#half the time i am yelling about libraries but the other half of the time i am yelling about the GROSSEST bio shit
livinamity · 10 months
Honeydukes and Sweets
Summary: Competition is a double-edged sword — it can carry you to great heights, but also result in a fiery fall. Like the wings of Icarus, Draco Malfoy fell, but not in the way he expected. Words: 4.4k Pairing: Draco x Non-Slytherin!Reader A/N: this was meant to go on for much longer, but i might put my other ideas into a separate fic. will proofread tomorrow (maybe) thanks for reading!
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The philosopher Aristotle wrote about the importance of art and beauty in human life. He said that beauty has the power to change human behaviour — that it isn’t just something to be admired, but by surrounding ourselves with beautiful things, we can become better people.
Draco Malfoy never thought much about beauty. It was not a concept that concerned him. He had his gold and jewels, the power and the prestige, and the attention and validation that came with them. Beauty in even the smallest things like the sun setting over the horizon never faltered his idea of it being nothing more than just a mirage.
It was merely a fleeting moment of pleasure that faded as quick as it came. He’d never been moved by beauty in the same way that others were. The things he had were valued above all else, and his desire to place value on the things he possessed overshadowed the importance of all things else.
His arrogance rose tension like thorns between the pair of you. You were merely a half-blood to him—a filthy one at that, and one with barely any wealth—and he convinced himself that his thoughts would never sway. Never mind the beauty you held that enthralled people to your feet, he would never bow even if you asked politely; you were beneath him.
"You're nothing special, really. In fact, I fail to see why anyone would give you a second thought." He told you.
You liked to think it was only a way to conceal his insecurities, so you never put too much thought into it. Draco was hardly special under the roof of the castle even with his status. He barely had anyone, but he never really valued the beauty in friendship regardless, and still, his lack of companionship only fuelled his frustration. How could a half-blood be more liked than him?
Then, he saw you had surpassed his grade in potions, and your battle of ego and wits grew into an academic rivalry. The two of you were like magnets pulled together by an invisible force, both drawn to the challenge of besting each other.
“An ‘E’?” Draco yelled, his voice a discordant tune. His fingers gripped tightly around his parchment paper, knuckles red with anger.
The paper within your grasp was as smooth as a silk chiton. The bold and elegant "O" adorned on its front, like a crown to your victory, brought a smirk to your lips. You had him beat and there was nothing he could do about it.
“Upset, Malfoy?” You disputed, a note in your voice like a lyre. Your smile remained soft and yet, he thought of cursing you with his bitter tongue.
“Upset?” His mouth formed a thin, cruel line. "Hardly." he scoffed. His tone dripped with derision. To be beaten by a witch, raised as a Muggle was unfathomable, and his ego was wounded by a cut that ran deeper than the River Styx.
“A slip of paper does not define my intelligence, or my abilities as a wizard. I am above something as trivial as a ‘paper’.” His words sought to mask his envy, but his jealousy was palpable as it hung in the air like a noxious cloud.
“Sure, Malfoy.”
After that, Draco dreaded the moment you would mention this defeat again, but you never did—seeing him seethe in his seat was enough and that infuriated him. He had always been better than you academically, but this time he fell short, and he concluded your silence was to ridicule him.
He sought you out one day, finding you before you made a turn to the library. With his lips raised in their familiar scowl, he approached you with long strides. “Think you’re better than me, eh?” Draco tucked his hands into the pockets of his robe, his gaze grey and uninviting.
A look of confusion drew onto your face. “I’m sorry, what?”
“Don’t be ridiculous! You know what I’m talking about.” He huffed. He pulled his hands from his pockets. “You get an ‘outstanding’ and you don’t taunt me about it like I do you.”
Your brows weaved together like a basket of wool on a spindle. “I suppose you wouldn’t want me to...?” He took a second too long to reply. “Did you want me to?”
The question hung in the air like a golden apple poised to be picked and he turned to the wall beside you, as if he expected to find his answer there. “Of course not, that’s ridiculous.” He scoffed, his words sharp like the blades of a scythe.
“You think everything is ridiculous.” You retorted. “Besides, I don’t understand. You’re confronting me because I’m not mocking you?”
He didn’t answer. Instead, he looked away again, his mind knotty with labyrinthine thoughts. His mouth moved to speak but your words slipped before his could. “I have to get to the library.”
Behind him, more students began to file into the room, their steps light but hurried like the gentle whisper of the wind. You clasped your books tighter to your chest. “Would you like to join?”
He heard you shift your feet and thought you were reconsidering your question when he turned to you again. You still held that gentle glow in your eyes and he hated that he nearly lost himself in them—an absurd moment of weakness. You thought you saw a warmth in his own, like a hint of willingness, or maybe a spark of wonder, but it was gone as quickly as it came.
“No.” He rounded you, his lips raised in disgust.
Studying with a half-blood would be a mind-numbing exercise, like another torturous case like the Cruciatus Curse. He hated that you had even considered it. He would never waste his time with someone below him, even the thought sparked an uncomfortable shiver down his spine. Your sick proposal jabbed into his brain whenever he saw you, and he thought that was bad enough, until you joined a Quidditch team.
There’s never been a more pathetic sight than when you walked on the field, your gaze to the cloudless sky. He wanted to laugh—you, playing Quidditch? You were clumsy enough on the ground.
He dropped his feet to the ground, his broom still between his legs. “Joining the team, eh?” His lips raised into his characteristic sneer. “I don’t see how you could possibly beat me.”
You turned your head with his words, your eyebrows raised in merriment. “I don’t need to beat you; this is just for fun.” You can’t recall a time when Draco didn’t want to challenge you.
His mouth curled into an entertained frown. “Is that a Nimbus 2000?” He gestured to the broomstick in your hand.
“It is.” You twirled it. “Pretty, isn’t it? I might consider painting it as well. Maybe a green?” You smiled with a joking sweetness. “For when Slytherin loses, don’t want to hurt their ego too much, do we?”
He was a little taken aback by your remark, but he couldn’t deny that he found your challenge humorous. “Slytherin, losing?” He laughed with a tilt of his head.
“How about a race then? You and I, for the Golden Snitch.” His grey eyes were firm, and his lips upturned into a daring smirk. “The one who catches it first wins. What do you say?”
“What’s in it for me?”
His eyes sparkled with mischief. “We’ll see if you win.”
“And what about for you, what would you want?”
“For you to admit that I’m superior.”
Students gathered to the field, all adorn in their respective uniform and magical badges on their hearts. Draco’s name sparkled more often on their chests than yours, and he smirked with a haughty tilt of his chin. He was confident it would prick your nerves, so the Slytherin flew over, his hair flowing with the wind like the silver feathers of a Pegasus.
“See, I am superior to you.” He sniggered.
Your head shook. “I doubt it, they don’t know what I’m capable of just yet.” Your tone dripped sweetly with poison, like the honeyed words of the serpent Python. No one hated you; they were just a little less expectant of your skills in Quidditch, you were sure of it.
Draco pulled his lips together in an amused frown. “Right, let’s see what you’ve got.”
The Snitch was raised by Marcus Flint, the golden sphere in his fingers like a prize for superiority. The wings unravelled from their place to flail in the air, and it shone intimidatingly between yourself and your rival.
Marcus, on the edge of his broom, flashed his vile teeth. “Close your eyes,” he commanded. The both of you did, letting the Golden Snitch tour its way around the huge field. “Now, open! Start!” He flew away from the scene just as you and Draco opened your eyes.
Your heads twisted and turned in search for the golden bug, eyes narrowed between the crowd, below your feet, and above your heads. Until there it was, flying freely near the Gryffindors. You sped first, your head tilted to fight the air resistance. Draco was on your tail a second after, his hands tight around his broom as he fought to speed passed you.
“Don’t think you have the upper hand.” He laughed, his voice loud against the strong wind. He flew by quickly, his platinum hair flowing freely behind him.
The two of you raced, neck and neck, towards the Snitch. Draco kept his lips between his teeth as he glided, his broom making sharp turns and sudden spirals towards the bug, as it flew erratically like a crazed Phoenix.
The competition was intense, the rush from the chase filling your lungs with an excitement that gave a natural high. The crowd cheered as you dashed through the air, surprised at your pace against an experienced seeker. They jumped and joyously screamed as the two of you flew to the golden ball.
The Snitch seemed to flicker in the sun, tempting you and Draco to close the gap and claim the win. The platinum blond was focused, his gaze narrowed like lasers and movements precise as he grew closer.
You neared each other, arms out and the tension high. The crowd held their collective breath, waiting to catch the win. With every turn and twist of your broom, Draco matched your speed. Despite his closing pale body, your determined eyes remained on the ball.
With a burst of speed, you brushed against him and shoved his body aside. You soared through the air, fingers out to the ball. Only a little closer…
Your fingers barely grazed it, until finally, you clenched it in your grasp. You held the Snitch and its golden glow shimmered in the sun. The entire crowd erupted in a chorus of cheers as they threw their Draco badges to the floor. You had won.
A sigh of disbelief left your throat as you turned to your opponent. Draco had no words to express his lost, nor could he find his speech when you playful winked at him. His cheeks flushed with a faint pink.
He felt silly blushing at something he’d already seen. You’d winked at him before, but this time, it made him feel vulnerable. And as you turned to the crowd, your eyes gentle and smile wide, the feeling began to consume him. It was almost compelling, the sight of you proud without any irritation on your features. He wanted to hate it— ‘that’s a bloody half-blood you’re looking at’ he wanted to say.
But the wind ruffled your hair, the warm sun kissed against your skin, and you had won. He was meant scoff and roll his eyes, but instead, he felt a strange sort of admiration.
And now, as he watched the light dance in your eyes, he felt a stirring in his chest that he couldn’t explain. He wanted to look away—to find a reason to, but he couldn’t. There was something addictive with the way your hair billowed in the wind, and he was sure that even if he was to swim in the banks of the river Lethe, your smile wouldn’t erase from his memory.
Then, following that—and he wished he never would have to admit—he began to notice things that he hadn’t before. He memorised the way your lips would part, and you would facepalm whenever you’d say the wrong answer in class. He noticed how you would fiddle with your fingers—though he wasn’t sure if it was from nerves or just a bored habit.
He admired your different hairstyles from a distance. You’d change it every day, but he found it the prettiest whenever you would braid it. He loved the way the strands would interweave like wool on a spindle, and the way it would reflect the light whenever the sun grazed you.
His words began to trip at the sight of you. So even when you had surpassed his grade in Charms, he kept his lips sealed. It was embarrassing enough to admit to himself that he found you somewhat pretty and it would be even more so if he was to stutter in your face. So slowly, his banter towards you died.
You approached him one day, on a weekend when everyone would be heading off to Hogsmeade. He was sitting on a bench by the fountain outside, his legs relaxed and eyes focused on nothing in particular.
“You coming to Hogsmeade as well?” Your voice was gentle as ever, although it was never really harsh even when you threw playful insults at him.
He raised his gaze. There was something unfamiliar with the way he looked at you now, but you supposed it was the way the sun hit his grey irises.
“Yes.” It’s all he says, like the time you had asked if he wanted to join you in the library.
“I heard Blaise is there already, why aren’t you with him now?”
He blinked. He wanted to hate the way your voice played gracefully like a lyre. “He’s with a girl.”
His responses were short—something you wished you could understand. Nothing was the same after the race, and you weren’t sure it was because you had won.
“Are you alright? Did I do something wrong?”
There it was again, that gentleness in your voice that would make him weak in the knees these days. He was grateful he was sitting then because otherwise his legs would buckle beneath him.
You looked aside briefly, trying to find the words that might comfort him. There were butterflies where you gazed, and they fluttered their wings around gracefully like a dance against the wind. You remembered when Professor Lupin had said they were a symbol of new beginnings, and that memory brought an idea to your mind.
“I’m asking you to join me to Hogsmeade.” You told him. “Please come with me.” You wanted it to sound like a kind command, to which he had no choice but to accept.
He raised a brow at your proposal, hesitant. “Draco?”
You’d never said his name so gently before. It was always filled with a hint of tease, or a slight annoyance, but as you stood in front of him in the daring sun, your voice played like a plead.
He considered it. The two of you had never exchanged a proper conversation before; maybe you would embarrass yourself and his weird feelings would wash away. You were pretty, that’s all, and maybe after this, he would think otherwise. His dumb feelings would disappear and everything would be back to normal.
The corners of his mouth raised slightly. “Okay.”
The two of you walked together, soundlessly awkward smiles on your lips and minds whirled with sweet joy. You both tried to hide your enjoyments, looking away from each other as you made your way into The Three Broomsticks.
“Is it good?” You sat across from him, at a wooden booth inside of the store.
His forehead creased with slight disappointment as he licked foam from his lips. “I should’ve asked for less cider.” He tightened his fingers around his Butterbeer.
“Try mine, I asked for less sugar.” You pushed your drink forwards, offering a gentle smile.
He had never shared a food or drink with anyone—it wasn’t something he was accustomed to. His mother had always told him the proper etiquette to decline, but as you offered him your drink, he couldn’t deny.
He brought the cup to his lips and took a small sip. It was better than his, less sweet like he prefers most things. He gave a nod.
“This one’s better. Mine tastes like Honeydukes melted as one and put into a cup.” He pulled his lips up into his familiar scowl, but there was a playful charm in it now.
You grabbed his cup and pushed yours closer to him. “Take mine, I’ll drink yours.” He didn’t reply to your offering before you pulled his cup to your lips.
He chuckled lightly when you pulled it away and a white foam formed around your mouth like a moustache. “You remind me of that Muggle.” He said, his teeth peering from behind his lips.
 Your eyebrows knitted together. “What?”
“That Muggle. The one with the white moustache and beard?”
“There are a lot of those — are you referring to Santa Claus?” There’s a chuckle of disbelief that followed your words. “Don’t tell me you didn’t know his name?”
He parted his lips about to defend himself, when a figure crossed behind you, and a scowl fell onto Draco’s features. His grey eyes rose and fell with disdain.
“Potter.” He spat with a roll of his eyes. “Let’s get out of here.” He stood from the wooden seat, his eyes still following Harry behind you with irritation.
You wiped your lips with the back of your sleeve. “But we haven’t finished our Butterbeer.”
Draco gripped your arm as he slipped by you, pulling you with him as he exited the bar. You followed him with hurried steps as you tried to match his longer strides.
“You know, it’s not every day that I can have a butterbeer, Malfoy. I had to save those galleons to earn such a prize.” You spoke.
He continued to walk until he could barely see The Three Broomsticks behind him. “I’ll buy you a Butterbeer next time. I’ll even buy you two if it means I never have to see Potter again.” He released his grip from your arm.
“What do hate about him so much?”
“He’s irritating.”
You decided not to argue with him. “Fair.”
Not long after, the pair of you set foot into Honeydukes, the coolness of the air brushing against your cheeks as you entered. It smelt of vanilla and chocolate with a hint of baking pastries.
Draco followed closely behind as you ventured the store, his eyes scanning the shelves along with you. He didn’t enjoy sweets as much, but he couldn’t deny that he found your company nice. So, he only watched as you admired the colours and wacky flavours displayed.
He picked up a string of liquorice. “You enjoy this stuff?” He asked with a slight distaste in his tone.  “This is all just sugar.”
He dropped the lolly as you shrugged. “I haven’t tried any of these. Well, besides that disgusting liquorice that Blaise offered me.” Your fingers curled around the pentagonal box of a Chocolate Frog packet.
“Blaise talks to you?”
You turned your head slightly with a furrow of your eyebrows. “Of course Blaise talks to me. Why shouldn’t he?”
His grey eyes sank into yours. “It’s not like we’re rivals.” You continued, dropping the packet back onto the shelf as you turned your body towards him.
“I’m not implying that you and I are,” you added for clarification. “I’m just asking, is it that difficult to understand that I can be friends with your friends as well?”
Draco’s lips raised with a slight amusement. “Your choice of words insinuates that we’re rivals.” He plays with the end of his sleeve. “Besides, Blaise never talked about you, so I assumed you two never got along. Don’t get offended when I barely offered a reply.”
Your mouth dropped a little with embarrassment. “I’m not offended.” Your toned raised. “I’m just clarifying, that’s all.”
“Then don’t.”
You pursed your lips. “Okay then.”
He looked down at you with a glint in his eyes, a dumbfounded expression plastered on his face. Your hair fell against your cheeks when you lowered your gaze, and his lips curled upwards slightly. For a moment, you wondered if he was going to speak, but he only looked away with a faint blush.
You turned away as well, finding your focus on the colours of the sweets again. He watched from a distance, trying to keep his gaze calculated so he didn’t look at you for too long. But whenever you lingered over a treat for a beat too long, he found it impossible not to catch a glimpse of you. His lips would always tug into a small smile, almost as if you were a secret between the two of you.
His grey eyes caught you again when you spoke. “They have lollipops?” You scooped into the colourful mix of lollies. “I haven’t had a lollipop in years!”
Draco considered a thought. “Do you want one?” He moved closer and grazed his fingers against the glass bowl of sweets.
“Yes I’d love one, but maybe next time.” You smiled at him, your eyes shining delicately below the lanterns of the store. “I spent too much already on that Butterbeer—that I didn’t get to finish by the way.” Your smile widened with your words, a joking tone playing on your tongue.
Draco bit his lip to stop a grin, but there was an obvious rise in his cheeks. He doesn't understand how he brought himself to be so rude to you, you were so endearing. You moved around him to reach a case of chocolates, when he picked the glass bowl of lollipops from its stand.
“Draco, what are you doing?” He ignored you as he pulled the crystal casing closer to his chest, a sense of determination on his face.
He dropped the bowl onto the front counter. “These.” The cashier looked at him with a face of distress before she began to count the lollipops.
“You’re going to eat all of that?” You asked once you stood beside him. You were in disbelief as he continued to snatch chocolates and other sweets from below the counter and the shelves behind him.
“No, you will.” He said nonchalantly. He picked a chocolate from another shelf. “Did you want these as well?” He barely let you reply before he stacked the packets and dropped it onto the counter.
Your mouth parted. “You’re absurd, put it back. I can’t eat all of that.” You reached over, in an attempt to move the lollies away, when he stopped you.
His fingers wrapped around your forearm. “You can. It’s my treat for the butterbeer you didn’t finish.”
“This is worth way more than just a Butterbeer, Draco.”
A smile slipped onto his cheeks when you said his name. “It’s my treat then.” He pulled his hand away. “For being such an ass to you.”
You dragged your lip beneath your teeth to contain a grin as Draco scanned the woman behind the counter. “My father will pay for this, I’m sure you know who that is.” She nodded in return, pushing the lollies into a bag before handing it to him.
Draco grabbed the plastic and turned to the door with a smirk. He looked at you from his side. “Let’s try the lollipops you wanted so bad.” He took a few steps in front as you stalled.
“I didn’t want them ‘so bad’!”
“Yeah, whatever.” You laughed as you ran towards him, mouth wide with joy, and eyes shaped like crescent moons.
“You still owe me something for winning the race, though. This doesn’t count!”
“Yeah, alright.” He turned to you with a soft gaze, his face adorned by a delicate smile. You couldn’t recall a time when he'd smiled so gently.
“Want to race to the castle?” You asked, pulling your lip beneath your teeth. The sight made his heart stutter, and the playful tone of your voice made him weaker still. He nodded, and without warning, you took off—your hair flowing freely behind you.
He followed right after, the bag still in his hands as he approached from behind. The sun cast a soft, golden glow around you like an eclipse, highlighting your form in a warm, comforting light. The sun setting over the horizon was breathtaking, but your silhouette in front of it made it all the more captivating, and Draco knew then that beauty was much more than just his jewels.
He had always thought of beauty in abstract terms. It was something for the muggles to fawn over, not something that a pure-blood like him needed to concern himself with. He was accustomed to things being a certain way, and he knew it was foolish, to suddenly find the appeal in something so absurd; to fall for someone who was deemed lower than him. But he couldn’t help it, he was drawn to you, like a moth to a flame.
"Beauty is symmetry," Aristotle had said.  But for Draco, beauty was more. It was a feeling, a sensation that he couldn't quite explain. It was the way the sun caught your hair at just the right angle, the way you laughed.
Suddenly, beauty was the sound of parchment, the smell of butterbeer and Honeydukes, and the scene of the sun setting over the horizon. You were like a breath of fresh air, like the sunlight after a storm. Suddenly, he understood why everyone fell to your feet.
For the first time in his life, Draco realised that beauty wasn't only a fleeting moment of time, nor was it something that could be defined, it was something that existed beyond words. It was a feeling, a sensation, that he couldn't really understand. But he knew it when he saw it, when he felt it.
And he knew that he was falling in love with you.
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envirae · 11 months
my very first love ! — 08: everybody shut the hell up!
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wc: 671
nothing could have prepared riki for the stress that would come mere hours before your study session.
he had hardly ever interacted with girls his age outside of school, and he even tried to avoid it. when his hyung's threw parties with girls, riki was rarely in attendance.
it wasn't even a real hangout; you weren't even visiting each other's houses or even a local cafe. it was a strictly school-related meeting in the school's library. that didn't stop riki from freaking out, though.
he knew couldn't ask his hyung's for help, that would practically be admitting that they were right and that he did have a crush on you. so instead, he stood in front of his closet, practically ripping his hair out trying to figure out what to wear.
by the time he had finally found an acceptable enough outfit, half of his closet was on the floor, and he was almost late. he made sure to try his absolute best to be on time, something that rarely happened for him.
he arrived promptly to school at 1 pm, and he saw you in the middle of the library with your earbuds in typing on your laptop. the library was mostly empty, since it was a saturday after all. when you finally saw him, you took your earbuds in and sent him a warm smile as you waved him over.
he took the seat across from you, and the two of you began brainstorming ideas for the project. you showed him the rough draft of ideas you had come up with in the time since being assigned the project, and he looked at you with a blank stare. "are you following me? or am i going to fast?"
"no i- i'm listening, i'm just...a little confused" he responded, and you could tell he was flustered.
it didn't take long for you to figure out that riki wasn't exactly the best at physics, and you'd likely have to do most of the work for the two of you to get a good grade.
not wanting to hurt his feelings, you eventually decided that you would do all of the research, and leave it to riki to put together the information and create the powerpoint.
"you probably think i'm an idiot, don't you?" he timidly asked, hiding his face in his hands from embarrassment.
"not at all! lots of people struggle with physics. hanni complains about it almost every day." you reassured, which slightly comforted riki.
it was a little awkward at first, but you felt riki starting to get more comfortable with you towards the end of your study session. he was even starting to laugh at your (quite pathetic) jokes, and although you'd never admit it, his smile made your heart skip a beat.
when he had to leave for his dance practice, both of you were a little upset that your time together ended so quickly.
you, on the other hand, had a few hours before their studio time ended and yours begun, so you just stayed in the library, pretending to be productive.
you headed towards the studio around 5:00, but you could hear loud screaming and shouting just from the outside.
that was undoubtedly soobin's voice. you immediately ran into the studio, to find all of your members engaged in a heated fight between enhypen's seniors and jungwon, with sunoo and riki trying desperately to get them to calm down.
you rushed to help them, but nobody seemed to be listening. they weren't even listening to each other, really. mostly just yelling and trying to prove to the other team that they were in the right. you didn't even know you could yell that loud, but the childish bickering was pissing you off so bad that you suddenly shouted,
current taglist (closed): @haknom @kjrcrz @lalalalawon @123-678h @k25vi@imhuh @yenqa @useraerin @wondering-out-loud @captivq @enhaz1 @luvistqrzzz @luvchungha @beomgyusonlywife @heart4hees @mrchweeee @heefys @hangecanweholdhands @jayujus @jaeyunsimswife @yumilovesloona @pagesofmiracles @eumppattv @fluerz @n0t-kc @darly6n @haechansbbg @kxr0mi @cakiedayy @gyuszie @latriii @neocockthotology @solstramaii @teddywonss @nishimurasgirl @yjwfav @yanagisprettygf @hyunsllvr @lunavixia @rosabella1009 @ddeonubaby @iea-tsand @cakeart12 @vssvvssv @haewho @meiiiwa @eloelooo @girlokarina @i-hwa @crookedlysupertimemachine @yannew @lynn555 @k1ttylvr 
bold cannot be tagged
SYNOPSIS: though all of his hyung’s are notorious for being some of the biggest players at HYBE, nishimura riki has yet to even have his first girlfriend. when his interest is finally piqued by a girl from their rival dance team, his hyung’s will stop at nothing to make sure he gets her— but not before causing a little trouble.
reblogs are appreciated!
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howlingday · 7 months
"The psychological effects of a strained or absence of a father figure in a relationship on a person's mental health and personal relationships."
Multi-Faceted Arena of Relationships
Ruby: So, what are you planning to do today, Weiss?
Weiss: Let's see... I have a date with Yatsuhashi later.
Ruby: Wait, I thought you were dating Sun?
Blake: I thought she was dating Neptune.
Yang: Last week, she was hanging out with that Mercury guy.
Weiss: Those didn't work out, but I'm sure that once I find some common ground with him, I'll be able to find the right one in him.
Blake: Will that be before or after you sleep with him?
Weiss: Well, who's to say it doesn't happen during?
Marrying Daddy
Weiss: So, um... Are you seeing anyone?
Ozpin: Ms. Schnee, as flattered as I am by your advances, you fail to understand the reason for your being here.
Weiss: And that is?
Ozpin: That you've been asking the faculty at Beacon, as well as those visiting our highly regarded academy that same question.
Weiss: I'm keeping ky options open!
Ozpin: And risking your career as a huntress, as well as the careers of others! I'm willing to let you off with a warning so long as you give me your word that you'll put an end to these inappropriate actions.
Weiss: ...Do you know if Ruby's uncle is single?
Ozpin: For fuck's sakes...
Avoiding Engaging Emotions
Jaune: Hey, Weiss, I was wondering if you wanted to study together later?
Weiss: And drag myself down to your level? Absolutely not.
Jaune: Oh, well, uh... Okay... (Walks away)
Ruby: Geez, Weiss! You didn't have to be so mean!
Weiss: Ruby, I am trying to focus on my career! After Professor Ozpin's "curfew," nobody's willing to get near me for any "outside academic activities" that could "jeopardize my future".
Blake: In other words, you can't sleep with half the school and have another pregnancy scare.
Yang: Yeah, and he's got a point. Besides, it doesn't mean you can't study with the rest of us.
Weiss: Actually, yes. It does. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go to the library. (Walks away)
Ruby: But... But movie night...
Blake: Don't worry about her, Ruby. We can still watch movies together.
Jaune: Oh! H-Hey, Weiss!
Weiss: Ugh!
Jaune: W-Wait! Hear me out! Listen, if... If you don't want me here, just say the word and I'm gone- BUT... If you let me study next to you, I'll keep quiet the entire time.
Weiss: ...Fine.
Some time later...
Jaune: ...Pfft!
Weiss: Mrrgh!
Jaune: Sorry! Sorry, it's just... I was reading about Nicholas Schnee.
Weiss: ...What's so funny about him?
Jaune: Well, it's... It's kind of stupid, but my dad's name is Nicholas, and your last name is Schnee, and... Like I said, it's pretty stupid.
Weiss: Uh-huh...
Jaune: ...
Weiss: ...What's your dad like?
Jaune: Huh? Oh, uh, y'know, like everybody else's dad.
Weiss: Somehow, I doubt that. My father was a negligent workaholic who constantly did whatever he could to belittle my successes.
Jaune: Oh, uh... Yeah, just like that.
Weiss: Huh?
Jaune: Dad was always busy, so it was just me, my mom, and my sisters. Grew up with lots of girly stuff in my childhood, and, well, Dad was never really happy about that. He'd get mad at Mom for letting me get into it and then he'd start yelling at me when I was doing that girly stuff.
Weiss: What kind of girly stuff?
Jaune: Well, when I was a lot younger, I used to sit with my legs crossed over like this. (Knee-over-knee)
Weiss: Huh. That's...
Jaune: Weird, right? But Dad set me straight, even if it was the only way he'd ever talk to me.
Weiss: My... My Dad would do the same thing, too. I had to be perfect at everything, even on my first try. And when I would do it perfect, he'd never be there to see it. In fact, I remember one day being really sick, and my father never bothered to visit me. My sister would tell me-
Jaune: "He's too busy"?
Weiss: Yes... Exactly.
Jaune: Dads, am I right?
Weiss: For once, I can actually agree with you on that.
Jaune: (Chuckles)
Weiss: (Smiles) Say... Jaune? How old are you, again?
Jaune: I'm seventeen. Why?
Weiss: What a coincidence. So am I.
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rustys-lodge · 1 year
Requested by : anon :  Hi would you write a sis Winchester fic where sams homeschooling her?
Pairings : Sam/ sissy 
Warnings : none- just a bunch of cuteness
A/N : I am so so so so so sorry to whoever asked me to write this. I get so anxious about writing it drives me crazzy. 
Tumblr media
You had just woken up when the door to your room flew open and a giant silhouette appeared at the door.
"Death..is that you ?" You groaned, your voice hoarse. "Wait, no… Death is short."
A soft snort filled the silence before the lights were turned on, causing you to painfully shut your eyes while a small shriek left your mouth. It was only 8 ammm..
"Get up, we have school." Sam walked over to your bed.
Your vision went black for a second as you rolled yoru eyes to the back of your head. Was he being serious ? 
 "Sammy." You sighed. "The one perk about homeschooling is the fact that we can do it WHEN EVER"
Your brother only smirked in response, sterness flooding his face right after a little smirked appeared.
"Come on.Get up.” 
You whined, rolling over before shrieking again when the the temperature suddenly changed and your body fully froze. Sam was taking the blanket off of you. 
You curled into a ball, watching him with disbelief. He watched back. 
“Get up.” Your older brother ordered this time. “ Dean's making breakfast."
Once downstairs, Dean greeted you with a big grin, waving over towards the table before he spoke. "Come on, girls. Breakfast is ready."
You smirked, dragging your feet over to the table, where plates of fuming bacon awaited. "Dean...that’s so disrespectful. Why do you keep saying girls when there's only one girl here." You point at Sam, earning yourself a good job smirk from Dean, as he is, as always, the one you learned all that from.
Finally done with breakfast, Sam whistled at you and you looked up. 
“To the library” He commanded and you rolled your eyes, again, slumping your shoulders and pouting, in an attempt to have him let you go. But he only stared at you in response. His eyes undefeated by your attempt. So you just got up, shifting your whole body to the main room. 
You plopped down on the chair, waiting as Sam picked up the books for the day. 
He’s usually the one to choose what subject to study, as you always choose the easiest for you, english. And although Sam is pretty serious about schooling you, he sometimes let you be, cracking a few jokes along the hours to ease up the process for you. 
‘What’s it going to be today ?” You asked half-heartedly, arms crossed over your chest and eyelids heavily sitting at a low level. But instead of verbally transmitting his thoughts, he instead tossed two books over your head, as he was standing right behind you.
Your heart skipped a beat and you jumped back, unconsciously flinching as the hard cover of the books made contact with the table, causing a loud thud to echo through the space. 
“Physics.” Sam responded. 
Really ? 
“You could’ve said that without so much drama.” You gripped the side of your chest, rubbing it gently as your pulse  steadied. Sam granted you a two second glare as he walked by before pulling back the chair beside you. 
And for the next few hours you had to learn about magnetism and electromagnetism…Something about Fleming’s left-hand rule and about how electric motors work. 
As you lost interest quickly, Sam had to improvise and explain other ways, multiple times. . He also had to yell at you to snap your mind back to earth. And just as if you hadn’t suffered enough, he assigned you a few exercises to see how much you learned. Unsurprisingly to you, it only took him two quick minutes of reading to sigh and rest his head against his palm. 
You learned nothing. 
And since you learned nothing from all the yelling you got, you suppressed a little laugh, causing a sudden change in Sam’s face. As his lips stood in a straight line. He was unamused, unlike you. 
“I’m going to pretend like today didn’t happen. Tomorrow we’ll do this again.” 
Your eyes lit up. “So we’re done ?” 
“Yeah, for today. Starting tomorrow we’ll double the hours. Maybe then you’ll start learning something;” 
Sam stood up from the chair and you just internally gasped. 
“Son of a bitch !.” 
I hope yall enjoy this one. ❤❤❤🌹🌹🌹
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th3-c0rps3-r0gu3 · 8 months
chapter 4.
Pairings: Natasha X Wanda, Natasha X umbrakinetic teen fem!reader, Wanda X umbrakinetic teen fem!reader, Avengers X umbrakinetic teen fem!reader.
Warnings: swearing,
3rd person.
"hey has detka have you seen y/n it's been four hours. She's not in her room."
Natasha says to her girlfriend concerned. It's way past the time y/n should be in bed but Natasha can't find the girl to tell her that.
"I took her to the library."
Wanda responds. She seems less concerned but she hadn't seen y/n exit the library so she assumed she was still there.
"I'll go check. Thanks mylashk."
Natasha says heading for the library.
Natasha enters the library and starts to look around. Someone is definitely here as there are books missing from shelves everywhere. Whoever y/n is no where to be seen. After about thirty more minutes Natasha is about to give up. That is till she sees a mountain of books surrounding a beanbag. A bean bag that held y/n.
Y/n pov.
I don't know how long I've been in here but in all honesty I don't care either. I've been able to read so much! And no one has tried to stop me or yell at me like other bookstore customers. Then a voice breaks me from thought.
"there you are y/n I was getting worried."
It's natasha. She standing Infront of me but she doesn't look angry.
"oh.. sorry."
I am still way to quiet. I was better with Wanda. Not that I should say that. I'd offend Natasha and that would lead to.. I don't think about it.
•red head seems worried.•
•why worried? Nobody worries for us.•
•red head relieved now though.•
•did we relieve her?•
I drown out the shadows again. Natasha just looks at me concerned. I really need to get used to that look being aimed at me. It's.. unsettling.
"you need to go to bed now. It's late. You need sleep y'know."
Natasha says. She seems calm.
"ah.. ok. Sorry."
I say quieter. I really need to get better. Speaking to solely shadows is getting to me. Natasha nods at me.
"if it's ok but have you read all these books?"
Natasha asks. That surprised me.
"only half. The right side is ones I've read and the left I haven't."
I'm louder this time. Still quiet but louder. Good. Natasha looks at the piles. Granted the right side has more books than the left but y'know it's not that bad. Natasha then nods again.
"ah ok. Goodnight y/n."
Natasha then leaves. I get up and walk down to my room. It's quiet. Thank god. I enter my room and sit on the floor again. I'm not ready for a bed yet. Not after the years of sleeping on concrete.
It's morning. And it's bright out. I really need to darken this room.
•too bright.•
•tone it down!•
I try and block the shadows again but their too loud and I cant.
•make it dark again!•
•white bright too!•
Right. I need black paint. I'll find a way to get that. But I should visit the book store and see Sandra.
I walk into the main area and see Wanda and Natasha talking to a blonde woman who I assume is carol. All three turn to me.
"morning y/n."
Wanda says smiling. I'll need to get used to that. Sandra is usually the only one who smiles at me.
I say quietly. Damn I thought I made progress at being louder.
Wanda starts to introduce me to the blonde woman. I half don't listen. Anything I miss the shadows can tell me. Eventually Wanda stops rambling and America smiles at me. Still unsettled by the smiles.
"hey uhm.. can I go back to the bookstore. I help out there and stuff.."
I murmur nearly silent. I really really need to be louder.
•ohh visit Sandra?•
•who's Sandra?•
Natasha's voice breaks through the shadows muttering.
"course you can kiddo. We can walk down now if you want."
I simply nod.
The walk was quick and quiet. Thank the gods. I enter the bookstore and greet Sandra while Natasha walks away.
"hey kiddo how is living with literal superheroes?"
Sandra asks grinning while she pulls out boxes of books that need shelving.
"it's ok. Better than I expected. But I need to darken my room.. it's too bright."
I say. Here at least I speak normally.
•room is definitely too bright.•
•see Sandra again!•
•ooh yes Sandra!•
•hello Sandra!•
I let the shadows rumble their greetings as Sandra explains where the books need to go. I already know where they need to go. I've done this so many times now.
3rd person pov (with Nat and Wanda)
Natasha returned to the compound and sighed as she walk through the door to her and Wanda's level.
"well? How was the walk?"
Wanda asks from the kitchen. Natasha comes up behind her hugging her.
"quiet. She really doesn't like to talk."
Natasha responded.
"what are you cooking? It smells heavenly detka?"
"it my paprikash Nat you should know this by now."
Wanda responds giggling. Natasha smiles.
"ahh silly me."
°three hours later°
Natasha and Wanda have been watching sitcoms for the past hour now but Natasha is starting to worry about y/n.
"detka is y/n coming back alone or am I going to pick her up?"
Natasha asks the red head snuggled beside her.
"I dunno. If your worried we can walk down to find her."
Wanda sits up and turns off the tv.
"and now that you mention it I am starting to worry."
Y/n pov.
I finished shelving ages ago and now I'm reading. After about a million questions from Sandra and the shadows screaming in my ear holes I finally have some peace. And a bonus is the Sandra supplied me with black paint. So there's the brightness issue half fixed. Next is to get light blocking blinds. If I can gather the courage to ask for them that is. But that's an issue for future me to deal with.
"hey kiddo. You will still visit me despite the fact you live with heroes now right?"
Sandra's question confuses me. Why would I stop coming here?
"of course I'll keep coming. Why would I stop?"
Sandra seems a little guilty looking now.
"well you live with heroes. You hardly need a bookstore owner backing you up now. I'm half surprised you came in today."
The older woman explains. I frown.
"I live with heroes but honestly they scare the hell out of me. Besides. Your my friend. I trust you."
I easily explain. At least with Sandra I can speak normally. Then two red heads walk in. Two easily recognisable red heads. Why in Satan's name is Wanda and Natasha here?
•why they here?•
•shhh that's rude!•
•rude but good question.•
"shut up...."
I mumble to the shadows who finally listen to me and quiet. Wanda sees me and smiles. God I need to get used to that. Or she could stop doing it. Though I doubt she will.
"hey y/n. We were just wondering when you were going to be back?"
Wanda asks me. Natasha is talking to Sandra. Wanda then consequently notices the black paint.
"what's with the paint?"
The Slovakian asks.
"oh uhh.. my room is a bit bright and um.. I decided to darken it by painting it black... if that's not ok I won't and I'll just give this back to sandra..."
I murmur. God I'm still too quiet. I'll work on it.
"oh sorry. I never stopped to think if the rooms as bright. I can help paint if you want. It'll be fun!"
Wanda responds.
"and if it's still too bright we can get light cancelling blinds so then you won't need to deal with sunlight too much. You didn't seem the type for bright spaces anyway."
I sit there surprised by Wanda's response. I was expecting a scolding but this is better.. I think. Then Natasha comes over.
"alright you two let's go. Before it's dark out."
The Russian grabs Wanda's hand gently and waits for me to get my stuff before we leave.
"bye Sandra! I'll come back and I won't forget you! Promise!"
I call out to sandra.
"I'll hold you to that kiddo!"
She responds. I then follow Natasha and Wanda out and back to the compound.
Me and Wanda have just finished painting my room black while Natasha put up the sun block blinds.
"there we go. Now your room isn't so bright."
Wanda says proudly looking over our paint job.
•ooh finally not bright.•
•better much much better•
•no sun! Black everywhere!•
•we in heaven?•
I struggle to drown the shadows out. The joy I feel combined with them is too much. Oh well their rambles can go on I suppose. Natasha moves next to us and kisses wanda. I cringe internally. Is this how couples are meant to act?
"brilliant job detka. The paint looks brilliant."
Nat says and Wanda smiles.
"I'm glad the curtains didn't fall on you."
Wanda responds. Is that how your supposed to respond to that? Natasha doesn't seem unhappy...
"yes well how about we go shopping tomato fill the room up."
Natasha proposes. I perk up. Does that mean book shopping? Or drawing shopping? Will I get a new sketchpad?
"that's sounds like a brilliant idea. Y/n how do you feel?"
Wanda turns to me.
"oh.. uh yeah sounds good."
Still to goddamn quiet.
A/n: I honestly thought I posted this ages ago. Then I go to Wright chapter five and what's in my drafts? This. Oops. Sorry for those who actually like this series for the late post.
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bluejaysandblackbats · 3 months
Eyes and Ears
Fandom: DC Comics, Batfam
Summary: An AU where Barbara finds Jason instead of Bruce.
Chapters: 5/?
Characters: Jason Todd, Barbara Gordon, Jim Gordon, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Sheila Haywood, Original Character(s)
Relationship(s): Jason Todd/Original Character(s), Past Barbara Gordon/Dick Grayson
Additional Tags: Canon Divergent AU, Older SIbling Barbara Gordon, Jason Todd-centric, Barbara Gordon is Oracle, Jason Todd is NOT Robin, Jason Todd Has Issues, Jason Todd Has a Crush, Adopted Siblings
Chapter Five: Blackout
A few months later, Barbara let Jason go off to the park and play across the street. She worried about him being alone, but she had to remind herself that he was used to being on his own. "Where's your partner in crime?" Max asked. Barbara looked up from the cart. "Jason? You know, the little guy, dark hair, blue eyes—."
"Yeah, he's at the park—." Someone ran into the library and announced a fight. Barbara followed the girl outside and across the street to the park where Jason fought another boy. Jason was on top of the other boy, punching him, and he never heard Barbara call for him. She pulled him off of the other boy and dragged him aside.
"Jason, stop!" Barbara yelled, and Jason wriggled loose and lunged at the boy a second time. "Jason!" She grabbed him by the back of his collar.
"Gun," Jason panted as he pointed to the other boy, and Barbara let him go and looked around. She got up and took a pen from her pocket to pick the gun up. Jason lay back on the pavement and closed his eyes. His face was all bruised and bloodied from fighting. "Barbara, I'm sorry—."
"Don't be... You did the right thing," Barbara replied as she used her free hand to call Jim. Jason felt a wave of guilt wash over him for what he did despite Barbara's words. Barbara hung up, and she walked over to Jason and crouched down. "I'm not mad at you..." She slipped her phone into her pocket, and out of concern, she nudged him.
"Mama's boy!" one of the children teased. Jason didn't react.
"Shut up! And I'm not his mom! I'm his sister," Barbara snapped. Jason sat up and looked at her. She hadn't realized what she said, but Jason did.
They waited until Jim came and took the gun in, and Jason blanched as soon as he saw Jim approach. "I didn't mean to. I know it was—."
Jim picked him up off of the ground, and Jason tensed up and shut his eyes. "Are you okay?" Jim asked. Jason nodded. "I've got my first aid kit in the car. Come on." Jim put him down and took him by his wrist to the car. It would've worried him to have anyone else grab his wrist like that, but he realized Jim didn't plan on hitting him. Jim just wanted to help. They sat in the backseat with the door half-open, and Jim wet a napkin outside the car. He cleaned Jason's face, and Jason tensed. "That hurt?"
Jason shook his head. "I'm sorry. I really am. I wasn't trying to start trouble. I just saw he had—. He was asking for trouble. He really was," Jason whispered as Jim held Jason's face still.
"You could've gotten yourself killed... But your heart was in the right place," Jim replied. Jim put a little vaseline on Jason's cuts and scrapes before bandaging him up and checking his hands. "You really okay?"
Jason sniffed. "I don't wanna cause any trouble. You've been good to me. You've been a good Pop—." Jason stopped speaking, and Jim smiled and messed up Jason's hair. "You're not mad?"
"No, I'm not mad. I was more worried than anything. I know you're a good kid... Do you want to come back with me? Or do you wanna stay with your s—. With Babs?" Jim asked. Jason hesitated.
Barbara walked over and stuck her head in the door. "You should go with Dad," Barbara whispered.
"Are you mad at me?" Jason asked. Barbara shook her head.
"I just don't want any of the kids bothering you. Besides, I think Dad's jealous that you go to work with me all the time," she joked. Jim nodded, and Jason agreed to go with Jim.
On the way to the station, Jason started feeling a little sick to his stomach, and he asked Jim to pull over. "Wanna go home?" Jim asked. Jason shook his head and waited for the feeling to subside. "You know, you can call me Pop if you want to. I know it's probably a weird subject for you, so we don't have—."
"I'd like that, Pop," Jason whispered. Jim smiled and rested a hand on the back of Jason's head. Jason relaxed. He knew that everything was okay.
He closed his eyes, and Jim nudged him. "Hey, did you hit your head out there?" Jim asked. Jason shook his head. "You sure?" Jason nodded. "Okay." Jim took a deep breath and let Jason go to sleep.
When he got to the station, Jason awakened with a sharp inhale. They went in, and Jason sat on the couch in Jim's office. "Who's the little fella?" an officer asked.
"This is my boy, Jason," Jim replied, and when he looked to introduce Jason to the officer, Jason lay fast asleep on the couch. "He was at the park just a minute ago."
"Well, I'm making a lunch run real quick. Want anything?" the officer asked.
"Two of those new burgers from across the street and fries. No sodas," Jim replied as he gave the officer cash. After he left, Jim called Barbara, and they had a short conversation about what happened.
"It was like he couldn't hear me. Is he okay?" Barbara asked.
"He's fine. He's all tuckered out, but he'll be alright," Jim answered, and Jason mumbled something before sitting up. "I'll see you at dinnertime." Jim hung up and took his glasses off. "You can sleep if you want. You don't have to stay up."
Jason sat up all the way and looked at Jim. "Did I do something wrong?" Jason asked. Jim shook his head. "I know I should've—."
"You're alright," Jim reassured him, "What happened?"
"He was messing around, pointing it at kids, so I hit him... We fought, and he hit me a couple of times—. I shouldn't have gotten so mad," Jason stopped himself. "Barbara," he whispered as he realized what she'd seen.
"She's alright... Jason, you did—."
The officer came back with Jim's food and his change. Jim thanked him, and the second the man left, Jim opened the bag and gestured for Jason to come and sit with him. "You were doing the right thing. You just have to work on controlling your temper under pressure, that's all... But you aren't in any kind of trouble," Jim added. Jason opened his burger and started eating.
Once Jim started eating, Jason asked, "Did Barbara sound mad?" Jim shook his head. "You sure?"
"Eat your fries. If Babs was mad at you, she would've told you that," Jim replied, "Besides, I think we were both more worried about you than anything."
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greazyfloz · 1 year
29 “      , Why are you here?” ** with Mark plssss
Angst: 29.  “_____, Why are you here?” w/ Mark Estapa
What Was Said
Mark and I broke up a week ago. I still can’t even remember what we were even fighting about in the first place but he ended up saying very hurtful things. Although we were in his room, he sure yelled them loud enough for his whole house to hear. I left the house crying, trying to get out of there as fast as possible. Before slamming the door, I hear one of the boys say “Y/n, wait!” but I left. The rest of the week they would text me periodically to see how I was doing or if I needed anything, but I would keep my answers to a minimum as I remind myself they aren’t “my” friends anymore, they are his. 
All week I kept replaying the hurtful things he said in my head: “My life was better without you in it”, “For once, leave me alone”, “Go ahead, leave. Once a fucking bitch always a bitch”. The worst part of all of this, I still love him. 
Tonight, I am laying on the recliner in my house as my roommates are at the Library. They were polite enough to awkwardly ask before leaving but I did not want to leave my comfy spot. I sat home and turned my phone off watching sad movies by myself until my roommates burst through the door.
“You are still laying in the same spot as where we left you” Cami says
“What are you watching now?” Kylie says looking at the screen, “The Vow? Seriously, another sad one?”
I roll my eyes at the and turn back to the tv as Cami picks up the remote and turns it off.
“Hey!” I say sitting up
“We are going out. You can’t lay here like this anymore” Cami says
“When is the last time you showered?” Kylie asks
“This morning thanks! I have been taking care of myself, you know?” I snap back
“Only getting up to use the washroom or apparently showering is taking care of yourself?” Kylie says and I glare at her.
“Look, you need to get out. We are going to a party. Maybe you’ll meet someone new” Cami says and Kylie hits her arm
“No, maybe you should look hot and get a bunch of attention and forget about that douchebag” Kylie adds
“If Mark is there, I’m not” I say reaching for the remote but Kylie grabs it
“He won’t be, we are going to some Junior chicks party” Kylie says before grabbing my arm and pulling me up, “Now come on”
“I’m going to bed” I say walking to my room and locking the door behind me.
A few hours go by and I am woken up at 1130pm to a couple knocking on my front door. I peek out my window to see Mark standing there. I freak out for a second before sitting back on my bed. I’m not answering. I’ll let him freeze out there. I sit there until I can hear him yell
“Open the door” I can hear him yell, “I know you are home, you have shitty roommates. They sold you out” he continued.
I hopped off my bed and headed to the door before my neighbors called the cops about the noise. I open the door and Mark gives me a smile but his eyes are half shut before making his way inside. He takes a seat on my couch and pats the cushion beside him. I stand in front of him across the room and cross my arms, looking at him. 
“Okay th-” he starts but I don’t let him finish
“Mark, why are you here?” I say with no expression on my face
“I missed you” he says slurring his words
“Are you drunk?” I say baffled, “Get out of my house”
“Why?” he says defensively standing up
“Mark, Why are you here?” I say raising my voice
“I’m trying to talk to my girlfriend because she blocked my fucking number” he says a lot more clearly
“We didn’t break up. You just left”
“Fine Mark! We are done, happy?”
“Whatever Mark” I say before walking to my room locking myself in and grabbing my phone to text Ethan:
Y/n: Hey, Actually I do need your help with something
Y/n: Mark is here and won’t leave
Eddy 🐴: Duker and I are on our way!
I put my phone back down and hear Mark on the other side of my door. He knocks on my door and I ignore. He continues to knock trying to say whatever he thinks I want to hear to make me open the door. I start to cry holding my pillow to my chest as I can hear him start to cry based on the stutters in his voice and the sniffling. 
When Ethan finally comes, he makes his way inside. I can hear him trying to talk to Mark into getting into his car:
“Please get her to open the door” I hear Mark plead to Ethan
“Fuck bud, how much have you had to drink?” Ethan says, “You can’t talk to her right now” he continues
“Come on man, let’s just go home” I hear Dylan followed by shuffling until the front door shut and it was quiet.
Part 2???
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suppose-i-was-worm · 11 months
I Put a Spell On You
Real Married (Part 2)
“Danny, I would like to request that you return the favor from the other day in kind.”
Damian set his books down next to Danny’s at the library table casually, as if he hadn’t just implied that he wanted to fake date Danny again.
Swallowing, Danny returned his attention to his laptop, typing away resolutely and hoping his blush wasn’t too red.
“Sure, what’s the occasion?”
He thought he saw Damian smile smugly out of the corner of his eye, but when he turned his head, his technical-husband had on his typical blank expression.
“My family is under the impression that I have a significant other, and Grayson was so excited. I cannot bear to disappoint him.”
Danny chuckled.
“Yeah, from what you’ve told me, that tracks. When do you need me?”
“I would like to hold the ruse for at least a month, culminating in a gala at which point we will be free to stage a breakup.”
Squinting, Danny stared at his friend. Fake boyfriend.
“You’re doing this to get out of going to galas again, aren’t you.”
Damian shrugged.
“That is one of the benefits, yes.”
Danny laughed and saved his work, closing his laptop and taking Damian’s hand.
“Alright, boyfriend. Take me out to lunch.”
His husband lifted Danny’s hand to his lips, a smirk dancing across his face.
“Anything for you, Beloved.”
The next month was wonderful- Danny swanned around on Damian’s arm half the time, and let himself indulge in all the little touches and lingering kisses that he wanted. Damian hadn’t told him when they were meeting his family, but given Damian’s nature, his family probably kept an eye on him somehow anyways.
He especially liked it when Damian wore jeans- a rare occasion, but it meant he could slide one hand into Damian’s back pocket possessively. It made the part of him that was the ghost king 24/7 feel like he was doing something right when it came to his consort.
Danny couldn’t help that he was a guardian spirit. Or that it felt like he was guarding Damian somehow the more he staked his (fake) claim.
Sam and Tucker spent at least an hour teasing him about it when he told them what was going on.
“Danny, you really should tell him how you feel.”
Danny pouted at Jazz.
“He’s not the kind of person who would be okay with that, Jazz. It’s fine, though, I found the ritual to dissolve the marriage. I’ll tell him after the gala.”
Jazz looked at him judgmentally.
“You have to tell him the truth, Danny, or you’ll be heartbroken in the end.”
“I already am.”
The dreaded gala came before Danny wanted it to. Damian had taken him to get a suit fitted, somehow keeping a hand on him throughout the entire process.
They looked good together- Danny in a black suit with dark green accents and Damian in a matching green suit with black accents. It was a whirlwind getting into the gala, cameras flashing and snapping the entire walk into the venue, Damian’s hand heavy on Danny’s waist.
Danny did his best to focus on the warmth on his hip instead of the nerves roiling in his stomach. He had to not only fake date Damian tonight, but fake fight him and fake break up with him.
He also promised himself that he would tell Damian about the ritual after. The heavy tome that he’d gotten from the Realms sat innocently on his apartment table, disguised to look like a textbook.
With a start, he looked up at Damian, who was watching him with concern flickering in his emerald eyes.
“Are you alright, Beloved? We can leave if you are overwhelmed.”
Danny shook his head, noting that Damian’s family was waiting for them a little ways into the venue.
“It’s no more overwhelming than anything here in Gotham.”
Damian smiled gently and leaned down to kiss him, sparking a cacophony of camera flashes and reporters yelling questions.
The two of them made their way past the doors and into the throng of party-goers.
“You must be Danny. I’m sure there’s no need for us to introduce ourselves.”
Danny smiled at Bruce Wayne guilelessly.
“Of course not! Damian speaks highly of all of you. Thank you very much for the invitation tonight- everything looks wonderful.”
Bruce Wayne smiled back, a sharp glint in his eye as he sized Danny up. Danny didn’t flinch, holding the billionaire’s gaze without hesitation.
After a few moments, the older man nodded and turned away, his smile growing wide and insincere.
Danny, a person with no self control, looked mischievously up at Damian.
“I don’t know, Dames- Bernard in psych might be right. The butts do match.”
Three of the other Bats near them snickered, but Damian just looked fondly down at Danny.
Ancients, Damian was a good actor. Danny knew he was just letting himself enjoy this, but Damian surely must be putting on an act. He couldn’t feel the same way, not in a million years. Their connection was forced in the first place, and Danny couldn’t- he couldn’t take more advantage of that than he already had.
Damian led him onto the dance floor, and then into a slow swaying dance.
Danny, pressed close to his soon-to-be ex-husband and the love of his life, couldn’t hold it in anymore.
“I found the ritual to fix the- marriage thing.”
Nodding, Danny focused on their feet.
“Yeah. It’s at my apartment. We can go take care of that after, if you want?”
Damian was quiet for a long time, so Danny finally worked up enough courage to look up at the other man.
“Are you- angry?”
“No, Beloved.”
The crease in between his eyebrows told Danny differently.
“You look angry.”
“I am not.”
Danny stopped dancing and pulled away from Damian. Okay, might as well start this fight, then.
“I don’t like you lying to me, Dames.”
He heard whispers start to wash over the room as they looked at each other. Danny put his hands on his hips.
Damian crossed his arms.
“I thought you were more observant, Daniel.”
“Don’t call me that.”
The rest of the sentence caught up to Danny.
“What was I supposed to be observing?”
“You really hadn’t noticed? You- of course you hadn’t. You were so focused on finding out how to end this that you never looked at me.”
Danny took a step back at the venom in Damian’s voice, his eyes widening.
“Never looked at you? I- I looked at you the entire time! If I had my way I’d never- Ancients, Damian, you’re the one who doesn’t-“
He cut himself off, feeling ice start to creep across the floor as his emotions took hold.
“Doesn’t what?”
Damian’s voice was quiet, but dangerous, as if Danny had said something horrible.
Danny stayed quiet, stubbornly looking away.
“Doesn’t what, Danny.”
He made the mistake of looking back at Damian, and the anger on his husband’s face made him snap.
“Doesn’t love me back, Damian! You- you were forced into this arrangement in the first place, and I appreciate the help you’ve given me, but I don’t- I don’t want you to feel obligated just because I’m so besotted!”
Danny was practically yelling by the end of his confession, and the look on Damian’s face had changed from anger to shock during it.
“You- Beloved.”
Damian stalked forward, and Danny could only stand frozen until the taller man gathered him into his arms and drew him into a passionate kiss.
It took a moment for Danny to realize what was happening, but then he participated enthusiastically, melting into Damian’s embrace.
When neither of them could breathe, Damian pulled back a fraction of an inch.
“I do not want you to leave me, Danny. I want to tie you to me in this world as we are tied in the next. Please- I beg of you, and I do not beg often. Stay with me, Beloved.”
Danny wrapped his arms around Damian’s neck and drew his husband into another kiss.
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rennorthernlights · 5 months
The World We Knew
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3: Past Catching Up, Chapter 4
Warnings: Zombie death, description of a child zombie, you unaliving zombies, violence and violence against our girl, Tell Me If I Miss Any
October-ish, 2023. Time??? Location: outskirts of Houston
It’s been a couple days since she last talked to Static and Electricity. Much to their worry but she told them. “I’m gonna be on the move for a couple days and I’ll need it to be quiet. I promise after 3 days I’ll contact you again.” To which Static made her triple-dog swear as she laughed at him being childish about her swearing to him. To which Electricity remarked that they were being extra serious even though his tone was playful. They also swore they’d come for her if anything bad happens to her. Nothing could go more wrong than a zombie virus… right?
“Just my fucking luck.” She sighs heavily as she wipes her sweat. Packs of zombies roaming the streets and on top of that she’s running out of food preserves. “I should’ve saved them raviolis…” her stomach grumbling as she presses her back against a brick wall of the library. God what she would give to read a hard back book again. Grumbling to herself about how she almost finished the Percy Jackson series.
Her thoughts momentarily stopped when she hears the groans of the dead and that’s her cue to get a move on. Carefully looking around and noticing how run down most of it is. Most likely when the virus really took hold of this town it became a buffet. Considering the dried bloody marks on the streets, broken windows, ripped doors, “Jesus,” she murmurs as she ducks behind a car.
A rasping growl snaps her attention as a lil kid stumbles and twitches down the sidewalk. Eyes milky and searching aimlessly, half their face bitten into that she can see the inside of their mouth. She shivers as she moves her rifle to the side and grabs her knife.
She’s noticed that the Z’s don’t see that well. They rely more on their other senses which normally isn’t a problem for her. But… she doesn’t like being out in the open like this. Usually she’d be in a building by now but most have broken down doors. Not safe enough. Maybe she should go find an office building.
She pauses and grumbles lowly “Okay maybe I am predictable.” Snorting as she thinks back to what Electricity was saying and the kid snaps their head towards the noise she made.
The kid runs limply at her, their blood encrusted nails reaching out to swipe at her as she steps back. Her back against the abandoned car as she waits for the kid to get closer. “I’m sorry,” she murmurs as she kicks her boot against the kids stomach. The dead kid falls down and she’s quick to get on top and stab her knife into the kids head. The kid shakes on the ground for maybe a second before stilling. Her eyes soften as she breathes out slowly. Kneeling down and closing the kids eyes, “I’m sorry you got turned kid… I hope you can rest easier now.” Wiping the blood of the kids from her knife on the kids pants.
Standing back up and dusting herself off as she looks to her side when suddenly she hears a massive BOOM!! The sound making some of the cars blare their emergency sound.
“Fatherfucker!” She yells as another explosion goes off. The sounds riling up every zombie in the area their snarls heard as they immediately start searching in a frenzy. “Fuck, fuck, fuck,” she curses as she runs towards a building. Artys Arts and Crafts is what she barely saw before she runs in. Ducking behind the shelves as she almost didn’t see the 4 zombies in the room. She stills fast as her eyes widen. Her hand slamming against her mouth as she tries to control her breathing.
They groan and shove against the wall to get to the noise. Mindlessly moving and twitching at every sound. Yells are heard outside and whoever is out there is just attracting more and more attention. She knows she can’t just stay here unless she clears the building. At least the noise will make it easier for her to work around getting to them one by one.
Moving to the one that’s closest she slams the sharp point of her knife to the skull. Pulling her arm back as the sound of the body falling alerts the other 3. Their heads twisting towards the sound. Their arms reaching out as she ducks under one’s arm. Swiping a leg causing that one to fall. Sheathing her knife and grabbing her bat that’s attached to the strap of her backpack. She knows she’ll need range considering the three are coming at her. She can’t risk a bullet or the noise that comes with a bullet.
Yanking her bat free and swinging it hard at the small one that runs to her. “Asshole!” Slamming the bat on head like she would a baseball. Kicking at it as zombie doesn’t go down with that hit. It snarls at her and she pulls back and swings— THUNK!! She has to run back as the other one tries to lunge at her. She curses as it almost grabs her ankle. It crawls on the ground and she stomps her boot on it’s face. She repeats that again as she tries to keep and eye on the fourth that’s staggering to her slamming her bat down on the zombie and once satisfied she pays attention to the last one.
“3 down.” She murmurs as the last one swipes at her. Their veiny hands grasping at her bat and she yells as it snaps it’s teeth towards her. She jerks her bat back making it lean forward and punches the zombie. It lets go of her bat and she slams her bat upwards with her right hand gripping the handle. Breaking the jaw of the zombie as she wails on it again and again once it stumbles to the ground. Swiping her bat to the side to force the black blood off. Walking back to the other three, slamming the blunt of the bat against their heads to make sure they’re dead before she starts checking the rooms.
“Corners and windows.” She murmurs as she checks. Thankfully it’s clear. With a heavy sigh she sits on the table in what looks like the breakroom. She already has the door shut and barricaded. “Those four must’ve been a group.” She notices as some moldy food and wrappers are thrown haphazardly on the floor. Water bottles, some snacks, and some unused toiletries, “Thank god,” she laughs as she sits in the corner. Grabbing her backpack and pulling out a granola bar. Another explosion goes off and she flinches. More noises outside and it might be a fight that’s going off.
“Rival gangs probably,” she’s seen her fair share of warring gangs. Territory claims and all that jazz. “I’ve never been caught in the crossfire of it.” She huffs out as she munches. She pulls her backpack to her. “It’s been longer than 3 days…” she swallows thickly as she knows she’ll get an earful from the guys. Taking time to count and she realizes that it’s been 5 days in total… sighing, “let’s hope they won’t be mad.
Unknown to her as someone watches her closely through the scope of their rifle. Watching as she sits completely unaware that she’s being watched. “Well, well, well,” A grin stretching back as they mark where she is on the map before taking off. “He’s gonna love this.”
“It’s been 5 days!” Soap yells as he hovers over the radio. He and Gaz have been more stressed the last two days. “She said 3. What if she’s hurt or worse?!” His hand slams on the wall of the room he that everyone is hunkering in.
“That’s not helpin, Johnny.” Ghost snaps as his arms are crossed over his chest. Everyone’s been on edge since their girl hasn’t been talking on the radio. It’s become increasingly harder to deal with Soap’s outbursts and Gaz’s quiet glares and clenched hands. “She’s probably trying to get somewhere safe.”
He paces back and forth muttering words in Gaelic and he glared when Ghost tells him to speak English. “And that’s the problem! We told’er to tell us when she needed help!” The Scott growls out in frustration. Eyeing Gaz as he keeps staring at the radio. His thick hands gripping it as he mutters something. “What was that?” Soaps eyes narrows.
“I said..” Gaz flickers to him hesitantly. Biting his lip before he lets out a shaky response. “I said… She might not be al-“
“Johnny there’s a very real possibility that she mi-“
“Kyle.” Price cuts through the tension when he sees the radio’s dot blinking. “Look,” He says and Kyle immediately looks at it. His heart pounding as it buzzes.
“..yone hear me? Static? Electricity? Hello?” She calls out through the line. She sounds nervous and scared. Ghost and Price share a glance as they catch the tone of her voice.
“Sunshine? Hey, hey, it’s me,” he speaks back urgently. “We thought… god, love, we thought you were hurt or worse!”
“I… I know, I’m sorry. Is Static okay?” She asks and god love her Soap stumbles to him and he answers quickly. His hand on Kyle’s back as he unconsciously moves his thumb up and down. He speaks, letting her know that he’s there as well. “I’m glad you're both okay. I got into a couple rough patches. There are too many packs roaming.” The men freeze and Soap speaks first.
“You okay? Swear we’ll come for you, Bonnie. Are you hurt?”
“No, no, I’m fine, Static. Promise.”
“What’s going on, Sunshine? It’s not like you to miss out on our daily talks even with packs roaming.” Gaz says softly, all the men huddle around him as they listen for her reply. She takes a bit to respond so he says again, “Sunshine?”
The static from the radio crinkles and finally she speaks, “Got caught in a bit of a crossfire between gangs. At least I think they’re gangs.” She says and then says quickly right after “Nothing to worry about though!”
“Gangs? Oh lass,” The Scott says worriedly, “Are you safe? I thought you said you didn’t do groups?” A tease in his voice.
“Pft, I’m a free-range roamer, Static” joking back, the radio gets loud again, “I’m hunkered down in an arts and crafts store. Killed a couple Z’s but I’m safe. Promise.” Her voice is murmured into the radio like she’s trying to be quiet. “I can hear them outside. There’s been at least 3 explosions.”
Explosions? When Ghost was out checking the perimeter, he noticed an explosion a couple miles out… could they be close to her? “You need to stay in cover, Sunshine. Don’t go out unless you have to.” Kyle says urgently. His thumb cracking and popping the air between the bones. A tale tall sign that he’s nervous. Relaxing just a bit when John places a hand on his shoulder. “Listen… we uh… we saw an explosion from where we are a couple minutes ago. Estimate about 20 minutes ago. Are we?” He bites his lip before he speaks, “Are we close to you?”
The static gets loud as she doesn’t speak for a minute. Price looks a Ghost, a worried twitch of his eyes as Ghost tilts his head slowly. “I… Maybe I don’t know?” Her voice sounds nervous again. “I can’t give a location you kno-“
“Sunny,” Kyle says, his voice warm and understanding. His hand gripping the radio as he wishes he could ease her fear. He and the team speculated on why she’s so intent on hiding her name and location. Probably has something to do with her first group.
“I’m not gonna ask for your location. You know I wouldn’t but if they are using explosives along with fighting… you might get hurt.” She could get hurt, she could die, she could get burned from the explosive. When Ghost was describing it to them earlier when he saw the explosion in the distance Soap looked worried. Soap knows his bombs, he’s a demolitions expert Goddamnit. “Please… darling, you gotta tell us if it gets too hard and you’re not safe.” He says softly, using that pleading voice that gets even Price to stumble sometimes.
“I… Well, I’m safe for now, I guess. There’s a couple building near me that has some insignias on it. Most likely to mark territories.”
“What do they look like?”
“One has what looks like a black bird and the other looks like cross.”
“Bird and cross” Ghost murmurs beside Soap. They tense when she’s about to speak but they hear a faint crash on the line. It doesn’t sound like a radio crashing but something akin to glass. “Bonnie! What’s goin on?!”
Voices outside causes her to freeze. The hairs on her back standing up as she listens in to what they are saying. She… she recognizes those voices. Her focused snapped back to her radio as the Scott is still speaking to her. “Bonnie!” Static yells into the radio. She curses as she zips up her backpack and putting the sling of her rifle over her shoulder. “I’m fine, Static!” She tries to say more but the sound of something slamming against wood is heard from outside the breakroom she’s barricaded in.
There’s a voice yelling outside and they’re calling out to her. Calling out a name. A name that he gave her. A name that isn’t her own but forced on her. “No, no, no,” stammering as the men on the radio are still trying to figure out what’s wrong.
“I-I think I’ve been found.” She says weakly. That voice outside making her skin crawl, memories flashing through her as her heart pounds. She put so much space between her and that group. How did they find her? She’s been so careful and cautious these last 4 months. She needs to move; she needs to leave and go. God, why can’t she move?
“Sunny, wait, darling please.” Electricity says, he sounds nervous, scared even and her heart clenches at the sound. “What does that mean? Who found you?”
“Handmaidens Tale.” The men all tense when she says the name. She has only ever mentioned them briefly, Soap tried to get her to speak a bit more on it the second week in, but she shut it down fast. She’s more scared, more scared than shes ever sounded. Gaz and Soap look to Price as they don’t know what to do.
The man sighs and takes the radio. “Can you get somewhere safe? Do you have a weapon?” Price says, he was planning to speak to her when the time was right but now? Now he doesn’t have a choice. “Breath, love.”
A pregnant pause that has them all on edge, fearing the worst until she speaks. “Y-You're with Static and Electricity, right? The uh Captain?” She has overheard him before, faintly but she recognized him since Soap has said it before that the voice is owned by their Captain.
“Yes, love. Listen to me.” Experience in his voice, “Estimate up to 6 people, assume guns and weapons on hand with them. They’re most likely surveying the perimeter. You can hide or you can fight.” His eyebrows crease as he speaks.
He doesn’t like this. Doesn’t like the clench in his chest when he tries to imagine her, scared and fearful. He knows all too well what fear can do to a soldier, but she isn’t a soldier. A regular civilian and that makes this situation ten times worst. At least with soldiers they are trained to compartmentalize. To work through the adrenaline and fear. She doesn’t know how to.
“Okay, okay, I-I might be ab-” She gasps when they hear something breaking. Something loud enough that the radio catches it for all the men to hear.
“No, no, no, please,” The window in the room she’s barricaded in is shattered as her scream alerted the people that’s looking for her. The brick thrown in has a note attached that says in scrawled-out words. Found You, My Eve.
She can hear them just outside. “T-They found me. He found me. They broke the window.” She says to the radio as she clambers to get the barricade away from the door. Maybe she can run and get away? “Oh god, oh god, I-I can’t go back. I don’t want to go back.” Her blood runs cold as she tries to breathe deeply. The radio shaking as she talks to the Captain. “I-I don’t know what to do.”
The weapons she has are momentarily forgotten as she gets the barricades off and runs down the hall. Her backpack on as her bat swings back and forth almost like it’s trying to remind her that she has it. Her fathers rifle slung to her side from the strap on her shoulder as her hand grips her radio. She can hear the Captain speaking again. Trying to calm her down to get her to think but she’s in a blind panic. The fear of what she went through and what she’ll go through if that group takes her. She hears the shoutings. “Found her! She’s on the run!” And “Don’t let her escape! Grab her!”
Panting as she runs down the street. Weaving between cars and narrowly passing the dead as her heart pounds and slams against her chest. Running into a bank as she goes behind the couches there. Not even bothering to look for any deads that could be in there as she strains to hear for the voices outside. His voice.
The Captain on the radio still speaking. “We need a description, sweetheart. Can you give us a description? Look around you. Try to think. Don’t be scared, being scared is going to cause you to make mistakes.” Too late, far too late for that.
“Look…” the man pauses, “you’re going to get caught,” she whimpers and hits her head against the couch. Her knees tensing at the statement because as much as she wants to deny it, but she knows it’s going to happen. “I need you to focus and I need you to describe them to me. I need you to describe where you are? Can you do that for me?”
“Y-Yes, I.. I can,” She whispers as she speaks between breathes. Her eyes shut tight when the front door to the bank jingles open from the bell. Alerting her to the very real situation that is going to happen. So many memories flooding her brain as her boot taps nervously on the floor.
“I-I ran into a bank near Humble. There are birds and crosses spray painted on buildings and I-“ she bites her lip when she can hear the desks being tossed. She should’ve tried to hide somewhere else. Why didn’t she think to hide in one of the rooms? Why is it so hard for her to think straight? “I’m scared. I’m sorry, I’m sorry I never got to see you.”
“Don’t say that. You’re going to see us. I swear you will.”
She’s about to respond, her mouth parted when she hears a cruel laugh from where she’s hiding. Her hands shake as she finally grabs her knife. She knows that laugh, she hates it. Hates the man that laughs like that. Her hand grips her radio as she readies herself to try and work through the fear and describe the man to the Captain. The couch is forced aside as she screams and lurches forward.
Scrambling to get up as she clutches her knife and radio. “B-Brown hair, white skin, eye patch on left eye, green eye, tall,” she words off the man’s description as the man grins and licks his lips like a wolf would a cornered rabbit. “His name is Issac.” She breathes out shakily as she takes one last glance and speaks. “Don’t let him keep me again. Come find me.”
Holding her radio in hand as she backs up. She knows she’s cornered from the way the man is so calm. Someone breaking the glass window with the note was most likely to flush her out. Most likely to cause her to panic. She curses under her breath as she has to assume that there’s others around the building. A tilt of his head as he shows his teeth in his smile. “There you are, my Eve. I’ve missed you. Had me so, so worried.” He takes a step forward as she backs away. “Who were you talking to?” His voice colder as his eyes lock on the radio she has on hand.
The Captain talking urgently on the radio that she can’t even hear since she’s focusing on the man in front of her. He extends his hand, “You won’t be needing that anywhere. Give it.” Flight or fight kicks in as she bolts down the hall of the bank. The man follows after her with a yell. Rounding a corner as a hand grips the back of her shirt as she screams.
Swiping her knife at him as she turns and aims for his arm. He curses loudly, “You little!” His arm bleeding as he slams his hand against her head. Her head hitting the wall causing the wall to crack on impact. Head-shaped crater in the wall as she feels dizzy. Distorted as she stumbles back and crumbles to the floor.
The sound of the man on the radio still trying to talk, promising to find her, is just out of reach from when she fell. Issac walks to her, nearly infront of her as he’s speaking and saying something. Her ears still buzzing as she blinks. Her breath catching as she looks up at him. Scooting back as her blood is pumping fast, her pulse nearly jumping out her skin.
She looks to her radio, then towards her knife that fell out of her grip when she was slammed against the wall. She makes a split-second decision and lunges for her knife. He laughs at her feeble attempt. His boot slamming on her hand as she tries to grab her knife and she cries out.
He makes a disappointed tut, “A good husband never hurts his wife but…” he stares down at her as she tries to shove his boot off and he only presses more on her hand making her whimper. “A good husband also shows his wife her wrongs and how to be a good help meet again.” He lifts his boot and slams it on her face.
Turning on her side with a groan. Her hand covering her now bruising face as tears spill down her face. Coughing and hiccuping as she tries to think past the pain. The pain in her face throbbing as her nose bleeds. “N-No,” she begs as the man bends as he grabs the radio. The Captain getting louder and angrier as he tries to speak to her. Cruelly only able to listen and do nothing but hear what happened. A listening witness to the assault.
“And who has been keeping my wife company?” Issac speaks coldly, a possessiveness in his tone as he stares at the woman that looks up fearfully. A bruise already growing on her face.
“Captain John Price. Where is she? If you hur-“
“That’s none of your concern. She’s mine and she’ll stay mine, Captain.” He mocks. He looks down at her and then at the radio.
“You’ll never find her.” He laughs and throws the radio away. She yells “No!” as she watches as her radio thumps hard against the wall and breaks when it hits the floor. He goes to grab her but she kicks and tries to get up. Grabbing at her collar as her hands push and scratch against his face. Her fingers digging into his eye patch as he growls in pain. Finally having enough of her antics as he balls his fist and punches her hard at the side of her head.
Going limp at the impact, her hands falling to the side of her head. A tear rolling down her face as she tries to hear what he’s saying before blacking out. Dragging her body a lil before he finally picks her up. Whistling to his men and tossing her in a car.
Her arms and legs bound tightly with rope when she finally came to. Screaming and yelling as she tried to get out of the car and away. The rope digging into her skin almost as painfully as the throb from her face. Trying to bite until someone hits her in the back of the head with the butt of his gun. “Finally,” one of Issac’s men says as she’s now easier to handle with her being knocked out again.
“Fuck!” Price slams his fist against the wall. All of his boys are ready, Ghost already jumped up and started packing their car as soon as that Issac spoke to them. Gaz and Soap are standing up as Price looks at them. Both of them have murder on their mind and an itch to have blood spilled. For once Soap is quiet and Gaz looks volatile.
“Weapons free from this point on. Find any that are involved and get information out of them.” Price’s voice is rough, “Whatever means necessary.” Staring down at the radio, their only lifeline to their girl and now they won’t even be able to reach her. His hands fisted as he sees that it’s bloody from when he punched the wall. What he would give to have punched this Issac fellow. His chest heaving with anger as he steels himself. His men already moving with urgency to head out. Gaz grabbing the map so they can find Humble. And hopefully… find her.
“Let’s go get our girl.”
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luffyrose · 1 year
Ghost in a Birdcage - DC x DP AU
I got a name for the Au! I am referencing the song Rule #4 Fish in a Birdcage as the title. I thought the song actually fit this whole au pretty well so yeah :D
Anyway, I told y'all I was working on stuff and part of it was this (plus the memes, which I'll share later) as well as thinking of a design for my Danny in this AU. I have a few ideas, but I'll probably work on the story itself before actually solidifying it.
Here's a little bit of sadness and softness from the past in this AU. Idk if this will be put into the main story, but it's just a general short story that is canon for this au.
GiaB AU Taglist: @markus209 @olivethetreebitch @chrysanthemum9484 @blackroserelina @avelnfear @edgyboi10000 @lokiaddams @samgirl98 @phoenixdemonqueen @iceknight-of-sun @autumnwulf @chronicallyonline-fandomwh0r3 @thegatorsgoose @nikki-pondtheauthor @jaxinkh @paper-bag-boy @dxrksong @lesling123 @learning-to-fly-on-my-own @gmkelz11
(As a lil side note the tag list is gonna be on any writing I do for this au, if I make other posts about it I'll leave it to the tag for people to find. Not including a link to the Ao3 when I do make the fic or one-shot series itself, taglist will be there too :D)
Small sniffles filled the room. Jason's gaze shifted toward his little brother, a frown overtaking the anger that'd been apparent on his own face. Danny, his precious little brother, was laying on the mattress on the ground beside him. Turning and scooting closer, Jason's hand lightly landed atop slightly wet and messy curls.
"Danny, are you feeling better?"
He could see the younger open his mouth to speak, only to be interrupted by coughs. Along with the coughs, a loud clattering noise came from the door that had been locked from the outside. Gritting his teeth, the instant yelling from outside telling them to shut up making him look toward the door. Really, almost three years, and Catherine still couldn't accept that a toddler was going to be loud. Danny wasn't even loud on purpose! Huffing in silent rage, Jason's eyes fell back on his little brother.
Danny was staring up at Jay, his eyes wide in slight fear at the yelling, but he knew his brother would protect them. He was very small, almost 4 now according to Jason! But he was also very smart. His brother told him that a lot, especially when he hid away when the yelling or fights started. Danny liked to be smart. He didn't like seeing the other with new injuries though, but Jason let him put bandaids on them, and then he would take them out to the library.
The library was nice.
Catherine, that's what Jason always called the angry lady, didn't like to go in there. She didn't like to go anywhere with them, but Jason liked to take him places so it was okay. They didn't go places when sick though...so why was Jason getting some of his stuff?
"We're gonna go to the library buddy."
Seeing the smile that crossed the kid's face, the tension in his shoulder's loosened, but with the loud rattling of the door and cursing, they were right back to how they were before. Getting up quickly, he shoved what he could into a little bag and helped Danny up, the small boy coughing again.
Jason didn't let Danny hear the rest of it, carefully getting them both out onto the fire escape. He knew Catherine had been...less than ideal. His father was worse. But now with Willis gone, she didn't hold back. Half the time she wasn't home, the other half the time Jason was keeping her away from Danny. Sometimes he wished she just wouldn't come home, or that Danny wouldn't be in danger because she did.
So he made a plan. He was gonna get Danny a better home. A safe one. Except, when he'd gotten sick and wasn't getting better with the cold medicine he stole, Jason's plans didn't matter so much anymore. Danny needed somewhere to get better, but he needed a way to do that first. He'd found a way...though he didn't like it.
Carrying the younger on his back, the backpack slung over his front while a star blanket Jason had actually bought for once was draped over them both. Danny was watching the people they passed by, a small but nervous smile on his face before he inevitably hid his head in the crook of Jason's neck. "Jay Jay..." The elder hummed, feeling the smaller hands tighten for a moment after. "Is Cat-rin gonna be mad at you again?"
Slowing for only a second, Jason scanned the area before looking at his brother. Danny was too smart for his age, and Jason knew it was because of their stupid 'parents'. "She's not gonna have the time to be mad at me..." He trailed off, the lump in his throat stopping him from saying anything else until they were already in front of the Library. Slipping through the door when a young adult couple was leaving, too distracted in their conversation to notice the two poor kids, they made their way to a small dusty nook.
The nook itself was filled with old books that most no one wanted to read, and the librarian who'd seen them reading there tended to leave them be. Setting Danny down, Jason held up a finger, turning to go get some better books from elsewhere. A small sneeze made him chuckle, knowing his little brother hated how dusty it was when they hadn't been back for a while. Slipping through the isles he got himself some bigger books, and a few picture books for Danny. He knew the kid would read one or two before asking for Jason to read him his books, so he'd started picking light-hearted stories or classics whenever the two came.
Making his way back and sitting down, Jason passed the smaller storybook about stars to his brother, watching Danny's expression almost glow at seeing it. At first, Jason let himself be absorbed in his own book, the only thing other than it he paid attention to being the gentle pressure that was Danny leaning against him. It was after a little while that Jason realized Danny hadn't started to bug him like usual. Looking over from his own book, he saw Danny staring at one of the pictures of a constellation.
"Do you wanna learn more about the stars?"
He'd jumped, but Danny had nodded after a moment. Something was bugging him, Jason could tell, but he wasn't about to push it. Instead, he smiled and grabbed one of the nearby books. It was a much older book, more of a journal really, but it held a bunch of sketches of the constellations. So the two sat there, whispering to one another in the privacy of the little nook. Jason was glad he knew some astrology, and Danny was so genuinely amazed, that he could ignore the lingering pain from old injuries that hadn't had time to heal.
Feeling a small tug, Jason looked toward Danny, frowning slightly when he saw small tears. "Jay Jay...are you gonna go somewhere?" He could feel the pit in his stomach knot even more at that, staring for a moment before a wobbly smile tried to cover his face.
A sniffle caused the smile to fall. "Danny, hey, buddy, I'm not going anywhere...I- I'm gonna find somewhere better for you though. Somewhere where you'll get to feel better and not be afraid." Looking down as Danny's small tears covered his face, he gently used his sleeve to wipe them away, knowing he would never have the heart to lie to him. "That's not gonna happen yet though...and when you have a nice home, I'll make sure to visit. We can read and look at constellations too."
"Yeah, I'll do everything I can to try and keep that promise, alright?"
"Promises are hard to keep..."
Jason felt a sigh escape his lips, putting the book fully to the side and pulling Danny in for a hug. "They are...but just because they are doesn't mean that I won't try my best." Holding onto the younger, he felt the tears soak through the shirt on his chest, ignoring it. After Danny had stopped crying, he moved the boy back, hands on his shoulders. "If I can't keep my promise, you can get back at me." The small gasp from that made him laugh.
He seemed almost offended that Jason had said such a thing. "I don't wanna!" Jason tried not to laugh more, ruffling the younger's hair. "If you don't" —he was clearly thinking deeply about a suitable punishment— "then you have to help me." A proud smile formed on his face. With a slight smirk, Jason pulled the other back onto laying on his chest.
"Help ya with what?"
"With family."
It was quiet for a moment, Jason's fingers twitching for a moment before he started messing with Danny's hair. "How so little mans?" Danny seemed even more confused, pursing his lips as he kicked his feet some. Watching him with a small smile, Jason couldn't help but think this was the reason he'd survived so long. Danny was the one good thing in his life that had no strings attached. He was fine with that...but he needed Danny to be alright, even if it meant not being right there.
"You gotta help us have a BIIIIGGGG family. With more sib-a-lings!"
There was a snort from the older, ruffling Danny's hair. "You said it wrong you little dingus." Danny's own laughter erupted from him after a moment, swatting Jason's hand away. "But sure. If I break my promise, then I'll help you get a big and nice family." The toddler seemed to absolutely beam at that. "However! I still get to be the best brother-" Danny giggled at that, "and if anything is ever wrong you come to me, no matter what. Alright?"
With a happy nod, Danny's hair was once again ruffled up by Jason, the laughter filling up the small area they were in. Even when a few older ladies glanced over, not a word was spoken to the two. And when the librarian found both boys sleeping...well, if she gently readjusted the blanket they'd brought and let them sleep it was between her and the other librarians.
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hard-boiled-criminal · 5 months
A Witch Adrift
Chapter 2 - You're not a Wizard, Harry
< Ch 1 | Ch 3 >
Ao3 Mirror
“Consider it tough love. Now, just what is going on here?” A rather unique voice spoke over the cat’s complaints, but they were out of your line of sight. “And just what are you doing up there? I’ve been looking all over the place for you, and I find you playing games with your familiar, and a poorly trained one at that!”
“...What?” You mutter, at a loss for words. ‘First of all,’ you think, ‘shouldn’t your first reaction be of worry since there’s a person hanging onto a banister for dear life, and maybe, oh, I don’t know, offer to help?!’
“Hah! As if I’d serve some lowly human!” The cat yelled, accompanied by the sounds of it struggling. “Now, lemme go!”
“Yes, yes. Rebellious familiars always say that. Do be quiet for a bit, won't you?” The other voice speaks once more, as the cat goes quiet, only muffled yells of protest to be heard from it. “Dear me. Of all the students I've dealt with, you're the first with temerity enough to open their own gate and step out of it; Does the very notion of patience elude you?”
‘Is he talking about me? What does he mean by student?’
“No matter. Your orientation has already begun. Hurry up and get down so we may return to the Mirror Chamber,” He says, sighing with a hint of annoyance.
“Uh, I would if I could, man. I’m stuck,” You say matter-of-factly. You weren’t about to risk the three-meter drop, not with all the floating books and evil cords that could potentially mess up your landing and, worse case scenario, get you killed.
“If you were going to get stuck, why would you bother to get up there in the first place?” The man asks, seemingly dumbfounded at the prospect of how stupid he thought you were. You opened your mouth to answer but were cut off by him speaking again. “Very well, I shall help you, for I am gracious.”
The sudden feeling of weightlessness startles you and an invisible force starts to pull you away from the mezzanine. You squeak from surprise and tighten your grasp out of instinct.
“Goodness, I can’t get you down if you don’t let go. Now, come on, I won’t drop you.”
You take a moment to weigh the pros and cons of trusting him; It was either trust him to get you down safely or wait until your grip fails you and fall. You squeeze your eyes shut and let go, anticipating your plummet, but no such thing happens. Opening your eyes, you watch in awe as you slowly float to the ground. An “Ahem” from behind you breaks you out of your stupor, and you realize you’ve been staring bug-eyed at the floor where you had just landed for a good few seconds, much longer than what was seemingly acceptable to the magic man you still have not seen. You turn around to see a man in a rather flamboyant raven-themed ensemble, complete with a bird-like mask that covers the upper half of his face, leaving only two unsettling, glowing yellow orbs, presumably his eyes, to stand out against the black mask.
‘Is he wearing reflective contacts? Are those even a thing?’
“Now then, we must not waste any more time; Let us be off,” with a swish of his feathered overcoat, he spins around, heading towards the door of the library, the still-struggling cat wrapped in a… whip? What? Does this count as animal cruelty?
Seemingly not bothered by the cat, the man opened the door and looked back at you, waiting for you to join him. With a small stumble you hope he didn’t notice, you quickly catch up with him and leave the library, hearing the door shut behind the two of you with a small thud and click. He leads you back the way you came through, towards the courtyard, but not through it.
“Um, excuse me, Mr…?”
“I am Dire Crowley, the Headmage of the esteemed Night Raven College,” he says, and you think you see him puff out his chest a bit in pride.
“Night Raven…?” You mutter but decide you can ask about that later. “Um, Mr. Crowley, sir, could you give me a moment to grab my shoes from the courtyard?”
“Your shoes from the– why are your shoes in the courtyard?” He looks at you, quite bewildered, if his tone of voice is to be believed. It’s much harder to get a grasp on his emotions when his only telling feature is his mouth.
“...Self defense?” 
“...I see… I suppose we’ll cut through the courtyard then. We can not afford to be late any more than we already are, so we’ll talk about whatever happened with you and your familiar after the orientation.” He turned on his foot and walked into the courtyard, his pace quickening by a margin.
“But I don’t have…a familiar…” You try to speak up, but he has already walked out of earshot of your quiet voice. You sigh and follow behind him. “If I may ask,” you say as you catch up to him, “where exactly are we?” He looks at you, stunned for a moment as you pick up your first shoe near the middle of the courtyard. “Why are you looking at me like that?” You meekly ask, starting to worry that you may have said something wrong.
“Do you…hmm. It seems the timespace teleportation must have addled your memories…” He brings his hand up to his chin, seemingly thinking about something. “Well, these things happen, I suppose.I shall explain it to you while we walk. Truly, my magnanimity is boundless.”
“Wha– tumespace what?”
He clears his throat, ignoring you (he seems to like doing that), and speaks in a practiced tone, “This is Night Raven College, of which I am the Headmage of, having been entrusted with its care by the chairman.” You two walk in the direction where you had initially run from, and you grab your other shoe as you near the edge of the courtyard. “It is an institution for students the world over who demonstrate a rare aptitude for magic. It is the most prestigious academy of its sort in all of Twisted Wonderland.” 
He pauses when you reach the outer hallway where the cat had chased you, black scorch marks decorating the floor. Having come to a stop, you look up at him in confusion. He silently gestures to your shoes, still held in your hands. With a small “Ah,” of realization, you clumsily put your shoes back on in a haste. 
“Magic, huh?” You say quietly. “Guess that’s how you got me down.”
“Well, of course! What else could it have been?” Ah. It seems he thinks you’re kind of if not completely stupid… Or maybe he thinks you’re a child? It seems magic is common sense to him, which would explain why he’s acting like you’re dumb. You know nothing about this magic he uses.
You shrug and make a noncommittal sound to say you didn’t know. “Psychic powers?” You offer, but he says nothing… It seems he thinks your legitimate question was a joke– one in very poor taste at that. Well, that’s what you infer when his frown deepens slightly. “But …why am I here?”
His expression didn’t change. Instead, as soon as you stood up, he continued to walk and began to speak again, “Only those who the Dark Mirror perceives as having a talent for magic are admitted to the college. Those who are selected are summoned to the campus through those "gates," which can appear anywhere. A black carriage bearing one such gate should have come to meet you.”
‘Does this birdman Crowley have a problem with me? Is he toying with me? It feels like he’s treating me like a child, what with his suspiciously selective hearing and stupid comments. Well, if I wanna know what’s going on, I guess I’ll have to put up with it.’ You rush to catch up with him and match his longer strides. “So, what do you mean by “gate?” I don’t remember seeing anything like a gate…” You trail off. ‘Wait, could he be referring to the pentacle I drew on the floor? Is he saying I opened a gate to hell and I got dragged in instead of me summoning someone out? Oooooh, no. Oh, shit. I think we done fucked up, (y/n).’
“You woke up inside of a coffin-shaped gate, did you not?”
“Wait, you mean I was summoned through a coffin?!”
“A coffin-shaped gate, to be precise, but yes.”
‘So, it wasn’t my summoning circle? Well, there goes that idea.’
The two of you, three if you count the bound cat, reached a set of ornate doors. The same doors to the room you woke up in. The doors to the room which could have been your final resting place, had you not escaped.
“Now, let us attend to your orientation.” With that, Crowley grabbed both door handles and started to pull them open.
“...had a tummy ache?” You just barely heard a bright voice saying something when Crowley suddenly swung the doors open all the way in a split second.
“I most certainly did not!”
‘...He totally used magic to swing those heavy doors open so quickly. If he was trying to make a grand entrance, he’s not doing a good job; it feels more like a dramatic entrance in a school play.’
“Ah, speak of the devil,” a clear, young voice spoke this time.
“If you must know, I was searching for the new student who'd failed to show up for orientation,” Crowley then stepped aside and ushered you forward in front of him. Now that he was no longer blocking your view, you could see the state of the once burning room. 
So many people. Too many people. You could feel the eyes of dozens, perhaps even hundreds, of eyes all turn to focus on you. Your chest tightens. You can hear your heartbeat in your ears, its rhythm steadily accelerating. Just when your panic had finally begun to dissipate, your anxiety caused it to rear its ugly head once again.
“You are the only one who has yet to be assigned a dorm,” Crowley spoke to you, now, much quieter compared to his grand entrance. “Step up to the Dark Mirror, and be quick about it. I'll watch your tanuki.*”
You don’t want to. There’s too many people, their stares kindling your anxiety. It’s getting harder to breathe. You don’t want to step forward. You know the longer you stall, the more intense their stares will get, wondering what’s wrong with you, why you can’t just take a step forward. It feels like their stares are becoming glares, burning into your skin, hotter than the blue flames you ran through not even an hour earlier. 
What felt like forever was only a few seconds of pause, enough time for Crowley to notice you weren’t stepping forward. He gently placed a palm on your back and gave you a nudge forward. Maybe it was because you weren’t expecting it, but it made you stumble forward a few steps. 
You have no choice but to walk forward.
Stiffly, you walk, eyes trained on the floor. There’s too many eyes. You can’t look at them. So you focus on your feet. You take slow, deliberate steps. You’ve stumbled enough today; tripping over nothing in front of so many people might just make you cry. You take a quick glance up to see how much farther it is to the mirror. You���re halfway. It’s silent. At least, you think it’s silent. The roaring of your blood pumping through your ears makes it hard to hear anything else. The sound of your anxiety has never been a comfort before, but there’s a first for everything. Maybe you should be grateful you can’t hear any of their deprecating whispers about you. You no doubt look a mess with what you’ve been through today. 
You can feel yourself shaking by the time you arrive at the mirror. You clench your hands into the fabric of your robe–you still don’t know who changed your clothes and why– to try to steady yourself. The mirror is dark, save for the swirls of green smoke reflected on its surface. But you’re not there. There’s no smoke in the room and you don’t see yourself in the mirror. This mirror isn’t a mirror. Or you’ve turned into a vampire, but you’ve felt no semblance of sanguine hunger. In the mirror, a white mask fades in from the dark until it becomes completely opaque. It is a full-face mask with defined features, and seems to be wearing a lacy, black masquerade mask.
Its lips move. “State your name.”
A booming voice fills the silent room. Perhaps it is a being of great power. Or perhaps your anxiety attack is causing its voice to sound so commanding and feel so heavy. The silence that lingers after it had spoken almost feels even louder. It’s waiting for you.
“(Y-Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n),” you stutter out your name.
“The nature of your soul is…” it pauses for dramatic effect. After a few seconds, you realize it did not pause for dramatic effect. Something is wrong. Its face scrunches in a way that reminds you of when you smell something familiar but can’t recall just what it is. A moment too long later, it speaks. “It is…unclear to me.”
“What did you just say?” Crowley sounds astounded in a way that, for once, is from pure shock. Like victorian-lady-in-a-book-about-to-faint shock.
“I sense no magical power from this one.” The mirror continues to speak. If it is bothered by Crowley’s outburst, it doesn’t show it. “Soundless. Colorless. Shapeless. Utterly vacant. Therefore, no dorm would be appropriate.”
‘Rude. I can do magick. Maybe not your psychic-type or fire-type magic, but still.’
The stares that were focused on you intensify and cause you to stiffen. The pairs of eyes from all the bored onlookers who initially weren’t paying attention to you now lock on to your frozen form. If everyone’s eyes weren’t on you before, they definitely were now. Their hushed murmurs grow in number across the room, so much so they morph into wordless noises. And you know they’re all talking about you.
“Are you suggesting that the black carriage went to receive a person who cannot even use magic?” Crowley asks, still unable to believe the situation at hand. “But that is absurd! The student selection process has not erred once in its century of existence! How could this have happened?”
“Mmmph! Nnnrgggh,” The cat manages to struggle out of its bindings and gasps for a breath of air. “ME! Let ME have this student's seat!”
“Not so fast, you hyperactive tanuki!” Crowley reaches out in an attempt to recapture the cat, but misses.
“Unlike that human, I can actually use magic! So let me be a student here! Look, I'll show you! My spells're the cat's meow!” The cat rears back and a small blue sphere starts to form in its mouth.
“Everyone, get down!” A redhead boy shouts, his voice you recognize being the one with the clear voice you heard after you and Crowley entered the mirror chamber.
“Myaaahhh!” The cat lets out an uncontrolled stream of blue flames from its mouth, lighting the room on fire, much like how it was before you escaped.
“AHHHHH! HELP! I'm on fire over here!” Another voice you vaguely recall came from a tan, white-haired boy, who didn’t seem to know about ‘stop drop and roll.’
“Someone, catch that blasted animal before it sets the entire school ablaze!” Crowley commands. Seems like he’s not planning to help with this.
‘You know what. Fuck this. I’ve had enough of dealing with this cat.’ You ungracefully sit yourself on the ground next to the fountain below the floating mirror. ‘If its flames reach me, I can just douse off with this… dubious green liquid… I hope it doesn’t come to that.’
Now that you’ve finally taken a moment to rest and the people’s attention is no longer on you, the pain from injuries you forgot about and didn’t even know you had flares up. You can’t tell if the vague nausea is from the massive bruise no doubt forming across your stomach or your anxiety attack. Your legs and feet sting, the pain ebbing and flowing sporadically. Your shoulders are sore, one more than the other, but thankfully not dislocated.
A few of the people wearing matching robes, but with their hoods down, start to argue among themselves, a floating tablet included in their argument. Now that you’ve taken a moment, everyone in the room, save for the cat and Crowley, are wearing the same exact clothes. Including you.
‘...Is this some kind of cult initiation? But he said this was a college and these were students, so… a cult-based school orientation?’
You watch as the redhead and a different white-haired boy with glasses(his hair had a slight purple tint compared to the other white-haired boy) chase the cat, who is still spewing flames, around the room, in an attempt to catch it. It’s kind of comical though. So you lean back on your hands–you cringe a bit, your skin a bit raw from holding onto and slipping down the banister–and watch the spell-slinging chase scene happening across the room. It isn’t until after the cat manages to set fire to many more things, and probably some people too, when the redhead loses his temper.
“Off with your Head!” The redhead waves a fairly short wand and a heart-shaped collar materializes out of thin air and locks itself around the cat’s neck.
“MYAH?!” The Cat shouts in surprise as the weight of the metal collar forces its head down. A dull clank resounds as the point of the collar hits the hard floor. “What are you doing?!”
The redhead speaks to the cat, but he’s facing away from you and too far away for you to hear what. The cat, on the other hand, has no trouble yelling at a volume that easily carries its words across the room. “I ain't a cat or a tanuki! Don't try to collar me! I'll burn it right off! …Huh? Wh-what gives? My fire ain't workin'!” A response from Red, as you’ve decided to call him, seems to anger the cat more. “M-meoWHAT?! I ain't nobody's pet-NOTHING!” Red speaks again, saying something that seems to cause the glasses guy to laugh, but it sounds a bit fake. You would know a customer service tone anywhere as a fellow sufferer.
Movement from your peripheral catches your attention, and you watch as Crowley marches up to you. “(Y/n)-san**” His clear anger makes you flinch. “Was I not clear that you are expected to take responsibility for your familiar? You must discipline your familiar properly!”
“But…that’s not my familiar,” you explain to him. Seems he really didn’t hear you earlier. “I don’t even have a familiar in the first place.”
“It’s not? Oh…Um,” Crowley clears his throat, a bit flustered having been mistaken. “Then I shall have it expelled from campus. I shall even spare it from being served as dinner. My, but I am kind. ...Someone take this away, please.” Crowley dismissively waves his hand in a ‘shoo’ motion. One of the hooded figures grabs the cat and heads to the doors.
“Nooooo! Let me gooooo!” The cat screams in protest, desperately trying to wiggle out of their hold, but to no avail. “You fools better remember my name!” It yells out one last time as the person opens and steps through the doors. “Cause I'm gonna go down in the annals of magic history! Just you wait!” The heavy door shuts with a thud, and you can now only hear muffled shouts from the other side.
‘This might be considered animal cruelty, but it was intelligent and should therefore be held accountable for its crimes. Fuck you.’ You might be biased though, considering it did light you on fire and attempt to kill you.
It’s much quieter in the room now, the source of the chaos having been removed. The flames have died out, maybe because of whatever the cat said about not being able to use magic? Without the cat–or tanuki? –around, you could hear what the others in the room were saying without them yelling.
“Well, that was quite the unexpected fracas. I hereby declare that orientation has concluded. Housewardens, please escort your students back to the dorms,” Crowlet announces with a clap. “...Hm? Come to think of it, I don't see Housewarden Draconia of House Diasomnia anywhere.”
“And that surprises you? Dude's a total recluse,” a guy with lion ears says with a bored tone.
“Wait a sec... Did anyone even invite him?” The tan boy who was screaming earlier asked.
“If you're that worried about him missing out, maybe you should have told him yourself,” a guy with very nice hair said.
“Maybe, but I don't know him too well either…” The tan boy replied, a bit sheepish.
A few boys near you mumbled to each other. “Draconia... Like, Malleus Draconia? THAT Draconia?”
“So it's true? He really does go to school here?”
‘...I don’t know what’s going on anymore; I still don’t really know where I am. And Draconia? What kind of chuuni*** name is that?”
“Ah. Just as I'd expected,” a rather short boy spoke this time, his voice not matching his cute appearance(and very short height) at all. “I figured I'd come down and see for myself whether Malleus had made an appearance. “But once again, he was evidently not informed that his presence was required at an official ceremony.”
“You have my sincerest apologies,” The boy with glasses spoke this time. “I assure you, this oversight was in no way intended as a snub.”
‘Is this, like, some Victorian era political bullshit? Where they subtly insult each other disguised with polite words?’
“I mean, you must admit, he's not exactly the easiest person to strike up a conversation with,” Red said.
‘...Red, my mans, you gotta read the room. You can’t just–ignore the obvious over-politeness. You gotta roll with it.’
“No matter. All who were assigned to House Diasomnia, follow me. I just hope he doesn't sulk about this,” the deep-voiced boy said, muttering the last sentence.
You watch as the colorful characters–plus a floating tablet–who stole the spotlight for most of the event left the room, the mass of hooded figures following after them until it was only you and Crowley left.
“Well, (y/n)-san. This is a most unfortunate turn of events. I'm afraid that you will not be attending Night Raven College after all. Surely you realize that I cannot very well admit a student with no magical ability to my academy.”
‘Don’t worry man, I didn’t wanna join your cult in the first place. I need to get back home in case that demon is waiting for me.’
“But worry not. The Dark Mirror will see you safely home,” Crowley held out a hand for you to grab, helping you to your feet–the first polite thing he’s done for you today. Wow, who’d’ve thought. Local bird-man is actually capable of kindness without bragging about it. Or is it considered him making vaguely-veiled threats, because if it were anyone else saying his ‘for I am kind’ lines, it would definitely sound like a threat. “Now, step into the gate, and visualize the place from whence you came.”
You watched Crowley use the same magic he had used on you earlier to bring forth one of the coffins. Hesitant, you slowly stepped inside and closed your eyes, visualizing your comfy bed, its covers just waiting for you to cocoon yourself with them.
“O Dark Mirror! Return this soul to where it belongs!”
A moment passes. Nothing. You’re getting some serious deja vu vibes.
Crowley clears his throat. “L-let us, er...try this again. O Dark Mirror! Return this soul—”
“There is no such place,” the mirror interrupts him.
“There is no place in this world where this soul belongs. None.”
‘Um, what the fuck?’
“How can that be? My, but today is a veritable cavalcade of impossible phenomena!”
‘Dude, why are you using fancy talk? Hell, how are you calm enough to use fancy vocabulary? Now’s not the time for this!’
The mirror didn’t answer him.
“This has never happened throughout my long tenure. I must confess that I am at something of a loss,” Crowley turned to face you, who was still inside a coffin. “Tell me: From what land do you hail?”
‘I’ve never heard of Twisted Wonderland before, so let’s start broad,’ you decide. “Earth.”
Fully expecting him to give you a ‘well, no shit,’ look, you grew unsettled when he didn’t lose his serious demeanor.
“...You mean to say you came from the ground?”
“What? No, I mean Earth, you know, the name, not the dirt?” ‘The one I hope to dear god is the one I am on now.
“I'm afraid I am not familiar with such a place.”
Crowley gave you a silent look as if to admonish you for your language, but seemed to let it pass considering the current situation. “I am intimately acquainted with the origins of every student who has ever come here, and yet... This mysterious homeland of yours eludes me. Let us go to the library and look it up, shall we?”
You’re in deeper shit than you thought.
“Just as I'd suspected. Nothing.”
The two of you now found yourselves back in the library where you’d first met. Whether these or the previous circumstances were more favorable was still up for debate.
“Not only is your homeland not listed on any map from any point in history.
Now, are you QUITE sure that you come from such a place? That wasn't some sort of lie, or jape? Because if so, the only explanation is that you've come from another planet far, far away. Or perhaps you were summoned here from another dimension?”
“I’m sure,” you respond plainly, if not a little shaken. “And it’s definitely at least a different planet.”
“Oh, what makes you so sure?”
“Earth is the name of my planet, and you didn’t recognize it as a name.”
“...Why would you introduce your home as your planet?”
“...I panicked.” A lie.
“Well, no matter. Now, show me everything that you brought here with you.
Do you have some form of identification, a driver's license perhaps? Or even a...shoe?” It seems he associates you with shoes now, since you told him about your choice of weapon against the cat. “You do seem a tad bit...empty-handed.”
“I don’t think I have anything. I don’t even have my clothes.”
“Well, this is quite the predicament.”
“Yeah. And speaking of–”
“I cannot have someone with no aptitude for magic bumbling about my magic academy,” he cut you off with a rather rude comment. “And yet, as an educator, I am loath to expel a young person without a cent to their name, or any ability to contact someone they know. Truly, my grace is boundless.”
‘Wow, this guy is super conceited… Now that I think about it, what if he doesn’t think I’m dumb? Maybe he’s just got a superiority complex.’
Crowley brought his hand to his chin and hummed in thought. “Hmmmmm... Ah! There is a vacant building on this campus,” he began to explain. “It was, in fact, used as a dorm a long time ago. With a proper cleaning, it should be habitable enough.”
‘“Habitable” is an odd choice… Is he saying the place currently is not habitable? I’ve got a bad feeling about this.’
“Out of the profound kindness of my heart, I will allow you to live there for the time being. In the meantime, we will investigate other ways to send you home.” He turned away to give a self-praising soliloquy, “Dear me, but I am a gracious man indeed! A model educator, one might say.”
‘...I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone purposely pause a conversation to give a soliloquy. Especially not one where they just compliment themselves…I think I can safely say I would only like this birdman if he was a character and not an actual person.’
“Well then,” he looked back to you, “I shall take you to your dorm straight away. It is an older building, but it has plenty of...character, one might say.”
“Precisely. Come along now, time waits for no one.”
He leads you back out of the library, this time taking you down a few unfamiliar hallways covered in paintings, whose eyes you swear were following you, and lit with tall candelabras. The candle flames were the same green as the liquid in the fountain and cast an eerie glow, the color reminiscent of poison. After a few minutes of travel, you ended up in a large, open area; the best way you could think of to describe it was as a lobby. Crowley walked up to a set of grand double doors at the center of the opposite walls. In the dark it was hard to make out, but they almost looked as if they were made of stone.
‘No, they couldn’t be. Who would be stupid enough to make doors made of stone?’
With the flick of a wrist, Crowley opened the doors with, once again, magic. The sudden chill from the cool wind blowing in sent a small shiver down your spine. You crossed your arms for some extra warmth, but you couldn’t tell if it helped or not.
“Make sure you don’t wander off,” Crowley gave you a pointed look, as if you were about to go missing and he’d have to search for you again. “It’s just this way; follow me.” Leaving no room to argue, he began to walk down the path with you in tow.
His tall height already gave him longer legs so his stride was longer than yours, however it seemed he was in a hurry tonight. With him speed walking, you almost had to jog in order to keep pace with him.
‘Stupid tall people with their stupid long legs and stupid fast pace. I should've expected this from Birdman Crowley… Yeah, the more I get to know him the less I like him.’
After a while of following Crowley down the stone roads in the chilly night, he led you up a small hill towards a fenced in building that could almost be called a small manor. Or, it at least was a manor. The metal fence was horrendously crooked in every which way: the fence itself was laid out in a way where it curved back and forth, the pointed tips were bent back and forth, the bars were bent terribly; it was in horrible shape, as if someone ran a truck into every part of the fence. Although the fencing was bad enough, it didn’t compare to the building itself. As Crowley guided you up the stairs towards its door, you could do nothing but stare in awe.
‘This place looks haunted as fuck.’
The building looked like it was on its last legs. All the windows were boarded up, covering what were more than likely broken parts of the glass panes. The side paneling was coming off in places, there were more shingles missing than you were comfortable with, and the roof seemed to dip unnaturally in places, probably from prolonged water damage.
“This… this is where I’ll be staying?” You ask in disbelief.
“Isn't it delightful? Right, scoot inside now. There you go,” he shooed you inside, past the door whose rusted hinges squealed when opened.
‘...This can’t be legal… This is a lawsuit waiting to happen. I should sue… But legal practices might be different here… Fuck man, there’s really nothing I can do, is there?’
“This should keep the elements at bay for the time being,” Crowley looked proud of himself. “Now, I should return to my research. Do try to find some way to keep yourself busy. But don't let me catch you wandering the campus! Ta!”
“Wha–huh? No, wait a min–aaaand he’s gone,” you called after him but he had already ditched you, the squeal of the door grating on your ears as it magically closed behind him. “Man, this place is a mess. Does OSHA not exist here? Like, a fantasy OSHA? FOSHA? Haaah, this place is probably infested with several different types of mold. I’m not looking forward to discovering them…”
‘Wait, that reminds me, if I’m not from here, that means I’m probably super susceptible to so many new diseases. Do they have vaccines here? Because I’m probably gonna need all of them. If they’re safe. What if their water carries bacteria that’s deadly to me? Or what if all their food is deadly to me too? Oh, no, this situation is a whole lot worse now that I’ve had time to think.’
Stuck in your nervous inner ramblings, you didn’t notice you had begun to pace the room, kicking up the dust.
‘I mean, these people definitely look human, or at least human with animal ears like that one guy, but for all I know they could be completely different biologically.’
 It wasn’t until a frighteningly loud boom of thunder that your concentration broke, and made you squeak in surprise in the process, that you noticed it had begun to rain outside. It didn’t take long for the occasional water droplets to fall from the ceiling. 
‘This could be a problem. As the storm goes on, the droplets will probably increase dramatically. I should go find some buckets or pots.’
You were about to go searching the dark building for a supply closet or the kitchen when you heard a familiar voice.
 “GWAH! It's pouring out there!”
*Using tanuki instead of weasel because Grim doesn’t look like a weasel, and it makes more sense in the context of tanuki in Japanese mythology.
**Characters who are polite will refer to others with Japanese honorifics instead of English ones. It’s more gender neutral and flows better than using Mx. in my opinion, which will be more relevant in the future.
****Chuuni–short for chuunibyou.’ 
A/N: I spent half an hour trying to figure out the technical term for when you make sounds like “iunno.” Like when you use intonation and sounds but not words to speak and still get the message across. The best I could find would be calling it an approximate onomatopoeia of a phrase. 
Next Chapter >
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maddithefangirl · 1 year
Until Sunrise (Azriel x Reader)
Warnings: none (:
Prompt: Saying "I love you" while they're sleeping/unconscious/in a coma. You know well that they can't hear you, but a small part of you hopes they did
a/n: I am so enjoying writing!! Let me know if you prefer more frequent short blurbs or less frequent long fics. I'm trying to work on getting a good mix of both.
“What happened here?” Mor almost yelled at Rhysand, “What the hell happened?” Rhysand kept pacing by the couch in the library, “I- I thought he was safe. He said he was safe.” Azriel lay barely conscious on the couch, bloodied and battered from his mission, “Guys I’m fine I just need a little rest.” “No!” Mor and Rhys say in unison. Az’s eyes start to droop as the other two drops to their knees to comfort him. “Brother, you have to stay awake!” Rhys whispered while grabbing Azriel’s face with both hands. The last words Az says before falling unconscious was one name, “Y-Y/N.”
Rhys had told you it was urgent you made it to the House of Wind as fast as you could. There were only so many things Rhys would bother you for. You weren’t one of the Inner Circle, you just happened to be friends with Mor which then turned into being friends with the entire Inner Circle. After all the years of being friends with Mor, at least half of that time you have had your heart pondering why Az likes her and not you. 
When you first met Azriel, his shadows seemed to meet you first, twirling around your arms and resting on your shoulders. You thought it was so fascinating that they were able to do that. From that moment you knew you were down bad for this male. 
The House of Wind was baron when you stepped inside. Panic rumbled through you as you called out to Rhys in your head. Come to the library. You quickly made your way to the library. Your body feels heavy as you race through the corridor, but when you reach the door of the library, Mor is there. She has a solemn look on her face and reaches her hands out toward you in a hug. The hug was sad and that confused you even more. Why were you brought here? Still in the hug, she whispers in your ear, “It’s him. He got hurt on a mission… he- he asked for you.” 
That shocked you. The hug was broken faster than it started as you swung open the door to the library. There he was. He looked… peaceful, maybe for the first time in his life there wasn’t some interior conflict going on in that head of his. Rhys stood behind the couch lost in thought with Feyre rubbing small circles onto his hand. The air was cold and the silence was loud. 
The breath seemed to be taken from you when the silence is broken by Rhy clearing his throat, “Thank you for coming.” A tear rolled down you cheek as you dropped to sit by his head. You put your hand in his hoping that would provide some comfort to him, although you knew that he would have no idea it was you. There were so many things you wanted to say to him, but all you could say was, “I- I love you Az, you’ve got to make it.” You knew that he couldn’t hear you, but you secretly hoped he could. 
You wouldn’t leave his side for days at a time. On the sixth day, you were reading him a book out loud when you finally saw him stir a little bit. His eyes opened slowly as his grip on your hand tightened. The sun was just about to set and a warm orange glow settled into the room. He grunts as he tried to sit up so he can look you in the eyes and tell you the only thing on his mind, “I love you too, Y/N.”
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Con Man’s daughter (10)
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) (Part 5) (Part 6) (Part 7) (Part 7.5)  (Part 8) (Part 9)
Anyone else want more Damiraenette content?
Dick live streaming or something on Tiktok to keep up the appearance of not being the Batfam.
Tim drinking an unholy amount of coffee and gaining a lot of respect from college students. Shows them the library and makes small talk with Duke who was there.
Pretends Jason is not there in the corner to troll people into thinking that he is a ghost. Cass doing a short ballet show. You know the Wayne Family’s daily life.
He comments on how Damian is not awake yet which was unusual for him.
So being a big brother, he goes into Damian’s room without knocking to wake him up. Only to find topless Damian sleeping next to Raven in his bed. Damian woke up to Dick’s loud greeting.
“Sorry, lil’D, didn’t know that you had company over. So that’s what those noises from last night were.”
The chat is absolutely going crazy at this point.
Damian picked up a pillow to throw at Dick.
Then, Marinette sat up from the other side of Damian, half-asleep and wearing one of Damian’s signature black shirts. She yelled, “I am up. I am up.”
She then sees a shocked Dick.
“Go away, Dick,” she said and pulled Damian down to cuddle.
 Dick closed the door before the pillow Damian threw could hit him
Suffice to say, #likefatherlikeson and #PlayboyIcePrince was trending on Gotham twitter for a while.
Until Damian said in an ‘interview’ that he was in a polymorous relationship with both of them and would kill sue the hell out of anyone who dared to call his girlfriends harlots and other degrading names.
No one ever dares to bring up his relationship ever again.
Raven gets taken to Hell by her father, Trigon.
Marinette is friends with a few demons who know about her relationship with Raven.
So those demons were all too willing to spill the beans about Trigon’s big plans when she came knocking on their doors in fury and a deadly former assassin by her side, asking about where their girlfriend was.
Trigon is talking to Raven about how she was going to be used in his latest plan to take over the world.
Meanwhile, his front door is knocked down/ blown open by one Marinette Dupain-Cheng in her signature red coat.
Trigon grinned as he felt the intruder in his domain, “Well, looks like that Constantine girl of yours came to rescue you. I am going to have so much fun, ripping her head off in front of you.”
“No. Don’t hurt her.” Raven cried as she struggled against her bonds.
“Be patient, dear daughter. You will meet her soon. Maybe with less of her than you remembered.” Trigon vanished with a laugh.
“NO! NO! NO! FATHER!!!” Raven screamed after him.
Marinette is thrashing Trigon’s minions, using every Miraculous she has and every trick she knows when Trigon shows up.
“You are rather good. For a mortal.”
“Why. Thank you.” Marinette cheerily replied while sticking a paper talisman to a demon’s face. Her tired body struggling to keep up against the horde of demons told a different story.
“Well, let me put you out of your misery, pest.” Trigon said as he threw a bolt of lightning at her.
She expertly dodged it and it hit another demon instead. She grinned at him, “I will also take that as a compliment.”
“You are just a foolish child. What makes you think you can defeat me?”
“And you are a piece of shit who just got awarded the worst father of the century.” Marinette retorted before grabbing the demon who was coming behind her, “Of course, I can defeat you. With the power of love. And a shit ton of firepower.”
She sat the demon she was holding on fire and threw it at Trigon
Trigon just batted it away.
Battle continued for a few minutes. Marinette was feeling the effect of using all the Miraculous in her possession. 
“Hah. Give up. It’s only a matter of time before you lose. You are already weakened by the overuse of the Miraculouses.”
Marinette just gave him a smile. She stood where she was and smiled. And it wasn’t just a smile. It was a familiar Constantine smirk that said ‘Shit is about to blow’.
Then, the room they were in started shaking.
“What did you do?”
“I am just the distraction, Trigon.” Her smirk widened into a grin as Raven in rage mode burst into the room. “And you forgot that me and Raven have a wonderful boyfriend.”
Damian showed up besides with a few Miraculous of his own.
Fade to black as Trigon gets his ass kicked by his daughter and her two partners.
-Little Cut scene-
John is just chilling at a bar when the bartender gets possessed by Gowther.
“What do you want?”
“Do you know that your spawn is in hell?”
“I am aware she takes unsupervised visits from time to time but it’s not like I can stop her. She’s too bloody stubborn to let something like being grounded stop her.”
“Yeah, about that. She just lost her shit and is basically going to war against Trigon to get her girlfriend back.”
“She’s WHAT?”
“Thought you might appreciate knowing.”
“You just love being a snitch to get her in trouble since she beat you in every video game.”
“That too.” Gowther cheerfully agreed.
“She’s in bloody trouble, alright. I am telling her mother.”
“Ooooh. Calling in the big guns, are you?”
“Now, shoo before I bring out the Latin and the holy water. I have a child to go save from her own stupidity.”
Bartender put his hands up in surrender. “Okay, John.” Black eyes disappear as the eyes roll to the back of the body’s head.
John leaves a few bills as he went to make a call to Chas.
--- That following summer... ---
Marinette was face down on the couch as her dad stood in the middle of the living room, shirtless and painting some concoction on himself for a ritual.
Marinette groaned for the nth time that day.
John took that as his cue to finally ask what was wrong, “Sweetheart, what are you doing here?”
Marinette slightly turned her face towards him so her voice wasn't muffled.
“Hawkmoth is being a bitch again.”
“Why haven’t you stopped him then? You already know who he is. Get the cops. Knock down his door and arrest him then.”
“You know why. It’s just circumstantial evidence on my part.”
“You don’t have to find a cure for his wife, you know. Take the matter into your own hands if you don’t want cops involved.”
“I am trying to save Emilie for multiple reasons and top of the list is to make sure Adrien has at least one parent when this whole mess is over.”
“I know he is your nemesis’s son but why do you care so much about him?”
“Because he is also Chat Noir.”
John stopped what he was doing. “Say what now?”
Marinette realised that she had given her father more ammo to complain about Master Fu.
“Are you telling me that the old fool gave one of the most important Miraculous to the Butterfly Man’s own son?!”
“To be fair, before he got taken away by the Order, I didn’t know for sure that Hawkmoth was Chat Noir’s dad.”
“How come I didn't know about this until now?!”
“I thought you knew.”
“All you told me was that he was a boy in your class!” John sighed. “Fine. Anything else I need to know about?”
“Nothing I can think of.”
“Then, why are you still here? I have to finish painting over my body for the cleansing ritual and I can’t do that with you around.”
“I am bored. My friends are either out of town or busy with their own thing. Damian and Raven are on that Teen Titans mission in the next galaxy for 10 days. And I hit a dead end on the cure.”
“Then go to hell or something. I am sure you can find something to entertain yourself with down there. That’s what I would do.”
John went back to painting before he realised what he had done when it had gotten too quiet.
He looked up to see his daughter gone from the couch.
He hesitated before deciding that his daughter is a more responsible person than he was and probably won’t get into much trouble.
That was his mistake.
-----5 days later....-----
John was at a Justice League meeting when his phone rang.
The number was 666 which was worrisome because it was Lucifer’s number.
It wouldn’t shut even when he took the battery out.
“Constantine, turn off your phone.” Batman ordered.
“Look, mate, I am trying but the bloody Devil is calling me.” John showed his phone battery out of the phone and the screen that is still showing 666. “He will probably keep ringing until I answer.”
“Then, do it.”
“Hello, your Majesty. Can you hurry up on what you need? Because I am in the middle of something here.” John answered.
“Ah. Constantine Senior. You finally picked up.” Lucifer’s smooth baritone is heard by everyone in the conference room, “You already know who I am so I will keep this short.”
“What do you want?”
“I am calling on behalf of Hell to tell you to come pick your daughter up.”
“Your daughter, Lady Rouge. She refuses to give me her name. She is currently in my castle dungeons although I am not sure how long that will be true. She has caused quite a bit of trouble in my realm and well, my subjects are not happy.”
“What did she do?” John sighed, already feeling a headache and dread at what his daughter had done. Damn, he was beginning to understand why Batman sighed so much when his kids are mentioned.
There was a bit of paper rustling from his end. “Oh my me. There is quite a list of complaints but from the paper I am reading from. The gist is that your hellspawn had made a deal with a lot of demons.” Lucifer seemed to be suppressing his laughter.
“She appeared to have found a way to abuse each of those deals and made a deal with another demon to take her place in the deal. There are quite a few loops. Unless the perfect conditions are fulfilled, every demon is stuck trying to hold up their end of the deal. There is an UNO game made up of at least 20 demons and counting that is never going to end because they all made a deal that the game wouldn’t end unless a red Zero is placed down and she appeared have given all of the red zero cards to Mammon who is tasked to guard it with his life unless someone manages to get all the golden bust of the Founding fathers of the United States and exchange them for the cards. Except Alexander Hamilton is being moved every hour and George Washington is part of a prize pool for a Super Smash Bro Tournament where Gowther has to win every game and when he wins the tournament restarts. You get the idea.”
“Can’t they just… stop?”
“They could stop but they would lose the souls they all had collected till now. You know how prideful demons are. At least one third of the demon population is stuck in what they are now calling the Ouroboros deal and the soul stock market crashed 3 times since she arrived. Once literally.”
(Ouroboros is that symbol of the snake eating its own tail. The above idea is from @writing-prompts and I will link that post when I find it.)
John was quiet for a minute and said, “Please tell me that’s it.”
Lucifer laughed. The bastard. “Sorry, Constantine. That would be a lie and you know I don’t lie.”
John groaned. It had been five days since he last saw Marinette. Since Hell ran on a different time, 5 days could be either 5 weeks or 50 years in Hell’s time. Fuck, even Batman was giving him a look of pity. A few other Leaguers had gotten popcorn to watch his hair turn grey in real time.
 “What else?”
“Let’s see. Trigon’s territory is a bit of a mess now but he can’t do anything because most of his minions are part of the Ouroboros deal. There is a pack of hellhounds and wild animals loose in Dis. Your daughter was caught five times and escaped each time. She was last caught because she was waiting in line for boba tea.”
John took a moment to use those calming breathing techniques he heard worked. “You sound too happy for a monarch whose realm got thrown into chaos.”
“This is the most entertained I have been in years. And I also scheduled a vacation in LA for the next year or so. Plenty of time for Beelzebub to get it right. I can always extend my vacation if Hell still isn’t fixed by then.”
“So why are you calling me?”
“Your daughter made a deal with me to get her out of Hell in one piece, mentally unscarred and soul intact in exchange for information on how to break the Ouroboros deal. She is quite the evil mastermind.”
“I suppose it’s not going to be easy and very beneficial for her.”
“The conditions are either to make Emilie Agreste wake up again or make sure Gabriel Agreste isn’t allowed to send out any akumas or amok for 5 years. The problem is that the demon she made this deal to had a third condition to fulfil and because they chose to do the third, the entire Ouroboros deal started.”
“Oh no. What was the third condition?”
“To disguise themselves as any inanimate object. Change location and appearance once every twelve hours and not be found for 10 years in Earth’s time. If they get found, they have to fufil one of the other conditions. If they succeed any of the conditions, they would get a soul from her. The best bit is that it’s not hers.”
“Whose soul did she put down for all this trouble?”
“A girl named Chloe Bourgeosis apparently. Apparently, the demon bought the lie that it was her real name. Essentailly she is inconveniencing nearly half of Hell unless they solve her pest problem or they are stuck in a loop for the next 10 years. And all we would get out of it is some bratty girl’s soul. You see, not everyone is happy with her right now.”
“I reckon. I am coming over as soon as my business up here is done.”
“Sure. But make it fast. Trigon is first in line for her head.”
John put the phone away and turned to Zatanna. “Bottle of the strongest whiskey you can summon.”
She gave him a sympathethic smile and handed him a glass of water. Traitor.
Marinette is at the Mystery House to do something and sipping coffee since she didn’t get much sleep last night due to an akuma. She wasn’t paying any attention to her surroundings, too tired to register and walking past the dark haired boy who was nervously sitting on the couch in the living room.
A moment later, she realised that there’s a kid in the house of Mystery.
She backtracked and the kid was now trying to avoid her gaze.
Marinette slapped herself, much to the boy’s confusion, and muttered, “It’s not a dream then.”
The boy nervously looked at her and said, “hey…?”
Marinette blinked and realised that she was supposed to say something.
“Bonjour. I mean, hi. I am Marinette. Sorry, it’s just that we don't get many visitors at the house. Who aren’t demons or other non-human entities. Especially kids cause Dad’s bad around them. And I am a little tired right now and I am babbling like a moron. So what’s your name?”
“Um…”,he hesitated but less apprehensive than before.
“It’s okay if you don’t want to tell me. Fae rules are like that. Are you okay with me calling you kid instead? Or do you prefer something else?”
“No, it’s okay. I am Billy. Billy Batson. It’s just weird since I didn’t think that anyone else lives here besides Mr. Constantine.”
“I don’t. I just pop in from time to time.”
“Oh…But um…how do you know Mr. Constantine?”
“He’s my Dad.”
“He’s married?”
Marinette snorted, “Hell no. I am a product of a one-night stand. My mom and him had a friends-with-benefits kinda deal. My mom is married to someone else. They run a bakery together.”
“I didn’t think that he would be someone’s dad.” Billy said. “He looks so… irresponsible.”
Marinette snorted, “I know, right? He doesn’t strike people like a father figure. So, Billy, what brings you here to this House of Mystery.”
“He’s Captain Marvel.” John��s voice came from the side room and there were sounds of him moving stuff to find something.
“You know, the World’s Mightiest Mortal. Champion of Magic.” Billy explained, finding it weird introducing himself like that.
“Oh. Shazam’s successor. The asshole finally picked someone.” Marinette said.
“You knew the Wizard?”
“I met him once. Wu Kong made a wrong turn and we landed on the Rock of Eternity. Man, it was even more awkward when Tikki came out and basically threw hands with the guy.”
“Who’s Tikki?”
Said Kwami came out from her hiding place in Marinette’s pocket. “Hi, my name is Tikki and I am a kwami. I give Marinette her powers to become Lady Rouge.”
“Isn’t Lady Rouge that Parisian hero that made Green Lantern cry?”
“It wasn’t me. Well, it was partly my fault but having both Wonder Woman and Batman being angry at you would be terrifying for anyone.”  Marinette tapped Tikki’s head. “And Tikki, never seen you this excited to reveal my identity to someone?”
“Marinette, I have to make a good impression on the new Champion. It was a tragedy what happened to the old one.”
“You know about Black Adam?” Billy asked
“Yes. His story is quite a sad one. Teth-Adam was a great Champion and fought alongside one of my holders. Shazam locked him away over a misunderstanding.”
“Ah yes. The classic old tale about foolish old men who dump all of their responsibility on children and can’t even give simple guidance and talk in the vaguest riddles like they know everything because they have lived for so long. I know that Shazam had died but I thought he would have the common sense to have his Champion be someone older.”
“I can take care of myself. I know what I am doing.”
“Billy. I am sure you can but you shouldn’t have too. Those old men were just cowards, afraid of the consequences of their actions, covering up their mistakes as best as they could and when it finally came back to bite them in the ass. They put the task of cleaning up their messes on us. We would have lived normal lives and never have to see the horrors we have seen or make the hard decisions at such a young age when we should have been having fun.”
“Oh. I never thought it was like that. Being Captain Marvel made me believe that someone like me who is just a nobody that I can save the world.”
“You aren’t wrong for thinking like that. Having powers is cool and I have taken that for granted before I got Tikki. You are a better person than me, Billy Batson. But still it was wrong of them to give us the tools that would be bad in the wrong hands and have us fight their war for them.”
“Who was your wizard?”
Marinette laughed before answering Billy, “Have you ever heard of the Miraculous before?”
“A little.”
“Well,...” Marinette told Billy about the situation in Paris and Master Fu.
The two talked about their respective hero work and bond while John searched for whatever he needed to help Billy.
Marinette gave Billy a card with her number and told him to call her if he ever needs help.
“I will come over wherever you are. Immediately. No questions asked.”
“But why?”
“Well, you are a kid and I just emotionally adopted you as my little brother now so you can’t get rid of me. Besides, I am easier to get hold of than my dad if you ever need a bit of expertise on a few magical matters.”
Then, John came in with a thick book in his hands and looked between the two of them, “Found it. Did you two have a nice playdate?”
“Billy is my new brother now.”
“I am not going to adopt him. He already has his own family and one hell spawn is enough for me to deal with.”
“I love you too, dad. Don’t be afraid to ask for a favor, Billy. I have to go. I have school in -like-” She looked at the grandfather clock that showed time in another dimension where time runs backwards, “-an hour.”
“Don’t run just on stamina potions for three days straight again and go to sleep once school is over. I will call your mother to check on you. I know you came here to get your hands on the ingredients for it.” John called after her.
“Okay. Bye. Love you. See ya” Marinette said as she stepped through the portal.
John turns back to Billy, “Kids, amirite? That’s why you have to use protection.”
“I’m twelve.”
“But she’s right, Billy.” John added, “You need someone who’s an expert when you find yourself in a pinch. As much as I hate to say it, she’s good at the family ‘business’. Besides, I might not be available all the time. She can teach you magic too when I can’t be bothered.”
First time, Billy called Marinette. She portaled to his location immediately and found Billy as Captain Marvel in the phone booth, awkwardly standing inside as the area they were in was in chaos.
“So what happened?” She asked in her Lady Rouge suit.
“Um, who are you?”
“Whoops. Sorry.” Marinette removed her mask. “It’s me, Marinette. This is my hero costume and the magic makes me unrecognisable by other people. I go by Lady Rouge.”
“So what’s up? And why is everything on fire?” she asked as she put her mask back on.
Billy explained. There is a demon on the loose. Somebody in Fawcett had the bright idea to sumon one but didn’t do the ritual right. He tried everything but the demon bastard was slippery to catch.
Everytime he is close to catching the demon, there will be people nearby who will be in danger so Billy has to let the demon go in order to save the civillians.
“At this point, I need some help.” He sheepishly ended. “Hope I wasn’t a bother to you.”
Lady Rouge reached up and ruffled his hair, “I made a promise to you,kid. You call for whatever you need and I will come. Now, let’s go catch that bastard.”
They set a trap and Captain Marvel tries to lead the demon towards it. It gets trapped.
Lady Rouge being dramatic steps out the shadow, “Well done, Cap. Just as planned.”
When the demon caught sight of who was helping Captain Marvel, it shrieked, “IT'S YOU!!”
Lady Rouge tilted her head confused, “I’m sorry. I don’t think I have ever met you before.”
“You don’t need to know my name. I am leaving. I swear I will never come to the human side ever again. Please let me go. Please.” It begged.
Lady Rouge just rolled with it. “How can I trust you to keep your promise?”
“I swear on my name. I swear on everything I have. Please. Please let me go.”
Lady Rouge took the demon’s hand, used a sharpie to draw something that looked nearly phallic and chanted a spell that glowed bright. The demon cried louder.
“Don’t be a baby. That was a simple tracking spell. It doesn’t hurt.”
“You used angelic runes!”
“Oops. But now I will know if you come upside again. Oh, by the way, tell all your friends down there that my sentence was lifted.” She said before opening a portal to Hell under the demon.
Captain Marvel stared at her.
“Why was that demon so scared of you?”
“Nearly every low-level demon thinks I am a demon. High-ranking ones won’t say shit because they know how much of a headache it would be if it got out that I was just a human or because they think what I do is entertaining.”
“That’s kinda messed up.”
“It’s hell, kiddo. Of course, it’s kinda messed up. I can give you a tour of the place one day.”
“It’s fine.” Billy didn’t want to go to where demons lived willingly. “What did you mean that your sentence was lifted? Are you banned from going to hell or something?”
Marinette looked away and muttered something quickly in French.
“What?” The infinite wisdom of Solomon meant he could understand what she said but he wasn’t sure he heard it right.
“I was grounded because I might have… caused a ruckus down there a while ago.”
“What did you do?” he questioned.
“It’s a long story. You don’t need to know.”
“I heard something about the crashing of the stock market and loopholes.”
“There were a lot of things one after another. First, my girlfriend was taken away by her demon father and he was a high-ranking one so it caused a lot of buzz. For the next few months, I was getting tired of fighting akumas so I caused a lot of... mischief for the denizens of hell as stress-relief and long story short, I fucked over Hell’s governing system and the Devil himself made a deal with my father that I won’t be able to go to Hell for my entire lifetime so they wouldn’t have to deal with me.”
“You… you got a lifetime ban from hell.”
“Yes, when I die, I might go to hell but as long as I am living and breathing, I can’t step foot in there.”
“But you told the demon that you were coming back.”
Lady Rouge’s mask widened and Captain Marvel knew that she was grinning under her mask. “That’s the fun part. They don’t know that. And they are going to send Hell into a frenzy because they are scared of me returning.”
“You are basically Hell’s bogeyman.”
Lady Rouge laughed. “Oh my kwami, that sounds awesome. I am putting that on my business cards.”
Taglist:@vixen-uchiha, @laurcad123, @pale-lady-dreamer, @frieddonutsweets, @demonicbusiness, @iloontjeboontje, @plantsarefun06, @khneltea, @avs17, @imarivers8, @tieronick2411, @bookwalmartav, @intoomanydamnfandoms, @paradoxaloccurance, @its-maemain, @fairlyfatale, @talia-scar123
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razorblade180 · 1 year
9 Days of Lancaster Day1: Late Night Texting
After a very dangerous semester at school has come to an end, many students used their free time to vacation or visit. Ruby and Yang were no exception to this trend. Their mom and dad had been delighted to have them back, and Ruby was all to happy to boast about her team’s accomplishments. However, perhaps she had gotten too used Vale.
Between the trip and stories, Ruby retreated to her room for the rest of night to relax; her social battery sapped. That was until a text notification on her scroll made her eyes sparkle.
“Hey crater face. Did you make it home safely?”
“No. Airship crashed and we had to fight grimm everywhere.💀”
“So what you’re saying is I should call you Crater Maker?”
Ruby snickered at his dumb joke. She walked into that one. “Made it home just fine. How about you?”
“Didn’t go home. Not worth the hassle.”
“Ah, that sucks. So your entire team is at Beacon?”
“Nah. Pyrrha went home. Ren and Nora went on a trip just outside the kingdom.”
“Why didn’t you go with them?”
It took a minute to get a response. Ruby was sent a photo of Jaune giving her a blank stare that had “take a guess” written all over or it.
“Right, silly question. So you’re all alone at the dorms?”
“I mean…Weiss didn’t go home either apparently. I bumped into her at the library.”
“So you’re all alone at the dorms?”
“Yeah pretty much.”
“Anyways, shouldn’t you be entertaining your folks?”
“Yang had the covered, I’m cozy in bed. It’s late.”
“Not really. It’s not even midnight yet.”
“Time works differently when parents ask a hundred questions. I barely answered half! It was fun though.”
“Do they now about me?”
“Like…your existence?”
“I chickened out. They now you’re my friend though! Just…not the other stuff.👀”
“Then I guess it would be weird if I visited you?”
“Don’t tell me you miss me already?”
“I always miss you when you aren’t around ❤️”
Ruby felt her cheeks get red. How could a few words on a screen unravel her in such a way? It was down right silly. Still, her heart skipped a beat seeing the next message.
“I wish you were here.”
“Get some rest; you’re being silly.”
“Ah, my heart. So cruel 💔 😭”
“Oh hush lol.”
“I wish you here too…”
“Is that an invite?”
“At this hour? My dad would murder you. Do really miss my face that much?”
“It’s a cute face with a precious smile.”
“Hmmm I’m not sure if I believe you. Do you really miss me?”
What came next derailed her thinking. It made Ruby audibly gasp as she put her scroll face down while blood rushed to her cheeks from the proof Jaune had sent her. Ruby slowly flipped her scroll and began frantically typing.
“Someone is bold tonight.”
“Too bold???”
“….I didn’t say all that.👀”
“Airships are still running. So, are you sneaking out or am I sneaking in?”
To think it only took close to two days of separation to make them both a little more than stir crazy. Then again, it had been much longer since they were alone. Ruby wasn’t even mad about his boldness, just flustered and mentally trying to reason with herself. She really didn’t want her dad to murder him, and she doubted mom could stop him from doing so. Even so, sneaking out and back was a tall order.
“I don’t think I can sneak away without someone eventually knocking on my door. As for you visiting, that’s your life Jaune Arc. I’m not going ask you to throw it away.😭”
“Fair. We’ll see each other soon enough. 😊”
“Haha, my bad. Anyways, I’ll stop distracting you for now. Luv ya Rubes.”
“Luv you too and stuff. ❤️”
Ruby put her head face down in her pillow and groaned. She was both very proud and disappointed in herself. Darn the adorkable dummy! She had gone to bed rest and now she trying not kick her feet and smile. Jaune had never been bold before. It was kinda nice. Maybe being separated had its merits? Although…
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arminsumi · 7 months
★ College Freaks
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★ With : Jay / Sam / Gojo / Geto / Choso / Shoko
★ Content : crack, humor, self-insert, college au
★ Synopsis : horny college drama stuff.
★ Warnings : 🔞 MDNI/18+, suggestive/smutty humor/flirting, hints to Choso getting a boner, not proofread
★ Note : it's my first time writing a self-insert 🧍‍♀️ it eez wot it eez. i didn't get to add nanami 😔 wanted to whip out the daddy jokes. oh well. enjoy?? idk if self-insert stuff is enjoyable lol lmk
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Poor Sam, I clung to her arm and stole her attention from everyone else. Choso came up to her for after-school notes, and I put my hand up to his face to shut him up and said;
"No. Not today, emo boy. I'm sorry I am stealing my girl away — we're going to go rob a bank and then catch a flight to Italy — Sam why are you laughing? Stop laughing, I'm actually quite serious."
Poor Choso, he was confused as he always is.
I complained about life and my problems to Sam and she nodded and hummed in understanding, only half-listening because I was in one of those dramatic moods that couldn't be taken seriously.
We went to the library for no reason except that we knew Satoru and Suguru were there. Sam had a big crush on Suguru so I was trying to do her a solid and break the ice between them. She didn't have the courage to approach him herself. I didn't get why. I told her life is short, one day you'll be in a coffin, so you should talk to hot guys while you can.
Anyways, I wasn't sure about those two. Suguru's detachedness annoyed me, because when I'd talk to him during class he'd sort of recede into his shell — his shell being Satoru.
And Satoru? I liked him, yes sure. I was ashamed to like the guy that the whole school liked, so I made a joke out of it — I think he thought I was joking when I flirted with him because I exaggerated everything to the point of sounding like a joke.
During mid-year, things got steamy but nothing more happened. We definitely shared a spark in April but now it fizzled out and I was desperately trying to relight it. Flirting during class? No I wanted to flirt outside of the classroom. I wanted to flirt in his bedroom.
"Alright, Sam. My girl. This is what you do; you go up to Suguru and say "Be my husband." okay?"
"You're funny."
"Hm... yeah actually, on second thought, marriage is an awful idea. Never get married — this is my granny advice to you; don't get married. CHOSO WE MEET AGAIN!"
"Oh god." he walked in the other direction.
"DON'T GO! DON'T YOU WANT TO FUCK IN THE BACK OF THE HOT TOPIC?" I yelled after him. I don't think he's heard that Ayesha Erotica song so I think he just thought I was crazy and yelling outrageous stuff.
"YOU'RE CRAZY." he yelled back, "Anyways, you still on for later?"
"Yes I'm turned on for later — wait what? Yes. I'm still on for later. I'm bringing Sam with, too, even if I have to drag her by her leg. Sam?"
Choso left, and then I returned my attention to Sam who was pretending to read a book because Suguru and Satoru were glancing over.
"See, they're looking at us. You know what that means? They're obsessed." I said, "Kidding. Fuckin' kidding. I think I talked too loudly." I laughed at myself.
"I think Suguru reads classics... do you know any classics?" Sam asked, skimming the book spines with her eyes.
"Yes — Dostoyevsky but man he's a fucking pain to read. Anyways, Suguru probably only reads hardcore smut." I joked. "Anyways, stop stalling — let's go say hi before Satoru and Suguru fall into a void."
"Hey boys~!" I greeted them and invited myself to the free seat next to Satoru. I crossed my legs, made a motion of flipping my hair (it was tied up) and encouraged Sam to sit, too.
They greeted us, we four talked for a bit. Shoko came around, and sat down next to me and we put our legs on each other. I was as comfortable with her as I was with Sam, which was a nice feeling.
Satoru stole my glasses off my face, so I stole his sunglasses off and wore them.
I couldn't see without my glasses, so I told him he was the hottest man I'd ever seen.
He had a smug response and nodded. Then he realized.
"Hey wait a minute."
"Wow that took you a while." I laughed. "Give me my glasses back — hey you fucking smudged them you absolute cunt. Oh my god... worst day ever... I'm gonna cry... anyways."
I cleaned the lenses with my t-shirt but they just got more and more smudged so I narrowed my eyes and kept wiping the lenses.
Suguru, Shoko and Sam commented on this moment between us.
"You two should date."
"Nah, she'd turn me into an ex real fast." Satoru said immediately.
"Boy, I'd turn you into a triple-ex." I said and winked.
He shook his head. I put on some chapstick. I felt eyed out. I looked to the side and surely there was Satoru staring very obviously.
"What? What are you staring at, perv?" I sassed, "You want some of my chapstick?"
"Hell yeah." he leaned in. His lips quivered when I put my chapstick to his lips. "Oh that smells good."
"It's Chupa-Chups." I said. He hummed and inhaled.
Satoru kept his lips parted while I applied the chapstick.
"You smell good too. 'That your perfume?" he asked.
"Yes. Vanilla."
"Why are they always flirting?" Suguru asked out loud.
"I dunno." Sam shrugged.
"We're not flirting." Satoru said.
"It is what it is." I said at the same time.
My mouth fell open. Satoru giggled at my reaction. I still had my mouth open, to emphasize my shock. We're not flirting?
"Close ya mouth, Jay, you'll attract cock." Satoru said.
"Wow! I'm so over you, Satoru!" I said.
I scooted and scooted my chair away from Satoru on the carpeted library floor. Satoru blatantly stared at my jiggling breasts. The other library goers looked irked by the laughter coming from our table.
"Shoko, want my chapstick instead?" I offered. She started giggling.
"What about me?" Suguru said.
I made an awkward noise, "Sorry I don't fuck with Satoru Besties." I joked quickly, noting Sam's expression.
We all headed out the library to talk because Shoko and I wanted to have a smoke.
"... and it pisses me off!" I finished complaining about something to Shoko and we exchanged the cigarette. She took her turn puffing on it.
"Damn, you complain a lot." Satoru commented.
I gave him a look.
"Yeah, care to shut me up with your co— I'm sorry I'm joking I'm kidding." I put my hands up.
Satoru shrugged, "I mean, I can do that for you if you want." he flirted.
I pulled my round glasses down and gave him the look.
"Right here? Right now? Because you know I'd be on my knees any time and place for you, boy." I winked.
"Yeah yeah, your bark is bigger than your bite." Satoru dismissed.
"Wanna come find out?" I said, "Because I think I could slut ya out."
He looked at me with wide eyes — I couldn't judge if he was turned on or just thought I was being outrageous.
"Haha, Satoru you're going red in the face." Suguru laughed. I smiled smugly. Satoru went silent. It feels good to out-flirt a flirt.
Sam was making heart eyes at Suguru. I was trying to figure out some witty joke to say to bring them together, but it just didn't work out. I tripped over my own words and then covered it up with a long, exaggerated noise.
But they ended up going off somewhere together, talking about Dostoyevsky. I thought that was quite romantic.
Shoko let me steal another cigarette off her. Satoru was complaining about our smoke smelling awful.
"Yeah but you'd still kiss me even with smoky breath." I said.
He hummed flirtatiously. Oh shit I did something.
"Uh, I'll give you two some space." Shoko laughed, then left us alone together.
"Oh god." I whined. "Shoko please."
"What's that grimace for?" Satoru narrowed his eyes at me.
"Well I looove flirting with you but I hate being alone with you." I groaned. "Each minute spent with you is a year off my life span."
"I can't tell if you're joking or not, Jay." he laughed.
Oh. I made him laugh.
"I can't tell if I'm joking or not, either, Satoru." I sighed.
"Oh, shiiit don't say my name like that." he purred, "You'll turn me on."
Is he joking around? Are we flirting flirting?
"Yeah..." he came closer, leaned down and pushed his sunglasses up the bridge of his nose. "You know what I think? I think you're not as big of a freak in bed as you've claimed. I bet you're a virgin or something."
I let out a laugh. "Nahhh! I'm a freak freak. The shit I'm into will make you look like a vanilla bitch. And although I may be a virgin — "
Satoru laughed. "Ah, I knew it. You're a virgin freak."
"Are you gonna do something about it or just stand there like a fuckin-g idiot?" I provoked.
"Fucking-g?" he mimicked my accent.
Satoru made a toothy grin and leaned down closer. His breath smelled like the hard candies he always sucked on during the day. My cheeks were burning.
He looked down and saw me squeezing my thighs together.
"Wow, wanna get to it then?" he lowered his voice, "Just let me fuck your brains out right here against the wall?" he joked flirtatiously.
"What if I'm into that?" I moved my body suggestively. My knee nudged his thigh.
He gave me a doubting grin.
"You'd feel sore after I'm through with you, sweetheart."
"Yeah yeah," I waved my hand dismissively, "Big talk, big talk. I could take you."
"Well... let's see about that at the party tonight, yeah?" he rasped.
"Fine." I sassed.
"Fine." he smirked. "See you tonight then."
"Okay. Whatever." rolled my eyes. "Don't be fucking late to the party, by the way you useless idiot."
"No promises." he winked as he backed away.
As soon as Satoru left, I let out a silent scream and bounced around like I just won the lotto. Funny, Choso came around the corner. He witnessed my little moment.
"What theee hell."
"Oh hey Choso. Small campus, huh?"
"Yeah this makes like what, three times we've encountered each other today?" he said.
"It's a sign from god, Choso; we're meant to be. The emo freak and the virgin freak. Match made in heaven." I said.
He stared at me with his heavy, indecipherable eyes. "Are you just horny all the time?"
"Yes." I answered straightly. "Sorry if I'm a bit much. I'll stop if it makes you uncomfortable." I went serious for a second.
He stuttered, "No, no — it's hot, I enjoy it. Just not used to being on the receiving end of this kind of attention." he looked away.
"Anyways, are you really coming tonight?" he asked with a light in his eyes, needy for an answer.
Hasn't he already asked me this?
"Yeah I'll be cumming for y— sorry. Kidding. Yes I'm coming tonight. I dunno about Sam. I really hope she comes with because she's my little angel, I need her to feel safe at parties — you know 'cause she does kickboxing and stuff." I said.
Choso nodded, "I get it. Well, if she doesn't come with to the party and you feel weird, you can cling to me all night; I'll be your guard dog."
My cheeks burned. "Yeah alright. Sounds good to me." I swayed my shoulders, making it a point to puff my chest out to show him how good this thin crop top showed off my breasts.
Poor Choso. He just caught one glance of boobs and went completely shy, stuttering and all, and covered his crotch with his textbook.
"Aw I wish I was a biology book." I lamented. "Sorry, joking. Actually no, I'm not."
"I-I've gotta go." he said.
"I'm sure you do." I flirted. "See yaaa."
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© arminsumi
I do not permit the copying/reposting/translation/plagiarism of my works. Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
This is fictional work.
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weasleywinchester · 2 years
Malicious, Mean and Scary?
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Joel Miller x Female Reader
So my friend and I were talking about Pedro the other day. I, naturally, was talking about how much I love him and my friend commented he was scary looking. And all I could picture was every ridiculous picture/gif of Pedro I have ever seen, and burst out laughing. And I felt that comment would fit Joel perfectly.
*I am aware the last picture is ~technically~ Frankie, but I needed a cutie patootie face.
Warnings: Smut (because I can and will any chance I get with this man)
“I think it’s time to go home.” You state as you walk into the stables.
“Agreed.” Diego nods, continuing to saddle up his horse.
“We takin’ supplies out today?” You nod to the very full saddle bags that are sat on the floor.
“Yep. One stop is the library, and another is the old ranch house in the valley.” He confirms, handing you your gear. You work side by side in silence, the gentle clinking of buckles melding with the chirps of the birds.
You and Diego have been friends for a while; he was a friend of a friend and you considered both of them little brothers. Tommy had mentioned that Diego was a good worker, but he and another guy were butting heads all the time. You volunteered to show Diego a few tricks of the trade to keep him in line; and now he’s your right hand for everything.
“Anyone around the help us when we get there?” You grunt as you swing your set of saddle bags onto your horse.
“Eugene and Dina are up at the Library; Ellie and Joel are at the ranch house.”
“Good, means I won’t have to carry everything in.” You laugh as you mount your horse. Doesn’t hurt to see the older Miller brother either…
“I guess.” Diego shrugs, mounting his own horse.
“What?” You frown at him. He always gets a bit funny around Joel, and only Joel.
“Nothin…” He waves you off and starts on the trail.
“Seriously?" You guide your horse closer so you can playfully kick his leg, "Do you have a problem with Joel?” He shakes his head but doesn't elaborate any further. You two quickly ride away from Jackson, your conversation ranging from old Marvel movies to which fast food places had the best fried chicken. That’s what was best about being on shift with Diego, conversations were long and random and somehow circled back on each other.
“He’s scary.” Diego confesses after a long silence.
“Well, duh. He’s not called Ivan the Terrible because he’s nice.”
“No!” Diego sighs. “Joel.”
“Joel?” You shout at him, a few birds startling out of the trees.
“Ya! You don’t think he’s scary?” Diego looks at you like you’re insane. Joel is tall, every inch covered in scars and his freakin arms look like they could snap a clicker in half.
You move your eyes forward, the image of Joel slipping on a patch of ice as he tried to show you how to line dance flashing through your head.
“We’re talking about Joel Miller? Tommy’s brother?” You turn to him, baffled.
“Yes!” He shouts, bending in half so that his forehead is resting against the back of his horse's neck.
“That man is just a sweet baby-”
“No no! You call me a sweet baby angel, because I literally look like a five year old with a beard (Y/N)!” He laughs, shaking his head.
“That’s fair." You concede, reflecting on his words for a brief moment, "But he’s not scary!” You poke his shoulder.
“He totally is.” Diego grumbles as the two of you ride up to the ranch house. You both hop off your horses, tying them to the post out front.
“Well you two are early.” Ellie smiles, hopping down the porch to grab a supply bag.
“If you’re on time you’re late.” You laugh, trying to unhook one of the supply bags from your horse.
“Couldn’t have said it better myself.” Joel rumbles behind you, his hands unhooking the bag with ease.
“Thanks.” You whisper, looking up at him. He's shaved since you last saw him, the beard nice and neat.
“Anytime darlin’.” He gives you a small smile before turning to go back into the house.
“You guys staying the night?” Ellie yells from inside.
“Yes.” Diego answers as the two of you clamor inside.
“Maybe you and Ellie can take the area patrol. Give us old folk a break.” You wink at Diego, who, much to your delight, turns red.
“You ain’t old.” Joel and Ellie say in unison.
“Aww thanks." You wave the two of them off playfully, "But seriously my body could use the break.” You start unloading the bags and stocking the cabinets.
“Let’s see if we can get a deer for dinner?” Ellie shrugs at Diego.
“Cool.” He nods, following after her. You wait a few moments, listening to them chat as they gear up. Once the door clicks you spin to face Joel.
“Can I tell you somethin’?”
“Don’t think I could stop you.” He chuckles.
“You can never tell him I told you, but Diego thinks you're scary.” You giggle, taking a bag of rice from his hands.
"You don't?”
You turn to him, making sure he’s serious.
“No I don’t.” You state, taking a step closer to him. He gives you a short hmph as he squares up to you.
You can feel your heart rattle around in your chest as the fantasies you keep tucked way back in your head start bouncing around. Without looking away you grab the edges of his jacket and pull him down to you. Your lips mash against his, the warmth of his mouth, his scent, overwhelming; the need to have all of him hits you like a freight train. Your mouth slides against his; tongue soothing the seam of his chapped lips. You heart skips a beat when his mouth opens, tongue eagerly meeting yours in a heated battle.
Your hands roam over his chest, his stomach, anywhere you can reach until your fingers catch on a button. They sporadically undo each one until your grubby little hands have what they want: the heat of his skin flush against them.
Your hands continue to roam: his sides, on his chest, tracing the scars along his stomach. Your fingers leave trails of blazing hot fire as your tongue dances with his. He’s kissed his fair share of women, but this is different; this is pure indulgence; for you or himself he couldn’t tell; but all he wanted was more.
And then it’s gone, replaced with a quiet I’m sorry falling from your swollen mouth. Your fingers now fiddle with the hem of your own flannel instead of lighting his skin ablaze.
“Don’t stop.” He whispers. Hands twitching at his sides, not sure if he should reach for you or let you come to him. This was your game after all. Your eyes finally look up at him, searching for reassurance that you weren’t out of bounds. He gently loops his fingers through your belt loops, pulling you back to him. He takes each of your hands in turn, setting them back to where they were, and he feels instantly on fire.
His mouth mashes into yours, tongue splitting your lips open. You hands hook under the shoulders of his shirt, pushing everything off. Your palms run along his biceps, finger kneading the muscles as they flex. He pushes you against the counter, dragging you onto it so he can slot himself between your legs. As much as he revels in the feeling of your tongue in his mouth he breaks away to absorb the heat of your skin, his mouth eagerly exploring every inch from your jaw to your collar bones as his hands roam along your back.
Your head tilts back, sharp gasps pushing past your lips as his move down your neck, mixed with his teeth lightly grazing your skin, tongue soothing any pain. When he reaches your chest a growl deep from within his own surfaces, his hands scrambling to get your shirt out of the way. The moment your tits bounce free he takes a nipple into his mouth, your moan more sinful than a hooker in church. He pays the other equal attention, your subtle grinding of your hips not lost on him.
You can feel how hard he is as you grind against him. You can imagine how perfect he is, how good he feels, how good he tastes. You cup his cheek, pulling him off your tit and bringing his mouth back to yours. You hook your fingers into his belt loops, grinding so long and hard that he freezes, a deep groan vibrating in his chest.
You quickly unbutton his jeans, shoving them down his ass. He finally breaks out of the trance and shoves them to his knees, cock springing free. He reaches for the button of your shorts, both of you trying to slide them off as fast as possible. Before they can even hit the floor you're helping him line up with your entrance. With one swift motion his cock slides right into your cunt.
Your moan’s hang between you, breathes fanning each other’s chests as your brains catch up with your bodies. You bring his mouth back to yours, wrapping one arm around his neck and the other under his arm, bracing for the storm he’s about to unleash. You scoot to the edge, the small movement snapping both of you back. Joel grinds his hips in you, slowly building each thrust until he slides in and out of you with ease. The mix of panting, moans and fucks send both of you into overdrive. Your fingers digging and scraping at his back. His own fists full of your ass or your thighs as his hips drill into you.
“Joel- so close.” You murmur.
“Me too.” He grunts as your walls flutter around him, Your body goes stiff, the moan rattling deep within your chest. He quickly pulls out as your body convulses in the aftershock of your orgasm, cuming on the inside of your thigh. You lean into him, panting into his shoulder as you try to calm yourself.
Joel reaches for a towel, cleaning you and himself. He throws it on the floor and slots his hips between your thighs, resting his forehead in the crook of your neck.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” You whisper. Joel can hear the smile in your voice.
“Never thought you would want to do that with a scary old man.” He chuckles, kissing your collar bone.
“That mean we get to go again?”
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