#form one basic mathematics topics
Class-8 Mathematics NCERT Solution Exercise 2.6 Full Excercise #maths #mathwithnarendrasir
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cusimmrbrightside · 26 days
I have always liked the idea of the school for mutants being very literally a school, and I know yes it is but I mean in the sense of if you want to be an X-men, you have to be a teacher. They have exams at the end of years, they have Ofsted checks (for those who don’t know what they are, it’s essentially people coming to check that the school is good at being a school) and they have teachers for every subject, which brings me to my next point;
“I’m Right You’re Wrong, Here’s What The X-Men (‘97 specifically) Would Teach As Subjects”.
(Also this is based off of UK school system but I use American terms like “seniors” and “AP” and “Midterms”)
Maths Teacher Gambit is surprising, for a guy most assume to not being entirely smart, an idiot goof off who’s the comedic relief. But you need to know numbers to gamble, and that he does with being very well versed in mathematics way past an AP level. He’s made the promise for every senior class that he will teach them to play blackjack on the final day, and has only ever lost once. Which is when the rule of “no betting real money” came into place.
English teacher Jean reminds me of the kind of teacher who would let the social outcasts into her class for their lunch breaks. The kids more likely to be bullied and she will fight tooth and nail to make sure those kids bullies don’t come into that classroom. they’re loud and shout and shouldn’t really be in there but no one has to know and she certainly won’t be telling them to leave any time soon.
Physics teacher Magneto is very specific to my highschool experience I’ll be honest. I had a physics teacher who was an actual Dr with a PHD and he hated being there. His classroom has (well, had since the building was knocked down about 5 years ago now) this one cabinet that was never fully shut, it was always open just about an inch or two, and he’d stand with his foot hovering just above it and then slam down on it whenever we got too loud so the noise would shut us up. That’s very magneto coded. Erik Lehnsherr would purposefully make the cabinet always a little open so he can do that.
Biology teacher morph is just a funny concept, a person whose physical form and change and morph into just about anything. They are considered one of the “fun” teachers, you could easily convince them to let you watch a movie all class as long as it was biology centred, but with classics like Osmosis Jones, you’re not stuck watching a documentary about animals giving birth.
Chemistry teacher Storm does not fuck about with children’s education. She is not strict by any means whatsoever, she just will not bend to someone saying they want to watch a film or should do a practical instead of theory. She has a set curriculum. She knows what she will be doing by the first week of the summer holidays and already has the room set up all pretty and organised.
Geography teacher Scott has the unfortunate job of telling his students that, they just won’t be looking at memorising country flags and politics. But hey!! Rocks are cool!! Beach shores are cool! Lake formations are cool! He’s the vice principal and designated nerd teacher. He once beat the elite four for a student on their copy of Pokémon Red because the student promised they’d do well in their midterms. Yes, he was in his 30s when the game came out, he doesn’t care.
History teacher Logan is a walking fun facts book. He’s exhausted, goes on smoke breaks on every gap of time he has, dislikes his job and will randomly get passionate about one specific topic, and will then dedicate his next 4 classes to that topic. Having been through a lot of modern history with personal experiences, he’s able to bring a lot of souvenirs to show his classes. Bullets, helmets, clothes he once wore hundreds of years ago, his personal memories of basic inventions like the vaccine.
PE (physical education) teacher Rogue is full of fun sports games, you can join any kind of sports team you can imagine and if you ask nicely enough, she’ll put Just Dance on a projector in the sports hall so you can just play that instead of actually play an actual sport. As long as you leave her class exhausted and without time to have a shower before your next class then she’s succeeded in making whoever your next teacher is absolutely miserable (bonus points if it’s Logan with his enhanced sense of smell).
Art teacher jubilee does believe that there is a right way to critique art. And she can be a little in your face about it. She does think you can have wrong opinions especially when it comes to your own art. If she overhears you saying you didn’t something wrong, she’ll scream into a megaphone “adapt, improvise, overcome!”. There are no mistakes! She’s eccentric, bubbly, creative and brilliant, the only one suited for the job.
It wouldn’t be a school without budget cuts. That’s why Nightcrawler is both the languages and religions teacher and he’s beloved at both. He comes up with roleplay scenarios the students can play to help learn their chosen languages, he has varied religious texts in his room and when he says to the students “I’ll pray for toy during exam season” he’s not actually joking.
(I forgot about Hank I’m actually going to cry he’s one of my favourites and I forgot about him. He’ll be in pt two or smth.)
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I've seen ppl do the marauders being teachers and the subjects they would teach. And hers are my 2 cents.
James he would teach PE. Argue with the wall. Also he'd be that one teacher everyone loves bc he cares for the students. All the students who have PE with him would be fit bc James cares so much abt the students health. He would organise basketball, football /soccer and volleyball games between the other classes.
Sirius On the popular belief of Sirius teaching French, I actually think he would teach art. That doesn't mean that I think that he isn't intelligent, I think he's creative and he would rather teaching a subject which requires u to be creative. He would take the kids to art galleries.
Remus to no one's surprise, I think he would teach English /Literature. And he would make it INTERESTING. They'd be studying Romeo and Juliet , the kids would feel like they are in Verona, Italy watching it happen. Also smth that's so precious for me is Remus having movie hrs, watching films that we are adapted into movie form and they would analyse the differences between the two.
Peter I think Peter would teach home Economics. Also he would be that teacher that u either love and appreciate or hate with a burning passion. He would be a shy introverted nature but also funny and tolerant.
Lily she would teach citizenship. Yes she would be that teacher that would make sure u were mindful, empathetic and grateful. She would make sure kids understood everything u need to know abt being a good citizen. She would also organise field trips which would be in parks, town halls etc etc.
Marlene Listen, I think she would be a history teacher. Her compassion loving nature and ability to tell a story give rlly much history teacher vibez. The kids would be hypnotised listening to every word Marlene was speaking abt a revolution or a glorious monarchy.
Mary Now Mary would teach theatre. Say what u want but I'm a Theatre teacher Mary believer. She would take it super seriously and she would teach all of the kids how to act. Also she would analyse the kids chemistry (basically how much chemistry they have with each other) and she would play match maker with that information. She'd be hitting the bullseye everytime.
Dorcas She would be teaching mathematics. Again argue with the wall. She would be that strict teacher with a heart of gold. Also she would check in with every kid to see if they need help and would be that teacher who wouldn't make u feel bad for not understanding something.
Pandora She would teach Chemistry. Why? Idk she just gives off chemist vibez. And she would always take her class to the lab. And instead of assigning projects, she and her class would conduct research on certain topics and try out formulas.
Barty :Barty would teach physics. He is super smart and in my eyes physics is smth that he would find interesting. He would be teaching the kids with practical examples, like dropping stuff when they have to learn abt gravity and ect.
Evan He would teach biology. Argue with the wall. He would love dissecting bodies and the students in his class would be horrified at his excitement. Also he would be such an inspirational and dedicated teacher. He wouldn't be that strict of a teacher but he would keep his class focused.
Regulus He would teach a foreign language like French. He would be so strict and his class would low-key fear him. He wouldn't have that high of expectations and his test wouldn't be that hard. Also he would explain the kids important facts abt French and he would be an incredible teacher. When he would assign classwork he'd go around the class asking if they needed help. Also he'd be that teacher who wouldn't mind answering questions after class.
So yeah that was soo fun! Lmk if u like it or want me to do stuff like this more often! Would you attend this school if you could?
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talonabraxas · 5 months
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The Flower of Life
There really is some deep rooted symbolism behind this captivating image. Some say it’s representative of the union of the sacred Masculine and the Divine Feminine, the connectedness of all living things, and others see it as the cycle of life, death and rebirth. Let’s explore the depths of the topic.
Origins & Symbolism The origins of the Flower of Life trace back to the dawn of civilisation, where it is believed to have emerged as a symbol of cosmic order and divine harmony. Its precise origins are shrouded in mystery, with some attributing its creation to ancient cultures such as the Egyptians, where it was found in the temple of Osiris and said to contain a ‘secret code’ (underpinning the basic building blocks of the universe), and also the Sumerians, and the Greeks.
At its core, the Flower of Life is composed of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles, forming a mesmerising geometric pattern reminiscent of a flower in full bloom. Within this pattern lies a myriad of geometric shapes, including triangles, hexagons, and pentagons, each imbued with its own symbolic significance.
The Flower of Life is often associated with sacred geometry, a branch of mathematics concerned with the study of geometric forms and their spiritual, philosophical, and symbolic meanings. It is believed to represent the interconnectedness of all living beings, the fundamental unity of existence, and the underlying order of the universe.
Spiritual Significance In spiritual traditions around the world, the Flower of Life holds profound significance as a symbol of creation and interconnectedness. It is often regarded as a visual representation of the divine blueprint of the cosmos, with each circle representing a stage in the process of creation.
Within the Flower of Life, one can find various sacred symbols, including the Seed of Life, the Tree of Life, all 7 Chakra systems, and the Metatron's Cube, each carrying its own symbolic meaning and spiritual power. These symbols are believed to hold the keys to unlocking higher states of consciousness, facilitating spiritual growth, and connecting with the universal source of energy and wisdom.
Healing & Transformation Beyond its spiritual significance, the Flower of Life is also associated with healing and transformation. It is believed that meditating upon the pattern of the Flower of Life can help to harmonise the mind, body, and spirit, promoting health, balance, and inner peace.
In recent years, the Flower of Life has experienced a resurgence in popularity, with many people incorporating its imagery into their spiritual practices, artwork, and jewellery. Its intricate beauty and profound symbolism continue to inspire awe and fascination, serving as a potent reminder of the interconnectedness of all things and the infinite possibilities that lie within the universe.
Modern Interpretations In the modern era, scientists, mathematicians, and artists have continued to explore the mysteries of the Flower of Life, uncovering new insights into its geometric properties and mathematical significance. Through computer simulations and mathematical algorithms, researchers have gained a deeper understanding of the complex patterns and symmetries inherent in the Flower of Life, shedding light on its underlying principles of order and harmony.
Furthermore, the Flower of Life has found its way into various fields beyond spirituality and art, including architecture, design, and technology. Its geometric principles have been applied in the construction of sacred buildings, the development of advanced engineering techniques, and the design of innovative products and structures.
The Flower of Life: Mysteries of Sacred Geometry:
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rivensdefenseattorney · 9 months
Magic System
Basic Information on Magic
The foundation of all modern Magic Practices is based in Magic Theory.
User Classifications
Attuned: Those born with the innate ability to sense and store magic.
Unattuned: Those born without the innate ability to sense and store magic.
The 4 Approaches to Practicing Magic
At its core, akin to the intricacies of mathematical equations, Spellcraft and Hexcraft delve into the technicalities of magic. Practitioners meticulously craft spells by manipulating specific properties of energy, resulting in a vast array of controlled and precise magical effects. This approach empowers users to wield magic with pinpoint accuracy, creating an expansive repertoire of spells and enchantments.
Magic Arts
Elemental Arts: Focused on harnessing and manipulating the fundamental forces of nature—earth, air, fire, and water—Elemental Arts practitioners delve into the intricate control and manipulation of these energies. Mastery in Elemental Arts enables the casting of spells that shape, control, or summon elemental forces for various purposes.
Life Arts: Centered on the manipulation and understanding of life energies, Life Arts practitioners delve into the mystical essence of living beings. This discipline involves healing, restoration, vitality enhancement, and the understanding of the natural life force. Practitioners of Life Arts specialize in spells that heal wounds, revitalize energies, and promote well-being.
Death Arts: Exploring the mysteries and energies surrounding death and the afterlife, Death Arts practitioners delve into the manipulation of life force, spirits, and the transition between life and death. This darker art might involve communing with spirits, manipulating life energies, or dealing with necromancy, exploring the boundaries between life and the beyond.
Enchantment Inscriptions: A specialized skill within artifact creation, this involves inscribing runes or magical symbols onto objects to imbue them with specific effects or powers. Runes might hold protective wards, enhance abilities, or serve as keys to unlock latent magical potential.
Curse Binding: A methodical practice involving the creation of enchanted objects or items that carry curses. These cursed objects, once activated or triggered, unleash their negative effects upon the bearer or the environment.
Warding and Sealing: Emphasis in protective magic, a specialized skill used to create barriers, wards, and seals that shield against malevolent forces, entities, or influences.
Alchemy, at it's core, harnesses the potent energies within magical artifacts, raw materials & ingredients, and gemstones. This modernized magic blends the line of science and magic. This approach allows for the transmutation of one substance into another, utilizing a deep understanding of magical properties to concoct elixirs, brew potions, and create a variety of magical artifacts and charms.
Artifact Crafting: This involves the intricate process of crafting powerful magical artifacts that possess unique and potent abilities. These artifacts could range from enchanted weapons and tools to mystical objects imbued with specific purposes or protections.
Charm Crafting: Practitioners focus on imbuing smaller items or trinkets, such as amulets, talismans, or charms, with magical properties. These items often serve as conduits for protective, enhancing, or symbolic magical energies.
Healing Elixirs: Created to aid in healing wounds, reducing inflammation, and promoting regeneration when applied topically.
Enhancement Elixirs: These elixirs are applied to the skin or imbued into items to confer temporary boosts in physical abilities or attributes.
Protective Elixirs: Creates temporary shields or barriers on the skin, offering protection against magical or physical harm when applied.
Transformational Elixirs: Applied externally, these elixirs induce temporary physical changes in the form of camouflage, alteration of features, or enhancement of senses when applied to specific body parts.
Utility Elixirs: Used to aid in performing specific tasks or granting temporary abilities, applied to objects or surfaces to imbue them with magical properties.
Healing Potions: Potions designed to heal wounds, cure ailments, and restore vitality from within the body upon digestion.
Enhancement Potions: Potions that temporarily enhance physical/mental attributes or abilities when ingested.
Transformational Potions: Potions ingested to induce temporary physical or mental alterations, affecting the consumer's body or mind directly.
Emotional Balancing Potions: These potions help stabilize emotions, reduce anxiety, or induce specific emotional states.
Rooted in ancient traditions, the Spiritual Approach draws upon a higher power or deity to access magical energies. Practitioners invoke the blessings and favor of these higher entities, channeling their magic through rituals, prayers, or sacred rites. This approach reveres ancient practices, tapping into divine sources to manifest potent mystical abilities.
Divine Invocation: Practitioners focus on invoking and communing with higher entities, deities, or spiritual beings to channel magical energies. This involves rituals, prayers, or ceremonies to seek guidance, blessings, or empowerment.
Sacred Rites and Rituals: Specializing in performing sacred rituals or ceremonies, practitioners conduct intricate rites to honor or connect with spiritual entities. These rituals might involve offerings, ceremonies during celestial events, or rites to tap into specific divine aspects.
Ancestral Magic: Focused on drawing power from ancestors or ancestral spirits, this subcategory involves honoring and communing with the spirits of one's lineage to seek guidance, protection, or wisdom.
Nature Attunement: Practitioners attune themselves to the natural world, drawing upon the energies present in nature—forests, rivers, mountains—to harness magical power. This involves rituals, meditations, or ceremonies conducted in natural settings.
Cosmic Alignment: Focused on celestial bodies and cosmic energies, practitioners attune themselves to the movements of stars, planets, and celestial events, harnessing cosmic energies for magical purposes.
Embracing a more instinctive and organic path, Intuitive Magic flows naturally through practitioners. Users of this approach rely on their innate connection to the energies around them, allowing magic to manifest in more spontaneous and practical ways. Rather than complex spells, intuitive magic often leads to immediate and instinctual applications, driven by the user's innate understanding of the magical forces at play.
Instinctive Elemental Manipulation: Practitioners have an innate ability to instinctively manipulate elemental forces without formal training. This intuition allows them to shape and influence elemental energies without relying on structured spells.
Natural Empathy and Connection: Some individuals possess a deep empathy and natural connection to living beings, allowing them to sense emotions, intentions, or even communicate with plants and/or animals effortlessly.
Dreamwalking and Astral Projection: Intuitives proficient in dreamwalking or astral projection can navigate the dream realm or astral plane naturally, without formal training, tapping into these realms for insights or interactions.
Shapeshifters: Individuals with the innate ability to alter their physical form, assuming the appearance of other creatures or beings. They can morph into animals, mythical creatures, or even different humanoid forms.
Dual Natured Beings: Those capable of transitioning between different forms or states, such as mermaids transforming between their aquatic and land forms, fairies altering the appearance or abilities of their wings, or werewolves shifting between human and wolf forms during a full moon.
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inshelliesworld · 7 months
Shellie’s Simple Lessons in Astrology:
I'm finally getting started!
My goal with these lessons is to help anyone interested to learn more about themselves by giving the basic tools and information to be able to look at their own chart and “decode” the language.
Before beginning this new endeavor, I wanted to cover a few basics about astrology’s history. And also a little bit about myself!
Astrology’s History:
Astrology is over 5000 years old. In Mesopotamia around 3000 BCE Babylonians became the first astronomers by recording and identifying the prominent constellations and their patterns. Babylonians also created the first zodiac wheel.
Constellation maps have existed far longer than maps of the world, and for centuries early civilizations used the rhythm and cycles of the Sun, Moon, & Stars to hunt, plant, harvest, migrate, and even to treat illnesses and ailments.
Astrology is a method of predicting human and earthly behavior based on the placements and movements of the sun, moon, and planets within the 12 zodiac constellations.
During the Middle Ages, astrology was a fundamental part of culture. Being practiced and studied by doctors, astronomers, and mathematicians alike. Advances in mathematics helped astrologers develop better, more accurate and sophisticated charts.
Belief in astrology began to decline as the church gained power. It was seen as superstition during the Holy Inquisition which is when Galileo Galilei was charged with heresy and was forced to renounce his astrological beliefs to save his life.
Today, the practice of astrology is seen and used as a form of entertainment. Although many societies and cultures still utilize the reading of the stars to successfully plant/harvest crops, kill weeds, plan surgeries, and ween their children from bottles & pacifiers. (More on the Farmer’s Almanac later!)
Shellie’s Herstory:
I’m self-taught! I’ve been studying astrology for nearly 30 years.
I started when I was 10 years old with my still-to-this-day-bestie. We used “The Only Astrology Book You’ll Ever Need” which we both still use today. We even taught ourselves to manually calculate full birth charts including ascendants (this was pre-Internet days!) and cast many charts for our friends over the years.
I try to find fun, simple, easy-to-digest ways to explain the complexities of astrology even when the learner has zero prior knowledge.
I try to make it a point to regularly remind everyone that no one person is all one thing and no two people are exactly the same. We are humans and are a complex amalgamation of nature and nurture. I once read something that said (save for twins born within the same minute via cesarean, etc) it would take 25,000 years for a natal chart to repeat exactly. So, safe to say everyone has their own, individual, unique birth chart!
Come learn with me! No matter how long I’ve been doing this, there are always new things to learn in this very old, very information-dense topic. So always bring questions – I don’t know everything but I love to research and learn new things!
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ante--meridiem · 3 months
if at some point you have the time, I'd love to learn your zettelkasten secrets for studying maths.
for context, historically when I studied maths it was always in the form of a course and followed a clear sequence. the structure of my notes was pretty much like a textbook.
now I am learning it in a spottier way, where I'm like, "okay I need a somewhat high-level knowledge of the main concepts in this topic for now (as background for something else) but some things may end up being more important later and I might want to come back and fill in some details".
this seems like it would benefit from a more non-linear approach, but I don't really know how to even start with that. any tips?
I'm really sorry that the helpfulness of what I'm about to say almost certainly won't justify/make up for the amount of time it took me to answer but I'll do my best.
What you're describing wanting to do is in fact the main use case for my zettelkasten (which is currently about 70% maths, 20%-25% the kind of thing you'd tag as ref notes, and the remaining 5%-10% miscellanea). I did actually start out trying to build up the maths linearly and it worked great when I had time but once I started the masters courses it just wasn't realistic to keep up. That said I'm nonetheless having a hard time coming up with advice specific to this beyond what's already in my zettelkasten tag (if tumbr search is broken I can fetch the main posts for you), so I'll just say as much as I can about how I do things maths wise. I do not promise this is the best way to do things, much of it isn't even very considered and just how it ended up happening.
What I do now is whenever I'm going through an article/lecture notes/etc I make a placeholder zettel as I go for any definitions or big theorems that come up. Details can be added/improved later, what's important in the moment is to have the bare bones easily referred back to or linked to. Definitions are especially important in the initial phase as it's very likely you'll need to link back to them for your new zettels that use them to make sense. In the interest of efficiency I've had to give up on my desire to have something mathematically complete where everything used is clearly defined and proven elsewhere. If I'm familiar enough with a concept and find it basic enough that I probably won't need a reference for myself when I use it, it doesn't get a zettel until/unless I have more time to spare. Proofs are generally filled in later, the most important thing in the first step is just having an interlinked structure of all the claims and the main definitions and lemmas they use.
Regarding adding proofs, formatting proofs in the zettelkasten is my biggest challenge with it tbh, because the idea is for each zettel there should be one concept being expressed, but proofs contain a ton of granular concepts that can't really be broken up and each given its own zettel. When it makes sense, I try to break then into lemmas and have the main theorem page contain basically an index of lemmas with linking steps between them. When this doesn't make sense I can sometimes still split the proof up into sections that each get a contractable heading so I can hide the bits that aren't relevant when I don't need them and avoid being overwhelmed by the amount of information.
In terms of adding other kinds of details, generally once I've got the main stuff down I can go back to zettels I already have, find concepts I mentioned but didn't explain in them, and make a new zettel for that which I link as I'm making.
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Introduction to the Ubese Language
Welcome to the Ubese Language Databank! We will be posting one Ubese word of the day each day. Ubese consists entirely of verbs, so all you need to know is how to conjugate them. In this introductory post, we will cover the alphabet and various aspects of grammar. Each word of the day will showcase the definition and conjugation of each verb. Ia-to! Tages! (Let's begin!)
Alphabet and Punctuation
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The Ubese alphabet is simple, consisting only of fourteen letters and three punctuation marks. Stress in vital in Ubese for distinguishing between different words, such as "ya-tei," meaning "I concur," vs "yatei," meaning "dismember me." Stress falls in an alternating pattern— for example, "ya-teiset-ga," meaning "they are not agreeable," is stressed on the even-numbered syllables, while "yateis-etga," meaning "they are not separated," is stressed on the odd-numbered syllables.
Topic Markers
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Topics in Ubese indicate the the subject or object of the sentence, depending on whether the verb that follows is active or passive. For example, "o, ta-chei" means "I hear you," while "ei, tasho" means "you are heard by me." The topic marker is often voiced as a comma in spoken Ubese and is transliterated in Basic accordingly. Not every Ubese construction requires a topic— for example, "ta-chei" means "my ears work perfectly." Third person verbs are inflected with either animate or inanimate pronouns. Sentient beings, droids, animals, and plants are considered animate; all other objects are considered inanimate.
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Negative suffixes in Ubese negate a given verb. For example, "a, ta-cheitga" means "I didn't hear that," and "edchat-ga" means "that is not edible."
Optative suffixes in Ubese express a desire for something to occur or be true; for example, "os, yo-teish" means "I want to show you something," and "udis-esh" means "may they learn."
Polite suffixes soften an otherwise direct verb form. For example, "a, yuh-to" means "give me that," while "a, yuh-tocha" means "please pass the bloodworms."
Adjectival suffixes turn verbs into descriptions, which generally serve the role of nouns in Ubese. For example, "a, eg-teis" means "we eat," while "eg-taza" means "food," or literally, "it is for eating."
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Ubese is a highly contextual language with no actual root nouns. Thus, they do not have base cardinals. Instead, numbers are expressed in terms of arithmetic. For example, to say "I would like to buy four jogans for one credit," one would say "a, de-go. Ei, ze-gei," or, "add four jogans to my cart, I will add one credit to your pocket." Inverse operations are expressed in negatives; for example, to say "I will only give you half that much," one would say, "O, gyuh-tatga," or, "divide the amount of jogans by two."
You now understand the complete workings of Basic Ubese grammar! With these construction principles, you can conjugate any verb in the Ubese lexicon. Yu-gyosesh-cha! (I hope this lesson was satisfactory!)
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lipshits-continuous · 7 months
Prime numbers of the ask game let's go!
This is gonna be a long old post haha /pos
2. What math classes did you do best in?:
It's joint between Analysis in Many Variables (literally just Multivariable calculus, I don't know why they gave it a fancy name) and Complex Analysis. Both of which I got 90% in :))
3. What math classes did you like the most?
Out of the ones I've completely finished: complex analysis
Including the ones I'm taking at the moment:
5. Are there areas of math that you enjoy? What are they?
Yes! They are Topology and Analysis. Analysis was my favourite for a while but topology is even better! (I still like analysis just as much though, topology is just more). I also really like group theory and linear algebra
7. What do you like about math?
The abstractness is really nice. Like I adore how abstract things can be (which is why I really like topology, especially now we're moving onto the algebraic topology stuff). What's better is when the abstract stuff behaves in a satisfying way. Like the definition of homotopy just behaves so nicely with everything (so far) for example.
11. Tell me a funny math story.
A short one but I am not the best at arithmetic at times. During secondary school we had to do these tests every so often that tested out arithmetic and other common maths skills and during one I confidently wrote 8·3=18. I guess it's not all that funny but ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
13. Do you have any stories of Mathematical failure you’d like to share?
I guess the competition I recently took part in counts as a failure? It's supposed to be a similar difficulty to the Putnam and I'm not great at competition maths anyway. I got 1/60 so pretty bad. But it was still interesting to do and I think I'll try it again next year so not wholly a failure I think
17. Are there any great female Mathematicians (living or dead) you would give a shout-out to?
Emmy Noether is an obvious one but I don't you could understate how cool she is. I won't name my lecturers cause I don't want to be doxxed but I have a few who are really cool! One of them gave a cool talk about spectral geometry the other week!
19. How did you solve it?
A bit vague? Usually I try messing around with things that might work until one of them does work
23. Will P=NP? Why or why not?
Honestly I'm not really that well versed in this problem but from what I understand I sure hope not.
29. You’re at the club and Grigori Perlman brushes his gorgeous locks of hair to the side and then proves your girl’s conjecture. WYD?
31. Can you share a math pickup line?
Are you a subset of a vector space of the form x+V? Because you're affine plane
37. Have you ever used math in a novel or entertaining way?
Hmm not that I can think of /lh
41. Which is better named? The Chicken McNugget theorem? Or the Hairy Ball theorem?
Hairy Ball Theorem
43. Did you ever fail a math class?
Not so far
47. Just how big is a big number?
At least 3 I'd say
53. Do you collect anything that is math-related?
Textbooks! I probably have between 20 and 30 at the moment! 5 of which are about topology :3
59. Can you reccomend any online resources for math?
The bright side of mathematics is a great YouTube channel! There is a lot of variety in material and the videos aren't too long so are a great way to get exposed to new topics
61. Does 6 really *deserve* to be called a perfect number? What the h*ck did it ever do?
I think it needs to apologise to 7 for mistakingly accusing it of eating 9
67. Do you have any math tatoos?
I don't have any tattoos at all /lh
71. 👀
A monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors
73. Can you program? What languages do you know?
I used to be decent at using Java but I've not done for years so I'm very rusty. I also know very basic python
Thanks for the ask!!
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What is Numerology?
Numerology is a pretty old technique that uses numbers to assess the character and destiny of any given person. It can also be used to check the nature of a new pet, business, and anything else with a name and/or a start/birth date. This can also be paired with a simple form of astrology for more accurate predictions, or used on its own. A simple search on the Britannica website for ‘numerology’ will give you an extremely short article. But, I pulled the following quote from there: “The theory behind numerology is based on the Pythagorean idea that all things can be expressed in numerical terms because they are ultimately reducible to numbers.” 
However, numerology was practiced in Ancient India (in the Vedas) and China (in the I Ching) which were, coincidentally, before Pythagoras/the Pythagorean Brotherhood’s time. But, since the way Pythagoras taught his method of using numerology seemed to have truly stuck with most other cultures around the world, this way of numerology is the most accessible. The ancient Greeks, Romans, and Hebrews also used number systems based on the letters of their alphabet; but the numbers we have today came from the Arabs.
Let’s get to the fun part!
How do I use Numerology?
So, Numerology in my opinion, is the absolute easiest form of divination. Just remember to take notes as you go, and you’ll be fine! 
Or, you can reach out for help from someone you trust that knows numerology; or you can reach out to literally anyone on the internet willing to teach this, but be careful with that one… I believe knowledge should be free, but that’s not the case with a few other people, I’ve heard. So if they ask for a payment, make sure you’ve truly looked at their blog/page. If their vibe doesn’t sit right with you, don’t do it. Money can make good people funny. And not in a good way.
Okay! Let’s get back to this topic. How do I/you use numerology? Super easy. There are two SUPER common types of numbers, and they are usually the first thought in people’s head when they think about Numerology as a whole. They are the Destiny and Life Path numbers!
The difference between these numbers is that the Destiny number shows your life’s purpose and the pattern by which you’ll achieve that, and the Life’s Path number is usually used to make forecasts about one's future. 
I’ll make a separate post on what the numbers 1—9 mean, because that’s what we’re going to be working with for right now; but in the meantime, let me explain what you’ll need to figure out your numbers!!
Your Full Name
Your Date of Birth
Calculator (optional)
It’s not a super complex mathematical formula that we’ll be using, just some basic addition!
Also!! If you are transgender, or nonbinary; or you’ve changed your name for any reason—PLEASE use the name YOU HAVE CHOSEN for yourself! If you’re comfortable with it too, you can also use the old/dead name to compare the potential outcomes of your life! If you’re not too comfortable with that, don’t sweat it!
Okay, so you’ve got your materials; cool beans, now what? You’re now going to assign the letters of the alphabet numbers!
Write the numbers 1—9 across the width of the paper. So you’re going to write out:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9, making sure they’re spaced out enough to write in columns beneath them and not have things overlapping. For ease of reading!
Put the letters beneath the numbers in the order I have listed:
A,J,S under 1.
B,K,T under 2
C,L,U under 3
D,M,V under 4
E,N,V under 5
F,O,X under 6
G,P,Y under 7
H,Q,Z under 8
I,R under 9.
Now, spell out your FULL NAME!! 1st, middle (if you have it), last and anything after that! You’re now going to add up the numbers! I like to keep my number in three separate rows, so my first name has one, middle the second, and last the third line.. Just for the sake of keeping things readable/not too overwhelming.
My numbers, just because I don’t want to give my full name out on the internet; are:
24, 29, 29. But! We need one number between 1 and 9. If you do 24+29(2)=82, you can then simplify my numbers to: 8+2=10, 1+0=1.
What we did here was we found our Destiny number. Pretty neat right?
Let’s do our life path number as well.
Get your birthday written out, it doesn't matter if you use the UK, US, or any other style of writing out dates, because they will always add up to the same number!
Mine is: 12/20/2003. I’ve got it pretty easy, because there’s a bunch of 0’s in mine and I’m working with small numbers.
1+2+2+0+2+0+0+3=10, 1+0=1. And BOOM! We have our life path number as well. 
So, before this post gets crazy long; I hope you have a wonderful day, and I’ll be posting the meanings of the numbers 1—9 with three posts; because I have a lot to say! Bye!!
Further Reading/my Sources:
Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "numerology". Encyclopedia Britannica, 25 May. 2023, https://www.britannica.com/topic/numerology. Accessed 1 October 2023.
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Class-8 NCERT Solution | Chapter -2 Question 6 ,7, Liner Equcation in one Variable #mathswithnarendrasir #Narendrasir
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a1220-poetic-witch · 9 months
The principle of numerology is that all of the numbers that somehow relate to your life can be reduced and simplified to one single number, except the numbers eleven and twenty two. I like to think of numerology as the mathematical version of astrology.
For example, instead of being called a “Leo” person, they may call you a number 6 person.
And just like in astrology, where signs and symbols may be repeated in your life; you might also want to pay attention to the numbers that seem to pop up in your life as well. For myself, these repetitive numbers are 1, 6, & 9. The numbers that constantly appear and reappear in your life are not by accident; these can be thought of as your soul’s energy and/or vibration!
Numerology is the study of the numbers inherent in our names, birth dates, and other significant objects or events that surround us; and their meanings and effects. Many people find that numerology provides extremely valid insights into their lives or things that are happening to them. This form of divination attempts to analyze the numerical information around us, and makes a determination of the implications and associations that these numbers have. Numerology uses techniques common in data transmission and cryptography (the art of writing or deciphering messages in code) to derive, from the numbers of your birth date and letters of your name, numbers and structures of numbers that reflect or contain the influences of each individual digit of the base information.
Gematria is another type of numerology.
Coming from Jewish beliefs, Gematria taught that if the numerology of a name determines the meaning and mystical significance of the name, and of the thing it describes, then other things with the same numerological attributes should be comparable in their basic principle.
Here is an article I found on the Britannica website, I feel as though it explains things better than what I can; for the simple fact that I’m not Jewish and I don’t have a lot of first hand knowledge/experience with the Hebrew alphabet.
“Gematria, the substitution of numbers for letters of the Hebrew alphabet, a favorite method of exegesis used by medieval Kabbalists to derive mystical insights into sacred writings or obtain new interpretations of the texts. Some condemned its use as mere toying with numbers, but others considered it a useful tool, especially when difficult or ambiguous texts otherwise failed to yield satisfactory analysis. Genesis 28:12, for example, relates that in a dream Jacob saw a ladder (Hebrew sullam) stretching from earth to heaven. Since the numerical value of the word sullam is 130 (60 + 30 + 40)—the same numerical value of Sinai (60 + 10 + 50 + 10)—exegesis concluded that the Law revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai is man’s means of reaching heaven. Of the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet, the first ten are given number values consecutively from one to ten, the next eight from 20 to 90 in intervals of ten, while the final four letters equal 100, 200, 300, and 400, respectively. More complicated methods have been used, such as employing the squares of numbers or making a letter equivalent to its basic value plus all numbers preceding it.” —Britannica, The Editors of Encyclopaedia. "gematria". Encyclopedia Britannica, 20 Jul. 2023, https://www.britannica.com/topic/gematria. Accessed 7 January 2024.
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Winning Moves: A Guide to Game Theory Homework Success
Game Theory, a branch of mathematics and economics, analyzes strategic interactions among rational decision-makers. As students dive into the complexities of Game Theory, they often find themselves grappling with intricate concepts and challenging problem sets. If you find yourself in a situation where you need personalized guidance, searching for "Write My Game Theory Homework" or "Game Theory Homework Help" can lead you to professional services. Whether you're seeking assistance online or looking to tackle the problems on your own, this guide will pave the way for Game Theory homework success.
Understanding the Basics
Before delving into specific strategies, it's crucial to have a solid understanding of the basics of Game Theory. Familiarize yourself with key terms such as players, strategies, payoffs, and Nash equilibrium. If you're unsure about any concept, don't hesitate to consult your class notes, textbooks, or reliable online resources. Establishing a strong foundation will make the subsequent moves in your Game Theory journey much smoother.
Write My Game Theory Homework – Online Assistance
One winning move in your Game Theory homework strategy is seeking online assistance. The internet is a vast repository of knowledge, and there are dedicated platforms that offer expert help.
Online Game Theory homework help services often employ experienced tutors and experts in the field who can provide step-by-step explanations and solutions to your homework problems. When choosing a service, make sure to read reviews and testimonials to ensure the reliability and quality of the assistance provided. These platforms can be valuable resources to help you understand complex concepts and excel in your Game Theory coursework.
Strategic Approaches to Game Theory Homework
Now that you've laid the groundwork, it's time to explore some strategic approaches to tackle your Game Theory homework effectively:
Divide and Conquer: Break down complex problems into smaller, more manageable parts. Focus on solving one aspect at a time, gradually building up to the complete solution. This approach allows you to concentrate on specific concepts and prevents you from feeling overwhelmed.
Study Groups: Forming or joining a study group can be a game-changer. Collaborating with classmates allows you to benefit from diverse perspectives and share insights. Discussing problems with others can lead to a deeper understanding of the material and expose you to alternative solution strategies.
Practice Regularly: Game Theory is a subject that improves with practice. Set aside dedicated time each day to work on problems and reinforce your understanding of key concepts. The more you practice, the more confident and adept you will become in applying Game Theory principles.
Utilize Resources: Take advantage of online resources, textbooks, and lecture notes. Refer to reputable websites, video tutorials, and examples that can provide additional clarity on specific topics. Don't hesitate to explore multiple resources until you find the ones that resonate with your learning style.
Seek Clarification: If you encounter difficulties with specific concepts or problems, don't hesitate to seek clarification from your professor or teaching assistant. They are there to help you succeed and can provide valuable insights to ensure you grasp the nuances of Game Theory.
Online Game Theory Homework Help – A Convenient Solution
When you find yourself stuck on a particularly challenging problem or facing time constraints, online Game Theory homework help can be a convenient and effective solution. By searching for relevant keywords such as "Write My Game Theory Homework," you can connect with experts who specialize in providing tailored assistance.
These services often offer round-the-clock support, ensuring that you can access help when you need it the most. Additionally, the interactive nature of online assistance allows for real-time communication, enabling you to ask questions and receive immediate feedback. This personalized approach can significantly enhance your understanding of Game Theory concepts and boost your confidence in tackling homework assignments.
In the game of mastering Game Theory, strategic moves and thoughtful approaches are key to success. Whether you choose to tackle your homework independently, collaborate with peers, or seek online assistance, the goal remains the same: understanding and applying the principles of Game Theory effectively.
By laying a strong foundation, breaking down complex problems, and leveraging the resources available, you can navigate the challenges of Game Theory homework with confidence. Remember, the journey to success in Game Theory is not a solo endeavor – utilize the support systems around you, both in your academic community and online, to ensure victory in every move you make.
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talonabraxas · 6 months
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Sunflower Eikoh Hosoe
The Flower of Life There really is some deep rooted symbolism behind this captivating image. Some say it’s representative of the union of the sacred Masculine and the Divine Feminine, the connectedness of all living things, and others see it as the cycle of life, death and rebirth. Let’s explore the depths of the topic.
Origins & Symbolism The origins of the Flower of Life trace back to the dawn of civilisation, where it is believed to have emerged as a symbol of cosmic order and divine harmony. Its precise origins are shrouded in mystery, with some attributing its creation to ancient cultures such as the Egyptians, where it was found in the temple of Osiris and said to contain a ‘secret code’ (underpinning the basic building blocks of the universe), and also the Sumerians, and the Greeks.
At its core, the Flower of Life is composed of multiple evenly-spaced, overlapping circles, forming a mesmerising geometric pattern reminiscent of a flower in full bloom. Within this pattern lies a myriad of geometric shapes, including triangles, hexagons, and pentagons, each imbued with its own symbolic significance.
The Flower of Life is often associated with sacred geometry, a branch of mathematics concerned with the study of geometric forms and their spiritual, philosophical, and symbolic meanings. It is believed to represent the interconnectedness of all living beings, the fundamental unity of existence, and the underlying order of the universe.
Spiritual Significance In spiritual traditions around the world, the Flower of Life holds profound significance as a symbol of creation and interconnectedness. It is often regarded as a visual representation of the divine blueprint of the cosmos, with each circle representing a stage in the process of creation.
Within the Flower of Life, one can find various sacred symbols, including the Seed of Life, the Tree of Life, all 7 Chakra systems, and the Metatron's Cube, each carrying its own symbolic meaning and spiritual power. These symbols are believed to hold the keys to unlocking higher states of consciousness, facilitating spiritual growth, and connecting with the universal source of energy and wisdom.
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lake-archive · 2 months
Chapter 19 - A Studious Cat & An Annoying Human
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Characters: Osamu Dazai, Ole (OC)
Words: 1,579
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The student life, a life Ann–Neesan had always complained about. “It’s nothing but work. This homework is boring too. What will I need this for later in life? Seriously… I barely have time to write!” Though he had only heard it from her mouth, never having seen it. So he could hardly imagine it… Until he had experienced it himself.
Honestly, Ole had never imagined that he would experience this himself. After all, he was nothing but a cat. However, if he wanted to handle this better he needed to learn, adjust. And he could only adjust if he learnt the basics of basics – And that meant being able to read, write and do the basic mathematics. A cat would never have to worry about such things after all. Cats get food, get at and get to sleep lots and lots! There were little worries in an average cat’s life. And honestly, it now dawned on Ole how complicated it was.
Of course it had its advantages. Being able to grab anything you want, eat whatever food you want at any time and reach places with ease, easier than on four paws. Also being bigger overall! Well, honestly, Ole was still small apparently. After all, when standing next to Ann he was just barely reaching her chin. And when it came to the guy the both lived with… Ole was just barely reaching this one’s chest. And it was a little frustrating. He felt so tiny in comparison to most people it would make anyone frustrated. Well, he was at least taller than in cat form but still tiny in comparison. Life isn’t fair sometimes, this was one of those times. Then again, apparently he was also small for male cats his age. He didn’t like this, he really didn’t…
But back to the topic at hand. Ole had just mentioned that guy… Dazai. And having him around when it came to doing homework was really not it. The kitty was trying to focus every single time yet his focus would always be interrupted by something else. And it was usually the other guy’s fault too. He just had to throw in things which were not necessary at all and had the cat nearly hiss, wanting to bite the guy. But if he did then he would turn back into his cat form and it would take a little bit to regenerate energy so he could continue working. Maintaining the form this often was a little exhausting honestly. It always made him sleepy when going back to cat. So Dazai was lucky there. But that didn’t make it any less frustrating. Especially the several things he did.
One of them was poking Ole with a very long stick, right on the cheeks. The stick had one of those squishy pointy fingers at the end and that guy would always poke the young boy over and over. When looking over one could even see that annoying, bright smile he had, the grin a little irritating at a time like this. 
“Quit it. I’m trying to concentrate!” Ole would say, demanding for this madness to come to a halt. But none of that sort would happen. Instead he just got more pokes in his face which made the cat–boy puff up one of his cheeks, the air just piling up in there. “I said stop.”
“I’m just helping you relax a little after a hard working day! Good job~” He would respond however, continuing to poke the cheeks over and over. 
Ole started to growl a little yet tried to keep it contained one way or another. Do not lash out in any way, he had promised that much! But it was so hard not to if he was completely honest. “Save that for when I’m done with this…”
“Huh? Why? Everyone needs a little break.”
“I have a lot to catch up on if I want to help Ann–Neesan though. I can’t rely on her all the time. So leave me be. I’m trying to solve something veery complicated here!”
The poking stopped at least, this seeming to have gotten Dazai’s attention. He eyed Ole for a moment, curiously before having a wide grin on his face, an almost unbearable one. “Ohoho~? You have problems with something~?”
Ah no, not that grin… This was misery, wasn’t it? Especially when hearing him continue talking, having the kitty wanting to meow in desperation. But he didn’t, just barely managing to hold it in. Yet he didn’t look any less annoyed. No, the levels were only increasing.
“You know what you could do. Right? Riiiight? Right right right~?” There was that irritating tone, making this not very subtle. However, as if this couldn’t have been obvious enough there was Dazai with a massive self scribbled sign with an arrow on it. And he held it right above his head, thus it was pointing downwards at him. Not to mention the eager expression on his face.
Ole however only looked unimpressed before quickly turning away without a word, deciding to just focus on the problem at hand. Apparently the myths surrounding Math were true. This was making his head hurt… Humans had to deal with this everyday? No thanks! He would say but he needed some understanding for finances and stuff.
And for a minute or two the kitty was able to do this in peace, about to have his focus shifted again… Until he noticed someone looking over his shoulder yet far enough to not touch him, luckily. Regardless, Ole spotted the shadow at least, given that the silhouette made everything darker. He tried to be unbothered by it yet saw the silhouette move pretty quickly, left and right. Even when he tried to turn away it would just move alongside him. Being rather annoyed he finally looked up, spotting Dazai standing right behind him, looking down at him and Ole’s exercise book with a smile on his face. It was as if he was waiting for something however. And Ole knew what that was.
“No way.” He only responded before wanting to turn his attention back to the task at hand right now. Yet he heard a sudden ‘collapse’ on the floor, and then… Yeah, here it goes.
“Ah— You’re so cold these days! All I want to do is support you through your youth! And yet you make my heart ache instead! I think I’m about to die!”
“Ah really? Good for you…” The cat responded, a little annoyed. Dazai was always pulling that nonsense. Good grief…
“You really got that coldness from a certain someone. You both know how to make me bleed without any effort!”
“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.”
And a moment of silence. Ole hoped that he could hop back to work and finally solve this problem on his own yet he was sitting over it, tapping the pencil against the paper. He was thinking so hard right now, his tail swaying uncontrollably as a result. Human problems are hard… And apparently it will only get harder from here on out! 
“Uh… What was it again? If I want to know if this tuna is 23% off then… I then… Er… I… I…” He even mumbled to himself, seeming to be unbothered finally. He had hoped that this was his victory for a peaceful study session but… There was a sudden smell in his nose.
Ole picked up on it pretty much right away and wanted to ignore it. Yet it became harder, especially if it was right in his nose. He sniffed it a few times, the scent becoming harder and harder to ignore. For a human it was nothing special but for someone who was a cat at heart this was making any cat go crazy… Usually. Honestly the scent was just annoying to him. He didn’t get why other cats were going so crazy over it. At most he just wanted to swat it away…
And after the smell had become unbearable that was exactly what he did. And when he looked at it… A catnip. Of course… Ugh, he didn’t like it at all. “Would you stop waving that in my face!?” He yelled when turning to the side… Spotting Dazai nearby who was just waving the catnip right in front of Ole, yet a little confused looking.
“Huh? But cats go crazy over it. Come on, let’s play a little. Don’t be shy, it’s ok~” And he kept on waving that thing around, that stupid smell in the nose again!
“Stop! I don’t want that anywhere near me!” The young boy and cat yelled, swatting the catnip away from his face. 
“Haha, there we go~ You like it, right?”
“I hate it! Put it away!” And yet he kept on swatting with his hands, as if he had paws at that very moment. One swat after the other, just to get it off his face. 
And needless to say Ole would be busy with this for several minutes. All because Dazai refused to put it away from Ole’s face, even when told to do so. 
He was starting to understand more and more why Ann–Neesan may have found this guy a bit of a pain to deal with. He was having a hard time too!
And yet, despite all of that… Oddly enough, he just couldn’t get himself to truly hate Dazai. Yeah, he didn’t hate that human…
He was just damn annoying sometimes!
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gemkun · 4 months
@luckquartzed said : “Negative b, plus or minus, the square root of b squared… minus 4ac over 2a…” Aventurine flips through the textbook and scoffs. “This is what they teach kids in school? Man, I’m glad I never went. How come there’s nothing in here about voting, opening a credit account, buying a house or first aid? Who thought this belonged in public academics instead of specialized university?” He drops the book in the trash. “What a waste of 500 credits.” “It’s all inductive anyways, can’t really prove anything, watch out for the giant teapot orbiting the sun. Also moons are all made of cheese.” Aven is just being an add at this point and he knows it. “How come no matter what colour the liquid, the froth is always white?”
      ⸻       this   was   to   be   absolutely   expected.   though   ,   it   is   not   the   fault   of   the   avgin   ,   but   rather   the   education   system   and   its   failure   to   indicate   applications   relevant   to   the   livelihoods   of   others.   ❝   it   is   one   aspect   ,   but   there   are   plenty   of   other   topics   that   are   covered   within   prescribed   syllabi.   ❞   he   eyes   the   discarded   purchase   —   identifying   the   precious   publication   being   laid   to   waste.
  still   ,   his   subsequent   reasoning   ,   borders   absurdity.   in   fact   ,   it   is   explicitly   nonsensical.   ❝   what   you   have   a   listed   are   essentials   ,   no   doubt   ,   but   you   severely   underestimate   the   capabilities   of   the   quadratic   formula.   ❞   outstretched   ,   he   is   thankful   that   the   fallen   text   is   not   marred   by   assorted   scraps   ,   and   for   that   ,   his   retrieval   follows.   he   dusts   it   then   ,   to   remedy   its   bruised   state   ,   before   he   passes   it   to   its   respective   owner   ,   both   former   and   returned.
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  ❝   it   is   a   consolidation   that   allows   the   ability   to   solve   the   simplest   type   of   polynomial   equations   that   can   be   used   to   study   complex   systems   within   certain   limits.   they   appear   routinely   in   all   facets   of   mathematics   and   if   you   do   not   appreciate   this   formula   ,   you   will   surely   struggle   as   you   venture   further   into   arithmetic   problems.   ❞   flipping   open   the   educational   tool   ,   he   exposes   the   strategist   to   the   mediocre   explanation   across   glossy   pages.   to   assist   his   elaboration.   ❝   what   you   fail   to   comprehend   ,   is   this   concept   ,   is   applicable   to   countless   conditions   in   everyday   life   ,   including   your   dice   throws.   ❞
  and   perhaps   ,   one   he   employs   when   he   faces   these   roulettes   with   the   stoneheart.   ❝   in   its   most   basic   form   ,   it   determines   the   area   of   figures   —   by   expressing   the   area   with   a   quadratic   equation   ,   we   can   seamlessly   calculate   this   unknown.   if   we   take   this   further   ,   another   example   is   a   projectile   :   the   place   where   it   lands   ,   the   distance   travelled   and   the   time   it   takes   to   reach   its   vertex   can   be   established.   have   you   worked   out   its   use   yet   ?   ❞
  raised   brow   curls   ,   prompting   the   elite   in   a   manner   that   spells   ❛   this   should   be   obvious   ❜.   and   yet   ,   the   questions   persist   ,   coaxing   a   launch   of   spaced   out   sighs   ,   but   the   doctor   answers   nevertheless.   ❝   it   proves   plenty   ,   gambler.   i   should   assign   you   to   not   only   completing   this   section   in   your   book   ,   that   you   must   take   greater   care   of   ,   but   i   should   also   task   you   to   understand   its   application   in   your   daily   conventions.   ❞
  finality   falls   in   his   next   conviction   ,   with   piercing   gaze   to   deter   the   director   from   bothering   any   longer.   since   ,   well   ,   they   both   have   more   pressing   matters   to   attend.   ❝   to   correct   you   ,   not   all   foam   is   white.   however   ,   in   the   case   you   speak   of   ,   the   froth   is   white   due   to   light   refraction.   since   it   is   made   of   bubbles   ,   which   are   pockets   of   air   ,   light   that   enters   must   pass   through   a   number   of   surfaces   ,   which   scatter   it   in   different   directions   that   produces   this   white   colour.   ❞
  certainly   ,   this   must   sate   the   liquidation   specialist.   though   ,   if   not   ,   he   has   no   more   minutes   left   to   spare.
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