#he'd do his growl thing and realize how much he loves me in that moment
fatecantstopme · 6 months
My Past, My Present, My Future
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Pairing: Dean Winchester x reader, Endverse!Dean x reader
Summary: You get dragged to the future along with Dean to witness the aftermath of the apocalypse. Follows the plot of "The End" (Season 4, Episode 4)
Warnings: mentions of death, canon violence, cursing, use of pet names. SMUT, oral (F receiving), unprotected sex (P in V), dirty talk.
A/N: If I tell you too much, it'll ruin the story...enjoy!
It had been 2009 when you and Dean had fallen asleep in a hotel in Kansas City. You were awoken by the sound of your boyfriend's voice muttering "What the hell?"
You opened your eyes to find yourself in a completely trashed room--it looked like an actual bomb had gone off. It took you a moment to realize it was the same room you'd fallen asleep in.
"Dean?" you asked in confusion.
He was staring out the window, so you joined him, the two of you now staring out a what remained of the city.
"What happened?" you whispered.
"I have no idea." He looked back at you, worry etched into his face. "We should get moving. See if we can find anyone else."
As the two of you walked through the city streets, you found yourselves completely alone--that is, until you came across a little girl crouched in an alleyway all alone.
As the little girl attacked Dean, you saw the word "Croatoan" painted on a brick wall. Dean defended himself, knocking the girl unconscious.
You simply pointed to the word, a look of dread on your face. Dean's gaze followed your finger and the same expression crossed his features.
"Shit," he muttered.
Suddenly, a group of infected people rounded the corner and spotted the two of you. You both took off running, desperate to avoid becoming their next meal.
"Dead end!" you yelled at Dean, but neither of you had time to figure out your next move. The infected people are still behind you when a heavily armed military unit opened fire on the group.
The commotion gave you and Dean the time you needed to escape. The two of you stayed hidden until nightfall. When you emerged, you noticed a sign on the fence surrounding the entrance to the city.
"Dean," you said softly, pointing to the sign. "Croatoan Hot Zone."
He stepped forward to get a better look. "August 1st, 2014? How...?"
"Great," you muttered. "So we're in the future."
"Apparently...and it ain't pretty."
You shared a look and muttered "Angels," in unison.
You managed to find an abandoned car that still had gas, so Dean hot-wired it and the two of you sped off. You were desperately trying to find a cell signal or even a radio signal when Zachariah made an appearance in the backseat of the car.
"I thought I smelled your stink on this Back to the Future crap," Dean growled.
In response, Zachariah simply began to read a Newspaper he'd brought with him. The headlines were dark, detailing some of the terrible events that had occurred in this morbid future.
"How the hell did you find us?" Dean asked in annoyance.
"Human informants from some of the fringier religious groups," Zachariah answered.
"That guy on the street last night," you said to Dean, who nodded.
"Send us back. Now," Dean demanded.
"No can do. The two of you are staying put in 2014 for a few days so you can see exactly what happens to the world if Dean continues to say no to Michael."
"You're an ass," you muttered.
Dean smirked a little. "As much as I love having (Y/N/N) as my copilot, why'd you have to drag her into this?"
"Don't worry, she'll be fine," Zachariah said with a wave of his hand. "She's here because she might be the only person who can convince you to do the right thing. She needs to see just how bad it gets almost as much as you need to."
Before either you or Dean could respond, Zachariah disappeared, zapping himself back to wherever the hell he hung out.
"Have I mentioned how much I hate angels?" you mumbled under your breath.
Dean simply nodded. "Me too, sweetheart."
"Where we headed?"
You kept your thoughts to yourself. Dean didn't need you to tell him it was unlikely Bobby had survived this, especially being wheelchair-bound. He wasn't a fool, but you knew it was better to let him have just a little bit of hope.
As expected, Bobby's house was empty, save for his wheelchair and an absolute mess of junk. Dean was silent as he surveyed the room, putting the wheelchair back upright with a sad sigh.
He went to the mantel behind Bobby's desk and pried it open, pulling out Bobby's old journal. In it, he found a picture of several men with shotguns posing in front of a sign for Camp Chitaqua, Bobby and Cas among them.
He held the picture up for you to see and you exhaled softly. "Road trip?"
He nodded and the two of you headed for the camp. You managed to sneak past the guards, but as you were making your way farther into the camp, Dean grabbed your arm.
You followed his gaze and realized his once-beautiful Impala was parked off to the side completely junked out.
"Oh not you too, Baby," he whispered as he leaned forward to inspect the car.
You would have laughed if you hadn't been staring down the barrel of your own future.
"Dean--" the rest of your sentence was silenced as you fell to the ground, knocked unconscious by someone behind you.
The man was fast enough that both you and Dean were unconscious without a single sound.
When your eyes fluttered open some time later, you found yourself seated in a wooden chair, wrists gently bound to the arms. You saw Dean sitting on the floor a few feet away from you, arms cuffed to a ladder bolted to the floor. He wasn't moving and you whispered his name in worry.
"So you're awake." Had you not been staring at Dean when you heard the voice, you would have been certain it had been him talking.
You looked around, jaw dropping as Dean stepped out from his place against the wall behind you. It was Dean, but it wasn't your Dean. His face looked a little more haggard and the light in his eyes was dimmed almost to extinction.
"Who--how--?" you tried to ask.
"I could ask you the same question."
You looked back over at Dean's unconscious form and the other Dean sighed.
"He'll be fine...as long as you answer some questions. I know neither of you are some kind of supernatural creature--trust me, I tried all the tests. But he carries every weapon on him that I do and well--there's a striking resemblance." He trailed off for a moment. "Then there's you...any chance you can explain why you look like my dead wife's identical twin?"
You were saved from responding by the sounds of your Dean stirring. "What the hell?" he muttered as he realized he was cuffed in place.
"Thanks for joining us," the other Dean stated. "I was just asking your friend here why you look like my doppelgänger. Care to share?"
Dean looked between you and the older version of himself and sighed slowly. "Probably because I am you--well, the you from 2009. And she's (Y/N) from 2009. We were dragged here to 2014 courtesy of Zachariah."
Future Dean nodded. "Sounds like something he would do. He always was a dick."
You smirked a little, appreciating that somethings never changed. However, your mind was still reeling from the words Future Dean had said to you mere seconds before your Dean had woken up...dead wife.
"As much as I'd like to believe you, I need to be sure." Future Dean crouched down in front of your Dean, eyes narrowed slightly. "Tell me something only we would know."
Your Dean flicked his gaze to you for a moment before turning back to meet his own stare. "We were 19. Rhonda Hurley made us try on her satin panties. They were pink. And you know what? We kinda liked it."
You giggled lightly at his admission and Future Dean cracked a small smile and muttered, "Touché."
Future Dean stood back up, turning his attention to you. You were surprised to see the sadness in his green eyes--a look you'd only ever seen once before.
"You haven't looked at me like that since Jo and Ellen died," you said softly.
Future Dean grimaced. "A lot has happened in the past five years, (Y/N). I carry a hell of a lot more weight than I did in 2009."
You waited for him to continue, as you knew he would.
"A lot of shit happened--really bad shit. The apocalypse, demons, releasing the Croatoan virus...we lost a lot of good people, people I cared about." He sighed heavily and ran a hand over his face. "Three years ago, a small team of us tried to infiltrate a demon lair in an attempt to get Lucifer's location. I led one team, (Y/N) led the other. I don't know how, but they knew we were coming. I couldn't get my whole team out, but (Y/N)--she-she fought until the very end. She made certain her whole team made it out of there alive."
Your breath caught in your chest as you let his words sink in. You could hear the heartbreak in his voice, even though it was obvious he was trying to hide it. Your Dean let out a soft pained sound and you felt the strong urge to go to him, but the ropes around your wrists held you in place.
Future Dean continued, "When I found out they'd left her behind, I went back...the demons had already cleared out, having gotten what they wanted. I found her..." He trailed off, gaze finally raising to meet yours. "I found you...broken and bleeding. I held you in my arms as you took your last breath. I carried you back home and I built your pyre. I wouldn't let anyone else near you. I lost something that day I could never replace, and it changed me forever."
"Dean," you whispered softly. Tears filled your (y/e/c) eyes as you stared into his mossy green ones. "I'm so sorry."
He almost laughed at your response. "I just told you that you die because of me and you're the one who's sorry?" He let out a pained chuckle. "You always did love me more than I deserved."
Your expression was soft and your smile even softer. "I don't blame you. It doesn't matter why or how it happened--it wasn't your fault. I make my own choices, as you well know. So if I chose to stay behind to save other people, then that was my decision and the consequences are for me to bear."
He closed his eyes for a few moments, allowing your words to wash over him. He'd never even imagined he would have the pleasure of hearing your voice again, let alone see your smile, or hear your laugh. He felt his armor crack just enough that a sliver of the Dean you had always loved shone through. It terrified him, your ability to affect him even now, but he knew his love for you had never dimmed and never would.
"What about Sam?" your Dean asked, breaking the silence.
"There was a heavy weight showdown in Detroit a few years back. From what I heard, Sam didn't make it out."
"From what you heard?" Dean asked in shock. "You mean you weren't with him?"
"We hadn't spoken since 2009."
You had your own opinions on Dean's decision to part ways with Sam and you'd been very vocal about it. You could tell by your Dean's expression that he was shocked and guilty about how that decision had played out.
Future Dean turned his gaze to you and you saw the same regret in his eyes that you'd seen in your Dean's. But something about his expression and the intensity of his gaze made you wonder if he was regretting the same thing as your Dean.
Future Dean exhaled slowly and averted his eyes again, pulling his invisible mask back down. "I have a mission, so I have to go. The two of you are going to stay here for the time being. I can't have the younger version of me running around the camp and there are quite a few people here that remember you, (Y/N). So stay here and don't cause any trouble."
You shot a look to your Dean who grumbled something about being left chained up. Future Dean gave you one last sad look before going out the door and leaving you two behind.
"How long until you get yourself out of those cuffs?" you teased softly.
"How long until you squeeze your hands out of that rope future me barely tied?" Dean sniped back.
You smiled and shifted your left hand so you could grab ahold of the knot Future Dean had tied. It took you less than 10 seconds to get it untied and even fewer to release your other hand.
Dean shot you a grin. "That's my girl."
You rolled your eyes, scanning the room for something to pick the handcuff lock with. "You're the one who didn't tie them tightly."
"Future me," he emphasized. "Clearly he's got a soft spot for you."
You smirked. "So do you." Your eyes landed on a small pen knife sitting on the table. You grabbed it, holding it up for him to see.
His eyes sparkled with several different emotions and you knew he was reeling from everything you'd just learned. Hell, you were busy compartmentalizing all of your emotions so you didn't fall apart.
"Yeah," he whispered. "I do."
You offered him a sweet smile before leaning down to his level and picking the lock on his cuffs with the pen knife. As soon as he was free, you helped him to his feet.
"Okay, I'm gonna go have a look around," he said. "You stay here."
"Dean--" you started to protest.
"Hey, it's not like I don't want you with me, but you heard what future me said...there are people here who will recognize you--people who know you're dead."
You sighed, knowing he was right. "Fine. Why don't you go first, make sure it's clear, then I'll follow you."
Dean glared at you for a long moment, before his expression softened. He knew this wasn't a battle he was going to win. "Alright. Just stay out of sight, okay? I don't need one of these trigger-happy yahoos shooting you because they think you're a monster or something."
You nodded your agreement and Dean slowly opened the door to the cabin. You stay inside until he beckoned you to join him. You stayed close to the edge of the cabin as you waited for him to gesture for you to follow.
Just as Dean rounded the corner, Chuck Shirley stepped directly into his path, stopping him in his tracks. You stayed back, back pressed against the side of the cabin.
"Uh, hey there Chuck," Dean said.
Chuck started to ask him about what they should do about a shortage of perishable items and hygiene products before realizing Dean was supposed to be out on a mission.
"Yeah, I-uh-I was gonna head out now," Dean lied.
Suddenly, a woman crossed into your field of vision and swung a punch and a kick at Dean. He jumped back and grabbed Chuck, pulling him in-between himself and the angry woman.
Your instincts screamed for you to help him, but you knew you needed to stay hidden. You listened as the woman, Risa, yelled at Dean for spending the night in another woman's cabin the night before.
"You said we had a connection," she snapped.
You almost laughed at that--it was exactly the kind of thing Dean would say to a woman to appease her.
You watched as Risa angrily stomped away and Dean exhaled in relief. He quickly asked Chuck if Cas is around and he gestured to a cabin close by. "I don't think he's going anywhere," Chuck said lightly as he walked off.
As soon as he was out of sight, Dean's gaze landed on you and he waved at you to follow him. You followed closely behind as he entered the cabin, staying just out of sight of anyone inside.
You could hear Cas's voice, but it sounded different than you remembered it being--softer and maybe even lazier than before.
He must have spotted Dean because you heard him acknowledge him as their "fearless leader". You heard Cas tell the women in the room to wash up and prepare for the orgy.
A group of girls walked by you and Dean as you both step into the room.
"Orgy?" Dean asked incredulously.
Castiel simply shrugged as he regarded both of you. "(Y/N)," he murmured quietly. "This is a surprise."
You sighed. "I'd imagine so. I hear I'm dead."
"Indeed you are." Castiel's gaze landed on Dean. "And you're not the Dean of this time. When are the two of you from?"
"2009," you answered.
"Zachariah sent us here," Dean added.
"Ahh," Cas mumbled. "I shouldn't be surprised."
"Okay, so nice to see you and all that, but can you zap us back please?" Dean asked.
Cas giggled slightly and Dean's gaze narrowed in annoyance.
"Dude, are you stoned?"
"Generally, yeah," Cas replied.
Dean looked over at you, but you were just as surprised as he was. You shrugged and Dean let out a quiet groan.
"I don't have powers anymore," Cas said simply. "When the end came, the angels just left...bored with their playthings, I guess. When they left, so did my powers."
"Oh great," Dean muttered.
"Dean," you said in a warning tone. "Don't."
Cas smiled at you and crossed the room to give you a hug. You were a little surprised, but you returned the gesture.
"It's good to see you, (Y/N). You were always the only person who could keep Dean in line."
You couldn't help the chuckle that escaped you at his words. "We've had the pleasure of meeting the Dean of this time. I imagine he's not exactly one to defer to anyone."
For a moment Castiel's expression grew wistful, as if remembering a better time. "He used to, but he changed rather significantly when you died. It's been three years and he still hasn't gotten over your death. He's not the same Dean you knew."
You glanced at your Dean and exhaled softly. "Knowing him, he's just hid that part of himself so far down he's forgotten it even exists."
Dean's gaze met yours and you knew you were right. You could see it is eyes--he knew exactly what losing you would do to him. He knew the kind of man he would become.
Cas glanced back and forth between the two of you and shook his head. "You always could read each other's minds. It's nice to see that again. But I am curious, how did our Dean handle meeting the two of you?"
"Not well," you admitted.
"Pretty sure he was happier to see you than he was to see me," Dean muttered.
You chuckled mildly. "Well I'm the dead one, so it seems fitting."
Dean winced and you placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. He tried to smile at you, but the pain in his gaze ensured the expression didn't meet his eyes.
Before any of you could utter another word, the sound of trucks pulling up sounded from outside the cabin. You let Dean walk out first, followed by Cas. You opted to remain in the shadows just inside the doorway. You could see what was happening outside without being noticed.
You saw Future Dean getting out of one of the trucks and tossing a beer to another man. They cracked them open and the other man turned his back on Dean.
You watched in horror as Future Dean raised his pistol, pointing it at the man's back. Your Dean ran out, yelling for him to stop, but it was too late. Future Dean pulled the trigger and the man fell to the ground.
Future Dean whirled around, coming face to face with your Dean, eyes full of anger. As Dean began to argue with Future Dean, you ran out in an attempt to calm both men. Castiel grabbed your arm, stopping you in your tracks.
The gasps and shocked faces of the people around you reminded of you of the position you'd just put yourself in. Most people were staring at your Dean in confusion, but several gazes had landed on you. You recognized a few of the faces and you knew in your heart these people had known you--the other you.
Future Dean gestured to your Dean and said, "Me and him--it's messed up, okay? But if you need to know something, then I'll tell you when you need to know it."
As Future Dean glanced around, he noticed some people were not looking at him--or at his doppelgänger. He followed one person's gaze and his body froze when his eyes landed on you. Even though he'd known you were here, it was still painfully jarring to see you.
What was worse, was he wasn't sure how to explain your presence--too many people had known you. A few of them had been there when you'd died.
You locked eyes with Future Dean and your heart ached for him. You could see the turmoil in his eyes and the difficulty he was having formulating any kind of words to address your presence. He might not be your Dean, but you still loved him--after all, he was the man your Dean would one day become.
You stepped forward, gently pulling yourself from Castiel's grasp. "Dean," you whispered softly, sad eyes meeting his.
"Some of you might remember my wife, (Y/N)," Future Dean said calmly. "I'm not prepared to explain her presence to all of you, but just know that she's not here to cause any harm."
His statement seemed to appease most of the small gathering, but you saw some darker expressions cross the faces of a few people in the crowd.
Future Dean stepped forward and grabbed your Dean by the jacket, practically dragging him towards his cabin. His gaze landed on you and he gestured for you to follow.
"Didn't I tell both of you to stay put?" he growled as he closed the door behind him.
Your Dean began to argue, but he was silenced by Future Dean's anger.
"He was infected, okay? I've been doing this a long time and you learn to see the signs. I did what I had to do."
"We know that," you said softly.
Both men looked at you in surprise, but your gaze was firmly on Future Dean's face. You wanted him to know you understood--you weren't even sure why.
"You didn't need to kill him in front of everyone," your Dean commented.
Future Dean's gaze cut to him like a blade. "Yeah because seeing my freaking clone and my dead wife was so much better."
Your Dean opened his mouth to continue the argument, but Future Dean cut him off.
"The last thing these people need is to see me arguing with you, okay? They're twitchy survivors who can't handle this. This is my time, not yours, so stay in your lane."
Dean backed off, realizing Future Dean was right. He was nothing more than an observer in this time and he needed to act like it.
Future Dean pulled out three glasses and poured a drink for each of you. Your eyes scaned his face, keen senses picking up on the emotions clearly stirring beneath the calm surface. You wanted to talk to him, get him to open up, but you knew this wasn't the time.
"So what was the mission for?" you asked gently.
Future Dean gave you an appreciative look. "Five years of searching--five long years and I finally found it." He pulled something out of his jacket and laid it on the table. "The Colt."
"How?" your Dean asked in surprise.
"Demons have been moving it around for years, but we finally got good intel on its location."
You felt uneasy as you regarded him. You couldn't read him as well as you could your Dean, but you knew he was thinking about something--something you weren't going to like. "What's your plan?" you asked warily.
"Tomorrow night," he said, dark gaze fixed on your face, "I'm gonna kill the devil."
Shock lit up both your's and your Dean's faces. "We have no idea if the Colt's gonna work!" you protested, fear lacing your voice.
"It's our only shot and I'm gonna take it," he countered.
You glanced at your Dean and you could tell he didn't like the sound of this plan any more than you did. Sure, you both wanted to find the Colt in your time and kill the devil so none of this would happen, but there was no way to know if it would work. No one had ever tried it on an archangel before.
"Can I speak to my wife alone for a moment?" Future Dean asked, further shocking you both.
"I, uhh--" you stuttered.
Your Dean looked at you sympathetically, a sad expression settling onto his face. You knew what the look meant, so you weren't surprised to hear him agree. He stepped outside, leaving you and Future Dean alone.
"You know it's hard for me," he began, "seeing you after all this time."
"It's not easy on me either," you admitted, "seeing the man you become...and knowing I'm not going to be with you much longer."
He looked down in shame. "I know I'm not the man you love." He gestured to where your Dean stood outside. "I'm not him. But I have never stopped loving you--never stoped missing you."
You closed your eyes for a moment. "I know. I can feel it."
"I knew you would," he said softly. "I'm sure knowing what the future has in store for both of us isn't something you'd expected to see."
You shook your head. "I certainly didn't expect to hear you call me 'your wife'."
A small smirk played across his lips. "You get your priorities straight when the world is about to end. Marrying you was the best thing I ever did."
You smiled slowly, but your heart ached too much to continue this train of discussion. "So why did you want to speak alone?"
He inhaled deeply. "I wanted to talk to you without him around to persuade you otherwise."
"Persuade me to do what, exactly?"
His gaze was intense as he stepped towards you. If you didn't know him, it would have frightened you. "When you go back to 2009, I want you to pack up your things and leave. Leave me as far behind as you can--run and never look back."
A mixture of shock and sorrow darkened your features. "I-I can't do that."
He reached out and grabbed your hands, squeezing them tightly. "You have to, (Y/N)," he pleaded. "It's the only way I can keep you safe--alive."
You shook your head. "I can't leave you."
He caressed your cheek gently, his calloused hands molding perfectly to your face. "I need you to do this for me, sweetheart. I know it won't be easy and I-he won't understand, but it's for the best. He'll realize it in the end."
"Marrying me was the best thing you've ever done, but you want to deny yourself that joy? Deny me?"
"I would rather suffer a thousand deaths than watch you die again. It almost killed me, (Y/N). Hell, in a way it kinda did. I'm not that man anymore, and I don't want that for him."
You touched his face gently, fingers grazing against the rough stubble on his cheek. "You're wrong, you know. I can see him in you. You might be older, damaged in ways I can't understand, but the man I love lives in you. You and I both know Dean is going to tell me the same thing when we get back to 2009. It will break his heart, but he will beg me to leave if there's even a remote chance it will save my life."
His expression told you exactly how right you were.
"Looks like you haven't changed all that much--at least not in the ways that matter."
A flicker of pain crossed his face, but he was quick to hide it. He loved you so much it hurt and he knew there was no hope for him. He had to believe that the Dean from 2009 would heal from losing you, especially if it meant you got to live.
"Sometimes, I'll lie awake at night and stare at your picture--talk to it, even. I dream of you often and it breaks my heart every time I wake up to find you're not there. I miss you with every part of my tattered soul."
"Dean..." you whispered, leaning into him.
"I know you don't love me, but I need you to know how deeply I love you, even now. You hold my heart in the palm of your hand, (Y/N). You always have."
You stood on your tip-toes and brushed your lips across his cheek. "You are him," you whispered lowly. "I love him, so I love you. Five years of hell on earth doesn't change that."
Tears filled his eyes and he pulled you tightly against him. He never wanted to let you go, no matter what the cost. He felt conflicted about loving you so much, but he knew without a doubt in his mind that the 2009 version of himself would understand.
He pressed a kiss to the top of your head before settling his chin down against it. He loved the way you fit in his arms, as if you were made for them. He wanted you so badly it hurt--an ache so deep in his bones he knew he would never be rid of it.
It took all of his strength--all his willpower--to pull away, releasing you and taking a step back.
You looked up at him with compassionate (y/e/c) eyes, wanting nothing more than to comfort him, heal his pain. You hadn't been lying when you said you loved him. You could feel the man you loved beneath the hardened exterior, and it broke your heart to see him in so much pain.
Your eyes scanned his face again, but he couldn't meet your gaze. You knew his body ached for your touch--you knew because your Dean had always been that way. It had been three years since Future Dean had felt your body against his, so you knew exactly how much it was killing him.
You sighed, glancing out the little window at the front of the cabin. Your Dean stood out there, shoulders set in that stern way you were used to seeing. Your heart ached for him--you knew it was hard for him to be in this situation. You loved him more than you'd ever thought possible and you knew he felt the same. Seeing the way his future self looked at you likely made him contemplate things he shouldn't have had to bear.
"Stay here," you whispered to Future Dean. You stepped past him, heading for the door.
Future Dean watched as you exited, eyes fixated on the way you moved--desperately trying to commit every inch of you to memory.
"Hey," your Dean said softly as you stepped outside. "You okay?"
"Not really," you admitted. "You?"
He gave you a sad smile and shook his head. "This is a lot harder than I thought it would be."
"I know."
"No, sweetheart, I don't think you do," he said gently, but firmly. "You have an idea, sure, but you don't know--not the way I do. I can see it on his face--on my face. The way he misses you, the love he so clearly feels for you...the emptiness inside of him only you can fill. I know all of those feelings, (Y/N). I can't even fathom the pain of losing you. It hurts to even think about."
You touched his arm gently and he leaned into the touch as if on instinct.
"I know what he's feeling, even if I can't fully experience it myself. I know the devastation I would feel if I lost you--I don't think I'd ever fully recover. Add to that all the loss he's experienced in the last five years and I can understand why he's the way he is. I see myself in him...and I can see myself becoming him."
Dean turned his full attention to you and his next words shocked you to your very core.
"He needs you, (Y/N). I have a bad feeling about tomorrow night and I think you might be the only thing that stops him from doing something reckless. It pains me to say this--to give you up, even for a moment, but he needs you. I know it might feel weird, wrong even, but he's me...and I get him, more than I'd care to admit."
Your lips parted in surprise. "I-I don't know if I can do that, Dean."
He touched your face gently and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. "He's me, (Y/N)...and he needs you. You're his wife, after all. So go."
Your eyes scanned his face for any sign of discomfort, but you only saw sadness. Part of you hated this idea, but the other part knew he was right. You'd felt it when you'd been with Future Dean--felt his need for you so strongly it nearly overwhelmed you.
"I love you," you whispered.
"I know, sweetheart. I love you too."
He nodded towards the cabin and gave you a soft smile. You stepped away, knowing you were about to do something that felt both incredibly wrong and incredibly right at the same time.
"Where will you go?"
"I'll hang out with Cas. Don't worry about me, baby."
You nodded and watched him walk away towards Castiel's cabin. You took a deep breath and steeled yourself before turning to the door in front of you.
Future Dean seemed almost surprised to see you as you stepped back into the cabin.
"Hi," you murmured.
"I can't walk away," you whispered. "Not when you're in so much pain."
He looked at you in confusion, unsure of what you were trying to tell him.
You were typically so good with words, but whatever skill you normally had failed you as you looked into his haunted green eyes. There was no way for you to fully understand the emotions he was feeling, no words to explain how desperately you wanted to heal even the smallest fraction of his soul.
You crossed the short distance between you, practically crashing into him as you grabbed the edges of his jacket and pulled him down to you. The kiss surprised him, but he was in no position to pull away--wrong or not, he craved you like a drowning man in need of air.
His arms wrapped around you and pulled you flush against him, holding on for dear life as he deepened the kiss. It felt as if you were both engulfed in flames, every sensation burning you both--scarring you in a way neither of you would ever heal from.
His hands traveled down your back, slipping under your ass to pull you up into his arms. You wrapped your legs around his waist, lips never leaving his.
He carried you to a small room at the back of the cabin and laid you down as gently as he could onto the mattress. There was no bed--simply a mattress on the floor, but there were blankets and a couple pillows, just enough to be comfortable.
Your hands slid inside his jacket, pushing it off his shoulders forcefully. His lips didn't leave yours as he tugged it off and tossed it out of the way. You pulled on his henley, silently begging him to take it off too, a request he immediately complied with.
He had to pull away from you just long enough to tug the shirt over his head, but the action was enough to ground him. As he gazed down at you, his heart clenched in his chest. You were just as beautiful as he remembered, eyes full of love and adoration--an expression he'd missed desperately.
"I love you so much, (Y/N/N)," he said quietly.
Your expression softened slightly, realizing the pain he was feeling--the mixed emotions racing through his veins. "I love you too, Dean. Don't question that for a second."
He closed his eyes for a moment, leaning into the palm of your hand as you reached up to cup his cheek.
"Get out of your head, baby," you murmured. "Focus on me--on this moment--nothing else."
His eyes slowly opened, gaze landing on your face. You began to blush beneath him, his hungry expression heating you from the inside out.
"You're wearing far too much clothing for my taste," he teased, voice low and throaty.
You smirked. "I know you like to rip my clothes off, but these are my only ones--so be gentle."
He groaned, just like you knew he would. Dean was notorious for literally ripping your clothes--he'd ruined more shirts and pants than you cared to admit...not to mention most of your undergarments.
"How 'bout we make a deal?" he murmured.
You hummed in response, so he continued.
"I'll promise not to rip your pants or your underwear, if you're willing to forfeit your shirt."
You looked up at him in surprise. "I don't have another shirt, Dean."
He grinned wolfishly. "But I do."
Realization crossed your features, a small smile curling the corners of your mouth. Before you could respond, he gripped your shirt in his strong hands and tore it right in half, revealing your heaving chest.
"Dean!" you admonished in surprise.
"Sorry, baby--I couldn't wait any longer. You know how impatient I get."
As if to emphasize his impatience, he lowered his mouth to your chest, tugging the cups of your bra down to expose your soft breasts. He groaned loudly before burying his face between them, nipping and sucking at the supple flesh.
You moaned softly, fingers of one hand tangling in the short locks at the base of his skull. Your other hand slipped down his broad back feeling the heated skin beneath the tips of your fingers.
You felt unfamiliar scars, which nearly brought tears to your eyes. You hated the idea of him being hurt--especially if you weren't there to care for him as he healed.
Dean sensed your shift in demeanor and he lifted his head to observe your face. "You okay, baby?"
His soft words brought you back to the present and you offered him a small smile. "New scars," you whispered.
You didn't need to elaborate, he knew exactly what you meant. He could read you just as well as you could read him. "You were there for most of them," he murmured gently.
You relaxed slightly and he sighed before placing a soft kiss to your forehead.
"You know me too well," you remarked.
"You're the love of my life, sweetheart. There's not a damn thing I don't know about you."
Tears pricked at the back of your eyes and you desperately pushed the welling emotions down, choosing instead to focus on the here and now. "I need you, Dean," you whispered. "Desperately."
He had never been one to deny you, and he certainly wasn't going to start now. Besides, his own need was slowly becoming unbearable.
"I'm right here, baby. I'll make you feel so good--I promise."
He wasted no time in removing the rest of your clothing and his own. He wanted to take his time, really feel you, but he knew time was the one thing neither of you had.
"I need to taste you," he whispered into your ear before beginning his descent to your aching pussy.
Some things may have changed in the last five years, but Dean's skills in the bedroom hadn't. The things he could do with his mouth should have been categorized as a crime--his ability to have you screaming and shaking within minutes was still a shock after all this time.
He loved the way you tasted, the way your body reacted to his touch, the pretty sounds you made as he feasted on you. There wasn't a damn thing he didn't love about you, but he had to admit this was in the top five things he missed most about you. The way your body melded with his--two souls intertwining in the most fundamental way, the overwhelming pleasure he could only find in your arms...he'd be a liar if he said he hadn't dreamed of it often in the last three years.
Your nails dug into his biceps as you desperately clung to any part of him you could reach. Your orgasm swept over you seconds later, pulling moans and whimpers from your throat as he continued his assault.
Dean ignored the tugs on his hair, instead holding your hips even more firmly against the mattress as he continued to eat your pussy hungrily. It took mere moments for your whimpers to once again turn to heavy moans of need--your voice hoarse from begging him to keep going.
When your second orgasm crashed into you, your legs shook almost violently against his head, thighs threatening to crush him. He couldn't have been bothered to care--had you actually crushed him in that moment, he would have died a happy man.
He finally relented when you began begging him to give you a moment--just one moment to breathe. He lifted himself up to hover over you, licking his lips happily as he gazed down at you.
"You seem pleased with yourself," you said breathlessly.
"Oh I am." The pride he was feeling practically oozed from his pores. Nothing stroked his ego like making you fall apart over and over again.
You ran your hands up and down his arms in a gentle, soothing manner. He'd always loved the way you touched him--the sweet, loving action something he hadn't been used to before you.
"I love you," he whispered.
You met his gaze and smiled. "All my heart and all my soul, Dean Winchester. Always."
The reply stunned him into a motionless silence. It had been years since he'd heard those words from your lips--he never thought he would be lucky enough to hear them again. In that moment, he felt like his heart had been ripped from his chest, torn apart, and put back together...it hurt like hell, but he wouldn't have traded the moment for anything.
You noticed the change in him and you worried you'd said something wrong. "I'm sorry--"
"Don't apologize," he said immediately. "I just...I haven't heard those words in years and--well, it hit me harder than I thought it would. That was, umm--" he sighed heavily. "It was the last thing you said to me before you died."
His voice was a gravelly whisper, filled with unimaginable pain, and it nearly broke your heart in two. "Dean..." you murmured.
"You have no idea how badly I've wanted to hear those words again--to hear your sweet voice remind me how much you love me. I missed you, sweetheart."
You couldn't have known how he'd react to your statement--hell, you hadn't even thought about it...the words just poured from your mouth like they had countless times before. It didn't matter what year he was from--you loved Dean Winchester with a kind of endless passion that would outlive Death himself.
You knew this experience would change you in ways you couldn't yet comprehend, but you wouldn't change it for anything. At the end of the day, this was Dean, and there was nothing you wouldn't do for him--nothing.
"Make love to me, Dean," you whispered lovingly, eyes bright with desire.
"I could never deny you, (Y/N/N)," he said sweetly. "I won't start now."
He leaned down to kiss you deeply, pulling you back into the warm embrace you craved. As the kiss progressed, your bodies became more entangled, until it was impossible to tell where one of you ended and the other began. It was a feeling you'd only ever felt with Dean, and one you couldn't have explained even if you tried.
After what seemed like an eternity, Dean finally broke the kiss, breathing deeply. "I can't hold back any longer. I need you more than I need to breathe, (Y/N)."
"I'm yours, Dean."
The simple act of giving yourself over to him completely had him wanting to do nothing but worship you until the sun came up again.
He didn't hesitate, didn't overthink--your body was calling to him and he answered it gladly. In one single thrust, he buried himself fully inside you, eliciting sharp groans from you both.
"Fuck, sweetheart--I forgot how incredible you feel," he whispered against your heated skin.
You were breathless and aching, the desire for him to ruin you so overwhelming you couldn't think of anything else. "Move," you pleaded desperately, nails digging into his shoulder blades.
His body mindlessly responded to your pleas, hips setting an almost brutal pace. You both needed this--needed the release that could only come from each other.
You clung to him and he to you, the room filling with the salacious sounds of wet skin against skin and moans of endless pleasure.
"I love the sounds you make when I'm inside you, baby," he groaned. "I fucking missed them so much."
"You feel so good, Dean," you gasped.
"So do you, sweetheart."
And fuck did you feel incredible. He loved you so much and you felt it in every single movement his body made. You hoped he could feel just how much you loved him in return.
"You're the only woman who could ever make me feel like this," he whispered.
You knew exactly what he meant--what he was trying to say. Sex had always been different with you. It had always felt more incredible than with anyone else he'd ever been with. The profound bound the two of you shared made everything better--even sex.
"I never want you to stop," you murmured. "It feels so good."
"Shit," he groaned, your words having more of an affect on him then he'd expected. "Keep talking like that and I'm gonna cum."
"That's what I want, Dean. Want you to fill me up."
He practically growled as he bit down on your collar bone, hips slowing as he tried to regain his composure. "Need you to cum first," he begged.
You rolled your hips against his in response and the sensations he was experiencing snapped whatever remained of his self-control. He grabbed your legs and tugged them flush against his chest and began to pound into you recklessly.
His cock slammed into your g-spot with each thrust, pulling sharp cries of pleasure from your open mouth. Your hands grasped at the blankets beneath you, struggling desperately to find purchase anywhere.
He knew he could get you over the edge this way--he knew your body almost as well as he knew his own. Within a few short minutes, your cries of pleasure turned to screams of his name as one of the most intense orgasms of your life hit you like a tsunami.
Before you could come down from your high, Dean found his own, releasing his seed into your pussy. The contractions of your walls around him milked every last drop of cum from him before he collapsed on top of you, spent and satisfied.
Your arms immediately wrapped around him, holding him tightly against you. You could feel his heart beating rapidly against your chest and you were certain he could feel yours. There was nothing quite like the feeling of being in the arms of the person you love most.
"You're amazing, (Y/N)," he whispered into your neck.
"As are you," you mumbled, pressing your lips into his hair.
He held you almost as tightly as you were holding him and you knew he didn't want to ever let go. Your heart ached for the man in your arms just as much as it ached for the man currently sitting in Castiel's cabin.
Love was the most complicated emotion there was, but this far surpassed any normal situation. Dean Winchester was the love of your life in any time period--past, present, or future. You hated seeing the man you loved in pain and seeing two of him in pain complicated matters beyond belief.
"Where's your head at?" he asked softly.
You chuckled lightly--he really did know you better than anyone else.
"Just thinking about this messed up situation we've found ourselves in."
He sighed quietly. "Don't think on it too much, sweetheart. Zachariah will send you back tomorrow and everything will go back to normal."
"Except for the part where both present and future versions of you want me to leave..."
He lifted his head slowly. "It's too late for me...I'm too far gone, too deeply and madly in love with you to ever push you away. But the Dean from 2009? Yeah he loves you more than he's ever loved another person in his life, but he'll learn to live without you. He has to. Otherwise he'll wake up one day in 2011 without you and he'll feel the way that I do. He'll be forced to live with a hole in his chest that no human being could ever fill, and it'll change him, (Y/N). It'll break him."
Tears streamed down your face as you listened to his words. You knew they were true--knew it was how he was feeling, how he'd felt for years. You didn't want your Dean to feel that pain, but you knew deep in your heart you couldn't walk away. There was no timeline where you could turn your back on the one person that made life worth living...but this Dean didn't need to know that.
"No more talking," you said softly. "Let's just sleep a while."
He nodded and rolled over onto his back, taking you with him. You giggled softly as you nuzzled into his chest, finding comfort in his strong arms.
You awoke to the sound of knocking on the door of the cabin. You felt Dean stir beside you, a grumble of annoyance slipping past his lips. You smiled a little at his moodiness--it was nice to see some things never changed.
You pulled yourself up and got dressed quickly, grabbing a clean henley from the small pile of clothes in the corner. It was much too big on you, but it was all you had thanks to Dean's impatience.
You opened the door of the cabin and found a somewhat sheepish looking Castiel standing on the other side.
"Is, uh, is Dean awake?"
"He mumbled something rather rude when I tried to wake him up, so I let him sleep."
Cas chuckled. "Sounds about right."
"I can wake him if you need him."
Cas looked like he wanted to say no, but knew he couldn't. "Yeah, if you don't mind. We need to start planning for tomorrow if we want this to work. People are starting to talk."
You sighed. "I'll get him up."
You stepped back, leaving the door open as an invitation for Cas to come inside. He chose not to, opting instead to wait on the porch while you went to wake Dean.
"Dean? Sweetheart?" you said gently. "You need to get up."
"Five more minutes," he grumbled.
You laughed and shook him a few times. "Come on, handsome. We've got work to do."
"Fine," he groaned. "Fine."
He sat up slowly, eyes dark with sleep. He looked up at you and you offered him a soft smile, which he instantly returned.
"You're so beautiful."
You blushed. "Get dressed before Cas comes in and sees your naked ass."
"He's probably seen it a couple times by now," he teased as he got up. "Now, where'd you put my pants?"
You laughed. "I think you threw them somewhere over there." You pointed to the other side of the room where a small pile of clothes laid.
He smirked slightly and crossed the room, grabbing his clothes and putting them on quickly.
"What's up, Cas?" he asked gruffly when he came into the main room.
"The team wants to know what's going down tomorrow and uh, past you says we need to start making a plan."
He shot you a look, but you simply shrugged. You weren't at all surprised your Dean wanted to make a plan. He didn't like this whole idea in the first place, so it made sense he would want some kind of plan in place.
"Fine. Gather the team and get them in here."
Cas went off to do as asked. The first person to arrive was your Dean. One look at his handsome face had you rushing to him and wrapping your arms around him. He buried his face in your hair and sighed softly.
"I know this is a little awkward," you said quietly to both Deans as you stepped back.
"Not as much as you would think," your Dean responded.
Future Dean nodded, but remained quiet for a few moments. He fixed your Dean with an intense gaze even you couldn't quite read. "Thank you," he said so softly you almost missed it.
Your Dean nodded his understanding. You realized it really was different for the two of them than it was for you. They were the same man five years apart...they understood each other's thoughts and emotions in a way you never could.
Before you could say anything else, Cas returned with Risa and a couple other people in tow. Risa gave both Deans an odd look before turning her dark gaze to you. You couldn't read her expression, but you felt the jealousy coming off her in waves.
"Well this is about to be uncomfortable," you murmured to your Dean, who just chuckled.
Everyone sat down around the table except for both Deans and yourself. You stood beside your Dean, and you both stood slightly back to give yourselves room to observe everyone.
Risa glared at Future Dean so intensely it made everyone uncomfortable. He gave her a confused look and simply asked, "Why are you pissed at me?"
"Something about you having a connection, but then spending the night in another chick's cabin," your Dean quipped.
You snickered softly, as did Cas. Future Dean shot a glare your way, but you simply shrugged.
"Plus your dead wife is magically not dead, so yeah, I feel some kinda way," Risa grumbled.
"The (Y/N) some of you knew is dead. This one is from 2009--same as him," Future Dean said, gesturing to your Dean. "Now that we've got that out of the way, can we please focus?"
No one dared argue with him.
Future Dean launched into his spiel about killing the devil, revealing the Colt to the other people in the room.
"How do you know it's gonna work?" Risa asked skeptically.
"It's all we've got," Future Dean answered. "We got Lucifer's location from that demon we captured last week. We know where he's gonna be for the first time in years."
"The demon might have lied for all you know," Risa snapped.
"Trust me, he was honest."
Castiel leaned towards Risa. "Dean is very well-versed in the art of getting to the truth."
You inhaled sharply, immediately understanding Castiel's meaning. Your Dean stiffened beside you and you felt the quiet rage simmering beneath the surface.
"Seriously? You went back to torture?" your Dean said angrily.
Future Dean looked at you, a resigned look of sadness on his face. You sighed and placed your hand on your Dean's arm and murmured, "Let it go, Dean."
He caught Future Dean's expression and fell silent again. There was no use arguing about his tactics now.
"Now," Future Dean said as he gestured to the map on the table. "We'll be heading in here."
"That's a hot zone," Cas said. "It's filled with Croats and demons--kinda reckless to just go barging in there don't you think?"
"Are you coming or not?" Future Dean asked, ignoring Cas's objections.
"Of course," Cas responded. "I've gotta ask though, why are they coming?" He nodded his head towards you and your Dean.
"I don't answer to you. Just know that they are coming."
Castiel put his hands up in surrender.
"Why don't you all go get supplies ready and recruit a couple more people," you suggested.
Future Dean nodded his agreement and the others left, leaving you and the Deans alone.
"Now why don't you try that again, but give an honest answer this time," you said sternly, eyes boring into Future Dean's face.
He sighed wearily. "I want you both to see what happened to Sam. Especially you." He pointed to the younger version of himself.
"What do you mean?" your Dean asked. "You said he died in Detroit."
"No, I didn't. I said he didn't make it out."
You exhaled sharply, heart nearly breaking as you realized what he was saying.
Future Dean fixed his gaze on you and you knew your assumption was correct. You instinctively reached out to your Dean in an attempt to ground him--you knew exactly how this information would affect him.
"What's going on?" your Dean asked, looking between you and his doppelgänger.
"He said yes," you whispered.
Future Dean nodded, but your Dean simply looked confused.
"The big yes," Future Dean said tiredly. "Lucifer wore him to the prom."
You gave your Dean a sad look. A flash of pain crossed his handsome features and your heart broke for him. You'd told him back in your time that he needed to forgive Sam--needed to mend their relationship. You didn't realize just how important that mending would be.
"He wouldn't do that," your Dean whispered.
You placed a comforting hand on his arm, but didn't bother to contradict him.
"Well he did," Future Dean snapped. "And when you go back, you need to say 'yes' to Michael. Immediately."
"Absolutely not!" you gasped.
Now it was Dean's turn to comfort you, his hand coming to rest on yours. "She's right. A showdown between Michael and Lucifer would torch half the planet."
"Half a planet is better than no planet," Future Dean insisted.
"If it's such a good idea, why didn't you say yes?" your Dean asked.
"Oh trust me, I tried. But by the time I was ready, the angels had given up and fucked off to wherever they are now."
"There has to be another way," your Dean whispered.
Future Dean fixed you with an expression that made everything clear to you.
"That's why you want me to leave," you began softly. "You know I would never approve of him saying yes to Michael. If I'm not around to influence him, then maybe he'll be foolish enough to say 'yes', right?"
Your Dean looked confused, but Future Dean held your gaze and you knew you were right.
"I really don't want you to die," he said gently. "But I also know exactly what you'll say...and I know the impact your words will have on my choices. Because I already made them."
"You told her to leave me?" your Dean asked slowly. "Even knowing what that'll do to me?"
"You'll both be better off."
"You don't get to make that call," you snapped.
Future Dean sighed and shook his head. "You'll both make your own decisions, but I just want you to have all the facts. Gear up. We move out in 20." With that he walked out the door, leaving you and your Dean alone.
"What if he's right?"
"About saying yes to Michael?" you asked in surprise.
Dean shook his head. "About it being better for you to leave."
You sighed quietly. "He's wrong...about all of it."
"I've seen what losing you did to me--to him...and I'm not sure that's something I can voluntarily experience."
You smiled. "I'm gonna do everything in my power to make sure you never have to."
Dean returned the smile and pulled you in closely. "I love you, (Y/N)."
"I love you too, Dean Winchester. Always."
You were sitting in the backseat of the truck, listening to Cas tell your Dean about becoming human. It was weird for you to see Cas like this, hell he was driving. It was even harder to see how broken he had become and it only made you want to prevent this future even more.
You closed your eyes, desperate to fall asleep--to leave this fucked up, burned out world behind. You wanted to go home--to 2009. There was still time to change the future, to stop any of this from happening. You would give anything to stop it.
You must have fallen asleep because you were awoken by the gentle sound of your Dean's voice telling you it was time to wake up. You opened your eyes, surprised to see it was now light out.
"We're here, baby," he said softly.
You sighed deeply and nodded. You dragged yourself out of the truck and gathered your weapons along with the rest of the group. Your senses immediately told you something was off and one glance at your Dean told you he felt the same.
"Didn't you say this is a hot zone?" you asked Cas softly.
The former angel nodded.
"Then where are all the Croats?"
"Must be in another part of the city," he responded.
You and Dean exchanged a look, neither one of you believing his response.
Nevertheless, you followed the group, searching the rundown city for the building you were going to raid. When you found it, all of your hunter instincts screamed that something was wrong, but this time you weren't the first to voice it.
"Shouldn't there be a shit load of demons out here?" your Dean asked.
Future Dean shrugged. "They must all be inside."
His answer didn't satisfy you one bit, but you kept your mouth shut, choosing instead to observe him closely. The only person who knew Dean better than you was the man himself, which was proven moments later.
"Alright," Future Dean started. "You guys go in through the second story window. The three of us will sneak around back."
Risa looked more than a little concerned with the game plan. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"
She glanced over at Cas, who clearly agreed with her worry.
"Trust me, okay? They'll never see us coming," Future Dean assured them.
"Can I talk to you for a second?" your Dean said firmly, his words more a statement than a question.
Future Dean sighed, but stepped off to the side to speak with the two of you.
"You're lying to them," your Dean said lowly. "Don't deny it--I know your lying expressions, I've seen them in the mirror."
Future Dean sighed in annoyance and your Dean threatened to tell the team about his concerns, but Future Dean stopped him.
"I know it's a trap, alright? I'm not an idiot. They'll go in the front door and create a distraction while I sneak around the back."
"You're sacrificing your team?" you asked incredulously.
"They're your friends! And Cas? Come on, man--this isn't you," your Dean added.
"My inability to make the tough decisions is what got us here in the first place. Look around you--this is the end of everything," Future Dean growled. "It's my job to kill Lucifer and save what's left of this planet, so that's what I'm going to do."
"I can't let you do that," your Dean argued.
Instead of engaging in further discussion, Future Dean jabbed the butt of his gun into your Dean's head, knocking him unconscious instantly.
"Dean!" you yelled, unsure if you were calling for yours or yelling at the Future version.
"I have to do this, (Y/N)," he said softly. "I need you to understand."
Tears welled in your eyes. "I understand why you believe that, but I don't agree. It's not who you are, Dean...the man I fell in love with would never sacrifice the people he loves--not for anything."
Future Dean looked down at the ground in silence. When he lifted his head again, his face was hard--a mask of non-emotion.
"I'm doing what needs to be done," he said firmly. "Stay with him and stay out of the way."
You wanted to reason with him, but you knew there was no point in trying. Yes, he was still Dean, but you knew you would never be able to change his mind. He'd made his choices and he'd had to live with them. Now, he was just trying to make up for all the mistakes he believed he'd made.
"Go," you whispered.
He nodded and moved back to join the others. You watched everyone but Dean head to the front of the building, a feeling of sorrow weighing on your heart.
"Dean," you called softly, prompting him to turn to look at you. "Don't die."
He gave you the smallest of smiles and nodded before running towards the back of the building.
You dropped to your knees and shook your Dean firmly. "Dean, wake up!"
After a few minutes, he groaned and his eyes fluttered open. "Fuck," he mumbled.
"Hey!" You helped him into a sitting position. "You okay?"
"My head's killing me."
"He hit you pretty hard," you said gently.
The sound of gunfire urged him to his feet. "We gotta go."
You nodded and let him grab your hand as the two of you ran to the back of the building. You arrived to a terrifying scene--Future Dean was lying on the ground and a man in a white suit stood above him, his foot firmly on Dean's neck.
Future Dean made eye contact with you seconds before his neck snapped and the life left his face.
"No!" you screamed.
Your Dean grabbed you, pulling you back to keep you from rushing forward. Watching Dean die felt like having your own heart ripped out of your chest--it was a feeling you hoped you'd never have to relive.
The man turned around in surprise and your breath caught in your chest. Objectively, you'd known it was Lucifer--you'd known he'd be in Sam's body--but there was nothing quite like seeing it in person.
Dean instinctively pushed you behind him, putting his body protectively in front of yours.
"Dean, (Y/N)," Lucifer greeted calmly. "It's a surprise to see you here--especially since I killed you three years ago and well..." he looked down at Future Dean's body with a nonchalant shrug. "It must be a shock to see your brother like this."
"Why don't you just kill me now and get it over with?" Dean asked angrily.
"Well that would be redundant. I'll kill your lovely wife three years before I kill you," he said simply. "We will always end up here, Dean. This is the way our story ends."
"Deep-frying the planet and murdering billions of people? What a shitty story," Dean snapped.
Lucifer started to rant about loving God too much and being punished for it...but you'd stopped listening. You could feel the pain rolling off your sweet Dean in waves. You knew what he was thinking--he'd failed his brother and in doing so, destroyed the world.
"I'm not falling for that sympathy-for-the-devil crap!" Dean yelled, pulling you back to the present. "The only difference between you and the monsters I've hunted my whole life is the size of your ego."
If the situation had been different, you probably would have laughed. Dean's fearlessness was something you both loved and admired about him. What's more, you agreed with his sentiment.
Lucifer simply smiled. "I like you, Dean. I can see what the other angels see in you." His gaze landed on you and you felt the rage boiling under your skin. "No hard feelings, (Y/N). Your death was a means to an end--it broke what little humanity your precious Dean had left in him. It's what led us to this moment."
Lucifer turned to walk away, but Dean called after him. "You better kill me now or I won't stop until I find a way to kill you."
Lucifer's smile was cruel. "I know you'll try Dean, but I also know you'll never say 'yes' to Michael, and you'll never kill Sam. No matter what choices you make or details you change, your wife will die in 2011 and you and I will always end up right here."
"You're wrong," Dean whispered, eyes filling with pained tears.
You touched his arm gently, reminding him he wasn't alone. He leaned into your touch, but remained steadfastly in front of you--guarding you with every ounce of strength he had.
"I'll see you in two years, (Y/N)," Lucifer said with a condescending smile. "And I'll see you in five, Dean."
Before either of you could say a word, Lucifer vanished, leaving the two of you alone.
"Dean..." you whispered softly.
He turned to you, his expression full of agony. You reached for him just as Zachariah appeared and placed a hand against each of your foreheads, zapping you back to the hotel room in Kansas City, circa 2009.
Both of you turned to face the offending angel, anger your primary emotion in the moment.
"Now you know what's going to happen," Zachariah said, cutting off any rant either of you could start. "Your only option is to say 'yes' to Michael, otherwise billions of people are going to die."
"How do we know that wasn't just another one of your tricks?" you snapped.
"The time for tricks is over," Zachariah stated. "Saying 'yes' to Michael is the only way you can save the world--save (Y/N)--save your brother.
Dean turned to you, his face full of anguish. It made your heart clench in your chest and you worried for a moment he'd changed his mind.
"Nah," Dean said to Zachariah, jaw set in a firm line.
You smirked a little, watching Zachariah's facial expression turn to shock.
"Are you telling me you haven't learned your lesson?"
"Oh I learned my lesson," Dean countered. "Just not the one you wanted to teach me."
Zachariah stepped towards Dean menacingly. You instinctively stepped forward, more than willing to fight the angel to protect the man you loved. Dean placed a gentle hand on yours to let you know he wasn't scared.
"I have you exactly where I want you," Zachariah began. "I'm going to teach both of you a lesson until you get it through your thick skulls. Neither of you are going anywhere until you say 'yes'."
Dean's grip on your hand tightened and his mouth opened to give some sort of retort when you suddenly found yourself standing on the side of a highway. Dean's hand was still wrapped tightly around yours and a slightly confused Castiel stood a few feet in front of you.
"Excellent timing, Cas," Dean said in relief.
"We had an appointment," Cas stated matter-of-factly.
You chuckled softly and stepped forward to wrap the angel in a hug. He was slightly surprised by your actions, but he didn't pull away.
Dean placed a firm hand on Castiel's shoulder and offered him another smile. "Don't ever change."
You and Dean launched into the story of the last few days for you, and Castiel listened quietly.
"How did Zachariah find you?"
"Long story," Dean muttered. "But let's just stay away from Jehovah's Witnesses in the future."
You chuckled again and rolled your eyes affectionately.
Dean pulled out his phone and started to dial a number.
"What are you doing?" Cas asked.
"Something I should have done in the first place."
You smiled, knowing exactly what he was doing...and who he was calling. You were proud of him and you voiced the sentiment as soon as you were alone.
"Thanks, babe. Turns out you were right all along."
You grinned. "I'm always right."
Dean chuckled and rolled his eyes. "Alright sweetheart, calm down." His voice was light and teasing and it warmed you straight down to your soul.
"I love you, you dork."
He smiled and squeezed your hand. "I love you too."
You were both quiet for several minutes, just watching the road as Dean sped towards your next destination.
"It's still the apocalypse," Dean said suddenly.
"Mhmm," you hummed quietly.
"So you know...the world might still end."
"Hopefully not."
"Agreed, but I'm thinking maybe we should get married."
"What?" you said in shock.
Dean shrugged. "I'm just saying...you're my everything and I want everyone to know you're mine. Besides, if this world really does end, there's no one I wanna be with but you."
"You know, normally the guy gets down on one knee."
Dean chuckled. "I can do that as soon as I stop the car."
You laughed. "Typically there's a ring too."
He grinned. "Don't worry baby--I'll buy you a big diamond ring."
You smiled and grabbed his hand, squeezing it gently. "I don't really need a ring, Dean--and I don't need you to get down on one knee. If you're serious about it, then hell yeah--let's get married."
Dean looked at you hopefully. "I'm dead serious, babe."
You touched his cheek with a smile. "Then let's get married."
He looked at the straight stretch of road ahead, not a car in sight. He leaned over and kissed you quickly, the affectionate gesture expressing his emotions better than any words he could have said.
When he pulled back to face the road, you leaned across the seat and placed a soft kiss to his cheek. Your voice was low as you said the words that had become a mantra in your relationship, "All my heart and all my soul, Dean Winchester. Always."
His smile warmed your entire body--inside and out. It had been weird hearing Future Dean call you his wife...but your Dean proposing to you now, it just felt right.
You rode the rest of the way in a happier mood than you'd felt in a long time. Dean's mood was lighter too, but you both knew it wouldn't last. There was still a lot of darkness to come, but you were both determined to make sure there were happy moments. After all, love was one of the things that made life worth living.
A short time later, you sat on the trunk of the Impala, watching the man you loved apologize to his brother. You smiled warmly as you watched them, overjoyed at the steps they were both taking to make amends.
Dean turned towards you and waved you over. You hopped down and crossed the short distance, passing Dean to wrap Sam in a tight hug. The much larger man returned the gesture, the tension easing from his body.
"Glad to have you back, Sammy," you said as you stepped back.
"Thanks, (Y/N/N)."
"We're getting married," Dean said suddenly.
Sam's eyes widened in shock and you nearly laughed at Dean's sudden admission.
"End of the world and all that," Dean said sheepishly.
You chuckled and Sam expressed his congratulations.
"No matter what happens," you said softly. "We have each other--all three of us."
Both Winchesters nodded their agreement and Dean slipped his arm around you to pull you close.
"To hell with fate," Dean stated. "From now on, we make our own future."
You leaned into him with a smile, appreciating the sentiment more than you would have just a few days prior. At the end of the day, all you had was each other and the love that bonded all of you together. None of you knew exactly what the future held, but you'd be damned if you didn't fight for a future worth living for.
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hitomisuzuya · 1 year
can i request a somno smut with fem reader and scaramouche who had a wet dream about breeding reader?? (CONSENSUAL OFCOURE ❤️❤️)
I love you btw and feel free to ignore this ❤️❤️HAVE A GOOD DAY
Scaramouche x fem!reader Smut. Somnophilia. Breeding kink
🥺🥺Thank you so much, and thank you for waiting. Consensual is always how we roll on this blog.
With a growl of lust, Scaramouche's fingers tightened on your thighs as he held them apart, groaning at he felt his cock push deep inside of you. A white ring had formed around his cock from many times he had cummed inside of you, continuing to pound into you no matter times you creamed on his cock.
"Beg for me to cum inside of you again," He groaned, his hips snapping into yours. Your eyes rolled into your back of your head, feeling his cock kiss deep against your sweet spot.
"Pl-please, Scara, cum inside of me again! You whimpered, your fingernails digging into his back. You could do nothing but lay limp underneath him, clinging to him as you feebly tried to rock your hips up to met his thrusts, moaning and crying about how good his cock was making you feel.
Hissing in pleasure, he could feel his orgasm approaching with every throb of his cock.
Scaramouche's eyes snapped open. His heart was pounding, his cock incredibly hard when he came to the realization he'd been dreaming about breeding you so thoroughly that his cum wouldn't stop leaking out of your cunt.
He looked at your sleeping form curled up on your side next to him. His writhing about in his sleep had caused the blanket to come off of some. Fresh bruises and bite marks littered your body.
You'd fallen into a deep sleep, exhausted from his aggressively passionate lovemaking during the night.
He didn't want to wake you up, but he was really horny and he wanted you really bad. You had told him that he could touch you or fuck you while you were asleep, so he wasted no time helping himself to you.
Scaramouche grinded his hard cock against your backside, his fingers dipping between your folds to rub your clit and glide along your cunt to make you wet. You moaned softly in your sleep. He could never get enough of how well you reacted to him, even when you slept.
When he couldn't stand the throbbing of his cock anymore, he lined it up with the entrance of your cunt. Burying his face into your neck to muffle his husky groans as his cock slowly sank inch by inch between your warm, wet walls.
Putting his arms around you, he held you against him, thrusting sloppily into your cunt. He meant to keep his thrusts controlled and gentle, but quick, harsh snaps of his hips occured when your walls clamped tight around his cock.
Scaramouche couldn't help himself. A fragile, delicate little thing like you deserved nothing less than to be filled full of his cum whenever he could.
You were starting to make the cutest noises and whimpers in your sleep. Even a few soft sobs of pleasure the deeper his cock pushed into you.
It was always so erotic to him how deep he could go. With how aroused he had been when he woke up, and from his sloppy, inconsistent pace, it didn't take him long to cum inside of you.
Scaramouche moaned, muffled into your neck, keeping his cock inside of you for a moment before pulling out.
One more time, he thought, scooping some of his cum onto his fingers, pushing it back inside of you before lining his cock up with your entrance again. He would cum inside of you one more time before he woke you up and filled you fuller.
2K notes · View notes
How bout angel dust, Verosika and Alastor with a puppy hybrid s/o? Like, they have puppy ears and tail and has some dog like tendencies?
For example: they love to bite and play with dog toys,they bark and growl, they LOVE headpats and being called "good boy/girl"
You can remove 2 characters if it's too much.
"Good Puppy!" ; Alastor, Angel Dust, Verosika Mayday
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I'll be honest here: I have no idea how you got this to happen, because this man absolutely HATES dogs, and therefore hated you when he first met you. And he's honestly quite possibly the worst one to be with as a puppy hybrid.
He was exceptionally cruel, calling you a "mangey mongrel", a "rabid mutt", and just about any cruel name for a dog under the sun.
Will try to make you act more human. He'd despise your dog features. Dogs remind him of his death, and that's something he'd rather not deal with.
If you've managed to start dating him, he'll be slightly more polite, but still make his distaste for those features very apparent to you.
"S/O, must you constantly be wiggling that furry abomination?"
It isn't that he means to be mean, but, well, in some primal way, you scare him, and he doesn't know how to cope with feeling that helpless.
If you growl or bark at him, you will ROYALLY piss him off, and he will actually need to leave to avoid either lashing out at you or having a mental breakdown.
Fortunately, with enough time and patience, he will eventually calm down and begin to regard you as safe, and not someone he needs to fear. Then he'll become noticeably kinder to you.
"Well, aren't you just a dandy little pup! Excited to see me, hm? Such a good boy/girl~."
He may have started off cold, but he's trying to be better for you now.
He isn't sure how he feels about dog toys and the like, but hey, he's a literal cannibal and serial killer, who is he to judge? As long as you're having fun.
Eventually, he'll begin to give you those headpats you so crave, realizing how happy it makes you. He can stand a bit of discomfort for your sake.
But seriously... please don't bark or growl at him, he still doesn't like the moment of panic he's forced to feel when that happens.
He wouldn't do it to you, so don't do it to him. That's his one boundary with your dog-like behavior/appearance.
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Oh boy. He'd be the one constantly flirting and teasing you for your traits, but in a loving (and very NSFW) manner.
"What's with the tail, Ears? Got a pet play kink or somethin'?"
When he finds out you ACTUALLY enjoy being called a good boy, that actually sets off every single one of his teasing instincts.
Every single day, you'll hear a joke about you having a praise kink, purely because it makes Angel laugh.
But he's only teasing, of course. If you actually tell him you're uncomfortable, of course he'll stop. The last thing he wants is for you to feel uncomfortable with him.
He'll also get you dog toys and chew toys if you find them fun!
And his absolute favorite thing to do is pet your ears and ruffle your tail, especially if they're as fluffy as his chest is! He finds the sensation soothing.
If you growl at him, chances are he'll growl back at you just to mess with you.
Or he'll make a claw motion and do the little "rawr~" thing because he finds it amusing how you react when you don't know how to respond to something.
He'll also definitely tease you if your tail ever wags.
"That a tail or are ya just happy ta see me, baby boy~?"
He's a tease but... very sweet. Toward you, at least.
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At first, she didn't really see the appeal of dating a puppy hybrid. She treats Vortex like a guard dog, and she initially expected you to be the same.
But of course, who could resist a cute puppy? She quickly warmed up to you, finding you absolutely adorable. Whereas Verosika is sultry and seductive, you were cute and innocent, and she loved that about you.
She'd often find herself petting your head and telling you what a good boy/girl you were, seemingly without actually consciously meaning to. She just couldn't resist, the puppy eyes were too much for her!
"Aww, S/O! Such a good boy/girl! Who's my good boy/girl? You are! Yes you are!"
Yeah, even after you start dating, that doesn't change. She still calls you that, but her affections now run even deeper.
As in, she buys you a LOT of dog toys. A lot. She doesn't know why you love them so much, but she knows she wants you to be happy, because you absolutely deserve it.
She's also greatly amused whenever you bark or growl, but shh, don't tell anyone. That isn't part of her persona!
Sometimes, when you're cuddling, she'll wrap her tail around yours and slowly wag them both, since she knows it both stimulates you and expresses affection.
She'd also probably use your barking and growling to her advantage to scare people she doesn't like off. Nine times out of ten, it works. Dogs can be pretty scary when they're not being friendly actively, and puppies are no different.
"That was amazing, S/O. You really know how to scare a little bitch off!"
You didn't really mean to scare anyone, but you were happy Verosika was happy.
She did send that person an apology note at your insistence, though, luckily.
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madl-y · 1 month
✧. ┊— asking all the time (about what I should do)
3 times you and Togame ask another person for advice on what to do with your feelings (oblivious to the fact that said feelings are reciprocated), and the 1 time you asked each other instead.
sypnosis - You and Togame struggled on what to do with the realization that the both of you have feelings for each other. In result, some members of Furin and Shishitoren end up having to give advice. (Even though most of them suck at it.)
> this is f! reader, sorry for the gn readers out there.. also, beware of spelling and grammar mistakes :"D I am weak in vocab and just started writing again so I tend to repeat the same words and phrases and expressions so.. yeah :"c
> so uhh,, guess who got into windbreaker??!! (if you couldn't tell by the amount of reblogs of togame...)
> fluffy fluff! and some crack? hopefully not too ooc! :"D pls enjoy hihi :DD (sparkle banners were made by me.. they kinda suck)
> not proofread !!
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"Haaah..?! W-Why would you think I'd–!"
If Togame wasn't feeling a dillema at the moment, he'd be teasing Sakura with the way he reacted so flustered by asking a simple advice on what he should do.
"Y-You crazy or something?! Do I look like I'm the type to..!" Sakura grumbled in irritation and helplessness as he flushed in embarrassment immensely at the way Togame mentioned how he wanted to date you.
For some reason, Togame decided Sakura was one of the people he should ask advice on how to ask you out.
"Hmm..? Have you never experienced having a crush?" Togame curiously stared at Sakura, tilting his head. Speaking and moving with his usual slowed tempo.
If Togame thought Sakura couldn't be more red in the face—
"H-HUH?! AND IF I HAVEN'T?!" Sakura banged his hands on the metal rail on the rooftop. Yelping and cursing in pain while the heat spread until his neck.
—clearly, Togame was wrong.
He chuckled at Sakura, "Aww, how pure." His grin turning to a slight smirk and dodged the incoming plastic wrapper aimed to his head.
"You wanna take this outside, bastard?!" The youngest growled in annoyance while pointing down to the open area of Shishitoren's base. While Sakura's threat was usually lighthearted, (even though he is ready to brawl), it wouldn't fool anybody with how embarrassed he is.
Togame brought a hand up to his neck as he thought of his situation with you. "Well, I've never felt this way before." He started, glancing away while staring at the sun that was slowly setting. An orange hue covered the sky which made the scenery much more beautiful.
You always love the view of the sky from the rooftops of Shishitoren.
Togame loves it too. But he prefers it if he's with you.
"Even the sky from here reminds me of her too. It feels so unfamiliar, but..." The marble of the ramune bottle clinks softly against the glass. Sakura felt another heat rise to his cheeks but kept quiet.
Togame smiled in thought, "I don't think I dislike it." He continued. Inhaling deeply before a frown slowly formed. Showing his usual nonchalant look that everyone is so familiar with but Sakura could see the emotions hidden in his eyes.
Togame's shoulder slumped in defeat, "I'm afraid I might say the wrong things again." His mind briefly flash to when Choji's eyes loose that sparkle.
He didn't want a repeat of that from Choji. They're getting better, Choji and him.
But he doesn't think he'll handle losing you unintentionally.
He heard Sakura click his tongue. "...I think you're just overthinking it."
Togame blinked slowly, his mouth parted slightly in surprise. Sakura, despite the flaming heat on his cheeks, shoved his hands in his pocket and continued. "If you really... l-like.. her.." Sakura cleared his throat, "t-then I don't you should have much of a problem in.. you know."
Togame watched in amusement as Sakura's hands flailed helplessly.
"You know..! Saying what you really wanna say or somethin'. You'd give your all in thinking about it, and the fact that you're worried.. I mean.." Sakura found it really hard to compose the proper words that he wanted to convey in his mind. He's doesn't have that flowery language like Suo does, or the straight forward but kind advice like Nirei.
He groaned in annoyance as he shaked his head and pointed at Togame. "You know what I mean!"
Sakura could feel steam blowing out of his ear from sheer want to crawl in a tunnel and never want to have this kind of conversation again.
"Plus, from what I know, she's a pretty understanding person. So.." Sakura sighed and gave Togame a shaky thumbs up while looking away.
"...Y-You got this.." Togame could see the redness in Sakura's ears. He smiled in appreciation.
"You really suck at giving advice, you know."
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Out of all people you didn't expect to find out who you like—
"So it is Kame-chan! You like Kame-chan!! You're so obvious!" Choji grinned delightfully as he finally managed to make you indirectly confess who you have feelings for.
"You like Kame-chan! You like Kame-chan!" He bounced around you with his arms up in the air while giggling.
—you really, really, did not expect for Choji to actually be the first one to bring it up.
"Choji.." You sighed in exasperation.
Thankfully, Choji stopped going around in circles (literally) before sending you a sheepish smile. "I'm glad to know you're one of the people who really cares about him."
You thought the sun was bright, but damn Choji's smile is brighter that you couldn't help but smile back embarrassedly.
"I mean.. I do.." You scratched the back of your neck.
"Then you're gonna confess?!"
You dropped your water bottle in surprise. Choji watching as you jump in pain as the bottle hit your toes.
"I-! I don't know?!" You grimaced at the confusion in Choji's face. "Why not?" He tilt his head. A small pout forming on his lips.
"Because!" You flailed.
"Because?" Choji parroted.
"BECAUSE!" You stomp your foot in stubborness. Choji couldn't help but flinch at the sudden outburst, yet that grin of his stayed.
Silence ensued the two of you. You, looking off to the side as you crossed your arms, brows pinched together while your heart kept pounding loudly at the idea of merely confessing to Togame.
Choji, who still has that grin, yet displays a confused expression, a drop of sweat forming on back of his head.
He thinks that when it comes to you confessing, its no doubt that it's hopeless.
For now.
Choji sighed, deciding to take pity in you, and pat your back in condolences. He smiled reassuringly after meeting your eyes.
"I don't think you should be worrying too much." He says with full confidence, and usually that alone gets you to either calm down or feel better.
Instead, you felt your chest getting heavier, feeling dejected as your body seemed to subtly slumped over.
Of course, Choji still has that confusing smile.
"Easy for you to say.." You whined softly.
You heard a snicker beside you, whipping your head to his direction offendedly.
"Sorry, sorry!" The shorter one couldn't help but laugh, "It's just that, it is easy for me to say. I know Kame-chan well!"
You blinked at the sudden sparkles in his eyes as he grabbed you shoulders, "And I know you too! You're a wonderful person." He said sincerely.
Choji gave you one last pat in the shoulder and turned to go ahead where the members of Shishitoren were calling for him. He looked over his shoulder, giving you that smile that you always appreciated.
"Besides, knowing Kame-chan, everything will be alright!"
You watched dazedly as he hopped off joyfully to join his members.
"...That doesn't help!" You thought.
You prayed to whatever god out there, that Choji keeps his mouth shut and doesn't screw everything up.
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Again, you wondered how in the hell is it that you ended up being found out just from your emotions alone.
"SO IT IS LIKE THAT! Ha! You're such an open book, you know?"
The spoon in your hand that's filled with omurice starts to shake, some if the rice and eggs slightly splatter on the counter.
"HEY! I just cleaned that." Kotoha complained while you still had to process how Kotoha just knew from your expression alone.
"How did you even know?!" I whined while slamming the spoon on the plate.
Kotoha rolled her eyes, "Duh, who else, aside from Sakura, always wears their heart on their sleeves? Plus, you weren't subtle at all with all the 'what ifs' and, I quote 'just a hypothetical situation that relates to my friend' bullshit." She said, creating quotation marks in the air.
You've never felt this called out in your life.
You had to clench your chest with your hand as you felt like arrows just pierced right through them. Kotoha smirking at you as she placed a cup of water on the counter.
"Well, back on the matter at hand. You're asking if you should confess, right?" She sighed, bringing her hands up in her hair while removing her hairtie and leaned on the counter.
You felt her calculating gaze (she does that more often than you realize) while you felt so exposed and flustered.
"I mean, I really did not expect that someone, especially an outsider, managed to befriend Shishitoren's leader and second in command." You watch as Kotoha smiled before patting your head. "But again, it is you. I guess I was worried for nothing when you said who had a part time job in Shishitoren's turf."
"For the most part, I didn't expect it either." You sighed while midlessly picking around the plate. Ignoring the scolding from Kotoha as she noticed the way you put aside the carrots.
"But here's the real question, do you want to confess?"
You paused, the spoon in your hand went still as submerged in the omurice further. The question really got you thinking.
...It's only recently that you realized you like Togame.
You recalled breifly the way, right at the time you recently got a part-time job in Shishitoren's turf. Right when you were serving as a waiter, one of the customers acted so rudely in fron of you, yet you had to be professional.
It was then when Togame stepped in and settle things down. Well.. he did it rather threateningly.
Once you spotted him again on your way to your job, you thanked him by providing a huge discount, yet he declined it.
You were mesmerized with his smile as he assured you and was quick to decline. He was so much different than when he practically slammed the asshole on the table.
Just then, you got acquainted with Choji who soon frequented the restaurant you served in. He was surprised, yet delighted to know that Togame has "made a new friend!".
The three of you started hanging out.
The grip of your spoon tightened as you tried to calm yourself down. Feeling another wave of heat spread across your cheeks while also pondering on the question Kotoha asked.
Do you really...
You met Kotoha's eyes as she patiently waited for your answer.
You tried to imagine it, you confessing.
Togame and you talking about random things, the wind and the bright hues of the sunset you two were fascinated to look at settled over you two like a comfortable blanket at the rooftop of Shishitoren.
Togame handing over a bottle of ramune, opening it for you like always does.
And finally, you confess.
Your bring up how you appreciated him, and its not just a simple 'I appreciate you', no.
The way you tell him how you find joy whenever he remembers the little things that you brought up in past conversations. How you find yourself being calm whenever you look into his eyes, despite the chaos ringing in the battlefield he and Choji are in, because some guys can't handle the word no.
He is like a blanket, despite his big build and packed muscle. Like a blanket, not because its soft and fluffy, but he fills you with warmth with how much he cares and how gentle he is.
And his smile.
You tell him, you appreciate his smile. It looks good on him, of course, but also because its the first thing that comes to your mind when you think of him. Of Togame Jo, the second in command of Shishitoren.
Togame Jo, the first person you've fallen for.
Despite all that, the reality of rejection weighed on you like a boulder that's hanging over your head.
You finally speak, "...Maybe not, afterall."
Kotoha pursed her lips, just by seeing the sad look on your face, she knows already what you're thinking.
She knows that if she pushes the subject further, you'll be more inclined to either stick with what you said or change the subject.
The door to the entrance rang, making you snap back to reality as customers enter.
"Finish your omurice." Kotoha reminded, before going off to handle the new customers.
She subtly glances at your direction and sighs, "Really, why is she so dense?"
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Togame couldn't help the slight raise on the corner of his mouth as Sako sputtered in his drink.
"W-What? That's what you want to ask me about..?!"
This is really reminding him of his last conversation with Sakura. Are all the people he knows are just bad with romance advice?
"What? What did you expect me to talk to you about?" Togame leaned back on the wall as he glanced at the side where other Shishitoren members were talking and having fun with each other out in the sun.
He and Sako were under roofed building, where he called Sako over to talk about something important.
"When you said 'something important', I thought it meant something related to Shishitoren or something.." Sako sighed while fanning himself as the heat of the sun became hotter than usual.
("You're wearing a turtleneck in this heat?" Togame pointed out.
"It's thin." Sako glared the ground.)
"But I am part of Shishitoren." Togame grinned.
"You know what I mean..!" Sako grumbled in reply.
Sako seethed in irritation (although lighthearted) while Togame just grinned and chuckled.
"Why are you even asking me this? Isn't Tomiyama-san better to ask about..." Sako waved his hand uncertainly, "..you know, you and her?"
"Ah well, I believe you're one of the closest members that she's interacted with. And Choji..." Togame drifted off, watching Tomiyama saying something enthusiastically to the other members.
Very enthusiastic, seeing as how he's jumping everywhere.
"I don't think Choji's really good to ask these kinds of stuff. Plus, I think you're a cool guy."
"That doesn't make any sense!" Sako bit his tongue to refrain from retorting, his forehead and eyebrows are twitching.
He huffed and looked away, crossing his arms. "We just talk sometimes, that's all." Sako recalled the times you had talked to him energetically while treating the minor wounds after a scuffle.
Afterwards, you realized how much he liked visiting cafes, and that the both of you had similar tastes. Every chance you get, you recommended him some good cafes that you know about and he'd give his feedback later on.
Later on, the group jokes about how Sako is being pampered with sweets.
(The teasing continues despite the attempted murders from Sako.)
"Why are you concerned though? Doesn't look to me that if you confess it's going downhill." Sako raised a brow in curiousity.
And honestly speaking, he actually thought at least one of you had confessed already.
But color him surprise that their second in command is asking for advice related to crushes.
"There's a possibility though, especially when she doesn't feel the same."
...He's got to be kidding.
Sako scrunched his face trying to see if Togame is joking or not.
Said man looks down slightly dejected.
...Oh boy.
If someone were to tell Sako that you're dense as a rock, he wouldn't be surprised. (The amount of times some Shishitoren members tried to flirt with you ended up being a laughing stock with the way you misinterpreted it.)
"Especially.. you know, if I might say the wrong things. Wouldn't wanna scare her or somethin'." Togame continued finally looking at Sako–
He blinked at the way the younger member stared at him like he grew multiple heads.
Sako didn't actually think Togame was dense as well, seeing how he's able to easily tease a lot of people.
"Hm? Sako?" Togame waved a hand in front of Sako.
The younger blinked and grit his teeth, "YOU'RE HOPELESS!"
Togame stared in surprise as he watched Sako stomp away with his arms crossed. Its rare that Sako raises his voice like that.
He sighed, slowly sliding down the wall as he sat on the ground. "At least Sakura gave some form of encouragement.."
Togame sat there for a while.
Maybe Sako's not wrong afterall.
He thought of the way your hands fits his whenever he guides you around.
Or when you cup his cheek so endearingly that if he tried so hard to not blush at the contact, yet the act of you worrying about him gets him flustered anyways. (He's just good at composing himself.)
Or that time he wanted you all by himself just because other members in Shishitoren were delighted by your presence as you started hanging around them more often.
He thinks about you. Your smile, your patience, the way you're so easy to tease which gets him the most satisfying and adorable expressions from you.
And of course, he thinks about the idea of you being his.
...Yeah, Sako's definitely right in calling him hopeless.
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"KAME-CHAN! UME-CHAN IS HEEERE!" Choji's loud voice rang throughout the building that even people inside the abandoned theater could hear.
Togame sat up in intrigue. What's the top of Furin doing here again?
He scratched his head while yawning. Fortunately, he got a good amount of rest from the short nap he took.
Togame wanted to isolate himself for a while just to think about what he's gonna do with his feelings for you. Let alone the idea of wanting to be yours.
He realized he dozed off, it was still a good nap though.
Standing up while patting his pants from the dust, he walked and looked over the metal rail trying to see Choji and Umemiya.
He blinked when they're not there—
—He nearly stumbled right into the metal bars as ghe door to the rooftop slammed open. Revealing an excited Choji holding take out bentos on each hand, with Umemiya also holding takeout inside plastic bags.
The two were practically sparkling.
"Choji, don't be too loud." Togame lightly scolded. Rubbing his temples while trying to ease the incoming headache that he felt starting from his neck.
He should really be much more aware of his sleeping positions.
"Now, now," Umemiya chuckled, walking right towards Togame and brought his arm around Togame's shoulders. Choji followed right after and tugged on the left arm of Togame's. "Let's get this party started!" Umemiya cheered excitingly, as he and Choji pulled the 'just-awoke-from-a-nap-Togame' towards the floor.
Man, maybe he should've continued sleeping.
The three continued to set up their spontaneous low-budget picnic area. Dragging used cardboards and setting up the foods before they sat down. Choji and Umemiya talking and having fun while Togame stood quiet yet smiling at the atmosphere.
Finally, they were ready to eat.
"Thank you for the meal!" Umemiya yelled, the three of them clapped their hands together while giving thanks.
"Ah, it's been a while since we've had this!" Umemiya hummed while munching on the fried tonkatsu.
"You bet! At least the weather isn't too hot this time around." The leader of Shishitoren munched on the bread that Umemiya brought, eyes sparkling at the taste.
"Why do you guys have the best breads?!"
"Well, we just do!" Choji and Umemiya grinned while stuffing their mouths full. Talking about whatever that came to their minds. Togame, who's more on the introverted side, continued to listen. Talking whenever Choji or Umemiya ask for his opinion.
"See! I told you lemon juice is better drinking in the heat!" Argued Choji, glaring half-heartedly at Umemiya who is quick to counter. Saying something like "apple juice is much better and is the classic!"
Honestly, Togame wasnt really listening.
Instead, he was focused on his phone. Staring at the cute picture of you petting a stray cat that you found.
You weren't in the picture, but still.
The cat is cute too.
"This cat kinda looks like you. Very fluffy fur with green eyes." seen.
Togame chuckled, deciding whether to reply or not (he is lazy like that) until another message was sent.
"And looks very sleepy and lazy." seen. reacted with a thumbs down
He refrained from smiling, not wanting to get caught and to distract the other two from their "fun" debate. Togame wouldn't know what to do if Choji, much less Umemiya, ask why did he look so giddy all of a sudden.
He did that mistake more times than he can count with Choji. Smiling whenever you're there. Even if it was something that's stupid, he finds it adorably stupid. Then out of nowhere, Choji would point out that Togame's smiling more than usual, and Togame didn't notice he was doing it afar like a love-struck idiot.
It was a good thing Choji's easy to convince.
Togame huffs while putting the phone in his pocket. He usually doesn't reply to messages (he never does) but he'll be sure to give you a light scolding for your message the next time you visit Shishitoren.
It was then that Togame was once again reminded of his feelings for you. He's still undecided on what he should do.
One would think that they should confess just to get over it. If the person you like returns the same feelings, then good for them. If not, then they'll either move on and try to remain friends.
Togame knows you're an understanding person. A trait that he likes about you, which made him spill some of his worries from time to time. When you're the one who's having troubles, he's there to listen as well.
Still, deep down he knows he'll get hurt at the chance of you rejecting him.
He also doesn't know what to do if there's someone else that manages to capture your heart. You, someone he wants to be with every moment. He wants to be the only one that can receive your never ending kindness and love.
However, is there someone that you like?
Togame felt his appetite loosing.
"AH! I forgot to give the rest of the bottled drinks to the other members!" Togame slightly flinched at the sudden outburst from Choji. Who hurriedly grabbed the cooler set aside and picked up it above his head. Running towards the door while yelling out a 'I'll be right back! Don't finish the food...!"
Umemiya and Togame's eyes meet. The Bofurin leader giving a shrugged smile to Togame.
"So Togame... I've been meaning to ask this but.."
Togame's shoulders slightly tense. Did Umemiya notice something? He wouldn't be surprised.
A container with half-eaten omurice suddenly filled Togame's vision.
"Oh, uh- yeah.." Relieved yet bewildered, Togame nodded along to whatever Umemiya is spewing out right now. Shoulders relaxing as for a moment he thought he was found out.
Umemiya shouldn't know, obviously. Togame thinks he's getting more restless as he if reminded of his feelings time and time again.
He takes a sip from his ramune bottle.
"Oh by the way, I saw you smiling at your phone earlier."
Togame choked. The drink went down the wrong pipe.
"Oh? Perhaps its from that girl you like?"
The exit looks really appealing right now. Maybe he should help Choji, the guy is taking way too long to serve drinks to the other members.
He sighed in defeat, "Am I really that obvious?"
Umemiya laughed, scooting closer to Togame as he generously placed some side dishes onto his plate.
"Well, at first it didn't seem like anything. You two were interacting as usual, being pretty close and all." Umemiya swallowed the omurice before continuing, "But then, Sakura started to become more flustered and embarrassed than usual."
The Shishitoren member groaned, already having an idea where this is going.
"Don't blame Sakura though, he did kept it a secret. Although his classmates are too nosy, and somehow it spread to the rest of Furin. Well, not everyone, but most."
Great, Togame is estatic to know he's being gossiped as someone with pining problems.
...It's true, but still-
"It was easy to piece everything together." Togame felt a comforting pat on the back, which didn't really felt reassuring.
For god's sake, instead of being known as the second-in-command of the ruling gang Shishitoren, he'll be known as a love-struck idiot!
"Before you ask," Togame grumbled, "I'm not sure if I should confess or not."
"Ehh? I think you should."
The raven jerked his head up in surprise, not expecting a straight-forward answer. From all the advice he's gotten, (if he could call it advice from someone who is not used to open affection, or being called hopeless by a younger member) none of them really convinced on what Togame should do.
"Wait- why?"
"'Why?'" Umemiya asked, as if he himself is confused at Togame's question.
"I mean, you don't seem that opposed to the idea." That's true... after all, the idea of being yours always resonated in his mind.
The idea of you two together, it doesn't seem bad at all.
"And what if she rejects me?"
"Nah, she won't." The taller said certainly. A smile gracing his features, Togame wonders if Umemiya's an expert in relationships.
Umemiya did help Choji and Shishitoren.
"How are you sure?" His brow furrows, a heavy feeling in his gut just imagining the different ways a confession from him to you could go wrong.
One, the most obvious, and probably the most gut-wrenching, is that you'll reject him. Saying that you either have a different type of your ideal-boyfriend, and that he doesn't fit that category, or that you have someone else in mind. Then afterwards, your friendship will be so awkward, which makes you distance yourself and Togame will regret everything for the rest of his life.
Two, you reject him, but want to remain friends. However, there's still that slim chance that the both of you won't be as close as you guys are right now as friends.
And three-
"Woah, woah, woah, hold that overthinking right there, buddy!" A hand on his shoulder brought Togame back to reality. He forgot for a moment the person beside him is Umemiya.
Oh, did he say that out loud?
"Kind of.. you were quite scary for a moment." A shiver went down Umemiya's spine, beads of sweat forming on his head. "You were there mumbling with an empty expression, and your eyes man!" Umemiya dramatically clutched his heart, trying to lighten Togame's mood even just a little bit.
Togame cleared his throat, a bit embarrassed. "Sorry."
"Never knew you were one for overthinking." Concern was written all over Umemiya's face. He let out a sigh while trying to figure out what he could offer words of comfort.
Umemiya knew you, although the two of you never interacted closely. He's just glad that Kotoha has a new friend. Much to his surprise, you were also closely affiliated to Shishitoren. Imagine that.
Yet, when Shishitoren is sometimes brought up in a discussion, Umemiya could clearly see the sparkles and affection you have for a certain member.
The stories you share whenever Togame teases you.
Or that one time you shared how Togame tried so hard on that vending machine where a very cute miniature plushie (which you bring everywhere) while you and Choji try to pull him away despite his stubbornness. Which caused him to spend a lot of yen.
Or that one specific moment Umemiya saw you messaging Togame (he didn't mean to peek, he was just too tall that he could lean over) with a giddy smile on your face.
Togame this, Togame that.
Umemiya sighed, giving a comforting smile to Togame. "She won't." Just from that, Togame somehow felt a tiny bit of confidence.
"I won't say anything else, but I've seen her around. From what I could tell, and from what Kotoha-chan tells me, she's a wonderful person."
A small smile appeared, Togame's glad you have a lot of people who care for you. "Plus, I don't think you have anything to worry about."
Umemiya gave one last pat to Togame's shoulder. However, he couldn't help but think about what Umemiya said.
"What do you mean by you won't say anything else-"
Choji appeared from the door, holding a plastic container which seemed to contain barbeque sticks.
Dumbfounded by the sudden entrance of Choji, he couldn't bring himself to ask Umemiya again.
He watched as Choji and Umemiya scarf down every food possible.
Togame looked at his food in thought.
At least he got a better answer.
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"I see! So it's like that!" Suo smiled as he let out a small laugh.
"I'm having a serious case of deja vu right now.." You said dryly while wondering, again, how'd you end up in this situation.
Seriously, might as well inform the whole Furin boys at this point!
"Now, now, don't be so down hearted." You pouted as Suo poured tea in your cup. The sweet aroma of honey wafted through the air, nodding gratefully at Suo.
As much as you hated to be reminded of your feelings, and that horrid conversation you had with Kotoha, you still have to decide if you want to suffer and keep it a secret, or suffer with a 50/50 percent chance of your confession going 'yay!' or 'nay..'
So, what better option than to ask the most elegant person in all of Furin?
"Did you know, bees like to read?"
"Excuse me, what."
Yup, elegance is Suo's forte.
You watched as Suo gently sat down opposite of you, bringing his own cup to his lips. "Their favorite novel is the Great Gatsby." He let out a proud smile with his eye closed, before taking a sip.
The Great Gatsby. Gats-'bee.'
...Elegant my ass.
You slapped your palm onto your forehead. "...So you're not doing this seriously. Thanks, got the memo." The chair you sat on scratched against the floor, the sound echoing throughout the cafe. Some bystanders noticed the noise, which made Suo give a polite smile.
He quickly tugged you back in the chair. You sat down with an unamused expression, contrasting Suo's lighthearted one.
"I'm joking!"
"Well, I'm not."
"I know. From the amount of times you joined in the conversation whenever Shishitoren is brought up." Suo placed a finger on his chin, letting out a hum before continuing, "Oh! And that one time where you had to brag about that cute plushie you got from a vending machine, also brought by Togame."
"Okay, stop- I get it!" You waved your hands frantically, as if that mere gesture would make Suo shut up.
"And of course—" Suo brought his phone up as you watch him scroll for a bit before pressing the screen to your face.
"—we couldn't forget that moment where you sat there blushing and all giddy."
It was a selfie of Kotoha, her finger pointing towards the counter-
Wait a minute.
It was you, in the background, leaning on the counter with Kotoha's omurice. Something normal.
Yet clearly you can see yourself smiling widely with your hand propped on your chin while staring at your phone.
"Kotoha said you got a text message from Togame."
You banged your head on the table.
"Was I really that obvious?" You asked yourself. Purely rhetorical.
"Mhm!" Suo nodded anyway. Very enthusiastically.
"I would like to crawl into a deep hole now, thanks."
"You can do that once you've decided to confess to Togame."
You groaned, the mere idea already making you suffer. Maybe you should've just stopped asking advice right at Kotoha.
As much as you adore Suo as your friend, you keep on forgetting he's also a little piece of–
"Now, now, let's try this again." You raised your head deciding to finally listen to Suo. Seems like he's actually being serious this time.
"So you said you're not sure if you're going to confess." You nod.
"What's making you worried?" Suo tilted his head in wonder. Because really, he thinks you shouldn't be worried.
With the way you talk about Togame, Suo can already guess from that the guy also reciprocates what you feel.
"Well, you see." You brought your hands together while looking seriously, which reminded of Suo of how detectives or villains would act in a tv show.
"There are three things."
"Three..?" He asked confusedly.
"One, he rejects me. That's it, and then its the end of our good going friendship." Suo continued to smile, despite wanting to protest and tell you directly that yes, you should confess.
However, what kind of gentleman is he if decided not to listen to a fellow friend's worries?
"It starts like this," You start off, leaning slightly forwards to Suo with a glare that could rival Sakura's. "I might not be his friend anymore."
Suo opened his mouth to retort. He thought that it might be a tad... rude to ignore someone just because they harbor feelings for you-
You raise your palm to stop him, "I know what you're going to say. However..."
There was a moment of anticipation. Suo would usually be lighthearted from time to time in talks like this...
You banged your fist lightly on the table, "What am I gonna do if I lose a friend like Togame?!" You whined.
Suo sighed in relief, thinking you were going to ignore Togame.
You let out a (quite dramatic) cry as you scratch your hair in frustration. "Our friendship could end the moment I open my mouth and say 'Oh by the way, I like you, let's go out.' and you know what would hit me in the gut?!"
Your hands gripped the sides of table so tightly. Suo just watched with concern and intrigue.
"It's the chance he likes someone else!" You cried in defeat and slumped in your chair.
"I think you should-"
"No, it doesn't end there!"
Suo sighed.
"Secondly, what if our friendship deteriorates from there?!" These are the thoughts that kept you up right after talking to Kotoha.
At first it started with the reassurance that Togame is a chill person. Sure he can be violent here and there (not against you, never against you. you would be lying if you sometimes forgot that he is the same guy who's a member of a gang) but in the end, its Togame.
But then as the night went on and the more you developed feelings for him, you felt yourself overthinking way too much.
"Imagine, we casually hang out. With Choji too, wouldn't be akward right?" If you were in animated right now, Suo could see the steam blowing from your ears. "But then, Togame would be reminded of my confession, and then everything would be akward!"
"From there on, he would slowly distance himself. Probably even Choji if I'm that unlucky, and then I would forever suffer in my bed at night thinking how much I regret everything!"
"How about we toss a coin?" Suo intervened the moment you were about to move on to point number three.
You stopped midway into your rant. Suo just maintained a smile and placed a simple 100 yen on the table.
"Let's toss a coin!" Suo repeated.
Your eyes went back and forth at Suo and the coin. You wondered if this is Suo's attempt to make a joke once more.
"I'm not joking." Suo laughed, placing the coin on top of his thumb. You stared confusedly, still not knowing what to say.
"I mean, it's just a simple solution. You have these thoughts with you for a while, both negative and positive." Suo raised a finger, "While you aren't wrong, most of your concerns do happen to some people."
You deflated at that
"But I'm pretty sure you also have that side of you that wants to be in a relationship that brought the idea of you even confessing." You nodded.
Just thinking about Togame overall has brought you joy. He's mostly quiet, yet never fails to bring entertainment whenever the two of you bicker against one another. He's also kind, the plushie he gave you is probably your favorite. Sometimes can be provoking to others he's not familiar with, but only when there are guys who are disturbing you.
You also can't deny the fact that he's good-looking.
"If we want to get this over with, then let's just toss a coin."
Suo paused at the bewildered look on your face. "What's wrong?"
"Oh nothing." You chuckle hesitantly, "I was just expecting a more.. straight to the point answer."
"You are going to get an answer regardless." He argued, stabilizing the coin on his thumb.
Well, he's not wrong.
"Heads is 'you will confess', and tails is 'you won't confess'."
"Then.. here I go!" Suo flickered his thumb upwards.
Your eyes follow the quick movement of the coin in the air before it landed on Suo's palm. He then placed the coin on the back of his other hand to flip it.
Your breath hitched as you watched intently on the result.
Suo removed his palm, "Tails it is!"
"Oh.." So you won't be confessing after all. You did want a straight to the point answer.
Suo noticed your mood slightly dampened. "What's wrong?"
You shrugged. "Nothing, didn't expect this to be somewhat anti-climatic." Honestly, you weren't sure as well. You asked Suo for help, and he provided it.
Maybe you felt a bit unsatisfied with the results.
"'Anti-climatic' you say?" Suo gave a knowing smile, before placing down the coin. "Or perhaps, you don't like the result?"
You blinked, were you really that obvious?
"You see, there's a trick here."
"There is?"
"Yes." You didn't expect that. So there was an actual reason that Suo wanted to flip coins instead?
"You see, when people are indecisive they flip a coin right?" You watch in curiosity as Suo started to hold the coin in his fingers. "But here's the thing, when you're either unsatisfied with the result, or you internally wish for a specific decision, that's when you know what you truly want."
He slides the coin in front of you before turning it around revealing the 'heads'.
That.. That does make sense.
By then, you started to feel satisfied. A smile unknowingly appearing.
A light clap brought back your attention. Seeing Suo's smile slightly reassured you despite the negative thoughts that were threatening to take over once more. "So, I'm guessing a confession is happening?" He teased.
You huffed, "Yeah.." You looked down at your hands in thought. The idea of confessing, albeit scares you, at least you can say you tried.
"I just hope you nothing goes wrong."
"Oh don't worry." Suo brought his cup up, "I'm sure it'll go well."
You smiled, bringing your own cup against his as the two of you slightly cheered before savoring the tea.
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It's been a while since the three of you hang out again.
"Come on, you can do it! You can beat Kame-chan!" Choji cheered in the background while you and Togame were playing against one another in a sniper arcade game.
"Ehh? I think her machine's gun is smoother." Complained Togame, who quickly looked at your score being close to his.
"I think you're scared to be beaten." You grinned as you continued to shoot the targets that appeared on the screen.
"You? Beating me? Psh, you can't even close the ten point gap."
"I'm about to!"
"The game is ending in one minute, chibi." You groaned at the nickname before recklessly pointing your gun at any target.
"Go go! You're almost there!" Oh to have a supporter like Choji.
Still, the game ended as Togame grins triumphantly while you sulked. Choji patting your shoulders in comfort while he also says 'good job!' to Togame.
"I want a rematch!"
"We're out of money."
You banged your head against the machine, causing for both Choji and Togame to wince.
"Come on, chibi." Togame lightky tugged on your arm. The unexpected closeness making you blush lightly.
Meanwhile, Togame feels like he can't get enough of how cute you are.
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The three of you sat on a bench in front of a convenience store while eating ice-cream that you paid because, well, you simply lost the bet.
At least it wasn't too expensive.
You sat in the middle of the two Shishitoren members. Too busy eating their ice cream to strike up a conversation.
You quietly counted the change in your hand, before letting out a surprised sound.
"What's wrong?" Togame questioned.
"They gave me an excess change." You recounted to make sure before excusing yourself to go back to the counter.
You and the cashier worker exchanged greetings. You look back to simply glance at Togame and Choji, but to your surprise, Choji can't be found.
Where did he-
You jumped at the sudden notification in your phone. At the same time, Togame also brought his phone up from afar.
With new profound curiosity, the notification came from a group chat that Choji has created with just the three of you. Your brows furrow in concern, a slight uncertain smile as you felt a sense of dread incoming.
"Hiiii!! So I'll be going ahead~ Something came up so, enjoy having a fun date!" seen by togame and you
A wave of heat spread across your cheeks, staring in shock at the message. Similarly, from afar, Togame felt his ears burning.
You would have appreciated the heads up from Choji- just, without the date part.
Especially the date part.
Gulping nervously, you walk back to wear Togame is seated, neither of you chose to look at each other for obvious reasons.
The two of you continued to sit in silence for a few minutes. The simple idea of 'having a date' weighed heavily on each person's minds.
Togame's thoughts were filled, followed by the soft crunch from the chocolated coated ice cream. "Did Choji finally figure out? He knew that I harbor feelings for her? But why say it in the group chat..?" His brows furrows in thought.
"Ain't no way did Choji just outed me. Why did he say in the group chat? Was it a joke? But he's bever the type to joke that way..." Nervously swallowing, you can't help but glance sideways at Togame beside you.
Similarly, he's been looking at you from his peripheral vision. More thoughts swirling in his head.
Before the both of you could initiate any kind of conversation, another notification sound could be heard, you two quickly check out what Choji could possibly say this time.
You freeze, a red flush spreading, while Togame drops his ice cream popsicle in disbelief.
This time, the message made you want to crush your phone and never appear under the sunlight.
"Use this time to confess properly okay? It's kind of tiring to see the both of you pining against one another. I'm counting on the two of you! :DD" seen by togame and you
...Well, isn't this the greatest?
In an absolutely shocking turn of events, no one has expected that their friend Choji would...
Choji, who Togame dearly loves as his friend, someone who introduced him to Shishitoren, and a person who he thinks shines the brightest at his best, just made Togame want to crawl in a hole and never come out.
He cleared his throat, quietly pressing the off button on his cellphone and placing it on the table, looking away as he nervously scratches the back of his neck. The tip of his ears burning while he feels his heart beating out of his ribcage.
You, who is trying to comprehend the message Choji sent, gripping on your phone like there is no tomorrow. Eyes wide and jaw dropping nearly to the floor, a deep scarlet covering your cheeks and neck. Not once have you moved your eyes from your screen.
"What the fuck?!"
The both of you thought simultaneously.
Silence ensues, the air filled with a lot of tension, neither of you know how to start the conversation.
Togame's mind reels, he doesn't know what to say— he doesn't even know what to feel. All he knows that one way or another, he's screwed. (No thanks to his leader!)
You on the other hand, felt like you were about to burst from the embarassment.
It felt like the air was so suffocating, that the two felt the need to say something.
With one last glance at the message, you nod in resolution.
"..I'm sorry I haven't been honest, but I like-"
"Can I take you out-"
Both of your eyes met, mouths snapping shut in unison. Embarrassment and hesitation filling the two of you— acting like a couple on their first date (...well, if things go smoothly..)
Togame shakes his head before coughing. "You go first?" He offered to you, because did he actually hear you right?
"Oh no, you can go first.." You protested.
"No, you." Togame huffs in slight amusement.
"How about... together?" He compromised, which makes you agree to the idea. Your heart pounding in nervousness– even if you heard somewhat of what he said a while ago.
"Like usual?" You chuckled nervously.
"Sure." Togame smiled.
"I like you, please go out with me."
"I'd like to take you out on a date."
The two of you stared at each other in silence.
Togame is the first to look away, covering his mouth in shock— clearly flustered as the tip of his ears turn red.
You, on the other hand, can't help but look down to hide the growing smile on your face.
In the end, maybe Choji did something goof after all.
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Choji giggles as while he opens the bag of chips he managed to buy before sneaking off ahead. Umemiya returns the grin before patting the Shishitoren leader on the back.
"I thought you wanted to wait for them to earn their courage?" Umemiya— who was staring at the two new lovebirds from afar— raises his brow amusingly at Choji.
"They were taking way too long!" The smaller huffed, before taking a quick zoomed in pic of you and Togame walking ahead. Hands linked together, while shy smiles and laughs were exchanged in the distance.
notes ! :
...this took me so long to write it help the ending was badly rushed but... anyways ! :))
guess who flunked their math portion of the college entrance test! (me hahahshhshah..)
175 notes · View notes
too-much-tma-stuff · 3 months
You Stay Away From Her (part 11)
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It was decided that the Justice League’s official channel would work on the governmental side of the GIW, laws, and PR, leaving it to the less official channels like the younger group, and Hood and Hyena to raid the bases. It wouldn’t be the best look but they couldn’t leave them any longer knowing there might be other sentient beings suffering in there. As long as the JL’s core members tacitly condemned their actions and the teams involved were sneaky it shouldn’t hinder the repeal efforts too much. Besides, constantly having to repair damaged infrastructure and replace dead staff would make keeping the GIW running very expensive.
Danny felt much better by the end of the talk. The JL was taking this much more seriously then he had feared, and they hadn’t once brought up that he might technically be a villain since his panic attack. He felt better but he was still exhausted, and he leaned against Jason’s shoulder, taking strength from his partner as the meeting wound down. Things seemed settled and he was looking forward to going home, hopefully getting some junk food and candy, and maybe some alcohol because he needed a Drink.
“Alright, with that settled there is one more thing I’d like to discuss before we adjourn the meeting,” Batman said, leaning his elbows on the table and steepling his fingers. 
Danny bit back a groan. What more could Bruce possibly want to talk about? Danny wanted to go hooome. 
“I am under the impression that Phantasm is in need of a guardian-”
“No I’m not!” Phantasm interrupted Batman, glaring at him fiercely. 
“She’s not, not really,” Hyena chuckled, shaking his head and resting a hand on her shoulder. “She’s been on her own since just a few months after her creation.”
“And it’s not like Vlad was a good guardian before that,” Ellie added. Danny nodded. 
“But needing one or not, having one might be good for you.” Danny told her, squeezing her shoulder gently. “After everything you’ve been through, having a good guardian to help take care of you while you work through it?” She hesitated, but then she nodded, Danny was grateful for her trust.
“I would be willing too-” Batman started before Hyena interrupted him. 
“No! Not you, and not Superman!” Hyena insisted, pointing an accusing finger at their end of the table. 
“It’s not up to you-” Superman started this time, sounding offended. 
“He’s my template! My only family, I trust him and I’m not going with anyone he doesn’t like,” Ellie growled at the two of them.
Reminded of how much he loved her, Danny gave her a one armed hug. He'd forgotten how ride or die she could be. “If they’d be willing, Martian Manhunter or Wonder Woman would be best. You both have powers, and experiences in common with her. But I don’t trust you with a clone,” He said, glaring at Superman. “I speak Kryptonian, I know what Kon-El means. You’re a piece of shit!” At least he had the decency to look chagrined. “And you!” Hyena pointed at Batman. “I know how you fuck up your kids. I’m dating one of your fucked up kids! You stay the hell away from her.”
Danny saw a flicker of movement out of the corner of his eye. Nightwing had rested a hand on Jason’s arm and Robin and Superboy were behind them now, Tim supporting Jason and Danny, Kon supporting him and Ellie. It took Danny a moment to realize how heavy the silence had suddenly become and process what he had just said. He looked at Jason with regret and horror, seeing Jason shake his head subtly and grab Danny’s hand. At least he wasn’t mad.
“What do you mean you're dating one of Batman’s sons?” Wonder Woman asked, soft and dangerous. 
“Oh, he didn’t tell you?” Jason was either genuinely startled or doing a good job faking it. Then he scoffed and shook his head. “What am I talking about, of course he didn’t. If he didn’t tell Nightwing I was back he wasn’t going to tell any of you. 
“Yes, I was the second Robin. About six months after Joker killed me some sort of reality altering event resurrected me and I woke up in my coffin. I dug myself out, calling for my father,” Jason said, glaring across the table at Batman from behind his mask. “But because he buried me on the other side of Gotham instead of with our family I never made it home. The league of Assassins found me first. 
“It took me years to make it back, but because bty then I was already a killer, and my own person instead of an obedient soldier, he wants nothing to do with me,” Red Hood scoffed with a dismissive motion. 
“Don’t misconstrue the facts. You returned as a crime lord! You took over the drug trade in Gotham and had a body count in the dozens before you revealed to me who you were. Which you did by demanding I let you kill the Joker,” Batman said, and yikes this meeting was now a family fight. 
“Ya? And how did you respond to that B? Did you respond well OR! Did you slit your own sons throat to save a fucked up clown?” Nightwing demanded of their father. B just barely fidgeted under their stare. 
“Besides I’m making Crime Alley a better place in a way you never even tried to. Even if you love Gotham more than any of us you’d basically given up on Crime Alley because of how deep the roots of organized crime go there, and don't you try to claim otherwise! But I’m an Ally kid, was before you pulled me out of there, will be till I die. So I’m making it safer in the way that works for them! Setting up safe injection sites and rehabs, making it against the rules to sell to, or use kids, setting up safe houses for the working girls. I’m making it a safer place for the people who have always lived there. Not trying to make it the sort of place people will set up fancy coffee shops.”
“It’s against the law. You are not above the law,” Batman hissed at him.
Jason clearly telegraphed rolling his eyes at B. “Then stop being a vigilante, because what you’re doing is against the law too.”
“We’ve gotten off topic again,” Martian Manhunter butted in again, giving Batman a warning look. “I will take on the role of mentoring Phantasm. It’s been a while since I took a young hero under my wing. It will be refreshing to do it again.”
“Thank you,” Hyena said genuinely, smiling at Martian Manhunter from behind his mask.
“Ya I bet you like that,” Ellie said, lightening the mood with her teasing tone. “MM has been your favourite hero since you were a kid, and now you have an excuse to talk to him more.”
Hyena blushed and hissed at her only for her to laugh in his face. If they weren’t in public he would have tackled her and started play-fighting. As it was he resigned himself to letting her get away with embarrassing him for now. 
Manhunter chuckled gently and give Danny a very small smile. “I’m flattered to have been your favourite hero. It is a rarer honour for me then some of the others.”
“Ya…” Danny breathed, a little starstruck before he shook himself out of it and stood up. “Well, if that’s all I think Hood and I are ready to go home,” He said, giving Jason a slightly pleading look. He nodded and stood up as well, wrapping an arm around Danny’s waist. 
“That was a good meeting. Remember, if you need help with anything from the Realms, call us. Or any apocalyptic threats I guess, call us,” He reminded before ushering Danny out. The Teen Titans and the present members of the Bat-family sort of formed ranks around Jason, Danny, and Ellie and escorted them out of the room.
The adults were quiet as they left, but as soon as the door closed behind them Danny heard a cacophony of voices, and had to duck his head to hide a grin. It seemed like what Jason had said had managed to start a fight, good, B deserved it! 
Danny snuggled against Jason’s side as Tim put in coordinates and verification in the Zeta-tube to get Jason and Danny back to the Bat Cave. Before they left Danny turned and hugged Ellie tightly again. “Go back with the Teen Titans okay? And come visit me.”
“You have to come visit me too!” Ellie insisted, his voice muffled as she pressed her face into Danny’s chest. 
Danny glanced a little nervously at the assembled members of Teen Titans, “Starlight I’m not sure that they’d want me to-”
“No, it’s alright. Unless anyone objects?” Tim asked, glancing over at his team, Cassie shrugged, Bart gave him a thumbs up and a grin, and Kon nodded. “You invited me into your home, you’re welcome in mine. Especially since it’ll be hers now too. Come whenever you want,” Tim promised. “Just give us a heads up first.”
“Thank you. In that case, yes I will visit you. I promise,” He swore to her. She sniffled and nodded, pulling away from him and wiping her eyes. 
“Good, I’ll hold you to it.” She grumbled at him.
Danny bit back a laugh and nodded before finally letting Nightwing and Hood guide him into the portal. It was less scary the second time at least, even though Danny was completely exhausted. 
“I’m going to take him home,” Jason told Dick as Danny leaned more heavily against him. Now that they were alone he was done holding it together.
“Of course. Is there anything I can do?” Dick asked worriedly. Danny closed his eyes tightly and resisted the urge to cover his ears too.
“No. You can order takeout to our place if you want to, but right now he just needs space. We both do,” Jason told Dick before gently pushing Danny over to his bike and on. Danny clung to Jason, hiding against his back as he drove them home, weaving in and out of traffic and pulled up to the curb, practically carrying Danny back inside. 
“I’m so sorry,” Danny muttered, his arms wrapped tightly around Jason’s shoulders, his face pressed against Jason’s chest. “I shouldn’t have brought up B adopting you, I shouldn’t have surprised you with the powerpoint, I’m sorry I had a panic attack there. I’m sorry, I’m sorry-”
“Shhh, shh shh, it’s okay Danny, it’s okay Love. It was actually kind of fun getting to throw B under the bus like that. It’s not your fault for having a panic attack either. But yes, you should have warned me about the power-point. What do you want to do about it?” Jason asked softly, not because he was actually upset, but because the quickest way to snap Danny out of a self hating spiral like this was to ‘punish him for it’, and then talk about it after.
“Whatever you want, whatever will make it right,” Danny mumbled again, he sounded distracted and vague. Jason knew that tone of voice, Danny was having another panic attack, just a dissociative one this time. 
“Danny, none of that! You have to tell me,” Jason told him firmly. 
“Take me to bed, be rough with me,” Danny mumbled.
“Only if you use the safe word,” Jason told Danny, even though he was already carrying Danny towards the bedroom.
“I will if I need to,” Danny promised, and Jason sighed. He knew that meant Danny wouldn’t use it, but all he could do was insist Danny could and should. Trying to force Danny to would be counterproductive. 
The meeting had taken hours for Batman to get back under control as the rest of the Justice league went back and forth between berating him for the way he’d treated Jason and offering him parenting advice. He didn’t want any of it! They hadn’t read Jason’s file, they didn’t know just how high of a body count he had now, just how brutal he could be now. He didn’t want any of their advice, or any of their ridicule, it was ridiculous!
Constantine had tried to sneak out but Batman pinned him to his seat with a look, muttering to him that he needed to stay, Bruce wanted to talk to him alone after the meeting. Finally he managed to regain control enough to end the meeting, ‘at least till tempers had cooled and they could revisit this problem.’ He was planning to avoid that follow up meeting as long as humanly possible.
He convinced everyone else to leave and grabbed Constantine by the scruff when he tried to leave again too. Bruce had seen the look of realization on Constantine’s face while he was watching Danny before he could wipe it away. He had controlled it quickly, but not so quickly that Batman hadn’t noticed it.
“You know what he is now don’t you?” Batman growled at Constantine once they were alone. 
“What’re you talkin about?” Constantine deflected. 
Batman was not impressed.
“Hyena. What is he?” Batman demanded, glaring at the magician. 
Constantine hesitated, glancing around them and biting his lip, as if he was afraid Hyena might pop out from the shadows again. “I think so, but it’s weird and… Well, he’s right that if he had told me I wouldn’t have believed him.”
“Fine. Tell me,” Batman demanded again, he was getting impatient. 
“I think he’s a-” And then he made a series of sounds that made no sense to Batman. “It’s a bit clumsy to translate into English. Halfa, or ‘the perfect balance’, something like that. They’re… well they’re a fucking myth is what they are! The legend is that they were an immortal race of beings who were completely alive, and completely dead. Perfectly balanced between the two, incredibly powerful and almost indestructible. There were only ever a couple hundred because they had to be made not born and the way they’re made is very rare. But they were the keepers of the balance, ambassadors between worlds. 
“Everyone respected them. But that was before the king went mad, and there was this prophecy was discovered, that the True King of the Infinite Realms would be a halfa or somethin. He killed the entire race, complete genocide and no one’s heard anything from a halfa in… I genuinely don’t know, thousands of years probably,” Constantine shrugged again. “I’d heard about them. Ancient beings sometimes lament their loss, that things were better when they were around to keep the balance, but I thought it was just Boomer talk! Back in my day Bullshit! I didn’t think they were TRUE!” Constantine sounded almost hysterical. 
“If they’re keepers of the balance what’s one doing in Crime Alley serving Red Hood?” Batman said skeptically.
“Fuck if I know mate!” Constantine said. “He said he was fully human not that long ago so I’m guessing he’s a new halfa. Which… I guess it makes sense, just because all the previous were gone, the way they’re made can technically be naturally occurring. But he probably won’t have any idea about that cultural heritage, there’s no one left to teach him. 
“With what the GIW did, and he mentioned his haunt being taken, and no one to fall back on, he was a lost spirit. He probably would have latched on to anyone who gave him kindness and purpose,” Constantine explained to Batman with exaggerated patience. “It seems to have worked out pretty well for them, if not for you.
“And Bats, I know you’re not thrilled about this, but think about it. What if Hyena had latched on to someone else? Even a normal person given access to the sort of power Hyena offers, what would most people do with it? Or what if he had latched onto someone like Penguin, anyone without a good heart deep down. It could have gone a hell of a lot worse! And as it is, as long as you don’t piss them off too badly we have a powerful new alley and a counter to a type of threat the League wasn’t well set up to deal with.
“Maybe try untwisting those panties of yours about him dating your son,” Constantine accused, rolling his eyes. This time when he stormed out Batman didn’t stop him. He wasn’t sure how helpful the information Constantine had given him was, but he knew he’d gotten everything he was going to get out of the magician. 
He had his own research to do. 
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k0juki · 5 months
Could you please do a one-shot with jealous! Kimi? Maybe during an interview, he's already had enough and wants to leave, but after seeing a journalist or somebody else trying to flirt with his gf (they both agreed to keep their relationship private), he loses it and once he goes up to her after telling that guy to get lost, he physically relaxes and basically melts to her touch...forgetting that they were surrounded by cameras that had just recorded every second of the exchange.
I'd like to imagine how the other drivers and the fans in general would react to that :))
Thanxx <3
Yur!!!🧊 Sorry it took me too so long...school is pain.
His girl
Kimi Räikkönen x fem!reader
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English is not my first language so feel free to point out any mistakes or errors!
More stuff here!
Words: 573
It wasn't strange to see Kimi annoyed. Most people that worked with him knew how he could get and this was no different. But what annoys him the most are only two things. 
Firstly, not winning the race and media being dick about it and secondly, when anyone flirts with his girl. Of course nobody knows that you are together, but still, it makes his Finnish blood boil.
And let's just say that today wasn't his best day at all. Not only he fucked up the rece, but as the interview progressed, Kimi patience wore thinner with each passing question. He'd had enough of the same inquiries, the same stupid questions and the same attempts to extract emotions from him that he preferred to keep hidden. Yet, he maintained his ice cool demeanor, answering tersely but efficiently. 
However, his face cracked when he caught a glimpse of someone leaning a bit too close to his girlfriend, Y/n, who was standing just a few feet away, watching the interview with a supportive smile that he loves. She is his safe place. When something happens, he knows that he can go to her. To make him feel loved. 
And when he heard the journalist's flirtatious tone and lingering gaze he held on her, made Kimi's blood boil beneath his calm exterior. In a rare moment of unfiltered emotion, Kimi abruptly ended the interview, muttering something about needing a break and with determined strides, he made his way over to Y/n, who looked surprised at his sudden approach. 
"Hey, is everything okay?" she asked, concern evident in her voice, but Kimi ignored her question and pulled her into his arms possessively, caging her in and casting a sharp glare at the journalist who had dared to encroach on his territory. His girl.
"Get lost" he growled, the words were laced with a dangerous edge and it almost sounded like a threat. Once the unwanted intruder had retreated, Kimi felt a wave of relief wash over him. His tense muscles gradually relaxed as he buried his face in Y/n's hair, inhaling her familiar scent that he loves so much. 
The anger started to melt away and was replaced by a sense of calm and contentment that only she could bring him. Unbeknownst to Kimi, their intimate moment had been captured by the surrounding cameras, broadcasting his uncharacteristic display of jealousy to the world. 
Among the other drivers, reactions varied. Some were surprised, having never seen this side of Kimi before, while others like Sebastian just gave a knowing look, he understood the depth of Kimi's feelings for Y/n. As for the fans, social media and everyone else erupted with speculation and commentary. 
"I think everyone knows that we are together now." You murmured against him. His strong arms still wrapped around you.
"Yeah, but at least they won't be flirting with you before my eyes."
In the days that followed, Kimi and Y/n found themselves surrounded by an outpouring of support and affection from fans, friends, and fellow drivers. Despite initially feeling exposed by the public display of their relationship, they soon realized that it had only brought them closer together. 
As they retreated to the quiet sanctuary of their home, Kimi and Y/n reveled in the simple joys of each other's company. They shared laughter, tender moments and whispered words of love that were meant for each other's ears alone. 
Requests are open!
Don't copy or translate my work! Also the picture is not mine! Credit goes to owner!
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spideyhexx · 9 months
billy x reader where billy’s boss is reader’s dad. thoughts? 🎤🎤
the way this man
would sneak up to your window in the late hours of the night. And you knew he would do this, but seeing him bright eyed and smiling outside the window was still bringing a flush to your cheeks.
When you let him in, his eyes drift over your body and you realize you're in your nightgown and while Billy has already seen you without a speck of clothing on, it would still feel so new, so intimate.
"Sorry, 'm a little late, your father had us rustlin' up some-"
Billy's lips quirk into a smile as you kiss him, his words dying in the back of his throat. His hand moves to the back of your head like it's meant to be there, kissing you with so much grace and delicacy its bewildering to remember just this morning he had you bent over a hay bale.
"Don't talk about my father right now, Billy. Please," you'd speak against his lips, hands tightening on the fabric of his shirt. Your lips so damn close and he wants to kiss you till his lips are bruised and swollen, bitten up cause he knows you love to bite his lips. Billy's eyes would stare so deep into yours as you speak to him.
He's been working for your father for a short amount of time, but his liking to you had lasted longer than that. Billy saw you one measly night in the town saloon and your short conversation was enough for both of you to be hooked on one another. He might've judged you at first, so obviously wealthy with an air of arrogance to your stature, but he knew you were more than that and he'd be right. And you knew there was more to Billy than his outlaw background. You saw such a sweet and gentlemanly person that matched you perfectly and you wanted him just as much as he wanted you. He might've went after the job solely cause of you but he'd let you put that together.
It was exciting. Sneaking around with the daughter of a wealthy man, seeing her in her proper dress and perfectly made up hair one moment and then seeing it disheveled, corrupted by him in the next. Although sometimes he's not even sure if he's the one that's corrupted you or if you're the one that's corrupted him.
He snuck into your room every night and he planned on continuing until you told him to stop but you never did. You'd take him in your bed and sit in his lap, telling him the most obscene things he's ever heard about how good it feels to ride his cock, how hard it is to keep quiet as he fucks up into you and pulls your hair. It would be his favorite position with you, seeing how good your hips get, and your cute little face when he’d thrust up all of a sudden and take control when you thought you had it. Sometimes he wouldn't know what to do with himself, he's never been pleasured this good, never loved this hard.
It would get so much, he'd sneak off in the middle of a workday to relieve some tension, muttering to you later on about how he had to do it and all you say is, "show me how you do it," and Billy's just about to crumple and melt into the floor. But of course he shows you until your hand is replacing his own and he’s growling our curses under his breath, begging to be inside you already.
But then some nights, you're playing his hair and tracing patterns on his side while he takes a nap, dreading the moment you'd wake him and tell him he needs to leave. Or he'd hold you in his arms as you read to him, pressing small kisses anywhere he can reach and even easing his hand between your thighs while you read.
Billy considers confronting your father too. Once he knows he loves you and you love him, he'd be focused on trying to figure out how to make this even realer than it is.
There would even be an argument between you two with you being too hesitant too scared your father wouldn't accept Billy as someone you can spend the rest of your life with.
This argument could even lead to not seeing Billy for a few nights and when you do finally see him, he's getting on his knees and pleading with you to give him the chance to prove himself to your father, that no matter what he says, he's never gonna stop loving you or seeing you and he'd make sure of that.
let's chat about billy, here :)
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wolfegoddess · 4 months
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Priest Sabo x nun Reader x priest Ace
Random little ramble I wrote after my friend confessed they're into priests now 😅 I'll probably write more for this eventually-
Also thank you to all my friends who encouraged me to post this, I love you all and you know who you are. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
TW- blasphemy, edging, priests, masturbating, body worship, low-key sexual harassment but reader is into them too?
This went against everything they'd ever known. They'd been abandoned at the church together as babies, raised to be true men of the cloth, lived by the holy code. They were the top priests of the church and were extremely honored to know they were shepherding the Lord's lambs to true salvation.
Until you arrived.
You were so beautiful that the first time they met you, the men were sure you were a divine maiden sent from their lord himself. Soft, kind hearted, with eyes that seemed to truly see through them. You were so breathtakingly beautiful that that night the men made their first true sins against their father.
Ace came four times fisting himself in the bath thinking about how soft your lips looked when you softly mouthed his name. "Father Portgas".
Sabo was much more debauched already, grinding his leaking, aching cock between his pillow over and over again. The sight of your deep, intense, gaze as you confidently looked into his eyes playing on repeat until he was growling and grunting, soft whispers on your name falling from his pretty lips like a mantra once he finally spilled his yearning for you.
They were down, truthfully and utterly down horribly bad for you after that night. They'd find any reason to touch you, Ace resting his large, warm hand on the dip of your back as he leaned over you to examine the scripture you were reading. Or Sabo grasping your hips to steady you on the library ladder as you reach to grab an old book to help them put together the next sermon.
'It's innocent.' They thought, doing these things, only to use these moments as new material for their nightly, secretive, worships of your pull on them.
By the first month you're in the church Ace and Sabo are unable to help themselves from getting painfully hard the moment you enter the same room as them, barely able to focus on your questions as their minds reel with lavish debauched fantasies of worshipping your divine maiden body.
Unbeknownst to them you aren't fairing much better yourself. The first time you caught either of them moaning your name quietly was two weeks after arriving. You'd wanted to discuss his sermon from the day with Sabo and your body froze outside of his barely cracked door as you heard a low moan of your name. Heat danced up your neck, realizing what was happening when you peeked in and seen him hunched over his pillow. His golden locks sweaty from how hard and long he'd been fucking into his pillow thinking of you. It was so wrong. How heat pooled in your gut and without thinking, you slipped your small hand in your sleeve to reach down and feel the growing wetness in your panties.
You were truly, and utterly debauched realizing you liked being wanted by him. Silently masturbating as you watched, fingers slipping clumsily and inexperienced against your lower lips until you brushed against a bundle of nerves and nearly choked on a quiet gasp. You stopped then, fixing yourself before silently shutting his door to go and find Ace to ask for confessional.
Imagine your surprise when you stop at his door and raise your hand to knock only to hear a much louder groan of your name from behind the old oak door. Not one, but both desired you? Your head swam with thoughts, guilt, shame, but mostly arousal and curiosity. Surely it would be the gravest sin to approach either of them about this.. To voice you were interested too?
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sissylittlefeather · 9 months
How the Web Was Woven: Chapter 5
A/N: This is the time travel/soulmate AU with Elvis and a fem!reader. We pick up with Elvis having traveled from 1960 to 2010 and then refusing to leave. Make sure you come back for Chapter 6 soon!
Special shout outs to @ccab and @elvisfatass for listening to me go round and round about this fic constantly! I love y'all so much!
Need to catch up? Here's my Masterlist.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI!, kissing, cussing, fingering, oral sex (both receiving), p in v penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie. Also, drinking and possible alcoholism.
Word count: ~2.8k
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"Oh my God, Elvis. What have you done?!"
You look at him with your eyes wide and he takes a deep breath.
"I made a decision. And I'm happy with it." You shake your head and feel the tears forming in your eyes.
"No no no! This can't be the way it is! You have to go back!"
"It's too late now. Are you saying you don't want me?" A moment of panic flashes across his face at that thought. You grab his face with both hands and look into his eyes.
"That's not what I'm saying at all. You know I love you more than anything. I'd give anything to have you here with me forever."
"I am here!"
"But I know your future. This is wrong."
"Maybe my future is different now."
"No. That's not possible."
"Y/n, what's done is done. Can we just enjoy the fact that we're together and stop worryin' so much about how it might change things?"
You know you can't, but for his sake, you'll at least stop arguing about it. You'll figure out a way to get him home. Somehow.
"Yes. I am glad that you're still here."
"There. Now that's better." He wraps you in a hug and kisses your forehead. You realize that you're both still sitting there with nothing on and reach for your sweatshirt.
"No, come here." He pulls you to him until you're settled in the crook of his arm. "We never get to do this. One of us always leaves. I just want to hold you like this for a while."
When you realize he's right, you revel in the closeness of just laying there naked together. He plays with your fingers, kissing the tips of them periodically as you talk. He starts by telling you about the army, but that moves into a conversation that's deeper than anything you've had so far. You talk about faith, what it means to be alive, and what you both want to do and be before your time is up. There's a deep intimacy in this moment with him and you love him more by the second. You've never had a connection like this with any other person before. It feels like he's a part of you and the longer you're together, the stronger that feeling gets.
After a couple of hours, you get to a small lull in the conversation and you hear his stomach growl. You roll onto him and put your chin on your hands.
"Should we go get some food?"
"Food would be good." He smiles. "You got a diner in this town? I need a burger and shake."
You laugh at the thought of trying to find a classic style diner for him. There's one place in town he'd probably love, but they have a whole wall dedicated to pictures and memorabilia of him. So that's out of the question.
"Not a diner, but we'll find somewhere that has what you want."
"Not a diner?"
"They're kind of out of style."
"Oh." He laughs and remembers that he's not in 1960 anymore. "Speaking of out of style, I can't wear this uniform around."
"Yeah we need to go shopping. We'll just go to Target real quick and then get some food."
"Yeah it's kind of a superstore. Like Walmart but better."
"God sometimes talking to you is like talking to an alien. Just get dressed and we'll go." You stand up and throw his pants at him laughing. He gets a serious look on his face.
"Wait. Are there real aliens now? Have you been to space?" You try to match his serious tone.
"Yes. I went to Mars for vacation last year."
"What? Really?" His eyes are huge. You can't stand it anymore and the laughter comes pouring out of you.
"No! You goofball. No, I've never been to space. And if there's aliens, we haven't met them yet."
"Well, I don't know! 50 years is a long time for things to change!" As if on cue, your phone rings on your nightstand, playing a pop song. You grab it and see that it's your mom calling.
"Ugh." You toss the phone on the bed and he stares at it.
"What is that?"
"Oh lord." You shake your head and pull on some underwear and a bra. "How do I explain this? It's a phone."
"That's a phone?! Where is the cord?"
"It doesn't have a cord. Unless it's charging. It has a battery."
"And it plays music?"
"Yeah, that's my ringtone." He glances at it again.
"Wow. Can I see it?" When it finally stops ringing, you unlock the screen and hand it to him. He holds it like it might bite him. His response to technology is unbelievably endearing. He loves the idea of it, but he's also wary of it. You finish getting dressed while he experiments with the touch screen, accidentally opening apps and asking you to fix it. He's amazed when he finds the weather app. You show him that it's not just a phone, but a calendar, clock, calculator, and camera too.
"It does all kinds of things. It even has the internet."
"Yeah, it basically has access to all of the information in the world. People put stuff on the internet and we can see it. Like, here." You take the phone and open a webpage to Google. "Ask a question."
"What kind of question?"
"Anything you want."
"Are aliens real?" You smile and type that into the search bar. You walk him through how to click on the websites to find the answer, even though his question can't really be answered.
"You can ask it pretty much anything." He looks at you with his eyes wide and you realize he's still standing there in just his underwear.
"Can I have one of these?"
"Maybe. Depends on how long you're here. But right now you need to get dressed." You take the phone from him and hand him his shirt. He throws it around his shoulders and buttons it and you hear him mumble under his breath.
"That's goddamn incredible."
After you shop and eat, you head back to your house to hang out for a while before you get ready to go out that night. You have plans to go with your friends to your favorite local bar that does karaoke on Sunday nights.
You make some spaghetti for dinner and eat it together in your living room. He compliments your cooking, even though you know it's very basic. Still, he eats two whole bowls, so he must like it a little bit. After you eat, you go to get in the shower to get ready to go out.
"Can I come?" He asks with a devilish grin. You know where this is headed, but you're not exactly complaining.
"I don't know, can you?" You respond slyly.
"Oh, I think I can." He laughs and slaps your ass. You both strip naked and tumble into the shower together. You get mostly clean and then his lips crash into yours in a fury of passion. You press your naked body against his and he turns the shower off. He wraps you in a towel and gets one for himself before walking you backwards into your bedroom. After you're dry, you both drop your towels to the ground. He grabs the back of your thighs and you jump so that your legs are around his waist, your mouths still pressed together in a passionate kiss. When you make it to the bed, he lays you on it and kisses down your neck to your chest, not stopping until he gets to your core. It's clear he's practiced since the last time you were together, since he moves his tongue on you with no hesitation.
"Oh my God, Elvis." You moan. He really knows what he's doing now. His tongue moves over and around your clit skillfully and he slides two fingers inside you to tickle the spot that makes you crazy. You feel the coil of your orgasm tighten and you grip the sheets with both hands. When you look down, he's looking up at you, face buried in your pussy as he watches you revel in the pleasure of his mouth on you. He stops just long enough to whisper into you.
"Come for me, baby." He continues to pump his fingers in and out of you while his tongue makes a point and licks directly over your sensitive bud. You cry out as your climax slams into you, pushing electricity out to your fingertips and back again. Wetness spills out of you onto his hand and he pulls back, smiling. He slides his fingers out and wipes his face with his other hand. He goes to line himself up with you, but you push him onto his back and situate yourself between his legs. You've learned a few things too.
You pump his cock with your hand for a bit, sliding his foreskin back, and then lean forward and lick a slow circle around the sensitive head.
"Oh, fuck, baby." You open your throat and push him as deep as he'll go into your mouth, pressing your nose into the soft patch of hair at the base of him. He leans his head back and opens his mouth. You continue to bounce on him quickly and he grabs your hair to hold it while you move. You slide your tongue up and down the bottom of his shaft and then swirl it around the tip again. He pulls your hair gently and thrusts slowly into your mouth. When you can tell he's getting close, you suck off the tip with a small pop and then look up at him. You kiss back up his body and he flips you over onto your back with him on top of you and pushes into you passionately.
"Sorry, honey, I couldn't wait any longer." He pants as he drives into you over and over again. You whimper in response, obviously not complaining about his pace. Your breasts bounce as he pounds into you and he watches them match his movements. You wrap your legs around him and he groans with the change in sensation.
"You like this, baby, when I give it to you hard like this?" He whispers in your ear as he fucks you with all his power.
"Yes, yes! I love it!" You respond, nibbling on his earlobe.
"Good. That's my good girl." He continues to slam his hips into yours until neither of you can stand it anymore and you come undone together, your orgasms hitting you at the same time. He shudders and groans and you cuss and flutter around him. Finally, he rolls off you and you both lay there breathing heavily. He leans over and kisses your shoulder gently.
And then you hear it. The buzzing sound. You sit up frantically, but a lightbulb goes off for him.
"Y/n! The portals!"
"What about them?"
"They open when we have sex!" He looks at you excitedly.
"Yeah, and?! You need to go!"
"No. I don't."
"Elvis, I'm not having this fight with you again."
"No, honey, I just mean I don't have to go right now. If this one goes away, we'll just make another one." You look at him with your eyes wide. He's right. Every time you've had sex, a portal has opened. It's like the connection between you is what's causing them to exist in the first place, so this ultimate expression of your connection forces them to open.
"You're right!" You laugh and he grabs you and pulls you close to him.
"I'm not going anywhere. Not right now." Not ever, he thinks to himself, but he'll break that part to you slowly.
The portal disappears with a pop and you stay there in his arms. But how many portals is he planning to ignore?
Later that night, a few of your friends come over to pre-party for the bar. Several of them recognize "John" from the last time he was around and he greets them happily.
One of your friends busts out a bottle of Fireball and starts pouring shots. You take one and drink it and Elvis holds one to his nose cautiously.
"Aw, come on, John. I know you like girly drinks. This is basically candy." Katie teases him, remembering his love for Malibu and pineapple.
"Haha." He mock-laughs teasingly in return. Then he closes his eyes and tosses back the shot. He winces a bit and then opens his eyes.
"Damn, alright, that's not bad." Everyone laughs and they pour another round of shots. He only does one more, but you do three. He looks at you with mild concern, but doesn't want to be the guy to tell you not to have fun.
Either way, you're feeling very relaxed by the time you get to the bar. You settle at a long table with your friends and lean over into his shoulder. He wraps his arm around you, half because he wants to touch you and half because he's holding you upright. You're the first one of your group to volunteer to sing and despite the amount of alcohol you've had, he's amazed at how you sound. Your voice is soulful and strong and it makes him love you even more. When you get back to the table, they're pestering him to sing.
"Sing an Elvis Presley song. We know you know them." You make eye contact with him nervously, but he shrugs. There's no way they would ever know who he is, even if he sings. He goes up and talks to the DJ and then settles behind the mic. The first few bars of Jailhouse Rock come through the speakers and he starts to sing.
You've never seen him sing on stage before. He's just as electric as they said he is and you're spellbound. All your friends clap and cheer, but you sit there in silent amazement. He does a few dance moves as he sings and you understand why girls threw their underwear at him. You'd drag him off the stage to the bathroom right now, if you could. You half consider it for a second, but he finishes the song and takes a bow. When he walks back over to the table everyone gushes over how much he actually sounds like Elvis. He laughs and thanks them and then you grab him and pull him into a deep kiss right in the middle of the bar. He pulls back after a few seconds.
"Honey, there are people everywhere."
"I don't care." Your words are getting a little fuzzy, since you've had two more drinks at the bar.
The rest of the evening passes and you continue to drink while he continues to watch you worriedly. You both sing a couple more songs and finish with Love Me Tender as a duet. You never lose your ability to sing, but when you stumble and he has to catch you on your way back from the stage, he decides it's time for you to go home. Katie agrees and volunteers to drive you both home. You try to argue, but your words are so slurred at this point that it's a lost cause. On the way to the car, he actually goes ahead and picks you up to carry you.
In the car, you go on and on about how much you love him and how much you love watching him sing. You actually even call him "Elvis" a few times and Katie raises her eyebrows.
"She's so drunk. She must think I'm the real thing." He laughs nervously. "Does she do this a lot?" Katie shrugs.
"Yeah. It started a couple years ago. She went to Memphis and came back different. I'm not sure if something happened to her or what."
He looks at you where you've fallen asleep in his lap. Leaving him in 1958 must've been harder on you than he thought.
When you get back to the house, he has to carry you inside. Katie offers to take care of you, she's done it a lot recently, but he says no.
"I've got 'er. Thanks for the ride." She nods and he takes you into the bedroom. He takes off your shoes and your jeans and is trying to sort out your bra clasp when you sit up in the bed.
"Oh no."
"What?" He gets his answer when you run to the bathroom and puke. He sighs deeply and then goes to help you. Luckily, his time in the military taught him a few things, so he brings you some water from the kitchen. Then, he holds your hair and rubs your back while you're sick. Eventually, your stomach is empty, so he gets you to drink some water and get back in the bed. There, he holds you to him and kisses your forehead. You mumble into his chest.
"I love you, Elvis."
"I love you too, honey." He settles in to sleep, worried about how you truly were while you were apart. He never even thought to ask if you were okay. In his mind, it's his fault that you're like this. There's no way he's leaving you now. Not like this.
Until Chapter 6!
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @your-nanas-house @deniseinmn @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @that-hotdog @eddiesgirlforever @helen06dreamer @rjmartin11
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pro-memoriia · 1 month
A sweet Swiss/Dew one maybe? 👉👈
Errrr okay okay okay okay okay
I'm preparing myself guys 🙏🏻
CW: Suggestive moments but no actual NSFW, Dew and Swiss kind of have a love/hate relationship and it's lowkey corny, takes place between Meliora and Prequelle
"You're trying too hard, baby," Swiss' voice cut through the silence of Dew's room.
Dewdrop nearly jumped out of skin, his tail spiking and hairs standing up on the back of his neck. He growled and turned away from the candle he'd been attempting to light.
"Jesus Christ," the interrupted ghoul spat. "You're really fucking freaky, new guy."
Swiss laughed. "Why?"
"Sneaking into my room without permission?"
"Your door was cracked open," Swiss said.
"Still! Creepy! Anyways, fuck do you want..."
Swiss sighed and flopped backwards onto the bed.
"I wanna help," he groaned. "I'm bored."
"Maybe you should practice," Dew quipped. "We start tour in a few months."
Swiss blew a raspberry with a lack of amusement. "Boring."
Dewdrop shook his head. The fire ghoul was hot headed (no pun intended) and wasn't exactly pleased with his new pack mate's presence.
It had only been a few weeks since Terzo's era as Papa was over and Dew had been passed on to the Cardinal. Along with the transition in authority figures, he'd also been forced to undergo an elemental transition. It had been painful and grueling and an overall awful experience. Now, the painful part was over, but he still didn't know how to be a fire ghoul.
"How the hell would you be able to help me?"
Swiss' ears perked up. "I'm a multi ghoul! I'm special. I got experience in alllll the areas, even fire. And a little birdie told me you went through an elemental switch not too long ago..."
Swiss was awful in Dew's eyes. Sort of... He was cocky and flamboyant. Dew found it infuriating, and although he'd never admit it out loud, he sort of found it charming as well.
"I don't really wanna do this anymore anyways," Dew huffed. He rolled his shoulders and stretched. "Shit's getting boring. And I'm pissed."
"It's 'cause you're stressing yourself out. I can help you with a few things. But I guess now I realize that the first thing you need help with is getting some damn relaxation."
Dew glared at the multi. "Fuck's that supposed to mean?"
"Exactly what it sounds like, duh."
Dew growled a little. Swiss got up and walked to Dew, standing in front of the criss cross ghoul.
Dewdrop's face was level with Swiss' crotch now, and he stared at it with both anger and a little bit of hunger.
"Ahhh, not that. Not right now, at least," Swiss said to him through a laugh. He yanked the fire ghoul up by his armpits and set him down so his feet were on the floor.
"Aww, someone needs a hug," Swiss taunted in a pouty voice.
"Fuck off! You don't even know me. I've been here way longer than you and we've barely talked-"
"We can change that, y'know."
"Quit interrupting me! I'm not-"
Swiss laughed. "This is fun."
Dewdrop growled at Swiss.
"You're awfully small," Swiss said with a smirk after a few seconds of silence.
"Just shut up and kiss me, dammit!"
Swiss leaned in and locked his lips with the short ghoul. Dew's hands wrapped around the multi's horns to hold him in place.
"You are such an asshole," he mumbled against his lips. "I hate you so much."
Swiss pulled back with a chuckle and kissed a line from his lips to his ear before whispering. "I thought you said we didn't know each other..."
Dew obeyed and jumped, his legs wrapping around Swiss' waist.
"You're so cute," Swiss praised as he backed up. When his knees hit the bed, he sat down and scooted back with Dew still on top. "Told you all you need was some relaxation."
"We're not fucking?" Dew questioned.
"I told you, not now," Swiss giggled. "We can cuddle and make out though."
Dew hesitated. "Yeah, okay, I guess that's enough."
He kissed down Swiss' face and jaw and nuzzled against his neck, causing Swiss to purr.
"Purring? Already? Damn, you're easy."
Swiss just hummed and pulled his face back to his.
"How about we get to know each other, mm?"
"Under the sheets with our tails tangled, sure."
Swiss used his leg to pull up the blanket at the foot of the bed. He yanked it up and over the two of them, but kept their lips locked in the process.
As soon as they were under the warm cover, Swiss purred. He broke the kiss to momentarily cuddle his face against Dew's shoulder. He rolled them both a little so they were on their sides. Dew's leg was pulled over Swiss' hip and his hands were grabbing his cheek and the back of his head.
"Can't believe we're doing this much already," Swiss joked. "We haven't even gone out to dinner first."
"Hahaha," Dew replied sarcastically. "You're such a fucking menace and it makes you annoyingly attractive."
"I know. You feeling less stressed yet?"
"I fucking love you," Dew spat, pulling him into another kiss.
He internally cursed himself for losing to his attraction, but Swiss was sweet and made it all worth it.
So when he was snoring in Swiss' arms a little while later, his new packmate knew it wouldn't take much to get close.
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Warm Killer
Aemond Targaryen x Reader
Summary: There was now blood on your hands that you could never wash away. The prince does his best to comfort you.
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: mentions/depictions of manslaughter, conversations about death/murder, fem!reader, angst, fluff, typos, etc.
A/N: there is an alternate daemon version of this just cos i wanted to do one for the other loml I LOVE THIS GIF OF AEMOND SO MUCH HES SO BROODY I LOVE IT Tagging: @pinksirensong @deniixlovezelda
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Aemond grunted and growled as he rose from his bed. His own head bangs at the sound of the banging at his door. Once he gets up, throwing his blanket off him, he grabs his sword on his way to the entrance, ready to threaten whoever was moronic enough to interrupt his sleep just when he managed to drift.
It was rare for him to find peace in times like this, and he'd make sure it was everyone's problem now that he's lost it.
"What?" he quips, tight and loud as he pulls the door roughly open.
The sword in his hand drops with a rattle when he sees what was before him.
I heave heavily as I take him in with my bloodshot eyes. Tears were streaking my soaked face. My hood was drawn down. My whole body was dripping in rain water. My voice comes out hoarse and shaky, "a thousand apologies, but I did not know what else to do."
Aemond pulls the door open further, brows tightening as he reached out to me.
I twitch at the feeling of his hot hand in mine. He is alerted in consequence and slowly walks forward, whispering my name carefully.
I take in his tired and concerned face, as suddenly, a flash of the face of man I pulled out from the docks makes me realize my feet were allowed to take me here, only on account of poor, emotional, decision making.
I shake my head, stepping back slowly, "my prince, I-"
"What has happened to you? Why are you out during a storm?" Aemond questions, reaching out for my arms.
"I-" I shake my head rapidly, "I wanted to see you."
"Unchaperoned, at this hour?!" his face twists with more worry.
"I-" I heave, hiccupping, "I could not sleep because I kept thinking about how you told me you hated storms."
He calls my name out as he sighs. His face is twisted in worry as he comes close enough to take my cheeks in his hands. I look up at him, lips parting as I realize he was not wearing his eyepatch and I was able behold the sapphire in his socket.
"My sweet girl," he mutters, "you should not have-"
"Someone was following me, Aemond."
He purses his lips tightly and clenches his jaw.
I try to make my breathing even when I recount the events, "I thought I could lose him, so I circled and took the long way here, but then I got to the docks and he grabbed me and- and I pushed him!"
Aemond nostrils flare, "did he hurt you?"
"No," I whine, shaking my head, "no, no, no, you don't get it, Aemond! I pushed him into the water!"
A crack of thunder causes me to start. I let out a squeal and cover my ears as we both turn to the lightning print in the dark sky.
My breath hitches when Aemond pulls away, taking my wrist as he leads me into his room.
I jolt once more when I step on a sword on the floor I did not see. Aemond kicks it to the side and leads me to his fireplace. The next moment, he walks off and comes back to me with some clothes, muttering, "I do not have anything else to offer you."
I take the clothes from him and unclasp the tie of my hood. When it drops to the floor, Aemond looks away then walks to the corner of his room, back to me, offering me privacy.
I release a huff and change out of my damp clothes. Once I am done and wringing my hair, I realize it is the exact thing he is wearing, save that the fit is drastically different.
Usually, the scent of him was enough to calm me down. And yet, as I deeply took in the remnants of his scent on his ill fitting clothes, I still could not find peace.
"Aemond," I call weakly.
He turns to me, false eye glistening in the light of the fire.
He walks over to me. A shiver runs down my spine when he grabs my arms. He takes in my form, lips parting as he releases a breath, then leads me to his bed. He grabs his blanket and wraps it around me tightly before sitting me down and asking, "what happened after you pushed him?"
My breathing heavies again.
He takes my hand and squeezes it tightly. I slide over to him so that I would be able to lean on his shoulder. He feels stiff against me when I do so, "he said he could not swim and flailed his arms in panic as the waves and the rain hit him."
He hums at my words.
"I... I was too shocked to do anything at first," I gulp a lump in my throat, "and when I finally acted and managed to pull him out of the water, he- he-"
Aemond sighs, knowing exactly where this was going, "it was not your fault."
I pull away from his shoulder, knitting my brows as I looked at him with tears, "I pushed him, Aemond!"
He snaps, "he was a predator," his eye was dark, "he wanted to hurt you."
My throat constricts under his intense gaze, "his family must be worried sick about him."
Aemond shifts to face me, grabbing my hands tightly in his, "I would have killed him myself if he managed to lay a finger on you."
I shake my head at his words, screwing my eyes shut as tears rush down my face.
"Fuck," he utters, releasing my hands in the heat of the moment. He then pulls me into a tight embrace. He releases a defeated sigh when I break down against his chest. I shuffle in my spot as I bring my body closer to his.
Aemond tenses before he relaxes when I wind up on his lap. He shifts. One of his hands gather my hair, wringing it as he says, "I apologize... it was ill of me to say that to you."
I bring my face to the side of his neck as I mumble his name.
He turns his face to meet mine.
I frown at him, "I don't think I will ever be the same again."
He shuts his eye upon hearing this, "I wish it did not have to be so." I watch as his brows tense, "I wish I could take this from you."
Aemond opens his eye when I shift atop him. He watches me intently as I straddle his lap. He lets out a breath, hands resting on my hips.
I take his face in my hands and move to kiss the scar on his eye.
When I pull back, he is rigid and mortified. He only now realized he was without his eyepatch.
The next moment, he turns away and cups his face. His other hand leaves me too, in lieu of leaning on it behind him.
I whimper then call out to him desperately, "please don't hide."
He turns further.
"Aemond, don't you understand," I whine, tears blocking my vision, "I love you!"
His eye widens.
"I wanted to come to you because I was concerned, and-- and I just admitted to you that- that I've become a murderer, and-"
"You are not a murderer," he blurts, turning to me, hand still blocking his eye.
I feel hurt in me spread at the sight of him. His lips part at my expression. His other hand catches my face to wipe my tears away.
I shake my head, "and you should not hide," I whine, reaching out to the hand on his face, "please, don't hide from me."
He struggles with himself, I see it. And so I was grateful when he allows me to draw his hand away. Once I am face to face with the jewel again, I press a kiss on his lips and cup his cheeks in my hands.
Aemond is finally at ease enough to bring his hands back to my sides.
When I pull away from him, I plant a kiss on his scar again, then trail all the way down to his jaw, muttering as I did, "please make me forget."
Aemond does not fight me when I push him down on the bed. I grab on the loose garments on me, eager to remove it. He stops me before I could, taking my wrists and my breath away when he says, "I love you."
A gasp leaves me when he pulls me down onto him and presses a kiss on my lips.
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sissy-the-siren · 29 days
Borderlands: Debt or Alive
"You seem to misunderstand who you're talking to," I growled. "We did this to save you. We're the good guys." "Funny," Fittzwiggins said, a cruel smile curling his lip. "I seem to remember one Handsome Jack saying much the same thing."
Things I was expecting from Borderlands: Debt or Alive--my girls, guns, and fun.
Things I got from Borderlands: Debt or Alive--my girls, guns, fun, Rhysha goodness, Fiona being Very Gay, existential crises, and class revolution.
A solid entry into the Borderlands universe, Anthony Burch doesn't disappoint, returning with the same wit and charm to his writing that made me fall in love with Borderlands 2. Fast-paced and action-packed, this isn't your standard novel and reads almost like a movie script, but it's so much fun, and, well, so MUCH FUN!!!
(If you haven't played Borderlands 2 and Tales from the Borderlands, this book might not make much sense or be enjoyable for you, just a head's up.)
After running and gunning for so long, when con artist sisters Fiona and Sasha finally get their Big Break, they find themselves wallowing in apathy, missing...what, they're not quite sure, but whatever it is, it's preventing them from enjoying their new life of luxury. It only takes Sasha's second death, Fiona's first death, Deathtrap's destruction (don't worry, he gets rebuilt!), Gaige's torture (twice), and an uprising against Eden-5's uber wealthy Elite for them to figure it out, but they get there!
I was hoping--PRAYING--for some Rhysha goodness, and Burch more than delivered; in-between bouts of dealing with her own mortality and the cold realization that nothing awaits her after death, Sasha examines her life, where she's at, what her future holds, and where Rhys slots into it all. I've compiled the following list of Rhysha moments:
Chapter 1 p. 13-14 - Taking place during the last battle with the Guardian, Sasha reflects over the events of Tales, with an emphasis on how she developed feelings for Rhys (and vice versa), largely due to how loyal he was to his friends and the lengths he'd go to protect them. p. 16 - Sasha's death scene, where Rhys is sobbing uncontrollably (described as "heartbreak" by Fiona) and Sasha thinks to herself that he's "[d]umb as a rock" but that he has a "big heart".
Chapter 2 p. 20 - Fiona wonders if she's going to be stuck in the Vault forever while Rhys is free to go and hit on her sister. p. 25 - Sasha's eyes light up with joy, something they haven't done since they were kids--and, Fiona adds in a footnote, since Rhys started flirting with her (she tries not to think about that though). p. 27 - Sasha wishes for a Vaultlander collectible from the Vault, something she learned about from Rhys. He told her about them when she "accidentally brushed my hand against Rhys's arm and he got so nervous he wouldn't stop talking about these things for twenty minutes." Fiona tells her that she can do better, to which Sasha tells her to stop being "such a mom" and that Rhys is "a nice guy".
Chapter 4 p. 39 - The sisters discuss the Vaultlander, Rhys, and whether or not Rhys has ever taken his Vaultlander figures out to play with them (he told Sasha that he hasn't because they're a "sound financial and artistic investment"; the sisters both think he has though).
Chapter 6 p. 50-51 - NOT Rhysha related, but just one--and the most significant--of the many sections that screamed "FIONA LOVES WOMEN!!!!" to me. There is no hetero explanation for the amount of detail with which Fiona observes Holloway. NONE. Chapter 9 p. 71 - Sasha says that meeting Rhys couldn't have been for nothing. Chapter 10 p. 79 - Sasha is able to get a debt cuff off of Fiona because Rhys taught her how to hack. This comes in handy several times throughout the book. Chapter 15 p. 111 - Fiona notes that Sasha ECHOchats with Rhys almost every day. Chapter 16 p. 114-116 - Half of this chapter is Sasha talking to Rhys. Both admit that they miss each other, even if they're in a weird are-we-or-aren't-we place. Sasha thinks that Rhys is a kind, handsome himbo with ambition. Rhys blushes while saying she means a lot to him and Sasha realizes that she likes him. Chapter 31 p. 220-226 - Soooo much happens in these pages! The first thing that comes up is that Sasha notices the beginning of Rhys's mustache and that he's altered his voice. The tone turns serious when Rhys asks if he can call her his girlfriend, to which Sasha apologizes and says that she's not ready for that until she knows that she can promise him with certainty the future that he deserves. Rhys understands and is willing to do whatever is necessary as long as she's happy, to which Sasha admits to herself that she can see them being more--eventually. Things take a MORE serious turn when Rhys asks her how she's doing and Sasha tells him the truth--the full truth, which isn't something she normally would do, but feels comfortable doing so with Rhys because she cares about him and actually wants to let him in to her life. Rhys helps the sisters get back on track and renews their fighting spirits. Chapter 32 p. 227 - Fiona once against questions why Sasha is crushing on Rhys when his brilliant idea to disguise the guns he sent to them is by writing "Not Guns" on the pallets. Sasha says that his heart is in the right place, to which Fiona responds, "[w]here his brain should be." p. 228 - Sasha quotes Rhys ("Mustaches are a facial accoutrement that convey trustworthiness, masculinity, and culture without ever needing to leave the cozy confines of one's upper lip."), much to Fiona's horror, and when his parroted words succeed in swaying the secbot to let the "mustache wax" (pallets of guns) through, Sasha gets an air of "see-Rhys-can-be-useful-who-looks-silly-now" about her. Chapter 34 p. 237-242 - Taking up the bulk of this chapter, Fiona and Sasha argue over Sasha and her inability to make up her mind when it comes to whether or not she wants to be in a relationship with Rhys. Fiona points out that they're not living out of a caravan anymore, not constantly on the run, and that Rhys is a "decently handsome idiot who worships the ground you walk on", going so far to admit that she--Fiona--even likes him. She encourages Sasha to make a decision one way or the other--it's only fair to the both of them. Chapter 36 p. 255 - Fiona hands Sasha a note that Rhys handwrote for her that he sent with the gun shipment. A "big, dumb smile" appears on Sasha's face. Epilogue p. 308-309 - Fiona sends a text-only ECHOcomm to Rhys. Fiona thanks Rhys for everything he's done for her, and for being good to Sasha (of course, she follows up by saying that if he's ever NOT good to her, she'll hunt him down and fill his brain with bullets). She reluctantly congratulates him on officially being Sasha's "long-distance boyfriend".
Even without all that Rhysha goodness, Debt or Alive is a solid book and a wild ride with plenty of love, laughs, and anarchy. (Side note: The sisters' last name is Dillon? Dillon?????)
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deadbydangit · 1 year
Getting into an Argument with them.
Mastermind, Legion (Frank), Oni
It was honestly rather ridiculous.
Wesker can be kind of a control freak.
So if something isn't exactly up to his code of conduct, he gets irritated.
Something as small as the forks where the spoons should be can make him annoyed.
"Damn it! Why did you have to touch and move everything!"
And he'll scramble to put everything back where it was.
"God, you're so useless."
He realized what he said too late.
He'll sort of freeze up.
He didn't mean it.
And he realizes how much he just hurt you.
He might try to hug you.
"I'm... I'm so sorry I said that dearheart."
He'll understand if you're upset with him though.
If you don't want a hug at that moment.
He's upset with himself.
If you need space for a little while, he'll respect that.
Once you're ready, he'll offer a sincere apology, complete with a well thought out declaration of his undying love to you.
A promise to never hurt you again.
And all the cuddles you could ever want.
His full attention will be on you the whole day.
Anything you wish will be yours, just ask.
He promises he won't ever do it again.
Losing you is his biggest fear.
Legion (Frank)
When Frank is angry, he's usually good about not taking it out on anyone else.
He had enough anger taken out on him going from foster home to foster home.
He knows better than to snap at other people for things that aren't their fault.
But some trials just piss him off.
Things just didn't go very well that time.
Pallets to the head, flashlights, taunting.
He was furious.
So when you ran up and gave him a hug, he was in no mood.
"Hey, get off of me!"
He might even shove you back.
"God, you're so clingy. Back the fuck off."
And he'll storm off.
The rest of the Legion are right by your side comforting you after what just happened.
Susie is the best at comforting, so she's going to be the one looking after you.
Joey's bringing snacks and comfort items (pillows, things that make you happy, etc).
Julie is upstairs with Frank, chewing him out.
"I don't give a fuck how bad your trial went! You don't take that shit out in s/o. Chill the fuck out, then take your sorry ass down and apologize."
Give it about ten minutes, and Frank will be back downstairs.
In tears.
Blubbering apologizes and begging you not to leave him.
Throwing himself at your feet pleading for your forgiveness.
You can hardly understand him through his sobs.
"I love you! I won't do it again! I swear! I'm sorry!"
The others will leave to give you two space.
"Please, please don't hate me."
He'll do anything to keep you in his life.
Kazan has always had a difficult time containing his rage.
But he's very good about secluding himself when he feels his temper soaring.
But today was just frustrating.
Everything that could go wrong, did.
Trials ended with no hooks and a nasty punishment from the Entity.
So anything could set him off.
Your interruption when he was meditating was the breaking point.
He will stomp his foot and break through the wood flooring.
He'll look at you and growl.
Standing up, nostrils flaring.
That's enough to make any normal person piss their pants.
Seeing you pale as a ghost, he'll simply freeze.
He promised you he'd never frighten you.
He promised himself that he'd never do this.
Taking a few shaking steps forward, he'll fall to his knees and gently embrace you.
Stroking your face like you're made of glass.
You can tell he feels terrible.
"I'll never do that again. I swear on my family name. Please, forgive me."
He'll understand if you're angry.
He'd understand if you hated him.
But, you're the most important person in the whole world to him.
So much so that he'd renounce being a samurai for you.
"Please, do not let this be the end. I can't bear to be without you."
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captain-mj · 1 year
The serial killer au is just amazing! The perfect amount of fluff and hurt and fucked up-ness
Waiting patiently in front of my bowl for part 2
Took me a minute but I made it!
Part 1 and also CW: everything. So much. There's Dubcon. Explicit stuff. A man is murdered. Vague references to self harm. Dead Dove
Soap knew the moment the man died. Ghost was pouting about it. He took Soap down to the basement to keep him company as he poured bleach all over the blood soaked floor.
The blood went in arcs all over the floor and walls. Like there had been a fountain of it with several buckets of it hitting the floor.
"I can't believe I hit a vein. Fucker bled to death." Ghost treated the body like a broken toy. Kicking it to the side so he could pour more bleach on it. It fell so limply.
Lifeless soulless eyes looking up at him, as if to judge him. As if to ask why Soap stood upstairs doing nothing about it.
Soap nodded, feeling a bit sick. He looked away and upstairs. There was a burst of energy in his limbs. It felt like he was a rabbit, ready to sprint.
But the wolf in question would never hurt him.
Ghost, probably reading Soap's mind as he had a tendency to do, crossed the room, gloved hands trailing along his throat.
"Poised to run?"
"Nah. Much prefer being with you." He grabbed his wrist, not to stop him but to pull him closer.
Ghost rubbed his thumb against Soap's clavicle, pressing in a little. "With him gone, I guess you'll need to keep me entertained."
"You did mention something about new toys." Soap joked before noticing the way Ghost's hand tightened.
Oh no. Serious voice and his name. Ghost was about to say something earth shattering.
"Do you want to see my face?"
Yep. Earth Shattering.
"What?" Soap wheezed.
"Yeah. How about this. We play a game and if you can win, I'll show you my face."
Soap panted immediately. "What? Really? What's the game?"
"I set a timer. You last."
This was some trick. "Last how? Like don't..." Soap felt himself get flustered. Yes, Ghost had put him in degrading positions and had done unspeakable things with those long fingers of his, but something about just saying "don't cum your brains out" was a little too bold for him.
"Nah. Nothing so cruel. I know you have a hair trigger."
The worst part? Soap always took longer than his partners before. Ghost was just good at what he did.
"You just have to stay awake."
Soap didn't understand, but to see Ghost's face? He'd stay up for weeks. "Yeah, okay. I agree."
Ghost grinned. Soap could see how the skin around his eyes wrinkled, even though there was no change in the actual depths. Still dead and empty. "Excellent."
He yanked him upstairs, lifting him off the ground for a few seconds. Ghost's hands were all over him. Groping him. Grabbing at him. Yanking his hair until he...
"You moan like a whore." Ghost growled at him, yanking his hair to get another pitiful moan out of him. He started to tug at his clothes, wanting Soap undressed as always. Soap obliged, loving those rough gloves on his body.
Ghost grinned. "And so you know I'm serious." He grabbed a blindfold and put it on Soap. There was a rustling of fabric after it was on and then Soap's hands were pressed to his bare face. Ghost must've shaved recently. Suddenly, he realized what Ghost's scars were. A giant smile, reaching up to his cheeks.
Did someone do that to Ghost? While Soap knew about the scars along Ghost's shoulders, he didn't think cutting a smile was something Ghost would do to himself, even if he was in the worst of mindsets.
"Just have to stay awake."
"How long?"
"You don't get to know. I can't make this easy on you. It's my face on the line."
Soap hummed softly. "Do whatever you want to me." He could feel Ghost's mouth on his body. Sweet and loving. Gentle fingers.
Soap laid back and just floated in the sensation of being prepped. Finally, he was starting to learn to go to this soft and floating place so that way he could take what Ghost gave him.
After being prepped for a good long while, his body easily able to take three of Ghost's fingers, did Ghost pull back.
Soap felt an expectedly cold on his cock when Ghost dropped lube on his cock. It made him pause, wondering what was going on. He considered voicing his confusion, but the small chance that Ghost might drop the deal kept him quiet.
Ghost's breath brushed against his cock and Soap's hips jerked up slightly, almost into his face. It made him chuckle and kiss Soap's stomach lightly.
Something touched the tip of his cock and then it started to slip down like a glove. He jerked and wiggled, not liking the feeling of cold lube and silicon quite that much. "Called a fleshlight. Just relax. Feel better in a minute."
It wasn't quite like a person, too... plastic. But it did start to feel nice. Especially when the heat from Ghost's hand warmed it up. He started to buck his hips up, even more confused by what Ghost's game was.
"Is the timer hours or days?"
The toy quickly moved faster, knocking the breath out of him. He could hear Ghost angrily whispering about Soap's stupid ability to think. It started... buzzing.
Soap felt the red on his cheeks spread to the tips of his ear. He had never used a vibrator before and this was... He whimpered and bit his lip to shut up.
It squeezed around him slowly and Soap's legs twitched. His hole clenched with the need to be filled. He wanted Ghost to finger him again. Or maybe just ram himself into him. Break him open.
Something silicon pressed to his hole too.
"Jesus Ghost. Prefer you."
"I'm flattered." Ghost grinned. He pushed it in and Soap immediately had a sneaking suspicion he knew what the challenge was. It was ridged and even with the thorough prep, it felt like he was actually going to break open from the inch that was pushing in. By the second ridge shoving inside him, Soap's legs snapped shut and both the toy around his cock and the one being pushed in stopped. It was a small mercy and a clear sign that Ghost was secretly being generous tonight.
Ghost didn't pull the stupid thing out but he did focus on the toy on his cock. It was so good. He felt himself just drifting as he took it and took it. Well, trying.
He came for the first time and Ghost just kept going. Overstimulation got worse but he could handle it. Was determined to handle it. To see Ghost's face. Blond hair maybe? What nose did he have? Soft lips?
Soap started to build up again. His stomach started to tense up into knots, legs shaking. It felt so good but it was starting to get to be too much, too fast. He was going to...
Soap jerked away before he could finish, trying desperately to get respite from the assaulting pleasure, and Ghost paused again. Slowly the toy pressed in deeper. Soap figured out this game as well. Too much pleasure or take more. The toy was now pressed right at his prostate and it only made the situation worse as his cock pathetically jumped against his stomach.
Sobs tore their way through him. Sensations bombarding him until he felt like he was nothing but what he felt from Ghost's hands. The blindfold and the deafening silence of anything but Soap's own fucked out whimpers made it feel like he really was a Ghost. Just a set of hands set to destroy him and ruin him in anyway possible.
Soap couldn't take it anymore. It made him feel so stretched and full that it started to drive him crazy. He jerked up into the toy and laid there to take the assault again. Unfortunately for Soap, it seemed the time away had not decreased his sensitivity at all. His orgasm started to build again and he just forced himself to take it. It washed over him like a wave, suffocating him.
Soap was pretty sure he wasn't hard anymore. Not from lack of trying, of course, and definitely not from lack of enjoying it. He started to cry harder, feeling the shame of being into this. Of sickeningly enjoying it. Soap pulled back from the fleshlight and felt the dildo immediately start to press deeper. Each ridge had him choking on sobs, horribly turned on and able to do nothing but take take take.
Soap shook his head. Where was the timer? They had been doing this for an eternity? Soap reached down, feeling the small bump in his stomach from where he was being impaled. If he pressed, he could feel his muscles jumping while trying hard to let him cum one more time. Despite Ghost's sadistic methods, he still struggled with more than once and three times was a struggle that took hours. It had to have been hours.
Soap came a third time, feeling warm liquid on his thighs. He wondered if it was Ghost's or himself. The idea of Ghost coming untouched at the sight of him. That watching Soap debase himself, become so debauched he'd let Ghost torture him so and get off on it. Made him cum. It got him horrifically close to a fourth time.
"I can't..." Soap gritted out. "No more. I can't..."
Ghost paused and leaned over him. "New deal."
"Sir, please." Soap couldn't. His brain wasn't working anymore. It couldn't.
"You have another hour on the timer."
"No, god please." Soap sobbed so hard the pillow under his head became wet. "I can't."
"Not much left of this toy. All the way in and I'll still give you your reward."
Soap had to think hard. Ghost's hand dragged his to show there were just four ridges left. He could do that. He could.
Ghost turned the fleshlight on high and slowly started to push it in.
"Wait." Soap choked out.
One of four and Soap was starting to wonder if the toy was tapered because it just felt harder with push. So much. So intense. So big. He wondered if the wetness in his thighs was his own blood. If he had been torn. If Ghost would keep him on his shelf a little longer.
Two of four and Soap was sobbing, hurtling towards some great beyond. He started to babble instead of talk. His body was shattering. His brain was turning to mush. So fucking big and his cock was being fucking milked a
Three of four and Soap's started to shake as he hurtled towards the edge. Just as he reached it, just as he was about to get his reward, Soap's head lolled back as he blacked out, cumming right as he did.
Ghost tsked his tongue. "Hope you have sweet dreams thanks to this." He, carefully, pulled the toy out of him, watching the way Soap gaped from it. Soap was lucky he was asleep or he'd been stuffed full of cum until he was drunk on it. Ghost used his hand and then got to work taking care of Soap. Bathing him and changing his clothes. He laid him gently back in his bed and left him to sleep.
After a little back and forth, he decided to give Soap a consolation prize. A little one. He didn't tie him up before he left. Soap could get to wander around to his little heart's content.
Ghost kissed his hair, admiring him. His bitten lips and pretty complexion. He wanted to press him between the pages of a book like a flower to preserve him. Instead, he had to settle for just admiring him. Johnny needed to sleep, so he left him to do so.
Before he did though, he picked up his phone, putting it in his pocket. The alarm had went off about 45 minutes before. Ghost had just had it on vibrate so Soap would only know if Ghost told him. It had been an insurance policy in case Ghost changed his mind about the face thing. Which he did.
Soap sobbed when he woke up. His entire abdomen was sore and his legs still felt like jelly. He tried to sit up and pain rushed through him.
How could he mess things up like that? He was so close. He was going to get to see him.
His entire over sensitive body picked up on every single drag of the sheets. Every sensation setting him on fire.
No answer.
"Ghost!" Soap called again and when no one answered, he took the blindfold off. He glanced around before seeing a note, explaining that for his efforts, Ghost left him untied.
Only one small problem, it hurt to move and there was zero chance he could walk in this state.
Soap just shoved his face into the pillows and sobbed.
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projectaconitum · 1 month
Lovely Diabolik Elysium
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{ Hell || Abyss || Chasm || Schism: BRUTE || Schism: MANSERVANT || Schism: VAMPIRE || Elysium }
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Ankle to ankle, Death has shackled me, Easy to entrance, easy to fall, and yet - "Hope" is no longer an Absentee
"...Reiji, what'd you do?" were the words from Laito's mouth as his emerald eyes drifted over Viola's form. Her color had significantly improved in the past few days, and she actually had the guts to speak a few short words to people other than Reiji tonight, with the exception of Shu. Not only that, but... Laito's eyes lingered on a smile.
"I've no idea what you're talking about," was his automatic reply as Viola tried her best not to scarf down orange-tinged linguine like ramen, ignoring the feeling that she was being quite heavily watched. Which, indeed, five out of six of the brothers were watching her eat.
"You kiddin'?" Ayato asked, irritated as he pointed at Viola with a fork. "That wench was practically a walking corpse a week ago."
"Viola, I'm not going to take it from you. Eat slower," Reiji chided, ignoring Ayato. Though he had never given Viola a reason to think that, as preventing her from eating after he'd deigned to give her food was one of the few cruelties he hadn't inflicted upon her.
"Vitamin C and iron is great, Reiji, but I need some damn carbs. And, anyway, it's your cooking; why are you complaining?" Reiji glanced at her with surprise. As did his brothers. "...sorry."
"No... it's fine." Then it was Viola's turn to be shocked as the sound of Reiji adjusting his glasses reached her ears. "But if you like my cooking so much, then savor it."
"Yes, sir." Satisfied, Reiji took a sip of his tea.
"I don't think I've been so unsettled in decades," Shu muttered, and Reiji shot him a glare.
"Shut up," Viola's voice came out before Reiji's, and again, several astonished looks.
Shu softly yawned, "Since when did you have teeth?" Oddly, Shu had smiled rather than furrow his eyebrows, and Reiji bristled at the obscene sight.
"Viola, enough," Reiji barked when she opened her mouth for a retort, and she flinched as if he'd struck her. Guilt writhed up into the chambers of his heart, taking hold of the tissues and squeezing from the inside.
"I apologize for speaking out of turn," she replied softly. He ached to inform her that fear had shaken his mind he didn't want Shu to take interest in her, but how could he do such a thing in the moment?
"I didn't know you were such a possessive freak, Reiji," Shu remarked, lazily leaning back in his chair, his blue eyes meeting his little brother's magenta ones before he stared up at the ceiling instead.
A confused air rippled from the others as Reiji stiffened. How? How could that good-for-nothing realize it? They rarely spoke, so why...?
"Do you think I'm an idiot?" he added, interrupting Reiji's short, angry rebuttal. "No, of course you do. There is no universe where you would rebuke someone for displaying dislike towards me, and yet you did. Because you're terrified I'll kill her in retaliation for what you've done."
Reiji resisted the urge to groan. Even supposing he refuted Shu's claim, there was a high probability he would try to kill Viola regardless. And if Shu knew for certain...
"Reiji." A tug on his sleeve, and Reiji turned towards his woman with some surprise. "It's fine."
The careless remark made the vampire snap.
"No, it certainly IS NOT!" he growled at her, standing and yanking Viola up by her arm. He was walking away from the dinner table, into the next room. He didn't even see Shu's eyes widening, not that he would have cared. "What does it take for you to understand that I did not spend time keeping you alive just to have you die?!"
"I... was thinking about it, and... ultimately, you will live and I will die. Even if you were to give me every life-prolonging drug under the sun, and I do not suffer some kind of accident, I would still die. If such an accident were to happen sooner rather than later, then..."
"No!" Reiji shouted, and Viola jolted as he took a fierce hold of her shoulders. "I would far sooner kill every last one of my brothers, starting with that worthless good-for-nothing!"
"Reiji..." The vampire breathed in irregular bursts, his fangs on full display as his eyes wavered. Viola gave him a sad look. "You spent so much time berating me for pursuing something that would bear no fruit for all my labor, but why are you doing the same?"
"I am not you!" he retorted hotly, and she shriveled a little. "Why must you insist upon underestimating my abilities?! Stop being so conceited to think that we could possibly be compared!"
Viola fell silent after that and stared at the ground in a mixture of shame and doubt. Reiji continued regardless.
"You are blind, incompetent, and dependent. Someone of your caliber could never manage to do something like prolonging your life!" Reiji paused, as if he had suddenly realized something, before a wide grin stole over his face. "Ah... Viola, I can assure you will not die while you continue to live by my side. Even if it means I must take measures that would be normally be unacceptable."
"Assure?" Viola inquired, shocked as she looked up at the vampire. Why? Some relaxation had entered his face. "What makes you so sure...?" Reiji softly chuckled to himself.
"I don't believe you need to know, as I certainly have no plans of doing such a thing now... Particularly considering it is irreversible, and I certainly don't favor the idea of-" Reiji stopped himself, prompting even more of Viola's curiosity as he flicked his glasses off and compulsively cleaned them. He found himself feeling glad for not the first time that she was blind.
"It's nothing. I imagine my brothers have left the dining hall without me to keep them there, so you will collect all of their dishes, dispose of their uneaten food, and wash the ceramics carefully. I do not want a single chip on any of those plates, or you will be punished accordingly."
"And," Reiji added as he pushed Viola back in the direction of the dining hall, "If you actually perform well for once, I may decide to reward you." Viola's mouth dropped open, and she turned to look back at him.
Impulsively, Reiji brushed his lips against her cheek, only deciding halfway through, in his surprise at himself, not to kiss the flesh before he dragged his mouth to her ear instead. "Is there something wrong with that?" It was a surprisingly genuine question.
"No, I just... didn't expect it." Viola backed away, and Reiji found himself feeling a ridiculous amount of pride in the fact that she seemed to be self-conscious with those pinkened cheeks of hers. "I didn't think I'd hear the word 'reward' from you." Reiji scoffed and pulled her back towards him with a smirk.
"And yet I believe I told you that I was the only one who could give you any form of pleasure." Viola reddened further, her ears starting to burn crimson.
"Don't say it like that!" she protested, and Reiji let out a short, amused laugh. "I'm not a masochist!"
"I never said you were," Reiji teased, and Viola spluttered.
"Weren't you always talking about me being a whore for pain or something?!"
"I was just insulting you. If you really enjoyed it, I wouldn't have bothered with minor punishments."
"Th-Then..." Viola looked around her, comically, before she leaned up to whisper in Reiji's ear. And, steadily, the woman in front of him wasn't the only one pink in the face.
"I..." He rubbed his cheeks. "Your mind is a dirty place, Viola." Although Reiji would begrudgingly admit such an idea would certainly be worth pursuing before he found the need to steal away the warmth of her human blood in exchange for a lukewarm, loosely affiliated variety.
"You're the one saying dirty things with a straight face!"
Reiji couldn't help himself from breaking into laughter, and moments later, Viola's laughter joined it. Though he would not have consciously acknowledged it, he would do anything to restore and preserve such a delicate thing.
There was no real way for him to know the depths of its damage, nor how to repair it in the first place, and yet he found himself compelled - no, obsessed - with it.
With her.
++ Thank you to those of you that managed to read through this shitty short fiction on Reiji despite its inconsistent updates. I created this side blog to curate a mysterious horror collection™, but in the end, I alas cannot resist the allure of my usual notes to my audience. You are always appreciated. ++
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sweetstarart · 1 year
40 Freaking Barnaby B Beagle headcanons!!!
(Why did this take me so long to make???)
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Under the cut!
Hes surprisingly good at math! Ask him any question and he'll answer quickly before saying "But that's just my opinion"
His hat is pretty much an infinite pocket that can fit anything he wants
He keeps a rotary phone in his hat
He has a large collection of clown dolls
He can juggle up to 97 things at a time and hasn't dropped anything while juggling in 7 years
If Barnaby gets wet, rather than smelling like a wet dog he'll smell like popcorn
He wears boots on all four paws when it rains because he hates the feeling of mud between his fingers/toes
Barnaby tends to growl when people wake him up. Usually he'll apologize and calm down once he realizes its one of his neighbors but he'll still be a bit grumpy
The only way to prevent this is to wake him up by saying "knock knock" and knocking on the nearest surface
Even bad jokes make him laugh!
Barnaby frequently eats things that aren't food only to realize moments later
He can yawn like a human or a dog
He has a closet full of bones that he's too lazy to bury in his backyard
He can fit in incredibly tight spaces
Barnaby sleeps for 14 hours a day!
If he catches Eddie, he'll jump ontop of him before snapping out of it and wondering what happened
If Eddie isn't on time for a delivery, Barnaby will wake up and instinctively chase him around the neighborhood
He is incredibly afraid of mice and squirrels
Barnaby has been doing stand up for 12 years, starting off with 0 experience
That said he's grown to like the taste of tomatoes because of how often they were thrown at him as a kid
As a puppy he used to sneak out at night and go to comedy clubs
His mom caught him and as punishment, she slept on top of him like a mother hen does to her eggs for 2 months
He chews on anything! Mostly done out of affection but sometimes as a way to calm himself down if he's stressed
He usually chews on one of Howdy's arms
Howdy can tell if somethings bothering him judging by how hard he's biting
Howdy has gone on dates with many neighbors, but Barnaby is his favorite
He doesn't realize he's adopted and thinks his mother is just a strange breed of dog
They both like eachother very much
Him and Wally use the same eyeshadow and eyeliner
Barnaby's nose honks like a clown nose
He has a tendency to giggle after nearly everything he says
Barnaby is technically the tallest neighbor, but Poppy's head feathers make her seem bigger
Barnaby is NOT a good chef, particularly because the only things he can somewhat cook are made with dog food
He eats dry dog food like cereal and uses wet dog food inplace of beef
He doesn't like to go out on hot days because his paw pads are sensitive to heat
85 degrees or higher and he can't go outside at all
He says "excuse me" if he growls at people unintentionally
He often jokes about missing Sally's rehearsal because he'd rather stay in bed, but truthfully, he's never missed a single one and even shows up early most of the time!
Sally and him have somewhat of a rivalry, but they're still very close friends
He loves to dance!
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Would you believe me if I said that wasn't all of them? Lmao I love this dude!
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