#goddess of clean environments
Name: Pallo Cure Age: 9bil Species: earth fae Gender: female Power: controls, repairs, and creates clean environments and cures God: clean environments and cures Rank: Head Goddess of Cures Children: Bryan, demigods Neieces: yes Nephews: yes Grandchildren: yes Partners: Ril Siblings: Palla Lives: in a flower field away from any sign of humanity Parent: Universe
(Tag for Pallo is Cure Elf)
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Power of Pietas
Recently while walking in my neighborhood, I passed two coupon mailers scattered on the side of the road that I surmised had slipped from the weekly recycling pick-up load. I impulsively passed right by them. A few moments later, I remembered how many times I, a former Cubmaster, volunteered to pick up trash with our Cub Scout troop at a local park. Concurrently, I heard my mom’s thick accent,…
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greenwitchcrafts · 19 days
September 2024 Witch Guide
New Moon: September 2nd
First Quarter: September 11th
Full moon: September 17th
Last Quarter: September 24th
Sabbats: Mabon- September 22nd
September Harvest Moon
Also known as: Autumn Moon, Child Moon, Corn Harvest Moon, Falling Leaves Moon, Haligmonath, Leaves Turning Moon, Mating Moon, Moon of Brown Leaves, Moon When Dear Paw the Earth, Rutting Moon, Singing Moon, Wine Moon, Witumanoth & Yellow Leaf Moon
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Virgo & Libra
Nature spirts: Trooping Faeries
Deities: Brigid, Ceres, Chang-e, Demeter, Freya, Isis, Depths & Vesta
Animals: Jackal & snake
Birds: Ibis & sparrow
Trees: Bay, hawthorn, hazel & larch
Herbs: Copal, fennel, rye, skullcap, valerian, wheat & witch hazel
Flowers: Lily & narcissus
Scents: Bergamot, gardenia, mastic & storax
Stones: Bloodstone,carnelian, cat's eye, chrysolite, citrine, iolite, lapis lazuli, olivine, peridot, sapphire, spinel(blue), tourmaline(blue) & zircon
Colors: Browns, dark blue, Earth tones, green & yellow
Issues, intentions & powers: Confidence, the home, manifestation & protection
Energy: Balance of light & dark, cleaning & straightening of all kinds, dietary matters, employment, health, intellectual pursuits, prosperity, psychism, rest, spirituality, success & work environment
The full Moon that happens nearest to the fall equinox (September 22nd or 23rd) always takes on the name “Harvest Moon.” Unlike other full Moons, this full Moon rises at nearly the same time—around sunset—for several evenings in a row, giving farmers several extra evenings of moonlight & allowing them to finish their harvests before the frosts of fall arrive. 
• While September’s full Moon is usually known as the Harvest Moon, if October’s full Moon happens to occur closer to the equinox than September’s, it takes on the name “Harvest Moon” instead. In this case, September’s full Moon would be referred to as the Corn Moon.
This time of year—late summer into early fall—corresponds with the time of harvesting corn in much of the northern United States. For this reason, a number of Native American peoples traditionally used some variation of the name “Corn Moon” to refer to the Moon of either August or September. 
Known as: Autumn Equinox, Cornucopia, Witch's Thanksgiving & Alban Elved
Season: Autumn
Element: Air
Symbols: Acorns, apples, autumn leaves, balance, berries, corn, cornucopia( Horn of Plenty), dried seeds, equality, gourds, grains, grapes, ivy, pine cones, pomegranates, vines, wheat, white roses & wine
Colors: Blue, brown, dark red, deep gold, gold, indigo, leaf green, maroon, orange, red, russet. Violet & yellow
Oils/Incense: Apple, apple blossom, benzoin, black pepper, hay/straw, myrrh, passion flower, patchouli, pine, red poppy & sage
Animals: Dog & Wolf
Birds: Goose, hawk, swallow & swan
Stones: Agate, amethyst, carnelian, lapis lazuli, sapphire, yellow Agate & yellow topaz
Food: Apples, blackberries, blackberry wine, breads, carrots, cider, corn, cornbread, grapes, heather wine, nuts, onions, pomegranates, potatoes, squash, vegetables, wheat & wine
Herbs/Plants: Benzoin, bramble, corn, ferns, grains, hops, ivy, milkweed, myrrh, sage sassafras, Salomon's seal, thistle, tobacco & wheat
Flowers:  Aster, heather, honeysuckle, marigold, mums, passion flower, rose
Trees: Aspen, cedar, cypress, hazel, locust, maple, myrtle oak & pine
Goddesses: Danu, Epona, Inanna, Ishtar, Modron, Morgan, The Morrigan, Muses, Pomona, Persephone, Sin, Sophia & Sura
Gods:  Bacchus, Dionysus, Dumuzi, Esus, The Green Man, Hermes, Mannanan, Thor & Thoth
Issues, Intentions & Powers: Accomplishment, agriculture, balance, goals, gratitude & grounding
Spellwork: Balance, harmony, protection, prosperity, security & self-confidence
•Scatter offerings in a harvested fields & Offer libations to trees
• Decorate your home and/or altar space for fall
• Bake bread
• Perform a ritual to restore balance and harmony to your life
• Cleanse your home of negative energies
• Pick apples
• Collect fall themed things from nature like acorns, changing leaves, pine cones, ect)
• Have a dinner or feast with your family and/or friends
• Set intentions for the upcoming year
• Purge what is no longer serving you & commit to healthy changes
•Take a walk in the woods
• Enjoy a pumpkin spice latte
• Donate to your local food bank
• Gather dried herbs, plants, seeds & pods
• Learn something new
• Make wine
• Fill a cornucopia
• Brew an apple cinnamon simmer pot
• Create an outdoor Mabon altar
•Adorn burial sites with leaves, acorns, & pinecones to honor those who have passed over & visit their graves
The name Mabon comes from the Welsh/Brythonic God Mabon Ap Modron, who's name means "Divine/great Son", However,there is evidence that the name was adopted in the 1970s for the Autumn Equinox & has nothing to do with this celebration or this time of year.
• Though many cultures see the second harvest (after the first harvest Lughnasadh) & Equinox as a time for giving thanks before the name Mabon was given because this time of year is traditionally when farmers know how well their summer crops did & how well fed their animals have become. This determines whether you & your family would have enough food for the winter.That is why people used to give thanks around this time, thanks for their crops, animals & food
Some believe it celebrates the autumn equinox when Nature is preparing for the winter months. Night & day are of equal legth  & the God's energy & strength are nearly gone. The Goddess begins to mourn the loss she knows is coming, but knows he will return when he is reborn at Yule.
Related festivals:
• Sukkot- Is a Torah-commanded holiday celebrated for seven days, beginning on the 15th day of the month of Tishrei. It is one of the Three Pilgrimage Festivals on which Israelites were commanded to make a pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem. Originally a harvest festival celebrating the autumn harvest, Sukkot’s modern observance is characterized by festive meals in a sukkah, a temporary wood-covered hut, celebrating the Exodus from Egypt.
• Mid-Autumn festival- September 17th
Is also known as the Moon Festival or Mooncake Festival. It is a traditional festival celebrated in Chinese culture, similar holidays are celebrated by other cultures in East & Southeast Asia. It is one of the most important holidays in Chinese culture; its popularity is on par with that of Chinese New Year. The history of the Mid-Autumn Festival dates back over 3,000 years.  On this day, it is believed that the Moon is at its brightest and fullest size, coinciding with harvest time in the middle of Autumn.
During the festival, lanterns of all size and shapes – which symbolize beacons that light people's path to prosperity & good fortune – are carried & displayed. Mooncakes, a rich pastry typically filled with sweet-bean, egg yolk, meat or lotus-seed paste, are traditionally eaten during this festival. The Mid-Autumn Festival is based on the legend of Chang'e, the Moon goddess in Chinese mythology.
• Thanksgiving- This is a secular holiday which is similar to the cell of Mabon; A day to give thanks for the food & blessings of the previous year. The American Thanksgiving is the last Thursday of November while the Canadian Thanksgiving is celebrated in October
• The Oschophoria- Were a set of ancient Greek festival rites held in Athens during the month Pyanepsion (autumn) in honor of Dionysus. The festival may have had both agricultural and initiatory functions.
-Amidst much singing of special songs, two young men dressed in women's clothes would bear branches with grape-clusters attached from Dionysus to the sanctuary of Athena Skiras & a footrace followed in which select ephebes competed.
Ancient sources connect the festival and its rituals to the Athenian hero-king Theseus & specifically to his return from his Cretan adventure. According to that myth, the Cretan princess Ariadne, whom Theseus had abandoned on the island of Naxos while voyaging home, was rescued by an admiring Dionysus; thus the Oschophoria may have honored Ariadne as well. A section of the ancient calendar frieze incorporated into the Byzantine Panagia Gorgoepikoos church in Athens, corresponding to the month Pyanopsion (alternate spelling), has been identified as an illustration of this festival's procession.
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Encyclopedia britannica
Llewellyn 2024 magical almanac Practical magic for everyday living
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eatmangoesnekkid · 1 month
The Hidden Eros in Oral Care
Heart health is directly related to the quality of one’s oral hygiene.
Oral care and professional dental hygiene such as deep cleanings (especially as you get older) and brushing your tongue and the roof of your mouth daily favorably impact your heart health and the spiritual energetic emanation of your heart energy and body scent. That, coupled with pelvic circulation, the divine capacity to shake any fibroids and other toxic debris out of your own body, is also important to your quality of scent. Now your energy can flow better.
Increasing the health of our heart is important because it pumps and pulses our blood to other organs and provides our body with cleaner oxygen. Our heart is important for many less-than-obvious reasons as well. It is the only organ that supports us in radiating more peace, love and joy out into the world. So if you care about your heart, you must also care about your teeth and gum tissue, something I wish I would have learned when I was younger. But quality teeth and gum care are not about having perfect teeth as marketed in Western society, but about healthy teeth and gum tissues and thus healthy circulation of our heart energy.
Well-sourced meat (especially for more athletic people who *enjoy* meat) is okay as long as they regulate and stay aligned with healthy digestion which of course impacts quality of scent. If f you eat meat, you must be more meticulous with self-care which needs to stated and taught more I find.
I am a Scent Priestess among many other roles. Healthy scent/pheromones are part of my core values.
I believe as women, as female-bodies people, scent has to become one of our strongest senses and personal allies because of its ability to support us in drawing precise conclusions or making clear decisions through scent-tracking. How someone or something smells provides us with deeper intelligence and wisdom about a person or an environment, who and what is good for us and working in our favor.
Also, the quality of one’s health and the quality of one’s scent, are all inextricably linked to their quality of sex. If you love openhearted high-quality sex, if you love creativity and creative energy, creating new body and life narratives, meeting your goals and dreams, you must also adore self-care and spending time tending to your body, not putting yourself last. You must also embark on a journey of finding pleasure in opening up your lymphatic pathways and sweating regularly as well as touching and massaging aloe/oil/body butters into your whole body.
The ability to experience enthusiasm, ecstasy, natural bliss, instrinsic beauty, prophecy, and the like occur with more ease when you feel good, and smell good because your energy is unlocked and flowing. The flow of energy also keeps your signal for deliberate creation strong and available.
The quality of your flow of energy is the only thing that truly creates your reality.
The systems of oppression and repression we live in that de-magnetize and de-sacralize the feminine inhibit us from discovering real pleasure and erotic energy in most things we do, like in our oral care. Opening up your mouth wide and caring for your teeth and gum tissue, doing hip circles as you slow-brush your tongue, knowing how this care also contributes greatly to your confidence and sexual wellbeing, may start to feel delicious and even a bit erotic overtime to you with more tending, conscious opening like undressing slowly while soft gazing at your lover, and getting your mouth healthier, happier, or more sensitive to pleasure. If we want to cultivate the big chi needed to create the world we desire to see, we have to be willing to show up more creatively and erotically in nearly everything we do.
We have to become women again, Gods, dripping with big desire, even while brushing and flossing our teeth sometimes. We must become women, Goddesses who wear little to no chemicals, make high-quality oil tinctures by hand and beating heart, smelling like love, tasting like love, emanating more love and beauty into the electromagnetic field. This is how we create projects, art, or other dreams that have a heartbeat, where we don’t have to beg consumers to buy or purchase, but the work is so valuable and rooted that its own pulse will circulate it around in the world and into the global marketplace on our behalf.
Yes even inanimate objects, gestated properly, can carry a circulatory system. Mm. Amen.
When you are ready to cross the threshold of waking up from the amnesia and egoic dream state you were groomed to live in, please know it is not all pleasure all the time which can lead to spiritual bypassing and hedonistic insatiable parasitic energy, like attracting a lover who doesn't really care about you and lowkey only really wants to fuck. None of this melody of love work is about getting stuck in pleasure because some of the transformative emotions are not pleasurable to experience.
The Feminine
The light is expanding which means that we too have to expand in order to hold more light. This is what awakening looks like. But a true awakening to light and wisdom in this dimension actually is a great descent into the human body--moving us out of head and down into our pussy, sex/creative energy center, and psyche on Earth which will bring up and out anything that is not true like vomiting in a ceremony, including the ugly, the uncomfortable, and the hard, which may likely bring heartbreak, pain, loss loneliness, etc. and reveal other blind spots and shadows one has been numbing or hiding from. But it will be also illuminate profound unmet layers of beauty because what's also true is that waking up is an ongoing internal work of resensitizing ourselves to experience real pleasure -from the subtlest, softest, benevolent, whispering touch of the wind to the firmest most passionate hand-full-of-pure-ass-grip under a moonlit sky and allow our range for pleasure to widen and expand on all levels like the universe, even in our oral health and oral...care. These are also ways the body naturally regenerates and create more meaningful experiences.
“Scent Priestess” is one of my favorite chapters in The Melody of Love series. 🫀🫀🫀
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redrydersrequiem · 8 months
The Raven and the vampire
Chapter 1
This is a twilight and marvel mashup, the daughter of loki finds her soulmate in jasper Cullen and the twists and turns it will take them both
Note this is my first fanfic ever please be nice. I’m trying I constantly reread and change/fix these. As of 1/25/24 i've redone this story it is no longer a reader insert. I want to thank everyone who liked the original and hope you like the updated version more, this was my first ever fic and i've slowly grown as a writer so everyone enjoy
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It begins like every other day on Asgard, sunny and golden, gilded with light, as the sounds of a baby’s wails break the silence of the healing wing. Loki paces back and forth, waiting to be with his wife and newborn. The doors swing open and an attendant comes forward.
“You may enter your highness, your wife and child are all cleaned up and waiting for you”. Brushing past the attendant, Loki heads straight for the figure sitting up against the backboard of the green silk bed.
“My darling, how are you? How do you feel? Do you need anything? Are you hung/…’..
“/Loki, calm down. I'm perfectly fine. A little tired but it was all worth it to finally meet our daughter.”
“it’s a girl”
“Yes ,my son , she is a beautiful baby princess and here she is ready to meet her parents .”
Walking to the new parents with a bundle of green and gold cloth in her hands, Frigga handed the new princess to her mother. The baby was a light blue theraise markings prominent on her body, tuffs of deep black hair crowned her head Asher scarlet eyes opened to take in her parents. Lady Sigyn didn't even pause at the baby’s coloring, long since having broken Loki of thinking himself a monster due to his heritage
“She is half Jotun like we expected but her body should adjust to the environment soon just as her father did” queen Frigga states noticing her son had yet to say anything. Loki just stared at his daughter's small form resting in his beloved's arms, slowly offering his finger to the babygirl. Skin turning blue as the bay gripped it in her small hands
“She’s beautiful”,
“Yes, she is! oh Loki look,”
The new parents watched as scarlet eyes gave way to white with beautiful amethyst irises, skin turning a beautiful pale like her fathers with a dashing of freckles like her mother
“She looks just like you, my prince, beautiful dark hair and all.”
“She looks. Like the both of us, a perfect blend. My little Raven, Elara frigga Lokidottir Princess of Asgard.”
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800 years have passed and the young princess has grown into a young woman of grace and beauty. A mage like her father and grandmother before her, and warrior in her own right. I mean, how could she not? With private training form an actual Valkyrie, and the literal goddess of war and god of thunder (god of sparkles lol) as her aunt and uncle. In all her time though, she has grown up around love,seeing it in her parents' faces as they look at one another. In her baby brother's eyes as they babble up at her, Her grandparents and uncle and so many others, that she was ready to find it herself.
“Mother, father, I've done it.” Elara omimites as she bursts into her parents sitting room. Sigyn was sitting on the floor with the twins as they had tummy time while Loki was next to her legs crossed at the ankle reading a book to the two of them.
`What is that my little raven?”
“ Father, I've completed the spell to find my soulmate.”
“Soulmate? Spell? Darling what are you talking about, you're still so young you shouldn’t have to be so worried about that.”
“Mother you and father were only 200 years older than me when you both finally married and much younger than that the first time you met and started cavorting with each other. Besides, I'm ready. I want to have what all of you have, especially before I'm used as a pawn to help diplomatic affairs, I want to find my other half.”
“My little raven, we would never allow the allfather or anyone else to use you as a pawn. Besides i second your thoughts”.
“Loki why am i not surprised you are some howenvloved with our daughter trying to leave
“Dear, it will all be fine trust me I would do nothing that would harm our little raven” he kisses his wife soothing her while gesturing to elara to carry on with her proclamation ,
“go ahead love tell us what you’ve discovered”
“ Mother?” Sigyn pinches her mouth looking between her mischievous husband and equally energetic eldest
“Fine, I will go along with you and your fathers plans but i wish to be there when the spell is cast and part of the travel discussions”
“Absolutely mother, I can do the spell now, i just need the maps of the realms”
Loki summons all the maps he's collected over the years including a globe of earth and sets them up for his daughter, when a thought finally occurs to him.
“Odin forbid this adventure, send you to Midgard.”
“Loki we will be supportive of whoever it ends up being and wherever it ends up taking her. Besides, if you didn’t want her to go away, you shouldn’t have helped her make the spell to begin with.”
“Your words cut deep my love. I simply hoped for her future match to be here in Asgard.”
“Of course you did, dear. Now sweetie, let's proceed with this event.”
The maps of the realms litter the giant green carpet. In front of you, setting the small golden bowl of which to concoct the spell in the middle of th wide green rugs.”
“So I modified a spell to find a lost item and a spell to show your hearts desire, combining the two with a very complicated magic circle I should be able to find my soulmate”,
“Very impressive little raven”
“Thank you father ok lets start. The purple magic flows from your fingers towards the bowl containing the two simple spells ingredients while your power spreads out forming the magic circle. As soon as it's complete a bright pulsing light shoots up. Dancing around Elara several times before shooting over to the maps.
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“It's working!” Sigyn happily. Awes watching her daughter work.
Pulsing around the realms maps the light simply hoovers before shooting for the Midgardian globe encasing it insistently
“Oh joy of course my daughters soulmate is a Midgardian”
“Honestly, I think it serves you right Loki”, Sigyn states picking at her husband and his distaste for midgardians “but you don’t even know who or what this midgarden is. Who knows, they could be gifted like our dear Wanda”
“Yes my darling” Loki says as he collapses on the nearest couch.
“Well go on my little raven, let's see where in Midgard you will be visiting”
Walking over to the globe, Elara peers over to what small words have now been illuminated.
“It’s a place called….. Forks, Washington.”
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rottenpumpkin13 · 11 months
Your Freaky Friday was SO good, it made me laugh so hard. I needed that lol. Can I ask what happens if Zack and Angeal swap too?
Zack And Angeal Swap Bodies
[continued from this post]
• After Zack had to sleepel Sephiroth and Genesis to break up the fight, he and Angeal drag the two unconscious bodies down to the lab where Chadley's machine is so he can undo the whole process.
• After an hour of trial and error, Sephiroth and Genesis finally walk out of the lab in their own bodies. Sephiroth trudges off to see if it's possible to surgically reattach his chopped hair, Genesis plans on finding the scarf that Sephiroth stole and properly paying for it.
• Angeal and Zack stay back to help with the cleanup. Chadley gets an idea. He tells them that he's finally fixed the machine and got it to work the way it's supposed to, and asks them if they wouldn't mind being his test subjects.
• Angeal is reluctant. Zack, on the other hand, is already laying down with his head in the dome. "Getting Angeal's focus and skill? Sign me up!"
• Seeing how it'll be difficult to change Zack's mind, Angeal sighs and agrees. After all, he trusts Chadley. Sephiroth and Genesis probably had hand in the machine malfunctioning + Chadley fixed it right. What could possibly go wrong?
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• Sephiroth and Genesis lay down spread-eagle on the floor in the SOLDIER rec room. Genesis has a cold towel on his head, Sephiroth has an eye mask on as he focuses on growing out his hair. Both are exhausted.
Genesis: You know...I'm really going to miss falling asleep in your body.
Sephiroth: Really?
Genesis: Yeah, the soothing, maternal voice that lulls you to sleep while telling you to murder everyone is very calming.
Sephiroth: The WHAT?
• Zack runs in the room, frantically looking around before locating the two men down on the ground.
Zack: Guys! Guys, have you seen Zack!?
• Sephiroth and Genesis sit up.
Genesis: What do you mean, Puppy? You're Zack.
Sephiroth & Genesis: Language!
Zack: Listen to me, you idiots! Chadley's machine—
Genesis: Idiots!? I beg your pardon?
Sephiroth: You can't speak to us like that, Zack. We may be your friends, but we're still your superiors and this is a work environment.
Zack: Superior!? In what world is Genesis superior to me!?
Genesis: HEY! Since when are you so prickly?
Sephiroth: Angeal wouldn't approve of insubordination, Fair.
• Zack grabs them both by their coat collars and pulls them in roughly.
• At that moment, Angeal saunters in, casually whistling as he walks.
Angeal: Hello, men.
Zack: ZACK! Thank goddess. Tell them what happened! Tell them how the machine malfunctioned again!
Angeal: I have no idea what you're talking about, Zack. Chadley's machine is working perfectly fine.
Angeal: To what, Zack? To punish me? I'm your mentor, you're my student.
Zack: I'm gonna pass out.
Angeal: Actually, now that I think about it...Angeal, Sephiroth, would you mind doing me a favor? Take Zack here and have him deep clean every single item on this floor.
Zack: WHAT?
Sephiroth: Alright. That sounds just.
Genesis: Agreed. Come on, Puppy.
• Sephiroth and Genesis link their arms with Zacks and drag him away.
Zack: Wait! Guys! You have to believe me! I'm Angeal! No! No! Noooooooooo...... *they drag him out of the room*
• "Angeal" is alone now.
Angeal: Sweet! I'm a genius!
Angeal: ...
Angeal: ...
Angeal: I should go flirt with Director Lazard and freak him out!
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cheesesoda · 1 year
Hii I’m sorry if my request ideas aren’t good but I figured I’d offer you up something! Maybe something where Sanji meets a girl who even though she identifies as a girl she’s very Tom boyish and averse to feminine things not because she doesn’t like them but because growing up in an environment with a bunch of strong male pirates she didn’t want to be seen as weak or lesser. But basically this all leading to Sanji helping to show her that it’s okay to indulge in her feminine interests and not have to try and look and act like a boy as a defense mechanism?
a/n: OKAY THIS IS ACTUALLY REALLY GOOD y/n out here being a lil relatable ngl 🧍‍♀️lol thank you sm for the req! i hope u like it bae 🫶
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sanji x tomboy!reader
genre: hurt/comfort, fluff
cw: some internalized misogyny, language
“they’ve been arguing for hours! ugh, would they just be quiet?” nami groans, laying back in her deck chair next to robin. “oh, my dearest nami-swannnnn~ robin-chwannnnnn~ i’ve brought you some drinks!” sanji spins onto the deck with a tray holding 2 tropical drinks. “thank you, sanji-kun!” nami smiles as she takes her drink. suddenly, a loud crash and some incoherent yelling is heard from the crow’s nest. sanji, nami, and robin all turn their attention to the source of the noise. “what’s going on up there?” sanji asks. “y/n and zoro are arguing again about who’s stronger.” robin explains, taking her drink from the tray too. “i’m not sure why she cares so much about being the strongest. i mean, her determination is admirable but why?” robin queries.
later that night…
it’s the middle of the night and sanji is cleaning up his kitchen. everybody has gone to bed. well, almost everyone. as he’s putting away the last dish, he hears some distant mumbles. he frowns and goes to investigate the noise. he finds that it is once again coming from the crows nest. he creeps up the ladder cautiously and is met with the sight of you. you’re lifting the heaviest weights you could find. he’s about to ask you what you’re doing up so late since you hadn’t realized his presence, but for some reason, he just watches. you grunt in exhaustion and drop the weight. “fuck!” you pant, burying your head in your hands. “i’m so weak. dammit! they were right, i should’ve been born a man. then i wouldn’t be so damn useless. i need to be stronger! stronger than zoro! or luffy or sanji or any other man!” you cry out in frustration. sanji decides not to say anything, knowing that you’d breakdown if anyone saw you so vulnerable, so he leaves you in the crows nest and heads to his room, still thinking about your words.
the next morning…
sanji gets up at 4AM to start prepping and making breakfast for the crew and luffy’s endless stomach when memories of what you said last night flood his mind. “i’m so weak. dammit! they were right, i should’ve been born a man. then i wouldn’t be so damn useless. i need to be stronger!” his heart churned at the thought of you thinking that way. as if on cue, you come into the kitchen to accompany sanji while he makes breakfast (as you usually do). “good morning, my lovely y/n-chwannnn~” he swoons. “morning, sanji.” she smiles tiredly. “are you alright, y/n-chan? did you not sleep last night?” he asks, when he notices the grey circles underneath your tired eyes. “i’m fine.” she responds.
later that day — 1PM
“okay so two people are keeping watch on the ship. it’s usopp and franky’s turn today so the rest of us will go explore the island. got it?” nami explains to the crew as they dock on an island. everyone agrees and begins to wander around the island. “oh y/n-chwannnn~ may i accompany you as you shop?” sanji asks. “sure.” she says. after walking around a bit, they walk past a dress shop. “nami-swan would look beautiful in that orange dress!” sanji exclaims as he rushes into the store, you reluctantly following behind him. once he finishes buying the dress, he finds you admiring a beautiful (and very feminine) f/c dress. “you’ll look stunning in that dress, y/n-chwan! you already look like a goddess though!” he says as he approaches you. “huh?! what? i wasn’t looking at it! why the hell would i be looking at a dress? what do you think i am—some girly girl? and stop calling me y/n-chan like i’m just some weak girl! don’t treat me like i’m a woman!” she stammers in embarrassment. before storming out of the store.
later that evening — 5PM
after searching for you all day, sanji finds you sitting alone on top of a hill overlooking the sea. he walks up to you silently. without turning around, you can tell he’s there. “don’t just stand there. say something. don’t treat me like i’m some fragile thing that might break.” you groan. after a moment of silence, he sits next to you. “y/n-cha- … y/n, why don’t you cry?” he asks. “what?” she frowns, snapping her head to him. “why don’t you cry? in the entire time i’ve known you, you have never cried in front of me, or any of us. why?” he clarifies. “what do you think i am? weak? crying is for the weak. crying never helped me when i was sad, so what’s the point? it just makes you look pathetic.” she scoffs. “…why do you care so much about strength?” he follows up. she looks at him in disbelief before closing her eyes and laying her head on her knees. “you’re the strongest person i know. and yes, you’re stronger than the marimo. but there’s so much more to you. why does it matter so much?” he says. there’s a brief silence before you take a deep breath. “before i joined the straw-hats, i was part of another pirate crew. the jack pirates.” [a/n: help idfk what to name it lmao] “i was with them since before i can remember. i was the only girl on the ship and that made them think of me as less. as if i could never be taken as seriously as them. they’d tell me i should’ve been born a boy, that i would’ve been useful. i would’ve been strong. but no, i was born a girl. useless. annoying. weak. i guess that’s why… i just wish i was equal to them. i wish i could be as strong as them.” you explain. you’d never told anyone any of that before. “is that why you act more masculine than nami and robin?” he asks. “i guess…” you mumble. being this vulnerable made you uncomfortable. “i see…” he whispers. “follow me.”
“where are you taking me?” you protest. “don’t worry, my love! it’s a surprise.” he smiles back at you, holding your hand. the pet name makes you blush but you brush it off. finally, you reach the ship again. “why couldn’t you just tell me we were going to the ship?” you ask. “i have a surprise for you on the ship.” he grins.
he leads you to his room and hands you a bag. “what’s this?” you raise an eyebrow. “just open it.” he urges you. sighing, you pull out the item from within the bag. it’s the f/c dress you were gawking at earlier. “sanji, you don’t seriously think i can wear this-“ you groan. “being feminine doesn’t make you any less strong, y/n. everyone else is still gone and brook and usopp fell asleep. please, try it on.” he says softly. you contemplate what to do until you get up silently and walk into bathroom. after a few minutes (a few = 10) you come out of the bathroom nervously. sanji’s jaw literally hits the floor, but he composes himself. gorgeous was practically an insult if he were to describe you. you were more beautiful than a goddess. “for lack of better words: you look beautiful, y/n.” he whispers as you both look at you in the mirror. “beautiful…” you repeat under you breath. the compliment was one you hated to hear, but for some reason, you didn’t hate it as much anymore. “you’re beautiful in this dress and without it, just like how you can lift the heaviest weights on this ship whether you’re wearing a dress or not. you’re so beautiful and strong. you’re a goddess, my love. if only you could see that.” he says genuinely. you turn around and face him. you had always had a massive tiny crush on the cook, but you’d never say it because love is for the weak. “call me y/n-chan…” you breathe. “y/n-chan…” he smiles, matching your soft tone. “my perfect, strong, beautiful y/n-chan… my love…” he whispers so softly that nobody could hear it except you because of how close you were. he brushes a strand of your hair behind your ear and cradles your cheek. ever so slowly, you inch towards each other more, glancing at each other’s lips every few seconds. your lips meet in the softest of kisses but filled with so much love. when you pull away, his hand stays on your face and somehow your hands made their way on his chest. “i love you, y/n-chan, i love you so much. just as you are.” he whispers to you. and then it happens. a tear rolls down your cheek. a part of you that you never were allowed to embrace was finally released at the hands of the man you love. you wrap your arms around him as you softly cry into his dress shirt. he reciprocates the hug. “i love you too, sanji. i love you so much.”
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travelingthief · 2 years
Zeus Devotions and Offerings
Learn About:
Clouds (what’s their part in the water cycle? How do you tell the difference between types of clouds?)
Weather (predominantly rain, wind, & thunder and lightning) (What causes these phenomena scientifically?)
The justice system
Eagles, hawks, and other birds
His myths and genealogy (there’s a lot there!)
His Roman counterpart, Jupiter
Political history in your country (or any country of interest)
Climate change and how you can help reduce it
Collect rainwater as an offering or for use in spells
(Safely) Watch a storm (I like to do so in my car)
If you can, safely offer shelter to those during storms (travelers, unhoused folks, or even stray cats/dogs!)
Participate in storm clean-ups
Splash in puddles/Dance in the rain
Thank Him for the rain and acknowledge how helpful it is for providing life to all of us
Take proper storm precautions, like buying enough food, having flashlights/candles on hand, and having non-electric ways to keep warm
Keep a rainy day fund
Spend rainy days with your [chosen] family
Meditate/fall asleep to rain sounds
Learn how to respond in the event someone is struck by lightning
Go cloud-gazing (try making up stories for the shapes you find!)
Go parasailing
Travel on planes
Hot air balloon rides
Ask Him to bless your flights and travels
Go birdwatching
Ride a zipline
Fly kites
Learn cloud divination
Order and Justice
Keep up-to-date with local political happenings
Participate in your city/school council
Attend protests and advocate for equality  
Vote in local, state, and nationwide elections
Take breaks for yourself when learning about politics! That shit can be overwhelming!
Learn de-escalation methods
Join a debate team
Keep your schedule in order
Maintain a clean and orderly environment
Advocate for a greener future
Visit your state house
Leadership and Protection
Trust yourself to take on leadership roles
Build your self-confidence 
Be assertive in your boundaries 
(If you're able to) Work out and build muscle
Take proper measures to protect your home (locking the door and windows or a protection spell/jar!)
Take self-defense classes/martial arts/wrestling etc.
Make your own self-love affirmations 
Do things that make you feel powerful!
Understand your power. So many people are afraid of power because of negative connotations, but power can be used for good as well
Carry yourself with pride
Speak with conviction
Support small businesses
Check the weather and dress appropriately (or pack emergency backup clothes if the fit is too good)
Carry an umbrella on you! And a spare if you can, to pass out to someone in need!
Wear grays and sky blues
Travel and see the world!
(Safely and sanitarily) collect bird feathers. Make sure you’re aware of which bird feathers are restricted from being collected
Show Him things you’re proud of!
Set attainable goals and make a plan to achieve them
Offer hospitality to every guest, even if you’re not thrilled to see them
Be a pleasant guest, even if you’re not thrilled to be there
Bull/swan/eagle imagery
Rainwater/snow water
Representation of lightning/storms (Paintings, trinkets, drawings, etc.)
Imagery of Scales of Justice
Voting stickers/Absentee ballot envelopes
Political mail for causes you support
Homework you put a good effort into and are proud of
Pictures of the sky/clouds
Bird figurines
Crown imagery/figurines
Lastly, it’s undeniable that Zeus has a long history of assaulting and mistreating women. Everyone has their beliefs on the matter and I think it is entirely possible to worship/work with a god while fully acknowledging the messy past. Furthermore, as I dive deeper into the history surrounding the myths I gain a better understanding of the factors surrounding Zeus’s philandering, like the synchronization of Gods and Goddesses across religions and how Zeus likely assimilated past male deities and the people of the time created the stories of his many affairs to explain this merging.
There’s no way to justify the raping by our human standards. That being said, I don’t think it’s cause to completely shut Him out. He is the King of the Gods, the Bringer of Life! Surely that is something to celebrate. 
With all that, some final acts that support women:
Believing victims
Donating/volunteering at women's shelters
Learning the signs of domestic abuse
Learning and acknowledging red flags in a partner
Talking to friends about any major red flags you’re concerned about with their partner
Advocating for women’s rights 
Learning about domestic abuse/rape/abortion services in your area
Hoping this is helpful to someone! I see very few posts for Zeus on here.
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tarotbee · 1 year
hello!! i was wondering if you have any ways to worship Sol/Sunna, her brother (Mani) and Loki?
Offerings and ways of Worshipping Sól / Sunna
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Associated runes: Dagaz and Sowelo
Offerings of Cider, Mead, Apple juice and orange juice
Like many solar deities, sunflowers and sun imagery are always a good idea!
In Germanic mythology Sól is considered the personification of the sun, meaning just spending some time outside in the sun would be perfectly acceptable!
Citrus is always good for sun gods and goddesses, lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruits, pomelo, kumquat, mandarin and clementine are all good!
Show respect to the land!
Pick up rubbish! Plant a garden! Go eco friendly! Bamboo brushes! No single use plastics! Every little bit counts 🧡
Donate to charities that help the environment such as tree planting, community gardens, wildlife protection, ocean clean ups, ozone protection! Pitch in too if you can!
Horses and Chariots!
Plants 🪴 are great offerings! Put them on her altar! Take care of them in her honour
Wear warm/summer colours
Sunna is a healer! First aid courses, learning old helping practices and remedies and even just taking care of yours and other physical health is amazing!
Know a good source recipe for when your sick? Perfect idea for an offering
Sunna embodies, energy, motivation and enthusiasm, carry these feelings with you always (as much as you can)
Have a candle on her altar! She gave the gift of fire! Its important to honour that
Celebrate the solstice!
Sun tea!!! 🌞
Hope this helped! Sol/Sunna is hard to find information on so communicate with her directly and collaborate on offering ideas
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prettypinknarc · 11 days
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Flag id: The Child of Hygieia flag. It is a rectangular flag with 5 even horizontal stripes, colored from top to bottom; white, dull blue, dull dark blue, dull very dark blue, and cold black. On the left flag, in the middle, is white line art of a soap bar with suds. /End id
Child of Hygieia
Pt: Child of Hygieia /end pt
A flag for anyone who is a son / daughter / child of Hygieia [the goddess of health, cleanliness, and hygiene]. Intended for alterhumans / introjects / in the context of demigods, but can be used for any reason
Coined on September 1st, 2024
Colors based on cleaning and sterile environments
Tagging @radiomogai and @kin-flags
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Banner id: @/prettypinknarc in lavender text, with clipart of a rosy maple moth on the left and a black outline /end id
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lymoncat · 1 year
Um ... my first writing ig?
um i guess ill do a Levi fluff headcannon...
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um idk how to start this...
I feel like Levi is very soft behind closed doors, people often recognize him as his role in the show or his looks, Levi dealt with a lot in his past and struggles with people who only like with for his looks or appearance and not for you he is on the inside. That is until he met you.
Levi is scared to fall in love at first, due to the environment he is in and the struggles of losing everyone he cared about in his past he is hesitant to let another person in, he is scared that he will lose them as well.
When he first confesses his feelings for you he is nervous and fidgety. I mean who wouldn't be!? you are truly breathtaking and perfect in his eyes. he stumbles over his words a lot and messes up on his words, he is absolutely adorable in this state.
He is very affectionate behind closed doors and doesn't do PDA. He gets annoyed when Hange interrupts your alone time. He doesn't mind Erwin tho... (before he died in s3).
He may not seem or act like it but he loves cuddles, especially when you run your fingers over his undercut (i would know cuz i have one, it's very soothing). He doesn't mind being big or small spoon he is fine with both.
After expeditions expect a lot of cuddles and affection. He likes to hold you close to let him know that you're real or that you're still alive. He still is a clean freak so don't think that he won't care if you're dirty or if you leave things unorganized or all over the floor. You help him clean his office all the time as well too, by this time you should be really good at cleaning.
He taught you how to make his tea properly and often invites you to have tea with him, he also surprisingly will sometimes let you drink some of his special tea and nice tea cups.
You are the only person who can enter his office without knocking, he likes to spend as much time with you as he can and tries to finish paperwork which makes him pissed off because he can't hold you or enjoy your presence when he has to do damn paperwork all the time. You often have to convince him to finish it later and drag him away from his desk of paperwork.
Hange caught you guys kissing ONCE and will not let him live it over. She constantly teases him about it but she totally ships it (so do i). He learned to lock the door when you two are spending time together. He treats you like a fucking goddess (or a god if your a boy). He is very sweet, caring, and gentle as if afraid to hurt you.
There was this one time where he actually surprisingly let you wear his cravat, mainly because you wouldn't stop begging him or as he says "annoying him."
He calls you his brat or trouble maker, idiot, and moron. but he doesn't mean any of them. He doesn't treat you any differently around others but its a different story when its just you two.
He is hesitant to open up to you at first but after a while he did and it became frequent and normal. He feels safe and comfortable around you and his gaze is softer when he looks at you but no one else notices.
He is just overall a caring boyfriend and would do anything for you and to keep you safe.
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greenwitchcrafts · 1 year
September 2023 witch guide
September 2023 witch guide
Full moon: September 29th
New moon: September 14th
Sabbats: Mabon September 23rd
September Harvest Moon
Also known as: Autumn moon, falling leaves moon, song moon, leaves turning moon, moon of brown leaves, yellow leaf moon, wine moon & Full corn moon
Element: Earth
Zodiac: Virgon& Libra
Animal spirits: Trooping Faeries
Deities: Brigid, Ceres, Ch'ang-o, Demeter, Freya, Isis & Vesta
Animals: Jackal & snake
Birds: Ibis & sparrow
Trees: Bay, hawthorn, hazel & larch
Herbs/plants: Copal, fennel, rye, skullcap, valerian, wheat & witch hazel
Flowers: Lily & Narcissus
Scents: Bergamot, gardenia, mastic & storax
Stones: Bloodstone, chrysolite, citrine, olivine, peridot & sapphire
Colors: Browns, dark blue, greens & yellows ( Earth tones)
Energy: Balance of light & dark, dietary matters, employment, health, intellectual pursuits, prosperity, psychism, rest, spirituality, success & work environments. Also cleaning & straightening mentally, physically & spiritually.
Technically, the Harvest Moon is the Full Moon closest to the September equinox around September 21st. The Harvest Moon is the only Full Moon name determined by the equinox rather than a month. Most years, it’s in September, but around every three years, it falls in October.
In September, the Full Moon is the Corn Moon from the Native American tribes harvesting their corn. It can also be the Harvest Moon, which corresponds with the Anglo-Saxon name, while Celtic and Old English names are Wine Moon, Song Moon, and Barley Moon.
Also known as: Autumn Equinox, Cornucopia, Witch's Thanksgiving & Alban Elved
Season: Fall
Symbols: Acorns, apples, autumn leaves, berries, corn, cornucopia (horn of plenty), dried seeds, gourds, grains, grapes, ivy, pine cones, pomegranates, vines, wheat, white roses & wine
Colors: Blue brown, drk red, deep gold, gold, indigo, lead green, maroon, orange, red, russet, violet & yellow
Oils/incense: Apple, apple blossom, benzoin, black pepper, hay/straw, myrrh, passion flower, patchouli, pine, red poppy & sage
Animals: Dog, goose, hawk, swan, swallow & wolf
Stones: Agate, amethyst, carnelian, lapis lazuli, sapphire, yellow Agate  & yellow topaz
Foods: Apples, blackberries, blackberry wine, bread, carrots, cider, corn, cornbread, grapes, heather wine, nuts, onions, pomegranates, potatoes, squash, vegetables, wheat & winw
Herbs/plants: Acorn, benzoin, cedar, corn, cypress, ferns, grains, hazel, hops, ivy, myrrh, oak, pine, sage, sassafras, Salomon's seal, thistle, tobacco & wheat
Flowers: Aster, heather, honeysuckle, marigold, milkweed, mum,passion flower& rose
Goddesses: Danu, Epona, Modron, Morrigan, Muses, Pomona, Persephone, Sophia & Sura
Gods: Esus, Green Man, Hermes, Mabon, Mannanan, Toth & Thor
Issues, Intentions & Powers: Accomplishment, agriculture, balance, goals, gratitude & grounding
Spellworks: Balance, harmony, protection, prosperity, security & self confidence
Related festivals:
• Sukkot- is a Torah-commanded holiday celebrated for seven days, beginning on the 15th day of the month of Tishrei. It is one of the Three Pilgrimage Festivals (Hebrew: ��לוש רגלים, shalosh regalim) on which those Israelites who could were commanded to make a pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem. In addition to its harvest roots, the holiday also holds spiritual importance with regard to its abandonment of materialism to focus on nationhood, spirituality, and hospitality, this principle underlying the construction of a temporary, almost nomadic, structure of a sukkah.
• Mid-Autumn festival- also known as the Moon Festival or Mooncake Festival, is a traditional festival celebrated in Chinese culture. Similar holidays are celebrated by other cultures in East & Southeast Asia. It is one of the most important holidays in Chinese culture; its popularity is on par with that of Chinese New Year. The history of the Mid-Autumn Festival dates back over 3,000 years. The festival is held on the 15th day of the 8th month of the Chinese lunisolar lunisolar calendar with a full moon at night, corresponding to mid-September to early October of the Gregorian calendar. On this day, the Chinese believe that the Moon is at its brightest and fullest size, coinciding with harvest time in the middle of Autumn.
• Thanksgiving- This is a secular holiday which is similar to the cell of Mabon; A day to give thanks for the food & blessings of the previous year. The American Thanksgiving is the last Thursday of November while the Canadian Thanksgiving is celebrated in October
• Festival of Dionysus- There were several festivals that honored Dionysus, the God of wine. It was a time of fun, games, feasting & drinking wine.
•Scatter offerings in a harvested fields, Offer libations to trees
• Decorate your home and/or altar space for fall
• Bake bread
• Perform a ritual to restore balance and harmony to your life
• Cleanse your home of negative energies
• Pick apples
• Have a dinner or feast with your family and/or friends
• Set intentions for the upcoming year
• Purge what is no longer serving you
•Take a walk in the woods
• Enjoy a pumpkin spice latte
• Donate to your local food bank
• Gather dried herbs, plants, seeds & pods
• Learn something new
• Make wine
• Brew an apple cinnamon simmer pot
• Create an outdoor Mabon altar
•Adorn burial sites with leaves, acorns, & pinecones to honor those who have passed over & visit their graves
Many cultures see the second harvest (after the first harvest Lammas) and equinox as a time for giving thanks. This time of year is when farmers know how well their summer crops did, and how well fed their animals have become. This determines whether you and your family would have enough food for the winter. That is why people used to give thanks around this time, thanks for their crops, and animals, and food. 
The name Mabon comes from the Welsh God, who was the son of the Earth Mother Goddess. However, there is evidence that the name was adopted in the 1970s, and the holiday was not originally a Celtic celebration.
Some believe Night and day are of equal legth and the God's energy & strength are nearly gone . The Goddess begins to mourn the loss she knows is coming, but knows he will return when he reborn at Yule.
Farmersalmanac .com
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
Mabon: Rituals, Recipes & Lore for the Autumn Equinox Llewellyn's Sabbat Essentials
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secretplaywife-hotwife · 10 months
Hi, I have been following you on various platforms for a while. I was wondering do you ever attend the Splash Mocha events?
Thank you, John
SecretPlayWife attended several Florida Splash Mocha events without me. She loved it and told me all about it. It made me crazy horny for my wife. At last I went to an event with her and it was MIND BLOWING! Better than I had imagined.
I wrote about my experience by posting twice during the event, followed by a summary afterwards.
Enjoy! Mr Spw
First Post:
Oh My Fucking God!!
Or more correctly,
Oh my beautiful BBC-fucking goddess
She fucked 15 guys Thursday night
She fucked 9 more guys last night
She’s getting dressed to go play again.
One hell of an event.
Second Post:
Climax Count… Lost Count
I have rarely seen my wife climax so many times in one night.
Holy fuck.
It was spiritual
Third Post:
Florida Interracial Takeover
Do you remember that cheezy swinger place you went to that creeped your lady out and ended all chances of your having a hotwife?
This was NOT that place.
This was a*m*a*z*i*n*g
A major hotel closed itself off from all bookings so that it could be used exclusively as a lifestyle play resort for three glorious days.
The event managers arranged for security to ensure no one came on the premises except registered lifestyle attendees. All ground level entrances had blackout curtains to prevent passerby peeks, and the main lobby was declared must-be-clothed. Otherwise, it was clothing optional, sexy wear encouraged.
300 people. 5 hour pool parties.
120 mostly Caucasian couples, plus 70 specially selected Black men, all handsome, endowed, respectful, social, and agreed to always use condoms, which they provide.
Women walked around in sheer or scant clothing, some none at all. No cell phones allowed out, and no photos ever.
About 10 ladies were 20-something model caliber, perhaps 30 or so were svelte enhanced milfs, with the remainder mostly 40s lovely women of all sizes, though SecretPlayWife was probably among the largest. All were pretty and all were there for the BBCs.
The Caucasian husbands didn’t play. But the wives certainly did. As much chocolate as they could handle.
Think Spring Break for the milf-40s crowd. Tiny bikinis that come off when the music gets pumping. DJs and speakers everywhere. Large ballroom dancing in the evenings, themed play rooms open at 10pm and stay busy until 230am.
Every play room was a separate large hotel conference room with speakers, each playing a custom music set, each with different colored uplighting, and canopy beds with decorative netting. All had many mattresses with fresh clean sheets changed after every single encounter. Each room was lined with chairs for husbands and couples to watch the various wives playing, but set far enough back that no one felt overly voyeured or uncomfortable.
Saturday night I was sitting in a chair going on my fourth hour of watching my wife scream in orgasmic ecstasy as her sixth BBC pumped her to yet another squirting climax. She was in the central tent while I sat 15 feet away in the low colored lighting with two black gentlemen sitting immediately to my right and a beautiful woman giving both oral. The sounds of screams and moans filled the large high-ceiling hall as six additional women were getting pumped in the various mattresses spread around the room’s perimeter. Two men that had fucked my wife to orgasms the previous night came up to me to chat and we had nice conversations while the sounds of flesh slapping and women moaning melded with the music. People were walking by circling the large room and clusters of people were conversing and laughing throughout. Many more clusters of people were chatting in the large hallways, yet none of the chatter was distracting. I thought to myself, how surreal is this experience. Few will find themselves in such an environment. I felt lucky and grateful for my wife accepting a transition from monogamous to adventurous. I love her very much.
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Aight, welcome to world "The gods are stopping us from committing war crimes"
Used to be a supercontinent, then a massive fight between all mortal species broke out. The final battle was so bad the gods decided to just blow up the whole country to stop it. This fractured the continent into 5 main pieces and a few archipelagos, afterwards the gods realized that might have been overkill and sent down avatars to clean up their mess. And also balance out the climate change after it got a divine nuked. That One God was reasonable for the whole war, and after getting blipped out of existence is given a hell of a lecture from the Goddess of Death and God of Life.
Fast forward a few thousand or so years, and the 5 continents have grown with multiple countries on each.
Northern most continent: Relies on magic the most, they use fire magic to keep warm and light magic to grow crops. Covered in deep snowy plans and high mountains. Inhabited mostly by humans, who can adapt to any environment. They have an isolationist mindset, and only seek survival. Surprisingly, this doesn't mean "Raid others to get supplies", rather a shared mindset of "Pull your own weight" and "Make sure tomorrow is possible". This is where The Other Mage is from, as well as the Pegasus Knight. Their most popular religion is that of the Fire Goddess
2nd largest piece: Most varied climate wise, boosts the largest collection of races, from humans to beastmen and everything in between. They rely mostly on alchemy with some magic thrown in. 200 years ago, the coastal country began subjecting all surrounding land and kidnapping any long-lived species. When the gods found out why they ordered their dragon followers to burn its borders for several miles, greatly shrinking it in size. Then they build a sea wall surrounding it, effectively isolating them as punishment. However, the Avatar's descendants stationed there have gone silent, so no one knows what's going on. The Tactician is from the coastal country. The Twink's family is a distant offshoot branch of the Avatar's descendants. This is where most of the Twink's group is from, the most popular religion is the Twin Gods of Dark and Light.
Largest piece: Covered mostly in tropical climate, with a few savannahs. Inhabited mostly by beastmen, with some elves. They rely on the power of spirits, to help manipulate the environment around them to their advantage. They are the center of trade, sending out goods to most of the world, and housing the largest libraries due to most of the long living special being there. Their most popular religion is that of the Earth God. The Dark Mage Kid is from one of the islands between the two largest pieces.
Smallest and Southern most piece: Similar to the Northern most fragment, harsh, snowy weather. However, they mostly have tundras and frozen lakes, as well as a few volcanos, making shelter scarce. Because of this, they value physical might the most. There are very few inhabitants on this continent, in fact, they boost the largest dragon population and pray to the God of Wind. Mostly to keep the blizzards and storms at bay. The DMK's mom is from here.
Notable Archipelagos: Eyes of Wrath, the sight of the divine bomb. Even thousands of years after the incident, the weather is unstable and the laws of nature are often broken. This area has floating islands, water flowing upstream, fiery rain, and is off limits despite being considered holy ground.
Emerald Sea, found off the coast of the largest continent. The islands here are more akin to mountains rather than ordinary land. They are covered in greenery, resembling the massive trees of the mainland. The waters can change at a moments notice, but also is regularly the sight of fishing and tourism.
Winter's Hand: Five islands just west of the smallest continent. Only two are true islands, the other three are collections of massive glaciers that shift and flip, sometimes stretching as high as mountains. Hench the name.
Gonna have to send another... Again
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uslessnoahtall · 6 months
Greek God Legacy Challenge
This challenge was created by CheetahAlyssa back in 2019, and I wanted to give it my own little twist and add a bit to it and figured I would post it. I also really like when Legacy Challenges have colours attributed to each generation, so I added that in based off of my own knowledge of Greek mythology. 
Original challenge rules here: 
Generation 1: Artemis/Diana, Goddess of the Hunt
You’ve never been really understood the joy behind romantic exploits. You’re more content in the forest, with your dog and the trees than around other people. People, especially men, always seem to let you down, so why not avoid them completely?
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Dog Lover, Self-assured 
Aspiration: Angling Ace
Career: None
Colours: Silver/Blue
You must not have a job, you have to make money by fishing and collecting items, and gardening
Have a dog with the Hunter trait, and make your dog go out to hunt.
Have a full house (8 sims) but the only people are you and your child, the rest are animals
Finish your aspiration.
Can never Woohoo or Try for Baby. 
Must adopt at least one child.
Can never get married, but can have romantic relationships with women
Generation 2: Apollo, The God of the Sun
You loved your mom more than anything. She was strong and caring and you grew up constantly surrounded by animals and love. That being said, something about her lack of ambition and social life always drove you crazy. As you got older you realized there’s more to life than simple comfort and talentless hobbies.
Traits: Creative, Music Lover, Ambitious
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Career: Medicine 
Colour: Yellow/Orange
Reach level 10 in the Medicine career.
Finish your aspiration.
Reach level 10 in either the Guitar or Piano skill.
Have at least one child.
Have at least two best friends and four good friends
Generation 3: Poseidon/Neptune, The God of the Sea
Your parent was always super ambitious, they would never do anything half-assed. You appreciated this as a child but as you got older you realized, you don’t have to be good at everything or exceed in a career. You prefer lounging by the beach and taking in the sun to caring for other people.  
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Hot-Headed, Child of the Ocean.
Aspiration: Beach Life
Career: Diver (part time)
Colours: Green/Blue
Must move to Sulani when you becomes a teenager,
You must become a mermaid (buy Mermadic Kelp from rewards menu.)
Try your best (as an individual) to keep the island clean, and help improve life in Sulani.
Complete your aspiration.
Date at least 3 other people before settling down, and have at least one child.
Generation 4: Demeter/Ceres, The Goddess of Harvest
Growing up, you loved how much your parent seemed to care for the environment, but they never had the talent for gardening quite like you did. You hated the beach life, nothing would grow right, you couldn’t wait to go out on your own.
Traits: Loves Outdoors, Vegetarian, Perfectionist
Aspiration: Freelance Botanist
Career: Gardening
Colours: Green/Brown
As a child, be in the Scouts.
Master the Gardening skill and career.
Complete your Aspiration.
Take care of at least three Bee Boxes.
Have only one child, max friendship with them
Generation 5: Aphrodite/Venus, Goddess of Love
Your life was pretty simple when you were little, nothing crazy ever happened. As you got older you realized the easiest was to make life interesting, was love. You were always told you were the most beautiful person alive, and because of this, you always got exactly what (and who) you wanted. 
Traits: Romantic, Family Oriented, Outgoing
Aspiration: Serial Romantic
Career: Babysitter
Colours: Pink/Gold
Complete your Aspiration.
Get to level 10 of the Flower Arranging skill.
Can't settle down until after you've finished the Aspiration, and you must have at least five children.
Cheat on your partner and have a kid with the side piece, this will be the next heir
Hook up at least 3 couples
Generation Six: Zeus/Jupiter, The God of the Sky
Your mom didn’t give you the best perception on love when you were little, and because of that you grew up to be jealous and quick to anger. You were always a strong child, and you desperately wanted to do something worth while, save the world maybe, fight monsters (not that they existed) but eventually realized the most worth while thing, was being above everyone else. 
Traits: Hot-Headed, Jealous, Romantic
Aspiration: Leader of the Pack
Career: Astronaut
Colours: Gold/White
Complete your Aspiration by successfully making and leading a club.
Complete your career.
Get married to someone, and be mean to any sim who shows any interest in them. 
Have at least one child.
Secretly have affairs with other women.
Get the Weather Machine, and often tamper with it.
Generation 7: Hades/Pluto, The God of the Underworld
You were an angsty little child, never got along with your parents. This stemmed into your adult life, as you had a problem with authority and the law. You have a hard time getting along with people, as you come off as pompous and mean. It’s easier for you to be alone, or, in the company of the dead, they dont’ seem to mind as much when you’re mean to them.
Traits: Materialistic, Mean, Self-Assured
Aspiration: Public Enemy
Career: Criminal
Colours: Black/Red
Complete your Aspiration and the Criminal career.
Be friends with at least three ghosts.
Optional occult: Vampire
Other than ghosts, you can only be close to one person.
Be mean to everyone you meet, until you meet the love of your life, who you are kind to and will do anything for.
Have at least one child
Generation 8: Hermes/Mercury, The God of Mischief
You and your parents always got along well, and while you tried to match their level of law breaking, you were always more of a fan of jokes than of crime. 
Traits: Kleptomaniac, Active, Creative
Aspiration: Chief of Mischief
Career: Athletic
Colours: Purple/Green 
Complete Aspiration and Career.
Reach level 10 writing skill.
Every time the Flea Market is in town, attend and both buy and sell items.
Have at least one child, either adopted or with another sim.
Have a good relationship with your parent.
Generation 9: Hephaestus/Vulcan, The God of Forge
You were a bit of an odd child, had a hard time socializing, and were constantly made fun of for being ugly. This never bothered you though, as you were more at home working with your hands and making things than in the company of others. 
Traits: Perfectionist, Genius, Loner
Aspiration: Nerd Brain
Career: Retail Store (Selling Works from Woodworking Table)
Be much less attractive than others.
Complete Aspiration and get to level 10 Handiness skill.
Successfully run your own Retail Store by selling your work from the woodworking table.
Have an unhappy marriage, and marry a mean and beautiful sim.
Have at least one child.
Generation 10: Athena/Minerva, The Goddess of Wisdom
You always envied your parent’s passion for working with their hands, and it bothered you that you couldn’t just be great at everything. Your desire to excel took over your life, who has time for romance when you can pursue your passions?
Traits: Genius, Self-Assured, Ambitious
Aspiration: Renaissance Sim
Career: Painter, Law Enforcement
Colours: Grey/Purple
Get to lvl. 3 in the Painter career, quit and then get to lvl. 10 in the Law Enforcement career.
Complete Aspiration.
Reach level 10 Painting, Knitting and Logic skill
Never give birth, but you can adopt a child and keep going if you wish.
I want to thank the creator again for this challenge!
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kaelyndraws · 2 months
Chapter II Stranger in a Strange Land
Kayre wasn’t sure how long she had lost consciousness from the moment she fell into what seemed to be perpetual darkness. The first thing she noticed when she woke up was a pitch-black night instead of the familiar warm and bright sun rising from the horizon. It wasn’t like her to take naps often back home, as she lived alone in her cottage in the mortal realm. 
‘This must be a nightmare.’ Kayre thought. She immediately slapped herself on the cheek, checking if all this was real. She quietly cursed the fact that she was completely awake now.
The second thing she noticed was the smell of the environment’s atmosphere, which was heavy and earthy instead of the fresh, cool, dewy grass. She could still breathe, yet the air was not as light as she was used to. Yet despite that, she also noticed a third thing: the domain’s chilliness. How strange and beyond it was for her. Cold, yet somber, as if the place was a sorrowful one.
As her eyes adjusted to the dark, the Maiden felt the surface she was lying on. It was comfortable, more comfortable than her bed back home. She certainly did not remember hitting any hard surfaces, either because she did not when she fell or she was too unconscious to notice it. She felt her own body, which was miraculously clean and unscathed.
When Kayre regained the strength to get up, she started exploring the place. As she got down from what she felt to be the most comfortable bed ever laid on, the goddess was surprised at how perfectly smooth and cool the ground was, no matter how wide she swept her feet. 
She walked out of the bedroom, and there was dim yet sufficient and warm light of torches in what looked to be a grand hallway. Dark pillars stood tall to hold the ceiling away from the floor like the vast separation between Ouranos and Gaia. She sauntered down, taking in every minute detail of the place. It was empty, with nobody guarding the halls as within the divine mountain, yet it felt surprisingly secure. Perhaps it was the air of the place, commanding respect and fear, and she certainly felt that.
Kayre walked on and kept feeling fascinated with her new surroundings. There was a massive lounge, the first she had ever seen, at least an indoor lounge. The one on the mountain had an impressive view of the mortal realm below it. 
There was also an even more gigantic room where she saw many apparitions handling paper. ‘An office.’ She noted.
There was darkness, an earthy smell, a cold atmosphere, and apparitions.
Oh no.
The Maiden’s stroll turned into a panicked escape dash out of the expansive estate. Despite the dense floor not having a speck of the fertile earth she knew in the Mortal Realm, monkshood still managed to sprout and take root from where her feet were.
After a few run-ins to dead ends, the goddess managed to exit out of the property. It was still dark outside. The firmament lacked any bodies of light, not even Selene nor the stars. Yet she heard the rushing sound of water. A river! It sounded like a river! So it was as the mortals she eavesdropped upon believed.
She kept running, adrenaline blocking out her sense of pain on the rougher lands outdoors. She sprinted upstream, desperate to search for the way home, and the moment she thought to have found it, she heard a bark that almost burst her ears. Her figure stood frozen as the barking went on before turning into growling that shook every fiber in her.
Three dark, gigantic snouts aggressively bared their fangs up close to her. Six eyes and the flames that burned from their mouths were the only sources of light, and Kayre instantly understood that she was face-to-face with the guardian hellhound of Hades. She cowered in terror as her legs struggled to move backward. She couldn’t think of anything or feel anything as the heat slowly cooked her skin and clothes.
Suddenly, her ears picked up a voice that stopped the giant dog in its tracks. Seeing it turn silent and shrink as it whimpered calmed her enough to listen to what the voice was saying.
“Cerberus! Enough! You’re scaring her!” It was the voice of a man, commanding yet gentle. His fair hands reached to hold two of the canine’s snouts, and Kayre felt the air turn chilly again.
“That’s it. Good boy.” The voice became still as Cerberus calmed down under his touch. Kayre watched as the fearsome hellhound got reduced to a docile dog. She looked on for a few more moments before a hint of courage sparked in her heart, and she turned around to look upon her savior.
“Are you okay?”
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