#having acne does not make you a bad person
pop-squeak · 11 months
genuinely had the most idiotic conversation about the morality of acne today
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batwingedserpent · 1 year
HATE when someone genderbends an ‘ugly’ guy and like they can draw the guy normally but they make the girl smooth pretty and adorable. Like, why can she not be the same? Why does she gotta be conventionally attractive. Why did you make her nose smaller and remove her wrinkles and made her look like a Barbie doll when you obviously have an understanding that the guy does not look like that TM.
Like not to find everything problematic but what is tumblrs problem with unconventionally attractive girls. So many meme of loving gross weird girls but anytime there’s a girl that looks like that you all turn your nose up 🤨
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720am · 5 months
for losing as much as possible in a short amount of time (cuz we are all desperate), from me - a biotechnologist, who relapsed (the demons never leave)
the tips i am about to share with all my girliepops are all based on science and work; if you have any other tips, feel free to share in the comments, so we can have all the tips in one place!
• eat your meals from smaller sized plates, to trick your brain you are eating more
• cut up your food into small pieces
• chew every bite at least 10-15 times, until it is a purée consistency; this way you will be eating slower and give your brain more time to realise you are full
• sip water with a lemon slice between your bites
• focus on eating vegetables and protein, limit carbs
• drink a lot of water, and I mean a lot
• add lemon slices to your water to make it have some flavour; also the lemon juice in water before your meals will help reduce the glucose spike => less insulin released from liver => less absorbed glucose from carbs/sugars/starches => less fat on your body
• move for 10 mins right after eating - walk, do calf raises, some light movement so all the glucose can be used before getting stored as fat on your body
• drink tea - green tea, detox tea, whatever tea, without a sweetener
• do not drink diet sodas/colas - or any kind of liquid that is not water/tea - these are useless calories, why would you do that to yourselves?! even if it says 0 cals - this s#it is so bad for you, and the carbonation makes you feel bloated like a god damn whale! ditch the diet sodas girliepops
• implement some kind of movement every day - walking, pilates, yoga, dance workouts, resistance bands workouts or stretching
• do not weigh yourself everyday - due to hormones our weigh fluctuates every day and this will just make you feel bad if you lose and gain 1-2 legs everyday depending on your menstrual cycle, water weight and so on.. weigh yourself every 2 weeks.
• do not drink fruit juice - this is such a scam; hear me out: how many oranges does it take to make 1 glass of orange juice? around 3. can you eat three whole oranges in one sitting? i bet no. then why would you drink 3 oranges? when you make fruit juice, all the fibre and the pulp is removed, leaving you with just the juice with all the sugar in it (in the form of glucose and fructose) so you are basically drinking pure sugar, which turns into fat… just eat your damned fruit, instead of drinking a bunch of empty calories
• take red cranberry supplements - they are usually taken for UTIs, but the red cranberry has diuretic effect, and will make you pee your water weight out; please do not take more than 2 pills and remember to drink plenty of water so you don’t damage your kidneys!!!!
• take probiotics - this will ensure your gut health stays good while restricting foods, so you don’t end up constipated and bloated
• i personally do not eat dairy products (i am lactose intolerant) - they are full of hormones from the cows, give you acne and inflammation, and the protein in it is not worth it considering the amount of fat these products have; skip the dairy if you can
• if you drink a lot of coffee, remember to drink plenty of water! coffee has a diuretic effect and if you are not drinking more water, it will make you retain whatever water is in your body, leading to water weight gain
• if you end up binging, do so mindfully - do not give in to all the food, just have a piece of chocolate, not the whole chocolate bar; have a piece of cake, not the whole cake; then get back on track and try to exercise as much as possible to burn the excess calories
• i think this is obvious but let me say it just in case - in order to lose weight, you have to be on a calorie deficit - meaning you burn/use more calories than you consume; but!! here is the trick - you have to maintain low calorie diet, do not ⭐️ve for more than 2 days, as this will f#ck up your metabolism - your body goes into fight or flight response, meaning everything you eat after f4sting will remain on your body as a reserve of food, in case you end up ⭐️ving again; so have your veggies and protein (chicken breasts, white fish)
• keep yourself busy so you don’t think about f0od - study, work, read books, journal, whatever it is, your day has to be full of activities do you can forget to e4t
• reject offered food - say you already ate / yr not hungry / you are allergic to some ingredient / you have a bad migraine and this will make it worse / or take the food and say you will have it later and just give it to someone else (pls don’t throw in trash, do not waste food)
• when eating with family / boyfriend - place food in a smaller plate, cut up food into very small pieces and eat very slowly and chew every bite for a long time, sip water between every few bites, then say you are full and cannot eat anymore / that you ate a bit earlier and yr full
• when eating, eat your veggies first, then your protein and eat the smallest amount of carbs - always leave leftover carbs in your plate
• do not eat any snacks - no cereal bars, no cereal, no chips, no crisps, no crackers, no salty sticks, just do not eat snacks!
• if you feel like eating - drink water first, then have veggies (cucumbers, carrots, tomatoes, radishes, etc) or fruit (apples, citrus, any kind of berries)
• if you are having breakfast - always eat a savoury breakfast - eggs, avocado, veggies etc; never eat a sweet breakfast - cereal, croissants, pancakes, etc, this will spike up your glucose levels and all that sugar will turn into fat; a sweet breakfast will make you feel tired and exhausted all day, leading you to eat more
• wear a waist trainer - do so for no more than 8hrs a day; this will also help you have smaller portions of food, as it won’t allow your stomach to expand
• do not purge - this is very bad for your teeth and overall health; the stomach acid is very strong and every time you purge, your teeth are getting damaged; just don’t overeat in the first place and have self control!
this is all i have for right now; if i think of anything else, i will add later / make another post; if you have anything to add to this list - go ahead and do so in the comments below
remember, stay safe xx
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jenneyquinn · 12 days
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“who do you think you’re impressing with this stuff?”
“everyone. you wouldn’t understand.”
after adjusting his tie, pacifica looks up from dipper’s neck, her blue eyes meeting his brown ones. it’s the very first time she sees him without that lame pine tree cap on, so naturally, her eyes aim a little higher.
upon inspecting the brunette’s tufts of hair, she thinks to herself, he definitely doesn’t shower much, trying her best to not react too visibly to the accumulation of sweat. who knows, making him feel more awkward will just make things worse—after all, that suit must be stuffy enough as it is.
so, she remains indifferent as she continues inspecting his hair. despite a lack of showering, she thinks, he’s lucky to have fluffly hair… for a nerd, i guess.
before she backs off completely, walking back into the party to the ‘problem room’, pacifica notices something about dipper’s forehead. a blemish, perhaps? or maybe, a hint of acne.
acne makes sense for him, trying very hard to roll her eyes at the thought, obviously not the type to spare time for proper skin care, geez.
for all she knew, pacifica soon came to the conclusion that from all that sweat… the pores on his forehead being clogged thanks to his brown hair and that hat of his, she wouldn’t worry much about giving away some facial cleanser, mosturiser, and a trip to pick up some ointment (since she never needed any).
yet, before she could start on a list—first, she needed to know how bad it was.
pushing his hair back, dipper feels his whole body go stiff in a flash. what the heck was she doing?
“i don’t have time to give you a total makeover, but the least i can do is advise you on better personal hygiene.”
pacifica answers, which meant that dipper was definitely thinking out loud.
stupid! now that, he whines in thought, but refrains from physically face-palming himself.
when pacifica fully pushes dipper’s hair back, his forehead now bare to her, she observes it, her face remaining indifferent as she focuses on what lies before her. it’s… a big dipper?
behind that poker face of hers, she’s laughing inside; trying desperately to not let the corners of her lips twinge up and succumb to her amusement.
clearly embarrassed, dipper’s face flushes red, but finds himself staying still as he feels frozen under pacifica’s gaze. his doe-brown eyes are only glued to her diamond-hued irises, then glances a bit down to her glossed lips, awaiting the inevitable mean-girl cackle.
“so that’s why people call you dipper.” pacifica points out softly, showing the smallest hint of a grin on her face.
only, it isn’t malicious—dipper notes to himself. amused, yes, but not in a cruel, insulting way.
feeling awkward enough as it is, dipper breaks away from pacifica’s touch, backing himself away and heading towards the door; laughing inorganically.
“yeah, it’s just a dumb birthmark, started going by dipper so no one could tease me about that anymore, heh,” he tries to explain in a single breath, pulling out the third journal to avoid being further burned in her gaze, “anywaysweshouldgoaheadandfindtheroomwheretheghostwaslastspottedright?”
“i don’t think it’s dumb.”
the confession slips pass pacifica’s lips almost instantly, unable to stop the words from spewing out.
now, they’re both pink in the face, both in disbelief of the blonde’s admission.
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phas3d · 9 months
Ideal Type || Slytherin Boys
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note :: just what i think, but they could honestly be with anyone
members :: mattheo riddle, theodore nott, lorenzo berkshire
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Mattheo Riddle
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Sharp eyes that could kill him, eye color doesn’t matter to him
Likes people with more meat on them
Goes crazy if he sees you wearing thigh highs or tight underwear so that you have a little bit of a muffin top, he loves that stuff
Loves dark hair, all of his celebrity crushes are brunettes or have black hair
Likes the y2k style and clean girl, he doesn’t know it’s called that but he likes it lmao
Loves long hair but will make an exception for a short black bob
Low rise jeans are his favorite thing ever
Pretty nails are also a pro in his eyes, shows that you’re hygienic - likes longer nails
Plump lips are a major plus
Likes outfits that show skin in some way, so crop tops, dresses, etc
Slightly toxic, which is perfect for him since he’s ultra toxic 😍
He’s not willing to change his lifestyle just for a girl, so he needs someone who’s down to party and do the bad stuff he does
Loves confidence, wouldn’t date a girl who’s insecure
People with the wonyongism mindset are literally his dream type, makes him weak in the knees
If you yell back at him or call him out on his shit, oml he’s already planning your wedding
Loves to annoy you just to get a reaction, smth about you being angry draws him in
He likes social people who get along with others easily
A little bit cocky, but if you laugh at his jokes he instantly finds you more attractive
Dedicated and driven people, like not failing classes, having internships, having a job, all of that is so attractive to him
If you listen to: Kali Uchis, Tyler the Creator, Ariana Grande, Travis Scott, The Neighborhood, The Smiths, The Weeknd, BlackPink, Aespa, Beyoncé, you get so many extra points
Theodore Nott
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Likes shorter people, which is easy for him since he’s 6’0 (183 cm)
Has a thing for people that are flatter, likes rectangle body types
Long hair is his ideal type but loves curly short hairstyles
Gets flustered when he sees you with your hair up, something about it is so appealing to him
Long lashes and falsies are so pretty in his eyes, loves it
Ballet-core, old-money, and minimalist are what styles he likes best on someone
Lovessss skirts and headbands
Likes people with glasses, but specifically people who wear contacts in public but glasses at home
People with the resting sad face are so beautiful to him
Likes introverts or shy people, he likes knowing that you’re a homebody so he doesn’t have to worry about cheating
Nerds omg They’re his secret weakness
He loves book smart-street dumb people, it’s a sense of comfort knowing that you’re not involved in his life style
He’s a fuckboy who smokes and drinks, so you become a safe space for him
Quiet and soft voices are one of his biggest weaknesses
Elegance is also something he needs in a partner, someone who’s aware of their words and their actions
When someone covers their mouth when they laugh - So attractive to him
Caring and nurturing people make him want to cry, please comfort this man
If you listen to: Lana Del Rey, Billie Eilish, Mitski, SZA, Her, Adele, Yerin Baek, Matt Maltese, Radiohead, you get an extra point
Lorenzo Berkshire
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Downtown girl, athletic wear, coquette, and other cutesy yet comfortable styles are his idea type
Really loves when someone can dress up in a nice ass outfit and then show up the next day in just a hoodie and bagggyyyy pants
Doesn’t really like tight clothes on his s/o, likes baggy or flowy clothes
Doesn’t care for body type, has dated people on the bigger size and people that were super thin
Loves any facial markings - moles, acne scars, freckles, but esp ance scars
Loves curly and wavy hair, doesn’t care for hair color but does prefer light colors like brown and blonde
Likes girls that look kinda intimidating because of how pretty they are, but are secretly a softie (basically him)
For example, people with a resting bitch face but the second they see something cute they light up
Being shorter than him is fine, but if he’s dead honest he’s always wanted to date a girl taller than him (185 cm+)
Bubbly people make him fall so hard
People who are happy almost 24/7 and a little bit stupid and naive is what he loves
Doesn’t care about intelligence much, but doesn’t like people who are failing school
When you’re oblivious to flirting??? Omg he’s done
Wants to feel needed, so you being slightly air headed helps him a lot
Smiling makes him attracted to someone instantly, so constantly smiling and laughing makes him feel the same way
Loves people with a tad bit of sass to them, like eye rolls and stuff
Playful people who agree to do dumb shit with him suits his ideal lifestyle
Someone’s who funny, cause if I’m fr this man is not that funny. He def gets with someone who’s funny
He def had way too many crushes on manic pixie dream girls, so he kinda likes the chase
Likes people who are so free spirited that it’s hard to tie to them
If you listen to: Wave2Earth, Kpop, Taylor Swift, Olivia Rodrigo, Beabadoobee, Sarah Kinsley, Faye Webster, it’s an extra plus for him
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ghettogirly · 3 months
armando headcanons for when it’s that time of the month ? 😫
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᯾ synopsis. it’s that time of the month, what would he be like?
᯾ theme: fluff with a little bit of crack and suggestive.
᯾ format: headcanon.
᯾ warnings: the topic of having a period?
᯾ authors note: thanks for requesting! i’ve got such a good story that im doing for you guys, stay tuned!!
[🕷️] 𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋: 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐜𝐭.
♡︎ Armando would initially be surprised at the level of pain that would occur from your period, he’s obviously went through a lot too but nothing could apparently amount to this.
♡︎ He would at first stare at you, trying to figure out how severe the pain really is.
♡︎ That wasn’t until you shouted at him to go get you some painkillers was when he stopped analysing you.
♡︎ In his mind, he didn’t think the pain was AS bad as you were making it out to be. (men..)
♡︎ Nevertheless, he got you some painkillers and returned back home. Giving you them along with a glass of water.
♡︎ After an hour, you felt better, relieved even. Apologising got him for your aggressive behaviour, he shrugged it off. Not fazed at all.
♡︎ He would then begin to stock up on sanitary towels, any period product you needed, he had. You found it unnecessary but he called it being prepared.
♡︎He set you baths, had a section of painkillers in the kitchen, even did face masks or skincare with you whenever you had acne on your face due to your hormones.
♡︎ And one night, he asked. “¿Significa esto que podemos dejarte embarazada ahora?”
♡︎ You nearly spat your drink out.
[🕷️] 𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋: 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥.
♡︎ he would be very tuned in with your emotions.
♡︎ as a guy with not many words and just likes observing, he would completely tell when you’ve started or it’s about to come on.
♡︎ the mood swings, increased irritation and insomnia that you was having a week before? yeah, he knows.
♡︎ so, when it does happen, he’s genuinely prepared for all the emotions that come with it.
♡︎ he can be a quiet person but he’s always ready to have a good, deep conversation if you desperately need it.
♡︎ If you’re having a bad day and you come back home crying, he’s already got your back. Embracing you in a warm hug while you cry on his chest.
♡︎ after you’ve calmed down, he would surprise you with a bouquet of red roses and your favourite food.
♡︎ it was almost as if he knew you was feeling this way.
♡︎ you guys cannot convince me otherwise that he isn’t a soft person when it comes to the people he loves.
“¿Significa esto que podemos dejarte embarazada ahora?“ - Does this mean we can get you pregnant now?
@milliumizoomi @shurisgf @deadpool15 @wizewhispers @loakswifesworld @sarcasticbitchsblog @5tarlan7 @amplifiedmoan
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percyluvr · 7 months
Hcs about Jason Grace reassuring gf!reader who has tons of acne that she's beautiful?
jason grace x fem!reader summary: hcs for jason grace w a reader w lots of acne
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okay, so personally i rlly think jason used to have a LOT of acne
like a lot a lot
so he knows how it feels
and he notices almost immediately when u start to get insecure over ur acne
and it breaks his heart
i think he would think about how to make u feel better
cuz he doesn't wanna say the wrong thing and make it worse
so when he finally comes up w something he goes to u immediately
y'all r cuddling
and he's kissing ur face
and he can kinda feel u get rigid and tense
and he's js like
"honey, it's okay. your acne is beautiful,"
and ur like dying bc he realized ur insecure ab it
but also he's so sweet
and even tho it was like kinda simple comforting words
it does help
ur still a bit insecure but he always tell u how beautiful u are
and since he had acne before, he can recommend u good treatments n shit
if u want to get rid of it that is
he doesn't tell u how to get rid of it if u don't ask
he's very careful abt that
he doesn't wanna do anything that could potentially make u feel bad
but if u do ask for help
he's right on that
he gives you all the stuff he used
and ur so grateful bc it works so fast
BUT if you don't want to use any of that
he's fine with that
and he just constantly reassures you that you're beautiful no matter what
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hondacivicbrain · 9 months
I’ve been seeing a lot of discussion about Clarisse’s casting in the PJO show that basically boils down to “anyone can be ugly if they have a mean personality.” And like yes, that’s true, but "ugly" people also exist (by ugly, I mean not conventionally attractive). let ugly people be ugly (so long as their ugliness is not a reflection of wider prejudice - ie, if only the evil characters are fat, that’s bad).
This bothers me especially because there is no representation for tall, broad, fat, “ugly” preteen and teenage girls, at least not any that isn’t centered around them becoming beautiful. I don’t think ugliness is a bad word on its own. making a character who rejects femininity and is described as ugly both pretty and feminine isn’t making some kind of statement about how pretty people can be mean too, especially because Clarisse is ultimately redeemed.
For her character to be ugly and mean at the start of the story and end still "ugly" (by conventional standards of femininity) and nice means that her character growth is about her personality - and that her looks were never a reflection of her morality.
It's true that you can be pretty while rejecting femininity, but the way Clarisse is styled in the show (in my opinion) is too feminine. Her appearance is too put together, too subtly feminine, for how she's described in the books. This is no shade to Dior! I actually think she does a great job as Clarisse and I look forward to seeing more of her. But tv and movies have a long history of casting attractive women only to call their characters unattractive, thus reinforcing harmful stereotypes about what is and isn’t beautiful, instead of casting actually *average* looking women.
THAT is the representation my middle school self is aching for. I want a middle schooler who’s taller than all her friends, who’s got a belly, who looks awkward in dresses because of her build, who’s wider than her male friends, who's going through puberty faster than her friends, who has acne and doesn’t wear makeup and doesn’t understand what femininity is and dresses like a Tom boy. These traits aren't ugly. They're normal. They're just not aesthetically attractive, so they are invariably erased from media.
Where is my preteen girl in basketball shorts because the shorts available to girls are too revealing for someone of her size? Where is my teenager who has been told, explicitly or otherwise, that she doesn't conform to beauty standards, so she refuses to wear dresses or skirts? Where is the girl who knows she's "ugly" and doesn't care? Where is the one who never cared until someone told her, and suddenly she wishes to be skinny and slender and not broad-shoulder and not tall and to look like her mom instead of being told she looks like her dad?
I'm all for diversity in casting because people are diverse. But body type - and not just visually appealing or acceptable body types - is part of diversity to. Annabeth’s appearance has virtually no impact on her character, and Leah carries her perfectly. For Clarisse and others like Piper, their appearance is INCREDIBLY relevant to their characters.
Let “ugly” girls be ugly. Combatting fatphobia - which also includes normal sized women and broad shoulders, because the fashion industry has labelled all non-models as fat - in media is not just about showing non-skinny people as attractive. It’s about showing non-skinny people as EXISTING. and being valid for that alone, outside of their moral or aesthetic value.
I can only think of one actress who’s roughly my build. I can think of zero times I watched media aimed for kids and saw a kid my size. Diversity is not just an aesthetic designed to be palatable. Casting characters with ugly personalities as beautiful people when the character in question will go through a redemption isn't the slay some people think because it's still reinforcing the idea that looks have moral value. I rarely see characters without aesthetic attractiveness nowadays, not ones who are on the hero's side; when it comes to children, when I say attractiveness I mean the way a child in a clothing ad looks cute and cheerful, not romantic/sexual attractiveness. For children especially, body positivity is far less important than body neutrality - the idea that their bodies don't have morality or attractive value attached.
What's most important to me is that "ugly" and unfeminine preteen and teenage girls see themselves represented neutrally, in a way I can't recall ever seeing myself.
I don't mean to hate on Dior. I really do think she's excellent as Clarisse. This is just my perspective, as an "ugly," tall, broad-shouldered, chubby former middle school girl who would've loved to see someone who looked like me.
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aoi1dee · 3 months
Alexander (Alex) Morello :D
Ah yes here is my very handsome olnf MC
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okay now here he is...
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This is Alex in step 1 !! he is a very shy and fear filled kid. Basically anything can make him overthink and believe bad things are going to happen. He's been like this since he was just a little boy :(
His fears also causes his social anxiety. If someone looks at him the wrong way, he's already walking away as fast as he can with watery eyes because he believes that that person hates him. Because of this, he grew up having a hard time making friends + no one really wanted to be his friend. According to other kids, "he is super weird and too much to handle. I don't want him clinging onto me when he's scared"
No one (not even his own mama) knows why he is afraid of everything he doesn't even know himself. Alexander wishes that he could be able to do fun things like all the other kids and not have his brain tell him all of the things that could go wrong.
Though when he meets Qiu and Tamarack, something flips in him. Though he is still scared of doing anything, he is willing to get over those fears if either one of them wants him to do it. He wants to make his two new (and first) friends happy!
(here is the full body design)
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moving onto step 2...
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Thanks to his two besties (and crushes) Alex is finally able to do the stuff he always wanted to do! Like go skateboarding by himself or order himself food at a restaurant (even though it takes him a little bit) But sadly that doesn't mean that those thoughts are still there. They are.
Alexander and his Ma were finally able to put a name to why he feels like everything is out to get him.. Anxiety~ So all of those thoughts about "what if this happens" "or what if I do this" are still there but they don't affect him as much as they used to.
Because of this, Alex was able to find some things that he was into. He realized that he really loved films and wanted to make some himself! He has a current obsession with horror movies though. If you asked him how many times he has watched Scream he wouldn't be able to tell you. (because he is embarrassed about how many times he has watched it.) But he has also taken Bass guitar lessons! He carries his bass guitar around everywhere (even if he doesn't need it).
As he grew older though, certain things start to bother him. He is always comparing himself to others. While his two neighbors have perfectly clear skin, his face his covered in acne. The way he walks is weird, the way he talks his weird. Everything about him is weird according to his own mind. He's just never pleased with himself. Even after all of these years, the thoughts about wanting to be normal still torture him. Why does he have to have anxiety? Why does he still have trouble with talking to others?
All of those thoughts fly away as soon as he talks to Qiu and Tam. He still will do anything for them but those feelings when he was younger starting growing into actual teenage crushes. Every single thing that those two will do can make his face turn red. Both of them are just so pretty!
here is the full body drawing of alex...
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ah yes.. if you compared Alex when he is 18 to Alex when he was 10 there was an absolute clear difference between them.
As Alex grew even older and went through those high school years, he was finally diagnosed with an Anxiety Disorder and is taking meds for it!! Now that his anxiety is finally at bay he started to realize a couple of things.. Why should he care about what other people think? Why does he have to dress for other people? Why was he afraid to be himself?
Though it took a little bit, Alex started to actually find himself. He already knew that he wanted to go to school for film and that he liked to play bass. But! He finally got the strength to join a band as their lead singer and bass guitarist! Even though this band is only planning on staying in Golden Grove, Alex is super proud of himself that he is doing this anyways.
Because of Alex slowly growing to be more confident about himself, it started to be seen by other people too. Other people started to see how beautiful Alex really is and he started to see it to!
And something extra funny, his personality ended up being a copycat of his Ma's. After being total best friends with his Ma his entire life, he ended up becoming exactly like his Mama with the way he stands, the way he talks, just anything is exactly like his Ma. (Though he is still a little shy)
That's my MC!! If you made it this far tysm!! And I'm so sorry if it was difficult to read I was spilling all of this from my head to this post lol.
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silly-little-gooses · 4 months
the inheritance games characters biggest insecurities headcanons
avery ~ ever since she was like twelve, she’s had acne. it’s sometimes painful and overall very annoying. she’s supposed to be america’s perfect girl, but her acne makes her feel less than. she becomes envious of her friends, etc because they have perfect skin and that’s the one thing she lacks.
jameson ~ he’s really a very emotional person and he’s been taught to control his emotions, mainly by his mom. he’s worried that if he gets too excited or too sad or too angry, his loved ones will leave him. when he first started dating avery, he was nervous to love her because he didn’t want to be “too much”. he’s also very insecure about his childhood trauma and doesn’t want to be seen as weak.
grayson ~ he’s always felt like he was the ugliest hawthorne. nash was the oldest and a rugged cowboy. jameson was the confident, cocky, and charismatic one. xander was the youngest, the cutest, and a complete genius. grayson was just…grayson. he’s determined to stand out and prove that he’s worth something. he always dresses up and tries to appear put-together so he can be something of what they are. he doesn’t want to be grayson hawthorne, he wants to be loved.
xander ~ similar to his brothers, xander has some mental health issues. he’s convinced himself all his life, his mom didn’t want him, his dad didn’t want him, who else would love him? he doesn’t want to be too loud or too quiet. he doesn’t want to be too smart or too stupid. he doesn’t want to be too silly or too serious. overall, his biggest insecurity is his personality. he’s very loud and energetic and he’s been told to be quiet so many times.
nash ~ his biggest insecurity is his money. while he does think it was a good idea to leave his family’s fortune, he’s constantly worried he won’t be able to provide for himself or the people he cares about. he doesn’t want people to think he’s poor just because he loves adventure and freedom.
libby ~ her biggest insecurity is her fashion sense. she loves her goth-ness. she loves the way she dresses, the makeup she wears, etc. but so many people have judged her for it and stereotyped her and it’s begun to hurt her feelings. people assume she’s mean or she’s poor or she’s a bad influence, etc. while in reality, she’s the sweetest girl the worlds ever known.
max ~ her biggest insecurity is her body. throughout her life, her body has changed a lot. she’s been chubby, she’s been thin. society’s standards are constantly changing and she isn’t sure what she’s supposed to look like or wants to look like. part of this is influenced by her parents, who have told her she’s too skinny and too fat before. but everyone (aka us) knows she looks gorgeous regardless.
a reminder I think some people need:
you are loved! you’re gorgeous, handsome, etc. no matter what you look like! you are perfect just the way you are, even though some insecure people may disagree. if you ever need anyone to talk to or if you need a place to escape, my page is open. love you all! <333
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hello, i wanted to share some success I've had lately:
- i caught the flu a day ago, and i got really sick really fast. since I had a lot of work to do, i affirmed that I'm healthy again, and within a day I've gotten a lot better! another thing that happened was my parents kept fighting over who had to take care of me because they both were busy. initially I was kinda upset but i played some music, affirmed that the situation would change and that they'd be pampering me, and went to bed. when I woke up, my mom was making me hot soup and my dad was asking me if I wanted to go on a drive outside (since he knows I love that)
- manifested interactions with 2 people! they were both people i wasn't close to, but I kept affirming that they were thinking about me all the time. while I was sick, on a whim i was thinking about one of them and visualized them texting me and checking in (since people have said they're not the kind of person that does that), and while I was doing some work they called me and said exactly what I had pictured in my mind! i was so stunned for a moment that i didn't know what to say 😂
- CLEAR SKIN!!! this has been such a huge thing for me since I used to have bad acne. i had a breakout a few days ago, and i affirmed that I had clear skin and persisted and detached from it. i only really noticed today when I was taking a bath. i hadn't washed my face in a while but my skin was still glowing and clear!
this is all just to say that even when you think there's no movement, there's always movement!!! i never thought any of this would happen, but I didn't try to find a logical way for things to work out and just believed that they would, and they did!! i hope this is helpful to someone who may have been in the same position as me :D
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Success stories!
Congratulations girl! I'm so happy for your Success stories!😭💗🎉 !
Thanks for sharing them with me and the others! I love your Mindset!
Can't wait to hear more of your Success stories and when you'll manifest your dream life!
Anyways, love ya! And have a good night and day! ♡⁠(⁠Ӧ⁠v⁠Ӧ⁠。⁠)
Xoxo, Eli
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avonne-writes · 4 months
In you HS au, does gale have any insecurities? Maybe related to how he looks? What about bucky? since he always seems so confident, does he have anything he's insecure about?
Do they ever! Hahaha 😄 Yes, they have some insecurities. A lot of the fics posted in the collection so far are outsider POV, most of them their peers' POV, that's why the boys seem more confident than they are.
In Broken Things, we get a short mention of Gale being insecure:
When Bucky’s small car comes to a halt in front of him at the gas station, Gale realizes he looks like a stray cat on the side of the road. Probably the least attractive he has ever been. Are his cheeks blotchy and gross? Did the slap bruise? He tries to look more presentable by tucking his dishevelled hair behind his ears and brushing down the knees of his jeans, but it does little to improve his appearance.
But I've yet to explore their insecurities in detail. Here are some of my headcanons:
Believe it or not, Gale doesn’t think he's handsome. He thinks, at best, he looks like a Ken doll and he wishes to look tougher. He loves his long hair because he feels like it gives him an edge. He always wants to look flawless and is actually a notorious mirror hogger.
He's insecure about body odor, so he always tries to be as clean as possible and uses distinctive deodorant (that Bucky loves, as mentioned in the latest chapter).
He's scared of making too much noise when he and Bucky are making out or more. He doesn’t want to embarrass himself by being too needy, too touch-starved. He thinks he’s not normal about touch and almost never initiates because he feels like it’s gonna expose how utterly pathetic he is about it. (It gets better for him later, I promise.)
He's insecure about his entire personality and existence in the company of adults. He’s confident with his peers, but adults leave him all sorts of anxious. He hates when teachers pull him aside or try to have a conversation with him. He wants all adults to like him and second-guesses everything he does in their presence.
Having too many bad memories from home. Nothing gets him more uncomfortable than a group conversation where someone asks him about his family and he can’t recall any completely normal and nice anecdotes to share.
Like a typical teenage boy, he spends an unnecessary amount of time trying to figure out if his dick is big enough. It’s dumb because he doesn’t have expectations for Gale, yet he still feels anxious about what Gale might think about that part of his body. He’s glad that he knows how to delete his search history...
Somewhat related, as we saw in the latest chapter, he needs reassurance about his sexual performance in a way Gale doesn’t. This gradually decreases as he gets more experience.
He thinks he’s too skinny, and hates that despite being thin, he doesn’t have defined abs (Gale does). When he’s in a bad mood, he feels like an ugly twig. But he likes his own jawline.
He has acne breakouts sometimes, and he wants to hide in a dark corner whenever that happens. The first time he had it after he and Gale started dating, he actually wondered if Gale would still kiss him at all. He’s also worried he's too sweaty.
He often feels like he’s too much. Too talkative, too loud, too rowdy. When someone reminds him of this insecurity, he can plummet into a sudden, bone-deep depressive mood.
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yanderecrazysie · 11 months
I really love your writing especially the angsty one such as the most recent one. Related rant but I hated most movies where the FL(Female lead) would start as cliche “ugly girl” with glasses and Terrible fashion and in the middle of the movie she takes her glasses off and suddenly become the “pretty” girl and then have a whole scene where they do a make over to make her charm the whole school. It just felt superficial and very vain, like the FL was fine the way she was, glasses don’t make you ugly as if paired with right outfit, can make you look actually cute. After all glasses are there to help you see, the fl suddenly gets her vision fix when she has her make over? And its really rubs me the wrong way that you need to have a whole make over, with a pretty dress and everything just to get people to like you. And its also pretty disheartening to see that people won’t like you if you have acne, like it natural to have acne and you shouldn’t be shamed for it.
But unto the actual request itself: can I have yandere Oikawa (or atsumu miya) x reader with this related context in mind: The reader has a crush on oikawa and with the advice of a friend, she stops wearing her glasses and does a whole make up and hair routine just to catch Oikawa’s attention. It works and one thing leads to another and both reader and oikawa start dating. At first Reader is ecstatic to finally the man of her dreams but slowly she starts to become uncomfortable with the way she looks like she no longer recognize herself. The make up starts to feel itchy and unnatural to her skin and she starts bumps into thing due to her not wearing her glasses anymore. Despite reader being miserable she till persevere and try to keep up the facade of “Oilawa’s ideal girl” but as time goes on the need to please Oikawa and the stress of keeping up appearances finally gets to her and she just breaks up with him.
On Oikawa perspective (being an entitled prick) is obviously dismayed as he wanted to have the perfect facade of a power couple. He wanted to shape the reader into his ideal pretty girl. So both reader and him have a mutual break up since both of them are now dissatisfied with the current predicament. But as oikawa sees the reader old self, he starts to fall in love (or obsessed) he finds the reader’s glasses cute and he finds that the reader is even more adorable when she comfortable and happy. Like he finds the reader more attractive when she was being her typical self without the glitz and glam. Like even if the reader has acne and wears dorky glasses, Oikawa finds that strangely attractive.
-Sorry for the mini rant, I just recently watch a movie similar to this and it left a bad taste in my mouth. Like as person with both acne and glasses, I’ve been told by some people that I stop wearing glasses due to it not “suiting me” like I wasn’t wearing it for fun, I wear it cause I need to see. Its even worse when I had acne and my friends told me to hide it with make up only to find out that make up worsens the acne problem. Thanks for listening to me
I totally get what you mean- I always found glasses attractive on guys and adorable on girls (to the point that I tried to pretend I had reading issues as a child to get myself glasses), so it was always sad to see it portrayed as “Now that she’s taken them off, she’s pretty!” I think everyone looks nice in their natural way, no makeup needed, so makeovers have always rubbed me the wrong way a little too! I personally don’t wear any makeup at all, too much of a hassle.
Title: Change
Pairings: Oikawa Tooru x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes
Summary: You don’t like your new look, but it’s gotten you so much attention. Do you really have to choose between your old look and your happiness?
Part 2: here
make (someone or something) different; alter or modify:
You looked in the mirror, stunned by your reflection. Your glasses were gone, the contacts in your eyes being the only reason you could see that fact in the first place. But besides that, your hair had been swept back in a pretty bun with a braid on either side of your head and just a couple locks of hair fashionably left down. Your skin looked flawless, thanks to the makeup. You could thank the makeup too for the way your face looked so much more mature and alluring.
Your wardrobe had undergone a great change as well. Since your college didn’t have a uniform or strict dress code, you’d put on a short white dress with black stripes and a belt around the waist. A fake diamond necklace laid across your collarbone, perfectly matching the bracelet clasped around your wrist. Even your feet were squeezed into a pair of fashionable black slips.
You turned back to your friend in awe, “You’re a miracle worker!”
Your friend laughed, but it was nothing short of the truth. Before this, your hair was always left down, hanging over your glasses-adorned, lightly pimpled face. You never wore a dab of makeup and your clothes usually amounted to an oversized T-shirt, faded jeans, and ratty sneakers. You didn’t put any care into your appearance. Until now, that is.
“You’ll have to keep this up on your own, now that you know how,” your friend reminded you, wagging a warning finger at you, “But this will totally grab Oikawa’s attention! You’ll be his girlfriend by the end of the week!”
You were turning heads from the moment you walked through the school doors. How could you not? You were a gorgeous girl accentuated with the latest fashions and professionally done makeup. All you had to do was bat your long, fake eyelashes and guys would throw themselves at your feet.
Your friend was right. You’d caught Oikawa’s attention very quickly, and soon enough, he was blowing away the sudden competition by offering to carry your lunch tray and walk you home.
The attention flustered you and made you so happy, but a small part of you felt sad. He’d never noticed you before. But that was the point of this makeover, right? To get him to finally look your way? 
When Oikawa had asked you to meet him by the fountain in the courtyard, you knew exactly what he was going to ask you. You pretended to be surprised anyway, completely shocked and honored by the question.
“Will you be my girlfriend?”
From that moment on, you were the school’s power couple. Everyone regarded you with awe or jealousy. “Oikawa and (Y/n)” became synonymous with “popular” and all of his friends, the people you’d looked at with envy not long ago, welcomed you to their table and inner circles.
But as time went on, you felt yourself drifting away. Oikawa always talked about appearances and critiqued you whenever your hair or makeup wasn’t perfectly in place.
It felt fake.
Your makeup, your sense of style, your relationship, everything felt so unbearably fake.
Like you were no longer yourself.
Every time you looked in the mirror, your heart sank. You didn’t even recognize yourself anymore. Being perfect had somehow become something that you despised. 
But whenever you brought up wearing your glasses again or dressing down, Oikawa wouldn’t hear of it. “What would everyone think of that?” “You have to look your best.” “We’re a power couple, sweetheart, we don’t wear things like glasses, okay?”
The stress began to tug at you until you could take it no longer. One look in the mirror on a fateful Monday morning that already hadn’t been going well and you were done.
You had to be true to yourself, even if that meant no longer being “perfect” or popular. Even if it meant losing Oikawa, who didn’t even feel like a boyfriend. More like a costar on a filming set.
That was a good way to put it- your life had become a movie and you were just an actress putting on a show. Caked in makeup and forcing a smile.
Dear Oikawa,
I can’t do this anymore. I want to go back to the way things were before we started dating. I know we already talked about how that won’t work for you, so I understand that means we’re breaking up. I’m sorry, but I think this is best for me.
It felt good to undo the bun and braids. It felt even better to slide your glasses up your nose and slip on a simple, comfy T-shirt. Nostalgic might be the best word for what you were feeling, but either way, you were more comfortable than you had been in months. Why had you ever given this up?
You looked in the mirror and smiled. You’d washed off all of the makeup, revealing more than a few blemishes, but you didn’t care. You liked the way you looked and you’d be damned if you went back to drawing on your face every morning.
It was strange walking into school that morning. It was like you’d become invisible. No longer did people turn their heads to look at you, nor did you walk alongside Oikawa. But it didn’t feel lonely. What was the point of having a boyfriend when it was just for appearances? You’d always felt like there were miles between you both- as though you couldn’t reach him even with your fingers intertwined.
Your first class was with Oikawa and you weren’t looking forward to it. He might be mad, after all, that his “power couple girlfriend” dumped him and went back to looking nerdy. You chose your old seat, one near the front of the class, instead of the back row where all the “cool people” sat.
When Oikawa entered the classroom, he stopped dead in his tracks, staring at you as though he couldn’t believe it. You couldn’t blame him- you looked completely different than he was used to. You were actually surprised he even noticed you.
He walked closer and you shrank into your seat a little, not looking forward to a confrontation. But to your shock, he slid into the seat next to you, dropping his backpack on the floor and pulling his stuff out of it, settling into the desk as though he’d always sat there.
“What are you doing?” You blurted out.
When Oikawa turned to you, he studied you with great interest, as though you were an art piece in a museum. There was a tinge of pink on his cheeks, something he’d never had when the two of you were dating.
“Aren’t you just the cutest thing?” Oikawa crooned, reaching a hand out to your face.
You jerked away, startled and confused. What was with this sudden change in behavior?
“You know, you never really officially broke up with me,” Oikawa shrugged, a creepy, possessive grin curling across his lips, “And even if you did…”
He turned to you, eyes dark with something you couldn’t place. Something that chilled you to the bone.
“I wouldn’t accept it.”
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saturnniidae · 2 months
oddly specific httyd headcanons part 2?
Warning; Most of these are about Hiccup and Astrid bc theyre my blorbos ultimate so sorry in advance if you were hoping for more abt the other riders.
I think Hiccup snorts when he laughs. Like really laughs, not just sarcastic chuckles (annual event). Also his voice is prone to cracking when he giggles.
Astrid is very strict about schedules/routines and finds them comforting. Sudden changes in plans make her upset but considering the nature of battle, it's something she's trained herself to better deal with (doesn't mean she's not gonna go scream into her pillow and throw things later)
She often has to remind Hiccup to eat because he gets so focused on tasks he forgets (average adhd grindset), and she's trying so hard to get Hiccup into having a better routine that focuses on him rather than just his scheduled dragon feeding and grooming regimen. It's a work in progress.
Astrid has a policy on never apologizing for things unless she caused them or can do something to help. To her it makes no sense to say 'im sorry' for something you've had no hand in, and pity is worth nothing. (Autistic ass mindset). She also is so awkward when it comes to comforting people, her face looks like she's constipated when she's concerned and often the best you'll get is an awkward pat on the back or hug (insane to me that in canon she's the 'motivational words gf' when that is So not accurate)
Hiccup gets the worst acne ever when he's on his period, he just has the vibes of someone who would yknow
Hiccup kind of hates communal meals in the great hall. The overlapping noises of so many people talking at once, cutlery scraping on plates, chewing, and benches scraping against the ground is actual torture. He much prefers the calmer atmosphere of dinners on Dragon's Edge
Hiccup would be the type of person to eat shit like sardines and olives on pizza but otherwise be a picky eater I think. Canonically Berks food tastes like shit, so the only thing he likes eating there is the fish. (The food they make on the Edge is so significantly better oh my god)
Hiccup not only snores absurdly loud (he gets it from stoick), but also talks in his sleep. Like fully talks. sometimes Astrid will humor him and respond. It scared the absolute shit out of her the first time they slept in the same room though
Fishlegs also talks and even walks in his sleep sometimes. He's been found wandering Dragon's Edge at night before
The first time Hiccup called Astrid 'M'lady' her face did a weird twitching thing and he was so worried he pissed her off but she was actually trying to figure out how to respond without showing how emotional it made her (him calling her that hits so much harder when you hc them as t4t, also I feel like Astrid's famliy just aren't the kind of people who often use terms of endearment like that)
Hiccup and Astrids first few kisses were actually like, really bad. A mess of their teeth clacking against each other and also horribly awkward since, yknow, they're kids. The first kiss Hiccup initiated he was so nervous he missed Astrid's mouth and had to try again 😭
Funnily enough, despite how eager he was to belive in mythical creatures as a child, Hiccups never been a particularly religious/faithful person and that just became more apparent after the events of When Lightning Strikes (he was So fed up)
Hiccup has that weird combo of being horribly touch starved (being isolated and unintentionally emotionally neglected for most of ur childhood does that) and also not being a huge fan of physical affection from others if he's not the one initating it. When people he's not already super comfortable with touch him or like hug him he freezes up like a deer in headlights
Hiccup learnt to speak French and Latin through frequent interactions with traders that came to Berk when he was younger, he liked hearing their stories and imaging going places far, far away from Berk (pre-httyd Era when he was still a social pariah) and despite his job at the smithy, Hiccup still had significantly more free time than his peers due to lack of training so he had to find other ways to entertain himself.
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alevicke · 2 years
Life is made out of good and bad things. I love reading amazing positive stuff but, I always wonder about the bad part of them? So I'll write some headcanons I have that might add a bit of realism if you like it! But are not the best part in life
No order in particular for the characters btw and sorry for any mistakes! English isn't my native language and I have no one to proof read this!
Characters: Ashe, Dva, Junker Queen, Junkrat, Cassidy
Also I never did it but I think I can accept requests 💖
Despite being so beautiful she does have some skin problems.
She is pretty pale but tries to take care as best as possible of her skin
Your shared bathroom is filled of creams, all kinds, really. Everywhere. EVERYWHERE.
Make Up? Oh hell, yeap, too.
Please, never say anything if she has a pimple, it happens often and she hides them as best as possible with make up
Deep down she's really insecure about her acne problems so please, PLEASE, love her 💖
I hope you don't use black clothes
You have more white hair in your clothes than Brigitte has cat's hair
Her hair is pretty healthy despite being bleached but it's thick af and gets always in your clothes.
Living with her is... Kinda frustrating sometimes
She is a mess
There are dirty clothes everywhere not to mention she just dislikes vacuuming the place
You love her but sometimes you'd choke her with the chips' bag she just ate messing the JUST CLEANED CARPET
She has 0 idea about cooking. Please don't trust her
Due to her awful eating habits you start to notice some issues on her
She has hiperthyroidism which explains why she stays so slim despite eating so much unhealthy stuff
But she is about to have diabetes
Sorry, you have to properly feed the Gremlin
No food after midnight!!!!
Remember when I said Ashe has acne?
Odessa has a HUGE problem of acne
Although she actually doesn't give af
Look, she doesn't give a shit about skin routines, is always dirty and lives in a place full of radiation. What did you expect?
Speaking of being dirty. She doesn't know what taking a bath is
Grab her by the neck and take her to the bath while she screams and complains like an angry dog with rabies
No, she won't shave. Don't try it
Maybe in special occasions she will do all these things for you, of course! She loves you with her whole heart
But in general she is a mess
Hey, at least she brushes her teeth always! There is nothing she dislikes more than meat or mantis' legs between her molars
While he is the one with the mantis' legs between his molars, he won't make a fuss if you remind him to brush his teeth and will do it
He even has a golden tooth so he likes it shiny. But he is always distracted and forgets about... Basic needs in general yeah
Sometimes, he is like a puppy. Both in good and bad ways
Yeap, he's super adorable, a dork, always smiling for you and is the happiest person in the world when he's by your side
But he also has a huge lack of education, is distracted by a single fly and is not careful enough
You know how a puppy needs to be trained to pee in the appropriate place? Oops, yeah, you gotta teach that to Jamison
If he is in a hurry he won't even get into home to go to the bathroom, he'll pee in the garden
(He actually peed once on top of your flowers and that was an insta kill. RIP your beautiful flowers)
At least after that he stopped doing it! (Or does it when you aren't looking)
Sometimes he gets distracted and won't listen when you're speaking to him, sorry
Please, put some hydrating cream in his back. That poor back suffers so much from the sun
Take care of your puppy please
Overall, things with Cassidy are pretty ok??
He's well behaved and while he isn't the cleanest person in the world he listens to you and will do his chores
(sometimes better than others)
But he struggles a lot with pain
Earlier in his years ridding motorcycles he suffered a huge accident that broke a lot of his bones
They healed and while he does have some scars from it, is pretty okaish
But his leg will hurt like thousands of knives into his skin every now and then when the old healed wound decides to get annoying and destroy his day
You know when old people say their bones hurt so it's going to rain?
You know weather more than anyone just seeing if McCree is walking leaning to the side with every step
"Ooh man, looks like it will rain, I won't be able to hang the clothes to dry today" you say
First few times Cassidy didn't understand your joke
But once he does he does chuckle a bit
He loves when you massage his hurting leg a bit, it helps him to calm and sooth the pain ✨
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psychoticallytrans · 6 months
The vast majority of people have scars, and people have a range of feelings about their scars. Some people are proud of their scars, as a sign of their actions and/or survival. Some people are fond of their scars, smiling at ones that have good memories attached. Some people hate their scars because they bring up bad memories, or because the tissue limits their ability to move. Some people are neutral about them, viewing them as just something that happened. Most people's feelings fluctuate depending on which scar they are considering.
What the emotions in the first paragraph have in common is that they are generally associated with the event that caused them, or with the physical effect of the scar. In contrast, anxiety and self-consciousness about scars is almost always caused by the reactions of others.
Some scars are significantly more stigmatized than others. Heart surgery scars, for instance, are usually viewed neutrally, because there is not a major stigma attached to heart surgery and surgery scars usually heal neatly, making a "clean" scar to look at. The usual reason for heart surgery scars causing anxiety and self-consciousness is that on women and people perceived as women, they can be considered a blemish on the chest, disturbing those that feel that women should be decorative at all times.
Burn scars are the stereotypical "ugly" scar. Bad burns can cause severe damage to all layers of the skin, and it can be impossible to restore the skin to the state it was in before. The skin can be wrinkled, warped, and discolored. Burn scars mainly cause anxiety and self-consciousness because of their appearance being considered unsightly at best, and gore at worst. It's particularly hurtful that many people consider those with burn scars to be "a sight not fit for children.", which can result in them avoiding public spaces if they can't cover or disguise their scars. Any kind of "disfiguring" scar can have this reaction to it. Burn scars are just the most well known.
Appearance is not the only reason scars are stigmatized. For instance, scars related to gender affirming surgery, particularly the distinctive ones resulting from top surgery, are stigmatized due to transphobia. Self harm scars, particularly the classic and often recognized ones on the wrists, are stigmatized due to ableism. C-section scars are stigmatized where vaginal birth is considered part of womanhood.*
There are some scars that fall into multiple categories. Acne scars are perhaps the best known example. They are both considered disgusting to look at, and are often considered the fault of the person who has them. The propaganda of the skincare industry has done a remarkable job convincing us of that.
People with scars that people react poorly to often adopt strategies to hide or disguise them. Makeup is commonly used to hide flat scars and ones with only a little texture. For scars that are hard to reach or too raised, clothes are the most common tool used. Scarves, long sleeves and legs, and, more recently, masks, are all useful tools for people who want to hide their scars. Some people seek out permanent solutions for their scars. The two primary permanent solutions are tattoos and cosmetic surgery.
The after school special solution to this is usually "Be proud of your scars, and ignore anyone who says anything about them!". But It is not the fault of people with scars that people react poorly to them, and instructing them to have a more positive attitude does not solve the issue of being refused access to public space and respect as a human being because they did not adequately disguise themselves. Anxiety and self-consciousness are reactions to a hostile situation that are intended to protect you from further harm.
So, what next, then?
Don't belittle or tell off anyone for either their scars OR for hiding or disguising them. How people choose to deal with their scars is their choice, up to and including permanent solutions.
Don't recommend any kind of method to hide or disguise scars to someone who hasn't asked for one, and don't recommend a permanent method to someone currently using a reversible one unless they want one.
Don't stare at or ask about scars unless invited to do so.
Don't avoid looking at someone's scars like they're indecent, or avoid touching them in a situation where you would normally touch another person, like holding hands or hugging. Visible scarring should be treated like you would normally treat that section of someone's body if it was unscarred.
Don't lament how someone's scars could have been avoided, or how much better they looked before they were scarred.
Don't tell people how they should feel about their scars.
If someone else does any of the above, bring up that you thought talking about/to someone like that was rude. If they know the person with scars and that person considers it alright, then the person with scars will usually laugh it off and tell you it's alright. If the person making comments was being rude, then that often shuts up the rude person. Either way, it's useful for clarifying the situation without embarrassing anyone unnecessarily.
If someone is hiding their scars and what they were using to do it is damaged, lost, or stolen, and you can offer something to replace it, make the offer. Do not attempt to put an item on a revealed scar without asking unless you know that person well and know they are okay with you doing that.
In short, be polite.
*These spaces and groups tend to doubly stigmatize c-section scars on people who aren't women, because transphobia and misogyny focused on the body go hand in hand.
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