#felt inspired randomly and had to write this
tokillamockingbird427 · 6 months
Flying is boring with how easy it is... simply find a willing mount with wings. Saddle it. Hop on. Steer. And sit there until you get where you want to go.
Logan however, this "marine sergeant" from "the United states" had seemed endlessly fascinated however. Even when they were in the stables, when is stunk of gryphon manure, he'd been enraptured even watching the simple task that saddling their mount was.
And even now, with the world passing beneath their feet he seems enchanted... Bewitched by nothing more than trees, hills, and rarely the light from some fire. Man-made or otherwise.
"I thought you said you flew before..." The imp asks, when the blonde behind him leans to the side again, like the view from the left and right side of the dust-brown gryphon are different.
"I have!" The marine replies, enthusiastically. "But that was inside an aircraft, not riding it!"
Keegan sighs softly, it's lost in the wind, and Logan continues to hum and chitter to himself.
"Go higher." He orders suddenly, and Keegan considers complaining, but decides the marines thick skull won't yield. He pulls the reigns back and after a couple dozen feet, right under the clouds, he lets the animal even out.
He doesn't like flying through clouds... they're very wet.
He can feel Logan shift around behind him, a hand and weight on his shoulder, and turns his head to see the blonde reaching up and dragging his fingers through the underside of the mist.
The cloud lights up, bright blue-green, and Logan grins wide, laughing to himself.
Keegan's not sure what's special... they're everywhere, if only very visible on dark nights, and the only reason they light up is because the little animals in them. It's not magic.
The thought strikes him that someone below might see them, and his hands tighten on the reigns in worry... but what does he have to fear? An archer can't reach them. A ballast would need time to aim and they'd be out of the bolts reach in a few moments.
He looks back at Logan, who's raised both hands and continues to stare at the light, the thin twin trails of blue light dragging behind them and reflecting in his eyes.
Keegan pulls the reigns back, and they ascend again, passing through the bottom of the cloud and swamped in bright blue light until they breach the top.
Logan whoops when they do, laughing and grinning, spreading his arms out to touch more of the clouds and widening their trail. Though the gryphons wings reach farther than his arms ever could, they cut through below the top surface, and the light isn't as bright as where Logan touches it.
Keegan looks across the rolling sea of clouds around them, mostly grey-dark mist, but lighting gently wherever the wind pushes... he's seen a view like it a million times, he's used to flying but... he'd forgotten what if felt like the first time he found one of these clouds, without knowing it.
A flying ocean, one that breathed and lived, glowing wherever he touched it. Breathtakingly beautiful, wondrous and new, something strange to be learned and understood.
Keegan reaches out a hand and dips his fingers into the mist, feeling the cold wet mist on his skin and watching the glow spring to life under his fingers. He releases the reigns, sure that the gryphon will keep it's current path, to reach out his other hand. Copying Logan, watching the light spread out behind them, and smiling... a little.
He turns to see what else the marine might be doing, only to see he's been staring at Keegan, grinning still.
The light in his eyes aren't just from the clouds now, not when he looks at Keegan.
Posted on AO3 as well
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Pairing- Jock! Peter x Nerd! Reader (enemies to… lovers?)
Word Count: 4.3k
Summary: Peter Parker constantly nags you, and you hate his guts (naturally). So what better way to mellow the hate by being paired together for a class project? And why, if you hate his guts, do you want to touch him so bad?
Warnings: Making out, suggestive sexual content, dry humping, teasing, swearing etc…
Notes: It’s been a while, I apologize if my writing is a bit rusty! I hope you enjoy nonetheless, I had a fun time writing, and I really did miss it (Taylor Swifts new album really inspired me too!) I am using my phone to post for the first time, I hope to go back and format/ edit if need be when I can use my laptop again. Thank you for all the support :)
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“Don’t look at me like that.” You huffed, eyes sharp as daggers as your cool gaze slid over to your target and struck its mark.
Peter Parker. Bullseye.
You could feel his lingering attention solely focused on you, a coy smirk upon his lips as he tapped his pencil against the wooden desk, its dull echo like nails on a chalkboard. A taunting metronome in the back of your mark as he leaned over to tower over you in his seat.
It was too close to yours for your liking.
“Like what pipsqueak?” he murmured, drowning out the professor's droning voice as he dragged on. You wished you could hit him with the textbook in your bag. Both of them, honestly.
“Like you’re thrilled for this. Don’t act like you like me.”
“Well I do like you.” He smiled, beaming ear to ear.
For him, it was the best day of his life. Getting randomly paired with “whoever you’re sitting next to, I don’t care.” (the professor's words, not yours), was a thrill for him, he got to pick on the quiet, shy girl more than usual.
Which would be a shock, considering the sheer amount he did already, always finding his way next to you to tease you, especially with and to his stupid jockey friends. This project was worth thirty percent of your grade. You couldn’t afford this.
“Well I don’t like you. So fuck off.” You heard a low whistle from behind you, a chuck alongside it from his friends. “Kitty has claws?” Peter whistled, eyebrow raising in mock surprise as you shifted your legs to the other side of the chair, angling away from him.
“Oh you’re in for it now Parker” Bucky laughed as you covered your ears in an attempt to drown them out. You felt like you were in middle school again, the way they mocked you. And what made it worse was that it got to you. Not that the jokes and remarks meant anything much, but it was just the sheer annoyance of it all.
You had thrived to be a straight A student your entire life, and in this class… you could feel them slipping. Taking a deep breath, you clenched your pen harder in your hand, pressing so hard the page snagged as you wrote.
You could still feel his eyes on you, flickering over from under his glasses ,his muscles flexing subtly under his blue t-shirt. You pretended not to look, and to not focus on the fact he was extremely attractive. You spent the rest of the hour doing just that, scolding yourself for any indecent thought you had ever had about him, ever. By the time the professor had snapped his laptop shut, the projector turning dark as students started to talk amongst themselves as they packed up, you had half a page of notes, max.
“I’ll be in touch.” he leaned down and whispered, hand lingering by your chair as he slipped by. “Fuck you.”
He just threw his head back and laughed, his friend group joining him as he looked back. And winked. You groaned. This was going to be three weeks of hell.
It was a Thursday when you got a text from him. An unknown number flashed on your screen as you lay face down on your bed, contemplating life and if this class was seriously worth it or not.
The buzz of the phone had your head snapping up, confused until it suddenly dawned on you.
Unknown: Think we should start brainstorming for this thing pipsqueak?
Well fuck, you thought, wanting to throw your phone across the room. This class wasn’t that important, right? (It was).
Taking a deep breath, you sat up as your thumbs started to fly across the screen.
You: Who is this?
Unknown: I’m hurt, pips. Truly.
You: I think you have the wrong number.
You smirked. Okay, who were you kidding… this was kind of fun. Kind of.
Peter: It’s Peter, you jerk. Are you really going to make me spell it out for you?
You: Peter who? Doesn’t ring a bell.
Good. Knock him down a few pegs. You giggled to yourself, quickly stopping once you realised why exactly you were kicking your feet like a school girl, for who exactly. You layed back down, head muddled with meaningless thoughts that jumbled as you waited for his response. Grabbing a stuffie, you hugged it close to your chest, feeling it rise and fall as you caught your breath, grounding yourself. Why on earth did this mean so much to you? Why did his texts, something so easily ignorable- suddenly a waiting game?
Peter: Ha ha, very funny pips.
You: How did you even get my number anyways?
Peter: Long story, I had to go on a bit of a hunt. A friend, of a friend of a friend, you get the point. I can be very persuasive ;)
Nope. You thought. Don’t give into this.
You: I’m sure.
Peter: You wanna come over on the weekend or meet at Braxston’s to start… brainstorming?
You: I don’t want to do anything of the sort, but if that gets this over with as soon as possible- then sure. Only one of us has a brain to storm anyways.
Peter: You’ll regret that pips.
You clicked off your phone, a ghost of a smirk on your face. His threat surprisingly didn’t seem like a real threat, but actual light hearted teasing, not the kind he often did.
Fuck. You were supposed to be hating him. You did hate him. It was only three weeks with him. You weren’t sure if you meant that with relief or disappointment.
It was disappointment.
You sighed, closing your eyes as you rubbed your creased temple. It was nearly midnight , and your books were still scattered across the desk you occupied, the library a ghost town considering it was a Friday night. Braxston library tended to be on the empiter side, which is why you preferred it. It was the oldest library on campus, smelling of old pages and cedarwood.
Sometimes, when you needed a break you would get up and run your fingers across the leather spines, or climb the ladder for a change of view of the stained glass windows. But tonight, you lacked the motivation to even bother standing. It had been a long night, filled with cramming and stress. Pen and highlighter stained your hands as you shook them out, cramped and aching. For the last hour you had solely focused on the final you and Peter had to pull out your ass, coming up with backup plans with the worry he would abandon you completely.
Topics, ideas, theories- god you didn’t even know anymore. Your body lacked caffeine, your iced coffee long gone. You grew tired of this mindless work, sliding off your headphones to admire the near empty room around you.
Suddenly, you wished it was completely empty.
Peter looked just as shocked to see you, eyes widening in surprise, backpack slung over his shoulder, hair ruffled and eyebags prominent as if he had fallen asleep and been startled awake.
“Pips? I thought we weren’t supposed to meet until tomorrow?” He made his way over to you, inviting himself to lean over you, on your desk. You stared up at him with a look of amusement.
“We don’t have to meet at all. It’s very bold you assume I’m here to see you, of all people.” you snorted. His eyebrow raised. “So who are you here to meet?”
“Two papers and exam prep. You?”
“More or less the same” he smirked, and you felt butterflies start to churn in your stomach. “Sounds like great fun. I’m sure they’re lovely.” you said, snarky comment slipping out before you could stop it, turning in your seat as you often did around him so he wouldn’t see the fluster and nerves in your demeanour whenever you were near him.
He leaned down, breath warm against the column of your neck. You couldn't breathe. You could not fucking breathe with him this close to you. The rich scent of his cologne made you dizzy, it intoxicated you as you stared at your laptop screen, as if it possessed the knowledge of the entire universe.
“You know, you can’t avoid me forever. You’re gonna have to confront me at some point, pip.”
“I don’t know what you're talking about” you snarled softly, staring at the coy, cockly little smirk you wanted to wipe off his face as he stood. “Sure you don’t.” He nodded his head towards your screen, with a wink.
“Good song.” he smiled, before he was off. You continued to stare at him as he walked out the door, not looking back once. Not a care in the world as he slipped on his own headphones, and around the corner.
Eyes moved down to stare at the pause button of your song, lyrics burning into your ears at the thought of him listening to it- and enjoying it.
Down bad, waking up in blood, staring at the sky, come back over and pick me up- fuck it if I can’t have us, I might just not get up, I might stay down bad.
You were so incredibly fucked.
You took a deep breath. Then another.
You let the crisp, cool night air wash over your burning skin, the faint smell of weed tickling your senses, probably from a house down the street. It was a pretty busy neighbourhood, full of students you recognized from afar on campus. You didn’t associate with the more ‘popular’ kids, if that could even be considered a thing past high school.
You tried to shake off the uneasiness that stuck with you, cracking your knuckles as you tried to prepare yourself to not only see Peter, but to interact with him- in his house. Most likely for hours. You knew you probably looked like a complete idiot out on the sidewalk, just near his house but you had to muster some form of courage.
All you could see was a faint light from what looked like the living room, and a light upstairs- you presumed his room. No sign of life other than that.
You thought of his words, how twisted they sounded. You can’t avoid me forever. You’re gonna have to confront me at some point, pip.
Fuck it.
You slipped from your hiding spot (from Peter, you were placed behind a large tree in his front yard, but god knows what people driving by thought), and mentally prepared yourself for his roommates to answer the door, making fun of you before he put the cherry on top. Practically leaping up the porch stairs, you raced to the door, knocking quickly.
You wanted this over and done with. Your palms were clammy and your stomach churned viciously as you heard footsteps near the door. It took everything in you to stay rooted to the ground and to not flee, and when Peter appeared, you feared the opposite.
How the hell you were supposed to move with him in that slutty little fit, a pair of grey sweatpants slung low on his waist, his v-line and happy trail on full display… his toned abs and arms in a little white muscle shirt… gods you didn’t know. You were sure your tongue fully hung out of your mouth like some cartoon character as you took him in.
“Took you long enough” he said with a snort, adjusting his glasses, sliding them further up his nose. You didn’t even know he had glasses. Did he wear contacts? Had he worn them and you just didn’t notice? No, surely that wasn’t the case, you noticed everything he did. It was like he sucked all of the air out of the atmosphere whenever he walked in a room. It was suffocating, in a way. Of course you had to look at him, and you were sure you weren't the only one.
“I was admiring the greenery.”
“I saw that. I wasn’t sure the maple needed to be examined that long.” he smirked, and your felt your fists instinctively clench.
He had saw you- so you were fucked and now the only logical thing to do was to run into a brick wall. Perfect, got it.
“I enjoy living in the moment, and I don’t take nature for granted.’ you huffed, attempting to compose yourself as he stepped aside, motioning for you to enter. “I’m sure. Don’t worry it was cute.” he smiled, running a hand through his tosseled hair.
You slid off your shoes, setting them next to his worn in converse you always saw him wear. You noticed the other pairs were missing, not even a missing lace to be found.
“Where are your roommates?” you asked as entered, surveying the open space. It was surprisingly tidy for a boys place, and you couldn’t help but smirk at the thought of Peter rushing around attempting to clean up before you came (though you doubted he would ever do that). Still, it was nice to think about.
Little traces of “boy” still lingered, silly little signs scattered across the walls, flags and such, empty, crushed beer and poking out from the recycling bins. “I kicked them out, because I figured you would want to contentrate.” he said.
Yeah like I’m going to be able to conetrate with you looking that fucking fine. Ha.
“That’s considerate. I’m surprised you even know what that is, Parker. I’m impressed.”
He snorted, throwing a little look back your way as he lead you up the stairs, presumably to his room. “I’m surprised you know how to walk up stairs. You have Bambi legs.” he teased, mocking your clumsiness. You cursed him internally. Maybe out loud too, judging by his laugh.
You tried to stifle down the butterflies. You were not about to flirt with him. You were not about to let your developing feelings expand. You hated him. He was mean and he was an asshole.
You were simply here to get this project done. That’s it.
“You’re an asshole.”
“I know.” was all he said, turning down a hall to an open door, light glowing faintly- beckoning to you. You appreciated his refusal to use the overhead light- not that you’d tell him that. He’d probably look at you like you were insane.
“I see you clean for girls you bring over.” you noted, observing his (surprisingly) decently clean room.
“Bold of you to assume I cleaned. Maybe I’m always this tidy.” he smirked, arms flexing over and behind his head as he sat down in his office chair, man-spreading as he stretched.
You tried so hard not to stare. And failed miserably.
“I would’ve thought you cleaned up for ladies you bring to bed.”
His eyebrows arched. “Should I have prepared then?”
Something like churning fire burned in your belly, slithering lower and lower.
“Don’t start with me.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it pip.” he smiled coyly, knowing he had gotten you flustered. “May I?” you nodded to his bed, trying to ignore your feelings as you sat down. Fanning your skirt out, you tucked your legs in before opening your bag, attempting to cover your thighs with your bag as much as you could- his cool gaze staring lasers into your bare skin.
“So��� if we have to base this on a creature in the wild…”
“Jumping straight to the point aren’t we?” he asked and you frowned in confusion.
“What did you want me to do foreplay or something beforehand?” you asked, your word choice more than intentional. You swore a little pink tinted his cheeks as he swiveled around.
“Right to it then. Okay, I was thinking spiders. Specifically their venom and social behaviours.”
You blinked. Jesus okay he had thought about this. This was not what you were expected.
“Elaborate Parker.”
He smiled. “ From what I’ve seen, not a lot is known about the venom entirely. From a predator-prey aspect.. I’ve mainly seen stuff on specific components evolving to target specific sites on cell membrains of prey tissue, we could work with that to start. Maybe expand on the social aspect and evolution.”
You were stunned. This was… more than you could’ve hoped for. Suddenly you felt bad for all the doubt aimed towards him over the few days leading up to this meeting.
“Hmm. I like it.”
“Did you have any ideas you had brewing in that genius brain of yours?” he asked, making you blush internally.
“I had some stuff just in case, but it was just random jots I’m not too proud of.”
He scoffed. “You came prepared with backup stuff?!”
You just shrugged. “Do you blame me?”
“Kinda.” he laughed. “Start thinking of me more highly pips. I even have access to a brown widow, we could do some experiments.”
You winced at the thought of actually studying a spider up close, but it was part of the job. Whatever could get this done the fastest, and you had to applaud him for providing some of your own evidence you could actually showcase.
He caught your wince, and you could feel the teasing start to start. It was like bait for him, he loved it. “The spider may bite, but I won’t. That is, unless you want me too.” he winked, and you fought the urge not to chuck your laptop at his handsome face.
“You’re gross Parker.”
“Oh I’m sure you think I am. Doesn’t make a difference to me.”
You were going to strangle him. “Let’s just focus and get this project done as soon as we can, yeah? Please.”
You riffled through your bag, grabbing different coloured pens and your notebook, skimming through your random thoughts and jots.
“Whatever you say pip.”
“Start researching Parker.” And that was that.
A few hours had passed, and so far you were quite impressed with how much the two of you had gotten done. For the most part, the two of you had stayed on opposite sides of the room. If he wanted to make a move, he wasn’t physically doing it, and his roommates still hadn’t come home yet.
Though as the hours passed, he had made his way closer to you- ever so slightly. From his desk he nudged over closer and closer, his laptop landing in his lap as he worked.
“What source are you working from right now?” you asked, not bothering to cast your gaze up as you continued to type, fingers flying over the keyboard as you bit your lip in concentration. You failed to notice his eyes darting between your lips and your breasts that poked out slightly as you slouched over, licking his lips hungrily.
“Some research paper. Here.”
You let out a little oomph in surprise as he plopped down beside you, sprawled across his bed as he enveloped you in his makeshift fortress. He stared at you with such longing you felt faint, having to stop your work to pull yourself together.
He nodded towards it, and you realized you had been staring at him longer than you intended, forgetting about the paper completely. “Oh, yeah okay let me look.” you murmured, taking the laptop from his hand to slide it across your lap, the fan whirling softly, the warmth of it adding more coals to the fire you felt already.
He was still staring.
Please look away before I want to kiss you. Or do more then kiss you. I’m supposed to be hating you, stop please.
You tried your best to read and concentrate, but it was next to no use. All you could focus on was him, his fingers drumming on the comforter near your thigh (what man has a comforter anyways?!), and his gaze on you, that was heavy with something. Want, perhaps? Lust? Or you were delusional. Very possible.
“It’s um, it’s good. I like it, I think there’s lots of good… stuff here.”
“Good stuff huh?” he asked sarcastically, a smirk plastered across his face.
He knew. The fucker knew you were down bad.
“Yeah. You know what I mean.” you grumbled, staring back down at your screen.
“I do know what you mean. Do you know what I mean?” he asked, hand inching closer and closer to your thigh- teasing you. You took a deep breath, grounding yourself.
You could push your hatred aside for just a few minutes. It was okay, just this once. Right?
You bit your lip, and fuck if that didn’t turn him on even more. Nodding to him, as if he could speak to you telepathically.
Yes, this is okay. Please touch me. Just a little, even is fine.
“Maybe you should explain a little more, Parker.”
His fingers skimmed the edge of your skirt, warm to the touch as they stroked your skin softly, just a whisper of him lingering. Goosebumps lingered in their wake, and you pushed your laptop off to the side, not caring where it landed on the bed. Just not next to him.
“How much more?”
His voice was low. Deep. Needing. You wanted more.
Another stroke of his fingers on your thigh, closer to where you wanted him the most made you shiver, toes curling. His gaze never left yours, never faultered. Instead of its usual lightness, his teasing and bullying- his eyes were dark with lust. Nothing but his full attention was on you, and you couldn’t help but shudder as he leaned in closer.
Another hand landed on your thigh. “Yeah?” he asked, voice rough as you nodded quickly. “Mhmmm..- oh!” you let out a little gasp as he swiftly grabbed you, swinging you over to straddle his lap, tossing you as if you weighed nothing.
You hated that you found it hot.
He smirked, leaning forward- so close you could feel his thudding heart with a small hand gesture sliding across his chest, could feel his breath catching. Just a small little gap between his lips and yours.
“You’re going to regret this.” you murdered, fingers curling into his shirt, twisting the soft fabric.
“I won’t. Will you?”
“I might.”
His smile grew.
“ I still hate you, you know.”
“I know. And you look so damn hot when you do.” He pulled you closer, fingers digging into your skin, needing you closer and closer despite the two of you practically forming one being.
A clash of teeth and tongue happened, rough and harsh- full of hate and need. A hatred for your need for him. Why did you need him? Of all people?
Because he was so fucking fine.
A hand slipped under your skirt to cup your ass, squeezing it slightly. You ran a hand through his hair, tugging on it as your hips moved on their own account- causing a groan to slip from his lips.
You’d do anything to hear it again.
“This is so wrong.” was all you could moan as his lips worked their way down your neck, tracing your jaw before nipping at your earlobe.
“I don’t do right, pips. You know this.”
“Mhm. But you hate me.”
He laughed against your skin, and you rocked your hips again, a little slap to your asscheek making you jolt.
“Whatever makes you sleep better at night, pips. Whatever you want to think.” he sighed, massaging the skin as you toyed with the hair at the nape of his neck, pulling him in for another kiss.
You needed his lips on yours. You didn’t want to even try to decipher what his words meant, your head was foggy with want. You were slipping into a puddle of bliss, finally letting the restraint you held on a tight leash go- freeing the want and pure desire.
Yes, you wanted him. Yes, you hated him. And yes, he teased you. It hurt- but this didn’t. This was a soothe to his constant jabs, a salve to the wounds he caused.
“You feel so good. I want you so bad.” you confessed, causing him to moan again.
Yes. Yes, please.
“You’re killing me.”
“Good. It’s payback for the way you treat me.” you smirked, kissing him again. Hard, fast, rough. Mean.
Until he just… stopped.
Pulled away slightly, making you raise an eyebrow with confusion. His cheeks tinted slightly pink, hair messy and eyes wide with excitement, eager to keep going. To go further. So why did he just- stop?
He smiled coyly.
“Don’t we have work we need to be doing?” he asked sarcastically- and you felt your stomach drop. He was teasing you. He was doing this just to get under your skin, to leave you high and dry and needing. Knowing damn well nothing could possibly get done now but him.
“You- you just want to get back to work? After that?”
“I want to do the dirtiest things imaginable to you, pips. I want to do so many things. But if we keep going and get nothing done, you’ll regret it and hate me. If we get work done, you’ll hate me too. I rather you hate me but feel secure with this, at least.” he murmured, brushing your cheek with his thumb.
It was tender, and you couldn’t help but lean into his touch. “So you just, want to work? Did I do something wrong?” you asked.
“Gods no. But it’s too easy if I just give it to you like that. You know me, pips- I tease. Maybe if you’re good and get more work done we can have some harmless, regretless fun.” he winked, sliding his hands down to your hips, picking you up again to toss you gently on his pillows, kissing your hand with a wink as he stood to go back to his desk.
Oh you were fucked. So, so fucked.
“I heard that.” he laughed, and you buried your head in your hands. This was going to be a long three weeks indeed.
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dumpywrites · 23 days
Tears and Poetries - Kim Namjoon / RM
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Prompt: “You look familiar, like that one guy from BTS.”
Prompt request: HERE
Genre/tags: Fluff, comfort, idol Namjoon, non fan reader 
Pairing: Namjoon x reader
a/n: Come back to me got me feeling all inspired soooo yeah :)
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It was late. Frankly you did not bother to check the time but you knew it was at least way past twelve. You just needed some air. Late night polluted air might not be the right option, but it was the best you could have at the moment. Getting out was the only coping response your mind could think off. Getting out from where exactly you could not be sure. 
Work life had been a real shit-show. You were on your fifth revision for your company project and your manager still would not accept your draft. While life? Life had been pretty exhausting. Recently your mother had been pestering you about wanting you to achieve more, comparing you to her friends’ sons and daughters, while also underestimating your own accomplishment. 
And not even two weeks ago, a guy who you were seeing just admitted that he apparently had a girlfriend. He really just dropped that info to you like a bomb, as if you did not spend time with each other the past six months. True, you never really put a label on whatever you both had, but in your head you were single and so was he. Until he told you that he got a girlfriend and had dated her for a month already. 
The wound still felt fresh especially with all the external problems added to the equation. Bearing the feeling of unwanted, unimportant, and never enough at once, was hard. Even labeling it as only hard sounded like an understatement. 
So you ran. Theoretically speaking you did not run away, you just took off from your apartment randomly to wherever your feet and your worn off sneakers took you. And they took you to a random spot near a river. 
You sat down on the dirty grassy ground, not minding how your shorts could get dirty from it.  Just sitting down and looking at the night sky, as if the cold breeze would calm you and do anything besides giving you a possibility of catching cold. 
Five, fifteen, maybe it was around half an hour you had been sitting there with empty thoughts, just letting the cold air hit your skin, when you suddenly heard a sound of a bicycle stopping and footsteps approaching. 
“Hello? Are you alright there?”
The deep voice started you and made you look back in an instant. There was a tall and quite big built guy standing with his bicycle. He had a buzzcut from the very faint image you could see due to the low light. 
Although skeptic, you decided to answer. “Yeah, don’t worry.”
“You sure?”
You realized how shaky and stuffy your voice sounded. It probably was not a very convincing “don’t worry”. And when you did not voice another reply, the person parked their vehicle and slowly walked towards your direction. 
“Hey! Stranger danger!” You said, backing off from where you were seating. 
The guy stopped in his tracks but did not walked away. “Do you mind if I join your pondering session? Who knows two great minds might think alike.” 
You stayed still in your position, eyes searching for his in the very confusing lack of light. You could barely make out of what he looked like. 
“I’m not a creep, I swear!” He threw his hands in the air. “There’s a police station nearby if you wanna shout as loud as you can, they could hear you from here.” 
He took your silence as a green light and stepped closer until he reached a spot on your left. He cleared his throat and sat down next to you. 
There you could eventually fully saw his face. The first thing you noticed was the nicely shaped nose, and his plump lips, then his dimples which showed when he politely smiled at you. 
The first ten minutes was spent in complete silence. You did not expect the man to whip out a notepad and pencil and just started writing. A story? Poem? Or song? You tried your best not to sneak a look. He was even humming at some point when he wrote, and it was strangely enough, soothing. 
“What are you writing?” You finally asked, the suspense was killing you. 
“Thought you’d never ask.” He replied with excitement. “I’m writing a poem. Though I’m starting to think it’d sound better as a song.”
“You’re a singer or something?”
The man looked at you in disbelief for a good second before chuckling. “Sorta.”
“Am I suppose to know you?” You eyed him back with the same questioning look. 
“Dunno.” He shrugged. “Maybe it’s a good thing that you don’t know for today.”
You looked at the guy suspiciously, which earned a laugh from him. “The more I think about it, I think I’ve seen your face somewhere…”
“Oh yeah?” He said, a light tone of nervousness was visible in his voice. 
“You look familiar, like that one guy from BTS.”
He almost choked on nothing. “I’m sorry, what?!”
“Yeah, that one dude from BTS.” You repeated. “Although I don’t think any one from them has a buzzcut… Idols always seem to have either colorful hair or beautiful long locks.” 
“Really…” The man voiced out, sounding unsure. 
“Are you perhaps an indie artist? K-hiphop? Don’t tell me you are a DPR member that I somehow don’t know about or something…”
“Okay, enough about that it’s not important.” He dismissed. “You wanna take a look of what I’ve written?”
“Uh, sure…”
You leaned a bit closer to him and peeked over his notes. He took his notepad nearing it to your side so you could read better. Despite the low source of illumination, you could read the delicately written words. It was deep and meaningful. Whatever he wrote on that paper seemed a little too real to just be a song, it almost felt like it came from true experience. 
“You sound like you went through hell to get to where you are right now.” 
You commented, you were not aware of how reading through his words affected you until you could practically hear your heartbeat. You clutched at your chest, trying to calm it down. 
“I’m not only talking about the sufferings.” He pointed out. “I also mentioned about the journeys in between.”
His expression brightened as he explained further. You found it really attractive for some reason. 
“The feeling of loss, left out, were there alongside the feeling of excitement, growth, and wanting to change for the better.” He grinned. “And I think life needs that small bits of flavor to complete us as human beings… Wouldn’t have loved myself so much without all my struggles and flaws.”
You gazed at the guy in front of you in awe. “Guess you’re right.” You finally broke into a smile. “That was beautiful though, almost got me tearing up.”
“Thank you.” He grinned, showing his dimples. “What about you though? What’s on your mind?”
“It���s kinda lame…” You nervously laughed. 
“I’m listening.” He scooted closer, making your knees touched. 
“There are a whole list of messed up things happening in my life right now, but I guess I could name one or two…” 
You took a deep breath and the guy in front of you patiently waited for you to speak. 
“Basically my mom’s been yelling at me saying stuff about how unsuccessful I am for my nine to five job, while getting bullied by my manager at work, and not to mention, how I just got dumped by a guy who I was seeing for six months.”
“That’s fucked up…” He looked at you with wide eyes. 
“You tell me.” You replied sassily. “I mean I guess for the most part it wasn’t really about the problem itself. I’m aware of how perfectionist my manager could be and multiple revision is expected. My mom never really feels content with anything, so that’s also expected. And that fucking guy leaving me? It was probably for the better…”
“Hey.” He grabbed your shoulder suddenly, catching you in a surprise. “Don’t downplay your feelings like that. You’re allowed to feel sad when other people treats you like utter shit. It’s valid.” 
There was something about his words that triggered an emotion within you. Unknowingly, a tear escaped your eyes, followed by more next. 
You leaned backwards to free from his grip, only for him to lose it but proceeded to take off his knitted sweater, revealing a black oversized t-shirt underneath. He took it off with one hand before shoving it through your head so you could wear it. 
“It’s chilly. You might catch a cold.” 
Hesitantly, you rolled the sweater through your body. You felt the neckline stained with tears and wondered if it was his polite way of helping you wipe your tears. You thanked him and he told you to continue. 
“I don’t know what else to say, I don’t want to trauma dump on you.” 
“How are you feeling though?” He asked, eyes gently looking at you. 
“I just… I felt unwanted? Unimportant and undesirable? It happened all at once and it got me connecting strings. The root cause of my problem felt like it came from me as a person and I felt sick…”
He gazed at you and quietly nod, allowing you to continue. 
“I came here because it was loud and deafening in here,” You tapped your head with a grin, trying to lighten the mood. “And I’m glad I did. Not only did I manage to tone it down a couple notches, I also get an exclusive song preview from a top star!” 
Both of you laughed in unison. You were the first to break the eye contact due to the sudden invasion of butterflies in your stomach. It might be dark and late at night, but your eyes could not lie about the beauty of the stranger in front of you. 
The silence was soon broken by a buzzing notification from his phone. It was on silent mode, but the multiple vibrations got him shuffling his hand on his pocket, fishing his phone out from his cargo pants. 
“Damn, I gotta head back. Someone needs me in the studio…” 
“At this hour?!” You argued immediately.
“Yeah, unfortunately.” He ran his hand through his short hair in a frustrated way. 
“What’s your name?” 
You both stopped and looked at each other, dumbfounded. Both of you asked the same question at the same time. Laughter filled the air once again. 
“You first.” The guy gestured. 
You got up and he followed right after. Now looking at how tall he was compared to you, spelling out your name felt a little bit harder. Your heart was beating in an abnormal rate. You finally managed to tell him your name and you patted yourself internally for not voicing out like a squealing hormonal teenager. 
“I’m Namjoon.” He said with a huge contagious smile. 
“Now where did I hear that name—“
“Can I have your number?” He interrupted. Glancing at his phone screen, a small groan escaped his lips. “It’s almost three, you have to go home.”
“Oh.” Your lips formed a small O shape. “Sure. Here, give me your phone…”
You both then exchanged phone numbers. 
“I want to take you back to your home so badly but I really can’t…” Namjoon sighed. “Besides, my bicycle can only do so much…” He chuckled. 
“It’s okay, I live nearby.” You smiled. “You take care, though.”
“Yeah, you too. I’ll text you?”
“Yeah.” You nodded happily. “Thank you, Namjoon.” 
“Don’t mention it, I’m really glad we met today.” He nodded at you before retreating to where he parked his bicycle. 
You followed, running to his direction. You stopped when your arms barely linked behind him, hugging him tightly. It was bold of you but it just felt right at the moment. 
“Thank you so much, I mean it.” You said with voice muffled a little by his clothes against your mouth. 
And you did. You meant it, it felt really nice having someone who actually listened to your problem and seemed like he cared about it too. 
He hugged back. “You’re not unwanted, okay? You are loved, please know that.”
You nodded and broke off the hug. A big smile plastered on your lips and he mimicked it. “Okay, you may go now.”
You both bid your goodbyes and that was how you found yourself smiling and giggling at three in the morning, by yourself, on your way back to your place, all while hugging the sweater that you forgot to give back. That encounter was weird, but in a very good way. It almost felt like the universe sent you an angel knowing how down you were feeling. In a peculiar way, it almost felt like he saved you. You went to sleep easily that night. 
The next morning you were awaken by a text notification popping up from Namjoon. You smiled like an idiot to yourself before opening it. 
“Good morning! I hope you slept well. Did you arrive safe yesterday? Sorry something came up, I wished I could stay longer.”
You quickly replied to him. “I slept good. Probably thanks to you, hehe. No problem though! Maybe we could hangout again someday? I need to return your sweater after all :)”
After typing the text and sending it, suddenly a curious thought filled your head. His name did ring an unknown bell. Namjoon did mention that he was a singer, an idol maybe? You could not be sure. You tapped your Google app on your phone and started typing his name followed by the word “singer” behind it. 
Maybe this was your cue to be more aware of the Kpop industry. You had your fair share of listening to K-hiphop, and were even an avid listener of groups like Epik High and Balming Tiger. 
So how come you failed to notice that last night you in fact just hugged Kim Namjoon, aka RM from the internationally well known boy group, BTS???
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Thank you for reading! 🌙
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a/n: this was a rather short one but i hope y'all like it nonetheless <3
Prompt request: HERE
323 notes · View notes
mermaidgirl30 · 1 month
Joel Miller x fem! reader
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Series Masterlist Part 2
A/N: This one shot was inspired by Taylor Swift’s song “Fortnight” and is written for @morallyinept Jett’s Flora & Fauna Challenge. I had so much fun with this one and was feeling all the angst! Thank you to @mountainsandmayhem for helping me make the mood board and for beta reading and for letting me talk your ear off about this one 🥰 Joel’s POV actually made me cry writing this 🥹
Summary: Moving on is hard, especially when the man you fell in love with moved in across the street from you with his new lover.
Word Count: 4.6k
Rating: 18+ Only
Tags: Lots of angst, feelings, pining, heartbreak, alcohol use, allusions to smut, tears, pov in both reader and Joel’s view, no use y/n
Dividers by @saradika-graphics
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The orange and yellow sunrise paints the sky bright colors as you stand in your little kitchen sipping a warm cup of black coffee. The bland taste mixes with your salty mood as your eyes lock on your neighbor across the street, Tess. 
   Every morning she’s out there bright and early, watering her white lilies with a metal watering can as she hums along with the chirping robins that sit along her fence line. It makes your fingers flex into tight fists, makes your brows furrow up, makes your mouth clench into a deep frown as you watch with heartache written all over your pathetic face. Sometimes you wish she was dead, just like your aching heart is. Cold, lost, broken. But you shouldn’t be mad, shouldn’t wish her dead. She’s nice, always smiling, something you wish you would do more often. 
   You don’t hate her, not exactly. You hate that she’s Joel’s. You hate the way he comes up behind her and hugs his broad arms around her waist as he kisses her neck, her cheek, her lips. You hate the way he dances with her in the dimly lit kitchen at night as you watch them through their open window while you stand frozen in place in your own empty kitchen. You hate the way he kisses her every single morning before she drives off to work in her flashy sports car. And you hate the way they’re engaged to be married in the fall, something that should’ve belonged to you. 
   You should be with Joel, you should be dancing in the moonlight of his kitchen, you should be the one watering flowers with him hanging around your waist and littering your skin with kisses, you should be the one walking down that aisle. But you’re not, and you never will. Joel was in the past. An old lover from years ago. You had broken up so long ago, so why did you still love him? You weren’t his anymore. Joel belongs to Tess now. The girl you would never be. 
   One month. It’s been exactly a month since they moved across the street, across from you. You remember it so clearly how it felt seeing him after all those years, like you were trapped in a glass bottle with nowhere to run. He was more built now, his biceps clinging to his flannels as his tan skin glistened in the sunlight. His hair was longer now with grey threading through his curly strands, and his beard was salt-and-pepper filled. He looked so… handsome. But then you saw her slipping out of the moving van as he laughed and helped her pull a large picture frame out of the back. You were frozen in place, the glass of milk spilling out of your hand and shattering on the floor as you stared in horror at your new neighbors. You spent the next few hours soaking in the tub with a glass of whiskey, the same brand that was Joel’s favorite. You love him, you still love him, and it’s ruining your life. 
   Now you just stand in the empty kitchen every morning with glossy eyes and watch them. The way they kiss, talk tenderly, and graze each other’s hands as they say their long goodbyes. It makes you so sick, especially after just finding out your long term boyfriend cheated on you with his secretary. So now you’re going through a messy breakup, one where he keeps showing up at the house randomly trying to get you to take him back. Just another lost love that wasn’t meant to be. Maybe you weren’t meant to be with anyone, destined to be lonely. At least that’s what it feels like while you stare in horror at the happy couple who yearns for one another.
   When you finish your black coffee and rinse out the tinted mug, you watch Joel grab the back of Tess’s head and pull her in for a long, gentle kiss. You watch the way he leans into it, smiling against her lips as she laughs and tells him she’s going to be late to work. He just brushes it off and waves her off, blowing her a kiss as he watches her drive off into the early sunrise. It makes you sick to death. 
   You turn and rush up the stairs, feeling a warm teardrop slip down your cheek as you get ready for the day. You really shouldn’t dwell on their relationship, but you can’t help it, and that makes you want to die.
   Before you head out, you walk down the paved driveway to go grab the mail from your brick mailbox, already dreading the day as rain clouds fill the sticky air. When you go to pull open the mailbox door, it doesn’t budge. You pull and pull, tugging with all your might until the door finally opens. You lose your balance and all your mail goes sprawling across the street as you fall hard on your hands and knees.
   “Shit,” you mutter under your breath as you feel hot tears prick the back of your eyes. Just when you’re  pushing yourself off the ground, you see someone out of the corner of your eye swoop down and pick up the mail that litters the ground. 
   “Oh, no. You don’t have to help me, I’m…” Your breath hitches when you stand up and see Joel holding out your mail to you, his eyes lathered with concern as you see brown doe eyes stare down at you calmly. 
   “You alright?” he asks carefully as his eyebrows knit together in a tight line. 
   “I’m… I’m fine,” you stutter out as you reach to grab the packaged letters. You jump back as his calloused fingers brush against yours, feeling the electricity fire through your veins as you see him react the same way. 
   “You sure?” One thick eyebrow cocks up as he stands tall before you, his body hovering too close as you smell the scent of fresh wood and pine needles. A scent you used to smell every single night while you were in his bed, cuddled up to him in the dead of night. Now, all you smell is regret and sadness mixed together in an empty bed with no one to hold you. 
   You clench your jaw and try to be brave as you feel a wet teardrop escape over your lash line and slide down your face. “Mhm, I’m fine,” you barely get out as you look blankly at the cracked concrete and scuff your heel into the hard ground. 
   “You don’t look fine. Is everythin’… do you wanna talk?” he asks as he slowly reaches a hand out, dropping it before he touches your skin as he realizes he shouldn’t do that. That’s too much, too risky, too sacred. 
   You look up at him behind your thick eyelashes as another shimmery tear rolls down your wide eyes. “Everything is not fine, but no. I don’t want to talk. I shouldn’t even be here. I’m sorry for bothering you, you didn’t need to help me,” you sniffle out. You start to turn away from him, but then you feel a large hand clamp down on your wrist, preventing you from moving away. 
   “Hey, look at me,” he murmurs as you slowly turn and blink up at him, your eyes glazing over as you see the hurt coat his beautiful face. “Why are you cryin’, is it… that guy that keeps droppin’ by your doorstep?” he asks cautiously as you flinch at the topic. You swear you hear a hint of jealousy when he says that guy. 
   You shake your head and pull out of his grip as his fingertips imprint your skin in hot, searing heat. “No, not necessarily…” you mumble as you cross your arms over your chest, trying to get out of this uncomfortable small talk. Why couldn’t he just ask you about the weather like a normal guy would? But Joel Miller was no normal guy. No. He was… special.
   “He hurt you?” His eyes are cold, narrowed like he actually cares what happens to you. You don’t know why. He shouldn’t even pay attention to you. You’re not Tess, you're not his to care about anymore. 
   “He… cheated on me. He won’t stop calling or coming over, even though I tell him to stop. He’s adamant I listen to him. Says it was an accident and that she put the first moves on him, and just a bunch of bullshit answers.”
   He’s quiet for a moment as he assesses you, careful with his words as he starts again. “Have you tried hearin’ him out? Maybe he…”
   “I don’t want HIM!” you scream as you feel your face burn hot as your eyes start to water. Your red stained lips quiver under the grey clouds that weigh you down to the ground, and you feel like you just said something you shouldn’t have to him.
   Joel takes a hesitant step back as his brown eyes grow wide, his fingers flexing against his dark jeans as you see pain reflecting in his eyes, a mere image of yourself that’s broken, bleeding, hollow, lonely. You’re so terribly alone, and you wish he could comfort you. You really do, but he can’t. He’s not yours. Even though you so badly wish he still was. 
   Your wide-eyed gaze threatens to take you under as you feel regret slipping from your tongue. Why did you make such a big commotion? Why did you say you didn’t want him in that way? Fuck. You start to back up and laugh to yourself. “Sorry, I need to go.”
   Just before you can make it your lawn, Joel calls your name quietly. His tone makes you turn on the spot and stare at him with the way his deep bravado voice carries through the nearly spring wind. His eyes are pensive, sad, wrecked. His jaw clenches as he shoves his hands deep in his pockets. He looks like he wants to say something, looks like he wants to spill years of held in thoughts as his jaw ticks back and forth. 
   “Look, I know I never got a chance to apologize about what happened.” He walks toward you, and you take a step back as you shake your head, knowing what he’s about to say. 
   “Joel, no. Stop, you…”
   “Jus’ hear me out a second. Please.” He looks at you with big, begging brown eyes, and he looks like a wounded puppy with the way he’s staring down at you all broken and hurting, mirroring exactly how you feel. You think he might be just as hurt about it as you still are. 
   “Okay,” you mumble out as you stand your ground. 
   “‘M sorry about how everythin’ went down. ‘M sorry for bein’ such an ass to you, about all the stupid fights we had, about everythin’ we ever went through. And I’m so fuckin’ sorry for runnin’ out on you that cold February night. I didn’t… I wasn’t thinkin’ and…”
   You hold out a hand and stop him right there as you shake your head. “Joel, we were young and dumb. I was the one that told you to leave. You didn’t really have to, but I never went after you, and you never came back. I thought it was over, that we were over. And clearly we were because neither of us fought to keep the other…”
   You feel tears lick the backs of your eyes as you bite your bottom lip and wipe your waterline of any tears that might be escaping. 
   “I… I would’ve. Trust me, there’s not a day… there wasn’t a day that I didn’t think about doin’ what I did differently. And maybe… maybe things would’ve been different. Ya know? Maybe we’d still be…” He rakes a hand slowly down his greying scruff and sighs as he shakes his head. “Fuck. This is… harder than I thought it was gonna be…”
   “Joel…” You place a hand slowly over his wrist and watch his brown eyes go from clear to a cloud of haze. “I know you’re marrying Tess. She told me the other day when I saw her watering her lilies. She sounded so excited, so in love,” you cringe as you drop his wrist and take a hesitant step back. 
   “Oh, she told you?” he asks sheepishly, a bit taken back in a sense. 
   “Yeah, she did.”
   “I see.”
   You both stand there staring at one another, eyes alight with sparks of sadness and regret, turmoil that bleeds all over the heated concrete as you face each other. Both standing on a battleground where no one even lifts a finger. It’s just pleading cries and vacant apologies left in the back of the mind. A hollow graveyard that once was a flowering rose garden. 
   You feel like you should go, should get in your little Toyota and drive away, but you’re so lost and you feel like the world has left you behind. There’s just one more thing that needs to be said, one more bottled up sentiment that you need to get off your chest. So you look him straight in the eyes and say it, taking your very last breath as you bleed out all over his front yard. 
   “Look, Joel. I’m so happy you’ve found someone that makes you smile, someone that you’re clearly so in love with. I see the way you look at her. You’re so happy. And I’m so… I’m so…” You choke on your last words as tears fill the brims of your eyes, and you wipe a falling tear away with the sleeve of your shirt.
   “I’m so… happy that you get to marry the love of your life. You deserve it, you deserve all the happiness in the world. And I…” 
   Joel grabs ahold of your forearms and squeezes, looking at you with deep chocolate eyes that swallow you whole as soon as you look up into those brown pits of warmth. You feel it then, the absolute wretched wave that crashes over your body as you feel his warm fingertips tattoo themselves onto your skin. You feel it, the memories washing over you as they swim freely in your head. You remember taking a trip to Florida in his new truck, remember laying in the sand while he grazed his calloused fingers down your sandy skin and told you he loved you for the first time, remember how it felt to be under his body as you writhed and moaned with every touch he stole from you, remember how deeply in love the two of you were, if only for a fortnight. It was the happiest you’ve ever been with someone, the happiest you’ve ever been. Even if it only lasted for a second. He was your favorite season, favorite breath, favorite fortnight. Your forever that you wish would’ve lasted longer. But it was over. This was over. 
   You start to break down then, pulling out of his heated grasp as his fingertips fall from your skin. It’s too much, this is too much. You shouldn’t be here. Not with him, alone. It hurts too much, like a bloody wound that’ll never mend itself back together. The tears start pouring, ruining your mascara as you feel the rain come down slowly over your crimson cheeks. 
   “I… need to go.” When you turn back toward your driveway, Joel calls your name softly, like he’s afraid to speak your name, like he’s being fragile with a dying flower. You stand there a minute before turning back around, your nails embedding marks into your scraped up palms as you clench your jaw and turn, feeling another warm splash drop against your skin. 
   He looks so sad, so conflicted as he stares at you with knit together eyebrows, his hands shoved deep into the pockets of his denim jeans as you see him slide his tongue slowly over his bottom teeth. He looks likes he’s struggling as much as you, maybe holding things back just like you are. Like the way you still love him. But it’s too late. You’re too late. 
   “He didn’t deserve you, you know. You deserve someone… someone that’ll make you happy. You deserve the world. And I hope you find it. You’re, well… you’re special. And I hate to see ya cry. ‘M sorry if I was the one who did that to you. And if you ever… if you ever need… ahh fuck. Jus’… take care of yourself, will ya?”
   You watch his fingers flex in his pocket, like he wants to reach out, maybe pull you in his arms, tell you everything will be alright in the end, but it won’t, it never will. He’s getting married to Tess, not you. You need to move on, for your own good. 
   You bite your bottom lip and nod as another sniffle leaves your constricted throat. You feel another warm splash on your arm as you give him a tight smile and turn back to your empty house, a house full of bottled up pain and regret. “Thanks, Joel. B… bye,” you choke out as you walk shamefully back to your front porch, letting the door close with a bang as you slide down the back of the door and end in a muddled ball on the floor. 
   You let the tears flow, let them burn the backs of your eyes as you feel hot air blow through your mouth. You weren’t supposed to talk to him, weren’t even supposed to let him touch your skin, even if it was just your wrist, your arm, your heart. It’s not supposed to hurt this bad, losing him all over again, but here you are. A ruined mess curled up on the wooden floor. He was your fortnight, your favorite part of every day until he was gone. Just like now. A wilted rose petal that died years ago. 
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   He watches you turn back toward your half wilted rose covered yard, feeling the sting of tears he holds onto as he clenches his jaw and rakes a hand slowly down his greying scruff. He hates seeing you cry, hates being the reason for it, and hates the way he wants to run across your yard and pull you into his waiting arms. He wants so badly to take away the pain, but he can’t, he shouldn’t. It wouldn’t be right. But nothing is quite right in his mind anymore. No. Not in the slightest.
   He still thinks about you, the way he used to tangle his fingers in your hair as you fell asleep in his lap so many times before. He thinks about the way your soft skin felt every time he grazed his calloused fingers down your arms, your thighs, your dripping center as he’d make endless love to you night after night. He remembers it all, the good and the bad. But mostly he remembers the way he told you how deeply he was in love with you that night in Florida, promising you forever as he pulled you in for a bittersweet kiss that would be the start of the end. 
   He remembers it all. The stupid fights that meant nothing, the way he was so careless with your feelings that night of the fight, the way he walked out in the pouring rain and never looked back, the way he left you brokenhearted, just like you are now as he watches you fade back into the house as you rub your tear soaked eyes. And it kills him, it kills him that a small part of him still loves you. He still loves you…
   How can a person love two people at the same time? He doesn’t know why or how, but he does. He still loves you.. and he hates it, he fucking hates it. 
   He still thinks about you, even when he’s holding Tess against his chest late at night in their bed, even when he brushes his lips against her creased forehead, even when she says quick I love you’s to him every morning before she heads off to work. He wonders what it’d be like to hear it from your lips, on your tongue. He thinks about it so fucking much that he dreams about you, night after night. And if that makes him a bad man then fuck it, he’s already a very bad man.
   He may seem happy on the outside, absolutely head over heels for Tess, which he is. But also, he isn’t because that other half of himself is devoted to you. But he’s marrying Tess, not you. So he drinks, downs the whiskey night after night as he suffers from his own stupid past mistakes. A functioning alcoholic that’s drunk off heartbreak and pining that can never be. He’s royally and thoroughly fucked beyond his wreckless decisions. 
   He watches you every day leaving your house, climbing into your small Toyota, alone, frowning, lonely. He sees how sad you look when you catch his eyes, sees the tears well in your glistening gaze. He knows you probably must be so miserable living across from him, he sees it in the way you carry your shoulders, all hunched and wilting as your beautiful eyes gloss over every single fucking time he looks at you. He knows because that’s how he feels every time he sees you through your kitchen window, staring in a blank daze as he caresses Tess’s cheek and leaves trails of kisses up her soft skin. He knows how you feel. Because believe it or not, he’s just as miserable as you are. 
   When he finally sees you stumble through the front door and shut firmly it behind you, he lets a single tear fall like rain against his cheek, releasing his pent up frustration and held back feelings like the drops of whiskey he suffocates on night after night. And like the slow rush of February, he lets his feelings flow in the wind, dwindling down the quiet street as your silent cries fade into black. You were only a fraction of a moment, a sweet speck of sunshine that lit up his life, and now it was just a memory blown away by the endless February breeze. 
   He tries everything in his power not to run across the dew covered grass and stumble up to your porch, bang his rough knuckles against your glass door till you open up and let him over the threshold. He wants so fucking badly to wrap you in his arms, tell you everything’s going to be okay, scrape his lips across your tear soaked eyes as he kisses away the tears that he caused. But he can’t. He just fucking can’t. 
   He knows you’re on the floor, knows you’re crying your eyes out because of him. He shouldn’t have even helped you with your fallen mail, shouldn’t have placed his calloused and tainted fingers on your delicate and innocent skin, because that just brought back vivid images of you and him together. Imagines that are burned inside his memory as he locks them tightly away. A part of his mind that’s completely blocked off from Tess because she doesn’t know he still loves you. But it’s too late. He can’t have both; he can only have one. 
   So when he walks down that aisle, he’ll fully devote himself to Tess. No more silhouettes of you in his imagination, at least not when she’s in the room. He still imagines the thought of you walking down that aisle, can already see how stunning you’d look in your long satin dress, envisions you throwing your arms around his neck as he says “I do” and kisses you endlessly for the rest of his godforsaken life.
   It was always you he thinks, but time was not on his side, and he couldn’t go back to the past. He’d have to choose between the two of you, and he couldn’t imagine the thought of breaking Tess’s heart. Can’t bear the thought of losing her, but then there’s you. The girl that was once the love of his life, that’s still the love of his life. But he can’t have two loves, that’s not how it works in this life. 
So he drowns in his tears, goes back inside as he pours a half glass of amber whiskey, drinks it down like it’ll be his saving grace. You were only a fortnight in his tragic life, but you were the best one. His favorite fortnight. So he’ll pine, burn through the ashes of all his mistakes. He loves you, and it’ll surely ruin his life in the end.
He chases the whiskey down as he feels it burn like hot lava down his throat, letting the alcohol drive his sins away as he stares at your empty kitchen window. You still haven’t left for the morning, haven’t driven off into the glowing sunrise even though it’s half past 8:00.
He hates that he knows your routine, knows it’s fucked that he watches you every single morning. It’s like clockwork the way he reaches for the whiskey bottle as soon as Tess leaves, while he stands in his empty kitchen watching you. He’s such a bad man, but he’s known this ever since he found out it was you that lived across the street from him. That’s when all the feelings came flooding back like a torrential downpour, and that’s why he picked up his awful drinking habit again. Now he takes a shot every single time he sees you, like that’ll help a damn thing, but it never does, it only makes the feelings worse.
After thirty minutes of silence from your window, he takes one last gulp of the toxic amber drink and slides the bottle away, feeling the taste of regret and remorse on the tip of his tongue. He knows you’re on that floor unable to get up, probably staining the hardwood from your tears. He clenches his jaw, embeds his calloused fingertips into the rustic counter and curses to himself under his breath. He needs to fix what he did, needs to put his racing thoughts to bed, so he moves like lightning towards the front door, dragging his sorrows and regrets with him as his boots scuff against the tiles of the front entryway.
He doesn’t have time to process it, doesn’t have a chance to think it through, he just moves quickly. He sprints across your yard, passing half dead rose bushes that he should’ve kept alive. Now they just look like he feels, dead and wilting, both things willing to crumble under his touch.
Now he’s standing on your front porch, the burn of alcohol edging him on as he raises his balled up fist over the silhouette of your door. He doesn’t have time to think, to act, he just has to do something, anything to get you out of his drowning mind. So he stands there burning in the flames of past mistakes and fortnights.
Before his hand can move an inch, he smells it. The morning breeze carrying a whiff of fragrant, lush lilies across his burning nostrils that cloud his foggy mind. The scent of Tess. But he also smells the fragrance of wilting red roses and dewy, clipped grass. The smell of you. Both scents swirl together as he grits his teeth and lets the pain of mixed scents numb his racing mind. He’s fucked, ruined now, but he can’t have both. He has to make a choice. It's either soft lilies or scented rose petals. And goddamn it, he wants both flowers. But he can’t pick both, he just can’t. He has to make a decision. One that’ll surely be the end of him. He loses either way he chooses.
Tagging some mutuals 🩵 @msjarvis @littlevenicebitch69 @sawymredfox @bbyanarchist @keylimebeag
@casa-boiardi @vivian-pascal @amyispxnk @laurrrra @rav3n-pascal22 @magpiepills
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pinkyqil · 3 months
Begging' On your knees
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Summary: mapi had been going out with one of the player's until she randomly just ghosted and broke up with her over text with no explanation whatsoever.
Warning: none and let's not forget everything is fictional !
Basically a mapi x Ingrid x r oc kinda fic,inspired by the song begging on your knees song from victorious.because I recently just restarted it and the song got my attention and i haven't stopped making scenario so here we are with me writing this fic.
You and mapi had been going out together for a while now. especially with you getting called up for the team this season.meaning you both could practice and spend more time together. But recently you've noticed she gotten distant with you but didn't think much of it.
Until she she texted you out of nowhere wanting to break up no explanation or reasoning. You've never felt confused and heartbroken like that before especially when the near end of your season came.
At practice you'd both ignore each other unless you were paired up together for practices game or at matches.
where you'd both need to communicate otherwise no words would be uttered to another. Not until a fellow teammate Lucy had mentioned something.
about new transfers joining in the team . you had no worries cause you've already renewed your contract with the team.
for another two years which was yet to be announced . Nobody really knew about you and mapi. Cause most of the time you and mapi would always flirt and touch each other consensual.
Has spanish people are very affectionate with one another. So no one really thought about it.
but it did go noticed by a few teammates how you both had suddenly stopped interacting that much. Which they planned a get together for the whole team to bound and everything.
sadly you hadn't been able to attend due to your break and you booking a flight to spend time with a few friends from england and to focus more on yourself.
You hadn't been really on social media that much , only on there to post photos dumps of your trip or doing mini tiktoks with friends.
So you don't really know what going on between your teammates back at spain.
but you didn't bear anything in mind and just enjoyed your vacation .
Until that had recently come to an end and it was time for you too get back to spain. You had recently joined back to regular training with the team. it hadn't been a surprise has your renewal was already announced.
You'd already get along with everyone and the new comers getting to know each other and doing small talk. It hadn't been until you'll notice mapi talking to a browned hair girl with light blue eyes .
You've heard that they started talking a while back and recently became official. Angry couldn't even describe what you were feeling, begin able to match the pieces together which was able to explain the distance between you and mapi .and how your relationship went downfall.
It all made sense, you felt hurt betrayed and most definitely used like a recycling bin. If your day couldn't go any worse after crying in the bathroom.
pretending you were okay. Alexia and Irene had planned a get together at a karaoke club bar for all you women.
to get along and know each other and too have fun in general has the team would be having a busy and long week. You couldn't decline the invite.
But had a very tempting idea to get back at mapi. At the karaoke bar everyone was having fun, drinking, dancing and much more. Lucy had spotted you having begin the one to notice the distance between you and mapi
; you've been staring at both of them for a while now said lucy ; you just looked at her and back at them without giving her a reply and just moved up to the stage choosing a song and grabbing the mic.
You had it all
The day you told me, told me you want me
I had it all
But let you fool me, fool me completely
Yeah, I was so stupid
To give you all my attention
'Cause the way you played me' *you said while pointing at mapi *
Exposed your true intentions
And one day
I'll have you begging on your knees for me
Yeah, one day
I'll have you crawling like a centipede
You messed with me' (pointing at yourself)
And messed with her (pointing at Ingrid )
So I'll make sure you get what you deserve
Yeah, one day
You'll be begging on your knees for me
So, watch your back *you get down the stage )
'Cause you don't know when or where I could get you
I've set the trap
And when I'm done, then you'll know what I've been through
So, oh, "Ms. Player"
Do you feel like the man now?
And I bet you're nervous
'Cause this song makes you freak out
And one day
I'll have you begging on your knees for me
Yeah, one day
I'll have you crawling like a centipede
You messed with me
And messed with her ( you said while grabbing Ingrid by her arm and placing it around your shoulder while pointing at her *)
So I'll make sure you get what you deserve
Yeah, one day
You'll be begging on your knees for me
I know I'm being bitter
But I'mma drag you under
'Cause you just don't, don't deserve happy ever after
For what you did to me
After you told me you'd never felt that way
It was only just a game
And one day
And one day
I'll have you begging on your knees for me (begging on your knees for me)
Yeah, one day
Yeah, one day
I'll have you crawling like a centipede (crawling like a centipede)
You messed with me
And messed with her
So I'll make sure you get what you deserve
You'll be begging on your knees for me
You finished by setting the mic down and ; yelling I'll fucking get you back léon;
joining the rest of the girls by dancing and continuing your night drinking and having fun.
While mapi had the look of shock trying to process everything or to get words out of her mouth.
Her friend group around her just gave out a look of disappointment while most of them just laughed at the look of horror she has on her face.
A/n : finally wrote something after not writing for a few months now 😀 I'm happy with how this turned out a lil bit , if you have any ideas for a p2 feel free to share it also wrote this in one sitting so they might be mistakes and of course I'm always happy to get feedbacks .
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empresskylo · 1 year
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quick lil fic lightly based on this piece of fanart by @/umikochannart on twt
a/n: sorry this is so sort, just randomly had inspiration to write this
cw: ptsd, fluff
simon "ghost" riley x gn!reader
wc: <1k
The mattress under you sank as a body climbed in beside you. Simon. Stripped of his gear, he slid into the small bed beside you, his arm wrapping around you, pulling you close.
You sighed sweetly as he stirred you from your slumber, always happy to feel him pressed against you. He placed a kiss on the back of your head before falling asleep. 
It had taken a long time to get to this place with Simon. It was a long road to get him to trust you. So when he finally let you sleep beside him, you were surprised at how cuddly he could be. Since that first night, he refused to let you sleep in your own bed. Something about your presence calmed him. Helped to ease the constant night terrors. And you finally felt safe with him wrapped around you. You both were finally able to sleep through the night, something neither of you could do on your own. 
It must have been past two in the morning when you felt Simon’s fingers digging into your side. You slowly squinted your eyes open, rubbing them with your hand. You were pressed flesh against Simon’s chest as he cocooned you, his face buried in your hair. You smiled, closing your eyes to fall back asleep when his fingers dug into you again.
A small gasp left your lips. Simon was pulling your body into him, as close as he could, his hands pressing roughly on your belly as he tightened his grip around you. 
“Simon,” you said softly. You heard him grumble something behind you. You thought you had awakened him then, so you tried to turn your head to face him, pulling back from him slightly. 
You yelped as he forced you back against his chest, his arm hooked around you, trapping you in place. “Don’t leave me,” he mumbled, his voice hoarse and barely above a whisper.
You knew he was having a nightmare. Your hand went down to his, trying to pry his fingers from your torso, wanting to intertwine them with yours. 
You could feel his heart pounding in his chest, his breathing picking up speed. “Simon,” you said again. 
His free hand rested across his face as he buried it further into your hair. You could hear small grunts escaping his mouth. 
“Simon, I’m right here,” you cooed, not wanting to startle him awake if you could avoid it.
His heart still pounded but his breathing began to mellow slightly. You used all your strength to roll over so your chest lay against his. God, this man was strong.
Your hands snaked up to his jaw, brushing your fingers lovingly against his stubble. “I’m right here,” you said again. You ran your fingers through his hair, his eyes fluttering open. His gaze instantly locked with yours, his eyes searching yours for answers. It took him a moment before realizing you had tears in your eyes as you stroked his hair. He realized he was having another goddamn nightmare.
“Did I hurt you?” He asked in a panic, his hand that still rested around you stiffening. 
You smiled and shook your head. 
His breathing was erratic as he looked at you, so much pain in his eyes. “I told you to leave,” he said in a deep voice, frustrated with himself more than anything. Simon was referring to the times he had told you to get out of bed when he started having night terrors. He wasn’t in control of himself during them and didn’t want to hurt you. He knew how dark those dreams could get. He wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if he lashed out on you, even if it was unconsciously. 
“And I told you that wasn’t happening.” 
His thumb came up to wipe away the tears under your eyes, his hand resting on your cheek. You could see the worry flicker in his eyes as he looked at you. “It’s okay. I’m right here,” You said again before snuggling back up into him, his body encasing you, his hand resting on your back and rubbing small circles. Simon could smell your shampoo with your head tucked under his chin. He let you fill his senses. All of them. Your smaller hands wrapped around his chest, clinging to him just as much as he was clinging to you. You were the only thing that tethered him. You always brought him back. You trusted him more than anything else on this stupid planet. You’d be damned if you abandoned him while he was dreaming of all the terrible things he’s had to whiteness. 
You were already half asleep when you heard him whisper in your ear. “I love you.” 
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planetxiao · 1 year
HEHEHEHEHEEHE feel free to ignore this request if you dont feel inspired to write it but
Xiao, Zhongli, Albedo, Tighnari
Biting them out of love.
Like you ever seen their bicep or shoulder and just wanted to-
*nom nom*
Headcannons btw :)
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꠵ PAIRINGS; xiao ; albedo ; tighnari x reader
꠵ GENRE; fluff, crack, headcanons.
꠵ NOTES; omg LOL these are so fun, thank you for requesting! i only take 3 characters for requests, so i couldn’t involve zhongli i’m sorry </3 but i hope you enjoy!! my mutual @sonder-paradise has also written a work with this prompt, you can read it here if you’d like :)
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He acts like he doesn’t like it when you bite him. The first time it happened he was caught so off guard by it; he jumped at the feeling, alarmed eyes darting to the source of the strange sensation, only to find you using him as your personal chew toy. He found it strange.
When you tell him you can’t help it and you just get the urge to bite him sometimes, he’s even more perplexed. But, he doesn’t necessarily deter you from doing so. Mortals really were an enigma, though he didn’t mind trying to figure you out.
As time goes on, he gets used to it— almost a bit too used to it. It’s gotten to the point where if you don’t try to bite him, he begins worrying if something is wrong. Though the affection is strange, he came to realize it was caused by your fondness of him. So, all in all, he doesn’t mind… but he is definitely more confused about mortal customs.
Albedo is another one you’ve confused with human customs. He knows he’s a bit out of touch since he spends a majority of his time in the snowy scapes of Dragonspine, but Albedo had been made aware of other such forms of affection. This new enigma was yet to be discovered by the alchemist.
When you preyed on his shoulder, he was unsure how to react. His body instinctually tensed up as he was holding vials of chemicals in his hands, but other than regard for your safety, Albedo was at a loss. Was this an act to show you were angry with him? Were you hungry? Perhaps you were still in the woes of a teething phase?
He, of course, asked you what the bite was for; however, the alchemist was left more perplexed with your answer. A bite… out of love? A sudden urge felt when you see him? Albedo hummed in thought. He had pondered the action days after it had taken place, wondering if this was common occurrence in human society. Truthfully, Albedo hoped you would bite him again. He wanted to learn more about this anomaly— this newfound affection you had bestowed upon him. Maybe, it would lead him to understand you better as well.
Biting Tighnari out of love will, for sure, catch him off guard. He thought he had you figured out for some time: if you were staring at his ears, you wanted to pet them; if you tugged on his sleeve, you wanted affection; if you hugged him for longer than usual, you were having a bad day. Things like those Tighnari had taken a mental note of over time. As thorough as he was, it seemed there was always something new he learned about you each day.
So, he wasn’t exactly counting on you to bite him. When you bit his arm randomly during your patrol with him, Tighnari jumped. At first, the thought that you had maybe eaten another hallucinogenic mushroom crossed his mind, but the way you gazed at him with a small giggle bubbling from your lips gave way to your conscious decision.
When you explained it was out of love, Tighnari sighed. He believed you. He had seen it before, but he certainly wasn’t expecting to be the one receiving such affection. But, he wasn’t bothered by it all that much. In his mind, it showed how comfortable you were becoming around him. If all he had to withstand was some nibbles on his arms from time to time, he was content with it. The real issue would arise if you ever decided to chomp on his ears.
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꠵ TAGLIST; @sonder-paradise @snowbits
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answer2jeff · 6 months
Life Imitates Art —Carmen Berzatto.
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PART 1/2.
warnings: fluff. painter!reader x roommate!carmen. unestablished relationships. clunky overly detailed writing. carmy being concerned. angsty. mutual pinning. (reader is lowkey mentally unstable like Carmen. i can't write 100% healthy relationships i'm sorry!!!)
a/n: sorry i disappeared and didn't write for weeks and decided to randomly drop this!
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You needed inspiration.
With your last three pieces bought out from the French art gallery, L'art de L'amour, you hadn't touched your easel in days. Your brushes had gone dry, the paint clumping and staining every bristle. The lack of desire to make art felt like you hadn't seen the sun in 10 years.
You'd been ignoring this dreadful feeling with sleep.
Long day at the studio, the space filled with no one but younger, starving artists who wanted to admire your work for creative flow—but never wanting to know the real meaning behind every brush stroke, or why you used oil paints for specific pieces? Sleep.
The days fell shorter, the nights falling longer.
Even your roommate, a micromanager of his career, noticed.
It surprised you, possibly more than it should've. When you first moved into this apartment, you had every doubt in the world sharing a space would be enjoyable. For a while, you weren't sure if you could call yourselves "friends." Then again, living with a complete stranger—a man, no less, seemed impractical. But after a month or two, it was refreshing in a way. Carmen always cleaned up after himself, and was never opposed to splitting chores. There was no need to set specific boundaries. You felt respected, cared for. Every minute not overpowered by either of your desires to create were mostly spent with each other. It kept you sane.
You woke up to the sound of Carmen walking into the kitchen, cursing under his breath when he struggled to shut the door of your apartment behind him. Reluctantly, you dragged yourself out of bed, only to find that your bedroom door was wide open. You must've gone straight to bed after spending the entire evening trying and expectedly failing at "cleaning" up the apartment so Carmen wouldn't come home to a mess.
Bare feet pattered against the floorboards, the palm of your hand pressing into your tired eyes. You stretched your arms out, your t-shirt, who you weren't sure if it was yours or Carmen's, lifting up and showing just a sliver of your stomach over your grey sweatpants. The sunlight leaking through the windows blinded you.
"Oh, hey. You're up." A warm, welcoming voice greeted you, followed by the fridge being closed shut after restocking it with the necessities he picked up from Whole Foods.
You blinked to see Carmen hovered over the kitchen counter, clad in a navy-blue crewneck and gold chain dangling from his pale neck. His hands pried at a familiar brown wrapper. Blueberry muffins.
"Hey, yourself," you slurred, barely able to keep your eyes open as you hoisted yourself up onto the marble surface. You gazed down at him, grinning at his messy blonde curls.
Carmen smiled back, blue eyes admiring the sight of you: half asleep, your voice raspy while still having that airy cadence, your hair messier than it was the last time he willingly saw you—which he couldn't totally remember. He came home to the sight of your bedroom dimly lit by your bedside lamp.
"It's noon," he muttered, glancing from his phone on the counter, and back to you.
"Shit. Really?"
"Yeah. You've been sleeping a lot lately," he kept his stare on you as he opened the cabinet beside you, reminding you to 'watch your head' as he grabbed a ceramic plate.
"Isn't that a good thing?"
Your mind wandered to your exhibit. The thought of never having the ability to create such extraordinary work terrified you. So much that you hadn't even tried. It was almost embarrassing: Carmen seeing you like this. Rid of the one thing you convinced yourself you knew how to do.
"Not really."
You wanted to laugh. Maybe he just didn't get it.
If you could make even the painfully mundane into something more, than maybe you were more than just existing. Carmen was actually astounded by you and your work, even with the lack of knowledge in other art forms. Culinary was his calling, but for you? Oh, how he tried to grasp every concept you conveyed in your creative works. All in attempt to comprehend every thought in that pretty little head of yours.
Maybe he didn't understand as much as he wished, but maybe he didn't have to totally 'get it' to get you. Carmen found it hard to read people, their feelings, their true intentions, his whole life. But for once, he had confidence in his intoxicating marvel for everything you did. Even the way you covered your mouth when you laughed around everyone except him, or the way you styled your hair
"Well, it was for the sake of art," you smiled, extending your hand out to accept the plate that held the beautifully baked blueberry muffin. "Thanks for these, by the way."
"Pleasure. And I was actually gonna ask you about that. The—the art. Your art." Carmen joined you on the counter, his feet dangling beside yours. Your shoulders bumped past each other, a laugh coming from the both of you.
"Yeah? What about it?" You bit into your muffin, your gaze never leaving his.
"Well, I uh—I kinda wanted to visit your exhibit, y'know? Get to see it in its full form. I would've asked sooner but—"
"Yeah, yeah, it's okay. I know. Um—that'd be great. That's really nice of you, Carm."
A part of you wondered why he wanted to see it. But it wasn't all too surprising. Carmen took every chance he got to see your studio—even taking the initiative to drive you home from it on late nights, where you'd be endlessly analyzing your works even hours after Carmen would leave what was now, The Bear.
"Nah, I mean, I've just seen all that y'do and it's—" Carmen shrugged, struggling to find the right words to express his admiration without changing the atmosphere, "really cool. It's you, y'know?" His bottom lip was barred by his teeth and he looked into you for an answer.
You wished you could understand how the complexities of a kitchen; how it could clutch Carmen's attention to the point of no return, but you were happy for him. He was making something more of "mom and dads piece of shit," as he called it.
You never thought it was anything short of fucking awesome. He had all of this experience, drive, passion. Carmen felt more real, more rawly human to you than anything. Or anyone you'd met before.
He changed you. You were softer, calmer.
And still, you worried for him, dragging him out of the ever all consuming anxiety. Sometimes this was through watching X-file reruns on the couch. And every night, you'd move a little closer. By now, he'd keep an arm around you as your eyes became heavy and the room stirred with darkness and comfortable silence. He prayed to whatever ruled above him that you wouldn't notice, simultaneously wishing you'd want him to hold you gently like this. Even grocery store trips, something so simple, felt this way—which you missed out on this morning. You'd stand on the edge of the cart, your hands supporting your weight as Carmen pushed the handle with both hands, eyes scanning the isle for whatever obscure ingredient he needed for the dinner he planned on making you that night.
Every time he looked away, you stared. His beautifully carved nose, the way he bit the inside of his cheek and furrowed his blonde eyebrows when he tried to focus on making a decision. You were afraid, in a weird, animalistic way. You hadn't stopped yourself from relying on him. What if loving him this way made him pull away–or worse, you? You had to admit, having something this painfully simple in your life that made up for the chaos, was a little hard to accept.
It took everything in you to pretend you didn't notice him cleaning up the bathroom you shared whenever either of you left your belongings lying around. You wanted to convince yourself it was because he didn't want to come off as a slob, or influence you to be one yourself. But it always felt more like he was looking after you. Nothing that belonged to you would ever be misplaced again. Not with Carmen around.
You took pride in the little things. Your shoes placed next to each other near the front door, your toothbrushes leaning against each other with corresponding colored clips to cover their bristles. This was good. Change was good.
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yenqa · 9 months
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sypnosis — you meet jay randomly on a subway, and soon your conversation turns into more than just the silly poem book he’s reading
warnings — profanities, mentions of insecurities, angst, they’re so gross (in a “i’m jealous” way), food/eating/drinking, lmk if there are any more :)
pairing — jay x fem!reader
word count — 3.8k+
yen’s note — i worked very hard on this and i’m pretty happy with this so i hope u enjoy :) also this is a scheduled post
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Spring Break, 2019
You counted down the amount of days it would be until you turned 17.
17 was the golden age—Or at least it was supposed to be. But the thrill of turning a new age was over by the next 15 minutes. Your big smile that had originally been processing the newfound year of your life slowly dropped, as your age didn’t really matter much to anyone else than your mom or dad.
17 was when you first realized that people didn’t really care as much as you thought they did. No one would care if your hair was slightly frizzy and tangled from the light wash of rain or the fact that you enjoy reading and writing poetry.
You realized no one cared, but it was hard to stop believing it.
So, you brought a hairbrush around, or quickly hid your journal and pen anytime someone got close to you. 
You’re still 17. And you still felt like how you felt 15 minutes after midnight. You felt dull. Washed-out. And the rainy season hasn't helped enlighten your mood at all.
You decided to take an impulsive day trip south, to the buzzing city of Seattle, and also wanting to take a break from everyone and the life you knew. You rushed to the subway, the tote bag that hung on your shoulder had collided with your body every step you took.
You stand right in front of the entrance, scanning the cart to see one empty seat. Sitting down, you address your surroundings, trying to read if maybe it would be a better idea to stand.
Next to you was a man around your age. Silently reading a book with a familiar cover. Staring at the book longer than you realize, you can see the man next to you no longer focused on the book, but you.
“Oh—I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to be staring, I just recognized the book, Lee Jieun right?”
You almost dreamily sigh every time she’s mentioned. Lee Jieun had been your favorite author for longer than you can remember, one of your favorites by her being the one the unnamed man happened to have been reading.
“Do you know her?” He asks.
Looking up at you he jerks his head to the left, his light brown hair moves out of his eyes revealing his full face. You almost forget to answer the question, busy goggling at the sight of him. His eyes laid in yours, awaiting your answer patiently.
“Yeah, I-um she’s one of my favorites actually.”
His eyes subtly check you out, you quickly realize how stupid you must’ve looked with the amount of frizz in your hair from the light drizzle outside. Slowly but not too obviously, you bring your hands up, brushing through whatever you could. Explaining to the man that the book he was reading was one of your favorite poem books. Accidently sharing that you look up to her poems and hope to have the ability to write and share your writing as inspiration for others.
He listens intently, before asking, “You write?”
Your ears grow warm as you answer every question he asks. An unusual thing that happens to you. The conversation grows into each other's lives. And you feel as if you know every part of him as he continues to talk. 
Park Jongseong is his name but his English name is Jay.  His favorite color is green. He likes fashion and cooking. He enjoys autumn and poetry as much as you do. He’s allergic to cats—which is a shame considering the amount of cat hair over your bag that you discreetly try to brush off while he’s talking. His favorite ice cream flavor is Pistachio and he’s not a huge fan of mint chocolate.
You’d usually argue that mint chocolate is the perfect flavor for a hot summer day but you keep quiet, just this once.
Something must’ve snuck into your brain and rewired it because you don’t seem to mind him knowing that you write. In fact you even offer to let him see your works. He reads each word intently, as if it was the most shocking news of the year. 
His favorite is the one you spent the most time on. But it didn't feel as if it was your best work. You didn’t keep quiet about that fact, you hesitated to even let him read that page, but the one line seemed to have piqued his interest. Almost as if his eyes had been glued onto the small stanza.
Together we’re complete
Our perfect harmony 
is truly beautiful.
You were always one to believe in soulmates, or finding someone that perfectly fit next to you. Like the final piece to your complicated puzzle. Your belief often appeared in your writings. Hoping that maybe one day, you’ll meet the missing piece from your board. That day hadn’t come yet. But you were counting down the days just as if you were about to turn 17 again.
“I like that line. What does it mean?” He asks.
“I don’t know, it just sounded right.”
That’s a lie. You know exactly what it means to you. But even as comfortable as you had felt with Jongseong. It was something too personal to share.
If you could name anyone who was the biggest sucker for romance you would name yourself. But it’s been 17 years, and you don’t even think that it was a possible option for you. Sure, you hoped to find your soulmate. But your soulmate could’ve easily been a truly platonic one. And you were losing hope for any romance coming your way. Writing about romance made you feel as if the small ball of hope was still there, and you just had to wait for the right time. 
Those 17 years had told you that you couldn’t be loved. No matter how hard you tried, or even begged. This epiphany randomly hit you in the middle of buzzing parties or small group hangouts, the thought of nobody ever loving, let alone liking you constantly consumed you. Constantly bringing down your mood. That’s why you’re so fond of the idea of soulmates. Because soulmates are perfectly perfect together, and that's ensured by the universe.
He lets out a chuckle, with an understanding nod. Skimming through the small notebook you handed him.
“Why are you heading to Seattle?” You ask as he finishes, placing the notebook neatly in your bag. His mouth parts slightly, carefully choosing what to say. “I’m just taking a day trip, wanted to go explore alone.”
A small smile breaks out of you. “Would you want to travel around Seattle together?”
Jongseong lets your smile grow onto his lips, accepting your bold offer.
The conversation ends and he reopens his book, continuing the page he was on. The ride still had at least thirty minutes to go, and you didn’t want to use all your phone battery now.
You glance over to his book, cursing at yourself for forgetting to bring something to do other than play the stupid games on your phone. He silently reads as your head moves to his shoulder, laying it down and reading with him. You can feel him flinch ever so slightly, his shoulders relax before he moves the book over to the middle of you two, not uttering a word while doing so.
“Thank you,” Your voice is barely above a whisper, and you’re not sure if he even heard it until he responds.
After around 45 minutes the subway comes to a stop and you tap Jongseong, pointing at the moving text on the sign to show you that you’re at your destination. He hastily picks up his stuff, grabbing your hand and walking out the doors. 
“Where do we go?” You ask, looking around for any sort of sign that states the direction.
“Just follow me, I've been here a few times.” His warm hand leads you through the busy people trying to get in, pushing through the loads of people heading towards the small amount of doors in the cart. Jongseong looks back every so often, making sure the hand he’s holding isn’t a ghost. Your eyes lock, and you show him a small smile of appreciation. He smiles back, raising his eyebrows before turning back around, leading you through the clusters.
Finally, you walk up the stairs, stepping into the daylight. Still hand in hand, you use your off hand to cover your eyes from the shade. “Didn’t think it would be so sunny after all the rain this month,” You squint at the bright sky, looking over to Jongseong. He’s rummaging through his bag, pulling out a small box, opening it to reveal sunglasses. You chuckle at how prepared he is, until he places the sunglasses on you. 
Your stomach erupts in butterflies as your mouth parts slightly, a smile grows on his face. “Oh no, keep them. I don’t need them” You hastily take off the sunglasses, handing them to him. He takes them, putting them back on you. You’re about to protest when he says. “Stop—just take them. I want you to wear them,” He mumbles. 
You smile at him, “Thank you Seong.” The nickname comes out naturally, like you’ve known him for years. He smiles, looking away to hide the growing redness of his cheeks. You let out a breathy laugh, covering the bottom half of your face to hide the flustered state you’re in.
“Where do you wanna go?” He asks with a shy smile still planted on his face. You shrug, answering, “I have no idea. Do you have any ideas?” 
His smile becomes less shy and somehow forms into a slight smirk “I have an idea.” his hands encase yours once again, and he whisks you two off to the unknown direction. 
The walk is around twenty minutes, but it goes by quickly. While you two are racing to see who can hit the crosswalk button, you notice the crowds of people around the big red letters stating, “Seattle’s Farmers Market.”
You squeal, a hand coming up to cover your mouth. “I’ve always wanted to go here! You’re like a mindreader, Seong.”
With his other hand he pinches your cheek, squeezing your hand and leading you to the entrance. The growing crowd of the market pushes you to bump into each other every so often,  you both laugh it off, placing your attention to whatever shop you’re checking out.
Coming across a tropical fruits stand, you start looking around, picking up a tray every so often. Not realizing the missing warmth from your hand, you scan the selection of fruits. Picking up a Rambutan, you move the tray around, trying to see if the fruit will be worth the price. You’re eye level with the fruit until you feel a tap on your shoulder.
You whirl around, to see Jongseong. A big grin planted on his face as he revealed why he’s smiling so much.  A bouquet of tulips, wrapping in brown paper with twine wrapped around it waiting for you to take. But you’re frozen—Did he really just buy flowers for you?
He thrusts his hands out towards you, gesturing for you to  take them. You let out a giggle, taking the brown wrapped plants out of his hands. “Gosh you’re so sweet. What did I do to deserve all of this?” You ask, the corners of your mouth slowly upturn when you look at the flowers, admiring the arrangement of light pink tulips. “Can’t I spoil you?” He responds smoothly, not letting you respond before linking your arms and heading to the next stalls.
Passing—What felt like hundreds of stalls, your feet started to cramp up. Both of you decide to take a break and sit down, finding a cafe nearby. You order for the both of you and pay—Which he strongly protests but you feel too bad for him spending too much money on you. Sitting down you let out a sigh, finally letting your feet take the much needed rest.
You two make small talk, talking about your favorite shops or something you wish you had bought. When the barista calls out your name you shoot out of your seat, exchanging a glance with Jongseong before walking over, thanking the lady and grabbing your drinks.
A wave of comfortable silence washes over you two as you try your drinks, glancing out the huge window by your table. You watch as families, couples, or just one person pass by that window. Trying to figure out something about them as they quickly pass by. 
After an hour of quiet conversations of whatever intrigues you, you decide to leave the cafe. Dinner time was approaching and you wanted to beat the rush. Surprisingly, you both quickly decide on a restaurant to go to, a nice restaurant that perfectly suited your cravings. During dinner you exchange numbers, not being able to wait for the next time you’ll see each other.
The sun starts setting when you both decide to go home, walking to the subway station hand in hand. Paying for your fare you both head on the subway, sitting down next to each other. A yawn washes over you, laying your head back and closing your eyes—It’s not like you’ll fall asleep right?
It’s a shame that you did fall asleep. You feel yourself being gently shaken awake by Jongseong. You lift your head up from his shoulder, looking around the subway. 
“Your stop is the next one. Can’t have you half asleep walking home.” He chuckles, you rub your eyes. Trying your best to stretch with the little space you have. “Thank you Seong.” You yawn, letting out a small smile.
He nods, inviting the smile from your face onto his. The subway comes to a stop once again and you look at him with a slight sadness. Planting a chaste kiss on his cheek you let out, “I had fun today, Seong. Let’s do it some time again, yeah?”
“Okay,” He says, smiling. “Text me when you get home okay?” You salute him, walking away with a lovesick smile on your face.
Jongseong holds the same one, still feeling the linger of your kiss on his cheek. He lets his hand touch his cheek, embarrassed by the amount of warmth that flooded his cheeks.
Spring, 2021
It had been around a year and a little over a half since the two of you had even talked.
You don’t know if he got a new number or randomly ghosted you. Even though you had met a bunch of times after, it seemed like he realized that he didn’t like you as much as you thought he did.
You should’ve expected it, I mean—It’s not like anybody could like you that much.
Sighing, you open the messaging app. Typing something in his chat before deleting it. Scrolling up to your old messages.
You hated the fact that you missed him even though you never even dated. You hated the fact that you thought you could be something more than just a failed situationship. You hated the fact that you thought someone could prove you wrong and that someone could love you.
But, of course. All good things came to an end. And what seemed to be like the only good thing in your life, completely ghosted you. You like to believe that he got a new number and forgot to tell you, or lost his phone and had to get a new sim card. But it still hurt.
So, everytime you thought of him, you reopened those messages, trying to reiterate the happiness you felt while texting him.
Looking down to the bottom of your phone you see the empty textbox, mocking you for opening the chat once again. You decide, What’s the harm in messaging him? Maybe he just missed your last few. Clicking on the textbox you type slowly, carefully thinking about your words before sending it.
hey, are you still there? didn’t take you for the type who ghosts girls
You sigh, deleting the text quickly. Looking over to see the ungodly hour of the night displayed on your clock you place your phone down, tucking yourself nicely under the blanket, praying to every god that maybe, he’s okay.
Autumn, 2022
“Have you heard Enhypens recent album? It’s so good!” Hanni exclaims, changing the music playing in the background to listen to the album.
“This is like a few months old, but anyways—Shout out is the best song ever, you should play that song.” Minji answers. They both look at you, asking for your opinion. “Who’s Enhypen?” You ask, eyebrows furrowing as you look up from your phone.
Minji scoffs, “My seven boyfriends. Listen to this song! Isn’t it so good?”
You listened to the background, bopping your head to the upbeat guitar in the instrumental. The lyrics were sweet, and meaningful. Even though you quit poetry, words still had lot’s of meaning for you, and you loved when they found significance in songs. One guy’s voice sounds so vaguely familiar, you brush it off. You probably just saw a clip of him singing a while back and didn’t remember. Getting to the second verse you pay much attention to the lyrics. Your jaw drops hearing one of the lines.
“What’d he just say? Can you rewind a few seconds Hanni?” You ask and she shrugs, opening her phone to go back a few seconds.
Listening to the same verse again you hear those awfully familiar lyrics.
Our perfect harmony
Is truly beautiful
You know those words like the back of your hand. You wrote these exact words in a poem two or three years ago. Could this be a coincidence? Probably, right? You’re too consumed in your own thoughts to hear both of the echoes of your name, following with Hanni asking why.
Slowly pulling out your phone, you quickly search “Enhypen” into the bar. Looking at the members you scan the faces. Looking at them all you see—
That’s Jongseong.
No way, it can’t be. Clicking on his link you’re met with a collage of images. Your body seems to be moving faster than your mind because immediately you scroll down to read the small box of information about him. Oh and of course his name is Park Jongseong too but that's a coincidence, right? Switching apps, you open a selfie you and Seong took on one of your few dates.
You feel as if your eyes will shoot out of your brain, blurting out “I know him.”
Minji and Hanni both exchange weird looks, “You know who? Enhypen? Letting out a hesitant nod, they both rush over to see Jongseong’s information box on your screen. Switching apps to show them the selfie, then each side by side.  “Y/n, you know Jay? As in Enhypen’s Jay?” Hanni gives you a bewildered look. You turn your head up to see Minju sharing the same one. Blinking profusely, you try to figure out how this is even possible. 
“Yes! Remember the guy who ghosted me like two years ago? That’s him!” You exclaim, aggressively pointing to a picture of him. Minji’s mouth opens, forming an “o”. You all sit in silence processing this information.
Breaking the silence, Minji scoffs, “You’re telling me you had a situationship with Jay Park? 
Another long silence follows, you all try to process the fact that the one you deemed as “the one who got away” was globally famous. Maybe he realized his worth, and left you. Maybe, he didn’t bother contacting you because he secretly disliked you. Or maybe he—
“Y/n, he’s coming to Seattle.”
You whip your head to the incoming voice. Instead of seeing a face, you see a phone, straight in front of you listing tour dates. You grab a hold of the phone, making sure you read the words right. “Seattle, Washington. 9/28.”
“They’re coming in a week?” You exclaim, eyes not leaving the phone for a second. Hanni rushes over and you all huddle around the phone. Your breath quickens as you process even more information. And you felt like your brain was about to explode, he would be. in city? in a week?
Hanni practically screams, shaking your shoulders harshly. She seems much more excited than you did, blabbering about how you would reunite and fall in love again. Rolling your eyes, you hand Minji back her phone. You start to question every life decision you had made in the past three years. Would he even remember you? What if it’s a different Jongseong who just happened to have the same name and look exactly like the Seong you once knew? Would you even run into him for the few days he’s there?
These thoughts circle in your brain as you lay down in bed. You thought you were over him—you weren’t even anything to begin with. Maybe it's the quickening beat of your heart to the thought of him , or the smile you hold in whenever you look back at your texts, or maybe even the loneliness you felt after him that keeps you going.
Autumn, 2022
The light breeze engulfs your body. Even though the sun seems to be blinding everywhere it’s still as chilly as ever. Looking at everyone’s outfits on the sidewalk you realize how stupid you look. Fully clothes but with sunglasses covering your eyes. Was it a necessary choice? No—but you realized that after you had left the house. It didn’t matter anyways, you could just take them off (you weren’t but it was still an option). 
Taking your lunch break you walk to the cafe around the corner from your building. Recognizing the cafe as one you visited a few years ago. You ordered the same drink you did three years ago—also ordering a sandwich to eat. You sit down at a table two tables away from the one you once sat at. Placing down your sunglasses you glance around the cafe while waiting for your food. 
Noticing a man in a baseball hat and a mask, you squint trying to see his face. Giving up seconds later and observing someone else. Eyes latching onto the pretty barista making your order. Watching as she quickly makes your sandwich and starts on your drink, not wasting a second to spare.
“I think those sunglasses are mine?” The masked man comes up to you, taking off his baseball cap. You get a better view of his eyes, recognizing the crinkle of his eyes when he smiles.
“Jay?” It’s barely above a whisper, but he still hears it.
He pulls down his mask, showing the face you once knew three years ago, but much more mature now. “Y/n, can we talk?” He sounds nervous, almost jittery. Constantly looking around at the strangers walking by.
“Yeah, of course.” The light tone of your voice calms him down every so slightly, sitting down in front of you with a lopsided smile. 
Never in your life would you have thought you’d meet a celebrity that actually wanted to talk to you, And never in your life would you expect it to be him. Seong—Your Seong, sitting in front of you, carefully selecting every word he utters to you. The one who always knew what to say, can’t seem to get the right words out.
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taglist : @jwnghyuns @ja4hyvn @trsrina @redm4ri @badmuni @yeokii @enhastolemyheart @softpia @s00buwu @ox1-lovesick
hope u liked 😍
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so1arso1stice · 3 months
can you please write a bottom!yeji x reader? thank youuu
yas + ur welcomee
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stripper!softdom!yeji x f!sub!reader (reader is introverted and doesn’t really go out often)
summary: reader doesn’t really go out much, so when her friends decided to take her out to a club, they wanted to make it her best night yet 😉
warnings: smut,
inspired by another blog post i read (it was a ningning fic instead), i forgot the name so srry if it was u i sampled this from
btw pls send me more anon suggs! i love reading and writing anon suggs, but the only thing is pls give me plot!!! im not a good at coming up w/ plot
how did you, somebody who literally never goes out end up at a packed STRIP CLUB on a friday night? well you have your friends to thank you for that! your friends were always like “why don’t you go out?” “it’ll be fun, i promise” and “just this once, please!” eventually you started to get tired of them saying this stuff so you finally gave in and decided to waste your friday night this.
“y/n, i promise you’ll love this!” one of your friends say. “yea, and what if i don’t?” you say back. this causes your friends to roll their eyes in a sarcastic annoyance. “so, it’s the experience that counts, now come on let’s get in!” one of your other friends say as you guys enter the strip club. (pretend getting id’ed doesn’t exist here 🥰)
your goodness this was probably one of the craziest things you’ve ever seen. this huge strip club filled with tons of men and almost half naked women, it was kind of an odd sight for you. you didn’t even notice that you stopped in your tracks until one of your friends notices and says “y/n? you ok?” you nodded and your friend gave you a soft smile “i’ll be at the bar, come over if you need anything!” your friend says before she walks over to the bar, along with your other friends, leaving you alone.
you decided to just sit at one of the lounges and go on your phone, occasionally looking up at the pole dancers (i can’t blame you) until a specific one catches your eye. she was beautiful, those captivating cat eyes, that beautiful ginger hair, and stunning physique. you felt like you were being hypnotized with her beauty.
that wasn’t it, she actually walked off the stage, to you! “hey your cute, what’s your name?” you honestly thought you were dreaming. “my name is… y/n” you were honestly starting to forget your name
“that’s cute, i like that name.” you started blushing like crazy. “are you busy right now?” she asked. when she asked that you started to think about your friends, what they would think.
you thought that they would want this since they were the ones who took you out anyways. so, you nod your head no. “perfect! come with me!” she says after taking you into a room. the room was dimly lit with a chair in the middle. “can you sit in that chair?” she asks and you do just that.
she’s smiling and looks happy. randomly, she takes off her bra. “are you okay with this?” she says. you nod , excitedly waiting to see what’ll happen next. “alright, so i assume your also ok with this..?” she says as she goes to pull off your shirt, showing off your red bra. you start blushing like crazy. “yes, please continue” you speak out.
she goes down and pulls off your skirt and wet panties and starts going DOWN ON UR PUSSY. she starts to lick and kiss on your clit, slowly going deeper and into your g-spot. you were in heaven; you were a moaning mess and this was one of the best feelings you ever had.
“i-im close…” you manage to speak out. she goes faster and faster as soon as she hears your words, destined to make you cum. out of the blue she adds 2 fingers. you couldn’t handle it and had to cum all over her mouth & fingers.
“you did great. now, do it again for me.” you honestly felt tired from the first orgasm but manage to get the courage to cum again for her.
you spread your legs open, ready for her mouth again.
she smiles on your glistening pussy, then goes down to lick off the cum. she starts to each you up again like she’s hungry as FUCK. you already felt like cumming the moment her lips hit your clit.
you couldn’t help but push her head deeper inside. you didn’t want her to stop, it felt too good. “i’m close… a-again…” you said in between moans.
as soon as you said that, you came. all over the chair you were sitting on aswell. she chuckled, “i make you feel that good?”
you nodded tiredly. after that orgasm you were DRAINED. you also checked the time and noticed that it was late. “i really have to go…”
“awh, already? ok then.” she says as she gets up. you start to put back on your clothes and take your bag. “thanks for that, it honestly felt good” you say under your breath, which she still hears
“i’ll make you cum more, trust me” she says she winks and waves goodbye
you quickly leave, not noticing her comment and manage to meet your friends about to leave. “girl where were you? we were looking all over for you”
“it’s not special anyways,” you said, “let’s just get going” you say as you quickly leave and get into the car, your friends trailing behind you.
as you got in the car you checked your bag, everything that was originally there, was there! but there was something else in your bag. it was a note and it read “hwang yeji (the girl who fucked you) 000-000-0000, call me ;)”
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anyasathenaeum · 7 months
Elysium (Dad!Vash fic) - Chapter 1
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A/N: Hi everybody! So, I felt kinda beat up after Tumblr wiped my requests, but then I randomly got inspiration to write a Dad!Vash fic. This is going to have multiple chapters (no idea how many yet), but I'll be writing it as I can. I've cross-posted it to AO3 here.
Story Summary: Vash the Stampede remains in hiding after the disaster of Julai city. In the year since the disaster, you and Vash have had children and are living a quiet life in town, until one day, the arrival of bandits threatens to rip away the life you and Vash have built together. What will Vash give to protect his family?
Warnings: Reader is AFAB in this work, referred to using she/her pronouns and "Mama" by the kids, explicit mentions of pregnancy, childbirth, and violence
Chapter Wordcount: 5.8k
Chapter 1: On The Horizon
"Mama? Mama, wake up." 
A little voice called from the side of your bed, and you groggily registered the feeling of little hands tugging on yours as your eyes fluttered open.
All you could see were two pairs of identical blue eyes, both wide open as they gazed at you curiously and somewhat impatiently. As soon as you awoke, two sets of identical grins broke out on your children's' faces.
"Mmm? What is it, my loves?" You asked groggily, sitting up in bed with a big yawn as you rubbed your sleepiness from your eyes. It couldn't have been later than 6 or 7 in the morning, but your twin children had always been early risers, much like their father.
"We brought you something!"
You watched as the boy, Nicholas, and his sister, Rem, came into your room with a tray they were holding. On it was a plate of food, as well as a cup of water and some beautiful flowers.
"Oh? Did you two make me breakfast in bed?" You asked, your heart warming at the sight of your babies doing this for you, "Thank you, my loves! I love it."
You took the tray from your children and placed it beside you on the bed before leaning over and enveloping both children into your arms, hugging them close and kissing their heads, causing them both to giggle happily as they hugged you back.
"Love you, mama!" Nicholas chimed happily, with Rem nodding her head in agreement and echoing her brother's sentiment, "Yes, mama, we love you!"
You chuckled happily as you hugged your children close, feeling their small bodies against your own. As you glanced up at the doorway, you felt your heart flutter at the sight of your husband smiling at you and your children.
Vash couldn't help but feel his heart swelling in his chest as he watched his children, your children, hugging you and giggling happily as you held them close in your and his shared bed, his smile only growing as he watched the scene before him.
In the past, Vash never would've dared to let himself hope that he'd ever experience happiness like this. He never would've let himself dream that he would have a family, have children and a spouse that he loved more than anything in his life. And yet, against all his expectations, against all his beliefs, happiness fell into his lap the day the two of you realized you were expecting.
You had found Vash shortly after the disaster at Julai city, when the entire city was turned into a crater in the ground and 90% of the population had been wiped out when Vash fell from the sky. Vash had been a broken man, unable to even speak from the grief and the shock of what had happened when you found him. His memories surrounding the incident were muddy at best, but eventually, they returned to him and Vash slowly began to work through what had happened.
During that time, a kind woman by the name of Sheryl and her only living grandchild, Lina, had taken you both in and gave you refuge as you and Vash recovered from the Julai incident, with Vash taking on the name "Eriks" as you both hid from the world. Many nights were spent with you comforting Vash as he wept from nightmares that plagued him constantly, or Vash holding you close and protecting you as memories tried to pull you into their dark depths.
Those nights together brought you and Vash closer together than ever before - the two of you had always been fast and good friends, but this... being each other's anchor when one was caught in a storm of grief and sadness and anger... it brought you two together in a way neither of you had anticipated.
You two had both chosen to silently let whatever bond the two of you had develop and become whatever it was going to become. However, after one particularly bad nightmare where Vash had dreamt of losing you and woken up crying, only to find you looking at him worriedly and with such warmth and tenderness behind your eyes, Vash couldn't help but blurt out those three words.
"I love you."
Vash had fully been crying as he said those words to you breathlessly, as if desperate to get them out into the real world, desperate for you to understand how much you meant to him. He had clutched you desperately to him, his face buried in your hair as he took in your comforting, familiar scent between sobs, mumbling over and over again.
"I love you. I love you, (Y/N), I love you. You're everything to me. P-Please... don't go."
Your heart had broken for him that night, before being set alight when you realized what Vash had said to you. He loved you. You wanted to scream with joy, but instead, all you could do was pull the man you loved so much closer to you, burying your face into him as you held him tighter than ever before as he cried against you.
"I love you, too, Vash. So, so much."
After that night, you and Vash were inseparable, and it was clear to anybody who saw you and Vash together that the two of you were in love and nobody would ever come between you. Grandma Sheryl and Lina had been kind in helping you both find a home to call your own in the town. A beaten-up, neglected old house on the outskirts of the town that desperately needed some love and care eventually became your new home, a home where neither you nor Vash needed to hide.
One day, out of the blue, you had suddenly realized your body was changing. When Vash had placed his hands on you, your belly had begun to glow with faint plant runes, much like the markings on Vash's body whenever he tapped into his Plant abilities and powers. As you looked at him curiously, you watched Vash's eyes widen and his jaw drop open.
"(Y/N)... you're pregnant."
"Woah, woah, woah, what do you mean "pregnant"?" You replied immediately, frowning at him. "That's not possible... is it?"
Vash looked down at you and replied softly, his eyes trained on your stomach, "It's possible. Just... extremely rare."
Your mind had began to spiral as your hand pressed to your belly protectively, as if to shield the life that was growing within it from the world.
"I'm pregnant," You repeated, clearly stunned, your hand beginning to mindlessly rubbing circles over your belly, tracing the plant markings that announced your pregnancy.
You and Vash had to sit down and discuss how everything was going to change now that you were pregnant, and at the end of that conversation, Vash had taken your hand in his and stood up before guiding you towards town.
"Vash? Where are we going?" You had inquired, gazing at him as he continued walking ahead of you, almost as if in a hurry.
He didn't answer you, instead just borderline dragging you through town until he stopped suddenly before an unassuming building. You had raised an eyebrow at him, clearly asking for an explanation.
"Marry me."
You blinked.
Vash had grinned at you, his smile warmer than anything you'd ever seen from him before.
"Marry me, (Y/N). You're pregnant with my child, and I want you to be assured that no matter what happens, I'll always be there to love you and our child and protect you both for as long as I live."
You continued to stare at him as if he had grown a second head, failing to take in exactly what Vash had asked of you. Once it sunk in, your eyes widened and you had begun to splutter.
"B-But, Vash, what if you have to go on the run again? I can't be the reason you're held back! That's not fair to you."
Vash had stepped forward and pulled you to him, his large hand splaying over your abdomen protectively yet incredibly tenderly. His voice was low and gentle.
"(Y/N)... I don't care. You and this child are my family, now. And I swear to always protect my family. I love you both so much, and I refuse to let any harm come to either of you. I'll be damned if I leave you and my child unprotected. The best way for me to ensure your safety is by staying by your side. Forever."
You felt yourself moved to tears as you looked at Vash, who was simply smiling down at you with such love that it made your heart flutter in your chest. You pulled him down by the back of his neck and kissed him with everything in you, trying to show him just how much you loved him through your actions.
"Okay," You whispered softly once the two of you had broken apart, "I'll marry you."
Without another word and grinning like he had just won the greatest prize on the planet, Vash took your hand in his much larger one and guided you into the building, where the two of you signed a marriage license and exchanged vows and rings to symbolize your commitment to each other.
After that day, you and Vash prepared for the arrival of your child. You had managed to create a nursery, crib and all, and awaited nervously for the day your child would arrive.
Your pregnancy advanced more rapidly than that of a regular human, given your baby was half-human, half-plant, and you found yourself struggling to carry the baby as your pregnancy progressed. Your body had to adjust more rapidly than anticipated, and Vash was terrified for your safety as time went on. He refused to let you do anything that potentially risked your safety or the baby's, constantly stepping in and taking over whatever task you were trying to accomplish.
"(Y/N), be careful," Vash would admonish you gently, "Don't want anything to happen to you or the little one."
It got to the point where Vash would've wrapped you in bubble wrap if he could've, and it drove you gently insane.
"I swear, Vash, if you don't let me do this, I'm going to scream."
Eventually, your waters broke about 4 1/2 months into your pregnancy and you had rushed to the medical clinic in the town. With several hours of screaming various profanities, pushing, and nearly breaking every bone in Vash's hand, you had managed to bring your baby boy into the world.
"Nicholas," You had uttered the moment you saw your little boy, panting heavily as the nurses took him away to get him cleaned up and swaddled.
"Nicholas?" Vash asked gently, clearly fighting off tears as he gazed at the little blue bundle in the nurse's arms. "After Wolfwood?"
"Yeah..." You replied, gazing at Vash with a warm smile as he held your son, "I think it fits."
"I-It does," Vash choked out, tears beginning to pour down his face as he held little Nicholas close and nuzzled the little baby's cheek with the tip of his finger, "Our little boy. Our Nicholas."
Vash looked over at you as he began to weep completely, "Oh, (Y/N)... thank you. Thank you for giving me him. Thank you for giving me my family. I love you so much. You two are everything to me."
You had smiled and opened your mouth to reply when another crippling contraction ripped through you, tearing a scream from you. Vash jumped and immediately came over, reaching out to you, fear evident on his face.
"Mayfly?! What's wrong?!"
You couldn't even answer him, groaning and crying out in pain as contraction after contraction wracked your body, your hands gripping the sheets for dear life. The doctor and nurses came sprinting in, and after a minute or two of careful assessment, the doctor promptly announced.
"There is another baby, it's coming now."
"Another?!" You shrieked, looking at the doctor and then at Vash, who looked positively stunned, his mouth open and his eyes owlishly wide.
"Yes," The doctor confirmed, "It seems you were carrying twins. The second baby is coming now."
Thankfully, this baby came quicker than its older sibling, and within a couple pushes, another little wailing sound filled the air as your daughter announced her arrival into the world.
You were completely exhausted, unable to even keep your eyes open as the nurses brought your daughter back, cleaned and swaddled to rest on your chest. As your energy slowly returned, you managed to open your eyes and look at your daughter for the first time.
Both she and Nicholas had wisps of Vash's blonde hair, and the same big blue eyes he had. They even had matching birthmarks under their right eyes, complimenting the one Vash had beneath his left eye. Near carbon copies of their father.
You glanced over at Vash and you could see him sobbing almost hysterically from joy as he leaned down and kissed your forehead.
"Mayfly... oh, Mayfly... they're perfect. They're perfect. Thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you..."
Vash sat by your side and held you and your children close. The little girl yawned on your chest before dozing off promptly, much like her twin brother was sleeping happily in Vash's arms.
"What should we name you, little one?" You whispered gently, caressing your daughter's soft cheek with your fingertip.
You and Vash sat there quietly, just gazing down at your newborn babies, reveling in how things had forever been changed when Vash suddenly whispered.
"What about "Rem"?"
""Rem"? Like your adoptive mother?" You asked softly as you gazed at your daughter.
Vash nodded, wiping away his tears gently, "Yeah... is that okay?"
"I think it's perfect," You answered softly, reaching out to hold your husband's hand gently, squeezing it as you spoke.
"Nicholas and Rem," Vash repeated back, gazing down at the little bundled blankets in his and your arms.
He gave a watery smile as he looked back up at you, tears silently streaking down his face.
"My family, (Y/N). Our family."
Vash let out a shaky laugh before continuing, "I never thought I could ever be this happy. I feel like I swallowed a box of fireworks. I love you, (Y/N). I love you more than anything, and I... I love them. Little Nicholas... little Rem... I love them. Do they know just how much happiness they bring with them? Do they know I'd do anything to protect them?"
You couldn't help but laugh a little, your own tears going down your cheeks as you kissed Vash's cheek.
"I'm sure they'll know as they get older. I love you, Vash. I love our family, and I'll do anything to protect you, to protect them, too."
Vash slowly scooted into your hospital bed, sitting next to you and holding you close as he continued to hold Nicholas and as you continued to hold Rem. This was your family, now.
Rem and Nicholas proceeded to grow up pretty quickly due to their being half-human, half-plant, and within a year, they were already the equivalent of a human 4 year-old, able to walk and talk and tell stories and do things, like making you breakfast in bed with some help from their father.
"Thank you, my love, for making sure they didn't burn down the kitchen."
Your voice snapped Vash from his revelry as he stood in the doorway, and he looked up to see you smiling lovingly at him from your shared bed, your breakfast tray next to you and your children still hugging you tightly.
"Oh, my pleasure, Mayfly," Vash chuckled as he walked in and hugged you and the children, all of you giggling and laughing together. A moment of complete and utter happiness.
"Now, what should we do today?" You asked playfully, pressing a kiss to the top of both Rem and Nicholas's heads, before glancing up at Vash with a warm smile.
"How abouuuut...." Vash drawled playfully, before snagging Rem and Nicholas under their arms and pulling them into him as they squealed and laughed happily, "We all go see Grandma Sheryl and big sister Lina?"
"Yes!" Nicholas cried happily, clapping his little hands together, "Grandma Sheryl! Big sis Lina!"
"I wanna go!" Rem cried out, echoing her brother's sentiment as she tugged on Vash's shirt, looking up at him with the same big blue eyes he possessed.
You couldn't help but laugh at the sight of your family, and you exclaimed, "Alright, then! We'll do a field trip to Grandma Sheryl's and big sis Lina's! Papa's gonna go call Grandma Sheryl to let her know we're coming, but why don't you two come tell me what you made me for breakfast?"
Nicholas and Rem beelined right back to you, quickly crawling onto the bed and pointing at the different things they had made you for breakfast as Vash headed downstairs to call Grandma Sheryl.
"I made the eggs!" Rem said, a proud smile on her face.
"I made the pancakes!" Nicholas chimed in, crossing his arms over his chest.
"No, Papa made the pancakes!"
"No, I did!"
"No, you didn't!"
You couldn't help but laugh and pull the twins into you, hugging them close to stop their bickering, "Now, now, fighting won't get either of you anywhere. You both worked very hard to make me breakfast, so thank you, my loves. I love you both very, very much."
"Love you too, mama," Nicholas replied, burying his face into your tummy, as Rem snuggled into your side with a mumble of "Love you, mama."
You sat there as you slowly ate your breakfast, chuckling as the twins took pieces of food themselves from your breakfast tray ("Just to try, mama!" Rem assured you as she put a piece of pancake in her mouth).
Once you were done, you sent the kids to get dressed and ready to go see Grandma Sheryl while you took the time to shower and get ready for the day yourself. As you came out of the bathroom, you were greeted by the sight of Vash sitting on your shared bed, a frown on his face. He seemed lost in thought.
"You alright, Vash?" You asked softly, coming over to stand in front of him.
Vash quickly snapped out of his thoughts as he glanced up up at you, a small smile appearing on his lips as his hands came up to grab your hips before tugging you closer to him.
"Nothing, Mayfly. Just..." Vash trailed off, clearly trying to find a way to explain whatever was bothering him.
"It's okay, Vash," You encouraged him, cupping his face in your hands and making him look at you, "What's wrong?"
Vash sighed heavily before saying softly, "Grandma Sheryl says bandits have been wreaking havoc in town over the past couple days. Sounds like they've been behind all kind of trouble. I don't think we should still go see her. I don't want to risk your safety, or Rem's or Nicholas's. I don't want anything happening to you."
You frowned as you heard this, and you thought to yourself for a few moments before speaking up, "Well... why don't you and I go into town first and see how bad it is? If it's truly dangerous, we come straight back and spend the day home, instead. If it's okay, then we can bring the kids along and go see Sheryl."
Vash just gazed at you, carefully taking in your words and your expression before exhaling softly, "That might be the safest approach. Although, I don't think you should come either."
"Why not?" You asked, looking at Vash with a frown on your face.
"Because I don't want you in any danger, (Y/N)," Vash answered simply, pulling you into his lap and hugging you close to him, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck, "And I don't want to leave the children home alone if bandits are in the area."
You sighed as you felt Vash press a soft kiss to your neck, and you knew he was right - if bandits were nearby, causing havoc in town, it was best not to leave Rem and Nicholas alone, unprotected.
"Alright..." You conceded, looking down at your husband, "I'll stay here with the kids. But, you need to be careful, Eriks. Promise me you'll come right back here."
You shot him a look as you used his fake name. He was never "Vash the Stampede" anywhere except within the four walls of your home; instead, he was "Eriks Saverem".
You had originally thought him using his adoptive mother's last name wasn't the best idea, but Vash argued that he needed a last name and Rem's last name was as good as any, given she was his mother in every way that mattered.
"Besides, who else would recognize that last name?" Vash had asked, a small smile on his face as he remembered his adoptive mother.
"Your brother, all the individuals who work for your brother, Brad and Luida..." You had listed off, counting them off on your fingers, which caused Vash to whine.
"Alright, alright," You had conceded in the end, sighing with a roll of your eyes, "But don't come crying to me if you have to go on the run again."
In the present, you pressed a soft kiss to Vash's lips before you stood from his lap, patting his back gently.
"Be safe out there, my love," You whispered gently, "Come home to us. Come home to me."
"Always, Mayfly," Vash replied with a warm smile, "I will always come home to you. I swear it on my life."
"Good," You retorted, "I'll be keeping you to your promise."
"I'd expect no less."
Vash grinned at you, before taking your hand in his and pressing a kiss to your wedding ring - a way of sealing his promise to you.
"I love you, Stampede," You whispered to him, reaching out and brushing a strand of his now-long blonde hair out of his face, tucking it behind his ear tenderly.
"And I love you, (Y/N)," Vash replied softly, catching your other hand in his and kissing your palm tenderly in return.
"Alright, off with you," You chuckled, stepping away from your husband and turning to head downstairs, "That way you can be back sooner."
All you could hear was Vash chuckling as you went downstairs, finding Rem and Nicholas playing in the living room of your small home. When you appeared, both of them looked up at you and smiled.
"What is it, Mama?" Rem asked suddenly, cocking her small head to the side as she studied you intently, almost exactly the way her father did.
You quickly forced a smile as you came over to where your children were sitting, joining them on the carpet.
"Well," You began softly, "Apparently, it's a bit hard for us to go see Grandma Sheryl and big sis Lina right now. Papa's gonna go take a look and see if we can still go."
Nicholas and Rem exchanged looks, and Nicholas now piped up, "Hard, mama?"
"Yes, my love," You answered, continuing to explain, "There are some bad guys in town, and neither Papa nor I want anything to happen to you two."
"Bad guys?" Rem asked, her eyes filling with a bit of fear. "Are they gonna hurt us?"
"No, my love," You replied immediately, "Papa and I will protect you two, we won't let anything or anybody hurt you. I promise."
Rem quickly scrambled over and hugged you tightly, and you could feel your daughter trembling in your embrace. You quickly held her close, stroking her hair gently.
"Mama's got you," You whispered to her gently, "And Papa's got you, too. Always."
Nicholas slowly came over and joined the hug, and you held both of them close. Suddenly, you felt an additional set of warm, muscular arms wrap around you and the twin, and you heard Vash's voice speaking gently.
"Mama and Papa will always protect you two. Always, my loves."
Rem and Nicholas shifted slightly so that they could hug both you and Vash at the same time, and you all held your group hug for a few moments before Vash finally pulled away.
"Alright, Papa's gotta go on a little adventure," Vash said gently, patting the children's heads, "I'll be back soon. Promise me you'll protect each other and Mama if anything happens."
"We will!" Nicholas exclaimed immediately, standing up straight, "I'll protect Mama and Rem!"
"No, I'll protect Mama and Nicholas!" Rem retorted, nudging her brother.
Before the twins could get into another small spat, Vash laughed heartily and pulled them into another hug.
"That's my girl and boy! I'm relying on you both, okay? See you both soon. I love you two."
"Love you, Papa!" Rem and Nicholas chimed in unison, and you mouthed to Vash as he glanced at you, "I love you".
With a final kiss to the top of the twins' heads, and a gentle kiss to your lips (met by loud "EWWWW"s from the twins), Vash stepped out of the house and headed into town.
Grandma Sheryl's warning had proven to be true - as Vash walked through the town, he noticed multiple buildings that now had holes in the wall, windows that were shattered, and that the inside of these buildings were filled with debris and torn to shreds. Vash could see smoke coming from some other part of town, and a feeling of dread began to take root in his chest.
'Oh, Gods... should I tell (Y/N) to get the children ready to move? Should we run? Should we go somewhere else, to a different town?' Vash's thoughts began to go wild as he carefully treaded through town, keeping an eye out for any sign of trouble. 'What if (Y/N) gets hurt? What if one of the children get hurt? What if-?... No, Vash, no, don't go there.'
Vash was snapped out of his internal panic by a cry from not too far away, and as he looked up, Vash saw a couple bandits surrounding an older gentleman who was laying on the ground, curled up in the fetal position as he tried to protect himself from the blows of the bandits. Vash recognized the older gentleman as the town doctor, the same doctor who had helped you deliver Nicholas and Rem about a year ago, a kind man who many looked to as the town grandfather.
"Hey!" Vash immediately shouted, his body moving before he could make sense of the situation, "Leave him alone!"
Vash managed to intervene, getting the bandits away from the doctor and helping him to his feet. The poor doctor was bleeding from his face where he had no doubt been kicked or punched, and one of his eyes were turning black.
"If ya know what's good for ya, get outta here!" One of the bandits, likely the leader of this particular squad, sneered at Vash. The other bandits circled around their leader, no doubt waiting for a sign to go after Vash and the doctor.
"Sorry, but no," Vash replied coolly, gazing at the bandits and trying to ascertain how much of a threat they posed. "What reason could you possibly have to attack the town doctor?"
"Because he said something I didn't like," the bandit leader retorted snidely. The bandit leader squared himself and approached Vash, getting much too close to him for Vash's comfort.
"I'll say it one last time - if ya know what's good for ya, leave. Now. Or we won't hold back on ya."
The bandit leader's eyes blazed as he said this, poking Vash hard in the chest in an attempt to intimidate him into backing off. However, Vash just shook his head once more.
"Sorry, guys, but violence doesn't fly with me. I'd suggest you get out of here before things go badly for you," Vash replied, even going so far as to smile at the bandit leader.
This, however, incensed the bandit leader, and he immediately swung at Vash, who easily dodged his attack and moved fast enough to flip the bandit leader onto his back and slam him into the ground.
"Aww, come on, guys!" Vash exclaimed, "There's no need for fighting! Just leave the doctor alone, simple as that!"
The other bandits came at Vash, but not one of them managed to get close to him as Vash swiftly dodged and evaded their attacks and used their attacks against each other. Within moments, most of the bandits lay on the ground, moaning softly and stirring a bit as they tried to regain their bearings.
"Mr. Saverem, thank you so much!" The doctor cried, shaking Vash's hand enthusiastically, "Your assistance was greatly appreciated!"
Vash went to answer the doctor, but he noticed how the bandit leader was now gazing at him, a look of pure and utter hatred on his face. Vash felt his heart fall to his feet - this wasn't over yet.
"S-Saverem, eh?" The bandit leader wheezed out, slowly getting to his feet and shooting Vash a wicked grin, "Good to have a name for the man whose ass I have to kick."
Vash sighed tiredly, "Look, buddy, I'm not in the mood to fight you again. Can you please leave so I can get on with my life, as can the rest of the town? I'm pretty sure you guys got everything of worth from here, anyways."
"We'll see about that," the bandit leader replied coolly, grinning once more at Vash and the doctor before holding something up in his hand. Vash felt his heart twist violently in his chest as he realized what it was - a picture. The picture Vash always carried on him in his pocket.
Of you, Rem and Nicholas.
Where did he get that?!
"My, my, she's a beauty," The bandit leader mused, his eyes filled with fire as he traced your smiling face in the photo. Vash had never felt such a strong urge to burn a picture before as the bandit leader traced over your face and then the faces of the twins, "And look at them. They look just like you, Mr. Saverem. You're a lucky man."
Vash suppressed a shiver as the bandit leader said his name with emphasis, and the smirk that grew on the bandit's face made Vash want to sprint home and hide you and the twins away from the world, somewhere where nobody could ever hurt any of you.
"Although..." The bandit leader continued, still smirking at Vash as he spoke, "I wonder at what point your luck will run out."
Vash had to bite his tongue, instead desperately fighting to remain calm and seem unbothered by the bandit leader's faintly veiled threats towards himself, towards you and the children.
So, instead, Vash merely shrugged and answered as if he didn't understand the threat the bandit leader was making, "I'm not sure."
The bandit leader's evil smirk only grew bigger as he crumpled the picture in his fist and threw it down on the ground, "Guess we'll have to find out."
With that, the bandit leader turned on his heel and stormed off, his lackeys trailing behind him as best they could as they ran off from where Vash had fought them off.
"Mr. Saverem..." The doctor spoke quietly, looking mortified, "I-I'm so sorry, I- I didn't think-"
"Don't worry, doctor," Vash responded kindly, picking up the now-crumpled photo off the ground before helping the older gentleman stand up a bit straighter and guiding him over to a bench nearby, "I think that guy was gonna find my name out one way or the other."
"You need to get home, son," the doctor spoke softly, looking at Vash worriedly despite his own wounds, "He made a threat to your family. And there's plenty of bandits in town. God knows what they might try to do. You need to go home. Now."
Vash shook his head, the fear beginning to seep into his veins as he replied, "I can't just leave you here, though. What if they come back?"
"Somehow, I don't think they will," the doctor answered, the smallest smile appearing on his lips. "Now, go home. Go to your family."
With a final nod, Vash quickly took off towards your home, going from a walk to a jog until he was full on sprinting towards the house. His panic was beginning to overwhelm him as he sprinted back towards his home, where his family was hidden. Hopefully, you'd still be there, playing with Rem and Nicholas, none the wiser as to the threats made against you and your children because of Vash's actions.
'Please, please, please, let them be there. Let them be alright,' Vash pleaded in his mind, unsure of who he was pleading to as he sprinted home.
Right away, Vash felt a sense of relief when he saw your shared home. None of the windows had been smashed, the doors were all closed, and your home looked completely untouched. No sign whatsoever of any kind of break-in.
'Thank the Gods,' Vash breathed a deep sigh of relief as he raced up the steps and opened the door, coming into his house, fully prepared to pull you and the twins into a tight hug and not let go of any of you for quite some time.
"(Y/N)? Mayfly?" Vash called as soon as he entered the house, quickly looking around to try and spot you or the children.
However, nothing answered him except silence. The house was eerily quiet.
"Rem?! Nicholas?!" Vash called, his voice growing louder as he walked from room to room. There wasn't even the slightest sign of any disturbance having occurred in any of the rooms - everything was perfectly in place.
'Where are they? Did (Y/N) take the kids out somewhere?' Vash wondered, continuing to look around until he had searched the house from top to bottom for some sign of where you and the children might've gone.
As Vash came back downstairs, he was at a complete loss of where you all might've gone. The panic and fear from before began to reappear, taking root once more in Vash's stomach as his mind began to race.
Where could you have gone? Where were Rem and Nicholas? Were you alright? Were you alive?
Vash's mind swirled with so many questions that he nearly missed the piece of paper lying on the kitchen table, alongside something glinting in the bright sunlight - your wedding ring, next to a piece of a broken children's toy that both Rem and Nicholas had treasured.
As Vash picked up the note, staring at your ring and the broken toy, he felt his heart shatter into a million pieces before it began to thunder in his chest from fear and horror as he read the unfamiliar handwriting on the note.
"Your luck has run out. Check the abandoned school building."
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avatar-anna · 2 years
Hi I was wondering if you could write something about the fan!reader having a small business and Harry randomly checks out the shop and he immediately thinks she's cute or something? If really appreciate it :)
yes!! i... don't really know how i ended up with this fic, and i'm not sure i like it, so lmk what you think!
part two
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He was there again.
You knew who he was, of course, how could you not? Harry Styles was the world’s biggest rockstar, known for his 70s-inspired sound, arms covered in tattoos, and elusive reputation. He was loved by millions, yet no one actually knew him, which you assumed was a part of his allure.
In short, Harry Styles wasn’t the kind of person you thought you would find at a Saturday farmer’s market, yet he was there. Every weekend. You weren’t one of his devoted followers, but as time went by and you saw more and more of him, you began to notice things about him. He dressed impeccably, but in a way that said he didn’t want to be noticed. His painted nails were always in various stages of chipped, which you started to believe he preferred it that way because you never saw him with a new manicure. And from what you could tell, he only ever spoke to the two or three friends he walked around with, so you tried to respect his privacy and not notice him. That didn’t stop other people from coming up to him and asking for a picture, but you let him be.
It was hard to do that when he kept coming to your stall every weekend and left empty-handed, though.
Harry Styles, you discovered, was not only the quiet and brooding type, but apparently, he was also the type of person to inspect every single thing in a store and then not buy anything. Not a single thing. Some days it felt like he inspected every petal and stem just to not buy a single flower, let alone a whole bouquet. And his brows were always furrowed, like the display wasn't up to his standards. You didn't know what kinds of flowers Harry Styles bought, but clearly yours weren't good enough for him.
A real head scratcher because he was at your stall every Saturday.
It made you question your stall sometimes—the way you arranged your flowers, the brown paper and ribbon and twine you wrapped them in; the bunches of lavender and rosemary, and bouquets of roses and daises and carnations and peonies, and all the other sweet-smelling flowers you grew at home and brought to the market every weekend. You couldn’t understand why your flowers weren’t good enough for him. Or why he kept coming back to your stall if they weren't.
Each time he stopped by your stall and didn’t buy anything, you got more and more annoyed, something that didn’t happen often. It got to the point that by the sixth time he walked up to inspect your flowers, you couldn’t sit by anymore. You were going to say something, you just had to work up the courage first.
You’d been on your phone typing up possible things to say to him, so you didn’t see Harry walk up to your stall, and when you looked up, you jumped. He was right in front of you.
“I, um, I wanted to ask for your opinion,” he said, his voice so quiet you had to lean in to hear him.
“My opinion?” you asked, looking at him skeptically.
He cleared his throat. “Yeah, I—I want to buy a bouquet of flowers, but I don’t know which ones to get. I'm meeting someone and am in a bit of a rush, so if you could just...”
He gestured like he wanted you to be quick in your assessment of your own flower arrangements.
You were curious as to why now, after weeks of him practically judging your stall, he wanted your advice, or to buy something. But when he said he was in a rush, you realized you were probably a last resort. Harry didn't want to buy from you, you were just a convenient option.
"Sure. Is there anything you're looking for in particular?"
"Flowers," he blurted, looking at you like he suddenly regretted coming to your stall at all. At that moment, you wondered where his normal group of friends was. Harry was rarely ever alone, and you would've loved a buffer between the two of you right about now.
Rolling your eyes, you said, "I meant, what's the occasion? Are you celebrating? Is it romantic? Are they for a family member?"
You hoped that your questions would clear things up, but he only looked at you with a deeper frown. "Does it matter? They're all flowers."
This was your moment. This was your opportunity to speak your mind and match his sour energy. But as you opened your mouth to tell him how you really felt about his judgy eyes and above-it-all demeanor, you chickened out.
"You're right. Here," you told him, pulling a random bouquet from your stall and handing it to Harry. It was a personal favorite of yours—lavender and daisies and baby's breath bundled together with twine—and a pretty neutral bouquet. Unless he was about to go to some sort of anniversary event with a significant other, in which something a little more grand would be more fitting. But he said it didn't matter, so you decided not to think into it too much.
"That'll be twelve dollars."
His brows raised in a way that made you dislike him even more, but he only pulled his wallet out and handed you a twenty-dollar bill. "Keep the change," he mumbled, then walked off the way he'd come.
"Ass," you muttered.
Checking your watch, you realized the market was going to be over soon. And since no one was even looking at your stall, you decided to pack up for the day. You began pulling bouquets from their displays, already coming up with ways to repurpose the ones that were showing signs of wilting. You often dried them and made little bookmarks, plates, ornaments, and other kinds of decorations, but that took time and planning.
"Did Harry Styles just buy flowers from here?"
You looked behind you to where a girl dressed in bell bottoms and a crop top was standing, glitter-covered eyes looking at you expectantly.
"Yeah. Why?"
"Can I buy the same bouquet as him? Does he shop here a lot?"
There was an opportunity here. To lie or to tell the truth. Since you were still a little miffed by the singer's behavior, you went with a little white lie. "He comes here every week."
It technically wasn't a lie. He did come every week, but the girl didn't have to know that today was the first time he'd ever purchased anything. You had a lot of flowers to sell, and Harry was going to help you, whether he was aware of it or not.
The next Saturday came and Harry was back with what some might consider his “entourage.” If it was possible, he looked even moodier than he normally did, and he was headed straight towards you. You didn’t know what he wanted, nor did you care that people were gawking at him as he came into your stall. Thanks to him, business was better than ever, word having spread that the Harry Styles frequented your flower stand. You were in the middle of helping a bride with ideas for arrangements for her wedding, and you weren’t going to stop for Harry. He could wait.
“I need to speak to you.”
His voice made it seem like there wasn’t room for debate, but you didn’t see it that way.
“I’ll be with you in just a minute. Feel free to look around,” you told him, quickly going back to the bride to be.
You could practically feel him standing behind you, but you took your time helping the potential client. In reality, it was maybe two or three minutes, but when you turned around, Harry’s arms were crossed like you’d made him wait an hour.
Smiling, you asked, “How can I help you?”
“She didn’t like them.”
You knew what he was talking about, but an evil part of you kind of liked pissing the rockstar off. “Like what?”
Harry just continued to stare intensely. “The flowers. The ones I bought from you.”
“Oh. I’m sorry to hear that,” you said, and you meant it too. You took pride in arranging your bouquets. “Did you want to buy more or did you just want to tell me that?”
“Well, I—” He paused, like he was choosing his words carefully. “I mean not really, but she said I had to.”
Your brows raised, both thoroughly confused and amused at the same time. “Okay. Well, have a look around, and let me know if—”
“There’s nothing here,” he interrupted. “She’s very picky. Likes to have stuff that other people don’t.”
Who was he dating? The queen? you thought. You understood getting the right bouquet and having a favorite flower, but you couldn’t just pull the ones you had apart and make Harry a new one. You grouped those flowers together for a reason.
“I mean if you think they’re unsatisfactory, then you could always just go somewhere else,” you said.
“It’s not me, it’s her,” Harry said. “I couldn’t care less, but she’s insisting, and I’m already here, so.”
He didn’t even realize that he just insulted you. And not only that, but he still expected your help.
Channeling all of your most calming thoughts, you took a deep breath and smiled. “Well, let me check the back for something more unique. Oh wait, there is no back,” you said with a shrug. If he didn’t care, then you didn’t either.
“Why are you being rude? I’m asking you for help,” he asked, seeming utterly confused.
It occurred to you then that the man in front of you might just be the brutally honest type, that he didn’t think he was being mean, just honest. He was, but you weren’t going to have it out with him about his behavior. If no one hadn’t called him out on it, you weren’t going to be the one to change his mind.
“I...guess you can come back to my garden and pick out a bouquet there, but it’ll cost you ex—”
“Done. When can we leave?”
“Market closes in an hour,” you said, eager to be rid of him for the time being.
“I’ll come back then.”
“Can’t wait,” you muttered. It was sarcastic, of course, but you swore you saw the corner of his mouth twitch.
Harry was back in exactly an hour, his friends nowhere to be seen. He watched passively as you loaded wooden crates of flowers into your truck, and when you finally closed up the bed, you walked back over to him.
“You can just follow me in your car, I guess. I live about ten minutes from here.”
You weren’t surprised when all he did was nod. He followed you to the market’s parking lot, your eyes widening when he slid behind a sleek black car with tinted windows.
The entire drive, your mind was occupied. You wondered how the hell you ended up in this situation and pondered ways it could’ve gone differently. Perhaps you should’ve just told Harry to find another florist, or just let him pick apart your bouquets. But you were here, driving in your beat up, barely working, pick-up truck with one of the biggest celebrities of today trailing behind you in a car that costed more than you made in a year.
“Take a look around and let me know if you see anything you like.”
You didn’t want to leave him alone among the rows of flowers, but you also didn’t want to awkwardly trail behind him. So you settled for venturing to the next row over pretending to gather flowers while keeping an eye on him.
Harry barely said a word as he walked up and down your garden, his face as void of emotion as always. You wondered if he ever smiled, or what his laugh sounded like, but you quickly shook those thoughts away.
“I can’t find anything.”
Having gotten lost in picking out marigolds that looked ready to be picked, you startled at Harry’s sudden closeness. It appeared he was very sneaky.
“I’m sorry about that,” you said, though you kind of expected that from him. “I don’t have anything else to show you.”
“I just don’t know what to get for her, and she’ll have my head if I don’t get it right,” he said, and for a moment it sounded like he was genuinely worried about the possibility of his head being removed from his neck.
Harry claimed he couldn’t find anything, but it looked to you like he wasn’t going to leave here empty handed.
“Um...” You quickly scanned the row you were in. Spotting some pink carnations and wild daisies, an idea sprouted in your head. You snipped stems and went to another row to pull some other flowers to match. “Here. Carnations symbolize gratitude and the wild daisies beauty and hope. And the little purple ones are unique and will tie the whole thing together once I wrap them in purple paper. Does that work?”
Harry took the flowers from your hands and inspected them like he was about to give you feedback on your choice. Why he would do that, you weren’t sure. You didn’t go to his home and criticize his music.
But all he said was, “Flowers have meaning?”
You breathed heavily through your nose. “Yes, they do. Now, if you’d like, I can wrap these up for you. Put a bow on them maybe?”
Harry looked like he wanted to ask more about flowers and their meanings, but he just nodded.
You led him away from your garden and into your garage, which you’d converted into a workspace years ago. It was covered in unfinished projects and snipped stems and stray petals, but honestly it always looked like that.
“Um, there are small animals following you.”
Turning around, you saw that Harry was right. There was a line of ducklings following you towards the house. Bending down, you cupped your hands and let a couple hop in.
“This is Melon, Sandy, and Hank. They hatched recently, and now they follow me everywhere.”
Harry peered down at the ducklings curiosity wrinkling his brow. “They...follow...you?”
“Yep. Do you want to hold one? Actually, why don’t you just take these while I go wrap up your flowers.”
You handed the ducklings off to Harry while you darted into your workspace, making quick work of cutting ribbon and tying a knot around the sweet peas’s stems. When you returned, Harry was holding two ducks while one somehow made it onto his shoulder and was burying itself in his hair.
“Sorry, I should’ve mentioned that Melon does that,” you said.
It was a risk to step into Harry’s personal bubble, you didn’t think he would be the type to appreciate that, but he also looked slightly freaked out that a duckling named Melon was trying to make a home out of his hair. Carefully, you removed Melon from strands of hair until he was safely back in your hands.
Harry quietly took the packaged flowers from you and handed the other ducklings back. Figuring he was in some kind of shock from holding the three ducks, you left him to his silence and showed him out.
“Do you own a lot of animals?”
The question surprised you, but only because you assumed Harry would want to leave as quickly as possible. “I don’t really see myself as an ‘owner,’ but I technically have a cow. And Cheese. And deer show up every now and again.
“A tree frog,” you clarified. “I was high when I named him.
That time you were sure the corner of his mouth flickered. “That’s...unusual.”
“What? Getting high?”
“No, the cow and—”
“That was a joke,” you said, stopping him even though his flustered state satisfied you to no end.
“Oh. Well here,” he said, reaching into his back pocket for his wallet and pulling out a bunch of bills.
You started at them in shock. There was easily a hundred dollars in your hands. “I don’t need that mu—”
“Just take it. Please,” he insisted.
For a brief moment there, Harry seemed... different. You couldn’t really pass judgement because you didn’t know him, but the last couple minutes, he wasn’t so tense and wasn’t frowning so much. More awkward than broody. But he seemed closed off again,so you just took the money like he told you to.
Harry quickly sped off after that, and you were left alone in the dust, literally, trying to comprehend the day you just had.
“Wiggles says you own a cow.”
Your first instinct was to look up, not down, so you didn’t see her at first. When you realized it wasn’t an adult that was speaking to you, your eyes shifted downward.
The first thing you saw was blond hair slicked back into a ponytail, the next thing was the coffee cup. She looked like she was nine going on twenty-nine with a plaid skirt and sweater vest. Who was this girl and where did she come from?
“You realize coffee stunts your growth, don’t you?” you asked, though a smile played at your lips.
She looked down at you the best she could at her height. A very commendable effort, you decided. “It’s decaf.”
“Fair enough. Who told you about my cow?”
“Lucy, there you are!”
With wide eyes, you watched as Harry jogged over to you and the young girl. Lucy.
It seemed Harry switched out his usual group of friends for this young girl. You knew you probably shouldn’t have, but you couldn’t help but ask, “Wiggles?”
At that, Harry glared down at Lucy. “We talked about that.”
Lucy shrugged. “You talked. I listened, and then I silently disagreed.”
You immediately liked this girl.
Turning away from Lucy, Harry looked at you with pink cheeks. “Sorry about her. We were just leaving, actually.”
“Oh. No worries, she just—”
“You came all this way and you’re not gonna give it to her?” Lucy asked.
It seemed as if this girl was Harry’s kryptonite, as he began to blush even harder. Sighing, Harry set the drink in his hand down on the table you were sitting behind. The drink you always ordered.
You looked at the drink, astonished. “How did you—”
“I just noticed the label, and I knew that that coffee shop is close by, and I mean the drink is green so all I had to ask for was the green one. It’s not like it was hard or anything.”
It sounded like Harry was trying to convince himself of that fact and not you, but the fact that his moody, broody exterior wasn’t as thick as you initially assumed put a smile on your face.
“Thank you. I don’t know why you got it for me, but thank you.”
Scratching the back of his neck, Harry said, “Well, I told Lucy about the florist who owned ducklings and a cow, and she insisted that I take her, and when I tried to explain that your house wasn’t a petting zoo, she said—”
“That everyone has a price, and Wiggles has a very big wallet,” Lucy supplied helpfully.
Lots of things shocked you at the moment, it was hard to pinpoint which one had your mouth slightly ajar.
Harry had...a child? They didn't look anything alike, but that didn't say much. But not only did he have a child, who was just as blunt as Harry was, he talked about you to her. You were curious to know in how much detail, but you didn't dare ask. It was clear Harry—Wiggles—had his hands full.
"I was just bringing this as a thank you for your help last week. That's all," Harry said, looking you dead in the eye. It was like he needed you to know he had absolutely no ulterior motives with the coffee. Not that you expected him to. As far as you knew, Harry had never been photographed with anyone romantically, but you had a feeling a florist and cow owner wasn't his type.
"Thanks," you said, picking up the drink and taking a sip from the straw.
It was awkwardly silent after that. You didn't really know what to say, and from the looks of it, Harry didn't want to say anything. His mask of indifference was back, but he made no move to take himself and Lucy away.
"So is it like one of those black and white cows you see on milk cartons, or is it—"
"Lucy," Harry hissed.
The pair had a very interesting dynamic. The way they interacted felt more sibling-esque than father-daughter, and now you really wanted to know what exactly they meant to each other.
"She's a miniature cow with brown hair," you said to Lucy, not minding her curiosity one bit.
You nodded. "She won't grow to be very big. Wanna see?"
Harry stood with his arms crossed while you and Lucy looked at pictures of your pet on your phone. As you scrolled, the young girl peppered you with questions, and while you were more than happy to answer all of them, you could tell that Harry was even more ready to leave.
"You really live there? It looks like a fairy's home," she said, admiring the picture of Petal the miniature cow dozing in the garden.
"I do."
Lucy turned to Harry, and while his arms were still crossed and his face was still pretty stoic, something in his eyes softened when he looked at her. "We have to have our next tea party there."
"You can't just use someone's home for your tea parties, Lucy," Harry said, sounding like he'd had similar conversations before.
"Well obviously Y/n would be invited too," Lucy said with a roll of her eyes.
Sighing, he told her, "You can't invite yourself over to someone's house, Lu—"
"It's fine," you said, even if Harry was technically right. "Lucy, why don't you go pick out a bouquet of flowers. Free of charge."
Lucy's eyes lit up, and she scampered off to inspect each one, much like Harry often did when he stopped by.
Now that you and Harry were relatively alone, you were able to digest some of the information you'd learned in the last few minutes, the first being that Harry Styles, the Harry Styles that toured the world as a rock star and sang about sex and hallucinogenics, went to tea parties with a girl who couldn't be older than ten years old and called him Wiggles. Who knew that was what he was hiding under that broody facade?
"I'm sorry about her, she has no sense of personal boundaries," he finally said, breaking you away from your thoughts.
"Like I said, it's fine. She just made my day."
That made Harry smile just enough for a dimple to indent one of his cheeks. It made you wonder what his actual smile looked like. Attractive like him, you assumed, though you doubted you would ever see it.
"Thanks. And don't worry about the whole tea party and coming over thing, she'll forget about it by tomorrow."
Harry was saying one thing, but it didn't sound like he was all that convinced, and after witnessing Lucy's fascination and persistence yourself, you knew that she would probably nag Harry about it for days, maybe even weeks, to come.
"I...wouldn't mind if she came to visit Petal, but I will require one thing."
Harry looked skeptical but also relieved that he wasn't going to have to repeatedly tell Lucy no. "Deal. What is it?"
"I need to know how Harry Styles got the nickname 'Wiggles.'"
Suddenly knowing things about a celebrity was weird.
To you, Harry had just been some guy that was popular on the radio and really had a problem with your flower arrangements, and now he and his...well, you didn't know who Lucy was to him, but they were coming over to your house so that she could meet your pet cow.
Life was utterly bizarre (cow pun intended).
You didn't really know what to expect from Harry. He was quiet and standoffish and had this uncanny ability to make you question every little thing you did. You were used to seeing him from a distance, watching him as he silently judged your bouquets of flowers, and now you were spending an extended period of time with him. You weren't sure why you cared, but you did.
So you put a little effort into what you were wearing for your guests, but not to the point of looking like you were trying too hard. A bandana over your hair, a pair of jeans that didn't have grass stains on them, and a green turtleneck sweater that made your eyes pop.
Lucy and Harry were right on time, something you were expecting from them. This whole arrangement was strange, but seeing Lucy's eyes widen as she took in your garden in person made it all worth it.
Harry was pretty much silent as you showed Lucy all the different types of flowers and how to properly pick them. He trailed behind the two of you like some kind of bodyguard, boots kicking up dirt and crunching gravel as he walked.
"Is he always like that?" you couldn't help but ask Lucy. You wondered if it was just you who had that affect on him, or if that was just his natural disposition.
"Mm, kinda. He's just shy. Doesn't know how to talk to girls."
You didn’t know what you were expecting, but that was not how you assumed Harry Styles would be. You weren't a huge fan of his by any means, but you didn't live under a rock, either. Girls practically threw themselves at him, you guessed he had no issue flirting with girls.
Not that that's what you thought Harry wanted from you. His feelings towards you were pretty clear, you thought.
"I can hear you, you know," Harry called from a few feet behind you and Lucy. She giggled, like that was exactly her plan, but you just blushed. He didn't need to know you were asking about him.
"And here's Petal. She mostly just sleeps and eats all day," you said a while later. Lucy had insisted you showed her everything, and after an hour, you finally made it to where Petal was napping in the afternoon sun.
"She's so cute! Isn't she cute, Wig—I mean Harry?"
You stood back after telling Lucy where the best places to pet Petal were so she wouldn't get spooked, more than happy to just watch like Harry was.
You tried not to, but you couldn't help but steal glances at Harry. Your eyes caught on the sharp angle of his jaw the curl of his lashes and the point of his nose. And when you settled on his hair, you couldn't help but smile.
"You—You have something in your hair," you said, and before you could think, you were reaching up to pluck the dandelion tuft from one of his curls. The image of Harry's hair dotted with flowers made you smile even wider.
When you pulled back and saw his wide eyes, though, you immediately took a step back. "Sorry, I should've asked before invading your space like that."
Harry cleared his throat and ran a hand through his hair. "It's fine."
Not that you really expected to, but you couldn't read Harry for the life of you. There were moments where you thought he was just awkward like Lucy said, and then there were those where he just seemed inexplicably cold. Maybe it's just me, you thought, and you couldn't help but feel a little disappointed by that.
When you turned back towards Lucy to ask if she wanted to go find your ducklings, you missed the way rested his face in his hands.
You weren't sure how it happened, but Harry and Lucy were suddenly a part of your life.
Well, that wasn't totally true. Lucy kept inviting herself over, and you learned very quickly that Harry had a hard time telling her no. Not that you minded. Lucy was sweet, and it was nice having people around.
Harry remained as cold as ever. Over the last few weeks, you knew almost everything about Lucy. As she helped you pick flower crowns, she told you how she preferred her coffee, while you showed her how to make flower crowns and preserve dried flowers, she revealed that Harry was her godfather who helped take care of her, and she told you about her classmate that sang a little too loudly during music class. And while you brewed tea for her tea party, she broke down her meal schedule, from breakfast croissant all the way down to her bedtime glass of steamed milk (non-dairy, of course).
And yet, in all that time, Harry remained a mystery. Unless Lucy included him in a story, you knew as much about him as you did when he was merely someone who came by your stall at the farmer's market.
It didn't bother you, but you were curious as to why stayed so far away whenever you and Lucy hung out.
"Are you free on Saturday night, Y/n?"
You looked up from where you'd been braiding little flowers into Lucy's hair. "I think so. Why? Are you asking to come over?"
"No, I have plans, but you should definitely go out."
She did that a lot, you learned. She liked to tell you what to do with your life and give you advice on how to spend it. Most of it you ignored, seeing as she was nine—though you did take her up on a coffee recommendation she gave you a week ago—but for the most part, you humored her.
"And where should I go?" you asked.
"Wiggles is playing at the Troubadour. You should go see him perform."
Looking over to where Harry sat on a patio chair, you assumed he would be on his phone or staring off into the distance, but his eyes were already on you and Lucy, watching the conversation play out.
"Um..." You weren't really sure how to answer with Harry staring you down like that. Did he want you to say no? Yes? You couldn't tell. "It's kind of last minute, don't you think? I think it might be sold out by now."
"He could work something out. Couldn't you, Harry? Don't you want Y/n to see you perform?"
You didn't know him, but one thing you could assume about Harry Styles was that he didn't like being put on the spot. Looking at you, he said, "If you want to come, I could figure something out."
Lucy jumped up and clapped. "See? Perfect! Now your night won't be boring and Wiggles will be so excited you're coming."
He certainly didn't look very excited. His face morphed into a grimace, though you tried not to be too offended by that.
When it was time for Lucy and Harry to leave, you pulled Harry aside once Lucy was buckled up in the car.
"I won't come if you don't want me to."
Harry shook his head, curls bouncing around his shoulders as he moved. "No, you should. The Troubadour is a cool venue."
"Uh...Okay. Sure. I guess it wouldn't hurt to have plans on Saturday night."
Giving you a curt nod, he said. "Great. I'll text you the details on Friday."
"Cool, I'll see you—then," you said, but he'd already spun around to get in the car.
"The Troubadour is a cool venue?" Lucy mocked with a giggle.
Harry rested his head on the steering wheel and blew out a heavy sigh. "Shut up, Lucy."
You were overdressed.
Or perhaps not appropriately dressed was a better way to put it. You weren't the type to wear a lot of black, but maybe you should've gone out and bought something more suited for a rock concert at the Troubadour. You were in a pair of denim overalls with a floral blouse underneath, a small bouquet of flowers in your hands to give to Harry after his performance.
Everyone at Harry's show was intense, and you were suddenly very glad that you were watching from the second floor. There was a lot of pushing and shoving right in front of the stage, people reaching out in the hopes that Harry would touch their hand.
And Harry. Well, at least now you knew why everyone loved him. Everything about him was hot as he sang onstage. He played guitar, his chest was on display with the button-down that was barely buttoned, and eyeliner was smudged around his eyes, making his green eyes pop. A few times, he looked up to where you were, and you blushed every time. You thought he was cute, like most of the population, but to you that was just a fact. Now, though, butterflies stirred in your stomach.
Maybe it was that Harry seemed to come alive onstage, or that you were finally seeing a side of him other than the quiet, indifferent person you'd become acquainted with through Lucy. Whatever the case, you enjoyed seeing Harry like this, less stoic and more energetic.
When the show was over, you waited and debated. You'd brought flowers for Harry, but his text didn't say anything about the two of you meeting afterward. In truth, your connection was mostly through Lucy, and without her here, there was no reason for you to see each other.
Harry "Wiggles" Styles: You can come backstage if you'd like.
That was certainly unexpected. You made your way to what you assumed backstage, smiling at people as you passed. Some smiled back, and some glared at you when they realized where you were headed.
There was a security guard in front of the green room, but he must have been expecting you because he stepped aside before you could say anything.
"Oh! Sorry! I'll wait outside!"
Apparently, the security guard wasn't aware that Harry was changing out of his stage clothes. He'd been slipping his patterned button-down off his shoulders. You were quick to turn around, but not before catching a glimpse of broad shoulders and an entire chest covered in tattoos. Your heart had just stopped racing after his final performance, but now it was fluttering all over again.
"It's fine, Y/n. You can turn around."
Slowly, you turned on your heel. Harry was already in a t-shirt, a faded Ramones shirt with a stretched collar that revealed tattoos inching up his neck.
"These are—These are for you."
You awkwardly handed over the flowers for him to take, Harry's fingers brushing yours when he eventually did. You weren't sure why you were so nervous all of a sudden. You'd seen Harry numerous times, so you didn't know why this felt so different.
"I really enjoyed your show tonight. I can see why so many people like you. And the, um, the part where you drank water and then spit it out was cool too. I think the girl next to me almost fainted."
Your nerves were palpable, so you weren't surprised when a smile itched at the corner of Harry's mouth. "I'm glad you had a good time."
Neither of you knew what to say now. Both of you stood in the middle of the green room, Harry holding the bouquet of flowers between ringed-adorned fingers and you wishing you hadn't given them away just yet so your hands had something to fiddle with.
"Well, thanks again for this. I had a lot of fun. Though maybe I should thank Lucy. She kind of forced your hand."
Harry was still staring at you with an unreadable expression. You wished you knew what he was thinking.
"I'm—I'm glad you came tonight," he said.
Your brows raised in surprise. "Really? I kind of thought you hated me."
Why did you have to go and say that, idiot? you thought. Now things were even more awkward than they were before.
Harry frowned, looking genuinely hurt by what you said. "I don't hate you. You think I hate you?"
"Well, no, I mean kinda? I guess I just took you not talking to me as disliking me, and before I even met Lucy you would always look at my stall with this hard expression on your face, and then you would never buy anything. Which is fine except you kept coming back so, I don't know, it just felt like my work wasn't good enough for you and you're always glaring and it—it's just this feeling I have."
You took a deep exhaled, having said all of that in one breath. You didn't come to Harry's show tonight with plans to say all that, but now that you did, you felt a bit better. Though now you worried you may have hurt Harry's feelings.
"I—I was just trying to come up with something," he said.
"Come up with something?"
"To say. To you. I don't know anything about flowers, and you make me nervous, and the fact that I couldn't just make myself go up and talk to you frustrated me to no end. I just didn't want to look like an idiot in front of you."
You had no idea how to respond. All this time, you thought Harry didn't like you, only to find out that he was...nervous to talk to you? You remembered Lucy saying that Harry was shy, but you didn't think it went that deep. Apparently, it did.
"So you...like...me then?" you asked. It sounded to you like Harry had a crush, but you weren't going to make any more assumptions.
"Yeah, I—I've been working up the courage to ask you out for weeks, but Lucy beat me to it. Nosy little menace."
You couldn't help but smile at the mention of Lucy. She really was the cause of all this. "Her heart was in the right place?"
Harry nodded, but he wouldn't meet your eyes. "I understand if—if don't want to. Go out with me that is," he said, pink tinging his cheeks. "Now that I know you thought I hated you and everything. But I don't. You should know that, at the very least."
He looked so defeated with his hair hanging in his face the way it was. All of this was coming as a surprise to you, and as such rendered you speechless. But the longer you went without saying anything, the more Harry seemed to deflate.
"You, uh, you haven't actually asked me yet," you found yourself saying.
You thought Harry was a mystery, and in some respects, he was. He'd been a little rude to you the first few times you spoke to him, but everyone had their off days, and he hadn't been like that since he and Lucy started regularly coming to your house.
And without actually speaking to him much, you knew quite a bit about him. You knew he had a goddaughter, whom he loved very much and let call him Wiggles. You knew that he seemed to have a hard time expressing his feelings unless he was onstage. You knew he had a close group of friends that he hung out with regularly. And you knew he let Lucy put flowers in his hair (but you only knew that because she told you).
It was a short list, but you found yourself wanting to add to it.
Harry looked at you, hope etching his features. "Right, um. Would you like to...to go out sometime?"
As your truck pulled into the driveway, you sighed.
You felt like Cinderella after the clock struck twelve. You checked in on all your animals, making sure they were all accounted for. As you finally made it to your bedroom, you replayed the night's events over and over.
You didn't think that was where the night was headed, you almost couldn't believe it. The last few hours felt like a dream, one that you would wake up from any minute now.
But then your phone chimed, and your heart did that weird fluttery thing when you saw who the message was from.
Harry "Wiggles" Styles: I had a really good time tonight.
Harry "Wiggles" Styles: Is it too soon to ask for a second date?
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goldenbuckyyy · 2 years
Summary: You find out about Draco’s infidelity.
Pairings: Draco Malfoy x fem!Reader (husband and wife)
Word count: 1.7kish
Warnings: Cheating on spouse, crying, angst train (sorry), anything else? Let me know!
A/N: Hi 🫶🏻 I randomly thought about this scenario a couple nights ago during work… and ended up writing it in my docs app. If you’ve read my other works, you know I’m a whore for angst. 😔 Song inspiration: “I’m not the only one” by Sam Smith
All mistakes are my own. Please do not repost or translate my fics on any other side nor this one.
I appreciate any likes, reblogs, messages, and interactions.
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Your breathing was even, your heart was beating steadily, warm tears fell down your cheeks in a slow pace, you held your hands together in your lap, gently picking at the skin around your nail beds, your lips quivering slightly, and you only felt numb. 
That’s how your entire body feels right now. You feel as if you’re looking down at yourself from above. Feeling completely disconnected from your mind. 
You watch Draco kneeling in front of you. You never thought you’d see this sight. 
His hands on your knees, big fat tears rushing down his red stained cheeks, his nose is running, his lips are almost bleeding from the amount of times he’s bitten them, his voice is hoarse and rough from all the crying he’s done. 
Yet… looking at the man whom you once believed was the love of your life… you felt nothing towards him. Only numbness at his words. His pleas for your forgiveness. His sorry excuses for what he did to you. All of it means nothing to you. 
He means nothing to you. 
Or at least that’s what you’re trying to convince yourself of. 
You found out just merely two hours ago that your husband of almost two years slept with your best friend at your birthday party six months ago. 
And the only reason you found out was because Hermoine-fucking-Granger told you. She had seen them and was completely torn about it since. She wasn’t sure what to do, she had been acting off towards you since the party, avoiding you in between your lessons when you’d usually chit chat throughout the day since her classroom was next to yours, and when you confronted her in the library.. she confessed it to you in tears. 
You felt embarrassed. You felt incredibly stupid. You felt sick to your stomach at the thoughts of Draco touching someone else. His skin rubbing against someone that wasn’t you. You felt disgusting. You wanted to claw off your skin because you had never stopped being intimate with Draco. 
That was the one thing that you loved about your relationship with him. The intimacy between you two never burned out. 
Now… knowing that he had been with someone else… made you want to burn this place to the ground. 
You wanted to quit your job at Hogwarts and never look back. But you knew you couldn’t do that. Not now. Especially not now. 
His voice sounds muffled in your ears, the ringing doesn’t stop when you look down at him, his lips are moving, you can see him sobbing, and you inhale deeply. 
“What?” You whisper at him, voice broken and feeling empty. 
“I.. I said… I said I made a mistake,” he sniffs, rubbing his tears away, then proceeding to wipe at his nose, “I made a mistake.” 
“You didn’t make a mistake when you shoved your dick inside of her,” you state casually, venom filling your tone. 
He flinches at your words, lips frowning, and he cries out again. 
“Did you…” you pause. You close your eyes at the question in your head, heart rate beating faster, and you know… you know that secretly you don’t want the answer to this question. But you have to know. 
Draco waits for you to finish. The silence around you is intimidating. 
“Did you wear a condom?”  
His eyes bulge out of his head, his hands gripping your thighs tight, you feel too tired to shove him off, already feeling drained from all the yelling and crying you’ve done, and you wait for his response. 
“Did I- what- why would you- I..” his voice trails off as he tries to figure out what to say. 
You feel fire within you. You instantly grip his chin in your palm, he whines out in pain as your fingernails dig into his skin, and you bare your teeth at him. 
“Did you think of me.. and my safety before you fucked her?” 
You hold his chin in your grip even though he’s fighting you a bit to get away, not wanting to look at you, tears falling down his cheeks still, and he fishes for words while avoiding your hard stare. 
You grip harder, “Answer me!” You yell out in frustration and agony. 
Draco’s bloodshot eyes met yours and you instantly knew. You know just by looking at him and his expression.. you know he didn’t wear a condom. Your face falls, you let your hand fall from his face, and you let out your first agonizing sob. It escapes your lips before you can even hold it back. 
You cover your eyes with the palm of your hands, trying to control yourself as your sobs take over your entire body, your sobbing uncontrollably, loud whining from your lips, your chest is starting to heave, you inhale deeply, and try to calm yourself. 
You hear Draco blubbering nonsense under you, still trying to explain himself, and you just cry. Big fat tears fall down your cheeks in a rapid speed, you wipe them away hastily, and you almost feel like you want to throw up. 
“Was she better than me?” You cry out at Draco, gripping his hands in yours so he has to look at you. Your nails dig into his palms. 
His eyebrows furr in confusion, a groan comes out of his mouth, he wipes his tears away on your pajama pants, and he looks pained at your question. 
“Why would you ask me that?” 
“Because I want to know if she is better than me. I want to know if she fucked you better than I ever have.” 
You hold his gaze, sniffing, and lips trembling. 
“Nobody has ever been better than you, baby.” His own lips trembling, his voice shaking as he speaks. 
“Fuck you,” you spat at him as you roughly shove him off of your thighs, he tumbles onto his back in a loud bang, and he scrambles to his feet when you stand up. You push yourself up from the rocking chair, he tries to help you, but you shove him away quickly. 
“Don’t touch me!“ 
He puts his hands up in the air, weeping. 
You start to pace in your bedroom, crossing your arms over your chest, you turn to face him and a snarl crosses your face at him. 
“You knew what you were doing. How many times did you fuck her?” 
You hold your head high as he races to you, putting his hands on your hips, and looking into your eyes. 
His tears have stopped, but his face is still blotchy red and bloodshot eyes. You hate how he looks right now. 
“Baby, I swear… I-I swear it only happened, only happened, once. Once, baby. And it was my biggest mistake, my biggest fucking regret, baby.” 
You look at him, taking in your lips to try to not cry anymore, you roll your eyes at him, and put your hands on his. 
“You knew it would hurt me,” you whisper. His face fills with anguish. “And you still did it.” 
“You…” you look away from him, your heart feeling extremely heavy in your chest, “You fucked her on my birthday six months ago,” you whisper. 
You groan loudly not even believing the words coming out of your mouth. Your brain is not wrapping around the fact that your husband did this to you. 
The one person you believed would have never done this to you. 
“You did that to me… and still managed to cum in me every single day since.” 
Draco winces at your words, hanging his head low, and covering his face with his hands. You didn’t care how blunt you were being right now. 
“Fuck!!” He yells out at nothing. You scoff, your hand moving to wrap it around your semi-bulging belly. 
“All those times you said you were breeding me to have your baby, did you tell her that too?” You accuse him, his eyes meet yours frantically. 
“No!! No!! Never, baby!! I don’t want her, please. It was a mistake,” he cries, his hands reaching out to hold your belly, “Please, please. I’m so sorry, baby. Please forgive me. Please.” 
You hold eye contact with him, staring into his beautiful gray eyes that once made you feel butterflies in your belly, and made your skin feel flushed. 
You only feel disgusted now. 
You slap his hand away, “I can’t even look at you. You disgust me.” 
You turn around, go to your side of the bed, and sit down. 
“You should go,” you say as you wipe your face with a tissue. 
“What?” Draco whimpers out. 
“I want you to leave,” you state, pausing to look at him, he’s distressed as he only stares at you to see if you’re being serious, and you hold his gaze. Not changing your stoic expression. 
He opens his mouth to say something, closes it, lips frowning, he nods rapidly, and goes to collect his things. You can hear him shuffling around the room and even just his breathing is annoying you. 
“Please hurry. I have a sonogram appointment tomorrow and it’s late.” You ignore his cry as you start to get comfortable in your bed. You lay on your back, pulling up your oversized shirt to expose your belly, and you pump some moisturizing oil to your hands. 
You ignore Draco’s stare as you rub your belly completely with the oil. This was his job. He’s been doing it since you first started showing last month. 
Not anymore. 
You sniffle and don’t look up when you feel his presence next to you. 
He leans down, placing his lips on your forehead gently, you close your eyes to not react to his touch, and keep your focus on your belly. 
Draco walks towards the door to your bedroom, looking back at you, “I won’t leave the house.. I can't leave you here all alone..” he pauses. You don’t say anything. “I’m going to stay in the guest room.” 
You don’t reply, you can’t even look at him, you only reach over to his side to grab your favorite pillow, and adjust yourself on your side comfortably. Facing away from him. 
You hear him shuffle in his steps. 
“I love you, Y/N.” He sounds pathetic. 
You grip your pillow with new tears forming in your eyes, he leaves the room, shutting the door behind him gently, and you slowly start to cry again. 
What are you supposed to do now? 
How are you supposed to bring a baby into this broken family? 
You place your hand on your stomach, rubbing it softly, and you cry harder. 
“I’m so sorry, baby.” 
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wangxianficfinder · 5 months
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In the mood for...
1. Itmf best brother nmj/nmj is everyone’s da ge.
🧡 Where's Your Emergency? by trippednfell (M, 64k, WangXian, 911 Dispatcher WWX, Single dad LWJ, Kid fic, Modern AU, D&D Games, Angst with a happy ending)
2. I randomly came across this video recently of the Japanese Rabbit Hopping Assc. today, and I immediately felt compelled to ask if anyone has written (or possibly is inspired to write) 'actually very serious rabbit agility racer Lan Wangji'
Video link if anyone wants it lol:
Tumblr story by @/mondengel2 I took it as a prompt
3. Hii!! I am really looking for fics with angst with happy ending (happy ending for wangxian mostly) coupled with Jiang Yanli betraying Wei Ying if there are any? Thanks!! @yilinglaobunny
4. Hiya!!! I've got an IIMF request: fic where Wen Yuan is actually a blood heir of the Wen and that somehow factors into the story importantly (like, he's Wen Rouhan's grandson, has special Wen powers, etc). Thanks for all the hard you you all do! @kimboo-york
sami's 'Dream of Youth' and 'Hand in Hand Together' has A'Yuan as Wen Xu's bio son. It's a minor plot point though.
The Dreams of Youth by sami (E, 85k, WangXian, YZY/TLJ, Canon Divergence, Time Travel, Fix-It, Family, Not Lan Sect Friendly, Bad Dads, good dads, JFM's A+ parenting, Qingheng-Jun's F- Existence, Childhood Friends to Lovers, Sort Of, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Explicit Sexual Content, Additional Warnings In Author's Note, Some People Live/Not Everyone Dies, Canonical Character Death)
Hand in Hand Together (All Your Life) by sami (T, 41k, WZL/JC, WangXian, Queerplatonic relationship, Implied future MingLi, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon Divergence, Time Travel Fix-It, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Healing, Slow Burn)
When Flowers Spring from Killing Things by windsweptice (B0redaf) (Not rated, 100k, wangxian, Wen WWX, Demonic Cultivation, WWX Has No Golden Core, he's got a resentful one instead, Yīn Iron, WRH pov, LWJ pov, WWX pov, WWX Isn't Adopted by the Jiāngs, Sentient Burial Mounds, XY Is A Little Shit, WQ pov, Protective WWX, Protective WQ, Cinnamon Roll WN, Protective WN, LXC pov, BAMF WWX, Burning of the Cloud Recesses, Fall of Lotus Pier, Cultivation Discussion Conferences, BAMF LWJ, BAMF WN, BAMF WQ, Good Person WX, WWX Has a New Golden Core, Cloud Recesses Shenanigans, Weddings) might not be everyone's cup of tea cause he's literally wen ruohan's son
5. Hello! ITMF a fic where WWX survived the siege at Burial Mounds and remembers that LWJ saved him that night at Nightless City. Then WWX finds out about the punishment LWJ had to go through because of that. And WWX takes LWJ to Burial Mounds to mend his scars and they end up together.
I saw a fanart of wangxian with Yilling Patriarch!WWX treating LWJ's scars and that was all I could think about.
❤️ A Myriad of Blossoms by Itszero (E, 56k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Arranged Marriage, Forced Marriage, YLLZ WWX, Hurt LWJ, Cruel wwx, he's cruel until he's not, Protective WWX, Caring WWX, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Eventual Smut, Bottom LWJ, Dark WWX) pls pls read this because based on ur request this is amazing (pls don't hate wwx in the beginning)
6. Hello! I'm in the mood for fics where wwx is experiencing some kind of delusion or psychosis and lwj (or other characters) try to help him through it. I don't mind wether it's canon universe with the demonic cultivation being the cause, a curse or even modern au.
From Underneath by steppjes (M, 15k, wangxian, Character Death, Major Character Injury, Modern, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Mystery, Supernatural Elements, Demons, Ghosts, Hallucinations, Grief/Mourning, Blood and Injury, Depression, Hospitals, Mutual Pining, The Troubles of Baby Acquisition, Very on brand self hate from wwx, he's going through a lot okay)
Mud on Your Feet by AvoOwO (Not Rated, 59k, WangXian, Nightmares, Sentient Burial Mounds, Possession, Panic Attacks, Night Terrors, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Good Sibling JC, Hurt WWX, Soft WangXian, Blood and Injury, Hallucinations, Delusions, JC Loves WWX, Insomnia, Good Sibling WWX, Sleepwalking, Sleeptalking, Protective JC, POV LWJ, PTSD, Post-Canon, YLLZ WWX, resentful energy, Fluff and Angst, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Angst with a Happy Ending, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Soft JC, Yúnmèng Siblings Feels)
let me sing to you by greybird_crookedbranch (T, 61k, WangXian, Post-Canon, Canon Compliant, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, adorable Juniors, Minor Original Character(s)for plot purposes, Minor Violence, Demonic Cultivation, resentful energy, Trauma, Guilt, Protectiveness, BAMF WWX, Hurt wwx, Protective WWX, Protective LWJ, Baby Lans, WWX loving and being loved by tiny Lan babies, LWJ being utterly whipped for WWX, Mental Instability, Possession, Angst with a Happy Ending, POV LWJ, a tasteful seasoning of Yunmeng Bros Reconcilliation, CQL canon except LWJ is not chief cultivator, Nightmares)
out in the garden, there's things you hid away by saltyfeathers (E, 121k, WangXian, Possession, Animal Death, mass death event, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide Attempt(s), lotta hurt lotta comfort, wwx-centric, unfortunately there's also a bodily fluids warning, just like a lot of bodily fluids, there is sex and it is all in the last chapter, Serious Injuries, Angst with a Happy Ending, Post canon)
Something at the Door by Pip (Moirail) (E, 50k, WangXian, Modern with Magic, Modern Cultivation, background 3zun, Background Yi City trio, Intrusive Thoughts, Horror, Suicidal Thoughts, Temporary Character Death, Blood, Explicit Sexual Content, Mutual Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mystery, Urban Fantasy)
7. Helloooo mods! It’s been a while! 💜 for the next itmf can i get some completed fics that explores wen ning in a romantic way? Like fluff and falling in love? Aside from JC , i don’t mind who he’s shipped with.
Thank you! 😊 @jikcf
the height of summer by la_dissonance (G, 8k, WN/LWJ/WWX, Getting Together, Romance, Accidental Courtship, On purpose courtship, Polyamory, Fluff, a small amount of pining, Love Confessions, WN/Happiness forever otp, Gift Giving, Secret Admirer)
8. Can you please find a au marvel or Wwx as Wanda or black widow ! Thank you 😊 @brighterthanmagicalfluff
9. Ok guys, I'm in the mood for your favorite Good Uncle LQR fics. I don't care for any other details besides that, please & thank you
小兔子 | Little Bunny by dragongirlG (T, 6k, LQR & LWJ, LXC & LQR & LWJ, LSZ & LQR, minor wangxian, POV LQR, love language: acts of service, Caring LQR, Character Study, Canon Universe, References to Canon, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Comatose QHJ, Grief/Mourning, Hurt/Comfort, Hopeful Ending, Podfic Available, Good Uncle LQR)
🧡 Stunted, Starving Juvenility by TomatenMark (E, 742k, WangXian, WIP, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Feelings Realization, Getting Together, Sexual Tension, Supportive LQR, Light Angst, Internalized Homophobia, Period-Typical Homophobia, Hurt/Comfort, WWX learns about his parents, First Dates, First Kiss, First Time, LWJ is confused, Then he is 100 percent on board, Kink Discovery, Kink Exploration, Bisexual WWX, Dual Cultivation, Slow Burn, Fix-It of Sorts, Not JFM friendly, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Fluff and Angst, Blood and Gore, Supportive LXC, Protective LXC, Canon Divergence, Inventor WWX, Eventual Smut, Possessive LWJ, Genius WWX, Cultivation Sect Politics, Scheming NHS, Cultivation Discussion Conferences, Pre-Sunshot Campaign, Minor Character Death, NHS gets himself a beard (not the facial kind), POV WWX, Fluff and Smut, Burning of the Cloud Recesses)
Lessons relearned by Iamnotawriter (T, 44k, WangXian, LQR & WWX, Not Madam Yu Friendly, Time Travel Fix-It, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon-Typical Violence, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Inventor WWX, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, No Golden Core Transfer, YZY Bashing)
Skate Happy by cinder1013 (E, 12k, wangxian, Modern, Meet-Cute, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Skate disco waiter outfits, booty shorts, Inappropriate Marriage Proposal, secret wedding plans, Good Uncle LQR, Good Friend JGY, not entirely evil XY, wwx has low self-esteem, but it works out in the end, They buy a farm, wwx wears what he likes, Panties, Anal Sex, A+ parenting all around)
🔒 Baby, Beard and Birds by mondengel (G, <1k, LQR & LWJ, Fluff, Babyfic, Family)
🔒 An old kettle, a tiny teacup, and a new pot. by mondengel (G, 2k, LQR & LWJ)
Between the rotten apples lies a fresh grave by hamlets_ghost (T, 12k, LXC & LWJ, WangXian, NieLan, Modern AU, Twin Jades of Lán Dynamics, Canonical Character Death, (Madam Lan), child LXC, Child LWJ, Child Neglect, implied kidnapping, (madam lan), Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, (also madam lan), this is not a happy fic so mind the tags please, passive suicidal thoughts (but not really?), Angst with a Happy Ending, non-linear timeline, semi-explicit discribtion of a corpse (chapter 3), Slightly hinted 3zun)
When we were small by deliciousblizzardshark (T, 7k, LXC & LQR & LWJ, Implied WangXian, Modern AU, Kid Fic, Good Uncle LQR, Neurodivergent LWJ, Baby LWJ, Baby WWX, Parenthood, Homophobia, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, POV LQR, Implied/Referenced Underage Sex, Grief/Mourning, Emotional Hurt/Comfort)
Discordant Rhapsody by nirejseki (T, 49k, LQR & WWX, wangxian, JC & WWX, WQ & WWX & WN, LWJ & LQR & LXC, canon divergence, fix-it, hurt/comfort, trauma, politics, protective LQR, protective LWJ, protective WWX, LQR centric, whump, angst)
through the eyes of elders series by Fleetling (T, 13k, LXC & LWJ, LXC & LQR, wangxian, LXC & WWX, LQR & WWX, CQL Canon Compliant, LQR's perspective on wangxian, mainly him being frustrated at wwx wasting his talents and then realising that oh no that backfired wangji's in love, the homeoroticness of sword fights, wangxian DOES NOT get together there's just ust and longing glances like in canon, LQR isn't bad he just wants the best for his nephew, LQR pov, LQR is a good uncle, LXC recovering from the whole JGY thing is a major part, Wingman LXC, good brothers!!!)
Good Guy Lan Qiren series by thunderwear (T, 28k, wangxian, LQR & WWX, Canon Divergence, Fix-It, Golden Core Reveal, LWJ's POV, Fluff, Everyone Lives AU, LQR finds out about WWX's core, wwx and lqr are friends?? In My Fic? its more likely than you think, lwj in the bg like whats happening?, WWX goes to Gusu, Mutual Pining)
The stuffed bunny, the beautiful nephew, and other gifts from Lan Qiren by deliciousblizzardshark (G, 8k, LQR & WWX, wangxian, Modern, Single Parent WWX, Good Uncle LQR, Accidental Uncle Acquisition, Found Family, Fluff)
10. OMG I REALLY WANT TO READ REVERSE ROLES LZ AND WWX (ex: cold WWX and troublemaker LZ, Top WWX and Bot LZ) IDK 😭 @naoenowa
11. hi! I'd like to make an itmf req for canon era fics that feature a dark(ish) gusu lan/lan zhan, such as "hoards and treasures" by apathyinreverie which i loved. for instance, fics where the gusu lan interpret their rules with a darker lens, and where they might turn to manipulation/deceit to achieve what they consider right.
i know about "A Matter of Time", which is on my read list! but I'm also esp interested in seeing the dark gusu lan/lan zhan trope explored without time-travel elements. thank you very much! @potatokunst
12. Hola :) , For the next In the mood for, I'm really, really interested in Lan Sizhui fics centric, specially related to Gusu Lan or his relationship with Clan Lan.
you are my chosen family by jinyinhua (T, 14k, LSZ & LJY, wangxian, LJY & LSZ & LWJ & WWX, 5+1 Things, Good Kid LJY, Good Kid LSZ, Blood and Injury, Night Hunts, Drinking, Age Regression/De-Aging, Married Wangxian, Fluff and Humor, Found Family, Gūsū Lán Juniors Dynamics)
Revolution by mrcformoso (T, 8k, WangXian, ZhuiYi, Light Angst, Happy Ending, POV LSZ, Found Family, Toxic Elders, Fatherhood, Growing Up, The Lan Juniors, LWJ Adopts LSZ, WWX is LSZ's Parent, LSZ is a polite menace, Canon Compliant, Canon Divergence, Good Uncle WN) You might need to read the other stories in the series but if you just want LSZ feels then this can stand alone :)
this blood in my mouth by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 3k, WangXian, POV LXC, Post-Canon)
13. Hi!
For the next IMTF, I'm looking for fics where LXC finds himself a new passion and is hilariously bad at it, much to others' amusement & secondhand embarrassment. Especially lwj or lqr is suffering.
His partners, be it jgy, nmj, jc or anyone, is very supportive of lxc's passion. It could be baking, gardening, cooking, dancing etc.
For example, "The evolution of the heart" by Uglybeautiful, Radiencia..(lxc takes up magic/the art of illusion and joins a circus) @imstillthinkingaboutithmm
Magic Mishap by Regency_Bunny (T, 8k, WangXian, NieLan, Modern AU, Single parent WWX, Fluff, Humor, Kid Fic, Meet cute, Love at first sight, Himbo LXC, Magic tricks)
The Shape of Your Love (is Horny) by Vamillepudding (T, 25k, WangXian, XiYao, Urban Fantasy, Getting Together, Romantic Comedy, WWX is Bad at Being a Demon, LWJ is definitely a Monsterfucker) had a running gag about LXC taking up new hobbies that he is horrible at, including ceramics, perfume-making, knitting, etc. JGY is very supportive and LWJ and LQR try to ignore it out of politeness
14. Hi! I’m itfm
a) tattooed lwj agenda. Specifically when his arms are tattooed and they show when he pulls up his sleeves, but anything and everything is fine
b) Ceo lwj where his employees find out he’s married or dating wwx or regular office worker lwj and his coworkers find out
Thank you! @wangxian-is-my-life
(our friendship) up against the ropes by daltoneering (E, 36k, WangXian, Modern AU, Friends to Lovers, Getting Together, lan zhan FUCKS, Fluff and Smut, Experienced LWJ, Oblivious WWX, Mutual Pining, Friends With Benefits, Pining while fucking, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Masturbation, Spit Kink, Dirty Talk, Light Bondage, Praise Kink, Dom/sub Undertones, Kink Negotiation, Pride and Prejudice 2005 (dir. Joe Wright), mentions of Wei Ying/others and Lan Zhan/others)
🔒 Craquelure & Coverups by Inessencedivided (E, 27k, wangxian, Modern, Tattoo Parlor AU, Reincarnation, Tattoo Artist WWX, Tattooed LWJ, Dreams and Nightmares, Past Lives, trauma discussions, Mutual Pining, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Chronic Pain, First Kiss, First Time, Body Worship, Non-Penetrative Sex, Happy Ending, further tw in the notes)
Tattoos for Broken Hearts by TriviasFolly (G, 1k, WangXian, Modern AU, LWJ has a Tramp Stamp Tattoo, that's the fic) lower back tattoo
like strawberries on a summer evening by ritualist (E, 15k, WangXianChengYi, Foursome - M/M/M/M, Modern AU, Accidental Voyeurism, Office Sex, Semi-Public Sex, Choking, Light Dom/sub, Light BDSM, Bratting, Light breathplay, Wei Ying says no when he means yes (and everyone understands this to be the case), Mild S&M, Spitroasting, Rimming, Porn with Feelings, Polyamory) lawyers, poly 4some
15. Hi! For ITMF, could you recommend me a heavy plot fic in canon era before WWX died and revolve around him. It can be fix it/time travel/canon divergence/etc. No bashing except several character like YZY, JFM, LQR, JGS, WC, WLJ. You can bash them but i prefer not.
Thank you @idontknowwhattowriteforusername
16. I saw a lwj whump in the itmf some time ago but I can't find it.
I believe it was physical lwj whump specifically, can u help please?
hope you're having a nice day
Alter by Solmae (E, 162k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Drama & Romance, Slow Burn, Canon-Typical Violence, Rape/Non-con Elements, Gang Rape, Forced Prostitution, PTSD, Top/Bottom Versatile | Switch WangXian, Explicit Sexual Content, Sexual Slavery, Angst with a Happy Ending, Implied/Referenced Torture) LWJ is taken as a sex slave by the Wen, so definitely counts as whump
Bring Your Wonder (Lose Your Faith) by kianspo (M, 75k, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Canon-Typical Violence, Different Sunshot Campaign, straight boy wwx, Feelings Realization, Protective LXC, Protective WWX, BAMF WWX, Angst with a Happy Ending, Twin Jades of Lán Feels, POV Multiple, LWJ Whump)
17. Hi! I know this isn’t your normal ship, but could I itmf WWX/NMJ fics? I recently read “Better Things To Do With A Flute In Wartime” (a WWX/NMJ/ eventual also LWJ fic) and really liked the dynamic between WWX and NMJ. Particularly how blunt NMJ was, how he valued WWX’s mind and strength from a kind of unbiased viewpoint as a sect leader and war general, and also that they bonded over unorthodox cultivation methods. Would love to see more of this couple! Thank you so much!
An Elegant Solution by giraffeter (E, 205k, niewangxian, canon divergence, arranged marriage, friends to lovers, fix-it, everyone lives au, courtship, polyamory, smut)
Crowned in Glory (fear no more) by Pip (Moirail) (E, 19k, NMJ/WWX, Anal Sex, Anal Fingering, Multiple Orgasms, Overstimulation, Loss of Virginity, Size Difference, Sunshot Campaign, Sexual Tension, Certified dage fucker, Dirty Talk, Oral Sex, Rimming, Canon Divergence, Butterfly Effect, Canon-Typical Violence, Blood and Injury, Hurt/Comfort, Dubious interpretation of resentful energy)
Resent & Blossom by manaika (T, 26k, NMJ/WWX, JC & WWX, LWJ & WWX, NHS & NMJ, NHS & WWX, Love Triangles, Pining, Arranged Marriage, Canon Divergence, Angst and Feels, eferences to Fatal Journey, Strangers to Lovers, Implied/Referenced Murder Attempt)
Pastime (With Good Company) by nirejseki (Not rated, 25k, NMJ/WWX/LWJ, Canon Divergence, Arranged Marriage, WWX is very thirsty, and not straight at all, same for LWJ, WIP)
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack, whatever - it’s all good!***
142 notes · View notes
valentine-writes · 10 months
Hello hello! Been downright dying over how much I love your AtSV work!! So I thought I would feed into it >:) If you're feeling up to it, whats been brewing in your mind about The Spot x reader? Take it platonic or romantic, either has so much potential for fun in my opinion and I guess I'm just interested in what ideas you might have?? Not a lot to work off of from what I'm asking but I hope you're able to have fun with it anyways ^^; Whether youre able to get to this request or not, thanks for reading! Love what you do :)
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「 tws + notes: possibly ooc, unedited, he's kind of pathetic little meow meowified im sorry, first bit inspired by @//submurged-into-clouds !! <3 」
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↳ ft. the spot
「 gn!reader, can be platonic or romantic <3 」
author's note: first, AUWJHEJSBS thank u so much!!!! im glad u like what i've written so far– and i am SUPER excited to write for the spot becuz im gon b real,,, there was a momentary lapse of insanity where i was scouring for any content of him at all. SO TY 4 UR REQ!!!! ( /)u(\ ) i hope this is ok!!! i got carried away and stuff so,, i hope this is at the Very Least coherent! leaned for platonic stuff with romantic undertones that intensify throughout so,, read it how u like ^_^
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▸ we're going to start this by establishing that bro has literally No Friends anymore. you met him after the collider incident and by some miracle, some sort of mercy from a higher power in the multiverse– you ended up becoming friends with him
really, meeting him was an accident. wasn't supposed to be anything more– just him messing around with his new abilities and slipping into a random universe with no idea where he was.
and there was you.
just you. out, alone at night. just taking a walk– disrupted by someone falling out of a weird portal from the sky.
this is the day your paths crossed, the day your fates intertwined, the moment that your world collided into his.
to put more literally: the day he crashed into you very unceremoniously.
im now re-reading the title and remembering his backstory and giggling at my unintentional joke. he is not catching a break. even from me.
▸ after recovering from a random stranger from another universe tumbling into your own, you began to talk.
now– you don't remember how the conversation started, but you were glad to listen. the way which he rambled to you, words tumbling out of his mouth like they'd been on his mind for a while– you felt like he needed someone to hear him.
he's surprised. you're not bothered. not frightened. not even weirded out. but you're not indifferent. you nod along, you comment on things here and there– but you listen. you actually listen to him.
eventually, when he leaves, you're sat there for a moment. just frozen– processing whether that had really happened or not. you see the indent his body left in the grass where the two of you sat. it's evidence enough for you.
a few weeks pass and you're certain that you were just fated to meet once and never again. you were fine with this.
▸ until he randomly popped up in your living room one day.
yes, he had been actively trying to find your universe again– and as casually as he can be, is now peeking from out the portal he created, head leaning in to get a better look at you.
you're not sure how you can tell considering he has no face,,, but he's definitely smiling.
he waves to you, awkwardly, (noticing that you're just staring at him while not saying a word), "thought i would say hi, so– ...hi."
you blink at him tiredly. "dude, it's 6:30 in the morning–"
he's treating this like it's normal for people to just show up in your house. he missed you– and it's very evident.
▸ no matter what type of relationship you're in with him: you GOTTA set boundaries. being one of the only people who cares to hang around him anymore means that you're gonna be seeing a lot of him.
while he certainly hasn't completely lost grasp on the concept of privacy, it's definitely been altered by the fact he's got powers that allow him to pop up wherever he wants. he's just a teeny bit invasive.
"hello!" he'll greet, randomly poking his head through a portal he made to your bedroom.
on instinct, you throw the closest thing to you. he's just glad you reached for the pillow and not the alarm clock also at your arms reach on the bedside table.
definitely a good idea to remind him that if he wants to hang out, he should probably message you, and if he wants to show up at your house for whatever reason, he should give you a heads up.
he has nearly walked in on you changing. and has apologized a million times every time it's brought up. it fr keeps him up at night.
▸ everyone in his life leaving him def messed him up a bit. he can deny it all he wants, but he's terribly anxious that you're gonna grow tired of him and leave.
constantly like "oh my god what if they leave for someone who has a face" and itz like,,, boy,,,, stfu itz 3am
he needs reassurance, even if he never explicitly says. but you're kind to him. patient. you're pretty much an angel in his eyes.
which is why he feels comfortable texting u in the dead of night like:
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(im gonna b real i dont even know why i have this image)
▸ he's dismissed by most people around him– but you've given him your time. you've shown him that you care. he's doing everything he can to be certain you'll still care for him.
the random waves of "oh no but what if they hate me" hit him HARD. especially if he hasn't seen you in a while, if you take longer to respond to his messages, if you haven't been answering his calls– bro will jump to a conclusion
"hypothesis: they dont love me anymore :("
☝️🤓 SORRY HAKJWOENDOEND he would NOT say that. im just clowning on him itz a part of my luv 4 him </3
needs to be needed. wants to be wanted.
eventually you have a long talk about this. he's got a bit of an ego after realizing how much power he truly possessed– but you gently encourage him to let it down. a simple heart to heart. and while you're certain these things aren't going to dissipate with a single conversation, you've let him know he doesn't have to deal with it alone.
▸ physical contact is a need for him. bro's touch starved. he likes linking his pinky with yours or just intertwining your fingers together. if you ever let him rest his head on your shoulder or hugged him he'd actually have to fight tears. he hasn't been given affection in a while :(
▸ he doesn't really feel like he has to hide anything around you. he really doesn't have much of a filter when you're talking to him which makes for some amusing conversation. he finds your laughter the sweetest sound in the world– he likes making you laugh :] it makes him feel like he's accomplished something
▸ the alterations to his body have caused some weird little changes that most people don't notice. one of them most noticeably to you– he'd cold. not frigid or like icy, but a lot colder than normal people tend to be.
you first notice this when you're hanging out in your bedroom. you're sitting on your bed, while he paces back and forth, rambling about another failed villainous act
(you haven't questioned his whole obsession with villainy considering that he seems pretty harmless with what he's been attempting– no matter how much he tries)
"and then– ohh, and tHEN THEY JUST—" you notice how he's gesturing frantically, exasperated, annoyed– and out of instinct to provide some sort of comfort (or at least calm him down) your hand grasps his wrist
there's a moment of silence.
his voice dwindles into a more soft, subdued tone, watching as your fingers wrap around his wrist. "wh– if you wanted me to stop talking, you could've just... just said or...."
his mind is going blank, trailing off at your touch. he doesn't remember the last time someone has held his hand or even brushed up against him without freaking out.
"you're cold." you comment, now taking his hand between both of yours, as if you were trying to heat him back up. you don't meet his eyes, simply staring at his hand.
"oh– yeah, yeah, it's just– a thing with now. came with the holes–"
the sensation of your hands gently squeezing his shuts him up. you raise his hand to your lips and gently blow hot air onto it.
your brow furrows, nose scrunching up. "you're still cold..." you mutter, more to yourself than to him. quietly, your gaze returns to his face.
"does that bother you?" you ask him, after a beat of silence.
he shakes his head. your hands let go of his– but he quietly reaches back to hold it again.
"hold on a second. why don't you try again?" he suggests. you laugh softly, knowing it's obviously just an excuse. still, you humor him.
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asahicore · 1 year
treasure reaction :: when their crush kisses them randomly!
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pairing. ot12 idol!treasure x reader genre. tooth-rotting fluff and that's it word count. 6.3k a/n. i had gotten a request for this on my previous blog and had only posted the hyung and middle line parts, so this is a repost with the maknae line included as well <3 i had so much fun writing this and i can't wait to write more fluffy headcannons like this in the future.. also some of these are wayyy longer than others don't mind me i got carried away lmao and if u read one of these and think it'd be a good long fic then let me know i'd be more happy to write them out in more detail ok hehe enjoy and don't forget to reblog and lmk what u think please !!!!! xxxx
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HYUNSUK. whenever you were around, this man became even more of a giggly mess than he already was. you’d clicked as soon as you’d met and lately, you’d been hanging out more and more, never getting bored of each other but not quite ready to put a label on your relationship just yet. this particular day, you were hanging out at his studio - his flattering excuse to hang out had been that he needed inspiration for his next song and your presence would give him just that. he’d been working on his song for about five minutes when he turned to you, saying he was unable to concentrate with you around. clearly, he hadn’t tried to keep the charade up for long. you told him you’d try to be as undistracting as possible but he shook his head and said he wanted to spend time with you anyway. and that’s how you found yourself engaged in an aegyo battle with hyunsuk, the goal being to make the other cringe as much as possible. you realized right there how whipped you must’ve been for him, considering his aegyo didn’t make you cringe at all, but rather made him all the more endearing to you. so much adoration for him washed over you that, without thinking, you placed your palms on the sides of his face and pressed a kiss to the top of nose. you quickly pulled away, both of your faces turning a deep shade of red as realization of what you’d just done dawned on you. after three seconds of looking stunned, he fell into an umpteenth burst of giggles and asked with a grin, “what was that, y/n?”. you hid your face in your hands and mumbled that it was nothing. “just ignore it,” you said. “i don’t think i want to ignore it,” he said, a smile still playing on his lips, but the lightheartedness of his tone did nothing to hide the meaning behind his words. you felt your breath hitch in your throat as his eyes drifted down from your eyes to your lips, and this, ladies, gentlemen and non-binaries, is how you had your first kiss with choi hyunsuk.
JIHOON. treasure finally had a day off and jihoon had insisted on taking you out for a shopping date. (when he’d called it that, his usual confident facade had crumbled just a bit and his cheeks had reddened as he finally fully admitted to his intentions with you.) you’d told him to spend the day relaxing at the dorms or with his family, but he’d been adamant on taking you out, promising he’d pay for everything and anything you wanted as a thank you for waiting so long to hang out with him. he took you to a shopping mall in the fancy part of seoul and you had one of the best lunches of your life there - you weren’t sure if the food was just that amazing, or if it was because the boy you were with made everything a thousand times better. after that, you’d strolled from boutique to boutique, you too shy to ask for anything, but him making up for that by constantly handing you a bunch of clothes for you to try on. you grew more and more confident as you tried more outfits on, pretending the changing rooms were your personal runway as jihoon clapped for the outfits he particularly liked - although he found you so pretty, you could wear the most disgusting piece of clothing on earth, he’d still think you were incredibly beautiful. by the end of the day, you had a wardrobe full of new amazing outfits, and you wondered how jihoon still had a cent left in his bank account. you insisted on paying for coffee as if that changed anything, and he’d said it wasn’t necessary but he found it endearing how resolute you were about getting him that latte. as you waited in line to order, you noticed how he was carrying all of your bags without a single complaint, and you were just so grateful for him in that moment that you leaned in and pressed a peck to his cheek, muttering a small ‘thank you’ as you pulled away. as soon as he’d felt your lips, his heart had started beating like crazy, but he didn’t want to lose his cool in front of you so he simply looked down at you and said, “i should take you out more often if this is how you’ll thank me.” let’s just say you went on many, many more dates after that.
YOSHI. after not seeing you for a few weeks, yoshi missed you more than he wanted to admit (even though he’d tell anyone who’d listen just how much he missed you). you knew he was busy with comeback preparations and told him you could wait, but one afternoon, he decided to sneak out of practice, knowing he’d get told off by his leaders and managers but missing you too much to care. he made sure you were actually free that day and told you to meet at your favorite hang-out spot, an underground arcade and food court. his heart was pounding at the idea of seeing you again after such a long time, and when his eyes finally found you, arms crossed as you waited for him at the entrance of the building, a huge grin spread onto his face. you could tell something was different by the way he hugged you when he got to your level - the hug was a bit longer, a bit tighter than usual, and you felt your heart swell when you realized that maybe, just maybe, he liked you the same way you liked him. you pulled away after a few seconds, his arms still around you as you smiled at each other. you did all the things you usually did: compete on the dance game machines (he always won) and on the car racing machines (you always won), then tried to win the other a stuffed toy from the claw machines (neither of you ever did), then ate an unhealthy amount of french fries as you sipped on a strawberry milkshake and he on a vanilla one, even though you always stole a bit from each other, and both ended up with a strawberry-vanilla shake. everything you did was the same as usual - but it felt different. his eyes lingered on your face, his hands found a way to sneak themselves around your waist. when you decided to take a few pictures at the photobooth, he insisted that you sit on his lap rather than side by side like usual, and you did, wrapping your arms around his neck as he held you firmly by the waist. after two shots, you decided to take your courage in your hands and finally do something about this tension between the two of you, so you leaned in to press a kiss on his cheek. but he must’ve felt your stare on him, so just as you leaned in close to him, he turned his face, and your lips ended up on his. you both pulled away at the same time, the photobooth taking a picture of your stunned expressions. however, his shock quickly turned into giddiness as he added another coin to start the booth again, and just as the lights went off, he kissed you on the lips, on purpose this time. “that way, we have pictures of our last seconds as friends and of our first seconds as a couple,” he’d explained afterwards.
YOSHI. after not seeing you for a few weeks, yoshi missed you more than he wanted to admit (even though he’d tell anyone who’d listen just how much he missed you). you knew he was busy with comeback preparations and told him you could wait, but one afternoon, he decided to sneak out of practice, knowing he’d get told off by his leaders and managers but missing you too much to care. he made sure you were actually free that day and told you to meet at your favorite hang-out spot, an underground arcade and food court. his heart was pounding at the idea of seeing you again after such a long time, and when his eyes finally found you, arms crossed as you waited for him at the entrance of the building, a huge grin spread onto his face. you could tell something was different by the way he hugged you when he got to your level - the hug was a bit longer, a bit tighter than usual, and you felt your heart swell when you realized that maybe, just maybe, he liked you the same way you liked him. you pulled away after a few seconds, his arms still around you as you smiled at each other. you did all the things you usually did: compete on the dance game machines (he always won) and on the car racing machines (you always won), then tried to win the other a stuffed toy from the claw machines (neither of you ever did), then ate an unhealthy amount of french fries as you sipped on a strawberry milkshake and he on a vanilla one, even though you always stole a bit from each other, and both ended up with a strawberry-vanilla shake. everything you did was the same as usual - but it felt different. his eyes lingered on your face, his hands found a way to sneak themselves around your waist. when you decided to take a few pictures at the photobooth, he insisted that you sit on his lap rather than side by side like usual, and you did, wrapping your arms around his neck as he held you firmly by the waist. after two shots, you decided to take your courage in your hands and finally do something about this tension between the two of you, so you leaned in to press a kiss on his cheek. but he must’ve felt your stare on him, so just as you leaned in close to him, he turned his face, and your lips ended up on his. you both pulled away at the same time, the photobooth taking a picture of your stunned expressions. however, his shock quickly turned into giddiness as he added another coin to start the booth again, and just as the lights went off, he kissed you on the lips, on purpose this time. “that way, we have pictures of our last seconds as friends and of our first seconds as a couple,” he’d explained afterwards.
JUNKYU. this was another normal day for you and your best friend: just hanging out on his bed, laying in increasingly random but comfortable positions, stalking your old classmates on facebook or watching niche asmr videos for hours and ordering your comfort food when your stomach growls became too loud and painful to ignore. this time, you were separately scrolling through tiktok, only ever talking to show the other something you think they’d like. you stumbled upon a new trend, one where two friends sat together and the one making the tiktok kissed their friend when certain lyrics of the song played, hoping they will kiss them back. you glanced at junkyu - maybe he didn’t know the trend, because the sound coming from your phone hadn’t seemed to catch his attention. it painfully reminded you of just how much you’d been wanting to kiss your best friend immediately. how could you not when he was so adorable? wiping the corner of your lips when you ate messily, the way he laughed when you made stupid jokes, his warm hugs whenever you had to go home; it all made you fall more and more for him, but like any person with feelings for their best friend, you knew it was risky to admit them to him. so you stayed quiet - until that day, at least. you thought, “if he doesn’t want to kiss me, at least i can play it off as doing the trend.” so you sat up and asked him to do the same, sitting at the edge of the bed together. you prompted your phone on one of his shelves, making sure the audio and video were cropped right before you pressed play and ignoring him as he bugged you with questions. “you’ll see, just sit there and uh… listen to the audio. listen carefully, okay?” you instructed quietly. he obediently did as told, an excited expression on his face. when he realized he knew this song and what lyrics came next, a huge grin spread onto his lips, and before he knew it, you were leaning in and kissing him. neither of you knew that the other had been waiting for this exact moment, but he kissed you back instantly, even pulling you back in when you started leaning away and smiling into the whole kiss, the tiktok long forgotten as the music played over and over in the background. long story short, this was how make-out sessions became a thing when you and junkyu, your best-friend-turned-boyfriend, hung out.
MASHIHO. finally back home in japan for a month-long break, mashiho was planning on spending as much time with his family and his friend group from high school, which you just so happened to be in. once upon a time, you and mashiho had been very close. it was very obvious to all of your friends that you liked each other, but neither of you had dared to make a move, scared of damaging your friendship, and before you could gather the courage to confess your feelings, he had been whisked away to south korea to finish his training and debut as a member of treasure. this was the first time you saw him in real life and not on a screen in almost two years, but it only took a couple of days for your feelings to come back as if they had never disappeared in the first place - which they probably hadn’t, anyway. it’d been a week since he’d come back, and you were all hanging out at the basketball court of your old high school at 10 pm after having gone out for dinner. most were playing a game of basketball but you and two of your other friends had decided to hang back, saying you’d eaten too much to move around when you really just couldn’t be asked. mashiho, who was used to destroying absolutely everyone on the court, was of course surprised when his friends were able to stop some of his attacks and shoot perfectly even from afar. they took a small break and you told him how they’d practiced during his absence so that they could finally play an actual game against him without being ridiculed. the smirk on mashiho’s face as he said, “alright then, bring it on,” was very unhealthy for your poor heart who started beating a thousand times a minute, the simple action launching a horde of butterflies in your stomach. you watched the game, and more precisely him, with a lot more attention after that, shouting his name for encouragement and clapping when his team won a point. when he winked and waved at you after landing a shot, you really felt like the girlfriend of an american athlete at one of his college games, and you liked that feeling a little too much. you were so invested in this game that when his team finally won, practically all thanks to him, the adrenaline made you jump up from your seat on the ground to run over to him and press a congratulatory kiss to his cheek. this already made everyone cheer louder than the game did, so imagine just how loud your friends were when mashiho, shaking off his surprise, grinned wider, took you by the waist, and kissed you on the lips. 
JAEHYUK. similarly to junkyu, i imagine jaehyuk as being a besties before lovers type of guy, except that he really treats you like his girlfriend but just doesn’t have the guts to actually call you that. he always takes you on ‘hangouts’ that are more like dates, facetimes you at random hours of the day and night, calls you pretty whether you’re dressed up or not; he just does everything right, basically. everything but one thing, which is to make things official, and you’d be lying if you said his behavior didn’t worry a little bit. you’d heard too many stories of girls being led on by their friends who act like boyfriends without the label and then turn around and make her think she’s delusional when she asks them about it. you really doubted jaehyuk could act like that, and in your head the worst-case scenario was that he was just oblivious to what he was doing and thought it normal, even though his friends always told you it was as clear as a sunny day he liked you and was just too scared to make the final move. this was why you had made up your mind that on your next date-like meeting with him, you’d finally gather enough courage for the both of you and act on your feelings, whether that meant straight-up confessing or doing something that couldn’t be seen as ambiguous in terms of where you two stood. it hadn’t even been a couple days since you’d taken this decision when he called you, asking if you were free next sunday, his nearest day off. as always, everything went perfectly, from his compliment on your new outfit, to the diner he’d picked out, to the way he made you laugh and your heart skip a beat. jaehyuk, however, wasn’t the type to flirt just to make you happy, but also so he could hear it back, and so he always found ways to make you compliment him as well - the fun part was to tease him and pretend you hadn’t noticed his new haircut or that you didn’t like his outfit that much just to see him pout and then grin widely when you said you were joking and that, yes, he looked very handsome. “oh yeah? so handsome that you wanna kiss me, i bet?” - this was another one of his favorite lines. you usually dismissed him with a roll of your eyes and told him to shut up, but today, you stayed quiet, thinking this might be your chance. he took your silence as flusteredness and added, “oh my god, you totally wanna kiss m-”, but you effectively interrupted him with a quick peck on the lips, shutting him up for good as you leaned back in your seat and continued eating as if nothing happened. he stared at you blankly, mouth slightly open, and touched his fingers to his lips like the female lead in a kdrama. without a word, he leaned in as you did seconds prior and pecked you just as quickly as you had, making you the shocked one this time. “if you get to do it, i get to do it too,” he said, pouting down at his food. when your gazes found each other, you burst into giggles, and after you calmed down, he very cutely threatened “just wait until it’s the two of us. i’ll show you what a real kiss is.” let’s just say that from that day on, there was no hesitation as to whether you two were just friends or dating (hint: it’s the latter). 
ASAHI. no matter how much he liked you, asahi had a tendency to get very immersed into whatever he was doing at the moment and sort of forget about your presence in the room. in his own somewhat awkward words, he’d tried to reassure you that it was just because he felt extremely comfortable around you and didn’t feel the need to keep you entertained, that he was happy when you just chilled together, each of you simply doing their own thing. you were usually fine with it too, happy to just be with him, but this one day, you’d gone over to hang out at his dorm so you could spend actual time chatting and hanging out with him, not just scrolling through social media while he worked on his latest painting. you’d whined about it when he started painting but he told you he’d be done in ten minutes. ten minutes passed, then another ten, and another ten. you’d call out to him every now and then but he’d always repeat the same thing - “i’ll be done soon.” your complaints barely reached his ears, your whines earned a mere chuckle, so when you’d had enough, you’d gotten up and said, “fine, guess i’ll just go hang out with jaehyuk then,” sure that that would get his attention. but he just replied with an unbothered, “sure, he’s probably in the kitchen.” you scoffed at his nonchalance, and decided desperate times called for desperate measures, so you stomped over to where he was sitting and pressed an aggressive kiss on his cheek. this finally got his attention and when he looked at you with a stunned expression, you were scared you’d completely overstepped your boundaries - it wasn’t like you two were actually dating, even though every member and their mom were telling you to. but his face immediately softened as he took in your small frown and pout, realizing he’d been very negligent of you. “i’m sorry, i didn’t mean to upset you. let’s hang out now.” his words already warmed your heart, but when you saw he’d been drawing a picture of you from when you had gone to a park together, you thought you couldn’t get more in love with him. later on, he teased you about your method of getting his attention, but he definitely didn’t complain when you did it again, practically lending you his cheek (because he was too shy to give you his lips) for you to peck. 
YEDAM. you realized that bang yedam liked to show off, just a little bit, when he invited you to watch practice at his company building for the fifth time. he liked impressing you with the new intense choreography they’d just learned or with his angelic vocals that never failed to make goosebumps appear on your skin. the members teased him about having ten times more energy when you were around, but your smile and claps as you watched him and the praises you gave him afterwards made it all worth it. he’d liked you since he met you at school - you still remember his trembling hands and his deep blush as he asked you if you wanted to come to his practice for the first time - but seeing you getting along with his members, learning the dance from mashiho, copying hyunsuk’s rap and laughing at asahi’s and jeongwoo’s antics, it all made him like you even more; you fit right in. he asked them what to do about these feelings, and they all advised him that next time he asked you out, it should be just the two of you. yoshi, in all his wisdom, told him that having you over at the company like he usually did was a good idea because it was familiar and comfortable, but that it could be at a time where he practiced individually. doyoung added that he should sing a love song as way of confessing, and everybody groaned at the cheesy idea, but yedam, for some reason, thought it was the greatest, most romantic thing ever and thanked his friend, thumb on his phone already pressing your contact, ready to call and ask you out. you said yes immediately, heart pounding at the idea of it finally being just you two after months of hanging out in groups, whether that was with your friends at school or with his members during practice. when you got there, you talked for a bit, the electric tension in the air making you both feel giddy. he warmed up before he got the song ready and told you to “listen to the lyrics carefully” with a very pointed look. you couldn’t contain your smile as you nodded, excited for whatever he had planned. lo and behold, you had the honor of not only being the first to hear the piano, demo, yedam solo version of the one and only darari, but also of being the inspiration behind the song. when it was over, yedam turned to you with a sheepish smile, asking “did you like it?” and being answered with a chaste kiss to his lips. his hands found your waist as if by instinct and, as he looked up at you with wide eyes and you looked down at him with a huge grin, you replied, “i loved it.”
DOYOUNG. nobody will ever convince me that doyoung doesn’t give the biggest university campus hearthrob vibes. i know this whole post was idol!treasure but just for him i’m gonna make an exception cause… yeah. doyoung is that guy in your really boring class that you only go to because he’s there, even though you never speak to him. all you’ve done is gaze longingly at him and look away abruptly when he catches you staring, so you’re sure he must think you’re crazy until one day when your professor announces a group project in pairs and doyoung swings around on his chair, looking right at you and smiling as if you were friends that already knew they’d partner up. you look around and behind you, trying to see if his smile is actually directed at someone else, but everyone’s already speaking to their partner. when your eyes find doyoung again, he’s already walking towards you, grabbing the empty chair beside you and plopping himself down on it. “wanna do this together?” his smile is blinding and all you can do is nod slowly and mumble out “s-sure.” and that’s how you become friends with doyoung, and how your infatuation with him turns into an ever-growing crush. working on a project together leads to meeting at the library for study dates, leads to taking coffee then lunch breaks, leads to texting random things during the day, leads to inviting each other to parties, leads to hanging out outside of school when the project is over, leads to you being head over heels for him. it doesn’t help that along with being ridiculously handsome, doyoung also happens to be a gentleman who knows your coffee order by heart, is easy to work with, makes you laugh, and flirts with you shamelessly. you’d like to say that after a few weeks, comments such as “you look pretty today, y/n” don’t affect you or that you don’t feel anything when he tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, but that would be the world’s biggest lie. the fated kiss happens at half past midnight on a tuesday during exam season. there was an essay you had completely forgotten about, and you only had twenty hours to do all the reading, come up with a topic, and write it out - the professor didn’t accept extensions, because they were evil. you had briefly told doyoung about this, but you just thought he’d send you a sweet text of support - not that he’d show up at the library, two cups of coffee in hand. “here, they’re both for you. motivation and comfort,” he grinned, placing them on the corner of your table. “oh my god, doyoung, i could kiss you right now,” you breathed, heading straight for your first cup. you almost spat out the coffee when he replied, “then do it.” you don’t know if it was the deliriousness of having been awake for such a long time, or if it was the adrenaline of having to finish an assignment on time, or the fact that he still managed to look good at midnight under the bright yellow fluorescent lights of the library, but you did it. you stood up and pressed your lips firmly against his for a few seconds before pulling away and returning to your essay. your cheeks were burning and you were too shy to look back at him, the realization of what you had just done hitting you. “y/n?” “yeah?” “is that it?” you can feel his gaze burning holes through your head, but still you can’t bring yourself to meet his eyes.”i don’t have time right now. sorry.” a beat passes and you pretend to read a paper, but none of the words on your screen passes. “then will you come to my dorm when you’re done?” another beat. “yeah. okay.” “okay.” he kisses the top of your head and whispers ‘good luck,’ and your cheeks manage to burn even more. you think you might combust right then and there, but at least you have an even better incentive than a good grade to finish this assignment. ok now who would read this if i turned it into a full fic…
HARUTO. the gods of love and fanfiction were on your side when they made you besties with haruto’s sister. he was back in japan for his break, and on his second day home, his sister asked if you could come over for dinner. you usually saw each other every day, if not at school then at each other’s houses or in town, but that hadn’t been possible the day before since it was her brother’s arrival, and she was already having withdrawal symptoms. their parents gladly agreed - you were like a second daughter to them at this point, much like your friend was to you parents. he hadn’t really thought twice about it at first; he remembered you as his sister’s shy friend that smiled a lot but didn’t talk very much. well, you still smiled a lot but were more talkative now; and either you had changed immensely in the year since he’d seen you last, or he just didn’t have that good of a memory, because when he saw you again, he himself grew shy because of how pretty he found you. his cheeks reddened when his parents coddled him or bragged about his achievements, his head hung low in embarrassment when usually he’d have welcomed the compliments with open arms. “gosh, you need to eat more, son! it’s like they don’t feed you over there,” his mom grumbled, scooping a huge portion of rice in his bowl. he wanted to dig a hole in the ground when you giggled at his mom’s antics. he grew more and more comfortable around you as time passed, considering you were over at their house at least three times a week, but he still found himself unable to get a full sentence out while looking you in the eyes. the way he was around you was so different from his usual personality that it was obvious to everyone that he had a crush on you. you found him extremely endearing, but knew there was no point trying to pursue what might be there, since he’d have to leave soon. it was only on his last night home that you gathered enough courage for the both of you. it was late in the night and you were sleeping over at your best friend’s house, but the coffee you had stupidly had at 6pm was keeping you awake. quietly, you walked out of your friend’s bedroom and into the kitchen to get a glass of water, but sound from the living room distracted you. you took a peak in and found haruto on the couch, watching an action anime. he almost had a heart attack when you called out his name, not expecting anyone to be up at this time. “what are you still doing up? shouldn’t you be getting some sleep before you leave?” you asked, sitting down next to him on the couch. if you couldn’t sleep, might as well stay here. “i can never sleep before i go back to korea. i love being there but i just… i hate waking up and knowing today’s the day i leave home.” it surprises him how easily the truth comes out, but it feels nice to put it out there - he doesn’t want to cause his parents sorrow by telling them how much he wants to stay even though he can’t. “you want to make it feel like your time here is longer or something? so you stay up…” you say, looking at the bright colors of the tv. “pretty much, yeah.” you ask him what anime he’s watching and scooch closer to him, letting a comfortable silence fall between you after he’s answered, the only sound in the room coming from the tv. after a couple of episodes, you feel sleep wash over you, and stretch your arms, letting a big yawn out. “going to bed?” haruto asks, pausing when the next episode starts to play, and you nod. “you know, ruto,” you start, and his heart skips a beat at the familiar nickname - it’s a lot nicer when you say it rather than his mom. “it’s normal to feel sad when you leave home. but it’ll still be here, waiting for you to come back.” you smile at him. “i’ll be here too.” you get up, but before you leave the room, you turn back towards you, and lean down to press a soft kiss to his nose, a feature of his you’d always secretly loved. you grin as you watch his face break into surprise, and wish him goodnight, chuckling. “g-goodnight, y/n.”
JEONGWOO. as soon as he’d stepped into the classroom on the first day back to school and saw you there, jeongwoo knew he’d have the fattest crush on you. your carefree laughter as you talked with your friends, the glint in your eyes, the sound of your voice. he liked everything about you immediately, and that feeling only grew as time passed, even though you’d never had a proper conversation. always the class clown despite his idol status, he never failed to bring attention to himself with his funny comments and reactions, yet somehow managed to stay likable and not become that obnoxious guy who doesn’t know yet to stop. but when he was with you, he grew quiet. if you were on the same group, he’d barely look at you, only talking to you when absolutely needed. naturally, you thought he hated you. but when he found out you lived in the same neighborhood as his dorm, he’d shyly asked his manager if he could walk home from school once in a while rather than be driven home, and then he’d shyly asked you if you guys could walk home together, taking you by surprise. rare were the days he actually got out of school at a normal time, but when he did, he always waited outside the classroom door for you, earning him a few whoops from his friends and hushed giggles from yours. the first few times, he stayed pretty quiet, and you almost wondered why he’d asked you in the first place. but soon enough, his more playful side, the one you’d see at school or on t-map episodes (although he didn’t need to know you watched those), started to come out, and he’d talk with you about anything between the earth and the sun. you found yourself agreeing on the same crazy things, making up insane conspiracy theories, going back and forth on a topic no sane human would talk about and each sentence you uttered only adding to the craziness, both of you egging the other on and nodding as if you had unearthed the planet’s wildest truths. when you got to your house, you were so high on the incredible things you and jeongwoo had discovered that you pressed a quick peck to his cheek, thanking him for walking you home. before either of you could realize what you’d just done, you’d already closed the door behind you, leaving a very stunned jeongwoo to stand at your door for a few seconds, two fingers on the spot your lips had blessed his cheek and a smile growing on his face. his hyungs never heard the end of it that evening.
JUNGHWAN. i have no idea what it is about the three youngest members that give me huge ‘shy-when-in-love’ vibes, but junghwan is no exception. it was your last year of high school and even though you were drowning in homework and college applications, your parents had made you get a part-time job to help with the eventual university fees. luckily for you, your mother had a friend whose hairdresser had a cousin that worked at YG entertainment, and could get you a job as a part-time barista in the building café. he just needed to make sure you weren’t completely unqualified and wouldn’t freak out whenever you saw an idol, and it was set. you can’t lie, the first few times a winner or ikon, or worse, blackpink, member walked in, you had to really concentrate to not spill the coffee everywhere out of nerves. but it didn’t take you long to realize they were just regular people craving caffeine like you, and the fact that your coworkers and the company staff were completely unfazed helped as well. treasure, as the newest and most active group of YG, came by a lot, and you were glad to notice they were always friendly and polite with you - your friend who was a huge teume would be enthralled by the information. however, even if they weren’t all talkative extroverts, there was one member who was particularly quiet: junghwan. you thought nothing of it until one day, walking in for the start of your shift, you saw him chatting with the other barista, but as soon as he saw you, he grew quieter, answering in hums and short sentences, glancing at you in what seemed a nervous fashion. since you were a new addition, you chalked it up to him being shy around strangers. but then, he started coming in in the evening, when the café was relatively empty, and sat at a table after ordering rather than just getting his drink and leaving. he got out his homework and would simply work on it for thirty or so minutes, most of the time alone, sometimes with one of the older members. you didn’t say anything, and after a month, he finally talked to you for something else that his coffee order. you placed his drink (always an iced choco) down on his table, and as you were about to walk away, he called out your name. “yeah?” you said, turning around quickly, perhaps too quickly. the fact that he came in at such quiet hours meant that you had much leisure time to do nothing other than stare at him, unbeknownst to him. you knew he was a handsome guy, but being able to observe him so closely made you notice so many of his cute habits, and before you knew it, you were developing a crush. “how do you like it here?” he asked, and that was it. he forgot his homework as you answered his question, which prompted more from him, which prompted more from you. after that, you got into the habit of talking every time he came in, venting about your problems, bonding over shared interests, laughing at cat memes together. more often than not, this resulted in him being late for practice or never getting around to his homework. since you were in the same year level and he didn’t have as much time to study as you did, you also helped him with subjects he struggled with. you’d spent a week going over a history lesson with him, which had started out with him hopeless but he grew more and more confident about the upcoming test, thanks to your help. he had been really nervous about it, so when he barged in the café, a huge grin on his face and graded paper showing a bright red ‘B+’ in hand, you were so proud that you couldn’t help but run to him and take his face in your hands, pressing a firm kiss to his cheek. his eyes grew wide and he looked down at you in disbelief, but before you could run away and hide from what you just did, his grin found its way back to his face and he took you in his arms for the warmest hug you’d ever received. “i couldn’t have done it without you, y/n.”
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