#hera is greek hehe
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jurassic park au? in my blog? more likely than you think.
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0lympian-c0uncil · 5 months
Poseidon: Which one of you was going to tell me that tea taste different if you put it in hot water
Athena,*slowly puts down her book*: Y-You were putting it in cold water....
Poseidon: ....
Hera: Poseidon. Answer the question. Poseidon!
Poseidon: Yeah I thought for like 5 years that people just put it in hot water to speed up the tea-ification process. Didn't realize there was an actual reason.
Everyone: ....
Poseidon: You think I have the patience to boil water?
Dionysus: You don't have the patience to microwave water for 3 minutes????
Apollo,*grabbing him*: Why are you. putting it in the microwave to boil it?!
Dionysus: Do you think I have the patience to boil water on the stove?!
Apollo: It takes less than a minute!
Hermes: Like 7 minutes!
Dionysus: *nods*
Apollo: Just stick the mug on top of the stove on medium heat and it boils in like 2 minutes less than that and you use a saucepan.
Zeus: HA- You're putting the whole mug on the stove?????? on medium heat???? You're stove is enchanted!
Athena: Every single person in this room is a fucking lunatic...
Demeter: Do none of you own a fucking kettle!?
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chimera-tail · 20 days
Demeter: I love this photograph of our family. We were so happy.
Persephone: Where’s Hades?
Hera: *rolls eyes* He wasn't born yet.
Hestia: *sighs* That’s why she was so happy.
Persephone: You were in Kronos' stomach-
Demeter: Hey, don't ruin this for me!
Persephone: *takes a sip of wine* I give up...
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dizzyspice717 · 4 months
Do Argos’ insides look like he has a second nervous system because of all the optic nerves going through him?
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apollosgiftofprophecy · 4 months
can you tell me more about draco and the northern oracle 🙏 i wanted to dive more into this when i saw your post about heavenly oracles but all that came up when i searched for the dragon was ladon
Ah yes, I know why that is.
Multiple myths can correlate to the same constellation. Capricorn, for instance, could be this one legendary seagoat who was memorialized for his bravery as a constellation OR it could be a representation of Pan's escape from Typhon as a seagoat.
The Draco constellation is like this - most will say it's to symbolize Ladon, the dragon who guards Hera's golden apples, while others will say the constellation itself is the earth-dragon of Koios's oracle.
Obviously, I think we all know which one I prefer lol
and!!! um!!! maybe I can tell you more, we'll see XD
So. I am of the mind that Draco and Python both coexisted with their respective Titan counterparts - Koios and Phoebe. They both witnessed the Titan War, and while Draco retreated inside Koios's oracle and kinda shut it down to a degree to keep it from falling into the gods' hands (because remember - Draco is on Koios's side here. He would do everything he could to keep it from Olympus.), Python remained neutral with Phoebe.
That is. Until he grew greedy. And wanted Delphi's power for himself. And then got slammed by her grandson lmao
I imagine Draco to be kinda an icy-blue and white dragon, resembling the north but also the sky, because that's where he and Koios get their prophecies from (and I see Python as purple & green hence the Earth and all that hehe. Colors!!!).
so context: Koios's oracle is to the North, but not like. the North Pole. The Ancient Greeks weren't aware of such a thing - sure, they believe Koios was the Northern pillar, but not like the North Pole.
This is important to know because Hyperborea, Apollo's eternal spring vacation suit, is located just below where Koios's oracle is!
SO IF WE TAKE OUT MY MAP HERE (yes I have a map for this. i have ADHD what do you expect?)
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The Underworld River Eridanos runs through Hyperborea, as seen by the 34 Gray marker on the map^
Gray marker 32 is the location of the Rhipaion Mountains, where Boreas lives. This is the southernmost border of Hyperborea!
Originally I thought Eridanos was like. the Northern border - but no! Sources say that it's the River Oceanus instead.
But the thing is. For this river to be the northern border, then that means Hyperborea takes up like. Bulgaria to Poland. Lithuania. Till it hits the Baltic Sea, at least.
(Wait. oh my gosh...that's how Freypollo happens...ohmygosh EVERYONE I'VE FIGURED IT OUT!
ahem. saves for later <-ask me about it. please.)
Apollo really just went "See this? It's all mine now." lmaooo XD
that or Boreas was a really good boyfriend <-headcanon i could share too if anybody's curious hehe
Delphi is the center of the world to the Ancient Greeks, so if we go North, Koios's would be right about...
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Koios has friends in the Norse pantheon confirmed?
guys I'm just spitballing right now. but it makes sense too.
Ancient Greece was aware of the Norse, btw! and, funnily enough, they could have mythologicalized them as...the Hyperboreans.
Freypollo happened y'all it's all right here
And I'm not making that up! It's historically agreed upon that the Hyperboreans in mythology were probably mythological avatars of the Norse! Greece rarely interacted with them, but they still knew of the other's existence. In fact, they were in a bit of awe of the Norse if memory serves correctly lol
Fascinating. Amazing how it all fits together.
Of course, remember this is just me making a crack theory about this Really Obscure Thing so there may be something out there that doesn't add up with this and if there is I Will make it Work with this but all in all, I think it does make sense?
Like seriously I just pulled this out of my head. Only the part above the cut was prewritten but the rest was pure crack theory slammed down.
As for where I think Hyperborea and Koios's Oracle are in the RRverse...
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Greenland be covered in snow, yes. But remember Hyperborea is a land of Eternal Spring and would not be deterred by that lol
Plus it'll be typical RRverse shenanigans for Eternal Spring to be in a Very Snowy place lmao
I was tempted to put Koios's Oracle at The North Pole but then I was like ehhh not very accessible, is it?
I can officially say this is my second theory lol hope you enjoyed the rabbit hole :3
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littledigest · 2 years
💍 Asteroids for Marriage and Weddings
A glimpse of what marriage, weddings, and/or long-term partnerships might be like in your life
19029, 5129, 1487, 200002, 58, 40, 7092, 3, 103, 5731, 90, 1585, 37556
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Briede 19029, Groom 5129
Popular marriage and wedding asteroids in astrology
Used in synastry and composite charts to show marriage potential
Could show traits of your future spouse, traits you want in a future partner, or how you act as a husband/wife
Boda 1487
Named after Karl Boda, a German astronomer
Boda means wedding in Spanish
Hehe 200002
Named after the Chinese symbol for a good marriage and familial love
This symbol of double happiness is found in many Chinese wedding ceremonies and on gifts given to the bride and groom
Shows happiness and harmony in marriage; peaceful union
Concordia 58, Harmonia 40
Named after Concordia, the Roman goddess of agreement in marriage and society
Named after Harmonia, the Greek goddess of harmony
Concordia can show harmonious marriage or partnership if linked to another marriage/wedding asteroid
Harmonia is known for her wedding to Cadmus 7092, where she receives a cursed necklace from Hephaestus, who vowed to curse the lineage of Aphrodite and Ares
The necklace granted eternal youth and beauty but also brought disaster to its owner
Harmonia linked with Cadmus could show both harmony and trials in marriage; perhaps difficulties dealing with marital and family inheritances
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Juno 3, Hera 103
Named after Juno, queen of the gods and the Roman goddess of marriage and childbirth
Named after Hera, queen of the gods and the Greek goddess of marriage, women, family, and childbirth
Can show what we need in a spouse, how we act as a spouse, or what marriage would be like
Often used with Jupiter and Zeus 5731 in synastry and composite charts to show marriage potential
When linked with Jupiter/Zeus, it may show a marriage of duty and obligation rather than a happy, peaceful marriage
Antiope 90
Named after Antiope, an Amazon who is known to be the only Amazon to marry
Theseus abducts Antiope, but they fall in love, marry, and have a son
To rescue Antiope and reclaim Hippolyta's girdle, the Amazons attack Athens, but Amazon Molpadia accidentally kills Antiope; Theseus then kills Molpadia
In a different version, Antiope decides to kill every guest at her wedding when she finds out that Theseus was going to leave her for Phaedra; Theseus kills her first
Can show a whirlwind decision to marry; a disastrous marriage or wedding; a willingness to leave the past behind for a different kind of life
Union 1585
Named after the Union Observatory, the observatory where this asteroid was discovered
Could be interpreted as a union of two people
If prominent in synastry and composite charts, it could show potential for long-term partnership
Svyaztie 37556
Svyaz means bond, tie, coupling, relation, connection, coupling, etc. in Russian
Could be interpreted as a bond between two people
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chibiplumbobs · 5 months
. Sims 4 Greek Gods Legacy Challenge .
I first came across this challenge by simmer CheetahAlyssa and wanted to put my own little spin on the creative idea she originally came up with :)
This challenge is SPECIFICALLY meant for base game meaning no extra add on mods or external cheats outside of the game's original programming are needed to participate.
Overall Rules:
The genders of the sims aren't specified to their referred God/Goddess. The challenge is based on personality rather than physical appearance, so have fun with creating your sims.
Autonomy must be switched ON. I recommend a long lifespan for your sims.
If your sims unfortunately pass during any time during the challenge before you can at least get the next heir ready, you automatically lose the challenge and have to start over (whats the point of a challenge if there's no challenge? Hehe)
If you participate, make sure you tag me with the hashtag ChibiGodsChallenge.
Generation 1: Hestia "The Homemaker"  (Goddess of hearth/home)
You begin your origins as Hestia, the first born child of the titans Kronos and Rhea. 
Must start as YA
Cannot woohoo or get married
Must have the Neat, family-orientated, and good traits.
Household funds start at base game amount.
Must remain a virgin and can only have  one child through adoption. (The child must be adopted as either an infant or toddler).
Must like to cook and bake.
You must not have a job but earn money by selling food (via food stand, etc)
**BONUS: If you use a mod that requires more traits, then you can add the foodie and generous trait as well.
Generation 2: Demeter "The Farmer" (Goddess of harvest/agriculture)
Used to life as the only child, you developed a love for the outdoors, and growing your own food from the ground. You spend your days surrounded by plants, the life of the country satisfies you more than the city.
Must start when sim becomes a YA
Must have the traits loves outdoors, rancher, and green fiend
Must not have a job, but earn money by gardening.
Master gardening skill
Cannot marry.
Must have a child through a one night stand. Must not see the parent sim after pregnancy.
Relationship with child must be strict, and does not allow child to have contact with other sims.
Generation 3: Hera "The Queen B" (Goddess of Marriage/Women/Family)
You were destined to be at birth, and your mother gave you nothing but the best being the only child, but you grew up naive due to being so sheltered.
Must start gameplay when you become a teen.
Must have the traits romantic, jealous, and snob traits.
Must fall in love as a teen with a noncommittal sim.
Marry your first love. (Partner must cheat during marriage and produce multiple children. A cheat can be used on partner for this purpose)
Have a bad relationship with your husband but never divorce or break up.
Must have a career as a style influencer, and reach the branch "trend setter".
Must have three children.
Must have bad relationship with third and last child, and kick them out during their teen years (this sim begins next generation)
**BONUS: If you use a mod that requires more traits, then you can add the high maintenance trait as well.
Generation 4: Poseidon "The Surfer" (God of the sea, storms, and earthquakes)
Your childhood started off rocky due to the complicated relationship with your parents. You find yourself in Sulani and feel the call of the ocean.
Must start as a teen and runaway to Sulani.
Must become a mermaid by eating kelp in the aspirations.
Must have the traits child of the ocean, romantic, hot-headed.
Must not have a job until you become a YA, but can earn money through fishing.
Get a career in Conservationist and branch in the Marine Biologist career once you become a YA.
Must fall in love and marry a mermaid.
Must have three children and all but one can be a mermaid. (If all three spawn as mermaid, you can change one to human by using a cheat. This child starts next generation)
Must have at least one child outside of your marriage.
Must master fitness and fishing skill before YA.
Complete angling ace aspiration.
Generation 5: Hades "The Misunderstood" (God of the underworld/the dead)
Being the only human of your family, you often felt different from your family, choosing solitude instead of being surrounded by numerous people. Others think you're nonchalant and mean, but deep down you desire love and understanding.
Must begin as a teen
Must have the traits loner, socially awkward, and loyal.
Always dress in black
Fall in love with a sim that has the loves the outdoors trait.
Must befriend at least 3 ghosts, and have at least one high friendship.
Must own three dogs
Must join the business career and join the investor branch once reached YA.
Cannot have children, but can adopt one infant or toddler.
Must have good relationship with both spouse and child.
**BONUS: If you use a mod that requires more traits, then you can add the romantic trait and dog lover as well.
Generation 6: Zeus "The King Of Heartbreakers" (God of the skies and thunder)
From birth, you knew you were destined for greatness, to be the "wonder kid" of your parent's eyes. You were perfect at everything you did, and your parents spoiled you rotten, which is why you don't feel the need to settle down with just one person.
Must start as a YA.
Must have the non-commitment, romantic, and self assured trait.
Must have a career in politics and branch into politician.
Must marry a sim, but cheat throughout entire relationship and marriage and spawn children from each side relationship.
Must have three children with partner.
Generation 7: Athena "The Professor" (Goddess of wisdom/warfare and handicraft)
Your parents always considered you the "wise" one because you were always the child solver as opposed to being the problem. You spend your days with your head in a book, but deep down you have a angry side.
Must start as YA
Must have the traits ambitious, genius, bookworm
Must not marry or woohoo
Can only have children through adoption
Must have a career in education through the professor branch.
Must master logic skill
Complete nerd brain aspiration
Generation 8: Aphrodite "The Serial Lover" (Goddess of beauty/love)
You considered yourself your parent's favorite due to them fawning over your beauty your entire life. Life always came easy for you because your looks got you everything you wanted. Unfortunately, your beauty makes it hard to stay loyal to just one.
Sim must start as a teen
Must have the romantic, high maintenance, and self-absorbed traits.
Must have multiple suitors through teen years.
Get married as a YA to a sim you don't attractive, then fall in love with another sim during marriage.
Have a baby with side partner. You are not allowed to have children with your spouse.
Your sim and spouse may NEVER divorce or break up.
Must complete serial romantic aspiration.
Generation 9: Ares "The Troublemaker" (God of war)
Labeled the "trouble maker" as a child. You see the world as your own personal game board, ready to set chaos upon the planet. You enjoy fighting, and causing mischief for anyone you see fit.
Must start as a teen.
Must have the traits hot headed, erratic, mean.
Must like mischief 
Must fall in love with a sim already in a relationship.
Must never marry
Must have a child through a one night stand.
Must have a career in the military or criminal career (any branch).
Generation 10: Apollo "The Superstar" (God of music/light/poetry)
There was no doubt in life that you were meant for stardom. You spent your childhood learning to play different instruments and singing in the mirror. One day, the world will recognize who you are.
Must start as a child.
Must have the traits music lover, self-assured, and romantic.
Must reach level 5 of any instrument before teen years, then master it before YA
Must only pursue sims in a relationship.
Must not have a job but earn money through music (writing or performing)
Must have a child through a one night stand.
Must reach high level of celebrity status sometime in YA years.
Complete world famous celebrity aspiration
Generation 11: Artemis "The Animal Lover" (Goddess of the hunt)
Ever since you were a child, you found yourself falling in love with the outdoors and the animals that lived there. A modern day princess, your soft spot for animals leaves your heart a little cold for humans. You decided to devote your life to helping the animals.
Must start as a YA
Must have the traits animal lover, loves outdoors and Adventurous 
Must own at least four pets of different species.
May never marry or woohoo
Can only have one child through adoption.
Must like animals, rock climbing, and skiing.
Complete friends of animals aspiration
Generation 12: Hermes "The Mischievous One" (God of mischief/travels)
Since a child, you were a fan of pranks, and mischievous things. You often drove your parent crazy from the amount of bad deeds you did for fun, and found humor in watching people get upset. You gained popularity from being the jokester.
Must start as a child
Must have the traits outgoing, goofball, and good.
Complete chief of mischief aspiration.
Enter the Entertainer career and branch as a Comedian.
Must like comedy and mischief 
Must master comedy and mischief skill by YA
Must have 4 lovers, and have children by only one.
Must never marry any of these lovers or enter an exclusive relationship.
Generation 13: Persephone "The Gardener" (Goddess of Spring)
You lived most of your life in solitude due to your parent's paranoia. All you've ever known in your life is your home, and the plants in your garden. You yearn for me, and wish to break away from your parent's strict rules.
Must start as a teen
Must have the traits outdoor lover, romantic, and green fiend
Must master the gardening skill
Must complete botanist aspiration
Must not have a job, but make money by gardening.
Must fall in love with one sim your parents do not approve of (their interactions should always be negative).
Must marry first love and have children.
Check out the official Discord Channel HERE for updates and chats with other simmers!
Happy simming!!
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eanul-rmbl · 1 month
hhhhh I have so many hypnos fic ideas but no time to write it and when I do start, I hear metaphorical and symbolic crying of the poltergeist of a crocodile ghost and it spoils my mood and I can't write anymore.....
Prince Zagreus/Nobility Hypnos
Hypnos/Endymion kind of reader. Basically Hypnos is Hypnos but he actually goes outside. Reader (I will refer to here as "Endymion" but I'll avoid using names in the fic) is the adoptive child of a nomadic shepherd who spends a lot of the time staring at stars and, mainly, the moon. One constant in Endymion's life is the Moon and Hypnos, who he sees every so while at night before he goes to bed when his adoptive father is asleep. His father is like. I dunno. He's YOUNG. like. His parents died early and he inherited no land and everything. So he became a shepherd. And saw this abandoned baby child who is Endymion the reader!! (All of this is made up, the Greek mythos of Endymion is either a Shepherd (most common) or an astronomer and Shepherds are cooler without magic. Most shepherds are sons who didn't inherit land from their farmer parents. Shepherds are also nomadic commonly, because of that). Anyways. Back to the fic. Hypnos sort of subconsciously ages at a similar pace to Endymion. They talk often at night. Hypnos rrrreally likes his eyes btw. Endymion likes Hypnos' eyes, but like Hypnos rrreally like Endymion's eyes. It progresses from 7 years to pre-teen to teenage to young adult I think. 7 years describes everything before that, and all action that happens during that year. Pre-teen you sort of get a feel of them having crushes on each other. Endymion doesn't have a crush because he has a crush on this girl he sees every full moon (Selene). Teen years describes early and late teen years. Endymion and Selene had a falling out (yes it will be in depth) romantically in early teens (say they break up at like 14ish). He then starts to want to know the truth of what they (Hypnos and Selene) are at around mid teens (15-16). Endymion's dad dies shortly after Enymion reaches the age when his dad adopted him (early to mid 20s) a little older than Endymions grandparents. And some contention grows between Hypnos and Endymion. Because Hypnos and his family are immortal and whatnot. At one point I want hypnos and/or selene to allude to making Endymion fall asleep forever (this happens in the actual myth) but I only want fluff in my fic so I don't want it to actually happen. How to tackle the entire Mortal/Immortal thing going on? Maybe, uhh.. I could make him do something like Psyche, power of love motivates him to do something big and gain immortality and whatnot but that might be boring. I could also just make him a shade and die early. That works too. But that's be abandoning the sheep. I haven't figured it out yet.
Hypnos/Pasithea type reader
Once again, I'll refer to the reader as Pasithea but I'll avoid using names in the actual fic. Also this is a fic idea based off of Pasithea Hypnos mini Iliad moment so like, not much as for accuracy. Hypnos and Pasithea meet at a party methinks. A party on Olympus. He doesn't rly wanna attend but here he is. I don't know if I want to make Zeus her dad or Dionysus (she's one of the graces (which are Zeus' daughters) but one Dionysus fan boy decided to make her Dionysus' daughter in his retelling/Dionysus fanfic)). He meets Pasithea, is smitten, etc. Maybe note how Hera wants Hypnos to fall asleep during Herakles moments. Then Iliad happens and Hera wants Hypnos to fall asleep again. This time she's like "hehe pasithea wify wify" and Hypnos is all "omg wify wify" and they arrange a marriage. And Pasithea's viewpoint on it. With Aphrodite. Aphrodite mad. They have another party (THIS PARTY NEVER HAPPENS IN GREEK MYTHOS BTW) and hypnos and pasithea meet properly and they hit it off (pasithea doesn't know it's hypnos and they forget to exchange names). Later on, Hypnos goes to hang out with Pasithea (based off one except that says "Hypnos went to Pasithea's couch and woke everyone up, hehe" (I always saw that as "he went to play video games w her like the loser teenage Romeo and juliet they are but it's prolly intercourse or smth now that I think abt it idk, but no explicit stuff in my fic!!). Pasithea later is like "omg I have a fiancee" and distances herself and eventually she sort of chases him away. But yall he doesn't know he never introduced himself so he's mad lost and considers calling off the wedding. But pasithea in hermes letter is all "nah its fine whatev" and they get married and pasithea is SHOOKETH. She's a bit upset that Hypnos didn't tell the truth but anyways. I don't have much else.
Yall I hafta study for my last test during test week (its biology!!) So I'll return to this later
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greekbros · 1 year
"greek-Bros": Just for the weekend
*Zeus and Hera are off on a 'romantic' anniversary trip to the Sumerian ruins. Zeus has decided to make a rather shocking request*
Zeus: Yes, but tis only for the weekend my dearest. Besides, it will be a fantastic exercise of his leadership and responsibilities.
Athena: *nearly fuming as she hears this* BUT I AM LITERALLY THE MOST RESPONSIBLE AND THE MOST QUALIFIED FOR THIS TASK. Not even your most "beloved" children can handle the responsibility of even sitting on your throne!
*roughly about a year ago*
Apollo, Artemis, Hermes and Dionysus: *all just squeezed in sitting on Zeus's throne, unsurprisingly all four stuck* ...
Apollo: *losing feeling in his hips* Hephaestus please do hurry, I believe Hermes is losing oxygen.
Hermes: *probably the most crushed* ~°
Dionysus: I don't know guys, I think this is a great way to bring ourselves together a-
Artemis: *getting really antsy being stuck* Dionysus if you don't suck up your gut just a little bit just little bit longer I'll shave off of few pounds off of you myself!
Dionysus: *practically suffering being crushed by the shoulders and hips* oh I love you too Artemis *sheds a little tear*
Hephaestus: *deep sigh* yes yes. Hold still. *Literally puts on a welders helmet and a blow torch* this shouldn't take too long. Now which leg do you all prefer?
*back in present time*
Zeus: Oh Athena, past mistakes should not be taken so seriously. Anyway. ARES! *As he calls Ares, a huge thunderstorm rocks the hell out of Olympus and ends with one big bolt hitting the floor and poof there's Ares wearing a towel and a confused look*
Ares: *wet, slightly cold and maybe just a wee bit afraid* ....wut the actual fuk dad.
Zeus: Ah there you are. I see you have finally decided to dedicate some time to practice proper hygiene.
Ares: yeah I was in the fuckn shower and s-
Hera: *dressed in the finest touring gowned* Oh there you are my wlittle future king of the gods! *pinches Ares's cheeks* Now get dressed, your father and I are late for the 3976th Sumerian Lovers retreat. *Looks at Zeus* And we WILL have a peaceful and reasonable time won't we?
Zeus: hehe, of course my little hummingbird. Now, Ares. The frozen food is in the fridge and please water the plants. Goodbye! *With that Hera and Zeus poof in a thunder strike*
Ares: *barley understanding what happened, turns to see Athena just about to perform temporarily elected regicide*
Athena: *stares coldly into Ares's eyes* ....I will slaughter you. If you so dare foul my chances o-
Ares: -look come on Athena do I really look like I actually volunteered for this shit please give me a break.
Athena: i do not care. I'm watching you.
*a day and a half later*
Ares: *sitting on the throne wondering if he should kill off humanity and just let dogs evolve into the new dominant species* ....I wonder if world peace can really be achieved....maybe I can even let the pigs take over too....I wonder *looks down to earth and sees a group of dogs howl into the night sorrowfully for some reason. Suddenly becomes so emotionally moved* .... AWWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooo!
Athena: ....oh by the great void of chaos he's insane.
Apollo: well at least he's sympathetic.
Dionysus and Artemis: *hearing Ares's howling and decides to join in* AWWWWWWWWOOOOOOooooooo!!!!
*now three gods have joined in the literal cacophony of canidae condolences*
Hermes: *waking up from a headache, starts hitting Ares with a pillow but Ares doesn't react* SHUT THE FUK UP IM TRYING TO PROCRASTINATE!!!!!
Athena: ....I'm surrounded by lunatics.
Apollo: I can almost see why father picked him for the weekend.
Ares: *continues the glorious insanity that is his two day reign of insanity and fun*
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thepublishingpress · 7 months
ancient greek chat fic teaser!
APOLLOgies for the long title and pun. havent picked a title for this fic hehe
Prettigoddess - Aphrodite
lightninman - Zeus
kween_Hera - Hera
seaking - Poseidon
sunboi - Apollo
Prettigoddess made a chat
Prettigoddess added seaking, lightninman, Athena Parthenos, Artemis Agrotera, sunboi, and kween_Hera
Prettigoddess: hi everyone <3
Athena Parthenos: What. Is. This.
Prettigoddess: well if you must ask
i made us a groupchat!
sunboi: OH HECK YEAH
kween_Hera: obviously i should name it first
queen of the gods and all
seaking: hera
youre going to start an argument
short, ik, but hear me out!!! this is my first chat fic, leave me alone LMAO
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hockstuff · 2 years
Hockey Players as Greek Gods
Zeus- (God of the Sky)-Sidney Crosby, has the most power and rules over everyone. Brooding when angry, likes to travel but not be noticed or talked to.
Hera- (God of Marriage, Mothers and Families)- Marc-Andre Fleury, loves their family. Likes to be in the carpool line or cut oranges for soccer games. But do not anger, you will not exist anymore.
Athena- (God of Wisdom, War and Useful Arts)- Dougie Hamilton, the smart ones, likes to wander around museums, only interacts with intellectuals, probably get a degree for FUN
Aphrodite- (God of Love and Beauty)-Roman Josi, very very pretty, uses their looks to get what they want, and it works 1000% of the time, is here for a good time not a long time 
Hermes- (God of the Roadways, Travelers, Merchants, and Thieves)-Mat Barzal, terrible style with joggers and shitty shoes, always missing, tends to start trouble but can never finish it, always needs backup. 
Poseidon- (God of the Sea)- Erik Johnson, UNHINGED, would create horses out of sea form, only wears Hawaiian shirt, shorts, and flipflops, likes to talk to anyone.
Apollo- (God of Archery, Music, Poetry, Prophecy, and Medicine)- Tyson Jost, likes to look HOT, always looks good, is into everything from Music to Medicine; won’t be good at it but points for trying.
Dionysus- (God of Wine)- Quinn Hughes, pasty man who always looks hungover, a grumpy man barely surviving. Not much of a fighter…more of just stern petty looks. 
THIS!!!!!!!!!!!! ALL OF THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ITS ALL SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!! you’ve done it again amazing spectacular showstopping!
ej as poseidon makes so. much. sense. and quinn as dionysus has me dying AHAHAHAH💀 also tyson as apollo isn’t something i thought i needed in life but here i am.. a whore for this concept omfg
i saw this in my notif and i IMMEDIATELY KNEW what edit i wanted to make! my percy jackson loving heart will spare no expense at making this the best (ugliest) bad edit i’ve ever done
coming to bookstores near you:
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i put my whole c-ussy into this one fr 💀 whipped out my ipad and procreate app and everything AHAHAHHA god i love making bad edits for your castings (clarification: the dude in the middle that all faded into the purple is gary bettman hehe)
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0lympian-c0uncil · 1 year
Leto, *to Hera*: I'm sorry that I assumed you were pregnant when I heard you got engaged.
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i-love-you-all · 1 year
When Will My Blood Turn to Ichor?
Someone once asked in my inbox abt a Cypher WIP that was just titled “Cypher”. your ask disappeared one day (aka I was on my phone and wasn’t looking so it just... hehe sorry). I haven’t forgotten about you, I just didn’t know what was going to happen with it so I wanted to hold off on showing anything. I think the answer is nothing as of right now? There are other things that are on my mind more, so enjoy what I started with :))
“I, am Prometheus, and you are just a god.”
He had said that once to his team after an exhilarating victory. The ones who understood what he was talking about raised a brow at him. The ones who didn’t just smiled and nodded along. But looking back now, he saw a truth in the words that had been overshadowed by the joy in the moment.
Prometheus… He said that because he loved the intricacies of humanity that it felt like only he could see. There was beauty and madness, the fresh bloom of joy and the cutting sting of pain. He gave fire, and so he gave life. But how was he supposed to know that there were consequences to breaking expectations? A vengeance borne out of a gift?
The Greek heroes sure weren’t happy. Not many were, if any at all. Achilles followed his love to the grave while drowning in rage and blood, their mixed ashes as the only evidence of their tears, dried up and lost over centuries. Bellerophon and Icarus, who both flew too high, one blinded by curiosity, the other, freedom. Both met the earth in tragedy as willed by the gods. And don’t get him started on Arachne, or Heracles, or Jason. Doom was the human fate.
The gods were above them, so they thought. But were the gods even all that happy? They were said to drink, to eat, to enjoy life, but did they really? At what point did their wine start tasting like blood? Blood of the mortals with blood on their hand whether it be from some petty argument or passing fit of rage. Or when did their ambrosia start tasting like nothing at all? How much did it take for the delicacy of the gods to taste like sand? Of disappointment and regrets? Hera was married to a man who didn’t love her as she wanted. The trail of dead mistresses made that clear. Artemis spent her life rejecting the advances of countless men, and when she found the one that she could perhaps tolerate, the gods punished her, and Orion was now nothing but a belt of stars. Dionysus was a god of hedonism, but did he ever think about his life as a mortal? Did he taste the same pains? Or did that wash away with the gold in his veins?
In his burst of poetry on that one fateful day, where everything seemed like it was going his way, he foretold his doom. As tragic heroes often did, didn’t they?
In an existence where everything is a different flavour of pain, choosing to enjoy happiness as it came was what kept you human. That’s what Nora told him. So he enjoyed her soft voice and her smile. And he loved his daughter fiercely, her small hands on the side of his face, the curiosity in her eyes that reminded him of what it meant to live. He needed them more than he needed this poor, worthless life, and so that was why he kept going.
If he lost them, then was there a reason to live at all? Well, he did lose them… so what came next?
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megatraven · 2 years
💖😈💻🍰 :3c
hehe thnak you for sending some HNEY 💛 i hope you're doing alright!
💖 What do you like most about your own writing?
Dialogue.... oogh..... i love LOVE writing dialogue and i think my dialogue writing is very sexy and good
😈 Is there anything you enjoy doing that you think your readers hate?
I can't really think of anything actually! :0 Maybe they don't like when an ending to a fic has an open ending/cliffhanger that never fully gets resolved but I'm not actually sure of that 🤔
💻 Do you do research for your fics? What’s the deepest dive you’ve done?
I don't really do any deep dives of research for fics typically, I don't know that I've ever gone much further than a quick google search for most things. I guess the deepest in general I've gone is researching greek mythology things, specifically about the goddess Hera, but even then it's mostly surface-level stuff
🍰 Name one of your fave comfort fics (doesn’t have to be your all time fave).
I think I mention this fic every time I get something like this asked, but it's genuinely just so sweet that I can't resist reccing it over and over, and the fact that it's stuck with me for so many years...
In Case of Sadness by MellyMiraculous
Thank you again for asking friend!!! :) <333
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the-firebird69 · 13 days
Zorba the Greek - The Final Dance
He's finally getting to teach his son to dance he has before but he sort of gets it you're in Greece it's hard here it's hard to look like this and he's doing it a little and then he says here and then I have to concentrate on my dancing and says that's one of the biggest points and he's having a ball he knows it's aren't a lot of trouble and he can't seem to get out of it it's kind of always been a big schmuck but now that they're just jamming them to me like nobody's business and these Max are blinded by it thank God
They want me to wait and have my size 13 Blue suede shoes and it's a bad thing these people like it but really it's a sign to start treating me better
Haha lol I laughed a lot more than that this is a funny joke and we needed to happen we're just swamped with a****** comments and they don't know what it's like no there are people reporting it's way overdue as a kid and he's saying f*** off I'm going to do what I want and it's bad the same for years but okay LOL hahaha hehe
Is there a place of origin of their namesake and their father and mother said it and we adore it it is very tough there if you look like them and we mean the clans and they're not hard on them they Revere them but in the way you don't want it is fascinating under those it here it is he is under a lot of pressure like when we go there. We heard his father and mother's favorite place for a different reason it's about life and about what women do and create life they were way out of line we get pushed on the line and we kind of tend to stay there thinking we're doing the right thing and it's a breakdown of the system then you were damn wrong doing that yesterday Dan and we're going to have to do something to stop you from doing it it's wrong
I can see he's very angry and we're probably trying to tear my head off and it'll be over for me they won't let my character around any of them I see what he's saying it's a death threat and it's getting stuff and he's going to keep doing it as long as I am and it's not real hard so probably lose
Dan AKA dave
That's the spirit showing your stuff I mean for Christ's sacred loser and he needs it too it's a threat and we don't take it that way doesn't mean it doesn't work that way there's a lot of stuff like that everybody's in our face telling us to leave and we probably will soon
And it's really not good they want to go and try and be the clan it's not a good time to do that it's hard now but it's hard then but now it's ridiculous and people go after them and it's why and then he's kind of missing it it's because of Saturn and Max left you and everybody and boy do you get cream there and grease if you're ready to go and you want to see what it does that's the place to go you're out pretty quick and people are after eggs and we can see them trying so what the movie deep Blue is about and that's why it's called deep Blue and Hera figured it out and went down to interview them and got going on it and we started raising our army more. This movie is coming up these people cannot resist the challenge tons of them will burn. The minority warlock will be cleared out of there after only a week or so because of the nasty number of idiots going and we're going to have to call for an evacuation and people to prepare and a lot of Greeks are getting ready to leave of any kind and they know that it's coming and armies are going to be there fighting in their country their places for them to go Lithuania and places like that even Pakistan and turkey it's going to happen in Italy and other European nations except them readily there smart and they can make wonderful food and they're smart with engineering and architecture this is going to happen shortly it is a humongous event gigantic in large part it is due to zorba being below and he's a Mac and these idiots are attracted because they see the max getting clobbered we have more to announce but we're going to post
Thor Freya
It's a wonderful place of love and creation and I feel bad because this is happening there but it will make it possible for all of ours to live in freedom from this oppression
Well said
We have something to say it's one of the greatness for us it's a moment of greatness for us and we love it we have to stick to it and it's not hard we don't want to end up like these people at all and he checks and we can upset and stuff but that's it goes and he's doing it because he cares about us this is a terrible situation to be in and a horrible place to wake up and if you're a young person but what we're doing works and we're going to free our people and live in harmony forever and God bless you all of ours
Savage opress
We should probably print
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nysus-temple · 2 years
Zeus: Will you marry me?
Hera: We're already married, Zeus.
Zeus: Then you won't? :(
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