearth, the heat of the flames reminding me of sitting by Luke’s side in the camp.
It’s not the kind of story to try and be a hero in.
Sitting back down, I stared at the fire, my thoughts racing.
Unless… I think he’s worth being part of the plot.
I laughed quietly. “Fool.” I wasn’t sure if I was talking about Luke or myself, or perhaps both of us.
Just as I stood up, a knock sounded at the door.
Luke? But should’t he be in the Western City. Excitement flooded my veins, even as I argued silently with myself that it wasn’t possible for him to be there. Cautious, I grabbed my sword in case it wasn’t him, opening the door carefully. 
“Luke...?” I started to call out, and then stopped.
Standing outside my home was a handsome prince. 
But not the one I wanted to see.
Graham smiled, stepping into my home. “Hello again.”
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 5 years
Sick Little Games: Ten
Clint trailed after you through the woods, idly reflecting that Lucky would be in doggie heaven with all the smells to smell and shit to chase. He wondered if he could have Nat bring him. But then, he didn’t want to bring more people here. He wanted you to himself. He wanted to coax you into coming home. To do that, you needed time. Time and some distance. 
Not, Clint thought to himself, that that was a bad thing. You knew what you needed better than he did. And, well. He definitely did not mind sleeping with you on his chest at night and wandering the woods with you when you got the itch to ramble. He liked it out here. It was different from the BFE of his childhood. 
And until now, he never thought he’d want this. The quiet domesticity of it. A creaky old house and a pretty girl to bring him coffee in the morning. “Y/N?” he asked panting, “Where the fuck are we going?”
You stop, leaning on your staff, “The caves,” you answer, smiling a little.
“You own fucking caves too?” he says, hurrying to catch up to them.
“Why do you think I bought this piece of property?” you ask, quirking an eyebrow.
Clint takes a drink of water and gives you a crooked smile, “It’s out of the way?”
“It’s out of the way, and was prime ground for bootleg hooch during Prohibition... The caves are man-made but with a little alteration I could make it work.”
“Work for what?” he says, catching up to you. 
You don’t answer but you do smile at him. And for a moment, Clint wonders what he’s gotten himself into. But still. As he followed you through the woods, he didn’t mind that either. You were magic. Everything about this piece of property had a palpable sense of otherness. It feels like it’s own universe, but then. That doesn’t surprise him either. This is where you go to hide. It makes sense that you’d arrange it to your liking. Especially when you tend to live and work in an environment that isn’t suited to you with all it’s concrete and lack of privacy. 
Clint can only hear his own footsteps. You slide through the brush like a ghost. Like you do on marble floors and carpet. It’s a common thing in the tower for someone to threaten to put a bell around your neck. And an even more common thing to have you fight rookies in a dark room to make them rely on more than their ears. They only do it once, but after that they get a lot more attentive. When you finally stopped walking in front of a cave, Clint whistled softly. “Neat,” he said walking closer, “This is man-made?”
You nod, “Yeah... A happy accident really. Whoever surveyed the shit for the realtor missed it or I would have NEVER afforded it.”
“Nice,” he said grinning.
You nod, smiling a little, “C’ mon,” you say, leading him inside, “I’ve gotta check on everything.”
Clint gestures for you to go ahead. Trying to remember how to be respectful of wards and things. But, when he crosses the threshold for just a second, he’s frankly in awe.
He can see what you meant by “A little Alteration” but, he’s shocked at the level of craft in all of it. It looks like a planetarium. With a waterfall. And exotic plants. And everywhere he looks there are shelves lined with books.
“A fucking water fall?” Clint yelped. “How!”
You smile up at him, kneeling to check on a plant, “Magic, Clint.”
“How deep is that little pool at the bottom?” he asks.
“Deep enough,” you say fondly.
“Really? Can I?” he says, excited.
You nod, “Have at it,” you tell him.
Clint doesn’t need telling twice, stripping out of his shirt and climbing up the rocks as quickly as he can pick a path. You half turn to watch him jump in and give him a small round of applause. 
“What’d the judges say?” he yelled.
“Amature Bullsiht,” you tease, “Weren’t you in the circus? Isn’t there supposed to be some pizazz?”
“Fuck you,” he says, swimming to the edge, “My form was impeccable.”
“No pizzaz, sorry,” you tell him, smirking.
“Pizzaz? You want pizzaz?” he grouses, climbing out to climb back up the rocks to jump again. You stay knelt at the edge, watching expectantly. And Clint, Bless him, does give you your required entertainment factor as he leaps off the rocks and does a flip before flipping you off.
“Beautiful,” you call giggling when he comes up sputtering. 
Clint swims back to the edge and grins up at you, “Come swim with me?” he says.
“Oh come on,” he pouts, “It’s not like I haven’t seen you half-naked before. And don’t get me wrong... I appreciate the view, but really. It just gets boring swimming alone.” He can tell he pushed too hard when you look away and softens, hauling himself up to kiss your cheek. 
“I don’t really feel like swimming,” you tell him. Bucky’s voice in the back of your head telling you no one wanted you.
“Then you don’t have to,” he soothed, “But I really wish you would.” He’d love to rough house with you. To do all the splashing and giggling. But this place wasn’t a water park. It was a sanctuary. And it was yours. He was a guest here. So when you shake your head again, he kisses your nose and smiles. “Okay,” he murmurs. 
You get up and lay towels where he can get to them before padding off to check on other things. Clint watched you for a moment, floating on his back in the perfect temperature water and watching the ceiling. Stars floated by on the ceiling, drifting to their positions as of the time of day. A facsimile moon steadily rising and filling in but... that tells him nothing about the time. Not that he cares. It feels comfortable. 
Still, eventually, he climbs out and towels off, “This place is incredible,” he says, “But what is it?”
You shrug, “An archive. An extra layer of security. It’s on a ley line so... I could stay here forever if I needed to.”
Clint nods, “Thank you,” he says, kissing your temple, “For brining me.”
“You’re the first,” you tell him, smiling a little.
“Really?” he asked.
You nod, thinking. Clint fit here. But in your mind’s eye, you couldn’t see Bucky here. In fact, your wards probably wouldn’t have let him through. No one who had any ill intent could get through. And you knew Clint didn’t. His intentions were clear. 
When Clint wakes up alone in the middle of the night, he looks for you frantically for a minute, fixing his hearing aids in place as he goes room to room. 
You’re gone. Just gone. So he bursts outside to check the grounds. The barn, the shed. and then, coming around the corner of the house, he sees you. In the pond, wading into the water. He stops short when he realizes two things. One, that you’re perfectly fine, and two, you are very naked. Skin glowing in the full moonlight. His mouth goes dry and he takes a deep breath. It looks like a scene from a movie or something. It makes him feel light-headed and he wants to creep closer for a better look. He wants to sneak back into the house and give you privacy. But he’s stuck, staring. Aching to touch you. To show you what it feels like to have someone love you like you deserve. 
But when you start to turn towards him, he bolts. Acutely aware that staring at you is creepy and he needs to leave. He needs to stop doing it and respect whatever it is you’re doing. 
Still, when he gets in the house, even a cold shower can’t do anything for him. And he hates it. He feels like a stupid kid again. A stupid kid backstage at the circus with a crush on a pretty red-headed sword swallower. He feels even more stupid adjusting the temperature of the water and thinking about you. About the things, he wanted to do with you. The way you'd sound crying out for more. Whimpering his name. He’s ashamed of himself honestly when he finds release. But he has to admit that he feels better. Like he can go back to sleep.
But he doesn’t. 
He waits until he hears you in your bathroom, right before dawn. Then gets back out of bed and goes to fix you... something.
“Clint?” he hears from the kitchen door.
“I-I- I woke up and you were gone,” he starts.
You sigh, “I- had a nightmare,” you explain, “I didn’t want to wake you up trying to get back to sleep.”
He nods, feeling like a bigger asshole, “So I looked for you,” he said blushing scarlet, “And well I- I found you.”
Your cheeks heat and he swallows hard, “Sorry- I - I didn’t I mean I didn’t stay but- and I didn’t mean to. I left.”
You nod, “It’s okay- sorry. I was too hot.”
“I’ll say,” he blurts out.
And even as your cheeks burn, you giggle.
Clint leans on the railing, watching you lock the door.  “Are you sure you’re ready?” he asks, “We don’t have to go back yet.”
You nod and look around, “I mean, I have to go back sometime.”
“But now?” he asks, cupping your chin in his hand.
You nod again and he pulls you close.
“I’ll be right next to you, okay?”
He isn’t sure how to define this relationship. It feels like dating. It feels like love. But he’s not kissed you since he kissed you to stop you talking. And every night in your bed were chaste, soft cuddles. But he didn’t care. It felt good. It felt right. Somehow physically more intimate than if he had had you riding his dick every night. He figures that this defies explanation and... honestly. For right now he likes it this way. More than friends and less than lust. That he can deal with. 
And. To top it off. You’re coming home.
@lancsnerd, @thorfanficwriter @blameitonthecauseway @etherealwaifgoddess, @stevieang, @beautybyfire, @sunmoonandbucky @mrsfox79, @bbmommy0902, @mendes-fan, @iheartsebastianstan, @wtfcas @pinknerdpanda, @process-pending, @ladifreakingda, @leasly, @coldbookworm, @hv-chw3, @past-perfect-future-tense, @starkrobb @beardburnsupersoldiers, @petlaufeyson, @queenoftheunderdark, @potatoheadthewise, @thehyperactiveteen, @thefridgeismybestie, @boyett514, @an-awkward-human-1, @sunshine-and-riverwater
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muthaz-rapapa · 5 years
Hope is the Pioneer
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Truly, I feel that I can’t say this enough but despite its flaws, StarPre has been such a wonderful season for me in so many ways.
And perhaps the most important one is what this final episode wanted to tell us.
Hope is what paves the way to the future.
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Immediately starting with Yuni getting her planet and people back.
She’s been through so much to reclaim her home and her efforts are finally rewarded.
However, it is so important to remember that this miracle didn’t come about because she tricked the universe behind the mask of an idol or that she used her skills to steal from others whatever she needed to achieve her goal, without a care for who she harmed when she did.
The revival of the Planet Rainbow can’t be credited to the mysterious powers of “Twinkle Imagination” either, which Yuni willingly gave up in the end even though keeping it for herself would’ve fixed her planet in a blink.
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Rather, the miracle was brought on by Yuni letting go of her prejudices and opening her heart to those who truly respect and accept her for who she is.
This led to Yuni finding the strength within her to be able to forgive Aiwarn, the person who caused her the most pain, which then helped Aiwarn realize the error of her own ways and show sincere remorse by aiding Yuni in finding a cure for the petrification of the Rainbownians.
Had Yuni continued only on the path of a phantom thief, distrusting everyone around her and only relying on herself, who knows how much longer it would’ve taken her to get here? Or if it would’ve been possible for her to reach it at all?
But the point is, Yuni outgrew what would’ve held her back. She threw away what limited her (resentment, suspicions, hostility) and instead chose to cooperate with others to save what was most important to her.
And she succeeded.
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Then we have Lala, who’s gone back home after the battle.
No longer is she the neglected scorn of her community or the unfavorite within her household.
The fact that she wants to get back to work right away in order to help better Saaman, the reaction her parents give on not wanting her to leave so soon and that they were even making onigiri to eat together (!!) speak volumes of how gigantic a change her planet is undergoing.
An extremely good change, at that.
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Saamanians are no longer overly relying on technology, even though it provided them with so much convenience before.
It’s not just about “Lala style” being the new trend.
Everybody wants to be able to walk on their own two feet now. Regardless of how harder it’ll be for them, at least they can live more freely this way.
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They want to live freely like what Lala has learned to do, like what Lala is teaching them how to do.
People don’t have to be assigned and divided by aptitude evaluations anymore. They can chose what they want to do and what they want to be of their own will.
Had Lala not left Saaman in hopes of finding something better for herself, been influenced by her time on Earth and brought back that experience to share with her people, can we say Saaman could’ve removed their attachment to the system they made as the crux of their society?
I don’t think so.
Lala and Yuni’s world are changing, evolving, because they let themselves wish for something even better than what they could’ve imagine.
Yes, them. The girls whose imaginations were stated by the 12 Star Princesses to be even stronger than theirs, the creators of the universe itself!
And that’s just the beginning.
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Fast forward several years later, MICHELLE OBAMA has become president of the USA!! HELL YEA, BABY!!! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و
Sorry, I just needed to say that, hee~ :D
Now back to the real important stuff...
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The first girl we hear, not see, is post-timeskip is Elena.
And just by that, we already know she not only accomplished her dream of becoming a translator like her mom but she’s gone above and beyond by becoming the person tasked with the job of interpreting foreign news for the entire country of Japan!
What. An. Honor.
Seriously, an international broadcast of a monumental event happening for the nation and she’s at the forefront of that crew covering it. Such an incredibly happy and proud moment, one that other countries want to share their congratulations and well wishes for and Elena is the one chosen to help do just that.
Elena is helping bring smiles on so many fronts like the brilliant sun she is.
Her, a biracial woman of color.
Simply. Amazing. *claps* x3
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Then of course, we have our beautiful moon.
Madoka, too, has reached taller heights.
Like her father, she’s become the leader of a very important force, fulfilling and continuing the esteemed Kaguya legacy as she’s always been expected to.
Unlike her father, however, whose (previous) job as a government official was to search for, expose and expel aliens, Madoka is now the head of a project that’s the first, but crucial, step to establishing connections with worlds beyond Earth.
In other words, proactively engaging and forming friendship with the aliens.
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And in the face of her father, now Prime Minister, she is nothing but composed and confident.
In her team, in their efforts, in herself.
Again, so different from the Madoka at the beginning of the season who couldn’t even smile from the bottom of her heart until her friends taught her how.
Now she’s out there breaking down barriers in hopes that they can reach even further, to create more relationships like her own. Relationships that can bring so many benefits to Earth and still withstand even the distance of space.
Short-term goals, long-term goals. There’s still so much for Madoka to do.
But when you look at her expression, you can tell that she is nothing but sure in her ability to make them a reality.
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That positive outlook not only shaped her but also, I believe, changed her father as well.
For once, it’s Madoka who’s teaching him instead of the other way around.
To not think so restrictedly and to let things come into their own potential rather than controlling them.
If it weren’t Madoka rebelling against him those years ago so that she could find her own way to become the person she is, I doubt things could’ve turned out as well as they did, including him becoming Prime Minister and smiling proudly at her, no less.
Madoka has achieved so many things and will go on to do even more and he’s incredibly proud of her.
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Next, the star that never stopped shining, Hikaru.
Let me just say that becoming an astronaut at a major space program must not be an easy feat.
Getting selected to be part of the crew who gets to go space, even more so.
But if we know anyone who can do it, it’d be Hikaru.
Hikaru who’s so passionate about the things she loves, who fervently admires space more than anyone, who wants to know all about the unknown there is to discover out there.
Hikaru, who has a promise to keep with her best friend who’s waiting for her.
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Did we expect any less of her?
Certainly not.
She’s made it and she’s coming back to space!
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Light years away, said best friend is still waiting but also searching for ways to get back to Earth.
During that time, Lala also climbed ranks of her own, becoming an inspector-of-sorts for the Starscape Alliance and traveling among planets, checking their conditions and reporting them back to her superiors. Making sure the cosmos are in order and so on.
Fortunately, she is not alone as she has Yuni to share her feelings with since they fought alongside together before. 
The two Cures from other worlds.
It’s nice to have someone who understands you in that way, which is why I have at least one reason to be glad that Yuni was integrated into the team as the mid-season Cure.
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As for Yuni, I suspect she seldom leaves her planet and has her own busy schedule on trying to make it more habitable to live in.
Thanks to Aiwarn, who may or may not have taken up permanent residence there (and really rocking that haircut), it’s no longer just a possibility anymore and the prospects are growing day by day.
Although I still can’t say I care much for her, I think it’s super nice the Rainbownians have welcomed her among them as Aiwarn had always wandered as a lost child in need of a home and the lack of one is probably why she became so vile and unstable in the first place. With that no longer a concern, she can put her brains to better uses.
On another note, there is no indication whether or not Planet Rainbow has joined the Alliance themselves but I’m pretty certain Lala’s been specially assigned to communicating with them anyway (thanks to her friendship with Yuni) so at least the relation is much more amiable than it was before, even if Rainbow chose to remain independent.
In short, everything’s well on this side of the universe.
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A fact further supported by the Notraiders having a planet of their own to call home.
And what a beautiful star it is.
Everything’s flourishing and in bloom. A far cry from their previous headquarters which was perpetually dark and barren.
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The facts that the Notraiders themselves made this planet beautiful through their own teamwork and that it was the Starscape Alliance who gave them this planet make it exceptionally more heartwarming in hindsight.
Because remember, these poor souls didn’t have a place to belong. Their previous homes either were destroyed or rejected them.
And then they had their sense of loss twisted and manipulated by Ophiuchus, resulting in them doing bad deeds.
For that, one would expect them to be thrown in jail, maybe even for life. But instead, they’re forgiven and sympathized with.
One would probably expect that they’d want revenge on Ophiuchus as well but instead of chasing after her, they focused all their energy and efforts into making a home for themselves.
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Rather than punishment, a second chance. 
Rather than destruction, creation.
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So exactly what point am I trying to make here?
Well, I believe that word “hope” means so much more than what we think it really is.
Hope is not just simply having aspirations and dreams. It’s not the good to counter the “evil” of despair.
Hope is something even broader, more difficult, more terrifying and of course, more magnificent than its basic definition.
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It’s a sentiment we all share for wanting see a better tomorrow. 
A tomorrow where we can have more than what we have today.
Like the world becoming more innovative, more progressive.
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More peaceful and forgiving.
Supportive, understanding and accepting.
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Kinder and closer together than we are now.
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But tomorrow is also full of unknowns, doubts and questions.
What if it’s not worth it?
What if the world won’t let me be what I want to be?
What if I’m rejected or shunned? What if no one accepts me?
What if I get hurt?
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That fear will always be there and it’s indisputable there’ll come a time when you will get hurt because no one lives without being hurt, after all.
From that, you’ll learn what anger, sadness and misery feels like. It’ll either make you want to hide or lash out to protect yourself. It’ll feel like everything’s stopped at that point and you’re stuck there, not knowing what to do next.
But still, there’s always a choice for you to make.
You can decide whether to stay as you are or try to move again.
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That is not to say those feelings of helplessness will be invalidated if you choose the latter. Nor does it mean you shouldn’t have felt them in the first place or give up on your cautions entirely.
Rather, it’s because you have those feelings that you can move on from them. To shed them for something better and greater.
“I may be afraid but I don’t want to be afraid forever. I want to face the world with my head held up high.”
“I’ve been hurt and I don’t think I can forgive. But there is something that means even more to me than that.”
“If nobody wants me, if there’s no place for me, then I just have to make a place for myself to be who I am!”
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Hope is not guaranteed success.
It won’t always give you the results you want, no matter how strongly you wish for it, and may even bring you down worse than you thought it would.
But without hope, without imagination, then there is no future or possibilities. There is only nothing.
It’s because there’s imagination that worlds and universes can exist. It’s because there is the unknown that we have the desire to know more and become more than what we are now. It’s because there’s hope for us to cling onto that we can always strive to move forward.
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All it boils down to is whether or not you’ll let your hopes be hindered by whatever blocks your path.
Be it hesitations, criticism or negativity in any form.
But once you overcome that, the outcome may be even more kirayaba than you could’ve ever imagined.
That’s all, folks! Thanks for reading! :)
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firebird-inkheart · 4 years
A Child’s Understanding p.2
(Please check previous post for warnings)
The afternoon sunlight blinded him the moment he stepped outside. Ace flinched, squinting even as he turned his head. Behind him the strangers’ mocking laughter echoed harshly in his ears. His palms ached where his nails bit in deep; his skin was tough and calloused, yet in that instant it threatened to split apart and let his frozen blood flow freely.
‘Cursed blood,’ came the bitter reminder. ‘Devil’s, demon’s. Poisoned, unclean, festering―’
He jumped as the hands clamped on his shoulders squeezed hard. The pressure banished the loud and hateful voices to the back of his mind where they could only murmur their loathing messages. Ace let out a shaky breath.
“They’re wrong,” Sabo said sternly. “That’s the one thing that will never be true, alright.”
It wasn’t a question, but a demand that beget the acceptance of fact.
“... Yeah.”
But he had heard so many other ‘facts’ which were contrary to his brother’s that it made it hard to be convinced, let alone sound convincing. Sabo sighed and let his hands slide away. Before he could really register the missing presence of their weight an arm wrapped around his shoulders. They walked down the steps to put a little more distance between them and the Yew. The obnoxious voices grew just a little quieter.
“Remind me again, what was it Chante told you, exactly?”
He scowled and shot him a look; seriously, why was he asking? Sabo knew damn well everything Chante had told him. They all got the same lectures when Chante deemed it seriously important.
A thin eyebrow rose back in challenge.
“I can parrot what she said until I’m blue in the face but it won’t have the same effect as you saying it for yourself.”
Ace bit down on his cheek and stared at his feet. Chante often sat down with him to simply talk about things no one had bothered to talk with him about before. Things like his feelings and stern but strangely gentle reprimands for his behavior. About who he really was. The blacksmith was full of many profound thoughts, with perspectives he’d never once considered before. Her strong voice, the voice he had gradually come to see as, well, not exactly a motherly one― Ace wasn’t quite sure how he felt about putting that label on anyone in relation to himself ―but someone he could respect enough to rely on, floated through his mind.
“The navy’s sense of justice is and always has been dictated by what the World Government is afraid of. And the government is afraid of everything that doesn’t immediately bow and grovel at its feet,” she had said. “That fear has turned you into a casualty as a result and for that I am so, so sorry. But there’s something I want you to know so listen to me very carefully…”
“My worth is not defined by the judgement of anyone.” 
Sabo leaned in a little closer, the corners of his mouth twitching up. “Sorry, what was that? Didn’t quite hear you there.”
Ace looked up, though not without glaring, each word cutting on his tongue as he tried to cement some belief into them. “My worth is not defined by the judgement of anyone.”
He pumped his arm and Sabo joined him in agreement. “Your worth is not for anyone but yourself to determine!” He grinned, flashing his gapless glory. “But it sure helps to know there are people that value you all the same. Right Hon?”
There was no reply.
Cacophonic; the sound of glass shattering against something solid and heavy rang through the air, immediately followed by an uproar of deep swears and shouts and one utterly unholy shriek. The boys jolted, running back into the Yew, nearly tearing the doors from their hinges as they bulldozed their way through. 
Aya had dropped several dishes to reach for the nearest man and strong arm him into submission; the knife he had been reaching for clattered harmlessly to the ground. One of the strangers, gangly as he was, turned on the barmaid only to find his face pinned to the ground by the foot of one of the cooks that had come out to investigate the commotion. The others surrounded a manic, snarling, green haired little girl brandishing a broken bottle.
Two of the men lunged at Honyo and she jumped, tossing herself at the man with the bowler hat. The men collided in a heap and bowler hat guy screamed. The man’s hat went flying as Honyo repeatedly bludgeoned him with her crude weapon and the man himself fell back in his chair, sending them both crashing to the floor. 
The man with the large bow tie loomed over the screaming girl and struck, grabbing a fistful of hair― the little pompoms that held some of her hair up snapped from the force ―and wrenched. Hard.
Her head hit the table with a solid thunk!
The blood in his veins was all but screaming in his reeling mind as the last couple seconds finally caught up to him.
Bowtie man huffed. “That oughta teach you to settle do―”
“Get your filthy hands off her!”
He pitched forward as the boys barreled into him, their roars fierce and wild enough to compete with the Tiger Lord himself. Ace slammed a fist into the bastard’s head once, twice. Each hit was so powerful that his face bounced off the floor, leaving dark smears across the wooden surface. Bowtie man groaned and turned to jelly under his legs.
Sabo had rolled off the man and reached for Honyo as she picked herself up. She wiped the back of her shaking hand across her forehead― he saw red and his knuckles cracked loudly ―blue eyes shiny with fresh tears of pain and unadulterated fury. She readjusted her grip on the bottle. Sabo had barely wrapped his hand around her arm when she lunged.
A glint of light. A flash of silver. Ace didn’t have time to fully register everything as he leapt up, wrapping his arms around Honyo’s waist, and pulled her back. 
The knife in Bowler hat guy’s hand slashed through empty air, harmless.
“Take it back!” Honyo screamed again. “Take back what you said right now!”
“What the hell is your problem you little menace?!” Bowler hat shook harder than a leaf in an autumn breeze, brandishing his little knife in one hand while the other held a stained kerchief to a nasty looking gash on his balding head.
He could feel his grip slipping as Honyo struggled to reach out and keep attacking the stranger, her face alight with fire and fury. Sabo slipped his arms under hers and received an elbow to his face for his efforts. With a grunt the two managed to pull her back a couple more steps.
There was a long running understanding that pissing off a Roronoa was like inviting a storm into your house when you were better off leaving the door shut. But in that moment the only thing Ace could think as he and Sabo struggled to hold Honyo back, was that this was nothing short of a testament to the little girl’s strength.
“Us kids aren’t as stupid as you think we are!” she growled. “Adults like you that go runnin’ your mouths are the worst! You can’t just say another kid should die just because of who their parents are— It’s wrong and you better take it back now!”
His heart flew up into his throat and locked the air out. She had started a brawl because of― Because of that? Ace had never told Honyo about who his father was. He’d been too scared, was absolutely terrified right now, of the idea of her knowing and… and hating him. And yet… And yet she―
Bowler hat guy couldn’t seem to believe that all this ruckus had been because of his careless words either, his mouth hitting the floor for one short moment before incredulous chuckles filled the air.
“And what would a sniveling little girl like you know about what’s right and wrong? Don’t you know about the things that devil Roger did? Any kid of his would be just as bad― no, worse ―and shouldn’t be allowed so much as an inch of life!”
Ace ducked his head, twisting the fabric of Honyo’s shirt around his fists. Sharp eyes flickered down and back at the man, nostrils flaring. Pulling her arm back as far as she could get it with Sabo holding onto her, Honyo flung the rest of her weapon at the man and beaned him square in the forehead.
“Existing isn’t a crime you thick skulled bigot! It never has been and it never will be!”
His heart was being squeezed to death and filled to the brim with warmth all at once. It was too much. Dark eyes flickered up, startled.
“Existence isn’t a crime! Being born and living isn’t a crime! What should be a crime is people like you that go around saying children should die just because you’re chicken shit scared of their parents!”
A collective gasp raced around the room. Ace found it difficult to pry his eyes away from Honyo. For such a small kid she looked so big just then. She was rage and passion, a thin trail of dried blood smeared down her face from a small, bruising cut on her temple, and the shine in her eyes had finally broken free. Big fat tears rolled down her cheeks and dribbled off her chin. One fell onto his face.
‘She’s crying for… me?’
“That’s― That’s treason!” Bowler hat raved. “Treason against the World Government―”
And didn’t that seem to be the root of so many problems in this world. What a fool to admit his flawed thoughts stemmed from them.
The doors creaked, soft footsteps treading across the floor.
“I’ll have you reported! You hear me, I’ll―”
The presence that washed over him was familiar and warm. Often it reminded him of summer days spent lounging in the grass beneath the sun, where gentle winds would tease at stray strands of his hair and he would nap, content. But underneath all that was the warning of a blade that did not reveal itself for idle reasons. And it was being dangerously provoked at that moment.
“Now, what’s going on here?” Cheerful as always, as if he couldn’t bother with being serious; Ace had never felt more relieved to hear that voice.
“Poppop!” Honyo yelped, the same time the boys squawked, “Shin!”
Roronoa Shin came to a stop a few steps away from the disaster zone they all occupied, dusty blue eyes wandering over everything with faint curiosity. Absently he carded his fingers through his light hair and messed it up even more than it already was. 
When Ace had first met Shin he’d thought the man was a clumsy dope and wasn’t good for much despite his broad build.
That was one mistake he had been careful to never make again.
A small frown tugged at his lips. Shin shuffled closer to the odd formation of children― Honyo had stopped struggling now but there was still a feral glint in her tear filled eyes ―reaching out to gingerly cup his daughter’s face and examine her cut.
“So.” His voice was soft, a small, frightening smile replacing the frown. “Which one of you upstanding looking gentlemen hurt my baby bean?”
“That hellion is your brat?” Bowler hat was sweating bullets even as he blustered through with false bravado. “We were minding our own business when she attacked out of nowhere and for no good reason! If you think―”
Honyo surged forward causing Ace and Sabo to fall on top of her in surprise. “Liar! Liar, liar, liar, liar! You said a kid should die if their parent was a criminal and you still haven’t taken it back!”
Shin’s eyes twitched. He looked from his daughter to the man quaking in his just a little too nice boots. “My bean doesn’t start fights for no good reason. And that sounded like a damn good reason to me.”
Without looking back he said, “Why don’t you three head outside and wait just a minute for me, m’kay? I’ll take care of things from here.”
The blade had revealed itself and was baring its fang with a dangerous glimmer. Ace and Sabo scrambled to their feet, neither letting go of Honyo this time as they hauled her up, and made an immediate beeline for the doors.
Pleasant as ever, Shin returned his attention to the men, waving to Aya and the cook as if he was simply stopping by to talk as he usually did. They backed off, trading knowing looks. To the group of strangers, though, the smile he graced them with was as biting as ice.
“Now, let’s have a little chat, shall we?”
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Dust - Part 2
Pairing: Peter Parker X Stark!Reader
Word Count: 1843
Warning: grief, endgame spoilers, Morgan being the literal best thing in all of the MCU
Summary: A continuation of my fanfic of Infinity War, set in the plot of Endgame.
A/N: So, thought I’d only continue ‘Dust’ with a part 2, but it was hella long so look forward to a part 3!
Dust - Part 1
I wake up bathed in my own sweat and breathing heavy. I gulp air into my lungs as the nightmare replays in my head, gripping my mind as it tears me apart. The worst part is; it is no distorted dream. Nothing outside of reality happens in it. I just relive Peter and my dad’s final moments over and over again.
Slumping back into my pillow, I have my usual half hour of quietly sobbing before I drift off again. I never dream in that part of the night, like even the nightmares that plague me decide I deserve a rest by that point. I sleep in a darkness that holds no promise of waking up happy, no promise of change or reversal.
No relief.
The next time I wake up, it is to chubby little fingers poking at my cheeks and whispers of my name.
“(Y/N). (Y/N), are you awake?”
My eyes open to find Morgan where she usually is when she wakes me up, sat with her legs crossed on my bed, in her pink patterned pyjamas with a book in her hands. Sunlight peeks through the blinds, giving the room a golden haze that is so much more welcoming than the suffocating darkness and deformed shadows I was met with earlier that night. Morgan’s lips curve into a smile when she sees I’m awake, making the nightmare seem more distant.
“I am now,” I reply, rolling onto my side so I’m facing her.
“That’s good. Could you read to me then? Seeming as you’re awake.” Her usual cheeky grin emerges that reminds me so much of my dad it hurts, but I manage to keep myself together as I always do around Morgan, sitting up against the headboard.  
“I guess I might as well. Seeming as I’m awake.” I pinch her nose, making her giggle and she moves to lie against me, passing me her book as she gets comfy.
“Peter Pan, huh? How many times have we read this one?” I ask as I open the book, finding the glitter-covered bookmark she made in between the pages.
“Not that many. Make sure you do the funny voices.”
“Of course.”
I begin reading, making sure Morgan can see the pages so she can look at the pictures scattered throughout. It has become a routine as Morgan got older that she would come and wake me up early and ask me to read to her. I’m pretty sure it was my mom’s idea, Pepper no doubt hearing me wake up in a cold sweat from nightmares, but knowing I want to be on my own so I can fall back asleep as soon as possible, but need someone in the morning. Morgan was always that someone.
Ever since Carol Danvers brought me back to Earth five years ago, I’ve had this ache of grief that I can never seem to shake. Nightmares and depression and trying desperately to work to find a way to reverse Thanos’ actions to no avail. My life is just a living hell. Except for Morgan, and Pepper of course. The three of us relied on each other more than anything, especially seeming as I had to fill in sometimes where my dad couldn’t. I see him in Morgan every day, and I know mom does too. It tears us apart, but we love her more than life itself.
I didn’t expect that day to be any different to the rest when Morgan woke me up that morning, but I would be proven wrong.
We kept in contact with what was left of the Avengers, every so often I’d check in with Nat to make sure she didn’t need me, but mostly we tried to distance ourselves to give Morgan as normal of a life as we could. Which was why it was such a surprise to find them rolling up to our house in the middle of the day.
I walk out onto the porch to meet them, leaving Pepper to continue making lunch while Morgan watches a Disney movie.
“Scott, you’re not a pile of dust,” I state, surprised to see the man walking towards me, shoulder to shoulder with Steve. “Where have you been for five years?”
“Trapped in the quantum realm, it was a blast. But I’m back and we’ve got good news.”
Raising my eyebrow I look towards the others. They all have ranging levels of scepticism on their faces, but what surprises me is how they’re mixed with a slither of hope.
“Oh, yeah? And what would that be?”
“A way to bring them back,” Steve states, his eyes watching me carefully.
“A what?” I cannot believe them. Having spent countless sleepless nights desperately trying to bring the other half of the population back and yielding no results, this just seems like another hopeful attempt that will be too good to be true. “What does it entail?”
“In short? Time travel.”
I just stare at them for a bit, and they stare back at me, waiting for a reaction. I haven’t watched Back to the Future in a while, but the sleek black car they came here in doesn’t look much like the DeLorean. I keep this comment to myself, trying to swallow the hope rising in me as I tell them to go on.
When Scott is finished, my mind is racing with the possibility that this idea could have. I can already tell I’ll have another sleepless night trying to work it out, but for the first time it truly seems worth it. We could do this.
I’m about to agree to help when Morgan pushes the door open and walks over to me, her hand giving a tug to the bottom of my hoodie. I unfold my arms, moving to put her in front of me and wrap my arms around her. She pulled me back to reality, reminding me of the implications of what we are discussing. What if we change something, and we lose Morgan?
“Mommy told me to come and rescue you. Lunch is ready and Lady and the Tramp is going to finish if you don’t come back in soon.”
“I better hurry up then.”
Taking Morgan’s hand in mine I lead her back towards the door. Opening it, I give her back a nudge and she runs towards the kitchen, where my mom stands already looking at me, her eyes stern and laced with concern. I turn back towards the Avengers waiting on my porch.
“I need to think about this, talk to Pepper. I’ll get back to you.”
“(Y/N)-” Steve begins, but I interrupt him.
“I’ll get back to you.” I shut the door on them without watching them leave. Running my fingers through my hair and letting out a shaky breath, I put on a brave face and walk towards the kitchen.
“We’re going to finish Lady and the Tramp, and then you’re going to tell me everything they told you and what you plan to do about it,” Pepper tells me as she hands me a plate. Her other hand reaches up and tucks some hair behind my ear before resting on my arm, giving it a squeeze.
I just nod, relieved that she is taking charge and telling me what to do. We walk towards the lounge, where Morgan is already slouched in the middle of the sofa, eyes glued to the TV as she munches away at her sandwich.
“Absolutely not.”
“Mom, wait. I think I should at least consider it.”
“No, (Y/N), you won’t. It is dangerous, complicated and has a very small chance of actually working.”
“But it is still a chance!”
I try to keep my voice low seeming as Morgan has gone to bed but it is difficult. After lunch, Morgan wanted to go play in the woods, so me and Pepper held off our conversation until later that night. Now I’d had time to think, time travel seemed an even greater idea than at first thought. As Pepper made dinner, I fiddled around with some ideas for actually making something that could send us back in time. To my absolute surprise, it actually worked. It was possible. There really was a chance.
“And what if something happens to you, (Y/N)? What if you don’t come back? Morgan never knew Tony to miss him, but she is very attached to you. She loves you, and it would ruin her if you died.”
We both fall silent at the mention of my dad. I understand what she means, and a guilt rises in my chest. Pepper speaks up again before I can reply.
“What about me? I lost Tony just as much as you did. You’re my daughter. I rely on you so much with Morgan, more than I should. And if I lost you like we did your dad; I don’t know if I could carry on.”
“You won’t lose me,” I assure her, gripping her hand. “I promise. If I do this, and I’ll only do it if you agree, I promise I won’t leave you and Morgan alone.”
She just nods, looking at our hands as she wipes a few stray tears from her eyes.
“But I really think this is something I should try. It really could work. We could bring them back. We could bring them all back.” My dad’s face flashes through my mind. Followed by Peter’s. I feel my dad’s arms around me, hear his witty remarks. I feel Peter’s lips pressed to my temple, my cheek, my lips. I feel them like ghosts calling to me, telling me how close I am to them.
“If you want to do this, I support you. But if you know it will be too dangerous, if you know it will be something you won’t come back from, then don’t go through with it. Me and Morgan need you.”
“Where is (Y/N) going?”
Morgan’s voice makes us jump, and we turn to see her standing at the foot of the stairs. Her eyes are big and watery, and she is fiddling with the hem of her pyjama shirt.
“On an adventure,” I reply quickly, motioning for her to come and join us “but I promise I’ll come back.”
“You were talking about daddy. Will I get to meet him when you come back?”
“Of course,” Pepper tells her, pulling Morgan into her lap, “I’m sure he can’t wait to see you.”
I can’t wait to see him either, I think. For the first time I feel the hints of excitement growing in me, blossoming from hope. I will get to see my dad again. We can finally all be together, as a family. I look over at my mom and Morgan, smiling at each other as my mom tries to soothe her back to sleep. I can’t help but imagine my dad sitting on the couch with us, a fantasy that is now within my reach.
I smile. It’s time to get the other half of the universe back. 
Part 3
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swellwriting · 5 years
What do we do now? - Part Three
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Part Three- Wandless magic
A/N: this parts really sweet :’) (also remember you can request drabbles if you need MORE SWEETNESS)
Word Count: 2.4k   Series Masterlist
The morning sunshine crept in through the blinds, they used to be white at some point but were a stained yellow colour now with a layer of dust adding a hint of grey. The bits of dust in the air was visible in the sunlight, seemingly floating through the cheap motel room. Y/n woke first to find her fear from last night had become reality, she found herself pressed against Remus’ side, her arms wrapped around his stomach. She questioned how her right arm even got underneath him, it was numb and there was no way she was getting it out.
Remus lied on his back, his hair covering his eyes blocking the light from the window. His heartbeat picked up, slow sleepy breaths turned to quick deep panicked ones. Y/n would have been able to notice this even if her face wasn't resting against the side of his chest. Remus started mumbling, he was clearly on the verge of some sort of panicked nightmare. Y/n poked his side, unable to detach herself from him it was a good idea to just wake him up. He had one hand in a fist at his side and the one that was lazily resting across her back was now desperately gripping the fabric of her pyjama shirt.
She poked his side again and let her croaky morning voice mumble his name to wake him, “Remus, wake up.” His eyes shot open and she felt him tense against her. “Sorry to wake you, but we managed to get ourselves in a weird position and I was sort of stuck.” She tried to casually explain their current entanglement, avoiding mentioning the fact that he was just having a nightmare.
She heard his heartbeat go back to normal before he sat up letting her arm free.
“Beds a little small I guess,” Remus said, ignoring the fact that they clearly had enough space to themselves and giving a reason for whatever brought them so close in the night. “So what's the plan for the day, driving I presume?” Remus asked, immediately changing the topic, glad she didn't ask about his nightmare, he wasn't sure if there were even any visible signs that he was having one, but for him, it lingered in the back of his mind and brought a dreadful realization.
“I'll go get some breakfast to go and then we can keep driving.”
“Okay,” Remus mumbled and Y/n left the room walking about the motel happily in her pyjamas.
Remus grabbed his wand and changed his clothes again, made sure he had everything and then sat there in silence. Fuck, he was so fucked, he thought to himself, how did he forget, how did he let himself be so stupid.
Remus had just had a nightmare, the usual kind where he became a werewolf and had no wolfsbane or place of sanctuary to hide, the exact situation he would find himself in, in a little over a weeks time. How could he be so stupid so careless to let himself forget, to put her in such danger if he had forgotten any longer?
He didn't know what it was that made him forget, maybe it was the peacefulness that came from being close to Y/n, to being spontaneousness and feeling so free. Maybe he was so overcome by grief that he let it slip his mind.
He should run away, he should leave, he knew she would have enough money to make it back home safe, but the emotional damage it would do to her? He sat and contemplated what would be easiest, what would hurt her less. He could apparate to the car but was worried someone might see him since this place was filled with muggles, he looked at the dusty blinds and pulled their strings opening them as he thought out his plan. He unlocked the window and cracked it open, he looked at the motel room door to see it still closed and started to climb out.
Remus was running away, again.
Y/n managed to open the door with a coffee, Diet Coke and two muffins filling her hands, she was met with seeing Remus halfway out the window, and her heart jumped into her throat. “Remus, what exactly are you doing?” She asked, worried that she had gone too far with letting her unconscious self cuddle up to him last night, she made him uncomfortable and now he wanted to leave.
He froze, unsure of whether to come back in and make up a lie or keep running away. He heard the pain in her voice, he had hurt her already just with the prospect of leaving her, leaving her friendless and alone in a strange town.
Remus took a deep breath and pushed himself back inside closing the window and refusing to turn to look at her.
“Remus, where you escaping out the window?” She whispered, putting the food and drinks down and sitting on the bed, he knew her face would be adorned in a frown.
He decided honesty would be best, he might as well lay it all out and explain why he has to leave her only a day into their adventure, “Yes.”
She took that as confirmation that she had done something wrong. “Look, I'm sorry if I went too far and made you feel uncomfortable but I didn't mean to, I would never cross that line with you like that, it was an accident.” Y/n said taking short quick breaths between words, it was clear she was panicked and unsure of what to do.
“What?” Remus asked finally looking at her to see she was staring at her own hands, picking at her nails anxiously. “You think I was running away because of you? You did nothing wrong? You think I would be that upset that we accidentally cuddled whilst unconscious last night?”
“Well, why else would you be running away?” Y/n pouted as she spoke, looking over at him as he came to sit down beside her.
“I guess your thoughts are just. I should probably explain myself.” Remus said and Y/n just nodded like a child that lost their words.
“I am really not good at processing my own emotions and dealing with my problems, I tend to run away out of fear. I've done it time and time again. I ran away from my friends while in Hogwarts left the school grounds and almost got expelled, I ran away from home when my mom died, we are in the process of running away together as the result of our friend's deaths. Now I'm trying to run away from you because I realize I should have never done this.” He sounded defeated and Y/n could hear it in his voice, instead of getting mad she wanted to understand him, help him.
“So you’re running away, from running away.”
“I guess you can put it that way. I just let this big problem I have slip my mind, I can't run away with you, I'm putting you in too much danger. Next week is the full moon and I have no wolfsbane or way to manage myself when I turn, and I don't know what to do.”
“You're a werewolf?” She questioned and he just nodded, looking away from her gentle eyes. “You could have told me, you don't have to run away we can handle this together. I know we didn't know each other very well when we first started this thing but you’re the only friend I really have left if we can call each other that. And you always say your friends helped you before, so let me, your friend, help you now.”
“ I can't ask that of you, I can’t put you in danger.” Remus tried to verbally make his fears make sense to her oh so forgiving ears.
“I think I'm capable of determining that for myself. I won’t run if you promise me you won’t either. We can do this, we will be okay but only if I know I can trust you.”
“I won't try to leave again, I promise.” Remus accepted, feeling relieved at this moment.
“Good, now do you want a hug or something, I'm not very good at this kind of stuff.” Y/n asked as she wrapped Remus in a soft embrace, he wrapped his arms around her back taking comfort in the hug as a smile crept across his face.
“Was the hug last night not enough?” Remus teased and she instantly pulled away lightly smacking his arm.
“Oh shut it!” She exclaimed before getting up, grabbing her healthy breakfast that was a diet coke and a double chocolate muffin and walking out the door. Remus grabbed their bags and his own food before following her to the car.
They ate in comfortable silence, Remus complimented her on how she ordered his coffee just right without asking him, sensing he had a sweet tooth by the amount of chocolate he had in his bag.
Y/n relaxed into her seat, her feet up on the dash and all the windows open letting the summer breeze fill the car, they weren’t driving too fast and it wasn’t windy so the wind was nice for once.
“I think I'm guilty of romanticizing how muggles live.” Y/n said, sticking her hand out the window, feeling the breeze on her fingertips.
“How so? Wouldn't you say life is better with magic? Easier?”
“Maybe, I just think they have it better, they know nothing of an entire world that exists under their noses, life seems so simple for them, no magic, no apparating but instead long car rides or taking the train. They don't have to deal with blood purity, or wars regarding such.”
“They still have wars, just over muggle things.”
“Yeah but they have to kill each other with guns and weapons of their creation, they don't have to worry about dying from The killing curse.”
“I would say guns are worse to die by.”
“But you can survive a gunshot can’t you?” Y/n asked, diving deep into this conversation.
“I have no idea, they just seem to make you suffer longer.”
“I just imagine, a life with no magic, it would be nice having to rely on yourself and other people for things, you can’t just flick your wrist and make stuff appear, you have to work for things and I'm sure it makes getting them much more satisfactory.”
Y/n was holding her wand out the window, twirling it between her fingers when the wind picked up making it fly out of her hands, she turned her head to watch it fall to the ground and into the distance.
“Did you just drop your wand?”
“Yeah,” she smiled seemingly not panicked at all, “and I don't care.”
“Oh, Merlin's beard.” Remus cursed to himself though he was smiling at her antics.
“Screw Merlin!” She said enthusiastically. He watched as she brought her head back into the car taking Remus’ wand and dangling it out the window. “I could drop yours too!”
“Could you?”
“I'm gonna do it.”
“I'm a little busy driving so I guess I don't really have a say.”
She let her fingers go one by one until it fell out of her hands, “Let's embrace our muggle halves to the extreme, no more romanticizing muggle life, let's just live it!” She yelled as she climbed onto the window, bringing her upper half outside of the car as she sat on the window ledge, leaning her arms against the roof.
Remus admired her, her free heart and the way she was not at all concerned for the future, it would probably get them into trouble someday. He didn't want to argue with her either, he didn't blame her for resenting magic, wishing to be a muggle, to live a more normal life in her eyes.
Remus knew that they would need magic, need their wands at some point. So while Y/n was distracted, her fingers tapping the roof of the car to the music as her hair blew in the wind he stuck his hand out the window, silently using the Accio charm to get both of their wands back and tucking them under his seat before she could notice. He chuckled as he heard her singing along to the song on the radio and turned it up a bit.
After a while, Y/n went back inside the car, her hair a mess from the wind, she tried to untangle it but it was no use.
“Don't you wish you had magic to fix that?”
“Nope.” She said happily and Remus just laughed to himself. His laughter was interrupted by a loud clanking noise coming from the engine of the car, Remus’ eyes widened and he looked at Y/n unsure of what to do, he pulled over when he realized she looked just as clueless. They got out of the car and lifted the hood, puffs of smoke came out and Remus let his face fall into his hands. “What do we do now?”
“Sort of wish we had magic to fix this, I mean I can do wandless magic but this is too much, it's too broken for me to be able to fix.” Y/n commented, mind whirling with possible solutions.
“I'm better at non-verbal than I am wandless, so if you can't fix this neither can I.” Remus shrugged, looking up and down the empty road. “What do muggles do in this situation?”
“Take it to a mechanic I guess but we can't afford that, especially a muggle one.”
“If only someone, the smarter half of us, had grabbed our precious wands that were thrown out the car window.”
“You didn't.” Y/n smiled widely like a child, grateful that her dumb, spur of the moment actions did not have any actual consequences. Remus walked into the car and shuffled around under his seat bringing the two wands out.
Y/n grabbed her wand excitedly and without much thought she had the car fixed in seconds, she skipped back to the car and sat down, when Remus got back in he buckled his seatbelt and looked over to her, “We should get food now?”
She agreed instantly, nodding her head excitedly, “Yes to food, always yes to food.”
Part 4
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lostinthewiind · 5 years
Stolen Kisses
George Luz - Band of Brothers
*Based on the characters from the show and not the real-life soldiers who fought bravely for the United States of America in wwii*
Synopsis: one of the conditions of you joining the Airborne was that there was strictly no fraternizing with the men, and at first, you didn’t think that would be a problem. However, the heart wants what the heart wants, and your heart yearns for George Luz.
Warnings: gets a little steamy tbh but that’s about it
The small, dimly lit bar was as lively as ever, even into the wee hours of the morning. The men of Easy Company were enjoying one of their very rare, but very anticipated breaks off of the front line and by God, they were determined to make the most out of every second. 
You couldn’t blame them though because at any minute you could all be given the order to pack up and ship out, and when that happened, there was no telling how long it would be until you saw comfortable beds, warm food, decent beer, and showers again. 
Hearing a low rumble of cheers, you peered over your shoulder at the small crowd of men who had been playing game after game of darts for the last hour or so. Buck was leading the pack, slowly drawing more and more unknowing replacements into the game and swindling pack after pack of Lucky Strikes from them. Beside the Lieutenant, Joe Toye and Babe Heffron watched on in amusement, happy it wasn’t them losing their precious smokes that time. 
George Luz was also there, but you hadn’t needed to look to figure that out. George’s laugh was one of pure joy; so much so that it broke through the unintelligible chatter throughout the bar and commanded attention. It was one of the many things that made you fall for him, even when you weren’t supposed to.
You had tried your best to keep your relationship with the happy-go-lucky radioman strictly platonic, but after a week of trying to distance yourself and realizing you couldn’t make it by without his constant jokes and impressions, you succumbed to his charm and soon found yourself falling head over heels. 
A part of you had hoped he hadn’t felt the same way so that maybe you could move past your infatuation and go about your duty without breaking one of the most important rules that had been laid out in your terms of service, but he did, and the evening before the jump into Normandy he made every last feeling he had for you known. 
When he told you he liked you, you knew you were in trouble. When he kissed you for the first time, you knew you were doomed. And when he told you he loved you, you knew were stuck. There was nothing you could do. You were completely and utterly stuck in George Luz.
Hearing the familiar laugh that made your heart sing, you looked up from your glass of beer and watched as the shorter man took his turn at the game of darts. He steadied himself, threw a few joking remarks at Toye, and tossed the dart. With a quiet thud, it pierced the cork and landed a few inches away from the bullseyes. 
You smiled to yourself from your place at a small table across the bar, and as he spun around to shove his glory in his friends’ faces, his eyes met yours. He stopped for a moment, and in those few seconds, the wide, toothy grin on his face was for you and you only. 
Raising your half-empty glass into the air, you silently congratulated him on his impressive shot. The radioman did a slight bow in response before he nodded his head toward the door and threw you an inconspicuous wink. 
You knew the drill. Drawing your glass to your lips, you downed the rest of the remaining alcohol before standing up and heading for the door. Once outside, you made your way around to the back of the building and leaned against the outside wall.
There was a slight breeze, but nothing anywhere near cold enough to force you to miss out on the only alone time you got to spend with George. These moments between you two had to be timed just right when you knew most of the company, including the officers, would be otherwise preoccupied.
As much as you loved George, you really couldn’t risk getting caught. You had worked too damn hard to get to where you were and had had to prove a lot of people wrong. The last thing you wanted was for them to think they were right — for them to think you slept your way into the Army. 
While you waited for the radioman to finish up his game, you pulled a cigarette out of your pocket and placed it between your lips. With the quick snap of your thumb, you ignited the lighter and lit the stick in your mouth. 
As you tucked the lighter away again safely in your breast pocket, you inhaled deeply, enjoying the feeling of the smoke circling inside your lungs. Exhaling, the smoke spilled from your lips at a slow pace as the sound of footsteps against the ground got louder and louder.
You straightened up slightly, expecting George but being ready just in case it wasn’t him. You could never be too careful. 
When the shadowed body rounded the corner, you immediately knew it was your favourite radioman and relaxed a little. “Did you win?” you asked as the man approached you and plucked the cigarette from your lips.
“Don’t I always?” he smirked, taking a drag of nicotine before handing back the stolen property. 
“Figured I’d ask just for the hell of it.” you shrugged, your back pressing into the cold brick of the bar exterior as George stepped in front of you and placed his hands on either side of you. Dropping your smoke to the ground, you stomped it out with ease.
Once he was happy with your position for the time being, he placed his hands on your hips, his fingertips pressing gently into the fabric of your uniform. “Won myself a few packs of smokes, nothing too fancy.” he leaned in, his lips ghosting over your earlobe and sending chills down your spine. “Had to finish up early though. My real prize was waiting for me.”
“Is that all I am to you, George Luz?” you teased as he began pressing soft, deliberate kisses onto your jaw and neck. “Some prize to be won?”
“You’re much more than a prize,” he whispered in between kisses, his warm breath causing your cold skin to rise in small peaks. “You’re an award...a gold medal...something people only get their hands on once in their lifetime, if they’re lucky.”
You couldn’t help but swoon at his words. Somehow, he always knew what to say to make you putty in his hands. That man had a magic tongue, in more ways than one. 
Deciding that you had waited long enough, you rested your hand on his cheek and directed his face up to meet yours. “Yeah, well, your gold medal needs some spit-shining.” you chuckled slightly at your crude choice of words before grabbing a fistful of George’s uniform and pulling him in.
As soon as his lips were on yours he was like a madman. George had a unique skill of being able to tease you for excruciatingly long periods of time, but as soon as things started heating up he was like a beast that could not be tamed. He was ravenous, and the fact that he hadn’t felt your lips on his in about a week only made things worse.
His fingertips dug deeper into your sides and you knew there would be bruises there later, but you didn’t care. As your arms wrapped around his neck and your hands grabbed at his hair, his tongue forced its way into your mouth, fighting yours for dominance and winning without much of a fight. 
You spent most of your days acting tough around the men, proving to them that you belonged there just as much as they did. So, when you got the chance to let someone else take the lead and dictate the course of action, you were more than happy to comply. Especially if that someone was George Luz.
“God, you have no idea how badly I want to throw you down and have my way with you.” he breathed as he moved his kisses back to your neck, nipping at the sensitive skin there with his teeth. “While this sneaking around is undoubtedly hot as fuck, I don’t know how much longer I can live off of one quick makeout session a week.”
“You knew the rules when you put everything out in the open before Normandy.” you reminded him, your knees weakening as he sucked on the one spot he knew drove you wild. “I can’t get kicked out. Not now.”
George paused for a moment, his lips brushing against your ear. “I know, but a man can dream, right?”
“Sounds more like a wet dream to me.” you placed your hands on his chest and pushed him back, switching places with him.
The pale moonlight illuminated the devilish glint in his eyes as he watched you take control. “Darling, ever since I met you I’ve had nothing but wet dreams.”
“I’ll take that as a compliment.” you pressed a kiss to the corner of his mouth.
“That you should.” he retorted, his breathing hitching when you snaked your hands under his jacket and undershirt and ran your short nails over his skin. 
Moving back to his lips, you kissed him hard once more, your mind focusing on nothing but the way your mouths moved together like a well-oiled machine. These rare sessions were what carried you through the hardest parts of war. They were what kept you sane during long nights in foxholes or hours of walking through never-ending fields. 
These stolen kisses were stored away in the back of your mind like a safety net for your humanity. You relied on them to get you through to the end, whenever that might be. 
Hearing the door to the bar burst open, followed by eruptions of laughter and loud conversations, you slowly pulled out of the kiss, your teeth trapping George’s bottom lip between them and tugging gently before breaking the physical contact altogether. 
George’s face, like it always did when your time alone came to an end, sunk. Pushing himself off of the wall, he straightened out his uniform and cleared his throat for good measure. 
“Someday.” you grabbed his hand before he could leave. “Someday we will be together without fear of getting caught.”
The corners of George’s mouth curled into a happy smile. “Someday,” he repeated, pulling you in and kissing you on the forehead before turning and disappearing into the shadows. 
And just like that, as quickly as he had appeared, he was gone again. George Luz was going to be your downfall someday, you knew that much; you just weren’t sure when. 
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purpleswans1 · 5 years
Another Stray Kid
The Villain Month prompt is “rescue,” but it doesn’t have much of a focus on villains so I won’t be tagging it for the event. Still a part of my Villain!Izuku AU. Content warning for references to kidnapping. BTW, if you ever see something that i should tag and haven’t tagged, feel free to call me out on it so I can improve.
Read also on FF and AO3
Kota may hate heroes, but he hates these villains even more. He hated Shigaraki, that crusty bastard who locked him up in a lonely house and only took him anywhere to basically parade around his little league. He hated Mr. Compress, who would turn him into a ball when he acted out. He hated the Nomus, with their blank stares and lack of agency.
But most of all, he hated Muscular, the villain who’d not only killed his parents, but had dragged him to these villains when that hero-wannabe summer camp was attacked. If Muscular wasn’t around, not only would his parents still be alive, but he wouldn’t be stuck in this house filled with villains.
Kota was lonely and scared. He never thought he’d miss Aunt Shino, but he’d happily go back with the Wild Wild Pussycats to get out of this place.
Soon after Muscular had dragged him through a dark portal, that creep Shigaraki -- the supposed leader of this group -- took Kota to a new house and locked him in. Shigaraki kept trying to tell Kota it was “his home now” and that he should consider Shigaraki his “new big brother.” Like he had some obsession with playing family.
As if Kota would be siblings with that creep.
They left Kota alone for most of the day, which was a small blessing. Still, they left him in that creepy house with nothing to do. There were a ridiculous number of video games around, but Kota had never been interested in those. He didn’t have his phone, and the only computer he could find was locked with a password. The only things he could find that were remotely interesting were the books in his room.
It was clear that someone else had stayed in the room they’d dumped Kota in. There was a decent collection of boys clothes ranging from childish play clothes to formal suits. There were several sizes with the smallest tucked away in boxes in the back of the closet, so someone had stayed here long enough to grow out of old clothes. The stuff in the bottom box fit Kota, but were a little loose.
Kota tried not to wonder what had happened to the last person who stayed in this room.
Whoever that person was, they had to be smart. Some of the book were at a very high grade level, and even the ones Koda could read had a more advanced vocabulary. There were a few textbooks, including a college-level math book. Kota didn’t even try to look at that one; math had never been his favorite subject.
The most interesting things he found were the notebooks. There were over a dozen of them, numbered starting with #5. They consisted of quirk analysis, mostly of notable heroes and villains. It covered their abilities, strengths, weaknesses, typical operations, areas of influence, and potential countermeasures. A few even had a short history section or psychological analysis. The sections on Shigaraki, Kurogiri, and some person called “All For One” were the most detailed and were included in every notebook, sometimes with new information added.
Reading those sections were really useful. Kota now knew that Kurogiri was responsible for all the quick travel, and although he wouldn’t do anything against the league’s interest he could be reasoned with. Shigaraki was a massive video game nerd, which at least explained all the games in the house and why he kept calling Kota “player 2.” The information on his quirk was scary, but did explain why he was always grabbing things with his pinky raised.
In notebook number 8, Kota found a section on the hero duo Water Hose. He didn’t dare try to read it, instead turning the page to a section on Moonfish. He did the same when he ran across the Wild Wild Pussycat’s section.
After nearly 2 months in the house with nothing else to do, Kota was almost through with the last notebook. He knew way more information on heroes than he cared to, but he also knew more about the villains. Most of the coutermesures described in the notebook weren’t practical (sticking a pen between Shigarki’s fingers, really?) but he was able to analyze his situation a lot better. Maybe he’d find an opportunity to escape one of these days.
Shigaraki banged open the door to Kota’s room. “Hey kid, you ready to go?”
Kota glared at Shigaraki. He may understand the villain better now, but that didn’t change the fact that Kota hated his guts. “Where are we going?”
Shigaraki scratched his neck. The notebook author had noticed this as well, and explained it meant he was feeling a strong emotion, usually anger. “I’ve got a meeting with a rival and potential ally.”
“Why are you taking me then?” Kota couldn’t find a pattern to when Shigaraki took him out. It wasn’t very often, but when he did take Kota out it was like he was parading a prized pet.
“Don’t question me,” Shigaraki said. “Kurogiri is waiting for us in the living room.”
Knowing it was pointless to argue further, Kota just grabbed the notebook he was reading and followed Shigaraki.
Kurogiri was waiting for them. The portal opened into a park Kota didn’t recognize. He could see the roof of buildings less than a kilometer away, so they were still in a city.
Seeing all the nature around him made Kota miss Aunt Shino’s mountain lodge, but he pushed that thought away.
Mr. Compress walked up to Shigaraki. “You really think he’ll come?”
“Yes,” Shigarki said. “Izuku may be going through a rebellious stage, but he’s my brother. Even when I’d yell at him and disintegrate his stuff, he’d always come crawling back to make up in time.”
Izuku? Kota wondered. If he’s Shigaraki’s brother, could he be the one who used to stay in my room and wrote those notebooks?
Kurogiri materialized behind Shigaraki. “I hope you two are able to make up. You’re stronger together than either of you are apart.”
Shigaraki scowled. “I’m not the one who left, you know.”
“True, but you have to be the one to invite him back,” Kurogiri said.
This was shocking. Kurogiri is actually giving Shigaraki instructions? Kota had thought the warp villain deferred to Shigaraki in everything.
Mr. Compress held up his hand. “Wait. I can hear something.”
There was a rustle coming from the bushes on the other side of the park. Three figures broke out of the darkness and walked towards Shigaraki and the others. Kota couldn’t make out many of these people's details, but he could infer some things from their outlines. The one on the left was wearing a hood and had his hands in his pockets. The one on the right was a girl with short hair and something bulky attached to each leg. The one in the middle was plain-looking, but since he was leading the group he was probably the most powerful.
“Izuku,” Shigaraki said.
The trio stopped a short distance from Shigaraki. “Tomura,” the one in the middle -- Izuku? -- replied.
Shigaraki scratched his neck again. “I suppose congratulations are in order. For humiliating Endeavour, the current #1 hero. It wasn’t as impressive as Sensei’s fight with All Might, but still had a massive effect on the heroes.”
Izuku shrugged. “It’s not that hard if you just take the time to plan.”
Shigaraki’s scratching increased in intensity. “I want you back, Izuku.”
“I’m sorry, what was that?”
“I want you to come back to the League of Villains,” Shigaraki said with gritted teeth.
Izuku didn’t say anything for a while. “Why should I?”
“Why should I come back? I’ve got a pretty good thing going. I’ve got my own group and we’ve already made a name for ourselves without relying on Sensei.”
Shigaraki grit his teeth. “You know we’re stronger together.”
Izuku laughed. “Let me guess, Kurogiri told you to say that? Or are you just parroting something you heard from Sensei years ago?”
Kota couldn’t help himself, he broke out laughing. He’d been so terrified of Shigaraki, but this guys was just dragging him through the mud!
Izuku shifted slightly. “Who’s the kid?”
“Hm? Oh, this is Kota,” Shigaraki explained. “I picked him up a while back. With you gone, I needed a new player 2, you know? I figured he’s so young, I could just raise him the same way Sensei raised the two of us.”
Kota really didn’t like the sound of that. He still didn’t understand what Shigaraki needed a player 2 for, but he didn’t want to be “raised” by this villain.
The hooded figure on the left leaned over to Izuku and whispered something in his ear. Izuku shifted again and motioned to his allies.
“You really don’t understand me at all, do you Tomura-nii?” Izuku said. “I hated staying with Sensei. The only reason I didn’t leave was because I had no choice. The only reason I tried so hard to please him was because I wanted my own quirk. The only reason I got along with you was because I sympathized with you.”
“You brat!” Tomura yelled.
“I may be a brat, but at least I’m a brat with a purpose. Which is more than I can say for you.” Izuku walked forward, but passed right by Shigaraki. He stopped in front of Kota. “Hey there, Kota, is it?”
Kota looked up. The dark still masked the majority of Izuku’s features, but green eyes pierced through the shadows. An encouraging smile was barely visible in such low light, but Kota could still make it out.
“Do you want to be here?” Izuku asked.
Kota shook his head. “No way! I hate them! I’m only here because that bastard Muscular grabbed me and Shigaraki has been keeping me locked up in his house!”
“You- You ungrateful little... “ Shigaraki raged.
“I understand, Kota.” Izuku kneeled down so he was eye-level with Kota. He leaned in and whispered, “Would you like me to get you away from them?”
Kota didn’t even stop to consider the possibilities. He just nodded. Wetness clouded his already limited vision, though Kota couldn’t figure out why he could be crying.
“I’m sorry Tomura, but I won’t be returning to the league with you,” Izuku said, not taking his eyes off Kota. “I have my own teammates relying on me, and I won’t force them to join with you. Not to mention, you and I just have completely different values. You want to destroy the world, but I want it to be rebuilt as a better place.” Slowly, Izuku inched his right hand down to fiddle with something on his thigh. “Plus, I’m not interested in in kidnapping kids, only in helping them get out of bad situations.”
Izuku turned around, pulled a gun out, and shot Mr. Compress in the thigh. As Compress fell, Izuku wrapped his free hand around Kota’s waist and picked him up.
“Elemental, subdue with right only. Comet, pickup with payload.” Izuku shouted, spinning around.
Shigaraki ran at Izuku and Kota, his hand outstretched to attack. “Don’t you dare!”
Suddenly, a wall of ice spread across the ground, trapping Shigaraki, Mr. Compress, and Kurogiri. Compress was only able to struggle weakly, but Shigaraki touched the ice and started disintegrating it with his quirk.
Before Kota could worry what would happen when Shigaraki broke out, the girl that came with Izuku flew -- as in, actually flew in the air -- towards him. Something slapped Kota’s head, and a few seconds later he was moving faster than he thought possible without a vehicle. The wind was harsh on his face, so he buried it in Izuku’s chest and focused on getting his breathing under control.
About a minute later, Izuku spoke over the wind. “This should be far enough, Uraraka. Set us down.”
The wind and speed bot stopped. Izuku loosened his grip on Kota, allowing the boy to drop on scratchy turf grass. They’d landed in a soccer field. Kota realized he felt a lot heavier than he did while flying.
The girl was standing a few feet away. “I’m proud of you, you know.”
Izuku raised an eyebrow. “What do you mean Uraraka?”
“You didn’t give into Shigaraki. You stood your ground and told him how you really feel.” The girl -- Uraraka -- explained.
“That isn’t much in the grand scheme of things.”
“Maybe, but the Izuku I met a year ago would’ve given into Tomura’s demands. I like this Izuku better. He stands up for himself and what he wants.”
Izuku was silent for a while. “I just didn’t want another kid to get trapped in this life like I was.”
“Still, it’s impressive, considering how much of a pushover you used to be.”
Someone new walked up to Izuku and Uraraka. It was the hooded guy, the third member of Izuku’s group. “I left them encased in thick ice, especially the warp villain. He’s got an airhole, but Shigaraki is going to have to destroy ice a meter thick to get him out.”
“Good. That should keep him busy long enough for us to figure out what to do next.” Izuku turned to Kota. “We can take you to a police station or hero agency around here. They should be able to get you to your family.”
Kota didn’t like the sound of that. “Don’t do that! The heroes won’t be able to protect me from Shigaraki or Muscular. They weren’t able to do so the first time.”
Izuku looked confused. “Don’t you want to be with your family again?”
“Mom and Dad are dead. They were heroes, and Muscular killed them. The only family I have is Aunt Shino, but she’s a stupid hero too. When the League came, she and all the other pros where to concerned protecting the wannabe heroes that they didn’t notice when I disappeared!”
All three of the others stared at Kota in shock.
Tears were clouding Kota’s vision again. He wiped them away. “I hate heroes, and quirks too. Everyone is just fighting and killing each other for no reason. I hate those league jerks ‘cause Muscular killed my parents and Shigaraki tried to kidnap me. Nobody came for me, nobody saved me, except for you guys. Please, don’t make me go back to the heroes!”
The hooded guy pushed back his hood, revealing hair that was half red, half white. “Well, Mandalay did say he has hated heroes ever since his parents died.”
Kota stared at him. “Wait, weren’t you one of those hero wannabes at the camp?”
Shoto Todoroki smirked. “Let’s just say i had a change of heart.”
“You know, a kid that hates heroes would fit in well with a group of villains,” Uraraka said.
Izuku, however, continued to frown. “Dabi will get on my case if I bring home another stray kid.”
“I’ll handle Dabi. He listens to me,” Shoto said. “Besides, I’m pretty sure he only does stuff like that to play devil’s advocate.”
Izuku sighed. “Fine! You guys win. Kota, would you like to stay with us?”
Kota wanted to jump for joy. “Yes! Yes, please, take me with you! You’re the first people I’ve met who understand me.”
Izuku smiled. “Well,come along then. It’s a bit of a walk to the house from here. Oh, just so you’re aware, we’re also taking care of a girl your age named Eri. I’m sure you’ll get along…”
And so, Kota followed behind his rescuers, some of the first people he’d met that he didn’t have a reason to hate.
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toothedsmile · 5 years
The puppeteer : Chapter three
Chapter three – First day at school
A/N: I have no idea how exactly the schools in Japan are so I’ll just base the school where reader is in of my own school here in Belgium. I apologize to anyone who might find this annoying or confusing but I hope you’ll enjoy nonetheless. Reader will most likely transfer to UA at some point  but I won’t tell when so…
Skippable :  But here is a quick explanation of how schools work here (at least where I went) : Pre-school, this is pretty much like day care, these are usually located around primary schools to make going over to formal education easier. Primary school, this begins at the age of 6 but I began at 5 as I was just born late in the year but in the same year as my classmates. You stay in primary school for six years, so until you are 10-11. Then begins secondary school which I think is like an equivalent to high school but still different. This begins at the age of 10-11 or 12 depending on date of birth, you also stay here for 6 years until you are 17-18 (18 is the legal age here and in case you were curious you’re allowed to drink at 16 but no hard beverages, that’s 18) then you start university or higher education. Also, just like in japan you have one class you stay with for an entire year in primary and secondary school. Midoriya and the others would here in Belgium be in their fourth year of secondary school. (further details can be found in the addition explanation chapter)
A little while had passed since the letter arrived and you were still a little salty about it but you were able to live with it. Your parents had decided to let you go to another school that wasn’t UA as they thought it might’ve brought some bad feelings to you. Sadly as they didn’t want to move or have you travel far distances by yourself to go to school they chose a school that was close by your house but also close to UA, so that you could look upon your dream school with disappointment and regret.
Today was the first day of your new school It normally started at 8:40 AM but because you were in a higher year you could arrive at 9:30 so you had enough time to go so you could wake up at 8 AM so you had enough time to do whatever you needed to do in the morning. The school you went to was very different than the others around as it was based on schools in Europe (I think, idk). You were in class  4HC1, fourth year hero course class 1. While it might not be an actual hero course where it is deemed as the main part of the course it was an additional class you could take along with rescue classes. You arrived at the Multipurpose Hall, which was also used as the mess hall, it was a big room that could keep around 250 students inside. It had tables, chairs and windows that looked out to some trees where you could do recreational things during the pause. In the Hall was a small podium where the principal stood waiting for the time the bell rang to give a speech and have everyone be with their classroom teacher.
It took some time and there were some students who were late when the principal had already begun calling of the classes and the names of who ere in those classes. After 5 minutes she arrived at your class and called your name along with 20 others. You all followed your teacher to the classroom and had to introduce yourself, luckily you could do this from your seat.
Surprisingly your friend for two years ago was also in this class, they had moved to this school two years ago but seemed to remember you seeing as they waved at you with a huge smile and mouthed to you that you should ‘Come to me when we have to go to the other lesson’
Your first hour, which was actually 50 minutes long, existed of introducing yourself and other information that was given about the school and classes you had to go to, you were happy that it happened in this hour because it was supposed to be math. The teacher said that they were your English teacher but they were the person who would look after your class the most, like a homeroom teacher.
When the bell finally rang your friend had stood up quickly and went outside, sighing to yourself you thought ‘Of course, it probably wasn’t even to me they said that.’ You walked out the door and were immediately greeted by an arm that slung itself around your shoulder and a happy yell of “Y/N!!” right into your eardrums.
Shocked you turned your head and saw your friend looking extremely happy with a gigantic smile that could rival the sun.
“Y/N! I’m so happy to see someone I know! I didn’t know you transferred to this school. There’s so much that I have to tell you like OMG, I don’t have many friends as I somehow haven’t managed to bond with anyone like I have with you but that’s fine because now you’re here and I’m so happy that I see you again even though we saw each other during the vacation and other times because you’re the only one out of our friend group who actually kept in contact with me for those years but never mind them because who cares, not me hahahaha.”
You blinked, kept silent and blinked again. There was so much information, you forgot they were like this. After recollecting yourself you smiled back at your friend, who was still smiling mind you, happy that there was a familiar face among the 19 others you don’t know and forgot their names of.
Swinging your arm around their shoulders you finally spoke to them. “F/N!! I’m so glad to see you, I forgot you went to this school to be honest but I’m sooooo happy that you’re here.”
You let each other go as the position wasn’t so handy to maintain while walking nor was it that comfortable unless you were sitting down. They lead you to your classroom and explained everything that had happened to them during their time here that they hadn’t already said to you in messages or small meetings during vacations.
You were very happy to learn that because this was the first day of school everybody was allowed to leave at 3 PM, thus skipping any lessons that might’ve happened after that hour. You both decided to hang out a bit more after school in a small café like place where they served delicious ice cream and other desserts with a variety of drinks, there you explained what had happened to make you not go to UA as your friend knew you really wanted to go there.
They seemed sympathetic but didn’t seem pitiful like your other friends and said that “Things happen, I know you would be a great hero that would save everyone whether it was from a villain or from themselves. Just keep trying so you can go to UA.”
It made you feel a lot better about yourself.
“You know, you could be a vigilante. “They said as they wiggled their eyebrows and smirked at you. “You’d be a hero before anyone else, you could save people and heck! I can be that person in the chair with a headset to tell you where you have to go with screens all around me!”
You Furrowed your brows confused. “W-wha? First of all that seems dangerous but a very nice idea and anyway, I don’t need a person in a chair. But if I do I’ll tell you.”
The both of you exchanged such glances that you weirded some people who saw it happen out but you didn’t pay attention to them as you had started thinking about the idea your friend gave you. While yes it was seen as a bad idea that unlicensed heroes actually do hero work under a disguise and most of those who did were either seen as reckless or straight up as villains no matter the motives of the person in question.
You thought back about a vigilante who previously called himself Stendhal but afterwards turned into the now called villain Hero killer: Stain.
While you thought his motives made a bit of sense you didn’t like the execution. (pun totally intended with 0 shame)
You also thought about your own motives which included both egoistical ones but also selfless ones such as wanting to genuinely help people and bring a smile upon their face but also wanting to make yourself seem better and to prove yourself that you weren’t as useless as you showed during the entrance exam for the hero course in UA.
“Hey Y/N, you still on planet earth or have you gone to introvert land?” you snapped out of your little daze and looked back to your friend who seemed a bit worried about you.
“You were either forcing your two braincells to think or you just straight out rebooted out of nowhere. Anyway, what do think huh? About my idea.”
Pursing you lips you looked a bit to the side not really wanting to admit that you actually thought about their suggestion but caved in after they gave you the you-better-tell-me-or-I’ll-annoy-you-so-hard-like-you-don’t-even-know look. “To be honest I was actually thinking about it and like, it doesn’t even seem like a horrible idea but it also sounds straight up stupid and dangerous but like that’s what a hero has to do right? But I’m going to think about it.”
They smiled at you, happy that you thought about their suggestion seriously. They didn’t mind you dreams and even though it was kind of illegal to do vigilante work they wanted to support you trough and trough in any way they possibly could.
Taking your hands they smiled proudly at you. “You know, whatever you want to do, I’ll support you the best I can possibly can.” They squeezed your hands for good measure before letting go and proposing to ask the check and go home as it was getting rather late.
You both said your goodbyes and walked home, they had to take the train but you didn’t want them to go to the train station alone so you went with them and looked so that they went inside the building safely.
You both waved and you started walking home a bit faster than normal because you didn’t want to be out while it was dark.
After a short walk you got home safely where your mother greeted you and said that they had waited for you with dinner.
An hour after dinner you went to bed, stomach happy, feeling alright and light.
You were ready to continue your goal of becoming a hero to rely on.
 I Hope you enjoyed this chapter!
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fadedstarlight · 6 years
the stars will sing for you, one day. hope is what dreamers rely upon, so don’t lose it. even if it means the end of everything you know.
a crumpled tee shirt, plastered directly to her face. an exhausted arm brushes it aside with a disgruntled moan, the moan of someone who was having a terribly nice dream and was woken up by the most inconsiderate rays of morning grace. thanks, morning, she mutters to herself. comforter pushed aside, beads of sweat rolling off the bangs matted to her temples, may allows her body the respite of cool floorboards, chilling her aching body. wait, why is my body aching? where is my home? where am i? startled eyes, dizzy from the relentless waves of heat, burst open with fervor known only to the insane and the driven. there were a lot of questions, of course. that’s human nature. staring up at the ceiling, a small fan twirls daintily. this isn’t right, she keeps saying to herself. this can’t be right.
no answers can be fulfilled lying face-up on the floor, so in a flurry of movement, may was upright at last. tenatively, she made out the visage of fate that lay before her:
a half-eaten pizza. thrown lazily over a laptop.
why is there a pizza here?! i don’t even like pizza!
may took this opportunity of pure speculative confusion to observe the furnishings around her– a bed with no frame, laid at the end of the room with pastel flowers adorning the comforter; a small, yet thoughtful rug that looked incredibly soft if layed upon, if there weren’t a black cat sitting directly in the center of it, enjoying the sun; a desk with the aforementioned pizza laptop at the other end of the room; and a communist flag pinned to the wall with two small knives.
i need to find a fan.
1 maybe this is the beginning of something new.
maybe this is the end of something ancient.
maybe this simply is.
2 she can’t do it alone.
be strong, may. be strong. run fast, head high, legs pumping– as long as you are going away from what you once were. that, dear, was a fate worse than death.
i don’t think death itself envies you, to be honest.
3 if you keep walking, maybe eventually possibly you can wake up from this and it will all be better.
but you know, you can’t outrun fate.
fate has its own tendrils that operate on their own terms and own laws and own everything and it doesn’t give a shit if it hurts you. because it has a job. and it’s doing a pretty great job at that job, and it probably doesn’t like that job but it doesn’t have a choice because its fate bosses tell it to do that job or else it’ll lose its fate job in its fate cubicle making a fate wage so it can feed its fate family. and they have their own fates, too, forcing them into this fate paradox that never seems to pause or contemplate why it does that, as if that too has a fate that it was predestined for.
my head hurts,
i really need some coffee. when was the last time i had something to drink? it was a day ago, probably. it’s not like, out here, i have much to go off of in terms of resources. if the winter chill nipping at my fingertips could be as filling as they are annoying, i’d never have to eat or drink anything again. now i’m hungry too. i am kind of wandering the wilderness, so i suppose i’m not too surprised. but i still am. in an apathetic kind of way. like, i will be conscious of what is happening, think to myself, oh, well i should do something about this, and never actually act upon it. even now i feel like im just watching a movie of someone else who just so happens to be traversing the alaskan landscape in search of something that isn’t there, wondering what their motivations are. gnawing on popcorn, sucking down heaven’s nectar and in the calming embrace of separate souls, lapping up the emotional buffet such a connection offers to one so malnourished. certainly sounds good right about now.
but i’ve accepted that, after about the nineteenth mile of uninterrupted walking, i understood that my entire existence was to never be ‘good’. good is the term that people never meant for anything say to quantify their meaningless lives by trying to find purpose in purposeless things. they have to do something for 80 years before they kick the bucket, right? grass doesn’t have things to look forward to, to aspire to be, to discuss, yet here it is, frozen and pale in the face of winter’s countenance, tenderly caressing its neck with its white-hot temptation. and grass doesn’t hurt anybody, either. all grass ever did was be green and be eaten by things who like hurting other things. grass has feelings, too, but no one cares. because it’s grass. and we are people, but honestly, we’re so much worse than grass. grass deserves more good its life than we have ever had. grass hasn’t killed other grasses. grass just wants to be the best grass it can be and it tries so fucking hard to be that. its grass parents must be so proud of it.
i wish i were grass.
4 stars wink at me sometimes. their flirtatious personalities are intoxicating, which makes it all the more heartbreaking when i realize the distance between them and i. i wish i could be up there with them, and succumb to their allure, be subject to the countless stories and thoughts, their transcendental banter, their flaws and fears and fate all lined up for me to gorge upon with all senses in wide-eyed stupor. the stars have their qualms about the universe too, i’m sure. but to be a celestial body must have its perks, too. for one, you never have to worry about not having enough time. you’re the largest measurer of time, only trumped in its universal dominance by the ones who set them there at all. also, you’re friends with other stars, whether they like it or not. your galaxy would be, essentially, a set of unbreakable friendships. you’re all orbiting each other, invariably destined to meet in a cataclysmic reuniting. it’s poetic: tragic and moving and short-lived yet unmistakably important to those involved, for they are foreverchanged with unmistakablelove. those were books i was writing on before i began this wandering journey into eternal oblivion. i doubt they’ll get finished, but it’s the fact that i tried at all that makes it powerful.
5 now, as i wrap my cardigan around my knees and crush the life out of these frozen leaves with my weight it must bear, i contemplate the purpose of my existence as an individual among individuals. is it true that some are destined to live in the solitary confinement of their shadow, as a mere instrument of mimicry? that is all i have become. to serve the whims of another, willing to destroy the whole of my being just to catch another glimpse of him, to prove i have life worth living, pulsing throughout my chest. but now i sit, cracked, with my split soul, breathing life into these leaves, similarly cracked, and similarly dead, and similarly subservient to me. this is hope leaving my body. i can feel its warmth pour in drops at first, yet slowly collecting into a technicolor pool, paled slightly by my tears added to the mixture. i like pastels anyway.
it has been pouring since the encounter. whatever it touches lives again. my goal is to find the man. and hug him. and let the torrent of tears stain his jacket, and my soul to drench him in his ignorance, to heal him, for he is the broken one, not i. i am not cruel. i am not beyond help. neither is he. no one is evil. he is confused. i am confused. we are confused. i will heal him.
6 you ever have those dreams that seemingly go on for decades, that build their own narratives and relationships and struggles that become all the more important than your own as you reside within them for those few brief hours of rest? where you remember every detail of your fictional love’s morning routine, as it was your favorite part of waking up, watching them dance while brushing their teeth, and sing in the shower way too loud letting yourself join in and not caring about the fact that both sound like a duet of cats dying in the rhythm of california gurls? where you remember the pain of losing imaginary loved ones, those ones whom your entire being was poured into, that made you the best fictional person you could possibly be. where you wake up in tears because you died crying, in a hospital bed, not sure what would be on the other side, and it just so happens to be that this actual, tangible life was the alternative, even though you would probably prefer a legitimate death without this purposeless, lifeless existence you actually inhabit being a purgatory for the next 60 years. those dreams have been appearing to me more and more recently, and i’m sure there’s a reason for their occurrences. maybe its because of this crisp wilderness air constantly barraging me with endless strokes of its mighty wind, or the fact that i haven’t seen another person in three days, or eaten in almost two, or the fact that i’m kind of disintegrating before my very eyes. the puddle my heart has left keeps a nice warm patch on the ground where the grass has been reborn, but aside from that i am cold. very cold. i can see some lights in the distance, kind of like a hazy sea of distant fireflies, gracefully following their own solo lines while maintaining the integrity of the whole symphony simultaneously. it’s rather pretty. if it weren’t for this hypnotic flurry of flickering, i would pass it. but i am intrigued. what stories will lie here, who knows. i can only pray they will leave me more answers than questions.
7 as my eyelids rush to meet each other as soon as those faint, flickering lights form distinct rectangles, i find myself feeling oddly at peace with everything. as i give in to gravity and the earth whispers my name, may, may, lay your weary head upon my shoulder and allow me to bear your burden, all things become so very obvious. alike the situation that placed me here, skull against skin against upturned earth, i succumb to alluring temptation once more, with the knowledge that my limbs, although leaden, have lead me farther in this time alone than they ever had in the life i lead before, and that was a comforting thought. maybe this all was a worthwhile endeavor, as the crash of footstep berates my sensitive ears with their screeching calls.
if i had known he would be the stars, and the grass, and the earth, and all other things, maybe i wouldn’t have come here. it’s all intertwined, there’s no escaping this or that or anything or nothing because even absence leaves a gaping hole in my chest that leaks out like a starving child begging for sustenance, as tears flow and fears grow and lives are snuffed out, one by one. i would rather take their place, there. some of those starving people who will never have a chance could have a chance if i allowed them to have it. i’ve wasted my life, on things that never really mattered or cared, but they could have done something amazing, gone on to change the world forever, instead of having the soul sucked out of them as life pours out of their eyes like tears so similar. i wonder if anyone feels the same way about me, that i could be something great if i were only capable of and given the chance. i think about that a lot. the possibility of something else, of renewal, of happiness. it’s simply a thought, but it’s a thought worth thinking of.
8 i was asleep for a day, i was asleep for a thousand days. time is a petty quandary anyhow.
what was true was the tears – millions upon millions of tears begotten by the tortures of millions upon millions of demons locked away in one solitary skull. sleep was never my friend; sleep never attended birthday parties or called late at night to make sure arteries were intact or laughed at dumb jokes or anything like that. sleep was the listless vixen that cloyed at my mind, always tempting me to the brink of exhaustion but ever allowing me to partake, never allowing me anything but the utter agony of lack of control. but this was especially horrid, as the role had been reversed. now lady list had her tendrils firmly secured, her jaw relentlessly locked on my consciousness. left to her mercy once more, the agony poured from my eyes in steamy globs one after another as the pain throbbed in my temples because the temple of solitude within my mind had been breached ad neverendum. i was forced to play out the pain of my past as her poison passed through my porous brain, a catalyst for the horrors of the may that once experienced them to be rejuvenated with enthralled vigor once more. i was worse than dead. it should have left me there, to die in my own pity, convulsing and confused and scared. but that would be too convenient. eventually, her poison drained from the wounds i had inflicted myself, numerous and agonizing in their own right. i had to. it was required. i couldn’t stand the thought of it all anymore. you can only handle so much.
we’re only human.
well, most of us.
9 my eyes, shrouded with glistening stars that swirled around nauseously as i took in my surroundings, danced across this unfamiliar environment. scuttling feet enveloping my senses, in all senses but sight: no matter how hard i tried to focus on the brittle tile that sent shivers cascading through my body, no clarity ever emerged. i was left with a vague sense of the location i was residing within: the floor of a tavern. freezing, filthy. i was apparently dragged inside with no real thought as to my condition or situation: for if these fumbling buffoons were to realize the seriousness of my predicament they would surely be healing my every wound and bowing their head to the bobbing of mine, attempting to raise my upper body. neither of these conclusions were to be fully realized, though i thought myself a queen for a time: to control all things with but a mere breath, to flaunt one’s ability and status with crooning grace and fullness; capable of destroying the lives of those around me but being empathetic enough to allow their lives sustenance for another day, and letting the reaper grow thin and his scythe rusty due to my own diligence. i would be the master of mortality, able to move any single, simple soul to accomplish this countenance’s humble requests. one could actually compare these actions to those of
run run run. run. run run? run, yes, yet my legs waver and mind shakes at the onset of actuality. this is not good. i must change course, find solace in the upstairs rooms, where i will surely pay for my intrusion into somehow. these awestruck peoples have been stagnant since my arousal, how peculiar– and this is coming from me! each step is as if my whole soul is to be thrust into the heat of a battle, and each cell inside my body are the unwavering yet unwilling soldiers who understand their demise is necessary and inevitable in order to protect those who admonish them on home soil as their greed stockpiles as quickly as complacency grows. i have been here for hours, it seems, attacking these cursed slopes that haunt my every movement, as i clamor up their taunting, unnervingly pearl-white faces. my chest heaves and my screams are apparent, but they are wholly necessary for the process at work here: yet still oblivious onlookers seem more interested in the past than present. the solid oak door moans as loudly as i: please, come inside me, come in and never leave, you are mine and always was. i was always one to give into temptation. the door swings with greased hinges, carrying me as momentum forces me to land on the bed directly in front of m-
ow. now i’m unconscious again, aren’t i? who knows how long i’ll be trapped in here. it’s pretty rank, too. i never much cared for it. i’d trade it out for a new one in a moment if i were able to, but those sorts of things are only what can come true in fantasy, and not reality, this reality of cracked and flowing hearts and polished white floors and hungry doors waiting to consume their next meal. this is reality. and i try so hard to convince myself that yes, reality is something worth fighting for, and here i am, at its mercy once again.
at least the floor is warm now.
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