#he knows exactly who he is and at the end of the day he’s the one laughing to the bank
januaryembrs · 2 days
ahhh can I ask for a drabble for sunshine reader x Spence when they're out with the team at a bar or something and reader is obviously a clingy and giggly drunk?
MY BABY'S SWEET AS CAN BE | Spencer Reid x Sunshine!Reader
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description: Spencer's girlfriend loves karaoke when she's drunk, but she loves him even more
length: 1k
warnings: literally just fluff
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He smiled at her unabashedly as she flitted through the crowd, the top of her head bobbing in between other patrons as she shoved through the sea of bodies, and he heard the odd “Excuse me, oh I’m so sorry, excuse me, Sorry-scuse me,” which let him know the mop of hair with two little bows in it was exactly who he thought it was. 
Not that he’d need to try hard to find her, his eyes hadn’t left her all evening. She had a tendency to get upset if they got parted when she’d had a couple to drink, and he hated the look she got on her face when she welled up and felt sorry for herself. 
She burst out the throng, her eyes quickly scanning across the group, and Emily barely had time to hand her a Frozen Daiquiri before she’d launched herself where Spencer leaned against the bar.
“Honey! Oh, I missed you so much,” She said, immediately homing into his waist, her ear pressing against his chest where his heart beat particularly loudly, because whatever affectionate streak she carried on a day to day basis was dialled to one million when she got like this. 
“Baby, I saw you five minutes ago,” He chuckled, wrapping an arm around her nevertheless and running his large, warm hand down her spine where her backless dress gave him free rein to feel everything. 
She looked up at him with an aghast stare, “You didn’t miss me, too?” 
“Oh, I never said that, now did I?” Spencer asked, his words sweetened with his smile, and adoration stained every single syllable like coffee over clean breath, “Did you have fun?” 
She giggled, leaning to steal a quick kiss, and her hand brushed over his stomach to pinch the soft pouch of fat gently, “I did! Did you see me, I totally outsang Luke,” 
“For the last time; karaoke is not a contest, we’re supposed to be singing together,” Luke said, his forehead sweaty where he’d pushed through the crowd himself trying to keep up with her as she’d bolted off the stage to get back to her spot tucked under Spencer’s arm. 
She stuck her tongue out at him, rolling her eyes when he gave her a more obscene gesture, and turned back to where Spencer had yet to rip his eyes off her, his pupils dopey and wide and full of puppy love as she looked at him. 
“He’s just mad becaus he wanted to sing Beyonce’s part, and I made him be Shakira,” She said on chuckled breath, “But I think our cover of Beautiful Liar could top charts, like, nationally,”
“Ofcourse, I reckon you could go global if we got you a good agent,” He humoured her, and her eyes lit up with glee, bouncing on the balls of her feet to the point he almost spilled his beer. But he didn’t care, he just loved seeing her so happy. 
“Really! Really, really?” She asked, quickly stealing another adoring kiss from his lips like she could only go so long before she needed another one to fuel her words, like she didn’t even realise she was doing it as there was little to no pause in her end of the conversation. 
“Well, sure,” He said, his mouth interrupted when she pecked him again, and he wondered if she genuinely understood they couldn't kiss and talk at the same time with the way she was going, “But, if my sweet girlfriend becomes a popstar sensation overnight, who’s going to be there when I want to do this?” He said, wrapping an arm around her waist, his fingertips caressing the dip of her back, already knowing which moles sat beneath his touch and where, as he gave her a real kiss, one that made her squeak a little and the sound of it forced an even bigger smile out of him. 
He parted from her reluctantly, and he didn’t even care that he usually didn’t like PDA all too much if it meant she would look so content and glowing, her eyes creasing as she sighed with a besotted expression. Spencer never thought he would get so lucky to have anyone look at him like that, never mind someone who he loved with his whole entire being, and everything else left of him. 
“You raise a good point, my genius love,” She said, pressing her burning face into his sternum, her hands still never leaving where they’d buried into his waist, “I guess I’ll put my debut album on hold and stay to kiss you some more,” 
“Will you guys stop being so disgustingly sweet, it’s making my punch taste sour,” Penelope said, even though the team didn’t seem to mind their soppy exchanges. Spencer sometimes seemed like his old self again when he was with her, something boyish and teasing and loving returning back to his rough hands and exhausted expression, and for that the two of them could rip each other's clothes off for all they cared. 
Because they were one of those couples that made everyone else feel lucky to just see that kind of love so close, not envious or repellent, like finding a fawn sleeping on your doorstep. It was rare and pure and warmed everyone right through to their marrow. 
The two of them smiled at one another, and she leaned in to steal a few more kisses from his lips that tasted faintly of beer, only for another song to start playing and she gasped, her mouth dropping in excitement. 
“I love ABBA, we have to sing this song together!” She said, lacing her fingers with his and tugging his stubborn, lithe figure over to the stage, “Please, Spencer, please, please, please,” 
And he gave her exactly what she wanted, because when could he ever say no to a face like that. 
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anadiasmount · 2 days
learned from the best - jb blurb
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quick sum: jude can’t help but thank the best teacher he’s ever had. the one who taught him the language he wants to ever share and speak with you.
“tu español a mejorado bastante,” you say, placing a kiss on his cheek, letting your lips linger for a few seconds. you were sat on his lap, jude looking up and rubbing his hand on your thigh “no pensé que ibas hacer eso mi amor.” (your spanish has gotten better… i didn’t think you’d do that, my love.)
“le quería enseñar a todos lo tanto que eh aprendido,” he says cheeky making you roll your eyes at his demeanor. “además era el momento perfecto, no crees?” he raises his brow as you watch in amusement, jude still a bit tipsy from the drinks he had. (i wanted to show everyone how much i have learned… also, it was the perfect time, don’t you think?)
“gracias por ser la mejor maestra que eh tenido,” jude smirks feeling your tiny slap on the side of his head. “solo lo dices por los recompensas que te daba después,” you squint your eyes while having a straight smile, yet having the urge to laugh. (thank you for being the best teacher i’ve ever had… you’re only saying that because of the rewards i gave you after…)
“in all seriousness, thank you. i wouldn’t have been able to do this without you. i know i was a pain in the ass most of the times, and you pushed me more than anyone else, but in the end you taught me a new language. your native language, and i can see how much that means to you,” jude says. “and now it means so much to me…”
“entonces eso significa que ahora vas a hablar con mi familia el español en la casa?” you deadpanned, jude’s face dropping as he shook his head immediately, frantic about your suggestion. “ah no…” jude chuckled nervously, “i learned but i haven’t perfected it pretty girl. not just yet, i want them to be amazed,” he kisses your hand, over the small “j” charm on your bracelet. (so that means you’ll finally talk to my family in spanish at home?)
“i guess that’s fair…”
“i want our kids to learn spanish though,” jude says seriously, making your heart race at his topic of kids. the whole day he spent appreciating, thanking, carrying kids, including his teammates new baby that had your heart fluttering with nerves but overall joy. “you mean it?” your eyes soften knowing that no matter if he’s drunk off his ass or sober he serious about it. serious about you, his future that involves you.
“cien por ciento. yo quiero una familia grande contigo. y que nos hijos hablen español,” he stutters nervously, yet it brings small tears in your eyes. “aras mi madre la mujer más feliz del mundo,” you joke, making him laugh. (one hundred percent. i want a big family with you. and that our kids speak spanish… you’ll make my mother the happiest woman in the world.)
“y tu? tu también serás la mujer más feliz del mundo?” jude asks resting his head on your shoulder. tired from the blissful game, the traveling, celebrating, yet for you, he felt more alive than anything. he pictured his future exactly like this, you on his lap, watching your babies play on the pitch, their giggles making the both of you grateful. (and you? will you also be the happiest woman in the world?)
“ya lo soy,” you whisper, brushing your hand on his forehead and placing a kiss. (i already am…)
“te amo, mi amor,” jude says with a tiny accent that has you laughing happily. you would never ever take for granted how since learning those two words, he used them anytime and anywhere. (i love you, my love…)
“y yo más.” (and i more.)
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cherrylovelycherry · 3 days
𓂅new order. "tarte aux fraises and uh... a éclair au chocolat."
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How un.fortunate
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pairing. Boothill x fem!reader cw/genre. angst, misunderstood, crying, disappointment, frustration, bittersweet ed, some fluff synopsis. he heard part of the conversation with your friends, exactly a bad part. full menu
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"Isn't he cute?" One of your friends, Elisa, blurted out. Who carried a small baby in his arms.
"Oh…yes he is!" You spoke, excitedly, taking his small hands in your fingers.
How you loved babies and children in general.
"Can I carry it too?" You asked this time looking at another of your friends, Laila, who was the little boy's mother.
"Sure! Just be careful with his head and neck."
"Hello little one." You spoke to the baby as you held him in your arms as Laila instructed.
Together with your friends, you had met after so many planned outings, which in one way or another ended up being canceled since one was always busy.
Recently one of them had another child. Of your small group of 4 friends, you were the only one who didn't have children until now.
Even though when you were in your student days, you and your friends said that you would be the first to have children.
How unfortunate.
"Oh…he's so fragile." You commented with a soft and cheerful smile.
"He's too cute!" Elisa commented looking at the baby.
"Yeah. And he cries so much." Laila commented in a tired tone. as she gave a soft yawn, it seemed that she was quite tired of the baby, which she had been looking after all the time.
"What else do you expect? He's little." Elisa spoke.
"Is he very noisy?" You asked, curious.
"He keeps us up all night with his crying, you have no idea." Laila responded.
"Sure it's cute at first," said your friend, Myre, "but when you have to deal with them for real… It's a whole other story."
"Are your children also a hassle to you?" You asked with a slight chuckle and curiosity.
"Nah, I love those little ones with my soul." She said, slowly sitting down in the chair at the table where the four of them were sitting. She had to be careful since she was 7 months pregnant.
Your friends, except for Myre, groaned at this.
"How can you say something like that when you're going to have more children?" Laila asked in a tired tone.
"Haha I do not know." She said, laughing, "And I didn't even want to have children."
They all laughed, commenting on one or another trick to make parenting easier. While you stayed talking to the baby with a soft voice. You rocked him in your arms calmly.
"Oh, and wouldn't it be a good idea to put our children in the same academy, just like we planned when we were younger?—" Elisa's words were cut off by a gentle nudge from Myre.
As if to try to silence her.
"Uh…sorry" Elisa's tone of voice was low and with some embarrassment.
You knew very well that in a certain way they felt sorry for you, refusing to talk about that kind of things in front of you.
You really tried not to let it affect you.
"Oh, no. It's totally fine, girls." You spoke, smiling somewhat embarrassed, keeping your gaze on the baby that you still held in your arms.
The baby began to let out soft cries and to move his little arms. You had no idea why.
"Oh, he must be hungry." Laila said, taking a small bottle of breast milk from the bag she had brought with her.
Putting some hot water in it from another thermos that she also brought.
"Here." She handed it to you.
"Are you sure you want me to do it?" You asked, looking at Laila.
She just smiled and shook her head.
You couldn't help but smile at him in response, as you brought the bottle closer to the baby's little mouth.
Then, the baby started drinking his food from the bottle you were holding.
Your friends smiled in reassurance, understanding that you were fine.
"Dear, I had a question actually…" Myre spoke slowly.
"Go ahead." You responded, curious to know what she would ask.
"What about your boyfriend?"
The question made you a little nervous. You had a small worry on your mind, a worry that you've told no one about. Your head was full of thoughts at that momen, it became a sudden silence in the table.
"Uh…well," You let out an awkward chuckle. "Recently we haven't seen each other much." That was the truth.
Lately you had seen your boyfriend less and there was a reason behind it. Boothill was not one to stay on one planet, as he was a galaxy ranger. But that didn't stop him from deciding to stay on your planet for a long time. I went and came back to be with you.
"Well, not all couples see each other every day." Elisa commented, taking a sip of her hot tea.
You were currently residing on a planet that orbited near Jarilo-VI. Or at least that's what Boothill told you.
"She's right, after all not every couple is the same." Laila commented.
They all remained silent, giving each other slight glances.
Of course it didn't go unnoticed by you.
"…We just want you to be a happy girl, sweetheart."
"Um…what's this all about?" You asked, looking at Myre, who after handing the bottle to Laila, took your hand.
"We're worried about you and your situation." She said, looking into your eyes.
"Why…?" That was all you could come up with.
"Lately you've been quite… Distracted or down." This time Laila spoke, with a worried expression.
It was true, you were sure that you had been acting distant lately, at least for the last two weeks. You didn't want to but they had noticed.
"I'll be honest, you're scaring us, sweety girl." Elisa spoke, taking off her glasses and rubbing her eyes with them.
"You really don't look happy, dear." Myre, after saying that, squeezed your hand tighter, as if she wanted to give you comfort.
"We care about you, you know."
The others nodded as well, you had a feeling what was going to happen, they were very obvious.
They all cared about you, you had known each other for long time after all. You knew what they were going to say.
"The truth is that we don't know if that cowboy is the best choice for you." Elisa's words made your heart feel a little heavy.
They knew almost perfectly who your boyfriend was. They knew that being more metal than human, it was impossible for you to have children.
"Dear," Laila started to speak, "You've told us time and time again that you want children of your own. And you know that he can't give you children…"
You tried to swallow the lump in your throat. That was what hurt the most.
She was right, maybe too right.
How unfortunate.
Your gaze was now positioned on the baby, who was now being carried by Elisa.
How much you longed to be able to hold your own children just as you held your friend's child moments before.
You couldn't stop your eyes from filling with a thin layer of tears.
You looked down at your legs, in an attempt to not let them see your face like that.
You let out a silent sigh.
Of course, you knew it wasn't going to be possible to have a baby with Boothill. He was more made of metal and circuits than a living being.
The only way you could have your own children would be to have them with another human. It didn't matter how hard you tried, there was just no way.
Something you didn't know was that the person your friends were talking about was right around the corner from the cafe where you were.
His happiness at seeing you was suddenly turned off, as if it were a switch.
He had heard what they had been talking about.
He saw your reaction.
You didn't deny anything, nor did you say anything in response to your friends' words. In his eyes, you just lowered your head.
If he had a heart, he would have thought his heart was falling towards his now nonexistent stomach.
The beautiful bouquet of flowers that was going to belong to you was now in an alley, exactly in a garbage container.
You took out your key to enter your house, you were tired.
You chose to return on foot.
You inserted the key, unlocking the door lock. Entering calmly.
It was a great surprise to see Boothill there.
He could enter whenever he wanted since you had given him a spare key that you had.
It was good for you that he returned to your planet, you really needed his affection now. You were a little down because of the conversation you had with your friends.
"Hello, love." You said, smiling softly at him.
Your eyes were still a little red from the crying that your friends had to witness and comfort.
You fully entered your house and closed the door behind you, approaching your boyfriend so you can kiss him.
Your lips met briefly. You couldn't help noticing that this time it was a much colder and dry caress than usual. He even seemed a little uncomfortable.
He was expressionless, but you could still see something of disappointment hidden behind his eyes.
"Hey, are you alright?" You asked, in a low voice, stroking his cheek with your hand lovingly.
He moved away from your touch, as if it burned his face.
"How unfortunate, isn't it?" He asked as he looked at you.
How unfortunate? The hell was he talking about…?
You took a step forward in an attempt to be closer to him. But he, in response, just took a step back and away from you.
"Don't touch me with those hands."
Those words hurt like a stab in your heart.
Hands… those hands you tried to use to comfort him, caress him.
His look of disappointment was replaced by a look of frustration.
"What do you mean…?" You asked, confused, with a worried expression.
"Oh, you know…" He said, faking nonchalance.
"You can't make your greatest dream come true with me." His words sounded cold.
Your expression dropped, tears slowly filling your eyes, at that moment you remembered the conversation you had with your friends.
"You hear..?" You asked, in a low, broken voice.
You were trying to compose yourself.
Boothill just responded with a chuckle, that hurt you more.
"It's funny how you try to hide your disappointment and your frustration when you see others living the life you want, but you'll never be able to have."
It was the truth after all. A truth that no matter how much you want to ignore, it hurt you more and more.
You tried to open your mouth to speak, but just a small incoherent sound came out.
"No matter how many nights we've lived together, you'll never bear my children."
It was the cruel truth, a reality that you were aware of, but still you let yourself live that lie.
You wanted so much to have his children.
Yet he couldn't give you what you desired.
You took a deep sigh trying to calm the turmoil of emotions that were going through you.
"Boothill…" You whispered, trying to keep your voice from breaking any more than it already had.
His name came out of your lips like a mantra as you were drowning in tears.
"Stop crying." His tone of voice sounded sharper this time, which hurt you even more.
He was acting completely different than usual. He wanted to hurt you?
No, he wanted to get away.
But the pain was too great, tears began to run down your eyes.
"Maybe your friends are right."
"Maybe you should consider looking for someone else."
The tears were falling down your cheeks like a river and your sobs were getting worse.
Those words were so cold that they made your body freeze, your breath came out shaky.
"Please don't say that." You just managed to speak through sobs.
With those words, you walked towards your boyfriend in an attempt to hold him tight and kiss his entire face. To hold him close to your body. But as you were approaching, he just took a step back.
"Just admit it." He muttered in between his teeth.
That filled your head with questions. Admit what?
"Eh?…" You blurted out, giving him a confused look. With your hand you dried the tears that stained your cheeks.
"You also think the same as them."
It wasn't a question, it was a statement.
"You're disappointed, you're frustrated… aren't you?" This time his tone of voice was much calmer, as if he was more tired.
You couldn't respond.
"Say it."
"It's not like that, I'm not—" Your words were interrupted.
Boothill laughed lightly at your denial. "Be honest."
Your brow furrowed slightly. What had he heard then to make him say that?
"You didn't say anything when they told you i wasn't good for you, that you weren't happy."
So he had heard most of the conversation.
But not exactly everything.
"You didn't say anything when they said it was better for you to look for someone else, someone human."
Again you wanted to try to speak but his words were a constant punch to your heart, your body felt heavy.
It was a cruel reality.
You knew that if you stayed with Boothill, you would never be able to have children.
But that didn't matter, it didn't matter to you. You loved him, more than anyone could ever understand.
You loved him, more than your own life.
You didn't want to lose him.
He was the person you wanted by your side for the rest of time.
"I did say something, you didn't fully hear how the conversation went. We can sit down and talk." Your voice rose and fell in pitch as you tried to appease the lump in your throat.
He didn't respond, lowering his gaze to the ground for a moment, as if he was taking the time to think about what he would do next.
"If you're not going to make the decision, I'll help you decide."
He proceed to give you the spare keys to your house.
You stayed still before that, feeling how your eyes were filling with tears again.
Wait, hold on.
"You should search for a human male, someone who can give you what you desire more than anything."
Your body had gone completely tense.
The keys were now gently placed on your palm. Your eyes couldn't process what was happening at the moment. "I'm not going to come back."
As the moment passed and his words and his action were processed in your mind, you slowly managed to raise your face to look at him.
You felt as if at any moment your heart would explode in your chest.
He was going to break up with you. He wanted to break.
Boothill was going to leave you.
"I'm sorry I couldn't fulfill your desire." He started to speak again.
You could hear the disappointment in his words.
"That's it?" You asked through your tears.
That was the last thing he was going to tell you?
Your question was ignored.
"Take care… Darlin'."
In response you didn't manage to say a single word.
You just watched him leave your house.
As you watched the door close, your legs betrayed you and you almost fell to the ground, but managed to hold on to the furniture.
It was impossible for you to contain your tears as they now fell like waves, your breathing became heavy and the sobs were now unbearable.
You had a terrible time that night, that week, that month, that year.
How unfortunate.
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"Be careful. Hold on to the ice cream you might drop, dear."
You let out a soft sigh looking at the little girl.
Your little girl.
The little girl was full of energy, you always wondered where she could get so much energy.
You adored her with your life, thanks to her you were able to stop being stuck in that hole of hopelessness in which you were.
You really wonder what things would have been like if you hadn't had the opportunity to raise and care for this little girl.
Currently it has been 6 years since your relationship ended.
Every time you stop to remember what the first 2 years were like, a chill would run down your spine. You basically left yourself abandoned. You weren't living anymore, you just survived. Your dreams of having children faded over time, you decided to give up on that dream.
You could say that it had been a difficult year, with many ups and downs.
At the end of your second year, your friends tried to cheer you up. They tried to get involved with other people, but it was all in vain, in the end they were just people who wanted to take advantage or make use of your body.
So you also chose to stop that. In your mind, you still had hope that one day he would return. However, you saw it as impossible. Because he left, it's not like it was the first time they had disagreements or big misunderstandings.
Quite apart from that, he also noticed your actions, becoming more and more discouraged with the passage of time.
For the third year, one of your friends who worked in a hospital, told you about the most recent crisis she had attended to while she was on duty.
The mother of a girl who was about 1 year old had just died and there were no records of family connections or anything.
So the hospital staff tried to take care of the little girl as much as they could. Since they knew that child care centers were not the best at taking care of children.
You don't really remember how things happened. By the middle of the third year, you were trying to get custody of the girl.
Things turned out well for you, everything happened too fast.
You were more than dedicated to her, going to new parent courses, reading books, watching videos, among other things. It was like the world gave you another chance.
You were finishing ordering your own flavor of ice cream, holding a baby carriage with one of your hands. Yes, you also fought to get the adoption papers for the baby who was barely 9 months old.
"Mom! I dropped it!" Your little girl's small voice shouted, sounding worried and sad.
You finished asking, turning your head towards the scream, sighing and laughing softly. "Leave it there, honey. Come, I'll buy you another one."
She came running again, smiling that she would have another new ice cream.
"This is the last one I bought, be more careful this time." You spoke to her with a somewhat stern voice as you watched her jump with joy, extending her small hands towards the employee who was handing her her new ice cream.
"'Kay!" She let go quickly and ran again in the opposite direction from where you were.
You shook your head as you went back to paying for the ice cream.
The little girl left the games, moving a little away from the initial place where she was. She was a little distracted, walking while happily eating her ice cream.
In one of those, she turned her gaze, opening her small eyes in surprise, now running again in that direction.
He approached a tall man, who seemed to be in his own world at that moment.
With all the daring in the world, the little girl spoke. "You look like my daddy!"
The girl's voice caught the man's attention, looking at her with complete curiosity. "Um…" He looked up, looking around, looking for his parents.
When he didn't find anything, he got a little worried. "Where are your parents?"
The little girl was more than amazed analyzing the man. "My mommy is over there." She said, pointing in the direction she had come from.
Meanwhile, when you finished paying for the ice cream, you looked for your daughter.
Not seeing her nearby, you thought the worst, adrenaline rising through your veins little by little. You started looking for her while shouting her name out loud and asking people near the playground if they had seen her.
You were so scared that your hands were shaking, you had left your freshly bought ice cream on the store counter.
Approximately 5 or 6 minutes passed until in the distance you saw a Little girl running towards you.
A strong sense of relief filled you.
By the time she finished running, coming to stand in front of you, the first thing you did was to bend down and hug her.
“Clementine! You scared me, honey.”
The little girl slipped her arms around you, reciprocating the hug. Then, as if remembering something, she pulled away as she turned her head back.
“Look mommy, that man looks just like daddy.” She spoke, excitedly.
You looked at her in confusion, picking yourself up off the floor, grabbing the baby carriage with one hand again. You looked up, and saw who your daughter meant.
You felt as if all the air in your lungs had disappeared. Your eyes could no longer open.
Your heart was now beating painfully hard in your chest.
Why is…? How…? Is it…? Your mind was a complete chaos of thoughts, all of them racing through your mind and making it feel like it would explode. Your head feels light and you feel dizzy.
You were so shocked that you couldn't even react, not blinking again or being able to move an inch.
You couldn't take your eyes off him. He was there, standing in the distance, looking back at you.
His white hair now tied in a low ponytail. His gaze, piercing and intense, remained the same, just like your memory.
He felt so many things at once. Even how fate came to work at the perfect time for you to name your little girl that name. The same way he named his daughter.
A mixture of surprise and disbelief had taken hold of him, but his body betrayed him.
His body, without even processing in his mind what he was doing, began to approach slowly.
You seemed as if you were frozen in time, he watched you as if no time had passed. Your appearance was almost identical to how he remembered you 6 years ago. The only thing was your hair, which was now short, almost to your shoulders.
"Lil' lady."
Boothill's voice sounded in the small space, watching the young girl turn her gaze towards him.
He held out his hand in front of him, letting the little girl take his fingers. “I'm Boothill, dear. May I know what's your name?”
He introduced himself to her, since moments before he had not had the opportunity to do so.
She looked at him intrigued, squeezing the fingers that held her as she raised her face to speak.
"I'm Clementine!" She replied excitedly, raising her shoulders in an excited gesture.
Your daughter, turned her little head towards you, still holding Boothill's metal hand. "Mommy, he even has a name like daddy!"
No matter how much you tried to formulate words, nothing came out of your mouth.
The child's innocence was endearing.
He just laughed softly, a warm, somewhat nostalgic smile forming on his face. “Yeah, we got the same name.”
The fact that there was a little girl right there who was calling him "daddy" and he had no idea what was going on was a complicated situation. But, he also couldn't help but find it so cute and lovely that he couldn't stop smiling even if he wanted to.
He turned his gaze to you, taking a few seconds before speaking.
"Can we talk?" His tone had a hint of imploration.
You nodded your head weakly in response.
As you did so, you heard your daughter speak again, this time in a more shy and embarrassed manner.
"Dadd— Mr. Boothill!"
"Yes, darlin'?" He tilted his head to the side, focusing his gaze on the girl in front of him again.
"Can you hold me?"
"Clementine!" You reproached her for her question, she didn't even know Boothill well and she was already being open with him. Besides, you didn't want him to get upset about it.
He was a little surprised by such a bold and direct request, but he couldn't say no, of course.
"Hah, sure, why not?"
He had to kneel down to take her gently in his arms.
Seeing your daughter in his arms was one of the most surreal scenes you had ever experienced.
Once he picked her up, she put her arms around his neck, feeling a little safe and comfortable being held in his arms. He gave you a warm smile to reassure you so as not to make you more uneasy than you already seemed.
Although that gesture of his made you even more uneasy. You avoided his gaze, looking at your baby, who was still sleeping peacefully in the stroller.
As you started walking towards your house, you could hear how people nearby whispered as they pointed at the scene.
"He's so tall!" "What a cute girl!" "It looks like it's his dad…"
You bit your tongue lightly, trying to ignore all the sounds.
Looking at his expression, you could tell that he was confused, maybe even a little overwhelmed. The way his eyebrows knitted together and there was a slight frown on his face.
He had that same nervous look on his face as before. He was as bad at hiding his emotions as you.
You remained silent throughout the small stroll of approximately 10 minutes. You could feel his gaze on you, but you didn't dare look at him. There was no doubt that a tense aura surrounded you.
You arrived at the front of your somewhat large house. It wasn't the same one you had 6 years ago, you moved because you needed more space for your children.
You unlocked the door, and let him in, he still had Clementine in his arms as the girl had her face hidden in his neck since she had fallen asleep.
Once the door was closed, you looked at her for a moment, a soft tender look filled your features. After you finished observing her, you turned your gaze towards him.
The room had a warm and cozy atmosphere, with a pleasant temperature that made it easier to breathe.
Both you and Boothill stayed quiet for a few seconds before you spoke again.
“Can you lay her down on the couch?”
You told him as you squared your other baby's stroller. Taking him out of this and carefully taking him to his room, so that he could continue sleeping.
He obeyed your request, carefully laying her down. He took a few seconds to take a good look at the child's face.
He noticed how her small chest rose and fell steadily on the surface of the couch’s pillows, letting out small and soft sighs in the process.
By the time you returned to the living room, he was sitting on the couch, frowning a little and deep in thought.
You let out a quiet sigh, trying to mentally prepare yourself for what was coming.
You also sat on the couch, only on one that was almost in front of him.
Seeing you close to him left him breathless.
Now he was able to see you much more closely.
The same bright and unique eyes, the same small and soft lips.
The expression on your face was a mix of nervousness and discomfort.
He remained silent for a couple of seconds, still trying to process everything.
He parted his lips, finally starting to speak.
"You managed—"
"Sorry for—"
You and him literally spoke at the same time.
You immediately became silent for a moment, feeling a little nervous and embarrassed.
A small, almost unintentional chuckle escaped his lips. Despite everything, the situation was somewhat funny and entertaining.
“You go first.”
He spoke in a gentle, almost sweet voice. His gaze remained focused on yours, paying attention to your expression.
You could feel your mouth going dry, the words not wanting to come out of your throat.
You fidgeted a little, feeling somewhat guilty about what you wanted to say.
"Ah, I'm sorry…" A small gasp escaped your lips as you tried to find the right way to say it. "…for the fact that my daughter said you looked like and had the same name as her dad."
You wondered where the security had gone and the many words you had thought and even rehearsed saying to him the first time you saw him again.
“Oh, nah, that's alright."
He chuckled again, sounding somewhat calm and even amused.
Your nervousness only grew as you felt embarrassed. You thought maybe he would get mad or upset.
The room was silent again.
It went like this for a few minutes until he spoke.
"You managed to have children." He said, with some nostalgia.
"Yeah…I managed."
Your voice came out shakier than you originally planned.
You didn't want him to know how nervous you were, you didn't want him to know that your heart was racing a thousand beats a minute and that you were thinking over and over again about so many scenarios, most of them bad.
He seemed to notice your nervousness, even though you tried to hide it.
He gave a reassuring smile before continuing to speak.
"It…surprises and makes me quite happy." He admitted with sincerity.
You only chose to smile at him in response in a somewhat shy manner.
"By the way, your husband won't be upset that I'm here?" he asked.
“Upset? That's an interesting choice of word.”
A slightly sad expression appeared on your face. Your lips curved downward and your eyebrows frowned.
He had misunderstood you.
You didn't know if you should clarify his comment, if you should explain to him or if you should keep quiet.
You sighed, deciding to speak and be honest with the cowboy.
“Boothill…I don't have a husband…”
The cowboy's eyes widened at the sound of the words coming out of your mouth.
He couldn't tell if you were just kidding or if you were saying it seriously. He was really confused.
"Did you divorce?" he asked.
You shook your head. You lowered your gaze, staring at your fingers on your hands that were clasped together.
“That…” You hesitated for a few moments, searching for the right words. “That implies having been married in the first place. I was never married."
You spoke as you raised your head again, looking at him with a small smile.
"…I'm a single mom, Boothill.”
The cowboy was surprised at the news. He expected many possibilities, but he certainly hadn't thought of this one.
After letting this information sink in, he looked at you with a confused expression.
"But your daughter said I looked like her father—"
Despite all the clues you gave him to understand the situation, he still didn't reach the true conclusion.
That gave you some humor, you assumed he would be nervous.
You let out a small laugh, looking away from him for a moment.
"I adopted my two children." You said once you stopped laughing, looking at your daughter, who was still sleeping peacefully on the couch next to you.
"And…maybe I made the mistake of telling Clementine about you."
He was silent for a few moments as he continued to process the information you had just given him.
The expression in his eyes changed from one of confusion to one of surprise.
His eyes widened and his mouth opened slightly in shock as he seemed unable to form any words.
He couldn’t help but feel a tinge of guilt and guilt at all the conclusions that passed through his mind.
A few uncomfortable seconds passed before he continued. "Why do you say that?"
"Uhm…" You also took care to organize your words, so that they were direct.
And, before you could answer him, your baby, who was sleeping in his room, started crying. Probably because it was time for him to eat.
You quickly got up from the couch, smiling apologetically at him as you left the living room to enter your other son's room.
He watched as you ran into the room.
The cowboy was so distracted with the news you had told him before leaving that he couldn’t help but hear the whole exchange that was going on in the room next door.
Your voice was low and gentle, almost singing to soothe the baby’s cries.
It was like a rollercoaster of emotions.
He leaned back against the backrest of the couch, covering his face with his free hand.
He had to digest all that had happened.
Not only did you manage to have children, but you never married and on top of that you got custody of two children that you did not give birth to.
After a few minutes, you were able to finish feeding your little baby.
The crying had stopped, leaving him in a calm state.
You were able to leave the baby's room once again. Only this time with your son in your arms since he didn't want to sleep again.
As soon as you reentered the room and saw the cowboy’s position, you laughed internally, letting out a soft sigh.
You sat on the couch, but this time next to him. Placing the baby in your legs.
"Sorry for the delay."
You stayed quiet for a while, watching as your son grabbed your fingers and played with them.
"When she was younger she found a photo of both of us. And well…I had to tell her about the relationship we had." You sounded a little embarrassed, however you were no longer nervous, on the contrary, you were calm.
He dropped his hand from his face and turned to look at you, but you continued to look down at your baby.
He listened to your words for a few seconds, now putting his hand on his chin, pondering the new information you had given him.
"And she thought I was…?"
He wasn’t quite sure how to say it without being too frank, but you had a small smile on your lips, guessing what his words would be.
You nodded your head, looking up at his face and watching his expression change.
His initial surprise soon turned into something else.
Your little girl believed and thought that a cowboy like him was her father.
How cute.
You still remember when you had to tell him about your past relationship. Your daughter was barely 2 years old when she found letters and a photo. Specifically from you and Boothill.
Before her gaze full of curiosity and many questions she asked you, you were transparent with her and told her about what your relationship with him was like.
That afternoon, she began referring to him as her dad.
You, who couldn't imagine that in perhaps other circumstances you could have considered starting a family with him, you let him call him that.
Telling him more things about him, that he didn't always stop on your planet, etc.
You allowed yourself to remember him that way, since over time you managed to stick to his words; "I'm not going to come back."
The room fell silent. Your gaze focused on the baby in your legs, as he held onto your fingers, his gaze locked on Boothill.
"I assumed you would never come back so I let Clementine continue calling you that." Your voice sounded somewhat bitter as you spoke.
He remained silent for a few moments before a small laugh escaped his mouth.
"That explains why she said I looked like her dad." His own words had made it all make sense to him at that moment.
You both remained in front of the other in an awkward silence, you didn't really know how to continue the conversation.
Your daughter's words kept replaying in your mind.
“You look like my daddy! “ She said it was as if no time had passed. In your head you couldn't help but think that it felt like 6 years ago, it felt like the first time you met him…
You were so immersed in your thoughts that you felt a shiver run down your spine.
His eyes, watching you so intensely, felt like they were burning you from within.
“Why didn't you get a partner?…” he dared to ask, in a tone of voice you couldn't identify this time.
You didn't expect that question.
It was the only thing you could articulate, since once again you were at a loss for words.
You avoided his gaze a bit, looking at a random spot on the floor. You didn't know how to answer that, or rather… you didn't know if you wanted to answer.
When you didn't answer, Boothill thought you didn't want to talk to him. He understood he was probably overstepping a line.
"It's okay, you don't have to—"
But he was interrupted by your voice, after finally finding the words that were lost inside your mind.
“Because I was waiting for you." Your voice came out slow. Fragile as a whisper.
You had been waiting for it. Past time.
Again you avoided looking directly at him but you could practically feel his stunned gaze on you.
He hadn't expected that answer. Instead he had expected many excuses.
'I'm not interested in a relationship.' 'I focus on my children and myself.' 'I never found the right person.'
Anything, anything. But not that.
She waited for me…? He thought.
He continued to analyze you with a stunned expression, seeing the state you were in, and then a pang of regret hit him.
He wanted to say many things. He wanted to apologize.
But his own words felt caught in his throat. His mouth parted open a little, but he couldn't say anything. His mind went totally blank.
Faced with his other lack of speech, you chose to go straight to the point this time.
"Why did you come back?" Bitterness and nostalgia.
"…What do you want of me?" Frustration and sorrow.
Those were your emotions that predominated in you at that moment.
What were you looking for? Did he want to leave you in ruins again? You didn't want to feel vulnerable again. Even though now you're feeling that way again.
Those words hit him like a punch in the face.
The frustration and sadness in your voice only made him feel worse about himself, his guilt increased as every word left your mouth.
He couldn't find the words he wanted to say. His mind was a mess, and every time he tried to start speaking. Only some incoherent sounds came out of his mouth. He tried to speak, but his words died in his throat.
His eyes watched you desperately, not knowing what to say. He felt how in those moments he had become a total idiot. A completely lost man.
"I wanted to see if you were okay." His voice also sounded like a whisper, calmly.
Your words sounded almost like reproaches, which they truly were.
There were so many things you wanted to tell him, so many questions that you wanted answered but you were holding back. You just couldn't find the words as well.
"I…" He started again, with difficulty.
"I never forgot about you."
At his words, you couldn't help but frown.
You were now even more frustrated. Frustrated with him, and even more frustrated with yourself for still feeling this way about him.
"It is unfair." you said, your eyes now filling with tears, you were holding back the urge to let your feelings out.
"After being gone for 6 damn years, you come back and tell me that?…" You refused to look at him, because if you did, everything you had been ignoring, your feelings and sorrows, were coming to the surface.
"It's too unfair…" You felt your vision now blurry and the salty taste of your tears on your lips, which simply came out without delay.
Your baby, who had stopped seeing Boothill, was looking at you, as if sensing your discomfort, grabbing your fingers with his small hands, bringing them to his small face.
The cowboy was beginning to understand your frustration, he was frustrated himself, he felt guilty that after so much time he was back in your life, and that you had to cry because of him.
He could say that you looked more vulnerable than he remembered, with your body shaking as you cried and your voice breaking and filling with frustration, despair and sadness.
You couldn't stop the tears from coming out like a waterfall.
You felt a lump in your throat as you tried to keep yourself from sobbing as much.
Each time you inhaled to take a breath, your exhale became a small broken sob.
You never thought that the reunion would be like this. When you dreamed of his return, it was always a happy dream, a warm and emotional reunion.
But it wasn't, it was the opposite.
The last time he saw you, you were crying, and now that he saw you again, you were crying again.
He brought his hand to you, trying to wipe the tears that were now freely falling from your eyes.
His touch alone sent a small shiver through your body.
You moved backwards away from the touch, shaking your head as if telling him not to do that.
His touch brought you too many memories that you'd tried to bury for a long time.
It made you miss him even more, miss the good times you had when it was just the two of you.
That simple thought caused another sob that escaped from your lips. The tears continued uninterruptedly.
"Please no."
He wanted to hold you, embrace you tightly, wipe away your tears and tell you that he wouldn't leave you again, never again.
But just a minute ago you had tried to keep away from his touch, so the only thing he could do at the moment was to keep his hands to himself.
Seeing you in this state, crying bitterly and being speechless and motionless, made him not want to move from his place. As much as he wanted desperately to hold you, he just stayed there, watching.
"Darlin', I-" He spoke, being totally interrupted by your daughter, who had just woken up.
His words echoed within you, calling you darlin'…
"Mommy? Why are you crying?"
Her small voice cut through the tense, silent atmosphere of the room. Like an oasis in the middle of the desert.
You were surprised, since you hadn't even realized that your baby had woken up, probably because of your small cries.
You turned your head quickly, looking at her as she rubbed her eyes, trying to wake up properly.
You wanted to speak, but all the words seemed to have escaped your brain. The only thing that came out of your mouth was a strangled sigh, trying to calm yourself as you wiped away the tears that continued to fall.
Until you finally managed to answer her, "I'm fine love, don't worry.", with a small, forced smile. Trying to convince her that you were fine, even though your face was red and tearful.
With one hand free, you managed to run your hand over your face, wiping away the traces of tears.
Your little girl's face was troubled as she looked at you.
You let out a sigh, asking her to come closer.
She did and you brushed a small unruly strand of her hair behind her ear.
“Honey, can you take your little brother to your room with you?” your voice to her was always sweet and soft.
“'kay, mommy.”
Despite your still teary eyes, you laughed softly at your daughter's obedience. “What a good girl.” You said in a whisper.
Just as you said, she carefully picked up the baby in your arms and walked with slow steps to her room.
Once she disappeared after closing the door to her room, you covered your mouth with your hand, in an attempt to stop the sobs that arose.
You felt his gaze on you at all times, which made your eyes sting even more. Maybe you should have refused his proposal to talk.
“Please.” At first his voice faltered a bit, being more of a whisper. Almost afraid of being expelled from his mouth.
Suddenly you felt the couch move quickly. By the time you realized it, he was already holding your face.
The metal of his hands made the heat in your cheeks from crying cool down.
With an undaunted look, he spoke again, “Please…”
Oh, if he had a way to cry, he'd be doing it right now.
“…give me 6 more years.” Even though he couldn't feel the warmth emanating from your cheeks, its softness that he only felt when your face and his face collided. He wanted you to feel his touch, soft and caring, like a piece of porcelain.
You stood still, not struggling to release his grip, your eyes focused on his.
He knew he didn't even deserve to make a request, but he wanted to try anyway.
“Give me those years you lost to try to make up for.” Just by looking at him, you could sense that he himself was two words, “please” and “sorry”.
You were terrified by his proposal, you were afraid that a similar situation would happen again. Your brain did its best to reason, while your heart gave itself totally to him, to accept his proposal.
Your mouth opened slightly, looking for words to come out, but nothing came out. Not even sobs. The only ones that came out were tears.
He didn't stop talking, he was letting the feeling that was eating him up inside take over him. “And… if in that time I don't make up for how bad you felt, I'll stop trying.”
He felt like a dog with its tail between its legs. Begging, but in a way more shameful. He was putting his pride aside by giving you this proposal.
And yes, he himself believed that only 6 years was not enough time to be able to ask for forgiveness in appropriate ways.
Your shoulders moved involuntarily and you finally started sobbing again. Even though you wanted to yell at him like you had done in the past on some occasion, you were too overwhelmed to even do that right now.
His words affected you more than you expected.
As much as you struggled to hold on to reasons, your heart longed for his presence every day for the last 6 years.
All the suffering you felt, the tears you shed, and the times you wondered what your relationship was worth to him.
It was painful. Thinking of all those things made your chest ache.
Even in such a delicate conversation, he did not release your face, still holding it tightly in his hands.
He gently wiped away your tears with his thumb for a few minutes, as if he were cleaning a mirror, which was useless and ridiculous, but he didn't care. He hoped to at least make you comfortable. He could tell how hurt you were from the tears, and it shattered his heart into pieces, leaving no trace behind.
He was scared. He was scared that you didn't want him again like before. And he understood you if you didn't.
“Let me try, please.”
You could see a deep regret in his eyes as he caressed your cheeks.
Those feelings.
You closed your eyes tightly, trying to avoid seeing that look on him.
You couldn't think, not when he was touching you that way.
His touch, a feeling that you thought you would feel no more.
You felt your heart contract at his words, his proposal echoed in your mind, repeating itself continuously.
Despite the fact that you didn't give him a direct answer, you made him close his mouth, pressing your body against his.
You really longed for it for so long.
You still weren't entirely sure if his proposal would work, but it was at least worth letting him try. Who knows how things would turn out this time.
He didn't expect your reaction, but when your body was pushed against his, his chest felt so full. He reciprocated quickly, wrapping his arms around you tightly.
He felt like he had you all to himself again. It filled him in a way he couldn't describe.
He closed his eyes gently, burying his face in your neck. The scent of you still hadn't changed, it still felt the same.
He let out a shaky breath, his arms not loosening their grip on you.
Now it only depended on time for things to get better. Time and him.
Maybe he could even really become the father of your little ones. Who knows.
How unfortunate he felt.
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©cherrylovelycherry do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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stariiesz · 3 days
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୨⎯𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙷𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚖𝚢 𝚄𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚟𝚒𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝙰𝚝𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 ⎯୧
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May 28th, 2017
“I… I like you Satoru.” The words fell out of your mouth suddenly.
It was the last day of high school. A bittersweet chapter in your life. Satoru, who had been your long-time crush, was perfect. Everybody loved him, and could you blame them? After all, He was popular, attractive, athletic, and very extroverted. He was everything you weren’t. You weren’t exactly popular, you were bad at sports, and you were very introverted.
He was so nice to everyone. Everyone that is but you. And you're not sure why he seems to hate you, he just does. Every time he sees you in the hallway he scoffs and rolls his eyes as if you're the bane of his existence. And because of Satoru’s open dislike for you, it influenced others to not like you too.
Not many people wanted to talk to you or hang out. The few times you had interaction with other class mates was for cheating of you or for school projects, not that they wanted to partner with you by choice. Sure you were kind of an outcast but it never really bothered you. You could care less what your other low-life classmates thought. Only one opinion mattered, and that was Satoru’s of course. Though, you were quite sure that man could care less about you.
So why were you now confessing such feelings to Satoru? You knew you weren’t going to see him again after high school, and you didn’t want to keep these feelings hidden away forever, so you devised a plan. You were going to walk up to him, confess, then bail before he could laugh at your pathetic feelings for him. It did take a lot of courage as you were stepping out of your comfort zone, but you needed him to know how you felt even if he didn’t feel the same which he probably wouldn’t. Even though he and his friends would laugh every time you walked by, and even though you were nowhere near his league, you still liked him. So you would give it a chance.
April 12th, 2017
You applied for a bunch of colleges in Japan and got in a few. However, Kyoto University is the one that you want to go to most. You were very excited to go because that was the college Satoru was going to, meaning you had a chance of running into him from time to time! You were feeding into your own delusions because if that ever did happen, Satoru wouldn’t have a change of heart and start liking you. He’d be just as rude and probably ignore you too. But a girl can dream, right?
While walking through the halls of the dreaded place called school, you happen to overhear a conversation between Satoru and some of his friends which completely change the plans you had made.
“Yeah, I got into a bunch!” Satoru said to his friends. “I really wanted to go to Kyoto and all but now I think I wanna go to the University of Tokyo!” Satoru said.
Your heart dropped. If he wasn’t going to Kyoto that meant you had no chance of seeing him in college. So these could be the last few weeks you could see him. Even though he despises you, being at the same college gave you a chance to at least see him. But now that was ruined.
“Oh Satoru, you’re going to the University of Tokyo too?” Adina asked as she put her hands on his broad shoulders. Adina was not very fond of you at all. She would even take it as far as to purposely bump into you just to humiliate you, but once again, it really didn’t bother you.
Adina turned to give you the nastiest look. “Uhh can we help you?” She asked you with an annoyed tone. At this point, Satoru was also staring at you. You ignored her comment and continued walking along.
As you walked the cold realization of him not going to the same college set in. This made you think of some way to see him after school ended. Unfortunately, nothing came to mind. So if you weren’t gonna see him after school ended the least you could do was confess and get these feelings you’ve had since freshman year out, right?
May 28th, 2017
Satoru was cleaning out his locker and signing the yearbooks of the usual classmate. You waited for the small crowd by him to die down so you could talk to him. When he noticed you come up. He rolled his eyes and scoffed upon seeing you. “What do you want?” He sighed as he put another textbook in a bag and eyed your figure.
You ignored his attitude as you were used to it and cleared your throat as you gathered up all the courage you had to confess. It was now or never. This could, no it probably would be the last time you had a chance to talk to Satoru. So you had to do it.
“I… I like you Satoru..” You said, feeling the relief after getting the confession of your chest. “And I know.. I know you don’t feel the same, I know I annoy you for some reason but I just..I needed to tell you before we go our separate ways.”
He was caught off guard when you confessed. He stopped mid-action turning over to you with a confused look on his face. His eyes widened upon hearing your confession. He opened his mouth to speak but you ran off before he could reject you, or so you thought. Unbunonnced to you he tried to run after you.
“Hey wait up!” He called after you before he ran into his friend group.
“Hey man, where are you speeding off to?” His friend asked. “Come on, let's go get something to eat to celebrate!”
Satoru looked back to see if you were there but you were gone. He sighed and then turned back to his friends with a small smile.
“Sure.” He replied walking off with them.
May 29th, 2017
Graduation day.
It was awkward when you and Satoru met eyes during the ceremony. You quickly looked away but he kept staring which you weren’t aware of. After the ceremony, you met up with your family and tried to leave as quickly as possible as you didn’t want to run into Satoru. There was a party being hosted by one of the popular boys which a lot of people were attending, including Satoru, but you weren’t invited so you really had nothing more to stay for.
You glanced at him one more time before leaving. There he was, as beautiful as always. He was laughing with a group of friends and seeing that made you smile. He was happy and that was all that mattered in the end. You savored the moment as it would be the last time you would see Satoru Gojo in all his glory… right?
Master list Next chapter->
1.1k words
Banner creds: @cafekitsune
Next chapter coming soon!
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leona-hawthorne · 3 days
Mattheo with a s/o who’s an experienced fighter. Like they literally flipped a student over a table type shir
MATTHEO’S GIRL / mattheo riddle
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mattheo riddle x fem reader
summary: lavender brown gives your man a love potion… what else can you do but fight her?
warnings: fighting/violence (not super explicit), swearing, fluff, suggestive ending (no smut), lavender brown slander (i’m sorry! i don’t even dislike her, i just didn’t know who else to use)
words: 1.2k
a/n: thank u for the request anon, i hope i did whatever you had in your head justice <3 also, i used that one prompt that was like “you’re cute when you’re mad” “ well i’m about to get real fucking adorable” i can’t remember where it was from so lmk if you do!!
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Sometimes, Lorenzo Berkshire wonders if he made the right choice by introducing you to Mattheo.
Sure, he loved that his friend was happy and in love, but Merlin, the two of you together was like pouring gasoline on a fire. A wildfire.
Mattheo Riddle wasn’t familiar with solving altercations using anything but his fists and unfortunately, you were the exact same way. At least you could say neither of you has ever lost a fight.
“Blaise, pass me the syrup.” You muttered, licking crumbs of waffles off your finger.
The Great Hall was abuzz with chattering students, the scent of bacon and eggs wafting in the air and the relaxing hum of rain outside illuminating the atmosphere.
“Y/N, I’m proud of you, to be honest,” Blaise, who sat across from you, mused as he handed you the small pitcher of syrup. Your brows furrowed, curiosity etching over your features.
“Why are you proud of me, may I ask?” You chuckled, drizzling the syrup over your waffles.
“Why? Because you didn’t rip that girl’s hair out.” He snorted, confused as to why Enzo was shaking his head at him beside you.
You looked up from your waffles, smile dropping. “What girl?”
“Um… The one who tried to give Mattheo a love potion?” He laughed nervously and Enzo shut his eyes and sighed in disappointment.
You ran your tongue over your teeth and took in a deep breath in an attempt to calm the swirling storm of fury already bubbling in your chest. “Blaise. What girl?” Your voice was dangerously quiet and Blaise’s eyes widened as he licked his lips, clearly terrified that you’d hex him on the spot if he didn’t spill.
“Lavender Brown.” The words immediately rushed out of his mouth, making it evident that he’d much rather save himself. He just wished Mattheo hadn’t slept in this morning and was here to calm his girl down.
“Explain exactly what happened,” you demand.
The words spill out of Blaise’s mouth at a comically fast speed as he aggressively cuts his waffles up with his knife.
“She was talking to him after class because McGonagall asked her to tutor him in DADA and she offered him a cookie but Pansy had heard Lavender the other day in the library, telling Parvati about how she’d finally found a way to, and I quote, ‘steal Y/N’s man.’ So, we pulled him away before he could accept.” The sentences were almost indecipherable with the way Blaise was rushing them out but you caught every word, the glass in your hand almost shattering with the death grip you had on it.
“Okay,” You whispered, standing up. Just as you began walking to the Gryffindor table, your boyfriend brushed past you.
“Hey, baby, good morni—” He instantly shut up when he saw that crazed look in your eyes. “Oh, I take it, you found out.” He winced, his face scrunching up in worry and a little bit of amusement.
“Matt, I love you, babe, but get the fuck out of my way.” His arms grabbed at you, stopping you in your tracks. “Y/N, come on. I don’t wanna see you get hurt, baby.”
“Okay, many things are wrong with that statement. First, it’s funny hearing that come from you, Mister I Love Fighting. And second, you seriously think that bitch could hurt me? With her weak little arms?”
He chuckled, his hand coming up to caress your face, thumb brushing over your pouty lower lip before kissing it.
“You’re cute when you’re angry, you know?”
“Well, then I’m about to get real fucking adorable.” You shoved past him, making a beeline for the Gryffindor table, only to find that Lavender isn’t there. So, instead, you clutched Parvati’s shoulder in your hand and turned her around to look you in the eye as you leaned down to her level.
“Where’s your little friend?” You questioned, your angry eyes boring into her widened, fearful ones as she realizes Lavender’s been caught by, arguably, the scariest girl in school.
“Courtyard,” She squeaked, betraying her friend.
You nodded, eyes set on the exit as you let go of her, much to her relief as her tensed up shoulders relaxed again. Ignoring Mattheo and your friends trailing behind you, you bolted towards the courtyard and put your hair up in a ponytail as you prepared to throw hands at 9:30 in the fucking morning.
The second you spot that head of curly blonde hair, all you can see is red, rushing towards her and grabbing her by the back of the head, pulling her away from her friends. She squealed in pain as you pulled on the strands of her hair before pushing her forwards by the head.
“Ow! You psycho bitch!” Her whiny voice rang out, drawing the attention of everyone in the courtyard. Her words only fueled the anger you were harboring, steam practically coming out of your ears. With a red face, you muttered, “Oh, I’ll show you psycho.”
She attempted to tackle you but you easily dodged her predictable move and instead, waited for her to face you again before landing a punch directly on her jaw, drawing out a yelp.
Before she has the time to react, you snatch her shirt and drag her over to the picnic table nearby, your anger charging your strength as you hurl her body over the table, her back sliding across it before tumbling onto the floor, a pained groan escaping her lips.
Mattheo’s lips parted in shock, unknowing of whether to be concerned or proud of you.
“Merlin, she really is Mattheo’s girl.” Theo mutters, noting the similarities between you and your boyfriend.
You sighed and sauntered around over to her, as if this was just another Tuesday, and kneeled down to mutter in her ear, “A love potion? Are you really that desperate? Listen Lavender, you even look at what’s not yours again, and you’ll be sporting a damn body cast.”
A small smirk blossomed on your boyfriend's lips, his brows raising in amusement as you walked back over to him and planted a firm kiss on his lips.
Lavender, who’s standing now with the help of her friends, huffs exasperatedly. “He probably doesn't even want you!”
And it’s all red again. You lunged at her but your boyfriend’s arms wrapped around your waist before you could get a single punch in, securely holding you in place, your back pressed to his chest. “Let go!” You writhed around, trying to free yourself from his grasp
“It’s okay, baby.” He kissed your cheek. “I know you wanna make her bleed, but it's okay.” It’s almost laughable how sweet and soothing the words are, despite what they’re saying.
He eventually dragged you back to his dorm, deciding to skip your first classes so he could tend to your slightly bruised knuckles. You seemed to have acquired some cuts, splintered wood sticking out of your skin from when you threw Lavender over the table.
Sitting on his bed with a first aid kit beside him, he brought your hand up to his lips, kissing the small cuts before cleaning and bandaging them up. “I’m not gonna lie, the possessiveness was kind of hot.” He told you with a suggestive smirk. “You’re insane, you know that?”
”Maybe we both are.” You giggled, leaning up to plant a kiss on his jawline.
“Maybe.” He murmured, his voice turning low and husky as he stared down at you. “You’re sexy when you fight.”
He smiled as his back hit the back, your pretty face hovering above him.
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billskeis · 3 days
˖ ࣪ ⟢ bill doesn’t think he’s a good fuck
looking at the screen in disbelief, replays the video as to bill’s ex girlfriend live streaming the announcements to why she broke up with her boyfriend, ‘why did i dump my sexy boyfriend..? because he was bad at sex!!!’ as voices around the class continue to mumble so loud that their secrets were no longer secrets. a pat to comfort his broken spirit, tom, gustav and georg stood by their lead singer.
“don’t listen to her bill, i mean, i know your dick isn’t as big as mine but surely you can’t be that bad!” tom exclaims, georg and gustav stare at the dread-headed boy in disbelief to his attempts in comforting his younger brother, “really helpful tom, are you serious??” georg spews but bill himself doesn’t even seem to be listening to him.
blood and thoughts rush to his head as be begins to feel dizzy, her agonizing voice booming through his head as a reminder as to that the multiple times they’ve done it, she’s never felt good. it was all, fake, and inevitably, all for nothing. how could she?? georg and gustav echo in the back of his head as they call her an attention whore who’s just looking for trouble, but again, bill can’t help but scroll through the comments of how lame of a ‘boyfriend’ he was.
“try not to let her get to yer head mr. sexy ex boyfriend, you deserve way better than this—oh, we gotta go now?? see’ya later bill!”
gustav leans to look down at bill’s face who sulks at his cellphone, quickly leaving as the three boys now have to leave for basketball practice. shutting his phone off and slamming it onto the wooden desk, bill remain seated in the classroom where bodies begin to dissipate in the academic environment at the sound of the school bell ringing for the end of the day. maybe he should just stay home tomorrow, he thought, or for the rest of the week, or for like, forever.
a tap on your shoulder causes you to turn to the figure that stood behind you, “hey y/n,”
with a smile, you hug the baggy-clothed figure. “tom! what’s up? where’s bill?” with a heavy sigh, tom looks at the floor, licks his lips and looks back to you, “that’s exactly why i’m here. bill hasn’t come out of his room in days. he’s missed more school than i have, can you believe that?? i mean, we knew that his lazy ass would’ve loved to skip to stay home, but he never actually followed through, d’ya think you could go see him? he won’t talk to me.”
you tilt your head in confusion, “if he won’t even talk to his own brother what makes you think that he’ll talk to his neighbour?”
“i-i don’t know, out of courtesy i guess? i know he’d hate it if he were ever rude to you, considering that you’ve helped us ever since we were young.. he’s always listened to you. just, please, give it a try? his morale has been down ever since the breakup,” and you’ve definitely heard of it, who didn’t. that crazy bitch of an ex had no hesitation in streaming the whole thing for the world to see, for even his previous ex’s before him decided to also come out about the same ‘problem.’ poor bill, you thought. you made a mental note to go to his house right after school.
with a knock to his bedroom door, school had finally ended and you made your way to the kaulitz household before going back to your own home to finally talk some spirit back into bill! greeting ms.kaulitz, she eagerly let you in with a pinch of your cheek and a thanks for trying to help her son out, mentioning that she can’t keep him home for any longer before he can’t graduate highschool.
“bill? hey, it’s me. can ya let me in? i need to talk to you,” but you were met with silence.
standing in front of his door, still, you waited, and waited. five minutes passed before you finally decided to give up and think that maybe he’s finally cracked and you were no longer able to provide him the comfort you and him were always used to. that is, until, you hear the creak of a door opening, implicitly inviting you into bill’s private space. widening the gap of his door, you’re met with your best friend, sat in his bed, wearing sweatpants and a slim fit greenday tee, messy hair and without makeup.
he hasn’t been crying, but his face is visible with glum, “hi y/n..” his voice, soft and quiet. you make your way toward his bed and plop yourself beside him, awkwardly hugging him.
“tom’s told me you’ve been missing school. c’mon. you’re gonna really let her get to you that bad?”
he sits there, just listening as you begin to ramble, explaining to him how you knew she was a bad person from the start. that she only really wanted him for the fame and if he was really that bad at sex? she as a good girlfriend would look past that and just love him for him, but she didn’t. biting his nails, he chips away at the black and white polish that adorned his fingers. you notice this, and immediately grab his hands away, intertwining your fingers with his and placing both your hands in your lap.
“—stop that. but anyways, it’s unbelievable!! like, i can’t believe that despite how long you’ve dated, she has the fucking gall to go and say that. and even worse, say it in public?? like are you kidding me?? what a bitch..”
and bill almost laughs, because you never swear. not in the many years that you’ve known him, and you made a promise to yourself that you never would. but today, of all days, had just become he day you broke that promise. who knew, that even although this wasn’t your relationship, you were angry. angrier than bill, THE ex-boyfriend. smiling, he appreciated you getting angry for him.
“is that a smile i see?” you tease, “in your dreams.. but, do you think she’s right?”
“right about what?”
“about me being bad at sex,”
“o-oh, uh, i haven’t actually thought about that y’know? being friends and all it isn’t really something that’s on my mind..”
“i have.”
“you what?”
“i’ve thought about it. about you. have been. for the past days, actually,” he brings a hand to caress the backside of your neck, that soon pushes your head closer to his so he can press a kiss onto your lips. already flustered, you use an arm to gently push away his body, that only fights back to be closer to you.
“bill.. we shouldn’t, you just got out of a relationship and—”
“please, schatzi, i wanna prove it to the world.. indulge me just this once ‘kay?”
“hnn.. bill, you’re taking too long..” you wail, sopping cunt that prettily sits above the pudgy tip of bill’s cock. you straddle his lap as you try to push yourself down onto his length but he only holds your hips still. “patience, baby. tryna savour every moment that we have together, ‘m trying here y’know, holdin’ myself back to reallyyy prove that i’m as good as a fuck that she doesn’t say i am.”
seconds pass that feel like agonizing hours, bill finally slides his length into your cunt, the shape of your walls perfectly moulding to his shape. bill’s pupils dilate at the sight of how you just swallow him whole, hugging his cock as you feel every pulse of him inside of you, “can i move?”
nodding, bill guides your body up and down him, slick already leaking onto his lap as he gropes onto your tit, squeezing the flesh to his liking, a needy hum eliciting from your lips. he stared, and stared, and wholeheartedly admired at how pliable your body was within his touch, bad at sex? yeah right.
“so pretty..” a low groan escapes as he brings his mouth to your chest, tongue swirling against the hard and sensitive bud, leaving you to entangle a grip into his hair, bringing his head closer to your body than it already his. “f-fuck bill, you feel, amaz—ah—amazing..” as he looks up to you from down below, he smirks as he nips on your chest, already tainted with hickeys you didn’t even know were there in such a short amount of time.
“yeah? feelin’ good princess? we’re more compatible than you probably thought so..” he’s talking about earlier, about how you never thought that you would ever have fornication with one of your best friends, “eeeek..! t-that’s because you had a girlfriend!! it’d be wrong to..”
a conflicted hum falls onto your ears, “considering that.. isn’t it also wrong how you’re circling your hips onto mine?? wouldn’t it be wrong that you just can’t help but fuck yourself deeper onto me while also complain that we’re ‘just friends?’” and you can’t help but feel as though bill is right. you’re just as bad as he is with how you continue to bounce on his cock, tongue lolled out for him to collect all the saliva that threatens to spill out of your mouth.
tongues dancing in harmony while your hips move in sync, the both of you chase your orgasms, “h-hahh.. y/n.. s’know what? am i bad as a fuck as she thinks i am..?” and you shake your head, you shake your head as bill begins to relentlessly thrust his cock to bully your cervix and body into total and utter submission, a pulse of electric pleasure surges through your body.
and he frowns to your lack of verbal response, a shake of the head isn’t enough. why won’t you say something? he wonders and wonders, and his wondering has led him to continues thrust as you bitch and moan from pressure of his mushroom tip that abuses the sensitive cunt that’s now his to please. “answer me, liebe.”
it feels dirty, it feels wrong. but the overpowering feeling of sex overpowers such thoughts, bill kisses your sweaty forehead as he awaits your answer. and you want to, trust me! you really do want to answer his question, this was the whole reason you decided to show up to his bedroom door, isn’t it?
“shit, gonna cum bill, wait—”
“but you haven’t” thrust. “answered” thrust. “my” thrust. “question :(.”
“yes what, baby?” bill goads onto you as he brings the pad of his thumb to rub circles onto your clit, “say it.”
“you are a good fuck!! oh my god—” in an attempts to speak, all you manage to squeak out a short and sweet sentence. complete bliss clouding your mind as you begin to see white. however, bill doesn’t seem completely satisfied with your answer as he curls his arms tighter around your body, the slapping sound of skin growing louder by the second, “and what else?”
“makin’ me feel s’good! ah! i’m gonna come on this cock!! this cock that’s—mmngh—making me feel like i’m in heaven! oh..! oh thank you, thank you—thank you bill..!”
“that’s right, i am a good fuck aren’t i baby?”
hai guys , i’m back :3 bee tee dubz the setting takes place in highschool but everyone is of age ^_^
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will i be active?? maybe not .. i have sm reqs to do and i’ll try to get em out asap , no promises tho <3 i love you all , and i guess i’m not ready to leave yet . see you next post !
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suoshis · 2 days
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˖ ݁𖥔 ݁ “GOD, I’M SO LOVESICK.”
HOW THEY EXPRESS THEIR LOVE FOR YOU + THEIR FAVORITE WAY TO RECEIVE AFFECTION. ft. togame jo, umemiya hajime, hayato suo, kyotaro sugishita, hiragi toma, yamato endo, sakura haruka, choji tomiyama, & kiryuu mitsuki
original request: “Hi hi! Could i get fluffy relationship headcanons for togame jo, umemiya hajime, hayato suo & kyotaro sugishita such as what their love languages are and - how they express/ like to receive affection? Thank you! Cant wait for more windbreaker content☺️”
sfw. fluff fluff fluff; 1.7K wc! i added some characters xx
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anyone who’s seen the way togame looks at you can confirm just exactly how lovesick he really is. whether you’re debriefing the entirety of your day for him or sound asleep against his chest, his eyes look at you with the same adoration, his lips never failing to curl into a soft little smile for you. especially now, when you’re nestled so comfortably on top of him, sound asleep and mouth slightly ajar to let out quiet breaths— he’s reminded of just how much he loves you.
when a car abruptly honks somewhere outside, you stir a bit, about to leave your spot off his chest when his hand comes to lazily guide you back against him, thumb brushing back and forth along your cheek until you’re sighing into the touch, eyes fluttering back shut. he keeps still when he’s sure you’ve fallen asleep again, his mind thankful for the way your tv illuminates your features so nicely, letting him gaze and appreciate you for just a little longer until he finally joins you in your sleep, long arms wrapped snuggly around you as he snores lightly, a serene expression on his face that only you are able to bring.
he truly thinks the world is being far too nice to him when you show up in front of his doorstep a couple days later, his favorite home cooked dish weighing down your hands as you give him that cheerful smile. he’s always been someone enjoyed a good meal— but it’s different when he knows you’ve taken your time to prepare everything yourself. just for him. he can’t help the tinge of guilt that bubbles inside him when he notices the way your fingers are all scratched up from it, but when you’re so eagerly taking his spoon to lean over and feed him a bite, there’s nothing else in the world that could bring him the same amount of joy.
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umemiya has always been a sucker for shared meals, but his love for trying foods has increased tenfold since he’s met you. as soon as he catches word of an ayce sushi challenge, or a new boba shop opening down the street, he’s dragging you there, ordering as much as the two of you can handle because he wants to experience everything he can with you.
he thinks your physical touch holds a special place in his heart— he loves when you’re the one to pull him into a suffocating hug, enveloping as much ume as you can possibly fit into your arms before you finally let him go, wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him in for a soft kiss.
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before suo had met you, the snacks he was gifted on patrol were usually handed to nirei or sakura without a second thought. slowly, he’s found himself saving the pastry he thought you would like most. however, as time went by, he’s reached a point where he doesn’t save you gifted snacks anymore, and instead— he goes out of his way to stop by a local bakery to pick out something fresh for you himself. he thinks of it as a guessing game and prides himself on his ability to choose pastries that you’ll end up loving.
suo thought his favorite part of the day was to see the smile that you routinely gave him after he gave you a snack, however, his answer changed when he caught a glimpse of the note page on your phone titled “facts about my boyfriend” with every preference of his listed on it with alarming precision and detail. knowing that you’ve put in so much effort to understand him made his heart flutter in a way he’s never experienced before.
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besides typical acts of service, like ripping the jar out of your hands before you even try to open it yourself, sugishita is someone who is genuinely interested to learn about whatever your hobbies are, which leads him to his current situation— he’s browsing the web, scrolling and reading anything he can find about how your hobby works, the materials and processes, absolutely everything. by the next day, he knows exactly what to do to make your life ten times easier, and is happy to do all the dirty work so that you can simply enjoy the fun parts of your hobby.
he thinks his favorite feeling in the world is when you talk to him. even if you’re simply rambling about your day, he never fails to give you his full, undivided attention and can recall every detail you brought up. besides that, he has a particularly weak spot for words of affirmation. when the words roll off your tongue so sweetly, he finds himself deepening his scowl, but the vibrant shade of red dusting his cheeks is proof that he’s full of nothing but warmth inside.
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hiragi has picked up a lot of little habits since meeting you. for one, he’s learned that you tend to wake up in the middle of the night feeling thirsty, so he’s started to leave your water bottle by your nightstand. he’s gone through the efforts of watching and learning which areas of your home are hotspots for misplaced items, so when something goes missing, you always end up asking him to help you find it because he’ll just know.
hiragi can feel his heartstrings tugging ever so slightly when you’re on your knees beside him in bed, asking him with that innocent look on your face if he’s in pain. “your stomach hurts again? do you want some soup?” your voice is filled with nothing but softness and concern, and he thinks he can feel his stomach turn inside out at the kindness.
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if someone was looking for endo, they would most likely check your apartment first. he’s made it a habit to frequently visit your place (unannounced), and ends up lounging on your bed nearly every day of the week. he’ll bored and restless when you’re not there; tossing and turning and staring at the ceiling until you finally come back to him, your hands crossed over your chest as you nag at him once again for throwing your plushies all over the floor. he likes it even more when you try and push him to one side of your bed, huffing that he shouldn’t be hogging a bed that doesn’t even belong to him before you eventually give up and settle onto his lap in defeat.
endo thinks he feels the most relaxed when you trace his tattoos with your finger. he can’t quite explain the serenity he feels when it’s just you and him, but he knows he wants to feel your fingertips running along his skin in intricate patterns and the occasional kisses you’ll press against his skin.
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you know choji’s weak spot like the back of your hand. there’s a certain sigh of content he gives you when your hand comes to ruffle his hair, massaging his scalp with your fingers a couple times as he melts into you, eyes fluttering shut and arms coming to wrap loosely around your waist. sometimes he’ll give you a pout when you stop, a little whine to keep doing that thing with his hair, and he’s just so in love that he wants to be under your touch for eternity.
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since meeting you, sakura has tried nothing short of his very best to open his heart to you. at first, it’s little changes that go easily unnoticed— a silent wave becoming a mumbled “see you later.” or when you say you love him, his flustered “shut up” eventually changes into an incoherent babble that vaguely resembles the words “love you too.” out of all his efforts, he thinks his biggest feat yet was when he abruptly stuck his hand out behind him, a silent and nervous plea for you to come and hold his hand.
your existence alone is enough to bring a furious blush to his face, but there’s a part of him that is eternally grateful for how patient you are with him. he had a paralyzing fear that you would eventually get tired at his tendency to isolate himself— but your comfort has remained a constant in his life. it’s taken him a long time to come to terms with the fact that you’ll always be there to shower him with love, so he’s much more motivated to work harder towards becoming someone who can return those same displays of affection.
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kiryuu makes a mental note of all the little items you show interest in. it’s a mystery to anyone as to how he managed to snag you that cherry coach bag you briefly mentioned was cute, or gift you the cinnamoroll x miku figurine you showed him on your phone for a split second (that you were certain was sold out everywhere you checked). he laughs a bit when you ask him to choose another blind box for you, huffing about how you only get good pulls if he picks them for you. he’s just got a really good ear and can tell which box contains which figure based off the noises— or so he says.
his heart softens at the sight of you tonight, buried underneath his blankets as your thumbs move frantically against his switch before stilling completely, an exasperated “i died again,” coming from you before you’re looking up at him with that little pout that makes his heart skip a beat. he’ll poke a bit of fun at you first, asking if you need some help before you end up bringing his player down yet another rank, but he’s gentle when he pulls you onto his lap, his hands coming to rest over yours as he moves the player for you. “that was a lot better, wasn’t it?” he asks against the shell of your ear, but he knows good and well that you’re too flustered to comprehend whatever combo he had just gone over.
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ashwhowrites · 2 days
Ok, so this one is either going to be a hefty boy, or a 2-parter:
So imagine if Chrissy broke up with Jason and starts dating Eddie. The reader is best friends with both Chrissy and Eddie, and is also very much in love with them. But since they're together, reader just keeps it to herself. Unbeknownst to her (and to each other) both Chrissy and Eddie also have feelings for the reader.
Until one day, Eddie and Chrissy are together, and he calls Chrissy by the readers name. Eddie's panicking thinking Chrissy is going to be pissed, but instead she's just like "oh thank god!" And they decide to try and figure out if the reader feels the same about them.
Then maybe like Jason wants to get back at Chrissy and Eddie, so he convinces a basketball player to ask the reader out and then embarrasses her on the date, so she goes crying to her besties and they comfort her and confess their feelings.
(If you want to add HellCheer x reader smut at the end I won't be upset by this.)
Sorry if this is really long, I've had a while to think it out.
As a bisexual gal, this was a dream. I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting 🫶🏻
⚠️smut ( threesome )
Both of you
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Y/N had a secret crush on her best friend Chrissy for years. She never admitted it to the cheerleader as Chrissy never talked about females before. But Y/N also never had so maybe she shouldn't assume. Watching Chrissy and Jason be together was hell. All the things Jason got to do made Y/N burn with jealousy. Jason was also an asshole and she hated that Chrissy would even stay with him.
As a way to distract herself, Eddie caught her eye. Y/N had been friends with Eddie for a while, less than Chrissy. She met Eddie because of Chrissy, which was odd since they were opposites. But that was exactly what Y/N needed. He was the opposite of Chrissy.
She found herself crushing on him the more they all hung out. Eddie was single and Y/N focused on that. They flirted and had their moments but nothing truly happened. It was all words and soft touches to his arm.
But then Chrissy dumped Jason and Y/N was back to square one. She didn't know if she should take the chance and see where Chrissy's head could be, or keep focused on Eddie.
Eddie had a small crush on Y/N the moment he met her. She was a pretty girl with a beautiful smile. But he had his eyes on Chrissy since middle school. He suffered while she was with Jason, enjoying the distraction Y/N was. It might have been a distraction, but he loved it when Y/N would touch his arm and whisper flirty things in his ear.
But then Chrissy was single and Eddie didn't know what to do. He didn't want to discard Y/N like their time was nothing, but did he really wanna pass up the chance with Chrissy?
Chrissy felt a pull towards Y/N, and it confused her. She wasn't used to looking at a girl and wanting to spend every breath kissing her. Chrissy was always memorized by Y/N. Even when she was with Jason, her eyes watched Y/N's every move. But so did Eddie. It started as a little friendship, but the more she hung out with him the more she realized how attracted she was to him.
She dumped Jason because her brain felt splattered all over the place. She knew she didn't want him and she didn't know who to go for.
Y/N felt personally attacked by God himself when Chrissy and Eddie announced they were together. She felt like the world crashed at her feet and her duty was to suffer.
But she loved both of them, and she would never admit how bad it hurt to see them together.
She knew they didn't mean to make her a third wheel, but she was. She bit away at the inside of her cheek as they held hands in the hallways. She looked away whenever they shared a sweet kiss in the booth. And she was right out the door the second the room got steamy. She was sad that it seemed like it was not three friends hanging out anymore, it was just their date.
Chrissy could never get rid of this feeling in the bottom of her stomach. She knew she loved being with Eddie and was happy to be with him, but Y/N ate away at the back of her mind.
With Eddie's lips on her neck and his hands moving up her skirt, she closed her eyes and thought of Y/N. It wasn't that Y/N replaced Eddie in her mind, she was additionally added in. She pictured Y/N kissing Eddie as he moved inside of her. She pictured the three of them doing the nastiest things she could think of.
She had to bite her lip constantly to make sure she didn't moan out the wrong name. Because she screamed both their names when she pleased herself behind closed doors.
Eddie felt guilty for the amount of times he thought of Y/N. He loved Chrissy and he did not regret a relationship with her. He just wished he didn't have to pick between them. He wished he could have both under his arm.
Eddie moaned as Chrissy kissed down his naked chest, falling to her knees.
His hand tangled in her hair as she took him down her throat, his head thrown back with bliss. His eyes closed as he melted into the couch, her warm mouth wrapped around him. The feeling felt incredible as he lost himself in his fantasy.
Felt both girls' mouths on him, kissing every inch of his skin. His grip on Chrissy's hair got tighter as the images flashed through his head.
He panted at the thought of them both on their knees, pretty eyes looking up at him before they kissed each other. Then they'd pull away and both kiss down his cock. Then they'd take turns sucking him off.
"Fuck, Chrissy" he moaned, the images of her gagging on him and the touch of Y/N playing with his balls
"Fuck Y/N just like that,"
His eyes snapped open as he heard his own words. He cringed as Chrissy's head snapped up in shock.
Eddie sat in fear as she stared at him. Her blue eyes looked frozen as she stared. He quickly tucked himself back in his pants. Apology on his tongue.
"Oh thank god, you think about her too," Chrissy said, a relieved smile on her face as she stood up.
"Wait what?" Eddie asked. Chrissy crawled into his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck.
"Y/N, you were thinking about her, right?" Chrissy asked to clarify
"Yeah, I'm sorry. It wasn't instead of you. I love you and you know that. But she never leaves my head." Eddie sighed
"It's okay, Eddie. She doesn't leave my head either." Chrissy finally confessed out loud.
"Really?" Eddie was surprised. He never once thought his girlfriend had a side to her where she liked a girl.
"Really. I've been stuck trying to figure out my feelings for you and her and it's the same."
"I know what you mean," Eddie said as he held Chrissy on his lap
"What do we do?" Chrissy asked
"We see how she feels" Eddie shrugged, it was worth a shot to see where it would go.
Before Eddie and Chrissy could discuss everything with Y/N, she already had news of her own.
"What do you mean you have a date with Troy?" Eddie snapped, the excitement washed off her face.
"I mean he asked me out and I said yes, what is the big deal?" Y/N countered back
"It's just Troy isn't always the nice kind of guy," Chrissy said, a lot more comforting than Eddie.
The couple tried to ignore the pain in their chest at the thought of her slipping away.
"It's just one date, and if it goes horribly I will never see him again." Y/N shrugged. She wanted to see if she could move on and distract her brain from the two across from her.
"That is a good idea," Chrissy smiled
"Bullshit it is. Y/N, he is an asshole, what makes you think he will suddenly be prince charming? You are going to get yourself hurt." Eddie fought.
"Eddie, relax." Chrissy soothed as she rubbed his back
Y/N looked away as they shared their moment
"Why do you care so much anyway?" Y/N asked, moving her eyes to look right at Eddie.
Eddie shared a look with Chrissy, asking if this was the right time to come clean. Chrissy gave him a small shake of her head and he nodded.
"I'm looking out for a friend," Eddie replied
"I'm a big girl. I'll deal with whatever happens." Y/N snapped as she walked off
"I've got a bad feeling" Chrissy sighed
"Me too"
Their bad feeling was right
That night Y/N was pounding on Eddie's trailer door as she sobbed.
Eddie pulled her into a hug the moment he saw her, he closed the door behind her. He kept his arms around her as he walked her to the bedroom, where Chrissy sat flipping through her homework
"What happened?" Chrissy gasped as the crying girl came through the door. Her homework was shoved to the floor as Y/N sat on the bed. She left Eddie's arms for Chrissy's.
"I'm an idiot. I should have listened to Eddie but of course, I wanted to make my own stupid decisions." Y/N cried
Chrissy and Eddie shared a look
Chrissy pulled back a little so she could clear off Y/N's running mascara. Eddie sat next to both of them, rubbing Y/N's back.
"You are not an idiot. You wanted to give Troy a fair shot and that was sweet of you." Chrissy cooed
Eddie had a different approach
"What did the fucker do?" Eddie snapped
Chrissy sent him a glare but he was too fired up
"It was all a joke. I guess Jason told him to ask me out."
At the sound of Jason's name Chrissy and Eddie both tensed up
"And when I got there, the whole team was there and they all laughed and made fun of me for thinking I was actually going on a date with someone that popular"
"Don't listen to them. Jason is always trying to mess things up. He wanted to hurt me." Chrissy said softly, her heart broke for her.
"Anyone would be lucky to be on a date with you," Eddie jumped in
"Yeah right," Y/N scoffed. "I'm going to clean up my face." She said as she got up and walked off to Eddie's bathroom.
"I think we should say something now," Chrissy said once they were alone
"Will it be too much for her?" Eddie asked, he was worried it would be too many emotions at once.
"I think it will help her to hear."
The couple went silent as she walked back out. Her makeup was cleaned off and her hair tossed up.
"We have something to tell you," Chrissy said
Y/N nervously looked between both of them as she took her seat on the bed. Chrissy to her left and Eddie to her right
"What's up?" Y/N asked
"How do you feel about me?" Eddie asked
Y/N swallowed nervously as she turned to look at Chrissy
"It's okay, be honest," Chrissy whispered as she nodded to Eddie
Y/N took a deep breath and looked back at Eddie
"I guess I've always had this attraction towards you. And I really like you and I thought we had something but I've been trying my best to be happy for you." Y/N confessed
"And how do you feel about me?" Chrissy asked
Y/N grew more nervous for that one
"You're my best friend," Y/N smiled. Her palms were sweaty. Confessing to Eddie was easy, but coming out to her best friend was a whole different emotion
"Do you ever see me as anything more?" Chrissy asked
"I'm sorry, what is going on?" Y/N panicked as she stood up. "Why are you guys asking me this stuff?"
"Well," Chrissy sighed, "Eddie and I both have feelings for you. Feelings we felt before we got together, and they haven't gone away."
"We know it's crazy, but if you wanted, we were wondering if you wanted to give us three a shot," Eddie explained
Y/N felt like she was in a different universe. Did the two people she had feelings for just ask her to be with them?
"As in...all three of us date?" Y/N asked, her brain felt like it was non-stop running
"Yeah. We don't have to dive straight into a relationship. We could date and test the waters." Chrissy said, standing up as she walked closer.
"Uh..." Y/N didn't know what to say, but she didn't have to say anything.
Chrissy cupped her jaw and leaned in. Y/N watched with heavy eyes as Chrissy's lips got closer and closer until her lips touched hers.
Y/N melted into the kiss immediately, after years and years of dreaming about this exact moment. Y/N reached forward and gripped Chrissy's hips. The kiss grew heavy as Chrissy moved her hands to trail down Y/N's back.
Chrissy pulled away with a smile
Y/N stood shocked as she tried to regain her breath
Eddie reached forward and yanked Y/N down to his lap
She shivered as she felt his bulge underneath her body, and then his lips were on hers
She whimpered as he easily took control of the kiss. His rough hands squeezed her ass as his tongue slipped inside her mouth. Her head got dizzy from the way he touched her and pulled whines from her throat.
He pulled away with a small smirk, loving the lust that burned in her eyes
"Did you like that?" He asked
"Yes" she breathed out
"Did you like it with her?" He asked
"Yes" she breathed out
"Want to go further?" Chrissy asked
Y/N turned her head to look over her shoulder. Y/N nodded and felt her stomach bubble with excitement
Y/N had her back against the mattress, breathing heavily as her nerves filled her body.
"Ready?" Eddie asked, he was in between her legs, standing at the end of the bed. She barely could take her eyes off his naked body. His cock was already covered in the condom, waiting for her reply.
Chrissy sat naked near Y/N's head, rubbing Y/N's chest to calm her nerves.
Eddie held Y/N's hips as she pushed himself inside her, he entered himself slowly. Letting her take him inch by inch.
She gasped as he filled her, he felt amazing inside of her. He went slow as he thrust inside of her, making her eyes roll in the back of her head as she felt him.
"Doing so well for me, such a good girl," Eddie praised
Y/N shivered from his words, she couldn't believe she was finally having Eddie the way she wanted.
He leaned down, still thrusting inside of her, his lips pressed against hers for a quick second. "Wanna taste Chrissy? She tastes amazing, so sweet and addicting." Eddie's brown eyes looked up to Chrissy.
Y/N whined at the thought. Her being under Chrissy's body and tasting her on her tongue.
"Yes, please," Y/N moaned out, her voice strained as Eddie picked up his pace
Chrissy smiled as she moved to straddle Y/N's face, she faced Eddie as she slowly moved herself down
Eddie watched with delight as Chrissy's pink cunt landed on Y/N's tongue. Eddie felt himself growl as he watched Y/N's tongue working between Chrissy's folds.
Chrissy moaned as she placed her hands behind her, moving her hips as she rode Y/N's face.
"Oh, that is so good, Y/N, fuck." Chrissy moaned. She never knew how good her best friend's tongue felt.
"Such pretty girls," Eddie moaned as he watched them
He felt Y/N clench around him, she tried to talk but it was muffled. The vibrations sent Chrissy into a whining mess as she gripped the sheets.
Eddie moved his hand down to rub her clit, loving the way Y/N's body jolted. Not once losing his pace, Eddie used his free hand to reach forward to play with Chrissy's nipples. He pulled the pink bud between his fingers, loving the way it snapped back in place as she shivered
Chrissy gasped as she felt herself getting close, Y/N's tongue swirling her clit perfectly.
"Look at that, Y/N. Gonna make Chrissy cum all over you. Be a good girl and make her shake." Eddie said, his fingers still working on Y/N's clit. He took his hand away from Chrissy's nipples and moved down to Y/N's chest, his finger teasing her stomach.
Y/N was growing tired as her own orgasm got close but she shook her head back and forth, giving the messiest head she could. She loved the way Chrissy screamed out her name.
Chrissy felt her eyes roll in the back of her head as she felt her stomach snap.
"CUMMING" she warned, Eddie watched in delight as Chrissy panted and came all over Y/N's mouth
She grew sensitive and went to pick up her hips, but Y/N wrapped her arms around her thighs and slammed her back down. Chrissy cried as her thighs shook, and Y/N's tongue continued to abuse her.
Y/N finally let Chrissy go, the blonde could barely feel her legs as she landed on the bed, fucked out.
"Need," Y/N whined, her head thrown back as Eddie's fingers played with her clit
"Need to cum? Come on pretty girl. Cum all over my cock." Eddie said, his pace was so fast that she could feel his balls smacking against her skin. He planted his free hand next to her head as he fucked himself into her
She clawed at his chest as she felt her orgasm washing over her. His close behind as he emptied himself in the condom
Eddie slid out of her, disposing of the condom
Chrissy leaned down and softly pecked Y/N's lips
Eddie crawled onto his bed and kissed up Y/N's body as Chrissy pulled away.
Eddie pecked Y/N's lips before he captured Chrissy's lips in a kiss.
Y/N whimpered as they kissed above her
She didn't care to test the waters, she wanted to dive straight in
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@bmunson86 @mxcheese @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37 @bellaisswagger @arlxt @ineedmentalhelp123
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mishietishie · 2 days
Sukuna dating headcanons
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Tw: slight angst? Ooc Sukuna probs, HeianEra!Sukuna, for the first part, fluff ofc <3, Shibuya mention
A/N: I'll write Choso headcanons after this silly willy <3
You used to be his concubine in the Heian Era.
In the beginning, Sukuna never really paid mind to you. You were just one of the many others in his harem.
But then, one night, he came back from slaughtering villages, his body covered in blood (which wasn't his, obviously).
While Uraume was running a bath for him, he was walking towards his chambers until you bumped into him.
Sukuna got annoyed at your recklessness and wanted to end your measly life then and there. But then he could see a glimmer of worry in your eyes at the sight of his bloodied state. You were brave enough to stand up and touch his bicep, asking if he was okay and if you should call Uraume.
He quickly dismissed you after that, but ever since, he felt a weird feeling in his stomach when he thought about or saw you.
Soon enough, he started to spend more time with you, spoiling your more than his other concubines. He made you sleep with him, sit on his lap while he was sitting on his throne, listening to some measly sorcerers who tried offering him all kinds of things so he would spare their lives.
Sukuna genuinely enjoyed your presence, not seeing you as just a concubine anymore. He liked hearing you talk about your day when he was gone.
Sometimes, he brought you the heads of people he killed as gifts, but he soon stopped after you made it clear you didn't want heads in your room. (Oh well, more food for him!)
One night, when he was lying with you in his bed, watching over your sleeping form, he promised himself that he would make you his Queen one day and that he'd conquer all with you by his side.
But that dream didn't become a reality as he was sealed away the day he wanted to declare you as his queen.
Or so he thought.
When he killed Jogo in Shibuya, he suddenly felt the presence of your soul nearby. Turning around, he sees Uraume kneeling behind him together with someone else. It was you. His concubine, his supposed to be Queen. You looked exactly the same as he remembered, and he could swear he felt his heart skip a beat at the sight of you.
(Anyways, time for the actual headcanons)
He likes holding you close at all times. Sleeping? He's big spooning you with his face buried in your hair, smelling your fragrance. Sitting? You're sitting on his lap, no discussion. Taking a walk? He'd secretly love to carry you bridal style, but since you're a human being with some decency, you don't allow him to. Which means Sukuna has to settle for wrapping an arm around your waist
If you cook for him, he'd first complain saying how he already has a chef, but he'll eat it nonetheless
Makes fun of you and calls you names from time to time, but you know he doesn't mean anything bad behind it. It's just his love language! (Also, if someone else makes fun of you, then you can bet you'll find their head on your porch <3)
Sukuna Ryomen isn't only the King of Curses but also the King of Jealousy. If you have any guy friends, you bet Sukuna's gonna get all up in your business whenever they're involved. You're his, so why should you spend time with other men while you have him?!
If you have plushies, he'll throw them away or destroy them because he finds it stupid that you're cuddling with them and not with him.
When he found out how to use a smartphone, you kept getting spam notifications of texts and missed calls from him <3
For someone as big as he is, his footsteps are very silent. He uses that to his advantage when he's sneaking up behind you to give you a good scare. But he also likes "spying" on you at home when you're doing simple domestic tasks like cooking or cleaning. He likes seeing you sway your hips while dusting the ceiling or the way you hum and even softly sing while stirring in the pot of soup. Sometimes, you catch him staring, though, and when you do, he will never head the end of it.
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doctorbitchcrxft · 1 day
Salvation | Devil's Trap | Supernatural Series Rewrite | Dean Winchester x Reader
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader (Eventual)
Warnings: canon violence, canon gore
Word Count: 7124
A/N: Whoop whoop! The end of season one!!! Thank y'all so much for reading and sticking with me. I've already been working on season two... ;)
Series Rewrite Masterlist
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John had taped countless papers, newspaper clippings, scribblings, and charts of his research on the motel room’s walls. He sat at his paper-strewn desk with the Colt lying on it in front of him. “So this is it. This is everything I know. Look, our whole lives we been searching for this demon right? Not a trace, just, nothing. Until about a year ago. For the first time I picked up a trail.”
“And that's when you took off,” Dean said.
John nodded. “Yeah. That's right. The demon must have come out of hiding, or hibernation.”
“Alright, so what’s this trail you found?” his elder son asked.
“It starts in Arizona, then New Jersey, California. Houses burned down to the ground. It's going after families, just like it went after us.”
“Families with infants?” Sam chimed in.
“Yeah. The night of the kid's six-month birthday.”
“I was six months old that night?” the younger brother asked, eyes puppy-dog-like.
You looked at Sam sadly. You knew he still blamed himself, and it broke your heart. John nodded again. “Exactly six months.”
“So basically, this demon is going after these kids for some reason. The same way it came for me? So Mom's death… Jessica. It's all because of me?” his eyebrows turned upward even more.
“We don’t know that, Sam,” Dean argued gruffly.
“Oh really? Cause I'd say we're pretty damn sure, Dean,” the brunet threw back.
Dean shook his head frustratedly. “For the last time, what happened to them was not your fault.”
“Right. It's not my fault but it's my problem.”
“No, it's not your problem, it's our problem!” Dean yelled back.
“Boys, enough!” you commanded, standing.
All three men looked at you, surprised, but followed your directions and calmed down.
“So why's he doing it?” Sam asked after a moment. “What does he want?”
“Look I wish I had more answers, I do. I've always been one step behind it. Look, I've never gotten there in time to save....” He looked down unhappily.
Dean sighed. “Alright, so how do we find it before it hits again?”
“There's signs. It took me a while to see the pattern but it's there in the days before these fires signs crop up in an area. Cattle deaths, temperature fluctuations, electrical storms. And then I went back and checked, and—”
“These things happened in Lawrence,” Dean said softly.
“A week before your mother died,” John replied, nodding. “And in Palo Alto, before Jessica. And these signs: they're starting again.”
“Where?” Sam asked.
“Salvation, Iowa.”
You and the brothers had been following John closely for hours as you sped toward Salvation, Iowa. Suddenly, John pulled his truck off the road. You shot a look at Dean, who pulled off behind his father.
“Goddammit!” John cried when he got out of his truck.
“What is it?” Dean asked.
“I just got a call from Caleb.”
Dean’s shoulders tensed. “Is he okay?”
“He's fine. Jim Murphy's dead.”
Sam was surprised. “Pastor Jim? How?”
“His throat was slashed. He bled out. Caleb said they found traces of sulfur at Jim's place,” John explained.
“A demon,” you said. “The demon?”
The older man shook his head. “I don't know. Could be he just got careless, he slipped up. Maybe the demon knows we're getting close.”
“What do we do?” the older son questioned.
“Now we act like every second counts. There's two hospitals and a health center in this county. We split up, cover more ground. I want records. I want a list of every infant that's going to be six months old in the next week,” John barked.
“Dad, that could be dozens of kids. How do we know which one's the right one?” Sam challenged.
“We check 'em all, that's how. You got any better ideas?”
You all shook your heads. John nodded at you and turned back to his truck. He slammed his hand on his trunk and hung his head low.
“Dad?” Dean asked.
“Yeah. It's Jim,” John replied, never turning to face you three. “You know, I can't— This ends now. I'm ending it. I don't care what it takes.” He got back into his truck, and you and the boys followed suit. No one talked for the rest of the drive into Salvation.
You went with Dean as you normally had been doing on cases when you and the Winchesters split up. You headed to one of the two hospitals to search their birth records. 
Dean noticed a beautiful receptionist and walked over to her.
“Hi. Is there anything I can do for you?” she asked him.
“Oh, God, yes,” he smiled breathlessly.
You cleared your throat. “We’re working right now, so…” You held up your fake badge to show her. “Can you get us the records of every birth in the last year?”
She nodded. “Of course.” She threw one last longing look to Dean before heading off.
“You wanna keep it professional, officer?” You quirked a brow at him.
Later that day, you and the other Winchesters were called to meet Sam back at the motel room. He’d had another vision where the same thing that happened to him happened to a baby he’d met in his search for the six month old that would be attacked.
“A vision,” John said flatly.
Sam was rubbing his temples painfully. “Yes. I saw the demon burning a woman on the ceiling.”
“And you think this is going to happen to this woman you met because…?” his father trailed off.
“Because these things happen exactly the way I see them,” Sam explained.
“It started out as nightmares. Then it started happening while he was awake,” Dean continued, crossing to the counter behind Sam to get some more coffee.
“Yeah,” Sam winced, “It's like the closer I get to anything to do with the demon the stronger the visions get.”
“When were you going to tell me about this?” John snapped at his oldest son.
“We didn't know what it meant.” Dean looked down shamefully.
“Alright, something like this starts happening to your brother, you pick up the phone, and you call me,” John stated sharply.
Dean threw his cup back on the counter, but you spoke before he could. “All due respect, dude, but Dean did call you.” John looked at you surprised as you continued. “He called you in Lawrence. Sam called when Dean was fucking dying. He’s got a better chance at winning the lottery than getting you on the phone.”
Dean put a hand on your shoulder to stop you.
“You're right. Although I'm not too crazy about this attitude of yours, you're right,” John told you. He turned to his sons. “I'm sorry.”
“Look, guys, visions or no visions, fact is, we know the demon is coming tonight. And this family's gonna go through the same hell we went through,” Sam said calmly.
“No they're not. No one is, ever again.”
Sam’s phone rang. “Hello?... Who is this?” He shot up next. “Meg. Last time I saw you, you fell out of a window… Just your feelings? That was a seven-story drop… My Dad. I don't know where my Dad is.” He then hesitated for a moment before handing the phone to John.
“This is John,” he said. “I'm here.” A few moments passed before he breathed out a name. “Caleb?”
Sam and Dean reacted immediately, and you recognized that as the name of John’s friend they’d been using as a resource when their dad was missing. “You listen to me. He's got nothing to do with anything. You let him go… I don't know what you're talking about… Caleb. Caleb!... I'm gonna kill you, you know that?” His boys approached him, taking either side. “Okay… I said okay, I'll bring you the Colt.”
Your eyebrows shot up in surprise.
“It's gonna take me about a day's drive to get there… That's impossible. I can't get there in time, and I can't just carry a gun on the plane.” Another moment passed before John handed Sam’s phone back to him. He began to pace around the room. He explained to you that Meg had instructed him to go to a warehouse in Lincoln with the Colt alone.
“So you think Meg is a demon?” Sam questioned.
“Either that, or she's possessed by one. It doesn't really matter,” his father answered.
“What do we do?” you asked.
“I'm going to Lincoln.”
Dean scoffed. “What?”
“It doesn't look like we have a choice. If I don't go, a lot of people will die; our friends die.”
“Dad, the demon is coming tonight. For Monica and her family. That gun is all we got; you can't just hand it over,” Sam protested.
“Who said anything about handing it over? Look, besides us and a coupla of vampires, no one's really seen the gun; no one knows what it looks like.”
“So what, you're just going to pick up a ringer at a pawn shop?” Dean questioned.
“Antique store.”
“You're going to hand Meg a fake gun and hope she doesn't notice?”
“Look, as long as it's close, she shouldn't be able to tell the difference.”
“Yeah but for how long? What happens when she figures it out?” argued the older son.
“I just— I just need to buy a few hours, that's all.”
Sam shot back, “You mean, for Dean, (Y/N), and me. You want us to stay here and kill this demon by ourselves?”
“No, Sam. I want to stop losing people we love. I want you to go to school. I want Dean to have a home.” John’s voice broke. “I want… I want Mary alive. It's just— I just want this to be over.”
After you and the boys had handed off the fake gun to John, you headed to Monica’s house under the cover of night.
Dean and Sam sat with the gun between them, and the three of you watched through the window as Monica and her husband finished dinner.
“Maybe we could tell ‘em it was a gas leak. Might get ‘em out of the house for a few hours.”
“Sam, since when has that ever worked for us?” you countered.
“We could always tell ‘em the truth,” he suggested after a moment.
You and Dean just gave him a skeptical look. The three of you cringed and said, “Naaahhh,” in unison, making you giggle.
“I know I know. I just… with what's coming for these folks…” Sam trailed off.
 Dean shook his head at his brother. “Sam we only got one move and you know it, alright? We gotta wait for that demon to show itself, and then we get it before it gets them.”
You looked back at the house for a moment before Sam spoke again. “I wonder how Dad's doing.”
“I'd feel a lot better if we were there backing him up,” Dean admitted.
“I'd feel a lot better if he were here backing us up.”
You continued watching the house in silence.
“This is weird,” Sam broke the silence again. “After all of these years, we're finally here. It doesn't seem real.”
“We just gotta keep our heads and do our job, like always,” Dean responded.
“Yeah, but this isn't like always.”
“Dean, ah… I wanna thank you,” Sam began.
Dean turned to his brother. “For what?”
“For everything. You've always had my back you know? Even when I couldn't count on anyone I could always count on you. And, uh, I don't know I just wanted to let you know, just in case—”
“Sam, stop it,” you said. “You are not dyin’ tonight. Nobody is.”
“Except that demon,” Dean continued. “That evil son of a bitch ain't getting any older than tonight, you understand me?”
Sam nodded, tears in his eyes. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and laid your head on his back. You continued watching the house from your position resting against Sam, who returned your gesture by holding your arm.
Dean then called his father. “Dad's not answering.”
“Maybe Meg was late. Maybe cell reception’s bad,” you suggested.
“Yeah, well.” He didn’t sound convinced.
The radio suddenly started chattering with static.
“Guys, it’s coming.” You looked out at the light emanating from the home beginning to flicker.
The three of you sprang into action, grabbing the Colt and running into the house. Once inside, you were confronted by Monica’s husband.
“Get out of my house!” he yelled.
Dean fought against the man and pinned him against the wall with the baseball bat the man had been holding. “Be quiet and listen to me. Be quiet and listen! We are trying to help you.” He clearly had no patience.
A woman’s voice called from upstairs. “Charlie? Is everything okay?”
“Monica, get the baby!” the man yelled back.
“Don't go in the nursery!” you and Sam cried at the same time. You and Sam sprinted up the stairs after the woman and began to hear her moaning in pain. You raced into the nursery down the hall to find the woman flung back against the wall rising up to the ceiling. You saw a shadowy figure with glowing, yellow eyes standing over the baby’s crib.
“Rosie!” Monica screamed.
Sam raised the Colt and pulled the trigger. Unfortunately, the demon disappeared into curls of smoke.
Monica screamed and fell to the floor.
“Where the hell did it go?!” Sam yelled.
“I don’t know!” you yelled back.
“My baby!” Monica tried to move toward the crib, but Sam caught her. She fought him as you wrapped the baby in her blanket and pulled her out of her crib. Milliseconds later, the crib burst into flames. You held the baby to your chest and followed Sam and Monica down the stairs and out of the house.
Just as you made it outside, the nursery window exploded outward in a fiery blaze. You ran over to Dean and Monica’s husband who had just regained consciousness. 
“You get away from my family,” the husband told you firmly.
“No, Charlie, don't. They saved us,” Monica said, running into her husband’s arms. You handed her baby over to her, and she began to cry. “Thank you.”
You nodded with a sad smile. You turned to the boys who looked up at the burning house. You could see a shadowy figure in the window surrounded by the flames.
Sam tried to go back inside, crying, “It's still in there!”
You and Dean pushed him back. “No!”
“Guys, let me go! It’s still in there!” He continued struggling against you.
“No. It's burning to the ground, it's suicide!” Dean replied.
“I don't care!” Sam yelled back.
Dean shoved his brother one final time. “I do!”
You looked back up at the house and watched the demon disappear. The flames rose higher as you heard Monica’s husband calling 911.
“We’d better get out of here before the cops show up,” you told Monica. “Take care of yourselves.”
“We will. Thank you!”
You shoved the boys back to the Impala and took Dean’s keys from him.
“(Y/N), you are not driving my car.”
“I’ve already done it, Dean, and you are way too emotional to drive right now. I’ve got this.”
“Fine!” He got in the passenger’s seat next to you. “But I swear to god if it gets one scratch—”
“I know, I’m dead.”
You and the Winchesters still hadn’t heard from their father.
“Come on Dad, answer your phone, damn it,” Dean grumbled as he paced around. “Something’s wrong.”
Sam stared at the wall; unresponsive to his brother.
“You hear me? Something is wrong.”
Sam’s voice broke as he talked. “If you had just let me go in there, I coulda ended all this.”
“Sam, you would’ve been killed,” you said.
“You don’t know that,” he argued.
Dean walked toward his brother. “So what, you're just willing to sacrifice yourself, is that it?”
Sam stood. “Yeah. Yeah, you're damn right I am.”
“Well, that's not going to happen, not as long as I'm around,” Dean responded.
“What the hell are you talking about, Dean, we've been searching for this demon our whole lives. It's the only thing we've ever cared about.”
“Sam, I wanna waste it. I do. Okay? But it's not worth dying over.”
The brunet scoffed. “What?”
“I mean it. If hunting this demon means getting yourself killed, then I hope we never find the damn thing,” Dean spat.
“That thing killed Jess. That thing killed Mom!” Sam yelled.
“You said yourself once, that no matter what we do, they're gone, and they're never coming back.”
Sam completely lost it and threw Dean back against the wall.
“Sam, stop!” You ran to the boys and tried to pull Sam off. He shrugged your grip off him harshly. 
“Don't you say that, not you! Not after all this; don't you say that!” Sam yelled.
Dean’s voice quieted. “Sam, look. The three of us… Dad… That's all we have. And it's all I have. Sometimes I feel like I'm barely holding it together, man… And without you or (Y/N) or Dad....”
“Dad,” Sam cried and turned away. He walked across the room.
Dean stayed where he was and took a few deep breaths.
“Are you okay?” you asked Dean quietly.
He nodded, but kept his gaze on his brother.
“He should have called by now. Try him again,” Sam instructed.
Dean pushed a few buttons and raised his phone to his ear. “Where is he,” Dean spoke angrily into the phone.
You looked up at Dean, concerned, as did Sam. 
“They’ve got Dad,” Dean informed you, snapping his phone shut.
“Meg?” you questioned.
Dean just nodded.
“What’d she say?”
“I just told you, sweetheart.”
“Okay, okay,” you ran a hand over your hair.
Dean grabbed the Colt and tucked it into his jeans.
“What are you doing, Dean?” Sam asked.
Dean was already grabbing his duffel bag. “We got to go.”
“Because the demon knows we’re in Salvation, alright. It knows we got the Colt. It’s got Dad— it’s probably coming for us next.” Dean put his jacket back on.
“Good. We’ve still got three bullets left. Let it come.”
“No, Sam, I’m with Dean. We’re not ready,” you said, shouldering your own bag. “We don’t know how many of them are out there, and we’re no good to anybody dead. Let’s go. And we need help.”
Dean looked at you and agreed. “I know a guy.”
“Bobby?” you asked. You hadn’t realized he was the man Dean was referring to knowing could help. 
“(Y/N),” the man breathed out. He wrapped you in a tight hug. “How the hell are you, kiddo?”
Tears formed in the corners of your eyes. “I’m okay. Listen, we’re in a tight spot. I know Dean told you a bit, but…”
“Come on in,” he said. He checked behind you and the boys to make sure you weren’t followed.
“How do you know Bobby?” Dean asked, walking around the man’s cluttered home. Books were stacked high in every corner, and empty beer bottles covered his kitchen table. 
‘Would it kill you to clean every once in a while?’ you thought.
“He found me when I was nineteen and bleeding out in the middle of nowhere,” you explained. “Saved my life and took me in, essentially. And then, uh, I split. My stupid twenty-year-old self couldn’t admit that being alone sucked. I didn’t want anyone to think I needed help. We got in a huge fight, and I left.” You turned to Bobby. “I’m sorry, by the way. I never told you that.”
“It’s okay, kid,” the man drawled. He handed Dean a round silver flask with a cross on it. “Here you go.”
“What is this, holy water?” 
Bobby said, “That one is.” He held out the other flask he was holding. “This is whiskey.” 
You giggled while Bobby and Dean took swigs of the drink.
Dean handed the flask back to him. “Bobby, thanks. Thanks for everything. To tell you the truth, I wasn’t sure we should come.”
“Nonsense. Your Daddy needs help.”
“Well, yeah, but last time we saw you, I mean, you did threaten to blast him full of buckshot. Cocked the shotgun and everything,” the man chuckled.
“Yeah, well, what can I say? John just has that effect on people.”
“Amen,” you commented.
Dean shot you a look.
“What?” you replied.
He just rolled his eyes.
“None of that matters now. All that matters is that you get him back,” Bobby shrugged.
Sam dragged his fingers along the worn pages of the book he was reading. “Bobby, this book: I’ve never seen anything like it.”
He sat on the edge of the desk across from Sam. “Key of Solomon? It’s the real deal, alright.”
“And these protective circles. They really work?” He gestured down to the intricate drawing covering the worn page.
“Hell, yeah. You get a demon in; they’re trapped. Powerless. It’s like a Satanic roach motel.” Bobby tapped the center of the page. 
You laughed. You loved his sense of humor. You wished your dad had been more like him, and you wished you hadn’t spent so much time as a teenager trying to go it alone.
“I’ll tell you something else, too. This is some serious crap you kids stepped in.”
“Oh, yeah? How’s that?” you asked.
“Normal year, I hear of, say, three demonic possessions. Maybe four, tops. This year I hear of twenty-seven so far. You get what I’m saying? More and more demons are walking among us; a lot more.” Bobby sounded scared for the first time since you met him. 
“Damn,” you commented. “Do you know why?”
“No, but I know it’s something big. The storm’s coming, and you kids, your Daddy— you are smack in the middle of it.”
Bobby’s dog began barking outside.
“Rumsfeld,” Bobby muttered.
The dog stopped barking with a sad whine. You looked out the window to see the chain the dog was tethered to broken and the dog himself nowhere in sight. 
“Something’s wrong,” the older man said.
At that moment, Meg kicked the door open and sauntered in. Dean slipped the holy water flask out of his pocket, and you grabbed a knife out of your jacket.
“No more crap, okay?” Meg sang.
Dean tried to go after her, but Meg sent him flying into a stack of books in the corner of the room.
“Hey!” you yelled, trying to take a swing at her. She sent you flying back into Dean. You groaned in pain as you heard Meg continuing to go after Sam for the Colt.
“You okay?” Dean asked you.
You nodded. “C’mon.” You stood shakily and used the wall for support; Dean just behind you.
“First, Johnny tries to pawn off a fake gun, and then, he leaves the real gun with you three chuckleheads. Lackluster, man. I mean, did you really think I wouldn’t find you?” you heard Meg telling Sam and Bobby in the other room.
You stepped into the door frame. “Actually, we were counting on it.” You smirked and looked up at the ceiling that had a Devil’s Trap etched into it. 
Dean spat, “Gotcha.”
You set to work tying Meg to a chair in the middle of the floor. She fought you hard, but there wasn’t much she could do given her limited space to move.
“Bitch,” she spat at you.
“Yeah, ditto,” you responded dryly. You stepped back from her.
“You know, if you wanted to tie me up, all you had to do was ask,” she said sultrily.
Bobby came up next to you with a large canister of salt. “I salted the door and windows. If there are any demons out there, they ain’t getting in.”
Dean nodded and stood, moving around you to stand in front of Meg. “Where’s our father, Meg?”
“You didn’t ask very nice.”
“Where’s our father, bitch?”
You hated to admit it, but Dean’s interrogation was turning you on.
“Jeez. You kiss your mother with that mouth? Oh wait, I forgot, you don’t,” Meg smirked.
Dean lunged at her and put his hands on the chair arms. “You think this is a fucking game? Where is he?! What did you do to him?”
“He died screaming. I killed him myself!” she growled through gritted teeth.
Dean froze before slapping her across the face.
“That’s kind of a turn on; you hitting a girl,” she smiled.
‘Well, she’s not wrong,’ you thought.
“You’re no girl,” he said.
Bobby stood and moved to the older Winchester. “Dean.”
He turned away from Meg.
“You okay?” you asked him.
“She’s lying. He’s not dead,” he grumbled.
“Dean, you got to be careful with her. Don’t hurt her,” Bobby warned.
“Because she really is a girl; that’s why,” he explained.
You looked back at Meg and her labored breathing. Bobby explained that Meg had been possessed. Dean was furious at the idea of an innocent person being trapped inside her, and you loved that about him. You and the brothers immediately began an exorcism ritual.
“Are you gonna read me a story?” she quipped at the sight of the Book of Solomon Sam was holding.
Dean stepped in front of her. “Something like that. Hit it, Sam.”
Sam began reading the ritual off the pages of the book.
“An exorcism? Are you serious?”
“Oh we’re going for it, baby—” You’d never liked that nickname, but you loved how it sounded coming from Dean; just not directed at Meg. “—head spinning, projectile vomiting, the whole nine yards.”
Meg flinched at the Latin words coming from Sam’s lips. “I’m gonna kill you. I’m gonna rip the bones from your body.”
“No, you’re gonna burn in hell. Unless you tell us where our Dad is.” His smirk was challenging.
Meg just smiled at him.
“Well, at least you’ll get a nice tan,” Dean bit.
Meg continued to shake in pain and gasped finally. “He begged for his life with tears in his eyes. He begged to see his sons one last time. That’s when I slit his throat.”
Dean leaned down to her. “For your sake, I hope you’re lying. Cause if it’s true, I swear to god, I will march into hell myself and I will slaughter each and every one of you evil sons of bitches, so help me god!”
Sam continued reading while wind started blowing through the room.
“Where is he?!” Dean shouted.
“You just won’t take ‘dead’ for an answer, will you?”
“Where is he?!”
“Dead!” she yelled through gritted teeth.
Dean screamed, “No, he’s not! He’s not dead! He can’t be!”
You looked up at him. “Dean—”
“What are you looking at? Keep reading,” he said gruffly to his brother.
“He will be!” Meg cried.
Dean stopped Sam from reading with a raised hand. “Wait! What?!”
“He’s not dead. But he will be after what we do to him,” she explained breathlessly.
“How do we know you’re telling the truth?”
“You don’t.”
“A building! Okay? A building in Jefferson City," Meg admitted, breathing laboriously.
“Missouri? Where, where? An address!”
“I don’t know,” she cried.
“And the demon— the one we’re looking for— where is it?” Sam interrogated.
“I don’t know! I swear! That’s everything. That’s all I know,” Meg whined.
Dean stalked around her, face set in anger. “Finish it.”
“What? I told you the truth!” Meg screamed, pulling against her restraints.
“I don’t care,” Dean responded.
“You son of a bitch, you promised!” She continued to fight harder despite the pain she was obviously in.
“I lied! Sam? Sam! Read.”
Sam pulled Dean aside. “Maybe we can still use her. Find out where the demon is.”
“She doesn’t know.”
“She lied.”
“Sam, there’s a girl trapped in there somewhere,” you said. “We gotta help her.”
“You’re gonna kill her,” Bobby broke in. “You said she fell from a building. That girl’s body is broken. The only thing keeping her alive is that demon inside. You exorcise it and that girl is going to die.”
“We can’t just leave her like that, though!” you protested.
“She is a human being,” Bobby said softly.
“And we’re gonna put her out of her misery. Sam, finish it,” Dean barked.
Sam hesitated.
“Finish it,” his brother commanded.
Sam obliged, taking a deep breath before continuing. Meg threw her head back and screamed, the demon leaving through her mouth in a cloud of inky blackness. It shot up into the Devil’s Trap on the ceiling, and Meg’s head fell forward.
You looked at her, unsure of whether or not it was really over. She slowly lifted her head, and you watched blood drip from her nose and lips.
“Oh, shit,” you muttered. “Call 911, get some water and blankets!” you ordered. “Boys, help me!”
Meg whispered, “Thank you.”
“Shh, shh,” you told her. “Take it easy, okay?”
The boys lifted her off the chair and she yelped in pain. You had them lower her into your lap, so you could cradle her head as a makeshift pillow.
“We’re sorry. We got you, it’s okay,” you assured her.
“A year,” she muttered sadly.
“It’s been a year.”
“Shh, just take it easy,” Sam told her.
“I’ve been awake for some of it. I couldn’t move my own body. The things I did…  It's a nightmare.” Her voice was broken in soft sobs as blood spilled from her lips and nose.
“I’m so sorry,” you said, brushing her hair back with your hand.
“Was it telling us the truth about our Dad?” Dean asked.
“Dean—” you scolded.
“We need to know.” He looked at you sharply before looking back down at Meg.
“Yes. But it wants... you to know... that... they want you to come for him.”
“If Dad’s still alive, none of that matters.”
Bobby came back in with a blanket and glass of water. You helped Meg drink while the boys covered her in the blanket.
“Where is the demon we’re looking for?” Sam asked her.
“Not there. Other ones. Awful ones,” she answered weakly.
“By the river. Sunrise.” Her head lolled to the side in your lap, eyes never closing and reopening again. 
“ ‘Sunrise’,” Dean muttered. “What does that mean? What does that mean?”
But Meg was gone. You continued to brush her hair back with your hand, looking down at the poor girl’s face sadly. Tears rose to your eyes. You felt awful for her. Getting possessed and not being in control of your own body was quite literally your worst nightmare.
“You better hurry up and beat it. Before the paramedics get here,” Bobby told you. The four of you rose from the ground and headed to the door.
“What are you gonna tell them?” Dean asked.
“You think you guys invented lying to the cops? I’ll figure something out.” He handed the Key of Solomon book to Sam. “Here, take this. You might need it.”
“Thanks,” Sam grinned.
“Thanks... for everything. Be careful, alright?” Dean told Bobby.
“You just go find your Dad. And when you do, you bring him around, would you? I won’t even try to shoot him this time.”
You gave him a lopsided smile before pulling him into a hug again. “Thank you. I promise I’ll call.”
“You better, kid. Or I’ll hunt your ass down.”
About a day and a half later, you and the boys had rescued a badly beaten John from Sunrise Apartments in Jefferson City, Missouri. You’d found an abandoned cabin deep in the woods to shelter in to attempt to make a game plan to go after the demon. You could tell Dean was conflicted about the fact that he’d had to use one of the Colt’s bullets to save Sam but didn’t regret the choice at all. His confliction came from whether or not his dad would kick his ass to hell and back.
“How is he?” Sam asked. You were busy cleaning up the cuts on his badly beaten face that the demon Dean had killed gave him.
“He just needed a little rest, that’s all. How are you?” Dean questioned, referencing the beating Sam had suffered on the rescue mission.
Sam shrugged. “I’ll survive. Hey, you don’t think we were followed here, do you?”
“I don’t think so,” you said. “We couldn’t have found a more way-out-the-way place to hunker down.”
A moment of silence passed before Sam turned to his brother. “Hey, uh.... Dean, you, um, you saved my life back there.”
Dean smirked. “So, I guess you’re glad I brought the gun, huh?” That had been yet another thing the brothers had fought over.
“Man, I’m trying to thank you here,” Sam chuckled.
“You’re welcome,” the older brother replied.
“All done,” you told Sam. You crossed the room to his brother and sat down next to him.
Dean paused a moment before talking again. “Hey, (Y/N)?” 
“You know that guy I shot? There was a person in there.”
You sighed. “You had no choice, dude.”
“Yeah, I know, that’s not what bothers me.”
“Then what does?”
“Killing that guy, killing Meg. I didn’t hesitate, I didn’t even flinch. For Sam, for my dad... for you..." he couldn't stand to look at you during that admission— "the things I’m willing to do or kill, it’s just, uh, it scares me sometimes.”
You put a hand on his. “I get it. Me too.”
He gripped your hand tightly as John walked into the room. “It shouldn’t scare you. You did good.”
“You’re not mad?” Dean asked.
“For what?”
“Using a bullet.” The elder son’s face was twisted in confusion.
John chuckled. “Mad? I’m proud of you. You know, Sam and I: we can get pretty obsessed. But you, you watch out for this family. You always have.”
Something changed in Dean’s face. “Thanks.”
The wind suddenly picked up outside, and the lights in the room flickered.
“It found us. It’s here,” John breathed out.
“The demon?” Sam questioned, standing on high alert.
“Sam, lines of salt in front of every window, every door,” John ordered.
“Already done,” you said.
“Well, check it, okay?”
“Okay,” Sam said and left the room.
“Dean, you got the gun?” John asked. “Give it to me.”
Dean took the Colt out of his jeans. “Dad, Sam tried to shoot the demon in Salvation. It disappeared.”
“This is me. I won’t miss. Now, the gun, hurry,” John commanded.
Dean hesitated and looked down at the gun. You looked between the two men, confused as to what was going on.
“Give me the gun. What are you doing, Dean?”
Dean backed up. “He’d be furious.”
John turned away from the window. “What?”
“That I wasted a bullet. He wouldn’t be proud of me; he’d tear me a new one.” Dean cocked the gun and pointed it at John. He pushed you behind him, covering you with his free arm protectively. “You’re not my Dad.”
“Dean, it’s me.” John looked at him like he was crazy.
“I know my Dad better than anyone. And you ain’t him,” Dean responded.
“What the hell’s gotten into you?”
“I could ask you the same thing. Stay back.”
Sam came into the room, shocked to see Dean pointing the gun at John. “Dean? What the hell’s going on?”
“Your brother’s lost his mind,” John scoffed.
“No, he hasn’t. It’s not your dad, Sam,” you said.
“I think he’s possessed. I think he’s been possessed since we rescued him.” Dean began to get upset.
John protested, but Sam turned to you and Dean. “Dean, how do you know?”
Dean was fighting back tears. “He’s... he’s different.”
“You know, we don’t have time for this. Sam, you wanna kill this demon, you’ve gotta trust me,” John stated firmly.
Sam stepped back behind you and Dean. 
“Fine. You’re all so sure, go ahead. Kill me,” John spat, seeming emotional. He looked down and waited. Dean held the gun on him, but couldn’t pull the trigger.
“I thought so.” John looked up grinning; eyes yellow with snake-like slits running down the middle.
Sam lunged at him, but was thrown and pinned against the wall. 
“You son of a—” John threw you back against the wall next to Sam, too; cutting you off. Dean shouted your name but ended up pinned as well.
John picked up the Colt that Dean had dropped. “What a pain in the ass this thing’s been.”
“It’s you, isn’t it? We’ve been looking for you for a long time,” Sam stated.
“Well, you found me,” the demon grinned.
“But the holy water?” the younger son asked in reference to the bit he'd splashed on him during the rescue.
“You think something like that works on something like me?” he taunted.
You tried to fight against the force that had you pinned down, but couldn’t.
“I’m gonna kill you!” Sam screamed.
“Oh, that’d be a neat trick. In fact—” he put the gun down on the table, “—here. Make the gun float to you there, psychic boy.”
Sam looked down at the gun, but nothing happened.
“Well, this is fun. I could’ve killed you a hundred times today, but this... this is worth the wait.” He stalked over to Dean who struggled against his power. “Your Dad: he’s in here with me. Trapped inside his own meat suit. He says ‘hi,' by the way. He’s gonna tear you apart. He’s gonna taste the iron in your blood.”
“Let him go, or I swear to god—”
The demon cut Dean off. “What? What are you and god gonna do? You see, as far as I’m concerned, this is justice. You know that little exorcism of yours? That was my daughter. The one in the alley? That was my boy. You understand.”
Dean mockingly groaned, “You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“What? You’re the only one that can have a family? You destroyed my children. How would you feel if I killed your family?” The demon smiled maliciously. “Oh, that’s right. I forgot. I did. Still, two wrongs don’t make a right.”
“You son of a bitch,” Dean spat.
“I wanna know why. Why’d you do it?” Sam asked.
“You mean why did I kill Mommy and pretty little Jess?” He turned back to Dean. “You know, I never told you this, but Sam was going to ask her to marry him. Been shopping for rings and everything.” He turned back to Sam and walked over to him. “You want to know why? Because they got in the way.”
“In the way of what?” Sam asked.
“My plans for you, Sammy. You... and all the children like you.”
“Listen, you mind just getting this over with, huh? Cause I really can’t stand the monologuing,” Dean remarked.
The demon strutted back over to him. “Funny, but that’s all part of your M.O., isn’t it? Masks all that nasty pain; masks the truth.”
“Oh, yeah? What’s that?” Dean ground out.
“You know, you fight, and you fight for this family, but the truth is they don’t need you. Not like you need them. Sam: he’s clearly John’s favorite. Even when they fight, it’s more concern than he’s ever shown you. And (Y/N)? Your thing with her is pretty pathetic, I gotta say.”
“I bet you’re real proud of your kids, too, huh? Oh wait, I forgot. I wasted ‘em,” Dean challenged, smiling. John looked at Dean and backed up, putting his head down. When he looked back up, Dean yelled in pain.
“What are you doing to him?! Stop!” you cried, fighting against your invisible restraints even harder.
Dean began bleeding heavily from his chest. “Dad! Dad, don’t you let it kill me!”
You struggled as hard as you could to get free, but you helplessly watched blood flow out of Dean’s mouth.
“Dad, please.” Dean’s cry broke your heart just before he passed out.
“Dean!” you and Sam yelped. You were suddenly let go, and you dove across the floor to Dean. He slumped to the ground, bleeding profusely.
“Dean, Dean, look at me, baby, please,” you cried. You looked up at Sam pointing the gun at John as you pulled Dean into your lap.
“You kill me, you kill Daddy,” the demon taunted Sam. 
“I know.” He fired the gun and shot it in the leg.
Sam rushed over to you. “Dean? Dean, hey? Oh god, you’ve lost a lot of blood.”
“Where’s Dad?” Dean groaned, coming back to.
“He’s right here. He’s right here, Dean.”
“Go check on him.”
You stayed with Dean, crying as you brushed a hand over his cheek. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” he smiled despite the situation.
“Shh, shh, stop it.” You shook your head. You turned the palm of your hand up that had been sitting on his chest. It was completely turned red. “Oh, my god.”
He grabbed your hand and rubbed his thumb over yours. “I’m okay.”
You turned back to John and Sam as the older man yelled, “Sammy! It’s still alive. It’s inside me, I can feel it. You shoot me. You shoot me! You shoot me in the heart, son! Do it now!”
“Sam, don’t you do it. Don’t you do it,” Dean pleaded.
“You’ve gotta hurry! I can’t hold onto it much longer! You shoot me, son! Shoot me! Son, I’m begging you! We can end this here and now! Sammy!” John begged.
“Sam, no!” you said.
“You do this! Sammy! Sam!” The demon suddenly fled from John, and the man collapsed on the ground.
John looked up at Sam accusingly. You called the brunet over to you. “You gotta help me. We gotta get him to a hospital now,” you cried. You and Sam shouldered Dean and brought him to the car while he groaned in pain.
You sat next to him in the backseat. His body was slumped over against the door, and you leaned against his chest to make sure his heart was still beating. Or, that was what you told yourself, at least. Despite the situation, you found the feeling of him against you comforting.
Sam got his father down in the car and began to speed away from the cabin.
“Look, just hold on, alright. The hospital’s only ten minutes away,” Sam told his father.
“I’m surprised at you, Sammy. Why didn’t you kill it? I thought we saw eye-to-eye on this? Killing this demon comes first— before me, before everything.”
Sam looked up at you and his brother in the rearview mirror. “No, sir. Not before everything. Look, we’ve still got the Colt. We still have the one bullet left. We just have to start over, alright? I mean, we already found the demon—”
Suddenly, the car was thrown to the side and continued to skid down a hill. You held Dean against you despite the blood soaking into your hair and clothes and silently prayed for this all to be over. You could feel the side of the car had been pushed in on top of your legs, and finally, the car stopped moving. 
“Dean!” you cried. “Guys!” No one was responding to you. “Dean!”
Series Rewrite Taglist: @polireader @brightlilith @atcamillanorrman @jrizzelle @insomnia-bookworm @procrastination20 @mrs-liebgott @djs8891 @tiggytaylor @staple-your-mouth @jesstherebel @rach5ive @strawberrykiwisdogog @bruhidkjustwannaread @mxltifxnd0m @sunshine-on-marz @big-ol-boat @mgchaser @capncrankle @chervbs @simpingdeadcharacters @nesnejwritings @stillhere197 @tearsforhan @take-it-on-the-run @iloveyou2mia @maxinehufflepuffprincess @ohgeehowdigethere @seninjakitey @berarenado @s0urw00lf @princessleahorgana @quarterhorse19 @isla-finke-blog @silverdoragon @karacaroldanvers @gayandfairycore @examishbookwyrm @star-yawnznn @real-sharena-h @fandomloverrr @metalmonki @onlyangel-444 @yu-winchester @benniwiththefanni @daisychaingirl @immagods @missmieux @yoongi-holland @littledebbieinabigworld
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tillyysaturn · 2 days
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Your stuck inside on a snowy day at Hogwarts when your boyfriend Mattheo gets an idea. Warnings: Non! Just pure fluff and slight swearing. Reader may or may not fall through some ice ;)
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It was a cold day. It had been snowing as soon as you opened your curtains in the morning. It was now the afternoon and after a first year had been hit so hard with a snowball that it ended in a trip to the infirmary, everyone had been under strict instructions not to go outside. So you were practically trapped in the Slytherin common room, sat by the fire as you watched the snow fall softly outside the window. You sent Theo a quick glare.
“What?! Y/n I didn’t know the bloody snowball was majority ice!” Theo raised his voice, he had been dealing with snarky remarks from practically everyone in school since he was the one who threw the snowball at the first year.
“It was pretty funny though, the kid went straight down like a sack of potatoes.” Mattheo said, sniggering at the memory. The pair of them had been having a snow fight outside, purposely aiming for unknowing first years while you had been having a nap, planning on joining them until you were told you were no longer allowed outside.
“You should have woken me up.” You snapped at Mattheo who raised his arms in defence, “But you looked so cute and peaceful sleeping.” He said, reaching his hand out for your hair but you hit it away before he could. He pouted at this but you only scowled back at him. Mattheo’s eyes suddenly lit up, something clicking in his mind.
“I mean, who says we have to follow the rules?” He says, smirking slightly. You knew exactly what he was thinking, “But won’t Dumbledore have put some sort of spell around the castle?” Theo said, taking a hit from his cigarette and not really paying much attention to what Mattheo was saying. Your eyes lit up. Mattheo was at times not the best boyfriend but there was one thing he loved more than anything. Something he would do almost anything to see. Your smile. So when he saw the smile tugging at the corners of your lips, he knew what he was going to do.
“Quick, go put some warm clothes on.” Mattheo said, you didn’t have to be told twice, jumping up and practically running to your dorm.
“Your whipped man.” Theo said, scoffing but Mattheo didn’t let his friends snarky comment bring him down.
“Just because you have a better relationship with your cigarettes than any girls.” Mattheo said, earning another glare from Theo who refused to move from his chair, “Now get up. We’re going outside.” Mattheo said, he was determined to get everyone together so you could have a good time. “We? No dude. This is between you and Y/n. It’s fucking freezing out there.” Theo said, Mattheo swiftly made his way over to him and grabbed his cigarette from his hand, putting it out on the closest ashtray. Theo sighed in defeat, standing up finally.
“I’ll get Draco and Blaise.” Theo said, defeated as he headed towards his dorm room.
Once everyone was outside, you shivered slightly. It was really, really cold. It had been an effort sneaking past the teachers that were guarding the exists of the castle but it wasn’t anything you haven’t don’t before. You were now stood beside the black lake that had frozen over, admiring its beauty. Until your head was forcefully hit to the side. The cold, icy snow came in contact with your cheek like a slap across your face. You gasped, hearing Draco laugh obnoxiously at your reaction. You didn’t hesitate to pick up your own snowball and launch it in his direction, Mattheo also had the same idea and you both erupted in laughter when both your snowballs hit him in the face, getting in his perfectly gelled hair.
You all immediately erupted in laughter and yells and snowballs were being thrown from all directions. You could feel your hands going numb but you didn’t care, throwing snowballs at whoever was close enough. You must have hit Mattheo because you felt him tackle you down into the thick snow that covered the ground.
“You hit me, I thought we had a truce.” He said as you yelled and squirmed in his grip but to no success. You began laughing uncontrollably as he began to shove snow down the back of your hood. In return you picked up as much snow as you could and shoved it in his face. He froze for a moment and in his shock you shoved yourself away from him. It was only when you slid backwards that you realised you were now on the black lake. You looked down, you could see how deep the water was. Your heat rate quickened at the thought that you might fall through. Once Mattheo had picked himself back up off the floor, he immediately saw the panic in your eyes as you had somehow made your way quite far across the lake in your attempt to get away from him.
You immediately tried to stand and walk back to him but you lost your footing and fell. The sound of ice cracking beneath you sending shivers through yours and Mattheo’s spines. You looked down again, now surrounded by cracking ice. That was when you noticed just how thin the layer of ice was. The sound of screaming had now died down as the others became aware of your current situation.
“Y/N!” Pansy yelled as she tried to run over to you but was held back by Lorenzo, “Don’t, we can’t have both of you falling.” Lorenzo told her as everyone yelled at you to try crawl back. You were about ten feet away from everyone and as you tried to move, you only heard more cracking from the ice. You froze.
“Don’t move. I’m coming to get you.” Mattheo said, about to step onto the ice but Theo tried to stop him. Bad idea. “You’ll fall too.” He said but Mattheo wasn’t in the mood for listening to him right now, “I don’t give a shit.” He said, stepping cautiously onto the ice. It didn’t crack. Another step. It didn’t crack. Everyone held their breaths at the scene, cursing themselves for not bringing their wands. Another step. The ice cracked, not around Mattheo but you. You looked down just in time to see the ice fall from beneath you. You screamed and then all you could feel was cold. It encompassed you immediately, sending you into instant panic as you hurriedly kicked your feet and arms in an attempt to get back to the surface. You could hear yells from above the ice.
Mattheo didn’t know what he was doing in that moment he just ran. He didn’t care that he was on thin ice. Didn’t care that he was risking his life. It all happed so fast, he reached the water just as you began to drift further under the ice. He grabbed your hand just in time, pulling you back to the surface and onto the ice. He didn’t give himself time to think and he picked you up, getting you off the ice in seconds. Nobody had the chance to process what had just happened until you were back in front of them, coughing up water as Mattheo fell back into the snow, catching his breath. Pansy was crying as she hugged you, thankful that you were back. The boys didn’t show it but they all breathed a sigh of relief that they didn’t know they were holding back.
“Fuck.” Theo mumbled as you finally pulled yourself together. “I’m freezing.” You say, shivering profusely as you wrapped your arms around yourself.
Once you snuck back into the castle which was also a task as you were leaving water wherever you went, Mattheo hurried you back into your dorm. He picked you out your fluffiest pair of pyjamas and laid them on your bed for you.
You wasted no time in having probably the hottest shower of your life and exited the bathroom to be greeted with Mattheo laying on your bed. You half expected him to have left by now but he was still here, waiting for you to finish your shower.
“Get here.” He said bluntly, opening his arms for you. You did as he asked and he pulled you into the tightest hug of your life, you almost couldn’t breathe.
“Never scare me like that again.” He said into your fluffy pyjama top as he threatened to never let go of you again. “Thank you.” You said softly, you didn’t know where you would be without Mattheo right now, literally. You would probably six feet under ice at the bottom of the black lake.
He pulled away from you, holding either side of your head as he held eye contact. You couldn’t help the smile that began to spread across your face as you looked at him. It was big smile, a genuine smile. And Mattheo loved it.
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newtonsheffield · 13 hours
Molly, I hope you realise the service you are doing with this new AU. A fluffy ass tale in which Kanthony are both properly unhinged and Anthony spends dumb amounts of money on Kate every day and she's just like, "You're an idiot, gimme my present" is exactly the kind of wish fulfilment I need in my life. I love this so much.
Oh Anthony will buy Kate whatever she wants. Because she’s really pretty, and smart, and she likes art and she never buys things for herself. She never treats herself so he is absolutely going to spoil his girl.
There’s a document on his computer that’s a draft of a petition for the national gallery to just hang a photo of Kate because as far as he’s concerned Kate Sharma’s face is a work of art. A Masterpiece. Blessings to Mr and Mrs Sharma on their creation of an absolutely perfect person!
Kate mentions needing to buy new shoes? Daphne says these are the nicest shoes.
New scarf? This one was hand woven from Scottish wool!
Earrings? Cartier have a tab for him now.
Kate’s colleagues can’t stop staring as once a week some sort of luxury good gets delivered to Kate Sharma’s office and Kate rolls her eyes and then tuts to Anthony on the phone. Truth be told they’re all jealous. Auction house employees are famously underpaid considering they deal with items worth millions every day. Kate Sharma’s walking around the office in head to toe luxury goods now AND she has a handsome boyfriend who worships the ground she walks on and takes her to lunch every second day??? Some people are just God’s favourites.
Kate meanwhile does little things for Anthony. She realised pretty quickly that his love languages are quality time and acts of service and a healthy dose of words of affirmation. So she makes sure she tells him every day how happy she is with him. She makes sure he takes time for himself, for them together, she organises little trips for them to go on. She made him a cake for his birthday and watched him swallow down his tears when she presented it to him in bed with a kiss to the end of his nose.
“I love you.”
Anthony took a long time to answer with his eyes pressed closed, swallowing thickly and still his voice shook. “I love you too.”
“I’m really happy that I met you. And I’m glad you were absolutely balls to the wall insane.”
Anthony huffed a laugh, “I think I actually owe Greggy a really big birthday present this year.”
“Eh we probably both do.” Kate sighed, handing Anthony one of the forks she was holding. “Now, take a bite and see what a good wifey I’d be Anthony.”
“Is that a hint?”
“It can be a hint if you want it to be. Start saving for a ring though.”
“You make it sound like I don’t already have one picked out.”
“Do you?!”
“You’ll just have to wait and see. Don’t be greedy, Kate.”
She rolled her eyes, “Still insane.”
“You love it though.”
“I don’t know what it says about me but I actually do.”
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gloomwitchwrites · 20 hours
Locker Room: Part Two
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Female Reader
Content & Warnings: swearing, rough kissing, unprotected piv (wrap it up irl), creampie, desk sex
Word Count: 2.7k
A/N: originally for @glitterypirateduck 's Ghost Writing Challenge, this is the follow-up to Locker Room
Part One // SImon's POV
ao3 // taglist // main masterlist
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Like the steam from the locker room, your irritation soon evaporates. It floats away until all that’s left is this gnawing, twisting sensation in the pit of your stomach.
What the fuck were you thinking storming into the men’s locker room like that, demanding that Lieutenant Riley show his face?
You weren’t thinking. That’s the entire problem. You were angry—and rightfully so—but you didn’t even consider where your actions were leading.
The reports are just fine, sweetheart.
Just thinking those words sends your stomach twisting all over again. You need to cool off. To calm down. While you’re not exactly angry anymore, there is a needy sensation crawling beneath your skin.
Lieutenant Riley was entirely too forward. And this nonsense about staking a claim? Hardly. You are your own person. Lieutenant Riley isn’t allowed to have a sliver of you unless you say so. Speaking it into the air doesn’t make it the truth.
You slam your office door shut and lean against it, resting your head in your hands. Taking a deep inhalation through your nose, you exhale through your mouth. Repeating the process helps, but it is momentary. Fleeting.
You’re tense the rest of the day. On edge. You keep glancing over your shoulder thinking that Lieutenant Riley will appear like a phantom. It’s silly, because he doesn’t. You don’t see him at all. Even as you push through your lunch and consume dinner in your office, you don’t see him.
He doesn’t come by. No one mentions him.
But the sticky note is there. It’s still stuck to the front of the manila folder.
The reports are just fine, sweetheart.
With your newly blooming irritation comes the creak of door hinges.
“What?” you snap, glancing up.
Lieutenant Riley stands in your doorway. He as one hand on the handle and the other on the doorframe. For some reason, you expect the towel, his wet skin, and the steam from the locker room, not this behemoth of a man covered nearly head-to-toe.
He does not reply to your sharp tone. Lieutenant Riley saunters in, shutting the door behind him. Without looking, he pulls the little strings on the blinds, cutting off the view of the hallway. He even locks the door, and in this, he still doesn’t glance back. Every movement is fluid. Smooth. Natural.
It’s sexy. And fucking irritating.
“Come to fix your reports?” you ask, leaning back in your chair. You twirl your pen end-over-end. It’s keeping you from looking away from him.
Lieutenant Riley says nothing. He strides forward—all of three steps as the office is a fucking closet—and snatches the manila folder off the desk. He opens it up, glancing down at the content.
You cross your legs and attempt to relax your shoulders. You don’t want Lieutenant Riley to know that he has an affect on you. Already, your body wants to lean in his direction. It wants to give him attention.
And that will not do.
“What’s wrong with them?” he finally asks, flipping a page.
You stop twirling the pen. Start clicking the end. “My notes are right there. Can you not read?”
It’s not very nice of you, but it’s simply defense. Fuck the reports. If they’re garbage, you’ll submit them anyway. You just need Lieutenant Riley out of your office. You need some goddamn space. It’s far too hot in here. Too cramped.
Lieutenant Riley glances up from the report, and it is then that you know you’ve completely fucked up. It’s that same piercing stare from the locker room. You’re stabbed through. Gutted. He sees you for who you are, and there is no way out. No path for you to take.
Slowly, Lieutenant Riley closes the folder. He holds it out and then drops it onto your desk. His arm returns to his side.
He is so large like this. So much more intimidating.
“Are we fucking here? Or elsewhere?” His delivery is so bland and straightforward that you don’t believe you’ve heard him correctly.
You stop clicking the pen. “What?” you nearly squawk, sitting up in your chair.
“I said—”
“I fucking heard you, Lieutenant.”
“Simon,” he growls. “I told you to call me Simon.”
In the steam and heat, he did say that. And you grabbed his dog tags, yanked him down to your level, kissing him through the balaclava in response.
You also told him to fix the reports. And here he is.
“Simon,” you begin, and then pause because his hips sway slightly as he shifts toward you. “What are you doing?”
Simon comes around to your side of the desk. There is a sultry sway to it, a confidence that steals your autonomy. He walks right up to you. Leaning forward, he reaches out, placing his hand on the top of your chair, boxing you in.
“Are we fucking in this room?”
“We’re not—”
“—or am I taking you home?”
You swallow, heat flaring up your neck to flame your cheeks. “Aren’t you here to fix the reports?”
It’s a diversion. A way to turn the conversation. But Simon doesn’t take the bait.
“Pick,” he says, voice low.
“Want me to pick for you?” He arches a single eyebrow.
All the steam and bluster are gone. You’re melting. Submitting. You feel it deep in your bones.
“Back up,” you murmur, but even you hear the weakness in it.
Simon shakes his head. His other hand comes up, the backs of his fingers brushing along your jawline. It’s a gentle touch. You reflexively lean into it.
“I think you want my cock now, love.”
You jerk backward, but Simon is quick. He has you out of your chair and sitting on your desk in moments. You’re completely flustered, hands digging into his biceps as Simon settles himself between your legs, his hands on your waist.
“Better,” he says, sounding content.
You blink and then smack his chest. “Simon Riley!”
“My full name?” he purrs. “That’s a nice change.”
“You presume too much.”
“Do I?” he counters. He releases your hips, placing his hands firmly on either side of you. “Then explain that kiss earlier.”
You swallow, knowing that he’s caught you. There is a need that sits between your bones. A need for him, even if you don’t want to admit it.
“It meant nothing.”
“No, love.” He shakes his head. “It didn’t. Try again.”
Simon is caging you in. Splitting you open. Why should you run? Why should you not admit your feelings? If anything, the two of you can fuck on this desk and get whatever this is out of your system.
“I was angry. I wanted to push you.”
The balaclava around his mouth stretches. He’s fucking grinning.
“Here I am.”
“Here you are,” you agree.
Simon’s dark gaze shifts to your lips. “Without the balaclava this time?” His gaze returns to your face, and there is intense need there.
You reach out, slip your fingers underneath, and push the balaclava up. Slowly, you reveal Simon’s chin and lips, then the tip of his nose. There are scars, but that is not what you’re focused on. You’re focused on his lips, and he yours.
Leaning in is agony. You long to close the distance, and yet there is hesitation in the way you bring your face closer to his. Simon senses it too, because he grabs the back of your neck, and closes the distance.
There is no gentleness in the way Simon kisses you. His need is apparent. Aching. He is a devouring beast, and you meet him with equal enthusiasm. Simon’s tongue passes between your lips and you open for him. You taste mint and black tea with the faintest hint of smoke. You commit this taste to memory.
Simon’s hands are everywhere, squeezing waist, thighs, and hips. There is no pattern to it. There is only desperation.
Growling, Simon pulls away. He grabs hold of the collar of your button up shirt. Tugging, Simon pops the top three buttons. They go flying, disappearing from you.
“Simon,” you gasp, but it’s all you can manage. His mouth is on yours again, and that large hand is slipping inside, palming your breast.
“Fucking hell,” he moans into your mouth. “I need to be inside you.”
Begging. Simon is begging. You’ve never heard this. Simon is the stoic one. Calm. Cold. Calculated. But he’s kissing you with hunger, and his hips rock against you, the sensation almost more than you can handle.
“Then fuck me, Lieutenant.”
Simon chuckles, and he smiles—actually smiles—before grabbing your waist and bringing you to your feet. With his hands still on your waist, Simon turns you around, facing you away from him.
His hand slide forward and easily undoes the front of your slacks. Simon tugs them down enough to expose you to him.
“Fuck,” he mutters, fingers sliding between your thighs to play with your pussy.
The contact is electric, and you push back against his hand. Simon rests his face against the back of your neck.
“You’re already so fucking wet for me,” he says against your skin.
His fingers find your clit, and the moan you let out is obscene. Simon strokes until your pussy clenches as your wetness floods his palm.
Glancing over your shoulder, Simon brings his sticky fingers to his mouth. He sucks them clean.
“My turn, love.”
With a sharp tug, Simon forces your slacks down to your knees. He bends you forward slightly and your hands press into the top of the desk to keep yourself steady.
The angle is tight, overly so. When Simon notches the head of his cock at your entrance and beings to push in, it feels far too large.
“Simon. Simon. Fuck—oh. Fuck.”
“You can take me, love. Just breathe. That’s it.” Simon moves your hair to the side and his mouth comes down on your neck, leaving behind gentle kisses as he rocks his hips.
Once he’s in to the hilt, Simon adjusts. One arm crosses over your stomach, his palm coming to rest between your hands that are pressed against the top of the desk. His other hand is on the front of your throat.
His lips brush against your ear, and then Simon thrusts. It’s not slow. It’s not gentle. This one makes him grunt with effort, and the desk hinders all forward movement.
Simon’s teeth nip at your earlobe. The distraction works, causing your mind to temporarily drift from his withdrawal. The thrust forward makes you gasp, and then it is unending.
There are no words spoken, only heavy breath. Sweat blooms on your brow, and runs down the back of your neck. Simon’s weight is relentless, and the pleasure building in your core again is a taunting thing. It wants to explode, to roar outward, to consume you.
You don’t have space to slide your hand between your legs. Instead, you arch your back, bringing your ass up slightly. It gives Simon a different angle, and this time you shiver. Shake. Thighs quivering as your orgasm crawls up and out your throat.
The moment you start to cry out, Simon turns your head toward him, his mouth coming down on yours. He swallows your pleasure, matching it with his own. He grinds forward, his release flooding your pussy.
Your chest heaves as Simon pulls back.
There is nothing else in room. There is only him, and his dark eyes.
Slowly, Simon eases himself from your pussy. He reaches over and grabs a tissue, cleaning you up the best he can before tossing it into the trashcan beneath your desk. Then his hands are drawing your pants into place.
He guides you around to face him, closing the zipper and putting everything to right. He even fixes your buttonless shirt as best he can.
“I’ll replace it,” he says.
“It’s fine, Simon.”
The two of you stare at each other, the silence stretching. You’re not sure what he might be thinking, but his gaze hardens.
“You’re off tomorrow,” he states, not asking.
“I am. How—what are you doing?”
Simon has his phone out. He’s tapping away at the screen and then the little whoosh of a text sending off reaches your ears.
“You’re coming home with me,” he says, slipping the phone into his pocket.
“Told Price I’d be in late tomorrow.”
“You can do that?”
Simon shrugs. “Price can manage.”
He takes a step back, his gaze observing you. “You’re a right mess.”
“No thanks to you,” you mutter, smacking his chest as you push past him.
You snatch up your purse and work bag, glancing up at Simon just as he returns the balaclava to its original place.
He saunters up beside you and extends his hand. You take it, and Simon draws you against him, gaze never leaving your face as he guides you to the door.
You doubt that you will come back from this.
Simon is not out of your system.
@km-ffluv @tiredmetalenthusiast @coffeecaketornado @miaraei @cherryofdeath
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ghcstao3 · 1 day
I can’t stop thinking about Ukrainian!Simon and Gaelic!Johnny
like what if Simon and Tommy are traveling in between hostiles and they end up in the UK? And what if Soap and his friend Gaz are also traveling / backpacking and end up in the UK as like thier first stop.
What if Simon and Tommy get separated and Soap and Gaz get separated and somehow, with each others help, Simon and Johnny reunite! Simon gets to show off his English and Johnny gets to try some Ukrainian but it’s sounds awful with his thick Scottish accent, but Simon doesn’t mind. It’s cute in an endearing way :(((
sorry if this is long I. Just can’t get them out of my brain
ukrainian ghost my beloved. also riley brothers my beloved
quickly i'd like to apologize because i just changed it a little bit to be tommy&gaz, ghost&soap instead since i misread the prompt and finished writing this before i realized 🗿 i hope that is ok. also this got so much longer than i intended
(other language dialogue will just be in bold italics. this takes place between ghost and soap's first meeting and soap's trip to ukraine)
For as long as Johnny has been travelling in his adult life, every trip he's made thus far has been solo—mostly. Beyond pit stop visits with friends living in other countries and that one incredible experience with Simon the Ukrainian (Johnny had, unfortunately, never learned his surname), his backpacking travels have always been taken by his lonesome.
It was always easier that way—it was cheaper, easier to keep track of only himself and one schedule, and he was more than sociable enough to find companionship in the locals.
However, that isn't to say he's entirely against organizing something with a friend—hence why he has Kyle along with him.
Or, had.
Being that the trip they were soon to be properly embarking on was the kind of thing Kyle wasn't used to, one of Johnny's suggested preparations is to first stay in a hostel somewhere within the UK to ease Kyle into the kind of arrangement not everyone finds all that... comfortable. Hell knows Johnny would rather forget the first few times he'd ever stayed in a hostel.
They'd be somewhere familiar enough but not too familiar, and once a few days have passed then they'd move on to their first real destination. It was a good plan—a great plan, even, if johnny had to say anything about it.
At least, it would be, if he and Kyle hadn't managed to get separated before they've so much as checked in.
This, thinks Johnny, is exactly why I said we should take a test run.
He wishes it were so simple as calling his friend and setting a rendez-vous point, or just meeting up at the hostel, but unfortunately it had been Johnny with the address and directions, and Kyle with the dead phone he'd forgotten to charge.
Surely... surely Kyle couldn't have gotten too far, right? It's all Johnny can hope as he searches the area, repeatedly calling out his friend's name.
But no dice. He slumps onto a nearby bench, slipping his pack from his shoulders just to take a moment to compose himself, burying his face in his palms. They're barely a day into this—he shouldn't already be this stressed.
Then he hears his own name being called, distant and uncertain, and for a brief, hopeful moment, Johnny wonders if the universe is actually on his side today despite the rough start.
And, well, it is—albeit in a different way than expected.
Johnny lifts his head, squinting out in the direction of the voice. Once adjusted to the distance, Johnny's eyes widen upon realizing who it belongs to.
"Simon?" Johnny exclaims.
Once he closes the space between them, Johnny is happy to confirm that yes, that crop of blond hair and shy, crooked smile are most definitely familiar.
Simon slides onto the bench beside him as Johnny moves his pack to make room. Simon himself isn't carrying anything, but Johnny assumes that's because he—unlike a certain two someones—actually got the chance to check-in somewhere before going out to explore.
"Hi," Johnny breathes, still left speechless by the warmth of Simon's coffee-coloured eyes. "How are you?"
He winces, knowing how accented his Ukrainian is no matter how desperately he's tried to correct himself, but to Simon's credit, his only reaction is a wider smile.
"You've been learning," Simon remarks in English. The lilt of his accent is far more pleasant in a foreign tongue than Johnny's own, he's most certain of it.
"A little bit," Johnny admits sheepishly. It had been a difficult venture, learning a language entirely new from his first, but he had been putting the work in—not only for having been inspired by Simon, but almost maybe for the off-chance they'd meet again.
Like this.
Simon replies with something in Ukrainian, something Johnny only understands pieces of. His confusion must show in his face, as Simon just looks at him, laughs quietly to himself, then says, "I said, 'Your pronunciation is good... for a beginner.'"
Johnny snorts, playfully shoving Simon in retaliation along with an indignant protest. A proper laugh bubbles out of Simon's throat this time, all too pleased with himself and the teasing insult.
"Sorry we can't all master a new language right away," Johnny says, shaking his head awfully fondly—already, just as Simon had, he's noticed improvement in the other man's English, though far more significant that Johnny's own progress. "Maybe you'll just have to start teaching me."
Simon shrugs a casual shoulder, a mirthful grin still lingering on his face, though far more subdued than it had been seconds before. He remains silent, so Johnny continues, the moment somewhat reminiscent of their first meeting when Johnny had mistaken Simon's quietness as an invitation to fill the gaps—he knows better now, however.
"So, what're you doing here?" Asks Johnny, offering a much gentler nudge with his shoulder.
Simon hesitates just briefly, and initially Johnny chalks it up to him trying to find the words in English, but then his expression falls somber, his brow furrowing with concern.
"I'm here with my brother, but then he..." he begins explaining, slow like he's unsure of something. He makes a vague shooing gesture as he chews on whatever irks him. "...and now I don't know."
Johnny frowns, trying to decipher what Simon is talking about—then comes to the realization that he's in the exact same situation as him; currently in search for a lost travel partner with a tendency to wander.
"Well... can you call him? Or where are you staying?" Johnny questions. "He could just have gone back there, aye?"
Simon hums assent. "He didn't answer. I was walking back, when I saw you. You looked…”
He trails off, whether it be to avoid adding insult to injury or just because Simon didn’t have the vocabulary.
“Troubled?” Johnny supplies. “Distraught? Stressed?”
Simon nods.
Johnny huffs, slumping back on the bench. “‘M in the same boat. Lost my friend and his phone is dead,” he sighs. “He might be at the hostel, though. Or heading there. It’s as good a place as any to check, at this point.”
“A hostel?” Simon asks. “Maybe it’s the same one.”
“Same one?” Johnny raises an eyebrow before understanding hits him—and yeah, maybe the universe really is on his side today. How convenient it would be to have an excuse to spend more time with Simon, if they were staying at the same place. “Aye, could be. Why don’t I come with you, anyway?”
Simon doesn’t refuse him, so Johnny stands and slings his pack over his shoulders before offering a hand to Simon. Despite doing so, a part of Johnny is still surprised Simon accepts, his palm warm and lightly callused.
Then Johnny’s phone starts to ring. He pauses, pulls it out; it’s an unknown number. He glances at Simon, who jerks his chin toward the device as if to say go ahead and answer.
He accepts the call and puts it on speaker. “Hello?”
Kyle’s voice is suddenly in his ear, not quite frantic but nor is it completely calm—breathless, is really what he is. “Tav? That you, mate?”
“Aye, it’s me.” Johnny glances at Simon again, who just shrugs. “Where are you? What are you callin’ from?”
“Borrowing someone’s phone. Says he didn’t know enough English to help,” Kyle explains. “Can you tell me the address of this place? I’ll just meet you there.”
Johnny rattles off the address of the hostel, not at all ignorant to the way Simon’s face lights up with recognition—definitely the same place, then.
“Thanks a lot. I’ll just—“ Kyle suddenly cuts himself off, and Johnny can hear quiet murmurs on the other side. He waits impatiently to see what it’s all about. “The… he’s saying something about his brother. He knows the place.”
Simon’s brows arch, and Johnny would bet he’s thinking something similar about how coincidental it would be that Kyle would be enlisting Simon’s brother for help just as he’s also searching.
Tentatively leaning closer to the phone, Simon asks, “Tom?”
There’s a brief rustling on the other end along with some more mumbling before a new voice cuts through the phone. “Simon?”
Johnny wordlessly passes the phone off to Simon before he starts into a tirade of rapidly-paced Ukrainian directed at his brother. Again, Johnny is back to understanding only bits and pieces, but he has to imagine it’s something along the lines of cursing and telling off for not answering the phone earlier and other kinds of brotherly arguments. He’s all too familiar with that tone, having both given and received such talks to and from his own siblings.
Finally, Simon sighs, pinching the bridge of his nose in exasperation. “See you there,” he grumbles. Then, in English, presumably for Kyle’s benefit on the other end of the line, “Me and Johnny will meet you at the hostel. Sorry for…”
“No worries,” Kyle replies. “And—was that Johnny, you said? Tav, I thought—“
Johnny seizes his phone and hangs up before Kyle can finish. Simon regards him curiously, but ultimately says nothing. They finally set off to their destination.
Johnny is glad, at least, that everything seems to have worked out.
Reunion at the hostel is a well-needed burden off Johnny’s shoulders, more than happy to finally check in and get settled somewhere before enjoying their next few days in town.
Simon goes back to scolding his brother as soon as they’ve all arrived, pulling him aside to talk whilst Kyle and Johnny get everything figured out. Johnny minds his own business, of course, until their voices suddenly drop and he glances over out of curiosity—and watches as a splotchy, pink blush suddenly spreads across Simon’s face.
Kyle elbows him in the side. “So, Johnny, huh?” He teases, likely now since Johnny can’t simply end a call. “Thought no one was allowed to call you that.”
Johnny scowls at Kyle. “Haud yer wheesht, would you?” He hisses. “It’s not like that. It’s not like anything.”
“Uh huh,” Kyle says, entirely unconvinced. He does, in fact, shut up for a moment—but then there’s a smug grin growing on his face that Johnny doesn’t like in the least. “Wait—don’t tell me that’s the Simon.”
Unfortunately, Johnny can’t help his face going red.
“It is!” Kyle whisper-shouts. “Oh, this is too good. Hey, Simon!”
Both Simon and his brother turn at the sudden interruption. There’s still remnants of a blush on Simon’s own face.
Johnny wishes the world would just open up and swallow him whole.
“We were gonna head out to dinner,” Kyle says, much too loud. “Care to join us?”
Simon glances at Tom and asks him something quietly, to which he nods after a moment of consideration.
Simon nods as well. “Sure. We’ll come.”
Johnny decides then and there that he’s taking back everything positive he might’ve thought about the universe and his luck today. He can already see the way Kyle is scheming, and something tells Johnny a plan is already formulating in his head—all because of that silly nickname.
Though, Johnny supposes, it’d probably be pretty easy for Kyle to connect the dots without that part.
Oh well. He wanted to spend more time with Simon anyway, right? He shouldn’t take today’s many coincidences for granted just yet.
And hell—denying this would be a waste of an opportunity to get to know Simon and his family better, if he were ever to go ahead with that surprise visit to Ukraine in the future.
98 notes · View notes
hypnoneghoul · 11 hours
Wake the Dead
WC: 5k
Relationship: Rain/Mountain/Phantom
Tags: Transmasc Phantom & Mountain, Tentacle Dick, Improper Use of Gills, Vaginal Sex, Creampie, Bioluminescent Cum, Biting, Implied/Referenced Abuse (aka phantom has trauma), Vaginal Fingering, Anal Sex, Tail Sex, Face-Sitting, Aftercare, Cuddling, Not So Concealed HC Lore Drop
“I want you both to get inside,” Rain mumbles. “Both of you in my gills.” Or Phantom and Mountain fuck Rain's gills with their t-dicks...and so much more.
Notes: Commission for @midnight-moth! Thank you so much for your support, Dylan <3 Divider by @ghuleh-recs!!!
Read under the cut or on AO3.
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Phantom has no idea how he ended up in there; what good he has done to deserve ending up in there. From the moment he got summoned he has seen how tight the ghouls are, how they are not only band and packmates, but that they are a family.
The quintessence ghoul did not dare think—did not dare hope—that he was special enough to become a part of it. He came as a replacement, who knew if he would even stay there and not get sent right back to the Pit after the tour? For a few hundred years of his life down there he had never gotten anything good, no reward for surviving that long.
He had been alone, lived in pain and sorrow for centuries. Getting summoned Topside seemed like a turn, like his life would finally get better, but he didn’t dare hope in case it all gets snatched away the second he believes it’s real.
But in moments like these, he does believe it's real.
Over a year and a half later Phantom still doesn’t know how and why, but he’s there with them and it’s all that matters.
They have been at it for hours…days, maybe; none of them knows. It’s slow, languid—an indulging slide of sweat and slick covered bodies against each other.
Phantom is floating, he’s somewhere far, far away, kept on Earth only by the gentle, yet somehow still firm, grip of…Rain, he thinks. His eyes are closed, he’s just sensation, he can only feel. The hands on him are pleasantly cold—just as the tentacle buried inside him up to the very hilt, filling him up nicely—but there’s warmth at his back, a rhythmic rub of knuckles against his spine.
An image flashes before Phantom’s eyes. Of the night he got summoned, of him lying curled up and shaking in the summoning circle; covered in blood, with shredded claws, and missing half a horn, half an eye, and half a tail. He has been afraid most of his life in the Pit, but it was nothing in comparison to the fear that paralyzed him at that moment—when he took in all those big ghouls standing over him, surrounding him, looking ready to pounce.
There was no real warmth in their eyes, then.
But warmth does flood him as he realizes how it all turned out. How…how loved he is, now, how he is finally safe. Exactly all of the things he never dared even hope were possible
Phantom opens his eyes and looks right into Rain’s, and even though the water ghoul’s gaze is like a window into the freezing ocean’s depths, it is warm and full of affection.
He feels as if he will cry and he just might when it all calms.
“You’re doing so good for us, batsy,” Rain smiles down at him, moving his hips as smoothly as only a water ghoul can manage; with the feel of water herself in it. The quintessence ghoul gasps and suddenly all of his body is a single raw nerve when Rain’s tentacle hits some secret place inside him and makes a bolt of electricity go through him.
“So good for us,” Mountain echoes from behind him, rasping it right into Phantom’s ears. His hand is moving under him, rubbing his fat clit with one hand and holding the small ghoul against his chest with the other thrown across his middle.
Phantom could die right here and now and he would be the happiest ghouls to have ever lived.
Rain moans and the quintessence ghoul sees his tail twitch where it’s coiled around his own thigh. He hangs his head and rests his forehead against Phantom’s and a purr breaks out of the younger ghoul when the other takes a moment to affectionately rub their faces together. 
“I love you,” Phantom mumbles, earning himself a big, wet and sloppy kiss in return. Rain licks into his mouth—runs his tongue over his fangs and gums, as if exploring. As if he isn't familiar with every single inch of him yet. The quintessence ghoul whimpers and opens up even more, letting Rain overtake him in any way that he might desire.
Mountain seems to be feeling left out. He hooks his chin over Phantom’s shoulder and leans up to press his lips against whatever he can reach. It just so happens to be the water ghoul’s fluttering gills and neither of them will complain about it.
The earth ghoul slides his unglamored tongue against the slits in Rain’s neck and revels in the sweet noise that he lets out; that is swallowed by Phantom right away.
His cunt squeezes around Rain’s cock and he loses a bit of the control he’s still somehow hanging onto. Phantom is so warm and slick and silky inside it’s maddening and Rain’s tentacle does what it wants with little to no regard to what the water ghoul wants from it. Paired with Mountain’s wet tongue on and in his gills, Rain’s absolutely losing his mind.
He kisses the quintessence ghoul as if he’s the last thing he would ever get to taste, sucking the breath straight out of his lungs and letting it out into Mountain’s mouth through his gills. It all feels sickly good, ecstatic, and none of them seems to be getting enough. They would spend hours, days, years in each other’s arms if only it were possible. They just might try.
Rain thrusts in and out of Phantom’s cunt harder and faster with every second, slapping against the back of his thighs and spreading his legs even more than they already are—held as such by Mountain’s own hooked over his knees. It’s a beautiful tangle, but when Phantom is going to regain his energy later, he will definitely need to sooth them all with quintessence.
It’s irrelevant now as they’re lost in pleasure of each other's bodies.
Rain punches a pretty little moan out of Phantom with every single thrust, josling him on top of Mountain who’s still rutting his stiff clit against the quintessence ghoul’s back and his own hand. It’s far from being particularly satisfying, but there’s no place he’d rather be right now.
He kisses and bites and sucks at the gorgeously splotchy purple-white skin of Phantom’s shoulder, turning the pale parts violet by worrying it between his teeth. Tiny scars that are littered all over the young ghoul feel like satin under his tongue and Mountain wishes there would be more words that he could mumble into his skin and mouth to make him realize how wonderfully beautiful he is.
There’s no way Phantom realizes, no way he sees himself like Mountain—like all of his pack, for that matter—sees him. If he did, there would never be any doubt in his seeing eye, no accusation of ugliness or wrongness.
Sometimes it is still, and the earth ghoul will work incessantly with all the others to get rid of any doubts once and for all. They all do that for each other, they are all the most gorgeous creatures to each other.
Mountain gets lost in thought despite the fire raging around him, the arousal thick like smoke in the air. They’re all choking on it and gasping—desperate for fresh air—into each other’s mouth, trying to breathe it out of each other.
One of Rain’s hands moves, stops gripping Phantom’s hip as if he would turn to dust the moment he lets go, and ends up on Mountain’s burning cheek. It cups it lightly, in a manner not fitting the sinfulness of their current endeavors.
The water ghoul pulls his mouth away from Phantom’s for a moment—his lips swollen and deliciously shiny with saliva—and graces Mountain with a smile before leaning down and giving him a taste, too. He always tastes so sweet, the earth ghoul can never get enough of any part of him. 
The involuntary growl that rips itself out of Mountain when Rain pulls away reminds him of the night Phantom got Topside. It was terrible, the worst summoning ritual he has ever witnessed and his stomach still turned uncomfortably at the memories. He growled similarly then—though way louder and with a different intention—and he knows he scared Phantom to death. If scaring him more than he already was was even possible then.
Mountain growled out of instinct at whoever did all that to him, though, not at the poor ghoul himself. The moment he saw him, he recognized him as pack and earth ghouls were considered the most territorial, protective and possessive for a reason. If not a tight grip Dewdrop has had on his hand, Mountain would launch himself into the closing portal and give Phantom’s abusers—whoever they were—similar treatment. If not worse.
It would have definitely been worse.
So much worse.
Now, though, the quintessence ghoul is so soft and pliant in his arms, and the noises spilling from his lips one by one are as sweet as they get. There are times where Mountain regrets not being as close with Phantom as some of the others have gotten over time, even despite his feelings, but when it really matters, the earth ghoul is there for him. And regardless of whether Phantom knows it or not, Mountain would rip apart everyone and anyone that would ever dare to raise a hand at him.
His thoughts wander too much, he realizes, but at least it gives him some more time before he blows. It would be a shame to do so prematurely and even though he knows it’s a certain feature of his that his packmates adore exploiting, he would rather hold out and be able to enjoy the act fully.
His position is awkward at best, but he manages to hook his hand down between his legs and sink two fingers into his creamy cunt. He can neither get them deep enough nor stimulate himself in any meaningful way, but stalling is his goal here.
Mountain’s other hand travels from Phantom’s waist to his thighs and down, between them, where Rain is fucking into him with abandon. The earth ghoul wants to feel, to run his rough, calloused fingertips against Phantom’s folds, the place where the other two are joined, slip one digit inside him alongside Rain’s cock.
“Mounty–” the water ghoul gasps and pulls back a fraction, just enough to give Mountain space to grab his cock. He smirks against Phantom’s neck and wraps two fingers around the base of Rain’s tentacles, caressing the soft, barely there, suckers on the underside of it.
The quintessence ghoul moans loudly and wiggles his hips, clearly not satisfied with the other pausing. Mountain hums and the moment he pulls his hand back, Rain is slamming himself back into Phantom’s cunt, so deep he feels him in his throat.
The earth ghoul grits his teeth and pulls both of his hands away to put them on Phantom’s skinny hips and grip him tightly, holding him against his chest so hard he bruises. They both might.
“C–close…” Rain cries out, shoving his face into the other side of Phantom’s neck and taking it—surprisingly gently—between his teeth.
“Uh-huh, fill me up, Rainy,” Phantom begs and even though it’s not meant for him, it makes Mountain groan. For the water ghoul it’s all it takes, he sinks his fangs deep into Phantom’s shoulder as his tentacle buries itself equally deep in his cunt. His hips twitch weakly as he spills inside the younger ghoul, filling him up with cum that will definitely make both him and the bed glow once it gets dark.
Not that it’s a disadvantage; Rain would lie if he said he did not enjoy marking his lovers with something inherently him that can’t be gotten rid of as easily as just wiping it off with a wet cloth.
Phantom and Mountain will glow with his cum—even if the latter just from it spilling everywhere—and Rain will take great pride in it. He can’t wait to stare at it leaking out of the quintessence ghoul’s pretty pussy, it'll match the galaxies of his skin perfectly.
“Fuck, feels s’good, Rainy,” he whines as he clumsily tries to hook his legs on the water ghoul’s hips and bring his even closer. He would have to quite literally split him open and crawl inside to do that, but it doesn’t stop Phantom from craving such closeness. Not after he spent centuries without experiencing a gentle touch.
Rain is breathing too heavily to be able to speak—his post-nut dizziness has to cease first—but Mountain is still there, still rutting his little cock against Phantom’s back.
“Come on, iris,” he hums into his ear, nipping at the shell of it with a fang. He gives up holding the quintessence ghoul down in lieu of pinching his nipples and pulling just enough to rip a pretty whine or two out of him. “Come on, make our dear petal even wetter. Soak us all.”
Phantom is unable to resist such a delightful image. His back arches so far it looks painful—it is for Mountain as he crushes his chest, even considering how much smaller Phantom is than him—as a loud wail falls from his lips. His cunt grips Rain’s cock like a vice as he cums and the water ghoul cries out quietly at the tightness on his overstimulated flesh.
“Oh–ah…shit,” Mountain swears under his breath, hastily getting one of his hands back on himself. He grinds against the heel of his palm for a few short moments more, letting out a series of breathy little gasps and whimpers, before he cums, too, folding in on himself as much as Phantom’s now limp body lying over him allows.
As soon as the earth ghoul goes boneless, Rain flops down right over Phantom, effectively turning the three of them into a very messy sandwich. They pant into each other, slowly coming down from their respective highs and back to reality.
The quintessence ghoul feels soft lips on his shoulder and he trills happily when he realizes it’s Mountain lazily kissing his splotchy skin and licking at the slowly bleeding bite left by Rain. He tips his head back and nuzzles against the other’s cheek.
In the meantime Rain does the same to Phantom’s chest, rubbing his face against him affectionately; not unlike a cat. It’s adorable—all of them are—even considering what debauchery they just indulged in. Still are; Rain didn’t even pull out.
Someone should move and reach for one of the water bottles on the nightstand, but it suddenly feels way too far. All their limbs burn, but it's a pleasant ache, one that they will revel in for the next few days, especially when all the memories come flooding back. Or when it will make them come flooding back.
Phantom purrs quietly between the other two—the ghoul loving to be stuffed full and squeezed above anything else. Rain giggles, all giddy out of nowhere, and kisses a tiny beauty spot just next to the quintessence ghoul’s nipple; resisting the urge to bite down on it. Another time.
They lay like this for a while, letting their minds float and their bodies relax and get back on the horny track. They have all evening and night, after all.
“I want you both to get inside,” Rain mumbles into Phantom’s chest after a while, his own having finally paused heaving with exertion. He’s obviously not done yet and he’s ready to go on. “Both of you in my gills.”
Mountain sighs—though not with exasperation—and wiggles an arm out from where it got squeezed between Phantom and himself. They will have to part if the water ghoul wants to go again, but for now he just blindly pats around looking for the gills on Rain’s ribs. He grumbles, though, wiggling on top of them both and making Phantom moan as the suckers of his cock pull on his hole where it’s still snug inside him.
“Not fingers,” Rain clarifies, sounding pouty. “Your cocks.”
“Oh,” Phantom whimpers at the thought alone. That would be neither very possible nor safe with an actual cock, but with their perfectly cute little t-dicks…well, Rain wants to have them everywhere that they can go.
He peels himself off of Phantom and rolls over to the side to sit up and help the younger ghoul up, too. He pulls him into his lap for a few sweet kisses and affectionate nuzzles as Mountain gets himself together. As much as possible in such circumstances, at least.
“How, petal?” he asks, but Rain simply lays down in his place instead of replying. He wraps his tail around Phantom’s slight waist and pats his chest in invitation. The quintessence ghoul scrambles to straddle him, throwing a leg over him; so eager to both please and feel good himself again.
Mountain hums, considering, before moving to Rain’s other side and kneeling over him, a bit lower than Phantom. He hands the water ghoul a pillow to support his neck in the awkward position and—the not-so-secret little shit that he is—lowers himself and drags his cunt over the frilly gills on Rain’s ribs as he tries to get comfortable.
He smirks at the wrecked noise that he lets out at that and settles himself over him more comfortably, waiting for Phantom to do the same.
“C’mon, boys, gimme,” Rain whines and even though the quintessence ghoul is terrified of breaking his damn neck, he braces himself against the headboard and leans forward to nudge his clit against the gills on the water ghoul’s neck.
Mountain goes first, though, wrapping an arm around Phantom for support and lacing the fingers of his free hand with Rain’s limply laying one. He rolls his hips gently at first, to get his little cock into one of the slits, and then with more purpose, to actually fuck inside.
It’s insane.
Rain moans loudly and lets his head roll to the side to give Phantom more space to slip inside, too, and—oh, Lucifer—does he. The young overeager ghoul goes right for it, pushing his fat clit into the water ghoul’s neck and humping him as best as he can while still trying to be somewhat careful. Though not for much longer, most likely.
All of Mountain and Phantom’s worries are quickly snuffed out by the delirious babbling and wrecked noises falling from Rain’s lips one by one. It shouldn't take long for him to start crying, the earth ghoul thinks.
Rain lays boneless under the two ghouls abusing the delicate organs of his that absolutely were not made for what’s happening. Satan must be proud of them sexualizing absolutely all parts of their human-ish bodies, though.
One particularly pained wail of Rain’s makes Mountain freeze and look over Phantom’s shoulder at his face, searching for what caused him the hurt. Nothing, it turns out.
“T–tentacle,” Rain whimpers in explanation and squeezes his eyes and the earth ghoul gets it. He looks behind himself to see that Rain’s cock decided it’s bored and that it’s the perfect time for it to slip inside his ass and help the other two ghouls to get him to cum. “Oh fuck.”
Mountain knows as well as anyone that Rain’s little friend loves to be a menace.
He pushes his clit back into the water ghoul’s gills and humps him in quick little thrusts, moaning at the bursts of cold air on his sensitive flesh as Rain breathes. His gills are cold and slimy and tight, and not a lot of things feel tight on Mountain’s cock—he’s losing his mind.
Rain squeezes his hand, moaning as his own tentacle and the two ghouls fuck the living shit out of him while all he can do is just lay there and take it. He wouldn’t have it any other way. Phantom whimpers above him as he’s rutting against his neck and with great effort the water ghoul looks up at him. He looks absolutely blissed out and that little crease between his eyebrows is positively one of the cutest things he has ever seen.
Rain wiggles his free hand from where it got trapped under the quintessence ghoul’s knee and shoves it between his legs, parting them to get to his cunt. It’s sopping wet with his slick and Rain’s own cum and he can’t help but blindly scoop some up and shove it back inside with three fingers.
The quintessence ghoul whines and his legs shake as he’s still doing his very best to fuck Rain’s gills properly. His clit isn’t long enough to choke him, but it’s fat enough to stretch the delicate slits on his neck and that in itself makes the water ghoul’s brain leak out of his ears.
Once again Mountain seems to be jealous. Just a healthy amount. He all but pouts as he whines, looking down at Rain and squeezing his hand to get his attention. He’s absolutely adorable when he's so needy.
“Petal, gimme…” he begs. “Feelin’ empty like that.”
“Oh, baby,” Rain coos, concealing the smirk that’s pulling on his lips. Somehow; he’s barely still coherent. He uncoils his tail from around Phantom’s middle and wraps it again around Mountain’s. Loosely, so the tip of it can dip between his cheeks and rub between his soaking wet folds before plunging inside to fill him up. The earth ghoul cries out and hunches his shoulder against the added stimulation. 
Out of nowhere Phantom whips his head around and throws an arm around Mountain, desperately trying to bring himself closer without pulling out of the tightness of Rain’s gills. The earth ghoul leans forward and smashes his face against the other’s in something that could barely be called a kiss. They lick at each other sloppily for a while, until a jab of Rain’s fingers inside Phantom makes him jolt and straighten back up.
The water ghoul would also demand a kiss from him, but even with Phantom’s bendiness it wouldn’t be possible. He’ll get all the kisses and more later. For now, Rain is satisfied with staring at Phantom—into his eyes.
As he does, he remembers his summoning day. It was a horrid sight. Smell and noise, too, it all went so wrong, even though, apparently, the ritual itself was the least of the young ghoul’s problems that day.
Rain was terrified, then, frozen against the cold stone wall as he watched with wide eyes as the mauled, barely alive ghoul literally crawled his way out of the Pit. Phantom probably doesn’t remember that, but it was the water ghoul who his eyes fell onto first. Or rather one eye, because the other was shredded and so his eyelid was shut. They saved it—Aether and Omega—but it remains blind; a milky white with a purple crack going right through the middle of it.
Still beautiful.
Rain tells him as much and watches the blush on his cheeks deepen impossibly.
So, so beautiful.
From the moment Rain’s fear for his life dissipated that day, he knew that he was going to take care of that broken little thing, that he was going to show him what safety and love means.
Looking at him now, he considers himself successful.
Phantom holds onto the headboard in front of him and the earth ghoul’s thigh behind him as he fucks Rain’s gills and rides his fingers at the same time and the water ghoul can’t get enough of him. His mouth feels dry and he’s worrying his bottom lip between his sharp fangs when an idea sparks in his foggy brain.
“Bat–batsy, come on,” he mumbles, pulling his fingers out of him and freeing the other hand of Mountain’s grip. The earth ghoul grumbles at it, but he’ll get a reward soon enough. Rain paws at Phantom’s thighs clumsily, scratching him some with his glamored claws as he tries to pull him forward.
The quintessence ghoul is confused for a moment, but when Rain lolls his tongue out and looks at him pleadingly it starts to make sense. Phantom grunts and fulfills the other’s request by settling himself over his face. Slick and cum drip from his cunt in fat drops right into the water ghoul’s mouth. He moans at the taste, tips his head back and pulls at his thighs to make him sit down.
Phantom is strong, but his legs have been shaking for a while now. He drops down concerningly hard, but Rain doesn’t seem to mind. The quintessence ghoul doesn’t have the time to worry about it either, when the other immediately plunges his tongues deep inside and starts to fuck him with it.
The quintessence ghoul leans back against Mountain and moans pathetically as Rain eats him out like a man starved, licking his own cum out of him. The earth ghoul keeps fucking Rain’s gills, but he manages to hook his chin over Phantom’s shoulder once again, to look down at how his clit twitches with every move of the water ghoul’s tongue.
He’s drowning in slick and Mountain can feel on his cock when he starts to breathe through his gills more. Rain’s nose nudges Phantom’s clit with every little roll of his hips, following the same rhythm that the water ghoul moves his tongue in, and if Mountain thought noises that were spilling out of him earlier were sweet, these are pure sugar; truly a music to his ears.
The earth ghoul feels something leathery on his stomach and when he looks down he sees it’s Phantom’s little tail wriggling against him, as if desperately trying to wrap itself around his waist in the typical affectionate ghoulish fashion. It’s too short, though, barely a half of what a normal quintessence ghoul Phantom’s age and size would have—and probably have had before the attack—and Mountain’s heart breaks.
He reaches down to caress the adorably eager little thing before prompting it to wrap around his forearm. Phantom doesn’t even notice, not really, but a happy chirp breaks out of him in between the moans pulled from him by Rain when the comfort of having his tail wrapped around a part of a ghoul he loves registers in his brain.
The soft moment is perfect, but it doesn’t last long—getting concealed by Rain bringing Phantom closer and closer to the edge. Mountain looks over his shoulder again, not being able to resist staring at how blissed out the water ghoul looks drowning in pussy.
Soon enough the quintessence ghoul’s claws dig into Mountain’s thigh and a sinful noise falls from his lips as he cums with a shudder, soaking Rain’s face, neck and chest. The amount of slick glistening on his steel blue skin makes the earth ghoul’s head spin and it takes no more than a few clumsy rolls of his hips and a burst of cold air on his clit as Rain gasps to throw him over the edge, too.
He goes rigid, squeezing the water ghoul’s middle with his muscled legs and moaning wantonly. Phantom falls back against him and the two of them might be crushing Rain under them a little, but he doesn’t complain. Quite the opposite, actually—his mouth hangs open in a groan as he takes in the debauched image above him and feels his tentacle wriggle inside himself. His orgasm crashes into him just a second later and a single tear of positive overwhelm rolls down his flushed cheek.
All three of them sag and flop down right where they are and they don’t move for a longer while, too worn down to even make a muscle twitch—just lying with their limbs all tangled together in a sweaty pile of content, fucked out ghouls. Phantom either passes out or falls asleep for a moment, because the next thing he knows is Mountain hanging above him stroking his cheeks with a soft smile on his face. Rain is nowhere to be seen.
“You did so good for us, honey,” the earth ghoul praises between kisses he’s peppering all over Phantom’s exhausted body now, wherever he can reach. Out of the corner of his eye he sees Rain disappear into a bathroom. He blinks slowly and tries his best to focus his gaze on Mountain and to smile at him. He manages—although rather goofily, making the other giggle. “You’re so adorable, iris.”
Phantom trills at the attention and scrunches his nose up at the other. He chuckles as he brings a bottle of water to his lips and cradles the back of his head, helping him take a few sips. It doesn’t take long for him to give in to the compelling urge that’s pulling his eyelids back down. Distantly he hears some shuffling and Rain and Mountain exchanging a few words. He also feels a warm, wet cloth being run all over him, cleaning him up with all the care in the world as he dozes off.
“I’lov’y’both,” he slurs, half asleep already. He thinks he hears chuckles in response, and maybe he feels some more soft kisses on both his cheeks.
The quintessence ghoul isn’t entirely sure of what happens then, but the pleasant warmth and a sound of happy content purring all around him must mean he’s engulfed in the others’ arms. He wraps his sore arms around a soft body next to him and clings to it with all his might, even though he knows they’re not going anywhere.
He finally knows.
When he does finally fall asleep it’s with a smile—knowing he is safe and loved as a part of a one of a kind family, and that no harm will befall him ever again.
A few hours later, when Dewdrop comes in to check on them and leave more water bottles and some snacks on the nightstand, he sees the whole bed and all three ghouls glowing faint purplish blue in the darkness. He smirks, noticing that the light is most concentrated where Phantom has his thigh hooked over Rain’s hip. And on Rain’s face, for some reason.
They had fun, then. Clearly.
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lvdr-haze · 15 hours
hii, can you write joost x female reader angst? they argue, he yells/says mean stuff but it ends with fluff? thank youuu 💋💋
here you go love, sorry for the late btw. :))
TW!! : mention of the death of a friend, angst with comfort ending
words : ≈1000
english is not my first language sorry if you can find some mistakes in the ff.
everything is fictional !!
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Lately, Joost and you had been distant because he had a lot of work, and you knew that he didn’t like being disturbed while working, and you respected that.
But today was different. As you were walking home from work after an already bad and long day, you received a call from an unknown number. You usually don’t respond, but this time you felt the urge to pick up the call; you didn’t know why.
When the person on the other end of the telephone line announced the death of one of your dearest friends, your body just stopped moving, your eyes immediately filled with tears, and you felt quite dizzy.
You couldn’t believe it. How was it even possible?
You couldn’t even talk to the person who had called you, your body just moving from your sobs and your hands trembling.
The call ended and you stayed there, incapable of moving, just trembling and sobbing, trying so hard not to fall to your knees. You needed someone to hold you right now, and that someone needed to be Joost. You didn’t want anyone else because you knew that he would exactly understand how you were feeling right now.
You walked home with tears still rolling down your eyes, and after what seemed like an eternity, you finally entered your apartment.
You knew Joost was still working on his song in the room he had transformed into a studio, but you had to see him and you had to feel his arms around you.
You entered the room, but sadly for you, that clearly wasn’t the moment to do that because your boyfriend was so angry. He had just lost one of his songs and couldn’t find it anywhere on his laptop. So when he heard the door opening and felt your presence, he immediately yelled without even looking or checking on you.
“FOR FUCK’S SAKE, Y/N!! Just fucking leave me alone. Why are you pissing me off like this? Stop acting like a fucking child.”
His words were harsh, cold, and hurtful, but you didn’t want to fight. You didn’t have the energy for it. So you just stepped out of the room, crying even more.
You’d never felt so alone in your life.
You hated when people yelled at you, and Joost knew that. So after a little while, he came out of his room just to find you crying really hard on the couch. You couldn’t stop yourself, and your body was aching from sobbing. Joost immediately ran to you and took you in his arms to hold you tightly. He could feel that something else had happened, so he gently said with his calm and deep voice:
“What’s going on, lieverd? You can tell me everything… everything’s okay now…”
You looked at him; he was so comforting at the moment but yet really scary after how he had yelled at you five minutes before.
Joost could see the fear in your eyes, and that broke his heart. He never wanted you to be scared of him, so he held you as long as you needed to open up to him. And you finally did. You explained everything—the bad day at work, the call, the announcement of the death of your friend, the fight you had with him, and how you were feeling so lonely right now.
Joost’s heart ached at the mention of your dead friend. He had lost several people when he was young, and he knew how much it hurts and how hard it is to accept.
He sighed and played with your hair before finally speaking up:
“First of all, I’m really sorry that I reacted like this. I didn’t mean to, and I don’t ever want you to be scared of me. For your friend, you know I understand you perfectly, but the only advice I can give you is to let time do its work. Maybe it will take a while for you to heal, but I’ll be there to support you even when it’s not easy. You are not alone, Y/N… you’ll never be alone as long as I’m with you…”
Your sobbing had calmed down and your head was now resting on Joost’s chest, listening to his heartbeat as he was speaking to you with all the tenderness in the world.
Your eyes were feeling heavy and your body just needed some rest right now.
“Thank you, Joost… I love you…”
Joost kissed your forehead and smiled at the sight of you falling asleep on his torso.
“I love you too, Y/N… I love you so fucking much…”
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