#fake ask in the sense that i think i saw these and sent some out to mutuals bc i thought it was fun even tho i hadn't gotten asked yet?
la2yn0va · 2 days
Crazed Deprivation
CW: Crazy Reader.
Character: Feixiao
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Feixiao had always known there was SOMETHING off with you. From the warnings and constant worries from your one close friend about your sleep schedule, to your strange tendency to sleep wherever whenever.
She didn’t think much of it at first, until she heard you laughing late at night. The laugh was nothing like the laugh she grew to love from you, rather it was…crazed. Unhinged, Insane, Creepy.
The laugh that made her shiver in fear of YOU. Her own lover. She couldn’t help it anymore, she couldn’t stand being afraid of YOU, she needed to find out what was wrong with you.
She asked your one and only friend if they had any idea what that laugh was about. They were terrified, which made her more curious and scared.
They explained what they knew about your condition. If you miss a day of sleep, your whole mind changes into something dark, crazy, inhuman.
Feixiao couldn’t believe it, what condition was that? Surely it couldn’t be true? If it was, why wasn’t it well known?
She decided to take a risk, and sent you out on a late night mission, a simple escort mission through a borisin camp and towards a remote village.
She watched you from the trees as you effortlessly finished the mission, but then once you left the vicinity your demeanor changed. Your eyes wide, a smile creeping onto your face, bloodshot lines appearing in your sclera.
She watched in disbelief, believing it was a hallucination or a trick of some kind. But then she heard that laugh, the same laugh that made her start this whole ‘experiment’
You weren’t ‘you’ anymore, she immediately knew this was someone else. Your once charming sleepiness was replaced with a fire in your eyes, fire that wanted to see chaos.
She swallowed, her mind screaming at her to stop you before you do ANYTHING, yet her heart told her it’s still you. She listened to her mind once she saw you punching a tree and laughing at the pain.
M/n?: Come out! I know you’re here somewhere!!
Feixiao’s eyes widened, suprised that ‘M/n’ could sense her. She sighed before showing herself, and surprisingly, his eyes widened with…love?
M/n?: Darling!! It’s you!!
M/n?: That’s me, dear~!
She didn’t lower her guard, this was m/n’s face. But NOT m/n. Instinctively, she dodged an attack to her face. Grabbing this impostor and slamming him onto the ground, quickly restraining him.
Imposter: Hey—!! That’s not how you treat your lover~
Feixiao: Silence! I won’t tolerate your trickery impostor! Who’re you!
Imposter:…Tsk…I’m your lover— NGH!!
She tightened her grip, not allowing any movement or smartass responses.
Feixiao: Answer my question!
Imposter: For a bitch with ears that reach the sky, you’re fucking deaf. IM NOT YOUR SLAVE!!
He bashed the back of his head against Feixiao’s face, making her flinch and release you for a second. He quickly tried to attack her, but she immediately stopped any movements, grabbing this imposter and slamming him against a tree, keeping his hands pinned ontop of his head.
Imposter: NGHH…!!! Ahahaha…! You know your just hurting this brats body the more your fight back. Right~?
Feixiao growled, seeing her lovers body being piloted like a meat puppet by this freak was sickening to her. She gripped harder, watching this fake wince in pain.
Feixiao: But you still get hurt. Now answer me!! WHO ARE YOU!!
Imposter: Ahahaha…!! Let me tell you something….!! I’m gonna rip those pretty fucking orbs out and— AHH!!
She began to choke him, believing if she can put this person to sleep, then the ACTUAL m/n would return to her. Her idea seemed to have merit, as the impostor was panicking and hitting her, every hit becoming weaker.
He threw insults at her, yet she remained unaffected. The only sadness she felt was hitting her lovers body to save him from this scum. The imposter then smiled and began to laugh at the pain, deciding to leave some words of wisdom before IT leaves.
Imposter: Let me tell you….! When you fucking die, this brat’ll mourn…!! He won’t sleep, and I’ll return….!! And when I do…I’ll burn your precious ship….TO THE GROUND!!! AND MUTILATE….THAT PATHETIC ASSASSIN AND DOCTOR OF YOURS……!!!!
He spat out, his laughter dying out as he passed out. She let go, looking a mixed of fearful at the thought and saddened at the events.
She closed her eyes and picked you up, deciding to sleep on it.
-The End-
Sorry this ended abruptly, I got tired.
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lilolilyr · 4 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💗
Oh thank you so much for this ask! But this is so hard to say, which is why these have accumulated in my ask box for ages xD
I think for my absolute fav, as seen in my header gif, I'll still have to say Andromaquynh "In Your Stead", or the Just You And Me series it's part of! It might not be my longest fic but it is one of my longfics and the one I just, idk, put the most heart into? I worked a lot on that one and it's still very dear to me <3
main fic 30k M, series 50k T-E
For places 2-5 it gets way harder to decide! I guess I'll have to cheat and look through which fics I've tagged 'author's favorite' xD
Ohh I definitely adore my Star Trek University AU, it's basically my time at uni except Better and Queerer? xD
It's technically unfinished but it doesn't have a cliffhanger or anything and you can read them as standalones, idk whether I'll ever get back to actually writing for it tho I do have some small drafts and ideas
10k rated T-E, Milippa and KiraDax(Kahn)
And another Star Trek fic comes to mind, I haven't actually reread it in ages and don't remember it well but I remember that I really loved it back in '21!
Milippa, 10k, rated T, no warnings
Oh, and back to Andromaquynh, also a University AU and I think my longest ever fic even when counting series?
50k, rated T, no warnings
Ohhh and then there's my first ever GM fic! There's just something about the first fics I write when getting into a new fandom, especially when I write them right after watching the film they're for for the first time, they always have a special place in my heart!
Floreleine, 7k words, starts rated T and has a skippable E-rated part
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animeshotsh · 7 months
Its your soul Dear~ | Alastor x Reader
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Warning: Yandere!Alastor - Mentions of cannibal Alastor + Mentions of eating reader - Alastor its so mean in this - He is crazy for reader and not in love - Manipulative!Alastor - Maybe a part 2 - OFF CANON EVENTS AND OFF CANON IN TERMS OF TIME - grammar mistakes -
Alastor knows he is not in love with you, he knows his self cant love, cant feel that pathetic feeling.
But once a hunter then forever one. Thats s fact, when you found yourself in hell Alastor was the first to smell you. He was inside the Hotel when his sense went alert, ears high and eyes demonic. He soon sent his minions to look for you.
Did he want to eat you? He was not sure, he felt the need to own you.
Sonner than later he found you, you were so weak, he saved you from almost getting robbed and thats its the slightest problem you could have in hell.
However, Alastor knew how to play, he knew he had a centrain charm and you being new in hell would not know about him, how dangerous he was.
He covered his true intentions well, first guiding you to the Hotel where Charlie was extatic to meet you and give you a room. He showed you places in hell that where not so dangerous. He left one shadow of his to follow you around.
The only one who saw what he was doing was Husk. Who in his own way tried to warn you but was silenced by Alastor himself. He decided to step aside after that.
If something Alastor liked doing was playing with his meal. He made you trust him so much, whatever he said you ate it without a second tought. He would tell you to jump and you would ask how high. He made you depend on him, for whatever and small thing, following and asisting him like a good pet.
Alastor could still teast your soul, it gave off the most delicious smell a cannibal like him would feel, but he also felt the sweet smell and soft self of it. Showing that you were in hell by a low sin you had made.
He never cared, he wanted you. Wanted to take your neck in his hands and chocke the life out of you, see your eyes go dull, then he would devour you, maybe he would start with your chest, opening up and taking your heart in his hands. He then will go after your lungs. Oh, how he desired to be all messy with your blood.
But one meal and one second of teast would be the same as this? Having you by his side? Never leaving him? He knew you would end being something others could use against him, thats why he decided to make a few fixes to it.
First, he needed you to have some power, and heavens did he found it. His voodoo magic was perfect. He tried it, first cursing you then using a doll....he removed your arm and your own body lose it too. Then he made it be back and soon you were all made as new.
Does this mean he could devour you multiple times?
He just needed to have your soul. And he being as manipulative as he was did it. First he made a plan, you would end lost and he would tear your limbs apart, then he would appear faking saving you and proposing you a deal that would make you think if favors you.
Of course it did not.
"Your soul my dear, in exchange for my protection, no one will ever hurt you again, no one will even think on getting close to you"
Because only I can make you suffer and scream, only i can have you.
The explosion of green was the final. Alastor owned you, soul and body. He decided to kept his charming way but could not help and find himself festing over you. He made sure to put you back again and even trear your injuries.
It affected you badly, the one you tought was your friend ended being a cannibal and killer, and no one wanted to help you.
You had dig your own grave.
Whenever he went, you did as well, when he was hungry you were there to snack from. He never once hitted you or mocked you, he mostly treated you as a dumb pet.
His dumb pet.
And by heavens, you were his favorite. He would exchange thousands of souls just for you.
Because your screams and tears were the best he had ever tried.
He knows he was once a hunter, reduced to this look...the one of a deer, the shame he must carry. Maybe thats why he always smiles and has forced himself to be even more dangerous and mysterious.
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maochira · 6 months
Synopsis: For some reason, your brother thinks you and Ohma are dating. And you decide to take this chance to mess with him.
Tags: gn!Raian's older sibling!reader, reader is about Ohma's age, overprotective lil bro!Raian, mentions/descriptions of jealous Karura, lots of chaos, based on this ask I sent to @yellowelectroslime and the reblogs, @aneenasevla asked for this to be a fic and I am here to serve
Your younger brother has been behaving a little odd lately. Sure, he's always been weirdly overprotective over you while insisting on having a harsh rivalry with you at the same time, but his actions in recent times are... new.
The moment you are in a 10-meter radius of Ohma, Raian becomes tense. It always seems like half of his attention is on you and the other half is on Ohma.
No matter how much you think about it, you're never quite able to figure out a reason that makes sense. Your brother's aggressive and often irrational personality doesn't make it much easier. It's nothing you could address directly either because Raian is never honest about his feelings when it comes to something that concerns you. He'd rather find excuses or act as if you didn't say anything at all.
He has never even admitted how overprotective he is over you, no matter how many of the Kure Clan members have teased him about it and pointed it out.
You promised your brother to accompany him on a mission today. But you were so busy training with Ohma, you lost track of time and Raian ended up going without you. It's not like he needs your help anyway. It just would have been nice to spend time together as siblings - like you used to when you were younger.
You find yourself feeling guilty and knocking at your brother's door to apologize.
"You're just a tiny bit too late, you know?" Raian hisses while he opens the door. Even before he saw who knocked, he knew it could only be you. Who else would come to his room voluntarily?
"I'm sorry", you immediately apologize. "I forgot-"
"Yeah yeah I get it you were too busy making out with your boyfriend." Raian rolls his eyes while leaning against the doorframe. "I got the job done so don't worry about that."
The mention of "boyfriend" made your eyes widen a bit. This is the moment you realize why Raian has been acting so odd lately: He thinks you and Ohma are a couple.
Your reaction seems to prove Raian's suspicion - although he couldn't be more wrong. A condescending grin forms on his lips as he begins to speak again. "You really think I didn't notice what's going on between you and Ohma?"
It takes a lot of effort for you to hold back your own grin. "Oh? What do you think is going on between Ohma and me?"
A short huff escapes Raian. "It's so obvious that you're dating. Why didn't you simply tell me about it?" His expression begins to darken. "Don't you trust me?"
"Raian, come on-"
He quickly interrupts you. "Whatever. I figured it out on my own anyway."
Without giving you the chance to respond Raian shuts the door. You stand there for a few more seconds, wondering what to do now.
Every other person would clear up the misunderstanding. But not you. To you, this is the perfect opportunity to mess with your brother.
The next day when you meet up with Ohma to train, you immediately tell him what happened and that he should pretend to be your boyfriend. While Ohma doesn't completely understand why you want him to do that, he sees this as a chance to hopefully get Karura to understand he's not her boyfriend or future husband.
For the next two weeks, you and Ohma have your fun fake-dating and laughing about Raian's reactions in secret. It's hilarious to see your brother getting angry over something that's not even real.
Karura on the other side is extremely jealous of you. She's passive-aggressive whenever she talks to you and sees you as a rival now. Unfortunately for Ohma, she keeps accusing him of cheating on her and tells you to stay away from him. Occasionally you get death threats from her and just to be extra careful you don't accept any food from her - who knows if she poisoned it?
"Maybe it's time to drop our lie." Ohma suggests as you finish today's training. "I don't want Karura to end up hurting you." While he says it with a slight chuckle, you also know he's serious.
"Eh, I'm way stronger than her so that's not an issue. I know she'd never attack me anyway." You respond with a shrug, although you still agree with Ohma's suggestion. "But yes, we should tell them. I think if we keep this up any longer the other clan members are going to think we're a couple as well."
Ohma nods in agreement and leans his back against the wall. "Alright. It was your idea, so you have to be the one to tell Raian the truth."
Simply imagining a scenario like that causes you to groan in frustration. Ohma is right, it was your idea. And also, Raian is your brother. If Ohma told him the truth things would end up a lot worse than you intended when you started messing with Raian.
After leaving the training grounds you spot Raian on your way home, so you decide right now is the best moment to tell him. As long as you're outside, he hopefully won't yell too loud.
"Yo, lil bro!" You call out and walk into your brother's direction.
"Don't call me that." He hisses and crosses his arms in front of his chest.
He's always hated being called your little brother. To him, it sounds as if you were above him. Raian prefers the term "younger brother" because it only points out the age difference. And besides, he's taller than you, because for some reason the youngest siblings are always the tallest.
"Do you have a moment to talk? There's something important I wanna tell you."
Raian raises an eyebrow, slightly intrigued but not wanting to show it too much. "Shoot."
"Ohma and I aren't dating." You reply rather bluntly.
For a few moments, Raian only stares back at you. He's confused and goes through all the things that would prove you and Ohma being a couple.
Since your brother doesn't say anything in response, you decide to continue.
"When you first told me you knew Ohma was my boyfriend, I was confused but thought it'd be fun for us to pretend to mess with you."
The grin on your face is quickly wiped away when Raian suddenly grabs your collar and steps closer to tower over you. "You son of a bitch! Why would you do that?!"
Being called "son of a bitch" by your brother sure is ironic, but right now isn't the moment to point that out. Instead, you begin to smirk again because there's no way you're letting your little brother have the upper hand right now. It was you who messed with him in the first place, and it should be you who gets the last word in this.
"It was funny. Seeing how my little brother gets all overprotective just because he thought I had a boyfriend. And you always pretend to not care that much about me."
"Shut up!" Raian yells right into your face before letting you go. "I am NOT overprotective! I was just... whatever, that's unimportant by now anyways! Thank god you're not actually dating him."
There's so much more you could respond, but Raian sees Ohma walking by and immediately calls his name, then challenges him to a fight.
You being you, you immediately say you'll join as well.
If you liked this, please remember to reblog with fun tags or any type of feedback! It's the best way to support me and my writing!
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avatar-anna · 2 years
Unknown Number, Part 3
italics: y/n (unknown number)
bold: harry
(four weeks ago)
J: guess what?
HS: What?
J: no you actually have to guess!
HS: Why?
J: i wouldn't have said guess what if i didn't want you to actually guess. i would've just told you
J: so guess!
HS: Uh...you went on a date with a decent guy?
J: normally i would say RUDE but you're correct!
J: still...RUDE
(ten minutes later)
HS: Wow.
J: wow? just wow? i'm making real progress here!
J: college graduate, good head of hair, sense of humor that isn't misogynistic, and he's stupid hot
J: i think i'm in love
HS: After just one date? Don't you think it's a little too soon to tell?
J: who knew you were such debbie downer
J: i think you need to go on a date. maybe that'll make you believe in the power of love and a beautiful smile
HS: Ha ha
HS: I already told you I'm too busy.
J: no one's too busy for love h
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(present day)
Y/n had never felt more nervous in her life.
Here she was sitting across from the person she'd spent countless days and weeks and months texting. There was never a moment where she didn't have anything to say to him, but now her mind was completely blank.
She wasn't supposed to see him again. The tour buses were typically a ghost town as it got closer and closer to show time, so she figured she could wait there before she had to leave for the airport.
When Y/n saw Harry outside the tour bus, she thought he'd come to yell at her some more; part of her thought she was about to be sent to jail for stalking. But all he wanted to do was talk.
And now they were on a couch not saying a word.
There was too much that needed to be said, but Y/n didn't know how to start, and she assumed Harry didn't either because he was just as quiet. But since the silence was almost as unbearable as when he yelled at her, she mustered the courage to say something.
"I...I don't know how to convince you that I'm not a stalker," she said, looking down at her hands folded in her lap. Then she laughed a little.
Her eyes flicked up to Harry's, and when he wasn't laughing or smiling with her, she stopped. "We, uh, we had the same conversation, only in reverse, remember?"
Y/n had gone through many emotions that day—mortification, terror. She'd gone out on a limb by texting so soon after a date, and to find out that said date had given her a fake phone number was not the best feeling in the world. And then realizing that she'd sent a picture of herself half-naked...not her proudest moment.
"I—It was a risk for me too, you know," she said quietly. "I didn't know who you were, either, and I—I don't know what else you want me to say. I wasn't lying. You were the one who asked to talk, so talk."
Harry didn't talk, at least not at first. Y/n wasn't going to say anything else until he did, though. He'd yelled at her, called her sick, assumed the absolute worst without about her before stopping to ask for an explanation. And she understood, but then why not just let her be? Why drag this out?
"I want to believe you. I'm trying to believe you," Harry said. "You just—You have to understand how alarming this was for me. This isn't the first time my phone number has gotten leaked."
"I'm sorry." It was all Y/n could think of to say.
"And so hearing you say my name when I'd never told you...I got scared, and—and angry that it'd happened again."
Y/n understood where Harry was coming from, and she didn't blame him for not believing her, but this all seemed redundant. She already forgave him in her note. Perhaps she could try a different approach.
"I didn't know who One Direction was when we first started talking," she said. "I didn't even know who One Direction was until I got this job."
Harry's brows raised. "Really?"
Y/n rolled her eyes. "You're popular, but not that popular."
To her surprise, Harry laughed. It was small and weak, but it was a laugh. "Fair enough."
"I swear I didn't know who you were until this tour. I saw the first couple shows on the road, I saw just how many fans you guys have, and so maybe I did a little research, but I didn't know it was Harry Styles, beloved by millions of teenage girls around the world, that I was texting."
Harry scooted closer to her, and with wide eyes, Y/n scooted away. She didn't know what that meant, or why he did it, but she wasn't ready for it. They'd been friends, were friends, she didn't know what they were. He was close enough for now.
Harry was...very gorgeous. Y/n was well aware of that after seeing pictures of him online and in passing during the day. Now that they were up close, she was suddenly aware of his pretty green eyes and hair that curled down to his shoulders. And the tattoos. God, how many times had she told Harry that she loved a guy with tattoos?
"So...You really only found out a few days ago?" he asked.
"I only know what you've said over text," Y/n said with a nod. "And some of your discography, obviously. And the names of your fellow boy band members."
Y/n watched as Harry took in what she said, hoping he would believe her, or at the very least not be angry with her anymore. She knew they would probably never be friends, but maybe she could go back home knowing he didn't hate her or think she was crazy.
"I...believe you. I think," he said after a couple long minutes.
"Don't say that if you don't—"
"No, I—I told you a few days ago that I know you, and I meant that," he insisted. "I jumped to conclusions because of past circumstances, but thinking clearly and reading your letter...those instances and this aren't the same. I'm sorry for exploding on you like that."
Y/n shook her head. "You said it yourself. This wasn't the first time something like this has happened. You had a right to be angry."
"I just—This wasn't how I wanted this to go."
"What do you mean?"
"I wanted—I wanted the first time we met to be...I don't know what I wanted but I didn't want it to be like this."
Eyes blinking in surprise, Y/n said, "Well, I'm glad you believe me. Maybe we can still be frie—Oh."
Before Y/n could finish what she was saying, her phone went off. Her alarm.
"What's that?"
Y/n looked down at her phone, then up at Harry. Things seemed to be mended for the most part, but she didn't want to press her luck. If she left now, maybe they could go back to the way things were before their identities were more or less revealed.
"I set an alarm so I would make it to the airport on time," she said, standing up from the couch. "My flight isn't for another two hours, but I like to get there early because of security and all that."
"You're leaving?" Harry asked, sounding incredulous, though you weren't sure why.
"I told you I was. You threatened to call the police on me, remember?"
"But—But we fixed everything. I thought...This is still your foot in the door, June. I don't want to take that away from you."
It was sweet that he was still thinking about her career, Y/n thought. But... "I appreciate that you're taking my career into account, but I think I need some time to digest the fact that the...friend that I've been texting for the last couple months is—is—"
The truth was Y/n needed to get over the fact that she couldn't actually be with her perfect stranger. When she could hide behind her phone, it was easier to fantasize and come back down to earth, but now the reality of their situation was slapping her in the face. This wasn't going to end with the two of them together.
"Is what? Not who you thought I was?"
"I was taken by surprise too, you know. I thought, or I'd hoped for—"
"Nothing. I have to catch my flight," Y/n said. She stood up from the couch, or tried to, anyway. Harry reached for her wrist, keeping her there. She knew she could easily pull away and stand up, but she didn't. "Maybe I should've let you believe I was crazy," she said with a laugh. "It would've made leaving easier."
"You don't have to go," Harry insisted. "You're my friend, and I—"
"But I don't want to just be your friend, Harry!" She said, finally pulling her hand from his. "Maybe that makes me crazy for developing feelings for someone before I ever met them, but I'm not sure I could sit around and pretend that I don't want to take your face in my hands and—"
Y/n didn't even register that Harry had moved closer to her. Couldn't make a single noise before they were nose and his lips were on hers. She could only stare, nearly cross-eyed, so surprised she could hardly register how soft his lips were. And then, for just a moment, Y/n closed her eyes and let herself get lost in the kiss. Her hands found themselves in his hair, pulling him closer, pulling him over her, but before they could get any further her senses took over.
"H—Wha—What are you doing—"
"Do you know how hard it was to watch you go on and on about going out with complete dickheads?" he asked, not trying to kiss Y/n, but not moving away either. "To know that some undeserving idiot was taking you out and treating you so wrong when I could've—when I knew I could be better than that, be someone you deserved."
"You never—I don't understand." She did, she just didn't want to.
"June," Harry said. His thumb traced the curve of her cheek so gently, yet it sent chills throughout her whole body. "I want—I want y—"
Y/n didn't let him finish as she pressed her lips to his again. A hum rumbled from Harry's chest, clearly pleased by her reaction. She let herself savor every feeling—from the hand that cradled her face and laid her back across the couch to hair that created a curtain over the both of them and his persistent mouth that wanted more, more, more. The leather sofa was cool against her back and she whimpered, but Harry only took it as an opportunity to deepen the kiss, slotting a leg between hers while her arms threaded around his neck.
"Tell me you'll stay," he said, breathing only slightly shallow. Y/n had only kissed Harry twice, but she was aching to do it again. She leaned forward, but he moved just out of reach, his fingers holding her chin in place. "I'm sorry for yelling and immediately assuming the worst, but please don't go. Not yet."
He looked so sincere, Y/n thought. The way Harry stared at her was intense but endearing. His lips were a little swollen from all the kissing, and some of his hair was hanging in his face. She could understand why so many people were attracted to him, even outside the realm of physical beauty. If Y/n didn't know him the way she did and he still looked at her like that, she would do nothing short of eating out of the palm of his hand. His energy was hypnotizing, his intentions were good, and he had a decent heart to match. Y/n wasn't sure she'd be able to leave even if she wanted to.
"I won't. I promise."
If him pleading with her hadn't done the trick, his smile would have. It was full of hope rounded out by deep dimples and charm. "Really?"
"I know it probably won't be easy, but I want this too. I want you."
She spent so much of her time on guys who didn't care, who weren't after what she was after. Recently, Y/n had only gone out on dates because she thought she was crazy for developing feelings for someone she'd never met, but now...
She didn't even think it was possible, but Harry's grin widened, and when she leaned in again, he let her. They only kissed for a few minutes before Y/n pulled back with a start. "Wait!"
She giggled, then smoothed the corner of his mouth where there was a little lip gloss. "You don't even know my name."
Realization dawned on Harry, as if he'd never even thought about calling her anything other than June, which was fine by her, but she figured he at least needed to know her real name.
"Oh right. I guess we should do this properly. I'm Harry, and I would very much like to take you out sometime."
Y/n grinned and awkwardly shook his hand while Harry was still on top of her. "Nice to meet you, Harry. I'm Y/n, but you can call me June. Almost everyone does."
"Yeah, that's kind of the point of nicknames," she said, looking at him oddly. "Why?"
"I want a name that's just mine," Harry said.
Running a hand through his hair, she said, "Well, can we kiss while you figure something out."
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Twelve uninterrupted minutes. That's what Y/n and Harry got. He supposed they could've spent it talking, but they had plenty of time to talk. Harry just wanted to be close to her, and Y/n wanted the same.
It was weird to see her, to know she was June, and associate her with a different name. But not too bad that he needed a minute to think about it.
In twelve minutes, Harry was out of his shirt and Y/n was working on getting hers off. They knew better than to do anything more than that, but he liked seeing her in a way he never thought he would, and he could only imagine she felt the same. When Y/n finally managed to get her shirt over her head, Harry felt a bit like an ass for staring, but he couldn't help it. He was taking every inch of her in. Every curve, freckle and scar. Y/n squirmed a little under his gaze and attempted to cross her arms over herself, which was when he finally looked back up at her lovely face.
"Sorry. You're quite beautiful."
That wasn't a dick thing to say, right? He avoided stating the obvious, which was he wanted to put his mouth everywhere and didn't quite know where to start, but something crossed Y/n's face. Harry didn't quite know what it meant, but he would.
Though he did get a little worried he said the wrong thing, but before he could ask she pulled him down to her again.
All of that in twelve minutes. Harry wanted more, would've maybe gotten more, but the door to the tour bus flew open, and a voice drew nearer before either of them could separate.
"Harry? You in here? People are losing their minds because—Woah."
Harry was quick to maneuver himself in front of June as Niall's eyes fell on the two of them. He reached down and grabbed his shirt and shrugged it on. "Everyone can keep their pants on. I'm coming."
"Can you?"
"Niall!" Harry said, but June just giggled behind him. He looked back at her to see her smiling.
"It was a little funny."
Shaking his head, Harry leaned forward and kissed the top of hers. "I have to go—Can you give us a minute?" he asked, throwing a look over his shoulder at Niall.
"Yeah," he said, though most of it was covered up by laughter at having caught his friend. "Yeah, I'll—Wait a minute. Is that June?"
She peeked out behind Harry's shoulder. "Hello."
Harry's mind was alphabet soup for a moment while he tried to make sense of what was essentially his two worlds colliding. It would make sense that Niall knew June because he was always hanging out with the 5SOS boys.
"But what about that girl you've been moping about—"
"I'm going! I'm going! I gotta go tell Calum and the boys."
"Niall, no—And he's gone." Y/n sighed and rested her head on Harry's shoulder. Then she playfully pinched his side. "Moping?"
"Oh hush."
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J: where are you?
HS: Radio interview. I'll be back soon.
HS: Why?
J: i was gonna do a little shopping. thought you might wanna join
J: BUT i will just go by myself
HS: Sorry. I'll see you after?
J: fiiine
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HS: Okay I'm back. Where are you?
J: still shopping!
HS: All you buy are t-shirts. How does that take so long?
J: um...RUDE i guess i'll just put the super sexy panties away
HS: ...please don't hurry
J: that's what i thought
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HS: I miss you :((
J: you saw me twenty minutes ago
HS: I want you in my bunk
J: a little late seeing as we're already on the road!
HS: :(((
J: everyone is going to hate me, but do you want me to call you?
HS: No it's fine.
HS: Can you switch buses at the next stop for gas?
J: you're unbelievable
J: yes of course
HS: :)))
HS: Louis wants you to know we're disgusting!
J: tell louis he can kiss my ass
HS: I will do no such thing. Your ass is mine
HS: Louis is right
J: we are disgusting
HS: So... I'll see you in a couple hours
J: can't wait xx
J: but until then (download image here)
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and that's a wrap! i hope y'all enjoy the last part! thanks for all the love on this fic, everyone has been so sweet💕💕
@cookielovesbook-akie @sucker4angstt @l0v3e1i @bellesmith628 @marigold-morelli @obsessedmaggiemay @voniikg @onecrazydirectioner @unabashedcolorfrienddreamer @austinsvlrslut @iheartharlow @jessitpwk @fictionalmenloversblog @onceagainace @zucchinimalfoy @sqrxndipity @indierockgirrl @drwho06 @shakiraa-a @nomyeyebrowsarentreal @sleutherclaw @yeehawbrothers @harryspirate
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Bittersweet Symphony 4
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My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Character: Thor
Summary: you meet a god in real life but he’s not the saviour you think.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging ❤️
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“Is Thor coming over?” Joanie asks. 
You try not to sigh. It’s the third day of her visit and the second morning she’s asked after the Asgardian. You hate telling her no. She’s not very good at hiding her disappointment. You smile. 
“Kiddo, I think he’s pretty busy. Saving people and all--” 
“Do you think he’s really friends with Captain America? And Iron Man? Mom said that it’s all fake,” she asks. 
You put the bowl of cereal in front of her, “well, mom thinks everything is fake, doesn’t she?” You shrug. “Come on, eat up. We’re going to hit Central Park today. Got a long way to go.” 
“A park?” She whines, “but I wanna see Thor!” 
“Kid,” you utter. 
“He likes you!” She chirps, “I saw him smiling at you.” 
“He smiles at everything. By that logic, he was in love with his cupcake,” you snort. 
“Mhm, I saw the message he sent you too!” She bobs her head defiantly. 
“Joan-- you read my texts?” You sputter. 
“Your phone lit up, I don’t know.” 
“You're nine years old, you shouldn’t be worried about my phone,” you rebuke. 
“He got your number. I watch those old movie with mom and I know what that means,” she grins. 
“Enough,” your cheeks burn. 
“I told you, he likes you,” she sings. 
“Joanie,” you cross your arms. 
“Are you gonna get married?” 
“Joan! We haven’t even gone on a date--” 
“You’re going on a date?” She bounces in her chair. 
You huff and drop your hands to your hips, “you are sneaky.” You shake your head. You shouldn’t let her get to you like that. “Eat your cereal, I need to get dressed.” 
You turn and stride away as she giggles into her bowl. You untie your fleece robe as you enter the bedroom and pick out a burgundy circle skirt and black tank to go with it. It should be pretty hot so you’ll only bring a light sweater. 
You pick out some clothes from Joanie’s bag; her pink jeans and a lilac shirt with some child’s show on the front. You go to clean up her empty bowl as she changes. You brush your teeth and make sure she does the same. She’s easy enough to manage but when she’s hyper, she’s hard to rein in. You’re hoping a day of exploring can tire her out. 
Once you’re cleaned up and ready to go, you head out to catch the train. You tell her not to let go of your hand and you’re sure to take your own advice. When your stop comes, you’re relieved to be free of the cramped train car and the smell of body odour. 
You point out the Museum on your way and don’t mention the Zoo further down. That would be another tangle of strangers you’re not in the mood to deal with. You enter the park under the archway and take a few pictures to send to your mom. 
As you set off further into the park, your name booms above the city buzz. Joanie jumps in her shoes and you both turn to face the baritone. Thor sprints up with a wave. 
“Ah, what fate,” he stops in front of you with a triumphant puff of his chest, “I was only on my way to see a friend and I happened by.” 
“Oh?” You tilt your head skeptically. 
“How could I miss those ears,” he pinches one of the cat ears on Joanie’s hat. 
She smiles and wiggles giddily, “Thor!” 
“Yes, little one,” he laughs, “I hope I am not intruding very much.” 
“No, we’re just going on a walk,” you explain. 
“A walk? May I join you?” 
“What about your friend?” You wonder. 
“Hm, yes, well, Tony is not answering my calls. Nor is my brother. They’ve been elusive as late so I must admit I find myself restless,” he admits, rather forelorn. 
“Ah, busy, I guess,” you suggest. 
“Likely, yes,” he agrees. 
“Well, no point standing around I guess,” you grab Joanie’s hand and pull her along the trail. Thor comes up on her other side and she takes his hand too. 
“It is a lovely day,” he says. “I am gladdened to have found good company for it.” 
“Thor?” Joanie squeaks, “when you say Tony... do you mean Iron Man?” 
“Joanie,” you chide. 
“He is a friend, yes. If you are not too busy, I could arrange a visit to his tower. Perhaps tomorrow?” He offers. 
“Oh, really, we couldn’t--” 
“That’s awesome!” Joanie hollers. You hide your embarrassment. It’s all so exciting to her but you hate to take so much when you don’t have very much to give. 
“Yes, awesome,” he agrees. 
You walk on as Joanie rambles on about Iron Man and Cap and her other favourite, Black Panther. Thor informs her that he is not sure he could just walk into Wakanda but that T’Challa may just show up. You listen in dread. He’s so nice but he shouldn’t do all that just for her.  
“Ooh!” Joanie hops and rips her hand away, “I wanna ride the pony!” 
She points at the horse and carriage. You catch her before she can run ahead. You have a fearful vision of her getting caught under the clopping hooves. 
“Joanie, hold up,” you say. 
“Ah, yes, I would also like a ride,” Thor agrees, “princesses.” 
He gestures you ahead of him and you send him a look. He grins and bows his head. You keep your grasp on Joanie and take her over to the carriage as it slows.  
“Thor,” the driver ignores you for the man at your back. 
“Ernest!” The boisterous man greets him familiarly. “Shall we?” 
“Sure thing, buddy,” the driver agrees. 
You glance between the two men, surprised. You help Joanie up and put your foot on the step. You grab the side of the carriage to haul yourself up and feel your skirt brush against Thor as he stands close. You quickly hurl yourself onto the bench, overly conscious of your body. 
He gets in sits across from you. He thanks Ernest and claps his thighs excitedly. 
“You come here a lot?” You wonder. 
“Ah, yes, I love horses. Most creatures. Your planet has many endearing ones. There is a little chipmunk outside my window. He is not fond of the sparrow that nested in his tree.” He shakes his head. It sounds as if he can understand the critters but surely that’s absurd. 
“Cute,” you comment. 
“Oh, yes, very cute,” he agrees. “I’ve found many cute creatures here on Midgard.” 
He stares at you and Joanie leans into you. She tugs on your arm and you peer down. She wiggles her brows and you shake your head. He definitely doesn’t mean you. 
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inubaki · 21 days
The Bite (part 2)
The next few years were terrible for Adam. Lilith, his new companion, was specifically created for him. Despite feeling abandoned by Lucifer after he had achieved his goals, Adam made efforts to build a relationship with Lilith. While Adam felt uncertain about his emotions towards Lilith, he was determined to give their relationship a chance. 
Adam desperately attempted to win Lilith's favor, offering gifts, foraging for food, and enthusiastically presenting her with the most enjoyable activities in the area. However, despite his efforts, Lilith remained indifferent to his offerings, leaving Adam at a loss for what to do next.
Adam found that Lilith had suddenly become distant and uninterested in spending time with him. She would vanish for extended periods and only return when dinner was ready. It seemed like she preferred to keep her distance from Adam. When Adam asked her what he could do to improve their relationship, she bluntly told him, "Adam, you have a strange odor. It's not a natural smell...it's more like a fake scent. Besides, I can't even mate with you. What's the point with those ruined glands?" And with that, the conversation ended.
Adam could never alter those fundamental facts. Lucifer used to comment on Adam's pleasant scent, comparing it to the air before a storm enriched Eden’s soil. But his angel wasn't here now and he smelled bad to Lilith. She presented as an Alpha, or so he was told. The angels told him before they created Lilith that they didn't trust humans to decide their secondary gender since Adam caused so much trouble the first time. 
And his glands...he still couldn't remember how they got ruined other than it was painful to think about.
Adam wondered if Lucifer was still considered his angel. It had been ages since they had seen each other and Adam couldn't fathom what he had done to make Lucifer leave. Perhaps he had become too clingy? Lilith, ever the outspoken Alpha, had often criticized Adam for being excessively dependent on her time.
"I don't belong to you, Adam," she declared when Adam pleaded with her to stay for a single evening. "And I have no obligations to you." With a menacing growl that sent shivers down Adam's spine, she stormed away. It was a growl that Adam had never heard from Lucifer or anyone before. He couldn't help but wonder what he was doing wrong.
Adam wept for what felt like an eternity after she never returned. Although Adam's understanding of time was limited, he had spent three long, solitary months in the Garden. It was evident that something was amiss, but he was unsure of what had gone wrong and how he could rectify it.
As he lied under a tree, he suddenly felt sleepy. Very sleepy. He heard voices from all around him but he could only pick up a few words.
"Lilith ran—"
"Lucifer took—"
He fell into a deep sleep. Adam awoke to the sound of laughter and whimpered. His side burned and he tried to scratch at it. "Oh? Are you finally waking up?" A woman's voice asked. It sounded unfamiliar so Adam opened his eyes.
The woman standing in front of him was stunning, with her cascading long, chestnut brown hair, captivating grass-green eyes, and a warm, comforting smile that made Adam feel a sense of ease. As he struggled to sit up, sharp pain shot through him, causing him to cry out. The woman gazed at him with concern and spoke in a gentle, soothing tone, "The angels told me that you were going to be sick for a while. But don't worry! I'll be here! I was told that I am your new companion!"
Adam blinked. A new companion? So...Lilith was gone. She had truly left. Trying not to cry, Adam asked, "What is your name?"
"The angels said you would name me!" She looked happy. At least that was something. He looked around for inspiration and saw that the evening had set. It was beautiful and soft, just like she was. "Eve. I shall call you Eve."
Eve smiled.
It took Adam some time before he was truly better again. Eve was with him every step of the way. Fetching him water and food and even sleeping next to him so they wouldn't be alone. It wasn't long before Eve excitedly told him that she had presented as an Omega. She turned to him with a confused smile and said, "Why do you smell so weird?"
Adam looked at his wife, he was told to call her this, with fear. She could smell how awful he was as well? No, he could fix this. "Can you tell me what's wrong with it?"
Eve nodded and sniffed his glands, or lack thereof, and frowned. "You just smell...wrong. I...don't know how else to explain it. And your glands...they look nothing like mine." She showed off her Omega gland and Adam had to stop himself from crying.
Her's looked beautiful, ready to be marked and claimed. Unlike his. His was forever ruined, and for the life of him, he couldn't remember! What was wrong with him?!
Eve must have noticed his distress because she smiled and hugged him. "It's okay Adam! We'll figure it out! I'm sure there's some way to fix it!"
Adam had never felt this kind of gratitude. Despite him being broken, his wife was staying with him. He smiled and cried out many times about how thankful he was for her and that he didn't deserve Eve. His wife simply held him as he cried.
He should have known things wouldn't last. 
One day, he came across Eve looking hot and flushed. He originally thought she may have eaten something she wasn't supposed to but on further inspection, he found that she was...ready to mate. Adam could help her. He knew how!
As soon as he came near, Eve growled at him, making Adam step back in shock. "You're not an Alpha!" She screamed as she threw rocks at him. Adam dodged them, begging Eve to explain whatever was going on. She was breathing heavily, her chest heaving as she glared at him.
"I don't want you! I want an Alpha! Not something fake!" Adam whimpered. He had never heard her yell and be so enraged before. "You said...it didn't matter that I wasn't an Alpha..." He said, bringing up their previous conversations.
Eve just scoffed and threw more rocks, demanding Adam be useful and bring her an Alpha because she wasn't mating with him. Adam felt his heart break as he stumbled away. Once again, he was broken and no one could stand that. 
First Lucifer. Then Lilith. And now, finally, Eve. Maybe it wasn't them...maybe it was him. Maybe Adam was the problem. Maybe he was always the problem.
The next two days passed and it only solidified his conclusion when Adam found Eve, Lilith,...and Lucifer all underneath a big tree. They each held the Forbidden Fruit, all eating and laughing as they rolled around together.
Whatever little hope he had of fixing things with Eve was now dashed. She clearly went off for good with better people, Alphas, and she didn't want him. He silently cried as he slipped away, unwilling to interrupt their happy moment. 
He finally collapsed to the ground near a familiar-looking stream. He looked at his reflection and grimaced at what he saw. Adam couldn't bear to look at it further and smashed a palm through it. No wonder everyone left. He hated what he saw too.
Suddenly, Adam felt himself gasp as he was no longer by the lake but surrounded by angels. He looked around confused as he looked around, wanting an explanation.
Sera looked down at him searchingly before nodding. "He is clean. He has not eaten the fruit." All the angels seemed to heave a collective sigh of relief. 
"W-what's going on?" Adam asked as he finally spotted Lilith, Eve, and Lucifer. All of them were bound in chains, struggling to get out. When Eve caught his eye, she smiled and yelled, "Adam!" He flinched away from her, remembering her earlier outburst. 
"Lucifer, you have defiled Adam, Eve, and Lilith. Not only that, you infected Adam's two wives with sin. How do you plead?" Sera's booming and judgemental voice said. Lucifer glared up at her.
"I plead nothing. I set those two free from you. Adam was given a choice but when he didn't make the right one, you punished him. You further punished everyone else by not giving them a choice! You've forced everyone into this mold and—" He was cut off when a gag appeared, silencing his voice. 
"I've heard enough," Sera exclaimed, her eyes fixed on Lilith and Lucifer. "Given that you were the ones who brought the abyss into existence, that's where you'll be confined. A desolate realm where creatures like you will fade into obscurity." Adam struggled to keep up with the conversation, his mind still in turmoil from his emotions, but he seized onto the final words: an abyss meant for those who are forgotten.
Isn't that what Adam was? Forgotten and unwanted? Broken? The abyss...sounded perfect. Adam watched as Sera opened a dark chasm, hot hair blowing from within. Lucifer and Lilith were being dragged towards the hole, his former wife's cries ringing in the air.
"You can't do this! We've done nothing wrong!" She screamed. Adam blinked as he realized he was losing his chance. With a burst of speed he didn't know he had, he launched himself forward.
"Adam?!" Eve yelled. Adam turned as he looked at them all. "Adam!" Sera commanded. "Get back here! You'll fall!" Adam looked down at the dark red pit and risked a glance at Lilith and Lucifer. Both were looking at him in surprise.
"A land for the forgotten, hu?" Adam said. "Sounds perfect for me." He smiled as he jumped in. 
A hand, Adam didn't know whose, tried to grab him as he fell, but they didn't reach him in time. As he fell faster and faster away from the bright light of the angels, he saw the hole close up. 
A land for the forgotten. I hope it stays that way forever.
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Written commission by @libby-for-life!
I wanted to draw a picture for it, but it’ll have to wait till after my illness dies down. But i hope you enjoy the chapter regardless. And if you have a story idea but have no written skills like me, please check out their shop.
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all-mirth-no-matter · 9 months
Time After Time | Chapter Fourteen
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader, Tommy Shelby x Original Female Character
Summary: Startling revelations ensue after drinking the tea. While you wait for Tommy to return, Benji comes in search for another date. Ada takes you shopping for a new dress to wear to the races.
Warning: language, slight supernatural (kinda?), harassment (not anything explicit but not fun), less tommy in this one but promise next chapter will make up for it!
ao3 link | catch up on tumblr here
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Chapter 14: Raise Hell
I found myself an omen, and I tattooed on a sign. I set my mind to wandering, and I walk a broken line. You have a mind to keep me quiet, and although you can try. Better men have hit their knees, and bigger men have died. 
It came upon a lightning strike, and eyes of bright clear blue. I took that tie from around my neck, and gave my heart to you. I sent my love across the sea, and though I didn’t cry. That voice will haunt my every dream, until the day I die.
— Raise Hell, Brandi Carlile 
The tea cup landed on the rug with a soft thud, the hot liquid spilling at your feet — though you couldn’t feel a degree of it. 
Your mouth gapped open at the sight before you — your mother, sitting on the rug across from you, her legs crossed same as yours, as she smiled at you. 
“This isn’t real,” you whispered, still too surprised to move, your heart racing. 
Your eyes searched over your mother’s features, looking for some hint of something fake to indicate the trick that was being played here. 
But there was your mother — as plain as day. There was no otherworldly glow or translucent quality. She looked solid, wearing the same kind of modern shirt and jeans that she would have been wearing back when she was alive, looking very out of place against the 20th century backdrop. 
The only difference between the person in front of you and the memory of your mother was the smile on her face. 
“Real is quite relative, don’t you think, Y/N?”
Her voice sounded the same as well, if not maybe stronger than it had in her last handful of years. 
Instinct to combat your mother reared its ugly head as you scoffed and responded involuntarily, “Quite relative to whether I’m hallucinating or dreaming, sure.” 
Your mother chuckled, “I’ve missed you, my darling. We have so much to talk about.” 
Swallowing, you accepted that whether dream, hallucination, ghost, or indeed real, you’d done this for a reason. You’d been given this opportunity by the Delphi for a reason. It was now or never, and you couldn’t let a little thing like freaking out over talking to your dead mother stand in your way. 
“Do you know what’s happened to me?” you asked, feeling yourself sit up a little straighter. 
Her smile fell, eyes moving around the bedroom before landing back on you, running down the clothes you were wearing. “The curse. It finally came for you, too.” 
“Too? Are you saying—“
“Yes. I too was pulled from my present and into the past. As was my mother, and her mother, and her mother before that.” 
You couldn’t believe it. Of all the things you had expected, this hadn’t even crossed your mind. “How far back?” you wondered aloud.
She shrugged, “Centuries, I suppose. All the first born daughters of this cursed lineage. Cursed to know the future, because it’s our past.” 
So that was the schtick, you realized. You couldn’t predict the future, but you could recall it from a past that hadn’t happened yet — as long as you’d been paying attention. Your mother’s insistence of learning history now made more sense. 
And yet, there was still a big question, one you asked aloud, “Why?”
“I don’t know. That is still a mystery.” Your mother dropped her head slightly out of shame, “Even in death, I’m still searching for answers.” 
I curse you, Cassandra! The voice from your dreams echoed through your head and a crazy realization hit you. “Who was the first?”
Your mother swallowed. “When you were born, I saw a vision of my daughter. A woman who would know the future, just like I did. I heard the whisper of a name. It should have been a warning, but I was under a lot of drugs and hormones and thought the name was pretty. So did your father. We already had your first name picked out so on the spot agreed to name you Cassandra. I had no idea it was the name of our matriarch — of the first to be cursed.” 
“So it’s true, we come from the original Cassandra of Troy?” Your mother nodded and you shook your head. “But that doesn’t make any sense. Say the stories are true — say the Greek Gods really existed — she could actually tell the future and she’s from the ancient past.” 
“Another mystery.” 
You huffed, so sick of the ambiguity. 
“I’m sorry,” your mother said softly, causing you to meet her eyes again. “For lying to you all those years, for confusing you. For causing you grief and madness.” 
You felt a lump in your throat, your chest tight at hearing the acknowledgment you’d wished for your whole childhood. Your brain wanted to comfort her, tell her it was alright, but your heart was more wounded than you’d ever realized.
You swallowed down the rise of tears that were threatening to build and changed the subject. “When were you born?” 
She blinked, aware of your deflection method, and answered. “The early 2020s.” 
“But that’s so—“
“Close?” your mother sighed. “Yes. I grew up blissful — my mother never mentioned her own displacement. So when I was stripped from my loved ones in 2040 to 1990, I was distraught. I was lucky to meet your father, though regretfully I was never able to open myself up completely to him, still mourning the loss of my first love. I would jump from fits of madness to total denial. After we had you, I thought things would be different. But as you grew, I became more suspicious that you would also be stripped away from me, or I you, and the fear drove me mad. So I tried to prepare you. But the closer I got to my own birth date, the madder I became and more desperate for answers I grew. Eventually, I became convinced that I’d made the whole thing up. The line between reality and delusion became nonexistent.”
You felt the tears begin to pool again as you thought about your own struggles with reality since arriving here. Madam Despoina had told you that you were stronger than your mother. But that wasn’t fair. None of this was fair. 
“I’m sorry for your father, as well,” she went on. You opened your mouth to protest, but she stopped you. “I was able to warn him about certain events — terrorism, the housing bubble, natural disasters — but I couldn’t save him, not in the end.”
“Did you ever tell him? Properly, that is?” You found yourself asking, thinking about Tommy.
Your mother shook her head. “Not directly. The best I could come up with was the gift of prophecy. After a while of telling that story, a part of me began to believe it. Believe it for you.”
“I’m sorry,” you found yourself saying, “for being so hard on you. I didn’t understand—“
“And now you do,” she said with a soft smile, “more now than ever. And unfortunately, darling, I’m going to have to put pressure on you one final time.” 
“What do you mean?”
“The curse — it must be broken. You have to find a way to break it.” 
“Me? Why—“ your words stopped as you thought about Madam Despoina’s prophecy. “‘You have a chance to mend ancient mistakes. Break the cursed chain, end the line of travel.’ A woman from the Delphi family who said she was a descendent of the Pythia told me that.” 
She smiled knowingly again, “Your tattoo, ya?”
Your mouth dropped slightly, “You knew?” 
“I have the same one. I had the same impulse before I was pulled away. I didn’t even know you had it until I—“ she cut herself off, looking somber again before clearing her throat. “It’s the tree of knowledge, of balance. But how were you able to find them?”
“I’ve met some people since arriving here. A Romani family that I’ve grown quite close to. One of the brothers specifically, he— he helped me find them.” 
Your mother hummed as she listened, her eyes moving again to the space around you. “What year is this exactly?” 
“January 1919.” Your mother’s eyes widened. “I’ve been here a few months now.” 
“And I thought fifty years was a shock,” she murmured. “Remarkable. Although the interwar period has it’s merits I suppose. Roaring 20s, jazz, rise of automotives, electricity, women’s suffrage. Though suppose it also has it’s negatives: Great Depression, prohibition, facisism, gangsters—“ You must have had a reaction, because your mother paused. “This man, is he a nice man?”
You swallowed at that, your eyes shifting. “I think he wants to be. But the circumstances are a little more complicated.” 
“Complicated like organized crime complicated?” She retorted, and you were surprised at her humor in the situation. “Oh sweetheart, you didn’t—“ 
You scrunched your face, “I didn’t mean to. There’s been odd coincidences between us since even before we met. I had a vision of him the night I woke up here. He had one of me as well. And then there’s the other dreams—“
“What dreams?”
You took a deep breath, feeling once again like you were in a room filled with puzzle pieces trying to figure out which was the right piece to pick up and share with your mother. “I’ve had dreams. Very real feeling dreams of myself as Cassandra in ancient Troy. They’ve just been pieces though, it still feels incomplete.” 
“You’ve got a strong connection to her,” your mother mused. “There has to be something in those dreams, that story, that can help you?” 
Shifting in your place, she rose her brow at you. A wave of nostalgia hit you as you recalled the look many times from your childhood. She knew you had more. 
“The Delphi woman, Madam Despoina, she— she called him Apollo. It’s his face I see in my dreams when I, as Cassandra, am with him, as Apollo. But I— I don’t know what that means.”
Her eyes narrowed as the muscle in her cheek flinched, “And does he mean something to you?” 
Her question caused your brow to furrow. “What does that have to do with this?” 
“Mother’s intuition, I suppose,” she smiled. “It’s been good to see you, my darling.” 
“What do you—“ 
You blinked. 
She was gone. 
You woke up the next morning on the cold floor of your apartment, the empty tea cup still laying on the rug. 
“Mum!” you exclaimed with a jolt upward, looking to the spot in front of you. 
But of course, no one was there. You were as alone in your apartment as you’d been when you arrived last night.
You reached for the tea cup and knew that it didn’t matter. Yesterday you might have tried to argue with yourself that you’d simply been dreaming or hallucinating, but the time for denial was over. 
Whatever this stuff had been that Madam Despoina gave you had given you the ability to talk with your mother last night. 
As you got ready for your shift at the Garrison, you tried to go through everything your mother had said to you, trying to commit it to memory, afraid that any little bit of it could slip away. 
You were going through it for about the twentieth time when a patron cleared his throat at the bar. 
“Apologies, I was—“ you turned and your customer service smile fell, “Oh, Benji, hello.” 
“I was just coming by to see when you were available next,” he said, offering you his most handsome smile. “No deaths or births or any other excuses this time, eh?”
Your brow lifted, finding that statement slightly rude. It’s not as if you’d blown him off for a headache or something minor — someone had died. 
But you knew what you had to do. Benji had been nothing but nice, if not a little forward, with you since you’d meet. It’d been wrong of you to accept his invitation when you were feeling alone and rejected. You couldn’t allow him to continue to believe he had a shot, but there was no reason to be rude about it. 
“I’ve been thinking about that, Benji, and I just— I don’t think it’s such a great idea.” His smile slowly began to fall as you talked, his brow creasing. “I shouldn’t have accepted in the first place,” you continued, feeling awkward and guilty. 
“Come on, love, you haven’t even given me a chance,” he tried to defend, pulling another smile on his face, though it didn’t reach his eyes. 
“I wasn’t ready to start anything. I’m still— I’m still adjusting and I—“
“Hmm,” Benji shoved his fists in his pocket. “And this wouldn’t have anything to do with the rumors going around of you and Tommy, would it?”
Your mouth opened slightly at the allegation, but you couldn’t form any kind of defense. Instead you crossed your arms, “I’m not sure what you’re talking about.” 
“Liar,” he hissed, slamming his fist to the bar top. The handful of patrons in the pub looked toward them, curious by the commotion. Benji noticed the eyes and cleared his throat, lowering his voice as he lifted his finger. “You’re making a big mistake, Y/N. Tommy-boy can’t sit on the throne forever, I’ll make sure of that.” 
He gave you a wicked smile as he turned and left the pub, slamming the door on his way out. 
You contemplated whether you should tell anyone about your interaction with Benji. Unsure if his threats were real or brought on simply by rejection and jealously, you decided to stay quiet for now. 
Things had been quiet for a few days afterwards, but slowly you began to notice some major irregularities in the books. Benji’s numbers were showing signs of stealing again. It started off small, similar to what it’d been when you originally became suspicious of him. But now it was quite obvious.
Finally, you came to the conclusion that you had no choice but to bring this to Polly’s attention. It was early in the morning before the shop opened. Polly was helping with John’s kids while Ada was MIA (though if you were a betting woman, you’d say she was with Freddie), and you found yourself sitting alone at the kitchen table, book open in front of you as you felt weirdly conflicted over Benji’s malfeasance.
In the past, you hadn’t been aware of what happened to the people you reported. But now, you knew that there were physical repercussions for stealing from the Shelbys, even as extreme as death. And whether it was guilt for leading him on or some piece of you that still believed that deep down he was a good guy — you began to contemplate whether he deserved a fair warning before you officially reported him. If he knew that he wasn’t as sneaky as he thought he was, that someone was paying attention to him, maybe he’d realize his mistake and end it before something bad happened to him.
You got up to get some tea, trying to think through how exactly you were going to warn him without giving yourself away, when the front door opened.
“How were the kids?” You asked over your shoulder as you poured, assuming Polly had returned.
A deeper voice than you expected came from behind you. Spinning around, you were surprised to find the man himself standing in the kitchen doorway.
Your heart rate surged when his eyes moved curiously from you to the table, the open diary and pencil next to it.
“You–” he started, the gears in his head turning to process the scene in front of him. “It’s been you all along.”
“What are you–” you tried to discreetly walk toward the other set of doors, but Benji rounded the table quicker than you, cutting off your escape routes.
What was the saying about good intentions?
“Benji you shouldn’t—“ you tried to lift up your arms between you.
His eyes narrowed and he took a step toward you. Your back hit the counter behind you as he caged you in. “It’s you isn’t it? I kept trying to figure out how it was Lenny and Jackson got stitched. And there you were all along — the little mouse hiding in plain sight.”
“Get off me!” You shouted as you tried to push him away, but he grabbed your arms. You tried to use some of the self defense moves you’d learned, but Benji was stronger than you’d anticipated, and much more sober than the last man you had to fight off of you in the pub. He spun you around and pinned your arms behind your back, pressing his weight onto you so you were pinned even tighter against the shelves and counter. You tried to kick, but he had your legs locked between his.
You were completely defenseless.
“You think you can fuck with me—“
“I wasn’t— I haven’t said anything–,” you gasped out, your face against the shelves as you tried to catch your breath while still struggling to get him off you. You felt the tears begin to fall down your face as you felt helpless.
“And you fucking won’t! You killed my mates. I’m gonna make you wish you’d never met Tommy—“
Polly’s voice shouting from the doorway finally caused Benji to release you. At the slightly feel of freedom, you pushed him off and ran for the other other end of the kitchen. You grabbed a near empty bottle near you and threw it at him. He ducked as it broke against the wall behind him.
“Out!” Polly shouted, grabbing his arm and pushing him out the door. “And don’t you dare come back!”
Benji was shouting as well, raving that he was a Peaky Blinder dammit, and no one could stop him from getting what he wanted.
He looked back at you as he said that and you shivered.
Sure, you were shaken by being manhandled like that by someone you thought was a good enough man. But more than that, you were angry. This had been the second time since you’d been here that a man thought he could toss you around like you were some kind of doll.
Polly turned back toward you, and immediately got busy pouring you a cup of tea. She let you take your time as you finally launched into explanation. At the end, she calmly rose from her seat and found Scudboat in the betting den, who’d shown up at some point in all your distraction. You watched as she whispered in his ear and then calmly again walked back toward the kitchen. She reached into a drawer and pulled out a small handgun.
“You know how to use this?” 
Nodding, she handed it to you and told you to keep it on you from now on. 
“Go back to work, Y/N. Benji won’t be bothering you again.” 
Polly had been right. Another week went by and you hadn’t seen or heard a peep from Benji. Part of you wondered if the bastard was dead, and you weren’t sure how exactly you felt when you realized that you didn’t really care. 
You also wondered if Tommy knew now about what happened with Benji. You hadn’t heard from him since he left again, but knew from Polly and Ada that they’d be back by the following weekend. 
In all the excitement, you’d forgotten about Tommy’s invitation to the races. When Ada burst into your apartment to announce that they were going shopping, you’d been surprised. It’d been a while since you’d been to the shops, but you weren’t going to deny the opportunity to find something nice to wear to your first race. 
“I’ve been crying nonstop for weeks,” Ada explained as you both walked around, looking at different fabrics as she pointed out some options. “Every little thing sets me off, I tell ya. I thought it was because of the funeral, but Martha and I weren’t really that close. Suppose it’s sympathy for the kids. Dunno. It’s been making me so tired though. I think I may be ill or something.” 
“Maybe,” you mused, grabbing the dress she handed you. 
A woman caught the corner of your eye. At your gaze, she dropped her head and turned. 
You ignored her, used to people staring when she was out with Ada. You hadn’t understood it when you’d first become friends, but now you realized. 
When you saw her again at the next shop, you began to feel less like it was accidental. 
“Hi,” you greeted when you met her eyes again. She looked away and tried to leave, but you spoke again, “Can I help you?” 
The woman stopped finally and turned, her head down slightly sheepishly. She wore a small hat and trendy dress, her hair was cut short like most women of the day, and you could tell she was quite tall, though she seemed to slouch slightly. Her facial features were sharp, complimenting her slim body shape. She was quite beautiful, and in your day could see her being the ideal supermodel. But the bags under her eyes and wornness of her skin led you to believe that her story probably wasn’t that simple. Not here, in Small Heath. 
“Pardon?” She finally said innocently, trying to subtly give you a once over as well. 
You shrugged, “It just seemed like you were needing something from me. My mistake.” 
You turned to leave but she spoke again. “This is incredibly improper of me, but I saw you and I just— you and Tommy, ya?” 
As you turned back to her, your brow creased. Instinct had you looking around for Ada. Ever since your encounter with Benji, you’d been edgier than you’d ever been, always looking for the exits and for familiar faces to run toward. It made you feel incredibly vulnerable and you absolutely hated it. You felt your fingers grip the strings of your handbag, knowing the gun Polly had given you was safely tucked away inside.
Swallowing, you resounded yourself to shake it off, to toughen up, and you straightened your shoulders as you addressed the stranger once again. “Excuse me?” 
“My sister saw you both walking home often late at night. I suppose he’s moved on, I shouldn’t be surprised.” She was rambling now, her cheeks blushed as if she were embarrassed by her own words. “I know we shouldn’t be speaking of this, not in public at least. It’s just hard, y’know, losing a customer. Especially one like him.” 
Customer. You looked over the stranger in front of you again and tried to think of any other instance where her phrasing would make sense aside from the very clear one that came to mind. 
Ada called for you, reaching you with a handful of dresses. You turned back to the woman who nodded and made her leave. 
“Ada, who was that?” 
She craned her neck and clicked her teeth. “Ah, that was Lizzie Stark. Surprised you haven’t seen her around town. Though why would you, less you were payin’ I suppose. Here, try these on.” 
It’d been a while since you’d been on a real date. Even before you’d been sent to this place, dates had started to dwindle as you got older and got more choosy. For a while, starting in college, you’d easily been able to flirt with someone new, get to know them, and then start a fling for a while until one or both of you got bored. The couple serious relationships you’d had were harder for you. Being vulnerable hadn’t come easy for you, and it created commitment and trust issues. Dates became more complicated than they were worth. 
Tommy had greeted you at your place, and you surprised yourself with how much you missed him in the few weeks he’d been away. There was something about his presence, knowing that he was here, in the city, gave you a wave of some kind of safety and security that you hadn’t realized you’d been missing. 
He looked tired, though he smiled at you warmly as he walked you toward the family car, and offered you a hand in as you climbed in. 
This had been the first time you’d actually been excited for a date since possibly high school. 
And of course, Harry had to go and buzz kill your mood the day before the races. He hadn’t meant to, of course. After the Benji incident, he’d been extra protective and cautious. You’d explained the situation (without the stealing money from the Shelbys part) and he’d been surprisingly sensitive. But he believed his recent pub decision would make you feel better instead of make you sour.
“Somethin’ the matter?” He asked when you were quieter than he expected. “If this is about Hancock—“
“No,” you answered, already knowing from Polly that Tommy and the brothers had learned of Benji’s malfeasance, but he’d disappeared before Scudboat and Lovelock could find him. You’d cursed your previous self for trying to be sympathetic toward the man — it seemed like you’d just made everything worse. “It’s nothing honestly, just something silly.” 
“Go on, then. I can handle silly.” 
Your cheek flinched as you looked over toward Tommy, humored by him even saying the word ‘silly’. He rose his eye brow as he looked over to you, offering you a smirk before pulling his eyes back to the road. 
“Harry’s putting in an advertisement in the paper for another barmaid.” 
Tommy’s smirk turned into a frown, “Is he mad? The place wouldn’t be standin’ without you — I’ve seen the numbers, I know. I’ll have a word with Harry—“
“He’s not replacing me,” you quickly corrected. “I thought the same thing, but he wants me to concentrate more on the books and said he’d rather bring someone in part time to fill in behind the bar.” 
“Ah,” his brow creased as he gave you a short look. “The problem, then?” 
You sighed, knowing that you were being childish. “I’m just feeling territorial, is all. I know I’m not technically being replaced, but part of it feels that way. Did I mention I have a small case of control issues? I blame it on being an only child.” 
Tommy chuckled softly and shook his head. “You have nothing to worry about. If anything it’ll leave more time for you to do your real job.” 
“My real job?” You asked him curiously. 
“The Shelby business, ‘course. Wheels are already in motion, and today we’re going to enact the second part of my plan.” 
“And that is?” 
Tommy smiled, “Gonna buy a horse.”
>> next chapter << chapter masterlist
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melrosing · 28 days
MBO Robert’s Rebellion: Season 2 Episode 3
what the fuck is this: it's me drafting a fake robert's rebellion tv show through a series of bullet points. there will be two seasons of ten episodes each when done
notes on this one: I’ve changed a couple (minor imo…) details just for my own purposes. first is that I’ve only sent two KG after Rhaegar, second is that I’ve had Aerys use wildfire on the Starks whereas I think in canon it’s just regular ole fire. whatever. humour me
also these are getting much longer lol
prev: 2.02
next: 2.04
title for this one: aerys’ bbq
Brandon and Rickard Stark march down the Kingsroad, arrive at the gates of KL with their men, and demand entry. The gates are opened readily for them, rousing some suspicion in the Stark men - but they continue on nonetheless
Aerys receiving word of this in the throne room that the Starks have arrived - Varys whispers the news in his ear. A slow zoom on. Aerys chewing on his fingernails, his eyes racing back and forth - fear battling it out with fury
~ Opening creds ~
Meanwhile!! Rhaegar and Lyanna have made camp in the woods. Rhaegar compliments Lyanna, saying she makes a fierce fire. Lyanna says she often used to hunt with her brothers - they were all hopeless at it. Lyanna asks where they are headed, anyway - feels like they’ve been wandering aimlessly. Rhaegar says there’s a place not far from here that his great uncle used to visit sometimes, with his wife Jenny. Lyanna like: Jenny of Oldstones? She likes that song. But why are they going there??? Rhaegar asks why Lyanna is following. Lyanna frowns, initially annoyed by the question, then tells him she didn’t want what waited for her at home. Rhaegar asks what does she want? Lyanna doesn’t know. Rhaegar asks what she sees in her dreams. Lyanna wants to know why he keeps asking about her damn dreams. But after a moment, she confesses that she saw him. Rhaegar at her, resolute
Back in KL. Brandon & Rickard are shown to the Red Keep, where they are greeted by the Hand of the King, Owen Merryweather. Rickard demands Rhaegar; Merryweather offers his apologies, however, Rhaegar is not here. The King will see them, however, and listen to their complaints. The Starks look suspicious, but follow Merryweather inside the Keep
Rickard murmurs to Brandon that he has heard the King has no great love for his son. Whatever the Prince may have done, they must make their case before the King, for Lyanna lies at the heart of it. Rickard’s voice breaks. She is his girl, his only girl. Brandon assures his father that they will find Lyanna, and she and Rickard will make amends for their quarrels together. And for whatever he has done to her, Brandon declares quietly that though Robert may never forgive him, he will kill Rhaegar himself
The Starks reach the throne room, where Aerys awaits them. Brandon and Rickard sense the tone shift as they approach the throne, the size of the thing becoming more apparent. Aerys speaks from atop it, he hears the Starks of Winterfell have been demanding words with him. Rickard states that they have received word that his son has taken Lyanna. Aerys asks if Lyanna is the horsey girl he saw in the stands? He’s sure he never knew what it was that Rhaegar saw in such a child, but it may well be that he has taken her. Princes do what they will. Rickard begins to object. Aerys interjects - but you northmen, mere servants, demanding words…… ‘you demand anything of your king?’ (Some dialogue for u) Just as B&R realise how far south this has sailed, all their men are killed around them. Brandon and Rickard are seized, and dragged in different directions
Catelyn stands at her father’s side in his solar, as he harshly dismisses Petyr Baelish from his service. Petyr is still harshly bruised, his arm in a sling. With poison in his eyes, he turns and leaves wordlessly. Hoster tells Cat that Lysa is childish to be so heartbroken over a feeble thing such as Petyr, and more foolish still to - he cuts himself off. Cat tells Hoster that Lysa is still only a girl, and she will grow and mature. Hoster tells Cat she has always been mature far beyond her years. Even now, when by all rights she should be the sister weeping in her room for fear, she stands here strong at his side. Cat tells Hoster she knows that Brandon will return, for doubtless he’d fear her lord father’s wrath if he did not. Hoster manages a small smile, but remains deeply uncertain. Whatever comes to pass, he says, ‘I will see to it that you are well matched’. Cat begins to realise the gravity of the situation. ‘And your sister, too, gods help her.’
In Jon Arryn’s solar with Ned and Bob. It’s obvious they’re spending most of their time here, awaiting news. Robert is unusually silent, whilst Ned tells Jon he needs to find his sister. Jon says Ned should wait here, and see what word comes from King��s Landing. Ned says Lyanna won’t be there: they’ve gone to the wrong place. Robert asks if Ned knows where she is then, because if he does then why doesn’t he damn well say? Ned says he doesn’t know. Robert says then they should leave it to his brother and his father. Ned is taken aback, but Robert doesn’t care just now. Lyanna is his
Arthur on the road with Oswell Whent. Oswell asks if Arthur does truly know where on earth they’re going. Arthur doesn’t answer. Whent asks Arthur if he thinks Rhaegar has done something to the Stark girl. Arthur says nothing. Whent says he wouldn’t have thought the man capable if he hadn’t two kids to show for it, and Elia’s beautiful enough so what’s he chasing after this northerner for, anyway. Arthur says they must be found. Whent like sure ok but it’s a needle in a haystack..… Arthur looks to the stars, then leads them in a new direction. Whent asks what the hell he thinks he’s seen, why are they heading this way. Arthur doesn’t reply
Elia in Maegor’s with Rhaella, the children around them; they’re being kept here during the Stark fracas. She tells the Queen she should like to return to Dorne, to keep the children safe during this time of tension. She would be happy to take Viserys, and Rhaella too if she’d like. They’ve not gotten to know each other much, yet she knows her mother loved Rhaella well, and her son would never let any harm come to she or her young son. Rhaella tells Elia they cannot leave - Aerys won’t allow it. Elia says that if she speaks with the King, he might change his mind. Rhaella implores her, you shouldn’t ask him. Do not ask him
Brandon in a black cell alone: he’s obviously been there many days. Suddenly, light; a gaoler has arrived with a pyromancer, but Brandon doesn’t recognise him as such. Brandon is told that his father has done the King great insult, but Aerys is merciful. He will allow a trial. Brandon says a trial for what - it’s their bloody Prince who ought to be on trial. They want to know where Lyanna is. The pyromancer continues regardless that Rickard has demanded trial by combat, and Aerys, in his magnanimity, has granted him this. He invites Brandon to watch
Jaime Lannister watches as wood is piled before him in the throne room. Utterly confused, he looks to Gerold Hightower, who won’t look back at him. Aerys watches the wood pile up with something stirring behind his eyes
Rickard is led in first, wearing fine armour. He demands to know who he is to fight. Next he is seized, and suspended above the wood, and Aerys informs him that fire is the champion of House Targaryen. Jaime whips round to look at Aerys, then Gerold, but no-one looks back, and no-one intervenes. Suddenly the doors open again, and Jaime watches as a strange contraption is wheeled in and placed before the fire
Brandon is led through the halls, all deadly silent. He senses something is terribly wrong, and has it confirmed when the doors open on the throne room. Rickard is suspended above a pyre, and Aerys looks on from on high. Rickard tells his son to leave him, to go find Lyanna and save her. Aerys says he could save his father instead - all he has to do is reach him. Brandon sees the contraption for the first time only as he is manhandled into it. Brandon, frantic, demands to know if this is all House Targaryen has left - a pile of logs in place of dragons? For a second Aerys looks perturbed by this comment, till he answers ‘a dragon sits before you, and his fire burns as hot’
A fire is lit beneath Rickard, and Brandon immediately strains forward to reach him. Feeling the noose tightening around his neck as he does so, he looks to Aerys, aghast. Aerys looks back, a small smile on his lips
The rest is a slow zoom on Jaime as he strains to mask his horror, the sounds of the Starks’ suffering fading into silence as he blocks it out. The room is bathed in an ever-growing green
Maegor’s holdfast: Princess Rhaenys wanders to the window, and is awed to see the windows of the throne room glowing green in the distance. Elia goes to see what her daughter is looking at, and is filled with disquiet - she leads Rhaenys away
Cut twenty mins later to the bodies of the Starks upon the floor of the throne room. The king strides past them to leave, Jonothor Darry and Gerold Hightower follow in his wake. Jaime stops beside the bodies and stares. Suddenly, a hand on his shoulder. It seems a gesture of comfort at first, until we see the look on Gerold Hightower’s face. It is stern and accusatory: “You swore a vow to guard the king, not to judge him.”
In the Riverlands with Rhaegar and Lyanna. It’s the middle of the night as they reach High Heart. Lyanna is alarmed to see a figure amongst the weirwood stumps, but Rhaegar awaits the Ghost as she slowly makes for them. The Ghost becomes more perturbed the closer she gets, looking at Lyanna with a kind of horror in her eyes. She tells Lyanna she brings death: countless deaths, Rhaegar’s and her own. what a fucking greeting. The Ghost says they cannot stay here; she will not have them. Lyanna looks to Rhaegar to see if he has any take on this. Rhaegar does not. They ride onwards
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jeonscatalyst · 17 days
Hello i am new to fandom and while trying to catch up on content I found out about shipping and also found out that Taekook and Jikook are the biggest ships in BTS but didn't Taehyung have a girlfriend? I asked someone about it and was told that it was media play set up by the company to promote Jennie's new show. i sent an ask to a taekook blog about it but their answers made no sense to me so I wanted to get things from another perspective. Do you think it was media play?
Hi anon,
Taenni being media play or a PR relationship is one of the dumbest arguments I have ever heard from the cult and trust me, i’ve heard many.
One thing you need to know about taekookers is that they are gifted at blaming third parties when Tae or Jungkook do anything that debunks that nonexistent romance they are willing to kill for. Tae and Jk say they grew distant/awkward, the cult blames the company. Tae is seen on a romantic walk with his girlfriend in Paris, the company gets blamed. Jk says he doesn’t see Tae on his birthdays the company gets blamed. They have created a win-win situation for themselves where anytime taekook do or say anything that doesn’t go in line with what they want to believe they blame the company or Jimin but when taekook do or say something they like they carry on as if they didn’t juat claim that the company was trying to shove Jikook down people’s necks while trying to hide taekook.
Any taekooker who continues claiming that taennie was mediaplay or a PR relationship just doesn’t want to accept the truth. Listen, I would have understood where these people were coming from if we had never heard or seen anything about tae and Jennie yet jusy got hit with them strolling together in Paris but since 2021, we’ve been getting little bits of information about them.
It started with Tae “accidentally” following Jennie on Instagram. Then we got leaked intimate photos of them and while I do agree that some of those pictures might have been photoshopped, not all were. Those pictures of them in Jeju were real af unless someone wants to explain to me what magic Gurumi had to put Tae in a pair of pants we had never seen him in before and only saw him in months after those pics leaked? Or the scar on his leg, Jennie’s clothing or, or the fact that none of them ever denied those photos? Didn’t YG put out a statement threatening to sue gurumi for invasion of privacy which indirectly meant that the pictures were real? If those photos were photoshopped then why would they be trying to sue the hacker for invading Jennie’s privacy? Also why was Taehyung quiet? Tkkrs claim that Tae is a no nonsense kind of person and someone who likes to sue so how come he sat quiet about it?
The walk in Paris is the one that annoys me the most because Taekookers have done everything in their power to spin things around. Before Jennie posted those pics on her instagram which proved that it was her in Paris, tkkrs claimed they were cosplayers. After that, they claimed it was media play but I am yet to see anyone tell me what those two benefitted from the media play. All they both got was an insane amount of hate, especially Jennie plus kpop entertainment isn’t Hollywood. It isn’t kpop’s idols style to fake romantic relationships to drum up publicity because kpop idols habe always built parasocial relationships with their fans.
These companies are very aware that most of these fans imagine themselves with these idols and that is what keeps them fans of the idols. They are also very aware of ships in kpop and guess what the biggest ship in kpop is, TAEKOOK. Jenlisa is also the biggest ship in Blackpink so which companies are dumb enough to piss off these many people in the name of some publicity? This would be a very stupid thing to do and if they really wanted to so media play to gain the media’s attention why didn’t they use a bigger or more famous paparazzi? Why was it some unknown, local paparazzi from Paris who didn’t even capture the footage with his camera but instead gave us some microwave quality footage?
How do they explain the fact that tae’s and Jennie’s friends run in the same circles? There’s just so much that proves that taennie was/is a real relationship but trust taekookers to always find a way to make themselves more delusional.
Some of them are convinced that Tae couldn’t be dating Jennie because he didn’t defend her when his fans were hating on her so I wonder how they would look at him when we eventually get more decisive proof that he did date her? Besides, even if it was actually media play no one put a gun to his head and forced him to walk around holding hands with Jennie did they? He did it voluntarily and it would have been an agreement they both had so what kind of a person does that make him if he still sat down and let his fans tear that girl to shreds knowing that they had an agreement and both agreed to do it? They really don’t see how terrible their narratives make Tae look.
One thing that I came to realize is that many of them know the truth. Deep down when they really think about it they know the truth but they want taekook to be real so bad that they fight what they know and continue to believe in the voices in their heads. Some of them are just here to fight with Jikookers so when they feel like they have enough points against the rival ship, they come back from their hiding places to fight and prove how real taekook is. I noticed that many taekookers on here went dormant and some even deleted their accounts around when Jimin and Jungkook enlisted together but when Tae posted those pics of himself and Jk in hawaii, they came back like they never left because they now had some material to fight jkkrs with. If something huge happens again in jikookers’ favor, they would disappear again and reappear again when they feel like they have enough amo. It’s just a useless cycle.
Anyways anon, this shipping thing is like an escape for some people. An escape from reality or the real world and it’s issues and some people who are normally very reasonable get sucked into it so much that they lose any sense of logic. Some people become so emotionally invested to the idea of two strangers having this perfect love story that they cannot bear to part with that belief so they choose to challenge and question the bitter reality instead of the sweet fantasy. I feel like that is where so many taekookers are at (some jikookers too)
Someone once told me that anyone who gets into shipping so much that they find themselves fighting against the truth and reality, only do that because there is some void in them that shipping fills and they cannot bear to part with the fantasy/lie because they don’t want to go feeling empty again and I couldn’t agree more.
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yesbutmakeitgay · 1 month
I'd Circle 'Round The World And Keep Coming Back To You
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GIF by marvelladiesdaily
Carol Danvers x Reader
We’ve Loved A Thousand Lives
Same beginning, different story every time.
Part 8
Reunions, Bittersweet.
Beta'd by @cordeliasdarling <3
Word count: 1k
Masterlist | This collection | AO3
Carol enters her ship after another successful mission wanting for nothing more than to relax and rest while reaching her next destination, that is, until she senses someone else’s presence in her space home.
She walks slowly, pointing one of her lit up fists in a general forward direction, "I know you’re in here, who are you? Who sent you?" she warns the intruder.
A human silhouette appears in her line of vision, it’s arms up in surrender. She continues to walk towards it so she can make out the person’s face.
"It’s me," you announce, hoping that’s enough to deter her threatening state.
"Oh, hey," she greets you with surprise and quickly puts her fist down.
"What are you doing here?" Carol asks in genuine confusion.
"I got stranded a few days ago," you explain nervously, "I saw your ship and I just…I hope you don’t mind."
"No, of course not, are you okay?"
"I think so."
She isn't so sure about your answer, but decides not to press you, "Do you need a ride somewhere?"
"That would be great, thank you."
She makes her way to the ship's control panel, "Where to?"
"Um, home?" you hesitate.
Carol pauses her movements and turns to you, "And, where is that now?"
"I’m not sure," you whisper back.
The Captain thinks for a moment, "I have a couple of missions left out here and then I'm going to Earth to visit a friend, why don't you come with me?"
Carol whips up a quick dinner, and you sit at the table together, "You have a nice home here, Danvers, a lot livelier than I remember," you comment, looking around the ship.
A reminiscing smile grows on her face, "Yeah, it's been a while."
"What's with all the drawings of yourself?" you ask, pointing to the cartoonish versions of Captain Marvel on the fridge.
She chuckles, "Kamala made those."
"Kamala? Is that a partner?" you wonder, trying to sound casual.
"Teammate, friend!" It comes out more aggressively than she intends.
You hum in understanding, "Still riding the Yan train, then?"
"He's just a friend, you know that," she protests, faking annoyance.
Your features turn more serious, "You and I used to be friends too."
"We're still friends," she frowns, "aren't we?" There’s a trace of sadness in her voice.
You answer with another question, "How often do you see your friends, Captain?"
Carol is taken aback by it, "Not as often as I'd like," she stutters.
"And how often do you make out with them?"
The ship is quiet for a moment.
"You've made your point." Carol accepts her defeat getting up to clear the table as you follow to help her, "I hate to be that guy, but you should take a shower," she suggests when you’re done cleaning up.
"What? You don’t like my 'I’ve been stranded on a strange planet for four days' smell?" you joke.
"Nope," she responds, accentuating the 'p,' "you can borrow some clothes if you want."
"Way ahead of you, Captain," you yell back as you walk to the bathroom.   
When you come out, Carol notices that you're hurt, "Come here," she instructs.
"What?" You walk toward her on the couch, a little puzzled.
"Sit," you do as you're told, "why are you limping?"
"Excuse me?"
"Don't lie to me," she gently takes your leg and brings it over her lap, "you sprained your ankle," she states as a fact.
"It's nothing," you try to downplay it.
"It's huge, stop being stubborn." She gets up to gather some supplies and when she returns she wraps your ankle up and gives you an ice pack, "There are more in the freezer when this one melts."
"Thanks," is all you can say.
Carol goes to her bedroom, and you insist on sleeping on the couch rather than sharing a bed with her.
The Captain wakes up in the middle of the night and sees light coming through the bottom of her door. She comes out to investigate and finds you wide awake, looking out the window.
"Can't sleep?" Carol’s voice pulls you out of your thoughts.
"I could never get used to the feeling of the spaceship," you reply, still looking to the outside.
"You should try flying alone," she quips as she sits beside you and looks at what's mesmerizing you so much.
You grab a small picture that’s tucked in the window frame, "Where’s this?" you whisper.
"That's New Asgard."
"Where Valkyrie lives?" Carol hums in response, "We used to visit her a lot."
"I remember."
"Do you still visit her?" you ask, out of simple curiosity.
There is a sense of woe in her words, "When I can."
"Remember that time we got to ride on her Pegasus?"
"Oh, yeah!" A smile grows on Carol's face.
"You told me you loved me for the first time that day."
She scoots closer to you, and you lay your head on her shoulder, the ship is so quiet you can hear each other's breathing.
"Do you ever think of me?" Her voice is barely audible.
"Don’t ask me that."
"Do you?" she insists.
You pause for a beat, "I didn’t get stranded," Carol looks at you confused, "I heard you were stopping by, so I went to see you."
Her brows furrow, "Why?"
"Because I miss you, because nothing’s been the same since I lost you."
"But we were friends, we’re still friends!" she objects in an oblivious tone.
"That’s just something people say," you respond with a bittersweet smile, "the universe needs Captain Marvel, I just wanted Carol."
"That’s not fair."
"I was tired of fighting with the universe for your attention," you chuckle sadly, "that sounds so selfish of me. This is your job, it’s your life and you love doing it. That’s what makes the great Captain Marvel." You finally look at her.
"So, what now? Will you come find me again in two years?"
"Maybe I can stay a little longer," you hope, almost as if asking for permission.
"I would like that, I love you, I always will."
I love this one so much.
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mar3ggiata · 25 days
professional help, c15. The Viper.
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simon riley x original character.
trigger warnings: violence, sexual assault, mentions of rape, trauma, sexual themes, swearing, use of alcohol and drugs.
song to listen to when reading this: Don Raffaè, Fabrizio de Andrè
abstract: it's Simon. here I am talking to Jude again, this time it gets too far, the police are involved… no just kidding (I wish someone would just take her away, believe me). also is anyone gonna tell her to stop using this bloody dialect of hers? it sound stupid anyways and I can't understand a word she says. bye.
T'agg ditt Salvo, è venuto a trovarmi a danza, io dovevo mangiare e gli ho chiesto se voleva cenare. Poi avrei portato fuori il cane e mi ha detto che era pericoloso da sola e mi ha accompagnato'. She was in her bathroom in her underwear, painting her toenails while on the phone with Salvo. She usually did this to make her feet seem more normal, she hated the blisters and calluses from wearing pointe shoes. If she didn't hurry up she would be late for work. She told him the Lieutenant had visited her after ballet class and since she needed to eat, she invited him out. Then, he suggested they'd walk the dog together since it was getting late. 'Fra, te non hai capito questo chi è', Salvo insisted. He was very surprised to hear that Lieutenant Riley, the one he briefly met years ago was going out and having dinner with his friend. Going out in general, really. 'Non ha famiglia, glieli hanno uccisi tutti, è una macchina da guerra, io e i colleghi avevam paura.' He told her back before he even met her, he heard stories about him. That a mission had gone sideways for him and his whole family had been killed (she felt terribly bad for asking about it). He told her that he was a killing machine, that him and his teammates feared him. She put away her nail polish. 'Salvo agg capit…Jinx lascia!' She said while trying to get a hold of her dog who stole her slippers. She sensed she was about to leave and decided to make it impossible for her to get ready in peace. She told her friend Simon had been actually nice the night before, she had to give him that. He kept going on saying few ever saw him without his mask on, that it was some kind of unspoken rule and he would get annoyed if someone tried to take it off, that he had survived hell and so on. She didn't tell him he ate a burger in front of her.
She asked if he was married, he said he had never saw him even speak with a woman that wasn't a coworker, that he probably lived a quite secluded life. She said she believed him. It's not a big deal, she said, but he got my fake name. Salvo paused. He won't know about… the other stuff, Alba. You're fine, he can't possibly know. She finished getting ready, and got to the base. She had an easy day ahead, she would start many of her appointments on zoom, some of her patients were deployed all over the world. Christmas is in a few weeks as well, she thought. It made her sad. She remembered Christmas dinners and parties very well in Italy, they had lots of traditions, they used to play board games and drink and eat together… She still did that by herself, unfortunately Jinx didn't know how to play cards. Salvo was still in Korea and she didn't think he would be back in time to see her. He would visit Italy and celebrate there, she thought. She sent him a message on the way to the car, to tell her about his plans for New Years.
She got to the base and when she turned the corner to get to the office she stopped. Simon. In front of her door. Except, she didn't smile this time. One time, I appreciate, two times, you're kind and caring, what's up now? To confirm her thought that something wasn't right, as soon as he saw her, Simon started walking towards her. What did I do now, do I need to run? He was wearing a black tight shirt and cameo trousers, his boots heavy on the ground. He looked scary, she even took a step back when she saw him coming towards her. He was as scary as an avalanche. It was so weird, now he saw him as he really was. A soldier, a man of war. He killed for a living, he wasn't her new little friend. Are you gonna kill me as well?
'Let's go' he said when he approached her. 'What? I have patients', she replied, he went past her at this point and turned the corner. I'm not following you Simon. What is he on about? He stopped when he noticed she wasn't behind him. 'Alba, let's go, you're not working today.' He insisted, and she just got more annoyed. 'No.' She kept a straight face and crossed her arms. 'And don't fucking call me that.' She hissed. She was confused, to say the least. He scoffed and took a step towards her. Why do you have to make things difficult now, I'm just trying to do my job. And yes, I am calling you by your pretty name since I can't get it out of my head. She took a step back, away from him. Was she afraid of him? He felt a burning pressure in his chest. He took a deep breath and relaxed his shoulders to seem less intimidating. Does she think he would hurt her like that other soldier did a year ago? If she only knew how much he thought about her, last night. She couldn't imagine how much time he lied awake, one arm between his head and the pillow, thinking so hard about her he felt his brain melting. Her lashes. Her voice. Her nails, the rosy colour of her cheeks.
'Laswell ordered me to come get you. She wants to see you.' He spoke with his voice soft, gently scrunching down to make up for those 30 centimetres that divided their eyes. Just come with me. He saw her relax, her expression softening. Still, she was frowning in confusion. 'My patients…', she looked like a confused little kid, she looked like when you do your maths homework with your dad at the kitchen table and you're tired and heartbroken and you're not getting any of the maths. He figured bossing her around wasn't really the way to win her heart. 'Already taken care of.' She had a white turtleneck on. With that, her blonde, silky hair, her translucent eyes piercing through his soul, she looked like an angel. She looked like a cloud, like an elf, the Lord of the Rings ones. 'You could have fucking told me earlier.' There she was.
He sighed and took off with her trough the corridor. 'What's going on?' she asked, and he didn't reply. 'If you don't answer I'm gonna fucking scream', she was nearly running, to keep up with him and he quite liked seeing her mad. 'She's gonna tell you.' He quickly glanced down at her. Her makeup looked different but he could not really pinpoint why. It made her whole face look brighter. They walked to Laswell's office, took the lift in silence. She smelled nice. Tangerines, flowers. It was a fresh smell. He opened the door of the office for her. Inside, Captain Price, Laswell, Calvin Klein Handsome Boy and Scotland were in the room staring at her. Her and the Lieutenant behind her. They looked like they were about to yell 'Surprise!' and balloons would appear and they would eat cake. Or they were just waiting for her and Simon to arrive cause they were invited for dinner. Or maybe they were going to play hide and seek until one of them found her and had the pleasure to kill her while the others watched. She felt Simon's presence behind her, she was too concentrated scanning the room but she could swear he gently pushed her back to make her get inside the room. 'Jude, thanks for coming, I'm sorry for making you skip your appointments.' Kate smiled and indicated she sat down at her desk. She was not gonna sit down. She took a step foreword and waited her to speak, her arms stiff at her sides, back straight. What's going on. Why the meeting, why this many people.
'Jude, Ghost told me about your theory. The crater.' Her eyes shot up at the captain, how spoke from beside the window. She looked at him 'Did he?' She whispered, then she looked at Simon, or better in the situation, Ghost, who was standing at her right. He was standing legs spread and arms crossed. Traitor. I told you not to say anything. She was ready to apologise for interfering. She shouldn't have trusted him. She had to change her job for sure, she had to leave again. She messed up too bad this time, she managed to mess up the only good thing about her life… Now this really wasn't a comfortable situation for Simon either. He had some explaining to do. He went to see the captain the night before and told him everything. 'I don't know if she's right to be honest. The crater is there and it's a good natural hiding spot for sure. I don't know if it's good enough intel', he had said. Price had thought for a few seconds. 'Listen Simon, I trust your judgement. I don't want to know where and when you talked to her, but we have a job to do…' he tried to interrupt, but he kept going. 'No, no don't worry, I don't want to know about your personal life, to be honest it would be nice to see you settle down and she really is a nice girl…'
'Sir, I-'
'The thing is, if she's wrong and this was all a little game we could waste time, lose our target and put our men at risk.' He managed to investigate further and found out Jude was right, again. Jude 2 - Ghost 0. He briefed his teammates that morning, who asked how he got that information and in which setting he spoke to Jude, which he replied was classified. They looked at him and they knew he was hiding something. He didn't even want to know what they thought. 'Yes, you see, we have a camp, headquarters near Al-Jareena, a few soldiers are still there. Yesterday night, after I was informed about what you found I sent them in the desert, they stopped…' he got close to the table and indicated the map that was placed in the middle '…about here.' She moved closer to the table. 'I sent two drones ahead. They found the crater, about two miles from where the cars had stopped.' He was typing on the keyboard of a laptop. He showed her the screen, she could see the video tape that the drones had recorded. It was in night vision, she couldn't see well, but the image was mostly clear. He spoke again while the video played. 'You see, there are snipers here… and all the way here…and when they got close to the centre…' he stopped, but she understood.
She could see buildings, tents. A camp. She could see people moving around, she could see a campfire. Guns. Then she spotted it. On the side of a tent. She looked up at the captain, her eyes bright with excitement. She could fucking cry in that moment. The viper print on the tent, eyes bright red. Khorram's troops were inside the crater.
notes: translation: 'Ti ho detto, è venuto a trovarmi a danza, io dovevo mangiare e gli ho chiesto se voleva cenare. Poi avrei portato fuori il cane e mi ha detto che era pericoloso da sola e mi ha accompagnato'. means 'I told you, he came to see me at ballet, i needed to eat and i asked him if he wanted to have dinner. Then I would have walked the dog and he said it was dangerous to go alone and he came with me.' 'Fra, te non hai capito questo chi è' means 'Bro, you don't understand who this is'. Fra is the abbreviated version of 'fratello' which means brother. When two are really close is common to call each other fra, boy of girl we don't care, even because it's a funny word, it's fake gangsta slang. I call my girlfriends fra all the time. 'Salvo agg capit…Jinx lascia!' means 'Salvo, I got it…Jinx let it go'.
notes: one of alba's perfumes is disumano by morph. (disumano means non human).
notes: can you tell I'm back at uni, I'm posting again lol
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bachissidehoe · 3 months
no vacancy
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chapter 2 of it's classy not classic
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“Bachira? Hello?” Isagi panics into the phone, pacing around his bedroom in a plain white t-shirt and boxers for the second morning in a row. 
“Hey boyfriend.” Bachira’s groggy voice comes through on the other end. It sounds like he’s still in bed.
“So you’ve seen it.” 
“Yeah I saw it, it was sent to me like 50 times.” He yawns. 
“I’m so sorry. I can’t even believ- I’m really sorry I’ll tell everyone-” Isagi rushes through his words, speaking so fast that it doesn’t even sound like real sentences. 
“Calm down, calm down. Sheesh.” Bachira replies, sounding much too casual about this situation. It sounds like he’s just calmly stretching in his bed, while Isagi continues his panicked routine. 
“I need to tell everyone that’s not true, I can’t believe I dragged you into this-”
“You really don’t wanna date me that much?” Bachira giggles. How can he be so normal about this? 
“That’s not-” 
“It’s alright Isagi, it’s not a big deal. Some people took pictures of us together and it wasn’t hard to make the jump- you know, I just got out of a relationship and the breakup was pretty publicized in my circles.” Bachira explains.
Isagi holds his phone in front of them, scrolling through the tweets and articles about he and Bachira’s little date yesterday. Looking at it from an outside perspective, Isagi can completely understand why people may think that Bachira sipping from Isagi’s drink may indicate something more than a normal friendship. But anyone who knows Bachira personally would understand that these little quirks of his are just part of his personality.
“Oh- I didn’t even know.” 
“I know, my ex already texted me about it to ask what’s going on.” He chuckles. 
A situation like that would make Isagi even more panicked, but once again, Bachira just takes everything in his stride. 
“What? What did you say to her?” Isagi asked.
“You mean him? I didn’t respond to him yet.” Bachira replies.
Isagi pauses, nearly choking on air. That makes even more sense. “I didn’t know you were gay.” He blurts out. How did they hang out and it never came up? Especially because of the topic of conversation. But all things considered, that makes even more sense as to why the public seems to assume the two of them are in a relationship.
Bachira just laughs. “I’m bi.” 
“Oh. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have said it like-” 
“Yeah. In my community it’s very known, so it makes sense that people would see me with you, and you just “came out”, and assume something’s going on.” Bachira sighs. “I probably should have thought of that.” 
“Well-” Isagi pauses. “What are you gonna say to him?” 
It’s not necessarily surprising that Bachira Meguru is bisexual. Isagi wouldn’t think anything of it if he weren’t involved in this current situation. But honestly, Isagi feels bad that his friend identifies this way at this specific point in time. Because if Bachira were straight, that would be an easy fix. 
“Not sure.” 
Isagi just sighs. “I’m sorry man.” He runs his fingers through his hair. “I’ll make a public post and clear everything up.” 
“Actually.” Bachira pauses. Isagi can hear him shuffling around, possibly leaving his bed. “I don’t think you should.” 
“I think you should wait. It might not be worth explaining.” He continues. 
“Are you-”
“I’m saying we should just fake it. I’m in Tokyo for a couple months for work, we fake date until I move away, and then we fake break up because I’m moving and you’re a pro player and all.” He suggests. He says it so casually too, like it’s not the most insane idea Isagi has ever heard. “You know, just like the movies!” 
“You’re insane.” Isagi replies. It’s really all he can say. This can’t possibly be real life. 
“I’m so serious.” Bachira laughs. “Hold on, I’m coming over. Send me your address.”
“What the fuck is even happening?” Isagi feels his body shaking, he’s sweating yet freezing. He’s probably having a stress reaction. He might have to end up in a mental hospital. How the absolute fuck is he going to be able to show up to practice today?
“We have to make a plan. So I’m coming over. I’ll bring some food.” Bachira says, explaining his intentions as if they’re spies planning the heist of the century. Like it’s some game they have to win. Even after so many years, Bachira’s Blue Lock ego still hasn’t wavered. 
Isagi agrees, since he doesn’t really see himself having another option, but the entirety of the situation still doesn’t feel at all real. Back in Blue Lock, Isagi truly felt like his friendship with Bachira was special, like even though they hardly knew each other, they were on the same wavelength from the start. He assumed both of them would make it out, and he still believes they would have if not for Bachira’s injury. 
After that, Isagi was too embarrassed to talk to Bachira as often anymore. He felt guilty, like he didn’t earn his title over someone as talented as Bachira. It felt too weird to maintain their closeness. But now, it’s like it’s all back to normal, where Bachira is just as comfortable with him as he was six years ago. 
But that’s just how Bachira is. Clearly Isagi hasn’t respected Bachira’s ability to innocently trust the world. 
“Hey there!” 
Isagi opens the door to a smiling Bachira Meguru, holding multiple bags of takeout.
“That’s a lot of food.”
“Is it?” Bachira giggles. “I don’t know what you liked so I picked one of everything. Except the stuff I hate.”
“Geez. How much do I owe you?”
“Nothing.” He lets himself in, placing the bags of food on Isagi’s dining table. “I have more money than I know what to do with anyway.” 
“I get that.” Isagi replies. It’s true, being 22 years old doesn’t really require as much money as the two of them make- Isagi being a pro soccer player and Bachira being a successful artist. They can pay their bills, buy their own food, donate to charities and whatever else will make them look good to the general public, give some money to their families, and they still seem to have a lot of it. Neither of them are used to it. “Thanks.”
“Think of it like a date. Our second date.” 
“Stop it.” Isagi looks away, feeling his face flush. He doesn’t understand how Bachira can still be so casual about this despite being caught up in a blatant lie. Isagi can’t help but assume that the worst will happen, that he’ll be outed for being a liar and a horrible person and fired from being a pro player. Bachira, on the other hand, seems like he couldn’t care less. 
“So let’s talk about it.” Bachira sits at the table, making himself at home as he starts unpacking some of the food. “I think we should just keep giving the public what they want, we can hang out and go on “dates” and stuff, go to each other’s events, and it’ll die down on its own.” 
“You’re being so normal about this.” Isagi replies. 
Isagi figured he couldn’t eat with how much stress he’s under, but those pork buns smell good enough to convince him to sit across from his friend and try one. 
Bachira shrugs, shoveling a few chopsticks full of rice in his mouth. “Well, it’s not as big of a deal as you think it is.” 
“Huh? I trapped you in this with me because I lied on an interview. Now you have to pretend like you’re my boyfriend and I’m not even gay, I don’t know if you’re trying to fix things with your ex or whatever, and if you weren’t but wanted to date other people your entire time in Tokyo is just ruined because you wouldn’t be able to date if everyone thinks you’re dating m-” 
Bachira flicks a grain of rice at Isagi, hitting him in the nose. 
“What the fuck Bachira?” Isagi swipes the rice away, meeting the gaze of his smirking friend. 
“Just say you don’t wanna date me.” He giggles. 
“Can you be for fucking real for one second?” 
“Fine, fine.” He picks the face-rice off the table and tosses it in an empty bag. “I don’t care that you’re straight, I like hanging out with you and this would just mean hanging out with you more. I am definitely not trying to get back with Hiro, and after that relationship, I’m also not trying to date or fuck anyone else for the forseeable future.” Bachira explains. “I think that covers everything you were concerned about.” 
Though much of Bachira Meguru’s cutesy, eccentric personality remains the same as it was back in Blue Lock, much about him has changed as well. Isagi can tell that he prefers to be lighthearted, but that he’s also matured a lot. He’s put together, he dresses nice, it’s clear he’s maintained his physique and takes care of himself, and he’s obviously working hard. 
“Any of that could change, though.” Isagi says, but much quieter and less confident than before. 
“Stop making it seem like you’re ruining my life.” Bachira smiles, softer this time. 
Isagi sighs. It doesn’t seem like a big deal to Bachira now, but anything could change in the next couple of months. 
“Fine.” He says after a while. “It’s not different than just hanging out with you, I guess.” 
“Yippee!” Bachira raises his chopsticks into the air. “My new classy relationship, Blue Lock best friends to lovers, rich boys from different worlds-” 
“Damn don’t get too excited.” Isagi jokes. 
“Can I tell you a secret?” Bachira leans in as if there could be anyone listening in Isagi’s completely empty apartment. 
“Uh, ye-”
“I sort of want Hiro to be jealous.” He admits. 
“Anyway!” Bachira quickly shoves some more food in his mouth. “Moving on.” 
“O-kay?” Isagi finds it best if he just lets Bachira lead the conversation. It’s always been that way, with Bachira doing whatever he wants and Isagi simply letting him. 
“I have to ask, have you ever even dated anyone? Sorry if it’s too personal.” 
“No, no, I guess we should make sure we know things about each other.” Isagi answers. “I’ve dated here and there, but never a serious relationship.” 
“So you’ve kissed girls?”
“I mean yeah-”
“Have you had sex before?”
“Not super often but occasionally-” 
Isagi answers the barrage of questions quickly, but it’s clear Bachira needs some additional context. They’re definitely personal questions, but nothing Isagi is super uncomfortable sharing with him. They’re “dating” now, after all. He decides to elaborate.
“I just can’t saddle anyone with being in a relationship with me. Any girl would always be second to soccer. There’s no vacancy in my life for a person to come between what I really love. I just don’t think it’s possible for me, so it wouldn’t be fair to her, you know?” Isagi explains, looking down at his untouched pork bun. Now’s as good a time as any to actually start eating. 
He makes a mental note to ask Bachira where he ordered from later. This food is damn good. 
“Do you know that girls are interested in you?” Bachira inquires further.
“Yeah, I mean of course. But like I said, there’s no room for anyone between me and soccer. It’s the only thing I care about that deeply, I guess it’s like my one true love or whatever.” Isagi answers, taking another bite. 
Bachira chuckles. “I totally get it, but I think you’d be surprised.” 
“You’d be surprised how simple it can be to have two loves at the same time, where both of them are number 1.” He smiles. 
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deiaiko · 11 months
#16.2 Rachel
Bam stepped into the bare and bleak room of an old rented house on the outskirts. The only thing of interest was a simple wooden chair in the center of the room that was occupied by none other than Rachel. Her head was hung low and her wrists were tied behind her around the chair backrest. Mr. Agni reasoned he had to put her to sleep to avoid unnecessary fights, and assured Bam that she'd wake up soon enough.
Bam could hear Mr. Agni and Grace-hyung talking just outside of the room. It seemed like Mr. Agni had to go somewhere, since they exchanged goodbyes not long after. He shifted his focus back to Rachel and took a closer look at her wrists. He couldn't help but think that the rope was too much. It shouldn't be necessary for this conversation, right? It'd only upset her and he hated it when she did.
So he kneeled down and began to untie the rope. When he looked up, he noticed that Hyung was eyeing him warily. However, he just stood there by the door, not making any move to stop him.
Just right after he was done with the knot, Rachel stirred awake and familiar yellow eyes found him. She jerked away, screaming, "Wh– what do you want from me!"
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Bam let the silence linger. Giving her time to regain her bearing and seek the answer herself.
Her face got a few shades paler as if she had seen a ghost. Or maybe, in a way, she did.
"Rachel," Bam muttered.
Shock flashed in her eyes before it settled to understanding. "Bam?" Rachel's voice was impossibly soft and sweet, yet it sounded so wrong. "Oh Bam, you're alive! I'm so glad."
…Was she though? She pushed him to his supposed death. But her face was a mix of relief and unbelief. Bam didn't know which was the real her anymore.
"Bam, we have to get out of here. I was kidnapped by a bad person. Quick, before he returns."
"You're not going anywhere." An unfamiliar voice joined them as Hyung finally stepped into the room. The lighthouse floating beside him must've acted as a voice changer. His hat was pulled down low underneath his hoodie, shadowing his face from view. 
Tumblr media
Rachel didn't seem to notice Grace's presence until then, if the shock on her face was anything to go by.
"Well then, Bam. Go ahead and ask her," Grace encouraged.
It was the first time he had heard Hyung's cold tone; emotionless and distant that sent shivers down his spine. But that thought could wait for later, because currently he finally had the chance to ask a question that had been plaguing him for the past six years.
"Why did you betray me, Rachel?"
Rachel no longer looked at him as sweetly. "What do you mean, Bam? I've never betrayed you."
"That day, you pushed me out of the bubble."
Rachel's eyes watered as she clenched her hand on her chest, "I was trying to save you from the monster attack. But I lost my balance and accidentally pushed you too hard." She looked away guiltily, voice now just above a whisper. "I had a nightmare about it every time I closed my eyes. I'm truly sorry, Bam."
"That's…" Bam was sure he had defeated the monster. Unless Rachel had mistaken some random fish as a threat? It could make sense, but things were still not adding up. "I saw you stand on your feet, at least explain to me why that is possible."
Rachel furrowed her eyebrows. "I think you remember it wrong."
"No! I know what I saw."
"And so am I!"
"Don't lie to me, Rachel." Bam begged. He was trying to find proof to justify her actions, but why did it only prove that Mr. Agni was right about her? About how she faked her disability to stab him in the back and take advantage of their friends. "You're the one who taught me that lying was bad, so are you trying to get me to think you're a bad person?"
"No, Bam–"
"Tell me, Rachel. Why did you try to kill me?" Bam felt his vision start to blur as tears trickled down his cheeks. It just dawned on him that the foul clenching feeling of his heart was the feeling of betrayal, from someone he trusted and looked up to, no less. "What did I do to you?"
Rachel didn't reply right away. But when she spoke, Bam's world crumbled. "The star…I want to shine as bright as it is rumored to be. But when you're around, I was nothing but a shadow because you took all the light. You who are chosen and loved by many, who wouldn't feel envy?" She gave a weak laugh and stood up. "You're right. I've been faking my injury. But this is what it takes to climb the tower for the unchosen. Innocence wouldn't get you this high, so I'm sure you're just as bad as I am."
Bam looked at his hands which had just recently been bathed in the blood of his opponent. He could still feel the stickiness that clung to his skin and he felt the urge to scrub his hands clean like he did the night before. So he was a bad person now? Was he doomed to never have friends again?
Bam caught an angry scowl on Rachel's lips as she walked past Grace and through the door. Grace tried to go after her but Bam quickly reached out and pulled on his hoodie to stop him from leaving. He didn't want to be left alone with her lingering words.
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tinybirbwrites · 1 year
Guilty Pleasure (Dick Grayson/Reader)
Hello, hi. This started as a vent fic, then it became super silly and fun and longer than expected. No warnings except for some swearing, just silly fluff and crack. Reader is gender-neutral. Also I had Gotham Knights Dick in mind while writing, the game really grew on me lmao.
You often wondered whether Dick had a sixth sense for your mood. Each time you were upset about something, he would either somehow end up finding out about it, or unknowingly comfort you in some way. 
Watched a sad movie while Dick was away? Look at your phone; Dick either just sent you a meme, pun, or a sweet little message to brighten your day. Unhappy about what you saw in the mirror? Just you wait; Dick always seemed to have a heartfelt compliment ready for you. Lonely? Worry not; Dick already made plans to come over and glue himself to you for several hours.
This time was no different. Just twenty minutes after you saw something hurtful on social media, Dick plopped down next to you on the couch and wrapped a casual arm around your shoulders. 
“Hey, wanna watch a dumb movie together and cuddle?”
Hell yeah.
The movie did turn out to be super dumb—a crazy woman summoning the spirit of her dead killer husband into a fake christmas tree, who then goes on a murderous rampage as a christmas tree? Really? But it was exactly what you needed at that moment. 
You were crying and laughing through the stupidity of it all, switching between actually paying attention because of what was happening or because Dick was actively commenting on it, and thinking back to the post you saw that upset you in the first place. Dick didn’t ask, but he kept giving you comforting squeezes and rubbed slow circles over your back the whole time. 
As the credits started rolling and you finally got over how weird the movie was, Dick stroked a careful thumb over the tear-trails on your cheek. “Alright, well, now that we’ve gone through all five stages of grief together… You wanna tell me about it?” 
You leaned back with a shaky exhale. “Well, you know how I like to read and write fanfiction?” At his nod, you continued, “Well, there’s a subgenre called ‘reader inserts.’ They’re… basically exactly what the title implies. They’re written with you as the main character, and most of the time it’s with a romantic plot point at the focus. It’s something I like to consume for comfort, because it feels nice to read about yourself meeting your favorite characters and interacting with them, doing things together that you’ll never be able to in real life, right? And there’s a lot of well written fics out there that I enjoy a lot, but of course, as with everything, there’s also not so good ones. And the tragic part is, the not so good ones are the only thing that other people who aren’t interested in this subgenre see and know about, so reader inserts get a pretty bad rep. And I get it, I’ve also seen the bad ones, and there’s… a lot of porn, too. I understand it can be frustrating to see when you really don’t want to, but shaming people for writing and reading it just… hurts, you know? It really hurts.”
Dick was silent for a while, frowning. “Sadly, there’ll always be people who get upset about things they don’t like or don’t understand. Some are mature about it, and some aren’t. I’m guessing you saw someone complaining?”
You sighed and nodded, tiredly rubbing a hand over your forehead. “Yeah.” You didn’t feel like elaborating on what the person said specifically, it would only upset you more. Maybe you’d sent a screenshot to Dick later, but right now you just wanted to forget about it.
Dick hummed. “I’m sorry you had to see that. It really sucks when you’ve gotta deal with people hating something you love and care about. And I know it’s easier said than done, but… don’t focus on that negativity. Focus on the good stuff. You’ve talked about getting a lot of positive feedback on your own writing before, yeah? Focus on that. People love what you write, and you love other people’s writing, that means there’s a community where you can all share what you love with each other, and that’s a beautiful thing. Some people just aren’t into the same stuff, they don’t get it, so sometimes they’ll complain about it to feel better. It’s hurtful, yeah, but remember that they’re not targeting you specifically. It’s their problem, the issues often lie within themselves. From what you said, it sounds like they’re just shitting on something they don’t wanna see because they don’t like or care about it. They’re not offering constructive criticism, so really, you don’t have to concern yourself with them. Try to distance yourself from their words, be proud of what you do and who you are. Okay?”
You mulled over his words for a moment, digesting them bit by bit, and eventually, you managed a smile. “Yeah, okay.” You turned your head and leaned closer to him, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. “Thanks.”
When you looked at him, the expression on his face was almost shy. “You’re always welcome. I’m just glad I could help somehow.”
Days later, Dick came to you with an excited smile on his face, and you watched as he sat down and pulled out his phone. “So, since you told me about reader inserts, I’ve done some research to better understand what you meant. I wanted to know more about what you enjoy.”
Oh no. “Oh. Really?” you said, a lot calmer than you actually felt.
He grinned, unaware of your growing horror. “Yep! So, I wasn’t sure what to look for at first, but eventually I searched for reader inserts that included some of the media I personally enjoy. I found a few I actually liked a lot! But, uh, I get what you meant with there being a lot of porn.”
You hid your face in your hands with a chortle, feeling heat quickly traveling to your cheeks at the mental image of Dick reading smut fics out of pure curiosity to learn more about what you were passionate about. “Yeah…”
Suddenly, Dick brightened. “Also! You won’t believe it, but I found a lot of Nightwing reader inserts! Some got recommended to me because of my search history, and I got really curious, so—”
“I was so amazed at how many there are! Ah, of course, lots of porn too. Can’t really fault anyone for that, I mean, I know people love my butt, so it only makes sense. Still, feels kinda weird. I started reading a few because I just couldn’t help it, and isn’t it kind of funny? It’s like a story about me making out with myself! Anyway, I found a few really good ones, a lot of them were from the same author—”
Oh God, please, anything but this—
Dick scrolled through his phone for a moment, then turned it around to show you what he found. You felt your soul leave your body.
It was your very own profile picture that stared back at you. 
It was your blog. 
It was your writing. 
Your Nightwing fanfics. 
He went on, completely undeterred by your stunned silence. “I know it sounds kind of narcissistic of me to say, but you should totally give this person’s stuff a read! They’re really good! I felt weirdly immersed, reading about being in love with, well, myself. Pining after… myself. Never thought I’d feel so strongly about that, but here I am. There’s one story that I’m hoping will get a second part some day, actually. I’m thinking I should maybe leave a comment. You think it’d be too much to do that with my Nightwing account?” 
Oh. Oh, thank God. Dick didn’t know it was you.
You subtly cleared your throat. “Uhm. Yeah, I think commenting as Nightwing would be a bit much.”
It was an older account—you actually hadn’t uploaded anything for a while now, but most of them were about Nightwing.
It had started off with the usual go-to scenarios of Nightwing saving reader while on patrol, something he’d actually done for you a few times now, which was what inspired you to scroll through the Nightwing x Reader tag in the first place. Then you decided you would give in and post some of your own for the public to see as well. Anonymously, of course. You’d never pin your actual name to that particular guilty pleasure of yours. 
The more you wrote, the more you started to wonder about what if scenarios. 
What if Dick Grayson was Nightwing? You’d noticed that they shared a lot of similarities; a love for puns, a charming smile, a kind heart, perfect hair, and, uhm… A nice body, too. You’d never written out this theory for the public eye, but in your head, you’d started imagining Dick being the one behind the mask, which fuelled your writing even more as you poured your feelings into them. 
You knew it was kind of a No-No to write about actual, existing people. It wasn’t something you usually did, either, nor were you very proud of it. But you just couldn’t help it—you’d been pining after Dick and Nightwing separately for years now, venting about it in the form of self-indulgent writing, until you eventually figured out they were both one and the same person. 
Of course you’d fallen head over heels in love with Dick, it was practically impossible not to; He had a stupidly big heart and a stupidly big butt. Finding out these two ridiculously attractive and caring people were actually one guy? That only served to intensify your feelings by, like, a hundred.
You hadn’t mentioned this realization to Dick, but it got more and more difficult not to as time went on. Until finally, one day, Dick confessed his vigilante identity to you, stating he trusted you and felt it was only fair if you knew. He felt bad about having to lie to you and keep making up excuses about his bruises and why he had to cancel plans every time something big happened that Nightwing had to take care of.
You were too scared to tell him about your feelings, especially after realizing you’d been writing reader insert fanfics about him all this time. It was one thing to just imagine Dick being Nightwing, but it was another to actually know it was him. You were lucky and very happy to even be friends with this amazing guy, and you weren’t about to ruin that by confessing your shameful sins to him.
You knew it was extra weird to write not only about an actual person, but about your friend. You’d never written any smut—that was something you just couldn’t let yourself do, it felt too wrong, even before you found out about Dick’s secret. 
You knew he took all the sexually charged comments on his Nightwing persona in good stride. He actually seemed to glow from all the praise, even feeding into it by laying on the charm extra thick sometimes when on patrol, always insisting Nightwing should never wear a cape so his precious butt wouldn’t be covered up. You also knew that he himself as Richard Grayson was a very popular guy, handsome and charming, a “well dressed golden retriever,” as some people liked to describe him. 
But you also knew that there was a line, and you felt like you were definitely crossing it by writing reader inserts about your best friend and crush. Though you did stop writing them after finding out about who Nightwing really was—it just felt too weird to keep posting more at that point.
Argh, who were you kidding? Either way, it was definitely still weird that you hadn’t immediately deleted your whole blog afterwards. It didn’t matter that Dick was currently unknowingly blowing up your phone with excited comments and likes on several of your Nightwing x Reader fics. You pulled it out and glanced at your screen as it lit up. Ah, he was also sending you all the links so you could read them for yourself. 
Is this how Dick felt when people talked about Nightwing in front of him, not knowing it was him they were talking about? You certainly felt like you had a top secret persona now. 
Despite your conflicted feelings on the matter and the rising shame in your chest, you couldn’t help but smile at Dick’s genuine enthusiasm. And his comments were all very nice, too. 
Maybe… Maybe he would be okay with it, knowing it was you. Maybe he’d laugh about it. Maybe he’d even be flattered. You knew it would be impossible to keep this to yourself forever, especially since Dick was so easy to open up to. But not now. Definitely not now.
A few months later, Tim mentioned your username during a group conversation. In his defense, he probably thought it was common knowledge—you knew he wouldn’t reveal something as big as this on purpose if he thought it wasn’t a big deal. You were using the same username for several other accounts on other websites as well, all connected to your second email address, the one you hadn’t shared with Dick or the others, so you hadn’t actually expected them to ever look into it and find out.
How very foolish of you. You just hoped Tim hadn’t read any of your fanfics as well.
While you’d tried to appear calm and unaffected on the outside, you could feel yourself slowly dying on the inside, melting from the sheer amount of mortification you were experiencing.
You couldn’t look Dick in the eyes ever since. 
While he hadn’t mentioned anything directly, you could tell the clogs inside his head had already turned enough for him to connect the dots. He knew. Fucking shit, he knew. 
Several days went by. You kept casually sending messages to him, sharing memes and other every-day things like always, and he did the same. But you could tell he knew and wanted to say something, but didn’t because he could tell you were highly uncomfortable with him knowing. 
He was nice like that. Goddammit. 
And then, one evening, as you contemplated finally deleting your whole account and sending an official apology to Dick (you would definitely have to do that, you just didn’t know what to say and where to start), your phone lit up with a new message. 
From Dick. 
You stared at the notification for a long moment, dreading what you’d find once you opened it, until your eyes started to burn and you had to force yourself to take a few deep breaths and calm down.
Don’t jump to any conclusions now, you told yourself. Just open the damn message and see for yourself.
You procrastinated by going to the bathroom first. Then walked around the kitchen in search of something to eat, only to realize you were too anxious to actually eat anything. 
So you took your damn phone and clicked on the damn notification, holding your damn breath as you read Dick’s messages. 
(Dick) 21:32 : Hey, so, I had some ideas for a sequel regarding your last Nightwing story
(Dick) 21:33 : Hear me out
(Dick) 21:35 : What if Nightwing went over to reader’s place
(Dick) 21:35 : and then…
You waited for him to elaborate, maybe send a GIF or something else, but he wasn’t even online anymore. You frowned and started to type a hesitant, confused response, when there was a sudden knock on your living room window, making you flinch and shriek, almost dropping your phone in the process.
Looking up, you saw Dick in his Nightwing suit outside your window, grinning and waving at you. 
You blinked at him for a moment, then quickly walked over to open the window. “Wha—”
“You haven’t posted in a long time,” Dick interrupted you with a smile. “I thought maybe I could help inspire you.” 
“Ins— Inspire?” you repeated, stunned.
You stepped back a little when he started climbing through the window, taking in his appearance with a sense of awe. You’d seen him as Nightwing a few times now, but you never quite got used to it. He was a sight to behold—he always was, whether he was wearing the suit or just his regular clothes, but having Nightwing standing in front of you in your own home always felt a little unreal. It was so form fitting, showing off his muscles and curves, and the mask hiding parts of his face had its very own appeal that you could hardly put into words. 
“I noticed a theme while going through your stories.” Dick’s voice pulled you out of your stupor, and you quickly shut your mouth, only now realizing you’d been gaping at him the whole time. 
You cleared your throat. “A theme?”
“Yeah.” He stepped closer to you, slowly, as if he wanted to check whether you would move away or not. “Nightwing and reader never actually kiss in any of them.”
You thought your heart was going to burst out of your chest. Then you realized he was waiting for you to say something.
“Oh, uhm. Yeah. I, uh. I just felt kind of weird about that. At first I was just scared you’d maybe find out about my stories some day and be weirded out by them, but later on after you told me about being Nightwing, I also just— It felt wrong to write about kissing you because it felt… too personal? And then I just kinda stopped writing them entirely.”
“Mh-hmm,” he hummed understandingly, stepping even closer, close enough for you to smell his cologne and minty breath. “Not to force my own interpretations onto your writing or anything, but I think Nightwing would definitely be very much into kissing the reader. And seeing how strongly the reader feels about him, I’m guessing it’s something they would want, too?”
You gulped, then managed to croak out a weak, “Yeah.”
He smiled and leaned closer until the tip of his nose shortly brushed yours, pausing for a moment to give you the chance to pull away, then gently pressed his lips to yours. Your breathing hitched, an electrifying sensation running through your whole body, starting from the points where he was touching you. His hands were on your arms, slowly rubbing up and down while he moved his lips against yours just as slowly. Your muscles couldn’t decide whether to stay tense or relax and melt against him, so you did a weird combination of both. 
Unsurprisingly, Dick was a very good kisser. 
After a long moment, he eventually parted from you, leaning back a little to take in your reaction. You couldn’t help but let out a breathless little laugh, stunned by what just happened, and so very fucking happy.
Dick chuckled too, hands gently squeezing your upper arms as if he wanted to hug you. “Was that okay?”
“Absolutely,” you said, without hesitation. “I’m sure all the fics probably gave it away, but I have feelings for you. Strong ones.”
“Well, I didn’t want to make assumptions based on fiction alone,” Dick smiled. “But I’m glad, because I feel the same way. About you, I mean.”
Your chest warmed at that. Then you chuckled, an idea hitting you. “What, you don’t want me to write Dick Grayson x Nightwing fanfics next?”
He opened his mouth to retort with something sarcastic, but then his eyes widened. “Oh my God, that’s actually a really genius idea—”
You chortled and knocked your hand against his strong chest. “No, it really wouldn’t be. What if people connected the dots and found out because of it?”
He pouted. “Alright, fair point. But maybe you could write them just for me?” Aaand he was using his puppy eyes on you. Go figure. 
“I’ll think about it,” you gave in. Only a few people were strong enough to withstand Dick Grayson’s charm, and you certainly weren’t one of them. “But, I gotta ask… Weren’t you super weirded out when you found out that I wrote all these stories? Didn’t it make you uncomfortable?” 
If you ever found out that a friend of yours was writing romantic reader insert fanfics about you and publishing them… Well, you didn’t know what it would feel like, but it was definitely weird.
Dick chuckled and shook his head. “If it were someone else I knew, then maybe. But I know you—you’re one of my best friends. Knowing you wrote them, it just… doesn’t bother me at all, no. I understand why you wrote them, I understand why you published them, too. And why you stopped.” He shrugged. You felt a weight fall from your shoulders at his words, finally feeling yourself relax against him. “Anyway, did I manage to inspire you? You gonna write a kiss for part two?”
You snorted, then hummed, pretending to think for a moment. “I don’t know, I think I’ll need a bit more to really get the creativity flowing.”
Dick’s smile turned knowing. “I’d be more than happy to help.” And then he kissed you again, and it was even better than the first time.
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juanabaloo · 2 months
Plot hole that bothers me: where was Faith in "Helpless"?
Oooh this is such a good one, thank you for asking it. Pretty sure others have talked about this before, here's my attempt:
This is post Amends but pre Bad Girls, so the Faith and Buffy friendship is going pretty good at this point. (Literally we've only had 5 Faith episodes by Helpless, and that's how quickly she and Buffy get to a good place.)
In Helpless Faith is purposefully sent away so she would not interfere with Buffy's birthday Test by Giles. (cruciamentum is an annoyingly long word) I don't think the Watcher's Council thinks much about Faith, if they do at all...
[related - this ask answered by coraniaid is great and includes Post taking Faith out of town for the test at Giles' request. also it gets into how hands off/disorganized The Council is.]
Anyways, Giles has heard Buffy talking about Faith and knows they patrol together. He also knows Faith spent Christmas Eve with Buffy and (mostly) Joyce. So he knows Faith would definitely not stand by while Buffy gets tested. So he sends her out on a silly mission, like gathering a weapon from LA or something like that. He does not tell her that the Test is coming up for Buffy.
More under the cut bc this got really long!
Giles wrongly assumes that Faith is aware that on her 18th birthday a Slayer gets this Test. This is because he wrongly assumes Faith has already been through this herself, bc she is already over 18. In my HC Faith IS over 18 she only seems younger sometimes bc she's emotionally immature. In my HC she is over 18 but she has not had the Test and has never even heard about it.
[if you HATE the idea of Faith being older than 18 by Helpless, then Giles thinks she is over 18 bc he snooped one day while she and Buffy were sparring in the library and he found her wallet and saw her fake ID**. This leads him to believe she is in fact 19 or 20 or 21. So in this slightly divergent timeline Faith is only 17 but she still won't ever have the Test bc she doesn't have a proper Watcher / they don't really care enough about Faith to give her the Test.]
[** MORE FAKE ID thoughts: It honestly makes the most sense that her fake ID would say she's 21 so she can buy liquor bc that's what *ahem* most people did back then. BUT also Faith would not have much trouble getting guys to buy her liquor so maybe she only needs her fake ID to prove she's over 18 so she can get a bank account. BUT it seems weird that she's THAT responsible and she's not just shoving her cash under her mattress...
FAKE ID CONTINUED: Other interesting theories for a fake ID to prove she's over 18 that aren't about liquor or opening a bank account: change her birth name (non cis Faith? she already changed her name TO Faith?? maybe she has her Mom's name and she hates her Mom so she changed it on the fake ID? all valid), get piercings/tattoo (although in the 90s it was very common for under 18s to have these), get a job (only believable if she wasn't already a Slayer), buy a car (maybe an aspirational goal), go parachuting (another goal?). ANYWAYS enough thoughts about fake ID Faith this is turning into a fic prompt with like 10 options...)
MORE AGE THOUGHTS: Sorry one more thing. It seems unlikely that Fatih would be sentenced (for murder 2) to 25 years to life in prison - not jail but prison - for murder without legally being 18. Well just researched that and sadly this isn't true. I thought maybe her going to prison was a point in favor of her being at least 18 by ATS 1x19 Sanctuary but perhaps not. It's unclear. There's a 2000 California Prop 21 that seems relevant, which passed in March 2000 and Sanctuary aired in May 2000. And ofc the carceral system sucks and makes mistakes and Faith might have lied about her age.]
Where were we? Giles thinks that Faith already passed her own Test and knows that Buffy will get one when she (Buffy) turns 18. This leads to some trickery by Giles, bc he wants to hide when Buffy's birthday is from Faith. He shares a fake birthday for Buffy with Faith in a very awkward conversation while they wait for the Scoobies to assemble one day in the library. (Repeating the I Robot You Jane continuity error from S1.)
Faith thinks it's weird bc it seems like Giles is telling her to buy Buffy a birthday gift - which is already weird in itself - - and bonus leads her to wondering if Buffy is telling Giles what gifts she wants Faith to buy her, like a girl might with her Dad Watcher about a boyfriend -- and it's even weirder bc Buffy's birthday is months away. Thankfully the Scoobies arrive, and Giles stops talking about it. But the lingering "queer vibes boyfriend gift buying vibes" nugget has now been planted in Faith's already pretty-gay-for-Buffy mind.
And since i HC Faith as over 18 by Helpless, Faith should have gotten her own Test back in Boston but Diana (her Watcher) did not administer it. Diana had plans to, or plans to somehow avoid giving it / giving Faith a cheat, but then Kakistos came and she became pre-occupied with surviving him. (She sadly did not, as we know.) (Bonus points for the very sad HC of Faith turning 18 on the same day that Diana dies. OR she could turn 18 on a bus by herself during her cross country trip to Sunnydale. Give that girl more angst!!)
Diana never told Faith about the Test so Faith doesn't have any idea Buffy is in danger, even when she learns that Buffy has her 18th birthday coming up. And how does she learn this, despite Giles's attempt to hide it?
When Willow mentions something about Buffy's birthday coming up! Faith is confused bc of the prev Giles birthday talk. Once Xander mentions something as well Faith knows that Giles was lying to her. (This adds to her mistrust of Giles / The Council, not that she needs it.)
Faith resigns herself to the idea that Buffy doesn't want her around for her birthday party, and that is why Giles came up with his awkward birthday talk / lie. (This also reinforces the idea that Giles is very close to Buffy, since he's telling birthday lies for Buffy.) Faith then leans headfirst into her Slayer duties leading up to the week of Helpless, bringing it up to Buffy multiple times so Buffy knows Faith isn't totally wounded annoyed about missing Buffy's birthday.
(I'm not sure how Faith gets to LA for the Giles-weapon-mission. If she drives herself it makes her ATS 1x18 Five by Five bus arrival kinda "look how far she has fallen." If she takes the bus it makes her ATS 1x18 Five by Five bus arrival kinda "oh she knew what to expect at the bus depot bc she'd been here before.")
In LA Faith learns some local stuff (what neighborhoods are dicey, where the fun clubs are) and does indeed find the weapon Giles has sent her to get. She returns after Helpless and is surprised when no one talks much about Buffy's birthday party. When she tries to chat with Buffy about it in a fun casual way - it's clear Buffy doesn't want to discuss it.
And what weapon does Faith bring back to Sunnydale? It's the sword she uses in The Zeppo's first scene! It turns out not to be as important as Giles predicted, but that fits with this plot hole filler.
Faith doesn't find out about Giles drugging her for the Test, bc Buffy is repressing it and no one else ever talks about it again. (I don't agree with the writers' decision about this really terrible thing Giles does, but this filler needs to match on both ends.) This also matches bc if Faith ever did find out about it she would be incensed to the point of shouting and at least shoving Giles, if not more. She def would not shut up about it to Buffy, even if Buffy asks her to not bring it up again. ("How can you trust him B? After what he did to you??")
Anyways, i hope you enjoyed this! It was a lot of fun. Thanks so much for the ask!
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