#he did cause the tower fall btw
genderqueer-karma · 11 months
i actually made more gifs believe it or not
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mana and ryux are so good at jenga guys
what i listened to (and had a fit over in the library)
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snail-migraine · 4 months
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Requested by: @elysiumrealms
Sure! I did think some fleshing out on how the rest of the family acts around them would be cool to write. Sorry this took so long btw, my inbox gets stuffed pretty quickly and it was finals week. Anyway thanks for the ask!
Anon-Yan 💌‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.
Platonic Yandere Malleus
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For you, the time before your punishment was nothing but a blurry mess.
Genuinely you don't remember all your horrible habits and manipulative tactics, you just remember acting on your insticts and not really thinking before you acted.
The few things you do remember is the interactions you had with your other family members.
The most memorable were the ones with Grandpa Lilia, when you were younger he loved cuddling you upside-down. Even if his grip was iron-strong it still felt so warm that you didn't want to leave.
When you got older he would allow you to play with some of his video games, he was always so sweet and helpful. Making sure you never got too frustrated at one certain part before taking the controller from you and completing whatever challenge had you stumped.
Lilia just loves babying you in a way he never got to with either of his original children.
He never failed to make you feel like the spoiled little brat you were.
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"Ooh! Don't cry Darling, there's no need for that. Here, do you need Grandpa to help you? Okay sweet-pea. Don't worry, grandpa's here for you"
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Then there's uncle Silver, who whose probably the most boring person to hang out with out of everyone in the family.
Don't get me wrong, you enjoyed his company but nothing even vaguely interesting happened whenever you hung around him.
He always really apologetic about it though, even going as far to bring you a little toy everytime he was allowed alone time with you. Typically is just a teddy bear, so that at night when you fell asleep you would think of your uncle Silver.
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"Sorry we weren't able to play today. Here, have this. It's so when you fall asleep at night, you'll always remember your uncle Silver."
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Your uncle sebek on other hand, he was hard to forget.
He was always loud, his voice commanded battalions after all. So a voice like his would definitely need for job like that.
Or whatever that was supposed to mean. You never really understood his way of thinking. While he was screaming his head off about not being good enough for you, you had sit and listen to him whilst daydreaming of all the video games Grandpa Lilia would play with you later.
It was boring, and eventually as you grew older you learned to tune him out.
Though I guess that wasn't the greatest idea, because within a week of learning how tune out his voice he came to you sobbing on his hands and knees begging for forgiveness.
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But I guess that all leads you to where you are now. Stuck in a boring old rickety tower. Stuck studying and doing chores all day. At least Father allowed for your family to visit from time to time.
Their faces and voices make the endless cycle you've been going through day-to-day slightly more bareable. But to be perfectly honest, with every passing moment that you're stuck here; in this damned tower made to be your prison, you lose a small peice of your sanity.
A peice of your mind that can never be returned to it's owner.
Trully a cruel thing to do, especially to your own child. Isolating them from everyone and everything they've ever known to prove a point, when it wasn't even truly their own faults that caused such a mess? Foolish, and downright cruel if anyone asked you.
Ah, but what can you do?
You did do this to yourself after all, might as well own up to your mistakes and pay the price.
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iamnmbr3 · 1 month
(First and foremost, pls write a canon-drarry guide so i don't have to ask your opinion every time lolllll)
Maybe you talked about it but What'd you think of Draco's feelings for Harry in 6th (esp when it comes to Harry being reason for his father's imprisonment) and 7th year each and did it change or he always felt that way? You think whatever his feelings were (esp in 7th yr) were one sided (at that time) and Harry's just sort of caring and pitying him cuz he understands him and draco's miserable and there's not much on Harry's side? (It's so many ppl's theory btw)
IMO Draco had some deep feelings - idk whether i can call it love specifically or not but there was some attachment and trust and care for Harry. Even before 7th year not genuine hatred to cause him real harm at all yk....
Hahaha well that's lowkey what this blog is turning into (and I do have a drarry in canon tag). But also I love receiving asks. Neither you nor anyone else should ever feel hesitant to send me questions. It's fun hearing ya'll's thoughts.
As to your question, I think JKR wrote a 7 book drarry epic by mistake. Right from day 1 they were orbiting each other. I definitely think by 6th year Draco has some (probably repressed and unacknowledged) feelings for Harry. Those feelings are of course complicated by the fact that he and Harry are now on opposite sides of the war, Harry is virulently opposed to the ideals Draco and Draco's side stand for, he and Harry have never gotten along, and now Harry is kinda responsible for getting Draco's dad thrown in prison (and for the task of Dumbledore falling on Draco). So yeah there's definitely resentment there.
Some people have argued that Draco's attack on Harry is a way to keep him safe and send him away from Hogwarts. Personally I don't buy it. Draco is scared and angry and upset about the situation he and his family find themselves in and he takes it out on Harry in an act of vengeance. However, although what he does to Harry is violent and cruel, it's really minor given that Draco is a Death Eater. Can you imagine if Harry was left alone and helpless at the mercy of any other Death Eater? Yeah. It would not end well. Draco doesn't take things very far, waits till his Slytherin buddies are gone to make sure he is in control of the situation and things don't escalate (even though this means being left without backup and potentially getting hurt by Harry instead), and never even thinks of trying to kill Harry or turn him over to Voldemort to be killed.
(I also headcanon that while he boasted about breaking Harry's nose, inside he found that it didn't feel nearly as good as he thought it would, and indeed he feels a bit sick with himself though he ignores it. But that's an aside).
I think those merciful impulses are partly due to Draco being much more averse to violence than his family would like him to be, but also due to the complicated feelings he has about Harry. He doesn't really want to hurt him and he certainly doesn't want to see him dead. Even after the Sectumsempra incident, it is Pansy and not Draco who vilifies Harry. Draco doesn't seem to blame Harry - probably partly because he already consumed by self hatred and perhaps guilt over having tried to use an Unforgivable on Harry, and partly because he and Harry can never truly bring themselves to hate each other. Also when Harry pursued Draco and Snape after the Astronomy Tower sequence (well, really he's chasing Snape but it certainly looks like he's going after all of them) Draco makes no move to hurt him.
The next time they see each other is at the Manor in book 7. Despite the fact that last time they interacted was the Sectumsempra incident Draco doesn't hesitate to risk everything to shield Harry and his friends - even though he intimately knows the consequences of Voldemort's wrath and that he is condemning himself and his family to horrific torture at the best and quite possibly death. He doesn't identify Harry or even Harry's friends. He buys them time. He doesn't report when he sees Harry and Ron have taken their bonds off. He barely puts up a fight when Harry takes his wand. And his wand feels friendly in Harry's hand. I think all that is evidence of not just feelings but strong ones at that. What he did was an act of love.
And again in the fiendfyre sequence he completely loses control at the idea that Harry could be hurt and actually tries to intervene to save him. (Full breakdown of that sequence here).
Similarly I think Harry has more than simple pity for Draco. He's also kinda been fixated on Draco since book 1. By book 6 we get stuff like Harry getting distracted by the sight of Draco changing, getting annoyed when a girl pays attention to Draco, ceasing his investigation into Draco just because it put him at risk, lying to protect Draco from blame after the Astronomy Tower sequence, and worrying about him afterwards. And then in book 7 we get more worrying about Draco, Harry not trying to attack or speak to Draco when he comes into the cell at the Manor, Harry learning to block out Voldemort when the alternative is watching Draco get tortured - potentially to death, Harry dropping everything to rescue Draco specifically from the Fiendfyre (x), and much more. So yeah. Not one sided.
I think by book 7 Draco is in love with Harry, and by late in the book he may not even be able to fully deny it to himself. I think they both had feelings for each other - which were very complicated and contradictory and difficult for them given the circumstances, but definitely mutual and not unrequited. It doesn't mean they'd immediately be besties or fall into each other's arms during 8th year. But there's definitely a mutual attraction going on.
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sciderman · 8 months
Okay okay I see your point on how in the comics the shock alone could kill her, personally I don’t think the shock ALONE killed her. I feel like no matter what Peter did she would’ve died anyway, either she would’ve hit the ground at a high enough velocity that her bones would’ve shattered or just her skull would’ve shattered causing her to die, or (what actually happened) is Peter webbed Gwen and the force that changed her center of gravity was so strong that it broke her back and caused her to die.
But now I bring you, The Amazing Spider-man 2 movie. HEAR ME OUT HERE OKAY!! The movie is technically a canon of its own so I will be using this as reasoning 😈
In Tasm2 during Gwen’s falling sequence you can clearly see her, her eyes are open and her body is moving, her hands are out and she is reaching for Peter to save her (like he did in the first movie when he threw her out of the window while fighting Doc Connors and caught her with his web) Gwen is actively moving and if I’m not mistaken she also yells peters name during this time.
Gwen wouldn’t have died of shock here because if she actually was in shock it would’ve started the moment Harry dropped her. With this there are still only two ways she would’ve died, hit her head, or broke her back like what ended up happening. We all know either way Peter would’ve blamed himself but I argue that a third outcome could’ve happened. If Peter was just a little bit faster and if he was less focused on Harry and the clock tower I believe he actually could’ve saved Gwen instead of breaking her spine.
thank you for this delightful ask about the horrific manner of gwen stacy's death!
oh yeah no sir no question, in tasm2 peter was just too late. gwen’s head hit the ground. you hear the sound. she hit the ground. harry took it and threw it on the GROUND.
absolutely the tasm2 movie (and no way home that followed) kind of make it clear that peter underperformed. he was too slow. but. but.
i think in tasm2 it's kind of more complicated. in 616 gwen is entirely passive. to the point where she is completely immobile. she isn't aware of what's going on around her. she's unconscious before the fall, she's powerless to do anything that could've prevented her demise. it's all on peter to save her.
gwen in tasm2 – she's – she's a little different.
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they kind of hammer this one home. fact is, if gwen had listened to peter. she would, in all likelihood, still be alive. peter tried. he wasn't too late. he tried to prevent it, before gwen was in immediate danger. he did what he could. it wasn't enough to stop gwen, but – what else? lock her in a basement? what can he do? gwen could have made the choice to stay out of the way and stay alive. it was not all on peter. he did what he could.
so. i don't think it's fair to tasm peter to say he didn't act in time. he in fact, acted ahead of time, gwen didn't listen, gwen got herself into trouble, and, despite peter doing everything he could, he couldn't save her. that responsibility should not have been on his shoulders. gwen should've been out of the line of fire, like he tried to do. he shouldn't bear that guilt. it was not his fault. it was gwen's choice. it was gwen's.
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and unlike 616 gwen, i bet we do know what tasm gwen was thinking in her last moments.
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oooooh lord i fucked uuuup why did i do it to myself ohhh god gwen what have you dooooone ouuuugghhhhh one last big fuck-up way to gooo gwen no coming back from this one ouuuuuughhhhhh
long and short of it. andrew garfield IS NOT GUILTY of the death of gwen stacy. she did it to herself and she did it to him.
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athielive · 2 years
HI, how are you? I LOVE UR WRITINF AND I NEED a mischa x overarchiver!reader where they're on days of final exams and the reader stays wayyy to late at night to study, doesn't sleep well and starts almost falling asleep everywhere. Mischa catches her when she literally faints while walking home w him and he has to take her home and stay w her bc he's worried.
i’m good btw and thank you <3
im choosing to write this instead of sleeping cause ily.
You hadn’t slept much in weeks. Due to the stress of exams you couldn’t even sleep when you were in bed early so you stopped trying and just kept studying.
Many of your friends had expressed concern so you had to start lying and telling them that you went to bed early and got enough sleep to keep you going.
Today was the day it all caught up to you. It took everything in you to stop you from passing out every time you sat down and this didn’t go unnoticed.
In spite of your insistence that Penny shouldn’t tell Mischa because you really were fine. She told him and he went all ‘overprotective boyfriend’. He walked you to every class and sat by you in every lesson you shared.
He tried to get you to go home after lunch, but you needed to stay for an exam and your parents would kill you if you missed it or left school early. So you stuck it out.
When school ended Mischa waited outside your last lesson to meet you.
He took your hand and the two of you started walking home. And that’s when the questioning began.
“When was the last time you got a full nights sleep?” He asked.
“Last night.”
“Bullshit.” He said. “Don’t lie to me this is serious.”
He always knew when you were lying.
“It’s been a few weeks, but I promise I feel fine.” You added.
“A few weeks? How come you didn’t tell me, I could’ve helped and-” His words cut out and everything became muffled. Your vision became blurry and you started to feel dizzy.
“Y/N? Y/N!” And then it all went black.
He rushed to catch you, quickly he checked your pulse then picked you up bridal style and carried you back home.
He was practically running but making sure there wasn’t a chance of him falling and you getting injured.
As soon as he got to your house he let himself in, knowing your parents would still be at work. He put you under your bedsheet and blanket before placing his hand on your forehead to check your temperature.
How did it get to this? Was he a bad boyfriend for not realising you needed his help sooner? What would happen if you didn’t wake up?
He began to panic as he hovered above you, longing for you to wake up and put his mind at rest.
If you didn’t wake up in the next five minutes then he would call the ambulance, which would probably end with him yelling at the driver for not getting there fast enough and claiming you could’ve died.
Your eyes shot open to a worried Mischa towering over you. Instant relief flooded his eyes as he looked down at you.
“Thank god you’re awake.” He whispered leaning down to hug you.
You were in your bed at home, he must’ve carried you back. In all honesty you weren’t really sure what had happened. Everything just stopped.
“I’m sorry.” You said.
“Don’t be sorry, I know you’re stressed because of exams.” He slid into bed next to you. “Try get some sleep now, I’m right here if you need me.”
He held you close as you slowly drifted off to sleep. Knowing that he was there for you put you at ease and you found it a lot easier to catch up on those hours of sleep you lost.
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stawpny · 11 months
I dunno I’m bored.
(this is from a fic I made, I just feel like these need more attention)
it’s from “You’re the smartest dumbass I’ve ever met”
-California is usually the big spoon in this relationship. New York just likes to be cuddled and hugged tightly, especially by the man he loves most in this world.
-New York was one of the first states to welcome Cali to the union when he first joined. New York was like 19 and. Cal was 15 at that time (ik it doesn’t make any sense whatsoever but it’s like human ages and I did no math either so yeah. I’m just going with that.)
- young California was all head-over-heels for young New York ‘cause he was fine af. (He still is but in a diff way)
- Young California followed the footsteps of York by making his state industrialized too so they could be together no matter what. He developed his cities and moved away from the idea of the Wild West. Texas was upset that he lost his close friend and blamed NY for tearing them apart, but he had no clue at all. Texas targeted him in the Civil war, but California protected him since back then he was so important to him. Cal and Tex got in a huge fight, leading up to their rivalry today.
- New York is the most oblivious fucking person you’ll ever meet. He finds things out really easily for other people, but when it comes to himself, he doesn’t have a clue.
(TW: 9/11)
- New York always spend 9/11 alone. He usually is confined up in his room, watching TikTok and when the occasional 9/11 video pops up, he’ll watch the thing over and over until he finally prys his sad little eyes off of it and scrolls. No one dared to bother him until Cal went into his room on that day, finding him curled up into a little ball on his bed. Cal hugged him and he just crumbled right then and there. :(
(NY would visit Ground Zero until 2005 where he felt like he didn’t need to anymore. There was nothing he could do.)
(TW: burns/fires)
- California has terrible wildfires as you may know, and New York once stumbled upon a shirtless Cal, in a very smoking room, and he had burn marks all over. New York helped him recover as a thank you for when he helped him with his problems. He checked on him every hour to make sure he wouldn’t die and gave him water.
(TW: scars from the two TW’s above)
- New York has scars from 9/11 obviously. He has one on his right arm, another on his left representing the two towers.
(TW: abuse)
New York has multiple scars from when he was a child, many on his wrist from being slapped with a stick or whenever he got something wrong in school, many on his back from getting whipped as a child from his father, England, and many from falling from being a wobbly kid.
- California has many burn scars obviously. He has some ranging from first to third. Third is when it gets really bad. He has scars from when he was a kid too, he was also a clumsy kid. He was a “adventurer” and he went on adventures with Texas all the time that he got hurt from.
- I feel like both of them would have asthma or some lung related illness for some reason. Like York’s from 9/11 and the Great Fire and Cal’s from all the fucking smoke from the fires. I know what it’s like now. And it sucks. One moment it’s clean and the next it smells like campfire.
(June 7, 2023 [the day we got all that smoke from the Canadian wildfires])
sorry if you read these before
but yeah you can have these of you haven’t read them yet!
btw, I post all my fics on ao3
I used to on wattpad, but that’s dead now
anyways, ily guys
bye! <3
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chocos-universe · 2 months
may request a lee!scm and ler!wizard from the plushie vid pls? i feel like the wizard using magic could be interesting/not forcing
love ur work btw
Aww! Thank youuu! Here's ur fic!:3
Accidental Spell
--The Wizard did one of his stupid spells... yet, it didn't go as planned--
|Lee - Suction Cup Man -- Ler - Wizard|
FT - Penny and Gina
Suction Cup Man was BORED today! He was quite literally inside of his pile of suction cups. He didn't get to do anything since Guy Business wasn't really at work this past couple of weeks due to a vacation, so climbing his tower was boring. When he was chilling in his pool of suction cups, he heard his phone go off. Gina bought him one yesterday. He struggled but managed to tumble out to his little table as he picked up his phone from it and opened the text Gina sent
'Dude! Did you not hear at all?'
'Here wat, G?:/'
Ginny💕✨️ is typing...
'Me and Penny found this weird article about some abandoned tower, we noticed something you may like!!'
'O did u now? Tell Penny i said hi:)'
Ginny💕✨️ is typing....
'She says hello. And yeah! Look at the image I sent.'
Suction Cup Man sighed and opened the image Gina sent. A news thing? Really, Gina? Oh well...
'"Reports find an abandoned tower deep hidden in CreamPie-Mation forest. They say at the top there are Omega Suction Cups, and whoever gets ahold of them holds magical sucking power!"'
Suction Cup Man blinked, and his eyes lightened. Suction cups are finally getting the recognition they deserve?
'R you beeing fr??'
Ginny💕✨️ is typing...
'Yeah, bud! You were bored all day, and I happened to find it!'
'Woh... wel! Cya wen I get bak!'
Suction Cup Man then turned off his phone and threw it on the table. He grabbed his suction cups, his helmet, and his parachute. He was ready for action!
Suction Cup Man climbed the tower to the top, struggling with birds, but he managed. "God... I should've packed a lunch." He muttered as he made it to a glass window. His eyes widened as he gasped in amazement. There it was. The odd looking bowser Omega Suction Cups. Weird... but cool! "There they are..." he managed to sigh out as he looked around for an opening. "Quietly now..." he opened the window, opening it slowly. Apparently, glass is fragile, and when it hit something, it shattered everywhere. "...Why do shows do this to me--"
A voice echoed from the tower.
"For these magical suction cups are miiiiineeeee!!!" Some weird dude slipped in, his eyes pure white as his hands balled into fists, doing weird gestures and a pose.
"What the fuck--...." Suction Cup Man raised a brow "Wait-- is that cosplay, or are you like... a REAL wizard?"
"A FOOLISH suggestion..."
"You fuckin--"
"Does THIS answer your question?!" The dude pulled out a lil magic wand and pointed it at him, the cap falling off as flowers popped out from it
Was this guy high or... that weird? "Wuh-- no!"
"It matters not how I'm perceived... you seek the Omega Suction Cups! But must leave..."
"Untold sucking power lies behind that glass..." There was a short pause. "I'm taking them, you stupid ass!!"
The Wizard pauses for a moment, his hands behind his back. "Fuck you." He said in a normal tone, his pupils showing. "Fuck you-- that's not a rhyme! I KNEW you were a fake!!" Suction Cup Man pointed a finger at the man accusingly. "Calm yourself, fool! You don't know what's at stake!!" The Wizard warned, doing weird ass gestures again. There was a short pause. "That's it, I'm comin' in." Suction Cup Man said as he took the first two steps in before being caught in a pink trap like thing. The Wizards eyes turned back to pure white.
"Violent dumbass, heart so rotten. Become soft with a heart of cotton. A twisted soul who yelled and swore.. cause a ruckus nevermore!"
The orb power ball thing in the Wizards hands exploded as a white light was seen outside of the windows for a moment. A smoke was in the room, but it cleared quite quickly. "That ought to calm your inner fire. Now you may start a life where you--" He was cut off by a squeal of a laughing fit. "Inspire...? I-- ohh... shit..." floating pink hands and feathers were absolutely destroying the asshole in front of him. "WH--WHAHAHAHAHAHAT DID YOU DOOHOHOHOHOHO?! *snort* SHIHIHIHIHIT!!" Suction Cup Man collapsed to the ground, pounding his fist on the floor. His sides, underarms, knees, neck, stomach, you name it, it was being violated. (Besides his feet since shoes). "Don't be mad..." The Wizard said in a hesitant voice. "DOHOHOHOHON'T BE MAHAHAD?!" Suction Cup Man squeaked as his face flushed. This was no good impression for the both of them. "WHAT-- WHAHAHAHAT THE FUCK IS THIHIHIHIHIHIS?!" his legs/feet kicked, trying to squirm out of it but to no use. "I-I just... wow... I fucked this up." "YOU THIHIHIHIHIHIHINK?!" "I'm usually better, I swear!" "DAHAHAHAHAHAHAMN IT!! F-FUHUHUHUCKING UNDO THIHIHIHIHIHIHIHIS DUMBLEDIHIHIHIHIHICK!! *hic*" "IIIII'll get on that..." Wizard slid to his book, picking it up, and flipping through pages. "C-CAHAHAHAHAHAN'T YOU GO ANY FAHAHAHAHAHAHASTER?!" "Patience, child!" The Wizard huffed, scanning through pages "...More feathers if you're under the weather?--" The Wizard accidentally casted a spell as more feathers appeared. "SHIHIHIHIHIT-- H-HEHEHEHEHEHEY!! WHAHAHAHAT GIHIHIHIHIHIHIVES?!" "I didn't mean that--!" Wizard stumbled, his eyes now darting around his book. "BUHUHUHUHUHULLSHIT!! MAKE IT STOP-- MAHAHAKE IT STOHOHOP!!" "Working on it!" Wizard repeated, flipping through pages again. Curse it all! "I don't think I can find one..." "WHAHAHAHAHAHAHAT?!" "I don't know! I can't find one! Maybe it'll stop in time..." "THAHAHAHAHAHAT ISN'T COHOHOHOHOHOHOMFORTING!!" Suction Cup Man had tears in the corner of his eyes... "Not my fault you're ticklish as hell..." Wizard mumbled, crossing his arms. "HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEY!" "What?! It's true! Look at you!" "SHUHUHUHUHUHUT *hic* UHUHUHUHUHUP!! NOOOOHOHOHOHOHOOO *squeak*" "I'm not even doing anything, and you're blushing like a maniac..." Suction Cup Man's face turned even more red "STOHOHOHOHOHOHOP--" "What did I do?!" "SPEHEHEHEHEHEAK!!" "But you just--" "NOHOHOHOT-- *squeal* WHAT I MEHEHEHEHEHEHEANT!! AAHAHAHA!" Wizard raised an eyebrow in confusion. What did he do? Well... he casted a spell, yeah, but that was it! "Then what DID you mean?!" "NAHAHA!!" "Excuse me...?" tears just streamed down Suction Cup Man's cheeks, him burying his face in his arm "?-"
2 minutes and 18 seconds later
The hands and feathers finally disappeared, letting Suction Cup Man curl up and breathe. "Ah! Finally... it's over!" Wizard had a proud smile on his face. "Shihit... y-yeheah... n-n--nehever... ugh... NEVER again." Suction Cup Man caught his breath as he shakily got up, dusting himself off now fixing his helmet. He cleared his throat. "Yeah! That's fucking right! I'm fine! Now gimme the Omega Suction Cups!" Suction Cup Man demanded, putting his hand on his hip. "Wuh... no! Are you stupid?" "NO! I'm Suction Cup Man!!" There was a pause. "Not today." Was the final thing he heard Wizard say before he got teleported away
Gina and her cousin, Penny, was in her (Gina's) apartment, talking. That's when Suction Cup Man appeared out of nowhere and fell on Gina's bed. "...The fuck? You good?" Gina asked as she sat next to her best friend. "Was your... adventure eventful?" Penny asked with a slight smile.
"...You have no idea..."
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hamable · 1 year
Thoughts while watching the new miraculous movie cuz I’m three minutes in and can already TELL I’m gonna be losing my mind:
Spoilers under cut obv
Daddy no :( you can’t take me to school tomorrow with fresh baked goods for my whole class :( that’s so embarrassing :( what would they THINK ?!?!
Marinette: I want a better life (beautiful, picturesque Paris, apartment above your parents bakery, heading to a fancy school) cause I’m so clumsy???
God I saw stuff about the singing voice and it’s so tonally and stylistically different from Christina Vee’s VAing that I can’t take it seriously. The singer isn’t necessarily bad, but it’s so clearly a different person.
Aside from the im loving the animation so far. It’s so cool seeing these character I’ve known since like 2017 in a new, more polished style.
Goddamnit we’re still making popular girl no carbs jokes???
DAMN ALYA THATS COLD (oh sorry, do I need to take a number behind the line of friends coming to your rescue?) LIKE YOUVE HAD ONE LINE SO FAR.
Chloe going about this bully/rival thing reeaallll fruity
Emo Adrien just trying to listen to MCR and tune out the normies that just don’t get it 😡😭
Nooroo called them the ladybug and chat noir miraculouses, but shouldn’t it be the ladybug and black cat miraculous? I thought they chose their names for themselves, ladybug sticking with ladybug, chat noir coming up with his own?
This chat noir so silly and goofy
Btw why did Marinette prove her worth while adrien was just like. Doing hw. It’s easy to prove you can use the ladybug for good. Show me why he was chosen to use destruction for good. That’d be so interesting.
Plagg take an antacid plz
Pop off hawk moth villain song honestly, best one so far
Nino Dr. Love omg my favorite guy
Golden rule: always stay cool… (voice immediately shoots up an octave when Alya speaks to him)
That’s gotta be at least a few casualties
ASHDJFJF Catches Chloe from a deadly fall only to redirect and chuck her HARDER into a dumpster
Chloe you gotta stop giving off repressed fruity vibes
This movie has not established enough of a connection between marinette and adrien to justify ladybug rejecting chat noir (on the basis of loving someone else, I mean, not that she can’t reject him at all)
Plagg? Not the time.
The movie has not established enough, if any, disconnect between adrien and gabriel. I love seeing adrien stand up for himself, but it feels kinda weird
Adrien with headphones is so fucking funny to me. Head down shoulders hunched, listen to welcome to Nightvale cause no one else gets it
Chloe. Every. God. Every word out of your mouth is so fruity. “There is someone else. And she’s right in front of you.” Someone else for who, Chloe?? For marinette?? I better you’re hoping she thinks you mean u and her huh?
Crush likes someone else. Life not worthy living. Dreams not worth pursuing.
All these songs run together. Except hawkmoths. His kicked ass.
Jesus Christ it’s Armageddon
It’s the end of the world are you really gonna be salty rn?!?!
Ew why it’s the cataclysm like. An oil slick?!
Oh shit he dead
Oh he super dead
From the top of the Eiffel Tower? Into water?? You’re dead.
Damn show hawkmoth could never.
Jesus fucking razor winged butterflies
Movie says fuck sentimonster adrien here’s Emilie pregnant
Anyways uh you killed and displaced likely hundreds of citizens so get ready for a lifetime in prison, hawky
Ok you placed the rubble back together but a bunch of people are still probably dead right
Ya Chloe make a quick exit bc of that gay crisis you’re having. Next year? Back to bullying. What was this year Chloe? Hm?
Overall: cool animation and effects, nostalgic for early lady noir dynamic, writer brain is itching for what could’ve been, but otherwise it is what it is, prob won’t watch it again.
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New light
So I decided to write a little story on Ironwood being resurrected by a Ghost from Destiny 2, featuring my hunter and their ghost, Boiled and Brine. Also, does anyone else hc that Ironwood's neurotransmitter also holds some of his memories like I do? What kind of Guardian would James be btw? I didn't know what to make him so I left it up to interpretation
It wasn’t common for ghosts that hadn’t found their guardians to tag along with guardians on a mission, but something about this one gave a ghost, Vanta, a strange feeling like he had to go. The planet the guardian was flying to had been recently discovered in the solar system. It somehow went untouched by the Witness when it took so many planets away from humanity and their allies. This planet was called “Remnant” by its original inhabitants, but now it was plagued by strange creatures attracted to negative emotions.
The creatures weren’t very dangerous compared to what the guardians had faced, energy weapons and heavy weapons easily cut through the large creatures, and super-charges decimated them with ease as they did most of the guardian’s enemies. The claws of the hostile creatures, identified as Grimm by old records, barely scratched armor worn by guardians but could slice through civilians. The Grimm that possessed flight or could release dangerous blasts of energy posed a threat to guardians. Vanta believed the Grimm had caused the death of Remnant’s original inhabitants.
The ruins left behind on the world were strangely comprised of large towers that almost touched the sky, entire cities built into mountain walls, and a city submerged underneath the ocean. That city, or what was above the surface, that city was what the guardian, their ghost, and Vanta were exploring. The way the top part of the large city was dug into the lower city hinted at something almost impossible; that the city once was floating high in the air.
Vanta wondered what the large floating city looked like in its prime. He wondered what it would be like to always wake up in a place so close to the sky. As Vanta and the guardian explored, a nagging feeling kept eating away at him. His shell spun as he tried to brush off the feeling.
“Vanta, is there something wrong?” Brine, the guardian’s ghost, asked him. “No, just an odd feeling,” Vanta answered, though Brine and his guardian, Boiled, still seemed worried about him.
Vanta wondered what it would be like for him and his future guardian. Would they be close and come up with silly names for each other like Brine and Boiled? Or would they be distant like others? The possibilities constantly ate away at the lone ghost’s mind.
As Vanta continued to follow Boiled and Brine, they entered a part of the wreckage of the upper city. Despite most of it being flooded, this part wasn’t, but it was still absolutely ruined, crushed by the fall. Vanta stopped as a feeling washed over him, a feeling many ghosts felt when they found their guardians. “Vanta?” Boiled called his name. They didn’t know why the ghost had stopped, but Brine communicated something to them, causing Boiled to back up and give Vanta space. Vanta’s onyx shell twisted, spun, and glowed as he resurrected his guardian.
Boiled’s long lilac cloak billowed behind them as Vanta’s guardian was resurrected. They blocked the bright light from their eyes. The guardian lowers their arm as the bright light fades, leaving them face to face with Vanta’s newly resurrected guardian. Boiled’s heterochromatic eyes met the new guardian’s deep blue ones. They reminded Brine of what Boiled’s eyes originally looked like before they used the darkness.
Vanta’s guardian was male. He looked older. His hair was semi-short and swept to one side with small grey streaks. He also had what seemed to be a fluffy beard that made Boiled hold back a chuckle.
“Eyes up, guardian,” Vanta spoke as he caught his guardian’s attention. “You’ve been dead for a very long time, I think.” As Vanta began wondering how long his guardian was dead, the New Light spoke, “I… I was dead?” He asked, holding one side of his head as that metal strip, identified as a neurotransmitter by Brine’s scans, activated, causing things to flood into the New Light’s memories. Boiled gently tapped the guardian’s shoulder, catching his attention.
“We should get you to the tower,” Boiled spoke, keeping their voice soft to not stress out the New Light too much, “This place isn’t exactly the safest place to be.” They looked at Vanta. “Vanta, contact the tower and tell them you found your guardian.”
Boiled began walking towards the exit but stopped when they didn’t hear the New Light following them. “What’s wrong?” They asked, turning to face him, “Who… Who are you?”
Brine spoke before their guardian, “Their name is Boiled a Hunter, and most importantly, a guardian like you.” The New Light only looked to them in complete confusion. “We’ll explain as we go.” Boiled spoke, only causing further confusion for the new guardian.
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erigold13261 · 2 years
I'm back at it at Krispy Kreme but this time I had something come to mind which involved what you said about Kliff and Tatiana in your last response about them going their separate ways after they sort things out with each other. This does involve some concepts from my OFA AU too so my mind is going all over for this one (don't mind me lol-)
Kliff and Tatiana have their own separate lives and have their own families, Kliff being with Artemis and eventually having their daughter and son (Orion and Prince Astral) and Tatiana being with Olive and their 3 daughters come along over the years (Titanium Qwartz, Sonya Fyra, and Rosie). Everything's all fine and dandy until the sudden reveal comes out of nowhere that Sonya (Tatiana's middle child/daughter) and Orion (Kliff's oldest and only daughter) are dating and these two lovebirds have no idea about their parents past history with each other which makes it even 10x more chaotic-
I'm sure the reaction from both Kliff and Tatiana would both be extremely shocked, while Artemis and Olive try everything they can to make sure their spouse doesn't do anything drastic. Asides from being shook, Kliff and Tatiana might also learn about all the shenanigans the girls have gotten into with their bandmates which include the following:
-Flooding an entire waterpark while shooting a music video (in which they got banned from going to afterwards)
-Causing a fire in the NSR Tower break room because Mason forgot to remove the aluminum foil covering his food in the microwave but thankfully it was put out quickly (and Danny made sure to remind Mason to remove any foil from that point forward before putting food in the microwave)
-Orion hacking into a satellite and having an album of Burning Constellation (the name of the band btw) being blasted throughout Vinyl City for 2 whole weeks until everyone got tired of it
-Holding a party when Titanium left town to take care of something at the NSR Tower which got out of hand and pictures got leaked to the internet (nobody got hurt but Titanium was very mad when she got back)
-Orion summoning Kul Fyra's guitar out of nowhere via her own dark magic, her bandmates are cool with it but it catches everyone else off guard since she somehow has it and is now playing it as her own instrument, plus she plays the most sick guitar rifts that no one else has been able to do in the history of rock (Sonya gave her the guitar because the band needed a guitarist and Orion was showing some skills via practice on her old guitar-)
And of course the one incident where the band accidentally blew up the Grand Qwasa and caused a blackout before getting into a 2 hour long police chase is the most famous out of all their chaotic mischief since they ended up getting arrested for that one- Titanium was the one to bail them out of jail and despite being at a "loss for words" she proceeded to yell at them on how reckless they had been for the next 30 minutes. (I'm certain Tatiana would be very upset about that one-)
So yeah Kliff and Tatiana end up getting back into contact with each other because of their daughters' relationship and probably end up breaking the news to the girls about their past history which they surprisingly take it well and understand. Bonus if during this conversation Prince Astral attempts to sneak out of the room quietly since he wants no part of this and ends up tripping and falling to the floor flat on his face which causes everyone to see the poor boy on the floor- Rosie also shows up and is a very confused bean but Titanium manages to convince her little sister to wait until everyone is finished talking with each other.
Sorry if this is a bit lengthy I let the brain rot take over for this ask- But I hope you get a good laugh out of this silly concept of Kliff and Tatiana meeting once again due to the circumstances of their daughters being together.
H-how did Tatiana and Kliff not know all this about their kids yet!? Those two need to stop kissing their SOs and keep better eyes on their kids! /j
Also, I know this was meant for the FRAU Re-revolution timeline, but all I can think about is Orion just magically stealing the guitar from Mayday while she is performing lol
Anyway, yeah I do find that pretty funny that they cross paths again. I'm assuming they would have just because of Olive and Artemis, but I guess their spouses knew not to bring them to the same place when hanging out with each other.
It make me think a lot of Romeo and Juliet with the star-crossed lovers, except of everyone dying at the end they get a nice happy ending!
I can definitely see a few scare moments with FRAU Tatiana might having yelled or lost her anger for a moment after the reveal, but she just looks at Olive which calms her down and then they have their little chat or whatever.
Also, again, these kids (teens?) need to be watched so much better! THEY FLOODED A WHOLE WATERPARK! FOR A VIDEO!!! omfg XD
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mistergovet · 7 months
Hi! I’m posting something that I made a long time ago, but read it recently and it reminded me of when I wasn’t in a very good mental state, and it think the things I wrote during that time really shows that. Maybe not. Decide for yourself. (Btw it’s VLD so lol…)
It reminded him of snow capped mountains on earth. Tall hills spanning further into the distance than a paper could ever be blown by the wind. Trees as tall as the Eiffel Tower covering the hills, and filled the space around them. A Glassy filament of fog hindered their view further. Thousands of cherry blossoms covered every surface, only the petals of them stuck out of the tall snow. Pink and effortlessly beautiful. Sprouting from every direction.
Keith’s breath turned to vapor in the frigid air, though he didn’t shiver. The team stayed silent, mesmerized by the captivating beauty of this planet.
The snow came up to their knees, though there was not a single other footprint in sight. Not a bird’s chirp or the scurry of animals in the tree, not the peep of a mouse or the tapping of Pidge’s fingers against her keyboard. Still.
None of them had ever seen something so majestic, and for the human paladins, nothing from space had reminded them so much of home, of earth. Everyone looked to Lance, as he made the first of the noises. Hot tears streamed down his face as he sucked in a breath. Keith watched as his tears crystallized once they’d fallen from his cobalt eyes. He had a sad smile on his face as he stare became more and more distant, like he was fading.
“Hey buddy,” Hunk said, softly,
“Hmm?” Said Lance, “oh! Oh my god, sorry guys-I didn’t know I was crying.”
Shiro gave him the softest smile Keith had ever seen and trudged over to him as fast as he could in knee deep snow.
Lance melted into the hug he was given, squeezed tighter than he meant to, dug his forehead into Shiro’s shoulder and let out a sigh of relief.
“I’m sorry guys, let’s get going.” Lance had said, a desolate second later. He rubbed at his eyes with the sleeve of his uniform and turned away from Shiro in the same movement as he came out of the hug.
The team started walking, but Keith couldn’t get himself to move. He stared at Lance, almost unable to breath. He didn’t know what was causing this emotion, he felt so… sympathetic? He felt so happy that Lance felt that he could be vulnerable with them, even if he hadn’t noticed that he was crying.
And maybe Keith did the same thing, right there. Maybe he let one or two tears shed and fall into the porcelain snow. Maybe he had to try to sprint through the snow to reach them.
And maybe he’d fallen face first into the snow.
“Shit…” he muttered, he caught up with the team sure, but the fall he’d taken left him down in three feet of snow, he had to really try to get up. And now, his face was cold and his eye lashes were visibly gathering icicles.
He struggled to stand very well in this sudden blistering cold, and he watched as his team disappeared behind that glass barrier of fog. He reached out and he shouted.
“Wait! Guys- Lance?!” He shouted, but he could feel only cold air entering his lungs from the outside and start freezing him from the inside. He lost his ability to speak as the freezing tracked its way to his throat, he felt the way his legs gave out underneath him like water, and he collapsed into the snow. And maybe there he lay and cried a few more tears, as he stared off into the blissful sight of cherry blossoms and tall trees, and snow capped mountains he’d never be able to forget. Never be able to forget the memory of Lance crying here, for the beauty of this world and the memories it brought back to him.
And then,
And then he shut his eyes, as the cold gave him a small comfort. And he felt himself fall.
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just-absolutely-super · 11 months
OP au crack
Lan: why would that guy just age you up to your 20's? That doesn't make any sense
Mega: maybe he was uncomfortable fighting teens?
Roll: could be?
Lan: or maybe he tried to age you up to old age so you would be too weak to fight him?
Mega: that.... Actually makes more sense
Roll: thank god someone interrupted him
Mega: what was that btw? The interruption
Lan: eh! D-don't worry about it
Mega: Lan?
Lan: I'll just gonna go and-
Mega: oh no you don't! What did you do?
Lan: ack! I was supposed to be out of reach for you
Mega: well this age up thing gave me at least one advantage
Lan: Listen I didn’t do anything!
Mega: Liar
Lan: Okay I didn’t do it on purpose! But it’s fine, no one’s hurt!
Mega: Laaaan…
Lan: Geez don’t tower over me like that. It’s like when we were kids and you got your growth spurt before me
Roll: Lan just tell your brother what you did
Lan: Fine, I accidentally caused a landslide because I was trying to get some pirate goon off me and kicking a rock at him led to more rocks falling. But no one else was around or got hurt—well the pirate guy is hurt but that was intentional
Mega: *sigh* What am I going to do with you?
Roll: You could ground him
Mega: That sounds like a good idea
Lan: OI! Just because you’re older and taller doesn’t make you my parent!
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About bards and flowers or what’s up buttercup?
It's not the top of my skills. It's not even the middle ground. I'm too busy at Uni and by writing raports for my boss as poems. But that's what I did at work today. 'Cause we have to talk about Jaskier. 
And i feel like my english is really terrible here, sorry
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Btw have you heard song’s from first tv show? Zamachowski may not look the part but please, listen:
Now let's move to more popular language, the one that made everyone explain who is Jaskier.
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A little confusing? Well, that's the translation that made most people know this character. But before English one there were others. For example:
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We get it, it's flower. And they didn't have courage to actually use translation of "jaskier" so they picked other flowers. But behold...
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When I created this all I could think about was how Geralt would make some mistakes... But a little explanation. When the first translation of Witcher came up in Czech Triss wasn't even introduced in stories.
And of course let's not forget that bard's name is not actually Jaskier. It's Julian (in Polish we pronounce it like Yulian) Alfred Pankratz Viscount de Lettenhove. And in Netflix show poor thing tries to say it in every season. The thing is the book Jaskier would never. He had some reasons to be honest. Like you need your heart to live reason.
Actually the 1st hint we get in Baptism of Fire (3rd saga book and 5th in general):
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It's the 1st time we even see name Lettenhove in books and as it may seems like he's talking about one of his lovers it's really "If my mother could see me now". Here I would also wanna say that if Netflix won't give us this drinking scene and Jaskier and Zoltan falling asleep as they hug I will riot.
And here he was making fun of long names:
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This guy was telling everyone about Geralt's love life and Ciri. But he didn't even say what's his first name is.
We learn it at the very end of The Tower of Swallows. And by "we" I mean everyone including Geralt. Also that's first time we hear that he's viscount.
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What he's full name it we learn at the end of very last book The Lady of The Lake. And that's also another scence that I demand to be shoot without any changes. Netflix, I'm looking at you.
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At the end I'll just say that there is one thing I find really cute. In many fanfictions I saw writers using "Julek" as pet name for Jaskier. And that's what we use to call Julians in Poland. It's just so so lovely that so many writers looked it up.
And btw I see many of you assuming that Lettenhove have to be a place. But it could just be surrname. In Poland noble titles were given to houses and not every surrname was connected to some town or village of same name. But at some point nobles wanted to emphasize that they're noble. So they started to put their titles after names and before surrnames. Normally it would be Viscount Julian Alfred Pankratz de Lettenhove. And Lettenhoves may have some lands, castles ect. But not nessecery the whole town. Or they could. But it could be of different name.
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wildwarcat · 2 years
Hello!! How are you? I was wondering if I may request a Legolas x Reader where reader is inhumanly fast and strong, but appears quite dainty? (Maybe she lifts someone off the ground by their neck and Leggy is just ????) And Reader has to explain that she’s something supernatural? I love Supernatural readers, it’s my favorite trope :D Anyways, feel free to ignore!!!
At the moment, I'm not ignoring any requests that have already been sent to me. However, the turn around time for requests may take a bit longer due to me being a full-time college student. Translations are at the bottom, btw. Enjoy! 
P.S. With the new copyright bullsh*t going on with the Tolkien Estate, it should be noted that all credit for plots, characters, languages, really anything that is familiar to you, belongs to the Tolkien Estate until the works of J.R.R. Tolkien become public domain. I own nothing familiar to you.
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Something Wicked (Legolas x Skinchanger!Reader)
Summary: During your pursuit of Merry and Pippin, a run-in with some rogue Uruk-Hai reveals abilities previously unknown to the Hunters. And your abilities seem to have caught the eye of a certain prince.
You were always adept at keeping who you were well under wraps. Your ‘other side’ had been the reason for being exiled from your home village and leaving you wandering alone in the North. But there was just something about the Uruk-Hai that made you lose control of yourself.  
Maybe it was the fact that they had just slaughtered Boromir and stolen Merry and Pippin right from under you. Maybe it was because Saruman, a man whom you once trusted, had created an army of Uruk-Hai in the name of Sauron. Or perhaps it was because you were now forced to chase the horde of monsters across Rohan on foot and had been short on food and sleep for days now. 
Whatever the cause for your frustration had been, it didn’t matter anymore. What did matter was the fight in front of you. A handful of the Uruk-Hai had decided to slow you down, stopping you and the Hunters at a small outcropping of rock. And though your skills with a sword and shield were admirable, you soon found yourself weaponless, your shield splintered and strewn across the rocks. 
A pair of the ugly beasts had you cornered between the outcropping’s cliffside and themselves, forcing you ever closer to the cliff’s edge. Beyond where you were, Gimli and Legolas were keeping themselves entertained, creating a head count of the monsters they killed, while Aragorn fought on his own below the cliff, trying to keep his eyes on the horde that carried the Hobbits. 
You felt a foot slip underneath you, but caught yourself just in time before you were sent over the edge of the cliff. You had nowhere else to go. 
“Silly little human,” one of the Uruk-Hai growled, “Time to die.”
‘No.’ You heard your other half say in your head, ‘Not today.’
Your eyes flashed silver, and suddenly you found yourself watching your actions from a distance. You let out a vicious roar, your face shifting to that of a black wolf, your limbs turning to paws, your teeth turning sharp and jagged. 
When Legolas and Gimli finally found themselves out of Uruk-Hai to kill, they both looked up to see you now towering over the pair of creatures that had cornered you. 
“By the Gods, is that... Y/N?” Gimli asked, his axe falling from his hands. Legolas stood frozen in place as you grabbed one of the Uruk-Hai with your teeth and threw him over the cliffside. Your silver eyes turned their attention to the second creature, who dropped his battle axe and ran. You moved to run him down, but Legolas had snapped from his stupor and sent a single arrow through the beast’s eye, bringing him down before you reached all fours. 
You growled, your eyes locking on the elf. He shouldered his bow and held up his hands. 
“Y/N, it’s us. Your friends. Please... come back to us.” He gently pleaded. 
You snarled, bearing your teeth as he began to step toward you slowly. The fur on your back began to stand up as you began to crouch. 
“Y/N, please. It’s me, it’s Legolas. Gilgalad, come back to me,” the elven prince begged, “Ceri- ú- let hi radag take cin awaui o nin.”
The growling stopped, you straightened up on your paws and cocked your head. Your wolf form seemed to understand Sindarin, though your human side did not. 
“It’s listening to you, lad!” Gimli called out, “Keep talking!”
Legolas stepped ever closer to you, extending his hand to you, “Im mel cin, Y/N. Im gar- an months. Im tur-'t bróg na lose cin like hi. Please, mel nin, come back to me.” 
Your eyes softened, your ears flicked gently in the direction of the dwarf and the elf. Legolas stepped forward, closing the gap between you. Cautiously, he stretched out his hand, allowing you to meet him by pressing your head into his palm. You stood for a moment in silence, before releasing a deep breath and feeling your body shift. Legolas withdrew his hand and in moments, you had returned to your human form, fully clothed with only the silver of the wolf’s eyes remaining, though that too soon faded away.
From behind you, Aragorn’s grunts and hurried footsteps drew your attention. The heir of Isildur came to a halt some ways away from you and Legolas, a tired smile upon his weary face. 
“So you’ve finally told them?” He asked you. 
“Showed them is more like it.” You replied, “Though I had hoped I could restrain myself until we had caught up to the hobbits.”
“You knew?” Legolas asked, pointing his gaze at Aragorn, “You knew all this time and said nothing?”
“It was not my secret to tell,” The ranger answered calmly, “It was Y/N’s.”
Gimli rested himself upon his axe, “Well then don’t keep us in suspense. Out with it!”
“I’m a skinchanger. One of two that remain in Middle-Earth.” You explained, doing your best to ignore the awestruck stare that the elvish prince was sending your way, “The other, Beorn, resides between the Misty Mountains and Mirkwood, taking form of a great bear. My family’s ancestral home lied within the territory of the wargs. It is because of them that I am all that remains. But you have nothing to fear from my wolf; it will not harm you. It craves only the blood of wargs, orcs, and Uruk-Hai.”
With that, the dwarf was satisfied, hoisting up his axe and following Aragorn in the direction of the Uruk-Hai still in possession of Merry and Pippin. Legolas made to follow them, but before he could take a step, your hand made its way around his arm. 
“Did you mean it?” You asked, your voice trembling ever so slightly. Legolas arched a brow at your question. 
“The wolf. It translates for me.” You clarified, your eyes pleading, “Did you mean what you said?”
The elf smiled and pulled you to him, pressing a gentle kiss into your hair, “Every word, mel nin. Every single word.”
Ceri- ú- let hi radag take cin awaui o nin -- Do not let this beast take you away from me.
Im mel cin, Y/N -- I love you, Y/N.
Im gar- an months.  Im tur-'t bróg na lose cin like hi. -- I have for months. I can’t bear to lose you like this.
Mel nin -- my love
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solardragun · 3 years
Oz salt? Please spare Oz salt. 🥺
rubs hands. let's do this again because tumblr crashed.
first things first: I want everyone who has ever called him a liar to pay me $20 and then turn in a 40 page essay on how he's a liar, MLA format, sources cited.
now, onto that. everyone harps on ozpin for lying. keyword: lying. they call him a liar, they say they can't trust him, etc. let's talk about this. keeping secrets is not lying. lying is intentionally FALSE statements / information.
so, with that, let's count the number of times ozpin has GENUINELY LIED. that'll be a total of one (1) time. what lie was this? the relic having questions.
this ENTIRE time, everyone has been dragging this poor man by the ankles and punching at him while he's down when he's lied... once.
he's kept secrets, he's kept information to himself. that, by definition, is not lying. keeping secrets is not giving false statements. to keep calling him a liar is inaccurate.
now, let's move onto the way the narrative paints him.
"he forced pyrrha to be the maiden. he didn't give her a choice. he told her to pick or everyone would die. he guilt tripped her." — to that I say, no he didn't. he explained the gravity of the situation. if he didn't tell her the heavy parts, everyone would've ripped him to shreds because he "didn't warn her". he explained what he felt she needed to know: they needed someone to take the other half of amber's power. it's a big decision to make and it will change your life. there are people out there who want their hands on this power and we don't want the wrong person to have it, like cinder. you can take your time to choose. if you don't, we will consider another option.
he gave her the information she needed and he gave her time to think about it. when she accepted, he continuously asks her for consent and if she truly wants this. she said yes multiple times.
on that note, he is not responsible for her death. he told her to LEAVE when cinder attacked. he told her to go get qrow, james and glynda, and then get to safety with the rest of the students. SHE chose to come back and fight cinder all on her own. jaune even begged her not to do it before she shoved him in a locker and launched him away. ozpin is not responsible for her death.
"he's evil because he tried to leave salem and take their kids" — okay so clearly male abuse victims don't exist to you or the narrative. ozma was MANIPULATED by salem. jinn says as much: "the hearts of men are easily swayed." this is said over salem goading ozma into being a false god with her. he continuously questioned their choices, he was consumed with guilt, his host even asked him wtf was going on.
when their daughter came into her power, ozma decided to lay the truth out, and with it came the horror of salem wanting to USE their daughters to start a new generation of magic-users. she SAID it, right to his face. he BACKS AWAY IN DISGUST AND HORROR. his logical thought then was to LEAVE. wouldn't you if your spouse decided they wanted to use your children??
it astounds me because if the roles were reversed, ozma would be the villain and salem would be justified in leaving. interesting, isn't it?
next, we have the girls ripping his past away from him and then blasting him for hiding information. this... look, I don't care how "urgent" it was, there is NO excuse for doing this. if this had happened to blake when she was keeping secrets about being in the white fang or being with adam, the characters and audience would be livid, especially when the white fang were written as dangerous terrorists and adam was written as an abuser. they're dangerous, they posed threats. if this had happened to blake, if someone forced her trauma out into the open, they would be in the wrong. but because it's ozpin, it's fine.
moving on. "lying about lionheart." — this is just ridiculous. telling the world "hey, the headmaster of haven, who was a faunus by the way, was actually the one behind huntsmen dying and the attack on the school as well as contributing to the fall of beacon." it sends a BAD message and sets the human-faunus relationship back even further. ozpin chose not to tell the people about lionheart betraying them because not only would it cause issues, he also says that he would rather people believe in all the good leo had previously done. your mistakes don't define you, that kind of logic.
"oz lied about the lamp attracting grimm" — no he didn't. he didn't SAY that it did. that's not a lie. he kept it a secret so the students wouldn't worry and actually attract grimm. which, by the way, interesting how that "attraction" seemed to have disappeared by the time v7 and 8 dropped. never once saw grimm following them around because of the lamp. the only grimm that actively attacked were the ones coming through the hole in the wall. weird, huh? almost like the story NEEDED something for the characters to be mad at oz about.
anyway, I'm gonna move on. the fact that ozpin received ZERO apologies and / or sympathy, especially from those we'd expect it from (ruby, weiss, blake) is infuriating. EMERALD was forgiven in a heartbeat, and she actively helped cause the fall of beacon, she helped kill penny, she killed a faunus in vale to prove a point to cinder (who got mad at her for, btw), she helped frame yang into "attacking" mercury so she'd look violent, she worked for salem by proxy of cinder. emerald did way much worse than ozpin, and she was forgiven !! in that same episode, ozpin is given dirty looks and "hm, idk if we can still trust you." hell, HE apologized. he had NOTHING to apologize for. these kids were in the wrong, especially when they lied throughout all of volume seven and then were justified for it. "you're not like oz, you're trusting people to prove themselves first." uh. you mean like ozpin was doing???? these students actively lied to ironwood for most of v7 until it finally caught up to them, and then they were STILL in the right. yet they got on ozpin and still reprimand him.
idunno man, I'm so tired. this isn't even the half of it but I'm angry all over again.
in any case, ozpin isn't perfect, he has made some really stupid mistakes (CCT towers that cause global disconnection when one tower falls, etc.), but like, he's not the devil either.
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animeyanderelover · 3 years
Can I request prompt 63 with bakugou
Do not know why, but I feel like I should write more about him since he is a favorite of the fandom. My Hero Academia in general is a fandom I feel like I should write more about. Not like it is the only fandom. Btw, explosion boy here is aged up.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessiveness, yelling
Prompt 63: “Your hair is so soft and silky.”
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"Just lay down, you idiot. The doctors said you shouldn't overwork yourself and give your body the time it needs to recover.", you insisted with a stern voice that surprised Katsuki a bit, not being used to you speaking with him like this. "Bullshit! I can take care of myself and you!", he protested with his normal irritated and pissed off tone, pushing you away from him, careful to not actually hurt you. Being forced to stay obediently in bed and not do anything at all was not something Bakugou was really used to and barely one day was already too much for him.
But a sudden sharp stinging in his chest that nearly robbed him of all the air in his lungs, causing him to instantly fall back in the mattress. "F-fuck...", he hissed through gritted teeth out, placing one of his rough hands on the place of his ribcage where the pain was currently coming from. "What did I say? Your body is still not healed enough! And if it wouldn't have been for your damn stubbornness, you would still be in the hospital and be treated by professionals who can give you the proper treatment!", you scolded him harshly, grabbing his shoulders and pressing him down so he would stay where he was.
"I don't need someone who can take care of me! I'm a hero, I can handle myself just fine!", he instantly snapped back at you, wriggling under your grip and if it came to physical strength you were no match for him which was why you quickly lost control over him, stumbling a few steps back whilst watching him trying again to get back up. The pain he was currently enduring was visible from the way he furrowed his eyebrows and was gritting his teeth slightly. “Damn villain.”, he cursed quietly, managing to sit up in bed.
“Katsuki, stop it! You were only let out yesterday and I’m sure you do not plan on getting back in less than 24 hours since your release, do you?!”
Your voice had raised, matching your growing frustration with the blond man who was refusing to take a small rest. “Of course I don’t plan to go back in there! Sitting the whole day in the bed and doing nothing whilst bad people are roaming around is ridiculous! That’s why I wanted to leave as fast as possible in the first place! But now I am being held back from doing my work from my own spouse! What is it with you?! I am not some weak child you need to constantly worry over! It needs more than a stupid villain to bring me down! And I made that bastard pay for what he did, they’re in a worse shape than I am!”
By now he was yelling at you, towering threateningly over you and glaring down at you with furious eyes. And all of a sudden you felt smaller and smaller, feeling slowly how you started to get frightened by him.
“Why do you even worry about me in the first place?! Do you think I am that weak?! I am the one who protects you! So instead of being concerned about me, worry instead over you! You’re the fragile one here! Without me you would be completely lost! Now get out of my way! I have important stuff to do!”
You didn’t. You just stood there, shacking like a loser in front of the man you dared to call your own husband. You hated such moments so much that you couldn’t even start to describe it in words. It were such moments where you wondered why you had accepted an arrogant jerk like him in the first place when you could have instead said yes to a kind and gentle person. Maybe you had not been in your right mind at that time.
“Didn’t you listen?! Move!”
How dared he to have the audacity to scream at you like this when all you did was worrying because you cared? Was he blind, dumb or just both?
“Are you deaf?! I said-“
You didn’t wish to listen any further to him and his useless outburst of anger, disappointment and hurt mixing together, creating something infuriated and mad in the process. And in that moment it didn’t matter that he was a famous hero, a walking time bomb and could bomb you away without much effort. All you were able to see was a pure asshole who thought he could belittle you and call you stupid and weak.
A loud smacking sound was heard through the room, louder than a bomb filling the sudden silence following afterwards. Katsuki’s head was tilted to the side, a sudden burning puncturing the skin of his cheeks and his eyes widened shocked when he realized what you had just done. You had just hit him.
Normally he would have attacked a person who hurt him like this. But you weren’t just any person, you were his darling. And in all the time you had been with him, he couldn’t remember a single time where you had gotten physically violent with him. You had always just calmed him down, or tried to do so, or had stepped back to give him time to cool off a bit until he was back to normal.
There was actually no anger inside of him which was a relief for him, knowing he wouldn’t get mad at you since he wasn’t good in repressing his feelings. It didn’t mean that he hadn’t a chaos of emotions going on inside of me, major confusion, surprise and shock filling his mind due to this sudden action of yours. And hurt.
Maybe he didn’t have the right to feel hurt, not after having said all those things to you. It had been anyways surprising for many that you had never gotten truly mad at him despite his explosive and harsh behavior, even though you were also his soft spot. He should have known that it would be only a question of time until you would snap at him as well.
“So you’re saying I’m a burden to you because I am not as strong as you?”
Silent, saddened, trembling. That was how you currently sounding, Katsuki imagining that you were on the verge of tears. But since you had turned your head away from him, he couldn’t see if you were actually crying or not.
“That is not what I-“
“Don’t bother to apologize. I get it. I must be a nuisance for you. Only holding you back from your work. You’re a big deal after all, such a famous and beloved hero. And I am just the weak and useless little spouse who has to put up with you. If you really want me to go, I’ll do it. Forever.”
The last word was spoken with a low tone, sounding like a sharp warning from your side and all the previous shaking from before suddenly being replaced by a indifference that made Katsuki feel all of a sudden very cold.
But the final blow was when you finally did show him his face. You were crying, just like he had thought. But your face had turned stoic, not giving away the pain which was flowing down your face. Merely in your eyes was he able to see the storm of emotions.
“I’m so tired of all of this, Katsuki. For years now I’ve put up with you and your shitty behavior without complaining once. And I from all people know best how important your job is for you. It is the job of a hero to protect the citizens and risk their lives. But going out like this is just suicide and you will be only going out as the loser and die a not very heroic death. The villain would laugh at you. I won’t stop you if you still want to go, you can die if you want too.”
Did you really mean those words? Why were you suddenly acting like this? He had expected you to scream and hit him, but instead you were looking at him with an empty yet so emotional look in your eyes and were telling him you wouldn’t care if he would die? You couldn’t be serious! But why…Why did he suddenly feel like he was the one getting terrified of you?
“But do me the favor and die whilst I’m not in your presence anymore or somehow connected with you. Because currently you’re my responsibility and for that it would be my fault if you would die because I wouldn’t be able to stop you. So if you want to do this, take this.”
Not even a muscle moved in your face when you suddenly pulled off your ring and let it drop to the ground, the metallic sound of it echoing in Katsuki’s mind, a terrifying sound.
“I can’t get used to a man who can’t love me like I deserve to be loved. No matter how hard I try, it doesn’t seem to work. And if you aren’t willing to listen to my wishes as well and only degrade and yell at me, I don’t think I should and can be with you anymore. Maybe all of this was just a mistake. And if it was, I’ll fix it by myself. See you, Katsuki.”
All Katsuki was able to do was standing there like he had been paralyzed, staring with wide and slightly quivering eyes at the ring you had just dropped carelessly to the ground, flinching when he heard you slamming the door closed.
It was so…quiet inside of him, no thoughts and no overbearing feelings. The only thing he was able to sense in that short moment was the prominent pull in his chest, his heart feeling like it was being crushed and overshadowing the wound on his chest, the hot pain where your hand, too delicate in his opinion to inflict pain on someone, had slapped him and the heartbeat of his, increasing more and more. It felt like it would bruise his ribcage at any moment.
Without diverting his eyes once, he continued staring at the shining metal, something that had showed everyone that you were his. You were leaving him, weren’t you…
It was like a coil was suddenly exploding inside of him, waves of pain hitting him and hurting so much worse than anything else he had felt before. His brain was not functioning properly nor was his breath, reeling with panicking thoughts and irregular breaths and despite the doctors having told him to not be too hasty with his movements yet, he dashed out of the room, ripping the door out of it’s ankles in the process so that it hung askew in the frame. It was the thing he couldn’t care less about in that one moment.
He just stared at the windows at the end of the floor, wide open. Oh no. He knew what that meant. Ignoring his bandaged chest, he rushed over, noticing with growing fear that a white feather was laying on the ground.
“No, no, no, no, NO!!!”
Leaning as far out as possible without risking to fall out of the window, his eyes shot quickly over the sky, searching for a flying figure. But he couldn’t see anything. Of course he couldn’t. When it came to aerial combat and anything in the sky, you were unbeatable and for that very famous and important for any sorts of missions regarding this.
And no one could match your speed in the air, that was your kingdom. And that meant you were…gone.
Who cared if people would hear him?! Who cares if some people would think that he was crazy?! What did that matter?! You were gone!!! Possibly forever!!!
“FUCK!!!”, he screamed out loud, turning away from the window, hot tears starting to blur his vision.
His quirk had activated itself, explosions tickling the palms of his hands, his clouded mind begging him to destroy something to let something suffer as well from the unbelievable chaos of hurt and anger inside of him.
And just like that the already damaged door was suddenly turned into small pieces when Katsuki smashed it, letting his wrath out on the poor object before starting to pace around, muttering a string of curses whilst pulling on his hair tightly, not caring that he was crying.
Why was he such an idiot?!?! He should have cherished you more than this!!! Why did he have to be such a bastard!!!
What if you wouldn’t come back?
Angel. That was your hero name, given from the two pairs of wings you possessed, four huge and gorgeous wings, snow white and golden from the color. Your quirk was not to be mistaken with the one from Hawks which had been your role model when you had been younger since both of you had a wing quirk. You couldn’t manipulate your feathers like he could. Instead you could manipulate the wind and the air around you with it, slicing with it through even steel when you used enough force.
It also allowed you to move with a speed that could rival a jet without any problems, boosting your speed with the wind. Children really loved you since your quirk looked majestic, making you look like you were a real angel. And it was a sin to make one cry, wasn’t it?
In that case Katsuki had just sinned, tears flying behind you when being torn off your face due to the wind, raining down on the city below you. Up in the clouds there was no one to hurt you, that’s why you loved flying. If people who would be hit from your tears know that you were currently suffering? No, probably not.
“Stupid Katsuki!”
Alcohol. One of the most common things people used as a painkiller to forget temporarily about their problems and their agony. Pathetic, but true. They didn't want to endure all the shit going on in their life and searched desperately for an escape from that hell. It was just another sign for Katsuki that you meant too much for him, judging from what he had been doing these past few hours, skipping his sleep since he wouldn't be able to rest anyways and resorting to something he had never done before. Drinking his sorrow away.
It wasn't like he didn't like some expensive and good whiskey or wine from time to time, he enjoyed it. But he had never done it to get rid of the searing pain in his heart before. There had been a time where he had looked down on people who had done this, thinking of them as too weak. He guessed now he didn't have the right to call them like this anymore, not after he had become such a pathetic loser as well.
He had searched hours for you, had called people he thought you might have come too, had driven all over the place. But you had just vanished in thin air, no one knowing where you were. And he had no one to blame, but himself. You had just wanted him to get better. You had been the one who had sat hours in the hospital, waiting for the doctors to tell you that the surgery had been successful and that he would be fine again. And despite you knowing he should stay longer in the hospital, you had listened to his wishes and talked the doctors into letting him out again.
You were truly an angel. Someone that should be treasured. And you were, or maybe had been, his angel. Maybe he really didn't deserve someone as warm and forgiving as you. What kind of husband was he anyways? Hurting you and letting you go despite having promised himself and in front of the altar that he would always love and protect you? You had been the one protecting him. He couldn't even look after himself now, drinking himself full which was probably poison in his current condition.
But it didn't do anything at all, it didn't soothe his suffering. If at all he had the feeling the alcohol only made him more emotional and caused him to do some weird things. He couldn't even remember how he had gotten in the garden, most likely by tumbling in here since he wasn't able to stand normally on two feet anymore, tripping quite often over things.
Tears were decorating his whole face, him not recalling when he had ever before cried so much in his life before. He couldn't do anything against it. He felt like someone was piercing his heart. It just hurt too badly.
So here he was, laying in the cold grass and staring at the dark sky, some dim stars being visible in it. It was beautiful and he wondered if you were thinking the same right now too. Where were you right now? Perhaps you were flying through all the stars and enjoy the cool air and the freedom you had right now. Katsuki knew that you loved flying and being free like this. This probably made you happier than he might have made you.
He was being silly right now, but the alcohol had gotten the better of him and so he only sobbed more when thinking about it. And despite him being aware somewhere in the depths of his mind that he was being ridiculous right now, he stretched his hand in a longing manner out towards the sky, imagining that you were flying with your magnificent wings somewhere up there, doing your hero name justice and being an angel. Clipping your feathers might be a way to prevent you from leaving him, but he knew that you didn't need them to still control the air and additionally he knew how fast they grew back. You would probably be mad at him if he would do so.
"I'm sorry (y/n). Please come back to me now.", he cried softly out, glancing at the stars which were twinkling unaffected by his pain down on him. He felt exhausted, all the crying was harder than expected and the whole liquid had made him feel a bit wearily, eyes feeling much more heavy than before. Closing them felt so much more better, even if he was laying outside instead of the bed where normal people would go when feeling tired. But Katsuki didn't have any interest nor motivation in this. Your smell would just make things worse so sleeping outside seemed to be a good solution of it. He didn't want to go back inside until you were back, although this was most likely only a dumb decision his drunken brain was spitting out.
It was wonderfully relaxing when he closed his eyes, erasing whatever was in sight of him and letting his thoughts take over, the only thing he was being able to think off right now was you. But the images were pretty, remembering all the happy times he had had with you. Those were precious and he had let himself get blinded by greed and his arrogance to be the best.
The next time he opened his eyes, he was met with your face staring with a mixed expression down at him, giving him a look with a quirked eyebrow wich only raised more when he suddenly grinned at you, staring with a dreamy look up at you.
"So wishes do come true. Or am I just hallucinating right now?", he slurred out with a happiness that was shocking for you to witness since you had never seen him drunk before. He was so...different.
"Depends. Is it a nice hallucination?", you asked him, tilting your head a bit. "More than that. It's beautiful. You're beautiful.", he mumbled back, only focusing on you. It would have been a lie if you would have told someone your heart didn't flutter a bit in that moment, but you kept the accident from earlier and the fact that he was filled to the brim with alcohol right now, his breath telling you that he had gotten his hands on some strong stuff.
"Why are you outside? It's pretty late and you just now dozed off a bit. Shouldn't you get inside?", you continued questioning him.
"I don't want to go inside. It feels so lonely and depressing without you.", he just replied, letting his eyes wander over your folded wings, glowing in the moonlight and making you really look like a heavenly being.
He appeared to be so pitiful that you almost felt a bit bad, but you kept the anger and betrayal inside of you, not ready to forgive him that easily. He had messed up before quite often, but this time you had just had enough. He owed you an apology. When he was sober again of course, he probably didn't even know what he was saying right now. He should be thankful you had come back in the first place after having spent the whole day in the clouds whilst crying and thinking about a lot of different things.
You didn't really flinch when he stretched out his hand to touch your face, sighing from the contact.
"Your hair is so soft and silky."
You knew what he was thinking when he suddenly froze under you only seconds after having said this, realizing that you were real and not just some side effect from the alcohol.
"What? Just having noticed I'm not a ghost?", you replied sarcastically.
"You...you're really here...", he whispered slowly out, staring with not believing eyes at you.
"I live here. Of course I would come back.", you answered, attempting to remove the hand on your face. But you didn't even get the chance to do so because in the next moment you were suddenly pulled towards him who was shooting up, managing just in time to soften your crash in his chest by using your quirk, not wanting to hurt him. But from the way he nearly crushed you and your wings afterwards you guessed he wouldn't have cared if he would have gotten hurt by you.
No, he seemed to be too overwhelmed by his emotions to really care for anything besides you in his arms, sobs vibrating through his chest and you wondered just how much the alcohol was influencing his current behavior.
"Ya...Stay with me. Don't leave my side anymore. Don't go anywhere again without me knowing."
You gave him a shocked look when hearing him sounding like he was begging you, not ordering you or yelling at you. He was pleading. You had never really seen him in such a miserable position. It was quite hard to stay neutral right now with him clinging on to you so tightly like he was afraid you would fly away again if he would let you go.
"I apologize. I apologize for whatever I did to upset you. I won't do it again and if I do, I want you to slap me again so I come back to my senses. But I beg you, don't disappear without a trace like this again. I was so empty without you here. Don't scare me like this again. Promise me you won't and take that stupid ring back."
He roamed in his pocket a bit before pulling the shiny little thing out, holding it so you could see the ring. He was holding it so you could take it back and put it on your ring finger where it belonged. And you...hesitated for a bit, wanting to discuss this with him when he was not completely drunk anymore.
Katsuki sensed your doubt, feeding his anxiety and leading him to only tightening his grip to the extent where he was on the borderline of hurting you with it.
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