#first name random for aesthetic reasons
legionofpixelhorses · 2 years
My projects be like: one one hand we normal horsy names like Epona or Roach and on the other hand we have Aule Veturius Fabulosus
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twstowo · 23 days
Their Magicam Accounts[Twst]
♡︎How I think their Magicam Accounts would look and what they do in them.
♡︎This was been catching dust in my drafts for months now. Crazy
♡︎Includes: NRC, RSA and Rollo
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⋆⋅☆Riddle: Owns two accounts on Magicam. The first one is only used to like or comment on posts from friends, Carter set up this account against Riddle’s will. He once accidentally posted a picture of the two of you and had a heart attack trying to delete it. The second account is a secret one where he only posts hedgehog pictures.
⋆⋅☆Trey: Has one account where most of his posts showcase his cakes, including pictures from unbirthday parties and moments of you cooking with him. His profile picture is him with that dog filter, you can’t change my mind.
⋆⋅☆Carter: Literally Owns Magicam, posting pictures every time he does something or is with someone. #Thevoicesarewinning. Comments on every post and totally knows that Riddle owns the hedgehog account. He also has a side account for stalking people. Changes his profile picture daily.
⋆⋅☆Ace: Initially only posted embarrassing pictures of people and would only take them down if they paid him. Got suspended quickly from Magicam. The second account is more relaxed, where he shares random content whenever he feels like it. He’s also the type to edit group pictures to make everyone look bad except himself, just to annoy everyone.
⋆⋅☆Deuce: Was the one who reported Ace’s first account since most pictures were of him. Has Shaky pictures, the best picture he has is one of him, Ace, and you together. Probably uses social media mostly for chatting with friends. Also, he, Ace, and you have one of those quirky couple profile pics.
⋆⋅☆Leona: Owns an account with no posts, profile picture, comments, or followers. Rarely uses Magicam, but he occasionally checks your posts.
⋆⋅☆Ruggie: Uses Magicam for selling stuff. Created a group for selling second-hand items and pins all his stuff to ensure faster sales than everyone else.
⋆⋅☆Jack: Gym pictures? Nah, I feel he’d be too shy for that. Probably has one image that he uses everywhere else just to identify himself.
⋆⋅☆Azul: Opened an account to promote Mostro Lounge, daily posts feature new dishes, prices, menus, and sales. He also has a personal account but doesn’t post (doesn’t think he looks nice in pictures).
⋆⋅☆Jade: Mushroom account, has so many followers who share his fascination. Their conversations are all about their mushroom hikes and can last for hours. Makes really aesthetically pleasing posts filled with detailed information about different types of mushrooms.
⋆⋅☆Floyd: For legal reasons I won’t say why, but his account got suspended after one week of its creation.
⋆⋅☆Kalim: Sends party invitations through Magicam, Jamil had to create a group to prevent Kalim from sending individual invitations constantly. Enjoys capturing pictures of the sky. Once posted a picture of Jamil, after it was deleted, he didn't post anything for a whole month, I wonder what happened.
⋆⋅☆Jamil: Similar to Leona, but he often checks Trey’s account for his cake posts. When he saw a picture of you and Trey together, he invited you over to cook with him but didn’t have the courage to ask for a picture of the two of you.
⋆⋅☆Vil: Posts frequently, sharing about himself and his daily routine, always looking impeccable. Regularly receives barking comments, he spends hours deleting all of them.
⋆⋅☆Rook: We all know he has a fan account for Neige. Likes posts of all the celebrities he adores. Writes extremely lengthy comments whenever he finds someone beautiful. He's been blocked so many times he's lost count.
⋆⋅☆Epel: Initially tried taking cute pictures following Vil’s advice but got annoyed as he looked too feminine. Instead, he started promoting stuff from his farm back home.
⋆⋅☆Idia: Uses an account with a weird name to hide his identity, posts about games and occasional activities. Engages in lengthy debates with anyone who disagrees with his new hyperfixation. Has a different notification ring for your posts.
⋆⋅☆Ortho: Shares many pictures of you and him and others doing silly things, sometimes posts gossips and causes huge scandals with them, to the point he decided to create an account with only gossip info. (Azul is literally taking notes.)
⋆⋅☆Malleus: This man owns a Nokia 3310.
⋆⋅☆Lilia: Creates posts about the Doramas he watches, managing a fan page to discuss them with others. Shares pictures of Silver, Sebek, and Malleus, although the latter two get embarrassed, leading Lilia to take down their pictures.
⋆⋅☆Silver: Posts images of nature and cute animals. There's only one picture of him – you took it while he was sleeping and posted it. He didn't have the heart to delete it, knowing it was you.
⋆⋅☆Sebek: Shaky hands #2. Takes pictures of his paintings of Malleus; if you scroll long enough, you might see an accidentally posted painting of you.
⋆⋅☆Che’nya: Shares pictures of people's scared faces, taken while invisible when the flash goes off.
⋆⋅☆Neige: Lost track of his posts; like Vil, he has many followers. Captures moments with the dwarfs and shares funny stories about his day in every picture.
⋆⋅☆Rollo: Has one account filled with pictures of Fleur City. His profile picture used to be a croissant, but he removed it since it looked dumb. He was blocked every magic user, except for you. Yet.
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mouschiwrites · 3 months
Thinking thoughts about these guys again
Creepypasta/MH - Things That Make Them Think of You
Characters: Jeff the Killer, Jane the Killer, Clockwork, Nina the Killer, Tim/Masky, "Ticci" Toby
Jeff the Killer
Violence. Specifically, committing it
I know that sounds bad, but he gets so high off of that stuff
The adrenaline rushing through his veins, the wild smile that comes to his face, the noise, the sights... it's euphoria for him
And when he reaches his peak, endorphins at maximum saturation, that's when he thinks of you
It's almost like he subconsciously asks himself if there's anything in the world that could make him happy like this, and his subconscious responds by conjuring an image of you
As if he couldn't get any happier, thinking of you just pushes him higher
This happens a lot...
He'll be killing someone, already over the moon, then he'll blast to Mars when he thinks of you
And he starts associating you with violence; even if you're the gentlest person in the world
It's the happiness it brings him that links it to you
Though if you're a psycho (affectionate) like him, there might be another reason he associates it with you lol
It just gets worse over time; eventually he can't even see other people committing violent acts without thinking of you
He'll be watching a horror movie, and blood will splatter the screen and he'll be like: Nice. Y/n's nice too. Y/n... <3
Jane the Killer
Quite the opposite of Jeff; it's the quiet moments that get her thinking of you
(my reasoning is confusing but I'll try my best to explain T-T)
And there are two reasons for this
One, because whenever she gets a moment to think to herself, her brain always wants to think of you first
Maybe it's just hunting that hit of dopamine it gets when she imagines your smile, or the way your hands feel in hers...
Or maybe it's just that it's become a habit for her to think of you so often, so it's second-nature that she does so when she gets the chance
But the second reason is that she loves peace, and you are her peace :)
She's a vengeful person with a lot of turmoil inside, so when her environment is peaceful, she tries to follow suit
She's just taking what she can get before she has to go back to hate and obsession
So she imagines the peaceful things in her life
Namely, you
Even if you're not a very peaceful person, she feels at ease when she's with you
So, when it's quiet, she thinks of you to quiet herself
Memories of forehead touches and holding hands are more than enough to fill the silence :)
Literally everything.
I’ve mentioned this in a previous post, but Clockwork will find the most random things that remind her of you
She’s got a very creative mind; she can find the subtlest of things that make her think of you
Oftentimes they’ll be disturbing things…. Like a dead animal or smth
But she gets a little smile when she thinks of you anyway :)
She’ll probably send you a picture of whatever it was that reminded her of you
So you’ll just get a text out of nowhere like:
[picture of a dead wasp] “thought of you <3”
After a while you’ll learn to just not ask
Because you’ll definitely get one of these texts AT LEAST every other day, if not every day
Sometimes they’re actually nice things though! Like a song or a pretty sunset :)
Or something she saw while shopping that made her think of you; she always makes sure to steal …obtain those things
And ofc she gifts them to you 😌
Nina the Killer
I think it depends on your aesthetic
To me, Nina is someone who’s very in tune with aesthetics
Even if yours is super niche, or it doesn’t fit under a specific category like “emo” or “butch” or even “clowncore,” she’s got it DOWN
And so it’s always things that fit your aesthetic that make her think of you
Maybe it’s a view: a dark forest, a bright sunset in your favorite color, a sunny park, an eerily empty sidewalk…
Maybe it’s clothing: pants, shirts, dresses, jackets… always the exact kind of thing you’d wear :)
Maybe it’s music: she listens to music like. All the time. So she’s definitely at least dipped her toes into a genre that’s so totally you
Or maybe it’s something miscellaneous: a pop tart flavor, a blanket, a picture, the color on a soda dispenser…
No matter what it is, you’re guaranteed to love it
She always manages to surprise you with yet another random thing perfectly suited to your aesthetic
And she’s always on the hunt for more >;)
If it’s something she can physically bring to you, you best believe she will though
And if you decide you hate it (you won’t, but maybe later when your aesthetic changes), you guys light a bonfire and burn it together :)
It’s a Polaroid picture of you
He’s not in the picture; it’s just you
The flash is on, illuminating you and leaving the background in dark obscurity
He took it himself one night when he was just enamored with the way you looked
He did it casually, just telling you to look at the camera
The rest was all you; maybe you smiled, maybe you threw up a peace sign…
Whatever you did, he felt it captured your essence perfectly
He stared at the photo for a long time after it came out, and he still stares at it frequently
He carries it deep in his wallet where no one can find it
He’ll pull it out when he needs to think of you, usually when he’s especially down
Which is pretty often, my boy is troubled :(
He’ll trace his fingers around the edges, remembering that night
Your voice fills his ears, your scent fills his nose, and suddenly he’s aching to see you in person again
And he will; he’ll probably call or text you soon :)
“Ticci” Toby
Honestly? Probably something super obscure related to some kind of inside joke between you two
I’ll paint an example
Maybe you two were in the kitchen together, and you wanted him to get out the milk for you
But you ended up calling it a “mug of jilk” instead of a “jug of milk”
Toby, of course, bursts into laughter
He teases you for ages afterwards, calling milk “jilk” and always pointing out jugs of milk with a knowing grin
You’re in on it too though
You always snicker whenever he does those things
Maybe that’s why it becomes so special to him; it amuses the both of you
He gets to laugh and hear you laugh :D
So (in this case) he’ll think of you whenever he sees a mug of j (oh gosh oh no you guys got me too) jug of milk
And he probably takes pictures to send you too
You’ll just get a text that says “jilk mugs spotted ‼️” and a picture of the milk aisle at the grocery store
He likes to imagine your laugh when he sends texts like those :)
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Thank you so much for reading!! Take care my lovey doves <33
(divider by saradika)
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astaroth1357 · 1 year
A Brutally Honest Description of How Each Brother SHOULD Text Each Other
That bitch who corrects your grammar and typos.
"Is it 'who' or 'whom,' MC? You can do better."
Always formal, full sentences, good punctuation, with little typos.
Only changes when he's solo texting Diavolo where suddenly they're sending each other text spam and multiple emojis like gossiping schoolgirls.
I swear, his texts should be basically unreadable. Not because he can't write, but because he never reads over for mistakes before hitting send.
Typos, misspellings, missing words, the whole works. Sending messages through only emojis would arguably be more coherent.
Very big fan of voice chat because his brothers make fun of his illegible texts.
Only person who can reliably decipher whatever he says and never gets on his case about it is, surprisely, Lucifer. But he's had to read it for so many years that he barely even notices the flaws anymore. His mind fills in the gaps.
VERY BIG FAN OF ALL CAPS but to express excitement.
Could write you a novel but will send you an internet link to what he's talking about instead.
Sends random sentence fragments when too excited because his thumbs get away from him and he'll accidently hit "Send" twelve times in a row.
Texts exactly how he speaks. Included his many Levia-isms which are just keyboard smashes or random ass onomatopoeia like "bluforgal"
Can write you a novel. Will write you a novel. And will squeeze it all into one or two texts max.
Run-on sentences galore. Man has never met a comma he doesn't immediately take in like a starving Victorian orphan.
Likes taking aesthetic pictures of his books, coffee, rain, and cats. Mostly cats. You would think he has to immediately report each one he sees to MC like an endangered species.
The living god of emojis. He has ones downloaded that you've never even imagined before. Incredibly hyper-specific ones like "man bent over stop sign puking on ground."
The kind of person who will ALWAYS answer the questions "How are you" or "Where are you" with an immediate selfie. Even in the tub.
Comes up with brilliant hot-takes while drunk and spams them at you at 3 in the morning.
While send selfies and aesthetic pics to you first for approval before posting them to Devilgram. He expects detailed critique on image quality, filter usage, pose, composition, lighting-
I feel like Beel just matches whatever energy you give him, sometimes for no reason.
If you text him: WHAT IS THE GROCERY LIST THIS WEEK? You'll get back:
The only big difference is Belphie because those two can send each other messages that are just "Uh-huh." "No." "No way!" for an hour and come away with a complete conversation.
Abbreviation king. If he can skip out on writing out the whole word, he'll do it by any means necessary.
Sometimes he doesn't even bother finishing people's names and uses initials like he speaks in code.
"M wnt 2 🛒 store"
"Wtch out, Lu is 😡"
Falls asleep texting often so messages can be perfectly fine one minute, then turn into a garble of letters the next.
Voice chats his dreams to MC like an audio-diary. Since he naps often, they may get 5 to 10 of these rambily messes sent to them a day.
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ganondoodle · 22 days
(new totk rewritten)
some a bit less structured ideas/current plans
im reusing the forgotten plateau as the tutorial area for the totk rewrite .... but its INSIDE; you get put there after the start by rauru and have to rebuild the bracelet thingy around his arm bc it got destroyed/damaged in the struggle with ganondorf and the bracelet thing is what has the abilities instead of just .. him? having it somehow? but also not for some reason? bc i find that more believable and lends itself well to gaining one after the other by putting its parts back together (it also feels a bit more controlled in a way, not everyone would have been allowed to have them back in his days)
consider it like .. raurus secret basement, as his castle was also put on the forgotten plateau (but not in the spot of the citadel of time bc wtf, and by now its gone like most else he built), with it being all underground and without a map you wouldnt even know where you are (also i find it to be in character; id imagine it was still called the cradle of hyrule even without the kingdom being there- and thats where he got the idea from to name his "new" kingdom 'hyrule'- not knowing that was its name before)
(as of now the addmittedly cool moment of first jumping down from the canon totk tutorial isnt included but that can still change also i personally think its pretty cool to have to climb all the way up to the sky before getting to explore it- plus the sky is mainly for shiekah stuff since they are so .. having to do with celestial stuff and the sonau in the rewrite are from the underground- though theres little actual sonau stuff left and the shiekah were there too bc its been a long ass time after all)
its not in great shape overall and some rooms have been discovered by the ancient shiekah in the past who studied the bracelet parts they found and use that research to make the stasis and bomb runes (at least), since im bringing back the bombs and the time reversal is what the stasis rune was based on- at the end of which you have to fight a miniboss monster sent after you by gan (bc he damn well knows where rauru would flee to) get your first heart container and are let go into the world
i know its way more strict and less free but it could be a big basement and honestly i dont think trying to copy the fantastic tutorial that is the forgotten plateau in botw is the best idea bc it will almost certainly feel like a worse copy, so id just go for something that doesnt chain itself to attempting to imitate it
(the final battle will also take place on the forgotten plateu, but after the switch and rauru starting to changing hyrule to what he wants it to be its lifted up and he brings his castle back on it- which will be a dungeon on its own)
(another more random thought, i do want the aesthetic of the sonau to be more like they were in botw, the ruins you can find in it are the ones from other sonau that survived on the surface without tech past rauru doing the whole thing with ganondorf and everthing but their numbers having been rather low and dwindling over time anyway- but perhaps rauru has a bit of a different idea, in part bc he is older and still attached to their older style that didnt evolve any further and ... it might just be his personal taste to some degree xD
which ALSO makes sense bc if there were other sonau still alive even after rauru did his thing, it would be logical that the remains of their ruins were in better shape (in the rewrite theres barely anything of sonau architecture left until the switch and rauru bringing it back)- they still lived there for quite some time after all- while the ones from rauru largely fell victim to time or to people intentionally getting rid of it bc surely not everyone was loyal to him)
(also an idea for the gerudo sage, there was one loyal to rauru who did do his bidding but in the temple thing she was supposed to wait for rauru was hunted down by 'koume and kotake' -which im not sure if i want them to be gans moms or his daughters bc i also like that idea, im still working with the totk canon thing of it being a new ganondorf btw bc it just works better for this scenario im working with atm- and they took her place guarding the stone hoping that gan would first return there -perhaps its like extra difficult and rather intentionally structured to be anti rauru in way, and less like gan having overtaken it- .. plus i like the idea of you being able to return there after the switch bc you could get a bit extra lore and story for gans background bc he surely wouldnt have wanted to find them there- he might not even have known they were there bc he never managed to break into this temple so the things that stop you in it when you first do it alongside rauru were all placed there by the two and not gan)
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animeniac-writings · 1 year
Naps With - Obey Me Boys
I want to nap with someone! Cuddle someone and sleep! The perfect shared activity!
Otome: Obey Me
Polyship Devildom trip, go to hell and date them all, here's some of the naps you will experience in the lower realm.
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The hardest to get to nap with you. While all the others will either willingly, or are able to be talked into joining you even for a little while, this workaholic has chronic self-destruction.
Lucifer will have to be so tired and sleep deprived that he can't put up much of a fight when you tell him he's joining you for a 'short' nap, and he says he can only stay for a few minutes. Try to convince him to change into his pajamas for it, he will be much more comfortable and stay asleep longer if you can.
He tries to stay awake even after you get him into bed, staying barely in the veil between awakeness to keep mumbling bits of nonsense to you before finally drifting off, he will wake up if you move too much but will lightly cuddle back to your touch too.
Napping with Mammon is not always for the faint of heart, for one reason or another (which he always forgets anyway) he has some random time on his alarm set and he always startles awake, gives himself, and maybe you a heart attack, falls off the bed, then turns it off. He probably goes to crawl back into bed to go back to napping with you then too, without much fanfare this time. And a sleep talker.
Mammon's bed has expensive satiny gold sheets and you found some huge overly soft blanket that might be some strange pelt, perfect for napping.
Moves around a Lot in his sleep, either starfished or wrapped around you, but manhandle him into being the little spoon for you and he calms down to sleep soundly, pressing against you and sighing happily.
He got so embarrassed when you asked him to nap with you and went through 20 stages of stress and grief, do you want to nap in his tub? in his bed? do you actually want to nap with him or just in his tub/bed??
Once you finally get Levi to just come lay down with you already, he starts out stiff as a board, no matter how many times you have done this. Move him how you want, pull his head to your chest, tangle your legs, his face is on fire but he wont object.
After he falls asleep though, all of his apprehensions are gone and he cuddles you tightly just like his ruri-chan pillows, and gradually his sleep talking about ruri-chan turns into mumbles of your name instead.
Tortured writer aesthetic with too many books on his bed, you tend to take naps in yours. At times you can tell he's getting irritated, you grab his hand and say "nap time", which at first pissed him off, like a grouchy child, but he realized how much better he felt afterwards.
Satan is a mostly still sleeper, twitching a bit but otherwise staying as he was, he doesn't initiate much cuddling but lets you do as you please, smiling when you get everything "just right" and breathing deeply with his nose tucked against you before shutting his eyes with a smile.
Satan will often bring along one of his books when going to nap with you and set it off to the side- within reach, before the nap so if he wakes up before you he can read without disturbing your nap.
He insists you sleep in his bed with him! It's so comfortable and soft, perfect for a little extra beauty sleep. His room and sheets smell like rose or jasmine and help soothe you too. His bed is extra plush and offers you a set of very comfortable pajamas he had just in case.
Asmo is so soft to the touch, with his flawlessly smooth cheek nuzzling yours before getting comfortable to sleep, or silky hair that's softer than his sheets tickling you, because of course you're close enough, you're napping together, cuddling closely and he feels delicate in your arms. You breathe in the subtle scent of Asmo, beneath all his products, and tension leaves your body. As always you share a unhurried, short "sweet dreams" kiss and he asks you to dream about him, as he will you.
Big, strong, warm Beel. His bed is also cozy with an array of food-shaped pillows (which may have a bit of drool), Beel is happy to nap with you! Belphie often uses him as a pillow or decides they should nap together.
Beel is very affectionate, your gentle giant, and likes holding you close to sleep, he is very warm, warmer than you think a human could be, and there's a quiet rumble in his chest you swear is something of a purr.
Beware, there is no way to get out of his grip if you have to go to the bathroom, and he will wake up if he smells food, taking you with him without a thought.
You can argue he's one of the best nap buddies, his bed and attic nest are made for napping, he's the sin obsessed with sleep, whenever you sleep with him, whether in one of his comfortable spots, a bed, or some place random, his 'favor' on you assures that you never wake up with cramps or aches from weird positions.
Belphie is very soft and pliable, he sleeps harder than the dead and you can hold and cuddle him however you wish without really disturbing him. On top of that he makes sure you always have good dreams, or no dreams if that's what you prefer at the time.
Sadly with how busy he is, your naps together are few and far between. Usually just on his seldom days off can he truly join you (despite Diavolo telling him he should), but if you insist on trying, he will often join you in bed, cradling you close until you fall asleep soundly before having to go back to his duties.
Though Barbatos longs to stay by your side, staring at you with such a soft expression just a moment longer. He makes sure you're comfortable as possible before leaving, that your neck wont ache when you awake, that you're covered as you prefer, and always times it just right to bring you a snack and a drink when you wake up.
Sleeping with an angel. There's something that's just, comforting. Rejuvenating, about being very close to Simeon, he explains it being something about being a heavenly being, and you tell him there's something special about him too.
Simeon isn't usually one for naps, but he can never deny you either. Somehow cuddling with him feels light and airy, his soft finger tips trailing along your arms and his presence feels like gentle sunlight warmth, it's impossible to have bad dreams with him so close.
No stranger to naps, sometimes when immortality weighs down he tries to "sleep his life away". His time with you though, is so fleeting, his does not want to squander it.
When you ask to take a nap with him, he obliges, offering you his bed with a magical change into comfier clothes and a flourish. Solomon lets you maneuver yourself and him into the best position you deem fit, happy to do as you please. But instead of sleeping he fondly (could be creepily, if not for the soft look in his eyes) watches you instead, not wanting to waste a moment of this.
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calpalsworld · 2 years
Im sick of hearing. “Minions would follow [insert terrible irl figure here]” as if minions aren’t living beings who can discern between right and wrong. I’ve heard enough of it!!! It is not true! And no, the reason they wouldnt follow [insert any terrible irl person here] isnt even because the movie is for kids! It is also not even because the minions universe takes place in an alternate history with alternate lore! It is because...
Minions do NOT in fact, want the most EVIL person as their Boss.
Minions follow the most VILLANOUS person they can find. There is a BIG distinction between VILLANOUS and EVIL.
Evil = doing horrific things
Villainous = flamboyant and self-indulgent anti-authoritarianism, particularly pertaining to the Evilcore AESTHETIC
(example 1: they spend centuries serving Count Dracula, some scraggly ass dude who probably only kills like 1 person every couple nights, or maybe just turns a person into a vampire, which isnt very evil if you ask me. but he is SERVING in that outfit. the minions probably stay held up in that spooky castle for the VIBES instead of finding some kind of warlord or landlord who inflicts suffering on thousands per day. so.)
(example 2: they dont even consider following the Queen of England who is RIGHT THERE at the end of Minions 1. No, instead they follow the random kid who came in and stole 1 crown because he has a cool escape vehicle and laughs maniacally.)
SO YES, Minions search for the most swaggiest bad bitches. Not terrible people.
AND ALSO, Minions are shown to desire an enriching environment full of fun and villainy. Not one where they mindlessly harm the world. Minions show empathy and compassion towards other people and all sorts of animals throughout the films. Minions do not thrive off EVIL. Which is why Felonius Gru was the perfect Boss for the minions.  Gru was just a silly kid who wanted more than anything to be famously villainous when he and the minions first met. And he learned all the minions names, learned to somewhat speak their language, and treated them with kindness, unlike the many Bosses before him. (Would [insert irl s*rial killer here] tuck the minions into sleep? NO.) This is why the minions continue to be fiercely loyal to Gru no matter what -- even now that he is part of the Anti Villain League! Minions are conscious creatures with emotions. Minions form bonds and have opinions, and they serve Gru because he is a swaggy bad bitch and also a kind person.
So thats why Im sick of all these jokes about minions following horrific individuals.
Thank you.
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copperbadge · 9 months
Sam re: American Bats in the Ask. There is a (possibly apocryphal) story about the American military trying to use bats as a delivery method for incendiary payloads in WW2. According to the story, the first test did not go well at all, since you can't tell a bat where to roost and your control tower and hangars look like as good a place to land as the intended targets. (search bat bombs WW2 for more info)
But, this raises the possibility that some 'genius' had heard about this plan, packed some of their local bats into a ship for transport to Europe to try it themselves, and upon arrival hearing about how poorly it had gone, releasing their bats into the wild, not knowing/caring about invasive species etc etc etc. Ta Da! Jelly Donut Bats in the Ask!
Oh yeah! I remember hearing that story on QI years and years ago, although I think the actual story is that the bats were released too soon, accidentally, and instead of being deployed on a test site, just roosted under a fuel tank until they were blown up. In googling, I also came across this absolutely shining example of twentieth century military reasoning -- the bats idea came from a dentist in Pennsylvania named Adams who happened to know Eleanor Roosevelt:
In his letter, Adams stated that the bat was the "lowest form of animal life", and that, until now, "reasons for its creation have remained unexplained". He went on to espouse that bats were created "by God to await this hour to play their part in the scheme of free human existence, and to frustrate any attempt of those who dare desecrate our way of life."
There's something very typical about some random middle-aged middle-class white dude deciding he knows what God's purpose is and it's to use the military to serve his wants and needs. I think of this as the Kissinger Aesthetic, where men in ugly haircuts and tortoiseshell glasses come up with wildly stupid plans to accomplish brutally cruel objectives. But it is, frankly, exactly the kind of thinking that would result in some poor Naval grunt having to look after several pairs of bats all the way from Carlsbad to Askazer-Shivadlakia, then either being ordered to release them because the plan was scrapped (which, it was scrapped in late 1944) or accidentally releasing them because he stored them in the wrong cage or something.
I bet Michaelis and Jes do an episode of All On Mike about the Infamous Immigrant Bats Of Fons-Askaz and the battles of three separate kings to eradicate them (Gregory II, Nathan IV, Jason) before Michaelis actually, you know, phoned up a specialist in bats and asked what his options were. Said bat specialist probably immigrated as well and has been Bat Health Officer with the conservation corps for the last few decades.
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themedialmercurial · 11 months
✈️🪁Asteroid Vibilia (144) and how you travel🪁✈️ pt. 3
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This asteroid was named after the Roman goddess of travel, representing both short and long journeys. Depending on the placement of said asteroid, it can point towards your preferred travel destinations and where you may choose to take a journey - - - 🛩️
P.S this is based on my observations, by all means I’m far from a pro. Take this with a grain of salt and feel free to share your thoughts!
⬇️The first two posts⬇️
Vibilia🛩️ (part 1)
Vibilia🛩️ (part 2)
Aspects to the sun-many prominent and important trips during your lifetime
Aspects to the moon-intimate trips, meant to evoke strong emotion, emotional development
Aspects to mercury-trips involving a life lesson, challenges your way of thinking
Aspects to Venus-trips based on aesthetics, art and love
Aspects to mars-action filled trips, fast-paced, living on the “wild-side”
Aspects to Jupiter-potentially winning a trip to a destination, or winning something during a trip, luck
Aspects to Saturn-trips that are structured/serious in nature (defined itinerary), prominent business trips
Aspects to Uranus-random and spontaneous trips, many of surprises during the vacation, expected events
Vibilia especially loves this placement as this house is known to represent travel. The native is likely to indulge, as often as possible in long travel journeys where they can immerse themself in a culture different from their own. They'll likely learn as many languages as possible (not necessarily fluent but they'll retain what they've learned during their travels), will find great growth opportunities and will overall find luck wherever they venture. People with this placement are also likely to enjoy fast-paced environments though due to their natural open-mindedness, they surely would fit in no matter where they go. The individual might, once they return home, find themself aching for the next destination as they tend to exude a lot of restless energy when they feel stagnant in life.
This native will travel for work-related reasons, as a means of boosting their career or in simpler terms, business trips. Not that the native won't be able to have fun, it's just that's not the goal of the trip. There will be limitations and responsibilities that ensure that the primary focus is their job. Also, this trip will be cost efficient and not very luxurious as it'll be mostly if not entirely covered by their company. Much discipline is required to reap the true benefits of their endeavour. The native may be granted more authority and choices to make concerning the future of the company they are employed at
The native will travel with a group of friends and likely just for fun to celebrate life. This trip can be well planned, being a goal the native wanted to carry out for a long time. This destination choice can be entirely different to the place the native calls home and lots of partying comes to mind as that's not something that occurs in everyday routine and it's quite "rebellious" in nature. Also, there can be events in which people are expected to dress "otherwordly" and perhaps competitions come to mind such as the world's biggest pumpkin or sand sculpture and even new technological developments. Overall, this native will have to expect the unexpected, making for many memories for years to come.
The native may travel for reasons related to spirituality and to find themself after experiencing a shift in consciousness and their personal beliefs and, if they aren't aware of this reasoning prior to their travels, they'll surely become aware during the journey. This individual will have to confront their fears, likely alone (solo traveler, can be a remote location away from much civilization, small town energy). There are likely escapist ideas here only to become more aware and develop their morals and values.
As a collective, water signs would likely prefer travel destinations closer to bodies of water such as an island or coastal environment🏝
As a collective, fire signs would likely prefer travel destinations that are warmer in temperature with sun-filled days 🏜
As a collective, earth signs would likely prefer travel destinations that are mountain-filled along side valleys and rocky places. The Appalachians come to mind 🏞
As a collective, air signs would likely prefer travel destinations riddled with cooler, windier weather🌬
Andddd that's a wrap for this series! I think I’ll stick to one post for all the houses in the future😅
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rotisseries · 10 months
AKAJDFJSKFKS OK THIS IS MY FAVORITE SPOTIFY FEATURE YAY!! relying on people to have uploaded things as a podcast sucks so bad because they get taken down a lot and also it breaks up the vibe because the title and artist are always something random and the little picture is just a sunset or whatever idk IT BREAKS UP THE VIBE
so you can do this from any device, (i prefer to do it from my computer though for reasons that'll be explained later) and if you have spotify premium you'll also be able to listen to it on all devices, but first thing you're going to do is go into your account settings and turn on the local files option
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once you do that, it'll access any downloaded audio files you have, and you can listen to them on that device. they'll be stored in a spotify playlist named local files, similar to the liked songs one. (i would also recommend making a separate folder for the songs you want downloaded on spotify, at least on the computer, i know you can change which folder it takes from there. otherwise you might end up with random audio you downloaded for something specific in your spotify library.)
if you have premium, you can also turn on spotify on other devices, and add the song you downloaded to an actual playlist
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and it'll sync up on all your devices and you can download the playlist on every device. if you don't have premium though you'll either have to download it on every device or you can only listen to it on the first one you downloaded it on.
now for actually getting the song. this is really simple I tend to go straight to youtube and it's usually pretty easy to find the song I want, and then I just put the link into a youtube to mp3 converter (dodging the hot moms in my area. maybe next time ladies) and then I download it. make sure it's in the right folder and boom! I now have mitski's cover of let's get married to cry to on demand! soundcloud also works though obviously because any audio file will do, and a lot of unreleased songs get uploaded to soundcloud, and there’s a handy little download button right there and you don't need an account! great if you run into a song that isn't on youtube. totally unrelated but I have phoebe bridger's cover of iris downloaded
now. reasons I tend to do it from my computer specifically.
1. most shady websites are just easier to navigate lol. it's twice as hard to deal with pop ups when things are also rotating your phone screen around. so yeah i'd prefer to hit up the mp3 converter from my laptop
2. if you have any songs where the only video for it has an annoying intro or outro, it can be easier to edit it out. like lil nas x's cover of jolene was from the youtube channel for some fucking radio station or whatever so I had to edit that out. and my laptop's native audio file player has a trimming option, so I didn't have to download extra software like I would on my phone
3. and most importantly to me, you can make it aesthetically pleasing. when you just download the audio file it won't have an album picture and it won't have an artist name it'll only have whatever the file name is as a title, which you can change obviously but it doesn't fix the rest of it. on the computer it is so easy to download a metadata editor, and you can edit the file's metadata however you want and it'll have the little artist line and the album if you want and you can put whatever picture goes with the song but this is of course not required it just matters a lot to me personally
anyway have fun!
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cyberrose2001 · 6 days
RID 15 verse. A shy girl (around Sideswipes age in Earth years) has a MASSIVE crush on Sideswipe since he saved her from a kidnapping attempt. She's a delicate, princess-like (in a good way, she grew up rather sheltered) human whose fashion and aesthetic is pastel/cute core and wants to explore outside of her overprotective elder sister's (BB's future s/o) limits, and empathizes with Sideswipe due to that. Sideswipe really likes her too but doesn't think she'd want someone like him for obvious reasons but doesn't realize that they are both pining for each other(No official confessions yet!)
She's inspired to be more assertive and bolder thanks to him and he tries to slow down (a LITTLE.) for her. They go on joyrides together and she just absolutely has the time of her life every time!
Can the scenario just be them just going on one of said joyrides together in the quarry and they're bonding? (SFW pls!)
TF:RID 15 Sideswipe x human!fem!reader
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for some reason I had 'The Night Is Still Young' by Nicki Minaj in my head while I wrote this, and it kinda suits tbh
anyway, sorry for the long wait! my first time writing for Sideswipe too, and I hope I did your request some justice
Warnings: None, sfw, small mention of mild past trauma
Word count: 1,187
"Woohoo!" You giggle in delight, sticking your head out the window as Sideswipe zooms around the quarry, kicking up plumes of dust behind him. The echo of his engine and his chuckles reverbing off the cliffs above you.
It was just the two of you, and you prefer it that way. No overprotective sister, no one nagging in your ear constantly, and most importantly, no limits. The only limit is how hard Sideswipe can put his accelerator on the floor, which you've learned is never enough.
"You better hold onto something, Y/n-" Sideswipes Autobot symbol lights up on his steering wheel before it jolts to the side, and he slams on the brakes.
He drifts near a wall, nearly throwing you onto the other side of his cab if it weren't for the seatbelt that fits too snuggly around your waist. You laugh in delight; a real belly laugh as your hands grip his dashboard as he proceeds to do doughnuts.
"Heheh," Sideswipe's laugh trails off, his engine humming softly, "How's that for a joyride, huh?"
Sideswipe chuckles with you, spinning around and around as much as his momentum can spin him, listening to your giggles and eyeing the toothy grin on your face. He eventually comes to a stop, his spark growing warm at the pure happiness you exude. How happy he makes you.
You giggle breathlessly, a hand running through your wind-swept hair as the adrenaline dissipates from you.
"Yeah, whew! That was so much fun!" You brush your white plaid skirt out, ironing the kinks with your hands once you brush your hair back in place.
"Yeah?" Sideswipe teases, revving his engine a little, "We gotta do this more often, Princess."
A slight blush graces your face at his pet name for you, turning your face away so he doesn't see.
The thing is, you've had a relatively large crush on the red speedster for a long time. The nickname 'Princess' was a name he had jokingly given you when he had unexpectedly saved you from getting snatched up by some random gang in Crown City, and you were definitely not strong enough to fight them off.
Though you were scared for your life at that moment, the least scariest part of that night was when the giant robot swooped in to scare them off. A knight in metallic armour, unironically. Since then, even after he had offered you and your (against her better judgment) older sister a place for protection under secrecy from the rest of the world, the nickname stuck.
Though, you don't know if it's because he likes to tease, or if it's because he likes you. He couldn't possibly want a human that way, could he? A question you have stewed on for a long time and always think about in the most inappropriate moments to be in your thoughts. Like right now.
"Hey, you alright, Princess? Didn't scare you too much, did I?" Sideswipe drags you from your thoughts, and he watches as you blink a few times, returning to the present.
"Yeah, I'm alright." You bite your lip softly, your fingers playing with the cuffs of your oversized pastel pink hoodie, "Just...thinking."
Sideswipe eyes of your fidgeting, a telling sign from you that you're nervous or getting a bit too shy. A quality that he finds exceedingly adorable in you, but he keeps it to himself to avoid crossing your boundaries. He sneakily gazes at you with his rearview mirror, taking in the soft red hue on your cheeks, how your hair falls on your shoulders like a waterfall, and how you bite your lip.
He also can't help but admire you and your cute outfits; he thinks it makes you unique. However, he wishes that you weren't so bound by your older sister, who he thinks can be a pain in the glute servos sometimes. To see you be able to be yourself around him, even just a little bit, makes his spark sing.
He realises he's staring a bit too much, not to mention the silence that falls upon both of you, and he clears his vocaliser.
"About what? If that's okay with you, of course." Sideswipe speaks up, his curiosity getting the better, always wondering what goes on in that little head of yours.
"Just," You blush a little more, either out of shyness or because you can feel his staring, "Just about how we met... do you remember?"
"Are you kidding?" Sideswipe chuckles softly, the warm vibrations sweeping through you, "How could I forget!"
In what seems like two seconds, Sideswipe transforms. Hydraulics and mechanics whirring around you until you sit on his palm, "How I scared off those humans to save you? It was pretty awesome if I say so myself." He poses heroically.
After you had controlled your dizzyness from being thrown around a little, though you're pretty used to it now, you arch a brow at him. Not entirely impressed with his display but secretly amused.
Sideswipe peers an optic down at you before he sheepishly brings you closer to his face, "Sorry, I understand that night wasn't a good memory for you," He brings his other servo to rub the back of his helm.
You nod your head, "It's okay," A hand rubs at your arm, "You're not wrong... but..."
"But what?" Sideswipe tilts his helm at you, an action which you find pretty endearing.
"I... uh... got to meet you, at least." You smile softly at him, your heart beating a little when you feel his thumb press against your back.
The red speedster can't hide the soft hue of blue that forms on his faceplates, not when you're so close to his face.
"Yeah? Well," He smiles at you warmly, bringing a digit to ruffle your hair a little, "Every princess needs her prince, hm?"
"Hey-" You giggle softly, batting away his digit self-consciously, "You'll mess up my hair again."
"Good," Sideswipes spark warms as he watches you giggle, "I like it. It suits you better."
You blush softly at his comment, knowing how much you like maintaining your neat appearance. But if you're completely honest with yourself, you don't mind if Sideswipe messes it up a little.
"C'mon, the night's still young," He sets you down on the ground, letting you get your balance before pulling away, "How 'bouts we walk back to the junkyard?"
"Sideswipe? Not driving? Unheard of." You tease, putting your hands in your hoodie pockets.
"There's no hurry, not while I'm with you at least." Sideswipe chuckles, keeping a watchful eye on you as he walks by your side, "We can take our time, Princess."
Your eyes widen softly at his statement, wondering if there was a double meaning layered over his words. You nod, looking down to the ground as you walk alongside him, smiling as you feel your face heat up at the nickname again, "Yeah... we can take our time."
Sideswipe smiles before leaning down to place a hand on your shoulder, "Also, let's not tell your sister that I let you stick your head out my window, yeah?"
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maniculum · 8 months
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This... scorpion, I guess... comes from MS Arundel 60, which the British Library has digitized fully (link here). It's the oldest from the original post, coming from England not long after the Norman Conquest.
This is another calendar scorpion, and it's so far off from What Is Scorpions that I went to check the other Zodiac animals to see if maybe this artist was just doing random Beaſts for all of them. But no, the rest are stylized-but-recognizable, so it's clearly just a case of not having the first clue what a "scorpion" looks like. Here's the rest of the Zodiac, by the way, because I honestly find this style very aesthetically pleasing and want to share:
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[Group image ID: line-art drawings of the Zodiac signs in red ink, somewhat stylized but largely accurate.]
No, I have no idea what those things Gemini is holding are. They look like either smoking gun barrels or giant cigars, but obviously this is hundreds of years before either of those things could be found in England. (I guess they could be joints -- marijuana is an Old World plant, and people definitely smoked it at the time, but it wasn't popular in Europe. Whether that's down to culture or climate... look, I'm rambling, we did a whole episode on this a couple years ago (link here), so if you want to know, go listen.)
Anyway, this may seem like an unnecessary diversion, but checking out the rest of the Zodiac answered my most pressing question about this illustration. Namely:
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Why are you shooting him? :(
My initial guess was that this was another case of Manuscript Telephone. You know, maybe one artist gave their Scorpio a long tongue or drew venom shooting out of its mouth, then someone else misinterpreted it as an arrow and drew that into their illustration, etc. However, the actual reason becomes apparent when you look at the way the pages are laid out:
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Sagittarius is on the facing page. He's shooting Scorpio across the gutter of the manuscript.
Anyway, final note before I get into the points: we can see that the tail is coiled, meaning we've probably got that "knotted tail" thing from Pliny again.
Now, points:
Small Scuttling Beaſtie? ✘, he is large
Pincers? ✘
Exoskeleton or Shell? ✘
Visible Stinger? ✘
Limbs? 4 (I'm making the executive decision that wings count for non-arthropods.)
Speaking of wings, -1 for having them, sorry bud.
As for vibes, I love this guy. He has a face like a sad bulldog. I want to save him from the arrow & give him a doggie bed to curl up on. 5/5.
Total score:
4.4 / 10
Sagittarius, you should be ashamed of yourself.
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fullyfazed · 6 months
I keep thinking about the possibilities for the next* life series so now you all get to be subjected to my thoughts.
*not confirmed yet, just based on hope and an implied future for the series
Like I said in my other post I would LOVE for there to be a large snow biome on the map, but that got me thinking about other biomes and land features which have been under-repped in seasons past.
So I made a topographical map. Of course.
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The big feature would be the stony peaks which would surround spawn (located on an island in a lake). The mountains could be used as a wall for those living inside, a lookout point for anyone living on it, and it would serve as a natural terrain challenge when it came to brawls and inter-faction attacks.
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The other large geological feature would be the cavern/ravine. Another feature which could work as a base and/or difficult terrain, but could also be a good entry point for mines and the deep dark.
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As for the biomes themselves I think it would be cool to use them not only because they haven't really shown up yet, but because of the aesthetics, dynamics, and building styles associated with them would be so fun to see in a season (plus the fanart would be sick)
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These are just some examples but it could be interesting if there was a tree house village in the jungle, a secure winter base in the mountains, or maybe even an apocalyptic wasteland in the badlands. Obviously there are tons of other variations of bases that could be built in these areas, but these were the first that came to mind.
But Fazed, you cry, what will the gimmick be?
Well I'm so glad you asked because I have two main ideas, both of which involve an aspect of randomness. They'd be built off the original 3rd life system, so keep that in mind :)
The first idea is that every session, there's a random server-wide event. The event could be anything, like every player turns invisible, a random green turns red for the session, or a tornado shows up. Something that will bring an aspect of chaos to the server as a whole, and could potentially increase in dangerousness as the series progresses. There would only be one event per session, and there would be no way to predict what it will be, so they'd have to be handled in a similar way that the secrets are handled in Secret Life.
The second idea steams from double life, but instead of 2 players being connected, the server is split into teams, each with 3-6 players. Teams are randomized at the start of the series, and players switch teams (also randomized) when they die. So there's a real chance that someone could be caught in a trap and then forced to join their killers teams. Health wouldn't be linked for obvious reasons, but I think there could be potential in having shared status effects, inventories, or team synergy bonuses (couple seconds of resistance if your whole team is together, strength boost when all members attack one enemy, regen when eating together, things like that).
Personally I could see both of these ideas working in tandem but I understand how that could be overwhelming when it comes to the creation and execution of the series, so seeing them on their own should also work.
That's about it, I don't really have a good name for this yet but if you like any of the ideas in here please consider adopting them into your psyche.
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slexenskee · 10 months
What are the heroes opinions on No Scrubs music? And are there certain songs that some of the pros empathize more with?
Been pretty curious about this since Erasure and the Detective talked about how there are plenty of off duty pro's in the crowd of a No Scrubs concert.
Ahaha should I just go down the list? Tbh idk if I'll ever get to most of these reactions so it's a good thing this was asked haha
Echo: Biggest stan. He can do no wrong. She was shocked to hear he's Dabi, but also loves the more chaotic No Scrubs songs (I Write Sins not Tragedies, But it's Better if you Do, Jesus of Suburbia etc) and is like, nahh that checks out. Her favorite album is "Good News for People Who Love Bad News".
All Might: listens to them during his hospital stay bc Naomasa recommended it to him (the troll lol). He loves them on first listen, bc he really digs american alternative music and is shocked he's only first hearing them now. His favorite album is Death Before Decaf by a landslide. He worries about his Satoru-shounen, bc some of these songs deal with a lot of trauma. Also is like... wait a minute Semi-Charmed Life is my favorite song and why is it about crystal-meth??? Satoru-shounen?!
Eraserhead: thinks "... this guy has a lot of songs about women, for a guy who historically has never slept with a single woman." His favorite songs are 'This Ain't a Scene it's an arms race' and 'Sugar we're going down', bc he appreciates the irony of some of the lyrics
Present Mic: loveesss the vibe of Glass Onion Heart, as he's a pop-fan. He was really surprised to find Ru-kun and Dabi are the same person, but he respects the hell out of Ru-kun and adores his music and has also mad respect for Dabi after he saved the kiddos on multiple occasions, so he's a major stan. His favorite song is Tokyo, or Moving to New York, bc they both have that 'electropop sound'
Midnight: Her favorite song is Misery Business, or Thanks for the Memories. She's more of a peripheral fan than Present Mic, but she enjoys their music. She adores Dabi/Ru-kun's 'aesthetic'.
Endeavor: doesn't know how to feel. Is very overwhelmed. Somehow he could handle watching his son blow up a terrorist cult on live TV but has heart palpitations watching him perform in a wig and a Sailor Moon outfit. there's too many songs for him to parse out. He tries the acoustic album first because it seems less overwhelming, and it just makes him kind of sad. And full of regret in a way. His son is so talented and Endeavor had always been so full of himself that he'd never realized. His favorite song is No Such Thing - he identifies with it a lot and lowkey hates himself for it bc he 'realizes' how similar he and Touya must be to go through similar circumstances. He also really likes Notion from the same album. He hasn't managed to branch out to the other albums, but he always listens when the songs are on the radio. He only really dislikes hearing Say It Aint So, for obvious reasons, even though the whole alcoholism and step-father thing confuse the hell out of him.
Tensei: Obviously has a soft spot for the acoustic album he bullied ru-kun into making, but his favorite is Good News for People Who Love Bad News, bc that's the album he first found them through and he feels nostalgic about it, but he absolutely adores all the songs/subliminal messages of Death Before Decaf. I'm Not Okay is his favorite song, although it's a tough call. He obviously was the first hero to find out Ru-kun and Dabi are the same person, and he's also lowkey moonlighting as an online forum warrior defending Dabi to his dying breath lol. He'll be very embarrassed if anyone finds out his screen name.
Best Jeanist: Not his kind of music, but he digs the ✨aesthetic✨ and is obsessed with some of Ru-kuns more performative outfits, even the ones that aren't jeans. He's actually a lowkey fan of Mitsuya's designs (but doesn't know his real identity) and can spot one from a mile off. He would absolutely slink up to Dabi at a random event and ask him where he bought his jeans.
Miruko: Also not her kind of music, but once the 'SixWings' stuff drops she's curious enough to give it a listen. She likes Glass Onion Heart the most bc of its more pop sound. She definitely just wanted to be nosey and see if any of the songs were blatantly about Hawks, but is a little confused to see most of them seem to be about women.
Edgeshot: Actually digs their latest album Infinity On High. Has a soft spot for the Green Day songs, Jesus of Suburbia, Holiday, and Hitchin' a Ride - although he's emphatically not an anti-establishment rebel like those songs would suggest lol.
Kamui Woods: Lowkey another major stan that keeps it lowkey like Tensei. Also has a gay crisis over Ru-kun. 1979 is his favorite song. He's unknowingly a Smashing Pumpkins fan, so he likes Today, Cherub Rock, 1979 and Mayonaise.
Hawks: I mean we'll def get his reaction in the fic but yes he's a fan, once he starts listening to it. His favorite is Mayonaise... for what will be obvious reasons... and also Island in the Sun for similar reasons lol. Outside of those he's actually similar to Endeavor (which he doesn't know how to feel about lol) in that the acoustic album is his favorite and specifically No Such Thing and Notion. Although when he turns 23 he changes his ringtone to What's My Age Again.
Not really heroes but do the students count??
Jirou: Favorite song is Misery Business, but her favorite album is Thanks I Hate it Here. She's a massive fan of all their songs, but with her keen ear for music she's especially fond of the really great riffs in Death Before Decaf. Her second favorite would be Smells Like Teen Spirit.
Katsuki: His favorite song to play is Reinventing The Wheel to Run Myself Over, + he likes that song in general bc he just identifies with it lol. He also really likes Homesick at Space Camp, again becuase it's just a fun song to play on the drums. Most repeated No Scrubs song on his spotify is actually My Heart Is The Worst Kind of Weapon from Ru-kun's acoustic album... bc he's a massive simp and is absolutely obsessed with ru-kun's voice. Like he'd buy random super racy bodice-ripper audiobooks narrated in a language he barely understands just because Ru-kun was narrating them.
Hagakure: Immediately downloads all the albums after the news breaks bc she stans Dabi and omgggg he's a sexy rockstar on top of that?! Yeah she's a bandwagonner and she'll fight you about it. She really loves the fun, teenage-rebellion type songs - What's My Age Again is a personal favorite, even though she's not 23 lol. She also likes Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner, a Little Less Sixteen Candles, and Sugar We're Going Down.
Ashido: Fellow bandwagonner who stans Dabi and now stans Ru-kun. She and Hagakure absolutely nerd out and giggle in their rooms listening to their favorite villain/artist, and Jirou sometimes joins them. Yui finds the whole thing embarrassing and pretends she doesn't notice them. She's also obsessed with the acoustic album (thank you Tensei lol) bc she daydreams of Ru-kun one day serenading her with his guitar. She likes the classic Fall Out Boy From Under the Cork Tree teenage-romance-angst-drama songs, Nobody Puts Baby in a Corner, a Little Less Sixteen Candles, Sugar We're Going Down + Thanks for the Memories and This Ain't a Scene from FOB's Infinity on High.
Uraraka: feels like she has to get into it bc all the 1-A girls are into it now. She's too embarrassed to ask Yui about it directly the way Ashido and Hagakure sometimes do (Yui usually just hedges the questions off) but she always listens to the girl's answers whenever they do. Her favorites are Dance, Dance and Tokyo.
Tamaki: had totally been a fan before realizing Ru-kun and Dabi were the same person, had the usual gay crisis about it, was mortified to realize he'd made such a terrible first impression on one of his favorite artists and goes on to sulk in a corner for a lil bit but gets over it. His favorite song is My Own Worst Enemy, just loves the all around vibe. He also really likes Jesus of Suburbia and Smells Like Teen Spirit.
Mirio: Had heard of them bc of Tamaki, but had never gave them a real listen until after the news dropped. He likes a classic rock sound so his favorites are ones like Cherub Rock, In One Ear, and the assorted Green Day songs. He also loves Dance Floor Anthem though, just because it's such a fun song.
Nejire: Same as Mirio, it's not really her usual bubble-pop so she's heard of them through Tamaki but otherwise has never really listened to them. Accordingly she likes the acoustic album (omggg Ru-kun's voice is so sexy ~) and Glass Onion Heart's more pop-ish songs like Dance Floor Anthem, Dance, Dance and Tokyo.
The general consensus is very "???" and also "man this guy has been through some shit and has some bad vices about it but damn does he have a great voice" and frankly, take one look at him and think he lives a very appropriate rockstar-esque life lol. Ru-kun has definitely given everyone the impression that he drinks/does drugs/sleeps around with a hell of a lot more women than he actually does (or in the case of drugs and women, does at all).
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mieczyhale · 9 months
this was so fun!! much thanks to @its-tortle for the tag (as i get to this ages late lmao)
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RULES: Put your playlist on shuffle. For each of the 10 interview questions, select a lyric from the random song that comes up. (Skip if there aren’t any lyrics and make sure to drop the name of the song in your interview answer!)
1. First off, how would you describe yourself in one sentence?
I love everything, fire's spreading all around my room, my world's so bright, it's hard to breathe but that's alright "cradles" - sub urban
2. What kind of [insert my super secret zodiac sign] are you?
You've got to make a choice if the music drowns you out, and raise your voice every single time they try and shut your mouth "sing" - my chemical romance
3. You’re visiting your favorite spot, what are you thinking about?
Can you feel it? I gotta live with it everyday, I can't take the pressure, I'm going insane "bad religion" - godsmack
4. If your life was a movie, what do you think the first review would say about it?
They say"freak" when you're singled out, the red, well it filters through "red" - chevelle
5. Say you get a book deal, what are you titling your memoir?
Take or leave who I am 'cause this is me, like a fish out of water, do I belong here? "pride" - american authors
6. What would you say about your best friends?
Speak to me when all you got to keep is strong, move along, move along like I know you do "move along" - the all-american rejects
7. Think back to when you had everything all figured out in high school, what was your life motto as a teenager?
I just wanted you to tell me the truth, you know I'd do that for you "running away" - hoobastank
8. Describe your aesthetic now:
I won't give up so don't give in, you've fallen down but you will rise again "a reason to fight" - disturbed
9. What’s a lyric that they’ll quote in your eulogy?
I bet you got pushed around, somebody made you cold, but that cycle ends right now, 'cause you can't lead me down that road "mean" - taylor swift
10. And for our final question, say we believe in soulmates, what do you think their first impression of meeting you will be?
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am stuck in the middle with you "stuck in the middle" - stealers wheel
tagging:: @deanspillowprincess @penguinsandpanthers @ketterdam-snack-bar @octoberconstellation @starkund-schon and whoever else wants to do it :3
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shiratamahatsumiyo · 4 days
Lookism with a Paper Star reader
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Paper Star is one of the antagonists in the Netflix series Carmen Sandiego. She is works as an operative from VILE and is Professor Maelstrom's favorite student. She uses origami paper as a form of weapon when fighting against Carmen.
• I'm gonna name them Tammy Origami here since I think the alias is fitting. You are definitely from Daniel's old school and transfered to Jaewon High just like him. His first impression of you is pretty vague. He always sees you skipping your way to class and humming a creepy tune as if your reputation isn't scary already. While he never encountered you directly, he heard rumors of you from his bullies and Logan Lee himself. The tattooed fat man seems to be afraid of you for some reason Daniel didn't know until you transferred.
• You actually transferred to Jaewon High because your work is closer in the city. The students from your department actually find your aesthetic great but not when it comes with an intimidating aura. The first person that got a taste of your origami art was Vin Jin. He encountered you one day, thinking you were some kind of push over because of your quiet behavior, however his attempts of intimidation didn't put you off one bit. Vin got mad at how unresponsive you are and decided to punch you, but you beat him to it. Not only did he fall back from your attacks, he also got robbed and received paper cuts from you. And that's when the rumor in Jaewon High started...
Random Student A: "Hey, did you hear? There's a creepy student on campus that does weird origami art-"
Random Student B: "Ugh, Girl, shut up. What's so special about a weirdo that does paper folding? It's not even a talent."
Random Student A: "Yeah, but this weirdo actually uses it as a form of fighting! They actually managed to scratch Vin Jin from the Vocal and Dance Department to the infirmary! And they only used another student's notes!"
Random Student B: "What? No way, girl, stop lying."
Random Student A: "It's true though!"
Zoe: "OMG! That's one scary guy, right Daniel?~"
Daniel: "H-huh? Um, yeah..."
Teacher: "All right guys, settle down now. Bring out your assignment from last week."
Random Student B: "WAIT WE HAD HOMEWORK?!"
The Entire Class: "....🤦🤦‍♀️🤦‍♂️, Seriously, this gossiping bitch...."
Zack, thinking: " Great. As if the new guy is already a problem, there's another one."
• Zack's impression of you... Not so great. You were just strolling around campus, turning to the corner of another hallway, and bumping into Mira who was carrying several books. Zack was there to helping her...
Mira: "Woah! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"
Tammy: " Ugh.... It's fine. What are you doing with all that paper?"
Mira, picking up the books: " Oh, it's just textbooks for class. Sorry again, I should really look at where I'm going next time."
Tammy, helping her pick up the books: "... Oh, it's a shame~ these pages are made of high quality paper, you know?"
Mira: "...W-what's a shame?--"
Zack, also helping Mira: "Mira! I found the rest of the books! Let's head to the classro... Hey! Aren't you that weirdo everybody was talking about?"
Mira, hitting his shoulder: "Zack! Don't be rude! I'm sorry, he's just curious that's all."
Tammy: "... Okay, see you. La~ la~ la~"
• As you skipped past the couple, Zack was on his fighter mode the entire time. Mira scolded Zack on the way on how his rude attitude scared you off just because you were helping her. Sitting on their respective seats, Zack started to notice something... His wallet is missing! Did you pickpocket him?! Forget what Mira said, the next time he sees you, he'll beat you to a pulp!!
• Vasco most likely heard the rumors too. He's just sitting in the Architecture department, talking to Jace, he heard it from one of the Burn Knuckles member. He then asked if you were a bad guy and his eyes widen at how notorious you are for your creepiness and your ability to fold paper into a weapon. He made a reminder to himself that if he meets you someday, he'll ask you about your fighting technique.
• Jay's impression was through Daniel of course. He noticed how fidgety Daniel is whenever you make eye contact with him... Almost as if you know something about Daniel that Jay doesn't know. Daniel explained to Jay about how he met you in the hallway, folding small paper soldiers. Your humming stopped after noticing Daniel and suddenly you asked if he has extra paper. Daniel assumed you need more paper to make more soldiers and gave you a few of his note papers, complimenting on your expertise on your paper folding art. You didn't reply and just continued folding the given paper. Daniel just watched, unsettled after you folded his paper just to behead the tiny soldiers, giggling to yourself... He gets uncomfortable every time he recalled that memory of you. Jay also made a mental note to protect Daniel from you just in case.
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