#harry potter fanfiction ideas
wolvesandshine · 8 months
“What the fuck are you doing here.”
Regulus rolls his eyes. “Thought it would be fun to freeze my arse off in the cold today.”
James scoffs disbelievingly. “It’s 5 in the morning!”
Regulus just raises his eyebrow. “And?”
“Why aren’t you asleep?”
“I could ask the same thing.”
James groans out loud in frustration. “This is such a waste of time.”
“Glad we could finally agree on something. Now get out, I have to get back to training.”
“Shouldn’t you be focusing on how to kill muggles instead with your death eater friends?”
Regulus stiffens at that, anger coursing through him. “Not everyone has the luxury of choices like the gryffindor golden boy.” Regulus glared at Potter. “Some of us have to work for it.”
James goes to argue but there’s something off about the sentence. “Slytherin has beaten everyone else by miles since you became a seeker.”
Regulus looks at him like he’s the slow one. “That’s not going to cut it. I need to be signed on full time by a professional team this time next year.”
And suddenly - it clicks. James looks at the boy in front of him, really looks at him for the first time, finally understanding the desperation with which regulus plays, the ruthless efficiency combined with skill and hours of training.
This isn’t a game to him. It’s his way out.
part 2
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cherry-pop-elf · 4 months
Morning Classes
Severus Snape x Reader
Summary: You spent the night in your boyfriend’s bedroom, at the school he works at. The issue with sleeping in a dungeon, is that you can’t tell when it’s sunrise. You slept in, and decided to make it known to everyone that Severus Snape CAN get some bitches
Warnings: None really, besides implied sexual content. But none actually. Also teenagers being teenagers, and poor Snape ready to have a heart attack
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“Sevvy?” You yawned, as you would lift up your head. There you were, in satin sheets. Perfect for the muggy weather that the dungeons collected. Breathe able, light, and soft. Made you want to never leave the ink and emerald covers, but you wanted to get some breakfast with your boyfriend.
Another yawn left you, as you climbed out of the covers. Quick to steal one of his dress shirts, and cover yourself up in. You loved how it was a dress on you. Made you feel so safe, and warm. Emotionally, anyway. Despite the muggy weather of a dungeon, it can change and become so chill. Just a matter of when Peeves wants to snuff out the fire places.
“Sevvy? I want us to get some breakfast.” You called, as you stretched your body. The cold stones sending shivers through your feet, and up your spine. “And cuddles. I want more cuddles.” You cooed, as you would force open the heavy door. The one to lead to his classroom. Took some effort, but you broke through.
“Sevvy, sweetie? Let’s get some br…” Your heart dropped, as you froze. Seems you slept in, because class was in session. The familiar smog of the potions brewing filled the air, but never enough to hide the faces of his students. Along with himself.
The way every student was jaw dropped, at the realization that someone was in Snapes bedroom. Not only in his bedroom, but clearly having spent the night there. They just couldn’t process it, and neither could Snape. That ever cold scowl vanished, to be replaced with the most brilliant of pink cheeks. Seems Hogwarts was just a breeding ground of making sure he got embarrassed.
“Oh….I….Apologies….It can be kinda hard to tell the time, when you are underground.” You gulped, as you rubbed the back of your neck. You tried to step out of the room, but your back came into contact with the door. No way did you want to turn around, and risk exposing your naked butt to a bunch of kids. That’s not only gross, but also very embarrassing.
“Damn, kinda hot-“ A student said, causing Snape’s head to spin so sharply. You are surprised that no bones were broken in the process. As if he had time to figure out who said that. He had a partner to worry about. He cursed himself for letting you sleep in.
“Not. A. WORD.” He warned his students, as he quickly ran to your side. Swiftly he would take off his ever present cloak, and wrapped it around you. Let you be covered, as the students still stared. Never did they think Snape could be human. Find love, have a romance, be intimate with someone. It was just kinda assumed he was an entity all on his own.
“I am so sorry-“ You quickly whispered, with shame in your eyes. Way to go. You had to humiliate him. A man that’s been burdened with such all his life. You just had to give him more trauma. Way to go. That’s reading on your face like a book, and he won’t have any of that. He will break the cycle.
“I should have left a note-“ He tried to whisper back, but failed. The classroom was so silent, from shock, so much as his own heart beat could be heard. Was Snape taking responsibility for his own actions, and not wanting someone to feel bad? Who is this imposter? That was getting the class rowdy now.
“Students-“ He warned, but the teenagers in them were over ruled. They had so many questions. Who is this person? How did you two meet? Did you go to Hogwarts with him? Are you from another school? Pure blood? Muggle born? Did you top?!
“I uh. Just better go get some pants on-“ You swallowed, as he nodded. He was quick to open the door for you, and you ran in. It would then slam behind you, but it couldn’t muffle the gossiping of the class.
“Children-!” He warned, but their curiosity overruled their fear. They had to know. Who the hell were you?! Why would you settle for him?! So many questions, so little class time to figure it all out. They needed to know!
You made sure to hurry up, and slipped on some random bottoms. Along with a cozy top. Just clothes to actually wear, as to go out there and save your boyfriend. It must be an emotional nightmare to deal with. A bunch of students ganging up on him, much like his childhood. You will save the day.
“Hey everyone-! Sorry about that-! So uh. Hi! Yes, I’m his romantic partner. No, we didn’t meet at Hogwarts. I’m a-“ You began to rattle off, as to try and settle everyone down. Along with give Severus a moment to breathe. Breathe, and process what is happening. So much for staying under the radar.
“Why him?” Someone asked. Damn, even you could feel Snape’s death glare towards the student. Stings, but you snuck your hand to tangle with his. Comforting him, with brushing your thumb over his knuckles.
“Oh where do I start? Handsome, smart, charismatic, playful-“ That got a brow raise at the remark. The moment you kissed his cheek? Everyone was gagging, and making mock throwing up noises. You swore you saw a smile tug at his lips, at such foolery. Had you giggle, as you nuzzled your head into his shoulder.
“Thank Merlin, the bell-!” A student shouted, as the clock tower rang. Everyone was quick to bolt, leaving behind cauldrons full of left over potions. That had him rubbing his temples, but you already grabbed your wand. Working on the first one for him.
“The talk of the school….again….” He grumbled, as he would work on another one. He never liked being in the spotlight. If he could hide in the shadows, he would. Impossible now. Given the ‘scary potion master’ now had a romantic partner. Someone could love him? Such horror.
“Oh hush. Bet they are just jealous that I’m the lucky one.” You soothed, as you would give his cheek another kiss. Make that, multiple kisses. Just peppering him, and not willing to lighten up. Not until he smiled.
Took a minute, but he did. Just for you. He smiled, and soon returned a peck to your own. Far softer, and quieter. Just how he was. Like a gust of wind, in the moonlight. One of the endless reasons you adored him.
“So…..no breakfast-?” You puzzled, before he handed you over an apple. He had made sure to grab you something, after he had his own. He kept you in his thoughts. Had you just beaming, as you happily took it. Taking a large bite, as you now sat on his desk. Eye candy, as he worked.
Maybe today won’t be so bad after all. He’s in good company.
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bellatrixscurls · 1 year
fic idea!
virgin reader and sub jamie,, i just feel like you’d be so shy but also needy cus james is just so strong and overall brawny and so when you guys as much as kiss each other, you both can feel how needy you get.
but when you realise that big strong james turns into subby jamie as soon as your skin touches his, your heart melts. he gets so whiny and touchy and you have to take the lead, so that’s why you never lead him on. sometimes you get him to finish with your hand, but that’s about it. you are not experienced at all, so you don’t want to hurt him or something.
but sweet jamie finally goes to siri and remmy for help; when he was not dating anyone, he would always go to them because they knew exactly how to help him. so they get confused when he comes to them this time, petting his head and asking softly “what’s wrong, pretty boy? you know not to come to us now, y/n/n will be sad” and then james explains everything to them, of course, stuttering and sobbing, gasping for air as remus slowly tugs at his cock, wanting to help the lost boy nonetheless.
so sirius and remus decide to come to you for explanations, because what could possibly make you turn down their pretty boy? the one who was so sweet and loving and just so pure. he was your boyfriend, after all. they wanted to get to the bottom of the issue.
it’s almost funny how their eyes widen when you tell them that you are a virgin and that you do want james, but you don’t know exactly what to do and how to please him.
they help you, with your consent, of course. at first, they make james eat you out and prepare you for what’s to come. and you then find out how mad james is about you, as much about your body as your soul. he is already rock hard from earlier, so as soon as he’s made you cum on his tongue, sirius is behind him, guiding the submissive boy’s cock into you. you feel so overwhelmed with pleasure that your eyes start getting teary as well as james’.
he mumbles and cries into your ear about how pretty you look and how good you are making him feel, how he loves you immensely.
throughout the entire ‘process’, the other boys are there, sirius kissing james’ neck from behind as remus holds one of your hands tightly, and you can’t help but pucker your lips at remus. you don’t know why, or how, but you do, and he cocks one eyebrow, looking at you amusedly. “well well. i think you got the wrong guy, princess” he laughs softly, not entirely convinced of his own words.
but then james turns his head to him, eyes hazy and teary, “k-kiss her, please rem” he says breathily, and only then, remus’ lips crash against your own.
from there, you four discuss whatever happened between you that night, and decide that the best option is to stay together, all of you. <3
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a-great-tragedy · 3 months
Alright, I know that realistically sirius ran away to the potters after something traumatic happened and whatever, but I like to imagine that one random day a deer came up to Sirius’s front porch and he just rode it to their house
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dreamingofmarauders · 7 months
𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙊𝙣𝙚
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James Potter x Fem!Slytherin!Reader
Next Part Series Masterlist
Summary: In which James Potter is beyond shocked to see you introduced as the newest Order member. After all, to him, you’re nothing but a cruel, cold, pureblooded Slytherin
Word Count: 1.2K
Warnings: House stereotyping/prejudice (I think that's it, if not, let me know please!)
A/N: The inspiration for this came while I was reading @ellecdc's Sirius Black x Reader series called Come Back, Be Here and it was such an amazing read! Go read it if you haven't already! <33
───※ ·❆· ※───
The Order of the Phoenix, a secret society founded by the Headmaster of Hogwarts, Albus Dumbledore, was gathered once again in another secret location. All the members were seated in their respective seats, looking at the Headmaster to begin speaking.
“Thank you all for coming on such short notice.” Dumbledore said, his voice bouncing off the walls, “I received a tip that revealed a death eater meeting is to take place tonight, not too far from Diagon Alley.” He said. “I will have to arrange a few members to be sent to scout out the meeting, but before that, I have an important announcement.”
Everyone in the room exchanged glances, a nervousness settling for what could be bad news to be revealed.
“I have recruited a new member, who has already proven what a great asset she will be to our team.”
“Who?” Sirius asked.
Albus Dumbledore gestured towards the door, “Come in.”
You strutted in, dressed in dark clothes with your wand twirling between your fingers as a smile sat upon your lips.
And two sets of chairs screeched as two individual wands were directed at you.
“What are you doing here?!” James shouted, Sirius nodding as he backed his best mate.
“Charming. Quite a nice welcome you’ve all prepared for me, Headmaster?”
Dumbledore’s blue eyes twinkled as he directed his gaze from you to the pair of Black and Potter.
“Wands down, boys. Y/n L/n will henceforth be joining us from today.” He said, declaring it to the whole room.
“But, Professor!” James exclaimed, “Y/n’s a Slytherin!”
“Gee, thanks for noticing.”
James glared at you before he turned his eyes onto Dumbledore, his expression having turned into one of desperation. “You can’t possibly let her join!” He practically begged. “They’re all the same, the treacherous snakes can’t be trusted!”
Dumbledore opened his mouth to reply but you beat him to it.
“Well not everyone can be so dimwitted that they would end up in Gryffindor.” You said, making both James and Sirius scowl.
"We are very intelligent, thank you very much!" Sirius interjected, making you shoot a look in return that said are you really though?
“Plus," You continued "Not everyone is the same because even a lion could be a snake in disguise.”
James’ eyebrows furrowed together, “What do you mean to imply by that?”
You merely shrugged, earning a scoff from James.
“That’s enough now.” Professor McGonagall called out sternly, making both you and James fall quiet and take your seats.
“Now that we have exchanged small pleasantries,” James and you loudly scoffed, “Onto the mission. I will be sending out Remus Lupin, James Potter, Benjy Fenwick, Dorcas Meadowes and Y/n L/n.” Dumbledore gently smiled, “This tip was given by Y/n herself and this proves how much of a help Y/n’s addition to the Order will be.
A cry of protest sounded from the young Potter, “Headmaster! How can you believe her? For all we know, she could be sending us into a death trap!” James exclaimed, glaring at you, who stood up with a scoff.
“And that is the exact reason I am coming along! If something happens, I will be there too!”
“Nope! Not happening! Headmaster, I refuse to go if she goes!” James said.
“Mr. Potter,” McGonagall said, “Stop behaving so childish. Miss. L/n will be going and that is final.”
James grumbled and muttered, “Fine.” Knowing by now that Professor McGonagall could get real scary when she needed to be.
“Good, now get going.”
James glared your way to which you only smirked at him, irking the young Potter even more.
*.·:·.✧ ✦ ✧.·:·.*
The mission was partially successful as like the tip you had given, there was a death eater meeting. However, they sensed the presence of Order members too early and before you all could even cast a spell their way, they had gone.
Most of the Order had been kind and accepted you in, after all, if Dumbledore trusted you, what reason did they have not to? Well, everyone except for Sirius Black and James Potter. 
Especially James Potter.
He loathed you. Simple as that. Your mere existence irked him, like it has been since your shared days at Hogwarts. You always had a way that managed to annoy him, and he had been always determined to get under your skin every time he caught sight of you within the castle.
James wasn’t sure when it started but the interactions between the two of you had become frequent since fifth year. He despised you for being a Slytherin, after all you were just like the rest, acting as if you were superior. But it was also the way you winked at him or that teasing smile that crawled onto your lips. Or how you would speak in a playful tone, flicking your hair over your shoulder every time you walked away or how you twirled your wand teasingly between your nimble fingers.
It infuriated him.
Everything about you annoyed James Potter to no end.
Henceforth, why he was so against your arrival into the Order and how he was determined to get at you every chance he could get.
"Wow, L/n, I'm surprised you haven't melted yet." James said later one evening at an Order meeting.
You cocked an eyebrow at him, "Meaning?"
"Meaning my burning hatred towards you, I was expecting you to have skedaddled out of here."
You gave him a weird look, "Well, that genuinely made no sense, Potter. Now excuse me." You said, returning to your conversation with Remus.
James grumbled, turning towards his best mate, "Moony! Stop hanging out with her!"
Remus let out an exasperated sigh, "Listen, Prongs, I love having you as a friend, truly I do, but if you're going to keep this up, I won't hesitate to hex your arse off the planet."
James stared at his best friend, dumbfounded, while you doubled over laughing.
"Moony," James muttered out hollowly, "How could you? You're my best friend!" He accused Remus in an over dramatic manner.
"And Y/n is also a friend of mine."
This threw James off completely, "She's WHAT!?"
"A friend. She was nothing but polite to me throughout school and I have no reason to be rude to her."
You shot Remus a smile of gratitude before moving your gaze to James, eyes turning cold as you stood up.
"I love to annoy you, truly, but I find it unfair how you're always taking out what most of my house has done against me. Not everyone is the same. I'm not like them." You breathed out, your voice wavering near the end.
James suddenly felt a weird sensation wash over him and he watched you turn around and go.
"Mate," James looked at his friend, his attention snapping from you to Remus, "You don't need to be so mean to her. She has gone through a lot."
James scoffed loudly, "I doubt that."
Remus gave his friend an expression of what looked like pity and exasperation. He patted James on the shoulder before walking away. James stood there, lost within his own thoughts. He shook his head vigorously after a few seconds.
No, to him you were merely one of them. You were from a family of death eaters. You were from the house that turned out all the dark wizards. You were just one of them and nothing more. And he hated them all.
"I hate you." He whispered.
Although, James' perception about you would be challenged as the next Order mission would bring an unexpected twist.
════ ⋆★⋆ ════
A/N: Ok, so I had this idea of this one scene and I was planning on just a oneshot but instead I decided to go ahead and make a mini series, just so I can write more about James and Reader in this enemies to lovers sort of trope. I've never really written for James before, so I hope you all liked it and stay tuned for the next one because it's going to be good! Love you all and take care! <33
Love, Serina ❤
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pixie-of-south · 8 months
Now I need a drarry fic based off this. Fuck sectumsempra, what if this is the curse Harry put on Draco during 6th year? What then!*!?@*
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soupyloopyx · 21 days
James: what do you guys do when you're home alone? Remus: cry as loud as i want to Sirius: actually eat food Regulus: wear the clothes i want to and act how i want Peter: i... i just listen to music and bake, are you guys ok??
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le-clair-de-lune · 1 month
It's a hot night and somehow you forget magic is a thing, good thing you have Sirius
It was becoming unbearable. You woke up with a groan, skin covered in a layer of sweat and your body so hot you'd believe you were being baked alive. As your eyes flickered open you looked to where the most overwhelming source of heat was coming from. Sirius. The boy lay on his side, an arm wrapped around your waist, the other keeping your head pressed against him and his legs entangled with yours. Now normally this would be no problem, but with it already being so hot outside and with you and your boyfriends combined body heat, it was too much. You groaned once again pushing yourself free of him and laying on your back, spread out like a starfish. It was still hot but, this was better. You let your eyes shut with a sigh.
Only for them to reopen not a minute later, when you felt a tug on your arm. With an irritated whine you looked over to see Sirius' hand wrapped around your wrist pulling you towards him. Before he could get you too close you pulled away and moved further from him, letting out a tired giggled as you watched his arm flail around in search of you.
"The hell? come" he mumbled, making a grabbing motion, his eyes still closed and a soft frown on his face.
When he got no response he opened one eye just a crack to see you laying on the edge of the bed facing him. Confusion covered his face.
" You okay love?"
"mhm, 's hot" you replied spreading out once again
"Okay?" he reached for you again "come 'ere"
"nuh uh"
His both eyes opened at this, a incredulous look on his face. "Nuh. Uh?"
"You're tooo hot" you groan
A lazy smirk makes its way onto his face at his words "I already knew that doll" he winked "No need to be jealous, you're pretty hot too"
"Shut up" you say throwing an arm across your face "I'm bloody boiling and you're making it worse. Stupid flipping heat"
He chuckles raising himself up onto one arm and pulling you close, despite your protests. He slowly removed the arm draped across your face. Grinning down at you "You could always remove some layers" he smirked letting his eyes roam over your tiny shorts and vest.
"Stop trynna get me naked, you horndog" you huffed pushing him
He jokingly rolled his eyes "Great solution if you ask me" he mumbled
"It's too much" you whined "So fucking hot, I'm sweating buckets, I can't sleep and you're-" you cut yourself off with a delighted gasp, melting into the bed.
Sirius puts his wand back with a chuckle "Drama Queen" turning to you "You didn't think about a cooling charm princess? You are aware you're a witch right, or did the heat also induce amnesia?"
You just let out an incoherent mumble at his words, eyes closed in content, turning on your side away from him.
"I think the fuck not" his eyebrows scrunched, turning you back "I fixed your problem sweetheart, now come here so I can sleep"
A soft smile made it's way to your face as you cooed "Can't sleep without me in your arms? How romantic" snuggling into his side
"Yeah, yeah" he mumbled pulling you into him, kissing your temple "Night love"
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zep-again · 4 months
perciver fic where they start dating and percy feels like hes walking on eggshells around oliver because all his life he has been told how ugly and annoying he is and he thinks one wrong move is gonna make oliver realize how he deserves so much better than him. percy feels selfish for trying to keep oliver to himself when he knows he doesn’t deserve him but he has never had something like this before and he wants to cling to it as long as possible before oliver inevitably realizes what a loser he is and goes to find someone better. oliver, on the other hand, is over the moon about being with percy and the entirety of the gryffindor quidditch team is tired of him going on and on about great and handsome and funny percy is. so when they start dating and percy suddenly becomes a completely different person, oliver becomes worried. he feels guilty because hes not sure he quite likes the new percy. but what if this was the real him? that percy feels he can finally be himself around oliver now that they are dating?
idk where im going with this maybe one of them breaks it off and they both get all depressed? maybe they have a conversation about like adults and live happily ever after?
(also if they break up and oliver mentions it at practice and the twins are all like “i was wondering how long you would put up with him for” and go off about all the reasons he would never be loved and oliver rushing to his defense)
(and maybe percy overhears not necessarily the twins, but oliver going on and on about how amazing he is and how percy was just too good for him)
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nevermindigotthis · 7 months
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Oooookay, so in my quest to find a Drarry fic I like I came up with my own idea. Basically, instead of Harry, Ron and Hermione all being captured (during the war), Harry manages to draw attention so only he is captured and manages to hide his face (similarly to what Hermione does). He gets taken to the manor and Draco is asked to identify him. Harry is absolutely sure Draco knows it’s him, but Draco hesitates to say so. In that moment, Harry gets a Voldemort vision: Voldemort has found the Elderwand. However, Voldemort also sees what Harry sees, which is Draco, with the absolute certainty that Draco knows it‘s him and isn‘t saying anything.
So Voldemort returns to Malfoy manor absolutely PISSED and accuses Draco of treason and starts torturing him while Narcissa tries to reason with him. Voldemort demands all Malfoys prove their loyalty by torturing Draco with Cruciatus. Bellatrix does not hesitate. Lucius is reluctant, but too afraid to resist, so he complies. Narcissa begs that he‘s her son and she just can‘t. Haven’t decided if he kills her for it.
Then Voldemort turns to Harry, who doesn‘t want to die and tells Voldmort that he‘s a horcrux so he won‘t be killed (Hermione figured it out earlier). Voldemort tortures him a bit too and then throws the both of them in the cellars of the Manor. Which is where this picture comes in (with a lot more humor than the fic would have).
I haven‘t decided how this would end (apart from Drarry, lol), but the glorious escape would entail Harry realizing Draco is the master of the Elderwand and them using that fact to escape. Now that I think about it though, Voldemort torturing Draco would probably make him the master… eh, I haven‘t figured it out yet.
But enjoy the image, because writing is hard and I probably will never actually write this fic.
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darkcrowprincess · 12 days
The Black brothers fic idea:
There needs to be more Sirius kidnaps Regulus on the day he runs away to the Potters fics in the Marauders fandom. Like Regulus is short and skinny, Sirius could easily do it. And it's not like Regulus would put up too much of a fight about it(because he now has an excuse not to stay with their family or lose Sirius). And to add to the drama the Black parents could sue the Potter parents for kidnapping Regulus(not Sirius because he's of age and can legally do what he wants). To stop this in it's tracks Regulus and James can get married/engaged so he's legally a Potter (yes I need to add in my mandatory jegulus). I don't know how that would work. But it's pure blood culture, there's probably some backwards tradition about not legally belonging to a family anymore once your marrying into another. Either way there needs to be more Sirius just kidnaps Regulus with him on the day he runs away. Because it be funny and I love shenanigans with the black brothers. And I just love imagining James opening his door on that night a very hurt Sirius with a tied up and gagged/kidnapped(muffled cursing) Regulus tossed over Sirius shoulder and a tired and almost about to pass out Sirius says, "It's a long story can I come in?" And once James says yes, still in shock. Sirius comes in, and gently puts Regulus on the floor. Than he passes out for his wounds. Whi h freaks everyone out including a still tied up and gagged Regulus.
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redabeline · 2 months
“Look, it’s Professor Snape!” A peculiar hush fell over the hall at his entrance; hurried whispers fell silent as he passed, only to rise again in his wake. “Was he really a Death Eater? Has he been marked?” “He has, people have seen it! He was You-Know-Who’s right hand man! He ran the school when You-Know-Who was in charge of everything!” “He was Dumbledore’s man, though,” another chimed in, and then a pause. “He didn’t stop me from getting Crucio’d by a first-year, mind.” “Come off it, first-year torture was like getting pelted by potato bullets. Imagine what You-Know-Who did to him.” Imagine what You-Know-Who did to him, indeed, Severus thought. Worse than torture: he’d made him a minor celebrity.
Snape Lives | Postwar AU | Oneshot
Schoolyard Legend on Ao3
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ecstarry · 29 days
@rosekillermicrofic / heart / 342 words tw: mature language and mention of murder / for @star4daisy
“What happens now?” Evan asked. 
“Well, we leave.” Barty stared at him, waiting for a response, but Evan couldn’t speak. He still couldn’t understand how he had ended up here, with bodies under his feet, unable to tell if the blood on his right boot was from the same person as the blood on his shirt or jacket.
“Do you regret it?” 
Evan allowed himself to process everything for the first time. Memories of everyone he once considered important came rushing back—a broken attempt at love and a life that never quite made sense. He had thought about leaving; life seemed utterly boring. It was passing him by, and whether it continued or stopped, it all felt the same to Evan.
Then he met Barty. Suddenly, he began to care. He became aware of every second of every day because each one was a second with or without Barty. He now had desires. All the organs he once thought worthless had become vital. He needed his eyes to see Barty, his hands to touch him, his nose to smell him, his skin to feel him, and his cock to fuck him. He even needed his heart too.
“Don’t. I made my choice.” Barty nodded in understanding but kept his distance.
For someone who had slaughtered a record number of people with just guitar strings, Barty had the most loving eyes, and it was all for Evan. He glanced down at his hands; Evan couldn’t tell how much time had passed, but the blood on his skin was starting to dry. They needed to go.
Barty cleared his throat and lifted his hand, gesturing for Evan to come closer. Evan obeyed, as he always did, stopping just a few inches away. Barty grabbed him by the nape of his neck and pressed their foreheads together. Their breathing instantly synched. 
“It’s just us now,” Barty whispered in relief. “Just you and me.”
Evan’s heart, the once useless heart, grew fonder with Barty’s words. “Do you promise?”
“I do. It’s you and me, love.”
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barryhotter · 3 months
draco malfoy would NOT listen to taylor swift.
draco malfoy would listen to the smiths, and occasionally a bit of david bowie. he likes morrisey's ego.
harry potter would listen to the cure.
they are destined soulmates. in this essay i will-
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june 27 - heal - @jegulus-microfic - word count: 114
It was always hard to heal after something tragic. That’s what everyone told Orion and Walburga after Sirius left. The two wicked parents simply laughed. Regulus wasn’t allowed to mourn his brother. So he never did.
All his emotions were suppressed afterward. Happiness, love, forgiveness. He never allowed anyone to see him fall apart.
James was his safe haven. His escape from the wretched place called home. It was James who reintroduced the brothers. James who sat them down to talk. James who made them sob together as they reminisced. And James who smiled as Regulus and Sirius finally hung out without him.
Of course, Regulus needed to award him accordingly afterward with kisses.
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i need to write a fic where albus and scorpius start dating but albus hasn’t told his family yet and they end up spending some of summer together and james proposes a scheme to do together because he feels guilty about not being a better brother to albus.
and james, being slightly oblivious, thinks albus sees scorpius as a brother and out of guilt and his desire to prove that he really does care about his little brother he keeps pushing to spend more time with him but it just comes across like he doesn’t like scorpius.
and albus, thinking that james hates scorpius, is super nervous to tell his family about them dating because he thinks james will be mad.
rose and lily know exactly what’s going on on both sides but neither with intervene because; rose doesn’t think it’s right to meddle in their relationships and thinks they should sort it out and; lily sees this as an opportunity to cause chaos.
hugo’s vaguely aware of what’s going on but is mostly interested in helping lily cause problems.
teddy is the only one who knows about albus and scorpius dating and james’ fears from the people themselves and is the person they defer to for advice. unfortunately for them, teddy has decided to play the role of “older sibling that encourages your worse impulses”
harry: the children are getting along really well actually :)
teddy, staring out the window at the children recreating lord of the flies in real time: yeah they’re getting along so well :)
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