#got it first try. boo yah.
boydykedevo · 6 months
The iv went very good also which was awesome cuz I was very worried I like have a panic attack again
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whatsk-poppinhomies · 4 months
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Pairing : Non!Idol College AUKim Seungmin x F!Reader TW : angst ; tsundere Seungmin ; reader injury but not super serious ; lots of use of the word fuck ; slightly suggestive if you squint ; mentions of drinking but reader doesn't ; fluff at the end though ; Word Count : 8.4k A/N : You all picked Seungmin and Seungmin you shall receive! I don't even know how long this will take to finish writing to post, I'm currently setting up this part on May 4th, so... works got me fucked up a bit. I finally finished it on May 27th jfc. I'm so sorry for making everyone wait! I hope you enjoy this Anonny! Request : Anonny : Could you do one with Felix or seungmin, you’re their best friend and you both have feelings for each other. Felix or seungmin finds out about it and goes out with girls to try and make you jealous but instead you end up distancing yourself from him because you can’t bear to look at him with other girls, he notices and comes to you and you guys make up and kisses and fluff pls 😊
“Bestie boo boo!!” You called out, running over to Seungmin and wrapping your arms around him from behind. You could tell it was him just from the back of his head, that’s how close the two of you were. It had been that way since middle school when your parents moved and you got transferred to his school. He was your first friend, your only friend for the longest time. 
“Hate it when you call me that…” He mumbled, but you could feel his chest vibrating with silent laughter. What you couldn’t see was the deep red blush that covered his cheeks and the shy smile that tugged at his cheeks. For the longest time you looked at him as just a friend, the two of you had even dated other people through high school, consoling each other after breakups, being each other’s wingmen, the stupid shit that best friends do for each other in high school. Now that you were in college though, you couldn’t help but really see him, see him as more than a friend… The only problem was that he didn’t see you as anything more. 
You lightly slapped him on the back, an overly dramatic scowl on your face, waiting for him to turn around. “Yah! Look at me…” He slowly turned around and you made sure to change the scowl to a pout when he finally looked at you. Neither of you could keep up the act long though, it took less than 4 seconds for both of you to laugh. “Seriously though, you’re bestie boo boo, it isn’t changing.” 
He rolled his eyes before grabbing the strap of your backpack and pulling you closer. To say your heart almost jumped out of your chest was an understatement, all the years of watching k-dramas… was this your moment? “You annoy me. Why are we friends again?” He muttered, throwing his arm over your shoulder and practically dragging you along next to him as he walked. Your silence had him stopping and looking at you though, his eyebrow arched, a flash of worry glinting in his eyes. “I’m joking… That was a joke. I know that you’d be helpless without me.” 
Your lips popped as your mouth fell open, the smug look on his face both aggravating and extremely attractive at the same time. “I am not helpless. I don’t even need you.” That was a lie, you needed him in more ways than what he was thinking, but you kept those thoughts to yourself as you moved out from under his arm and walked ahead of him. Your pride was short-lived as you stepped on a rock, your ankle twisting in the process and a tiny yelp leaving your mouth. 
Seungmin had run over to you immediately, dropping his bag beside him so he could grab onto you, his hands firmly gripping your waist to hold you steady, and even though your ankle was sore, the electric feeling that coursed through you from his touch overpowered the pain completely. “You walk away for… what was that? 5 seconds? Maybe 6?” He sighed softly, shaking his head as he looked you over, and he must have taken the flustered look on your face as one of pain because he quickly grabbed his bag with one hand, his other arm staying around your waist as he slowly walked with you. “Is your ankle okay? I can carry you. Do you think you can make it to the nurse?” 
“I don’t even need to go to the nurse…” You muttered, trying to upkeep your i’m totally fine act, all while also trying to keep your heart beating at a steady pace with his arm still wrapped around you. “You’ll just mock me the whole time anyway… I mean, who trips over a rock… so stupid.” You continued to mumble. 
His tongue clicked against the roof of his mouth and you were ready for him to start firing off the jokes that you’d most likely hear for the next month or so, but he let out a soft sigh. “I’m not going to make fun of you for getting hurt, I’m not a complete asshole.” You huffed loudly out of your nose, and little did you know, he thought every little thing that you did was absolutely adorable, he just didn’t know how to tell you. “I’m taking you to the nurse no matter what, so if you want me to carry you, I will.” 
Oh to be carried by him, to be held in his arms… or maybe being piggybacked across campus, your arms wrapped around his shoulders, holding onto him so tightly… “No, I’m fine. It was just a little twist, they’ll probably laugh at me for coming in with something so small. It probably isn’t even anything.” He hummed softly, his arm moving away from your waist and you felt pathetic for noticing the lack of warmth immediately. The electricity that you had felt coursing through your veins was suddenly gone and it was strangely sad for you. 
The lack of his support also meant that your weight was now completely on your ankle and you could feel just how badly you had twisted it. You winced at the pain that shot through your whole leg, and you either weren’t good at hiding it, or Seungmin was just really good at picking up on everything. Whatever it was, he quickly stepped in front of you, squatting down and hitching his arms around your knees to lift you onto his back. “You’re so stubborn.” He grumbled, and it’s like the added weight of you being on his back didn’t faze him at all. In fact, he started walking faster towards the medical building, a man on a mission, and being so close had the butterflies in your stomach going absolutely crazy. 
“Try not to walk on it.” The nurse said as she finished wrapping your ankle that had swollen to twice its size by the time you got to the building. “Go straight home and prop it up on a couple pillows, put some ice on it to take some of the swelling down. Use the crutches. If it hurts, take some ibuprofen and that should help with the pain.” You nodded along to everything she was saying, but you weren’t exactly listening, focusing more on the way Seungmin was staring at you intently, and you didn’t know if the expression on his face was one of disappointment or annoyance. 
“I’ll make sure she doesn’t walk on it and that she keeps it propped up. Thank you.” He spoke for you, bowing his head as he got up from the chair that was on the opposite side of the room. Grabbing your crutches, he walked over to you and helped you up off the bed, the paper underneath you crinkling loudly with every movement. “Do you need me to carry you again?” He asked, and you rolled your eyes, taking the crutches from him and situating them under your arms before doing your best to keep your balance and move forward at the same time, which was quite difficult. 
“You can go to class, I’ll be fine.” You said, and while you’d love to get ahead of him, it was too easy for him to keep up with your little hops. “Seriously… This is so humiliating, I just want to be alone. Stupid fucking rock.” He sighed softly beside you, but he didn’t leave your side, always at the ready, his arms shooting out instinctively to catch you when you looked like you were wobbling a little bit. “Seungmin…” 
“What kind of best friend would I be if I let you walk home by yourself on crutches?” He quizzed, but it was a hypothetical question that you both already knew the answer to. “I’ll make you some ramen too so that you don’t have to get up. I want you to keep your leg up, like the nurse said.” He continued, it felt like he was scolding you. “I’ll go to your classes and get copies of the lectures that you missed today so you won’t be behind.” 
“Thanks dad.” You pouted, but kept staring at the ground, not just because you were sulking, but because you couldn’t seem to walk straight with the crutches if you weren’t watching your feet at the same time. You weren’t even sure how long you were going to need them for, but within the first 20 minutes, that’s all it took for you to dread them for a lifetime. Your underarms hurt and strangely enough, having “3” legs to walk on was more of a hindrance than anything. 
“I can come over after my classes. We can watch a movie? I’ll keep you company while you’re healing since you can’t really do anything else.” Watching a movie with Seungmin… just the two of you… maybe it would turn into cuddling… maybe he’d kiss you… You could fall asleep on his lap while he runs his fingers through your hair. It would be a dream come true, it would be the perfect evening. “I’ll even bring snacks. I’ll buy your favorites.” It’s like he was trying to bribe you to say yes, not that he needed to. 
“Sure… Yeah. As long as I can pick the movie.” You looked up at him with a pursed lip smile, the lack of attention on your feet had you stumbling a bit, and he quickly caught you again. He didn’t even have to look at you to know you were wobbling either, he just reached out to steady you before dropping his arms back to his sides. “This sucks…” 
“Don’t you have baseball practice?” You asked tiredly as you leaned against his shoulder, curled up under a blanket on your couch, the movie playing on the television was just background noise at this point. “I don’t want the rest of the team to get mad… You’re their best player.” That wasn’t even you trying to hype him up either, he truly was the best player on the team. That’s why it was so hard for you to believe that he wanted to spend most of his free time with you. He was the all star player, every girl on campus had their eyes set on him, yet he made it seem like he only wanted to be around you. It just didn’t make any sense, and you wondered if maybe he was doing it out of pity considering you were less popular, well, you weren’t really popular at all. 
You always caught the glares that the girls would send your way when you walked by with Seungmin by your side, and if you listened hard enough, you could almost hear them shit talking you, as if you were in some way forcing Seungmin to hang out with you. “Eh, they can handle one practice without me.” He said nonchalantly, stretching his arms above his head before getting up off the couch. “You hungry yet?” He didn’t even wait for your answer before walking to the kitchen and raiding your cabinets, pulling out two ramen bowls. “What are you gonna do when I go back to my dorm?” He asked, as if trying to make small talk while waiting for the water to boil in the pot on the stove. 
“Probably gonna run a marathon, do my laundry, use the stairs in the building for the first time since I’ve lived here. Ya know, goof around a bit.” You teased, but when you turned to look at him, you could tell he was less than impressed at your answer and he didn’t find it as funny as you did. “Jeez, you’re such a sour puss sometimes. Obviously I’m going to listen to the nurse and keep my leg propped up. I’ll just be here, all bored, probably starve while I watch YouTube videos on my phone.” It was like you couldn't give up the chance to be a smartass, and Seungmin knew that, so he just rolled his eyes as he turned his attention back to the water that was bubbling on the surface now. 
“Don’t you have any friends that can spend the night or something to help you out?” He questioned, and you weren’t sure why, but the way he said it made it seem like he didn’t really want to be there. Maybe you were just reading into things, you did have the tendency to do that, but you thought that maybe he would offer to stay to help you. Not just that, but you were sure that he knew well enough that you didn’t really have any friends, not ones that would willingly give up their nights to help you. 
You don’t know why you were so upset honestly, but your bottom lip trembled as you looked around your living room, trying to look at anything but him. “Just forget about it. You can go.” You said softly, hoping that he’d hear you and he’d just leave without another word. The oven clicked off and you heard soft footsteps carrying him from the kitchen into the living room where you were sitting, your breath held, but then he came into your view, his eyebrows creased with worry as he looked at you. If you weren’t so upset, you’d laugh at him, but you turned away from him instead. “Seriously, you can leave. I can do this on my own.” 
His eyes closed, a loud sigh blowing through parted lips, hot breath hitting the side of your face as you continued to avoid looking at him. “What’s wrong? Look at me…” His voice was below a whisper, although it was tinged with annoyance rather than the worry that masked his features. “I’m making you something to eat, what more do you want me to do? I’m trying to help you and you’re trying to kick me out. I don’t know what else you want from me.” It was evident that he was getting more and more irritated the more he spoke, and the fact that you still hadn’t looked at him was only upsetting him more. “Fine… Do it on your own.” He muttered, standing up straight and turning on his heel to head out the door. 
Sure, simply explaining to him why you were upset probably would have been better, but you were too upset to talk to him about it. It’s not like he was unaware of why you would be upset at the comment he made. He knew damn well that you felt less than adequate being his friend when he was so popular and he was quite literally the only friend you had. He always tried to invite you out to hang out with his friends and their girlfriends, but you knew they didn’t actually like you, they simply tolerated you because for some reason, Seungmin liked having you around. To them, it didn’t matter that the two of you had been friends for so long. He was popular now, he was lusted after by every girl on campus, he was a star… and you were a nobody. He might have a bunch of friends that would help him if he were to get hurt the way you did… but you had nobody, nobody but him. 
Kicking him out didn’t seem to prove any kind of point though, it only made you feel lonelier. You had absolutely no one now to help you, and while you knew that Seungmin was only a text away, you were sure that after the way you treated him he wouldn’t feel as inclined to come over and help you. You were truly on your own, and you didn’t know how you’d do anything without his help. You were adamant though, you didn’t need him, you didn’t need anyone. You were sure that he had better things to do anyway. You weren’t going to burden him. It seemed like he didn’t want to stay around and help you, not when he was asking if you had other friends that would be able to do it… Maybe he was trying to get rid of you. 
“Thought you were going to be over Y/N’s all evening?” Felix asked as soon as Seungmin walked through the front door. Felix wasn’t exactly popular either, not in regards to being a jock, he was more into computer games that occupied most of his time. Both guys were sure that if they hadn’t been paired up as roommates, they wouldn’t even know of the other's existence. Yet, since becoming roommates almost two years ago, they had gotten just as close as Seungmin and you were. “How’s she feeling by the way? Is she okay?” 
Felix was the only one that had been told of your accident earlier in the day. He was the only one that Seungmin thought would care. He knew that his baseball friends weren’t all too interested in you, and if it were up to them, you wouldn’t be hogging all of Seungmins time in the first place. “I don’t know, man. She got really upset and kicked me out… I thought I’d be able to tell her today.” Seungmin dropped down into the empty seat at the table that Felix was sitting at, running his hands over his face before dropping them down onto the table with a heavy thud. “Maybe she just doesn’t like me…” 
Now if there was one thing that Felix knew, it was about Seungmins crush for you. It wasn’t even a crush anymore, it was more than that. Seungmin was head over heels in love with you, and Felix heard about it every single day. He had only found out about it when Seungmin had invited you over to his place for a bit, the first and last time it ever happened, and Felix had been there. Once you left, Felix had told Seungmin that he thinks that you’re really pretty. It almost turned into a full blown argument as Seungmin shouted about how Felix couldn’t have you and that you were his. That’s when it had all been laid out on the table, and that was about five months ago. Felix thought that Seungmin would have told you by now, but apparently he hadn’t. He couldn’t understand why though, it’s not like you didn’t like Seungmin back. That was painfully obvious… Did Seungmin not even notice? “You’re blind… Aren’t you?” Felix commented, and Seungmin lifted his head, staring at Felix incredulously. “She likes you… Even I can see that. I don’t know why you won’t just tell her, it’ll probably make the both of you feel better to just get it all out.” 
“Dude, she doesn’t like me. If she did, she wouldn’t have kicked me out.” Seungmin retorted, and Felix felt like he was talking to a brick wall. How could Seungmin be so clueless? “I was literally in the middle of making food for the both of us! It’s like she got mad or something and just told me to leave. I asked her if she had any other friends to help her when I wasn’t there… Maybe she had her boyfriend coming over and what I said reminded her and she needed me to leave before he got there… She never told me about a boyfriend though. I feel like I would know about something like that… She would have told me…” Felix was absolutely dumbfounded by how stupid Seungmin sounded right now. Even Felix was able to figure it out immediately after knowing what Seungmin had said, but for some reason, he was just unable to put it all together. 
“Dude… She likes you… Just tell her!” Felix said, trying his best to not get annoyed with Seungmins lack of critical thinking. But Seungmin shook his head, pushing away from the table, eliciting a loud groan from Felix whose head fell back to stare up at the ceiling in complete disbelief. “How long are you going to drag this out, man? The longer you wait, the lower your chances are. If she thinks you don’t like her, she might just move on. Think about that for a bit.” 
And he did, Seungmin did think about it. He thought about it a lot. The thought was raising hell in his brain no matter where he was or what he was doing. He couldn’t sleep, he couldn’t focus in class, he couldn’t even focus during practice. His mind was preoccupied with thoughts of you potentially being with someone else, and that pissed him off. You couldn’t be with anyone. You were his. 
That’s why he started looking up what to do online, which probably seemed stupid to anyone else, but he couldn’t just outright tell you that he was in love with you. He wouldn’t be able to handle the rejection if you didn’t like him back. He couldn’t take Felixs word for it because, even though Felix was his friend, he was also the type of guy that thought that a girl simply smiling and waving at him meant that she liked him… Which was crazy. 
In the end, he found a lot of ideas, but only one seemed like it would actually work. It was also easier to pull off than any of the other ideas he came across online. This one would be foolproof. If you didn’t react, it meant that you didn’t like him and he would finally be able to move on, although he wasn’t sure how long it would take for him to do that. If you did react though, he would know that you did like him, and he would finally be able to tell you. He hoped that it worked, it seemed like it would… He just really wanted it to work out in a way where you would truly be his in the end. 
It had been two weeks since you kicked Seungmin out, and while you hadn’t completely ghosted him, your replies to his texts were rather short. You were still upset, and your mind was racing with the thought that he was slowly but surely trying to ease you out of his life. There were so many girls that wanted him, having you around was probably ruining his game with all of them, and, while you weren’t clingy to him by any means, the two of you were always around each other, and you were sure that made it hard for him to get with anyone else. 
Still, his birthday was coming up soon, and you were finally fully healed from your little accident two weeks ago (you cared for yourself the entire time, even when Seungmin asked if you needed help), and you were sure that he’d have another party like he had every year before. You wondered if you were still invited though, and while you didn’t want to be the first person to text him, you thought that maybe sending him a quick Happy Birthday message would open the door for him to tell you, or at least ask you to come to the party. 
“Hey… Happy Birthday, Min.” You quickly sent it, and like any other time you texted him first, your stomach would twist up in knots as you awaited his reply. Love was crazy in the way that it made people feel. It was like that feeling alone took control of all your other emotions and made them come out at times when they weren’t necessary, and it made them come out too strong… Which is why you kicked Seungmin out in the first place. You loved him so much that you were scared of him not loving you back so you tried to get rid of him completely. It was so stupid. 
“Hey! Thanks! You still coming to my party tonight, right?” Did he actually want you to come or was he just asking to be sure that you weren’t? Dammit… He always made you feel so conflicted. Maybe if you just told him that you liked him, you could just get it over with, get the final answer and whatever comes next… Well, that’s up to fate. Maybe… Maybe you could tell him tonight… At the party. If he said no, you would just leave, run home and cry under your blanket and avoid him for the rest of your college years. It wouldn’t ruin his party, he had so many friends, they’d probably all get together and laugh at you anyway. You just needed to get it off your chest once and for all. You couldn’t keep hiding your feelings, you couldn’t keep going about your days like you were okay with just being friends… You needed to let him know. 
“Yeah! Yeah, I’ll be there!” You texted back, and you already felt your heart speeding up at the thought of standing in front of him and telling him. The sweat was beading up on your forehead and your hands felt clammy. You didn’t even know what you were going to say, but you knew that trying to follow a script would only make you more nervous and you’d get tongue tied and end up rambling. The words would come effortlessly once you stood in front of him, the way they would fill your brain whenever you were around him, just waiting to be unleashed upon the man that you had loved for longer than you could remember. It would happen tonight… You’d tell him everything, you’d tell him how wonderful you thought he was, how funny he is, how he makes your day better just by smiling in your direction. You’d tell him that he’s the only person you’ve been able to ever think about or see yourself with, that you’ve always liked him, that you’ll always love him no matter what. He needed to know… And you needed your answer. 
The outfit you had chosen for the night was dressier than what you’d wear to any of the other parties… If you had ever been invited to any other parties… And it was surely much dressier than what you usually wore. A floral dress that sat just at the middle of your thighs, the color accenting your skin tone and framing your figure in all the right areas. It was the last thing you put on after doing your hair and your makeup, because honestly, you knew that if you looked at yourself in the mirror you’d get even more nervous and decide not to go at all. 
You wanted to catch his eye though, you wanted him to know that you could be just as pretty as the other girls that chased him around campus… You were worthy of his attention, and maybe even his love if he wanted to give it to you. It was hard not to feel anxious though, as much as you tried not to be. You were worried that you’d end up sweating off your makeup which you had spent much longer on than usual because you wanted to look perfect for him. It wasn’t too late to back out, just change your clothes and walk into the party in the regular clothes that you always wore when you went to his birthday parties… But this one was important… This one was the difference between spending the rest of your life pining over your best friend or finally being able to be his. 
The music from the bar could be heard from outside the front doors, and you knew that it was most likely packed inside with all of his friends from baseball, and most likely all the girls on campus that were trying to hook up with him. You didn’t want to be surrounded by them, and you weren’t quite sure how you’d get him alone for even a second to tell him what you wanted to, but you were there and you were hellbent on telling him tonight, so you took a deep breath and walked into the bar, trying not to make eye contact with the people who seemed to stop and stare at you with wide eyes. 
It wasn’t hard to find Seungmin, he was in the center of the room, a beer in one hand and his phone in his other hand as he chatted with some guys that you remember seeing on the field when you went and watched him play. He was preoccupied, and it was only the beginning of the party… You didn’t have to tell him right now… You could at least enjoy yourself for a little bit before potentially breaking your own heart. 
“Hey! Glad you’re here!” The voice came from behind you, and when you turned around you saw Felix, a wide smile raising his freckled cheeks and creasing his eyes. “You look good by the way! Have you gotten a drink yet?” He had to shout above the music, and while you had heard his last question, you were too focused on the compliment he had given you right before. It sent a wave of heat rushing through you as you became more aware of his eyes that were looking you over. It didn’t seem disrespectful, but no one had ever looked at you that way, it had you just a little bit flustered. 
“Uhm… No… No, I just got here…” You stammered, and he nodded, placing his hand on the small of your back to lead you through the crowd towards the bar, standing quite close to you as if you’d get lost in the mass of people if he wasn’t practically connected to your hip. “I’ll just have a water for now… Thank you…” You told the bartender, and sure, it might seem a little lame to order water at a bar, but you didn’t want to be drunk when talking to Seungmin, he might not take you seriously. 
“Staying sober tonight, huh?” Felix joked, and you let out a small giggle as you shook your head. That wasn’t the plan entirely, but you didn’t want to start off your night with shots or anything either. Plus, you had walked for a good bit to get to the bar, and the last thing you wanted to do was rehydrate with alcohol. “Have you gotten to see Seungmin yet? I know it’s probably hard to get to him, he’s been being pulled in all different directions by a bunch of different people.” 
You hummed softly, it would be harder to get to him than you thought, but you were adamant now. You’d have him to yourself, even if it was just long enough to tell him that you loved him. “It’s okay… I’m sure he’ll come find me when he has the chance to.” You said, just loud enough for Felix to hear you. “You wanna go grab a table? I walked all the way here and my legs are kind of tired…” You offered, and he quickly nodded, his hand once again finding the small of your back as he led you to one of the empty tables, a little further from all the noise. 
“It’s so loud in here… I don’t know why he chose to have his party at a bar of all places…” Felix said, finally able to lower his voice just a little bit. You knew exactly why though, and you were sure that his new group of friends had some kind of say in it. Seungmin would probably be beyond drunk by the end of the night, and that had you more than slightly worried. 
“Hey! You finally made it!” Seungmins voice boomed over the noise, and your head instinctively whipped up to the sound of it. He froze for a split second when he looked at you, but his adams apple bobbed as he cleared his throat, running a hand through his already sweat-dampened hair as he chuckled. “I’m gonna go dance, you both gonna come out?” He asked, and while you knew Seungmin was a wonderful dancer in private, you had never expected him to dance in public, especially around all of his friends. 
“Sure…” You said, feeling a little shy. Maybe he wanted to dance with you? It’s not like you hadn’t been close to him before, he gave you piggyback rides often, but the music that was playing right now was surely not something that you’d dance to in any other way than sultry… Maybe even a little seductively. 
You could feel the heat rising to your cheeks as you slowly got up out of your seat, trying not to lose Seungmin in the crowd as you followed behind him. The heat quickly dissipated when you saw his hands grab the waist of another girl, pulling her against him, their bodies swaying to the rhythm of the music. Nauseous was the only way to describe the way you were feeling. It was like you couldn’t breathe and the walls were closing in on you. You wanted to cry and your entire plan shattered right in front of you as you watched the man you were in love with move so sensually, so provocatively with another woman. 
“Y/N…” Felixs voice came from behind you once again, clearly seeing the same thing you were, and you simply shook your head, turning around and rushing to the exit, hoping that some fresh air would at least help you breathe, and being away from everyone on campus who already thought you weren’t good enough to be with Seungmin allowed you to finally let out the tears that you had been holding in. “Wait! Y/N!” Felix called out, breathless from racing after you, his arms wrapping around your waist to keep you from running off again. “It’s okay… It’s okay…” He repeated, but it’s like the sentiment had the opposite effect on you, and you let out a sob, turning around resting your forehead against Felixs shoulder as you continued to cry. 
“How do I stop loving someone, Felix?” You whimpered, and you heard him sigh, the sound almost as sad as you were. “He’s too good for me… I shouldn’t have ever loved him… I’m so stupid, Felix. I was… I was gonna tell him tonight… I’m so fucking stupid.” One arm wrapped tightly around your waist as his other hand pet over your hair, quiet shushes attempting to console you. Did Seungmin even know that he had just broken your heart? Would he even care if he did know? You were just friends, it was foolish to fall in love with him, now you were fully aware of that. His friends would never accept you, and although he had never striked you as the type, maybe his popularity with his friends meant more to him than his almost lifelong friendship with you. 
“It’s gonna be okay…” Felix once again said, his hands moving to cup your cheeks, a soft, sympathetic smile gracing his angelic features as he wiped away the tears that fell from your eyes. “We don’t have to stay here… I can walk you back to your place or… we can go grab something to eat? You look so beautiful, I wouldn’t want your outfit to go to waste.” He was trying, and you respected that, you appreciated it, but there was no way that you’d be able to keep your mind off of what you just witnessed long enough to pretend you were okay in a restaurant. 
“I just want to go home…” You mumbled, and Felix nodded as he started walking beside you. He didn’t ask any other questions, he didn’t say anything else. He was a great friend, and whoever was lucky enough to be with him… You knew he’d make them feel loved and supported no matter what. He was a wonderful person, he truly was an angel. “Thank you, Felix… Really…” 
“What the fuck!?” Seungmin was seething as he paced back and forth across the floor, his hands shaking as he ran them through his hair. “Why would you take her home!? You fucked up my whole fucking plan!” Seungmin continued to shout at Felix who sat on the couch, just as pissed off as Seungmin but for an entirely different reason. “I thought we were buds!” His palms slammed down against the kitchen counter, his forehead pressed against the cabinets as he tried- and failed -to calm himself down. 
“Oh fuck no! Don’t pull that shit with me!” Felix threw it right back at Seungmin, his own voice booming, the deepness of it sending vibrations through the air. “You tell me you love her and that you want to be with her, and then you pull some shit like that! This isn’t my fault! If you would have listened to me in the first fucking place and just told her how you felt, everything would be fine!” Felix was breathing heavily as he defended not only himself, but you as well, even if you weren’t there to hear it. “She was going to tell you that she loved you, but instead, she got to witness you attempting your stupid fucking plan! And guess what! It didn’t work! She’s devastated!” 
Seungmins head lifted from the cabinets, his face peeking around the corner as he looked at Felix. “She loves me? She told you that?” He whispered, just needing to be sure that Felix was being 100% honest right now, because if he was… well… he had just made the biggest mistake ever and he wasn’t sure if he would be able to fix it. Felixs eyes rolled as he nodded his head, although the movement was quite snarky, but he had a reason to act that way. Felix had told him from the beginning that you liked him, but Seungmin didn’t want to listen, he wanted to find out in his own way… Everything was backfiring. “What do I do? I… She probably doesn’t want to see me… She’s probably so upset… Fuck!” 
Felix shook his head, lounging back on the couch as he let out a humorless chuckle. “I ain’t helping you anymore. I already tried, and you went and did your own fucking thing. Figure it out yourself now.” The response definitely had Seungmin fuming again, but he didn’t have time to hash things out with Felix for another hour. He needed to check on you, which was easier said than done. You probably wouldn’t even open the door for him, and he wouldn’t blame you if you didn’t, but he really wanted to apologize and tell you that he loves you, even if you might not feel the same way anymore. 
It had been three hours since Felix had walked you home and made sure you got in your house alright. He had given you a hug and waited out in the hallway, making sure to watch that you not only closed the door, but that he also heard it lock before he walked away. In those three hours, the only things you had managed to do were change out of the uncomfortable outfit that you had chosen for the stupid party, clean your face, and then go right back to crying as you curled up on your couch. 
Your phone vibrated on the arm of the sofa, and you were pretty sure that it would be Seungmin, and for the first time, you were hoping that it wasn’t. You didn’t have anything to say to him, you didn’t even know what you’d say to him. You were still devastated, and you didn’t want to talk to him at all. When you lifted your phone, it was a relief to see that it was Felix, but the relief was short-lived when you read what he had sent you. 
“Seungmin is on his way over to your place. Look… He’s like, madly in love with you, it’s almost disgusting. You’re all he talks about, and he didn’t know that you liked him back, so he was trying to test it and make you jealous by dancing with another girl… Don’t worry, I called him out on his bullshit. BUT! I think it would be so funny to flip the tables and pull some shit on him too… I don’t know… But if you don’t want to see him or if you’re still upset, you can always text me, alright. I just wanted to let you know.” 
Seungmin did that… To make you jealous… Because he was… In love with you? It made absolutely 0 sense in your mind, but the brain of a hormonal college man worked far differently than yours did. But to flip the tables on him, you would have never thought of doing something like that… not if Felix hadn’t put the idea in your head. You would have been so hung up on the fact that Seungmin did in fact love you, that you would have let everything else slide and gone running into his arms. You knew exactly what you were going to do though, and you were going to love every second of doing it. “Thanks Lix! I’ll let you know how it goes!” You quickly texted back before relaxing on the couch, mentally preparing for when Seungmin came to your door. 
Just slightly faster than sprinting, that’s how fast Seungmin was running. Along with nighttime came a slightly chillier air that burned his lungs whenever he took a deep breath, but the lights illuminating the windows on your building were like a beacon calling to him, pushing him to keep going just a couple minutes more, and then he’d finally be there. 
It was almost 2 in the morning now, and he wondered if you’d even still be awake. Had you cried yourself to sleep? He was the cause of it if you had, and his heart broke at the image in his mind, you curled up in your bed, the covers tucked under your chin as tears streamed down your face and soaked your pillow. He would never forgive himself for hurting you, especially when he could have gone the simpler route and just listened to Felix. He would have already had you if he had done that. He felt stupid, so damn stupid. 
Bursting through the lobby door, he went straight to the elevator, his pointer finger slamming against the call button, already impatient after only 5 seconds of waiting. Why did you have to live on such a high floor? Just as he was about to turn around and take the stairs, the bell rang out and he rushed into the little box, his finger once again repeatedly pressing against the button to close the doors and then the number of your floor. The elevator was moving at turtle speed and it felt like this was all being done on purpose, just to make him wait longer to see you. 
When the doors finally opened, he ran to yours, his hands coming down hard against the wood. Other tenants on the floor rushed out of their rooms, eyes wide, the urgent sound of his knocking made it seem like there was an emergency, and to him, there was. He felt like he was about to lose the love of his life, but to other people, he was just a madman, and honestly, a nuisance. 
Your door flew open and he was met with the most beautiful, heart stopping scowl. He had wanted to kiss you many times before, but now he wanted to kiss you way more. “Christ, Seungmin. What do you want?” You hissed, your own head looking around your door frame and shooting an apologetic look to your neighbors before your eyes were back on him, your glare so cold it sent chills down his spine. 
“I’m sorry… I’m sorry I did that, and I’m sorry I upset you. I thought… I don’t know, that it would make you jealous and maybe you’d argue with me and I’d just, I’d just kiss you and tell you that I loved you and we’d laugh about it later. I didn’t think it would hurt you, I didn’t think it would make you cry, and I’m really… really sorry.” The words were spewed out so fast, it only took him about 25 seconds to go from the first word to the last. It took him just as long to catch his breath after saying so much without even a breath in between. 
“It’s whatever, Seungmin. I don’t even care… I mean… Your stupidity really opened my eyes and showed me that there’s someone out there who wouldn’t hurt me like that to try to show me they love me.” Someone else… There was someone else? He blinked a few times, and even though it was clicking, he didn’t want it to make sense, but he knew that the only other person that you had talked to tonight was Felix. But you couldn’t be talking about Felix… right? There’s no way in hell that he’d let something like that happen. “You can go now…” 
“No, you’re not kicking me out again!” He screeched, realizing that he was still standing outside of your apartment and then pushing his way in, closing the door behind him. “Call me stupid, hate me, ignore me… Do whatever you have to… Just… Don’t go to someone else. Please. I love you, I’ve always loved you. Your cringy little nicknames that you give me and all your little quirks and habits. I love all of that. I love the way you always sit front row at my games and hold up the little signs that you made yourself and cheer for me… Even when I’m sitting on the bench. You’re beautiful, and I’ve never felt so fucking idiotic in my life… I don’t want you to be with anyone else… Who is it? I’ll kick his ass for taking you from me.” 
Your head shook as you crossed your arms over your chest, your eyes closing as you let out a slow sigh. “Why does it matter who it is? He didn’t take me from you anyway, you were too busy trying to make me jealous and grinding up on some other girl to even notice that he was with me almost all night.” You retorted, and Seungmin saw red, his fists clenching at his sides. It was Felix. His nostrils flared as he turned on his heel without another word, ready to go right back to his place and beat the shit out of Felix… That is, until he heard you laughing. He paused, his hand on the doorknob, turning his head to look over his shoulder at you. 
“What? What’s funny? You think this is funny?!” It was a mixture of anger, jealousy and sadness that had his voice rising in pitch and volume as he stared at you, but your laughter only got louder as your head fell back, and then you slowly walked over to him, grabbing his hand and pulling him away from the door. “Seriously, Y/N. I know it’s Felix. I’m gonna… Fuck! This isn’t funny! He knows how I feel about you… I can’t believe he’d do some shit like this… I’m fucking-” Before he could finish his sentence, your lips were on his, and he was shocked to say the least. 
When you pulled back, it was like his head was spinning, but in a good way. His cheeks were burning and he knew that you could probably see the blush forming under his skin. “Looks like you’re the one that gets easily jealous… It’s cute… You get so angry, like a bear or somethin’... Gonna start calling you boo boo bear now.” You were teasing him… But that meant it was all a joke… You didn’t like Felix… You still liked him. 
He let out a little growl, playful as he gripped onto your hips and backed you up against the nearest wall, your eyes sparkling in the light that hung on the ceiling as you looked up at him, your cheeks pulling up in a cheeky smile. “You’re a smartass… You’re lucky I love you, ya know that? Now tell me you love me too, come on. I came all the way over here, was pranked viciously by the girl I love… I deserve to be told that I’m loved.” He pouted at you, a look that he reserved solely for you, but you gave him a quick peck before wiggling out of his hold and running to the other side of the room, your giggling contagious as he chased after you. “Just tell me you love me! Come on!” 
“You have to catch me first!” You squealed, dodging him every time he got close to you, but he knew that you’d run out of breath soon, and he was just waiting for his chance to pounce. He continued to chase you though, loving the sound of your fits of laughter in between heavy breaths. Then your movement got slower, and you dropped down onto the couch, your hands held up in front of you. “Time out real quick!” You were breathless, strands of hair clinging to your sweat beaded forehead, but he didn’t follow your rules, and he pounced on you, pinning you down onto the couch, hovering just a few inches above you. 
Silence hung in the air, the only sound was that of his racing heart in his own ears and your panting from beneath him. It had his mind wandering, but he needed to stay focused, he needed to hear you say it. “I won…” He could barely get his voice above a whisper, his throat dry from exerting so much energy. “Do I get my reward now?” 
Your hands moved up to brush the hair out of his face, lifting yourself up just slightly to press a kiss to his lips, it had more meaning behind it though, it was deeper, it lasted longer, and he melted into it, his own lips moving against yours in perfect synch. Once your head fell back against the pillows, you looked almost drunk, your eyes slightly hazy, your pupils dilated as you looked up at him. “I love you, Seungmin… So much…” You murmured, and at those words he finally let himself collapse, his head resting against your chest, listening to the thrum of your heartbeat as your fingers pet through his hair. “Now you’re my boyfriend boo boo, right?” 
“Mmhm… and you’re my girlfriend… g-... my girlfriend goo goo? No? Give me some time. Either way, you’re mine.” 
Perm Taglist :
@whatudowhennooneseesyou @duchesskaren @mytherapisttoldmenotto @lovesunshinefelix @moon0fthenight @kurolils @maruskz @hello-2-u-from-me @mrswolfiechan @bunnychangbin
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jadetheblueartist · 6 months
Frida Brainrot
In trying to figure out everything I can about Frida (which isn’t much but hey), I’ve watched all of her scenes intently to see if I can deduce anything.
First, I have a rough height reference.
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She (over on the right) is about a forehead taller than Big Mama. you know who else is about a forehead taller than Big Mama?
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Neon Leon, that’s who (I also noticed that Don’s forehead is most of what caused him to be taller than Leo hahaha love you, Donald).
(Apparently Leo’s 5’7” or something so boo yah we got a Frida height.)
And second, I don’t know what this does except confuse me because I thought Frida’s mask was like Casey’s- just a front panel thing. But then I saw this:
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(It’s crooked bc it’s a pic of my tv)
Does the mask just go around her head? I thought the sharpness of the mask was bc it’s structured but does she just have a sharp face? This mask irks me (and so does her overall design bc in each of the three appearances she makes, her design is slightly different and always confusing but that’s a for another time).
Send help.
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lec743 · 2 years
The Pocky Game (February TMNT all 4-1 Challenge)
The Pocky Game is nothing more than another silly game of Chicken. Tina love’s to play Chicken.
Here’s to February’s challenge! Everyone’s art and writings has been wonderful to see. You’re all doing fantastic~
@thelaundrybitch, @turtle-babe83
           Tina entered the lair to the sound of the boy’s gagging and saying how grossed out they are. Only half of them sounded genuinely grossed out while the others sounded playful. When Tina poked her head into the living room area of the lair, she saw that the turtle boys were standing off to the side as April and Casey were making out on a bench press, with Casey giving the boys the finger.
           Tina chuckled at the sight. Then she moseyed her way over to stand by Raph and she asked, “Why are they making out with each other like they’re trying to set fire to the world?”
           Raph crossed his arms as he shook his head at the two young women, “April brought a few packs of pocky and challenged Casey to the Pocky Game. Neither party has let up… As you can see.”
           “Has anyone else been challenged yet?”
           “Eh,” Leo said, “We don’t really like the idea of kissing April since it’s like kissing a sister, and I’m afraid Casey will bite our lips off.”
           “But isn’t that the point of the Pocky Game? It’s just a more intimate version of playing Chicken.”
           “If your so inclined then you challenge them,” Donnie huffed, “Maybe you can end this disturbing display.”
           April unlocked her lips from Casey and said, “Boo! You just don’t understand us!” She theatrically threw an arm over her eyes and a smile twitched at the corners of her lips.
           “Hey, Casey! I challenge you to the Pocky Game!”
           “You’re on, Tengu Scum!”
           Laughing giddily, Tina and April swapped places. April went to give Donnie a noogie and Tina got comfortable on the bench press in front of Casey.
           As Casey got out the pocky sticks, Mikey said, “I didn’t take you for liking these kinds of games, Tina.”
           “I like playing Chicken. It’s been one of the few games that I can happily play with most people before I met you guys. Not to brag or anything, but I usually won.”
           “Uh, huh, and how much of that winning was you becoming bodily damaged?” Leo asked.
           “… No comment,” Tina said as Casey handed her the pocky stick.
           “You’re totally going to flinch first,” Casey stated confidently.
           Tina gave the older girl a tight-lipped smile and nodded as the pocky stuck out of her mouth. Casey rested her hands on Tina’s shoulders and started nibbling down the chocolate covered biscuit stick. Tina held still, and she focused her gaze on Casey’s eyes. She has very pretty brown eyes that had little flecks of green in them, making them look like some off color of hazel. As Tina focused on Casey’s eyes, the older girl seemed to slow down as she got closer, then Tina saw her eyes focus on her gaze and she froze. Tina continued to stare, and her breath bounced back into her face from Casey’s face being so close. It was almost like Casey was holding her breath.
           Then with a mighty push, Casey shoved Tina back as she flung herself backwards and gasped saying, “Fuck you and your weird ass thousand-mile stare!”
           Tina couldn’t contain her giggling as she stood proud and said, “I am the Champion! Heed me, Casey Jones! I am superior!” She chewed up what was left of the pocky in her mouth and swallowed.
           “Yah, yah!” Casey said as she got off the floor and went to April’s waiting arms.
           April and the boys were snickering at her.
           “If you all think you can do better against her than me, then you give it a shot,” Casey snapped at them.
           Mikey took a step forward, “I’ll give it a go, if that’s okay with you Tina.”
           “Yah! Let’s butt heads!” Tina was excited to keep playing the game.
           Tina picked up the skewed box of pocky off the floor as she sat back down on the bench press. Mikey settled in front of her as she placed another biscuit stick in her mouth. Like Casey, Mikey grabbed Tina by the shoulders and slowly started nibbling the pocky down to her mouth. And like with Casey, she focused on Mikey’s eyes. He had deep black eyes, but as he got closer, she notice that he had little flecks of gold in his iris’. It was like looking into a miniature sky full of stars.
           Mikey slowed down as he got closer, and his eyes moved like he was finally looking Tina in the eyes. Then the biscuit stick snapped at the base of Tina’s mouth as Mikey lifted his head up and fell backwards on the bench press, covering his eyes with his arms.
           “Heck yah! I win again!” Tina cheered as she nibbled on what was left of the dry dessert in her mouth.
           Mikey continued to keep his face covered as Casey said, “Not so easy now, is it!”
           Everyone else was snickering.
           Tina waved away Casey’s comment then she poked him on the knee, “You okay, bud?”
           “It’s like I saw my life flash before my eyes,” Mikey stated as he sat up and avoided eye contact with her.
           “I don’t blame you. That’s how I feel sometimes when I get in trouble with Dad.”
           “Well related or not, you certainly inherited it, whatever “it” may be,” Mikey stated as he walked back to every one else.
           “Who else wants to go against me?” Tina asked, as she hoped to keep playing. She really was enjoying just being with her friends and playing the stupid game.
           Donnie stepped up. “Obviously, you two are just weak willed.” Mikey rolled his eyes and Casey stuck her tongue out at him, as he ignored them. “I’ll show you that my massive brain can handle whatever Medusa-like gaze our resident baby human has.”
           Tina clapped for him enthusiastically as Leo and April booed him playfully. Raph only laughed at the spectacle. Donnie made himself comfortable on the bench press and Tina put another pocky in her mouth. Donnie kept his hands to himself as he started nibbling down the chocolate covered biscuit stick, but it also seemed like he was keeping eye contact with Tina the entire time.
           He had an interesting pair of eyes. That being he has heterochromia, which Tina thought was really cool. It’s kind of hard to notice, but his left eye was definitely a lighter shade of brown than his right eye. His left eye had specks of blue and his right eye had specks of green in his brown eyes. Respectively, it was like looking at two stones that have been taken out of a riverbed.
           Tina felt the faintest brush of Donnie’s snout against her nose before Donnie recoiled and threw his hands in the air saying, “Nope! Can’t!”
           Leo laughed the loudest out of everyone as Donnie ran to his room. Tina pouted at that; she didn’t even get to goad him about her win. She chewed and swallowed what was left of the treat in her mouth.
           Tina turned to the rest of her friends that were still sticking around when Leo spoke up. “Okay. Okay. I’ll show you guys how to really win. Obviously, we need to change the tactic here.”
           Tina smiled at Leo as he walked over and sat on the bench press before her. Tina reached for the box but then Leo picked it up before her and stuck a pocky in his mouth.
           “You do it to me. See how you like it,” Leo stated confidently around the dessert.
           “I like the pocky just fine actually,” Tina said as she got on her feet and using both of her hands, grabbed Leo by the side of his head.
           Leo’s eyes widened in shock form the contact and Tina could see that Leo had very dark blue eyes, like an ocean by a beautiful white sandy beach.
           Then with no hesitation from the blond, chubby girl, Tina opened her mouth wide to let the pocky stick have as much room in her mouth as possible, before clamping her teeth on the treat. Her teeth scrapped against Leo’s lips when she bit down. Leo sat frozen as Tina let go of him and sat back down on the bench press, chewing the treat happily.
           Tina turned to her other friends to see that they were just as shocked. She just waved happily at them since she won the game in record time, she figured they were just impressed with her speed and accuracy. Turning her attention back to Leo, what was left of his side of the pocky was on the bench press as his mouth hung open at her.
           “Want a round two, or am I the official Pocky Queen?”
           Raph came over and planted his big hand on her shoulder, “Let’s say you’re the Pocky Queen for the meantime.” Raph guided Tina up and away from Leo as he continued to look like he was blue screening.
           Everyone was moving off to the part of the living room with the projection screen and couches as April and Mikey discussed what movies they wanted to watch.
           “Did I do something wrong?”
           “No. No. Just. I think we should let Leo think for a minute, that’s all,” Raph said.
           Tina nodded sagely and said, “Ah. The loss must be a massive blow to his ego. Got it.”
           The chubby, blond girl smiled at Raph’s giggling.
           The group chose to watch Lou Jitsu: Unchained and they were halfway through the movie before Leo and Donnie rejoined the group. Tina almost thought that they were avoiding her for some reason, but then Donnie decided to sit next to her, and Leo was fangirling to her about a certain scene that was going to show up in the movie and so her worried thoughts were dashed. Tina was happy to have such cool friends who are willing to do stupid stuff with her.
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countlessrealities · 9 months
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@technodromes sent:
[ Holiday Prompt to Morty, from Bishop ]
🎄 Bishop visited Morty at Thanksgiving to deliver a self-made cake and had been invited to the Smith household for dinner in turn. The shared meal was a pleasant experience for the most part, even though he had to politely turn down a couple of dishes because of his gluten allergy.
He now wants to return that favor as he sends out multiple gifts with an invitation stuck to the main package. The gifts hold breathers for all of them to breathe in Dimension X' toxic atmosphere and a few little individual gifts.
Morty and Summer would find a one-way portal device in their package that would open a portal to Utrominon instantly, should they ever need it. They also have a 100$ gift card sitting in there for their local mall. And Rick? He would find a VERY tiny bag of crystal dust in his package.
The invitation itself is written very formally, as usual.
[ Dear Morty.
To show my gratitude for your invitation from a few weeks ago, you and your family are cordially invited to visit me in Dimension X. I will guide you through Utrominon during your stay and shall prepare dinner afterward. Unfortunately, I cannot show you the Council, but there is a variety of other locations to visit, that I am certain you and Summer would find appealing as well.
Just send me a date and time that would be fitting for a stay in Dimension X and I will make all the necessary preparations for our meeting. The breathers that I sent to you are all equipped with translators as well and should come in use during your visit, in case Rick and his oxygen pills are not available at that time. The same goes for the portal devices to Utrominon, but note that these can be used only one time.
I sincerely hope that you and your family have a pleasant holiday time. Signed, Bishop.
PS: Rick, the crystal particles are for scientific use only. Make no attempts of consumption while you engage in portal traveling or I will arrest you! ]
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Waking up to Bishop's gift basket was a very pleasant surprise for the Smith siblings. Christmas had stopped being too normal since Rick had moved in with them, but compared to the lifestyle they are used to nowadays, the day mostly manages to be boring for them.
Reason why the idea of spending it doing something else, exploring another dimension is definitely exciting for them.
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"Boo-yah! This is so rad! No having to sit through Dad's mind-numbing movies this year!" Summer exclaims as soon as Morty is done reading the letter out loud. She lifts her breather, clearly enthusiastic at the prospect of a trip to Dimension X. "I'm gonna take so many pictures! Everyone at school will be, like, super jealous."
Setting the first tool aside, she picks up the portal device instead, turning it in her hand. It's nothing like Rick's portal gun, and she has to admit that she's curious to see how it works. Until now all she has seen have been the Utrom triangular portals, but not how they are made.
"It's such a bummer that your friend is such a goodie two shoes, bro," she adds then with a little huff. "A portal device that can be used only once? Seriously? That's, like, so lame."
Morty lets out a sigh at her sister's comment, but he doesn't bother talking back. Trying to defend Bishop would have been a waste of breath. Besides, he too had hoped that the device would function for multiple trips. Even if it opens portal exclusively to one location, it would have still been better than having to rely on Rick or steal his portal gun to go places.
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"C-C'mon, Summer. H-He's got us that coupon too! I-I bet that it covers all the birthday presents y-you'll have to buy next year," he chooses to point out instead, pointedly looking at her. He hasn't missed how quickly she has snatched away her gift card. Probably to prevent Jerry from seeing it. "I-I'll let you use some of mine too, i-if you won't tease him too much today."
The girl only shrugs at that, but he can tell that she has been properly bribed, since she doesn't try to argue. Instead, she busy herself with making a post on her Instagram about their plans for the day.
Rick, however, is a whole other matter and Morty knows that he'll be acting all grumpy to Bishop just by the way he is glaring at the tiny bag of crystals.
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"I-Is the bubblegum for real? W-What the fuck am I even supposed to do w-with so little?" He grumbles, but he still pockets the gift. "C-Can hardly make one dose with this shit."
Of course Bishop would still be hang up over their last messy adventure. And then he dares to wonder why he gets called a killjoy. Whatever. He is going to do what he wants with those crystals and he's going to exploit their little trip to the other's version of Dimension X to see if he can find more.
"An-And what the hell is that crap about scientific use only? S-Synthetising drugs is fuckin' science!"
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ayvepeedee · 11 months
ent rey 3 !! :3
its like 6-7 am and i have woken up, my room is warm-ish, im in the dark with my tv on like idk idle?? its showing google photos of beautiful places, and i felt the urge to write!!! i probably wont post this consistently y'know how it works you post and then you forget for a while then you keep posting and its just off and on yknow!!!!
my gf did confirm that we are hanging out today which like score? this is awesome??? ill sit at my desk today just to hang out with hir or like to play roblox i did send v?r like a million roblox horror games to play >:) I'm very excited... im also fine if we do a sort of like parallel play thing where we're doing different stuff but like together!!!! either way im fine if we were just in call doing nothing!!!!!! i LOVE hir but this isn't my gaybo blog I'll keep it short on the things about my gf that i can post there >:3
hm hm hm ok so i have irls right most do one of them is 13! but i know them when they were 12 and its like im gonna be a senior when they are a freshmen its weird and my friends and i decided to start distancing from them cause they need to like have fun for the last bits of middle school and actually be 13 and not try to act older! im 16 turning 17 my friends are like 15-16 they're just my main group I am friends with people my age just so whoevers reading this knows
oh I'm gonna check my grades!!! im like failing two of my classes currently but one of them im BARELY failing the other is like 50% or so idk let me check . its actually more like 60% ish but the other class im failing is 69.7% and 70% is passing soooo im basically passing! i have 4 As and 1 B!!! don't think I'm smart though my first 3 As are two band classes and woodshop then there's english which is easy cause it's just memorization!!! then the B is Spanish (surprise high schooler takes a spanish class but wait theres more) 2!!!! (BOO YAH!) then history and chemistry im failing but its whatevs !!
hmmm ive been thinking about like mogai xenogenders because they're fire but also the sexualities they come up with are GENIUS like theres this one I relate to a lot thats an aro label it was something about only loving one person and relationship with other people don't feel the same as with them im not gonna dive into it cause it'll become me just swooning over my girlfriend, of whom i dated then got broken up with and am dating again so i know how it feels to date other people then date hir again
i think when me and my gf hang out today we're gonna watch tiktoks at some point I love doing that we'll probably watch a movie or youtube together it's ok it'll be awesome
my mom and her bf are being cutesy outside my room and laughing together while doing something with toilet paper my moms laughing and gagging at the smell of something, shes taking a picture of the toilet paper? how much toilet paper do we have??? i think shes going to a casino next week after my concert (for choir and band) which concert is terrifying by the way because i JUST got sheet music for auxiliary in one of them (im in percussion) very happy i get to play either a slide whistle or a sus. cymbol (hehe) and on the other i play a thing called a guiro which is like the thing that makes frog like noises eheheeee!!!!!!! and for choir im the lead tenor which is like the lowest vocal range we have this year :/ and theres only 4 OF US!!!; very annoying ..
umm yeah!; thats all for now
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moonchild-things · 1 year
Chapter Fifteen: Rival
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Summary: Shōyō Hinata loves volleyball! There is no doubt that all he really thinks about is volleyball. His sister, however, isn’t the same way. Sakura is ready to start her first year of high school at Karasuno with her twin brother and doesn’t really want to do anything, unlike Shōyō. Though she can’t help it when she gets dragged into the antics of the volleyball club.
Word Count: 7235
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THEY TRIED IT ONCE MORE BUT IT really wasn’t working that well. Had that first time been a fluke? “Geeze, it doesn’t seem like this is working out that well.” Endo commented as they watched Shōyō miss the ball again. However, it was thankfully saved by their captain who was able to get the last hit over the net. Though Nekoma was still able to save it, curse their cat-like reflexes.
The rally went on for a while as Nekoma kept making revieces and Karasuno did their best to keep making good blocks. Though it still ended with the cats getting this one point thanks to Yamamoto.
On the Nekoma bench, Shibayama turned to his coach and manager, “Taketora is more into it than usual.”
Yua nodded her head in agreement, “You’re right, he’s certainly more fiery in this game.”
“Maybe it’s because there’s someone a lot like himself at Karasuno.” Nekomata commented, gazing at Tanaka and Yamamoto(the possible long-lost twins). “Or maybe he’s being inspired by the battle between Inuoka and their number 10?” It’s true, these teams certainly had found some good adversaries in each other. It seemed like each player had found an opponent to try and knock down a peg. 
“Hinata and Kageyama’s fast attacks just aren’t lining up,” Takeda groaned on the Karasuno side.
Sakura shrugged her shoulders, “It’s understandable considering they’re still such a new team. So a new strategy with even the smallest adjustment might take a while for them to get comfortable with.”
Ukai nodded his head with his hand on his chin, “Unlike the deviant fast attacks they’ve been doing up till now where Kageyama aligns perfectly to Hinata’s moves, they’re now attempting to do normal fast attacks.” They all watched the game with a critical eye. “Hinata needs technical improvement. The only way to accomplish that is conditioning through repetition. But if he gets the conditioning down, and learns when to use the two different attack types…”
Nekomata narrowed his eyes at the freak pair on Karasuno, “...then those two will no longer be ‘a demon and his iron club’. They will be ‘demon’ and ‘demon’.”
The game continued on with Nekoma serving to Karasuno. It was hit over and heading straight for Shōyō who wasn’t sure if he should receive it overhand or underhand. Though he didn’t decide quick enough as he was hit in the chest with it. It still was in play, but now the orange-haired teen was on the ground.
Sakura smirked lightly, “that’s another one for the collection.” Takeda and Ukai eyed the girl with uncertainty. Both of them thinking along the same lines of her being a bit of a sadist. It was a bit unsettling to them.
“Cover it!” Karasuno’s Number 5 called out.
Nishinoya saved it and hit it towards him, “Ryu!”
“You got it!” Tanaka shouted as he ran up to the net, “Asahi ain’t the only one who can pull his weight at crunch time!” He spiked the ball and was able to bounce it off of Yamamoto’s hand and out of bounds, giving Karasuno a point.
Nishinoya and Tanaka pumped their fists together as they celebrated their win. “Boo-yah, boo-yah, boo-yah, boo-yah!” Though it was really only to infuriate the mohawk boy on the other team, which it certainly did.
Sakura just watched the game intently, like a good spectator should. She found it quite interesting how each team was fueling each other’s hunger for victory. This truly is what competition is like. Not what she’s seen of her brother’s first game in middle school where there was no doubt who was going to win. This time, instead of one team getting an easy win, these two teams were battling it out on somewhat level playing fields. Each player, on both sides, were all pretty skilled in volleyball. Really, in Sakura’s mind, it was just going to come down to which team can use all of their players' skills in a cohesive manner to get the edge over the other. She also thought that was most likely Nekoma considering Karasuno is a pretty green team. Though no matter who wins, Karasuno will learn new skills about themselves and how well they work together. Vital information that can be used to better the team for official games. With how she is so analytical about the players and the game in front of her, it truly is a surprise that she isn’t either playing volleyball herself or a team manager!
“Nice one-touch!” Nishinoya shouted, breaking Sakura from her thoughts as she glanced over to see that it was Shōyō who had blocked Inuoka’s spike.
Daichi called out, “Chance ball!”
Kageyama got ready to set the ball as nekoma also prepared themselves for an attack. Yua’s green eyes sparkled as she watched the small orang-ehaired teen sprint across the court like it was nothing. “Look at him go!” She hasn’t really seen that type of speed before, of course, she’s seen her fair share of players from all over the country, so that’s saying something.
Shibayama gasped in shock, “He’s fast!”
With the Karasuno benchwarmers, they all watched as Inuoka tried to keep up with their little shorty. “Nekoma’s number 7 has fast reflexes too!” Suga shouted.
“My, my, these rivalries are starting to heat up the gym.” Endo commented, pretending to cool himself down with his hand. He quite liked how Nekoma was bringing about this competition from Karasuno, which just means there’s some opportunities for juicy drama.
“They influence one another in on-the-edge combat,” Nekomata commented, noticing the growing friction between the teams, “and occasionally draw out more power than their talent allows. These are truly worth adversaries.”
Shōyō was able to hit that ball, albeit weakly, onto Nekoma’s side and got the point since Yaku couldn’t save it. Suga pumped a fist, “He got past!”
“It’s in!” Yamaguchi exclaimed
Endo clapped once with a cheer, “Well done!”
The game progressed just like usual and eventually the scores were 15-18 with Nekoma in the lead. Karasuno’s vice captain shook his head, “I don’t want them to hit 20 before we do.”
Nemoka’s number 7 then had to serve for his team, which meant that the other middle blocker of the team stepped up to the net. Kuroo stared down at his small opponent with his hands on his hips and a smirk. His cat-like eyes surveyed the smaller boy impressiveness shining in them and sparking in sly determination. “Inuoka’s eight inches taller than you,” Kuroo commented, “but you’re more than a match for him. That’s amazing, Small Fry.”
Shōyō bristled, “You’re the small fry, Small Fry!” It kind of looked like a baby crow shouting at a smirking cat. Before anything else could be said between them, Kageyama then grabbed the back of Shōyō’s jersey and pulled him away for a short discussion.
Endo eyed Kuroo, his blue eyes filled with admiration for him and calculating just what type of player the other third-year is. He tapped his chin, “No way they can get around Mr. Tall, dark and handsome with a normal quick attack.”
“Do you really have to call him that?” Suga deadpanned at his friend's description of the other captain. Endo really doesn’t know when to quit sometimes, Suga is more than aware of that.
Endo scoffed as if Suga’s question was completely absurd, “Yes. Don't act like you can't see it Suga.” Really, Kuroo is quite the specimen, in Endo’s opinion. He then cooed as they looked at Shōyō and Kageyama muttering to each other. “Look at them scheming together. Rubbing their two brain cells together for a plan.”
They then continued on with the next battle for the point. “Inuoka, nice serve!” Yaku yelled encouragement as the first-year hit the ball over the net.
Though the ball was received by Nishinoya and passed to Kageyama who set it for Shōyō, effectively performing their closed-eyed freak perfectly. Kuroo wasn’t expecting it or fast enough to try and stop it, so it earned Karasuno a point.
Yua tilted her head while absentmindedly writing in her notebook, “Kuroo couldn’t even stop their quick,” she brightened, “I’m liking these guys even more and more.”
On the court, the short boy jumped with his brown eyes wide, “I really do love this sensation!” Shōyō exclaimed, blushing as he stared at his stinging palm.
Ukai nodded his head while sitting on the bench, “That was a good decision. I think for now, their deviant fast attack is more effective against Nekoma’s third-year middle blocker. A normal fast attack would obviously be easier for their skillful middle blocker to block.”
Sakura nodded her head at the observation, “that was actually pretty smart of the king, who knew he could think that stragicial.” Though when it came to volleyball, she shouldn’t be that surprised Kageyama was extremely smart when it comes to the sport. She is well aware that academically, he’s not that intelligent and he has little to no common sense. However, when it comes to volleyball, he’s a genius, she can’t deny that.
On the other side of the net, Kuroo and Kenma watched their opponents. “He really is amazing. He’s the dictionary definition of the word ‘superhuman’.” Kuroo commented with his eyes sharpening, “All right then, let’s take it back.”
Shōyō served the ball for the next point which was easily received by Yaku. It was passed to Kenma as every Nekoma team member ran up to the net and jumped as though they were going to be the one to spike it over.
“Yikes, it’s all jumbled somehow,” Takeda gasped.
It looked as though Yamamoto was going to be the one who was going to hit the ball, but instead Fukunaga ran up from behind the pack of cats for a back attack. That certainly shook up Karasuno as he was easily able to evade their blockers. Though it ended up being saved by Shōyō’s face. It seems like his face is a bit of a magnet for volleyball nowadays. 
Sakura took note of the back attack while putting down her camera after getting another picture of her brother. A tactic that could easily be replicated by Karasuno at a later time that they could use against their opponents is a good thing. No doubt in her mind that they would try to copy it at some point.
“Chance ball!” Kuroo called out as he received it.
Asahi shook a little bit, “Who will get it this time?”
This time Kenma had set it up for Kuroo who performed a textbook definition of a quick attack. Ukai eyed them critically, “That fast attack has some impressive stability. Though it might just look stable compared to Hinata’s usual erratic moves.”
By the Karasuno benchwarmers, Endo whistled lowly. “Not only is he good looking, but he’s also a decent player,” the drama queen pretend to swoon, “take me now, Kuroo-kun~”
Suga, growing fed up with Endo’s seeming infatuation with this guy, hit the back of the blond’s neck, effectively stopping Endo. “Stop being annoying!”
Endo whined while rubbing the back of his neck, “I’m only admiring a fellow player, what’s so wrong about that!”
“Everything.” The vice captain stated blandly as Yamaguchi watched his senpai’s interaction uncertainly. The first-year hasn’t had that many interactions with Endo, never trying to talk to him since he thought that Endo was a bit much. However, he knows that the older boy is very lively, to put it lightly. It’s not that Yamaguchi didn’t like Endo or anything, he just wasn’t sure how to go about talking with such an excitable person, after all he usually has to deal with the ever vibrant Shōyō all the time. He could really only deal with one intense person at a time.
Nekoma served the next ball now with the score being 16-19 in the cats favor. Yaku yelled out some encouragement like a good team mom, “Yamamoto, nice serve!”
“Crap!” Tanaka called out after receiving the ball, “Sorry, cover it!””
Asahi raised his hand towards Nishinoya who saved it, “I’m open!”
“Asahi!” The libero called out while setting the ball to him. Even though Karasuno’s ace has a pretty powerful spike, Yaku was able to receive it almost perfectly.
Kenma got the ball and set it for Kuroo, just like last time. Only difference was that instead of hitting a quick, Kuroo seemingly waited a moment before jumping up to hit the ball. This left him basically wide open since the blockers had already started to fall back to the ground.
“What was that attack?” Takeda turned to Ukai with wide eyes. Sakura also turned to the coach questioningly, not knowing what it was either. Sure, she knows a lot about volleyball despite not being a player, but she doesn’t know everything.
Ukai huffed slightly in annoyance, “A delayed spike. You make it look like you’re about to jump for a quick attack, throw off the opponent’s block timing, and hit. This attack hasn’t been that popular recently. I’m impressed they threw it in right after their quick attack A. They’re good.”
“Good job, boys!” Yua called out to her team from the bench. She jumped up and down on the balls of her feet with a wide, toothy smile and two thumbs up, her hair bouncing around her like a curtain, “You’re doing great!” Nearly all the boys preened in her praise, like usual. Except for Kenma, who cringed at her shout and muttered under his breath about how annoying she could be. Though deep down, he was more than glad to have her support, at least a little bit, even if he doesn’t show it.
Ukai groaned a little bit, “This is bad. I’ve already used both of our time-outs.” Those sitting on the bench felt a smug aura radiating from the Nekoma’s side and saw the cat coach smirking smugly at them. Ukai gaped, “Aw, shit! He’s smirking at me!”
“Ever since their Number 1 came up to the front row,” Takeda commented, “their attacks seem to have more of a sense of proficiency.”
“You’re right. Half of our starting lineup is made up of first-years. If you call us Level 1 with our newly assembled team, that would put them 10 or 20 levels higher.”
“So,” the advisor tapped his chin as he looked for a comparison, “they are a full grown adult cat and we’re a freshly hatched baby crow.”
Ukai nodded his head at the imagery, “Yeah, that, good description. No matter how we struggle against their versatile range of offense and defense, we can’t possibly win. Not today anyway. Which means… …our only option is persistence and tenacity! Attack them with power and speed!”
Tanaka smirked viciously, his eyes glinting red as his teeth sharpened, “You want us to force them into submission?”
The benchwarmers plus Shōyō stared at him in slight concern. The shortest boy tilted his head, “That makes us sound like the bad guys.” 
Ukai just laughed maniacally, “What’s wrong with being the bad guys? You normally think of a crow as the bad guy!”
“Ukai, your face is scaring me!” Takeda exclaimed, fear of the new coach quite evident. Sakura stared at the blond man as he laughed evilly, she blinked at him. Honestly, why is this sport filled with such strange people, she wondered. 
The coach just continued on with his speech and disregarded any he freaked out, “We’ll make it happen with sloppy speed attacks and receives. Those are your weapons, you clumsy oafs! Bombard them with all the weaponry in your arsenal! Hit them! Hit them and hit them hard!”
So Karasuno did just that. They did what they could with the skill set that they had to try and slow down Nekoma and gain on them with points. While Nekoma had got into the twenties first, Karasuno was gaining on them by only being behind by two points.
A timeout was called, and each team walked over to their respective benches. “Anybody flustered?” Nekomata asked his team.
Everyone shook their heads, “No, Sir!”
The coach smirked, “Good, keep that ball in play.”
“Yes, Sir!” A simple but effective pep talk. Yua also gave encouragement to her team with her signature smile that never seemed to leave her face and some nice pat on the backs.
After the timeout, more points were fought for and soon enough the score was 22-23, with Nekoma still in the lead. Karasuno’s vice captain fist pumped the air from the side, “One more point for the tie!”
“K-keep going!” Takeda gasped, shaking in anticipation.
Though they were all optimistic and rooting for the boys on the court, Kenma was able to slip one past them. He did a setter dump, which got past Shōyō and Tanaka and Nishinoya wasn’t able to save it.
Takeda grabbed his head, seemingly just about ready to start pulling out his hair. “It’s upon us when we least expect it! Match point for Nekoma.” Sakura nodded her head, it’s not that surprising, especially since Karasuno is somewhat of a newer team, like they said before. There was no way that they were going to actually win a game against such a team like Nekoma. In her opinion, she was surprised that they haven’t been completely shut down by Nekoma. Even being able to keep up with them is slightly impressive in Sakura’s opinion. Though she certainly didn’t think that they were actually going to win in the end. And she knows that’s not her being a pessimist, she’s being a realist. Takeda then jumped up startling Sakura from her thoughts, “It’s all right! Our team is still sharp!”
“Yes!” Tanaka shouted as he and the others ran up to spike the ball, “We clawed our way to a tie!”
Yamamoto made sure that he was the one to block the other bald boy, “You’re not getting past me!”
Though this time it didn’t go to him, instead Kageyama sent it to Daichi who spiked it and got them a point, “Right on!”
Nekomata growled lightly in annoyance, “Now their Number 3 is up in the front row.”
“If we get a point now, it’s a deuce.” Kiyoko’s angelic voice commented, since she didn’t say all that much at all during this match. Sakura may or may not have forgotten that the older girl was even there. 
Takeda gritted his teeth, “Yes, a deuce would give us the opportunity to turn the game around! This one ball is crucial.”
They watched with anxiety coursing through them. There was even a little bit in Sakura’s veins, though she kept her cool and nonchalant mask on her face as she watched. Kageyama set it to Asahi, but it was once again received by Yaku. Though it ended up soaring over the net back to Karasuno’s side.
“It’s coming back! Chance ball!” Asahi shouted out.
“Shit,” Yaku grunted, “I’m sorry!”
“Azumane, direct!” Ukai shouted out, shocking a few of the players.
Yamamoto gasped, “Oh, crap!”
“Do it, teddy bear!” Endo shouted out, louder than he had anything else.
Asahi did just that but Fukunaga received it in time, only for it to be yet another chance ball for Karasuno. It’s extremely impressive how quick their reflexes are, Sakura thought to herself, they really are like cats.
Shibiyama groaned, “It’s their chance ball again.”
“That’s fine,” Nekomata commented to the pair of teens' confusion. “Even if you look sloppy or can��t make an attack, as long as the ball is kept in play, you can’t lose.”
Yua nodded her head, “all you can do is keep making an effort. If you stop, then you truly lose.”
Tanaka passed that chance ball to Kageyama who saw the glint in Shōyō’s eyes as he ran across the court. Even from the bench, Sakura could see how determined her brother looked. Her chest swelled with pride for him. She wishes she could have that look, that same spark of resistance and hope in her gaze about something. Perhaps that might be some time soon. She feels as though she was half way there when she had the gallery last week, another time like that was bound to come around again.
Shōyō spiked the ball, finding that opening between the blockers. Even though it was saved by Yaku, it ended up hitting the net. It almost appeared as though Karasuno was going to get this point, but Kai was able to hit save it at least a bit. “It’s not that the most powerful spike wins,” Nekomata commented as they watched the ball. There was this moment, as if everything slowed down. The ball inched closer and closer to the ground. Though seemingly out of nowhere, the pudding haired setter came diving out of nowhere to try and save the ball. “It’s that whoever drops the ball loses. That is what it means to keep the ball in play.”
The ball was able to get over the net, and while Nishinoya and Shōyō ran after the ball to try and save it, it still hit the ground before either could reach it. So that was it, game over. Nekoma had won with the score of 25-23.
To say that Karasuno was disheartened is an understatement. They had put everything they could into this match, and were still beaten. How upsetting.
“We didn’t make that many mistakes,” Ukai commented with a large sigh, “and we utilized the most powerful weapons in our arsenal. But we didn’t win. That must be a team trained ‘as a team’ rather than ‘as individuals’. I accept defeat.”
Not appearing to be as upset or bothered by the lose, Sakura furrowed her eyebrows, “It’s only a practice match,” Ukai, Takeda, and Kiyoko turned to her in question as she shrugged her shoulders, “If it were a real game, I’d see maybe getting upset about it, but it’s not. All you can do is learn from this and use what you’ve learned in an actual game later down the line.” This match didn’t count for anything official. If they lost to Nekoma while they were in a tournament, then she could see the appeal of getting upset. However, since it isn’t, there’s no need to cry over this or feel disheartened. Nekoma is a formidable team, even if Karasuno lost to them, they still kept up with them quite a bit. So that should be an accomplishment in itself, from what Sakura thought.
Yua buzzed around her team, handing out water bottles, towels and high fives to the boys. “You guys are awesome!” She then caught sight of Kenma, who was seemingly trying to hide himself behind Kai, though it didn’t work that well since Kai just pushed him in front of him instead. Kenma glared at him with daggers. Yua bounced up to her best friend and ruffled the top of his head. “And you, Mr. I don’t like volleyball. You really put everything into this game, huh!?”
Kenma pushed her hand off of him and grumbled, “You’re always so embarrassing after every game.”
Yua’s smile didn’t disappear in the slightest, if anything it widened. “Of course! Since my boys play so well all the time, I’m entitled to embarrass you as much as I want.”
“One more time!” Shōyō then shouted, scaring a few people with his loud voice. Though just about everyone was surprised that he had the energy to suggest that. “Let’s play… one more time!”
Nekomata chuckled at the boy’s exuberant amount of excitement. “Yeah, I plan to do just that! Practice games are all about playing all over again.”
So the teams played a few more practice matches together. Eventually, the sun started to set as the boys all started to wind down from their intense games. “Now we’ve been thrashed beyond a shadow of a doubt,” Ukai sighed, looking over Kiyoko’s notes from their additional matches against Nekoma. It is true, Karasuno had not won a single match against Nekoma. They came close a few times, but the cats were able to pull through and beat the crows.
Takeda nodded his head, “Now they’re truly exhausted.” It’s true, all of the boys were laid out on the court, thoroughly tired after playing quite a few more sets against each other.
“One more time!” Shōyō yelled out despite himself appearing to be just a bit tired.
The old coach blanched at the small boy, “What? You haven’t stopped moving the entire time! What batteries are you using?” While he may have admired the boy’s excitement to play more games, this was getting ridiculous. Didn’t this boy run out of energy?
“Hey, knock it off!” Ukai yelled at Shōyō and grabbed him by his jersey, “They have to make their train!”
Sakura walked up to her brother and just shoved a water bottle into his hands, “you can’t just keep playing, you’ll pass out at some point, you know.” Shōyō pouted but took the bottle from her and started to chug it. Sakura admires her brother’s passion, but sometimes he can be a bit too much with volleyball, to the point where it could be annoying.
“Gather ‘round!”
The two teams all then gathered around the benches. Ukai, Takeda, Kiyoko and Sakura stood at the Karasuno bench while the Nekoma team walked up to them. Meanwhile, at the Nekoma bench, the Karasuno team gathered around Nekomata, Naoi, and Yua.
“Me and his grandfather have known each other for a long time,” Nekomata commented, glancing over to Ukai who was talking with the Nekoma team. “We used to have our teams play lots of practice games. It was always a pretty good contest, however… he retired.” The older man sighed in slight disappointment, “Worthy adversaries just aren’t that easy to find. After that, I heard that old man Ukai fell ill soon after coming out of retirement. I was sure that Karasuno would never come back from that. However, to be honest, you have more talent than I imagined. Especially in the attacking department. The Number 9, Number 10 fast attack…” the two boys puffed their chests at being called out, “I doubt many can prevent that attack. I also believe that your two left players are powerful weapons. It will all come down to how long you can keep the ball in play.”
“Yes, Sir!” The boys exclaimed.
“As a team, you’re rough and need more practice, but you have overwhelming potential. I’m sure you will improve greatly with the appropriate training. I’m really glad to see this.” The coach smiled lightly, “We have a worthy adversary once again. I’ll see you next at the Nationals. I’ll see you at the place whirling with emotions with its throngs of spectators in that shiny, spotless, huge gymnasium. And we’ll have our most ultimate Dumpster Showdown ever!”
“Yes, Sir!”
The boys all then started to clean up the gym, mopping up the floor, gathering up the balls, putting away the net, the usual. “You shit!” Kageyama shouted at Shōyō as they tried to work together and clean up the net. Key word; tried.
Shōyō stuttered at the aggressive boy, “You piece of poo!”
While they were cleaning, teammates from each team were interacting with the boys from the opposite teams. A bond seemed to be formed between Tanaka and Yamamoto for their shared admiration for their goddess Kiyoko.
Meanwhile, Kageyama had stalked up to the other setter, “How long have you been playing volleyball? Who taught you how to play? How long have you been a setter?” He muttered quickly, scaring poor Kenma, “Did you come up with that feint yourself? Have you been training? Have you ever hit a brick wall?”
The other setter just squeaked out in slight alarm at the intimidating aura. Shōyō had been right when he said that their setter was quite scary. 
“Oi, King,” A lazy voice commented as someone walked up between the two. Kageyama glared at Sakura, who had placed herself in front of Kenma, “shut up, will you? You’re scaring the guy.” She isn’t necessarily sure if the setter really knew that he was being intimidating, but it still was getting annoying. Though she honestly didn’t think that he understood how he always had this glare on his face whenever he spoke to someone.
Kageyama clicked his tongue before stalking off, muttering under his breath about the girl and continuing his cleaning. Kenma sighed in relief, glad to not have the scary boy glaring at him. He quickly glanced at the girl, seeing how she was extremely similar to Shōyō which surprised him a bit. He noticed her earlier, but didn’t think that she was a girl. Though that doesn’t matter, he shyly thanked her, “Thanks.”
“Sure.” Sakura nodded, already seeing the tension dispelling from the second-years shoulders. She could see that he is quite the socially awkward person, something that she could relate to. Nothing more had to be said for each other as they went their separate ways. A mutual respect for each other started to blossom between them, Kenma respecting her for getting Kageyama to leave him alone, and Sakura for him being her upperclassman.
Just a little ways away, the other orange-haired Hinata twin was jumping up and down like a spring along with the Nekoma middle blocker, Inuoka. “That was incredible, Shōyō!” Inuoka exclaimed while jumping as if he were on a trampoline, “All those “vrooms!” and “swooshes!” Oh, I’m Inuoka, I’m a first-year.”
Shōyō nodded his head, also jumping around, “And you’re really tall, but you sure can “zoom!” and boom!”
“Your “zip!” was totally impressive!”
“Your “ba-zoom!” was too!”
“That “ba-ba-boom” was a real smash hit!”
“It was more “chu-doom!”
Tsukishima watched them with furrowed eyebrows, “What is that conversation?”
“That isn’t the conversation of high schoolers.” A smooth voice commented as Kuroo walked up to the tall blond, “But I think you could try goofing around more like a high schooler.”
“I’m not good at it,” he bordely commented before walking off, ending any sort of conversation between them.
Kuroo chuckled lightly, “You’re so young.”
“Yet he acts like an old man.” Sakura clicked her tongue as she mosied past him.
Kuroo’s eyes glinted slyly as he stopped the girl from continuing to walk, “Oh, another shorty, huh?”
Sakura rolled her eyes, “don’t call me shorty, or you’ll find out what it’s like to live without kneecaps.” 
The tall boy just continued to smirk, not that affected by her threat. After all, he could easily just hold her above the ground and she wouldn’t be able to do anything. Oh, to be that short. “You’re a feisty kitten, aren’t you.”
“Kitten?” Sakura scoffed at the nickname, which made no sense to her since she isn’t from Nekoma, if anything she’d be a feisty crow, though she shouldn’t care.
Kuroo laughed as he explained his reasoning, “yeah, you’re small and adorable. Just like a kitten.”
The orange-haired girl bristled in embarrassment at another person calling her adorable. Why do people feel like pointing that out? All it really does is fluster her. The tips of her ears started to turn red as she glanced away from him. “Don’t say things like that, I don’t even know you.” First Nishinoya, now this guy? Geeze, when will Sakura catch a break.
“Oh, you’re right.” Kuroo said, “I’m Kuroo Tetsuro, you are?”
“None of your business,” Sakura snippy stated before trying to walk off from him.
Though the captain certainly was persistent as he followed after her, easily catching up thanks to his long legs. “Now don’t be rude, kitten.” Sakura just continued to try and ignore him as they started to play this small game of cat and mouse. She really thinks that these people are just far too strange for her understanding. “Say, you must be shorty’s twin sister, right?”
Sakura rolled her eyes. Wonder what gave that away, she thought to herself. Though she just huffed and tried to turn herself away from him so he could get the message to leave her be. “Don’t call either of us shorty, it’s annoying.” Though he just continued to pester her.
As she was trying to escape the cat captain, they passed by another strange scene between the two teams. “I-I’m sorry,” Shibiyama bowed to the ace of Karasuno, sweating and slightly scared of the bearded teen, “I should have been moving faster!”
Asahi gasped in surprise and tried to calm him down, “Wh-what? No, uh, I’m sorry.”
Shibiyama shook his head and seemingly bowed even deeper, “I’m to blame! Please forgive me!”
Daichi scowled at the sight, “That bearded mouse is scaring the first-years.”
Kai walked up to him, “They look like father and son from where I’m standing.”
“They look more like a scared kid and his kidnapper to me.” Daichi shook his head while Kai chuckled.
“Oh,” Endo cooed at the scene and waltzed up to the pair. He swung his arm around Asahi, “don’t be scared of this guy. He’s nothing but a big teddy bear. Even if he looks like a thug.” He poked his friend's cheek, trying to show Shibiyama that Asahi was nothing to be scared of.
On another end of the court, Suga and Yaku tried to have a conversation with each other, but they were interrupted by a certain fiery libero. “Excuse me,” Yaku said to Suga as he started to sweat as he could feel the heated stare from behind him, “but I’m really getting stared at.”
Suga chuckled nervously, “I’m sorry, just avert your eyes, and you’ll be fi--”
“Number 3,” Nishinoya shouted, causing the pair of third-years to jump, “your receives were amazing! I’ve never seen anyone retrieve spikes from our ace before. I believe you have amazing talent as a libero on a team with such good receiving skills! I won’t be beaten by you! Excuse me!”
“Hey, that’s too one-sided.” Suga shouted after him, “I apologize on his behalf.”
Yaku’s eyes sharpened as he watched the slightly younger boy jog off, “He’s dangerous. He’s a highly skilled libero himself, but he doesn’t rest. He only looks onward and upward. He’s frightening.”
“Say,” Yua suddenly slid out of nowhere, slightly startling the two boys. “That’s Nishinoya Yuu, right? From Chidoriyama?”
Suga calmed down his racing heart and nodded, “yeah.”
The brown haired girl’s green eyes sparkled, “really?! I’ve heard a lot of awesome things about him! And seeing him play today was so cool!” She gushed. Yua heard about him quite a bit back in junior high. Sure, she may have not been playing volleyball at the time, but she still had plenty of friends at the time who played against the libero. Her eyes then brightened as she turned to the grey-haired boy, “I’m Yua! It’s really nice to meet you!”
The sparkling smile that she flashed him quite nearly blinded poor Suga who smiled sheepishly at the exuberant girl. “Sugawara.”
“Nice!” She exclaimed, “what position do you play? Huh? I bet it’s setter, right!” So Yua started to excitedly talk with her new friend from Karasuno who answered her questions with some laughter. It’s always nice to make a quick connection with someone from another team, and Yua seemed to be just that.
Now that everyone had finished helping clean up, the teams were now congregating together outside of the gym. They were saying their goodbyes to their new friends that they were sure going to keep in contact after this. Even if the teams were sworn enemies with each other, it was all in good fun. On the court, they were opponents, though that didn’t mean they couldn’t be friends off the court.
A prime example of this is Yamamoto and Tanaka. The two were in tears as they said goodbye to each other, “Comrade, we shall meet again!”
Kenma eyed the strange scene as the two punkish looking teens continued to cry with each other. “What the heck is that?”
“Beats me.” Kuroo grunted, “Don’t look at them too much.”
Yua just continued to watch the display in rapt fascination, she hit Kuroo’s shoulder, “I’m telling you, they’re long lost twins!”
Though Kuroo didn’t pay attention for too long as he turned to look at Karasuno’s captain. The two of them shared a tense chuckle as they shook each other's hands tightly. Kuroo gritted his teeth, “We won’t lose next time.”
“We won’t lose next time either,” Daichi grunted as he squeezed the other captain’s hand.
Yaku and Suga slid over to the two captains, “Stop it! You’re scaring us!”
Behind them, their coaches were doing the same thing. Ukai smiled evilly at Naoi, “The next time won’t go down like it went today.”
“I really hope so,” Naoi said just as meanicingly, “or it won’t be much of a practice game!”
Suga sweatdropped, “It’s catching!”
“That’s so immature!” Yaku exclaimed. Seriously, why do they feel like they're mothering these teams sometimes?
Endo eyed the interaction between his friend and the cat captain and tapped his chin in thought. “Think I should give Kuroo my number? Just so we can talk about volleyball, of course.” He commented to Asahi, who stood next to him.
The ace bristled slightly, a sour expression starting to cloud over on his face. He grunted, “Oh, uh, I don’t know.” He really didn’t like the fact that Endo seemed so… taken with Kuroo. He also didn’t know why he didn’t like it. A thought then popped into his head. “Wait, do you have your gym bag?”
“Huh?” Endo raised an eyebrow at the question, “Yeah, pretty sure I left it in the van…”
Asahi shook his head, “Are you sure, because you usually forget things easily.”
“Ugh,” the blond groaned, “I leave my bag one time at an away game, and you guys never let me forget it.”
“Because you left all of your money in the back and complained to us that you couldn’t buy food all day.”
He clicked his tongue at the memory, “Ah, but you ended up getting me food anyway. That’s why you’re my favorite.” Endo latched himself onto Asahi and hugged his arm closely.
“Oh, r-right.” Yeah, Asahi really wasn’t going to think about how being hugged by Endo made him feel warm inside, or that he was glad that he had distracted Endo from actually trying to talk with Kuroo. Because it didn't mean anything. Like at all.
The second-year setter turned to see that the twins had come over to him, “Shōyō…” He glanced at Sakura, not having gotten her name, so they just shared a little nod of acknowledgement.
“Remember when we met on the street the other day and you said you really didn’t like volleyball that much?” Shōyō asked him, getting right to the point.
 Kenma blinked, “Oh, yeah.”
“How about today?” The younger boy asked quickly, “How did you like winning?”
Kenma hummed for a moment in contemplation before sighing, “it was just the same old thing.” He didn’t feel all that different about winning. Kenma would feel the same way no matter if they won or lost.
That wasn't exactly what Shōyō had been hoping for, but he could work with this. “Next time… I’ll make you desperate to win… and we’ll win. And then I’ll make you say, ‘I hate losing!’ or ‘That was a blast!’ You’ll start talking differently about the game!”
Kenma’s eyes widened, surprised at the passion from Shōyō. Though he smiled, more than pleased to have the boy care enough to change his perspective on the game. “Okay, I’ll look forward to that.”
Everything was winding down, Nekoma was ready to head to the train so they could get back to the city, and Karasuno was ready to head back further into the countryside. As Kenma and Shōyō were saying their final goodbyes, Kenma was finally introduced properly to Sakura. To say that the two teens got along is an understatement. Now, while the two were pretty quiet with their introductions with each other, they seemingly had an understanding with each other. Being two antisocial teens, they understood each other silently. There wasn’t much of a need for talking all that much. However, Kenma did suggest that they play games together. Not the biggest person for games, Sakura was a bit hesitant, though accepted since she figured she could actually make a friend out of him. While she’s hesitant to make a friend from a different school, having an online friend could help give her a bit of confidence to branch out to others. Plus, she’s been meaning to have someone new visit her animal crossing island. 
“Well,” Bouncing up to the trio, Yua smiled widely, which looked as though it was going to split her face in half. She was buzzing in place while looking down at the younger girl, “it was really nice to meet you, Hina! I can’t wait to see you again!”
Sakura tilted her head with narrowed eyes, “Hina?”
Yua nodded her head enthusiastically, “Yeah, since you won’t let me call you by your first name, I gave you a nickname. Isn’t that nice!”
The newly nicknamed teen cringed slightly, though it’s not like she could stop Yua. Sakura could tell that Yua was going to do it regardless of what she said. She scowled lightly, “Tch, whatever.” Getting a nickname surprisingly doesn’t bother her that much. If anything, getting it was actually a bit heartwarming. To know that she has someone close enough to her to come up with a nice nickname for her. The only problem is that it comes from someone that Sakura has only just met and barely knows. Hell, Sakura doesn’t even know Yua’s full name!
“Leave her alone, Yua.” Kenma drawled out, “you’re going to scare her off.”
The girl gasped with a hand on her heart, a scandalous gasp leaving her lips, “‘scare her off’, Kenma, I would never do that!”
“No, he’s right.” Sakura nodded her head along with the pudding-headed boy, “Though I would much rather you don’t even try to befriend me, doubt it’ll work.”
Yua deflated as Kenma and Sakura pinned her with nearly matching bored expressions. A slightly hollow expression started to wash over Yua’s face, “Oh, you two are getting along well, huh?” 
Kenma let out a long sigh, now having to deal with a discouraged and saddened Yua on the ride home. No doubt he’ll be hearing how wounded she feels about this until they get home. Even then she might end up texting him a whole bunch about it too. That’s going to be a long night.
Now that Nekoma was heading off back home, Karasuno watched them go. Kageyama and Shōyō stared off into the distance. The setter grunted, “If that had been an official game… ...it would have been over the instant we lost in the very first game.”
“I know,” Shōyō nodded his head in agreement.
“So you are fully aware.” Ukai commented, having heard the two first-years. Everyone turned their attention to their coach. “That official game, the Inter-High preliminaries are right around the corner. We’re heading back right away. We need to reflect upon and analyze today’s practice game!” He then turned to lead the way to the van, “And then, we practice!”
Determination struck just about every one of them as they nodded their heads, “Thank you, sir!”
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sungbeam · 2 years
this is my request for your open request event
a svt au/fic (w wonwoo if you can but I don't mind who it is tbh) where fem!oc is another members older sister and (im going to say wonwoo but I really don't mind who it is haha) wonwoo has the BIGGEST FATTEST JUICIEST crush on her and oc is the biggest flirt ever so wonwoos convinced she likes (any other member im just giving an example again) sungcheol, oc is also completely unaware of said crush and oc is just like really cool (idk why but I just imagine her being one of those people everyone wants to be friends w) so everyday wonwoo just falls for her more, until he asks her out on a drunk date and the other members end up tagging along (its up to you if you want it to be a happy or a sad ending)
I just made this up on the spot 😭
𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗮 𝘄𝗶𝘀𝗵
jeon wonwoo x fem!reader
1.8k words, wonu is whipped asf, hard pining, fluff, cursing, vernon makes an accidental double entendre lmao, scene by scene!, wonu thinks u like hoshi, drinking/drunk wonu doesn't make sense, kind of abrupt ending ? cries, not proofread ofc
a/n: tysm for sending in a request hua <3 i wasn't able to fit in the actual date im sorry :') but i might write a sequel where we can go into more detail abt the sebongs following the date 👀✨ anyways i hope u enjoy!! (also literally can't believe u came up w all of that on the spot i mean hOw TT)
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"I think you just need to tell her, hyung," Boo Seungkwan shouted to Jeon Wonwoo from over the sound of the loud bass blasting throughout Seungcheol's apartment. As per usual, the gang had all conspired to barge in on Seungcheol's place and throw a mini party for themselves. They called it a "stress reliever"; Seungcheol preferred "stress multiplier". 
Wonwoo's eyes flitted across the living room to where you were stationed at Cheol's foosball table by the window. You were partnered with Hoshi, and played against Seokmin and Mingyu. The two of you—you and Hoshi—had been jostling each other around with playful punches to each other's arms, hands covering each other's to play their handles, and so on. It was a splendid affair of flirting, and it made Wonwoo gulp his cup of beer down hard. 
Seungkwan went on. "I mean, noona's just flirty like that to everyone, y'know? Everyone except for me—"
"And me," Wonwoo muttered under his breath. 
Seungkwan pretended he didn't hear it. "—so you never know! You just… air it out. What harm could it do?"
What harm? Wonwoo loved Seungkwan (to a private extent; he wasn't about to tell the kid outright or he would never live it down), but even he had to admit that there was bound to be some kind of harm in confessing his massive crush on you. It was strange at first, the way his heart always made a little skip when he saw you, or the way his breath hitched whenever he heard you say his name. And when you made conversation with him? He wondered how on earth he could even choke out the word "hi" back. 
A presence appeared on the other side of Wonwoo, settling onto the leather couch with a bottle of soju in hand. "Yah, what bullshit are you trying to tell him this time, Seungkwannie-ah?" Jihoon sighed, then pursed his lips against the bottle and took a drink. 
Seungkwan gaped. "Bullshit? Hyung! I'm literally Yn's brother; I know best!"
Wonwoo tilted his head in begrudging agreement. Seungkwan definitely had a point there. 
He glanced your way again, in time to watch Hoshi pick you up and spin you around after the two of you managed to win the match against Seokmin and Mingyu. 
Wonwoo's heart sank, but he was glad you won—even if your smile was so pretty and happy it made his chest ache; even if Hoshi got to smell that nice perfume you wore all the time; and even if your eyes found his in the midst of the chaos—
Record scratch. Oh fuck. 
Wonwoo wondered if he looked as calm outwardly as he wasn't inwardly. Dear god, you just waved at him. 
He couldn't help but smile back at you, in that soft, fond sort of way he had unique to him. Maybe he couldn't scramble the words together to tell you his true feelings, but maybe the universe would send you a message in that private way of his. 
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Wonwoo definitely wished the universe would just speed up in its "working its magic". It was taking an awfully long time to give him a sign, but it was terribly good at continuing to make him fall faster and harder. Falling for you was falling into a bottomless pit, but it was freeing and frightening at the same time. 
He didn't often believe in fate, but desperate people found faith. Not that he was desperate or anything. No, definitely not. 
Well, there went his heart. 
A small smile found its was to his lips as he turned to greet you. You and Seungkwan had just arrived at the restaurant, and you happened to greet him first. Coincidence? Probably. At least, that was what Wonwoo thought. 
"Hey, Yn-ah," he said lowly, softly. 
Your smile softened at its corners and in the crinkle of your eyes. You stopped behind his chair with one hand propped on the back. Oh good god he could smell your perfume— "Good to see you! I feel like it's been ages since I last got to talk to you. Still running that book club?"
His eyebrows shot up like the speed of his heartbeat. "You remembered?"
"Of course, I did! You can ask Kwannie; it's all I talk about."
Seungkwan made a face, his nose wrinkling. "Yeah, it is," he confirmed. "If she didn't have to work, she'd be there, hyung. I'll tell you that." He sank into the seat next to Vernon and Chan, the two of whom were hogging the paper checklist for All You Can Eat sushi. 
Wonwoo couldn't believe his ears. He'd known you loved to read, but he didn't realize you actually cared about his book club. When he looked at you, he could've sworn there was a smattering of pink on your cheekbones. 
He tugged out the empty chair next to him. "Here, please, you should sit—"
"YN-IEEEE!" Hoshi screeched from the other end of the table like a hyena. He waved his arms around wildly. "I saved you a seat!" He smacked his hand down against the empty seat beside him, beckoning you over. 
You chuckled to yourself. "Ah, sorry Woo. Gotta go cater to our tiger cub. But we'll have to catch up on book talk soon, yeah?"
"Of course," he promised with a small nod of his head. 
You bit your lip through your smile, your hand grazing his shoulder, and then you were gone. Wonwoo kind of wished you'd sat down next to him instead. 
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Wonwoo was drinking again. Why? Well, the reason he would say was because Seungcheol was paying. The actual reason was because you showed up to Joshua's promotion celebration in a killer little black dress. No, it was not killer, but rather murderous. As in, he was murdering his throat as he threw back shot after shot, trying to erase the delusional little fantasies popping up in his head. 
"I think you need to chill," Vernon said with a hand over Wonwoo's to stop him from reaching for his fifth shot of the night. Vernon's eyebrows creased in concern. "Like, respectfully. But drinking isn't gonna erase that dress—I mean, you probably wanna erase the—"
"Jesus, Vernon," Wonwoo swore. Now he'd done it. Delusional just got ramped up a level. What was it? Was he a simp now? 
Wonwoo dragged a hand down his face. It wasn't like he wasn't dressed nicely either. He thought he looked pretty damn good when he'd walked out in the slightly unbuttoned black button down and suit jacket, tailored suit pants, the works. He'd even tried his hand at the slightest bit of black eyeliner, and at this point, it was just gonna end up smudged. "I'm not trying to forget," he enunciated the latter word very carefully against Vernon's megawatt smile, "I'm just trying to… distract myself."
"It's just a little sad, bro. You and Yn used to be really close before…"
"She and Hoshi got close," Wonwoo finished half-heartedly. That called for another shot. 
"No, I mean, before you realized your undying love for her and decided to be melodramatic about it." At Wonwoo's scowl, Vernon's hands shot up in the air in surrender. "Respectfully."
Both of the men's eyes wandered over to where you and Hoshi were currently taking pictures together to the side. It was like a miniature James Bond-esque photoshoot, and even Joshua had ditched his celebrators to join you. He had practically stolen you from Hoshi, the latter of which pouted while he watched Seokmin take yours and Joshua's pictures. 
Wonwoo grabbed another shot glass from the bar counter behind him, and just as he did so, Vernon joined him. 
"We might as well finally test who's got the higher tolerance," Vernon said with a shrug. 
Wonwoo laughed and clinked his glass against Vernon's. "Cheers, my friend."
And in the end, Vernon had ended up being the one passed out on Joshua's shoulder in the back of an Uber. The night had dulled as the friends all slowly became either too tired or too drunk to continue partying. With Joshua and Vernon gone, Seungcheol began plucking off the rest to make sure everyone had a ride home. 
However, Wonwoo remained slumped at the bar, his chin propped on his arms as they laid on the bar counter. He drew aimless hearts on the surface of the polished wood, mind somewhere in the realm of rose-tinted sunsets. The alcohol was definitely hitting him now, and even if he didn't become ape-shit crazy when drunk, he did become a little more… lovey-dovey. 
He felt a hand clasp him on the shoulder. "Your lucky night, Woo," Junhui said to him with a slyness in his voice. "Yn-ie wants to make sure you're okay."
Wonwoo hardly registered Jun's words or his departure, but he did realize that you were sliding onto the barstool next to him and calling the bartender for a glass of water. The water glass was pushed toward him, and you nudged his arm. 
"Sit up, Wonwoo. Come on, let's drink some water for me, hm?"
Wonwoo did not move; except, his eyes slowly adjusted to fix upon you. There was this sort of… flushed glow about you that made you look like an angel in this hazy daze of his. "Mm-mm," he hummed with a miniscule shake of his head. 
Your face contorted into an adorable confused expression that made him smile. "Everyone's leaving, Woo. We gotta sober you up."
"Are you sober?" He murmured. His words were slurred slightly, but he spoke so low anyway that one couldn't tell. 
You chuckled, shaking your head slightly. "Not really. But I'm a lot more sober than you are. I saw you drinking earlier, mister," you teased, wagging your finger at him. 
He giggled—yes, giggled. 
"Were you drinking so much for a reason?" You asked offhandedly as you nudged him to drink the water again. 
This time, Wonwoo slowly sat up and took the water cup. "Mhm," he said into the cup as he took a little sip. "You."
You blinked. "Me?"
"Mhm." Wonwoo drained the water cup and set it on the table. "If I drink more water, will you take me out?"
"Take—" you stammered, eyes wide, "—take you out? You want me to like… take you home? Take you outside? Take—"
Wonwoo shook his head. "Mm-mm," he slurred again. He propped the side of his head against his fist this time, viewing you from a slightly different angle that made your cheeks look rosy and your expression bashful. Or was that reality? "Take me out on a date. You owe me for drinking water like you wanted me to."
Okay, so maybe he was really drunk. He was gonna slap himself in the morning for this.
You laughed, but it wasn't the kind of laughter where you thought he was being hilariously ridiculous. Rather, you found him so endearingly adorable with his shameless words and goofy grin. You kind of wished he smiled like that all the time—without restraint. 
But you were nodding, and Wonwoo was grinning from ear to ear like he'd won a million dollars. 
"Okay," you said, your lips curling upward as you stood up and offered a hand to him, "I'll take you out, Wonwoo."
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a/n: pls do remember to rb, comment, etc if u liked it!! ty for reading :3
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ladymothball · 2 years
I play megamind ps3, ds, and wii games a lot
They’re very fun. Now I’m gonna share each line the doom syndicate say! Because I’m a fucking weirdo who truly enjoys this sorta thing because it says a lot about each character!
Some are repeated!
Not including blue titan purely because I don’t like Hal sorry
PS3/XBOX 360
Destruction Worker:
“Megamind! Prepare to be, de-… destructed!”
Psycho Delic:
"You dare enter my lair, Megamind?"
"Welcome to my world, Megamind. You'll soon be dancing to my tune. *laughs menacingly*"
"Glad you could join us, Megamind."
"Well then, now all the guests are here, let the party begin."
"Not before we party like a plague first, baby. Get that super square."
“Too quick for ya’?”
“You’ll need to be quicker than that!”
“You’ll need to do better than that, Megamind!”
“I’ll make you pay for that, Megamind.”
Hot Flash:
"I see you got past my goons, sweetie."
“You’ll never catch me, Megamind!”
“Defeat him!”
“You’re in hot water now, Megamind!”
“I’ve fired up a buffet of hot stuff!”
“Get him!”
"That was cute, Megamind. No matter, I'll enjoy cooking your goose!"
Destruction Worker:
“I’ll destroy you, Megamind!”
“Megamind! Prepare to be, uh, destructed!”
"Bla bla bla.."
"Curses! I missed!"
"Blue Tighten put me up to it, I had nothing to do with it."
Psycho Delic:
"You'll need to do better than that, Megamind."
"You dare enter my lair, Megamind?"
Hot Flash:
"You're in hot water now, Megamind!"
"You'll never catch me, Megamind!"
"Defeat him!"
"That was cute, Megamind. No matter, I'll enjoy cooking your goose!"
Destruction Worker:
“Give up yet?”
“You can’t beat me, no way!”
“Brawn over..uh..brains! That’s it!”
“Hey mega wimps! What’s the matter? Too tough for ya? Hahahahaha!”
“Hey mega softies! I still got some of the loot! So come get me!”
“Are you guys even trying?”
“I got it!”
“Boo yah!”
“Yeah! Power up!”
“I feel all rested up.”
“Come and get me!”
“I’m the best!”
“This’ll take a little time here.”
“What am I waiting for?”
“Right, I’ll wait here.”
“Uhhh, should we get moving?”
“Come on give me a chance!”
“High score for me baby! Haha!”
“Try to beat that score!”
“More scores for me!”
“What a score!”
“I’m coming in last?”
“I destroyed your score! Score!”
“Yeah! More scores for me!”
“I gotta catch up!”
“I dare ya to beat my score!”
“I destroyed you!”
“I’m dying!” (?)
“I’ve gotta catch up!”
“Got it!”
“Try to beat that!”
“I’m back! Did you miss me?”
“I can do this!”
“I’m coming in last?”
“I’m winning!”
“Time to avoid!”
“Let’s attack!”
“It’s mine!”
“Uhh, I need some points!”
“Run away!”
“We have to avoid this attack!”
Psycho Delic:
“More for me, sucka’s!
“Psycho score! Score!”
“All right!”
“All mine, baby.”
“Psycho power! Hahahaha!”
“Solid mine!”
“I’ll catch up, baby!”
“Give it up square, I’m taking you cats down!”
“I win!”
“Tick tock, I need a lil time, dig?”
“I’ll wait here a while, cool?”
“I’m getting old just waitin’.”
“Should we shuffle off?”
“As rested as a corpse.”
“Uh baby? I’m last.”
“Uhhhh, totally hip high score!”
“Mine. All mine, baby.”
“I can dig this, dig?”
“Come on! Get with it!”
“Gotta catch up, dig!”
“You can’t beat me, baby.”
“Too cool to be schooled!”
“All aboard!”
“Get hip for more points.”
“I’m as groovy as a ghoul, try catch me.”
“Ain’t no way you’re getting me! I’m as cool as an open grave.”
“I’m chilling like a villian!”
“Give it up, square!”
“Taking you cats down!”
“Try to take my hipness!”
“I’m too cool to crush!”
“Peace, love and decay, dig?”
“Let’s attack!”
“Try and beat me, baby.”
“I won!”
“I’m the happin’ hipster!”
“Run away!”
“Betcha can’t beat me, dig?”
Judge Sludge:
“More for me!”
“I’ve got it!”
“Try and beat me!”
“I’ll wait to be called.”
“This…will take some time.”
“It’s not prudent to wait!”
“I’m making a case to move.”
“A well rested recess.”
“Power up!”
“Got it!”
“I’m winning!”
“Must catch up!”
“Oh my.”
“I can judge you.”
“I’m cooking a masterpiece!”
“I won!”
“My sludge is too toxic for you.”
“Waste them with some toxic sludge, goons!”
“Come and get me!”
“You’re guilty of trying to stop me, Mega Squad!”
“You should give up legally!”
“Brains! Over brawn!”
“Don’t judge me! I can judge myself!”
Hot Flash:
“All right!”
“More for me!”
“I got it, sugar!”
“That’s mine, baby!”
“Can’t beat me, honey!”
“You’re mine!”
“Got it!”
“Power up!”
“Let’s attack!”
“I win!”
“I’m feeling well rested.”
“What are we waiting for?”
“I’ll wait right here, honey.”
“Should we get moving?”
“Okay, okay, this’ll take some time.”
“Hot score!”
“If you can’t take the heat, avoid my hotness!”
“I’m the best!”
“I won!”
“I’m winning!”
“I dare you to beat my high score!”
“Can’t beat my heat!”
“Come on! Fire it up!”
“More points, please!”
“Scorching hot score! Score!”
“We’ve almost flamed out!”
“I have the hottest score!”
“Giving up yet?”
“Let’s all attack together, now!”
“Run away!”
“Move in!”
“Hahaha! You’re all goin’ down, fast!”
“Sorry sweetie! This museum’s full of stuff for me!”
“There’s a big price to travel on my freeway!”
“Okay hot stuff, give mama a kiss!”
“Against me? No chance!”
“I’m too hot for you!”
“Look darlings, you can’t cage my hotness!”
“I’m back.”
“More points, please!”
“Get away!”
“You’re too cold to beat me!”
“Come and get me, sweetie.”
“Given up yet?”
“You can’t beat me! I’m hot!”
The Conductor:
“A symphonic high score!”
“It’s mine!”
“The score says I’m last!”
“I must catch up!”
“Give me a chance!”
“I got it!”
“This score must go up!”
“All mine!”
“Shall we begin?”
“Rest ameasure, this will take time.”
“I’m well rested.”
“Is there time to rest?”
“I’ll wait here a bit.”
“My score is one for the ages!”
“I’m in the lead!”
“I’m unstoppable!”
“I’d be shocked if you beat me.”
“Get away!”
“A knocked over cowardice.” (?)
“Do you like my classical arrival?”
“My performance is sure to electrify everyone!”
“Now you will play your final music, mega squad!”
Any with a (?) are ones that might be misheard, but it’s not clear
I might’ve missed a few, but these are like 95% of them I think
All of them had various ‘ow’s and various pain sounds, but ALL OF HOT FLASH’S PAIN SOUNDS SOUNDED SO DAMN SEXUAL LIKE BRUH GHHGHGGGUGUGYGYG
That being said, I am even more gay for her now she’s such a pretty tiny lady she has my heart <3
Not a doom syndicate quote but the amount of times I heard Roxanne say “this competition is getting seriously serious” drove me insane lmaooo
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buttterknifeee · 3 years
Now that you put the idea in my head, can I please request a blurb that takes place later on in the show (when Robin is now full on crushing on Aquagirl) where he’s trying to flirt with her but it just goes over her head and it drives everyone else crazy.
Examples: Like he compliments her, takes a harsh blow for her, gives her her fav candy after a hard fight but she only sees all of that as being friendly and nice then later when Robin is out of the room she sighs all love struck and is all like “I wish I could ask out Robin” and everyone just face palms. Im sorry if it’s too much, but I just really love that idea. Thanks if you do do it but also thanks for just hearing this out. Have a great day!
anyways here you go!
word count: 931
pairings: Robin! Dick Grayson x Aquagirl! Reader
Valentines day. The worst day of the year, especially for a girl like you. You've found yourself alone every year, and this year is probably no exception. You can't even get the guts to ask out the guy you like, and he's on your team! This is on me, you thought glumly.
You sat in Starfire's room with her and Raven as you watched her get ready for the day.
"So what are you doing today, Starfire?" You asked, watching her brush her hair in front of her vanity. You were laying on her bed as Raven sat cross legged next to you.
"Oh! Friend Raven and I will be seeing a movie at the place of theaters!" She said cheerfully.
“Have you asked Robin out yet?” Raven asked with a smirk. Your face burned red.
“I- Robin? What makes you think I like Robin???” you stutter, sitting up straight.
Starfire floated over to you. “Oh! The two of you would be perfect for each other! You are always together and-” You cut her off, extremely flustered.
“We’re not always together, and besides, he obviously doesn’t see me that way, so there’s no point in asking him out anyways.” You stared at your feet in embarrassment. Starfire and Raven looked at each other.
They were about to reply when the alarm went off, flashing red and blaring a horn. The three of you race out of Starfire's room and into the main room, where you find the three boys already there.
“The HIVE five are roaming Jump City,” Robin announces, staring at the screen in the center of the room.
“Man, didn't we just like to fight them?” Beast Boy whines.
“Complainings for later, let's go!” Robin orders, and you all hurry to the tower’s exit. Robin puts his hand on your shoulder before you leave.
“Um, I just wanted to say that you looked nice today,” he stuttered. You thought it was nice of him to say something like that to you.
“Aw, thanks man! I appreciate it!” you smile, patting the hand he had on your shoulder. You ran to join the others.
You found the HIVE five at the Jump City bank, loading sacks of cash into a truck. Gizmo noticed you first and yelled at his team. They all turned to you and took a fighting stance.
“Titans go!” Robin yelled, charging forward. You followed his lead and clashed with the five villains. This time you square up against Jinx, who stares at you nonchalantly. She smiles and points her finger at you. Pink energy shoots out towards you but you block it with a shield of water.
“Don’t you guys take the holidays or something?” you huff, dropping your shield. The pink haired girl smirks.
“The HIVE stops for nothing, not even your stupid little holidays!” She lunges towards you to throw a punch. You dodge, and kick at her stomach. She groans, but lunges at you again, You dodge again, but this time she grabbed your arm and threw you over her shoulder, causing you to hit the ground hard. You quickly got up, but she shot a wave of magic at you, sending you into a wall. The wall cracked from the impact, and you sat slumped on the floor, your head ringing. You tried to focus your vision as Jinx stood across from you, ready to bring the final blow. Pink energy crackled out of her hands and you closed your eyes expecting pained and-
You hear a yell in front of you as you reopen your eyes. Robin stood staggered in front of you, taking the impact of Jinx’s magic.
“Robin!” you yell, rushing towards him as he collapses towards you. You held him in your arms as you glared at Jinx, burning with rage.
“Awww looks like your boyfriend’s not doing too well,” she laughed, a hand on her hip.
“Boyfriend? We’re not dating.” you said.
“You’re not?”
“Yeah I mean he’s cute and everything but he obviously doesn’t see me like that so- You thought we were dating???”
“You guys seemed like a couple so i kinda just assumed-” She was suddenly cut off by being hit with a blast. More specifically Cyborg’s sonic arm cannon.
“Boo-yah!” he cheered, giving you a thumbs up. You gave a pained smile as you continued to hold the boy wonder in your lap.
You sat by Robin’s side in the infirmary, watching his sleeping body. Jinx’s blow must have given him a concussion, because he was out like a light the whole way back to the tower. You quietly jumped as he finally stirred awake.
“... Aquagirl?” he croaked, slightly lifting up his head.
“The one and only,” you smile. “You alright? You got hit pretty badly.”
“Yeah… I’m ok. Listen there’s something I need to tell you I-” He started but you stopped him.
“Robin, whatever it is you want to tell me you can tell me later ok? You need some rest,” you say. “And, thank you, for what you did back there. I don’t know what I would do without you.”
You leave the infirmary and meet with all the Titans in the living room. They all stared at you as you entered the room.
“What?” you ask, taking a seat next to Cyborg.
“Well?? DId you ask Robin out?” Beast Boy asked, looking at you with raised eyebrows.
“How did you- never mind.” you sighed. “I don’t know guys, I really do like him but I just don’t think he feels the same.”
The four titans all groaned unanimously.
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minshookie · 3 years
CEO!BTS Reaction to:
You flinching during an argument.
| !warning! | violence, unhealthy relationships, abusive relationship, yandere Bts, choking and sexual topics 18+, dubcon, oral [fem receiving & giving], strong language [Jimin has a potty mouth!!!] rough play.
| this is not in anyway shape or form a true depiction or representation of BTS, this is a work of fiction and is not to be taken seriously. For entertainment purposes only.|(this is my work, please don’t repost or steal)
| Requested [requests open]
A/N | the amount of time I’m taking to get these request done correctly is embarrassing i apologize. I hope you don’t mind that I turned this into a whole reaction and that it’s not fluffy...lmk if you’d like me to change it I certainly will.
Forgive me for mistakes, though this is edited.
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Kim Seokjin...
“Ok well what was that out there?” He spoke ominously back turned to you. “I- we-.” Laughing at your lack of response, he cut you off. “You fucked up that’s what it was hun.”
“Come sit on the desk, I want to see you apologize for making me look like an idiot.” He spat the last part like it was disgusting on his tongue. Already in deep trouble you decided to follow directions for once.
Turing smoothly in his office chair, you could see the resentment in his eyes. “Go on.” You swallowed thickly, his angered glare drying your throat. “I’m sorry for....correcting you during today’s meeting.” He scoffed, “there was nothing to correct!”
“Jin you can’t always be right, if you took that agreement, you’d never hit anything close to pro-” “who’s the boss? Hm? Who’s name is on this desk you have your tight ass planted on?” Mistakingly you let your eyes roll out of pure annoyance.
“Well excuse me?!” He leans forward quickly out of his chair, causing you to fall opposite of him. Pens poke at your back, his name plaque digging into your arm. Evilly he grins in enjoyment. “Found your place yet?, you seem afraid...afraid I’d hit you?” Wide eyed you nod, trapped like a mouse under its predator. Every inch of confidence stripped as he glared deeply into you. “Good.” Before you could even process his statement, you were harshly distracted by his rough hand landing across your cheek. Your head turns the other way as your right cheek tingles and burns. Chuckling he grips your chin forcing you to look at him.
“Find your place, and if you’ve forgotten it, I can help you find it...just like that,anytime.”
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Min Yoongi...
Watching in envy, you pushed miscellaneous papers into the shredder. What a bitch! You saw her watching Yoongi all day just waiting for him to go to his office. So she could prance in there, thong up her ass, low cut shirt...the works.
“Yah! Y/N, what the hell are you doing?” Jumping in fear , peeking down you found out what you’ve been shredding. He shoved you to the side turning off the shredder. “All those papers we needed for next week’s evaluation and review meeting...” you looked from the shredder back to him shrugging nonchalantly. Already having Somebody in your boyfriends office flirting him into hard on, the last thing you need is more work. “We’ll go fucking print some more of them.” He demanded his face stiff. Jin never liked you, maybe you’ll have Yoongi fire him.
You walked holding the last remaining sheet fully intact for reference, did Jin really think you were going to the copy room? What a dunce. Ignoring the meeting in progress light you pushed the heavy door open. “Hey y/n I’m sorry we’re in the middle of something.” You could tell he was just laughing at something a tint of red on his cheeks. Him kicking you out...this should be the other way. This hurt. “Me?” You gasped. She turned her silky hair fanning. “Y/n when we’re done I’ll come find you Alright?” She spoke a little above a whisper.“Don’t speak to me.” You glared at her walking further into the office. Obviously she’s confused about her rightful place, and Yoongi is too.
“You, get out.” She stretched her eyes looking back and forth from you to Yoongi. “Now.” “Min you can’t let her kick me out.” She scoffed, “I’ll speak to you later alright.” He smiled warmly,She got up storming from his room. “Yoongi what exactly was that?” He sat back in his chair. “A meeting.” “A meeting with what her left tit?” He closed his eyes harshly at your vulgarity. “No a meeting with your colleague about her position.” He offers the seat in front of him, gladly you take said offer.
“But what you did was uncalled for.” Laughing he leaned forward onto the table. He beacons you to follow, leaning forward you fall right into his trap upset he gripped your face making your cheeks squish. “Don’t ever come back in my office acting this way again, understood?” Nodding the best you could. “Huh? Understood?” “Yeah!” He let go leaving a ache in his wake. Before going back he reached for you again instinctively you pull back as if he was going to strike you. “Hm, I don’t treat you that harsh but I will...keep testing me.” He finished, only coming close to fix your hair.
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Kim Namjoon...
Another day held the same daily routine, wake up Joon, cook breakfast, clean get dressed and head to work, work, eat lunch in Joon’s office, work,go home, and restart.
Today Joon had lunch delivered, practically throwing his money like confetti paper, much to the delight of his employees. Both of you sat on the floor of his office, enjoying the home style take out in silence. Without noticing all your attention was being absorbed by your phone. “What’s so intriguing kitten?” Your fingers stopped in their place “just texting a friend.” You looked at him through your lashes before going back to typing. He closed his take out container, he finished his meal and sneakily proceeded onto yours. Surprised by your lack of protests he spoke again.
“Oh yeah? And whose this friend?” He mumbled still chewing. “Someone I might know?” You nodded in response, unsatisfied he got up going to wash his hands in his office restroom. “Their name would be helpful y/n.” Just from his tone alone you could tell he was nearing impatience. “He works here, I’m just helping him...explaining how the log in system works he’s locked out at the moment.”
Joon no longer cared for their name and you knew it. “Oh ‘he’?” You nodded, he came drying his hands with his initialed towels. “New guy...Choi?” You looked up fully for the first time in a while. “Yeah, Soobin.” He nodded,Sitting in his desk turning to some papers. Nothing left to say you looked back down at your massages. “I’d like you to eat though, I don’t want you going hungry.” He ordered you around like a father and you obeyed.
Chewing, you almost choked as Soobin sent a joke that you weren’t ready for. Joon raised a brow, “a funny one huh? Let me see.” He looked down at you hand out flat. Your eyes went doe, there is no way your letting Joon read this vulgar joke. Soobin would be out of a job just as quick as he got one. “C’mon let me see, don’t make me take it.” Maybe he’ll laugh about it too, you gave up the device.
At first he squinted before his eyes grew wide. “ ‘This copy machine looks like the one from those cheesy office pornos....let’s make one?’ Y/N this is who you’re waisting your time on?” Rolling your eyes you went back to your meal, annoyed he didn’t find the harmless joke amusing. “Joon he was joking, it’s not like he knows I’m dating someone.”
You felt wind brush past you and a crashing sound occurred from behind, startled you made eye contact. “I had half the mind to throw that piece of shit at your head.” His angered expression taking you aback, you must’ve forgotten Joon is the extremely jealous type. “Go get it, bring it back to me.” Slowly turning trying not to take your eye off of him, you retrieved the shattered phone. Harshly he took it from your hands. Tapping before turning it to you, “block him.” You flinched at his sudden hand movement. “Don’t flinch away from me, block the bastard, before I’m the one bending you over the copy machine.”
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Jung Hoseok...
Slouching in the pool chair you observed as the other women splashed and paddled around like children. You don’t usually go to these types of things, and neither does Hoseok. But this time it was important, he was here solely to kiss butt with his new business partners.
He practically forced you to put on your swimsuit, fully planning on walking you around like a show dog for the evening. Crossing your legs you brought your straw to your lips. You’d planned on getting in the pool, but apparently you weren’t good enough for the other wives...or affairs in the pool at the moment.So to spare the embarrassment you decided to watch.
“Enjoying yourself?” Hoseok came behind you patting your head softly. “Hm I guess.” You placed your drink away. “Hobi I’m ready to go. home.” You pouted, his hand still on the chair he came to your side. “Home? We’ve just got here an hour ago.” Nodding at his true statement you turned to look at him. “Yeah...and now I’m ready to go home.” Rolling his eyes he squatted to your level. “C’mon baby, go make a friend in the pool, splash around yeah?”
“No, I’m tired.” He groaned putting his head on your shoulder. “Y/n, boo don’t be a brat, you wanna go inside, wanna find a bed for you?” “Hm will you stay with me?” He looked over his shoulder, “ah Bruce wants to talk cuts and coverage a bit more, I can show you to a ro-” “nooo hobi!”
Panicking he pinched you to lower your volume. The party in the pool ceased and all eyes were on you. You’d learned how to cheat the system,It usually didn’t take much pouting from you to get your way. “c’mon get up.” He pulled me roughly by my forearm almost making you trip over your feet. He pulled you into the spacious home, up the stairs and into a hall. “Here let’s go in this room hobi.” You could tell by the look on his face hobi didn’t come to rest.
“Do you get off on making me look like an idiot?” He spoke close to your face. “Hey, I told you i wanted-” he covered your mouth with his large hand. “I don’t give a fuck what you want, now shut up and get in that fucking room.” Meekly you followed his order. “I’m sorry hobi.” “Ah I said shut up!” You stood in the middle of the decretive room, “down.” Down on your knees before him he looked down disgusted.
“Now make my cock hard so I can teach you how to use your loud ass mouth correctly.” Hesitantly you leaned forward, he groaned loudly reaching for you making you backwards in response. “Quickly, and don’t you dare run away.” He grabbed your hair, now under his full control.
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Kim Taehyung...
“Mm how does it feel being my right hand lady?”
“Well seems like I’m on top of you right now.”
“I love how smart you are baby.”
Taehyung had recently promoted you to his secretary, now you can’t help but be in his office all day. Dreamily he looked up into your eyes as you straddled him. “Round 2 huh?” He huffed making you giggle, “let’s not indulge Taetae.” You nipped at the shell of his ear, he gripped your ass tightly. “What else do you have to do, I distributed your work along all the employees you’re here to have fun!”
“Well the phone has been ringing like crazy let me answer at least one call!” You climbed off, your skirt still scrunched around your waist your panties to the side. “Ahhh the baby wants to feel like a big woman go on answer.” Smiling with accomplishment, you picked up the phone. “Hello this is y/n y/l/n, answering for Kim Taehyung.” It was actually another secretary on the line you took notes as he spoke. You felt so responsible you knew Taehyung would be proud, you looked over to see his approval only to find him not there.
Confused you held conversation, until you felt something warm glide along your thigh making you Yelp. “Ah I’m sorry, Mr Lee, repeat that?” In fear you looked under your desk, mischievously Taehyung winked at you. You went back to the conversation, as he lapped your heat. You were already so sensitive you wouldn’t last a minute more of this. “Stop it please Tae.” You hissed pressing the phone to your chest. He did the opposite, penetrating you with his longest digit. Curling his finger and assaulting your clit, if the lewd sound of slurping could be heard by you you knew it could be heard over the phone. Quickly you hung up, very upset you squeezed his head between your thighs.
“Cumming baby?” “No, quitting.” He pulled back confused “what?” You fixed you panties, pulling your skirt back over yourself. “I asked you to let me do one thing, and still you couldn’t keep off of me.” He crawled from under your desk. “Who was on the phone?” He asked dryly, you looked over your notes. “Mr Lee.” “Oh, he calls everyday for his boss they have nothing to offer so we have nothing to give.” You nodded making a note to avoid his calls. “Anything else?” He shook his head going back to his desk with a deep sigh.
Oh good grief, you huffed falling back into your chair, you’ve gotten upset with him and now he’s going to mope around. “TaeTae, please understand I do actually want to work, we’ve talked about this.” You spun your chair to look at him, he looked at you inquisitively. “Maybe you should go back downstairs, I don’t want to distract you.” You could feel your eyes stretching. “Tae! No it’s not that serious.” “No no, your cubicle is still empty, the largest one.” You crossed your arms. “You’ll get the raise you just won’t be here honey...maybe I’ll offer the position to Sana.” He turned from you to go in his computer. “No, I’m not going.” “Bye Y/n see you tonight.” He mumbled nonchalantly.
“No Taehyung.” He gave a grim chuckle. “Stop being hard headed, go fetch Sana for me will you....love you.” “No kim Taehyung, this is MY job!” The phone rung and you picked it up, “hello this is-” He came pulling the phone from you slamming it to hang it up you flinched harshly. “Y/L/N, I won’t ask you agin, get out or do what I promoted you here to do.” He looked into your eyes devilishly. You complied removing your skirt, playtime was over, you sadly knew your place. “Perfect girl.”
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Park Jimin...
“I’ll beat your ass come here. Now.” You stood in his office doorway, fear quaking over you. “Y/n...now.” he leaned on his desk looking you up and down. You walked in to what seemed to be your demise. “The door, close it, lock it.” “Mr Park please.” He got up walking behind you and slamming the door before walking in front of you again. “Where the fuck! Were you.” You looked at him, head fogged unsure of an answer. “I-I Mr Park...I’ve been here at work since 3 AM actually...before you got here.” He laughed lightly.
“I didn’t want your schedule, I know your damn schedule, the meeting today’s meeting.” You toyed with your fingers, “OH...oh Mr Park I forgot you needed me I’m sorry h-how did it go?” “We fucking lost the deal, the information you dug up is what we needed and you were somewhere in LaLa land.” He dug his hands into his hair. “C‘mere.” He sat on the leather couch that decorated his office. “Please Mr Park, I’ll stay late and I’ll beg for another meeting date.” He shook his head “no, c’mere.” You stood still pleading with your eyes. “I’ll drag you by your cheap blow out, bring your ass here.” You shuffled to him, he pulled your dress bending you over his knee.
He pulled your dress up, “Mr Park what will your wife say?” You began to tear up, why would he choose you to give his violent love to. “Ha, she’ll say “fuck me harder” later tonight why?” You shook your head refusing to respond. “Look into the mirror.” You obliged. He pulled his hand up just stoping before it hit you causing you to shudder a jerk violently. “ Do you fear me y/n?” You nodded almost sobbing. “I’ve trained you well...head up...be a big girl.”
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Jeon Jungkook...
The whole building was draped in a gloomy mood as Jungkook stalked about looking for something to nitpick. Earlier today you and Jungkook had a falling out on the way to work about how close you were getting with one of your male coworkers. And said coworker that just happened to be your cubicle neighbor. He rounded your area multiple times, chastising said coworker, sending him on errands and putting him down again and again.
Seeing how it was affecting the newbie, you finally turned to Jungkook. “Mr Jeon, can I speak to you.” “No.” He turned quickly before going back to chastise the frightened employee. “Slip up again, and I’ll make sure you’re looking at a deep fryer for the rest of your life Kang.” He whispered just loud enough for you to catch it.
“Mr Jeon please, for a minute.” He clears his throat leaving your area. Your face grew hotter by the minute, you got up going to talk to your distraught friend. “Hey, listen he’s all bark and no bite what do you need help with?” You smiled warmly remembering how it felt to be new in a place like this.
“Well every time I answer the phone and start the question pro-” a heavy hand lands on his and your shoulder “who said this was a social hour y/l/n” a sigh came from deep inside of you. “ Damn it Kookie-” “who? Excuse me?” His eyes widening. “Jungkook- Jeon- I’m sorry...I’m sorry Mr Jeon.” He eyed the two of you “hm...kang get to work, y/l/n you too.” He began to walk away. “Y/n I’ll send you an email, I really need help on this.”
“Email her I dare you.” You spun in your chair “Mr jeon please! He’ll never get better if I don’t.” He rolled his eyes taking off his glasses, “what was he trained for if he can’t use the damn computer?” Everyone in the office was watching the dispute. “Pft I was trained on any of this! I had you holding my hand the whole way why can’t he?” He started waking the other way, his face glowing crimson. “Get in my office, now y/n.” You sat turning to your work. “No Jeon. I won’t.” “Y/n you can come to my office, or clock out and go home for the rest of the damn month.” All eyes on you like this was some cheesy tv drama, you got up following him.
Once in the safety of his four walls you stood hands on your hips “why kookie, why you being a Jackass?” He turned to face you, anger evident. Swiftly he pulled you by your shirt “talk to me like that outside of this office space the way you did today one more time, and you’ll be begging me to fire you. Yeah?” You nodded earning a open palm slap to your cheek, “yeah? Open your slutty mouth like you did for Kang, am I understood?” “Yeah kookie.” Another slap, your cheek began to burn. “Yes Mr Jeon.” He lifted his hand making you flinch in his grip. “Lovely girl, now get out there, and leave Kang alone or else.”
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let-them-read-fics · 4 years
Blackpink Reaction To Their S/O Surprising Them W/ Dyed Hair
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A/N: Hello, my lovely readers! Thank you guys for being patient with me on the requests, I really appreciate it. This is my first time writing a reaction, so let me know what you think. I hope you enjoy. Happy reading, everyone!
Everything is under the cut :)
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"Say hello to everyone," Jisoo requests through the phone, looking back up to the screen in front of her with that signature smirk playing on her lips. As fate would have it, she was in the middle of doing a live when you called. The fans love you -- especially since you're so funny and chaotic when you're around -- so you're happy to greet them.
"Hi, Blinks! I'll be there in a few minutes with a special surprise." 
Jisoo lets out a shocked noise at this, considering you hadn't told her about your plans. 
"Oye! Hurry home so we can see it." She says excitedly, lightly bouncing up and down on the bed. With a smile that's evident in your voice, you tell her goodbye.
In one swift motion, you scoop up a cheery Dalgom in your arms, laughing at how he licks your cheeks in greeting. 
"I love you, too, buddy."
After setting your bag down on the couch, you make your way to Jisoo's room. Little do you know, she has a surprise of her own in store.
"BOO!" She shouts, keeping her phone steady to capture your reaction to the scare. You tense up and shout, nearly dropping Dalgom in the process, but you recover after a moment. Both of you break out into a fit of giggles, and you look over at the computer on the bedside table to find the fans blowing up the chat. Jisoo wipes the tears of laughter from her eyes, and looks at you again; only now does she notice your new hair. 
At first, she's speechless -- only capable of looking at you with hearts in her eyes. Eventually, though, she finds her voice again. "Y/N! Wow, it looks gorgeous!" She smiles, running her hand through the newly dyed locks. Her accent made the compliment even more special, and you don't even try to stop the grin that tugs at your lips. 
Now seated on the bed with Jisoo beside you and Dalgom in your lap, you flip your hair around exaggeratedly as you show it to the audience. The positive comments roll in, and you take turns reading some of them out loud. From her position against the headboard, she can see the different hues of your hair shine and shimmer brightly in the gentle lamplight; she can't help but admire you.
After half an hour or so, she decides to end the live. You pull Dalgom into your arms again and smoosh your cheek up against Jisoo's, making sure to crowd in enough to fit into frame. Something must have gotten into her, because she leans around to press a lingering kiss to the corner of your lips, right in front of the camera. You can only imagine how much harder the fans are going to ship you now.
With a final wave and goodbye to everyone, she ends it. She wraps one arm around your back as her other comes to rest on your thigh, reaching up every now and then to pet Dalgom's head. 
"I'm so happy you like it." You say after a few minutes, breaking the comfortable silence that had fallen over the room. She lifts her head from its place on your shoulder to look at you. "Of course I do, Y/N. Did you doubt that I would?"
"Not exactly… I was just afraid it might not turn out pretty. You know?" She nods in response, but her heart breaks a little: you have no idea how amazing you are.
"I understand, but you don't ever need to worry about that. Everything about you is beautiful because it's a part of you. You make everything pretty." She gushes, tracing little patterns on your hip. 
You attempt to dismiss her words, throwing a hand into the air while making a little "pshh" sound, but she doesn't stand for it. "I mean it, Y/N. I'm not just saying that. I'm glad to call you mine; you're so special." Her words affect you more than you thought they would, and soon tears are blurring your vision. Who knew dying your hair could lead to all this?
"I don't know what I did to deserve you, Jisoo, but I love you so much. You always know what to say." And it's true -- she does. She knows you get insecure sometimes, and she's always there to reassure you of her feelings when you need it most. 
"And I love you." She affirms, allowing her head to rest on your shoulder again now that you're happy.
Feeling left out, Dalgom lets out a little bark; he wants attention too. In an instant, the room is filled with kissy noises and the sound of your high pitched voices as you both talk to him and shower him with love.
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"Jen, I'm home!" With a shrug of your shoulders, the warm material of your coat falls down your arms. As you hang it on the rack beside the door, a smile tugs at your lips; Jennie gave you that coat, and it's always done well in keeping you warm and comfortable when she can't be around to do so. You make a mental note to thank her properly. 
With that, you amble into the kitchen.
"Yah, jagi! What took so long? I missed you." Jennie whines, her words slipping past the cute little pout that's surely adorning her face. She's preparing a snack at the counter, her back turned to you as she struggles to open the sauce jar. 
"Here, let me help," you offer, approaching her. 
As she hands you the container, she turns to look at you for the first time tonight. Her eyes widen as she does a double take at you. You don't notice, though -- your focus is elsewhere.
"Jisoo and I saw a new gaming store when we were out today and we decided to stop in. We didn't expect to be there for so long; we just got wrapped up." You tell her, answering her previous question as you finally manage to pop the lid open. Upon sliding the jar over to her and meeting her gaze, an instant blush begins to make its way to your cheeks. Her pupils are blown wide now, and her lips are pursed as she appreciates the sight of you. You never fail to send her heart wild.
"I'm convinced you can rock any color," she flirts, smiling widely at the reaction her words garner from you. 
"Why don't you come a little closer and get a better look?" You ask, fighting the shyness that threatens to take over you. She quirks an eyebrow before sauntering over, swiftly moving to tangle her hands in your hair. "It suits you so well, babe." She compliments, toying with the soft strands that fall down into your face as you lean in closer to her. Her embrace is comforting, as always, and you sigh at the feeling of her fingers against your scalp. Before she can stop herself, Jennie leans forward and connects your lips in a sweet kiss. She tastes like fruit, and you can't get enough of the flavor. Working with a sneaking suspicion, you open your eyes and glance over at her work station. Now, with your fears confirmed, you abruptly pull away.
She groans at the loss of contact, but you're quick to speak up. "You made tanghulu without me?? Woooow, Jennie. I'm hurt." You tease, acting truly upset as you take a step away from her. She shakes her head, letting out a little chuckle; for a second, she worried you were upset about something serious.
"Shush, we can always make more." 
You don't drop the act so easily, though, and the playful glint in her eye tells you that she's enjoying the banter. 
"What else have you done without me today? If you watched that new drama without me then you're sleeping on the couch tonight." A guilty expression falls over her features, and she avoids your gaze.
"About that…" she starts, rubbing the back of her neck as a dry chuckle slips past her lips.
"I'm messing with you, babe. That would be treason." She pulls you into her arms again, raising a hand and giving you a sort of "scout's honor" gesture to prove that she isn't lying. After narrowing your eyes at her one last time to ensure she's being truthful, you give in and kiss her again. 
"Fine. You'll just have to keep kissing me to make up for the tanghulu."
"Oh, really? I'll have to start making it without you more often, then." She laughs against your lips as you pinch her for that remark. Your mood brightens exponentially at the sound of her giggles, and you wrap your arms around her even tighter.
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“I'm home, my love!" You shout, slipping your shoes off and setting them beside the door. A content sigh leaves your lips as you undo the top few buttons of your shirt, finally able to relax and see Rosé. Her excited footsteps carry out across the house as she makes her way downstairs, Hank following right along. You crouch down to pick him up, smiling at the precious way his ears bounce around as he runs into your arms. 
"Oww, my heart," Rosie exclaims with a grin, holding her hand against her chest in mock pain. Nothing can compare to seeing her two loves so happy and carefree. She pads her way over to you, and you kiss the top of Hank's head before setting him on the ground. Her arms wrap around your waist, and you pull her in for a warm embrace; the two of you stand like that for a minute, swaying back and forth. Eventually she pulls back to press a kiss to your lips -- something she's been dying to do all day -- and she takes your hat off in order to run her hands through your hair. 
"I missed you, babe." The words come out quietly, accompanied by a frown. You peck her lips again until her pout turns into a soft little smile, and rest your forehead against hers. 
"Me too. But now I have the next 3 days off, and I'm all yours." Her eyes look into yours lovingly, but quickly shift to look at your newly exposed hair. 
A sound of surprise stutters past her lips -- you've truly taken her breath away. She has a special twinkle in her eye as she looks at you, completely in love. Her fingers skim across your collarbone and neck as they move to play with your hair. 
"It's beautiful, just like you." You tut at her and bring your hands up to cover your face, taking refuge behind them. She's quick to pull them away, though, pressing a kiss to your knuckles and wrists before interlocking your fingers. 
"I mean it, Y/N. You're always so stunning." There's no denying the effect her words have on you; even after being together for as long as you have, her compliments never fail to set your heart aflame. 
"How'd I get so lucky, huh?" You ask her as you let your hands settle on her hips. She's clad in a crop top and jeans, and the soft skin of her abdomen against your fingertips is a wonderful contrast to the rough material of her pants. 
It's her turn to blush now. "I love you to the mountains and back and to the far far hills--" your giggles interrupt her recital, and she just laughs along with you. "I love you, too, Rose. So much." She presses another kiss to your cheek before leading you up the stairs and calling out for Hank to follow.
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As you walk down the hallway of the dance studio, destination set on Lisa's rehearsal room, you can hear the strong beat of "Candy" by Doja Cat pulsing inside. A stray staff member passes by you, looking nearly entranced as you run a hand through your hair to readjust it and smile at her. She watches you walk away, incapable of taking her eyes off of you, and that simple act boosts your confidence tenfold. You had been a little nervous to see how people would react to your new look -- Lisa, in particular -- but all of the approval you've been receiving has eased your worries so far.
With one final, steadying breath, you release your fears and open the door. 
Your girlfriend doesn't notice you come in at first, given that she's totally in her element, her body winding around as she performs the moves expertly. You lean against the doorframe now, taking in the beautiful sight. During one particular part of the song, she does a set of body rolls, putting the muscles of her abdomen on full display as she flexes them. The low lighting of the room sets the mood perfectly, creating just the right ambiance.
"Damn, baby. Am I crazy or are you somehow getting even better?" The words startle her ever so slightly, pulling her from the other world that she was just in. She glances at you from across the room, and a look of confusion crosses her face for a split second. After she registers that you're you and not some random staff member, her jaw drops to the floor. 
Totally disregarding your previous question, she's quick to replace it with her own as she runs over to you. "Y/N! Oh my gosh, why didn't you tell me??" The words come out in a rush as she engulfs you in a tight embrace, and you snuggle into her warmth. 
"I wanted to surprise you. I've been wanting to switch it up for a while, and somebody told me that this is your favorite color." You say, unwrapping one of your hands from her waist and bringing it up to toy with your hair. "Do you like it?" You ask, biting your lip as the nerves begin to creep back in momentarily. Lisa hasn't said anything yet -- she's just been studying your features with the hint of a smirk on her lips. 
"No, I don't."
"I love it, babe. You're so beautiful." She says as she rests her forehead against yours. 
With a sigh, you nudge her playfully. "Hey, don't do that to me! I thought you didn't like it." You pout, avoiding her now incredulous gaze.
"Look at me." She commands, cupping your cheek gently as she lifts your head to face her. "Did you seriously think I wouldn't like it? You could be bald and I'd still be just as in love with you as ever. But that color looks absolutely gorgeous on you." 
She always knows just what to say. 
"I love you, dork." You grin, pressing a kiss against her soft lips. 
"And I love you. Now, come dance with me." Her hands skim down your arms on their journey to your hands, and she interlocks your fingers. She walks backwards towards the middle of the room, doing a goofy little shimmy on the way. Her antics draw a giggle from you, and she reciprocates. Before long, the two of you are having a full on dance battle as another new song blasts through the speakers.
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anothertimdrakestan · 4 years
How DARE You Go And Die On Me???  - Jason Todd x Reader Soulmate AU -
Words: 2.1k
Requested? Yes! From a lovely anon!
“Jason Todd x reader soulmate AU pleasssse where when you touch them with skin for the first time there’s sparkly lights that only you and your soulmate see or something and you feel really warm and your soulmate glows or something? Thank you ❤️”
I love this request. So much. I hope y’all enjoy this one because I really got to live out my famous science nerd dream. Thank you for the amazing request! I secretly love soulmate AU’s hehehe so please send more! Y’all are so creative with them too :)))
Soulmates were a sore subject for you. At a young age you glowed bright red, and it was the most crushing moment of your life. Soulmate glows only occurred when you touched your soulmate for the first time or when they died. Knowing this meant you would never meet your person was hard, but you hoped maybe you’d be one of the lucky ones who got a new soulmate, seeing as you were so young. But years later nothing had happened even though you stayed hopeful. Unlike so many who go off the rails once they realize there’s no one for them, you dedicated your life to researching soulmates, and it was incredibly fulfilling. As a high school intern working under a group of molecular biochemists, world renowned computer scientists, and psychiatrists you were worked towards creating a drug that made you glow in your soulmate color, it would make finding soulmates much easier and from there you could maybe make a sensor and go international with your research. Who wouldn’t want a drug that finds the person you’re meant to be with?
You’d been tracking soulmates to see if there’s any tell before they find out they are soulmates besides the glowing. It was painful to watch thousands find their life long partner but part of you hoped that by finishing this research you would be able to figure out if your soulmate was really gone, or get filthy rich trying. As just a teenager you planned on working for the company for the rest of your life, staying involved as you pursue your degree then returning, this project was growing up with you. 
As far as you knew, soulmates were drawn together. That was the only explanation as to why so many people in your tests were soulmates. There was something almost magnetic about finding your other half, and you were convinced it was chartable. There was a scientific explanation for everything. 
Finally the drug was ready, after months of blind trials and high highs and low lows it was time for the first wave of real life test runs. Grouping a couple thousand eager participants together, your team split into groups. Taking each participant into a room you gave them the drug and filled the color they glowed, and if anyone matched you’d bring them together. Of course all the interns on your team wanted to try too. 
Stepping up you couldn’t hold in excitement. Since you were only newly a teenager you hoped your soulmate color would be cool. You’d seen some amazing colors and meetings all throughout the day. It couldn’t get more exciting.
Stepping up, you took the drug and waited. 
And waited.
And waited.
But you didn’t glow. “Hey uh Y/N you did say you glowed when you were little right? Sorry to break it to yah kid but yours is gone, we’ve got a couple hundred more tests why don’t yah go home?” a voice came over the intercom, and your heart sunk. Sure some people didn’t glow either, and they all had flashed at some point. Your hope was clearly misplaced. And with a broken soul, quite literally, you went home.
Years later you’d kept with the team. The drug was almost ready to be released officially, and the public was beyond excited. You were 25 now, a huge public face for the soulmate finder, you’d stuck with the program and it had made you practically famous. Doing PR you’d brought the drug on talk shows, finding strangers their soulmate on live TV, you made special appearances to celebrities to find and log their soulmate color. Everyone that took your test had their specific color logged in a huge database, so when you tested if your perfect color matched somewhere your soulmate would get alerted. It was perfection.
Tonight you were going on television to do another round of soulmate finding with a late night host. Nothing new.
“And please welcome, Cupid Herself, Y/N!” The crowd was always full wherever you went, everyone wanted a chance at love as soon as possible. “Now I’m very sorry to disappoint the crowd but we’re bringing out some celebrities who’ve requested a chance at love... I bring you THE WAYNES!” You were a little shocked, you probably should’ve read the brief but no difference, you had enough for about ten people. Standing up you shook Bruce Wayne’s hand, moving onto the chair at the side while Bruce and three of his children walked in. “Hello! Mr. Grayson, Todd, and Ms. Brown right?” the host greeted the three and shook Bruce’s hand, no need for his introduction. 
“These three couldn’t pass up on the opportunity. As you know Mr. Drake-Wayne has found his soulmate and now husband so we couldn’t bring him! And my son Damian was erm- busy.” You saw Jason Todd snort, slightly taken aback by his actions on live television. “Can I just say, I am super excited to be here! It’s a huge honor Ms. Y/L/N this is too cool!” Stephanie got up, giving you a quick hug, you smiled, happy that she was so kind. 
“Well lets get this show on the road! I’m sure millions want to know if any of the Wayne’s are their soulmate!” the host waggled an eyebrow as the crowd cooed. This was basically a chance at the lottery, a Wayne was a ticket to riches for life. Taking the lead you gave your pitch about the drug, taking consent before grabbing a serving for four. Walking up you handed a glass to each boy, finishing with Bruce, but he refused. “Oh no, I don’t want to know” he said softly. The crowd booed, and in a bit of a panic the host said “well then how about the lovely Y/N takes a drink? We all want to know if the creator has a soulmate!” you politely told him and the crowd you’d tried before, but there was no light, explaining how you lost is when you were younger. As you saw the crowd looking upset you decided it was better than nothing.
“How about I try it guys! Maybe something’s changed - find out live here on Late Night!” you pitched into the camera and the host nodded, cutting to an ad-break.
“Does this shit actually work?” Jason turned to you, swirling the liquid around cautiously. “Yes! We’ve been error free for five years!” you said proudly, this was your life's work after all. “And we’re back! How ‘bout we get this show on the road! Grayson you first?” 
With a shrug Dick threw the little up back, and in a few seconds a cerulean blue glowed around him. The crowd oohed and ahhed as Dick smiled. “Any matches?” He looked to you. Glancing over at your guy who had snapped the exact color he shook his head. “Not yet! Dick Grayson-Wayne’s soulmate is still out there!” the crowd rumbled in excitement, everyone wanted a test now.
“Ms. Brown! Care to drink?” Stephanie drank eagerly, and quickly shone a deep royal purple and the crowd cheered. “No match!” you let everyone know and there was another cheer.
“Mr. Todd, you next?” Jason didn’t waste a moment, drinking the liquid he shone the brightest red you’d seen in a while. For a moment it reminded you of your red all those years ago. Looking over it was another no, and the crowd was almost losing it, many girls in the audience begged for a drink to see if they were his lover. 
“And lastly Ms. Y/N! Ready to see the creator try her own drug?!” You corrected him, taking a moment to shout out all the amazing scientists, interns, and volunteers you’d worked with over the years. The crowd cut you off, chanting “DRINK DRINK DRINK” urging you to throw the cup back, the liquid tasted way better than the last time you’d tried it in the trial run. You help out your hand to show the lack of coloration and the audience sighed. Smiling sweetly you began to talk about the drop date.
“Thank you all so much! I’m so excited to release this with my team in just a month. I’d like to once again thank my tea-” you heard a shriek “OH MY GOD THAT’S JASON’S COLOR!!!” and the audience lost it. Confused you saw Jason’s jaw drop, and you looked at your hands that now radiated the same deep red from all those years ago. 
“UM WE’LL BE RIGHT BACK!” the host shouted over the chaos. You immediately got up, rushing to the color scanner. “Holy shit Y/N it’s really Jason’s color.” he confirmed your suspicions and without thinking you sprinted back up to the sofa. Connecting your hand to Jason’s cheek the two of you began glowing the same color. Locking eyes with Jason, you couldn’t help but start crying. The aura radiated between the two of you and Jason pulled you into his chest. 
The camera came on after the 20 second impromptu break. And what they saw made the news that night. “JASON TODD FOUND SOULMATE LIVE ON LATE NIGHT” “CAMERAS TURN ON AND JASON IS HOLDING HIS GIRL - TOO CUTE! CLICK FOR PICS” “JASON TODD CUFFED! SEE THE PICS HERE!” In just the few seconds before they could cut the cameras, millions of viewers saw Jason holding you, the bright red shining around the two of you while you clung to him. And the pictures were everywhere. Pulling you off stage you couldn’t wrap your mind around what had just happened. 
“My- my soulmate died years ago. When I was a kid I took the drug and didn’t shine! This doesn’t make any sense!” you looked up a Jason and practically saw a lightbulb go off. “Well um, were you around 13 when your soulmate died? [ you nodded ] And you were about 14-15 when you tried the drug? [ again he was right ] Okay well long story I died and came back to life. And you must’ve tested when I was still gone” he finished and you almost passed out. “YOU DIED?” you screeched. And he clamped a hand over your mouth. 
“Shh princess that’s valuable knowledge for family and soulmates only” it was slowly starting to register that you were in fact his soulmate. “Soulmates” you whispered, leaning in to hug him again. “Soulmates.” he confirmed. 
“God I have never seen Jaybird this sappy in my life, you might be magical” Dick came up to you, shaking your hand and pulling you in for a hug. “You got a good soulmate Jay. By the way, can I have a couple servings early I’ve got a bet with Timbers that Damian’s soulmate is Jon and I need some soulmate help for myself?” you rolled your eyes and Jason tugged you back to his side. “Back off Grayson she doesn’t even know you!” 
“A little protective already Jay? Poor Y/N get used to this sweetheart” Dick winked at you and you felt Jason tighten his grip around your waist. Dick backed off and Stephanie bounded up to you. “Oh my god Tim’s gonna die he’d totally wanna be here! Plus I bet Bruce is gonna have to do all sorts of interviews now hahaha. How are you doing girl? This is a lot! Welcome to the Waynes!” she said, pulling you in for another tight hug, and the seriousness of finding your soulmate hit you. “Oh my god I’m gonna have to do so much press. How did I not think of this. What are the odds oh no this is gonna be a shitstorm fuck fuck fuck” Jason interrupted you by squeezing your hand. “Uh I really hate press too, I mean Bruce owes me patrol for like a week for just tonight but, if you like, need me for something I can go... does that help?” he looked lost, but it was clear that he wanted to help, and it was adorable. 
“I would like that. And it’s late. I’m exhausted. Maybe we can meet up tomorrow somewhere private? We’re gonna get stalked so maybe you can come over to my place?” you realized you just had to take it step by step, and finding a soulmate was the best first step ever. “Yeah, that seems easier.” Jason sighed, and the two of you exchanged numbers.
“By the way, what does patrol mean? And does the color red mean anything to you cuz it doesn’t to me and usually the color means something but it could not?” You saw Jason’s eyes widen.
“Erm, I’ll tell you tomorrow. It’s another one of those ‘family and soulmates only’ facts. If that’s okay?” you nodded, just happy to have a soulmate.
“Of course Jason, but just know I’m gonna give you a hard time for going and dying on me. Idiot” you stuck your tongue out as he winked.
“Only to make a perfect love story for you princess” and you groaned, but he wasn’t wrong. This one truly one for the books. 
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luxekook · 4 years
chapter eight.
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⇥ pairing: ot7 x reader
⇥ genre: college au with fluff, smut & angst
⇥ summary: a series in which the reader meets (and falls for) seven members of the Beta Tau Sigma (BTS) fraternity
⇥ word count: 6.5k
⇥ warnings: 18+, lots of cursing, general chaotic energy [more than usual], poly relationship, switch!reader, dom!joon, switch!jin, switch!hobi, sub!yoongi, sub!jk, sub!tae, sub!jimin, jk is a whole cutie, everybody gets their bob ross on, PUNS, pick up lines, smut [thigh kink, noona kink, marking, oral (f receiving), dom/sub themes, daddy kink, mentions of spanking, lots of lap sitting]
© luxekook. please do not repost, modify, edit or translate.
characters | prologue | one | two | three | four | five | six | seven | eight | nine
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Chapter Eight
(Y/n) & Luna’s Apartment – 8:38am
I wake to the sound of thunder and groan as my eyes strain to focus on the rain pouring down outside my window. Hastily, I grab for my phone and scroll through my notifications. Yup, my friend Brianna - the president of the Alphites - had emailed to say that Habitat is cancelled for the morning.
What did this mean for my date? Swiping over to the group chat, I quickly type a message to the boys.
Queen (y/n), Worldwide Handsome, and 6 Peasants
8:40am, (y/n): “Yo, dweebs. No volunteering today because of the rain. Looks like our date is cancelled, too…”
I laugh evilly as my phone consequentially blows up with a series of question marks and exclamations. Just as I’m about to put a stop to the madness I’d caused, my phone screen darkens with the telltale chimes of an incoming FaceTime.
Not even bothering to shift out of bed, I swipe to answer. “Hi, Hobi,” I grin at my sunshine who looks a little pouty this morning. The metaphorical rain cloud over his head lessens marginally at my smile.
The puffy, bare-faced boy sighs and runs a hand through his wild hair. Obviously, Hoseok had just woken up, and I can’t help but wonder what it would be like to wake up next to him.
“(Y/n)? Did you hear me?” Hobi chuckles, bringing my attention back to my phone. “You weren’t serious, right? Our date is still on? We have the whole thing planned! The rain doesn’t even affect it! And—”
“Is that (y/n)?” A cry of uproar sounds from the background on Hobi’s end of the line. A thundering of footsteps commences; and, suddenly, I am faced with seven slivers of faces all crowded together.
“(Y/n)!” Jungkook rips the phone from Hoseok’s grasp and takes off out of the room. The background blurs as he runs. Faintly, I can make out blurry figures giving chase behind him. “(Y/n)! Please still come over. We have everything set up! Saturdays are always full of noona, and I don’t want to break the tradition.”
Letting out a laugh at the fluffy haired boy, I smirk, “First of all, let me just say that I’m glad you don’t subscribe to the whole ‘SaTuRdAyS aRe FoR tHe BoYs’ toxicity. And second of all, you do realize you just gave away the date plans, right?”
“Jungkook!” The shout from what could only be an enraged Seokjin echoes across the connection.
I watch in amusement as the background once again blurs. As the feed refocuses, Jimin’s beaming face greets me, and I roll my eyes at the realization that Jungkook must have tossed him the phone. Probably playing a game of ‘Monkey in the Middle’ with their eldest brother, I assume.
Deciding enough is enough, I retake control of the situation with the tried and true method of the shock factor™. “Hey, I’m naked.”
Silence falls.
Then comes the seven pairs of eyes crowding the screen that I had hoped for.
Disappointed huffs resound from the collective as I cackle, trying my best to ignore their indignant cries.
“Noona’s not even naked!”
“Why, there’s not even a boob to be seen!”
“She’s got us lookin’ like boo-boo the fool, boys…SMH!”
“Jin, did you just say ‘SMH’?” The boy opens his mouth to respond, but I decide there’s no time to discuss acronyms right now. Shaking my own head swiftly, I clear my throat, “No, never mind. Now that I have your attention, I need someone to tell me what the plan is. Am I getting out of bed today? Are we still doing the thing?”
“You can get out of your bed and into mine,” Taehyung’s words barely escape his mouth before he is pushed out of frame by at least four of the others.
“Tae, are you trying to get your name added to my punishment list?” I smirk as two boys in particular gulp, “Jimin and Jin already have the distinct honor. Isn’t that right, boys?”
“You can add my name, noona!” Jungkook gasps out, lunging once again for control of the phone. He is shoved out of the way by Namjoon.
“Oh, my little Kookie,” I laugh, “That would practically be a reward for you.”
“Don’t think I’ve forgotten about your own punishment, (y/n),” Namjoon stares me down from the other end of the phone.
“I mean, you can try it,” I shrug, “But I’ll probably either like it or turn it around on you at some point. Just saying…”
“Sounds good to me,” Joon grins, his dimples popping out, “Now get your sweet ass over here so I can spank it.”
“Right now?” I double check the time, “It’s still not even nine fucking AM. What is this going to be? Some sort of all day extravaganza? Y’all better be feeding me.”
“Yah, do you know who I am?” Jin butts in from his small corner of the screen, ”You are in the presence of Worldwide Handsome Chef Extraordinaire Kim Seokjin! Of course you’re going to be well fed - both with my visuals and with food!”
“I have no words,” I say.
Jin forges on, “Speechless, eh? I’m used to it.”
“Could the two of you stop your gross flirting for one second so that we can actually convince (y/n) to come over?”
Yoongi’s scowl appears on screen as he takes control of the phone. Jin can be heard squawking indignantly in the background.
“Gross?” I raise an eyebrow, “That’s not what you were saying when you were teaching me piano.”
“Is that a euphemism?” Taehyung yelps.
“I think so,” Jimin answers darkly.
“Wait, what’s a ‘you feminism’ again?” Jungkook mumbles from somewhere in the room.
“Oh my god,” Namjoon moans, sounding completely done, “(y/n), I am begging you to hang up and call my phone so that I can actually let you in on the plan.”
“Bet,” I say, “I’ll call you in an hour. I’m going back to sleep.”
I hang up, abruptly cutting off their whiny protests. Boys can always wait. Extra sleep, however, must seized at every opportunity.
Sinking back into the bliss of my comfy bed, I smile as I flip my phone over and promptly fall back asleep.
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(Y/n) & Luna’s Apartment – 11:57am
“(Y/n), for the love of Jared Padalecki, get your ass up!”
Groaning, I wave Luna off with a limp arm, still half asleep. “Go away,” my garbled words prove to be futile as she pulls the covers right off of me.
“Your entourage is here,” Luna hisses, grabbing my ankle and attempting to tug me off the bed.
“My what?” I kick at her hold, “Stop going all horror movie on me!”
“You haven’t seen horror! Horror is waking up to the furious sound of fists pounding at the front door and thinking your dark past of downloading music off of sketchy websites has finally caught up with you! Horror is pulling open the door in just your Harry Potter onesie only to be faced with seven hot and all-too-put-together dudes!”
My brain slowly wraps its away around the meaning of her words. “Oh, fuck.” I launch out of bed, flailing around for my phone.
111 Messages
34 Missed Calls
14 Voicemails
“Good god,” I toss my phone back on my bed and stalk past Luna into the living room where my ‘entourage’ is gathered.
“Okay, what the fuck,” I cross my arms over my chest as I stare down at the seven boys spread out across our second-hand sectional.
“Noona, you’re here!” Jungkook springs up from his seat and tackles me in a hug.
“Where else would I be? I fucking live here,” I mumble into his chest, annoyance slipping away with each breath.
“I told you she just overslept,” Yoongi mutters from the couch, sounding very much like he was dragged here against his will.
“Finally,” I say, pulling away from Jungkook to beam down at Yoongi, “An intellectual. Now, what about the rest of you overreactive imbeciles? Did you just come over so that you could snoop around where I live?”
As I say this, my eyes narrow on Namjoon. The boy is inspecting the teacup I had forgotten to put away last night like it’s a new archaeological find. My words fluster him, and he fumbles with the cup before it falls from his grasp to shatter on the floor.
“I am so sorry!” Namjoon yelps. The rest of the boys look on with disappointment but not surprise.
“That was my great grandmother’s teacup,” I whisper, falling to my knees dramatically.
“Namjoon, your destructive nature has gone too far!” Seokjin yells, scrambling over to me. My face is buried in my hands as my shoulders shake. I can’t hold it any longer.
I burst out laughing. “Oh my god, it’s fine, Joon. I’m kidding. It was just a cup from Target’s clearance section.”
“So evil!” Namjoon whines, “I was so worried!” Shuffling over to the hallway closet, I pull out our dustpan and broom. Walking back, I hand it off to Namjoon before he can attempt to pick up a fragment of the shattered cup.
“Don’t even think about using your bare hands, Joon,” I narrow my eyes at him, “A trip to Urgent Care does not count as a date.”
“Noona,” Taehyung pipes up, “You should join the Acting Club! Did I mention I’m the president?”
“Oh, here we go,” Yoongi scowls, flicking his eyes over to where Seokjin is rapidly turning a concerning shade of red.
Mount Seokjin erupts, “You’re only president on a bullshit technicality! Fifth years can’t be on Exec boards, you swine!”
“Yo, Seokjin, I’m really bummed about that policy, and Imma let you finish. But, let me just say that if y’all don’t leave so I can get ready, I will avoid you for the rest of time.”
Seconds tick by. I frown, “I don’t see movement. Why don’t I see movement?”
“Well,” Jimin hedges, shrinking under my gaze, “We figured you could just come back with us? It would save you a trip?”
The disobedience in this crew would drive me off a cliff. “I guess I was not clear the first time. I am going to drive myself because: 1) I can leave on my own terms and 2) I can leave an overnight bag in the car just in case. Although, that possibility is slipping away by the millisecond.”
“Alright! Time to go!” Jungkook barks, herding the boys towards the door.
As they practically run out the door, Namjoon turns back to me with an arched brow, “No going back to sleep.”
I salute him, “Scout’s honor. I’ll see you in a bit.” With that, I’m finally left in peace and quiet.
“Want to explain what that was all about?!” Luna stalks out of her room, “I need the tea!”
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A full hour and a half later, I find myself in an eerily empty frat house.
“Y’all really kicked everyone out, huh?” I comment as I peer around each corner of the house. There is not a soul - besides these seven fools - to be seen.
“I mean, there are only three other people that actually live here permanently,” Namjoon counters, ever the diplomatic president, “The rest of the rooms are mainly for guests or if a member needs temporary housing.”
Humming noncommittally, I come to an abrupt halt when the dining room comes into view. All the furniture has been pushed to one side to make room for eight easels and an excessive amount of paint.
“It looks like a Michael’s threw up in here,” I marvel.
“Who is Michael?” Jimin pops up next to me with narrowed eyes. The rest of the boys file in behind him.
“My sugar daddy,” I deadpan, “He’s an artist.”
Namjoon cracks up, while Jimin pouts adorably. “I guess you know what we’re going to do now, baby,” Namjoon says, still chuckling lightly.
“We’re doing DIY Painting with a Twist!” Taehyung yells, “The twist is that there’s no wine. Namjoon said it could get ‘too out of hand’ - whatever that means.”
“What is everyone going to paint?” Hobi asks the room after a brief pause, “I’m going to make something for (y/n)! It’s a surprise.”
“That’s so sweet, Hobi,” I smile at the boy, “Thank you!”
Not a group to be outdone, the boys quickly affirm that they too had been planning to make something for me all along.
Rolling my eyes, I sigh, “Careful, I’m going to get used to y’all spoiling me.”
“Good,” Namjoon nods, “You’re learning.”
“Yes, daddy,” I tease, “Are you going to keep spoiling your good girl?”
“You’re not a good girl,” Yoongi laughs, “You’re a fucking force of nature.”
“Thank you,” I wipe a nonexistent tear from under my eye, “This is why you are currently my favorite.”
“Wait, you have a running favorite?”
“How can I get to be your favorite?”
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Five minutes later, the room is empty aside from Jungkook and I. The rest of the boys dispersed the moment they decided to make painting a competition for my favor.
“Aren’t you going to hide away, too?” I address the younger boy next to me.
“Why would I go anywhere else when you’re right here?” Jungkook shuffles closer to me, “Besides, I wanted to use a different canvas.”
“Ah, I see,” I nod sagely before pulling my long-sleeved shirt up and over my head.
“Noona!” Jungkook chokes as he takes in my slightly sheer tank top and the black bra that peeks out from underneath, “I meant your wrist!”
“Calm down, Kook,” I laugh, “I can put it back on if you want. I just don’t want to get paint on it.”
Jungkook shakes his head furiously.
He then grabs my arm gently, flipping it over so that the inside of my wrist faces up. His thumb brushes over my erratic pulse and pauses. “Are you nervous, noona?” His wide eyes stare up at me, “You don’t have to let me paint on you.”
“It’s okay, Kookie,” I say, brushing his fallen hair out of his eyes,  “Paint me like one of your French girls.”
The boy’s cheeks bloom a bright red as he flashes me a small smile, “That’s one of my favorite movies.”
My heart swells as the cuteness that is Jeon Jungkook, and I can’t resist teasing him further. “Jungkook,” I whisper, leaning forward, “I would gladly share my door with you to keep you warm.”
“Noona,” He whines, trying to pretend like he wants to get away from me. I would rate his efforts a 1/10 considering his hand is still firmly wrapped around my wrist.
“The iceberg would melt because of how hot you are…” I keep going, arching closer to murmur in his ear, “Just like the Titanic, I would go down on you for hours.”
“Noona!” Jungkook yelps, “Stop playing with me!”
“Fine,” I pout, “But the offer stands.”
“You’re going to kill me…” He mumbles. Dipping his paintbrush into his nearby palette, Jungkook begins to etch the outline of what looks like some sort of flower onto my wrist. The strokes of the brush across my skin make me shiver - something that does not go unnoticed by Jungkook.
His eyes dart to mine, and I feel like crumbling under the weight of the adoration I find within them.
“Kookie,” I glance down, breaking the intensity before it consumed me whole, “What kind of flower is this?”
He mumbles something inaudible.
“What?” My ears strain to pick up the boy who for some reason decided to answer in the language of tiny.
“A tiger flower,” Jungkook turns away to grab a new brush, his hair failing to hide his flushed cheeks. I watch enraptured as he mixes the orange and white shades to get the end result he wants.
Returning to my wrist, he leans down and lightly blows across the drying paint.
“This is unfair,” I mumble as the boy continues to unknowingly seduce me. Or did he know? My eyes narrow as his gaze flicks to mine. Arching a brow, I decide to press him, “This wouldn’t have anything to do with the matching tattoo on your forearm, right?”
“N-no,” Jungkook panics, eyes darting this way and that, “That would be Ludacris.”
Did he just— Not the time.
“Mhm,” I hum, ever the skeptic.
Jungkook swallows before once again resorting to tiny speak, “Okay, yes, it does. I’m asking you to love me, noona. Please.”
My breath escapes me in a whoosh as I stare dumbfounded at the pleading boy who once again starts to paint my wrist. Why is such a beautiful human lacking in adoration? Why does he need my affection when he has six other lovers?
“Why?” The question slips past my lips before I can catch it.
“Because,” He continues to paint, “I can see myself loving you for a very long time, and I just want to be loved back for just as long.”
The silence that falls after Jungkook’s admission feels safe and comfortable. His words swirl around my mind. And as he finishes the flower now adorning my wrist, I give him an answer I’m not even sure he had been waiting for. “Jungkook,” I wait until he meets my eyes, “I don’t think I’m in love with you yet. I’m not even sure I know what love is or what it feels like. But I can see myself falling for you. And I do know that there is a place in my heart labeled ‘Jeon Jungkook’, just like there are six other places for the rest of you… Y’all really do take up a lot of space.”
I let out a little laugh as Jungkook’s lips twitch in amusement. I continue, “It scares me sometimes. How I might fall for all of you and get heartbroken seven times over. But, I might also fall for all of you and get seven times the amount of love in return. And so I’m willing to fight for that chance. Besides, what’s life without a little risk?”
Jungkook is quiet for a moment, and then he whispers, “I really like you, (y/n)-noona.”
I lean closer to him. Our noses brush as I whisper back, “I really like you, too, Jungkookie.”
The smile I get in response is blinding, and I can’t resist pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“I’m done!” Taehyung hurtles through the doorway, lugging a giant canvas that definitely had not been in the room earlier, “I call this masterpiece: ‘My Boo’.”
Gaping, I take in the massive canvas full of swirling colors and abstract shapes. It’s honestly overwhelming and a bit dramatic, but that is Taehyung. And I love it.
“It’s so pretty!” I coo, shuffling over to side-hug Tae.
He shyly hangs his head on my shoulder, “You really think so?”
“Yes, baby,” I nod, “Of course I do.”
One by one the other boys return to present me with their art. Seokjin presents a sea of rainbow colored hearts (“Get it? I see hearts when you’re around!”). Hobi shows off his technicolored sunset (“It’s how I feel when I look at you, (y/n)! Hopeful, but at peace.”). Jimin bashfully hands over a painting of two silhouettes dancing (“It’s us.” *blushes profusely*). Yoongi gives me a black canvas with a portion of lighter blue mixed in (“You make my world brighter.”). Finally, Namjoon shuffles over with a succulent plant in a painted flower pot (“I accidentally elbowed a hole through my canvas… This is my favorite plant, for you.”).
The boys also marvel over the flower that Jungkook painted on my wrist while the younger boy beams with pride. One of them mentions ordering pizza for dinner, and the room clears within seconds as the majority flees in search of a menu.
Namjoon is the last to remain, admiring the art etched on my skin. “You know what it means, right?” He murmurs, thumb tentatively brushing across the dried paint.
“He told me,” I nod, focused on the gentle caress of his fingers.
Namjoon lifts my hand to his mouth and places a light kiss. The motion takes me back to the memory of a few weeks ago where he first had performed the action. “I hope you know the sentiment extends to all of us as well.”
“Oh, does it?” I smile, “You might have to mark me to make it believable.”
“Consider it done,” Namjoon says before pulling me closer to him and placing his lips on my neck. What an opportunist, I muse as he bites down gently. His tongue flicks before his lips once again press down on my neck. Namjoon litters my neck with small kisses. I gasp as he suddenly returns to the initial spot and bites down slightly harder, sucking and licking at my neck afterwards.
“Joon,” I breathe out as he pulls back, looking all smug and proud of himself, “I will get you back for this.”
“I look forward to it, baby.” With that, Namjoon laces his fingers through my own and tugs me out of the room towards the ruckus being caused in the kitchen.
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One hour later, the eight of us are piled on the massive living room sofa.
“I think I’m pregnant,” Seokjin moans, rubbing a hand over his stomach. “The father is Papa John.”
“I told you not to race to beat Kook to the last slice,” Hobi shakes his head, “No one ever listens in this house.”
“You get me, bro, you get me,” Namjoon extends his fist to Hoseok who fist bumps him.
I survey the room from where I’m perched on Taehyung and Jimin, one leg hitched over one of theirs. “I thought we were going to watch a movie?” I furrow my brows, “Or was that just a ploy to get me to stay longer?”
Jungkook scrambles to his feet, “I’ll go get Titanic!”
“Please, god, no!”
The crestfallen expression that crosses Jungkook’s face tugs at my heartstrings. “Aw, Kook, I really inspired you with my words earlier, huh?” His pouting intensifies as he stalks back over to his end of the couch.
“Never let me watch what I want,” He mumbles. Sensing that this is an often fought battle, I shimmy off of Tae and Jimin and head over towards the youngest.
“How about this,” I reason, “Let the group decide what movie to watch, and I’ll sit with you during it.”
“Promise?” Large brown eyes peer up at me. At my nod, his expression brightens, and he pats his legs excitedly.
Settling down on his thighs, I realize I have made a grave miscalculation.
My thigh-riding kink + Jungkook’s muscular thighs = chaos
As the rest of the boys argue between watching Die Hard or The Hangover, I shift my hips slowly to try to get more comfortable. Jungkook’s swift inhale tells me that my move wasn’t as low-key as I had hoped.
“Noona, stop moving,” He mumbles into my hair, his arms firmly circling my waist.
“Sorry, baby,” I mutter back to him, trying hard to reign in my thirst.
The boys finally decide to watch Die Hard. Minutes tick by as the movie I’ve seen multiple times before plays on the screen. I’m only half paying attention, and I’m pretty sure Jungkook isn’t paying attention at all.
His fingers have shifted under my tank top and are drawing patterns onto the skin of my stomach. “So soft,” He marvels, his words ghosting across the skin of my neck.
The effect the boy has on me is deadly, and I retaliate with one of the only ways I can. I grind my hips slowly down onto his. The heat of his body warms my own, the hardness of his cock becoming more and more apparent underneath me.
“Noona,” Jungkook moans, “You’re so unfair.”
I whisper back, “You started it.”
He scoffs, moving my hair to one side of my neck, and pauses. “Oh, what’s this?”
“Don’t even think—”
His lips descend onto my neck, cutting me off mid-sentence. “Insolent child,” I breathe out, trying to keep my shit together despite finding it so fucking hot that Jungkook’s mouth is where Joon’s had been just over an hour ago.
Keeping my eyes firmly on the screen where John McClane is steadily taking down a whole crime organization singlehandedly, I try in vain not to imagine getting double teamed by Jungkook and Namjoon. By the time the credits roll, my panties are a mess. I can feel Jungkook practically throbbing underneath me from being so hard, and I’m pretty sure my nipples could cut through glass.
“What’d you think, (y/n)?” Hobi beams over at me from the other end of the couch.
I plaster a smile on my face like I hadn’t just been imagining the whole room naked and engaged in NSFW activities. “It was iconic as always!”
The boys seem to happily accept my answer. Well, most of them do. Yoongi is staring at me with a suspicious expression. Damn, that boy is too observant for his own good.
“Well,” I decide to try to regain some semblance of self-control, “Where did I put my keys?”
“You can’t leave! It’s only 9pm!”
“You said you would would stay overnight!”
I roll my eyes upwards, at least this provided Jungkook an opportunity to tug a pillow onto his lap. “I’m going to get my bag from the car, you fools.”
The boys let out a collectively sheepish “Ah”.
“I’ll walk you, noona,” Jimin stands, making his way over to my side.
“Trying to butter me up, baby?” I can’t help but ruffle his hair, “Okay, come on.”
Jimin and I make our way to the front door where my keys lie on the entryway table. Grabbing them, I head out into the darkness of the front yard with Jimin trailing after me.
“Will you sit with me for the next movie, noona?” Jimin asks, running a hand through his hair as we trek towards my parked Jeep.
“What’s in it for me?” I joke, unlocking the passenger side door and grabbing my bag. Turning back towards the house, I shut and lock my car behind me.
“Cuddles?” Jimin answers, eyes wide and bottom lip poked out.
“Stop that,” I moan, moving swiftly past him, “Puppy-Dog eyes? That’s so unfair!”
“Is it working?” He races to keep up with me, “I think its working.”
“You’re still on my shit list, Park Jimin,” I whirl around, drop my bag to the ground, and grab the front of his shirt. Moving to a standstill with his lips an inch from mine, I say, “Or did you forget?”
Jimin gulps, his eyes dark, “I didn’t forget. It’s all I’ve been thinking about.”
I place the lightest kiss to his lips, “Good answer.” With that, I pick my bag back up and waltz back into the house. “Are you coming?” I call at the boy still standing in the middle of the front yard.
“Now I know why Kook says you’re mean,” Jimin shakes his head at me as he regains the will to move.
“You’re a fast learner,” I comment, placing my keys back onto the entryway table. “I’ll sit with you.”
“Yay!” Jimin cheers, “I’ll go tell Taehyungie!”
“What?” I screech after the boy’s departing form, “I didn’t know this was some sort of package deal! Lord give me strength…”
Rifling through my bag to double check I have everything, I notice that I seem to be lacking a sleep shirt. How is it that I could pack three different pairs of socks for one night over but forget a fucking shirt?
“SOS,” I call out, zipping my bag back up. Once again, the sound of stampeding steps is heard before the seven of them appear above me.
“Someone needs to give me their biggest and comfiest t-shirt.”
A brief pause permeates the room before all seven boys dart into action. Left all alone in the entryway, I let out an incredulous laugh at how completely whipped I’m becoming for them.
After a few minutes, I hear them congregating in the hall just up the stairs. Just as I’m about to go investigate, they shuffle down. Namjoon presents me with a pile of what must be a selection of t-shirts from the bunch.
“We all want you to wear our clothes, so we decided to make it fair and just let you pick one without knowing who’s it is,” Seokjin explains.
Looking around the room, I can tell they all think this is a magnificent idea. Meanwhile, I’m baffled why they think I wouldn’t know who’s shirt is who’s just from the style, size, and smell. However, I decide to be a nice girl and play along.
“Okay,” I grab the entire pile along with my bag, “I’ll go change.”
“I’m so excited!” Taehyung bounces up and down, “She’s going to pick mine. I know it!”
“That’s because you gave her your Ce—” As Taehyung tackles Jimin to the floor, I take that as my cue to leave.
Speeding up the steps, I make a beeline for Yoongi’s room, entering and locking the door behind me. My bag is tossed on the bed first followed by the sea of mostly black and white clothing. They know me so well already.
I examine my options:
A white Balenciaga t-shirt with “Europe 2018” embroidered in red over the heart,
A soft pink hoodie by Marques’ Almeida with long black silky drawstrings,
A red and black striped Raf Simons long-sleeved shirt with sewn-on patches,
A Fear of God white t-shirt with the iconic “FG” on the front,
A black Mastermind t-shirt with the brandname and a skull and crossbones emblazoned on it,
A black Celine t-shirt also with the brandname on the front, and
A grey long-sleeved t-shirt by Carhartt with the name in blue along the sleeve.
Making my selection, I shake my head over the careless nature these boys handle their extremely expensive clothing. I am almost certain that Jungkook had given me the only shirt of the bunch that was under $100.
Regardless, I fold the rest of the shirts before stuffing them into my duffle bag. If they all want me to wear their clothes, I will - eventually. Quickly, I change into my sleep shorts, tug on what I assume is Hobi’s shirt, and head out of Yoongi’s room.
Opening the door, I blink as seven expectant faces shine back at me. Six expressions fall as one lights up even more. “You chose mine!” Hoseok cheers, running to engulf me in a hug that sweeps me off my feet, “Oh, you look so cute!”
“Can’t. Breathe.”
“Why’d you leave your stuff in Yoongi-hyung’s room, noona?” Taehyung pouts as the rest of the boys try to pretend like they also aren’t miffed.
“Because I’m going to sleep with him?” I march over to Yoongi and hug him from behind, pressing my lips to his cheek. “Is that okay with you, Yoongs?”
The boy grumbles under my show of affection, but his hands come up to clasp over mine as they circle his waist. “I can live with that, I guess.” The eye roll accompanying his words is so evident even when standing behind him.
“You’ll pay for that, baby boy,” I whisper in his ear before biting gently down on his earlobe, reveling in the cute little squeak that emits from him in response.
“She’s still sitting with me and Tae during the next movie, though!” Jimin - ever the instigator - interjects as the group makes their way back downstairs. Yoongi and I shuffle behind them.
The eight of us decide to watch The Hangover next since that had been the runner-up before. Once again, I’m draped between Jimin and Taehyung. This time, I’m fully placed on Jimin’s lap while my legs are sprawled out across Tae’s thighs.
My legs had barely even settled onto his lap before his hands were on them. This time I don’t even pretend like I’m paying attention to the movie. I’m more entranced by the way Taehyung kneads his way up my legs from my ankles to my calves to the insides of my thighs.
Meanwhile, Jimin is snuggled into me tightly. His face is shoved into the crook of my neck, and I honestly think he might be sound asleep. With each breath, Jimin’s pillowy lips brush my collarbone. I couldn’t tell if this is my own personal heaven or hell.
Looking up, I meet the dark gaze of Min Yoongi once again. Neither of us break eye contact as I try to read the look on his face and his body language.
He is either: 1) pissed off by something I did, 2) turned on by something I did, or 3) all of the above.
My hunch is the third. Testing that theory, I slide my tongue across my bottom lip. Sure enough, his eyes track the motion instantly before returning to mine. Bing-pot.
The movies seems to take way longer than it’s hour and forty-something minutes. I blame the combination of my sexual frustration and the varying degrees of awareness of it from the boys.
As soon as the credits roll, I extract myself from the holds that Jimin and Tae had on me. “I’m tired,” I lie.
“Aw,” Seokjin hurries over to me and sweeps me into a tight hug, “Get some beauty sleep, darling. Because, in the morning, I’m making pancakes!”
I place a swift kiss to his cheek, “Sounds perfect.”
I bid the rest of the boys goodnight with similar affections. Slowly, I make my way over to the stairs, knowing that Yoongi is trailing after me closely.
Making sure to put an extra swing in my hips, I climb up the staircase like I was getting paid to do it. Finally, I enter Yoongi’s room, turn to face the boy it belonged to, and tug him inside.
“What the fuck, Min Yoongi,” I hiss before closing the door behind him and shoving him against it.
He has the audacity— I take a calming breath.
“You eye-fuck me throughout the entire movie and ask me ‘what’?” My hands curl into the fabric of his shirt.
A small smile makes its way across Yoongi’s face as my glower intensifies, “You can’t expect me not to think about that after you announce to everyone that you’re sleeping with me.”
“I didn’t mean literally, you buffoon,” I groan, turning away to head towards the bed.
Yoongi grabs my hips, halting me in place. “I know. But that didn’t stop me from thinking about what it would be like with you. What it would be like to be selfish with you.”
“You want to be selfish with me?” I ask softly, “What does that mean?”
“It means that I know that Tae was the first to get your mouth, but I want to be the first to give you mine.”
Yoongi’s words steal the breath from my lungs and the chill from my very soul. I gasp out, “You want to taste me, baby? That’s what you want?”
“More than anything,” Yoongi groans, pushing his hips into mine. “Please, (y/n), I’ll do anything to put my mouth on you.”
I pull away from Yoongi so that I can face him. His pupils are blown out, his hair is messy, and his expression is devastating with its pleading look. After being teased by so many of the others for the whole evening, he looks like my salvation.
“Okay,” I nod, lying down with my legs hanging off the edge of the bed. “Do your worst. No, not the time for that expression. Do your best. Please.”
Chuckling, Yoongi sinks to his knees before me, running his hands up my legs and resting on the hem of my shorts. He sends me an asking look, and I nod. His fingers shake slightly as he pulls off my shorts.
Left in nothing but pair of lacy red boy-briefs, I shiver in anticipation as I feel Yoongi slip a tentative finger underneath the remaining material.
“Fuck,” He groans, sliding his finger up and down my folds, “You’re so fucking wet, baby.”
“Well, do something about it,” I command, moving my hips up so that he might get the hint to take of my underwear. His finger slides out from underneath them and he doesn’t even hesitate before sucking it into his mouth.
“Yoongi,” I hiss, getting more and more impatient.
Yoongi pulls his finger out of his mouth, “Sorry, (y/n), I just want to savor this moment.”
“You can savor my pussy with your mouth,” I say, “Or are you all talk, Min Yo—”
Quicker than I can comprehend, Yoongi slides my panties to the side and licks a stripe up my folds. I moan as he sucks and licks at my pussy like a man possessed.
“Fuck,” I grab his hair and tug him closer, feeling him moan into me.
The build up of tension and frustration from being surrounded by these boys for the entire day has me on the brink of orgasm already.
Yoongi’s mouth closes over my clit, circling it with his tongue and flicking it slowly.
“More, Yoongi,” I demand.
He listens. Still worshipping my clit, Yoongi slips a finger inside me, curling it in such a practiced way I could scream.
He adds a second. Yoongi’s fingers thrust in and out of me as his tongue continues to taste and tease my pussy.
When he hits a certain spot in me, I moan his name, and I swear he growls. Repeatedly, his fingers hit that same spot inside me and I’m panting, trying my hardest not to come. Not yet.
“Harder!” I moan. Again, Yoongi follows like a good boy, his fingers and tongue picking up the pace.
Pausing to pull my legs over his shoulders, Yoongi meets my eyes. The pinkness of his lips glisten with my juices as he sighs, “I think you might be my new favorite meal.”
Before I can even respond, his resumes wrecking me. He fucks me with his fingers, grabbing at my ass with his free hand.
His mouth devours my pussy, wreaking havoc on my clit with every flick of his tongue.
My thighs quake as my battle to hold off coming becomes too much to endure. My back arches as the pleasure builds up with each quick stroke of his tongue and every movement of his fingers.
As if he knows exactly how to ruin me forever, Yoongi sucks on my clit harshly, and I come, my thighs trapping him between them. Despite it all, Yoongi continues to fuck me, lapping up everything like a starving man.
Soon, the overstimulation hits and I relax my thighs. Pulling his hair, I murmur, “Stop.”
Yoongi obeys.
“Come here,” I sit up, extending an arm out to him. He shuffles forward and when he is within reach I launch myself at him. Kissing him fiercely, I taste myself on his tongue.
“That was so good, baby,” I reach my hand up to stroke his flushed cheek. “Do you want me to help you out?”
“No,” Yoongi shakes his head, “I would rather eat you out again.”
“You’re insatiable!” I cry, tugging out of his hold. “We’ll see…”
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a/n: this chap got away from meeee AHHHHHH it’s the longest one yet uwu hope u enjoyed! :) also this is v unedited bc i wanted to post asap so keep that in mind hehe
@catsandstrawberries @h5naaa @meowmeowyoongles @leftflowerprunedonut @rjsmochii @karissassirak @weallhavesecretsinthebestway​ @cage7241​ @cvbachacbitch @honeyspillings @valiantcollectorofsandwiches @fivesecondsofsarang @oii-f-eli-x2 @joonsroses @theevilyouknow @jooniescupcakes @expensive-grl @i-dont-even-know-fck @athletes-of-god​@doingmybestalltheftime @elraee @fangirling-all-the-way-tbh @laced-brds @breeeeh17 @peachyharmoney @rilakoya @chulchuchi @tabula-rasa0 @guccishookv @nomimits7 @i-like-puppy-mg @s-noir @anna-sorel @im-a-space-child @yeontanismypresident @drowning-in-oxygen @team-wang-puppy @lvvegood @anongirl007 @may114 @r-e-d-i-s-h @unatempesta-dipensieri @dragon-rider-with-a-book @blueberrygeniejam @wondrsblog @vi-hoshi @kirbykook @katemwatson @kawaiikpoplover268 @amsteramyy @sami4life @a-feeling-of-euphoria @the-jackals @bubbletae7 @platinum-grenade @bunnyboyenthusiast @brightly-byun @oofmeintheheadpls @sadboibts @lidda @goldenwidow3 @t-mel19 @lmkjimin @psiphidragon @jeon-joker @sathom013 @lustremyg @ggsmashgg @justyouraveragerando @shadowstark @our-little-meow-meow @baby-hobii @mythicalmeep @asifetch7 @kassandravictoria @eltrain80 @briannasthings @bumblekey93 @ohmwreckr @beach-bitch-bitch-beach @softchimmee @kookoo-kachoo @lenuminous @ass-hole-in-one @peaches-422 @spacejooon @sleepyje0n @uxwi @tellmeyoulovemepls @yady24 @lovesick-heart0 @redirect-min @hopetookourvibe @noonaduck  @mini-coop25 @multifandomgirl29 @rhd31 @yoongixvevo @sweetnspicy93 @kuppyjiminie @love-and-other-possibilities @fuckyouandtheboatyoucamein @geminidrawsstuff @livorna @naajix @minjoonhome @subtlepjiminie @mono-kookie @purpleheartsfortae @krystle1990 @jungkooks-nut-is-tasty-in-busan @sky-the-squirrel @jinyounglovebot @vivpurple7 @xcastielbabyangelface @patpus @daydreamingwithbts 
a/n: if u asked to be added to the taglist and u did not get tagged, u might be one of the couple ppl that i couldn’t tag [check ur settings, fam!]
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i-luvsang · 4 years
peek-a-boo: lucas
request: none genre: fluff summary: you’re left alone at the wayv dorm with you boyfriend lucas and have no idea what to do to pass the time. warnings: someone climbs into a cabinet, might be be triggering to those with claustrophobia, mentions of food/food consumption a/n: yee yee have fun reading lol
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You're sitting on the couch with your head resting on your boyfriend Lucas's shoulder in comfortable silence. The both of you are alone at his dorm with nothing to do. A couple minutes after the rest of the boys left you grow tired of the silence and say "Let's do something."
"Okay!" He says, relieved you said so. "What do you wanna do?"
"I don't know."
"Hide and Go Seek?" He suggests.
"What are we, 5?" 
"Okay, you're right, let's go! I'm hiding first! Count to 100!" You say running off. You hide in Ten's closet, not knowing where else to go, but also knowing Lucas would think you wouldn't go there. While standing behind all his shirts, you can’t help notice how nice it all is. ‘Why can’t I have expensive clothes?’ You think. 
"READY OR NOT, HERE I COME!!!!!" Lucas yells in his loud voice. You giggle at him. You can literally hear him running around everywhere looking for you. 'Could he possibly be any louder?' You think. He peeks through Ten's door and whispers to himself, "She wouldn't hide in here, would she?" A pause. You try to stifle another giggle. "Eh, who knows what she'd do, man." And he trundles through the door. When he doesn't see you in he room he wonders, "Not the closet, right? Mmmm? Not the closet." He starts to walk out of the room then says, "We'll check just in case." He peeks in the closet, not seeing you yet. You hold your breath and try not to laugh as he continues to talk to himself. "Hmmm? Why is his closet bigger than mine?" His eyes land on your feet. "AH! DEAD BODY!" At that you burst out laughing.
"Are my feet really that ugly?" You ask him once back in the living room.
"No! Your feet are beautiful, just like the rest of you." He says in his overused — but hilarious — flirty voice and kisses you.
"Go hide, I don't want to look at you anymore." You break the kiss and say teasingly.
He plays mock offense and puts his hand to his heart. He makes a weird noise that might have supposed to be a gasp, but with Lucas you never know. "You don't want to see my handsome face anymore? How dare you say that. Not even my sexy lips?
You just laugh and start counting, "One, two, three, four, five, six..."
"Yah! I'm hiding! I'm hiding!" He runs off.
After a while, you have nowhere to hide. You wander into the kitchen and open the cabinets on the floor. “I can’t fit in here, can I?” You mumble to yourself. You quickly but quietly rearrange the pots and other various cooking things and crawl in. ‘Am I really this short?’ You think. ‘I guess this is a pretty big cabinet though.’ You move the stuff in your hiding spot to hide you better and lean against the wall.
Soon you hear Lucas’s insanely loud “READY OR NOT HERE I COME, MAN!!!” You can hear him searching throughout the house, unable to find you. He walks into the kitchen and says “Peek-a-Boo, Y/N where are you?” He walks right past you as you stiffle another giggle. ‘Peek-a-boo?’ You question. “So what, we hot, we young!” He sings. He walks out still singing We Young. A minute or two later you hear him complain from the living room, “Y/N, where are you? I miss you!” You grin. Walking into the kitchen again his iconic, “Oh my GOsh.” Reaches your ears. He continues to search for you but to no avail. 
“Y/N?” He calls. ‘Awe, he can’t find me and he’s getting worried. I’ll come out soon.’ You conclude. “Where are you? Y/N??” You can tell he’s trying not sound worried, but he does. He runs into the kitchen and yells, “Y/N?!”
”I’m coming! Don’t worry, I’ll be out in a sec!” You call to him. 
“Ah! Jeez where are you?!” He exclaims, obviously having been scared by your voice.
”I’m in the cabinet. Mind opening it for me?” You ask. 
“Oh. Sure.” He opens it and moves aside the pots. He help you out and pulls you into a hug. You get on your very very tip-toes to kiss both of his cheeks and a grin spreads across his face. “I found you.”
”Well technically you lost me, and I came back because you got scared that you really lost me.” You say.
He ignores your comment and asks, “How did you even fit in there? You’re so short. So so short.”
”I’m not that short, your just really tall!” You argue.
”That’s what you always say.” You roll your eyes. “Now it’s my turn to hide!” He runs off.
You go back to the living room and begin your loud counting. So loud you didn’t hear YangYang, Kun, and Ten get back (the rest were still gone don’t ask me where tho). “98, 99, 100! Ready or not here I come!!!” You yell jumping around and opening your eyes. “AH! Oh, your back.” You say to the rest of the boys who have been standing there watching you for the past minute. “Hi.”
”Hi. Are you playing hide and go seek?” Ten asks. 
“Ummmm.....no? I mean, yes, of course we are, what else would we do, duck duck goose? No because there are only two of us. Well, were. YangYang, you can go find him if you like. I’ll help Kun make dinner, bye!” You say whisking off to the kitchen, remembering how you hid in Ten’s closet and suddenly feeling embarrassed.
You and Kun finished making dinner and called the others over to eat. “Where’s Lucas?” Kun asks.
”He’s still hiding.” YangYang answers. 
“Good.” Kun replies. He sits down and so do YangYang and Ten. 
“I’ll get him.” You say. “LUCAS, HELP ME, I’M GONNA DIE!!” You scream. You sit down, there was no need to see if he was coming. You could hear him.
”WHAT?!?? WHAT’S WRONG?!?? WHY ARE YOU DYING?!?! TEN WHAT DID YOU DO?!?!” He yells as he appears.
”Oh good, your here. I was dying of boredom waiting for you. Eat up!” You say. He gives you that look anyone would giving after you just scared them half to death then pretended nothing happened. He plops down next to you and you begin to serve yourselves.
”Why did you automatically think I did something to her?” Ten asks.
”Because why not?” Kun asks.
”M’kay.” You all burst into laughter. At that moment all you could be was grateful for these wonderful people in your life. Especially your Wong Yukhei.
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vintagedolan · 4 years
downhill (gbd)
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an early december snowboarding trip to colorado with your favorite boys is on the agenda. nothing can go wrong... right?
word count: 6.8k
warnings/tags: jealous!grayson, angst, mild injuries, arguing, angsty angst angst I did my best okay I hope it’s worth the wait :’)
feel free to send in requests! and check out my masterlist if you wanna :)
It was the kind of cold outside that you could feel through the car. Even the metal frame of the van seemed to be shivering as Grayson continued down the highway, hand warm in yours on the center console. The sun had dipped down under the horizon, and you shifted again, trying to get comfortable in the passenger seat. 
“All good?” You felt him squeeze your hand, eyes flickering over to you. Nodding, you squeezed back, shifting so you could lean against him, resting on his shoulder. 
“Yeah, just trying to keep my ass from going numb,” you admitted, grinning when he let out a dry laugh. He turned his head, pressing a kiss to your forehead, then resting his cheek against the top of your head. 
“You wanna go sit in the back for a bit? It’s almost Ethan’s turn to drive anyway, then I can join.” His eyes flickered to his phone, maps pulled up. Four hours left until you got to Keystone Colorado. 
“I don’t wanna miss the Christmas lights.” Half the reason you were going back to Keystone was because Grayson proclaimed it to be the cutest little christmasy town he’d ever seen. 
“Baby we’re on the highway for another -” he checked quickly - “three hours. Go wake E up for me so he’s ready to drive, I’ll make sure you see the lights before we leave.” 
Even though it was your first time traveling long term in the van, you’d become so comfortable in it. You easily unbuckled and climbed over the center console, letting out a squeak when Grayson’s hand came up to swat your ass while it was up in the air. 
Ethan was sprawled out across the bed in the back of the van, head towards the back doors, arms crossed over his torso - the perfect position for pouncing. Grayson laughed as he watched you in the rearview mirror, heading around the seats before getting a three step run in, giving you just enough momentum to launch onto Ethan. 
“BOO!” You yelled, landing directly on top of him. His groan was so loud that even Grayson jumped in the front seat. “Gotta wake up, almost your turn to drive.” 
“That’s twice that you’ve jumped on me today. I’d rather Grayson wake me up than you,” he grumbled, eyes still closed.
“I’m offended.”
“Because I can hit him,” he finished, making you grin. 
“I’d like to see you try!” Gray called from the front, shaking his head. 
“Is it really already my turn to drive? Isn’t it your turn yet?” 
“Bitch I drove the first 5 hours this morning, I don’t wanna hear it,” you scoffed, rolling to the side and flopping down on the cushions. Just laying down was enough to remind you that you had in fact been up since 4am, having been the designated alarm clock for the group. The coffee you’d downed was long gone now, and with the gentle bumps of the car on the road, you knew you’d be asleep soon if you stayed down.
With that, you sat up, reaching around to get into the ‘junk’ drawer, pulling out the old deck of cards that you’d tossed in. Ethan narrowed his eyes at you, hesitant. You didn’t blame him - it was common knowledge that you could kick his ass in cards. 
“War. That’s all I’m playing.” 
“Lame,” you muttered, but you dealt the cards out anyways. The game helped pass the time, both of you getting a little animated when you’d pull away with a lead. He threw a card at you when you got the last ace, knowing he’d effectively lost. You stuck your tongue out in response. Bad move.
That mischief that you’d seen so many times flickered in his eyes, and you made a dive for the front of the van towards Gray. It was futile; Ethan’s arms immediately trapped you and he drug you back onto the bed.
“No!” You squealed, knowing exactly what he was going to do. The two of you ended up in sore loser situations more often that you’d like to admit, and you crawled away, trying to avoid it. Unfortunately, the van wasn’t as long as you thought and when you turned around, he was right there, pinky finger up and devilish grin on his face. He put it in his mouth and you made one last dive, but he caught you, effectively giving you a wet willy that you cringed away from. 
As soon as you could you scrambled off the bed, up the tiny hallway and past the curtain, crawling into the front seat and curling up in a ball. Gray moved on instinct, arm stretching over to your seat, blocking the gap between them so his brother couldn’t make it through.
You grinned, knowing you’d made it to safe territory as Ethan glowered at you over the seat.
“Don’t make me pull this van over,” Grayson cautioned, putting on his best dad voice. You just laughed as Ethan rolled his eyes.
“Traitor,” he accused with narrow eyes, sitting back into the second row of seats as Grayson pulled off the exit to find a gas station. Once he pulled in you hopped out of the van, stretching your legs and heading in to pee. You started walking as fast as you could, the air so cold it took your breath away.
“Hang on, I’m coming.” Gray jogged to catch up with you, leaving Ethan behind to pump the gas.
“I’m fine,” you reassured him, bumping him with your arm. Almost five months ago you had told him that one time at one gas station you’d gotten kinda spooked, and ever since then, he made sure you never went in one alone if he could help it. 
“I know.” He kept walking anyways, following you in and over to the corner of the store where the bathrooms were, standing by the shelves and trying to look non-creepy while he waited for you. 
By the time you got back, Ethan had finished up; you could see him in the driver’s seat, plugging in his phone. Gray opened the door for you and you gladly climbed back into the warmth. You beelined for the bed, grabbing the blanket and immediately climbing under it. 
You heard him laugh first, and then you felt the cushions dip as he crawled over, laying down and resting his head on your side until you turned so he could cuddle up to you.
“Keep it PG back there, I can’t close the curtain,” Ethan called, prompting Gray to flip him off. You didn’t care if Ethan saw, you wiggled down until your face was even with Gray’s, pulling him in for a kiss. You could feel his smile as he brought an arm over and under you, rolling to pull you on top of him, your hair falling around him. He reached up to push it back, holding your head and guiding your lips back down to his, skin soft and warm against yours. 
Something about being so close to him just relaxed you like nothing else - you didn’t care about anything, worry about anything when you were in his arms. It had become home to you in the best way. 
The downside of that? The fact that you were so comfortable that you had to pull away and let out a huge yawn. As soon as you were done you looked down to see him watching you with a smile.
“Am I boring you?” He teased, leaning up to press a kiss to your neck. 
“No, you’re just cozy,” you hummed, nuzzling down onto his chest. He had on his yellow Cudi hoodie from coachella, and you traced the letters on his chest absentmindedly, eyelids heavy.
Before you knew what was happening you were fast asleep, Grayson smiling when he felt your breathing even out above him. He shifted you over onto the bed, rubbing gently over your back to keep you lulled. Once he was sure you were out, he kissed your head and slid off the bed, moving up to the passenger seat to keep Ethan company. He turned the music down so it didn’t wake you up, and E filled the silence.
“What happens when I get a girl? All four of us won’t fit in here,” he mused. 
“We’ll figure it out, we could always pitch a tent if we had to. Gotta find a girl whose gonna put up with you first.” 
“Ha- ha. If you can find one, I shouldn’t have a problem.” 
On instinct, Grayson craned his neck up to look in the rearview mirror, checking on you. You were still asleep, curled up on your side in the middle of the bed. You looked so small and cute back there, it took more willpower than he thought it would to keep himself in his seat. 
“She still out?” 
Grayson just nodded, still watching you. “She was exhausted bro, I don’t know how she even stayed up that long.” Ethan’s eyes flickered up to the mirror, and he smiled. 
“You picked a good one. She’s gonna fit right in.” 
Grayson was pretty sure it must be a twin thing that Ethan could sense his worries even when he hadn’t voiced them. It didn’t matter how much he loved Y/N, he was still a bit nervous to bring her home to meet his family for the holidays in just a few weeks. 
“I’m not worried about Ma. She’s gonna love her, I already know that. I’m worried about Cam.”
“Why wouldn’t Cam like her?”
“Cause Cam doesn’t like anyone we date, ever, you know that. She’s too damn protective.” Just the thought of his sister and his girlfriend in the same room together made his palms a bit clammy. He wiped them on his sweatpants quickly, hoping Ethan didn’t notice. 
“Neither of us have ever brought a girl home like Y/N before though. And let’s be honest... Cam’s never been wrong, has she? Even if she’s a little over the top, you gotta admit, she’s got a radar for crazy. She always knew before we did if things were gonna go to shit.” E raised an eyebrow, and Grayson couldn’t help but laugh. His sister really had called out every crazy ex before he had been able to see the red flags. 
“Now I’m really scared, cause I gotta trust her. Her track record’s too good, what if she says Y/N is actually batshit crazy or some shit? Then what?!” 
“Well, she is dating your ass, so she’s gotta be a little crazy,” Ethan grinned until Gray smacked the back of his head.
“It was her idea to invite you along, so yeah, I’ll give to yah, she’s a little crazy.”
“I helped build this van, I automatically get invited on all trips that it embarks on.”
“Ethan you put in two fuckin screws, you didn’t build shit.”
“Cause you wouldn’t let me do anything!” 
They bickered for a few more minutes before they got over it, moving onto other conversations until they ran out of highway. When they got off the exit, they were immediately greeted by the most christmasy town they’d ever seen. Every store, every porch was covered in twinkling lights - Gray considered waking you up, but you looked so peaceful that he let you be, knowing he’d have another chance to show you. 
Everything went to plan until Ethan pulled into the campground that was supposed to house them for the night. The woman was nice enough, but even her polite tone didn’t make the news that there were no open campsites any better.
“I’m sorry boys, we filled up the last spot about an hour ago. Lots of people trying to get their ski trips in before the holiday rush. There’s a rest stop about 5 minutes up the way, you could park there for the night.” 
“It’s alright. Thank you for your help.” Ethan mustered up the best smile he could through his exhaustion and turned the van around, pulling back out and onto the road.
“We’re gonna freeze our asses off again. The whole point of the campground was so we could run the fucking heater.” Grayson checked his phone - it was 20 degrees. 
“We’ll just have to make it work. We can wake up and drive around in shifts if we have to. I’m fuckin toast man, you are too. We gotta at least try to sleep,” Ethan muttered, eyes peeled for the rest stop. Grayson didn’t have an argument for that.
As soon as they pulled off at the rest stop they were climbing into the backseat, stretching their legs for a minute before they grabbed the extra blanket they had and headed to bed. 
“Don’t wake her up, she doesn’t go back to sleep easy,” Grayson cautioned, careful to move the bed as little as possible while he climbed in. Ethan copied his movements on the other side of you, trying to settle in. 
“Night bro,” Ethan muttered, rolling over to face the outside of the van before reaching up to turn off his light. 
“Night,” Gray answered. You were still sleeping soundly, facing towards him, some of your hair falling into your face. He couldn’t help but smile - you looked so peaceful, so cute all curled up in your pullover. He leaned over and kissed your forehead before reaching up to turn off the light, his hand finding yours that was resting face up by your head. With your fingers intertwined, he fell asleep almost immediately. 
It was peaceful - until it wasn’t.
When you woke up, there were too many things going on at once. For one, the light was on, practically blinding you, which didn’t help the mission you had of figuring out what the fuck was going on. Two, your face was freezing, but your back was warm. And three, you felt heavy, and it took you a minute to realize that there was an arm slung over top of your torso, wrapped around and under you. 
Seeking the warmth and the comfort, you relaxed back against his chest, blinking to try and figure out what was going on. 
And that’s when you saw Grayson, up on his knees on the bed, hovering tall and angry above the both of you. It clicked then, and you realized exactly what had happened. 
“Ethan, what the fuck!” Gray was yelling, his voice bouncing off the metal all around you and making you wince. 
Ethan only stirred, and did the worst possible thing he could have done in that moment - you felt his arm tighten around you, pulling you against him firmly, face hiding behind your head to get away from the noise.
“E, Ethan wake up,” you muttered, knowing it wasn’t going to end well. He didn’t have much of a chance to even disengage before Grayson was grabbing his wrist and yanking his arm off of you, much more force behind it than necessary. 
“Bro, what the fuck?” Ethan groaned, starting to wake up. You did your best to move quickly, rolling away from him and ending up bumping into Grayson’s thighs. Damn tiny home. Grayson’s anger dissipated for just a second while he helped you sit up, and you climbed off the bed, half to find water and half to avoid what you knew was about to happen. 
“What the fuck?” He mocked. “Are you fucking kidding me Ethan?” 
“Dude, I don’t know what’s up your ass right now, but can you just wait until the morning to be a dick please?” He rolled over towards the outside wall of the van, trying to avoid the lights. It didn’t last long - Grayson was on him in a second, pulling him back over onto his back. Ethan put his arms up in defense, and it was a smart move, because right after that Grayson started shoving, pushing at his chest and his shoulders.
“Grayson, what the fuck is your problem right now?” He was fully awake now, his anger rising. 
“My problem? My problem is that I woke up to you all over my fuckin’ girl, that’s my problem. The fuck is wrong with you?” He shoved him again, and you winced when you heard Ethan’s body hit the metal of the wall. You knew it didn’t hurt him, but it still made you upset.
“Guys-” you tried, but you knew it was futile - you knew better than to try to get into the middle of one of their piss matches. Your voice fell on deaf ears, and you sighed, climbing into the second row of seats. The leather was cold, so you tucked your hands down into your sleeves, curling up on your side while the argument continued. 
“Bro, I was fucking asleep. I probably thought she was a blanket or something, it’s cold as fuck in here.” Ethan tried to defend himself. You hoped Grayson would be calmed by his words, but of course, he wasn’t.
“I don’t give a fuck if you’re fucking cold, Ethan. You can keep your hands to yourself.”
“Oh, shit, you’re so right! Let me just check in with my motivation real quick... oh wait, I was fucking unconscious.”
Your exhaustion only heightened your annoyance, and you moved your arm up over your ear, pleasantly surprised with how much noise the fluffy fabric blocked out. 
You’d almost made it back to sleep, surprisingly comfortable in the seat when Grayson noticed you were gone. 
“Y/N? Y/N! Where the fuck did she go?” 
You only reacted when you felt his hand on your arm. You turned to look up at him, and even if you were annoyed your heart tightened at the little bit of panic left on his face. 
“I thought you left the van, you scared me,” he breathed, still keeping a hand on you. 
“Nope, just trying to get some sleep and avoid the testosterone overload,” you muttered, quirking an eyebrow. 
“Come back to bed.” There was a twinge of guilt in his tone, and it softened you whether you wanted it to or not. 
“I can sleep just fine right here. Might avoid me becoming a tug-of-war rope at 3am.” 
“Baby. Please.” He was pleading now, tugging on your arm just barely. The stubborn part of you fought it, but you knew you were going to give in eventually. Might as well do it now. 
Grayson relaxed a bit when you stood up, taking your hand just for the quick walk to the back of the van. Ethan was on his side, facing the wall again, but you could tell he was awake when he scooted over as Grayson climbed into the middle where you had been. 
It was petty, but you figured it would solve the problem well enough, so you didn’t fight it. He turned the lights off, and as soon as you were laying down Grayson’s arm was around you, pulling you back against his chest as tight as he could, cold nose nuzzling into your neck.
“Mmmm, you’re warm,” he hummed quietly, just for you.
“You’re lucky you’re cute, you possessive fuck,” you mumbled, cuddling up to him despite your words.
“You love it.”
“I don’t love when you fight with Ethan.”
“I always fight with Ethan.”
“I know, that’s the whole point,” you sighed. He shifted behind you, and you felt his hand come up to brush some of the hair off your neck, fingers moving to the collar of your pullover so he could find some skin and press a kiss there.
“I’ll try to behave tomorrow. Promise. As long as Ethan keeps his hands to himself.”
You just rolled your eyes before closing them, soaking in the warmth of him there next to you as you drifted off.
The first sip that hit your lips was still too hot, and you frowned down at your mug.
“Not good?” Ethan quirked an eyebrow, already downing his latte across from you.
“Still too hot,” you mumbled, blowing down onto the liquid, watching the ripples spread across the top of the foam. 
“Before he gets back -” Ethan nodded at his brother, who was still waiting for his coffee by the counter - “I just wanted to say I’m really sorry if I made you uncomfortable last night. I mean, I was asleep, but I still feel really bad cause I know that was probably weird for you.”
“E, chill. It’s fine, really. We were all cold as fuck, I don’t blame you for grabbing the first warm thing you found. I’m sorry he’s so damn protective, I know you didn’t mean anything by it.” You did your best to reassure him quickly but sincerely. He just mouthed a quick “thank you” as Grayson sat back down at the table. 
Even though they hadn’t outrightly bickered yet, the tension was obvious between the boys. Gray sat turned almost entirely towards you, his back to Ethan in the most subtle of standoffish ways. 
You stayed out of their arguments as much as you could - you had no place interfering in the twins relationship with each other, that was for sure. But it didn’t mean you didn’t feel bad for Ethan sometimes when Grayson was being a dick. You frowned as you watched him quietly sip at his coffee, knowing that if he said something that could even be slightly misconstrued, his brother would take it and run with it. 
“So what gear do I need to get exactly?” You opened up the conversation, hopeful that it wouldn’t devolve. 
Grayson launched into it, explaining everything you would need to rent out for the day ahead of you, from your board and boots to your goggles and helmet. It got him talking, which kept him from giving Ethan dirty looks, which was your ultimate goal. 
You kept the conversation going as best you could for the rest of the morning, just bringing up random things to keep the emotions light and friendly. You got your reprieve about an hour later, when the three of you arrived at the slopes and walked into the rental store at the bottom. Someone greeted you at the door, giving you a chance to take a breath.
“You make a good mediator,” Ethan muttered in your ear when Grayson followed the employee towards the snowboards. Maybe you hadn’t been as subtle as you originally thought.
“Might as well be my full time job living with you two,” you teased, bumping him with your shoulder. 
“Hopefully he gets the stick out of his ass before we hit the slopes.”
You headed over to Grayson, Ethan in tow, and started to listen to the instructions from the employee. You got a bit lost in the jargon, but you understood that the boys got advanced boards and you got a beginner one.
“It’ll make it easier if you mess up, cause it’s more bendy,” Gray explained, offering you an encouraging smile. You weren’t the most coordinated, and you’d never tried to snowboard before, but you’d promised you’d try. 
“Sounds good to me,” you shrugged, letting out a bit of a clueless laugh. 
“First time out there huh?” The employee offered you a bright smile - he was a bit shorter than the boys, with a sweet face and a head full of blonde hair.
“Yeah, gonna give it a go.”
“A little,” you admitted.
“I’m sure you’ll do great, you seem like a smart girl. Just stick to the green slopes at the start, those are for beginners. If you need some tips, just let me know.”
Grayson’s arm was around your waist immediately, pulling you against him so hard you almost lost your footing. 
“I can handle the tips. Just need the gear,�� Gray said, tight smile on his lips. It took all your willpower to stop yourself from rolling your eyes. 
“Right. Let me just go get the rest of it.” 
“Thank you,” you said, elbowing Grayson in the ribs as soon as the boy turned around and disappeared to the back storage. 
“So we’re being assholes to customer service workers today too, huh?” You accused. You saw Ethan’s eyebrows raise as he held back a laugh behind his brother. 
“He was flirting with you.”
You didn’t get a chance to refute it because the boy came back with all the gear in his hands. Most of it was for you - the boys already had jackets, boots and goggles. You passed them their helmets while you scooped up all the puffy fabric and Grayson paid. 
The whole interaction didn’t come up again until you were on the lift, all geared up and headed to the first green slope. Ethan had gotten onto the seat behind the two of you, and you knew he’d done it on purpose. You tried a softer approach - instead of bringing it up, you just leaned over and kissed him. Your goggles that were nestled on top of your head clinked together, and you giggled at it before you leaned back.
“What was that for?” He mused.
“Just a reminder that I’m yours and you don’t have to worry about a teenage ski resort employee. Or your brother. Especially not your brother.” 
You expected him to laugh, or at least smile. You got neither. 
“A reminder? Why would I need a reminder?” 
“I don’t know, you’ve just been getting jealous really easy lately. Thought maybe it was something I did,” you muttered, already shrinking down. You got annoyed when he was pissy with other people, but when he was pissy with you? You felt like an ant, tiny and fragile. 
“I’m fine.” 
The rest of the short ride was silent, and you were relieved he still helped you get off the lift despite his attitude. But that was about the only help he gave you - he went down the slope almost immediately, leaving you at the top with your board in your hands. You pulled your goggles down over your eyes, hoping that might keep you from tearing up more than you already were.
“Here. I’ll show you,” Ethan’s voice was as soft as ever when he came up beside you. “Put your board down, and strap your right foot in.” 
You did as he instructed, glad that he had his foot in front of your board so it didn’t slide away from you.
“Okay, now you just gotta feel it. Kick using your back foot for a minute so you can move and get used to it and find your balance, and then bring your other foot up on top. To go faster, shift forward a bit, and to stop turn your board sideways. I’ll go with you in case you can’t get stopped.”
You followed his instructions, gliding just barely over the snow. You were crawling forward, but you started to get the hang of the feeling. All was good until you tried to stop, overcorrecting and immediately losing your balance.
“Woah, I gotcha, you’re fine.” Ethan caught you, somehow managing to stay up on his board as well. You’d never understand how both boys could be so athletic. 
“Thanks. Was that right? I mean, besides the stop.” 
“Not bad for your first, uh, 2ft run,” he grinned, teeth as white as the snow he was standing on.
“Thanks for helping. Sorry he’s being a dick, I know you all usually snowboard together.” It was kinda their thing. Maybe you coming along wasn’t such a good idea.
“This was your all’s trip, you were nice enough to invite me on it,” he reminded you. “So I’m sorry he’s being a dick. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun. Right?”
“Right,” you smiled.
“Okay then. Let’s keep practicing.”
Ethan’s patience was endless. He showed you the ropes, encouraging you as you got your control down, even cheering so loud that everyone looked when you made it all the way down the slope without stopping. 
“We should go up to an intermediate slope. I think you can do it.” His confidence transferred over to you, and you just shrugged, laughing a bit at the sound your suit made when it rubbed against itself.
“If you say so.”
“Let me go find Mr. Grumps, I’ll meet you back at the lift.” And then he was off, looking for his twin. You undid your straps, picking up your board and heading for the lift. 
Five minutes later, you saw the boys approaching, boards tucked under their arms. Just from their walks, you could tell that Grayson was still pissed, and you sighed at the sight. When he got in his head like that, there wasn’t much you could do to bring him out of it. But that didn’t mean you had to put up with it either. 
So you only felt a little guilty when you climbed onto the lift seat next to Ethan, leaving Grayson to sulk by himself.
Ethan just quirked an eyebrow over his goggles, making you laugh.
“Nobody wants to ride with Mr. Grumps,” you teased. 
“Understandable. We’ll just make this a best friend run instead of a couple-and-third-wheel-twin-brother-run.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
When you got off the lift, you didn’t hesitate. Knowing you’d lose your confidence if you waited, you started down immediately, exhilarated by the feeling of the freezing wind in your face. You felt in control, like you could conquer the world. Ethan was right behind you, whooping and yelling as you both tore down the slope, picking up speed.
All was well until someone cut a bit too close to you, almost running into you, turning at the last second and sending snow up into your face.
“Woah!” You squeaked, trying to turn to avoid them. It happened quickly after that, a blur of white snow, hard ground, yelling and a body colliding with your quite hard. A sharp pain erupted in your ankle as you jolted to a stop, only then realizing that your eyes had been squeezed shut. You opened them to see pine trees above you, slightly discolored by your goggles. 
“Y/N! You okay? Are you alright?” Ethan’s voice was in your ear first, and then he was moving, shifting from underneath you. You pieced it together quickly - he’d grabbed you, kept you from slamming into the trees. Which meant he’d taken the brunt of the force.
“I’m fine, I’m okay. Are you okay? Holy shit.”
“I’m alright, just a little winded,” he said, trying to take a few deep breaths. 
“Just breathe, you’re okay,” you encouraged, but you weren’t sure he heard you over the yelling that had erupted back on the slope. You looked up to see Grayson, running over as quickly as the snow trapping his feet would let him. When he got to you he sent snow flying when he dropped to his knees beside you.
“Baby! Are you alright? Are you hurt? You okay?”
“I’m fine, Ethan took the worst of it.” 
“E, you good?” 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” he reassured him, moving to stand up against the tree.
“I saw you all go off track, I thought you totally lost it, that was scary as fuck.” The panic was still evident in his voice, and you couldn’t help but reach a hand out to him. It grounded you more than you thought it would, and you shifted to him, asking for a hug. He pulled you to his chest, squeezing tightly. 
“C’mon, let’s get you up.” Gray stood first after he let go, and you leaned forward to unstrap your board. As soon as you touched your left foot you winced, the breath you sucked in hissing through your teeth. 
“What, what’s wrong?” It was Ethan’s voice, which surprised you.
“I must have hit my ankle on the tree. Hurts like a bitch.” Now that you had noticed it, there was no ignoring it. It throbbed like your heart was there instead of in your chest.
“Can you walk on it?” Grayson pushed his goggles off his face, concern strong in his eyes.
“I don’t think so.”
“I told you she wasn’t ready for an intermediate slope Ethan, I fuckin’ told you!” Grayson turned on his brother, and you spoke before you could think.
“Are you fucking kidding me right now?” Grayson turned back to you, eyes wide. “You should be thanking him right now, he just saved my ass. And where were you? Oh right, sulking. Like you have been this whole damn trip. I’m done dealing with it. So just get me off this damn mountain. Please.” 
They both just stared at you for a minute, unsure of exactly what to say. It wasn’t often that you had an outburst like that, but your anger was still bubbling, only fueled by the pain in your foot. 
“I’ll go flag somebody down. Do you think you can get her out of the trees?” Grayson’s voice was small, and you immediately felt a twinge of guilt that you tried to ignore. 
“Yeah, yeah I got her,” E answered, already moving over to you. He reached down and picked you up bridal style, heading back out to the edge of the slope. Once he sat you down and went back for the boards, you watched Grayson, who was traversing down to the medical tent located halfway down the slope. 
Five minutes later and you were in a small sled, which was tied to the back of an ATV of sorts. You already knew you looked dumb, but Ethan laughing at you didn’t help matters. You flipped him off and stuck your tongue out.
“I’m coming with you,” Gray offered.
“No. You two are gonna go down at least three more slopes, and you’re gonna come back to the van and be happy siblings again. Okay?”
“I’m not asking. Give me my board, and go,” you instructed. You were pissed enough that he didn’t question it, handing you your board in defeat. 
The paramedic looked back at you for a signal. You gave him a thumbs up and he pulled away, sending you on your way down the mountain, the boys watching you leave.
The process was easy enough at the bottom of the mountain considering they put you in a wheelchair to get you to the small clinic they had on site. The nurse was nice, reassuring you that they saw stuff like this all the time and there was nothing to be sorry for.
An hour later, you had the diagnosis of a severe sprain and a crutch to use to help you get where you needed to go. They had been nice enough to take your gear back to the rental, which meant you could head straight for the van. It was a relief when you made it there, glad that you’d been trusted with the keys. 
With no hesitation, you climbed back to the bed, glad to have a place to put your swollen ankle up. It was already starting to get dark, and you knew the boys would be headed back soon. 
back at the van, just knock when you get here cause I might be asleep you text, moving your phone over and cuddling down under the blankets. 
Sure enough, you awoke to the knock on the metal door about an hour later. The entire interior was pitch black, so you turned on a light before you headed to the door, hopping on one foot until you got to the seat, sitting down and reaching for the door.
It slid back to reveal only Ethan, standing there with a goofy smile.
“Did you kill him or something?” 
“Thought about it,” he joked, climbing up and around you, immediately moving towards the console and maneuvering into the driver’s seat. You narrowed your eyes. Something was definitely up. 
“He’s going to try to make this up to me isn’t he.”
“Did he at least apologize to you?”
“And you aren’t going to tell me anything else are you.”
“Absolutely not.” 
“Cool.” You sat back into your seat as Ethan backed the van up, heading god knows where. There was no point in stressing about it - it was happening whether you liked it or not. You tried not to speculate as Ethan drove back through the town, but you couldn’t help but get curious when he turned into a neighborhood. 
“Pretend I’m not here,” he mumbled, pulling over to the sidewalk and putting the van in park. 
Before you could ask, the door was opening and there stood Grayson. But you only looked at him for a moment before you looked down, something catching your eye.
“You’re here to apologize. And you brought... an office chair?” Your eyes flickered between his face and the chair. He offered you a small smile, holding up a cup.
“And hot chocolate. Just... just get a blanket and come out here. Please.” 
It wouldn’t have mattered if you didn’t want to, you were too intrigued to resist. Ethan passed you a blanket from the passenger seat, and Grayson came up to the side of the van, wrapping an arm around your waist to lift you down gently onto your good foot. It took a bit of hopping, but soon enough you were settled in the chair.
He handed you the cup before he wrapped the blanket around your shoulders. You felt him press a kiss to your head before he closed the van door, tapping it twice, signaling Ethan to drive away. 
“You gonna fill me in?” You craned your neck back so you could look at him. Even with just the light of dusk, you could see the guilt written all over his face.
“I was a dick this whole trip. And I ruined it. For you, and for Ethan. I don’t know what got into me, I’ve just been in my head a lot, but I took it out on you all instead of just talking about it. Which is dumb as fuck. And shitty. And I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.” Sincerity dripped from every word he said, and you were surprised at the weight that it lifted off of you. 
“You’re forgiven,” you grinned, glad that you didn’t feel like you had to be mad at him anymore.
“Yes really. Now are you gonna explain where you stole this chair from and why?” You accused.
“I didn’t steal it. I convinced the lady at the coffee shop to let me borrow it for an hour.”
“I gave her twenty bucks,” he grinned, shrugging one shoulder up to touch his ear. You couldn’t help but laugh at him. You sipped at your hot chocolate as he started to push you down the sidewalk.
“I promised you I’d show you the lights before we left. And somebody went and sprained their ankle, so I had to improvise the cute little walking date I had planned,” he explained, making your heart swell. Sure enough, as the sun continued to dip down, more and more houses intricate light displays were coming to life, mixtures of crisp white and colorful arrangements. 
“Woah, look at that one!” You pointed at one with snowmen out in the yard, only realizing that he was filming on his phone when you turned around to look at him. 
“You’re so cute,” he smiled, continuing to push you through the neighborhood. You weren’t sure how long it lasted - there were too many houses to count, and you both rated them out of 10 each time, picking out your favorite parts. 
When you reached the end of the road he spun you around, leaning over you, hands on the armrests for support. The lights behind him turned into fuzzy circles as your eyes focused on his. 
“I promise I’ll make this up to you. Take you on another snowboarding adventure and not be an asshole this time.”
You scrunched your nose at him. “Yah know, I think I might be more of tropical girl. Beaches. Fruity drinks. You shirtless instead of in five layers,” you grinned, tugging down on his hoodie so you could pull his lips to yours.
“You taste like chocolate,” he mused, kissing you again, tongue running over your lips. “I’ll take you wherever you want, you just say the word.”
“Right now? I have an idea of exactly where you can take me...” You let it hang in the air for a moment. 
“Mhmmm. Back to the van. So I can get my hands on... some fucking ibuprofen. This shit hurts,” you pointed down at your foot with a wicked grin. 
He huffed out a breath that turned to fog in the cold air. 
“I deserved that one.”
“Yep.” You pulled him back down for one more kiss, savoring the warmth of it on your cold lips. “I love you, even when you’re a dick.”
“I love you more. Thanks for dealing with my annoying ass,” he sighed, forehead against yours.
“It’s worth it. Now c’mon, apparently we have an office chair to return.”
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