#from the menu at cafe mew mew
I don't know if you've discussed this before but I don't really get madols/thaumarks in terms of value.
I thought it was like yen as in the anthology Azul is fretting over a 100(100 yen is 0.65 usd) coin and they all think he's paranoid, making 100 madol seem insignificant.
But then 50,000(yen to usd is 316 usd) madol for an item is supposed to be crazy expensive? As shown in the prologue.
Which isn't much for the exchange rate.
At the end of book 3 it states that the menu in the mostro lounge is then priced at 5-16 thaumark an item????
It makes no sense
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I talked about the difference between thaumarks (in EN, similar to the American dollar) and madol (in JP, similar to the Japanese yen) in this post. You will find many examples there as well!
You might be confused about the value of thaumarks and madol because currently the yen irl is weak. For reference, right now 100 yen is 0.65 or 65 cents in USD (not even a full dollar). However, I believe that the “true” exchange rate for thaumark to madol is more accurately described as 100 yen for every 1 dollar/1.00 USD. This results in a "cleaner" converted number and is closer to the value of the yen to dollar (100 yen to 1 dollar) when TWST first came out in 2020–though EN would not come out until a few years later. In 2024, the conversion is closer to 150-160 yen for 1 dollar, and this difference is probably what resulted in your confusion.
Knowing this, a thaumark is actually 1/100 the value of a madol. Just move the decimal point of the numver over to the left by two spaces to do the madol to thaumark conversion! This would make the value of a 50,000 yen/madol item actually closer to 500 dollars/thaumarks.
It should be noted that the broken chandelier in the prologue is stated to be worth “a billion” or more in both EN’s thaumarks and JP’s madol. Some numerical values like this are left unchanged between the two servers.
In real life, the value of currencies fluctuates all the time! But in a game like TWST, the currencies can be stabilized and unchanging regardless of what happens in the real world. That's likely the case in this situation.
In the anthology comic you referenced, the whole joke IS that Azul is fretting over what is a miniscule amount of missing money because he is just that stingy. The 100 madol coin and its 1 thaumark (or 100 sorcents) equivalent are supposed to be seen as not a lot of currency. He's overreacting over some change in both JP and EN currencies.
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Edit: In the official English localization for the anthology manga, Azul states that “100 thaumarks” are missing. I believe a different translation team handles the manga, so this inconsistency may be an error. The error implies 100 dollars are missing. In reality, it should probably be “1 thaumark”, or a $1 coin, which is the equivalent of a 100 madol/yen:
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As for the pricing of menu items at the Mostro Lounge, I don't think the values are strange at all. The prices quoted, however, are a little off. The items mentioned in book 3 actually range from 6-15 thaumarks or 600-1500 madol.
Azul explains that the drinks on the menu are 6 thaumarks/dollars (600 madol/yen). This is even more expensive than asking for a glass of juice or soda at a restaurant (a few dollars or a few hundred yen). It’s about the same price as a specialty drink (think like a mocktail or something). Putting that another way, that’s about the same cost as a tall Starbucks drink.
Azul also says that there is a limited menu with items for 15 thaumarks/dollars (1500 madol/yen), which I imagine are like the lunch sets or desserts. Many cafes and especially anime/manga collab cafes (which are notorious for being costly) have similar pricing for their dishes; in some cases. Here is an example of a menu from a Tokyo Mew Mew collab cafe (although you can find several others with matching prices or cost even more):
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Let's also keep in mind that Azul only stated that items on THIS particular limited collab menu were 15 thaumarks/dollars or 1500 madol/yen each. We don't know if other limited collab menus or if the regular item menus are higher/lower cost. We should be cautious of using the 6-15 thaumarks/dollars or 600-1500 madol/yen range to cover the entirety of the food and drink prices that Mostro Lounge offers. For example, in Azul’s Dorm Uniform vignettes, he specifies that he’s selling the Mystery Drink for 1500 madol/yen or 15 thaumarks/dollars, which is significantly more than (/over double) the usual cost of a Mostro Lounge drink. If you got the mystery drink with your lunch, you’d already be in at $30 or 3,000 yen for a single meal—and again, this is only if you don’t count extra costs for tax and/or tip.
Let's do some math terrifying, I know... Deuce is shaking for what I assume is the regular order for a student dining in. We will order 1 drink and 1 item from the limited menu. Without tax (and tip, if Twisted Wonderland has that), this alone would cost you $21 or 2,100 yen. It'll cost even more if you order extra drinks or dessert. I imagine that just the 1 drink and 1 limited menu item together already cost significantly more than what you can get to eat at the school cafeteria. Because NRC is based on a British boarding school, let's use the irl cost of the average British high school's lunch costs (2-3 pound sterling, according to Google) to compare. 2-3 pound sterling is about 3.70 USD or 370 yen. Even if we were to assume that a private British boarding school would charge significantly more for food (because it's a "fancier" institution)—be it double, triple, or quadruple the price—students would still be paying a fraction of what one casual meal at the Mostro Lounge would cost. Not only that, but NRC students are getting more bang for their buck in the cafeteria, since food is served buffet style. You get a lot more variety and amount of food for much less initial cost. Comparatively, Mostro Lounge is the expensive option 🤡 (even if most of the main cast and NRC student body seem to be from pretty well-off families and could probably afford eating there daily, no problem). The average high school student has no income, has limited allowance, or earns minimum wage, so that cost of a fancy Mostro Lounge meal would take quite a bite from their personal spending budget.
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jadeazora · 2 years
A preview for the Project Mew arc starting next week! I was hoping we'd get a new series announcement after Coco today, but still nothing on that end 🙁
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Some pages from the Corocoro guide, showcasing art of most of the E4 and Gym Leaders!
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Kantonian Farfetch'd to be added to Cafe Remix in an event running from Nov21 until Nov28.
Launch art by Machito Gomi, Saya Tsuruta, and James Turner!
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Saya Tsuruta also did a promotional piece for the new Cafe SV-themed menu release!
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And some new artwork for Lost Vacuum from VSTAR Universe!
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magicagrove · 1 year
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Wolfs Instinct: ZakuMint one shot
Written by SugoiGrove (me)
The hustle and bustle of cafe mew mew was growing steadily everyday. Things were busier than usual and that went double for chimera anima attacks.
To broken glass and Retasu’s muttering apologies, to Purins dinner and entertainment. The place didn’t change.
Giving a side glance, the strawberry haired waitress had a displeased look on her face. One she always wore but it was more intense. As Ichigo held a full tray in her hands, she tried not to let her sour attitude spoil the sweetness of the parfait on her tray. Staring at Mint while customers were trying to flag her down, Ichigo huffed.
The high class lady sat at her table with a calm exterior. Drawing out her porcelain tea cup, she lifted the cup to her mouth with her pinky to hover just below. Sighing with an amount of satisfaction, she let the warm sensation of the tea refresh her.
“Mint!” Ichigo hissed as she barged up to the table. As Ichigo hounded Mint for slacking especially during such a busy day, the lavender haired waitress walked out from the kitchen with a full tray in hand.
As her eyes skimmed the floor, she spotted Ichigo nagging Mint like the usual. Zakuro’s performance in the cafe wasn’t spectacular but she worked hard. With a stoic look on her face, she walked up to a table with an order. The customers silenced their conversation as Zakuro’s uncomfortable glares made their stomach churn.
Muttering a nervous greeting, Zakuro placed the dessert on the table and walked away. Overhearing some unusual chatter from another table, she stopped to peer at a table with two males dressed in school uniforms.
Spying on them from afar, they had an odd smile about them. As they threw glances occasionally in a certain direction, Zakuro glanced at their curiosity. Staring across the room, Ichigo badgering Mint about her tea time was what caught the two males attention.
Staring at their body language, it was clear to her that they were curious about the navy blue haired girl. Staring back and forth between Mint and the school boys, Zakuro felt a strange feeling overcome her.
Finally, after Ichigo’s constant nagging, Mint set down her cup of tea and pulled out from her table.
“Fine, if it’ll get you to stop bugging me. Besides, seeing Oneesama work so hard has me motivated!” She added with a gleam in her eye.
“Whatever puts you to work” Ichigo sighed. As Mint picked up a tray, she was suddenly flagged down by the innocent school boys.
“Miss!” They exclaimed. As Mint took notice of the customer, she put on service with a smile and went to work (for once)
As Zakuro looked upon their nervous smiles as Mint took their order, she felt an odd twinge in her eye.
“Zakuro..” Ichigo added nervously. Ichigo, Purin and Retasu stared at her as she exuded a fearsome aura.
“Ichigo” Zakuro added with a deep voice. Ichigo flinched from having been called in such a deep voice. “Can you help me with something?”
Meanwhile, Mint was flustered at the customers advances but tried to stay neutral.
“Do you have a boyfriend?”
“Can I have your number”
Those were certain advances Mint wasn’t particularly used to. During her dance performances, she had fans and people who looked at her with adoration. But none so forward as them.
Denying more advances, Mint was starting to get a little annoyed. Mint wasn’t afraid to kick someone out for misbehaving but surely that would be the last resort.
“Is there anything on the menu you’d like?” She asked.
“That depends” The school boy added “Are you-“
The conversation was suddenly put to a scary halt as a tray slammed on the surface of the table. The school boys looked on nervously as Mint was quite stunned for words.
With an eerie glare in her eye, Zakuro had slammed on the table what appeared to be two parfaits dressed in an odd sauce.
“O-oneesama?” Mint inquired. It took a lot of strength out of Zakuro to not go full mew mew and kick them out.
“Here you go. Two mayonnaise and ketchup parfaits” Zakuro added with a monotone voice. The two boys were honestly too scared and confused to argue with her as she looked as if she could break their limbs.
“Eh?” Mint inquired.
“W-we didn’t order-“
“It’s on the house” She snapped as she glared daggers at them. The two boys looked on with disgust at the parfait, but too afraid to say no, they quietly thanked her.
As Zakuro turned away from the table, Mint looked back at the boys to see them forcing down a parfait with sour condiments. Meanwhile, Zakuro glanced at the other girls who witnessed the whole thing.
“Ichigo, did you have anything to do with that?” Retasu asked. The strawberry haired girl winked and shushed.
“Zakuro-neechan is jealous~!” Purin exclaimed out loud.
Meanwhile, Mint was absolutely flabbergasted at the scene that just unfolded. Mint however, paid no attention to the two boys who were clearly struggling to keep down the odd flavoured parfait.
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the-cat-doctor · 1 year
ฅMrow, welcome to the cafe!ฅ
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ฅPerhaps you came for a cup of some delicious hot cocoa? Maybe you'll even be interested in some of our most famous cat cupcakes? Ah, so much to choose from!ฅ
ฅOh-- That's right, mew, I forgot to introduce myself... The name's Cattie (Cat-E) aaand this is my cafe! Obviously-ฅ
*She chuckles a little, before continuing on*
ฅOh, and that is what I look like-- Right down there!ฅ
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-Muse LVL: ??? (Ageless...?) / Mun LVL: 15-17 (MINOR!!!)
-ฅMuse speaks like this!ฅ / ((Mun speaking.))
-Mun name: Julie
-Both muse and mun go by she/her!!
ฅWhat we serve here in the cafe, right below!ฅ
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ฅWhat I look like without the suit/the girl that calls herself my 'creator'! I wonder what she means...ฅ ((Ignore the old art, this is the only clear reference sheet I have of my persona-))
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ฅAnyways, feel free to talk to me-ow! Don't expect me to get back right away when the cafe is closed though, meahaha... Just please, mrow, no NSFW!! Also no meanies or other nasties allowed, otherwise you'll be banned from the cafe.ฅ ((/srs))
Tagging system:
Muse Speaking tag: #The Owner of the Cafe // ic
Mun Speaking tag: #Taking a break from the Cafe // ooc
Anon Asks tag: #New Customer // anon
Mutual Asks tag: #A Returning Customer // mutuals
RP tag: #Free Time with Cattie // rps
Lore tag???: #Secrets Within the Cafe... // lore
Art tag: #New Item to the Menu! // mun's art
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((@the-arcade-doctor Psst! Look what I just made :] ))
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meadowmines · 1 year
RGG Tactics/Aoyagi Saga business sideplot #1: Cat Cafe Grand Prix
[Context: at a certain point in the story, Aoyagi is gifted a fixer-upper cafe to make a little walking around money with. Because Sotenbori is chock full of restaurants and because it is Unwise for him to repeat the same gimmick his place in Kamurocho used, he turns it into a cat cafe in partnership with the local TNR group. Naturally, a bunch of Cruella DeVil type shitlords running a syndicate of high-end cat cafes decides to start some shit. From the mechanics outline:]
Similar to the Cabaret Club sideplots.
You get cats on loan from the local TNR/rescue group. In order to request a new cat, you have to trap a stray. The rescue group will swoop in and pick up the stray, and then deliver a new cat to the cafe next time you enter it. The cat you trap will not be the cat that’s delivered, but strays you trap will eventually start being delivered once they’ve been fixed and prepped for adoption.
There are three factors in determining your score for each shift: profit, customer satisfaction, and adoptions. You’ll need to keep your menu fresh to maximize profit and satisfaction, and keep your cats happy to keep them from misbehaving on the floor and to incite customers to adopt them.
The mission of the cat cafe is to get cats adopted. Customers will bond with cats; when the bond maxes out, the customer will adopt the cat. An adoption during a shift will MASSIVELY boost your score and can make or break a rival battle. 
There are a few rare “platinum” cats, obtained via substories or beating rivals in the Cat Cafe Grand Prix. These cats have god tier stats but aren’t adoptable (this is explained in-game as them being special needs cats that can’t be placed with just anyone so the application process is a lot more involved). They’ll get customers in the door and loosen their hold on their wallets, but too many of them in your cast at once will tank your overall score because again, the goal is to get cats adopted.
Your first platinum cat is a majestically fluffy white cat with gorgeous blue eyes, named Miyuki (see what I did there? Yuki? Mew-ki? Ehhhh forget it). Miyuki is your number one girl. She is deaf and frequently oblivious to her surroundings and at some point in the sideplot she will get catnapped and you will be forced to do a rival battle without her. Same as it ever was.
Beating the Amon Clan tactical battle gets you, among other cool things, the best platinum cat in the game. He’s a big stocky black cat with sunglasses. His name is Nyamon. I’m not sorry.
You can put cute accessories on the cats to boost their appeal. Except for Nyamon, who will hiss at you if you try to swap his shades for another accessory.
Stressed cats, like stressed hostesses, will need time off. Putting an unhappy cat on the floor may lead to customers getting scratched or bitten, which will affect your score.
Different food has different effects on the cats’ stats. Fresh-made food is orders of magnitude better than the canned shit from Poppo and Donki, but you’ll need a recipe for that...
You can’t assign cats to tables. The cats will go where they want. However, if a cat starts to bond with a customer, she’ll eventually cling to that customer like glue.
In typical asshole cabaret club rival style, the Cruella DeVils will ditch their purebred number one cats after you beat them. Their loss is your gain.
Mr. J and Kofu DLC
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terririder · 2 years
Cat cafes near me
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Make your reservation to secure your spot! Shop OnlineĬan’t come in? Shop from your home! regalPAWshop. Please do not bring your cat We have plenty. Enjoy a tasty treat or beverage from our caf while hanging. Street parking is available on Sutton with more parking near Sutton Loop Park. This can help give you a good idea of whether or not a particular cat is a good fit for your household. You can visit multiple times to get to know the personality of a particular cat in a setting much like your home. Visits are 30 minutes and are $10 per person. Daily Mews Cat Cafe provides a safe haven for adoptable rescue cats in a cozy, caf environment. A place where you can come and meet cats that are looking for their forever homes.
These adoptable cats live here at Regal (a new group arrives every two to three weeks), and are ready to delight while you enjoy a tasty coffee or treat. El Gato Coffeehouse & Cat Cafe is Houston's first & only cat cafe We're partnered with AJL and all of our cats are adoptable We have a full service caf including a vegan food menu. This space is for you to relax, cuddle and play with our resident kitties. We house six to twelve adoptable cats in our Kitty Kingdom, a separate room from our café. Now owned by MEOW Foundation!Īfter years of partnership and hundreds of MEOW cats adopted from the Kitty Kingdom, MEOW Foundation purchased Regal Cat Café in 2022! Now all proceeds from your food, drink or kitty visit support homeless, stray and abandoned Calgary cats. Please note that we do not reserve tables as customers are encouraged to roam around and interact with our cats but there is plenty seating inside for all. We’re located in the heart of Kensington at 303 10 Street NW. Or maybe you’re just looking to spend half an hour with some cuddly feline friends! No matter what your reason, you can enjoy a cat with your coffee right here in Calgary in our “Kitty Kingdom!” Escape your everyday with your favourite animals and enjoy a coffee, tea or some delicious food. Firelight Coffee Roasters provides the coffee. Do you love cats, but have a roommate, landlord, dog or condo board that just won't let you have one? Perhaps you're ready to have a furry friend in your life, but are looking for just the right fit. For all cat lovers, we provide a friendly, relaxing cafe. The interior has giant cat murals on the walls, and the cats come from PAWS Atlanta and Humane Society of Cobb County, no-kill shelters for cats and dogs.
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midorikawa-lettuce · 5 years
i have an incredibly detailed plot line in my head for a blueberry salad canon compliant slow burn w/ trans girl!masaya that follows all three of them separately just a while after the events of a la mode and it goes something like this
tw for internalized transphobia mention
Ichigo’s part: my life is perfect, i have a job, i’m doing well in school for once, the earth is at peace, i have great friends, i have a boyfriend i love to absolute pieces and i can’t wait for him to come back home from England and we talk every single night and i’m still in the honeymoon phase and i think i will be forever
but i have
a problem
and that problem is that Lettuce Midorikawa is suddenly the most beautiful girl i have ever seen in my life and i feel really flustered around her all of a sudden and i’m having some very confusing dreams??
i really still love masaya so much but i’m so confused
i’m also very repressed and have never considered once the possibility of being attracted to girls and it has taken me months to realize that i have a crush
can you love two people at the same time??
are having these confusing dreams cheating???????
Masaya’s part: getting to study abroad and get away from my parents for a while is so much more freeing than i thought it would be especially after finding out my whole life was a lie made as a front for an alien invasion; i’ve spent so much of my life Being Perfect so as not to be a burden/to be worthy of my adoptive parents but now after the Deep Blue bullshit I am just so happy to finally figure out who /I/ am and I’m so incredibly lucky to have such a wonderful supportive girlfriend who is literally the reason for my chance at living life as ME
except there are some confusing things happening all of a sudden that i don’t know how to deal with
living on my own has given me the chance to start to realize i think i’ve been repressing some things
one of my study abroad flatmates got me to wear a skirt for a stupid dare and it?? felt actually really good??
i think i bought another skirt
as soon as I am back in Japan it is back to Repression Hours!!!!  No One Can Know I Have Feelings
if Ichigo finds out will she hate me??? oh shit.  I don’t know who to talk to. I’m friends with the other girls but I don’t know who to talk to. If I talk to someone before I talk to Ichigo is that cheating on her??
Lettuce keeps ending up hanging out with us on dates and it kind of calms me down because it gives me a little bit of a buffer to figure out how or if i’m going to ever talk to Ichigo and maybe she won’t notice i’m acting weird if Lettuce is here too
hanging out with both of them is. really nice. actually.
Lettuce is so sweet maybe i could talk to her about it???
hang on wait
do i have feelings for lettuce
or do i just want to look like lettuce
oh god no do i actually love ichigo or do i just want to be her
do i love both of them??? can you love both of them??? i don’t know i have too many other worried feelings about how much I want to be a girl and to love them both as a girl and oh no something is so wrong with me
Lettuce’s part: hi i’m just figuring out that i’m pretty sure I’ve been in love with both Ichigo and Masaya for a while now but they’re dating and they’re happy and there’s no way I can possibly come in between them or ruin their relationship and it’s not like I could date BOTH of them hahahahhaa i’ll just be the supportive friend and cheer on their relationship from afar!
except i think Ryo found out at least part of it
because he’s making some really not subtle hints at me
and he keeps putting me and Ichigo on shifts together
and when Masaya comes back for visits we all end up hanging out together and i think i just fall in more love and i don’t know why Ichigo keeps inviting me along on what I think are supposed to be dates?? Is their relationship okay??
and Masaya just sent me a panicked 2am text about how to tell Ichigo something important and he doesn’t know who else to talk to but he won’t tell me what it is
Pai is not helping me he just keeps telling me he doesn’t understand relationships much less human relationships except that his only rule is Don’t Talk To Kish About It
That is not a difficult rule to follow
and yea the other mews start to catch on and after some of their own soul-searching and figuring things out they just all start to get annoyed with the obliviousness but Ryo has to scold them because it’s not anyone’s place but the three of theirs to talk about things like this (he should know he has a huge gay repressed crush on Akasaka)
anyway eventually Ichigo and Masaya both sit down and have an awkward, interrupting and then apologizing for interrupting conversation about everything and at some point Lettuce gets involved again and they slowly start to navigate their new and confusing relationship and it gets fluffy after that because i’m a sap
anyway yeah. blueberry salad rights!
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mellohyi · 3 years
cat cafe
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c!ranboo fic !!
i like to consider it the origin story of enderchest and enderpearl :D also, iirc i wrote this around the time of the plushes being announced because enderchest my beloved !!
summary: c!ranboo stops at a cat cafe, meets two cats and falls in love with them
post from my writing side blog that i am moving to my main! i will be doing this with the other posts from there !!
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a tall man walks down a wooden path. he is taking notes in his notebook, simultaneously paying attention to his surroundings. the scent of coffee suddenly hits him, having come from the cafe down the path. coffee. he hasn’t eaten anything today. he forgot. it’s okay, though. there is a cafe a few steps away.
the soft ding of the entrance bell is heard, and he is greeted by a plethora of cats. a few silver ones with eyes like stars, a few multicoloured ones with splashes of orange and dark brown on a white canvas, one or two siamese cats. but, there are two that just refuse to acknowledge him. playing hard to get, i see.
the man orders a caramel macchiato, being one of the only decent caffeinated drinks he knew. it was written in his book before he forgot it last time, so it must’ve been good. the warm takeaway cup in his hands, he tucked the notebook under his belt and sat down in a corner. one of the silver cats began to sneak over to his seat, their tail flicking back and forth.
a black cat growled towards it, disapproving of this behaviour. hm. being protective of him, but also rejecting him. the man hummed and stretched out his free hand, trying to get their attention. “kitty kitty kitty! c’mon here!”
the cat slinked over, and gently sniffed his hand before rubbing their head on his leg. the man smiled, and attempted to pick them up.
“hey, kitty! i’m ranboo, what’s your name?” forgetting that cats cannot speak, ranboo pondered as to why it didn’t respond for a few seconds.
“oh, right! you can’t respond. hmmmm. i think we are gonna call you enderchest.” ranboo stroked the cat, and took a large sip of his coffee.
the cat nodded slightly, ranboo taking this as agreement towards the name choice. enderchest slid away from ranboo, leaving a feeling of warmth where it was. seconds later, it returned, having brought the other black cat with it.
“is this your sibling? awh, enderchest!” enderchest jumped onto his lap, while the other cat stared curiously at the pair. it sniffed around slightly, before also jumping into his arms.
“woah! you are really excited, huh? you kinda remind me of enderpearls, with how fast you move… let’s name you enderpearl.” ranboo grinned, and gently stroked enderpearl on the head.
jazz softly played in the background while ranboo bonded with the two cats. enderpearl mewed gingerly, signifying hunger from what was inferred. so, ranboo got up to order some food.
he scanned the menu while queuing. it was filled with various teas, coffees, and homemade baked goods. his eyes landed upon the mention of bread. ranboo didn’t fully know if cats could eat bread. maybe they could, maybe they couldn’t. however, this was a risk he considered worth taking, for his new cat friend.
“heya guys! i got you some bread, but be careful though.” he ripped off a corner and gestured for the duo to take a bite. hesitantly, enderpearl sunk its teeth into it and pulled a piece off. it chewed on it, and went back for a second bite. enderchest, on the contrary, did not want anything to do with the bread.
“you guys are so nice. y’know, maybe i should take you home with me.”
and so he did.
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some-cookie-crumbz · 4 years
ShinDeku Meet Cute plz??? That maybe involves kittens?
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You’ve combined two of my favorite things here; cutie patooties and kittens~!
Shinso Hitoshi had been observing the remodeling of the little shop on the corner three blocks from his home for a while. Up until about three months ago, it had belonged to his favorite coffee shop. Despite being on the corner, the shop didn’t see too much business but was why he liked it so much. He could slip in and out on his way to his college campus from a little bit of wakey-up juice without a huge wait. Additionally, the place was a great study spot since it was always tame with just the right amount of lighting. And finally, regardless of the time of day, the coffee was always freshly brewed and consistently delicious.
But then the owner revealed that he had decided to sell the lease so he could retire to spend more time with his family. A sweet gesture that Shinso could respect, but a part of him still mourned the loss of his usual haunt. The coffee at the small convenience store a block before the campus was always old and stale, leaving a bitter taste on the back of his tongue regardless of how much cream, sugar or espresso he added. The campus cafe coffee was not much better, either, as it was twice the price and tasted like it had been cut with water to save on beans and boost coffee sales. The old cafe owner had reassured Hitoshi that whoever had rented the space from him was going to be putting in a new cafe. So Hitoshi had decided to try and go the cautiously optimistic route.
Thankfully, just before he’d left to visit his family during his semester break, a banner was plastered over a large window to the shop with an official opening date. He would be out of town the first three days the place was open but he figured that was fine. Some of the hype should die down by then, so he could get a better read on if the new shop would be a fraction as good as the old. He found himself genuinely looking forward to popping in as he settled back into his bed on his first night home.He wondered if the place would have the same classic feel as its predecessor or if it’d be something entirely different.
The next morning, he got his answer. And oh what an answer it was.
The shop had been on the very corner of the building it was built in, with two grand full-scale windows on either side, which had allowed from some great natural lighting. Just as he came into view of the window on his way to the door, he noticed movement and paused, a pair of gleaming green eyes staring back at him. It took him all of two seconds to realize that it was a brown tabby cat staring back, settled on a tier of a large cat tree poised at the window. The tabby blinked and a smaller head poked out just below them, this one pure black with big yellow eyes. And, judging by size, this one was just a kitten.
Hitoshi had never scrambled to a front door quite as fast in his life as he did in that moment.
The inside had a soft, pastel aesthetic with various cat trees and toys scattered about the center of the floor. There were cats sitting in the full-scale windows, staring out at the people passing by, but several fluffy heads turned to face him upon entrance. There were two young woman behind the large counter in the back, seemingly swapping out the till, who perched up when he entered. “Hello! Please feel free to settle in at any open table. A server will be with you shortly!” The brunette called that, waggling one hand at him as the other woman, with orange hair in a ponytail, was removing one of the tills from the cash register.
He peered around before swiping a table in the far corner, near where the two cats he’d seen through the window had been. Once he settled in, there was a quiet mew by his feet. A glance down revealed the little brown tabby from the window had come over. “Hello again,” he mumbled, reaching down to carefully pick the cat up.
The cat mewed but didn’t protest being picked up and set on the table so Hitoshi could get a better look at them, gently scratching them under their fluffy white chin. He grinned at the soft rumbling purrs. “I see you and Pocky are becoming fast friends! That’s incredible!” A new voice chimed up, causing him to jump and glance up.
The young man standing beside his table looked like he was around Hitoshi’s age, though he still had quite a bit of baby fat clinging to his frecked cheeks. He was a bit on the short side but had a slightly stockier build, implying he worked out on a somewhat regular basis, and clearly cared about the animals in the shop since he recognized this one even without it having a collar designating its name. So a cute, athletic cat lover? That, Hitoshi mused, was certainly a bonus to frequenting the cafe. He reached into his apron to produce a small paper menu to offer Hitoshi. “I take it Pocky here is a bit of a challenge?” Hitoshi asked as he took the offered menu.
“She’s more just kinda fickle. She only likes to be pet in a specific way, so it makes a lot of patrons see her as moody and unpleasant. There must be something special about you that calls to her,” he chuckled happily, reaching out to gently scratch the top of the little cat’s head.
Pocky let out a little mewl at the server before shifting her attention back to Hitoshi, blinking at him with an expectant gleam in her eyes. He chuckled and reached out to gently scratch under her little chin.”Well, I’ve always been good with cats,” he said before glancing back up at the server. “So I know her name, but what about yours? It only seems like proper manners to know your name since we’ll be seeing a lot of each other.”
The other’s grin widened at that, near dazzling with his excitement. “Midoriya Izuku! I look forward to getting to know you better, sir!”
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rhneg-rhpos · 3 years
A Series of Notes
Surprise story for the one and only @petri808
Kyo is caught between a lie and Tohru. What will come of his good intentions?
Summer break. It was finally here and Tohru was already trying to start preparations for the next school year. Luckily, her friends had other plans for her in hopes of some fun over the break.
“Come on, Tohru! Live a little!” Uotani exclaims, throwing an arm around the smaller girl’s shoulders.
“Yes, Tohru. You work much too hard.” Hanajima adds solemnly. “We should make many memories for the summer.”
“And I know just how we can kick it off!” The blonde steers them through town towards their favorite cat cafe.
“Aww! I can’t wait to see how much the kittens have grown since the last time we were here!” Tohru says excitedly. Her eyes shine and glimmer in delight, all thoughts of homework and school prep easily diverted by the cute fluffy animals mewing in greeting as they walk through the door with a soft bell jingling their presence.
“Welcome in!” A boy about their age greets them from behind the register counter. “How may we serve you today?”
Tohru couldn’t believe her eyes. His smile shines through his soft grey eyes which were only a shade darker than his short, grey hair. Very lean and holding himself with an air of dignity like someone of royalty, it was impossible to notice just how handsome he is for someone their age. The young brunette finds herself at a loss for words, left staring at the prince-like being before her.
“A table for three, please,” Hanajima responds politely, stirring Tohru’s focus back to earth.
“And some menus! I’m starving!” Uotani announces as the three follow the boy to a small rounded table.
As they sit down, he hands each of them a menu card showing the sweets, snacks, and various summer beverages the cafe offers. “Here you ladies are. If there’s anything else I can help you with, my name is Yuki so please just let me know.” He tells them with that winning smile of his again. 
Tohru could feel her heart beating just a little faster. Surely he’s just this nice because it’s his job, right? Opting to distract her thoughts, she looks over to where a few of the cats were laying by the large window in direct sunlight taking a midday nap. Just then, a familiar mop of orange hair appears to fill up a few of the food bowls for the cats.
“Kyo!” Tohru gasps excitedly. Her friends turn toward his direction, a smirk growing on Uotani’s face.
“Hey, Carrots! Why don’t you come join us?” She calls him over with her favorite nickname for the carrot-top.
Kyo grumbles at the attention thrown his way. “Can’t you see I’m working, you damn Yankee!”
“Geez, always such the grouch still I see. Glad you all recruited some help with better manners.” The blonde retorts turning back in her chair, dismissing the obnoxious boy.
“Huh?! You better not be talking about that damn Yuki!”
“Oh, Kyo. Yuki was very nice when he greeted us!” Tohru explains. “How well do you know him?”
“Tch, he’s my cousin, so more than I care to.” Kyo replies shortly resuming his task of taking care of the various cats scattered about the cafe, giving one or two of them the occasional scratch under their chin or behind their ear if they bothered to wake up from their nap and acknowledge his presence as he approaches. 
Tohru smiles at the tender affection Kyo gives the tiny balls of fur as a kitten comes pouncing over to him. He may be brash and loud-mouthed, but honestly Arisa loves to get a rise out of him. It’s just how she is. But, Tohru knows that Kyo is much more than what he lets people see and believe. It was one of the few biggest reasons they kept coming back here.
“Besides, he’s only working here for the summer. So, he better do a damn good job!” Kyo finishes. Apparently, he isn’t too fond of his cousin, so Tohru didn’t want to push the matter while her friends just wanted their orders taken already.
Just as Kyo leaves, Yuki returns from the back and the two glare at each other in passing, but only briefly to not bring about attention to themselves. Had Tohru not already been watching Kyo, she would’ve missed the interaction herself. It was gone just as quick as it had started in a blink. Yuki’s smile returns as if it had never faded from his face as he comes to finally take their order.
“Are you ladies ready to order?”
 The first several weeks of summer went by quickly and the trio continued visiting the cafe multiple times each week. Whether they dropped in for cool refreshments after taking a walk along the beach and were heading back home, wanting a light snack during the middle of the day, or simply just wanted to sit somewhere peaceful and watch the cute smile on Tohru’s face as she watches the kittens roll around to play with each other.
“Awww! Look how big they’re getting!” The brunette gushes to her friends, kneeling on the tiled cafe floor by the playful kittens. “Aren’t they just so cute?!”
Her friends chuckle quietly behind their hands as they watch her just as Kyo marches up to their table, seemingly in a bad mood.
“What do you want?” He nearly demands them.
“Whoa, Carrots, what’s got your tail in a twist?” Uotani asks, noticing the scowl on the boy’s face.
“That damn Yuki! Couldn’t even come in for his own shift so now I have to cover it!” Kyo vents aloud to them. “As if I didn’t have enough work of my own to do!”
Tohru gasps. “Oh no! Is he okay?”
The group had grown fond of the silver-haired boy. His quiet and sweet demeanor added another element of peace to their visits to the cafe that they rather enjoyed. Tohru especially had seemed to grow fond of him, trying to connect with him in hopes to gain another friendship much like she felt she had with Kyo.
Kyo huffs at the question, not wanting to keep on the subject. “How the hell should I know?! He’s probably sick or something. He used to get sick all the time as a kid.”
Tohru frowns then starts digging through her bag. Her friends all watch the brunette as she pulls out her pencil bag to retrieve her sticky notes and a pen. She quickly scribbles a short note on the little square then pulls the top sheet off to hand to Kyo.
“Please give this to Yuki for me!”
“What?! Why the hell-” Kyo starts to argue until he sees the glares from her two friends. He groans and snatches the tiny note from her hand. “Fine! Not like I have anything better to do.”
Kyo walks away with the note in hand, forgetting that he didn’t even take the group’s order as he enters the backroom for employees.
 Kyo toes off his shoes as he walks into the house and drops his bag at the door. Next to the door, three bowls sit on a small  table- two are filled with Yuki’s and Shigure’s keys, wallets, and other miscellaneous things they keep in their pockets during the day. Kyo empties his own pockets into the same bowl, and as he does, he finds the note Tohru had given him for Yuki. He walks down the hallway, opening it up and reads it.
Take care of yourself and get well soon!
 Entering the kitchen, he sees Yuki sitting at the table eating some miso soup, so he tosses the note on the table in front of Yuki saying, “Girl at the cafe asked me to give that to you.”
Yuki, not looking up from his soup, responds, “Are you my personal mailman now?”
“Shut up, you damn rat! You’re lucky you look like death warmed over or I’d kick your ass right now!”
Yuki, not feeling up to interact with Kyo’s energy right now, finishes his soup, puts the dishes in the sink, and throws the note in the trash.
"You aren't going to write back?" Kyo asks, leaning against the counter.
"No, it's just another girl. Why would I care?"
"She took the time to wish you good health."
"Why do you even care? Do you like her?"
"What? No!” Kyo sputters.
Yuki strides out of the room and not looking back at Kyo, says. "Sure, like I care."
After a while, Kyo pushes off the counter with a grimace to retrieve the note from the trash and walks up to his room. He ignores Shigure as he passes by, tuning when Shigure starts talking about Yuki. 
Poor Yuki, he is sooo sick. Everyone should cater to him and treat him like a king.  Kyo thinks scornfully.  Sorry, but he’s nothing but a dick.
 When Kyo clocks in the next afternoon, Tohru and her friends are already there, sipping on their coffees and looking into the window of the cat room. He walks up to the few tables of people and explains that he will be their waiter for the remainder of their stay as they just had a shift change. When he gets to Tohru and her friends’ table, he could swear that Tohru’s face lights up a little.
 “There was a shift change and so I’ll be taking care of you all for the rest of the night.” he repeats for them. “Is there anything I can get you? Also this is for you.” 
He digs the note out of his pocket and hands it to Tohru.
“Oh! Thank you! He really wrote back?! And no, I think we are okay for now!” Tohru replies, beaming with her usual energy.
Kyo nods his head and walks away to go back into the kitchen. As he walks away, Uotani grabs the note and flattens it so everyone could read it.
I appreciate your concern. I am fine. Don’t worry. 
“Geez, kinda cold coming from the prince.” Uotani scoffs, leaning back in her chair and balancing on it’s back two legs.
“That’s so sweet of him to take the time to write back! I really didn’t expect any kind of reply.” Tohru practically gushes as she picks up the small, plain note.
“Leave it to Tohru to find the good in everything.” Hanajima sighs before taking another sip of her iced coffee.
Tohru quickly shuffles through her things, replacing the note with a pen and notepad, then scribbles out another note. Just as she finishes, she looks up to find Kyo leaving from another table. Almost stumbling out of her chair, she makes her way over and holds out the new note.
Kyo turns around to see her holding out a piece of paper. Before she could say anything, he cuts her off.
“Do I look like a damn mailman to you?!”
Tohru’s face flushes red with embarrassment and clutches her hands to her chest. “O-oh I’m so sorry Kyo! I didn’t mean to just assume. I’m a dummy! Of course you have responsibilities to tend to! I can always drop it off to Yuki later-“
Kyo rolls his eyes and snatches the note sticking out between her fingers. “Give it here. I didn’t say I wouldn’t, just next time ask before writing another note. Besides, do you even know where he lives?”
Tohru stares at him blankly, at a loss for words, making Kyo nearly smile.
“Don’t worry about it. Just go back and have fun with your friends.” Kyo tells her.
While the two exchange a few more words- Tohru trying to convince Kyo that he should come hang out with them sometime when he’s not working- Hanajima watches from their table.
“His waves are changing.” Hanajima murmurs. 
Her gaze falls onto Tohru’s bag where Yuki’s note could be seen sticking out of the top. She didn’t feel the cold, harsh words that Uotani got from first glance. That didn’t seem fitting for the shy and considerate Yuki that had waited their tables. His energy resembles a calm, secluded pond. The waters are always steady and comforting to be around, yet never disturbed by its surroundings, unlike his cousin’s. Kyo’s resembled the waves of an ocean, ready to crash against any open shore, nearly unpredictable and ever changing. 
There was something about that note, though, that seemed more calculated. A faux reserve presence trying to emulate that of the prince’s. Hanajima couldn’t quite understand the mixed signals she receives from the note, but she didn’t believe it to be from Yuki at all.
“Everything alright?”
Tohru’s voice cuts through her thoughts, bringing her focus towards concerned brown eyes.
“Of course.” Hanajima smiles, easing Tohru’s worries as she reclaims her seat next to her friends.
Kyo watches as Tohru returns to her friends then looks down at the note in his hand with a heavy sigh. Quickly, he makes his way to the back room and reads it once he’s alone.
I’m so glad to hear it! I was so surprised to get a note back from you. We all miss you at the cafe! Wishing you well!
 Kyo leans his head back against the wall, groaning at the situation he’s placed himself in.
This damn girl… Why is she wasting her time making sure this good-for-nothing Yuki is getting better?! It’s not like he’s showed any interest or care for her, and he certainly doesn’t give enough of a damn to write her back!
Rage bubbles in Kyo’s chest towards his cousin. It was always easy for Yuki to attract people. Everyone wanted to be around Yuki, have Yuki’s attention, be noticed by Yuki, but not a single one of them would ever know how much Yuki found each one of them to be the same. To him, each one was a burden of a conversation, a task to complete so he could continue about his day. To Kyo, the bastard only seemed to care about appearances, not people; he had been like that ever since they were kids. Yuki wanted everyone to like him and would sacrifice the feelings of a few to make any situation slightly more comfortable. Kyo had been excluded from many family gatherings as a result of this. It angers Kyo, wishing something that came so easy to that damned rat wouldn’t be so carelessly discarded. But, that was just who he knew his cousin to be. Kyo at one point in time had attempted to be more collected and nonchalant like Yuki, but it was a wholly painful experience and went against the core of his being. Since then, Kyo had accepted that he just wasn’t a person that was going to be liked... by anyone. If he was being honest with himself, Kyo sometimes wished he could make friends like Yuki could; and, if he could, he wouldn’t just throw them to the side. 
With a deep breath, Kyo pockets the note and returns to work. He’d have to reply to the note later.
 Someone so caring deserves a response back.
 “Now that sounds more like the prince we know,” Uotani comments as she sips on her boba tea.
Tohru looks up at Kyo seeing him waiting there with his arms crossed while Hanajima’s eyes watch him closely.
“Go on. Ask already!” Kyo huffs at her.
Tohru fidgets with the note from “Yuki”, trying to find a spot for her eyes to focus on. “Oh, uhm.. Well, do you...mind...giving Yuki just one more...note?” she asks hesitantly.
His brows raise in surprise. “So this is the last note you plan on writing?”
Her head nods assuringly.
Kyo sighs and rubs a hand over his face. “Fine. One more.”
Tohru’s face lights up and she turns to her satchel to find paper and pen. While she’s turned away from him, a small smile graces Kyo’s features which doesn’t go unnoticed by Hanajima’s watchful gaze.
“Interesting,” she murmurs, catching her blonde friend’s attention.
“What’s that?” Uotani asks her.
“Their waves call out to each other,” she says simply before taking a sip of her milk tea.
Uotani stares at her cryptic friend before Tohru’s chipper voice brings her attention back to the pair.
“Here! And I promise this is the last one!” Tohru swears with her version of a serious look, something she couldn’t pull off.
“Pffft, yeah okay,” Kyo responds trying to keep from laughing. 
With a wave, he turns away, note in hand, and returns to work as the group heads out. As Kyo wipes down the countertops, he watches the group chatting just outside the cafe bay window. Kyo pauses in his cleaning, hand fisting into the rag as he’s lost in his thoughts of the brunette. The smile Tohru graces her friends as she speaks excitedly to them, the endearing looks her friends give in return, but it’s Tohru that mainly catches his eyes. Her carefree attitude full of light and innocence; her calming presence and her excessively spastic expressions that make him want to laugh; but most of all, it’s her wide eyes so soft and filled with such care for everyone to witness, a kindness and love so pure that even those who didn’t deserve it where graced with it. 
Finally, the trio move on and Tohru leaves his sight, bringing him back to reality. With a heavy sigh, he looks down at the flat surface he was once cleaning and his hand trails towards his pocket where he put the note. How could this one girl suddenly occupy most of his thoughts? She doesn’t even know it, but he’s afraid to tell her the truth about the notes. Would she think he’s crazy? A creep? No… he couldn’t risk it. The one person he’s come to care about how she thinks of him and risk finding out she’s just like everyone else? No, he’ll hold on to this fantasy of his for as long as he can, even if it does seem to be nearing it’s end anyways.
Pulling the note from his pocket, he unfolds it and reads the message Tohru had scrawled out for Yuki. Despite her rushed state, Kyo couldn’t help but smile at her girlish handwriting.
Maybe once you’re feeling better we can hang out! 
<3 Tohru
 “Shit…” he says under his breath. “How the hell am I supposed to respond to that?!”
Kyo stuffs the note back into his pocket and tries to focus back on work, but the words continue to haunt his thoughts the rest of his shift.
Finally, Kyo makes it back home as his feet shuffle the whole way to his room before dropping his bag just inside the door. He hits the door with his foot to close it and makes his way over to his desk before plopping down in the chair with a heavy sigh. His head leans back as he stares blankly at the plain ceiling above. He daydreams about what it would be like to take Tohru on an actual date: walking through the park, sitting at the cafe together and just talking, or maybe going to an amusement park and playing the carnival games and winning those shitty stuffed animals for her. 
Forcing himself out of his thoughts, he leans forward in his chair and opens his desk drawer to grab his notepad and pen where he sees the other notes from Tohru. He had kept them in there for safe keeping and away from potentially prying eyes- knowing full well his family is full of them. Looking at the notes, he doesn’t realize he’s smiling again even as he tries to think of what to write for the new note. 
Kyo was so lost in his thoughts that he doesn’t notice his door opening slowly from where it had failed to shut entirely. 
Yuki stands at the threshold of Kyo’s room, finally feeling well enough to be walking around and not laying in bed drinking soup. The prince looks on curiously at his cousin, the small smile not going unnoticed. While he didn’t know Kyo well, Yuki knew him well enough to know he rarely, if ever, smiled. Curiosity getting the better of him, he strolls in uninvited just to see what has managed to break Kyo’s normally cantankerous expression.
A shadow looms over Kyo and blocks some of the light over his notepad which causes him to look up from his desk. Much to his displeasure, he finds himself face to face with the one person he least wanted to see, especially in his room uninvited.
“The hell?! Who the hell said you could come in here?!” Kyo yells, standing up from his desk.
Yuki ignores his usually explosive cousin and continues looking at the notes on display. His name in particular catching his attention. He scoffs and moves to the side to better read the notes without being plowed over by Kyo’s abruptness. 
Kyo realizes what has caught his cousin’s attention and quickly tries to hide the notes even though it’s already too late.
“You truly are pathetic,” Yuki says softly, turning towards the door. “He suddenly has the ability to become a writer of his own, yet uses my name as his to get the attention he’s so desperately craved all his life…”
Yuki stops just at the door and looks back over his shoulder, his expression apathetic and priggish. “And all just to get a girl who isn’t even worth the time. If you’re going to use my name, at least get someone who’s actually useful and not so painfully dull.”
Kyo fumes, hands tightening to fists as his body moves on it’s own towards the door. He throws himself at Yuki as they fall into a heap in the hallway, Kyo’s clenched fists now around his cousin’s collar. Anger tints his vision red as he pulls a fist back ready to punch him out cold. The smug, yet disinterested expression below him fuels his anger further; however, his fist connects with the floor barely an inch away from Yuki’s face.
“The only one who’s painfully dull and not worth anyone’s time is  you .” Kyo spats in his face. Pain ebbs at his knuckles still firmly placed against the hard floor but he keeps his eyes locked on the pair of pale, blue eyes below him. “For someone so smart, you don’t know a damn thing about her. And why would you? Just like everyone else, you’re so trapped in this God-forsaken family that everyone else fades to the background. Yuki, the one who’s always surrounded by people, yet I think you’re the loneliest one here. You think you’re better than me? Name one friend… At least I know where I stand and have accepted who I am, rather than be what everyone expects me to be.”
Kyo shoves himself off and leaves Yuki on the ground as he shuts his door behind him. His heart beats erratically inside his chest from the rush of adrenaline. Oh how he wanted to punch his damn lights out! But he wouldn’t give Yuki the satisfaction of getting to him so easily. With a new wave of determination, Kyo sits back down at his desk and begins writing his reply back to Tohru.
Meet me at the Fountain in the park by the cafe. 
Saturday at noon. 
Let’s do this properly.
 Kyo fidgets nervously standing next to the fountain. He had arrived 30 minutes earlier and has now switched between sitting and standing at least 40 times. He feels sick to his stomach, what if she doesn’t come, what if she runs away when she sees it’s him. She thought she was meeting Yuki. Why did he think that she would settle for him. No one ever wanted him, he was just the cat that was always cast aside. No, I can do this. At the very least, I should tell her the truth and let her feel how she wants. Time to man up. 
He could see her coming up and looking around for Yuki. He’d take a deep breath and finally step out to meet her. Standing before her, he’d rub the back of his neck nervously as she’d turn to see him.
“Oh hi, Kyo! Have you seen Yuki?”
This would be the moment. He’d have to tell her the truth. Clearing his throat, he’d gain his resolve. “Actually… Yuki isn’t coming,” he’d tell her hesitantly, watching her confused gaze staring back at him. “I was the one writing the notes back to you.”
He waited for her to respond, unable to gauge her reaction as she stood there as still as a statue. Had she heard him? Before he could ask, her face turned downcast and her eyes wouldn’t meet his. He felt his heart shatter into a million pieces as he saw the look of disappointment he had recognized so many times before clearly written across her features. He didn’t have the nerve to go through this again, not with her. Panic squeezed the air out of his lungs, rooting him to that spot and unable to move, to speak, much less breathe. 
“Why did you do this to me Kyo…” She said as he saw a tear drop from her down turned eyes. “Kyo...”
“Kyo... Kyo? Kyo, are you ready to go?”
He looks up from where he had been standing and staring at the fountain, just to see Tohru walking up to him with her signature smile. “Are you ready to go?” She repeated.
His heart beat steadily inside his chest, his breathing evening out as he realized it was all in his head...but, wait...what had she just asked him?
“What?” He asks dumbfounded.
Tohru giggles. “I asked if you’re ready to go. What were you thinking about? You seemed a bit lost in your thoughts. But you looked so sad, is there something I can do?” Tohru smiles brightly.
“No,” he says slowly, her smile warming the inside of him and breaking the ice his cold thoughts that had been frozen within his mind after all these years. He smiles back at her, “I’m fine now.”
Before he could ask her anything, she turns away and looks inside her bag before pulling out a small, folded piece of paper then hands it to him. Kyo looks at her curiously as he reaches out to take the note. Holding it in his hands, he looks down at it, then back at her. Tohru nods with a small smile, prompting him to open and read it.
Kyo opens the note and reads it quickly. His eyes widen in surprise as he looks back up her before rereading the note to make sure he understood it correctly, but she grabs his hand and pulls him forward.
“Come on! Let’s go get something to eat.”
Kyo’s shock fades away as a smile takes its place, letting the small brunette drag him to wherever she wanted.
10 notes · View notes
clavis-baby · 4 years
Hey! Hello, I've been reading your works. I must say, the ideas are brilliant! So can I suggest you to write ( if it isnt a bother) about MC having a 'succubi's curse' or something similar to heat & what will be the brothers reaction or what they will do?
Awww thank you so much💜💜💜
Btw this is how I’m mostly going to write head cannons and not all the time with long story’s along with a character
A head cannon of mine that I see al the Obey me brothers as doms(saying this I’m not saying men are all doms but I just really think that the boys are)
P.s while writing this I couldn’t help myself and also wrote how the brothers would be in there own rut so look out for that when its finnished I’ll link it here
And one more thing I did change on Mc got into heat to make it less repetitive
Mc in a Heat cuz of a Curse
Ahh you must love annoying the hell out of him don’t you
Walking down the street by your self which you knew you weren’t allowed to do rules that were known the very first day and then some you happen to piss off a witch who know how but here you are now in front of Lucifer getting a talk to
Let’s just say you got a lecture but during his talking the heat between your legs started to grow along with you pheromones
Soon even Lucifer was starting to get effected on the pheromones I mean who wouldn’t when someone as divine as you was sitting down right in front of him
But even if you were driving him crazy who do you think you are to believe that the oldest brother pride it’s self couldn’t control himself so he continued his lecture after a small pause but when talking you couldn’t help looking into his ruby eyes, as well as his tongue once in a while sticking out of his lips just imagining what those tongue and lips how they would feel on your woman hood
To be fair this was all mammon’s fault if he just paid off all his debts this most likely wouldn’t happen
Skipping down the street arm linked with each other’s a witch fed up waiting on Mammon to pay up stops you to putting a fuse on Mammon most prized possession you to say the least he didn’t take that very well after they preformed the curse Mammon teared the witch apart limb from limb because no one should ever hurt his special human
Even though Mammon was blinded by his rage he still did hear a bit of what the witch had said know what cause they put on you. The only problem is the effects had already started taken effect with your pharmones starting to be realeased a lot of demons started stoping drooling at the smell
Mammon was no exception although he pulled out of his trance to quickly picking you up exclamaing the cause to you then once he finished exclaiming started sprinting to the house of lamation all the way into his room to claim what is him human
(Btw I ran out of names u will know when you get to the part what I mean)
You opened the box
Thinking on how much merch that Levi gets you being the curious little thing you are wanted to see what some of the things Levi purchased...without him
One of the boxes had ✨Ruri-chans magical slick✨along with a tag “it’s so good you just want to have more to drink ;)” and so happens you were thirsty so opening the bottle bringing it up to your lips you take a sip. Tasting like barries you think sighing you continue drinking
After you finnished the entire bottle you realize how adorable the tag was along with a “turn me” on the tag, turning the tag around you relized you made a huge mistake “Ruri-Chan’s Magical slick tastes so good you want more ;) so much more the only thing that will settle you is a nice breeding for your new heat! Cation drunk sips for maximum heat” Huh.. you drank the entire bottle
And of course Levi walks in seeing what you have in your hand with a empty bottle of “Ruris-Chan’s Magical slick”
“N-n-normi did you drink that entire thi-“ Then the smell hits him hard your pheromones slick forming between your thighs
Did you know cats have heats?
And in Devildom cats in heat can give you its heat as well? No!! Oh well that sucks for you
Coming home with Satan from one of his favorite book store strolling along home taking about what ever was on each other’s minds you two decided to stop at a small cafe with small little sweet treats, along with some tea and other things
Deciding to wait outside while Satan orders and waits for the two of your drinks that you orders a stray white with light mocha and black spots comes up to you rubbing it head against your ankles
Squatting down to the small cats level you start to pet the stray as you wait for Satan but eventually you feel a strange tingling feeling but you decide to ignore the feeling favoring on the small cat still nuzzling against you as you pet it hearing it’s small mews and purrs
Walking out from the small shop with your drink Satan sees you bending down petting the soft cat as much as he wants to Awwe over how adorable the two of you are against each other he can’t help the amalistic feeling he gets already knowing what you did wrong
You ate Asmos cooking...
You Beel and Belphie all snuggling up together minding your business causally watchi g TV aswell as drifting off to sleep you wake up to the roar of Beels stomach when the two brothers still sleep soundly but because of your thrust upward from waking up Belphie was starting to turn from the commotion
Rolling your eyes you decide to get up and head to the kitchen knowing Belphie most likely would be to lazy to help you get food for Beel
Walking in you notice the beautiful batch of freshly made cupcakes almost begging to be eaten
Deciding that I wouldn’t hurt to have one you take a bite thinking of how delicious it is when you all of the sudden see the fancy note with pink trim next to the platter
“Dear my Solomon” uh oh you already thought knowing who wrote the letter and that you ate a cupcake for Solomon “I hope my dear that you are doing well I baked these things expeally thinking of you” aww how cute you think “because of your magic I decided to add my own” wait what... looking down at the cupcake then back at the letter “and added a special potion to make you go into a heat us demons go into” Uh oh “make sure to call me my love”
Then it hit you like a truck the feeling was so intense you fell to the floor sweating profusely clenching your stomach from the feeling
When of course Asmo walks in
“Awwwe did you eat the cupcakes, I can help you with that”
Going out with Beel to eat will always get you in some sort of trouble
Tonight was the night that Beel so kindly has asked you out to eat with him claiming that a new place has opened and wanted to bring you with him to see how you would like it so innocently
To be honest you wanted to originals say no remembering how almost everyone food was involved with Beel something would go horribly wrong
When walking into the restaurant he already called ahead to let them know to be prepared for the wrath of gluttony at the restaurant
The staff turned there beards and suddenly worked faster to get all the food Beel was going to consume
Sitting down for a second the waiters come along and set piles of food infrount of you two to the point where you couldn’t even see him but only hear small dig in from Beel who had most likely already was eating
You started eating you portion and felt a strange tingling feeling in your stomach but ignored it and continued eating when all of the sudden the manager comes over greets the two of you and starts saying what you were eating
“Oh and that one is made with a special ingredient that causes a instant heat”huh you were the only one that ate it. As the manager could even finish the menu Beel looks over to u wide eyes and pulling you out of the seat back to the house
All you were doing was snuggling into bed
After a long day of school you decide that it was the perfect opportunity to have a long snuggle nap with Belphie
Walking into the twins room noticeing no one was in you see Belphies bed not made but just perfectly made with many pillows and blankets that would be nice and warm
Not being able to help your self you get a running head start to jump right into the pile of fluffyness and once your head fell onto the pillow you imedently fell asleep
Waking up from Mammon and Belphie arguing you start to sit up hearing the conversation “Mammon how could you!!” Feeling a amazing sensational feeling you look up “ I’m sorry I was just tryn to teach you a lesson about always sleepn I didn’t know ma human would sleep in your bed”
“Huh what’s up” you ask “umm”
“Mammon LEAVE”
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envyplays · 4 years
Tokyo Mew Mew Exhibit and Cafe
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In order to celebrate both the upcoming Tokyo Mew Mew remake anime, and the success of Tokyo Mew Mew Au Lait, an exhibit and cafe are being held in two locations in Tokyo and Osaka.
- 東京都豊島区西池袋3-29-9 B1F (06/08/2020 ~ 23/08/2020) - 大阪市中央区谷町6丁目13-10 (18/09/2020 ~ 27/09/2020)
This cafe is free entry, you're able to walk in at any point during open hours and take a look at the artwork, purchase goods, or even enjoy some snacks. In terms of the menu, as this is half an exhibit displaying manga art from Tokyo Mew Mew and Au Lait, the menu isn't 100% the focus of this event. As such, its quite small and limited to just sweets and drinks.
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1. Welcome to Cafe Mew Mew! 2. Cream Ribbon Pasta 3. Parfait-buono
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4. Ichigo 5. Minto 6. Pudding 7. Retasu 8. Zakuro
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I visited this cafe on the 19th of September 2020, the cafe itself is quite out of the way and a little difficult to find, being in a residential neighborhood. Inside the cafe, the place was decorated nicely with panels from both the Tokyo Mew Mew manga (original and 2020 one shot), and the new Au Lait manga. It was a lot of fun comparing Mia Ikumi's older artwork to the new one shot. 
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On top of that, they offered draft pages to compare with completed ones. It was quite amusing to compare Mia Ikumi's nice easy to read drafts with Madoka Seizuki's crazy barely detailed drafts. I was amazed!
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For this cafe, I ordered two foods and two drinks as usual. Everything came out at the same time, and was served by a lovely lady cosplaying Ichigo in her cafe outfit ^^ And as usual, for each item from the menu you order, you receive a coaster. I was super lucky and didn't get a double! If only I could have fit in one more menu item, I might have gotten a full set! There were two options to choose from, Tokyo Mew Mew or Au Lait. (You could also ask for a mix of the two)
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I had ordered the adorable roll cake dish 'Welcome to Cafe Mew Mew!'. It was super cute and also very tasty! Though I must admit... It's a lot smaller than it looked in the photo... pffff.
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I also ordered the 'Parfait-buono', unfortunately I forgot to read the ingredients and it had a lot of coffee jelly in it. So in the end, it wasn't that enjoyable for me :(
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For the drinks, I ordered Ichigo and Zakuro's drinks. Ichigo's strawberry au lait drink was great! Strawberry au lait is a favourite drink of mine, so I was very happy with it. Unfortunately Zakuro's pomegranate juice wasn't so great. I'd never tried pomegranate until then, and I was disappointed to find it was unpleasantly bitter. On the bright side, the bitterness from the drink worked well with the sweetness of the dishes.
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All in all, this event was alright. Wasn't the best I'd visited, but wasn't the worst either. I was the only customer at the time, which led to a bit of an awkward atmosphere unfortunately, however the staff were very kind! The food was 50/50, but I believe that's simply due to it not being the focus of the event (more focused on seeing the beautiful artworks on the walls). I really enjoyed seeing the art, especially the drafts, and they offered some very cute merchandise as well!
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sailorspiderpig · 4 years
Two Very Important Things from the Mew Mew Exhibition/Cafe Announcement
(1) 2020 Re-Turn is getting a volume release in September. (2) The art exhibits, menu items, and merchandise will feature BOTH TEAMS OF MEW MEWS (we probably won’t see Ringo unless there’s art from the game/ Petite Mew Mew but all 11 of the others will be included in some capacity and that is A BIG DEAL). 
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cupcakedex · 5 years
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As a part of the one-year anniversary of the Pokemon Center Cafe in Tokyo, Japan, they’re featuring a special menu celebrating gen 1 Pokemon! This menu is available from March 14 - April 26! Source. Featuring:
Bulbasaur Vegetable Burger – 1,490 yen Charizard’s Roast Beef Volcano Plate – 1,598 yen Sakura Afro Pikachu’s Marshmallow Cake – 1,706 yen Squirtle’s Super Bubbly Parfait – 1,274 yen Mew’s Fluffy Marshmallow Drink – 1,058 yen Ice Cream Float (Articuno | Zapdos | Moltres) – 864 yen each
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momo-no-tane · 5 years
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The collaboration event celebrating Nakayoshi’s 65th anniversary at the GraffArt CAFE started today. The first stage will take place from 11/9 to 11/24 and will feature Wankorobee, Ohayou! Spank, Working Musume., Tokyo Mew Mew, Pichi Pichi Pitch, and Harapeko Penguin Cafe. Customers who order any food or drink will receive a random coaster. Customers who order the set menu will receive three random coasters.
The event is being held at the GraffArt CAFE in Ikebukuro until December 29th, 2019.
Source: GraffArt CAFE’s website, Nakayoshi’s 65th Anniversary x GraffArt’s website
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dragonfics · 6 years
Faithful - Chapter 2
Chapter Title: Feels like true LOVE
Summary: Rus is less than familial towards his brother's new Soulmate, and he breaches a sensitive topic with Edge. Also, there are sexy times.
Ships: Spicyhoney, Swap Sansby
Tags: (Dystopian) Soulmate AU, Discrimination, Sex work, Fell/Tale-verse dynamics, Work Inappropriate, LV issues, Illegal relationship/Forbidden love
Chapter Warnings: Unhappy romantic relationship, discrimination against Fell-verse monsters, physical harassment on public transport (non-sexual), brief discussion of LV issues.
Read on AO3
Below the cut
“food’s good, bro,” Rus said through a mouthful of lasagne. Blue beamed at him.
“Thank you, Pap. Grillby helped me with it.” He glanced at the flame elemental at his side, glowing the same pale shade of pink he was. “Where did you say the recipe was from again, sweetheart?” Rus swallowed his food, trying very hard not to gag.
“MTT’s pasta menu,” Grillby said proudly. “Of course, I don’t work in the kitchens myself, but as his head barista, he allows me access to any part of the hotel I wish.” He straightened the lapels of his periwinkle suit jacket. Blue hummed and nodded, but his jaw was tight.
Rus forced a smile. “wow. that’s incredible, grillbz.” His phone buzzed in his pocket and he used the excuse to ignore Blue’s warning look.
“Rus, no phones at the dinner table,” Blue chastised softly.
Rus lifted a brow bone at his brother and glanced at the text. “it’s work,” he said. “and since when do you care about phones at the dinner table?”
Blue shifted in his seat. His bright eye-lights flickered to Grillby. “It’s impolite. And it’s Saturday. You’re not meant to work tonight.”
“i’m on call,” Rus said, shoving his phone back in his pocket. “they want me in at nine.”
Blue eyed the clock on the kitchen wall. “Well. That is a shame. I was hoping you’d be able to stay for dessert—Grillby and I were going to watch a movie.”
Rus gave his brother a wide smile, tilting his head. “don’t worry. i’m sure you and grillby will have fun!” Blue’s expression hardened.
“Where was it you worked again, Rus?” Grillby asked. “A LOVE crisis centre?”
Rus bit his tongue to hold back a snort. “uh. yeah. something like that.” Blue was giving him daggers. Rus glanced at his plate and took a quick bite of pasta.
“I’m honestly not sure how you do it,” Grillby said, sniffing primly. “I don’t enjoy working with those crea—those monsters. Fell monsters, I mean.” Rus stared at him, and he cleared his throat. “The ones with LV, in any case.” Blue looked uncomfortable. The pink glow around him waned. He eyed Rus, giving a small shake of his head.
Rus clenched his teeth, swallowing back a tirade of retorts. One still slipped through. “hm. wonder how they feel about working with you.”
Blue stood abruptly. “Rus, why don’t you help me with the dishes?”
Rus glanced at his brother—then at Grillby, who was frowning. “i’m still eating, bro.”
“No,” Blue said tightly, gathering everyone’s plates. “No, you’re done. Come help me clean up. Please?” He gave Grillby a quick smile. “Love, why don’t you go pick a movie for us? We won’t be a moment.” Grillby looked between them, hesitating. But after receiving a faint look of pleading from Blue, he nodded and left the room. The glow around Blue faded as the door closed. He gave Rus a crisp look before crossing the room and turning on the sink.
Rus stood up slowly. He cleared away the placemats and wiped down the table, then grabbed a dish towel and began to dry the plates as Blue washed them. Neither of them spoke a word. Rus could feel the tension rolling off Blue. Fates, he hated this. “look, blue—”
“I wish you’d just give him a chance, Pap.”
Rus sighed. “i don’t understand why. you don’t have to keep him around. i know you’re not into him.”
“He’s my Soulmate.” Blue’s shoulders were tense. He’d stopped scrubbing the plate in his hand, and was staring firmly at the soapy water.
“so? blue, the guy’s a nightmare.”
“He’s. My Soulmate,” Blue repeated through gritted teeth.
“that doesn’t mean anything!” Rus said, exasperated. “you clearly don’t like him, and you don’t have to like him. you don’t—”
“He’s my Soulmate, Rus!” Blue dropped the plate in the water with a clank. Rus swallowed and fell silent. Blue looked up at him, his eye-lights swimming. “I’ll be spending the rest of my life with him. I don’t have…” He shut his eyes and took a deep breath. “You’re just going to have to get used to him. Because he’s not leaving.” His chin was quivering.
Rus dropped his gaze, shaking his head. “blue, i don’t…”
“Why don’t you come sit with us?” Blue said. He inhaled, wiping his hands down on his shirt. “We can worry about these dishes later, okay?” He eyed the sink regretfully. “I think we both just… need a little time. Don’t you agree?”
“... i have to go to work,” Rus said quietly.
A pinched look crossed Blue’s face. “Right. Of course. Client?” Rus nodded, swallowing. Blue schooled his features just a moment too late to hide his distaste. “Very well. Thank you for coming over. Be sure to say goodbye to Grillby on your way out.”
Rus’s soul twisted, but he nodded stiffly and left the kitchen. Grillby glanced up from the sofa as Rus crossed the living room. “Heading off already?” he asked.
“yeah. work.”
Grillby sat up, nodding politely. “Ah. Well, do take care of yourself, Rus. And be sure to stop by at the cafe. You know you’re always welcome.”
Rus swallowed, smiling through clenched teeth. “thanks.”
He teleported home, a pit in his chest. Kitty greeted with a loud mew, and he managed a smile. “hey, cat. how’d you get in?” He was sure he’d closed all the windows before leaving. He sighed when she scampered toward the kitchen. “you’re going to have to start paying rent soon,” he called, following her. After filling a bowl with leftovers for her, he took a shower. Kitty followed him into his bedroom once he was done, rubbing herself against his wet bones. “ugh.” He gave her a stern look when her black fur clung to his legs. “asshole.” She purred.
He gave his room a despairing look. Bed unmade, clothes strewn across the floor and dresser, empty coffee mugs and dirty plates… Fates, he did not have the energy for this. He doubted he’d be able to convince Blue to help him with house cleaning again. Wasn’t really in the mood to ask, anyway.
Kitty strolled in and settled herself on top of his steadily growing pile of laundry. He sighed and stroked her behind the ears. After tying his silk bandana around his arm, he dug through his dresser, in search of clean clothes. He found his only (passably) clean shirt and pulled on a pair of jeans, hoping they smelled alright. He added a little extra cologne for safety.
After getting tagged at the facility, he got onto the train. For a Saturday night, it was quiet. There was still a typical dim pink glow in the air, and a few monsters were comparing soul marks further down the carriage. He ignored them and put his earphones in, sitting down. Leaning his head against the window, he shut his sockets.
Blue’s words rang through his skull like an alarm. He’s my Soulmate. I’ll be spending the rest of my life with him. Grillby wasn’t a bad guy. Not really. Sure, he was a pain in the ass—and pretty prejudiced—but he wasn’t a complete dick. Most of the time. And yet…
He’s my Soulmate.
Rus flexed his jaw, trying to push back those thoughts. It wasn’t his business who his brother chose to love. Or not love. But it wasn’t like he’d actually chosen this. This was something that had been thrust upon him. By the Fates. Or whatever fucked up entity decided when two monsters’ marks glowed.
Distracting himself from his brother’s love life, Rus reached for his phone and studied the profile of tonight’s client. He blinked, surprised by the familiar name. Edge. 13 LV. In the evening’s rush, he hadn’t recognised the address. Well. He had a lot of clients. And it had been a good few weeks since he’d serviced Edge.
He swallowed. 13 LV. It still made his mind swim, honestly. A small part of him wondered if Edge had requested him specifically. It wouldn’t be the first time. He had a few regulars.
A tap on his arm made him flinch. He pulled out an earbud, glancing up irritably. “yeah?”
It was one of the monsters he’d seen comparing marks further down the carriage. She was holding her arm out, displaying an oval-shaped soul mark through thick, matted grey fur. She gave Rus an expectant look. “Well?”
Rus grit his teeth, forcing a polite smile. “no. sorry.”
The monster looked irked. “You have to show me,” she said shortly. “Otherwise we won’t know if we’re Soulmates.”
“big tragedy,” Rus said, lifting his earbud back up. “i’m sure we’ll both move on.” He picked up his phone again, but the monster grabbed his wrist, pushing up his sleeve. “hey! don’t—” Rus tried to pull away, but her grip was like steel. His chest lurched as she tugged away the piece of silk around his wrist. His soul hammered as she stared expectantly at the mark on his wrist. When neither of their marks glowed, she sighed and released his wrist, moving on towards the next passenger.
Rus felt sick. He stared at the carriage floor, struggling to breathe. Hastily, he picked the bandana off the floor and wrapped it back around his ulna. He shoved his sleeve down and pulled his arm to his chest. He could feel the eyes of the other passengers on him. Something was tightening around his chest.
The train slowed down and he glanced up. This was his stop. He jumped up and grabbed his phone, hurrying off the train. The platform was quiet. Not much point hopping off in the middle of nowhere. Not unless you were on your way to a 13 LV client. Rus walked swiftly, still clutching his wrist to his chest. Someone bumped into his shoulder and he flinched, rushing on without apologising.
By the time he reached the sealed gates of Edge’s house, he was shaking. He pressed the buzzer tentatively. “Hello?” Somehow, the familiarity of Edge’s voice was relieving.
“it’s rus.”
“I’ll be right out.”
Rus exhaled. The night was clear, and the moon hung full in the sky, casting light across Edge’s front garden. Neat flowerbeds and pruned hedges. Huh. Rus hadn’t noticed those last time. Edge hadn’t struck Rus as a gardening guy.
Edge emerged at the front door. Again, he’d opted for smart attire. Slacks and a cardigan. Rus briefly entertained the idea of seeing him in cargo pants and a t-shirt, sporting a pair of gardening shears… nope. That didn’t work. Maybe he hired someone to do the garden.
He opened the gate and led Rus inside. The tidiness of his living room reminded Rus (shamefully) of the state of his own apartment. He glanced up at Edge, smiling weakly. “h-how are you?” Damn it. He could still feel himself trembling.
Edge was onto him at once. “Are you okay?”
“of course!” Oh no, that wasn’t what okay people sounded like. Rus’s breathing was uneven. The mark on his wrist felt like it was burning.
He’s my Soulmate!
You have to show me. Otherwise we won’t know if we’re Soulmates.
He chewed his tongue, swallowing tears. “yeah. don’t worry about me, i’m fine.” Fates. Did Edge have to stare at him like that? He felt like his soul was being studied under a microscope.
“Why don’t you sit down?” Edge said, guiding Rus toward the sofa.
“s-sure,” Rus said tremulously, nodding. Edge placed a guiding hand on his shoulder as he sat, watching him.
“I’ll get you some water,” he said.
Rus shook his head. “no, no, don’t worry about it, i’m… okay.” Edge ignored him, disappearing around the corner then returning promptly with a glass in hand. Rus thanked him sheepishly and drank it. Edge sat beside him in silence. He didn’t question Rus, or his current emotional state, or his lateness… he just sat.
“Next time, call me when you get off the train. I’ll meet you at the station.”
Rus looked up, blinking. “no, don’t do that—you don’t have to…”
“Rus. Call me.”
Rus inhaled, squeezing his sockets closed. “i—i’m sorry,” he whispered. “this is very unprofessional of me. you don’t have to… the company will compensate you for your trouble. a-and you can… request someone else—” Rus’s breath stuttered when Edge placed a hand over his own. His eyes were steady, though the crimson was still eerie.
“I require no compensation. And I would like for you to remain my escort for the night.” He frowned then, hesitating. “But the last thing I want to do is force you into a situation you’re not comfortable with.”
“no!” Edge lifted a brow bone and Rus quickly gathered his composure. “i mean—no, i’m okay, really. thank you for… putting up with me.”
“I wouldn’t have requested you specifically if I wasn’t willing to put up with you.”
“glad i made a good impression,” Rus said, smirking.
“You did,” Edge said slowly. “I very much enjoyed your services.” Rus grinned. “But I am more than happy to reschedule. I don’t want you to think I expect anything of you if you’re not—”
“i’m more than up to it, edgelord,” Rus said. Edge lifted a brow bone as Rus finished the rest of his water and placed the glass on the coffee table. He took a deep breath, then leaned in and caught Edge’s mouth with his own. Edge inhaled sharply, but then slowly, relaxed into the kiss. When Rus pulled away, his cheekbones were burning red.
“That’s—” He exhaled. “Rus. Please don’t do anything because you feel you owe me a duty. This won’t impact my evaluation of your performance in the least. I don’t want you to—”
“edge.” Rus smiled. “thank you. i appreciate the concern. but i’m good. i really am.”
Edge nodded, breathing out. “Good. I’m glad.”
“and you? how have you been? magically, i mean.” Rus curled his fingers around Edge’s hand, refocusing his magic, soothing.
“Better. Better than last time, in any case. But I would still like to…” Edge cleared his throat and Rus grinned.
“finish that sentence.”
Edge gave him a dull look. Rolling his eyes, he leaned in, pressing his mouth against Rus’s jaw. “I’d still very much like your permission to fuck you.”
Rus felt his whole body quiver. He nodded steadily, swallowing. “you have it.”
“Thank you,” Edge whispered, and magic pulsed through Rus. Edge’s teeth scraped over his jaw and down his neck, and he sighed, tipping his head back to present his vertebrae. A warm hum rumbled through Edge and he wrapped an arm around Rus’s back, pulling him in. Rus let his eyes fall closed as Edge’s tongue slid across his neck. He cupped the back of Edge’s skull, exhaling.
While Edge made work of his neck, nipping and licking and tasting, Rus let his hands wander over Edge’s body. He felt firm, his bones thick and sturdy. Rus stroked the tip of Edge’s iliac crest, then crept lower, cupping his pelvis through his pants. Edge grunted against him. “Bedroom,” he breathed, heavily.
Rus smiled against his mouth. “not right here?”
“The couch is reserved for tea drinking and oral sex,” Edge said, lifting Rus easily into his arms.
Rus laughed in surprise and clung to him as he carried him across the room. “that sounds like a promise to me.”
Edge nudged the bedroom door open with his foot and lowered Rus onto the bed, leaning over him and kissing him deeply. “Perhaps. I brew an excellent chai.” He knelt between Rus’s legs and lifted him into his arms, kissing him harder. Rus clung to his back and let Edge dominate him, breathing raggedly against his mouth.
“looking forward to it,” he said, laughing breathlessly as Edge ground into him. He could only hold on while Edge rocked against him, pushing him into the mattress and kissing every bone in his neck, shoulders, and jaw. “so.” Rus swallowed while Edge undressed him, carefully undoing the buttons of his shirt then studying his chest and ribs with his fingers and mouth. “may i ask why you requested me again?”
Edge paused, his tongue washing over Rus’s clavicle. “You seem like an intuitive monster, Rus. You figure it out.” He nipped at his neck and reached for his jeans, unzipping them. “Form a cock for me, sweetheart,” he said, smoothing his fingers over Rus’s pubic symphysis.
Rus let his magic congeal at his pelvis, slowly taking shape. “o-oh…” His breath caught as Edge ran his tongue over his pubic symphysis and up his shaft. He ran a finger over the head, and Rus held a whine in his throat. He was seldom asked to use his cock, which made it particularly sensitive on the occasions he did. He watched with magic in his mouth as Edge dipped his head and ran his tongue over the tip. “o-oh—don’t!” Rus cried, slapping a hand over his mouth.
Edge stopped immediately and withdrew. “Don’t?”
Rus bit his tongue. “i... i’m going to come if you do that.”
“That doesn’t strike me as a problem.”
“but—?” Rus considered Edge, frowning. “don’t you want me to…?” He gestured vaguely at Edge’s pelvis. Edge lifted a brow bone. “f-fuck you?” Rus elaborated, blushing.
“Oh, I’d much rather ride you,” Edge said, dragging his fingers down Rus’s lower spine.
Rus inhaled shakily. “b-but…”
“Are you uncomfortable with that?” Edge asked, studying him.
“oh—fuck no.”
“Good.” Edge leaned down and kissed him. He swiped his tongue into Rus’s mouth, gentle. Rus heard the sound of Edge’s belt buckle unclipping, then felt the soft warmth of his magic against his cock. He gasped into Edge’s mouth as Edge began to grind down on him.
“How does that feel?” Edge murmured, mouth on Rus’s jaw. Rus’s soft moan of response drew a quiet noise of satisfaction from Edge. He caught Rus’s hand and guided it to his cunt. “I want you to touch me,” he breathed, a growl slipping into his voice. Rus felt a familiar crackle of LOVE. It only lasted a second, but it was enough to give away the desperation in Edge.
He stroked Edge’s clit slowly, pressing a finger just inside his entrance, making it wet. He dragged it across his clit, and Edge’s breaths became harsh. He ground down onto Rus’s fingers and gripped his wrist, holding him still. Their gazes met, and Rus felt magic flooding his mouth. Edge’s face was flushed and he was panting. “Come on, Rus,” he said, voice gravelly. “Harder than that.”
Rus pressed his finger deep inside Edge, and he groaned. He added a second finger and Edge sank down, forcing Rus to push deeper. “Fuck, I want you inside me,” Edge gasped, slowly riding Rus’s fingers.
Rus hummed, breathing heavily. “you’re the boss. make it happen.”
Edge met Rus’s eye with a fierceness that made his cock twitch. He sat up and Rus’s fingers slipped out of him. He leaned forward and Rus whimpered softly when the head of his cock pressed between Edge’s folds. Edge cupped his face, sinking slowly. “Fuck, you’re beautiful.” Rus’s breath hitched and he bit back a moan. “You feel so fucking good. Fates, you don’t even know how much I need you right now.”
“hah…” Rus swallowed, closing his eyes and breathing slowly. “oh fuck…” Tight warmth closed around his cock and he gasped, clutching onto Edge’s hips. “oh that feels really fucking nice, edgelord.”
Edge hummed, his voice husky, and began to ride Rus gently. Rus reached for his face and Edge caught his wrist, pinning it to the bed, pushing him down. He caught Rus around the neck and pressed down—enough to make Rus’s breath catch, but not hard enough to be painful. “Fuck I just need to feel you. Let me feel you.”
Rus breathed heavily, channelling magic into his projections. He was entirely at Edge’s mercy. At the mercy of a monster with thirteen LOVE. Yet he felt completely at ease.
As the push of his projections grew, he felt Edge relax on top of him, sinking lower and taking him deeper. Rus tipped his head back, whining, and Edge growled, riding him harder. “More, Rus. Fuck. I need more.” He bounced himself on Rus’s cock, their magic slapping together wetly.
“ah! fuck, edge, fuck.” Rus was breathless, his mind lost in a haze of pleasure. He could feel magic rushing through him—a mingle of arousal and soothing.
“Oh, that’s it. That’s it, Rus. Come inside me, sweetheart. There you go. You’re such a good boy.”
In a rush, Rus’s climax was washing over him. Edge held him down, riding him through it. He rubbed a finger over his clit, and Rus felt his walls convulsing around his softening cock. “Thank you,” Edge breathed, kissing Rus’s neck. “That felt good. So fucking good.”
Rus lay beneath him, his breaths coming in short gasps. Slowly, Edge climbed off him and lay down next to him. “Hey.” He stroked Rus’s arm, his touch careful. “How are you feeling? Was that too much?”
“fuck no,” Rus said. “i just—gah.” He wiped a bead of sweat from his skull. “you’re damn good at that.”
Edge hummed. “So it would seem.”
Rus glanced at him. “and you? was that up to your standards?”
Edge looked away with a soft huff of laughter. “You don’t even know.”
Rus bit his tongue, trying not to smile. “that’s. that’s good to hear.”
“I may need to go again. In a few minutes.”
Rus looked at him, grinning. “oh?”
“It takes a lot to satisfy me.”
“i do aim to satisfy.” Rus closed his eyes and leaned back into the pillows, letting his body soften. Magic trickled through him. He wasn’t quite spent, but his reserves were waning.
Beside him, Edge let out a low sigh. “Fates, you’re good at that.”
Rus glanced at him, amused. “sex? i know. it’s my job.”
Edge shook his head. “Not that—well, yes that. But I meant the… magic. The aura. You know?” He sighed and leaned back. “Thank you, Tale-verse.”
Rus snorted. “tale-verse? we’re already giving each other pet names?”
Edge looked at him firmly. “No.”
Rus pressed his teeth together to hold back his laughter, glancing away. Their soft, steady breaths filled the room. Something itched at the back of Rus’s mind. Swallowing, he glanced at Edge, studying him.
His sockets were closed. Even in this, a moment of silent peace, he looked harsh. Thin scar striking through his right socket, sharp features, serrated teeth, thick bones, rough scars—
“Something on your mind?” Edge asked without opening his eyes.
“i…” Rus looked away. “do you mind if i ask you something… a little personal?” he said quietly.
Edge turned to regard him. “That depends on the nature of the question.”
“it’s about… your lv.”
Edge’s expression hardened, growing defensive. “What about it?”
“you just don’t—you’re very in control. it’s impressive.” Rus swallowed, regretful. “i’m sorry, sensitive subject. i shouldn’t have…” He fell silent.
Edge had gone stiff beside him, and guilt gnawed at Rus’s chest. The wind outside and the sound of a lone passing car were all that stirred the silence. “It’s getting late,” Edge said, his voice low. He climbed off the bed, tugging his pants back up. “I’ll walk you to the train station.”
“right.” Rus couldn’t help the sinking feeling in his chest. “edge, i’m sorry. i didn’t mean—”
“Let’s not talk about it,” Edge said shortly. Rus nodded, looking down.
The walk to the station was uncomfortable. Edge didn’t speak, and Rus couldn’t quite find the right words to break the tension of the silence. At the gates, Edge stopped. “Thank you for this evening,” he said politely.
Rus nodded, looking at his shoes. “yeah, it’s not a problem.”
“Take care of yourself,” Edge said, turning around.
“bye,” Rus said, too quiet for him to hear.
It was well after midnight when Rus arrived home, a tired ache in his bones. Too weary to shower, he climbed into bed, still dressed. He shifted Kitty aside, and she mewed in surprise, looking up at him sleepily. “budge over, this is my bed,” he murmured. She rubbed her head against him and purred. Sighing, he conceded to occupy a fifth of the corner of the bed. The rest belonged to her, apparently.
Even as sleep slowly wore him down, a prickle of shame scratched at Rus’s insides. Shame for bringing up Edge’s LV. Edge had been so good to him this evening. Patient and considerate. And Rus had been… tactless. Well. His time with Edge had been nice while it had lasted.
Or, so he thought. The next morning, he received a text from his handler. Edge had put in a request to be taken on as one of his regular clients.
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