#he’s the leader the moment the conversation etc etc
seimei-chsq · 2 years
kind of fascinating that yuzuru has such a hold over this sport that him announcing a press conference has everybody and their mother screaming and crying and breaking down
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hannieehaee · 5 months
i love your writing i always check your page everyday! i was wonder we can get some brat reader x scoups or dk?? like we are messing with him around the members or going out somewhere without their permission? if not i totally understand and will still continue to support your writing! :)
18+ / mdi
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content: jealous!cheol, possessive!cheol, brat!reader, afab reader, established relationship, smut, dry humping, grinding, etc.
wc: 1575
a/n: idk where i was going with this im sorry if it makes no sense T-T thank u for requesting </3
if there was one defining characteristic about your boyfriend, it was his pride.
seungcheol always thought himself to be a capable and dependable man, which were a few of the characteristics he took most pride in. as the leader of his group, he was always meant to take care of his members and provide a solid foundation for his younger brothers to rely on.
similarly to his members, he always took care of you. however, along with that also came his possessive and strict nature.
as a natural leader, seungcheol always expected instruction to be followed. he wasnt a dictator nor unfair by any means, but he expected his authority to be respected. he afforded you the same respect, but he would quickly grow frustrated whenever he felt himself be challenged by you; something that happened quite often.
it was usually just fun banter. he would ask or do something, you'd be a brat and get in the way, and he would then play along until growing too frustrated at your overly playful nature and either whine at you or punish you (it'd depend on his mood, really).
today, this dynamic was presented in the form of you popping in for a quick visit during dance practice. cheol had always told you you were welcome to stop by whenever you wanted, even letting security know that you were to be admitted in upon uttering his name when inquired for the reason of your visit. you didn't visit every day, but you made it a habit of dropping in at least once a week (specially considering your boyfriend worked seven days a week).
upon your arrival, a few of seungcheol's members dropped what they were doing to go say hi to you and engage in conversation. cheol knew them to be overly excited at times, so he always sat back for a minute or two before jumping in on the conversation. today, he did the same, waiting a bit before joining you, jeonghan and mingyu while the rest of the members continued what they'd been doing before your arrival – practicing.
usually you'd interrupt them only for a few minutes, but today was different for some reason.
cheol could read you very easily, and he was suspicions of your smile from the moment you'd walked in. it was the same smile you'd have on your face any time you challenged his patience for fun for seemingly no reason. he grew completely certain that your intent today had been to be a brat when he finally attempted to get the members to settle back down and go back to practice. you'd immediately whined in disagreement, causing the members to join in, now claiming you wanted to go get a quick snack with the members, since apparently, you had been missing them lately. now he not only had to deal with one brat, but with multiple.
"c'mon, cheollie! you guys are all sweaty, i'm sure you've been at this all day. a quick break wont hurt you," you argued, fueled by the nods in agreement coming from his friends.
"baby ... we have a schedule to follow, you know that. you can come back when it's our usual lunch time."
"okay, you don't have to come. i can just go with hannie and gyu."
he knew you were just trying to annoy him. you had at no time mentioned any wish to hang out with his friends prior to this moment.
"yeah, cheollie. we'll keep her company, dont worry."
jeonghan joining in on your brattiness was exactly what cheol needed in this moment. specially as he walked over to cuddle against you as you both smirked at cheol in defiance.
"you coming, gyu?", you looked over at mingyu, who also seemed to grasp seungcheol's annoyed disposition.
"uh, i ... sure, i'll go, i–"
"baby, can i talk to you for a moment?", he was annoyed at your stubbornness, but he still did not wish to blow up in front of all his members, knowing they'd tease him over how easy he was to rile up.
"you can say whatever you wanna say here, right y/nnie? we're all friends here", interrupted the parasite that was his best friend, swaying you back and forth as you giggled at the way he so outwardly defied his friend.
that was enough for cheol. he knew there was no way for you to have planned on having jeonghan copy your brattiness so easily, but he blamed you nonetheless.
with that, he grabbed you by the arm, ripping you away from his friend before storming out with you. he led you to the empty resting room that was connected to the practice room before turning to look at you.
"tired of being a brat yet?"
"hmm," you tapped your chin as if actually thinking it over, "nah."
he walked over to you, making you walk back as your entertained smile remained on your face. he was glad to know you found this all so entertaining; something he voiced to you immediately after.
"i'm sorry, cheollie, you're just so fun to rile up."
"did you want me to put you in your place, baby? got bored of waiting for me back home?", he got closer to you with every passing second, eventually basically pinning you against the wall.
"maybe ... so ... are you gonna?", you grinned at him.
"am i gonna what?"
"gonna put me in my place? here, where they all know what's going on behind this door?"
"oh? you think i wont? you think their presence is gonna deter me from fucking you into whatever piece of furniture is nearest?", his eyes were darker than ever, mouth just inches away from yours. he could feel your goosebumps rising from his close proximity.
"but what about practice, cheollie? i thought you were sooo bus–"
"fuck practice."
only five minutes later and you were already bent over the couch, skirt pushed over to uncover your ass as he ground his clothed crotch against you, stimulating no one but himself.
after having abused your lips with his for a few minutes, he had felt you up in every way you loved, tweaking at your nipples and even rubbing at your cunt through your clothes. he thoroughly made you believe he'd fuck the brattiness out of you, only to then flip you over and bend you to his liking, grinding his hardened cock against your ass while you whined at him to do something more.
"no, baby ... this is all for me. gonna teach you to not be a brat by giving you the barest minimum. want more? then be good next time ... now take what im giving you and be thankful."
"y– yes, cheollie ..."
"god, what a pretty baby ... if only you were just as obedient as you are pretty."
"i am! i'm good, i was just ... just wanted your attention so bad."
"yeah? couldve just told me you needed me, baby. wouldve come home running to you. didnt have to team up with hannie to piss me off."
he angled you a little higher for his cock to finally drag against your cunt rather than your ass, now giving you some friction as you began to push back against him.
"shit, just like that, baby. push it back for me like a good girl."
"didnt– didnt plan it, baby, i swear! i was gonna take you guys out to eat and then steal you away ... didnt know hannie was gonna join in on it ..."
"oh, yeah? you were being good, then? just got corrupted by hannie? hmm. that's too bad, angel. still gotta punish you for that."
"j– just please! dont stop ... feels so good ... cock feels so good against my cunt ..."
he continued to hold you by your hips, almost bruising them by the sheer force in which he forced you to grind back against him. he knew neither yours nor his orgasm would be as satisfying as could be, but he needed to make his point.
accelerating both the speed and strength of his grinding, he found himself almost at his end, deciding to show you some mercy by digging through the front of your skirt and rubbing rapidly at your clit through your panties.
"gonna cum with me, baby? gonna give it to me even if they're listening in on the other side? huh?"
"yes, cheollie! almost there, just– fuck!"
your pretty moans as you lost yourself to the pleasure were enough to get seungcheol to reach his peak too, pushing himself up against you once more as he released inside his pants. he caressed the bare skin of your ass under your skirt as he helped you stand at your full height again, kissing at your hair as he told you what a good girl you were for him, brattiness almost wiped from his mind.
"angel ...", now was time to scold you.
"im sorry, cheollie ... just felt lonely and wanted to come visit you ... i was just gonna steal you away for a bit. forgot hannie has a boner for mischief and would try and make you blow up. sorry, baby."
he couldnt help but chuckle at that. you were bratty, but you were still his obedient girl. all was good in the world.
"c'mon, angel. let me grab some clothes so we can change, yeah? then ill take you home."
"but practic-"
"you were right. i could use a break. let's go."
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hufflefluff-stuff · 1 year
hi! i was wondering if you could write how HL characters would act when they are jealous
Yes! Also, I'll add how these characters wind up confessing to their crush! 👍
Characters: Sebastian, Garreth, Ominis, Poppy, & Leander
Sebastian Sallow
Let's be fr..this guy gets jealous INSANELY easily in canon, even when platonically speaking.
It's hard to pinpoint where he exactly started catching feelings for you, but he certainly fell for you fast after your adventure into the library's restricted section.
Unfortunately, because of your growing reputation as a "hero" around Hogwarts, Hogsmede, and other hamlets...you've have strangers and students alike often come up to you and interrupt your conversations with Sebastian.
They mean well, only showing up to compliment you or thank you for some favor you've done for them.
But still it puts him in an sour mood, especially if he's unable to do anything about it without coming off as a prissy Slytherin.
During classes, he feels 10x worse if he's not partnered with you and instead sees you with classmates he views as "competition"...like Garreth, Leander, or even Amit, scowling at them in envy and unable to focus unless the professor specifically calls him out on it.
The only exception is Ominis, since he's a trusted friend and damn well knew his crush on you (he has certainly used this as blackmail to stop him from doing stupid stuff) but Sebastian will still huff about how "close" you two are growing.
Sometimes his jealousy gets so bad he needs to go blow off some steam in the Undercroft, casting damage spells on whatever poor dummy, pillar, or knight armor happened to be in his way.
It's nothing that Repairo couldn't fix.
While your assistance in his quest to find a cure for Anne was extremely important to him, that's not the only reason he brings you along for the ride.
He genuinely enjoys your company, and it's his chance to actually be alone with you and talk without any rude interruptions.
Well...there's trolls, rankrok's loyalists, spiders, ashwinders, Inferi, etc....but none of them are annoying students who try to hog all your attention just to spite him.
Aside from Ominis, Anne keeps encouraging her twin brother to make some move if he's that jealous (which Sebastian repeatedly denies).
Sooner or later...he may lose that chance, and he fears this. But he never knew when the moment would come..
Then one night, you were both fighting poachers and their leader, an Animagus, insulted him so horribly that it made his confident expression drop for a moment--as did his Protego shield.
You didn't hear what she said exactly, but his devastated face told you enough and you were pissed.
So you rained down a torrent of ancient magic lightning before she can even think of transforming.
Sebastian could only watch as you smite her like some furious god unleashing your wrath on the world, finding you both badass and ethereal.
When it's all over, you rushed to his side and ask if he's okay--but he just kisses you right there and then, silencing you.
He's so sick of waiting.
Garreth Weasley
His jealousy is nowhere near as bad as Sebastian's...but it's still there. Just subtle.
He pouts a lot when somebody steals your attention away, and he tries way too hard to impress you with whatever brilliant potion concept he drafted up (and definitely didn't have approval to brew in class under any circumstances).
Speaking of which, you're his usual partner in potions class, so he'll be highly disappointed if Professor Sharp decides to pair you with somebody else that day.
Garreth feels this sting in his heart if he overhears you praising them for their perfect brew, while he stares into his bubbling cauldron and sulks, wondering what he could've done differently.
He didn't know how you truly felt about him, so he got the genius idea to cook up a love potion the day you had a substitute for class (he sat at the furthest station and had secretly gathered the ingredients beforehand).
Just as you were about to try it for yourself, he accidentally knocked an incompatible ingredient into the pot and caused its contents to explode, staining both of your robes in pink.
While everybody laughed, the sub made the stains vanish with some magic and decided to dismiss class early, making you two stay behind to clean up the mess.
Luckily only house points were deducted due to your actions, so you won't be getting detention for this.
Still...Garreth was quite upset and you could tell.
You reassure him you're not mad in the slightest, and that you knew exactly what he was trying to do (followed by a small wink before continuing your cleanup).
His face turned as red as a maxima potion, and when he returns to the Gryffindor common room for the night, he gets confused stares from his fellow housemates as they wonder what's gotten into him.
But he can't stop thinking about you.
Maybe you ingested droplets of the love potion after it exploded, since you did seem particularly flirtatious with him in that moment and knew his intentions.
Looks like he got his wish after all.
Now to ask you out properly..
Ominis Gaunt
He's not an easily jealous guy. He'll never get angry at other people for simply wanting to spend time with you or if you're partners with them in class.
You've made a name for yourself at Hogwarts, and while he doesn't always agree with the dangerous stuff you get involved with, he only expects people to look up to you and pull your attention away from him.
Though deep down, it kinda hurts...especially since quite a handful of students from other houses perceive him as someone you shouldn't be around (some Gryffindors with "holier than thou" personalities even had the guts to say you're better off without him when he's standing right there).
Being a Gaunt + a Slytherin had that effect, unfortunately...
But he's sick of hearing that all the time.
Anyone else would've snapped at whoever criticized them based on blood status or rudely interrupted a conversation they're clearly having with you.
Yet when he does it..suddenly he's the bad guy?
It never made sense.
So any jealous feelings Ominis has stem from his own insecurities, and they grow even worse the more he realizes he's in love with you..
Like Sebastian, he'd probably storm off to the Undercroft to calm down if he's feeling heavily upset.
Fortunately, you're quick to defend him and decline other people's advances, saying you'd much rather hang out with him.
When you nearly got into a wand duel/fistfight over something insulting they said about him, that's when he realizes you cared about him as more than a friend...
Though he wanted to test the waters, so to speak, before hyping himself up to confess to you.
So throughout the week, Ominis expressed subtle desires to be in closer proximity to you (which you were fine with despite being initially confused at his sudden change in behavior)
These are, but not limited to, linking arms while walking in the hallways, napping beside you while you were reading or petting a random cat, "accidentally" falling asleep on your shoulder in History of Magic, and letting you guide him through assignments in herbology and potions class so he took the correct measurements (his grades improved, which is always a plus).
It takes a little bit of encouragement from Sebastian, but by the week's end, he courts you in one of his favorite spots outside the castle, gathering flowers, candles, and everything.
You truly made him feel loved..and he was going to do his best to reciprocate that.
How he wishes he could see the looks on those Gryffindor preps' faces when they realize the "hero of Hogwarts" is his date.
Poppy Sweeting
Considering how little she spoke to other students, even ones from her own house, this Hufflepuff found it difficult to get close to you at first.
You being hailed as a "hero" made it especially challenging, as you seemed constantly busy and people were bugging you for attention/advice/help....all while Poppy was standing in the background, forcing a smile.
Of course, you always made time to help her rescue beasts. It became your passion, and she was happy about that. Your adventures together allowed you to connect on an emotional level.
The moment she knew she was in love was the night when you both observed a Mooncalf dance, trying to make sense of the pattern those sweet big-eyed creatures left behind.
No matter how many times you've seen them, their dances are spectacular--ever captivating.
But when Poppy asked for your opinion on the pattern she drew out, she stops after seeing your breathtaking smile, eyes practically sparkling in the glow of the moonlight..
And suddenly that's all she could focus on.
Suddenly that was the most beautiful thing in the world.
Since then, her jealousy around other students has increased tenfold...especially when one jerk who disrespected beasts bragged about their poacher parents and invited you to visit their camp.
You've never seen a girl Depulso another student so fast in your life, but Poppy acts like nothing ever happened.
Similar to Sebastian, her jealousy manifests in the form of glares and general scorn towards anyone trying to ask you out on a date (which you, fortunately, decline).
She 100% rambles to the beasts about you.
If Highwing and Lord of the Shore could talk, they'd tell her to just stfu and confess to you already bc the tension is killing them.
It only (finally) happens when you invite her to the Vivarium for the first time, and they both nudge you two together, not backing down until you finally kiss.
If any of yall know that scene in Pokémon Scarlet/Violet where the box legendary pushes Arven towards his friends...that's this exact situation.
Leander Prewett
There's not doubt that this Gryffindor was going to grow jealous of your rising popularity in Summoner's Court and Crossed Wands.
He's a sore loser, while you have generally good sportsmanship..but he secretly appreciates you encouraging him to keep practicing. He only keeps going because of your words alone.
Outside of classes and competitions, he tries to hang out with you but oftentimes your attention goes to other people--whether it's professors keeping you after class to go over extra assignments or a friend sending you an owl with an urgent request.
You don't mean to keep ditching him, but to him it feels like you're always "too busy" for him.
Leander just scowls at the owls while they stare back at him like "hey, don't shoot the messenger".
Yet even when you do manage to spend time together, he only ever asks about your recent escapades....and then refuses to believe them despite you explaining them in great detail.
To this day, he still isn't convinced you possess ancient magic.
But the truth is that he wants to believe you. He admires your bravery and is insanely in love with that aspect of you....though he doesn't know how to express that.
He wishes he can relate and have cool stories to tell, but when people bring up his name they only ever talk about his constant failures.
He doesn't feel any better when others rush to defend your acts of heroism, thinking he's being a jerk.
The truth is you actually loved him and his company despite your frequent banter, but believed him to be way out of your league.
At least until the day Professor Kogawa assigned you to help him after flying class, citing the lack of respect he's been showing to his broom and your good influence on classmates.
He saw this as his chance to impress you...and failed miserably as he was unable to focus and snapped at his broom in frustration, causing it to whack him in the face just as a group of Slytherins passed by.
They laughed and teased him relentlessly, but after scaring them off with a chomping cabbage...you realized Leander had disappeared.
But he didn't go far as you discover him sulking near the lake, hiding himself with the Disillusionment charm (which you cancelled with Revelio).
It's there he finally talks about his true feelings towards you, and you see a more vulnerable side to the typically uptight Gryffindor.
In the end, you decide to give him a chance.
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virtualreader · 11 months
under the stars
summary: somehow the night watch shifts got jumbled, resulting in a maybe-not-so-forced proximity with the married, appealing leader of the group.
word count: 2,2k.
genre: smut, and a lil' bit of angst.
warnings: p in v, unprotected sex, masturbation, adultery, etc. (not proofread)
a/n: this was requested by an anon, I really hope it is what you wanted, enjoy!
+18 content below, minors dni, nsfw, please do not read it if you're uncomfortable with this topic!
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The night sky laid before your eyes. It was the only thing that had improved with the outbreak. There were plenty of stars that night; they had always been there, but you just couldn't see them.
Contemplating the bright stars made everything seem right as if you were still enjoying summer nights in your backyard. But you were not. You were on watch.
The silence around you was only broken by the crickets and the occasional distant howling of the wind. The moon above shone brightly, casting eerie shadows around you, and the first dewdrops settled down onto the wisps of grass.
Suddenly, you heard a twig snap, and your heart skipped a beat. You turned around and saw Rick approaching you, his brows drew together as he asked, "Whatcha doing up there, y/n?”
“Watch duty,” you spoke simply.
Rick found it strange; he could have sworn that it was his turn tonight. As a matter of fact, it was. However, Glenn had asked for you to cover his shift, as they would not return until late into the night.
"Wasn't I supposed to be on watch tonight?" he asked, shifting his weight to his right leg.
You observed him from your perch atop Dale's RV. His hands rested on his hips, and a substantial amount of blood stained his clothes. His sweat-soaked shirt clung to his torso, highlighting the physical exhaustion he must have been experiencing.
"Were you?" you rubbed your forehead. "Glenn told me you couldn't make it here in time for your shift.”
"Mind if I stay?" Rick asked. "I won't be able to sleep a wink anyway, and I think you could use someone to talk to, don't you?”
After accepting his proposal, Rick climbed up the handrails to sit beside you. With your feet hanging off the vehicle, you felt the cold breeze hit your skin, but it didn't bother you as much as you thought it would. Instead, you welcomed the refreshing feeling, which provided a momentary escape from the tension and stress of everyday life in this new world.
You observed Rick as he took in the view, his expression softening as he relaxed, taking a moment to appreciate the beauty of the world around him.
As Rick sat beside you on top of the RV, you both found yourselves lost in a conversation that went on for hours. It was a rare moment of tranquility in a world filled with chaos, and you were grateful for it.
"You know what I miss the most from the old world?" he asked, breaking the settled silence.
You looked at him, nodding to encourage him to continue.
"Coffee," he said, a hint of nostalgia in his voice. "There was something about that bitter taste that just made everything better. It was like a warm hug in a cup, and it's something that you just can't replicate with anything else." He paused, lost in thought for a moment before continuing. "I remember how people used to line up for hours just to get their hands on a cup of coffee from their favorite shop. It was a social event, a way to connect with others over a shared love of caffeine. And now, it's just gone.”
You kept on talking for a while, exchanging memories from the time before the apocalypse. Although it felt like only minutes had passed since he arrived, you found yourself opening up to him, telling him about your life before the dead walked the earth.
You reminisced about renting movies every Saturday night, a ritual you followed religiously. You described dancing around the house with a broom in your hands, singing along to your favorite 80s songs. You explained how you would wander the neighborhood streets for hours with your dog, even on rainy days.
Rick's eyes drifted towards the horizon, and you could see the sadness etched onto his face. "I miss it," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I miss my family, my friends, my job…everything. I miss everything."
You placed a hand on his shoulder, offering comfort. "We all do, Rick. We all do."
"Sometimes I wonder if it's worth it," Rick said, his voice heavy with emotion. "All the fighting, all the pain…for what? Just to survive another day?"
You turned towards him and rested your hand on his arm. "It's worth it, Rick. We have to keep going, for ourselves and for the people we care about.”
"You know," you began, hesitating as you tried to gather your thoughts. "I've been thinking a lot about the world we live in, and how chaotic and violent it can be. It's easy to feel lost and alone like we're all just struggling to survive. But then I look at you, and I realize that you make me feel safe, protected, and cared for." you said, voicing the thought that had been brooding in your mind. "And I believe I speak for all of us when I say we appreciate you as our leader.”
Your cheeks blossomed with red as Rick’s enlarged pupils bored into your soul as if he could read through you. His mere presence was enough to put you in a fight-or-flight mode, making you aware of an attraction you had not acknowledged before.
Rick Grimes was not chosen to be the group leader - it was a role that he fell into almost organically. His rise to leadership was not unexpected. He had always been a man of great integrity and his strong moral compass meant that he was a natural choice to lead the group. Rick's unwavering commitment to the group's survival and his ability to remain level-headed in times of crisis meant that he quickly gained the trust of his peers.
The graze of a hand in your tight startled you, averting your eyes from the sky that had you entranced, to Rick's face. He took advantage of the moment and reached out to gently caress your cheek. You felt a rush of emotions as your heart began to race.
You could feel the butterflies in your stomach as Rick leaned in closer, responding to the adulterous desire you had ignited within his heart. His breath felt hot on your skin, and you could hear the beating of your own heart as your lips met in a passionate kiss, finally acknowledging the feelings that had been brewing between you for days. Though the world may have been gone, at that moment, everything felt right.
As you embraced the married man, your heart was racing with excitement. You could feel his lips on yours and his arms tightly wrapped around you. But as you both pulled away, a sudden realization dawned on you. What were you doing? You were kissing a married man, and his wife laid just a few feet away, sound asleep. The guilt and shame crept up inside you, and you couldn't help but feel regretful for your actions. It was clear that this was anything but right.
“I-I’m sorry. I should not-” you breathed, your voice trailing off as you struggled to find the right words. You looked down at your feet, feeling a wave of embarrassment wash over you. You had always been good at thinking on your feet, but at this moment, your thoughts were scattered and disjointed.
"Don't do that," he said, his eyes narrowing as he spoke. You tried to look away as if avoiding his gaze would excuse your immoral actions. But the hand he had on the side of your face prevented you from doing so, gently forcing you to look at him as he confessed, "Don’t apologize for something we've both obviusly wanted for a while now.”
And as if he knew what was going through your mind, he added, "Please don't worry about Lori," his voice soft and comforting. "Our relationship had decayed well before you and I met, so don't beat yourself up. If anything, that responsibility rests on me." His words were like a balm to your soul, a soothing reassurance to your worries, easing the fears that had been gnawing at you.
As the night wore on, you found yourself ogling at Rick's physical appearance. You couldn't help but notice the veins on his arms or the way his shirt clung to his chest, and the feeling of desire for him was overwhelming. You knew that your actions were wrong, but in this world, who was there to judge? You leaned in to kiss him again, but this time, something was different. This time, you knew that there was no going back.
When he turned you over onto your back, your heart raced with anticipation. You felt his hands slide down to your hips, gently but firmly holding you in place. As your lips remained locked in a passionate embrace, you couldn't help but shiver from the cool metal of the RV's roof against your skin. You felt a deep connection as he looked into your eyes, his gaze burning with desire and affection. In that moment, you knew that this was more than just physical attraction, but a true emotional bond between two people.
"Don’t make a sound," he muttered pulling away as he placed a finger over your mouth, hurriedly getting free from his dirty shirt. You had to be indeed quiet as to not be heard by the rest of the group, especially his wife.
After struggling with the zipper, you finally freed yourself from your tight-fitting pants. As you did, Rick's mischievous grin grew wider, his eyes lingering on the laced panties that you were wearing underneath. The silky fabric felt smooth against your skin, and you couldn't help but blush as Rick's gaze lingered on you. The enflaming feeling of a light gust of wind grazing your cunt sending a shiver down your spine.
"God damn it," Rick whispered. "You look so good beneath me.”
Rick began exploring your body with his hands, savoring every inch of your skin. He slowly lifted your shirt above your braless chest. You let out a soft moan as he ran his tongue over your nipple, causing your back to arch lightly at the sensation. His touch was electric and you couldn't resist the urge to pull him closer, wanting to feel more of him against your body.
Your hands whirled in the back of his head, feeling the texture of his coiled hair in your fingers as they intertwined with it. You felt a rush of passion as your lips connected once again, savoring the taste of his. Your fingers fumbled with his zipper, your eagerness growing with each passing second. His tongue met yours in a frenzied dance, both of you desperate for more.
Once you’d made your way to his hard cock you caressed his bulge, feeling it grow with each passing moment, and you looked up at his face, anticipating his reaction. A muted growl escaped his mouth as he quivered under your touch. You continued to stroke him, your movements becoming more and more deliberate as you worked him closer and closer to the edge.
“Shut up, you’re gonna get us caught.” you ordered him after he moaned loudly , smugness emanating from you.
“That’s gonna be hard if your hand stays there any longer, pretty girl.”
His hands slipped under your panties, the circling movements of his fingers over your clit delivering shockwaves through your entire body. You couldn't help but gasp as you felt your walls tighten around his fingers, and the pleasure continued to build with each passing moment.
Rick's voice was hoarse as he leaned over you, his eyes dark with desire. "You are so ready for me," he whispered, his fingertips tracing a path down your body until they reached your entrance. The anticipation was almost unbearable as he teased you, sending shivers down your spine. You couldn't help but feel like a dirty girl as he continued his ministrations, but you didn't want it to stop.
He entered you slowly, his fingers teasing your entrance until you were begging for more. When he finally filled you completely, you gasped from the intense pleasure that coursed through your body. It was unlike anything you had ever felt before, and you knew in that moment that you were completely his.
The way he moved inside you was a dance of passion, each thrust taking you higher and higher until you were flying. You clung to him, your hands running over his back as you surrendered to the rapture that he was giving you.
As you both reached the peak of ecstasy, he crushed beside you, his body slick with sweat and his chest heaving. The warmth of his skin against yours was both comforting and exhilarating, and you couldn't help but snuggle closer to him, basking in the afterglow of your lovemaking.
As the night turned into dawn, the two of you lay entwined on the roof of the RV, the cool breeze of the night forgotten. The guilt that had been plaguing you had subsided, replaced only by a feeling of contentment and euphoria. It was a moment that you knew you would never forget, a moment that would forever be etched in your memory as a reminder of the beauty that could still be found in a world filled with chaos.
Perhaps the scintillating night sky was not the only great thing the outbreak bought into your life.
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moonsaver · 3 months
Cann I request Yan!Sunday with a clueless reader who visits Penacony for the first time for Robin's concert~?
I love all your writing soo much thank you for your hard work 😭💜
Hello! Thank you for the appreciation haha, it's well received. Im not sure if I wrote this correctly, so feel free to resend the request if needed. I think I made this more general instead of specifically reader going to Robin's concert.
Yan!Sunday isn't someone who actively seeks out innocence or cluelessness, but it's endearing to him when he does encounter it, especially when he doesn't usually expect it.
When you first visit, he's happy to give you a thorough rundown, going along with whatever conversation you decide to have, throwing in general questions about your background, asking you about your experience so far, etc..
When you tell him you're here for Robin's show, he's pleasantly delighted. He asks you how long of a fan you've been, what songs you like, and eventually it leads to him deciding to escort you there if he has enough time. It's.. surprisingly refreshing. He doesn't often meet people that are truly "clueless", so there is definitely initial suspicion.
His fondness only grows more and more for you, as long as you continue to talk. One conversation is pleasant to remarkably lift his mood. Another is enough to get him thinking about you. The next is enough to have him worried about you.
And that exactly is what starts his growing obsessive tendencies.
Perhaps.. he should just take some time off here and there to help you out. Trust him, no one else knows Penacony better than the man who's practically it's leader. He's so patient and understanding with you, a small, soft smile on his lips as you ask any and every question you have, softly answering everything in detail.
Sometimes, he's busy, but not unaware. Don't worry, you don't need to reach out to him yourself, he's already beside you the moment his name even graces your mind, holding your hand gently and guiding you wherever you want to be led. Where to, next? He smiles, and you already understand without him having to say it. He isn't someone who wants to put you in harms way by making you known to appear with him, but a part of him craves being recognized as "the one who you rely on the most".
Oh? Yes, the dreamscape is troubling to enter. Perhaps you'd find it harder to enter? Don't worry, he's right here, guiding you gently. He holds your hand and eases you into the dream fluid, telling you he'll be right there, and explain everything to you in a moment. Hm? Are you scared? He chuckles, and pats your head gently. Don't worry, he'll tell you everything you need to know. Or just rely on him blindly. He likes that, too.
Just trust him. He knows everything better than you. You don't need to worry about any scams, or inside-jokes that you don't understand. He'll help you with everything.
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lieutenantfloyd · 21 days
How they react to your arranged marriage — Dune preference
Characters: Gurney Halleck, Feyd-Rautha, Stilgar, Count Rabban.
Warnings: Fluff, insecurity, arranged marriages, mentions of children, cultural differences, very lightly implied age difference
Authors note: Dune and the arranged marriage trope go together better than milk and cookies
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Gurney Halleck: When he’s informed of your arrangement, he’d be more confused than anything. In his mind, he’s an old man past his prime with no need for a spouse. Gurney would have questions, but he ultimately wouldn’t put up much of a fight. Instead he’d accept the union, but he keeps you at an arms length. It’s in his nature to ensure your health and safety, and it’s through these actions that Gurney begins to truly fall for you. Perhaps you return his caring gestures or ask that he trains you to protect yourself—but it’s after he notices that you truly do trust and rely on him that he makes his feelings known.
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Feyd-Rautha: When he’s informed of your arrangement, Feyd-Rautha shocks everyone by putting up no protest. Instead, he begins thinking about how positively this will affect his reputation along with all the things you both will learn from each other. Regardless of your status as a fighter, Feyd would be delighted to be the person to put a blade in your hand or to finally have a worthy opponent. He’s also just as interested in whatever it is you are passionate about, regardless of his familiarity or skill level. Despite the circumstances, you both are equally excited to have some to engage in your various hobbies with, and a love forms easily between you. With the time you spent together laying the groundwork, it isn’t long before you accompany each other in other aspects of your daily life. Given what you knew about him before taking his hand, you’re outright shocked at how willing Feyd is to forge an actual relationship with you. As such, you’re just as shocked at how openly affectionate he is from the moment his feelings appear.
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Stilgar: When he’s informed of your arrangement, Stilgar simply shrugs and goes about his day. In his culture, it’s not uncommon to marry out of obligation or responsibility rather than love. This is especially true with him being a Sietch Leader. Nonetheless, he treats you with nothing but respect and kindness. Always ensuring you are safe and as comfortable as possible. He knows the expectations that come along with marriage (cohabitation, having/caring for children, etc) but he makes no mention of them, instead letting you set boundaries and lead the way. Love will blossom between you when you inquire genuinely about his culture/beliefs along with taking his wants and desires into account. Even if you don’t see eye to eye on everything, it’s during these deep conversations that Stilgar gains a new level of respect for you that quickly becomes genuine love.
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Rabban: When he’s informed of your arrangement, Rabban will react in the only way he knows how—anger. He’ll put up a massive fight but ultimately go through with the marriage—if only out of fear of his uncle’s retaliation. Given that he’s the Harkonnens most notorious warrior, he’s so rarely ever around that it’d be easy to forget you were even married in the first place. Despite this, your insistence on sharing a simple meal or just being in his company whenever possible is what earns you a place in his cold heart. In the end, proving that you see him as much more than the Baron’s attack dog will slowly (but surely!) bring ruin to his defenses.
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kopilot-pop · 8 months
[New Jeans x Oldest Member! Reader] - #1
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Summary: You’re the oldest member in NJ. With that title comes alot of responsibilities, from being the support beam for your (not so official) leader to protecting your maknae from rude interviewers. (This is just a bunch of moments of a very protective/warm Y/n.)
Warnings: sickness, fighting(?), protectiveness, cursing, rude people, etc.
A/N: Hey, it’s been a while. So sorry for disappearing for like… 20 days..? I’m back with another NJ fic because alot of people liked the bodyguard one haha. It’s mostly platonic love from Y/n btw. Oh, and lil background info; Y/n's is a 03(a year older than Hanni/Minji) and used to be a dancer before being casted by Hybe.
“What do you mean she has to come?!”
‘Oh god..’
Minji is furious to say the least.
You’re currently holding a sick Haerin in your arms, rocking her back and forth. The poor girl has been feeling off for a few days at this point and on the day of an important performance, her fever had become unbearable.
Last night, Minji woke up to Haerin crying in pain and woke you up in a panic. Since then, 3 hours has passed and the girl’s fever doesn’t seem to want to go down. Minji quickly went to call the manager to adjust the schedule while you decided to keep watch on Haerin.
“She can’t even stand straight oppa! You seriously can’t expect her to-”
“Listen Minji. This is an important schedule and the producers aren’t gonna be happy if the whole team doesn’t show up. As much as I want to help, it’s just not possible!”
Due to all the yelling, the younger girl stirred awake. She stayed quiet, but it was clear to you that she was listening to the conversation.
“No. You’re not going to the festival.” You cut her off before she could say anything.
“I.. I can go..! It’s fi-” Haerin fell back into your arms in a coughing fit. After a stern look from you, she finally sighed and snuggled into your chest. Soon after Minji came in - grumbling in frustration.
“I can’t believe him! He-“
“Hey, sweetie, calm down first.” You put Haerin back down on her bed, tucking her in.
“How do you expect me to be calm?! They’re forcing Haerin to perform in this condition! To make things worse, the performance is in the morning, the weather forecast even says it could rain, and, and-” Haerin sat up in the bed, covering herself in the thick blankets. Her wide eyes looked back and forward you and Minji worriedly.
“WOAH, woah, Min, you need to calm down. You’re stressing out Haerin here.”
“Speaking of Haerin- you! Why would you hide the fact that you were sick?! If you told us sooner we could’ve-”
“Kim Minji.”
The moment you saw Haerin’s eyes become watery you decided to shut everything down. Minji, realising her mistake, immediately stopped talking and looked away. You decided to grab her arm and pull her out of the room to talk.
After a few moments of silence, she decided to talk.
“Unnie… I’m sorry…”
“You don’t need to be sorry to me. Minji. I know you’re stressed out from all the schedules and practices, and I understand you’re just worried for Haerin. However, that doesn’t mean you can let your frustrations out onto your members.”
“I know you’re just trying your best and I really appreciate it, but you need to calm down.”
“I just… I’m just worried….” The shorter girl slowly came up to you. You hold her in a tight hug as she sobs quietly into your shoulder.
“Hey, I know, it’s gonna be okay. I’ll give the producers a call, okay? Go get some sleep with Haerin.”
“Mmph..” You wipe away her tears with your sleeve and give her a smile. Minji decides to give you a final hug and go back to her shared room with Haerin.
You’re currently in a tiny meeting with the producer of a well known music show. Since you’ve been in the entertainment business for a while, you recognized alot of their faces - including the fuming man you’ve been arguing with for about 20 minutes now.
“Hyein’s 15. I’m not letting you put her in that and that’s final.”
“It’s just a damn skirt-”
“The fans would want-”
“We’ve had other idols-“
“For gods sake! This isn’t about you! The stylists already prepared everything and we aren’t going to change things just because YOU think ‘the skirt’s too short’.”
This whole debacle started with a slight comment from Hyein. She’s preparing for a solo special stage on Music Bank, and you decided to tag along for support..
(1 Hour Ago)
“Hey! You really came!!”
Hyein - in her tall glory - came running towards you, capturing you in a tight hug.
“Oof- Hey bub, good to see you too.”
You give her a slight pat on her head, holding her tightly to your body.
“Hehe, oh-! Have you seen my makeup for today?! It’s really pretty, with jewels, and…”
You watched as the younger girl went on and on about her excitement. It was her first ever stage alone, and you knew the amount of practice and effort she put on just for this moment.
“- and, and the jacket! It’s pink and so cute! Everything’s amazing - well, there is the skirt - but the dancers are just amazing!!”
“Whoah- what? What about the skirt?”
(1 Hour Later)
So you’re now in the waiting room, arguing, while Hyein is practicing in a different room with dancers.
You are extremely protective over your members, and everybody in the building probably knew that. A video of you almost physically fighting with a rude staff (that decided it was okay to threaten Hanni) went viral in the past, so the staffs were looking between you and the producer nervously.
It didn’t help that your face was gradually becoming more sour as the man went on about ‘pleasing the crowd’.
“What do you mean this isn’t about me? That’s your excuse? Hyein’s my teammate, she’s our maknae, and you’re trying to put her in and outfit she’s clearly uncomfortable in - for what? To appeal to disgusting perverts sitting in the crowd just waiting for a wardrobe malfunction?!”
“Of course n-”
“Listen. I’m not telling you to completely change everything in the crowd, all I’m telling you, is to let our stylist change the skirt to the pants she already prepared just in case. I genuinely don't see a single problem with that."
"Unless you're one of the 'perverts in the crowd'."
"How dare y-!"
"I'll take that as a no."
You quickly pushed past the fumbling man - bowing to the stressed staff members - and let out a deep sigh to calm yourself.
You promised to help Hyein rehearse after all.
There is no doubt in your mind that Danielle is one of the sweetest human beings in the world - and you hate it.
Not that you hate Danielle, god no, it's just that you absolutely hate the people around her that try to take advantage of her sweet personality.
Thankfully, she has scary dog privileges (you).
"Um...haha.. really...?"
You were getting drinks for the group at the vending machine when you faintly heard the younger girls voice from the hallway. In your mind she was supposed to be with the makeup artist, so why was she here?
"Yes! I really, really like you Danielle!"
You dropped the drinks in your hands and sped to where the conversation was.
Near the bathroom you could see Dani gripping onto your jacket(she was cold), nervously smiling at another idol practically cornering her and... confessing his love..?
"I took a long time trying to build up the courage to ask you.. and I was hoping that maybe we could go on a date some time?"
"I'm really flattered... but.. um.."
You could tell she was uncomfortable. She was stuttering, trying her best to form a refusal, but you knew your Dani hated saying no - especially when she knew the other person would be heartbroken by it.
You hesitated choosing between stepping in and just watching until either Dani says something or the boy leaves, but that was all thrown out the window when he decided to grab her before she could back away.
The young boy visibly froze up at your deep voice.
He was tall for his age, but still alot shorter than you. He nervously turned around and the moment he saw your face he could tell you were not happy.
"Oh! Um hello su-"
"We need to prepare for the stage Dani. Come on."
You lightly slapped his arm way and pulled her into yours, quickly making your way to your group's waiting room.
As soon as the door shut, you were finally able to check on her.
"You okay? He didn't do anything did he?"
"I'm fine unnie! Thank you so much.. I just didn't know how to tell him I wasn't looking to date anyone... He's one of my new friends, and I didn't really want to lose him, and I didn't want him to feel bad - oh no! I just left him there! Oh, maybe I should go back-" The younger girl started to ramble her worries, making you slightly panic.
"Hey! It's okay! He's gonna be fine.. And Dani! You can't always say y-........ nevermind.." You sighed.
You definitely hate how her puppy eyes make you weak, too.
It's a casual day off at the New Jeans house.
Just like any other break day, you decided to take a long nap on the couch. Quiet, peaceful, and not a single soul wanting to bother y-
"Nevermind..." You sighed.
That thought was shattered into pieces when you woke up on the couch with Hanni on top of you.
You have a warm body in general and all the girls usually used you like a heater whenever they were cold, huddling into you like baby penguins surrounding their mother.
That included cuddling into your arms whenever they caught you taking a nap on the couch.
So when you stirred awake, you weren't surprised to find Hanni (Y/n Heater's #1 fan) lying on top of you, spread like a flying squirrel.
'Ah, who cares.'
You decided to just go back to sleep, right hand holding the younger steady just in case she falls like last time.
You woke back up abut 30 minutes later to find that your chest has gotten heavier.
You tiredly opened one eye to see that another body - Hyein - has been added to your napping form. You were honestly used to this by now, and decided go back to sleep - already expecting at least one more addition to the pile when you wake back up.
'There it is.'
20 minutes later, you woke back up to the sound of a soft voice calling for you.
You lazily opened your eyes to see Danielle standing next to you awkwardly.
"Hmm? Need somethin' sunshine?"
"...Can I join..?"
You stared at her in disbelief before letting out a soft chuckle.
"Yeah sure, might be a tight squeeze though- oof!"
The moment you approved she rammed into your side, squeezing next to Hanni. She was slightly hanging off the edge, so in a second you held on tight to her arms - just in case.
You let out content sigh while falling back asleep.
It was 4 hours after you started you nap when you awoke for the 4th time.
You opened your eyes to see two lumps on the floor next to the couch. Minji was awake, watching the TV on a low volume, while Haerin was lying on the floor with her head in Minji's lap - lightly snoring.
"She's practically purring, huh?"
Minji - slightly jumped by your voice - let out a quiet laugh.
"Yeah, she seemed tired."
"Hmm... aren't you?"
"I just enjoy seeing you guys like this."
"This? This is basically going to the gym. Have you ever carried 3 bodies on your chest?"
She let out a giggle.
"No, but what I meant is that I enjoy seeing you guys happy like this."
"Don't laugh! I mean it."
She lightly leaned back for her head to rest on your shoulder.
"It's peaceful. And I love it."
A/N: Thanks for reading. Love y'all <3
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spirantization · 3 months
I'm surprised at the hate that Sokka's character arc from NATLA is receiving. To me, Sokka's development and characterization was one of the strongest adaptations the series made.
In the original ATLA, Sokka's character arc revolves around him unlearning his own misogyny. He makes pointedly sexist comments throughout the early episodes like "Leave it to a girl to screw things up!", "There's no way a bunch of girls took us down!", etc.
Sokka's comments have a strong narrative purpose: they give a platform for women in the show (Katara & Suki mostly) to refute his attitude. Katara emphasizes traditional "women's work" (cleaning, cooking, sewing, etc), which forces Sokka to confront its inherent value. Suki is able to prove to him that women can fight too and he learns to respect female warriors. It's a great character arc and it's well-executed.
It's also characterization that is in direct response to the culture and feminism of the 90s and early 00s. The representation of women in the media at that time was...oof. It was not great. One-dimensional love interests whose only purpose is being saved by the male protagonist, mostly. Female protagonists were not as common, and certainly not ones who were depicted as being able to fight, and certainly not in cartoons. Female protagonists in animation were almost exclusively princesses.
ATLA was progressive in this regard. Katara was a complex female character in a time when there were not a lot of them, in media in general but especially in animation and kid's shows. (I grew up in the 90s; there were no characters like Katara in animation on screen for me.) ATLA incorporated the zeitgeist directly into the story, which is why we have Sokka learning to overcome his sexism in his interactions with Strong Female Characters.
If you go back and watch the original cartoon now, Sokka's sexism feels a bit dated. It's a very 90s, Girl Power, "girls can fight too" style of social commentary. It doesn't match with the media landscape of today. We've got 20 years of media with female superheroes behind us. If your message is "girls can fight too!" the response for the most part is going to be "yes, we know that. And?"
So imagine you're adapting the original ATLA for a live-action remake. You want to keep Sokka's character arc intact, but you want to update it for the 2020s. So what do you do? You look at the conversations that are happening today.
The 90s were about "girls can do everything boys can do", but the 20s are over that. The conversation is more about gender: gender expression, gender roles, gender dynamics. What does is mean to be a woman? What does it mean to be a man?
Sokka's character arc in NATLA is focused on this question: What does it mean to be a man? At the beginning of the series, it's his identity as a warrior that defines him. He needs to be the warrior, the protector, the leader. He's constantly trying to reaffirm this part of his identity, and it's completely tied up in his perception of his value as a man. Instead of his interactions with Suki being about "how could girls possibly be warriors", it shifts to Sokka saying "I'm ALSO a warrior" and trying to justify that to Suki (and mostly himself).
His arc over the series is about him accepting other aspects of himself and relearning how to define his masculinity. He can still have value as man without being the greatest warrior. He can still have value as a man by using his skills as an engineer. He can still have value as a man by offering compassion and kindness to others, like the little girl with the doll & Yue in her final moments. Instead of rigidly defining himself by a specific set of gender roles & expectations, he learns how to define himself through his own strengths and qualities.
I know there are a lot of people who are upset at this change to Sokka's characterization, and the most common thing I see is that it results in changes to Katara's character and her anger in response to Sokka's comments. I think there are valid criticisms to be made about how the show handled the adaptation of Katara's character, but I won't go there with this. In terms of Sokka and his characterization, it was well-done and thematically consistent with the original. It's not an exact port, and it never needed to be. It's still a feminist arc that centres on unlearning harmful misogynistic worldviews, but the focus has shifted from external (roles of women) to internal (his role as a man). And his journey is one that people would benefit from seeing represented.
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purple-plum-petals · 1 year
⊱ TWST Dorm Leaders’ Reactions to Overhearing Yuu call them “Hot” ⊰ || Multiple Character Scenario
╭─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╮      Character(s): Riddle Rosehearts, Trey Clover (mentioned), Cater Diamond (mentioned), Leona Kingscholar, Azul Ashengrotto, Kalim Al-Asim, Jamil Viper (mentioned), Vil Schoeinheit, Idia Shroud, Ortho Shroud (mentioned), Malleus Draconia      Reader Type: Human, Ramshackle Prefect (Gender-Neutral Pronouns)      Warning(s): Nothing! I also always use the Japanese TWST Terms (Dorm Leader instead of Housewarden, Madols instead of Thaumarks, etc.) in my writing.      Genre: Scenario, Fluff, Slight Angst (?), Mutual Pining (Romantic Relationship)      Word Count: ~850 words      Scenario: When you had asked your companion out loud, “Man, why does your dorm leader have to be so hot?”, you had no idea that said dorm leader was nearby and overheard everything you just said.      Author’s Note: This is a small sequel piece to my TWST Characters’ Reactions to Yuu Calling Their Dorm Leader “Hot” simply because I thought it would be cute to do a follow-up on how each of the dorm leaders would react to Yuu admitting they found them attractive. I decided to keep this fluffy and make it so the dorm leaders in turn also found you attractive just to keep things fairly simple. I hope you all like it – thank you so much for your support! 🥰
→ If you enjoyed my work, please reblog it if you can! Exposure on Tumblr is based on reblogging content rather than liking it, so your support would be much appreciated!  ♡ ╰─━━━━━━━━━━━━─╯
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Becomes a flustered mess at your words, deciding against walking into the room and interrupting your conversation with the person they had been looking for. Their face is red and they feel as though they’re going to implode as their mind replays what you said over and over again. You… really think they’re that attractive? Well, at least they know the feeling is mutual.
·       Riddle, Azul, Idia
Well, now isn’t that interesting… He smirks slightly when he overhears the conversation you were having with the dorm mate he had been looking for. He was in a bad mood before, unhappy he had to painstakingly walk around campus to find the person he was looking for, but your words help with boosting his mood (and his ego). Waits for a moment before making himself known, acting as though he didn’t just overhear you call him hot.
·       Leona
Immediately starts smiling when he overhears your conversation and, with no hesitation and absolutely no shame, rushes into the room and gives you the biggest hug you’ve gotten in quite some time. Was it rude to eavesdrop and interrupt your conversation? Maybe… but he just couldn’t wait to tell you how much he likes you, too!
·       Kalim
Is fully aware of how good-looking he is and wishes you would have said so with a bit more tact, but still finds his heart skipping a beat slightly at your words despite himself. Takes a moment to compose himself before making himself known, acting as though he hadn’t overheard everything you had said. He’d certainly bring up what you said in the future when you two are able to have a… private discussion together. He’s not one to bring up such things in public since he knows that the pressure of other people involved could ruin what would usually be a nice moment.
·       Vil
Oh? He doesn’t quite understand what “hot” means in this context but, from your tone alone, he believes that it is most likely a compliment. He’ll need to ask someone later about what exactly that word refers to when referencing someone. Perhaps you were talking about his iconic green-flamed magic? That would be what made the most sense, at least in his eyes.
·       Malleus
Even despite knowing how you feel about him and that you at least find him visually appealing, he still doesn’t try to ask you out. He doesn’t feel as though he’s enough for you; his problems with his self-worth put a slight hindrance on your potential relationship with one another. You’ll definitely have to be the one to make the first move; that or Ortho might have to step in which probably isn’t what either of you two want.
·       Idia
Doesn’t make a move, not because of self-worth issues, but rather because he has no clue what to do. He’s never really experienced having a crush on someone, let alone someone having a crush on him in return. Tries to discreetly gather information on what to do from Cater and Trey, but they very quickly catch on (poor guy lmao). Thankfully, they give him pretty good advice on what to do; you’ll probably be invited to a private tea party soon so you two can talk about potentially changing your relationship with one another.
·       Riddle
Doesn’t make a move because making the first move would leave him in a vulnerable position and, well... he doesn’t like the thought of that possibility. What if you just thought he was attractive and that was it? Plenty of people have complimented his appearance while not necessarily finding his company enjoyable (not that he entirely blamed them). He’ll just step up his flirting game and hope you eventually break and ask him out to which he, after some of his usual teasing, would agree to give the relationship a shot.
·       Leona
Easily makes the first move knowing his feelings will be reciprocated. Why wait around when he knows how you feel about him? They would ask you out on a date, each with varying levels of formality. Azul would have an entire three-course, candle-lit dinner prepared for the two of you at Monstro Lounge, being his usual gentlemanly self. Kalim would try his hand at cooking dinner for the both of you (only to be kicked out of the kitchen by Jamil) before taking you for a ride on his magic carpet. Vil would do something a bit low-key and private considering his career as a model and actor, most likely deciding to have dinner and a nice little self-care date at Pomfiore.
·       Azul, Kalim, Vil
Instead of asking someone else about the meaning of your words, he would decide to ask you directly what you meant when you said he was “hot” as well as apologize for unintentionally eavesdropping on your conversation. Oh, so you weren’t referring to his fire magic but rather his appearance? He can’t help but smirk at your bold declaration and tell you that he, too, finds you to be quite attractive. He’ll definitely start properly courting you now that he knows your feelings toward each other are mutual.
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ofbreathandflame · 2 months
The Paradoxical Nature of Feyre
It’s interesting to consider just how much of Feyre’s character must overcompensate for Rhysand’s shortcomings as a character. I’ve always wondered at the impossibility of the morality involved in the characterization of feyre; in which, Feyre exists – as @feyres-divorce-lawyer has already elaborated on this this post – in this violent conundrum in which is operates as both the most qualified, but is oftentimes then characterized as the most inept to help.
To elaborate – Feyre’s character has to subsume an almost reverential when she is discussed in thorough conversations that question to her motivations, tactility, and efficiency. And because Feyre is never actually given qualities (or I should say – those qualities are never at the forefront when discussing why she is placed in these hierarchal / leadership positions) that prove she deserves to be a leader there’s no actual, tangible evidence to prove that Feyre is inherently qualified for any of these roles. When Helion asks Rhysand – “why did you make her High Lady” the story does not lean onto to any tangible reasons as to why we the reader should believe this other than ‘Rhys loved Feyre’
Here enters the actual problem with Feyre’s character: her being High Lady is a statement of Rhys goodness, not a statement on Feyre’s prowess. Because the story leans on such individualistic, arbitrary ideals, there’s nothing being said about Feyre as a character. So much of these conversations centers around Feyre being qualified but there’s nothing in the story that suggests otherwise. Feyre being reckless and brave prove that she is….reckless and brave – both those qualities don’t really make a good leader and they prove…nothing about Feyre’s skills. Realistically, of course Feyre knows close to nothing – of course she’s going to make very bad decisions and mistakes, of course her per view is limited. So much is put into proving that Feyre is the best that there’s often no conversation about how rigid that makes Feyre as a character.
Those are flaws that make Feyre a better character. One of my favorite moments when reading A Storm of Swords was the moment Davos realizes he needs to be able to read because ‘he’s a lord now.’ I love how he reflects on how hard the process is and how the children seem to read so easily and he has to sit down and sound out the words. Davos is such a good character because he represents the kind of struggles someone – lowborn, smuggler, illiterate, might have when integrating themselves into a new hierarchal world. But this also says something about him as a character – he chooses to begin the journey to learn how to read because he’s realized he needs tools in order to combat is inexperience. Even the fact that it’s not Feyre who realizes she needs to learn how to read but Rhys who forces her says so much about her character, negatively.  
So when we have these conversations about Feyre, no one ever actually proves what makes Feyre qualified to lead. Begrudgingly feeding your family because you feel obligated doesn’t prove that you can lead an entire town; it proves perhaps resilience, perhaps resourcefulness but even then id argue Feyre isn’t even that (see: she seems to not learned any other skills other than hunting, complains about her shoes instead of just mending her own or switching with Nesta or Elain; she can’t cook, etcs). Rhysand making Feyre High Lady because he loves her says nothing about her as a character. It doesn’t expound her talents and skills – and ultimately doesn’t make anyone believe the title is tangible. Even the story doesn’t believe that to be true.  Nothing about Feyre’s trials UTM prove that she is capable leader – if anything they prove the opposite (I do not mean this negatively – if anything, I’ve always felt that Nesta’s arc with the Valkyries fit Feyre much more than her own arc did. I could see Feyre being someone who operates under her own set of rules. I’ve always felt that Feyre seems to chafe under rules , so it doesn’t make sense that she would bound herself to such a leadership role as High Lady).
Back to the main point – the whole I’m making is that I believe that Feyre is talked about this way because so much of her character has to be muted to connect with Rhys. I think this conversation is always a consequence of Rhyland’s characterization and the novel's (and stans) rush to defend him. So many things have to be true about Feyre in order for her romance to Rhysand to be believable - and I argue that those changes are to the detriment of the traits Feyre's is initially characterized as having. And because Rhysand never has to undergo an actual character arc the pressure is placed on Feyre's character to align with the more negative traits Rhys possesses. Realistically, given how Feyre is characterized and given the whole “I hate the preening, gawking Spring Court” – I think its weird that she would immediately (1) do the exact thing in basically nothing with Rhys (2) allow herself to be turned into the most traumatic version of herself and (3) delight in random people’s pain. But because the story never asks Feyre to introspect she simply doesn’t talk about it.  And even if the story wants to go there – so much of Feyre’s healing hinges on affirming that she is good and so introducing these bad, carnal, selfish thoughts into the mix seem to undermine that.
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remember-digimon · 12 days
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Izzy is the reason all these kids are still alive btw just wanted to make sure we all know that
So Izzy is smart. He brings a laptop and cellphone to summer camp and uses big words. But thankfully he does not fall into the trap of 'smart kids' of western media; overly nerdy, completely socially inept, you get the idea. No, Izzy is more than that. His intelligence has a basis in something besides a trope; namely, computer science and engineering.
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(Don't even get me started on Matt being the one to go into engineering when IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN IZZY)
From the moment the kids land in the Digital World, Izzy is curious about it. His crest is knowledge but I really think it should've been curiosity. He gets Tentomon to evolve by hacking his code. He comes up with some aliens conspiracy to explain why they're there and why there's things like phone booths on the beach.
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Izzy is the problem solver of the group. In fact, without him, the other kids are just... Kinda lost. Izzy has the answers, and if he doesn't he'll at least know how to find them.
Even though he's younger than the others, being 10 when they're 11, they treat him as an equal. This is opposed to the other kid that's 10, Mimi, who is kind of coddled, and the two youngest, TK and Kari, who are literally the hope and light of the group.
Izzy is basically Tai's second-in-command, deferring to Tai's leadership while Tai takes his input very seriously. However, Izzy isn't much of a leader on his own.
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He gets distracted by details. When Mimi finds him in the temple, he's so busy on his laptop that she gets upset and runs off into a maze. I would attribute this to him being younger, and as he gets older he does get better at applying his intelligence to a leadership role.
Most of the kids have an interesting family dynamic and Izzy is no different. It's revealed that he's adopted, that his birth parents died shortly after he was born and his adoptive parents were friends that took him in.
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What I like about this reveal is that, of course, Izzy found this out on his own due to his curiosity. He overheard his parents discussing whether or not they should tell him, deciding not to because he's too young.
During the Odaiba raid, when the kids have a moment, Izzy gets to finally have the conversation. They admit that he's adopted and tell him what happened, and he says he already knows. He didn't want to bring it up himself because he thought he could just pretend like things were normal, like before he knew. But obviously it couldn't. This shows the price he pays for his curiosity, that sometimes knowing things isn't all fun times and computer jargon. It isn't helpful for Izzy to pretend to not know, to ignore what he knows. Instead it's better for him to apply what he knows to react appropriately, instead of hiding behind the easier mode of willful ignorance.
This also comes into play, though in a different way, during Izzy's confrontation with Vademon. Izzy gives away his curiosity (under extreme duress but still) and is basically empty of all character after that. He does a weird alphabet yoga meditation and willingly gives up his crest and tag, when earlier in the episode his curiosity was at a boiling point over it.
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This causes Tentomon to de-digivolve to the baby stage; the only other partner Digimon to go back to this stage is Patamon. With the loss of his curiosity, Izzy has lost the core of his being and is no longer able to maintain Tentomon's existence.
Of course, he gets it back and everything is fine afterwords. This episode is very interesting when looking at how things work for the kids and their Digimon, why the crests are important, etc. But that's a post for another time.
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Izzy is incredibly important to the team. Without him, I highly doubt they would've made it very far at all. He's able to look up Digimon on his laptop, kind of like a Digimon version of a Pokedex, when none of the currently present Digimon can give an explanation about who they're up against. But aside from his usefulness as the Smart Kid, it's noteworthy that he uses his intelligence to be helpful instead of lording it over everyone. And he is still a kid, albeit with an impressive vocabulary, so sometimes his curiosity gets him into trouble.
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writerblue275 · 4 months
Brief Valentine’s Day Plans with Heartsteel
Inspiration: Hahahaha I’m so very single (I’m really fine with that. I gotta focus on myself at the moment) but I love LOVE so you all get this. Happy Valentine’s Day!
Champions: Heartsteel
Genre: Headcanon
Type: Fluff. *small sigh* I restrained myself.
Gender: Gender Neutral Reader!
TW: Swearing because I swear. Otherwise it’s fluffy time! ☺️
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I can’t see Phel doing anything super out there or dramatic. That just doesn’t seem like him. But you know what I can see him doing?
Getting your fav takeout and throwing a cute little couples game night for the two of you. Cards, board games, video games, etc. Music he made in the background to set the fun vibe.
I have to think Aphelios is a gamer. Like I’d be so shocked if he wasn’t. Besides card and board games I’m thinking he’s both a pc and console gamer and he’s a big Nintendo guy.
He loves Smash Bros, Mario Kart, or Splatoon, and you two are working through Breath of the Wild and Tears of the Kingdom together. And while Phel’s super competitive in multiplayer games, he’s been teaching you tricks! (You’re the only one he’ll teach. Everyone else can just deal.)
It’d just be a lovely night. Hanging with your favorite person and having a great time doing something you enjoy together. Frankly those are some of my very favorite types of dates.
Very fun and very sweet. Heart fluttering. That’s what Valentine’s Day with Heartsteel Ezreal would be like.
I’m imagining a mix of like classic romantic gestures with some fun “young love” type vibes. Like he’s getting you flowers and taking you out to a nice dinner….
And then afterwards both of you go to an arcade/arcade bar and just have a fucking blast together. God help you when you try and take Ez on in air hockey or ski ball though. His AIM. Or in DDR? He’ll absolutely distract you so you don’t beat his score. (Distract him back!!)
But it’s fine because all those tickets he’s winning, he’s spending on you. Or on stuff that both of you can use. Like matching plushies or fidget toys. (So cute oml.)
Just an day/evening of fun moments, sweet kisses, and that feeling of young love, even if you’ve been with Ezreal for years.
You might think Heartsteel’s resident bad boy is not very romantic. But, I truly believe Kayn can be, just in his own way of course! I don’t think super sappy romantic gestures are his thing. But having experiences with you is something he treasures.
I can imagine him picking you up and taking you somewhere far outside the city at night. A surprise location in the country. Somewhere quiet and peaceful.
And what does Kayn have planned? Well he packed pillows, blankets, your favorite drinks, and…a picnic basket! He’s planned a surprise picnic under the stars!
I feel like Kayn is really great to have deep conversations with, but you have to be someone special to have such talks with him. Him being so vulnerable indicates the extremely deep level of trust he has with and love he has for you.
Enjoy star gazing, cuddling, and chatting the night away with your person. What a super sweet way to get even closer to each other, no matter how long you’ve been with him.
Oh this would be an excellent Valentine’s Day with those classical romance vibes. K’Sante is fully about to wine and dine you, baby. Enjoy that shit. You’re getting spoiled like you absolutely deserve.
Buys/makes you a whole new outfit because you deserve it. If he doesn’t make you a full outfit he at least helps make part of it. Like accessories or something.
Reservation at one of the nicest restaurants in the city. K’Sante always thinks ahead and made it months in advance. (See why he’s one of the leaders of HS?)
Afterwards driving to an overlook and just watching the lights and talking about anything and everything. Moments filled with soft words and even softer kisses.
Just the classic movie-esque romantic night and I’m all for it (lmao I’m such a romantic). K’Sante definitely knows how to make your heart beat faster.
(Lord help me I gotta stop myself from going off the rails but he’d be so damn good at this.)
You want romance? By fucking god Sett’s going to give you ROMANCE, darling. He’s a gentleman.
He’s making a full meal from scratch (it’s your favorite meal of his that he makes), and also setting the ambiance. Table set, candles, lights low, flowers/other presents he knows you’ll like. The whole nine yards.
Sett’s not letting you lift a finger either. The most he’ll let you do is help pre-rinse some of the dishes after dinner. He’s in full Prince Charming mode and it’s excellent.
You thought the night ended at dinner? Wrong. Bubble bath with champagne and chocolate covered strawberries. Fluffy bath robes. Doing each others skin care. All the sweet shit.
And afterwards? Well just be patient and see where the night takes you. 😉 But overall what a lovely and romantic night with Sett, your gentleman of a partner. (I’m swooning just thinking about it.)
Your love/relationship with Yone isn’t loud or bombastic. It’s steady and unwavering. And that vibe is how Valentine’s Day is for the two of you.
He picks you up and brings you to his studio where he’s spiffed it up! Your favorite flowers in a vase. Both of your favorite take out (the place he took you on your first date) on a table w/ candles.
Yone’s got music playing softly in the background (a playlist he made just for you for Valentine’s Day of course). It’s every single song that makes him think of you. (When you ask him out of curiosity how long the playlist is, your ever-stoic partner turns a little pink as he mumbles, “o-over 4 hours….”)
During the slow songs Yone will even dance with you a little because he loves how it makes you smile. While dancing, he’ll rest his chin on your head if you’re short enough. And once you’re done dancing, you two can cuddle on the couch in his studio and do/talk about whatever.
It’s not over the top. It’s not grand. But it’s an intimate and personal night with the love of your life and truly nothing can be better than that.
Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Whether you’re a single pringle like myself or you are celebrating Valentine’s Day with someone, I hope your day is filled with love! 💙🥰
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wilsonphiggs · 3 months
I fucking hate mcsm btw (lying)
hey guys so I thought a bit too hard and I was thinking about how I would rewrite the story. one of my gripes specifically being with how they handled lukas and axel’s relationship. I went on a really long tangent on how I would’ve fixed it and I’ll paste it under the cut. (WARNING: IT’S A REALLY LONG RANT.)
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so, I didn’t really like how they treated their dynamic. axel was so concerned for petra—and that’s understandable, considering she’s a friend—but they never gave a reason as to why axel SPECIFICALLY was worried so much, which caused him to lash out more. therefore, resulting in him mad at lukas for getting scared, along with the fact that he was the leader of the ocelots, yatta yatta etc. etc.
but my main point is: their mutual disdain for each other not only felt forced, but artificial. it felt so unreasonable, with axel shoving lukas around for seemingly no reason at times. not only that, but axel was just generally an asshole of a character. I get having someone joke around a little rudely if it’s all jokes and you know that—my friend group and I are like that all the time. but there’s a fine line between crude humor and outright bullying your “friends” or allies. not to mention he was just a frustrating character. “but… finders keepers!” when EVERYONE is in danger and he just refuses to give up the thing that would stop the witherstorm? a dick move.
and apologies, but lukas felt a little TOO nice at times in the first one or two episodes. yes, he’s generally a nice guy. and yes, he’s had some moments of getting frustrated or prickly. but considering that he was rivals with this group for so long, admitted that he didn’t really think highly of them for a while, AND petra herself called him arrogant? you can’t blame me for thinking that he was a bit too kind, even if he was trying to stay on good terms with everyone while the world was seemingly ending. yeah, he was awkward. and no, I don’t think he should’ve been outwardly hostile. but I don’t think he should’ve been quite as friendly as he was.
they should both have little quirks and flaws, but they should also both be lovable characters in their OWN ways. this is honestly how I would’ve written it:
it would’ve been better to make axel really stand off-ish because he doesn’t know how to really act around someone who was once “bad” in his eyes, but is now suddenly “good.” especially when the change is so sudden. distrusting, awkward, unpleasant interactions would feel much more natural rather than downright antagonizing lukas at every turn.
axel is really awkward and is a little distrustful of him because of so many factors, but maybe lukas interprets that as aloofness and detachment. lukas tries not to really disrupt conversations because he feels as though he’s intruding, but axel perhaps interprets that as arrogance and conceit. miscommunication, misinterpretation—these are much more natural ways of having animosity grow between two parties.
and hey, even better! this could allow you to have a choice ACTUALLY make a difference TELLTALE GAMES. (the company infamous for having choices in games that don’t Actually matter!)
maybe if you have axel stay behind with lukas to fortify the temple while also getting magnus, MAYBE you can see them actually visibly get along better! even if axel went off on his own to get magnus—which was him straying from the plan—maybe they agreed and decided it was for the better to get the order together again rather than just a few members. maybe you can see them having similar ideas, talking more, etc. etc.
and on the other hand, if you go with axel for magnus and choose olivia to stay, maybe axel feels a little more bitter towards lukas since olivia went off to get ellagaard. he feels bitter since he just let her go instead of convincing her to just STAY and wait for petra like the original plan was (even though he knows he would’ve broken that himself to go out for magnus, but moral highgrounds and such.)
yeah, sure. it’ll end in you getting both members of the order anyway. that won’t change. BUT, it still affects the characters! it fleshes out the characters more. makes them both have perks AND flaws! it HUMANIZES them, makes them more realistic.
and MAYBE, JUST MAYBE, if the conflict between them builds up enough, you might have to choose one side or the other at some point in the story! there could be several decisions that alter their relationship and how they function! one of your lifelong best friends who has ADMITTED that you’re one of his only friends, and you can tell he cares about everyone there (even if not entirely obvious,) or a friend that, while you once bickered a ton with in the past, is now genuinely making an effort to change and care and seems generally more agreeable now? they both love you and your friends, undoubtedly, but they’re too bitter to be around one another. there isn’t enough room for the both of them. one has to go, jesse. so, who’ll it be?
in fact, maybe there’s a scene where lukas and axel are in danger. in the ellagaard route (followed by more good decision making,) one actually saves the other from said situation and everyone lives. in the magnus route (followed by more bad decision making,) they both intentionally sabotage each other and you have to choose to save ONE. either that, or it’s as originally said, where there’s a story-changing fight and you have to choose one or the other.
this is a minor thing but I could not stop thinking about it. but oh well them’s the breaks pal /ref
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lilis-doodle-dome · 8 months
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Mafukasa swap au, with in game screen cap edits
Things that swapped:
- Parents level of overbearing (Tenma’s are incredibly suffocating, while mafumom is well intentioned but left mfy alone far too much)
- roles in the group (Emu is WxS’ leader, while Mafuyu is Niigo’s)
- appearance of Sekai (Tsukasa has a more monochrome/depressing vibe, while Mfy’s is fanciful and colorful)
- outward persona (Tsukasa is the golden boy, perfect at everything, well mannered, etc. while Mafuyu is outgoing, confident, helpful (even when it’s not asked for), etc.)
Things that did not swap:
- Gender, and therefore school’s they go to
- which group they’re in
- familial situation outside of parents (Tsukasa is still Saki’s older brother and the Tenma’s are still close with the Aoyagi’s, Mfy is still a single child)
- Tsukasa is still the one with memory issues, so Mafuyu is influenced by bad memories from her past from the get go instead of slowly remembering them (she is still completely unwilling to actually engage with said memories even if she remembers them though)
- Which VS’s they start with (Mafuyu is just miku, Tsukasa is Miku and Kaito)
Other important things: (if interested)
- Saki and Tsukasa’s relationship is a lot more strained, Saki has incredibly conflicting feelings about her brother and Tsukasa always has his front up, even around her, so they can’t have a proper conversation
- Toya also has a stilted relationship with Kasa, both the Tenma’s and his father tended to compare the two boys. So while he still looks up to Tsukasa, he has some reservations about weather his admiration is genuine or just feelings implanted in him from the adults. Toya’s much closer with Saki, as he visited her a lot in the hospital (initially at Tsukasa’s request)
- Mafmom is a single mom, and a doctor. Needless to say she is busy *a lot*, bcs of that she’s always needed Mafuyu to be self sufficient and responsible, far before the age one could reasonably except for a child. She still loves Mafuyu very much and always tries her best to give her daughter a free and happy life
- Rather than an actor, Mafuyu found her passion in writing poetry. She wants to become the best poet of all time, which is what leads her to writing lyrics for K’s songs. Only the best composer could possibly support the best lyricist after all!
- Mafuyu’s love of writing comes from remembering all the times in the past her mom would come home late at night, looking exhausted both physically and emotionally, mfy would stay up to see her and then the two would cuddle under the blankets and read together. In those moments it would really feel like none of the rest of the day existed and all those pains and anxieties would slip away from her mother as they were transported to another world in their stories
- some time into this ritual, mafuyu started writing her own stories for her mother, and while Mafumom said she loved all of Mafu’s writing there was something special about her poetry that completely dispelled all of mafumom’s bad feelings and just let her live in the lines of text
- after that poetry became mafuyu’s life, and her Sekai is built off her desire to help people feel better with her work.
- Tsukasa’s Sekai also doesn’t match canon mafuyu’s it’s not built off his desire to disappear, instead it’s his desire to be his own person and figuring out who he even is in the first place (the other three can enter his sekai due to their shared desire of wanting to be themselves without getting hurt for it)
- Tsukasa hopes that by acting, he might resonate with a role and it’ll help him learn more about himself
- since they’re in the images, fun fact, Ruikasa kizuna rank title is ‘charity case’ (in place of 1-2 weirdo wombo combo) due to people assuming perfect, golden boy Tsukasa only started spending time with Rui because Teachers were hoping he would keep Rui out of trouble and get other students to look at Rui more favorably (thus Rui is Tsukasa’s ‘charity case’)
- while kanamafu’s kizuna rank is ‘please take a break’ due to both of them trying to constantly get the other to take better care of themselves. Mafuyu always saying Kanade needs to eat and sleep rather than composing all the time, while Kanade is desperately trying to make Mafuyu realize that working all day and putting ‘110%’ into everything she does, is infact unhealthy and not ‘the work ethic every good writer should strive for’ (it is not working on either end, Kanade is too guilty and mafuyu is too deep in denial)
I have a lot for this au, but making certain things is,,, difficult. To say the least
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athenamgh · 10 months
Watercolour blue
a/n: it was supposed to be only the dance scene but now I have three more chapters in mind...
paring/s: Tanya Denali x fem!Reader
summary: reader meets the Denali Clan for the first time and their eye catches no other but the Coven's leader.
warning/s: some tension and fluf, a lot of mystery , vampires, humans, werewolves, etc
word count: 6k
links: AO3
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People, or if I were being super precise: humans, vampires and werewolves, started slowly filling the forest avenue. Carlisle with Esme welcomed the guests at the entrance suggesting to them, I should note a very expensive, glass of champagne.
Your own glass of bubbly drink was twisting in your hand as you stood leaning against one of the wrapped in what seemed like dozens of lightbulbs tree. You didn't particularly enjoy the champagne but it was a day for celebration: so one glass couldn't damage my taste buds too bad.
In the meantime, the rest of the Cullen family's women were stuck adding the last touches to their outfits and Bella, of course, while Emmet was finishing his last quest of perfecting the wedding scenery that Alice requested. Who would have thought that from all the Cullens precisely Emmet would be the one who, as Alice phrased, had a vision of how this place was supposed to look like. And, of course, Edward and Jasper were attending to the already-arrived guests enchanting them with talks, or what I like to call chitchats, about the weather, the duration and the success of their trip here.
Eh, I dreaded the small talk.
That was one of the few reasons why you were instructed to stand somewhere in the back during the reception, trying not to draw too much attention to yourself. I won't lie that it didn't make much sense as if somebody would ever give more attention to anyone but the golden-eyed supermodels that walked and moved so gracefully it seemed like they were practically flowing through the forest scenery.
All of a sudden a light shiver bites washed over your shoulders, that feeling only visited your body when somebody was watching you, intensely and secretly. As unnoticeably as possible you wiggled your shoulder blades trying to shake the sudden sensation.
As you were pretending to make yourself more comfortable against the hardwood of the tree, your eyes scanned the forest scene and its already gathered guests. Your sight stubbled upon Jasper, who was standing across the alley from you, deep-dived into a small talk with a group of people.
Your eyes started to frame the group members person by person and it became more and more clear what those pale faces were. As your eyes finally settled on the blonde curly-haired woman, who unnaturally quickly turned their attention back to Jasper, it made the shivering sensation in your shoulders almost completely fade.
"What are you doing?" Emmett's voice pulled you out of a trance, you shook your head realizing you were stuck staring at the golden-eyed vampire for what you hoped was only a breath of a moment and not an embarrassing few minutes.
"I-... Emmett is that what I think it is?" you asked him, hardly breaking your attention from even back here incredibly stunning light-haired woman.
Not even glancing at the muscular vampire you could feel him smirk as he followed your gaze to the vampire clan. "Oh, Y/n, that's a forbidden fruit for you, my friend" he chuckled putting his hand on your shoulder.
His words confirmed your already pretty strong suspicion. "That's Denali Coven.."
"Mhm," an even bigger grin crossed Emmett's face as he clearly knew to who this whole conversation was turning. This was one of the few things that you liked about Emmett. He enjoyed mischief, teasing and sometimes even breaking the rules. So wasting no time he feed your curiosity and faded all your doubts by stating, "The woman that you cannot stop staring at is their leader, of course"
Before you could even realize that the words were escaping your lips, you heard yourself say, "Tanya Denali".
"You still gawping, you know" he added leaning into you.
You shook your head," No, I am not... I am just admiring"
"Whatever you call it, buddy" he chuckled pushing off you ready to continue his duties, but you grabbed him by the bicep stopping him in his tracks.
"Wait, what are they talking about?" you asked.
"I thought you do not like chitchats," Emmett teased while you just ignored his comment, "And by the way, can't you like," he wiggled his fingers in the air, "read their lips or something?"
You gave him an unimpressed look, "Even if I can, I can't read the back of Jasper's scalp, can I? Could you just please listen?" you asked nicely.
He chuckled at your courtesy, "Okay, let's see." He concentrated his attention on the group, "They are exchanging pleasantries and..."
For a split second, those golden eyes of Tanya's Denali's met yours as she mouthed a question you couldn't concentrate enough to read of her, what you imagined were incredibly cool and soft, lips as Emmett released the "Oh, damn it.." sound.
Before you could even ask what happened he speed-walked away leaving your attention running between the group and the walked-off Emmett not concentrating on anything in particular. Until your eyes met not Jasper's honey-blonde curly crown anymore but his covered with slight surprise eyes.
Jasper lazily parted the answer to Tanya's question, looking straight at you, clear for you to read 'This is Y/n,' the unnecessary slow response gave you a nagging feeling that with his thoughts he was searching for Edward.
Your heartbeat quickened with your gaze slowly slipping from the Cullen to connect with Tanya's Denali's, even from here, mesmerizing amber eyes. You swore you felt the air vibrate around you as Tanya spelt your just learned name. You noticed how her eyes shadowed, that one emotion that Cullen's family hoped to avoid, intrigue.
Keeping eye contact with you she lifted her champagne glass into the air like greeting you. You imitated her gesture leaning your head slightly to the right, you could not neglect the basic courtesy, after all. Even if that decision was one of the most dangerous and yet one of the best I made that night.
Your essence probably would have been glued to Tanya's face for all eternity if Edward hadn't interfered by suddenly appearing in front of you, blocking your figure from the crowd.
"I thought I taught you, that it's not nice to ears drop on conversations and especially ask somebody else to do it for you," Edward commented giving an all-knowing smile.
"I guess I am very persuasive," you bit back. ''And you are the one to talk... reading everyone's minds 24/7'' you pointed out.
Edward chuckled and signed simultaneously, the combination of emotion only he could do. "You always were.. sometimes it makes me wonder if venom would gift you the ability of compulsion because of it".
There was hardly anything ever left unsaid between Edward and I. Of course, it wasn't that we shared absolutely everything with each other or that we didn't avoid particular topics. No, it was that we said what we were truly thinking, fighting off the filters and the sugar coatings. That's why quite some time ago we made a pact, that as long as we stayed truthful to each other, he will try his best to pretend that my thoughts to him were just a white noise, though he wasn't particularly successful 100% of the time at it.
"Ahh, you need to get out of my head, Edward, you know I can feel you digging," you wrinkled your nose at the sensation.
"I apologize," he said seriously, for a moment glancing at the vampire clan across from him, "But what did I tell you about Denalis..."
"Which time?" he rolled his eyes at your comment. "Edward, what do you want me to do? You wanted me to be here, but you also seem to want me to magically combust too."
Edward shook his head looking down, "That's not-"
You ignored him continuing, "I get it, my presence is dangerous wherever I exist", his eyebrows narrowed disapprovingly at you as you emphasized the word 'exist'. You turned away from him to stare at Carlisle and Esme standing next to the "white palace" house not wanting to see his eyes cross glints of sadness.
That word 'exist' didn't bother me anymore. It described exactly how I lived my life these past years, I could almost feel that it probably summed up my whole existence on this earth. Luckily there were a little bit more than a few moments where I did feel alive, like I was truly living and not just surviving. So I didn't complain, no, I wouldn't dare, I treasured those memories and I kept pushing.
You tensed your jaw taking a deep breath, "But it never stood between us," you looked back at him meeting his attentive gaze, "It never stopped us from protecting this family," you gestured to the house as an example.
"But now", you noticed how his eyebrows once again narrowed at your words, "I get it, now with Bella in a picture, you have so much more to lose. So I will step away-"
"Stop," Edward cut you off, grabbing you by the shoulders. "Are you done?" he asked or more stated, his eyes filled with frustration. As you expected he did not wait for your answer before declaring, "You are not going anywhere..."
Edward closed his eyes like collecting his thoughts, and when he opened them again, his look was soft and with flickering glints of guilt, "I don't care about the danger that you bring," he shook his head, "No, that's not true, I do care, but that risk never stood between you and me. Between our family, because you are right we always fight for the people that we love," he clenched his fingers holding you tighter in a place like trying to indicate that if you didn't listen to his words before you should really listen to these ones. "You are part of this family, Y/n, it was never the same without you here. And for that-" He fossilized in the middle of his sentence, you only saw how his eyes suddenly filled with so much apology and sadness.
After a moment Edward came alive, narrowing his eyebrows, "For that I am sorry, Y/n," you looked at him confused. "You have been away from home for too long. I am sorry, I didn't find you earlier, as an older brother I should have, I should have gotten you back sooner. Forgive me-"
Before he could finish his sentence you cut him off by embracing him. You could tell Edward was shocked by your action, it was incredibly rare that the two of you showed any type of physical affection to each other. But he hugged you back just as tight.
"It is not your fault," you whispered to him and gave him a tight squeeze to affirm your words. "It is not, it never was," it was your time to place your hands against his shoulders making him meet your eyes, "Please, do not suffocate yourself with this guilt." he nodded giving you a small smile.
"Okay?" you asked not settling for his inaudible answer.
"Yes," Edward said, a little grin reappearing on his face.
"You know, officially, I am an older sibling'' you pointed out teasingly.
Edward laughed, it seemed to brighten the mood and bring the light of joy back to his eyes. "But only officially," he smiled, you just rolled your eyes chuckling.
"Now, could you please help me with something?" he asked.
"Of course, oh brother of mine" he chuckled shaking his head at your phrase. To this day I couldn't say if this comment annoyed him or not.
Wasting no time, Edward grabbed you by the forearm dragging you with him. Not leaving any chances for you to stare at the Denali coven's leader any more than you already did. Which, even if I would never admit it out loud, was probably for the better.
*later that evening*
It wasn't people that were filling the forest avenue after the ceremony anymore, it was the music. It slowly mixed in the air and with the help of the alcohol or just the buzzing emotion of joy, it started to loosen up the guests. That made the scene in front of you fill with more and more dancers with every passing song.
One of the rules, Alice's rules, was that every third or so song had to be slow and romantic or totally heart-wrenching, her words, not mine. I won't lie the creation of that soundtrack was so deeply engraved in my brain that I am afraid it will take more than a couple of months to erase it from the memory.
As you heard the trembling, loud and pumping song come to its climax, your eyes spotted no other but Tanya Denali, hidden from you by the crowd. She stood in the back of the dancefloor across from you with her sister Kate. As you believed, she was seemingly overlooking the stage and its dancing partners: Carmen and Eleazar, Alice and Jasper and so on, with the sign of longing and some light-hearted innocent envy desire.
You downed your drink in one gulp and stood up finally making up your mind, or maybe more courage. You took a step towards Denali's leader and your mind flooded with memory from last night's family 'meeting'.
"Okay, I let or more like made, Bella go home and get some sleep", Alice said entering the kitchen. "Y/n, are you done with the music?"
You sat in the chair next to the kitchen island, making the last changes in the playlist, "A second," you pressed the saved button twice just in case, "Yes, I am done," you said looking up at her. "Please, don't make me go over it again... I can barely remember what is like to listen to a song for pleasure."
She laughed at your wrinkled from displeasure nose, "I believe you."
In a matter of seconds, all the Cullens appeared in the kitchen, ready to listen to tomorrow's agenda, "So the guests should start to gather around five, " Alice informed.
"What about Denalis?" Carlisle asked.
"They will be here just before the first guests," she answered, 'human guests' you pointed out in your mind, which made Edward chuckle, you looked up at him narrowing your eyes and added, 'get out of my head, brother dearest', he lifted his hands in defence apologizing.
"So they wouldn't drag amm-" for a breath moment Alice stopped like she was thinking what kind of words to use. But you got a sense that she saw a vision because, from the corner of your eye, you noticed Edward's jaw tighten for a split second, but then like nothing happened Alice simply continued, "as much attention while entering".
Alice shooked her head smiling walking towards the window, "Now, let's move to the garden I wanna go over some parts of the ceremony," everyone except Carlisle, Esme and Jasper grunted while the three of them giggled at the other vampires' responses, but all of the Cullens followed the raven-haired woman outside.
You caught Edward by the arm before he could leave, "What was that?"
"What do you mean?" he asked with a completely clueless expression, you could tell he was faking it.
"Do not play dumb, what did Alice see?" you asked him narrowing your eyebrows.
Edward was quick to answer, too quick like he was revising it beforehand like he was expecting this whole conversation, "Nothing, just some last checkups on the weather tomorrow by the look of things it could be more sunshine than we expected".
You gave him an unimpressed look, "You serious right now?"
"What's? It's nothing to worry about, we are lucky that the ceremony will be held in the forest shade," you rolled your eyes at his nonsense. You had a feeling there was no way to get Edward talking today, ahh he could be soo stubborn sometimes, so you just let it go, for now.
*later that evening*
You collapsed onto the couch exhausted after listening to Alice's full briefing about tomorrow's wedding. There was some good news, you were given a green flag not to get involved in unwanted small talk topics in exchange for saying 'yes' to any Alice request that may or may not occur during the wedding. There was no way this won't come back biting me in the ass with something much worst, but I had a slight hope that Alice would just forget it or there wouldn't be any need for my possible talents.
Rosalie interrupted your train of thought as she settled next to you on the couch while Jasper took a spot on another couch to your right.
"Okay, I have a few suggestions", stated Edward standing in front of the TV so everybody could see him but he looked directly at you.
"So you have rules for only me," you re-phrased.
"It's suggestions," he corrected giving you a pointed look.
"Right..." you glanced at Rosalie mouthing 'rules' to her, making her chuckle, from the corner of your eye you even noticed Jasper's lips ghost a small smile.
You heard Edward sigh, "Please concentrate".
"I am listening brother, shoot it," you turned, giving him your full attention.
"First, it'd be better if you wear contact lenses," Edward suggested waiting for your reaction.
You sat silent for a moment, may or may not purposely making them wait, "It's for obvious reasons of course," Jasper added because even with the ability to sense emotions in a room, you got a feeling that he couldn't particularly decide if you were surprised, confused or absolutely unaffected by the suggestion.
Finally, you nodded your head simply saying, "I was going to either way, the less people notice, the better". Edward and Jasper nodded approvingly.
"Second, there are gonna be a lot of "eyes" during the wedding and some of them could possibly notice you. So it's best to avoid any type of suspicion," Edward continued his bullet point list, emphasising the word 'eyes'.
"You will be like fresh meat for them" you heard Emmett joke as he entered the room taking a seat on the armchair to your left.
"Thanks, dude, not creepy at all," you shook your head at his comment.
"No, Emmett has a point. Edward, do you really think it is wise for Y/n to keep away if we want to avoid intrigue about her?" Rosalie pointed out the obvious.
"People are gonna talk either way," Edward shook his head, "but humans will be too intimidated to approach her on their own when they find out she is a Cullen", Edward explained.
"Werewolves will stay in their own circle and only interfere if provoked or in danger," Jasper added in his observation.
"What about Vampires?" Emmett questioned, a silly smile settling on his lips.
"Excuse me, I am still here, you know..." you waved your hand trying to get their attention, "The one yall are talking about", four pairs of glowing gold eyes that belong anywhere but in this mundane world of ours, pierced at you.
You narrowed your eyebrows feeling like you have been treated like a total child since the beginning of this conversation, "All of you know it's not my first rodeo, right? It's literally my life. I know how curiosity for mystery works. I know how to handle it. How to handle myself". You didn't even need to look at each of their faces to know that as the last sentence left your lips, they shadowed worry of the past, what Carlisle liked to call, 'interference' flashbacks. "Look, I learnt how to break them off "
Everyone in unison leaned forward at this new information suddenly presented to them, but Rosalie was the first to talk, "It's an anchor, isn't it?" as she seemed to realize, on some level identifying your 'interferences' as vampire's thirst for blood.
You glanced at her giving her an approving smile, "Yes, it's a unique sensation. Could be a touch, a voice or a simple memory... It's a reminder of reality," You turned back to Edward who seemed to be deep in thought, "I know how to do it, you saw it yourself".
Edward shook his head. You could read from his face that he was doubting the efficiency of your method. You couldn't blame him, you didn't completely trust it too. "I believe you, it is not you that I do not trust, it's the others I worry about," he explained.
Emmett's little smirk didn't go unnoticed by you as Edward added, "And that brings us to the last point. Denalis"
You narrowed your eyebrows in confusion, Jasper definitely should have felt that surprise emotion blast from you, "Beware of the sisters" Jasper translated.
"Or beware them of you," Rosalie casually suggested the alternative, which may or may not was closer to Edward's thoughts but we will never know.
"So basically you already decided that they are going to draw my attention, but I can't theirs," you mumbled hardly believing the words of your technical and not siblings.
"Oh, they will capture your attention," Emmett seemed to particularly enjoy this rule of Edward's, possibly because he had a pretty good feeling you will be searching for a plothole for this one, looking back he was right, "And knowing you, Tanya would be drawing a lot more than just glances from you," Emmett teased.
You rolled your eyes, "I swear, if yall going to make a bet about this... I will remind to your vampire ass's what nausea feels like", Emmett lifted his hands in defence chuckling.
"Look, just stay safe," Edward said. "You better than anyone know that humans are humans, werewolves are werewolves and-".
"Vampires are vampires" you finished his sentence.
He nodded, "Desires, nature and especially curiosity win over logic and common sense too often".
One thing that really bothered me about Edward's words was his sudden awareness of Denali's coven. Even if I have never met them, to my knowledge, the Denali clan was the closest vampire coven to Cullens. Their family was the next thing Cullens trusted after their own and that was an incredibly huge deal. They had a history and a particularly strong bond. Both families shared too many similarities in how they saw the world and what role they wanted to play in it. That's why for Edward to refer to them so suspiciously was alarming. Something was happening in the bigger picture and I needed to find out what it was.
You were starting to get annoyed with only half the information presented to you. And Edward noticed that but to his relief, Alice suddenly burst into a room, "Hey, I need your help." Rosalie, Emmett and Jasper stood up clearly knowing it was them that overly-excited vampire referred to. "Y/n, you need to go get some rest, I need you bright and smiley tomorrow and Edward do not dare to peek outside."
"Yes, ma'am" Edward and you reported in unison.
*end of the flashback*
"Hello, ladies," you said approaching the two Denali sisters with a welcoming smile, but your eyes lingered on Tanya Denali just a little longer, unconsciously earning for her to stab her eyes at you.
The moment Tanya looked up settling her golden eyes upon you, you felt how the air was knocked out of your lungs. 'Whoah..' was all your mind could comprehend at that moment. She was even more stunning up close.
Tanya returned you a sweet smile that dulled your senses even more. Even for a vampire, she was breathtakingly beautiful and you couldn't help but wonder how magnificent she probably looked in the sun.
You were brought back to earth by Kate's comment, "Ahh, finally the mysterious, Y/n," she said excitedly. You could feel Kate's curiosity brewing by the seconds as her eyes ran between you and her sister analyzing this new and divine atmosphere between the two of you.
You just nodded your head approving that it was indeed you. You mentally scrunched your nose, there wasn't really anything mysterious about me, just unwanted secrecy.
As unnoticeably as possible you took a deep breath, powering up the courage that you had stocked up, hoping your voice wouldn't fail you, "Tanya Denali, would you dance with me?"
Your senses weren't as fast as vampire's, so you could never be 100% sure if the sudden cover-up question of hers was to hide the shock that ghosted Tanya's face because of your question or if it was just your imagination, but what you could state for a fact was that Kate was wearing the biggest grin on her face.
"Didn't Edward warn you for some bizarre reason not to interact with us?" you heard Tanya say. The melody of her voice mesmerized you and yet somehow it didn't feel like it was the first time you heard it, it felt so familiar, so comforting, so senses diminishing. You believed she could sweet-talk you into anything and everything. And those were not good news, not for a person like you, not with so much to hide.
You didn't realize you were holding your breath before the chuckle escaped your lips, Cullen's weren't exaggerating about how attentive Denalis or at least Denali's leader was. You smirked at her, "Well, he is no boss of mine, is he now?"
That made both of the sisters laugh, leaving Tanya's lips spread an enchanting smile that you just had to innocently add, "After all, it's just a dance, isn't it?"
"Tanya if you won't go dance with her, I will", Kate said jokingly, you could sense that she was already starting to like you.
You laughed at the comment, only for a split-second glancing at the vampire, not wanting to leave Tanya's eyes unattended. "So what would you say?" you lifted an eyebrow in question, stretching your hand towards her to take.
You would be lying if your heart was listening to your brain screaming at it to calm down, at that breath of the moment before Tanya's lips spread the most charming smile as she took your hand and said "Yes".
You led her a little bit further into the dancefloor. You could feel multiple pairs of golden eyes piercing every part of your body as shivers ran through your spine. But you didn't care about any of those looks, the only iris eyes you were curious about were the ones secured on your face so close to you.
"How are we-" before Tanya could finish her sentence the fast-pumping song came to an end and its place took a new track perfect for a slow dance.
She saw a satisfied smile appear on your lips at her surprised expression. "Just trust the process," you whispered, bringing your right hand to Tanya's back while her's settled on your shoulder and your other gently gripped her left hand bringing it into the air.
You danced like that for a moment, slowly swinging in the scene. Enjoying the sensation of electricity surrounding both of your bodies due to closeness and touch.
That enchanting smile engraved on Tanya's lips, which some part of you wished was only reserved for you, made you fall for it more and more with every passing second.
"So tell me about yourself?" you broke the comfortable settled in silence, minus the music, of course.
"What would you like to know?" Tanya asked so simply as if she would reveal anything you'd wish to know but only if you knew how to ask it.
"I want to hear everything you'd like to share... Your thoughts and your dreams. Your favourite era, art form, sex position, blood group-" you started naming.
"A what now?" she interrupted surprised but a little smile played at the corner of her lips.
"Yeah, you're right, I do not really care about your favourite blood type," you joked shaking your head slightly.
She laughed at your answer, making your heart swirl at the sound. You unnoticeably gulped at the feeling, Tanya was moving mountains in my heart quicker than I thought possible.
"You're so different," another enchanting smile crossed her lips as she stated.
"Ahh, am I doing a bad job at keeping a mystery of me," you teased trying to hide the fact that Tanya's smile kept dulling your senses.
She chuckled, "Can I be honest?".
"Always," you said more seriously, truly wishing to know what was happening in that mind of hers.
"There is such a thick fog around you, Y/n. Every time somebody looks your way you can feel Cullens hold their breath. And yet you are the one suffocating from that mist, from that, what seems, unwanted secrecy," Tanya stated. It took all of your strength not to tense your body at her words and betray that she was actually pretty accurate.
She continued, "You are so charming and sweet and I believe the list could go on and on, but?"
"But?" you asked your eyes narrowing at her sudden cut short sentence.
"But as far as I noticed tonight, people that you love are incredibly important to you," you nodded approving her words, but not completely understanding what she meant. "So that intrigue that is following you like a magnet everywhere you go is your biggest asset and yet your biggest downfall. That is my thoughts", she smiled genuinely technically answering your first question.
Tanya was starting to read me like a book with those attentive eyes and an incredible mind of hers. But I couldn't tell her that she was right and yet I didn't want to lie to her either. I couldn't tell her the truth and damn her for a lifetime of holding her breath because of who I was. So I played it off like I do, like I always do.
You looked at her absolutely amazed, "Hmm, so you think I am charming," you joked narrowing your eyes at her, only to be met with Tanya's chuckle.
"Well, you are incredibly spellbinding yourself," you said with a charming smile clearing the air, receiving an intriguing look from her that only could mean you were given a green flag to continue.
You tightened your hand around Tanya bringing her closer, just to start leaning her back, "And incredibly insightful and intelligent," you whispered with your lips nearly touching the smooth ice skin of her neck, making her eyes flutter shut for a moment from your hot breath.
As you slowly began to return both of you to the previous position, you continued "And yet I feel that behind that serious leader mask is a playful soul."
She lifted her eyebrow at you, "So you think I am spellbinding," she imitated your playful answer earlier.
You laughed and just let yourself get lost in her bright amber eyes, believing that you could admire Tanya for all eternity.
"What are you thinking about?" she suddenly asked making you come back to the planet Earth.
"Being honest?" you imitated her question
"Always," she said with your favourite enchanting smile.
"What colour your eyes were before your transformation," you said simply as if it was the most casual thing to wonder about. Tanya looked a little bit taken aback by the question. And with that a terrifying feeling washed over you, "I am sorry, I didn't mean to-".
"No," she cut you off. "It's alright, I- Just nobody ever wondered about it, ever," she explained looking away from you to the crowd of people.
Your heart melted and at the same time stung at her words. How could possibly nobody ever wonder that?
"I don't even know that I remember it myself," you saw her smile shyly still not meeting your eyes. All of a sudden you got a feeling that nothing really takes Tanya aback, that nothing really makes her shy. And you couldn't help but grin to yourself like a maniac for it.
You freed your left arm from Tanya's soft grip and gently lifted her chin with your fingers so the two of your eyes would meet again. "I imagine them as the deepest ocean. The watercolour blue," you said having her full attention back to you.
You wrapped your left arm around her fully trapping her in your lap, making Tanya melt against your warmth. "That freezes you to your bones when they are angry and surrounds you like the warmest embrace when they are in love," you spelt it firmly to make sure she knew that you meant every word. "They are the colour blue that makes you get lost in them and still makes you feel at home. And yet I think it is in general your eyes that make me feel this way. That is what I think''. The softest look flashed on Tanya's face as she brought her free hand to touch your cheek.
She suddenly gasped realizing that with her action she was starting to free half of your face and tried to remove her palm. But to her surprise, you quickly caught her hand bringing it back to your skin. The touch did chill your face muscles and made electricity settle in and yet you loved every part of it.
You could tell she enjoyed the warmth slowly spreading into her palm. "Who are you? Who are you to them? Where have you been hiding all this time?" Tanya whispered to you her eyes filling with adoration, relief and may or may not hope. The kind of hope that you buried deep inside yourself long ago.
You were about to say something, completely unaware of what was about to leave your lips when Alice appeared in your peripheral vision, "Sorry, to interrupt, but I need that favour, Y/n" You quietly signed frustrated by the interruption but a promise was a promise.
The two of you released one another from each other's grips and just before Tanya could move further from you to make some space, you caught her right hand in your own.
From the corner of your eye, you saw a slight surprise at first settle on Tanya's face as she looked down at your interlocked hands but then a bright smile spread her lips
"Yes, what will it be?" you asked Alice. You didn't really give much thought to your last action you just didn't want to let go of Tanya just yet but it seemed to stunt Alice for a moment, that's a first, shocking raven-haired vampire was incredibly hard. "Alice?" you re-asked.
She shook her head, "Ah, yes, I need you to sing this," she handed you the papers that you just now noticed she was caring.
You sighed worriedly looking down at the notes. "Wait, you can sing?" you heard Tanya's shocked voice.
You looked up at her but before you could answer, Alice beat you to it, "She does, Edward isn't the only one with a musical gift. Y/n has a really great voice."
"She is exaggerating," you protested giving Alice a pointed look.
"No, I am not," Alice said, brushing away your warning look.
Like sensing that you were about to protest again, you heard Tanya say, "I love to hear you sing," you turned to her as you felt her squeeze your hand in support.
You smiled at her softly, but teased, ''You should really reconsider".
Tanya chuckled, giving you that enchanting smile of hers, "Not a chance".
You laughed lightly but sighed too, "Alright, then," you turned to Alice reporting.
As Alice happily jogged away, you felt Tanya's intoxicating scent fill your lungs as she leaned closer to whisper "Find me afterwards".
You gulped turning to her, "With pleasure" you said feeling completely out of breath.
She smiled at your answer winking at you and turning to walk towards the crowd of people that was ready to settle to their tables again.
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turtlecleric · 5 months
I'm in Hell
I'm so Unwell. I have never had any misunderstandings like the thing with Donnie, but I have been betrayed by someone who was my best friend for years, so this chapter... it's hitting me really, really hard.
When Leo first met Vi, he was studying her a lot. Remember the near-physical weight his scrutiny had felt like? You feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end. ... like a pinned rabbit ... you see an obsidian edge beneath his smile that feels a little sharp as you lean into it.
And then later in her apartment:
[Leo talking] “…You know what really got me interested in talking to you?”
“What?” you ask, tilting your head. 
“Donnie came back from talking with April and he was talking about you."
This is literally Vi and Leo's first time meeting - I don't think Leo started to really hate her until after she started coming to the Lair and he saw how Donnie reacted to her presence, but he mentions that Donnie talked about her already. It's framed within Vi's mind as him being careful with his family. He's the leader, he's careful around new people, he wants to make sure she isn't a threat, etc. But even though this is before the touch thing started, there could've been the seed of hatred already there depending on how Donnie spoke about Vi to Leo.
He [Leo] peers at you like he can read your life story where it’s written on your soul. ... “…You don’t have a lot of friends, do you?” he asks, his voice soft and yet cutting you all the same.
and this:
[Vi talking] “I had a lot of fun tonight. I’d… like to have more nights like this one. To. To have a family. If I can.” “You can,” he [Leo] says
He knew from the first fucking time he met her that she was lonely. That she wanted friends, wanted a family, wanted to belong. He knew that better than anyone else in the family, not only because of her saying this to him but also because of how well he reads people and how much time he spent with her. He's the only one who has seen her in her apartment, too, caught her in those few vulnerable moments in her home. I'm so fucking angry.
There are so many times in the fic that... I can't even articulate... here's some quotes early on -> "you hate how much you like this guy [Leo]" and "you smile when you see [the text notification is from] Leo" and when Vi is sick in the store she says "I miss Leo" and on and on. And that whole fucking time! He was!! UGH!!!
When Vi agrees to make Leo some bread so that maybe he can get some of Donnie's apology cookies he texts her "ttyl i gotta go rub this in donnie’s face" and yeah that's him being a little shit as always, but it's ALSO proof of him using EVEN THEIR PRIVATE TEXT CONVERSATIONS as ammunition rile up Donnie.
Hey look! Bits that hit different/hint at more going on/might be Leo's mask slipping!
“How long do we hafta wait before she ain’t a guest anymore?” Raph asks, causing you to snort a laugh. 
“That’s up to Donnie,” Leo says, voice heavy with an undercurrent of meaning you’re not picking up on, causing you to look at him with a raised eyebrow. He smirks, reaching over to poke your cheek with his finger. “Y’know. He’s the one who met you first, and all that.” 
…Something tells you it’s more than that, but he’s good enough at hiding it that you don’t feel comfortable calling him on it in front of the others.
you have no idea how you fit in [to the family], and Leo had all but told you that the space is here, ready and emblazoned with your name on it. You don’t quite see it yet, even if he apparently does.
“Yeah, don’t worry about it. It’s complicated,” Leo says easily, and it’s only just, but you pick out the thread of iron bars in his tone, ready to come crashing down if you push even a little too hard. So, you don’t.
“Okay,” you say easily, causing him to get that piercing look he gets sometimes, the one when he feels more like a ninja than a funny turtle man who tries to see how many cookies he can shove into his mouth at once and sends you pizza rat memes at four in the morning. “…Dude, we’ve been friends for like, a week. It’s cool that you aren’t ready to spill your guts yet, you know that, right?” 
His eyes go sharp, but then he hums and smiles. You feel like you did the night you first met him, like there’s a test here and it’s in a language you don’t understand. It’s a bit uncomfortable, prompting you to grab your own drink and swallow a healthy bit of it just to have something to do.
[Vi talking] “…He [Donnie] seems lonely.”
Leo hums under his breath, cutting a portal that feels a little like home. “Well, lucky he has you, then.”
“Uh, I met her first,” Donnie says, scowling, while Leo just gives him a smug look. 
You do, however, lean in while the others are occupied, whispering to Donnie, “So, ten dollars, which one of them tops?” and laughing when he chokes. You catch Leo’s eyes and give him a devious grin, spying him look to Donnie with a curiously blank look before shifting to a catty smile of his own when he looks back to you
“One portal home for a lovely lady,” Leo says as he steps through, his face going a little flat when he looks over your shoulder to Donnie behind you.
Leo is… astonishingly quiet for a moment, his face blank of anything for you to read as he stares at the piece hard. Then he looks up at you, and you see an unusually capable person that doesn’t feel like your best friend, even as much as it feels like the real Leonardo, here for the first time for you to see.
[Vi talking] “I don’t… I don’t like keeping secrets. Or lying. Not from people I care about.” 
The weight of Leo’s eyes is almost physical. It makes you remember that he’s asked you to keep secrets, and your eyes snap to his, wondering if that’s the reason why he’s gone still like this. “I—I haven’t told anyone. About the ninja thing, or the Krang thing. I’d never—”
“I know,” Leo interrupts, threading his hand through your hair so he can cup your nape and press your forehead to his own. “I trust you.” You release a sigh of relief, nodding. “I’m just… thinking it might be time for us to repay that back.” 
You blink, gaze darting between his eyes. “I don’t… what do you mean?”
“We’re a pretty close-knit family. There’s a lot of… baggage. A lot of history. A lot of stuff we haven’t told you. And it’s… it’s starting to feel a little disrespectful,” he says, looking a bit displeased. “You’re one of us. It’s only fair.”
We all know about the constant comments Leo makes about being Vi's "favorite turtle" and "best friend" in front of the others/in the group chat. He talks in Chapter 22 about purposefully draping himself across her and pulling her close, hugging her, scenting her, touching her in front of Donnie to piss Donnie off. But there's all these other little things that seemed so innocent at the time and now I'm losing my mind wondering about each of them, wondering - is that something he did with malicious intent? How many nice things were ONLY done to piss off Donnie? There are so many times that he compliments her - for example:
“What? I can’t compliment my bestie and her fine legs?” Leo coos, reaching over and flicking your nose gently.
“Leonardo,” Donnie warns, folding his arms.
And I remember, during my second read through after I finished Chapter 20, being so happy and grateful that Leo was pretty consistently giving her compliments, because she deserves to be complimented and taken care of and loved, because she deserves good friends who hype her up, and this WHOLE TIME-
(Side note - that time that Leo complains she smells like Donnie's lab, he shoves her away and she falls to the floor. First read, it's just Leo being playful. Second read, I wonder... is that a little bit of his frustration getting out of him in a physical way? He shoved her to the fucking floor, and then, once Donnie shows up, Leo pats the cushion next to him for Vi to sit by him. Then he wraps his arm around her and pulls her in close to smell her. But that's only after Donnie shows up.)
When Mikey takes Vi's So-Shell profile picture -> “Wha—?” you start, only to feel Leo leaning in to smoosh his cheek against yours, the distinct feeling of bunny ears brushing the back of your skull. Once again, this is in front of Donnie. Plus it's for her profile picture, so that means every time Donnie sees her So-Shell profile he'll see Leo in the picture, too. Leo was also famously the first like on her first So-Shell post and gets her to always leave nice comments/emojis on his thirst traps.
When she comes to the Lair to practice with her viola, Leo offers up HIS room first, and only once she declines does he -> “Ugh, fine, you are so boring,” he says, and removing his arm, he shoves at your shoulders hard and pushes you through the portal. (Pushing her onto the floor, pushing her through the portal... he's kind of rough with her in the beginning, and I figured it was just because he's haha silly funny turtle man, physical comedy, joking around whatever but... again I wonder. Is he letting himself be a little rough as a way to express his true feelings?)
God, all these little things that... might have an ulterior motive and might not.
It's around the time Vi gets bruised up by that guy at the coffee shop that Leo seems to start actually acting like a real friend, in my opinion. “…You don’t even get how incredible you are, do you?” he asks, causing you to roll your eyes. “You seriously don’t see it.” 
The very next chapter he gets a glimpse of her being anxious over not being able to play, while she notices that he looks tired, invites him to listen to music and lets him sleep on her back, and in that chapter it says: you sit, quiet, letting him use you. My second read through, this line hit me hard because I KEPT noticing that she really does nothing but GIVE and I feel like she's constantly doing things to be useful to others. And now, as I'm skimming through a third time, it turns out that... yeah. Yeah. He was fucking using her. In Chapter 22, Leo says "then you reach out and touch me in a way no one has. You’ve helped me, even though I was just using you" and I'm thinking this is the moment that that really started. When she first let him sleep on her. And that's also the first time he churrs with her. After that, he gets her really nice sushi, and she thinks he's guilty for drooling all over for her, but I think maybe he was guilty because he's starting to realize how nice she is and how shitty it is that he's using her like that, even though he does continue those manipulative behaviors.
He sighs, his face going openly affectionate. “…You’re so…” 
What he thinks you are, you don’t know, as he chooses instead to pull you into a hug. You go easily, seeking the comfort of his embrace, hoping he can feel in your arms that you truly do mean what you said. 
“You know, instead of sorry, you should say—” Leo says, though as his face gets close to your throat, his mouth snaps shut and he goes still in a manner that reminds you a little of Donnie. 
“…Leo?” you ask, going to pull back from the hug to look into his face only to feel his hands go tight on your back, holding you close while he dips his beak to your skin and inhales. When he does pull back, he’s got a look of shock on his face that he quickly schools into something more neutral, but barely. 
This is where he smells Donnie on you for the first time, and the guilt he was starting to feel, the actual genuine affection he was developing for her, may have then been interrupted/overshadowed by his anger.
Vi was right to say she isn't gonna go back and examine every detail, because it's so fucking MUDDY! There are glimpses of true softness from him sprinkled throughout with him ALSO still hanging over her and doing shit that pisses Donnie off on purpose. And then of course the scene with Leo in the kitchen when he scares her, where we get the first big glimpse into his true anger about the whole situation, where we see him being sharp and cutting and dismissive and- I'm not going to paste in that whole scene, but he's so, so, SO angry. When she has that visceral, terrified reaction, he feels so bad (I do think he was genuinely, truly horrified that he scared her), but then he finds out that Vi and Donnie are (as far as Vi is aware) dating, followed by her telling him that Donnie misses touching his brothers, misses hugs, followed by Leo deciding to tell Vi about all the family secrets... so he's wrestling with this rage and jealousy, but he's also starting to really accept her as family (I think, since he shared the info about the Krang, about Lou Jitsu, about Casey, since he asked for her help)...
It kills me that, after that, he saw her trying so hard to help, like when she went to the library and got books on PTSD and fell asleep taking notes and she wakes up with a blanket covering her and a little blue heart on a note - he saw her doing that, on top of everything else she CONSTANTLY does for other people, for his family, and HE STILL, EVEN AFTER THAT, DOES SHIT THAT'S MANIPULATIVE. THE 4TH OF JULY PARTY, FOR EXAMPLE. “What she said,” Leo purrs, his fingers fluttering on your stomach as his eyes cut off to the side. He has a sharp look to his features that you’re a bit too drunk to dissect, so you just ignore it. He HAS to be looking at Donnie, here.
(Side note - we still don't know what Leo was doing when Vi was in the shower getting ready for the party... if anything. Maybe he really was eating cookies.)
It's at the end of the party that he smells sex on Vi, I think, for the first time. And the following chapter is when he starts avoiding Vi, and she goes to confront him and he says he's "Thinking about things. About what I want.” And THAT'S when he finally stops his bullshit. Ch 22 - "I stopped. Completely. After we talked in my room.”
I'm still working on fully re-reading Chapters 17+ until I make it back up to 22 and putting more thoughts into that post, but. Dear God. Sam is a genius and I'm so angry at myself. I had been so confused and angry with Donnie, when in reality he truly DID NOT KNOW about the misunderstanding between him and Vi. Meanwhile, as I'm fawning over Leo and so happy Vi has him and so grateful he's been such a good friend to her... he was the one using her, this whole time. I cannot believe it. I'm SICK with rage. I can't imagine how Vi could possibly... I can't... FUCK dude
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