#except his awesome fancy hat
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fountainpenguin · 5 days
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"Though we both know one day there'll be blood on the floor... but which one will betray the other more?" (x)
New Fairly OddParents 'fic today!
Rated T - 6,900 words
50 Words of Dale and Vicky
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50 scene snippets about two inseparable BFFs and a string of bad decisions. Predates lemon pit torture.
OR, Dale and Vicky were friends when they were kids.
(First 5 prompts under the cut)
50 Words of Dale and Vicky Friday August 14th, 1992 - Friday April 14th, 1995 Summer of the Pink Star - Spring of the Small Sunflower
1. Balance
Even Dad raised an eyebrow at the redhead who took the mutton bustin' like a piece of sticky tape. The sheep charged through the Dimmsdale Dimmadome's mucky arena, the girl thumping up and down on its back. With every second she clung, the crowd surged higher and higher with excitement- cheering already! Did she sew her sleeves to its wool or something? 6-year-old Dale, safe behind the chute fence, braced his arms a little straighter; craned his neck a little higher.
"Whoa… She's cruisin' like a roadrunner."
One flump of a small body later, the little girl went tumbling through the muck. But she won, of course (and scored the traditional belt buckle emblem plus a set of 4 family tickets to Wave 'N Rage to prove it). The girl cheered into Dad's microphone and jumped up and down. Watching some black-haired woman and a redheaded guy (who must be her two parents) fawn over her, Dale had to wonder… if she had any siblings.
That was wicked…
Her name was Vicky Aingeal. And he was about to be the best friend she never asked for.
2. Cattle
The next time he saw her, it was at the state fair. The scruffy scarlet ponytail hadn't changed. She wolfed down a funnel cake at a table, her parents to either side (and sharing their own). Powdered sugar smeared her lips and fingers. That stuff had to be so greasy… but it looked delicious. Dale, who had already been a Bright Young Man and a Very Well-Behaved Good Boy (semi-interchangeably) for the past 5 minutes while his dad talked about cows and bovine and steer and heifers with Mr. So-'N-So (Cue laughter; they were friends), decided he'd finished standing in the hot sun, bouncing on his toes. He darted his gaze between Vicky and the back of his dad's head. Another 20 seconds flickered by. This time, Dale's stomach even growled. And if that wasn't a sign, what was?
Dad didn't stop talking, but he did move his hand to Dale's shoulder and gave a quiet squeeze. Not now, said the gesture, so Dale went quiet. He played with the big brim of his hat, staring at Vicky and her funnel cake until she stopped eating and raised her head. Their eyes flicked across each other. Dale jumped and glanced away. Back to the cattle. The Dimmadomes showed fat and healthy cows every year at… the cow-showing event. "Open dairy," Dad called it with his friends (SO awesome; all fancy). Dale never remembered the name except this time of year, but he definitely knew cows.
"Dad," Dale tried again. But dad kept talking, squeezing his arm again, so Dale went quiet for real and softly picked at his nose. The grown-ups talked cows, milk, and hormones… And when that all wrapped up, Doug scooped him up and set him on his hip in one shwoop.
"Now, what's all the fuss, son? What's got your knickknack paddy whacking?"
"Dad, I want a funnel cake."
Doug Dimmadome (owner of the Dimmsdale Dimmadome) threw an unreadable glance at the table where Vicky and her parents ate. It might've been unreadable because Dale was only 6. "Too risky, kiddo. It's probably got dairy. Now come on, son- You wanna lead the herd with me?"
3. Instrument
"Huh," was the first thing Vicky said when she came across the refrigerated butter sculpture. Seriously? Three giant cows playing in a band? "Pretty weird." It was a huge amount of butter and that was kinda impressive all in all, but… did it serve any purpose? It wouldn't last. Who would want to keep that thing cold for months? Even winter wouldn't get cold enough to not melt it. She looked for a price tag, a card- anything that indicated it might be for sale. Was this thing just donated? Free of charge? I wouldn't want it either, but that feels like a waste. I'm sure SOMEONE would buy it. Some kind of stupid, rich…
She was still there, leaning so close to the clear case, her nose could've touched the nearest instrument, when someone tapped her shoulder. She yelped, hit the case (with her face), and spun around. "Who-? … Oh." That weird kid who'd been staring at her while she ate lunch. When Vicky blinked at him, he pushed the brim of his big hat up with one thumb. He even smiled.
"I saw you at the mutton bustin'."
"The what?"
"You rode the sheep? Most people don't stay on that long."
"Oh, yeah. That sheep was a loser."
The kid blinked, like he actually cared about some random sheep's feelings or something. Honestly, with a name like mutton bustin', whoever was in charge of that thing probably cooked it up and ate it by now. "Well," said the kid, pretty slow on the word. He put out his hand. "I'm Dale… Donovan. And you're Vicky, right?"
"Uh, are you following me?"
4. Sheet
He showed her the chicken tent, the pigs, and the cattle (with their parents trailing behind, of course- Dad had a lot of business to talk and Vicky's parents didn't seem to mind he was there, even if Vicky still gave him weird sideways looks like she couldn't decide just what to make of him). But little by little… those shoulders that looked like tall fenceposts started coming down like a gate sinking underwater.
Then he showed her something super interesting over her shoulder while he tore down the sheet with the name Dimmadome scrawled across it. Look… Is it so wrong to want a friend who likes you without asking about your dad getting rich?
He ignored the confused looks the cows shot him as he bunched the paper in his hand.
5. Resonant
Y'know what? There was something REALLY funny about watching the awkward kid jump about 10 feet in the air (skeleton practically leaping from his skin) when a piercing whistle carried through the air.
"Th-that's my dad," Dale stuttered. "I have to go. Um. 'Bye."
Huh. So, did he not like to add the 'good' in 'good-bye' either? Maybe he's more self-aware of the crushing weight of existence than I thought. Not the worst quality in a friend.
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vellatra · 7 months
Fire Emblem - Three Houses - A Dumb Summary
I was challenged to summarize 3H. I know very little about the game. You've been warned!
Once upon a time there was this guy Billy. Or this girl Billie. Actually you get to pick so we’ll just pick one now… wait and there are also several stories to pick. Shoot. Well we’ll just have to have several summaries then, won’t we? Nyeh!
Story One - Azure… Something
Once upon a time there was this girl Billie who taught battle strategy or something at the Mach 10 Monastery. She was very confusing to everyone, ‘cause she was the same age as the students but also teaching them, but also not the same age and like a super old goddess or dragon or something and also might’ve been possessed by the demigod descendent of Sothe and Yune? Look I don’t know and neither do you. Anyway, so she’s teaching and they’ve got this system like Hogwarts where everybody picks a sports mascot to rally behind, and the teachers also get to pick favorites. She picks Gryffindor because she has a major crush on this dude in the house who wants to KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM. Who are “them”, you ask? Yes. It’s a wonder anybody survived going to school with him okay? Super bloodthirsty dude. Dunno why either, something to do with working for the Holy Faerghan Empire and the Spanish Inquisition I think? And also he talks to ghosts? Yeah that sounds right. Eventually somebody got annoyed with his serial slaughtering because at some point he lost an eye, but we’ll get to that later.
Mr. Inquisitor’s classmates (who will probably never show their faces in this story again) consist of a bottle of Felix Felicis, Ash from Pokemon, Miklan’s Brother, a car, the mailwoman from Rune Factory Frontier, and a d-dude (people always stutter when they talk about him so his title is canonically “d-dude”).
There are also some other teachers, but most of them are boring. Except of course for Mole Lady, and the Phantom of the Opera who’s trained to become a ninja.
So Billie taught the Inquisitor and his cronies all there is to know about combat and strategy and whatnot, until one day when she decided to go on a years-long vacation to “find herself” or something. Everything blew up without Billie there to stop it! But you play as Billie so it all just kinda happens without you and she comes back like “Oh crud what’d I miss?” and she just joins in the war that’s started, on the side of her teacher’s pets of course because they’re her most favoritest and are absolutely in the right in this war, right? Turns out they’re fighting against the other two houses, who are also fighting each other. It’s just a total mess. Also there’s this group of sewer rats who come out of the gutter and say they’re the totally legit and super awesome FOURTH HOUSE DUN DUN DUN! Led by somebody named Japanese Lesbian even though he’s a dude? Whatever, anyway he says they want to join Billie’s side because… I dunno she’s cool I guess? So off they go to fight everybody else, and of course, to KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM! Especially the leader of Ravenclaw, Edelwiess, because she’s definitely a heretic who wants to be a normal Fire Emblem lord and fight the church and defeat god like everybody else. Ew! The horror! She’s definitely evil! So um… yeah that’s basically what they do I guess? Just whoop up on everybody and take over the continent? Oh and also they make a detour to Miklan’s Brother’s Brother’s house and smite him in particular because nobody likes him. He liked to be mean to his brother when they were little because his brother had a fancy hat or something that meant he’d get to be king after their father? I think? Or something? Anyway Miklan’s Brother’s Brother was super jealous of the fancy hat and made sure it was everybody’s problem so they all went to his house to smite him before continuing on their journey to KILL EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM. Which they did. Then if you play your cards right Billie marries the Inquisitor and they live murderously ever after! Yay!
Story Two - Crimson Flour (What the heck is that made of? Red 40? Ew!)
Billy decided to teach Ravenclaw because he thinks their albino leader Edelwiess is cute, but then he discovers that she has this menacing bodyguard who never eats, never sleeps, and follows her everywhere, and he thinks “ya know what, I should’ve picked another house”, but then it’s too late. Ravenclaw consists of Edelwiess, Scary Hubert, a nerd, a ghost, Sonic’s mom, a modern girl cameoing, and Cool Fiona.
So anyway, like Billie, he teaches the kiddos and then leaves for a well-undeserved vacation while the war starts. When he comes back, he’s like “well obviously my faves are the good guys” so he joins the Ravenclaws on their quest to defy the Holy Faerghan Empire and the Church of Kronos’ Wife and to slay god or something. This means they also run afoul of Mr. Inquisitor, but they slay him too and put an end to his bloodbath… while they go off and do basically the same thing I think? Starting to think there are no good guys actually. Oh dear. Anyway at one point things get so evil and wrong that Billy gets to choose whether to stick with Edelwiess or to backstab her. If he sticks with her, they smite their foes and probably live happily ever after (but they don’t get married because Hubert is too scary and Billy doesn’t want to get poisoned on a date). If he betrays her, I have no idea. All I know is that the story turns into Story Three - White… Fluffy Clouds… or something…. And he probably teams up with the aforementioned sewer rats, because they think he’s cool. I’m sure he wins but how in the world does he defeat Hubert? That man is an all-powerful menace. Somebody fill me in? Haha
Story Four - Fear the Deer
Billie joins Hufflepuff, mostly because she sees it’s led by fellow Star Wars enthusiast Claude von Beethoven. He’s so committed to the bit that he even has a little padawan braid and everything! So cool! Anyway so she teaches him and his buddies: a dude obsessed with roses, an artist self-insert, a Micaiah wannabe, Amy Rose with an axe, and some girl who’s obsessed with The Witcher. They’re all a bunch of nerds and we love them for it. I have no idea what these guys want when the war breaks out - they’re probably just excited to be in a Fire Emblem game honestly! - but obviously, since Billie’s with them in this version of the story, those crazy sewer rats join them and they mop the floor with everybody else and, uh, they live happily ever after I guess! Except for Miklan of course. ;P
There’s also Story Five - Whiskered Eggplant, but we’re not getting into that today ;) XD
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live-from-flaturn · 1 year
I humbly request The Great Halloween Tranq Dart Incident with the prettiest of pleases.
For those of you wondering "wtf does this mean?" please check out This KimChay Prompt Fill for context!
tw: tranquilizer dart/symptoms of sedative
wordcount: 1k
Title: "Where is the Batman?"
“Who the hell are you supposed to be?” Kim asks, gesturing at his eldest brother’s three bodyguards. Pol, Arm, and Pete are wearing color-coded outfits complete with short capes and matching witches hats. 
Pol does a little spin to show off his spring-green suit and the vines wrapped around the base of his hat. “I’m Fauna!”
“I’m Flora,” Pete waves. His burnt orange ensemble is an exact copy of Pol’s except for his hat, which is covered in pink and orange flowers. 
Arm does some of the least enthusiastic jazz-hands Chay has ever seen, his blue cape fluttering slightly as a result. “And I’m Merryweather.”
“AND I’M PRINCE PHILIP!” Tankhun announces, strutting down the hallway in a pair of enormously puffy sleeves and tailored slacks. “They’re the three good fairies.”
Pol elbows Pete. “There’s a joke in there somewhere.”
“Well it’s true,” Arm adds. 
Tankhun shushes them and turns to Kim and Chay. “You two look amazing, by the way!”
“Thanks,” Chay grins. Kim is ninety-nine-percent sure his boyfriend is blushing furiously under his cowl. It’s Porchay, for fuck’s sake. “Kim helped me with the makeup.”
“I like your mask,” Pete says. “You’re supposed to be Anne Hathaway’s version of Catwoman, right?”
Kim nods his assent. “It’s custom.”
“And he helped pick out this awesome Batman outfit!” Chay pipes, holding out the edges of his cape like the original comic logo. Kim stifles an indulgent smile – these costumes had technically been his suggestion, after all. He hadn’t wanted to state out loud that he’d been paying close attention to Chay’s new advantage in height, but that didn’t stop it from being true. “Isn’t the cape sweet?!”
“Super sweet,” Pol agreed. “Now, shall we head for the ballroom?”
Chay leans into his boyfriend’s side and whispers, “I’ve never been to a fancy Halloween party like this before. Will it be scary?”
“No,” Kim shakes his head. “Kinn planned it ‘to be fun’, so you don’t have to worry about business people showing up. It’ll be mostly off-duty bodyguards, staff, friends, and family.”
“Awesome.” Chay is hugely relieved. He follows Prince Tankhun and the three good fairies into the ballroom. Kinn and Porsche approach them. 
Chay barely holds back a snort of amusement. “Hia! What are you wearing?!”
“I could ask you the same thing,” Porsche huffs. He tries to cross his arms over his chest, but the gesture is interrupted by his fancy bra (made from two artfully bedazzled shells). 
“I’m Batman, and Kim is Catwoman. Isn’t he cute?”
“Meh, he’s alright.” Tankhun floats past the conversation only long enough to add. “He’s got a flat butt.”
“Phi!” Kim hisses, not unlike a cat.
“Sorry not sorry!”
Kinn chuckles and rolls his eyes at Chay, “Brothers, am I right?”
“Totally right, P’Kinn.” Kim and Porsche watch in horror as their boyfriends fist-bump. “So, what’s the pl–”
Chay’s question is cut off by a quiet scuffle near the door. Kinn excuses them both and scoops Porsche into his arms, hurrying to investigate. Kim and Chay stay put, chatting and joking. Everything is normal until Kim jolts forward and slaps a hand over his left ass cheek. 
“What the fuck?” Kim lifts his hand to show Chay a small green tube. “Babe, I am so sorry for whatever happens next.”
“It’s a tranq dart, and my immunity for this isssss,” Kim trails off with a giggle. His eyes glaze over and he slumps more of his weight onto Chay. “Sssssss. That’s a fun sound.”
“Shit!” Kinn jogs over. “Did it hit him?”
“What do you think?” Chay deadpans as Kim continues hissing quietly through his teeth. 
“Okay. Right. Let’s get him upstairs.”
“Good idea.”
It takes Chay, Kinn, and two of the three good fairies to yank Kim free of his heinously tight pleather outfit. “Next year we’re going to do something less complicated.”
“Do you expect Khun Kim to get tranqued at a Halloween party every year?” Pol jokes. 
“Hey!” Kim complains. His eyes roll around the room, searching for one particular face. “Where is the Batman?”
“Hey babe,” Chay steps forward. He’s already swapped into pajamas and wiped (most) of the dark makeup from around his eyes. “I’m here.”
“It’s Bruce Wuce!” Kim exclaims with a theatrical gasp. “I mean Bayne Wayne!”
“Bruce Wayne?” Chay offers. His boyfriend tries to snap his uncoordinated fingers, but mostly they slide uselessly against each other. 
“Yeah! That guy.”
“You can just call me Chay,” he offers. Kim pouts adorably up at him and Chay waves the bodyguards out of the room. “Please ask someone to send up green tea and snacks, but otherwise I can handle this.”
“Are you sure, N’Chay?” “Oh yeah,” Chay laughs. “Do you know how many weird things I’ve heard Porsche say on morphine?”
“I want to hear about this,” Pol says. Arm agrees.
“Soon, but not right now.” Chay giggles. “Thanks again for helping me with P’Kim.”
“That’s literally our job.” “Well I appreciate how well you do that job. So there.”
“Ugh, how are you related to Porsche?!”
“Go,” Arm shoved Pol toward the door. “Leave the lovebirds alone.”
“I would be an owl,” Kim declares, startling Chay with his unexpected volume. Arm and Pol stifle laughter, hurriedly shutting the door behind them. 
“What would I be?” Chay asks, taking a seat on the edge of the mattress. Kim scoots awkwardly closer and squints in concentration. 
“Hmmm… A plover.”
“Small.” Kim cups his hands together to demonstrate and thoughtfully adds, “Fluffy. Good at surviving.”
Chay’s throat threatens to close up. Well, it does until Kim speaks again.
“Shoes are dumb and we shouldn’t have to wear them unless it’s for safety reasons.”
“Slippers are okay, though.”
Chay bursts out laughing, and Kim joins him at a much higher pitch. 
Kim falls asleep after tea and a snack, and Chay sits next to him with a smile still pulling at his lips. “Weirdo. Cute, but a weirdo.”
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duhragonball · 2 years
Dragon Ball GT 01
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Well, here we are.  I’m doing (ugh) GT. 
Some Dragon Ball fans really enjoy GT.  I want to make it clear that I am not one of them.  I really don’t like Dragon Ball GT.  At all.   I don’t want to belabor the point, but I feel like I need to make this clear up front, just in case there’s any GT likers who might get the wrong idea.
I watched it back when it first aired on Cartoon Network in 2005, and I watched it on DVD in 2013 because I had never seen the first 15 episodes (more on that later).  This will be the first time I’ve watched it in Japanese.  I have given this show plenty of chances, and I don’t think this third go-round is likely to win me over.  So I’m probably going to have a lot of unkind things to say about this show. If that bothers you, then this is your chance to scroll down or hit the back button, or whatever it is you kids do on your fancy computers.
Part of the reason I’ve held off on this for so long is that I don’t think it makes a lot of sense to hatewatch a show in this day and age.  That used to be a common thing on the internet in the mid-2000′s, what with all the Nostalgia Critics and Angry Video Game Nerds and Furious Film Guys and the Movie Stabbers and the Cinema Insulters.   Now, it’s become a sad joke.  I’d have to do a whole transformation sequence where I put on a hat and fedora and strap toy guns to my belt so I can sit down to explain why this 27 year-old cartoon fills me with rage.  I’m already using Tumblr in 2023, so I can’t afford to fall any further behind the times.
So I’ve got a few special features that I’ve come up with to help keep this experience fresh.  We’ll just have to see how it goes, but no matter what happens, I want you to remember that I really do despise GT.  It’s just wall-to-wall crap.  Let’s-a go.
GT Stands for “Goku’s Twelve.”
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So let’s set the stage here.  The final chapter of the Dragon Ball manga was published on May 23, 1995.  This was adapted into the final episode of the Dragon Ball Z anime, which aired on January 31, 1996.  So I assume during that eight month period, Toei and Shueisha had to decide what to do next.  Dragon Ball had been airing on Fuji TV at 7:30PM for years, and it was a hit.  It could continue to be a hit, except there was no new manga chapters to adapt into new episodes.  Toei surely wanted to hang on to that lucrative time slot, but there was no guarentee that another series would maintain the same ratings success. 
The solution, it seems, was to just keep Dragon Ball going without the manga.  This was nothing new for Toei, since the studio had struggled to balance the pace of the manga with their need to provide new episodes of the anime for the network.   This was where all the “filler” episodes come from.  Every so often, Toei would pad things out by making entire episodes of original story to keep the series going until the manga could “catch up”.  This is why the Namek/Frieza saga was so long, when it was fairly brisk in the comics. 
Filler episodes of Dragon Ball have been a mixed bag.  Some are genuine classics, but for every Driving School episode, there’s a Garlic Junior Saga that gets reviled by the fanbase.  Personally, I’m fond of the episodes about Goku’s training journey before the 22nd World Tournament, and the Otherworld Tournament in DBZ 195-199 is awesome.  But there are a lot of stinkers.  Even so, the basic idea of an all-filler Dragon Ball anime probably didn’t seem too far-fetched in 1996.   And so Dragon Ball GT premiered on February 7, 1996, the week after the final episode of DBZ. 
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Things start out promising enough.  In the final episode of DBZ, Goku takes Uub on as his student, and promises to train him for a few years until he’s strong enough to take over as the Earth’s protector.  As the episode ends, Goku admits that his ulterior motive is to make Uub strong enough that they can have an epic one-on-one battle.  GT Episode 1 starts off with Goku and Uub having that battle.  So far, so good.
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For some reason, they chose to do this inside Kami’s Lookout.  Not the palace on top of the platform, but underneath the platform.  Their battle nearly wrecks the whole thing, but Dende insists that this was the only way to do it.  Apparently  he and Popo reinforced the structure for this battle, because it was safer than having them fight out in the open, which could have damaged the planet.  Okay?
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But the four of them aren’t alone on the Lookout, as a mysterious intruder has arrived to rob the place.
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Turns out, it’s the Pilaf Gang, last seen wayyyyy back in a filler arc near the end of the Piccolo Junior Saga.  Before that, their last manga appearance was when King Piccolo chucked them off of their own airship.  But they’re still in the game, despite looking absolutely miserable.  Pilaf doesn’t look too bad except for his teeth, and I’ll tell you what, GT Mai’s holding up pretty well from where I’m sitting.  But Shu?  Damn, Shu looks like he longs for sweet embrace of death. 
Anyway, the Goku/Uub match makes the perfect diversion to allow Pilaf to sneak into the Lookout Palace and find the treasure he’s looking for, which is a set of Dragon Balls.  Not the ones we’re used to seeing, but an older set with black stars instead of red.  According to Pilaf, this was the first set of Dragon Balls created by Kami before he became Kami.  That is to say, back when he was the Nameless Namek, before he separated into Kami and Piccolo. 
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In other words, these Dragon Balls ought to be more powerful than the ones we’re more familiar with, because they were created back when the Nameless Namekian was more powerful.  Presumably, the Black Star Dragon Balls would have lost their power after Kami and Piccolo separated, but Kami must have put the inert stones in this storage room and forgot about them.  When Kami and Piccolo recombined in DBZ Episode 141, the Black Star Dragon Balls would have reactivated, but no one would have noticed, because they were stuck in this closet the whole time.   And I suppose Piccolo never remembered them either.
So that all checks out, but I still have two major questions, which we’ll talk about in my new segment:
✨”Good” “Ideas”, Poorly Executed✨
So the main defense I see of GT is that, sure, it was a flawed production, but it had some good ideas, even if they were poorly executed.  I’m going to contest that notion by picking out the “best” “idea” in each episode and questioning whether it was actually “good” or even an “idea”. This time around, it’s the Black Star Dragon Balls.  On paper, a set of defective, overpowered Dragon Balls might be worthwhile, but it doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.  The Nameless Namekian made this set first, then boxed them up and forgot about them?  That’s a hell of an oversight.  But even setting that aside, the idea in this episode is that Pilaf, the very first Dragon Ball villain, could find these things and start the chain of events that sets GT into motion.  That’s not a good idea at all, because it’s implausible.
First of all, how in the hell did Pilaf find out about any of this?  He has a throwaway line about “research”, but what could that even mean?  You don’t just go to the library and look up a book about forgotten Dragon Balls.  The Nameless Namekian didn’t write an autobiography.  Most people on Earth don’t even know the Lookout exists.  Hell, most people don’t know anything about the regular Dragon Balls.
Maybe he consulted a fortuneteller?  Pact with Satan?  Not Mr. Satan I mean the devil.  Not Spike the Devil Man, I mean the.... never mind.  
Okay, second question: Why does Pilaf need the Black Star Dragon Balls in particular?  This scene is set up as though he can’t get the regular Dragon Balls, or he has some wish that only this more powerful set could grant.  But no, he just wants to make the same wish for world domination.   So what’s stopping him from gathering the usual Dragon Balls?  I know he hasn’t had much luck with it, but what makes him think this route will be any easier?
Also, while I’m thinking about it, why didn’t the Black Star Dragon Balls show up on the Dragon Radar before?  If they really did reactivate in DBZ #141, then they’ve been sitting here for about 22 years, giving off the same signal as the other seven.  Bulma would get out her radar and find fourteen blips, with seven on the Lookout. 
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Oh, and why are they lying in a pot full of skeletons?   I guess what I’m trying to say is that this whole premise is dumb as hell.
The showrunners put zero thought into any of this.  They just thought new Dragon Balls would be cool and handwaved the various reasons why this would have come up before now.  It’s a stupid, stupid thing, and the worst part is that Toei basically admits it, because they abandoned the concept about halfway into the series.
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Back outside, Goku and Uub finish their fight, and Dende heals them up.  He assumes this was Uub’s graduation from Goku’s training, but Goku isn’t that formal about it.  For him, this wasn’t a test, just a friendly contest between two peers, like he dreamed up back in DBZ #291.  Nonetheless, Uub’s training is officially complete, so he says his goodbyes and heads off to check on his brother and sister.  Goku is about to head home as well, since he hasn’t seen his wife in five years. 
Actually, yeah, that line from Goku might explain why this show has some fans confused on the chronology.  I’m pretty sure the dub has a line about this episode taking place ten years after DBZ #291.  In that case, Uub would be 20 years old.  But every source I’ve ever read says that this episode is supposed to be five years after DBZ #291, so Uub should be 15.  It’s kind of hard to tell, since everyone on this show ages so inconsistently.  Is Uub a buff teen or a babyfaced young man?
For the sake of convenience, I’m going to stick to the idea that this is five years after End of Z, so this is Age 789.  Uub is 15, Goku is 52.   Still Goku’s only saying that he hasn’t seen his wife in five years.   That assumes he last saw her in DBZ 291.  But one could argue that he popped into see her two years into Uub’s training, and then this episode takes place five years after that, so this could be Age 791.  Or any year you want after 789.  I guess that’s where Funimation was coming from, setting this in Age 794.
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Anyway, before Goku can leave, he notices some funny lights outside, and it’s from Pilaf on the other side of the Lookout trying to summon the Dragon.  And when you use the Black Star Dragon Balls, you get a red version of Shenron who’s much, much bigger than the one we know.   His head is bigger than the entire Lookout. 
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Goku finds them and once they each remember the other, Pilaf starts shooting missiles and Goku catches them.  
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Then Pilaf gripes that Goku was easier to deal with as a child, and he says that if Goku were a kid again, they would defeat him easily.  And Black Star Shenron just takes that for a wish, apparently, so he grants it.
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And then he peaces out and leaves.  Thanks for stopping by, Giant Red Shenron, you big show-ruining dick.
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So now Goku is a little kid and Pilaf is completely beaten, because he just wasted his wish on something stupid.  Even if he really wanted Goku to be a little kid again, since when were they able to defeat Kid Goku? 
Anyway, King Kai contacts Goku and he’s shocked, shocked to learn that the Black Star Dragon Balls are still operational.  Apparently he knew about them all along, but he thought they had been disposed of a long time ago.  He tells Goku that the only way to reverse the effects of the wish are to gather the Black Star Dragon Balls and make another wish.  But Mister Popo points out that this won’t be easy, because when the Black Star Dragon Balls are used, they don’t just separate and scatter across the Earth.  No, these balls scatter across the four galaxies of the universe.   Goku decides it’s not worth the trouble, and he’s fine being a kid again. 
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So Goku heads home like he planned, only he stops off at a restaurant in the city.   Coincidentally, this is the same town where Pan is on a date.  This boy looks like he’s way too old to be dating a nine year old, but I’ve given up trying to make sense of the character’s ages. 
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But there’s a hostage crisis at the bank near the movie theater, so Pan can’t go on her date while this is happening.  Irritated, she takes matters into her own hands and beats up the crooks.   Goku also happens along and tries to intervene, but Pan doesn’t recognize him, and shoos him away.  Also, her date runs away, because I guess he can’t handle the idea of Pan being super strong?  Whatever.
✨ Positivity Page ✨
Yeah, Dragon Ball GT is terrible, but I refuse to wallow in bad vibes.  So I decided to establish this segment, where I would try to find something positive about each episode, so that I can stay positive, like Diamond Dallas Page taught me.  And for this episode, I’m gonna say that it was pretty fun watching Pan clobber these goons and tell Goku to stay back.  I wish we got to see more asskicker Pan, but at least we got this. SELF HIGH FIVE.
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We spend a big chunk of this episode on this revelation, because Goku doesn’t recognize Pan either, since he’s been away for so long.   Fortunately, Master Roshi happens to show up, and he helps connect the dots.  Wait, why does Pan know who Master Roshi is?  I’m not saying she couldn’t know him, but this is just taken as a given.
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So Goku returns home and fills in his family.  Pan hates the idea of her grandfather being smaller than her, and Chi-Chi really hates this situation, but while Goku and Gohan talk it out, King Kai contacts them and reveals another bullshit rule about the Black Star Dragon Balls: Once they’re used, you have one year to gather them back to the planet where the wish was made, otherwise, that planet will explode.
So, now that we’ve gone over the whole thing, let’s ask the question:
✨Is it worse than the Roaming Lake?✨
The Roaming Lake is Episode 29 of Dragon Ball, and it is my pick for the worst episode of the original series and Dragon Ball Z.  So if you consider GT to be worse than either DB or DBZ, then it stands to reason that any episode of GT is as bad or worse than Roaming Lake.   And my ruling is....
As nonsensical and dull as “Roaming Lake” is, at least it doesn’t drastically alter the main characters as a cheap stunt, the way this episode does.  And as dumb a concept as the Roaming Lake may be, at least we never had to deal with it again after Episode 29 ended.  And the writers weren’t stupid enough to have it blow up the Earth.
So that’s 1-0 in favor of the Roaming Lake.  Not an auspicious start for GT. 
One last segment before I close this out.   Yes, it’s time for...
✨The Blade Braxton Memorial Haiku*✨
Blade Braxton was a legend in the world of pro wrestling podcasts, and one of his signature skills was his ability to condense the myriad of wrestling news and discourse into a single, digestable poem.   I find that Dragon Ball GT is a huge timesink, and to spare others the hassle of watching every episode, I’ve decided to try to summarize each episode into a concise, soul-cleansing seventeen syllables.  I’ll never approach the sublime talent of Braxton-sensei, but I strive to grow stronger in the attempt.  Here we go.
Here we go.
Black Star Dragon Balls
They'll destroy the Earth next year!
Wish they’d hurry up.
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violets-and-books · 1 year
So so so so I was doing some investigating for my SW AU and I have some ideas:
Kaz: Chiss
New look!! Black hair, red eyes, pale grey/blue skin. Wears all black obviously, not much for hats in SW universe though. I picture him as slightly less muscular because he's not fighting/physically working as much because he's mostly politing and running missions than actually spying, fighting, stealing, etc. He can still hold his own though, he's a touch boi.
Inej: Atoan
Looks the same but she just has some fancy internal stuff going on. She wears more jewelry in SW universe though.
Jesper: Human
Looks the same except for a little scar on his lip from his first gambling brawl he ever got in. He's still the tall lanky flirty guy we know and love.
Nina: Zeltron
Pale pink skin, dark red/brown hair, green eyes. Same style really, same body, same voice, etc. She's our girl she's just got some extra powers and fancy skin.
Matthias: Arkanian
Deeply pale, white ass hair (long ofc), and white(ish blue) ass eyes. He only has three fingers and his thumb, and he has a few fancy new abilities. He's still really tall, really strong, he's just gotten a little makeover and he's got some special supervision shit going on. He wears so much navy and IT MAKES HIM LOOK EVEN PALER AND IT'S DRIVING NINA INSANE-
Wylan: Cyborg
Still a worried little guy but he's a worried little guy that will fuck you up. He has his eyes and hair and face and everything intact, but he has a replacement lung, a robotic hand (his non dominant one), and then he has a whole leg that's cybernetic. He also has some metal on his stomach that runs along the bones in his ribs. He wears goggles and a jacket and stuff because he's the ✨mechanic✨
Okay, okay, I've got to reply to all these individually
Kaz: We love our Chiss pilot man!! Touch boi???? 👀 👀 What dyou mean by that 👀👀. Love that he can still hold his own because of course he can! Even if he wasn't as strong, I still wouldn't want to go for a 1v1 against Kaz
Inej: Awesome! Inej deserves more jewelry as well
Jesper: Why change him when he's already perfect? BUT SCAR THE MAN, YES, HA HAHAHA (I'm just kidding, Jesper, I love you. I just love seeing you hurt more)
Nina: Oooooh, very fancy! She'd rock pink skin. And new powers? 👀👀 Do tell
Matthias: NOT THE NAVY- Sounds like the perfect race for him though, just bright fricking white everywhere
Wylan: MY CYBORG BOI!!!! Cyborg Wylan is just top tier. Damn, you really went full on with the replacement lung! (I say as someone who replaced Wylan's vocal cords but shhh) And the cybre 👏 netic 👏 leg 👏. Love it!!!
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doodle-do-wop · 2 years
(don't mind me just gonna hop onto the train late)
credit to @superbcoffeedrinkersubparwriter for the Gallagher version of the prompt list made by upsidedownwithsteve
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Why did it have to be pumpkins?
Carl considered himself a simple guy. He didn't ask too much of life. He wasn't too tall, too short (thank the Lord). He wasn't prom king back in high school but he wasn't a social outcast either. He was perfectly in the middle. The best candidate for a boyfriend! He wasn't picky about anything.
Except pumpkins. He hated pumpkin. Everything about them drove him nuts, the smells, the shapes, the way people put them in everything during the fall!
Now this wasn't to say he hated fall, he just hated pumpkins. Fall was the perfect time of year for an average guy like him and even better for a boyfriend like him. I mean come on, you can give your super awesome, super smart girlfriend your coat and be all suave like the guys in the movies.
You could cuddle with said super awesome, super smart girlfriend instead of doing anything else. Have tea and watch Hocus Pocus. Rake leaves in big piles so her little brothers can cannonball in. Fly kites with the autumn wind.
So many options for perfectly romantic dates....and yet Carl's here...in a pumpkin patch, surrounded by hundreds of tiny, stinky, orange pumpkins.
"-And if you scoop out the seeds and leave them to dry you can use them too for-" Anna chattered on as she spoke to her brothers, half crouched as she held a pumpkin in her arms. Her brothers listening intently as she told them everything she knew, their eyes light up like candles and their head bobbing like bobbleheads.
Carl sighed. Anna Fetterman was the strangest girl in town, going off every year every since middle school to some strange snooty school in Virginia, coming back every summer bolder and brighter. Nowadays she’s off with the air force or something, getting ready to fly off to new adventures. 
She could’ve chosen any boy in the whole wide world, but she chose Carl. And he wasn’t complaining one bit. She was just so...Anna! She was clever and knew more about anything than Carl and his whole family combined. She was crafty and a wiz in the great outdoors(even if she managed to uproot every rock she came by). 
Anna and Carl, they were what people called soulmates, sweethearts since the summer Anna climbed a tree to retrieve his kite. Carl would do anything for her at the drop of a hat. Even stand in a pumpkin patch for an hour as she explained pumpkins to her little brothers, Wally and Parker. 
“-Right Carl?” Anna asked and turned to look at him and Carl froze. 
Quick! Quick! Quick!
“Uhhhh yep!” He nodded and gave her a thumbs up. When it doubt? Agree. 
Apparently his flawless plan left him in the dust as Anna stared at him in bewilderment as Wally and Parker race off down the rows of pumpkins in search for whatever it is two 5 year olds want out of stinky pumpkins. 
Anna turned and stood up, tucking the pumpkin in her hands under one arm as she dusted the other off on her jeans. Carl froze and he wondered for the millionth time if she could read minds or something. Whenever she looked at him what that knowing gaze of hers he either cracked or she figured it out herself. 
“What’s wrong?” She asked and gently reached out, taking his hand in hers and he shivered from the cold that shot up his arm. 
“You’re freezing.” He deflected because while Car didn’t go to a fancy school and wasn’t a hotter, female Sherlock Holmes, he did have at least some brains. And a grandma who drilled chivalry into his brain.
So he took his time taking his jacket off and then his hoodie, handing them to Anna who stood patiently waiting in her simple grey shirt since Wally stole her aviator jacket. 
“Do you not wanna talk about it?” Anna wiggled into his hoodie and jacket and Carl held her pumpkin(even the texture was gross). 
“It’s just...” He tried and his brain stopped for a moment and he put the wretched fruit down and gently pulled her hair out from the hoodie. 
“Carl.” She warned and he knew time was up. Carl took a big breath and then let it out, readying his nerves of cotton and then rested his head on her shoulder as he revealed to her his humiliating secret. 
For a moment...she said nothing at all as the words floated quietly around them and settled into the earth. 
“You don’t...” She trailed off and Carl nodded against her shoulder, too scared to pull back and see her face. 
“Carl?” And he caved, he pulled back to face her and was met with a sweet smile, sweeter than any tart or treat ever created in the whole wide world. Her hands reached up and cupped his faced and he couldn’t take it anymore. He leaned into her touch and covered her hands with his, kissing her palms. 
“I’m sorry.” He whispered but Anna shook her head, brown curls flying softy around her. 
“No, I should’ve realized I just...” She struggled and Carl tried to help.
“Didn’t know because every October you’re in Virginia?” She blinked and then blushed, and Car decided he liked the pink that dotted her cheeks. 
“Yeah,” She whispered and then looked over as the boys called her name. She bit her lip and while he was no Sherlock, Carl did his best to be a good boyfriend. He knew what was going on in that big brain of hers. 
“Let’s find a nice pumpkin for Wally and Parker,” He suggested and before Anna could protest staying the field any longer now that she knew, he kissed her and left her speechless. “It’s their first Halloween with their big sister.” 
Anna shifted her weight, thinking, calculating but Carl knew better than to let her come up with a convincing argument. He kissed her again, softer this time and then begun to leave a trail of quick soft kissed down her jaw and to her neck. 
He felt her relax against him until the boys called her name again and she stood up straighter than a stick and Carl took her hand and dragged her over to her brothers as she sputtered and said words Carl was sure weren’t English. 
After picking out two more pumpkins Carl had to make a quick run to his car after realizing(with surprise) he forgot his wallet inside but when he started his jog back over Anna and the boys were walking his way, pumpkins in hand. 
“Sorry I thought I-” He started but then paused, he looked at Anna then smiled. “Nevermind.” 
Now, Carl isn’t one to keep secrets from Anna but he knows she had it. Even if it was in his back pocket, tucked safe and secure he knew Anna had managed to slip it out so he’s run to the car and be free of the pumpkins. And he’ll never admit it, but he was thankful for it. 
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onepieceheadcannons · 3 years
hey bae!! can u write headcanons of luffy, sanji, and nami, finding out from someone else their crewmate ( reader ) likes them? thanks!! ur awesome
Hey Lovely,
Hope you likey
Ah yes the captain,
He definitely needed someone to tell him, he wouldn't assume anyone liked him even if he returned it.
The crew, oh my, they'd be so frustrated. I mean, they see you guys everyday, hanging out catching fish, imitating the crew, and listening to Usopp's stories. They are surprised that someone can handle Luffy the way you do, you make him a better captain.
The crew made a plan, mainly Usopp, Franky, and Nami. Their first attempt didn't go as well, they had sent Usopp to tell him. Usopp didn't flat out say it, he made up some grand story about his love with Kaya, and at the end of it said well like you and y/n. But Luffy was too amazed by Usopp's story and didn't really catch his last bit.
So after that failed attempt, Nami decided that if she wants it done right, she just has to tell Luffy.
So she sits him down, and she is like "Y/n likes you, do you like them?" And Luffy would be oblivious at first, and be like "Well duh, they're my friend. I like them😁" so then Nami explained it, maybe with a few slaps on the head. But then he realized that he likes you just as much as he likes meat.
He wouldn't make a big deal out of it, I mean you like him, he likes you. So he just flat out says to you one day, "You'll be such a great future (queen/king whichever you are) of pirates."
I mean Luffy just stating you'll be there with him, I bet it would feel awesome. From that point, he'd wait to run and explore an island with you. He'd grab your hand and just run along and wouldn't even notice if his arm was stretching because he ran too far ahead.
He would let you wear his hat constantly, no doubt about it. He would make sure you ate even if he was picking off of your plate.
He wouldn't care if you are a girl or boy, he just wants to adventure with you and would make sure you are just as respected as him.
Now let's be real, he has a crush on nearly every female he sees so he'd be kinda oblivious when it came down to realizing someone liked him.
You've been on the crew for awhile, and damn the way he smiles at you makes your heart explode. The crew started noticing, even Zoro. No one wanted to upset you by telling Sanji about your feelings without permission.
But then Zoro, him and Sanji were arguing like usual. And he slipped up, calling Sanji such a dumbass he didn't even notice y/n's crush on him.
When Sanji hears this, oh man, that man skyrockets into the sky with a nosebleed. I mean of course he returns the affection, you are so beautiful and gorgeous to him. A person like you having a crush on him, he is through the roof happy.
You watched this unfold with a wide eyed expression, I mean how did Zoro even know you liked Sanji. He doesn't approach you immediately about it, he wouldn't want you to be anxious about it. But instead he'd try to show that he likes you back.
He'd focus on you, not necessarily ignore Robin and Nami but he is less flirty than he was before. I mean this man refuses to even hurt a lady, he wouldn't want to hurt your feelings at all by flirting with another woman.
He'd wake up in the morning, to make you your favorite breakfast and grab you your favorite drink to have with it. He'd go shopping with you in mind for his meals. And he'd plan exactly how he'd tell you he returns the affection.
It would be romantic, I mean he is one of the biggest simps ever. He would do it privately, take you to a romantic secluded spot or cleared out the ship and lit candles and set up a fancy dinner.
He'd pull out your chair, make everything super proper, and he'd flower you with compliments and confess to his feelings without necessarily bringing up yours. And would ask you to be his girlfriend, and once the deal was sealed, he'd kiss you in a respectful but passionate way.
Now if you are a guy, this would probably be a little harder on him. Not that he'd be opposed but, he definitely has some internalized homophobia, I mean look at his reaction to his timeskip island. I still think he'd act the same but with an edge of shyness.
He wouldn't necessarily call you beautiful or gorgeous but instead Handsome and Charming. He'd daydream of saving you countless times, being your knight in shining armor, he might even have a few of you saving him (he may even picture a dress on himself if it's post timeskip) .
Robin is totally who told her. Robin observed the relationship, she saw all the exceptions Nami made for them. The lack of charging them for things, letting them watch her draw maps, even letting them near the treasure.
Robin would've asked a few questions first before outting your feelings. She wouldn't want to embarrass you at all, so she'd make sure Nami returned feelings first.
She'd ask if Nami was interested in a relationship at any point, then if she was interested in anyone currently. Then she'd be like, well I noticed Y/n seems to be interested.
Nami would react nonchalantly about it, I mean she knows she's gorgeous and cute. But she'd secretly be happy about it. She wouldn't wait much time.
She'd approach you, depending on how long you've known each other will change how she responds.
She may just go up to you and kiss you real quick. And hope that you ask her out then and don't act like an idiot.
But she also may just approach you and say she knows you like her and that she likes you too and give you a kiss on the cheek.
But either way you are going to have to ask her to be your girlfriend, she'll say yes. It'll become quality time and gifts that she uses to show she likes you.
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sunnysviolin · 3 years
any chance we could get some trans!hero hcs? feelin particularly dysphoric today 😓
Damn nonnie that sucks :/// I’m 10+k deep in a BNHA WIP one shot right now, but I clawed myself out when I saw this in my inbox because dysphoria sucks and maybe this will make you feel a lil bit better!! Just remember, no one decides who you are but you, and no matter how your brain might be feeling, you are you and that’s so awesome!! My DMs are also always open if you need to talk (assuming you’re still awake when I post this) Also some of these aren’t me projecting...no not at all. TW: needles (I’ll put a secondary TW if you want to read the top part)
Hero’s mother is more upset about his name change than the fact that he’s transgender. Her child is her child and she will love whoever that ends up being, but the name she gave her child was chosen with care. It was a name she had wanted to give to her daughter from when she was just five years old. 
She eventually made it Sally’s middle name, and even though her husband was worried about what Hero would think, he seemed happy when he heard from his mom what she had chosen. Hero doesn’t hate his birth name, it just isn’t his. He’s more than happy to let his baby sister have it. 
Hero really wants to grow facial hair. At thirteen or fourteen he starts to check to see if maybe he has any, and Mari loves to tease him for it. She draws a fake moustache on him at one of their sleepovers, and the kids all howl with laughter when they see it. Hero is a little annoyed when he figures out why they’re all laughing at him, but then he gets into it. he takes the top hat that sits on the chest at the end of Sunny’s bed and talks in a British accent for the rest of the day. The kids dub him “Fancy Hero” and demand that Mari help them to find their own “fancy” outfits. 
Speaking of sleepovers, Mari’s parents are...unsure of what to do about the kids sleepovers once Hero comes out to everyone. They hadn’t had a problem when it was Mari and Aurora but now the rules had to be..different. Didn’t they? 
Mari pitched a fit the first time they tried to say she and Hero couldn’t share a bed anymore. They had shared since they were toddlers, and Basil and Sunny shared all the time, so what was wrong? Since they didn’t have a good answer, she won that argument and they were allowed to continue their little traditions. 
When Hero starts taking testosterone he isn’t as happy as he wants to be. He should be ecstatic, it should be one of the best moments of his life. After almost a decade of trying to figure out who he is and what that means finally he can start to feel like every other guy. Except he isn’t that happy, because of one tiny little thing. 
Hero is afraid of needles. 
He isn’t afraid of giving shots, he learned that when he volunteered to help give flu shots at the retirement home near his college, but something is so different when it comes to getting them. When he was little he had to have both of his parents there to help him get his immunizations, and even when he was getting his vaccinations for college his dad had to come be in the room with him. Now he’s supposed to give himself an injection every week. 
He manages to do it for a few weeks before it becomes too much and he just...stops. It sets off his brain into a bit of a downward spiral and he wants to just man up and deal with the issue, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s still terrifying. 
I honestly think Hero might eventually stop for awhile. He is a little bit self conscious of stopping, because his parents don’t really understand what that means. He doesn’t stop being a guy just because he’s stopping T, it just didn’t work out for him. They’re trying to be understanding and open, but they still don’t get it. Kel as always is really supporting, and even offers to help Hero with his shots if he wants, but that wouldn’t work during the school year. 
Then his doctor introduces testosterone gel to him. It’s every day, but it’s just a gel he puts on his shoulders instead of sticking himself every week, and he’s ecstatic. 
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raewritez · 3 years
Enough | Sokka
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based on this request: You want requests? I have an idea/request if you don't mind and are still accepting them, if not I’m sorry. Maybe “friends to lovers/teammates to lovers” where Reader joins the team from Ba Sing Se and while they’re preparing for the invasion, or beyond, Sokka and Reader fall in love, or start to fall in love? I hope that makes sense. Thanks! Your writing is all wonderful! <3
word count: 3.6k
The last thing you'd expected was for the Avatar to break into your house.
You'd been upstairs in your room when you'd heard a ruckus from down below, drawing you to your feet with nervousness and light footsteps. Who was it, burglars? You made your way down the stairs, body pressed against the wall. You heard muffled whispering.
"We can't just break into random houses, Sokka!"
"Well, what else are we supposed to do?! Do you have any better ideas?"
"That's what I thought, Aang. Just trust the process."
You peered over the corner, catching sight of the intruders. A boy, a bit shorter than you, stood awkwardly in the corner of your living room. He was dressed in yellow and orange robes, his head decorated with a blue arrow. Huh. Beside him, pulling the curtain back cautiously to scan outside, was a boy seemingly about your age. He was tall, tan skin and dark hair, dressed in a sleeveless blue tunic. You didn't peg these guys as particular threats, so you stepped down.
"Uh, hello?"
They spun around with a yelp, assuming defensive positions. The taller boy held something in his hand - a boomerang? He narrowed his eyes at you.
"What are you doing here?" He demanded.
"Um, this is my house? Who are you?"
He lowered his arm, glancing around sheepishly. "Oh, uh, sorry. We needed to hide."
You raised an eyebrow. "Hide? Hide from who?"
The younger boy spoke up. "The Dai Li."
You furrowed your brows. "The Dai Li?" You questioned, confused. "Why would you need to hide from them? Did you, like, break the law?"
The older boy crossed his arms. "What? No!"
"Then why are you hiding?"
"Because they're after us!"
"Why would they be after you if you didn't break the law?"
"Because!" He was flailing his arms now, and you almost chuckled with amusement. "They - they're bad guys!"
You looked at him flatly. "That sounds like something a criminal would say."
He groaned. "Ugh, ok, ok. Once we know they're gone, we'll leave."
"Are you sure? I was gonna invite you for some tea and cookies," you teased. He glances back, as if seeing if you were serious, before turning back grumpily.
The younger boy scratches his head awkwardly. "Um, anyway, thanks for not kicking us out. I'm Aang."
You chuckle. "Yeah...no problem. I'm Y/n." You aren't quite sure why you're having a conversation with the guys who just broke into your house, but they seem nice enough. The older one's a little grouchy, but for some reason you feel safe.
Aang smiles brightly. "Nice to meet you. This is Sokka," he says, nudging his shoulder.
Sokka glances back at you. "Hey." You offer him a wave.
"So...why are you hiding in my house?"
Aang glances at Sokka, and it seems like a silent argument passes between them. Sokka shakes his head, Aang gives him an imploring look, and Sokka glares. Then he throws his hands up, mumbles a "Fine", and Aang turns back to you with a grin.
"Well, you see, I'm the Avatar," Your eyes grow wide. "And we're trying to get some important information to the Earth King. But the Dai Li don't want us to, so they're kinda chasing us."
"You're the Avatar?" You breathe. He nods cheerfully. "Wait - so, why are the Dai Li chasing you? Shouldn't they be helping?"
"Yeah, they should," Sokka says. "But they decided to, you know, not."
You're confused. The Dai Li are the highest level of protection for the people of Ba Sing Se. Why wouldn't they help the Avatar? You look around the room, spotting the closet near the door. An idea pops into your head.
"I can help." They both turn to you, looking skeptical. "I mean I can help you get out. Without being noticed."
They look at each other, hold their gaze, then turn to you and nod.
"I look ridiculous."
You stifle a laugh, taking in Sokka's appearance. "I think you look great. And it'll help you get by unnoticed, so that's what matters."
He's dressed in your father's trench coat, a heavy, brown beast of a thing that's so long it pools at his ankles. He's also sporting a dashing top-hat; the brim so wide it effectively shelters his face. He glares.
Aang comes bouncing in, dressed in a hooded cape that provides coverage for his tattoo. He stops short when he sees Sokka, doubling over in laughter. "Oh, you look great, Sokka."
Sokka groans, slumping over. "Let's just get out of here."
You lead them out the front door, scanning the road for any sign of threats. You step out, the boys following in tow, and walk as confidently as you can past the agents lining the street. Eventually, you successfully make it out of the middle ring. Sokka immediately sheds his disguise.
"Well, here you go," you say, looking around. Although only one ring above you, the Upper Ring is much nicer than you're used to. "Good luck with the Earth King."
Aang's eyes grow wide. "Wait! You should...you should come with us!"
You tilt your head. "Come with you where?"
"Back to our place! You could meet our friends!" He nudges Sokka, who appears disinterested. "Right, Sokka?"
Sokka's eyes snap to yours. "Oh, uh, sure. I guess."
You're about to politely decline, but Aang is staring at you so hopefully that you can't turn him down. You smile softly. "Sure, Aang."
"Awesome! Let's go."
You're led through the cobblestone pathways, eyes trailing after ornate carriages and towering buildings. Soon, you reach their house. The home of the Avatar. Sokka walks up and turns the knob, jumping back in surprise. In front of him stands a girl, not much younger than you, with her hands on her hips and her eyes bright with anger.
"Where have you been?!" She demands, dragging him inside by his collar. "We've been worried sick! I mean, you didn't even leave a note, didn't say anything-"
"We're sorry, Katara," Aang intervenes, hands raised in peaceful greeting. "We got caught up."
It's then that her eyes fall on you, gaze softening into uncertainty. She looks at Sokka expectantly.
"Oh!" He exclaims, stepping back and gesturing towards you. "This is Y/n. She helped us get away from the Dai Li."
The girl, Katara as she'd been called, offered you a slight smile of gratitude. "Thank you for helping my idiot brother."
You chuckled, grinning at the look of betrayal Sokka gave the girl. "It was no problem."
She nodded, extending her arm. "Do you want to come in?"
You glanced towards Aang, who was smiling excitedly. "Oh, yeah, sure."
You stepped inside, feeling a bit awkward. You didn't really understand why Aang wanted you to come so badly, but it was a kind gesture nonetheless. You scanned the interior; emerald walls adorned with gold plating that was probably more expensive than your whole apartment. You fidgeted your fingers, standing by while Katara and Sokka bickered about responsibility. A slam startled you out of your thoughts.
"Who's this?" A girl stepped out of the - hole? Yeah, hole, she'd just kicked a hole in the wall. Katara paused her lecture.
"Toph, this is Y/n. She helped Sokka and Aang with the Dai Li."
"Cool." She yawned, walking past you and plopping on the couch.
"We need to get to the Earth King," Sokka said, assuming a demeanor of focus and determination. "If the Dai Li aren't going to help us get to him, we'll have to do it ourselves." He briefly explained his plan, something about breaking into the fancy party that was happening later that night. They came up with roles, with guidelines for what each person should do, working together like a well-oiled machine. You felt out of place, you didn't know what your purpose was here. Aang turned to you, smiling softly.
"Y/n, you in?"
You stared. You couldn't comprehend the reason this boy had so much faith in you, the reason these kids were so willing to let you in on their scheme after just meeting you less than an hour ago. You didn't understand why you trusted them, either. You smiled.
"I'm in."
That was your first mistake.
When you'd agreed to break into an Earth Kingdom party with the Avatar, you didn't think you'd end up having to flee your home. You sat upon Appa's back, knees pulled to your chest as Ba Sing Se grew smaller. Sokka was steering, and the rest had their heads tucked into their hands. Except for Aang, who was lying unconscious next to Katara.
You'd remained in the city with Katara as the rest of the group separated, happy to spend some time with your newfound friend. It was then that things got messy; you found out the Fire Nation had infiltrated the government, the local tea-boy was actually a banished prince, and you found yourself in the crystal catacombs as a battle went on around you. You'd been there with Zuko and Katara, and you weren't sure exactly what'd gone down between them but it was obviously something serious, and you'd been there as he joined his sister - Azula. She was pretty scary.
You fought the best you could, your unpracticed earth-bending not doing much damage against the Dai Li agents, before Aang was struck by Azula's lightning. Now, you sat atop his sky-bison, mind racing and body numb from the shock of it all. You were in way over your head.
The five of you met up with Sokka and Katara's dad after dropping off the Earth King, because, you know, he was just casually there, too, boarding a Fire Nation ship as a means of disguise. Sokka introduced you to his father, Hakoda, who welcomed you with a warm smile and a firm handshake.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/n. Sokka's told me a lot about you. You two must really get along well," he said when Sokka was out of ear reach, voice laced with mirth. You flushed when you registered what he was implying; the mischief gleaming in his eyes. You frantically tried to put a sentence together.
"Oh, we're not - he doesn't...I mean we do, but not like-" He cut you off with a chuckle and a friendly pat to your shoulder.
"I'm just teasing. Come on, let's join the others."
You sat with your friends and the Water Tribesmen aboard the steely deck, huddling with Toph and Sokka for warmth. Katara went downstairs to heal Aang, who had yet to wake. Your meals mainly consisted of rice as it was too risky to stop and buy more supplies. You were still dressed in your Earth Kingdom clothes; green-tinted pants and a tunic, feet clad in worn-down boots. Not ideal for posing as a Fire Nation soldier.
You were still in shock, you supposed, at how quickly things changed and how fiercely your life was ripped from you. I mean, just a few days ago you were a normal kid living in the middle ring of Ba Sing Se, where nothing remotely exciting ever happened. Then, the Avatar and his friend had broken into your house and now everything was different. You weren't upset, it was just a lot to process. You were worried for Aang and a bit overwhelmed at the reality that seemed to be your new friends' normal. So when everyone else returned to their rooms for sleep, you made your way to the overlook.
The moon beamed down over the sea - ivory light caressing the waves and kissing the surface. You breathed deeply, inhaling the cool night air that smelled of salt-water and a freedom you'd never experienced. You sat there, slightly chilly from the cold, when a warm presence took place by your side.
You glanced up, seeing Sokka's skin glowing under the starlight. Woah, had he always been this pretty? It was probably just the moon...that and your sleep deprivation. Yeah, that was it.
"What're you doing up?" He questioned, eyes cast out to the horizon. His hair was loose from its usual ponytail - wolf-tail, as he'd passionately pointed out to you days earlier - the dark locks flowing freely about his face. You tore your eyes away, following his stare.
"Just couldn't sleep," you glanced over. "You?"
He sighed, leaning against the metal. "Me neither. Just worried."
You turned to face him, face softening into concern. "About what?"
He ran a hand through his hair. "About Aang. About the Earth Kingdom...just...everything."
You moved closer, resting your forearms against the edge of the ship. He pressed his shoulder against yours.
"I get it. I am, too. Everything that's happening is just...crazy. There's no way I could've even imagined it."
Sokka tilted his head towards you, blue eyes glimmering with compassion and softness. "Yeah...how are you doing? I haven't really asked, I mean, this must be kinda shocking for you."
You snorted, nodding your head. "Well, yeah. But it's ok. I'm not the one who has it worst right now."
"Sure, but you can still talk about it. You can talk to me...if you want."
You smiled up at him, his face shadowed by the abyss of the night. "Thanks."
He offered you a grin before staring up at the sky. "You know, that's my first girlfriend," he said, pointing at the moon.
"The moon?" He nodded. "That's...rough."
It was finally here. The day of Black Sun.
You'd be lying if you said you felt totally prepared, but with some rigorous earth bending lessons from Toph and sparring with Sokka, you felt more confident in your abilities.
A finger poked your cheek. "Hey, are you listening?"
You glanced at Sokka's teasing grin, scratching the back of your neck sheepishly. "Uh...yes?"
"Really," he said, moving to stand in front of you. "What did I say?"
"Something about...food?"
He laughed, shaking his head. "It's ok, I'll tell you later." He looked behind him, taking in the sight of the preparing fighters and looming submarines. He took your hand in his. "Are you ready for this?"
You sigh, squeezing his fingers between your own. "Ready as I'll ever be."
He smiles down at you, and the look in his eyes is pure adoration. He reaches to tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear. "You know, I'm glad I broke into your house."
You snort, swatting his hand away. "Yeah, yeah. Thanks a lot, nerd."
He chuckles. "Hey, I know you're glad, too. Otherwise, you never would've met me and would've been miserable and bored your whole life."
You laugh, but it's probably true. You and Sokka had grown much closer over the past weeks, days spent in playful conversation and evening strolls, in play-wrestling and heads rested on shoulders. You were the one he came to when his mind was troubled, when his energy was too spent to conjure any jokes. Yeah, you were glad, too.
You were called into the submarines - Sokka's invention, something you were unfathomably proud of - and off you went. Into the Fire Nation. Your arrival went mostly smoothly, disregarding the few punctures in the submarine walls, and you ran out of the carrier with the earth at your fingertips. Aang had flown off to fight the Fire Lord, and it was up to the rest of you to deal with everyone else. Your heart pumped loudly, blood rushing in your ears and adrenaline flowing in your veins. You raised your arms, summoning the ground upwards to knock out a few soldiers.
You turned around just in time to see Katara swoop down on Appa, Sokka and Hakoda climbing up with her. "Come on!" she yelled. "We're going to take out the soldier's battlements."
You nodded, running towards the bison and pulling yourself atop the saddle with help from Sokka. Appa lifts off, reaching between the battlements.
"Katara and I will take the one on the right," Hakoda said, his voice one of a true commander. "Sokka and Y/n, the left. Let's go."
You climb the battlement, hoisting yourself inside through the window before scanning the room. Pointed outwards is a sort of cannon, aimed perfectly towards the group of fire benders that were advancing towards your friends. You step forward, trying to figure out the mechanics while Sokka climbs in. "Oh-ho," he says, taking note of the projection of the cannon. "This thing is just begging to be fired."
You nodded, toying with the controls. Sokka stepped behind you. "Here, I'll show you."
He placed his palm over your hand, guiding it to where it needed to be. From his pocket he pulled a match - where did that come from, anyway? - and nudged it between your fingers. "Light it up, Sunshine."
You place the tip to the ignition, Sokka aiming the cannon. He pulls you back against him, arms wound tightly around your waist, and you cover your ears. The canon booms, sending out a flurry of smoke. You rush forward, fearful of the damage you might have just inflicted, breathing out when you see that it only landed between the soldiers and your friends. It didn't hit them, something you were a bit grateful for, but it allowed the fighters to evade the onslaught. Sokka chuckled in your ear.
"Not bad, not bad."
"You did all the work."
"That's not true! You were vital."
You shake your head, fighting off a grin. "Ok, we should probably get rid of this thing now."
You climb back out the window, jumping onto the ground with a thud. Breathing deeply, you concentrated your mind on the earth that lay below the battlement, and with a flick of your wrist, it crumbled. From the cliffside it fell, effectively ridding you of one other thing to worry about.
Sokka let out a low whistle. "Impressive."
You turned to him, out of breath. He stepped closer, brows knitted in slight concern as he lifted your chin with his knuckles. "Hey, you ok?"
You nodded, swallowing and trying to rewatch your breath. "Yeah, still a little new to this."
His thumb stroked your cheek before he moved his arm, placing it over your shoulders. "Come on, just stay with me."
You did, gladly.
So...things didn't exactly go as planned.
It turned out that the Fire Lord knew all along about the invasion, and Aang never had the chance to fight him. You'd come face-to-face with Azula again, something that made your blood boil. You'd had to leave - leaving the adults behind while the kids climbed aboard Appa's saddle. You were all exhausted, slumped over and falling to your knees when you finally reached the Western Air Temple.
You tried to mull your sadness; that guilty feeling that it was you who should've been left behind instead. You knew everyone was hurting - some in ways you couldn't really fathom. Aang felt like he had failed - again - and he went to bed that night with a half-hearted side hug and tired eyes. Toph felt weak, something she hated more than anything in the world. And Sokka and Katara...they'd lost their dad again.
So when you saw Sokka on the mountainside, head held in hands, you felt that he was more important. You plopped down next to him, his eyes snapping up and softening when they laid on you. No words were spoken; they didn't need to be. Instead, he sighed, pressing his cheek against your shoulder. You ran your fingers through his hair, soothing him with your touch. You only halted when he laced your fingers with his own, pulling your hand to his lap and tracing patterns across your skin.
"It's not your fault, Sokka."
He nodded against you, but you heard his sniff. You straightened up, his head begrudgingly lifting from its place against you before you cupped his face with your palm. "It's not," you implored, desperate for him to stop feeling so down on himself. "None of us could've predicted that they knew. And with Azula...she knew what she was doing. None of this is because of you."
He glanced away, blue eyes brimming with the tears he'd fought so hard to keep at bay. He dipped his head in silent acceptance, nuzzling against the warmth of your palm. You smiled sadly.
"It's not over, Sokka. There's still hope, now more than ever. And I know we'll figure it out."
He raised his gaze, and it seemed like his soul was carried in his stare. Slowly, enough so that you thought you imagined it, his eyes drifted down to your lips. He leaned in slowly, bringing his calloused hand to brush back your hair. You were frozen, as if one wrong move would shatter you from this dream. His palm was warm against your cheek, and his nose bumped your own. Your eyes met his, close enough together that it was a bit funny to look at, and he offered you a silent question. You answered with your lips against his.
He breathed against you, fingers carding through your hair. His lips were warm and oh, so soft, and they moved against yours with ease. You wound your arms around his neck, bringing him closer. He was warm, and he was familiar, and he was safe. You pulled apart when your lungs ached for air, peeling your eyes open with effort. He was looking at you, and you were looking at him, and suddenly a grin broke out across his face. He laughed breathily, nudging his head into the crook of your neck. You laughed with him, holding him tight. You sat there together for who knows how long, melted in each other's embrace under the light of the moon. He pressed soft kisses against your neck and whispered thanks into your ears. You responded with a peck to his tanned cheeks. You were right, he knew. It wasn't over. There was time left, and there was hope. Wrapped in your arms, he was sure of that.
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chocowhomps · 2 years
You ever considered drawing the other culdesac kids' parents and/or the kankers' mom? Also, scene girl Marie is awesome, totally different take on her that works well with her existing aesthetic
Im so sorry to respond late to this -not sure when this was sent but-
Thank you so much about Marie! And Yes I have! Absolutely! I'd love to do more shots like the ones before of the kids with their parents as I HC them - but there are some designs I personally HC that are actually designed by my BF for example who did double D's parents!
Some things I can say off the top of my head
-ed's dad has a big choppy and bushy beard. Rectangular like his son but a lot more angular while still having the iconic Eene soft edge look. Oversized trench coat that he wears over a standard business suit and a very Old American Business Man Hat, but he regularly looks exhausted and disheveled.
-Ed's mother wears lots of over the top jewellery and is always dolled up to the nines . Fancy satin dresses and big poofy hair - similar to Eddy's mother. Except while Eddy's mom is more relaxed, Ed's mother is very uptight and Old Fashioned TM.
-nazz has no father. Her mother looks like a stereotypical 'hip mom'. She wears full body track suits and has a very cheery demeanor about her appearance
-rolf never sees his mother and father. He lives only with his Nana despite having a large family due to strained familial relations. The design for Rolf's Nana was drawn by crybtid but hasn't been posted yet to my knowledge !
-jimmys mother is a petite plus sized woman who wears mumus and very big glasses. She and his father are both very soft spoken and basically seem overly nerdy. His father is a jarringly tall lanky man who also wears glasses and sweater vests.
-the kankers mother is a physically fit woman who works out at sea or by the docks near peach Creek. (which is why she's gone quite frequently but that's not rly about her design lol). Shes a very tall, imposing woman with a box like head shape and huge biceps. She's usually chewing a tooth pick and covered in fish guts
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cirilee · 3 years
Hi, dumb idea but how about humanformers except they're pirates?
I mean... Star in a fancy long coat, frilly white shirt and gigantic hat with a feather or two. Or a dozen, screw it. And long hair tied up with a ribbon. KO with a stripey t-shit with a deep v-neck and you can see all his muscles through it, that's how fitting it is. And gold earrings and bracelets.
I wanted to doodle both of them but it's 2am and my hand slipped on Screamer so I don't have anymore artistic energy to make KO.
Tumblr media
Yes I gave up on the hands. And several other things. And yes, that's a pet seagull.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!! this is the most awesome thing to ever find in my inbox omigod????
HOLD UP, i'm just gonna put your other headcanons in this post too so its all in one place:
About that pirate humanformers idea:
- KO has defo a tattoo. It's a heart with some cool extras and his and BD's initials in it.
- Star has the fanciest hat so some may mistake him for the captain. Yes, ofc he has a fancier hat than Megs.
- BD "dies" by falling into the water during some battle. Every lonely night KO considers joining him in the cold sea. Star always manages to convince him not to.
- Spoiler alert, BD managed to survive on some deserted island. Yes, he does reunite with KO and Screamer. Also the 3 of them find some cool treasure and live happily ever after BECAUSE I WANNA HAVE THEM HAPPY OKAY
Hope I'm not spamming you too much ksdfhfds ;w;
KO you overdramatic hoe!! i can imagine starscream awkwardly trying to deal with that "noooo don't join your presumed dead husband in the cold sea, you're so sexy aha" - but KO appreciates the sentiment :')
this is so awesome .......
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relationship dynamics
because i felt like it
Birdflash: Their relationship dynamic is like the cutest thing ever. “I’ve noticed that we’ve slowly begun to phase the ‘B’ out of our bromance.” Have done the spiderman kiss and will continue to do the spiderman kiss. SO. MANY. PUNS. They’re CONSTANTLY in a pun war. In a drive thru: “Hey can you tell the guy in the car behind me that he’s cute and I’ll pay for his drink?” “Um….okay sir.” “Your total is $10.59. Also the guy in front of you said, um, he said to tell you that he thinks you’re cute and he’ll pay for your drink.” “*rolls eyes with a fond smile* that’s my husband, he thinks he’s romantic,” but the best part is that it works for either one of them. Birdflash Culture is the word “babe.” If you don’t think they had a bubble machine at their wedding then you’re lying to yourself. Eating junk food whenever and wherever they want,. “Oh my god just get in the fucking blanket fort already.” Where you go, I go. SO MUCH FOOD OH MY GOD ALL THE FOOD SO MUCH FRIGGIN FOOD. Police/crime lab aesthetic bc I have a headcanon that they’ both work with the police department (Dick’s a detective, Wally’s the lead CSI). Photo booth strips. Them being impressed by each other all the time. F R E C K L E S. Stopping halfway through the middle of sex because they just realized something about Star Trek season 3 episode 8 and they really need to pull it up on the tv to make sure they’re right. Re-enacting fight scenes from martial arts movies in the living room of a tiny apartment. Have i mentioned the babe thing because they toss around the word babe all the friggin time, not baby that’s gross, just plain babe along with bro and dude those three are interchangeable. “I called shotgun infinity when I was twelve.” The glass is always half full. Them playing video games at home eating pizza counts as a “date” but also they’ve been doing the same thing for years.
Jayroy: “don’t worry I know what I’m doing” “not even god knows what you’re doing.” Sharing cigarettes. Desperate messy kisses. Constant fast paced insult war that you can’t keep up with if you’re not quick witted enough. “My family had to put up with me but you? You’re the idiot who chose me as a best friend.” pet names galore but like edgy ones not gross sweet ones (my personal favorite is jaybird bc it’s awesome and also canon), very very kinky sex, will murder rapists and drug lords in the most painful way possible without giving a solitary fuck but will go to a nursing home the next morning and be as respectful as possible to the elderly. Tattooossss. Baseball hats. Say “fuck you” as “I love you.” Hair ties everywhere. m u s c l e s.
Timkon:  Classic love story. Like, switch one of their genders and you’ve got a old school romance movie in the making. Photo shoots with a pride flag and merch. Pictures in frames of kisses on cheeks. Tim wearing Kon’s clothes to the point where practically his entire wardrobe except for his fancy clothes and red robin suit consists solely of Kon’s stuff. The Neighborhood vibes. Holding hands on a date at the carnival. Pride bracelets and pins. 90s vibes. Kind of the type of Destiel feeling where you can’t really have Destiel without also having Sam being the overenthusiastic shipper/supportive brother? That but with the rest of the Core Four. Polaroid pictures. Gay and Tired. Flannel + Leather + Denim. they go on dates with other people (before they realize they’re in love) and spend the entire time talking about their other half. Skateboards. A high school romance.
Damijon (aged up obviously):  constant constant constant bickering and arguing, like we’re surpassing married couple status here. “I’m older” “I’m taller” starts out as a biting insult, falls into teasing joke, then becomes something they say with a mischievous fondness and an inside-joke smile. Country + Pop Taylor swift songs. Wandering together through the city. "Be kind to animals or I’ll kill you.” Sitting on the roof together. Kryptonite blades that Jon trusts no one except Damian to wield. “I hate you” “happy to hear it” turning into another inside joke. Sleepovers. Never growing up. “I trust you with my life unconditionally but I do not trust you to get my order right remember the time you betrayed me and everything I ever stood for?” “Oh my god dami I forgot the sauce onCE.” Don’t lie to yourself, habibi is totally a thing. Damian wearing Jon’s varsity football jacket over dark colored/black turtleneck shirts. Damian sketching Jon either late at night in the light of the moon or early in the morning by the light of the sun. Classic dark vs Light. Running down the street tugging the other behind you while holding hands. Red converse + Combat boots. TEAMWORK. “Clark, your son is annoying, loud, clumsy, entirely too tall, hopelessly optimistic, and way too naive. I trust him with every cell in my body.”
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tonguetiedraven · 3 years
Prompt: Gehenna Raised Rin
Pairing: BonRin
Part: one, two, three, four, five
Gehenna was boring on the good days, and violent on the bad days. It was emptiness and desolation. The most interesting parts were dull in comparison to the vibrancy of Assiah.
Rin had never hated it— he wasn’t trapped in it so he didn’t have to hate it— but he’d never particularly loved it. Gehenna was where he lived, but it never felt like home. Nothing had ever felt like that. Rin had looked too, but he just hadn’t found someplace that gave him the same feeling.
Well… he’d had one place that felt like home, but he’d never told anyone. The old man had bought a bunk bed when Yukio was young, and Rin used to take the top bunk when he got to stay over. Shirou had insisted it was just cheaper than the twin bed, but he’d bought an extra mattress and red sheets, which was Rin’s favorite color.
Curled up on that bunk, listening to Yukio read his newest adventure book, Rin had felt a belonging he’d never felt anywhere else. Certainly not in Gehenna. 
He was a prince there, but it just… sucked. Demons were subservient because they were scared or they wanted something from him. His siblings were all manipulative assholes, and the ones who weren’t manipulative were still assholes. The demons he liked best stayed in Assiah, and there was no one to really talk to. It was worse in every way except one. In Gehenna he never had to hold his flames back, and he didn’t have to hide his features.
He had the tail wound around his chest right now, his stupid hat had been replaced with a hachimaki that covered his ears uncomfortably, and his flames were making his blood burn, but they were staying sealed. For now. Holding them back wasn’t pleasant, and it always left him a little antsy, but...
He could ignore all of that for the feel of Ryuuji’s hand in his own. 
Rin’s laugh was too loud for sneaking, and his smile was entirely uncontrolled. He could only hope his fangs weren’t too obvious, or if they were, Ryuuji just thought they were weird and not weird. They were almost there, and Ryuuji was going to love it. He might even get to hear Ryuuji actually laugh. A laugh he earned and not Koneko or Shima.
“Where are we going?” Ryuuji sounded almost as breathless as him. 
It was getting late. There was only a month left of school, and Rin was getting antsy about that date. Ryuuji might not stick around for summer, and Rin didn’t want to lose his friendship/romance headway. Yukio was out with the doctor stuff, and Rin was not wasting the opportunity for some one-on-one Ryuuji time.
“Someplace awesome!” Rin shoved the door open to the top stair case, and pulled Ryuuji after him. 
“Awesome? This place is a dump. Pretty sure we’re not supposed to be in here.” Ryuuji’s eyes were darting all over the cobwebs and chipped walls as Rin dragged him up the final stairs. “I can’t—”
“You’re not gonna get caught. And we’re fine. I checked.” Rin hadn’t, but Ryuuji didn’t need to know that. He flashed a grin over his shoulder and took in the way Ryuuji’s hair looked ruffled from the run. One day it would be ruffled and it would be because he made it that way. 
“I hope so. I can’t get expelled.”
Rin paused on the next to last step and looked at Ryuuji with a confused frown. “Expelled?” Kick Ryuuji out? Like hell he’d let that happen. Rin was tempted to go chew Samael out about that possibility right now and it hadn’t even happened. 
Ryuuji nodded slowly like he suddenly wasn’t sure about Rin’s intelligence. “Yeah? You know? The thing that happens to rule-breakers at fancy-ass schools?”
Rin forced a smile back on his lips. “Don’t be sucha worry-wort, nerd. You’re not gonna get expelled. Like I said, I checked. ‘Sides, I’d stop that from happening.” He started back up the last few steps, tugging on Ryuuji’s hand to make him follow. 
Ryuuji did with a disbelieving huff that was almost a laugh. “Cause they’re gonna listen to you?”
“Of course!” Rin grabbed the doorknob, gave it a twist, and shoved the door open to reveal the empty and fantastic roof. It was the only one on campus that wasn’t locked up. It also gave you a great view of the rest of campus, and the magically enhanced night sky. 
Ryuuji sucked in an audible breath as they stepped out and Rin swept his arm in an excited flourish. The demons that liked to lounge up here cringed back from his presence, and the gargoyles that guarded the edges started to dip their heads respectfully but cut the motions short when they saw the glare he gave them. 
“Oh,” Ryuuji slipped past him, not noticing the subservient demons or the fact that Rin had stopped moving as he looked around. He took in the extra chairs and blankets Rin had stashed up here, as well as the cooler, but didn’t seem to really notice them. His eyes were on the view instead, just like Rin had hoped they would be. Ryuuji was staring at the city spread below them with an awed expression Rin hadn’t seen on him yet, and it was fantastic. Not only had he surprised Ryuuji, he’d wowed him. Ha!
Rin bit his lip excitedly and stepped up beside Ryuuji as he turned his attention upwards to the star-filled sky. 
“Like it?”
Ryuuji nodded. “Sure. It’s a hell of a view.” His eyes darted to Rin, and it was kind of amazing how the stars seemed to make them sparkle. “Why?”
Rin blinked. “Huh?”
Ryuuji freed his hand from Rin’s (argh) and shoved his hands in his pocket a little uncomfortably. “Why take me here?”
“Oh,” it seemed kinda obvious to him, “I thought you’d like it? Also, no one ever comes here? I know you don’t get a lot of time by yourself? You can do all your chant stuff up here without anyone listening or bugging ya.” Rin would make sure the demons up here knew not to mess with Ryuuji. The smart ones were already leaving. 
Ryuuji’s eyes went wide. His cheeks were pink too. “G-good. I was afraid you were trying to ask me out again. I’d hate to keep telling you no.”
Rin grinned playfully and just
resisted the urge to tell Ryuuji he could always just say yes when Rin asked. Instead, he grabbed Ryuuji’s elbow (not as nice as the hand, but better than nothing) and steered him towards the chairs to show him the snack station he’d rigged. He was willing to work for that date, and while he did, he was happy to just hang out.
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Fri 15 Jan ‘21
Everybody is listening to NOBODY IS LISTENING!!!! (I know, so cheap, that's on par with New Direction headlines, I'M SORRY OKAY. Never again.) Anyway the album debuted at #1 on the worldwide itunes charts and in dozens of countries, there's more awesome merch (socks! masks! mugs!), and Zayn (or various manifestations of him) are everywhere. He tweeted “Just wanna say, it feels great to share this with you all! everyone’s support and love means a lot, here’s to a great year hope it better than the last!” and he's out there answering comments (that'll be him; would a PA bother with those fancy fonts?), but is it him texting people back from the snippet number? Unlikely... is it him in the listening party chats? IDK but there's definitely a Zaynbot (well, staff in this case) in there as well (if you don't believe me the “we appreciate you” is a clue lol), is it him doing all the boring promo retweeting, ehh, and so it goes throughout the promo, Zayn is everywhere but where is ZAYN?? I feel like the blurring of the line between the man and the various bots would make (human) Zayn pretty pleased, the man loves a robot after all! HOWEVER, it would be a special kind of robot that would select the “I'm fingering myself” tweet (in which he was NOT tagged) to answer (“ya wha?”), and how lucky are we to have the real ting among us for this brief moment: who else, I ask you. WHO ELSE. And, of course, we got the biggest pure Zayn shot of all: the ALBUM! He also liked a tweet about the fact that Tightrope samples an Urdu song (by Mohammed Rafi), and reposted a fan's story from a NIListening listening party ft homemade party hats that were markedly classier than the no doubt expensive custom-made ones from Zayn's bday party, and a sexy new publicity pic was posted. We also got footage from a truck all tricked out to be a NIL-mobile! The back of the box van is filled with an installation of mirrors and NIL faces and black light and a spinning platform-- footage from there showed very few people present and they spoke of having a COVID-safe release party but given that there was a pro camera team present, there's speculation it was perhaps used to film a video or something as well. But whether or not that happened it does seem they drove it around to use for private celebration, a lot of people from Hadid circles posted about being there and there being a kid dance time and stuff. Lots of cool trippy footage from inside.
Today's Harry news again slants towards TPWK video chat rather than movie studio sponsored romance-- in what little Holivia news there is we get an interesting backpedal focus on being told that if Olivia and Jason were still together when Harry came into the picture (if this were real which it isn't) he “didn't know” and, in so many words in big old headline type, “Harry is blameless.” Furthermore, the idea that this might be “just a phase” for Olivia has been introduced. That astrologer was pretty on the nose in some predictions, but May or June for a Jason/ Olivia reconciliation seems awfully conservative to me; I'd be very surprised if we had to wait that long! Anyway, if they're trying to redirect Harry news to be about his music, I'm on board! Today we got more from Gabe and Ben Turner; Gabe says “He works to a really high standard but he’s unbelievably kind to literally everyone, all the time. Even if he’s under pressure, he never drops his standards of the right way to behave and being kind to people... You watch the way he is with the runners, producers, sound people, whoever… He’s treating them with so much love and respect that everyone works as hard as they possibly can to make his vision come true because he’s so joyful to be around” which could sound like more damage control, except that it's exactly what everyone who's ever worked with him says, so we know it's true. Ben tells us that the Golden vid was supposed to be different-- “the initial idea was Harry driving around LA with different people getting in and out of the car, people who were significant to the album or his life.” I guess it's handy they had the idea already right there to recycle for Holivia pics; but also I'm glad the video was what it ended up being instead of that. They also tell us that the TPWK vid was always going to be the final piece of the Fine Line era (“It was always supposed to be the last thing on the album run as an ending beat”) but that it ended up being held back longer than originally intended because the album did so well (and probably because of the way things were stretched out by COVID) and how that ended up being strange- “the video has stayed the same but the world has disappeared.”
An affordable candle from Target has been found that allegedly smells like... Louis? Reviews specify that he smells like “clean laundry” (I have to admit I have heard that said before) and vanilla and so does the candle, which is called 'cozy nights' and is said to also be 'a cute color' (it's white). I might want to pair the candle with a slight eau de wet dog, cause in MY fantasy Louis hangout Cliff is for sure there too, but the target candle buying audience may be fantasizing about, uh, different scenarios than me...
And finally, Niall on Niall; “epic... jesus I'm way too much“ (yes with laugh faces) plus he comments on his 14 million spotify listeners-- “next time we're gona get much higher.” He also posted to suggest folks should give Heartbreak Weather a listen so it seems he hasn't yet given up on getting higher numbers THIS time.
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juliandev0rak · 4 years
I feel like how someone does grocery shopping says a lot about who they are, might I request the LIs grocery shopping at Walmart? Like, what section they go to first, do they buy in bulk once a week or sparingly throughout, etc.? Thank youuu!
oooh i love this request, thank you @arcanecadenza 💗
I’m basing this off of Super Walmart which has basically any section or item you could imagine!
Asra is the type to go to the grocery store daily just to pick up a few things at a time
he thinks grocery shopping is fun and likes to take his time perusing the aisles to see what unique ingredients he can find
he goes to the produce section first and very carefully selects his fruits and vegetables for peak ripeness, and he loves to watch when the produce gets sprayed with water like a little rain shower 🥺
he also likes to walk through the home section to look for comfy throw pillows or scented candles
if you come along on the shopping trip he’ll turn it into an event™️ and will suggest getting tea or coffee first so you can enjoy your beverages while you wander the store
if he goes by himself he’ll probably surprise you with your favorite ice cream or flowers that made him think of you that he just had to add to the cart
Julian goes to the store more than once a week because he inevitably forgets something every time, even with a list
he’s the type to run to the store after work to grab one singular onion he needs for a recipe or a bag of his favorite chips on a whim
he goes to the frozen section first, he’s a busy man and having frozen vegetables or meals on hand is always helpful in a pinch
he generally tries to shop quickly, but if you go with him he’ll want to spend more time walking around and looking at all of the random items together
“MC, do I look good in this hat?” 
the hat is bright yellow and says ‘This is what AWESOME looks like’ on it, you can’t tell if he’s being sarcastic or if he genuinely likes the hat, maybe it’s time to leave the clothing section
he likes to look in the bargain bins for old dvds, he’s the type to enjoy cheesy early 2000s movies and he still has a dvd collection despite having a Netflix subscription
she’s a Whole Foods type of gal and probably wouldn’t shop at Walmart, but she would find it a fun experience if she did
she’s a planner, so her grocery shopping is efficient and she doesn’t get tempted by unnecessary purchases, unless you want something she hasn’t added to the list
Nadia would be impressed by the wide variety of items for sale, “They sell clothing? Bicycles? Books? Jewelry? What don’t they sell here!” 
she’ll want to look at the wine aisle, and would be surprised by the large selection there is to choose from and the sale prices
when she gets home she’ll be posting all over her social media about it because she assumes nobody has ever heard of the store, “Just went to a new store called Wal-Mart, excellent selection for wonderful prices- I highly recommend.” 
Nadia would be the type to give a grocery store a Yelp review
he usually uses the online order option so he doesn’t have to go to the physical store to shop
if he has to shop in person he’ll stock up for an entire month at a time and buys staple products in bulk like flour or oats
he always visits the garden center so he can get supplies for his garden, and he prefers to grow his own produce instead of buying it when possible
he also likes to go through the camping supply aisles, he can pretty much always find something he needs whether it’s extra rope or a tarp to put over his chicken coop in the rainy season
the wide aisles and general cavernous interior of a Walmart means that he doesn’t have to be around too many crowds while he shops, so all in all he doesn’t mind the experience
and if you go shopping with him he’ll gladly follow you around the store if you want to look around 
Muriel always uses the self checkout even if he has a full cart
she walks into the store precisely once a week with a detailed list of items to purchase and she sticks to it, except for the occasional impulse buy
she heads to the bakery section first, not to buy any of the pre-made items but to get inspiration for her next baking project
”That frosting looks gross, I could do better!” 
Portia can often be found in the wine aisle buying cheap boxed wine, she has her favorite brands to splurge on but she also loves a deal 
if you come along, the grocery trip will turn into a game
hide and seek in the toy aisles? tag in the clothing section? Something about the fluorescent lights brings out Portia’s playful side
if she goes to the store by herself she’ll be a lot more efficient, but where's the fun in that?
Lucio loves Walmart, the chaotic grocery store energy invigorates him and he loves to show up in fancy outfits (he strives to be the hottest person at the grocery store)
some of these outfits (a gold sparkly shirt under a white suit? neon green pants with a Gucci belt?) could land him in the “People of Walmart” hall of shame
he believes there's nothing you can’t find at Walmart, and he explores every section even if he came for just one item
he’s the type to get bored and go to a 24 hour store at three in the morning just to walk around and buy an energy drink or a frozen pizza for no reason
at the checkout he’s tempted by the “as seen on tv” items and might end up purchasing random items like an automatic light switch that activates when you clap, or duct tape that claims to be “military grade”
if you come along on the Walmart trip you’re going to have to convince him not to buy useless items and he’ll probably turn the “puppy dog look” on and try to persuade you, “But baby, we need that microwave egg cooker! I saw it on a commercial!” 
but at least he’ll hold your hand the whole time
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