#hayes valley
jamisonwieser · 4 months
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There is a mural at the start of San Francisco's Page Street.
It sits on the back of a secure storage place facing Market Street (our main boulevard) on the other side and depicts a park a few blocks away that was a freeway offramp two decades ago.
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inyoureyes-415 · 1 year
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Mar 18, 2023
Location: Hayes Valley, San Francisco, CA
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pebblegalaxy · 2 years
Top 10 Shopping Destinations for a Spree in San Francisco
San Francisco is renowned for its eclectic shopping scene, which caters to every style and budget. From high-end boutiques to trendy thrift stores, the city has something for everyone. Whether you are in search of designer clothes, vintage finds, or unique souvenirs, San Francisco is a paradise for shoppers. Here are some of the best places for a shopping spree in the city. Union Square:…
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sanfranciscoblog · 2 years
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After the Central Freeway was demolished, with the on and off ramps in Hayes Valley transformed into what we know now as Patricia's Green, it also become home to rotating art installation pieces.
"Squared" is a light-art installation by Charles Gadeken. And this is one of many art pieces which have been displayed or have a connection with Burning Man.
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jealizmuch · 1 year
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ullydaisies · 5 months
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This feels like foreshadowing.
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promontoryranger · 2 years
Nature Photography -- My Road Most Traveled
I’m a nature photographer. It’s what I do. I go wild for my photography. I go wild for photography! John of Journeys With Johnbo chose this week’s Lens-Artists Photography Challenge, “The Road Most Traveled”. He asks us to showcase whatever style of photography is our go-to, our favorite, our road most traveled. Fall colors on the Denali Highway I don’t think I can define a particular style as my…
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books-with-shriya · 4 months
Hey guys! I hope you’re having a lovely May so far! I for one am not 😭, schools wrapping up soon so they’re really going hard on us and finals are coming up so yay 🥲, BUT that also means summer is right around the corner!! I’m so excited for literally everything summer-clothes, beach, hot weather, more reading, ice cream, more reading…you get the point..
Anyways, I wanted to update you guys on my reading so far. I recently actually earlier today, just finished Silver Kingdom by Arabella Rosier. It is the second book in a trilogy so highly recommended dreading Silver Valley before progressing to this one. So I finished it a few hours ago, and I really really enjoyed it. There was a lot lot more world building and plot occurring in this book compared to the first which is pretty common in second books, but I did enjoy all of it and it seemed purposeful and not just out in there for nothing yk.. um and all of the characters, ong just kill me rn 😭😭 ugh they’re written so so well, and I absolutely adore they’re personalities…and Jesse, don’t even get me started, ADORE HIM, But the ending of this book was slightly confusing personally for me, this tends to happen sometimes when I read books for the first time but I will be rereading the book just to process it..BUT THE CLIFFHANGER HELLO!??, this cannot be happening, anyways I think it’s safe to say that I am estatic for the third book to be published so I can get my hands on it and devour the absolute shit out of it :)
Oh and yes I haven’t forgotten about all this twisted glory, I’m currently in the process of waiting for the book to get of my holds list from my library
Happy Reading Everyone 💕
~ Shriya 💗
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thorsenmark · 7 months
Denali Has a Way of Taking One's Breath Away! (Denali State and National Park)
Denali Has a Way of Taking One's Breath Away! (Denali State and National Park) by Mark Stevens Via Flickr: This was a view looking to the west-northwest while taking a break hiking up a mountainside along the Little Coal Creek Trail in Denali State Park. When a friend and I had stopped at the north viewpoint before starting on this hike, Denali had been out, but the angles with the foothills had minimized taking in the full “alpenglow" of the mountain peak with the morning sunlight. It was only later as we hiked up the mountainside and cleared the forested area that we were able to take in the views people often imagine seeing of the Great One, Denali. I did some initial post-processing work making adjustments to contrast, brightness and saturation while playing around as I learned how to work with DxO PhotoLab 3 that I’d recently purchased after moving away from Capture NX2.
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snailobituaries · 2 years
I wore the most neutral outfit (lab coat, yellow elbow-length gloves, safety goggles) to the rave tonight and men STILL found a way to behave horribly to me
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rocklandhistoryblog · 2 years
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“Pretty Penny” has been designated as Rockland County’s first Literary LandmarkTM, honoring the late Helen Hayes and Charles MacArthur, owners of “Pretty Penny” from 1932-1993. It is the first such landmark recognizing two honorees at one location. Literary LandmarksTM is a program of United for Libraries, a Division of the American Library Association. The Literary LandmarksTM Register, The Empire State Center for the Book, and the Pretty Penny Literary Landmark Committee will celebrate Hayes and MacArthur and the new designation with four events.
—>The first event will be on Friday, October 7 at 8 p.m. at the Nyack Center, when Rivertown Film Society will present Helen Hayes on Film: When the First Lady of Broadway Conquered Hollywood. This evening of film clips and discussion, sponsored by Wright Bros. Realty, will be presented by the film historian John DiLeo. DiLeo charts Hayes's natural affinity for film acting and her progression from young leading lady to senior character actress. Aided by film clips spanning more than four decades, this is a cinematic celebration of the singular artistry and enduring legacy of Helen Hayes. As a bonus, the program will include clips from film versions of two stage classics—The Front Page and Twentieth Century—cowritten by Charles MacArthur and the couple's friend and
neighbor Ben Hecht. Tickets will be available at www.RivertownFilm.org.
—>The second event will be on Saturday, October 8 at 3 p.m. at “Pretty Penny,” when Joyce Bulifant, (former daughter-in-law of Hayes and MacArthur and television star) and the families of Helen Hayes and Charles MacArthur will host “Memories of Pretty Penny”, followed by a champagne reception. Space is limited at this outdoor event. Pre-paid reservations can be made at www.RocklandHistory.org.
—>The third event will be on Saturday, October 8 at 8 p.m. at the First Reformed Church, Nyack, when ArtsRock will present "Remembering Helen Hayes with Love!” a live and in-person show by Joyce Bulifant, with Bryon Sommers on piano. Bulifant will make a rare stage appearance with her one-person show filled with music, images, and personal stories about her mother-in-law, Nyack's own Helen Hayes. The show will be followed by a Q&A with Joyce Bulifant, hosted by Richard Skipper. Tickets are available at www.ArtsRock.org.
—>The final event will be on Monday, October 10 at 10:30 a.m. at the Nyack Library Community Room when The Empire State Center for the Book, and the Pretty Penny Literary Landmark Committee will dedicate the Literary LandmarkTM. All are welcome at this FREE community event. www.nyacklibrary.org
All of the Pretty Penny Literary LandmarkTM celebratory events are being presented in coordination with the Phoenix Theatre Ensemble’s Phoenix Festival: A celebration of arts & culture in the beautiful riverside town of Nyack NY. Theatre, music, & arts events through the weekends of 09/16—10/16, 2022.
Link for more info: https://www.rocklandhistory.org/event.cfm?page=964
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All of Batman's kids
For those who still haven't realised how big Bruce's problem is
(Note: some of these are in alternate universes)
Damian Wayne
Athanasia Al Ghul
Helena Wayne
Ryan Wayne
Bruce Wayne Jr
Terry McGinnis (These guys are weird cause it's technically his DNA but like)
Matt McGinnis
Tallant Wayne
Echo Wayne-Kyke
Janan Al-Ghul
Saif Al-Ghul
Taj Al-Ghul
May Wayne
Robin the Toy Wonder (no clue where to put him under because he's one of the robots, but batsy programmed him so that counts as childbirth)
Dick Grayson
Lance Burner
Cassandra Cain
Jason Todd
Tim Drake (Technically he refuses to be adopted and is a ward)
Duke Thomas (Technically his uncle has custody of him but people keep telling me he’s adopted so maybe i missed something)
Alina Wayne
Turner Hayes
Mentored (aka basically his kids)
Stephanie Brown
Barbara Gordon
Carrie Kelley
Jean-Paul Valley
Claire Clover
Henry Clover
Maps Mizoguchi
Harper Row
Cullen Row
Joker's Son (unnamed)
Anita Jean/Jenny Wren
The Kid count: 35
otherwise known as Bruce's coping method is "become father"
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tomorrowusa · 3 months
Silicon Valley has its own variety of racism. And you'll never guess who is the leading figure in spreading this poisonous ideology. [CLUE: He left South Africa at age 18 when the country had just begun the process of eliminating apartheid and moving to majority black rule.]
Racist pseudo-science is making a comeback thanks to Elon Musk. Recently, the tech billionaire has been retweeting prominent race scientist adherents on his platform X (formally known as Twitter), spreading misinformation about racial minorities’ intelligence and physiology to his audience of 176.3 million followers—a dynamic my colleague Garrison Hayes analyzes in his latest video for Mother Jones. X, and before it Twitter, has a long-held reputation for being a breeding ground for white supremacy. [ ... ] Musk is amplifying users who will incorporate cherry-picked data and misleading graphs into their argument as to why people of European descent are biologically superior, showing how fringe accounts, like user @eyeslasho, experience a drastic jump in followers after Musk shares their tweets. The @eyeslasho account has even thanked Musk for raising “awareness” in a thread last year. (Neither @eyeslasho nor Musk, via X, responded to Garrison’s request for an interview.) “People are almost more susceptible to simpler charts with race and IQ than they are to the really complicated stuff,” Will Stancil, a lawyer and research fellow at the Institute on Metropolitan Opportunity, told Garrison in a video interview. He added: “This is the most basic statistical error in the book: Correlation does not equal causation.”
Racist pseudo-science simply sprays cologne on the smelly bullshit of plain old irrational bigotry. Warped theology, which was used to justify slavery, passed the baton of officially sanctioned race prejudice to pseudo-science in the late 19th and early 20th century.
DNA and other real science not only undermine the pseudo-science of racism but has revealed that "race" is not even a valid scientific concept among humans. What is widely regarded as race is defined by rather generalized phenotypes.
There has always been petty bigotry. But racial pseudo-science has been used to justify exploitation, colonialism, and territorial expansion by the powerful and ignorant. Elon Musk certainly qualifies as both powerful and ignorant.
In 2022, just one week after Musk purchased Twitter, the Center for Countering Digital Hate —an online civil rights group— found that racial slurs against Black people had increased three times the year’s average, with homophobic and transphobic epithets also seeing a significant uptick, according to the Associated Press. More than a year later, Musk made headlines once again for tweeting racist dog whistles in a potential attempt to “woo” a recently fired Tucker Carlson. But, his new shift into sharing tech-bro-friendly bigotry carries its own unique set of consequences.
If you are still on Twitter/X then you are indirectly supporting the propagation of pseudo-scientific racism – as well as just plain hate. Like quitting alcohol and tobacco, ditching Twitter/X can be difficult. But after doing so, you'll eventually notice how much better you feel.
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chribby · 10 months
pluto in aquarius rambles
Pluto in Aquarius = Power to the People
Pluto = Power
Aquarius = Human, the Water Bearer, rules Groups of people, and demagogues.
I have several predictions based on Pluto in Aquarius. Pluto in Aquarius will be ruled by a Saturn in Pisces when it moves on Jan 20th, 2024... and as we can see, people are receiving reprecussions (Saturn) based on their Beliefs (Pisces)
Previously, I’ve predicted that it would be the Fall of Silicon Valley. In fact, while Pluto was briefly in Aquarius this year, Saturn stationed in Pisces on March 7th (One day before my birthday, lol) and Silicon Valley Bank ended up doing a bank run.
EDIT: 02/23. I just checked. Saturn did go into Pisces 03/07, but Pluto wasn’t in Aquarius until 03/23. I do consider Pluto to rule financial systems, and I do think the Saturn transit did spark the bank run, but I wanted to correct this! I am sorry! Pluto spiked the same bank run on Black Monday 2008, and led to the subprime mortgage crisis. So, Saturn-Pluto, but NOT Pluto in Aquarius. I apologize.
I think it’s fun to use astrology in tandem with what we’re experiencing because as above, so below. But, it’s more fun to be able to recognize the energy that you’re looking at.
So, here’s a little loose list of things that I think will happen during Pluto in Aquarius.
1. Power (Pluto) to the People (Aquarius) = Our reliance on these big corporate structures (Capricorn) will lower and lower, especially as we see ourselves getting punished for speaking about what we believe in. I feel like we will question sources of power, and then look into finding our power within ourselves. I feel like there will be more demagogues lol. But mostly, it will be people turning to their communities.
2. Political Revolutions - Last time Pluto was in Aqua was from 1778-1798 and I swear to god they got that bitch cracking like CRAB LEGS. They had
Irish Rebellion
Settler-Indigenous Wars
Indigenous rebellion against spanish colonization
Haitian Revolution
Northwest Indian War …
Like THEY WASN’T FUCKING PLAYING. So, you already know what time it is. I guess my question is how will the INTERNET play into this?
3. Ass play is about to be as common as kissing in my opinion.
4. Here’s more general predictions lol
cyber crimes, technological terrorism worse than data breaching, pen testing (Pluto = Terrorist activity)
online tombs
Camgirling is about to change in a new way.
Digital sex work
Digital smut (erotica writers? You’re up)
Digital Decay will be addressed. We will see the first ruined images due to natural jpeg artifact build up
Digital Third Space/Metaverse will be expanded upon. Focusing on a decentralization of both this technology and the need for this “digital third space” will help this from being some terrorist rich kids fantasy.
5. 3D is up, more focus on 3D. I saw a tweet about that, but I think that a lot of the kids will be more advanced at 3D vs how we as kids went towards digital art? Idk how to make that make sense but yea.
6. Cybertheft. Feels like there is about to be A GLARING VULNERABILITY LOL THAT JUST WENT UNCOVERED UNTIL NOW and it will get EXPLOITED AND TORE TF UP
7. Everybody thinks they’re fuckin Jon Stewart … one thing I haye about us Aquarii we don’t know how to shut the fuck up sometimes…
8. Streamers held the long con enough for people to forget responsible pirating, but this will turn on its head during this transit I think…
9. Looking at the internet….
Pluto rules generations. So pluto in Aquarius will be a new generation. And they will be weird as hell.
Pluto in Scorpio = When World Wide Web was created.
Pluto in Aquarius = WWW Square. And I feel like now, we’re looking at the damages and transformations the internet underwent since the web was created. It feels much more hollow.
I think Pluto Squares tell us how to fix things. Just saying.
This is all I have… for now….
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mysticmikalla · 1 year
Stardew Valley Last Name Headcanons
Sebastian Hara - listen I think he’s half Japanese on his dad’s side and kept his dad’s last name (for convince reasons)
Sam Calder bc I think it suits Jodi, Vincent and Kent as well
Shane Miller?????? I have no idea nothing suits him dude
Elliot Calloway has a certain musicality to it that just works for me
Alex Fletcher because I knew an Alex in middle school with that last name
Harvey Prescott cause Dr Prescott sounds so fine dude
Haley+Emily Evans???? Williams?? Maybe Williams because I feel like Haley would’ve hated the Paramore references in high school lol
Abigail Hayes? just works for me
Maru Davis - Demetrius and Robin also share this last name
Penny Walsh because ? it suits Pam as well ?
Leah Fitzpatrick cause you can’t tell me she doesn’t have some Irish in her
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filmnoirsbian · 2 years
If the goal of artificial intelligence is realness, then robots are a form of drag.
- Into the Uncanny Valley by Britt Hayes
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