#he has no bicthes now
decoloraa · 2 years
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Tender mornings, tender yearnings
Val seems to have trouble seeing properly without his glasses, so this can be seen as evidence on why this might not be Casther
Val seems to have trouble seeing properly without his glasses, so this can be seen as evidence on why this might not be Casther
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leadendeath · 9 months
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ambreiiigns · 5 months
first tiger & bunny movy was so cute i'm gonna die. i don't think the people who made it wanted me to use the word cute but it's cute
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eddiediazismyhusband · 4 months
It was an interview full of "right now" and "at this moment" from both Ryan and Tim. I'm genuinely wondering why the freak out from everyone? Interviews are always, ALWAYS, answered and arranged for the current episode/arc. People do know that right? No one, even the PR dorks that are Oliver and Ryan, are ever going to say "so yeah, Eddie is going to propose to his girlfriend but have a near death experience near the season finale that will change everything and he will shout his love for Buck." That interview is literally never going to happen. And honestly him proposing makes a ton of sense from a story standpoint. It's technically everything he claims he wants, so how does Eddie react when things still don't feel right? If the storyline is headed toward a relationship with Buck, and it genuinely does feel like that, Eddie seemingly getting everything he's ever wanted and still feeling off is the perfect introduction to that. I'm stupidly stunned every time by the unhinged break downs after every fucking interview.
To be fair, anxiety is a very real issue for a lot of people (me being one of them, it doesn’t take much to send me spiraling) and in fact i am a catastrophizer… i see something and immediately jump to the worst conclusions about it and only then do i sit back and put thought into it.
I don’t like to post when i’m catastrophizing because all it does is stirs even more panic and anxiety, but others find it easier to post their panic/spiraling so that hopefully others may he able to offer a different point of view to talk them down from their panic. mental health is one bicth of a human condition.
so while yes, it is definitely jarring to see people panicking, i try to remain gracious to those who are spiraling because i understand the panic that sets in and the urgency for someone to tell you that everything is okay.
as far as knowing the ins and outs of how television and pr works; unfortunately a lot of people are not educated on how things like this go because we live in an age where weekly episodic releases like this are becoming less and less common as binge culture has become the hot commodity, especially for streaming services. with that there comes a level of misunderstanding of how the industry works and has worked in the past, especially for a younger audience. so a lot of viewers are used to having the whole story handed to them all at once, rather than the intensive speculation and uncertainty that comes with network tv.
i myself having worked in film and theatre have firsthand experience with PR and the media and how to keep things under wraps (i am by NO WAY an insider, i have worked on student/college/indie films and have had zero involvement in the commercial film industry) and i STILL sometimes struggle from that initial shock of reading something that seemingly doesn’t bode well for what you want to see from a television show.
so all of that to say is i understand it can be jarring and at times even annoying to see the catastrophizing and spiraling, but it helps me to step back and take a breath to remind myself to give some grace to people who may not have as much of an understanding of how things like this work as i do.
thank you for the ask anon!! Apologies for the long reply, i just wanted to discuss this bc i have a lot of my own thoughts on it! 💕
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mertylmylove · 3 months
I can't shut up about , Why Mertyl character "fall off" IN OTHER WORDS "Lost potential as character"😭😭 ,Like can we just talk about it?????? IDC WHAT ANYBODY SAYS. SCREW YOU KING.
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So can we talk about how this moved too fast after everything ,Like I mean King didn't even give a apologize, He acted like nothing happened?? LIKE EXUSE ME?? Right after you turned your son to a monster,Simply because you didn't tell him you were giving the the drug of yore ,And instead giving to your "gay ass son" ,GOD SAKE- KING, Think think!!!! , Honsetly I thought you were better than this.🙁 ,Tho things were sloved ,AGAIN Mertyl never got the apologize he dersved.
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Now on a another thing.
WHY IS MERTYL STILL LEFT AT THE FAIRY REALM??? God this bicth is health may become worse ,Who knows???? ,Like this bicth coughing 24/7 😭😭😭 , Like babe?? Move out you don't to stay with "Mommy and Daddy" , YOUR HEALTH BICTH, You ruining your body....
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Mertyl fignting style is amazing, This dude fougut Nasiens, And took him down, The crazy thing ,Being with no magic while Nasiens used his magic. This bicth has lots of physical strength which nasiens is missing and heavily needs. I think he could be stronger if he were to leave the fairy realm,Find something outside there,Go on adventure. ..I don't know do something, He already like 18 years old.😭😭😭
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I also really wanna know of his parents too,We know of Nasiens parents, King and Diane, But how come we know almost nothing about Mertyl parents ???? ,That's shady for some reason 😭😭 ,Like nothing about Mertyl true orgin , Does he have any hidden power that he doesn't know of? Similar to Nasiens. Like nakaba give me answers!!!! Or....is nakaba saving his parents for something special..??👀👀👀👀, LIKE WTH IS GOING ON??????????,
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Mertyl should be like Hozwer and Gilthunder ,Like the second main cast along with Sixtus, and mabye new characters???😭😭😭😭 ,It would be soooo cool, Having something other to focus on rather than Percival/tristan platoons.😭😭😭 ,I WISHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
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nymime · 1 year
TW: child abuse, bad words, homophobia, f*g and f*iry. Mentions of sexual abuse someone.
This just my theory why Steve yells homophobic shit to Jonathan in S1. Enjoy!
When steve was around 11, close to 12, had his first experience with porn, specifically gay porn. And is not a happy memory. Until the present, what happened that day in the afternoon, haunt him.
He was in the living room, watching a movie with his mamma, resently they both moves of his nonna’s house to stars living with his “father”, his mamma’s husband from 5 years ago. Richard it wasn’t his real dad, no, his real pappa would never do what Richard did that day. Anyways, they where watching “Jailhouse Rock”, his mamma was teaching him her first crush celebrity actor, in words of her “farle cadere le mutandine” (make her panties fall), he doesn’t understand what she means, but that alright, he only cares of how Elvis unto his belly get butterflies, he tells that to his mamma, she laugh, enchanted for that, but Richard who was listening from his office wasn’t enchanted, not even a little happy for that.
Mother and son just heard a loud slam of the front door, ignoring how everything would change.
After an hour, Richard came back, with loud steps and a face red as his tie, he step in front of the TV, kneeling on the floor, he takes out the movie VHS, throwing it troughs the living room, scaring Steve and his mamma, who stands up and walks slowly to Richard. The man put the VHS he brought, starting immediately with loud mouns and skin hit skin, two man’s where having sex. Mamma gasp while she runs to the VCR trying to take out the porn movie but Richard hit her, making her falls at the strong slap, Mamma hit her head in the center table, she pass out.
While that’s happen, steve was shaking of fear, he never saw his mamma fall like, he never thought that he ever feel that amount of pure fear in his little body. He let out a squeak of pain and surprise by the strong but suddenly grip he felt in his hair. Steve nearly falls into his knees cause Richard force him to stand and walk to the TV which was playing the two guys fuck. The man start’s forcing Steve to watch them fuck while Richard screams at him obscenities: “would you like to be touched like this?” “feel a cock fuck you like that? hm?” “disgusting fucking fairy! i will not accept my stepson being a fag!” “answer me you stupid son of a bicth!” steve let out the tears he was holding from before, when Richard punch his mamma. This goes for a good couple of minutes, until Steve could stutter a little “no, sir”, Richard push him to the screen of the TV and after let him go, Richard left the room. The little brunette was now hiccuping for air while he continues crying, he crowls to his fainted mamma, who was starting to wake up, she hug him and covers his ears, apologizing with a low sad voice, she began to hum and sing softly trying to comfort him. They both cry until the porn ends.
After that day mamma left with Richard in every job trip he has, not because she wants to, because Richard threat her that he would make Steve a “man” with a prostitute. She was scared, but always calls Steve to remind him that she loves him, and he knows.
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jq37 · 2 years
So, the Princess' Crusade is more of a cosmic suicide pact. That's disappointing. I was waiting for the other shoe to drop for a while though. Drosselmyer's prophecy from ep 2 never got out of my head: ''Many will offer answers. I would trust your heart and the heart of your companions alone". There's no Big Good that will lighten the load and make things easy, our heroes are gonna have to figure this out themselves.
Man I have been WAITING for their plan to come out this entire time. I admit, I wasn't thinking about Dross's prophecy exactly because it was a while ago--good on you for remembering it from all the way back--but knowing stories and knowing how Brennan tells stories specifically, I was sure there was no way the conflict was as simple as princesses good, fairies bad. Information on what exactly they wanted has been so vague and our heroes haven't been asking for specifics when they had the chance. I had a feeling Brennan was setting up some youthful zealotry leading to Bad Decisions and now, here we are.
This whole situation is really wild for a lot of reasons, not the least of which is the princess squad are saying they're against the concept of these narratives and the power they hold over their lives, but what about the power they themselves will be wielding over everyone else by doing this? They're talking like they're doing a hard thing that's best for everyone though they won't be understood by the common folk and to that I say bicth(es) what? Who are you to decide that life isn't worth living in this form? No one gets to decide but you because you're the main characters? What kind of Divine Right Of Kings BS is that? As someone else pointed out in another post of mine, I think Alphonse the Mule would be pretty put out if he heard the plan was "Let's End It All" while all he wants is to munch some grass. 
And like, they don't even have it bad! How mad would you be if you were like, a witch or a giant or a monster whose fate in every Once Upon a Time is to lose and be hated and be killed and you learn that the people who were trying to take down the ship with all of you in it are the people whose job it is to suffer a bit sure but then be beloved, rich, beautiful, and happy forever with the men of their dreams? Like I GET why the Stepmother is like burn it all. Why is CInderella on that same train?
Speaking of why is this person on this train, what's up with Elody? Cinderella is like 18-20, right? I've been a dumb 18 year old girl. I understand that 18 year old girls can be very dramatic and fatalistic and rash. Elody is like 35, right? Does she know the plan? If so, is she COOL with it? (Sidenote: Is there another Elody running around in this version of the world or is she maybe dead?) There are like 3 options here. 
(1) She knows and she's fine with it. Which wouldn't really mesh with what we know about her so far but maybe with Ger dead she was like OK screw it. Team Let's End It.
(2) She doesn't know because the princesses knew she wouldn't go along with it if she knew the real plan. Def a possibility but I don't want to pretend like she's uncoruptable. Anyone can subscribe to a bad take at a low time in their life. 
(3) She DOES know but she's stringing them along for her own purposes. Listen, if MY useless husband that I loved died trying to do something brave for once in his life, mayhaps I would consider joining up with some overly-zealous suicidal princesses to find the power they wanted to use to end the world to bring back said useless but beloved husband. 
I guess we'll see how it ends up shaking out. And likely soon. I have a feeling this might be an Escape The Castle situation happening soon enough. 
Oh, one more thing. It kinda blows my mind that the princesses have learned of a book not touched by the Authors--Tim's Book--and are not  like oh my gosh that changes everything! They're still fully committed to this nuke all stories plans it seems. Guys please. Have just...a moment of thought about this. A sliver of perspective. A crumb of self-awareness.
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italoniponic · 2 years
Hey Cherry today i have decided to show yuu our appreciation for all the bullshit they deal with at NRC by writing some of my personal headcanons about them
(sorry if the formatting and gramnar is bad i am writing this on my phone.)
Mc is a really good teacher because of how often they have to tutor Grim, Adeuce, floyd or anybody really when they need to write an upcoming test or exam and they need or didnt pay attention in class.
Mc is a DIY pro. Ramshackle dorm is akways falling apart due to how old it is so Mc has to repair it everytime something is not working or gets broken.
Mc and Grim arent apart of any clubs cuz Crowley is running them ragged with his personal tasks but they will occasionally pop by a random club and take pictures during their session
Following the previous point. When they went to the pop music club it damn near turned inti a photoshoot wuth Kalim, Lilia and Cater busy posing in different ways and in different outfits(Cater one hundred percent posted all those photos on his magicam account with hashtags like #popmusiclubphotoshoot and # pictures with the boys). When mc went to The film study club they became Vils impromptu cameraman because he decided to hold a theater practice that day (Vils was so impressed with Mc's camera skills he low-key thought of hiring them as his personal cameraman)
Mc is actually really beautiful but because of all the mishaps and their horrible sleep schedule they tend not to look all that amazing that was until Vil decided to hold a live QnA and have Mc work their Camera but because Mc didnt want to embarass Vil they put an actual effort into look nice by putting on their nicest casual clothing and some light make up. Eventually at one point Vil off handedly mentioned that they have somebody working the camera right now which soarked all of his followers pestering him into showing Mc face. After relenting and showing his followers their face they all blew uo his chat witg compliments about hiw pretty and breathtakibg they look and how only Vil could get another model to be his camera man etc. (definetly made mc a regular on his QnA after that)
Mc, Jamil and Ruggie all go to the Mostro lounge every friday night and drink a fae drink that has simikar effects to alochol without all the negative side effects and vent all their frustrations for that week to one another so yeah Mc has drinking buddies.
Mc is actually a lot fitter than they look because of how often they hace to run around nught raven college doing tasks or manual labor it helps keeps them fit.
Mc eats a lot of healthy foods meant for athletes because its cheaper than the other foods and mc is broke.
Speaking of that Mc is constantly broke because they have to a pay for all of the things Grim inadvertently breaks and materials to fix the dorm
Mc spoils grim, like a lot. This is because they know how tough it is bejng a magicless student in a school meant for mages but they know Grim has it just as rough due to him being a mknster so they often spoil him by bejng him premium tuna if their is enough money or buying him the food he wants at the cafeteria etc.
Mc at one pount wanted to renovate the entirety of Ramshackle dorm but didnt go through with it when they realised how much Malleus liked the look and feel of the dorm
Last one for today Grim is the sole reason Mc gets out of bed. Sometimes Mc gets tired. Tired of dealing wuth everyone's problems, tired of alk the scorn and hate they receive from student body and most kf tired kf never knowing when they can go home but when they hear in the early hours of the morning Grim shouting at the ghosts about how he will become the greatest mage of all time and how he will leave his legend in the annals of history. It makes mc realise that Grim has all the same problems as Mc but they don't bicth and whine about it and that gives them the energy they need to get through the day
Anyway cherry I really hoped you like it and if you want i dont mind making a part two of this later down the line.
Anyway goodbye
It was a surprise for me to receive such a good share of hcs for our lovely and hardworking MC/Yuu! Thanks so much, dear. I loved a lot of them actually lol
MC on their teaching skills, how they're getting better at the ghost camera and sometimes they just have fun with it. The bit about how MC, Jamil and Ruggie bond over their work struggles and just go on a relaxing night to talk <3
GIVING GRIM SOME LOVE BC HOW CAN WE NOT??? as much as I don't comment a lot about Grim either in posts or stories, I actually see much of my own cat on him so I would ended up spoiling him a little... but have some fights with him too lmao (that's just me being more of a cat-person)
Grim being a accidental inspiration is something that he probably wouldn't expect much himself lol but makes us think about how after mourning something, we should get up and face the world then again. I mean, it's a natural response to get sad and tired of lot of things but if you don't get over it or do something about it, what will all mean after all? You'll just get tired and nothing will change anyway
Grim going to the mirror and shouting that one meme "DO IT MAKE YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE" and MC, after some good moment of sleeping, is like "well, you heard the monster cat"
oh, dear, I love it! Feel free to drop by again with a part two if you want to. Thank you so much <3
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you-like-jazz69 · 2 years
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Ok so my first post I really hope y’all like it <33
I’m gonna do some headcanon’s for some of the mha boys having a crush on you (you lucky gem)
Btw characters are aged up 
Katsuki Bakugo
Imma be real with y’all this man has never had a proper relationship before.
With his bad attitude in middle school to high school he never got any bicthes
And at that time he just didn’t want a relationship.
Then you come in to the picture and he is like a teen in a cheesy romance movie (but way better at hiding it).
Always nervous when you are with him , thinking about you al the time , wanting things he used to think where dumb and sappy.
Then one day he tells kiri.
“Yea I just feel so odd around her/him/them but like in a good way????”
“Oh man *insert eye roll* you head over heels in love dude”
“Save your breath man you’ll figure it out”
The next day the felt so flustered after his talk with kiri so he figured out that he quote was “head over heels” in love
Izuku Midoriya
At first he thought it was just admiration a very….. intense admiration.
But he comes to terms a lot faster then Bakugo and by himself.
One night he spirals kind of and then plans out his entire life with you.
Like when you wedding is , how many kids , your ring.
Wakes up in a pile of paper and late for work.
Shoto Todoroki
Takes him even longer then Bakugo cuz he can’t understand feelings
Goes to Momo for help (off topic but I love Momo <33)
Explains what he’s s feeling and ask if she thinks he’s getting sick
She holds in her laughter and tells him to do some research on love
He gets all blushy and mumble’s “ok thanks”
Trust me when I say he got a lot more blushy when he did research
Ok so I’m really tired rn so i’m gonna end it here I will only be doing these three characters for head cannons right now but if you have any would like to request feel free to do that.
I also do oneshots and scenarios look at my pinned post for more details <3333
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keef-a-corn · 2 years
Dat’s right, people, it’s time for ‘Keef watches TFP and you just get the notes!’
This is for season 1, episode 15: Shadowzone
I write down the timestamps, but I watch Transformers Prime on Stan (an Australian streaming service) so they may be slightly off.
ALSO! I try my best to note points for every character, but tend to get a little caught up by Bee (although I think I do a pretty good job with the notes regardless) so do be warned.
00:12 - parallel between Megatron in the last episodes and Starscream now.
00:46 - Megatron noticed the parallel too.
01:10 - one of those moments where being a smexy bicth comes second to his job as a doctor.
01:19 - honestly, Knockout not pushing it shows just how well he knows Starscream.
01:33 - I thought the dark energon was necessary because Megatron needed energon, but his body was no longer comparable to accept anything other than dark.
03:04 - I hardly even noticed Bee was there.
03:10 - the thinker.
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03:16 - But Megatron was dead during the Skyquake episode. He wouldn’t know that Skyquake would require dark energon. Understandable why they’d assume it’s Megatron, but why would they assume Megatron’s there for Skyquake?
04:03 - this girl is on fiiiireeeeee + giving off ‘friends on the other side’ rn
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04:18 - shut up, the way way Bee looks at Optimus and the cheetah meme have the same energy.
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04:22 - so they truly are skipping over that angst? It appears I have a future project.
04:23 - Ratchet is the only one who doesn’t put on a game face when he’s addressed. We know why, but it’s nice to note.
04:30 - there’s something so perfect about the way Optimus jumps straight to explaining his decision and turns around to face Ratchet while doing so rather than pulling a classic ‘yes, because we need you’
04:35 - Once again, refreshing to see a character assigned to a position they’re not traditionally assigned to, but still showing passion and respect.
04:39 - How did Bulkhead not realise Miko was up to something?
04:42 - She’s drawing Optimus fighting Megatron.
04:46 - Glad to know someone’s paying attention.
04:52 - I love the way the bots walk, especially Optimus and Bee. There’s something so proper and powerful about it.
05:06 - LMAO
05:14 - Let’s pretend that Arcee couldn’t hear them.. why wouldn’t they yell out to her so she could stop Miko or close the ground bridge before Miko got there?
05:22 - Miko, Miko, Miko… frustrating af.
05:44 - they all have similar walk cycles, but none sync up.
05:53 - Bee dropping back as they walk along could be multiple things, him getting protected, acting as rear support, could also be because he’s the smallest but is walking at a similar pace to the others, meaning he’s covering less ground. Obviously I could be overthinking it too, but if we go that route these notes are completely useless.
05:55 - If you pause it at the right time Ratchet’s head makes it look like Optimus has a huge ass. (Unfortunately I did not screenshot it at the right time)
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06:06 - my dude didn’t think to even ONCE call out to the bots and go ‘just so you know, we’re here’
06:18 - that would be my worst nightmare. Don’t have FOMO, just care about my phone.
06:25 - HO MAMMA
06:34 - the fading between the red and purple is so seemless and a nice detail
06:41 - I just need this screenshot to be witnessed. Why is he standing like that?? WHY DOES HE STAND LIKE THAT FOR SO LONG?
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06:52 - this line’s so confusing when you forget that his arms are apart of his wings when he’s in his vehicle mode.
07:16 - AHHH THE HEAD TILT!!! Seeing that we’re looking at them from an angle, Bee’s most likely behind Bulkhead, meaning he cannot actually see the humans, but can hear them. + everyone else’s reactions tooooo!
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07:27 - While everyone else looks at the ground bridge, Bee looks at the others before the bridge.
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07:30 - Ratchet looking fabulous rn.
07:33 - 1. The way his voice echos is a really nice touch. 2. Ratchet using the same tone a parent would rn has me cryin.
08:06 - Starscream went into the ground bridge around the same time the kids did. Why wasn’t he caught?
08:14 - the longer that shot went for, the more I laughed.
08:26 - As soon as Starscream pulls out the dark energon it plays Arcee screaming ‘Tailgate’. Starscream has nothing to do with what happened to Tailgate. I think they were just reusing the sound from when Airachnid killed Tailgate and forgot to edit out the voice line. Upon evaluation, I do believe they’re different sounds. I don’t know why her voice line plays.
08:51 - Bee’s so cute until he breaks the fourth wall. + height difference my beloved.
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09:03 - I don’t understand how the bots weren’t affected. Let’s say Starscream got to the otherside, but they kids didn’t, fine. But the bots were still caught in the explosion?
09:26 - You know that would be absolutely traumatising.
10:09 - … what was the point of insulting him?
10:14 - This is what makes it really confusing. How did Skyquake get caught in the shadow zone, but the other bots didn’t??
11:16 - Karma’s a bicth, ain’t she? Jack and Raf didn’t deserve it, but Miko totally did.
12:00 - God do I hate Miko rn. + Aw, Raf’s reaction
12:45 - Yes. In the rocks that are apparently not with you in the Shadowzone.
12:51 - you can hear Optimus trying not to show his panic and worry… and failing.
12:56 - Father and Son right here.
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12:58 - with mild Confidence ‘what if you (or we) call them?’
13:35 - Not ‘nothing’. He picked up. He’s alive. It’s that there was no response.
14:05 - kinda disappointed that they didn’t have any other way to message the bots. Feels like there should be a way for the bots to message them and they message the bots, especially for situations where silence is necessary or Bee has to tell Miko or Jack something.
15:38 - Decepticons have parts to spare.
16:10 - Starscream’s arm is enormous compared to the kids.
17:23 - how does he get it open??
17:27 - *mwah* beautiful line delivery.
17:40 - god these line deliveries are stunning.
17:44 - It’s like the shot at the start.
17:46 - why does Starscream have the Crystal out?? What if Knockout saw?
18:35 - Love how either thought the other would be able to tell what Ratchet was saying.
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18:47 - saying that as if common sense wouldn’t tell us that if they changed any part of it something would go wrong.
19:02 - aren’t they in a canyon? Isn’t that like one long strip??
19:31 - why would it be yours??
20:15 - glad the plan worked so seamlessly.
20:18 - Why wasn’t Bee sent? He’s Raf’s guardian after all.
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20:34 - There’s literally no reason for Bee not to be(e) present.
20:39 - agreed. Repeat that and also apologise.
20:45 - Optimus smilinggggg
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21:04 - a logical assumption.
21:10 - hc is that Knockout promotes self care for everyone (autobots included, but he’s careful when he does it.)
21:18 - I know Skyquake’s a zombie and all, but I feel bad for him.
And that was Shadowzone!
It was alright. I’m not one for the human focused episodes, but it’s alright and a good way to introduce the Shadow Realm (despite how confusing it may have been.)
I thought the way Optimus was portrayed in the episode was good, showing how he cared for the children despite not really being allowed to express worry for their safety. I will admit that Bulkhead, Arcee and especially Bumblebee’s reactions to their charge’s going missing were too weak from any standpoint.
I thought that the Starscream plot line was quite weak as well and I don’t really understand what they were going for.
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dirtyvulture · 10 months
😎 As I have always said I am ADHD Nerospicy so sometimes when I get on a train of thought I go full steam ahead until it is done or my thoughts gets away from me . I didn’t mean to write full novels of commentaries( 😅😅 )but I am just glad you enjoy them vulture and hopefully others do too. Plus I can’t help that the thoughts come at rapid fire.
Yes modern artists/ singers and songwriters have written songs about Esther and OG Wolverine’s love and Taylor Swift has written an entire album about it . You know the tick tock trend of “ Fuck Romeo and Juliet , I want what these Bicthes have” well that is everyone ( in both AUs it’s just that in the DK au no one but the Hudson family knows that it’s a - presumably - one sided love and who exactly the inspiration is)
The thing about DK R giving flowers to people she cares about and to her daughter Rogue , is that R watch her papa John always giving flowers to her Mother Elizabeth and John also gave R herself flowers( this is base on my own dad , he knows mama and I love flowers and always gives them to us just cause he loves us. He also gives them to my sister and my grandma which is his mother in law) just cause he loved them ( John was actually in love with Elizabeth and never did cheat and only ever treated her well. But deep down I think he knew she didn’t love him…. I don’t think he knew that she was cheating or that R wasn’t actually his . If he had suspicions of Elizabeth cheating/ R not being his then it wasn’t CONFIRMED until Thomas ultimately confronted him about the affair and then killed him . And if John suspected that R wasn’t his it wouldn’t have mattered because he loved his daughter no matter what) . That was one of the ways John showed his love and care to the people he loved and R took that with her.
Now I am thinking about a scene where R was giving flowers to Jean when she got with / is with Scott ( this isn’t an ulterior motive or R trying to steal Jean , Jean is someone that R genuinely cares about and she wanted to show Jean that she appreciates and cares about her) . R was saying that she saw these and thought about her and then thought Jean would appreciate them. Jean thanks R then gives her a kiss on the cheek (Jean is clearly shocked because besides R no one has given Jean flowers ) then Scott scoffed . R turns to him and then says “ I know that I may have ….. older sensibilities when it comes to wooing a partner but I don’t think that the act of giving flowers to someone has gone COMPLETELY OUT OF FASHION.” R looks at Jean then pointedly says to Scoot “ After all even when one successfully does woo and has the desired partner one would think that one would continue to woo and be romantic or show affection through flowers or other actions of love for their partner. One should appreciate the BEAUTY in their lives …… but what would I know right ? Me and my OLD SENSIBILITIES.” Then she just walks away.
For Rouge R just handed her the flowers after Rouge was sad one day because she misses her family ( I can’t remember if they accepted her in the movies or what was the situation with them was ) and when Rouge saw the flowers she just sobbed and grabbed ahold of R hugging them . R told Rogue that she is an amazing person and ANYONE would be PROUD of her and to call her their child ( R left out that she does view Rogue as her child) . Afterwards R would give flowers to Rogue outright or surprise her with flowers in Rogue’s room.
R is a traditional romantic and I will talk more about this later . She went all out wooing and being romantic with her old friend until Victoria Creed came. R wouldn’t admit it but she is a bit of a hopeless romantic and since she was a child she not only wanted adventure but also a love of the stories she read in books( but doesn’t believe she deserves it). R got ( and kept ) her gentle nature / kindness, could see the beauty in things/ people and kept her humanity in a LARGE PART due to John Howlett( without him she would have turned out JUST LIKE Victoria/ Sabertooth) She gets her hopeless romantic nature from John .
For the last bit I will cover the SB Au
SB got their name from the OG Wolverine so it’s R ( OG Wolverine just isn’t OUR “ R” of this universe if that makes sense) and if you go back and reread the post I introduced the across over or at least one of the other posts that has the crossover au of the SB au then you know that people had made fun of SB when they were younger because they were named after the inventor of pads but SB didn’t care and was / is very proud of their name sake. And now that OG Wolverine is so popular and blowing up everybody wants to act like them being named after her is the best thing ever. SB is just like “ Fake ass Bicthes!!!! I KNOW my name and name sake is amazing !!!” ( the OG Wolverine just wasn’t named Jane Howlett then later changed it to R . Jane Howlett isn’t the Howlett of WWI because Jane would be 82 years old then . OG Wolverine’s name was always R)
But it does add to the parallels between SB AU ! Esther and sergeant Romanoff because not only do they look strikingly similar but their loves were both named R . It kinda adds more weight to the fact that Esther lost her chance with her R …. Her Wolvie and Nat VERY NEARLY lost her R …. Her 🥩 beef .
SB is 1000 percent the romantic in the relationship and will definitely get Nat flowers all the time , they also always say that sergeant Romanoff is their Esther to the OG Wolverine ( Esther and Og wolverine were a …… softer relationship than whatever Nat and beef have but they do love each other just as much) and SB always wanted a love story like Esther and OG Wolverine ( again they were MUCH MUCH MUCH softer than Nat and SB but what Nat and SB have works for them ) . Nat will roll her eyes and pretend to HATE it but secretly LOVES EVERY SECOND.
I have more thoughts but I will have them for next time but I will leave with some questions and a few little bits of information. One is when R works up the courage to give Nat flowers for the first time ( probably to make her feel welcome and a bit because she is may or may not be having feelings that she isn’t ready to admit out and flat out plans to lock away until the person in question inevitably dies like R always does) R is walking to where she thinks Nat is but immediately panicked and fully Bicthes out and just leaves her the flowers on Nat’s bed.
My question is how will James and Heather Hudson play a role in this ( if they are the couple I was thinking of , the old couple that found , help, and was killed in front of Wolverine in the movie) because Vulture you said you wanted to add them in especially with the connection to Esther Hudson? What is Victoria Creed aka Sabertooth going to look like? Also I think it would be a bit hard to do woodworking/ crafting with a bone claw ( because R didn’t have the procedure and metal put in yet) …. Especially all the little intricate details and designs R added to the box. R wanted it as beautiful and delicate as she saw Esther so she probably used a pocket knife. All I will say now is that R later on made, carved and painted a pair of wooden rings for both the old friend and R . I will talk about it later in a different post.
Lastly I don’t know if Rouge of comics / movies/ cartoons ages but that is why I was begging for you vulture to say that when Rogue hits 25 or 30 she stops aging so R doesn’t have to lose her child and I am begging that any child that R adopts ( or possibly has biology….. don’t think I didn’t see that sneaky little comment) doesn’t age ( along aside a possible wife that was a ex black widow but I don’t know where R could possibly find someone like that 👀👀👀)
I love hearing your thoughts! Some of them are things I've never thought about and I like how you can still tie in your ideas with the ones I've already created :)
I really love the idea of Wolvie!R giving flowers to the people she loves. If I hadn't already written Part 3, I would've snuck something in, but maybe for a future installment! Imagine how flustered a certain Widow would become if her grumpy lover came by and shoved flowers in her face lol.
Very bold of R to give Jean flowers knowing she's with Scott lol, but that sounds like an R thing to do. But as bitter as R was that Jean chose Scott over her...let's just say it was probably better that way.
Even after R left the mansion for some time, I imagine she always found a way to make sure Rogue got flowers from her every month. And Rogue would always be bragging to the other girls how Wolvie always sends her flowers (which makes some like Kitty jealous lol).
R has spent centuries searching for her true love, even after her old friend passed. And maybe after she fell out with Jean, she truly felt there was no one out there, so she moved away to live in the cabin alone. But as we know...someone came along. :)
I think once Sergeant Beef is allowed to be public about their relationship with Nat, they will be going all out and bringing Nat flowers or taking her to dinners and cooking for her.
As I mentioned in a previous paragraph, R probably won't give Nat flowers until they're in an established relationship, so basically soon. :)
Well, with James and Heather Hudson, I was just thinking that perhaps Heather could be a decedent of Esther, which is why Heather played such a big role in helping Wolvie (although sadly it would've been towards the end of her life, but Heather was so happy she finally got to meet the legendary Wolverine and help her).
No spoilers on Sabertooth. :)
I think it would also be cute if Esther's box was NOT intricately carved and just kind of messy because Wolvie wouldn't have had good control with her claws yet.
I can't confirm that every child R "adopts" doesn't age, but perhaps the most special ones don't. And I'm sure R would be a lot happier to foster children if she had a partner with her who didn't age either...
Part 3 comes out tonight, so hopefully you get some questions answered then!
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gatitties · 11 months
Wow the answer you gave me was fire !💥 But we need to talk about how bens bicthy/evil side is not done being a bicth so first he the crew is cleaning the some barrls once there done cleaning he checks that is just like how you menioted so one barrl was not how he want it .Which shanks cleaned. When he can't see his reflectionb in the barrl. He goes quiet for a long sec
and he looks at shanks with glare/not so happy look and says: Shanks your useless you can't even clean a barrl your 39 years old for gods fucking sake even a 5 year old can do this better than you! ,All of you start over now!
Walks a away ,as soon as he gone shanks to ugly cry because what ben said.Thats just one of thats things happened🤭
Makes it clear is payback time for all of them.
Second thing: Once the crew on their way to a new island and planing their missions and plans for what everyone is gonna do. So the crew is setting in the lauch room talking and shanks is leading everything but uselly ben helps out. What is gonna happen. Once they get to the new island Meanwhile benn is not listening to a shit, dosent sit still at all.Rolls his eyes evertime shanks or anybody else talks .Then all of suddenly shanks turns his head to ben and asks:Ben you know what to do? ,also shanks was expecting him to listen because it is Important
Ben:Huh i was not listening all.
Shanks: ok look your gonna-
Ben:Wait shut up I don't want listen to your ugly ass voice i rather listen to a cat meowing than you.Then laughs like is the most funnist thing ever.
Meanwhile shanks on the virge of tears.
Shanks:Look i know your mad at me and everybody else but we can-
Ben:La la la la *covers his ears and walks away.
The hole crew and shanks reazileing that bens behavior needs to be fixed. For real.
How do you think shanks and the crew will try to fix it?
oh friend you really like to see shanks burning in hell 😭
ok let me think...
Ben would make Shanks cry for telling him he can't wash a dish properly, Yassop hugging himself when he tells him his aim sucks, Lucky Roux in the corner sobbing because Ben put a lock on the fridge which only he has the key.
the crew trying to organize something:
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meanwhile Ben is just sitting there not listening or helping, just wiping a snot out and throwing it into Shanks's hair.
When the captain asks for help he will simply receive a dead look as if he has offended Ben:
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Well, after a while with Ben's tyranny, everyone decided to treat him as if he were a king, a divinity that they should thank for simply existing and… lots of foot massages.
Maybe and just maybe Ben would stop acting like that after a couple of weeks, since his vacation was partially ruined he didn't feel so bad to have the idiots of his crew as slaves.
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isaahc · 4 years
isaac is bitchy and sarcastic and caustic and prone to violence as a first resort. he's impulsive and loyal to a fault and emotionally unavailable. he's bold and risky and rude af. YALL. okay yes he's a puppy too deep down like 6ft deep down but the number of ppl who Know that is like 4 ???? 3 of whom are dead NDBDKFHJSHFJSJS
#the fandom making him soft kind anxious timid...... ARE U FUCKING KIDDING ME. ARE YOU FUCKING JOKING???????????? OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDDD#look..... ppl meeting isaac for the first time and the general impression is 'the AUDACITY OF THIS BICTH' thats the isaac lahey energy OKAY#also among topics i wanna talk abt the MOST is isaac's dad and how tf hes his anchor#his relationship with derek (WHICH IS COMPLETELY UNHEALTHY AND FUCKED UP AND PARALLELS HIS ABUSIVE DAD A LOT ITS UNCOMFORTABLE SJFHSKJF)#his relationship with SCOTT (FUUUUUCKKKK X INFINITY!!!!!! BRUHHHHHHH)#how he views relationships and family and how he views / interacts with authoruty figures in his life#HES TERROFIED OF ASKING QUESTIONS. HES TERRFIED OF BEING ASKED QUESTIONS. he has a running backlog of plausible excuses and backup excuses#and elaborate lies for why hes doing what hes doing at any moment. no matter what it is that hes doing no matter how innocous. bc he always#had to explain himself and give excuses for basically existing his whole life so he will Always have that.#if u ask him a question he wasnt expecting or didn't prepare for he's going to have a hard time not panicking. heart rate just spikes#the FUCK UP#his relationship with allison also. AND CHRIS ARGENT. WHOSE POSSIBLY????? THE CLOSEST THING TO A HEALTHY PARENTAL FIGURE ISAAC HAS HAD#IN HIS LIFE???????????? I LOVE HE. I LOVE THEY. SM.#im gonna deal w the canon bs later ie how he left for france and never came back again ever wtf jeff LMAO#but for now im OKAY with his canon (there isnt a lot of it anyway lmao) but that might change after i rewatch s2 and 3#also just to put everything on the table i am hardcore shipping isaac and scott (lbr everyone is a little bit in love w scott JAHFKSJF)#and also am 100% on board w isaac/allison and will analyze that relationship further later on#will not ship w ppl automatically tho like dw of ur not on board etc etc. u know how this goes.#I LOVE HIM SO MUCH IM SO EXCITED TO WRITE HIM AAAAAAA#also i just started s5 today and may not rly work my way through it until after i wrote up at least some of the topics i wanna discuss here#ooc.#abuse tw#hc.
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etherealskeletons · 4 years
I can't get over how these people wanna farm kids but they can't be bothered to take good care of the current one (1) they have
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sleepysnk · 2 years
Right now I am thinking about how fucking pretty Itachi is. Sometimes it makes me a little angry (jealous?) like that bicth is beautiful. I wanna see his face in between my legs, I wanna run my fingers through his silky hair, cup his cheek in my hand, cuddle. Also every time I hear his voice I’m shocked at how deep it is.
UGH NO YOU’RE SO RIGHT. he has to be the prettiest man in the entire uchiha clan. i get so jealous of his nice features 🙄. i’d love to be near that man so i can learn his tips.
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xxbig-shotxx · 3 years
Now's Your Chance [ sad ]
[[ Part 14 ]]
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He is being cringe in the Cyber Grill
He is cringe in the Cyber Grill and this orange bicth has had enough
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