#he's not so scary as a kitty *meow* is he?
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| TMDG | Itty-Bitty Kitty SK! Sans! |🔪🐾 |
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pinkkittysaw · 8 months
adore when people refer to ghost’s hands as paws in fics
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frogchiro · 6 months
Just a pretty little kitty that enjoys the finer things in life, lazily patrols the farm for this and that- reporting back to guard dog Ghost occasionally.
She’s out on the far part of the pasture, lazing around when she see’s Graves behind the fence.
Oh- he’s calling out to her! Hm- she get’s up and slowly starts to walk away like she never heard him- oh he jumped the fence! Maybe walk a little faster- Fuck! He’s following her! Time to run!
Her fluffy groomed behind sprinting back to the barn with Graves snapping at her heels, crazy about this *pretty* little kitty. He knows that you’re a kitty- you’re not meant to take his knot, you’re not really big enough to take his knot but, your body isn’t built to take his knot, BUT! it’s worth trying sweet girl! Get back here!
While you’re just trying to find Guard dog Ghost- why can you never find his scary ass when you need him!!!! Bastard!
(Maybe you try and dart for the doggy door of the house *but, it’s a door for actual dogs* and your ass get’s stuck half way through the door.)
Imagine Ghost’s surprise to hear his kitty howling her head off with Graves shuffled up behind her trying to shove his knot in. Just relax a little kitty!
You have no idea that this ask has been knocking around my brain all day now
And the day started out so good for you too!! :(( You woke up snuggled all warm and happy between the two huge farm guard dogs, Simon and Johnny, who, before you went out on your own, manage to sneak a little nip here and there and tickled you with their tongues a bit, y'know for a good start Kitty!
The 'lucky' tongue tickling didn't do it's job though since now you have a pervy and very horny Coyote Hybrid chasing after you >:( You've seen the wild blonde hybrid before on the premises of the farm, always lurking and stalking when the sun was setting, his eerie eyes almost glowing in the setting light making you meow and run away back to the barn where your nest is and now he's chasing after you bc he wants to mate :((
And as you're running Philip is both horny and frustrated; why are you running?? Come back pretty girl! Sure you're smaller than him and his knot can be a challenge but c'mon Kitty, he promises it will be worth it! He's very virile and strong, he can take good care of you!
Besides it's not like it will be your first time taking dick and knot this big; Philip is lurking around the farm for a while now and has seen you mate so much with the huge guard dog hybrids, Ghost and Soap, that he's actually surprised that you're not knocked up with a litter of pups by now. Not to mention that he saw you sniffing and slinking around that mean old bull, Price, who always charges at him on sight >:(
Imagine Ghost's and Johnny's rage when they find poor you held down by Philip who literally dragged you out of that doggy door and is now thrusting without abandon as you yowl and moan, your soft, broad hips high with your tail fluffed up as the mean Coyote tries to fit his fat knot inside your cunt with a nasty smirk on his annoyingly handsome face </3
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alwaysshallow · 9 months
— gorgeous, part 1
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Simon "Ghost" Riley x f!reader
You're a vet - and you wouldn't ever think that a big guy with a skull face, kitten on his hands, would be in your clinic. (2,1k)
AO3 version
A/N: I have no self-respect; Poland won in volleyball, SO. your insane man and vet lady is here <3
next part
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The first time you see him? It is a wild one.
You didn't really know how to react when your assistant, Bernie, stormed into your office, telling you that some "big guy with a skull mask" had a kitten that needed an examination. I mean, you were a vet, of course, and you ran your clinic to the 11 P.M. sometimes, but... the skull mask part?
First, you thought she was joking or trying to prank you, like in the past, when she told you that a guy came here with a head of a fish tank came to your clinic. When you thought about this later, it was really dumb that you believed that, but the emotions were too high before; you almost slipped on the floor when you were storming out of your office, to see if:
a) he actually had a fish tank,
b) if he had some fish in it.
The skull mask wasn't a joke, though; Bernie also looked like she saw a ghost or something, and was basically hidden after your figure when you went to the corridor, where patients should wait until it's their turn. Usually there weren't many people, only emergency ones, which happened rarely enough. You usually closed after 7, but today you decided to say a bit... longer. 4 hours longer, but who count that, right? There was no one except indeed a big, huge guy in a skull mask and military uniform; at least you thought it looked like a military uniform, your friend's best friend, Johnny, had one like that. You probably wouldn't even speak to him if he hadn't had in his arms a cat that was meowing sadly, like something hurt him – or, her. You didn't know what it was yet. Guy was scary as hell, and if he wanted to, he probably would've knock you out in just one move, but you walked closer to him – what he was gonna do, hit you with his cat in his hands?
"What happened?" that's the first thing you asked, as you approached the man; and for the first time, your gazes crossed.
His, unreadable, brown, piercing even. You couldn't even get a single thought from them, like it was behind some kind of shield, and it confused you, but interested you in the same time enough to know that this interaction will be seated in your mind for some time right now.
You always liked the mysteries, and he seemed like one.
"I don't know." he simply said, standing; and you could see how much bigger he was; not only in height, but in body, muscles. It was like a doll standing to a WWE fighter, as you watched those silly shows after your work at night. "Found that kitten near a dumpster. Seems like it's hurting, so..." he shrugged.
"Aren't you a talker" you murmured, your head up high, to look at him. "Come on in."
He said nothing; simply followed you, with that kitty on his big hands.
You didn't know his name even, and you were more than willing to help him, or more – to help this cat live without any pain because your heart was aching how pained and scared it was.
As well as your assistant, if you were talking about "being scared" part; she kept glancing at that big man, who put the animal on the special table (as you asked him to). It probably would be you in the past, the scared and with some kind of reserve but now, you were more than amazed with his gentleness to care about things like skull mask or the fact that he would crush you with his finger.
Trying to be as gentle as possible, you started examination; it was a certain routine if it was about strays, and this particular one seemed to be abandoned not so long ago.
Probably nothing was breaking your heart more than this; throwing animals to street instead of trying to get them a new home. You saw too much.
"I'll have to fill a report for animal shelter" you started after a few minutes, as you were trying to localize the cause of pain; it was probably a broken bone, but cat was pretty beaten up too. "And I have to know where it was exactly, if you know the streets around here. Maybe there's more kittens like this."
"Animal shelter?" he asked, and you could just feel how his brown eyes are piercing through your green scrubs.
Intimidating, to say the least, because in addition with his low, gravelly voice, it was something alluring, like you couldn't be indifferent about it. Hell, you didn't even knew the guy, he could be potential axe murderer that stopped in your clinic because he was sad about the cat.
"Yes, I can't take him. Someone has to." you explained.
"Who said I won't?"
As you raised your eyebrow, you looked back at him, in a little shock – positive one, though. Most of the people that were bringing strays weren't eager about giving them home, for multiple reasons, and you didn't judge. It was a good thing that they were bringing them here, but this man...
"So, you will?"
You smiled under your nose, stroking the little kitten, as you waited for her to calm down, before taking her to an x-ray. Her new owner wasn't really talkative, but the most important thing was that he cared enough to not only bring her here, but to take her home.
It was easy to gain your trust, considering that the skull mask that he had right now wasn't so scary anymore.
"I'm gonna take her to an x-ray. Wait up here, okay?"
Again, no response, just a simple nod.
Was it thing about you two being strangers? He could act reversed only because of this, or he was maybe tired and didn't wanted to talk. Yet, you rolled your eyes to yourself while you were taking an x-ray in a special room.
Weird. Weird, because as the bubbly and talkative person you were here, always talking with owners of animals that were coming to you (or in some cases you were out in a farm or something), you couldn't do that here. I mean, right, he answered your questions, but it was... automatic.
Not leaving a small pole to discussion, and it was irritating at some point, because you wanted to tell him at least half of stories about strays and how it was heartbreaking to find them a proper, loving home. And how you were actually curious if he liked animals before, if he had any.
And yet you were, not able to talk to him in any way that would untie his tongue. If you weren't such a curious woman, you wouldn't give a single fuck, and you would only do your job, but... now, you were more than eager to have a proper conversation with that man.
At least a few words more.
"She broke her leg." you explained after an x-ray, to show him under the special light what were you talking about, when the results came in.
Usually, it wasn't so quick, but it was an emergency.
"It's not as bad as it seems to be, your cat will need a splint and a bandage."
He didn't say anything; just nodded, fucking again, still staring at orange cat that was lying on the table, with your assistant cooing to the animal.
You expected some questions, though. Anything. "Questions?" "Not really" he said, glancing at you.
"It will take a while. You can sit if you want" you pointed at the chair in the corner. "I can stand."
So if he wanted to stand, he will stand, end of story for you – so, naturally, you just started to do your job with the kitty. It was a stray, obviously, so it wasn't an easy job with her writhing under your hands, but you managed, somehow.
"Do you want to register me as her vet?" you looked at him again.
Maybe it could finally be a proper subject of your conversation – not many people thought about that when they were taking under their wings a stray, so you had to offer. Especially when that kitty was just too cute not to ask.
"Will it be different than visiting you from time to time?" he asked, his arms crossing on his chest.
"I mean, yeah. I'm under the phone, basically 24/7, if you have questions, you call me. Vaccines, medicines, everything is under your hand. And since the little one knows me..." you trailed off, focusing more on that construction you worked on.
It seemed almost done.
"Right, we can do that, then" he muttered, coming a little closer to the table, to look at his cat. "I assume you need something? Contacts, I mean."
You chuckled, amused. "Yeah, pretty much. Your phone number, your name, adress."
He frowned at that last mention and sighed, glancing over you again, like he was judging something before he actually will answer you.
Hell, what was that in him?
"Is adress necessary?"
"Not really, no."
You both went silent after this; as you finished, you sat to your computer to add another patient to your folder, where you kept everything in check. Meanwhile, Bernie was still occupied with the cat that was too sleepy to even respond, but the meds were kicking in, so it wasn't a surprise.
Rather, it was good. She needed some kind of rest.
"Name?" you looked at him.
"Simon Harris."
It felt like a lie, what he was telling you – especially his last name, but you didn't say anything about it.
"You have an idea for your cat's name? Or not yet?" you smiled softly.
"Not yet, no. And as for phone number..." he started searching for his phone in his cargo pants.
Took him a while, to go through the pockets, but when he finally managed to give it to you, you could finally save everything – the cat's name was just missing, but he needed to think about it.
You could think of multiple stories of people that came back to your clinic or called you to change the name in your documents, because they wanted something different. Mostly it was because the previous one wasn't a "good fit", but some were... funny ones, or weird enough that you didn't even bother to ask why.
Sometimes your curiosity got the best of you, especially when you asked why does he want his cat to be named "Pussy"; you regretted asking almost immediately, when he sat in the chair right in front of you. He talked for almost twenty minutes of his girlfriend and how he wanted to "give" her the cat with a name like that because it was funny enough.
And because of other things that you'd like to forget.
"Addison Frost. I run this clinic" you said, when he was saving your number in his phone. You could swear that he rolled his eyes, but it wasn't so clear as he wore that damn mask. What it was for anyway?
You wanted to see his face, badly.
"That much I figured" he muttered, his phone going to pocket of his cargo pants right now; he looked back at his cat, and at you again. "Can I buy something for her here? Or... I should go to the store?"
Hell, it was his probably longest sentence to you that day; and that made you smile a bit, when you reached out to the place you kept starter kits for kittens that needed to be taken care of more than the regular ones; you made a couple of them, and that was one of the last ones.
"No need to pay me for this" you said quickly, as he reached for his wallet. "It's... something that I give, just that" you muttered. "You can borrow that transporter too, until you won't buy your own. She needs to rest for the most of the time, and as she's a stray, she'll probably want to wander around your place."
He nodded, deep in thought, as you helped him with putting his cat into this; he was ready to leave, but before that, he dropped 90$ at your desk, leaving without any further explanation. "Hey! That's way too much, I can't take something like that" you left after him, approaching him as he was already putting the transporter into his Jeep. "It's just a simple help, not an operation, or..."
"You helped her" he cut you off, looking straight into your eyes "and that's enough. If that's too much, don't charge me for another visit or so. I won't take it back." he said, getting into his car; still looking at you, he nodded slightly. "Thank you. And, goodnight."
And with that, Simon Harris left you with many thoughts about that evening.
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cokou · 3 days
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𝚂𝚞𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚗𝚘𝚟𝚊 𝚃𝚛𝚒𝚘 + 𝙰𝚌𝚎 × 𝙵𝚎𝚖!𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛
sum. Forcing your boyfriend to adopt a new fuzzy friend into the household, maybe you've spent too much time with the fuzzy. ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ tw. Fluff. Jealousy. Law's and Ace's a bit longer cause, favoritism. ˏˋ°•*⁀➷ a/n. New writing style! We could never go wrong with loving fuzzy and cute animals!! Dont transfer or translate in any platforms,this is my only account, will not be cross posted anywhere! masterlist♡
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After joining the Heart Pirates and dating their captain, your number one entertainment is to soend time with Bepo and Law. While Bepo does feel embarrassed for your acts to him, you absolutely felt like he's a huge cuddly bear more than a scary one.
He even complained to Law himself that he should get you your very own fuzzy friend since you've bothered Bepo so much he couldn't face you anymore without getting embarrassed! Law, the asshole he is, refused to get you one.
You very much enjoyed the idea and pestered Law into getting you one yourself and have some dignity for Bepo, then, he finally agreed. You both visited a pet shop, and just with it's entrance you couldn't leave anymore. Inside were full of cute animals waiting to be adopted, you just wanted to take them all.
"(Name)-Ya, what about this guy?" He pointed and peeked into the small cage, and there, was a white fluffy kitty who has just woken up from its slumber. Yes, perfect! It looked so cute and cuddly! You already fell inlove with it just by looking! "Awh, look at how much she resembles Bepo!"
You both took her back, and upon your arrival you set her free in her new home, the sub.
For the past few weeks, your attention had been glued to your new friend, not wanting anything on your path. It was so bad you had more pictures of her than you and Law combined! And the way you trip because you watch her instead of where you were going.
Law on the other hand, was definitely not feeling it, he felt like the white furball just replaced him with everything! You shared a bed with her, she gets your attention, she gets to be with you all day! If he were honest, he would blurt out how jealous he was for the furball.
In which, you suspected him for. "Law, are you really okay? You've been quiet and only staring since you sat down."
"I told you I am okay, don't worry." He finally let out a sigh after realizing you weren't with the kitten anymore, that was until he heard meow, and behind you was the kitten. You picked her up and setted her into your lap, receiving a piercing glance from Law.
"Are you okay? You're doing the stare aga— ohhhh..." You had finally realized that he was jealous, not by anyone, but the kitty that you've been giving attention to.
"What?" "Don't tell me you're jealous of our little furball!" You laugh at him. "What?! W-why the hell would you think that?"
"Law, it's quite obvious...come here, lay with us." You invited him with open arms and he jumped right into you.
Ever since Chopper had joined the Straw Hats, you couldn't take your hands off his cheeks and head, continuesly patting and hugging him from his cuteness. Even your boyfriend, Luffy had agreed!
Chopper was definitely nice to have around, when you're stressed? You pat him. When you need to let it out? Hug him. He's just so cute and fuzzy! The way you'd kill people when you hear them talk bad about Chopper, because you refuse to let people think that he was a monster.
Eventually Luffy thought that you and Chopper became best friends of how you two always chatter about everything, at first he taught it's what makes the crew more unique.
But eventually, after a month, he noticed how you'd been glued with the reindeer all the time. He taught it was normal since you two were best friends but, this time you might have crossed the line.
"(Name)!! I'm hungry, can you cook meat?" He asked you with the usual big smile on his face. "Oh no Luffy, could you ask Sanji? I'm hanging out with Chopper today.." Bad Idea, you never refused to cook him meat even if you were busy. He knew you enough to just refuse to cook meat for him. The way he frowned as you waved him and went into the dock with Chopper.
Later that night, when everyone was asleep, you felt someone tugging your clothes. "Pst, (Name)." It was Luffy.
"Eh? Luffy? Why are you awake at a time like this.." you groggily whispered. "Just come here" You spproach his area and he pulled you with him.
"Finally some peace between us" He gave you a big grin and placed his hand on your back. "It's been a while you know— you've always been with Chopper."
"Luffy, wh— are you jealous of Chopper?" You came with a conclusion that maybe, just maybe he got jealous of your constant hanging out eith Chopper.
"Hmm...is that how you name it, (Name)? If so then yes!" You plopped your hands on his chest and gave him a giggle. "You could've said so earlier, i would've spent more time with you, Lu"
It was 100% your idea, you had convinced Eustass to bring company of an animal into the Victoria Punk. Not only because you had no one to talk to other than Killer or Kidd himself, but simply because it was boring out in the ship.
Lucky for you, Kidd agreed to get you one of your choice, in exchange of...things. So you decided to get a Cat of your choice, simply after declaring it's recruitment into the Kidd Pirates. You gave every ounce of your attention to it, even if it means opening the door of the bathroom when you take a shower just incase the furball could come inside and pet itself across your legs.
Well that only happened twice, what DID happen was Eustass peeking at you while taking a shower, which happened about 90% of the time. You didn't mind though.
Back to our fur friend, it bothered the cleaners of the ship on how they'd find furry hair on every furniture they clean. Kidd even complained that your shared bed was full of cat fur and that it was sticking onto his skin! But you couldn't careless.
Everytime you had a chance to sit, the cat eould latch itself into your lap, preventing you from standing up and doing business. Because standing would mean disrespectful!
Now we have an angry Eustass, whenever he wants you to be around him your excuse would always be 'But theyre on my lap' and 'im playing with them give me a while' He was getting fed up with both you and the cat itself.
So you're at the comfort place in the ship, with Kidd having a staring contest with the animal on your lap, whilst you read a book a chill. Then suddenly he spoke up, "Okay that's enough." He stood up, took the cat and placed it outside the room.
"Why'd you do that for?!"
"Oh please, you have all your attention on that animal since it stepped foot into the ship, give it a break." He scoffed.
"Or you're just jealous because i give it more attention than you?" Oh, NOW you're dead. "JEALOUS?? Why would i be jealous over a stupid furry?!" He was. He was 100% jealous.
"Okay first of all, it's not a stupid furry! And second of all, you seem pretty defensive, if you're jealous just say it."
"WHAT?! No im n—"
"—Which, you definitely are, come here you big baby. I'll give you the attention you deserve." You cutted him off, now you're gonna be in big trouble.
"And i expect the attention to be filled, get on the bed fucker." It would definitely be a longggg night.
He IS the one who suggested to get a furry friend. He'd definitely be the type to adopt a puppy, and then proceed to name it one of the most basic names ever. You could see the disappointment in Marco's face when he found out he named the precious puppy 'Oreo' because it's fur was Black AND White.
He had gotten you the precious puppy as a gift for your birthday as he found out you're into having pets, and your reason? They were CUTE as hell. He had gotten you a puppy who's fur is at the brownish side.
"Hmm, what should we name him?!" "OH! OH! I know! Brownie!"..."Are you being serious, Ace?" You looked at him, praying that the name he suggested was only for sarcasm, but you were taken aback from his response. "What do you mean babe? Of course i am! It's such a perfect name for him!"
"It's... one of the most basic names I've ever heard. " You spared him a straight face, sending shivers down his spine. "Okay, okay I'll think of another name! Hm..how about Cookie?" Yeah he doesn't have naming privileges anymore.
In the end you both sticked into the name you had chosen for the puppy. Everything was going great for the first week, you buying him all the stuff he needed, the most high qualited dog food, and even his own supplies had beaten yours! With an average of spending atleast thoudands of Berries a week.
The second week hadn't been different at all, except for the fact that now that the puppy was growing, it became even more plsyful towards you. Meaning you, had soent almost all your time with it. On the other hand, your boyfriend Ace, ended up getting bitten at the hand for trying to take away it's toy that you gave.
"Babe! Do you see those eyes that's looking at me right now?! It looks like it's gonna KILL me!" Ace climbed up on a chair when he entered the house unannounced and the dog had decided to chase him for dear life.
"Come one Bae, he won't hurt you like at all! He's an angel!" You petted the dog, causing him to sit. "Yeah if it was opposite day I would've believed you! look at him, it looks like it's gonna bite my limbs of one by one!"
"Come on Ace! He won't bite you!" As soon as you reassured Ace thst nothing eould happen if he stepped down, he tried lowering his left foot down, causing the dog the fully bark at him. "SEE?!" Ace's voice was almost crying.
"Bad dog! You know he's the one who brought you to me right?! He's basically your dad! Go to your bed!" The dog whimpers then climbs it's bed.
"You know, after this i expect a full week of attention all mine! Okay?!" Ace pouts and settles himself down from the chair. You gave him a reassuring kiss, "I promise,"
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©Cokou 2024, all works made by me.
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pigeonpeach · 5 months
more genshin as cats!
I ran out of ideas lol. X reader. Pure fluff
Second part
Interesting! He is fascinated with the results, checking his paws and chasing his tail trying to look at it. Meanwhile Timeaus and Sucrose are freaking out, he’s having the time of his life. He is such a curious boio now! You have to keep him on a leash at this point. He wants to see the world like this! He’s such a tricky kitty too, he’ll gnaw on the leash till it gives! You must distract him, mayhaps with crinkly paper? He will reach for potions forgetting he has no opposable thumb. He will accidentally cause chaos. He does not mean to he is just so fascinated.
She woke up from her nap to this? She mustve dreaming! Oh she is so distraught! Don’t let her mother see her like this! she’ll be teased about this for centuries! But she doesn’t mind being picked up. A fluffy cat indeed. Stroke her gently till she falls asleep. She will go from alert to slightly less alarmed to sleepy to asleep. Maybe being small is nice if it means she can sleep in your lap so well. So tiny and warm. Oh and the sun is just perfect…
Quite confused? Is he cat or fox? How odd. He must study this and find a cure, but Collei struggles to write the notes for him and understand his meows. In the end he just has to be brought to the Academia much to his disappointment. But rather than help you’ve been snapping pictures of the entire ordeal.
Who dare do this to her! You must compensate for this! Lavish her with praise! For she is the prettiest and cutest kitty ever now! Praise her praise her! Brush her fur as Neuvillette is clearly not acting with enough urgency. He struggles to maintain his composure as she meows angrily at him. You hold her close, she refuses to touch the dirty ground, you must hold her! She cannot dirty her paws! She will not groom herself you must do it for her. She demands it! She’s not usually nearly as demanding with you, she really just wants you stay with her at all times. Making up excuses and being dramatic. If you left her alone she’d mewl sadly. Calling out for you. Oh its so scary without it you! Do not abandon her now! Even if its just to prepare her something to eat.
HOW DARE THE DARSHANS LAUGH! Nahida treats this like s joke too. Constantly giggling at his grumpy expression. You hold him in his hat like its a bowl. He is so very mad. He will not entertain such nonsense! Return him to his normal form this INSTANT! You leave for a second to get some food for him and yourself, closing the door to keep him from running off. And then his loneliness kicks in. Waiting by the door meowing sadly. Don’t go! How can you leave him at a time like this! As a cat he’s lost his concept of time. And then when you return he acts like he wasn’t just mewling sadly. As distant as usual. You try to tempt him with a heating pad and oh it is very nice! He cannot resist napping in such a warm spot. He still mad at you though for not taking this seriously enough.
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luvfy0dor · 8 months
Good day! How are you doing? I'm back with a small request. A reader keeps three kitties at home, but no one knows about it. What would happen if Chuya or Fedor stopped by to visit for the first time and three different big fluffy cats met them on the doorstep? Thank you for your artwork. They really are so awesome.
I hope I've made the right request. Have a great day!
“Guess I'll Just Stumble on Home to my Cats !! ♡” - Chuuya Nakahara x Gn!Reader ੈ✩‧₊˚
Warnings; i like describing really enormous cats, which is made obvious, some swearing, it's pretty silly
Description; Chuuya interacting with cats.
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A/n; Bro I love cats sm I was so excited to do this request my bsf and I have matching cats theyre both orange and named garfield, but I'm gonna do a second part with fyodor! I just wrote a whole lot for Chuuya so I thought I'd separate it : ] OH ALSO TYSM FOR THE COMPLIMEBTS FJEJSJDJ ❤️❤️💖💖
• Chuuya is definitely more of a dog person, but that doesn't mean you'll never find him lying on your couch, hat over his face and a cat or two (or three) loafed on his chest.
You decided to invite Chuuya over for dinner in celebration of receiving a promotion at your job. You liked being able to share such an exciting moment with the people you loved, and Chuuya was absolutely one of them.
Chuuya had yet to venture to your house, not because he didn't want to, but because it was really hard to find time for anything recently. He had been very busy with work, and the distance from your place to his work or his house was rather inconveniencing. But, he wanted to join you for dinner, so that was just what he was gonna do.
So, there he stood, a small flower bouquet in hand and dressed in his usual classy clothing. He almost hesitated to ring the doorbell, but he pushed his pointless worries aside. There was nothing to be nervous about, after all. It was dinner with his lover, how scary could it be?
"It's unlocked!" You shout from the kitchen, cleaning everything up and plating the food. He twists the door nob and pushes it open, walking in before tripping. He caught himself, but he looked down, wondering what you could have possibly left on the floor right next to the door. Instead of finding a shoe or clothing item, he saw a fluffy black mass peeking up at him through it's furry coat. It meowed at him, skittering away into the kitchen. He was very confused as to where you had gotten a cat, you've never told him about this! He chalked it up to cat sitting before following in the cats footsteps and heading into the kitchen. He found you shooing the cat away very politely, waving it off towards to other room; and much to his surprise, it obeyed.
Chuuya had not once seen a cat so obedient, he always thought of cats as careless and independent animals, but apparently they listened just as well as dogs if trained right. Your eyes lit up when they landed on your boyfriend, then on the flowers, making your heart melt. "Aw, Chuuya! You're too sweet to me, you didn't have to bring me flowers!" You say, approaching him, he sighs and puts an arm around you, pulling you into a hug. "I know, but it's the least I could do for you, I mean you're making me dinner." He says, kissing your forehead and handing you the flowers.
"Still though. Thank you, Chuuya." You say excitedly, walking towards the cabinets and grabbing a vase, filling it up about a fourth of the way with water. "Yeah, it's no problem, doll. Hey, uhm, you never told me you had a cat around." He says with a slight laugh. You turned to him, furrowing your eyebrows before a look of realization came over your face. "Oh! I'm sorry, yeah, I have three cats." You gave him a grin, which widened when you saw his surprised face.
"Do you not like cats? I'm sorry, I should have told you." You say, straightening out your shirt. "No! No, it's alright, darlin', it just caught me by surprise, you know? I'm more of a dog guy..." He murmurs, hugging you and looking over your shoulder at the food. "That looks really good though." He compliments, gently cupping your cheek. You thank him and guide him aside with your hand on his waist in order to bring the vase to the dining room table. He jumps upon feeling something furry rub up against his pant leg, looking down to see an entirely different cat. He stares at the furry animal before hesitantly squatting down to pet it.
Running his fingers across the felines head, he smiled a bit, scratching it behind the ears before standing up to wash his hands. The cat, however, did not take no more for an answer. It butted it's head against Chuuyas calf, purring as it did so. Chuuya rolled his eyes and looked at it again, resisting the urge to pet it and have to wash his hands all over again. You return to the kitchen to grab the plates, setting them at the dinner table with a smile. Chuuya follows you out, the cat following him, like a train. Chuuya sits across from your seat and watches you situate yourself, a sort of love struck expression on his face. You notice and blush, a small and breathy laugh escaping your lips.
Chuuya is snapped from his adoring gaze by what feels like a trillion pounds of bricks being dropped into his lap, causing him to let out a loud "oomph." You look at him with confusion and concern and Chuuya looks down at his lap, seeing a massive and utterly colossal, prodigious, party-sized ass cat loafing in his lap. How it even jumped up onto him was entirely out of his scope of knowledge. You peered under the table and saw your largest cat on your boyfriends lap, making you frown.
"I'm sorry about him, he's on a weight loss journey, I promise." You apologetically say, getting up to remove the stupendously sized cat from Chuuyas thighs, gently plopping him down on the floor. He nods in response, putting his hands up defensively. "It's not a big deal, I promise. He looks like he's got the spirit to get to that goal." He says, remote enthusiasm in his voice. You nod with a smile. "He definitely does. I think you'll get along with all three of them well, I think they already really like you, especially (cat #3's name)." He smiles a bit and nods, taking a bite of his food, humming in satisfaction. "You're such a great chef, doll. Did you have the cats pick fresh herbs and spices or somethin'?" He playfully says, making you scoff.
"I wish those cats could help out. They're wonderful for moral support and occasional obstacles, though." You sarcastically reply. He smiles. "Do they actually knock stuff off of tables? I've heard a lot of cats like to do things like that, or sitting on keyboards?" You nod, taking another bite of your food. "Yeah, they've done it a couple times, they knocked pepper all over the place once and when they hopped down on the floor none of them could stop sneezing. I felt so bad for them." You say, reminiscing on all the times your animals inconvenienced both you and themselves with their antics.
Chuuya laughs a little, resting his head against his knuckles. "What poor little things they are, huh?" He laughs, looking at the three cats that were now sprawled out on the couch. You nod. "Maybe they just need another parental figure." You say, glancing at him out of the corner of your eye. He looks over at you, his cheeks slightly red and his lips parted. "What, do you want me to be their second/father?" You nod with a grin. "If you'll accept the offer." You smile, sipping on some water.
Chuuya smirks, leaning back in his chair and adjusting the sleeves of his shirt. "Obviously I'm going to, I would never deny you." He says, his pearly white teeth flashing as he speaks. Everything about him really was perfect to you, especially his willingness to be included in your little cat family. "Great, hopefully they'll learn to be a gentleman just like you." You say, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek and leaning into him.
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A/n; dawg I'm posting this from a movie theater this movie is kinda boring and I gotta be here for 2 ½ more hours send help. Also if I flop again I'm crying tbh (Edit) WALKED OUT THAT BITCH LAST NIGHT W OLD ERAS TOUR MOVIE MERCH BECAUSE I WASNT ABLE TO GO SEE IT ORIGINALLY AND GET IT SO ALL IS WELL
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Remember when I told you all about the "Damian & Tim bonding fic, where Damian gets turned into a cat?"?
Well, I do.
I have two wips! One for a fic and the other is a small art sketch
"It's OK! You are OK! With me, you are safe!"
Tim hummed, as he gently rubbed the little fluff ball dry, making sure to clean its eyes and ears out in the process.
He had found it in a trashcan on patrol, all alone, shivering and seemingly abandoned.
The teen couldn't get himself to leave it there.
After all, he wasn't that cruel, and Damian would probably break his back again if he found out that he let an innocent animal die.
It meowed weakly, as he used two of his fingers to gently massage its stomach. He couldn't feel any swellings and injuries, so it should be fine. Hopefully.
"Hey, it's alright! We'll get some food into you and then you'll feel better."
The kitten looked too young to stomach solid food, so milk was it.
He knew that cowmilk was bad for cats, but almond milk should be fine, at least till he could get some special cat milk and wet food to ween the little one out.
After making sure that it was warm and comfortable on his couch, he made his way to his kitchen.
The search for some almond milk and a saucer to fill it in took him some minutes and when he returned to his living room, the cat was gone.
Gone was probably a harsh word, considering that he could hear some really pissed off growls from beneath his bookshelf.
It was quite impressive, considering that the animal making those sounds was barley bigger than his hand.
"Poor little baby, this situation must be quite scary for you."
He pushed the makeshift bowl next to the furniture, avoiding the sweep of tiny claws, before he all but collapsed on his couch.
Then he quietly cursed himself.
In the trouble of making sure that the kitty was alright, he had utterly forgotten about his own needs.
"I am such an idiot."
The vigilante forced himself back on his feet, as he glared at the couch.
Who knows what kind of toxins and germs he had gotten onto it now.
"You know, this totally ruins my whole week. I usually deepclean my furniture every Monday. But with all the blood and shit on my suit this can't wait."
He smiled gently towards the kittens direction, who had stopped growing when he started speaking.
"I will take a short shower, before cleaning the couch and taking my meds. Please try to drink a bit of the milk, alright?"
The teen was aware that the cat couldn't understand or answer him, but he wanted it to get comfortable with his voice
Soaking his suit in disinfectant, showering, checking his body for small injuries, going through his skincare routine, throwing his suit into the washing machine, getting a clean suit ready for the next patrol and starting up his textile-deep-cleaning routine took him nearly an hour.
It left him utterly exhausted and wanting to sleep.
But he still had to finish the cleaning, drink that disgusting, nutrien rich smoothie, take his meds and work on that case Duke asked him about.
His eyes wandered to the kittens hiding place and a smile appeared on his lips as he looked at the empty saucer.
"Good work! Eat a lot and grow stronger. "
The tiny head of the kitten popped out and Tim had to stifle his laughter at the animals unimpressed expression.
"Oh, Damian will absolutely adore you."
It meowed as Tim concentrated back on cleaning the couch.
"He is my little brother and he adores animals. I am planning to give you to him when the weekend comes around."
This was the safest course of actions for him and the one thing will guarantee a happy life for it.
The kittens eyes were watching him clean the couch, as he explained every step to it.
" Now we are just going to let the disinfectant soak in and let it dry. I'll take my medicine and then we'll try to get some more food into you! "
It actually came out of its hiding place when he brought out his yellow pill bottle.
Somehow, it looked as if he had offended it, as it meowed loudly at him to get his attention.
"This is just the medicine that I spoke about. I am sick, you know. A year ago, I lost my spleen due to an injury. I had a flare up a few days ago, since Steph decided to drop in unannounced. Its fine now though."
Steph had been hurt and he was the closest, so he was glad that she came to him instead of bleeding out somewhere.
But the fever he got afterwards was not so nice.
The kitty meowed, as it clawed at his leg, what was suprisingly painful.
"Whats the matter?! This hurts, you know?"
Tim picked the small animal up, as it growled angrily at him.
"You know. You kinda remind me of my little brother right now."
It had the same green eyes as him.
"You are even behaving like him right now!"
He smiled as it spitted in his direction, Biting and clawing at his hand.
Getting the hint, he gently placed it back onto the ground, where it quickly went back to his hiding place.
Tim couldn't help himself as he sighted, as he saw the blood running down his hand.
He needed to disinfect and bandage ut up as quickly as possible now.
"Jason, calm down-, i cant understand what you are saying if you scream like this!"
Damian glared at the teen from bellow his hiding spot, as he placed back and forth in his living room, his elder brothers voice screaming through the speaker of the phone.
It was pathetic.
No Vigilante, especially one that studied under his father, should allow someone to yell at them.
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moongoopy · 10 days
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Aizawa, You and Yamada were cat enthuasiasts.
Whenever you were busy cooking up a meal and hear a certain stray scratching the door to make its entrance, you ran quickly to the two. you pointed out that there was a cat and they leaped out the couch to see it.
Aizawa was a natural cat attractor, cats who usually give the cold shoulder to people and walk right past were rubbing up against his hands for pats. He had instances where mother cats would pass her kittens to him because they just find him so trustworthy. You and Yamada laugh when he had too many kittens on his hands. It may seem like heaven to other but even Aizawa couldn't handle a basket of kitties gven to him.
Though Yamada envies the trust that the cats put onto Aizawa because it was like he was strictly anti cat repellant for other cats. He kept his voice down around these little critters but it was hard for them to come onto him. Was it the hair? Was his face scary, should he wear a mask? Did he have to fix his stance? You told Yamada it was none of that, sometimes animals just need time to adjust and trust people (ignoring Aizawa here)
So Yamada resorted to something else, he kept his voice low and mimicked meowing. He usually hear from you and Aizawa that his meowing was insabely realistic, well it was his quirk after all. Aizawa just felt a bit annoyed that it wasn't an actual cat whenever Yamada does it out of boredom. But because of his sense of boredom, a baby kitten approached him and pawed at his knuckle and he nearly shed tears of joy as he held it up.
So hand in hand, Aizawa passes of the cats that linger to him to Yamada where he communicates with and you captured this moment with a camera.
Also humouring Yamada that he could learn cat language through this (or could he?)
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lavenderpanic · 8 months
I love thinking about Bucky and Steve volunteering post-Endgame so here is where I think they would volunteer.
My headcanon for Bucky is an animal shelter. He sees one of those sappy ASPCA commercials and it upsets him so badly that he decides he needs to start volunteering. At first, he mostly like feeds and cleans little kitties and puppies, which he loves. He loves how even the teeny little kittens don't see him as a threat. They meow and lick at his fingers and it just makes him feel so warm and fuzzy inside because everybody else in the world sees him as a murderer but they just see him as the nice guy who brings them food and gives them belly scratches. But after a while, Bucky finds himself drawn to the "aggressive dogs." The ones that the shelter says are pretty much doomed to die there. The ones who were thrown into dogfighting when they were just puppies, the ones who never knew kindness. The pitties with big, sad eyes who bark at anyone who tries to touch them. He offers to help with them one day, because he's strong enough that he doesn't have to worry about being bitten or anything. They don't bite at Bucky, though. He knows how to move, how to reach for them, how to show them that they won't be met with violence. They don't understand what Bucky went through, but they seem to trust him in a unique way.
My headcanon for Steve is a children's hospital. Everyone kinda figures he's doing the whole "superhero who visits sick kids" thing, mostly for publicity, but he starts going back often and forming friendships with these kids and their families, and soon enough he's practically an uncle to most of the kids there. He knows the strength they have, just to stay alive, he remembers it all too well. They all marvel at his muscles and his shield, but he knows he was stronger pre-serum than he ever was after. They see themselves in him, they tell him they're getting medicine that's going to make them better "just like him" and they ask him if getting the serum was scary during their infusions. He shares Sarah Rogers' wisdom with their parents. He makes silly sketches of whatever the kids request, and they always giggle at his old-fashioned jokes and his inability to grasp modern slang. They ask him if he knew Abraham Lincoln or Cleopatra and he makes up elaborate stories to keep them entertained.
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kitten4sannie · 1 year
27 - ꜰᴜʀʀʏ/ʜʏʙʀɪᴅ - ᴡᴏᴏʏᴏᴜɴɢ
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ꜱᴘɪʟʟᴇᴅ ᴍɪʟᴋ
pairing: fox hybrid! wooyoung x cat hybrid! reader (fem) feat. owners seongjoong
summary: you mess around with a new hybrid playmate while your owners go out to eat.
w.c: 3.4k
warnings: dom leaning! wooyoung, sub leaning! reader, these mfs are in HEAT, subspace stuff, pet names, praise, kissing, food play, nipple play (m receiving), grinding, breeding kink (it’d be an actual crime if i didn’t include this) unprotected sex, creampie
a/n: on all levels except physical i am a kitty - meow
okay but fr i’ve always wanted to write a hybrid au so i’m so glad i finally did!! it was so fun ahhhh <3 also there's only one more fic to go ;; thank you for coming on this filthy journey with meee <3
FFF Masterlist
“Y/N, I’m home!” your owner Hongjoong called out, standing near the doorway of his apartment next to his friend Seonghwa, who he had a fat crush on, and of course, his companion Wooyoung, a beautiful red fox hybrid who was a sneaky little troublemaker with a heart of gold. “And I brought company, so make sure you have some clothes on!”
Ears twitching at the sound of your owner’s voice, you pulled yourself out of the cat nap you were taking on Hongjoong’s bed and pounced into his open closet to find one of his oversized hoodies and some booty shorts to put on. Yawning dramatically, you headed out into the living room, seeing Seonghwa give you a smile and a wave. You reciprocated, but suddenly went still upon seeing the hybrid you had never encountered before besides the times Hongjoong made you interact with him over FaceTime, your tufted ears now on high alert.
Wooyoung reacted differently, his mind yelling ‘Kitty! Must scent!’, immediately heading in your direction to do just that, but getting pulled back when Seonghwa placed his hands onto his shoulders, hearing him go ‘uh-uh-uh.’
Hongjoong walked over to you and gave you a hug, running his hand down your fluffy tail to get it to go from a standing position to a relaxed one. “Don’t be so scared, sweetheart. You’ve talked to him before. He’s been really excited to meet you in person, you know.” Seeing your apprehension, he pressed a kiss to your forehead, stroking your hair in a comforting manner. “I just thought you could hang out with someone new. Do you remember me telling you about this a couple days ago? How Daddy wants you to meet new hybrids so you can socialize?”
You thought about it for a minute, going back through the past week, your freshest memory being of your trip to the mall with Hongjoong. He bought you a new plushie and some new cat grass after you tossed the other one off of the balcony when you were having a fit. He used half of the spray bottle on you that day.
“Uh…not really,” you replied honestly, idly grabbing onto Hongjoong’s sleeve and holding it, looking past him, studying the fox that was staying still in his owner’s grasp. He didn’t look too scary now that you weren’t so caught off guard by a person who wasn’t your owner or his boyfriend. Friend. You weren’t sure because Hongjoong always got pouty whenever you asked. You tilted your head, finding Wooyoung’s outfit to be really adorable. He had a few pink heart-shaped clips in his hair, keeping some of his cherry-red bangs out of his eyes. He was wearing a cute oversized sweater too, one that was hanging off one of his shoulders and had a tiny heart over the breast. To make you ever more jealous of his look, he was wearing your favorite brand of athletic shorts, ones with white stripes going down the sides. You wanted to take a trip to his closet one day. You were tired of exploring Hongjoong’s, only ever finding empty bottles of cat nip that you had raided without his knowledge and random books about romance.
Wooyoung’s white-tipped fox ears perked up upon eye contact, his nose twitching a few times, taking in your scent from far away. It was comforting. Like fresh laundry and some kind of soap. Sniff. Kiwi scented soap, to be exact. Would your skin taste like kiwis too? He would have to conduct an experiment. Hopefully, you would like him, so he could get close. He loved kitties. He really liked to tease them and get them all riled up, always wanting to watch their tails puff up, but Seonghwa told him not to do that anymore. It worked out though, because his favorite thing was when he made them purr. It always made him feel really warm inside, sometimes so warm he felt like his tummy was on fire.
Hongjoong sighed, but gave your head a reassuring pat, causing you to push your head into his hand when he started to pull it away, patting it some more as a result. “Well, it’s time you met Wooyoung in person, don’t you think?” You gave him a small nod, opting to climb onto the large plush couch and sitting with your tail curled around you. Hongjoong walked over to you and murmured, “You might become good friends, sweetheart. Plus, he brought you some snacks so be a good girl and tell him thank you, okay?”
“Okay, Daddy,” you nodded, nuzzling your owner’s hovering hand, before looking to Seonghwa, who gave you another soft smile and released his grip on Wooyoung. You blinked for a second and the eager fox hybrid was already sitting on the couch next to you, setting down the plastic bag he had and leaning in to give your neck a few sniffs. You smelled even better up-close, unknowingly encouraging him to move his face into your soft hair, his nose brushing over your human ear, making you shiver. You stayed still, getting used to his scent as well. It was warm like cinnamon sticks and sweet like maple syrup. Yummy. Neither of you spoke, simply taking in each other’s scents and body language, exchanging intense eye contact, as though you were figuring each other out.
Hongjoong walked back over to Seonghwa and leaned against him, elbowing him gently in the ribs through his long, black coat. “Do you think they’ll be fine on their own?”
“I think so. They’re both well trained.” Seonghwa nodded his head, smiling down at Hongjoong, suddenly rubbing his stomach and groaning when he felt hunger pains. “We should probably head to the restaurant soon. I’m starving.”
Both Hongjoong and Seonghwa said bye to the both of you, but neither of you were really paying attention, only waving your hands in their direction, your eyes still locked onto one another’s, getting closer and closer as time went by.
Hongjoong grabbed his bag and coat, then headed to the door with Seonghwa, only stopping once he closed the door behind the both of them. Seonghwa walked a few feet down the hall, but staying still when he realized that Hongjoong was standing still. “What’s wrong?” he asked, pushing a hand into his coat pocket.
Locking the door, Hongjoong caught up to Seonghwa, saying concernedly, “Y/N hasn’t been fixed. Is Wooyoung fixed?”
Walking down the hallway at a leisurely pace, Seonghwa hit the elevator button, realizing, “No, actually. Do you think that’ll be a problem?”
Remembering how cautious you were around Wooyoung, Hongjoong shook his head and laughed at the thought of you actually engaging with Wooyoung in such a way. Plus, you never showed that kind of interest in anyone, except for him. He didn’t have anything to worry about. “No, I think we’re probably fine. She’s a good girl.” Stepping into the elevator with Seonghwa, he looked down at his friend’s hand, which was mere inches away from his, gulping, his ringed fingers twitching slightly.
“Wooyoung’s feisty, but won’t push anything on another hybrid if they disapprove.” Watching the numbers on the elevator slowly go down, Seonghwa pressed his shoulder into Hongjoong’s smaller one, able to notice how he tensed up. The backs of his fingers just barely began to brush over his friend’s, making him feel warm, but not able to pull through and actually attempt to hold his hand.
“That’s good.” Hongjoong focused intently on the numbers on the screen above him, taking in a deep breath and moving his fingers against Seonghwa’s, just barely interlocking their pinky fingers together.
“Good, yeah,” Seonghwa replied softly, his heart about to beat out of his chest, swallowing his nerves down like he would with the wine he was about to drink at the restaurant. He squeezed Hongjoong’s pinky against his own. “Very good.”
“Absolutely.” Hongjoong felt like he was going to melt into the floor, not realizing he was holding his breath until he started to feel a little lightheaded.
“Youngie,” you accidentally blurted out, shivering as Wooyoung’s rough tongue came in contact with your neck, whining when he pulled the collar of your hoodie down to get better access to your collarbone area. He said he wanted to see if you tasted like kiwis because of Hongjoong’s soap. You weren’t sure if it worked like that, but it couldn’t hurt to try. Though, it tickled a lot and Wooyoung’s scent was making you feel really warm.
Wooyoung let out a small chirp-like sound of approval at your nickname for him, stopping mid-lick to push his head into yours, nuzzling you. “I like that, Kitty. Keep calling me that.”
Your ears flattened into your hair, and your heart thumped away inside your chest. “Okay, Youngie. Please call me Kitty from now on too. I like it.” Running your fingers over the wet sections of your neck, you asked, “So did it taste like kiwi?”
“Uh-uh.” Wooyoung pouted for a second, only to smile brightly when he remembered about the snacks he brought. He turned his body to reach into the plastic bag next to him, pulling out two cartons of strawberry milk and handing you one, taking out a bag of de-pitted cherries as well. Seonghwa always took the pits out so he didn't have to worry about Wooyoung choking. “Snack time!”
Poking the straw through the box and taking a few gulps of the drink, you jumped slightly and turned your body towards the other hybrid’s, remembering Hongjoong’s words. “Thank you, Youngie.”
Slurping a couple cherries into his mouth and gobbling them down without much thought, he turned his body towards yours as well, speaking with his mouth full, “Welcome, Kitty. Want a cherry?” When you nodded, he took a bite of another one and pressed it to your lips, tilting his head to the side when you gingerly nibbled on it, your cheeks flushed. “Something wrong?”
“It’s an indirect kiss,” you murmured shyly, taking the rest of the cherry into your mouth when he pushed it inside and chewing it.
Wooyoung took a sip of his milk, batting his long eyelashes at you, his big, bushy tail idly flicking at one of your bare thighs. “You want a direct one?”
“I-i mean, well, um…yes…” you stuttered out, barely able to handle Wooyoung pouncing on you, almost making you knock your milk carton over. He smelled so good. So yummy. You really wanted to taste him.
“Here I come, kitty cat.” Resting one hand near your head on the cushion below and leaning down towards you, he took a bite of a cherry and chewed, pressing it down onto your lips and rubbing the juices around. He closed his eyes and pressed his lips onto yours, idly licking the sweetness off of them, slowly deepening the kiss once you lowered your carton to the floor and wrapped your arms around his neck.
He blindly reached for another cherry or two. Kiss. Kiss. Kiss. Lick. Lick. Lick. Wooyoung’s tongue began to eagerly explore your mouth, licking at the roof of your mouth and at one of your inner cheeks, eventually focusing on your rough tongue, slurping it into his mouth like he did with the cherry and sucking on it. With your bodies and fluffy tails entwined, the fox hybrid began to rut himself against you out of habit, his hardened cock rubbing deliciously on your clit, the material of your tiny, thin shorts offering you pleasure as well.
Mewling into the hybrid’s mouth, you broke the kiss, your glistening lips connected with a few strings of saliva, your combined pheromones making the both of you feel like you were on fire and in need of more stimulation. Now feeling comfortable, you took the half-empty milk carton from his hand and pushed him onto the floor, hearing him let out a surprised yelp, not wasting any time landing down onto him with one leg in between his and the other pressing on the outside of it. “Kitty wants to play. Kitty wants to taste Youngie.”
Wooyoung took the carton from you and lifted his sweater up and over his tiny pink nipples, tilting the carton, pouring the milk onto the both of them, purring, “Taste me, Kitty. I know you want milk.”
As your pupils grew to the size of saucers, you leaned yourself down onto him, lapping the sweet, sticky liquid from his nipples one at a time, sucking on them to make sure you cleaned them properly. “Mm, yummy. More, Youngie. More milk.”
Flustered and turned on, Wooyoung felt like he was about to blow his load from feeling your tiny sandpaper-like tongue on his sensitive chest. He poured a bit more milk onto his chest, the liquid eventually trickling down his abdomen. When you dove back in to lap up the milk from his puffy nipples, your tongue slid back and forth over them at an increasingly desperate speed, making him moan more and more, unable to hold back. “Feels really good. Kitty’s making Youngie feel so hot.”
Your pussy pulsed and your ears twitched slightly from the praise you were receiving. It made you want more. You dragged your tongue down his soft body, still lapping at the milk, moving lower and lower until you got to the waistband of his shorts. Sniffing at the smell of pre-cum soaking through the thin material, you instinctively rubbed your cheek against his clothed cock, giving it a few experimental licks, feeling it twitch against your tongue.
Wooyoung whined softly, pulling his shorts down, his cock springing up into your face, your eyes focusing on the shiny reddened tip. “I have more milk for you, Kitty. Lick and suck, and it’ll come out.”
“Okay, Youngie.” You were familiar with oral because Hongjoong always let you do it to him when he woke up with morning wood, giving you a tummy full of cum to tide you over until breakfast. Feeling your shorts stick to your pussy with a heavy amount of arousal, you licked up the shaft like you were working with a dripping ice cream cone, slowly allowing it into your warm mouth and bobbing your head at a steady pace, drooling onto it.
Wooyoung arched his back, grasping at the carpet below with his free hand, whining and moaning, his voice coming out higher-pitched than before. "So good," he sighed out, gazing down at you with glossy, dilated eyes. "Don't stop, Kitty..."
You alternated between licking all around it and sucking on it, your rough tongue sending shivers up his spine, his fluffy tail jolting every now and then. When you pushed the majority of Wooyoung's pulsing cock into your mouth, the fox moaned wantonly, letting go of the milk carton, not noticing when it began to leak out into the plush carpet. He was too focused on how good it felt to have a pretty kitty play with his cock. So good, he might-
“Mmm…!” you reacted, feeling Wooyoung’s cum spilling down your throat, pulling away to have it shoot out onto your tongue in spurts. You swallowed it down in gulps, his cum so hot and thick it made you crave more, but wanting it inside your pussy instead. “Want more milk. Want it inside me. In my special place.”
Wooyoung’s ear rotated in different directions, his cock instantly coming to life upon hearing your soft-spoken request. “Kitty can have all of my milk,” he answered, reaching down to help you slip out of your shorts, a long, thick bead of arousal dripping off of your cunt and onto his twitching length. “Come on, kitty cat. Let’s breed~”
Wooyoung’s words made your brain short-circuit, not even realizing what was happening until got onto the hybrid's lap, feeling something warm and heavy filling you up to the brim, your tight cunt already clenching around whatever was pumping in and out of you. Oh, Youngie’s thick cock. It was already deep inside you, sending pleasant chills up your spine, your fluffy tail coiling around one of the fox’s thighs. "Youngie," you purred, not even moving yourself, simply letting the fox eagerly slam his hips up into yours, the loud slapping sounds like music to your fluffy ears. You loved the sound of breeding. It made you feel so warm. So hot.
Panting, Wooyoung made a low, guttural sound, his pupils blown wide, suddenly grabbing your body and switching your positions, this time laying himself down against your back, the front of you pressing into the soft carpet. When you looked back up at him with surprise, your eyebrows still drawn from the pleasure, Wooyoung responded by fucking you a lot faster than before now that he was in full control. “This is a better position for breeding, Kitty. Want you to have a full litter.”
All this talk about breeding and having kitties of your own, fox hybrid kitties at that, made you almost feel a little dizzy. You just met Youngie in person today, but you already wanted him to take care of you when you were full for him, have him protect you from harm, and love you. “Give Kitty Youngie’s milk. Want your kits in me. In Kitty’s breeding hole.”
Hearing you talk about the kits that he could help you produce sent him into an instinctive frenzy, fucking you hard into the soft floor, his hands squeezing into your bouncing ass on each side, kneading it and watching his cock disappear inside your slick cunt over and over. Making you let out deep purrs mixed with whiny, desperate mewls, Wooyoung hunched over you, burying his face into your neck, licking and sucking it, murmuring, “Kitty sounds so pretty. I like hearing Kitty’s pretty purring and moans…”
His praise and his ability to send you in an almost mind-melting state of pleasure made you revel in the fact that Wooyoung was your new special friend, hoping you could see him again soon in case he didn’t successfully breed you this time. “Youngie, it’s coming out,” you moaned, only having to get filled up with his cock one last time, before your release began pouring out of you.
“Kitty’s so wet and warm,” Wooyoung sighed deeply, slamming his hips into yours a few more times, your extra tight hole drawing whiny-sounding moans from his lips, his body starting to jolt. He squeezed your ass tightly, spurting his thick seed deep into your womb, barely able to moan, “Take my milk, little kitty. Wanna see you so full for me next time I see you. Wanna see you make your own milk for me.”
“Kitty wants Youngie’s kits…” you purred back, your lower half shuddering a bit after getting creampied. “Wanna make my own milk so that you can taste it.” You looked back at him to give him a sheepish smile, your tail swishing around and tickling the hybrid’s chest.
“I’ll give you my kits, kitty cat,” he reassured, pressing his lips to your head, rubbing your hips in a soothing way. He licked your earlobe, drawing more purrs from you. “And I’ll be sure to drink your milk. I promise~”
You began to purr even louder, relishing the thought of being Wooyoung’s mate, able to get bred and tasted by him whenever you both felt like it. Feeling Wooyoung slowly pull out, you whined at the emptiness and the feeling of his seed slowly dribbling out of you. You rested your sweaty face against the carpet, so fucked-out your small tongue slid out of your mouth, still feeling your heart pound inside your chest. You really liked Youngie. You wanted to see him again, and you were about to tell him, but the door unlocked and swung open.
“I told you not to have that last glass, dumbass,” Hongjoong scolded Seonghwa, despite the fierce blush on his face. His friend was leaning against him and nuzzling the side of his head, sufficiently drunk. Seonghwa mumbled something incoherently, his eyes shut, but suddenly opened them up when he heard his friend gasp out loud.
“No! Bad Y/N!” he started, already running over to the kitchen to grab the spray bottle, encouraging you to tiredly crawl into Wooyoung’s lap and rest your face in the crook of his neck, purring softly from taking in your mixed scents. Hongjoong stood in front of the both of you, looking between your naked sweaty bodies, slowly lowering the bottle to his side as to not ruin an (admittedly) cute moment. He instead faced Seonghwa who plopped down onto the couch and sunk into it, ready to fall asleep. “Aren’t you upset, Seonghwa? Wooyoung isn’t fixed. He probably–”
Seonghwa shook his head, pointing down to the carpet where a spot had formed on the dark carpet. “No, I think we’re good. He definitely pulled out. Just like I taught him.” He reached down to pat Wooyoung’s head, smiling softly down at his companion. “Good job, sweetie.”
Wooyoung chirped at his owner’s praise, still nuzzling you, holding you close, finding the vibrations of your constant purring to be extremely therapeutic.
Hongjoong walked up to the carpet and leaned down, inspecting it closely. “Are you sure this is cum? It’s not white or anything.” He placed his hands on his hips, looking down at Wooyoung with a stern expression, making the fox hybrid gulp. “What is that stain, Wooyoung?”
Knowing he wasn’t lying, Wooyoung rubbed your back in small circles, chiming with a proud smile, flashing his canine teeth up at the man. “It’s milk.”
FFF: @hwalysm @scuzmunkie @creativechaoticloner@dilucpegg3r @yeosxxx @gemjimin @wonwowzers @sanjoongie @manipulatedstars @k-drizzle 
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© toxicccred, 2023.
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xhoneygirlxx · 9 months
Love Ridden
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Eddie Munson x Reader
summary: moving sucks, especially when you don't know anyone and you don't have any friends. one day a black cat comes and keeps you company, maybe he won't be the only friend you make.
warnings: pure fluff. neighbor!eddie. pronouns aren't used, reader's body/ethnicity/skin tone is not mentioned. reader and eddie are both in their twenties. swearing. slight angst: mentions of loneliness. I'm an 18+ blog, minors please go away. not proofread, shitty writing and grammar errors.
*if i miss anything lmk know!
a/n: day three of my birthday week!!! you guys have been so lovely, i love you all so much!! i hope you guys have been enjoying this week as much as i have!! I'm so sorry for the late upload, life has been pretty busy this week!
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I guess I wouldn’t mind to fall in love a little bit. 
Ouch, I think I feel a little more.
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Stepping out onto the small porch, you're met the chill of the morning air, your nose and cheeks being victim to the cold nip of the wind. The watercolor gray sky hides the sun behinds it's endless clouds. Birds chirp a song in the empty trees before they flap their wings, taking off in flight.
It's peaceful here, quieter than the city life than you were so used to. Out here in Forrest Hills you didn't have to worry about honking cars or the chatter of drunk college students walking home from the bar at odd hours of the night. Out here in the middle of nowhere, you had yourself and the company of strangers you had yet to meet.
Only being here for two weeks, you haven't been able to meet the other people that occupy the surrounding trailers. For now they're only nameless faces, people who go to work and mind their business. Sometimes, like today, you like to sit on the front steps of your porch, drinking a piping hot cup of coffee, and just watch them as they go about their day.
You like to imagine what they do for living, what their names are, and what their story is. This has become your entertainment, the highlight of your day before you go back inside all by yourself. It's scary moving to a new place, meeting new people, and trying to make friends. As of right now, your only friend is the lady at the supermarket, Suze. Besides the people watching, hearing Suze say "Have a good day, dear" have become the highlight of your life.
It's not that you don't want to be social, you just don't know where to start. You're awkward, even back home it was hard to find the right social circle. So the safety of your trailer, the comfort of your four walls, and your once a week interaction with Suze the cashier was enough for you.
Lifting your Snoopy mug to your lips, you let the warm liquid coat your throat and fill you with warmth that the fall air seems to lack. The small gravel path lays still, everyone seemingly already off to work or school. Since you missed your morning entertainment, you stick to keeping your eyes on the sky and letting the comforting silence fall around you.
You don't move your gaze, rather shutting your eyes and letting the small breeze move past you.
Cracking an eye open, you gaze around the small area of the road in hopes of finding the animal making noise, hoping you're not going stir crazy with your lack of human interaction.
You're neck snaps back and forth, trying to look around the general area for whatever kitty that is trying to communicate with you. It's high grass on the one side and an empty dirt path on the other, no sign of life in sight. Yup, you've seemingly have lost all of your marbles.
The feeling of something brushing your leg startles you, but not enough to scare the chubby black cat, who purrs against your plaid pj bottoms, away. When it turns it's green eyes to you, it meows once more.
"Hi little guy," You coo softly at the animal, placing a hand out tentatively for it to sniff, "whatcha doin' out here in the cold?"
Leaning it's hand onto the tips of your fingers, you get the hint and start scratching lightly on it's head.
"Aren't you cold out here, honey?" You question and it only responds by lifting its chin. You oblige and rub along it's next causing the cat's eyes to close in enjoyment.
"You were just talkin' earlier, now you don't want to, huh? Not when you're gettin' all this love." Your voice is baby like, lips perched just a bit as you move your fingers to the tips of it's ears.
Quickly the cat moves away from your touch and looks at you wide eyed and curious like. Not wanting to scare it away just yet, you lightly tap your lap, beckoning it to move closer to you.
Surprisingly the cat listens, trotting up the two steps and curls itself into you. The purrs that carry through it's body settles into you and brings you a kind of warmth no hot temperature could ever do.
With the chunky fur ball nestled on your thighs you feel wanted, excepted for the first time since you moved here. The loneliness that you've felt, encaged into the tin walls of your trailer, suddenly evaporates with the simple presence of the animal.
"Do you have a name, little guy?" Speaking softly to the comfy cat, you hesitantly run a finger along it's neck in search for a collar.
With no collar or any sort of tag to tell you the cat is someone else's, you begin to check for other things without disturbing it. The black fur is soft in your fingers and lacks any sort of dirt buildup, no signs of fleas, and the fact that it seems like it's well fed point to it being a house cat.
Checking your surroundings, you try to see if anyone is out looking for their lost animal. No other porch in eyeshot is occupied, only the empty street and the quiet noise of bare trees rustling.
"Well, you don't seem to belong to anyone," It's as soft as the wind that flows through the grass, "You can live with me. Would you like that?"
The cat nudges it's head further into the plush of your thighs and you take that as your answer. "Yeah, I'd like that too. How do you feel about the name Ozzy?"
The question doesn't seem to spark any sort of reaction from the cat, still cuddled up against you and purring in satisfaction.
"Okay then, Ozzy, do you wanna come in and have a treat?" Your finger continues to brush through the short hair of the cat, raking over the spots it can't reach on it's own.
Letting Ozzy lay on you for a moment more, you go to pick up your coffee mug hoping that the brown liquid inside is still somewhat warm. With the slightest move of your arm, Ozzy wakes up and stretches.
Before you can offer the warmth of your trailer, Ozzy is off of you lap and trotting down the steps. It's desperate and selfish but you're not about to lose your first friend, so you follow after it in the hopes you can scoop it up and take it home.
"Ozzy, come on don't you want some tuna?" Even with the promise of an appetizing bowl of breakfast, the cat continues to make it's way across the dirt path street.
When Ozzy makes it to the trailer cat corner to yours, it trots up the steps and settles on the small porch. Blinking slowly at you, it continues to stare at you and your efforts of trying to capture it without trespassing.
"Come on Ozzy, I'll take you home and you can eat. Maybe later we can take a trip to the store for some toys! What do you say, Oz?" As you stretch your arm out to the animal, a gruff voice stops you in your tracks.
"May I ask why you're trying to kidnap my cat?" Trailing your eyes to the side porch, you take in the shape of the person sitting on the couch.
Covered by the shadow of the awning, you can't really make out the stranger. You've been caught red handed, mouth agape and wide eyed with your arm still frozen in it's outstretched position.
"I-I, um I wasn't trying to kidnap your cat. I just, he came up-"
"It's a she and her name is pumpkin." The gruff voice cuts you off, semi annoyed and frustrated.
"Sorry, I didn't know." Like a child who's been reprimanded, you pull your arm back to it's place, lacing your fingers together in front of you where they twiddled in anxiety.
"I know, I was just fucking with you." The shadow figure stands from it's sitting position and walks over to you, jumping down the small ledge of the side porch.
As he stalks over to you, you drink up his features. In sweatpants that hang low on his hips and a too small of a hoodie that reads "Hawkins High Phys Ed.", he looks pretty. Wild brown curls blow lightly in the wind, lips puffy, and eyes so brown it feels like you're drowning in chocolate.
Standing toe to toe, you realize just how much taller he is than you. Slim and fit is the best way you can describe it, and boy is he breathtaking. His scent picks up with the breeze, swirling around you and making it's way into your nose were it lingers. Coffee, smoke, and laundry soap.
"I'm assuming you're the new neighbor down in trailer 48." It's not really a question rather a statement when he says it.
Nodding your head slightly, you gaze up at him still in awe. "Yeah, that would ugh, that would be me." Trying to cover up your nerves you throw him a tight lipped smile.
Nodding his own head, he slips his hands into the pouch of his hoodie. "Well, I'm Eddie and you already seem to have met pumpkin."
"Nice to meet you Eddie," Unlocking your still laced fingers, you throw him a small wave, even though he's right in front of you and tell him your name.
"Well it's lovely to meet you." His smile is just as pretty as the rest of him, nice white teeth that shine brighter than any sunrise you've ever seen.
"I'm sorry about your cat," It comes out rather awkward and abrupt, "she came over to me and I didn't think she belonged to anyone, I swear. I- well honestly, she's kind of like my first friend here and I wasn't about to let her go that easy."
Shame burns within you, as well as embarrassment. The shame of trying to take someone else's cat and the embarrassment of admitting you have no friends. You want the ground to shallow you whole, hide so far in the ground the cute boy next door will forget all about you and your inability to act like a normal human.
"Hey, don't worry I was just messin'. Plus she's like my only friend too, so I totally get it." Whether he's lying or not doesn't matter to you, in fact you laugh along with him when he speaks.
"To be fair, they're kind of pretty," Still smiling, he focuses on Pumpkin who sits contently on the step waiting to go in.
"Yeah, she really is. Sweet too." You agree, also looking at the cat you befriended just moments before.
"Oh, I wasn't talking about the cat," He says and you look back at him confused, "I mean she is definitely pretty, in fact she gets it from her dad. But I ugh, I was talking about you."
Pink paints the apples of his cheeks and you're certain that it's not from the bitter chill.
Your own stomach jumps and flips, butterflies tripling as his eyes burn into you.
"Oh." It's all you can muster, at least verbally, your face on the other hand tells him everything he needs to know.
Eyes shining and a smile threating to pull on your lips, even with the extra help that tries to hold it in place.
"Yeah." His own smile spreads bigger and you want to take a picture of it. You want to memorize every single detail of him so when you go back to your mundane four walls, you'll have something to feed your aching, lonely heart.
"Well if you want, I have a pot of coffee and a pack of Oreos back at my place. You and Ozzy, I mean Pumpkin are more than welcome." Looking up at him from under your lashes you see that his expression changed. Dimples and canines more prominent than before.
"Only on one condition." He says, crossing his hands over his chest and leaning towards you. "Do you have any cool mugs?"
"I have a cool Garfield mug." You shrug your shoulders.
Eddie ponders for a second like he's really taking the time to think it over. "I think, you have yourself a deal." Placing a hand in front of you, you clasp it in your own and shake it, letting the feeling of him sink into your skin.
Pulling his hand away from yours, he calls Pumpkin and pats his thigh. Getting up from her spot, she circles through his slipper covered feet. The two of you make your way back to your trailer, comfortable silence settling over the two of you.
"I do have one question." Looking over at Eddie, you raise your eyebrows telling him to continue. "Why Ozzy?"
Chuckling softly, you shrug your shoulders once again. "Well she's a black cat and she kind of reminds me of a bat. Bats just happen to remind me of Ozzy Osbourne, ya know cause the whole bat on stage thing."
You cut yourself off when you realize the boy next to you stopped dead in his tracks, along with the black cat.
"You know Ozzy?" He gasps, hand to his chest like you've just struck him with a sharp object.
"Who doesn't know Ozzy?" You scoff, eyebrows pinching together in bewilderment.
After what a long pause, Eddie stops clutching his chest and beams happily at you.
"Yeah, we're gonna be best friends." It's soft and sincere, hitting you right in the heart, lighting it with a million twinkling lights.
"Come on neighbor, I was promised Oreos." Picking his pace back up, he bops you on the nose with his finger before continuing his journey to your home.
Maybe Hawkins wasn't as lonely after all, you just needed to be patient.
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Thank you all for reading! I love you guys <3
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scarlet-fangs · 4 months
For the protective prompts: "You’d defy the gods, only for me?” "! would destroy the gods for you." 🤍🦢
Thank you for the ask my darling friend, I hope you will like this 🦇🖤 I’ve wanted to write for a while some forbidden romance thing for Felix, and this is perfect for it! This is some kind of Black Swan related because it fits perfectly with their dynamics. The music they listen to is from my Black Swan Spotify playlist (under the black swan tag!) Some warnings are very much needed – But it’s Felix after all so it has to be expected: Cullen bashing, Size kink, some nswf talks, mention of blood (kink) Felix’s very lovely hands…
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Fic under the cut
Ever since I met him while driving my younger sister to the Cullens, they’ve been trying to keep me away from him. “He’s a monster, Black Swan! He kills people, Black Swan! He feeds of humans, Black Swan!” Who cares that he’s scary-looking and kills people? He’s tall and hot! He’s my mate! He complimented me about my patch jacket!
Carlisle was a little bit nicer about it than the rest of them. He felt maybe that it was his fault, because before Felix even said anything it was his “son” Edward who revealed the secret to me. On our second meeting, Felix himself admitted that he would not have told it to me this soon, he would have made things smoother even if I seemed to enjoy the vampire part. It was quite intriguing to him; how much I was fascinated by his fangs and the terrifying gleam his skin had in the sun, but it relieved him when I didn’t run away. When I did not pull back from his touch.
He had quite the reputation, my mate, and the Cullens, especially Edward and Alice made sure I was aware of it, how cruel and brutal he was, how he was not called the executioner for nothing. But it did not scare me, because I knew even if he was that, he wasn’t only that, my Felix was so much more! So I texted him every time I had the time, called him at night if he was available, we could stay on the phone for hours, even if his voice did not sound exactly the same it was still enough for me. All of this was rather easy to hide from the Cullens, Alice wasn’t really focused on Felix in Italy, rather on a decision of him visiting Forks, with what it would entails for Bella. Because if Aro trusted my fate in Felix’s hands, it was clearly not the same kind of trust placed in the Cullens. So like in Romeo and Juliet that Bella liked so much, Felix and I had to hide, the Cullens even managing to make me miss one of his visits thanks to Bella’s help. I was really bitter, they caught us chatting one time in Seattle and now were watching us even more closely. They would even check my home once in a while, pretending to pick up Bella that was oh so conveniently spending the afternoon at my place, to smell if there was trace of Felix’s scent. But I was his, and he would not give up on me that easily. In facts, he would not give up on me at all, he told me one night over the phone. And I’d learned that he was quite stubborn, my Felix, when he wanted something.
I had come home late from work, that night. The Cullens weren’t there, they were visiting the Denali Coven, and Bella was visiting Renée to celebrate Phil’s birthday. She felt guilty about having to give up her human life, so she tried to make everyone happy as much as she could. It was nice, to not have them on my back this week. I quickly prepared and ate dinner, and took a shower, putting on a more comfortable attire. I’ve always liked some fresh air in the house, so I tend to keep some windows open. I was doing some cleaning downstairs when I heard some noise from my bedroom. I thought that it was maybe the neighbor’s cat that came again through the window by climbing the tree, he already did it twice. I liked having him around, the little ball of black fur and soft meows, even if I liked it more when he would enter the house by the windows downstairs. I climbed the stairs, really to scold the kitty when I entered my room and realize it was not a black kitty that I would be scolding, but a hulking vampire.
“Felix! What are you doing here?!” “I was expecting a little more enthusiasm from you little love.”
“You’re lucky the Cullens aren’t in town! They don’t want me to see you! They’d try to fight you if they knew you were here, sneaking in my bedroom like that!”
« These Cullens, they are nothing for me. You shouldn’t worry about them tesorina. They should be the ones afraid to put themselves between us. As if those vegetarian vampires could defy me! I’d defy gods if I had to protect you.
"You’d defy the gods, only for me?”  I looked at you, so softly.
“Oh darling, but I would destroy the gods for you” Felix answered, oh so sure of himself. And he was strong, very strong my mate, I knew he’d win a fight even against a god. My handsome mate…
“I lost you, didn’t I?” Felix said, having recognized that look on my face. “No!” I looked very much embarrassed, he knew damn well how to tease me and get a reaction from me. It did not make me love him less… I could only love him more, my darling Felix, that currently had a smug smile on his face.
“So what do you suggest?” “We could ignore everything that isn’t us, and I could spend the night in your bed…” “Felix!” “You belong in my arms little one, nowhere else. And if anyone decides against it, they’ll see the true definition of anger…” Felix answered me, menaces laced in his tone, so sure of himself. He looked particularly imposing, hulking figure with the backlighting of my bedroom.
He fits so well here, my Felix, with the band posters hung on the walls, the shelves full of dark movies and alternative music, leather jacket reflecting the dim lights, his shiny silver rings on his big hands…
“You’re staring at my hands again, don’t you? Do you know how they could look better? With my fingers buried inside you, my hand glistening coated in your…” “Felix please! Not that I wouldn’t enjoy it but…“ Now I’m very embarrassed, and I’m sure it’s very visible.
My reaction makes him laugh, and it’s the most beautiful sound in the world, and it completely makes up for my embarrassment.
“I’m only teasing you amore mio. I know you said you wanted to wait, and I will respect your desire. Always. I’m up for anything with you as long as it’s within the boundaries you’ve set.”
Felix gets closer to me, slowly, and wraps his strong arms around me. He totally dwarfs me, and it’s no secret that we both are very into it, another proof that we were made for the other.
“Cuddles and metal?” “Cuddles and metal. But can you… take off your leather jacket please?” “Sure, if it makes my little darling happy…” With a smirk, he takes his time to remove his leather jacket, placing it on the back of my chair on top of mine. He’s only wearing an Iron Maiden tank top underneath, the logo a bit faded telling he’d own it for a while, that shows off all of his perfect muscles. Damn, to think that this man is all mine… He turns on the stereo, and then join me on the bed, the mattress digging with his heavy weight. He makes himself comfortable, setting up a few of my pillows behind his back, and then he opens his arms. I don’t need anything else, and nearly jump on him, making myself comfortable on his lap, his arms wrapping around my waist, pulling me closer against him. I softly trace the muscles on his arms, looking at the scars that cover his skin. Most were from his fights as a vampire, but he told me while that some were from his human life, being a gladiator must have been a nightmare for he was a slave without a choice in the matter.
“This song makes me think of you, now every time I hear it, I see your face.” Felix’s voice shake me out of those dark thoughts. I focus on the song, and recognize Wasp.
Her eyes reflect like the rain on the pavement I take control, she explodes, sink into her depths I'm the tremble in her voice when she attempts to speak Fixate on the frailty
“Motionless in White sure has good love songs. I must admit that every time I hear Wasp or Eternally Yours, I think of you.” It makes the both of us smile, the songs fitting us oh so perfectly, especially the lewd lyrics of Wasp. Felix has always been… quite explicit.
 So come to me No sense of restraint So come for me I will wait endlessly
I will break you carefully So take me harmfully You fit so perfect I will wait
I let my fingers trace the scars on his arms again, I know how fond of physical contact my Felix is. I must admit that I am too… He grabs the remote of my stereo, and lowers the sound of the music to a cozier one.
“Lost in the shadows?”   I giggle. “What’s wrong with the Lost Boys? It’s a good vampire movie. I’m still bitter at the fate of the boys… Besides, you’ve got the vibes” It makes him laugh, but we both know I’m not wrong. He’s kind of got the look and music taste, and some of the brutality when it comes to protecting whom he loves. And he would look very hot and sexy covered in blood too…
“You’re imagining me covered in blood, aren’t you?” “How do you even…” “I know you, little love” “Too much, you know me too much…” “I could never know too much about you, not even after a few decades, centuries, never.”
It makes me smile, and I curl up further in his embrace. It’s getting late.
“We should listen to something softer to help you sleep…” “First, I’m not even  dressed for bed yet, and second, ,what’s heavy about L’assasymphonie?” “It’s about a man who can’t sleep and is drowning in despair because of his demons. Not really the type of songs that put you to sleep.” “Do you realized I used to fall asleep blasting Maiden when I was younger?” “Yes, and now you enjoy softer songs before going to bed. This is much better, get in your night attire now.” Felix has changed the music to eyes without a face by Billy Idol, and I must admit it’s a good choice. This man knows me too well. I strip of my black jeans, and take off my shirt. I put on a Black Veil Brides tee, one that’s a size too big and go back to bed. I slip under the covers, and realize Felix had taken off a few layers too so I would be more comfortable. He brings me close to him, his arms wrapping around my waist once again, pressing me against his muscular body.
“Sleep now, tesorina. I’ll keep you safe.” Felix whisper in my ear. “Goodnight my love”, I whisper back. No matter what these idiots Cullens say, nothing will stop me from wanting this, fighting to get this, my Felix. I belong in his embrace and nowhere else.
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forthechubbies · 2 years
A thought I felt like sharing.. snake hybrid min yoongi x mouse hybrid reader where yoongis mum walks in on him about to go down on her but he’s being a tease: “Don’t play with your food, son.”
I'm sorry I'm so late, I don't really expect anybody at actually talk to me so I never check lol I got like 2 more I think... I feel so loved. 🥰
I can't imagine Yoongi being anything other than a cat. Like, look at him. Little Kitty meow meow ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ. Smutty...kinda? Just beware, okay.
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But a mouse hybrid seems perfect for a sadistic kitten like meow meow. I see him needing a collar not for domestication but for ✨ fashion ✨, honey. Anyway you the unlucky pip squeak got the sassy feline as a partner for project at work. In fear of being cut loose you played along...fighting through any trial he throws your way. No matter how * gulps * scary the threat -
You can't tell if he's purring or growling; it's a difficult call since his voice is so deep. “Hello, Minnie” speaks of the devil. He purred, using his long slender tail as a lasso to reel you into his chest where he commanded, excuse me, proposing the idea of having you for lunch with his parents. " Huh?! Speak up!" Yoongi teased, obnoxiously raising his voice over yours.
" I'm busy!" you squeaked out .
Your bluff was challenged.
" Oh yeah," He darkly chuckled, lowering his cherry lips to the curve of your round ear. "I'm sure your vibrator needs a little break, don't you think?".
You expected his parents to have somewhat more class than their son, but, indeed, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. When you arrive in yoongi's arms, his parents are over the moon at the way you cling to their son out of fear. You didn't realize the restaurant’s clientele is mainly cats.
"She's gorgeous, Yoongi." His mother purred, fluttering her ears. " but there's no point in being here if you bring your lunch." she chuckled as Yoongi did earlier. Like mother like son.
" Mother. " He scolded, flicking his tail before turning towards you. "you know how greedy I can be." those large green eyes fell on yours, occupying you from discovering his large hand creeping up to squeeze your ass.
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fluffyprettykitty · 10 months
Bathing a pet with tony stark, the two babies from your "kittenhood" 🥹
pairing: tony stark x female reader
word count: 400
a/n: Thank you baby for this request! kitties are coming from this fic but can be read as a standalone!
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"Easy, easy," Tony says trying to steady Felix inside the bathtub. Oscar, the other cat is growling behind the washing machine where he managed to hide.
"You really don't have to."
"No, I gotta teach them to like it, it's gonna work, you'll see."
"They might hate you for it though."
Tony turns around with a shocked expression to look at you. Felix finds his chance and escapes from his arms scratching Tony's hands in the process and runs to the washing machine.
"They already hate you." You say nonchalantly leaning against the closed door, arms crossed.
"Take it back." You shrug in response while the cats are making a choir together.
"I told you. Dry shampoo and wet towels, it works much better than getting them inside the bathtub where it's scary and watery."
"I saw so many videos and it worked."
"Not everything works. They are fine without a bath, they got their tongues."
"But I wanna bathe them." Tony pouted looking at you.
"Well, that's your problem." You shrugged and turned around to pull the doorknob. "And turn off that water." Tony obliged your commands and left the cats alone for the rest of the night.
Now it's a couple of days later and he is sitting on the couch, one kitty on his lap and he is slowly cutting their nails while watching a YouTube video.
You pause a little as you walk through the door just to take in the image of them sitting like that. You smile at yourself for how well and beautiful your life is until Oscar spots you and lets out a loud meow, frightening Felix who bites Tony's finger.
"Ouch." Tony cries as two kitties now begin to run and you can't help but laugh as you watch them creating chaos out of nothing.
"You know it's all your fault, right."
"His teeth are tiny, you had worse."
"Wow. Not even a little compassion, not even offering a little kiss for it to get better." Tony says holding up his hand for you as he begins to walk towards you.
You oblige but gently kiss the bite, happily laughing to yourself. You could get used to this.
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rainbowbarnacle · 4 months
earlier I was making my way to my apartment and I found the neighbor's teeny siamese kitty sneaking around the hallway
she's this itty bitty cute little thing with blue eyes and cream-and-gray fur pattern--and my neighbor basically takes her everywhere with him, I see them together all the time, and occasionally she sneaks into the hallway, so I've gotten into the habit of knocking and letting him know when I find her because sometimes he doesn't realize she's out there
and so far this kitty has been very timid--at first she ran away when she saw me, and then later she'd tuck herself against the door and make herself very small, and she didn't want to sniff my fingers or purr or talk to me or anything, which, hey, that's okay, a big scary unfamiliar person is big and scary
but today I found the kitty in the hallway and she was walking away from me, but not in a "I'm running from you" way, so I went "prrrrrt?"
and she went "MRRRRRAOW???" and came back to me with her tail shivering and we had a little back and forth meow conversation while she wiggled around on the floor and this time when I knocked on the door, the poor neighbor guy had just gotten out of the shower, and the kitty either didn't realize the door was open or she didn't wanna go back inside yet, so he told me he'd grab her in a sec and so I kinda left them to it
Here is a picture I found of the baby--I couldn't get a picture of her this time (I REALLY REALLY WANTED TO) but here's another time she let me:
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