#goal planner half page
femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: Habits To Become Your Best Self In 2023
Some habits, routine ideas, and mindset shifts to help make 2023 your best year yet. Hope this helps and inspires you to reach your goals for the next 12 months. Remember to work hard and take care of yourself. Once you put your mind to it, the sky is the limit! xx
Make Your Meals Plant-Based & Produce-Focused: Center your meals around a variety of vegetables, fruits, plant proteins, potatoes, and unprocessed plant-based fats (avocado, nuts, seeds) and minimal whole grains.
Get Creative With Stress Eating Substitutions: Discover healthy swaps for your meals and snacks to ensure what you're eating without sacrificing your goals. Some simple substitutes include mixing in cauliflower rice into your whole grain rice to add nutrients/volume while slashing the calories, using half an avocado with lemon as a salad dressing over spoonfuls of olive oil, swapping meat for lentils in a chill, soups, or stir fry, choosing frozen grapes or whipped bananas with berries over candy or ice cream for a sweet treat, etc. Remember: Spices and seasoning are your best friends.
Be Mindful of Your Beverage Consumption: Consuming enough water is essential. However, if you get bored with water, add some herbal and black tea, black coffee, or fruit-filled water into the mix. Cinnamon, vanilla, and apple or peach teas are great options to satisfy cravings and prevent mindless snacking (not a substitute for food – eat if you're genuinely hungry). For the winter season, try using some pure cocoa powder with hot water, vanilla extract, and a tablespoon or two of plant-based milk for a healthy hot cocoa drink.
Prioritize Long Walks: Carve out 1-2 hours of your day to get 10-12K steps in at least 5 days a week. Go outside if possible or jump on a treadmill/walking pad to get in some movement while watching TV, talking on the phone, or catching up on some emails.
Find A Simple Resistance Workout You Love: Yoga, pilates, or an at-home weight-training or body-weight exercise you can do at home. Browse different YouTube videos for 10-30 minute workouts to try or sign up for a class in your local area to make it a more social experience (and force yourself to take accountability to show up in the first place).
Create Short & Long "Bookend" Routines: Create a simple routine for the beginning and end of the task-filled portion of your day. For most of us, these routines would be done in the morning and evening/at night before and after work, school, or doing chores/errands. Let go of the rigid idea that these routines need to be done at certain times of the day. Set yourself up to win and tailor them to your schedule. Consider these short routines (like drinking a cup of coffee/tea, reading, meditation, journaling, a walk, or a short dancing session) your warm-up and cool-down sessions of the day. Having these rituals to look forward to will give you the energy and motivation to do what you need to get done each day.
Practice This 10-10-10 Mindfulness Practice: Make time for at least 10 pages of reading, 10 minutes of meditation, and 10 minutes of journaling daily (This can include shadow work) either in the morning or nighttime to clear and reset your mindset for the day.
Take An Hour To Plan Out Your Week: It's most convenient to do this power hour on a weekend (I typically reserve an hour before dinner on Sunday for weekly planning). Write out all of your main work tasks, schedule any due date reminders (for work, bills, chores, and other life necessities), must-do errands, emails and calls or appointments to make, etc.). I like using the Productivity Planner from Intelligent Change and my Reminders app/Google calendar via iCloud to sync deadlines and times to schedule messages/tasks/bills, so everything will be in front of me at the correct time throughout the week.
Prioritize 1-3 Tasks Daily: You might need to choose one large project to work on in small chunks or select a "Big 3" for the day, depending on how complex, lengthy, and time-consuming your projects/errands or appointments are for the day. Using this method allows you to be efficient, streamline your life, and feel productive without overwhelming yourself on the regular (the fastest route to burnout).
Make A Life Admin Schedule (and Stick To It): Choose days (and times if possible) of the week to update certain spreadsheets, batch reply to less urgent messages, clean your house, do laundry, grocery shop, etc. Scheduling these tasks ahead of time eliminates half of the battle for following through on what you need to do. Eventually, you will make these tasks into habitual routines that your brain will allow you to execute effortlessly as though you're in autopilot mode.
Mind Your "Circle of Influence": Do an intake on the 5-10 people you speak to the most or value in your life. If you're an employee, it is probably best to not include your boss or coworkers in this consideration list, as you need to work amicably with them regardless of your personal feelings. Look how you feel during your interactions with your friends, family, intimate partner, or an adjacent love interest. Consider how they speak to you, about themselves, and the topics your conversations are focused around. See if they align with the person you want to be and your goals. Evaluate how close you want to be and what parts of your life you think would be the most beneficial for you and the relationship going into 2023.
Set Boundaries: Understand your expectations, non-negotiables, and limits in every area of your life. Communicate these principles to others clearly, so they know when they are overstepping. Don't tolerate disrespect, but also don't expect others to be mind-readers. If someone knows that they're crossing your boundaries, it is easy to draw the line in the sand and walk away without the guilt or shame that can arise when conflicts originate from a lack of healthy communication.
Incorporate One Creative Practice Into Your Week: Reinvigorate your mind by engaging in at least one hour of creative activity per week. Try drawing, creative writing, poetry, singing, dancing, painting, pottery, jewelry making, graphic design, photography, etc. Even taking a foreign language course or creating a Pinterest inspiration/mood board or organizing your home/closets in an aesthetically-pleasing way counts. Figure out what creative outlet(s) you find satisfying. Prioritize scheduling this practice into your schedule weekly.
Refine Your Signature Look: Edit your wardrobe, try out a new haircut, or change up your makeup routine, nail color, or signature scent. Consider how you can close any gaps between your authentic personal style and how you present yourself on a day-to-day basis. Create an inspiration board if needed to help yourself define your unique aesthetic and gradually work towards embodying your ideal look.
Keep A "Praise" Archive: Create a record of all of the messages you receive highlighting your achievements, milestones, recognitions, or compliments. Compile a folder that acts as your "praise" archive for every area of your life. Create a folder in your work email inbox to save all of your professional achievements, praise, and positive contributions. Do the same for your personal email. Create a folder in your photo album of screenshotted texts. Keep a running list on your "Notes" app of any compliments you receive on your conversational contributions, actions, attire, personality, smile, etc. Hyping yourself up to connect to your highest self.
Create A "Siren" Kit: Take note of all of the clothing, scents, songs, cosmetics, phrases, people, and other aspects of your environment that empower you to feel your sexiest. Keep all of these items/songs/texts together to make it simple to set the mood before engaging in some indulgent action or revisit when you need a boost of confidence throughout your week.
Do A Financial Audit: Create an income/expenses spreadsheet to understand your current spending behavior and budgeting plan going forward. Set up your 2023 financial goals and projections, including target amounts for income, savings, and investments.
Give Yourself A Weekly "Treat": Find a healthy indulgence that you can strategically incorporate into your week. This "treat" can be a massage or nail appointment, permission to watch a movie or a couple episodes of a TV show, a serving of your favorite dessert or a glass of wine, etc. Life is meant to be enjoyed. Consider regular indulgence as an act of self-care not as a sign of weakness or self-destruction. Embracing pleasure does not require guilt or external permission.
Happy New Year, loves! Cheers to an abundant 2023 xx
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relocatedheads · 1 year
would you write eddie munson x fem!reader smut?
where eddie’s chilling in his girls‘s room, bored because she’s taking a shower. he’s kinda snoopin’ around & finds a pastel pink book. he’s curious & starts reading it, realizing it’s her diary. he skips to the last page, dated just a few days ago. his eyes widen, not believing what he’s reading about his innocent girl.
sure they had sex. and not that vanilla, too. but he would’ve never thought his girl had thoughts like that. on this very page, his girl wrote her hidden fantasies. things she never even thought of telling eddie, too embarrassed. she’s talking about how she wants to call eddie „daddy“, or be choked, be humiliated to the brim, be filled by his cum till he’s dry, want him to be in complete control. she wants to be fully submitted to him.
before he can put the diary away she comes out of the bathroom, catching him. he confronts her & she tells him how embarrassed she is etc. they talk it out & he reversals that some of the stuff she likes he likes too. then they make out & they try out some of the stuff.
Oh my god you're an evil genius, time I put my 4 years of journaling to good use! - also ive been working on this all week and the 'h' key on my keyboard keeps getting stuck and its making typing no longer fun :/
Written Fantasies
Summary: ^^ the ask Pairing: Eddie x Reader Trigger Warnings: Smut / Embarrassment / hands on throats - no chocking Content Warnings: Diary Reading / blow jobs / impoliteness / shoe frontage / demands / deep throating / reader masturbation
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The space was as recognisable as the back of his hand, and as comforting as his denim vest: lightly coloured walls, cabinets around the room, shelves and counter tops filled trinkets and lifes memorabilia: photos of events, pretty candles, books, small trinkets of days out, wrist bands and broken watches that simply just meant too much.
Things changed every time he entered this space: photos changed frames, boxes gained new records, the cassette piles grew, and the books changed order.
Eddie clocked - while laying on your bed waiting for you to come back from your shower - that not only had the books changed but new ones were added. when he sat up to take a better look: there were 4 books, all identical sat up together leaning on a pile of published books.
The 4 were pink, all the same size, some slightly thicker, one especially thinner. All with individual dates written into their spines: 1983, 1984,1985, 1986. He weren't no idiot, his brain sorted that they were diaries.
He felt a twinge of pride for you to have the left out on display - almost like trophies, proud of your past. He knew a lot about you but you'd seemed to have never told him you wrote a diary. Eddie knew it was standard procedure you don't read people diary: just as you don't snoop in artists sketch books or dungeon masters binders. But who would he be kidding if he said he didn't wanna read it.
He thought a moment, concentrating and recognising the shower was still running. He didn't have to think too much, the boy was running on curiosity alone. Sat up on the edge of your bed, he leant over and pulled 1986 into his hands.
It started with him just flicking the pages: most of it empty; a few loose sheets tucked into the back; a pen clipped to the elastic closer. The filled side of the book was set out meticulously: a yearly planner already almost filled with exams, cheer practice, birthdays, appointments, dates with Eddie, every Tuesday marked with Hideout at 7, every odd Friday marked Hellfire!.
There was this warmness in his heart, knowing his life was just as important to you as it was for him. He believed every I love you, but know he understood every I love you.
He flicked through the book more: budget planners, goal pages, period trackers, and the body. Filled with your typical too-curly-to-read handwriting, every page filled line for line. Some sitting half empty signifying the end of an entry.
Eddie couldn't possibly understand what you had to write about for long that you wouldn't just tell him or your friends.
He found the dog eared page, the scruffily written date marking yesterday. Eddie smiled to himself, feeling a little giddy. He knew he shouldn't but he really couldn't stop himself.
As he read down the page: a recall of your date to the record store and diner, small notes of your gushing over Eddie's chivalry (he always thought holding doors open and little pet names were usual things), a detailed explanation of his outfit and how you loved it (he read that a few times, remember to wear his little thigh harness around you more often.). And as he continued to read, the writting felt less confident, as though there as a topic waited to be hinted at.
He skipped over to the next page and down it, finding a few words grabbing his eyes: touch myself, embarrassing, chocked, him, daddy.
His eyebrows rested in his hairline, eyes almost leaving his skull, the warmth on his checks wasn't imagined. He jumped back a few lines:
Jesus I feel 14 again. I dont know why he does this to me. I see him everyday, and yet im still pinning over him like he's some untouchable deity.
He reads down
We have sex so much but like every night I end up touching myself thinking about- its so embarrassing! I feel like ive been poisoned!! literally none of my friends are like this about their boyfriends!
yeah we all talk about sex but they all have usual sex and normal fantasies but like I feel like a deviant. if I ever told anyone what I really want they'd all look at me so weird
but if I think about sex with him about him all I can think of is his hands and his lips and his voice! and if Im actually honest with myself, all I want is him. I cant stop. ive got into this habit of thinking about him before I go to bed and like every night I touch myself to him.
literally seem like I cant just have him- and I so can but I want so much more!
like if I really thought about it: I'd love him to just use me, do whatever. He could fuck me, make me fuck him, cum in me, chock me, spit on me and I'd be so fucking happy!
Or like, my brain keeps thinking to what if we're fucking and someone hears or we're almost gonna get caught and it turns me on so much! I feel like a pervert.
Eddie felt himself hold his breath.. he was no prude, under his bed was riddled with lost porn mags, he know a lot about kinks and fetishes but something about hearing from you - sweet, quite, calm you- shit! He was getting all flustered.
And like also! keep calling him Daddy in my mind too - I dont know where thats come from but it feels so right! I just really want him to just have his way with me. I dont know how on earth I tell him this. this is so embarrassing.
Eddie was transfixed by your confessions: the sound of the water had slipped his ears. Let alone, he hadn't heard the floor creak and wind chance as you entered the room.
"Jesus babe! You scared me- can't make a guy jump like that!" He yelped, the towel hitting the bed making him jump back into real time.
You laughed at him at first... until your eyes danced around him... and what he had in his hand. You didnt need to ask to know. And almost instantly you felt your body tense, mind go blank and cheek redden. Hands sat in on each other, lips rolled in, eye popping out almost. "Um-"
Confident as ever, he laid back into your pillows, straightening out his legs, "Didn't know you thought like this, Sweetheart.." He started reading, "Kinda want him to fill me until hes dry-"
You leapt onto him - to be honest the word doesn't cut it. You practically jumped on him, trying to grab the book from him but he was swift... dodging your hands artfully as he continued reading. His light and teasing voice was harmonised by your loud commands for him to stop. The room had laughter too: Yours was embarrassment and his was humour.
After a particularly wobbly Eddie! he put the book down, giving you a perfect moment to sling it back onto your cabnit. "Please stop." You frowned.
"Awe sorry baby," He laughed, pulling you down for a cuddle, "It's really hot though." You whined, "It is! Fuck babe," He sighed, "I really didn't think you'd wanna do anything like that!" It surpassed you how he had this ability to never be ashamed or embarrassed about anything. He dipped his head into your neck, "Like being chocked, filled with my cum. fuck, even messy..."
"Shut up!" You leant up, hands flying to his face, coving his mouth and you were straddled to his hips. "I can't believe you- I'm so embarassed!"
"Why?" Earnest and lovie as he moved your hands down.
"You were never meant to find out..."
"Why, you know im into anything?"
"No its not."
"yes, it is."
"You know," he started rubbing your thighs, "I'd love to fuck you dumb, fill you up, have you all messy-"
Now you'd be lying if you said he wasn't affecting you- you were embarrassed but so secretly turned on. Your tummy tensed, the blood went to your head, your thighs stiffened. But still your embarrassment was bigger, "Stop making fun of me!"
"Baby baby baby" He cooed, pulling your hands from your face, "I promise i'm really not."
You whined at him, he mimicked you back, pulling you down for a delicate honest kiss. It was deep and slow, him offering his truth to you. And who wouldn't melt into that? His hands now found your hip and your neck, in to your lips his mumbled "Roll over."
You gasp as he rearranges you both, your back now to the bed, "Wanna try something." He sat up continuing, "We can't your little sexual fantasies now-" You squirm in embarrassment, "But" He began stroking your cheek in efforts to pull you out your head. "I wanna try something new.""
He leant down planting a sweet kiss to your lips though you tried to chase him for a second, he was already moving down into your neck, planting even sweeter ones there. You could never stay quiet for his sightly chapped lips and heavy hands - small mewls slipped from you. "Good girl." Quiet, practically breathed from Eddie.
"We can't try the public-people-home stuff, but" another neck kiss, "I do.." another kiss to the other side, "really like the idea" a kiss under your ear, "of having you fully submitted" a kiss to the shell of your ear "to me"
The way you gasp makes Eddie sure he's hit gold with you. As he talks, your hand in his hair pulls and squeezes more, "How about," He moves along to kiss your cheek, "I get you on your knees" Another kiss, "no pillow, because desperate whores don't deserve kind treatment." A light kiss to your lips, "And I let you blow me?" Another kiss, "But" Kiss "I'll be holding your head," He was now resting on his forearms, fingers lost in your hair, "Pushing and pulling you exactly how I want?" Another light kiss met with a hearty pull of your hair, "Fill that little mouth up with my cum."
God you were in heaven - how did you manage to get a boy like him. All you felt you could do was nod at him. A tap of your thigh and you were on the floor kneeling between his legs as he sat on the edge of your bed.
Looking up at him, the shy coy expression fell naturally on you, "Pretty girl, aren't you?" He complimented. "Get on with it then." It was like a switch was flipped.
Excitedly, you get his belt and jeans off. His dick was hard and pretty as ever - not too big but a little wide, a more red tint than the rest of him already bleeding pre cum.
You got personal with it, licking the beed off, replacing it with a kiss. Eddie couldn't help the sigh - you ruin him on the daily no matter what you do. You could get lost playing with his head. He helped by tucking your hair behind your ears, keeping his hands on your lower head and jaw.
The kisses turn into kitten licks met with you looking up at him, his spaced out satisfied look made you smile, "Shit- open your mouth for me."
Sat up a bit more, the head of is cock resting on your lower lip, palms lost behind his calves: you were ready to try something you never thought you'd get to. The hands in your hair pushing you down slowly, and pulled you back up even more delicately - he giving both of you the space to gauge how yous felt.
"Suck it a bit harder" You did. "fuck-you love this, don't you?" You nod.
It was really all he needed - he didn't even need verbal confirmation, just the feel of your nails in the backs of his legs and how your eyes were rolled back and closing was enough, not to mentions the light noises in your throat. He pushed you down with more force, hands now cupping your cheeks and jaw.
He didn't make you deep throat him - neither of you needed to go that far at the moment. The half of his dick that was still straining your jaw send your brains both tumbling.
Eddie yanked you off him with a rough tug to your hair pulling a throat whine out of you, "Shit babe- you're a little slut aren't you?"
You nodded dumbly, "For you- love you."
"I love you too," A thumb stroked your cheek, "Daddy loves you."
Maybe it was the name. Maybe it was the humiliating reminder he had read you diary. Maybe it was the whispering in the empty quiet house. Maybe it was just him. But you were sure he'd just written you off to hell. You felt a beed of slick drop from your cunt.
And Eddie practically felt it too: he could see the haze covering your pretty eyes and the cheeky smile that covered your face.
A thumb toyed with your lip, he continued, "Gotta get you a little collar with my name on it." And with that you basically purred at him. Eddie was sure he was lost in you as you started to barely suck his thumb.
He'd never had you so spaced and floaty. Sure you've both spoken through sex before but nothing like this, nothing so painfully skilled in what the other actually needs to hear. Sex had never felt so possessive until right now.
The sight of you both was like it was from a porno: you, puffy lipped, half lidded eyes and big breaths; Eddie, pointed look, panting, loved up eyes.
The other hand dropped from your cheek and sat around your neck back - the pressure alone made your eyes flutter - and the sight went straight to his dick.
He popped his thumb out your mouth and brung you up for a dirty, messy, deep kiss. No coordination, just lust. Teeth smacking teeth, uncomfortable postures, hands gripping and clawing where ever they could.
He pulled away, standing up as if to leave. But you whine is stopped when you see he leant against your cabinet. Very idolly, he picked up the diary searching for the place he left off on, commanding a "Come here" using his fingers to make a curling motion, not even bothering to look up at you. "Crawl" He sneers almost as you go to get up.
Granted the space wasn't so big so the crawl was more of an awkward on-you-knees- shuffle but boy did that embarrassment climb back up inside you. If this was with anyone else, the pang of embarrassment woulda been too much, but something in Eddies low murmured tone did something totally new to you. "You're a good little pet, aren't you?"
His eyes never left the book in front of him: flicking through pages, scanning for the right sentence. He began reading off again. Completely as though it was the Sunday news paper and not your kinkiest secret fantasies.
"Eddie stop-"
"You know thats not my name." Eyes still in the book, tone stern and cold. You positioned on your claves between his legs, just waiting. "Thought you liked this? I know this isn't as good as being caught but its pretty close, right?" Finally he looks over.
The sudden feeling of something under you made you squirm, "Go on," He continued, "Get yourself off while I read your silly little diary."
The feeling that swelled in your belly was indescribable. It was overwhelming, unignorable and life changing. Like a duckling to its mother, you blindly listened: beginning to slowly rub yourself on the top of his foot.
"Suck my cock too, Sweetheart." He completely disregards you, finally finding his place on the pages. But he didn't start reading until he could feel your lips kiss his cock head.
You try to loose yourself in kissing him and the weight on your tongue but the perching reminder of what he is reading keeps pulling you out. The blood in your ears and the cotton in your brain were getting thicker.
You felt a ring or two pull on the strands of your hair, your gasps causing you to suck his in harder. You felt the rings apply more of a push at certain points of Eddies reading.
It's all sort of too dirty to really feel like its real life. Nobody really experiences this stuff right? Like it's all just movie magic? Clearly not. Clearly somehow you'd hit the jackpot. Somehow in small little irrelevant Hawkins in the mid 80s, you'd met the jack pot.
The sound of a book hitting a surface pulls you from your slack, readjusting yourself back to the present, you felt two hands play with your hair with more intent.
"Fuck-you sure know how to suck a dick, don't you?" He tucked some behind your ear, making you look up at him "Who taught you that?"
"You-da-daddy." Jumbled delivery thanks to the cock in your mouth.
"Sorry couldn't hear you."
"da-daddy" You tried, but sadly coming out more like 'dabby' thanks to the 5 inch obstruction in your throat.
The palms by your ears tighten, "good" It was almost like an extended sigh, "You gonna take it? Tap me if it's too much, yah?" Serious and caring, you nod.
"Yes" You respond to the eyebrow raise, "Yes daddy."
"Good little thing, aren't you?" Another tuck of your hair, and he pulled your head back in opposition to his hips going forward. He was using you clearlessly, not yet pushing you down as deep as he could, but rather just enjoying your lightness.
The room enters a soundtrack of hisses and hums, some slurps and some groans.
"I told you to get yourself off." It wasn't rude but you felt like you were being told off. Your heart pinged in your chest.
It was annoying how good it felt. Yes your knees stung and the carpet has turned into staples but who cared. The hands behind your ears making you deep throat him were heaven, the foot under your clit was heaven, Eddies musky smell was heaven.
Hums and hisses turned into the sound of fabric rubbing and small 'fuck's and 'shit's. And at this rate the streams of dribble coming off your chin and too the floor was definitely anything but disgusting.
Looking up at him and seeing him looking down, heaven too. "Gonna cum in your mouth." You really couldn't help the whorish whine. "Don't swallow it."
Something about that single demand got you were you needed it too. The swelling between your legs seemed to his its peak, the sheen of sweat tripped and your body felt like it was burning. Finger burring into his thighs, tummy tensed: you came over his foot, eyes rolled into the back of your skull.
Eddie using this as the perfect moment to use you. Seeing a moment where you'd given him your everything, he gripped you harder and thrusted deeply into your throat.
Still in your post orgasm haze, the 2 boney hands drag you up by your arm pits, a leg helps keep you stood. "Open." You couldn't even see him at the moment, but you knew behind the black was a man staring at you with all his love.
So you did as he told. Mouth open, cum threatening to spill, "Good, swallow." There was a hand to your throat, and them butterflies danced again. And then there was a light press to your lips that helps bring your eyes back open.
Neither of you could help getting lost a bit in the other - this was a big step, a big new, a good thing too! Eddie broke your moment off and tucked you into his chest, coddling you.
"I love you"
"I-love- you too"
He laughed at your breathiness. "Can we have an actual conversation about this now"
"Gimme a minute- I think my brains all mush."
He laughed again and gave a kiss to your hair.
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nwarrior777 · 10 months
(there is no spoilers in this post)
guys i have some unusual advice for you, which will make your disco elysium expirience so much more interesting
advice is...
...make your own investigation journal! i mean like. real one
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[the text on journal: bullshit service officer]
then i first heard lore text in DE i thought "oh okay there is no way i will able to remember that" and just started to write down lore in my every day planner. and characters names, cause i don't remember even my friends name sometimes so
then i noticed, that quests system is a little... strange. it's a list but. i needed it to be more structured. and also! i had my own "quests" (goals?) which i wanted to do in the game but they weren't in the list. so i started to write it too, and it started to overcome my daily plans in my, yk, daily planner. so i was like "hey... i will make a journal specially for that! sounds cool"
and i thought like "okay it will take like half of it" but!!! i am on day 3 of game and already wrote all pages! so i had to add a bunch of paper myself!!!
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it makes the process not just easier for people with memory troubles like me, it's brings new level of projection to the game - with this you have a feeling that you are investigating! it feels so interesting. it's like a extra bridge between you and game - you are in real world, the game is in computer, and the journal connect this two worlds
it will probably will not feels as much fun if you already played and know all the game details, but for the first run it's awesome addition!
i will not tell which structure and categories my journal has, it's much more interesting to make your own. the only last thing about is what i want to share:
i have "do and don't-s" (mostly don't-s) sheet were i write things which i don't want to say in dialogs or some actions which i don't want to do, (the reason of why you will (probably?) need this sheet - is one of the most favorite thing in this game. but as i said no spoilers. and no i am not about "what you should do and not" guides from internet, nooo, it's not about it. just play the game and you will get this part)
so yeah! get the real journal for this game and you will open new dimension of fun
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ros3ybabe · 8 months
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Daily Check-in: October 11th, 2023 🎀
So I was wat more productive then I had thought i would be given the exhaustion I felt from jet lag. I am proud of what I got done! However, I only slept about 2 hours, and it was broken sleep at that so I am not exactly feeling top of my game at the moment. We'll see what my energy allows me to complete today.
🩷 What I Ate, Oct 11th -
Brunch/Lunch - Spaghetti with meat sauce and ground turkey, topped with grated parmesean
Dinner - Turkey & Roast Beef bagel sandwich with avocado, 1 slice muenster cheese, 1 slice cheddar cheese, and a small side of potato chips.
Snack - a half bowl of spaghetti with ground turkey and meat sauce
Extra - 4 cups of coffee, each with one sweet n low and a splash of French vanilla creamer
I actually cooked which is odd for me as I typically don't have energy. My goal for today is to cook a batch of ground beef for taco bowls!
🩷 Personal Achivements, Oct 11th -
Washed bed sheets + pillowcases
Did the dishes
Maintained Duolingo streak (1 lesson)
Maintained Busuu streak (3 lessons)
Video called with my boyfriend twice
Made a shopping list for langaueh tracker/bullet journal (purchased at 1am because Amazon prime big deals were ending and I wanted to save some money)
Made a schedule/routine for working out next week
Cooked myself a real meal
Swept kitchen and disinfected/wiped down counters in kitchen
showered + morning skincare
🩷 Academic Achievements, Oct 11th -
Completed and submitted lifecycle nutrition chart
submitted and passed lab 7 anatomy pre lab
submitted discussion post + replies for nutr discussion 3
I feel quite proud of yesterday! Let's hope today I can tackle some more stuff on my todo list!
🩷 Personal ToDo, Oct 12th -
cook ground beef for taco bowls (leftovers!!)
wash dirty laundry
put away all clean laundry
therapy appointment
video call boyfriend
morning + night skincare
morning + night journal (?)
do 2 duolingo lessons
do 2 busuu lessons
complete/continue genki I lesson one
type up draft for upcoming blog post(s?)
🩷 Academic ToDo, Oct 12th -
Chapter 9 Notes Psyc
Quiz Chapter 9 Psyc
Culinary chapter 10 Quiz
Consumer Debt Inventiry assignment
Using Credit personal finance assignment
I've put a lot on my to-do list for today, but if I can even get a third of each list done, I will still be very proud of myself. Productivity should not come at the cost of my own well-being. Maybe I'll take a nap today? My boyfriend thinks it's a good idea, but I'm not a big fan of naps regardless of the situation. We shall see.
I took complete advantage of the prime big deals on Amazon and ordered some new workout clothes, some hair accessories, a set of silk pillowcases, and supplies for my bullet journal language tracker/planner. I even bought this cute little journal that's made specifically for fitness and health tracking, as a little side thing of mine to help keep me going! It comes with stickers and already set up pages, so hopefully, it proves to be useful!
I may or may not have made an Ulta order for some makeup using my afterpay account as well, because as it gets colder outside I'm starting to want to wear makeup for fun again. I'm not typically drawn to full beat looks but in the winter I love going all out with my makeup looks, whether I'm doing a more grunge goth emo look or a soft coquette girly look and everything in between. I love makeup as a form of self expression!
May or may not buy some more skincare as well, I'm just trying to decrease the amount of stuff in my skincare cart on the shopping app but it's so hard choosing what to get now and what to wait on!! I'm super indecisive too so that intensified the struggle.
Thats all for today! I'll make sure to update you lovelies tonight/tomorrow!
til next time, lovelies 🩷
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bestworstcase · 8 months
Hello! You've mentioned being a NanoWrimo veteran, and I was wondering if you had any advice for planning out your writing for the month? I was going to do an outline beforehand to prepare, but I'm not sure if that's authentic to the NanoWrimo spirit.
i am i’ve been doing nano most years with wildly variable success since i was fourteen. my best advice is:
start writing now.
not your actual nanowrimo project necessarily and not the 1.6k and change daily you’d need to ‘win’ but start writing every day right now. if i’m going into november from a dry spell i like to start with a daily goal of minimum 100-200 words for a week and then at the end of the week, set a new goal of a few hundred more than daily average. rinse repeat until you’re in the habit of writing a decent chunk every day. THE POINT OF THIS is to avoid hitting the “”two week wall“” which is a thing that happens because writing 1.6k+ words in a day is pretty easy but writing 1.6k+ words per day every day for a month is really hard if you don’t, you know. train for it.
you will get the most value out of nanowrimo if you think about it as a writing marathon. it’s difficult because it takes a level of endurance and discipline that you probably do not have unless you’re already a prolific daily writer.
outlining is in the spirit of nanowrimo and has always been part of the culture; some people outline extensively (‘planners’) some don’t (‘pantsers,’ as in writing by the seat of your pants), many fall somewhere in the middle. the only hard rule if you want the, like, pure nanowrimo experience as it was originally conceived is: don’t start writing the actual story until 12:01 AM on november first. you can have anything from zero plan to minutely detailed scene-by-scene notes for the entire novel locked and loaded, but on day one you open a blank document and start writing.
another thing i’d really recommend is trying to write over that 1.6k daily baseline. an extra 340 words per day for five days will net you a free day and those are nice to have in case you hit a day where you can’t write for whatever reason. it’s a lot less stressful to bank up extra words ahead of time than to miss a day or two and have to catch up.
if you don’t already have a process for turning off your inner editor, start trying to figure one out now. the temptation to delete and rewrite a paragraph dozens of times will bite you if you indulge it. try things like hiding your text so you can’t read it (set font and page to the same color, or use wingdings), try sprinting apps like write or die, stuff like that. you are trying to complete a rough draft. it’s okay for it to be rough.
lastly, use the time between now and november to figure out warm ups that work for you. these are quick, simple writing exercises separate from your wip that you do before every writing session. here are some that i like:
set a timer for five minutes and write continuously, stream of conscious, without stopping until the time’s up.
set a timer for five minutes and write a loose synopsis or ramble about the scene you plan to write: what happens, who’s in it, what subplots is it advancing, what pieces of foreshadowing or set up do you need to work in, what’s the emotional tone, etc.
pick an object in the room. spend five minutes describing it in exhaustive but simple detail. think “this cup is a tall red cylinder. it’s made of glass. there’s about a half-inch of clear glass at the bottom. the red is bright and saturated, firetruck red. it’s sitting on my desk with sunlight falling through it, casting a red shadow. there’s water in it with three ice cubes. the cup is about six inches tall.” <- you want a stream-of-conscious list of observations, basically.
use a random [name/setting/plot] generator and write 2-4 paragraphs of something stupid based on the output. just the silliest or most overwrought or edgiest grimdark or saccharine bullshit you can spew out.
take the last five hundred or so words of your last writing session. read them over. open a blank document and transcribe them word-for-word (or nearly, if you can change a word here and there without breaking stride). the idea is not to edit, but to write out a decent chunk of words quickly, without thinking much about what those words are. (i like to do another warmup and then this one and then just keep going when i hit the end of the chunk i’m transcribing.)
the idea is to preempt writer’s block by giving yourself 10-15 minutes of no thoughts head empty rapid-fire word vomit to get your brain on track and ready to go. warming up before your writing sessions will dramatically reduce the frequency of sudden creative paralysis when you sit down to write.
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luxinyourlife · 1 year
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I’ve been using a Passion Planner for my weeklies since January 📚 (I still use my BuJo daily for trackers, collections, important pages)
It took me a solid month and a half to really settle in to using a new planner system, but I’ve been really enjoying it as of late. I will absolutely get another for fall semester. A good goal for me for the rest of March into April will be to utilize my monthly more. This January monthly was probably the most “used” so far! 😄
Excited to share my weeklies with you!
IG luxinyourlife
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*Patch Notes 7/05/23*
I bought a filing cabinet for 4 dollars.
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It's a little janky and missing the rods to hang the file folders in its bottom drawer. But it's enough to test out an ADHD organization tip I found on Pinterest that I thought was mind blowing. Also acquired were a 25 pack of hanging file folders and a 10 pack of 2" wide expanding folders, both more expensive than the filing cabinet itself.
My goal was to replace one of the drawer carts in my study, because it's not good use of space for what it's being used for(storing spare planner pages). I further planned to get rid of the other one (paper and similar material storage) but decided that one's doing just fine as is.
Anyway, hanging files went in the top drawer and I started sorting planner pages into them. And then I realized that, since I switched planner styles a couple months ago, I didn't actually have that many planner pages. Most of them were (out)dated Daily pages that went straight in the bin. Most of the drawers were actually empty. And I have all these damn hanging files. It was very frustrating!
So I kind of started picking through whatever loose papers were in the room, including on a folding table that's been stacked high with various unsorted papers for roughly 6 months. I've been referring to it as the Table of Terror on my To Do lists, generally in an vague un-actionable task to "Deal with it" or "Sort it out."
I started taking papers off of it, tossing the ones that were clearly outdated or useless, and sorting the rest by hastily constructed categories into the hanging files. It was kind of cool how naturally it happened? This was not a project I intended to tackle tonight, but it's somehow mostly done.
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I do have to label these (preferably before I forget what the categories are supposed to be) but holy shit, it's sorted. I can do stuff with these papers now.
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This thing was piled a foot and a half deep. Now look at it.
Now here's the real neat thing about this filing cabinet thing. A lot of the things on that table weren't papers. They were just odd things that didn't have homes. A bunch of tools and supplies that are hard to categorized and store.
So. Those 2 inch expanding files? I opened those up and lined them in the bottom drawer of the cabinet. Suddenly all those odd things have homes. Oddly shaped envelope punching jig? Homed. Plastic tablecloth I use as drop cloth? Homed. Little camera tripod that's been floating around for ages? Homed.
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Look at this shit. I could alphabetize this if I wanted. Astounding. Like, there's things I technically have organized that would be better off in here. I could fit all my stamp carving tools in one of these folders. All my clay tools in another. Almost regretting buying my big art supply drawers. Absolutely regretting buying at least one of them.
Anyway that's my night. Still have to draw and don't have time to play Zelda but WHOOOOOOO!!
Also got some spray paint I'd describe as "Persona 4 Yellow" that this thing will be getting a makeover with at some point. It was a toss-up been that and bright aqua. I cannot tolerate greige.
Things to left to do:
Label folders
Continue to sort things into it
Paint the the cabinet
Clear the table and (finally) put it away
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the---hermit · 1 year
Hello! I just want to let you know I love your blog! As a university student I find it really motivating especially when it comes to productivity and self care 💗.
I wanted to ask how do you manage your time effectively when it comes to university work and relaxation time?
Hello! Thank you so much!! <33
It's a pretty challenging thing, and I will be honest with you I am still learning how to balance studying and taking time for myself. Especially now that I have started to commute to uni again to go to class, it's proving to be a constant challenge, because I have to change my routines way more often than I'd like. In general I am pretty aware of the moments of the day in which I am more energetic so I try to make to most out of them. I am much more active in the mornings, I don't mind waking up a little earlier it that means I will get more done in the morning and I will be able to stop studying a little earlier. Of course if I have classes I have to work around that, but in general what I try to do is to concentrate more studying hours whan I know I will be more productive. I also plan tasks that will take more mental effort and energy in those hours, and leave the easier tasks for when I know for a fact I will be a little more tired. I also have a no studying after meals rule. For me eating means taking a break, so after lunch I usually take one hour or one hour an a half just for myself, I'll either read or do anything I feel like to relax and just rest. And at night after eating my dinner I refuse to study. I have had this thing ever since I was in high school, after dinner it's my rest time of the day, I go to bed pretty early and I want to enjoy doing nothing before that. Some people study very well at night and I am not one of those people.
Another thing that helps me a lot with managing my time is to set very clear goals. My brain works much better on a weekly scale so it's what I mostly focus on, but I also try to have at least a general idea of my monthly goals. The way I do this is to have a specific monthly page on my bullet journal in which I write down all the studying materials I have to work on (let's say I have to read a book, I write down the page count of the book and the pages of each chapter so that I have a general view of how much I actually have to do). Each week I try to figure out what my priority of the week are and then I focus on that alone. I divide it up in the days according to what I don't have other things to do, and to when I know I will be more focused for a specific task. Generally I do a mid-week check in, in case I have studied more/less than planned. Focusing on one thing at the time has been helping me mentally because I feel less overwhelmed by everything I have to do. (there's a lot I could say about my planning method for uni and I might write a specific post if that's of any interest, I also have this pretty old post on some planning tips in case that can be helpful).
I cannot stress enough how important it is to schedule your rest/relax time in your planning system. I for example decided that I will not be studying on Sundays anymore, and that on Saturdays I am allowed to take more time in the morning whether I want to sleep a bit more or simply take more time to get ready and all. I genuinely write this stuff down in my planner. I have slots of time planned for not studying and not working. My body needs rest and I need time to do other stuff that is not studying and working, and as any other task I make an effort to fit it in my schedule. I know we are pushed into thinking that we should always be working, at the cost of our resting time, but in my self care journay I am learning to give space to what I need to do for myself without feeling guilty about. I know a certain period will be stressful? Well after that I treat myself with one day off, or an activity that I enjoy. During the day as I said I have specific moments in which I just do not study, and it's now become part of my routine to rest.
So to conclude this the most important things for me are:
a clear plan that includes goals and breaks/ time off to rest
figuring out how you work (when you are more focused and energetic and when you feel like you can take breaks and rest)
fequents check-ins to see how much work I have done/how much is left to do (pro tip: if by the end of the week you have already accomplished your weekly goals, instead of pushing yourself to do more consider rewarding yourself with more time off. Treat yourself and do not burn yourself out)
Okay I gave you a super long answer that I am not even sure is super clear (I have not reread it after writing so I apologize if I sound insane). Again if you need anything else my inbox is always open, I am always happy to help even if it's just sharing how I plan my studying and so on. Good luck with your studies and I hope you'll find a good balance between studying and taking time for yourself.
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mareenavee · 1 year
Hi there! I was wondering if there's anything you're happy to share about your original writing? I'd also love to hear about your writing process in general, from first conception through to finished product, and how it varies for you for fic vs original writing. Thanks so much for your time! 🌻🌷
Oh hello new friend :D Thanks for asking!
So I can talk a bit about what's been happening with me lately lol I think it can be important for a lot of us, especially in kind of the climate we're in as creatives right now. And while the story might not seem very happy at first, I am still happy to share so others might not feel alone if they're wandering, too.
Something about my original writing:
So I went to college for Creative Writing. I had started in English Edu, and switched about halfway through for many reasons but suffice to say if I didn't do what I loved, that degree would still be unfinished. My goal was to get into editing, if I could, and eventually write a book. After college, my full time, in-office jobs at first had nothing to do with writing. I was doing things like tech support, sales and data entry until I got into advertising. And I was editing, using my degree, but I was also more using my skills from sales. And here we stumble into something of a burnout problem. I was working so many hours on unrelated nonsense that I simply did not have the energy to stay awake half the time, let alone write. And I was away from the desk for so long that when I returned, I felt couldn't manage a single good thing. I kept trying even during the dumpster fire the last few years has been collectively.
I'll time skip for the sake of the story. The cure for burnout is simply rest, regardless of it's professional/career burnout or creative burnout or a combination of the both of these things. One doesn't always realize this in the middle of the issues, though. So here I was barely writing anything that I'd be willing to share, frowning terribly at the blank page every opportunity and just being down on myself and my work. I wrote a couple flash fiction pieces, and plenty for dnd but I'd kind of lost track of my goal of writing THE BOOK, ya know? So I decided I was done with feeling so, I guess, unmoored about it all and I wanted to return to longform projects without second guessing myself at every turn. And I broke the spiral, because it was a spiral, by returning to fandom and starting my fic.
So my original writing, long story short, is short form for the most part! And I want very much to finish a novel. I'm giving myself the space to practice again with fic and prove to myself what I am capable of. It's a slow process, healing, but I am and it translates back at every step. I don't tie my original works to this screenname but a few of my fic writin' and Skywind writin' friens have read a bit here and there of both my dnd and my original short stories. It feels good to not feel bad about them as loudly anymore and to have people interact in a positive way with what I've done. I lost a bit of that after college, and writers really ought to stick together. It gets lonely and difficult without friends otherwise. (:
Something about my writing process:
I am a planner and a fragment writer! This is a result of my schooling. When I was younger and didn't hear a different way, I would pants the entire story. Now I suppose it's about 85% planning, and 15% finding ways to cause problems on purpose for my characters and running with a scene idea. (and cutting it if it doesn't work, saving it for later of course.) I outline plot points usually and if I have specific details I want to elaborate on, I have in-depth pages for that in the planning docs. I tend to treat my character sheets sorta like dnd without the build stats. Just break down into sections describing how they'll look, and their backstories. I also really enjoy the tumblr asks regarding OCs, too, because a lot of that ends up in my planning docs too, where it hadn't been thought of before. I like to really KNOW my characters and where I want the story to go as I proceed, but again -- sometimes I just cause problems on purpose for them and for myself (: But that's the fun of it. There's room for unmitigated creativity if you let go of all the headspace nonsense whenever possible.
As for fragments -- sometimes scenes come to me out of order or in ideas that don't have a place in my current project. I keep idea docs and an idea notebook on hand almost always and write down stray thoughts either as more of an outline, or just a jotted down piece of a thought -- OR something more. Like a whole in-prose scene. That's what I mean by fragments. I've found, especially lately, considering what I wrote above, that if inspiration strikes, let it distract you from everything whenever you can. Write that shit down and save it for later. (:
The last part of it, of course, is the editing process. I try to fire the editing brain for drafting purposes and then go back in to proofread and then do editing passes two or three times before I post / consider a piece to be finished enough to possibly share. I enjoy that part of the process so much. It's like finishing a good jigsaw puzzle lol. That said it's not always sunshine and rainbows, it can be a brutal difficult process. And I am not always right. It's different looking at editing your own work than others' just due to how close we can be to our own writing. Worth it, though, all the struggle (:
Is it different in my original work than fic?
Nope! I mean I suppose the glaring difference would be I need to spend more time in original with worldbuilding than I do in fic, as fic kind of has a bit of a safety net in that department. That said, there's still plenty of worldbuilding to do, lots of hcs to write about, and lots of planning how the pieces will interact. And asking -- why tell this specific story? (Always the fun part for me.) The process, regardless, still remains the same. Plan, write, cause problems on purpose, plan around those problems, write more and EDIT, EDIT, EDIT. (:
Thank you so much for asking this!! I hope this was insightful!
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A Tour of My Daily Planner
Despite bullet journaling for four years now, I only recently started a daily planner.
Instead I had a weekly planner that listed out my “weekly goals” (a set list of things I do every week to move me closer to my bigger goals) along with any additional plans and activities specific to the week in question. I tried to break out that weekly planner into days with little success.
But that changed when I recently got a new journal that isn’t really fancy but has a little date section at the top and clearly meant for daily use.
Now I reserve one page for my weekly planner as I mentioned above and the next seven pages to focus on each day.
In this blog post I’ll share with you how I set up my daily planner in it’s current state.
(Note: I say current state because if there’s anything I learned through bullet journaling it’s a trial and error process and there will be many modifications until I figure out what works for me and what doesn’t)
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The top half of the page is split in half. One side is for my to-do list for the day and the other half is further broken into three sections:
-Small Wonders
Here my morning, day and night routines are denoted by M, D and N. There are the routines and habits I want to do every single day like stretching and flossing. (Each activity is denoted by a single letter to save space)
One of the habits I’m trying to develop is at least fifteen minutes of moderate movement in a day. On workout days this is easily achieved, but on the other days I try to go on a walk or run through choreographies just to have some movement.
Small Wonders:
This is where I leave space to list out three small wonders throughout the day. Some days it’s the sunshine that lit up my room, or maybe a meme I saw that made me laugh or a song that really resonated with me, basically just leaving space for small moments of gratitude for the day.
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The second half of my planner is for cycle syncing which I started doing mid-last year and you can read my blog post about it here: https://sneakersnshakes.blogspot.com/2022/06/all-about-cycle-syncing.html
This is where I keep track of what phase, and how many days into that phase, I’m in. I also denote which POWR (Plan, Open, Work, Rest) state I’m in according to the phase.
The next two are rough gauges of how much energy I had throughout the day and how much sleep I got the night before. Usually if I’m really tired it speaks to the phase or the amount of sleep I got.
The few lines reserved for mood is my space to write out how I felt through the day and the few lines underneath that is for self-care. Self-Care could be as simple as sleeping early or making time to watch funny youtube videos.
The other side is for listing out the food I ate that was in accordance with my cycle syncing and a section at the bottom for seed cycling which is by far the easiest way to start cycling syncing.
The two S’s stand for sunflower and sesame which should be eaten in the latter half of your cycle and F and P stand for flax and pumpkin which is for the beginning half of your cycle.
And that’s my daily planner! It may seem like a lot but it’s really only five to seven minutes over the course of my whole day to fill it in and check in throughout the day.
I usually set up everything on Sunday for the next week, so everything is ready for me to just fill-out during the week.
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This is my daily planner, as in this is what I plan to do, but there will be days where I don’t get a lot of it done and that’s totally okay. Not every day can be ideal and everything gets checked off, so if you’re thinking of starting a daily planner but are intimidated then know it’s okay to leave things blank or not finish everything.
This is what works for me, but you can always find inspiration from Pinterest and other online sources. I recommend, if possible, to make your own planner template after finding inspiration from other places since you will likely need to tailor whatever you find anyway to see what works for you.
Start small and build up from there, happy planning and I hope this blog post helped in giving you some ideas!
Please comment and thanks for reading!
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myamyablogs · 9 months
<3 𝖇𝖎𝖗𝖙𝖍𝖉𝖆𝖞 𝖈𝖊𝖑𝖊𝖇𝖗𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓𝖘 <3
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This month's playlist (yeah I'm doing this now how fun)
Louise - TV Girl. Slowdive - Kisses.
Fall in love - Slum Village. Pity Sex - Pin a Star
Leave -Whirr. Metric - Black Sheep
Tonight Tonight - Celeste. Joy Division - Love will tear us...
Nyxjvh - Cover Girl. Basement - Covet
Hello hello! I'm back after my first full week of my gap year, its so odd to think that a big phase of my life (aka high school) is over and Im just in the middle of high school and university (aka a gap year). Its a really weird position to be in but I plan for this to be one of the best years of my life hopefully!
Fashion school has its ups and downs and I realise I don't like a lot of change or being outside of my comfort zone but, little by little, I am adjusting and eventually I will get the hang of it. Its super different not doing conventionally academic stuff like learning French or studying English Literature but it's super cool to be somewhere where fashion is the main focus of everything. We have a few goals and projects to do by next month so the course is very fast paced.
So, onto the festive birthday part! Essentially, my actual birthday is in the middle of September but since half of my friend group are going off to uni around that time, I decided to push it forward and at least get one more meet-up in before everyone goes their separate ways temporarily. Unfortunately I think its the last meet-up before uni and it's all just wild. We won't see each other everyday and all of that anymore, life changes really quickly like that dude. We had a games night with a bunch of cocktails and pizza and a bunch of pink sweets and it was great! Everyone had a fun time and it's definitely a night to remember :) I have a strong feeling that this month is gonna be great and the gap year will be amazing too so let's see how it pans out!
Back to the friend group thing though, thankfully one friend is doing a gap year just like me so we will be able to meet up and I won't be going through a gap year alone :) it will be so odd being a duo for a while till the others come back for half term or if we go to see them but that's just how it is. The gifts I got for my birthday were great too! I got the cutest kuromi plushie ever (it healed my inner child no joke lmaoo) and I got a lovely planner that's got a bunch of useful pages so it will be of so much use to me this gap year!
I'm feeling thankful about everything that's happened, is happening and will happen lately. I remember two winters ago I knew I was in a really memorable era of my life so I savoured each moment constantly and I have zero regrets and, I really feel like I'm in that phase of my life again. It's gonna be a phase to remember and I wanna remember everything :)
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okwrites · 1 year
Tracking Writing Progress:
There's like a dozen different spreadsheets, notebooks, etc out there. Here's a quick round-up.
If you like NaNoWriMo's Word Count Tracking, try Christie Yant. Christie Yant is an editor and author, she works in NYC, and every year she formats a lovely new word count tracker with pretty colors. Best part? FREE.
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2. If you want to track pages edited, words written, and have lots of nice visual graphics, check out Jamie Raintree. Now, this one IS paid ($20 for 5 projects or $30 for 10), but it allows you to track edits and set deadlines, and does the math for how much you need to do a day to meet said deadlines.
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3. If you need a physical word count tracker, try out this digital printable download from Taylor Epperson. There are a few different 'styles' of tracker, and there are 50k defaults and blank templates to set your own goals. $2.
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4. For something physical with a time tracker AND word count tracker, try out this one from Dragonfly Paper Press. It has a graph option, and lets you track half hours of writing to see how much time you're spending sitting down and getting stuff done. $5.
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5. And if you already have a paper planner, there's this set of word sprint stickers from Midlife Designs. They have large ones (linked here) and smaller ones available in their shop, NaNo trackers, as well as like a million other planner stickers. $5.50.
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funkervogt · 2 years
Im drawn lately to watching videos on journaling but I dont really like videos that are titled how to journal or journal prompts or wtv..im interested in ones that are like How i journal/journal flipthrough I love to see how ppl personalize their commonplace books I think you need to personalize it or else it will poison you and you wont have any fun...Anyway i love to see like what different peoples intentions are when it comes to this stuff, mine is half sketchbook half journal with the goal to have something on every page and also practice handwriting, because i kind of just find it rly satisfying but as soon as i get bored of it i will stop tbh. There are some others who really lean into the memorykeeping aspect, which I'm starting to lean into as well, or stuff that doesn't work well for me, like using it partially as a planner. I do not like that, my sketchbook is my fun/personal book and i dont want my responsibilities haunting my fun book. Plus i just dont work well with to do lists anyway and thats part of why that just stresses me out more. I actually have 2 of them in use rn one is the one i made (Fits in my pocket, i can take anywhere) and the other is an a5 leuchtturm i picked up at barnes&noble. I use them both for kindof the same shit, except I don't do any longform writing sessions in the little one. The leuchtturm has paper better suited for fountain pens which is lovely, like the paper is rly thin but smooth, and wet inks generally dont bleed through with the exception of alcohol markers. Anyway i am having fun. I need to tape more things in there.
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albert56hall-blog · 3 months
Navigate the Digital Landscape: A Guide to Effective PPC AdWords Management
In the vast expanse of the digital landscape, Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising stands out as a powerful tool for businesses to reach their target audience and drive conversions. Among the various PPC platforms available, Google AdWords remains a cornerstone for many advertisers due to its extensive reach and robust targeting capabilities. However, effective AdWords management requires more than just setting up campaigns and bidding on keywords. In this guide, we'll explore the essential strategies and best practices for navigating the digital landscape through effective PPC AdWords management.
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Understanding the Fundamentals:
Before delving into AdWords management, it's crucial to grasp the fundamental principles of PPC advertising. PPC operates on a simple premise: advertisers bid on keywords, and their ads are displayed to users who search for those keywords. Advertisers only pay when users click on their ads, making it a cost-effective and measurable form of advertising. Understanding how keywords, ad targeting, and bidding strategies work is essential for effective AdWords management.
Keyword Research and Selection:
At the heart of AdWords management lies keyword research and selection. Identifying the right keywords to target ensures that your ads are displayed to users who are actively searching for products or services like yours. Conducting thorough keyword research using tools like Google Keyword Planner allows you to discover relevant keywords with high search volume and low competition. Additionally, leveraging long-tail keywords and negative keywords can help refine your targeting and improve ad relevance.
Crafting Compelling Ad Copy:
In the competitive landscape of PPC advertising, compelling ad copy is essential for capturing the attention of potential customers and driving clicks. Your ad copy should be concise, relevant, and persuasive, highlighting the unique value proposition of your products or services. Incorporating keywords into your ad copy and including a clear call-to-action encourages users to click on your ads and take the desired action, whether it's making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or contacting your business.
Optimizing Landing Pages:
Driving traffic to your website is only half the battle; converting that traffic into leads or sales is the ultimate goal. Optimizing your landing pages to align with your ad messaging and offer a seamless user experience is critical for maximizing conversions. Ensure that your landing pages load quickly, are mobile-friendly, and contain relevant information that matches the intent of the user's search query. Implementing clear calls-to-action and removing distractions can further enhance the effectiveness of your landing pages.
Bid Management and Budget Allocation:
Effective bid management and budget allocation are essential for maximizing the ROI of your AdWords campaigns. Constantly monitoring and adjusting your bids based on performance data allows you to optimize your ad spend and ensure that you're getting the most value for your investment. Experimenting with different bidding strategies, such as manual bidding, automated bidding, or target ROAS (Return on Ad Spend), enables you to find the optimal approach for achieving your campaign objectives within your budget constraints.
Tracking and Measurement:
PPC advertising offers unparalleled opportunities for tracking and measurement, allowing you to assess the performance of your campaigns with precision. Implementing conversion tracking enables you to track specific actions taken by users after clicking on your ads, such as form submissions, purchases, or phone calls. Utilizing Google Analytics in conjunction with AdWords provides valuable insights into user behavior, campaign performance, and ROI. By continuously analyzing data and metrics, you can identify areas for improvement and refine your strategies for greater success.
Effective PPC AdWords management is a multifaceted endeavor that requires a deep understanding of the digital landscape, strategic planning, and ongoing optimization. By mastering the fundamentals of keyword research, crafting compelling ad copy, optimizing landing pages, managing bids and budgets, and tracking performance metrics, businesses can navigate the complexities of the digital landscape with confidence and achieve their advertising goals. Ultimately, effective AdWords management empowers businesses to reach their target audience, drive conversions, and maximize ROI in the ever-evolving world of digital advertising.
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ppc-services-in-india · 5 months
A Guide to Google Ads Management for Small Retailers
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When it comes to running a successful retail business, marketing and advertising play a crucial role in driving customers to your store. In this digital age, Google Ads has emerged as one of the most effective ways to reach potential customers online. 
But as a small retailer, managing your Google Ads campaigns can be a daunting task. That's why we've put together this comprehensive guide to help you navigate the world of Google Ads Management in Ahmedabad and get the most out of your advertising budget.
The Power of Google Ads for Small Retailers
Google Ads is an online advertising platform that allows businesses to display ads on Google search pages, websites, and mobile apps. With over 5.6 billion searches per day, Google is undoubtedly the go-to search engine for most people. By harnessing the power of Google Ads, you can put your store in front of the right audience at the right time, increasing brand awareness and driving traffic to your website or physical store.
Setting Up Your Google Ads Account
The first step to get started with Google Ads is to create an account. Visit the Google Ads website and follow the step-by-step instructions to set up your account. Make sure to choose the right campaign type based on your advertising goals. Whether you want to drive website visits, increase phone calls, or promote your brick-and-mortar store, Google Ads offers a variety of campaign types to suit your needs.
Conducting Keyword Research
Keywords are the building blocks of any successful Google Ads campaign. They are the words or phrases that people use to search for products or services online. As a small retailer, conducting thorough keyword research to identify the most relevant and high-performing keywords for your business is essential. Take the help of a reputable company for Google Ads management in Ahmedabad who knows Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush to discover keywords that have a decent search volume and low competition.
Creating Compelling Ad Copy
Once you have your keywords, it's time to craft compelling ad copy that entices potential customers to click on your ads. Your ad copy should be concise, informative, and compelling. Highlight the unique selling points of your products or services and include a strong call to action. Experiment with different ad formats, such as text ads, image ads, or video ads, to see what works best for your business.
Optimizing Your Landing Page
Driving traffic to your website is only half the battle. To convert those clicks into actual sales, you need to optimize your landing page. Your landing page should provide a seamless user experience with clear navigation, persuasive content, and a straightforward call to action. Make sure your landing page is mobile-friendly, as more and more people are using their smartphones to browse the internet and make purchases.
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Monitoring and Analyzing Your Campaigns
Once your Google Ads campaigns are up and running, it's crucial to continually monitor and analyze their performance. Google Ads provides a wealth of data and insights that can help you optimize your campaigns for better results. Pay close attention to key metrics like click-through rate, conversion rate, and return on ad spend. Use this data to make informed decisions, tweak your campaigns, and allocate your budget where it will have the most impact.
The Importance of Regular Maintenance
Running a successful Google Ads campaign requires ongoing maintenance and optimization. It's not a set-it-and-forget-it strategy. As a small retailer, it's crucial to regularly review your campaigns, add negative keywords to eliminate irrelevant traffic, and test different ad variations to improve performance. Stay current with the latest trends and best practices in Google Ads management in Ahmedabad to ensure you are always one step ahead of your competition.
Google Ads can be a game-changer for small retailers looking to boost their online presence and drive more customers to their stores. By following this comprehensive guide, you can take control of your Google Ads campaigns and maximize your advertising budget. Remember to conduct thorough keyword research, craft compelling ad copy, optimize your landing pages, and continually monitor and analyze your campaigns. With a well-executed Google Ads strategy, you'll be well on your way to growing your retail business and reaching new heights of success.
So, what are you waiting for? Take the plunge into Google Ads management for small retailers and start reaping the rewards today!
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thelanternlight · 5 months
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Knight of Pentacles Upright
The Knight of Pentacles, like the Knights of the other suits, represents work, effort, and the responsibility that follows upon the dreams and ideals of the Page. This Knight is the most hard-working, methodical and detailed-oriented character of the Tarot deck. He may not be the most inspiring or creative Knight, but he’ll do the work to get the results he seeks, even if that work is highly repetitive or routine.
When this card appears in a Tarot reading, you are working methodically towards your goals. You have a plan in place and are sticking to your schedule to get the job done. You may not work particularly quickly, but you are consistent, dedicated and committed to your goal. Put one foot in front of the other and finish the job. This card also asks you to continue doing what you are doing, plodding along and making gradual progress. No need to change your approach. Go with the flow, stick to your usual routines, and over time, you will reach your goals.
The Knight of Pentacles shows that you are a natural planner and implementer. You envision your goal, determine the best course of action, and then stick to your path with a methodical and relentless focus. When you are in ‘implementation mode’, the job will get done, even if it requires hard work along the way. Meticulous in your approach, you make sure that everything is planned and executed down to the tiniest detail. And you will never leave a job half done. It is essential to you that you complete all assigned tasks and projects to a certain standard and that you follow through on your promises.
Sometimes, the Knight of Pentacles points to the more mundane or boring aspects of life – the daily grind, repetitive schedules, household chores, and other responsibilities and obligations. You may be assigned a project or given a task to do, and you will have to commit your time to see that project through to the end successfully. With the Knight of Pentacles, you will be required to accept responsibility without any complaints or grudges.
The Knight of Pentacles suggests that you are taking a moderated and conservative approach to life right now, and while you may be feeling that change is imminent, you are sticking to your tried and tested ways of doing things. You have established that you need routine and careful planning if you are to achieve your goals. It may not necessarily be an exciting period, but at least you know you are on the right path. Even if you are growing tired and want to quit, this Knight invites you to keep at it, and you will eventually see success.
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