#hi its 2am and i am having ISSUES
skzimagines · 3 months
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“Who is she?” I say sternly. “Who is who?” He asks. “The girl you were making oggly eyes over at the party all night.” I throw my bag onto the counter as we make our way inside our shared apartment, just coming home from one of the parties Chan decided to throw. “What the hell are you talking about?” He asks, taking his jacket off, throwing it over the back of one of the bar stools. “Oh don’t act like you weren’t.” I make my way into our shared bedroom, sliding off the dress I wore tonight and throwing it into the hamper. Leaving me in nothing but my red lace panties. Minho follows behind. “You’re crazy to think I’d be starring at anyone other than you.” He states. “I saw you starring at her Minho, I’m not stupid.” I sit down at my vanity and start to take my makeup off. Minho stands behind me, arms crossed over his chest. “Well what about you and wooyoung?” He asks, venom stinging through his voice. “What about wooyoung?” My voice raises a bit higher this time, getting pissed at the fact he’s trying to change he subject now. “You two were all over each other when we got there!” Now he’s raising his voice. “All over each other? Minho, we hugged! It was a simple hug! And a quick hello! You on the other hand had no issue sitting right in front of me eye fucking another girl!” I yell. My face turning red from lack of oxygen. “He likes you y/n and you know it! You just refuse to fucking see it!” He yells back. “I don’t care if he does because I only have eyes for you! But apparently you have your eyes on me and someone else!” I stand up and make my way to our shared closet, grabbing a hoodie and sliding it over my head, then proceed to grab a pair of shorts and put them on as well. "I'm leaving." I state. "And where might you be going y/n? It's 2am." "I don't know, maybe I'll go to Wooyoung's." I say, I don't mean it though. It's within the heat of the moment. "Take that back..." Minho's voice changes, its deep and quiet, so much different than what it was before. Even after being together for two years, he still sometimes intimidates me. "Y/N.. take it back, I'm not joking." For a moment our eye contact is intense. I clear my throat before pulling myself together. "I'm leaving." I state, walking over to our dresser and grabbing the car keys, I turn around to leave the room and Minho is standing directly behind me. My face is to his chest, if I look at him again, I'll cave in. So I keep my head down. All I hear is the silent sound of his breathing before his hand runs down my arm and to the hand that the keys are in. He slowly pulls the keys from my hand and throws them onto the bed. "You're not leaving me... you're mine, do you understand?" He says in a hushed tone. He brings his hand to my chin and pulls up, making me look at him. And here I am... looking into those big brown eyes once again. "You were looking at another girl Min..." I whisper. "Honey... I was not looking at anyone, I would never do anything to lose you. And if you don't recall.. you were standing right next to this girl you think I was looking at." He states. My mind goes back to earlier, I was standing on the dance floor with a few of our friends and a girl next to me was gyrating all over everyone around us. When I looked up, I just so happened to have caught what I thought was my boyfriend watching the girl. "I was watching you, baby." He whispers, running his hands down my sides until he reached my waist, gracefully picking me up, spinning me around and setting me on our bed. "I'm always watching you..." He whispers, planting open mouthed kisses along my neck. I turn my head to the side to give him more room to work and wrap my arms around his shoulders, playing with the back of his hair. "I'm sorry.. I whisper. "Oh, darling. You have no reason to be sorry." His hands explore my body, before sliding underneath my shorts and cupping my heat. A sharp squeak leaves my lips at the feeling of his long fingers rubbing my sensitive bud. "You do have something you need to be punished for saying though..." He says with a smirk.
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AITA for telling the upstairs neighbor to be a little quieter at night?
I (26nb) live in an apartment complex. I am on the first floor. This apartment has a noise curfew of 10pm. I have a kid (5) who sleeps at 8pm. We have neighbors around us who also have kids around the same age who go to bed roughly around the same time (we've talked from time to time) including a new neighbor with a young autistic kid. My kid is also autistic. I am also autistic and schizophrenic. The neighbor directly next to us has a dog who tends to bark and howl whenever he hears loud noises. These are important to remember.
This girl moved in some handful of weeks ago right above me. Some days during the day I hear her stomping around REALLY loudly like crazy, and at first I thought that's fine because its just during the day no big deal. But then she started doing it late at night. First night I thought maybe she was still unboxing and stuff, nbd. But this kept going on for weeks from 8pm until nearly 2am every single day. And around 10pm-1am she would play loud music with heavy bass. This would keep me awake at night and prevent me from sleeping, and would cause me to have sensory overload very easily. My kiddo said it scared her to hear the banging and stomping and music upstairs late at night. One night at about 9:30pm, she started banging something FIERCE up there to the point where I actually started having an episode. I thought we were being broken into and I fell into a delusion that was remedied by my partner coming home and helping to ground me. That was my breaking point, and I ended up leaving a note saying, "hi! I wanted to ask if you could please keep the noise a little lower at night, we have young kiddos that live here too. Thank you!" I didn't leave anything to indicate who we were.
The next day she brought back the note to MY door saying "I'll try to be quieter. I didn't think I was that loud. I come home late. It was a Friday night and I was banging chicken at 8pm so I didn't think it was an issue. I just moved in and I'm trying to live my life. Sorry" and left two stuffed animals. Weeks passed and she is still, up to today, being loud late into the night and early morning. My partner can also hear it loud and clear and has complained to me about how disruptive she is. Some other neighbors have come forth saying she's so loud THEY can hear her when they come in through the main door. She's so loud that she's been causing the dog next door to bark like crazy, which is disturbing that poor neighbor as well. We are all kind of fed up with this girl.
Recently, there was a bunch of people who got their packages stolen... Her included. She left a note in the main lobby saying to bring her packages back. Today, we could hear her loudly talking on the phone outside while we were also outside, and she was talking to someone about available renting places outside of our city. We think she might be trying to move out already even though she just got here.
I think I might be the asshole because, between my note and her packages getting stolen, she probably felt unwelcomed here. I don't want people to feel unwelcomed, but I also want to be able to exist in my own home safely and comfortably. Maybe I should have left her alone and just dealt with the noise. My family thinks I was being rude to say anything at all, and my mom said I lost a potential friend by doing that. AITA?
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jenxsaiv · 2 years
[One shot] drunk talk - JJ Maybank
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PAIRING: jj Maybank x fem!reader
SUMMARY: you are helping your ex best friend and enemy, JJ when he is drunk
WARNINGS: alcohol, language, family issues
A/N: so this is a typical enemies to friends (and lovers in the future) romantic trope. I hope you guys will enjoy it. Also english is not my first language so im sorry for my mistakes.
The beach at 1 am was different. There was so quiet. The only thing what you could hear was the ocean. You loved sitting at the beach at night. It was a perfect time for thinking about everything what happened.
You were a kook. And yeah everybody thought you had an easy life. But it wasn't true. Your parents had money only because they were hard working. They spend the whole day in theirs work. After came back they pretend to care about you. Your parents literally thought only about money. They tried to have a control under you. But you were smart. You realized it before. For your whole life you were alone. You didn't have a lot of friends. Your parents doesn't support you at all.
So you spend every single summer day alone. Sometimes you went to other city, sometimes you were surfering and sometimes you just stayed in your room. But it doesn't matter. You did it all alone. You had a brother but he studied in Chicago. Well your brother was also not very nice. He screamed at you a lot. Actually there was a few times when he hurted you.
At last no one knew about it. You always kept it to yourself. You family was kinda popular in your city. Everybody thought you were perfect family.
Spending nights at the beach was something which helped you a lot. Looking at the moon while listening to the ocean was like therapy for you. No one knew about it.
You sat on the sand. Even it was 2 am, the weather was nice. Fresh air was something what you needed. After more then 1 hours you decided to go home. Everything was normal until you saw someone laying on the beach. That person was definitely a boy around your age. You came closer to him. His blond hair were covered his eyes but you knew him.
It was a JJ Maybank. The most adventurous pogue which you knew. Your enemy. When you were kids you were friends. But then he realized you were a kook and he was a pogue. And the sick rule here didn't allow him to being friends with you. So he decided to stopped talking to you. But you were 7 and didn't get it at all. Sometimes when he saw you at the beach he just stared at you till you saw him. He never told you he missed you. Instead of this he was mean to you. So you decided to ignore him.
But in that moment he was sleeping. He definitely was drunk because he smelt like whiskey. You touched him arm to woke up him but it doesn't work.
"JJ you dumbass wake up" you said but he didnt heard it. Well the only idea which you had was hit your enemy He was strong so it wasn't gonna hurt him. So as you thought, you did it. It worked because he opened eyes
"JJ are you stupid or what? " You asked him. He was suprised to see you but smiled.
"Y/n what are you doing here? I thought you don't like me anymore" He answered to your question without actually answering.
"Yeah I don't like you because you acted like totally jerk but right know you are laying on the beach at 2am being drunk as fuck" You said it to him. He had s problem with alcohol and you knew it. Everybody here knew it. But he wasn't your friend anymore so you couldn't do anything with it. Everytime when you saw him with his friends getting high and drunk you were sorry. He was special. You were kids but even that you knew his second face. The true face. You helped him to hide from his dad. He slept in your house without permission so many times.
"Its nice to see you again y/n" He whispered to you. After it he standed up and was trying to go somewhere but it doesn't work because he was already high.
"And where are you going?" You asked him while looking at him. He was funny. He had problem with catching the balance. He didn't answer you because he almost fell on you. And at the end you had to kept him.
"Is your dad at home? " You again asked him. You knew how his dad treated him. You never like it. He was just a piece of shit.
"No" he laughed. It was a good news for you. JJ was so drunk and he needed sleep. If his dad was in home it could end bad. Thank god Maybank lived closed to the beach and you were in his house faster then you thought.
You put JJ on his bed and went for some water. His house doesn't change a lot. You knew where was a kitchen. You actually knew his house well.
"So here you have a water. I'm going to my house right now and you must go to sleep." You told him. It was the first time since almost 10 year when you talked with him. It was felt different. He changed a lot. He grown up.
"Y/n i didn't meant it." He whispered to you.
"What are you talking about?" You asked. You weren't sure if he was serious or its just s drunk talk
"I didn't want to left you. I thought we were be still friends. I still like you pretty girl" He looked at your eyes. He was sorry. You didn't expected to hear something like that today.
"It hurts so much. Yeah I have friends right now but when I see you, all the memories come back. I think almost every day how much different it would be looks like if we will be still friends." Yeah he told it. He told everything what you had in your mind. It was kinda nice to heard that your ex best friend misses you.
"JJ you ruined us"
"Y/n I know. I hate it. I really didn't what to do it. I want to be with you again. You are a kook and I am a pogue but I don't care about it" He sound honest. That was a shook for you. You never expected to heard things like that from him.
"You are drunk right know. If you will remember these things tomorrow, I think we should talk about it but as sobers." You told him and left his house. Todays night was the most crazy night ever. You didn't know what you should do.
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knightinink · 1 year
Incorrect batdr quotes but it's the Ink siblings
*Inky & Bendy are separate here, just because it makes for funnier scenarios (& I may or may not have been really invested in fanfics where they are too)
Audrey: What’s it like being tall? Audrey: Is it nice? Audrey: Can you reach comfortably for the cupboards?
Inky: We live in constant fear of the short ones who, in my experience, will climb 4 chairs, 2 boxes, a small coffee table and 6 oddly placed stools to get what they want.
Bendy: It was one time!
Audrey: What makes you think it's okay to watch Hannibal given its subject matter?
Bendy: Sometimes, I watch television shows for entertainment purposes.
Inky: Because I condone murder and cannibalism.
*Something crashes*
Audrey: Shoot-
Bendy: *running into the room in a panic* WHAT FELL?!
Inky: *walking by the room calmly* What died?
Bendy: Hold on! I’m having one of those things... a headache with pictures.
Audrey: What the fuck?
Inky: He’s having an idea.
Bendy: Why does everyone want to kill Audrey?
Inky: Because, goddamnit, have you seen her? Her neck looks so snappable.
Bendy: Have I ever told you that I love you with my whole heart?
Audrey: For the love of all that is holy, I am not taking you to McDonalds. It’s 2am!
Bendy: Mean.
Bendy: Can we go out to get icecream?
Inky: Did you ask Audrey?
Bendy: She said no.
Inky: Then why did you ask me?
Bendy: She’s not the boss of you.
Inky, internally: It's a trap, it's a trap, it's a trap.
Inky: Why is Audrey making me do the dishes again? You haven’t washed them in a week, Bendy!
Bendy: It’s because I’m Audrey’s favorite.
Inky: I hate you.
Store Worker: Would an “Audrey Drew” please come to the front desk?
Audrey, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem?
Store Worker, pointing to Inky and Bendy: I believe they belong to you?
Inky and Bendy, simultaneously: We got lost.
Audrey: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me—
Inky: Some people are like slinkies.
Audrey: What?
Inky: Not really good for much but bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.
Audrey: Please don't push Bendy down the stairs.
Inky, pushing Bendy down the stairs: Too late.
Audrey, to Inky: Why is Bendy not talking?
Inky: I'm playing the silent game with him.
Audrey: Well, then you just lost.
Inky: I lost two hours ago. I gave him ear plugs and told him to close his eyes. It was the only way I could think of to get him to shut up.
Audrey: You are irrationally angry 365 days a year.
Inky: Well, that’s just your personal opinion, I don’t have anger issues. Do you guys think I have anger issues?
Bendy: Well, I wouldn’t really call it an issue. An issue is something you can fix.
Inky: Uh, I think I got your lunch. *Holds up a note that reads: ‘I am very proud of you. Love, Audrey’*
Bendy: Oh yeah. I didn’t think this was for me. *Holds up a note that reads: ‘Be good. For the love of God, Please be good.’*
Audrey: Self care is stuff like taking a bubble bath or putting on a lot of make up if you like that, or taking a nice warm nap and stuff like that basically.
Inky: Self care is the burning heat when rage washes over you. self care is when you feel the bones crack under your powerful fists. self care is the fear in your enemies eyes.
Bendy: Self care is stealing someone’s birthday cake just to eat the frosting.
Inky: If you touch my birthday cake I’ll make you eat your hands.
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loveiis · 5 months
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chris sturniolo x fem!reader
summary: spending the last few nights alone, its boring. your desires are left unfulfilled. why not call chris and see if he’s awake?
warnings: eventual smut, cunnilingus, p in v, unprotected sex, kissing, cursing.
A/N: (this is my first real smut guys dont laf 😔😔)
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my eyes opened, once again to the sound of thunder and slow rain starting to fall onto my window. i shuffled around in my bed, the sounds of my sheets shifting as i laid on my side, watching the rain start.
i had been trying to sleep since 10pm tonight, when i got off of a group call with matt, nick, chris, and madi. everyone had gone to sleep, except for me.
living alone has been such a burden for someone like me. im a fucking insomniac and nothing has been able to fix it lately. i just wish something could help me fix my issue.
i turned around to face my nightstand, taking my phone off of the charger. maybe there had to be someone up at this time who i could call for company. i know nobody would come here at 2am.
i scrolled through my messages, trying to find someone who would be awake. i am pretty sure madi and them are already asleep, since we had said our goodnights, plus matt, madi, and nick both stated they were tired. but.. chris didn’t.
maybe he only went to sleep because the rest of them did? i guess i could just text him and find out.
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a read receipt! okay. so hes awake. it thought he would’ve went to bed like everyone else did. maybe he tried to but just couldn’t.
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okay fine, at least i have someone to talk to. i don’t really want to be by myself right now, the least i can do is have company over the phone.
i hear my phone ring, the screen lighting up with chris’ contact name. i answer the phone.
“hey.” i spoke.
“what’s up?” chris responded.
i didn’t really know what to say, so i just told him the truth.
“so basically i have no idea what to say, i didn’t plan this out i just didn’t want to be by myself again tonight.” i said.
he breathed for a second, then responded.
“so you called.. me, because you needed company?” chris asked
“something wrong with that?” i replied.
“no, i’m just saying.” he said, his raspy voice ringing in my ears.
“so how am i supposed to help if im like 15 minutes away from you?” he asked.
“what? i called for company over the phone. i am not asking you to come over.” i stated.
why would he think that im asking him to come over in this kind of weather?
“company over the phone doesn’t make any sense. if you don’t want to be lonely then this won’t help you.” he continues.
if he doesn’t want to come over why is he talking about it so much? i just wanted a conversation.
“chris. i get it. do you want to come over or something?” i rolled my eyes like he could see my face.
suddenly i heard a car door shut over the phone.
“um.. chris?” i breathed.
“be there in a sec.” he answered.
he had hung up the phone. great, now i had chris driving in a thunderstorm. why would he even want to come see me anyways?
i placed my phone back on the nightstand, and gently stepped out of bed and into my slippers. i stretched and made my way towards kitchen.
i turned on the kitchen light, my eyes scrunching from the sudden brightness. i went to my cabinet and grabbed a mug and placed it on my island counter, then i went to the fridge and grabbed a jug of milk.
i guess milk could also help with my tiredness if chris didn’t. just a backup plan. i poured the milk into the mug until it reached halfway, then screwed the lid back on the milk.
i took the milk again, and placed it back into the refrigerator, closing the door. i took a sip of the cold milk before i put it into the microwave.
but for some reason it had just now hit me. chris was coming over. my crush since highschool was coming to my place. should i change? should i organize my room a bit more? god, i am such a people pleaser. i dont need to do anything, hes a friend now… i guess.
i placed the cup of milk into the microwave, putting the time on 1:30. the microwave whirred as the mug started to spin continuously. i sighed, looking out the kitchen window, the rain now coming down hard and lightning struck.
i felt bad for asking him to come over, but i kind of didn’t. isn’t this what he wanted? driving in a thunderstorm at 2am just because i wanted company? somehow that doesn’t sound like friendship.
what will i do for the next 13 minutes? i guess i could watch my favorite show that i haven’t finished yet.
i walked over to my living room, dropping my body onto the couch. i grabbed the remote and turned the tv on.
netflix had pretty much gotten boring since i’ve basically watched almost every show or movie on here, im just glad i finally have a show to watch.
i turned on my show and got comfy with the fluffy blanket i had left on the couch earlier.
after like five seconds of watching the show the microwave beeped. i paused the show and got up to go get the milk out of the microwave.
i sighed, sitting back down with the warmed milk in my hand. i unpaused it, and continued to watch again.
i don’t think that warm milk was really ideal for this, it’s kind of nasty. but i have to finish it, i need to get to sleep. i took another sip of the milk, my face scrunching at the after taste.
then i heard a familiar buzz. it was probably chris. i paused the show, and got up to go to the buzzer. just in case if it wasn’t, i asked who it was.
“who is it?” i held down onto the button that activated the intercom on the other side.
“it’s me. let me in.” a familiar voice echoed.
it was definitely chris.
saying nothing else, i pressed the button to let him into the complex.
if i sit down now then i would have to get up again. i’ll just stand by the door until he knocks.
after a little while, i heard knocks at the door. i opened it almost immediately.
“jeez, eager to see me?” he smiled.
“don’t flatter yourself, i didn’t want to sit back down because then i would have to get up again.” i responded.
i let him in as he chuckled a bit. he took his shoes off and his coat. his hair was pretty wet but it made him look so..- nevermind that.
“did you want to come over, or did it feel like i pressured you into coming over?” i closed the door behind him.
“well you didn’t force me, so the first option.” he shook his hair a bit to dry it. “chris! you’re getting it wet!” i say, pointing at the water that was now on my floor.
“pause. but can i get a towel?” he replied. he always has a dirty mind. i was talking about the floor. but maybe there is something else that’s wet—
“whatever. follow me.” i said, motioning for him to come with me.
i led him to the bathroom, i turned on the light and turned around to him. but he seemed like he was looking down at something, he was zoned out.
“um, chris?” i snapped my fingers in his face. “oh, shit. yeah?” he looked back up at me. that was weird. anyways, i grabbed the towel and told him to sit on the edge of the bathtub so i could dry his hair.
“y’know i can do it myself, right?” he laughed. “no, you’ll put the towl on your head then shake it like a dog drying off. that water will get all over my bathroom.” i said. he rolled his eyes in response.
i opened the towel, placing it onto his head, and smoothing out his hair with the towel to dry it. my hands moved around his hair, making sure to fully dry before moving on.
i kept this up for a while, then i felt that i was done. “okay, you’re good.” i spoke.
“no, there’s one spot that’s still wet.” he looked up at me.
“let it air dry, you won’t die.” i rolled my eyes, balling the towel in my hands.
i started to walk over to place the towel back into its original position, but before i could get there i tripped over chris’ foot.
“shit!” i yelled, preparing my body to hit the floor.
but i never hit it.
instead, chris instantly grabbed my waist and pulled me into his lap before i could hit the ground.
“sorry if my foot was in the way.”
i could feel his breath on my neck.
i inhaled and quickly got up.
“its cool. let’s just go watch something.” i replied.
we sat in the living room, watching my show. chris didn’t really seem interested in it.
“are you even interested?” i looked up at him.
“what? interested in what?” he turned to me.
“the show. are you even interested?” i repeated. “not really, no.” he scratched the back of his head. “alright, then. let’s just go to sleep.” i turned off the tv, and got up to walk to my bedroom.
obviously chris wasn’t going to sleep in here with me.
time passed, i was constantly tossing and turning. i hadn’t gone to sleep yet.
“chris?” i softly called from my bed. i heard shuffling in the other room until i saw a figure standing in the doorway. “something wrong?” he questioned.
“mm, no. i can’t sleep.” i say. i tried to work my way around asking him to sleep next to me, since it felt embarrassing to say the words aloud.
“yes i’ll sleep next to you.” he chuckled.
did he read my mind?
he walked towards my bed, getting comfortable on the other side. only the sounds of thunder and rain tapping on my window can be heard now.
maybe i could actually sleep this time.
nope, still can’t. i shuffled to turn onto my back, my eyes wide awake and staring at the ceiling.
“still can’t sleep?” chris grumbled. “sorry if i woke you, or something.” i looked at him. but i couldn’t really see his face, it was dark in my room.
“you didn’t. i’ve been awake.” he copied my pose, turning onto his back. we sat in silence for a moment until chris spoke again.
“i think i can help us fall asleep.” he said. as if. nothing can get me to sleep.
“yeah? i’d like to see you try.” i chuckled. suddenly, chris moved under the covers, and pryed my legs open with his hands.
“chris! what the fuck?!” i gasped at his sudden actions. “if you want to get to sleep you’ll trust me.” he said, muffled from being under the covers.
i knew what he was about to do. i wanted it i’ve liked chris for so long, this is what i want. “okay..” i whispered. he looped his fingers around my shorts and my underwear, i lifted my hips to help him remove both articles of clothing.
he then discarded them to the side, and gripped onto my thighs. i took a deep breath in, and out—
i softly moaned as he pressed his tongue onto my clit, circling around it. “fuck— chris.”
he cupped his lips onto my clit, sucking on it. “just like tha- ah-“ my hips snapped as he made a ‘hmm’ noise which made his mouth vibrate on me. “so fuckin’ delicious.” he spoke from under me.
suddenly he had stopped going so slow on me. his tongue started to pick up the pace, his mouth devouring me like crazy. “fuck! holy- shit-” i practically screamed.
i started to shut my legs on his head. “mm” he hummed, splitting my thighs open again.
his grip on me was inescapable, i couldn’t even move. the pleasure started to build up, my hands gripped the pillow covers under my head. “chris! mm- gonna.. fuck!” i could barely get my words out.
a familar knot formed in my stomach, as my moans started to increase in volume. “shit, shit, shit!” i gripped chris’ hair as i released. chris gave me a couple more licks as i came down from my high, and climbed up towards me.
he kissed me, his mouth wet from my arousal, the sweet taste of me lingering in my mouth. then he retracted, sitting in between my legs. i felt his clothed hard on through his pants.
“can we?” he asked, rubbing my clit in circular motions with his thumb. my hips jerked from being sensitive. “y-yes..” i murmured.
i heard the clicking sounds of his belt slipping off, and my heart pounded out of my chest. he pulled his pants down and put his dick on top of my stomach. he was big.
“are you ready?” he caressed my hips. “mhm, just promise to be careful.” i said, sleepily. “i promise, ma.” he pressed his dick against my entrance.
he softly held onto my hips, slowly pushing his head in. he pushed it halfway, my brain already scattered. “fuck, chris. can’t take it.” i moaned.
“i promise you can do this.” he lightly pressed a kiss on my cheek.
i breathed in, feeling him enter me until he finally fit, his dick filling me up. “fuck, you feel so good princess.” he exhaled, dipping his head down to kiss my neck.
i lightly placed my hand on the back of his neck, softly moaning as he reached my sweet spot. “chris.. please..” i whined. “mhm.. use your words, ma.” he whispered in my ear, making me shiver.
“want you to fuck me.. please..” i murmured. he started with slow thrusts as i felt every inch of him enter me and leave repeatedly.
chris has never seen me like this. or been in this situation with me. i felt different, this was different. “god, you’re so perfect.” he spoke, running a hand all the way down my curves, stopping at my hips.
without warning, he started to move faster and harder. “shit! oh my god.” i let out a choked moan, my voice altering due to his thrusting.
chris let out a long but low groan, using his thumb to draw circles on my clit. “fuck, your pussy’s even better than i imagined.” he said.
had chris been dreaming about me like this? this whole time?
“y-you imagined?” i stuttered. “mhm.. wanted to destroy this pussy ever since fuckin’ high school.” he groaned again, lifting my tank all the way up and exposing my boobs.
they were smushed against each other, bouncing everytime he pounded into me. he removed his hand from my clit and held on to one of my boobs.
the thought of him imagining me like this drove me over the edge. “harder…” i softly whined.
just like that, he increased his speed, fucking me at an ungodly pace. my eyes rolled back as he lifted my legs even more towards my chest and gripped on my thighs. “fuck— ‘m gonna cum.. want me to fill your pretty pussy with my cum, hm?” he spoke.
i could barely speak, my brain can’t form words, so i nodded. “words, ma.” he said, sternly. “want you to… fill me— mmph” i reply, my eyelids feeling heavy. i felt my release coming, but at this point my brain had no way of warning him.
“i’m.. hmm.. gonna..” i try. “me too princess. cum with me.” he reached to fondle my breast again. i held the wrist of his hand that was holding my boob as i felt him shoot his warm load inside of me. i followed right after. my eyes fluttered closed as i tried to breathe and recollect my brain.
chris gave a few more thrusts before laying right next to me. “maybe you did help, i am pretty tired now.” i softly laughed against his chest as i cuddled up next to him. “of course, but you’re not falling asleep like this.” he said as he stood up from the bed. “what do you mean?” i turned my head towards him.
next thing i knew, i was in the bathtub, sitting on his lap, my back facing him. “im really glad i met you chris.” my voice bounced off the bathroom walls. “me too, i can’t believe i tried to hide my feelings from you.” he wrapped his arms around me. i sank into his body, relaxing as much as i could.
he placed a kiss to my head, and i fell asleep in his arms.
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ahoyimlosingmymind · 6 months
You dislike Sophie? Any particular reason?
This is all my opinion, I'm not even concrete in it ngl, there's just lil things that irk me about her character. I also haven't read the books in a fatty minute, so maybe I'm just delulu. its also 2am so hehe
Similar to how I feel about Keefe, it really comes down to execution of her character for me. I don't have as in depth thoughts on her as I do about Keefe's character, but anyway-
I really really loved her in books 1-5. <- I just think this was the golden age for the books in general but I digress. She was very moral, sweet, and logical. She rushed into danger and questioned things, which landed her in hot crap sometimes. But there was always a REAL motive behind her desire to not listen to the authority figures. She was really relatable in the way she wasn't totally over-powered, still trying to find her footing in this new world etc
But then, at some point, I'm not really sure WHEN it happened, Shannon decided that every single one of her female characters needed to be a girl-boss. No exceptions. And this was when I noticed the shift in Sophie's character. She lost her distinction a bit imo. you could easily interchange any of her 'Girl power'-esque lines with any other girl in the series and I wouldn't blink. That's how little her 'confident character development' sticks out to me. Because it comes off as FORCED.
here's the thing. Sophie already was a girl boss character. It was obvious. From book 1, she was brave and selfless and moral and strong... I love her for that.
The issue is that the narrative became aware of it too. And started TELLING us instead of letting her actions speak for themselves.
This telling was greatly reinforced by characters like Ro who always has to comment on being bad ass. And like- Linh losing some of her original softness for the sake of being 'powerful' and I AM ALL FOR empowering stories and characters- but when they lose the original aspects of their personality for the sake of it?? That's not growth, it's erasure. Confidence and softness aren't mutually exclusive. And when Linh was first introduced, that was one of the shining aspects of her personality. But now, There's so little distinction between a lot of the girl characters now for this reason. They serve as a comment on society, they're vessels to embed a message into. And they lose their individualism within that. BC THE MESSAGE WAS ALREADY THERE. IT DIDN'T NEED TO BE EXPLICITLY STATED EVERY OTHER PAGE. *cough* sorry.
And sadly, Sophie's character got lost in the sauce with it for me. (And it does not help that the side cast of characters is so vast they kinda blend together as well)
What really got me though, was when she started making weird choices that felt like forced edginess. Like burning down the storehouse. She's done some crazy stuff in the past, but I was always on her side. but this time??? no.
THERE WAS VALUABLE STUFF IN THERE. That was pure shock value. Because wdym we've been scrambling for answers for the past several books, and when Sophie stumbles upon a storehouse stock full of Neverseen stuff she just... burns it to the ground?? Like wasn't Gisela's Arche-something in there?
Sophie had no issue letting Alvar go for some info in regards to Keefe, but then she get's his mom's book of plans and BURNS IT???
And I get her thought process behind it was "The Neverseen has taken everything from me, so I'm going to take something from them. I'm tired of always sitting back and just reacting and never being proactive." I GET THAT. But burning the storehouse was SO not the moment lmao. She's also traumatized and the Neverseen is very triggering for her obviously, which means she doesn't always have the clearest thoughts in regards to it. But BOI-
I might just be an asshole. Idek.
I made a previous post talking about how unfair she was to Fitz when they were dating. It's buried in my blog somewhere. But she was not a saint in that situation (neither was he.) but just like Keefe, the narrative doesn't hold her nearly as accountable as it does when it comes to basically everyone else.
I don't hate her at all, but yeah idek. I'm tired lol
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sillybloodyr4t · 3 months
hi yes hello I am back from the pits of hell
gonna yap a bit since I feel like yall might like to know where I've been
short explanation: at my aunts house and she wouldn't let me get on my laptop bc I was up at 2am on it and also I fucking hate it here
So erm. My aunt got upset with me bc I was up at 2am on my laptop. It was understandable I guess, but everyone usually goes to bed at midnight like what-
The next morning she told me to get off it, but then said "You know what? Let me see something real quick 😊😊😊" ...what kind of teenager who spends a shit ton of time on devices wouldn't be freaked out by that?? So I was like Ok... what do you want to see...
This BITCH. OH MY GOD. She kept gatekeeping what she was going to do, so OF FUCKING COURSE I was scared. I kept asking what she wanted to do with my laptop bc I kind of have trust issues with my devices (I dont trust people with my devices bc there is a high chance theyre going to see something and think its weird or whatever), and when I said that I had trust issues with this kind of thing she got OFFENDED because I didn't trust my 'dear aunt' who totally wouldn't take a look at just my pfp and ask me a million god damn questions. If she found out about this place she'd be 'concernend' and whatnot (She has a 'problem' with the LGBTQ+ pretty much).
She then said that the way I was acting was like someone who has an ADDICTION. She then ranted and shit about how heartbroken she was that I didn't trust her enough to randomly take my laptop and do whatever the hell she wanted with it. She said she "was just going to look at the clock." Yk she sure as hell wasn't acting like that was what she was going to do.
Not only did she do that shit, she's been making me stress the fuck out about school next year.
Basically, she's been saying "if you dont change this you're going to get bullied". I already know that I'm an ugly and wretched little human. MUST you rub it in??
She has also been commenting that the shit I wear AND WORE FOR A GOOD PORTION OF LAST YEAR made me look like a lesbian. This is the same woman who said an outfit I picked out for a dance made me look like an 'adult lesbian'. She has also said that "Lesbians don't like it when you dress like them, They will make you cry" BITCHHHHH DO YOU EVEN KNOW ANY LESBIANS??? TF??
ANDDD She even said at one point that I need to 'tone down my stomach'. EXCUSE ME?? I have woken up several times feeling nauseous because I haven't been eating breakfast. I HARDLY EVEN EAT BETWEEN MEALS HERE. I am LITERALLY not eating as much as I usually do!! What the fuck do you mean??
This isn't even the first time she's basically body shamed me.
My cousin did say that my aunt believes that all girls in high school need to be skinny because my cousin didn't really eat much and had some health issues when she was in high school. (she's a college graduate btw).
Might add more to this if I can remember what else she did so far bc Im lowkey lazy and I dont want to yap anymore
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noblehcart · 1 year
because its my blog and i can post what I want and so here's ZARA'S TOP TEN LIST OF FAVORITE BOOKS below the cut and with a very brief discussion on why.
Phantom of the Opera by Gaston Leroux This book was one of the first books that really truly catapulted me back into reading as a young adult (the first being A Winter's Tale) and I remember sitting up and crying at 2am in my bed as I finished this book just sobbing and if i'm honest ? Feeling so ashamed that I take my normal life for granted. I have never had such a reaction to a book before and honestly I don't think I ever will again in such a resounding way. For me this is not a love story its a story about humanity and our relationships with each other.
Phantom by Susan Kay This book comes second because I don't have the same emotional connection as I do to the original but hands down in reading a book cover to cover and returning to reread snippets I have read this book so MANY times my god. I always go back to this book when I'm bored or need to revisit a friend. This book is definitely flawed and its got its issues but its one of my all time favorites and I'm so glad to have like three copies (hardcover, pdf and kindle) so its always on hand. I love the depth and exploration for Erik and what shaped him and his life and the people around him and how they were affected by him. Like wow. Its just a book I will always have on my shelf forever till I die.
The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Orczy Its just so good and I don't know why more people haven't read it. Its the beginning of the creation of superheroes and double identities and it has a FEMALE LEAD. The entire book is in the POV of the brilliant and beautiful Marguerite and honestly if I had known years back that it was from a female pov I'd have gotten into it much MUCH sooner. Its dynamic, the characters are so good and the villain is so deliciously good at being bad. I loved the movie, but the book just captured my heart because Margot is this wonderfully clever but soft heroine that just speaks to me.
Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo WHAT can I even say about this duology other than the characters are flawless and by that i mean they are so flawed and relatable and complex. Its a wonderful book of found family and slow burns and enemies to lovers with fantastic representation. I absolutely couldn't make myself get into S&B but you can pry the crows from my cold dead hands because I adore them and go back to reread this series all the time!
The Historian by Elizabeth Kostova This is also a big reread for me, but mostly I go back and reread sections that interest me most but the entire book is just gold. Its just MINDBLOWING that we never know the main heroine's name which is just shocking, but we never needed it or would've noticed if it wasn't pointed out. Its this complex beautifully woven story with history, globetrotting, mystery, suspense and some thrilling aspects that I just love love about it. This is the book that sent me down the Dark Academia rabbit hole guys.
The Golem & Jinni by Helene Wecker This book honestly is on par with The Historian for me because the pacing is very much the same and it took me a bit to read it as did the The Historian, but man am I glad that I did because its complex, its such a human story told in such a supernatural fun way that's just thrilling in a slow build sort of way that ends beautifully and I can't wait to start on the second book soon! The character development and the world building just really draws you in and makes you forget your current time to be absorbed into theirs and its brilliant.
The Invisible Life of Addie Larue by V.E Schwab I'll be honest and say that this book almost didn't make the list because at first I didn't think the book was as good as the hype, but upon looking back and rereading snippets again and rereading the ending more thoroughly- my god, this book is definitely going to be a CLASSIC. Its beautifully written and one of the books I made myself slow and savor each word and sentence as it wove the magic over the years of addie's life. Its a VERY good book that I'd definitely recommend to anyone and everyone. Addie has grown on me in such a different way and I love love her.
Entwined by Heather Dixon THIS is one of my all time childhood/youth/teen favorites. Yes its YA and yes it might be a little boring to the adult reader, but its one of my absolute favorite retellings of the 12 Dancing Princesses. I still go back and reread it because its that good and has a special place for me. The villain and world building is so good and easy to follow along. Its fantastic and I'd go back and reread this book over and over again. Its great if you love magic, sisters, princesses, unexpected love, dancing and magical objects.
Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte This is on the list because I remember loving reading the story in highschool and feeling so connected to Jane and now as an adult I love her even more for her actions and choices. Its one of the first classic books I ever bonded over with my brother on and so that in itself is a miracle. Jane just has a special place in my heart for the romance, the mystery, the dynamics and the characters and their development is just absolutely wonderful with a fantastic ending. Can't really ask for more.
The Book of Esther I have done and read and watched nearly everything I can find on the book of Esther, which is kinda the oddball on this list because its a book in the Bible, but its still a book in my definition. Its just such a beautiful story of overcoming oppression, tragedy, fear, genocide and this beautiful painting of faith in terrifying times. The twists and turns and thrills and complexities that come with this story before and after if you know the history and its setting- Persia (-gestures to Kay's Phantom-) just absolutely has me fascinated. There's also the aspect that just maybe the 1001 Nights are inspired or based off the story of Esther just absolutely delights me with its fantastic similarities because I adore that story just as much as this one. I love Esther's bravery, courage, wisdom and discernment and she's absolutely one of my heroines IRL that I look to.
Honorable mentions:
I, Strahd by P. N. Elrod - The only reason this isn't in the top ten is because it reads sO MUCH like Kay's Phantom that if I had to chose one of these it'd be Phantom, but this book was so good and really helped get me back into reading during one of my many many slumps. It was a great blend of myth, royalty, supernatural and tragedy that I've reread it a few times already recommended it to a LOT of my friends.
Wintersong by S Jae-Jones- The only reason why THIS one didn't make the ten list is simply because I already have ten and because it would be between this and Jane Eyre and lbh Jane Eyre is almost the perfect book. It was a toss up of faerie girls and Miss Eyre won it because she really was my first classical book love.
Wildwood Dancing by Juliet Marillier THIS BOOK omg its another 12 Dancing Princesses retelling and its so beautifully and wonderfully crafted in its world building and the magic and the everything of it. ITS SO GOOD and tbh I'd definitely recommend this book more to the adult reader than I would Entwined, but- BUT it didn't make the list because I would personally pick up Entwined far more often and remember the characters far more than I did in this book. It is a very very good book and I also highly recommend you read it if you like retellings, vampires, fae complexities and a blending of fairytales.
ACOTAR by SJ Maas- I did really enjoy reading this series but it is definitely not one of my top faves because its really only the last two books (not the novella) that I actually devoured. Its a good series and I def recommend reading it because its almost worth the hype but my quibble here is that I could EASILY slip out of that world/the books never absorbed me like others have. Also I didn't care for the main heroine shhh don't come after me guys.
A Voice in the Wind by Francine Rivers So this book was a toss up between it and Esther and it was a TOUGH one because I do go back and reread this trilogy at least 2-3x a year, but I do reread and study and think a lot more about Esther so it lost out in that competition spot. But its an excellent series and the first two books just have my heart for the romance and the intrigue going on during this time period. Its a wonderful slow burn though I'll admit the third book is slightly out of pocket, but still so good that I had to make pinterest boards about this series.
Eye of the Red Tsar by Sam Eastland THIS book is so so SO GOOD if you're into reading about the Romanovs and Russia shortly after that. The entire series is so so good and I normally don't like mystery and thriller plots but this book does have a special place for me, but was beat out by the golemn & the jinni. Pekkala is fascinating and the people and cast he meets along the way just build up in such a delightful way.
The Holy Thief by William Ryan Again this only got beat out by The Historian by a margin because vampires, but The Holy Thief oh my god is very much on par with the Eye of the Red Tsar because its the same time period and magnetic energy. I was so invested in this book and its characterse and it might be due to my love of all things Romanov/Anastasia musical wise, but it was so good and I highly recommend it. I wept, I laughed, I sat on the edge of my seat it was a great read.
The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran This is a recent read and like wow...it just really blew my mind and touched me in a way I don't usually get outside of my belief system and IDK but this book is everything and more than the hype and the only reason its not on the list is because it didn't quite beat out Esther for me but its such a good book.
Tagging you because I would love to see everyone's Top 5 or 10 favorites : @walkingshcdow, @myhiraeth, @kingmakercastle, @demonstigma, @historiavn, @swede, @lordofthestrix, @fasciinating, @reverdies, @ensnchekov, @malka-lisitsa, @paramounticebound , @delanuit, @starlsssankt, @aigonakru
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thatweirdguyinenglish · 10 months
I made some picrews of characters of a little story i made up just now (None of them have names yet, suggestions??)
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Mm short tsundere Char1. a stripper with daddy and mommy issues, also kinda main character. The intire plot is basicly helping him figure out how to love and help him get out & recover from the trauma of being a stripper. They all have matching necklaces, his is based on winter flowers Moved in with both other characters. (Because hes cold on the outside but warm on the inside?? idk) (Also a smoker, and somewhat alcoholic)
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Oohhh the himbo. Char2. Hes a University student, who is a golden ray of sunshine. buffest out of all of them, but terrified of needles, spiders and other insects. He likes people playing with his hair alot, char1 tends to get mad at him for not taking care of it properly. Roommates with char3. He studies botany (Yes hes a total plant dad...dy??).
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Unbothered blonde king. Char3. Also a University student, and a unbothered king. Hes pretty calm and quiet, only every so often will he flip out over something. He works as a piercer, and is the cleanest out of the three. He studies photography and cinematography, he also plays bass for a friend's music. (Has awful insomnia, cuddles help alot.)
The basic plot VVVV
Char1 is a stripper, and has been since he was 18, He often drinks his sorrows away at a bar nearby. Char2 notices Char1 at the bar often, and ends up (after about maybe 3 times of seeing him) deciding to help and take him to his apartment. AFTER THIS HAPPENING FOR ABOUT A MONTH Char3 and Char2 find out about him being a stripper, and give him a key to the apartment out of pity (he was living in poor conditions anyway from what they knew.) and they ended up becoming rather close, ending up dating in a polyamorous relationship.
and thats really all i have thus far cause its nearly 2am and i am tired. heres the spotify playlist i made of this bullshit
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sunenjoyswriting · 10 months
A small thing on the idea of Yuune overblotting!
Possible warnings: Body horror (?) & one of the ideas implies death.
Writers note: Made this at 2AM on a kindle. Formatting may seem somewhat different lol. Also please pleaseeeee send me requests about Yuune!! I adore my silly little Yuu!! Ill probably look this over in the morning and fix its issues before releasing it to you all. (Edit: This was now looked over, all typos that I noticed have been fixed & it’s a little more cohesive!)
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Yuune would likely overblot due to nobody believing him about this just being a game, and their overblot would more resemble one of the blot creatures (or perhaps more like an abstracted creature from TADC?) instead of the normal overblot look, due to my idea of blot more easily overtaking a magicless body then a magical one. He would just keep on repeating something like "You're all ignorant fools for not believing me", or maybe they'd just stay completely silent. Despite me making this character, I am unsure of whether he’d speak while overblotting… This form would be very painful for them, every second is agony. He would likely lash out at most the TWST characters due to what they've all caused him: keyword "most". They would be nice to Lilia, and perhaps Silver, maybe even the rest of Diasomnia (probably not the rest of Diasomnia, but I can dream!), due to them feeling very emotionally connected to Lilia, like how a child would feel to their father (Lilia really be collecting these children like pokemon, am I right? Laugh track plays in an attempt to make my overused joke appear funny). I believe the only person/fae, that could bring him back from his overblot form would be Lilia, for reasons stated above. If Lilia wasn't able to bring him back, then... Yeah, read the second warning. Once they're back to normal, Yuune would cling to Lilia, and be oddly passive... For a few weeks. Then everything would seem like it goes back to normal, but Yuune is even more traumatized then before and avoids the topic of games as much as possible! Oh, and [[Player]] wouldn't know anything was wrong. They'd just play TWST like normal, unknowing of what was happening behind the screen. Anyways rant over now.
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secludedsunflower · 1 year
How the marauders era would run a nonprofit
Because I am bored and tired of running my own nonprofit
James: THE GLUE. The public image of the nonprofit and does all of the face-to-face talking. Has insane connections and an odd obsession with the process of getting 501(c)(3) certified (his dad works in business so he knows how the business end works). Has a lot of parent support. Secretly changed the Instagram password because he was tired of Remus' dry captioning.
Sirius: Chaotic but gets shit done. Does half of his work through his phone to the amazement of James and the disgust of Remus. Sends emails at 2am, hacks into his mom's zoom account for unlimited zoom time, and admins the nonprofit's discord server. Secretly the reason that productivity is steady. Always active in the group chats and never shuts up. Trying to convince the group to make a tiktok (its not working).
Remus: The mother hen. Keeps the website running, manages the social media, makes the spreadsheets, watches the email, you name something and he probably does it. Is late to every board meeting but secretly loves the thrill of being in charge of something. Keeps his camera off on meetings and always calls off of his phone, despite preferring his 4 year old broken laptop for every other task. A firm believer in podcasts and youtube channels to spread their cause.
Peter: Forced to help start the nonprofit but ended up falling in love with it. Always eager to suggest new ideas for outreach events and fundraising. His biggest secret is that he gets most of those ideas from scouring subreddits about founding nonprofits. Helps Remus with the website and is actually really good at graphic design. Shows off whatever random animal or bug that is near him while on virtual planning meetings.
Lily: Was passionate about a social injustice and dragged her friends along with her. Somehow does everything all at one and refuses to accept help until she is drowning in word. Actually a really successful leader and everyone loves her. Puts a lot of emphasis on volunteer work as a way to fight this social injustice.
Marlene: Lily dragged her into this but she's lowkey glad because she likes the cause and likes having something to do. Pretty lowkey, but will happily give a detailed explanation of the issue they're fighting and their solution when asked. Has the logo as a sticker on her MacBook and infographic flyers in her bag ready to be handed out on a moments notice.
Mary: The designated PR manager of the group. Will handle social media, the coding the website, and making spreadsheets but dies when faced with face-to-face connection and usually makes Dorcas come with her. Believes in the power of tiktok and instagram as a way to attract a younger audience and is right. Likes making everything fit a theme, and is often seen at a library printer fiddling with the colors and sizing of the newest infographic flyer the group came up with.
Dorcas: A casual supporter of the nonprofit but designed all of the graphics bc why not. Likes listening to Lily, Marlene, and Mary plan in the library and uses them as a background noise of sorts to study to.
Regulus: The nepo-baby. Has connections and experience and fucking abuses that shit (as he should tbh). Already on his second nonprofit but he doesn't care that he has to do twice the work because (1) he likes one-upping Sirius and (2) he likes seeing his friends excited about planning and leading such an initiative. His family wasn't too happy about him being involved in such an activity and tried kicking him out of the nonprofit (which he literally founded lmao) but Regulus said "fuck you" and ended up just doing it behind their backs.
Barty: In it because he likes seeing Reggie and Evan happy but also because his dad said it would be good experience for a future ministry job. Not too enthusiastic about their cause but into all of the logistics. Tries to see a deeper meaning to all of their moves, even if there is none. Insists on using Slack as their primary method of communication and organization because he used it once during a ministry internship and fell in love.
Evan: Also in it to see his friends happy but also because the cause is oddly really deeply personal to him. Literally carries the group chats in all outreach related discussion. If anyone so much as compares his nonprofit to someone else's or to another school organization, he gets super defensive and basically quotes the whole website in their face. Made the website, and is trying to convince Regulus and Barty to agree to starting a podcast and a youtube channel.
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althea-the-angel · 2 years
So guess who went down the rabbit hole of Magnus Archives/Magnus Protocol lore. Me! (Also spoilers for the Magnus Archives I guess?)
                                        THEORY 1 (AUs are canon?)
So, in the Magnus Protocol, the institute burnt down in 1999 and there were no survivors. (https://rustyquill.com/show/the-magnus-protocol/ me? citing my sources? shocking!) 
But we know for a fact that this didn’t happen in the Magnus Archives as we still have an institute and Gertrude was murdered years later by Elias, and so couldn’t have possibly died in 1999 like she would have if the institute burnt down while she was working there.
There is also the fact that in the Magnus protocol the institute is in Manchester while the fandom wiki (https://the-magnus-archives.fandom.com/wiki/The_Magnus_Institute) says that it was originally in Edinburgh but was then moved to Chelsea in London. Neither of those place are Manchester so it’s either a continuity issue or another piece of evidence for this theory.
Given that both of these things don’t line up with tma canon, and at least the fire one is definitely intentional, I think that the Magnus Protocol is set in some sort of alternate universe (and it’s not impossible bc similar things have happened before in tma, but we’ll get back to that later). That’s not my full theory though.
                         THEORY 2 (Sometimes you gotta commit arson)
Now, we know that the Magnus Protocol is an alternate universe because of the fire, but what caused the fire to happen in the Magnus Protocol but not in tma?Welcome to the 2nd part of my theory (where I felt like a god bc all the pieces were connecting but it was like 2am and I wasn’t really thinking about things like evidence or proof) 
See, it could be that a random event happened/didn’t happen in the Magnus Protocol and we just never hear about it in tma (and I’m not willing to rule out Agnes Montague just yet considering she would have been alive at the time) but I like to think that the clues would be there for us to find, both because mysteries with clues hidden throughout are kinda the name of the game for tma and I imagine that would hold true for this, and because it’s fun.
So, if the clues are hidden throughout, then what happened in 1999 in the Magnus Protocol universe that didn’t happen in tma?
According to the timeline for tma on the fandom wiki, (https://the-magnus-archives.fandom.com/wiki/Timeline#2000 again not sure how much I trust the details to be correct but I am not going through 200+ episodes to try and assemble a timeline) only three things happened in 1999 that we know about (Copypasted bc I’m lazy)
A number of the Magnus Institute's files are leaked to the press, causing widespread derision (MAG 68).
September - Mikaele Salesa sells a meat grinder to the cook on his ship. The cook begins serving his own meat to the crew, healing himself with the meat grinder. Mikaele fights the cook, who is thrown overboard (MAG 115).
October - The Bright Lake amusement park closes its doors for the last time (MAG 156).
I doubt that the meat grinder had anything to do with the fire considering that they weren't even in the area of the Magnus Institute, and pretty much had nothing to do with it, so we can rule that one out. Which leaves us with Bright Lake closing and files being released.
I considered that Bright Lake might be involved as they’re one of the only solid Extinction phenomenon, but fire doesn’t really seem to be the Extinction’s thing, (though alternate universes, of a kind, are so maybe they are involved) and again, it’s just not in the right area of the world. (also, fun fact, there is a real Bright Lake amusement park in I think the same place as in tma, and it’s open, so that’s fun)
That leaves us with the files being released. Off the bat this one is the most likely simply because it takes place at the Magnus Institute. It was also probably meant to be an act against the Magnus Institute, which increases the likelihood of the fire and the file release being related. After all, someone who is already pissed at the Magnus Institute could easily choose to seek their revenge in different ways in different universes. The intentions behind releasing sensitive information and burning a place to the ground could easily be the same. Plus the files being released is something that’s mentioned more then once, (I think, considering that I actually vaguely remember it, it probably was) whereas the meat grinder is a statement that never comes up again, and the Bright Lake thing is a single sentence in a statement that doesn’t even take place in 1999.
                            THEORY 3 (The timeline works, so why not)
So, we’ve figured out that the Magnus Protocol is most likely set in an alternate universe, and that whoever released the files in tma was probably the one to set the fire in the Magnus Protocol, but remember how I mentioned that alternate universes have happened before in tma? (I haven't finished season 5 bc procrastination is a bitch, but I think they may be mentioned there too? idk) So in tma there’s this lady called Anya Villette. Now she makes a statement in MAG 114 and it’s basically about how she was hired to clean Hilltop Road (the house, not like the entire street) and she got transported from her universe to tma. Now this confirms that alternate universes are a thing in tma. (I think it’s also confirmed in the end of season 5 bc there were a lot of jokes about it) 
Now this next bit isn’t really a theory, but what if Anya’s universe is also the Magnus Protocol Universe. There isn’t really any evidence for this, so again, not really a theory, just a claim with a decent timeline, but basically Anya says that she’s never heard of the Magnus Institute before when making her statement. She gives her statement in 2009. (And there are some time shenanigans but it doesn’t impact the year so we’re just gonna ignore it) In the Magnus Protocol, the institute burnt down in 1999, so if the file release never happened, (which I think was said to be why everyone knew what the Magnus Institute is? I feel like I remember that but I could be completely wrong.) and the institute ceased to exist in 1999 then it’s entirely possible that Anya wouldn’t know about it, despite it existing at one point in her universe.
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blogblogbloggittyblog · 7 months
october 1- 31, 2023
i don’t think i even like this man. like he truly sucks in every possible way and he makes me feel like shit all the time except when we’re having sex and then it’s alright. but he doesn’t pay attention to me he’s never nice to me he never responds and his lifestyle is shitty. he’s not quitting smoking that’s for sure and he won’t stop drinking like every day and maybe that’s just being a 23 year old but like fuck. he doesn’t seem to like me much either. like clearly. so idk. this is somehow even more degrading that koroosh because at least him there were no expectations i knew he sucked. this sucks -----
i wish i was in love. like actually in love and with someone who was kind and loving and cared abt me -----
i feel like there’s smth wrong w him? or maybe it’s w me? idk maybe we just have different expectations or desires or smth. i wanna kms like why can’t i just be happy and normal and not violently obsessive and intense and irrational and impulsive and overkill -----
i just left his house. we were gonna meet in the AM but he didn’t wake up until like 1:30pm because he was at an event till 2am. doing ecstasy and getting very drunk. nothing redeeming about that. and he had ghosted me for like two days before and he said it’s cuz he wanted to ask me out but was having trust issues. which is fair but not an excuse to leave me on read. idk. the sex is good i guess. he makes me feel wanted ? but i don’t think actually wants to date me. like he’s not very good at talking abt how he feels but he’s also not being very willing to even try. idk i think i’m wasting time that could be spent studying and writing profiles on a man that has no upward life trajectory. he tells me i’m so beautiful. that’s nice. maybe i’m judging him. but i need him to not be doing drugs and drinking and i need him to be healthy and stable. he isn’t. this is very much a canon event for me. like even if he’s nice to me he’s still moving in a year idk. let’s not think that far ahead. he just doesn’t give me what i need most of the time -----
this is like being in a car with my foot on the gas even though i can see the fucking brick wall right in front of me
once again my period is slightly late and i’m panicking again. i need to call the clinic -----
yk i think the issue here is that i keep thinking oh well he’s not like MEAN to me or anything like he’s not doing anything bad but i feel like this is sm sm sm more insidious of a feeling cuz its like lack of any fucking effort at all or any interest or any romance or anything and im seventeen and maybe i shouldnt be settling for this shit also he was like i’m gonna ask u out? and he hasn’t? and he keeps letting me vape which is embarrassing truly not a single sign of care for me lmfao jesus christ i wish dustin still existed
i wanna care for u and be like a husband to u and i’ll try to get a photo of the stars for u meanwhile this man won’t even text me unless i text him and even then he responds twenty hours later with one message and no intention of continuing the convo so really i’m the idiot here -----
truly don’t feel like i’m making outlandish requests but this mf still can’t do anything lmfao i wish i was dating someone and they were nice to me -----
this is self harm. and i know it is and i need to stop like this is embarrassing and bad and a waste of time
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I was put in a less than ideal situation and I'm mad about it
Hello, before I start telling you this story, quick tw; themes of suicide, self harm, bipolar disorder, and mental health services.
For the record, I have bipolar type 2, and I live with 3 girls. I'm a trans guy (this is relevant later, as is the next piece of information). For the past 5 weeks, my housemates have all been a little bit off. Couldn't put my finger one what, or why. this was, but they were. For the past 3 of those 5 weeks, the three of them have barely spoken to me, and the most I've managed to get out of them is "the next time you're in the living room, open the windows."
So, on Thursdays morning, i woke up to banging on my bedroom door and 2 men yelling. I check my phone, its 2am and I have 5 missed calls from a withheld number. At this point, I'm scared and confused, but know that if i don't answer my bedroom door, whoever is yelling is gonna come in my room (I have a funny thing about people in my room). I open my bedroom door to find 2 paramedics stood there. No hi, hello, no "we're here because of A, B, C," what I'm met with is "we know you have bipolar, are you taking your meds?"
At which point im like, what the hell? like what is this? whats going on? start from the beginning, what?
One of them then asks me if I know why they're there, and I'm like, well no, obviously, it's 2am and you've just woken me up whats happening?
The same guy then proceeds to tell me that the ambulance service have had a phone call from someone saying I was planning on taking my own life and that I was actively and "seriously" self harming (they were his words not mine, I don't believe that the way someone self harms or depth someone goes is a relevant factor in severity, but elitism in struggling i guess is where this guy was coming from?).
At which point i have to stand there and tell him I am fine, none of this is true and all of what he's been told is unfounded, baseless and a bit of a shock on top of the one I've already had.
The issue is, these paramedics are now doing a welfare check. They can't have me say "I'm fine" and then just leave at this point. So I'm put in the back of the ambulance and we sit there outside my house, and he does my obs. He starts to complain about how high my blood pressure and heart rate are, at which point I remind him of the situation that is currently happening to me and not him. I then have to speak to the crisis team and I get given a crisis appointment at 10:30 am.
I get on the bus at like, 8:15, but while I'm waiting, I send a message to the group chat for my house saying, "can someone please explain what the hell happened at 2am because I'm really confused and rattled."
I then have to explain the entire situation to them, who say that I shouldn't have been put through any of that. The only good thing that came out of me going there was figuring out that my GP had actually given me the wrong information about how to take 1 of my meds, so I'm happy about that so I can take it properly.
On my way back home, I get a reply. "We were concerned about your safety so rang 111 (non emergency general advice medical line in the UK) who told us to ring 999 (the UK solution to 911) so we did."
Bearing in mind that these people have bearly acknowledged my existence for the past month. Hardly. So I ask, "well, none of you have said you were concerned or anything really so like whats the deal? why didn't you ask?" They all see my message. Nobody responds. So I ask again, "none of you have expressed concern or worry, nobody gave me a heads up about the fact you'd rung 999 and Im very shaken and this entire thing could have been avoided if someone had asked, and none of you did, whats the deal?"
Turns out the three of my housemates and the rest of the wider friendship group have been talking about my mental health behind my back. One of them that I live with has admitted to going to university mental health advisors and other people about me and my mental health without talking to me first.
The exact quote "I didn’t decide to ring an ambulance out of the blue to traumatise you, I had been gathering professional advice for weeks on what to do, I met with a mental health advisor who told me to ring 111 asap and the rest was me following professional advice, I was doing what I was told was the correct procedure." In an earlier text she'd said, "I really hope you take on an active role in your own recovery and engage with the support from the uni."
A few things about these 2 statements; number one, I am receiving professional help from a psychiatrist and other professionals outside of the university, hence my bipolar diagnosis and stuff. There has been an assumption made that I'm not receiving help and I don't agree with it, and I can't quite tell if this comes from a place of "you're bipolar, why would you engage?" or if this comes from a place of "I haven't heard you talk about support in our 1 brief conversation about your bipolar so I'm assuming you dont have any." Either way, this comes off as passive aggressive, and shocking someone in a traumatic situation does not push them towards help, it can push them away from it.
Secondly, "I didn't do it to traumatize you." I'm telling you, you traumatized me. Intent isn't impact. The correct response to me telling you that's what you did is communication and acceptance, not deflection.
Thirdly. Lets not lose track that in all of this, i got the shock of my life on thursday morning, but my mental health has been a topic of discussion behind my back and without my consultation or consent for weeks. Nobody bothered to to tell me what was going on for weeks. I feel violated and like I can't trust anyone anymore.
The last thing is, there is no "professional advice on what to do" in this situation. I'll tell you why, the only person that can give me proper mental health support and advice in my situation is my psychiatrist and my GP where appropriate. The "professional advice on what to do" is based one a one sided opinion from a person that did not bother to ask me first and is sneaking around behind my back. If the mental health professionals who are genuinely involved in my care thought there was some sort of issue, trust me, that would have been acted upon if it hasn't already been.
I brought up the fact that I'm a trans guy at the beginning of this, and you are probably wondering what that has to do with anything is this scenario. The reason is, i go by my name with the people I live with and with a number of the charities I do work with, but I haven't got round to changing it legally. That affected the conversation I had with the paramedics because I then had to go through the entire process of telling them about that. Was not a conversation I wanted to have at 2am on a Thursday morning in that situation. I appreciate my housemates calling me my name, but they know my deadname, in that scenario I'd have rather them just have used that to save me the trauma. On top of that, my housemates don't know my student ID number, so if the person that referred me to mental health in the university (which I am going to decline if I get the email because I don't need their support given what I have already) I doubt they'll get in touch because I'm not sure they'll be able to find me because my name on the register is my legal name.
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fandomsbecausewhynot · 11 months
My twin sister's (21) boyfriend (23) flew back to Israel Friday the 13th as his dad told him that it was his "duty" to fight as the boyfriends grandfather was a holocaust survivor and his dad also fought. My sister is understandably devastated.
I am not sure when I mentioned it, I don't think I did, maybe she just figured it out but I am pro Palestine. She text her boyfriend this and he replied asking if that meant I wanted him and all jewish people to die because that is what the Palestine's and Hamas want. (Even though all tangible evidence I have found points to the fact that Isael has been oppressing Palestine for decades and are the much more powerful state)
I, of course, told her that I just wanted peace, the Palestine people to be free, and for her boyfriend to come back safe.
I honestly don't like this guy, I won't go into detail but my sister is extremely codependent (like our mother) along with being autistic (like myself) and he has made it clear he either doesn't care about her or can't take care of her. She left our hometown with him after only knowing him after 3 months, only a week after I left for uni. None of our family really know him but it's clear how indoctrinated he is.
I am really worried about her because she is now alone, across the country, with no support system, and health issues with the only medical care a regional hospital.
She is incredibly trusting, and even though we are the same age, I feel years older than her. On top of that, she is saying stuff like, "If Palestine had no weapons, there would be peace. If Israel had no weapons, there would only be unaliving" or something similar.
I only wanted to support her, but with me being vocal about my opinions, she started shutting me out again. She has really unhealthy coping mechanisms. Idk what to do... I can't lie to her and take back what I said. The topic can't be avoided, and neither of us has impulse control in conversation. I can't lose her, I'm already losing my little brother, my dad is emotionally repressed, my mum is abusive (she is working on it), and my elder brother is evil.
Honestly, it's 2am, and I couldn't sleep without getting this out and I am not comfortable talking to anyone in my family, and I have no friends, irl, or on the internet. I just needed to vent. If you read this, I am impressed. Thank you. Idk how to fix any of this. Work cut me back to 1 day a week until the 14th of November and I am really stressed, plus my adoptive mother (emotionally) who I normally talk to about this stuff doesn't like to talk politics and its very hard to have a nuance discussion about it with her.
I posted here because I trust tumblr more than reddit.
Thanks for reading, advice is appreciated.
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maudiemoods · 2 years
Eyes hurt can't sleep hungry too hot but it's too cold crying
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