#he is not a perfect man but that's literally the whole point. he never claimed to be one
thelilylav · 1 month
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Some of the people in the Kendrick tag desperately need to listen to this song lmao
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evilminji · 1 month
You knooooowwww... >.>
The only difference, technically, between a school in the Zone? And on Earth? Is the American government won't recognize your Zone diploma...
Not accredited. But like..... I'm JUST SAYING? If you didn't try to pass your school off as some Big Ivy League type? Pulled the "oh yeah, you'd never have heard of it, it's local." And the COMPUTERS say it's legit?
How many people will dig deeper?
If you legitimately have the knowledge, you legitimately have the knowledge. Not YOUR fault you left out the whole "extra-dimensional" part. It makes folk nervous! And nervous folks get stabby.
So like? If you were ALREADY planning to "Move" as you euphemistically put it? Talked it over with your VERY concerned folks and friends? Who do NOT like the look of the steady but concerning rise of Anti-Ghost Powers That Be? Who finally put their foot down and reminded you that you are a TEENAGER and it's NOT your responsibility to fix the world?
Fuck those guys, I guess. You'll miss the old house, but Team "Taking our ball and going literally anywhere else" makes some good points. Why ARE you putting up with this?
And honestly, you've never SEEN your dad have so much fun. Him and the Reality Realtor just sorta... Vibe. Himbo to Himbo communications. Smatters of advanced physics. Fudge. It's great.
They move the portal. Collapse the old one in a way that makes it impossible to recover or recreate. You... kinda don't want to ask. They had that "mad scientist glint" in their eyes.
And while everyone's checking out brochures to different realities? You? Head off to the nearest College. It's the Zone, so technically you could go to any of endless billions. But you'd like your education some time this century.
Cue! Danny Fenton! Entering?
Academia's wet dream. A sprawling CITY of a college. Where the classes are on EVERYTHING and the price is FREE. People have Obsessions okay?? They NEED to teach. Debate and discuss! Study! Right papers and read them! It's been going on a while! And what happens when you find a subject that's NOT covered?
It's like if New York was a College. Good fucking luck find the dorms. Sleep on the floor like the rest of us, you casual.
Danny was Not Prepared ™.
He loves it though.
Classes on aeronautics next making the perfect sandwich, shoved next to historical basketry, stacked above alien slam poetry. But only on Tuesdays! Ever shifting. Breaking his Fenton Born Adhd in to a fine PASTE to be smeared upon bread. Happy mental stimulation chemicals go Brrrrrrrr
If it wasn't wildly inappropriate, he would LICK IT to claim it as his then wrap around it and gaurd like a territorial cat. He thought he HATED school! Turns out he just hated high-school. College though? College, or at least ZONE College, is fuckin AWESOME.
He's sit in SO MANY random classes just cause.
Picked up and dropped them at a whim. When they no longer sparked joy. He's been a flighty bitch and for once? No one CARES. No one says "you HAVE to commit and stick with this FOREVER once you choose this" and? It just? It's so FREEING! He's learned so MUCH!
He's probably gonna come back!
Which? Is how a deeply, DEEPLY weird aerospace engineer from supposedly bumfuck NOWHERE, end up working at Wayne Industries. He's.... a lil crazy behind the eyes. Ha ha... CONCERNING ™!
Dude sleeps on the lab floor. Has weirdly spotty knowledge. Can be an unprecedented genius one second and not know who the current president is the next. Doesn't know what DAY it is. Forgets to eat. Tried to make a fusion reactor out of the break room toaster before Sandra from accounting distracted him with pictures of her cat.
It's like he wanders through life blissfully unaware that he is both terrifying and about three seconds from killing them all. Then FUCKING TRIPS because he forgot to tie his shoelaces again.
Who hired this man?
I mean, we KNOW why. Probably to put him on a watch list. But? He's like a terrifying murder puppy! Built like a tank! That's stoned out of its mind half the time. And have you HEARD his college stories? That CAN'T be legal. Was this guy raised in a cult!? Aaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!????
@hdgnj @legitimatesatanspawn @babbling-babull @dcxdpdabbles @hypewinter
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coldbronzemoon · 1 year
Danny Fenton, Totally Mortal Hero Consultant (DPxDC)
Snippet for an AU I'll probably never fully write where Danny takes a job as a consultant for the Justice League to help with ghost and demon bullshit. It's a pretty good cash flow to help him with college, after all, and very flexible hours.
He just claims all his knowledge comes from his parents. Unfortunately, the JL has caught word of the elusive yet active hero Phantom, and want Danny to help them meet and assess him. Whoops.
Over the phone, Tucker sighed. “Good Christ, Danny, why do you keep doing this?”
“I’m not doing anything,” Danny said immediately. He winced at the vague sound of screaming below. Demons sucked. “I didn’t know the JL thing was gonna have me finding Phantom. How would I? They were talking about tracking down powerful ghosts, I was assuming Ancients!”
Tucker sighed again, which was really quite unfair of him. “Mhm. Well, Fenton Catcher?”
“Probably not. They know me pretty well at this point, and unlike what Sam says I can be professional. I’d confuse them with the… uh…”
“Stoner shtick?”
There was more screaming happening, but judging from the pitch it was a demon screaming this time. Danny checked the situation. Yep, demon getting their ass kicked. He didn’t need to get involved with a blaster. Yet.
Instead, he scowled at his phone. “Stop calling it that.”
“You’re gonna tell me flanny Danny wasn’t a pitch-perfect stoner, huh? With the chill vibing and the dopey look?”
“I hate you.”
“Love you too, bud.” 
The sound of a clacking keyboard that had underlined their conversation stopped. “But seriously, Danny, what the hell are you gonna do with this?”
“Uh, lie, probably,” Danny said, because it was very likely.
“Alright, smartass, what are you going to do when that lie backfires on you like literally every other one does?”
“That’s when I start gaslighting, gatekeeping, and girlbossing, babe.”
He had a hard time hearing Tucker’s distant groan of “Why am I still your friend?” on account of the sudden explosion. Danny checked again. Hm. Demon dude had a nasty fire thing going on.
Danny switched on his Fenton water gun—holy water included!-- and shot the demon in the face. They let out a cracking hiss of rage, but dropped the fire spell thing. He waited for them to stop looking around wildly for the culprit for a moment. 
He went back to the call. “‘Cause you loooove me, Tuck. From the bottom of your twice-dead heart.”
“Unfortunately,” Tucker deadpanned.
Danny just cackled. It was lost amongst the sound of supernatural bullshit below.
“Anyway, I’m still figuring out my plan A, honestly. Might bring in gray-man?”
“Amorpho’s an asshole, though. He’ll ruin the whole thing by taking the opportunity to shift into a JL member for a bit.”
Hm. True.
“Yeah, but he’s the main guy I know with that power set.”
“Ask after Desiree?” He could hear the immediate distaste in Tucker’s voice. “Ugh, pretend I didn’t say that. That’s worse than Amorpho.”
“It’s awful,” Danny agreed easily. 
Desiree was actually pretty alright nowadays, mostly on account of Danny remembering the last couple minutes of Aladdin and wishing she could refuse wishes she didn’t want to grant. That had made her happy enough to stop actively picking fights. 
Unfortunately, spending the entirety of one’s afterlife twisting the wording of wishes to their worst form made it hard to stop being an asshole. Who knew! So getting Desiree to split him in two for like a week had a 50/50 chance of fucking up his work relationship with the literal league of superheroes irrevocably. And this was his main cash flow right now.
So, no Desiree, no siree.
“Come up with something better then, asshole.”
Danny hummed and, since the heroes below were focused on the demon, lifted up a little and did a thoughtful back flip. What to do, what to do…?
“My cousin!” he exclaimed.
“What cous—? Oh, Ellie.”
“Yeah, Ellie, Tuck. Which other cousins do I have?”
Tucker scoffed. “You literally have that whole Nightingale thing going on through your dad?”
Danny couldn’t help the face he made. The remaining Nightingales were worse than his parents somehow. “The Nightingales don’t count.”
“You can’t just say they don’t count.”
“I can say that, actually, and I will. They’re, like, cousins through my great-great-great-grandpa anyway.”
“Isn’t there a fight going on over there? Should you be shooting someone?”
 “Yeah, probably.”
He peaked down through the window once more. The heroes must have gotten the first demon to leave while he was talking, because the horned demon fighting them now was a truly unfortunate shade of yellow-green instead of purple. Or maybe it had transformed for some reason? They had it about as in-hand as the other one, though, so Danny definitely didn’t need to go down there. He shot the maybe-new demon in the face real quick.
“Anyway, Ellie can totally help out, she’s been practicing with changing up her looks. She’s also more, uh, malleable than me, what with her situation and all. Looking fully like Phantom shouldn’t be hard.”
Tucker hummed. “She’d try to embarrass you though.”
“Yeah, that’s a problem.” Danny spun in place. “I could bribe her?”
“With what? Her life doesn’t involve needing much cash.”
“She doesn’t get out to the Zone very much. Not many of the inhabited places, anyway. I can promise her the weird apple things Dora’s been growing with Sam’s help, she loved those.”
“If you think that’ll work…” Tucker trailed off dubiously.
Danny laughed. “She’s annoying sometimes, but she’s not gonna fuck over my job if I ask her not to. I’ll just bribe her extra hard for resisting the temptation to mock me.”
“Fair enough.” The clacking of keys resumed. “I’ve really gotta pay attention now, someone’s trying to stop me from getting into this database. Someone half-decent, actually, did they upgrade? Hm. Make sure no one died, yeah?”
“They’re alive. Bye, Tuck,” Danny said, and ended the call.
He shoved his phone back into his jacket pocket and made his way down the stairs. The fight outside he had been stationed for was basically over—Captain Marvel and Green Lantern (Danny was pretty sure he had accidentally learned the dude’s actual name at some point, but hell if he could remember)—had pulled out the magic restraints one of the other consultants had handed out.
That had probably been Constantine. Ugh. Constantine. Dude could stand to lighten up a little; skulking and smoking all the time wasn’t the base state of someone enjoyable to be around. Then again, Danny knew he annoyed the shit out of some of the league with his own attitude, so he maybe shouldn’t talk. But at least he was annoying with a smile!
Case in point: Danny grinned at the heroes. “Got it handled?”
“Suppose so,” said the Green Lantern, “though a little more help would have been nice.”
Captain Marvel was too busy getting in a minor tussle with the demon to say anything either way.
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but I’m like, pretty mortal,” Danny said. “I’m not fucking with demons right where they can hit me. And I did shoot him!”
Green Lantern rolled his eyes, but admitted the point. Danny cheerfully flipped him off anyway.
“I’ll be heading out, then, the hellmouth this guy crawled out of is like three miles away.” Captain Marvel said, hauling the handcuffed demon over his shoulders like a very angry backpack.
“Oh, one more for the road!” 
Danny hit the demon with a final water gun shot. Hissing and scrunching their face like a cat, the demon tried to lunge at him. It wasn’t very successful. Weirdly non-verbal for a demon, who usually had to talk to make deals and steal mortal souls, but Danny wouldn’t judge. Might be a minor demon. A really basic imp? Who knew.
“Stop being a little bitch and you won’t get spray-bottled, asshole,” Danny chided.
With a loud laugh, Captain Marvel sped away.
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getvalentined · 10 months
I am so sick of people asserting that Cloud's father is some super special important person like it's some explanation for the fact that he was able to save the world. Superior bloodline stuff never sits well with me in the first place, but in this case it's just so antithetical to the actual thesis of FF7 and does such a huge disservice to multiple characters that it makes me white hot angry.
The most popular contender is President Shinra, because Cloud being a Shinra bastard would (somehow) explain why he's allowed into the company at such a young age (even though enlistment age appears to be 14 and Cloud left Nibelheim to enlist at 14) and how he wound up on so many important missions—because it can't possibly be that he's actually competent, he's so pretty, how could he possibly be competent? It's not as if we see him being staggeringly competent from jump in every title where he's featured, including those that start prior to him being forcibly mako enhanced by Hojo. Clearly this is nepotism.
After all, we know that President Shinra is always so supportive of his bastards! That's why Lazard hid his identity and worked his way up the ranks to become director of SOLDIER at the youngest possible age and then set about trying to orchestrate a hostile takeover of the company by allowing all three of his best operatives to defect in the middle of a war, a process that was only thrown off because one of them passed off every single mission where he would have had an opportunity to go AWOL.
This was clearly the result of nepotism. There's just so much nepotism going on there. Obviously.
The newest contender is Glenn Lodbrok, the lead character from the First SOLDIER section of Ever Crisis, because he's blond-haired and blue-eyed and presumably one of the first people in Project 0 to survive some level of the mako enhancement process. I guess this is supposed to mean that him being Cloud's father would be a perfect explanation for Cloud actually being capable of literally anything, since the only way for him to become the hero that was chosen by the planet to keep it alive would be if it's part of some bloodline destiny.
There are a whole host of issues with Glenn as an option here, not the least of which is the canonical lore about Cloud's father, namely that he was some nobody traveler who kinda passed through and got Claudia pregnant and then left; he may have died up in the mountains, but apparently all that was ever found was his pack, so there's no way to be sure. Further, Claudia was very young at this point—according to her original concept art declaring her to be 33 at the time of her death, she gave birth to Cloud at 16-17 years old.
Glenn is one of two possible age ranges: if he was active in the early stages of Project 0, being a character in the First SOLDIER battle royale game, then he was around 21 in 1985, meaning a 21 year old knocked up Claudia Strife when she was 15 and then walked out on her. If he's 21 during the events of Ever Crisis, which seems likely based on his character design, that would make him 14 at the oldest when Claudia got pregnant.
Okay, I know this kind of thing happens IRL, but I feel pretty confident in the statement that there is absolutely no way that that's the direction SE is taking this timeline and characterization. I'm not even sorry. That's not happening. Either he's giving "predator," or he's Deadbeat Dad: High School Freshman Edition.
But that's honestly not even the worst of it, the math not matching up is entirely irrelevant when the implications of this assertion are applied to the actual thesis of this series as a whole, to the characters we already know, to the actual lore. Claiming that Cloud is only special because of the sperm donation of a man who abandoned him literally removes any concept of his competence as a character, declaring that he's just the newest iteration in a line of "worthy" men. He can't be worth anything unless his father is worth something. He can't be good at anything unless his father is good at something.
Beyond that, it casts Claudia aside entirely, asserting that the fact that she raised Cloud doesn't matter—she may have brought him up entirely on her own, but that doesn't actually matter. She didn't instill values and morals and guidelines into him that would allow him to grow up into a man who could save the world, she was just an incubator, a nursemaid, a nanny, a cook. She was just a servant who kept him alive long enough for his father's bloodline to awaken within him and make him into the hero he was always meant to be.
Insisting that Cloud's value as a character hinges in any way on his father, a person who had no place in his life whatsoever and whom he doesn't even remember, takes away his agency and declares Claudia to be irrelevant. It says that a sperm donation matters more than an upbringing. It says that the place he started is the only thing that defines where Cloud will end up.
This is literally, 100 percent, the opposite of the thesis of this series. The entire concept of these games, of these storylines, is that the way you were made doesn't have to dictate what you can be, who you are, where you're going. Your genetics do not define you, and assumptions to the contrary are literally what make people into monsters. What matters is the people you love, the people who love you, and the person you are now as a result of those people.
And the fact of the matter is that regardless of timelines, regardless of characterizations, regardless of theories, Cloud Shinra and Cloud Lodbrok didn't save the world.
Cloud Strife did.
Claudia Strife's son did.
And I think people could stand to give both of them a hell of a lot more credit.
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mysecretlittlelibrary · 10 months
You Learn Something New Everyday... I Guess
Pairing: Matt Murdock x Reader
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: none really, just Matt being a little self loathing
Genre: fluff? very very minor angst
Summary: You have a theory about your local vigilante that your friends think is silly (spoiler alert; it's literally not)
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A/N: Because I refuse to believe no one has ever seen Daredevil and considered the fact that he is NEVER LOOKIN AT SHIT
You spin the straw in your drink while half listening to Foggy and Karen talk to each other about something you lost track of a little while ago. Something about a case last you were paying attention but they tend to spend so much time talking about work even on nights out you can't always keep track of it all.
"So what're your thoughts about the whole thing?" Karen asks as you stare into your glass.
"Y/n!" Foggy nudges you and your eyes snap up.
"Yes! Sorry. What was the question?" You ask.
"Daredevil, what're your thoughts on him?" Foggy nods towards the TV in the bar that's apparently playing a news story about Daredevil's latest escapades.
"He doesn't see." You shrug looking back at your drink.
"Doesn't see what?" Foggy frowns.
"Sorry, that's not quite what I meant to say; I meant he doesn't use his eyes to fight." You say looking up again.
"Wait what?" Karen shakes her head.
"I dunno, the eyes in his mask look opaque but also if you've ever watched him fight he doesn't really... look at things. The whole time his head does this twitchy thing like when dogs hear a sound but can't see it, as if he's trying to hear everything better." You explain.
"Are you- suggesting that Daredevil... is blind?" Karen asks.
"Well it's hard to know for sure if he's completely blind or not but I'd bet that he's probably at least visually impaired."
"You think a vigilante is visually impaired." Foggy scoffs.
"I know it sounds absurd but I mean before the fancy suit and the moniker he was the man in black, he wore like a black cloth that covered his eyes he's obviously not using them." You shrug.
"Maybe he could see through it." He says.
"No- for it to be sheer enough for him to see through it, especially at night it would also probably be sheer enough to see him through, at least in the light, and he's got like an airtight lock on his secret identity. Even before he had the suit." You shake your head. "Maybe that's why." You add with a hum.
"Maybe what's why?"
"If he's visually impaired as I suspect he is, nobody would believe he's Daredevil! I mean he takes on gangs singlehandedly in the shadows of Hell's Kitchen all the time there's no way you'd expect a blind man to be doing all that. It would make the perfect cover story, plus if he gets injured I mean- he's blind nobody would question him saying he bumped into something or fell or even someone threw something and he didn't know. It's kind of genius."
"Look who decided to join us!" Karen smiles excitedly and you turn to see Matt standing between you and Foggy.
"About time loser! Why are all of you so obsessed with work?" You scoff.
"Hi guys." He chuckles.
"Hey man, you'll never guess what theory y/n here has cooked up." Foggy says.
"Hey! Don't talk about me like I'm some tin foil hat looney alright." You point a finger at him.
"Even you admitted how absurd it sounded!" Foggy says.
"Sure but I provided ample evidence to support my claim it's not some baseless conclusion I'm jumping to!" You say.
"It's circumstantial at best." Foggy says.
"Well this isn't a court of law Nelson we're at Josie's and I don't have to be an expert witness to draw conclusions here I think I've more than proved my stance."
"Not beyond a shadow of a doubt!"
"Excuse me we aren't running a criminal trial there's no reason I should have to work to those standards I think- what's the other thing y'all use? A preponderance of the evidence, I think that's more than sufficient-"
"Is one of you going to tell me what this is about or are you going to keep throwing around legal jargon in a bar?" Matt cuts your arguing with Foggy short with a question while Karen gets up to grab him a seat at your table. "Honestly y/n you spend too much time with us, when did you pick up all those phrases anyway?" Matt muses.
"I dunno Foggy likes to throw them at me and I like to be able to fight back." You shrug.
"Y/n thinks Daredevil is blind." Karen tells Matt, returning to her own chair.
"You think Daredevil... like the vigilante is blind?" Matt chuckles.
"See what I mean?" Foggy gestures.
"I don't know that I'd go with totally blind but I think he's visually impaired at least." You nod.
"How do you figure that?" Matt asks.
"Something about his helmet." Foggy says.
"Well that one I can't verify but before he had the devil suit, when he was just the man in black he was basically fighting with a blindfold on. Why would someone with perfect vision handicap themselves that way? Especially taking on criminals severely outnumbered every time it doesn't make sense. Oh and he does this head twitch thing like he's seeing with his ears and not his eyes. Like an animal when locating a sound they turn their ears to it first. It's the perfect cover honestly." You shrug. "Kinda like that kid in Queens."
"What kid?" Foggy asks.
"Another masked hero type, red and blue suit, they call him Spiderman over there." You pull out your phone to find one of the several viral videos of Spiderman you've seen. "To clarify, I don't think he's also blind or anything like Daredevil but I'm pretty sure he's a teenager." You say once the video ends.
"You think that's a child?!" Foggy looks at you incredulously.
"I mean I've seen a few of these clips of him, and between his build and his voice, because he talks in some of these, and his movements- there's almost no way that's an adult, but he can stop a bus with his bare hands so no one is looking at him and assuming a high schooler is doing that. I just happen to know a little too much about anatomy and physiology and he looks like a teenager. Again, another perfect cover, the least likely person."
"So- you watched that guy, do that, and your first thought was 'he can't buy alcohol yet'. Seriously?" Foggy asks.
"Well no actually I didn't think much of it at first but after a few clips, I started to wonder. I mean it's just a guess since his suit covers him from head to toe but I'm pretty confident in it." You shrug.
"You're insane. For this and the Daredevil thing." Karen nods.
"Excuse me for daring to consider all options." You say dramatically and Matt chuckles beside you but doesn't offer much on the subject. From there your conversation pivots topics and you all spend another hour or two talking and drinking before eventually calling it a night and going your separate ways home.
"Y/n." The voice startles you as you walk into your apartment and you let out a scream, clutching your chest as you take in the intruder by your balcony.
"Okay. I know you're a vigilante so you work outside of the law kind of by default here but you better have a damn good reason for breaking into my apartment, as in someone better be on their way to kill me right now or I am going to be so pissed off." You say after a moment because why the hell is Daredevil standing in your apartment?!
"No one is coming to kill you." He shakes his head.
"Then what the hell are you doing here?" You cross your arms.
"I wanna know how you figured it out."
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
"You figured out that I'm- I don't see when I fight. How did you know that?"
"Better question, how did you know that I knew that? Although, I didn't know for sure until you just said that, but how did you know I thought that?" You ask. Daredevil pulls off his helmet and you gasp. "Matt?"
"Don't act coy okay, we both know you knew it was me already." He rolls his eyes.
"No I didn't! If I knew it was you, or thought it was you, I would've said so the other night when we were talking about the whole thing. You know I've never been one to shy away from sharing what I'm thinking- oh my GOD you're daredevil!?" You shake your head as the information sinks in. You don't know which piece of this you're more interested in, the fact that you were right about Daredevil being blind or the fact that he's coincidentally also part of your friend group.
"Oh come on, you spent twenty minutes arguing that you think Daredevil is visually impaired are you telling me it didn't cross your mind for even a moment that it was me?"
"Okay first of all Matthew, you're not the only blind guy this side of the Hudson you know. Going from Daredevil may be visually impaired to Daredevil is the only blind man I know personally is quite a jump considering it was just a theory. Not to mention fair skinned man average height, average build, describes so many men in Hell's Kitchen not to mention the rest of New York. Hell, Tony Stark fits that description and if he wasn't already such an obnoxiously public superhero on the other side of the city I'd believe someone suspecting him of being Daredevil too."
"So you never once thought it was me?" Matt scoffs.
"I mean it crossed my mind once or twice but it's not like I could know for sure. That helmet covers like 80% of your face and you work almost exclusively at night it's not exactly cut and dry to ID you. I mean you've already had a copycat come around once." You explain.
"Why didn't you ask?"
"At the bar, the other night, if you thought it was me why didn't you ask me?" He asks.
"Well if I asked and you told me the truth anyone at the bar could've heard and, I know Daredevil has quite a few enemies. If you lied to protect your identity because we were in public well, we both know I expect honesty from you so why risk that rift? And then of course there's the possibility that I was wrong in which case all of you would look at me like I'd grown three heads- not that the whole 'Daredevil is blind' theory didn't already have them looking at me funny but that's besides the point. There was no good outcome for me asking in public. Plus there wasn't even a reason for me to ask you really, I didn't know enough to say you, Matt, and any distinct similarities with you, Daredevil besides the way you react to sound." You shrug.
"It was watching you- as Matthew- react to sound that made me piece together the Daredevil thing." You say.
"And you still didn't think it was me?"
"Again you aren't the only blind man around here, I figured reacting to sound that way was just a common trait for people who have to rely on senses other than sight."
"You got everything all figured out don't ya." He shakes his head.
"Well come on I am kind of known for it." You smile and Matt chuckles in spite of himself.
"You're taking this better than I expected. You're not mad."
"That you're a vigilante in your free time? Of course I'm not mad. I've always encouraged you and Foggy and Karen to have lives outside of your job and while your choice is a little... unorthodox, I think everyone should have a hobby. If this is yours I'm all for it. Although it does feel kind of work adjacent since you're like a lawyer but I'll let it go." You muse.
"Foggy and Karen had... very different reactions to the news."
"Wait- Karen and Foggy know?" 
"Yeah- yeah they know. But, I had to tell them because of extenuating circumstances. You, you just guessed it."
"I mean technically it was more of an inference than a guess, plus I didn't even guess that it was you just that the red devil didn't need his eyes for a fight." You shrug. "I can't believe they knew and had me feeling crazy at the table." You chuckle.
"It wasn't their secret to tell. I had to be the one to let you know, they were just keeping their promises-"
"I know. I'm not even mad about it. It's just funny." You shrug.
"You are being very chill about all of this." Matt says.
"So are you like- not fully blind? Because I was operating with the idea that Daredevil didn't have 20/20 vision or anything but like I definitely wasn't thinking total blindness which- I thought you had. So is that not the case? Like are you not fully blind?"
"I am. Kind of. It's hard to explain." He grimaces.
"Well have a seat and we'll discuss i- actually, is your suit clean or did you just get done vigilanteing because I do not want blood or mud on my couch so you'll have to clean up, I can go find one of your accidentally left here hoodies if you need to change." You offer.
"Tonight's battles were pretty clean I think I'm good." He says with his hands up.
"To be on the safe side sit at one of the kitchen stools."
"Yes ma'am." He nods and walks over to a chair to have a seat.
"So- are you totally blind? Yes or no?"
"Technically yes."
"The entire world looks like it's engulfed in flames. I can see silhouettes sometimes but they're are angry reds and oranges. They do not paint a picture at all really." He explains.
"Interesting." You hum.
"But, I've learned to see in other ways. Sound is a big one. I can even hear people's hearts beating."
"You can hear hearts beating?!" You blink at him.
"Yes." He nods once.
"Can you hear mine?!"
"Yes." Another nod.
"Woah. What do you use that skill for?"
"Number of enemies in a fight, counting the people in a room before I enter it, seeing if someone's lying to me." Matt lists off.
"Have you ever used it on me?"
"You don't lie to me." He shrugs.
"So that's a yes."
"It's a no. Not intentionally anyway. You've never given me a reason to even suspect you of lying." He says.
"So how else do you see?"
"Smell kind of, touch when I can. Sound is the main one though."
"You're like a bat." You giggle.
"Ha ha." His laugh is dripping with sarcasm that only makes you want to giggle more.
"Wait so- if you can do all this shit I take it you don't really need your cane then, do you?"
"Not- not really no."
"It's part of the cover then- isn't it?"
"Correct." He says.
"Hm, I assume this is also why you don't date, right?"
"Excuse me?"
"It's just that I imagine this Daredevil thing takes quite a bit of time, between that and the job that you never take a break from you basically have negative 2 hours of free time both of which you spend with either me or your coworkers. Plus I'm sure this would be one hell of a secret to try and keep from a significant other because it's not like you can tell them on the first date right? You never know who's working with your opps so you need to vet people so having to hide it until you know it's safe, which would probably totally suck." You rattle off your explanation.
"Okay first of all I date." He scoffs.
"You don't. You hook up with people sure but you do not date.  I was honestly starting to think you were some level of aromantic and I guess you still could be and that's totally fine by the way but not having time because you're a part-time vigilante makes sense." You shrug.
"I'm not aromantic and me 'not dating' isn't because of the Daredevil thing."
"Of course it's not." You say.
"You're being sarcastic aren't you?"
"A little, but hey you don't have to explain your lack of romantic life to me. I was just being nosy."
"What about you? You don't date either." Matt crosses his arms.
"I do date actually and the reason you don't know that is because you never ask but if you don't wanna talk about your not dating that's fine." You say.
"I have my reasons."
"I'm sure you do Matty, you're entitled to them. No need to defend yourself to me."
"It's not related to being Daredevil." He says.
"Do you want to tell me about it or no? If so, great let's talk about it, if not I've had a long day and I'm a little tired babes. You can go back out the window I assume you came through or you can use the door-"
"You." He cuts off your last sentence with a single word.
"Excuse me?" You frown at him.
"You are the reason I don't date."
"What did I do?" You blink incredulously.
"Nothing. I have feelings for you so I don't date other people. I'm Daredevil so I don't tell you that I have feelings for you because it's dangerous, because it was a secret I couldn't tell you, because I don't get the girl."
"You don't get the girl? Do you think you're the antihero in a movie? It doesn't work that way Matt. If you liked me the proper course of action is to say something to me don't make it into some big dramatic story arc that's doomed from the start, everything with you is self sabotage mission. Do you really believe yourself that undeserving of good things, of things you want, of happiness?" This isn't the first time Matt has done something in direct conflict of his happiness so you're not surprised, but since the thing in question regards you, you can't help but feel exasperated.
"I-" Matt trails off with a frown that makes his entire face squeeze. "I don't know what you want me to say."
"Why tell me this now? If you 'don't get the girl' if you can't have a relationship because it's 'too dangerous' or whatever silly reason you have for hiding it in the first place. Why are you telling me now?"
"You asked and I'm tired of hiding it I guess."
"Tired of hiding it. You didn't have to hide it."
"I didn't- do you honestly think that if I told you like six months ago, that I'm Daredevil and that Hell's Kitchen's notorious vigilante has feelings for you, do you think you would've reacted well?"
"I like to think I would, yes, but who cares that's not what happened. You told me tonight so, now what?"
"Now what?" He blinks at you.
"You're Daredevil and you have feelings for me so what happens now? Do we- continue as we've been? Do we see where this goes? What do you want now?"
"See where this goes? You'd want that? With me? To see where it goes?" He asks, he looks so lost that you can't help but sigh.
"Yes that's why I asked. Is it so unbelievable that I could also have feelings for you?" You ask softly.
"Well you didn't exactly say that-"
"I'm saying now. So- ask me on a date, or go home."
"Ask you on a date?"
"That's what I said Matthew. For a fancy defense attorney who graduated from Columbia Law, you are lost in an extremely too easy to follow conversation."
"None of this has been easy to follow okay? I never thought I'd get the chance to-" Matt trails off and shakes his head remembering your instructions. "Would you like to go to dinner with me tomorrow night?"
"Yes I would. Eight o'clock. Don't be late." You say with a smile.
"Eight o'clock. I'll be here. See you tomorrow." Matt nods with an adorable grin on his face.
"Goodnight Matthew." You hum.
"Goodnight." He says putting his helmet back on and climbing out your window.
"He could've used the door." You mutter to yourself shaking your head. You still can't totally believe you were right about Daredevil being blind but more shocking is that it wasn't even the biggest reveal you got this evening. Life really does come at you fast.
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lmao buck didnt ditch tommy last episode, he just made a pit stop before going to spend the night with tommy, like do you think he spent the whole night there? and yeah, this episode, if he does leave tommy to go help eddie, that's what friends do ?? like what do you expect him to do, just ignore his friends life completely falling apart? buck is an adult relationship and adults respect the fact that they arent always going to be no 1 first priority ALL of the time. tommy respects that, especially because eddie is actively in a spiral, and honestly it's really refreshing to see such a healthy depiction of the balance between romantic/platonic relationships. i mean how many times have other couples been interrupted by similar emergencies, this is literally the emergency show like. yeah obviously when there is an emergency, the characters are going to drop everything and go to it. I swear you people have never had adult relationships, romantic or platonic, because you see a normal healthy relationship and are incapable of enjoying it. "not anti bi buck, just anti tommy kinard" not anti bi buck, just anti any relationship buck has with a man that isn't eddie
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wow what did i say?? that was quick!
if you think buck left eddie’s house after hearing eddie say the words “yeah me too” in reference to being worried about him, then you do not know buck at all.
also when have we seen tommy respecting anything with buck? you all live in these made up scenarios that lou blabs on cameo when in reality all we have seen is tommy constantly be dismissive towards buck unless buck is actively paying sole attention to him. that is not a perfect and healthy relationship.
tommy is constantly speaking down to buck, calling him “kid” and refusing to call buck by the name he chose for himself. that is not the sign of someone who cares about buck to me.
as for being against any relationship buck is in with s man…. give me a man who actually shows that he gives a flying fuck about buck. give me a man who isn’t constantly being condescending and rude. give me a man who’s whole backstory wasn’t as a tool to put hen and chimney through hell at the 118. if buck was dating literally any other guy i wouldn’t be anywhere near as fed up with this plotline; but the fact of the matter is we have BARELY seen anything between them that isn’t tommy being a dick to buck unless buck is kissing him. that doesn’t read as a positive and healthy relationship to me. you all claim to care about buck so much, but then actively defend everything tommy does that is rude and condescending to buck as if buck somehow deserves it.
i am capable of enjoying normal healthy adult relationships because i have watched this show for seven years. i have seen these characters drop things for emergencies. i have picked up on the patterns they have laid down in previous storylines. i have experience working in filmmaking and know how to read into things.
normally i look at these asks and laugh because i don’t like to give a platform to people like you who hide begind anon to try and make buddie shippers out to be monsters but the fact that that post hasn’t even been up for ten minutes and you already felt the need to type a whole anon ask about how wrong i am when none of what you’ve pointed out has any canonical evidence of living in the truth? i have to laugh.
the block button is free. filtering out the anti tags is free. if you’re one of my followers…. when have i ever posted anything that would make you think i was pro tommy in any way that got you to follow me in the first place?
since you sent the ask on anon and i have no way of doing it myself, i invite you to go to my page and press the block button… the anti tags exist for a reason and if you don’t wanna see anti tommy content, either filter out the tags or block my blog. simple as that.
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haleyboook · 2 years
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Sexiest man alive’s photographer wife pt.l
Chris Evans is to be named People’s 2022 sexiest man alive, what he and his wife don’t know is that his photographer for the magazine is his very own wife. Who better to give the smoldering sexy look to than his wife?
“Yes I am still scrambling around London trying to make it back in time for Miles birthday party. The models I’m dealing with here believe I’m a complete ninny. If only they knew the real stars I’ve photographed. Tell me why I agreed to this shoot again?”
He smiles on the other end of the video chat saying “It was something new. You wanted to broaden your portfolio.”
I grumble saying “Biggest mistake ever. Never let me make another like this okay?”
He chuckles saying “I think you’ve spent too much time in Europe, you’re beginning to speak like them. Ninny? What does that even mean?”
I stifle a laugh saying “Gah.. I’m so sorry. I should be home. With you and Dodger. Not here.”
“Hey, we understand. You’re killing it there and we’re couch potatoes while you’re gone. After shooting I’m exhausted.”
I nod saying “How’s the shooting for the red one going?”
“Good. I love Dwayne. I know I said I didn’t know if he’d be weird but he’s so funny and so nice. You’d love him. You need to meet him soon.”
“I’ll be home soon. And I won’t leave again, for as long as humanly possible.”
He nods saying “Sounds like the best idea you’ve ever had.”
I shake my head saying “You look tired. I am screwing up your sleep routine calling you this late. I hate this stupid time difference.”
He shakes his head saying “I can’t and will not go to sleep until we have our nightly calls. You know that.”
I frown and say “Sometimes I hate my job.”
“But, you love it. You know that.”
I shrug as I feel tears produce, “it’s just so difficult being away from you for so long. I don’t know anyone here. My assistants are French and talk terribly about me to each other. And the models think I’m a servant to them. I miss America. I miss you. I miss home.”
His eyes widen and he says “It’ll be done in no time. We’ll be here, waiting. Just do what you’ve gotta do. I can send Scott over if you’d like. He begs to go to Europe all the time.”
I smile as I wipe my tears saying “If he’s my best bet, yeah. But he’s not my first choice in Evans’ visiting me.”
He nods saying “I know how much you love my mom but I think she’s pretty busy in Boston, even though…”
I laugh through the tears at his efforts to make me feel better, my assistant quickly calls for me as I look to the laptop
“Miss Klava is requesting you to do… your job. No offense.”
I sigh as I look to her saying “Klava was supposed to be on set of the shoot an hour ago. She doesn’t run the show here. Get her in makeup and make her look like she cares to be here. I’ll be there soon enough.”
Quickly she leaves as I groan and Chris mellows as I shake my head saying “They can never not interrupt our alone time, can they?”
He shrugs saying “Big shoot day. I know you need to get out there now.”
I look down to my watch saying “No. No, tell me more about what’s going on with you.”
“I got a call from People magazine actually..”
Klava pushes her way into my room, shouting in a language I don’t understand, pointing towards my laptop and huffing and puffing.
Making a whole tantrum in front of me
I shake my head saying “You should be in hair and makeup! You’re so lucky I don’t find literally any other model to replace you!”
She shakes her head saying “I told you I model best. But you waste time with this! This ridiculous device.”
I look to my laptop screen, seeing Chris’ flushed expression. I glare at Klava saying “You can’t barge into my private office-”
My assistant says “She refuses to go into makeup, she claims she looks perfect as is.”
I sigh saying “Get Rachel, send Klava to Wes while I figure out how yo handle this.”
I look to my laptop saying “I’m sorry, Chris. I will call you later. Alright?”
He nods and says “I love you. Good luck with Klava.”
I smile to him quickly, saying “I love you too. Good luck with shooting.”
“You too.”
The call ends and I spend the rest of the day scrambling around, attempting to position and direct models that are nearly more than a foot taller me in heels to do as I request
I didn’t get around to calling Chris again, but I had enough time to check my email before I ultimately let my head hit my pillow and pass out
A rep from people magazine have reached out, asking for a call to speak about a job offer
I set plans and fall asleep with my phone unplugged and with a low battery
Chris messages me as I sleep, giving me updates throughout his day
Only going through to my dead phone
The sun shines in my face and I abruptly sit up, scrambling to read the time “please don’t be late..”
I look to the clock on the microwave, groaning as I rush out of the room.
Another painful day of dealing with models begins as I plug my phone in, missing my daily call with Chris
Missing the email telling me I would receive a call from People magazine’s Zoe.
Rachel pushes my ringing phone to my ear as it answers “Honey, I know I missed our usual call but-”
“Oh? Sorry, do I have the wrong number?”
I set my camera down, grabbing my phone confused saying “Sorry.. thought you were my husband. My assistant didn’t tell me it was a business call. Who is this?”
“Zoe from People.”
“Oh! Hi, sorry. I’ve been swamped here in London. What can I help you with?”
She cheerily says “As you probably know, People announces the sexiest man alive yearly with a large photo shoot and article. And we need a photographer for this years 2022 sexiest man alive. I’ve been following your work for awhile and wow… you’re work is stunning. My employers and I would like to offer you the job.”
My eyes widen and I say “Who would I be working with? Who won?”
Zoe pauses and says “2022’s sexiest man alive..”
I smile and say “Ah.. so confidential for now. When will the photo shoot take place?”
“Soon, as soon as you have an opening actually.”
Debating taking on more work I say “Who’s in the running for the job besides me?”
Zoe pauses saying “We were hoping it’d be you. We have a few people we’ve used in the past but my boss really enjoyed your photos from the Met gala earlier this year. You took some phenomenal photos.”
I pause and say “I don’t finish this job for another few weeks and I- I need to speak to my husband first before I accept another job.”
“We’d be willing to be flexible with times. And we know the model would be too.”
Looking to the models in front of me I say “Can we shoot in Boston?”
Zoe happily says “Yes, wherever you choose to photograph!”
I nod saying “Alright, I’m in. I just need to reassure my husband. I can just do the editing from this job from home. I’m almost wrapped up here. I will send you some dates that work for me, you pick one and let’s set some solid plans okay?”
“Perfect, I’ll expect your email. Thank you!”
I wrap up the call, dropping my phone and saying “Alright, this is the last day of shooting and none of you will have to hear my harping voice again. Just cooperate with me.”
Sending my unedited shots to my higher ups at the magazine I request finishing the final product in the states
With some convincing it’s approved and I call Chris on my taxi ride to dinner
“Didn’t think you’d get some time away to call me.”
I huff a breath in response saying “Yeah. I didn’t either. From the looks of your texts it sounds like you’re enjoying filming on red one.”
“I’m actually about to go meet someone for breakfast. Would you mind if you just texted me what’s up?”
I pause and mask my voice saying “Yeah of course! I’ll talk to you later.”
I hear a couple different voices in the background, one being Scott shouting “tell her I’m booking my flight immediately!”
I smile and Chris ends the call with a hushed goodbye. I sigh and the taxi driver says “Where to?”
“The airport please.”
Also make sure to like, comment, and re-blog please!
comment to be added to taglist!! ♥️
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nathaslosthershit · 11 months
Death Glares and Loving Stares||Jamie Drysdale x Reader
Pairing: Jamie Drysdale x Reader
Warnings: Jealous Jamie
Summary: Two childhood friends, both too scared to admit their feelings.
“hi love could you write something for Jamie soon? idc I’m not picky :)”
“Could you write for Jamie using this prompt?
“Since when did you start liking me?”
“Remember we were four and you face planted outside your house while running to get the mail? Two people fell that day, literally and figuratively.” 
A/n: I really don’t love this fic so I apologize. I will definitely write something for Jamie again because I feel bad for releasing this.
Word Count: 1k
Being best friends with Jamie since before you both had even really developed a consciousness was a dream. You had never known a single day without the brunette by your side, even when one of you was sick, even when you two were fighting, even when his career took him far away from home, you were there. 
Having 24/7 access to Jamie had led the two of you to knowing each other more than you knew yourselves, and with that came the realization that you have never known a more perfect man for you, and you doubted you ever will. But, as is the case with many best friends in love, the fear of losing him outweighed the need for him to know your feelings. 
It didn’t feel good to watch as Jamie talked to, had feelings for, and dated other girls. Sure you had dated as well, you weren’t going to let your dating life cease to exist because of buried down feelings, but they never worked out because you couldn’t ever give 100% of yourself to them, not when Jamie already had so much of you.
That being said, the guy at the bar was cute. Boyfriend material? Definitely not. But he would be great to get your mind off of Jamie in the corner with another girl. 
Or maybe not.
Maybe it was that you weren’t interesting enough for him because soon after your conversation started, he started getting seemingly distracted and eventually made up a lame excuse to leave you and start talking to a new girl. Even though you couldn’t have cared less about the guy, it still hurt a lot for him to walk off.
Little did you know, it was the brunette shooting him daggers from the corner that scared him off. 
The girl in front of him was cute, don't get him wrong, but after five minutes, and an invitation to “get out of here and have some fun”, Jamie had lost interest and the girl had huffed off in annoyance. 
Now alone, Jamie scanned the room for you. Earlier, he was hoping to just spend the night by your side but soon chickened out when he saw you scanning the room for any potential people to talk to. 
Which was fine.
He could find someone to talk to.
In fact, it would probably be better if he found someone first so that you didn’t feel pressured to stay by his side, no matter how much he wanted you to. 
You weren’t his, he had no claim to you, so he had absolutely no right to be upset when you found someone. 
At least that's what he told himself while he shot daggers at the man you were talking to. It wasn’t his intended purpose to scare him off but he wasn’t necessarily upset about it. Until he saw you sitting at the bar, disappointed that you had been left alone once more.
“You think it's time to go?” Jamie asks from behind, surprising you.
“Yeah, it was stupid to come here.” You pout, making him feel worse.
As you head outside, you explain what went down, unaware of Jamie’s part in the whole mess. It wasn’t that you had really liked the guy. Most nights, you wouldn’t have spent as much time thinking about him, but with his sudden departure and already having felt rejection from Jamie as he talked to the girl, you felt so insecure.
Seeing how upset you were killed Jamie. 
“I’m sorry” He exclaims, the guilt eating him alive.
“It's not your fault, the guy was an ass I guess, or maybe I'm just not that interesting.”
“No.. no please never think that. I- seeing you talking to him just made me mad, to the point where I may or may not have glared at him till he left you.”
Shock caused you to stop where you were. Jamie had scared him off? 
“But why would you- weren’t you talking to that girl?”
“Oh please. I had been wanting to talk to you all night. When I offered to take you to the bar it wasn’t to go hunting for some one-night stand. I just thought that we could have had a nice night together. But this ended up being a shit show for the both of us. I couldn’t handle seeing you with him, even though you aren’t mine. Even though I have been too much of a wimp to tell you how I have felt about you for years. And I'm sorry for that.”
How are you supposed to even respond to that? You supposed there was nothing to even say, so you kissed him. And after a few seconds, he kissed you back.
In the middle of the sidewalk, in the dark, you finally kissed your best friend of many, many years. His hands circled your waist while yours went to his hair.
You both pulled away to take a breather.
“Since when did you start liking me?”
“Remember we were four and you face planted outside your house while running to get the mail? Two people fell that day, literally and figuratively.” 
“You’re an idiot, Jamie. We could have solved many issues had you said something earlier.”
“I don’t know why all this blame is getting put on me. You easily could have said something as well, love.” Touché. You kiss him again.
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Complaining about ugly 'afrolatino' Percy designs once again and this time i'm sayin' there's no such thing as 'The Percy Jackson look',not really.Percy wasn't given an overly specific physical description in the books and that's exactly why it's so easy and popular to picture him as an moc even unintentionally as it's not all that uncommon for kids of color who grew up on the books to have believed Percy was a poc too when reading and it's helped by having no in-text contradictions.Percy
Has black hair,sea green eyes and brown skin('a mediterrean complexion')
Looks like a younger Poseidon
And is so attractive he passes for a god according to someone who's actually seen one(Hazel's description of him in SON)
None of this stops him having dark and strong features and is more fitting than any other version of him as he has a hidden darkness in him and is the strongest demigod so it's a visual metaphor on top of representation.'Mediterrean complexion' is an umbrella term so darkskinned Percy works and sea green comes in multiple shades so his eyes can be a complimentary color instead of looking off.Hair texture and facial structure were never given so type d and his nose nor lips nor anything else on his face have to be delicate and NOTHING about him has to be light.As a lightskin half white black person,we are VERY overrepresented in contrast to monoracial and darkskin black people so to ME,biracial and especially lightfeatured Percy is bad and will only accept the former if the other heritage is a nonblack poc race as multiracial black characters are practically unheard of and get swept under the rug when we get them
This is exactly why it pisses me off much when people say Luke's actor looks book!Percy when they headcanon Percy as 'afro'latino,because Charlie isn't AFROlatino,he's a white passing mestizo and that's not a dizz on him but to Y'ALL.You cannot seriously tell me you looked at a whole ass WHITE passing nonblack man and thought of Percy while claiming to think he's BLACK.The performativeness dosen't need to be spelled out and it really shows that y'all see afrolatino Percy as either just black gringo Percy with a quirk thrown in or a racially ambigious latino you can say is black for brownie points as if that's what irl mixed afrolatinohood is like at all-We get it,you don't do your research.And that ain't good enough.Like how Leah is the perfect Annabeth casting since she dosen't look anything like Annabeth but acts like Annabeth,Perseo needs to be Percy Jackson personality wise over what the fandom mistakenly thinks he looks like because of their racist beauty standards that're shown in their volatile reactions to anybody be they fictional or even real and literal minors that dosen't fit them(see the Leah harrasment but also how often the canon poc in the books have gotten shit thrown at them since the start).It's not 'Perseus [insert pretentious fake greek middle name here] Jackson',he's Perseo Isadore Jackson
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So I've got some thoughts for my RvB gang.
I had a thought recently. I found Sharkface to be an extremely boring villain. Like he was cool(ish) and the jokes about how edy he was trying to be were funny(ish) but. You know who would have been more fun? The dude with the robot arm.
Think about it - the guy was shot by Carolina and left behind on a drilling rig that blew up, and survived. He tanked a MAC round from orbit and all he lost was his right arm. They've set up a perfect villain here. Claiming he literally can't die would be so funny! Every time he appears he dies, then he just shows back up with yet another robotic prosthetic. His whole subplot is that he just desperately wants to die, and he finally figured out that the pyramid thing is his only shot at finally getting his wish. The problem is that he would also wipe out the rest of life as we know it if he did that.
Anyway, the background subplot is what's really important here. Carolina is being hunted down by a shadowy figure. Evidence points to him being another hired gun working with the pirates. He is always half a step behind her, getting closer and closer to tracking her down.
Eventually in the climax, the hitman catches up to Carolina. They go through an intense duel, where he seems to be able to anticipate all of her best moves and counteract them. Finally, she manages to hit the guy hard enough to knock off his helmet.
It's York.
Then we get some backstory - when York was shot going after Wyoming, Delta turned on his healing unit. He then told Tex that York was dying. As soon as she left Delta woke York back up, got him to swap armor with one of the grunts, and disappear.
So York spent several months slowly recovering. During that time, life finally beat him. He didn't have his armor, he didn't have his healing unit anymore, and he didn't have Delta to keep him coming. He finally gave up on the dream of finding Carolina alive somewhere.
So instead, he decided it was high time someone finally killed Director Church. He would kill the man who took everything he'd ever loved - admittedly, in a roundabout sort of way - from him. Only when he tracked the director down, he found hundreds of dead Allison lookalikes and archive footage of yet another cheap robot replacement killing the Director - except this time Church went to far. He made a replacement of her. He couldn't even let his own daughter's memory find peace.
So, York ended up with a new goal: kill the robot that had stolen Carolina's face (armor). End it once and for all. Bring some closure for the girl that he loved so much but never got to keep.
After all of this revelation, we finally get York and Carolina's big happy ending. I don't know how they beat the immortal robo guy, but mostly I just care about my Yorkalina angst and resolutions.
Anyway. I'd love to hear anyone's thoughts. And... should I write this at some point? Let me know.
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catofoldstones · 5 months
j0ns@ isnt 100% to me but stans disbelieving in the ashford tourney interpretations now because it didnt fit what they wanted makes me lol now its invalid by having robert arryn when its not supposed to be a 100% recreation, harrold harryn is too much coincidence that it signals sans@'s suitors ,saying the final targaryen suitor died is coping because like Valarr Targaryen, jon also just died the difference is he'll get resurrected
my favourite excuse is "well nobody married lady ashford" well duh its a tourney,it might not even happen in a romantic light more for desperate political reasons the denial is hysterical
Hi anon,
I understand their need to constantly be “debunking” the theory because how dare Sansa have a parallel in another book and thereby be an important character in the series as a whole😤
I don’t think Robert Arryn is the chink in the armour they think he is. With all of Sansa’s previous suitors & Harry, there have been concrete plots to get her married to them. She was officially betrothed to Joffrey (the Baratheon suitor) before the Tyrells brought in Willas (the Tyrell suitor) and were actively planning to spirit her away to Highgarden right under the Lannisters’ noses, only for them to catch wind of the plan (if it can even be put that way) and forcefully get Sansa married to Tyrion (the Lannister suitor). As for Harry, Baelish’s northern plan comes into play which rests on the heels of Sansa getting married to Harry. Not to mention Hardyng is a pretty unknown House to just throw in, dontcha think?
Lysa brings up Sweetrobin in passing, with no plan or even an actual intention to marry them. This is literally never brought up again when Lysa is alive, or even after. The only one repeating any similar sentiment is Sweetrobin himself, who has a crush on Sansa but clearly doesn’t know what it means. So should we take Sweetrobin as a valid suitor? I mean, do crushes count? Because then why not include a whole legion of other Westerosi men who are interested in Sansa and make it a watertight argument. Baelish absolutely wants to marry Sansa, he even asked Cersei for Sansa’s hand in marriage, why isn’t he included? “Because…” yeah you’re there. My point is, the arguments against Baelish & SR are both strong but take a step back to what they have in common, Sansa’s story is leading somewhere else and thematically neither of them fit. One is less serious than the other & thats SR. Be fr with your SR arguments jesus.
Moreover, the Ashford theory and Sansa’s suitors don’t have to be perfect analogues of each other. Hell, we know nothing about Lady Ashford except that she’s 13 and involved in a tourney that was disrupted, and that Sansa is 13 and involved in a tourney that will be disrupted. Man, does this girl have to be named Pansa Ptark now for it to be a valid parallel? Why does George even bother naming his books, he should start calling them the war of the roses and be done with it. Why are we even reading political fiction, let’s just open today’s newspaper. Tf.
And I don’t think I can add anything to the Jon - Targaryen suitor theories that hasn’t been proposed + your points too. We consider R + L = J to be true, first and foremost. The “white guardian”, “dark hair” “the Targaryen suitor being dead” etc etc. In the same vein as the argument above, does he need to be named Jonnel/Jonos now to be taken seriously? Well, he is in another parallel but even that is “reaching” so what can I say? 🤷‍♀️ They’re not going to see what they don’t want to see, but, like you said, watching them jump through hoops and perform mental gymnastics and open a whole circus in the process is truly hilarious lol.
You do bring up an excellent argument, anon, that all of Sansa’s previous suitors have been for her claim to the North, so her marriage with Jon might also be for political reasons. However, the slight exception of Joffrey who was a King in his own right (lmao) exists; which again sort of foils Jon and his actual claim to the iron throne. So I feel that while a political marriage is totally on the cards (solves one too many problems for my liking 😤), Sansa might marry him out of love considering her theme of independence and not-marrying-for-claim. But who am I to say 🤷‍♂️
Lastly, nobody crowned Lady Ashford the queen of love and beauty so Sansa isn’t marrying anyone is sort of funny. Well, Loras gave Sansa a red rose amongst all the young maidens present there, are they a foreshadowed endgame pairing now? Also, how does one come up with Sansa is gonna end up as Lady of the Vale by marrying HH and Sansa is going to end up alone in the same breath?
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qu0rky · 3 months
New insanity in the fandom
When i was talking about media literacy, i was especially referring to the Hazbin Hotel fans cause how did this girl on tiktok go on to say that Stolas is an awful character and went on to misunderstand the ENTIRE point… Get your hands off of Helluva Boss i am begging you go back to praising your fave one-dimensional Hazbin character but for the love of god leave Stolas out of your shitty ass opinions.
“This fandom can never take opinions” not when you’re blatantly wrong about shit and blaming it on other people for having the comprehension skills of a pebble😭
Stolas isn’t meant to be this morally perfect character, nobody on the show is, it’s literally set in HELL.
But he is a damn good father for one, he clearly loves his daughter unconditionally and tried to give her the best possible life despite all the abuse that he’s had to endure. And he can still learn new things as they both grow, that’s not crazy. But he is almost always apologetic when he understands that what he did was wrong. He was also neglected as a child and decided to break that pattern.
Now, onto Stolitz, a whole other can of worms. You’re telling me, a VOX STAN (he’s my favorite HH character so don’t start) is claiming that Stolas is TOXIC??? I’m sorry, did we watch the same shows? In what universe is Vox a good person, and why do you hold them to different standards??
Regardless of that, Blitz’s view of Stolas is entirely warped due to his insecurities and self-loathing, he does not have the same insight that we, as viewers, have about Stolas’ true feelings and intentions. And if you had an ounce of brain you would know why Stolas acted the way he did in the beginning. I’ll delve into Stolitz further in a different post if some people still don’t understand the dynamic, but for now i’ll leave it at that, there’s plenty of people on this site that have already explained it better than i ever could.
If you don’t ship Stolitz and don’t particularly like Stolas that’s fine, it is an opinion, it’s totally different to outright lie about the character and their dynamic tho, it just makes you look dumb.
Also they said some shit about Stolas’ songs, and it just feels a bit iffy cause it has nothing to do with the character?? Bryan did a fantastic job idc what you think of Stolas leave the man out of this.
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celestialholz · 1 year
Normal/Flying/Enigma - or 'Larry is a goddamn Christmas present, and here's what I found when I unwrapped him'
... Fucking Larry, huh? Mad guy. Absolutely unhinged set of pixels. He's got as many interpretations as days in the year - autism, depression, the working man stereotype, 'just a dude', to name a few - but... and I know this is a bold claim, but I think I've got him figured out. I've already meta'd him before on a smaller scale, and concluded that Mister Quiet, Calm and Collected here is actually a secret showman who loves crowd approval, so let's carry on.
Let's work our way under his skin, yeah? You just sit there and eat onigiri king, take a well-deserved break.
Let's start with the obvious: Larry has no clue who he is. He gives you the Facade TM, tells you he hopes you have no need to put on the same front as him, and then during his rematch says this on why he loves Normal types:
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... Which is all well and good, right? Fair, valid, pretty regular guy - except oh no wait, hang on, he is literally the least ordinary trainer in this franchise.
This right here is a perfect example of the duality of Larry already, and we've just started. He's a showman, an exhibitionist in the Pokemon arena, and he duel-serves as Elite Four and gym leader.
Just to put that into context for those fans who are newer than my veteran ass, no one does that. Even those who got promoted later - Lance, Koga and Wallace, unless I'm forgetting anyone else - have never wielded two titles simultaneously. And even in their promotions, Lance, Koga and Wallace keep their damn types. They don't master a whole new one, at the highest of battling levels, on a goddamn whim because their boss said to. Whether he likes it or not, by the established standards of this series, Larry is a fucking genius. Even those with mixed teams don't hold type mastery to this degree. Whether or not you personally found him easy or difficult to defeat either time is not the point - literally, no one's doing it like he is. He trains four entire new team members, between his three jobs (because oh yeah, he's got another one), to the late fifties/early sixties in levels and acts like it ain't shit. That's endgame levels to anyone else, the culmination of their eighteen-badge journey or their literal years of training - for Larry, it's fucking LEISURE TIME. Man's doing this in front of Netflix.
... And we're supposed to believe he's NORMAL? And the thing is, I don't even think he's gaslighting us, at least not consciously - he genuinely believes this. This is his normal.
No wonder Geeta sticks him in the gym right next to Area Zero. 90% sure he could solo the place if you gave him a few hours to go and catch the right team. Don't even know what we're doing here, to be quite honest. Might as well go home and hug the Skwovet in my own lounge, the adorable little bastard. What the honest fuck.
My man, take a look in that mirror as you munch those delicious rice balls. There ain't a single thing regular about you. Larry seems to have no clue that his life is anything but standard - he walks around wearing a facade. His penultimate mon, which I've covered the significance of before with Flapple and Hassel (and with Larry himself here), is Staraptor, a lone wolf, who leaves the flock upon evolving to live alone, and yet his ace Flamigo only functions well in a group. Just a quick compare-and-contrast between the dex entries of them both here:
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... Excuse me whilst I error 404. He's got so little clue who he is, even his team has personality conflicts.
Thing is, right... if he walks around wearing a facade, why does he? In fact, whilst we're on the subject of his team, why doesn't he take his clearly vacation-themed team ON A VACATION?
Look at these guys.
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Palm trees, tropical birds, blue skies with clouds, and... well, Staraptor's clearly his favourite. Man's got a holiday-themed squad, which leads us to another core point:
Larry doesn't drown himself in work because he likes it, he does it because he doesn't have anything else.
Logically, Larry must make bank. We don't know what the gym leaders get paid - though for the first time, we know that they definitely do, thanks to this:
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(Thank you for that little screenshot, @prince-kallisto. <3)
And not only does he get paid from this, but he's in the Elite Four - every sensible conclusion says that this man has to be one of the highest-paid trainers in Paldea. And he's got a third job that we don't even know about. Bearing in mind that every other adult NPC in this game seems to get along just fine with one or two jobs, I don't think we need to remotely worry about Larry's finances.
And he doesn't particularly like any of his jobs, so he doesn't do them for love... and if he doesn't take any time off, he must be drowning in potential time to take off...
So, why doesn't he go on holiday? Why does he drown himself in work he dislikes when he has no financial need to; why does he live a lie; why doesn't he find out who he is?
Well, there's only one thing that really connects all that together, isn't there?
Larry's life is a void because he's alone.
When people are lost, they throw themselves into work to find purpose. What's the point of going on holiday when you've got no one to go with? This man does embody a stereotype perfectly, but it's probably not the one you think. It's much simpler - 'money can't buy you happiness.'
He tells you about this loneliness himself, in a way.
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Larry has normal and regular interests, in a world where he is anything but, and people only want to be surprised. No one gets him, whether because they're not on his battling level, or because he's too ordinary. And when no one gets you... how are you supposed to get yourself? However introverted we are, we experience ourselves partly through others. He has the Elite Four, who are 100% a found family, but... the problem with that is that they accept him at face value because they love him. Which is amazing and all, we adore that, but it means no one gets under his skin.
And the further problem of that is that he's no happier deep-down. And that's not on his colleagues, not at all. Rika is relaxed and easygoing, Poppy is a child, and Hassel... well, Hassel is drama, Hassel is married. Hassel has his own perfect love story already. Hassel has already seen someone a little bit like Larry before - directionless, depressed, unsure of his own self - and he went and promised him forever anyway. (Hello Brassius, I see you king. Be careful on that windmill.)
... And that... yeah, that's kind of the crux of it all. Larry needs him someone very much like Hassel; someone who sees through every layer of facade, someone who accepts. (... I realise this is me right now, and yes, I do volunteer as tribute. Come here, you beautiful fucking not-normal man. <3)
Essentially, what I'm saying is...
Larry needs a partner... and I don't mean another Pokemon one.
But, as sad a conclusion as that is... he's learning, by the end of your time with him.
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(Can we talk about the chef lady in the background, by the way, who is ignoring her TikTok to listen to his conclusion? What a sweetheart.)
We've taught him to open himself up a bit, to start embracing the new and the different. We've started to help this man, and if that isn't the most worthy thing my Nuzlocke son Juan here has done in his adventure through Paldea that wasn't helping a sick dog, I don't know what is.
As much as they annoy us sometimes, happiness is other people. Other people who see your soul, and smile. Perhaps he doesn't even need a romantic partner... perhaps he just needs the world's best friend.
But whatever it is that he needs... let him go on holiday, Game Freak. Let him be him, and very happy because of it. Give him a Hassel who isn't Hassel, and a month off at a certain DLC festival to spend with them. Larry exists in a club of one - he's too talented in the same breath as he's too average.
(Personally, I think he should take Katy, but... hey, that's me and my vanillacupcakes agenda. And the fact her ace is a Normal type who likes dessert.)
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lady-corrine · 7 months
But somehow it is Rhaenyra — Rhaenyra who was forced into her marriage with a gay man, Rhaenyra whose sons were recognized and accepted by Laenor and Corlys as true Velaryons, Rhaenyra whose sons were, above everything else, her heirs, through her and her alone — that is the villain and the monster, and unworthy to rule.
That's it. Right there.
Greenies don't seem to get (or just ignore) that Laenor was A GAY MAN. Not straight. Not bi. But GAY. He had ZERO attraction to women. And Rhae knew and accepted that and CONSENTED for Laenor to have his lovers while she had her own, which LAENOR ALSO CONSENTED AS WELL.
As heir, Rhaenyra NEEDED to have kids. Regardless on if she was traumatized by child birth to her grandma and mom BOTH dying in childbirth. (Greenies also seem to forget that Nyra NEVER wanted kids as well. They make excuses for Alicent that she was a teen mom and probably didn't want kids, esp at 15 or 16 which is why she is so bad at parenting while Nyra is shown to be loving while previously never wanting marriage or motherhood) and since Laenor didn't desire her, she found a LITERAL plan b.
She couldn't trust anyone else bc the court was already hostile toward her for being a female heir so whose to say one day the bio dad would get tired and claim them????
Sorry for replying so late 💜
They just ignore it to fuel their hatred for Rhaenyra. Because just like you said, Laenor was a gay man, and, even more, the book makes it clear that Laenor never showed any interest in women:
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This brings into discussion two separate, albeit very much connected, things:
First is how the whole council (and Viserys first and foremost, of course, since his word was final) was an idiotic group of idiotic men that placed Rhaenyra in an impossible situation from the very beginning. This wasn't a case of not knowing Laenor's sexuality, of some plot trying to keep the truth hidden until after the wedding, of pretense or lying — no, Laenor's sexuality was known to everyone. It was known he didn't express any interest in any women, it was known he was gay and had male lovers.
And yet the whole council simply went: you know what would be completely ideal for Rhaenyra? What would make her position so much easier? A man that loves her and is in love with her and actively asked to marry her and sought her hand in marriage? No. They decided that, somehow, the perfect answer is Laenor.
Which brings us to the second point of all this: for Rhaenyra to have those silver haired children that the Greens and Velaryon extremists cry about like they are some medieval peasants, it would have meant for her to rape Laenor. To not care at all about Laenor's feelings and desires and just repeatedly, robotically, force him and herself to sleep together until they produced a child.
But above all else, they hate that Rhaenyra actively sought to have pleasure herself when having sex. To not just sit there and endure it and count the seconds until it was finished.
They would rather see Rhaenyra as this monstrous gorgon that abuses her husband to fulfill her "duty" (someone take away this word from the greens). As this robot that clenches her mouth and suffers sleeping with her gay husband. And somehow this, for the Greens, is the better decision that proves a better character. This makes a better heir to the throne in their vision 🥴
Rhaenyra did the best she could with the horrible circumstances she was given. She allowed Laenor freedom, she allowed him to be with whoever he wanted. Jace, Luke and Joffrey were raised with love and not wanting for anything in terms of affection. And, mind you, the scrutiny was never on Laenor for his lovers. It was still always on Rhaenyra.
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murky-tannin · 8 months
so is cellbit pro-fed? all his investigations have helped the fed and worked against granting the islanders freedom. also even though he didn't tell the feds everything in his recent investigations he did just confess that he withheld information to cucurucho which we know will have consequences, which will probably harm all the islanders, since they all helped steal the minimes. i guess i'm just a little confused since his words have all been anti-fed but his actions have helped the feds a lot in stopping the islanders from escaping or finding out about the rebellion faction, even if he did it unintentionally. at the end of the day cellbit has said he would be fine staying on the island as long as he can be with roier and richas, and that the islanders have the freedom to come and go as they please, which is very similar to what foolish has said.
A: the benefits to the feds (which seemingly arent actually benefiting the feds moreso then benefiting Antoine which is a whole other can of worms) are also benefits to the larger EXPLICIT anti fed goal.
B: what about Cellbit's last stream and that scene with Cucu has you calling him pro fed? The feds are fully aware the islanders stole the minimi's. What Cellbit did was take the blame away and put it on himself. And we dont know where his arc will go from here, but the general terminology of pro federation isnt applicable yet. If he genuinely sticks to what he said to Cucurucho? (which he likely wont for any longer then a week or two) ((three weeks if we count him sleeping)) then maybe that can be reconsidered
Not everything he does is perfect and sometimes he DOES do something to hurt the anti fed cause. There are times where you can look at his actions and say "this is pro fed whether he realizes it or not." But that doesn't make him generally pro fed. God he literally created a resistance group (one acknowledged as such by the larger anti fed resistance group Etoiles joined) And has worked tirelessly towards anti federation goals for months. I do not watch this man spend 6 hours trying to fuck over the federation every single day for him to be labeled pro fed 😭
Unlike Jaiden and Foolish. Foolish who actively hurts islanders to benefit the feds- not for any anti fed goal or anything. Just because he finds it fun and wants the power to have more fun. Jaiden who rarely contributes to anything anti fed. Who claims to be neutral (aka pro fed. Because to not be anti oppressor is to support them. That's a good life lesson!/gen) Who despite this "neutrality" actively helps the feds!
On top of this, both of them actively shut down anti fed actions and opinions quite often.
There will never be a hard line to draw with labels, especially labels like "pro" or "anti". But we use them anyways and expect people to be able to read between the nuances. What you are saying is something called semantics.
The large point of my post is not to complain when people call Jaiden or Foolish pro federation. Because that doesn't mean they are ignoring nuance or ignoring characterization or whatever. Because calling them pro fed is completely reasonable in the general way we use these kinds of terms
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marauders era characters and whether i think they're good singers or not
Sirius Black: thinks he has the voice of an angel. more has the voice of a vulture. subjects everyone to his awful singing whenever he can. remus hates listening to music in his presence because he always ruins it.
James Potter: could be a good singer if he tried. but he prefers just screaming on to lyrics. "reggieeee it's more fun that way!" regulus is not impressed. he doesn't let james choose the music in the car anymore. when he and sirius duet it's a true nightmare.
Remus Lupin: decent singer but will not sing unless it's along to another song. if the music cuts out an he's still singing, you'll never see him again. that mf is fleeing to another country.
Peter Pettigrew: surprisingly a great singer, and he knows it. usually only pulls out the singing for karaoke, but if somebody asks him to sing, well, how can he say no? "WORMTAIL THAT IS THE THIRD TIME YOU'VE SERENADED A GIRL THIS WEEK SHUT THE FUCK UP"
Mary MacDonald: this girl is a singer. like she wants to become a popstar and she will if she puts her mind to it. like she's got the voice for pop-punk. she'll do an impromptu concert during a party and everybody loves her and is in love with her for it.
Lily Evans: she is a choir/theater kid. don't lie to me and say otherwise. this girl got up on stage and sang her heart out to the music man in sixth grade (seventh year). she was the soloist in all her choir shows. she's a good singer and she knows it but she's humble.
Marlene McKinnon: likes to think she can sing, but can't. mostly sings when she's drunk. nobody has the heart to tell her she isn't the next celine dion. dorcas actually finds it quite endearing though. she loves watching movies with marlene when she insists singing along to the whole soundtrack
Regulus Black: amazing singer. like literally voice of an angel. but will put a knife to somebody's throat before they ever hear him sing. but blushes when james says he has a pretty voice. before threatening him at knife point. it doesn't exactly go to plan.
Dorcas Meadowes: she's a decent singer but doesn't like to sing. will only sing if marlene drags her to do karaoke. because she can't say no to marlene. and she's usually already blackout drunk.
Barty Crouch Jr.: listen, this guy is the next michael buble. he moonlights as a singer at cocktail parties and makes ladies swoon. evan is annoyed. think of barty as duke silver from parks and rec but with singing. that's the vibe. but nobody knows and he and evan pretend he can't sing for shit around their friends.
Evan Rosier: your pretty average singer. sounds good on some songs when he tries, bad on others. barty always claims he sounds perfect even when it's he's completely off-key.
Pandora Lovegood: she has two modes. literally heavenly, like the voice that sings you up to heaven when you die. or she sounds like she's choking to death. usually the latter is when she's drunk. don't ever ask her to do karaoke when she isn't sober, your ears will bleed.
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