#he can be selfish he can be mean he can be rude but when push comes to shove he is so quick to stand up for his family
shall-we-die · 1 day
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What is the worst mistake they ever made with you?
↬[Fandom]•⊰ {Obey me!}࿐
↬[Warnings]•⊰ {Angst}࿐
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Maybe the worst thing he'd ever done to MC is pushing them away... Trying to act as though the connection they shared was just a foolish dream, while also trying to fight the feelings he'd formed... he'd never been as affected by anyone like he is with MC - it hurts even more because he knows how much it hurt their heart to be pushed away like that...
The worst mistake Mammon ever made towards MC was to prioritize his own selfish desires and greed over their well-being and happiness. Despite MC's unwavering loyalty and affection towards Mammon, the Avatar of Greed failed to reciprocate their feelings and instead betrayed them multiple times, leaving them feeling hurt and abandoned. Mammon's constant pursuit of wealth and power blinded him to the pain and suffering he caused MC, and he deeply regrets his actions as he realizes too late the true depth of his mistreatment towards the person who loved and respected him despite his flaws.
The worst mistake Leviathan ever made when it comes to the MC... Well, that would definitely have to be accidentally using his magical powers to scare them away... but he only did it because he didn't know how to deal with his own feelings. That's right, he accidentally cast some spells on them! He got so jealous of anyone around them that he just... well, he screwed up really badly.
As the Avatar of Wrath, he's prone to outbursts of anger and impulsiveness, which can sometimes lead to regrettable actions. One such instance was when his anger got the better of him, and he hurt MC in the process. It was a moment of weakness that he deeply regrets, and he had vowed to never repeat such a mistake again. He's determined to control his emotions and learn from his mistakes to ensure that he never hurts those closest to him again.
Asmodeus.. made plenty of.. interesting mistakes, some worse than others. One such mistake was.. that at one point he got jealous because you would pay more attention to someone from RAD over him (He was going to ask you out on a date that day) so.. his way of lashing out was.. being extra clingy and making rude remarks about the person you were talking to. He would realize a little later how foolish he was and try to make it up and apologize for the rude comments and the clinginess...
One of the worst mistakes Beel has made involves the accidental injuring of the MC during a moment of intense gluttony. Despite not intending to harm the MC, Beel's carelessness in satisfying his own hunger led to the MC's pain, leaving him feeling extremely guilty and regretful. As a result of this mistake, Beel struggles with feelings of self-blame and guilt, even distancing himself from the MC in order to avoid further injuring them in the future. This only adds to Beel's struggle with his own inner demons and his fear of losing control due to his excessive desire.
(Hahaha... do I really need to talk about lesson 16?) Let's just say that it was a mistake to ignore them for a while and then to treat them rudely when MC came to look for him. I mean, who knew that MC is be able to resist his cold attitude and actually stand up to him?
When he injures MC accidentally. This would cause him a lot of regret, guilt, and shame for the rest of his life, as he would have caused harm to the person he cares about the most.
If Barbatos ever made a mistake that caused any harm to MC, he would feel deeply regretful and would immediately take steps to address the issue and make amends. He would likely reject/deny the mistake at first, due to his pride and because he holds himself to high standards. But as he observes MC's reaction and the consequences of his actions, he would eventually acknowledge the mistake and take full responsibility for the harm he caused. He would then work to make things right and ensure that he never repeats the same mistake in the future.
One major mistake he made towards the MC is unintentionally causing them emotional distress and hurt. Despite his good intentions and sincere efforts to help, he may have said or done something unintentionally hurtful, causing the MC to be upset and feel betrayed. He may have deeply regretted and rejected his actions, leading to feelings of immense guilt and shame, as he realizes the impact of his actions and the pain he caused the MC. This mistake could become a significant turning point in their relationship, as he strives to make amends and repair the trust that may have been broken.
Forcing MC to eat his food. Yep, it's the worst one...
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Coming next week
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turtleblogatlast · 29 days
I think a lot about Leo standing up for his brothers in the things that really matter to them.
Like- Leo is the one who immediately pushes Mikey and Donnie into finding Raph the second it’s clear that their oldest brother is missing because he knows Raph can’t handle being separated like that.
Leo is the one who stands up for Mikey when Mikey wants to go on a solo mission, actively vouching for him and being the one to convince Raph into letting Mikey go, because being independent and proving himself just as capable of standing on his own two feet as everyone else means so much to Mikey.
And Leo defends Donnie’s honor in particular when his brothers’ intelligence is insulted because Leo is well aware of how important Donnie’s smarts are to him - and how important having those smarts valued and acknowledged is as well.
All this goes right into just how well Leo knows his brothers. For as much as he’ll tease or fight with them, he knows them, and he loves them.
#rottmnt#rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles#rottmnt leo#rottmnt headcanons#rise leo#listen Leo loves his family SO MUCH#and like it’s no accident that Leo is consistently the one to give pep talks that#very notably#are less ‘everyone as a group’ and more ‘all of you individually’#it’s heartening to see honestly and like#it works with how he is as both a person and as a fighter#he knows people he knows them so well he knows how they work what they’re like#which is SO USEFUL for subterfuge AND portal/teleportation strategy#my guy is charming his charisma comes from his understanding of people at an individual level#when he wants to be he is very very good at that#he’s still a teen who is too cocky for his own good at times but that does not negate his stellar other moments#he can be selfish he can be mean he can be rude but when push comes to shove he is so quick to stand up for his family#Mikey’s statement at the end of the movie about how Leo NEVER gave up on THEM is so important because it’s not JUST about the movie!!#that’s Leo as a whole he will never give up on his bros#portal jacked is telling of this too because although it has a lot of comedic moments#never once does Leo stop looking for a way to get his bros back#they’re everything to him#he’s the face man he’s a people person and he’s the number 1 pet turtle which I will discuss the implications of in this essay-#Will also say that when Leo does these moments of standing up for his bros he’s never expecting praise for it#he’s just glad they find Raph he just smiles when Mikey tells him he loves him he never mentions defending Donnie#leo has a tendency to show off fancy glittery moves but his real actions and feelings are sooo much more lowkey#that you have to be actively looking for them to catch them all#and I really really like that about him it’s so interesting HE is so interesting
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r3ynah · 5 months
What's wrong with clones? what's wrong with me?
Dani was greatful for her mom, she was greatful that he was supportive and living when she first met him, and even after the fight she was happy that Danny didn't throw her away with hatred in his eyes, she would've understand it nonetheless, just imagine someone assaulting your DNA to make a copy of you? it was traumatizing or the both parties, based on experience.
But if it wasn't for Danny, she wouldn't be here at this place were she stands. It has been about 20 years since she was born, and her mom step backed from heroism and passed it down to her which she accepted with pride. Her mom deserves a break.
And without her she wouldn't be part of the Justice League, and wouldn't be meeting all this amazing people, they have loved dani and took care of her ever since she joined. and she was happy. what more could she ask for? well she was a bit lonely afterall.. and that was selfish of her, she already have her mom, her friends, what else could she even ask for?
Dani, Hero name Wraith, walked down the halls of the watchtower when she heard a ruckus in one of the meeting rooms, letting her curiosity get the best of her she took a peek in the room, where she found a bunch of Heroes surrounding a boy that looks a little too much like Superman. and Superman in the corner holding his head in stress? Agony? Dani doesn't know.
She stepped into the room, only for Wonder woman to notice her, She gave Dani a wave which she returned with a smile, she moved near Wonder woman in curiosity and asked: "What's going on? why's the Adults surrounding a kid?"
Wonder woman looked at her with a stare she didn't understand, before she answered. "He's a clone of Superman, we found him trying to kill the man, just last week, and this is the first time he's let out." She explained while pointing at the kid.
Dani let out a gasp of delight, "Really? Holy shit. I got to talk to the kid!" Before Diana could stop the girl she was already at the new clone's side, pushing the other heroes away.
The Clone angrly stared at the new person, infront of him. "What you'll interrogate me too?."
"What? Why would you think that?" Dani giggled as she circled the boy, her eyes darting back and forward to superman and the boy to see the similarities. "Ancients, you really look like Superman, what's wrong with you?"
"What do you mean by that?" The kid asked very confused.
"I mean you're healthy and fine, i don't get why the league is going haywire towards you." Wraith chuckled, as she floated upside down infront of the kid.
Silence embraced the room, as the sound of a steel chair echoed throughout the room.
"Didn't you hear what Wonder Woman said Wraith?" Superman walked big steps towards the two making other heroes take a step back, from the man of steel. "It's a clone."
"okay, Okay, Wait i feel i said something wrong?" Dani returned to her normal position, making sure she's not levitating upside anymore as she looked at older man infront of her in confusion. "What's the problem here?"
The room was quiet huh that was unusual with, there was a thick atmosphere that you can cut it with a knife.
"The problem? This is the problem." Superman angrily stated as he pointed at the kid, who looked ready to fight the man infront of him any second now.
"What? superman i don't get its just a clone and a child-" Wraith was cut off rudely. by the man infront of him.
"Ofcourse you don't get it, you don't get how it feels to be cloned, you don't get how traumatizing it is for your DNA to be stolen, That is not a child." Superman snapped, making Dani take a step back. "So stop acting like its a normal kid, that thing will never be like us, because its a mistake created by some lousy villain, who tried to stop and kill me, clones don't deserve love nor respect, and they certainly don't deserve families. Now Stop acting like you get it."
Silence, surrounded the room as Superman finished letting his anger out at Wraith who stared at him wide eyed confusion seen her face, she looked at her peers who only looked apologetic and those who looked down the floor and then there was batman
she shifted her gaze towards the, boy who she can see was trembling, The boy was crying. oh no. no. please don't cry.
"I get it." Wraith stated, keeping her ground, only babies cry she wasn't a baby now, she grew out of that phase.
She returned her gaze back at Superman who still was looking at her. it really looked like he didn't mean to snap at her. But that shit Hurt who knew he had it him, is this what Danny felt when he found out about her, was he in reality sick of her? no. No. Danny loved her, he said so himself.
"Wraith please no-" Wonder woman, called out trying not to get the girl in more trouble.
"No. I get it. I'm really sorry for you Superman, and how you got traumatized by some of your DNA getting stollen, I am really. But with all due respect you can't treat him like a thing, because he's a clone." Wraith spoke back, now more confident than ever. the kid perked up from this and raised his head, he was really crying.
"And what do you know about that? Wraith." Oh no Hero names, She knew she struck a nerve, Superman was back at being angry.
"What I know, is that you're right, clones don't deserve love and respect, clones don't deserve anyone because all they do is hurt and destroy." For a second everyone thought Wraith changed sides. Wraith glared at superman, he wanted her to agree with him, oh she'll agree with him alright. "Clones like me, don't deserve anything."
Everyone in the room was shocked but to scared to speak, afraid to start something.
"Thank you, Superman. For showing me that I didn't deserve my mom, Because to be honest you're fucking right, all I did for my mom was pain and agony." Dani was now raising her voice, at the man infront of her.
"You're a clone?" Superman managed to ask, his eyebrows almost touching his hairline.
"Hell yeah, And you know what age he got me. Fourteen, He became my mom at the age of fourteen, he took care of me at the age of fourteen, he loved me like his own daughter at the age of fourteen" Wraith laughed out loud, tears threatening to stream down her face. "You know what's funny superman? I tried to also murder him, I tried to also kill my template. And yet he took me in, and said that it wasn't my fault. it wasn't my fault that i was born, It was never my fault, he comforted me as i cried to him about my other brothers who i watched slowly die and melt apart infront of my eyes, he didn't hate, he didn't isolate, he only loved and cared."
Wraith was now crying. as she gritted her teeth.
"you we're right. I didn't deserve my mom. if he had just killed me from the start, he would've been more happy and not worry about me, My mom is the kindest being in the world in my own eyes, and he'd done everything for me ever since he was fourteen." Dani looked down at the ground, with clenched hands. "I was born as a six years old, but in reality i was only two months old. it's funny how im the same age right now when my mom first had me. My body maybe 20, but my brain is 14, keep that in mind Superman."
She looked around her peers, but couldn't see anyone but her reflection in those glass walls, she's crying, she didn't want to cry. "You've been hating on that kid, but Superman let me remind you that kid." She looked at the child who was still sitting on the chair but now with a look of confusion, eyes red from crying. "Is only a few months old despite its physical appearance, you've been hating on a newborn baby, like a deadbeat dad, and that's just sad."
Dani can hear a snort in the background. She swore that sounded like her mom.
Superman looked defeated and guilty, Dani was tired she wanted to cry, in the arms of her mom, but she can't leave the other kid here, so she made a rash decision. "If you don't want him, I'll take him."
Protest engulfed the meeting room, but Dani didn't care, she passed Superman and headed towards the black haired kids, direction. "Wanna come with me?" she asked, while having her hand out for him to take.
The kid looked at her hand, before grabbing it. Dani smiled and summoned a portal, she took the kid with her, her mother's not gonna like this and she might take a break from JL a couple of months, Oh well its all worth it.
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i-am-baechu · 4 months
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♡ Summary: Y/N is just an average student at Seoul University but what she doesn’t know is that the person she’s been watching YouTube videos, streams, and having a crush on is the university heartthrob!
♡ Pairing: Gamer! Heartthrob! Jungkook x reader 
♡ Rating: Explicit (18+) 
♡ Genre: Fluff, romance, smut, enemies to lovers, secret identity, fan girl, pride and prejudice inspired kind of and angst 
♡ Part of the The Legendary Seven
♡ Author's note: I think this might be a mini-series! I was also sick :( so sorry for the lack of response/posting!
“Did you see Jungkook!?”
“Of course I did! He was on the Calvin Klein TikTok page. He knew what he was doing.”
L/N Y/N raised her eyebrow at the two girls and continued her way to her class through the hall. She knew Jungkook was popular and it did help that his whole family was practically famous but to be a Calvin Klein model? That’s wild. 
Y/N is a middle-class student who entered Seoul University with a scholarship known as the Kim Family Scholarship. The brightest and the most talented are selected from all the schools in Korea. She wasn’t at the top of her classes nor did she play any instrument. She was just a simple person, so you can imagine her shocked face when she got it. 
Even now Y/N wasn’t spectacular. She got good grades but there was always someone else doing better. She participated in some sports but she wouldn’t call herself an athlete. She would never become one of the elite students and she was okay with that. Too much pressure.
Jeon Jungkook was the opposite of her. One of the top students (ranking in the legendary seven) and the top athlete, he was the guy that everyone wanted and hated. Yes, he was handsome and intelligent but Y/N didn’t really care about that, he was incredibly rude and selfish. She watched him break up with so many girls and had so many rendezvous around the campus that she wondered if any place was clean. A headache really.
She opened the door to her class and smiled when she saw her friend, Lee Taeyong, waiting for her at the back. Taeyong has been her friend since she was in diapers. They’ve been through everything, Y/N’s first period, Taeyong's ankle surgery, and first heart breaks. Best friends forever.
He looked up from his notebook and waved at her, “Y/N.”
She ran towards him unaware of the whispers amongst a certain group of people. She went through her bag and handed him a breakfast sandwich, “Mom made breakfast for us. I also have orange juice.”
Taeyong  pushed his glasses and smiled, “Thanks, my mom was wondering if you were coming over tonight?”
She happily nodded and sat down next to him, “of course I am.”
They continued to talk as Jungkook watched with his full attention. Taehyung let out a small laugh and playfully slapped his shoulder, “Why are you staring at Y/N?”
Jungkook shrugged his shoulders and looked at him, “She doesn’t belong here.”
“Dude, why are you always on her? She doesn’t even speak to you.”
“She doesn’t take school seriously-”
Namjoon sighed and closed his book, “She passed every test in all her subjects. What more do you want for her?” 
“Not to be her.”
After class, Y/N and Taeyong made their way to the cafeteria. All the students were talking about the legendary seven but all Y/N wanted was her ramen.
The legendary seven, Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Min Yoongi, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, and shit head (Jeon Jungkook). The top students and the wealthiest, they always mean trouble. She never understood how everyone can talk about them when they have their own problems. She didn’t see a point, she would never have a conversation with them so why would she talk about them? There’s nothing she could add to the conversation. 
Taeyong handed her chopsticks and she smiled, “I’m so excited. I love their ramen.”
“You do know it’s just a convenience store ramen.”
“But it’s free.”
She bowed her head at the worker and happily looked at her ramen making Taeyong laugh, “I want my kimchi fried rice.”
“Share half?”
“If you share half of your ramen.”
The group entered and Jungkook sneered at Y/N who was eating her ramen cheerfully. He glanced at Taeyong who whipped her mouth and he scoffed. Jimin raised his eyebrow and looked at what he was looking at, “what now?”
Y/N looked up and saw Jungkook looking at her. She raised her eyebrow and looked behind her to see if there was someone else, but nothing. She looked back and saw Jungkook talking to his friends. She blinked her eyes a couple of times but she just shrugged her shoulders.
She waved her hand when she saw Kim Yerim running towards her. Yerim or Yeri to her close friends, was Y/N’s other best friend. Yeri met Y/N during high school by accident. Yeri wanted the same drink that Y/N had but sadly it was the last one. Y/N being Y/N bought the drink and gave it to her. Since then, Yeri has been with Y/N. 
Yeri was one of the wealthier students at school. She wasn’t as wealthy as Jungkook but she was wealthy enough to have a good future. Yeri would always make sure Y/N would have new clothes and bags so no one picked on her. Yeri would always defend Y/N against the others, it was sweet but she could take care of herself. 
Yeri sat in front of Y/N with her tray, “Did you see the video?”
“Did Kook upload? Did I miss it?”
Yeri let out a small laugh and took her phone, “This is why you should have notifications on for him.” 
She rolled her eyes and saw that he was playing Lethal Company. She smiled to herself and watched for a few seconds before pushing Yeri’s hand, “I need to watch it when I go home.”  
 Taeyong let out a small chuckle, “Don’t you have homework?”
“I can watch and do it…” 
“Not if you get distracted with his voice.”
“Yeriii, leave me alone.” 
Kook is a famous YouTuber/streamer. He had millions of followers and it wasn’t just because he was good at games. So many love him because of his comedy and just his personality in general. Y/N came across him by accident one day and his voice caught her. It was clear that he changed his voice slightly but it still gave her butterflies.
“I was wondering, would you come to a party with me? It’s next week.”
Y/N brother her chopsticks down and raised her eyebrow, "Who's the host?”
Y/N scoffed and shook her head, “I don’t want to be there with them. All they do is stare at me and make me feel unwanted here. It’s weird.”
“Really? They're usually really kind…well except Jungkook.”
“Don’t get me started on that shithead. Always glaring at me, what does he have against me? I literally have never talked to him. It’s annoying.” 
Taeyong rubbed her shoulder gently, “don’t get worked up over him. He’s not worth it.”
“I know…it’s just annoying.”
Yeri glanced at Jungkook and the others with a nod, “I would be annoyed. I won’t go then, they don’t deserve our presence.” 
“Irene is having a party. She invited me, we can go to that one.”
Taeyong's eyes lightened up at this and looked at Y/N, “Why didn’t you tell me this!?”
“Because…I wanted it to be a surprise.”
Yeri let out a laugh and pointed her chopsticks at him, “He just wants to see Seulgi.”
“So-So what.”
“It's cute, Tae.” 
Jungkook was on his phone until he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned his head and saw Rosé looking at him with a smile. He raised his eyebrow and put his phone down, “What do you want?”
“Is that how you treat your girlfriend?”
“Ex-girlfriend. Now what do you want?”
Rosé sighed and leaned back on the bench, “I need you to be my fake boyfriend.”
Jungkook let out a laugh, he couldn’t believe what he just heard, “For fucking what?”
“Tonight, I’m going to my cousin's dinner.”
“Why me?”
“Because I told my aunt we were dating and if she finds out I broke up with you she will be sad. I hate seeing her sad.” 
Jungkook turned his attention to her and crossed his arms over his chest, “First of all, I broke up with you. Second of all, since when are you nice?”
Rosé rolled her eyes and stood up from the table, “Can you just do this for me?”
“Fine. Only once.” 
“Trust me, it’s only going to be once. I can’t stand you.”
Jungkook let out a snicker and nodded his head, “Right back at you, cheater.”
“It’s your fault I cheated on you. You treated me like shit, what did you expect?”
“I treated you like shit? I gave you everything Rosé-”
“If you guys are gonna fight, can you do it outside?”
Jungkook turned to see Yoongi giving him a stern look, making him sigh. He turned to Rosé with an irritated look, “I’ll see you tonight.”
Jungkook glared at her until she was out of sight. He turned back and Jin shook his head, “How did you date that?”
“It was a fling…”
Taehyung shook his head and finished off his kimchi, “No you liked her, a lot. Why didn’t you tell us she cheated?”
“It wasn’t worth talking about it…I just didn’t want to talk about her.” 
Jimin nodded his head and gave him a soft smile, “At least you're not together.”
“Yeah…” he glanced at Y/N who was now talking to Jaehyun. His eyes widened to see his friend talking to her. They looked like they were having a good conversation because they kept laughing. Jungkook looked back at Hoseok, “When did they become friends?”
Hoseok glanced at Y/N and then back at Jungkook, “I know Jae has been talking to her since high school.” 
“High school?”
“Yeah, they were friends because of Taeyong. Why?”
“Just wondering.”
“Jae, can you tell your friend to stop staring at me? It’s annoying.”
Jaehyun turned around and saw Jungkook looking at them. He waved at him and looked back at Y/N, “He’s just weird like that.”
“Eh, are we playing tonight?”
“Yeah, after dinner at Tae’s?”
“Yes sir.”
“See you tonight.”
Y/N watched him leave and she looked back to Yeri who had a smirk, “What?”
“When are you going to fuck him?”
Y/N’s turned into disgust and shook her head, “You're crazy.”  
“Tae, you didn’t tell me your cousin is coming.” 
Y/N let out a loud groan as she dropped on Taeyong’s bed. He sighed and put his book back on his shelf, “Mom just told me she was coming and apparently she's coming with her boyfriend.” 
“She has a boyfriend? I didn’t know that was possible for her.” 
Taeyong let out a laugh and shook his head, “People can change.” 
“I bet he was rich. You know the richer they are, the more likely they want a girl on their arm.” 
Footsteps were coming up the stairs and Y/N to see Taeyong’s mom looking at her with a smile, “Y/N, did you hear who’s coming?” 
Y/N sat up and nodded her head, “Rosé and her boyfriend.” 
Mrs. Lee nodded her head and clapped her hands excitedly, “I’m so happy she found someone.” 
Taeyong nodded his head and sat in his computer chair, “I’m sure he treats her right.” 
“She told me that he’s from a wealthy family.” 
Y/N glanced at Taeyong giving him a “I told you so” look. She looked at Mrs. Lee, nodding her head with a small smirk, “That’s good for her future. I’m sure she’ll have everything figured out.” 
“I sure hope so. Come down and get ready for dinner.” 
They watched the older woman leave the room with a skip in her step and Y/N looked at Taeyong with a frown, “Rosé...didn’t she break up with her boyfriend.”
Taeyong nodded his head and rubbed his forehead, “Knowing Rosé, she has a scheme.”
Y/N shook her head and looked at the ceiling with a frown, “Your mom doesn’t deserve lies.” 
“Trust me, I know. Let’s go and keep her happy.” 
They made their way downstairs but Y/N stopped in the middle when she met with familiar brown eyes. Jungkook looked at her with surprised eyes and they continued to stare at each other but neither of them said a word. He hated her for whatever reason and she hated him for being a shithead. What’s there to say? She glanced down and saw Rosé holding his hand, so this is the boyfriend. She continued to walk down the stairs and walked past Jungkook who continued to stare at her. 
Jungkook was surprised to see her but he didn’t know why, she was always around Taeyong. Tonight seemed different with her appearance. She looked more elegant with her hair down (she only ever wore ponytails or buns to school) and had a black dress on. She was more poised, something that surprised him. He watched her lean towards Taeyong and they both let out a quiet laugh. He wondered if she would ever laugh with him. He shook his head and glanced at Rosé, “Aunty, this is my boyfriend, Jungkook.” 
Y/N bit her lip from laughing because it was clear that he was uncomfortable. With the way he visibly stiffened at her touch, he didn’t want to be here. Y/N glanced at Jungkook who was looking at Mrs. Lee. She rolled her eyes and turned to walk towards the kitchen with Taeyong next to her, He probably made her think he liked her and wasn’t expecting to get this far with her. How typical of him. 
Jungkook watched the two leave but he couldn’t help but feel judged by them. Every time Y/N looked at him she would lean towards Taeyong. How could she be judgemental? She’s not the same status, why would she judge him? It should be the opposite, that’s what his mother always taught him. “Judge those who are lower than you and question why they are so low? The answer is they don’t have a good work ethic.” 
When Mrs. Lee turned to walk towards the kitchen, Jungkook ripped his hand out of Rosé’s hand, “I told you don’t touch me.”
“That’s not what you were saying before. My aunty looked happy, that’s good.” The two walked towards the rest of them and Rosé glanced at Jungkook, “Also, stop staring at Y/N. I know she’s pretty but now is not the time.”
Jungkook scoffed and glanced at Y/N and then at Rosé, “What?” 
“Y/N, she’s pretty.”
“Anyone can be pretty but not everybody can be beautiful.” 
Rosé raised her eyebrow and grabbed Jungkook’s hand as she looked up at him, “Are you saying she's pretty?” 
“Let’s sit.” 
Y/N sat next to Taeyong as she ate her chicken. She glared at Jungkook, if people wanted to talk amongst themselves they should do quieter, “Anyone can be pretty.” Who is he? The mirror from Snow White. She wishes he was because then she could just break the glass and be done with it. She stopped listening after that part, if she continued to listen to him she would lose more brain cells. Her phone vibrated in her dress pocket and when no one was paying attention, she brought out her phone. 
Did you see it? Kook is hosting a special event! All you have to do is comment on his post and send him a DM and the lucky winner gets to play with him! 
Y/N’s eyes widened and she tapped Taeyong’s thigh. He looked at her with a curious look and she glanced down. Taeyong eyes landed on the message and he looked back at her, “Are you going to do it”
“Of course I am. This is the only chance I get to speak to him.” 
“I hope you win then.”
“Don’t tell Yeri that.” 
Jungkook was annoyed that Rosé kept touching him but he knew had to be an actor tonight. He smiled at Mrs. Lee who placed more rice on his plate, “Rosé told me that you guys met at the library. That’s really sweet.” 
Lie. They met during a party and he fucked her in a bathroom. Not sweet but he knew Rosé was a good liar. He looked at Mrs. Lee and nodded his head, “She couldn’t reach for a book, I was there to help her.” 
Y/N let out a small laugh and glanced at Taeyong, “He really sucks at lying.” 
“Don’t ruin our show.” 
“You are tall, do you play basketball?”
Jungkook nodded his head and rubbed the back of his neck, “I play basketball, soccer, and baseball.” 
“Oh, wow. All-rounder, good pick Rosé.” 
“Thank you, Aunty.” 
After dinner, Y/N was the first to leave. She was walking out when she saw Jungkook and Rosé come out of the side door. Her eyes widened and she hid in a bush, curiosity was going to kill the cat tonight. 
“Thanks, Jungkook.”
Jungkook shrugged his shoulders and pulled her hand out of his, “No problem. Now what do I get out of this?” 
Rosé sighed and rolled her eyes, “What do you want?”
“I want you to leave me alone.”
Rosé let out a small laugh and nodded her head, “Don’t ask me twice. After how you treated me.” 
Y/N nodded her head and looked at Jungkook, I knew it.
Jungkook scoffed, “You can continue thinking that. I have to go home.” Jungkook turned around and started walking towards his car but stopped when he heard, “Don’t forget what I said about Y/N.”
Jungkook glanced at Rosé and glared at her, “It’s my life. Stay out of it.” 
“Anyone can become beautiful if you give them the chance too.” 
Jungkook unlocked his car and got into it. Y/N watched him drive away and she raised her eyebrow, What the hell was that about? 
Yeri and Y/N sat on Taeyong’s bed with nervous looks. Y/N glanced at her phone and then at Yeri, “You do it first.” 
Yeri shook her head and pointed at Y/N, “You’ve been his fan longer. You do it first.” 
Taeyong rolled his eyes and turned towards them with his book in his lap now, “Just do it. The worst thing that can happen is that he doesn’t respond.” 
“Don’t say that because that means it's going to happen!” 
Y/N sighed but her phone vibrated and she raised her eyebrow, “Jaehyun?” She opened her messages and she smiled to herself. 
You cheated last night, I want a rematch 
It’s not my fault you're a loser! ;p 
I’m the one that showed you the game >:( 
Fine, rematch tonight 
I’ll win this time!!! 
“Are you texting Jaehyun?”
Y/N looked over her phone and nodded her head at Yeri, “Stop with that look. We’re friends.” 
“You can be so much more.”
“Taeyong, can you-”
“No, Y/N. You do it.” 
Y/N sighed and clicked on Kook’s Instagram. He doesn’t really post and when he does it’s just his computer setup or even just his day. There were no pictures of himself but Y/N knows he’s handsome, he has to be. With the way he laughs in his streams and how he goes to cafes, he’s literally the perfect guy for her. 
She sighed and looked up at Yeri, “I’m going to do it.” 
“You're bluffing!” 
“No, I’m doing it. Let’s get it over with.” Y/N clicked on the most recent picture and liked it (something she doesn’t do because it makes her feel shy). Then she clicked the small bubble sending a message, “Event...sorry this is so awkward. Thank you for posting, it makes me happy : ) .” 
Y/N tossed her phone and hid her face in her hands, “I did it! But omg I feel like I’m going to get sick. Yeri you do it.” 
“Oh, I did it yesterday.” 
Y/N removed her hands and glared at her, “We were supposed to do it together!” 
“I lied.” 
Jungkook was in his gamer room and was staring at his DM’s. It wasn’t until his eyes landed on a familiar face. He felt weird but he clicked on her profile ignoring his heart beating faster. “Y/N_Cupcake. How interesting.” He went through her profile and he felt a smile appear but he quickly shook his head. Stop feeling that way towards her. 
Y/N went to get a book from the Library when she heard snickers behind her. She turned her head to see it was Jessica and her goons. They would always bully the scholarship kids because why not? They were sad and just looking for an outlet. She rolled her eyes and continued making her way to the tall building. She ignored the footsteps but couldn’t anymore when one of them grabbed her backpack, pulling her back. 
“Going to the library because you can’t afford the books.” 
“We can easily get the books, makes things easier.”
Y/N nodded her head and gave them a blank look, “I’m sure it does. Having access to books makes things easier, what a privilege you have.” 
Jessica raised her eyebrow and poked at Y/N’s shoulder harshly, “Are you pestering me?” 
“I’m simply agreeing with you. That’s what you want, right? For me to know that you're richer and how I’m beneath you. I’m giving you the attention that is clear you are craving for.” 
“What did-”
“Jessica, at least she knows how to read. You should read the books you can easily buy.” 
Y/N looked over Jessica’s shoulder and she raised her eyebrow to see Jungkook. He stood there in his simple black shirt and his tattoos on full display. She glanced at Jessica and pushed her finger away, “Now, I have to go read. I hope you enjoy the books that you can purchase while I have to go to the dusty library. Oh, I hope there’s someone to save me from the dust.” 
Y/N turned around and started walking away as Jungkook couldn’t help himself to let out a small chuckle. Jungkook looked at Jessica and smirked, “You heard her, she needs someone to save her.” 
He walked past the girls leaving Jessica in shock. She turned towards her friends with a shocked face, “Is Jungkook dating her!?” 
“I’m not sure, the last I heard he was dating Rosé.”
“She's a homewrecker then. Girls, we have a busy day ahead of us.” 
Y/N heard footsteps and turned around with an annoyed look expecting to see Jessica but it turned to confusion, “Jungkook? Are you following me?” 
“I-I wouldn’t say following you.” 
“Then what do you call this? I have never seen you in the library but today of all days you're going.” 
Jungkook nodded his head and put his hands in his pocket, “It’s quiet.”
“Especially when you're alone.” 
“Yes, I agree.” 
She glanced to the side and gave him a small smirk, “Even those who aren’t beautiful would agree with you.” Jungkook's face fell as she let out a small laugh and she turned around but before she left his sight she glanced at him over her shoulder, “When you're talking about someone and they're in the room, next time, be quieter.” 
Y/N continued to walk and she smiled to herself when she heard no footsteps behind her. She continued to walk away as Jungkook watched her leave his sight. He let out a laugh and shook his head, “Full of surprises...” 
Y/N entered the library and she waved at Jaehyun. She happily walked up to him and glanced at all the books, “Big test coming up?” 
“It’s all for biology.”
She looked between the books and at him with a confused look, “I thought you owned these books already? Why are you at the library?” 
“To have the chance to be in your presence.” 
She let out a small laugh and shook her head, “Shut up. Did your brother take them?” 
“Yeah, so here I am. What are you here for?” 
“I need to do some research for my literature class.” 
Y/N glanced out the window and she watched Jungkook talking to Taehynug. She looked back at Jaehyun with an interested look, “Your friends with Jungkook?” 
“I wouldn’t say friends...acquaintances really.”
She raised her eyebrow at this, “Acquaintances? You're a good guy, how could anyone be acquainted with you?” 
Jaehyun let out a small laugh, “He just doesn’t like me because I was talking to Rosé.”
“I had a project with Rosé and he didn’t like that I was talking to her. He even punched me.” 
Y/N scoffed at this and shook her head, “He punched you for trying to do homework. How...actually it's exactly how I pictured him to be.” 
Jaehyun shrugged his shoulders and let out a laugh, “It’s nothing really. Can I sit with you?”
“As long as you know the ques to talk to me, then yes.”
“Thank god I do then.” 
Parties, it wasn’t Y/N’s favorite thing in the world but it did help her get out of the house and out of work. Of course, she loved helping her parents make fried rice but sometimes you just want to get drunk. She smiled at Irene who returned one, Irene was the pretty senior that all the girls wanted to date. Y/N can see why, she was kind and awkward. Adorable. 
Y/N sat on the couch with Taeyong who was drinking his heart out. She frowned at this and rubbed his knee, “I’m sure she's coming. Just be patient.” 
“It’s been too long.”
“Tae, it’s literally been thirty minutes. She’s coming, be patient.” 
Taeyong frowned at her and glanced at her, “Be nice to me.” 
“I am, I’m reassuring you. Liquid courage can help you.” 
Y/N smiled at him and stood up from the couch to get some water. As she made her way, Yeri grabbed her arm, “Did you hear?” 
“What is it?” 
“Jessica has been running her mouth about you.”
Y/N raised her eyebrow and let out a snicker, “About what? My boring life is exciting for her?” 
“It’s not boring. It’s comfortable. She’s saying that you're a homewrecker but she won’t say who the couple is.” 
“Do people believe her? The only man I’ve been around is Taeyong and everyone knows he’s in love with Seulgi…we’ll expect for Seulgi.”
Yeri let out a laugh as Y/N smiled but it dropped when she saw who was in front of her. She glanced at Yeri but Yeri didn’t dare to look at her, “Jungkook? I thought you would be at Jimin’s.” 
Jungkook shrugged his shoulders and looked at Y/N, “I was at Jimin’s but I wanted to come by. Irene asked me to visit her more, so here I am.” 
Y/N nodded her head at him with a blank look, “Here you are.” 
“Y/N, would you like a drink?” 
Y/N glanced at Yeri who shrugged her shoulders. Y/N looked back at Jungkook but kept her blank stare, “Sure. I was already making my way there until you stopped me.” 
“I’m sorry for stopping you. Yeri are coming?”
Yeri shook her head and let go of Y/N, “I’m going to check on Taeyong. Bye~.” 
Y/N waved at Yeri and then looked back at Jungkook, “Irene has had four parties this month but you come today. Are you sure you're not following me?” 
“Would you be flatter?”
“The opposite...let’s get a drink.” 
They walked through the crowd of people and Junkook placed his hand behind her back. She glanced at him over her shoulder but he kept looking straight. She didn’t push his hand away and she didn’t know why she didn’t. It was quiet between the two and she sighed to herself, “No small talk?” 
“What is there to talk about?” 
“I don’t know. You're the one that invited me to get a drink, shouldn’t you make small talk.” 
Jungkook handed her a cup of water and shrugged his shoulders, “What do you want to talk about?” 
“You can talk about the test we had in math or even lunch. Something.” 
“The math test was easy.” 
“It was.”
Y/N took a sip as Jungkook did the same, “Y/N, I saw you talking to Jaehyun.”
She raised her eyebrow and nodded her head, “Yes, I talk to him once in a while. Why does that bother you?”
“Jaehyun, be careful of him.”
Y/N let out a scoff and took a sip of her water, “Be careful? Shouldn’t I be careful of you?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Jaehyun told me. He told me you punched him for talking to Rosé all because he wanted to do his project.” 
Jungkook raised his eyebrow and turned his whole body towards her. She looked up at him and felt like he was a tower next to her, “And you believe that?” 
“I have no reason not to. Jae would never lie to me.”
Jungkook leaned down until his nose touched hers, “There’s always more to the story. Don’t believe just one side.” 
She looked at his lip ring and then at his brown eyes, “Then tell the other side.” 
“Jungkook! Are you ready!?” 
They turned their heads to see Jimin looking at them with a raised eyebrow. Jungkook let out a small cough and gave her a look that Y/N couldn’t read, “You already passed judgment before knowing my side. Isn’t that wrong of you?” 
“It’s really hard not to when I know your character.” 
“Do you really know me?” 
Y/N’s face dropped and she looked away from his stare, “I know enough.” 
“Goodbye, Y/N.”
She felt him leave but she couldn’t rip her eyes off the white wall. She felt embarrassed to be called out like that. He was right but he makes it really hard to be nice. She glanced where he walked off towards her and saw his eyes were already on hers. She didn’t look away from his intense stare, instead, she encouraged it. 
It’s been a week since Jungkook talked to her and she was feeling uneasy. She hasn’t been talking to Jaehyun and her thoughts have been replaying. “Do you really know me?” He seemed hurt by her assumptions and she was surprised to see it. He was rude to a lot of people but here he was, hurt by her words. Who is she to hurt the rich and powerful Jungkook? It actually made her sick that she was called out for her actions. Ashamed...
Y/N shut off the stove and walked out in the front room of her parents' restaurant. She saw her mother reading a letter and she squinted her eyes, “Omma? What is that?” 
“It’s from the landlord...they want us to close the restaurant.” 
Y/N’s eyes widened and she shook her head, “What? We’ve been paying every month. How can-”
“Someone wants to buy the restaurant...Appa doesn’t have the money to outbid them.”
Y/N frowned and sat next to her mother, “We’ll figure this out. We always figure it out.” 
She heard the door open and she saw Jungkook standing there with his usual outfit. She glanced at her mother and kissed the side of her head. She stood up and went to greet him with a fake smile, “Welcome-”
“Y/N, I want to talk to you.” 
She glanced at her mother and then back at him, “Now is not the time...”
“It’s important.” 
“Did you say Jungkook? As in Jeon Jungkook?”
Y/N turned around and nodded her head at her mother, “Yes, omma-”
“Why do you want this restaurant?”
Y/N's face broke and she turned her head slowly at him, “You're buying our restaurant?” 
Jungkook looked at Y/N and shook his head, “I-I had no idea it was yours.”
Y/N let out a forced laugh and shook her head, “You're so rich that you want to buy everything in Korea. Out of everything, you buy my home. Do you hate me so much? What have I done to you? Is this payback because I’m friendly with Jae?” 
“No...I don’t want to hear it from you. Actually, I don’t ever want to hear from you again. This whole time I felt ashamed for making judgments on you but they were all right. You are selfish, prideful, and just....I can’t even put into words how much I hate you right now. Get out.”
“Y/N, please listen-”
“Out. Now.” Jungkook nodded his head and took one final glance at Y/N before closing the door. She glared at the glass and shook her head, “Of course it was him...” 
She ran into her room and shut her door. Here she was feeling bad for Jungkook, what an idiot. She fell into her bed and turned on her phone to watch one of Kook’s videos, at least then she would be entertained and not sad. Anything to forget today. 
Jungkook slammed the door making Jin look up in worry, “Is everything okay?”
“My dad's buying Y/N restaurant…”
Yoongi raised his eyebrow and glanced at Jimin who shrugged his shoulders. He looked back at Jungkook with a confused look, “Why does it matter to you?”
“Because she hates me…I can’t have her hate me. Not her. Anyone but… her.”
Namjoon stood up and walked towards Jungkook. He placed his hand on his shoulder, “You need to be honest with her and with yourself.”
“Hyung, she hates me…it doesn’t matter how I feel.”
Hoseok stood up and gave him a soft smile, “Yes it does. You can still fix this.”
Jungkook looked at Hoseok and then back at Namjoon, “You’re right. I can fix this.” 
“Y/N, I’m sorry for spreading these rumors.” 
Y/N looked at Taeyong who shrugged his shoulders. Y/N was in the library studying with Taeyong when Jessica came to her. Y/N was ready to fight back with whatever she had but it was the opposite, “Thank you?”
Jessica nodded her head and walked out leaving Y/N confused. She glanced down at the table and was confused. She looked at Taeyong with furrowed eyebrows, “Do you think she’s dying?” 
“Y/N, what?” 
“Well, why else would she apologize?” 
“Maybe she felt bad.”
Y/N let out a small chuckle and shook her head, “I don’t think so...It’s Jessica.” 
“That is true but maybe she saw her wrongs.” 
“Did you see Jungkook?”
“Of course I did...He looks so good at practice.” 
Y/N rolled her eyes and harshly closed her book, “He gets praised for being an asshole while I get my house stolen because of his selfish desires.” 
“Y/N, I’m sure everything has a reason.”
“Reason or not, he’s still an asshole. I have to go, your cousin wants me to go to a museum with her.” 
Taeyong raised his eyebrow and leaned back in his chair, “A museum? With Rosé?” 
“I was surprised too but she said she’ll pay for it and that caught my attention.” 
“What is she planning?” 
“I’ll go find out. I’ll text you later.” 
The museum had a special exhibit for the students. She had never been to this museum but since someone else was paying for it, it was time to get cultured. She saw Rosé looking at a piece of art and she awkwardly walked up to her. Rosé turned around and gave her a smile, “Y/N, you're early.” 
“I had to catch the bus, better early than late with city transportation.” 
Rosé let out a small laugh and nodded her head, “Well, let’s go look around.”
They entered the student pieces and Y/N tried her best to focus on the art. It was awkward with Rosé, there was something in the air and she couldn’t decipher what it was. It made her feel nervous and she hated feeling that. She landed on a picture, it was a silhouette of a woman reading in the sunlight with flowers all around. Even though you couldn’t see her face, you could see that she was relaxed and happy. She glanced down to see the name and her eyes widened a bit, In My Dreams by Jeon Jungkook. 
“He knows how to capture a moment doesn’t he...” 
She glanced at Rosé and then back at the picture, “You look relaxed.”
“That’s not me. Can you really not tell who that is?” 
Y/N looked at Rosé and shook her head, “It’s a silhouette. How am I supposed to know?” 
Rosé let out a laugh and shook her head, “It should be called mirror now that you're here.” 
Y/N looked at the picture and she tilted her head, “That can’t be me...Why is your boyfriend taking a picture of me? Is he a pervert?” 
Rosé sighed and glanced at the picture with a small smile, “He took this picture when we broke up...he was looking for his muse and there was you. Reading with the sunlight, it was perfect.” 
“Rosé, why am I here?” 
“Jae isn’t all good...”
Y/N scoffed and looked at Rosé with an annoyed look, “Did Jungkook put you up to this?” 
“No, I saw Jae talking to you and I was worried.” 
“Y/N, I cheated on Jungkook with Jae...he promised to love me and only me but Jae left me...”
Y/N frowned at this, “Does that mean Jungkook cheated on you?”
“In a way...there was always one person on his mind. It was never me, I should’ve known but I wanted to hope he could change for me.” 
“That’s horrible of him to do.” 
Rosé let out a laugh and nodded her head, “It is. You want to know who the person was?” 
“It could be Nora, I know she-”
“It was you.” 
Y/N stared at Rosé with a shocked face and then she started laughing, shaking her head, “Probably because he hates me.” 
“The opposite...your scholarship. It’s special you know and Taehyung’s family hands them out.” 
“Yes...why are you bringing this up?” 
“Jungkook read your essay for the scholarship and I think that’s when he fell in love with you.”
“Jungkook, can you read this half?”
Jungkook sighed and leaned back in his chair with an annoyed look. For five hours he’s been helping Taehyung go through these essays. Some were good and some were, and some were funny. He only agreed because he didn’t want to help his dad with paperwork for his work. 
“How much can I read?” 
Taehyung sighed and gave him one essay, “Fine, read this one and you can take a break.”
“Can I play on your computer?”
“I just got it-”
“I can always leave.”
“Fine. Don’t break it or I’ll get yelled at.” 
Jungkook smiled in triumph and took the paper out of his hand. He looked at the paper and saw the name L/N Y/N. Every essay was different, the person could write whatever they wanted. It could be a poem, a story, etc. It just had to showcase how the person’s brain worked. He didn’t think much because so far all the essays were around pages long about their lives and struggles. He wasn’t expecting a poem.
A galaxy with no stars, a map with no direction 
Just a traveler trying to find its safe haven 
“Seek and ye shall find” 
But they never say what will find you
I used to drift away 
Never wanted to stay 
The world was too big for me
But too small for my thoughts 
If I was quiet, I could disappear 
Vanishing from the pain 
Anything to get away 
I hate the lack of control 
But I’m the one to blame 
This nightmare has consumed me 
Everything seems so real 
Even that look in your eyes 
Another day with a new dream 
Steps to enlightenment brightens the way 
But the steps are steep 
Take them one at a time 
If fear paralyzes me then hope is gone  
And this nightmare wins 
There was something with the way the words flowed and it was like he could hear her voice. She was different from all the other essays and he understood how she felt in her poem. He kept rereading the poem and he smiled to himself, it would be dumb to let her go, “I found one.”
“Jungkook, he tries to be an ass to push people away because he’s scared to lose them. Jae knows this, he likes to toy with him because of it.”
Y/N glanced at the picture and frowned, “I thought they were friends.”
“They were...but Jae knew how to get what he wanted from Jungkook.” Rosé turned towards the picture and frowned, “I knew he was in love with you but I just craved for something...anything really. Jae promised me he would love me and I cheated on Jungkook. I broke him because he trusted me with his secrets and I broke it.”
“Jae...he knew that Jungkook was talking to me. That’s why he wanted to spend time with me, to hurt Jungkook.” 
“When I saw you guys talking in the library, I knew what he was doing and I didn’t want you to become another victim to his game.” 
Y/N looked down at her shoes with shame, “I thought I knew Jungkook and I already had a picture in my head...”
“You knew him through other people but you don’t know him truly. I don’t even know him truly.” 
“I still can’t forgive him for buying my home but I do need to say sorry...” 
Rosé smiled at this and nodded her head, “I can tell you that Jungkook had no say in buying your home. His father makes all the deals but knowing Jungkook he has a plan up his sleeve.” 
Y/N looked up at Rosé with a confused look, “What do you mean?”
“Nothing...we should grab lunch.” 
Y/N sat on Yeri’s bed staring at her Instagram with a blank expression, “Are you sure today is the announcement?” 
Yeri nodded her head and turned to her side to face Y/N, “That’s what his Instagram story said. Maybe you won.”
Y/N scoffed at and lay next to Yeri, “With the way my life is going, I just know I lost.” 
Yeri sighed and looked at her ceiling, “I want you to win because I miss your smile.”
“If I win, I will die from shock.”
“Please not on my sheets, I just washed them.”
Y/N let out a laugh and glanced at Kook’s profile, “how do you think Kook’s personality is?”
“I’m not sure, what about you.”
“I would like to think he’s caring and kind. I bet he’s full of surprises.” 
Just then their phones vibrated and glanced at each other. Yeri smirked at Y/N, “Are you ready to see who won?
“Yeah…whoever you are, I hate you.”
They clicked on the story bubble and Y/N sat straight up in her bed, “Oh my god.”
“Soooo…do you hate yourself?”
That night, Y/N and Yeri watched past videos of Kook. That whole night, Y/N felt her heartbeat and she noticed that Kook felt familiar but she didn’t know why. Maybe it was because she watched him for a while. That’s what she’s telling herself. 
Rosé dragged Y/N and Yeri to the soccer game. Y/N knew why Rosé brought her here and she didn’t know how she felt. She hadn’t seen Jungkook since he was at the restaurant and honestly, it felt like she was seeking out for him. Every time she went to the cafeteria she would hope to catch a glimpse of him but alas nothing. She didn’t know what she wanted to hear from him but she just wanted something from him. 
She watched Jungkook make a goal and she couldn’t stop the smile appearing on her face. Rosé glanced at her and smirked, “You're smiling.” 
“Our team is winning...who wouldn’t be smiling at that?” 
“You because you hate sports but here we are.” 
Y/N rolled her eyes and she turned back to be locked on Jungkook, “I have no idea what you're talking about.” 
Jungkook looked into the audience and his eyes landed on Y/N. They both stared at each other until his coach called him and the stare-down was broken. She couldn’t forgive Jungkook for buying her home but deep down, she just wanted him to talk to her. 
After the game, Rosé brought Y/N down to the field and everything felt slow motion. Jungkook walked up to her and Y/N waited for him by the gates. She smiled at him and looked down at her shoes, “Good job at winning.” 
“I felt a boost of confidence when I saw you. You hate sports so it's an honor that you came by.” 
Y/N rolled her eyes and looked up at him with softness, “I saw your picture...it was beautiful.” 
He stiffed and rubbed the back of his head, “You saw that? What do you think?” 
“I like the flowers. It’s peaceful. What does it mean? The title...” 
Jungkook grabbed Y/N’s hand as they stared at each other with softness, “In my dreams, you're there with me with flowers around us. That’s all I want...”
Y/N glanced down at his lips but then at his doe eyes, “I-I...Jungkook.”
“I know...I just needed you to hear it from me.”
She glanced down at his tattooed hand with a frown, “Jungkook, I’m sorry. I judge you wrongly.” 
“It’s okay at least you know me. That’s all I wanted before it was too late...maybe it is too late.” 
Y/N looked up and felt the warmth left her when he removed his hand, “I-”
“Jungkook, the coach wants us!”
Jungkook glanced and nodded his head at his teammate. He looked back at Y/N and gave her one final smile, “I’ll see you later.”
“Yea-Yeah, I’ll see you later.” 
Y/N watched him leave and she couldn’t remove her eyes off of his back. She felt sick to her stomach and all she wanted to do was cry on her pillow. Why is life so complicated?
Today was the day that Y/N was going to play a game with Kook. She couldn’t believe that this was finally happening. For years she dreamed about this and it was finally happening. The couple of months have been the worst in her life but now she can forget it for an hour or two. She entered the room for Minecraft (something she thought was strange for him but she ignored it) that Kook sent her. 
She entered the room and she looked at the screen with confusion. She was surrounded by flowers and it looked like someone took out all the trees. It was just flowers until she saw a sign. She walked up to the sign and read it closely, “Y/N, I’m sorry for everything that I have put you through. Please come downstairs.” 
Her mouth dropped, “No fucking way.” She pushed her chair away and ran down the stairs as fast as she could. There was a knock at the door and she knew in hindsight this was pretty suspicious but she knew who it was. She opened the door and he stood there looking at her with his doe eyes, “Kook?”
Jungkook smiled and even with him being soaked from the rain couldn’t stop his smile, “Y/N.”
“What the fuck is going on?”
“I have so much to tell you.” 
“Sure, my parents are out right now. Come in.” 
They walked in and went to her room to have privacy. They sat on her bed (with Jungkook sitting on a towel) and she couldn’t look him in the eyes. He knew had to make the first move, “Your restaurant is homely.” 
“Thanks, we tried our best. It won’t be ours anymore.” 
“That's what I wanted to tell you.”
She looked up at him with a raised eyebrow, “What?”
“I bought the restaurant...I’m your landowner and as your new landowner, I request no rent. Just live here and be happy.” 
She let out a laugh and shook her head, “What are you going on about?”
Jungkook turned towards her and grabbed her hands, “My father wanted to make this into a high-class restaurant. I told him he couldn’t do that, I saw potential in it, I told him. He said then it’s all mine or it’s going back to the previous landowner. I bought it because I knew this was your home and I wanted you to be happy.” 
“I-I have no words. You did this for me?”
“I would do anything for you.” 
“Did you tell Jessica to say sorry to me?”
Jungkook let out a laugh and nodded his head, “I did. It was pretty easy to convince her.” 
She smiled and rubbed his knuckles gently, “You picked me for the scholarship...”
“Rosé told you?” 
“She did...she also told me that...she told me that you're in love with me. Kook, I need to hear it from you.”
Jungkook leaned forward and placed his forehead on hers, “I-I’m in love with you...I was a selfish asshole in the beginning because I wanted to push you away. I realized that I couldn’t do that anymore to you nor myself. I love you, L/N Y/N. If you don’t feel the same, then say it.” 
She smiled and looked down. Silence encased around them and he couldn’t help but laugh. She looked back at his face and tilted her head. She gave him a quick kiss, “I feel the same...you were a selfish asshole. I’m glad we can agree on that.” 
He rolled his eyes and pushed some hair behind her ear, “Full of surprises.” 
“You did all this for me and never told me...”
“I was scared to tell you. You hated me, remember.” 
“For good reason.” 
He shook his head and chuckled, “Yes for good reason…can I have permission to kiss you?”
“Permission granted.”
He glanced down at her lips and she smiled at the softness in his eyes. She nodded her head and he leaned forward placing his lips on hers. The rain that was hitting her window became silent and the only thing that they felt was each other. His lips molded against hers with slowness making her head spin from the passion. It wasn’t until she felt his tongue against her lower lip, Oh, Jungkook. She parted her mouth and he made his way inside. He tasted like banana milk with a hint of chocolate, it was addictive. She knew she was in trouble. 
When they pulled apart, their foreheads touched as he pushed some hair away from her face. She placed her hands on top of his and frowned, “You’re hands...they're cold.” 
“I don’t feel cold when I’m with you.” 
She rolled her eyes and admired his face, “Should I warm you up?” 
His eyebrows raised and he was taken aback by her mischievous look, “Can you?”
“Is that a challenge, Mr. Jeon?” 
“Always is...especially with you.” 
She gently wiped water from his face, “Careful...you look like you're in love.” 
“Then I’ll get injured. It will be worth it.” 
He brought her into another passionate kiss but it was different from the first kiss. A soft moan slips from her throat and is swallowed by his lips. She clung to him, fingers curling at his gray jacket as he sucked on her tongue. She let out a small whimper when he gently bit her lip. When they parted, she couldn’t look away from him. Jungkook brought up his thumb running against her spit-soaked lower lip, he was captivated by the hazed-out love-drunk look on her face.  
“Do you want to continue?” 
“I would be stupid to say no...and stupid is not what I am.” 
He let out a laugh and pushed up her shirt. She quickly raised her arms and he tossed the black shirt over her head. She let out a small laugh at his eagerness but it was quickly wiped away when she saw the lust in his eyes. She was grateful that she didn’t wear a bra at home. He palmed against her breasts and squeezed them gently before his mouth replaced it. Softly moaning his name as her hands were brushing through his hair. 
His tongue flicked against her sensitive nub making her buck against him. He smirked at the effect he had on her. He gently pushed her on the bed and her head was against her pillows, looking at him with patience. She looked beautiful. Her hair sprawled out with all her little moles begging him to continue. Her stretch marks were his map that he couldn’t help but follow with his fingertips. She was a masterpiece that even he couldn’t afford on a good day. 
He rubbed her stomach gently and shook his head, “Nothing.” 
He gently removed her sweats and was met with a thin fabric. He stared at it for a second before tossing it with her shirt. Y/N felt his hands brushing over her ankles, her knees, and then her thighs while feeling his tongue sliding against her skin. She felt him kiss the inside of her thighs and she looked away with shyness washing over her face. She let out an unsteady breath when she felt his hot breath between her legs. 
“Jung-Jungkook.” She gasped out loud and her head whipped back to look at him. He placed his hands on her hips. 
He looked up and saw her flushed face and he smirked but then realization hit him. Was she inexperienced with this? He was going to show her that all the other guys she was with before were missing out on the greatest masterpiece. 
“Relax, I got you.” 
“Oh fuck...” She was squirming underneath him, the overwhelming sensation was taking over her. “Jung-Jungkook...please.” She wasn’t sure what she was pleading for but everything was overwhelming in a good way. 
Suddenly he added a finger and Y/N melted against him. Her fingers were gripping on the sheets and his hair, “I..I...Oh.” She breathed before he added another finger and the sensation of his tongue swirling around her clit was making her go crazy. 
Everything hit her. She was breathing loudly and he watched her face scrunched up. Jungkook slowly moved himself on top of her with a proud smirk. He saw the dazed state she was in and kissed her neck. Tasting the saltness while she was breathing loudly. 
“Are you okay?” 
She glanced at him and brought him into a kiss. He let out a groan when he felt her sucking at the tip of his tongue. She pushed him away and bit her lip, “I need you.”
“Need me for what?” 
She rolled her eyes and unzipped his jacket, tossing it at her pile of clothes. She glanced at his tattoos and gently traced them with her fingertips. She knew many hated his tattoos but she saw it as her map. A map that was filled with adventure and color within her black-and-white life. It was the most beautiful art piece she had ever seen. She was going to keep it from the public the best she could. 
“I need you inside of me.” 
“Can’t argue with that.” 
Jungkook took off his jeans as she leaned towards her nightstand taking out a condom. When he was done, he leaned back on top of her, kissing her slowly while she brushed her hands over his biceps. He slid his hand down the valley of her breast and then cupped her between her legs, making her buck against him, “You ready?” 
He turned them around and she was on top, placing her hands on his chest to push herself up. Her eyes widened at the change but it quickly washed away, “Perfect.” 
“Oh..shit.” He groaned at the feeling and leaned forward nipping at her neck while helping her set a pace. She arched her back, moving up and down. His hands slid towards her ass, grabbing onto the cheeks, pushing himself deeper. 
Jungkook couldn’t take it anymore because of the eagerness he had with her. He suddenly grabbed her and slammed himself deeper inside of her. She moaned out his name and held onto him as he quickened his pace. Her nails digging into his tattooed arm. 
Jungkook felt her clenching around him and he couldn’t hold back anymore. Groaning as he came and fell on top of her, both of them breathing loudly. She looked up at him and saw hair sticking to his forehead and she smiled. She pushed the hair and gently traced his face, “I-I love you.”
“I love you more...so much more.” 
“Hey guys, it’s Kook. I’m going to take a small vacation since it’s the holidays but enjoy my top moments of 2023. I’ll see you next year! Happy New Year and drop a like if you laugh.” 
Y/N smiled at her phone and she sat on the couch, “Babe, do you want chicken?” 
“That sounds good.” 
Jungkook came into his living room and tilted his head, “What are you watching?” 
She let out a small laugh and looked up at him with a mischievous look, “My favorite Youtuber...” 
“Well, I hope he knows that I’m your favorite everything.”  
“I guess...” 
It’s been three months since their relationship. Her parents were shocked that she was dating him but after she explained everything to them, they saw him in a different light. Everyone at school was surprised to see Jungkook with someone like Y/N but no one questioned him (except Jessica). 
Rosé and Jaehyun became the new couple of the campus. Rosé didn’t have a choice to be with Jaehyun after the news got out that she cheated on Jungkook. She didn’t want her image to be ruined, so she settled with him. Jaehyun on the other hand was upset that Y/N was with Jungkook. He even tried to fight Jungkook but lost that fight. Jaehyun didn’t love Rosé the way he loved Y/N but Jungkook isn’t going anywhere. 
Taeyong and Yeri hated Jungkook at first but they started to like him slowly. Y/N wanted to tell them what Jungkook had done for her but he wanted to earn their likeness now. Jungkook even helped Taeyong with Seulgi while he helped Yeri with her classes. It was a sweet scene to see. 
Jungkook’s parents were indifferent to her. She was expecting that considering she was normal. Jungkook tried his best to get his parents to like her but she stopped him. It wasn’t worth it. If he loved her that’s what matters. 
Y/N glanced at Jungkook and raised her eyebrow, “What?”
“I can’t admire you?” 
“No...gamer boy. You can’t.”
He leaned forward placing a kiss on her lips, “I’ll always admire you...my favorite masterpiece.” 
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eldritch-spouse · 11 months
Hear me out ok? In the middle of the night u just get rlly needy and horny but u dont have the guts to wake vesper up so u use his belly mouth instead to get off. Idk if im mistaken but i think u mentioned about vesper's belly mouth is awake even in the night?
[Yep, correct! Fem reader.]
TW: Somnophilia; Dubious consent then enthusiastic consent.
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It's its own special type of Hell, living with Vesper.
Not because he treats you badly. Quite the contrary, as soon as you started making efforts to accept your new reality, he was the first one to volunteer any sort of help, hoping to make you feel as comfortable here as you did in your home, back on the surface. And, putting aside the volumes of mixed feelings you have regarding all this, it's... Sweet of him to at least care about your comfort.
That's not the problem.
The problem is your ceaseless libido.
Ever since you woke up in this ring, in his mansion, you've been burning up with arousal. You're always some degree of wet, sensitive, mind heading to the gutter far too frequently. You want everything and everyone, you want Vesper's touch on your body at every. Possible. Moment. You want him to slip his fingers and tongue anywhere he can and you want him to pick you up like a fucktoy whenever he pleases- Because it feels like nothing will ever sate you these days.
When you brought these concerns to the King, he was more than thrilled by the knowledge, though also a tad empathetic. It must be jarring, yes, he cooed, but you'll soon come to embrace your own desires. They're your true nature, after all.
It was... A strange conversation. To say the least.
Thankfully, Lust is the last place in the universe where you can be judged for excessive sexual cravings. It isn't the possible judgment of others that stops you from going all in, your own thoughts are what makes you hesitate.
Because, even if Vesper has made it very clear that you're to deliberately seek him out when you're bothered -No matter what he's up to- He can't possibly mean all the time, right?
It's common sense that you're not supposed to wake the Icon of Lust from a dead sleep just so you can have sex. How selfish of you! He's a King, he needs his rest.
But Gods... You're so fucking horny.
You can feel your heartbeat in your cunt. Maybe it's from sleeping in the same bed as him, where his loose fluff spreads sometimes, getting into the sheets, contaminating them. That must be the cause of your misery, in retrospect.
Well... You could get up. Look around, have a drink, return to bed after cooling off and enjoying the view from his lavish home. But you're comfortable.
And his smell... Oh, you inhale the pillow between you two faintly, it's addictive.
You don't want to get up. At all. Leaving this room sounds awful.
The tiniest bit of light creeps in through a gap in the massive curtains of your resting chambers, allowing some of the faint reddish glow of night to slink its way in, highlighting the form of your massive, recently proclaimed husband. Vesper sleeps soundlessly, a hand over his chest, the other, once holding you to his side, now dormant on the sheets, fingers periodically twitching. He sleeps bare, to absolutely no one's surprise. Legs faintly parted, offering a view you admire shamelessly in the dark. You've no doubt he has watched you like this before, so it's more than fair you get to ogle as well.
He's gorgeous. He's hot. So hot. You're married to the hottest thing that ever lived. Gods, he's such a whore.
Another flare of heat travels its way up from your loins. It would be exceptionally easy. All you'd have to do is palm at his exposed slit for a moment or two and he'd pop those treats out for you. All for you. He wouldn't even care, it's probably normal for Vesper-
With a shake of the head, you push said thoughts away as hard as possible. See? Not a moment of rest, all these gross ideas swimming around like they belong, like it's right. You're above something so rude!
But you're not above touching yourself in the same bed.
In your humble defense, you need this. You really need this, or you're going to scream and drag yourself on the ground like a bitch in heat. Panties are swiped aside with great haste, both hands quickly darting for the crux of your fire. It takes literally no effort for you to be able to slide two fingers into yourself, then three, trying to roll your clit in the best angle at the same time. It's clumsy, hurried, and unfortunately, fruitless. Instead of relieving you of this insurmountable heat, all it does is incense you further- Wishing it was more, better, bigger.
Wishing it was Vesper that's fucking your little body the way he pleases.
A whimper almost makes it past your clenched teeth.
Beside you, there's sudden movement. A large tail swatting back and forth -Wagging?- While Vesper's brows furrow and his breathing hastens rhythmically, like he's sniffing. When you halt, mortified, so does his stirring.
What a bright idea. As if the King of Lust wouldn't feel your desire right next to him.
Childish irritation settles in you as you sit on your own stewing arousal, sulking. Until a loud rumble jolts you, that is. After a pause of stunted blinking, you put two and two together.
While the demonlord may be fast asleep, a part of him is clearly active. Gaze falling to Vesper's abdomen, his sizeable second mouth can be seen parted, greedily flicking a fat tongue over sharp chops. It pants, a dopey sort of smile, muscle lolling as it very easily detects some poor horny sap nearby.
Or, maybe it recognizes you already. This certainly isn't your first meeting with Vesper's second mouth.
Amused, getting a couple of nasty ideas, you smile at the organ. " Hello there... " You whisper to it.
It doesn't react too much to the sound of your voice, although gleefully wets its lips and chuffs, waiting. You're sure it'll settle back down given enough time.
It's just a matter of ignoring it.
Fuck it.
Guilty eyes glance from Vesper's peacefully resting complexion to the shifting mouth beneath, and you gulp, self-control falling victim to rabid want. Again.
Slowly, silently, you wriggle out of your undergarments, keeping your breath in check as you move to straddle Vesper's abdomen. Given the size difference, and he seems to plump in a couple areas, you have a difficult time stretching your legs enough to encompass his waist.
Little does it matter, as you don't even get to sit before that muscle has already slapped itself onto your soaked cunt with a decidedly loud PLAP. Cosmic luck alone prevented you from moaning immediately. Vesper turns his face, then settles once more.
This might have been a bad idea.
The mouth is merciless on you, drool slathered on your tights, ass and belly as it gluttonously slurps at you, making lurid sounds you hope to whatever's out there won't wake the King. Terrible idea or not, it's well worth the trouble, because it's exactly the type of pressure you need to get off.
A sweet sigh makes it past your lips when shaky legs lower, having to brace your palms firmly on each side of the bed when the mouth starts smooching tenderly at your lips. How... Sweet. Cute.
Then, suddenly, it latches on. Literally. Its size allows the organ to wrap around your groin easily, applying an all-encompassing suction delicious enough to have you rolling your eyes and jerking your hips forward, nerve endings frying on a pan. God fuck yes, you didn't know it could do that!
An orgasm approaches fast, likely due to how long you've been waiting for it, building up tension. As sensation makes your lower body jerk and tense, shaky legs press you harder against that hungry maw, almost nicking yourself with bold teeth. It feels wonderful. Delightful.
Even asleep, only Vesper can make you feel this good. It's almost too funny a concept to be true.
Nothing halts the flow of keens and gasps you offer when it pauses its slurping to shove that roving muscle into your pussy, flirting with your entrance a little before feeding you more and more and more of itself, until you're groaning at the fullness. The first experimental undulation it makes is so strong that you legitimately moan out, loud and clear, dropping squarely onto Vesper and holding on for dear life as your jostled with each thrust.
You're sure you're drooling on his belly, though it hardly matters, eyelids fluttering, nonsensical pleas chanted in the dark.
" Oh fuck- Yes- Please please please, I need to come. Fffuck, I need to come... "
You're so close! It's right there, you can't wait to get licked and sucked as you ride it out, it'll be so-
" Mm, why didn't you say so? "
You don't even get to have a moment of shame when realization dawns. Large hands grab onto your hips and screw you onto the demonlord's tongue hard enough to make you see stars, the movement in your walls so frantic that you have no choice but to howl in bliss before a single excuse could flow past your parted lips.
And all you can do is flail and cry in overstimulation when Vesper continues sucking at all the arousal you can offer him.
" My Queen should want for nothing. "
His sickly magenta eyes leer at you from the darkness.
" You will come. "
It's a promise.
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heaven4lostgirls · 2 months
I deserve better (A.H)
pairing: aaron hotchner x reader
warning: angst, breakups, mentions of haley's death, reader is compared to haley, breakdowns, aaron has healing to do</3
summary: aaron comes home from a hard case with his decision already made, he's in for a very rude awakening when reader sees right through his bs.
word count: 1.5k
There was a loneliness in the air that felt almost palpable after your breakup with Aaron. It felt like an amalgamation of every broken promise and empty silences you both sat in, trying to grasp onto invisible strings surrounding your love. If you thought hard enough, you could almost clearly imagine what used to be his breathing when he used to lie on the now cold side of the bed. His presence haunted every empty corner of your now prodigious apartment.
You closed your eyes in the dark as your mind unwillingly drifted to the conversation with your now ex-boyfriend.      The sound of the door opening to Aaron’s home made you look away from the television as you waited with bated breath and a smile to see your boyfriend, only the expression he held on his face when your gazes met was one you knew you would commit to memory. Guilt, anguish. Probably worse if you had bothered to push deeper but you knew that you couldn’t do that yourself.
“Aaron?” your voice echoes in the living room and all he can do is hesitate, you watch as his hands shake as he places his badge, gun and bag down before making his way to you, his steps purposeful yet cautious and deep down you knew that whatever he was going to say was going to change the trajectory of your relationship.
“Hey” he whispers as he sits on the opposite end of the couch which only cements your worries, maybe he’s finally decided that him and Jack didn’t need another addition to their family, maybe he’s decided he’s had enough of you. “We need to talk” he starts, and your only response is a small nod as your underlying anxiety bubbles under your skin like a festering wound.
 “This- This case, it really made me realise something.” He starts and you can already feel your expression shifting from worry to confusion, he must recognise your own emotions as you do his as he continues swiftly. “The unsub mentioned you when we caught him, he knew your name” he says harshly and you look at him shocked, why hadn’t he told you any of this when you’d called him after he had wrapped up the case? “I promised myself when Haley passed away that I would never put someone I cared about in the position to be used against me” he says and your heart drops.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” you ask out of genuine curiosity. He closes his eyes and clenches his hands into fists, “I think you know.” He croaks out and you scoff which only causes him to look at you  in confusion, “You’re being selfish” you bite out and he looks alarmed at the harsh words. “You’re not even letting me choose what I want to do about my OWN safety?” you ask harshly but soft enough as to not wake Jack up.
 He’s shaking his head before you can even finish your sentence, “you don’t get it!” he insists as he implores you understand what he’s saying. “you-you’ve never had to hold your d-dead wife’s body in your hands, wishing for her to come back, wishing you could tell her how much she means to you” he insists as his eyes well with tears and your heart drops at his confession.
“And I hope I never have to feel that, but Aaron you can’t keep taking your grief out on our relationship, I  know it hurts, but how  am I supposed to think you’re ending this for me when you’re putting Haley first even in death?” you whisper and against your own better judgement, you feel a few tears fall from your eyes.
“That-That is NOT what is happening.” He says again and you can see the frustration boiling over for him, “That’s not fair to me Aaron, you know that” you say, and you watch as confusion shifts on his features, “Wait no hold on, I didn’t mean it like that-”
“You didn’t have to. I always thought you’d meant in a constructive way for me, consistently telling me when I make Jack’s meals that it’s not the way Haley would’ve made it, when you tell me not to buy certain perfumes and body washes because it reminded you too much of Haley. But now I realise that you’ve been carrying this dead weight after her death, and it’s not fair for me to be carrying it with you. I will never replace Haley, but I do know that I deserve a lot more than being compared to her everyday just because you haven’t dealt with your grief.”
“Honey, hold on, just wait please-”
“I was going to fight for you Aaron , truly.  I came into this conversation thinking of ways to help you not give up on us, but I can’t do that when the one thing pushing you is a woman I can never compete with.”
Aaron looks distraught and your heart feels simultaneously lighter and broken at the same time, His healing needed to take priority and you knew that his journey didn’t necessarily have space for you. And that was okay, at the end of the day the one thing you had always wished was to see Aaron Hotchner happy, and if that meant he had to do it without you, you would deal.
“I love you” he says, his eyes begging you to believe him, and your lips lift at his statement, as they’ve done a million times before, a force of habit. You shift closer to him and grasp his hand in yours as you place your other one on his face. His eyes close at the contact and he starts shaking his head, “Don’t- don’t do this right now. Please don’t do this Y/N.” his voice cracks.
Your lips quivers and you attempt to move your hand to smother the sob building in your chest but as your hand lifts off of his cheek his eyes are open wide, alarmed to feel you slipping away and he grasps you closer to him, looking into your eyes wildly as you look into his eyes, hoping all of your love is shining through them. “You know I have to.” You whisper and his expression is pained as he feels your hands run through his hair.
“I  can’t do this without you” he confesses as he chokes on his tears, his hands grasping to your hips and arms as though you’d disappear if he looked away. “You’re going to be just fine, I promise” you say, and he shakes his head before the sobs escape him and he leans his head into your body as sobs wrack through his body. Warbled cries of “I’m sorry” flood from him and all you can do is hold him through it, hoping it  brings him some form of comfort.
You console him until he tires himself out, he looks so much more peaceful when he’s asleep, his furrowed brow is smoothed out and if not for the tear tracks running down his cheeks you would never be able to know how much pain he was just in. You manoeuvre him to lay on the couch, a suitable enough pillow under his head and a soft blanket covering him. Your hand still lays outstretched in his grip, and you bite your lip as you try to let him let go.
As  soon as your hand leaves his grip, he’s  whimpering and grasping for some form of contact from you, you quickly snatch one of Jack’s teddy bears from the floor and you place it within his grasp, he grasps it almost immediately and holds it close to his chest. Your eyes mist over and you take a few minutes to breathe deeply and once calm, you quickly plan.
You take an old overnight bag you used to use before you started staying for weekends, such as this one. You pack the clothes you use the most and some work essentials before packing up your toiletries and everything else that can fit in your car. Everything looks so immensely empty when all your stuff is gone, with a quick little kiss to Jack’s cheek, you switch on your car, and you drive the route to your apartment.
In the silence and solace of your car, you allow yourself to break, sobs wrack through your body and your scream and cry as you make the drive to your place. You break again when you see the emptiness and coldness of your apartment, there’s none of Jack’s drawings on the fridge, none of Aarons past case files on the dining table, none of their shoes at the entrance and none of everything of what you loved and missed dearly.
Which brings you to now, in your bed, unable to look at the other side usually occupied by an Aaron sized lump. You don’t sleep, when the sun starts rising and coming through your room, you don’t move. When your alarm goes off at 7AM, you don’t move. When Aaron’s name flashes on your screen with multiple unanswered calls, you don’t move. You eventually get  up to go to work and exist throughout the day.
Nobody asks you what’s wrong and you don’t divulge, you know it will take you a long time to feel okay enough to even see Aaron again but for now, you can mourn and think of what could have been as you learn how to live without half of yourself.
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heartsforscara · 3 months
“call me back?”
in the wanderer’s eyes, you are amicable, beautiful, and soft with a backbone. he loves you with his whole heart, albeit not the kind of love people fantasize about. love is not fluffy and all giddy emotions or warm hearts to him. love is painful. love is eating him alive.
in his opinion, he is none of those. he is rotten at heart, his is ugly, with scratches on his porcelain like skin spiraling upwards on his limbs, and he is so rude that his words pierce. he fears he will sully you, terrified he is but an impurity in your life who will taint you.
he refuses to let that happen. so no, he cannot give in, cannot admit to you that his pining over you has been brutally murdering him, your soft words skewering him again and again, annoyingly creating a hole in his heart only a certain someone can fill. he will swallow the words he wishes to say every single time, the three words he had practised in the mirror countless times compressed into nothing but ashes to rise from the dust the text time.
and the excruciating process has repeated once twice, three times. a science experiment should be repeated 3 times to ensure reliability, they say. is he so incompetent that he still cannot arrive at a conclusion even after the 3 repetitions?
he cannot fathom why he can’t let go of you. he knows fully well why he likes you— your perfects make up a whole list. but he is the villain. he is trying to change. he should at least not be so ridiculously selfish as to try to keep you all for himself. he breathes.
to him, you remain sui generis even in a crowd. their voices form a cacophony of ignorant fools babbling their incompetent minds away. your voice is what he describes as “grating” or “downright suffocating”, but the opposite is true, and he plays your voice on repeat in your head.
his reticent nature is one you know all too well, and yet you can tell how he truly feels. you notice his fleeting glances at you from across the room, his longing gaze not escaping you. you had wanted to express your feelings countless times, but you remind yourself; he is healing. you will wait.
but alas, a little push never hurt anyone. he is wont to your teasing nature, so when you call him, he does not think too much of it.
“kiyoshi! hi!”
Kiyoshi. the name you had bestowed upon him. it had brought him unbridled joy and confusion when he had first heard it, and to this day it still does. kiyoshi, ironically, means pure and soundless.
why would someone ever think he was pure? after all the things he’s done, all the lying, the killings, the crimes-
he breaks his train of thought.
“… [name]. hey. what’s going on?” his voice had an underlying tone of worry— he was always far too cautious for his own good.
“nothing. just wanted to ask you something.”
a pause, and none of you spoke, leaving an awkward silence.
“hello? are you… not going to ask the question?”
“ah. well, I need to hang up now. sorry. I texted you the question. and im not accepting a text response!”
he stares at your text, incredulous. “Will you call me back tomorrow?”
shit. he’s falling far too deep into this rabbit hole, isn’t he?
the next day, he calls you. “hello?”
“oh! hey! I assume your answer is a yes?”
“No. my answer is no.” his voice has an edge to it, as if expressing his defiance.
he can hear chortles of laughter from your side. “kiyoshi, you’re so funny!”
he dismisses the comment, ignoring how his cheeks burn at the comment. not the good kind of burn- the kind of burn that leaves him gasping, needing more.
“shut up. anyways. why go through this wild goose chase? you called me just to ask me to call you? that’s stupid. get to the point, [name].”
you stifle a giggle. “I just wanted to hear your voice, kiyoshi. I can’t see you everyday, so I just wanted to let you know that your voice is really pretty. I’ll ask you another question on text today. remember to reply, only through calls!”
you hang up on him leaving him aching. if he had a heart, it would have squeezed itself so tight it would be left with nothingness. what gives you the right to make his chest clench, to make his knees buckle, to give him hopes of a rose-tinted future?
grumbling, he opens the text.
“will you call me back?”
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heartfullofleeches · 9 months
I've only known them for a day, but is it too early to ask for nsfw headcanons for Laughingstock yan-
(Been a while since I've done one of these so sure - murder bastard gets nsfw hcs)
Laughingstock- Murder Streamer Yan Nsfw Hcs
Warnings: themes of Sadomasochism, filming, dubious consent, breathplay, fear of death, degration/light violence, victim blaming, spit kink
Laughingstock's general demeanor when it comes to sex majorly depends on their darling's personality as it does with most aspects of their relationship.
• If they are the softer, reserved or shy/quiet type Stock is far more gentle and into mutual care. Their pleasure is almost as if not more important than his, and he makes constant check ups/is sure to smothers them in affection and praise them for taking him so well. May try to make them laugh or assure them things are okay if they are too tense during the ordeal.
Laughingstock does express sadomasochistic tendencies and can't help but getting a little excited at the thought of roughing up their love just a bit - even if they feel slightly guilty deep down. Pain has always been pleasure for them and that of course carries over to the bedroom. At best he tries to ease them into the idea of running his favorite blade over their thigh or having them run it over his. Hushes them softly as he wrap his hands around their neck, kissing away their tears and reminding them to steady their breathing as he squeezes. Laughingstock may get a little too eager seeing them struggle, but immediately stops if their pulse weakens.
Ushers them off for aftercare and a night full of kisses and almost anything their heart desires as thanks and reward for everything Laughingstock had put them through.
• If their darling is mean or the type to fight back, all pleasantries are gone. Laughingstock doesn't even pretend to care about getting them off because why should an ungrateful brat get anything from them. Threatens to carve another letter of their name into darling's skin everytime they finish without permission and calls them some manner of derogatory term for doing so. Belittles and pushes them around for every rude comment they've made, shouting if they'd feel better if he just got rid of them whenever he chokes or holds a knife to their throat. He usually is just trying to scare them as they're much cuter and tolerable when they're afraid. Pulls their hair, spits down their throat and tells them it hurts him as much as it hurts them for their behavior.
Rare to little aftercare - dumps them in the tub and tells them the now cold food they refused to eat is still in their room if they're hungry.
• Big into breathplay. As someone who works with death on the daily, having their darling's life in their control or his in theirs is the most romantic thing. Laughingstock can take more than them being basically immortal and loses his mind at the thought of his darling riding him while pulling his noose until he's pale in the face
Loves choking his darling whether it's with his hands or on his cock and even more so to trail his spit into their mouth during the former as they gasp for air.
• Often films tapes with their darling, but not for their audience. Laughingstock is far too selfish to show their precious to others and doesn't see the need as their regular content draws enough attention, but enjoys lying and telling their darling to smile for the crowd anyway. Helps prevent them from dragging their darling into the room after a successful stream as their adrenaline is high and their libido is higher
If they ever were to livestream with their darling they'd make them wear a mask so nobody sees their pretty face except him which feeds into their love of dress up. Sooner or later somebody's putting on a skirt and Stock honestly doesn't care if it's them or darling
•Oral fixation goes hard. Loves receiving head, but with that long tongue of theirs and a cutie in their position giving is almost better. Has to have a part of their darling between their teeth when runting into them, favorites places to bite being their shoulders/neck, fingers or thighs.
• Flexible. The type of mf you could push their leg past their ear.
• Close notes uhh cock's about 7 inches, bit on the thicker side, the head is pierced. Their tongue is pierced too. Would probably cum harder if their darling accidentally bite their dick while giving oral. Sensitive nipples, very easy to overestimate. Tried to get those pierced, but ended up nutting whenever the needle touched their skin and wasn't able to go through with it without blacking out
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sandwichboy625 · 5 months
I have two Roman Empires. They surround Reuben and Gantu. (Third one is in the reblogs!)
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My Roman Empire is how Reuben literally stopped being rude to everybody when Lilo gave him a name. A NAME. From the 65 episodes, all those insults he spewed out… that snarky attitude he gave everybody… all the hurt feelings he caused ended at this moment. You never see him being mean to Lilo, Gantu or Stitch ever again. He literally considers something as simple as being given a name affection.
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He went the entire show without a name, just being called 625. Meanwhile, if not all, most of the other experiments had a name. Pretty sure it made Reuben feel that he was irrelevant, forgotten and most of all: failed. Perhaps that's ONE of the reasons he STAYED so rude throughout the show and like for half the Leroy and Stitch movie; the time he was simply a number?
My second Roman Empire is about how Gantu… this intimidating, strict, ruthless guy
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...did not like being evil. He was seeking emotional validation.
"Am I good enough?" I can only imagine him asking himself that after hearing Hamsterviel, Reuben or his father's negative voice in his head. I don’t care if Reuben was “struggling too”, he still didn’t have to project so much.
When Gantu got vulnerable with Reuben in episode 28, he talked about how his father was very authoritarian and strict. He also talked about how his peers looked down on him. Can't imagine how bad he wanted to prove his daddy and peers wrong. He truly did try. It's awful because he even talks about how his life would have been better if he would have stuck with his girlfriend. Deep down, being the captain isn't what he wanted. He wanted to live a normal childhood. Sacrificed it, though, all for his dad.
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His first attempt at being what his father pushed him to be was under the Grand Councilwoman. However, after the chaos he and stitch had, she fired him. This is why he had such a hate for stitch throughout the entire show. Not because of selfishness, not because he was evil, but because stitch ruined the pathway that gave him that sense of superiority and validation.
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Throughout the show, no thanks to plot armor and gags and jokes, he is constantly failing to capture experiments AND is being ridiculed. It's by everybody- Lilo, Stitch, Reuben, random people. Sometimes it's physical, sometimes it's verbal. It definitely has an effect. Might as well be physical and verbal abuse because of how often and harsh it is.
It’s not normal to call yourself a failure because you don’t know where a street is.
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There’s this episode where he prefers to be a guy named “Uncle Chester”. While he’s Chester, he doesn’t have to worry about Hamsterviel’s ruthlessness and doesn’t have to be bullied every single episode. He was delusional as Chester but at least he was happy. He pointed out how he was unhappier as Gantu.
There is nobody that affects him as much as Hamsterviel does.
I've ALWAYS been asking myself, "why doesn't he just squish Hamsterviel? Hamsterviel is all bark no bite!" Hamsterviel is the most demanding, controlling, manipulating, obnoxious, and most of all- DEGRADING boss that Gantu has had. However…
Could it be that he resorts to Hamsterviel and never hurts him because it's another chance to prove himself to a figure like his father?
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He sees toxicity as another chance to prove himself. Doesn’t matter all the suffering he does.
As long as the job gets done, right?
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But I mean, hey.
Gantu is hot.
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Chasing After You
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summary: Fred has made it his goal to get with the good girl, and deep down she wants him too.
part 1?? maybe- 
A/n I know this isn’t hotd but I love Harry Potter so... REQUESTS OPEN 
Ever since he met you, he knew he had to have you.
You were too good, too pure, you were a straight A, goody-too-shoes student and that intrigued him, or maybe it was whenever he cracked a joke in class or pulled some insufferable prank on a professor you always seemed to smile, and try to hide it, but he could see. 
So, he made it a goal to get you to like him. He knew you had a boyfriend, but he was a twat anyways, smug and entitled. 
You were walking to your charms class, books in hand and pushing a loose piece of hair behind your ear, when he approached. “That’s a lot of books you have there,” you looked up at the tall redhead, and smiled slightly. “You mean, the ones your supposed to have for this class?” 
“I’m not one for books,” you shook your head, “why don’t you help me? From what I hear, you’re quite the smart one,” he put his hands in his pockets keeping up with your fast pace. “Or you could use the books assigned to you,” you both walked into class, and you sat beside your friend Angela giving her a smile as you opened one of them, he sat next to you placing both hands on the desk and connecting them together. “This isn’t your seat,” you looked at him with an unamused face, “I bet you he won’t notice, and if he doesn’t you have to help me,” 
“And if he does?” you raised your eyebrows, “then I guess I will leave you alone,” “he leaned back in his seat shrugging his shoulders. “Deal,” You tried to ignore how he made you feel, you knew you had a boyfriend, even though it was a loveless affair. Your parents were practically forcing you into this relationship, both of your families were high in the ministry and highly encouraged you two being together, but he was selfish, and rude, you had always watched Fred, but you had a reputation to upkeep, and you didn’t want to lose what you had.
It was the end of class by now, and there he was, still sitting in the same seat, Professor Flitwick not glancing an eye once he moved closer to your ear as you were gathering your books, whispering, he spoke, “see you in the library by, let’s see- 4? Don’t be late,” and with that he smiled and got up. The skin on your neck was now covered in goose bumps, you knew you were going to go, it was a deal, and you always kept your word, but you weren’t going to let it go any farther than studying.
You walked into the library and immediately saw the back of his red hair; his foot was tapping hesitantly on the floor. You walked over hesitantly taking in a deep breath and keeping your books close. You sat down across from him, and he smiled widely, “your late, but I’ll let it slide, this time,” you rolled your eyes and placed your charms books down, “This is what you need, and what exactly did you need help with,” he placed his chin on his hand, “why are you with him anyways, he’s such a twat,” you parted your lips, “Weasley, let’s focus on charms, like we agreed on.”
“Fine, fine, but I’m always here you know.” he smiled, and you ignored the feeling of butterflies in your stomach. 
“So, then you just flick your wrist and do exactly what I told you, got it?” you smiled. The session had gone surprisingly well, he actually listened and didn’t get off topic, which surprised you completely. “Yep, got it,” you grinned, maybe you could let your guard down a bit, it wasn’t like letting go a little was going to affect your whole future anyways. “I don’t actually like him, it’s more of a parent pleasing situation,” you said as you gathered your books trying to not look at his face. 
“Ah, I knew it,” he clapped, and you widened your eyes at him, “not so loud,” and you laughed, he actually made you laugh! 
“So then let me take you out, next time we go to Hogsmeade, we can go to the shops together,” his face was full of confidence, and you knew you should say no, but you had always like Fred. Deep down, you enjoyed his pranks, and admired his confidence, you genuinely envied it. “What if he sees?” you tilted your head, “let him,” you shook your head.
“Fine,” his smile almost made you regret it.
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localplaguenurse · 7 months
Arlecchino/Pantalone/Reader NSFW Headcanons
Listen. Listen. Don't perceive me. It came to me briefly in a dream and I needed something to think about to get through my shift. Boss makes a dollar and I make a dime, so I simp on company time.
18+ CONTENT BELOW THE CUT, MINORS DNI AND ALL THAT, mentions of rough sex, oral, toys, voyeurism, a bit of degradation and praise, also mentions of female and male anatomy for reader because diversity, sub reader.
They’re lowkey competitive over who can dominate you better. They like asking you who makes you cum harder, who fucks you better while they ruin you, especially if you’re already too fucked out to talk. Otherwise, they both share nicely, but only because you can only handle so much.
While your pleasure is their top priority, Pantalone is the more selfish and cruel of the two. Arlecchino will please you freely, all you need to do is say the word. Pantalone on the other hand likes making you earn it, he wants you to “prove” why you deserve to come. When he does please you, it’s because he wants to see you fall apart, he wants the ego boost of having you crumble because of him.
Pantalone is more degrading while Arlecchino praises you more. Pantalone will call you the “perfect whore” as he’s thrusting into you, and Arlecchino will coo so sweetly into your ear. “Oh, that’s not very nice, especially since you’ve been so good for us. You don’t deserve such a rude title, right?” “If that were true, Knave, then why are they squeezing me tighter?”
I have the mental image of eating Arlecchino out while Pantalone fucks you, and when you lift your head up to breathe, Pantalone grabs you by the hair and pushes you back down. “Naughty little thing, trying to move away when neither of us gave you permission. Keep your head down until you’ve made the Knave come.”
Pantalone is generally the rougher of the two, and I’d argue stricter, but Arlecchino is the worst when she wants to be. Namely, she’s mean when it comes to punishments, whereas the only time Pantalone is especially mean is when you’re being difficult. If you’re a brat, the two of them will share a look, and Pantalone will simply tilt your chin up to look at him before he smiles, whispers a little “good luck,” to you, and walks off to take a seat and watch the show. 
Neither of them are scared to leave marks but Arlecchino will break skin if you don’t stop her. Her nails are sharp, and she’s not afraid to spank or whip you until you either cry mercy or Pantalone takes pity on you and stops her. “I love seeing them cry as much as you do, but I would like to have a turn before you break them for the night.”
Sometimes if he’s too tired after a long day of work, he’ll just sit back and watch you and Arlecchino go at it, stroking himself off as you do. He might join in at the end so he doesn’t feel completely left out, and besides, you miss him, don’t you?
It’s hard to say who has the best tongue, but you’d argue it’s Arlecchino. Since her nails are too long and sharp, she can only grab at your ass and thighs when she eats you out, or she has to be careful if she jerks you off. Pantalone’s nails are much shorter and duller, so he can safely finger/stroke you when he goes down on you. 
If you’re amab and very lucky/well behaved, Arlecchino will be more than happy to ride you. Unfortunately (cough cough fortunately cough) she’s going to literally ride you until she’s milked you of everything you can give her, and even then she might keep going. 
The toys. Whatever you want, they not only have them, but are more than happy to use them on you. Vibrators, beads, plugs, handcuffs, ropes, clamps, gags, and Arlecchino has a very impressive strap collection. Just know that if Arlecchino pulls out the strap, you will be taking her and Pantalone at the same time before the night ends. You at least get to pick how. 
Another image in my head, though it’s more funny than sexy, is you getting fucked by Arlecchino and Pantalone making a snide remark about her technique, and she just turns to him, still going, and threatens to peg him instead. He politely declines but he’d be lying if he said he wasn’t thinking about it. 
You are going to feel like sore jello. Happy sore jello, but you’re going to need help once the three of you are done. Pantalone will have the staff prepare some snacks for you and Arlecchino will bring you to the bathroom to run a bath. They’ll both get you cleaned and patched up, both of them coddling you and telling you how good of a job you did, you’re always so good for them. They’ll help you into some fresh clothes and even fresher bedsheets, ensuring that you get the best rest you can.
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neoarchipelago · 4 months
In the fic about Simon being ‘bad for you’ he says ‘a better man would love you’ which implies he doesn’t?? Does he not??
Well, he does love her. But he hates to even consider that fact.
He hates himself. He gave up long ago in ever having anyone in his life, he knows he's a killer, a murderer, a bastard...
He doesn't blink when he puts a bullet in the head of a guy.
But suddenly you arrive, you smile at him even though he's fucking rude and cold and sometimes even plain mean to you. He's infuriated. Why are you making small talk? Why are you bringing him leftovers? Why did you offer him a blanket with tiny skulls on it for Christmas? Why is he using it?!
Why did he start going to that cafe where you often spend time at because you like the calm and cozy ness of it?
The moment he really got to face his stupid feelings and realized that if he didn't step in, another man will love you.
That stupid man who starts turning around you at the cafe, too often. Did he follow you to your apartment after that? Did he enjoy your little gasp when you felt someone rush in the door behind you before you could close it? Did his cock react to your little yelp when he covered your mouth with his hand?
But once again you managed to piss him off. Too naive, too willing to let him push you on the bed and eat you out until you're sobbing.
After that he's addicted. He knows he's in love. But does he know how to properly love? Like, that asshole at the cafe could be kind and close to you. Emotionally connect and offer you the life and relationship you deserve. He knows he has to end it.
He knows it. But he keeps showing up. Sometimes he stays for days to try and be a good man. He has no idea if he's doing this correctly. And shit. His mind keeps repeating that another man would love you like you deserve. This isn't love. It's toxic. It's ownership, selfishness and craving.
He snaps when that fucking asshole from the cafe dares to come to you behind his back, telling you that Simon doesn't deserve you. That he could treat you well.
That's when he drags you to his apartment. If he can call it that. Looks more like some showroom that's too empty to look like and actual home. And he makes you his. Tells you out loud his deepest fear but also how fucking selfish he has decided to be. Don't fucking matter if another man would love you. He's going to kill any who would try.
You'll get his love. There's no way you're leaving now...
This is an ask about this post
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mari-lair · 11 months
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That’s a lot of questions, but I’ll try my best to answer them all!
Aoi doesn’t care about an individual perception of her, she genuinely has no interest in a stranger because she always assumes they have bad intentions. They want to hurt her: It does not matter if they are jealous or worship the ground she walks on, they they will hurt her. Which is a sad way to view the world, so she defends herself.
Her attitude is a big wall that says “If I don’t care about you or your opinion, you can’t hurt me”. 
She detaches herself from it all, preferring apathy over being vulnerable and opening herself to be hurt. This lack of confrontation, this apparent lack of care (she doesn’t seem to ask even simple things most kids would in her situation “Why are you bullying me?”) makes her feel arrogant, which feeds into people’s bad view of her and prove her trust issues right, which gives her more reasons to believe she is right and became more arrogant.
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Akane was always there to stop anyone from going too far when messing with her, so she can look down on others even when they got aggressive without fearing for her health. She can’t be hurt emotionally in her indifference, and she doesn’t care about physical injuries, not when the most she’ll get with Akane around to protect her is a scratch.
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So she keeps this up to the point Akane genuinely starts believing she is a tough girl that doesn’t care when people are mean to her.
But she does.
She just pushes it all away, and pretends she is above it all. Growing genuine in her arrogance after training herself to not care all the time, convinced the way the world sees her doesn’t matter, because they don’t matter.
Aoi can’t use this defense when she already cares about someone, but she still naturally assumes the worst of people when it comes to how they view her, so something as small as a petty fight with someone whose views she deeply values can be extremely hurtful.
She is scared.
“Akane hates me, he doesn’t want to be friends anymore, he never liked me in the first place!"
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She is also visibly angry: She hates that she cares, she hates that she can’t hide it. Notice how she doesn’t say anything or try to run after Akane. She is trying very hard to convince herself she “Doesn’t care”, she wants so badly to ignore Akane, or to hate him, but she can’t do either, so she defaults to being angry at herself.
The reason Akane finds her crying so cute is not because the tears look cute, is because it shows how much she cares about him. Under all that bravado and arrogance Aoi is a sensitive girl who wants to be loved, and she is very attached to the people she considers friends, she can act tough all she wants but if a loved one says "I hate you" she is so distressed she cries.
Aoi hates how sweet and 'weak' her heart under all her icy defenses. Akane finds it cute.
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Akane was her only friend for most of her life, so the person she pays the most attention to, and the one she compares herself to the most is Akane.
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Akane is the direct opposite of her: People are unfair to Aoi and she react by closing her heart so no one can hurt her. People are unfair to Akane, making him do annoying work without giving him anything in return, and he reacts by loudly acknowledging people are being unfair instead of bottling up any discomfort, and trying his best anyways instead of running away, keeping his heart open and wearing his emotions and feelings on his sleeves. 
Akane doesn’t care about others opinion of him, he’ll swing his bat like a crazy person at school and be rude as fuck to people he just met, but he help other because he wants to help, he is a nice person.
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In comparison to Akane, Aoi feels selfish, cruel, and cold. She only ever cares and worries about her close friends because their opinions matter to her.
Akane is someone even she, with all her walls, can’t help but love. And since she is the oppose of him... Is easy to come to the conclusion she is unlovable. She may not care about a stranger calling her a slut, but she can see people don’t like her. Again and again, people always find some problem with her.
She hates herself too, so she is convinced even the people that claim they love her don’t care about her, they just love the sweet personality they come up with after seeing her pretty face, and they’ll hate her when they realize there is more to her than a cutesy smile.
She is unlovable by design, so she assumes the only reason her friends don’t hate her yet, is because they don’t know her true self.
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The “cute, sweet, and friendly, popular girl with a pretty face!” is loved. She is Nene’s best friend, the girl all the guys want and all the girls envy.
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But Aoi? The arrogant and distant coward that is scared of caring too much? She isn’t loved by anyone. She is sure she will be rejected if she act honest, so she doesn’t even try.
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Her life was never a “perfect life”. 
Aoi is either by Nene's or Akane’s side. She isn’t close to anyone else.
The manga is in Nene’s point of view so her situation is narrated through rose tinted glasses: Nene lives in a fantasy world where Aoi’s life is perfect since being popular is Nene’s dream, so Aoi’s popular life must be amazing! Right?
Nene can’t break this view. Even when the truth stares her in the face. She does not change her view.
Aoi was a wreck when she tried to apologize, but she does regret trying to kill Nene, she wants to apologize, so she tries her best to get out of her comfort zone and face her biggest fears for Nene: She is willing to have a confrontation instead of hiding
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Instead of asking Aoi how she feel, or making any questions about her behavior, Nene immediately dismissed all of Aoi’s actions. Nene doesn’t want to deal with Aoi’s problems, she just wants her popular bubbly friend back.
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Their hug in chapter 96 means Nene embraced the “popular girl bff with a pretty face” and rejected Aoi. 
Aoi is hurt by this, but she is a coward, so she accepts it, pretending nothing happened. (I go into more detail about Nene’s views, and why Aoi doesn’t open up: Here.)
Despite all her flaws, Aoi is not nearly as bad as she sees herself as, she is mostly insecure, desperate to be loved even when she feel like she doesn’t particularly deserve it. 
She is harsh on herself, wanting to keep all her emotions under tight control, but she is sweet to her friends, she genuinely loves them and tries to fight her bad habits. She wants them to be happy! 
She’ll get invested in topics she doesn’t personally care about, because she knows Nene likes it, and worry about Akane’s health for the simple reason that she cares, she wants the best for them.
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Her sweet side clashes with her bad habit to always assume the worst.
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Despite being a sweet girl at heart, caring about others is still very painful. It does not come easy for Aoi, who has trained herself to be isolated from her peers.
She wants her friends to look at her, she wants to be important and be reassured she is loved! But even when she is shown love, she doesn’t believe in it
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She convinced herself they don’t care about her, just like all these strangers don’t care about her. And she is arrogant enough to believe she is always right, so if she can’t see this ‘wonderful girl’ Akane sees, it just means Akane is the wrong one. That this isn’t her insecurities talking, Akane is the one lying, he is the one that doesn’t truly love her. 
 Aoi believes she has misled him just like she had misled Nene, and she wants to talk about it, she wants to be honest, she is so tired of hiding her flaws! But she is too scared to risk losing the love she is given so she will keep hiding, she’ll keep lying to herself that it doesn’t matter, as she has done since she was a small child.
All the things that she claims to hate about Akane, the things that make her feel envious, and lacking in comparison, are also what she wishes she had, things she genuinely admires about him. Things that make him so special and “easy to love” in her eyes.
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The idea Akane isn’t lovable does not compute to her. She never says “he is not my type” even when she is neck deep in denial because to Aoi, only an idiot wouldn’t see how lovable Akane is, and Aoi is too arrogant to lower herself to the level of an idiot.
She adores him so much that even when she believes the “cute humble and popular Aoi” is the only Aoi he’ll ever love, she can’t let go. She keeps him at arm's length to not get too attached, but she can’t bring herself to truly run away, to reject him point blank.
She wants him after all, when we get a glimpse of her alone with her defenses down, she melts just from watching him work hard.
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She wants them to be closer (unrelated but I can’t get over how she went “watching Akane from my window isn’t enough, let me lean on my balcony, so we are closer.”)
She wants them to be side by side. She wants to accept his confessions. But she is too scared to admit even to herself that she is smitten.
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Opening up is hard for her after all, and admitting he cares about him so much? That’s terrifying. 
So she runs. 
Because if Akane gets too close he might see her flaws, and if her “unlovable self” make him stop loving her, if her flaws make him leave her, she will crumble.
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When her usual defense of “I don’t care, you can’t hurt me!” isn’t effective, her second one is to distance herself from what is hurting her so she has some ‘control’ of the situation.
The drug no.6 gave her may have lowered her empathy, but “discarding people so they can’t hurt her” and “running far far away” has always been an itch she had. She always dismisses any stranger from her life, because she doesn't need them. She always runs away when she is hurt.
Is a desire born from the ugliest, most selfish, and insecure parts of her heart, something her kinder and friendlier side never allowed her to act on. But it is a part of her, the one she hates: this is the “unlovable Aoi” to the extreme, fully out.
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Is a part she constantly tries to hide, but is always there, as important to her character as her kindness. A part of her that is resentful of the world and wants to stop caring altogether, to hide and hide forever, make it so only she can hurt herself.
She assumes if Nene asks Akane out he’ll accept, despite how much Akane only focuses on her, so she spends a week without going to school to spare herself the pain.
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She accepts Akane “have been lying and secretly still likes Lemon” right away because of a silly ghost game, going straight into depressive mode and running away from the pain.
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She genuinely wants Akane to be happy, and while she wants him to be happy with her, she hates her possessive nature, using her usual defense mechanism and trying to convince herself she doesn’t care about him, that he is disposable.
She doesn’t want to hurt anyone but she is arrogant, so she doesn’t protest or do anything to show she likes Akane (even when its obvious), going “I hope you’re happy” and running before she says what she really wants and ‘ruin their fun’ and ‘give her feelings away’.
She wants control over the situation: To leave before others ‘inevitably’ leave her. And Akane knows.
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But he genuinely like her for who she is, he know how sensitive she is under her smile, so he always run after her to calm her down.
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Akane is her biggest weakness and Aoi despises feeling weak and out of control. So her crush on him is a two edge sword.
She genuinely believed Akane doesn’t love her real self, but she also used it as an excuse to have control over her crush, to justify her lack of courage to pursue a relationship. 
She is still the same scared kid that cried when Akane said he hates her and got mad at herself for crying about it.
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She is too arrogant to admit Akane has control over her feelings even when her composure is shattered.
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Part of her genuinely doesn’t want to care, she wants to raise her walls and keep Akane away so he can’t hurt her! That is why she stabbed him and tried to throw him away in the first place.
She tries so hard to use her usual “I don’t care about you, so your opinion can’t hurt me” strategy with him, it's frustrating that it doesn’t work. 
She is a flustered mess by the point Akane start gushing about a flaw she hates so much and makes her life difficult.
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The reason she is uncomfortable with Akane is because she is uncomfortable when she can’t control her emotions. And Akane? He could make her blush even when his approach was so tactless she dissociated from his shower of  neverending compliments, so this assertive approach, practically forcing Aoi to accept that he likes her for who she is and that she can’t run away from his love no matter how hard she tries, it’s as much of a dream (she always wanted to be loved fully) as it is a nightmare (he is too direct! He does not give this poor coward a break!!).
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He doesn’t allow her any escape. He is taking her far far away from her comfort zone. Her panic is completely and utterly genuine. Help her cause she does not know what to do.
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She isn’t able to give him a verbal answer when Akane asks “Do you like me, even just a little bit?” but Akane never expected an answer.
He only acted so bold in the first place (holding her and kissing her neck) because at this point, he already knows she loves him.
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Aoi doesn’t deny his claim, she doesn’t use meaningless excuses like “We can’t marry because that would make me Aoi Aoi” , she just... cling to him, holding on.
Only after she hugs him back (which is a silent “I love you too” in this context) does Akane go for the kiss.
Let's compare when Akane tries to kiss her to a similar scene where she is genuinely uncomfortable so I can show you she is more nervous and flustered by his advances than truly scared or uneasy.
In chapter 24 Hanako possessed Nene and tried to ‘seduce’ Aoi. Aoi had no idea supernaturals exist at the time, and she even goes “Nene-chan...?” to show she fully believes this is Nene, not some ghost possessing her friend. 
There is a lot of focus on Nene’s reaction, an attempt to make it comedic, but Aoi is extremely uncomfortable with this forceful behavior.
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Aoi likes Nene, Nene is one of the two people she considers a friend, but she hated this: She is sweating, there isn’t even a hint of blush on her face, and she keep her hands far away, having her back on a wall. She likes to hold hands with Nene, comfortable being touchy with her friend, but in this situation, her instinct is to lean away. She doesn’t want it. She is uneasy.
Now let's go back to chapter 69. There are a lot of similarities, both Hanako (who she assume is Nene) and Akane hold her chin before trying to kiss her and both have her backed into a wall. Akane should arguably be worst cause she hasn’t been touchy with him in years while she is constantly holding Nene’s hand, but not only does Aoi blush, she doesn’t try to run from her feelings like usual, she reaches for him, holding on to his jacket.
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She isn’t confident, she is sweating and shocked, (which makes sense considering how chaotic her night have been) but there is light in her eyes: She is scared, but she wants to kiss him too.
She have craved to be closer to Akane for ages but this talk didn’t magically heal her issues, no matter how much she dislikes this part of her, she is still an arrogant coward at heart: This kiss is hard for her. Any sort of intimacy is. It goes agaist her instinct to hide and sabotage herself.
That’s why she always blushes hard and gets extremely nervous with Akane when he gets too close. Even when what he is doing isn’t forceful, it feels overwhelming to Aoi.
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She needs to hold back the urge to run. She needs to fight the urge to think about the worst and trust him, allow Akane to have sway over her emotions.
She still have a long way to go, and I’m rooting for her.
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jellybeanium124 · 3 months
ok but an ask on my rp blog got me thinking. what would stede and ed think the other's biggest flaws are? I think there's a tendency in fandom to sort of "soulmate" them, which makes sense. who wants to see our two beloved guys fight like a realistic couple? (I mean obviously there's still plenty of Big Dramatic Fights in fanfic, but like, outside of that).
here's some preliminary thoughts (I'm not super attached to these hcs so feel free to fight me lol): for stede, I think he wouldn't like ed's tendency to give up the second things start being difficult for him. I imagine ed is gonna be working on this one in retirement, now that he's not doing the thing he's gotten so good at anymore, but he's not perfect and breaking that habit will probably take work. TO BE CLEAR this isn't a "haHa eD's sO adHd hE cAn'T sTiCk tO aNytHiNg hArhaR" thing, this is more about how ed's never had the option to fail until now. his whole life has been succeed-or-die, so failure would reasonably scare him. stede would definitely push him to keep trying past that initial "oh crap oh shit I suck dogshit at this and could never possibly be good" phase everyone goes through when learning something new.
as for what ed thinks stede's biggest flaw is... fuck this is hard. ok, like, let's list stede's flaws. stede can be brazen and rude and bitchy, but never to ed, and often for ed, so ed would love that. stede has self-esteem issues. ed can probably relate to that and it wouldn't bother him if stede needed some extra re-assurance because ed needs it too. stede can be selfish/have trouble understanding others' wants and needs. so far we've never seen him have any trouble at all not being selfish with ed. on a longer timescale I bet it'll happen, but I don't feel super confident definitively saying that's it.
I don't like leaving posts unfinished but this isn't an essay I'm writing for school and I've thought about it for long enough now that I don't think I'm coming up with an answer anytime soon, so hit me with your thoughts!
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concreteparasite · 10 months
I have horrible taste in men so naturally Double ended up being my favorite lmao, what are some facts you can share with us about him?
Double is a total psycho. I intentionally keep his more recentish backstory with MC kinda vague because I want people to be able to spin their own stories about MC and Double's interactions.
Here is some lore that isn't really touched on in the game:
- Double and MC are childhood sweethearts. Double has a really bad time growing up and because of it latched onto MC when they showed him kindness (defended him from bullying) Double sees MC as his one only 'family member' which is why he is PISSED when MC ditches him, he has abandonment issues stemmed DEEP from childhood and everything he has done up to that point is to guarantee MC won't leave him. So MC leaving him was next level betrayal for him.
Double was very sweet on MC as a kid he was bullied and MC stood up for him. Then when Double's affections were not received (or more likely) misunderstood he ended up using his ability to gain fame amongst their peers and started teasing, bulling and butting heads with MC while in middleschool. In highschool he kinda watched from afar and swooped in to become friends with MC senior year, where after they kinda just stayed together, college and on. In Double's mind it was always only MC all along. Which is why he says "more than family"
- I was thinking about making small character bios (but ultimately decided not to so I didn't feature creep) but in Double's bio for 'attraction' I was going to write: "Fortune favors the bold, and so does Double". Meaning that Double is attracted to bold personalities, someone that will push back against him and won't back down until they get what they want. Which is why by being rude to him or blunt towards him you will gain love points lol. Double likes a bad bitch.
- Double doesn't really feel 'love' in the same way most people do. He feels desperation , possessiveness, and anger, but 'love' is something that is a very...distant feeling for someone like him. He is a manipulator and ultimately a selfish person. He doesn't care much about MC's wellbeing, just that they will stay around.
- On Double's ending he leaves the front door open for MC to see if they will get away. He wants to watch them escape with their own determination. He is also smart enough to know that if he hangs around the apartment for too long Binary Star will find him and kill him. Ultimately, Double values his own life above everything else, so he isn't willing to bat the hornets nest unless he knows MC still has some force of will in them to get away. And that they are far enough away that they won't be under the watchful eye of Binary Star.
- Double studied architecture in college before he and MC dropped out into a life of crime. MC needed the money, so Double was game to help, as his ability (teleportation) is very useful.
- Double's weapon of choice is a black fixed blade tactical bowie knife.
- Double is 5'10
I left MC's ability (or lack thereof) vague because I wanted the player to decide if their MC had an ability or not and what it was.
Anyways, there's some facts off the top of my head. Anything else you are wondering, feel free to ask 💕
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thedevilinmybrain · 6 months
Harry knows Louis has his reasons. He's heard all of them, listed out like one blow after another. The focus should be on the band, on the music, too much at stake. They can't be selfish, need to think about the rest of the boys, the fans. So many things weighing on them, should know better than to push back against management. Louis is the oldest so he needs to make the right choices, be a role model, be mature enough to know when enough is enough.
Louis talks and Harry can hear Simon's voice.
Standing against the wall, Harry presses the rim of the glass against his lips, can smell the vodka inside. It's expensive, served straight because Harry can't afford the calories, no sugar after seven. It's all part of the image, the routine to make Harry hotter, more attractive with a sharp jawline and thin waist. His hair is getting longer now, brushes against his jaw, a real Mick Jagger in his tight jeans and drawling accent, charming whomever he feels like. It doesn't mean shit when he's watching Louis wrap his arm around the shoulders of some up and coming.
He's pretty, Harry guesses, as far as aesthetics go. Big eyes and smooth skin, an upturned mouth in a smirk that makes him look a little impish. Louis is being bold tonight, no one that important around to side eye him, to shove a pretty blond in a mini dress into his lap. So, Louis is free to laugh into the guy's neck, face flushed red and drunk. His free hand has been on the guy's thigh for over an hour, holding him close, holding him down, with a ring on his finger that belongs on Harry's. Louis had said they had to break up because too many people were watching them, that it was a liability, that it just wasn't possible. But someone with a name the tabloids don't care about is safe, Harry guesses.
Jealousy is a fucking collar around his throat, chokes the air out of his lungs, drags him down like an anchor into the darkness, drowning him. Louis used to do that to him, to press their cheeks together, to keep Harry close and safe against his side. Always had to have his hands on Harry somehow, around his wrist, on his waist. But that was before Louis decided to start eating out of the hand that feeds them.
This morning, leaving the studio, Louis had held the door open for Harry and smiled at him, all big and bright and cooing at him. Come on, baby. Hurry up. Like it wasn't a punch to the gut when Louis is the one who told Harry he had to stop calling him that. When Louis is the one who set up the rules, who laid down the way it was going to be. And Harry has been trying to be so good, kept himself away, doesn't try to press or talk to him. Even when it feels like Harry's sawing off a limb every time Louis is in the room.
"Feels fucking rude," Niall mutters, digs his fingers into his own cup, tugging out a cherry. "Over there flaunting it."
"Niall," Harry sighs, takes another sip of his own drink. Across the room, Louis takes the pipe from Zayn, holds it up to show his newest friend.
"Well? It fucking is. I know you all broke up and shit, but honestly? To do it here?" Waving his hand at the center of the room, Niall's top lip curls. "Fucked, mate. Really fucked."
Niall is right. They're in one of the public houses that the label owns, all blase designs and inconsequential art on the walls. But it's still in front of their friends, some of the crew, all the lads. Harry can't remember ever feeling so on the outskirts of the people he considers family, so fucking lonely in his own skin.
"You're Harry fucking Styles," Niall hisses, venomous and angry. He's felt like this since he heard the news, had been the one to pull Harry out of that bathtub, soaked through his clothes, wine drunk and sobbing. Louis doesn't know any of it, but Niall does.
"It was almost Tomlinson." Harry mutters, takes the rest of his drink in one shot, rolls off the wall to stalk towards the stairs. He hasn't worked up the ability to charge across the room yet, to stand his ground, to call Louis out on his shit. No, not yet. So, Harry prefers to have his meltdown behind closed doors, to cry his eyes sore and try to rub the tattoos off his skin.
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