#found family: it's just the blacks but also barty is there now
birlwrites · 1 year
hi!!! i'm the person who asked all those questions about emma and heir stuff and a back with more questions! okay so what do you think would actually happen if, for example, regulus did run away with sirius like what happens in a lot of jegulus fics? what do you think would happen, with your atfhv reg? that is, how would he come to the conclusion to run away, and what would happen? you did touch on this a little in stga, but i want to know for atfhv reg.
HMMMMM ok so - i think the central difficulty for atfhv reg is not just coming to the conclusion to run away, but doing it *with* sirius
in stga, regulus and sirius are always each other's #1 ally, so in that case, regulus would either run away with sirius or not at all. like, if he's going to do it, hell yeah he's going to the same place sirius is going to, and sirius isn't going to do it without him
in atfhv, regulus and sirius have been kind of estranged for a while before sirius actually leaves. i think regulus has a lot of confidence in his own ability to adapt AND to play the games his family plays and come out on top. he'd need a hell of a reality check to decide otherwise
this post got. long. normally when i say that, the post is long. but this is easily twice the length of some other posts i have called long. I HAD FUN OK
the other difficult factor is that atfhv reg *does not like* how sirius solved this (i.e. by running away). we'll get into that in ch 41 of ttdl. part of it is the abandonment issues, and another part of it is reg's sense that this was the irresponsible/selfish thing to do. he's not obsessed with duty to the family, but sirius was heir and that meant something to regulus - he doesn't even really see sirius running away as a solution (because of how it impacted him), but just as running away from his problems
so i don't think he'd come to the conclusion to run away of his own accord, which means someone's going to have to convince him, and the only person who a) is capable of doing so and b) would actually give it a go is sirius
for this to work, he'd need some reason to believe regulus might actually go (and not kill james immediately), so let's call it a last-ditch effort to give regulus a lifeline he may or may not want. sirius would need to be pretty persuasive here which is where the death eater ultimatum comes in - their parents give it to sirius, he's not stupid, he knows if he leaves regulus is next up for everything including the death eaters.
regulus as we know him in the prologue (or rather in like. the first half of the prologue. the description of the prologue maybe. ajfslghjdkfd) is kind of...... living in denial about that ultimatum and KNOWS he is but is still holding out hope that it won't come for him now that there's no spare. persuading him to give up that hope would be difficult and it would also need to be QUICK. i think sirius came to the conclusion that he might need to leave during the spring of his fifth year or so and proceeded to bring it up to james, which is how he knows for sure that he has this viable option, and i think he would then need to start talking to regulus about it..... pretty much ASAP?
and that would be difficult for sirius. genuinely, sincerely apologizing is not something that comes easily to either of them, and sirius has absolutely no shot at persuading regulus to listen to him unless he does it. (regulus owes sirius an apology in a similar vein but he's repressing that)
the next hard part would be persuading regulus that not only is there a risk of their parents telling them to join the death eaters, but it's an *imminent* risk. at this point, neither of them are of age, they've both got a couple years left at hogwarts. regulus would question what use voldemort would even have for either of them at this point, answer his own question with 'political clout because we're blacks in the main branch,' and then question how much danger they'd *really* be in - getting either of them hurt or killed would piss off their parents, which voldemort presumably doesn't want, and even if they got arrested their parents could probably get them out of it
like, we have to keep in mind that this conflict isn't real to regulus yet, and it won't be until the ultimatum is actually delivered. action doesn't feel urgent to him the way it does to sirius at this point
although i do think around now, regulus would start feeling a bit of concern that maybe their parents would skip over sirius completely re: death eaters and go directly to their spare. he's comparatively disposable but still a gesture of goodwill/confidence in voldemort's abilities
he also doesn't have the same leverage with their parents here that he does in atfhv, because sirius hasn't run away yet, so i think regulus would be somewhat less confident in his own ability to solve this for himself. i'm positive he'd have the thought that if sirius left, regulus would have more leverage, so THEN the difficulty is persuading him not to follow up on that
ajfslghsdkfhgdf this is really turning into a monumental endeavor for sirius
of course sirius wouldn't like the argument of 'even if our parents DO force us into becoming death eaters, we have some time before that becomes a real problem,' because Becoming A Death Eater *Is* The Real Problem Regulus. (which isn't to say regulus LIKES the idea of taking the mark - he's just trying to prevent sirius from taking unnecessarily drastic action)
so in order to get regulus to run away with sirius, regulus has to believe that running away (to the potters) is NOT unnecessarily drastic and is unfortunately merited by the situation. this will be difficult seeing as he's of the opinion that becoming a dark lord is a more reasonable response than running away from home afhsghkdfsfdf
so after a LOT of arguing and debating and back and forth and venting to various besties, i think sirius would back regulus into a deal regulus thinks/hopes will never come to pass: if their parents try to force either or both of them to join the death eaters, they unionize and LEAVE.
regulus's thinking is similar to stga reg in that he thinks their parents can't afford to lose them both (and he's basically right. orion and walburga COULD try for more kids but starting over would be a bit of a setback and they got very fortunate the first time around with having two sons and they can't guarantee that'll happen again). however, atfhv regulus is also of the opinion that going to the potters' will be temporary (which is the oNLY reason he agrees to spend a prolonged period of time with james). and i think he's right
with both regulus and sirius gone, the blacks can't just disown sirius and go 'ok regulus is heir now,' but they also don't want regulus hanging out with the potters and going down the blood traitor road (lmao). sirius may be a lost cause but regulus isn't, as far as they know, and they don't want to lose him
so what do they do? send orion.
in stga, it's narcissa - she has a pretty good relationship with both regulus and sirius and is really as neutral of a party as the blacks can get to play messenger. but in atfhv (or like. this atfhv spinoff, but for the sake of simplicity i'll call it atfhv) orion and walburga aren't trying to deliver a message - they're SPECIFICALLY trying to get regulus back.
so, send orion, because he'll be able to get regulus to listen to him
the thing they DON'T know, of course, is that it's not just that regulus doesn't want to become a death eater - he's a full-on blood traitor and is coordinating his actions with sirius at this point (once sirius actually got that ultimatum, it really solidified their alliance). even if orion talks to regulus one-on-one, regulus is going to request time to consider it and then immediately go tell sirius.
i think orion's point goes a little like 'you don't want to take the mark, i understand that, it DOES carry a sense of lowering yourself, but with the right help, voldemort WILL win this war and we want him indebted to us. if you can suggest a viable alternative strategy, neither you nor sirius has to take the mark.'
and orion and walburga know that regulus and sirius have been fighting/not talking for years, because they are not obtuse, so i think orion also tries to split up the alliance here with 'if sirius wants to be a potter so badly, let him be. our family would be in good hands with you taking up the lordship after my death'
and that offer would be REALLY TEMPTING to regulus. for a few reasons:
solve the death eater issue (for both him AND sirius)
it's obvious that sirius doesn't want to leave the potters. regulus, however, does NOT want to be here forever.
there's the same tension here around dark arts as there is in stga, but worsened because at this point, regulus has already taken charge of the slytherin dark arts study group. he's made it not just a part of his identity but something that he feels is his responsibility
since orion is here and willing to make a deal, they have proof that the 'you will have no heir or spare unless you compromise with us' approach WORKS, which means regulus would have leverage he knows how to use upon going back. without sirius, regulus has even MORE power, because there is only one of him
regulus wants validation from his role model :(
so i think he'd go present that to sirius as something that could potentially solve everything. i think that, by talking to sirius about it instead of just doing it, regulus is hoping that them splitting up doesn't necessarily mean a return to them being estranged. they could still keep in touch and see each other at school
sirius, i think, does not really like this idea. yes, it solves the *death eater* issue, but it's still giving their parents what they want, and supporting voldemort in general is just. bad, and sirius points out that OBVIOUSLY orion is trying to keep them from working together, and i think he's upset that regulus seems to be falling for it
but regulus *does not want to be here.* he's literally just here for collective bargaining power and allying with sirius. he wants to be with his friends (barty aside, but orion and walburga do already tolerate their friendship even if the potters would certainly approve of it more) and his dark arts books and his high society battlefield and, to a certain degree, even his family
regulus in atfhv is not afraid of orion and walburga. this is a different take than ones i see pretty commonly in 'regulus runs away' fics, which is part of why i think it's so difficult to get regulus to *leave* in this universe - the cost-benefit analysis doesn't work out well in his eyes
but i do think regulus in this au would make a condition 'sirius doesn't get disowned.' yes, make regulus heir, let sirius hang out with the potters, tell everyone he abdicated because regulus was a better choice for the role, make sirius the black sheep of the family even more than he already is, but don't kick him out. regulus's argument here is that if sirius gets disowned, it looks like there was Big Drama, and after that whole thing with she-who-must-not-be-named eloping less than 10 years ago, do they *really* need more of that?
(it shows more confidence in regulus as heir as well, if it doesn't look like the blacks were forced into that decision and made it of their collective free will)
sirius still isn't thrilled, but he attempts to make the best of it by going 'would it at least be possible to come up with a way to support you-know-who that gives us an opening to sabotage him later?' and regulus goes 😈 we will make one 😈
turns out, with the combined efforts of regulus, narcissa, and various parental figures, the blacks (and malfoys) can exert VERY tight control over voldemort's purse strings. lucius and bellatrix are the 'show of good faith' death eaters which is great because they're ALREADY MARKED and it doesn't require forcing anyone into the position.
probably regulus and sirius end up concocting a plan in which regulus goes to orion and walburga and says 'i've changed my mind, we should disown sirius, his political inclinations hurt our position with voldemort' and orion and walburga go 'mwahaha our plan to divide and conquer worked. yes regulus that is a reasonable idea good for you'
regulus then promptly begins passing information through sirius to the order of the phoenix and hinting to various people he both likes and trusts that they should maybe start peeling off from the death eaters a little bit juuuuuuuuuuuust in case it works out poorly for them later
he may very well still end up working with barty and evan - barty goes 'SABOTAGE??? I LOVE SABOTAGE' and runs off to take the mark, which serves the dual purposes of giving them multiple avenues of information in the death eaters and endearing him to orion and walburga so he can hang out at regulus's house. (barty would probably still live with his parents - voldemort wants him there b/c of crouch sr. but he can at least *avoid* his father by way of grimmauld place. orion and walburga understand the desire to spend no time with crouch sr. they don't really do 'sympathetic' but they do just kind of accept the fact that he will show up randomly)
and evan comes into play because *mumblemumble.* if you've read my spoiler posts you may have some ideas on what the mumbling is but i genuinely don't remember if i've talked about this afjlsghksdf i think i have though?
anyway the order wins the war and everyone regulus likes just HAPPENS to avoid azkaban because they just HAPPENED to have a contingency plan already (the good thing about killing voldemort permanently is that the dark marks disappear - no instant proof of guilt!)
so then regulus has a stranglehold on the dark network (thanks to getting rid of the people who aren't helpful to him AND giving certain people tip-offs that make them feel grateful), which leads to an immense degree of influence over the wizengamot and the sacred 28, and orion and walburga are very proud, and sirius is watching regulus sit in on wizengamot sessions 'for fun' and thinking 'oh god what have i created'
(every day is bring your child to work day if you're orion and your child is willing to have passive aggressive conversations with your enemies to distract them while you actually go about negotiating with useful people)
somehow this still ends up with regulus fighting voldemort and dumbledore, just one at a time and more subtly. i clearly have a one track mind FJSLGHSKGHSJDKFJDS but atfhv regulus is really surprisingly committed to his principles once you back him into a corner
oh my god this got SO LONG. sjlghsdkfd i'd read the hell out of this fic ngl
10 notes · View notes
hoaxriot · 9 months
pairings. regulus black x fem!reader
synopsis. you knew everything about regulus, why he did what he did. but you didn’t know it would lead to death, and you to become mad with grief.
notes. this is a bit different, voldermort is human in this but still who he is. he does need the horcruxes to kill him but in this regulus has done that, so let’s pretend! this is angsty with a sort of happy ending:) it’s also very long.
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you remember the day vividly when sirius black came to your home and told you regulus was dead. you remember the shock rushing through your body then the tears as you fell onto the ground and sirius holding you as you both cried for him.
one thing you don’t remember when your grief become anger. you didn’t cry at his funeral where no one was there except the marauders and the rest. sirius sobbed for hours that day, you stayed as everyone left at the cemetery knowing no body was there. you stayed all night, barty had found you early in the morning when no one could find you.
ever since then you have been determined to avenge your boyfriends death. he hadn’t even turned twenty yet, regulus had not experienced life or a real family like you promised him. everyone figured it would be hard for you but now how you were handling it now.
currently you were going through everything regulus owned, fortunately he moved in with you as soon as he could so everything was here. sitting on the ground right by your bed surrounded by his things, you were reading his journal for signs. you knew you shouldn’t have— it was his but you needed it.
you sat there for hours reading every sentence over and over, you were so zoned out you didn’t hear the front door open and close or the calls of your name. not even hearing sirius coming into your room and standing at the doorway waiting for you to realize he was there.
he sighed sadly walking over to you and bending down in front of all the things, he called your name snapping you out of your reading.
“what are you doing?” sirius spoke softly as you met his eyes, he tried not to sigh again at the dark circles under your eyes, the redness in your eyes from reading too long.
“sirius.” you breathed out his name, he nodded before looking down at the mess surrounding you.
“i’m, um, looking for something.” he bent his head down, he truly did love you but he couldn’t bare to see you like this anymore.
“this isn’t healthy anymore, he wouldn’t want you to do this.” sirius spoke looking up at you again, you scoffed closing the journal, “you wouldn’t know sirius, he left. he left and he never came back, he didn’t say anything! he would’ve told me what he was doing.” your voice was hoarse and cracking as you spoke, his eyes softened for a second before standing right again.
“this is crazy,” your eyes glared as he spoke those words, “you need to stop, you’re not okay and you need to grieve.” sirius ran his hands through his long hair looking around the room that looks like it hadn’t been clean since regulus death.
“just leave sirius,” he looked back at you in shock, he stayed in his spot making you stand up, “leave!” you yelled at him, he sighed out in anger clicking his tongue as he nodded, leaving. you heard his foots carry down the stairs and the door slam.
as soon as it did, you threw the journal on the ground then throwing yourself on the ground leaning against the bed. you immediately started to cry for the first time, you pulled at your hair as you cried and cried. you continued even as you climbed into bed on regulus’ side, crying yourself to sleep.
a month had passed since that night, sirius hadn’t talked to you and you’ve avoided hanging around the group even at big events. right now, you knew lily was walking down the aisle marrying james but you didn’t go, you were sitting on your couch reading yet another journal of regulus’ one that you had seen him writing in the month of his death.
a knock interrupted your reading, you closed your eyes with a sigh figuring it be one of your friends to yell at you for missing out on lilys day.
the knocking continued, you slammed the journal shut standing up and walking through the kitchen to open the door, you looked through the window at the top of the door recognizing narcissa standing about to knock again before you opened the door.
she stepped back upon seeing your face, “hello.” she smiled lightly at you. it was nice to see someone smiling at you, not looking at you with pity or anger so you smiled back— as much as you could.
“hi,” you replied shortly, confused as why she was at your door, she pointed her eyes in your house, “come in?” she nodded her head coming in as you moved out of the way moving herself through the hallway into the kitchen.
you sighed as she stood in the messy kitchen, “tea?” you asked her, she hummed in agreement sitting down at the head seat of the table.
once the tea was done you made you and her a cup, setting it down in front of her before sitting on the seat beside her, you messed with the handle of your cup.
“not to be rude, but why are you here?” she laughed lightly as she put down the cup, she looked at her lap as you waited for her answer.
“i just haven’t seen you in a while, y’know regulus talked about his future a lot and you were always in it, always.” you smiled at her words as she continued to speak about regulus.
“so, i now that you deserve every right to know the truth. i know you know he joined the dark lord. but i know that you don’t know what he did that night, but you deserve to.” narcissa spoke and your eyebrows raised, a sinking feeling in your stomach formed.
narcissa explained everything from start to finish, you listened to her. you didn’t know what to say but you knew that this was not the last thing that you would do, learning that regulus went against what his parents told him and that for killed him.
you walked her out, you both stopped seeing sirius and remus in their suits standing at the top of your stairway to your front porch. she looked at you with a smile before leaving. you looked at the two turning around leaving the door open for them to follow.
“what was she doing here? why?” sirius didn’t start calm, his voice was raised as remus stood beside him once you were standing in the living room.
“narcissa was here to check on me! unlike any of you.” turning around to look at them, sirius scoffed as remus stared at you in sadness.
“unlike us? a month ago i tried and you kicked me out!” sirius yelled at you, remus sighed grabbing sirius’ hand trying to calm him down.
“you didn’t check up on me, you called me crazy, sirius.” your voice was low as you took a step down still far away from them, remus looked over at sirius in shock not hearing that part.
“yes! okay, but this is crazy! you are so mad with grief you’re not yourself! you are so full of anger! regulus would be so disappointed—“
“sirius!” remus whispered yelled turning to him as your face dropped, sirius froze as he watched your face and the the tears that started to form in your eyes. remus looked at you as you stepped back even farther, “you know he did not mean that.” he spoke softly but sirius scoffed again.
“you know what? yes, i did mean that because he would! you are not you anymore for gods sake you missed james and lilys wedding! what the hell? they were so upset at you, you’ve pushed us away so how do you expect us to help you! we’re grieving too!” sirius voice got louder every word as remus sighed watching your tears fall silently. he was of course disappointed that you weren’t there but there was better ways to say it.
scoffing as sirius stood there breathing heavily with anger, remus whispered something to him causing sirius to nod.
“we’re leaving, i don’t want to speak to you until you can realize what you are doing.” he didn’t wait for a response, turning around storming out of the house. remus looked at you as you stared at him, hoping he would say anything but he didn’t. he looked at his feet before turning around following sirius.
after a few seconds of silence, you grabbed the lamp of the small table by the couch throwing it on the ground with a sob. you slid everything off the coffee table as you cried and yelled.
you ran up the stairs into your room, opening your closet grabbing a bag off the stop shelf then grabbing clothes throwing them in the bag. you didn’t stop once as you left the house walking down the street.
that night was the very last night anyone saw you, they heard of things of someone trying to take down voldemort, no one knew who. but sirius knew it was you, the group knew. they knew that you were angry but they didn’t expect this.
months had passed and war had started, you knew of that. you listened to the radio hoping not to hear anyone’s name. you still loved them but you had to do this.
were close to finally ending this, ending him. you wanted to see your friends but you couldn’t do that without knowing this war was over and you’d avenged regulus’ death.
another few weeks had passed and voldemort was killing more but luckily you hadn’t heard anyone’s name. you knew he would be after them since they were trying to do the same with him.
it was the day you were going to take voldemort down, you were face to face with him and multiple death eaters. his top ones, you saw narcissa standing next to lucius. bellatrix and many more. you even saw his parents behind him.
narcissa was stuck, she wanted to run to you and stand beside you but if she did, she would be killed and soon enough her son would be too. she couldn’t do that. so she was to watch you be killed by him, or have him make someone else do it.
“you will not win this battle, girl. you will die!” voldemort yelled pointing his wand at you from a distance but it didn’t matter, he yelled those two words and you were gone.
you were covered in dirt and blood standing in a field waiting for him to kill you, breathing heavily feeling the large wound on your stomach from a cut one of the death eaters gave you fighting them.
“so kill me, tom. i would just be another to add to your list. but i am not the only one trying to kill you.” you used your energy to speak holding your wand at your side.
he laughed loudly causing the others to follow in suit, you saw walburga smirk at you from behind his shoulder.
the battle begun against you and them, you felt yourself get weaker every time one of them yelled a spell at you, not the one to kill. voldemort wanted to kill you himself. he stood in the same spot as the death eater’s tried to weaken you.
you now stood behind a small tree breathing heavily holding your wound, you had many but the one on your stomach was the worse one. you felt tears fall on your dirty face, looking down at your clothes you saw the blood seep through your top that had been torn. digging in your pants to find a dagger, you had only one chance at this. you heard the calls of your names from the death eaters.
you peaked from the tree to see voldemort standing still, regulus’ parents stood beside him speaking to him giving you your chance.
you took a step from behind the tree, bringing the knife beside your head. regulus had taught you how to throw knives but you weren’t a expert.
you breathed out, shaking your head as spots started to cover your vision. you groaned as you threw the knife watching it fly towards him, hitting him right in the throat. as you did the two beside him stepped back in shock as someone grabbed your waist covering your mouth from yelling.
“lucius!” you saw narcissa standing in front of you breathing heavily as her husband held you against him, “this is our chance, this is a chance to give draco a good life, let her go.” she spoke looking between you two. your eyes were wide, full of tears as blood and dirt covered your face, lucius stared at her before he looked to the field where many death eater’s were gathering around him not knowing what to do. he then looked back at you, throwing you forward.
you fell into narcissa’s arms with a sob, “thank you.” you breathed out as she rubbed your hair. she smiled at your words, you continued to breath but it was becoming more ragged. you then remembered what day it was, “take me to james’ house.” you said into her shoulder.
“lucius, go home.” she didn’t wait for his response as she apparited you both in front of his house. she saw all the lights on in the house and multiple cars in the driveway and in the road. you took yourself off of her body suppressing a groan.
“thank you, narcissa.” you pulled her into a tight hug ignoring the pain it gave you, she hugged you trying to be soft. once you pulled away, she brought her hand to the side of your face.
“reggie would be proud.” she smiled as she rubbed her finger against your dirty face ignoring the dirt falling on her own hand, you smiled brightly at her. “i wish to see you more, come visit any time.” she spoke looking at you, you nodded.
“of course, you must visit too.” you told her, she hummed lightly before nodding to the house, “go home.” she let her hand off of your face before stepping away and apparited herself.
turning your head towards the house, begging to limp your way towards the steps. it took a lot of pain but you did it. you knocked on the door loudly hoping they could hear, you could hear the loud chatter.
you only waited a few second’s before the door opened revealing james covered in birthday decor wrapped around his body. his mouth opened his shock, he looked over your body as his emotions flooded his body at the sight of you. it wasn’t unusual for james to cry easily, he was very sensitive but seeing you he gasped as tears flowed down his face throwing himself on you.
you groaned lightly but wrapped your arms around him, you both sobbed but you felt like he was crying more making you laugh lightly, “james, i, um, need to breath.” he chocked out a sob pulling away.
“sorry, sorry. i just can’t believe you’re okay— are you okay?” he examined your body finally seeing the torn part of your shirt and the blood, “bloody hell, you are not okay. come in.” he grabbed your arm pulling you in yelling for lily.
everyone heard the panic in his voice, stopping as lily stood up quickly. she couldn’t step more than three steps before james turned the corner with you next to him.
everyone froze in shock at the state of you, “oh my..” lily said as she took big steps toward you grabbing your body dragging you to a chair. she pushed you down softly but it still hurt, you swallowed trying not to yelp in pain.
“what happened?” she questioned looking at you as she bent down in front of you, “death eaters.” everyone made a noise of shock at your words. you looked up at everyone who stared at you, all of them had different faces but you didn’t have the energy to figure it out.
“he’s dead.” you spoke lightly but everyone heard you since the room was silent, james gasped as lily snapped her head up. “w-what?” james stepped forward bending down on the other side of the chair.
“how? who?” he questioned making lily slap his leg, “james.” she sneered as she looked back at your wound tearing your shirt more. “this will be easy to heal, let me get my wand.” she stood up running up the stairs, you looked at your dirty pants feeling everyone burning a hole through your head.
“i did. then i fled.” you said continuing to look at your leg, james brought his hand to your arm softly. you honestly were waiting for everyone to yell at you but no one spoke. you sat there waiting for lily until you heard her footsteps running down the stairs.
she kneeled down in front of you ripping the bottom half of your shirt, muttering out a spell making the wound close slowly. you winced as you watched it, she asked if you had anymore and you told her no so she stood up.
“james, take her to the bathroom. i put out some extra clothes you’ve left here.” lily brought her hand to your arm giving it a squeeze before stepping out of your way. james helped you up leading you up the stairs.
he opened the door for you, he was about to turn around and leave but you grabbed his wrist. he looked at you, “happy birthday, prongs.” smiling the best you could at your friend. he smiled brightly fixing his glasses.
“this is the best birthday present, well right behind lily being pregnant.” james spoke causing you to gasp, “oh my! what?” it didn’t seem possible but he smiled more at the happiness in your eyes. you threw your arms around him, he gladly hugged you back.
“congratulations, james.” you told him pulling back as you stepped into the bathroom more, “thank you.” he said as he walk backwards before you shut the door.
you turned the shower on, stripping your clothes off then stepping in the shower. the hot water felt good on your body, you watched the dirt and blood wash off your body on to the floor of the shower. you stayed in longer even after washing everything, you hadn’t had a proper shower in what felt like forever.
once you got out and changed, you sat down on the closed toilet debating on going down. you knew you had too but you also knew everyone would ask questions and you would have to answer.
deciding it would be best to get it over with tonight, you put your clothes in the hamper you made your way downstairs.
stopping at the bottom stairs to see james looking at you with a smile. he jerked his head for you to sit down causing everyone to turn to you. surprising you, they all smiled brightly at you as you sat between lily and james.
marlene being herself she immediately asked what happened, everyone yelled in her name causing you to laugh.
“it’s fine, you have a right to know.” so you did, you explained everything from start to finish not leaving anything out, you swear you saw tears coming out of sirius’ eyes but not saying anything.
“wow… we’re glad you’re okay.” lily spoke from beside you, giving her a small smile even though you felt like you were trapped in a small hole as you told them everything, you felt like you were re-living every moment.
“thank you. i’m going to step out for air.” smiling at everyone as you squeezed through everyone sitting on the floor. sirius watched you walk out the back door, remus caught him watching you debating something. “you should go.” he spoke softly, “you both need it.” sirius went back and forth in his head before standing up and walking out the back door.
he closed the door behind him catching your attention from the top step on james’ back porch, you turned your head to meet eye with sirius. he stopped for a second as you turned back around, “i’m not gonna bite.” you said shortly causing him to look down at his shoes, he sighed taking a few steps to sit beside you.
you two sat their in silence waiting for one to speak, you were glad to be back but sirius had said things that rang in your head as you were gone.
“i’m sorry, for everything. what i said, how i dealt with everything. i don’t even deserve your forgiveness.” his voiced cracked making him put his head in his hand, you turned to him with a questioning look.
“do you truly think… that he is disappointed in me?” your voice was hoarse but you were sure he could hear the cracks in your voice. he did, causing him to lift his head, both of your eyes were filled with tears in your eyes.
“no, not at all. he would be proud and you know it,” he chuckled shaking his head, “finishing what he started. you know he would he so fucking proud of you.” you smiled staring at the wooden steps as sirius spoke, “i’m proud of you. yeah, you bloody stupid to do that but you did it. you saved many lives without even knowing how many wizards and witches you saved.” tears fell at his words but his old words still rung in your head.
“yeah. y’know, reg would be proud of you too if you’d believe it. cussing me out and all.” you both laughed lightly, sirius sniffled causing you to look at him, he stared out in the yard but you still hugged him. he froze not expecting it but nonetheless he hugged back.
once you both pulled away, you continued to sit by each other staring out in the yard.
“i don’t think i’ll ever love again,” sirius snapped his head to look at you, “but i do wish to see you and remus walk down the aisle.” looking towards him with a smirk causing him to laugh before thinking of what you said before.
“you truly don’t think you’ll ever love someone else?” sirius questioned causing you to close your eyes tilting your head upwards and opening them to see the stars.
“no, i might but i don’t think so. regulus was my first love and it was a journey and my love will never go away,” you brought your head to look at sirius who had an unreadable look in his eyes. “we hav— had so many plans and i don’t think i could ever live through those plans with someone else. i’m happy to do it.” you spoke true words, you could possibly find someone you could love but you knew it would never work because regulus was who you wanted to live those dreams with.
sirius felt sadness run through his body at your words, he hadn’t felt so much sadness for someone. sirius also wasn’t the type to cry for someone like he had started to cry in the moment. you looked at him in shock as you watched the tears fall down his cheeks.
“sirius…” whispering out his name causing him to turn his head wiping his tears that wouldn’t stop falling.
“sirius.” you spoke his name more loudly but he did not respond, he turned around and wrapped his arms around you. not knowing what to say or do your arms wrapped around his as he started to sob. “i’m sorry, i just miss him— so much.” he spoke through his sobs making tears gather in your eyes, the amount of tears you’ve cried you knew your eyes would be dry tomorrow.
you held onto sirius as his sobs died down but you knew he needed this, and you did too. you truly did believe you would never love again but you knew all you needed was your family to be happy and grow families.
that was all you needed.
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lulublack90 · 3 months
Prompt 4 - Hair
@jegulus-microfic March 4 Word count 983
Previous part First part
It took them a week to figure out where the chamber was, and that was only because Pandora came floating in while they were arguing back and forth about where the entrance could be. 
“It has to be in the dungeons. That’s where the Common room is.” Evan had argued. 
“Yeah, but where could it be? It’s all classrooms down there.” Barty was getting frustrated at their lack of progress. Pandora had peered over at all the notes they had spread over the floor and said. 
“Oh, the entrance is in the second-floor girl’s bathroom.”
“Yeah, sure, it is Pandora.” Evan rolled his eyes at his sister. Pandora flicked around, her hair billowing behind her with the sharp movement. 
“There is a snake carved into the tap of the sink, and moaning Myrtle was killed the last time it was opened when Tom Riddle was at school.” They all stared at her. Regulus pulled out his mirror and flipped it open. 
“James, we think we’ve found it.”
So now that’s where they stood. Regulus, James, Sirius, Barty, Evan, Pandora and Lily. Seven people who had left Hogwarts years ago and who shouldn’t have had any reason to be in that bathroom. 
They all had some sort of blade made of goblin silver. Luckily, there were enough old families in the group that they managed to scrounge enough pieces. 
Sirius also had a small bag strapped to his hip. It had one of his expansion charms on it. They’d been down to Hagrid’s chicken coop and stolen two roosters. And put them in it. 
The trouble they were having now was that none of them spoke parseltongue, so they were having trouble getting the chamber to open. That’s when moaning Myrtle appeared. 
“Ooo, it’s the Black brothers.” She cooed. “What are they doing here with all their friends?” 
“Hi, Myrtle.” Sirius grinned at her with his best smile. It was one he’d used many times to get what he wanted. “We’re trying to get into the secret chamber but can’t seem to open it. Do you know how?” He twirled a lock of his hair around his finger as he batted his eyelashes at her. 
Regulus hadn’t known that ghosts could blush, but apparently, they could. Myrtle’s ghostly pallor brightened under Sirius’s gaze. 
“There was a boy right before I died. I think he opened it. He said something in another language.” She floated closer to Sirius. 
“Can you remember what he said? It’s very important, Myrtle.” Sirius asked, keeping his voice soft and husky. Myrtle glowed even brighter. She opened her mouth, and she let out a strange hiss. Immediately, the sink behind them started moving, and a sliding passageway was revealed. 
Sirius looked at the ghost with wide eyes. “Myrtle, you’re amazing.” He grinned a real grin this time and lifted a hand to cup her cheek. 
Apparently, ghosts could also swoon. They left Myrtle floating horizontally along the floor as they clambered down the chute, one by one. 
“I’m so telling Remus about that,” Regulus whispered to his brother once they safely made it to the ground. Sirius shrugged. 
“It’s for the good of the cause. He’ll understand. Beside’s, he’d have to see me to be mad at me anyway.” Regulus had touched on a sore spot, and he knew it. Fenrir had been very possessive of Remus, only letting him leave when Voldemort requested the Wolves at a meeting. 
Remus hadn’t looked great the last time Regulus saw him. He was skinny, and his clothes were tattered. He hadn’t said much about it when he’d come and stood with him, Barty and Evan. The other wolves were keeping a close eye on him.
Regulus, had a plan to get Remus away from the pack for a bit, but it would have to wait until after they fought the Basilisk.
“You okay, love?” James had come up behind him and wrapped an arm around his waist. Regulus let himself relax into James’s touch just for a second before he untangled them. 
“We need to get moving.” He said as he squeezed James’s hand. “Don't forget to either keep your eyes closed or make sure you don’t look into its eyes. If you do, you’ll be dead.” He raised his voice so the others could hear him. 
“Wow, great pep talk there, Reg. Really feeling confident after that.” Barty groaned at him. Sirius slapped him on the back before Regulus could say anything to him. 
“Come on, Crouch. If everything goes right down here, we’re going to be legends.” Barty turned to grin wickedly at Sirius. 
“Let’s go kill this bloody snake.” 
The group walked cautiously down the stone passageway. It was littered with bones, and there was no way of moving without the sound of cracking bones echoing off the walls. 
The passageway went on forever. Turning this way and that, before they came to a wall blocking their way emblazoned with two entwining serpents.
“How do we get through that then?” Lily asked, running her hand over the stone. 
“Probably the same as the sink,” Pandora moved to stand beside her and hissed the same way Myrtle had. The snakes began to move, and the wall split in two. It moved out of sight, leaving the way before them clear. 
The chamber finally opened up. They all paused on the edge, looking at the pillars, each with a snake carved into it. 
“This is it,” Regulus said, his voice barely a whisper. He looked into James’s eyes. “I love you.” James smiled down at him and ducked his head, kissing Regulus softly. 
The other couples followed suit. 
“Alright enough, or I’m going to feed myself to the Basilisk!” Sirius complained. The others pulled away from each other, looking sheepish. 
They walked forward into the middle of the chamber and watched as a statue of Salazar Slytherin slowly opened its mouth.        
Next part
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cressthebest · 3 months
Art Heist, Baby! Thoughts pt. 8
chapter 22:
1. sirius is fully committing to the heist, and the hole in my heart is slowly patching itself
2. sirius being challenged with the heist again after going so long with the poor substitute of catching art heists- this does something to me
3. regulus is proud that sirius got to grow his hair out like he wanted. sobbing still
4. Oh. it’s the museum again. with THAT painting. this. this is *the* ahb painting AGAIN
6. regulus will try to be good, just for james. he wants to be enough for james, and will never stop trying, but james always knows that reg is enough
chapter 23:
1. james tbinks that getting to know regulus is a privilege. holy shit hold up.
2. they’re so soft, wait
3. atp it’s a necessity to hear reg’s voice
4. james teasing regulus while reg is driving is 😳. ALSO reg is not good at driving to begin with. lord help them 😭😭😭
5. 😳😳😳 they’re getting spicy. but also, like, so me fr
6. okay, the way that they all make references to their canon animagi are fantastic. i particularly like how remus compares sirius’ stubborn attitude to a dog licking his wounds.
8. 😳😳 now wolfstar is getting at it
9. also, do yourself a favor and go read chapter 23 end notes. masterpiece.
chapter 24:
1. starting the chapter off with jegulus smut i see
2. james’ antler tattoo 😳
3. james is the only one for regulus, i’m sobbing
4. “Most of anything Regulus thought about these days revolved around James. That’s what he gets, he supposed, for falling for the sun. It was only natural.” AHHHHHHHHH. there’s a million things i want to quote from ahb, so i have to be selective, but WOW
5. they’re planning their house together in brazil. sobbing fr rn. arguments over green or red shutters. they’re gonna live together. i’m about to start blubbering wiat ajesjfnsksjdsldj
6. 😳 remus caught them. uh live laugh love
7. REMUS AND JAMES ARE GOSSIPING ABOUT THEIR LOVE LIFE, ALL IS RIGHT IN THE WORLD!! both of them proud for scoring the black brothers. goddamn, that’s an accomplishment
8. DORLENE!!! getting married in italy!!!!
9. barty calling jegulus sluts <3
10. ahb peter <33333
11. SHOVEL TALKS. i live for these
12. barty and evan are reg’s found family brothers and i stand by that for life.
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The Other Evans Girl [Epilogue]
Fandom: Harry Potter [Marauder’s Era]
Pairing: Sirius Black x Original Female Character, Sirius Black x Daisy Evans, James Potter x Lily Evans
Characters: Sirius Black, Original Female Character, Daisy Evans, Lily Evans, Remus Lupin, James Potter, Harry Potter, Severus Snape, Minerva McGonagall, Alice Fortescue, Frank Longbottom, Marlene McKinnon, Albus Dumbledore, Voldemort, Peter Pettigrew, Lucius Malfoy, Bellatrix LeStrange, Walburga Black, Orion Black, Jasper Thicknesse, Barty Crouch Jr, Mulciber, Walden McNair
Word Count: 7867
Rating: Mature
Summary: Hogwarts is a safe haven, a home for many, but it’s often a place where heartache, love and complex emotions dwell and none know that better than the Marauders. Lily Evans just wants to make it out as a successful witch though the oncoming war and the ongoing advances of James Potter threaten that. Daisy Evans, her twin, has other goals. Join the Evans sisters as they make their way through Hogwarts, prepare for war and eventually find love.
Notes: I only cried three times writing this.
No but seriously I can't believe it's finished but I can believe I've talked myself into continuing it. I'll be doing oneshots following on like glimpses of Daisy's life following this up to well after the second war. Also I refuse to do my boy dirty so he's getting his happy ending lol
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Daisy didn’t know why she had come, what random force had tugged at her to leave her flat and apparate here but she had, forgoing the voice in her head that told her it wasn’t safe because the feeling in her gut was enough.
And she had been right.
Given the gargantuan manor James Potter had grown up in one would expect his own family home to be of a similar stature but following the passing of both his parents he’d found manors and mansions too empty and unfeeling and so he and his new bride had bought a quaint Tudor style house in Godric’s Hollow complete with a picturesque front garden for their future children to play in. Daisy remembered the first time she had clapped eyes on it, how beautiful and perfect she had thought it to be. She and Lily planned on barbecues in the back garden, an inherently muggle invention the boys  were enthralled to get involved with. She thought of hot chocolates by the open fire in the living room on Christmas Eve with everyone sleeping over because no one dared miss Harry’s first holiday. She thought of the swing set she’d bought her nephew, still unopened somewhere in the shed because her sister had decreed him far too young to have it yet and that his godparents ought to know better. She thought of her home away from home. Only now it didn’t resemble the beautiful home she’d come to know. Now it lay in ruins, the front of the building eviscerated strewing rubble and debris over the manicured front lawn and with it she could smell something wretched. The pungent air of thick magic. The smell of death.
And just like that house in front of her she felt her world implode. She had known there was a reason for that feeling in her gut. She had known there was something tugging her forward but she had hoped she’d been wrong.
‘No,’ she whispered as reality started to settle in, ‘no, no, no! Lily! Lil!’
She started to run, barrelling towards the front gate as her mind chanted at her that it was going to be okay. Maybe they got out, maybe they’d been lucky and managed to escape, she reasoned. If anyone could, it'd be Lily. Her practical and perfect sister, she’d know what to do. She’d manage to escape.
She didn’t even check her surroundings as she’d been taught to, the need to get to her family all consuming, which was why she was startled as strong arms wrapped around her pulling her into the familiar scent of cigarettes and leather.
‘Dais,’ Sirius said hoarsely, ‘Dais you can’t.’
‘Let me go! Lil!’ she shouted, fighting against her boyfriend as he struggled to keep hold of her.
‘Dais they’re gone,’ he whispered, finally grabbing her wrists and pulling him to face her. He looked awful, his normally happy features barren of life and his eyes red from crying, ‘they’re both gone.’
‘No, they can’t be,’ she whispered as the tears started to build, wet and warm as they rolled down her cheeks. How could they be gone? How could her sister, her other half be gone?
‘How, I don’t understand,’ she said, her breath coming quicker and quicker though it felt as though she couldn’t breathe at all. The only other time she’d ever felt like this was when they’d lost their parents, as if someone had squeezed all the air out of her, all the life out of her. Sirius didn’t say anything and just pulled her into his chest, allowing her to sob as the information settled in.
None of it made sense. They were supposed to be safe; Dumbledore had promised her he would keep them safe. Hadn’t that been the reason for all the spells and enchantments? The lockdowns and restrictions? The secrecy? Hadn’t that been why they were living through hell? Stolen moments coming every few weeks, so far apart that whenever she saw her nephew he was half a size bigger or had some new development she didn’t even get to enjoy because it wasn’t safe for anyone to visit for long.
Her poor sweet Harry. How could he be so young and yet the target for the most powerful wizard to ever live? How did he, at a great sum of fifteen months ever stand a chance? How could Voldemort ever think that power could be worth this.
How could she still hear his disgruntled cry, the one he got whenever Lily was more than a room away. Daisy was still buried deep in Sirius’ chest, his arms wrapped tightly around her but she pulled back, her snotty, red face confused at the noise. She’d been so consumed when she’d gotten here she hadn’t bothered to check the area but looking past Sirius she found his bike sitting not so far away and Hagrid standing beside it, his own face ruddy, but more importantly with a small tot nestled into his arm.
Harry Potter was alive.
And Daisy didn’t waste any time rushing to make sure her eyes weren’t deceiving her. He had been on the verge of crying but upon seeing her he settled, clinging to her just as tightly as she did him, resting her cheek on his head as a fresh wave of tears flooded her. Yet these were of relief.
‘What happened,’ she said, finally getting a hold of herself to look at Hagrid and Sirius for answers, ‘I don’t understand.’
‘Don’t know,’ Sirius said blankly, his grey eyes dull, ‘I don’t understand how.’
‘When I got here the house was like tha’. James and Lily wer’,’ Hagrid started though a sob rumbled through him at the mention of their names. Sirius cleared his throat, somehow able to take over from the half-giant even though his loss was arguably more consuming.
‘He’s hurt. He’ll need to go to Dumbledore to be checked over to make sure he’s safe,’ Sirius said flatly, moving towards her and moving the thick mop of jet-black hair from Harry’s brow to reveal a thick gash on his forehead. It was obvious it had been cleared of blood but she could feel an aura radiating from it, it was a magical wound, that’s why they hadn’t healed it. Was this how he survived? The cost of living?
‘Right,’ Daisy mumbled.
‘Dais,’ Sirius said, tearing her eyes from the gash back to those flat grey eyes, ‘Voldemort’s gone but that doesn’t mean he is safe. He needs to go to Dumbledore.’
‘Okay, yeah okay,’ Daisy said, her senses finally starting to make an appearance. Sirius was right. As broken as they were feeling they still had a job to do. Keep Harry safe. That had been what they’d been doing since the day he was born, what James and Lily had made them promise to do when he’d asked them to be godparents.
‘And you have to take him,’ Sirius said quietly. At that Daisy faltered, her brow furrowing as she looked at him. He looked away, shifting under her scrutiny which didn’t reassure her at all.
‘What?’ was all she could ask.
‘You need to-’
‘What about you?’ she asked, that pit she had felt in her stomach before she’d come returning only now it was a chasm. One that put a lump in her throat and made her head spin with worry.
‘I have to go,’ Sirius said flatly.
‘Go? Go where?!’ she demanded, wiping the tears that were returning as she tried to keep her mind focused.
‘Dais,’ he sighed, swallowing thickly.
‘You can’t just leave!’ she protested but he didn’t seem to be hearing her. Whatever was in his head taking over as he shut everything down.
‘Go with Hagrid, take Harry to Dumbledore. Take the bike,’ he said firmly though he still refused to look at her, his focus on Harry as he tucked a finger under the baby’s pudgy chin, earning a considerably gummy smile in return. Sirius smiled back weakly at his godson.
‘Pads,’ she whispered, unable to wrap her head around what was happening.
‘Look after him, yeah?’ he asked, tears rolling down his cheeks when he finally looked at her. He couldn’t believe he was doing this, leaving like this, leaving her when he knew she needed him. He needed her too, like he always did, but there was something he had to do first, no matter the cost.
‘Sirius what are you talking-’
‘Dais I love you,’ Sirius whispered, moving his hand to her cheek. The skin was wet against his hand but he didn’t care. After all he wasn’t sure the next time he’d feel the touch of her again, ‘no matter what happens I need you to know that.’
‘Pads,’ she breathed shakily, panic mounting by the second.
‘And I’m sorry,’ he whispered.
‘Sirius please,’ she begged, ‘you can’t go. You can’t leave me-‘
‘Remember that,’ he said leaning in to press a kiss to her forehead. Harry whined at the intrusion, reaching to grasp at Sirius’ necklace but he detached him, kissing his chubby hand before he pushed him away and moved out of their grip.
‘Sirius,’ Daisy said, attempting to follow but he pushed her away glancing at Hagrid to intervene. He was behind her in a couple steps, wrapping his large arm around her and Harry and stopping her from moving after Sirius. Once they were anchored he turned around, wiping the tears from his cheeks as he walked away as if not being able to see her would stop them from coming. It was never going to work, not when he could still hear her pleading, ‘no! Hagrid let go! Let me, Sirius! Sirius, what are you, Hagrid please!’
And then he was gone, disapperating with a loud crack leaving the lane quiet and eerie. Only then did Hagrid let her go, watching her with a sad smile as she turned around unable to get a grip on what had just happened. Not that she had time to as Hagrid muttered, ‘he’s in Hogsmeade. Dumbledore that is. It’s a long way but ‘e’s right, the bike’s probably the safest way t’go.’
‘Right, yeah,’ Daisy mumbled numbly.
‘He’ll know what to do,’ Hagrid promised, gesturing for Daisy to hand Harry over so that she could climb into the sidecar of the motorbike. She went through the motions, settling into the seat though her mind was miles away. Not even when he handed Harry over did she snap out of it, millions of thoughts whizzing around in her brain. Thankfully she had plenty of time to think about them.
The flight to Hogsmeade was a long and cold one because even though it was nightfall Hagrid stayed well up in the cloud to avoid being seen. And for the most part it was dark save for the glow of the waning moon and the glint of street lights as towns came and went below them. On a normal ride like the ones she and Sirius used to go on back when he’d first gotten the bike she’d be craning her neck to look at the colourful coast lines or vibrant dales as they passed by. When it was warm she’d stay in the side car but on cold nights like this she’d take to the back of the bike, wrapping herself around him, listening to the thud of his heart and the thrum of the engine, content as ever.
At this moment in time she wasn’t sure how she could ever have felt content. She wasn’t sure how she’d ever felt anything before, anything that wasn’t this dark rotting ache inside her. She couldn’t even say what it was. Sadness didn’t even seem to cover it; it didn’t feel like that held enough weight.
Because how could she describe the loss of James and Lily? She’d felt at a loss when her parents had died, the passing of Euphemia and Fleamont hurting just as much. When Marlene had been murdered, her entire family wiped off the face of the earth, she’d been distraught. Yet through all of those she’d managed to muddle through and keep going. Through those she’d had James and Lily.
She’d had James unrelenting optimism and kind-hearted reassurances.  
James. At the thought of him another silent sob rolled through her. Because how could he be gone? How could a light as bright and infectious as his be gone when that didn’t seem possible. Even in the midst of the mess that was this war he’d remained upbeat and relentlessly confident even as they failed to gain any positive movement. Even having to go into hiding had not ripped that positivity from him.
‘Because he thought they would be coming out of it,’ her mind whispered, bringing a fresh wave of tears. Of course. Of course he would have thought they’d make it. Of course he would have anticipated escaping the greatest wizard in the world unscathed. James Potter could do anything.
Or at least she had thought so. With that thought her mind wandered to what his last moments were like. Had he been scared? When the most evil wizard in existence had turned up at his front door had he wanted to run away? No, knowing James he would’ve faced him head on if it had meant protecting his family he wouldn’t have even flinched. 
But did that mean Lily had known what was coming? Had she had to live through it, knowing that there was no stopping him? Had she been scared? Daisy couldn’t bear to think of it. She couldn't bear to think of her sister, her perfect, practical, poised sister floundering in panic. She couldn’t think of her not knowing what to do, fearing for her baby’s life the way she feared for her husband’s or her own.
Had she thought of her? Hoped that somehow Harry would survive, that Daisy wouldn’t be left with no one. Even if she was destined to live without her sister, her other half, she’d have a part of her. She’d have someone.
But that was the thing. Daisy was supposed to have someone. She was supposed to have Sirius, he was supposed to be here with her, navigating through this grief together. But he’d just left her behind and it didn’t make any sense. The only thing she could tell herself was that there must be a reason for it, some protocol or command of the order that he’d known about and had to uphold regardless of how hard it was. Because he wouldn’t leave her, not for good reason.
Not when she needed him.
And she did. Up here in the bitter winds and freezing temperatures she needed him more than ever. She needed him to wrap his arms around her and tell her it was going to be okay no matter how hollow it sounded. She needed him to tell her they’d survive this. They had to. For Harry.
He’d been quiet for most of the flight, wrapped in his baby blanket and the gargantuan scarf Hagrid had draped over them which acted more like a duvet than a garment, but as they passed into the Scottish highlands he’d disturbed the frigid Scottish climate too cold for him to be comfortable. Now he was standing on her lap tugging on her hair to get her attention. She was so lost in her thoughts she didn’t notice him for a moment until after a particularly sharp tug upon which she broke, yanking it from his fist angrily snapping, ‘Harry stop it!’
At that his bright green eyes widened and his lip started trembling, threatening to unearth the mightiest of screams. Except Daisy wanted to scream too. She wanted to scream and shout and cry and sob and let everything inside her out. But she couldn’t. She couldn’t and she couldn’t snap at Harry because what good would it do? How was he to know the weight of the situation? All he knew was that he was somewhere foreign, cold and tired and miles away from his mummy and daddy. He didn’t know that he’d never see them again. He didn’t know that at that moment Daisy felt as though her world was caving in on itself.
He wanted fun auntie Daisy. The one who never yelled at him or told him off. The one that made James and Lily tear their hair out when she gave him sweets or bought him presents for no reason, yes even James ‘buy anything on a whim’ Potter. He wanted his uncle Padfoot who’d see the fat tears rolling down his cheeks and turn into his favourite furry friend. He wanted his dad to make him laugh or his mum to cuddle him, making him feel better instantly.
He wanted all the things Daisy wanted.
But they weren’t going to get it, ever again. All they had now was each other and he didn’t deserve to be shouted at.
‘Sorry munchkin,’ she cooed shakily, wiping the damp tracks of tears from her cheeks, ‘m’sorry I shouted. What’s the matter?’
Harry grumbled and nestled into her neck allowing her to wrap her arms around him. As he nestled whingily into her she realised he was still tired which was no surprise given the tumultuous night he’d been through. He was always needy after he awoke begging to be cuddled for a while until he felt ready to face being awake for good.
‘He’s probably ready for sumthin’ to eat,’ Hagrid said, the most he’d spoken the entire ride, ‘we’re not far now. ‘Bout half an hour or so.’
‘Right,’ Daisy said, her voice cracking from the lack of use. Hagrid was probably right, the sky was growing lighter now even though the sun was nowhere to be seen given the lateness of the year. Then again in the Scottish highlands there wasn’t much chance of the sun showing up at all which was backed by how cold it still was though as Hagrid started to descend, dipping below the cloud barrier towards the small settlement of Hogsmeade, it grew slightly warmer.
Whether it was Hagrid’s heft or the hardness of the mud underneath them the bike hit the floor with a thud, making Harry fuss and Daisy to feel a disconnect between her neck and brain. Hagrid dismounted rather gracefully, offering a large hand out for the toddler whilst Daisy got herself straight. Once sorted she took him back, the pair of them feeling rather put out even if the separation was momentary. Only then did Daisy look around, finding herself down the long lane that passed through the village out to the lookout post of the shrieking shack. A memory of traipsing down here on a snowy winter’s day with James bubbled in her mind but she shook it away as well as the tears it brought and followed Hagrid’s direction to enter through a back door. 
Daisy walked through it and found herself in an entryway, her only options to go through an old wooden door or up a narrow staircase and given she didn't know where she was she waited for Hagrid to duck through and lead the way. As he closed the door behind them, locking the fresh air out and trapping her in the scent of stale ale she realised she was in a pub. She was sure it wasn’t the Three Broomsticks, they were too far out of town, so she reckoned more than likely it was the Hog’s Head though why Dumbledore would be here she didn’t.
Either way she didn’t care, following Hagrid up the rickety old staircase that moaned and protested under his weight as he climbed to too thin stairs. The room he led her to was a reasonable size but it appeared smaller due to the sheer amount of furniture that had been crammed inside it. An old couch and armchairs were nestled by the roaring fire and one half of the wall had been taken up by a small kitchenette, stocked with the bare necessities, but the majority of the room resembled an office, albeit a messy one. Yet however chaotic and unlike Dumbledore’s it was he still looked quite at home stationed behind the large desk.
By his side was a woman she’d only ever seen in the prophet. Milicent Bagnold a hard faced, unyielding woman with a permanent look of displeasure riddled upon her face. ‘She looks like she’s lost a galleon and found a knut,’ Sirius had said the day she was appointed Minister for Magic. She looked that way now, her beady eyes narrowing as Daisy walked in no doubt looking bedraggled as ever.
In contrast McGonagall, who was by Dumbledore’s other side, looked positively motherly with her face growing concerned and sad as she took in Daisy and Harry, who was watching them all curiously. She even moved to hug her, her boney hand on Daisy’s shoulder, but Dumbledore stopped her, rising from his seat and placing his hands on the desk before clearing his throat in warning as he said, ‘Minerva.’
McGonagall glanced at Daisy and then sighed, backing up and away from the pair of them leaving them standing in the middle of the room exposed to all. Dumbledore offered her a smile but it didn’t have the normal warmth to it, the matter too grave that not even he could instill hope in anyone. And to her surprise he didn’t offer her any words of comfort or hope instead he merely asked, ‘with whom did you share a dormitory with during your time at Hogwarts?’
‘What?’ Daisy asked, the question coming from the left field though as he started to repeat himself she realised he was still following protocol. Even when Voldemort was dead. When her sister and James were dead. He was still acting to the letter as if it mattered.
‘Alice, Mar and Lil,’ she parroted robotically, finally earning herself a sympathetic smile though it only came from McGonagall. Dumbledore just shrugged and said, ‘sorry I had to ask. Hagrid, what is the name of your new puppy?’
‘Fang Dumbledore sir,’ Hagrid replied, ‘what was the last thing the three of us spoke of?’
‘James and Lily’s passing,’ Dumbledore replied.
Daisy fought the wave of tears that came at his words not that Hagrid fared as well, sniffling and wiping his still red eyes with the corner of his sleeve. In fact all she could think to say was, ‘you knew?’
‘Ah,’ Dumbledore said, finally offering a sad smile, ‘word got to us early I’m afraid. That’s why I sent Hagrid.’
‘We were hoping it was a false alarm,’ McGonagall added, ‘though I suspect-‘
‘It’s not,’ Daisy said flatly.
‘Is he,’ Dumbledore said, gesturing to the toddler in her arms, his eyes still bright and inquisitive in this new environment.
‘He’s fine from what we can tell but well there’s this,’ Daisy said, pushing the mop of black hair from his brow so that the lightning shaped cut was visible to them. She hadn’t dared to look at it since Sirius had shown her, the queasy feeling it gave her returning at the sight of it.
‘Mmm,’ Dumbledore mused, not easing her queasy feeling.
‘What? What is it?’ she asked worriedly.
‘A curse,’ Dumbledore said evenly.
‘A curse?’ Daisy asked, instinctively brushing her hand across it. Harry giggled and grabbed hold of it, playing with the ring on her finger which she allowed him to do. She was just thankful he was content.
‘A rebound curse it looks like. From whatever Voldemort tried to do,’ Dumbledore clarified, his words earning a shiver from everyone but Daisy. Once recovered the minister took a step forward, a question on the tip of her tongue though all she asked was, ‘Dumbledore?’
‘We know that the prophecy spoke of Harry being the one with the power to defeat Lord Voldemort, yes?’ Dumbledore asked, unable to hide his contempt for having to explain himself to the woman. The minister nodded, ‘well, what the Dark Lord may not have thought is that the power may always be in existence.’
‘But he’s just a baby!’ McGonagall protested.
‘And he has just survived the most evil wizard in the history of our world. With only a mark to suggest otherwise,’ Dumbledore shrugged, ‘his scar by effect is proof of it.’
The room was quiet, contemplating how a mere child could possibly have stopped the greatest evil any of them had ever known when his parents and countless others before him hadn’t been able to. Daisy didn’t know what to think but all she knew was that she didn’t like the look in the minister’s eyes, fear and awe. Daisy shifted Harry in her arms, jostling him until his head was on her shoulder, facing away from them all. Dumbledore sensed the reservation in her and cleared his throat, distracting the woman as he said, ‘now of course he may have had help in the matter. From what I am told James and Lily lay down their lives which I can only imagine acted as protection.’
‘Blood magic,’ McGonagall said gravely.
‘Yes Minerva,’ Dumbledore agreed, ‘blood magic. A deep protection, one of love.’
‘Then you were right Dumbledore,’ the minister said firmly,  ‘it must be them. Family is the way to go in this instance.’
‘But Dumbledore must it be them?’ McGonagall sighed, ‘from what I’ve seen.’
‘They are family Minerva,’ Dumbledore implored.
‘I’m sorry, what are you on about?’ Daisy asked, unable to find the thread of the conversation through all the waffle though the knot in her stomach told her something was amiss. They’d been deep in conversation, the three of them debating with one another but they looked up as she spoke as if they’d forgotten she was even there.
‘Harry must be protected,’ the minister said as though it were obvious. Daisy fought the urge to roll her eyes merely biting back through gritted teeth, ‘yes I know that.’
‘And the blood magic in him will serve as added protection but our primary defence would be for him to live away from the wizarding world whilst everything is fresh and Voldemort’s followers are still at large,’ the minister explained, ‘which is why he should go and live with his aunt and uncle.’
‘Right,’ Daisy agreed though as she looked at them, sharing awkward glances, that knot in her stomach grew, ‘wait you mean Petunia?!’
‘Miss Evans,’ Dumbledore said with a sigh.
‘You cannot seriously want to send him to live with Petunia!’ Daisy said, her voice growing shriller which disturbed Harry even though she pressed on, ‘that is not happening!’
‘Daisy,’ McGonagall said softly, ‘you’re young and grieving-‘
‘And?’ Daisy snapped, ‘if anything who better! We know what he’s lost. Petunia hasn’t even met him! She doesn’t even like James or wizards for that matter that’s why they wanted him to be with me, us, should anything happen. We’re his aunt and uncle.’
‘You mean his godparents,’ the minister corrected.
‘Yes!’ Daisy said indignantly.
‘We’re supposed to trust him to you two,’ the minister asked, quirking a perfectly sculpted brow with a look of disdain.
‘Why wouldn’t you!’ Daisy shouted, ‘Sirius and I-‘
‘Sirius Black has just been apprehended for the murder of Peter Pettigew and twelve muggles,’ the minister challenged. Daisy faltered, the words not landing properly in her brain.
‘What?’ she asked, looking to McGonagall and Dumbledore for some clarification but they only offered looks of sadness. With a slight air of smugness the minister produced a copy of the daily prophet from her robes and dumped it on the table, front page out.
There, emblazoned on the front page was an article about the death of Lord Voldemort and the news of Harry, dubbing her nephew as ‘The Boy Who Lived’ but she turned over to the following page and there in front of her was a headline that made her heart stop.
The photo below it was of a street where body bags and rubble littered the ground but she didn’t look at it, jumping straight to the article below it. She could feel eyes on her but she couldn’t make sense of the words, they wouldn’t sit right in her brain. ‘Mass murder’, ‘Death Eater’, ‘Peter Pettigrew’ were the only things that jumped out at her.
‘No,’ she whispered, whether to herself or them she wasn’t sure. But this had to be incorrect. Sirius was not a murderer, not to muggles, not to anyone. Not one of his best friends. A wave of grief, that admittedly was all too familiar in these past few hours, crashed through her again at the idea of losing Peter. How was this happening, they had to be wrong. They’d made a mistake they had to have, ‘no he wouldn’t do that. He couldn’t-’
‘He would if his master was dead,’ the minister countered.
‘What are you talking about?’ Daisy asked exhaustedly.
‘Daisy, did you not wonder how Voldemort managed to find James and Lily,’ Dumbledore said quietly.
‘Well there must’ve been a mole like we’ve suspected for weeks,’ Daisy started before a pointed look made the implication dawn on her. And just like she couldn’t accept that Sirius could be involved in murder she couldn’t believe what they were suggesting, ‘no, no, not Sirius. He wouldn’t do that to James-‘
‘Daisy,’ McGonagall said sadly.
‘He was his brother! He wouldn’t do that to him or Lil. He wouldn’t do that to Harry!’ she shouted, her voice echoing around the wooden walls. What she wanted to scream was that he wouldn’t do that to her. He would never betray her like that. James either.
‘Or he’s a master manipulator to have you fooled as you are,’ the minister said walking towards her as she eyed her menacingly, ‘or you’re with him.’
‘What?’ Daisy breathed, her breath shaky from shouting and her arm starting to hurt where Harry had unsettled and started to fidget pulling at her hair for attention. The minister didn’t pay her notice, turning to look at the others, dismissing her as if she were a child in timeout, ‘you were right Dumbledore.’
‘Albus please,’ McGonagall said, casting a look at Daisy before pleading with the headmaster who seemed to be contemplating.
‘She’s not to be trusted,’ the minister reiterated.
‘What?’ Daisy gasped, ‘how dare you!’
‘Oh look at you!’ the minister snapped, brushing the young girl aside as she carried on speaking to Dumbledore, ‘she’s a mess! Erratic and hot-headed just like you said. He is the most famous wizard in the world Dumbledore he needs to be safe-’
‘He’s my nephew!’ Daisy shrieked.
‘And a murderer’s godson,’ the minister spat before she got a hold of herself and straightened up, apparently embarrassed at her loss of control as she decreed, ‘he must go to his other family Dumbledore surely you must agree?’
‘You can’t,’ Daisy whispered, panic setting in, ‘you can’t give him to Petunia, he's never even met her!’
‘But she’s a relative,’ Dumbledore countered.
‘I’m a relative!’ Daisy shrieked.
‘And a mentally unbalanced one by the looks of things!’ the minister sneered.
‘Dumbledore please think about this! Daisy has a point, hasn’t he lost enough? Harry should go to someone he knows. Someone he’s familiar with-‘
‘Why not give him to the murderer himself!’ the minister challenged, folding her arms across her chest.
‘You know that is not the same!’ McGonagall said shrilly, ‘didn’t you see her? She looked just as blindsided as the rest of us by the news of Siri, of him.’
‘And we’re supposed to trust her word for it?’ the minister asked.
‘I do not believe he had any other associates minister,’ Dumbledore said calmly.
But Daisy didn’t care. She wasn’t focused on who had done what or betrayed who. All she was thinking about was the idea of Harry being ripped from her, forced to spend his days with Petunia. McGonagall was right hadn’t Harry lost enough? Hadn’t she lost enough?
Her mind was still reeling from losing James and Lily but now Peter too. And Sirius.
No, no, no, it couldn’t be right. He couldn’t have been behind this there must be another explanation. Her Sirius couldn’t be a murderer. The boy who had been smart enough to flee the dark wizards at fifteen couldn’t fall in line with them now at the age of twenty one. He hated them more than anyone. He wouldn’t have betrayed his family for them. And they were family. He had promised her that. 
He wouldn’t have done that to her. And if he had she would’ve known right? She would’ve seen it coming, right?
They lived together, climbed into the same bed every night, and spoke every day. Sure as the war had plodded on it had been tense. As restrictions and protocols had been implemented restricting what they could and could not speak of in their own home their conversations had become superficial and few. But she would’ve known right? After all they’d all suspected a traitor in their midst but she would’ve spotted if he was underneath her nose, wouldn’t she?
As she’d been dwelling on it she hadn't realised she had been backing up away from the arguing and chaos of it all until she felt the cool metal of a door knob nestled in her back. At the clunk the group looked at her but she didn’t think, fleeing through it and slamming it closed behind her, locking it quickly behind her. She heard them rush towards her but she didn’t care not even when the minister called, ‘if you think you’re helping the matter you’re sorely mistaken missy!’
Daisy didn’t pay the old hag any attention. She wasn’t trying to flee. She wasn’t even trying to hide. She just wanted a moment to herself. A moment away from all the worry and accusations. A moment to regroup. To make sense of it all.
But it was something she couldn’t make sense of and so she didn’t bother and instead sank to the floor, allowing the tears to pour from her. Harry seemed concerned about his blubbering auntie but when his attempts to make her feel better by pressing sloppy kisses to her damp cheeks didn’t improve the situation he gave up, opting to nestle into her as she wept.
She didn’t know how long she spent crying on the floor of that bedroom. In fact she was surprised Harry hadn’t started to fuss after a while but when she glanced down she found him asleep, thoroughly exhausted. He didn’t even disturb as the door unlatched creaking open. Daisy didn’t fight it. She wasn’t sure she had much fight left in her truth be told. Instead she allowed McGonagall to enter and watched as she sat herself down on the floor beside her, albeit rather ungracefully as she landed with an ‘oomph.’
They were quiet for a moment both staring at the now closed door, the only thing to be heard was a gentle sniffle from the blonde.
‘Daisy,’ McGonagall said after a beat.
‘He wouldn’t,’ Daisy whispered, more for herself than anyone else, ‘he wouldn’t do this I know he wouldn’t.’
‘I know,’ McGonagall said softly. Daisy turned to look at her with surprise. McGonagall sighed, ‘I know he wouldn’t and I don’t want to believe it either trust me. But there is no other explanation. After all he was their secret keeper wasn’t he?’
‘Yes but they,’ Daisy started but McGonagall placed a hand on her knee to silence her.
‘Daisy you can keep believing it and if you truly truly Sirius is innocent then who am I to tell you not to,’ McGonagall reasoned, her lined face growing more sombre as she said, ‘but Harry needs you.’
‘I know,’ Daisy whispered.
‘I have watched your sister Daisy and I do not like what I saw. He needs you. He needs a connection to our kind even if he’s kept away from all of this,’ she said gesturing to nothing, ‘but Dumbledore needs to be able to trust you and right now he is struggling.’
‘How can I make him trust me?’ Daisy asked.
‘You need to decide what you want more. Harry or your loyalty to someone who may very well have betrayed you,’ McGonagall said, reaching out and moving a limp strand of hair from Daisy’s face, a sad smile on her lips as she said, ‘I know it’s hard to believe we can be taken for fools but it is not impossible.’
And with that she climbed up, groaning as her bones protested, before scuttling from the room.
That was the question.
Did she believe Sirius could have betrayed them? No, but why? Because she loved him? Because he told her he loved her? Did that mean anything when it came down to it? All her life she had been the emotional twin. The volatile one. She’d always allowed emotions and feelings to cloud her judgment but where had that gotten her. More importantly it wasn’t just her she had to think of, it was Harry. At that she wondered what Lily would think. Lily would look at the facts.
James would tell her there was no way this could be true but not her Lil. She’d believe it all unless the cold hard evidence pointed another way and right now it looked like it did. He was their secret keeper after all. He had been seen murdering twelve muggles in broad daylight. He’d murdered their friend.
‘Blown to smithereens,’ had been the phrasing in the prophet and with that a new wave of nausea hit and she lurched forward knocking Harry off her knee as she attempted to reach the bin but missed spewing the watery remnants of stomach acid onto the wooden floor. With a flourish of her wand she cleaned it up and then stood, scooping a disgruntled Harry from the floor before she headed out back into the room.
The minister was gone now and McGonagall, Dumbledore and Hagrid had all taken to sitting around the fire though admittedly Hagrid looked as if the chair he was sitting in had sprouted out of him rather than him sitting in it. Daisy sighed and settled into the only empty armchair passing Harry to McGonagall on her way so that they might both have some respite.
She couldn’t be focused on him at this moment in time. She was playing ball.
‘I’m glad you could finally join us,’ Dumbledore said as though she’d only just gotten there and had not been squirrelled away for god knows how long, ‘tea?’
‘No thanks,’ Daisy said, the acrid taste of vomit still in her mouth. From beside her McGonagall conjured a baby bottle and tested the warmth of the milk on her wrist before offering it to Harry who took it happily, nestling back into the older witch as he drank. Daisy debated taking it off him. After all the sun was rising through the window which meant he’d be due a proper breakfast then again she realised there wasn't much point in doing so. It wasn’t as though he was sticking to the militant regime Lily had been implementing recently to improve his sleeping and eating. Fed was fed at this point. Not to mention she could get him back on track when they were settled somewhere but to do that she’d need to play the game, toe the line and make Dumbledore think she was ready to become his guardian. 
And so with the taste of bile growing stronger in her mouth she said, ‘I’m sorry about all that. I know what you must think but well my entire life just sort of imploded in one night.’
‘It’s understandable,’ Dumbledore said, ‘quite a shock for us all.’
‘I just can’t believe,’ she was going to say ‘that he did it’ but she could feel their eyes heavy on her and defaulted to, ‘that I could be so blind.’
‘Spies are good at what they do, Miss Evans,’ Dumbledore said, ‘that’s why they’re spies.’
‘Had us all fooled the nasty lil toerag,’ Hagrid grunted. Daisy had to will herself not to flinch.
‘Either way the matter is being dealt with,’ Dumbledore said diplomatically. At that her ears pricked up her words coming before she thought, ‘how exactly?’
‘Azkaban,’ Dumbledore said.
‘Right,’ she said, forcing the lump in her throat down as all the tales and anecdotes she’d heard about the brutality of the place rushed to the forefront of her mind.
‘Cut and dry I’m afraid, which means he’ll be there by nightfall and more importantly away from Harry,’ Dumbledore said.
‘Yeah, right,’ Daisy mumbled, trying to push the idea of shackles and dementors from her mind.
‘Miss Evans,’ Dumbledore said, capturing her attention once more. His tone was serious now. This was the crux of the matter and he was scrutinising her every move to make sure her answers aligned with what he needed to hear. Daisy straightened up, pushing her shoulders down as she tried to keep her breathing level. Dumbledore continued, ‘I know what the minister may think but I can assure you I do not see this matter the same way. I believe in your innocence.’
‘Thank you,’ she said quietly. She wanted to scream that he had no reason not to, that she was innocent, but she didn't bother. Now was not the time for charging in without thought.
‘But that doesn’t mean I am sure about what should happen with regards to Harry. Voldemort may be gone but his followers live on. And like the actions of Sirius Black we cannot know what they might do now they are without a leader,’ Dumbledore said, ‘that is why I thought your sister to be a good fit. Not because of doubt for yourself but because by the very essence of being a muggle she has more protection than anyone. Blood magic may very well protect the boy but a muggle world is a buffer to everything.’
‘What do you mean?’ Daisy asked, confused.
‘I do not wish to rip Harry from what he knows any more than you do. I understand that you are a big part of his life but his life as it is cannot continue,’ Dumbleodore said.
‘I don’t understand,’ Daisy said.
‘Harry needs to be raised away from our world. As a muggle,’ Dumbledore said flatly.
‘What?’ Daisy gasped.
‘He needs to be raised away from-’
‘Magic! You want to deprive him of magic!’ Daisy baulked recalling her own mundane muggle upbringing, the childhood that had felt as though it was in black and white until the age of eleven when magic had turned everything technicolour.
‘I want to keep him from other wizards,’ Dumbledore corrected, ‘he is vulnerable.’
‘And how is leaving him without magic protecting him?’ Daisy asked.
‘He won't be without magic. He’ll have you. Of course you would have to play the part of a muggle, pretend so to speak, but in time he will learn the truth. He will come to Hogwarts as you and his parents did. He will be a magnificent wizard Daisy,’ Dumbledore assured, ‘but for now the wizarding world is no place for him. He’ll be left to be a legend in his own right without having to live as one under everyone’s scrutiny.’
Daisy thought about it for a moment. She could see their point. Her barely two year old nephew had just taken down the most evil wizard in history that wasn’t exactly something people would get over in a hurry. Whether good or bad. If they stayed in the wizarding world they’d be just as isolated anyway, confined by prying eyes and ears. To live as a muggle would keep him safe and free. 
But to deprive him of magic?
To lie to him until he was of an age to understand it all felt wrong. It was depriving him a piece of himself. The true memory of his parents. Not to mention depriving herself of it. How could she speak of James and Lily in earnest with so many lies nestled in between to make everything sound normal.
Then again what choice would she have. To deny Dumbledore would only end up with him being shipped off to Petunia’s with him being forced to live this life anyway only without the benefit of her beside him. It was a lose-lose situation.
‘So what do we do?’ Daisy asked, earning a kind smile in return as Dumbledore rose from his seat, smoothing out his dark purple robes for a moment.
‘For now stay here,’ he said, ‘I’ll have a room set up for you whilst we make arrangements.’
‘He can stay with me?’ she asked, though as Dumbledore looked over his half-moon spectacles eyeing her closely she panicked that she’d asked the wrong thing.
‘Do you promise to fulfill your end of this agreement?’ he asked.
‘I promise,’ Daisy nodded.
‘Excellent,’  he smiled as though he’d just agreed for the Hogwarts house elves to make apple crumble instead of jam roly-poly for dessert and not a life changing decision, ‘Minerva if you could speak to Aberforth regarding a room and then if you could acquire some provisions for them both.’
‘Yes Dumbledore,’ McGonagall said, slipping Harry off her lap and onto Daisy’s in such a fluid motion that he didn’t even disturb and instead kept guzzling away at his bottle which was near done.
‘Hagrid come with me,’ Dumbledore said, pressing his hand to the man’s shoulder, ‘I have things for you to do whilst I’m with the minister.’
‘Right you are Dumbledore,’ Hagrid said, pulling himself from the chair and heading out the door McGonagall had just headed through.
Once it was just her and Dumbledore alone he smiled at her and nodded before saying, ‘I know this isn’t easy Miss Evans. But I must ask you to trust in me.’
And with that he flounced from the room, closing the door behind him gently. Daisy flopped back exhausted, finally closing her eyes for the first time since last night. None of it seemed real.
James. Lily. Voldemort. Peter. Sirius. Azkaban. Death. Harry.
Everything bounced around in her brain in a jumble of pain and sorrow but as she heard the teet of the bottle detaching and felt it fall into her lap she looked to find Harry watching her, his hand now done holding the bottle and instead holding her necklace.
Her Daisy chain that she’d worn every day since it had been bought for her.
A reminder of the now tainted memories it held. Without thinking she yanked at it, snapping the clasp apart and taking it from the boy's hand. He allowed her to, watching as she slipped it into her back pocket unsure of what to do with it just yet.
‘Just you and me eh?’ she asked, taking his hand in hers and kissing it, ‘just you and auntie Dais.’
Harry gurgled and smiled gumily at her.
‘Merlin help us both eh?’
@mysteriouslydelicateface @caitlin1996 @imthebadguyyy @maeisafangirl
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sweetmoonlight7 · 4 months
He knew what it was…- jegulus microfic- Word Count: 664
Contrary to popular belief Regulus Black falls in love unfortunately often.
say what you will about.
is it because he never felt loved by his parents?
because begrudgingly he seeks for others warmth, love?
It doesn’t really matter.The point is that over his life time he has fallen in love all the time. Sometimes it was an innocent almost childish awe of someone. Other times it was just a general interest in something they did…but usually they don’t last this long.
He remembers falling for someone for the first time. Thinking about them in class, looking at the in the great hall. Although there was never a real interest from him to go up to them and talk or even ask them out. He just liked them…
As the weeks passed eventually his crush on someone would evaporate. Yes, he would remember them and how he liked them, but it was always a little difficult to remember why?
Was it their eyes?
Maybe the way they talked?
How kind they appeared to be?
Regardless, he found himself becoming uninterested with them quickly. It was always a surface level love. Something that burned hot and fast always fleeting away in no time.
This wasn’t like that..
Falling in love with james potter was all in compassing. It was something inevitable that took over his life entirely. Even the annoying arrogant things that the other boy did would make butterflies erupt in his stomach. He would stare at the boy and think about him and it had been months!!
At first he thought it would fade, like all the times before this. Now he thinks falling in love may have been inevitable. Sirius used to talk so much about James, especially after his first year at Hogwarts. How kind, funny, and just over all amazing he was. That he was a good listener and cared so much about him without asking for anything in return. The way that his love and energy could rival the sun for brightness. According to Siri, James Potter was perfect.
That wasn’t what he thought when he got to Hogwarts though. For most of his first year he hated the other boy. It felt like he was stealing his brother from him. Sure he was good looking but he was also extremely annoying and arrogant. He thought he was the best in everything he did and didn’t care for anyone that wasn’t his friends.
After Sirius and Regulus talked things over and reconnected James was everywhere.
When he walked to class he would see James. In the great hall, at the quidditch pitch, near the dorms??? He was everywhere. It was infuriating, who did he think he was? Did he really believe he was that important that everyone around him would drop everything to watch him??
Unfortunately, Regulus has horrible luck. So after weeks of James persistently annoying him and asking to hang out with his best friend’s little brother because “hey we’re practically family now!”. He finally agreed to go to Hogsmade with all of them…and yeah he started noticing James a lot more. He hoped that this irrational feeling he had would go away eventually, but it’s been months since the trip.
For how long do you have to obsess over someone for it to be considered being in love? He would ask his friends but Barty was an insensitive asshole who would no doubt laugh, and if he told Evan then he would tell Barty. Maybe he could tell Dorcas? Although he is almost sure that she would tell Marlene and that would no doubt end up with either Siri or James knowing. At first he was tempted to tell Dora she would be nice and understanding but she has the tendency to see right through him.
He won’t say it l, truly refuses to regardless of how much he thinks about it…but he knows what his answer is and it’s obvious that he is in love.
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ziggystrdust · 1 year
Mkay so I’ve had this idea for a long while, but if it’s too silly and no one wants to read it then I won't embarrass myself with trying to write it. Lmk if you actually like it because it would give me copious amounts of motivation to actually try forming a plot. Also, side note, if you have anything you think will better the plot regarding anything I mention pls lmk!!! How will I improve if I don’t get some help:)
Ships will most likely be Jegulus, Wolfstar, Dorlene, Rosekiller, and Marylily (maybe pandalily idk)
Mkay so a modern, non-magical, high school au, where they all work at a country club for the summer. James, Sirius, Marlene, and Barty are lifeguards. Remus works the snack bar with Peter and Dorcas. Pandora, Mary, and Evan are pool attendants. Lily is a teacher who teaches the little kids how to swim, and finally, Regulus is the newly hired pool attendant.
I haven’t thought much about the plot itself-just ideas. But I'm gonna try to do a lil snippet.
(also I dont know if this means much but I am in fact a teenager who works as a pool attendant at a posh country club where I check in and give towels to rich snobby people. I also have to deal with annoying lifeguards, so everything will be pretty realistic in that sense <3 )
Regulus Black, the former heir of the Black family fortune, was now just a broke teenager living with his aunt, Andromeda Black (soon to be Tonks), her soon-to-be husband Ted Tonks, and their daughter Nymphadora Tonks.
Although they felt no shame in funding the seventeen-year-old boy, he did, and he didn't want to be more of a burden on the accepting family. That’s how he found himself applying for jobs everywhere, against Andromeda’s pleadings not to worry about it. Most places were skeptical about letting the baby Black work for them, knowing his and his family’s past, all except for one place -a posh country club full of members who were the richest in all of the city. Regulus immediately took the job and didn’t think twice about it.
Maybe if he did, he would remember that his brother, who was disowned by the Black family five years ago, worked there with every single one of his agitating friends, including the one and only James Potter. If he then thought a second about that thought, he would remember the fact he hates his brother (and Potter for that matter) and his brother hates him. This will be such a fun summer!
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lazychildoflife · 11 months
Regulus and Barty Balcony Scene
I thought of this scene a long time ago and kept working on it when I could in between uni, work, family and friends. I really commend people who do this on the daily because I don't know how they do it. I really hope you enjoy this Bartylus fun. 😉
Shout out to @crimsonlovebartylus for betareading this for me at the last minute.
Regulus was meant to take the mark. It was what was expected from him since Sirius left or even before then. He knew Sirius was going to leave him one day. Ever since he met Potter, Regulus knew Sirius found a new life. One without Regulus in it.
He knew fire wasn't something to mess with no matter how much Regulus loved how it looked. The flickering colours of yellow, orange and red reminded him of his estranged brother. It also gave him control. The control Sirius wouldn't give him. The control their parents wouldn't give him.
Fire; he can control.
"Master Regulus," Kreacher muttered softly over the crackling of the large flames. "We need to go."
Regulus glared at the flickering flames and the black smoke that covered their skies.
"Not before making a stop. I need to pick someone up." Regulus grabbed Kreacher's hand and asked him to apparate them away just as a wizard apparated onto the road, followed by a number of other wizards.
Regulus waved Kreacher away as he headed towards the white balcony and the demented tree that sprung wisteria all around it. Regulus knew his parents wouldn't be home that night. Regulus' own parents were away at Voldemort's meeting whist Barty's was definitely still at the Ministry dinner. Regulus was meant to get the dark mark tomorrow night as a celebration of tonight's attack. However, the only thing they will see is ashes.
Regulus looked for a few small rocks at the base of the tree and hurling them over the balcony, hitting the connected door which was covered in sea green drapes. Barty was adamant in defying his father and decorated him room in everything Slytherin. Green drapes, expensive taste and even Salazar Slytherin's portrait facing the door so it would be the first thing someone would see when they walked into Barty's room.
Regulus smiled as the lights turned on, illuminating in the dark. He felt giddy. As if he had his favourite sweet or food after not eating for a week or a simple sip of water.
Regulus hummed to himself as he stepped closer to the tree, still keeping his eyes on the pearlescent balcony. "'He jests at scars that never felt a wound,'" he exclaimed with a sigh.
Regulus could hear the door open and footsteps, before a brown tuff of hair over the balcony, and sky blue eyes latching onto his. Barty smiled at him and laughed. "'But, soft!'" Regulus shouted, now grinning up at his best friend. "'What light through yonder window breaks?"
Regulus waved at Barty, who waited for Regulus for more. "'It is the east, and Barty is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, who is already sick and pale with grief, that thou his maid art far more fair than he: be not his maid, since he is envious; his vestal livery is but sick and green and none bit fools do wear it; cast it off.'"
Regulus grabbed the tree and tugged on the wisteria before climbing up until the first branch before sitting on it. Barty laughed and leaned on his hand before nudging his head, signalling to Regulus to carry on.
"'It is my man, O, it is my love!'" Regulus exclaimed, shouting the words as Barty send a kiss. "'O, that he knew he were! He speaks yet he says nothing: what of that?'" Regulus cocks his brow at Barty with a giggle escaping him before he could stop himself.
Regulus climbs up a second branch, "'His eyes discourses; I will answer it.'" Regulus copies Barty's lazy stance. "'I am too bold, 'tis not to me he speaks: two of the fairest stars in all the heaven, having some business, do entreat his eyes to twinkle in their spheres till they return. What if his eyes were there, they in his head? The brightness of his cheek would shame those stars, as daylight doth a lamp; his eyes in heaven would through the airy region stream so bright that birds would sing and think it were not not. See, how he leans his cheek upon his hand!'" Barty rolls his eyes and walked over to where the tree is before leaning over, eyes watching Regulus as he loses his mind to a Shakespearean sonnet. "'O, that I were a glove upon that hand, that I might touch that cheek!'"
"There's another set of cheeks you can touch."
Regulus groans, "say the line, arsehole."
"You call me the most kindest of names, sweetheart."
"Barty," Regulus moaned, resisting the strong urge to stomp his leg on the tree.
Barty chuckled and gasped. "'Ay me!'"
"'He speaks-'"
"-I can't do this-"
"Barty!" Regulus glares at him before clearing his throat and carrying on with the scene as if the boy above him wasn't snorting at Regulus' climbing skills. "'O, speak again, bright angel!'" Regulus shoots another fierce look at Barty as he opens his mouth again. "'For thou art as glorious to this night, being o'er my head as a winged messenger of heaven unto the white-upturned wondering eyes of mortals that fall back to gaze on him when he bestrides the lazy-pacing clouds and sails upon the bosom of the air.'"
Barty glances at his chest before shrugging. "'O Regulus, Regulus! Wherefore art thou Regulus? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; or, if thou wilt not but sworn my love, and I'll no longer be a Crouch.'"
Regulus cocked his head, "'shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this?'"
"'Tis but thy name that is my enemy; thou art thyself, though not a Black. What's Black? It is nor hand, nor foot, nor arm, nor face, nor any other part belonging to a man. O, be some other name. What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet; so Regulus would, were he not Regulus call'd, retain that dear perfection which he owes without that title. Regulus, doff thy name, and for that name which is no part of thee take all myself.'"
Regulus grinned up at Barty before climbing up another branch, inching closer and closer to the earth-haired boy. "'I take thee at thy word: call me but love, and I'll be new baptized; henceforth I never will be Regulus.'"
"'What man art thou that thus bescreen'd in night so stumblest on my counsel?'"
"'By a name I know not how to tell thee who I am: my name, dear Saint, is hateful to myself, because it is an enemy to thee; had i it written, I would tear the word.'"
"You'd kill my enemies for me, oh sweet Regulus?"
"Thats not the line."
"Screw the line," Barty grabbed Regulus' shirt and pulled him closer. "You'd slay my enemies, sweetheart."
"Not while you keep interrupting this."
"I'll be demanding an answer after this." Barty pushed Regulus away gently before placing his hand over his forehead like one of those fainting women in paintings. "'Myears have not yet drunk a hundred words of that tongue's utterance, yet I know the sound: art thou not Regulus and a Black?'"
"'Neither, fair Saint, if either thee dislike.'" Regulus said, not as the Romeo but as himself. Since the moment he burned Grimmauld Place down he was no longer a Black. Simply Regulus.
"'How comest thou hither, tell me, and wherefore?'" Barty sighed staring down the wisteria and the weakened tree. "'The orchard walls are high and hare to climb-'"
"They were not that hard to climb."
"Who's interrupting who now?" Barty said with humorous eyes as Regulus muttered an unapologetic apology. Barty cleared his throat. "'And the place death, considering who thou art. If any of my kinsmen find thee here...'"
"'With love's light wings did I o'er-perch these walls; for stone limits cannot hold love out and what love can do that dares love attempt. Therefore thy kinsmen are no let to me.'"
"'If they do see thee, they will murder thee.'"
"'Alack, there lies more peril in thine eye than twenty of their swords. Look thou but sweet, and I am proof against their enmity.'"
"'I would not for the world they saw thee here.'"
"'I have night's cloak to hide me from their sight and but thou love me, let them find me here. My life were better ended by their hate, than death prorogued, wanting of thy love.'"
Barty furrowed his brows as if he had just realised who he was talking to. "'By whose direction found'st thou out this place?'"
"'By love, who first did prompt me to inquire. He lent me counsel and I lent him eyes. I am no pilot; yet, wert thou as far as that vast shore wash'd with the farthest sea, I would adventure for such merchandise,'" Regulus replied, hoping for Barty to make the connection. He was no longer apart of this war.
He was free.
"Reggie, what did you do?"
"Does it matter?" Regulus climbed out the balcony and placed his feet firmly on the floor. "I'm here to ask you something. It is something of great importance."
"You haven't heard the question," Regulus said, trying to stop the smile that was breaking onto his face.
"Its you," Barty said softly as if it way a hidden secret just between the two of them. "I'll follow you to hell and back. I swear it."
"Don't swear by that," Regulus fussed. Hell was mean to be for sinners and he couldn't deny they were both sinners; Regulus wanted Barty to be with him after this life. Regulus wanted Barty to always to be there with him. That would be his Heaven.
Barty and Regulus.
Regulus and Barty.
Together Always. "Oh," Barty smirked, taking a leaf out of Regulus' hair, "'What shall I swear by?'"
"'Do not swear at all; or, if thou wilt, swear by thy gracious self, which is the god of my idolatry, and I'll believe thee.'" Regulus paused for a beat before clearing his throat once more as if he'd spoken for too long. "Barty, will you-"
A knock froze Regulus in his place. Barty was meant to be home alone as his parents gallivanted in a Ministry party with the rest of the boring middle-aged office workers. The plan wasn't going as he planned. Or it was perhaps his parents, automatically thinking that he would go to Barty because of their long-standing friendship. But wouldn't they think to go to the Potters first. Or did they believe that their perfect second son wouldn't fall to that level of his disgraced brother.
Barty pulled Regulus into the darkest corner of the balcony, hidden away beside the serpentine statue and the emerald green drapes. He rushed inside a Regulus gripped the warm hand that Barty held closer to his chest with a bated breath, waiting for his best friend to come back.
Regulus could hear Barty's footsteps as clear as the night sky. He closed his eyes, pressing his back into the serpent statue and waited, ready to call out Kreacher's name.
"Ah, Schnucki. Baby, you're still up?"
"I was reading on the balcony." Barty answered in the softest tone Regulus had ever heard him speak. "Are you ill again?"
"No. No, your father had an emergency at the Ministry so he had to leave. Schnucki, don't stay up too late. You need go keep growing up tall just like your grandfather, in ordnung?"
"In ordnung, ma. Good night."
Barty quickly closed the door and ran back out, letting out a breath as he spots Regulus in the same place as he left him. "Hey... 'wilt thou leave me so unsatisfied?'"
Regulus simply stared at his best friend for a minute before crashing into him, wrapping his arms tight around Barty. This may be his last time to see, touch or smell Barty and his had to cherish it. Regulus, just like everything else, was going to ruin this.
There was no return to normal after this.
There was no return to normal the second he lit the flame to burn down Grimmauld Place.
Regulus felt Barty wrap his own arms tight around Regulus, somehow sensitive to the guilt that Regulus was feeling. "Reggie," Barty breathed out, close to Regulus' ear and close to his heart. "Geliebte," he whispered. "My geliebte. What happened?"
"I'm leaving," Regulus murmured into Barty's shoulder. "I'm never coming back, Barty." Regulus could feel Barty stiffen as his hold around Regulus tightened with every word.
If Barty asked him to stay he would. So that's why he had to leave now.
Leave before Barty tried to make him stay.
Leave before Regulus puts his best friend in trouble.
Regulus used all his strength to push himself away from Barty. Barty let out a weak whimper as if the distance pained him. Regulus hardened his eyes or at least he tried to. He knew he couldn't fake his persona long enough in front of Barty because Barty knows him. Barty is one of the only people to truly know Regulus to his core.
Many have tried.
And even Pandora has come close.
But Barty simply knew who Regulus was. Who Regulus is. And who Regulus will be. "My train leaves at seven-twenty in the morning. It's the first train out to Paris."
Regulus hovered his hand over his heart, where a second ticket stayed warm. Who was Regulus to be selfish with Barty? This was a large risk for both of them to take? Barty could reject Regulus and he would be left alone to travel to France. Barty still had Even, Dorcas and Pandora at Hogwarts. He didn't need Regulus like Regulus needed Barty.
"Why?" Barty heaved as his chest quickened. "Why?"
"I can't do it anymore. I..." Regulus gripped the second ticket in his hand and pulled it out, "can't." He pressed the ticket into Barty's hand, holding it tight between his own. "I'll be there until my train comes."
Regulus grips Barty's cheek in his hand and felt the cool summer night but Regulus couldn't help but feel the warmth with Barty. Not heat like how he felt with James but the warmth of a cooling fire. The warmth of a soft, safe home Regulus had always imagined. Barty nestles his face into Regulus' hand, his eyelids fluttering shut. "'A thousand times good night,' Barty."
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aidyaiden · 2 months
I saw ur post abt marauders. I joined the fandom like 5 months ago and am very deep already. (Also- side note- BYLER! I need them to be canon!) 
So I thought i’d give you some insight. I hope this is not too overwhelming. 
So, I started from Wolfstar, ran into a couple of tiktok, learnt fan casts of the main five (marauders and Lily) and picked up some headcanons (which says a lot about the fandoms perception of a character)
a lot of ppl will say to read the long fics (such as ATYD) but that’s totally up to you. I still haven’t read those cause I can’t read long fics. 
I read a lot of one shots, sometimes factoring in character tags on ao3, so I could see a little more of different characters. 
Oh and I found fanart of the big group (including the slytherins) helpful. Once I could identify everyone from fanart alone just by scrolling through tumblr I felt like i’d achieved something (since all the characters look very different to canon. Eg, they’re not all white anymore- thank god). 
So you start with Marauders (James, Sirius, Remus, Peter). Then there’s Lily, Mary, Marlene in Gryffindor. 
Then an extension of that is Dorcas, Pandora, Barty and Evan in Slytherin with Regulus (Sirius’ brother). Although sometimes Dorcas and Pandora are in different houses but usually that friend group. 
Then there’s more depth but I won’t overwhelm you too much (there’s a massive part of the fandom just dedicated to Black family lore tbh)
oh and learning to identify ship names is another whole thing. 
Wolfstar (Remus and Sirius), Prongsfoot (James and Sirius), Sunseeker/Starchaser (James and Regulus), Moonwater (Remus and Regulus), Moonflower (Remus and Lily), Nobleflower (Alice and Narcissa), Rosekiller (Barty and Evan), Quillkiller (Bellatrix and Rita Skeeter). 
Oh and I have to add Dorlene (Dorcas and Marlene) who I don’t think have a ship name like that but I love them so yeah. 
And obviously you don’t have to go as deep as Rita and Bella- they’re a bit of a push to be considered marauders fandom anyway. And you can ship whoever you like. Or not ship anyone if you prefer- these can be used platonically. 
Basically I have no idea what level of Marauders knowledge you already have, but i’d say tumblr headcanons help a lot and don’t be afraid to ask questions cause most ppl in the fandom are lovely and happy to explain :) 
for now i think i'll just have to know the characters an recognize them etc because rn i only know sirius and remus from the HP movies (and i heard a bit about regulus, james and lily i think)
and so i wanted to ask you who are some good marauders fan artists? or just blogs? :')
yeah i'll just. try to scroll on the marauders tumblr a bit every day until they get in my brain
(and yes byler canon in s5!!! 😼)
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limetimo · 2 months
Ceremonious Nerves by tenrousei_kuroi psychological horror, Harry just arrived to Grimmauld Place and is finding out just how messed up his godfather is... and it's not just baout Azkaban
Confusions and Complications by whos_creativity third year. boggart lesson. On Harry's turn the boggart turns into a soaking wet bleeding boy... who is no-one else than Remus' old friend, Regulus Black!
old men and their pajamas by rsbarelle Fleamont and REgulus have the same pyjamas.
constant vigilance by maladaptivewriting jegulus smut, noncon roleplay
Regulus's (very professional) Guide to Forming a Family - a series -a feshly free (but still deeply traumatised) trans regulus starts working at a cafe, is befriended against his will by Remus, bumps into his estranged brother, meets said brother's friends, starts dating James, and overall finds himself with more family than he ever thought he'd have or need.
and though i burn, how could i fall? by theicarusconstellation icarus Regulus and Apollo James
lost and found by rxgulus James adopts a stray cat, doesn't know the stray cat is regulus actually
is this the end of all the endings? (his broken bones are mending) by rsbarelle sirius is raising regulus, also bartylus ♥
Gathering Home by Quietlemonhush Sirius is rasiing both Regulus and Harry, and Remus is the kindergarden teacher
Black's Anatomy by Scorpsblack sirius is a doctor and also raising regulus, who is 3 and has a brain tumor. Thankfully the hospital is full of friends! Regulus and Barty traumatise the entire play room.
Little Lion by TracingPatterns undersage incest also James/Regulus/Sirius
we're not worried, we're just having fun by grimjobs remus is a virgin and regulus is a slut, james has a brilliant idea.
How we all fall by georgia_sk harry is trying to get draco to date him and is very dramatic about it, much to jegulus' amusement.
Naughty, Knotty, Naughty by Anonymous Regulus/Harry/Sirius animagus smut
i can go anywhere i want (just not home) by rsbarelle regulus is Not having a good time and decides to follow in Sirius' footsteps and run away to the Potters.
the love of a brother by rxgulus - regulus is tasked with writing an essay about the people who raised him. backgroud estabilished jegulus
alcohol free by rxgulus when james gets drunk he starts waxing poetics about his husband to whoever is nearest; this time it's Regulus' coworkers Lily and friends.
the soldier by woobyo soon after Regulus' death, Sirius finds himself being 11 again. This time around he's not going to let nobody get n the way of their happily ever afters. (Even if it takes a liberal amount of murder.)
Mortal Once More by SheOfTheBookAndSong reg takes snape's place in narattive
Eighty-Twenty by FrankieQuinn13 back at school, james dumped severus because the boy didn't fit his idea of two children and a picket fence. He marries Lily instead and... it's fine, the marriage is fine. It feels a little less fine when they find out Severus is dating Sirius... and it's pretty serious
anti-hero by rweoutofthewoods regulus dies... or does he? :D past and endgame jegulus, lily lives. good writing!
Meet on Telegraph Avenue by ani_wahstan Regulus gets kicked out and goes to love with his brother and his sexy, slutty best friend.
Toujours-effin-pur, baby! by kwiewi Bartylus cruisin' and vibin' and lovin' on the roads of USA
make me stay by vick Regulus can't believe he's got crush on his brother's best riend. humiliating. pathetic. jegulily
Slipping through the mirror's cracks by Careless_Mirel walburga stuffed sickly regulus' soul in his healthy out-of-wedlock sister's body and it's overall a mess but Regulus and i forgot her name right now are going to figure it out
best friend behaviour by Anonymous barty/evan/regulus smut
Fuck The Monarchy! (Literally) by Bartemius_Crouch sirius and regulus are princes. what the title says, by james (and remus)
you're too sweet for me by fullonbicrisis regulus does sex work on the phone on side. his newest customer james is so sweet! there's no way things could get crazy!
though I try to resist, I still want it all by deanconti sirius/regulus/remus/james smut, sweet
Sirius rides his brother's Tickle Me Elmo by thebestmaraudersslythetinskittlefaneva_8 sirius does some self-discovery
A potion a day from The Black Apothecary by ani_wahstan james is looking for a long term solution to his anxiety, falls in love with a handsome potioneer along the way. sweet
Begin Again by slutforJamesPotter98 regulus dies, time travels, jegulus ensues
all I see is you by morgana_moonlight regulus wants his ears pierced, somehow he gets a date with james out of the whole mess?
god bless america by rweoutofthewoods sirius left. regulus stayed. knocked up a girl. called remus for help. and things stay the same in the sleepy rualr american town. will things change now that sirius and james are back in town? (beautifully written, the atmosphere is somehting else)
How to Raise the Chosen One series, past Jegulily, Regulus raises Harry, Dumbledore's a blackmailing DICK
More than Magic by Hometown_Nerd ♥♥♥♥♥ squibified Reg kidnaps harry, ect ect love it
Best Part of Waking Up by starling011, TemieTem remus/sirius/regulus smut with a surprising amount of plot-oriented chapters.
Curse Breaker (or how to find answers) by vianexa regulus is trying to break a curse, james helps, you can connect the dots
pearl necklace by indecest for PsychiatristGirl orion/regulus incest
A Man On The Horizon by vianexa cowboys!!! after regulus kills a man he can no longer stay in his hometown. in search of his brother he finds James ♥ and a new home ♥♥♥
A star for a summer's day by her_smile_forges_galaxies bartylus fake dates to get james and evan's attention
Drifting by indiantaylor regulus dies and goes back to 13. jegulus
Baby Black by miss_little_kitten regulus is accidentally de-aged and given to sirius to care for
Porn Delivery Service what it says on the tin ft james sirius regulus barty evan uuum remus too i think in various pairings/groups
Faith in Fear | A Regulus Black Story by chilloutkid regulus survives cave, v good
i will touch you with my mind by jaywalkers kinky jegulus
evocatio by justwhatialwayswanted regulus fake-dates evan into real dating
the tips of your teeth (fit perfect in me) by damagecontrol demon regulus priest james fuck nasty
Past Zero Hour by anonymsly ♥♥♥♥♥ :D:D:D:D:D
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noahkahansversion · 1 year
HELLO fine people, I have some more Regulus Black Headcanons! He’s my boy and I’m still a sad lesbian who cares about him more than life!
-he was actually a fairly good swimmer, grew up next to a lake and swam with sirius all the time
-didn’t move to london until he was 9, spent most of his childhood in france, and they continued to speak french often at home
-would’ve done literally anything for his friends. anything.
-a horrible driver. this one stems from ahb! but regulus black could not drive well and it was really bad
-pandora was the first person he kissed
-knew barty and evan before hogwarts, they were already close friends when they went to hogwarts. if we use the hc that pandora was evans twin, then they knew pandora too, but met dorcas in hogwarts
-the sorting hat really did think about putting him into ravenclaw. as i said in my last one of these, it’s only due the blood supremacist thing he was sorted into slytherin
-he was an excellent liar. he could get himself out of anything if he could talk for long enough
-he liked oranges and hated bananas
-loved to dance. when he was alone, he could dance for hours
-he warned sirius as best he could when sirius got kicked out. reg had overheard his parents talking about it and he went to sirius, but sirius just snapped at him
-his animagi form would either be a raven, cat, or fox, same with his patronus
-he could cast fiend fire. it was a trait of the black family especially, since they were some of the most powerful wizards. the potter family could also cast it, they just never really knew
-would sometimes cast spells in french to catch people off guard
-had a collection of random things he found interesting, cut outs from magazines, movie tickets his friends gave him, bottle caps, safety pins, anything like that
-would’ve gotten along excellently with hermione, due to them both being in favour of house elf rights
-was with barty for a short time before he was with james
-after his death, he watched over james and lily
-would have quite literally screamed at draco for making the same mistakes he did
-of his cousins, he was definitely closest to narcissa
-french vanilla ice cream lover
-had a habit of breaking quills. not that he was clumsy, but he wrote too fast and pushed too hard, resulting in him snapping far too many quills
Ok that’s all for now! If I can think of more for him or a different character, I will!
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murderoushag · 1 year
i haven't posted much about any of the fics i've finished or even really the ones i've read much (did post some things about ahb but not much after finishing) before right now but i'm feeling a lot of emotions so here goes
i finished teach them how to dream by @im-still-tryin-to-find-it and as i said, im feeling a lot of emotions (this will contain minor spoilers)
for one, it was so cute. oh my god. like, i was excited to start it because it sounded fluffy and cute but i had no idea. the second james and regulus laid eyes on each other i was done for. oh to have somebody look at me the way they look at each other
harry. in this fic. i love him so much you don't understand. he is so cute oml. and he does some slightly foolish things but we still love him. and his dynamic with regulus is just ajjshshsjsldhfhshdh. the valentine he wrote for him???? are you kidding me???
regulus as a kindergarten teacher. did i know i needed this in my life? no. but i did. i really did. a while back i reblogged a post about regulus loving kids and that. just that. the second harry walked into his classroom he was perfect. and i loved every second of it.
i love love love the black brothers here, they don't hate each other for once! and i actually really loved that. they so easily fell back into a brotherly rhythm and it made my heart so happy to see them happy
lily. i love her. straight up. i'm in love with her. she and mary are absolutely the best. i love the way they tease james and regulus and really test their limits in a playful way. from the second mary found out regulus liked james they were scheming and i love them for it. also lily owning a bookshop>>>>>.
and i LOVE lily and james' relationship so much. i love them as best friends because it just works so well, and i love that they were in love once and they just gradually became friends and it worked for them
evan and barty are hilarious i love them. for some reason evan being a third grade teacher just makes so much sense, can't explain it. and pandora was such a fun character. i can just picture her in these bright, fun, over the top outfits, having so much fun bringing joy and knowledge into these little kids' minds.
they're all such good parents. james, lily, mary, peter, remus, sirius, regulus. the whole huge family. (when harry didn't get enough parents in canon so you give him 7, i mean why not?) and peter holds a special place in my heart in this fic, i really like his character
and finally, jegulus. i have no words. they're just so fucking adorable. and they love each other so much and UGH i have no words.
ANYWAY i'm about to go read home is whenever i'm with you because i'm sad about the end of tthtd but THANK YOU GABBY FOR THIS ABSOLUTE MASTERPIECE i will hold it in my heart forever
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wipbigbang · 11 months
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This is Round Two of the Artist Claims for the 2023 round of WIPBB. You may claim up to three fics this round. If you want only one fic, please fill out the form once with your top choices. If you want two fics, fill out the form twice with your first choice in the first form submission with one unique ID and the second choice in another submission with a different unique ID.
The synopses are located at https://wipbigbang.dreamwidth.org/172201.html
The form is located at https://forms.gle/ES2D3d2mTG1nU4Pk6.
Round two of the art claims will go on until July 1st.
Harry Potter
Title: Black House Will Rock
Pairing/Characters: Bellatrix Lestrange/Hermione Granger
Rating Explicit | E
Warnings/Tags: Non-con/Rape
Age Gap, Past Rape, Some Violence, Suicide, Self Harm
Bellatrix has always been the pinnacle of pureblood society, a quintessential example of everything the Black family stands for and against. Hermione attempts to help her leave and recover from being part of a hate group.
Title: Harry Potter and the Casual Dark Lord Vacancy
Pairing/Characters: Harry Potter, Draco Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy/Alastor Moody
Rating Teen | T
Warnings/Tags: Chooses not to use Warnings, Side Character Death (Lucius Malfoy), Canon-Typical Violence, Canon-Typical Torture, Implied/Referenced Rape by Deception
Slytherin Harry AU, Barty Crouch Jr. survives, childbirth, betrayal, stalking, revenge, found family, conflicted feelings over using dark magic for The Greater Good
Summary: When Harry meets the Malfoys at King's Cross, Narcissa seizes the opportunity to ingratiate her family with the new Dark Lord. Although Harry recognizes her manipulation, he's also starved for friendship and parental love. And Narcissa knows exactly which buttons to push: letters, care packages, stories about Lily, even adoption paperwork. Harry isn't sure he agrees that all Muggles are awful, nor that dark magic might sometimes be necessary for The Greater Good, but he grows fond of Narcissa nonetheless. By Harry's fourteenth birthday, everything seems to finally be working out for once for him.
But then, everything changes. Harry's nightmares return. Death Eaters invade the Quidditch World Cup. Narcissa has daily clandestine meetings and panic attacks. Lucius, paler than ever, forces Harry and Draco to learn the Unforgivable Curses "just in case."
When Narcissa's desperate efforts to protect her family finally blow up in her face, Harry is forced to choose between losing her or becoming the thing he most reviles: the Dark Lord.
Title: Repertum
Pairing/Characters: Harry Potter / Severus Snape, Harry Potter & OFC
Rating Mature | M
Warnings/Tags: Graphic Violence
References to mental illness, hospital setting with medical details
Summary: repertum, i, n
noun 1. discovery 2. finding again 3. invention
For Healer Harry Potter, the war is not over even years after Voldemort's defeat. As he finds himself recovering from an attack at his workplace, St Mungo's, familiar comfort flies in in the form of a kingfisher.
Harry Potter/CSI: LV/Hocus Pocus
Title: …And Now You’re Mine
Pairing/Characters: Harry Potter/Greg Sanders
Rating Explicit | E
Warnings/Tags: No Warnings apply
Character bashing (Ginny, Dumbledore, Binx)
Summary: After the war with Voldemort, Harry leaves magical Britain in order to avoid the machinations of the Order. He joins the police force in Las Vegas as an Auror/SWAT crossover and meets Greg Sanders, wizard, DNA tech in the CSI lab, and the descendent of Winnifred Sanderson of Salem. When the events of Hocus Pocus happen, Harry and Greg are called out to put things right.
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birlwrites · 2 years
Fjsbsj okay okay, so!! I hope this helps with the motivation!! Maybe you could ramble to us about james and regulus's dislike towards eachother in ttdl and how deep that goes on each side, and how that changes the way they interact with and percieve eachother? I find it very interesting!
Also: how many asks do you recommend we send? So we don't go overboard and send way more than the assignments you have to get done afjshs
I hope everything goes well for you!
okay formatting all of my references was super obnoxious so i've decided i have earned a rambly tumblr post as a result afhsghsjhjj - as i said in an earlier post, i have like 7 big things i need to do and 3 small things i need to do, but you can send as many asks as you want - worst case scenario, i might end up not answering them right away so i can use them as motivation to do future assignments
JAMES AND REGULUS! the most important thing to consider about their opinions of each other is that they've never really spoken. james's information on regulus comes from either sirius or quidditch, and regulus's information on james mostly comes from seeing him and sirius around hogwarts (plus quidditch). they've INTERACTED, in situations like slughorn's dinner party fairly early on, but they've never actually had a one-on-one conversation and they avoid each other like the plague in order to keep it that way
this post got long so i'm putting the rest of it under the cut
i'm going to start with james because his thoughts/feelings towards regulus are simpler, in a way: james thinks of it as being practically his duty as sirius's best friend to hate regulus. he's heard ALL of sirius's ranting over the years, and he's guessed that regulus didn't try to intervene when sirius was disowned - yes sirius is better off now that he's with james but it's the PRINCIPLE OF THE THING.
he's very firmly sold on the idea that regulus does not deserve a brother like sirius and he's more than a little relieved that regulus kind of vanished into the dungeons as sirius's relationship with the blacks got worse - at least sirius wouldn't have to see him
that being said, i've hinted at this before, but i'm just going to go ahead and say it outright: james uses his invisibility cloak to spy on other houses' quidditch practices (especially slytherin's), and he saw that sort-of-argument between regulus (sirius's ex-brother, Does Not Deserve Him) and amycus carrow (Just Totally Fucking Sucks) at the very beginning of the term
james could not hear the actual words of the argument and had no idea what was being said but nonetheless found himself reluctantly siding with regulus. at least they can agree on antagonizing the carrows. if that is even what was happening
all of this being said, james has never gone after regulus the same way he's gone after other slytherins he doesn't like, because he's guessed from all the ranting that sirius is still very invested in regulus's life and as a result regulus is just way too dangerous of a target. he mostly leaves james alone so james is pretty much content to leave him alone and relegate him to the dungeons where he BELONGS
okay now on to regulus! regulus at the age of 11 or so blamed james for absolutely everything that he felt was wrong in his family - james enticed sirius into gryffindor and introduced him to terrible people and replaced regulus as sirius's best friend and, you know, little unimportant things like that.
over the years, regulus began to look at his family with a more critical eye (thank you barty for your service), but he never really overtly ADMITTED that it wasn't totally james's fault that things went south for sirius and regulus - more that he just shifted focus to hating james for being obnoxious and a usurper and an only child who can't just go and STEAL REGULUS'S BROTHER LIKE THAT--so yeah regulus has not totally finished working through all of that
a lot of regulus's feelings toward james are basically add-ons to his feelings toward sirius, tbh - when he was younger, he fully blamed james for a lot of shit, but now (in regulus's head) that conflict is between regulus and sirius, and james is a painful, super fucking annoying reminder that sirius chose Not Regulus, that there is something about james that renders him superior to regulus in sirius's eyes, and that whatever it is, it is so powerful that sirius seems genuinely happy, even with regulus actively not speaking to him.
and then on another, very deeply buried level, regulus is sad about it because maybe he *was* (is?) a bad brother, and maybe he really isn't any better than the rest of their family, who dropped sirius like a hot potato as soon as he dug his heels in about supporting muggleborns. no matter regulus's politics, he dropped sirius too (and/or vice versa?????), and james didn't. so there's a lot of regret and guilt and envy and self-doubt that regulus is repressing super well!!!! he's doing a great job!!!!!!!!!
(and thus, regulus avoids james HARDCORE.)
TL;DR: regulus is incredibly bitter and james is righteously angry and they wouldn't actually murder each other but that's because regulus would get sad and not finish the job and james would avoid killing regulus because it would probably make sirius feel bad
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strengthinunityrp · 6 months
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Death Eater Inner Circle – various members of the Inner Circle remain and are wanted for other DE members on-site: Rodolphus Lestrange, Antonin Dolohov, Lucius Malfoy, Augustus Rookwood, & Barty Crouch Jr. All are wanted for Death Eater plots. Bellatrix and other DEs are in play. FC: open Age: varies.
Arthur Weasley – This man is wanted to get involved in Order plots, but also familial plots with his dear wife Molly who is on the board. Suggested FCs: open; Age: 35-36
Andromeda & Narcissa – these two women are wanted for Bellatrix. Andromeda can go a lot of several different ways with her storyline. Meanwhile, Narcissa is living her best purist life raising her son. FCs suggested: Nina Dobrev & Sydney Sweeney.
Sirius Black – very much wanted for marauder-related plots, but also for his brother Regulus. The two have recently reconnected and with Sirius’ help, Reg is working as a double agent now. FC: open (just look related to Cole Sprouse).
All of these requests and so many more can be found on Strength In Unity. This site is a post-war, Marauders Era AU site. Jcink Prem with a freeform app and no word count. Est. March 2019 and still going strong!
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I posted 351 times in 2022
That's 351 more posts than 2021!
91 posts created (26%)
260 posts reblogged (74%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 187 of my posts in 2022
Only 47% of my posts had no tags
#marauders era - 15 posts
#ask bel - 13 posts
#important - 11 posts
#asks - 10 posts
#marauders - 10 posts
#sirius black - 9 posts
#wolfstar - 9 posts
#remus lupin - 8 posts
#ask game - 8 posts
#the marauders - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 114 characters
#that song i was talking about is everybody talks by neon trees and its fucking amazing but noooooo i have ptsd now
My Top Posts in 2022:
i changed this just now and the edited version is at the bottom
edited version:
12 notes - Posted September 18, 2022
✨the queue✨: a guide
the queue is great! it's helpful if you want to post regularly or if you have lots of posts you want to reblog but don't want to do all at once.
you can queue posts by either a) clicking the reblog button > clicking the arrow next to it once it opens the page where you can add comments > selecting 'add to queue'; or
b) going into settings > clicking on the part that says 'labs' (where tumblr has new features they're working on) > turning on 'fast queue' (this adds a new icon next to the 'reply' and 'reblog' icons where you basically reblog a post but 'add to queue' is the default).
and why would i want to post regularly, you ask? well, the more you post (and the more diverse posts you have), the more likely it is for your posts to reach more people. accurate tags help with this, too. it also helps if you need to post at a consistent schedule for whatever reason, but can't always log on at the same time every day.
if you want to queue your posts at more random times, go into labs and turn on 'queue 2.0'. this enables a more detailed way to schedule your queued posts. i had to play around with it before i found something i liked, and i suggest you do too.
that's it
14 notes - Posted November 30, 2022
what if, and hear me out, the black family was not french, but japanese? and yes, the original idea started from a wolfstar fic tag on ao3. i forgot which one, sorry.
back to the main point. give me sirius and regulus not speaking french, but japanese. i get that french is a language of love, and all that, but i don't care. give me remus and james falling in lOVe when they hear the black brothers speaking japanese to each other.
please. someone. i'll never get around to doing it myself; do you know how many wips i have in my drafts? (answer: a lot)
16 notes - Posted November 17, 2022
writing a new marauders fic where all the marauders in the afterlife react to harry's daily life (not his war stuff but like his cringe everyday stuff)
22 notes - Posted November 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
okay, but what if peter didn't exist and regulus was in his place and james and remus took sirius and regulus's last name and the marauders were all the blacks and they went to see walburga and were like 'hey mom!' and walburga fucking flips
173 notes - Posted September 23, 2022
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