#he's def a menace with that weapon too though
pure-oddity · 7 months
Worth the Trouble
Simon/Ghost x Mean!fem!Reader
Warnings: slightly toxic? Reader is verbally mean and ghost Def manipulates the situation so he can have the missus come see him. PiV , Smut MDNI
“Heard LTs lost it, goin around on a rampage.”
“Just about near it. Price thinks he's injured and trying to downplay it. Won't tell him much aside from ‘I'm fine’. Hell for all we know hes just got a man-cold”
“Ach, the poor bastard”
Gaz snorts and continues with the next set, Soap checks for signs of struggle or strain before continuing (a dutiful gym buddy)
“Heard he blew some recruits ear out.”
“Think he backed out entirely, can't blame him - if I weren't already knee deep in this shit I'd tuck tail and run from Ghost”
“You n me both. Well. I did always have a taste for trouble. Probably woulda sought him out and he mighta strangled me.” he muses happily imagining his Lt tossing him around.
“Surprised he hasn't already “ gaz laughs, his eyes determined through the final pushes.
Soap laughs at that, thinks his lt has gotten close once or twice.
“Don't worry much about it though” gaz grunts.
Soap meets gaz's eye, watches a bead of sweat trickle down into his hair line.
“Why not?”
“Captain says he's calling in the secret weapon. Going nuclear.”
“The fuck is that supposed to mean?” Johnny questions, thinks of what could possibly be nuclear in regards to Ghost.
“Dunno. But I guess we'll find out.” Gaz finishes, setting the bar back in place and sitting up with a groan. He gives a sniff to his shirt and audibly gags.
“Yea that's rank, you wanna hit the showers?”
“Sayin I stink Garrick?”
“Sayin we should hit the showers”
“Cheeky cunt”
Soap follows his fellow Sargent to freshen up in the shower block, a stealthy sniff to his armpit solidifying his choice in joining.
The issue of the ornery Lieutenant momentarily forgotten.
He always knew price had an easy time with the ladies, but to parade one around so freely - a young woman at that?
“Well well, did price finally let you out his basement? I knew he had a pretty bird caged away somewhere!”
He reaches out a rugged palm and his smile is all boyish charm.
“Names Soap, nice to meet you bonnie”
She doesn't respond and doesn't move to shake his hand. Her arms remain seated within pockets of the leather jacket she adorns. Just continues to chew a wad of gum, sizing him up like one would an enemy. She looks bored, mildly annoyed.
He can't feel too upset over the snuff, the ample amount of cleavage on display makes up for it.
“Not the sociable type? No problem, work with one of those - I'll break you down”
She looks at price now, who - soaps noticing - looks like he swallowed a lemon laced with depression.
“MacTavish. This young lady is not my bird - lovely as she is - but she is the solution to our problem.”
For once Soap is speechless. Realization kicking in suddenly and with a force so strong his jaw drops.
“.....is that why he's pissed?? Lads gone without a bit of pussy and he's lost the plot? “
“Just sayin! Sorry lass, don't mean to be crude” he does mean to be crude actually. He is crude, but usually he waits till the second date before parading that fact around.
“......let's just get this over with. Fuckin bullshit for you to pull me out here. again” She grosses, looking miffed.
“Right, yes. Again, I do sincerely apologize- I wouldn't if I had another option”
“You're his captain, just order the fucker to act right” She scolds him, dissaproval evident in how she sizes him up.
“Unfortunately my lieutenant is a master of malicious compliance. Sweet as sugar with me, but a menace to anyone else.”
She sighs something resigned and annoyed. He watches as she blows a small bubble and pops it with a sharp click. Her brows scrunched and nose wrinkled into a sneer.
“Are…are you actually here to - do I get something like this if I start throwing a fit?!”
He eyes the woman next to his captain as she walks past him, seemingly familiar with the layout of the building.
“MacTavish. Shut up.”
“Yes sir.”
A brief pause
“Is it cause he's a lieutenant? Do I need to be a lieutenant?”
“Give me 50 Sargent MacTavish “
“Yes sir.”
He drops quickly and works through the 50, counting quickly before springing back up and towards the direction his captain and mystery woman left. He catches up to the tail end of their conversation.
“-he won't come out”
“really. Have you tried, I don't know, kicking the door in?”
“No. A bit extreme don't you think?”
He watches as she walks to the door, examines it, and he thinks ‘no, no way’. Watches as she turns and braces herself against the doorframe and thinks ‘Oh she's insane’ as she picks her foot up and slams it back against the door with a solid thump.
She gets 4 in, he notices the damage to the door grows steadily - the odd tinge of arousal at the unhinged behavior of this woman.
Feels his stomach drop to his knees when the door is thrust open and she's dragged inside the darkness.
The door is hardly shut when the screaming begins.
His captain waits patiently while he looks towards him and the door.
His LT is loud but she's managed to be louder. He can't make much out from how fast everything is said, muffled through the slightly askew door
“-acting like a fucking toddler!”
While this isn't his particular brand of dirty talk, he supposes it makes sense for the ghost to want a heavier hand.
Too heavy, it would seem. The loud thump is jarring, enough so that he springs towards the door. Price grabs him, handles him into his side with a fierce look and a sternly mouthed ‘no’
The screaming had stopped. The silence is deafening. Johnny thinks at least one of them is dead. A woman that crazy probably wouldn't go down that easy, even against a ghost.
His body flinches when the door opens, he expects a limp hand to flop out horror movie style- heavily surprised to find the lass perfectly intact, not a hair out of place.
He peeks in the open doorway to see Ghost knelt in a way that can only be described at revenant. He sits at her feet, face pressed to her stomach while he clutches her body to him. she has a hand on each of his shoulders and glares down like an angry God.
“We'll be in the infirmary captain, he's got an infection. Stupid fuck.” She slips from Ghosts grasp with some struggle, swatting at clutching hands as she commands him “up”
Ghost, much like his namesake,rises like the dead and slinks out of the shadows of his room and into the light. He looks, oddly pleased(downright giddy) for a guy just pronounced a ‘stupid fuck’.
He watches as the fury marches towards the medbay, her hellhound shadow tight on her heels - might have even carried her if she didn't look as rabid as she did.
“That's Doll, Johnny. Ghosts leash, and Simon's keeper. Try to annoy her less yea? She sends ghost after you and there'll be fuck all I can do to stop him.”
“Heard…..doll? Really? I think of a doll, I think sweet and porcelain. Not, pissy with a heavy heaping of crazy. She looks like the type to cut brake lines.”
“Yea well, just don't let her know which car is yours and you'll be fine.”
“Sure she won't just cut them all?”
He sighs, something heavy and worn.
“I'm hoping she's forgotten where we keep them.”
“Hi just him today, thanks.”
“Oh um, and you are?” Doctor Nicole has seen a lot. Hasn't seen this yet. Might see more if spouses were more common on base.
“Im his voice currently. And his brain. He's not smart enough to use either on his own to tell you about his infection. Left leg, by the way.”
“Oh well. Oh. Um. I - I'll have you hop up on the bed then lieutenant! I'll take a look and. And fix that.”
He doesn't move, stares at the woman(his voice and brain, apparently) like she's the only one in the room - in the world.
His world groans and throws her head back - he chuffs.
“Listen to the fucking doctor , on the bed. Now.”
His steps are heavy and solid as he seats himself on the edge of the bed. Thighs spread and hands limp between his legs. He looks like a hunched beast eyeing his next meal.
The doctor finds that having her keep his attention is better than having it herself.
“Well. Uh, left you said?”
“Yeah. Calf area - knife probably? Something sharp.”
“Well then, uh , lieutenant? Are you able to, to roll your pant leg up for me to see? Or is the pain too severe?” she prods gently, he doesn't respond.
“Roll up your pants.” like a marionette with strings tightly wrapped around her fingers, he moves to roll up his jeans to reveal the sickly wound.
“Oh yeah definitely an infection. Odd for you lieutenant, usually you're better at catching this.”
The woman scoffs and slumps in her seat. He leans towards her as she sends him a scathing look.
“He's a fucking man child. Threw a tantrum to get what he wanted and now he's being pampered.”
“Mhm.” The affirmation is the most sound he's made since coming in here.
“Well I'll just. I'll just get this taken care of” Nicole stumbles put, feeling like an intruder.
“ ‘Priciate that doc. Don't be afraid to make it hurt.” Her tone is tinged with sadistic hope.
“Oh I. I'd never intentionally hurt someone under my care - that's unethical “ the military may not be the most ethical, but she's damn sure going to try to be.
“Pity. He'd deserve it, letting it get this bad-willingly might I add.” She snips at him , face scrunched.
He hums something delighted, and the doctor wonders if she should order a psych evaluation. Remembers the 141 are notorious for dodging said evals and dismisses the thought entirely.
If he likes when women are mean and degrade him, that's his business.
He sits still, moving only when told by the woman in the chair who's now playing on her phone.
He stares at her intently, glares at the phone occasionally. The doctor finishes quickly, grateful that the infection was only in its earliest of stages.
“Okay so I'm prescribing a round of antibiotics, I noticed that you have an allergy to penicillin so I'm giving you doxycycline." She writes the perscriptipn down quickly, grabs a bottle stocked preemptively for cases like this.
"Take it with a meal twice a day every 12 hours until the bottle is empty. Come back within a few days just to make sure it's progressing and then again when the bottle is empty.” She types in a quick series of notes notating the lieutenants upcoming appointments.
“He'll be here. I'll make sure of it” there's a bitter edge to the woman's words, the doctor wonders how anyone could stand to be with someone so angry.
“God I hope you do” ghost groans out, threat either going over his head or straight to his crotch.
The doctor flinches, forgetting the lieutenant capable of speech.
“Well thanks for the help. I'll be getting him back to his captain.” the woman hops up and walks towards the door.
“Oh uh, have a g-good one!”
She smiles politely, drops it quickly when she eyes the once again silent wraith behind her
“Let's go, it would be rude to make your captain wait.”
He nods and follows along after her, like a deformed elongated shadow.
An odd couple, the doctor muses. But not the oddest she's seen. Not even the weirdest.
Another soldier bursts in, she hears the words ‘snake bite’ and ‘penis’, wishes she was stuck back with the ghost and his guide.
“You alright then, lieutenant? Everything sorted?”
“Affirmative sir. I've got the prescription, doc cleaned me up and changed my bandage. “
“Good. Thank you for coming, Doll.”
“He only acts like this because you let him, you know.”
“I do. But sometimes it's easier to go along the path of least resistance. Trying to argue with a stubborn mut, or handle the fury of his actual commanding officer? I'll take you anyday love.” He finishes with a purr, noting the sudden tenseness in Ghosts shoulders.
“Careful, might put thoughts in a girl's head if you keep talking like that.” She notices too, but eggs the poor lieutenant on - smile a touch cruel.
“Oh? That all it takes? Not a fan of Mactavish then?” semi-joking now. He'd be a liar if he said having a pretty woman snark up at him didn't effect him at all.
“Prefer waking up with mouthful of English breakfast personally. Speaking of-” She turns towards ghost, her face still cold and indifferent as always.
“I'll be in your room. I'll only be here another hour and then I'm gone. Why don't you see if your captain can find it in his heart to dismiss you early”
She smiles something sharp and sinful, takes off in a run that makes Ghost body jolt - he looks like a junkyard dog choking himself on the end of his lead trying to get a bone just out of reach.
“Captain. May I be dismissed.”
“Captain price, may I please be dismissed, sir”
There's a desperate edge john isn't used to. Something rabid, something hungry. A darkness kept caged wriggling through iron bars.
“dismissed, lieutenant “
The ghost breaks off into a sprint, and the hunt is on. Price can't think too much about how it ends, his trousers already too tight at his twinge of interest.
Similar shades of fucked up, the both of them.
He's panting in your ear, groaning as his hips slap against and bruise your ass.
“fu-fuck. Come on, give it to me. Show me you're- fuck! Show me you're worth all the fuckin trouble - Oh god, simon!” You can't help but scream, hope he doesn't have neighbors.
His pace is mind-numbingly good, making up for the dry start in the beginning. Prepped just enough to fit him but not enough for the ache to be avoided. But he knows your body thoroughly , and with a few well aimed thrusts and a circles of your clit you're dripping down your own AND his thighs.
A mess on his bedsheets - he thinks of it as a present for later, you think you spoil him.
He fucks you like an animal, unhinged and hurried- like he's worried you'll get up and leave, worried you'll realize he's not worth the trouble.
He pins you further under his weight and changes the angle - groans at your wail of ecstasy .
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! You - you better not pull this shit again. I - I let you keep this fuckin job -please don't stop- let you play hero but -oh god, oh god - but don't-”
You gasp, moan something pained and drawn out as you come again along his rigid cock - muffling a scream into his pillow as he grinds up into the sensitive spots in your cunt to draw your orgasm out further.
“k-keep this shit up toy soldier, see how quick I put you back in the box!” You snarl , glaring at him over your shoulder. He groans deep and slams as deep as he can, unloading against the deepest parts of your hole.
He's still hard when he slips from you, wrangling you onto your back before slipping back in. Your legs fit nicely on his shoulders, and you're grateful for your flexibility.
You scoff. “can't cum lookin at a skull , switch to another one or take it off - might have a chance of getting me off then” you wonder how mean he'll be, wonder if he'll actually stop to find a different mask.
Dont have wonder long as he's quick to throw the whole thing off. The black grease around his eyes is streaked from the sweat - hair plastered to his forhead. He looks happy to see you.
“not - not bad! Might be worth all this after- after-after!” You buffer aloud. Like a skipping record, you'd be humiliated if it didn't feel as good as it does.
In fact. You should be mad at his constant interruptions, but he's persistent on fucking through your cunt and into your brain.
“Tell me. Tell me dolly. Tell me sweet heart. I'm worth the trouble, yeah? I'm your trouble right? Gonna keep coming back, keep coming on my cock?” He says it like he doesn't exist somewhere in your rib cage nearest to your heart. Like you don't already live in his.
“Yes, yes!” You promise, the one you will die before you break.
“Yes what?" He implores, a steady chant of 'keep me, keep me, keep me' running through his head.
“To all of it you fuck! Yes! All mine, my cock, my headache, my brute - fuck!” your own mind proclaiming that you'll keep him 'forever, forever, forever"
You're crying now, overstimulated tears as your thighs quiver on his shoulders.
“Yeah. Yeah. All yours, n' you're mine. All fuckin mine. Not Prices and not fuckin Johnnys” he snarls, bitter and possessive.
“Gotta act up, gotta cause a mess. Can't get you here otherwise. “ he continues, pace consistent to further along your impending ruin.
It's getting hard to keep up with the banter. Hate how he's still capable of talking while you're becoming goo.
“J-just fuckin wait till you're off deployment! Fuck!”
“Nu-uh, get too tight n mean when I do. Have to drag you here to give you your fix so you're sweet when I get home. You're my sweet girl right?” He coos mockingly.
You don't respond. too busy clawing red ribbons into his back.
“Right?” He punches your cervix now, enough to make you choke and bite into the meat of his shoulder.
You bite hard. Harder when he moans. You lick at the indents and nose into the hammering pulse at his neck.
You can tells he's close with how his tempo gets thrown off, how his huffs louder. Having forgiven him for making you drive all this way, you give the dog a well earned bone.
“Yours, your sweet girl. You just need to work for it a bit hm? You don't mind huh big guy? My big guy?” You whisper into his ear, whine into it in a way you know drives him crazy.
He comes with a shout, one you know the whole fucking base heard. You're too fucked out to care much, especially when the brute lakes down and settles his weight on you with a contented sigh.
He hums, a touch demanding and you roll your eyes. You rub a hand gently up and down his torn back, scratching gently at his scalp to feel his heavy sigh of contentment.
“You gonna take care of yourself now? Got everything out your system?”
He hums, tone non-committal - fucker. As long as price has your number, as long as the ghost stays restless - you'll be called in eventually. Not a matter of 'if', but 'when".
Thankfully you don't mind being the nuclear option. Not much anyway. Especially if this is what it gets you. A moment of peace, skin pressed against skin - soft breaths evening out against your collarbone.
'Yea', you think. 'He's worth the trouble.'
(End notes: the thump that was heard was actually Simon falling to his knees. Dude goes from 0-100 when it comes to love so he either ghosts(hehe) you or worships you.)
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saatorubby · 2 years
i loved the series where the boys turned into a child and the mc takes care of them! could you perhaps make another part, but with Floyd, Lillia and Jamil?
Hi! Thank you for requesting. And of course I can, love this series too!
Part one with leona, azul and kalim
Part two with idia, malleus and riddle
Part three with vil, rook and silver
Request: Floyd, lilia and jamil has turned into children, now their s/o has to take care of them.
A/n: uh yeah I know I'm late and I have nothing to say for myself. Also I had very hard time writing Lilia as a toddler, I can't imagine him as a child. And for Jamil, I just can't write for him, for some reason his personality is very hard for me to grasp.
Warnings: weird children, (in my opinion, all vice dorm leaders+floyd are menace and hazard to society(affectionate)) gn!reader.
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Floyd leech
If you thought he was a menace before, he's a literal demon now . He's literally that child that eats the random things on the floor.
He somehow manages to eat stones, you'll never know how.
Tbh you won't find many things different now that he's a child, he still acts pretty much the same, but now he has new weapons. His cute face and baby voice.
He uses it to the maximum. He would bully other people and then put the blame on them. And when no ones looking he would grin like a little demon he is.
He doesn't eat anything except gummy bears and takoyaki. Azul better watch out.
His sleeping habits are also very bad considering his brother enables him too much.
Speaking of his brother. Jade never stops Floyd from doing shit. Partly because it amuses him and partly because he missed his menace of a brother.
Though he would take care of it if anyone decides to mess with his (now) little brother. Jade is known to be ruthless with his vicious grin.
So when jade showed up with his small copy at ramshackle you weren't sure what to do.
Floyd is still Floyd you know. But cuter (if that's possible) and probably less harmful to your health.
"Koebi-chaaan!" He would shout from a mile away from ramshackle and you would hear him. He would then make grabby hands and make you pick him up, which you gladly oblige.
Grim doesn't really like him as Floyd tends to monopolise your time.
When he sleeps you swore you saw an angle instead of the spawn of the devil he acts like during the day.
"Koebi-chan! Would you pick me up again?" He asked giggling, when he turned normal causing you to give him a deadpanned look and glace over at his 6'2 imposing figure.
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Lilia Vanrouge
Menace #2.
He...is a weird child. Like the child-you-see drawing-creepy-figures, weird.
Besides that, he okay, not normal but...fine.
He likes going into the forest with silver. He also likes to hear silver sing to the birds, it calms him down and provides a sense of familiarity.
Malleus is having time of his life. He tries to make fun of lilia but Lilia bullied malleus back so much malleus almost set him on fire.
Everyone is diasomnia is pretty chill about their vice dorm-leader being turned into child...except for sebek.
He's crying, screaming, throwing up, shouting "LILIA-SAMA!". Baby Lilia does not like sebek much.
He likes going to concert. Very much. He went to one with his club members and his eyes shined so bright!
If his pranks were bad before, they're worse now. Def uses his even cuter looks to his advantage to get out of shit.
Has no sense of consequences, once jumped in front of a bus to see what death felt like. Sebek, Silver and Malleus have not recovered from the almost death of their father guardian.
Lilia loves being around you and grim. He is fascinated by grim. How are his eyes constantly on fire? Magic? It would take too much magic, how a normal monster has this amount of magic?
He a little bit of magic nerd. Malleus took after him.
He eats his veggies very reluctantly but! Lilia likes to cook for you. You can't say no to that face (he's pouting with years pooling in his dark red eyes).
All in all, I find diasomnia very wholesome.
"Prefect! Was I even cuter that I look now? No need to blush now~"
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Jamil Viper
He's pretty chill...usually.
Not as much of a menace as the one(s) mentioned above but can be set off if provoked.
Does not like Kalim. Please keep him away from Jamil, he might set him on fire. He's not the biggest fan of Kalim.
Because of his aversion to kalim, you were left in charge of him (not that you mind).
Jamil would have had a nice peaceful childhood if he wasn't assigned as kalim's attaché, so now doesn't have that duty, he's pretty cocky about his skills.
Good at everything, is a gifted child. Another reason he is arrogant.
He and Grim get along fine, doesn't make much of a mess (around you). Don't let them be alone together, they might set your dorm on fire.
He's a quiet kid. Only muttering here and there, listening intently to you.
Not clingy but get anxious if you're away from him for a long period of time.
Eat his veggies! A good boy indeed. He eats everything you provide him with, but when a bowl of curry and rice is placed in front of him you can't help but notice a different glow in his eyes and a light blush his cheeks are light up with.
He likes to have his hair brushed by you and placed in a neat braid before he goes to sleep. He doesn't like to sleep with his hair open, they get dirty more daily that way (he doesn't like his hair greasy and dirty)
U-Uh?! Prefect you took care of me?! Where was Kalim? Wait don't answer that.
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solarsonicsoda · 7 months
Wrestlemania Main Event Reviews - Wrestlemania VIII
Hulk Hogan def. Sid Justice w/ Harvey Wippleman in 12:28
Technically, this show has a double main event but like does it really? No disrespect to Savage/Flair but it was not really given any distinction there. I would have put it on last though! Wippleman introduces Justice, then Fink introduces Hogan! The entrance way is vibrant this year! Beginning of Mania set design! Justice attacks as soon as Hogan gets in the ring, ducks down with a rope rebound but Hogan is ready and sends him to the outside. Real American does not stop playing throughout. Justice slowly gets back in the ring to start. Sid gets going with some vicious kicks and tries to tear Hogan’s face off. Menacing stuff from Sid! The exact same rope rebound spot happens! Sid looks dumb there! Back inside and Sid wants to lock up. Test of strength happens and the crowd wills on Hogan but Sid is too much! Hogan mounts the comeback though! This is very slow but Sid is still too strong once Hogan is on his feet. Knees in the corner. Hogan is able to hit a clothesline in the corner, but Wippleman on the apron allows Sid to hit a big chokeslam! Sid yells at the camera about doing unto the man what he would do unto you but doing it first. He laughs at this. Strikes to Hogan and he’s sent outside. Wippleman distracts Hebner while Sid uses Wippleman’s doctor’s bag as a weapon. Shoulder claw back in the ring for a long time. What is it with these matches and long uses of submission moves that don’t look great. Arm drop spot from a shoulder claw? Does that work? Hulking up but big side suplex from Sid. Big powerbomb but Hogan kicks out and Hulks up. Big boot but Sid stays up so powerslam! Leg drop and Sid kicks out! Wippleman gets in the ring, the bell is rung, Hogan picks him up immediately and throws him at Sid. Here comes Papa Shango who was meant to break up the pin off the leg drop but missed his cue. He stops running at one point because he realises he screwed up. Sid and Hogan brawl and then Shango joins the fight! Ultimate Warrior comes down to even the odds with a massive clothesline to the outside to Shango. Sid attacks with the chair but Hogan grabs it and the heels escape. Hogan is announced as the winner by DQ. What a mess but the crowd are enjoying the two faces in the ring! Hogan lifts up a Warrior sign from the crowd and Warrior does the Hogan poses for a bit.
Pros: Sid hits some big moves that looked good, action was pretty decent Cons: Run of the mill, Sid made to look dumb, REALLY botched finish, the actual DQ made no sense, maybe not the choice of main event. 
This match was fine for the most part, but one of the infamously worst finishes ever hampered it further. Really nothing to say other than talk about the end, Shango missing his cue, Sid having to kick out, nonsense DQ (the bell rang on time as if Shango had done his bit!). Just a mess really with little in-ring to save it. 
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ravynous · 2 years
Hey! May I ask for Savanaclaw trio with Childe like S/O? Thank you and take your time!
unleashing mayhem in the savannah。
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▌|﹫ᅠcharacter/s ⦂ leona kingscholar, ruggie bucchi, jack howl ▌| ⌕ᅠ description ⦂ childe-like yuu enters twisted wonderland. how did their relationship with the boys progress? ▌| #ᅠ warning/s ⦂ childe, mentions of blood and fighting ▌| ➛ᅠpinned comment ⦂ i haven’t read the usurper from the wilds, so this may be inaccurate. though i still liked the request ‘cause childe’s a menace and would def fight ppl in twst (no beta we die like my forgotten wips)
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What does Childe!Yuu like the most? A good fight! What does Leona hate the most? Moving his body! Your first official meeting with him was you instigating a battle after finding out he’s a powerful magician, and he hates that this new “magic-less” student can make do with any weapon against him. (Of course, he fought back, he hates losing even more.)
You’re good with words – provocation or not – and was able to annoy him (like you did in your spats with the Balladeer), enough to show his unique magic. He’d never been pinned down in record time with two blades of pure water magic aimed at his throat. (OH, you looked attractive with a proud smirk lacing your lips as you stared down at him… OH NO)
Leona’s not vocal about it, but his favorite time of the day is whenever you seek him out for a spar. It weirdly makes him feel wanted.
When Leona went into overblot, it was the first time you showed your Foul Legacy transformation. He couldn’t believe Ruggie when he said that you had summoned a whale to defeat him in one strike. (Both of you ended up in the infirmary, because you later felt faint.)
“I thought it would be possible to have you as my guinea pig to test the limits of people here. Imagine my disappointment that you fainted when I unleashed the Celestial Voyager. And for your information, that whale is called a narwhal.”
“Like hell I’m going to let you leave after that. Prepare yourself, I’m going to show you a real battle with the ‘King of Beasts’.”
He got his ass beat by the way. (You think magic’s going to stop a war machine with a vision and a delusion? No.)
You have house warden privileges too. Leona lets you fight whichever Savanaclaw students feel brave that day. He gets more sleep, and you (kind of) satiate your bloodlust.
Being away from your family was normal when you were in the Fatui, but the possibility of never seeing them again took a toll on you. The prince offered to listen about the stories of your travels in Teyvat in his own way.
“Keep talking, herbivore. Makes me fall asleep faster.”
The one and only thing that can distract you from Leona is Cheka. The kid is delighted at the fact that he has a new playmate! You, bringing in years of experience from spending time with younger children, amused him by narrating your adventures as a toy seller.
Other than the sparring, your relationship is very domestic. If your time together is not spent napping, then you’re taking care of Leona. You took over some of Ruggie’s duties to let the guy rest, you’re capable of accomplishing them anyway.
He eats everything that you serve (no, it’s not because of your threatening smile.) Ruggie and Jack thought that it was a miracle that Leona was eating vegetables.
“Food is like weaponry. A true warrior never deliberates unduly over their choice of weapon, nor do they do so over their food. NOW EAT, LEONA.”
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His initial reaction was ‘why is this kid so friendly?’, while watching you chatting away with different students. There’s gotta be a catch, right?
Ruggie’s instincts proved to be correct when he tried ‘coaxing’ food from you. The moment you noticed him mutter ‘Laugh with Me!’ and your hand’s moving beyond your control, a weapon was already pointed at him.
“Heya, prefect! Mind giving this guy that menchi-katsu meat cutlet sandwICH–?! HEY–”
“Morning, comrade! I don’t ever recall agreeing to give you food (^-^).”
Didn’t really approach you because he’s now aware you can scheme and deceive others too. In spite of that, he runs to you whenever someone’s chasing him. Ruggie uses you as a shield, considering he saw the way you moved like a trained warrior, and you’ve never been one to back down.
You bond over the harsh environments you both grew up in. The hyena can’t imagine living a cold country – where a break in the middle of your trek can freeze you to death.
He began letting you tail him; he enjoyed your company – your willingness to help was a definite plus!
Another one that likes to be pampered by you. You can clean, cook, fight, and you’re efficient? Ruggie thinks that he must’ve done something right in his life to have such an incredible significant other.
Sleep almost always comes to him whenever you gently rub and pet his ears. He knows that he can let his walls down around you, and that you won’t let anyone harm him.
Somehow, he managed to convince you to use your Foul Legacy form to scare off students. Imagine the Devouring Deep and Ruggie’s sitting on top of your open armored palm – the sharp claws pointed away from him.
“Woah, they’re way smaller when I’m here. This is like a free ride – I can get used to this! Shishishi!”
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Jack’s speed and physical prowess is what drew you to him. You earned his respect when you faced off the Leech brothers on your own, dual-wielding electric swords in each hand. Wide-eyed and in awe, as an Electro Riptide brought forth an arc of purple electricity against your enemies.
He offered you the possibility of joining him in morning runs too. Someone that can keep up with the intensity of his training is hard to come by, so he really enjoys those moments.
Once he finds out that you’ve killed people in the past, your moral codes are going to clash. Your loyalty to your god is admirable yet allowing yourself to shed blood by the orders of the Tsaritsa is something he can’t agree with.
At the same time, he hasn’t seen you seriously harm anybody within the campus… so he gives you the benefit of the doubt, for now.
Jack likes the thrill you bring into sparring. You’re not all talk, you have the skills to back it up, and you end up triumphant in every match.
Even if his words come out the opposite of what he had in mind, you seem to have learned how to discern the actual truth.
When you noticed he had trouble with his makeup, he was thankful for your offer. The only problem was the close distance between your faces while you did his eyeliner didn’t help the swishing noise of his tail from underneath his ceremonial robes.
“I’ve never done this before. Blushing? N-no, I’m not.”
“Then! You wouldn’t mind if I use your legs as a chair, no? I can reach your eyes better this way.”
You talk fondly of your siblings, something that he can relate to. You mentioned that you picked up your makeup skills from Tonia, your younger sister, and your mother. He wondered if it was one day possible to meet your family (and ask them for permission to court you).
During winter break, he brought you home to formally introduce you to his parents. They were ecstatic, especially when they saw you playing with Jack’s siblings in the pure white snow.
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▌| ⚠︎ ᅠby RAVYNOUS — please do not copy, edit, screenshot, or repost any of my works. Likes and reblogs are appreciated.
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blazregaliadream · 2 years
Hel Gunnthrá Unit Concept
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-Hailstorm Banshee- General of the realm of the dead. Under Hel's command, she is tasked to pursue [Summoner] and eliminate them. Blue Tome - Infantry Mythic Hero - Darkness/Res Weapon - Ice Coffin [Mt. 14, Rng 2] Accelerates Special Cooldown (-1). Adds bonus to Atk = Total debuffs on enemy. If unit's HP ≥ 25% or if unit is within 4 spaces of an ally, grants +5 to Atk/Spd/Def/Res during combat, and if unit attacked, after combat, inflicts【Gravity】on the nearest ally until their next action. Animation: As a blizzard blows across the screen, the enemy is confined in a coffin of ice and then impaled with several ice spears. Special - Iceberg A - Atk/Res Ideal 4 B - Permafrost Body Inflicts Atk/Spd/Def/Res -7 to the enemy with the lowest Def and inflicts Atk/Res -7 to foes within 2 spaces of target. Also, if unit's Res > foe's Res, reduces damage from attacks during combat and from area-of-effect Specials by percentage = difference between stats × 4 (max 40%). C - Fatal Smoke 3 Unit Dialogue ==Summoned== "To think you'd have the nerve to bring me back after everything... So, how would you like to join me?" ==Character Page== "Hmph." "I am Gunnthrá, a permanent engravement of your failiure." "If you're so sorry, desist your sniveling and come with me to your grave." "Shhhhhh, you won't have to suffer anymore. Just one kiss and I'll make -everything- go away." "... so cold... even my heart... augh..." "Promise me... promise me we'll never be apart again. Your warmth is all I've ever wanted." ==Castle Dialogue== "So Nifl decided to spare Fjörm. I can't help but be envious..." "Even though he had joined Hel's ranks, I made sure Surtr felt my wrath every time I saw him." "The only fate that burning kingdom deserves is for it to all fall, including their bloodthirsty dragon." "If you have time to worry about me, you have time to write out your will." "At one point, I thought I had ran into mother down in Hel. Illusion or not, the sadness I saw in her eyes almost made me want to cry..." ==Friend Unit== "Another summoner who couldn't save me? Much like [Friend], I see." ==Skill Learned/Blessing Conferred== "I suppose the stronger I become, the swifter I can deliver death." ==Tap Quotes== "Who's come to die?" "Do not fail me again." "A dark fall..." ==Special Quotes== "I'll make it quick!" "Desist in your struggling!" "Ice entomb you!" "SILENCE!" ==Level Up== 0-1 stats - "Do not complain. This is the price you've paid." 2-4 stats - "One by one, they all succumb to the chilling winds of death." 5-6 stats - "Are you watching, [Summoner]? This is how you put the worthless out of their misery." ==Death== "Summoner... it's so... cold..." ==Lv. 40 Conversation== "This warmth... [S-Summoner]? I... I can't even begin to apologize. I struggled so hard against Hel's influence, but in the end... I've been so cruel to you, and-- My goodness, [Summoner]!? Your hands... I... Oh my dear [Summoner], I've missed you! Shhhhh, it's all right now. My heart will never forget our oath again. From here on, not another soul will tear us apart ever again!
‘Tis unfortunate I can’t find any art of this concept and I ain’t confident enough to try myself. (Not really the type to draw bonez) Anyway, I originally had this idea around while Book IV was happening. I originally was gonna make the skills and stats based on her as a Year 3 unit, but when I revisited to finish it, we were already well into Book VI’s madness and the crazy shit they were doin’ for units. Didn’t want to make her too crazy, and if I were to go ham, I would’ve had Ice Coffin have Blizzard’s refine, bumped up her Res some more, and then muse the idea of a Fatal Smoke 4 (as if that skill wasn’t already a pain in the ass to deal with LMAO) Thinkin’ about it tho, a Menace skill would be more appropriate since I gave her an Ideal skill, but ah well, surely you have a unit to provide her with a bonus or two, right? RIGHT? Coming up with her personality and writing the lines was the toughest part since the idea of Gunnthrá going from the wholesome mom friend who loves you with all her heart to a ruthlessly cold meanie who’s love for you turned into a nasty grudge makes me sad ;-; But when you’re coming up with an idea for AUs like these with your favorite characters, ya gotta make that jump. That said of course, as you can see, traces of her old self can be heard. I have a story in mind, but I doubt anyone cares since this is Gunnthrá, and I dun really know anyone who actually likes her outside of being a great unit post-refine. But anyway, there’s my idea that nobody asked for! Maybe I could try putting together an idea of the Nifl siblings’ ancestor, Hvergel, as a unit.
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af1899 · 3 years
FEH - My free summons on 9/17/2021 + data mine thoughts
Hey, what's good?
So, the banner based on the [Cindered Shadows] DLC from Fire Emblem: Three Houses (with Múspell on it) + its respective data update is finally out.
First, my free summons in the banner mostly weren't anything of special, prioritized blue as planned but nothing. In the round with the fourth free summon though, was forced to pick the fallback category (colorless) and...
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Heh... nice, that's my second Leila, I won't complain at all, it's always nice to get a 5★ with valuable fodder or an unexpected merge on a project. I'll try to max her [HM] then fodder to Legendary Lilina for [Life and Death 4] as well as [Rally Atk/Spd+], fortunately these will be easy to get.
Nothing else but that's OK. I'll just move on and at least I know I'll eventually run on the other skill I want on Legendary Lilina, which is [A/R Far Trace 3], since it's going to be in the regular pool after this banner is over.
Now, onto data mine stuff, you can find the thread by redditor u/MrGengar123 right here, but feel free to read my thoughts onto what we've gotten (there'll be no talk about story spoilers and the like).
So... the thing that probably interests players the most when a data mine rolls out would be stats on the Heroes that come with the update.
Múspell doesn't really play so differently from what we've possibly experienced on [Ice & Flame 3] with him as an enemy, he's more of a dual-phase unit that focus his strength on a single blow, is durable both physically and magically (but slow as hecc) and prevents the foe from healing. Noteworthy is that he brings [Dragon Wall 3] to the regular pool, which you should definitely prioritize from his fodder if that's your plan and got him.
Also, more or less expected the statlines on the other three banner units, nothing too special to stand out in those but Yuri is probably going to give us new worries in nowadays metagame in PvP.
But Balthus has a similar statline to Mustafa (45/38/25+/36/28-) but Balthus's statline is superior, as you could have imagined, just being one point slower than Mustafa, but the rest, Balthus has the upper hand. About him there's also the skill choice, I didn't realize before that his weapon indeed looked like an {Instant} one, and it is, it's a good one and we're getting it for free, so, be sure you got your 5★ Balthus (check in-game inbox with Feh)! But I.S. just ruined it up with the passive skill choice, why do we have [Close Guard 3] still as a 5★ skill? It's just stupid specially since [Brazen Atk/Def 3] is already on Ares at 4★ and there's like nothing that should justify it staying locked to that rarity nowadays.
And Aelfric just got the worst treatment out of this batch, while his class seems to make sense due to how he's designed as a unit in his home game, his kit just feels completely lacking in creativity and also, he's just one of the several free red tome users we've been getting this year, his statline is basically a slightly beefed up Arete but without a horse, it's also our second month in a row with a red tome infantry user, their statlines are different (comparing to Pelleas) but this doesn't change he's the fourth unit in the year with that class, with not much to make him stand out compared to the other ones except for maybe the post-[CYL 2021] statline boost benefit, but chances are Pelleas will do better for you and his starting weapon is better too, {Rabbit} weapons in general are mostly terrible Imo, they're okay for short battles but generally, there are better options, including good ol' {Blade} tomes. At least his rarer skill is at 4★, it's [Threat. Def/Res 2], which you can use to get [Def/Res Menace] and another skill from Zeke's fodder ([Atk/Def Catch 3] if you plan to fodder a Legendary Sigurd with the Lv.4 version + [Fatal Smoke 3] or [Lull Atk/Def 3]).
Anyway, my plans on them would be:
Aelfric: fodder of [Threat. Def/Res 2] to users of physical weapons (thought of Legendary Lucina and Ephraim) after maxing out [HM], will keep one copy at 5★ for rerun quests.
Balthus: fodder of [Instant Axe+] and [Close Guard 3] for Groom Zealot, also after maxing out Balthus' [HM], working on that as of writing date of this post.
Now, next [Hall of Forms] lineup consists of these units from Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance:
Bridal Sanaki: green tome flier.
Ashnard: sword flier. ([GHB] unit)
Halloween Ilyana: blue tome armored. (!!!)
Soiree Nephenee: colorless bow infantry user with ability to refresh an ally. (And she's currently summonable and obtainable for a limited time as a [Combat Manual])
Now this is a really well balanced team, no healers but you get a refresher and one unit of each color, two that use physical weapons and two that use magical ones, which should make things more workable in the event as it goes on and you fill everyone with skills that suit them. It's a nice line-up indeed and Halloween Ilyana is great for [A/R Far Save 3], if you'll go for her, [Atk/Res Unity], [Pact Blooms+] (go for another seasonal weapon if you already have (or can get) Valentine's Veronica!) and an enemy-phase oriented {Fighter} B-skill such as [Slick Fighter 3] are also excellent to take along (if you take these, remember [Atk/Res Unity] and [Slick Fighter 3] are counterproductive, you'd like [Crafty Fighter 3] instead!).
Two of them happen to be my Tellius favs (Ilyana and Nephenee) but sadly can't purchase them and only got 1 [Celestial Stone] out of 3. Still, I'll build them as best as RNG allows it to, I specially adore Ilyana and I'll do what I can to make her great.
Bonuses in [Arena]... hmm... not much of interesting, at least I got Scion Julia but I'll use Scion Nanna so that I can balance the team color distribution in the team I'll use and have a healer (Idoun, Sonya and Ninian are the rest of the members).
In [Aether Raids] I got better luck with Mila and Naga, both of which are projects and characters I actually appreciate, so I'm set for two weeks there.
The End
That's all! I do apologize if the post was too long for you, I often need more words to express properly what I mean while also palcing some extra things for convenience.
If you've made it this far, I appreciate you took the time to read my thoughts, I hope you found something helpful in this post and good luck in your summons!
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caprin-fishie · 6 years
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Hello! Today I shall tell you the backstory of my oc Castor Damon, and some stuff on his bro Casberry, I will go in more def with Casberry later on, but for now this is it.
Castor (right) was born in hell, the burning underworld of eternal despair
He along with his twin brother Casberry (left) were raised in this place to become reapers, demons who claim the souls of the living, and occasionally kill rouge demons, Casberry went the more traditional route of claiming souls and killing, by just killing them outright by his weapons, which are revolvers.
But castor went the more subtle and fair route, he opened a casino in L.A called the golden horns casino, a place where people can gamble more then just money, but if you get too cocky with your earnings, lets just say...the greedy always get what they deserve.
Even though castor was brought up to be a ruthless and menacing reaper, while he was in the real world, he learned from many people that having a good heart can go a long way, so from time to time, when someone at his casino does lose, but are innocent souls, he will spare them and let them go without a scratch, but when he’s dealing with those souls that are sinful, his demon side really shows.
Castor’s main weapon is a sludge hammer (which I will draw and post soon), he does have other weapons at his disposal, but he most preferably like to smash things with his good ol hammer.
Castor and Casberry, personality wise, are very different, castor is mostly bubbly and cheerful, always having a smile on his face, while his brother is always serious and composed, but will occasionally get angry and lose that composure, mostly when castor acts like a complete Buffon, but Casberry loves him regardless of his flaws, and will be there for him like the good brother he is, same for castor, except he’s always telling Casberry to lighten up and put a smile on his face once in while, in physical appearance they are almost identical, Casberry has a black and black colour palette so to look different from castor and another reason which he doesn’t explain , he hides most of his demon features when in the earth realm, and combs his hair back, but if your strip all that, you got twins!
Castor And Casberry have a father, but there mother is never mentioned, she is a total mystery to both brothers, their father is a high class reaper, and is proud that his sons have chosen to take this path as well, Casberry sometimes does question their dad if he thinks the way castor reaps souls is too “nice”, but their father says that as long as he’s doing his job, it doesn’t matter.
(If you have more questions, please feel free to message me and I’ll be happy to answer! 😊)
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fehelp · 6 years
Male Corrin
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Male Corrin is a sword infanry unit with balanced stats all across the board. He doesn’t have any stat that really stands out, but none of his stats are particularly bad which lets him be a pretty versatile in builds.
He has 32/32 atk/spd which is just under the average of 33-35 atk and 35 spd that most “good” units have. His def/res sits at 28/24 which isn’t super bulky or super fragile. You really can choose to build up his offenses, defenses, or go for a balanced mix. 
If you have any of the high tier sword units, Karla, Ayra, Mia, etc, you’ll probably not need to invest into Corrin. But if you don’t have a good sword unit or you really love him, feel free to build this boy up!
+ Balanced stats lets him run a bunch of different builds and work on a bunch of different teams
+ Pretty good weapon refine that boosts his stats as well as the stats of his supported partner
- Jack of all trades but master of none... Unfortunately, with no stand out stats, you might bench him for someone else
- Potentially needs a lot of work to be as good as he can be $$
Similar Units
Our boy Roy is quite similar with the struggle of balanced stats (30/31/24/28). He, like Corrin, can be built up to be either fast and hard hitting, or more bulky but slower. Roy’s weapon upgrade is better than Corrin’s though, as it gives him effectiveness against dragons. Both good boys can be used in similar ways. If you have a really good Roy, you’ll find Corrin redundant and vice versa.
Mia has the same 32 atk, the same 28 def, and only one point higher in her res. The biggest change is her spd that sits at 40 neutrally. That’s insane and Corrin can’t compete with that. But if you really don’t feel you need that ridiculous amount of spd and you just want a decently bulky unit with decent atk, Corrin can replace her pretty well.
Team Options
If using his weapon refine, definitely put him with whoever he S Supported! 
He can fill some different roles but always you will need preferably a green unit to check his weakness to blues. Julia, Deirdre, or Halloween Henry can protect him against any Reinhardts with a thirst for blood or any Micaiahs who want to destroy this poor prince. MMorgan with her high res can also work.
Regardless of what build you choose, you’ll want +spd or +atk to help him work a little better. Either way, he’ll reach 35 in the stat you choose a boon in.
Def and Res are best kept neutral if you want to keep his balanced bulk. If you really do not care about fighting dragons or surviving against some mage hits, feel free to drop res.
If you do want to help him fight some dragons occassionally, drop HP instead of res. HP is a superBANE though so if that bothers you, drop Res instead. Basically, HP or Res. Drop those depending on what matters most to you.
young and a menace
Weapon: Yato (Effect refine)
Assist: Reposition
Special: Moonbow
A: Fury 3, Swift Sparrow 2,
B: Desperation 3
C: Up to you
Seal: Close Def isn’t a bad option
With this, he can keep up his balanced stats and be a good generalist. His weapon refine will give him +2 every stat, Fury will add on an extra +3 to every stat. If you want to spend a little more and get more damage, you can put Swift Sparrow on him to make him a speedy boy who relies on initiations. Close Def as a seal isn’t bad so he can be good in either phase, especially if using Fury as well.
ʸᴼᵁᴺᴳ ᴬᴺᴰ ᴬ ᴹᴱᴺᴬᶜᴱ (ₐₙd ₐ ₘₑₙₐcₑ)
Weapon: Wo Dao+ (spd ref), //  Slaying Edge+ (spd ref)
Assist: Reposition
Special: Moonbow // Luna
A: Swift Sparrow 2, Fury 3 
B: Wrath 3, Desperation 3
C: Something like Odd Atk Wave or Even Spd Wave or smth would be great for him
Seal: +3 spd to help him get doubles
Spend more on this boy and get more kills in return. Wo Dao + Moonbow or Slaying Edge + Luna. Swift Sparrow 2 or Fury are pretty much the same explanation as above. Wrath is the good skill that a lot of infantry units like for the extra damage. Desperation is cheaper and works fine too, just not as much added damage.
This won’t be as tanky, his def and res will be exactly what they are are base pretty much. But he’ll hit harder.
Get skills from...
Wo Dao+: 5* Athena, Karel
Slaying Edge+: 5* Saber, Lon’qu, Fir
Repostion: 3* Selena, Barst
Moonbow: 4* Odin, Palla, Athena
Luna: 4* Frederick, Catria
Fury 3: 4* Hinata
Swift Sparrow 2: 5* Ayra, Katarina, Brave Lyn, Ishtar, SM Eikira, SF Nino, WT Olwen
 Wrath 3: 5* Nephenee, Karla
Desperation 3: 4* Shanna
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bananabraiined · 3 years
🎃Halloween DK FEH Description🎃
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🍌As an flying sword unit, DK takes to the night sky, scaring off opponents on the Harvest Festival. Even thieves. His weapon, the Blade of Tricks has a Distant Counter effect, speeds up special cooldown and neutralizes effectiveness against flying units. If the foe made a move, grants all stats +6, slows down their special cooldown and neutralizes bonuses to their stat buffs. His exclusive special, Hexblade Star boosts damage dealt by 80% of his speed. Swift Sparrow 3 makes the damage output devastating. Mystic Boost heals him up after combat and Spd/Def Menace makes him a tank on a wyvern.🍌
🍌Halloween DK is difficult to deal with since his sword makes him immune to bows. But he must not take too much damage. While he has workable resistance, some mages can and will kill him. Otherwise, players should tread carefully or suffer a trick from the ape.🍌
Skill Inheritence
🍌Reposition is a must since he is missing it. DK can pull allies from danger. He can make a Galeforce user while having Astra. Skill C can be suitable for Hones, Waves, Drives, Smoke, and ploy skills. Ward, Fortify, and Goad Fliers can work if he is on an all flier team. If possible he can run a double Mystic Boost with a Fury 4 Skill. Though he heals less than it should be.🍌
Iron Sword
Steel Sword
Silver Sword
Blade of Tricks
Night Sky
Hexblade Star
Death Blow
Swift Sparrow
Swift Sparrow 2
Swift Sparrow 3
Mystic Boost
Mystic Boost 2
Mystic Boost 3
Threaten Speed
Threaten Spd/Def
Threaten Spd/Def 2
Spd/Def Menace
0 notes
ashleybenlove · 8 years
Fox News would most definitely hate the riders. And one Mr. Trump would try to shoot them out of the skies, but there'd be a huge protest. I would def march for the riders :D
Fox News would be SO MAD that they’re basically stopping this guy from conducting business. SO MAD. Bill O’Reilly would be talking trash about the Dragon Riders like “This son of an island mayor has these MONSTERS AND HE FLIES THEM AND ATTACKS THESE GOOD BUSINESSPEOPLE. His second in command is this woman named Astrid Hofferson. And she has axes. They are menaces.” Probably makes sexist/misogynist comments about Astrid and the other ladies of the group. 
And oof, given today’s modern tech is way better than what the Hunters have, yikes. Dragons would probably get shot out of the sky fairly easily. 🙀 ICBMs and all that. @airbuilder7​ You’re an engineering/aerospace dude. Dragons wouldn’t fair too well with modern weapons/technology, right? Though, to be fair, birds downed Sully Sullenberger’s airplane. 
That’d be so cool. Imagine all these people marching for the Riders and their dragons. Hiccup, you’d have so many people on your side. 
This would be an AU that would include The Riders’ PR guy is Tom Haverford from Parks and Rec because why not. 
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11 More Questions
First mate @letliv3 tagged me back, so here I am again with TMI. This got really long, so buckle up lovelies!
1. What is your favorite movie soundtrack and why?
I have two movie soundtracks on my phone. One is the soundtrack for Sweeney Todd (the one with Johnny Depp—is that how you spell his name? Idc) which I love because the lyrics are clever and I have been a member of many choirs in my life and we’ve sang this musical. The other is for Sucker Punch, the movie with the girl in a school girl outfit and a katana, because there are awesome covers of amazing songs, and they’re so relaxing omg. But other than those, I don’t really pay attention to movie soundtracks. But wait, hang on! When Batman Forever (I think? One of the Batmans from the 90s) came out, my brother, who was is obsessed with Batman bought it, and we used to listen to it all the time. So for nostalgia sake, that one. Kiss From a Rose is like, the greatest song (we never really listened past that track lol!)
2. What is your favorite smell and why?
I like French Lavender because it just smells nice, but the best smell is a mixture of freshly cut wood and sawdust, metal and tools, the dark green Polo cologne, fresh, crisp spring air and a hint of cigarette smoke. That’s how my dad used to smell when I was a child. He doesn’t smell like that anymore. A few years ago, when I was walking under a construction site, I got a whiff of it. From what seemed like a dream I was slammed with childhood emotions, memories of love and safety, bike riding on Saturday afternoons that ended with cherry-flavoured popsicles, laying in a pile, squished on the couch, wrapped up in blankets and surrounded by pillows on top of my dad, while my mom joked about us being as lazy as the lions we were watching on the Discovery Channel. It was a piece of nostalgia wafting over on the breeze. If I could bottle it, I would in a heartbeat.
3. If you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
ONLY one? Forever? Ugh I would totally hate that food after a week. So let’s go with something healthy and maybe with a variety of ingredients so I could pick some out if I got bored. But my fav food is hot and sour soup, which doesn’t have much variety. I think actually I’d pick steak. Because you could marinate it differently, but even if you were limited to salt and pepper, you can still make it taste different enough. And different cuts taste different so I’m gonna cheat that way. I will greatly miss that soup though.
4. What teacher has most influenced you in your life?
Good or bad or memorable?
Good: my grade 7 science teacher subtly told me off for being a judgemental 12/13 year old and I still feel the shame of that sharp glance and flat retort. I’ve been much kinder since then.
Bad: my grade 11 art teacher made me feel worthless because the art I produced didn’t fit his idea of how he thought I should be interpreting his ridiculous prompts. I had to do a mixed media piece which explained “The Economic Crisis in China.” And my interpretation wasn’t “art,” but the person who got to chose their topic, chose “Global Warming,” and painted a tiny polar bear in the centre of a canvas with a white background got an A+. I’m not bitter at all, what are you talking about? I hated that he wouldn’t talk about it with me. He expected me to know what he wanted and to just do it, and that’s such a horrible thing for any teacher. In my whole life I have never disliked a teacher. I even like the teachers that everyone else calls hardasses. He and I just didn’t get along.
Memorable: My grade 11 English teacher gets an honourable mention because he was a babe and damn if I didn’t have the hugest crush on him. We used to get into conversations about the origins of words and the history of language and if that isn’t what makes the ideal man then idk what is. Talk nerdy to me 😘
5. Who was your idol as a child? Why did you admire this person?
Samus Aran, from the Metroid video game series. That was my favourite video game, my dad’s fav game, my bro, my male cousins, my uncles…everyone in the family loves that series. It was about a bounty hunter in a set of impressive, head-to-toe armour, who was just the biggest badass; a human trained by an extinct alien species to use their advanced technology and weapons. And the major “reveal” of the game? Samus is a woman. There were no female characters that were playable back then, or that weren’t just princesses that needed saving. There was no game more fun to play, that was as unanimously loved (in my small world) than Super Metroid. And I wanted to be her. We had the same colour hair (they’re changed her design now which upsets the little girl in me) and I wanted to be a badass bounty hunter that defeated space aliens and had the last being of an alien species—that was typically a deadly menace—imprint on me and think I was it’s mother. Little girls have strange dreams ok, and honestly I don’t think that dream will ever leave me. I want to cosplay as her one day, I just have to get the confidence to do so.
6. What kind of coloring books go you like? The simple and succinct ones or the intricate and detailed ones?
Eh, well I’m an artist so I much prefer to draw. But both have their ups and downs. The intricate ones can be very relaxing, as you can easily colour in pleasing patterns. But the simple ones give you more space to “freestyle” so to speak. But I love co-op colouring with children. When my cousins were super young I used to draw them pictures to colour in, and their mom has kept them all.
7. What are your go-to pair of shoes?
Slip on flats, when the weather permits it. I can take them on and off without any fuss, no ties or buckles. I have a pair now from sketchers which are plain black…something. They’re accidentally (yes, accidentally is the right word) construction shoes. They can withstand over 30k volts of electricity or something, idfk I don’t understand safety shoes. All I know is that I’m not getting electrocuted any time soon. Try me, lightening. I dare you! ⚡️⛈🌩
8. What would you name your Direwolf if you had one?
I want to say “Lucky” only because those guys don’t have much, but if we’re not being superstitious, then probably “Paul.” Because of a Family Guy joke.
9. If you could change one event in the past, what would it be? (It doesn’t have to involve you in any way.)
I…I’m really sorry, but I can’t answer this with complete honesty. My first and second responses are too personal. But my third? Hmm, if I’m being selfish, I’d close my eyes (so vague mwahaha). If not…there’s too many to chose. So many tragedies the world has faced, I can’t choose one that weighs heavier than any other, or would make the biggest impact. Because you also have to consider that some good came out of those tragedies. And if you stopped one event, then whatever tensions were being built up would just break at another time. Maybe I’d stop a natural disaster from occurring, save a bunch of lives. I’d actually love it if the Library of Alexandria still existed, or the Colossus of Rhodes wasn’t destroyed by an earthquake, or that giant statue of Athena that used to be in the Parthenon wasn’t torn down…I have a soft spot for pieces of history that were destroyed.
10. What is your favorite memory you have with your group of friends?
Not my current group, or a group really. But my fav memory with a friend is with my first roommate in university. We bought a pumpkin to carve for Halloween that turned into a ridiculous photo shoot featuring pumpkin entrails, pizza, and the stars of CSI New York on our shitty tv.
11. If you could become part of your favorite series/ movie etc. would you?
Well, first I have to pick a favourite, which is just impossible. But for the sake of the question, since I’m very involved with the Naruto fandom atm, I suppose I’ll just use that in place of “favourite.” On the one hand, it seems like a drag. Any war-torn place seems horrible in comparison to this world. But then again, magical powers are pretty sick. Would I be born into the world, or transported there? Would I have powers, or be just normal me? Would I have “foresight” based on my knowledge of the series, or be a “tabula rasa?” So many things to consider! When in the series would I be injected? Post the Fourth War, sign me up as I am now, and even as a civvy; so long as there’s some Rokudaime in my life I’ll be fine 😜. Before that? Ehhh…it depends. I’d probably miss everyone in my life over here, and with no guarantee that I’d make new bonds in the new world…ok so I’d def want my friends and family there (well, some of them lol). So maybe, depending on the situation when I got there. Which is pretty much a non-answer. Sorry!
I’m not making more questions or tagging anyone since I’ve done it once already. If you want to answer the questions I laid out in the last one, or answer these questions, just tag me! I’d love to read people’s responses. It’s all so fascinating!
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westwing19 · 1 year
Kirby gives Galacta Knight a halo headband to go with his angel wings
Absolutely adorable idea. They can match now :D
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silly bonus:
Key differences would still remain, however
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