#fantasy game development
deception-united · 5 months
Writing Tips Master Post
Character writing/development:
Character Arcs
Making Character Profiles
Character Development
Comic Relief Arc
Internal Conflict
Character Voices
Creating Distinct Characters
Suicidal Urges/Martyr Complex
Creating Likeable Characters
Writing Strong Female Characters
Writing POC Characters
Building Tension
Plot devices/development:
Intrigue in Storytelling
Enemies to Lovers
Alternatives to Killing Characters
Consider Before Killing Characters
Emphasising the Stakes
Avoid Info-Dumping
Writing Without Dialogue
1st vs. 2nd vs. 3rd Perspective
Fight Scenes (+ More)
Writing Prologues
Dialogue Tips
Writing War
Writing Cheating
Worldbuilding: Questions to Consider
Creating Laws/Rules in Fantasy Worlds
Book writing:
Connected vs. Stand-Alone Series
A & B Stories
Writer resources:
Writing YouTube Channels, Podcasts, & Blogs
Online Writing Resources
Outlining/Writing/Editing Software
Writer help:
Losing Passion/Burnout
Overcoming Writer's Block
Fantasy terms:
How To Name Fantasy Races (Step-by-Step)
Naming Elemental Races
Naming Fire-Related Races
How To Name Fantasy Places
Ask games:
Character Ask Game #1
Character Ask Game #2
Character Ask Game #3
1000 Follower Post
2000 Follower Poll
Writing Fantasy
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protonshubtechno · 6 months
Protnshub Technologies is an expert fantasy app development company that delivers the best-featured sports app. They have a team of developers who create the engaging Fantasy Sports app. Drop a mail at [email protected] for more information.
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wishlings · 25 days
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just a few of the food items your pet can eat and cook with 🍗
Keep up with our development and Join our Discord!
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grsoftgaming23 · 2 years
Fantasy Game Development india
Great Research Solutions Pvt. Ltd. ( GRSoft ) We Provide the Fantasy Game Development india. and their services to the leading operators and clients worldwide. We are covering desktops of different OS systems like Windows & Mac and iOS & Android devices as per current usage and markets. Our games are compatible with FUN and Real environments both which covers many markets like ASIAN, UK, Australian, EUROPEN and many more to go. Our Vision- To be a global first choice Game Developing Company by developing Online Games and set them in motion to bring the real digital entertainment. We focus on boosting our client's performance by delivering the most elegant gaming solutions. Our commitment is on time delivery of premium quality solutions. If You need these services so visit out official site : https://grsoftgaming.com/ Call : +91 (858) 696-9185 USA CONTACT NUMBER : +1 (323) 522-5372 UK Office : +44 20 8144-8921 OUR SKYPE ID - live:8cfb51b65f8b4431 MAIL - [email protected]
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blacktabbygames · 2 years
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The wheels of telling people about our games have grown rusty, and it's time to get them rolling again. So... do you know about Slay the Princess? You're sent to a cabin in the woods to stop the end of the world. But do you trust the people who sent you there? Do you trust its occupant?
Is the world that tasked you to save it even worth saving?
Narrated by the fantastic Jonathan Sims, and voice acted by the incredible Nichole Goodnight, the game is one part The Stanley Parable, one part cosmic horror romance, and with a dash of Disco Elysium to boot.
We're gonna release it later this year, but in the meantime, you can wishlist it on Steam, where you can also play an *extensively* long demo.
Marketing games is exhausting and I'd rather be working on them, so if this sort of thing is up your alley, please share it around!
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destined-productions · 3 months
Just finished another level on the "dungeon" themed level set for Mighty Marbles. Which one of the sections is your favourite?
I am a solo dev from Australia turning children's physics toys into a game cause I couldn't find one to play, so trying to make one myself!
If you want to support me please wishlist on steam or visit the website to find out more mightymarbles.com
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spicybreadproductions · 3 months
Our game has a trailer! Check it out and wishlist on Steam.
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blackblooms · 4 months
Irredeamable is out!
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Go and give it a try this weekend, it's fun, it's short, and it's free!
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doradorabobora · 1 year
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Hello fellow weirdos. I know Tumblr is the snark site, but for the past several years I've been the producer on a time-looping RPG called In Stars and Time by @insertdisc5, and it has been one of the best experiences of my career. We're launching November 20th on PC, Nintendo Switch, and PlayStation 4 and 5.
It has:
A character-driven story with comedy, drama, and found family
Time loop puzzles and shenanigens to surprise, confound, and maybe even creep you out
A story that made our Japanese localizer cry
Secrets, surprises, and the fish head
If you were so inclined, please check us out at the link above for a trailer and more info. It would mean a lot, and then I can stop being earnest and genuine on here and go back to reblogging niche Star Trek memes and shitposts.
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night-market-if · 3 months
Chapter Five Public Release
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Book 2, Chapter 5, is now up for the public release!!!! There were a few coding changes within this chapter so I would advise going back to the end of chapter four and replaying the choice of where you are going to send Belladonna to (Reese, Elias, or send her) before going in to play chapter five.
It also came to my attention that some of my Patreon members may have had a code break at the end of Milo/Mal's route. It should not be there anymore. You should have an end scene with them in Malcolm's apartment.
Thank you all for the support you have shown me! It has been a crazy month and is bound to be a crazy July as well. Thank you for your patience!
Read book 2 here
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Early Dark Elf face texture
In-game pre-release texture for The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Exclusive art credit is uncertain but the texture was definitely worked on by Mark Jones
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deus-and-the-machina · 7 months
hythlodaeus be like "teehee I hope I can be of some use" *clean headshot* 😊
bitch they wanted you for the aether-centric governmental position I know you think your curmudgeony cunt husband is amazing but stop selling yourself short its a slippery slope to sacrificing yourself to make god smh
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protonshubtechno · 6 months
Protnshub Technologies is an expert fantasy app development company that delivers the best-featured sports app. They have a team of developers who create the engaging Fantasy Sports app. Drop a mail at [email protected] for more information.
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jp-nichts · 18 days
Are you supposed to have a favorite Random Encounter?
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So Reactors & Romance has an Emotional Encounter table for GMs to roll on to spice up the action and provide some opportunities for players to make Romance Rolls, if they aren't already. When writing these random encounters the "Single Seater" was my favorite! It plays on a favorite romance trope of mine and in playtesting so many players kept naturally doing it on their own accord. I was totally here for it and loved to see it happen every time! But recently I think the "Parent/Guardian Calls" has taken the spot for my favorite.
Recently, I had a PC who's ex was the big bad. His parents called up asking "When are you going to visit next? You know you're father's boyfriend really wants to meet you? Are you going to bring one of your partners with you this time? Maybe that lovely guy Wade (the big bad) His mech was so fancy! What was he up to these day?" Meanwhile the PC is trying to fight off Wade's lackeys. Desperately trying to stop Wade's colossal walking mech carrier.
The best part was at the end of them game. Instead of finishing off his ex, he ties up Wade, throws him over his solder, and brings him over to visit his parents still bound up 🤣
Don't get me wrong, I totally love all of my emotional children equally, but seeing this one play out is absolutely hilarious! Not to mention, it's great to see players reference back to this encounter. They'll bond with another PC or NPC and end up bringing them home to their parents at the end of the game. It creates a nice little epilogue for their character 💜
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mimble-sparklepudding · 9 months
Winter Greenery OC Questions.
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A little list of OC questions based on the folklore of winter greenery in Northern Europe. This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all symbolic meanings, but rather just a small selection for entertainment, rather than educational, purposes.
Fir: Endurance and Hope.
Is your OC generally optimistic about the future?  Or do they tend to prepare for the worst, whilst hoping for the best? Or do they even take a generally pessimistic view of the way things will likely unfold?
Does your OC actively attempt to nurture or inspire hope in others – even when things look particularly dire? Or are they inclined to be more blunt with their assessment of a situation?
Would your OC ever fight for a lost cause on principle?  Or would they give up – or even change allegiance – in order to ensure the best outcome for themselves?
What is an example of something (or someone) to which your OC has been stubbornly loyal, through thick and thin?  Was it worth it in the end?  Could it ever have been?
How many setbacks can (or will) your OC endure before they give up on a course of action?  Or alternatively, how many times can they be let down or betrayed before they turn their back upon another person?
Holly: Protection and Luck.
Is your OC protective of those to whom they are close?  Are they ever somewhat over-protective?  Or do they prefer to let people suffer the consequences of their mistakes?  Perhaps because they see this as a useful life lesson?
Does your OC carry a lucky charm of some sort?  What makes them think it’s lucky?  Or do they not believe in luck, yet find themselves unable to part with it all the same?
Has your OC ever taken on a burden or suffered harm to protect another from suffering its consequences?  Did the person in question realise that they had done so?  What was their motivation when doing this?
What does your OC believe to be the luckiest event in their life?  Is this an accurate assessment?  Or was there actually more than simply luck at play?
Does your OC believe that they were historically let down by those who should have protected them?  If so then what has been the impact of this upon them?  If not then have they always been kept safe by others?  Has anyone ever sacrificed themselves to protect them?
Ivy: Fidelity and Loyalty.
Has your OC ever been unfaithful in a relationship?  Could they ever be tempted by the physical charms of another?  Or have they ever been surprised by how little they are tempted by others, at least once they embraced their current lover?
What inspires loyalty in your OC?  Will they follow someone purely based upon duty or rank? Or are there certain qualities towards which they are drawn?  Or perhaps there ways by which another person must prove themselves before earning their loyalty?
Has another person ever offered to leave their spouse or lover for your OC?  What was it about them that this person found so hard to resist? How did they feel about it at the time? 
Does your OC feel any abiding connection to their place of birth?  Has this ever been challenged by conflicting loyalties?  How are they viewed by those currently living in their society of origin?
Does your OC remain steadfastly loyal to those who have helped them on their journey?  Or are they quick to dispense with those who are no longer of use to them?
Mistletoe: Peace and Friendship.
Who was your OC’s first friend?  What drew them to each other?  Were they expecting to get along? Or was it a surprise to them both?
Does your OC find it easy to make friends?   What barriers are there to them doing so?  Has this changed over time?
Do other people experience your OC as having a “peaceful” energy? Or are they inclined to restlessness - or even fractiousness?  Do others find them relaxing company?
To what extent does your OC believe in the perfectibility of mankind?  Do they believe that they are playing a part, no matter how small, in ushering in a new utopian age of co-operation and peace?  Or do they consider that people are intrinsically flawed and that the best that can be hoped for is a series of trade-offs between conflicting values?
Who is your OCs most unlikely friend? What made their friendship so unexpected?
Pine: Healing and Longevity.
What is the worst physical injury or illness that your OC has ever suffered?  How long did it take them to recover?  Does it still have an impact upon them now?
What is the worst emotional or spiritual wound that your OC has ever suffered?  What was the long-term impact of this experience? What helped them to move on from it (if they ever have)?
Does your OC make a good patient?  Or are they resistant to being given medical treatment - or even agreeing to rest?
Does your OC expect to live a long and fruitful life?  Or do they consider themselves to already be living on borrowed time?
Does your OC believe it is better to burn out than to fade away?  Or do they perhaps pretend to believe this, when actually they would be quite happy to retire peacefully one day?
Birch: Rebirth and Regeneration.
Has your OC ever experienced something that changed them irrevocably?  If so, then how do they view the person they were before?
Does your OC believe that sometimes a person needs to hit rock bottom before they can begin to rebuild their life?  Has this ever been their personal experience?  Or would they rather spare someone suffering, even if it meant they failed to learn from their mistakes over and over again?
Does your OC recover quickly from injuries?  Or has it got harder for them to keep bouncing back as they’ve got older?  If so, is this something they would ever admit?
Has your OC ever made a heroic or unexpected comeback from a dire situation?  What helped them to do so?
Has your OC ever been part of a wider cultural or spiritual renaissance?  Perhaps following the defeat of an occupying force?  Or the rediscovery of long-lost wisdom?  Or even a reinterpretation of existing traditions?
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reverie-raven · 2 months
Updated Idle sprites! And a note: Our main character’s name has been changed once again. This shiny new name will be shown later…
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