#god is not mocked
brucedinsman · 1 month
Daily Service: God is not mocked
Galatians 6:6-10 (KJV) Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption, but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due…
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lightman2120 · 2 months
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finnitesimal · 1 year
When the unerringly loyal right-hand men are referred to as dogs in the canon text
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nelkcats · 1 year
It's a Match!
Being the King of the Infinite Realms didn't really give you many dating options. There were no candidates who weren't committed or completely sincere, and Danny was feeling sensitive those days so he was frustrated. The Observants telling him to get a partner to create a "better future" and offering horrible options was especially infuriating those days, he wished they would stop meddling in his life.
Sam and Tucker, seeing the halfa's frustration did what any friend would do in such a situation: They created a profile for him on a dating app. Although they didn't notice that when they connected it to Technus' Internet the app started taking "candidates" from other dimensions that had it.
Despite not trusting it much at first, Danny eventually embraced the idea and very quickly connected with "Jason Todd" who claimed to be a zombie. Danny thought it was funny and told him he was a ghost, which Jay obviously didn't believe. Ironically, they matched because of the "I died" jokes on their profiles.
The only problem was when Jason asked to meet (he was absolutely convinced that Danny was either homeless or living on the streets due to his refusal to send pictures from home and wanted to feed him) and Danny didn't know how to tell him that he didn't know what dimension he was in.
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ghost-bxrd · 6 months
Jason, after coming back to Gotham and taking over the criminal underworld— is burnt out.
He’s exhausted, he can’t sleep, he’s pretty sure he broke some ribs somewhere along the two month mark of being the Red Hood and he just wants to go home.
So he does, entering the Cave near deliriously while Batman and Robin are out on patrol, shattering the stupid memorial he comes across while he’s at it, and— huh, well, that actually looks like a pretty comfy spot to take a nap. He’s just gonna— one minute. He just needs one… minute…..
When Bruce and Tim return to the Cave it’s to a dead boy passed out in the shattered remains of the memorial case, wrapped up in the tattered cape Bruce pulled from the rubble in Ethiopia.
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yvesdot · 1 year
The corollary to "make bad art" is "let other people make bad art." And I mean individuals, not Marvel or Disney or whoever thinks they own stories nowadays. I mean, if you see a poem on the Internet and you think it is THE WORST CRINGE OF ALL TIME... just leave it. If some teen has written a Wattpad book you really hate, let it go. If you see a chain going around with everybody crapping on the same random artist they don't like online, don't reblog it. Ask yourself every time you're making fun of "bad art:" 1) is this really such a big deal? 2) is this in line with my ideals of allowing people to enjoy themselves making art which may not be "objectively" or "technically" sound? 3) am I making a positive impact by sharing this?
It's so difficult already to feel comfortable making and posting your own work online; just because someone's art is "cringey" or "boring" or whatever doesn't necessarily merit an online hate campaign. Please try to remember that the vast majority of people who "blow up" for this kind of stuff are the exact people we're trying to encourage: someone with an idea, and the confidence to execute it without worrying about being the best artist of all time. Especially when we're talking about teens, we have to let people make bad art. That's the only way we can do it ourselves.
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anenigmaticdream · 1 month
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AM got popular recently again and I’m really glad as it gives me an excuse to draw him and make a design
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sunderwight · 9 months
Thinking about the weird camaraderie that exists between demons but not angels in GO.
Have we ever seen two angels who are actually friends? Or even friendly to one another? We have met angels with a capacity to be friendly in general, but I think the closest we've come to two angels actually getting along would be Gabriel making a point to laugh at Sandalphon's terrible "can't have a war without War" line in S1.
Most scenes between the angels actually seem to have an undercurrent of absolute hostility. Teeth-clenched teamwork. No wonder it took them so long to notice that Aziraphale wasn't on the same page as the rest of them! The rest of them are barely on the same page as one another, either! When Gabriel goes against the majority vote, no one bats an eye at demoting him and wiping his memory. Michael and Uriel immediately begin vying for his job. The only times we've seen angels team up is when they're working together to bully someone else, like when they're trying to intimidate Aziraphale in S1 or going to the aftermath of the bookshop raid in S2.
Saraqael's overall neutrality towards Muriel is the closest we get to two angels in Heaven getting along, and it's more a lack of hostility than any kind of friendliness. At least until Gabriel loses his memories and Muriel shows up to spy on Aziraphale, and Aziraphale decides to be kind to both of them.
Demons, on the other hand, actually seem to form alliances and even friendships among one another. Hastur and Ligur are awful, but Hastur seems genuinely distraught over Ligur's death, not just fearful of suffering the same fate. Shax and Furfur conspire together and even though the 1940's investigation into Crowley's fraternizing doesn't work out for Furfur, it's not due to any double-crossing on Shax's part. Unlike the angels, who stick almost exclusively to making threats until the Metatron decides to try dangling a carrot at the end of the season, demons actually offer rewards to other demons when trying to work together. Beelzebub offers Crowley a promotion if he can bring them Gabriel, Furfur offers to back Shax up politically if she goes for the Duke position opening, and Crowley successfully stalls Hastur in S1 by pretending everything was a test and he's going to be put in charge of a legion as a reward for passing. They're still not great at socializing, but they're significantly ahead of the angels.
Of course, it's a fact that demons are awful to one another (Eric's treatment is really bad, they throw that random demon into holy water just to test it, "it'd be a funny world if demons went around trusting one another", etc) but they still seem more capable of forming friendships than the angels do.
I think that's because Hell cramps and crowds everyone together to try and increase their suffering and hostility, whereas Heaven isolates angels to decrease the odds of questioning or rebellion. Hell's methods are unpleasant, but it still ends up putting demons together, and some of those demons inevitably forge alliances and make friendships. Because as Crowley and Beelzebub demonstrate, demons are still social creatures with the capacity for love and affection, even if it's strongly discouraged and buried under nine million layers of trauma and a cultural mandate against kindness.
Angels are the same, but isolation makes is harder to form connections than overcrowding. Muriel and Jimbriel are both so eager to make friends, but Muriel's spent the past millennia shut in an empty office, and Gabriel has been distanced from his peers both through his position and also through Heaven's culture of fear and surveillance. He only breaks away from it when he finds something that's stronger than "choosing sides" (stronger than the fear of being rejected by Heaven and Falling, in fact strong enough that Falling seems worth it if he gets to be with someone he loves). Both Muriel and Gabriel are only able to start forming connections when they're away from Heaven.
I just think it's interesting that demons, despite being supposedly devoid of love, have an advantage in forming relationships compared to angels. Angels are supposed to love, but have far fewer opportunities to actually do so. Demons aren't supposed to love, but they make connections anyway.
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zarla-s · 5 months
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More holiday requests! Some Ace Attorney ones this year which are fun, I haven't drawn PW stuff in ages, haha. Some of these are from an Ace Attorney/Frozen crossover that i finished writing years ago and still haven't POSTED IT'S DONE WHY AM I LIKE THIS i just need to sit down and finish editing it one of these days
The last one is from a very disturbing Matt/Juan (well, more like the doomed love square of 2-4 with Adrian/Matt/Juan/Celeste) psychological horrorshow I wrote a long time ago during a pretty dark time in my life, as you can probably guess from the shot, haha. Definitely not for children or the faint of heart.
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brucedinsman · 5 months
Daily Service: God is not mocked
Galatians 6:6-10 (KJV) Let him that is taught in the word communicate unto him that teacheth in all good things. Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption, but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due…
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lightman2120 · 9 months
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ganondoodle · 8 months
me: finally im able to cope with how much i hate totk and can fuel that energy into other things :)
nintendy: the shiekah tech just dissappeared and no one knows why or cares enough to investigate it lol. lmao. its gone bc the calamity is gone or something even tho it literally isnt bc ganondorf is right there haha lol, stop asking, why do you care. just forget it existed and look at that sexy goatman and glue instead!! glue! isnt that wild?? also its totally a direct, 100% same universe and exact same characters, despite them act totally out of character, sequel to botw-
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leviisms · 6 months
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jjk 2.18 || right and wrong
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the-knife-consumer · 10 days
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Oh yeah and s4 I guess
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ethtyn · 1 month
every time i think HC can't be any more fucking unhinged than it already is Joel does another bit with a man who's obsessed with him and i descend further into disbelief
Iskall (deep voice): uhhh, i like this area—a lot, of the world.
Joel: why are you deepening your voice, Iskall?
Iskall (deep voice): i'm not, this is how i've always talked.
Joel (mocking, deep voice): uhokay.
end transcript.]
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officialspec · 1 year
im gonna need the millennials on here to stop romanticising vine in their criticisms of tiktok i cannot take yall seriously. i know all anyone remembers is Fre Shava Cado but in its heyday vine was one of the worst perpetrators of casual racism in recent history and it rly infuriates me when ppl compare the two as if vine never had any negative impact on the dominant culture. please get better arguments im tired
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