#have you considered thats not a great mindset
heuldoch7b · 2 days
Have you tried drawing the female versions of the Primarchs? They're an very cool idea but most often done horribly. The female versions I saw are sexualised and do not look and sound at all like their canon versions. Would hope to see how one of my favourite artists do it. Your Primarch designs are so authentic and I know that you'll do a great job, as always, for the other ones ^^
oh ;_; god thank you so much.. favorite artist?? thats such a huge title to have. blush.
ive never really been into like, genderswap stuff honestly :o( i play with gender like toys as is, never really occurs to me to do like specific gender swaps; i will just say a character is male/female/genderfluid/agender/WHATEVER and thats that!
also, ontop of that, its difficult for me to imagine what exactly the differences would be considering. like. physiologically emps has effectively hand-crafted a new species of human and certaintly has some insane shit going on hormonally for them to make them optimized for being like. big huge mcmusclefucks. sex characteristics arent really that important when it comes to biocrafting living weapons. itd more go towards how theyd want to present, i suppose. scratches my cheek. im sure theres someone out there whos thought of this way more than i have + i have a "get silly with it" mindset
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nevertheless, i drew roboute, corvus, dorn, and leman with their "fem" versions for your troubles.
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constantvariations · 2 years
Just from a design standpoint, it's very disappointing that all the folks with bright, light color schemes (Yang, Weiss, Sun, etc) are also light skinned when it would be best to make them dark skinned - Sun and Yang especially given how little representation dark skinned Asians have
By doing this, Yang would finally be free of those awful brown slops of outfits while Sun and Weiss would stop disappearing into their white clothes because ☆~contrast~☆ would finally exist
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elizakai · 6 months
you guys i can’t take this anymore i need to release steam from this pot of killer and dust thoughts that’s on the stove
listen. if you don’t know by now. one of my favorite things to do is bridge narratives between fanon ideas, and canon truths hehe
Killer and Dust. The accepted dynamic is basically killer being a pestering little shit and dust being over it.
THATS GREAT ON ITS OWN it’s funny etc
but think about their ACTUAL characters for a moment. they are two sides of the same coin.
i don’t want to hear any of that old fandom “they are literally the same” shhhhh. nuh uh dear friend, they commuted the same (general) action💥
their motives and situations are very different however! which is important when it comes to understanding a character
They both played into an opposite role in their world if you ask me.
Killer partners with chara, filling the role of the player. he’s a lot like flowey actually.
(in killers world, while he is still a pawn of this sick game, he gets manipulated after all, he has taken on the ROLE of the player. everyone else are the pawns.)
dust is against the anomaly of dusttale, which is that worlds player.
dust is a pawn. a pawn that is defying the player of the game
(in the same way that killer is still pawned, dust still uses his fellow “pawns” as a means to “win” the game, meaning he’s also playing)
(but again, i’m speaking role wise)
Killer and Dust’s dynamic doesn’t have to just be haha funny, it has some actual merit and potential to their characters.
Killer is constantly looking for new forms of entertainment. something new. he’ll get bored, and if he’s bored he’ll have to look at himself. killer is very much a character representing disassociation avoidance and to an extent, escapism (huh. like someone playing a video game?)
Of COURSE he’s gonna poke at people. it’s INTERESTING. it gets a REACTION. he gets to have that small power trip of being in control, after feeling like he lost control this is something that’s probably addictive to killer.
meanwhile dust…well. killer acts like his own anomaly in a way. he prods at him, toys with him, he’s leering and he takes pleasure in any reaction dust gives. dust probably would resent this feeling without really knowing why. he feels like some toy, and he’d probably be inclined to even interpret a genuine interaction this way.
this honestly makes dusts inclination to shut off or dull down any emotion make more sense. be as unremarkable as possible, and you’ll be left alone, right?
isn’t that…kind of what sans does? he’ll repeat same lines of dialogue and such when he reallyyy doesn’t have to. he’s being uninteresting. (and no he doesn’t need to remember everything magically for that to be possible. in game he will poke fun at past conversations and dialogue so he’s clearly aware enough)
Killer wants a response, so dust doesn’t give one.
killer wants control and feels like this is a challenge, dust feels cornered and defensive
if they had existed in the same world, it would have been killer vs dust in the end either way.
it’s a big old game of cat and mouse until someone snaps. they need to be given the opportunity to understand their similarities
even in an interpretation where they are in a healthier relationship, in whatever capacity, i think these mindsets would be conflict they may have….
to killer , on one hand he may be OFFENDED by his lack of response. he may be EXCITED, it’s a CHALLENGE. he might take dusts resignation as a sign of submission, which would give killer a HIGE power trip.
he might. genuinely just be trying to have fun?
it could be ENTIRELY lighthearted, and it’s still…rather toxic, considering where that mindset branched from
and we know dust won’t be inclined to say anything. he probably doesn’t understand his own feelings to be frank💀 he just feels gross and intimidated and cornered so he shuts off and sees killer as oppressive , and grows resentful regardless of intent, as these feelings only feed into his crippling self hatred anyways
….thats all for tonight-
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(Legion) Charr relationships always facinated me in some way, I think despite taking inspiration from real world cultures Charr really crank the Militaristic culture to the max. I think you can play with the cultural inspiration for the charr while also taking in their animalistic nsture to form a sort of mix of the two. It makes sense that legion charr don't have a hand in raising their own children, it makes sense these children then go to form the strongest bonds with their bandmates in hopes of that giving them the motivation of a deep connection to fight better and fight harder.
But the Individual relationships strike me as the most interesting. We know that its uncommon (though not given a specific statistic) that Charr have a life-long partner, and most relationships are casual or with the goal to have children, cement a legacy, and move on. We Also know that Charr value Loyalty above all else, its deeply ingrained into every part of them to be loyal to their legion, their warband, how does this loyalty transfer to personal relationships? For the few charr that decide to form long-term partnerships I say...A Lot.
Since the concept of marriage doesn't really have a stake within the legions, I think that the charr forming long term relationships take these relationships extremely seriously! (Usually, there will always be exceptions.) Loyalty to the person you chose is a hell of a thing, and I can see the reason for these relationships being discouraged is because having a very specific relationship like that can be detrimental if the couple cant shake the loyalty to each other over the loyalty to the Whole. Of course the same could be said for both platonic and Familial relationships, but for the sake of talking about romantic ones, it does come with different connotations.
humans (Generalized/ this is for my essay lets just all go along with it) tend to follow the steady road of Meeting/Friendship-> Dating -> Engaged -> Married
Charr, then, would only have Meeting/friendship -> Mate
I may be silly for thinking this but in the legions I cannot really see there being the same in between stages we have bc there is simply No time for it, but I also wouldn't Necessarily say that charr partnerships jump straight to the equivalent of Marriage, I do think it Does encompass a much deeper bond that over time just evolved to that equivalent.
So Deciding to form that sort of long-term partnership /is/ quite a big deal to the Charr that do.
And, to slightly pivot from this, I do think its fun and probably fitting that Charr are a sex-positive culture espeically if most of their relationships Are Casual. I remember that one dialogue between two charr insinuating theres a sort of unqiue code Charr have to signal preferences which is so fun these guys are freaky thats great.
BUT ANYWAY. Ive just been thinking about this a lot for erm. Obvious reasons. I do think a legion's charr opinions on long-term vs casual relationships would actually be quite a deep insight into their character considering the type of culture they come from or even if they have broken free of that mindset if theyve been seperated from the legions for a while! Anyway!
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theresattrpgforthat · 2 months
Almighty TATTRPGFT, I ask you what is a good fantasy ttrpg thats like a smidgen simpler than/tighter than dnd thats flexible and has individual character progression thats cool? (I am so damn tired of dnd and after I finish my lancer campaign I'm gonna try to run a fantasy thing thats about world hopping since my brain cant stick with just one world... I wanted to run OSR stuff but most of my players want to keep their characters longer than a couple sessions)
THEME: World-hopping Fantasy Games
Hello there, so I’ve got some world-hopping games for you that I consider all much simpler than D&D, although the way they cater to your players’ wants may vary. Now I’m personally biased towards Forged-in-the-Dark games if your characters want to hold onto their characters and explore all of their mechanical and narrative details, but I’m also hoping that folks will see this ask and suggest more fantasy games that give you cool character abilities - maybe you can even mesh some regular fantasy games with something else on this list!
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Portal Rats, by Tore Nielsen.
Portal Rats is a stand-alone fantasy tabletop rpg, based on the Black Hack rules. 
There is an unlimited wealth of worlds out there. Some are embodiments of ideals, some the product of a god's fevered will, and some who seem to have congealed from pure potential. In Portal Rats you can visit all of them. 
The core mechanic of Portal Rats is a roll-below test, using a d20 against an attribute on your character sheet. You have six attributes that should remind your players of D&D, although the backgrounds of your characters are less about your race and more about what you did in the past. The rules of the game look to be pretty concise, with much of the 58-page book being different character options and character classes. You level up when you finish a mission or quest, which results in more hit points, and higher attributes.
This game is probably close to what you as a GM are looking for: it’s an OSR mindset, with very little that allows the players to hold onto their characters if a roll goes badly. That being said, if your players are attached to their characters, they might be able to bring out emotional and narrative elements regardless of the system. Therefore, even if you pick up something that is more similar to OSR, they’ll find ways to role-play.
Vergence, by Small Cool Games.
Within the multiverse are a few places of great power called Vergences. They are ruled by families bred for the ability to open portals between worlds.
You play a member of one of these empowered bloodlines. Your birthright gives you the capacity to travel across infinite dimensions and manipulate reality.
But you’ll need to deal with conflicts involving your own powerful and manipulative family, secret conspiracies, mystical enemies, moldering gods, terrifying monsters, ancient artifacts, and existential threats with the potential to affect all the worlds of the Umbra. And possibly your annoying little sister…
Vergence is a Forged-in-the-Dark game that really amps up your character’s powers and broadens the stakes to a cosmic scale. Vergence is a much looser interpretation of Blades, taking away much of the bookkeeping found in the vice and heat mechanics that punish typical Blades’ characters. You also level up as a group, rather than individually, which I understand might not be what your playgroup is looking for, but your characters are still uniquely powered individuals with special abilities.
1400 Planes, by Unknown Dungeon.
1400 Planes is lo-fi hi-fantasy. 
The multiverse roils with boundless existence. For many, the infinite planes of creation drift past at an immeasurable distance, their alien secrets perpetually out of reach. However those who break their mortal shackles and cross that liminal space, wander such exotic spheres on an eternal pilgrimage.
1400 Planes is a stand-alone table-top RPG. The rules are short and easy to learn and the whole game can fit on a single sheet of paper.  It can be played using just the rules provided, or combined with other entries in the 1400 series to expand the world and provide more character and game options.
24XX games feel very slim and small, but I think they can provide the base for something bigger that caters to your group. They can also be combined with other games that use the same rule-set very easily, which you could use to provide interesting level-ups for characters. 24XX games are also usually pretty cheap, so you’re not going to break the bank picking up a few to play around with.
Planedawn Orphans, by Sharkbomb Studios.
Set in the Planar City, a strange melting pot that connects the vast diversity of the multiverse. You all play Planar Orphans stranded in this city, your original home worlds destroyed, corrupted or lost. 
A mysterious Patron has brought you together, provided you with a base of operations and tasked you to complete a Planar Key. This key will let you create a new plane for you and your fellow refugees. Your quest will bring you to exotic places filled with strange creatures and bizarre phenomena.
This isn’t a game in itself - it’s a campaign framework - but it gives you the opportunity to cobble together a bunch of different games while still giving your players a structure upon which they can scaffold their character’s growth and personalities. I’m currently running this across a huge number of different games with a co-GM and my home group: so far we’ve played Household, The Wildsea, Sundered Isles, and The Great Soul Train Robbery!
Sig, City of Blades, by Genesis of Legend Publishing.
Sig is the nexus of the multiverse, where eternal planes and infinite primes meet. It’s a rough home for cutters and bashers, hungry for coin and glory. It’s a city of gods, demons, and stranger things which lurk. It’s a place where opposites meet, trading knives and kisses in equal measure.
The Silent Regent once ruled over the city with a bladed fist. Now her throne sits empty and the criminal factions battle for control. They dispatch crews of Freebooters, clever and bold, to further their schemes. This is where you come in.
In Sig: City of Blades, you will play the Freebooters in service to once of the mighty city factions. Your faction depends on you to perform vital missions to seize territory and coin from their rivals. This is a game about clever spies, renegade sorcerers and reckless smugglers. You are the best of the best and the worst of the worst.
If you are familiar with Planescape, I’ve heard that Sig: City of Blades gives off the same vibes, at least when it comes to setting. Rules-wise, it’s Forged in the Dark. It looks like in this game, the multiverse comes to you; as scoundrels in a city at the centre of these dimensions, there are plenty of ways for you to get rich in some kind of way that counts. If your group is up to play scoundrels and thieves, you might be interested in Sig: City of Blades.
Tiny Dungeon: Second Edition, by Gallant Knight Games.
Tiny Dungeon: Second Edition is powered by the TinyD6 engine, with streamlined mechanics that utilize only one to three single six-sided dice on every action, characters that can be written on a 3x5 notecard, and easy to understand and teach rules, Tiny Dungeon 2e is great for all groups, ages, and experience levels!
Tiny Dungeon feels like a very boiled-down version of a classic fantasy game; heritages that give you starting abilities, traits that are reminiscent of character classes, and a turn economy that structures combat to make sure everyone gets the same amount of time to do things. You use d6’s to roll, with 1d6 being the worst pool (rolling with a disadvantage) and 3d6 being the best (rolling with an ability or advantage). The game is meant to be mod-able, with optional rules and various micro-settings meant to get your inspiration flowing. The best part about so many different micro-settings that all use the same rules is that you can absolutely jump from one setting to another!
Fantasy Recommendations from The Past
Fantasy, With Tools
Echoes of D&D
Non-Western Fantasy
Non-Gritty Low Fantasy
Fuck Wizards of the Coast
I’d also ask myself if Slugblaster could be hacked to be about fantasy adventurers jumping into various dimensions, rather than teenagers hoverboarding across space and time. It certainly has plenty of pieces that allow your characters to dig into personal issues - the Trouble mechanic really lets you digest the kinds of things your character might have to neglect in order to go adventuring! You can read more about it in my Dimensional Travel recommendation post.
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jo-the-nerd · 7 months
ALSO SPEAKING AS SOMEBODY WHO ONLY KNOWS THE BARE MINIMUM OF GOOD OMENS AND THE INEFFABLE HUSBANDS i just wanna say im pretty sure bg3 has their equivalent in bloodweave (gale [the one played by tim downie] + astarion)
my defense:
autistic book nerd and king who has the Audacity to fight God + chaotic theater gay that gives cat vibes and may need Therapy
aziraphale and gale sound like the type that would have solidarity in old man knees . idek if thats canon for aziraphale but it sure as hell is for gale
aziraphale and gale rhyme holy shit thats becoming a legitimate bullet point AJSJSJSJA
the book nerds live in their own private library . gale has a whole ass wizards tower while aziraphale has his book shop (that iirc he doesnt even sell the books in it ???)
crowley and astarion are the same fruit men . i also dont know how to explain that crowley just gives me 8 strength vibes as well . even if he was an angel you cant tell me this man can lift more than three books at once
"fuck the gods that did nothing for us. what if we chose each other" vibes from the both of them (idc what the other endings for gale are hes denouncing mystra in my canon bc i say so <33)
is aziraphale the type to have a cat . he seems so . how about a cat w wings (<-a tressym) . theyd absolutely bond over that
if you replaced the cutscenes of astarions little hissy fits w crowley i think itd honestly still be pretty in character
if i manage to pirate good omens one of these days i will be confirming if my hypothesis is correct <33
Ooooh now we're talking :)))))) I'll try to be brief (< lying)
yup that's them.
'may need therapy' we all know they do, the 'may' is only there bc they either won't admit it (Aziraphale & Gale) or would have to get dragged kicking & screaming before ultimately weaseling their way out of it looney tunes style (Crowley & Astarion)
Aziraphale is an old man in all aspects except one (biologically), however Crowley is the same age and he would definitely have old man knees. he doesn't know what to do with his joints half of the time due to being snek
yeah there are no books being sold in that bookshop fgfjkfggnv. like, it's all first editions and what-not so i totally get not wanting to give any away but then why open a shop??? instead of a collection???
yk what, fair enough. Crowley is a noodle, those arms aren't doing much more opening doors for his angel. tbf he can lift multiple potted plants at once but that's more spite than anything
i could also totally see Astarion doing the Crowley Walk(TM)
"fuck the gods that did nothing for us. what if we chose each other vibes" so true, no notes.
aziraphale doesn't have a pet (yet) but I think he would love a cat (I mean, he's got Crowley hanging around, basically the same). A tressym is just a very peculiar step up from that (consider: it has it's own wings to match him and Crowley, which is really adorable!!)
crowley's hissy fits are great and can likewise be replaced with Astarion's.
similiar additions which would probably still be in character:
C slammed Aziraphale into a wall for calling him nice
C went out into the middle of the street when he got really frustrated/anxious and exploded lightning from his body
C agreed to take care of the bookshop, not selling any books etc. but tossed any books he was holding into some corner whenever
both of them evaded the immediate ire of their higher ups by pointing out a technicality that amounted to 'this word is explained to be different from the one you're using, but through a miniscule footnote on the last page of this giagantic book'
Aziraphale has an incredible hard time overcoming the trauma and toxic mindset upheld by his superiors, including how he views himself and his partner (that one's just sad, sry)
Solid ground for a hypothesis I'd say :))
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sophieinwonderland · 2 months
Hi! I'm back. I think I was being reactionary due to my own religious trauma, and so I took a few days to think on what you said, why I think its wrong, and if its discomfort or my moral code. Turns out its a bit of both. I was uncomfortable at the comparison so I lashed out against a statement I hadn't properly considered, this is a personal fault and I'm sorry you dealt with the results of it.
So where do I take moral issue in it? I think my issue is in the support being *reliant* on them joining. If you walk up to a vulnerable person and say "I will support you and you will feel better if you join my religion/start doing this practice" I think thats wrong. If you walk up to a vulnerable person and say "I support you. My religion/doing this practice personally helped me, and many others, maybe it'll help you too." There is no moral issue here. (The practice in both being tulpamancey) The reason I view the first one as a cult-y thing is because it involves coercion. The person will feel they *have* to join in order to be supported. That if they aren't a christian, or a tulpamancer, they are alone. I don't think there's anything wrong with reaching out to people, supporting them, and offering them a coping mechanism. I do think there's something wrong with your support for vulnerable people being reliant on them joining you (joining as in actively participating). I'm not sure which you're offering as a concept here. If its the second one, I greatly apologize for misinterpreting you. If its the first, I'm still sorry that I came into this with a bad mindset, but I hope you will consider what I'm saying and if you do decide to go on with this approach it in a way that doesn't involve making people feel they MUST join. Tulpamancey is great for so many people, but everyones different and some people cannot deal with those sorta things. Same with religion. I think giving support, with an optional coping mechanism is far better then giving support if they agree to try your coping mechanism. Does that make sense?
Thanks for reconsidering.
To be clear, I would absolutely never support withholding support from people who need it if they weren't tulpamancers or plural.
I've always believed that support, especially for mental health matters, shouldn't be held hostage based on someone's beliefs or lack thereof. Nor should it be contingent on whether or not they're plural.
I don't support religions that do that, nor would I ever want to see our community doing so.
For the same reason, I think it's great that pro-endo resources like Pluralkit and Simply Plural are free and open for everyone to use who needs them. It would be horrible to have valuable resources that could help people gated away behind system origins and syscourse stances.
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unityrain24 · 2 months
Saw your tags about Star Wars, it seems Star Wars stans and modern MCU stans are two peas in a pod. :/
im not entirely sure which tags you were referring to, because i have reblogged several starwars posts with Tags, but honestly, the mcu and starwars really are two peas in a pod. And im honestly surprised there isnt more comradery/comparing between the fandoms
both started out as, while definitely not "high art" or anything, legitimately good enjoyable films, with relatable characters the audience could feel empathy and compassion for, exciting new powers and places, fun and adventurous stories, and more, which instantly became beloved classic that people thought about with nostalgia and pleasantness. And they were and by people who cared and the people who watched them were compelled to care and create communities.
But then both franchises saw a shift, from making films from a passionate and moneymaking point of view, to purely making films from a moneymaking point of view. While star wars saw this happen with the franchise being picked up a few years after to make sequels, the mcu's shift happened more gradually, since there was no time in-between making movies.
now, while i would not consider myself a StarWars Fan, my sister and cousins most definitely were, so i had to watch basically everything in order to keep a conversation with them (not that i didnt enjoy it, i quite liked it and all the lore, it just didnt hold the special place in my heart that thing i consider myself a Fan of do). I've watched the movies, the clone wars series, rebels, the mandalorian, etc all the way through. It's been a while since i was keeping up with everything, so forgive me for not having quite a comprehensive understanding and opions of it as i did say, 3-4 years ago lol.
But the starwars sequels are a lot like the latest phases of the mcu. While i cant remember if they explicitly go against any prestablished canon like the later mcu phases do, they definitely go against the spirit and point/purpose of the original (and even prequel) films.From what i remember, the sequels also had went through several different directers and had direction and script changes and was a whole mess, so even the three films were sort of inconsistent or at the very leat felt oddly-thrown together (<-i may be wrong on the specifics of that its been a while. but it was something along those lines). Also like the later phases of the mcu, they relied a lot on the "nostalgia factor" with not only easter eggs but bringing back old ideas, concepts, plots, even characters, since it "worked so well the first time," when really what the "first time" did was think of new things, present old things in new ways, and tell make art from a place of passion, community, and connection, rather than a "whats the least i can do to make the most money" mindset formula (a point brought up a lot by @therese-lokidottir on many of their recent mcu critiques).
Starwars, unlike the mc, did have a brief period of "redemption" where it looked like the franchise would be saved and given back to the hands of people passionate about starwars, stoytelling, and film, with stuff like the final season of clonewars, the mandalorian, and a few other things. That was a great time to be a starwars fan. I wasn't even a fan, and it was kind of magical for me. But now it seems like they are back of the capitalist art-destroying path, hard. They have been pumping out series after series after series (once again going for the "nostalgia" thing, bringing back the clonewars artstyle, several beloved characters, and more), but it all feels so hollow. The stories feel more like they are just putting in a whole bunch of "wow, thats so shocking" and sewing them together with "hey i loved that character!". The costuming and makeup is absolute trash. The worst by far is hera (an alien character from the animated Rebels series, showing up live-action in Ahsoka). It is hideous. I have seen cosplays of her better than what the actual multi-bullion-dollar corpoation disney with all the best resources put on that screen. The costume looked like it was from spirit halloween, the makeup looked patchy and strange, they left out simple details of her design, and all the colours were Off. Examples:
Hera in Rebels:
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Hera Cosplayers (x and x):
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Hera in the Ahsoka Series: (it is like. seriously disconcerting to me)
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and again, the costuming was not the most pressing point. Its actually relatively low on the list of points of everything bad with current starwars. But its good for a visual example. My sister and my cousins loved starwars. Passionate. Ahsoka was one of my sister's favourite characters. She couldnt even get though a full episode of ashoka. I havent heard anything new of starwars from our cousins, either. And we see eachother relatively often. I havent watched a new starwars thing in like... forever now. And it seems like neither have they. And not because they got sick of starwas, i can tell you that. They got sick of the new starwars being pumped out and shoved down their throats where the only things that resembled what they had loved were twisted into something else. Which, at least in my experience, is far, far worse than if they just ended things ubruptly and unfairly. At least mutilated corpse can rest.
The mcu's decline was, again, more gradual, like boiling a frog. Thor ragnarok is where i would probably pinpoint the beginnings though. I didn't like it at first, because it was out of character, sort of reversed elements of the character's well-developing character arcs , narratively picked on some characters more than others, etc. But, it was still a well-beloved film by many, in-universe explanations for why the characters, arcs, and plots were so different could be plausibly thought up, it was fun and unique, and i could make myself ignore the bad parts and focus on the good and enjoy it for a while. But by the time the loki series came out? There wasnt even any of that anymore. No passion. No community. No love of art. No respect for the previous artists and their art, that the new makers were supposed to honour and continue. While ragnarok's morals of the story could be a little iffy at times (attempting to critique colonialism/imperialism, but falling flat because mocking loki for dismantling it; making jokes at points of the film where it was a little inappropriate), the loki series was straight up horrifying. Perhaps most noteably, fucking. GLORIFYING AND EXCUSING/SYMPATHIZING FASCISM??? and labeling genocide as a "necessary evil?" (though, once again, that was not the only immoral "moral" the series preached). Disgusting. And the MCU is pumping out way more films than starwars, and seem far deeper in the money-lust trenches too.
either way, both are suffering and both are bought by disney (and oddly, both keep giving more and more screentime to the fascist characters. but at least starwars isnt romanticizing it like the mcu is...)
and it hurts so much when something important to you is taken from you, and twisted, and ruined, and its mutilated corpse is hung up on string and paraded around as a puppet before your eyes, and burned into your mind even when you finally tear yourself away. And then swarms of people thinking your ridiculous for caring so much about something so unimportant, and others defending the very monstrosity that did this.
But its not ridiculous or silly or inferior to be attatched to a fictional character or fictional world or fictional story or whatever. They can provide comfort, and ways to explore and understand and even come to terms with yourself (or even others!) (and can be especially important coping mechanism for mentally ill people!). And art is a such an innately human thing, for us to express ourselves, and communal art (like film!) is a tradition across humanity and time!
And with the whole thing with people these days defending/denying what capitalism is doing to art, and denying the notion that art has any influence or effect on "real life"... why are these such absurd concept to you, that you liken to some crazy conspiracy theory? Are you really so blind as to not see it happening before you? Is the blindfold over your eyes really so soft it feels like nothing there? They say a bird who doesnt know its in a cage thinks its free. These people seem to think that drastic, unfair, unjust, immoral, inequal changes and systems are only things of the past. And often, the past doesnt feel real. Dinosaurs and the roman empire and some genocide in some faraway land in some faraway time can at times seem just as unreal as mythical creatures and stories. And even if such terrible things were to happen now, surely theyd be able to see it coming. But things like this dont change in an instant. They are gradual. Like boiling a frog. You dont notice. And even if things arent the worst they can be, and never become the worst they can be, they are still bad. Things arent required to be certified the worst of worst in order for change to be allowed to happen. The worst of the worst isnt even a thing.
Our art is being taken from us. We are being overworked and underpayed. Our whole lives are dictated by how "valuable" we are. Our environments are being polluted and decimated and our planet is becoming more and more inhospitable. Racism and queerphobia and ableism and more are taking lives. And none of those things are at the very worst they can be. They could all be much, much, much worse. But we shouldnt just sit around and be grateful its not worse and do nothing more, nor should we deny anything is wrong at all. If you had cancer youd want to do what you could to get better. If you If broke your leg youd do what you could to make it better. Even if you just accidentally cut your hand or finger while chopping vegetables, youd bandages it up. We always should try to make things better.
We deserve to have our art continue to be art. Just as we deserve all the much more pressing areas of our lives to be better too
Anyways, marvel and starwars really are two peas in a pod. And that pod is with other pods, and the plant those pods share is film. Or perhaps even art as a whole. The mcu and starwars are just really good examples of whats happening right now, because not only does it feel like perhaps its hitting them the most, but also because since they are such large franchises, you can really see and document the progression of whats happening with each instalment.
two peas in a pod :( <3
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invertedfate · 1 year
Hey different anon here, i always thought floweys actions in the canon was supposed to be a kind of dark reflection of the players own actions, and a parallel with how WE treat video games. I never really thought it had anything to do with trauma, cause like think about it, how many players abuse save states in video games to get away with evil shit? Most of them i would wager, and if you had the power to save, load, and reset, maybe you WOULD start to treat even your own reality like a video game.
Like, is it wrong when flowey does these things when we do the same? Because to him its real but to us its just a game or is it ok for him to do so because it really IS a game.
And flowey DID say he also spared everyone, in the same sentence he said he killed everyone, implying both are things he doesnt really place value in doing, he didnt do it for fun, he did it because he got bored, and we do the exact same things in video games when we play one a bunch, we start to experiment, we start seeing how different "npcs" react to different situations, we start making challenges for ourselves, we start analyzing characters and putting way more thought into their actions then the person who wrote them probably did.
When flowey has that power taken away from him, only then does he start to change from this desensitizing and feel intense emotion like rage when you don't do what he wants, or fear when you're about to kill him, both are caused by him not being used to not being in control, he spent so long being the one who gets to "play" the world that he can't accept a world he's not the "player" in.
Another factor might be that not having a soul inhibits his ability to feel empathy, but thats just headcanon, sorry for this long tangent, i just really like flowey, favorite character in undertale, just wanted to express my thoughts since everyones talking about him.
I think from a metatextual level, Flowey 100% is meant to be a dark mirror of the player, which is likely why his full backstory is only given in geno, since at that point you're treading a similar path as him if you go all the way on that route. That being said, I don't think there's a lack of trauma. At the end of the day, the buttercup plan involved watching his best friend/sibling die, said sibling sharing control of his transformed body (which is implied to be VERY unsettling in appearance), his refusal to take a single SOUL, which led to his death, and then awakening in a new form, unable to connect to others the way he used to and assuming he was broken as a result of it. He did try to take his own life, after all, and only came back from it because he got scared and his determination brought him back. His power allowed him to avoid consequences and grow detached, of course, but there is absolutely room to read trauma as a PART of how he got to be this way. Not the sole factor, but a pretty significant one, especially if you interpret his loss of compassion as an undiagnosed PTSD symptom misunderstood due to toxic positivity culture among monsters. e.g. this idea that their souls are made of love, hope, and compassion and that makes them different/better than humans. Considering how many monsters force smiles to deal with their pain, I legit this mindset is super harmful to all monsters and they might not even realize it. Flowey is a great and complex character, and losing his abilities definitely also impacted his actions, for sure. I definitely am not a fan of the immense woobification of Asriel in the fandom, like, at all, and it's part of why this arc in IF is taking its time to do more character exploration and stuff since in UT, a lot of his depth is locked behind a route the game actively doesn't want you playing.
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wc-confessions · 2 years
i have a question for you. what’s your fav warrior cat. if so, tell me about them…
tigerclaw. ramble under the cut but basically hes a cool villain i think a lot about how he could have been better if the erins and the publishers werent pussies
anyway hes such a complex character and the result of how living by the code so devotedly can fuck up your views and just how terrible clan life is. there are many cats who are examples of this but tigerclaw is so special to me in his way of exhibiting this. if you really consider it, he truly believed he was doing something good and bringing the clans to how they should be. like he grew up with the code being heavily enforced and the adults around him that he idolized and trusted selfishly using the code to justify their actions and beliefs. like its not only thistleclaw if you think about the enviornment he lived in. whats more doesnt really help that he was already seen as a threat or a nuisance as a freaking kitten. of course hes going to grow older and assume theres a certain path for him, and that he should trust and encourage the code no matter what. i also dont believe him wanting to be leader or deputy was him being selfish or knowingly evil, rather, him believing he was truly meant for those roles. therefore it was only right for him to do what he must to get his way to make things as they should be. he viewed himself as someone rightously abiding by the rules established by his ancestors, someone worthy to set the clans in their places and lead them to rightousness. then having to witness changes to the clans def prbly set him off further, and he just knew in his head he was the one. i can admit that his actions seemed hypocritical considering his relationship with sasha and the way he went about things, but i truly believe they were like more than they seemed. for one i dont think he believed he was going against his beliefs or perhaps he recognized this but didnt think it was a bad thing if he was still making 'right'. then i think he also had this mindset that his actions were a part of a greater plan or what he believed to be a part of his plan, that he jad to do certain things make choices to reach his goal. additionally, becaise of the way he grew up, i think he believed it was better to sort of repress his emotions. like i think a lot of his actions were driven by his inner emotions and there are times where he kind of breaks the whole cold frame and we get kind of a different character (my Favourite scene is when he kind of expresses like a different, emotional side after meeting his kids again even if he doesnt outright share his feelings and for a moment as he witnesses this firestar sees him as a person not like the enemy in his story that drove him to that point. but then hes unsure if its some sort of ploy. then thats never brought up again bc the early wc the erins just Did That)(another scene i wanna talk abt is how prior to the reveal hes shown to be kind of fearful of ravenpaw giving away what hes done before he just plots to get rid of him does anyoneremeber when firestar catches him freaking out at the gathering and wonders why the fuck is he acting weird. i really think at some point he just got better at being evil lying cold etc it was never something he was good at or born with it it was developed and fed). it just makes you wonder if everything was better what kind of person would he have been. then his relationship with others ugh hes shown to be caring and hearty within the clan in the start even tho its SO MINOR. i believe it just says a lot about him. hes respected nd he likes his place he believes hes deserving of leading the clans to greatness he can do it and everyone makes him believe so but then there are those who want to change those ways theyre threatening him and his ideal way of the clans built so perfectly by the code and its pure people. i could go on and on but i dont want to make this too too long
but idk i feel like a lof of the things about tigerclaw early on are ignored because people focus on the depiction after tpb. in which hes another soulless power hungry bad guy also he hates his kids despite what we are shown before. because early on in the series you can see the erins wanted something interesting for him and his relationship with firestar with other characters, his way of thinking, the way he priorities the code, how his enviornment altered him. and yet thats all thrown away all the concepts are replaced its poorly developed and its just makes me go bangs my fist why why why we could have had it better fuck the erins
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demonicintegrity · 1 year
Got around to watching the new Helluva Boss and I’m pleasantly surprised at the turn around. Season two has had a wild flux in writing quality imo but I think this episode is arguably one of the strongest ones yet (outta both seasons.)
It also seems to be the longest episode so far, surprising considering it’s not a finale, but they make good use of the time.
Honestly a lot of the episode reminds me of how season one was set up. With a center clearly around Blitzø but still checking up on Stolas. And it’s very episodic and self contained again, which is great because that appears to be the crew’s strong spot.
Speaking of which, this is the first we’ve seen of Stolas since s2e4. I’m surprised it took until e6 of this season to circle back to him, but at least we’re not ignoring him. I personally would’ve at least teased how Stolas was doing after such a big blow, especially considering how the s2 is set up to be extremely focused on him and Blitzø’s relationship, but this works well too.
It works because we’re getting a little insight on Stolas’ frame of mind without causing pacing issues. He’s clearly recovered but focused on getting Blitzø out of his life again. He’s trying to distance himself from Blitzø still. Likely still in that “this was never going to work he doesn’t deserve to be tied to me” type mindset after the season opening.
But we see him briefly really appreciate what Ozzie and Fizz have. He seems genuinely happy for them, and likely is because Stolas has always been a hopeless romantic and a decent person despite things.
Speaking of Fizz, delightfully surprised out how his character is. I didn’t go in with anything specific in mind for him besides knowing he genuinely loved Ozzie but we have a really rounded out character with depth in a very short amount of time. I genuinely like his character.
(And someone’s made a separate post on this, but how Fizzy’s disability is treated is both done well and a bit of fresh air from the usual rep we see. He never denies that being disabled pained him greatly, but the tragedy in his past isn’t being disabled but being betrayed and heartbroken. Nor is he helpless because of it or overpowered because of his prosthetics. It’s not explicitly ignored I think the crew handled this really really well.)
But along with his character, my biggest interest is in how Fizz is now set up to be a foil to Blitzo. Like it's pretty obvs what he and Ozzie has is meant to parallel what Stolas/Blitzo could or even want to have. (Which in turn could mean Stolas/Blitzo is the kinda reputation Ozzie/Blitzo were trying so hard to avoid. A weird power dynamic and piss poor communication on top of the general perception those two have from outsiders.) They're in very similar boats but how each character addresses it that makes the circumstances so different.
And I think we have something really interesting being set up between Fizz and Blitzo. Both of them got enough closure for Fizz to genuinely want to let go some of the grudge. And I think theyre are some options on where to go with them, cuz I doubt this is the end of Fizz we're seeing.
I could see Fizz getting bored one day and reaching out in curiosity to see whats become of Blitz. Maybe the two can piece together the more correct timeline of events of the old circus since the fire. I can also see a potential plotline of Fizz getting I.M.P to be his bodyguards if he has to go out again for this or that reason.
I would also love more Ozzie and Stolas interacting. It would be good for Stolas to have Literally Just A Singular Friend. Cuz he doesnt seem to have any, and Ozzie doesn't seem to have anything personal against Stolas. He could probably be a good rational neutral voice for Stolas to bounce off of. He also just needs a friend if he ever wants a hope of his mental health improving. He seems to be trying to improve himself, but thats also the kinda thing you need a support system for.
Overall, I like this episode. The pacing and story itself was contained nicely and was a good watch. The humor stuck. And we have great leads to pick back up on later.
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magnoliamyrrh · 11 months
this is what a certain kind of progressive american and western discourses of moral purity and a overly simplified and dyshonest, static view on opression and prejudice which are surrounded by a severe lack of complexity and gray areas lead to and ive seen it way too much over the years
marginalized groups are not saints. never have been never will be. just because you're part of a marginalized group doesnt make you a saint either. there is not some sort of inherent collective conciousness among marginalized people which makes them incapable of being prejudiced or opressive to others in fact theres plenty more examples in the world of marginalized people doing the same sorta shit to others while complaining its being done to them. this is how humans are, this has happened for thousands of years, we have a tendency to this sort of hypocricy which is blatantly obvious. people which have been genocided commit genocides. people which have been enslaved enslave others. people which have been opressed because of their ethnicity or religion opress others for ethnicity and religion. here's another great obvious example: plenty of men throughout time will die and fight for the end of their opression and their freedom while opressing their women. the list goes on. Plenty of people both in the past and today are very well aware of how discrimination feels and still feel very comfortable being prejudiced and discriminatory twoards other kinds of people. and heres another lovely thing thats true then: if we consider people to be bound by the crimes of their ancestors, and we consider it normal to condemn someone just because they come from a group which did whatever, then were all fucking screwed because there are no clean hands in history
there is no true "perfect" or "pure" group of people with no damn issues and there never will be, ever. e v e r. the insane fucking complexity of the world cannot be boiled down easily into the mindsets that plenty of progressive people are running around with today with
. i cant believe i have to say this. no damn it palestinians or arabs in general, as a group - because apparently the invididual complexity and existence of people dont matter at all anymore - having a history, issues, and cultural issues with racism sexism and homophobia and whatever else Does Not by any god damn means justify their genocide, their treatment so horribly and so brutally. it fucking doesnt. and heres something too because idiot leftists, if theyll say something about palestine like this theyll throw ukraine under the bus the next instant - ukranians as a culture having a history of racism sexism and homophobia dont deserve to be bombed to death by russians and all the horrible shit theyre going through. and hey guess what heres another example, the crimes of serbs during the yugoslav wars dont justify that currently in kosovo theyre being ethnically clensed and little children are being shot over some collective sin crimes of the ancestors shit
because if we Dont have this mentality than sorry to fucking say it is acceptable for all of us to nuke each other off of the face of the earth and every genocide and opression is percectly acceptable to not rly give a damn about because welp sorry, collectively were all doomed then
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purgemarchlockdown · 11 months
for the milgram ask game!!! i looked through your answers but if anything repeats im sorry😭
9,10,11 - kazui
15,16 - amane
9,10,15,16 - muu
Its alright! Everytime someone sends me an ask for an ask game my power grows...
9. do you forgive/not forgive their crime on its own?
Hm, well, gonna be honest I'm not super sure what his crime is now. I know what I find the most interesting storytelling wise but Kazui is also a Lying Liar Man.
If were referring to specifically lying to his wife...I think id forgive him...I think.
Like its a horrible fucking thing to do but...I understand that "if you just lie it'll be Fine Eventually" mindset pretty well. I see how he got here. Still: Horrible thing to do! Im a bit conflicted here! I should have an easier time with this considering characters who I've forgiven before but damn, me not being really sure what he did is Getting To Me.
Though its also (presumably) NOT ACTUALLY MURDER and I know law isnt a big deal here but ALSO I dont think he should be tortured and possibly given the death penalty for this, yknow? Bit Much I Think.
10. is the answer to the previous question different from your vote(s) on the character themselves (do you vote them based on anything else aside from the crime)?
My forgiven gets a bit stronger if thats the case? I vote him forgiven because of a lot of things. For example: Even if I didn't like his character so much Id have forgiven him for Amane's sake...
11. what are your favorite points about their story and the narrative surrounding them?
I Love It When Characters are Horribly Resigned To Their Situations!!!! "Tragedy Enjoyers when The Tragedy Happens" Moment Fr. Kazui's super interesting to me since he's basically...given up. He's given up on getting anything he wanted and he has horrible self-loathing and is just resigned to never being really Happy, and yet he still Wants and that Wanting is already "bad" no matter if he acts on it or not.
Jupiter: But if it's only what I feel inside that matters, what am I supposed to do? I can't stop that kind of touch.
(this is an ask I get to put in appropriate quotes from Jupiter)
He's unsatisfied and disillusioned and self-destructive and it be so much easier if he was just...not "like this". Whatever This is. His family seems to be very traditional overall too and there's a lot of discussion going on about societal normal and standards.
Also also! His relationship with love fucks me up, both him and Mahiru's. It's like an obligation of sorts. Something that makes them more marketable and presentable. Their love can feel so...impersonal as a result if that makes sense. Like it's just a quota they need to fill.
Even Mahiru's actually! It's weird to think about considering how loud Mahiru is about it but there's something so vaguely impersonal about Mahiru's love. Like "This is how to be in love with you" as a title plays off that in a way. The other person doesn't get to put any input into it, this is how your Supposed to be loved.
Kazui's relationship with love is so interesting to me as a result, it's so performative and is used for his own Marketability as a person. I'm still obsessed about how Kazui and Mahiru portray love as something that is sold to people-
Plus all of this gives him some Fun Parallels with the other cat person he's paired up with. It's interesting to see how both of them deal with being perceived as inherently sinful in some way and against societal norms.
I dunno I just think Kazui is super interesting! He's an interesting fella!
15. what do you think of their voice?
I love how she sounds so much! She can sound so happy and cheeky and sweet in one moment and then ominous, angry and downright terrifying the next. Her VA is great, Tanaka Minami does such a fantastic job as her. Amane can sound so very different and yet still sound like Her. Compare Animal to Positive Parade or Magic to Purge March and even though they sound so different they still sound like Her! Magic's mostly consistent tone and emotions making it feel restrained and carefully presented vs Purge March's various different emotions and tones and just how Different it can sound depending on the part is So cool! She can go from angry to sad to bitter to defeated to joyfully ecstatic and all of those at once!
Like at the end of Purge March, Amane always sounds like she's at the verge of crying to me. The emotional catharsis was so very real there!!! It's so good!!! It's so good!!!!
16. how do you think they actually sing in regular life?
Once again directing people to how Amane seems to be in Choir.
Tumblr media
I know people who were in choir those people can Sing Alright. Out of everyone in the cast she is probably the most likely person to know how to actually sing properly. Plus I always think it's funny that Amane quietly calls the cult's music boring in an interrogation. I choose to believe she can Sing Really Well and that when she gets out of the cult she gets Really Into Metal.
In the wise words of my dad: "Metalheads are the happiest because we let out all our anger through the power of METAL!!!!!"
9. do you forgive/not forgive their crime on its own?
I Do Not Forgive Her! Sorry Muu but the Consequences of your Actions are here! I know you have a lot of problems and that the murder seems actually pretty impulsive overall but like...sorry Muu can't really forgive you if we're judging my your crime alone.
10. is the answer to the previous question different from your vote(s) on the character themselves (do you vote them based on anything else aside from the crime)?
Hmm, maybe? I still want to not forgive her honestly for some personal reasons but I do know that not forgiving her might not be the best decision overall...I dunno very conflicted I guess.
15. what do you think of their voice?
Kouri Arisa is a wonderful singer and I'm incredibly impressed with her vocals and acting. I don't have much to say on her compared to Amane but I love how she sounds so much. There's something kinda...floaty about it I guess? I dunno how to describe it, it's just sort of airy and whispery like, Muu is telling you a secret. I think it's really cool and it makes the parts where she sounds more confident and loud contrast really well.
It's so good I love it hhhhh-
16. how do you think they actually sing in regular life?
Decently I think? Like average overall. I think she knows a few songs by heart though and for those in particular she sounds really good.
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kattythingz · 4 months
Jumping onto the Roy killing Winry's parents bandwagon to say that fma 03 is more character driven than brotherhood. The characters in 03 are 3 dimensional and they seem human, if that makes sense? Like I've seen people hate on how Greed died in 03 like that moment wasn't a great scene. It made perfect sense, to me at least, for Greed to let Ed kill him so that he could go on to kill the other homunculi. Greed literally never gave a fuck about his siblings or being human he was just living his best life.
I too dislike how that situation was dealt with in brotherhood. Winry finally comes face to face with her parents killer and a few weeks later she's helping him? With no resolution to the original issue? WHAT!?
In 03 that situation, and alot of situations if I'm being honest, really make me wonder what is the right thing? The right thing is never obvious either. In Brotherhood alot of the struggle came from a "I have to do this the right way but how can I do that?" mindset while in 03 it was the constant question that never got answered, "What is the right thing?"
I love that Winry gets her own struggle and is actually treated as an important character in 03 from the jump. And I love even more that we get both sides of the story too. When you know Roy as the cocky silver-tongued smug bastard it hits so much deeper when you see him at his lowest. At the point attempting suicide. It's such a struggle because I know both sides but can't figure out who was wrong, if anyone was wrong.
I love that Winry has an internal struggle she goes through that adds to not only the series, but her character. It makes her so much more likable in 03 when she doesn't just randomly pop up like the ice cream truck and start crying over some shit that went down last episode. She's done justice in 03 because- and I'm gonna say this loud so the people in the back can hear too- SIDE CHARACTERS ARE IMPORTANT TOO! JUST BECAUSE THEY ARENT THE MAIN CHARACTER DOESNT MEAN THEY SHOULD BE THROWN OUT THE WINDOW? THEY HAVE SHIT GOING ON TO THEIR LIVES DONT REVOLVE AROUND THE MAIN CHARACTER.
The Scar in 03 is already more likeable too because hes not just a stone cold killer and also because he killed Basque Grand 🤪 I fucking hate Basque Grand. (Because of a fic i read but thats neither here nor there) And the way Al follows him and is like "Um could you please stop trying to kill my brother? If you want to ofc! >.<" IS HILARIOUS
IM RAMBLING BUT THE POINT IS 03 IS VERY CHARACTER DRIVEN AND THATS A PART OF WHY I LOVE IT. It has the perfect amount of both character development and plot progression. PLUS GENDER FLUID ENVY even though I hate that mf we still get representation. AND DARKSKIN ROSE! Brotherhood white washing her made me wanna slap the animators when I realized what they did.
YESSS CHARACTER-DRIVEN 03 MY BELOVED. God just thinking about the characterization in 03 makes me swoon. Loml fr. I'd argue Winry actually isn't as prominent in 03, but she's def less around to be ruined as a love interest, which I think is a pro nonetheless. About 03 Scar, I dunno about preferring one over the other tbh. I was never interested in Scar much to begin with as a character. But I do think in 03 he's much less severe, which... might be a downgrade, if you consider his rage at the literal genocide of his people. He deserves to be a stone-cold killer about that (so long as he doesn't drag in actual innocents, naturally).
AND YEAAAH POC ROSE. POC ROSE MY BELOVED. Dude fun fact I actually loved Rose enough back when I first watched 03 to ship her with Ed. I still fancy them a little as a romance, tho their friendship is just as dear to me. One day I'll write sth with her and Ed as besties. One day. I technically already did that in a kill la kill au but that's not posted so it doesn't count
03 is just. Such a good study of humanity. I'll never get over it.
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
This is just a rant;
I think I realised that I didnt truly like any other characters in om but when thirteen was introduced i was in LOVE..like i like them all individuals and they have their own quirks, and its probably my own depression, but now its meh..and looking back, i think i need to be in mt feels like with Lucifer from othet media they intrest me and i dont know why i cant get that mindset in to OM, and im currently playing Twisted Wonderland and im in love, and when going back i feel the same...also same with Asmodeus a character and demon who i have been intrested in since i was a young teen...its the feels... i dont know if that makes sense.. i feel guilty for actually enjoying nightbringer than the OG, cuz i had so many memories with friends and this whole fandom,
but as the months and years went by with playing the game i just cant be bothered, but i love how the characters are presneted im fanart and fics.. i havent opened om in ages, amd im currently playing NB
Yeah thats it, rant over
Going to read a book and then read some fanfics
You are welcome to rant here whenever you like, anon! Sometimes you just gotta let it out.
I also love Thirteen, she is just so great. It's like the ultimate goth gf you know what I mean? Her hair, her eyes, her outfit, the way she giggles and gets all those sweet hearts whenever she's gushing about MC to someone... I just want to hug and kiss her.
But listen, I totally understand losing interest in a media that you've been part of for a while. It happens! Sometimes, you just don't get the same feelings from it that you used to get. I definitely get what you mean about needing to have the feels - it's not worth it, otherwise.
I don't know much about Twisted Wonderland, though I have seen people talking about it on here. I downloaded it for like a day but then I realized that there was no actual romance aspect to it. Not that this is bad or anything, but I just don't have a ton of time for games, so I have to be picky about what I play. And I like being able to romance characters lol. Making them blush is my favorite thing. But if it's working for you, then that's all that matters.
Also you should not feel guilty for enjoying Nightbringer more than the OG. I don't think you're alone in that, actually. I personally enjoy them about the same, but I also consider NB to essentially be a sequel of the OG, so they're basically the same game? Just some different mechanics.
I also think there's something to be said for remaining in a fandom after you're no longer interested in the media that fandom is based around. I think it's perfectly fine to enjoy fanart and fanfiction of Obey Me even if you haven't played the game in years. The only thing you might come across is spoilers if you ever considered picking it up again or possibly references to things you haven't experienced story wise. But other than that, I say continue to enjoy it!
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suenitos · 1 year
your love post about dream just reminded me of something he said during a space. i can’t remember the exact words but it was something along the lines of understanding where his antis are coming from when they hate him for whatever he says or does bc you’re a different person in the perspectives of other people. and i remember being stumped when he said that cause that’s such a mature mindset to have? i love how he tries to do good, and at the same time i feel like he knows when to accept when he can’t change people’s minds. i obvi can’t read his mind but that’s how i interpreted it. but it just sucks now cause it’s a whole different story when it’s someone as close to him as tommy being at the opposing side :( i think we all know how hurt he is based on his likes, but i really hope it works out for him in the end, whether he makes up with tommy or not. i just want him to be at peace
i don’t know how articulate i am with this cause english isn’t my first language and i hopeeee i don’t sound too parasocial? 😭
good morning anon. youre so good dw about it i dont think you sound too parasocial at all. your english is great :) this got way too long so putting it under a readmore
i keep thinking about his "the internet is cold" statement and the way he doesnt immediately attribute someone disliking him to something malicious. he just kinda understands a lot of the shit against him is unserious at the end of the day and laughs it off which is admirable and maybe a bit scary (TO ME). i talked on priv a while back about him always reaching out to other ccs after they talk shit about him to clear up miscommunication over an assumption about HIS character, values, etc which is really mature and a minor droloism of mine but whatever. what makes this different is that it's someone he considered a close friend and very public shade/misrepresentation over another situation involving a personal project where he got burned by another "friend" like... thats just pure betrayal. i'd be pissed too! i'd be sooo mad OMG i'd rain hell on people.
the grind and fame seduces like no other... unfortunately most people value outrage and a quick buck and laugh over sincerity nuance and longevity and well thats the case with most dream discussions/mentions on the internet :( i feel conflicted because on one hand cc friendships and partnerships etc are awesome and amazing but there comes a point where most of the time shit happens (clout, money, etc) and they end messily so while i am sad about it sometimes it is the way it goes and not even dream is immune from that as a cc (snf munchy exempted). like its very danplan/try guys fallout to me (not exact matches but you get what i mean) its happened before and it has and will continue to happen to dream.
still feel really sad about it though because it was a really beautiful friendship born out of mutual respect and passion for the craft. loving people is scary as fuck because you dont know if or when they're gonna turn on you but we still do it anyway. i dont think its overly parasocial to say you wish him peace no matter what; at the end of the day he IS another guy and its not wrong to wish good on people you dont know. i hope it works out too :( many virtual hugs anonnie sorry for these walls of text jfc
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