#half dragon Mango
jackhues · 1 year
mango dragon refresher - quinn hughes
notes: this is part of @wyattjohnston's summer exchange fic, and written for the lovely @lam-ila! i'm horrible at writing angst with happy ending, but i felt inspired to write something like this for quinn!! i really hope you like it <33
warnings: accidents, injuries, angst with happy ending, kinda hurt/comfort
gif not mine!
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in hindsight, driving with a broken tail light wasn’t the smartest decision you’ve made.
your mother had taught you years ago that everything you learn when it comes to driving was meant to be applied whenever you were behind the wheel, for the rest of your life. and for years, you’d taken her words to heart, never once stepping out of line.
but you were hungry, and out of milk, and you’d already taken the cereal out into your bowl, and quinn had taken the working car to practice.
you didn’t think it was going to be a big deal, especially since the grocery store was less than five minutes away. besides, you saw people driving with things worse than broken tail lights all the time. how bad could it be?
convincing yourself it was no big deal, you got in your car and headed off to the store. you’d made it there fine, not even a scratch. but on your way back, the car in front of you slammed on their brakes suddenly. you’d stopped as well, just in time to avoid ramming into the rear bumper. 
but with your tail light broken, the car behind you had nearly no warning as he drove into you. you felt it all happen in two times speed: your head hitting the steering, hard, as cars around you honked their horns and manoeuvred away from the crash.
i guess this is why they say mother always knows best, you thought drowsily, the world going dark around you.
quinn was feeding his teammates pucks when the assistant coach, nolan, called him over. 
he’d been in a serious conversation with one of the trainers for a few minutes, before he motioned for quinn to come over.
“ooh, hughesy’s in trouble,” some of the guys snickered, messing with him.
quinn rolled his eyes as he held back a laugh, nodding at nolan and the trainer. the trainer nodded back, before rushing away quickly.
quinn didn’t think much of it — the trainers always had lots of work to do.
“what’s going on?” he asked.
nolan motioned over his shoulder, “let’s go talk about it, c’mon.”
now quinn began to worry, almost as if he really was in trouble. during the short walk to his office, a hundred different thoughts flew around quinn’s brain — yet, not one of them explained why he might be in trouble.
i’m a full-grown adult, quinn thought to himself. how the hell am i going to be in trouble? what would i even be in trouble for?
as nolan motioned for him to take a seat, quinn’s thoughts took another direction. he thought of bo horvat, and how he’d been given some terrible news in the very same way.
“wait, am i getting traded?” he asked suddenly.
nolan’s eyes widened, “no, no. we’re not trading you, that’s not why you’re here.”
“then why am i here?” quinn asked. “is there — is it something bad? did i mess up?”
nolan looked resigned, as if the last thing he wanted to do was sit here and tell quinn… whatever it was he wanted to say. but he took a deep breath and forced it out.
“it’s y/n,” he said finally. “your fiancée. she’s been involved in a car accident and has been admitted to the hospital.”
the world seemed to stop for quinn.
y/n, in a car accident. 
he didn’t believe it. you were the safest driver he ever met, there was no way you could be involved in a — the broken tail light, he realized suddenly.
for some reason, you must’ve taken the car and went out to do something, either forgetting about or dismissing the broken tail light.
quinn internally began to curse himself. 
he should’ve woken up half an hour earlier and carpooled with elias when his teammate had asked. that way there’d have been a working car at home, and you wouldn’t have been in the hospital.
“quinn?” nolan asked hesitantly, snapping him out of his spiral. “are you okay?”
“where — which hospital is she in?” he got up. “i want to go see her, i’m leaving to go see her.”
nolan stopped him by placing a hand on his arm, “i’ll drive you. you’re in no state to be operating a vehicle. go get changed, and we’ll head out to see her.”
quinn wanted to argue, to tell him to take him right now, but he saw the determined look in nolan’s eyes. quinn knew him long enough to know there would be no arguing with him. 
he rushed off to the locker room, changing in record time, before meeting nolan in his car.
“let’s go,” nolan said, driving quinn.
the car ride was tense, with quinn stuck between wanting to ask nolan more information, and at the same time not wanting to know anything and just hope for the best. 
his brain compromised by thinking of the worst scenarios imaginable.
“breathe,” nolan said as they arrived at a red light. “she’s gonna be fine, you just need to calm down.”
quinn took a deep breath, resisting the urge to snap at nolan. you wouldn’t want him to get mad at someone who’s only trying to help.
nolan took a right, arriving at the hospital entrance.
“head on up,” nolan told him. “i’ll park and come.”
quinn didn’t need to be told twice, as he bolted out of the car and towards one of the receptionists.
“my fiancée,” he rushed out. “she was — she was just brought in here because of a car accident. y/n, y/n y/ln.”
“one second,” the receptionist said, searching through her files. “you’re her emergency contact. quinn hughes, correct?”
“that’s me,” he nodded.
the receptionist nodded, “she’s in the emergency room, currently being operated on. she needs stitches, and is being checked for a dislocated shoulder.”
quinn’s heart felt like it would stop in his chest.
“where — where is she?” he stuttered.
the receptionist gave him a look of sympathy, pointing him towards the direction of the room. quinn ran down the halls, coming to a halt outside the room.
on the other side of those doors, you were in pain. you might’ve been under anaesthesia, but after everything, quinn didn’t want to think of you being in pain.
doctors, nurses, patients, and even visitors walked around him. for once, no one was asking for an autograph — only giving him looks of sympathy.
“mango dragon fruit refresher for quinn!” the staff called out.
quinn walked numbly to the counter, taking the drink, before heading upstairs. in his other hand, he held his own coffee — which is pretty much what he’d been living off for the past day.
there were three or four mango dragon refreshers in your room, melted or in the trash. quinn bought one for you each time he went to get his coffee, just in case you were waiting for him.
the accident itself was quite bad, to the point where the doctors were saying it was lucky that you didn’t sustain any long-term injuries.
from what quinn had been told, you were suffering from a minor concussion, needed six stitches across your forehead, needed twelve stitches on your hand, and had dislocated your left shoulder.
the stitches would come out eventually, and the concussion would be fine within a few weeks. but your shoulder would need to remain in a sling for three to four weeks, and you’d be needing physiotherapy afterwards.
quinn was just waiting for you to wake up.
you’d been out for over twenty-four hours, quinn not leaving your side except to get your drinks. nolan had brought him some food, which was in a bag in the corner of your room. he just wasn’t hungry.
quinn entered your room silently, mango dragon refresher in hand as he tried not to disturb you.
“is that for me?” your voice caused him to startle.
quinn turned towards you, seeing you awake and sitting up in the hospital bed. words failed him as he stared at you, trying to force something — anything coherent — out of his mouth.
“you — you’re — are you—”
“hi,” you gave him a tired smile, patting at your bedside.
quinn was there immediately.
“you’re awake,” he whispered, hesitantly reaching out for you.
“and you look like you haven’t slept in days,” you responded, taking his hand in yours. you leaned into his touch, savouring the feeling of him next to you. “are you sure you’re okay?”
quinn stared at you, shaking his head to himself in disbelief. “you’re the one in the hospital bed, and you’re asking if i’m okay? i should be asking you that!”
“i’m fine,” you answered. “a little battered, but i’m alright. you on the other hand, you look like you’ve been through hell.”
quinn rolled his eyes, but it was true. he felt like it too. sitting by your side, all night, not knowing when you were going to wake up — it drove him crazy.
“i’m just glad you’re okay,” quinn choked up, pressing a kiss to your intertwined hands.
he’d spent the last day thinking of the worst possibilities, torturing himself. seeing you here, smiling and happy, it made him realize that he couldn’t lose you. 
you smiled, leaning forward to place your forehead against his. 
“me too,” you whispered.
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bogleech · 3 months
I want to eat smooth gelatinous and creamy fruits all day long like mangos and kiwis and perfectly ripe bananas and dragon fruit and avocados, I would live on that for half my food intake if I could. I think about them all the time now. All of them started to make my mouth burn as soon as I turned 30. I find the waterier fruits like strawberries and things comparatively unpleasant to eat.
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thequeerwizardcouncil · 3 months
Transgender Visibility Day Two: Estrogenic Boobaloo
Transgender Visibility Day Two: Testosteronic Dickaloo
It is now Transgender Visibility Day for the other half of the world!
Let us celebrate, but firstly before anything else. The council would like to give out a few statements.
While this is an amazing celebration of our resilience and continued resistance to transphobia, we mustn't forget
Our fallen, the many killed in hate unjustly. Nex Benedict being one of the most recent
Our fellow queer in Palestine, Sudan, the Congo, etc. We mustn't forget about their suffering whilst we celebrate here so freely. Though we should care about all of the people not just the queer and trans in those places being subjected to the most inhumane conditions by tyrants.
The many bills, laws, and legislation trying to be passed to further erase us. Especially the KOSA bill, and quite sadly in Florida recently having passed legislation to ban minors from social media as an attack on us to be put in to effect in 2025.
With all of those being said, we should all continue to fight for those causes, continue fighting censorship. Continue fighting genocide. Continue fighting slavery.
We ask you all to continue spreading the word of these causes, these evils that must be stopped. As the council is bound by metaphysical law, we may not exit this and help you in the way we wish.
Fight KOSA, and censorship
Fight for our fallen, whether it's the unjustly banned, those dead from self harm, or those murdered in cold blood
Fight for those still persisting, the ones showing a fervour of resistance to fight oppresors.
We draw our strength from solidarity, it is what has allowed us to continue. Let it be the reason we win this war.
Anyways, here is our second message to all Transgender beings out there:
You are valid, you know you best. And we mean it. We may be filled with wise wizards, but we know that only oneself knows itself best. You know your identity better than anyone. Even when it can feel like your body disagrees with your true self, or others don't see you for who you are.
Know that even with all the pain, the grief, the hate, we and many many others fight every second for you to be you. For you to be safe. For all of us to be ourselves.
And we will see that day come, and by that day we hope for all of us to have survived, to tell stories of our battles, to guide a new generation of queers.
We just ask you continue being you, and being safe, and you will see that day come we guarantee. Even if it doesn't seem like it.
This world is a dark room covered in oil, we are a small candle of hope. And when it seems too dark, our hope will light the room with a burning fervour. To free us from this room. To burn down our prison.
We love you and appreciate you for who you are, please continue as you're the only one of you.
"in the dark we endure, and in the light we fight for who you call impure"
happy transgender visibility day
- The Queer Wizard Council <3 <2
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🌙 Ramadan Mubarak - Books ft. Muslims
🦇 Good morning, my beautiful bookish bats. To celebrate this Islamic holy month, here are a FEW books featuring Muslim characters. I hope you consider adding a few to your TBR.
❓What was the last book you read that taught you something new OR what's at the top of your TBR?
🌙 A Woman is No Man - Etaf Rum 🌙 Amal Unbound - Aisha Saeed 🌙 Love From A to Z - S.K. Ali 🌙 Hana Khan Carries On - Uzma Jalaluddin 🌙 Yes No Maybe So - Becky Albertalli and Aisha Saeed 🌙 Evil Eye - Etaf Rum 🌙 I Am Malala - Malala Yousafzai 🌙 Exit West - Mohsin Hamid 🌙 Written in the Stars - Aisha Saeed 🌙 The Night Diary - Veera Hiranandani 🌙 Much Ado About Nada - Uzma Jalaluddin 🌙 The Eid Gift - S.K. Ali 🌙 More Than Just a Pretty Face - Syed M. Masood 🌙 Yusuf Azeem Is Not a Hero - Saadia Faruqi 🌙 If You Could Be Mine by Sara Farizan 🌙 Snow - Orhan Pamuk 🌙 Sofia Khan Is Not Obliged - Ayisha Malik 🌙 The Proudest Blue by Ibtihaj Muhammad 🌙 And I Darken - Kiersten White 🌙 The Last White Man - Mohsin Hamid
🌙 Hijab Butch Blues - Lamya H 🌙 The Bad Muslim Discount - Syed M. Masood 🌙 Ms. Marvel - G. Willow Wilson 🌙 Love from Mecca to Medina - S.K. Ali 🌙 The City of Brass - S.A. Chakraborty 🌙 The Love Match by Priyanka Taslim 🌙 A Map of Home by Randa Jarrar 🌙 A Very Large Expanse of Sea by Tahereh Mafi 🌙 An Emotion of Great Delight by Tahereh Mafi 🌙 The Love and Lies of Rukhsana Ali by Sabina Khan 🌙 The Moor’s Account - Laila Lalami 🌙 Only This Beautiful Moment by Abdi Nazemian 🌙 Salt Houses by Hala Alyan 🌙 When a Brown Girl Flees by Aamna Quershi 🌙 Jasmine Falling by Shereen Malherbe 🌙 Between Two Moons by Aisha Abdel Gawad 🌙 Sea Prayer by Khaled Hosseini 🌙 A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini 🌙 The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini 🌙 Unmarriageable by Soniah Kamal
🌙 Home Fire by Kamila Shamsie 🌙 All My Rage by Sabaa Tahir 🌙 The Bohemians by Jasmin Darznik 🌙 Ayesha at Last by Uzma Jalaluddin 🌙 A Case of Exploding Mangoes by Mohammed Hanif 🌙 Chronicle of a Last Summer by Yasmine El Rashidi 🌙 A Girl Like That by Tanaz Bhathena 🌙 Other Words for Home by Jasmine Warga 🌙 The Mismatch by Sara Jafari 🌙 Does My Head Look Big In This? by Randa Abdel-Fattah 🌙 You Truly Assumed by Laila Sabreen 🌙 Saints and Misfits by S.K. Ali 🌙 Once Upon an Eid - S.K. Ali and Aisha Saeed 🌙 Tell Me Again How a Crush Should Feel by Sara Farizan 🌙 Alif the Unseen by G. Willow Wilson 🌙 The Henna Wars by Adiba Jaigirdar 🌙 A Show for Two by Tashie Bhuiyan 🌙 Nayra and the Djinn by Michael Berry 🌙 All-American Muslim Girl by Lucinda Dyer 🌙 It All Comes Back to You by Farah Naz Rishi
🌙 The Marvelous Mirza Girls by Sheba Karim 🌙 Salaam, with Love by Sara Sharaf Beg 🌙 Queen of the Tiles by Hanna Alkaf 🌙 How It All Blew Up by Arvin Ahmadi 🌙 Zara Hossain Is Here by Sabina Khan 🌙 Punching the Air by Ibi Zoboi & Yusef Salaam 🌙 She Wore Red Trainers by Na'ima B. Robert 🌙 Hollow Fires by Lucinda Dyer 🌙 Internment by Samira Ahmed 🌙 Against the Loveless World by Susan Abulhawa 🌙 Love in a Headscarf - Shelina Zahra Janmohamed 🌙 Courting Samira by Amal Awad 🌙 The Other Half of Happiness by Ayisha Malik 🌙 Huda F Are You? by Huda Fahmy 🌙 Love, Hate & Other Filters by Samira Ahmed 🌙 Mad, Bad & Dangerous to Know by Samira Ahmed 🌙 Muslim Girls Rise - Saira Mir and Aaliya Jaleel 🌙 Amira & Hamza - Samira Ahmed 🌙 The Weight of Our Sky by Hanna Alkaf 🌙 Nura and the Immortal Palace by M.T. Khan
🌙 As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow by Zoulfa Katouh 🌙 Counting Down with You by Tashie Bhuiyan 🌙 Zachary Ying and the Dragon Emperor by Xiran Jay Zhao 🌙 The Yard - Aliyyah Eniath 🌙 When We Were Sisters by Fatimah Asghar 🌙 The Adventures of Amina al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty 🌙 Maya's Laws of Love by Alina Khawaja 🌙 The Chai Factor by Farah Heron 🌙 The Beauty of Your Face - Sahar Mustafah 🌙 Hope Ablaze by Sarah Mughal Rana
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sundove88 · 4 months
The Cookie Chonk Chart!!
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So recently, @thetropicalfairy and I have had a discussion about which Cookies would be considered chonky- and here is the entire list! And the pic was made by her as well.
Note: Some OCs will be on this list- and some folks not shown in the pic will be as well. If there’s anyone you want to add to the list, that’s ok!
A Fine Boi (Somewhat Chubby): Herb, Churro, Aloe, Gold Citrine, Okchun, Elderberry (OC), Sable, Icicle Yeti, Grapefruit, Tiramisu, Habanero, Bubbles Dragon (OC), Snapdragon, Blueberry Pie, Lilybell, Pecan Brownie (OC), Grandberry Brawler 1/Glimmerberry, Grandberry Brawler 2/Grapeberry, Honorable Paladin Trainee/White Choco Chip, Serious Paladin Trainee/Vanilla Bundt Cake, Kouign Amann, Caramel Arrow, Silverbell, GingerBrave, Dizzy Cookie/Gorgonzola, SuperCar Cookies 1 and 2/Emmental Cheese and Cambozola, Partay Cookies/Swiss Cheese and Raclette, Blue Slushy, Xylitol Nova, Shadow Milk, Eternal Sugar, Mystic Flour, Burning Spice, Silent Salt, Golden Cheese, White Lily, Bumbleberry,
He Chomnk (Mostly Chubby): Dark Cacao, Crunchy Chip (Post Odyssey), Ice Candy, Olive, Strawberry, Custard III, Rye, Cream Puff, Cherry, Blueberry, Pinecone, Amber Sugar, Sea Fairy, Walnut, Cherry Ball, Zombie, Frilled Jellyfish, Carrot, Cotton, Milky Way, Hero, Canele, Mille-Feuille, Vanilla Sugar, Longan Dragon, Buttercream Choco, Pancake, Tea Knight, Tarte Tatin, Captain Caviar, Milkshake (OC), Snowfall Villager/Cashmere, Kind Villager/Poplin, Pumpkin, Parfaedia Principal/Deluxe Sundae, Creme Knights Preceptor/Chantilly Cream, Scovillia Headmaster/Hot Pot, Berry Parfaedia Student/Berry Compote, Citrus Parfaedia Student/Marmalade, Prune Juice, Captain Caviar, Tangerine Tanghulu, WildBerry, Timekeeper, Pure Vanilla, Mango, Muscle, Cranberry,
A Heckin’ Chonker (Very Chubby): Lord Oyster, Mozzarella, Royalberry, Princess, Tiger Lily, Milk, Beet, Yogurt Cream, Cocoa, Chocolate Bon Bon, Mocha Ray, Bacon, Pastel Meringue, Cheesecake, Red Bean, S’More, Frosted Choco (OC), Choco Malt (OC), Coconut Choco (OC), Turtle Brownie (OC), Fudge Ice Cream (OC), Snow Sugar, Ananas Dragon, Vagabond, Gelato (OC), Choco Milk (OC), Second Watcher/Choco Chunk, Grandberry Merchant 1/Blueberry Muffin, Grandberry Merchant 2/Honeyberry, Grandberry Merchant 3/Pinkberry, Spicy Scovillia Student/Army Stew, Hot Scovillia Student/Spicy Rosè, Sauna Egg, Golden Cheese Kingdom Citizen 2/Manchego, Space Doughnut,
H E F T Y C H O N K (Extremely Chubby): Avocado, Hollyberry, Princess Professor Mimolette (OC), Prince Professor Cavatappi (OC), Mala Sauce, Capsaicin, Moon Rabbit (Mostly due to her huge rabbit form), Peperoncino, Potato, Eden Dragon (OC), Dark Choco (After he left The Cookies of Darkness), Macaron, Abalone, Lotus Dragon, Spinach, Half Avocado, Hot Mala Warrior/Spicy Noodle Cookie, Spicy Mala Warrior/Chili Sauce Cookie, Mangosteen (Lychee’s Disguise),
M E G A C H O N K E R (Seriously Chubby): Lychee Dragon, Affogato (Post Episode 14), Elder Custard, Affogato’s Disciple 1/Cortado, Affogato’s Disciple 2/Galao, Pumpkin Spice Latte (OC), Mysterious Priest/Compound Choco, Marble Bread, Plain Yogurt,
O H L A W D H E C O M I N (The Chubbiest of All): Pitaya Dragon, Eggnog, Gatekeeper Cookie/Couverture, Stink Eye Tortuca,
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cult-of-husbandos · 3 months
toji fushiguro [☯︎] - Himo Romance
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synopsis: toji fushiguro takes you on a romantic date to the most fanciest place on earth.
genre: hella crack, angst(?), fluff(?)
word count: 4.9k
warnings: cursing, if you care
The scent of incense lingered in the air, mingling with the warmth of the setting sun as you waited in your small Tokyo apartment. It was a modest space, cluttered with polaroid pics and random shit from either thrift stores or shady internet dealers. Why spend $90 on an air fryer when NutCrusher2378 will sell you one for the low, low price of one feet pic?
Inhale. Exhale.
You once read an article that stated that meditation can decrease stress, pressure, and homicidal tendencies within a person. You glanced at the clock for what felt like the hundredth time, your patience waning as the minutes ticked by. Clearly, fifteen Blood Dragon Mango Orange and sitting in silence for 30 minutes wasn’t doing much for the overbearing burden that is your life. Now, why would a well-balanced person with their own apartment, car, and a source of income need to destress. Despite what your parents tell you every text, call, and holiday you were actually doing very good for yourself. So, why do you have the urge to burn down your apartment building and start smashing every building within a 25 mile radius?
One man.
One incredulous hot as fuck piece of shit man.
Toji Fushiguro, the enigmatic man who had become an unpredictable fixture in your life. You are currently dating a sorcerer that can’t even afford getting a Twix from a vending machine. To be honest, you wouldn’t even really call what you two have a ‘relationship’. Your so-called relationship was nothing more than a precarious balance of convenience, a twisted dance of give and take where you supplied the resources and he… well, he took. The more appropriate name for this would be a ‘situationship’. You cringe any time you or your friends bring up your relationship with him. Like a gross, oozing pimple on prom night, you just want to cover it up and pretend it doesn’t exist. Except the gross, oozing pimple is a 6’1, 190 lbs., lazy, overconfident, sex machine that kills and bums money from everyone just to bet it on a horse named ‘Lucky McCock’ because “with a name like that, he fucks the competition”.
The sound of keys jingling outside your door broke the concentrated silence, and you inadvertently flinched and felt your heart sink as Toji’s unmistakable footsteps echoed through the hallway. Without so much as a warning, he barged into your apartment, his devil-may-care grin lighting up his face. Why in the name of Kwon Ji-yong did you ever think giving him a key would be a good idea?!
“Hey there, sweetheart,” he greeted casually, tossing his dirty musty jacket that you bought for him onto the couch. “Miss me?”
You rolled your eyes, the familiar blend of annoyance and resignation settling over you like a thick, suffocating fog. “You were only gone for three weeks this time. Hardly long enough to miss you.”
Toji shrugged nonchalantly, his gaze wandering around the room before landing on the half-empty bag of potato chips on your coffee table. “Hungry,” he declared, making a beeline for the kitchen without waiting for your response.
You sighed inwardly, resigning yourself to yet another evening of Toji’s impromptu visits. As he raided your fridge with the same energy as an ungrateful college student that drops off his laundry and eats your food, you couldn’t help but wonder why you continued to tolerate his antics. Perhaps it’s his gorgeous face that even when nothing but bullshit and snarky remarks come out of it makes you want to sit on it. Or it’s his amazing daddy body that can go round after round with you, but can’t be bothered to move two feet to pick up the remote. Or maybe you have an undiscovered broke as fuck boyfriend kink that makes you dummy stupid.
“Why does it smell like a bunch of temple bastards took a shit in your living room?”
Or maybe, just maybe, you died long ago and this is your eternal hell.
The weeks passed in a blur of half-hearted promises and fleeting moments of intimacy. Toji’s presence in your life remained as unpredictable as ever, his disappearances becoming a twisted routine that you had grown all too accustomed to.
‘Are we even dating?’
A thought suddenly popped into your head. You felt as if your stomach had hit the brakes hard after going over 90 on the interstate. What was really the point of this relationship? Well, it’s not like you both don’t get anything out of it. You both get amazing, mind-blowing sex and he gets a place to crash, food to eat, and money to spend on whatever dumb shit he likes.
You know, after laying it down like that, there’s obviously a clear winner that benefits from this in the long run.
However, just when you thought you had reached your breaking point, Toji dropped a bombshell that caught you completely off guard.
“I’m taking you out,” he announced one evening, his expression unusually earnest as he met your gaze. “A fancy date, with all that romantic shit you always bitch about.”
You quirked your eyebrow skeptically, crossing your arms over your chest. “The words ‘fancy’ and ‘romantic’ don’t fit your vocabulary. Your idea of fancy is wearing a button up shirt and your idea of romance is wearing a condom and buying flavored lube.” You sighed as he laughed obnoxiously. “What fancy place do you even know? Aren’t you, like, banned from almost every restaurant, café, dive bar, and soup kitchen within 50 miles of here?”
Toji grinned mischievously, a spark of excitement hinting in his eyes. “It’s a surprise,” he teased, his lips curling into a smirk. “But trust me, you’re gonna love it.”
You honestly doubt that. You know better than to get your hopes high when it comes to Toji’s promises. He either doesn’t deliver or doesn’t show up. Either way, you end up looking like a dumb bitch at the end of the day in your friend’s group chat. Yet, for some unknown reason, you found yourself getting excited.
“Why do I have to be blindfolded for this?” you groaned as Toji guided you throughout the crowded sidewalk. The city buzzed with life around you, its neon lights casting an otherworldly glow as you navigate your way through the labyrinth of alleyways and side streets. You felt the slight breeze of people walking past you and felt the questioning gazes burn into you.
“Wouldn’t be a surprise if you could see where we were going, would it?” he whispered into your ear. “We’re almost there anyway…”
You felt anxiety and interest build in the pit of your stomach, your curiosity piqued as you drew closer to your destination. What sort of extravagant affair had Toji planned for you that you need a blindfold to go there? An underground Michelin-starred restaurant? A moonlit stroll along the riverbanks? An eyes-wide shut party?
As Toji finally came to a stop, you felt your stomach drop and heart race as he reached up to remove the blindfold from your eyes, his lips curling into a triumphant grin.
“Voila!” he exclaimed, gesturing grandly at the dimly lit building in front of you.
Your eyes widened in disbelief as you took in the scene before you. You both stood outside a familiar chain restaurant, its red gaudy mascot sign illuminated in garishly bright white letters against the night sky.
Red Lobster.
You blinked in confusion, struggling to process the sheer absurdity of what was happening.
“Red… Lobster?” you echoed incredulously, your voice laced with disbelief.
Toji shrugged nonchalantly, his grin widening into a boyish smirk. “Told ya it was fancy as shit.”
Words could not describe the unbridled rage you were feeling right now. You could power a small village for 5 years with the amount of fury emanating from you. You sat slumped in the booth with a furious scowl stuck on your face as you stared fiercely at the lying moron currently stuffing his face with Cheddar Bay Biscuits. After gulping down three of the biscuits, he finally looks up at you.
“‘s matter with you?”
“You know damn well what’s the matter with me, Toji.” you seethed.
A few seconds of silence passed as he gulped down the rest of the biscuits. His face remained stoic as he looked you in the eyes.
“You gotta take a shit or somethin’?”
You slammed your fists against the table, sitting up straight and leaning over the table, the jarring sound of the utensils and cups on the table shook people from their conversations and turned their attention towards your table. You could care less what those slack jawed NPCs thought of you. Your attention was focused solely on your smug ass boyfriend.
“Toji,” you breathed harshly, “what the fuck am I wearing right now?”
“What the fuck do I have on right now? What kind of clothes do I have on?” You were shaking at this point.
Toji grinned at you smugly. “Whatever it is, it’s hot as fuck.”
“Of course it’s hot as fuck, Toji. And you wanna know why I’m wearing this hot as fuck outfit in this building of impending salmonella poisoning? Because you told me that we were going to a fancy and romantic place. Where people, oh I don’t know, don’t need to take a Pepto Bismol before and after dinner, where waiters speak in a posh accent but you know deep down that they only make 12 dollars an hour, where the food is served relatively fresh and not sitting in a deep-freeze for half year and warmed in a fucking microwave! But no! Here I am, looking like a 100 out of 10 sitting in a stained red booth, at a sticky table, sitting across from a man who looks like I just dragged a homeless man off the street just so I don’t look like a desperate loser coming into a fucking Red Lobster by myself!”
You ended your rant, panting and dropped back into your booth and cradled your head in your arms on the table. You knew this would happen. You just knew it! Leave it to a man with no concept of child support or how a garbage disposal works to take you anywhere relatively nice. The soft chattering and murmurs of the other patrons around you continued on, but you could feel eyes on you specifically. You groaned, not even bothering to raise your head.
“Jesus Christ… you couldn’t even pick a fucking Papadeux? Fucking Red Lobster…”
“Hey, don’t knock it till you try it,” he quipped, his mouth full of Cheddar Bay Biscuits.
“I have tried it, Toji. Everyone and their great-grandmother comes to fucking Red Lobster at least once for a birthday-anniversary-graduation-bullshit.”
“Well, it’s the thought that counts, right?”
“Toji, your “thought” doesn’t count for shit.”
You didn’t see it, but Toji flinched at your words. A pang of dejection flashed across his face, but just as you rose your head he turned his face back to stoic.
“Where’s the damn waiter?” he muttered, looking around. “AYO! Can we get some damn service?!” Toji loudly called, snapping his fingers.
Your eyes widened and you quickly grabbed his arm. “Oh my fucking… Toji!”
Before he could say anything, a nervous looking waiter walked up to your booth.
“Hello guys, my name is Tommy and I will be your waiter today. Can I get you guys started with anything?”
“Uh, yeah, lemme get a mufuckin’ uuuuhhhhhhhhh…” This went on for a full two minutes. “Lemme get the unlimited oysters.”
You quirked your eyebrow at Toji with a perplexed look as the waiter jotted down his order. “Really? The oysters?”
He lazily nodded.
“Are you sure you wanna lock that in, baby?”
He nodded again, looking disgruntled that you would question his choice of food.
“Like, 100%? Are you really, really sure that’s what you wanna get?”
Toji tilted his head at you. “You questioning me?”
You raised your eyebrows passively and opened your menu. “Alright…” you remark, “It’s your funeral…” You muttered the last part under your breath.
The waiter sensing the tension amongst you two, hurried along the order conversation. “And what would you like to drink?”
“All your drinks are boring, so nothing.” he answered in dismissal, tossing the menu at Tommy who barely managed to catch it.
“And what would you like to order?” He directed his attention towards you.
“I’ll have the grilled half lobster with lemon butter, a tomahawk steak, and a bottle of Gin, please.” you answered, handing the menu to him.
“A-A bottle…?” Tommy the waiter stuttered. “We can mix it into a drink if you preferred–”
“I said what I said.” You looked at the basket on the table. “And can we get some more cheddar biscuits please?”
Tommy nodded with a bow. “Of course. I’ll be back with your drinks and some more biscuits for the table.” And with that, he scurried off.
Toji threw you a smug grin and whistled cheekily. “Wooow, babe. I didn’t know I was dining with royalty.” he chastised and you groaned. “Don’t expect me to pay for your share.”
“Pssh. Please Toji. With what money? It’s so obvious that I’m paying for this meal.”
“Wait, really?”
“Duh, Toji! Of course I’m paying for it! It’s practically routine at this point.” You groan out, annoyed and rolling your eyes. “It’s the main thing you use me for anyway…”
The air is immediately coated in awkward tension between the two of you. It’s not like you said anything wrong. This is Toji Fushiguro you’re talking about. The man only wants three things out of life: sex, money, and to sail through life never paying for anything. You fiddled with your fingernails to fill the dead air when you heard Toji smack his lips at you.
“Can’t you go one fucking second without bitchin’ at me for something so worthless?” he muttered. “What the hell’s wrong Red Lobster? Red Lobster is the epitome of sophistication. The ambiance, the seafood… it's all about setting the mood, babe.”
“Sophistication?” You scoff and look your boyfriend dead in his eyes. “Toji… you eat at fucking Burger King.”
“What the fuck’s wrong with Burger King?!”
“Oh! Hmm! Let’s see! Lemme think! Ummm! Ummm! How about, fucking everything Toji!”
“Do NOT disrespect the King!” Toji's smile faltered slightly, a hint of defensiveness creeping into his tone.
“The King is dead, Toji! Deeeaaad! He OD’d 25 years ago just like everyone else who eats at Burger King!” you shout, no longer caring about raising your voice. “People only eat Burger King because they have to! Never because they want to! Because if that were the case, then everyone would go to McDonald’s! Their food is leagues better!”
“Their Whoppers are a culinary masterpiece.” he seethed at you.
You snort. “Oh yes! You’re so right, Toji. Mm-mm! Yummy! Because nothing turns my appetite on more than a soggy burger and a 72% chance of food poisoning! Or you could just spend the extra dollar and get a Big Mac like the rest of society! And chicken nuggets with actual chicken!”
It was now Toji’s turn to scoff. “You just don’t understand the peak gourmet culinary complexities that is Burger King.”
“I would rather lick the inside of a Taco Bell bathroom toilet than eat a single chicken fry from Burger King. At least with the Taco Bell toilet there’d be remnants of edible food! It’s bottom tier, Toji. Where else in the world do you get “buffalo nuggets” for $3?! And why would you pay for that?! 10 piece chicken nuggets for $2?! What’re you, suicidal?!”
“It’s cheap and delicious!”
“It’s rat meat and smells like something threw up in a deep fryer and you fucking know it! It’s right there next to Arby’s.”
“Oh! So, now you’re dissing Arby’s?!”
“You bet your beautiful chiseled ass I’m dissing fucking Arby’s!”
“And what’s fucking wrong with Arby’s, huh?!”
“It’s rat food, Toji! It’s all rat food!”
“What the hell are you talking about?!”
“Have you ever been inside an Arby’s, Toji? Hmm? The people that eat there are either tasteless morons that think Jack in the Box is ‘too expensive’ or using the spot waiting for their Fentanyl dealer. It’s just like Burger King. You only go there because you have to, not because you want to.”
Toji leaned in, eyes dark. “You wouldn’t know good food if it came up to your doorstep with roses, wiped its feet off at the door, and fucked your throat.”
“Oh, is that right?!”
“Um! Excuse me…” a meek voice spoke up. You both whipped your heads to see your waiter trembling with a bottle of Gin and basket of cheddar biscuits in his hands. You both leaned back in your seats as he hurriedly placed drink and food on the table. “Your food will be here shortly…” Before he could dash off, you grabbed him by the sleeve.
“Hold on there, Tommy. Settle something for us, would’ja?”
“Oh, please don’t incorporate me in whatever this is–”
“Arby’s, Burger King, or McDonald’s? Which one would you eat?”
Tommy stood in silence for a few seconds before whispering a tiny scared “what?”
“The fuck you asking him for?!”
“Because unlike you, he has a job and doesn’t live off of gambling tickets and random women to buy his meals! Now Tommy, choose!”
“U-U-Ummm… well, considering I’ve gotten food poisoning from all three restaurants, I’d still choose McDonald’s any day…”
You smirk at Toji victoriously. “Thank you, Tommy. You just earned yourself a 80% tip.”
And with that, Tommy scurried off again.
“God! You can never just be fucking grateful for anything, huh?! You just have to whine and nag and complain about everything in that pissy little condensating tone of yours!”
“Tell me, Toji. What should I be grateful for? Hm? Sh-Should I be grateful that you put in the bare minimum for a date or that you even remember my name at all?”
“Should I be grateful that you even came back to me at all and not dead somewhere, shanked and killed in the street, like an overlooked hooker that the cops don’t give a shit about?”
Toji remained silent.
“You know what, Toji. You’re right. I should be grateful. I’ll be grateful knowing that when this dinner ends I can go back home and not have to deal with you for another 4 months. Maybe around that time you’ll find someone else to be a wallet for you.”
You reached into your bag and pulled out your phone, ending the conversation dead in the water. Again, you missed the pain in Toji’s eyes as he furrowed his eyebrows and slowly continued chewing. Not too long after, Tommy came back with your food. Staring down at the shiny, plastic-looking food before you, you grimace. The overpowering smell of the oysters churned your stomach and waned your appetite with each passing second. Pushing past your mixture of disgust and resignation, you begin to eat your food.
This dinner is the definition of ‘absolutely donkey dicks’. You couldn’t even consider the food you were eating as actual “food”. Plastic toy food from a child’s playset looks and smells more appetizing. The only thing that you can swallow without gagging is the bottle of Gin which is slowly asking for a refill. You sighed as you looked up from your plate and saw Toji slurping down oyster after oyster. You pushed the food around your plate with little enthusiasm.
Toji attempted to start a conversation multiple times, but his efforts fell flat in the suffocating silence that hung between you two.
Toji cleared his throat in an attempt to once again start a conversation causing you to look at him downcast. “So, uh, how’s the food?” he asked tentatively, his voice tinged with unfamiliar uncertainty.
You glanced up at him with a weary sigh, your disappointment written plainly across your face. “The lobster tastes like those bouncy balls you get from quarter machines drenched in garlic and butter and the steak is both ice cold and boiling lava hot.” You look back at your food. “How’s your oysters? Good?”
“Delectable. Like slurping down The God of Lust and War’s plump pearls.”
The silence stretched on between you two, the weight of your unspoken frustrations hanging heavy in the air. Toji let out a heavy sigh bringing your attention back to him.
“Look, uh… Y/N…” Toji started fidgeting. “I know this date is total shit. Worse than shit probably. Nobody likes fucking Red Lobster. Being in this place makes me want to set fire to the building trapping all these wrinkly white-haired fucks and servant dicks to burn. Agonizingly. But I would save you! And the Cheddar Bay Biscuits fuuuck that shit is amazing!”
You raised your eyebrow, but let him continue.
“You were right. I am… banned from most places. Fuck, I mean did you know that I was banned from Chili’s AND Applebee’s? Like, why the fuck would I even be in those shitholes?”
“That… probably has something to do with you setting fire to their parking lot and spray painting ‘FUCK YOUR TAXES’ on their windows respectively at multiple locations.”
“Oh yeeahh… damn. That was a great Halloween.”
“Yeah… it was interesting… watching you eat an entire 5-pound chocolate peep marshmallow and utterly lose your mind in what I can only describe as a hellish sugar rush.”
“Whatever. The point is… I… I really tried, y’know?” he grumbled, rubbing the back of his head. “I said a lot of shit and promised a whole fucking thing, but in reality… this is all I can do… Like, legally or whatever…”
You stared at Toji in somewhat disbelief. You were witnessing something striking and shocking. Were you actually seeing Toji being… remorseful? The Toji Fushiguro?
“So… not to be all… stupid and pathetic… but… y’know… I’m…”
“I’m… thmrrry…”
“You’re what?” You leaned in.
“Mm mpfrrf!”
“Toji, I can’t understand you. Get your hand away from your mouth.”
“I’m sorry!” he shouted. “There. I said it.”
Your eyes widen in surprise. You bit the inside of your cheek just to make sure you weren’t dreaming. “Woah, Toji…” you mutter, stunned. “I didn’t think those words were capable of forming. I always thought that if you even tried saying it you’d vomit up blood and your intestines would explode.”
“Fucking… whatever, okay! Don’t make a big deal outta it. I only said it ‘cuz I wanted to…!” He was blushing and fidgeting more. “But that’s not all.”
Toji reached into his sweatpants pocket and pulled out a small velvet black box, his expression awkward and face slightly red as he pushed it across the table to you.
"I,… uh…, got you something," he grumbled, his cheeks flushing with embarrassment and avoiding meeting your eyes. “Just— don’t make a big deal over it…”
You raised an eyebrow in confusion. Your skepticism warring at the unfamiliar genuine tone shift as you opened the box. You gasped softly. Inside the box, a beautiful arctic blue shone brighter than all the dim lights in the restaurant. You looked at Toji then back at the necklace. You were honestly speechless and your heart immediately softened into soft serve ice cream.
“Happy anniversary…” he muttered just loud enough for you to hear.
“Toji, this is…” you began, at a loss for words as you struggled to adjust to the sweet gesture that was foreign to Toji’s entire personality. “This is the sweetest and most beautiful thing you’ve ever done. Thank you, Toji.”
Toji softly frowned bashfully, scratching the back of his head in embarrassment. “Good,” he stated firmly. “But, uh… just don’t wear it outside. It’s stolen.”
“Stolen?” you echoed.
“Yeah. An old buddy owed me a favor after getting rid of a few… pests for him. He said I could take anything as compensation so I took The Tears of Benzaiten. I was gonna pawn it, but then I thought of you and… shit y’know…” he trailed off, the blush growing on his face. “Then a few days later, he put a bounty on it and got all fucking weird about it. So, just… don’t wear it anywhere, got it? I like your face and I wouldn’t want a bunch of scars and bruises ruining it.”
“Toji. Are you seriously telling me that I’m holding a Japanese national treasure with a big enough bounty that I could be killed just for holding it and you are just giving it to me in a Red Lobster for our anniversary?”
Toji shrugged nonchalantly. “Y/N, you’re much more beautiful than some stupid necklace made from the tears of Goddess worth 90 billion Yen. And you know that if anyone came within 20 feet of you, I’d rip out their esophagus and crumple their pathetic human bodies into nothing.”
You sat in stunned silence trying to process all the information that was just thrown on you. You looked down at the necklace. Suddenly, you started to giggle. Then, your giggles turned to laughter. You put your head down as your laughter grew louder and louder. After a few moments and murmurs from other patrons later, you raised your head and leaned your cheek against your hand.
“Toji Fushiguro, you’re so…” You tried to find the words to describe the absurdity happening right now. “Impossible.” you remarked fondly, a smile tugging at your lips. “But I love you for it.”
Toji smirked proudly.
“But, I hate to break it to you baby… today’s not our anniversary.”
Toji's smirk immediately diminished. “What?! Yeah, it is!”
You shook your head, still smiling. “Afraid not, baby. You see… we don’t have an anniversary.”
“Yeah we do! We had our first date and everything!”
“We met at the track, went to a bar, and then had sex. Then, you disappeared for a week then you came back and we had make up sex. Other than that, you’ve been gone for about 75% of this relationship. This is technically the only date we’ve been on that didn’t end with me getting drunk and us having loud sex in the bathroom.”
“So… it’s not our anniversary?”
You shook your head again.
“FUCK!” Toji shouted, slamming his hand on the table with a loud crash and groaning into the booth.
You slightly giggled and put the necklace in your bag. You gently grabbed Toji’s hand and he flinched slightly at your sudden touch.
“If this were our anniversary, it would be the best anniversary ever.” You kissed his hand and stood up, looking down at his flushed face. “Come on.” you gestured, throwing some money with a big tip as promised on the table. “Let’s go home.”
Toji smiled and took your hand as you both left the restaurant, much to the other patrons' relief. As you both made your way back to the apartment, you had a small flicker of hope. For the future. For the relationship. For Toji.
It started out as a really shitty date, but turns out, deep down, Toji can be romantic. In his own way, of course.
When you both entered the apartment, Toji grabbed your hips and kissed you deeply. You melted into arms and moaned into the kiss. He pulled away with a smirk.
“You taste like garlic butter Gin.”
“And you taste like oysters.”
You stepped away from him and walked towards the living room.
“And where the hell are you going?” Toji asked, following close behind.
“Well, we’ve had makeup sex, angry sex, drunk sex, bathroom sex, and Scandinavian Yeti sex. But I don’t think we’ve had “anniversary” sex yet.”
Toji grinned smugly as he rushed you and threw you over his shoulder. “Fuck yeah! I’m not gonna let ya sleep tonight!” Toji roared, giving your ass a smack. You let out a gasp and laugh.
You hated this man sometimes, but you couldn’t deny the amount of love you had for him too.
This truly was the best anniversary ever.
“Urrreeegh…! Urg… fuck…”
“I told you not to eat those oysters, baby.” you soothed, rubbing Toji back gently.
Halfway through sexy time, Toji jumped off of you and started to feel the horrible after effects of Red Lobster oysters. You cringed as Toji continued to retch, groan, and spit all of his dinner in the toilet bowl.
“I’ll kill those bastards…! I’ll slit their throats and dance on their backs! I’ll get those– ugh! Oh god… bleerghh!”
You sigh and smile softly at his very real threats. You stepped out of the bathroom and put on some clothes.
“Where you goin’! We’re not… urgh… done yet!”
“Well, we’re gonna be here for a while, baby. I don’t know much about sorcerers, but I’m pretty sure I can recognize the symptoms of food poisoning.”
Toji groaned. “Fucking Red Lobster… making me miss out on anniversary sex…”
“I’ll be back in a few. You’re gonna need some water, Pepto Bismol, soda, crackers, and light snacks to keep down.”
“Nooo… don’t go…” he wearily waved at you to come back.
You leaned against the door frame of the bathroom, smiling gently at the sick man. “Do you want anything? I can get you some scratch off tickets. Dragon Stars Lotto. Those are your favorite, right?”
Toji smiled weakly. “You’re an angel, baby.”
You kissed the back of Toji's neck and smiled as he shuddered against your lips.
“When you get back, I’m gonna fuck the memories of anyone else outta you.”
You laughed, grabbed your bag, and left the apartment. Smiling and hopeful for what’s to come next.
a/n: yo. sorry i've been gone for so long. been trying to find a new job and then suddenly decided to learn blender animation for some reason. (if anyone can give me tips it would be much appreciated) so i started working on this in February for like a valentine's thing then looked up and saw that is April so... happy april fool's! or whatever... enjoy a not so serious toji fic. more to come soon.
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saschagemruler · 10 months
What I think the League of Villains would order at Starbucks bc I work there and I need entertainment sue me
~Disclaimer idk what Starbucks is like in Japan so I'm basing it off of the USAmerican Starbucks~
Shigaraki - Absolutely the sugarist thing on the menu. Pink drink with sweet cream cold foam on top; Iced white mocha with sweet cream cold foam, caramel syrup and extra caramel drizzle; iced pumpkin spice latte with sweet cream cold foam and extra pumpkin- you get the jist. The least sugary thing he's ordered was a french vanilla iced coffee and even then he asked for extra classic
Kurogiri - He doesn't like to drink much coffee, and if he does he has to brew it himself. Thus, he's one of like five people that gets the English Breakfast tea.
Dabi - Doesn't understand most of the drink names, doesn't care enough to. If someone is ordering for them, they'll get the "purple one" (Dragon drink). If they're ordering for themself it'll be a hot latte - vanilla if they're feeling fancy if not just a regular latte- or a mocha hot no whip. (They feel proud of themself for knowing to say "no whip". They should not be)
Toga - She's a pretty simple gal actually, never really gets an overly complex order. If it's in season she'll get an iced pumpkin spiced latte, if not she'll just get an iced white mocha. Is usually the one to order everyone's drinks if they're going in a group
Twice - She'll usually be unable to decide what he wants to drink and will debate about it for ten minutes before deciding on what she always orders- an iced black tea lemonade unsweetened. Before the huge splitting apart + trauma he'd always get a grande blonde roast with extra half and half.
Big Sis Magne - She's a simple gal. A simple tall black pike for her, sometimes a tall black iced coffee- no classic- if it's really hot outside. She also is the only one with a Starbucks app and always has Toga scan her account whenever the League orders. The stars she gets from their orders is enough to get free drinks for at least four weeks. Will order everyone's drinks if Toga is unavailable.
Mr. Compress - For him it's either the Passion Tango tea lemonade (sweetened, obviously) or a Mango Dragonfruit lemonade refresher. No matter the drink though he always asks for six splenda. Regardless of type of drink or size. No one knows why.
Moonfish - Will order the NASTIEST fucking drinks known to man. A trenta iced coffee, 10 pumps of classic, 10 pumps of vanilla, 10 pumps of toffeenut, 10 pumps of caramel, 6 scoops of vanilla bean powder, extra heavy cream, and caramel drizzle. Or what about a trenta pink drink made with heavy cream, sweet cream cold foam on top, seven scoops of vanilla bean powder, and 10 pumps of vanilla syrup.
Muscular - He wants a pink drink so bad. He wants that shit deep in his soul. He is too cowardly and orders a grande dark roast with two stevias.
Mustard - Give him a venti double chocolaty chip frappuccino no mocha sub white mocha and he'll happily sip on that shit for the entire day.
Bonus round:
Bakugo - Gets either a strawberry cream frappuccino no classic sub vanilla or a blonde vanilla latte if it's later at night. Caffeine makes him sleepy so he usually goes for the non caffeinated drinks.
Hawks - Fans speculate what drink he gets. They assume it's something like an iced vanilla coffee or iced toffeenut coffee. This is incorrect. Coworkers assume he gets pink drinks or iced pumpkin spiced lattes. This is also incorrect. He gets a hot cinnamon dolce latte and an everything bagel.
If people like this I'll do the entirety of Class 1-A.
Since I know no one is going to read this I used headcannon pronouns get off my dick
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dragons-and-magic · 2 months
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Here's James's concept design for the Dragon AU. He's half Wyvern and Half Fire Dragon. So he's all fluffy and feathery. Lol. This design isn't final. I'm still working a few things out. As usual, there's a little lore dump below the cut. Enjoy!
1: James was mentored by Gordon and looks up to him a lot. This was kinda inspired by the movie The Adventure Begins and some awesome posts by @hkpika07 that I loved. (If you see this, "Hi!" 🫣👋 I'm a big fan!)
2: Him and Thomas start out as enemies before gaining trust for each other via the Dragon AU version of James's crash. After that, they maintain a sibling-esque relationship.
3: His hybrid type is called a Phoenix Dragon. And they're pretty rare. Only a few exist. They possess some of the abilities of a Phoenix, thanks to the mixing of Wyvern and Fire Dragon DNA.
4: Those actually aren't ears on his head. They's more like the frills on Toothless's head from the HTTYD franchise. They can express emotions, but he doesn't hear through them.
5: Random fact. His favorite snack is mangos. His mom was a Tropical Wyvern and he inherited that taste for jungle fruit from her.
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Night Fury!Krogan redesign
Hi welcome to the post!! Anyways. I decided to redesign him. More of a story now too.
Hiccup only discovers Krogan after Krogan has been separated from the flock for a few monrhs, getting himself taken into the custody of dragon hunters after suspicions of Krogan’s disappearance and a subsequent appearance of a night fury that has scars that match up nearly identical ally with the man. (And the inquiry to Drago about him having a night fury branded with his mark, which was a resounding “no… why?” Essentially therefore confirming the potential status of the dragon as being Krogan. That… and the dragon replies to the name in question when one tried it out (*coughs at Viggo who’s literally the only person who can get close to the Fury without being bitten.)
During the first encounter, it is in the skies, with Viggo having taken an (entirely and completely uncertain) perch upon Krogan’s back. Turns out Krogan has just a bit of malice towards Toothless for whatever reason because it was litterally an on sight attack that Krogan yoinked toothless with. Viggo took Krogan’s place since. They’re still down a leader for the dragon flyers considering Krogan. Does not speak human no matter how hard he tries (it is amusing itself to hear him muttering what is in essentiacality gibberish as he tries to speak to Viggo… but his vocal chords REALLY are not made to speak.
He can commune with other dragons… fine enough. When Hiccup and Toothless are captured in the episode that would be triple cross, Krogan nearly rips Toothless’s wing off when capturing the other dragon. (Viggo really wishes he could understand what it is with Krogan and other Night Furies, because Toothless is TERRIFIED of Krogan’s simple presence. Though Krogan has seemed to back off with his aggression towards Toothless, Viggo is unsure of the stem of the aggression, besides the new scars, bite marks and wounds they had found Krogan with. Maybe there was a flock that took Krogan in and since he was in the lowest pecking order he was ruthlessly picked on and tormented?)
Viggo just understands that it might be a trauma response. They manage to make it through Triple Cross, Krogan earning a place among the dragon riders with Viggo at his side. Krogan is entirely uninterested in everyone and everything except for Viggo, though he starts warming up a bit to Snotlout, surprisingly enough. Viggo doesn’t understand why, but maybe it’s because Snotlout likes sharing chunks of the mangoes he occasionally buys with Krogan. (Krogan likes mangoes.)
For further reference… here is Krogan next to toothless. Toothless is just under half Krogan’s size and weight, which is why Krogan can throw him around so easily.
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deadmenandthedivine · 11 months
chapter four: what the trees see
Maetilda Targaryen, First of her Name, was supposed to be many things. What she became was entirely different.
table of contents
trigger warning!!! this fic contains many graphic topics and depictions. such as but not limited to: dead parents, abusive parents, toxic family systems, incest, medieval misogyny, forced marriage, threats of assault (sexual § physical), actual assault, imprisonment, kidnapping, murder, blood/gore, uxoricide, familicide, PTSD and other neurodivergence. i will do my best to update as i go along, but please let me know if i have missed anything!
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word count: 4037
Raising out of bed that next day had been a difficult feat. Perhaps the hardest feat she had faced in over half a decade. Tiredness weighed down her eyelids as a dull headache formed in the back of her head. The muscles around her neck felt tight, clenched, and stiff. The only thing that motivated the princess had been the thought of hunting down her cousin Helaena. So much had happened since the last time they had seen each other, she simply could not wait. While they had sent ravens, gifts, and more, nothing had compared to the sound of Princess Helaena’s words leaving her mouth. The princess-by-title finally rose well after the sun had started its travels across the sky. She stretched her limbs to no avail before requesting her elderly knight, Ser Wyllam, send for her handmaids. He had nodded with a friendly smile and the two girls came soon after, clad in their usual uniform. However as soon as they spotted the princess, both of their faces fell. Frowns painted across their faces as they looked at her with surprise and pity. Self consciously, one of the princess’ hands came up to lightly touch her face and hair, fearing something had made a mess of her. At first, she thought she must have had candle wax in her hair.
“Did you sleep at all princess?” Adelyn inquired. A question the princess had not at all expected.
“Hard to say.”
“Last I heard, your family was waiting for you to break their fast. Shall I tell them to eat without you so that you may rest?” Noarysa suggested.
“No… no, it is fine. I shall get dressed.”
With an unsure bow of their heads, the princess’s handmaids immediately sat her in the vanity chair to ready her for the day. The Keep was awaiting the arrival of Princess Rhaenys and her twin sisters before the hearing was to be held, which could be that day or the next. This meant that there was no need for Prince Daemon’s eldest daughter to look extravagant. Upon her instruction, the handmaids braided the Princess’s hair back into a similar style they had done the day before, except for less braids so that her scalp would not itch. Adelyn gave her best efforts to perfume the princess’s pulse points and powder the bags under her eyes away as Noarysa assumed her post at the wardrobe. Soon, delicious notes of amber, magnolia, honeysuckle, jasmine, and aged bourbon liquor wafted throughout the chambers. The older maid selected a slate blue gown with embroidered cream yellow dragons for the day. It had a boat neck that exposed her collarbones and wide trumpet sleeves that cascaded past her fingertips with a slit down the front of each that exposed her arms for movement. To match, she wore bronze encased sapphires and citrines on her ears, fingers, and neck. Once dressed and shoed, the princess bid her maids a good day and made her way to breakfast in her parents’ chambers. Just as the younger knight had the evening prior, Ser Wyllam Coldwater followed 10 paces back.
The decadent meal had already been served by the time that she had arrived, but they clearly had not been eating for long. Their appetites must have gotten the better of them. It was a wide, mouthwatering assortment of fruits, potatoes, eggs, porridges, and bread. The princess grabbed a mango as she lowered into her chair in between Joffrey and her father. The little prince had already made a mess of his porridge, but he gave his sister an innocent, toothy grin as she sat. The food on his fingers looked slimy and mushed. It was hard to tell if the remnants left had actually made it into his mouth yet. She tried to focus her eyes elsewhere so as not to make herself sick. Just as they had the evening before, the future Queen and King Consort held each other’s stares intensely. They must have argued into the night after the rest of them had been ordered to return to their chambers. Because of this, breakfast was quiet. The six around the table ate with speed and purpose. Crumbs spilled down their chins and the fronts of their attire. The princess kept her eyes on the table. Her mind still raced with questions about the stack of books in the library the night before.
The future Queen cleared her throat before she spoke, pulling all attention to her, “Your sisters and their grandmother should be arriving sometime this afternoon, Maetilda. Are you excited?”
“I haven’t seen them since their last nameday.” The princess nodded eagerly, “I hope they arrive in time for us to dine with them this evening.”
“That’s a wonderful idea, sweet girl! I shall suggest it to Princess Rhaenys.”
“Leave it to that wench, and dinner certainly is not happening,” Daemon dryly chuckled.
“Gaomagon daor rhaenagon bisa arlī, Daemon.” Rhaenyra snapped. (Don’t start this again)
The Rogue Prince sat back in his chair and pouted like an ego-bruised child. It was almost as if it brought him physical pain to keep his thoughts to himself. The headache in the back of the princess’s head beat at the inside of her skull with the new wave of tension radiating off of her father. It felt much different than the tension that would hang around them back at Dragonstone. This did not feel like it would cease anytime soon, only build with the days they stayed at the Keep. Would the state of the castle’s decor and the absence of his dragon truly affect him so greatly? She was beginning to think not. She had seen him angry on a multitude of occasions. Whenever Otto Hightower’s name was brought up in conversation, after Lucerys had taken Aemond’s eye and the Queen tried to take his, the many occasions Sheepstealer ate different peasant farmer’s livestock, even one time when the princess had gotten a little too close to a Manderly lordling. All those times she had watched in horror as his features knit together in unbridled rage, and his entire body went into overdrive, buzzing to inflict damage on the offending party. She had never witnessed him in such a mood. His features were still pulled together, his body still shook, but he made no movements to strike. For a man that never took the time to sit with how he felt, he was simply stewing. She watched curiously as her father eventually gave a sigh and unclenched his jaw. He leaned forward again and took a bite of his porridge.
“My apologies,” He muttered, “Princess Rhaenys has done an excellent job diligently raising your sisters. ‘Unbecoming of me to suggest otherwise.”
“Do you think Baela and Rhaena’s dragons are faster than Meleys yet? Do you think they race at Driftmark?” Lucerys wondered aloud.
“Only Ceraxes is faster than Meleys, Luke.” Daemon smirked proudly.
“Except me! I’m the fastest!” Joffrey insisted.
“Yes you are, my son!” Rhaenyra acknowledged with a smile.
“Speed means nothing if you cannot aim. Remember the hog that got away last week?” Jacaerys taunted.
“You are just upset because Vermax lost all three of our last races.” Lucerys smirked.
“Only because Shrykos cheats!”
“Does not! Don’t you dare slander her!”
“What about my dragon?” Joff inquired.
“Your dragon is back home,” Rhaenyra quietly answered him.
“And what would you do about it, Til? Take one of my eyes?” Jace joked, badly imitating his drunk uncle.
Luke and Jace fell into laughter while Maetilda froze at her stepmother’s new tension. “Jacaerys, that evening is not one to joke about. You should know better.” She scolded firmly.
“Sorry, mother. I was not thinking.” He hung his head in shame.
“We saw a very drunk Aegon in the corridor last night. Jace was only quoting him.” Maetilda spoke up in defense of her brother.
“How drunk was he?” Her father snickered.
“I would wager half my jewelry he pissed himself,” She smirked.
The family couldn’t help the fit of laughter that followed. Their faces grew red and they clutched their sides. It felt nice to laugh with them all amongst the tension. Daemon had even patted his daughter lightly on the shoulder in what felt like praise. Maetilda felt her heart soar out of her chest. Her face felt hot as she smiled widely at him. Rhaenyra fought back the smile on her face as she tried her best to remain neutral, “Alright, that’s enough. You lot are speaking about the King’s son.”
The children were soon dismissed after that. As they stood to leave, their mother warned them to be ready for the arrival of their kin. Seeing as there would be no ships on the horizon to spot the oncoming party, they would be forced to watch the sky and listen for flapping wings in the distance. The three oldest all bowed in obedience before exiting the future queen’s chambers. With Ser Wyllam in tow, the princess left her parents’ chambers briskly. Rocketing down the corridor in the first direction the wind took her. Her veins pumped in overdrive as she excitedly scurried down the hallway. Helaena could be anywhere, her cousin had lived a whole life at the Red Keep that she did not know. Had her favorite places changed? Would she still climb the steps to the top of Maegor’s Holdfast to get the best view of the city [off dragonback.] Would she still hide in the not-so-secret passage under the Grand Staircase? Did she still like to climb the trees in the Godswood? Perhaps her cousin turned to more mature settings as they aged — like the Sept, the gardens, or a personal solar where she could keep her collection of insects. The princess’s step faltered as the realization hit her bluntly over the head. She did not know where she was going. In desperation, Maetilda doubled back toward her parents’ chambers. Her brothers were idly making their way in the opposite direction when she had flagged them down. Giving him her most helpless frown, she turned to Jacaerys for directions to Helaena’s chambers.
“This is a bit complex, alright?” He readied with baited breath.
“That’s rude of you to suggest I cannot handle directions. That would just be sad! Ser Wyllam, are you listening?” She retorted.
The knight’s armor clanked as he drew closer. Jace cleared his throat, “You’re going to follow this corridor out to the Grand Staircase. Take the first left and go up one floor. Take another left. Follow that corridor and take the second right. Take those stairs up two floors. Take the right wing, follow the corridor on the left. The princess’ room will be down the right corridor.”
Just as everyone had suspected, Ser Wyllam led the princess the entire way. She was awful with directions when told them aloud, but excellent with them when physically navigating. If she had seen a path once, she would almost always be able to repeat it. Her brain naturally logged the landmarks. Yet the princess had not been paying attention to her surroundings on this walk; she was too busy wondering why her cousin hadn’t sought her out herself yet. Part of her wondered if the King’s second daughter would want to see her at all. The tiresome walk did not help the anxieties that rose. Her chest began to grow tight. She found herself breathing hard after the first set of stairs, and it only got worse from there. Different lords and ladies they passed had stopped to greet her — Lady Caswell, Lord Beesbury, Lord & Lady Lannister, Lady Fell, and Lord Stokeworth. Maetilda fought back harsh insults as she wondered where their greetings had been upon her arrival. Nonetheless, she smiled and curtsied before continuing on her way. They continued up another set of stairs and down countless more corridors. Her chest felt like it was absolutely on fire. She was gasping for breath by the time they reached Helaena’s door. Two white-cloaked knights stood guard at the door. They blocked her entry. The princess stared up at them with an exasperated glare.
“As Princess Maetilda, daughter of Prince Daemon Targaryen, I demand you let me through. I wish to speak with my cousin.” She stuck her chin up in the air.
“The Princess Helaena is not here, Princess Maetilda, daughter of the Rogue Prince.” One of them poked back.
“Where is she?”
“The Godswood, princess. That or her solar.” Answered the other.
Their answers sounded too easy. Like she had dreamed them up. As her gut cramped with caution, the princess gave her sworn knight an uneasy look as she turned to him, “‘Godswood it is. Do you know the way back down?”
Her oldest knight smiled at her warmly before nodding his head and turning to lead the way. The walk down was not nearly as bad as the walk up. She wondered how her elderly knight seemed to be handling it all better than her. Although stairs were not always that hard. Only when her heart raced the way it continued to. The princess silently prayed that Helaena had gone down instead of up. Dread filled her veins at the thought of having to scour the keep all day long for her cousin. What if Helaena was avoiding her as Daemon had instructed reversely? What if she was truly in her chambers, but had ordered the guards to lie? The princess-by-title no longer knew what to think. What all had the Hightowers poisoned? Surely her father hadn’t been correct last night at dinner. Gods be good, Maetilda silently prayed to those of Old Valyria as well as the Seven that she would find her cousin soon. The princess’s knight led them down a different path than they had come up. Down the first set of stairs, they could see the castle grounds from the windows that lined the walls. She had immediately spotted the gardens below. While the stems were nowhere near as green, the flowers had begun to bloom in the daylight. Spots of their colors blended together into an abstract painting down below. A smile crept onto her face at the sight. For a moment, she thought that perhaps she had simply been cranky. Perhaps she had overexaggerated her gloom and paranoia. Yes, the stems were brown, but the flowers still blossomed nonetheless. Yes, she had not seen Helaena yet, but it had only been a day. Yes, her family was sleeping with the wasp’s nest, but her stepmother was still heir.
As they continued down the stairs, the princess briefly stopped to peek through each window. She spotted more of the gardens, the courtyard she had arrived in, she had even spotted a bit of Blackwater Bay. The princess grinned at the sight of boats and seagulls. Although, not nearly as many seagulls than there were at Dragonstone. Feeling the pull of time, the princess yanked her eyes away from the window and continued forward. Not wanting to dilly-dally any longer, she desperately fought the urge to look out the windows she continued to pass. It was a doomed mission from the start. Maetilda resumed walking until a smallish yet bright patch of red caught her eye. Like a child unable to resist the cookie jar, her face was pressed against the glass in an instant. Outside the window, in the Godswood below, stood the Weirwood tree wide, proud, and tall. A silent gasp escaped her mouth at its sheer size. Much bigger than she had remembered. As she stared down at the tree in awe, specs of wisteria peaked back at her through the leaves that shook in the breeze. She stared harder, willing the leaves to reveal more. Internally praying the blotch of purple was more than just more flowers. The branches waved in a larger gush of wind, and there it was. A dot of silver blonde hair.
Nearly pushing her elderly knight the rest of the way, keeping him at a hasty and consistent speed, the princess could not reach the Godswood fast enough. Ser Wyllam bellowed at her antics, but did his best to match his pace to her excitement. He led her down the stairs and through an open courtyard, cutting through the Great Hall. Once they had made it outdoors, the princess no longer needed her knight’s direction. Her feet carried her at a sprint, not caring about abandoning her manners or muddying her skirts. To her sheer delight, the princess found her cousin Helaena standing and fidgeting at the base of the Weirwood tree in a wisteria colored brocade satin dress. It matched her eyes perfectly. Her silver blond hair was pulled back in a modest style, with a single braid pushing the hair at the front of her head out of her face. The rest of her light waves cascaded loosely behind her, billowing in the breeze with the leaves. Just as Maetilda had seen her from the staircase window. She was there. She had not run away. She did not move to avoid her. The princess-by-title was overcome with relief, unable to help herself from letting out a shocked laugh, “Princess Helaena, you are more beautiful than I could have ever dreamed. Gods, I’ve missed you!”
“I’ve been waiting for you here,” The King’s second daughter replied.
The princess-by-title fought to keep her face even, not wanting to be the cause of any of her cousin’s distress, “Thank you very much for waiting! My apologies, I was not sure where to find you. I had tried going to your chambers first.”
“I was not there. I was here.”
“Yes, well I have found you!” A soft sigh left the Rogue Prince’s daughter. She grasped her cousin’s hands in her own and ran her thumbs over the top of Helaena’s knuckles. A sense of uneasiness settled in her gut. Something was off, like her cousin knew something she could not say. The princess-by-title painted a smile on her face, attempting to hide all signs of worry, “I could not be more happy. The journey was more than worth it.”
“I have missed you too, princess.” Helaena smiled genuinely, without making eye contact.
“Tell me how you have been! I want every detail.” Maetilda begged, gently squeezing the hands in her hold.
The other princess squeezed back, briefly looking Maetilda directly in the eye, “Did you get my last stitching?”
“Yes, I did! Your needlework is so intricate. Thank you. A silverfish and an earwig.”
“A silverfish and an earwig!” Helaena sighed in pleased relief, “Yes.”
“Yes,” Maetilda nodded, “The maester had to tell me what they were called. You know how I am with books.”
“And what?”
“Do you understand?”
“Uhh, well, the two species can be found in similar places, I suppose, but earwigs eat silverfish.”
Helaena let out an excited breath before she enunciated her next words in sharp staccatos, “You are the silverfish.”
“I am?”
“Does that make you the earwig? Were we holding hands? Please do not tell me you plan on eating me.”
“No, I am not the earwig.”
“You are not? Oh, umm, is it Shrykos then?”
“No, no, no, that isn’t it!”
“Is the earwig my friend or my foe?”
“You do not get it! Oh Gods, you do not understand.” Helaena fretted.
The princess-by-birth ripped her hands free in order to soothe herself. She started with sharp pacing as she muttered quickly under her breath. Her arms and shoulders rattled about like she was trying to shake a bug out of her bodice. Her face stretched with helpless distress. A whimper escaped her chest before her dominant hand smacked her own forehead hard. Within moments, the princess-by-birth was hitting herself and pulling her hair with both hands as hard as she possibly could. She cried out again, panicked and powerless. The princess-by-title launched forwards to grab her cousin’s hands. Like a tug of war, the girls gently fought over the upper hand. The King’s daughter hit and kicked exasperatedly while the Prince’s daughter struggled to prevent her from hurting either of them. Each just as stubborn and determined as the other. It had not been the first time the princess-by-birth had been distressed in such a manner. It happened whenever she felt her emotions to a depth too deep for her to tread water. Or she simply could not find the words to explain them. Just as the princess-by-title had felt the night before. She held her cousin’s hands in her own again as the storm slowly began to lull. The two breathed together for a moment. Matching the pace of their inhales. The sounds of the Godswood returned to them again. Maetilda felt as if its occupants had been watching them, judging them for the outburst that just occurred. She felt the full weight of the fault. She was not listening to her sweet cousin, not hearing her.
“I am sorry, Helaena. I am listening. Please, help me understand.” Maetilda squeezed at her cousin’s hands again.
“I already told you.” She whined.
“I know you did, you have! I’ve kept them all in a chest back on Dragonstone. I should have brought them—“
“The rest of them are no longer important. The last one is.”
“Right! It was a silverfish and an earwig. They were touching a few of their legs together. There was a red sun at the top — perhaps a moon, it was not finished — and a white sunbeam, with a bunch of brown and green leaves, set in some trees.” Maetilda thought aloud, “On a blood moon, I shall be caught unattended in the Godswood with someone?”
“No, no, no! Not a moon! A tree! The trees! Maetilda, the earwig!” Her words moved so fast, the princess-by-title could scarcely understand them.
Before another storm could brew, Maetilda reached out to brush some loose pieces of Helaena’s hair out of her face. With her other hand, she continued to lightly squeeze her cousin’s hand, running her thumb across the top soothingly. As Maetilda’s hand had made it halfway down the strand of hair, her cousin caught it in a bone crushing grip. Doing the same with her other hand. The princess-by-title gasped in shock, daring to meet her cousin’s gaze. The King’s daughter looked past her with glossed over eyes. Her mouth was slightly parted, left ajar in her thousand yard stare. The hairs on the back of Maetilda’s neck and arms stood on edge. That was not normal.
“A spool of black, a spool of green, moves and countermoves, seen and unseen,
That of old enemies, newly enraged, little bird in a cage, dragons cannot be caged.
Promises, lies, and poisoned beehives, children grown play with more than knives
One eye closed, two fires sparked, the heads of three have long been marked.
The gods of the air do declare, only one they shall spare
For it is written tried and true, dragons must pay dues to the sea gods too.
Blood, fire, flesh, and water, the stench of a wound that will not cauter,
Though the ink of history has not yet dried, the fate of two has since been tied,
Life is paid by that of death, for only great loss can bring new breath,
His is the song of princes promised, hers is that of a heart most honest.
Sweet little bird in a cage, dragons cannot be caged.”
Maetilda’s breath hitched at her cousin’s words. They had left Helaena’s mouth like a song strained in her throat. Slow, raspy, haunting. She was not even sure when the worried girl had taken a breath. Unsure what to do or say, not entirely certain of what she had just heard, Maetilda cupped her cousin’s cheek in her hand. Ghosting her thumb over the girl’s cheekbone and brushing the breeze-blown strands of hair out of her face. Together, they breathed, gathering as much peace between the two of them as they could. They closed their eyes and matched the pace of each other’s breaths. Her cousin looked pained when she opened her eyes. Her heart broke at the sight of the sweet, tortured girl.
A/N: i love helaena, but also imagine knowing the future and not being able to do anything about it. that has to be absolute mental torture. i want to do her justice so bad.
xoxo messy
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totallyinocent · 5 days
Heyy, would you be able to recommend safe fruit with the calories as well thanks?
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧
(So, here are some fruit with calories these are only some of the fruit that I could think of if anyone has any other fruit they want to know about they can ask and I will add it to the list.)
Apple (red) – 39 cal
Apple (green) – 52 cal
Pear – 57 cal
Banana – 89 cal
Orange – 62 cal
Mango – 72 cal
Strawberry (1 cup) – 33 cal
Blueberry (1 cup) – 56 cal
Raspberry (1 cup) – 53 cal
Blackberry (1 cup) – 43 cal
Kiwifruit – 60 cal
Green Grapes (1 cup) – 68 cal
purple Grapes (1 cup) – 67 cal
Pineapple (2 rings) – 50 cal
Watermelon (2 pieces) – 30 cal
Honeydew melon (2 pieces) – 36 cal
Cantaloupe (2 pieces) – 34 cal
Lemon (half) – 8 cal
Lime (half) – 10 cal
Mandarin – 47 cal
Cherry (1 cup) – 63 cal
Dragon fruit (half) – 30 cal
Pomegranate (half) – 36 cal
Passion fruit – 97 cal
Apricot – 48 cal
Peach – 39 cal
Plum – 46 cal
Nectarine – 44 cal
Coconut (half) – 177 cal
Fig (3) – 54 cal
(Sorry if I got any wrong but this is what I researched.)
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧・゚:*✧・゚: *✧
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jackhues · 1 year
naqia's masterlist!
here are a list of all of my works! f = fluff, a = angst, m = mix of moods, p = personal fav, i = instagram edit, h/c = hurt/comfort
the best feeling - jamie drysdale (ana) f
uh... tuesday? - jamie drysdale (ana) m
i promise - jamie drysdale (ana) f
to be with you - jamie drysdale (ana) f
hardlaunch - trevor zegras (ana) f i
a good one - jack quinn (buff) f
like it very much - devon levi (buff) f
in love love - alex lyon (det) f p
warm - jack hughes (njd) f p
christmas mornings - jack hughes (njd) f
toxic - jack hughes (njd) a p
"i'm sorry" - jack hughes (njd) a
perfect - nico hischier (njd) f
a secret - šimon nemec (njd) f
the one - mat barzal (nyi) a p
bad reaction - mat barzal (nyi) a
bad reaction pt. 2 - mat barzal (nyi) a f
bad reaction pt.2 (au) - mat barzal (nyi) f a
playoffs - matthew knies (tor) f i
he'll be okay - matthew knies (tor) f
karma - auston matthews (tor) f
mrs hughes - quinn hughes (van) f i
officially mrs hughes - quinn hughes pt.2 to above (van) f i
pillow - quinn hughes (van) f
three in the morning - quinn hughes (van) f
mango dragon refresher - quinn hughes (van) f a h/c
world tour - charles leclerc (ferrari) i
ferrari?! - charles leclerc (ferrari) pt 2 to above i
vamos - charles leclerc (ferrari) i
maybe she's just a fan - charles leclerc (ferrari) pt 2 to above i p
better half - charles leclerc (ferrari) i p
break up songs - oscar piastri (mclaren) i f p
it's not hate (part 1/3) - oscar piastri (mclaren) i p
and maybe it's not love (part 2/3) - oscar piastri (mclaren) i p
but it's something stronger (part 3/3) - oscar piastri (mclaren) i p
dancing in the rain - bo bichette (tbj) f
cold hands - bo bichette (tbj) f
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sincerely-sofie · 2 months
Do songs that you listen often to ever remind you of characters or events from TPiaG or other stories you've written? It happens to me a lot with stuff from a story with OCs I've been helping my best friend make for years now.
Anyways, I'm asking about it because a song from my playlist reminded me a lot of Twig when I heard it while driving the other day. I had heard the song a million times before, but when I was thinking about the lyrics more they seemed to perfectly fit her internal conflict. The song was Blurt by Mega Mango if you want to take a listen.
The song is definitely just about dealing with mental health issues in general, but my PMD brainrot made it so that this was all I could think about after my epiphany. On that note, I want to offer you a congratulations for writing characters so well that they takes over my brain from time to time. I greatly appreciate it. :D
First up: Thanks so much for your kind words! Second: Oh my goodness. My friend, you are opening up Pandora's Box. 
TPiaG doesn't have as many songs associated with it as my other projects because it hasn't been in development for several years— however, a vital part of my story development process is listening to music and imagining all the animatics of the characters and storyline that I want to make set to them. I do this for every project that sufficiently resonates with the blorbo frequency in my brain, and TPiaG is no exception! 
In terms of songs that embody specific events but aren't connected to a single character, I regularly listen to “Turn the Lights off” by Tally Hall and imagine a sort of extended theme song animation for if TPiaG were an animated series. There's so many lines that mention concepts important to the story!
Another animatic song, this one set in the Dark Future when Twig was human and starting her and Grovyle's quest to save the world, is "Running Out Of Time" by Lin-Manuel Miranda--- specifically the stretch spanning at roughly 1:10 to the end of the song. I have a very vivid image of Twig repeatedly shouting at Grovyle that they need to abscond ASAP as he frantically gathers supplies that spilled out of his bag while they're being pursued by the sableye, and then of Dusknoir being dismissed by a ferryman as he's interrogating him on which way they went.
I also still listen to “Let's Get This Over With” by They Might be Giants and imagine the rest of that one unfinished animatic I posted forever ago. That song isn't as blatantly connected to the events of the game, but there's a few anchor points in the lyrics I really enjoy. 
As for individual characters and songs I associate with them, here’s a selection with links to Spotify for easy listening!
"Hey, Doctor Doctor" by Milk in the Microwave
"Monster" by Half Moon Run
"Smile" by Ukuletea
"Feelings Are Fatal" by mxmtoon
... And now, "Blurt" by Mega Mango as well!
"Problems" by Mother Mother 
"Rule #21- Momento Mori" by Fish in a Birdcage
"What You Know" by Two Door Cinema Club
"I'm Not Fine" by Blixemi
"Don't Throw Out My Legos" by AJR
"Just Take My Wallet" by Jack Stauber’s Micropop
"The Villain I Appear to Be" covered by Annapantsu
"Surface Pressure" covered by Annapantsu
(I don't know why both of these songs are specifically the versions sung by Annapantsu. Apparently she's Grovyle-coded in my head.)
(Insert any bubblegum pop or kawaii future bass song of your choice here.)
(Celebi has somehow evaded my ability to assign her songs. I’ll get her someday.)
"I'll Be Good" by Jaymes Young
"Never Love an Anchor" by The Crane Wives
"I Was Me" by Imagine Dragons
Twig's Aunt:
"Family Jewels" by Marina and the Diamonds
"In Fact (Demo Version)" By Gregory and the Hawk
"Ain't It Fun" by Paramore
Twig's Mother:
"Brother" by Madds Buckley
And for those who'd enjoy some Travailshipping songs...
"You Are The Moon" by The Hush Sound
"Dark Clay" by Levi Weaver
"When the Day Met the Night" by Panic! at the Disco
"Can I Have the Day With You" by Sam Ock
"Tongues & Teeth" by The Crane Wives
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antihibikase2 · 8 months
Burn Heal : Chapter 2
Burning Jealousy : The user attacks with energy from jealousy. This leaves all opposing Pokémon that have had their stats boosted during the turn with a burn.
"Um, Cheren? You're in a daze. Did you eat breakfast?"
Did he eat breakfast?
I did, didn't I?
What did he eat for breakfast?
Auntie Harper- he spent that morning at the Blackburns, she made them all pancakes on the day they were setting out for their journey.
She even packed them leftovers. Yes, he remembered that much. He even shared them with his starter Oshawott-
No, that was his breakfast two years ago.
What did he have today, then?
Auntie Marianne- Tita Marianne, rather, had introduced him to a brand of instant coffee, one that was popular in Hoenn- she claimed to only find it in shops that specialized in imported goods.
When did I start drinking coffee? A year ago?
And takeout- yes, he had coffee at Aspertia, then he and Nate shared takeout from Virbank City as they boarded the ship to Castelia.
Rosa let him take a bite out of her peach mango pie- the filling slightly burned his tongue and stained the rounded collar of his white blouse with a faint yellow.
And Hugh- Hugh had shared half his clubhouse sandwich with him. He could still taste the egg.
It wasn't that long ago.
More paint chips off the plastic toy in his pocket- the clicking noises it makes becomes louder as he rotates its body back and forth.
Back and forth.
Back and forth.
The past and the future.
The past and the present.
Then and now.
"I ate," He finally replies- anything to get the phantom off his back.
He could only imagine the face it makes in response to his voice, but he chooses not to entertain the hallucination further.
Unfortunately, the phantom that carried his beloved friend's voice and face was stubborn; it continued to hover over him, looming like a shadow, and Cheren found himself digging his claws into his flesh, desperately finding an escape-
"We're here!"
Bianca's voice- deeper than he remembered it, not as shrill as it was when they were little, rings in his ears.
He gasps for air as he feels the seatbelt off of him.
The phantom that had taken its place beside him hesitantly leaves his side- its arm is grabbed by Hilda, who pulls it away for what sounded like a scolding.
He doesn't remember climbing into the van. The last thing he remembered was boarding the ship to Castelia.
"Big bro?"
The clouds blurring his vision part for just a moment- he looks up from his lap, seeing Nate slightly hunched as he offers a hand out to him.
Warm brown eyes.
Dark brown hair.
An earnest smile.
He was the splitting image of Hilbert, but he was nothing like the phantom, he was different enough; different from the passage of time perhaps, different but familiar, familiar and real, he was-
He stops himself.
The ice encased around his heart tightens, as if sending him a warning.
"Hilbert this! Hilbert that! Dragons, what's so good about that guy anyway?!"
For a moment, something crosses Nate's features- but he blinks back whatever it was, smiling even brighter at his mentor, just like a liar.
Of course he's a little liar. He learned from the best, didn't he?
"'s just me, big bro!" A twinge of bitterness hidden underneath that carefree grin, like biting into a chocolate bar. "Come on, we don't want to be late!"
They were going to be late.
He looks at his wrist, at the displayed time of his Xtransceiver, the time atop his unchanged wallpaper, and the date underneath it-
A cold mid-November day.
The last days of autumn.
Winter was coming.
Hilbert disappeared that winter two years ago.
The loneliness of that fateful winter day, followed by four seasons he could barely remember; a blessed spring and summer follows, only to be greeted by the melancholic fall-
He met Nate two springs later; Hilbert would have turned seventeen last spring.
Seventeen- two years older from when they set out on their journey. Two years older from when he had last seen him. Two years-
"Big bro,"
This time, the slight tingle of static dances in his skin, and he realizes Nate had taken hold of one his hands, dead and cold to the touch.
"Let's- let's get out of here first, okay? You must be feeling lightheaded. You don't like cramped spaces."
I don't?
"I don't."
He doesn't get to ponder for long.
Nate helps him climb out of the van, to be greeted by the blinding lights of Nimbasa City, and the imposing silhouette of Gear Station standing before them.
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thistransient · 1 year
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Destination revealed: Kuala Lumpur! (yet another place I visited with my ex exactly ten years ago- not intentionally a factor in my choice, but perhaps subconsciously). Ok, I did spend a night at a hostel by the airport in 2018, but that doesn't count. I honestly don't remember the original trip very clearly (besides the kindly Filipino guy who intervened as I absolutely butchered a mango in my first ever attempt at peeling one... also the hostel employee who gave me a haircut while slightly drunk, and was completely clueless when I told him I wanted to look like G-Dragon who was on a billboard across the way). But I digress.
The flight was uneventful, for possibly the first time ever someone hot sat next to me but they barely looked over and I had no desire to make things awkward for the next five hours. When I'm stuck in the middle row, I like to fold my arms, cross my legs, and then bend forward, balance my forehead on my uppermost knee and go to sleep, which I have never seen anyone else do but y'all are missing out.
Landing was even less eventful, Malaysia doesn't even have landing cards. No questions. Just fingerprints, photo, stamp, goodbye. I know airport currency exchange kiosks are a rip off but when I have small amounts of random cash I want to get rid of, they're convenient. I was exchanging baht this time. The kiosk guy said something to me that I thought was about baht, but I couldn't quite make it out, so I kept saying "what?" and after the third time he yelled "PASSPORT!" Oh. I was shamed. I wanted to say, it's not your accent, it's me, but by that point fleeing was more of a priority.
The wifi would not connect on the airport train, and my phone's GPS function was doing precisely the opposite of functioning, but I had looked up directions to my hotel already in the morning, and thus resorted to the old-fashioned tactic of examining posted maps and looking at the street signs. (Perhaps this dates me a bit, as a younger friend of mine refused to even leave his immediate neighbourhood without a smartphone when his was away for repairs.)
Ironically I am staying in Chinatown (why even leave Taipei, huh). After finally arriving and collapsing in bed for a while, I dragged myself back out to a nearby Chinese restaurant open late, impressed one waitress by ordering in Mandarin, tried to ask a question to another waitress only to discover she only spoke Cantonese (I wanted to know what these bowls of hot water were for, lest I do something embarrassing with them- turns out they were just for washing the cutlery, which was new for me because iirc people usually do it with a teapot and cup in China/Taiwan), ate a ton of noodles, and was convinced by a wandering fruit-selling lady to buy a pack of cut guava, partly because she was willing to have a conversation in Mandarin, and partly because the last time an old lady hassled me to buy stuff at night I told her I would if it had been fruit and I might as well stick by my principles. (Also I haven't had guava in ages but I was ogling it at the fruit stand back home lately.) I don't know what's in that lil packet for sprinkling on it but it was fantastic.
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I have no idea what I'm going to do here (for a week), I suppose just wander around taking photos and trying not to overheat. I had half a mind to take the overnight train around the east coast just for the heck of it, but it leaves at odd hours and I'd just be going there and back. If I'm determined to take a long train ride I could just...go down to Singapore...(I may have been investigating the remote browsing feature on the dating app, and Singapore was the only Asian city available). We shall see how things unfold!
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mysticchessecake · 2 years
100 headcanons in LMK
1. Mk dosent get that scared in horror movies
2. Mei had purple and pink highlights at some point
3. Demon aging is a weird (Like how Redson is like 400, meanwhile Pigsy is 40)
5. Demon can live up to 200 years old.
6. Tang, Pigsy, Sandy, are somehow reincarnations of JTTW
7. Sandy and Pigsy are self proclaim brothers
8. Free noodles
9. Mk got his jacket with his 1st paycheck
10. Mei and Mk have been friends since kids
11. Mei and Mk are self proclaimed siblings
12. Redson drinks hot sauce sometimes
13. DBK once tried to make a cake for PIF as an anniversary present.
14. Nezha is banished temporarily in the celestial realm because of the fight with Wukong
15. Wukong likes drinking peach tea
16. Macaque smells like plums
17. Macaque has a part time job as an artist.
18. Sandy has a cat named Bajie
19. Mk has burn marks from that time PIF send threw him near lava. (Some accidentally got on him)
20. Mk's powers allow him to live up to 150 years.
21. Mk is lava resistant. It still hurts tho
22. Mk uses glamour
23. Wukong's lazer vision hurts his eyes like crazy.
24. Mk's clones turn evil is foreshadowing
25. Redson has black painted nails
26. Mei has green nails
27. Porty Mk has Rainbow painted nails
28. Pigsy has a small garden
29. PIF has a robot to order her Pigsy noodles.
30. Wukong spies on Mk regularly as a fly
31. Tang dosent drink coffee
32. Mei regularly gets her nails painted
33. Pigsy has a secret sweet obsession
34. Macaque has his nails painted black
35. Redson secretly sleeps with plushies
36. Pigsy is fluffy
37. Mk is half demon
38. All demons have secret horns
39. All demons teeth are either naturally sharp or gets sharp when becoming more unhinged
40. Mk's clones have demon ears
41. Artist clone is somehow the most strongest clone in terms in physical strength
42. Porty clone has earrings and dyed bits of hair
43. Porty clone is the smartest clone. But also one of the weaker ones
44. Evil clone's red eyes are result of Mk's bottled up emotions
45. Mk's demon half is monkie
46. Mk's clones are extremely amplified versions of Mk's bad traits.
47. Macaque wears eyeshadow
48. Mei is top of her class in high school
49. Wukong only eats hair and fruits
50. Delivery clone has the best defenses. Also he's an amazing chef (Like Pigsy levels)
51. Redson has a birth mark that looks like a burn mark.
52. Mei has multiple plushies of dragons
53. Porty clone doesn't sleep
54. All Clones tells alot of Mk's mental state
55. Sun Wukong's fur is soft
56. Porty clone is Mk's abandonment issues
57. Artist clone is Mk's perfection issues
58. Mk can handle spicy foods
59. Tang has extreme defense.
60. Tang and Pigsy are Mk's adoptive parents
61. Mk is buff now
62. Mei is a streamer
63. Redson secretly likes mango ice-cream
64. Mk has a terrible sleep schedule
65. Bai has a cat and frog obsession
66. LBD is somehow still aliv- err- here
67. DBK has alot of Chang'e merch
68. Chang'e is top 1 at moon cake
69. Tang is a horrible chef
70. Jin and Yin regularly puts drawings of bad reviews on Pigsy's, hoping that it will damage them. It dosent work.
71. Mk can't be trusted with a ball of jellybeans
72. Mei once drank like 5 bottles of soda
73. Sandy swears once in a purple moon
74. Spider people dead
75. Bai has 3 cats
76. Macaque has eyeshadow
77. Redson got out of school early
78. Mk is an art major
79. Mei calls Redson "Redbull" sometimes
80. Porty clone is Disco boy
81. Nezha is good at ice skating and normal skating
81. Nezha call rollarskates "wheelies" and or skates
82. Nezha and Mk are now siblings
83. Mei and Mk are called the Avocado duo
84. Bai didn't get LBD's full power when she got possessed
85. Chang'e is mega smart
86. Syntax was captured by spider queen
87. Yin and Jin often fight if silver or gold should be first
88. Mk is like 5'7
89. Mk is 21
90. Tang met Pigsy in highschool
91. Nezha is surprisingly good at the claw machine
92. Mei once destroyed a claw machine to get a prize
93. Mk got stuck in a claw machine
94. Mei dosent know how to play chess but shes surprisingly good at it
95. Tang gets cold easily
96. Pigsy is a ping pong champion
97. Sandy has a bread box that's shaped like a cat
98. Sandy teaches painting stuff
99. Mk is a heavy sleeper
100. Redson dosent know what Redbull is.
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