#he’s also super happy about it for no reason
charmwasjess · 2 days
Okay hear me out--
-Per The Living Force, Sifo-Dyas is a Seeker with a bad reputation for bringing in kids who "make poor candidates" for Jedi training
-Dooku trains Rael Averross as his Padawan, who, brought to the Temple at age 5, is the oldest child accepted to the Jedi before Anakin IS THIS ANYTHING????? Does Sifo-Dyas, super early in his Seeker career, get puppy-eyed by a hungry little street kid Rael and brings him home? The Council isn't too happy, leaning toward no, and Sifo-Dyas goes to his best friend about it? Is this the reason that in TPM, Qui-Gon thinks just demanding that the nine-year-old is his apprentice now is the way around the Council's decision that he's too old to be trained?? Council: We've decided and we're sorry, Sifo-Dyas, at five he's just too old to... Dooku: *lunging into the room* Dooku: ItakeRaelAverrossasmyPadawanLearner!!!! Council: Aren't you like 23?? Council: Also you can't take a five year old as Padawan??? Council: ...actually, this is a closed session, how did you even get in here?!
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bigjumpervibes · 2 days
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A Prince and His Cat
(AU where Prince Nanami gets tricked into marrying a Cat Yokai called Gojo)
Heavily inspired by the BL The Cat Proposed which I read while at home and I thought was super sweet 🫶
Nanami’s outfit is influenced by another BL called The Other World’s Books Depend on the Bean Counter which I’m also enjoying
Happy Nng / Gnn day!
A little tidbit to go with:
Nanami is a reluctant prince who accidentally discovers a local magician is actually a Bakeneko and inadvertently ends up engaged to him for both of their sakes (fulfilling an ancient contract).
Both still young here and their relationship is rocky falling in a pattern of Gojo making advances as he was taught and brought up to follow while Nanami resists the rules and process being thrust onto him (reminding him of his own birthright).
As punishment for failing to entice his mate Gojo must leave for a set amount of time which he is unable to tell Nanami about before it takes effect.
Nanami is clueless to Gojo’s disappearance or reasons why and grows more and more frustrated that the cat which bothered him everyday suddenly left… Until it turns to worry.
Cue years of pining 😌
For the next Gonana / Nanago day I think I’ll carry on this AU with older designs and to give this little story an ending 🤲☺️
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jedimasterbailey · 2 days
Tales of the Empire Thoughts (Mostly About Barriss)
I know I’m a little late to the party in terms of laying out my thoughts on Tales of the Empire but honestly I needed a few days to process and digest what happened (not to mention being on vacation delayed that process as well). Obviously as a Barriss stan/fanfic writer/blogger y’all know that those episodes were the upmost priority for me and I will be rewatching those episodes on repeat like no other since it’s been far too long since Barriss has had her time to shine. 
The majority of this post will be centered around those specific episodes because I’m just gonna just go ahead and say that the Morgan Elsbeth episodes were boring and didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know about the character. Also the bullshit reasoning as to why Morgan doesn’t obviously look Dathomiran is so dumb in that my brain will malfunction if I think about it too much. If the “magic going away” thing was true then how do you explain Merrin and Ventress who still have power and retain their clear Dathomiran appearance? Either way, there is no way Darth Felonious could explain his “logic” to me there because it is all too clear that Morgan was never meant to be Dathomiran in the first place. She was just a bad lady with a spear and that’s that. Love the actress, but the character is just lame. Furthermore, it is so clear that the hat man knows absolutely nothing about Thrawn and I’m not even a Thrawn stan but why even if the guy involved if he just says a few words and leaves? Now before y’all come for me, yes I’m aware these episodes are shorts and the time is precious but to me they could have dedicated more time into explaining to me why Morgan is so loyal to Thrawn. Her reasoning for wanting to join the Empire is empty too in that the Separatists that annihilated her race is now the Empire so…to me that’s not enough reasoning for Morgan to be so dedicated. The only parts that had me engaged were the Grevious bits which were both beautiful and frightening at the same time.
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Now onto the meat which is the Barriss arc which has me both elated and frustrated at the same time. Let’s begin with the stuff I absolutely love.
1.) Barriss proving herself to not be committed to the Dark Side/Empire is a huge win for me and other Barriss super fans who have been preaching this for over a decade. We knew from the moment the trailer came out that Barriss was just going to do what it took to survive and even though she was forced into doing things she really did not want to do, she stayed true to herself and escaped before it was too late. The light in her never left nor did it ever leave her and I just know that Luminara would have been so proud of her. Barriss constantly questioning the Grand Inquisitor and the Fourth Sister had me smiling because that is just Barriss. She will always question things that seem off and will defend her beliefs and values no matter what the danger to herself may be. The line of reclaiming her position of a Jedi is my absolute favorite line and gave me all the feels I get whenever Luke tells Palpatine that he is a Jedi like his father. On a final note, I loved that she showed genuine concern/fear for what was happening to the Jedi when Order 66 was happening and demanded an answer. 
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2.) Barriss being a healer and a protector. It is so satisfying to see it canon on screen that Barriss remains to be a healer after years of being obsessed with the Legends Medstar lore. I absolutely loved that Barriss took off her mask to the terrified boy in the village and protected him against the Fourth Sister’s unnecessary wrath only to save the non-binary (yay representation!) Jedi from death later that day. It all just makes me so happy to get that validation that Barriss has always had a big heart which makes her stand out from other Jedi in my opinion. 
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3.) Barriss sporting that lesbian pixie cut with the adorable laugh/smile lines and being a healer in the mountains helping Force sensitive and the sick/injured just makes my day. It warms my heart to see Barriss be at peace and doing so much good after so much pain and trauma from her past. Though I do miss her hood and would like to see a head covering on her again. Also doing the math, Barriss should be in her thirties during the third episodes so why did they age her up so much? I’ve heard the theory of the Force healing taking her life force but damn Luminara was in her late thirties during the Clone Wars and she had like nothing 😅 One other note that makes me smile is that Barriss is referred to as a “wise mother” and that’s just everything.  Also she looks and acts like just like Luminara they truly could be mother and daughter it’s so sweet 💚💙
4.) Barriss defeating an Inquisitor without a weapon of her own and catching a blade with the Force is so fucking badass, I could re-watch that sequence on repeat forever. 
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5.)The vague Ahsoka mention had my Barrissoka heart exploding. I demand an animated Barrissoka show immediately. 
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Now here are the bits that have me frustrated and I demand that Darth Felonious fixes them later.
1.) The lack of closure between Barriss and Ahsoka/Luminara. Barriss hurt a lot of people from her actions but at the very least it would be nice to see her repair the damage she inflicted on the people closest to her. We never saw anything in regards to Luminara’s reaction to the bombing and knowing what gruesome fate awaits her in Rebels, I was so hoping the two would meet again, make amends before Luminara inevitably sacrificed herself as a final act of love and forgiveness for her Padawan. As for Ahsoka…if the two are able to work together in the future, could we at least see how exactly that came to be? I’m personally growing tired of major developments happening off-screen and we as an audience are just expected to roll with it. Again I’m aware these are shorts, but why do they have to be shorts? Why can’t we just delete the boring Morgan episodes and get like a movie or limited series on this exact journey? 
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2.) The return of yet another ambiguous ending for Barriss. I am a firm believer that Barriss is alive granted that people seem to get stabbed all the time in Star Wars and they get to live so why not Barriss? I understand what they’re doing with Barriss getting through to the Fourth Sister to show us that Barriss has come full circle in her journey from dark to light, however since I’m forced to believe that Barriss had some sort of relationship with this random Inquisitor pre-Empire instead of someone who did have a significant relationship to her, it falls flat for me and it enrages me that if Barriss were to die from this….well I just don’t have words for that. So now I’m wondering if I’m going to have to wait another 10 years to get answers. Thank the Force for fanfic and fanart to get me through. 
3.) Does Barriss even know what the Empire did her Master? Because… I feel that’s another huge story thats being missed here. Ahsoka was able to get some closure with Anakin, why can’t Barriss have the same with Luminara? 
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4.) Never getting anything in terms of what pushed Barriss to bomb the Jedi temple in the first place. That’s my biggest beef with the original Clone Wars series since we see no development as to how Barriss goes from a kind gifted Padawan healer to mastermind of a terror plot. That could a book or show on its own. 
5.) Star Wars continuing to miss what a satisfying redemption arc is. Not only do we need to understand what got a character to do the crime(s) but we need to see the growth that comes from it. That’s what makes the Obi-Wan Kenobi show so good to me is that I now know how Obi-Wan grew from RotS to where we meet him in ANH. I would love to see the same for Barriss, because you just know she’s been on very spiritual/emotional journey to get to where she was at the end of the show. 
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6.) Why was Vader even in this? Given the history Barriss and Anakin share, it is incredible that nothing happened between them post ROTS. And this is like fresh Vader still full of grief and anger by what’s happened so I doubt seeing Barriss even as an Inquisitor initiate would be anymore soothing. I just don’t understand…what a waste. Something more epic and cathartic could have come out of that interaction.
Well I’m done ranting for now, I’m curious to know what your guy’s thoughts are. Otherwise my brain is buzzing with fanfic story ideas and I’ll be getting back on the writing horse as I re-Watch the Barriss episodes into oblivion. 
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its-chelisey-stuff · 3 days
I love your meta about lovely runner, can you talk about Sol and the depth of her love for Seon Jae I feel like everyone is so busy fangirling about him that we don't really talk much about Sol in that regard and just how much she loves him too at first as her idol and then as a person? I feel like she loves him just as much as he loves her and we'll see it in the upcoming episode even more but maybe I'm wrong
oh, anon, thank you! And omg yes, I would love to talk more about this!!! So prepare yourself hahaha
You're right though. I feel like people are way more invested in SunJae's feelings for Sol because his side of the story has always been sad lol especially on the OG timeline. And boy, does tumblr love their tragically in love sad boys. I feel for him because he was just a giant 18 year-old with a HUGE crush on the tiny girl next door, who was too shy to say hi to her and well, it ended very bad because of it.
Meanwhile, Sol was just a teen with her soul and hopes crushed, depressed, ready to give it all up, when this guy on the radio told her the words that saved her life. And then she devoted herself to him because he gave her strength and happiness. And I love that. I know people cry about it (because of Sunjae's POV) but I loved that moment in ep one, when they encounter each other on the bridge, and she just had a super shitty day but all of it was worth it once she saw her idol. She was sooooo happy.
And yessss, I love that the Sol from the very first eps, wasn't in love with him (number one reason why I adore fangirl Sol: she's not delulu), but did love him in a way. And she knew what it was to be so broken and hopeless, so she was heartbroken to think that Sunjae had felt that way and taken his own life. Boy, little did she know...
In the first 2 trips to the past, Sol wasn't really trying to save his life, but his spirit. And in the process got to know the person behind the idol she dearly loved for more than a decade, just to see that the guy was genuinely a nice person, a good son, a good friend and a dork lol
I truly hope SunJae gets to find out about everything she's done, because while he loves her and saves in every timeline, Sol has crossed time and space to save him and make sure he's happy, even if she's not by his side in the future. And what better definition of true love is there? Also, I bet Sunjae would combust of happiness, knowing the girl he can't ever forget, not even for 15 years, has risked it all, for him.
Sol is THE definition of a romantic heroine. No question about it.
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feyburner · 16 hours
tumblr user feyburner, i have a confession. i don't know how to roast a chicken, or do anything with a chicken, and at this point i'm afraid to ask.
I can tell you're afraid to ask bc this isn't really a question. But I will answer it anyway. I'm always happy to talk about chicken.
You’ll be pleased to learn that roasting a chicken is so easy. The below explanation is quite long bc I am including all the information I can remember, to set you up for chicken roasting success. But, essentially, you’re rubbing a chicken in oil and seasonings and putting him in the oven for like an hour. Done.
Remember that people have been roasting whole chickens since the dawn of time using whatever they had around bc it’s the most low effort, high reward meal ever. You could say the word “salt” in a chicken’s general direction and toss him at a candle flame and he would still turn out great.  
To roast a chicken:
Buy a whole chicken, however big you want. 4-5 lbs is enough to feed 3-5 people with leftovers.
Prepare a workspace with a plastic cutting board (not wooden bc raw chicken juices) and paper towels. 
Remove the giblets, pin feathers, extra flaps:
1. Stick your hand up his primary orifice and pull out anything loose. There is usually a handful of little organs like heart and gizzards and sometimes these strings of pale bean looking things (tbh not sure what those are). Save these for stock, except the liver (super dark squishy organ) which will disintegrate. You can eat the liver separate if you want.
2. Trim off any sticky-outy bits that have pin feathers on them, and the flaps of fat/gristle over his orifice. Save the fatty bits for stock. Leave the triangle of fat directly above the orifice (his tail). 
Pat the chicken dry with paper towels inside and out. Get him as dry as possible. 
Spatchcock: You don’t have to spatchcock/butterfly but I like to, bc it maximizes outer surface area for that good good crispy skin. Also easier to get breasts and thighs done at the same rate.
All you have to do is cut the backbone out of the chicken with poultry shears or kitchen scissors if you’re desperate. Then push down hard to crack the breastbone so he lies super flat. Save the backbone for stock or jus. How to spatchcock step by step guide.
Dry brine: Prepare a bowl of coarse kosher salt. More salt than you’d think. Like 1 Tbsp per lb of meat. Rub salt over the whole chicken inside and out. Don’t skimp on the salt especially on the inside. It will not make your chicken crazy salty, it doesn't penetrate the meat that deep. Also some will be wiped off before you cook. 
Put the chicken on a wire rack on a baking sheet and chill uncovered in the fridge for 2-24 hours. The point of this step is the salt draws moisture to the surface of the chicken, which then evaporates in the circulating fridge air. It helps you get crispy chicken skin.
Dry brine + resting isn't 100% necessary, if for some reason you must produce a roasted chicken on a time crunch. But it's a good practice.
Roasting time:
Pat excess moisture off chicken inside and out. If you did not spatchcock you can stuff the inside with a halved lemon or garlic head, herbs, whatever you want. 
Seasoning rub: Prepare a small bowl with olive oil (maybe 1/4-1/3 cup?), salt, freshly cracked black pepper, and whatever dried herbs and spices you want. A good starter is: salt, pepper, parsley sage rosemary thyme, paprika, garlic powder, onion powder. I love me some Cajun spice mix like Slap Ya Mama. Start with like 1-2 tsp of each (1 tsp spices, 2 tsp dried herbs) and build from there. Don’t be shy. Recipes on the internet are like “Use 1/2 tsp herbs for this whole recipe” because they’re heading off 1-star reviews from annoying people who can’t handle a molecule of flavor. Season with your heart, your pussy, and your balls. Don’t be ashamed to use a store-bought spice rub. It’s not lazy, it’s efficient. Also, who gives a shit.
Rub the oil all over Mr. Chicken like he’s an Ancient Greek warrior-prince you’re preparing for the Olympic Games. 
Some recipes tell you to use butter, or slip butter under the skin, but butter has higher water content than oil and might not get you the ideal crispy skin. You can do whatever you want though. It’s your chicken. 
Preheat the oven to 425°. People will tell you a billion different temperatures—screaming hot, low and slow—but I’m here to tell you that it is so hard to fuck up a roast chicken, you can experiment and the results will always be great. 
I like to start at a high temp for 30 minutes to get the skin crisping and then reduce to 375° for the rest of the time to avoid burning. Sometimes you’ll have to cover him with foil if the seasonings start charring. That’s fine.
General cook time: 20 minutes per lb of meat, give or take 20 depending on oven temp. A 4-5 lb chicken at 425° -> 375° generally takes me ~1 hour 20 minutes. If you do low and slow at like 325° it might take 2+ hours. Just check on him periodically. Tbh it’s harder to overcook a chicken than you probably think. 5 minutes, or even 10-20 minutes, is NOT the difference between beautiful tender juicy chicken and a bone-dry tragedy. Chicken is not turkey. He is versatile and he can take it.
Pull the chicken when a meat thermometer inserted into the thickest part reads 145° or above. (160° is the “safe temp” but 1. The temp will continue to rise for a few minutes after it leaves the oven, and 2. 160° is the temp at which bacteria dies immediately. 145° is fine for eating. Disclaimer: I am not a scientist just a guy who makes a lot of chicken.)
If you don’t have a thermometer, pull the chicken when you insert a knife into the thickest part and the juices run clear. Gorgeous.
Let him sit for 10-20 minutes before carving. When carving, find the oysters and give them to your favorite person or take them as the Cook’s Bounty.
Again, this explanation is quite long because I included lots of detail. If you do it even one time, you'll realize it's incredibly easy and intuitive and doesn't take much time at all.
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aihoshiino · 24 hours
chapter 148 thoughts!
New chapter! New arc! New - Osh no Beach Episode?! Uh - sure, fuck it! Why not!
Chapters Since The 143 Kiss Happened And Went Completely Unacknowledged And Unaddressed Count: 5
It felt weirdly jarring to realize it was late summer in series for some reason lol… I think it's a combo of it still being pretty chilly here in the UK and me just having entirely lost track of the passage of time while we were in Movie Arc Purgatory.
I actually don't have a ton to say about this chapter as it's kind of just an echo of what we got with 138; a little breather beat between emotional upheavals that sets up the oncoming drama at the end. I definitely think it does so less gracefully than 138 and I ultimately enjoyed it less. That's not to say it's a bad chapter and watching everyone have goofy fun in the sun was cute - it just didn't quite Hit in the way I was itching for, especially after last chapter was… well, the way it was. There's some stuff I have to complain about which I think will make this post read as more negative than it maybe is, but it's one of those chapters where the good stuff doesn't really warrant a lot of comment other than 'i liked it'.
On that note, things I liked: everyone hanging out was really cute! I was honestly hoping we'd get more interactions like this during the Movie Arc with everyone scrunched together onto a single project but I'm happy to see it now.
Gotanda being being Dads With Cats this chapter was also really cute. It's a throwaway line but that little lore crumb of him having been looking forward to starting a family at some point is… honestly really sad and interesting? I think it adds a lot to the way he takes to Aqua and looks out for Kana, on top of the way he throws himself into his art.
frill taking a big ass break between projects is really good, too. i hope she has a very good time doing absolutely nothing.
that said. the fact that the only time we've gotten an acknowledgement of ruby and taiki's sibling relationship in the manga after like 80+ chapters is him making a comment about her tits makes me want to put aka akasaka through a pasta maker.
but no, for real. joking aside. Taiki and Aqua's relationship and Taiki going from being standoffish to accepting Aqua as his younger brother is one of the more understandably sweet relationship arcs in the series and it feels like a waste that we didn't get anything similar for him and Ruby. In general, Ruby is starting to feel very isolated from the rest of the cast which I'm not a fan of.
frill's full body wetsuit was a god tier joke though i gotta admit
Kana hyping herself up to flirt so overtly with Aqua was… funny, if a bit weird, especially given the note the chapter ends on. But Akane going right in and getting all over her thighs. holy shit, girl.
tsukuyomi at the beach what will she do
Akane's chat with Aqua also made my ears perk up in the way it continues a theme established by 143, of Aqua being challenged on his dedication to his self destruction by the people around him. Ruby and Kana were able to poke and prod at the issue but Akane, having the full picture as she does, is able to more directly shake Aqua and point out what he has to lose. In trying to self destruct, he will only end up destroying the thing he's trying to protect.
Also worth pointing out; Aqua is back to double black hoshigans as of this chapter which seems to line up with my thoughts on them representing his wavering dedication to his revenge play.
And then Kana….. whooooooooooo boy.
Like I said earlier, this ending feels super jarring off the back of both the last AQKN interaction and Kana's attempted flirting in this very chapter. As part of her overall arc, I think it makes sense but within the scope of this chapter it's too abrupt and lacks any real trigger. I can assume she saw AQAK talking to each other and made some assumptions but we don't actually see it. As it's presented in the comic, Akane basically walked up to her and triggered a cutscene lol
It is interesting to me that we're getting this overt push towards romantic resolution happening now given that… well, I'm not keeping that 'chapters since 143' count going just for goofs. I'm honestly torn between frustrated and darky amused at how much of a nothingburger 143 has turned out to be in the long run given that its only persistent status quo change (Aqua's white hoshigan) has fallen back by the wayside again. Neither Ruby or Aqua are acting like anything at all has happened. Literally right now it feels like you could skip 141-143 completely and not miss anything. It's baffling and it really does feel like that kiss was used as cynical reaction bait. Ruby's feelings are being treated with little to no respect and I'm honestly tired of it.
Obviously we're going to be getting some future resolution eventually because any Aqua-related romantic resolution is going to end up dragging Ruby into things but man. The fact that THIS is how Akasaka is choosing to drag it out is just insane to me. What was even the point of that kiss if it was going to have literally no impact on either character or the status quo whatsoever?
As for what this means for relationships… who even knows at this point. If you put a gun to my head and forced me to make a call, I'd say that in a romance manga, this would make me very confident in a Kana endgame. 'Girl tries to selflessly give up her love' is a pretty huge 'winning' flag in these kinds of situations. But Oshi no Ko is not strictly a romance manga and there's so much other relationship baggage floating around, who even knows what this is all going to mean. You could tell me this is the flag for an Aqua/Minami endgame or something and I wouldn't be surprised at this point.
At least we'll find out next week, assuming Akasaka doesn't offscreen the rest of this talk lol
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gothicmatter · 3 days
hi hello!! what kind of metal do you think bsd characters like
me personally
atsushi: power metal bc he's a nerd (affectionate). also definitely nu or industrial
kunikida: black metal. (this makes me so happy for some reason, i always like it when ppl make kunikida a wild card)
chuuya: sludge🐌 metal lmao. but also. bro is the biggest NWOBHM enthusiast. loves thrash. loves groove metal. likes nu but prefers old school. the only one i hc as a full-on metalhead on this list (also maybe yosano)
yosano: gives me melodic death metal vibes for some reason (she could be into all types of death metal tbh. she's inherently metal. i love her sm, she's so cool)
akutagawa: gothic metal. you saw this coming from a mile away. but otherwise i don't think he's that big on metal tbh. which is good bc he'd be the biggest metal elitist ever. calls you a poser in victorian child speak. (he's into gothic rock and dark wave. but i don't think he'd be an elitist in the goth subculture, idk why. he's probably super chill actually. would rant about goth for hours if you mention it around him. he's actually waiting for you to mention it with the biggest bug-eyed stare ever.)
tachihara: crossover thrash. bc he likes hardcore punk
sigma: symphonic metal bc he's a pretty princess
dazai not included bc i don't think he likes metal?? i think he's more into grunge tbh
ranpo can't stand metal imo
poe listens to gothic rock only i think
that's it byeeee
edit bc i forgot gin!! i must be out of my mind bc she's more metal than all of them combined
gin: girl listens to everything metal. the most knowledgeable on this matter. metal encyclopaedia basically. probably runs the metal archives website. is in a band most likely. she plays bass. you rarely catch her without earphones (which you would think would be impractical bc she needs to be aware of threats at all times but. you will still never catch her off guard even w sepultura playing at 100000000000 volume. she's that good. i love her sm. i will never be able to repent for forgetting to mention her here)
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camifandomfan · 3 months
*The fam is over at Tim’s apartment*
Jason: Ohhhh, we each get our own oven?
Tim: …No…
Tim, laughing: How many ovens do you think I have???
Jason, motioning to their kitchen: Three, I thought!
Dick: I see a-
Tim, motioning to one device: This is a microwave.
Jason: Oh, well I-
Tim: Hey wait wait, actually- hang on- *fiddles with the buttons on the microwave*
Tim, amazed: Its got a bake setting!
Dick: Ohoho, you learn something new every day!
Steph: Do we- Do we roshambo for who gets to pick first?
Tim: Now I’ve just discovered I have more ovens than I thought, we don’t have to roshambo nothin!
Tim: I am a man who owns four ovens…
Tim, louder and way too happy: I am a man who owns FOUR OVENS…
Tim: I didn’t know I was so rich with ovens…
Jason, pointing to another appliance: Also the toaster oven!
Steph: Ohhh, toasty boy! Four- five ovens!
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beatcroc · 1 year
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there's no way the bathroom at peppino's pizza is actually that big but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ . hey ummm anyway.... i care them...... anyway there's a lil ramble on my take on fake pep's like psyche or whatever in tags on the og post if ur into that kinda thing :y
hey! it's a series! fake peppino world tour: [noise] [noisette] [peppino]<- u are here [gustavo] [gerome] [noisette again]
#ramble after realtags yeag. shoutout to serrangelic btw suggesting the silhouettes thing bc i would have Died otherwise#pizza tower#peppino spaghetti#fake peppino#gustavo and brick#arting#pizzaposting#so anyway i think fake peppino has like. a general awareness that he is supposed to Be Peppino and that he was Made to do that#and likewise he does generally try to...do that. the thing he does NOT realize is hes like really goddamn bad at it#not to be mean but like...c'mon. they are pretty distinctly different kinds of guys even beyond the physiology yknow.#he's neither on-brand nor fooling anyone dsjdsjjkgfsd. BUT!#since the rest of the cast generally likes him [at least as I play it] he thinks hes doing just fine#he's like 'oh they r happy with me so i must be getting a good grade in being peppino :)'#so getting told that 'yeah you actually really suck at that but that was never the reason people liked you'#and told that by og model peppino no less--yknow THE guy he's supposed to be living up to#who's already a bit intimidating for that and who ALSO totally wrecked him TWICE in the tower#making him acutely familiar with just how formidable the guy is and how much there IS to live up to....#it's a Moment for sure. not really a sad or hurt one though. just... contemplative.#thinking abt people liking him for being the guy he's already naturally been being even though that guy is Not Peppino#i don't think he's gonna be super broken up about realizing he has a bad grade in peppino given everything else hes got now#nor do i really think he cares enough to go like reinvent himself or whatever after the fact#he seems to b pretty clearly having fun with it already so i think he just keeps doing that#and in some cases he still has the pre-installed peppino traits/instincts like to cooka da pizza. and that's fine#is this projection. yes. but if youve been following me awhile you know most of my character writing is ghdhfdgf#gonna kinda expand on all this in the gerome one which is...one after next. itll be a bit but man.#anyway peppino will never admit to anyone and especially not himself that he's gotten a little attached to the guy. hee hoo#pep tends to be kinda surly but he certainly has his ways of showing he cares. all of which are on display here#''that thing is not my son'' says man currently watching thing's antics with the 'bemused dad' arms crossed pose. yeah ok buddy.#gus is totally onto him already but hes not gonna say anything.#if u read all this ur prize is not having to go decode fp's rot13. his lines are ''meant to be you...?'' and ''wrong question.''
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potatobugz · 1 year
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*picks you up and dips u in a vat of acid*
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quirinah · 3 months
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#忍たま乱太郎#HAPPY RAIZOU DAY (i have ten minutes to post)#nintama#nintama rantarou#rkrn#fuwa raizou#quirinahdraws#digital#SORRY im obsessed with this arc its so so good (s21e37-39? i think)#ZATTO FEATURE??? SOUNIN?? GOJYOU DAN??? RAIZOU COOL ARC?? MAIN TRIO? SHENANIGANS? WOWZAAA#i think amako made a comment once about how raizou has a lot of potential. or how the intuition skill he was trying to develop this episode#is super key. but i love thinking about raizou....i believe in his shounen protag training arc. i want to see him become an awesome six yea#fun fact this drawing is supposed to be matchy matchy with my saburou drawing from last august but the different in style ERM#asmr i smack colors around on the canvas for three straight hours#my evil twisted wish for a raizou episode is i get to see him and koheita interact bc i think theyre great maybe unintentional? parallels#koheitas very intuitive and i think hes actually really good at reading important things subconsciously. seeing thru the disguised senzou i#the 5th v 6th years arc splitting a rock in two maybe the sports comp where he figures out the clue for the scavenger hunt but hes also#kind of smart in general. but hes also really good at disregarding detail that isnt immediately relevant so hes hard to keep up with#but raizous super attentive which kind of paralyzes him decision wise but he figures out how to put that to advantage? im not great at this#i made him a page of mind for a reason. he has potential!! also i love sounin....
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moe-broey · 1 year
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This is as much effort that I'm willing to put into this.
Somewhat of a fix-it with getting rid of the child bride LMFAO, but revamping it so Y!Tiki can still participate. And also a manifestation of how I think Libra/Virion/Lon'qu would be the most powerful if not slightly disastrous throuple (unfortunately no real interactions between them here, they're all too wrapped up in their own things!). And also a fuck you to amatonormativity.
Target audience: Literally just my sister and I think LMFAOOOOOOO
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elytrafemme · 9 months
why doesn't anybody talk about schrodinger's mental illness? seriously i think i'm onto something here
#nightmare.personal#i'm starting to think i'm over it like#i've been so happy lately and i'm having these weird nightmares about my family for no reason but like#i have FRIENDS and i'm taking CARE OF MYSELF and like i thought i looked super pretty today#but i am freaking out a bit about how nice this one friend of mine is being to me#which is so weird bc he'/s like the safest guy to be around ever but suddenly i feel insanely unsafe#hm. maybe i'll be fixed if i go to bed#ugh i have classes tmrw which are FINE classes but like. work. and then also therapy#and therapy's good just like. ugh. Ugh. maybe i'll talk to her about me hating my gf's mom's profession and my moral crisis#bc guys it's kind of awkward i really don't fuck with landlords but my gf's mom is um . Kind of one of those#anyway i think i'm better honestly like the klavier and dahlia stuff is starting to just feel like an inside joke#something earlier happened and i was like klav would like this. andi pictured him a bit in my brain as how he looked#and like. we laughed. but i don't think he was there at all#and the BPD stuff isn't happening like i've not mood swung at all lately i don't think#so maybe it was all in my head andi'm fine now? that could be it honestly like. i'm fine. which!#is weird and abrupt but hey i'm into it. y'know. whatever#it would kind of suck if it turns out i was perfectly fine i was just overthinking it but. hey#honestly whatever. people are fine i'm fine i'm safe and the nightmares are stupid#i need to see this guy anyway tmrw because i invited him along to grab breakfast with me and our mutual friend#we're like a trio so i figure it's fine. hopefully the dining hall isn't still on fire i need to fuck up that pomegranate acai drink so bad#it's SO good you guys. but like. idk. i feel happy like perfectly happy. like i don't think much is wrong#these weird feelings of dread and hovering on the edges of panic attacks sometimes but that's really it#ugh. i hope the lecture hall has good chairs#sorry i cannot focus on this i'm restless rn. i need. like. something#i think me and my GF might break up soon bc of the parents work and the sex thing but like.#someone lobotomize me i'm literally fine what's going ONNNN
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pepprs · 9 months
discovered miah_pie on t*ktok (<- i don’t have one btw i just stumbled upon her bc someone i follow on ig talked abt her) and her videos make me want to cry so bad. 24 year old dependent moment
#purrs#i went to a clothing store today to try to get new work shoes and pants bc the one pair i have of each literally have holes in them and are#falling the fuck apart on my body and it was a HORRIBLE experience largely bc i think everybody in town was out shopping for back to school#so it was super crowded and there were lots of screaming kids and it was extremely stressful + my dad got into a mini car accident while i w#was in the store (he was / is completely fine thankfully but the car is not which is so awesome 😍😍😍😍😍) and i was just so stressed and#overstimulated but also like… nothing fits me bc im so short lol. but anyway it was so horrible i was on the verge of starting to cry in the#store and then i came home empty handed and my mom got super pissed at me for… needing to go to the store / being the reason we were out lol#and then finding miah pie and her videos are all about making trips to the store SO much fun and buying little treats and saying yessir and#OHHHHHH MYYYYY and just finding the joy in smth that can be so stressful and unpleasant… it makes me want to cry happy and sad tears at the#same time like i want that soooo bad and i can’t do it fully yet but i want it. need it. fuck my stupid baka life#anyways im gonna start saying the stuff she says just to make myself feel better even when im not at a store. yessir! OHHHHHH MYYYYYY.#acquired. don’t mind if i diddly dooooo!#also btw i am not a dependent except for the ways i am a dependent. hope that helps 🫶🏻#the problem is really that i don’t have a car or a license and also that my mom throws a fit every time i need / want to get driving#practice bc it’s never a good time so. lol 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 me doing drivers ed this summer was a fucking joke i forget literally everything i#learned and have only been behind the wheel 3 times and none of them have actually counted bc im just developing basic motor skills#(literally). fmlllll im never getting out of here who am i kidding 🤪#delete later
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mcnjushcge · 6 months
Do you think ameripan is popular now a days?
I don’t think it holds a candle to r*same but I would say it’s pretty popular yeah….unfortunately. the question we should REALLY be asking why almost every kiku ship is dogshit and cringe and a turnoff. what’s up with that
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
[ almost ] seasonal question; what do you think the arakawa family does for the holidays?
jo bbg answered that for us three seconds into y7 now didnt he
#snap chats#this was the best ask to send rn i gotta wait for the train to go back LOL#BUT NAW IM PLAYIN. kinda. jo is a bitch about holidays tho#when masato was younger and predominantly under his care arakawa For Sure spoiled him rotten with gifts and nice dinners#Its A Special Occasion Lets Splurge etc etc#of course the older masato got the more distant he became until he outright just dodged arakawa entirely#if ichi isnt hounded with work (coughjocough) he’s def hangin with arakawa then. Should He Be Invited Of Course <- he always is#jo’s lame ass is spending his holidays alone even when arakawa insists he can spend it with them#Theres Work To Be Done etc etc SHUT UP also his perpetual guilt prevents him from living a lil#in the event jo isnt being A Salty Bitch tho i reckon arakawa drags him to an outing :) with ichiban.#no its fun its great Holidays With His Boys Haha. Guys Please Stop Fighting—#masato’s just Too Cool to hang out with a bunch of yakuza for the holidays. its not easy getting him a gift either#yk since he can just buy whatever he wants whenever he wants and he isnt exactly the most generous guy towards the arakawa fam#insane to say that like girl HES a part of the arakawa fam… lol… anyway#the tl;dr answer is arakawa’s taking Whoever Is Willing To Spare An Hour out to dinner#perchance a cute lil gift exchange too. you know ichi always stressin what to get arakawa#nothin he can afford is as cool or awesome as he is etc etc <- arakawa’s just happy to have ichi’s company#arakawa learned his lesson with masato. that isnt to say he doesnt give ichi super nice things but. Within Reason. HUMBLE.#pops gettin him whatever game he accidentally started to infodump about durin lunch...#crying i just know ichi's an excited puppy whenever he gets a gift. i just know masato was a bitch when he got somethin#yes ichi is a Grown Man but he actin like the excited kid arakawa never got to see and it makin him tear up JUST A BIT#trying to give jo a gift is like pulling teeth he does that bit where hes all Oh No I Couldnt but he means it#he'll relent tho. he realizes it's more trouble than its worth to refuse#‘snap what happened to mitsu’ fuck man what DID happen to mitsu LMAO#hes prob got his own friends and fam…. he isnt as tight with the arakawas as that quartet is yk…#ily mitsu dont get it twisted….. i just know you got a wife in rggo....#ok i should can it i have to drive now :(((((( byyyyeeee...... after i answer one more ask HANG ON--#send me more holiday related asks for the arakawas..... i love them... AND the holidays..
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