#fan fcition
aestheticaltcow · 4 months
cuddling with dom billy during a rainy night. billy places you on top of him, rubs you out cooing you calling you his good girl. Lots of praise and reader is subby hehe
I hope this is what you had in mind with the request! Took me a while but I did it.
Rainy Nights (18+ MDNI)
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You sank into the plush of your mattress that evening, listening to the sound of rain outside your window. You were on the verge of falling asleep when you noticed the bedroom door open. You mumbled to yourself as Billy sat on the edge of the mattress. “You’re already sleepin’, baby?” he questioned as he pulled his shirt off and threw it over to the laundry hamper in the corner, unfortunately missing it. “I was trying to.” you groan as Billy joins you under the thick duvet. He chuckled to himself and reached out to grab your waist.
“You’re so fuckin’ pretty baby.” Billy smiled as he pulled you closer to him. You giggled as he ran a hand up and down your back, “You’re fuckin’ perfect… made just for me.” he groaned, letting his hand lay on your hip. “So kind… and smart…my perfect lil princess.” you blushed, hoping he didn’t notice. Billy sat up and leaned back against the bedframe as he looked down at you, “You wanna be my good girl?” you bit your lip and slowly nodded. “Come here.”
Billy put an arm around your shoulders, “Open your mouth, baby.” Billy whispered against your temple as he peppered kisses to your hairline. You nodded and put your head back, opening your mouth and allowing your tongue to slide out. Billy smirked and spat in your mouth; he marveled at the site before telling you to swallow. You obliged to his pleasure, “There’s my good girl… spread your legs.”
You relaxed into Billy’s side as his fingers slipped into your panties. You sharply inhaled when his thick, calloused fingers started rubbing circles against your clit. “You like that baby?” “Yes, sir.” Billy licked his lips as he allowed his fingers to further explore your pussy. As he ran his fingers through your soft, wet folds, he whispered sweet nothings into your ear. 
“B-Billy-” you whined, “Shhh, princess. You’re so wet… just for me…” his other hand slipped under the oversized t-shirt you’d worn to bed that night and went to squeeze one of your breasts, making you moan softly. Billy kissed your temple as he dipped his index and middle finger into your core to collect some of the wetness you’d produced before returning to rub harsher circles against your clit. “Fuck!” you threw your head back, marveling at the sensation. “You gonna cum for me, baby?” you nodded furiously at his question. Billy licked his lips and watched your eyes squeeze close as your hand joined his in your panties. “Billy!” you yelped as you felt a wave of pleasure crash over your body. Billy slowed his fingers to let you ride out your orgasm. “You did so good, baby…” he cooed in your ear as his hand traveled up your body to your hip, “You wanna cum again?”
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tervioza · 18 hours
wait the forest fan fcition is canon now? sure
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ladyeliot · 3 years
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I’ll fix it
Pairing: Tony Stark x Avenger Female Reader.
Summary: Everything changed the day Tony Stark felt your body fall apart in his hands, from then on a struggle to try to bring you back to him began.
Warnings: Angst, Mentions of death. Time travel.
Word count: 6283
A/N: Avengers Endgame. Some of the dialogue is taken from the film. Sorry for my spelling and grammatical mistakes, English is not my native language, I am learning.
Reader’s abilities: Master Martial Artist,  experienced in espionage, talented Hacker.
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There was a turning point in Tony Stark’s life, that moment when everything changed, when like ashes you scattered through space, when your body disappeared leaving motes of your essence in his hands.
The battle to save humanity was lost the moment the time stone, protected by Doctor Strange, found its way into Thanos’ Gauntlet, leaving only a single chance to deal with a successful end to the final battle. All of you present had led the fight with acuity, but there was little you could do, you knew that as you fell one by one. Your bodies lay in the ruins of the once superpowered planet, waiting for someone with the will to continue fighting death, Tony was the last one standing until Thanos managed to strip him of his own Iron Man suit, stabbing him in the side with the sword Tony had created with his nanonites. Something snapped inside you, causing the relentless pain in your joints to fade and you managed to get up, before the wizard offered him the last stone and Quill unsuccessfully tried to stop him before Thanos vanished.
“Tony,” you whispered awkwardly reaching out to him, wrapping your arms around his body.
The exhaustion was such that you both let yourselves fall and ended up sitting in the ashes of that place. You brought your faces close together, facing each other, letting them rest, feeling your connection again. The bruises showed what you had suffered, open wounds that allowed blood to spread freely over every part of your face. You had just lost too much, it was a break between before and after, but the one thing you couldn’t bear to lose was him. Tony covered his cut with the last of his remaining nanonites, expressing an inward groan of relief, allowing himself to think again about what had happened.
“Why would you do that?” he muttered pleadingly, looking at Strange, who stood a few feet away from you.
“We are in the endgame now.”
That had a meaning, only Vision’s name came to mind, he was the only one who could stop that, the one who possessed the last stone, the mind stone.
Little by little, the reunion of those present was the only thing that eased the pain, you were all there, none of you had suffered worse consequences. The silence of the planet made your skin crawl, warning that this could happen to the earth if the snapping were to happen. You and Tony stumbled to your feet, watching as Peter came to you.
“Something’s happening,” your gaze connected with Mantis who had just said those words.
You had never felt so much fear inside you, until you saw how his body seemed to extrapolate and turn into ashes that disappeared moments later. The mental and bodily blockade came over everyone present, the terror professing itself through their features. Tony’s fingers clung to your right arm, barely moving from where Mantis was before he vanished.
You all looked around anxiously, hoping to find some answer to the event that had just occurred, but you only saw Drax turning to ashes, joint by joint disappearing.
“Quill?” Drax looked at him as little by little his friend’s body parts dissolved.
“Steady, Quill,” with those words Tony increased the pressure of his fingers on your arm, showing his own insecurity.
“Aw, man,” Quill whispered before melting into the wind.
It had happened, no one could have stopped him, Thanos had gotten the five infinity stones and had done the snap. No one present had any idea how it had happened, but it was clear, your worst fears had been realised.
“Tony,” Strange muttered, causing the few of you present to focus your gaze on him. “There was no other way.”
And so it was that another one turned to ashes. But it wasn’t over yet.
“Mr. Stark?” Tony and you noticed that Peter was starting to wobble, your gazes were horrified at him. “I don’t feel so good…”
“You are all right,” Tony’s words sounded confident, but hid the fear he felt inside.
“I don’t know what’s – I don’t know what’s happening. I don’t–” Peter managed to reach you, falling into Tony’s arms, who wrapped his arms around him and pinned him to the ground. “I don’t wanna go, I don’t wanna go, Mr. Stark, please. Please, I don’t wanna go. I don’t wanna go…” his voice was broken with sobs. “I’m sorry.”
You walked away from the scene, holding your hands to your face as you watched your partner’s body disappear, leaving a void in its place. So, in that moment you realised that your terror was based on the loss of your loved ones, of your family that they had become, you were not afraid of disappearing, you were afraid of them disappearing. You staggered a few steps away, unable to come to terms with what you were witnessing at that very moment, although you didn’t have time either, as a faint tingling sensation appeared in your lower extremities.
“Tony…” a faint tone came from within you, but his reaction was immediate.
“No,” he said, standing up.
You’d never seen him look at you like that before, it broke you to contemplate his watery eyes and fully dilated pupils, expressing desperation, being unable to do anything about it to stop it.
“I…” your voice trailed off.
“I got you, I got you,” his voice was broken, but rigid. “I- I promise I’ll fix this, I’ll fix this.”
You could feel his arms around your body with intensity, the warmth of his body reaching yours, but it was only an instant before you stopped feeling everything and disintegrated into ashes in his hands.
The secular emptiness came a few seconds later to Tony, it was the moment when he understood what had happened and what it meant. He belonged to that 50% of the population that had a second chance, but you were that 50% that had turned to dust from one instant to the next. A feeling indescribable to his mind invaded every inch of his body, he was lost, looking around him, hoping that it was all a nightmare from which he could wake up, but it was clear that he was living in real life, because you were not the only one who disappeared. Completely shattered, he walked through the ruins looking for an answer, some sign to hold on to, to tell him what to do, but it never came.
Time became his enemy, what happened made him realise that every step without you is a moment of his life lost. First it was days, then weeks, then months, then years, he spent a long period of time working against the clock, looking for a way to solve what happened, to come back to you. Thousands of ideas were discarded without coming to a definitive conclusion that could counteract the effects of the snap. Tony knew that if he gave up it would mean losing you forever, the life you had imagined so many times, which you never got to because of the countless missions and obstacles along the way. You were almost on the verge of touching it with your fingers once, after all that happened in Sokovia and the signing of agreements you opted to embrace the simple life, but Thanos and the stones came along and shattered your lives.
Tony had converted the cabin he built for you and didn’t have time to show you, into his own lair. He spent the hours locked away, barely sleeping, at least for the first four years, then he declined, until one day, the light seemed to brighten and his old companions appeared, offering him one last chance to get what he was looking for.
“Now, we know what it sounds like…” Scott was leaning against the wooden porch.
“Tony, after everything you’ve seen, is anything really impossible?” Steve looked at him with concern, Tony’s appearance had deteriorated over the years. He looked exhausted and full of unresolved doubts.
“I must say I sometimes miss this foolish optimism,” he grimaced, a grimace resembling a smile. “Quantum fluctuation messes with the Planck Scale, which then triggers the Deutsch Proposition. Can we agree on that?” his tone rose. “In Layman’s terms, it means you’re not coming home.” he paused. “What do you think I’ve been doing for these five years? Do you think I haven’t thought about it already?”
“I came back,” Scott interjected.
“No, you accidentally survived,” Tony cut him off. “It’s a billion to one cosmic fluke. And now you wanna pull off a…. What do you call it?”
“A time heist?” said Scott smiling nonchalantly.
“Yeah, a time heist. Of course,” Tony frowned putting his index finger to his lips. “Why didn’t we think of this before? Oh, because it’s laughable? Because it’s a pipedream?”
“When did you give up?” cut Steve off with rudeness in his tone of voice. “When did you give up? When did you give her up?”
Those were the words that made Tony rise from his seat, tilt his face to one side and force his facial expression.
“You have no idea,” she approached him, pointing her index finger at him. “Where have you been for these five years? Creating an armada of joint therapy groups? Has that helped?”
“Tony…” Natasha interjected, but he barely paid attention.
“While you were out here with your army of crybabies I was out here, day after night trying to find a solution to undo this mess we’ve created,” Tony paused, clenched his jaw and sighed deeply. “So don’t come to me now and say I’ve given it all up for lost.”
It was clear that Steve knew how to set Tony’s mind in motion, he knew where it hurt and how he could reignite their old friendship, it only took him naming you for him when the group left to pick up on every loose end he had created over those last few years.
It was hours of thought processes, of proposing to himself the quantum possibilities that could work, but more importantly the consequences, what could happen and what number of percentages existed to bring you all back. It didn’t take him long to come up with a way out, completely illogical to anyone except those who were as crazy as he was. So it was that after all this time he arrived at the New Avengers facility.
“Why the long face?” the car stopped in front of Steve. “Let me guess, it turned him into a baby.”
“Among other things,” Steve shoved his hands into his trousers pockets and looked straight ahead. “What are you doing here?”
“Not giving her up,” Tony shrugged and got out of the car, introducing himself to Steve, who smiled. “Mind you, I don’t plan to participate in any of your open tears.”
That opened a process of slow reconstruction of the events of the past years. It opened wounds, showed the aftermath, but also reunited all the Avengers who had managed to survive Thanos’ snap. The important thing is that there were enough Pym particles for a round trip for everyone present. But the important thing was to find out where the stones were located depending on the time.
They were fortunate, or rather lucky, that three of the stones met at one point in their own history in New York City, precisely during the Chitauri invasion. That was bound to cause a bitter memory for Tony, but it suddenly changed when he found out what it meant, he would go back there, he would do that mission, and you would be there. You were there when in 2012 the Avengers faced the invasion in New York, it was your first mission, when you were all recruited, when you met for the first time.
“Okay, we have a plan,” Steve reported after he had organised the teams. All eyes were focused on a screen showing the stones and their location. “Six stones, three teams, one shot.”
It was clear that what they were about to face was something completely new, none of them had had time to perhaps acquire the necessary skills to tackle this new job, new mission. It was back to the past, at least they had the advantage of knowing what the future held, of knowing what would be in store for them if they failed to succeed in their tasks.
“Five years ago, we lost.” Steve began a speech to his colleagues positioned in circles on the starting platform. “All of us. We lost friends… We lost family… We lost a part of ourselves,” Steve and Tony’s eyes met. “Today, we have a chance to take it all back.” he paused slightly. “You know your teams, you know your missions. Get the stones, get them back. One round trip each. No mistakes. No do-overs. Most of us are going somewhere we know. But it doesn’t mean we should know what to expect. Be careful. Look out for each other. This is the fight of our lives. And we’re gonna win,” silence filled the room.“Whatever it takes. Good luck.”
After those words, which were encouraging for all the events that were to follow, a space loop embraced each of them, transporting them through time and space, rendering their matter insignificant. Their bodies separated between space cavities transporting them to the right time.
Tony, along with Bruce, Steve and Scott, appeared in an alleyway in New York City in 2012. The smell of dust and molten iron wafted into their nasal cavities. Everything around him was in ruins, the great skyscrapers looked like they were part of a film of the earth’s extinction, it reminded him of some of his worst fears, but it didn’t distract him because he knew how it was going to end.
“We all have our tasks,” Steve informed them, looking around at an overturned car. “Two stones on the outskirts, one in the centre. Keep a low profile,” he shifted his gaze to Tony, who nodded, raising his hands. “Keep an eye on the time.”
Given the orders the group made a point of dispersing, but Steve held Tony’s arm for a second, focusing his gaze on him.
“Are you going to be all right?” His blue eyes showed concern, including his voice as well.
“Of course,” he shrugged nonchalantly. “I’ve been through this once, I can do it again.”
With that said, Tony attached the Iron Man suit to his body and disappeared from the scene. Although his statement exuded self-assurance, he seemed to crumble a little when he reached the top of the Chrysler Building, finding himself in front of Stark Tower. His android vision allowed him to take in the scene taking place on the top floor of his old Tower. There stood the group of Avengers, surrounding Loki, holding him back, he knew that moment as if he had lived it only yesterday, but what almost made his heart stop was to find your figure there. The thrusters of his suit brought him closer to the Tower, accessing the interior through one of the open windows and keeping himself hidden behind some sculptures.
The suit disappeared from his body, becoming Tony Stark again, it was almost unheard of for him, there you were, as if time had never passed. His steps were slow, but he seemed to be completely lost, watching your every move, as if he had no job to do, and his only mission was to watch you. He could not escape the hundreds of memories that came back to him, he even felt guilty about numerous things he had said, done, or not said and done.
“Alright, who gets the wand?” you said holding up Loki’s sceptre.
Your words at that moment came to 2023 Tony with a wide smile, to hear your voice so close to him again and not through any electronic device made a lump form in his throat.
“Are you all right, dude?” Scott cut the moment short.
Tony realised at that very moment that Scott had been on his right shoulder the entire time, a fact that brought all his senses back into focus on the scene he was reliving. The lift opened, ushering in the S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, who were actually Hydra, but none of you knew it at the time.
“All right, you’re up, little buddy. There’s our stone,” Tony whispered to Scott.
“All right,” Scott took up position on his partner’s shoulder. “Flick me.”
There Scott’s mission began, and he made his way to the Tony of the past to join him. The scene on the top floor of Stark Tower continued as if nothing strange was going on.
“You got it?” you asked the past Tony, watching as he put the tesseract into the briefcase.
“Yep,” he replied, closing the case and looking at you with a half smile.
“By the way, how about that drink afterwards Miss Y/L/N?”
“Interesting that you can think of a drink Mr. Stark,” you said crossing your arms over your chest.
“Oh, when I buy someone a drink I’m not just thinking about drinking,” he winked at you to which you narrowed your eyes and headed towards the lift with the other companions. “Is that a yes?”
“Well I try,” muttered the Tony of the present to himself, who inevitably couldn’t hold back a smile as he saw with his own eyes that moment and your way of rejecting it, for it was the beginning of too many things. So, as you all disappeared down the lift he too made his way to his new assigned position.
“ Okay, Cap, I got our scepter in the elevator just passing the 80th floor,” he informed Steve over the intercom. “I’ll head down the hall.”
Steve had his mission, to get the sceptre by pretending to be a Hydra agent in front of those who really were and were now guarding the briefcase. Meanwhile, Tony took over one of the security uniforms of the Shield agents, to impersonate one of them and get the briefcase that had the tesseract inside that was now in the possession of the former Tony.
The avengers arrived at the lobby, Scott in thumb size’, that’s what Tony liked to call him, had to get inside the reactor of his victim to produce a small shock, and so everyone would focus their gaze on the old Tony, while the one from 2023 got hold of the briefcase, but things didn’t go as planned.
“I’m looking forward to going to Shawarma Palace,” Tony was standing next to you, “We could take it as our first date, what do you think?”
“Interesting,” you said, barely looking at him but with a slight smile on your face, “It’ll be great to say that genius billionaire Tony Stark asked me out for shawarma on our first date.”
“You forgot about philanthropist and Playboy,” he added, raising an eyebrow.“So that’s… Oh, Mr. Secretary!”
The conversation with Shield’s superior began, it was the ideal time where Scott had the opportunity to carry out his mission, for the tesseract was disappearing at that moment, and it would be tricky to access it again.
“All right, move it, Stuart Little. Things are getting dicey up here. Let’s go,” Tony informed Scott over the intercom.
It looked like everything was going down the drain, as Scott was in trouble for giving him a cardiac arrhythmia, however, everyone was stunned when at that moment Tony’s body stopped, and then began to convulse and fall to the ground. Your expression suddenly changed, as did the others.
“Tony?” you asked, dropping down beside Tony, worried about what was happening to him.
“Medics!” exclaimed the Tony Stark of 2023, taking in the scene. “You guys, some help!”
“Talk to me,” you said grabbing his face, which was completely flushed since he couldn’t breathe.
“Aw, she’s worried,” the present Tony muttered to himself.
“Is that the machine in your chest?” Thor, who was standing next to him, asked.
Meanwhile Scott, who had emerged from the reactor in the chest of the Tony of the past, pushed hard on the briefcase so that the Tony of the future could take it in his hands and go in search of a way out, but in that instant the Hulk suddenly appeared knocking Tony down, opening the briefcase, making the tesseract fly out and land at the feet of Loki who took it in his hands and disappeared.
“Come on Tony breathe,” you said looking at Thor hoping he would do something about it.
“I’ll try something, but I don’t know if it will work,” Thor brought his hammer to Tony’s chest, specifically the reactor and offered him a small shock, bringing the air back into his lungs. “Yes!”
“Whew, that worked a treat,” he said between gasps, looking at both of us. “Dude, that was crazy,” he thought. “The case.”
“Uhh, the case is…” Thor looked around.
“Where is the case?” you asked getting up trying to intercept him with your gaze.
“Where is Loki?” exclaimed Thor. “Loki!”
Meanwhile, ten meters away from the scene, the Tony from the future was completely knocked to the ground, after the Hulk knocked him down.
“Oh, we blew it,” Tony said without barely getting up, listening to all the conversation you had a few feet away.
The Tony of the future got up and opted to walk through the door leading to the stairs before anyone noticed him, for due to the Hulk’s untimely and shocking appearance, there were hardly any people left in the hall, apart from the Avengers and the Shield agents, of which he was undercover. However, as he was walking down a long corridor on the third floor, something stopped him.
“Excuse me agent,” your voice appeared as if it were an apparition behind him, causing him to stop his steps. “I must ask you to stay in the hall, we need to question everyone present in case we find evidence of what just happened.”
This was completely new, Tony hadn’t experienced it, he didn’t know what was going to happen or how he would best act on this occasion, but he knew that if he turned around you would most likely recognise him, as the black helmet and goggles barely covered his face, leaving the lower part of his face uncovered. At the same time, you kept a SIG Sauer P226 in your hand just at hip level, waiting at all times to watch the reactions of the man in front of you.
“Of course,” said Tony, changing his tone of voice slightly, making it deeper than usual, but still he just kept his position, his back to you.
“Could you turn around and come with me?” you asked with a frown, brushing your fingers over the gun and feeling a bad feeling inside you, for there was something that didn’t sit right with you.
Tony took a deep breath and lowered his face, there were a thousand ideas running through his mind right now, he didn’t know which one was worse than the last, so he connected several pieces and took one that would produce some personal gain, for worse than they were already, perhaps, things couldn’t get any worse.
“Are you sure?”
Slowly Tony’s body turned 180 degrees to face you. His features were obvious, his brown eyes accompanied by honey-coloured flecks, his beard so neatly trimmed, and those full lips, all 100% Tony Stark. But it was obvious to you that this was a trap, Loki had disappeared and you were aware of his every ability to deceive, after all he was the master of mischief. You didn’t stop for a moment to take the gun in your hands and point it firmly in his face, you had a clean shot.
“Loki…” you whispered frowning and squinting one eye to improve your aim.
“Not exactly,” Tony held up his hands retreating back a step, but showing no nervousness at all at the situation. “God, how I resent you mistaking me for him.”
It was at that precise moment, when he had you two metres away pointing a gun to his head, that he realised how long those five years had been, five years without being able to look at your face, without hearing your voice, without your caresses, without your kisses… for which he would die in those moments of your gunshot. He found himself with his hands raised, his body totally paralysed and his lips half-open, in love with you. You were not really the woman he had left behind, it was 2012 and many of your features were changed, but it was you.
“Where is the tesseract?” you asked, bringing him back to his senses. “What have you done with it?”
“That’s what I want to know,” he replied casually and slowly lowered his hands, knowing that bullet wasn’t going to be fired at him.
Tony’s mind worked fast, he was quick in his thoughts and in his actions, although sometimes that could get him into serious trouble because of the consequences of his actions, so he had no idea what he was doing at that moment, because his whole body was begging him to have a meeting with you and so he did. Now it was time to figure out where to go with the situation, but Tony was not a great planner, he flowed with time.
“By the way, did you get rid of that damn FBI agent yet? What was his name?” Tony knew how to test you to make you realise he wasn’t Loki. “Ah yes, Agent Chatter, god, how I hated him. I would have loved to see you spill champagne all over his scalp.”
“How do you… How do you know that?” your voice sounded gruff, but quizzical at the same time, even though you had no intention of conversing with him you were curious as to how the hell he had found out that information, as Tony was the only one who called Matthew ‘Agent Chatter’.
“You told me,” he said taking a step towards you, closing the distance, causing you to back away. “I told you, I’m not Loki.”
“I’ve never told anyone what happened with Matthew,” your breath hitched as you realised you didn’t understand what was going on.
“Well, you haven’t really told me yet,” he narrowed his eyes and cocked his head to one side.
You remained thoughtful for a couple of seconds. “I know exactly what you’re doing,” you tightened your grip on the gun, your hands beginning to sweat. “Your mind games aren’t going to work on me.
The moment was complex to explain, Tony had hundreds of possibilities to offer you in that moment and for you to discover that it wasn’t Loki in front of you, he knew how he could deal with the situation, but he wanted you to be the one to figure it out for yourself. He was playing with fire, he knew better than anyone how space-time worked, but he had an ace up his sleeve, an ace that Steve was carrying at that moment and he would use it later.
Tony slowly brought his hands to his face, causing you to fix your aim again with his moments, you feared what he might do next, for anything was to be expected with Loki, but Tony merely removed his helmet and goggles, dropping them to the ground exposing his full face to you.
A strange feeling came over your body, it was obviously a familiar face, you had spent numerous hours with Tony Stark in the previous weeks, but it wasn’t really your Tony standing before you. The features looked aged, more wrinkles were in the key parts of his face, grey hair was showing through his hair and also in his beard. Concentrating on analysing each of his features made you soften your grip on the gun.
"It’s me,” he murmured, making another attempt to move towards you, and succeeded, bringing the barrel of the gun down on his chest, clattering against his reactor. He gingerly reached out his arm, reaching up to your face and brushing aside a lock of your hair. “I can’t explain too much, but…”
“Tony?” a new voice joined your encounter, snapping you out of your abstraction. “What are you doing?”
Again you put distance between you and Tony, wary of what had just happened and rather guilty for letting yourself be bamboozled by Loki. You looked at the Captain who was coming from the far end of that long hallway and was just now standing metres away from you.
“It’s not Tony, Captain, it’s one of Loki’s tricks,” you explained without looking away from Tony who was looking at Steve a little guilty about the situation that had been created. “Captain, warn the others, inform them that we have Loki on the third floor of the west wing.”
“I. Am. Not. Loki,” Tony qualified each of his words somewhat irritated that you still believed it was Loki. “Can you tell her Cap?”
“Tony, what the hell are you doing?” Steve used a gruff tone, now the one who sounded irritated was him, as he was unaware of where Tony’s plans were headed.
“Shit,” Tony whispered turning his gaze towards him.“When they put that serum in your veins they offered you the gift of inopportunity, didn’t they?”
For you everything was much more confusing, your quick analysis of the situation and the two figures that stood before you had many gaps of information. You knew those guys, you had spent more hours of your life with them than with your family, you had studied them, you had analysed them and really that Steve and Tony that were before you were not the same guys, and there was only one Loki, both could not be Loki, at least within your logic, although with Loki anything goes. But what you realised was that the captain was holding the sceptre, why was the captain holding the sceptre right now?
“I’m sorry Tony, but we have to go,” he repeated firmly, which brought you back to reality.
“I don’t think either of you are going anywhere,” you quickly pulled a new pistol from the back of your suit, two guns for two people standing in front of you.
That elicited a sigh of disgust from Steve, who raised his hands, raising the sceptre in one hand and the shield in the other, halting his stride in his tracks.
“What was your bright idea Tony?” he asked seriously.
“I don’t know Cap, you know I like to improvise,” he shrugged his shoulders without taking his eyes off you, raising his hands and giving you a wide and warm smile, which didn’t affect you at all.
“Great, so improvise if you don’t want me to,” Steve sentenced him without moving from his position.
“She’s mine,” Tony slowly brought his hand to his chest, where he offered himself a couple of taps and the armour ran over every millimetre of him, covering his limbs.
Was Loki really capable of that? Confusion engulfed you, it had all your senses alert, your mind asking a hundred questions you couldn’t answer. But if it’s not any of them Loki who are they?
Tony looked at Steve’s sceptre, that was the only key way out he could think of, but since he had laid all his cards on the table, he wasn’t going to leave without doing one thing first, so he started to close the gap with you.
“If you take one more step…” you began to say, backing down the long corridor of Stark Tower.
“Honey, surely my 2012 self would punch me if he knew his 2023 self was going to do what I’m about to do,” he started to approach you which made you stand on guard, “since I’d take all the credit away from him, because he won’t do it for another two years or so, but…” between the words and his approach you blocked and pulled the trigger of the gun pointed at him, causing the bullet to hit and fall to the ground. “Hey! That hurt, well, not physically, but you just hurt my feelings.”
“Don’t come any closer…” you muttered, aiming both pistols at Iron Man’s armour.
Your gesture was profoundly in vain, as your footsteps stopped and Tony was close enough to grab the pistols tightly and wrestle them out of your hands, throwing them into the distance, unable for you to avoid. At that exact moment, Iron Man’s suit disappeared, allowing you to look at him again, much closer than the first time. You didn’t know if it was a mind game, but you could almost feel a strange connection between your gazes, the way he looked at you as if he wanted to tell you something, as if he was hiding a long way in them.
“God, I’d almost forgotten what your face…” Tony’s words were inconclusive, but he voiced a smile at the end of them.
What? you wanted to ask out loud, it was so strange, so incomprehensible to you that you were almost terrified at that moment. His eyes looked at you as if they had known you all your life, as if you had lived too many moments together to remember them all, and you just wanted to ask him about it, but you did not. Tony’s arm was around your waist before you could even react and he pulled you close to him, his lips firmly against yours. For Tony it was one of the best sensations of his life, every limb seemed to fill with energy, his skin bristled, he placed his other hand on your back preventing you from fleeing if you had any intention of doing so. He felt your body scent envelop him again after so many years away from you and it brought a lump to his throat. He didn’t want to separate from you, he couldn’t separate from you, he was terrified inside, he could hardly move his lips, for he feared you would run away if he did.
On your part it was something completely unexpected that you didn’t know how to carry out, it seemed that your common sense was lost somewhere, as if it had extrapolated from your body and didn’t act. Your eyes remained open for the first few seconds, observing the nothingness, but when you felt his second hand on your back to bring you closer to him, they closed very slowly, as if you expected to receive an answer from this act to your numerous doubts. You held still, with no intention of separating yourself from him. You wouldn’t deny that you hadn’t thought about what it would be like to kiss Tony Stark, but that wasn’t the Tony Stark you knew.
It was time that decided when to end it, Tony’s face was the one that put distance, but his minus was still glued to your back. He leaned his forehead against yours, exposing his ragged breath against your face.
“Who are you?” you whispered against his lips without opening your eyes yet.
Tony pulled back a few inches, opened his eyes and brought his hands to your face analysing every facial feature before him, running his thumb over your cheeks and lips.
“I promise I’ll fix it,” he whispered feeling himself. “It’ll be all right.”
“What…  What will be alright?” your hesitation felt present in your words, it was incomprehensible what he was saying.
“I…” began Tony.
As if the breath stopped in your lungs, you took one last exhale before everything went dark and you hips surrendered in Tony’s arms. The tip of the sceptre had grazed your body causing you to enter a deep sleep from which when you awoke you would possibly think that everything you had experienced was a dream, or that it was really Loki who was playing with you.
“It would have been rather more gentlemanly of you to let me do it,” Tony looked at Steve spitefully as he held your body in his hands.
A fearful sigh escaped Tony’s lips as he carefully laid your body on the floor and ran his palm over his face, facing a voice that told him he couldn’t leave.
“Tony, we can’t leave any loose ends,” Steve whispered as he watched Tony continue to hold you in his arms. “I know how much you want to get back to her. So the sooner we get this over with, the sooner you’ll be reunited,” Steve rested his hand on Tony’s shoulder. “By the way, where do you have the tesseract?”
“Interesting question…”
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witlessficcer · 3 years
Climbing Trees
Note: This started out a Drabble Before Bed for which I started a series last night. However, of late, when it comes to Peggy and Nat, I can’t keep it short and I can’t keep their hands off each other. I hope you enjoy and will return for more down the line. 
Summary: Nat teaches Peggy a lesson about climbing trees. 
The sun was shining, a breeze was blowing, and the freshly mowed grasses was greener and smelled sweeter than Natasha had experienced in a long time. She and Peggy lay under a Oak tree on the outskirts of Tony's property in upstate New York. The tree had a lovely canopy providing shade from the sun, but still allowing flecks of light to dance across their bodies.
Nat was casual in faded blue jeans and loose white t-shirt while Peggy wore Khaki cargo shorts and a Navy muscle shirt. As usual, the brunette had her hair in a ponytail, but her normal blocky glasses had been replaced by a pair of tortoise shell Ray-Bans. Nat thought she looked hot, all bulging delts and and sculpted calves.
Nat turned her head to look at the old oak, which caused Peggy to stir. Nat's head lay on her upper thigh as Peggy rested her head and back against one of trees massive roots.
“Have I told you how much I love climbing this tree?” Natasha asked, casually.
“I didn't know you liked climbing trees?” Peggy replied.
“Not trees in general,” Nat said, reaching up and letting her fingers play along the other woman's bicep and into the crook of here elbow. “Just this one.”
“That tickles,” the former SSR agent said, as goosebumps rose on her arm. “What makes this tree so special?”
Natasha sat up against Peggy's rigid thigh. She looked into those deep brown eyes and sighed. Flicking her eyes up, she said. “Strong branches for one. I can't very well climb a tree that can't hold me, right?”
“I suppose not,” Peggy agreed, wondering where Nat's tangent thought process was headed.
“And, the leaves, you know,” Nat continues, looking at the tree and back at her girlfriend. “They provide great protect for surveillance.”
Peggy knitter her brows in confusion. “Who or what are you spying on out here? Acres of green grass?”
Nat let the comment pass as she stood and held her arms out to the oak as if to hug it. “You know what of my favorite things is about climbing this tree? Knots. The curvature of them and the roundness. They protrude from the trunk. The shape of them is truly glorious.”
“They are usually indented aren't they?” Peggy said from he crossing her outstretched legs and appraising her boat shoes. “They stick out but have a hole in them. Not sure I get the glory in that, Babe.”
“It's a hand hold, Cap?” The Black Widow entreated, reaching out and flexing  her hand at the well proportioned woman on the ground. “Don't you get it. For climbing?”  
“Where are you going with this, Nat?” Peggy asked, lost in weirdness of it all. “I'm not following.”
In a lightning quick motion, Nat sprang toward her love and straddled her across her waist, placing her arms on Peggy's shoulders, kneading the hardened tissue below. “Branches,” Nat said, leaning forward and kissing the shoulder carefully. Rising and going to Peggy's left she kissed it as well. The brunette leaned forward to kiss Natasha on the mouth. The blonde evaded the attempt, shaking her head seductively, and drawing her fingers in a soft caress along her lover's jawline.  
Natasha glided her fingers along each of Peggy's temples where her ponytail kept her luxurious, chocolate locks confined. In another swift motion, the hair tie was gone and a flash flood of brown hair fell about her neck. “Leaves,” Nat whispered along her cheek, rising slightly on her knees to pepper Peggy's hair with kisses.
Peggy's calm was breaking. She clamped her hands on to the Widow's hips. She was starting to understand. As Nat kissed her hair, familiar nipples pressed against the thin white cotton of the t-shirt. It was all Peggy could do not to take one into her mouth. The kisses on her hair ceased and Nat rested back on her haunches, her green eyes boring into Peggy's own.
“What do you think is next, Cap?” Natasha teased. “I think you should come climbing with me next time.”
“If I r-recall, next is k-knots,” Peggy pale neck and face were flushed bright pink.
“And what are knots good for when climbing, Peggy?” Nat whispered, leaning into touch her forehead to her lover's.
“Hand h-holds.”
“Hand holds,” Nat repeated, placing each of her hands over the taught nipples protruding from the navy active wear and squeezing gently. “How's my grip?”
Peggy's breath hitched as the dual sensation of her fondled nipples sent signals to her core. Nat had had her fun and Captain Carter was about to turn the tables. “I suggest a firmer grip, Little Girl. The weather is about to change.” With that, Peggy bent her knees and leaned forward, both of Nat's hands latched to her breasts and edged her way up the root of the lower trunk. Planting each of her hands on Natasha's ass, she pulled the smaller woman close to her as swung them both 180 degrees, pressing Nat perhaps a little hard against the tree trunk. Nat's hands had lefts her breasts and were now wrapped tightly around her neck.
“I see, now, what you mean, Nat,” Peggy said, tonguing the inside of her bleeding lip, some of coating her lower and upper lip. Grabbing handful of Nat's colored blonde hair, she pulled gingerly, causing the back of Nat's head to hit the harsh bark.
Natasha kissed Peggy passionately, aroused by being pressed against the tree. The kisses were not gentle as the two tried desperately to overpower each others mouths. Finally, Nat bit Pegg'ys lower lips, drawing blood.
“Trunk,” Natasha grunted.
The Widow gasped loudly at the pull of her hair and minor pain in her skull. Peggy pressed her open mouth over Nat's kissed her hard, sharing the blood, the other had drawn.
“You know what else a tree has, Nat, Hmm?” Peggy demanded.
Nat's eyes narrowed and she sneered. “Rings, I imagine. To show their age!”
Peggy's arousal was peaked. Her hips pressed into Natasha's center which was open given her legs were hanging on her study hips.
“A-hem!” came the clearing of a throat which was purely perfunctory, in order to gain attention. “If the teenagers are done making out behind the bleachers we have work to do.”
A bucket of cold mortification was poured over Peggy and Nat's inflamed passion. Still standing with her back to the intruder, Peggy said: “It's Tony, right?”
Nat, who was looking Tony Stark in the face, whispered: “Yeah. Tony.”
Peggy set Natasha down on the ground and straightened her shorts and shirt. Natasha did the same. Both grown women flushed with excitement and embarrassment, stood ready to take whatever sarcastic sword Stark was going to wield.
He just stood there. Silently looking at them.
“How long have you b-been there?” Peggy stammered.
Stark fidgeted, impatiently,pulling off his sun glasses and absently pointing them at the women. “Long enough to hear your little arborist lesson. Like I said, let's go. Time's a wastin' as my father used to say.”
“You've been here the whole time?” Peggy cried, her British accent intensifying.
Tony looked around nervously. There was no one in sight, but the three of them.  “Not here, here. But I heard. I was...up there?” He raised a hand that was immediately covered by Iron Man's glove and pointed skyward. It dissolved just as quickly.
“Oh my GOD!” Peggy said, covering her face in shame.
“This place isn't that remote,” Tony continued. “And, you weren't really hiding.”
Nat swallowed hard, biting the inside of her cheek to regain her own control. “You're not helping, Tony.”
“Listen, what you two have going on is your own business. It's not my place to tell you what to do. But next time, get a room. There are plenty of them inside. Look, we'll keep this between the three of us.
Stark's Iron Man suit encapsulated his entire body this time as the lights flew on in his eye slits. “Briefing in 15, Ladies. I expect to see you there.” With that he rose into the sky and disappeared.
Peggy turned to Nat, grief stricken. “I can't bloody believe this.”
Nat said noting but hugged her tightly placing her head against her Captain's ample chest. “Don't worry about him, Peggy. He can be an ass most of the time, but he knows when to keep things to himself.”
“I feel like punching the lights out of those little eyes slits of his,” Peggy said, still furious.
“Peggy,” Nat repeated, softly. “Don't worry about him. He's...Tony. He's not malicious. Most of the time. Let's head back. You okay?”
“If it makes you feel any better, I like to finish what I start.”
“Yeah,” Peggy said, raising an eyebrow in interest. “I've heard that about you.”
“Especially, when it comes to climbing trees.”  
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sketch-yard · 4 years
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emperorsfoot · 5 years
Me: *updates fic*
Me: *waits*
Me: *waits*
Me: *continues to wait*
*someone posts a comment*
Me: *vibrates with excitement!*
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brandnewwingz · 5 years
Every single character in my fanfics @ me:
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hermioneseries · 6 years
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Hello, hey, hi – are these not the most adorable pictures you've ever seen in your life?
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wardcolm · 6 years
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Ward and Malcolm Assassin and Rebel
Enemies to Lovers
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mad-march28 · 6 years
Rating: Mature
Title: Joker’s Game
Fandom: Yuri On Ice!!!
Pairing: Yuuri Katsuki / Victor Nikiforov
He’s nearing the end when he hears footsteps. He stops walking and the footsteps stops.
Up ahead he sees a man. Young. Dark hair. Asian.
Is he the Joker?
“W-who are you?” He winced when he spoke. His voice too loud on the quiet alley.
The man stayed silent for a moment before replying. “Well, I think you should know who I am. You broke the Rules, after all.”
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8bitscarlet · 3 years
Talk to Me
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Summary: Your body has started its faster than a normal physical recovery from last mission's injuries. The words you utter towards a certain witch might start your slower than normal emotional recovery.
Pairing: Wanda x Reader
Genre/Warnings: Angst (cussing, mention of suicide)
Word Count: 4.9k
A/N: Here's part five of Accidentally on Purpose! Happy reading! Shoutout to @yeetus-thyself for that idea in the beginning in a reblog comment 😂. Happy reading!
*please do not repost or translate my material or claim as yours. reblogs, comments and likes are always appreciated!*
You wake quietly on a stiff mattress, sucking in a slow breath as you listen to distant mutterings and a slow incessant beeping near your ear. Without moving, you peer through one of your eyes and take in the scene around you.
Nat is asleep in a chair near your bed, arms crossed and chin dipped into her rising and falling chest. Further down the room, Stark is tinkering with a machine as he talks to Wanda, you can just catch a muttering of your name pass between their lips. Banner stands next to Steve who looks like he's drawing blood, a small squeeze ball in his hand. Wanda walks from the room and shuts the door behind her, quieting the room to just the beeping of the machine you're hooked too.
Quietly as you can, you close your eyes and suck in a deep breath, filling your lungs with air. Gradually, you feel the small twitches in your body as the beeping machine begins to slow. The machine clicks and the alarm blares out, your heart rate and respiration too low for someone who should be alive.
The chair Nat was in squeals against the floor, "Banner, hurry up!"
You can feel the presence of the crowd around you, someone checking on the machine as another grabs your limp arm to feel your pulse. You nearly break, feeling the need to smile but you hold it for just a moment longer.
"JARVIS, give me a look. Now!” You hear Tony say and know the ruse will be up if you don't act first.
Tearing your hand from Nat, you open your eyes to Tony who's leaning in and trying to scan you and yell, "Boo!"
Tony lets out a yell as he jumps back from you, leaning against the wall. Nat clenches her fists but slams her hands over her face as she squats to the floor. Banner nearly knocks over the machine as Steve stands in worry from his chair.
"If you weren't just stabbed, I'd punch you in the face!" Natasha yells at you, sliding her hands through her hair roughly, "I hate you so much."
You're trying to stop your laughter as it sends pain through your not fully healed wound. You can feel your face grow with heat from your fits of laughter, "It was too good to pass up. You should've seen your faces."
"I suppose we have the answer to how you're feeling, Y/N," Steve chuckles as Banner removes the needle from his arm, standing and rolling down his button down sleeve.
Nat throws the bed remote at you as she sits back in her chair, refusing to help you adjust yourself after what you've done. You grimace as you sit yourself up and point at the Captain,
"Are we having a blood drive? I might need to be excused."
Banner pushes his glasses up his nose, wringing his fingers from the fright you just gave him. Watching him, you give him an apologetic grin, glad you didn't scare the green guy out of him.
"Your body was rejecting Nat's blood," Banner starts as you glance at her.
Nat rolls her eyes, "You've always been picky."
Banner clears his throat, "You and Steve share the same type and a very similar mutation of the super soldier serum. So, his blood kept you from dying of blood loss." With a quiet nod, he takes the bag of blood and places it in a nearby medical refrigerator.
You raise your brows as he tells you this, quietly surprised that they went that far to save you. Steve sticks a straw in a juice box and empties it in one drink, handing you one as well. You're ready for some sugar, you can feel the lightness in your head every time you try to move.
"You're welcome," Steve grins at your silent thank you, watching you try to line the straw up with the foil.
You chuckle, "That was more than a cake, Rogers. You didn't have to do that," Nat gives up watching you helplessly fail at opening the juice box, ripping it from your hands and stabbing the straw in, "Thanks, mom."
She makes a disgusted face, shaking her head with a shiver, "Never, ever call me that again."
Smirking, you take a drink of the sweet apple juice and give her a wink. Tony, having recovered from his small heart attack, pops some almonds into his mouth, pointing at everyone.
"I'm sorry, are we just handing out thank you's to these three?" You give Tony your attention with a raised brow, "I let you use this high tech gear- that still had plastic on it - and I don't get a thanks? I told you Romanoff, we should've just dropped them off at the emergency room. "
"Always the modest one, Stark. I am humbled by your generosity," you tell him, watching him give a smirk, "I don't know if you guys meant to do this but this is starting to really feel like a team."
Nat reaches next to her seat as you see the chuckles from everyone, "The other two on the team got you snacks," raising her hands, you can see two boxes of your most favorite snacks in the world.
You crush your empty juice box in excitement to tear into those boxes, "Wanda poisoned them didn't she?"
Tony pats the mini fridge without glancing back at you, "I think she poisoned the juice boxes to be honest."
The clink of metal catches your attention, you peer over at Nat as she holds up a small circular can, "And she got you these?"
Vienna Sausages. You let out a soft chuckle as you take them in your palm. Slowly, you turn the blue can in your hands, clenching your jaw softly but feel the corner of your lip rise in a grin.
"Safe to say, she still hates you," Nat says, stealing one of your snacks and heads towards the door, "Get some more rest, I'm sure you'll be out of that bed from going stir crazy soon."
As always, Natasha was right. Your body sunk into your mattress and your mind was taken with a deeper sleep than it was accustomed to. There was a reason you sleep on the floor, it gave you an opportunity to wake up before nightmares plagued you. If you fell into a deep sleep, you'd be lost in them and wake in a tormented and panicked state.
The exhaustion in your body was too much for you after making the journey to your room with Steve's help. You told yourself just a short nap and you'd go down to the floor. You convinced yourself that you'd be okay. You were wrong, terribly wrong.
You wake with a start, your heart pounding in your chest as it sends unwelcome pain down into your side and thigh. Clutching your damp blankets, you try to roll to your side to keep sleeping, trying to ignore the visions in your head. You're terrified about what you will if you open your eyes, if what's you're seeing in your head will be happening on the outside.
All of the pain, the agony, and the blood. Your breath quivers in your throat as you feel the heat beneath the blankets grow with your sweating body. Slowly, your heart begins to calm and the images in your head disperse into blank darkness. Opening your eyes carefully, you release your bated breath as you can see the low light of the evening peeking from the curtains. Gently, you slide out of your bed, resting your sweating face in your hands.
Dull pain radiates through your whole body as you reach out for the pills left on your bedside table. Taking them as you chug a whole glass of water, you carefully push yourself up to your feet.
Holding a light hand to your side, you limp towards your dresser and pull out a new shirt. The one you're currently in is soaked through with sweat, reminding you of your violent nightmares. It takes you longer than you'd like to get it up and over your head, but you get it done.
Walking out your door, you guide your hand along the cold walls. Taking careful steps down the quiet hallways, you can see the radiating light of the conference room. You stop by the kitchen for another juice box pick me up and head towards the light. Peeking in, you count four people inside. Tony and Banner seem to have already left for the day. Nat is the first to notice you, watching you limp towards the room with the slightest shake of her head as she stands.
Opening the door for you, you slump into a seat with a sigh. Everyone is staring at you, wondering why the hell you're out of bed so soon. Nat's the only one who sits down and continues to work. She's seen you get back up and work with worse injuries. Though she’d like to patronize you and yell you that you don’t grow accustomed to gunshots and stab wounds, she saves her breath.
"You can continue, I'll catch up," you say.
Wanda lets out a scoff, "Are you kidding me right now?"
You glance at her, "Nope. I'm still this good looking."
Wanda shakes her head, nearly snapping the blue pen in her hand, 'You almost died and you think you can just waltz in here like nothing happened?"
"I was fine. I am fine. End of discussion."
"No, you dumbass!" She snaps at you, standing up sharply, "You lost four pints of blood!"
You raise your brows, "Wow, that's gotta be a record." Sucking the last of your juice, you notice the team is still carefully watching Wanda.
She stares at you, playing with the rings on her fingers. You look from her piercing stare, letting out a quiet huff. Nat glances at both of you gingerly as Steve and Sam try to stay on track but their eyes keep bouncing back to you two.
"I don't know why you keep getting pissed off. I didn't ask them to shoot at you! And it's not my fault you weren't paying attention."
"And I didn't ask you to jump in front of me!"
With a sigh, you rub your throbbing temples. The only thing you want to be doing right now is getting back to completing your contract, not arguing over who should have let who get shot. You throw your hands up, "Why didn't you move out of the way? You called me an idiot but I saved your life!"
Her head drops and you notice a look in Rogers' eyes, "That thing could've shot through you. I could have put up my shield if-."
"Well, it didn't. I'm not riddled with bullets on the side of the road, am I?" You shake your head as you stab another juice box, "Chill out, princess."
Sucking at the juice, the room becomes deathly quiet. Glancing up, you see her face contort as you finish your sentence, her knuckles turning white as she grips the chair she stands near. Rogers steps towards her, whispering something to her as your eyes catch her trembling lips.
Wanda shoves his comforting arm away and slams out of the room. She doesn't even try to insult you as she passes, you only heard the squeak of a sob in her throat. Nat rests her face in her hands, shaking it with a groan. Sam gives you a look that tells you that you just screwed up.
As Steve strides after Wanda you raise your brows, "What did I do?"
Sam stands, flipping through the datapad Steve left behind. Nat piles up her papers and speaks,
"Wanda had a twin. A brother. Pietro."
Sam slides the datapad across to you and you see a familiar face. Your throat dries as a sudden chill hits your chest with a heavy weight.
"He died the exact way you described. Trying to save his home from Ultron."
Swiping through the photos, you stop when you see a familiar lab. Strucker's prized pupils. They were related.
You lean your head back into the chair, your face pinching with regret as you let out a groan. Running your hands down your face roughly, you stare at the photo,
"Shit. I didn't know."
You glance up at Sam who has his arms crossed, a disappointed look on his face. He gives a little shrug, "We know you two don't see eye to eye. But, you two are going to have to learn to stop freaking yelling."
With a sigh, you pick at the dry skin around your finger, "You think she wants to rip my limbs off right now?"
Sam chuckles, "It's probably at a record high right now."
You spent the rest of the day reading through the files. Reading about Strucker's experiments and not just on the twins. All of them, all of the volunteers and the horrors they were put through to only be discarded. You read about the mission the Avengers went on, their failure to catch Strucker. The creation of Ultron and the destruction of Sokovia. You read it all as you recovered in an arm chair in a quiet living room.
It was the first time you had been in the compound that it was actually quiet. Everyone was still resting from the mission and you were left alone. It was odd, you were used to a pair of eyes on you at all times. Yet here you were with free reign over the place. You could eat the snacks Sam thinks he hits so well behind the vegetables.
Nat comes around the corner, clutching her hoodie tightly as she yawns from the nap still on her brain. You adjust yourself again in the chair, unable to find a comfortable spot to rest. She stops, noticing your fidgeting state. Cocking a brow, you look towards her.
"What's wrong with you?" She asks, continuing to the kitchen and peering into the fridge.
You sigh, "I don't think I've gone longer than a day not being insulted."
Nat glances back and then around the room. Her face clenches with realization, "Weird. Wanda's door was open but she's not... I'm sure she's fine. You on the other hand," she starts to mix leftovers in a bowl, "need to go and rest."
You chuckle and slowly stretch against your stiff and protesting muscles, "Don't act like my mother if you don't want me to call you mom, Romanoff."
She sits near you, flipping on the television as you flip to the front of the files again. Her green eyes rest on it and you hear her sigh,
"Don't you have that memorized by now?"
You snap it shut, "How didn't I know they were related, Nat? God, that was a stupid thing to say."
Nat nods, "I wouldn't be surprised if she stabbed you and twisted the blade like you did next time she sees you."
"Ha ha," you glare at her," I thought we were friends. Don't friends make each other feel better?"
Flipping the tv on a cooking channel, Natasha lets out a scoff, "If you want to be my friend, you're getting bitter truth."
Sinking into the armchair further, you pull a blanket up and pop the footrest up, "I saved your sister. Give me some slack."
The two of you sat together for a while longer. Talking about the good old days that were really the worst days of your lives. Even through the rose colored glasses of nostalgia, you both laughed at the horribleness of being mere puppets for organization after organization.
At least with the Avengers, your opinion actually mattered. There wasn't an illusion of choice.
Eventually, you took Nat's advice to rest your eyes that were starting to droop. Laying on your floor in a sleeping bag, you wait for dreamless sleep to take you. As you listen to the clicking of your fan, there's a soft knock on your door. Slowly, you climb out from the cloth inside, taking a quick glance at the clock. It's close to midnight, your chest clenches as you hope there isn't an emergency as you turn the door handle quietly.
You're not sure what you expected but the redhead on the other side of the door was not the expectation in your head.
Wanda stands there, puffy eyes and hunched shoulders as she twirls away at her rings. You clench your brows at how small she looks in front of you. Usually so confident and purposeful when next to you, trying to constantly prove that the moment you provoke her you won't have any limbs. You watch her, wondering why of all the doors she stopped in front of yours.
She either hears your thoughts or realizes where she is because you watch her green eyes expand, "I'm sorry, I didn't... I shouldn't be here."
She starts to walk away, muttering something to herself. Everyone else is asleep or not in the mood to talk. You have nothing else going on and you know you're the reason behind her pain. Leaning out of the threshold, you quietly call after her before she can get around the corner. Wanda stops, glancing over her shoulder as you wave her back,
"Come inside. We can go back to hating each other tomorrow."
Both of you stare at each other in the darkness. Her eyes bouncing between the emptiness of the Compound and you. You don't move a muscle as you let her decide, you don't dare think a single thought either.
Eventually, her feet take her back to you and you step back inside of your room. As she closes the door behind her, you flick on a lamp and lock your eyes on her. Wanda holds herself carefully, glancing around your boring and nearly empty room, your bed covers tucked in tightly. There's nothing personal in here besides a journal that lays on your desk and the sleeping bag she gently toes. There's files from missions on your desk but your shelves are bare. Someone could easily mistake this room as empty with a quick glance.
Pulling out the chair beneath your desk, you push it gently towards her. You lean against your dresser, crossing your legs as you hold out your hand for her to sit. Wanda presses her lips in a thin line, continuing to scan the room again.
You grin as you try to lighten the air, "What's up, Maximoff? What can I, the mercenary who is a great therapist on the side, do for you?"
She closes her eyes with a heavy sigh, "You really think you're god's gift to the world don't you?"
You glance down at the floor, nodding a quiet apology. She's not here for your snarky comments. You've done enough of that. You've never been one to comfort another, though. That was never your job. There were times when something went wrong and you'd try giving solace but it wasn't your best ability.
You flick a glance to Wanda, "Is this about Pietro?"
Her eyes fling to yours as his name leaves your lips. Tears fill her eyes as you watch her hands clench tightly, chest rising against her rough breathing. Carefully eyeing her, you watch her head tilt to the side,
"What did you just say?"
Her scathing tone sends shiver down your spine but you point towards your desk, "I read the files. I know... I know Pietro died. From Ultron."
You realize the head tilt was a warning for you to shut up because the second mention of his name sends you backwards. Her palms slam into your chest, her magic rippling out as the red in her eyes darken against her scowl.
The back of your head slams against the wall as you grip at the invisible grip on your neck. She leans into you, her scowl shaking with anger and pain, the tears visible now,
"Don't ever say that name in front of me again, do you understand?" The magic around your neck squeezes as her words drip with her accent, "You do not taint his name by speaking it!"
Your back is lifted from the wall and slammed back with her yell. Your legs collapse under you as you fall to the floor, heat exploding from your wounds and a tightness in your throat. As the red glow in your room dims, you watch as Wanda crumbles into a tight ball in the middle of the floor. She grips her hair tightly, softly rocking herself on her heels as you hear the high pitched wails of her sobs.
You don't move, only watch from your pained position as you slowly breathe in and out. Pressing your palm over your lips, you watch with a weight in your chest that you had ignored for years. Wanda quiets as she wipes her eyes.
"You killed them. You buried them," she whispers as she stares at the ground, "You weren't there but all of those people who died, those volunteers, you did that. I blame you. If you didn't fulfill those goddamn contracts..."
Grimacing as you sit yourself up, you stare vacantly at the wall, "Someone else would've."
Wanda sucks in a breath, looking up at the ceiling as she shakes her head, "This is the part where you apologize."
"If I didn't someone else would have. Me apologizing doesn't change anything." You keep the cycle going, you push everything down. The guilt, the shame, the loneliness. The minute you apologize, the minute you think for a second that what you did was the wrong thing, you lose. You break.
Wanda shakes her head slowly, grinning to herself. She must've thought this would've gone a different way and now she realizes how wrong she was, how silly she was to think you'd apologize. Wanda stands, pulling out a piece of paper from her hoodie. Stepping towards you, she drops it into your lap.
"Then this is the part where you leave."
You hold the paper in the lamp light and sigh. It's the wire receipt.
"You're a waste of air. You are not one of us, okay? You're just some random asshole who got dragged into all of this!" Wanda breathes in carefully, rubbing her forehead. "So take your stupid money, get a taxi and leave."
Clenching your jaw, you hold the piece of paper up for her to take, "I signed a contract."
The laugh that comes from her lips sends shivers down your spine, "You're not even here because it's the right thing. You're just here because you signed on a dotted line. God! I'd say you're unbelievable but I'm not surprised."
"Hey! I didn't sign up for a lecture, especially not one from you!"
Wanda whips around as you slowly climb to your feet, causing you to flinch in preparation for another attack. She notices and takes a step back before yelling, "Then why are you still here!"
"Because I'm obligated to be!" you shout, balling up the paper and throwing it at the door.
"Why!" She slams her hands into your chest over and over as her voice cracks, "It's a piece of paper! No one will care if you leave and just die!"
You grip her hands as she tries to hit you again, "You're the first mistake that's come back!"
Your face falls as you realize the words you've spoken, dropping your eyes from her wide eyes. Clenching your jaw, you let her limp arms fall as you step away from her. Kicking at the ground, you rub your face violently as you try to calm your racing heart. There's a pit in your stomach that you haven't felt for years. All of these emotions are reaching their peak and all you can do is let out an involuntary laugh.
"I've been doing this for a long time," you say as you squint your eyes and find your words carefully, "My choices never caught me and looked me in the eye. I did my job and that. Was. It." You hit your thigh with each solid word, "I never had to think about it again."
Running your fingers along your nose, you breathe out a shaky breath before opening your eyes. Wanda is watching you, having stepped a few steps away from you. You raise your brows, waiting for her furious retaliation but she quietly sighs.
"It's too late to fix what you've done. My brother is dead. And now I'm this witch."
You glance quickly to her, watching her eyes flicker to your door. Your lips part but all you can do is shut it into a frown. Without another glance to you, she starts to walk towards the door. Watching her walk away, you place your hands on your waist and mutter to yourself. Wanda stops and looks over at you, at the haunted look on your face.
"I lied."
She turns to face you, arms crossed in front of her as she waits for you to speak. Sucking in a deep breath, you glance up from your hanging head,
"My choices have always caught me. I just... ignored them. I can't sleep because every time I close my eyes I see them. The ones I've killed with my own hands," you grip your waist tightly as you swing your eyes to hers, "The ones I've killed by my choices."
You wipe at your mouth, shaking your head with disgust, "You know, I almost died once. My fault, of course," you chuckle darkly and pinch the bridge of your nose, "But uh... I wished for a long time that they had just let me die. Didn't stitch me back up. Let my heart stop when it did. And then I went out on my first solo mission."
You bite down on your tongue, realizing none of this is going to do any good. Glancing up with a sigh, you're half expecting Wanda to have left already. Instead, she's sunk down on your bed and watches you with eyes that search for something. As your eyes rest on hers, you notice the slight raise of her brows, revealing she's waiting for you to talk. You oblige.
"It was a hit. No witnesses, so civilians weren't off limits," you clear your throat as you carefully sit down into your chair, "I did it. Not an ounce of conscience, there was only the job. And as I left, it started to rain."
Wanda contorts her face in confusion, watching you lean onto your shaking knees, "It was the first time I had felt rain in years. I just stood there, letting it fall over my skin. I had felt pain every day of my life but right then? All I could feel were those drops along my skin. Washing away the blood. Washing away my deeds."
You chuckle at how stupid you're sounding as you run your finger along the calluses of your hand, eyeing the scars on your arms, remembering the scars on your body.
"I know that didn't happen. I just... I had been told every day what to do, what to say, what to think, what to feel. That the moment I became a mercenary, saw the world for my own, I could choose my own life. I could choose my jobs. But I was lost without a moral compass," you glance up at Wanda with a soft grin that tries to hold the stinging in your eyes, "But, you know that already."
Wanda nods, silent as you stand up without another word. You slide your journal from the desk into your hands, opening your dresser as you pile some clothes in your arms. Resting your hand on the new dent in your wall, you can feel the tightness in your stomach, the flatness of your stare.
Clenching your brow, you turn to her, "I know you don't trust me. You've told me enough that you want to rib off my limbs. But, I really am sorry for what happened. Maybe if I had died that day you'd be better off."
You give a small grin but you can't hide the grimace on your face as you think of all the others you've affected. It overwhelms you just to even think about your repercussions. Stopping at the door, you peer back at her frozen state,
"You can stay in here if you wish. Trash the place, whatever. I haven't slept in the weight room yet."
As you grab the sleeping bag from the floor and toss it over your shoulder, Wanda lets out a breath, her choked cry freezes your steps. You glance back to see her quietly wiping her eyes.
"Just one thing," you say, turning as you hold onto the door handle. She doesn't look but you keep going, "what else did you see in my head?"
This grabs her attention as she gently looks at you, "I... it was hard at first. I wasn't expecting... so much pain. The regret."
You clench your jaw, all the things you wished to never give the light of day. To try to live blissfully in a perfect life where you controlled it. Everything was waiting like wolves at the door.
"Your desire to just... to stop everything."
You dig your toe into the ground, you shouldn't have asked. You bite down hard on your lip, stopping its trembling.
"How do you keep going?"
Her voice is so quiet you almost miss what she's saying to you. Glancing into her tired eyes, you quietly pat the clothes in your arms. You'd never thought about what keeps you going, let alone had someone ask. Yet, as you look at her, she's not asking just because she's curious. She's asking for herself. A question you know she's asked herself a million times, why keep going?
Nodding in the realization, you kneel down carefully next to her, grimacing at the dull pain that radiates through you. Sucking in a calming breath you look at her, "I spent a long time, I struggled a long time. I didn't want to keep going. But you just... no matter what happens, you just keep finding something to fight for."
Wanda's eyes linger on yours for a moment, hearing the sincerity in your words as your voice breaks. You swallow tightly, "I'm still trying to find something."
You bow your head slightly, hiding your pained grimace as you stand,
"Goodnight Maximoff."
As you begin to shut the door, the softest glow of sunset red warps around the door and stops it. You open your stinging eyes and peer back inside as Wanda slowly looks to you. There's a tightness in your chest as you know she can see your trembling chin and sagging shoulders.
"Goodnight, Y/N."
___________________ Part 6
Taglist (let me know if you want to be added!):
@iliketozoneout @lostandsearching @lynxwhispurrs @rooskaya-yelena @yeeterthekeeper @aos22 @sxfwap @women-am-i-right @marie45019 @lucydiibi @raincloudtoyoursunshine @olsensnpm @cristin-rjd @idkbubs @yeetus-thyself @hello-mtf @royalityofmultifandom @nfatale05 @cyberbonesworld @when-wolves-howl @333hhm
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stories-me · 3 years
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Potential Character for Mrs. Kelsey and Tumblr 12/2/2021: 
 Ace the Bathound: 
 Appearance: (see above... but, when in “Hero Mode”, add a cowl similar to Batman’s, a Batman symbol, and a “utility collar”). 
Ace was a pretty streetwise dog, but he still was captured by animal control, and taken to a shelter. A shelter where he met three other animals that would become some of the founders of the League of Super-Pets: PB the potbellied pig, Chip the squirrel, and Merton the turtle. 
Like the other three, he gained super-powers from a piece of X-Kryptonite that fell into the shelter (in his case, super-strength), and teamed up with Krypto the Superdog. Now, he works with Batman (who he insists is his “partner”, not his “owner”). 
Meanwhile, a group of villain animals are plotting to form their own “Legion of Doom”… 
How he is like me: 
We’re both funny, likeable, strong, and smart. I also would like to be thought of like that. Having grown up on the streets, he’s not used to a more “domesticated” life, and insists Batman is his “partner”, and is more “street smart” than “people smart”. We both have trouble understanding people. He doesn’t exactly know acceptable ways to get attention, and is learning to trust people. And humans don’t exactly understand pets, which can be frustrating. He and Krypto can help each other in various ways. 
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lissachan504 · 5 years
New Fic
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amylillian22 · 4 years
Important Info. Regarding My Writings. PLEASE READ!
I know two days ago, I told y’all I was going to post a new Chris Evans imagine for y’all. Not only has it been a long and VERY tiring two days, but I’ve also been dealing with reporting someone on Wattpad for publishing MY works on THEIR account. They have copied from Tumblr and pasted it on Wattpad as their own.
The sad part is, this has happened to me to SEVERAL times. It’s absolutely frustrating! It’s not that hard to NOT steal someone’s hard and long hours of work to claim as yours. Even if you do ask the author for their permission.
I’m lucky I have readers who have my back and inform me when someone has stolen my works and posted it somewhere else. Also, I have been fortunate that most of my readers do ask me if they can post my works, especially in another language as I only know how to write in English. 
Since I have been put in this situation AGAIN, I’ve thought about stop publishing on Tumblr again and just post everything on Wattpad where readers are unable to copy and paste works on another platforms. Then another thought crossed my mind: the work that was currently stolen was another Teen Wolf imagine. It has always been my Teen Wolf works that have been stolen. I just recently started writing and posting Chris Evans fanfiction. It’s not fair to the Christ Evans fandom for the few Teen Wolf fandom members who have been stealing my works. 
As of now, none of my Chris Evans fanfiction has been stolen or claimed as their own. I like this fandom. Y’all haven’t given me a reason not to trust y’all. I hope y’all would continue to be awesome and respectful as I will be continuing to post my Chris Evans fanfiction as well. If y’all break that trust, I’ll only be posting on Wattpad and attach the link for y’all to read directly from that Wattpad post. 
Side Note: Wattpad is COMPLETELY FREE! You can create a free account. You can add my books to your library and be automatically notified the second I post a new imagine. Plus, the reading and likes counts, help with the books that entered for the Watty Awards. (I currently have two books entered in the contest. Ask me about them if you like!)
Anyways, that’s what I’ve been dealing with the past two days. I hope y’all understand where I’m coming from. None likes their art work being stolen and then seeing someone one claim it as their own. If you see this with other writers, please inform the writers. Although it will upset us that someone is doing this to us, we’re more THANKFUL to have such loyal readers.
Have a great day, y’all!
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“Death is Inevitable, but so is Living” chapter seven is up <3
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emperorsfoot · 6 years
Latest update of “...Before Its Ever Even...”
We’re back in the Null Void with Aggregor and Rook! Nobody is having a good day. 
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