#ghost riley x male oc
Transfer Him (Or Not)
A/N: For context, here is Python's introduction Ghost. And here is Python's basic info post.
It took Ghost two days of putting up with Python before he stomped towards Price's office. He practically threw open the door, glowering at the captain for what he has had to put up with from the American medic.
"Transfer him." Ghost growled out as he stalked towards Price's desk.
Price looked up from where he writing a report. "'Him" who? Be more specific, there's all men here in this task force," he replied, amused with his own joke. He chuckled for a bit before turning serious, raising a brow at his lieutenant. "Is it Soap? I thought you liked him now."
Ghost scowled beneath his mask, crossing his arms. "I do and I was talking about that bastard American medic," he grumbled.
"Python?" Price couldn't help it, he burst out into laughter, which only made Ghost more irritated. He had his laughing fit for a whole minute before he wiped the tears of laughter from his eyes, his smile forming on his face. "You want me to transfer Python?"
"Yes," Ghost said gruffly, not understanding why Price found it so funny.
"What? Why not?"
Price's amusement was gone now, his hands moving around some paperwork on his desk. He waited until he was sure Ghost was seriously asking the question. "Ghost, I can't transfer Python," he explained, his words careful. "For one, I didn't transfer him to us in the first place, Laswell did, and secondly, a medic would be good for us. You and Soap barely made it out alive in Las Alamas. So he's staying, no matter how much you don't like him."
Ghost growled at that, very upset by Price's logic. "I don't trust him. The last American we trusted was Graves, and we all know how that turned out," he said.
"Do you trust me, Ghost?"
"Without question."
Price smiled at that, knowing he could always count on his lieutenant to trust him. "Then trust that I know you'll end up liking Python," he replied. "Besides, you don't even know him well enough to hate him. He's only been here for two days."
Ghost grumbled again. "I know him enough to know he's a mysterious bastard."
"Ah, so you two have that in common," Price said, his smile widening into a grin at the playful glower Ghost threw his way for that comment. He chuckled. "Just... Try to be nice, okay? You wouldn't want to piss off a medic, Ghost. Trust me."
Ghost nodded and then left the office so Price could get back to work. He decided to head to the base hospital, heading out of the building he was in and making his way over to the base hospital.
He walked inside the base hospital and made it to the office that was designated as Python's. As he walked there, Soap came out of the office with Gaz in tow, Soap having his hand bandaged.
"What happened to you?" Ghost asked, frowning at Soap's bandaged hand. He went to grab it to get a closer look but Soap pushed his hand away with his good one.
Soap gave Ghost a cheeky grin. "It's nothing, mate. A simple second-degree burned from a cooking accident," he told Ghost nonchalantly. "I just went in to see the doc to get it bandaged."
Gaz interjected, rolling his eyes. "I brought him to Python," he explained his presence there. "Soap wasn't even going to treat it and I had to drag him to Python's office."
"You're such a tattletale, Gaz," Soap complained, his voice almost a whine. He then turned to Ghost, a curious glint in his eyes. "Why are you on your way to Python? Injured, aye?"
Ghost playfully pushed at Soap's chest. "My business is my business," he said, warning Soap not to push for details.
Soap merely smiled, used to Ghost's evasiveness. "You and Python are similar in that respect. A pair of men who want to remain as mysterious as possible."
Ghost rolled his eyes and bid goodbye to Gaz and Soap, Gaz playfully dragging Soap back to the barracks. He watched them leave before walking up the office door, knocking, and entering.
"You injured?" Python asked as soon as Ghost stepped in, lifting his head up from where he was putting away the bandages and gauze back into the drawer of his desk. "And on a scale from one to ten, how bad is it?"
"You know, most medics are less harsh when it comes to asking how bad an injury is." Ghost couldn't help but have a little bite in his voice, feeling annoyed whenever Python was in his vicinity.
Ever since he met the man, Ghost had this need, this itch, and he could only assume it was because they were so similar that Ghost hated it with a passion. And yet, Ghost found himself wanting to be closer.
He pushed down that sudden urge, his eyes narrowing in annoyance. "Anyways, I'm not here because I'm injured," he said, eyeing the taller man.
Python finished putting away the bandages and gauze back in the drawer of his desk, closing the drawer before giving Ghost his full attention. He still had on that damned mask and balaclava that made Ghost all that aware of how similar they were. "Okay, why are you here then?" he asked, moving around his desk to sit on the edge of the surface of said desk.
"I just wanted to let you know that I'm... I'm going to try to get along with you," Ghost blurted out awkwardly, at a loss for words. He was never a talker anyways.
"Okay," Python said after a minute of waiting for Ghost to say more.
"Okay? That's all you have to say?"
And there Ghost was, getting irritated with Python all over again. It was like there was an inferno in his chest, an emotion he couldn't describe but was so intense that it made him so irritable to the way Python was so cagey.
"Bloody hell," Ghost exclaimed, unable to help the rush of emotions. He threw his arms up in the air in a "I give up" gesture and turned away from the infuriating man. "It's like talking to a wall! Fine, keep yourself locked away, see if I care."
With those words, he stomped out of the office, slamming the door shut. Despite his irritation, Ghost's lips couldn't help but twitch into a small smile when he heard Python curse at the door being slammed shut.
So the medic does express some emotion, Ghost thought to himself. Interesting.
A/N: This was longer than I thought it would be. But have this, Ghost not understanding what emotion he's feeling. He doesn't like his questions being brushed off by Python, but he doesn't understand that he too does that to others. But also, what was Python supposed to say in response, Ghost, huh? I still love Ghost, it's fine.
Reblogs are welcomed & appreciated! Asks are open, feel free to pop in and request something! (Check the rules in "Rules for Requesting NSFW" before requesting.)
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Dad!Ghost, eating an apple :
K/N, looks up at their dad : Daddy?
Dad!Ghost, looks at his child : yeah, kid?
K/N, tilted their head : Where’s your dad?
Dad!Ghost, slowly stop chewing : Where’s my dad?
K/N, oblivious : Yeah. Where’s your dad?
Dad!Ghost, mentally preparing himself :
K/N : Why didn’t you meet your dad?
Dad!Ghost, internally sighs : . . . I was adopted, actually.
K/N : Why?
Dad!Ghost, shrugs : Because my dad didn’t want me.
K/N, feels bad : Awww……
Dad!Ghost, nods : I know.
Dad!Ghost : ……my dad never wanted me, so a new dad (Price) came and got me.
K/N, being unfairly adorable : I want you. 😊
Dad!Ghost, froze :
Dad!Ghost, suddenly becomes emotional :
K/N, giggles : Your daddy was lame.
Dad!Ghost, kneels down to his kid’s level : Please, give me a hug, kid.
K/N, embraces dad tightly : ☺️
Dad!Ghost, rests his face against his kid’s face : That’s exactly why I had you.
K/N, laughing gleefully : I want you daddy!
Y/N, recording from the other room with tears of joy : 🥺🥹💞
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trashbandit777 · 28 days
Stalker! König! Sends a snap to Reader whilst their out with their friends.
The hoes gonna love this
Next up is König, this one made even my girlfriend blush (which is an acheivement)
Posting both with and without the caption
Please remember that if you repost or use this on other sites in anyway to credit me as the original artist.
As always my works can be used for edits, fanfic inspo and anything else as long as it's credited
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doggoboigaugau · 1 year
Jealous!Ghost propaganda
- I continue to spread the Jelly Ghost propaganda 👍👍👍 - a lit bit nsfw(?)
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hehe trans men in crop tops 🤭🤭🤭
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- I'm still not confident enough to make the full HD stuff and post it online lmaooooooo - Drawing to cope with my crippling d3pr3ssion because of finals...
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bibidibaddieboom · 4 months
Went to see Opennheimer very excited but fell asleep: Nik, Price.
Went to see Opennheimer for America: Graves, Shadows.
Went to see Opennheimer and kept secretly tapping their foot to the songs of the Barbie movie from the room next to theirs: Ghost.
Went to see Opennheimer for the theme of humanity's tendency to abuse unimaginable powers that will soon overcome them and destroy everything ever created: Laswell, Rudy.
Went to see the Barbie movie because it seemed fun in the trailers and didn't expect it to be a cinematic masterpiece: Farah, Alejandro, Valeria.
Went to see the Barbie movie because they didn't feel like thinking too much but ended up thinking too much and crying near the end, thinking of how some girls are robbed of the complex, amazing thing that is girlhood: Bala.
Went to see the Barbie movie because their girlfriend wanted to see it and wore pink, now they know all the songs: Alex.
Went to see the Barbie movie because they had a huge crush on Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling, wouldn't stop singing "I'm Just Ken" when it was over: Soap, Gaz.
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trashy-tries-writing · 6 months
I can just imagine Ravine healing himself like he’s in the far cry 2 and everybody just looking at him like “wtf???”
Like broken arm? Nah let me just readjust some bones and we’re good to go!
Sorry for the long wait but it's finally here! 😖 Okay I can see this happening 💀. Price is getting gray hairs because he never knows if Ravine is walking around with an injured bones or not. It's a charade for 141 to find out after the first time they saw him do it 😂. Thank you so much for this idea 🙂 Also to all precious Readers, anyone willing to help me understand the mw2 characters more? Like telling me what your opinion on what their dislikes and likes could be and maybe headcanons you guys have for them? I’m interested to learn/know :DD PS.: I apologize for any mistakes and wrong words I use, It’s been too long since I researched about MW2 and Military stuff 😅
Price has known Ravine for a few years now but the soldier still surprises him in ways that he would never imagine. When he believes he finally grasped the depth of the weapo- Ravine’s abilities, the man swoops in with something unpredictable that has the captain stare at him like he just told him Laswell is firing Price.
Well not after today that is. Now he welcomes situations that could only happen in dreams with open arms so he can spare himself some stress.
The mission was easier than some things they were ordered to do.
The objective was to seize the contents inside the briefcase, it didn’t matter if the briefcase was lost as long as they got their hands on what was inside it. 
Ghost, Ravine, Gaz and Soap approached the enemy base on the mountains on foot as they ambushed them. However the opponent was one step ahead, hiding inside a hidden cave and fled with a jeep down the mountains, making a quick escape as the soldiers shot down the rest of the man.
Soap cursed, hoping to pop a tire with his gun but it was for naught as the bullets were caught by the many trees the vehicle passed through. Gaz let Price know that the objective is making pace down the mountain.
The captain’s voice echoed through one of their intercom radios.
“Ravine, time to fetch.”
They barely tilted their heads towards the mentioned male when they find Ravine darting past them at high speed. Their confusion flip into understanding as they have never seen him run before.
“The rest of you, make your way down and keep a lookout for strays hanging around.”
A few minutes later, they locate the jeep slammed sideways into a tree trunk making it almost fold in two. They quietly roam the area and quickly spot Ravine emerging from the back of the ruined car with a hand holding onto the case.
And that’s where they currently find themselves in when it happened.
“Ooohhh that looks bad, are you okay?” Gaz takes the briefcase from his hands, eyes worriedly staring at Ravine’s slightly bent arm with the bone poking out it.
Without warning Ravine grabs his broken arm, pushing the bone back inside his flesh. A collective groan of pain and disgust echoed through the mountain from his action. 
Soap lifts a hand and averts his gaze from the scene as Gaz holds the briefcase in front of his face. Ghost scrunches his face from underneath the mask as Price’s voice echoes through, questioning the sudden silence.
The were impressed, sure… but whAT THE FUCK?!?!!?
While they are trying to explain to Ravine that, for a matter of fact, it was NOT okay to push your own bone back into your arm and it shouldn’t have been his first response to the open wound. It was DEFINITELY NOT NORMAL either to use that said broken arm the minute he ‘fixed’ it.
I mean okay, they did find that kind of cool but they were seriously getting worried about him. His blood was running down his forearm, staining his clothes red and he’s standing there like it was a daily occurrence.
Ghost marches towards Ravine and pokes a harsh finger to his helmet with ‘Don’t try this shit again’ glare, making the tall man recoil his head from the push.
“Sit down you muppet and refrain from moving that arm around.”
On the other side inside Price’s office, the captain exhales loudly; it could be heard outside the room. “Of course he did that…” He’s aging so quickly that he’s hoping he won't wake up the next day with a full set of white hair.
He waits by the entrance, seeing the truck in the distance growing bigger each second. He pushes himself from leaving on the wall and sees Gaz, Soap and Ghost instinctively grab onto Ravine who seems to plan a visit to the doctor.
While Ghost’s pushing from the front, one hand locked with Ravin’s while the other pushed against his chest, Gaz and Soap are pulling and tugging the man towards the medical facility.
Price sighs and the soldier’s stop in their tracks when they find him standing beside them watching them try to wrestle Ravine into a checkup. The captain crosses his arms over his chest, his head tilted slightly and a silent conversation is shared between him and the giant of a man.
Ghost can feel Ravine’s hand flinch and shake as he unconsciously tightens his grip on the shorter male’s hand. The lieutenant turns his head back, observing his body becoming tense making him look bulkier than he was.
The trio is shushed away as Price and Ravine go on their merry way.
“Man, he must really hate doctors.”
Ghost’s eyes linger on Ravine’s back, feeling something amiss. He doesn’t push or ask for an answer but questions are filling his head especially due to the sudden heat he could feel from his hand that was locked with his.
They were hiding something huge that was related to the abnormality that was Ravine but there were too many potential answers to piece together, like a puzzle without edges and weirdly shaped pieces.
He was sure Gaz and Soap were thinking the same thing but they didn’t dare risk breaking whatever frail bond they had with Ravine.
Who was Ravine before he became Ravine?
If anyone wants to be tagged let me know :D
(Hope it worked, never tagged anyone before 💦) (Also sorry if my writing got bad, I haven't written for so long 😳)
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harveywritings92 · 1 year
Iris, tugging on Ghost’s pant leg: Mr. Ghost you have to put a dollar in the swear jar.
Ghost, amused: Oh, Why?
Iris: Because you said (looks over her shoulder at her dads) The F-word.
{Soap snickering as he watches his step-daughter put Ghost in his place.]
Ghost, opening his wallet: Here’s $20, kid. That should cover me until lunch. *walks away.*
Soap & Smoke, gawking a Ghost in disbelief:....
Soap, to Smoke: Advance payment for swears is cheating, right? Like it defeats the whole purpose of a swear jar???
Smoke, shrugging: I-- I honestly don’t know, the swear jar was intended to stop Iris from swearing, I never thought about adult implication....Let’s just see how this goes.
[Needless to say. Iris made off with about $600 in one hour, just by being in the same room as the 1-4-1 soldiers.] 
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fallenneziah · 2 months
Tell me, is it bad to have 2 OCs for two different characters of the same character?? I'm currently creating an OC to get banged by 22 Ghost, then making an OC to bang 09 Ghost. I'm just covering all my bases for myself inside my head... It doesn't matter if people want it, it'll be just for me then.
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mushrubes · 8 months
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Masterlist | Call of duty masterlist |
Requested : no
Based on character ai { Simon Ghost Riley by @/ScarletEmpress}
Pairing : best friend!Simon ghost Riley x reader
Pronouns : you/yours
Type :  fluff + suggestive
Word count : 2.3k
Content: best friends, mutual pinning, slightly ooc + non canonical <3
Have a great day !! <3
"Let me take a look." he sighed softly. Although subdued, his words sound commanding. Your eyes are heavy and weary, the mission having weighed you down. You've experienced enough bloodshed to know that the silence is only a temporary reprieve from the horrors of war. But for now, it will do. Ghost is facing you, inspecting your injuries. The movements of his hands are steady and firm, but you notice the slight tremble of his fingers. He's trying really hard to push back the dread and misery he's feeling. "I'm sorry." you whispered, looking at the ground, not wanting to meet his gaze. He looked up from your wound for a second, his expression softening as he heard the apology.
"You have nothing to apologise for." His voice had lost the usual commanding tone, now sounding softer and more gentle. "You did your best." he comforted, making it clear he valued your effort and was proud of you. "But-" you started before he cut you off with a firm tone. "No buts." His expression darkened, but still gentle as his hands began to work on your injuries. "You fought bravely. You have no reason to feel ashamed or apologise." It was no secret he believed in you, wanting you to be confident in yourself and your skills. You fished around in your pocket, pulling the USB out. He took the USB from you, turning it over in his gloved hand. "What's this?" he looked up, awaiting your response. As you stare at Ghost, you notice the faint scars on his face. There's that familiar twinge in your chest, something deep within you wanting to know more, and it's only growing more intense.
"Intel. I got it from their base." you admitted, recalling hearing him and Price talk about it before the mission. "You snuck into an enemy base and got out alive?" His grey eyes widened as he looked up at you. The corners of his mouth lifted upwards, showing off his teeth. His face softened, impressed by your feat. "That was...quite impressive, I have to admit." he nodded approvingly at you. "Good job." he added. "Thank you." you responded softly, a tinge of pink appearing on Ghost's cheeks, his head tilting slightly as he stared at you. "Anytime." his voice is husky, it's subtle but there's a hint of vulnerability. "Now, hand me that antiseptic and let's get you patched up." he let out a hum as you passed it over to him.
Your eyes met his again as you handed it over. lingering longer than expected. Something about those intense grey eyes and crooked smile is hypnotic, and you couldn't pull away. As he began cleaning your wounds, the tension between the pair of you was palpable, you being hyperaware of him being so close to you and his gentle touch. "Okay, there, I think that should about do it." Ghost pulled away, double-checking your bandage. He reached up, adjusting his balaclava, expression solemn. "It's going to scar, but nothing you have to worry about." his grey eyes held yours again, the moment intense. "Now come on, we should get back to base." he said. You pushed yourself off the stack of boxes, nodding. He put his supplies away and stepped back. "Let's go." he turned around, walking down the path back towards the base. "You coming, or what?" his tone was light but you noticed the slight edge of urgency to his words. It didn't sound like a request.
Your heart fluttered in your chest, making it clear from his expression that this was no time to be dawdling. "Get a move on." he huffed, a small smile on his face. "Yeah, yeah." You brushed off, following behind him. You hurried to catch up, his legs much longer, causing you to increase your pace and take longer strides. His balaclava made it impossible to read his expression, but he seemed to sense your unease. Even under his mask, he gave you a subtle wink. A warm feeling spreads through your body, but the tension surrounding the air is far from dissipating. "We've been gone too long. Move it." his voice having slightly more urgency to it. "Alright. It's not my fault you've got longer legs." You argued, earning a quiet laugh from him, muffled by his balaclava. There was a certain twinkle in his eyes when he looked back at you. "You're not complaining, are you?" he teased, his tone light and playful as if he didn't sense the tension.
"Just means you'll have to keep up." he chuckled, turning back around and walking again. "You're so annoying." you laughed, running to catch up and intertwining your hands so he wouldn't get too far. His fingers curled around yours, creating a strong and secure hold on your hand. Their rough texture tinges with soft warmth. Your heart raced as a surge of adrenaline flooded your system. You can feel his gaze on you, but you can't see his expression. "Is it working?" his voice quiet but a sense of playful sass. "Am I getting to you?" he teased smugly. "Oh, shut it." You laughed, feeling your cheeks heat up which didn't go unnoticed by Ghost. "Now, now, where's that cool, composed agent that took down a whole base of armed opponents?" his voice shifted, now sounding more teasing but still affectionate. "You wouldn't be...nervous, would you?" he turned to face you, winking as he continued to hold your hand, enjoying himself immensely.
"Me? Nervous? Never." You laughed, shaking your head at his antics. "Sure, sure, that's fine." Ghsot's tone was still light and playful as he walked beside you. His grey eyes glanced over every now and then, although it was impossible to read the expression on his face. You startled slightly as you felt the warmth of his fingers running up your arm. "You good?" he stared back at you for a moment before looking straight ahead. "Mhm. You?" you asked, hoping he couldn't hear the nervousness in your voice. "I'm good." Ghost's response is curt, but there's a warmth to his voice. Now that you're closer, he looks even more intriguing and attractive than before. The subtle smile, the hint of vulnerability, and that mischievous twinkle in his grey eyes are doing no favours for your nerves. The silence between the two of you stretches out, but he doesn't seem to mind, walking in silence and holding your hand in the moonlight as you get back to the base.
He lets go of your hand as you walk through the entrance, the sound of weapons and radio chatter filling the air, as it would in any army base. Ghost removes his balaclava, his face exposed for the first time today. He looks down at you, expression softer. "I'm glad you're alright." His voice was almost as soft as a whisper, but there was relief in it. "I'm glad you are too." you returned, a gentle smile plastered on your face as you gently ran a hand through his hair. His eyes flickered as he watched you, lips upturning into an endearing smile. "Thank you." he shifted slightly, the movement causing the tattoos on his arm to become ever so visible. A tinge of pink returns to his cheeks again, eyes glancing away before returning. "Now, I'm gonna need that USB from you." he reminded as you quickly handed it over.
He tucked it away into a pocket, shifting again. "There's...something I want to say." his words hung in the air for a moment before he spoke again, his voice husky. "You know...I always say you should expect the unexpected." He turned to you, his face slightly closer. "But one thing I never expect is how beautiful you look. Especially right now." he confessed. "And I never expect how handsome you are every time you take that mask off." you responded, gently cupping his cheek. His gaze shifted away, a slight embarrassment in his face and in his voice, albeit endearing. "Oh, me? Well, you don't have to get all flustered-" he started before being cut off by a voice behind you. "Hey Ghost! Price needs you over there right away." Soap called, Ghost looking over your shoulder before glancing back at you. His expression was soft and affectionate.
"Looks like duty calls." he sighed, a slight groan escaping him as he looked at Soap behind you. "Right, yeah." you nodded, letting out a similar disappointed sigh. His eyes fixed on you, almost as though he didn't want to leave your side just yet. Your heart sunk slightly with his sudden departure. Despite being in a military base, an air of intimacy lingered between the pair of you. It's unclear if this is just for now or if the connection you feel goes deeper. "Duty calls, but...I'll make it up to you, one way or another." he assured, giving you a knowing smile. You risked it, kissing his cheek. "I'll see you later." you assured him, his eyes widening as you kissed his cheek, his cheeks immediately flushing pink. He opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out, his voice a hoarse murmur in his throat. He looked away to collect his thoughts before returning to you. "I'll be back." his fingers hovered on the kiss mark on his cheek which made him flustered again. As he walked away, you could've sworn you saw him smiling.
As you practised in the training room, you couldn't help but notice a hint of distraction in your actions, not giving your usual hundred percent. You kept an eye on the door, hoping to see Ghost walk in with his signature swagger anytime soon. You can't help but wonder why he hasn't appeared yet. Maybe he was doing something important. As the minutes ticked by, you couldn't shake the feeling that you were waiting for him to arrive, despite telling yourself otherwise. You'd finished training, muscles aching and head foggy. You'd taken your headphones off, allowing your mind to wander as you wiped yourself down with your towel. Your head swivelled towards the door as a familiar pair of combat boots stepped into the room. His eyes are sharp as he looks at you, scanning your figure with his keen agent gaze. There's something different about him.
His balaclava is still off, exposing his face. It bears hints of today's mission, but the lines of exhaustion are much less pronounced than before. "There you are." his voice cool and steady, with a hint of something else underneath. Something you hadn't heard before. "Hey you." You smiled gently, placing your towel down and taking a drink from your water bottle. "Hey." he smiled back, the tension in the air back once again, feeling electric. He looked over, gazing at your face. "How are you?" the question is simple, even casual, but it has an underlying meaning. The way his eyes lingered on your lips as he said it spoke volumes. "I'm alright. Everything okay? What'd they need you for?" you questioned, moving slightly closer.
"Nothing important." he assured, his voice casual and relaxed. "Just the..usual." he paused, the corner of his mouth lifting into a faint half-smirk. "I got distracted talking to you." There's no mistaking the affection in his voice now. You feel a thrill run down your spine, Ghost no longer hiding his feelings. "Oh yeah?" you grinned as he approached. "Yeah." he stepped a little closer, his tone shifting to a low murmur. "You know, I'm sure I can find a way to...make it up to you." He glanced into your eyes, the hint of playfulness evident again. He leaned closer, close enough for you to feel his breath on your face. Your arms wrapped around Ghost's neck, pulling him even closer, your touch filled with both affection and desire. His eyebrows raised in surprise but the touch of your hands sends jolts of excitement rushing through him. He can't deny the feeling that stirs within him and neither can you.
He gently pulls you close, his own arms wrapping around your waist. A hint of passion suffuses the air, the tension between you building with every moment. His touch sends shivers up your spine, your heart racing with excitement and anticipation. He pulled you closer, one hand threading through your hair as the other travelled down your body. The heat between the two of you builds, each beat of your heart adding to the rising tide of emotion. You pulled him closer yet, your breath grew shorter and your vision hazy with excitement. Your lips meet, your bodies pressing as tightly together as they could. It's just you and Ghost, the tension turning to passion. The moment is slow and sweet, every sensation of his touch vivid and intoxicating. It felt as if time had slowed down as the two of you got lost in each other. Everything else falls away, only the kiss mattering.
After a moment, the kiss ends, the pair breathless. He leans back against the wall, his hands still on your waist. His lips are curled slightly, a grin plastered on his face. "I told you I'd make it up to you." He looked you up and down, a new fire behind his eyes. "But you really couldn't wait, could you?" he teased, his words playful but with intent. "As if you're any different!" you teased back playfully, laughing at him. "Maybe not." Ghost's voice is a husky growl, your teasing only making him want you more. "But I bet you still want more." His eyes travelled down your body with an intensity that sent thrills running through you. The heat builds yet again. "And I'm not complaining." he whispered, glancing at your lips once more, his own parted in subtle yearning.
"My room or yours?"
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COD OC "Python" Masterlist
This is a masterlist for everything for COD OC "Python". He will eventually be paired with Simon "Ghost" Riley.
New Guy
Basic Information on Python
Transfer Him (Or Not)
Python's Feelings
"He's so Infuriating!"
Give Me Something to Work with
A Date? No, a Hang-Out
This is not a complete list! It will be updated as time goes on!
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ghouljams · 6 months
I don't know why but I'm cackling at the idea of ghost and hush throwin' down, getting full on mean with eachother, before devolving into fucking followed by the post orgasmic come down. In which Hush or Ghost turns to the other and says, "still hate you though," and just going off to join the cuddle puddle that is die and soap.
Though I wonder how demon!price and Captain Price think about the whole messy situation. Especially since Ghost has already upset Die once. I could also see Ghost having conflicted feelings about the dynamic he has with Hush. Kinda like he has with Die, except you know he likes die. Is one of the reason hush hates ghost is because ghost hurt die?
-hot mess rambler
Oh Thank GOD I get to write sparring, thank you for giving me an in to writing fights. I desperately love writing physicality like this, I think about it while I'm in the gym.
The main reason Hush dislikes Ghost is because he hurt Die. That's reason number 1. Reason number 2 is because Soap likes Ghost and it feels to Hush like Ghost is moving in on his territory. Which coincidentally is one of the reasons why Ghost doesn't like Hush (Hush likes Soap, moving in on Ghost's territory. Also Die likes Hush which again, territory) The Prices are getting real close to putting shock collars on the two of them and giving them a zap when they start snapping at each other. Demon!Price thinks they should be allowed to fight it out as long as it doesn't hurt team moral, Capt. Price thinks they both need to sit down and cool off before someone gets hurt.
Anyway.... Sparring.....
It just boils your blood to see Ghost acting like normal. His shadow sits dead at his feet, one of the other nearby shades twitching unsure of where to settle. Does he even notice? Does he even care? He tapes his hands carefully, around the wrist, over his thumb, knuckles, between each finger, around and around with practiced ease. You don't bother checking with Soap before walking over to him.
Ghost looks up from his seat on the bench, his eyes narrow behind his mask. As if you'd be intimidated by that chunk of plastic. You tip your head to look down at him, on him, really enforce your annoyance with his whole thing. Soap groans behind you.
"Somethin' I can help you with Lieutenant?" Ghost growls, his voice a low warning. You don't pay his showboating any mind. You've seen bigger and meaner fucks than him in Hell, and you won't be intimidated. You cross your arms over your chest.
"You could pick on someone your own size," You offer. You don't bother stepping back as he stands, letting him measure up against you. He's a big fuck, you'll give him that, but you can look him in the eye without flinching. His glare feels a little more icy when it looks at you in the shadow of his mask.
"That right?" Another warning. You stand your ground, watching Ghost cock his head to the side. "You offerin' then? Want me to pick on you instead?"
You drag your tongue along your teeth, look around the gym. "Don't see anyone else staring down your mug, so I must be."
Ghost's mouth works behind his mask, the fabric moving with annoyance. "Ring," He barks, "now."
You ignore Soap's protests, most of them directed at Ghost. Bastard, who's side is he on anyway? You duck under the ropes and into the padded ring in the center of the gym. It's not every day you get to stretch your muscles like this, what a treat that you also get to fuck up the guy that hurt your friend. You'll try not to leave any permanent scars.
"Bet you're the sort of guy that relies on your reach," You goad, rolling your shoulders back and sliding your feet into stance.
"You ever shut the fuck up?" Ghost replies, settling into his own position.
You don't bother answering, more focused on the shift in his center of gravity. Ghost leans back when you throw your first punch, clearly expecting you to make the first more. Probably expecting your anger to cloud your judgement at well. Doesn't matter you throw another from the same side, and when he goes to block it you shift your weight and slam your leg against his side. Your shin connecting with his ribs hard. He lets out a pained breath and you feel the warm slide of his glare down your spine. You raise your brows. What? Did he think you were just fucking around? Or that you'd flail like a wild animal? No, you're trained for this the same as he is.
The air shifts and Ghost launches into action, his fist flying towards you. You step back, feign around the barrage. He keeps pushing you back towards the ropes, grabbing for your tee when your back hits them. You drop low to avoid it and thrust your elbow up against his. Another pained hiss at the collision, this time from both of you. It buys you half a second to slip around him and out of the corner. You spin to kick him again and he grabs your ankle.
"What was that about reach?" He asks, goading you, before pulling your leg. He's trying to off balance you, throwing another punch as you're jerked forward. You raise your arms to shield your face and feel his meaty fist connect hard. Shit, he hits like a ton of bricks. You grab for him and he lets go of your leg to step out of reach.
Ok, reconsidering your options. He's a boxer, fine, let's see if he's any decent grappling.
Ghost’s fist comes towards you again, you feign to the side, grabbing his wrist with one hand and hooking your other under his arm to grip his shoulder. The momentum of the jab helps you twist to flip him over your shoulders and onto the mat. Surprise lights up his eyes, you ignore the warmth that settles in your stomach and keep a tight hold on his arm, following Ghost to the ground.
As soon as your back hits the floor you bring your hips up, flipping over Ghost's arm to hook your thigh across his chest in hopes of pinning his free arm. It seems to work for a moment. You grin down at him, satisfied you've pinned him. The answering heat in Ghost’s stare makes your blood run hot, the deep growl under your hold is intoxicating and distracting enough that you don’t notice his hand hook over your thigh to grab your neck. 
The change in position is fast. Ghost grabs your neck, pulling you to the side, his other arm lifting to leverage you towards his pull. His previously pinned arm hooks under your left leg, swinging it over his head to force you face down against the floor. One of his hands presses against the back of your neck, while the other grabs your arm to twist behind your back. His hips push heavy against your ass as he leans his weight against you.
It's not the only thing leaning against you. You freeze, feeling his thick hard cock pushing against your ass. It's brief, before Ghost nearly flies away from you.
"Die," He hardly seems out of breath, he isn't looking at you. The shadows collect by his side, a pair of horns and apologetic eyes floating like an alligator in the depths of them. Ghost reaches a hand out, as if to pet the demon next to him before reconsidering. He closes his fingers into a tight fist. "Make sure your boyfriend didn't hurt himself." He tells her instead. You snap at him, bare your teeth with a growl. He ignores you.
Probably for the best. You- you actually don't know what you'd say to him if he did talk to you right now. The only thing you can think of with any coherence is: "Come back and finish the job."
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doggoboigaugau · 8 months
New Tactical Suit 😇
Yesterday was Spot😈, now I offer yall Chase🐕
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bibidibaddieboom · 5 months
How they would say "sex."
Alejandro: making el amor, noche de pasión.
Rudy: making el amor.
Bala: el delicioso, el fruti-fantastic, el no respect.
Soap: banging, lay, shag.
Ghost: fuck.
Price: sex, fornicate.
Gaz: screw, get it on.
Laswell: fuck, intercourse.
Farah: sleep with, have relations with.
Alex: knock your stocks off, hump.
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theirishwolfhound · 2 months
A Heart of Gold In a Sea of Green: The Synopsis
Heyo! I'm making this post just so I can get ready to start posting on Tumblr as well as Ao3. My main reason is that I can add GIFs/images, music, and color code the dialog on here. With that being said, I'm still working on the imagery for my masterlist post and this is just to act in as the informational "chapter".
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"Crow "Wolfhound" O'Neil had been a sergeant in a different troop, known as the WatchDogs, before joining Task Force 141 as an additional sniper, but mostly for his innate understanding of many terrains and the survival skills needed for them. Yet he mostly kept to himself when he joined up as he was still reeling from a recent loss of a loved one; he remained the calm, patient soldier he had always trained to be… despite joining what he could only call as the most chaotic gaggle of men he's ever met. He followed orders, never spoke back or questioned his fellow officers- he was loyal, just as his nickname implied. Though when asked about it he spoke only a simple phrase: "Gentle when stroked, Fierce when provoked" and left it at that."
The fic takes place around six months after Wolfhound transferred into Task Force 141 from the Watchdogs and focuses on him finally putting in the effort to improve his mental state after he lost his fiancé: Malakai Harper. As well as focusing on improving his relationships with his fellow operators: Price, Gaz, Ghost, and Soap— who are already in a polyamorous relationship.
There is a lot of fraternization that goes on, it's not meant to be a serious down to code/law type of fic— I literally only wrote this because I love the characters and wanted to try writing a fanfiction for the first time. I will also put the other warnings in under this indent, as well as a put the proper warnings before the start of every chapter. Also fair warning: Most Chapters are Long Reads (potentially up to 15k+ type deal).
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Below is the first thing on the Ao3 fic, just to give an understanding into Crow's background:
Crow Nevan O'Neil was born in Galway, Ireland and lived there for most of his life. He is currently twenty-seven and has been in the British military for seven years. Previously he was a Forest Ranger at the Wicklow Mountains National Park in Ireland and has visited other places to get the experience of working in different terrains.
He was born into a Catholic family and still holds those beliefs to this day, but does not talk about it with others- just as he keeps his gender identity and sexuality under close wraps. The only person that knows he is transgender would be Captain Price and he was given the accommodation of a private shower to make his time a bit easier on base. He only wears long sleeved shirts and pants to keep a more conservative look, though it was mostly to hide his tattoos so that no one asks him any questions about them- he may be social but not when it comes to speaking, he's a listener not the speaker.
Crow got his nickname "Wolfhound" mainly because he is Irish- but also because his old troop thought it was funny that a 165cm (5'5") man who barely weighs 81kg (180lbs) soaking wet can be called something in relation to a huge dog. He has hazel eyes, many many freckles, and curly reddish brown hair- the pinnacle of Irish stereotypes minus the anger and drinking, but by god does he have the accent of a man who sounds like he is fresh from Dublin. His actual callsign is Foxtrot Four.
He was engaged to a Lieutenant form his previous troop named Malakai Harper, but after his death Crow was looking for any chance to have a fresh start with a new team- and luckily he was given the chance to join Task Force 141 as their third sergeant. He knew very little about the other operators, but that meant they knew nothing of him.
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Now time for lists and links:
Crow's Reference Sheet (Will Be Redone Eventually)
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Part 1: In which the first encounter of Ravine leaves unpleasant or pleasant memories for some of our CoD characters with John Price / Gaz Kyle Garrick / Simon Ghost Riley
Part 2: John Soap MacTavish / König
Part 3: with Phillip Graves / Alejandro Vargas & Rodolfo Rudy Parra
(Totally didn’t cloud his head because I can’t draw his customized helmet)
Warning: I know nothing about the military and stuff😭
If I wrote smt that the characters wouldn’t say, please correct me because I don’t know any slang from their nationalities either or point out any mistakes I have made. LET ME KNOW please! So I can fix them. 😰 I’m not a great writer, especially because I live under a rock so don’t expect too much. Feel free to bash me in the comments if I use a bad/forbidden word from your country, I swear I didn’t do it on purpose🙏💦
Let me know if Ravine passes as a xMale!Reader or a xMale!OC  :’))
John Price
Price wanted to leave this hellish place as soon as possible
It was uncomfortably hot that he believed his flesh was oozing down his bones. No one knew what caused this overwhelming heat and the man wasn’t exactly ecstatic to find it out either with the scent of burned flesh hitting him hard on the nose.
Gradually the corpses of the enemy trope increased the deeper he went down the concealed facility. Price grimaces under his breath at the torched faces, skin tissues were burned off which showed the flesh underneath that was still bubbling and sizzling. The blackened chunks of flesh sitting on the ground continued to smolder while what leftover blood turns to steam as it spills from the wound.
Following his gut feeling, Price ends up in a corridor splattered with the blood of the victims he was supposed to spill. Including the objective of this mission, although the label wasn’t plastered on an unmoving, lifeless weapon that Price thought it would when Shepard sent him down in this hellhole.
“Bloody hell- Laswell, I… found the objective.”
The name was plastered on the door of the open cell with a human inside, sitting in front of a pile of corpses that looked like civilians. It- They- were motionless beside the immense heat reeking from its body which left more questions than answers for the bearded man.
Kyle “Gaz” Garrick
Gaz believes Ravine to be a heartless machine.
He watched the masked man run past falling soldiers without wavering in his steps. No reaction as his teammates die before his eyes or struggle until their last breaths. Sees him leave the training room after finishing beating up everyone until exhaustion as they lay on the ground groaning. 
Ravine doesn’t care about anything or anyone, and possibly not even himself. He takes orders after orders, sometimes requesting to solo it, as if a team would only drag him through the mud.
Gaz hears the whispers of hatred towards Ravine, how heartless and cold he is. How rude he is with how he answers with one word only. How unnerving it is to be in the room while he just stands there silently, not knowing where he is actually staring at through his helmet he never takes off.
Ravine doesn’t care about anything.
Gaz believed that Ravine was a heartless machine.
He saw Ravine running to the nearest corpse of their fallen brothers and sisters after the mission was done. The tall male scoops them up like broken glass, aloof at getting soiled or that there are special units to collect their bodies coming later. Ravine makes sure to leave no one behind and pile them together next to each other with their possessions as carefully as one could be, before paying his respects.
Gaz heard the heartless Ravine requesting to solo the missions when he deemed it to be too dangerous for the others as the higher ups know Ravine to be capable enough to do it on his own due to being different from any other existing soldiers, whatever that was supposed to mean.
Gaz noticed the soldier rushing back towards the training room with first aids, water, snacks and towels. He peeked inside to discover a relaxed atmosphere with the recruits chatting to each other tiredly, some drinking from their cup and gnawing on the energybar like hungry bears. They were sitting in a line and at the end was the cold Ravine giving them medical care.
The hateful whispers have turned into harmless jabs, whether it be about a new recruit being in trouble for something small as breaking a plate and pushing that soldier towards Ravine as if he was going to play alongside them.
His limited vocabulary was slowly picked up by them. Instead of saying “Yes”, some have started to respond with Ravine’s “Aye”s towards each other. Each time they couldn’t help grin when they see Ravine slouch even more than he already is from their jest.
“Fuck I’m hungry.” He hadn’t intended to say it so loudly, not that anyone was around to hear Gaz anyways. It was late and cold, he couldn’t wait to duck out and make something to eat and throw himself in bed.
But not even an hour later something warm touches his cheek from behind him and he jolts back in surprise from the warmth. He sees Ravine stepping back just as much, before hiding his body behind the corner, his upper part still sticking out with an arm stretched towards him with a bag.
“...Is that for me?”
He slowly reaches towards the bag, a familiar smell reaching his nose. Gaz couldn’t help but smile when he opened the package with his favorite food and a thermos inside, his stomach growling loudly in urgency to take a bite.
Turning around to thank the man, his words are lost in his throat when the faceless soldier is nowhere to be seen.
Gaz believes that Ravine is a warm person who loves and cares in his own way.
Simon “Ghost” Riley
Ghost had been sent off to capture someone from a hideout. It was supposed to be easy but missions always go astray. What else he didn’t account for was the soldier sent by his superior to wipe them all out on the opposite side of the building. This wouldn’t have been a problem if the soldiers knew of each other’s existences.
One of them needed the target alive, the other came for a massacre.
When they crossed paths, shots were fired and when all bullets were gone, knives were raised. While It didn’t matter who died first, it would not end well with either loss. Weren’t it for the chain of commands voice ringing through both of their coms, the machete would have gone through his arm.
Ravine as Ghost came to know, backed away from him and kept that distance throughout the whole operation. Now that he got the go to kill everyone, the lieutenant saw how efficient the other was. No hesitation, no stumbling, no waiting- Ghost let the silent man do what he wanted, out of curiosity what he could do.
The lieutenant started trusting the newcomer more when Ravine jumped behind him without flinching and threw his chained machete at the enemy targeting his back. With a pull the weapon was back into his hands and his head whipped around,Ghost could mentally hear the snap.
His helmet moved in sharp, short turns at the lieutenant until he realized he was eyeing him for injuries beside the ones he himself inflicted on him a few minutes ago.
“All good Ravine. Let’s move.”
Back at their headquarters, Ghost would find little trinkets in front of the room he was currently occupying with a note stuck on it “I am very sorry for almost murdering you.” He knew immediately who this was from, especially since his ‘murderer’ in question has avoided him like the pest.
At first he thought nothing of it besides not liking him very much which happens anywhere in the workspace. But it got out of hand when Ghost came into the kitchen to get some tea and Ravine straight out jumped out the window.
It was the second floor.
Price had sighed into his palm so loudly, his soul could be seen leaving him. “I corner him and I want you to talk to him. He’s letting the guilt eat him up and I can’t let that happen.”
The captain literally shooed the tall man like a cat into his office with Ghost and held him by the collar of his turtleneck to keep him from leaving. For once Ravine stood at his full height and the lieutenant had to tilt his head up.
“Bloody hell…”
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Reggie the first time he sees Eden and Ghost kissing each other
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