#freedom writters
wolfashes-wfa · 1 year
Freestyle Writing #1
I just wanna be with the cloud its been so long now, losing faces in the crowd the amount of people in the room all just disappear at once but then I see him we couldn't make a sound but I felt as he wanted to speak only thing standout was that I could see his been spellbound to the evil queen it was always a battleground under our feet as we try catching our beat inside of us in our heart the melody of our love lingers in our veins flowing throughout all the body but had to swing back to his lady even if its fake between them knowing his heart beating for me he will take anything for us to believe that its all alright but giving up on his fight of freedom
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a little something ig
Nana’s note: I wrote because I longed for this scenario to happen to me in the future. I wrote so that I could console myself that there was hope. That I could be free like this if I tried more. I will try more. I couldn’t live like this anymore. But for now, writing is my Salvatore. I feel escape when writing, and even though my English is not that good, I revel in the way the words tumble out of my mind and give shape to my chaotic thoughts. It isn’t the best writing for sure, but I enjoy doing it. 
I couldn't believe I had done it for a brief moment. Finally, finally. Finally, I had done the things I should have done long ago.
 "I did it," I whispered under my breath. The crippling air was cold, but in that heated moment, all I could feel was the warmth of happiness, "I did it, indeed! Oh, I ran away! I escaped!"
 And I started to cry. But it wasn't the angry cry I had always had to suppress in the middle of the night, yelling into my pillows for peace of mind. It was happy tears. It was the tear of someone who was set free and finally could be their true self. Oh, how joyful, delightful, and thrilling, thinking that I had run away from my toxic family. After loads of times being stucked in depression, anxiety, and imprisonment, I had run away at last. Now, I was free. I was on my own.
 "Oh! I am free! Finally! Oh! What a new euphoric sensation! Free! No one would ever tell me what to do anymore. No one would ever yell at me for such a trivial mistake. Not anymore! No one would ban me from seeing my friends and going out. No one would take away all my money and personal belongings. I could dress whatever the fuck I wanted to dress. I could be whoever the fuck I wished to be. And, oh, and I could learn drawing at last! No! I could learn lots of new things without fear of prohibition! I could save money; maybe I could buy my own little house someday. I could do many things. I could be capable of many things! I am free!"
 I cried and cried as if I had never cried before. And I laughed, and laughed again as if laughing was the last thing I would ever do on Earth.
 It was too surreal. Too wonderful. I couldn't stop the energy that had been sealed inside my heart for such long times to blurt out. To unleash. To overflow.
 When I managed to stop being overly emotional and get a grip on myself, the moon had already hung ever so high in the black velvet sky. The stars floated and stretched to infinity, sparkling and shining like brilliant jewelry. 
 I had never seen this beautiful scene before. Had been locked in my room for more than twenty years, this was the first time I could watch a starry sky this close. Gasping, I felt my heart lifted with overwhelming joy, and suddenly, everything felt like it would be alright.
 I inhaled the scent of the night before standing up. The surrounding was dead silent, but I was not scared. Adjusting my knitted hat and picking up the luggage at my feet, I gave myself an encouraging pat on the cheeks.
 "Yossh! Let's go!" 
 I turned to look back at the place I had been growing up, or rather, imprisoned, for the past twenty years. There was nothing such as regret or nostalgia in my eyes, and I smiled as I turned my back at the sight of it.
 "Goodbye...and never see you again!"
 My life started. Today!
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"Your eyes have spoke to me in a language of the absence from the mouth no need to move those lips or up chuck a few words to speak I can see in your eyes you have peeked as you look at me so curiously as in your mind you can not seem to understand touch my hand take a deep breath you are just awaking to the sun your mind is storing ever more than what you could imagine with the heavens above keeping this child so close from falling through each reality splitting through the narrow path of existence! Try to recollect what you saw remember what has been shown to you, do not let your ego slip out of this sober state of reality into a cenimadic Euphoria hold yourself together let this beautiful perception show you another version of the world you are looking at as when you are ready for it hold on to yourself and don't stray to far out don't dive in so deep just walk soflty through the trip of different segments of reality. Collect your information and give it to the world so it can be shared, let's change and start another revolution! What are we waiting for?"
-Jeremy R. Young
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tpwkwriter · 1 year
u r my fave writter everrrr! And I wanted to recommend H helping the reader with anxiety, depression, an eating disorder and like a traumatic childhood. THANK YOUUUUU
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My comfort.
First of all thank you so, so much Not only for your request but lovely words! 🥰
And wowser A traumatised y/n! 🫢but luckily H is there hey!
*Warnings* mentions of depression, anxiety, trauma,drug use!, body dysmorphia, struggles with eating and various mental health issues! My dms are open always! 🤎
Love your beautiful selfs! 🫶🏼
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Ever since a young age y/n had been through various battles.
Her childhood was far from mundane, when she was about 9 her parents took to several different substances and would happily leave y/n and her sister alone for many hours through the day.
When the girl hit her early teens she was aware of what was going on and that realisation hit her like a ton of bricks, knowing her parents would rather be out doing his knows what, with god knows who then actually looking after her and her sister
When it was time for secondary school, y/n would still admit that this was the worst time for her. 7 hours of constant work to come home and play mother. The constant comparisons to her and her classmates drove her mad, the reminder of exams and work it was all a bit much.
When she hit 17 she went to college and took part in a weekend job to earn some money on the side. Of course her parents eyes lit up once they heard money was being made.
On y/n’s sisters 12th birthday y/n was finally able to buy her gifts and treat the young girl. However this didn’t go down with the rest of the family, y/n recalls this memory very clearly even though she’s been trying to repress it for years.
The argument they had that evening was booming, her father threw anything he could get his hands on, her mother threw every insult and shaming word there was, all of this because she wouldn’t lend them money?
The night quickly escalated when an empty vase was threw at y/n leaving a cut on her wrist that scarred and she still sees to this day.
From that night y/n picked up longer shifts, and more hours just for a bit more money and financial stability.
By her 18th birthday she could afford her first car, wasn’t anything grand but the freedom it allowed her was amazing, she finally felt proud of how she’s done this all herself, she finally felt pride in herself and not self hatred.
Fast forward to age 25 and her life was something she wasn’t expecting.
She was with one of the most recognisable faces, who was able to show her parts of the world she never thought she could, he gave her the biggest comfort and safe feeling that she ever so lacked.
Her sister was currently 21 living with her own boyfriend and was equally as happy, and both of them was as close as ever.
Y/n loved Harry with everything in her, and wanted no chance or risk that he would walk out on her. Y/n adamantly worked on her figure everyday, she started off her morning in the gym, went for a run at-least once a week, this was good n all but she slowly started slipping meals and going past them.
It was currently nearing 6pm and H had just come back from the studio and long day.
“Alright love?” He asks putting a hand on her waist and kissing her cheek as she was finalising dinner.
“Oh my god H” she giggled
“Y’made me jump! Didn’t hear y’come in” she smiled
“Was m’plan” he smirked kissing her again.
“How was y’day” he ask, reaching the top cupboard for too glasses knowing she wouldn’t be able to reach them.
“Was okay, got Tomorrow off so no excuse to get rid of me” she smiled.
“You?” She asked
“S’okay busy, happy to have our day tomorrow”
Dinner was finalised, and the both sat at the table speaking through there day to each other.
“Y’been to the gym today?” He asked
“Yeah” she answered.
“Did 2 hours in there today!!” She said proudly.
“M’proud of you darling, make sure we’re not overworking ourselves right?” He asks slipping her a look that was all too familiar.
“M’not, I just wanna stay, like this I guess?” She smiles.
“What do you mean baby? Y’gorgeous” he states.
“Have you eaten today?” He asks stopping in his tracks to watch her.
“Um” she wonders.
“I mean, m’eating right now, but I just wasn’t hungry really” she claims, taking another spoonful of her food to her mouth.
“Y/nnnnn” he playfully drags
“I promise I’ll eat more tomorrow, just, wasn’t hungry today!” She smiles.
“Y’did 2 hours in the gym and didn’t eat anything after?” He asks tone getting deeper and eyebrows raising.
“I really I didn’t mean to, I was running errands after and I forgot” she says standing up from her seat collecting the plates from them both.
H joins her in kitchen and helps her tidy up.
“Thanks H” she said.
“N’worries, thanks for dinner love” he says kissing her temple swiftly.
“Gonna get dressed, and then we can watch one of your bloody documentaries?” He smiles
“Y’know it H” she blushes.
They reluctantly parted, y/n found herself bundled up on the couch with a fluffy blanket awaiting her loves return, she found herself scrolling mindlessly on instagram.
When your current boyfriend has exes in the like of Kendall Jenner, cara delavine and Camille Rowe it’s often hard not to feel worse compared to them, curiosity took y/n over and she clicked on Camille’s instagram page, she was greeted with selfies, pictures of events she’s been too, her with her friends and various other things, her beautiful eyes, her shiny long hair, her model figure, she was straight out of a magazine.
Suddenly all of y/n’s work felt pointless, no matter what she would always be compared to these fashionable girls, that familiarity hits her once again.
She set her phone down and focused on the Tv in-Front of her and fell deeper into her fluffy blanket she was cuddling.
Without a word of exchange H joins her back on the sofa, sits next to the girl and guides her legs to his lap, allowing his fingers to gently trace over her shins and ankles.
“I love you” she says eyes remaining glued to the screen.
His movements stop and he turns his head to her.
“I love you too”
The night was slowly closing and the couple slowly started there evening routine.
Y/n was in there shared bathroom going through with her skincare before bed, a million thoughts popped up at once, she didn’t know if It was her anxiety or just her clear overthinking tendencies
Y/n glanced in the mirror, all she saw was all imperfections, she couldn’t even compare to Taylor swift or Kendall Jenner in anyway shape or form.
“Baby Y’alright?” Harry asked from the other side of the door.
She quickly tapped her phone to see the time just to realise she’s spent nearly an hour locked in the bathroom.
“Yeah baby m’now Coming out” she said shaking the train of though out of her head.
Silent tears roll down her face.
Him. He was so amazing in everything he did. His voice was safe. His words were so comforting. The thought of him not being around her terrified the shit out of her.
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Part 2 coming soon!
Hopefully you all like this! There will be a part 2 as I don’t want this to be a really long fic, because I have many ideas what I want done with this!!! 🤎
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onyxhotelprince · 8 months
About the weirdos that still want to control Britney Spears after she got her freedom back, don't you think that she already suffered enough abuse and control at the hands of her own family?, The point of the whole #FreeBritney was to give her the freedom to do whatever she wants, with her rights and wrongs and that includes healing at her own pace and in her own way.
Do you think that her socials are the problem?, when she's enjoying and sharing what makes her happy? A harmless freestyle dance. She might have issues, and seriously who wouldn't?, after all she went through, we all have issues, if that was the case we all should be off the internet. But y'all have bigger issues if you feel so threatened by a woman doing her own thing on her own social media.
As she said before; "Don't like it?, don't watch".
It's not up to us to dictate how her freedom or happiness should look like, she's not 16, 21, or 25 anymore. The woman that she used to be is gone, no one can be the same after a traumatic experience. And still she's more than a survivor of abuse. She will always be a legend, a pop culture icon, an underrated musician and song-writter, an amazing dancer, an entertaining performer and most important a kind soul.
Let her live and let her enjoy, she doesn't owe us anything.
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romana-after-dark · 12 days
Hello! I have a question about GD!Joel: why do you think he submitted to reader so quickly in the first fic? I don’t mean when she tied him down and I also know that ultimately it’s still a non-con situation, but after they fucked and he threw her off and she thought he had bested her but he actually wanted to eat her out, why do you think that was? Was he in a subspace? Or decided he just really liked giving up control in that moment? Or just really really liked reader?? Either way I liked it so thank you xx
Hello wonderful anon! I'm happy to answer for you!
The way i see Joel post outbreak is control freak. I mean, we see how he is with Tommy. He's protective yes but I think he's controlling. It makes sense, he lost everything except him.
Joel naturally submits to Tess. "He answers to me", the spooning scene where tess is big spoon, he stops when she holds up her hand...
and just look at him pre outbreak. He's a bit of a mess. Don't get me wrong he's just like me fr im not judging, but his room doesnt say "in control" to me.
Also if i remember correct, in the game the pills in his cabinet were anti- anxiety pills.
Joel craves stability, and although he's incredibly capable in a militaristic sense, he is not stable. I've explored this in like, The Wrong Way. Where Joel can lead a group of raiders and carry out brutality, but the raider house is still a bachelor pad. he takes care of litle one like he did sarah in a lot of ways, but not himself. Whe little one gained freedom, she was the one who made a garden, cooked real food, kept up the house.
So, my theory is Joel is ready and willing to submit to someone capable, but no one else is as capable as him. No one else won't get them killed. Joel trusts Tommy but he still leads him. Joel follows Tess. I think Joel was impressed with the house of booby traps, impressed with her skills that even though she did not have his strength, she was resourceful. I think that did mix in with the sub space.
If there was no outbreak, Joel would not be head of household in any scenario.
I don't mean that to say i dont like dominant strong joel, put together joel or anything like that. I've written Joel fully put together and in blessed be the fruit and puppy girl, but I think in my personal characterization he's more inclined to be subby if someone can get that out of him.
Also in my head reader is a muscle mommy lmfaoooo I imagine Joel is like ARMS tee hee
I also think theres an element of protectiveness. I think Joel is naturally protective of women having had and lost his daughter. Reader says it, he's physically stonger than her. He's bigger. I think Joel, especially with the post-nut bonding chemicals (oh my god is that a real thing? Does sex actually bond you? or is that another lie my catholic homeschool group made up for theology of the body that manipulated science. Oh no.)
ANYWAY PRESUMING THATS REAL Maybe it was just the perfect storm of events and hes like I can take care of her I can protect her and she can make it so I don't have to think.
But in general I have a problem with making people fall to fast. Looking back at the wrong way im like..... but literally why did he take little one with him lmfao.
anyway thanks for the ask!!!! come on by if you got more question! Ill probs have more guard dog in july, im focusing on my pride event and the fan Zine for oscar isaac writters.
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gonk-droid · 2 years
I'm not against Disney bringing more budget to the show if it helps the writters to have more creative freedom, but I do miss the show's campiness and bad cgi. To me Doctor who is a bad CGI show but it's part of the essence of it all. I miss when every other episode happened in someplace in London, when they didn't even bother putting the companions and the doctor in period outfits when they visited the past and even when you could clearly tell they had a green screen behind the actors. All of that added to the charm, and even if nowadays we get lots of episodes around the world and with great visuals, I still think we lost some of the essence along the way
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Hello :D
For the Fanfic Writter ask game...number 3 and 4!! I'm curious about your ideas ✨️✨️
Hiii! Good to hear from you! Also, I apologise for the late reply, I was on a long road trip to another country and had no Internet 😆
Ask game can be found here
3. What’s a fic idea that you have but haven’t written yet?
The first one that came to mind is a big time spoiler to my main fic WTGTYA, but fear not,,, I have plenty of other projects hahah! One that I'd love to write is a fenhawke fic with the scenario that Hawke remains in the fade and kicks ass in there, but Fenris goes after him to the rescue. I can't stop thinking about Flemeth's speech in DA2 and Hawke becoming super powerful in the fade after "taking the plunge" but he still gets trapped in the fade, so Fenris goes in there with the help of the Inquisition
4. Do you prefer writing multi-chapter or oneshot fanfictions?
It really depends on how the story flows, I've written oneshots, as well as multichapter! I love the freedom and lack of stress with planning that goes into the oneshots, but I also love the way I lose myself into the characters and story when writing a multichapter. Either way, I just live writing in general 🥰🥰
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skull001 · 1 year
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What makes this funny, is how they crumble at the slightest criticism made at their "savior". Then again, anyone who uses terms like "North American white male" as if implying smug superiority, are always made of fragile stuff.
Especially when what Flynn gets is nothing compared to what has been said about Iizuka or Pontaff.
How does a so-so writter gets this level of cult-like white knighting? Just act like "I'm one of you" and promise you're doing everything possible to convince Sega to bring back the bloody Freedom Fighters, while being damn well aware that will never happen.
Hey! It's just like in politics. : P
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Hi!, my name is Nela. Lately I have been raeding your posts, they are amazing and you are an incredible writter. Could I ask for Matchups for Marvel, Peaky Blinders or Narnia? ( fell free to choose one or do it all if you want to), I also would like a picture of the outfit i would wear in the fandom.
I am a girl,15 and heteroally. I am 5'41 a little bit chuby and tanned, I also have rosy cheecks in spring and summer and a beauty mark on the left cheeck. I have almond shaped hazel eyes and over the shoulders brown wavy hair.
Most time I wear band or fandom t-shirts with high waisted jeans and denim jackets. But I am keen on in vintage outfits as long as I have freedom of movements.
I'm INFJ and gryffindor. I am brave and never afraid to try new things, even if they have some risks. I overthink a lot and I take time to trust somebody, but once you are my friend I will be loyal forever. I am the older sibling of a big family as a result I am very responsable. I want to help people and make the world a better place. I stand up for what I believe in and I can be a stubborn, tought and independent girl.
I love nature: beaches, forests, animals... I am a huge geek, I love reading,writing, singing,dancing and seeing 80's and 90's movies. I enjoy learning new things specially languages (I speak Spanish, English, German and a little bit of Italian) and I am good at defending myself and others. I have always wanted to try sword fighthing.
Sorry, if it is long and has some mistakes (english is not my mother lenguage). If you have time I would love to read it, keep going with your writing is really good. ☺
Hello dear 💖, thanks for your request.
For marvel I ship you with:
Tony stark 💲
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I would see you being super chill and Tony inviting you out to his parties.
You were an agent in the shield, you could use guns and lock targets at any angel.
Your outfit:
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You were a fan of Tony's music and movie choices.
You would often annoy Steve with the rock music, Tony wouldn't listen and turn it up.
He would take you on dates to the forest, he wouldn't bring any tech but only his phone.
Expect expensive wine.
I would totally see you working together with stark against evil forces.
You got married after civil war, you had a child with his hair and eyes.
For the peaky blinders I ship you with:
Arthur Shelby 🥃
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I would see the two of you as his equal, you would first meet in the garrison.
you would be the one to often calm him from fights.
You would often lie in bed together and relax.
You did know how to handle guns, you often liked to show a thing or two to drunk men if they get handsy.
Your outfit for the fandom:
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you often liked to walk along side the docks while your husband was out at work.
Arthur would beat the heck out of anyone for hitting on you.
Tommy would try to bribe you to leave because you made him soft.
You would marry and live in the country while you would have a kid with your hair and his eyes.
For Narnia I ship you with:
Prince Caspian⚔
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You were in Narnia helping the Pensieve siblings when you came across the prince.
You spent time with him across your travels and he was attracted to your beauty.
You and Caspian often wandered the forests of Narnia and became lost in thought.
You would introduce Caspian to your movie tastes and music.
your outfit:
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you became queen after saving Narnia and Caspian proposed on the spot.
You married and stayed in Narnia having a kid with your eyes and his hair.
Anyways that's all I have for now:
Ta Ta✨
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ooooh thanks for telling (in responce to the right to repair thingy) wont stuff like tutorials on how to DIY repair stuff help with that, or having homemade devices such as phones? I know in some cases it is cheaper to replace something than repair it like with this one avoca tablet I got where the screen cost £10 but the tablet only cost £5 or something (it was quite shite but i loved it, and still have its corpse in my room) or when parts are only made in bulk in places like the foxcon factory in china
tutorials exist, but at the end of the day someone has to make a tutorial in the first place. and if that first person does not have the resources available to make it, it might take a very long time to reverse engineer it
it's not a big deal to diy repair a lamp or a hair dryer or whatever (giving those as examples because ive literally done this). but phones and others are much more complex. it's easy to change a capacitor in a first gen Xbox or an old VGA monitor, but so much harder to change a chip on a phone motherboard. and yes, part of it is the actuall skill of soldering, but for the latter case, you might:
not be able to figure out what chip that is. yes, the code is typically writter on the heat spreader, but not only have these components gotten smaller, but it's trivial for manufacturers to remove the ink
even if you know what chip it is, if there's no way to actually get your hands on a fresh one then it's worthless.
and to tie with that the thing about produced in bulk in chinese factories: yes. they are. but so is everything. if you're thinking of yourself as a consumer, then you're not buying straight from a factory, you're buying from a shop that gets deliveries from multiple factories. but because entities like apple and samsung ban the distribution of these parts from factories to third party shops, nobody can make use of them, unless they are hired by those companies
and yes, you might think that's not that big of a problem. so what if i need to go to the apple store to repair my iphone. well there's a few points to discuss here:
those are companies whose business revolves around selling, not repairing. as such, it comes very easy for them to say "yeah we cant fix this, you'll have to buy a new one" when it's literally just a broken camera assembly
by being the only ones with access to these parts, they create a monopoly. which.. is very bad. this also means that a phone that cost 200$ might cost you 300$ to change the screen (which itself is worth like 20$ an labour isnt THAT expensive. and btw samsung the fact that you make your phones so hard to open is on you)
i think there was something else but i forgot
regardless. the point is. we cant let corporations be too greedy and we cant let them take away our freedom
oh and btw something i wanted to mention:
right to repair wouldnt protect just random people wanting to change their own laptop battery, but also actual proper small repair businesses. or maybe not even small, but essentially anything that would be 3rd party. if they're not allowed to operate, then you might find yourself in a case where you cant just walk (or i suppose for americans drive) to a repair center, but need to send it by mail 300km away to a "certified repair center" that wil jsut fuck off with your money and tell you to give papi Cook more moeny
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https://youtu.be/QCetZOUvcLs Song "My Forgiving Heart", full Music video, to be featured in the upcoming episode #6 of the Disco Ball of Knowledge. If you love country music, then you'll love this song. Creator of D.B . , Erick Williams, and Song Writter and Composer, Joe Fournier, did a great job coming up with such a catchy tune, I keep finding myself humming it, even days after I recorded the vocals. I loved working with fellow Puppeteer Grey Wears, when we threw D.B.'s little friend, Hug-a-bug, in for as many shots as we could. We were cracking ourselves up as Erick gave us creative freedom on where we could throw Hug a Bug in during filming. Enjoy the song, and keep a look out for Episode #6 My Forgiving Heart, coming soon. https://www.instagram.com/p/CjL0jpYvO0f/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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alemdalinguagem · 2 years
Resenha: Escritores da Liberdade
Resenha: Escritores da Liberdade
Resenha: Escritores da Liberdade Por Isabela Oliveira Quando um jovem é criado em meio a violência, é uma dádiva encontrar alguém ou alguma instituição em que seja possível ter apoio para seguir os bons caminhos e não se desviar. O fato é que a professora Erin foi uma dádiva para seus alunos. Quando você tem a escolha de sair, mesmo com toda vontade e determinação do mundo, não é fácil ter…
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medeasalem · 4 years
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Maybe we should talk about art. Tito’s got real talent, don’t you think? You know something? I saw a picture just like this once in a museum. Only it wasn’t a black man, it was a Jewish man, and instead of big lips he had a really big nose, like a rat’s nose. But he wasn’t one particular Jewish man, this was a drawing of all Jews. And these drawings were put in the newspapers by the most famous gang in history. You think you know all about gangs? You’re amateurs. This gang would put you all to shame. And they started out poor and angry, and everyone looked down on them until one man decided to give them some pride. An identity. And somebody to blame. Take over neighborhoods? That’s nothing compared to them! They took over countries. You wanna know how? They just wiped out everybody else. Yeah! They wiped out everybody they didn’t like, and everybody they blamed for their life being hard. And one of the ways they did it was by doing this. See, they’d print pictures like this in the newspapers. Jewish people with big, long noses, blacks with big fat lips. They’d also publish scientific evidence that proved Jews and blacks were the lowest form of human species. Jews and blacks were more like animals, and because they were just like animals, it didn’t really matter if they lived or died. In fact, life would be a whole lot better if they were all dead. That’s how a Holocaust happens. 
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justallmerei · 4 years
Chivalry Died for Women Empowerment
Why do women fight for equal rights? Didn't they want the favors given to them by previous generations? where they won't have to work to raise a family.
Looking at the other side will show you that these women were victims of the system where people always tell them that the dream should be shinning, shimmering, splendid and all they should do is wait for the knight in shinning armour that can provide it for them.
In present time, little by little, piece by piece, throughfighting tooth and nails, women learned to become someone they wish to have; to be their very own knights in shinning armours. But it never ends, it gets carry on to the next generations. Hopefully, in the best of the bests, it may give birth to a society were chivalry is dead but every woman is empowered.
in light with the news that a woman married herself because she's too sick of men :))
Women from every generations earned the power, it wasn't free. But definitely worthy of a war!
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soulfullines · 3 years
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