#he was found and turned by Silver and kept off the grind for the next several decades
skyliv · 3 months
@scrunkalicious hai X3
i had an idea so this one came out much sooner than i expected. BUT. it’s really short and i know no lore whatsoever, so it’s a bit scuffed, STILL! i hope u like it!
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The Machine Herald’s voice boomed in the atrium, with nothing to hold it back, the faint mechanical undertones shone through. “This, now, is not only a result of the erred existence of humanity, but rather the glorious evolution of the machine-
As our purpose dutifully overrides the feeble flesh.”
He stood upon a small raised stage, hood down and HexTech arm poised above his head like the tail of a scorpion, shining a sharp purple light from its palm. The abandoned church he currently took refuge in wasn’t the greatest, if he was too loud he could give away his position, but he found the acoustics intriguing.
His passionate speech came to an end, and the sound of metallic clapping could be heard. It was Marly, his last proper companion and one of the first he helped rise past humanity. Her red eyes were bright as ever, and her silver ears were raised like an excited dog’s.
“Bravo!” Her faintly autotuned voice cheered. For being an earlier cyborg Viktor worked on, bits of her personality still leaked through plates of steel… But, the machinist almost found it endearing.
Viktor’s eyes narrowed, and his strong stance faltered ever so slightly. It was early in his mission, in his grand plan, but he felt a quirk in his circuiting: feeling. Marly unlocked some sense of emotion in him that he tried so hard to lock away, maybe that’s why he kept her around. He takes a step off the simple stage, rolling his shoulders with the sound of grinding gears.
“How was it…” He didn’t really ask this, or was it the lack of tone in his words? Nonetheless, Marly lit up, the balls of light floating amidst her tall horns swirling with her motions. “Just marvelous! It’s only a matter of time until the people truly understand your brilliance.”
Viktor fought back any trace of a smile, not that he could, but he nodded in response. “I lend my gratitude.”
The faint glow of their mechanical forms lit up the atrium, warm colors complementing each other as they stood in silence for just a moment. Whenever Viktor went quiet, Marly knew he was devising something, whether that be his next move, or a plan.
What she didn’t know, was his internal struggling with expressing how she makes him feel. A part of him wants to cast her out, curse her for making him think of anything else than his work. But the rest of him admired her. Loved her.
The Hex arm lowers, rounding his right shoulder and slipping to Marly’s head. He pats her head, like a farmer would to a sheep, before turning with a flourish of his cape to the lab in the back. The arm has other plans, though, being an extension of himself. It snakes around her shoulders, ushering her and her bright eyes along.
Halfway through, she chimes in. “Your speech, I liked the part about your work. How you opened up the future for the world, I just like it because it’s true.”
Viktor almost slowed his stride. Marly wasn’t supposed to “like” anything, and neither was he. Although, in the back of his mind he felt warm, warmer than any light from his machines. He casts his gaze to the debris ridden floor, to his dark boots and Marly’s almost hoofed ones.
Machine Herald let out a faint breath, he supposed that humanity had stuck to him after all. Even as he cursed himself for this, he came to the conclusion that he wouldn’t have wanted to figure this out with anyone but Marly. The lab’s stark lights were welcoming to both of them, as they were the first- The first to truly mechanize this world.
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Chapter 24 - North Star
Warnings: a couple curse words
Summary: With summer vacation coming to a close and Y/N's impending departure looming, she and George create a binding spell
Start Here:
Hogwarts, Autumn 1995
George trudged outside, flexing his stiff hands, causing the wounds on his knuckles to bleed again. Grinding his teeth, he ignored the pain and turned toward the Black Lake, ruminating over the day's events. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knew Malfoy got what he deserved. It'd been a long time coming, and today, he crossed a line. But, of course, Professor Umbridge didn't see it that way, and now George, Harry, and Fred were banned from Quidditch for life.
"Fucking pink toad," George muttered to himself.
The wind picked up, bringing with it the scent of rain. George heaved a sigh. He wouldn’t be out here braving the impending rainstorm if it weren't for Angelina. When he left, she and Fred were on the verge of breaking up. She was livid that they'd gotten banned and had no problem letting everyone, especially Fred, Harry, and himself know just how she felt.
So, he left. The last thing he needed was to be told repeatedly how stupid he was.
George plopped down on his and Y/N's favorite spot by the lake, all his energy draining away, leaving him empty and withdrawn. He missed Y/N terribly, especially in moments like this, when the world lay heavy on his shoulders. Her steadfast reassurance was what he needed most right now. She would know exactly what to say to calm his frayed nerves.
George reached for the next best thing and pulled out the silver locket that hung around his neck. He traced the engraved star with his thumb while a gentle warmth spread through him, dulling his heartache. For a brief moment, the faint scent of sandalwood and roses flooded his senses.
Bringing the talisman to his lips, he gave it a single kiss before tucking it back under his shirt and laying down in the grass to watch the storm clouds roll in.
Muggle London, Late July 1995
George and Y/N made their way through the bustling crowds. He'd convinced Fred to let him use a small amount of the winnings Harry gave them to buy Y/N a little something before she left.
"I can't believe Molly was ok with this," Y/N said, dodging a gaggle of muggle teenagers taking up half the sidewalk.
"She doesn't know."
"What?" Y/N stopped dead in her tracks, causing the man behind her to curse when he almost slammed into her.
"Sorry, so sorry," she apologized. The man muttered under his breath and hurried past her.
"C'mon, love." George said, taking Y/N's hand. "We're nearly there."
"Where is there?" she asked. Her boyfriend had been very secretive about the whole trip. And now, upon finding out that Mrs. Weasley had no idea what was going on, she began to worry. With Death Eaters lurking in the shadows, their little excursion wasn't entirely safe. "Please tell me Fred knows, at least?" She asked, hoping someone knew where they were going in case something happened.
"Of course he does, and so does Ginny. Sirius, too. He kept mum distracted so we could get out the door."
"Oh good," she said just before another thought occurred to her. "Wait, how are we supposed to get back in? Do we have a set time? You know she watches that door like a hawk."
George shrugged. "We'll already be done and back. What can she do? Yell at us?"
Y/N glared at him. Molly was already furious. Three days ago, she found out they were sleeping together and damn near blew the roof off the place. Even Kreacher ducked for cover. Then, George refusing to budge an inch on the matter, infuriated her even more. Discovering they'd snuck out would only make matters worse.
Y/N sighed. "George Weasley, you're going to be the death of me."
Ilvermorny - Autumn 1995
It had been a long day. Master Bellflower had kept her and the other two hemalurgy apprentices late, leaving her little time to shower and change before rushing to dinner, followed by the planning meeting for the senior prank.
It, too, ran late. Very late.
Y/N lay in bed, exhausted, but wide awake. She wasn't used to having the bed to herself anymore, having gotten used to sleeping next to George every night, even if he did hog the bed sometimes. When they weren't cuddling, her boyfriend seemed to liquify and spread out to fill up all available space. The memory brought a rueful smile to her face. Rolling onto her back, she pulled the locket from underneath her night shirt. It felt a little warmer than usual, but considering that she was under a mountain of blankets, she thought nothing of it. His comforting scent of gunpowder and caramel encompassed her. Closing her eyes, she pretended he was there beside her, and soon, she was fast asleep.
The sun was cresting the horizon when Y/N awoke with a start, feeling as though something was wrong. It took her a moment to realize her locket was no longer simply warm but burning hot. It'd never done that before. Throwing her blankets off, she tossed on her robe and slippers. Glancing at the clock, she had an hour before she needed to get ready for the day. Perfect. Just enough time to pen a letter to George and send it on its way.
12 Grimmauld Place, one week before Y/N's departure
George and Y/N sat on the bed facing each other. Between them lay a knife, a piece of parchment upon which was a spell they had written together, and on either side two silver lockets. The lockets were not the gifts he'd had in mind when he took her shopping, but the moment he saw them, he knew that's what they'd come for.
His mind drifted back to the night over spring break when he and Y/N lay outside at the Burrow, watching the stars.
"That's Venus," Y/N had pointed out. "The evening star. She shines first. She shines brightest. And she shines longest. Perhaps that's why she was named after the Goddess of Love. A hope that her light would shine down and bless all the loves of this world for all time."
George smiled and squeezed her hand.
"And that one is Polaris," she pointed out another sparkling point in the sky. "Also, known as the North Star. It moves in a very small circle around the North Pole, while all the other stars rotate around it. Because it appears stationary, muggle seafarers used to use it to find true North. So, if you're ever lost, look for Polaris. It will guide you home."
He was about to tell Y/N that she was his North Star, but then Harry joined them, and he completely forgot about it until he saw the matching lockets.
"Hey you." Y/N's soft touch and gentle voice brought him back to the present. "Ready?"
George nodded. As one, they rose, lighting the candles sunwise around the room before returning to the bed. Sitting side by side, both holding the parchment, they spoke in unison.
You are my North Star.
My compass points to you, guiding me home.
Together, we will build a bridge to one another,
in a place between Awake and Dreaming,
between Matter and Spirit,
between what was, what is, and what is to come.
Then, taking the knife, they cut a small lock from one another's hair and placed them inside each other's locket.
Holding the lockets in the palm of their hands, Y/N spoke first. "I am Y/N L/N, and this is now my link to George Weasley."
George followed, enunciating the words with great care. The moment he spoke the final syllable, something shifted. It wasn't showy like most magic. No flashing lights or loud bangs. It was an inner shift. Subtle and quiet. And yet they could feel the delicate string now connecting them to one another.
He leaned forward to kiss her when the door swung open, causing them both to jump. They'd forgotten to lock the door.
Molly tossed two letters at them before rolling her eyes at all the lit candles and slamming the door shut.
George and Y/N looked down at the letters. In their hands were two identical warnings against underage magic from the Ministery.
They looked at each other and giggled.
Next Chapter:
@milivanili99 @slytherclaw1978 @quackitysdrugdealer @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @ladylizzieofdarbyshire
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oceluna · 4 years
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The Karate Kid + Vampire & Werewolf Au
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allthingskakashi · 4 years
thigh riding with kakashi maybe👀
OKAY SO idk if this was just a general ask but i was inspired bc Kakashi's thighs get me 🥵🥵 so i wrote a whole fic which I'm not sure you asked for but hope would enjoy nonetheless 😌
And i managed to come up w a satisfactory title too 😌
• Enough Already •
[ Kakashi x Reader]
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Words : 2k
Tags : Smut, 18+
You were beginning to get impatient.
You’d been watching Kakashi hunched over his desk, going through piles and piles of paperwork for the past three hours now. Sure, he was the Hokage and you did understand that he had a lot of work to do, but for the past month now it felt like you barely even got to see your own boyfriend. And even when you did, he’d just be nose deep in work and come to bed late every night, only to pass out the moment his back touched the mattress.
And yes, you did understand all of that, but it’d been so long since you’d made love, that even the sight of his bare biceps contracting as he worked right now was getting you hot and heavy.
You sighed, uncrossing your legs on the sofa, and closing shut the book in your hand. You'd been trying to read, but the book you were reading was an erotica and the vivid descriptions playing all sorts of images in your mind only added to your frustration.
Tossing the book onto the table next to you, you got up, making your way to where Kakashi was sitting.
You trod over lightly, coming to a halt at the back of his wooden chair. You stood behind Kakashi, slowly wrapping your arms around his neck, before crouching to plant a feathery kiss on the side of his face and working your way down, your kisses getting slobbery as you went.
You’d almost reached the crook of his neck when his curt voice stopped you. “Y/n. I’m working.” He said, oblivious to your advances and continuing to scribble away.
You stopped, unwrapping your arms and stepping away from him. “Yeah, I can see that.” you replied, not putting any efforts to mask the hurt in your voice, before adding “When are you not” in a low mutter.
Kakashi kept his gaze focused on the papers in front of him, his sharp eyes scanning quickly across the sheets as he worked.
You let out a deliberately loud sigh, hoping to elicit some sort of a reaction from Kakashi. An apology, an acknowledgement, or anything, but much to your disappointment, you found none.
With your mouth formed into a frown, you turned away from him, making your way to the other side of the room as the sound of your footsteps rung a little too loud against the floor.
You were a patient woman, but this was starting to get on your nerves now. All you wanted was for Kakashi to just give you a few hours of his time in a day, that’s all. Working like a machine in the way that he was wasn’t good for him either, and you couldn’t possibly be the only one who missed the times you spent. The passionate nights, the lazy mornings, the afternoons spent in bed like it was your last day on Earth. Surely, he missed them too?
You had to do something.
Your feet stopped near the main switchboard in the living room. Reaching your hand to the board, you quickly flicked off the switch connecting to the air conditioner, before slowly making your way back to the sofa and plopping down on it.
You sat waiting with your arms crossed, jiggling your legs and watching Kakashi carefully out of the corner of your eye, studying him and waiting for any kind of a movement or response.
The minutes drove by and beads of sweat were beginning to form on your forehead now. It was the middle of summer and the air was warm and crisp outside. During day, the streets were so hot you could fry an egg on them. But Kakashi remained glued to the chair, continuing with his work with not so much as a flinch or a sound.
Alright, this was REALLY starting to get on your nerves now.
You stood up swiftly from the sofa, fanning yourself with your hand, before vigorously shaking the neckline of your shirt. “Gee, it’s really hot don’t you think?” you cried out, making sure to enunciate every word as you trudged towards his desk again. But his head was bowed, his focus unfazed.
“Did you hear what I said?” you tried again, walking a little closer and standing by the side of his chair. “I said it���s really hot.”
“Turn the AC on, then” Kakashi replied in a flat tone, without sparing you a glance.
Honestly, he was walking on thin fucking ice now.
You ignored his comment. Clearly, these subtle advances were not working. You had to be more direct.
You stood beside his chair watching him for a moment, admiring the way his long fingers gripped the pen. Just below your line of vision, his Anbu tattoo sat exposed, curved over the bulge of his bicep.
Inching closer to him, you gripped the hem of your t shirt, before slowly pulling it off over your head and throwing it on his face. “Oops, sorry”, you sang, your tone not apologetic in the least.
The thin cloth fell on his head, covering part of his hair and his face. “What do you think you’re doing?” Kakashi said with a certain crisp, before pulling the cloth off his face and balling it into a clump on the desk.
Ridden of your t shirt now, you stood in your black bra. It wasn’t the best one in your collection, but it did give your breasts a good lift.
Batting your eyelashes like you had no idea what he was talking about, you squeezed yourself into the cramped space between his knees and the desk. “Nothing at all.” You said, your tone as innocent as ever as you proceeded to reach under your dress, slowly pulling your panties down to your ankles before kicking them to the side.
Kakashi’s eyes were finally on you, fixated and unreadable.
You held his gaze, not taking your eyes off him as you widened your stance and took a few steps forward, before plopping down on his lap, your legs straddling his thighs.
You watched his pupils narrow, and he tried speaking again. “Y/n, I told you, I have wor—”, but his words were cut off by the touch of your index finger to his lips.
Hooking your finger at the edge of his mask, you pulled it down, revealing his beautiful soft mouth underneath.
All you wanted was to have it run all over your body, but you knew you’d have to work a little more to make that happen. “I don’t care” you said, in a cool, low voice.
Your hands brushed up the sides of his arms, feeling every bulge and curve of his toned muscles before sinking into the softness of his hair at the back of his head.
Pulling lightly on his silver strands, you brought his head forward towards your chest, arching your back to push your breasts into his face, which were now heaving, thanks both to the heat and the pooling wetness down below. You felt the tip of Kakashi’s nose rub against your cleavage, even the smallest contact sending shivers up your spine.
Tightening your grasp around him, you pushed his face deeper as you slowly began to grind your hips against his thighs, your stomach stiffening into knots with the wave of arousal coursing through you. The friction of his pants felt heavenly against your sensitive folds and you continued rubbing yourself over him, pressing yourself on his legs as you moved back and forth.
You could feel Kakashi’s breath hitch against your cleavage as the wetness from your core began to drip to his legs, moistening his pants. He tilted his head back, eyes squeezed shut as a low guttural noise escaped his throat.
Your lips curled into a slow smirk at the sight of him and you leaned forward, holding his face in your hands as you whispered, “Lord Sixth, would you like me to stop?”
But you knew the moment those words rolled off your tongue that you’d edged him on too far. With his head still tilted against the chair, you watched Kakashi open his eyes, his dark eyes burning with the hunger of an animal left in the wild.
In a flash, his hands were on your hips, long fingers gripping your soft skin hard enough to elicit a moan. They travelled to your back next, grabbing your ass as you felt every single finger dig into your skin, squeezing hard.
You melted into his touch instantly, your mind spiralling into a frenzy as he clutched the curves of your waist again, guiding you back and forth on his legs with increasing pace.
Ahead of you, his growing bulge fought beneath the thin material of his pants, forming a distinct mound right below his abdomen.
You bit your lip at the sight, resisting the urge to rid his cock of its clothed prison already, mouth drooling at the thought of your tongue slobbering all over his thick girth. Your body squirmed and you felt pleasure building up at the base of your stomach, as you reached for the waistband of Kakashi’s pants, unable to keep holding yourself off any longer.
With desperate fingers you found the strands of his joggers, going ahead to untie them when suddenly, Kakashi’s palm clasped around your wrist, fingers tight against your bones as he stopped you from going further.
You looked up to find his piercing gaze drilling through you, a smirk curling the corner of his mouth.
“Kakashi…” you purred, your heart thrumming in your ears, “Please…”
His unwavering gaze burned into you, brows raising as though asking you to repeat yourself, when you felt his right hand snaking up your stomach, pushing through the underband of your bra to clasp around your breast. He gave it a hard squeeze, before starting to stroke over it with nimble fingers, his lips parting as he spoke. “Isn’t this what you wanted?”
The sound of Kakashi’s raspy voice sent tremors through your body. You squirmed, imploring him with your eyes.
He continued stroking with one hand as the other flew to his mouth, and you watched him lick the tip of his finger, before bringing it down to your other breast, smearing his saliva over your nipple.
“You wanted my time”, he stated, gaze fixed on you while two of his fingers twisted your wet nipple hard, before rubbing around it in circles with his thumb. “I’m giving you my time.”
“Infact…” he said as one of his hands travelled below, fingers finding your folds and grazing along it lightly. “I intend to give you all night.”
A desperate gasp left your lips, your swollen clit beginning to ache under his touch.
“Kakashi…please.” You pleaded again in broken rasps of your voice, struggling to keep your mind from going numb.
Kakashi ignored you again, his fingers continuing their ravage down below as his mouth latched on to one of your nipples, sucking slowly at first, and then as if his life depended on it. He clenched and unclenched his thighs, every contraction of his muscle teasing your clit, making you writhe with the overload of pleasure through your veins.
You moaned with every suck of your nipple, and every flick of his finger, becoming a squirming mess in his hands as you gave yourself in to him completely, losing control of your body.
A grating moan began to form at the back of your throat as you felt yourself getting close, his fingers stretching you up, rubbing, and stroking every part of you.
Kakashi hunched forward, finally pulling away from your swollen nipple, his warm breath tickling your ear as he spoke.
“You’re not tired already, are you?” he asked in an innocent whisper, his fingers moving steadily down below.
Your voice came out in a tiny squeak as you answered, your entire body buzzing. “N-no.”
“Good” Kakashi replied, his voice gravelly against your ear as you finally felt him slip one finger inside you, eliciting an immediate burst of almost inhumane sounds from your chest. “because you won’t be walking out of here any time soon.” He whispered against your shuddering frame, before slipping another finger inside and adding in the same husky tone,
“Or walking at all.”
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ashasmonsters · 3 years
Hiya, I just found your blog and im in love with your writing style! This is my first time making a request of this nature, so forgive me if I'm not clear enough with my request! Anyway, I wanted to ask if you could write a lemon scene with a M!Demon X F!Human? I think details are that both are flirtatious, but the demon is more suave and formal, almost Gothic Vampiric in a way? while the human is crass and rowdy, just overall hyper and chaotic. Also, the demon is stupidly tall and hauntingly beautiful while the human is more cutesy, short, and kind of pudgy. Again, my apologies in advance if thats too little/too much to go off of!
I liked the idea of a Gothic, vampire-like Demon! I hope you're okay with me flexing the bits of Romanian I know (Apologies in advance to any Romanians, I promise I know you're not all vampires. I'm dying to visit Bucharest and Cluj-Napoca again!). You gave me lots of details Anon, which I don't mind at all! I hope you like it.
Gothic Vampiric M!Demon x Crass Smol F!Human - Lemon Content: Gratuitous usage of limba Română
“Ah-ah,” Ozul tutted, looking down at you with four yellow eyes and a smirk. “Say ‘please.’”
You fruitlessly stood on your tip-toes and reached skyward, the top shelf still out of reach. “Give me my damn tea!”
“Such crude language, dear.” His slender fingers grasped a box and pulled it from the shelf. “Chamomile?”
“...yes, please.”
“See, was that so hard?” He filled an ornate silver diffuser with the looseleaf tea before leaving it in a mug with hot water. “Your tea.”
You accepted the mug and cupped it in your hands, the warmth welcome in Ozul’s drafty keep. The steam rose to your face, carrying with it hints of lemon.
“Tell me what you think of it. It’s a new blend.”
“I will… when it’s cooled down,” you blew on the steaming tea, “you big dummy.”
“Ah, right. I keep forgetting about humans and their susceptibility to burns.”
“Go to hell, Ozul,” you joked, “oh, right. That’s just your hometown.”
“...My parents’ hometown. I was brought up in Bucharest, actually.” He chuckled, flashing you his razor-sharp teeth. They formed a knowing smile. “Quiesce, my lady. I know you’re not tired but it’s time for bed. Bring your tea.”
Before long you were changed into your nightgown and nursing your warm cup of chamomile tea. It helped your restlessness a bit as you laid next to Ozul in his massive bed. He filled it out nicely with his tall, lanky form; you were a tiny lump in a sea of satin, though the feeling of sheets on your bare legs was delicious.
You sipped your tea and turned to Ozul. “What’cha reading?” The book in his ashen-grey hands was the size of a small child. He held it like one, too.
“War and Peace by Tolstoy.” His eyes stayed fixed on the book as he turned a page. The smell of old library wafted over to you.
“Sounds boring.” You set your tea on the nightstand.
“Boring enough to put you to sleep? Perhaps I should read it aloud...”
“Please, anything but Russian classics,” you playfully begged, your thighs rubbing together restlessly. You rolled on your side to face him, his eyes stayed focused on the thick tome. By candlelight, his long, straight, raven hair shimmered as it cascaded around his horns and down his shoulders.
“Dragă,” he purred, “you must sleep.” His slender hand left the book and slithered under the sheets towards you. It came to rest on your round tummy, cool and smooth.
“Make me,” you challenged.
“Eu voi.” His citrine gaze met yours. His hand gently slithered down your body until it met the hem of your nightgown, where he paused. “Vreți?”
He always lapsed into Romanian when he was tired or frisky. Much too proud to reveal which, his eyes went back to his book.
“Da,” you replied.
With one hand he flipped a page and with the other he explored your inner thighs under your gauzy gown. He made frustratingly slow progress upwards and your thighs squeezed him in an effort to speed things up. He turned another page.
“Ozul… could you pick up the pace?” You urged, your heartbeat speeding up.
“Say please...” he taunted, his hand suddenly stopping.
“Please!” you cried.
“...in my mother tongue.” He still kept his gaze locked on Tolstoy’s epic. You glowered at him.
“I can’t remember! Just fi—”
“Vă…” He chimed, as if teaching a baby to talk. It annoyed you that he succeded in jogging your memory.
“Vă rog.” You relented.
“Bună treabă.” He briefly turned to praise you with a forehead kiss. He resumed traveling up your thighs until his hand rested in your lap. Once again engrossed (or pretending to be) in his literature, he found your sex with a beckoning finger.
“That’s more like it,” you breathed, Ozul’s finger playing about your entrance in little circles. Without looking he found your nub and held his thumb there, his other fingers poised to enter you proper. A pause. Gentle pressure on your tender button, making you squirm. He turned a page. A finger pushed into you.
“Shit!” You gasped, Ozul’s slender digit gently but earnestly entering your slick warmth. He explored with his finger as you bit your lip, gripping the sheets. You breathed deep until he finally pushed against that spot that made your hips roll.
“Iată.” He adjusted his reach and added a second finger. “Found it.”
You panted as he gently stretched you, pushing against your insides and moving his thumb in little circles on your clit. His pace was slow, steady, and delicious. You looked at him through half-lidded eyes; he only returned a quick glance before his gaze returned to the book.
“Ozul,” you moaned, desperate for more. Your heart raced and your body squirmed as waves of warmth and pleasure made you feverish. He only gave a gentle shushing in response.
Then he increased the pace. His thumb, previously moving in a lazy circle, ground into your clit with fervor. His fingers pumped in and out, brushing against all the right spots inside you. You were a mess, unable to contain your moans as his hand fucked you into a quivering pile. He turned another page.
“Fuck, I’m gonna come,” you choked. The pleasure mounted relentlessly. You gripped the sheets, your knuckles turning white and your hips bucking against Ozul’s inescapable ministrations.
“Language,” he quietly tutted as if he wasn’t filling you with searing pleasure. The pumping, the rubbing, the way his fingers stretched you ever-so-slightly— it became too much to bear. You threw your hands down, grasping his tightly through the blanket so you could grind into it, and cried out. Pleasure flooded your mind; nothing mattered more than riding out your release.
You hadn’t yet caught your breath. Ozul withdrew his hand and turned a page with it.
“Good?” He asked, still reading.
“Yes,” you panted. Your legs felt heavy rather than restless, and you felt you might melt into the sheets any minute now. Your eyelids were impossibly heavy.
“How was the tea?” Ozul asked. He read a bit more, then turned to you. “Ahem, how was the…” he trailed off. There was no response. You were already fast asleep.
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obey-only-me · 3 years
Kitten Lessons (Lucifer x F!Mc x Satan) By: Akuzondelivery
No one was going near the library. The volume of their conversation alone let everyone know that this was going to be a long argument. Satan and Lucifer were fighting. Again.
“What are they fighting about?” You had to yell over the rumble of curse words and energy as you stood in front of the door.
“I don’t remember but it’s never anything important!” Mammon yelled with his fingers in his ears.
The other brothers may be used to this but there was no way you could live like this.
When they still hadn’t left the library after dinner had been cleaned up, you stood in front of the door again. It felt dark...very dark. And the noises were so loud it was impossible to tell what language was being spoken. But you built up your courage! These brothers need a mediator!
Making a fist you banged on the large walnut doors as hard as you could. The sound was muffled by the loud screeches yet everything came to a halt at your soft by comparison knocks. Taking a deep breath you opened the door to the library and bravely stepped in.
“Uh-um, hey you two.” Your voice was quiet as you entered the room, closing the door behind you.
Scanning the room you spotted Lucifer sitting behind a desk reading and Satan at a table in front of a couch...also reading. The two were acting nonchalantly as possible but you could see the anger vibrating off of them. What could have possibly sparked such tense energy?
You weren’t sure what to say so you sat on a couch between the two, sharing the table with Satan. On it were several books on cats, familiars, and how to raise kittens.
Oh geez...Satan wants a cat. Again. And Lucifer definitely already said no. Again.
You couldn’t help but pick up one of the books that was left open to a page of kittens. Satan watched you carefully as you thumbed through the pages.
“MC what are you doing,” Satan asked with a slightly annoyed sigh.
“Well I’m in the library...just thought I’d do some reading. In the LIBRARY!” You made sure it echoed, hoping they’d take the hint you were annoyed by their fighting.
Another silence fell over the room. You peaked over Satan’s shoulder to see Lucifer fidgeting in his seat. He met your gaze but turned away a little embarrassed. If you’re annoyed then it certainly must have been some display. Even Satan had a regretful look. But you ignored them, hoping the pretend cold shoulder would be enough to break them.
Staying in character you flipped a page roughly to see how they would react. Satan sighed again but kept himself from caving. The rough treatment of the pages was really getting to him. Those were some of his favorite cat books. After the third or fourth flip he broke.
“You can’t do that MC, the pages will rip.” Satan sighed as he took the book from you. But you smiled now that he was sitting next to you. Holding the book and flipping the pages gently for you. His eyes lit up as he spoke about the cats and feline habits. This boy just wants a pet.
“Awwwwe they’re so cute Satan.” You giggled as you listen to him read. “Cats are such good pets.”
“Would you like a pet?” Satan asked with a smirk, feeling much more relaxed now.
“Nah...we have Mammon.” You joked.
“You know...you could be my pet instead. I wouldn’t mind taking care of you.” Satan flirted. This definitely made the eldest stir, Satan of course noticed. Maybe to make Lucifer mad again, Satan put an arm around you and brought you close on the couch.
“Geez.” You grumbled as you blushed, heat rising to your cheeks.
“I even have a collar, here. I brought this earlier.” Satan pulled out a thin black nylon collar with a small plastic clasp. There was a silver bell the size of your pinky attached. His large hands loosened the collar all the way and firmly snapped it around your neck.
“Hey!” You protested as your fingers traced the uncomfortable fabric.
“Too cute.” Satan’s face was slightly red as he admired you, laughing a little at your distress.
“Unbelievable. MC don’t feed into his strange hang ups.” Lucifer grumbled as he sat on the couch across from both of you.
“Good timing. MC has offered to be my pet. So I’ll just be taking her and going to my room-“
“Not so fast. Sit down Satan.” Lucifer spoke firmly, however Satan didn’t address him with any more concern than before. Though he did sit back down.
“I had an idea. If you can show me you can be a good pet owner, I’ll consider your request more seriously.” Lucifer had gotten his attention now.
“How so?”
“Well...since MC offered to be your pet...”
Without much protest, the two dressed you as the pet they would play with. A set of cat ears firmly set in place, the collar Satan had gifted you earlier, and a small but comfortable plug decorate with a long cat tail. You sat on your knees obediently and in defeat.
“I’m enjoying this test so far.” Satan cooed.
“I have to say I am too.” Lucifer chuckled.
You pouted, knowing they were enjoying this way too much.
“Awww, I know what will make kitten happy.” Satan placed you on his lap and gently played with your hair, making sure it stayed off your neck. “Feel free to purr a little if you like MC.”
You only squirmed, embarrassed by the attention and the game they were both playing.
“I think our little kitten wants some attention...” Satan teased as he kissed at your neck. Part of your task was to keep from verbally communicating, letting your owners learn their new kitten’s wants and needs by learning your language. This was going to be impossible: sighs already slipping through your lips as Satan’s tongue traced every sensitive spot across your neck and toward your ear. “I’m happy to give it, you can watch if you want...” Satan smirked over at Lucifer who had been sitting and watching everything so far.
“Hmph. When a learning moment arises, Ill be ready to join you.” The eldest held a devious smirk as he watched you squirm in Satan’s grasp.
Two slender fingers slipped between your lips and gently rolled against your tongue. His kisses and love bites were traveling lower now, the trail of kisses making your skin hot. The muffled noises coming from you were loud and clear though, you were enjoying the attention. As his two fingers twirled your tongue, the other caressed the underside of your breasts. Skilled fingers easily found your sensitive peaks under your clothing and twisted them just the right way. Your moans were breathy and sultry.
Lucifer sat with his legs crossed on the couch in front of the one you were on. His smug expression stayed as his eyes took in the sight of you being ravished. Your face was hot as you noticed him watching you indulge in Satan’s touch.
Satan’s cock was grinding against your lower back as he fondled your breast, using his saliva covered fingers to give more attention to your nipples. You hissed at the cool, wet feeling. Your squirming had your hips grinding and moving against his hardening cock making him catch his breath. Satan caught your lips in his to quiet the moans he wants to hear only for himself. He doesn’t want to share them with Lucifer. His hands adjust again leaving one hand on your breast as the other traveled between your legs to feel how excited you were growing.
Lucifer was slowly removing his gloves as he watched Satan’s fingers slip beneath the thin strip of clothing covering your arousal. Satan dipped his fingers inside you, cooing as he felt how wet you were. You gave a low moan as he covered his fingers in your slick.
Meanwhile, Lucifer had made his way over, sitting next you both on the couch and moving your hips towards him. Both you and Satan looked at him quizzically, a smirk growing as he caught your attention.
“I found my first teachable moment, keep going.” Lucifer spoke as he easily removed your soaking underwear. You continued to moan and squirm as Satan once against spread your walls. You saw Lucifer watching you, eyes glued to yours as his fingers began to gently roll and tease your clit. Your heavy breathing and rolling hips made Satan even harder, you could feel his cock pressed against your lower back.
“Hmmm, so kitten likes that too?” Satan hummed in your ear. “Why don’t you meow for us if you’re enjoying our fingers?”
Your face felt hot, Satan was so horrible.
“It would help us understand our pet more, why don’t you meow when you feel good MC?” Lucifer echoed Satan’s proposed rule. Lucifer was horrible too.
But you complied; you were getting needier and needier from their teasing.
“M-mew?...meow?” You tested the waters.
You received an eager reward; both of them moved faster, harder. Lucifer gently teased at the tail like plug they so delicately picked out for you. Satan’s fingers were roughly playing at your nipples, sending waves of pleasure through you. You let little meows and moans slip as you got closer and closer the the edge of orgasm.
“Are we spoiling our pet?” Lucifer asked Satan as you grew louder.
“It’s so hard not to. She’s just so cute.” He chuckled lowly.
“C-cumming...” you moaned as your head languidly rested against Satan’s chest.
“Hm? What’s that kitten?” Satan hummed back, moving his fingers faster and curving into just the right spot. Lucifer made sure your clit was being treated just as pleasurably. They both sent you into bliss, moaning and spasming throughout your high. Your heavy panting slowed as you relaxed on the couch.
Both demons chuckled lowly, you could hear them both remove more of their clothing; jackets and sweaters and ties were set to the side. You were malleable after such a strong orgasm, so it was easy for them to put you on your knees on the floor between both of them.
“Feeding time MC? Are you...hungry?” Satan teased by running a finger against your jaw and pulling your gaze to him. He had already freed his erect member from his pants, pulling your chin closer and closer. As he held your attention, Lucifer placed one of your hands over his own cock, also freed from his slacks.
“You must be. Good thing we have extra for you. Hm hm. Now I’m spoiling her too.”
Your lips wrapped around Satan’s tip, giving teasing licks at his slit as you held the base of his cock; while your fingers on the other hand did the same to Lucifer’s. You could hear them both sigh and lowly moan as you gave them both attention.
They were both suddenly impatient and began moving their own hips. Satan held a hand on the back of your head as he pushed himself into the back of your throat. Lucifer also bucked into your grip around his thick length. Soon the hand on the back of your head was Lucifer’s; and it was now his cock going down your throat.
Your muffled mews and moans made both demons quicken their pace, passing your mouth between them to abuse your tongue and throat. All the while the faint sound of the bell on your collar rang out. You could hear Satan quietly mumble under his breath as he got closer; “So good. So good.” Lucifer was more conservative, not wanting to unravel too much, but his low throaty moans made it clear he was growing closer to cumming too.
As if they had the same idea, both stood from the couch, pulling your hair slightly to tilt your face back.
“Open up MC, this is for you.” Lucifer huffed.
“Stick out your tongue.” Satan commanded.
The good pet you are, you followed suit and opened wide as they both attempted to cum in your mouth. They covered your tongue, some dripping down your chin. With a heavy sigh Satan sat back to admire your condition. Cum and arousal painted your face.
“You look so amazing right now Kitten...” he mused as he watched you swallow everything.
“I don’t think we’re done yet.” Lucifer hissed as he reached beneath you to slip his fingers against your folds. Covering his fingers in your dripping slick before inserting two digits. “You’re still so wet MC. You still need to be taken care of little kitten.”
Lucifer swept you off the floor and into his lap, you could feel he was still hard as he let his cock grind against your heat. Satan watched you carefully as he positioned you over his thick cock and entered you slowly. Your whole body shifted to make room for Lucifer’s thick cock. Once seated fully in his lap, his shaft stretching and filling you, he had a devious idea. Keeping his hips still, he grabbed the back of your hand to wipe your still dirty chin, smearing cum over the back of your hand and fingers.
“Why don’t you lick your paw clean for Satan while I treat you a little more?” He smirked as his hips bucked gently.You began bouncing in his lap as you put on  a show.
Satan was mesmerized. You were bouncing on a cock all while moaning and mewling, desperately trying to lick your hand free of cum. With the ears. And the tail. And your little meow he could never forget. Satan was finally overcome with lust, quickly becoming hard again and stroking his cock at the sight of you.
“Fuck...” he cursed under his breath.
You watched him as he moved to stand behind you. You felt his palm against your back push you toward Lucifer, causing your hips to rise and chest to press into Lucifer’s face. The tail plug you had grown accustomed to was slowly pulled from you, a moan slipping from you as Satan replaced it with his hard cock.
It was so intense being filled by both impressive members, both reaching deep and making you grip the back of the couch tightly. Hearing you moan so loudly made Satan quickly ease his thrusts into you while Lucifer picked up his own pace. Lucifer’s soft lips wrapped around your nipple, gently tugging and biting. Your breasts bouncing against his face drove him crazy.
Satan buried his cock deeper and deeper into you as your walls began sucking him in. Leaning into you more he kissed up your back, to your shoulder, and to the crevice of your neck.
“Keep meowing kitten. Tell us how much you love being our pet.” His whisper was laced with lust and desperation.
At this point you could only focus on the stars clouding your vision, the mewls and whines slipped on their own. Those little meows drive him insane however.
“That’s right. Good MC. You’re taking this cock so well.” Lucifer hissed against your skin as his release grew closer.
“Good kitten. Just a little more.” Satan followed.
You felt like you were going to pass out, the rush building in your core was about to burst. They could feel your body quivering around them. It wasn’t much longer and your whole body turned heated as you came with them both thrusting inside you. Your moan was loud and so, so enticing. The grip around Lucifer’s cock wasn’t letting him go as he spilled inside you, filling you with his seed.Satan followed soon after, stilling inside you to empty himself. A gaspy, restrained moan hissing pass his lips.
No one moved a moment as you each caught your breath, relaxing and separating from each other’s bodies. You remained in Lucifer’s lap as you rested your head against his chest; breathless and lost in post coital bliss. Satan sat beside the eldest and gently pushed a few strands of hair out of your face. Lucifer’s strong arms held you close and he gently stroked your back soothingly.
“You know...I guess we do have a pretty good pet already.” Satan chuckled at your pout.
“She is pretty great. Though I think we could use more...training sessions like these.” Lucifer smirked as he lifted your chin. “How about it MC? Think you’d like to take more ‘lessons’ from Satan and I...?”
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yesokaythatsfine69 · 4 years
You Sexy Thing (Levi Ackerman x reader)
Description: Often Captain Levi is a little shit, and sometimes- he needs to be reminded about who's in control.
Character(s): Y/n, Levi
Pov: 2nd person, third person
A/n: I keep seeing all this talk about pegging Levi Ackerman but I couldn't find anything to show- so in the words of Thanos, "I guess I'll do it myself"
Word Count:
*none of the Gifs used are mine, full credit goes to the maker :)
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Your fists clenched, nails digging into the palms, on the verge of breaking skin. The yelps of your fellow squad members caused your teeth to grind. They had to have ran over four miles today- probably more- they had to do suicides double time, all of this shit and more were because the lovely supreme commander of heaven and hell, Squad leader Levi Ackerman had felt their cleaning of the stalls had been less than ideal.
Currently you were in the midst of doing push ups till he deemed fit. You glanced up at the captain, watching as his silver eyes roamed over the lot of you. Even as you seethed and raged- he was still the most gorgeous sight your eyes had ever laid upon. Levi's hair was raven black, in contrast to his light skin and silvery orbs. His hair was what caught you at first- the way it seemed to fall over his eyes just a bit.
It was long enough you could pull your fingers through- you were sure. You could only imagined how soft it must be. Levi facial features also caught you at a loss for words- they were quite dainty. Long black eye lashes, a soft line nose, and thin pink lips. God, was he pretty.
Your eyes moved from their spot, away from your Adonis and to the ground. No matter how pretty he was, he was still a bastard.
You mumbled incoherently to yourself, flexing your fists. The pain of doing another pushup finally getting to you. "Tch, I think you've all learned your lessons." You looked up again, knees dropping. The Devil himself spoke, lifting his hand and waving it in dismissal. "Go to the showers, you brats stink." Blowing a strand of hair from your eye, you rolled your shoulders back, taking Petra's outstretched hand as you bounded up.
No one spoke as they dispersed. You were itching for a shower, and you practically ran to get one.
You were dead tired, dead sleepy, and running on pure anger.
You watched the water flow into the drain near your feet, fixated on nothing but the boiling water as it hit you. Your anger had not evaporated-it simply grew. If he thought he could've done a better job, maybe he should have done it. You slammed the water off.
Or perhaps- and this was just a thought- he could let you get some real training in, instead of wasting your time and energy on being punished.
Your eyes narrowed.
You stepped from the shower, one foot at a time.
Perhaps...the omnipotent captain Levi deserved a punishment of his own. Something that would...bring him down a peg.
You smiled, remembering a certain box hid underneath just for this type of reason.
"I think I might have just the thing."
Levi was just as sexy (if not more) than he was pretty. Something about him, oozed it. Maybe it was the way he walked, confident but not egotistical. They way spoke- his voice. His dry humor, his bleak expressions, his impeccable fighting skills and savagery...his taunt ass, or maybe it was the way his uniform hugged his body.
Your hands tugged at a box that laid deep beneath your bed. It scraped against the floor, finally sliding directly in front of you. You unhooked the latch, pulling out the important piece of equipment you'd need tonight.
You bit your tongue.
The truth was, you could spot a bottom from a mile away. It was also the people who needed control in their daily lives- people who needed everything perfect. At night they liked to take a break- to be controlled. Who were you to judge? You couldn't blame them, not hardly.
You knocked at his office door. It was late, barely a few minutes before lights out. For several seconds nothing happened, but you waited. Patience was a specialty.
"Come in." The tone was annoyed, and as you entered you could see why. He had stacks of papers before him, a signal candle lighting the room. Levi rubbed his temples, a sign that the dim lighting had an affect.
His eyes flickered up to met yours, "lieutenant Y/L/N?" The air was tense and goosebumps erupted across your forearms. "Captain Levi, I'm glad I caught you." His Expression remained unchanging. "Tch, yeah, I'm sure. What do you want, brat?"
You smiled, your hands intertwining from behind your back. "You to apologise." His entire body paused. Levi twitched his head to the side, a small movement. "Oh? So you're here to waste both are times then, y/l/n." You turned, locking his office door behind you.
Levi stood. "Oi, oi, oi, what do you think you're doing?" You turned back to face him. "The only person who wasted our time today was you." His eyes narrowed slightly. This was a side of you he hadn't been used to. Sure, he'd seen this intense focus on your face before, this same expression you wore when you sliced and diced titan after titan.
"Tch, what are you on about you stupid-" I'm flash you had his hair in your grip, dragging his head to you. "It's not nice to call people stupid, Levi." His eyes were wide, and his face was inches away from your own. "I can forgive that though, especially when you look so pretty like this."
His eyes sunk back, his shock leaving him. "Oi, I guess you've got me where you want me." You smiled, innocence twinkled in your irises. "Not yet I don't." Loosening your tight grip, you gently guided his head to close the gap between you two.
His eyes fluttered close upon impact, the tenseness he often carried with his resolve melting away with the warmth of your lips. You hummed, feeling the way he seemed to open up with your touch. Gently you scratched his scalp, pulling a sigh from his mouth.
When it opened you wasted no time slipping in your tongue. He tasted like tea, which wasn't suprising but was rather delightful. He let out a small groan as she gave his bottom lip a small bite, tugging softly. Her hands slipped underneath his shirt, dancing across his warm chest and abs. The feeling of what lied beneath was enticing and she pulled away eager to see it.
Levi groaned when you left him, an irritated, "y/n." Leaving his lips as his arms tried to find you, to bring you back to him. You escaped him though and worked to pull his shirt off.
When you had an object so important it was natural that worked as efficiently as possible to succeed. With that mindset you had him shirtless within seconds, Levi felt that had to be some type of record.
With his comfort in mind as soon as his shirt was off you folded it properly, working as efficiently as you had to take if off of him. When your eyes met his, they twinkled with something akin to admiration. You smiled and pulled him into a chaste kiss, his tongue moving to part your lips, but fire he could succeed you began moving.
You kissed his chin, and he frowned. "What are-" Then you kissed his neck and a shiver racked his body. His breath quickened and shook, your lips planting directly over his heartbeat. You sucked, making sure to leave him as many reminders of tonight as you could.
Your lips moved down his chest, blessing each nipple with a tug of teeth. Licking a stripe down his v line, you unbottoned his pants. He moaned, "y/n..." Watching as you tugged down his underwear with your teeth. His length sprained free, looking almost as eager as you.
"Stunning..." You spoke licking a line up his shaft. His legs shook at your move and you laughed, wrapping your first around his base. "It can't be this easy, Levi." He blinked looking down at you in bewilderment.
You lifted yourself up, becoming eye level with him. As light as a feather you stroked his cheek, his head leaning into your hand as though it were instinct. "I figured humanity's strongest would have put up more of fight." His eyes narrowed. "Especially since you seem to love giving orders." Your nails stabbed into his skin, his eyes widened and he pulled back "tch! You bitch!"
Your other hand grabbed his neck, squeezing it and bringing him to you. "I've wanted you for so long. Do you have any idea how hard it is to be so close and yet so far, to someone everyone wants." "Y/n." Levi whimpered as your hand tightened around his throat. "Maybe you do know how much you're wanted. Maybe you like it." You let go and he fell forward, you catching him.
"I guess we'll just have to add that to lists of why you must be punished." You pushed him to his knees, his pants still wrapped around his ankles. Your foot spread his legs apart, and kept them there. Your hand found his chin, pulling his face up.
"i hope you like this view, you'll need to get used to it." You pulled up your shirt, taking it off effortlessly. His eyes widened at your chest- you had chosen to go braless. Then, they relaxed, his tongue going between his teeth.
You pulled your pants off next, and then your underwear. The strap you had put on before you left your room flung out, and Levi looked between you and it. "Like I said, you need to be punished..." You stroked the strap on. "I consider this the punisher." You voice had dropped an octave lower.
Levi took on a dazed expression, half lidden eyes taking in the sight. "Open your mouth." His eyes flickered back up to you. They were big and puppy like."I said." You reached down and pinched his two cheeks together. "Open. Your. Mouth." His pretty little mouth popped open, and your hips thrusted the device in. Your hand ran through his hair as he sucked, when you reached the back of his head you pushed him forward.
Levi gagged around your cock, the fake tip hitting the back of his throat. Tears prickled, in his eyes, but your coos to take in more, to be a good boy for you, they caused his brows the furrow as he adjusted and did what he could to please you.
Using your grip on his head he allowed you guide him at your will, submitting to the drive of your hands. His eyes closed finally and your leg pressed up against his own hard on. "Who would've thought humanity's strongest could look so hot sucking dick." You spoke softly, causing your good boy to moan into the dick.
Finally, you pulled away watching the strings of salvia appear and separate as you let him go. His head bobbled towards you, his eyes barely open.
"fuck me...please." you bent down to where he was. "Oh baby..." Again, you stroked his cheek gently. "I'll do so much more than that to you. When I'm done with you...you won't be able to walk tomorrow." His breathe caught and you laughed. "Be my good boy and go to your desk. Ass out."
You watched him stand and walk to his desk, still filled with long forgotten papers and a dimly lit candle. You stood and moved to the neat pile you had placed his clothes in.
You pulled out his belt, smiling and snapping it. This could be useful.
You moved to where he stood, wrapping yourself behind him. "How well you listen, Levi." You slammed his upper body down onto the desk, pulling his hips up. His ass was on full display in the air, as perky as you imagined. Taking two fingers, you shoved them up is mouth.
Levi didn't need a command, his tongue went right to work. He wrapped it around your fingers while he moaned, pushing his hips against you and your cock.
"cheeky, cheeky." You smirked taking your free hand to grab his ass. Finally satisfied you pulled her fingers from his mouth.
"more..." His voice rasped out. "More? I haven't even started." With that you pushed your fingers into his tight hole. You began scissoring them, watching as he twitched beneath you. His breathing became louder the more you curled. Then you hit his prostate and he cried out, gasping at the intense pleasure you gave him.
Your fingers pulled out, and you reached for the belt that you had placed beside him for such a moment. "Tch, y/n please you must-" you reared the belt back and slammed it forward, the belt bouncing off his ass with a thrup! Sound. He gasped delightedly, his cheek pressed up against the cold metal of his desk.
Again you reared down, jolting his body. "You." Slap. "Think." Slap. "That." Slap. "You." Slap. "Can." Slap. "Just." Slap. "Treat." Slap. "People." Slap. "Like." Slap. "Shit." Slap. "Just." Slap. "Because." Slap. "You." Slap. "Are." Slap. "A." Slap. "Squad." Slap. "Leader." Tears streamed from his eyes, ass red and tender.
"you can't." You grabbed his hands from his sides, "and now you're going to be tied up with your own belt, right after you were just spanked with your own belt." You slide the belt around till it was tight enough to only hurt a bit.
Then you you raised his hands directly over his head. This was used as something to grip onto while you fucked him.
Her other hand made sure you two were properly aligned, and with little more than a grunt you thrusted in. A breath released from his body, a shout escaped his lips as you bottomed out.
You waited several seconds, gently stroking his face and cooing to him, waiting. Finally he nodded, telling you everything you needed to know. You pulled back, almost completely out, save for the tip before you plowed into him.
Your hips thrusted- hard and faster. The only way Levi Ackerman deserved- rough. Each time you bottomed out he grunted and it became a steady rhythm of grunts.
"nnnuh...nuuhhnn..ahhh..." He was drooling, each hit of his prostate weakening his resolve a bit more and making him a bit more needy for more.
Your position made it almost impossible for him to move and he could really only met your thrusts. "Harder!" He gasped out, tears running down his face, drool dripping from his mouth.
Your hand reached around and tugged along his dick, high pitched whines now leaving the captains mouth. "Y/n! Y/n I'm so close please, please." You bent down and bit into his shoulder, causing another Yelp to leave the squad leader.
"cum, bitch." You whispered to his ear and with a cry Levi Ackerman came, his eyes practically crossing as he painted his chest and desk white.
He laid their several seconds, breathing harshly and listening to the sounds of your praises. He was a good boy, he was. He was your good boy now, all yours.
Gently you helped him up and into his shower, fully discarding his bottoms and your strap, to take back to your room to wash.
You cleaned, scrubbed, and were as gentle as possible, making sure to help him to his bed.
You pulled your shirt over your head. "I can stay till you leave for breakfast...if you want that is but-" he cut you off. "Tch...Stay as long as you want." He pulled himself up and onto his elbows. "Especially since you didn't cum."
You raised a brow. "Levi, I appreciate it, but I don't think you're read yet...I mean- we-" again he cut you off. "Y/n, my mouth is always ready."
You paused. He was right, you hadn't cum and not very often did the people you slept with care. He was offering his mouth to you- not that Levi surprised you much- he was very caring and it seemed natural he'd be that way in bed.
You smiled and tugged off your shirt. "I hope you're hungry." You crawled into the bed, barely having to do a damn thing as Levi simply hoisted you up- as if you weighed nothing- and sat you on his face.
His nose carded through your folds- parting them for his tongue. Your hips buckled against him, thighs closing around his face. His hands came up and wrapped around them, pressing them together.
"Fuck, Levi." You moaned as his tongue licked from your hole to your clit, where he sucked for several seconds. Again he pushed his nose up into you, allowing you to ride his face and practically suffocate him. "God, you're so good." You squealed, yanking at his raven locks. He had definitely done this before and definitely knew how good he was.
He hummed into you, pushing you down each time your hips buckled up. Finally it seemed he had enough with your erratic movements before he flipped you into your back and moved so that he was on his stomach, mouth never leaving your core.
Your legs wrapped around his head as he ate, each time dipping his head in deeper to your core. His tongue fucked your hole with urgency, meaning, desire and finally with one final plunge you came, wetting his face.
He pulled away, allowing you to sit up. Your legs were shaky, but you moved so that you were directly in front of him. You licked your juices from his face, meeting him in a chaste kiss.
"Maybe I should be more harsh on you cadets more often." He spoke hurriedly as she pushed him down. You tutted. "Did you really learn nothing, my sweet boy?" He shrugged allowing you to pin his hands down above him.
"What can I say? I am the leader of the brats."
Erwin frowned at his friend and colleague. The two had been eating breakfast together and everything had seemed rather ordinary until Erwin noticed a bruise on the side of Levi's neck.
"uh..Levi?" Levi glanced up. "Where did you get that bruise?" Levi frowned at Erwin. "What bruise?" Erwin rolled his eyes impatiently. "The one on your neck."
"Hello everyone! I hope everyone slept well!" Hanji appeared interrupting the conversation. She slid into a chair on the other side of Levi, smiling happily.
Erwin made a few more glances at Levi's neck, but felt it best to leave it, lest he be smitted by the all powerful Levi Ackerman.
A/n: BARK BARK BARK okay I definitely got a bit...carried away. Anyways I hope you enjoyed this, thanks for reading, and pls feel free to give critism!
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zintranslations · 3 years
Kaleidoscope of Death, Ch. 111
Kaleidoscope of Death by Xi Zixu Link to Chinese / Novel Updates
Chapter 111: Doll Mary
There wasn’t much in the backpack. Lin Qiushi forced his trembling hands to steady, and very quickly found what he was looking for—a pale silver gun. It looked no different from a normal gun, and there were three bullets in it.
This was an item that Lin Qiushi had gotten off someone else in the human oil lamp door. Though he had yet to use it, he and Ruan Nanzhu both guessed that this was a rare item of destruction allowed inside the doors, and was very valuable.
The Hako Onna's cry had came from the kitchen, meaning she was not on the second floor. The thing in the chest before them, therefore, was likely a Hakobito. And Hakobito could be killed.
Lin Qiushi could only take the gamble, but even if he lost this bet, he still had one last trick up his sleeve. At this point Liang Miye could no longer keep her hold on Ruan Nanzhu. She'd used up all her strength, managing to slow Ruan Nanzhu just a little, and could only turn to Lin Qiushi with anxious eyes.
Lin Qiushi took a deep breath, stood up, and turned toward the chest. He pulled the trigger in his hand.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Three loud gunshots were followed by a terrible cry. The bullets from Lin Qiushi's handgun pierced the wooden chest, blowing three holes, large and black, into the lid. The Hakobito hidden inside screamed, and red blood began seeping out through the holes, drizzling into a puddle on the ground.
Ruan Nanzhu's steps seemed to slightly stall on account on this commotion, but then he continued heading for the chest.
Lin Qiushi's stomach sank. Gritting his teeth, he dived forward.
Liang Miye saw what Lin Qiushi was doing and only blinked at first without comprehension. But as soon as she realized, she faltered in shock: "Linlin—You—"
Before she could even finish speaking, she saw Lin Qiushi take hold of the wooden lid. Before Ruan Nanzhu could get close, he'd opened the chest.
It had to be said—though he'd been mentally prepared, Lin Qiushi's heart still stopped the moment the lid came off. He saw what was inside…an utterly contorted human with all its limbs broken. It was stuffed in a strange position inside the cramped little box, and both its eyes had turned a terrifying grey, like they were just two black cavities, staring wide and unwilling to die…On its forehead, there was a large, bloody hole—evidently put there earlier by Lin Qiushi's gun.
Lin Qiushi stood frozen for a couple of seconds before realizing that he was okay. Then he exhaled long and deep, relaxing his tensed-up body. He turned around to look at Ruan Nanzhu, whose steps had also paused.
Ruan Nanzhu stayed standing where he was. A shift came upon his expression as he gradually pulled himself out of that irregular state of mind. Some moments later, his lips parted, and he spoke in a raspy voice:
"I…What did I do just now?"
When she heard his voice, Liang Miye knew the effect of the Hako Onna's power was over. Like Lin Qiushi she let out a long breath and also collapsed onto the ground.
"Zhu Meng, you were almost done for!"
A bit addled, Ruan Nanzhu fumbled, "I…"
Then, after another round of silence, he finally completely rid himself of the Hako Onna's influence.
"She got me?!"
"Yes." Lin Qiushi looked up at him. "Good thing I brought the prop in…"
He'd never concretely realized before the importance of props, and knew well now these things really could save lives. Had it not been for the gun, then either he or Ruan Nanzhu would have croaked.
Reaching up, Ruan Nanzhu pinched the bridge of his nose. He stared at the chest that Lin Qiushi had opened and seemed to grind his teeth a bit.
"Even if she had me, you can't just open the chest like this—"
What if using the gun on the chest hadn't worked? Then wouldn't Lin Qiushi have been screwed?!
Lin Qiushi put on an irreproachable expression, saying, "but I was sure the Hakobito was dead. Why couldn't I open it?"
"Don't think you can treat me like Cheng Qianli."
Ruan Nanzhu was no idiot, and wasn't so easily fooled. How could he not know what Lin Qiushi had done?
Lin Qiushi also couldn't be sure of the prop gun's efficacy, so he'd made a bet with his own life. If it hadn't worked, he'd have traded his own life for Ruan Nanzhu's.
"If you insult Cheng Qianli, I'm telling his brother on you." Lin Qiushi got up off the ground and glanced at the chest behind him. "Can we clean this mess up or something? We can't just leave it in our room, right?"
"If this door is like before, then after we leave for a while this thing will be gone." Liang Miye had plenty of experience there.
"Great, then let's discuss things somewhere else."
Lin Qiushi got up.
Ruan Nanzhu still wasn't looking too happy, so Lin Qiushi rushed over with hugs and kisses, saying he really was so terrified just now, and had it not been for the gun then things would've been really, really bad.
But Ruan Nanzhu's expression stayed dark, and he wasn't speaking. No matter how Lin Qiushi coaxed him, he kept silent, evidently displeased with how Lin Qiushi opened the chest without consulting him just now.
There was nothing Lin Qiushi could do in the end. He could only hope that Ruan Nanzhu would stop being angry after a bit of time.
They moved into another room and began discussing this matter.
"Do you two still remember the rules for Hako Onna?" Ruan Nanzhu said, brows furrowed. "The one about sharing information?"
"I do," Liang Miye said. "You mean to say…"
Ruan Nanzhu, "I suspect the rule inside now are not so different from the one back then."
"How so?" Liang Miye asked.
When playing the tabletop, everybody sat at the same table. This made it so that when one player picked a card from the box, they could choose whether or not to share the information. There was a major advantage to sharing information—all players knew the situation of the items. However, when information was shared, the person playing Hako Onna also gained the same information, and knew which items the players had.
"So you mean the Hako Onna also knows everything we've disclosed?" Liang Miye's eyes went wide. "That's right, every time we've shared information it’s been in the dining room. The kitchen's right next door!"
"She must know, or she wouldn't have picked me," Ruan Nanzhu said. "At least for now, I'm the only one who's been acting like I know all the rules in detail."
If she could successfully get rid of Ruan Nanzhu, then all of the Hako Onna's next moves would come much easier, because nobody among the players would know what the powers written on the cards even meant.
"But isn't that too much like cheating?" Lin Qiushi's brows were furrowed. The doors would never deliberately set up a dead end, and didn't not knowing the rules to a tabletop basically mean there was no solution?
"Yes, that's why I think we're missing a key piece of information," Ruan Nanzhu said. "Even if I'm not here, there must be another way of knowing the rules to the game. But we haven't been able to find the rulebook yet, or perhaps…"
"Or perhaps it's already been found, but the person who's found it hasn't announced it!" Liang Miye exclaimed. "Could that be the case?"
Ruan Nanzhu nodded.
"But why would that person hide the rules?" Lin Qiushi asked. "Or rather, how could they be certain that they'd make it out this door…"
"That's purely a question of probability," Ruan Nanzhu said. "That person doesn't have to guarantee they'll make it out, they just have to make sure they're the last to die."
Once only a single person was left inside a door, then the door's rule would kick in. That person could open any chest they wanted at that point because they'd have entered a state of invincibility.
After listening to Ruan Nanzhu's analysis, neither Lin Qiushi nor Liang Miye spoke.
"Of course, this is all just my guess." Ruan Nanzhu flipped his palms up. "Maybe we're all wrong, and the door's difficulty level's just greatly increased."
"Damn," Liang Miye sighed. "I'm too scared to even imagine what it would be like going into the tenth door without the hint…"
Much less the eleventh.
As the three were speaking, there came a call from the hallway. Somebody was calling for Zhu Meng and Yu Linlin and asking if they were alright; it seemed that someone from downstairs had come at the sound of gunshots.
"I'll go take a look," Liang Miye said, standing up.
"Go ahead, tell them we're fine," Ruan Nanzhu said. "I want to talk to him alone."
He pointed at Lin Qiushi.
Liang Miye could sense something off in the atmosphere between the two, and knew Ruan Nanzhu must still be angry at Lin Qiushi for risking his own safety earlier. Smiling, she said, "alright, but don't talk for too long."
She got up, left the room, and even closed the door for them behind her.
Lin Qiushi didn't know what Ruan Nanzhu was about to say, so before Ruan Nanzhu could speak, he quickly made a pause gesture with his hands.
"Nanzhu, before you say anything, let me ask you one question."
Ruan Nanzhu, "hm?"
Lin Qiushi, "if the same thing happened to me, would you open the chest for me before I get to it?"
Ruan Nanzhu sank into silence. They were both quite clear on the answer to this question.
If there was only one piece of chocolate, he'd break off half for Lin Qiushi and hide the other half. Tomorrow, he'd still give that other half to Lin Qiushi.
"So don't be angry," Lin Qiushi said, soothing Ruan Nanzhu's emotions. "We both know exactly what the other would do. Alright, Nanzhu?"
"I just want you to live," Ruan Nanzhu said. "At least, don't die because of me."
Watching Ruan Nanzhu's eyes, Lin Qiushi spoke quietly: "Something like that's happened before?"
Ruan Nanzhu's lips pressed together. Just when Lin Qiushi thought he wouldn't respond, he nodded.
Lin Qiushi didn't know what to say. Could only reach out and pull him into a hug.
"He had a three year old daughter," Ruan Nanzhu said. "I was still weak back then."
Lin Qiushi had never heard Ruan Nanzhu mention these things, and knew they must have been buried inside Ruan Nanzhu's heart for a very long time.
Words were flimsy in moments like this. Lin Qiushi didn't speak, only held onto Ruan Nanzhu as tightly as he could, trying to give him strength.
Dong, dong, dong. From outside there came knocks at the door. Liang Miye called: "Are you guys done or what? Can I come in now?"
"It's only been three minutes, how can we be done?" Ruan Nanzhu returned. "Who do you think I am, your boss?"
Liang Miye, "…" Buddy, didn't you know a bit too much?
Though that was what they said, the two still opened the door. Liang Miye and Sun Yuanzhou were standing outside with peculiar expressions.
Sun Yuanzhou's in particular—he was scanning Ruan Nanzhu up and down, as if trying to spot some hint of queerness on Ruan Nanzhu's body.
Ruan Nanzhu completely ignored his gaze and toppled straight into Lin Qiushi's arms.
"Did you want something?"
"Someone's found another item," Sun Yuanzhou said. "We wanted to ask you how it's used."
Ruan Nanzhu asked, "what item?"
Sun Yuanzhou, "a fire extinguisher."
At those three words, Ruan Nanzhu, Lin Qiushi, and Liang Miye's eyes all lit up.
"What, it's a useful item?" Sun Yuanzhou too could tell the three were happy.
"Of course," Ruan Nanzhu explained. "That item can stop one of Hako Onna's actions."
"What do you mean?" Sun Yuanzhou asked. "Be more specific."
"I'll give you an example. I was hit by a power just now," Ruan Nanzhu said. "Hako Onna used 'Open This' on me."
Sun Yuanzhou's expression spasmed. "What did you just say?? How are you still here then—did you find another item??"
"No, we resolved it with an item we brought in ourselves," Ruan Nanzhu said. "You heard the gun just now, yes?"
"Mh." Sun Yuanzhou finally calmed down at this. "Continue."
"Once you've used the fire extinguisher, the Hako Onna's power will be interrupted," Ruan Nanzhu said. "Meaning that for one round, her power is rendered useless."
Sun Yuanzhou gave this some thought.
"Then how many times can the Hako Onna use her powers?"
"That we're not sure of," Ruan Nanzhu said. "In the game, she can only use each power once before she has to return it to the card pile. She has to pick it again to keep using it." His finger tapped at his chin. "But we don't know about inside the door."
"Oh," Sun Yuanzhou nodded.
"That's right," Ruan Nanzhu said. "My friend actually did open up a new item, but don't tell anybody else."
"What?" Sun Yuanzhou hadn't expected Ruan Nanzhu to say that.
"It's a little cloth toy called the Doll Mary," Ruan Nanzhu said. "It's an item to help Hako Onna pass on…But if Hako Onna finds out, it'll be more troublesome."
"Then why are you telling me?" Sun Yuanzhou looked around, brows furrowing. "You're not worried she's hiding in one of the chests in here?"
"She's in the kitchen," Ruan Nanzhu said. "If you find Hako Onna's bones, you have to tell me. Once I've helped her pass on, we can all go out."
"Okay," Sun Yuanzhou nodded.
The two traded a few more pieces of intel before parting ways.
After Sun Yuanzhou left, Lin Qiushi turned to Ruan Nanzhu in astonishment.
"When did you find the Doll Mary?"
The Doll Mary was Hako Onna's favorite stuffed doll, and was one of the most critical items in the game. With the Doll Mary, once Hako Onna's bones were found, they could help her pass on, unlock the mansion, and get out of here.
"I haven't found it," Ruan Nanzhu shrugged.
Lin Qiushi blinked, then understood Ruan Nanzhu's meaning.
"You're suspecting…"
"Sh." Ruan Nanzhu made a sign to keep quiet.
Lin Qiushi didn't say anything else.
Watching the two's interaction, Liang Miye was utterly confused. She too knew the use of the Doll Mary, but she couldn't figure out why Ruan Nanzhu wanted to lie to the others and say he'd already found it.
But it seemed like Ruan Nanzhu wasn't planning on explaining either, so Liang Miye didn't bother asking anymore. It wasn't like Ruan Nanzhu would intentionally sabotage the others.
The day passed just like that. Nobody opened any chests in the afternoon, so there were no other noteworthy incidents.
But by dinner time, Lin Qiushi could sense the atmosphere in the whole house was bad. Those who hadn't eaten for two days were practically green with envy as they stared at those eating at the table.
Xiao Ji had become a bit annoyed from all the staring, and spoke candidly: "What use is there if you just stare? Why don't you go open a chest of your own and come eat something?"
Two days were doable, but three days was a bit difficult. Honestly the door really was quite impressive, for being able to come up with such a method to force them into action.
Lin Qiushi guessed they could last at most one more day. By day four, people would definitely crumble under the pressure and open a chest.
"Wei Xiude, you goddamn bastard!" At the sight of Wei Xiude happily chowing down, the starved and panicking newbies were filled with resentment. "You're the one who brought us in here, and this is how you're going to treat us? Didn't you say you were experienced?!"
Against accusations like this, Wei Xiude was utterly unmoved. He only replied, perfectly collected, "murder is not allowed inside the doors. If you kill a teammate, then you'll definitely die once your teammate becomes a ghost."
This was clearly him telling these people that if they wanted to kill him, they'd better get a good gauge of their own abilities first.
The group looked like they wanted nothing more than to tear him to pieces, but could do nothing about it.
After dinner, everybody dispersed.
Lin Qiushi and Ruan Nanzhu too returned to their room, getting into bed to rest.
There were a total of twenty living people in the mansion right now, eleven of whom had opened chests. The remaining nine were still holding out. The three dead people had all become Hakobito, but during the day, Lin Qiushi had gotten rid of one, so there were two Hakobito left.
Of the people who'd opened the chests today, there were no losses, but Lin Qiushi had a feeling that something was bound to happen tomorrow. Starvation, after all, could drive people crazy. The Hako Onna surely wouldn't let this opportunity pass her by.
Currently, two of Hako Onna's powers had been released. There were also two items: one was the gasoline, and one was the fire extinguisher. Their bounty from the day was one digit for the strongbox passcode.
After compiling what they knew, Lin Qiushi planned to go to sleep. Ruan Nanzhu slipped into his bed again, arms wrapping around his waist and quietly playing the lech: "Linlin's waist is so thin."
Lin Qiushi said, "…"
Ruan Nanzhu, "it's very good to hold."
Lin Qiushi bent down and gave him a kiss.
"Go to sleep."
Ruan Nanzhu smiled, closed his eyes, and went to sleep.
They'd thought these people could hold out until the next day, at least, but when midnight came, a terrible scream sounded downstairs.
For a second after Lin Qiushi was woken by the cry, he was frozen. Only when Ruan Nanzhu woke too did he say, "they opened a chest?"
"Most likely." Ruan Nanzhu rubbed at his eyes. "And I thought they'd last 'til morning."
There was food in the kitchen refrigerator, but likewise, those who had not opened chests could not eat it. These people likely hadn't been able to last until the morning, and pressed forth by starvation, opened up a chest. It just seemed that they weren't so lucky.
The cries were coming from the kitchen. When Lin Qiushi got there, he saw a young woman weeping on top of a chest, calling: "Xiao Qian, Xiao Qian—"
Lin Qiushi recalled that she was one of the newbies that Wei Xiude brought in, along with another guy called Xiao Qian. They'd seemed close, and were most likely a couple on the outside.
"Xiao Qian, Xiao Qian!" The girl was banging on the wooden chest with all her strength, crying so hard her whole body seemed to be spasming. Next to her, there was a card and a half-eaten piece of bread.
Undoubtedly, it was as they'd predicted. The couple couldn't take the hunger anymore and came to the kitchen, selecting two chests to open. After opening them, one was dragged inside by either the Hako Onna or one of the Hakobito.
Ruan Nanzhu came to her side, bent down, and picked up the card. He saw what was written on it: My Doll Mary. Lin Qiushi saw the words on the card too, and sucked in a sharp breath.
"That's the power they opened up?"
"It was bound to happen."
Ruan Nanzhu seemed calm at least, putting the card away with a slip of his hand.
The girl was still crying, and soon enough, the kitchen was full of people. Sun Yuanzhou was there too, coming over to ask, "did he find the Hako Onna or one of the Hakobito?"
The girl wasn't answering, just kept banging on the chest.
Sun Yuanzhou yanked her to her feet.
"Can you wake the hell up? If you really want to join him, just go open up that chest!"
Numbly, the girl turned to look behind her. Her sobbing finally halted.
"Was it a Hakobito, or the Hako Onna inside?" Sun Yuanzhou continued to ask.
"I don't know," the girl answered.
"How can you not know?" Sun Yuanzhou frowned.
"I was eating," the girl said. "I looked away for one second, and he was dragged inside."
As soon as she finished speaking, the sound of her lover's scream came from inside the chest.
"Help me, it hurts! Xiao Mei, it hurts so bad, please help me—"
This was entirely a human's voice. The moment Xiao Mei heard it, her face went pale. She turned and lunged for the box, but Sun Yuanzhou caught her in a tight grip.
"Wei Xiude, you're the one who brought her in. Are you not gonna fucking do anything?" Sun Yuanzhou yelled.
But Wei Xiude just smiled.
"We're all adults here. Why do you always want to make someone responsible?"
Sun Yuanzhou, "you motherf—"
Rolling up his sleeve, he was all ready to fight. But someone next to him stopped him.
"Forget it, don't bother with an asshole like this," Sun Yuanzhou's friend said with a nasty look. "He'll get his sooner or later."
Sun Yuanzhou spat at Wei Xiude's feet.
That Xiao Mei just sat silently on the ground, woodenly staring at the chest before her. Ruan Nanzhu watched her for while, before slowly approaching and saying something into her ear.
It was only then that Xiao Mei's numb expression was gradually siphoned away. Grief morphed into fury, and she turned a dark, spine-chilling look on the departing Wei Xiude.
"What did you say to her?" Lin Qiushi asked.
"Nothing much," Ruan Nanzhu said. "People need some kind of purpose to live, whether it's happiness or anger."
Lin Qiushi sank into silence. For a moment, he didn't know what to say at all.
Author's Note:
I wonder if any veterans here can guess what Ruan Nanzhu's planning to do _(:3∠)_ Heheheh
Translator’s Note:
The title of this chapter actually translates as “Miss Mary,” and they call the item “Miss Mary” throughout the chapter. In the Hako Onna tabletop rulebook though, the card is called Doll Mary, so I went with that instead. Also, I haven’t been able to find the particular power card that Xiao Mei opened up, so “My Doll Mary” is a translation (”我的瑪麗小姐” / “My Miss Mary” or “Miss Mary is Mine”), and might not be the official name.
Names in this chapter:
Xiǎo Qiān / Xiao(3) Qian(1) / 小謙
Xiǎo Méi / Xiao(3) Mei(2) / 小玫
her name also means Rose (玫瑰)
[Ch. 110] | [Ch. 112]
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lunarastrobabe · 4 years
Joel Miller x F!Reader: Sleepless Night
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(Fluff/Angst) (Age Difference)  (Warning: Details of smut included) 
Joel sat down on one of the chairs on his porch, clutching his guitar in one hand, and coffee in the other in his well-known owl mug. Letting out a heavy sigh, with tired eyes and set the guitar by his feet, taking a sip from his drink. He had struggled sleeping the past few nights due to the last patrol he had went on with [Y/N]. The memory of her getting jumped by runners and her cries for help traumatised him. Thanks to him, he saved her life. It wasn’t the first time he had saved her or risked his life to keep her safe, he was determined to protect her. Since that day, he’s been avoiding her. He had never spoken to her openly about his past, and he knows if these feelings keep growing, he would regret not talking sooner. 
He remembered when she had arrived at Jackson a year and a half ago, being only 25 and having no family, she found it hard adjusting to new people, new faces. After a few months, she settled right in, getting to know Ellie and Dina and helping out on patrols with them every now and then, and having a brotherly-sisterly bond with Tommy. He took her in to his house, she didn’t know anybody and Joel was the first person she had met, feeling he was trustworthy. 
Staring at the dark liquid he swirled it around in circles not noticing you had went looking for him, she stood in the doorway of the front door, her hand on the doorframe. 
“Joel?” Her quiet tone was like music to his ears. Jackson was peaceful, most of the area was asleep, snow covered the ground like a blanket. He jumped a little at her presence, but relaxed realising it who it was. 
“Evenin’.” He says, setting his almost empty mug of coffee on the small wooden table, which was now cold from the length of time he was lost in his thoughts. His voice was rough, feeling exhausted from the lack of rest. 
“Can’t sleep?” She asked, closing the door behind her, keeping quiet as possible not to wake up the nearby neighbours and took a seat beside him. He shook his head at the question. “No.” 
She pulled her jacket closer around her body and crossed her leg over the other. Joel shifted in his seat a little, clearing his throat. She looked over at him, watching the wind go through his soft, silver hair. His heart skipped a beat, feeling her eyes scanning him, he leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. 
“I never said this before but,” She started, moving her hair from her face. “Thank you, for saving my ass again.” He turned his head, looking over at her, he had missed that smile, he had missed her laughter when they would patrol and she’d throw snowballs at him. Seeing her around Jackson, having that friendship with Ellie and Dina, offering to take dangerous patrol areas to keep the town safe. Risking her life multiple times to save others. The sound of her name or the sound of his name being spoken by her, feeling a sense of new-found love and happiness, something he missed experiencing a long time ago. 
“S’alright darlin’.” He gave her a half smile, his hazel eyes filled with fear, and pain, he masked it well and she noticed. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from her, the way her eyelashes fluttered, or when her nose would scrunch up when it was cold, or when they would sit by the fireplace while he strummed his guitar. 
“Um, Joel?” She looked at her lap and fiddled with her fingers. He sat up in his chair, his hands resting on his thighs. “Is everything okay? I haven’t .. seen you, for a while.” Her words had a nervous feeling to it. He exhaled heavily. He had to tell her what was going on in his mind, the thought of her blaming herself for his avoidance was already worrying him. He was the only one she trusted with anything, especially from the start. Every night, if she needed his comfort, his in particular, he would be there for her, he’d make coffee for her and sit with her and let her vent to him about anything that bothered her. He never wants her to feel alone, and during that time of knowing her, he fell in love, and he knew he was, he kept it inside, fear of losing her, like he had lost Sarah and Tess. 
“Let’s go inside and talk this out.” He stood up, taking his guitar gently in his hand and the empty mug, guiding her back in the house. The heat from the lit fireplace warmed up the room. Kicking off his shoes, he set the guitar next to the couch, and went to the kitchen to make the coffee, keeping up the tradition. She sat on the couch and patiently waited for him to return, admiring the large bookcases. Sounds of spoons clinking together and the shuffling of his feet across the floor made her smile. 
Joel returned, holding two mugs of hot coffee and placing them on coasters on the small coffee table. Her eyes watched his every move, thanking him for the drink, smiling to herself, he remembered to put some cinnamon in her drink, that being her favourite. The curtains were shut and there was silence between the both of them, the fire was the only sound in the room. She sat cross-legged and turned her body to face his, holding the mug in her hands tightly warming up her cold fingertips, waiting for him to explain.
He sat there for a while, figuring out how to explain his behaviour to her, the guilt inside of him eating him away. A sad expression washed across his face. She frowned and looked down at her drink. 
He set his mug on the coaster again, letting out a sigh and looking over at her. He felt her eyes burning into him, as if they were looking into his soul. “That day, when the infected attacked you,” He always found it hard expressing his true feelings when it came to people he cared deeply about, afraid that more loss and more pain would return. She listened to him, she really listened, understanding every word he was saying. “watching you struggle and cry, it-, it terrified me. Terrified of what would happen if, I hadn’t stopped it.” A glistened look covered his eyes, he kept his composure, trying to stop himself from breaking down. 
She set her mug beside his, taking in what he had just told her. As he continued, “I’ve had, a great deal of loss, fighting to survive all these years, but, also fighting to protect you,” He rubbed his bearded chin with his hand. “I don’t want those things, out there, to turn you into one of them.” He pointed to the window, gesturing to outside. His thick Texan accent growing deeper, the difficulty expressing this made his stomach flutter. 
She swallowed the lump in her throat, feeling touched by his words and realising, she meant more to him than he let on. She was patient with him, knowing he was closed off, always kept to himself, no matter the situation. He was more worried about the feelings and well-being of others than his own. 
“But, why me?” She asked softly, he knew she appreciated everything he’s done and still doing for her and for her safety. Her actions of being there for him when he needed her was enough proof. Actions speak louder than words. His brows furrowed at her question. Keeping her eyes down, away from looking into his eyes. 
“You go through near-death experiences when it’s us together, you’ve slain multiple clickers and bloaters, you’re so hell-bent on keeping me as close as possible to you. There are other people who need more protection than I do.” She felt guilty for causing him to put himself through horrible situations, feeling like she was forcing him to look after her. “I just, feel like a burden.” She bit her lip, worried at his response. 
“Look at me,” He whispered in a raspy tone. When she refused to look into his eyes, he spoke once again. “Darlin’.” That little pet name was a little secret that only they knew about. He reached over, tucking hair behind her ear and turning her face to look at him, a hand resting on her cheek. His large, warm, rough hands felt like a security blanket to her. All the anxiety and stress he felt, washed away when his skin came into contact with hers. 
“You ain’t ever been a burden.” His eyes stared into hers, all he ever wanted to do was love her, make her feel special. His body shifted position. She had no trouble opening up to him in the past, he knew her like the back of his hand, he knew about her family, her childhood, the trauma she experienced, he felt deeply connected with her, they both had experienced loss. 
There have been times where he’s had thoughts of making love to her, just to hold her close to his body, being as gentle as possible. The dream of pushing her against the wall, both their hands hungrily grabbing at each others clothes to tear them away. Her pushing him closer to press his hard-on against her core, to feel how much he wanted her. Grabbing at her thighs as she’d grind herself against him, her soaked panties staining his jeans. Curiosity being a main factor, wishing to know what she tasted like and what he tasted like between the sheets. To graze his lips across her skin, to feel her body tense up underneath him when hitting her high, her nails digging into his skin as he pushed in and out of her. He longed to hear her soft moans, her calling his name as he made her his own, tangling fingers through her hair. He never wanted to let her go. She had never laid with a man before, as she had told him subtly in the past. She had been having those thoughts and feelings towards him just as much as he did. Her having no experience with sex in general speak, in her mind, she knew exactly what she would do. 
He took her face in his hands, rubbing her cheek with his thumb, he didn’t like feeling vulnerable, but it was overpowering, he wanted to kiss her, right there, right now. She slowly moved her position and kneeled in front of him, his hands sticking to her like glue. She moved little bit closer. 
“You promise?” She whispered, his skin covered in goosebumps, feeling the closeness of their faces just inches apart. Her lips hovering over his. 
“Yes.” He replied. She was now in a crawling position, her hands finding their way into his lap then moving them to his grey t-shirt, running her hands up his chest and finally resting them on his shoulders. His breath was shaky, waiting for it to finally happen. 
And there it was, his lips brushed against hers, his facial hair tickling her mouth. It was slow and innocent at first, his body tensed but relaxed, both getting used to what was happening in the moment. He pulled back for a moment, feeling a little embarrassed at the sudden urge. His eyes flickered from her eyes to her lips. Licking his own, wanting to taste her fully, she wrapped her arms around his neck, leaning her body weight on his chest, his arms snaked their way around her waist, holding her tight, worried if he let go, she would disappear. She let out a slight giggle, leaving him with a comforted feeling that she wasn’t rejecting him. 
“Kiss me again, cowboy.” The use of the word ‘cowboy’ surged through his veins, kissing her once again, his tongue diving in taking dominance. His grunts and her moans against the kiss was too much to bare. Feeling beads of sweat on his forehead and her heavy panting, he pulled back and looked once again in her eyes. 
“Take me.” She ran her fingers across his lips, his mouth curving at the side with a smile. 
“You sure?” His fingers ran up and down her sides. 
“Show me what you’ve got.” Replying as she kissed the corner of his mouth. 
That burning feeling of lust, desire and attraction possessed them. Feeling a sense of love in his heart, he felt whole. 
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When the End Comes, III
(Chapter 1) (Chapter 2)
Chapter 3: Bitter Water
Goddamn, her hand hurt. Were his abs made of granite or something?
Kagome flapped her throbbing hand as she ran, as though she could shake off the pain in her knuckles, and made a beeline for her car. She could see it now, the little gray Honda Fit that had essentially become her home. She was maybe a hundred feet away from it.
Willing her legs to move faster in a final burst of speed, Kagome didn’t even try to swerve around the people standing in her path: she clipped several shoulders and nearly shoved a man over without breaking her stride. Seventy feet became thirty feet became fifteen feet… Fumbling with the key fob in the pocket of her jeans, she felt a fluttering hope in the pit of her stomach. She was going to make it!
The headlights flashed twice as the car unlocked. Kagome stretched her arm forward, her fingers wrapping around the handle of the driver’s side door…
Just as the door started to swing open, a clawed hand shot out from behind her and slammed it closed again.
She yelped as she was none-too-gently shoved against the side of her car, her cheek pressed flat against the warm metal. A body pressed in behind her, and warm breath fanned the side of her face.
“Fucking hell,” the man snarled as his hands gripped both her wrists, pulling her arms behind her back. He wrestled the key fob from her clenched fingers, pocketed it in his jeans.
“I was wrong, you are stupid,” he grunted as he started lashing her wrists together with some kind of rope—it felt thick and almost elastic, like a bungee cord.
She tried to shove away from the car, tried to wrench her hands free. But he was so strong, it was like trying to muscle through a brick wall. His body kept her effortlessly pinned as he finished knotting the rope around her wrists.
Frustration and the sour bite of panic rose in her throat. Her stomach clenched hard. Her wrists were tied back-to-back, the knuckles of each hand pressed together, palms facing outward; the position twisted her forearms and elbows at an uncomfortable angle, limiting her arms' range of motion as effectively as the rope itself. Tears pricked at her eyes, and she grit her teeth.
“Right, how stupid of me,” she seethed, “to run away from a kidnapper.”
She felt him step back. His hand gripped her shoulder and he tugged her around to face him.
The silver of his hair nearly glowed in the afternoon light. His ears twitched, shifting atop his head as though analyzing every sound around them. His jaw—sharp and defined—looked tense, like he was trying not to grind his teeth. Those golden eyes were narrowed on her face.
But what struck Kagome instantly was the expression on his face. He didn’t look triumphant or sneering, wasn’t gloating down at her the way she’d expected. The way Naraku’s other hunters had looked at her when they’d caught her in the past. No, he was scowling at her as though he was considering a difficult crossword puzzle, sussing out a complicated riddle for which he was rapidly losing patience.
“Tch,” he snorted, “I’m the least of your problems. And that dumb fucking stunt you just pulled was as good as waving a neon sign at a couple of your bigger problems.”
He was yanking on her arm before she could think to respond, dragging her around to the passenger side of the car. He opened the passenger door and forced her inside, taking an extra spare moment to buckle her into the seat. In the time it took her to blink, he’d slammed the door and was already sliding into the driver’s seat, turning the key in the ignition.
“Wh-what are you doing?” she breathed out, tone curiously flat.
“What does it look like I’m doing?” he said, craning his head to look over his shoulder as he backed the car out into the street. In a matter of moments they were zipping down the road.
Sitting there, arms tied behind her back, watching a strange man drive her car—the only thing resembling a safe place left in her life—Kagome struggled to absorb the reality of the situation. She felt strangely detached from herself. The panic and anger she’d felt moments before were peripheral now—still present, but somehow remote, just on the fringes of her awareness—an odd numbness spreading through her in their wake.
So it surprised her—and him, judging by the way his body jolted in his seat—when a bark of laughter erupted from her throat, hollow and bitter. She said with hoarse resignation, “Why don’t you just kill me now?”
His eyes flicked to her, then back to the road in front of him. His knuckles whitened on the steering wheel. He said nothing.
Her left shoulder slumped against the car door, and she rested her temple on the window, staring listlessly at the passing buildings. “Honestly, you’d be doing me a favor at this point.”
“I’m not going to kill you,” he said, tone clipped and terse.
She laughed again. “Sure, that’s why you threatened to slice my throat.”
She kept her gaze on the window, but it sounded to her like he was scowling again when he replied, “I had to get us both out of there fast, and without drawing attention. Fear is a good motivator.” He paused, then added with unmistakable irritation, “You shot all that to hell, though. We’ll be lucky if we make it to the next town without trouble.”
Kagome lifted her head and turned to stare at him. Anger started bleeding through the numbness smothering her brain. “Oh, a thousand apologies for giving you trouble.”
“You gave yourself trouble, idiot.” A growl rumbled up from his chest, and he glared at the windshield in front of him. “Forget the people on the street—do you know how many goddamn cameras there are in public places? It won’t be hard for the right people to find footage of that spectacle you made. You think it’ll be hard for them to track you once they have it?”
She couldn’t do anything but stare at him in disbelief. “Spectacle I made? You abducted me! You tied me up! You—” She stopped, unable to speak around the anger brewing in her chest. Finally she growled low in her throat, “You’re the trouble! Stop with the damn act now. It’s insulting. I know you’re taking me to Naraku.”
He stiffened, arms noticeably tensing. The look he shot her could’ve pierced steel. “I don’t work for that fucking bastard.”
There came the hollow laugh from her throat again, raw and pained. “Right. Never heard that one before.” She felt a tear slide down her cheek, and couldn’t bring herself to care about the weakness it showed.
A beat passed. His voice was still rough, but it had an almost thoughtful quality when he said, “Been tricked by Naraku’s lackeys one too many times, huh?”
When she didn’t respond, he sighed and then said quietly, “Look, I don’t expect you to believe me. But I’m not taking you to Naraku. I swear it.”
They sat in silence for some time. She watched him carefully. His arms were still stiff, his grip on the steering wheel still tight. His eyes kept flicking up to the rearview mirror, despite the fact that traffic had thinned considerably when they reached the more rural outskirts of the suburbs. He certainly looked like someone expecting to be followed.
Why the hell would a hunter working for Naraku act so on edge? And after he’d already captured his quarry?
She didn’t believe him, not really... but eyeing him thoughtfully, she found herself saying, “Let’s pretend I believe you. If you’re not taking me to Naraku, then where are you taking me?”
Golden eyes met and held hers. “Somewhere safe.”
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Call Me Mother, Chapter One
I languidly drained the last breath from my cigarette, the drag filling my lungs. My garter straps hung down lazily, tickling my thighs, as they awaited their purpose. Music thumped rapidly, and whoops of delight resounded through the hall. The dressing room door swung open; a small, but curvaceous woman behind it.
Her eyebrows were tweezed to perfection, eyes deeply shadowed, eyelashes false and curled into large feathery swoops; her mouth was like a plump strawberry. I’d always harbored a mild curiosity about how it tasted.
“Mary, you’re up in 10 minutes. I want you at the curtain in five," Cristella said, her hispanic accent thick.
“Is that a new corset?” I asked. Cristella turned me around, and yanked the laces of my corset together. Thank god I haven’t needed to breathe for the last 150 years, I thought. I floated a small influence her way. Gentler, please. She complied, unwittingly. They always do.
I don’t normally use my influence on people I like, but I’m far too hungry to risk her pinching me with this corset. I couldn’t forgive myself if I lost control. She was far too kind to die a death that violent.
“It is. This papí chulo I’ve been seeing said he wanted me to wear it for him. Maybe he’ll tip better," she said, carefully pulling the slack out of the lower half of my corset. I placed my hands over my belly, holding everything in place.
“What’s the crowd looking like?” I tucked the ties away. She jutted a hip out, and began counting off on her impeccably manicured fingers.
“The usual crowd. Old Man Carraway, that one divorcee who drinks like a fish. College kids. Oh, there’s also these dudes in silver masks. Low-key kind of demonic. And some weird guy in like, face paint? He’s painted up like a calavera. I figured they came from that concert that was in town. You know, the one that church was protesting? Say they like worship Satan or something?”
“Sounds about right." I bent down to attach my straps to the garters of my stockings.
“They’re probably here for a private room, so I figured I’d put you on now. You’re good at handling the weirdos." Cristella giggled, watching me struggle to get the backs of my stockings attached. She and I broke into fits of giggles, as she chased me in circles, trying to help me attach my stockings.
“Let me get that. Hurry up and get on stage!” she said, giving me a playful smack on the ass. I pranced out of the room, trying to avoid her grasping mitts.
“Hey! No bruising the merchandise!” I giggled, linking arms with her as we strutted backstage, perfectly in step with one another. She grabbed the microphone from Mike the Mic Guy, gave me a wink, and stepped through the curtain.
“Aaaaand we’re back! Now, this next lady I’ve got lined up for you is quite a treat. She’s as pale as cream, thicker than a bowl of oatmeal, and will definitely step on you. Well, she might if you tip well. For legal reasons, we can’t call her “Elvira,” so I guess we’ll settle for… MOTHER! MARY!�� That was my cue. I sauntered through the curtain, my hips moving like a figure eight. I moved across the stage, “Lullaby” by the Cure playing. I always chose various genres of rock for my acts. Not that I have anything against the other girls’ music choices… but there’s only so much female rap you can play in one night. As I began to dance, I noticed the group that Cristella had mentioned earlier. They were sitting front and center, near the edge of the stage.
Seven of the masked figures sat around the Painted Man, as I had labeled him. Two of the masked figures seemed effeminate, and the other five seemed more masculine. They all ranged in different shapes and sizes. Maybe the masks are a fetish thing? Cristella did say that they came from a concert… Something about them seemed off. I did a swing around the pole, dropping into a fireman, trying to catch a scent. It was a whirlwind of scents, none of them too out of the ordinary. Except the beefy one. He smelled like midnight. I don’t know how to explain it. What really caught my interest though was the Painted Man. Specifically, his eyes. One of them was grey, the iris almost black. The other eye had a pale, white iris. It suited him, and it was beautiful, in an eerie way. Those eyes looked at me, as I danced around the stage, and they knew me. If I had a working heart still, it would be racing.
As Robert Smith crooned, I descended the stairs of the stage as sensually as one could in Pleaser heels, making my way to the Painted Man. If I wanted to know what these people were, I’d have to get a closer look. The Painted Man patted one of his legs with a gloved hand, and cocked his head to the side. I took the invitation, but not before I teased him. I crouched between his legs, running my hands up his thighs. As I rose, I walked my hands up his thighs, bringing my face closer to his. His breath graced my skin, smelling faintly of licorice. As he leaned in, for what I could only assume was a kiss, I rose again, strutting over to one of the masked beings. It was the smaller of the male ones. I sat in his lap, letting him run his hands over me as I began to grind on his lap. His growing erection told me I was going to have a busy night.
“Your boss is a little too eager," I whispered, getting a good whiff of him. He smelled faintly of smoke. I put my hands on his chest, trying to keep my balance. No heartbeat.
“What makes you think he’s my boss?” The being asked petulantly. He grabbed onto my waist, as he began to grind with me. I moved his hand to the small of my back, and leaned back in a dip. The being ran his other hand over my belly, in between my breasts, and up to my throat, bringing me back up to his masked face.
“You’re the one wearing a uniform." I darted my tongue out to lick my lips. What is he? My mind raced as I tried to run through every supernatural creature I’d ever known. But then I heard it. I barely even understood it. All I picked up was price and one night. It was Ghoulish. The taller female ghoul was asking about what I can only assume was my hourly rate. Most strip clubs in this part of Vegas were just fronts for brothels. However, it’s hard to sell the idea of prostitution to Mid-Western vanilla tourists. So most of my income was made from stripping. I usually had one or two clients I went to bed with a night. It wasn’t very stable, but then again, I had less expenses than the average stripper, considering my “condition."
“Tell your friend my basic hourly rate is $500. My Ghoulish isn’t any good." I stood up, and made my way to the female ghoul’s lap.
“How do you know Ghoulish?” she asked, a bit of surprise in her tone. I bent over in front of her, shaking my ass for her. She put a couple of bills in the waistband of my panties, punching my previous ghoul in the arm. He forked over some cash as well.
“I’m not human. I’ll leave it at that," I said, stuffing the cash into the top of my corset. Dear lord… All hundreds… The female ghoul rubbed my thighs, turning me back around slowly, so as to admire my ass.
“Could we get a room after your number? I think a private dance is in order," she said, in broken Ghoulish. I nodded, and as if on cue, the lights and music began to fade out. As I began to walk back up the stairs to the stage past the Painted Man, his hand darted forward to smack my ass. God, it really is not the night for this shit. My more animalistic nature took over, and before I could stop it, a hiss left my lips. As if of their own accord, my fangs sprung painfully through my gums. I heard a snap, and looked over to see the largest ghoul stand up. He shook his head. Thank god the lights were low. Embarrassed, I covered my mouth, and made my way across the stage.
“What the fuck was that all about?” Mike the Mic Guy asked, handing a mic to Cristella. I still had my hand over my mouth. Cristella looked worried.
“Are you okay Mary? I can get you some tea if you’re keyed up." I shook my head.
“Please get a room ready. The Freak Parade wants a private dance," I said as I walked away, silently cursing myself. Once back in the dressing room, I threw open the mini-fridge I normally kept padlocked. I looked to the last bottle I had left in my stash. Hopefully it hasn’t clotted, I thought, throwing the bottle back. This wouldn’t end my thirst, but it would certainly quell the burning in my throat. You nearly lost it. You need to bag one of these stupid fucks tonight, or else. I hadn’t had a bad case of blood lust in decades, but the combination of winter holidays, my strict schedule, and FOSTA-SESTA had really cut off my food supply.
The door opened, and Cristella came in with a cup of tea. She looked at the flask in her hand and cocked a brow.
“And you didn’t offer to share. What is that? Cuervo? Henny?” she said, reaching for the flask. I shook my head, and put it back in the fridge, closing the padlock.
“It’s cough syrup. I keep it under lock and key because of that bitch Ronnie. She’s not fooling anybody. You ever see how much her hands shake? Too much caffeine? Yeah, right. We all know what the DTs look like." I began changing into a burgundy velvet bra and panty set, pairing it with some burgundy gloves and stockings. Finally, I found a pair of sparkly Loboutins Lydia had left me. My mind rolled back through the streets of Paris to 1991, when Louboutin opened its first salon. Lydia smiled, as I kissed her shin, helping her into the heel. She looked down at me, her eyes full of love, and the corner of her mouth hiding a kiss just for me.
“Yeah, she is pretty suspish. What happened with those weirdos out there?” Cristella interrupted my memory. I shook my head. Are you just imagining your heartache?
“Oh the big guy was just mad because I didn’t get around to him. That’s why I wanted you to get the room. Plus, I might be able to secure a nice check from these guys. They all seemed absolutely randy," I said. Cristella shook her head, giggling. The gloss in my hand made a popping noise, as I pulled the wand from the bottle. It was my favorite flavor, watermelon.
“I can ask one of the boys to sit in, to keep them from getting too handsy," Cristella said. I shook my head. It would only keep me from getting too handsy, I thought to myself. Bless her heart. I could never make a kill here. I loved the crew here far too much. Plus, I didn’t have a coven. No one to protect me when I fucked up. They kicked me out long ago. It’s the main reason I ended up in Vegas, avoiding the sun when I could, doing my best to keep a legal and convenient profession. Where else could get a job with only night shifts, and a never-ending supply of useless assholes no one cared about?
“I’ll be okay Crissy. Even if they do try something, we have a panic button in there. Don’t worry." I gave her a slimy, glossy kiss on the cheek, earning a shriek from her strawberry mouth. She batted at me, narrowly missing me as I bounded out of the room.
As I approached the bigger of our three private rooms, I noticed two of the larger male ghouls standing outside the door. All of the ghouls dressed similarly, including the female ghouls. But I now noticed the alchemical symbols dangling from their belt chains. The shorter one had a quintessence symbol, the other larger one, an earth symbol. The earth one opened the door, and the quintessence one escorted me in.
“Thank you, Aether. Back to the door with you. Come, have a seat. Dewdrop says there is more to you than meets the eye. Let me pour you a glass of wine, cara," a thick, Italian accent beckoned to me. I walked to the ottoman in the middle of the room, where I usually found myself during private dances.
“I don’t drink during work hours, love. Now, what should I call you?” I looked into the mismatched eyes of the Painted Man.
“You can call me Papa. I’m Papa Emeritus, the fourth. My close friends call me Copia, but I suppose we are not quite there yet, sí?” he said, leaning forward to take my chin in his hand. I nodded.
“While I would love to marvel at your undoubtedly exquisite body, There is some business we should take care of first, piccolina. Do you like Type O Negative?” Cue the record scratching. The dreamy look I normally adopt when with my clients evaporated.
“Excuse me?” I whispered. Papa laughed.
“The band, cara. I was going to have you dance for me later. However, you must have a preference."
“I really don’t understand what you mean," I whispered. Papa laughed again, a big booming laugh.
“I know your secret cara. The ghouls told me. One of my predecessors, Papa Nihil, told me if I were to ever come across your kind, I should try to win your allegiance. Your kind have interesting abilities, specifically the power of influence." Of course that’s what he’s after.
“I don’t do that," I said, looking down to avoid his gaze. Papa tsked.
“I think you will. The ghouls say you smell lonely. Where is your famiglia?” He asked. I shook my head. Lydia’s pained screams echoed in my ears, our last moment together wrenching my heart out of my chest decades later.
“We split because of artistic differences," I said softly. Dewdrop and his companions giggled behind me.
“Forcing people to allow you to exsanguinate them for sport is not ‘artistic differences,’” Dewdrop hissed. The other ghouls laughed. Papa shook his head, and raised a hand to silence them.
“Now now, Dewdrop. It is hard to control one’s basic nature. Sí, tesoro? Tell me, how long has it been since your last drink?” He looked at me with concern. I couldn’t meet his eyes. I knew what he saw. Weak, pathetic, useless… The words were like a disgusting mantra, swirling through my mind, angry and acidic.
“Weeks… It’s been weeks," I whispered. He tsked again. I heard the ghouls chatter amongst themselves. Their pity made me feel disgusting, like a child with sweaty, clammy hands, and odorous armpits.
“What if I told you I could offer you a job and a home? A home where you wouldn’t have to hide your nature. A home where you’d never go hungry again?” I looked up at him.
“What kind of job?” I asked. The ghouls laughed again. Papa shot them a glare.
“I would make use of your gifts occasionally. Nobody would get hurt. You would warm my bed whenever I asked. Maybe pick up a trade or two once back with the Clergy. And in turn, you would get protection, and all the blood you could ever need," he said. I finally mustered the courage to look him in the eyes. What do you have to lose? Besides, you’ve done infinitely worse things.
“You swear on your life, nobody will get hurt? Not a single person?” I asked. Papa nodded.
“I’ll do it. I’ll also require a salary as well," I said, extending my hand. Papa nodded, taking my hand in both of his.
“Anything you need, cara. But first, I think you need a drink. And then we will get the night I paid for," he said. He waved his hand towards the door, which the shorter female ghoul scurried to open. I noticed she sported a pocket chain with an air symbol.
“Bring in one of the more rosy siblings, Cumulus. I suspect our new friend will need the sustenance before we get too far into our plans for the night," Cumulus nodded, and shut the door behind her. Papa stood up, and began removing his suit jacket and gloves; rolling up his sleeves. I could see his blue veins pulsating, causing me to become aroused in a way I cannot quite explain. Involuntarily, my pussy throbbed, and my mouth watered.
“Now now, little one. Be patient. Your drink will be here soon enough. But for now, you will seal our little deal with a kiss, so to speak. On your knees," Papa ordered, gesturing to the floor. I slipped from the ottoman to the floor, crawling on all fours to him. His breath hitched as I slid my hands up his thighs. I didn’t break eye contact as I unbuckled his trousers, nor when I reached into his pants to pull out his sizeable cock.
The door opened, and I heard mumbles, as well as a struggle, and a thud. Of course, both my hands and mouth were preoccupied. I watched Papa intently as I sucked him off. His eyes were rolled back, his mouth slack, and his hands threaded into his hair, as he let out an ungodly moan. I kitten licked his frenulum, stroking his shaft, earning another moan. He bucked his hips into my throat. Sit still, I whispered in the back of my mind. Papa grabbed my hair, and pulled me off his cock.
“Never again, my little bat. Continue," he said, grabbing either side of my face as he began to fuck my throat rigourously. Someone behind me cleared their throat. I wasn’t able to look up, due to my current predicament.
“Can’t you see I’m busy, Cirrus? What is it?” Papa let out a grunt, as his cock twitched in my mouth. I began to fellate him with my hands, wrenching more breathy sighs and groans from him. Within seconds, his warm seed was flooding my throat. I heard Dewdrop cheer, and then a slap, which I assumed was a high five. Papa rolled his eyes and smiled, as I dabbed away the bit of cum that had spilled over my bottom lip.
“Just in time. I needed something to wash down all that salt," I stood, and walked over to the person Cumulus and Cirrus stood in front of. It looked like a plumper woman. She was wearing what looked like a nun’s habit, her red ringlets spilling out from under her wimple.
“All for you cara. Come find me when you have finished your meal," Papa walked out, which left me with the ghouls and my prey. Dewdrop, and the other male ghoul, who sported a water symbol, helped the little nun onto the couch.
“You’re going to let me fuck that tight ass later, right? Nearly busted watching you and Copia earlier," Dewdrop said to me, softly enough for just me to hear. I giggled and nodded, batting him away after he began nibbling on my neck. He patted my ass, and began to pull the wimple from the nun’s head.
“I’ve got this. Why don’t you and the rest of the ghouls get started? I’ll be done pretty quickly." Dewdrop nodded.
“C’mon, Rainy. Come play with my cock, while we watch Mary drink," The water ghoul nodded, grabbing Dewdrop’s hand. I turned my attention back to the nun. She began to stir. I pushed back her hair.
“This is going to hurt a little bit. But I will make this quick and painless. You deserve an easy death." The nun, barely awake, nodded, and turned her head. I cradled her head, and brought her throat to my mouth. With a final kiss to her soft, peachy flesh, I sank my teeth into her throat, not letting a single drop of her blood go to waste.
It felt like drinking water after being stuck in a desert for a week. Her blood was sweet, clean, and thick, and it quenched my thirst quickly. Her body began to go limp in my arms, and her skin turned cold. It’s still not enough. I had to force myself to stop. Never drink the last drop. It might just be the last thing you do, my old mentor’s voice reminded me. I let the little nun drop back to the couch, and turned to face the ghouls. Cirrus sat with Cumulus, each with a hand in the other’s pants. Rain was bobbing his head up and down slowly, as Dewdrop played with his hair. Dewdrop looked up at me.
“Hot," he said. Cirrus nodded, and refocused her attention on Cumulus. Rain moaned, causing Dewdrop to hiss. I looked at them all, lust clouding my gaze.
“Make room. It’s my turn," I said. Dewdrop pulled my mouth to his, not fazed one bit by the blood coating my lips. Cirrus began to explore the space between my thighs with her long, gorgeous fingers. Rain held my hair, kissing and nipping at my neck. A girl really could get used to this...
Hours later, after all of the ghouls had had their turn, even the two from the door, I was back in the dressing room. I opened the envelope the earth ghoul, Mountain, had handed me on the way out. My eyes grew like saucers as I counted the money inside. I had only expected eight grand; two hours, eight clients, multiplied by $500. But as I counted, I realized I had 15 grand in my hands. The door opened, breaking my wealth-induced trance. It was Papa.
“If you would really like the job, come to this address in two weeks. Bring only what you must. Put everything else in storage," he said, handing me a card. I was confused.
“Why two weeks?” I asked. Papa smiled.
“Because it’s polite, cara. Don’t forget your letter of resignation."
This is the first thing I've wrote in years! I hope you all enjoy it! A special thanks to @gasolineghuleh for all of their help!
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binniesthighs · 4 years
i loveeee your first write abt Jisung omgggg he is like one of my BIGGEST bias wrecker of all time so i was like WOAH THERE,,,, and i was so hooked on your writings i wanna see more 👀 if you have free time can i please ask for a Jeonghan smut where he is your rival in everything let's say at school and u didn't actually like him at first but he kinda flirts and idk I'm just so into Jeonghan's cocky behavior these daysss he's making me feel thiiiiiiingsssss 😩❤️
ahh thank you anon you are so so sweet! ♡ I’m so happy that you liked my Jisung stuff! I love writing for that boy hehe and thank you so much for requesting love!! this is my first seventeen ask I’m so so excited to write more of them in the future! my brain really took this one and rannnn with it, it ended up a bit harder than I intended, I hope that’s okay and I hope that you enjoy it!
what i want most |reader x jeonghan |
Pairing: self insert, gender neutral reader x yoon jeonghan
Genre: lil bit of smut, lil bit of angst
Tags: harddom!jeonghan, bratty!reader, enemies (competitors) to lovers, college au, jeonghan being our fave cocky boy, bestfriend!seungcheol, mentions of school work, slow-ish burn, masturbation (reader), use of degrading names, dumification, hook-up, choking, marking, spanking, facefucking, gagging, use of safe symbols, nipple play, overstimulation, unprotected sex, creampie, slight exhibitionism, semi-public sex, sex in a study room
Word count: 4k
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Someone told you once long ago that hate is a strong word. Apparently, they had never experienced loathing before. To you, hate always seemed to be something playful, something a little teasing. When your best friends would mock you for the most insignificant things, you would say “cut that shit out. You know that I hate you right?”
Loathing is much more fun. Loathing holds more of an edge. Loathing keeps you up at night, and lingers in your mind. Loathing digs into your skin like a papercut, coming back to sting later when you stretch your skin. Loathing made you feel all twisted up inside. This one super-massive emotion is one that clings to you and makes you jealous and irritable, and the best of all, competitive.
You don’t know what you would be without loathing...if not for him.
But as much as you loathed him, he was the perfect elixir of sugar-coated poison.  
He kept you up at night. He lingered in your mind.
Everything about you, he had to do too. You didn’t know at this point if it was some kind of joke, or that the two of you had miraculously been crafted to be just that similar.
Since the day that you had met him three years ago in undergrad, there wasn’t one class that the two of you didn’t share. Every single job that you applied to, he would apply to as well. Each professor that you would introduce yourself to, the next day he would be cozied up next to them talking about some kind of bullshit and pretended to care about their personal lives. He even chose the exact same grad program as you.
When the two of you graduated, it was him who sucked in his lip, never breaking with your eyes when he received higher honors than you. He probably loathed you too.
That would keep you up at night too.
There were other things about him as well that would creep into the corners of your sleep deprived brain. You would stare into the darkness of your room, eyes glued to the ceiling with your mind exploring shameless answers.
During these dark nights, your hand would absentmindedly cascade down your body, snaking your fingers down the soft of your skin. Behind your eyes, it was him sending shivers down your body. It was his lithe fingers, not yours, that would reach down to your aching sex to pleasure you into all the fantasies that only remained within the confines of your own mind. Before you would climax, it was his name that you whispered out into the air, not even knowing that you did.
“Are you going to finish that, or what?”
Seungcheol rummaged around your bag of chips that were barely touched.
Your highlighter skimmed over your page, you twisted the writing utensils around in your hand to scratch down a note with your pen. Truthfully, you hadn’t heard him.
“...I mean, if you don’t, I will. Can’t let stuff like this go to waste.” He held the bag in his lap, happily crunching away and tapping his foot a little.
“--Can you chew quieter?”
“Yes, you.” You bopped him softly on top of his wavy caramel hair with your marked up article.
Seungcheol cringed and rubbed the top of his head as if you had hit him with something much denser than a stack of paper.
“In my defense, there isn’t really a quiet way to eat chips.” He popped another one in. “Are you gonna be done soon? It’s too...still out here.”
“You’re the one that suggested coming here!”
His puppy-like face turned combative. “I did!...only because I think it’s pretty though.” Your friend shied away, trying to uphold his promise of “chewing quieter,” and subsequently failing.
He wasn’t wrong however, the courtyard in the middle of the library was very pretty, and you had been glad that he had suggested the two of you take lunch there. Inside the square shaped yard, a few trees had been planted with low swaying branches of little oval shaped leaves. There were hedges and a myriad of flowering plants with petals that were pink or yellow or purple. Somehow the little square was untouched by sound, save for a couple songbirds. Had you not a copious amount of work to take care of, you would have admired it all for hours.
“--And to answer your question, no, I will not be done soon. Sorry. You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.”
Seungcheol cooly threw one of his arms over the silver outdoor chair next to him, shaking you off. “I don’t mind. I don’t have anything else that I really wanna be doing right now.”
“--Your thesis maybe?” You crashed your knee into his under the table and threw him a teasing smirk.
“I said, anything that I want to do.”
You nabbed one of your chips back. “Suit yourself then.”
The door to the courtyard clicked, followed by the creak of the old library door. Such a metallic sound stole the tranquility of the whole space.
Jeonghan came floating behind you, dressed in his usual attire: some type of glamorous pairing of dress pants and a button down as well as shoes that looked as if they had just been shined. He wore some kind of cologne that draped after him with a dizzying type of efflorescence. Everything about him was meticulously planned, down to the few purposefully unkempt strands of chocolate brown hair on his forehead.
He craned his neck a little to see your messy scribbles.
“You’re reading Nebasifu?”
Jeonghan leaned over you, tracing a finger over the neon orange highlights you had made. He shocked you with how close he had let himself get to you, practically encapsulating you in his arms. You found yourself staring into his neck, that floral scent forcibly permeating your air.
He hummed as he read over your notes. “Interesting conclusions right? The fact that in governance we create more problems when trying to solves the ones we have already made? It’s all so circular isn’t it?”
Your sweating palm crunched the paper out from under his fingertips.
“--Really interesting. I’d like to finish it...if you please.” While your words were polite, but they still bit.
“I can recommend more similar readings if you’re interested?”
“I’m fine. Thanks for the offer.”
“If it doesn’t make sense, you can always reach out, we can talk it through...I’ve found that discussing--”
“--I said that I’m fine. Nice talking to you Jeonghan.” You cast your eyes down to your paper and attempt to slow your viciously beating chest.
fucking leave. You pleaded, knuckles turning white around your pen.
“Alright then. See you later.” He straightened his glasses upon his nose bridge. “I look forward to hearing what you have to say about the topics later.”
He swept his hand lightly across your back. It was the most fleeting of gestures, but your entire body froze from it.  
Jeonghan situated himself at one of the benches and drew out a book. He sat in the direct beams of the afternoon sun. The brown wisps of hair that hit the light looked nearly golden. You loathed that he was breathtaking without even really trying.
Seungcheol grinded his teeth, muttering out, “Fucking creep. He can’t talk to you like that.” Even quieter, “I’ll take him out for you if you want me to.”
You stifled a laugh. You couldn’t help your eyes which would flutter over to him like it was forbidden.
“No, don’t do that. But thank you ‘Cheol.”
“I’ll do it! I swear...”
Jeonghan had a terrible habit. Not like it was particularly distracting, it was just something that you had taken notice of. From where you would sit nearly across the room from him, he would remove his glasses, then rest one of the temple tips between his lips. Sometimes, the click of his teeth would meet the plastic. It was a simple action, but the way that the little curve would rest on the pink of his lips made your mind wonder...the poison that would leave those same lips couldn’t have been real; not when they looked so sweet.
“--anyone want to share what they got out of the readings and case studies? What can we learn about our interference and the sovereignty of other states?”
You were only partially paying attention when Jeonghan silently rose his hand.
“I think that Y/n had a particularly interesting oponion on this. We were discussing this previously.” He curved his body around to meet your eyes which had already been inspecting him.
With an expectant crossing of his arms, your professor approached your desk. “Y/n?”
Everyone’s eyes were on you, but Jeonghan’s burned with the hottest flame.
You took your shaking hands into your lap, then gave your oponion as eloquently as you could, swallowing down your nerves. As usual, you were perfectly well spoken, as you knew you were. The professor nodded along with each point of your argument.
“--Very well articulated Y/n. And your counterpoints are provoking as well.” He finally turned to pace away. “Would anyone like to expand?”
Your professor’s body mass moved, revealing Jeonghan’s nearly sinful prideful smile. It was like he had given you a test, and you had passed magnificently. With the cock of his head, he mouthed,
“that was lovely.”
“I’d like to expand.” He piped, removing his glasses. Just as he always would, he tapped them between his lips, letting the skin fall a little by them. You had noticed it before, but they were smooth and plump. “I think that Y/n is correct...in many ways, but some points are a bit misguided, I would argue....”
[09:23 pm]
cheol: you coming back anytime soon?  i can’t believe you’re doing this to me on a friday. is it really that serious?
[09:26 pm]
me: need I remind you that you should probably be here with me? thesis papers don’t write themselves.
cheol: and I should remind YOU that we literally just got off break? they aren’t due for months.
i know what you’re trying to prove.
it’s not worth it.
what does that asshole have over you?
“--Shouldn’t you be back at home with that golden retriever of yours?”
Jeonghan’s pen tapped at your table, white sleeves rolled up. The day had taken it’s toll on him. The bags under his eyes proved that even someone as picturesque as him could still be effected by your long days. Nevertheless disheveled, he was just as alluring.
“And shouldn’t you be flirting with one of your students?” You clicked your phone off.
“Cute. Luckily I’m not one of the desperate ones starving for the attention of the little undergrads. That's a different kind of pathetic.”
“Hmmm. I just thought that it was the attention that you were after.” Heat rose to your ears while you breathed your beating heart down.
"Who doesn’t like attention? Especially if it’s from the right people...speaking of undergrads...”
Jeonghan’s slender neck twisted to eye the obnoxious group of students huddled up on a table, giggling and making a mess of their snacks.
“You’re studying out here? I can’t even--”
“--I appreciate the concern, but you’re not helping my focus either.”
“Am I...distracting you?” Jeonghan swept his warm brown hair to the side with the cock of his eyebrow.
You shook out a sigh. “Yes.”
“You don’t have an office?”
“Department didn’t have any more.”
“I’ve got a study room that I host study sessions in. You want to use it?”
“You’re offering to help me?”
“Listen, I know how hard our program can be, and I appreciate how hard you work. You deserve a quiet place to work.”
“Are you complimenting me?”
“Don’t make me change my mind...and what would I do if the competition suddenly dropped out?” He tapped the table with his fingertips. “That wouldn’t be very much fun.”
Jeonghan’s study room was simple, just like all the others in the library. It was stark, white, the tables were a bit banged up and the white board was riddled with little ink remnants. There were glass windows nearly everywhere so you could overlook both the outdoors and the rest of the library on the opposite wall. As the two of you entered, he calmly closed all the blinds.
“No distractions right?” He looked back to you.
“...do you have something that you need to get done too?”
“Not really. I’ve submitted a good chunk of my thesis for review.”
Of course he had.
“I’m just waiting to hear back.”
He crossed the room to sit directly next to you, slinging his legs up on the table and taking out that same book from earlier: it had some pretentious title that you had never heard of before.
“Don’t mind me.” He chided your straying eyes. “I’m only staying to lock the door after you.”
“I-I’m not...” Your eyes feel back to your computer and you typed at your keyboard just to fill the sound of the quiet room.
Sitting this close to you, you could smell that dizzyingly sweet smell of his again.
You loathed him for the way that he could be doing nothing and you could be enthralled in merely that.
Jeonghan’s eyes didn’t leave his page. “The more that you look at me, the less you’re working.”
You hadn’t even noticed.
“I guess I’m more distracting than I thought.”
Furious heat rose from the pit of your stomach to the tips of your ears.
“What the hell do you get off on?” You spat.
He calmly placed his book on the table. “What are you referring to?”
“For the past three years, you haven’t left me alone for a single second, you-you always do everything that I do like you’re on some kind of sick quest to prove that you’re better than me, better than anyone else--”
“--You think that I’m copying you?”
“Wha-what else would you be doing?”
“--Getting an education? God, you think that I’m the attention whore, aren’t you hearing yourself?? You must think that I’m obsessed with you.”
“What is it then? A superiority complex so fucking huge--”
“--You’re asking what it is that I want?”
You nodded back with heaving breaths.
“What I get off on? Well...” Jeonghan chuckled a little and raked his hands through his brown strands. “You don’t deserve to know. But there is one thing that I’ve wanted for a while that I haven’t been able to get my hands on. I suppose that’s what I want most.”
“And that is?”
Tentatively, he rose his hand nearer to you, saying nothing, his aura shifting from cocky to intrigued. At first, his fingers traced over the skin of your hand as if he was drawing little pictures into it. After he brushed his hand up your arm to weave a little strand of your hair around his fingers.
“I said you don’t deserve to know.”
You must have been in a daze; some kind of waking intoxication before your thoughts could catch up with your actions. It was almost as if you weren’t thinking anything at all, but where acting on prime instinct. Your whole body screamed with utter frustration: every word that he spoke to you make you loathe him even more, you wouldn’t ever let him get away with it.
There was something that you too wanted most, no matter how abhorrent it was.
Your thighs squeezed into his sides where you had straddled him in his chair, holding on to him so tightly it hurt your muscles. The haste on your lips on his was messy and hot, a smearing of skin and teeth crashing together with fury, tongues rolling off eachother with an undeniable hunger. His arms didn’t wrap around you but rather clawed in your hair, pulling slightly at the roots while he pulled you in impossibly close. The mixing of your gasping breaths together where whiny and yearning. As he kissed into you, his lips curled into a devilish smile.
In your arousal, you shoved your hips into his lap, grinding down into your excitement and seeking some from him. To your surprise, you could feel his hardening dick which only made you weaker. All the hundreds of little fantasies that you had held so secret started to dance in your mind; your darkest thoughts pleaded for him to destroy you, to ravage you, just as you had imagined.
Jeonghan’s lips tore from your own which he had worked until they were swollen. He mouthed down your jaw to your neck, sucking at the skin with no chance of mercy, he pulled and sucked until you could only pathetically beg for him to slow down for fear of him breaking the skin.
He stopped immediately to pull your shirt over your head and pick up his work there. The wet of his gorgeously plump lips on your skin was as perfect as you had imagined and it sent shivers echoing through all your limbs.
This time you perfectly aware that it was indeed his name that would escaping off your tongue.
“You dumb slut, you thought I didn’t know that you wanted me?”
“You-you want me too?”
Jeonghan worked at the buttons on your pants.
“Wanting implies that I like you. What I want most is to make you my toy. There’s a difference.”
You mumbled out the words knowing exactly how he would take them. “I’m not a fucking toy.”
Jeonghan tsked and unbuttoned his own shirt. “You don’t get to decide that.”
You drew your fingers down his model-like toned chest, marveling in the pink lines. Jeonghan grunted in response, taking you by the underside of your thighs to throw you down on your back against the hard plastic. Once he had the chance, he ridded you of your bottoms, running his hands up your inner legs to send you reeling. For a couple seconds, you could have sworn that he had stopped to admire your body, but he wouldn’t let you tell too easily.
“That door isn’t locked.”
“What? Are you scared that someone could walk in? Scared to for someone to see you all splayed out like this?” He rose to kiss up your stomach and up to your nipples. He flicked them between his fingers. “To have someone see me making a wreck of you?”
With saliva drying on your sensitive buds, they turned hard in seconds when they met the air. Jeonghan wasn’t hesitant to pull at them with his teeth slightly, making you whine for him even more.
“What should I do to you first?”
One of his hands trickled down your body to palm at your quivering sex, slick with your excitement for him and aching for the smallest of touches.
“You want it that bad? Stupid whore.”
Your hand ventured down to tease at his own dick over the fabric of his slacks.
“You want it that bad?”
“Get off.” He growled at you, then took you by the arms to jerk you off of the table and onto your knees at the floor. Under your knees, the burn of the carpet stung. His belt buckle jingled a little as he hooked a finger in to remove it. Afterword, he shook his pants off followed by his briefs, springing loose his twitching member with the tip pink. He combed his fingers through your hair while he tapped his dick against your lips.
“Fucking take it.”
You would have fought him on it, but you succumbed out of your pure curiosity over his girth.
At first, you coaxed him into your mouth, not going in too deep as you were fearful about his length. Regardless, you took him in as best as you could, hollowing out your cheeks and throat, sucking with your lips and grabbing at his legs.
Jeonghan hissed out a sigh, letting himself fall further into the warmth of your mouth. He pushed at your head slightly, bringing you in just deep enough to trigger your gag reflex.
“Mmm there you go.” He cooed.
You kept going as he liked it, gradually working up in pace while it got a bit harder and harder for you to catch your breath.
“That’s as deep as you can go? Can’t even take a dick into your throat?”
His grip on your head tightened.
Jeonghan whispered, “Squeeze my leg if you want me to stop.” before helping your head all the way down, causing you to gag even harder and for tears to well in your eyes. “That’s more like it.”
He continued guiding your head, and slobber started to form around your mouth You felt so weak and pliable around him, he was thankless aside from the tiny moans he would let escape past his lips for you.
Usable as you felt, it was still a deliciously addictive feeling.  
All at once, he tore out of your mouth to bring you back up to your feet. In seconds he had turned you around to bend over the plastic tabletop, elbows digging into the cool surface. By now, you were practically dripping for him with knees and legs weak from kneeling. He kicked your legs open farther, gifting your ass a piercing slap that stung, then another followed after.
“Hungry for my cock, hmm?”
He teased your entrance without warning, sending your body crumbling over the table into a mess of whimpers and curses clenched behind your teeth. His lithe fingers were your fantasy come to life.
“I-I can’t wait any longer...” You urged him on.
Jeonghan pushed your face into the table then slid his fingers above to curl around your neck. He encircled around the skin slowly, then dug in to close your airway. You choked out desperate little sounds, then he entered you carefully, making sure that you felt every part of him.
“Hmm. Pretty...” He allowed you. Even though it was just one word of praise, you reveled in it.
His pale fingers choked you harder for a few more seconds until he properly got his pace inside of you, letting go to hold you by your waist. Once again, he clapped his hand into your skin as he fucked into you. All you could manage to do with your hands was claw helplessly at the smooth tabletop seeking some kind of balance that was nowhere to be found. He grazed the deepest and most sensitive spot within you and you felt yourself nearly reaching your climax.
“I-is that all that you can do?” You turned his confidence back against him, spurring him on just as you had wanted. He snapped his hips even faster, groaning out as he neared his release.
“My pretty little fucktoy. You’re all mine? Got it?”
Jeonghan leaned over your back to pant the words into your ear.
“Fucking say it.”
“I-I’m...” Your focus was scrambled as your orgasm pooled within.
“I’m yours...your...pretty-mm-fucktoy.”
Jeonghan came inside of you with white heat, pulsating forcefully, with you following soon after while he milked himself with your walls. Even as you still came down, he rolled his hips into you over and over until your whole body was shaking helplessly.
“That’s right.” He pulled out, then pulled your legs apart to watch his cum fall out of your hole.
Jeonghan laughed to himself, “Thank you for giving me what I wanted.”
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imagine-that · 3 years
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Good for you
Pairing: Loki x reader
Warning: angst? Anger? Idfk, breaking things, rage ig.
( A part 2 to White Horse )
AN: I didn’t have this one planned as a part buttttttttt I heard the song and I had a Loki’s perspective idea for this fic and I just started writing it and now it’s finished andddddd I kinda like it even more than I liked White Horse 😊😊 here’s the song if you want to listen while you read or whatever ❤️❤️
Loki glared up at the ceiling, staring up at the art of a mural painted over the surface for what seemed like the thousandth time that day alone. He showed absolutely no desire to do much else lately, not unless visiting Heimdall counted as something to do, but he never did that just for the purpose of chatting.
Since you’d ran away, he was even worse than he was before. He was cold towards anyone who approached him, he snapped at the very slightest of things and he spent his days obsessing. Obsessing over where you were, what you did, who you were with. Essentially, if it had anything to do with you, he demanded to know even the smallest of details.
For whatever reason, he didn’t dare go down to Midgard to look for you. Heimdall believed it was because he only worried for you and somehow deep down he knew this was better for the both of you but he kept this theory to himself, not wanting to further enrage the god.
“Where is she/he/they now?” Loki barked as he walked through the gates, not bothering with a normal greeting.
“Y/n is just out for a coffee your highness, there is not much to say from the last time you asked.” Heimdall said simply.
Loki shakes his head with a cold laugh. “And? Who is she/he/they with then? Midgardians typically go for coffee in pairs. They use it as a date.” He sneers, glaring just at the thought.
“It seems that she/he/they is with another person yes.” Heimdall says, hoping it won’t send Loki over the edge to hear.
“Of course.” He mutters under his breath, storming away without another word to Heimdall, his brain flooding with an overwhelming amount of memories with you, making his jaw grind as it tightened.
Well good for you, I guess you moved on really easily
You found a new girl and it only took a couple weeks
Remember when you said that you wanted to give me the world
His thoughts were plagued with the idea of you with another, your hand held in someone else’s, your laugh being another persons treasure. It filled him with an envy as green as his cloaks, his blood boiling at the mere idea.
He stormed through the throne room, ignoring his fathers shouts of anger for the interruption, ignoring Thor’s cries of concern and heading straight to the only place he felt he had left of you; your room in the palace.
As angry as he was, he gently shut the door behind him rather than slamming it, not wanting to disturb the peace in the empty room.
To others, that was exactly what it would look like; an empty and vacant bedroom waiting to be used. But to him it was the last place he’d seen you, the last time he’d ever seen his one true love was in this room and he couldn’t handle the idea that it could be the last time ever.
He glanced at the photos you’d left decorating your dresser, the only sign that this room was ever once used for anything more than a guest room.
He stared at one of the photos with a blank stare, grabbing it off the dresser and looking down at your still smiling face intently, as though if he stared long enough, it would pull you right out of the photograph and back to him. But then he flashes back to the last night you two had been together, the way he’d been so blinded by his love for you that you’d managed to deceit him and he cried out in anger, tossing the frame across the room where it smashed as soon as it hit the wall.
He was breathing heavy, collapsing down to the ground on his knees.
He remembered Heimdall telling him that you had been seeing a therapist, coping much better with the trauma he’d put you through when you started seeing the professional. Despite his love for you, he was jealous beyond belief.
He was a god, he was good looking, he was a prince. He should be the one thriving without you, so he thought. But instead he was the one falling apart at the seams.
And good for you, I guess that you’ve been workin’ on yourself
I guess that therapist I found for you, she really helped
Now you can be a better man for your brand new girl
He cried out again, anger filling his entire body with a hot rage.
Thor slammed the door open, rushing over to his brothers side. “Brother, what is the matter?” He asked, crouching down beside him.
Loki laughs humourlessly. “What is the matter? WHAT IS THE MATTER? The one person in this world who has ever chosen me over all else, who has ever loved me unconditionally has ran off into the sunset, probably with a mere mortal. And I am at fault for it. That, dear brother, is what is the matter.” He growls, a sad smile painting his lips.
“Y/n will return brother, at which point you may apologize for the problems between you two.” Thor assures him.
Loki scoffs, looking up at his brother with narrowed eyes. “Dare not speak her/his/their name brother.” He warns, his jaw stiff again.
Since your departure, the only person who’d said your name was Heimdall. Not even Loki himself could bring himself to say it, the pain still too raw.
Well good for you
You look happy and healthy, not me
If you ever cared to ask
“It will happen Loki. Give it time.” Thor says again, ignoring his brothers threat as he rises to his feet, patting Loki on the shoulder sympathetically.
Loki doesn’t move, stays in his spot planted on your floor, surrounded by his memories while Thor leaves.
He pulls himself up, but only to let himself lay on your bed rather than looking so pathetic and powerless on the floor, feeling he at least deserved that much dignity.
“Dearest I miss you.” He murmurs to no one, staring up at the ceiling once again, this time not quite glaring. The intricate golden and silver designs on your ceiling were more delicate, softer than the ones in his own or in any other room in the palace really.
“Loki I don’t need my own room in the palace. I have yours! That’s plenty enough for me.” He could practically hear your voice, your hesitation at staying in the palace officially due to the royalty part of everything fresh in his mind as though it were only yesterday and not three or so years ago.
Now you were probably off living your dream Midgardian life, something that was completely beyond him in your eyes apparently. He could almost see you, walking around in the streets on Midgard, savouring everything you saw, smelt, tasted. From what Heimdall had said, you were perfectly content being so ordinary.
Good for you
You’re doing great out there without me, baby
God I wish that I could do that
He hated thinking of you, every moment he did was a moment he had to spend missing your presence. In yet another fit of rage, he threw a crystal vase at the door, the shattered pieces spreading across the floor.
He forced himself to his feet, making himself leave your room, abandoning the broken items as he simply walked around them, slamming the door behind him. He’d already disturbed the peace in the room just by being there, he knew, and to think otherwise would be foolish and stupid.
“Prince Loki, are you alright? I heard something break and it sounded as though it came from your room.” A young maid asked as she approached him, worry apparent on her face. Loki recognized the girl as one who had been crushing on him for years, one who often made you bubble with jealousy whenever she was around.
He smirked at the girl, a new idea popping into his head, one that would surely have hurt you as bad as your leave had hurt him.
“I am alright, I slipped and knocked down a vase, that is all.” He explained, trying to regain his usual charm and confidence.
The girl nodded, a small smile on her lips. “I’m so glad.” She says, batting her eyelashes his way in a manner he was sure she thought was attractive to him. He ignored it, focusing on his goal.
He grabbed the girl and pulled her into his room, shutting the door and pushing her up against it, wasting no time as he attacks her lips with his own. She lets out a gasp of surprise but immediately returns the gesture, kissing him hard. He holds her at the waist with one hand, going to cup her face with the other but opens his eyes for a mere moment and is suddenly seeing your face.
He blinks harshly, until it’s the girl standing in front of him again, watching him with a confused pout. Just as she’s about to speak, more than likely to ask if he’s alright again, he pulls the door open, shoving her out and closing it behind her, his eyes wide as he runs a hand through his hair, breathing heavy once again as he falls to the floor, his back against the door.
“Loki she was staring right at you! She’s practically in love with you! And I’m standing right there and she still makes googly eyes at you!” You had scoffed whenever the maid was around.
He so badly wanted to be able to laugh about your jealousy towards a girl who meant nothing to him compared to you, whose name he couldn’t even remember. He wanted to caress the side of your face, the pad of his thumb to your lips while he reassured you that he was all yours, no one else’s. But he couldn’t turn back time, this he knew.
“My love I’d give anything to get you back to me.” He chokes, starting to sob into his lap.
I’ve lost my mind
I’ve spent the night
Crying on the floor of my bathroom
He spends the whole night there, leaned against the door, getting nothing but an hour or so of sleep. The next day, he uses a simple spell to make himself appear fine, not able to bear the embarrassment of others seeing him breaking down like this.
He ignores any castle staff onlookers, going on in his stride straight back to the bifrost, following his newfound unhealthy routine.
“Prince Loki I must advise you as to how toxic this is becoming for you.” Heimdall warns him, letting out a sigh as Loki holds up a hand to silence him, watching expectantly for an answer to his unasked question.
“Y/n has been settling into her/his/their new life. She/he/they is starting a Midgardian job today.” Heimdall finally explains, giving up on his attempts to preserve Loki’s feelings.
“I see.” Loki hums to himself, the gears in his brain shifting.
“Was that all?” Heimdall asks, his arms crossed over his chest.
“Send me there.” Loki says suddenly, looking over at Heimdall for the first time in all of his many visits. Heimdall looks back in slight shock.
“What do you believe that will accomplish your highness?” He asks, trying to fight Loki on the matter respectfully.
“I need to see my love there, happy. I need to see it for myself.” Loki responds simply. Heimdall glances at him once more, nodding as he knows he’d never be able to talk him out of this idea. He tells him where exactly he’d be able to find you reluctantly.
Heimdall opens the gates wordlessly, sending Loki on the way down to earth. Loki arrives, dusting off his clothes as he uses another spell to make himself appear completely different from usual.
Though he’d only spent a brief period on Midgard, he knew his way around well enough that he could find the address Heimdall had given him fairly quickly, walking through the streets of New York to find it.
“Of course she/he/they would pick New York.” He thought to himself bitterly, winding past other tourists until he reached the building he was looking for. He was about to enter when something caught his eye in the window of a small coffee shop next door. He saw a flash of y/h/c, the exact shade he’d seen so many times and froze, staring on at the source.
And there you were, with men and women and people all around you, chatting, laughing, drinking with them. He saw the warm smile on your face and his heart melted knowing he wasn’t the source of it this time. He couldn’t hear what was being said through the window but he knew it was important from the sole fact that it was making you laugh. He felt tears starting in his eyes, a wave of hurt hitting him again and again inside, drowning him.
But you’re so unaffected,
I really don’t get it
But I guess good for you
He watched, unable to move from his spot, eyes glued to the familiarity of you. He wanted your warm embrace against his cold to the touch skin, your lips on his.
But he felt another wave, one of anger. You’d left that touch, that safety net, for this. For midgardians, mere mortals. How could they possibly offer you more than he could, he wondered.
He took a deep breath, stalking into the coffee shop and getting in line to order, wanting at least one thing to come out of this disaster of a thought to come to where you are.
“No no, my ex... he’s a good guy. We just weren’t really meant to be, I guess? It was... complicated.” He overheard you say, his eyes darting to you. He tries to turn his gaze away, realizing what he’s doing but you look up, your eyes meeting his. For a moment the both of you keep eye contact, Loki too scared to look away and you confused as to why this man you’d never seen has such a familiar stance to him.
You blink a few times, turning back to your group and continuing your chat, making Loki breath a small sigh of relief. He mutters his order to the poor barista, her swooning over him, even in his disguise. Once his order comes up, he storms out, not bothering to look back at you as you start talking about your new job, new apartment, your new life essentially. He frowns at the thought of you being in any place that would be unfamiliar to him, trying to think of how you might feel living without him.
Did you miss him as much as he missed you? Had your comment in the shop been a hint that you were miserable like he was? But he knew that neither of those would possibly be true. Your smile said it all; you were already moving on perfectly fine without him. It was as though you were almost trying to erase your history with him, from his perspective anyway.
Well good for you, I guess you’re getting everything you want
You bought a new car and your career’s really taking off
It’s like we never even happened, baby what the fuck is up with that?
Unable to bear the thoughts multiplying in his mind, Loki ducked into an ally, curling into himself against a wall, starting to cry again.
He groaned in frustration, his head in his hands. You were unraveling him, he wasn’t sure how and he didn’t like how it felt. He’d always been at least somewhat levelheaded but with you gone, his mind was always clouded, his thoughts were infected with you nonstop.
It was like a disease had overcome his entire body and he had no cure, no antibodies to fight it.
“What have I done?” He asks himself, sighing into his hands, staying in his position crouched on the ground for a quiet moment, seeking nothing but a bit of peace.
He’d only wanted to show you he truly loved you but instead he’d driven you away, into a new embrace.
He runs a hand over his jaw, willing himself up. If he couldn’t hear to see you, there was no purpose in him furthering his stay. He decided silently that the best option for him was going back and waiting for Heimdall to open the gates, to get him as far away from your soft features and glowing personality as possible before he did something he’d regret, like approaching you and outing himself as a stalker, not that he really cared anymore. You’d never see him the same as you once had, this much was clear.
Memories of the first I love you came to his mind suddenly.
“I love you Loki, and I know you love me too so stop acting so silly and just say it, please.” You had begged him. He had merely smirked and ran off, telling you you had to catch him to hear it back. You’d chased him around the gardens and the libraries and balconies of the entire palace until you’d caught up, out of breath as you’d grabbed his cloak and pulled him towards you and kept him rooted to his spot until he returned the words.
He’d been hesitant, merely to tease you but he’d said them back, said them multiple times while he had kissed you all over, overjoyed by the sense of protection and love he felt with you.
He shook his head with a bitter laugh to himself at the bittersweet memory, seeing as how things were for you now.
He trudged his way back to the gates opening, kicking a rock aggressively all the way there, trying to contain himself enough to not scream out in anger the way he had been doing in his room. But every time he managed to calm himself, your smiling face found it’s way into his brain, making him lose all feelings not involving anger.
He kept trying to remind himself that it had been your choice, that you’d left him without a goodbye or anything of the sort on purpose to make the wound sting more but it did nothing but make him feel agony for the hurt he’d put you through.
And good for you it’s like you never even met me
Remember when you swore to god I was the only person who ever got you
Well screw that and screw you, you will never have to hurt the way you know that I do
His rage was finally starting to blind him again as he marched to the gates, just how he liked it. The idea of you with another person was still what really set it off. Seeing you hurt but watching you thrive and move on was more, it was worse. It filled him with feelings he’d never thought he’d feel towards you in his life but he was and he didn’t feel as bad as he thought he would.
‘No one leaves a prince. Not unless they are absolutely crazy.’ He thought to himself smugly, waiting at the gates for Heimdall to open them. He gets pulled through, up to Asgard where he dusts off his smooth suit, relieved to finally be out of the disguise he’d chosen.
The smile on your face when he’d seen you with the Midgardians was glued to his brain, his focus flying all over the place at the memory. He couldn’t figure out quite what it was that was making him so agitated himself, knowing he missed you but suppressing the extent of it.
Asgard felt empty, superficial almost without you there to watch everything in such a natural awe that he’d so admired for so long. It was as though all the colours of the home he’d so cherished for so long were drained right down the gates when they’d opened and swallowed you whole.
He couldn’t bear that you’d managed to run off with not only his trust and dignity but his sanity along with it.
Pushing such thoughts to the back of his mind, Loki stormed back to his own room, avoiding yours at all costs as he forced his doors open, slamming them behind him and grabbing anything breakable in sight, tossing it at the balcony doors. If anyone had walked in they would’ve thought he’d truly lost his mind but to him, that much was at least somewhat true.
Maybe I’m too emotional
But your apathy’s like a wound in salt
Your deceit was controlling more of his life, his thoughts, his entire being than he’d ever care to admit. He was consumed with a need for you, a thirst to be near you again and everyone could see it was driving him to the edge of a cliff, the only possible person to pull him back up being the one pushing him to it in the first place. Still, he knew it was all his own doing. That was how he knew part of his latest insanity was due to the built up guilt from so long.
Even so, he was enraged. With you, with himself, with the world. It was a mix of everything.
He could almost feel the gentle touch of your hand to his shoulder when he was upset, your lips pressed sweetly to his temple in attempts to cool him off.
“You can’t hold pointless grudges all your life Loki. You can try but I’m not sure it would be any fun.” You’d teased, making him smile despite his sour mood.
He cried out, throwing another priceless item from his hand, crumbling to the ground yet again. The stress was eating away at him.
Maybe I’m too emotional
Or maybe you never cared at all
Thor heard the crashes and smashing coming from his brothers room and went running, pushing open the door with all his strength, his mouth agape as he was met with the sight of his brother screaming in agony.
“Brother, talk to me.” He commands, trying to stop Loki from throwing anything more. Loki thrashes against his brother, sobbing while he yells out, fighting his brother with all his might.
“Loki stop fighting me and tell me what is wrong!” Thor commands and Loki falls to the ground on his knees, exhaustion hitting him like a brick.
“I am fine. Everything is fine.” He murmurs, smiling at his brother easily. Thor shakes his head, not accepting the answer this time.
“Tell me.” He says again and Loki sighs, a hollow laugh choking out of his lips. He removes the spell he’d used, revealing his true self, in pyjamas, his hair an extreme mess, his face sunken in and pale, more so than usual. His eyes were bloodshot beyond belief.
Thor audibly gasped at the sight of his brother covered in his own blood, the shards of the glass having cut into his hands and his feet several times. Loki sinks in against the edge of the bed, looking up at his brother tiredly.
“There. Now you have seen the true me.” He mutters, not saying anything else as his mouth sets in a line.
Well good for you,
You look happy and healthy, not me
If you ever cared to ask
“Loki... I had no idea it was this bad brother.” Thor said quietly, sitting down awkwardly next to his brother on the floor. Loki quickly pushed away, not wanting to face anyone’s pity for even a moment.
“Leave me be brother, I keep this disgustingly weak display hidden for a reason.” Loki growled, avoiding his brothers eyes, staring at the broken glass laying at his feet.
Thor stands, not wanting to ignore Loki’s wishes and leaves him with his thoughts, his brows still furrowed in worry as he shuts the already busted door behind him gently.
Loki runs both of his hands through his mess of hair, squeezing as though to rid himself of the memories locked in place, taunting him on an endless loop.
“You can never get her/him/them back. Never ever.” They seemed to whisper in his mind, the sound of silence in the room only amplifying their nonexistent voices.
He smacked his head harshly, trying to push them out, trying to get back to the quiet while tears rolled down his cheeks, wondering once again why he had ever done anything so cruel to you as he had.
“I am so very sorry my darling.” He whispered into the emptiness softly, hugging his knees to his chest.
Never once had he ever felt so broken down or lonely in his existence, never once had he ever felt so much remorse mixed with anger as he did right then, knowing it was too late to even apologize in the first place. A part of him wondered if you felt anything regarding him at all anymore. A deeper part of him wondered how long it would be til you purposely forgot him entirely, all emotions about him disregarded just like that. And he knew if you did he had to live with the fact that he deserved every moment of it.
Good for you
You’re doing great out there without me, baby
Like a damn sociopath
Ignoring the blood drying on his hands and his feet, Loki went into the bathroom and splashed ice cold water onto his face, trying to get a more level head out of it. While the shiver it gave him did wake him up a bit, his mind was just as clouded, just as distracted.
He groaned, slamming his fists down on the edge of the sink, nearly cracking it with the strength used. Suddenly his room felt too solitary and confining. He put on his facade again, cloaking any form of injury or sadness with his powers. He walked into the gardens, nowhere else to stay away from others while not feeling claustrophobic, though sending him back in time for a mere moment.
“You know Loki, you ought to spend more time out here. These plants are so pretty. And the flowers all smell so good. How could you not just run away from everything in the world and hide out here from it?” You asked. He had chuckled, pulling you along the path and deeper through the enchanting maze of greenery until you had reached the bench.
“My mother took me here as a child. She said it was our place, for our escapes from reality. She told me to only show it to those I truly trusted or were truly enchanted with. You are both of those things to me y/n.” He had told you as he held you in his embrace, carefully picking a flower and handing it off to you, the first gift he’d ever given you.
He smiled slightly at the memory, thinking how ironic and poetic that he was now doing exactly as you had suggested that day and running from his responsibilities. He missed the way even the most mundane of things had been so easy for you to enjoy.
He laid in the grass, ignoring the stinging in his feet and the twinges of pain in his palms from his cuts, taking comfort in the memories he had. Those, he was thankful you couldn’t have taken with you. He felt pathetic. He felt weak and vulnerable and all the things he’d never wanted to feel in his life. And even worse, it was because of the one person he thought he could always count on to protect him from those terrible feelings.
He hummed absentmindedly to himself, feeling much more calm with the fresh air and sounds of nature rather than complete silence. He still didn’t feel quite like himself but he was unsure if he ever would again anyway. At least now he felt somewhat in control of his own mind.
I’ve lost my mind
I’ve spent the night
Crying on the floor of my bathroom
As he watched the sky, Loki thought of you, every mark, scar, line, feature of yours, drawing out your face in his mind, the most memorable moments with you playing like a film sequence. His smile fell a little as this day, his impromptu visit from earlier came to his mind.
Whether he was truly angry at you for leaving wasn’t the question anymore. Not really. The question had more so become whether you’d really loved him at all or if he had fooled himself into believing you did.
He silently decided on the latter, knowing you had too big a heart to ever put anyone through that level of hurt.
Still, he seethed with jealousy thinking of the boy who had been sitting the closest to you in the little coffee shop, the way he had looked at you the same way Loki always had. And it hadn’t seemed to him like you’d been too eager to pull away either, which only made it sting worse.
He closed his eyes in a small show of defeat to no one, knowing you were better off without him around to flip the world upside down for you. Deep, deep down he knew you needed a stability he wasn’t ready to provide yet, though he would never ever admit that to anyone, much less himself.
No, instead he missed holding what was his in his arms, making you feel safe and comfortable like he had for so many years. Anyone’s hands on you other than his made him feel a blind rage even on his best day and right then it was the worst day he’d ever faced, making the anger spread like wildfire through him.
The image stood at a standstill in his brain and he convinced himself that one way or another, he had to get you back to him.
But you’re so unaffected, I really don’t get it
But I guess good for you
Well good for you, I guess you moved on really easily
Tagging: @peachybaes , @wolfish-trickster and @writinguntilmyheartgivesout (thank you guys for the support on White horse, you have no idea how ecstatic they made me, my heart was very happy, I appreciate you, and all my other readers 💖💖)
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celestialrry · 4 years
heart of gold
(this is like a pt.2 to gold rush, also very loosely based off Heart of Gold by Neil Young)
Based off this request!: Aww I loved gold rush!! I lowkey could see a part 2 somewhere down the line.. kinda like time stamps of their relationship... like when they started dating, when their families find out, etc. but that’s just me being greedy 😂😂 love your work!
Thank you so much for asking! Give me more requests! (I strictly write for the readers so I won’t put any names or anything)
summary: Harry and you get closer than you both ever thought was possible.
warnings: mentions of alcohol consumption, mentions of sex, fluff
Christmas Eve & Day
After the two of you officially dropped all hate towards each other it was a bit awkward. You both walked back into the living room to join everybody, who seemingly enough, was oblivious that the two of you were on good terms now. This was because you both didn’t say much to each other at all. It had been insults upon insults for the past 3 years or so, and you had no idea what to say. You had to stop yourself from pointing out when he made a mistake in monopoly, and he had to bite back words about the way you were drinking your  wine, even though there wasn't anything wrong with it, he actually found it quite cute. Soon enough, you and your mom had decided to go back home as the snow was building up and it was already almost 10 p.m. You hugged Anne and Gemma goodbye, hesitating before giving Harry a quick hug to which he was pleasantly surprised by. You went home, and all you could think about wasn't how annoying Harry was, but how much you overlooked him. Because lets be honest, you always found him attractive to say the least, and now that you didn't hate him anymore he somehow got hotter. 
After you woke up the next morning and exchanged a few gifts with your mom, both changing into the Christmas pajamas you got each other, you sat at the table, eating the pancakes the two of you had made. You savored the sweet taste of the syrup, and laughed as the two of you sang horribly to Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree. A knock at your door made the two of you almost break your necks turning towards the noise. “I’ll check.” You mumbled, standing up and taking a sip of your water before scurrying to the door. You opened it to see Harry bundled up standing outside, his nose and cheeks tinted pink from the cold. 
“Oh my god, Harry.” You said, pulling his arm and dragging him inside your house. “What are you doing? It’s below freezing outside.”  You asked him, brushing some snow off of his sleeves. 
“I have a present f’you.” He smiled, his dimples popping up, looking you up and down, “I like your pajamas.”
 You smiled at him and bit your lip in an attempt to not roll your eyes. You were about to bite back but then your brain processed his words and your jaw dropped and your brows lowered in frustration. “I- I’m so sorry Harry, I didn’t know we were doing presents, I don't have one for you.” You looked into his eyes. 
“Wasn't expecting’ one, love,” Your cheeks heated up at his words, he never called you that before. He reached inside his jacket and pulled out a little red box, wrapped in a tiny golden bow. “Here.” 
You gently grabbed it out of his hands and looked at it for a moment before looking back to Harry. He was smiling, but you could tell he was nervous from his shaking hands. Or maybe they were still cold, but you wanted to believe the former. 
“Do you want me to open it now? Or-” 
“Y’can open it later, plus I have t’get back to m’mum and Gems, but uh, yeah.” He rushed out. 
“Okay, thank you Harry, it means a lot,” You said, hesitating before pecking him on the cheek again. “Merry Christmas.” 
“Merry Christmas.” He smiled like a fool, giving you a hug before waving a goodbye and stepping out of your house.
You didn't have but two seconds before you turned around to see your mom grinning at you. “What was that?” She asked, even though you knew for sure that she listened to the entire conversation. 
“Um, I don't know.” You shrugged honestly.
New Years Eve 
You looked at your phone buzzing and smiled, picking it up. 
“Hey H.” You said, rotating the ring on your right middle ringer with your thumb. It was silver, with little bears in the detailing. “Hey love, was jus’ wondering if y’wanted to go to a little party with me tonight. It’s at m’friends house.”
Your eyes widened. “Um, yeah sure,” You said, cursing yourself for agreeing too quickly. “Can you send me the address?” You asked. It was only 9 a.m. but still.
“No need, m’gonna pick you up and take y’home and all that stuff.” He said through the phone and you bit back a massive grin. 
“Oh, thank you.” You said, holding your hand out and looking at the ring he got you for Christmas. when you opened it with your mom the second after he left you were surprised to say the least. It was too expensive for you, after your mom recognized it as Gucci, and you had called him afterwards to thank him profusely, after getting his phone number off of the little slip of paper that came in the box as well, with the small note “To being friends :) text me!”
“The least I can do, pet. Send m’your address? I’ll pick y’up 8 sharp.”  
You berated yourself for loving the pet name he gave you, and said you would, as well as thanking him again to which he scolded you for being so nice. After your goodbye’s you hung up, looking at the blank contact photo. I should take one for it tonight, you thought. After you texted him later on Christmas Day, the two of you had been texting back and forth, trying to squeeze 3 years of not knowing each other into a few days. It was difficult but you had learned a lot about him, and vice versa. It was safe to say you were loving it.
Later that evening you had put on your outfit and did your makeup and felt butterflies, of pure excitement of course, when Harry texted you a “Here x.” You answered with a “Be out in a sec!” before grabbing your bag and making sure you had your keys and wallet and everything else before stepping out fo your house into the snow, locking your door and turning around, walking carefully to his car. 
You got in the passenger seat and could clearly see him look you up and down before giving you a big smile. “Y’look really good, love.” You shyly looked away from him before complimenting him yourself. “Thank you H, you look very handsome.” You said, looking him up and down and noting his trousers and button down with sweater vest. 
“Thanks.” He blushed, and this time you weren't annoyed by his reaction to a compliment. He started driving and turned on Fleetwood Mac and this is when you had learned that he was actually good friends with Stevie Nicks, and when he said that you were sure that your brain had actually burst. 
It was enjoyable small talk all the way there and when you pulled up to the massive house, your eyes widened. “Holy shit, who’s party is this?” You asked, stepping out of the car with Harry. 
“M'friend Mike’s. C’mon, don't want you t’freeze to death.” He joked, grabbing your hand and leading you to the front door, making sure you didn't slip on ice. Harry just walked in, pulling you behind him, and you looked around at all the people laughing and dancing to the music. It was more of an adult party, no 20 year old’s grinding on each other and getting absolutely wasted, which you were happy about. Even though you were only 22, you felt more mature for your age.
Harry had let go of your hand at this point, but kept a hand on your back to make sure you stayed near him. He was set on not leaving your side all night, he wouldn’t make that mistake again. Harry was a very open person he liked to believe, and it was very difficult for him to pretend he just wanted to be friends with you. He found you absolutely gorgeous, and even after seeing your worst, he found himself liking you more and more. He would give anything to hold you and kiss you in front of everyone, but it had to be too soon for you both, after all you had been friends for only 5 days now. He supposed his feelings had been building up since he met you, because it was impossible to fall for someone as much as he did you, that fast.
It also didn't help that you were younger than he was. Sure 3 years wasn't that much, but the next relationship he gets into he want’s it to be long term and last, he was almost 30 and felt like he was running out of time.
As people approached the two of you, Harry introduced you as “M’good friend,” and then said your name, after everyone had been asking him if the two of you were dating. His cheeks were flushed as you both denied it, and laughed it off. 
You had been introduced to his friends Sarah and Mitch, whom he had talked about before, and you were truly excited to meet them and get to know them. Mitch was more closed off, but Harry had told you before that it didn’t have anything to do with you and it was just how he was. Sarah on the other hand gave you a hug and kiss on the cheek before complimenting you, which you quickly did back. 
The night was fun, and soon enough it was a few minutes until midnight. Harry had kept his promise to himself, and stayed with you all night, enjoying himself more than he should. He didn't bring you with the intention to kiss you at midnight, although he would love that, and then get in your pants, he wouldn't be complaining about that either, but as it was nearing midnight he started thinking more about it. Your brain was racing as the clock started counting down, wondering if you and Harry would kiss. You wanted to, that much was true, but the question was if he did. 
“10, 9, 8,” Everyone started shouting. The champagne in your system told you to turn to Harry and you looked at him as it started to get to 3. He turned to look at you as well, a smile on his face. “2, 1!” Everyone yelled, and you leaned in as did Harry. His lips slotted perfectly with yours and when you both pulled away you were both smiling too much. “Was that okay,” You started to ask him and he leaned in a bit closer to hear you. “I didn't ask, I’m so sorr-”
You were interrupted by his lips against yours once more, and he pulled away to peck your lips a few more times, his arms wrapped tightly around your waist. You were pretty sure it was okay, now.
February 12th
Harry had celebrated his birthday with a few of his closest friends and his family. It was fun, and he enjoyed the day, but all he wanted was to see you. You had work the entire day and you got off at 10 p.m. so you knew you wouldn’t be able to make it to the party, but after you got off, you drove to his house, not seeing any other cars in the driveway. You had locked on the door and he opened it a minute or so later, his eyes lighted up as you wished him a Happy Birthday and gave him his present. He brought you inside and thanked you with kisses and hugs before opening it to see a new writing journal and a Gucci ring you saved up for. It was the one of the cheapest one they sold, just a silver band with flowers engraved on the band. He absolutely loved it, and wanted to show you how thankful he was, and you ended up spending the night. 
It had been a few weeks since then, and Harry and you had yet to put a label on anything, but he would take you out on dates and cook you dinner, and you did the same for him throughout January and February. Tonight, you had just planned to stay in, already in your pajamas when Harry showed up at your door with sunflowers. 
You let him in and took the flowers, filling a vase with water before putting them in. “Thank you.” You said, giving him a quick kiss. “I didn't miss a special occasion did I?” 
He hesitated before replying. “I hope it would be a special occasion in the future,” You raised a brow before he spoke again, saying your name. “Will y’be m’girlfriend?” 
You smiled and said “Of course.” before kissing him once more. Only a few days later did you accidentally let it slip to your mom before making her vow to wait to talk to Anne about it before Harry told her himself. 
February 21st
Harry was nervous, if that was an even strong enough word to describe the way he felt at the moment. You and Harry had decided to travel back to Holmes chapel to tell his mom the two of you were dating.  That wasn't what scared him though. You had told Harry on Valentines Day when he cooked dinner for the two of you, that your mom already knew. You had agreed on no gifts, but of course you both ended up giving each other flowers and chocolate. 
Harry was scared of seeing your mom for the first time since she learned the two of you had begun dating. It usually took a long time for Harry to ask someone out, the media always found out somehow and he was always scared that as soon as the hate started to arrive they would leave, because they didn't know him that well, so why stay? But it was different with you, he had known you for years, and sure while those few years weren't the best, it was because of a stupid reason on both of your accounts, and once he got to truly know you, he didn't want to wait. 
He was serious about you, and if your mom started to dislike him as your boyfriend, he wouldn't know what to do. As you arrived in the driveway of your house, Anne and Gemma had already gotten there and your mom had told you they would all prepare dinner for your arrival. You could just tell she was itching to tell them, even over the phone. 
As Harry put the car in park and turned it off, he shakily breathed out a little, thinking you wouldn’t notice. 
“Hey, what's wrong?” You asked gently, your hand resting on his arm. 
He thought wrong.
“M’just a bit nervous is all.” He shrugged, trying not to show all that he was feeling at the moment. 
You squeezed his arm a bit too, and brought your other hand to his jaw to turn his head to you. “So am I, but everything is going to be fine. My mom is already in love with us, and I’m sure your mom will be too.” You laughed a bit.
He nodded and gave you a quick kiss before stepping out of the car and grabbing your hand as you walked up to him. You both walk to the door and you knock on the door, waiting out in the cold weather. Harry looked at you before deciding to wrap his arm around your was it instead, in an effort to warm you up. Your cheeks heated up at the gesture and you leaned into him when the door was opened by your mom. She looked between the two of you and a smile burst out on her face as she ushered the two of you in, bringing you in for a hug before hugging Harry and whispering a “I can already tell you make her really happy.” before letting go. he blushed and thanked her softly before she led the two of you into the dining room where Anne and Gemma were already sat. 
Harry had decided to not announce it immediately, and so you were no longer holding hands as you walked into the dining room. They left two seats open next to each other for the two of you and as Harry walked around and greeted his mom and sister, you smiled and said hello to them as well when you sat down. Soon he took the seat next to you and grabbed your hand under the table. 
A little while into dinner, silence fell and Harry cleared his throat, seizing the opportunity. “Um, I just wanted t’say something,” He said not so confidently, and you squeezed his hand. He spoke your name and nodded to you then said, “and I are dating, have been since February 12th t’be exact.” 
You smiled and looked around the table, expected to see shocked faces, but only grins were found. 
“We were wondering when the two of you would tell us!”
Ahhh this was really fun to write! Thank you so much for reading and thank you to whoever asked this (I forgot the @ :( and the message got deleted after I responded to you). I felt kinda eh about this ending but it’s whatever <3
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stay-midnight · 4 years
Tumblr media
Wrong Wishes were Made~ or was it wrong?
Elf Seungmin x Male Reader
Word #: 2.7K Words
Triggering Stuff: Explicit Smut, Awkward.
Warnings/Kinks: Dominant/Top Kim Seungmin, Submissive/Bottom Male Reader, Anal Sex, Unprotected Sex (Use protection!! :<) Spit as Lubricant (Use a lube that is made for sexual purposes) Teasing, Wish Sex, Whiny Reader, Begging, Fingering, Cumming, Nipple Play, Licking, Aftercare isn’t shown(Please, do not ever leave your partner hanging after sex.) and Slight Hair Pulling.
Min’s notes: This was supposed to be the Christmas special :l I’m sorry i posted it so very late- djdjd.
A jolly atmosphere arose in the town of Snowday, whenever there‘s Christmas, there is happiness or so the mayor always said. No matter what, Christmas day on Snowday were always full of joy and community activities and this year’s Christmas wasn’t any different as you found yourself collecting money from house to house, grumbling in dissatisfaction leaving behind a trail of grumpy emotions in your wake.
Another doorbell you pressed, hating that 'ding' sound as you’ve heard it a million times from your boring trip. “Hi, ma’am, would you be inclined to donate for Snowday charity?” Your lips curving up in a fake smile as you spoke.
“Tch.” the old lady said under her breath, but you heard it which made your eye twitch in annoyance at her clear temper. The old lady when inside and after a while she came back, throwing coins at you which landed on the floor.
You kept the smile on your face as she shut the door, you collected the pieces of silver nickels on the ground, and as you got far away from the house, “What a bitch.” you cursed in annoyance.
You seethed as you walked over from house to house until twilight shrouds the sky, turning it dimmer and dimmer by the long minutes.
You sighed in relief after you delivered the money-filled bag back to the charity building.
Sadly, you had no family to celebrate with nor friends due to your lack of social skills and the fact that your family is in another continent. You didn’t have enough money right now to travel and clearly your family was not gonna pay for it.
You walked over to your house and unlocked your front door, taking in the authentic and rustic smell of the inside due to Snowday’s houses were very aesthetic-like with the cabin looks and stuff.
You gasped silently as you saw a shadow near your living room, on instict, you grab an umbrella to arm yourself. Well.. I guess whatever works and that anything can be a weapon.
You took a peek slowly and the first thing you saw are pointy ears and what you identified as a brown-haired male, “Who and why are you in my house?” you questioned loudly, holding the umbrella up tightly—taking a defensive stance.
The male harmlessly walked towards you and as he got more closer, you noticed his features was a bit out of this world... ‘He’s really pretty..’ was the first thought came to your head.
You regain conscience and glared at him, “Stay A—” he immediately cut you off by kissing you on the lips which suprised you, stumbling back into the wall with shock.
He then started to strip his clothes which made you let out the weirdest noise you ever let out, “W- What are you doing!?” you said covering your eyes with your hands, a bit embarrassed as what this man was doing.
He tilted his head in confusion and furrowed his eyebrows. “Didn’t you wish for this?”
Wish? Your mind was a bit hazy and confused at his words, then a memory popped into your head.
Five days ago, a doorbell rang in your house—cabin, you didn’t know what to call it. You sighed as you remove the apron you were wearing and turned off the stove, that was boiling the meat for your dinner.
You walked over the door and saw a small male with white hair, “Yes? What do you need?” you asked him in a calm tone. You noticed he was holding a gold box and a bunch of papers.
“Your wish for Christmas, sir” He said with a small smile, giving you a paper and a pen.
“What?” you asked, raising your eyebrow as you took the paper and pen slowly.
“Write your wish and it shall be granted.” he said and nodded alot, encouraging you to do it.
You were very much skeptical in his words and that lead you to write something on the paper as a ‘joke’ you wrote bluntly:
‘ To be fucked ’
And you spent the whole evening after that, laughing because of what you wrote at the piece of paper.
Fuck. you thought. “I p-put it in as joke okay?!” you stuttered out the first part due to find him shirtless now.
His ears twitched slightly,
“Well. That can’t be, wishes in the wishing ballot can’t be took back. So either I fuck you or I’ll be attached to you until I do.” He explained in a calm demeanor but you slightly tell he was getting annoyed.
He proceeded to unbutton his jeans— “Take a seat first!” you shouted out before he managed to pull them down. He looked at you with curiousity, “Why?” the male said
You sighed and gestured him to sit down the couch, he nodded slowly and faced you, “Okay look, this is weird. An elf-looking person wants to fuck me? I don’t even know your name for Pete’s sake!” you groaned out.
“Yes. The name’s Seungmin and I’m not ‘elf-looking’ I am an elf.” he said nonchalantly, moving closer to you before placing a hand on your thigh, you pushed the hand away with an awkward laugh.
“Can we please, just get this over with?” said the elf in front of you in a bored-stricken voice. You shook your head in disapproval with Seungmin letting out a sigh after.
“Look here, I won’t be able to get back to the north unless I grant the wish you placed on the ballot, and I very much want to go back now,” Seungmin spoke in a deep voice, almost as if he was trying to coax you into letting himself have you, which he is trying to.
“Uh, I’m not ready?” you said with a flustered face clearly not used to this.
He grinned and decided to have fun teasing you, “Hmm? What’s there to be ready about?~ You’ll just have to take me like a good boy~” he teased with his honey-like voice.
You look at him, your mouth hanging open as you kept on blinking in shock.
“How and why did you even agree to granting my ‘wish’ ” you asked curiously still a bit suspicious of him, what if he just was a random person that read your wísh and snuck inside your house, and many more thoughts like that kept popping inside your head.
He chuckled, “I was the one tasked by our leader since I was not listening to him and ‘being sarcastic’.” He rolled his eyes at the memory, “But enough about that..” He continued as he placed his shoulder on top of his knee to support his chin as he leaned towards you, “I must say, I’m intrigued about you Y/N~” He said, smirking.
“What’s there to be intrigued about?” you said, nervously, swallowing the saliva that was forming at the sides of your mouth due to nervousness now.
“A lot, the fact that you seem to submissive for someone who had never taken it from the back, are you a still a virgin~?” he asked questioningly with a small smirk playing at his lips, his eyes boring into your very being and lips slightly flaking due to dryness of the air causing him to lick his lips to keep it red and plump.
“I’m not... I just never been fucked before... Plus, I only wrote that as a joke..” You spoke slowly, you wore a thin smile, guilt slightly erupting inside you at the fact that this elf is just granting your wish, no more no less.
He sighed, “Well there is really nothing I could do about it now... I’ll stick with you if you don’t really want it.” Seungmin sighed out, grabbing the shirt he removed earlier and wore it back on.
You nod slowly and sat down, “Well uhm... It’s okay as long as it helps you since I did cause you trouble.” you said, scratching the back of your head awkwardly.
His eyes lit up at that as he stared at you with a noticeable happy glint in his eyes, “Should we do it now?” Seungmin said, his puppy expression is melting your inside as you giggle at his antics.
“T-Then, please be gentle with me..” You said, looking at him slightly nervous, which made Seungmin look at you in awe.
“Of course Y/N.” Your name rolling of his tongue sweetly as he moved closer and sat right next to you. His sweet smile immediately turned to a grin, looking at you with hunger.
“You’re too pretty and cute~” The elf teased, caressing your hips before pinning you down the couch as your breath hitched on your throat.
You were shocked by his words as you gulped, looking at the dandy elf in the eyes. He leaned down to your ear, “You said to go gentle on you, but I bet you’d like it if I destroy you~” Seungmin whispered, biting the lobe of your ear.
You whimpered in response, grinding up against him, “You like the sound of that? If you ever get fucked by somebody all you could think would be no one but me.” His lips trailing to your jawline, kissing it.
“I should thank Chan for picking me to do this cause I’ve never seen a more pretty human than you, Y/N.” He bites your neck, marking all of it, sending you shivers down your spine.
“Want me to fuck you that you’ll remember it for days? Is that your wish pet?” He mumbles as you let out a sigh.
He trailed his hand underneath your shirt and pinched a nipple making you gasp and throw your head back, “Hmm? I asked a question and I expect an answer.” He said, digging his fingers on your skin, shaking his head in disappointment.
“Y-Yes Seungmin...” You pant, not really used to being under someone. You stare at his face, taking notes of his features, a bit taken aback that someone so cute and puppy like features be this dominant.
He trailed his other hand further down, his fingers trailing past the visible tent between your legs, “Someone’s quite excited, hm?” He then gave it a squeeze eliciting a whine coming from your very lips.
“Please... G-Get it over with.... I want this...” You huffed, thrusting your hips against his.
He smirked, “Ah ah, patience.” he continued teasing you, he removed every piece of your clothing leaving you a flustered mess.
He brushed his hand against the tip of your cock and grabbed it fully, wrapping it with his chilled hands making you hiss at the coldness. “Your cock is cute.” he chuckled kissing the tip of it, digging his nails on your slit making you yelp and whine.
“Please please, just— just fuck me already.” you babbled, bucking up into his hand, your mind hazy from pleasure and needy for the elf’s touches, he grins as he look down at you.
He then proceeded encircling his thumb around the head, watching you get more needier by the second, your begs and whines sounding like music to Seungmin’s ear.
You arch your back at the pleasure when he started to slowly jerk you off, making sure your sensitive is increased tenfold.
But when he suddenly removed his hand that was jerking you off, you let out a loud whine at that and started thrusting your hips up his knees that was settled in between your thighs.
“Patience. baby.” He murmured dangerously and held your hips down. Seungmin then lifted one of your legs up and placed it on your shoulder, he then encircled his index finger on your rim— and that made you crumble fully.
“Don’t tease, please.. Want...” You trailed off, let out a thin moan when he finally inserted a finger, the feeling so foreign but pleasurable, you started rocking your hips to his fingers.
You grit your teeth to keep the embarrassing sounds stuck on your throat from coming out, he slapped your thigh. “Stay still.” he commanded, his voice sending waves of pleasure to your already fully hard dick.
You didn’t even notice that he had fully three fingers in you, he curled his fingers upwards hitting that sensitive bundle of nerves causing your moans get louder and your breathing more erratic. “Fuck, I need you inside, please Seungmin..!” you shouted.
After removing his fingers from your hole, he then removed his pants and boxers along with his shirt, he leaned down to press a gentle kiss on you before Seungmin spat on his hand to coat his own length, giving it a few strokes.
He then positioned his tip on your rim, your hole clenching in need as he continued teasing you, you had enough of his teasing and switched both of your position so you were on top before dropping down on him, making him gasp in suprise as he felt your warm walls around him.
“Fuck.” you groaned as your body trembled in pain from the entry making you stay still in his hip, to make sure not to hurt yourself too much.
“You’re too impatient, Y/N.” he grinned placing his big hands on your waist as you slowly started to rise yourself up and slamming down again—sending waves of pain and pleasure across your whole body.
“Too big...” You breathed out, releasing a moan as his head bluntly hit your prostate.
“Feels good, pet?” he said, caressing your hipbone.
You nod in response and he shook his head before he thrusted upwards making you let out a small scream. “Answer me with words.” he growled.
“F-Feels amazing... Hngh...” you steadied your breathing and relaxed your body, allowing Seungmin to thrust more easily, he bit your chest; marking it as his. He licked a striped up a nipple making your shiver in pleasure.
He looked at you as if you were his prey, dark lusty eyes and the dim moonlight shining through your window complimenting his beautiful pale skin. Snow heavily falling crystallizing your window in a thin layer of ice. You didn’t even noticed that the fire inside the fireplace had extinguished on its own due to the lack of new firewood.
You closed your eyes and lean your head back as you just let the pleasure course through your body and nerves. You gasped as you were suddenly lifted up the couch, your walls tightened around his cock, Seungmin let out a hiss at that, “Let’s go to your bedroom, I want to play with you more..” he whispered as he buried his face at your shoulder.
“I-It’s over there...” You pointed at a corridor.
“I’ll make this the best fuck, that you have ever gotten baby~” he growled playfully. He pulled out to carry you more efficiently to your bedroom but your lips never left his own as you both made out, tongues fighting against each other.
. .
After sometime of making out, you felt him lay you down on a soft mattress, he widened your legs more, reinserting himself on your already-abused hole from earlier, you moaned weakly as he kept pistoning his hips on your ass. “Fuck Seungmin... I’m gonna cum..” You breathed out.
He smirked and gripped your cock, slowly jerking it off. You moaned and gripped the elf’s hair, pulling on it after every thrust.
“You may cum, but we are far away from being done.” He whispered seductively , his lips moving back to your nipple as you came, white liquid shooting out from your tip, hitting his chest and also your own.
Let’s just after that was night full of your moans and Seungmin’s groans, as you’ve came atleast 3 more times while he came twice inside of you.
. . .
Morning came, and you look to your side finding him missing.
You blink twice as you register the missing elf making tears prick the side of your eyes, but then you found a note at your nightstand. You picked up the note and read:
I’ll come back in a week Y/N~ I’ll just help clean the messy workshop and talk to my leader. - Seung
You immediately sighed in relief and thought,
Maybe that wish wasn’t so bad after all.
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lovecanbesostrange · 3 years
It started with an ask on konako’s blog, that led to a small scene with Red kneeling before the Evil Queen. (x) That was almost Red Queen fun. But it spun into something very dark, because the Evil Queen did capture Red and torture as punishment followed (this goes into dead-dove territory, you are warned, it’s messed up). Here are 4k words of what happened in the palace dungeon afterwards (spoiler alert, excessive use of silver):
summary: Red made the Evil Queen look foolish and gets utterly destroyed for it (graphic depictions of violence included)
Finally a little triumph. The Evil Queen went down the stairs into the dungeon. Every step of her well-shined heeled boots echoed loudly from the stone steps. Sometimes she wished she had more patience to make good use of the cells down here. But she was bored too easily not getting answers and the prisoners died quickly. Her torturer barely had anything to do. Why did she even pay him anymore? (Did she pay anyone in the palace? They were allowed to live and had nice enough accommodations and food, for sure that was enough.)
But now Regina wanted to take all the time in the world. Her knights had captured that wolf woman! After the bloodbath she had caused weeks ago that made Regina look foolish, she would enjoy their time together now. And it would send Snow White a message in the end.
Two guards were posted outside the cell and two inside. Of course knowing they dealt with a werewolf made handling the prisoner easier. For one the full moon was a couple of nights away. And silver was easy to come by to keep her in line. Regina had also instructed her blacksmith to forge some chains in preparation for when she would be captured. It had been a priority task.
When Regina entered the cell she smiled and took in the sight. Red was chained up in the middle of the room. She was stripped down to her undergarments, her clothes on the floor, except for her cloak that was draped over one of the tables. Her arms were raised above her head, wrists bound by the heavy cuffs each connected to a chain going through a loop in the ceiling and then stretching all the way to a bolt in the wall. Her ankles were cuffed as well, a short heavy chain in between so she couldn’t take any significant steps. Not that she could run away, since her toes barely reached the ground. Red had to carry her weight in her arms, shoulders.
“Well, well, well, so we meet again.” Regina took her time to enter and circled Red, who tried to follow her with her eyes. “You made quite a spectacle the last time.”
“Do you want an apology?” Red’s voice was firm. Too firm for Regina’s taste.
“I don’t think you could muster up an honest one. You’re a deceiver.” Regina stopped in front of her. “Begging for those peasants’ lives and then killing my men.” She grabbed Red’s chin with her thumb and index finger. “You said there was no need for bloodshed and you happily slaid them anyway.”
“I wouldn’t have done that if you hadn’t tried to take me.”
“As if you thought I would let you walk away from there.” Regina looked closely into those green eyes. Was the bravado real or just posturing? “Don’t get me wrong, the way you killed those men without a second thought was impressive. I can admire that. But the humiliation it would have been to return to the village and enact punishment, admitting to being defeated that day - I can’t let that slide.” She slapped Red across the cheek.
Red closed her eyes and didn’t turn her face back up. She was glad the villagers had been spared. Regina didn’t know how long she had stuck around to make sure there was no retaliation. And whatever was about to follow, would have been worth it. Snow had her plans to strike and they were close to luring the Queen into a trap. But every day more innocent people could die and Red could not sit by. She owed it to the victims of the wolf to use her strength for good now.
She heard Regina take a few steps back and looked again. The cloak was in her hands now. “Do you have any other name or should I just call you Red. Not very original, is it? Naming yourself after a bit of fabric.” Her fingers traced the patterns. “I sense magic in this. But I guess asking about it will not bring me answers, right? Just like any of Snow White’s plans won’t leave your lips.”
Statements. The Evil Queen had made up her mind already, questions weren’t part of whatever this encounter was. Red turned her hands around and tried to get a grip on the chain, change her position the slightest bit to take some strain off of her already burning shoulders.
“Do you know there isn’t much to find in books about your kind?” Regina exchanged the cloak for something else from the table. It reflected a bit of the amber light emitted from the fireplace and Red could see it was a simple dagger. “The one thing that is said over and over though is your weakness towards silver. I’m curious. Is it just the metal or wounds inflicted by it?”
Red already clenched her jaw before Regina put the blade against the skin on her upper arm, preparing to get cut. But instead Regina pressed the flat side on her skin first. Definitely silver. Pure. Red felt the effect in a matter of seconds and bit down, grinding her teeth.
Regina stood close again, caught her eyes with her gaze and kept pressing the blade against the tender side of her arm. “Don’t worry, I will write down everything I’m about to do here, so the books can add a chapter about how to break a wolf when in their human form.” And with that she turned the dagger and cut the skin. Red flinched, more from the shock than the actual pain. It was a relief actually to have the silver leave her.
“Are there noteworthy differences between a cut with this,” Regina lifted the dagger, “and a normal blade?” She gestured towards one of the guards and he immediately unsheathed a dagger from his boot. Without hesitation Regina reproduced the cut on the other arm. The blood almost tickled as it ran down. “Oh no, I’m making a mess. Getting blood out of clothes is such a hassle.”
Regina let one of the daggers fall down and with the other cut along the seams of Red’s top half of what she was left wearing. Red closed her eyes again as she felt air hit her exposed body. She knew which weapon Regina held and she could feel the silver being drawn over her skin, over her collarbone, between her breasts, down to her navel. The point barely left a scratch, but the offending metal felt like being brushed with a nettle. Red took in deep, sharp breaths through her nose.
That reaction was exactly what made Regina go slower with her movements. It wasn’t the sharpness that left the light red mark, no, it appeared the longer she held the blade in place. What an interesting sight to watch. Regina brought her free hand up to Red’s chin again, this time squeezing her jaw with her palm, digging her fingers into her cheek. Red looked at her again.
“You know, the longer you resist, the more adamant I will be to make you scream. That is how these things work.” She brought the dagger up to Red’s forehead, this time with the edge to cut into her skin again. It took a few seconds, but then the blood running over her eyebrows made Red blink.
“Can you hold this for me?” With that she wedged the silver dagger between the torn clothes and Red’s hips. Red squirmed trying to get away, but the blade touched her thigh ever so slightly. “I learned a valuable lesson the other day. A blacksmith works with iron. Like those chains holding you. Not used to working with silver. You would have to ask a silversmith about it. I even found one and he is working on special silver cuffs for me. Or rather, for you.”
Regina stood at the table again, her back to Red. When she turned around she held up a necklace. “So for now, I have to settle for delicate jewelry instead of the collar you deserve.” Under any other circumstance Red would have admired the piece. Obviously the star-shaped ornament was meant to hold a gemstone in place, a diamond or a sapphire, but this was stripped down to the silver components for one purpose only. “So you will get used to a leash later,” was all Regina added as she put it around Red’s neck.
Red held on. Her skin was crawling all over, the itch on her thigh burning already, but she tried to stay as still as possible. She couldn’t do anything against the tears forming in her eyes, betraying her brave face though.
Regina stood before her, brows furrowed. “Your healing isn’t as fast. I will need to wait hours to compare those cuts on your arms. There is something I am forgetting.” She rubbed her temples, feigning to think. “Oh, of course, I need a point of reference!” A clap of her hands alerted the guard. “You, get the girl from next door.” Red’s eyes went wide.
“No. Wait. You don’t need to drag anybody else into this.”
Regina stepped closer and slapped her across the cheek again, harder this time. “I don’t remember asking for your opinion and you will stop being so informal around me!”
“Yes, Your Majesty”, Red quickly gathered herself. “But please, there is no need-” But she already saw a frightened young girl being pushed into the cell. About her height and weight, seemingly healthy. For now. The girl fell to the floor and cowered there.
“I caught her stealing, so normally she would already be dead. But she can be of use for me.” Regina put a hand into her hair and yanked her head up, to make her look at Red. “Or do you want her dead right now?”
The terror Red felt was mirrored on the girl’s face. Was there a chance of survival for her? She was ready to beg for her life; to lie on that table where Regina obviously had more silver tools; to take any punishment herself. “No,” Red whispered. Another yank at the girl’s hair. “No, Your Majesty.”
“A fast learner.” She pushed the girl into a chair with cuffs on the armrests. Seating her in front of Red. The girl trembled and looked to the floor. Red tried to pull at her chains, but it only sent a jolt of pain through her shoulders.
Regina paced the room. After a while she came up behind Red. “Your shoulders must really hurt by now. Let me help you with that.” Her fingers played with the necklace and Red hissed. Shifting it around made the pain more noticeable. “The plate.” She said towards the guards. Behind Red a wooden plate leaned against the wall. A thin metal sheet on one side, coated in silver. She knew that before the guards shoved it under her feet. The wood added a few inches so in theory this took some of the weight off her shoulders, but the soles of her feet would soon itch, turn red, swell, hurt and most likely blister. She tried to balance on the outside of her feet only, to not hurt everywhere all at once.
“Do you know what the second thing is that some texts suggest to use against a werewolf?” Silence. “Oh, that was a genuine question directed at you. Do you know?”
“Fire.” Red answered between breaths. Her mouth was open now, it was dry. She didn’t dare to fully fill her lungs, because that made the necklace move. The attack on multiple parts of her body with the silver was starting to overwhelm her.
“That is correct. You know your weaknesses it seems.” Regina conjured a fireball in her hand. “Fire is pure. It doesn’t discriminate. It can be very elegant.” She stepped closer to Red, hand outstretched so she could feel the heat of the flame. “How fast can you heal a burn wound?”
“I don’t k-” Red couldn’t finish that sentence, because Regina held her hand to her side now. A scream was all that escaped her lips. The fireball wasn’t cast, but the flame burned her flesh. Red clenched her fists and tried to step away, the chains around her ankles making a screeching sound dragging over the silver plate. There was no escape, because Regina just followed with her hand. She closed her hand and the fireball vanished. Red went slack, her breathing sped up. The only good thing was that in this commotion, the dagger had gotten loose and fallen to the floor.
Red sorted out her senses, trying to gather her bearings, when she heard the girl scream. Louder, more fearful, indicating the horrible pain she never felt before. Regina had torn her clothes and burned her at the exact same place on her body. For reference. Red couldn’t put the horror of it into words. Would it indeed be better for the girl if she was dead already? She didn’t even know her name.
And Red didn’t learn her name over the next few days, because whatever happened, she would not talk to her. Regina had strictly forbidden it and the rotating guards would hit her at a single word. It was almost comical. Red’s body went numb. Cuts, rashes, bruises, welts, burns, scratches. It came and went. The pain was a constant throbbing, she got repositioned a few times, but it felt like she would never use her arms on her own accord again. But whatever happened to her, the girl looked worse. Red did heal faster from any wound not dealt with silver. But it did take a lot from her regardless. She lost track of time. What was sleep? Any kind of shame about being naked had vanished. Instead of clothes her body was covered in forming scars, marks and blemishes.
Red tried to count the rotations of the guards, to get any kind of feeling for the passing days. It was only days, right? It felt like forever. Silver on her skin somewhere at all times, lashes from a whip, getting burned with a torch, red hot iron, and so many cuts to make her bleed. The worst still a long deep wound on her right cheek, starting at her ear right to the corner of her mouth. When they allowed her some water, it even hurt to swallow.
Later Red found out it had been five days in total. It seemed like a small window of time. But the Evil Queen lived up to her name. Especially on day four, when she left permanent damage. While Red was mostly kept standing up, the girl was strapped to the chair. Not that she had any energy left to walk out of here, even if they’d opened the door for her. Regina stood behind her and pulled her head back.
“Just look at me, I’m sure this won’t hurt you.”
Red looked on as Regina dripped liquid into one of her eyes. The girl flinched, but that was a reflex. None of her sounds of discomfort or pain left her throat. That made Red more nervous than she would admit. And she was right to be.
“Just as I thought. Look at that, barely irritated.” She pushed the girl’s head forward, her eye teared up, maybe a bit reddened.
Regina walked around her and caught Red’s gaze. “Such beautiful green eyes. Quiet unusual. Of course not as remarkable as the wolfish gold, is it?” The way she kept staring was unnerving and Red’s breathing already picked up. Fear. In a short amount of time she had learned what fear truly was.
“Hold her steady.” A guard came and grabbed Red’s head from behind. Panic sunk in and she started to squirm, tried to turn her face away, to wiggle out of his grip. She wasn’t sure what was about to happen, but she knew she wanted out. Right now. No more pain, she couldn’t take anymore. But she had to.
Regina got a few drops out of the vile, into Red’s right eye. “Don’t worry, it’s mostly water. Just a tiny bit of silver dust mixed into it.”
Red pushed her body back as hard as she could, but her mangled feet had no grip, it was more like leaning into the guy. No force to get him off. And then the pain started. It felt like a needle prick. And all of a sudden the colors exploded in Red’s sight. Everything was sharper, the light from the fireplace brighter. She knew her eyes turned golden like before she would transform. It had happened a few times, when highly agitated. Now it was a physical response.
Regina laughed. “I did not expect that.” She met Red’s terror with fascination. More needle pricks in her eye, the urge to rub it away. Red pulled at her chains, she wanted to press the palm of her hand against her eye and get the irritating feeling out. But there was no chance. All Regina saw was the golden color and Red gasping for air, holding back a scream. The hitched breathing was a good enough tell that this hurt.
Worse than the pain that kept sinking in was the way Red started to see white dots, blind specks in her vision. Three, four, five, more and more. She blinked, her tearducts fighting off the intrusion, but the silver too strong an opponent. Red clenched her jaw and groaned. She let out a growl from deep within, filled with frustration and pain. It was more of a bellow than a scream. Regina smiled at that.
While Red’s left eye got back to its human green, the right eye stayed golden, a misty layer clouding the bright hue. It drew Regina’s full attention, while it would be weeks for Red to discover the permanent change. Blinded, only noting a change between light and darkness. Her eyeball feeling like it was rubbed with sandpaper made the rest of the day seem like nothing. Time moved on
And then unthinkable happened. The chains were loosened completely, the cuffs came off. Red tried to curl up on the floor, but she could barely move her joints. Everything hurt too much. But Regina laughed. “Remember that I said I will make you beg for more than mercy? How about you ask me to end her suffering?”
Red looked up. Trying to adjust to the impaired vision. As bad as she felt, the girl looked worse. “Please…”, the girl said and the guard standing behind her, hit her against the head immediately.
It took everything Red had to turn herself upright, to bend her knees and sit on them. To kneel before Regina again. No side eye, no hint of a smirk, no failsafe. The burn marks hurt worst next to the chafed skin around her neck from the necklace that was also gone now. “Your…” Red was shaking, she had to cough trying to speak. “Please, Your Majesty. End her suffering. I beg you. Please. It’s enough… enough…” And with that she fell down again.
“Pathetic.” Regina’s verdict was cold as ice. “And to think I had a gift for you just now. Guards.” They stood next to Red and pulled her to her knees again, held her up. Regina leaned towards her. “My silversmith has arrived.” She produced a silver object and only when the lock clicked around her neck did Red realize this was the collar she had talked about. She felt the burn on her throat and winced. It was a sound she was used to producing by now.
“Please… Your Majesty…” Red was panting, she could not finish the plea.
Regina rolled her eyes. “If this is the best you can do, so be it. Ending the suffering now.” And with that her hand shot straight into Red’s chest and pulled out her heart. “Kill her. Rip her throat out like you always do.”
Red wanted to scream. She wanted to jump the Evil Queen. To tear up the men holding her. But what she wanted was irrelevant all of a sudden. The will to do it was overwritten. She looked at the girl, defeated, not even surprised. While Red’s mind fully woke up for the first time in days, all her muscles reacted to something else. The pain all over her body was terrible, but every second she didn’t comply was even more agony.
Red crawled more than she walked to get to the chair. She hovered over her nameless victim, tried to hold back, but those terror-stricken eyes met hers. “Make it quick, please.” Oh, if only she could turn into a wolf, those sharp teeth would take less than a second. Regina had specified how this girl was supposed to die and Red could not opt to cut her throat with a knife, she sunk her still very human teeth into it. The larynx, so easy to wrap fangs around, was hard, the skin and flesh thick. The scream the girl let out was only short, because the pressure suffocated her. It was impossible to make this quick-
Finally Red tasted blood. Tears ran down her face, but she could not stop herself from this horrible act. This slow, agonizing, inhumane death of a nameless chamber maid, who probably hadn’t even stolen a thing. Someone at the wrong place, at the wrong time, who had suffered for days for cruel experiments with no merit. One more victim added to Red’s tally. Not for good. Not in battle. Not in defense. Needless cruelty.
When the girl’s heart stopped, Red finally could let go. She sank on all fours, spat out what she could of the blood and wailed. Her own heart wasn’t even in her chest, but it had never felt heavier.
“Get the smith down here now, he knows what to do.” Regina sent one guard away. Red looked up, warm blood dripping from her chin, she could feel it. Disgusting. If she had any strength left, this would be the time to strike. But all Regina needed to do was a little squeeze. Her heart hurt. No, Red was helpless. Any thought of fighting back an illusion.
“I think it’s best that you lie down on the table for this next part.”
Red wanted to put her head under a guillotine right now. To kill like that was worse than any of the torture methods the Evil Queen had come up with. Regina had won. But Red couldn’t do anything but comply and lied down, waiting for her fate.
It came in the form of a small white haired man, holding a sort of chalice with a long tongue. His hands were shaking and Red couldn’t tell if it was because of what he was doing or just being in Regina’s presence. She couldn’t make sense of what was happening. A guard came and put her wrists into the handcuffs again, strapping her to the table. A chain going over her thighs and under the table fixated her.
Regina squatted down next to her, stroking her hair. “Feel free to scream for me now.”
“The mold.” Wood was pressed against her back. “Careful with your fingers there, wouldn’t want to burn you.”
And then everything was fire. The scream from Red’s throat surprised Regina enough that she stood up. Loud, agonizing, on the brink of collapse. What looked like a chalice was a melting pot, containing a few grams of molten silver. It was poured on Red’s skin and burned her instantly, severely. Water followed mere seconds later to turn the liquid back to solid, but the damage was done. A silver ring fused into her flesh. The pain and the sensory overload from heat to cold send her into shock. She was still screaming with the taste of warm blood in her mouth when the faint claimed her.
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