#gala uses a lance because of him!
featherisderp · 1 year
BabyGala sketches.
He likes chocolate milk.
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itsclydebitches · 1 year
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We've all rightly been gushing over Trent listening in on the parent-teacher conference and there are a lot of cool interpretations for why he'd eavesdrop: a crush on Ted, a tendency towards gossip (as seen in "International Break"), the fact that you just can't take the journalism out of the boy, Trent is clearly picking up personal tidbits for the book if the group's initial "Don't print that" worries are any indication, etc. So yeah, it's clear why he'd want/be okay with the door staying open.
Meanwhile, I'm slightly feral over Ted letting the door stay open and what that conveys to Trent.
Based on what we've picked up about his personal life and the direction of this season, we have good reason to believe that Trent was a deeply isolated man prior to Ted arriving. His job makes enemies simply by virtue of the profession itself, especially when you "bring the heat" as hard as he did. Roy flipping the press off at the gala in Season 1 and Nate sneaking out at dark this last episode shows us how journalists are treated on the regular: ignored, dismissed, told to "fuck off" as a matter of course. That's often well deserved, as Roy's two personal stories (Trent's article about him + the response to Isaac's attack) attest, but the end result is still a profession that alienates you from anyone other than your peers. When you're a "colossal prick" in your articles, people hate you all the more.
So Trent at least has other journalist buddies, yeah? Well, not that we've seen. I always think back to that chorus of "--The Independent" in the press room when everyone knew what Trent was going to say and how it... wasn't entirely fun ribbing. I think there's a fair bit of mockery there. Even if others disagree, I doubt that was received well by someone who wears their professionalism as an armor, who takes off his glasses as soon as they're complimented, who was, notably, closeted into his 40s. Trent is a man who is deeply aware of how others perceive him (pointing out his "vibe" feels quite calculated now: highlight what you want people to notice rather than waiting for them to find something on their own) and he is likely to read the worst of most interactions. Cue his shocked, "You really mean that, don't you?" when faced with someone like Ted who is not only genuinely nice, but blunt about it in a way that Trent can't misunderstand, or brush off via denial.
What's his home life like? Married to a woman when he's gay and that's putting a serious strain on them both. He tries to come out and isn't believed. The only other family members we know about are a toddler (who, while lovely I'm sure, can't provide Trent with the kind of emotional support an adult needs) and a father who, if we read the series through Lance's headcanons, may not have been very supportive of his son. Who else does Trent know? Uhhh... other subjects who hate him? Owners like Rebecca who want to use him? A random, potential date that he felt so little for he ditched to get a quote?
(EDIT: I can't believe I forgot to mention the strong implications that Ted was bullied in childhood/as a teenager, based on how he reacts to the whole of the club ignoring him -- resigned but unsurprised -- his reaction to Roy telling him to fuck off after he tries to mend that relationship -- disappointedly awkward "I can't believe I even tried that. What was I thinking?" -- and his body language during the locker room scene -- jumping, furtive glances towards Ted, backed up against the shower stall because shit, he's been in this situation before.
So uh, yeah. Trent may not have had a lot of friends growing up either! That was not the response of a social butterfly, but rather someone who is already very used to being ignored/dismissed/cursed out/threatened, not just within his profession, but within the school-like atmosphere of Richmond's family too.)
I'm by no means reinventing the meta wheel here, but Trent has truly undergone a STAGGERING transformation in Season 3 and the result of that is the reframing of his Season 1 and 2 scenes as, frankly, more depressing than they originally seemed. Seeing him now smiling, singing, gossiping, dressing just in t-shirts, casually snacking, making jokes, letting go enough to be a complete, hyperactive "dork" in front of others... it just hammers home how deeply unhappy Trent was before. How closed off. How closeted--in more ways than one.
So what must it mean to someone like Trent for Ted to leave the door open?
It's not just an open invitation towards community--sit near me, listen in, quietly participate, there's literally no barrier between us--but a staggeringly personal one too. I don't care if a 10-ish year old failing science is inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, the fact remains that letting anyone hear a parent-teacher conference with your ex is a hell of a show of trust. That would mean a lot to Trent in general, this acknowledgement that someone trusts the ex-prick journalist with that amount of personal information, but Ted in particular? Oh boy. Ted is the one Trent betrayed with that article! And yeah, Ted forgave him the instant he learned of it, but Trent himself was obviously feeling a lot of guilt, hence him burning his source and orchestrating a firing. Toss in the fact that Ted, despite being a VERY open man on the regular (I still laugh at his "I don't mind" to Rebecca when over-sharing about Michelle) has in fact denied Trent information in the past. No, I won't tell you that was a panic attack. Yes, I will continue the lie that it was food poisoning. Perhaps for Ted it was less about Trent knowing and more about anyone getting at the truth, but at the end of the day it amounts to the same: there was a time when Ted did not fully trust him and Trent justified that fear by writing the very article Ted was looking to avoid, even if Trent approached that situation with as much grace as he could.
So this moment, beyond the humor, just makes my brain go !!!!!! for Trent. Ted Lasso, of all people, has left the door open for Trent Crimm, also of all people, to hear the messy details of his, Henry, and Michelle's life. He is not at all afraid that this information will be spun in a bad light--Local Gaffer's Son Suffers While Father Plays at Coach Across the Pond--despite the fact that Trent is actively writing a book about him. Trent himself is so unguarded in this moment, dressed only in a t-shirt, playing around with his orange, making little quips. The Trent of Season 1 would NEVER. I mean, I think we see small glimpses of the real Trent back then, especially when Ted amuses him enough to coax his guard down for half a second (Trent's reaction to “Make like Dunst and Union and bring it on, baby!" comes to mind. That's a gesture we're seeing a lot now that he's comfortable around the club), but on the whole he was still so, so, so isolated. No one knew the real him: gay, funny, dorky, inquisitive, longing for companionship and using the artificial 'closeness' of journalism to cover that ache up.
Now? Trent is fully a part of the Richmond community and he knows he's a part of it because everyone--Ted, Beard, Roy, Colin, Rebecca--are going out of their way to tell him that, notably in very overt ways. Trent strikes me as someone who wouldn't fully believe it when he's told someone enjoys his company; the kind of wounded, anxiety-prone person who, if casually invited to participate, would assume they're just being polite and he'd actually be an annoyance to them. Trent needs overt, obvious, beat-you-over-the-head-with-it reassurance, which is why Ted is so very good for him because Ted is composed of THE most over-the-top positivity you've ever seen. (Compare that need of Trent's to Michelle thinking that Ted is too much...) When faced with a defensive journalist Ted says explicitly that he liked spending time with Trent. When faced with a still unsure writer who thinks of himself only as an observer--never a part of the team himself--Ted literally begs with monkey noises to hear Trent's opinions. He's blunt to the point of absurdity and someone like Trent who has likely spent the majority of his life hiding/being told that his true self is inadequate needs that level of constant, neon-light reassurance.
So Ted leaves the door open to a personal conversation, refusing to literally bar Trent from his life. The best part? Colin re-opens the door because he understands Trent and he knows his coach; of course Ted wants him included. Colin asks permission to CLOSE the door, not open it, and Trent is seeing this openness again and again over the course of several months, with each episode bringing him further out of his shell as he slowly unlearns that self-doubt. Yes, please stay, please tell us what you think, please offer your advice, please join our Diamond Dogs, please ask us questions (they're no longer perceived as a threat), please become an integral part of our lives. We trust you and we like you and we want you here.
Everyone's waiting for Trent to catch the door again because, you know, the rule of three, but what if he doesn't need to? What if he's past slipping a hand or a foot through the crack and scraping by on what that gets him? He caught the door before it could close to get closer to Colin. He caught the door before it could close to get closer to Ted. Now they've both kept the door open for him, his presence welcomed from the get-go.
Trent doesn't need to sprint for that opening anymore.
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“I know, buddy, I know.” Keith scratches behind his big dumb dog’s ears, pressing a million kisses to his forehead because he’s got Black to himself for the next day and there’s no one (Shiro) to clown him for it. Kosmo barks excitedly, wagging his floofy tail so fast it beats against the dashboard and system controls. Keith laughs, moving his scratching fingers down the wolf’s head and neck and to his back, where he likes to be scratched best.
“I know you’re hyper, huh?” he coos, blowing a raspberry. “But that’s what you get. You know you always get too excited when you hang out with Lance. You should have stayed with me.”
At the mention of the Red Paladin’s name, Kosmo starts howling, bounding out from Keith’s lap and tumbling to the floor, nails clacking against the metal as he flips around Black’s cockpit.
Keith huffs. “You raise a wolf from a pup, showering him in treats and affection, and you still fall second best to the first guy he meets who teaches him to fetch. Figures.”
It’s ridiculous, is what it is. Two straight years together on the space whale, but Kosmo lays eyes on Lance for one measly second and falls in love. He’s genuinely obsessed with the guy, and it doesn’t help that Lance is unbelievably smug about it, indulging Kosmo’s every whim and burst of affection just to grate on Keith. He has on twelve seperate occasions radioed the Black Lion to talk to Kosmo only, completely ignoring Keith.
“I can’t blame ya,” Keith says quietly. His voice is still a little teasing, still a little exasperated, but even he can hear the gooey fondness in it. “Lance is just that good, huh?”
Kosmo barks again, loud and fast, then flashes as he blips out of existence then back into existence right on Keith’s lap. Keith chokes as 200 pounds of floof is suddenly deposited on his person, but recovers quickly. (Kosmo will never remember that he is no longer a little puppy. Keith is just going to have to get used to having his lungs crushed.)
He starts to stroke Kosmo’s fur again, gently this time, calming him down.
“I should say something,” he says, more to himself than to his dog. “Ugh. I mean, it’s Lance, right? He’s my best friend. He’ll most definitely tease me, but he won’t, like, mock me or anything. He’s good like that. He knows exactly when to be serious, like during that last gala thing we had when we landed on a planet a while back. He just knew I was feeling off, just like that.”
Keith buried his face in Kosmo’s fur, hiding his smile. “He’s just…everything, you know? I’m always thinking about him. I have been for years. Hell, I talked about him so much on that stupid whale that you recognised him before you even met him, buddy. That’s objectively bonkers. But I can’t…” He sighs, leaning back in the pilot seat and staring unseeingly through the windshield. A red dot flashes gently at the bottom corner, but he pays it no mind.
“He’s sweet when no one’s looking. And even when people are looking, sometimes. And I’ll die before I even imply it in his direction, but he’s funny, too. And his fucking brain, dear God, that man could outwit anyone if he was under enough pressure. He saved our asses more than once when we were stumbling our way through this co-leading thing in the beginning. And anyone with eyes can tell that he’s hot.” Keith’s ears burn a little, thinking of the Coalition videos. “Seriously hot. And…leggy.”
He cracks up, embarrassed giggles bubbling up his throat. His next words are muffled by the hand he has pressed to his face. “God, I want him to fuck me up.”
Kosmo raises his head from where it was resting on Keith’s knee, staring at him in what Keith can only assume is judgment.
“Shut up,” Keith says hotly. “You once farted so loud you scared yourself and cried for ten minutes. You don’t get to judge me about being embarrassing.”
Keith is losing it. He is defending his character to a dog. He groans loudly, dragging his hand down his face.
“I should tell him, shouldn’t I,” he mutters. “Just — come out with it. ‘Leandro Esposita-McClain, I am in love with you.’ Straight to the point. Rip off the band-aid.”
Kosmo yips quietly. Keith snorts.
“Yeah, you’re right. That’s crazy. He’s my friend, I don’t want to ruin things. I’ll just suffer in silence the next time he looks at me and the fuckin’ sun bleeds into his eyes and makes them look like golden honey or whatever. Jesus.” He reaches for his book and props it open, muttering to himself. “It’s always the fuckin’ pretty ones that get me, huh?”
Kosmo barks loudly in what can only be agreement, and Keith scoffs, flicking him on the shout. “Yeah, yeah, you lug. Bug off with the teasing and let me read in peace, alright? I’ll tell him someday. He doesn’t need to know now.”
(A beep echoes through the Red Lion’s cockpit as her paladin slams on the ‘call end’ button, eyes wide and chest heaving, having listened curiously when he’d been radioed out of nowhere mid-conversation between the Bladk Paladin and his dog. And then listened in shock as the Black Paladin had brought up him. Brought up being in love with him, with his heart and his eyes and his legs, apparently.
Red blooms on his cheeks.)
based on this post by @petricorah
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baby-alien11 · 5 months
Met Gala (Y/N Ulrich Universe)
taglist (open): @volturi-girl-imagines @dessxoxsworld @camiesully @ethanlandryluver @nowitsmissing @aliciacat20 @gabbylovesreading @nikfigueiredo @itsaaliyah2
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Ever since the invitation for you and Jack to attend the 2024 MET Gala arrived, you and Jack along with both teams of stylist started to work for the looks, managing to pull a replica of a Dior vintage dress and Jack got a custom made suit to match with your dress
"I'm not going to let you go with a boring suit", you said to Jack during the design process of the outfits, "We're going to serve in the Gala"
The months previer to the Gala passed between doing personal projects, fittings of the outfits and tests of hair and make up; and when the time to fly to New York for the even, both of you arrived on saturday night, to be able to watch the Miami GP races on sunday, which ended up in Jack being over the moon to watch a McLaren win, which made you happy because it was one of his favorite teams
The monday of the MET Gala, preparations started early with the styling, and the best thing was that the disagner both of you were using wasn't spoiled online, and you were sure of that thanks to being chronically online
"Almost no one is serving", you commented seeing the first looks arriving
"What's with the beige and black colors?", Jack frowned
"I know, they're not with the dress code"
Having multiple views of all the attendants of the event, the styling continued for almost an hour, in which your hair was the longest to get ready, during which Jack got dressed in his blue with embroidered flowers suit
Once your hair and make up was ready, it was time to put on the dress (which they made floor lenght for the gala), shoes, earrings, bracelet, necklace and took the purse chosen for the look, even putting a bit of pink eyeshaown in your tattoo; before leaving for the event, photos and videos of the looks were taken, individually and in couple, before covering both of your looks with black capes and keep the surprise for the carpet
"I remember when getting ready for the Scream premiere, in that same hotel, you said about feeling like going to the MET", Rachel mentioned on the van on the way to the event, "And now both of you are going, how does it feel?"
"I can't believe Anna Wintour knows who we are", Jack said causing laughs for everyone
"Exactly the same thought", you nodded, "I thought it was going to be a few years before attending, but we are going before turning twenty, this is crazy"
Arriving at the MET, a few more minutes after you were able to go down thanks to the guests arriving, and standing in the line to wait to step into the carpet, but feeling a bit nervous to talk to someone, both of you kept the talking between yourselves, until a voice behind you spoke
"Nice outfits guys"
Hearing that voice, both of you stayed in shock for a few seconds before turning to look at Sir Lewis Hamilton with a black outfit and gold accesories, smiling at both of you
"Thank you", Jack said a bit starstruck
"Is Dior?", Lewis asked
"Yeah, I'm wearing a replica of a 1949 Dior and Jack got a customed suit", you explained, "I'm sorry, we didn't introduce ourselves, I'm Y/N Ulrich"
"Hi, Jack Champion"
"You're the kids Max, Carlos, Lance and Mick talk about", Lewis exclaimed recognising your names, "Nice to finally meet you, also I saw the interview, it was amazing"
"Thank you so much", you smiled, "By the way, amazing outfit"
"Thanks, it's inspired by John Ystumllyn, one of the first black gardeners in England", Lewis explained before opening his coat, "Even I have a poem about him in it"
"This is incredible, all the detail in the look", Jack recognised reading the poem, "By the way, we saw the race yesterday, well, all the weekend, it was incredible"
"It hasn't been a good year for us, but we are pushing the car the best way we can, and thank you for the support, and Max said something about both of you going to Monaco for the race"
"Yeah, he invited us, it was one of the gifts in the box", you nodded
"Well, regardless of both of you being in the Red Bull garage, you are welcome to the Mercedes one, also in the Ferrari one next year"
"It's an honor, thank you", Jack nodded
Soon, the conversation was over as a photographer approached asking for a photo of the three of you, at what all of you possed for it; as the line kept conitnuing and the time to pose in the steps, the three of you continued to talk
When the time to go arrived, Lewis gave both of you a few advices on how to pose and to show the outfits, which both of you made sure to follow, not noticing he was taking photos of both of you with his phone
Walking along the stairs, both of you stopped at the top for a Vogue interview
"Now, we have Y/N Ulrich and Jack Champion, one of the IT couples, guys, I love the outfits, I want to know everything about the looks", the interviewer said
"We are wearing Dior, this is a replica of a 1949 couture dress"
"And this is a costum made Dior suit, it was made so we can match, and stay with the theme"
"Stunning, also this your first MET Gala, how does it feel?"
"Surreal", you smiled, "It's like another world"
"Guys, I know you are the Ghostface princess and prince, but today, you are the floral royalty"
"Thank you", both of you smiled blushing a bit
A little after, both of you continue the way to the building, greeting Anna Wintour who was at the steps greeting all the guests, before entering to see the exhibition and meeting more people (which included you and Rachel Zegler finally meeting in person), and then going to the salon where the dinner and show would be held, finishing the first MET Gala for both of you (and fortunately more to come)
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nico-di-genova · 4 months
Hmmm I don’t particularly have any questions but feel free to just ramble on about any ideas you have, because I would love to hear more about this au because I honestly feel like this is them in a parallel dimension lol. Or, alternatively tell us more about how Strollonso met for the first time :33
I have SO many ideas.
So I was already decided on Fernando being a retired athlete of some sort. After all the strollonso motogp discussions today, I’m firmly settled on him being a retired rider.
He and Lance meet at a monthly car meet in Estero. Lance isn’t really a car guy per-say, that’s more Pato and Esteban’s thing and he kind of tags along. He likes looking at them, likes driving them sometimes, but he usually prefers his bike when it comes to getting around. Fernando is a car guy though, brings his own car to show off and sees Lance walking around in his motorcycle jacket, with his helmet in his hand and strikes up a conversation while Pato is ogling at his car.
Lance has no idea who he is, but they get to talking about Lance’s bike specs, one thing leads to another…
This fic will probably feature a substantial amount of bike rides tbh. They’re both adrenaline junkies, but also they spend a lot of time on the golf course too (Lance’s major and all). Since Fernando’s mansion is literally built in a golfing community, Lance spends a lot of mornings there. They sometimes race each other in the golf carts, much to everyone else’s annoyance. Lance teaches Fernando how to golf, Fernando teaches Lance how to ride (read that as you will).
Lance’s frat brothers are used to him showing up to meetings late, usually like 20 minutes late with a dunkin coffee and apology donut holes for everyone (which, ya know, they can’t eat really, since it’s not kosher but it’s the thought that counts ig). He was late before Fernando because of poor time management, now he’s late and the hickeys on his neck are the obvious reason.
If this fanfic had a scent it would probably be sunscreen and leather. Bike rides to the beach and Lance lazing around on Fernando’s yacht. Late nights spent at galas and banquets and fancy dinners where Fernando pays because Lance likes being taken care of and Fernando is happy to do it. Motorcycle helmets and suits because they ride to all of these events on Lance’s bike (they alternate who drives, sometimes they take two bikes, but Lance likes the feeling of Fernando pressed against him as they do 100+ mph on the interstate).
Idk, I have to stop rambling, this is getting nonsensical, but yeah. Strollonso college au 🥰.
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callmewrinkles3 · 1 year
Deuxmoi Submissions, 2023
Spotted: Daniel Riccardo and his long-time girlfriend Emma on a romantic date at a restaurant in Perth. Weird thing was this time his manager was also there side by side in company of a blonde girl.
Subject: Twins
Message: saw Daniel Ricciardo and his manager on a double date. One of the women was definitely Ricciardo’s girlfriend (and I think I saw a ring????) the other looked like her sister?
Spotted: Daniel Ricciardo’s fiancée flower shopping with a group of women. Is the wedding happening?
Spotted: saw like four F1 drivers (Charles LeClerc, Max Verstappen, Lance Stroll, and Esteban Ocon) getting off planes at Perth airport. I work the private terminal and there was a load of extra jets in. Is the F1 Royal Wedding happening?
Message: what Met gala attendee had a meltdown because her dress didn’t fit her chest an hour before her red carpet time? She didn’t get a lot of attention but she’s got a couple of high profile places to be this month with her husband, let’s see if it’s just her chest expanding.
Subject: wait WHAT
Message: ok I could be wrong but I think I saw everyone’s favourite Australian who isn’t doing his usual job leaving a maternity hospital in [removed for their privacy] with his wife. Both looked delighted, he was the happiest he’s been in years
Spotted: I work at a high end baby furniture shop and a high profile athlete and his wife came in. No clue how nobody knows she’s pregnant, it’s pretty obvious. Happy for them, they’re very in love and he couldn’t keep his hands off the bump
Update: yeah it was Daniel Ricciardo and his wife, also the tip they gave the furniture delivery bought us all takeout.
Saw Daniel Ricciardo and his wife in the same restaurant as me in Faenza. They’re too cute and he wasn’t drinking wine because she can’t thanks to her pregnancy.
Spotted: Em Ricciardo is a sweetheart! I was lost in Milan trying to find the train station with no phone signal, she speaks what sounded like fluent Italian and got the directions for me!
Subject: bundle of joy
Message: Got to see the former Red Bull teammates at Formula Nurnburgring, but the highlight for me was watching Sebastian Vettel giving Emma Ricciardo a giant hug and a gift bag. It’s really obvious that they get along well, she was there cheering him in his car. His wife was there too, saw her and Emma chatting.
Spotted: Daniel Ricciardo out for dinner with his wife, his manager, and what looked like his wife’s friend? It was his manager’s birthday and they sang happy birthday, but they did a toast later.
Spotted: Em Ricciardo looking so proud at her husband’s contract announcement. Red Bull got Dan a onesie for the new baby, it was adorable.
Spotted: Daniel Ricciardo running through LAX to catch a Qantas flight to Sydney. Someone mentioned his wife is due soon, is the baby coming?
Spotted: Em Ricciardo in Perth airport, looked like she was collecting Dan from Vegas. She’s still pregnant! #F1BabyWatch
Subject: flowers
Message: I work in a florist and we had 22 bouquets sent to one room in [redacted] hospital in Perth. Most of the calls came from UK and European numbers. Looks like F1’s latest baby has arrived!
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rubydubydoo122 · 5 months
In every universe Jason Peter Todd dies young. It’s a fate sealed across the multiverse. Maybe he could hope that there’s one universe where he doesn’t. aka, Jason, Dick, and Bruce go multiverse hopping, and are not having a fun time. (Ps, when I started writing this fic I hced Jason as Latino, but I don't really believe in that hc anymore, so just a heads up if you don't like that hc)
TRIGGER WARNING -> Child Death (it's Jason)
They spent the next couple of realities kind of… drifting. 
They spent the first couple universes mainly in hotel rooms or abandoned apartments, because Jason was tired . Using his All-Blades to almost his limit twice in one week, along with being pinballed around the multiverse was exhausting. 
Though eventually they went back to watching different Jasons die.
There were different Robins killed by different rogues– Scarecrow's goons giving him multiple doses of fear toxin. Ivy’s plants throwing him into a building too hard. Another Jacicle, this time a courtesy of Mr. Freeze.  
Then there was the reality where Jason got killed by the Joker in that one warehouse alone. Then the Jason , who got killed by the Joker at Amusement Mile. And the Jason who was captured in Arkham Asylum and apparently brainwashed and then he died. And then– there were a lot of Jasons killed by the Joker. 
They couldn’t do anything about the Jason who dropped dead on the streets. He couldn’t find clean water for a week, because of a rogue attack on the plumbing. (When that had happened to him there had been a convenience store owner who was kind enough to spot him and give him a spare water bottle. The owner stuck with him and made sure he sipped slowly.)
There was also the Jason who died caught up in a gang war. And the one who got shot by a cop. Gotta love the GCPD, (Commissioner Gordon is the exception.) 
What really sucks is that they’ve learned that no matter how hard they try, Jason is still going to die. They’ve tried keeping Jason at the manor. They’ve tried keeping him out of the way from rogues, they’ve tried tying up the Joker before he could get to Jay, but he keeps on dying .
Honestly it’s starting to get annoying. Is Jason following the three Ds– Disassociation, Derealization, and Death-Jokes– to stay sane? Obviously. You can only watch yourself die so many times until the voice of the Anti Monitor that says, “Incongruities must be purged” gets too loud and you start thinking, Huh, maybe being purged isn’t such a bad idea .
But honestly, the worst part about this is that none of the Jasons have been older than 15. At least they could bump it up a number. 
They also were never in a place long enough to actually start on the beacon prototype. So that sucked even more.
Until they landed in the Universe they were currently in. They landed just outside of the Manor’s Ballroom which was currently filled with people dressed in black tie attire.
On the stage, there was a banner that read: 30th Annual Wayne Foundation Charity Gala. There were three large tables closest to the stage, on the left seated Bruce, Talia, Damian, Baby Jon in a highchair, Lois Lane, Clark Kent, Diana Prince, and Alfred 
On the right, seated Leslie Thompkins, Commissioner Gordon, Elaine and Doug Thomas, Crystal Brown, Oliver Queen, Dinah Lance, and a man Jason has never seen in his life.
And the middle table held the rest of them. Barbra, Roy, Dick, Cass, Jason, Stephanie, Tim, and Duke.
Yet, despite the supposedly very magical presence of One Wonder Woman, and Talia (and Superman and Duke he supposes) it didn’t feel like there was any magic at all. Zero, zilch, nada.
Jason turned to Bruce, “I don’t think Uncle Clark and Aunt Diana are superheroes here.”
“I don’t think any of us are.” Dick was analyzing each of them closely, until his eyes blew wide, and he started  smacking both Bruce and Jason’s shoulder, “The Man sitting next to Oliver is Béla Károlyi. As in the Olympic level gymnastics coach.” Just as he said that, alternate reality Dick leaned back, seemingly saying something to Mr. Károlyi which made the man laugh, causing his brother’s jaw to drop.
Jason looked back to all of the tables, realizing that everyone looked so much… happier. So much lighter. He felt a smile creep onto his face, “Ya know, in all of the other Universes, I died either on the streets or because I was Robin. I have a pretty good feeling about this one.” 
Bruce looked like he was about to say something when the lights started to dim, and a projector was rolled out.
The screen opened up to an eight year old Dickie in a booster seat, holding Zitka in his arms. The camera quality showed it was from the early 2000s, which, yeah, considering if Dick was eight, it was probably 2002? There was a symphony of awws that went around the room as Alternate Reality Dick rolled his eyes, but sent a smile towards his Bruce.
The video continued to show clips of Bruce taking Dickie to visit Haly’s circus, probably for the first time since Bruce took him in.
Bruce turned to Dick with a raised eyebrow, “Remember how I had to practically pry you from Zitka when it was time to leave?”
Dick snorted, “I remember her smacking you with her trunk. Haly was really concerned, but I knew you were fine.”
“Because I’m Batman?”
“Because you’re Batman.” 
Then there was a video of Dickie and Bruce at a playground, where Bruce is struggling to squeeze down a tube slide. Alfred and Dickie dusting the chandeliers together– except Alfred was on a ladder, and Dick was hanging off of something. There were more pictures– a couple with Dick in a leotard and sweats with several gold medals around his neck, while he and Bruce ate ice cream– but mostly they were just of Dickie being a kid. In front of the school building, rolling out cookie dough with Alfred, up in a tree, that sorta thing. 
There was also a video of Dickie watching the Olympics, and watching the male Olympians do the Vault. He looked into the camera “Please, I can do better than that.”
The audience erupted into cheers, as Mr. Károlyi reached over and patted Dick’s shoulder.
Until there was a video of a maybe four year old Cass hiding behind Talia’s leg. 
“Hi, my name’s Dick.”
Talia gave Dickie a soft smile, “This is Cass. She can be a little shy sometimes.”
“ That’s ok. Bruce was a little shy at first too. Look at him now.” Dickie peered around Talia to get a better look, “Hi Cass, I can’t wait to get to know you.”
Alternate reality Cass was covering her face with her hands as another round of awws circled the room, but Dick leaned in to whisper something into her ear which made her look up and smile at him.
There were a lot more pictures of Talia, Cass, and Dickie doing things together. Like Cass painting Dickie’s nails, Dickie teaching Cass how to tumble, and a picture of Cass and Dickie standing side by side, backpacks on, holding signs that said KTG and 5th on it. There was also a really cute video of Dickie and Cass setting up a date night for Bruce and Talia. 
Then there was a video of maybe a six year old Cass holding hands with a toddler in the middle of a Gala. 
“Whatcha got there Cass?” It was a young voice, so he assumed it was Dickie behind the camera.
“A baby brother.” 
“I’m Tim! Where do you live?”
The room erupted into howls as alternate reality Tim lowered his head so he could no longer see the screen. 
Dick turned to Jason, “Guess the stalker tendencies started young.”
From then on, there were a lot of photos and videos that included Tim and Cass in the middle of shenanigans together. Cass putting lotion in Tim’s hair, Cass putting makeup on Tim, both of them racing those little electric cars down the giant manor driveway. Bruce teaching Cass how to ride a bike, with Talia and Dickie cheering her on in the background. Videos of Cass dancing balletT
There was also a picture that looked like it was from Thanksgiving, with Alfred, Bruce, Talia, Dickie, Cass, Tim, Jack and Janet Drake, Uncle Clark, Ma and Pa Kent and Aunt Diana. So Bruce and Dick probably just babysat Tim a lot. 
Then there was a video of a very large backyard wedding– It looked like a fusion wedding. Yeah, the closeups of Talia showed henna decorating her arms.
“You know your name’s hidden in the design.” 
“I already found it.” Bruce grinned at Talia, and placed a finger right below her ring knuckle, “Right here.”
“You know they say it is a sign of good luck if the groom finds his name faster.”
Bruce kissed Talia’s forehead, “We don’t need luck, but I’ll take it. Now where are my shoes?”
Talia laughed, “Well, Beloved, Dick is going to have to find them. If not, you have to pay Cass to get them back.”
“Dick can’t even find his own shoes half the time.”
“Well, you’re a billionaire for a reason.”
There was also a video of Ra’s and Bruce dancing bhangra together, which honestly wasn’t bad at all.
The next picture was of a 14 year old Dickie, and an eight year old Cass, with Talia, Bruce and Alfred in the courthouse holding up adoption papers.
There were a couple of photos of the five of them at Disney World. Then some more Thanksgiving photos, this time, Janet Drake wasn’t there, but Jack was. Except he was in a wheelchair. There were more photos and videos from throughout the year. Like Cass and Dick’s Birthdays, Mothers and Fathers day, and then Tim’s 6th birthday.
It looked like a really small thing, and Jack wasn’t there. Then Bruce handed him a gift wrapped rectangle. “Happy Birthday, Tim. I know it hasn’t been the best year, but hopefully the next one is better.”
Tim took the gift with a tiny smile, and unwrapped it. “A camera!! I love it! I love it! I love it! I’m going to take a picture of all of us right now!” Tim frowned at the buttons, “How do I take the picture?”
There were giggles that went around the room as the slideshow continued, now with a lot more photos of Bruce and Alfred compared to before. There was a video of Dickie holding both of Tim’s hands while Tim balanced on a skateboard. A video of Cass teaching Tim and Dickie her Ballet routine, and a really nice picture of Dickie in the middle of a corkscrew flip. 
Then it cut to a video of Cass and Dickie teasing Tim in the living room.
“I’m not scared. It’s just a movie.” That being said, Tim was currently hiding in Bruce’s arms, so he definitely was scared.
“We can turn it off if you would like us to, Tim.”
“I’m not scared! I am six years old. I’m not a baby. I hate being the youngest.”
The camera panned to Talia, “Well…you don’t have to be the youngest anymore. I’m going to have a baby.”  
Tim’s eyes widened, and then he rolled his eyes. “Finally.”
The next couple of videos and photos were of Dick, Cass, and Tim painting the nursery– Jason totally forgot the manor had a nursery– yellow and green while Alfred and Bruce assembled a crib. There was a video from the Baby Shower where everyone was putting bangles on Talia’s arms, along with feeding her sweets. 
The next video was of all six of them in the nursery with a giant whiteboard, where Bruce  tapped it with a dry erase marker, “Alright, what should we name this kid?”  
Tim jumped up and down, “ I got one! Peanut!”
Talia laughed from the rocking chair she was in, as Bruce furrowed his eyebrows, “Like…the butter?”
“Write it down, Beloved. I like it.”
There were squeaks on the whiteboard, that felt a little long for just Cat, but oh well.
Dickie was doing a headstand against the crib, “Do we know if it’s going to be a boy or a girl?”
“We want it to be a surprise.”
“Hmm.” Dickie maneuvered so he was sitting properly on the floor, “What about Robin? My mom used to call me that. Maybe it could be the baby’s middle name? It’s gender neutral.” 
Jason turned to his brother Dick, “Your mom used to call you Robin?”
Dick nodded, but didn’t take his eyes off the screen
Screen Bruce looked to Dickie, “Are you sure, Chum? You don’t want to use it if you have any kids of your own?”
Dickie smiled, “I think I’d use my parents' names for my own kids. I’d like my sibling to share Robin with me. I’d give it to Cass and Tim if I could.”
The pride was practically bleeding through the screen, as Bruce erased the middle line separating Boy and Girl, to make a column for middle name. 
Talia ran her fingers through Cass’s hair as she started to braid it, “ What about your parents names, Beloved?”
Bruce shook his head, “They wouldn’t appreciate that.”
Alfred cleared his throat, “Might I suggest Athanasia? It was one of the names your parents picked out if you were to be a girl.”
“That’s a beautiful name. Write it down.”
Dickie snorted, “Yet they decided to name Bruce, Bruce. What are you, a mechanic?”
Tim moved to sit on the ottoman of the rocking chair, “Your name’s Dick .”
Dickie opened his mouth like he was about to make a counterpoint, but ultimately decided against it.
“Cass, do you have any ideas?”
Cass leaned back and pressed her ear to Talia’s stomach like she was listening to the baby, “Damian. Damian Al Ghul-Wayne. But we should call him Cat.”
The next couple photos were of Talia in a hospital bed holding a newborn Damian. Then a video of a tousled Bruce taking Damian from Talia, “This is weird. Usually they’re bigger when I first hold them.”
Tim was running around the hospital room taking pictures of Bruce and the baby from different angles, “If he’s too small for you, can I hold him? My arms are the perfect size to hold a baby.”
There was a hand that reached out to ruffle Tim’s hair, “I thought you said you wanted to take pictures first.”
“I do! But I also wanna hold him.”
“Why don’t you take pictures of Damian with everyone else, and then you can hold him. Save the best for last, ya know.”
Tim nodded and continued taking pictures.
Bruce, smiled down at Damian, “He has your nose and lips, Talia.”
“He has your ears, Beloved.”
There was a gag from behind the camera as Bruce kissed Talia’s forehead. Then they both looked to Alfred, “Do you want to hold him?” 
“I wouldn’t want to intrude–”
“Alfred, he’s your grandson. Just like Dick, Cass, and Tim.”
Alfred seemed to reboot at the statement, but it didn’t phase him for long, as Bruce placed Damian in his arms. “Why hello there, little lad.” Bruce came closer to the camera as it stayed trained on Alfred and Damian, “I can film for a bit.” The camera shifted a bit and a very ruffled looking Dickie appeared on screen, in a leotard and sweats. “What time is your first event at?”
“10:30, but Bruce–”
“Alright, that gives us about thirty more minutes here…”
“if I speed a bit, we’ll be able to make it back with time for you to warm–”
“Dad!” That seemed to immediately shut Bruce up. Jason kinda wished the camera was on his face, “I’d rather stay here with Talia, and you, and Damian.”
“What about the scouts?”
“I’ve still got, like, three years until I can go to the Olympics. I’ve got time. Besides, I fly for my family. Not for scouts.” Dick tapped his chest twice with his fist, before there was the sound of shuffling off camera, which Jason assumed was a hug.
Then Alfred walked over to Dick, and handed Damian to him. Dick made a face like ‘why are you handing me a child’ but then looked down at Damian and smiled, “Besides, he’s already stolen my heart. Good luck trying to get your child back.” Bruce and Talia both laughed, but Dick looked to Cass, “Do you want to hold him?”
Cass’s eyes widened as she shook her head, “No.”
“Alright then, Tim, go wash your hands and sit down.”
Tim did a little Mario jump, before running to the nearest hand sanitizer dispenser and running back to one of the waiting room seats, and making grabby motions at Dick.
Dick made a panicked expression before Damian went back to Alfred so that Alfred could give him to Tim.
“Make sure to support his head, ok?”
Tim nodded, as Alfred placed Damian in his arms, “Oh! Oh! He’s waking up!” Tim grinned, showing off his missing tooth, “Hi Peanut, I’m your big brother Tim.” Damian blinked up at Tim, once, twice.
Then he started to cry.
Tim’s eyes widened as he looked a little past the camera, “Take him back. Take him back!”
The next couple photos and videos were of Damian and the rest of the family at different milestones. And a little tiny baby Damian napping on Bruce’s shoulder, while Bruce is also asleep.
The Next video was from slightly outside the playroom– Jason didn’t even know they had one of those– of Talia and Bruce crouching in front of Damian in his walker.
“Say Ummmi. Habibi say Ummmi.”
“Don’t listen to your Mother, say Baba, Baba, Bababababa.”
The camera came closer, and Damian immediately looked at him, and gave the camera a two toothed smile that made the entire audience coo, “ Dee!”
Bruce frowned back at Damian, “I can work with that, Dada, say Dada, Damian.”
Damian reached to whoever was holding the camera, “ Dee!”
Dick laughed from behind the camera, “I think he’s trying to say…Dickie!”
“I win! I was his first words.” The camera shuffled around until it was in Bruce’s hands. Dick picked Damian out of the walker, “Now, if you’ll excuse me, Cass owes me five dollars.”
His brother Dick turned to Bruce, “Ha!”
The video was cut off with a photo of Dick, Cass, Tim and Damian all piled on top of Bruce. There were more photos and videos as the years progressed. From Tim doing skateboard tricks, and Cass and Dick belting to “Enchanted”, to holiday photos, Tim getting adopted and Damian somehow covered completely in flour. There was also a video of the whole family going feral of Dick getting on the US Olympic team. 
So that was probably why Mr. Károlyi was sitting at the friends and family table up front. 
The next video had horrible quality, so it had to have been taken on an old iphone or something. “Um, Hi, Tim here, I’m recording for Bruce’s therapist, cus I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing. So, it’s June 27th, and– ya know what, I’ll just show you.” The camera flipped around to show a Mercedes GLE that was missing three tires, and a Bruce who was hunched over, clutching his stomach laughing, “Bruce, do you want to tell Leslie what’s going on?”
“There was this–this tiny little kid, and he- and he stole my tires.” Bruce fully squatted and leaned his head against the car door because he was still laughing, “And then– and then–” Bruce apparently could not stop himself from laughing, “ And then he hit me with the tire iron, and called me a big boob!” If Bruce wasn’t on a street he would’ve been rolling around on the floor.
Honestly, Jason doesn’t think there was ever a time Bruce laughed that hard.
“Are you hurt, Beloved?”
Bruce shook his head no, and took a couple of breaths while wiping tears from his eyes, “ Tim, give me back my phone. I’ve got some people to call.”
“Are you gonna call the cops on him?”
Bruce looked at Tim like he was crazy, “No, I need to contact Elaine to see if I can adopt him.”
There was a bit of shuffling, but the camera only cut off after Tim grumbled, “ I could probably steal your tires too.”
Jason spared a glance at Bruce, only to find him with a slight fond smile. “Ain’t no way that was that funny.” Honestly, all Jason could remember was being terrified out of his mind. If he hadn’t been so scared, he would’ve thought of a better insult than ‘ya big boob.’
Bruce huffed out a laugh , a real one that Jason hasn’t seen or heard in years, “Honestly, It was a lot funnier considering I was dressed as a giant bat when you took a swing.”
Jason shook his head in disbelief.
“I’d get hit with that tire iron a million times if it meant you would enter my life.”
Oh. Oh.
No. He probably just means the kid Jason used to be. Jason sucked in a breath through his teeth, “Been there, done that, and let me tell you, Old Man, it was not fun.”
Jason half expected Bruce to yell at him for making a joke about his death, but he just rolled his eyes, “I guess I walked right into that one.” The next photo was a candid of Jay in the manor’s library white streak stark against his black hair, looking like he just rolled into Narnia, “That was the exact expression you made when you first saw the library.” Bruce looked back at Jason with a smile that wrinkled the crows feet around his eyes.
“I guess some things are constants when it comes to us.” 
Bruce fixed his gaze at the younger Jay who was oblivious to the way alternate reality Bruce was smiling fondly at him. “I have a good feeling about this reality too.”
They continued to watch the slideshow. Most of the pictures and videos with Jay in them consisted of him covering his face, unless he was absorbed in a book, or cooking with Alfred.
Then there was a video of Jay in the bathroom with a bowl of black hair dye and a brush, Cass straightening the white streak, so that the hair dye would go on more evenly.
The mirror showed it was Tim behind the camera, “I still think you should paint it red.”
Cass set down the straightener, “I think you should keep it the way it is.”
Jay shook his head, “This is gonna be my first time out in public as Wayne's new foster. They’ll already–” Jay cut himself off and chewed the inside of his cheek, “Maybe in a couple years. I’m just not used to all of this yet, and I don’t want more eyes on me because of a stupid autoimmune disease.” Jay took the brush and started parting the white strip so he could cover it in the hair dye.
“It’s not stupid. It looks really cool.”
“It makes you unique,” Cass shrugged, “ It is your hair, though, and you should be changing it because you want to, and not because everyone else thinks you should.” Cass smiled at herself, “ That’s what Dick would say.”
Jay frowned for a second, until a mischievous grin slowly appeared on his face, “ I’m gonna dye my hair, but not because of anyone else. I just wanna see how long it takes Dick to figure out I have vitiligo.”
Cass grinned and grabbed the bowl of hair dye, “I’ll help.”
Jay lowered the lid of the toilet and sat down facing Cass, “Timbo, you’d better hide that video.”
Dick turned to Jason, and flicked his hair, “I guess the white streak is also a universal constant. Even if the reason isn’t magic in this one.” He turned back to watching the slideshow, as Jason shared a look with Bruce.
Dick may be a great detective, but boy could he be dense sometimes. 
The next picture was of Jay and a three year old Damian looking out of the plane window, followed by a video of Jay reading out loud to Damian, Tim and Cass, as all of them gradually get closer and closer, until they were all cuddling, and then a photo of Damian, Tim and Cass sleeping as Jay seemed to continue reading 
Then there was a video of the seven of them in an empty looking stadium. The camera focused on Jay for a couple seconds before he pushed it away and it focused on Dick hugging his siblings. And then Talia, and then Alfred.
“Bruce, can’t you give it to him? You know him better, and you bought it.”
“You came up with the idea, Jason.”
“Anyone with brain cells would’ve been able to come up with it.” Dick started walking over to the pair, “Here, let me take the camera…” There was a bit of shuffling, “And you can take the bag!”
The camera focused just as Dick engulfed Bruce in a hug.
They pulled apart as Dick glanced at the bag, “Ya know, B, you didn’t have to get me a gift. A new little brother is more than enough.”
Bruce handed the gift bag to Dick, “Actually, the gift was Jason’s idea.”
“I am just giving credit where it’s due.”
Dick opened the bag and pulled out a red and yellow leotard with a pair of green shorts and green pants. Dick immediately recognized the colors and put a hand to his mouth.
“I know blue is also the color of the Flying Graysons, but to me these colors have always been more… iconic. I’m sorry if I overstepped, you don’t have to wear it–”
“No, shut up, I’m wearing it.” Dick had a soft smile on his face, “I was debating doing the quadruple flip, but I’m sure this is a sign that I should.”
Bruce clapped a hand on Dick’s shoulder, “ Great, because the rest of us are going to match.”
“Stop, I’m literally going to cry.”
The next photo was of all of the Robins– the whole family, because Alfred, Bruce and Talia were also wearing red, yellow, and green– in their colors. In the Grayson colors
Jason looked over at Dick whose eyes were glossy, but he was still smiling. Though he wasn’t looking at the screen. He was looking at alternate reality Jay, who was being nuggied by alternate reality Dick.
Dick realized Jason was looking at him, “It’s kinda the opposite of our first meeting.”
“Huh. it is, isn’t it?” he thought back to Dick giving him the box with a Robin suit that was too big for him. It was Dick’s official stamp of approval. He never got to grow into that suit.
Vaguely, he wonders if Bruce threw away that suit, along with all the other ones, save the one he died in.
The next video was of Jason in the garage with Bruce staring at a singular tire with a bow around it.
“Is that a tire I stole?”
Bruce grinned, “It is.”
“Huh. I didn’t realize you got them back.”
“I have my ways.”
Jay turned to face Bruce, “You do realize I stole them to make money, right? Currently, this serves no purpose to me.” His face morphed into something dejected “Unless…”
“No. No, not that.” Bruce kneeled in front of him, “ Jay, lad, I know you’ve only been here for a little over a month, but I would like to say, you will always have a home here. No matter what. 
“In fact this is more of a promise. I was thinking of giving you a tire for each of your birthdays, so by the time you turn 16, you’ll have all four. I was thinking we could maybe build a car together.”
There was a flurry of emotions that flashed over Jay’s face, before it settled on disbelief. “You? Bruce Wayne? Build a car?”
 “I am a man of many talents.”
Jay raised an eyebrow, “I better not be the only one putting elbow grease into this thing, otherwise, as soon as it’s finished I’m drivin’ away. With all four tires this time.”
Bruce lifted his arm to flex his bicep, “I’ll put in the muscle.”
Jay rushed in to give Bruce a hug and just as quickly pulled away, “ Thank you, Bruce.” Then Jay turned to face the camera directly, “ Are you seriously filming us, Tim?”
There was a video of the family helping Dick move into a dorm room. A picture of the first day of school with a very happy looking Jay, and just… memories captured that was so normal . No bruises, no broken arms, no hollow eyes from any of them. Just… love.
Obviously Jason knew that this family had to have had its fair share of ups and downs– most of them had seen loss in horrific ways– but the downs didn’t seem to lead to bloodshed, or near murder. Just more understanding.
The slideshow ended with a photo of the entire family cuddling on the couch, sleeping while Dick who was on the outskirts took a selfie.
The crowd erupted into cheers as the lights slowly brightened and alternate reality Bruce took to the stage. 
“Hello everyone, and welcome to the 30th Annual Wayne Foundation Charity Gala.” There was a polite round of applause, “Now, you may be wondering why I decided to start off the night differently than I have in the past years. That is because it has been brought to my attention that my usual speech about philanthropy and giving back to the community is, and I quote ‘ mundane and monotonous, and became stale after the second gala.’ Jason’s words, not mine. So he helped me write this.” There were a couple of chuckles that went around the room, “While I still believe in those values, the real reason this Gala is so important to me, is because it was important to my parents, Martha and Thomas Wayne. To me, this Gala has always been in memory of them.
“My parents loved this city, but they didn’t love it for its old buildings, or the grime on the pavement. No. They loved Gotham for her people. My dad, a doctor, who never turned his back on someone in need, no matter their background. My mom, who knew she was blessed with money and realized she could use that to help other people who need it in this city. Which is why the Wayne Foundation was made. Though, I don’t think there’s a single person in Gotham who didn’t already know that. Yet there was so much more to my parents than just that. Even though they’ve been long gone, I still see them everywhere. 
“I see my mom sitting at the kitchen counter, sipping her tea while Alfred prepares breakfast. I see my dad in the living room whenever baseball plays. I see my parents on the porch swing that overlooks the garden, but most importantly, I see them in my kids.
“The way Dick cares for his siblings sometimes is almost the exact same as how my dad used to care about me. He’ll bring an ice pack over in three seconds flat, even if they say they’re ok. He’ll slap a bandaid on an ouch, even if it isn’t bleeding. He’ll do anything to bring a smile to their faces. Just like my dad always did with me.
“I’d give up everything just to see Cass laugh. Because the way she laughs is just how my mom laughed. The way it starts with soft giggles and gradually gets louder and louder. The way she leans her head back and clutches her stomach. The way if something is truly hilarious, she’ll lean her head on the nearest solid object, trying to gasp for air.
“And Damian, oh Damian. He looks so much like Talia, but sometimes, I catch myself staring at him, picking out which of his features belonged to my mom, and which of his features belonged to my dad. His ears are shaped just like hers, his eyebrows are sculpted just like his. His curly hair is definitely from my mom.
“I can tell that Tim looks at the world in the same way my mom did. He looks at everything, taking in every little detail. He knows even when the subtlest thing is off. And when he looks at you, you know he is not just seeing you, but he’s seeing you . All of you.” 
Bruce pulled out a sheet of paper and placed it on the podium, “And I knew all of these things subconsciously, but Jason, he had to hold my hand through writing this whole speech. I would say some things that I remembered about my parents, and he’d go ‘ like blank does?’ and I'd be like–” Bruce facepalmed, “ duh. But he didn’t help me with this part. Uh oh, I’m going off script.” There was a rumble of laughter at that, but Bruce had a really soft smile on, and was making eye contact with Jay, “But in all seriousness, I think of the way I met Jason often. How he came to me on the reminder of the darkest day of my life, and turned that day into something brighter to remember. And I don’t believe in Fate, or God, but whenever I think of that night in the alley, I can no longer think of a boy who lost his parents. I can only think of my parents guiding their grandson to me. Jason made me realize that my parents guided all of my children to me, and to Talia, and to Alfred. And for that…” Bruce’s eyes were shining as he blinked hard and fast, “I don’t think words can describe how… how glad I am to be blessed with the beautiful family I have today.”
I can only think of my parents guiding their grandson to me.
Jason turned to his Bruce, only to see tears streaming down his face. 
What’s going on? Was he hurt? Why is he crying? He never cries. Batman never cries.
But this wasn’t Batman. This was Bruce.
I can only think of my parents guiding their grandson to me.
“Bruce? Do you…?”
Bruce looked from Jason to Dick and back to Jason, “Every single word and more. And so much more.”
And before he knew it, he was in his Dad’s Bruce’s his Dad’s Bruce’s his Dad’s arms. And then his brother’s arms. He was in his dad’s and his brother’s arms and everything felt–
Whole .
Jason felt whole .
They stayed in each other’s embrace as Alternate Reality Bruce finished up his speech, “There was a poem my mom read to me once, and I had forgotten about it until Jason showed it to me again. The poem actually inspired this entire speech. It’s called ‘ Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep’ by Mary Elizabeth Frye. 
“Do not stand at my grave and weep; I am not there; I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow, I am the diamond glints on snow, I am the sun on ripened grain, I am the gentle autumn rain.
“When you awaken in the morning's hush; I am the swift uplifting rush; Of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry,
“I am not there; I did not die.”
There was a moment of silence as the audience drank in the words. And the silence was pierced. But not by applause or cheers.
It was pierced by twin shots.
And screaming. Screaming even though the room seemed to be drowned out by the sound of cicadas.
Because Jay was slumped on the table. 
He wasn’t Robin. He was no longer a street kid.
Still, he was–
One Bullet through the heart, one bullet through the head. 
Tablecloth stained red.
19 notes · View notes
racinginchid3nt · 1 year
I’d Probably Still Adore You | Part 10
Y/N x Lance Stroll, Y/N Best Friend x Pierre Gasly
In which a night at the club and a game of never have I ever turns into something new
Inspired by 505 - Arctic Monkeys
Warnings: 18+
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A hand closed around your arm mid conversation with Y/N Best Friend. Before you could turn to see why or who it was, a familiar voice said “Let’s go.”
You let him drag you away from Y/N Best Friend and towards the empty dining room, unsure of what was going on. It wasn’t until the doors closed behind you, leaving the two of you alone in the empty room, that you processed what was going on.
“Um Lance, what’s going on?”
“I don’t know, why don’t you tell me?”
“We’ll in order to tell you that, I would need to know why we’re in here in the first place?” You replied.
“Spa was your first race. Why are you at this one?” He asked.
“Because I was invited?”
“So you went from no races to two back to back? And why are you at the gala right now?”
“1. Did it occur to you that maybe I like formula one? And maybe I hadn’t been invited to a race before? Not all of us can just shell out for flights and paddock passes whenever we want. 2. Because I was invited.”
“Who invited you?”
“Lance, why does it matter?” You asked.
“Can you just answer the fucking question Y/N?” He replied, frustration leaking into his tone.
“Y/N Best Friend.”
“So your not here with Norris?”
“I mean he’s my date for tonight.”
“For tonight? Or are you together?” He asked.
“For tonight. We’re not together. But honestly Lance I don’t get why you’re asking? You don’t care. It doesn’t matter.”
“No I don’t care but I still would have appreciated a heads up.”
“Lance, I don’t owe you anything. We’re not together, we’re not friends, we don’t talk. It would be weird if I had given you a heads up.”
He knew what you were saying was logical, but for some reason that comment stung a bit. As he stared at you in silence, unsure what to say to that, you came to a realization.
“Lance are you jealous or something?” You asked in a joking tone.
“No.” He replied gruffly.
“Are you sure?”
“Why would I be?” He asked.
“I don’t know. You’re the one that dragged me in here after not talking to me for a month.”
“Are you hooking up with Norris?” He asked.
“And what if I was?” You asked.
He looked at you in silence, unsure of how to respond to that. And as the moment stretched onwards, the sound of a door opening startled both of you.
Guests streamed into the banquet hall, picking their seats out at the various tables. You saw Y/N Best Friend, Pierre, Lando, Carlos, and Oscar settling down at one of the tables on the other side of the room. Stepping away from Lance, you made your way to the table. As you approached, Lando rose from his seat, pulling out the chair to his right for you.
“Where did you disappear to?” He asked, placing his arm on the back of your chair.
“Nowhere. I just got caught in a conversation on my way back from the bathroom.” You replied.
You joined in on the small talk occurring at the table, discussions of how they had spent their breaks and the upcoming race. It wasn’t long before the sound of the chair to your right sliding across the floor broke your conversation.
“Lance?” Pierre said, a hint of confusion in his tone.
“Hi guys, hope you don’t mind me joining your table. Fernando skipped so I’ve been doing double duty tonight and I needed a bit of a break.”
Everyone at the table seemed content with his response, bringing him into the small talk easily. Dinner service began, glasses of wine being filled at each seat, and courses being brought out. You had managed to forget his presence, casually talking with Lando, until your phone buzzed in your purse, alerting you to a text.
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Confused at the unknown number, you responded quickly. It wasn’t until you saw Lance pull his phone from his pocket that you realized what was going on.
Tucking your phone back into your purse, you tried to ignore him. He had no right to care, and he said it himself, he didn’t care.
Dinner continued on, dinner being served and wine topped off. But as you reached for your wine glass, you felt a hand touch your thigh. You didn’t need to look down to know who it belonged to, there was only one person sitting to your right.
You reached down, pushing the hand away, but it didn’t budge. Trying to keep from drawing attention to yourself, you ignored it. Maybe it was an accident, or maybe his hand was tired. Focusing all your energy into cutting your fish, you swallowed as you felt the hand move.
It slid up your leg slowly, moving from your knee to the edge of your dress. You reached down again, trying to move it off you. When the grip tightened you looked at him. He was mid conversation with Pierre, discussing the differences in French between Canada and France.
“So Y/N, any chance I can convince you to wear some Papaya tomorrow to Free Practice?” Asked Lando.
“Um, my paddock passes are for Alpine. I don’t think I should.” You replied.
It was then that the hand slid further up, pushing your hem higher as it moved inwards. You tried to keep the conversation going, joking about the scandal it would cause between teams and if they would kick you out of the hospitality center for wearing opposing colors. But the hand slid higher, brushing the edge of your panties, dangerously close to your core. Pulling your phone from your purse, you sent another text.
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Lance joined in on the table small talk, pretending as if everything was fine. It only took a few minutes before his fingers began rubbing you through your panties, core dampening with every touch.
A small smile slid across his face, as if someone had told him a casual joke. But your face held nothing, trying to keep expressionless so that no one would sense what was going on.
By the time dessert came out, you were practically squirming in your seat, thankful the long table cloths kept everything concealed. As you took your first bite of the chocolate cake that had come out, you felt your panties shift to the side as one finger slid into you. Coughing to hide your moan, one finger turned into two. They slid in and out of you while everyone finished their cake and the wait staff took away the empty plates.
Lance continued on, seeming totally normal. Y/N Best Friend looked at you across the table, confused about why you had slowly zoned out. Table began clearing as people returned to the ballroom, ready for more socializing.
As the fingers curled to hit your g-spot, your knee jumped on reflex.
“Are you feeling okay Y/N?” Y/N Best Friend asked.
“Yeah, I think I’ve just had a bit too much wine.” You replied through gritted teeth.
You reached down, slapping his hand away.
“I’m going to step outside for a minute, get some fresh air.” You said, sliding your seat backwards and rising from your chair.
“Want some company?” Lando asked.
“No, it’s okay. It will only be a moment.” You replied.
You made your way out of the dinning area and through the ballroom to the back hallway holding the bathrooms. Pushing the staff entrance door open, you stepping into the night. You sucked in a lung full of air, trying to calm your racing heart.
Righting your dress that had ridden up your thighs, you felt a few spots where the beads had come loose. Squirming in your chair for 15 minutes had caused them to run against the rough chair fabric, and must have been too much for the delicate beading. Adding one more thing to list of ways tonight had gone wrong, your mood began to dip.
When you heard the door open behind you, you knew who it was before they even uttered a word.
“Lance what the fuck do you want now?” You questioned, frustration filling your voice.
He looked at you, taking you in but saying nothing.
“Honestly Lance you need to go away. The nights already going to hell, you don’t need to make it worse.”
“What do you mean the nights going to hell?” He asked.
“Gee I don’t know. How about the fact that it started with me getting hounded by the fans and paparazzi at the hotel and outside the venue. Then you dragged me away for no reason. Which you followed up by crashing my table. Or how about the fact that you pushed me to the brink of orgasm, and ruined the beading on my dress?” You vented, frustration filling your tone.
“Y/N it’s just a dress.”
“Lance it’s not just a fucking dress! It’s a €3,000 dress! That’s more than my rent! But I paid it because I thought I’d enjoy one fucking night of dressing up and spending time with my best friend at a once in a lifetime event. Newsflash, not all of us spend our lives traveling the world 24/7 and get to throw money around like it’s worthless!”
You turned on your heel, giving him no time to respond before you stormed back into the ballroom. Finding your best friend and your respective dates, you gave them hugs and quick goodbyes. You blamed the wine, claiming you weren’t feeling well and that you needed to leave. Lando offered to drive you home, but you refused, having already called a cab.
And as you walked out of the event, a pair of eyes trailed after you but made no move to stop you.
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alolanrain · 1 year
I’m just going to start piling my Ta!au quotes into one post instead of spamming everyone's timeline with it. 
(after a missions, Ash had a nightmare and can’t sleep and neither could Rowan)
Ash: That’s a terrible story.
Rowan: not all of us fight Gods and win, my boy. so take what I have. 
Ash:.... tell me how you survived the Dragalge again? 
(later in the Alola timeline-think before Kukui announces the first league)
Ash: You're an asshole, you know that?
Lillie: Mankey see, Mankey do.
Ash: *flashbacks to all the times he’s used the exact phrase* *deep sigh* fair enough. 
(on a simple date after a long stake out mission)
Ash:*tired AF* Are you going to keep looking at me like that or are you actually going to kiss me?
Raihan: Can’t I enjoy looking at my meal before digging into it? 
Ash... *tired, flustered and now angry because he’s flustered*
Raihan: *too pleased, the smug bastard* that’s what I thought. 
(after noticing Meowth working at the new malasada truck outside of school, completely ignoring James and Jessie who ignore him in return)  
Ash: hey-not here to pick a fight, put your claw’s away-do you know Lillie’s brother?
Meowth: *suspicious but interested* the emo kid? 
Ash: yeah.
Meowth:... why? 
Ash: would it be insulting to you if I call him a ragged wet Meowth? 
Meowth: *instantly relaxing* if you don’t call him that I will. 
Ash: *grabbing the malasada's James hands him without making him pay* let’s tag team him then. 
Meowth: sounds perfect to me, now get going. you’re holding up the line Twerp. 
(meeting and conversing with Goh and Chloe for the first time)
Goh: my mission is to catch Mew and then go on my first Pokémon journey!
Ash: *bites tongue and thank the legendries he’s where sunglasses to hide his uncontrollable flash of anger* 
Chloe: Don’t listen to him-
Goh: Hey!
Chloe: -he’s the dumb one
Ash: *silently already picking favorites* I see. 
(after a prank war) 
Gary: does my life truly mean so little to you? 
Ash: *w/ neon green hair and permanent marker on his face* YES!
(on a random Tuesday in Alola) 
Ash:*swinging in a hammock with sunglasses and his hat* Are you here to kill me? *slurps annoyingly loud at his drink*
Mewtwo:... no but I’m thinking about it now.
(after loosing the kids in the forest for a while)
Ash: where have you been!?
Lana: *sopping wet*
Mallow: *beginning of a rash on her lips* 
Kiawe:*looks like he got into a fight with something and lost*
Sophocles: *also looks like he got into a fight with something and lost*
Lillie: *covered in flowers with a few Cutiefly buzzing around her* 
Lana: I think you already know. 
(Champion meeting in Kalos-Lance is sick and Ash is his second by Orange Isles proxy)
Diantha:  You're late. As usual.
Ash: *not high as a kite but not sober either* be happy that I’m even here in the first place. 
Rose: it’s really innapro-
Ash&Diantha: not a word out of you. 
(Kiawe and Lillie hanging out with Ash even though he’s cleaning all his knives)
Ash:  Put that down! You're like a child.
Kiawe: *pouting and placing down a sheathed knife* I’m a teenager, not a child. 
Ash: uh-huh. 
(Ash begrudgingly letting Lana indulge the rain before class one day)
Ash:  Well, don't stand there in the rain all day. Come on.
Lana: but I like the rain.
Ash: okay-let me rephrase then so you understand. Don’t make me give you detention-
Lana: *darts on past* 
Ash: *smirking and start to trail behind* that’s what I thought. 
(after being trailed by some mercenaries from a Gala) 
Rowan: we’re safe now, aren’t we boy? 
Ash: *checks around corner of the alleyway they ducked into to loose their trackers* Yeah... yeah I think so old-
Goons: *appearing on the other side of the alleyway* there they are!
Ash&Rowan: *in unison* fuckshitfuckingtitballs-
(in Hisui) 
Ash:  I swear it wasn't me.
Cyllene: *annoyed but in a motherly way* now why don’t I believe that? 
Ash:.... because I’m your favorite survey member? *Growlith eyes and slight cheeky smile*
Cyllene: get out of my sight.
Ash: *squeaks* yes, Captain!
(after an intense debrief after a mission going tits-up as Ash was unknowingly stalked by another mercenary)  
Gary: Who did you piss off this time?
Ash: *slumping down in a chair next to Gary and the large as computer screens* it’s more like who I haven’t pissed off. 
(after first trimester of finals)
Kukui: *walks into the classroom, see’s Ash blank face and staring at the other doorway where Kukui originally left though* 
Kukui: you gonna keep staring or what? 
Ash: *broken out of the strongest dissociation spell in a long time**jumping out of his seat and making a fool of himself while falling down onto the floor* cheese and crackers on balls, you motherfucker- 
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fingerless-glovez · 10 months
College au part 2
• Majoring in political science and government
• Genuinely interested in politics, just isn't as intense about it as Roc
• Wants to be friends with people but Roc said "no"
• Not like most people want to be real friends to him anyway, especially not in his course
• Is currently being pressured to accept a political marriage, but would rather marry for love (sap)
• Jasper is the only one who understands
• Majoring in botany
• Attends all of his classes virtually
• Has a mushroom farm in his room
• He sings to them to help them grow. Aquia is sworn to secrecy about it
• Has Lou wrapped around his finger
• Found a snake in the bushes, named it Linos, and it is now his pet. Lou was unsuccessful in convincing him to put Linos back outside
• Is this grounds for expulsion? Yes. Does Lou expel him? Nope. Why? Because Dia is why
• Majoring in human resources services
• Wants to create more positive workplaces, especially for women
• The only mentally stable person in this goddamn school
• Student council president (thanks, chirp!)
• Ya gurl beat out both Guy and Toa, who were competing for the position and tied for runners-up
• Probably helps that she had the power of baked goods (and Grayson's supervision) on her side
• Majoring in botany
• Works at a flower shop
• Poor boy just wants to make friends and study plants but everyone just wants to use him to get in with Guy
• Lack of familial affection go brrr
• Roc doesn't give a shit about his younger sons
• Guy is always busy and has no interest in Aquia's life
• Rahm is too busy trying to make Aquia Roc's successor to notice that he clearly doesn't want to be in politics and loves his brother too much to take his dreams
• Zev is the only one who keeps in regular contact with him, but he's more interested in telling him all about his problems with class, homework, girls, y'know, typical high school stuff. He also asks a lot about how Guy is doing before taking any interest in Aquia
• Fluent in Floriography (language of the flowers)
• Tends to the garden on the school roof at night
• Rio runs into him up there and notices how well cared for the flowers look, and also that Aquia is really sad. They are now gardening buddies
• "Majoring" in hospitality
• Isn't actually here to further a career. Roc sent him with Guy as a spy to make sure no one is plotting to sabotage either Guy or the family as a whole
• Works at the same bar as Lance
• NOT a r**ist, and he does NOT do that shit he did in his consort route
• He just listens in on conversations while making drinks (that have NOT been drugged or spiked in any way) and serving people
• He's that one asshole that corrects people's grammar when they text him
• If you don't text like you're writing a government document he will copy your message and correct it
Violet: is anyone free on saturday. i accidentally bought an extra movie ticket and mc fenn and sherry said there all gonna be busy
Jasper: *Is anyone free on Saturday? I've accidentally bought an extra movie ticket, and MC, Fenn and Sherry said they're all going to be busy.
Jasper: I'll be available on Saturday. What movie are we seeing?
Violet: Die.
• May or may not be fucking Guy and Fenn on the side, who knows
• Majoring in fashion design
• Doesn't care for the designs you would see at a Met Gala and knows how to create things that are good looking and practical but also unique
• Also makes her own accessories
• MC is her usual model
• Met Fenn in high school
• Apparently the guy she'd been dating was two-timing her with Fenn. She was super mad at him at first, but Fenn offered to help dish out some revenge
• He's her wingman and shoulder to cry on when she gets rejected
• Regular at Lance and Jasper's bar
• She dated Jasper for a while until realized he was using a fake identity to spy on her and her friends, and she's hated his guts ever since
• The only reason she still talks to him is because they're in the same friend group as the other valets
• If Jasper corrects her grammar in the group chat one more time, she's stealing his glasses and replacing his normal pens with invisible ink pens. Then we’ll see how good his grammar is
• Majoring in hospitality
• Works part-time at his family's hotel
• He and Lynt have been best friends since childhood because their fathers are also friends and business partners
• He used to "help" Lynt with all his school work (did most of it for him). He can't really do that anymore since they’re in different majors
• Gets Lynt out of bed every morning. And makes dinner every night. And cleans the dorm. And does the dishes...
• Okay, Lynt does eventually start picking up the slack when he realizes the ungodly amount of work Tino does
• This boy has not had a full night's sleep since the 3RD GRADE
• Like bro do you need to cram every single night?
• Half the time he passes out at his desk studying. Sometimes he'll fall asleep in a common room or something, and someone has to take him back to his room
• It is because of this that Lynt has taken special interest in researching insomnia
• Has to be dragged out by the valets to take a break from doing literally everything all the time
Tino: "B-But I have to study for my skills test-"
Knight: "You mean your skills test that's 3 months away and you've been cramming for since you started the course? Dude, you need a life and you're coming to the arcade with us."
• Definitely got shoved into his locker in high school
• That's what he gets for trying to mind his own business and not bother anyone in a fucking high school
• Headmaster of the academy
• Has a Ph.D in education
• Is fully aware that he has several politicians' children in his school and that he's being spied on
• Guess what? He's spying on them, too
• He's part of a political party called Iritium and is gathering information on his competition through their children
• Guy, Toa, and Lance's rooms are bugged with microphones. He knows Christoph is living with Lance, but to avoid raising suspicion, he doesn't do anything about it yet
• He's still debating whether or not to bug Aquia's room because Dia is his roommate and he'd rather not invade his privacy
• Prank wars are common at the academy, but he has reigned as prank king since his own school years and he refuses to be dethroned
• Has two doves in his office, Phinney and Nix
• There have been many occasions where someone would pass by his office and see him having a full conversation with them
• He once argued with Phinney while MC sat right across from him. He lost
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randomgentlefolk · 10 months
With each chapter updated, the more I sob to my cat (while wearing my plaid clothes of course)
Also this post is going to be long because I love psychology so much.
Tw: mentions of un-aliving oneself
Lorzanna fighting alongside each other....... that is the most badass way to say "we're girlfriends"
Lorena using the chains as whips and Suzanna doing fencing style!! THEM. I NEED MORE OF THEM.
Medic Syrah! It's like one of those I things I never know I want until I get it.
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Aww Orson and Monika holding the portcullis together <3 they're so strong???
Frederick telling Syrah step by step on how to do first aid <3
Also, Frederick using his strategy skill!! He can finally show his talent for Leland to see >:D or, uh, not really since Leland is not currently in the room but ANYWAY
Beckett..Beckett, Beckett, Beckett.... Man got snitched and I'm having second hand embarrassment 💀💀 well he won't be Pastel Top 1 guard but at least he can be with Maria. Oh yeah finally!! He knows who the real Maria is!! I hope he won't forget when he's back conscious tho.
Fellas, let's give appreciation to our guard homies Horace and Old guard (he still needs a name)
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Also may I just say Maria looks GORGEOUS in this panel?? HER HER HER??? Also her starting to wonder why Frederick is against the Plaid kingdom?? IT'S ALL COMING TOGETHER Y'ALL.
I went from "Lance!! :D" to "Lance :'(" because damn...DAMN??? Bro tbh I'm relieved the gala foreshadowing is him getting hit on the head and not gettint CHOPPED but on the other hand DAMN. The commander did NOT have to do that DAMN. The blunt head trauma??? What if he hit head when he fell?? "So he won't hurt himself" my foot BRUH. I just checked again and HE HIT HIS HEAD. Bro is gonna get a concussion.
Also his face is still bleeding out. In case someone, uh, forgot.
Go Lorena and Suzie go help him! I know what he did was horrible but he's trying!!
Confrontation Time Yayyy...
Blaine. Blaine bro. Stop. Just. Okay there is a lot of childhood issues to be unpacked here. But you know what before talking to him before telling him what he should do maybe we should all just. Let him relax, for awhile. I mean ngl he looks awful, and I'm not trying to be mean here but he and Frederick clearly needs professional help. But let's unpack them one by one. Let's start with the pianist.
(Disclamier: I am not a professional. I am simply telling you my opinion in this post)
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Holy shit. Someone give him a break. Give him lots of sleep. Anything to make this boy relax. Let me just say this right away, golden child syndrome. I'm blaming all of these shit on Leland. Y'all our lesson today is: don't put too much pressure on a child, don't compare your children to each other, and accept your child however they are. Please y'all this has happen too much. A child is smart and they achieves lots of things, then makes that their only reason of living, the only reason they are loved. That's horrible. In Blaine's case, I think he feels as if those achievements, those trophies, are a way to validate his life. It's like he cannot fail because if he fails automatically he disappoints everyone including himself.
We know that he has been 'thriving' since he was child. Let's say approximately since he was uhh 9 years old? That would be 12 years of intense hardwork hell sugarcoated by the paradise of 'winning'. Once again, not exactly the best childhood ever. Not to mention, does he even have any friends? We have never seen him mention any. So we can say that he doesn't have any support outside of him being 'perfect' (well, until Maria at least, but that was pretty short-lived :')
At this point I won't even be surprised if the reason he has been doing self care is only so that he looks good as a model and so that people love him.
Man, he needs intense reality check. Also I'm like 99% sure he definitely doesn't want to kill Frederick. The event of him and Lance beating the shit out of the bullies still live in my head rent free. Bro is VERY confused with his life right now and needs help.
Let's move on to the youngest now
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Right of the bat I'm going to say:
Scapegoat child, self esteem issues, possibility of depression, and uh we're gonna have to add this now... possibility of being suicidal. Alright.
What is a scapegoat child? A scapegoat child is the child who is pretty much blamed for everything and takes attention of the center of the problem, if that makes sense. As far as I know, this is the child who recognize the actual problems in the family, and is the one to break the cycle of abuse. These children are the opposite of the golden child. And you know what it makes sense that both of them are in the same household. If there is a golden child to praise and give attention to, then there is the scapegoat who is blamed and left out. That is what Frederick is in his family.
Self esteem issues. This boy has been told he is pathetic, weak, useless, and all of those words for his entire life, to the point he actually believe that those words are his entire personality.
Now, I'm not gonna straight up say he is suicidal, though we have an evidence in the panel here. But if we look at the past chapters, he doesn't exactly actively try to die. Those moments where he fell of the Pastel hills are accidents. But we can also say that the suicidal thoughts just came recently. Especially considering what is happening lately. Being trapped in a deep hole with little to no socialization can really do some things to you...even if you're an introvert. We are social creatures. As much as we say we hate chatting with people, we also don't want to be alone with no social communication our entire life now, do we?
Anyway, I'm going to suggest this, there is a chance that Frederick probably has what is called passive suicidal ideation. He doesn't actively try to die, but he wouldn't care if he die. But I'm a little conflicted on this one. Maybe someone else who is better at this field of study can help me?
We can also assume that Frederick told Blaine to kill him out of desperation. There are lots of possibilities that I hope Lambcat will explore more in the future.
Also his coping mechanism of escaping reality is something to watch out for since he has shown signs of not being able to differentiate between reality and fantasy
Now, I just want to say that there is a chance that I'm heavily wrong here. But I'm just stating my opinion and I'm not trying to offend anyone. If there is something wrong in what I wrote please do tell me.
Okay, let's move on to the next scene now—
NAH BLAINE SWINGING THAT SWORD 💀💀 Bro is clearly so stressed istg. C'mon Blaine the curse tattoo doesn't look THAT bad. It looks aight if you ask me. I would even say it's unique.
Yeahhh! What Whitney said! Lmao I'm so sorry but this scene reminds me of Steven Universe and Spinel. Whitney just wanna talk it out :') he has changed so much from his old self.
YOOOO ALL THE ELDEST SIBLINGS ARE GIVING BLAINE A REALITY CHECK. Maria, Whitney, Calpernia. Snap outta it Blaine please.
"I'd like to cut in" Goals. I do also want to start my battle by saying a pun. I can't wait for Prez vs Blaine!! It's going to be sick.
THE MAIDS. HOLY MOLY (haha get it?). Of course they also have weapons. It makes sense considering how protective Jack is! Also
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Was. Was the cleaver not enough? Lol 💀
I am even more hyped for Leland vs The maids!
Well, that's it for now. That was a long ass post lmao. I'm gonna go back to class.
Mono out! (But still in to hear your thoughts)
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ekat-fandom-blog · 1 year
No Dick Grayson AU
Alfred convinces Tatsu Yamashiro(Katana) and Dinah Lance(Black Canary) to join Batman's crusade when it starts getting difficult for him to handle crime on his own. Katana brings Barbara Gordon into the fold as Oracle because Barbara is determined to help the vigilantes.
A few years later, Bruce joins the Justice League(Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Flash, Cyborg, and Green Lantern). Dinah moves to Star City, and Katana disappears. Barbara starts to join Batman on patrols.
About a year later, Batman brings Jason Todd home. Jason tries to join Batman as a vigilante, but Bruce, Alfred, and Barbara convince him to wait until he's an adult. Bruce agrees to train him until then.
Jason starts helping Barbara with coms, Alfred with making sure they have the medbay fully stocked, and Bruce and Lucius with Wayne Enterprise Charities. Jason, as the top student, graduates a year early(age 16/17 since his b-day's in march) and goes on a world tour for extra training. He gets sucked into training with the League of Assassins, but leaves rather quickly via Talia tossing him to the All-Caste since Bruce knows where he is. He returns to Gotham as the vigilante Flamebat as a nod to his All-Blades and the dark red and black costume he created. As the All-Blades don't harm any non-magical being, he normally uses them when he wants to be dramatic or particularly threatening.
Barbara does get shot by Joker before Jason goes on tour and loses the ability to walk.
Steph also appears (at 15) on the vigilante scene briefly, but is talked out of it by Barbara and disappears for a while. When she gets back she decides to go out as Spoiler. When the others are unable to convince her to wait until she's at least 17 to start being a vigilante, Cass (as she's about 1 year older) is declared to be her patrol partner. (this happens just before Jason leaves)
Cass shows up a bit after Steph does. She's found by Barbara and is convinced to wait until she's at least 17 to start vigilantism. Bruce adopts her pretty quickly and gives her the tools to figure out who she is without the violence of being an assassin or a vigilante.
About a year after Jason returns, Damian (age 10) appears in the Bat's lives. He continuously sneaks out of the manor to prove that he's worthy and ready to become a vigilante and follow in his father's footsteps.
When Bruce disappears, Jason takes on the responsibilities of being Batman and CEO of Wayne Enterprise. Cass and Alfred take on the role of being Damian's primary caretakers. Tim figures out that Bruce is still alive after getting "lost" in Wayne Manor during a gala, and leaves an anonymous tip about it for the Bats to find. (Tim doesn't know that they're the Bats, just that somehow Bruce ended up in the past.)
After Bruce comes back, things mostly go back to how they were before. Except, they catch wind of a group of child vigilantes. Beast Boy (age 13), Blue Beetle (14), Impulse (16), and Raven (13). When interrogated, the adult heroes find out that: Beast Boy had joined a group called the Doom Patrol and been with them since he was 11 but left because of conflicting morals, then run into Raven and Impulse; Blue Beetle had been doing superhero stuff for a few months before he ran into the other three; Raven had been picked up by Beast Boy while running from a cult that wanted to use her to summon a demon; and Impulse is the one who pulled the group together to help prevent a future event from happening. Not knowing exactly what to do with the group of child heroes, they put Kon (aka Superboy; 17) and Spoiler (18) in charge of the group that's now called Young Justice.
Around half a year later, Damian(11 almost 12) joins the group along with Jon (Superboy; 12).
They also find out somewhere along the way that Billy Batson was 10 years old when he started superhero-ing.
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magical-girl-coral · 8 months
Catwoman stories that DC should write, part two:
*The armless master, Ted Grant and Alfred all fighting over who gets to walk Selina down the isle only breaking off when Selina tells the exciting news of her grandparents coming all the way from Cuba to see her away.
*An issue about a gossip reporter trying to catch the new it girl socialist Selina Kyle in a compromising position except it's always something stupid. He caught her on time sneaking off from a party with Harvey Dent and Bruce Wayne but it's so they argue somewhere quiet about ancient roman history. Another time she ran with famous singer Dinah Lance but it was to order pizza because either of them remembered to eat. The one time he gives up and doesn't bother chasing her, she went to a forgotten bathroom mid gala to dress up as Catwoman.
*Crossover story with Batman where they both find out Killer Croc escaped prison again and together they try to find him before anyone gets hurt. It's revealed in a flashback reveal Selina and Waylon met as young street rats trying to survive who had no one and vowed to watch the other's back since then. Even without using their sob story. Bruce is merciful with Waylon and is maybe the second person who has ever shown him compassion, even giving him a job offer as a chance for a new life. This could have been Selina's big "oh, Oh" moment if it weren't for her massive emotional constipation.
*Forming her own thievery group with the girls who were at her bachelorette party with a Maven cameo as Selina's assistant/the force of nature expert keeping Selina's civilian life together through detailed schedules and iron will.
*Selina visiting Ireland with Maggie to put their father's ashes to rest only to get bungled up in fae shenanigans against their will.
*Selina getting to be a mom without drama. That's it. That's the story. No one dies, lost in time, kidnapped by an evil origination or given up for adoption since DC are fucking allergic to allowing women of color to be decent mothers.
*A whole chapter dedicated to Selina's slow battling of her phobia of water to give courage to other readers who are fighting their own anxieties cause I doubt a young teen can walk off being nearly drowned to death without longtime consequences.
*Selina finding out a family member nearly got killed cause of gang violence and Catwoman tearing Gotham apart limb from limb until the message was sent across. People tend to forget her claws can cut through steel and many remember that lesson the hard way.
*Showcasing every job Selina had off screen while the rest of the cast tried to kill each other over what's good and evil such as: ancient linguistic expert, professional dancer of multiple genres, Hollywood actress, art gallery owner, veterinarian, book author of ancient myths retelling with actual research (she was sick and tired of all the tiktok takes), and a part singer for charity events.
*Having an on again off again team ups with the Riddler. On one hand, he is a somewhat decent friend who's great with gadgets and a ruthless gossip, but the other hand he just does not stop dropping clues of their crimes and is always too lax with their getaway plans and god damn it Eddie, it's like you're trying to get us caught!
*Tragic friendship that could have been romance turned enemies between Pammy and Selina before either of them dawned their costumes. Selina donating a large sum of money she "gathered" over the weeks to the firm Pammy worked at because they were one of the few that didn't test their products on animals. Sweet shy Pammy saw Selina with walk in with confidence and beauty of a goddess and nearly tripped over herself when Selina asked for her opinion on a matter she couldn't even hear them talk about. They became friends afterwards, and Selina would regularly come back for talks and advice about poisons that seem shady but Pammy was too in love fascinated by the subject to question her motives.
*A pre street kid story where it shows Selina having a happy home life with her parents and little sister before it was all taken away from her. If Batman can have a hundred versions of his parents murder, Selina can have variation where her family didn't suck.
*Selina going through a crisis when she hit twenty and decided to take a bisexual gap year to travel the world where she gained Bast's favour in Egypt, accidentally seduced a moon deity in hiding, had a summer romance with Talia in Singapore, gained Shiva's attention by mastering sword dancing in China, put an angry one thousand year old spirit to rest by returning her precious hairpin and gaining more divine favors and returning to Gotham to get hammered on her 21th birthday.
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“…wonder what he’s thinking about. Who he’s threatening, rather. Hey, Lance.”
Lance startles a little, turning to face his thoughtful-looking best friends. “Hm?”
“What’s up with him?”
“With who?”
Hunk inclines his head to their very own black paladin, who is standing tall with his arms crossed tightly over his chest, face twisted up in a scowl and glaring heavily at the people in front of him. All their new allies give him a wide berth, some looking at him nervously before skittering away and whispering to their dance partners and friends.
“Why does he look like he wants to kill someone? Or, well, more than usual,” Pidge says bluntly. “Are you two fighting or something?”
Lance hums, rocking back on his heels. “No, I don’t think so.”
“Is it just socialization stress?” Hunk ponders.
Pidge shrugs. “Maybe? Who knows. Maybe someone said something dumb and now he’s imagining all the places he can stick his knife.”
Lance snorts. It’s beyond possible.
“I’ll go find out,” he says, handing his plate of fancy shmancy gala goodies to Pidge, who immediately starts eating them even though hey, those are Lance’s, she has her own.
“You do that, Loverboy.”
Rolling his eyes and aiming a flick to her ear (that she dodges), Lance does, strolling up to his boyfriend and tapping him on the shoulder when he fails to react to Lance’s presence. He tenses for a moment, but calms when he realises who touched him. The scowl instantly melts off his face, furrowed brow shifting into something soft and sweet, grin crooked and showing the barest peek of crooked incisors.
“Lance,” he says, and there’s so much fondness in his voice that Lance can’t help reaching over to wrap his arm around Keith’s waist and rest his chin on his chest, tilting his face up to meet bright indigo eyes.
“Hi, baby.”
Keith brushes the hair out of Lance’s face, tucking the barely-long-enough strands beyond his ear and keeping his gloved hand cupped around his cheek. “Hey, yourself.”
Lance tilts his head to the side just enough to press a kiss to Keith’s palm, then looks back up at Keith. He’s well aware that they’re being gross and mushy in public. He doesn’t care. The gagging noises he can vaguely hear from his dumbass best friends behind him only incentivizes him to be mushier, actually.
“Whatcha thinkin’ about?”
Keith brightens immediately, small smile widening into a grin and free hand waving about in the air as he speaks.
“Okay, well, everyone on this planet is taller than us, right? And I was thinking about being tall, and how that leads to bigger skeletons, but not really more joints because then everyone would be bendy. But then I was thinking about how your spine is sort of the tallest bone in our bodies but it’s also the part with the most joints, right, and then I was thinking about joints and I started to think about the skeleton song and how inaccurate it was, so I was trying to sing it in my head but accurately and I forgot how many C vertebrae we have exactly —”
Lance has to bite his tongue as hard as he physically can to keep from bursting out laughing. He doesn’t want Keith to think he’s making fun of him, or else he’ll get all pouty and the excited glimmer in his eyes will go away, and that’s the last thing Lance wants.
The idea of Keith glaring at the air so hard that it’s making an entire gathered planet of people nervous, the fact that Keith has his own isolated little corner in the ballroom because his expression is so frightening that everyone else is too scared to be anywhere near him, the fact that Hunk and Pidge have spent the last who-knows-how-long contemplating what could have possibly made Keith so angry that he’s scowling that badly…and the whole time he’s singing a silly little kid’s song to himself and thinking about skeletons?
It’s funny.
“I love you,” Lance says as soon as Keith pauses to take a breath. He can’t quite keep the amusement out of his tone, which makes Keith narrow his eyes suspiciously.
“I love you, too,” he says slowly. Lance can hear the question in his voice, and chuckles quietly to himself, getting up on his tiptoes right press a lingering kiss to his boyfriend’s mouth. Keith relaxes instantly, his free hand coming to match his other and cradling Lance’s face carefully, tilting his head to improve the angle. Lance tries to sink into the kiss like he usually does, but he keeps picturing Keith’s glaring face, internal monologue singing a song about skeletons, and can’t help his giggles.
“What’s so funny?” Keith mumbles, petulant.
Lance pecks his lips one more time before pulling away. He’s still grinning.
“You’re just cute, is all.”
“I am not. I am cool and menacing.”
“Okay, baby. Whatever you say.”
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ripslingerfan13 · 9 months
My Little Pony/CPC AU! What elements would the Princes and Princesses have?
Kindness: Gwen obviously
Honest: Frederick because of how brutally honest and sassy he is!🤭
Generosity: Blaine(when he’s not being manipulated by Leland) i imagine Blaine being a really generous guy.
Loyalty: It was a tie between Lorena and Lance because both are very loyal to there family and friends. But I feel like Lorena should get this element…Why?
Laughter: Because we all know Lance is the jokester of the family and this element fits him the most.
Magic: Maria…because Maria represented all five elements at some point
Kindness: for her family and Blaine(That one moment she said that she’s rooting for him and not his perfection)
Honesty: And though I hate to say this but at the gala Blaine really was showing his ‘truly ugly side’
Generosity: Offering her dress to Gwen after the opossum and rat are hers.
Loyal: Not wanting to marry someone who makes her sister feel less than important.
Laughter: (honestly her dirty thoughts and crazy antics (convincing the fan club to interrupt a piano contest just to cheer up Blaine) alone are enough to get us laughing.
Plus in EG
Gwen with a tambourine
Frederick playing the Base
Blaine playing a keytar!!! Yes!!!
Lorena playing the guitar
Lance on the drums
And of course Maria as the lead singer.
And finally is Sunset Shimmer’s element is redemption that one will go to Suzie it could also be Blaine’s element. But I want Suzie to be their Sunset Shimmer.
And yes guys I know her element was later specified to be empathy. But when she first ponied up I assumed her element to be Redemption.
Plus this could also work for Suzie as she can be extremely rude because she’s so full of herself as we’ve seen in the flashback cause her a bit of a problem with someone threatening her because she had no empathy for them. So gaining the element of empathy can be a good character growth. Though she would still be full of herself she just won’t be as rude about it.
(Then again Jamie could be empathy as his powers aside from some kind of light manipulation. He can taste the feeling of others through their food…or really anything they make that he puts in his mouth.)
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quanblovk · 2 years
If Dragato uses a lance and was like the number one parent to the young Galacta Knight... does that mean Gala uses a lance because of him??
Indeed! But not because he trained him or anything, it's just that Dragato introduced him to the lance one time and he suddenly got hooked! Galacta Knight went on to read a bunch of books that had more infomation on lances in them and learned how to use one by himself with abit of ✨️stylization✨️.
That....that led to Galacta Knight inventing the worst artform of using a lance.
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