#he was specifically groomed for that ffs
moraxsthrone · 1 year
No thoughts head empty, just Kaeya gently running a hand through your hair as you both lie down on the couch with a warm blanket sharing stories and drinks. Body relaxed, mind at ease.
His thumb rubs at your arm lovingly with a tiny smile as you recount something funny that happened a few days ago. He loves seeing you smile, loves to hear your laugh and excited rambling.
He kisses your forehead and chuckles at the blush that blooms on your cheeks, but you just feel so happy, so warm.
This is nice...
hhhhhhhh crys!! you always put the prettiest, loveliest images in my mind of my faves.
just...spending quality time alone w kaeya like this, enjoying a couple of cocktails at home together while exchanging stories and laughs. mindlessly twirling a strand of his long, blue hair around your fingers as you recount and bemoan the sheer lack of competence you have to deal with at work some days. and he reminds you in his pleasant, melodic voice,
"just remember, my love...stupidity is job security,"
sending you into another fit of chuckles because he's so right?? then you shake your head while telling him how entertained you are by his way with words sometimes. and it makes him smile back at you bc hearing you say the things you like about him warms his once-icy heart. he secretly hopes that you never get tired of him and his cheeky antics, not knowing that his playfulness is one of the things that made you fall in love with him in the first place.
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messiahzzz · 8 months
Grooming also doesn't have to involve sex. So even if people think his relationship with Mystra was appropriate, you still can't deny he wasn't groomed to be great. The guy caught Elminster's attention at eight years old ffs. There's no way around it.
that’s the thing. it doesn’t matter at what exact point their relationship became sexual, it doesn’t matter whether gale was of age at this point in time or not. grooming is a process, it’s pure manipulation that sets the groundwork to ensure that this person will be fully accessible (in whatever way the abuser desires, usually sexual) at a later point. children can be groomed, teenagers can be groomed and adults can be groomed as well - age is no factor in this regard. children are merely common victims due to being more impressionable. it’s essentially about creating a power imbalance that the abuser exploits for their own gratification.
the discussion about where to fit gale’s relationship with mystra in terms of her death & the overall timeline (while fun to theorize over) is redundant imo, since larian has been known to play pretty loose with the lore themselves. there are already so many inconsistencies.
so, the information we have regarding mystra’s relationship with gale are these snippets:
mystra first functioned as his mentor, then his muse, and later his lover.
gale’s relationship with her was indeed of a sexual nature, he has explicitly stated so several times.
elminster sought him out when he was but 8 years old, as stated in the epilogue letter.
during the ending where gale fails to ascend raphael states during the credits that tav has “rekindled gale’s ambitions after mystra had so cleverly put them to rest”
if you do want to consider d&d lore, it also tells us that mystra possesses a degree of foresight. (my friend @galedekarios already wrote a very thorough meta on the general subject.)
elminster’s letter pretty much confirms any suspicions we might have had earlier. after all, what reason is there for elminster, one of mystra’s chosen, to seek out gale specifically? how was he aware of gale in the first place? what personal incentive could he possibly have that isn’t tied to mystra in some way? why gale specifically when there are likely many young wizards with a potential for greatness that he could take under his wing? claiming that “it wasn’t mystra who sought him out, but elminster” feels like a rather naive and shortsighted read on the situation imo. we know that mystra was gale’s mentor and that she eventually made him her chosen. it isn’t hard to connect the dots.
summed up: we do know that mystra had her sight set on gale when he was an 8-year-old boy, possibly even earlier than that. the intention was already there and we know that their relationship underwent the transitions of teacher, muse, and then lover.
gale has been inevitably shaped by her grooming (just like any victim) to be devoted, to be compliant, to be loyal, to not question. many of his behaviors and beliefs are a direct result of said manipulation and abuse. gale himself is only starting to comprehend the possibility that he might actually be a victim once the tadpole crew comes into his life. and, like i said in my previous post, has barely scratched the surface of the damage that was done.
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crimeboys · 1 month
It wasnt mourninglamby :( but honestly mourninglamby doesnt know what they’re talking about so if they have the same opinions it doesnt even matter what they think tbh……. I just wish I was better at showing them evidence you know? I keep talking about the yes very selfish love cwilbur has for ctommy was still love for ctommy and there aint no way the mental turmoil cdream caused ctommy is worse than cwilbur being mentally ill and a bad role model… they called cwilbur a groomer ffs???? I wish I could tell them that’s wrong without losing again due to my lack of evidence because they can just shut it down by calling my interpretations of crimeboys fanon……. I’m honestly just rambling sorry cyrus
my bad that may have been my own personal demons... although it does make me desolate to know more people share this take. but im not exactly unfamiliar with media illiteracy in this fandom.
but tbh it's like fine you dont have to debate people online about their interpretations of characters i personally love to block and stew (and occasionally lose my cool or swagever) and write private metas bc well im not a super articulate person so i hate posting them online. but yeah listen if you see people making dumbass takes that are wildly insane such as c!wilbur groomed tommy, you never have to like. debate that person bc frankly they've gone to a level of reading into shit that you are probably not going to be able to unravel. write your own meta or complain to your friends. i personally do the second one bc i hate writing. but i can attempt a little bit.
cwilbur is a complicated man who a lot of people like to make simple, be that in a negative or positive way. there are far extremes of both interpretations of the character and they both drive me insane. he is a character who requires a lot of criticism and a lot of compassion, otherwise he gets lost in the extremes of "terrorist monster who wants to hurt everyone" or "big brother who wuvs his little brother and would never do anything to hurt him".
cdream is also a complex character but he has a simple goal. power. whether that power come from land or disc or a teenager all on his own, his goal is to be on top. things take an obvious shift from just being obsessed with power to being obsessed with having power over tommy, which dream has always had to some degree but that's bc he fixated on tommy's "troublemaking" ruining the server in the beginning. exile is where he began to just Enjoy fucking with tommy and lets himself want power over tommy for the sake of having power over tommy, nothing to do with control of the server.
both of them meant to hurt tommy. i dont disagree with the notion that wilbur was abusive toward tommy. i just think there is a very clear difference in the way wilbur treated him vs. the way dream treated him. specifically i think situationally, it is very clear that wilbur was in a godawful place when he started treating tommy and everyone else terribly. i think the notion that his abuse started before pogtopia is bullshit and an incredibly dumb read of the characters. wilbur was not secretly fucking evil during l'manburg. he was an asshole often because wilbur's an asshole (but so is tommy, which people who dont actually like his character but adore the fanon version of it like to ignore), but he didn't create l'manburg just to destroy it. he didn't created l'manburg just to hurt tommy and everyone he loves. he made a home for them and when that home was taken, he had a really fucking bad reaction to it.
there is no question that wilbur during this time period hurt the people he loves. but i also think acting like every single thing he did during this period of time was malicious is fucking strange. there is a very clear, obvious fucking steady decline from the moment eret betrays them in the final control room, to wilbur and tommy being exiled from the home they built together for each other, to wilbur and tommy trying to get their nation back, to wilbur watching schlatt onstage and realizing (thinking) he never can in a way that matters, to wilbur becoming a shaken up bottle of paranoia set to explode the second someone opens it. even the fucking pit, which was shitty and gross and makes me yell at the screen every time i watch it, had a cause and effect. wilbur who genuinely thinks technoblade is on their side and trusts not to kill tubbo, to running back to pogtopia and indignant about techno trying to come back, to realizing this reinforces his paranoia and that he was right all along isn't that amazing tommy he was right they can't trust anyone, to putting tommy and techno in the pit.
this isn't the most indepth bc well like i said i don't write meta. but i think my point is clear that overall, there is a very clear difference between isolating and hurting someone literally for fucking fun vs. being isolated by the country you built and having a paranoid episode that your brother is in the front lines for that irrevocably changes both of you.
i think not liking cwilbur is fair enough, he has done undeniably shit things and hurt a lot of people without really making up for it, but i think refusing to engage with his character outside of the surface level is incredibly annoying, especially when you refuse to do that but include your own personal hcs and pretend they're honest interpretations of what you actually watched instead of separate characters you invented in your head.
dsmp might be a mess and people might think they "did more heavy lifting than the creators" but at the end of the day, they gave us very clear groundwork and tons of content and i don't think any of the lifting we have done is actually all that revolutionary to the characters outside of like. fanart. usually the people who do aren't writing the characters anymore. or maybe it's their first fandom and they don't realize it's very normal to have a bunch of hcs and character reworkings. but that's a little off topic.
anyway i could ramble about all this forever so i'm gonna go before i'm too mean and late to work byeee.
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filthforfriends · 11 months
idk if you use twitter/instagram but there’s been hugeeee dramas(?) regarding both thomas and ethan and i love ur opinions so i need ur opinions on the matter
idk about Thomas and I don't love that anon referred to the situation as "drama" since the allegations are very serious. However there is so little credibility and specificity in the situation that I get it. Everything is to the best of my knowledge.
A couple days ago, an instagram user sent serious allegations about Ethan to several Maneskin fans (and we don't know who else). "I know stories related to Ethan that are quite problematic." That sentence is how the user prefaced the concerning details, which I won't be sharing for that very reason. Knowing "stories related to" someone is way too many degrees of separation for any level of credibility. The account was quickly deleted and never disclosed their identity.
Enter a small Italian instagram account which claims to create a safe space to call out abuse by influential figures. The page is less than 3 months old, however the person or people running it are experienced with social media branding. They are organized and eloquent social activists/feminists who are absolutely sure they are doing the right thing here.
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The "reports" are just screen shots of DMs that describe allegations. Each set of messages is prefaced by a description of the accused, instead of a name. I don't see how this is effective at anything besides creating a tornado of gossip and avoiding a defamation lawsuit. Two days ago they posted a detailed collection of allegations attributed to "il batterista di una nota rockband italiana." Translation: "the drummer of a well known Italian rock band." The details in the call out are consistent with the dubious messages to fans. So people assumed it was about Ethan, which was very likely the goal of the description.
We can't know if these allegations came from the same user that messaged fans because the call out account keeps their sources anonymous. The fact that they post screen shots does not inspire confidence that the accuracy of their content is being verified. The only step they claim to take is waiting to post a "report" until they receive messages from two victims. This single protocol is inadequate authentication of career ending allegations where Ethan isn't even named. To quell your curiosity, the gist is that this person is volatile and manipulative within his romantic relationships. He notoriously never wears condoms, even if he's entered a safe sex agreement with his partner, never mind the consequences.
I'm not gonna waste time debunking the Twitter account who was using the label "grooming" more liberally than lube on a straight man's sphincter. Trust it was the opposite of credibility. (And use the dictionary definition when accusing someone of a crime ffs!)
So we're left with 3 streaming piles of nothing until @/lauralfonsic likes the call out post. That handle belongs to Laura Alfonsi Castelli, Ethan's ex-girlfriend. (They do still follow each other). Her motivations for liking this post about "the drummer of a well known Italian rock band" seem obvious, but with allegations this serious it's important to acknowledge that we don't actually know.
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Credit: @/ilballodivic
Then Damiano's ex Girogia Soleri released a statement that was purposefully nonspecific, but sided with Ethan whom she's known for 6+ years. Her and Laura are friends which makes them being on opposite sides of this strange.
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What's even stranger is Giorgia's best friend Federica Fabrizio posting the call out on her story. Not only has Giorgia taken a stance against the call out, she's done it in a way that doesn't lead back to the source. She limited the call out's exposure so that fewer people would see it. Federica did the exact opposite, which is unexpected because her and Giorgia are also partners in social advocacy.
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The statement isn't overt, but Federica appears to be taking some responsibility for creating the call out. Its like she's posting a finished project with a clever one-liner to express that she's proud of herself without seeming too boastful. It's improbable, except that the call out account, which self-identifies in social justice and is Italian-speaking, functions with the help of activists.
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Buckle up. Federica's next instagram story was this bathroom selfie with a bold caption.
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Obviously shit is hitting the fan back in Rome with former members of Maneskin's inner circle, but we have zero facts.
Ultimately, there is no evidence that Ethan is guilty of anything. You've probably noticed I haven't made it simple to find the post or account, which is intentional. Please pontificate less and research more. A person's reputation is fragile. Once broken, the pieces never quite go back together.
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hellsbellschime · 2 years
Sometimes I think marrying Daemon hurt Rhaenyra's cause more than having bastards did. People could've accepted Rhaenyra but Daemon was a big no-no for majority of the lords. It was the actual reason they supported Rhaenyra's claim in the first place.
LOL I actually legit made a video basically saying this exact thing like four days ago, that Rhaenyra's entire claim was basically invalidated by the fact that she was named heir specifically to avoid Daemon becoming king and then she married Daemon and ensured that he would become king if she took the throne. She was groomed by him so it's not exactly her fault, but FFS the vast majority of any support she had was not because of herself, but because she was not Daemon.
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Dorms When Polyam!MC Gets Sick
More of a general headcanon style?? Idk. I'm still going to do dorm specific headcanons but how do you guys like this type? Also, Ortho is completely platonic and not aged up like the others.
Trey is very helpful during this time.
He takes very good care of you, often going out of his way to make sure your fridge is always stocked with something ready to eat.
Deuce and Ace are not as helpful.
At least Deuce tries, but Ace can't help forgetting half way through that you are, in fact, sick and he does, in fact, need to stop bouncing off the walls.
He's better when Riddle's around, but that's mostly out of fear he'll be collared.
^ Riddle does not play around when you're sick. Everyone sit down and act like adults or face the consequences.
Cater is also somewhat an annoyance.
Sure, he can be incredibly helpful, especially when everyone is at school and his magic can have him there and in class, but the guy never stops posting about it online.
#mypoorbaby is what he tags under a photo of you, surrounded by tissues and clinging onto a pillow.
You can kill him after you get better.
Leona either doesn't care about getting sick or simply doesn't think you can get him sick.
^Jack attributes this to something about being a protective lion. You don't know what that means exactly, but the dorm head does snear at the accusation.
For whatever reason, protection or not, most of the time Leona is at ramshackle, sleeping around the dorm and growling at unannounced visitors.
It's like having your own guard cat. Except sometimes he comes upstairs and tries to groom you because, let's face it, being sick is not a good look on anyone.
Jack doesn't come over as often as Leona, mostly due to his dedications to his obligations, but when he does he typically makes it his duty to fix up any mess.
He'll yell at Leona and anyone else who won't leave you alone during these little clean up sessions.
At least Ruggie is sort of normal. He makes you soup, but gets angry at the suggestion of anyone else eating it.
(^Also is constantly fighting with Trey and Jade to feed you because he's territorial like that.)
Best cuddle trio.
So annoying. They are so annoying.
Azul is like a fretting mother hen the whole time, and Jade ultimately bends to his commands, which only fuels this fire.
And, frankly, Floyd is the exact opposite. He's so needy. All this attention being taken away from him and being placed on the person who usually gives him his attention is annoying.
Won't leave you alone unless someone drags him out by his fins.
(He's dramatic)
At least Azul and Jade care. Even if they are sort of smothering you.
Don't be surprised if Azul uses your 'weakened state' as an opportunity to make some sort of deal. He may love you but he's still a man of the trade.
("Sign this document saying I'm your favorite" ffs Jade control your octopus)
More chaotic then then Azul and the tweels.
They're genuinely concerned, but Kalim is always bouncing off the walls and naturally Jamil is always trying to keep said walls from breaking under his weight.
Kalim brings you lots of tea
(^Jamil will then proceed to give you a different cup that isn't loaded with sugar.)
"Please Kalim you're hugging me so tight I can't breathe."
Jamil will either laugh at the scene or be incredibly annoyed. It depends on how sick you are tbh.
Kalim might try to sneak you from Ramshackle to Scarabia he's definitely that big of a mess.
(^^the image of dorm battles on Ramshackle lawn because you go missing is hilarious to me)
Gets you great doctors!!
Vil swears he isn't coming over while you're sick.
He does. He cares that much about you, but just know you'll never hear the end of the huge favor he's doing for you.
Honestly he really didn't need to come over. You would have been fine with Epel and Rook.
(^and the various other dorms who simply won't leave you alone.)
Vil makes sure to keep your appearance tidy by keeping your hair brushed and using a wash cloth to wipe off your face. On the other hand, Rook takes to sticking close to your side and Epel plays guard against the other dorms who often try to infringe upon your moments with the Pomefiore gang. They compliment each other very well.
Unfortunately Vil is scared of getting sick so the minute he gets any semblance of illness he's not coming back. Love, friendship, or whatever else be damned.
Rook is happy to take over his duties though. Perhaps a little too happy.
Epel fan get a bit too loud, but compared to some others, it's nothing really horrible.
Idia might visit in person once, but even that could be considered a stretch.
Idia will be available during school though, so he's great to play games with during the day when the others are busy.
It's not that he doesn't care about you, it's that he just doesn't like leaving the dorm, and since you aren't dealthy ill he can still communicate fine via screen no problem.
(This is absolutely annoying to you, but he and everyone else have no issues with this whatsoever. Just more space for them.)
Ortho comes around rather often though!
He's incredibly helpful
Also sends you little gifts to pass the time.
This is genuinely like watching humans try and care for an alien baby.
They all have some idea of what they're supposed to do but they're all so hyper aware of the fact that humans are so much more fragile then they are. Which is what leads to the inevitable call to Crowley because "Oh my goodness MC has been sleeping for six hours and they just woke up from a six hour nap two hours ago what is wrong with my human?"
Silver handles it a lot better then the other three tbh, and at least Lilia seems to have some sort of understanding as to what's going on.
Malleus and Sebek are a whole other story though. Chaos pairing.
There is so much yelling on Sebek's half. He's like an angry guard, chasing off anyone who even tries to come near you.
Malleus saves that rage for Leona, who is more then willing to escalate tensions despite your current health situation.
In conclusion, you're better off with Grim.
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its-me-im-coraline · 3 years
NSFW Alphabet // Damiano David
words // 1468
warnings // clearly smut
pairing // Damiano x Reader
author's note // if you want to be on the tag list let me know. sorry if this feels rushed but i want to escape the heat and the laptop brings too much of it
request // yes, through a reblog i cant find
summary // self explanatory
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
I feel like Damiano is pretty good at taking care of you after but a lot of the time he is the one to require the aftercare. He gets kind of insecure after sex, like I don’t know… He will require some kind of confirmation that he did well, that he did not hurt you, that you loved him. Generally he needs reassurance sometimes.
His hands were now wrapped around you, after everything that went down, all the spanking and the harsh words, he needed to feel you close, to let you know that he didn’t mean all that.
“Are you ok, mi amore?” His voice was soft, tone ever so gentle, his fingers rubbing small circles on your arm.
“Exhausted, but yes, I am perfect.” The little smile you gave him was all the reassurance he needed.
Suddenly he became a little more confident, small ‘I love you’s escaping his lips as he tucked you under his arms.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I feel like Damiano’s favorite part of himself would most likely be his face. Honestly it might sound a little weird for me to say this but I feel like that's it, ok. Like, he can convey all his feelings through his face, he can lure you in so wonderfully with his facial expression and oh well he’d love it if you sat on his face or simply used his face to get off, regardless the position.
Now as for his favorite part of you i feel like it would probably be your thighs. No matter gender, he would find your thighs to be such a turn on, any time and anywhere.
(this will refer to pussy-bearing reader lol so yeah, sorry for that, I can’t think of a gn scenario with thighs)
He was being driven insane all night. He knew it was a bad idea to take you out after that stunt you pulled that morning with the ‘accidental’ not-wearing-underwear-under-his-shirt incident. He had not given you what you wanted then so you were planning on getting it now.
Your thighs were adorned with thigh high stockings, garters and all accompanying them. You knew his weakness and you’d play with it till the end.
For the whole night, Damiano tried to not react. He did not want to seem like he’s possessive or overbearing or whatever else, so he let it be for a while, but after one point it had gotten too much, he could not take it anymore.
“Amore, I think it’s time to leave,” he said, loudly enough for your friends to hear as well.
“Oh, but why Damiano, I want to stay a little longer,” you whined, receiving a little spank on the back of your thigh, thankfully the music could cover it up.
“If you want a chance to ride my face, you’ll come with me, or else you can wait to have an orgasm for another week.” this time his words were quite enough for your ears only, the idea of what he’d do later was not something he wanted your friends to have.
“Yeah, now that you said it, I’m getting a bit tired. Ooof my feet hurt from dancing. Goodnight.”
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
He’s pretty big on seeing him cum on you. I think I said something similar for Ethan but Damiano is full on messy cum. He does not care where you are, what you’re wearing, whatever, he will cum on you. On your face, your shirt, your underwear. It does not matter. He’s like the type of guy that goes like “oh you want it, amore? You want my cum? Tell me where you want it,” and then will come where you direct him to.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He kind of wants to see you get fucked by somebody else while he watches… He is kind of scared to express that, not knowing how you’d feel
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
I’d say a good medium. He’s experienced, he’s surely not new to this, but i don’t think he has had that many sexual partners. He feels like the guy that needs a connection before he can have sex, at least most of the times. So he is experienced enough.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
I feel like he’d enjoy mostly well you riding his face, your legs up his shoulders as he fucks into you or kind of entangled, your right leg over his right hip and your left between both of his (its called ‘pretzel dip ffs)
he want to be able to feel your thighs all over him
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
He some times is goofy when he is close to cumming and he starts the whole “where do you want it”. Some times he would crack jokes.
Generally i feel like he is goofy in bed
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He does not care to much but he could possibly trim it down if its too bothersome when you suck his dick.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
He can be very romantic if you want him to but most times he’s kind of goofy as i mentioned. The very intimate moments are very specific. After a romantic date, on an anniversary, your or his birthday and so on and so forth
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He masturbates a lot, cause he thinks about you a lot. Some times he’ll see old photos of you two before he left on tour and he gets turned on by your thighs
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
well as i said he thinks of you being fucked by someone else and him seeing you, so id say a bit of voyeurism and cuckolding. He’s a switch so he’s only dominant when there is no one else to be dominant, so the idea of someone fucking you and shaming him while doing so is kind of a hot idea some times.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
He will go anywhere you guys are if he can’t stop it. Seriously quickies at club bathrooms are too common for you two
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
As I already mentioned: thighs. If you are wearing thigh high anything, short tight dresses, short shorts that are tight around your thighs, garters, tight jeans, tight dress pants… Anything with your thighs kills him
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
He prefers giving it. Like yeah, he loves it when you give him oral but he seems like the type of man that for example eats pussy for his own pleasure. I can seriously imagine him coming home from working at the studio and he’s stressed as fuck and (after getting your consent of course) he’d lay between your thighs and start giving you oral.
“But Dami I’m reading a book.”
“So? Continue. This is not about you. I’m stressed, it’s about me.” You’d simply just laugh, knowing very well you won't be able to concentrate on your book.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
he is usually quite fast. he doesn’t exactly love the slower pace. the slower pace is for when you guys are extremely intimate, as i talked about before, or if he is teasing you
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He is down to experiment with most things. He is very comfortable with his sexuality so he does not mind most things, except some few ones that he finds a bit disgusting (no offence)
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
I feel like he would buy you a toy that he can control from far away and he’d get one for him that you’d control so you kind of mutually jack off each other while he’s on tour or either of you is away for days.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Enough to show you punishment but also enough to receive one at times
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He’s pretty big. Not too much (overwhelmingly much like Ethan) but big enough to be considered big. Above average
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He gets horny pretty easily ig. With all the adrenaline from shows the moment he sees you he’s ready to jump your bones.
tag list: @bieberhoodforever @tabi-toast @ginny-lily @moriro-da-regina @the-killer-queenie @makapaka11 @teenyweenynightghost
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weirdoldmanhoho · 3 years
do u have any fic recs?
Sorry it took me years to answer this! The truth was I really hadn't read many FMA fics (at least not since the FF days) and was waiting until I actually had some recs to give.
And now I have some! My list will surprise no one, I'm sure.
Soul Friends by KyberHearts
“They were not always, and simply, two minds in one body. Towards the latter part of their alliance, especially in the heat of battle and warmongering, their souls could not distinguish where the prince began and the sin ended.”
Ling Yao returns to Xing to seal his fate as the next Emperor and sets his plans for reunification and peace in motion.
Elsewhere, Alphonse Elric reconciles with the very Truth that stole his body.
I absolutely love the way this fic writes post-canon Alphonse and his relationship with Truth.
Damaged by xmypandabear
'"He's still in the hospital too, with the Lieutenant," Alphonse said dully. "Blood loss - someone slit her throat..." Ed stared up at the ceiling, remembered the scientist with the gold tooth, and shuddered at the image his brain conjured of the Lieutenant lying on the floor. "But Mei helped her! So, they're sharing a room - the Colonel and Hawkeye, I mean, not Mei, 'cause the Colonel can't use his hands yet, so she's helping him..."
"His hands?" Ed tried to remember.
"It's how they forced him to do it," Al whispered. "They pinned him down so he couldn't move."
Ed fought back nausea. The sense of wrong, wrong, wrong pervaded every sense of his being. How the fuck was any of that equivalent exchange?'
Love me a good post-promised day healing and processing fic. This one focuses a lot on how Al, Ed, Winry, and Roy are all doing immediately post-promised day and the relationships between all those characters.
Joining of Hands by ehmazing
If you're not breaking a couple of laws, is it really an Elric wedding?
Truly, the best thing about an AlMei wedding is all the hijinks and complications the come from foreign customs and marrying into royalty.
Legends by Elfpen
Alphonse Elric has been living and studying in Xing for a little more than a year and a half. Now, Ling has asked him - ordered him - to take on a new responsibility and fill the shoes vacated by Van Hohenheim four centuries ago. But what use are legends, really, when they're all frauds? The Son of Heaven and the Son of the Western Sage see it differently.
You ever find a fic that just feels completely catered to you and your interests? I love everything about this fic. Alphonse in Xing and the weird politics he has to maneuver as not only an incredibly skilled foreign alchemist but a close friend of the emperor's - all at a young age. His relationship with Hohenheim and the grief and confusion that comes from never really getting to KNOW Hohenheim and now having to come face to face with the lasting impact his father left on a foreign country. Ling scheming. It's all very, very good.
The Principle of Mentalism by The-Immortal-Moon (LunaKat)
There’s a woman with a wrench and a penchant for alcoholism, and what he doesn’t know is that she’s going to change everything.
Another fic that feels like it was written specifically for my interests. This one explores Pinako and Hohenheim's first meeting and how a rowdy mechanic from Resembool and a reserved guilt-written immortal from Xerxes ever became friends in the first place. Features Hohenheim and his one million soul friends and a young awkward Pinako who I want to give SUCH a big hug to. I love it so much.
We'll be Holding on Forever by zipadeea
"Hohenheim left them to save the world. But Dad loved them more than everything in the world."
AU where Alphonse gets his body back a little earlier on the Promised Day.
It changes nothing.
It changes everything.
Read this if you want to cry. It focuses on Ed and Hohenheim's relationship and it is full of pain but also healing and understanding. Great quick read.
ticket stubs and your diaries by nerdywriiterchild
Alphonse Elric is almost fifteen. He will never know Xerxes.
This one is short but packs a powerful emotional punch and a really interesting character study into only a few paragraphs. Explores the really interesting question: what is it like to mourn a culture you're a part of but will never really know?
Briding Her Time in Wait
The wedding date was set. Winry and Ling had screamed at one another for months during the preparation out of a mutual need for their childhood friend and half-sister to have the most incredible wedding in the history of either Amestris or Xing, and as a result the wedding canopy suffered from a unique blend of western and eastern traditions that left guests from both sides of the desert confused and requesting refills on drinks that didn’t exist. Still, the two wedding planners manipulated the day into running smoothly, Ling pulling his Emperor card when necessary, Winry pulling her, well, Winry card when necessary, while Ed and Lan Fan stood awkwardly around the food table making small talk that mostly consisted of complaints about automail. By the time the golden groom was ushered through a beautification process that left him requiring an escort to avoid the various women—and men—attempting to seduce him at the last minute, the guests were settled and the wedding was ready to roll.
Except no one knew where the hell the bride had gone.
I'm always a sucker for Scar and Mei's relationship.
One More Time, With Feeling
In the end the Elric brothers laughed over the irony: The traveller had settled to write books on alchemy while juggling two boisterous children blessed with Rockbell rockheadedness and Elric recklessness, and the settler had taken to travelling between Amestris and Xing for the remainder of his life. It came, really, with having two homes.
A bird could love a fish, but where would they live?
This one explores Alphonse's relationship with Mei post-series and is VERY in line with how I picture it. Being in love with a foreign princess in line for the throne with a duty to her people and country would make for a very complicated and often strained relationship.
Magic and Mind by Preelikeswriting
Of all things Edward was prepared for as the day of reckoning grew near, being transported from one world on the edge of war to another was not one of them.
AKA: Edward gets accidentally summoned by Death Eaters, and neither party is happy.
(Pre-Promise Day, HP book 5)
Ok so preface: I rarely like crossover fics and I very rarely like HP crossover fics, but this one just works for me. I think what I like so much about it is that Edward doesn't just get thrown into the world of HP and join the golden trio / order and start fighting Voldemort. Oh no. He does not care about their fight at all. He just wants to get back home and will do anything he needs to to achieve that, even if it makes him look like he's working with Death Eaters or going against Harry and friends.
I think the fun of this fic is that it kind of plays around with the fact that the READER knows who the good guys are of each series and would expect them to join forces. Sure, Ed is the Good Guy of FMA and Harry and friends are the Good Guys of HP, but Ed's goals don't really align with Harry's goals and so they're not really working together, and Ed kind of comes off looking shady af to the HP characters despite the fact that the reader knows why he's doing what he's doing. It's a far more interesting take on Ed goes to HP world than "Ed immediately joins the fight against Voldemort."
The series has three works so far and I haven't finished it, but I really loved the first and what I've read of the second. It also eventually heads into Ed/Draco territory which is not a ship I would have initially read but.....kind of works for me here.
95 notes · View notes
ellanainthetardis · 4 years
Alright, this will be my review for The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes so obviously spoilers under the cut.
Also obviously, this is my opinion, I force no one to share it and I’m happy to discuss the book with anyone who wants to. 
First off, I won’t go into all the deep themes in the books. It seems obvious to me there’s a very clever allegory for a contrat social at work here but since I am not very much interested in that, I will leave it aside. It’s well done, I think, but I am more a character driven sort of reader than theme driven and the debate over “are we the product of our environment or is man a beast at heart” is a bit null here. Surely enough, as one of the quotes at the beginning implies, the whole book more or less struggles to show Dr Gaul somehow turns Coryo into a monster to her Frankenstein… Sure, he seems to hesitate between right and wrong, the nature of the two etc etc. But, really, I have troubles relating to a character questioning the nature of man when that character is so plainly a psychopath himself.
I’m sorry. I said it.
Did I love Snow in this book? Sure. Even when he was being bad, I loved him. What’s not to love? He’s completely over-dramatic. All the time. He’s a complex character with Draco Malfoy vibes and who tries to do well by his family. But he is also sick in the head and that predates Dr Gaul’s little mind games. Can we argue it’s because of his traumatic childhood? Maybe. It doesn’t change the fact he equals love with possession, does not seem to experience remorse nor guilt – or at least not very long and he’s  very quick to rationalize it – and has a natural ability to mimic or force himself to act as is expected in any given situation. He doesn’t react  to things, you will notice, he behaves the way he thinks people expects him to.
So, he is sick. And since he is sick, the whole debate through his head about the nature of violence, men being beasts without laws, freedom versus enforcement, right and wrong, etc seems void.
Let’s leave that aside for now.
The question you will probably ask me is: did you like the book? And the answer I will give is yes I did. I did enjoy the book. At least the first two third of it.
It’s fast paced, it’s engaging, it’s easy to read…
What I like most is the worldbuilding. What a difference a 3rd pov makes… I mean we finally got all the world building we deserved. And the names. Actually, there were so many names in there I’m pretty sure she threw them as a joke. But, yeah. Everything I reproach Thg was fixed here: we have a more consistent idea of how the Games work out of the arena, we know the currency used is dollars (which we didn’t up until now), we have a  better idea of how the Capitol works as a society, about the working of Peacekeepers and Districts… I quite enjoyed learning more about the 1st war and the post war world too.
I also enjoyed the Capitol families Cameos – and I was very wary about them if you read some of my posts pre-released. They were nice nods, it wasn’t too on the nose…  I am relieved beyond measure not to have seen a mention of an Abernathy or a Trinket – or an Everdeen or a Mellark, I guess – mostly because that means we are still free to stick to our own hcs. (it’s not that important but still).
The cast of characters were all great – with two notable exceptions but I will come back to that.
I loved Snow’s family. What a surprise to find out Tigris is a Snow? But what joy she is. I really enjoyed her character but I have to say I’m a bit disappointed we didn’t get to see (or at least were told in the epilogue) how they grow apart or how she comes to have whiskers. The Grandma’am was an awesome addition too. Lucy Gray, the Coveys, the Peacekeepers, Sejanus, the other mentors…  They were great.
I will argue that maybe Lucy Gray, as a main character (second main character? She’s the yin to his yang in this book) could have been more fleshed out because when it comes down to it, she seems to float around in the story only in relation to Snow. This being said and the pov being mostly Snow’s, it’s coherent with his egocentric view of the world. And I’m sure a lot of people will argue the case that her only purpose being to die so he can get over love is a bit problematic better than I could.
The two characters that I think were disappointing were the “villains” of the tale: Dr Gaul and Highbottom. They were actually so disappointing that I spent a good portion of the book convinced that here was some kind of secret plot, that there would be a conspiracy or something. But no, they were just that… flat.
Highbottom first: the creator of the Hunger Games who, obviously, didn’t mean to and ends up doctoring himself with morphling to forget. And seems to hate Coryo (yes that’s Snow’s nickname) for no obvious reason. I was sure there must be some twist but no, it just turned out he hates Snow because his father stole his Hunger Games idea to pitch it to Gaul for a grade and now he’s responsible for the death of kids. Which, I mean, is valid. But since it’s only here to bring into contrast the “is Snow really bad or have the circumstances make him bad” when, really, he’s a psycho, it ends up being very disappointing on discovery – never mind as the final reveal of the epilogue.  
As for Gaul. Is she terrifying? I mean, for a young adult book, sure, I guess. She’s too obviously mean and crazy scientist for me though. I like my villains a little more subtle. She spent her times torturing her pet rabbit and various animals ffs. All she needed was a mustache to twirl. She’s cliché and, again, I’m sure it was like that for rhetoric purposes but… She’s Frankenstein and Snow is her creature, we get it. Why though? She takes a shine to him and proceeds to groom him so he can deliver the world she wants? So he’s her legacy? Because she’s a psycho too and she needs an apprentice? I thought that part was a little fishy because, at the end of the day… I don’t know, it seems a bit random.
But, I suppose, yet again, everything has to revolve around Snow in the book and in Panem.
And we’re touching to the part that annoyed me to death, that really really angered me and that, right now as we speak, I am a little disgusted by.
A short word first about the fan service. And there was plenty of that to go around. All the little wink wink, nudge nudge made me smile at first (like the grandma saying it only takes a spark for fire to catch, that sort of things), it was subtle so it worked. But as the book goes on, all the references built to the point I was sort of terrified Katniss would end up being related to Snow. And while she is not, I am fairly convinced she’s descended from the Coveys, it makes a lot of sense.
Ok… Where to start with that part and be coherent…
The less offensive (yes, I am using that word because it was offending to me) thing was Snow’s recurring reflection about the mockingjays. On hindsight, of course, it has so much more meaning than what is going on on paper, so it made sense and while it was a bit sold too thick, it was also interesting. That’s something I’m willing to grant was good.
I also liked the “it’s not over until the Mockingjay sings” saying. To be honest, I was 100% confident the epilogue would be a flashforward to the end of MJ and that quote would somehow come back into play but apparently not, that’s for us to fanfic instead.  
Now, as for the rest… I am going to speak as someone who loves Haymitch Abernathy an unhealthy amount, and while I speak as someone who loves Haymitch, I also feel it is only minorly about Haymitch and a lot about Katniss, Peeta and the rest of the victors. But Haymitch is my favorite character in the series, Haymitch is a big part of why I have dedicated so much time writing fanfics and contributing to the fandom, I am very protective of Haymitch. And, on his behalf, I am so deeply, deeply offended.
In this book, Suzanne Collins makes Snow a victor.
We can argue the semantics. Naturally, he didn’t actually win the Hunger Games.
Or does he?
Because there are no winners, only survivors and by that very definition Coriolanus Snow is a victor.
Coriolanus Snow walked into an arena, was forced into the arena.
Coriolanus Snow fought in the arena.
Coriolanus Snow killed someone in the arena.
Coriolanus Snow walked back out of the arena.
He survived.
It makes him a de facto victor. He is actually literally called that a couple of times throughout the book. It’s reinforced by the idea that mentor and tribute are a team, even.
And this very idea that Snow is a victor, has been a victor all along, is so deeply, deeply upsetting to me. The bond between victors, it’s something very special, I feel. Victors share something nobody else can understand – my very favorite part of the whole series is in Catching Fire when they hold hands, it is such a strong emotional moment, it always moves me, always. And Snow being a part of that defiles it. Worse, that means a victor was actually the one imposing such horrors on other victors all along.
And that’s… I mean, probably in terms of themes and the story as an independent object, it’s all very ironic and dark and full of great meaning about man and it’s condition. But for someone who loves Haymitch, it is very deeply offending to learn the man who has taken everything from him went through the same experience he did, that they share that bond, that they have so many similarities.
Too many similarities actually. And here we are going to branch out on TBOSAS in relation to Katniss more specifically.
That’s another thing I am not sure I liked: how similar Snow’s conditions were to our beloved characters. The starvation, the very similar experience they had growing up.
At first, I didn’t mind it. I thought, even, that it was quite fitting. But the problem came when so much of Katniss’ story was being… stolen, turned around. It started feeling like this book was subverting the powerful story in THG, not just the main plot, but everlark, and the character building. So, of course, here again, it’s probably a matter of questioning if, stemming from the same conditions, you become a hero or a villain. Nature or nurture. That sort of things. And, again, it depends if you look at the big picture and analyze it calmly or if you react with your guts as a fan, I guess. Yeah, no surprise, I’m going the fan route.
So there were a lot of parallels to Katniss.
The starvation. The strong sense of family. Lucy and the singing…
And it wasn’t limited to Katniss, it touched to everlark too.
The star-crossed lovers thing comes to mind obviously (and I want to talk about the ship too but after). Then, there was the bread thing that was both Snow’s and Lucy’s favorite and the fact that Snow brings her food all the time.  The poison in the arena we can land at snow’s door since it’s his weapon of choice, but still poison in the arena, my mind goes straight to the berries… (I will tackle the hanging tree song after)
At this point (before she goes in the arena), I was still mostly okay with it because I thought it would somehow have a reason later. Like either Katniss would turn out to be related to Lucy or it would remain light enough to turn out to be foreshadowing for THG.
Then came part 3. And that’s where the book mostly lost me.
There are eleven other Districts in Panem. So why Twelve? And if it had to be Twelve why pollute everything Katniss loves? How are we supposed to see those things the same way again when we know what we now know?
The meadow? The meadow where the toastbabies are dancing and running? Where so many people are laid to rest? Snow has been there, kissed his girl there. And let me tell you, as a Haymitch fan, knowing that Haymitch never gets to reunite with his girl in the meadow because of Snow, it’s a special kind of pain to read Coryo frolicking there in the grass “with his girl”.
And then, of course, I don’t know what is worse… The lake or the song?
Let’s start with the lake. Where do I begin? The lake that is so special to Katniss? The little shack where she stocks everything? The lake that features into so many fanfictions and that, if some people feel the same way I do, can never be used again the same way? So, that lake was where Snow murdered (possibly) his “love”. The lake, thus, becomes a part of Snow’s narrative.
It’s stolen away from Katniss.
And to better stress that point? The scene with the Mockingjays taking up the hanging tree when Lucy is about to get murdered. (let’s make a digression to say oh boy how fun it must have been for Snow during mj, I’m very tempted to fanfic THAT). It’s all very full of symbolism, of course, but with the hindsight? It’s another great important moment stolen away from Katniss. Highjacked. Not unlike a mutt, actually. This book is a mutt XD
Which brings me to what really, really made me angry: the hanging tree song.
That song is so symbolic of MJ and everlark. I mean, there’s one thing I will give MJ the movie and that’s this scene with the song. The people attacking the dam and getting butchered while humming that song? Iconic. But more prosaically, book based, that song is such such a powerful moment. It’s special. And not only because of all the thing with everlark and the tree and midnight.
And suuuuure there might be a lot of symbolism in that song being not strictly about but still intimately related to Snow. Sure. But you know? It’s also another thing that now is about Snow. So even as Katniss was singing that song, getting the Districts to rebel, showing Peeta that District 12 was gone, letting the Mockingjays by the lake take up the chorus… It isn’t just about hope or freedom anymore. Now, it’s about Snow and about how terribly ironic it is this particular song comes to be his demise, how it’s fate or karma or whatever you want to call it. Because now, we can’t unread this book, we can’t unknown what we know.
And I hate that.
Because Katniss’ journey in THG? It’s now so deeply linked to Snow’s story that if you take a step back and think, it’s more all about Snow than it is about her, or her sister or the Districts. Snow lands on top, right?
And you know what really irks me?
The book is actually good as a character study book (not really so much as dystopia because in terms of actual plot, I feel there was really little) but it didn’t have to taint so many elements of THG the way it does.
Let’s say for a moment Snow isn’t Snow. Let’s say he is a wealthy Capitol fallen from grace and that character who is not going to be the President of Panem has the same journey Coryo does. Let’s say at the end of the story, he moves on to become a famous Head Gamemaker or a close advisor to the President?
Well, the themes explored then remained the same, the conclusions remained the same. We lose the visceral signification of his connection to the mockingjays but is that really important? The Hanging Tree now has a resonance for another character in that world, the meadow has probably seen countless lovers reunions and someone killed someone else at the lake, those things happen. The problem is they happen to Coriolanus Snow.
And baring that, let’s say we keep Snow as a main, why did it have to be Twelve? Again, there are eleven other Districts in Panem. He could have come to the very same conclusions in any other place.
Twelve is only relevant in relation to what happens in THG, to Katniss, to Peeta, to Haymitch.
Lucy and the Covey could have ended up stuck in any other Districts. It didn’t have to be Twelve. It didn’t have to spoil the Meadow, or the lake or even the Hanging Tree song.
Is that why Snow hates Twelve so much? Is that why he kills Haymitch’s family even if it’s completely stupid and leaves him without a leash around a Quell’s victor’s neck? Is that why he bombs the Districts into complete oblivion ? Not to punish its victors but because he so intimately hates the place? Because he walked in their very shoes? Because, for a brief time, from his Frankenstein’s experiment, he played in the mud?
For that matter, is that why he has this weird relationship with Katniss? Because she reminds him of Lucy? The similarities are there if you look…  Is Katniss a sort of ghost to him? Come back to haunt him after all those decades? Is that why it feels so personal between them?
I will say a quick word about the ship: I was into it at first. Then there was this scene at the zoo after the snake attack on Clemmie and I felt everything started going downhill from there. The ship is rushed. They go from attraction to love in ten seconds FLAT. I know it’s YA and concessions have to be made (although I will argue I read plenty of YA and some ships don’t seem this juvenile), I made them on account of the fact they’re both young and prone to being drama queens.
(I’m making a brief parenthesis because, rereading this, I realized I did say when the book announcement came out and we all very obviously predicted the romance, that as a hayffie fan I hated the thought Snow would have a Capitol/District romance, but on that account, I have to say after reading I don’t even care because it felt so immature and so not actual love, that I don’t feel it really counts? But at the same time, it’s definitely something I have to think upon in terms of hayffie and Snow because would his own experience play in the way he sees them/manipulates/threatens them?)
All in all, though, that ship didn’t convince me. I couldn’t believe it was real. On either part. On Snow’s part because I’m  not certain he’s capable of love. He equals love with possession,  “his” girl, she “belongs” to him, he liked her better locked in the zoo because he knew where to find her, he constantly questions Lucy’s loyalties… Every  time she sings something, he’s like “is it about me? Is it about me? It’s not about me? Who is it about? I hate her. She’s dead to me. Oh but now she’s singing she’s over him. So I love her again”. Being in his head is a journey, let me tell you.
As for Lucy, it’s frustrating. But with Collins, I learned long ago to be frustrated (hey, hayffie fan here XD. You know the two characters you need to build your own hc about if you want to use them with some depths). You can feel there’s this whole backstory about her but we never get to really touch that and so we’re treated to this very strange scene with the ex-lover but we don’t really care because there is  no passion, nowhere… In fact, as a character, outside of her singing, her being a show girl, and her little discourse about how man should be free, live and let live yada yada yada, Lucy’s character is very flat in the third part of the book. She’s here only to allow Coryo’s character development.
I would argue that Sejanus actually makes more of an impact on Snow and the general plot than she does in part 3 – or, if you think about it, in the book in general. Lucy is the trigger that gets Coryo’s reflection starting about the hunger games but it’s really Sejanus that challenges it and keeps it going. Sejanus is, in fact, the District character since Snow keeps telling himself the Covey aren’t really Twelve.
I  also want to say, on a completely unrelated note, that the constant mansplaying of songs by Snow was unbearable. And that’s not his fault. So, Mrs Collins, I know how to interpret a text thank you. And I’m sure everyone else does to. It broke the pace and the emotion so much for me when he started randomly explaining. The Lucy Gray ballad was the worst. “she’s dead.” NO KIDDING SHERLOCK.
And while we’re in that Lucy Gray thing: very subtle foreshadowing here, btw. Didn’t see it coming at all.
Ah and also something that made me cringe and that I felt was very out of place: the livestock cars and the cages at the zoo. Not to go all social justice warrior but when I read, it immediately hit home and not in the right way. It felt like a prop to stress how inhumane and racist the Capitol was being, they were easy references to loaded terrible horrifying history events and I truly, truly thought it was borderline because, like I said, it was used as a prop.
To conclude.
Is this book great? Yes and No.
I think if you take it independently of THG, it’s a very good book. It’s interesting, the characters are compelling, there is a moral for you to reflect on… It’s not the best dystopian book I’ve read in recent years, it’s not the best young adult book I’ve read in this lockdown (Hi, do yourself a facor, check out the Shadow of the Fox trilogy and then come shout at me in my ask box) but it was still a good read. And I forgot to say but the first half of the novel is actual crack. It was hillarious. Might not have been the intent but come on. It was funny. (and I’m satly they sent him in the arena but they sent him with a can of pepper spray and that will make me laugh forever) I had  a good time and, at the end of the day, that’s what you ask of novels.
However, in the general context of the series, loving thg as much as I do, it tainted some of the iconic things, twisted them, insulted some of my most favorites characters, and that really dampened my joy and made me angry. So as a fan… I’m not sure I can say it was great, no.
It certainly didn’t let me indifferent though and that’s already something.
And, I mean, it is so much better than the cursed child I feel I cannot complain too much.
 It also does leave the door rather open to a sequel, doesn’t it? I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s another announcement soon.  
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psalloacappella · 4 years
Sirens - CH 5
Title: Sirens Pairing: SasuSaku Chapter: Ao3 | FF Rating:  M
Additional Notes:  new cast alert, enter Ino!; spicy; sad; Sasuke kind of a SIMP; make some noise; some parts nsfw .
And so again, he finds himself on some surreal plane of existence where there’s another unfamiliar pretty girl in his kitchen, hailing from fuck knows where, tossed onto earth in a momentary absurdity — arriving on a magic carpet or hot air balloon. Often a silent observer to conversations weighty with importance, he has the talent of existing in a room and giving the impression he’s somehow hearing everything and nothing in the same moment.
Introductions dispensed. Coffee and food, he’s learned, always serve as a sufficient social lubricant and functions as the perfect excuse to give them time together to untangle a conversation that sounds like an argument they’ve been having for several years of their lives, the type of historical artifacts that define the best relationships; they’re familiar echoes of the bond of a brother long broken and a best friend that he’s sure has extended much more grace than he’s deserved.
Fingers linger on the handles of mugs, grasp them and set them down, pantomiming and gesturing and weaving stories about people he doesn’t know and passing tokens of lives lived in a separate dimension than his. It’s odd, how the histories of others intertwine and as people share pieces of themselves they fill in the empty questions to create bonds anew, the pasts and presents overlapping, echoing and transforming in layers and rings as carbon dating. The details that follow in the tracks of family lines and secrets.
If he listens, he’ll be able to glean the things this girl has such a difficult time telling him.
“You know it’s hard for your friends when you do this,” Ino chides, reaching forward to flick a lock of her pink hair. A cherished gesture, the type only people so close will tolerate. “Disappear and resurface hundreds of miles away, always moving, never checking in.”
“You should be used to it by now.” Sakura takes a sip of coffee to hide the slight waver in her voice. It gives Sasuke pause and he glances at her over his shoulder from his sentinel role at the stove.
The tint of her drink reminds him of a specific shade of paint, a desultory memory of his home — Saint Martin Sand.
“And every time we come together again, I tell you, stop punishing yourself for no reason. At least this time you’ve made some friends. Cute ones.” Ino watches him watch Sakura and their eyes meet — he breaks it with the slightest blush.
The glitter in her eyes is so knowing, so like Naruto’s, he wonders if he should have taken a long walk instead.
“So let’s just lay this on the table,” Ino continues, setting down her mug with a sharp sound. “You two are a thing, and judging by that ridiculous soap opera outside, you’ve been staying here with him?”
“We’re not together— ”
“Yes, yes, you don’t date, I know.” Ino waves a hand, sweeping away her fruitless protestations. Lifting her chin, she says to Sasuke, “I didn’t mean to join in, it’s just, I finally find her and she’s getting chased by some guy, you can see how I could’ve had the wrong idea.”
“I understand,” Sasuke responds, not turning around. “You two are very close.”
“A man of many words.” Ino refocuses on Sakura, who’s running her fingernail on the lip of the mug, staring into coffee the shade of tropical sand. “As long as he’s kind to you, I suppose I can’t show up and start analyzing it.”
“But you will,” Sakura says, grinning.
“Of course I have a million questions; you’re terrible at keeping in touch. For starters, why is your ankle busted?”
With a bleak groan, Sakura lets her face fall into her hands, fingers sinking into her hair. Ino laughs in a weary way, the love of years so lush and apparent throughout, and their feet tap one another under the table. Both pass the heel of a hand underneath their eyes, a quick swipe, gestures in a mirror.
“Are you going to come sit with us or what?” Ino snarks, fearless in her insistence. A similar frankness that Sakura has in her best moments which take peeled layers to surface. Sasuke wonders just where and when their paths forked, and how those laden with cracks in the soul are lucky enough to find supports like these. Adjusting breakfast to a simmer, he brings his own coffee to take up a seat on an adjacent table side, between them.
“So — how did you two meet?” she asks, tapping the table with each word. Eyes hungry for details, she sways left and right, waiting for one of them to indulge her.
“He’s a fan of my radio show,” Sakura finally articulates. “He and Naruto — his friend, own a bar and they called in, and honestly I was so curious so I ended up coming in a few days later. And the rest is history.”
Ino smiles. “So how long is that history, two, three weeks?”
Sasuke busies himself with copious coffee drinking, aware he’ll run out before being able to leave the table.
“That’s so cute, it’s nauseating,” Ino adds, grinning at Sasuke. Amused by his embarrassment and baffled that a guy so handsome is sitting here being twisted into knots by a little gossip and interest. She must drive him crazy.
As she watches both of them glance away, askance, eyes on anything but one another, knowing Sakura as well as she does means this dynamic and situation for her is a new foray, an unusual wrinkle and snag in her usual routine of cut and run.
She likes him too. And this, out of all of it, is the most unusual development for her friend that routinely rips up her roots or rarely stays long enough to grow them; the girl that’s been afraid to breathe the same air for one too many heartbeats in fear of making mistakes, taking what she deserves.
And the longer Ino sees Sasuke’s handsome face up close — messy dark hair, charcoal, sharp eyes, the patrician slope of his nose — there’s thoughts sifting in that slippery layer of the unconscious, shifting as sand in soft winds. A sense she’s missing a crucial detail in a larger game.
“You definitely had a good first night with this one. I know, I can tell.” Refusing pretense, Ino drops this on the table and sips with a satisfied smile.
“Pig, please!” Sakura sounds annoyed, but it still marries a soft, scolding tone to what must be a childhood, agreed-upon name.
Scrunching up her face, Ino taps her forehead twice. Children making faces on glass windows or at one another on a playground, a reference to simpler times. They grew up together bonded by dirty knees and whispered secrets. Not unlike the way Sasuke and his brother were so long ago, before they were groomed, primed for their inescapable roles: A reprieve from destiny is not the pardon.
All three startle at the sound of jangling keys; Sasuke, with his back to the door, turns in his seat and throws a careless arm over the back of the chair. Glancing back to Sakura, they exchange a small ghost of a smile, a hidden and intimate reference to experiences only privy to them.
“‘Kay, Sasuke, I know you told me not to just walk into your apartment, ‘specially now that you’ve had this super cute girl around, but this is definitely, totally—”
When he sees Ino at the end of the table, Sasuke gracing him with the woebegone, tired expression that he always receives when intruding, and Sakura smiling at his arrival, he stops in his tracks over the threshold.
Naruto’s mouth falls open with impunity. Sakura waves at him.
“ — important,” Naruto finishes, closing the door with his foot behind him. Shoulders sagging, he tosses his keys on the counter and whines. “Unreal, man. You found another one. An impossibly attractive girl and now they’re both in your damn kitchen!”
Ino points at him, palm facing up, in a lazy gesture. “Who’s this dork?”
“That’s his best friend,” Sakura says, nodding at Sasuke.
“Seriously? This guy?”
“Naruto,” Sasuke begins, running a hand through his messy hair, “the fuck did I tell you about walking in like this? Just knock. Or as you remind me, we have phones.”
“Well maybe you should start putting up a sign or something, or a sock on the door or some shit, because I can’t keep up with your life.” Without invitation, Naruto helps himself to coffee and continues rambling while lifting the lid to inspect the simmering food. “Or better yet you could let me know when you’re just befriending beautiful women and where exactly you find them, because you have zero interest in the ones at the bar.”
“Listen, uh, what’s your name? Naruto, you said? Sasuke and I haven’t had the pleasure of—” Ino breaks off, hissing ow! under her breath from a well-placed kick. “It’s not like that. I’m Sakura’s friend — I’m like the you to him,” she says, pointing to each of them respectively to illustrate her point. “So relax, because I’m assuming you’re joining us.”
Sakura starts laughing while Naruto drops the lid back onto the pan and stares, mouth in a perfect, round “O.”
Smiling wide, Ino preens in the manner of an exotic species so very cognizant of its worth.
“So, go back to the part where I’m impossibly attractive.”
Sasuke’s second breakfast consisting of people other than Naruto and himself sails by in the way time well-spent feels warm and sublime. The buoyancy of laughter and a tentative kindling, the way it proceeds through a fated narrative as each piece settles into its destined groove. Naruto, unstoppable from the glow of caffeine, breakfast he didn’t make, and an attractive blonde, narrates the dramatic and fated meeting of his best friend and this radio girl of the night in sordid detail, to Ino’s delight. Sakura interjects to correct notions along the way, and Sasuke abandons fantasies of pitching him off the balcony or dropping him down the fire escape, instead settling for heavy sighs and staring at her while she speaks, as she augments the conversation with slender hands and pointed fingers.
“So then last night he rushed off to save her from the police station. I mean, I was worried too obviously. And . . . I don’t know what all happened after that. You never called.”
Both of them with widened eyes, a clear giveaway as any of all the details that sound ludicrous in the light of day. This time, it’s Sasuke who speaks.
“All I did was pick her up. She was helping someone out and the police needed to speak with her to confirm things.” Taking a quiet sip of coffee, he adds, “She didn’t need saving.”
Sakura’s eyes soften, and she drops her eyes to the remnants of her breakfast.
Ino sighs, setting her fork on her empty plate with a clink. “Knowing her, she beat ‘em up herself.”
“Come on, Ino, why don’t you just tell him all of my embarrassing stories?” Sakura pouts, a joke laced with the tiniest warning, a rough string tightening. “More importantly, I need your help with something.”
“Name it,” Ino says. “I have all the time in the world! I’m staying at a hotel, trying to get a real feel for the city. Never been here, you know, and I’d like to stay a while before—” She breaks off, glancing at Sasuke, and changes tack. “I haven’t seen you in a long time, that’s all.”
“Work is having an event, and I think it’s fancy, very high-class, you know. Those things make me so uncomfortable.”
“I always tell you, everyone’s faking it at those events. You’re sweet enough to muddle your way through one night.” Ino looks Sasuke directly in the eyes; he has the distinct feeling she’s untangling him, and this, and that she has the tenacity to see it through.
“These are rich people, Ino. I’m a girl from the wrong side of the tracks, and I don’t belong there.”
The comment piques Naruto’s interest momentarily and he tilts his head; Sasuke watches her closely.
“Don’t start that,” Ino warns, again waving away her concerns easily.
“Apparently it’s not the radio subsidiary itself, but the parent company. The night I was working I think the man I spoke with was the owner, the CEO."
Eyes alight, Ino reaches for her bag slung over the back of the chair and pulls out a thin, light laptop. Pushing aside her empty dishes, she boots it up in half a second and waits for details, eager fingers poised over the keys. “Tell me details.”
“Tall, pale eyes. A stoic sort of guy. Brunette, very long hair. Like yours,” Sakura says to her, “and just as cared for.”
“So very pretty, your usual type, heh,” Ino teases. Her fingers fly over the keys. “I might have an idea . . .”
“Ino has a well-known family,” Sakura explains to Sasuke. Touches his arm in a soft gesture to hold his attention, not that he’s ever able to be distracted away from her. “The Yamanakas?”
Waving blithely, Ino rejects the notion. “We aren’t that regal, please. We’re in a totally different universe than, say, the Uzumaki’s.”
A full ten seconds passes before what she says registers on Naruto’s face. The typing continues at a lively pace. Sakura’s looking at him with a strange expression, an impassiveness that seems to be a projection, a mask, hiding twisting questions beneath. Naruto looks at Sasuke and opens his mouth —
— and all that comes is an ow! and tears forming at the corners of his eyes.
“Here we go,” Ino says, pulling back the attention of the group. Turning the laptop around for them to see, she points. “Neji Hyuuga, one of the youngest media moguls and owner of blah blah enterprises, took over when his dad passed away, the usual way it goes in families like these.”
The pale eyes remind her of the girl from the police station, and she looks to Sasuke as if for confirmation. Confirms it to her with an imperceptible nod.
“I assume there’s a press release,” Sakura says, intrigued.
“Of course. They probably control whoever writes about them anyway. Talk about a conflict of interest.” A relentless cadence of tapping keys, and her ocean eyes are just visible over the lid of the laptop. “‘Annual event, mighty and generous’, blah blah, ‘held at the historic but well-loved — wow, look at this place. It’s beautiful in that old money sort of way.
Chair legs scrape against the floor as they gather in a semicircle to read along, emitting whistles and comments here and there as they take in the grandiose venue and the Hyuuga family’s credentials. Sasuke, though, is quiet. Sakura’s eyes are wide, dazzled and intimidated by the prospect of all of it.
“Oh god, I can’t go to something like this,” she groans. “I’m going to look so stupid and out of place.”
“Sakura!” Ino pushes her chair back, startling the other two as they back out of her way. Taking her shoulders, she shakes her a little. “You have to go to an event like this. People bend over backwards maintaining relationships with this family and donate money just to potentially go to this! I know why you need me — to dress you, of course! This is supposed to happen; I know it.”
Sasuke takes Ino’s empty seat, eyes darting over the screen.
“Ino, you’re such a romantic. What am I even going to talk about with these people?”
“It doesn’t matter. These are basically playgrounds for the rich and famous. If you want to give your career a leg up, you have to do this.”
“My career?” Sakura snorts, shoulders sagging. Closing in on herself, an instinctual fear. “Ino, I failed out of pre-med and change leases as often as clothes. Now I do a radio show in the dead of night speaking with lonely people.”
“All the more reason to get out there and find people who can help you. Maybe it’s time to stop leaving with the wind and start trusting yourself. Besides,” she says, hands on her hips, daring her to disagree, “isn’t it time you let yourself have some fun?”
Sakura doesn’t answer, lips slightly parted and seeking a rebuke she doesn’t have. Whirling around, Ino demands of her new friends, “Back me up here!”
“Ah well, Sakura,” Naruto says, sheepish and red, “I’m with Ino, here on this one. And this is totally my own opinion because you’re really cool, and we’re friends now, I think. All these families know each other. It’s a ‘who’s who’ of important people in a lot of industries. And,” here he grins, eyes bright, “you can do and find whatever you want at an event like this.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Sakura asks.
“It means,” Ino says, cutting across his response, “that you will not be taking a walk of shame in a princess dress on a dingy train or in the back of a cab. You can stay in my hotel room downtown — it’s not far from the venue. You will arrive and leave from this event in style. If you come home, of course.” She winks with gusto.
“I’m borrowing this,” Sasuke says abruptly, picking up the laptop and taking his phone out of his pocket with his other hand. Ino shrugs, go for it. Taking up a seat in his own living room, he connects with someone on the phone and speaks to them in a tone relatively terse, his rich voice commanding as opposed to conciliatory.
The sound of his voice tips a smile onto Sakura’s face. Ino glances between the two and the understanding is a jolt of electricity, a hundred tiny neurons firing to complete the picture in the spark of a moment.
“You asked him already.”
“I’ve vetted him,” Sakura teases, and now it’s impossible to hide. The way the thought of him snatches the air out of her throat, the heavy swallow to recoup; green eyes consuming and caught in a mimeo of the past and Ino knows that it’s not him who has her, but he who has stumbled and tripped into her orbit. And Ino’s only ever seen her look at one other man this way; the nascent and feverish meeting of chance, the genesis of an endless chain reaction, atoms in a runaway chemical tryst. Ino had been present for it but somehow failed to notice everything that was wrong. All of it colliding in this moment as she sees the shadow of its consequence in her gaze.
“Thank you,” Sasuke says. With the slightest incline of his head, he returns the closed laptop to Ino and pockets his phone. Unable to tear her gaze away now, Ino struggles to form words as his fingers take Sakura’s elbow and he murmurs to her in an undertone. A talent of omitting others from his space if he chooses, even as they scrabble on the outside, a manipulation, or closer to a bewitchment, of reality.
Sakura looks down at her wrapped ankle, giving it a flex and wiggle. Ino knows he’s already doomed by the damned, and all she can do is give her futile warning and watch it play. Sasuke speaks again, but the chaotic buzzing in her ears drowns it all out.
Sakura folds her arms, resolute. “That’s so expensive, Sasuke. I’ve . . . never been anywhere that nice.”
And he tucks pink strands behind her ear in the crackling and kindling of the atmosphere difficult to breathe in.
“And a suite? What could we possibly do with all that space?”
But there’s a smile seeping into the corner of her lips, and his suggestive silence leaves myriad answers.
“You have a balcony.” Ino raises her voice, pulling them back to reality. “Show me it?”
Sasuke shrugs in genuine indifference; Sakura narrows her eyes. “You just want to interrogate him. Please don’t scare him away — I’ll do it soon enough.”
Ino brushes past them and throws aside the sliding glass door, styled French, reflecting that this isn’t the type of man many likely manage to forcibly do much of anything. It may be curiosity or out of deference to the woman he’s entangled with, but he follows without complaint.
The door is barely closed before she bursts.
“Do you even know her, Sasuke?”
Furrows his eyebrows as if she’s a mildly interesting painting, but doesn’t respond to her immediately. Dark eyes glimmer with a suspicion that makes her shiver a little as they're turned on her, unflinching, a shadow in them she wasn’t expecting — likely the very thing that’s brought Sakura to it, a frenzied moth to light. Or perhaps it’s the other way around, the alluring visions in her eyes drowning him in an ocean similar to the stories, the schizophrenic and duplicitous nature of open family secrets.
“Do you even know who I am?”
“Please,” she snorts, surveying him. “Messy dark hair, that attitude of yours. Handsome nose. Those eyes.” At this, her gaze flits away to the horizon. “You’re an Uchiha.”
Though he doesn’t confirm, the way his gaze stays steady, level, and intense is enough.
“Granted,” she continues, “there are a lot of you, and you all have quite the strong genes, looking so much alike. You’re one of the most famous families in the country. And I think she has an idea, but it’s different when you don’t grow up hearing the stories; when you’re not in the same circles. She’s not like you.”
“If you have something to ask,” he says, “I’d rather we not dance around it.” The bite, the press of assertion.
Ino knows it’s everything Sakura has a taste for, a history of — a craving that’s always worth tearing apart at the tendons and roots.
“If I thought you’d be straightforward about it, I’d ask. I think you have no idea of the type of person you’re obsessed with.”
“I’m not—”
“Don’t bother with denying it. You think I haven’t seen this before? Look . . . we do this all the time, run in circles. After she left town, and her parents died, I tried to keep up with her. She’s my best friend. She’s not ever out to ruin anyone but that’s what she usually does. Guys, just, they get wrapped up in her and then when it’s too serious for her, she leaves. She thinks she’s hard to love, like she’s cursed or blessed or something that ends up more like a sickness than something functional.”
The accuracy and plain verity of her words feels like a sharp jab to the chest.
“And I don’t know much about you as a person, but I do know what I’ve read and what I’ve heard.”
“You’re right,” Sasuke says. “You don’t know anything about me. And I don’t give time to gossip and rumors.”
“You don’t get it. She didn’t even have my number in her new phone, and she never keeps any. You know why? She expects people in her life to disappear, so she just leaves them first.”
Sasuke remembers the call to the bar, the number that would have been fresh in her mind or the one on file with the city, as opposed to his personal phone.
“She can’t stay away from certain types of people. Certain men. Everyone has a weakness, right? And that’s hers. The more I’m talking to you, seeing you around each other, I have the feeling your problem is the same.”
He’s certainly not in the mood for another woman too sharp for her own good. Avoiding her assessment, he deflects. “How did you even find her, then?”
“Trade secrets,” she says in a sardonic tone. “My father’s a, what do you call it, ‘analyst’ for the government.” She adds air quotes to make her point clear. “Sure that’s what he does. I can tell by the types of friends we had, all families who understood the culture. You only have gatherings like we did when your family’s, A, in the government or B, organized crime.” Tilting her head, she smirks. “You’d know.”
“So, family resources?”
“But really,” she laughs, “I just used the internet. It’s not so hard to do if you know enough about someone. We are best friends, after all.”
Like Sakura, it can be difficult to tell how close she is to sarcasm. A similar brand of mordancy. He takes Ino at her word with a nod.
“She’s smart. She probably has an idea of who you might be, maybe she’s trying not to know. And she’s never been one for gossip or celebrity news — she reads a lot, but always nerdy subjects. Well, that’s why she was going to be a doctor, I suppose.”
A silence. When he deigns to speak, Ino isn’t able to hide her surprise.
“She’s told me a bit about herself, but not much. I don’t think her and I are people who open up easily.”
“She used to be different,” Ino says wistfully. “But there are things in this life that are difficult to shake off; they hurt you so deeply you don’t heal. Or at least, you don’t heal correctly.”
“I’m guessing you won’t tell me what those things were?”
When she raises her sapphire eyes to his, she’s torn between spilling it all and knowing that a betrayal so significant would ruin a relationship with the only person she can still trust. Still, she’s terrified thinking about the prospects of either outcome with this man, knowing that he is madly, stupidly in love with a harbinger of chaos, and most don’t make it out of that web in one piece. Perhaps no one does, with her.
“That’s not my place,” she finally says. “Go with her and have fun. You strike me as someone who could use some, too. But I mean this in the kindest possible way — one day she’ll run, and she will leave. She can’t help herself. She . . . can’t stay away from the mess.”
Sasuke continues watching her in mild amusement. His smirk causes a nervous flutter in her stomach; Ino puzzles over his underreaction to her words.
Opening the door and gesturing her back inside, signaling the end of their conversation, he simply says, “I know.”
They rejoin the other two:  Sakura with her ankle propped up on a cushion and Naruto next to her babbling about what sounds like his childhood, tales of adventures and boring classes in private institutions, uniforms and study prep and a flush of love for parents long gone. Sasuke suspects now that the place and life she comes from is a world he’s not familiar with; when she nods and makes careful comments here and there, trying to carefully step around the gaps in her knowledge, that emotion swells again. That urge to drape her in finery and act as the constant indulgence she can use over and over, to absolutely and unequivocally hand her the keys to a kingdom. A compulsion to fulfill a need unspoken.
“Hey you, Naruto.” His babbling screeches to a halt, and he automatically catches the phone Ino tosses to him with a smile. “Let me get your number.”
The way his expression flips in an instant, confusion to an incandescent brightness, causes another fluttering. “Sure!”
Ino exchanges with each of them, and she notices as she wanders around their contacts in her surreptitious way that neither of them have Sakura’s last name in their phone. Filing that detail away for herself, her thumb hovers over the screen as she finishes her entry in Naruto’s phone and returns it.
When she looks at his contact card and sees the name Uzumaki, she taps to edit and adds a sunshine, grinning.
“By the way, if you’re planning to stay for a long time and don’t want to be in a hotel for all of that, I mean, I live across the hall. Just saying. That way you’re close to Sakura and people you know in a new city!”
Hand on her hip, Ino tries to keep her ego tamped down, if even just a little. “You’re so transparent.”
Horrified, he holds up his hands with palms out, shaking his head. “No, no, I have a guest bedroom, no one stays in it, really. I’m not trying anything funny.” Indicating Sakura, he laughs. “She’s punched two people in a month, and I’m one of them. If you’re her friend, I know what I’m up against.”
Growing up Sasuke was in his fair share of fights and scraps on the playground, and then older, in bars and with drunk friends — after his mother dies he will participate in and be the progenitor of so many more. Her scolding reverberates in his ear about all the reasons he shouldn’t mar his handsome, regal face, and he hears his father in these same memories dismissing her concerns, sneering that it’s good he toughens up in any way he can.
If his mother was still alive she wouldn’t know what to say to this behavior, these mistakes he’s making: Writhing beneath the burning touch of a tiny nymph with pink hair, splayed beneath her as if blown apart and pinned up by the limbs, lepidoptera, as she straddles him in a hitched-up navy skirt with the heels of her sandals etching divots into his skin that will soften and fade to beautiful bruises.
Two fingers in his mouth and her other hand working in a heated, rhythmic pace on his cock, he’s sure there would be a distinct lack of approval of being roughhoused by this girl with no name who seems to have the desire to leave him a shaking, gasping excuse for his family name.
He’s sure he would agree to let her kill him if she wanted; there’s almost nothing at this point that’s beyond the realm of reasonable requests. Especially with her pinning him without mercy, soaked and dripping between her thighs, a red and mottled flush surfacing through the skin of her chest and collarbones as she presses him into small submissions, the ways that men with faces like his don’t often experience.
(Returning from shopping with a large bag swinging from her hand, eyes bright despite her little limp. Volunteering information before he’s even apt to ask:  She loves it, and no he can’t see it yet, and she has work in a while but not quite yet. Ino’s out exploring the city accompanied by Naruto.)
And it’s what she doesn’t say but he hears in her voice, in the come-hithers and low tones and the space between them always feeling like an ache, an endless expanse that yearns for nothing but to be restitched and torn over again in repetitious revolutions, the drowning and resuscitation an addiction in itself. Coming together to pull apart and wound with another million fibers each time in a dazed and deadly isochronism.
Small and light like feathers and lips like morphine:  With her legs around his hips and fingers in his dark hair yanking him to expose the apple of his neck, she hisses
I want to hear you
Down the hallway and he does as she bids, gritting his teeth while her lips tour his neck and linger in his ears
I want your noise
And he tries to take her with him but she places her fingers on his chest and bounces him into the soft bedspread, straddling him, clawing at his shirt and maneuvering it over his head to toss it aside. Bites her lip as she raises her chin to gaze down on him, jade eyes and parted lips and rolling her hips in an agonizing move that tears a moan from his throat —
Good boy she says, good boy
And when she says it his pulse beats in a stilted cadence and his hips press up against her, desperate, unable to touch enough of her like this and how did he fucking end up here, with her still clothed and him barely so while coaxing the full beautiful, colorful continuum of human sounds from his throat, sounds he’s stymied to know or possess and why when she calls him this his breath hitches, a choke, a reaction he’s unable to hide, not the least when her slim fingers reach for him, the scrape of her nails on his belt
Hips jerking and shuddering again as she takes him into her hand
It’s unfair how attractive you are, Sasuke
Like before he reaches for her, the calluses of his fingers dragging across her canvas of skin on fire and
she slaps them away, clicking her tongue in admonishment, he doesn’t learn
I meant what I said; that’s no way to get me to help you
Swallows down the pathetic word that sits as a lump in his throat, the one she’s aiming for and he doesn’t know how she knows it’s there but she’ll tear it from him no matter how many minutes a breakdown takes, and great fucking god he’s about to give it to her under duress of those soft silk fingers, the same ones that hold coffee mugs and command his attention and tell stories but now they feel like they’re where they belong, pumping him with the practiced and smooth movements of one who wields control so precise
Fuck, Sa-Sakura, fuck
Oh sweetheart, that’s not what quite I’m looking for
The first time a finger finds its way past his lips and into his mouth, open and panting and wanting already, the jolt and shudder and full roiling of his lean, fit body forces a breathy gasp from her own; the dangerous rock of her own hips she indulges in leaves her eyelashes fluttering shut in glimmering repose.
The tang, it bursts on his tongue
Unable to process the taste — salt, sweat, musk, the liminal zest between his and hers impossible to sift between
Then another long, slim finger in his mouth and here she persists again, ruthless and divine in and inhuman and the unceasing rhythm as she works him stays just a single syncopated note from release, as if she knows the precise rhythm and flow in which they could collide
I want to hear you, Sasuke
Incoherent, torn him from him as skin from fruit, the feathering of plumage
Please — !
That laugh, spreading and coating as viscid honey, dense and lush and soaking him down
You’re so good, you know. I know men like you hate this
— the buckles of her heeled sandals patterning friction on the skin of thighs and the repetitive sticky scrapes of well-worn athletic tape as she holds him, cages him—
but you just look so good like this, I love you like this
So precious, she reflects for a moment, taking him in, wasted and dashed and black pupils blown as his eyes lose focus for a moment. Removes her fingers from his mouth with a wet hollowing sound that brings with it a guttural groan, throaty and incoherent
And the absolutely desperate pitch at the close
undoes her and she yanks him up by the hair, scrabbling at the bare skin of his shoulders with her fingernails and kisses him, when he lifts her so easily and they fumble with flimsy and frustrating fabrics until she settles on him again with a moan, filled to the brim and lost in brilliance
stuttering out his name in his ear in ways that make her forget she doesn’t plan for forevers.
Naruto snaps his fingers in front of Sasuke’s twice, thrice. A flicker of recognition and reality surfaces and he blinks, swatting away his friend’s hand.
“Oh I’m sorry, you’ve just been spaced the fuck out for ten minutes.”
“I doubt that,” Sasuke says tartly, plucking a piece of paper from the office desk and pretending to consider it. Careful ignorance seems preferable to enduring the endless taunting and ribbing from Naruto, and lately that’s been nothing less than a guarantee.
“Okay, a minute or so, but you look blown out. Wasted. I can’t put my finger on it. Do you feel sick?”
“Shut up, will you? I’m—”
“Working,” he finishes firmly.
“Nah, yer not.”
Naruto folds his arms and squints at Sasuke, then takes a meandering lap around the back office, hemming and hawing.
Though he’s not concentrating on any numbers in front of him, he loses focus again, flatlines, lost in a dream. Contented.
Naruto punches his fist into his hand opposite, shaking his head with a laugh. “I’m an idiot.”
“Now you’ve got it.”
“She laid you out, didn’t she? Sent you on a ride. What obscenely tight part of you did she get into?”
Sasuke leans back in the office chair, folding his arms. Avoiding his eyes and the flickering heat in his face that threatens to give him away, like he’s a little boy. “Fuck off.”
“I’m definitely going to ask her what she did to you. You’re like, bright. Glowing? I’ve heard that word. It’s coming off you in, like, waves.”
“If you ever say that word around me again,” Sasuke says, snatching up a stapler, “They won’t find your body.”
Raising it, Sasuke pretends to throw it — Naruto flinches. Relaxes.
Sasuke whips it at him anyway.
“Ow! Temper, tsk tsk,” Naruto teases, rubbing his arm where it hit.
Shikamaru strolls in with his hand in his pockets, sighing. “Ah, Sasuke, there’s someone asking about you at the bar. He’s been hanging around for a while and I don’t think he’s leaving. I figured if he knew you, he’d contact you directly, but—”
“Hey, hey Shikamaru,” Naruto interrupts. “Look at him. He’s too busy being lost in—”
“Who is he?” Sasuke asks. “What does he look like?”
“Eh, honestly, he looks a lot like you. Older, maybe? Same eyes, spiky hair.”
A lurching, a twisting in the gut. The expression on his face foreboding enough that both of them move swiftly out of his path as he heads for the front, adrenaline pouring into his limbs, readying for a brawl.
When he arrives, however, nothing’s left but the wrinkled napkin, weathered and worn from dallying fingers and the perspiring empty glass, drunk to its dregs.
For a moment Sasuke gazes across the bar — a slower night with lingering groups in booths and a few scattered and two-top tables. No one remains that looks like him, not even close.
After all, he can always feel them in a crowd. As if bonded by invisible strings, always forced into the productions and whims of the family, it being a force so much darker and greater than himself. The portraits in the old house halls with a multitude of photographs in varying time periods and shades, an illustration of consolidated privilege and sovereignty. Far from the old ways things used to be done but nevertheless woven into the fabric of societal institutions in a manner so deft and desecrating.
The things his brother had always hated, railing against it in quiet dissent.
And in the end he had made his point, violent and vehement in a final way.
It rises, a pain in his chest and an unbidden, murky memory of the way his father slammed his hands on the table, again and again in an unceasing rhythm and his finger so close to his brother’s face he was sure it wouldn’t make it through the argument. As the years aged them all, he had begun to reject the authoritarian notion and the name. Perhaps it had broken him more than Sasuke had been able to understand.
When he remembers it again and he’s unable to breathe, he hates how he grasps the counter and gropes for the nearest bottle, and he would lunge for paint thinner if it made it all stop — the echoes of potent rage rising to a crushing din
You don’t bring people like that around — !
Never again — !
don’t bring
her here — !
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petitepistol · 4 years
so something that frustrates the shit out of me about compilation/remake is the trend of youngifying the characters
in a lot of later ff titles the lead cast gets really young and something i liked about ffvii is that most of the core cast? actually not literal children except for yuffie and she is the odd one out and i love her
but like, throughout compilation there is a trend where characters just get...younger
i thinks this is because the devs themselves are getting older and japan has a very intense idealization of youth so as the devs get older they are trying to reclaim their own salad days but frankly i dont like it
with elena especially this bothers me because i loved her before crisis design when i myself was in high school but now as an adult i realize they were not being charitable with her timeline-wise and then they reused some of that...weirdly young wetworks prodigy stuff again with cissnei in crisis core except cissnei gets an arc about how shinra is bad actually and eventually defects to live a life of her own and elena never gets that not even after shinra goes up in flames
sitting down to actually look at a timeline makes me wince because i can see they wrote her into a corner where she is now probably under twenty during OG and that screws a lot with how i perceive her and also makes some of her plot beats incredibly creepy
like damn tseng asking her out? he had spent fifteen years grooming aerith and elena might actually be even younger than aerith going by the compilation timeline information
her sister egging her on about joining the turks shortly prior to the end of before crisis while elena is still a literal schoolgirl? what the fuck gun she is your kid sister i dont care how prodigious she is
compilation tries hard to humanize the turks but they really do not do a very good job of it in elena's case especially when in some materials she comes off as crueler than her superiors (looking at you lateral biography where elena is such a stickler for party-line propaganda, after the demise of shinra no less, that she goes off on her own to beat the shit out of someone and has to convince herself to not indirectly condemn a child to a horrible disease-related death and then later dragging her feet about launching a rocket propelled grenade at rufus’s bastard baby brother to kill kadaj even though she already went off script and shot said brother earlier in the story)
anyway i like to portray her as having little agency within the systemic mess of the plot but with more personal agency than the writing will allow her which includes a few years to breathe before she realizes that there really is no place for someone with her specific skillset other than the turks before giving up and having to try and rapidly assimilate into a toxic culture that is falling apart around her
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problematicwelshman · 5 years
Tks for sharing the blind item but English isn’t my first language so I’m little lost. Is it suggesting MS ending with APAT cause he’s a cheater, manwhore or is he already cheating APAT. If is it the last I don’t think he’s committed relationship with her
There’s a lot to unpack with that blind item. Enty really knows how to craft his blind items in a way that says a lot, but not too much outwardly so I’ll give my own interpretation of it. Enty seems to be reiterating what most of us already assumed about his “relationship” in that the whole thing is a one night stand gone wrong. I pointed out months ago that he has a definite “type” and that was also highlighted in the blind item but could also mean generally speaking in a backhanded kind of way about liking younger women which I’ll get to. It DOES also seem to insinuate that he may be cheating on Miss PAT with the line about “doesn’t seem to have stopped him.” The other big takeaway is the line about his behavior in public. He’s not a very public person and doesn’t even announce his public appearances until after the fact so to me that seemed to address his presence in the public eye, more specifically, his twitter. If I had to guess, I’d say the fan interaction has been viewed as overly flirtatious to Enty and I’d agree with that sentiment if that is in fact what he’s trying to say. This ties back to Michael’s “type” because who does he primarily interact with or send pictures and videos to on twitter? Younger fans. This isn’t me saying he’s grooming anyone or is a predator ffs (I can hear the twitter keyboard warriors already...). All I’m saying and all other people are seeing publicly is Michael routinely engaged with a 26-and-under audience. 
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volperion-moved · 5 years
hawkmoths not a gd terrorist this is a gd superhero show that really really shouldn't be held to real world standards... blaming lila & chloe for willingly working w/ him and calling them terrorists too also completely misses the way his whole thing is to take advantage of people when they're feeling down to make them weapons and how he specifically orchestrates situations so he can use chloe & lila, he's grooming them into being villains basically
terrorism doesnt get undone by the end of the day w/ miraculous ladybug ffs to say what chloe & lila are doing is on that level is such a bad take stop
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multiply014 · 5 years
31 Days of CoAi Fic Post 17 of 31: Midnight
But instead she feels... nothing.
OMG! This is one of those fics I loved but no one else really loved! This was written for CoAi Week Day 3, Poison/Alcohol! I wanted to write about both, and show a polyamorous Shiho, or at least Shiho all coquettish, but my mind just loves to imagine all the flirting but none of the actual scenes that could actually drive a plot!
It was getting late then, and I was feeling the deadline (I needed to get it done so I can post it the next day!) looming over my head. I looked up at the night sky in helplessness, and, poof, an idea struck! 
The two of them taking the antidote together, in long matching flowing nightgowns so that at least they’d have not-destroyed, not-tight clothes right after the transformation…
Sigh, even now, imagining Haibara being all cute in an oversized nightgown, snickering at the sight of Conan wearing the same is still amusing to me. Shiho in a nightgown, though, is a different story altogether! She’d be so pretty… sigh! 
Also, I think Shinichi would rock the nightgown, no matter how he says otherwise!
I like this fic because, while I think that Shiho would be a complicated bundle of emotions once she finishes the antidote and they both go back to their bodies, I especially like to explore the aspect of her feeling empty. Midnight!Shiho’s other emotions are overshadowed by this feeling, which I think is a decent enough possibility given that all her life she had been groomed for research, specifically with the end goal of the drug and consequently its antidote. 
I also think that even though she didn’t really approve of the Black Organization and how it used her prototypes, she really is a child of her parents in the sense that they are researchers, they are scientists, and that she, like her parents, really gave herself to her research. 
That, and I think she’s a very goal-oriented person.
With the antidote finished, I’d think she’d think, “What now? Where do I go from here?”
Read the fic on my AO3/FF page, and send in an ask if you want to ask me more about it!
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auburnfamilynews · 5 years
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Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images
A bunch of new faces will take the field in 2019 at linebacker but there are plenty of reasons to be optimistic about this unit.
This is not an unfamiliar position for Auburn linebacker coach Travis Williams. When he was promoted to full time assistant before the 2016 season, he faced the challenge of not only rebuilding the linebacker corps but also the reputation of Auburn linebackers in general. And rebuild he did...
Now he’s faced with a similar challenge though it feel less daunting this time around. T-WILL took a group that wasn’t expected to be super productive and turned them into one of the better units in the SEC over the past three seasons. He didn’t recruit Deshaun Davis, Darrell Williams or Montavius Atkinson either. Now he will get a chance to field a group that was recruited and developed solely by him.
Deshaun Davis (6th Round Pick) - 112 tackles (57 solo) 15.0 TFL 3.5 sacks 2 PD
Darrell Williams - 74 tackles (34 solo) INT TD 2 PD FR
Montavius Atkinson - 41 tackles (15 solo)
K.J. Britt (Junior) - 23 tackles (15 solo) 2.0 TFL PD
Chandler Wooten (Junior) - 10 tackles (2 solo)
Zakoby McClain (Sophomore) - 4 tackles (3 solo)
Michael Harris (rFreshman) - N/A
Josh Harris (rFreshman) - N/A
Strength - Athleticism
First off, you won’t hear me say anything bad about that departing senior linebacker class. They were a great group who played a huge role in the improved play of Auburn’s defense over the past 3 years. With that said, they were at times limited athletically and it showed against some of Auburn’s top competition. Inside the box, this group was fantastic but they struggled at times playing sideline to sideline.
I don’t see that being an issue in 2019.
K.J. Britt, Chandler Wooten and Zakoby McClain can cover some serious ground. Britt especially showed flashes of his closing speed in limited action the past two seasons.
KJ Britt is lined up outside the far hash He comes all the way across the field & makes the tackle for basically a 2 yard gain This dude is gonna be fun to watch next year pic.twitter.com/iu040WeQbm
— AUNerd (@AUSportsNerd) January 5, 2019
Then there’s true freshman Owen Pappoe known by many as “Freak”. He’s as athletically gifted a prospect as Auburn has ever signed and while there will undoubtedly be moments where he misses assignments or makes the wrong read due to his inexperience, he’s also going to have some incredible “wow” moments mixed in there too. It will be interesting to see how much playing time he gets but my bet is you see Auburn return to a 4 man rotation at the 2nd level with Britt, Wooten, McClain and Pappoe all seeing meaningful snaps every week.
Weakness - No Proven Production
Over the past three seasons Deshaun Davis, Darrell Williams and Montavius Atkinson combined for 550 tackles (282 solo) 50.0 TFL 10.5 sacks 11 PD 5 FR 2 FF. I don’t care how confident you feel about your classes or your ability to develop talent, that is some serious proven production walking out the door. But it’s not just numbers Auburn is losing in those guys. It’s their leadership, specifically Deshaun Davis’s. Self described as “the actual defensive coordinator”, Davis did more than just make tackles. He adjusted fronts, made changes to calls and generally made sure that Auburn was aligned properly before every snap. Auburn must now find a new leader to run things in 2019. Man I am gonna miss those dudes playing in Auburn uniforms next season...
There’s some buzz from spring that this 2019 group might end up better than last year’s but spring talk is always cheap. I am going to need to see those guys hold their own against SEC competition before I start banging that drum. With that said, I am optimistic that Auburn won’t see a severe drop-off in performance at that position this year. Travis Williams has shown that he can develop talent. Now he’s got kids that he specifically recruited and has been grooming. I expect a strong performance in 2019 and this group becoming the strength of the defense in 2020.
War Eagle!
from College and Magnolia - All Posts https://www.collegeandmagnolia.com/2019/7/29/8933892/2019-position-preview-linebackers
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