#except if you wear crocs with socks
ichorai · 1 year
reset me ; wade wilson.
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track twelve of BROKEN MACHINE.
pairing ; wade wilson (deadpool) x mutant!reader (gender-neutral)
synopsis ; charles sends you to recruit deadpool into the x-men. expectedly, the bastard tries to weasel away from you—and when that doesn’t work, he resorts to his most lethal method: flirtation. that, and taping a kick me sign on your back.
words ; 1.3k
themes ; comedy, mild fluff and action, mutant au
warnings / includes ; mild injury/violence, sexual jokes and foul language, a lil bit of banter/terrible flirting, reader has the mutant ability to harness energy into ropes, wade steals blind al's crocs, reader's implied previous romantic relationship with wolverine, mentions of the rest of the x-men :)
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Wade’s place smelled like greasy pizza, put-out cigarettes, and old socks. The door wasn’t locked—in fact, it was slightly ajar, and you could clearly hear Wade and Al bickering about missing Crocs.
“I swear I put them right here!” she vehemently exclaimed, gesturing to a potted plant. 
Wade rolled his eyes. “Right—because you always hang your Crocs on our leafy greens.” 
Al shuffled somewhere into the back of the house, complaining loudly to herself. 
You took that as your cue to silently step in, standing just behind Wade, noting with mild amusement that he was wearing a pair of white Crocs. The very ones Al was searching for, you presumed.
In the blink of an eye, Wade whirled about on the heel of his squeaky, rubbery footwear and brandished a knife. Its strangely warm blade slotted against your throat just as you defensively raised your hands.
“Watch it, Wade,” you warned, though you were not at all worried. His knife lowered and flipped back into the depths of his fluffy bathrobe when he realized who you were. 
“Oh. It’s you,” he said. The discolored flesh of his face twitched with a grin. “Did Mr. Metal Dick send you? The bullwhip substitute to watch over the class?” He snickered at his own joke, recalling your mutant ability to harness energy into the form of ropes.
“Piotr is off on vacation with Kitty,” you replied, propping your hands up on your hips.
Wade tipped his head back and guffawed. “Do you think he stays that way under the sheets?”
With a grimace, you pinched the space between your brows and sighed loudly. “Jesus, Wade—I don’t fucking know. Why don’t you ask him next time you see him?”
“Good idea.” He shuffled off to shuck open a box of day-old pizza on the table. “You want?”
“No thanks.”
“You sure? It’s pepperoni. You know how expensive it is to get pepperoni nowadays, in this economy? I’m offering you gold flakes on bread, here.”
“Mhm, I’ll pass.” After a considerable silence, only filled with Wade’s loud munching, you tested the waters by saying, “Charles actually sent me.”
Wade gestured at a chair and nudged for you to take a seat. “McAvoy or Stewart?” 
“What? Charles Xavier, who’s McAvoy and Stewart?” You sank down onto the creaky wooden chair, frowning at the baby powder rimming the backboard. It was probably Al’s. Wouldn’t be surprised if it was Wade, though.
Ignoring your question, Wade tilted his head and asked, “How’s Yukio? And her emo-face Megasonic Nuclear Bomb-Head girlfriend?”
You smiled slightly, remembering how they were pestering Logan, who’d been working on fixing a motorcycle back at the mansion when you left. 
“They’re fine. Wolvie, too.”
“No way!” exclaimed Wade. “Logie’s there, too? Jesus—whole damn gang’s there.”
“Except you,” you pointedly said.
Wade paused mid-chew. “Oh. Oh-ho-ho, I know what you’re doing here. Charles wants me to join his rag-tag team of circus freaks.”
“The answer is no.”
“Come on—”
“And he wants me to be around all those kids? In a school? Has he met me?”
“Believe me, I don’t know what he’s thinking, either,” you told him, scoffing. “You’re the last person I’d expect to be on the team but… I trust Charles. If he wants you in, there must be a reason why.”
Holding his hands out, Wade shook his head. “Listen, I’m flattered, really, but Deadpool works solo. Except for that one time I formed the X-Force. But that was a team of people I hand-picked! The X-Men just doesn’t sound up my alley, y’know?”
You blew out a breath and fixed him with a serious expression. “Some day you’re gonna have to pull your head out of your ass and realize that there are people out there who are willing to be your friends. Your family. Don’t throw it away, Wade.”
A muscle in his jaw ticked as he studied you. 
“You’re really bad with rejection, aren’t you?” he finally asked, quirking up a brow—or, at least where his eyebrow used to be—and crossed his arms. The Crocs he’d stolen from Al squeaked as he stood up and gestured to the door. “I’m surprised you didn’t go running back to Charles the moment I said no. I’m beginning to think you have a crush on me, or something. Not that I blame you. My face may be fucked but my dick works better than ever. Just ask Al. She’s blind as a bat, but she hears everything in this damn house.”
Immediately, you grimaced. “Ugh. Don’t be crass.”
“What? I thought you were into broken men. Like to pick up their pieces, don’cha? You and Wolvie had that fling once, no? He told me all about it.” 
In truth, Logan had told him little to nothing about his brief relationship with you, but Wade had ruthlessly pestered him anyway. 
You stiffened at his words, glowering. “You’re exasperating.”
“And you’re looking awfully lovely today. That frown really accentuates your eyes. Makes you look about a decade older.” Wade leaned his weight onto the table, leering over you, patting your back twice. “I find it very attractive.”
With a flick of your hand, a crimson coil of your harnessed energy shot out and thwacked him in his side, and he hissed out a string of curses, backing away from you. You’d burned right through his fluffy white robe, to his simultaneous dismay and astonishment.
“Jesus!” Wade glanced incredulously from you to the slight, shallow gash that formed by his ribs, already starting to heal itself. “That’s actually—that was so fucking cool. Do it again!”
Clearing your throat, you pushed yourself away and stood up. “Final time I’m asking. Yes or no?”
Wade pretended to give it a long, hard think. “Mmh…” He wrinkled his nose. “No.”
“Fine,” you said, rolling your eyes up to the ceiling. “When Piotr comes back from vacation, he’s going to find you and he’s not gonna go as easy on you as I have.”
“Ooh, ouch. Hope he brings some lube with him.” Wade grinned wolfishly.
Completely fed up with him, you ripped out a wad of paper and a pen from your jacket’s pocket, scribbling down your phone number. You folded it in half before shoving it against his chest.
“I’m not giving up on you. I’m a competitive person, Wade. If Piotr was the one to convince you to join, I just wouldn’t be able to bear it.”
“Yeah, yeah, you’re literally obsessed with me, I get it,” he remarked, sparing you a lopsided beam. He made a show of pocketing your number on the side of his robe that wasn’t burnt. “You little minx, you.”
With a final flick of your hand, you lashed out another coil around his foot, and made your way to the door just as he fell back onto the couch with a muffled oomf! 
Just as you left, you heard Wade cackling to himself through the door you left partially ajar, just as it was when you came in. You chalked it up to him finding it funny that you managed to trip him over with your powers, and strode away from the shoddy house with your lips twitching upwards. 
Wade, however, was laughing because he’d successfully pulled off taping a kick me sign onto your back without you noticing. A low and childish blow, but would certainly make for some fun banter whenever he saw you again—which, he suspected, would be pretty soon.
Plus, Wade thought you were pretty cute when you were riled up.
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thelegendofmik · 11 months
Shoe HC's for the Chain bc why tf not lmao
He exclusively wears converse.
He has a pair that Ravio embroidered cute designs on for him.
He has a pair that has been absolutely vandalised to hell and back.
He has so many pairs of vans its actually not funny
(its giving straight skater boi vibes sorry wars u bi queen)
in formal scenarios he wears oxfords. Because he is a pretentious bitch (but we love him for it)
He has a single pair of high quality, custom made leather boots that can be used for everything.
Except they make that click-clacky sound when walking on the ranch's hardwood floors and Malon hates it
So when he's at home he putters around in Malon's slippers (she deliberately buys them several sizes too big so that Time can wear them)
He too, has a singular pair of boots but they are closer to cowboy boots than anything.
His however, do not make the clicky sound that Time's do (Malon: honey, why don't you have a quieter pair like Twi's? / Time: the clicking is a sign of authority, thank you very much!)
He has the classic docs that he wears until they are literally unwearable. And then he covers them in duct tape and wears them for like another year until he is convinced to get a new pair.
When he does get a new pair, he doesn't stop complaining about how much of a bitch they are to break in.
Tetra bought him a pair of Nike TN's.
He only wears them so he doesn't offend Tetra (he is unaware of it but he is down bad for her)
Aryll thinks they're hilarious and will take every opportunity to make fun of her brother.
TN's aside, he would wear regular sneakers. Nothing too fancy.
Four wears crocs. I don't know why, its just the vibe
The colours have their own colour coordinated pairs
The different charms they have are incredibly telling about their individual personalities
Red wears his with socks.
Green is indifferent to socks.
Blue and Vio are violently against crocs and socks.
Minish Four wears gumboots. Teeny tiny Minish-sized gumboots.
He would totally wear Birkenstocks
Him, Sun, and Groose have matching pairs
He has lost several shoes while riding Crimson (Birks are NOT practical loftwing-riding shoes)
If he has to wear them, he would wear thongs (flip-flops for the americans out there).
Flora can wrangle him into boots once in a blood moon.
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nikholascrow · 10 months
no one asked for more of these but i love making them so
if you like this check out the others
Peter Marlene Regulus Xenophilius Evan
• James is a pan cis dude in my brain
• wears crocs unironically his favorite are fire engine red
• he’s got adhd
• gives bone crushing hugs when he’s excited but if you’re upset he gets really gentle
• tries to mask all his negative emotions cause growing up around Sirius and Remus made him think his problems weren’t important even tho no one ever tried to make him feel that way
• considers pinky promises legally binding and does them 100% seriously
• he’s not self obsessed he just talks a lot and he doesn’t know what else to talk about
• he loves chickens and had a pet chicken when he was younger because he was obsessed with dinosaurs and asked for a pet dragon but Effie decided that was too dangerous so she got him a chicken instead and told him it was basically a dinosaur
• wrists are absolutely covered in friendship bracelets
• he’s the sorta guy that can befriend anybody but doesn’t really have many close friends he can talk to about serious stuff
• he’s amazing at cooking (Effie taught him)
• really good with kids but hopelessly irresponsible
• lowkey the reason he starts talking to Regulus is because no one except his close friends at hogwarts would dare insult him and he finds it hilarious that Reg does it in every sentence
• he also loves annoying the shit out of Regulus by calling him Reggie even before they really know each other
• completely oblivious to his own and others’ feelings Remus Peter or Sirius usually mention something about him liking someone and he just goes OH
• because he’s so oblivious he’s completely unaware that he’s basically got a whole ass fan club of hogwarts students who want to date him (Regulus is very aware)
• He’s got red converse but he also has another red pair that Regulus painter flames on for his birthday once he loves them so much that he never wears them cause he’s terrified of getting them dirty
• he thinks he’s annoying and loud because people get mad at him for talking ‘too much’ and he’s really self conscious about it
• he complains about how pretty Regulus is to Lily Sirius Remus and Peter all the time and they think it’s hilarious but if he interrupts one more of Remus and Lily’s study sessions to do it Lily might punch him
• dude is like a human heater even in winter like he’s the bitch that walks around without a coat on while it’s snowing
• he’s really smart and he could get good grades but he can’t stay focused in class unless he adores the subject
• sandals and socks.
• owns a chicken stuffed animal that sits on his bed and if anyone dared make fun of it he’d probably burst into tears
• he’s an absolute baby when he’s sick acts like he’s dying
• flirts so much with Regulus and yet Reg remains oblivious
if you want my hcs about other characters i haven’t done yet feel free to leave a ask i love getting them :]
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argoii-official · 6 months
how do the seven describe their ✨aesthetic✨ (have some freshly toasted sandwiches🥪, eat healthy y'all)
bold of you to assume they have the time or energy to pick an aesthetic. it is either situation relevant or interest related. but i shall humor you :)
annabeth - scrapper or downtown girl. poor girl is still very much in the mindset of ‘be prepared’. which is mostly what scrapper is about. she’ll dress downtown girl on a good day, a day confirmed to be safe. which is unfortunately not often.
percy - grunge/skater. skater boy or skater girl? yes. he takes annabeth’s clothes. she takes his. that’s what they get for being the same(ish) height.
jason - light academia or golden hour. this is regarding his time at edgarton because god knows he did NOT have the time to develop an actual aesthetic at CJ or on the Argo.
leo - feralcore. t-shirts with stupid graphics. you just KNOW he wears cargo shorts because he obviously doesn’t have enough pockets. what with his toolbelt of endless pocket. has a lighter and warmer colour lean, khaki, white, pastel orange etc etc.
piper - fairy grunge or ‘tiktok’ y2k. it really depends on her mood but she’ll always be inclined to more colourful looks. she’s 100% dabbled in scene and probably will dye her hair at some point.
frank - bland. okay, maybe that’s a bit mean, but genuinely he barely dresses up at all. he wears jeans and sweatshirts. maybe a collared shirt underneath. he’s never heard of fashion. best he can give you is socks with funny patterns. he probably wears crocs.
hazel - coffee house/yellow academia. she’d probably stick to a yellow/white/black palette, with the exception of CJ’s signature purple (which super messes up her vibe, for the record).
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sturnioloshacker · 17 days
Would you wear crocs everywhere for an extra 150k per year? This would include wearing them to work, dates, dinner, weddings, swimming etc... The colour is to your choosing, except for black and white. Wearing with no socks all year grants an additional 45k bonus.
i’ll do it! and with no socks for an additional 45k bonus? sold, done deal. i’ll take it hahahahaha
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rewritingcanon · 2 years
ted and andromeda headcanons because my mind is on them rn:
they give me raven x beast boy vibes, which was my otp as a kid so...
also black cat x golden retriever
like imagine andromeda with her unruly curly head of dark hair, eye bags, brown (almost black) eyes on her pale face, frown lines, always got her arms crossed and always speaks in this sort of tired voice vs this shaggy blond haired man who’s probably a star wars nerd, sunkissed and dimpled, has got removable tattoos and loom band bracelets on his wrists, painted toenails in different colours and wears mismatching socks with crocs and is never not smiling
so ted is a clumsy man (important for next point)
andy met ted when he fell on his face and spilt ink all down his shirt because he was laughing at peeves wiggling his ass at him in their fifth year and consequently lost his footing on the staircase
luckily it was a short fall and he landed on his face in front of andy, and she was like ‘yep, i want that one.’
and then she proceeded to avoid him for another full year, because she was so scared shitless of her feelings
both have a lot of arm hair and they sometimes use gel to make it go in stupid patterns
ted is tall, andromeda is short
ted is double jointed and it grosses andy out
andromeda fell first and harder (smh)
after becoming good friends with ted, andy would literally pay bellatrix not to tell their family she was close with a muggle born. narcissa was disapproving of the relationship too, but she was more easy to persuade
you wouldn’t think it but andy gets so emotional watching sad movies, and introducing her to muggle films just opened up a whole new ballpark for her. cue ted rubbing her back and lightly teasing her as she’s ugly sobbing to ‘love story’ and ‘a star is born’
andy would have some brain-rotting intimacy issues that usually got in the way of healthily communicating her feelings to ted. when they became a couple, she had to unlearn a lot of things or risk hurting him (and she did hurt him, no matter if it was unintentional)
ted confessed, no way in hell would andy do it. even then, she thought he was pranking him
andromeda gets incredible bedhair (i’m talking lion’s mane, frizzy ball of curls mess) and ted loves it
in fact, ted’s slow-building attraction to andy started of with him constantly playing with her hair, and not being able to stop touching it. she became used to it at some point, but he never did
ted tried his hand at poetry once. he gave up because all his poems sucked, except the ones he wrote about andromeda. they weren’t half bad. andy secretly loves them
edgy infp x loud enfj couple
ted’s love language is touch, andy’s is quality time
blah blah blah andy was scared of pursuing ted okay but ted was also terrified when he first realised he was in love with her. he knew what her family thought about muggles and muggleborns, he knew he should just be grateful that they were friends. he was so scared of fucking up and making her choose
but andromeda would drop everything for him in a heartbeat, though, and she did. she never knew what home should have felt like until she met him.
when ted and andy got married (a very noticeably small celebration, as it was only ted’s family really) the two got really shitfaced and started dancing to muggle rock music
both of them have two left feet, something andromeda is usually really embarrassed about. she was too drunk and happy to care, however
and when ted died, she started to write poetry as he had, and she was amazing at it. especially when she wrote about him
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ariondevereux · 2 years
oh my goodness may i ask about your college tennis mc(s) ? i love this if so much 🥺
hiii <3 and yes omg thank you for asking about her!! ctos is literally one of my fave ifs
ok so random facts about riley and her relationship with sam <3
what got her into tennis was watching it on tv with her dad when she was little even though she couldn’t understand a thing about it
she’s hell-bent on learning one handed backhand and spends a good amount of her training practicing it. when she’s not training, she spends like at least an hour on youtube watching compilation videos of gasquet’s backhand
riley is one of those fans who most often follow tennis for the big four and out of the four, even though she loves nadal, her favorite player to watch is federer because of how gracefully he moves on court. i imagine his retirement messing her up lmao
she loves fast food and junk food so much more than she should so it’s a really good thing she’s physically active 😭
she’s one of those jocks who unironically wear socks with sandals. she also loves crocs because they’re cute and comfy. and she’s right
aside from swapping jackets, sam and riley also have friendship necklaces and bracelets. it used to be some joke like “now we can say we’re best friends” but it’s become one of riley’s prized possessions especially now that they’re away from each other and there are feelings
they would always watch tennis together so the first time they can’t because they’re in different states now, they do it over video chat but it’s just not the same as watching and being together. riley never told sam but that night it really hit her how hard it was being away from him and how much she missed him and she cried
the awakening of her crush on sam was that time they went to an arcade and she spent all her tokens trying to get a certain plushie in a claw machine. she left to buy another bag of coins but when she came back, sam already took her place trying to win the toy for her. he also failed but it’s the thought that counts <3
relationship stage: sam and riley have a “bro/babe same thing” kind of relationship. not a lot has changed between them. they’re still dumb and dumber except they kiss now
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Got tagged by @official-lauchzwiebel
Thanks for thinking of me!!! :-)
1. What are you currently reading
Rico, Oskar und der Diebstahlstein by Andreas Steinhöfel; Stone Butch Blues by Leslie Feinberg; and still Twilight bc I couldn't get myself to pick it up again since the last time I was asked this question 🥸
2. Best movie I've seen in the cinema last year?
Honestly? Actually Puss in Boots - The Last Wish. I immediately fell in love with the animation when I first watched the trailer and when I went to see the whole movie I was completely carried away by the story too! I love this movie so much. Kitties and puppies 😭😭💞
3. What do you usually wear?
In the summer? Button-up/t-shirt + shorts + funny socks + crocs
In the winter? Sweater (with something collared underneath) + high-rise jeans (in any color with any leg width except skinny jeans) + funny socks + docs or crocs boots + the purple winter jacket I got from the h&m men's section only a few weeks ago but I've been wearing it non-stop bc it's exactly the kind of jacket I've been looking for for years and I finally have a cool functional winter jacket in my favorite color!!! 😩🤌💜💜💜
4. Star sign? Celebrity etc. you share your birthday with?
Leo, and I share a birthday with the episodes Eclipse Lake from The Owl House and Wishmaker from Miraculous Ladybug 😌
If we're going with real celebrities like singers or actors.. I was born exactly one day before Tristan Göbel :-)
5. Do you go by your name or nickname?
Depends. My close friends and family mostly call me Lenny, but I always introduce myself to new people with my birth name.
6. Did you grow up to what you wanted to be as a child?
Even as a child I never knew what I wanted to be and I always wrote "weiß ich noch nicht" in that empty space in the Freundebuch, so basically yes bc I still have no plans but now I'm studying languages 👍
7. What's something you're good/bad at?
I'm pretty good at crafty and creative stuff like crocheting, sewing, drawing and all that. Also learning new languages comes pretty easy to me, but I'll probably withdraw this statement after I've gotten back the results from my uni exams that I have yet to write...
Something I'm really, really bad at is being consistent with something. There's always something I'm forgetting and when it comes to important stuff like uni I often can't get myself to even open the uni website on my laptop as if I was paralyzed. Ahaha, anyway on to the next question...
8. Dogs or cats?
See, I'm the person who claims that they like both. And y'know I do like both. When I see someone walking outside with their dog I'm the one excitedly squeaking: "SCHAU MAL EIN HUNDI!!! :-)", but when I see a cat I get even more excited and in my head I'm like: "!!!!!!!!!!!!" bc I don't want to make too many loud noises and scare it off (you know I wanna pet that kitty!!!)
9. If you draw/write, or create in any way, what's your fav picture/line/something you created this past year?
The tiny Sendung Mit Der Maus-Maus I crocheted :-)
10. What's something you'd like to create content for?
Tough one. First of all gzsz bc I'm basically the only funny fanartist they have. I mean I've seen some artists drawing realistic portraits from screenshots but that's why I say I'm the only funny one out there. Anyone can redraw a screenshot but I'm the only person willing to draw Maren and Katrin or Michi and Tobias kissing, so even if my sketches look messy and I post so inconsistently that I'll never get more than 3 notes on something I still think I'm doing a more valuable job than people who redraw something that's already happened only for the sake of flexing how realistic their artstyle is. (It's a different story tho if the redraw is stylized!!! There's so much personality to stylized art!!)
So... To come back to the original question. Gzsz definitely, maybe some crossovers like my ml au as well shhshshss, Miraculous Ladybug in general, also Osomatsu-san or Owl House and all that stuff I'm currently watching. Tschick. Yeah.
11. What's something you're currently obsessed with?
Just scroll through my blog for a while.
Besides that? Crocheting. I love that you can do it while watching something, so I feel like I'm doing something useful even while watching AWZ 😩
12. What's a hidden talent of yours?
Nobody peels mandarin oranges and clementines like me! I always peel them in a spiral pattern and almost never fail!! 😤💪
13. Are you religious?
Nice try Gretchen. I'm not gonna answer that.
14. What's something you wish to have at this moment?
Right now at this exact moment? Nothing really. Bin grad wunschlos glücklich, als hätte ich ein halbes Erdbeermarmeladebrot mit Honig verzehrt und würde mit leerer Gedankenblase irgendwo rumliegen und den Rest meines Tages genießen 🍯🍓🍞
Tagging @tofufei @midnightxxcrisis @9puppiesdrowninginapool @jofngve and of course everyone else who wants!!! 😸💕
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kingjain · 6 months
Personalized New York Rangers Color Splash Crocs Clog Shoes
The Personalized New York Rangers Color Splash Crocs Clog Shoes are a trendy and unique gift option for both men and women. These shoes combine comfort and style with a personalized touch, making them a perfect gift for everyone, especially New York Rangers fans. One of the key features of these Crocs is the ability to personalize them with the recipient's name or initials. This personalization adds a special touch to the gift, making it truly unique and one-of-a-kind. Whether it's for a friend, family member, or yourself, personalized items always hold a special meaning, and these shoes are no exception. The ability to include the recipient's name or initials on the shoes makes them stand out from the crowd and shows that you put thought and effort into selecting the perfect gift. In addition to the personalization, these Crocs also feature the iconic New York Rangers color splash design. The bold and vibrant colors represent the team's spirit and create a striking visual appeal. For any New York Rangers fan, wearing these shoes is a great way to show support for their favorite team. The color splash design makes these Crocs suitable for both men and women, ensuring that there's a pair for everyone. Apart from the design, these Crocs also prioritize comfort. Made with durable and lightweight Croslite material, they provide all-day cushioning and support. The clog-style design with a heel strap adds extra security, ensuring that the shoes stay in place even during strenuous activities. Whether worn around the house, on a casual outing, or even to a game, these Crocs offer the perfect combination of comfort and style. One of the benefits of Crocs is their versatility. These shoes can be worn year-round, making them a practical gift option for any season. In the colder months, they can be paired with socks or worn indoors as slippers to keep feet warm and cozy. During warmer months, they are a breathable and lightweight option for a comfortable casual look. Regardless of the occasion or weather, these Crocs are a go-to choice for both men and women. In conclusion, the Personalized New York Rangers Color Splash Crocs Clog Shoes are a fantastic gift option for everyone. The ability to personalize these shoes adds a special touch, while the bold New York Rangers color splash design represents team spirit and creates a visually striking appeal. Comfort is not compromised, as these Crocs are made with durable and lightweight material, providing all-day cushioning and support. Versatile and suitable for any season, these Crocs are a fashionable and practical choice for any New York Rangers fan.
Get it here : Personalized New York Rangers Color Splash Crocs Clog Shoes
Home Page : tshirtslowprice.com
Related : https://kingjain.tumblr.com/post/720374429461446656/rainbow-sloth-crocs-shoes-energy-saving-clogs
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Today, I'm going to see how seriously churches take the philosophy of "come as you are."
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purplew · 2 years
modern mdzs hcs that have no substance whatsoever
wwx is a major conspiracy theoriest, like my man will question everything given the oportunity, and like everyone is just tired of his bs already except lwj (obv) and then at some point they start theorizing together and just imagine like one lan family dinner where lwj explains the flat earth theory to lqr with his dead pan face and lqr is just regretting ever letting his nephew out of the house
jyl buys jc and wwx like rlly cute and ugly socks that they cherish with everything they have, and just wear them all the time, she also got them pride ones
lwj unironically wearing crocs
jc knits when he's stressed. it started out w him wanting to do some cute baby clothes for jl and then he just started doing ugly sweaters for wwx and rlly intricate scarfs for jyl, and when jl grows up he also teaches him and they make little clothes for fairy and just quality time™
jyl and lwj cooking together pls
I feel like wwx definitely had a major hair dye phase in college, just the cheapest dye and a new color every month, his hair is low-key ruined now but lwj always conditions it and gives him oils and stuff
wangxian watch true crime documentaries together and then try to solve the murders, they do it monthly and they have one living room wall that's always full w police reports, maps, suspects idk
when wangxian started dating lwj got a pocket sized coloring book for wwx to use when he's anxious, sometimes he'll sit in the buss stop and do a monochrome flower other times he's in a cafe and just takes a small pencil pouch and goes off
jc and wwx went to a drag show drunk one time and rlly enjoyed it so they start doing it for halloween then for game nights and idk if there are any open mic drag shows but i feel like they'd deff go, and they're audience faves, rlly funny together just chaotic dumbass level off the charts, that's where they met mxy and wwx made him his protegé
lwj taught lsz how to play guitar and got him an electric one which wwx painted
lwj w gauges, he started stretching them when he was a senior in hs
when nhs comes over he braids wwx's hair, a different style everytime and they just talk shit while drinking mimosas
wn and lwj have a gaming rivalry, like one time wn was over and was playing mario kart w wwx and lwj comes in and he starts idk trying to help wwx and wwx is like why don't u try, and he does and wins and somewhere along the line he plays random games w wn and they both enjoy it but are competitive asf so they start counting wins
wwx has a massive record collection and his friends always get home like super rare ones when they travel and he just,,, his babies, also they're like every genre possible, i think he'd be a music snob but won't just settle for one type of music to obsess over
jc a kpop multi, nhs showed him some songs when they were in hs and it's been like his 'guilty pleasure' even tho everyone knows ab it, deff just does random kpop refrences on the daily, like one day he just tells lwj 'mAyBe iF yOU sTaNnEd LoOnA'
wangxian watch rlly bad horror movies and bet in which order the characters will die
wwx enjoys russian lit, has read all of dostoyevsky's works and most writers from that specific period of time
jgy has a pocket knife that he carries everywhere
lxc has a film camera collection and he bonds w wwx ab film photography and obscure photographers from the 90s
lwj hates modern art museums
wq tattooes wwx and he always passes out 5 minutes after they start
nhs and wwx learned french so they can bitch together in peace, jyl also knows it
lwj had a major latin phase in middle school and a mythology one, sometimes him and wwx just sit in bed and he tells him random myths or poems
junior quartet have a yt channel on which they used to post embarassing videos in middle school
jc and wwx were vine legends, like just imagine wwx playing the flute w his nose or some shit and jc just screaming tHIS IS WHY MOM DOESNT LOVE YOU, or tbh them on any kind of platform just bullying eo and middle schoolers, maybe they'd randomly find junior quartet's yt channel and react to it idk
nhs made like kinda ugly clay bracelets for wwx and jc when they were kids and they both still have them, wwx put it on his bag and jc has it as a key chain
jl tried to read self help books in hs but just got mad when the affirmations and stuff didn't work out
lsz and wwx bake together complicated deserts on saturdays and listen to european 00's pop
wwx does like a smudged eyeliner and that's it but lwj will have a 15 step skin care routine and like 3 types of highlighter
jzx always wears pretty silk scarfs and those big obnoxious designer sunglasses
wwx was a theater kid, and he'll just Shakespeare quote randomly
lwj and lxc love musicals and brodway, they see some live w nhs
nmj and his never ending metalhead phase
lsz enjoys foreign indie films, like french, norwegian, italian all the jazz
speaking of jazz, lwj,,, big mf fan
i think at some point yunmeng bros deff had a garage band, and they were actually pretty good and got quite famous, but couldn't pick a genre so that's why they 'split'
jyl and wwx watch Tim Burton movies as comfort
wn and lwj closet harry potter nerds
wq hates wearing jewlery but she has a thread bracelet lsz made her in kindergarten
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oatmealcrisp-freak · 2 years
kaidou aiura and saiki and nendo and kuboyasu going to vogueing classes (kaidou’s idea ((actually aiuras idea that she prompted to kaidou so they could gang up on saiki)))
saiki getting compliments for his intense expression making him standing in the back
aiura having so much fun
kaidou tripping and falling on his face like a lot
one time nendo accidentally smacks kaidou and sends him flying thru a wall (its ok saiki made sure he lived)
kuboyasu looking and feeling so awkward but easing into it and having fun by the end. he does the floss a lot.
they’re all wearing shorts like this except longer depending on who’s who
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aiura is also wearing a leotard and legwarmers and her hair is mega big and all over in stars
kuboyasu is in a fallout tee shirt and it looks weird
saiki is wearing pants underneath his shorts and his school gym shirt because fuck you. to be extra disgusting he’s also wearing socks with crocs. it’s meant to throw aiura’s crush off.
it doesn’t work.
kaidou drew all over his and is dressed to impress with his spikes on (takes them off when he falls the second time)
nendos hawaiian shirt is patterned with unicorns eating ramen and nobody knows where he found it but aiura wants to know very much (too bad he cant remember its like it just showed up one day out of the blue...)
(saiki knows but he’s not telling cus that’d reveal he bought it for nendo)
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ihatebnha · 4 years
i know this isn't good for me but, icks for todobakudeku?
tbh we all need a lil reminder that these boys, even if they’re hot and talented, are still BOYS nonetheless....
Laughs at you whenever you do something embarrassing in public instead of trying to help you fix it
Mansplains... if you’re doing something wrong, even if you know it’s wrong and don’t care, he’s yelling at telling you how to do it properly... (and he doesn’t listen when you tell him to knock it off, either)
Sometimes spits when he yells
Talks SUPER LOUDLY on the phone... in public... (and ignores you the entire call)
Wears the same socks for like a week straight
His fingers are c h u n k y
Also probably has hang nails 
Doesn’t know how much makeup costs and complains about the price when you’re checking out... EVEN IF HE’S NOT PAYING
Does that kinda weird and nasty thing where he licks his finger to wipe a smudge off of something... your face included 
BUT... swats you away when you try to do the same thing for him
Swears in front of your family and doesn’t know why it’s wrong... 
Also yells at his mom in front of you 
Has a pair of house crocs 
If you go to the gym with him, he’s teasing you if you don’t end up finishing your workout
Backwashes in your water bottle 
Blanket hog. This one sucks because he probably only sleeps with one, anyway
Always sweaty.... 
If you let him take a bite of something you’re eating, he’s biting off more than half of it (and gets mad or denies it when you point it out)
Calls you his “old woman” or something equally as weirdly offensive like “broad”
His ass is hairy
You have a lot of moments when you have to repeat yourself because he wasn’t listening, either too busy muttering about something or staring you you like🙂🥴😗 
Whenever you express your insecurities to him, he says stuff like, “I like you, though”👉🏻👈🏻
Cries when you cry because he doesn’t like seeing you sad
Probably has a hard time putting change back in his wallet when he pays with cash 
Picks his nose with a tissue and then stares at the boogers
Still wears jackets from years ago that don’t fit him anymore (and when you try to get him to donate them, he gets sentimental) 
Asks if you’re embarrassed to be seen with him... IN FRONT OF OTHER PEOPLE
(Both of you literally holding hands walking around with the Dekusquad when he says this like: ???) 
Also says “I love you” in front of other people, too... and gets mad when you don’t say it back
Kisses you with morning breath
Goes to the grocery store in slides without socks on 
Bacne except he doesn’t let you help treat it (and whines when you pick at it) 
You have to remind him to clip his nails or he’ll forget
Hairy toes
Unironically moans whenever you give him a massage
Sometimes tries to... smooch... you rather than kiss you... 
Points out whenever your makeup is smeared or you get a new pimple... 
And if he catches you walking around with a pimple patch on, he reaches out and tries to take it off you because he thinks it’s a smudge of dirt or something
Doesn’t acknowledge when he farts. He just lets it rip and walks away...
Will tell people your business if they ask. Has on multiple occasions mentioned to Deku or Iida stuff like you were on your period or that you had to leave because your ice coffee wasn’t “sitting well with you” (if you know what I mean)
Absolutely, vehemently refuses to pick a restaurant on date night. He wants you to choose All The Time
Whenever he finishes getting ready before you, he stands around in your space to watch you finish up
Wears socks with sandals unironically 
Also tries to kiss you with morning breath
Takes everything you say very literally, to the point where if you’re just telling him something super boring like that you don’t really like raw celery, he assumes you HATE it.
(You buy it for a recipe one day, and he’s like: “I thought you hated that?” except this happens multiple. times.)
When you’re mad at him, says “please just tell me what I did, I promise I’ll fix it” 
Sleeps in matching pajama sets 
Will insult something you like if he doesn’t also like it. For example, when you’re choosing new bedsheets or curtains
Also mansplains... even if its stuff that’s COMMON SENSE or doesn’t involve him (like that tampons can give you TSS if you wear them too long) 
Probably tries to hand feed you at some point
“Why would you wear makeup, you’re already so beautiful”
(You, with half your face beat already: ...) 
Has a cum sock
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based-and-rinpilled · 2 years
Misc AOUAD headcanons because why not (includes some no-zombies AU stuff)
-Mi-jin sometimes steals Ha-ri’s sweaters. Theyre way too big on her, but she likes it that way.
-And Ik that theyre canonically around the same height, but I live for 5’8 Ha-ri and 4’11 Mi-jin.
-On that note, tall!Nam-ra <3
-My exact height headcanons for the main 4 are that Su-hyeok is the tallest (6’0, thats canon), Nam-ra is 5’10, Cheong-san is 5-9, and On-jo is 5’3.
-Gyeong-su’s right eye twitches when he’s irritated.
-Dae-su is really good at sewing.
-Su-hyeok has ADHD; he doesnt wear socks because of sensory issues.
-None of the main 4 can dance to save their lives
-Cheong-san and On-jo will try, Su-hyeok thinks he can dance, and if anything involves dancing, Nam-ra’s already out of the picture
-On-jo once snuck a butterfly clip into Cheong-san’s hair. He spent the whole day wondering why everyone giggled whenever they looked at him.
-When it comes to her friends, especially Cheong-san, On-jo has a “nobody insults them except for me”. She’ll (playfully) call them morons, but god help you if you look at them the wrong way.
-Na-yeon knows this from experience.
-Dae-su is half Filipino.
-Nam-ra has a habit of writing philosophical adages on the bathroom walls.
-Su-hyeok, on the other hand, used to draw dicks on the stall doors.
-At one of their post-apocalypse meetings, Su-hyeok bought Nam-ra a pair of noise-cancelling headphones just incase her superhuman hearing was ever too much to handle.
-Gyeong-su and Mi-jin will call any minor inconvenience homophobic.
-On-jo once persuaded Cheong-san, Nam-ra, and Su-hyeok to let her paint their nails.
-And on that note, the main 4 are in polyamorous relationships. No more ship wars. They’re all in love w each other.
-Su-hyeok pairs khaki shorts with crocs.
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a batfam au amd everythings the same but everyones costumes are made from crocs
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jayz4dayz · 3 years
Kakegurui character headcanons that are canon in my eyes (Part 3)
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You already know this bitch has done hard drugs. She’s probably a dealer at Hyakkaou too ngl
Actually very intelligent and could get all A’s if she cared enough to
Canonly lesbian
She/they vibes 
Hardcore energy drink consumer. Monster and Redbull cans are all over the floor of her dorm room
If you simp for her… ya got mommy and daddy issues, luv-
Is physically touchy toward everyone, but lowkey recoils when someone she doesn’t know or trust touches her
Actively tries to annoy the shit out of both Sayaka and Yuriko as her way of showing her affection 
Night person
I can see her actively practicing witchcraft 
Favorite holiday is Halloween 
Probably has a glass eye somewhere but doesn’t bother putting it in because the eyepatch is a ✨look✨
Was the kid in school who ate glue or play dough 
Is best friends with Sayaka. Do not fight me on this
Needs to go to therapy. Honestly, who doesn’t in that school
Weapon of choice is her revolver, of course <3
Will often lay in Yuriko’s lap because Yuriko actually lets her. It’s one of her favorite things to do when she needs to unwind
Slytherin. 100% a Slytherin. 
Has at least one tattoo somewhere and nipple piercings too if we’re being honest
Can’t stand hot weather and prefers the cold 
Avid fan and listener of the band Mother Mother
Canonly almost shot a person on accident or on purpose with her revolver
Will flirt with Kirari just to piss off Sayaka 
Will flirt with Yuriko just to see her get flustered 
(Y’all can come after me all you want for this one) Has a crush on Yuriko
ESTP-A personality type
Has a pet tarantula
Most likely had a pen explode in her mouth while she was chewing on it in class at some point
Everyone asks “where is Midari?” but no one asks “how is Midari?” 
Favorite color is black or purple 
For SURE owns at least one choker 
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Refuses to take hard drugs but has accidentally gotten high off her ass from an edible. Midari’s edible, mind you
Is the mom friend of the group 
Owns a minivan and drives Midari and Runa places
Has a dent on the side of the same minivan because Midari hit the side of it with a shopping cart that Runa was in
Nurse vibes tbh
Keeps her eyes closed because she’s lowkey blind and can’t see much anyway 
Ravenclaw all the way
Was a horse girl in elementary school 
Has either really beautiful emerald green eyes or average Hudson-river colored brown eyes. Will we ever know?
Is secretly a cat girl. Why else do you think I used that image in particular for her
Easily flustered 
Has a crush on Midari but is still confused about her sexuality 
She sure as hell ain’t straight tho. Not in that school...
An only child
Is struggling, but wears a smile regardless 
Stepped on a butterfly once and sobbed
Ya know... say what you want, but I get vegetarian/vegan vibes from her 
Avid hot tea drinker 
Has pollen allergies
Morning person 
Prefers warmer weather and hates the rain
Has spa days with Yumemi once and a while
Can’t lift anything heavier than twenty pounds probably 
Would be on the Volley ball team if she wasn’t head of the Culture Club 
Several girls in her club have a huge crush on her and compete against Midari to gain her affection and attention 
Has straight A’s 
Idk why, but I can’t see her knowing how to swim
Gets cold easily 
Wears kimonos even when she’s at home 
Enjoys reading classical literature
Also enjoys listening to classical music
Would never admit this, but she listens to K-pop 
Has a hidden talent for drawing 
ISFJ-T personality type 
Weapon of choice is a bo-staff (which is really just a broom stick)  or Midari
Can speak Japanese, Korean, and Mandarin 
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Has absolutely done crack and likely a handful of other drugs 
Has a sugar addiction, but we already knew that one
G R E M L I N     E N E R G Y
Most likely has ADHD or ADD or both even 
I saw somewhere that said she’s 18?? Like, what?? She looks like she’s 12 tf... 
Asexual/Aromatic icon 
Hufflepuff vibes, but I can also kinda see her as a Slytherin
Jokingly homophobic towards Kirasaya and Yuridari 
Will drink nothing aside from soda or energy drinks 
Not a furry, contrary to popular belief. Just enjoys her onesies. Let her live her life jeez
Canonly a baddie 
Short, but will not hesitate in destroying your kneecaps 
Actually really close to the Momobami and Ikishima family
Plays video games with Midari almost every day after school since Aoi left 
Ironically uses “UwU” and “Ara, ara” but does not ironically call people a simp. Can you blame her? She’s surrounded by wlw
Will beat you in Mario Cart. Yes she will. I don’t care how good you think you are
Has managed to not break a single bone in her body despite her size 
Is good at every subject except for geography
Can’t drive, but owns a scooter which she’ll use to get to school if Yuriko is unable to drive her
Owns a pair of Heely’s with wheels  
Unironically wears socks with sandals 
Also wears crocs 
Listens to rap 
Is fast af. “Zoom, zoom, bitches!” 
Secretly a badass gambler
Gets approximately 2-5 hours of sleep each night because she stays up playing video games
Naps during her classes 
Listens and ignores whenever Kirari is pining over Sayaka and talking to her about it
ENFP-A personality type
I can see her owning a hedgehog for some reason, but also a rabbit 
Would probably get away with murder if we’re being honest 
Is not a natural blonde 
Two faced. Like seriously, don’t get on this bitch’s bad side. She’ll destroy you
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