#honestly I hope he just fucking leaves atp
lesbiansanemi · 5 months
I’m also realizing the reason my kitties are so unsettled and lashing out more often is partially my fault. It is definitely because of the new guy and the goddamn dog that got moved in (esp cuz one of my cats has past trauma with dogs and when I got her it was with the assumption she would never have to live with dogs again) but it’s also because I’m not giving them as much attention. I used to be out in the living room/kitchen with them for at least 4-5 hours after work every day, petting them, playing with them, letting them sit next to me on the couch cuz neither were big on lap cuddles. And now because I hate being in the main apartment anymore I never do that…. They’re upset because I’m not giving them as much attention anymore and they don’t know why, I feel so bad but also idk what to doooo 😭😭😭
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moii3 · 20 days
My Candy Love New Gen Ep.7 Review!
Spoiler Ahead, Obviously
Another day, another short episode. I think off the bat, im dissapointed with how short the episodes are. I really think they need to get it together with the amount of content. It's just not enough and it doesn't help that we have to wait for almost a month every single time for a new ep.
I just had to point this out because since i've been replaying the Eldarya TO, i just started to appriciate how beemov games used to have longer, more filling, structured episodes and stories compared to now. Maybe this is too early for me to say since we are only 7 episodes in. Who knows? Maybe Beemov will actually start to have an enemies to lovers arc between the writers and the new gen game. Anyways..
The ep starts out with Candy complaining to my love Elenda (and soon the whole office) about how difficult it is to live with her annoying mom and sister. Seriously, we see from the flashback that Candy's mother basically insinuates that she didn't think she would have to live with her adult ass daughter in her house. Both Tasha and the Mother(i forget her name) were pretty rude abt it in my opinion. Instead of talking with Candy about house rules they just go on like nothing happened, and make it clear that she is just a guest. Not a part of the household.
Mentioning of TikTok was thrown in one scene for good mesure lmao
As they all hear the story, Devon decides everyone in the office should help Candy look for an apartment. They apperantly don't have anything else to do the whole day.
It almost feels like a little bit Mary Sue-ish. Everyone taking turns wasting their free work hour trying to find Candy an apartment, making it a competition seems comical and unrealistic. (not everything has to be so realistic but it's just ridicilous atp). They are literally racing to find this rich adult woman a place to live...
When it comes to the actual apartment hunting, Thomas's route was a roller coaster 😭. Since apperantly no one rents apartment to stinky stinky singles, LI s jump in to save the day, pretending to be our partners during the apartment showing.
Thomas had both me and the realtor gagged the whole time.
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(sorry for the whack screenshots)
I was cringing big time
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ma'am please be quiet...
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A bit awkward? You're telling me..
Just as we think we are over with this, leaving the apartment, he kisses Candy.
I saw some people saying they didn't like how this kiss came about and i have to agree. He calls it "our little ritiual" , apperantly to convince the realtor. We know that's bullshit and it was kind of an excuse to kiss her. I don't like that Candy is in a cornered position to accept the kiss and it felt kind of unneccesary, no matter how hyped everyone was about it.
Like if this is the dude we will eventually gonna fall in love with& date, it's kind of a bummer that their first kiss had to be "fake". I know they thought of it like a little romantic game Candy had to play to get close to Thomas but i really think even for this it was kinda underwhelming.
I also saw other illustrations from different routes and Roy's has to be my favourite. I wish it was more romantic like that and actually made sense. Anyway..
Anyways, after they leave the house, Thomas gets back to the nonchalant attitude again (obviously) which, gagges Candy again.
Like i said, i don't really like how this kiss happened and i think even for Thomas this was kind of crazy.
If i was the realtor, i would honestly block their numbers and hope that Thomas wouldn't show up at my house to wear my skin the very same night. He deserves some kind of compensation.
I'm gonna keep doing these reviews no matter who reads them, this is for me and my ranting. But i hope you like it! Oh, I also will rate these episodes out of 10.
For my first rating on this series, I'm givinf this episode an underwhelming 5/10
Best part is that this ain't even about the house anymore, even realtor knows he fucked up and they are not gonna choose this house.
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Until next time, xx
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rayofmisfortune · 3 months
Idk where to go with it atp so uhhh... yea lol. I love fics where Danny gets stuck as Phanton so- that's what this was supposed to be. May end up rewriting it completely at some point but I just don't want it to rot and catch dust like all my other fic wips hehe.
This was my first time ever writing any of the dp characters so they may be ooc?
Cw for panic, dissection talk (it's the Fentons, come on), dehumanization (unsure if that applies but, just in case)
This was bad. This was really, really bad.
Danny was hiding out in an inconspicuous alleyway. A... hopefully enough out of the way alleyway that certain ghost hunters, aka his parents, wouldn't find him in in the matter of a few minutes.
Considering his streak of luck this day, his hopes of having more than a few minutes of respite were close to zilch.
They shot him! And now he's stuck as Phantom. He can't turn back and they're after him and he can't escape can't hide can't do anything-
The Fentons have been chasing after Danny almost the whole night. Always hot on his tail, no matter where the half-ghost went. Unable to turn back to his flashy sleep deprived teenager self. His parents had proudly showcased their upgraded ghost tracking technology that morning. The excuses he had to make to them when the Specter Tracker snapped in his direction the moment his Mom turned it on were... awkward at best, unbelievable at worst.
'Must be the ectocontamination messing with the, the um… tracker!' Ignore the fact that if that were the case it would also hone in on you, please please please
'Fenton Specter Tracker, Danny-o!'
'... with the Fenton Specter Tracker.' Aaaand totally not because I'm the thing you're tracking down ahah. That would be crazy, right?
That was this morning. (Or was it yesterday morning now?) This was now.
And right now?
He's stuck in ghost mode. After being shot by his parents! His bad luck probably started right that very morning (yesterday morning?), not just with the Specter Tracker fiasco, but with the fact his parents didn't bother to share a very important tidbit of information! They managed to upgrade the Ecto-Stoppo-Power-Erfier (TM pending). The one he was shot by that one time in the lab? Yeah, that very one. It's pocket size now!
... if the pockets could fit a microwave... NOT IMPORTANT!
Danny had been out on patrol, because of course he had to go on patrol before an important English test that could shift his final grade from an F to a D. Not that he could've known this would happen, but he should've at least had enough common sense to figure something may screw up his already fucked up sleep schedule.
And of course he had to leave his phone at home. So he can't contact Tucker, Sam or Jazz to help him out of this honestly sad situation.
Calling this sad is an understatement. Terrible, horrifying, nightmare come to life would be more accurate if Danny's being honest with himself.
Yeah, sure, he could prooobably risk it and fly all the way home from the other side of Amity Park, crash land into Jazz's room, give her a heart attack and hope she maybe had some ideas as to how to get him back to (his usual) normal.
One itty bitty problem with that one. Danny's pretty sure the tracker his parents made is honed in on his specific ecto signature, so the second he moves, they're on their way. Fenton Blasters loaded and at the ready. Also, the whole thing with his powers slowly stopping to work? Yeah, that as well.
Fun, so much fun. This was definitely how he wanted to spend his evening/night/early morning, when he should be catching up on his sleep debt. Sarcasm by the way, if it wasn't obvious enough.
The roar of an engine snaps Danny out of his swirling thoughts. The roar of a <em>very</em> familiar engine.
The GAV.
He's out of time.
Danny scrambles back up to his feet from where he was leaning against a dumpster. Yuck. The half-ghost shudders at the prospect of being found so soon after escaping within an inch of his not-life.
He pressed his back against the alley's wall, his core hammering away in his chest, and willed himself with everything he had to go intangible before it's too late. The all too familiar sensation crawls through his body, slower than usually, but he's phased through the wall just in time before the GAV screeches to a stop at the entrance to the alley.
Danny stays invisible and intangible, all the while his parents' feet landed on the pavement of the night streets. He listens with bated breath (he doesn't need to breathe) as Fenton Blasters are loaded, safety off, ready to shoot anything that moves. The Fentons slowly creep into the alley Danny had just been in. He can't see them, hidden in the wall as he is, but he can just about picture Mom making silent gestures to his Dad.
But of course, his Dad was never one to stay silent. "I can't wait to rip that ghost fiend apart molecule by molecule, Maddie!"
A soft sigh from his Mom, too close to the wall, too close too close. He's done for. They'll get him. "Honey, we have to run experiments on it before we do that."
"Oh, right." The sound of his Dad clearing his throat. "I can't wait to run experiments on the ghost fiend and rip it apart molecule by molecule once we're done, Maddie!" Then, more silently. "Was that better?"
His Mom chuckled warmly. "Yes, Jack." Too close too close too close
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sapphire-weapon · 9 months
i just finished Infinite Darkness and have a lot of Thoughts™️. please indulge me if you'd like.
spoiler + long post warning
i went into it with pretty low expectations because everyone kept on calling it a shitshow. it's not bad per se, but it wasn't good either. it was.. meh. 2.5/5.
afaik ID takes place in 2006, and RE4 in '04. so why tf does Leon look like he's at least 40??
that honestly fucked it up timeline-wise for me. was the show purposely designed not to fit into the timeline in any way whatsoever a la "welcome to raccoon city"?
if that's the case, Leon and Claire still somehow are able to remember the events of Raccoon City in this timeline.
my brain can't come to a logical conclusion over the timeline, so i'll leave it at that.
i wish they gave Claire more screen time. they did her so dirty imo.
what were they trying to set up with Claire and Leon's interactions? a loveteam? if this was so, what even was their last conversation in ep 4?
the Claire on top of Leon scene. tf? what the hell were they trying to set up? were they going to fuck and continue the redfield bloodline right then and there? kiss? hug? maybe punch each other's lights out?? i'm seriously so fucking confused.
Shen Mei and Leon too. Leon asks her out and she declines. what was the point of that conversation? i'm just going to assume it's to show the locket with Jun See's picture in it.
(were they trying to show how bitchless Leon is at least in this series?)
why the hell did Jason kill Shen Mei? what was the point? why didn't Leon give a shit when she died? it was like he just forgot about her.
i love how President Graham believes anything as long as Leon is involved. in ep 1 when Leon's late: "it's fine bc you saved my daughter." in the last ep when Patrick tells him that Wilson was behind everything and cites Leon as source, Mr. POTUS decides to wing his speech ON THE SPOT just because of that fact. what if Patrick was making it up? that really would have fucked up international relations and all that. i don't know. Graham really loves Leon i guess.
going off of that, i wish we got to see more of Patrick. i would have loved to see him interact more with Leon.
what is gonna happen to that chip!?
i have no idea if a Season 2 would be able to salvage/explain the plot, but honestly i don't think the series deserves a Season 2. it might be a waste of time and money plus an even bigger disappointment to fans.
alright, onto performances.
Nick Apostolides to me sounds like someone who's breaking in a new pair of shoes. it sounds like he's still getting used to walking in them and therefore tries different things (which i find ironic since he'd already voiced baby faced rookie cop Leon S. Kennedy atp, but also understandable as Leon sounded young in that game). he's all over the place imo. he sounded like RE2R Leon, RE4R Leon, and someone else entirely throughout the four episodes. but as you said in another ask, he really made up for it in RE4R. solid voice acting all around imo.
Ray Chase. before i saw him here i knew him as Neuvillette (aka "according to the judgment of the Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale") in Genshin Impact. his line delivery is stellar. i hope that's also him voicing mutated/infected Jason because he sounds fantastic there. but there's a line that he says there that sounds so awkward because the delivery is so sped up that the emotion is gone.
Stephanie Panisello also voices Claire in RE2R, but i haven't seen too much of her there to compare it to her performance here. i will say, however, that i honestly enjoyed her performance here, but there are times when she sounds like she's holding back a bit. it would have been perfect if she let go a little bit more.
Jona Xiao as Shen Mei was also great, but i think she also suffers the sams problem as Stephanje in that she sounds like she'a holding back.
Doug Stone as Wilson was perhaps the most enjoyable for me, as well as Billy Kametz who voiced Patrick.
this (https://youtu.be/HN2OkCu6FbE?si=jl7K8tILCYoheGCX) was pretty badass tho
https://youtu.be/7lnFgfhVW-E?si=RZ-EF-WN2vVDY8PS holy shit.
the unfortunate thing is
most of my responses to your reactions boil down to "welcome to the RE CGI-verse." like:
why tf does Leon look like he's at least 40??
i wish they gave Claire more screen time
why the hell did Jason kill Shen Mei? what was the point? why didn't Leon give a shit when she died?
all fall under that category LMAO
now, in terms of things i can respond to:
was the show purposely designed not to fit into the timeline in any way whatsoever a la "welcome to raccoon city"?
no. just because leon's character model looks bad doesn't mean that the story exists out of universe. it takes place in 06 and is part of the regular OG canon timeline. period.
what were they trying to set up with Claire and Leon's interactions?
the CGI-verse is the reason why a few true cleon diehards still hold onto hope that cleon will still somehow be endgame, but the fact of the matter is that leon and claire just have That Kind of Friendship. it goes nowhere; it's just how they are.
Shen Mei and Leon too. Leon asks her out and she declines. what was the point of that conversation? i'm just going to assume it's to show the locket with Jun See's picture in it. (were they trying to show how bitchless Leon is at least in this series?)
both explanations are correct. ID adds a new dimension to the running "OG Leon is a Fucking Slut Who Can't Actually Score" gag by making him an actual homewrecker this time around. but ultimately yes it was to show the locket.
what is gonna happen to that chip!?
nothing and you know it lmao
this (https://youtu.be/HN2OkCu6FbE?si=jl7K8tILCYoheGCX) was pretty badass tho
this is the best moment that OG leon has in the entire series and i'm not joking. it's not the best in the sense of "this is when he, as a person, is at his best." it's the best in the sense of "this is the only moment in the entire series where we get to see leon do his Actual Job and know what he Actually Does outside of outbreak incidents, and it serves to add more context and perspective to so many other facets of his character." i could write an entire fucking essay about this scene/moment. god.
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starxiasstuff · 1 year
I meant to post smth and finish it yesterday(i did but only one chara, it was long and honestly really cringy.)
It was a rq from @the-witch-of-one-piece who asked me to do kid scenes for tr charas, i did wakasa yesterday and left it to finish it later but rereading it made me cringe🤩
So im redoing it but with hcs instead
I hope you like it val and other luvs who stumble across this post.
How tr characters(mikey, kazutora, wakasa, chifuyu, sanzu, rindou, ran) would react to meeting their kid amd holding them for the first time<3
(Final time for every1 but mikey, sanzu, rindou and ran. Those three are gonna be in the bonten timeline cause why not)
<3-The only reason he’s alive is cause of you keeping together that tiny bit of sanity. But finding out that you’re gonna be the mother to his child just pulled at his heartstrings, he smiled HE FUCKING SMILED and took bonten out to drinks.
<3-he’s extra careful whenever he’s fighting(doesn’t wanna worry you in anyway)
<3-stayed by your side the whole when i say the whole i mean the whole time when you were in labour, and also when you were pushing.
(he did get really anxious atp but he couldn’t just leave his beautiful s/o and almost born child right there)
<3-after you were done pushing and gave birth he hugged you and cried a river, he has never felt so happy and so refreshed in years.
<3-he was scared to hold his baby cause his hands were rather rough and almost ice cold to the touch.
<3-So you decided to place a blanket over his hands, and carefully handed the kid onto his hands.
<3-when he felt comfortable with how the hold the baby and the posture he should be in, he cried his eyes out AGAIN he smiled and heck he even laughed, he has never felt that warm in years im telling you.
<3-he loves holding his kid sm that he wont let you unless he has(feeding, being changed and naptime)
Same as all my posts i’ll be back for an update every now and then
Bye bye luvs
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showtoonzfan · 2 years
(Last ask got cut off on my end, this isn't spam lol) What I was trying to say was, HB and HH get all this blind praise for its- really bad representation of LGBTQ+ characters. The only trans character is fetishized, yet Viv is treated like this hero for trans rep. Stolitz (the main gay ship) has the plot-line of a yaoi fanfic. Angel Dust (the supposed positive gay rep) is literally a walking stereotype of not just gay men, but sex workers as well. Alastor (the aro/ace 'rep') is just the classic serial killer who's too in love with himself to ever love anyone else. Not to mention the whole 'spooky-ooky voodoo' thing he has is straight up disrespectful to the religion. But ironically, the straight couple(s), including Moxxie and Millie AND Lilith and fucking Lucifer live this fairy-tale dreamworld and the only good rep from the show is literally from background characters or a one off character we'll probably never see again. Wanted to know how you think Stolitz should be re-worked (if it can be saved atp. It's hopeless as of now) Along with how you think Alastor can be good representation if the effort is put into him.
Agreed with everything here. So sorry for the late reply, just a message to all my followers real quick, keep in mind guys that if you send me something, I’ll get to you in time! I get a lot of asks, so it’s hard to keep track sometimes, but I haven’t forgotten you! 👍
Also yes, I do believe Stolitz can be saved, but of course things would need to change. Now I don’t mean on a rewriting standpoint, but I do mean just….moving forward. To make a long story short, what Stolas needs to do is get his shit together. He needs to acknowledge and FULLY own up to what he did, how badly he treated Blitz, and how he couldn’t make his daughter his priority. He was selfish, possessive, and toxic, and honestly he just needs to figure out what love IS because he clearly doesn’t know how to treat a partner. The show also really needs to start doing some actual GOOD storytelling, I want to see why exactly Stolas fell in love with Blitz, what impact he had on him, and why he pins onto him so much. The show failed at making me feel like Stolas felt any genuine feelings towards Blitz, and because of that I don’t even want the two together because there’s nothing to go OFF of, there’s just…no chemistry outside of them meeting once as kids, and then fucking, and that’s the major problem, but like I said, this can be saved, so long as Stolas admits his faults and actually WORKS to be better. On a realistic standpoint, Stolas should honestly just leave Blitz alone, figure things out for himself, tend to his family and take time alone, because I honestly don’t think he’s ready for a relationship, until he fixes himself. That’s why I would HOPE that from what we’ve seen in episode 1 of season 2, Stolas gives Blitz an Asmodeon crystal, and cuts ties with him until further notice. I would love this idea, it would show us the first step example of Stolas actually trying to better himself. And speaking of Blitz, he needs to do the same thing. Cut ties with Stolas, and get his shit together. The problem is just that both these characters are just horrible people who need to admit their faults and work on being better, THEN they should see if they’re able to be in a relationship. The problem is….that when it comes to how Blitz sees Stolas, the show through storytelling has done nothing but show that he doesn’t like him, and feels trapped, only screwing him for Lust and pity. It’s honestly safe to say that as a writer, Vivzie has fucked up multiple times when it comes to their relationship. Every time she has a chance to improve it, she makes it worse, and with season 2 episode 2 being the recent episode, it can only go further downhill from here. Again, there’s still a chance to improve this moving forward, but I feel like the only way to do that is for Stolas to just give Blitz the crystal and focus on himself for a bit.
As for Alastor, I’m going to be 100% honest, I don’t really think his asexuality needs to be explored in the show. Not that I have anything against that because I don’t, it’s just think that with a character like Alastor, is there really a need to explore it? With a writer like Vivzie, I personally always felt like she never had the intention to. I feel like her idea for his character was just that he was obsessed with himself and too focused on other things to be in a relationship, and that’s it, no double meaning regarding sexuality. It felt more like she labeled him as ace because she wanted representation points, when she easily could have said “he’s obsessed with himself because he’s a homicidal maniac serial killer” and just leave it at that, it would have made sense and I wouldn’t have batted an eye because it fits with his character. Meanwhile fans always made his asexuality a big deal and I never understood it. For a character like Angel, I get it, because he wasn’t allowed to be himself during the 40’s and is now openly gay in hell, but Alastor? Why would I care about this man being ace, who’s literally a serial killer that’s probably murdered thousands of souls and is one of the most feared beings in hell? Who’s also clearly mentally insane? I dunno, y’all can disagree with me on this, but this is just my opinion. People also call Al good ace representation and Lmao….no? Go look at Todd from Bojack Horseman, THAT’S good ace rep, Alastor only feels ace to me because he’s a dick who only likes himself. However please again keep in mind that these are my opinions, if you’re happy there’s an Ace character in the show, that’s 100% okay! As for Alastor and the voodoo stuff being disrespectful, I can’t really speak on this subject because I don’t have the proper knowledge, so I’m not saying I disagree, I just can’t speak on the subject lol.
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setsugekka · 1 year
SO THE TRUTH COMES OUT. Honestly with what he said to MC last chapter, I’m not really shocked. 

“You’re different. This is different. What you have, what exists between the two of you, is not at all like whatever this is—whatever this was, has been in the past.” Oh no babe I fear it’s not
DON’T GO BACK TO HIM - well I might as well be yelling at a rock atp huh.
Oooooo, she wants to leave yeosang for Hongjoong but that SCARES him a little, aha. Tells me he wasn’t quite anticipating her going THIS far in her obsession
“How early on in the hunt does a mouse know that it is prey? Perhaps depending on the aptitude of the predator—it never does. Not until it’s far, far too late.” Oh, this line is really great
Oh MC, she knows that she’s in too deep, doesn’t she, but she doesn’t WANT to get herself out.
“And what I want is to finally catch that big, big break.”
Aha, seonghwa and yunho in cahoots! AND FUCK, YEOSANG. FUCK. The truth is REALLY out now. I had my doubts that he’d ever find out, tbh. Like I said in my comment on the last chapter, is he the best person in the world? No. But man, I do feel for him.

oof. At least Hongjoong is honest? And MC finally admits it. She has no one to blame but herself. And there it is. She ends up with nothing. He leaves with everything.
Listen, I wasn’t really ROOTING for him to win, but in this case, Hongjoong really played his part perfectly didn’t he, your characters are so well written! Reading your fics adds a wonderful treat to my weeks - I stayed up 40 minutes past when I should’ve been in bed because I just HAD to know how it ended!!!Gorgeous as always, Melty, brava!!!
he really did spell it out for her near the end tbh but that level of conniving just goes to show that he already knew she was way, way too deep to be able to see it for what it was even if he were to flatly say it as he did 🤔 he caught her in his web big time. he knew she was a sucker, preyed on that, and knew the precise perfect moment to strike...she didn't stand a chance, really!
Oh MC, she knows that she’s in too deep, doesn’t she, but she doesn’t WANT to get herself out.
i guess there comes a point where she knows there's no good way out of this except for the fabricated one that she's created in her mind. the happily ever after with a guy that originally, she liked because he didn't want anything serious or intense the way that her husband did. how the turns have tabled—one has to imagine that deep down she knows that that's not actually realistic, but in the jaws of the beast already, what else are you meant to hope for?
it's sort of a twisted ending the way it all plays out, huh? i didn't want to end it off with yeosang never finding out, and i definitely wasn't going to give it the kind of happily ever after where he forgives her for all of this. i think in a way, this is the best possible ending—their marriage most likely over for a long time, this situation really only pulling the trigger on that!
I wasn’t really ROOTING for him to win, but in this case, Hongjoong really played his part perfectly didn’t he
he truly was a MASTERCLASS of playing his cards right, wasn't he? LMAO. i had so much fun writing him and her downfall at the hands of him. no remorse, and frankly even very little mind games. yes, he used sex as a distraction and leveraged it to the best of his ability but she was down for it, the entire time, even knowing that he very much wanted something from her. she made bad choices, that's really the long and short of it as far as her relations with hongjoong are concerned. he saw an opening and he took it.
THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! 💗💗💗i'm so happy to hear you enjoyed this wild, wild ride! it's been a fun one, for sure.
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emblazons · 3 months
(You can answer this as a Private Ask, if you want)
I agree with you about hiring one's partner who's not qualified. It's like the nepo baby convo in the entertainment industry: untalented actors are getting jobs because of their parent, leaving actually talented actors starving. And what the heck, a chef in architecture? I'm in IT, and if a chef was put into cybersecurity because their partner hired them, that would be disastrous. It'd be like having a less competent Snowden or something in your team. I hope you'll be okay in your job in the short-term; I just wanted to reach out to you after seeing your post because I work for a company where hiring family members is actually commonplace ☹️
lol its okay! And thanks for looking out~ I can answer it openly! I'll keep it vague haha (cut for length)
Honestly I'm not really concerned with my job being threatened atp, given I (transparently) run the entire department and have done such a good job they've given me two 8% raises in only the 2 years I've worked here. My main issues with this, outside of my general (extreme) distaste for nepotism (which is, tragically, super common in upper management at this company as well) are:
1) as far as I know, she's not qualified for the position (given her background and the needs of the role); she was solely hired because she's his wife, and is a "nice person" to have in the space
2) no one, including people who will actively work with/sometimes oversee things regarding the showroom manager (like me) was informed when this decision was made—I found out because we are mutuals on social media; and
3) There isn't even a delineated job description built for this role yet, which means she was hired solely on "vibes" and her relationship with my boss + his friends, and I (who is also hiring a marketing coordinator as we speak) don't even know where the relationship with this role starts and ends...even though the person there will spend quite literally 24/7 with my boss, and will expand as they see fit, rather than based on needs of the people who work re: the showroom.
Now, could this turn out to be just fine in the long run? Sure. I have no issue with her as an actual person (see: we are mutuals on social media lmao). My main issue is that no one thought through how absolutely insane a decision this is from a business perspective—or how it might affect the other departments (me and sales) who will regularly have to work with the person in this role.
Transparently: the same woman who was telling me about how excited she was to sleep with my boss on the kitchen floor when he works from home at a Christmas party is now not JUST my boss's chronicaly oversharing wife, but the underqualified person who I coordinate with to craft events with multi-million dollar magazines in our industry. That to me is batshit insane, if not highly distasteful.
I'm reserving judgment on how this might go in the long run, but I have already told HR plainly how I feel about this happening, and they understood (and related to) my issues with it, which was encouraging.
I just...yeah I'm annoyed as fuck and a little disappointed in my boss atp, which I'll have to work through lol. I get paid a lot of money and have a lot of freedom in this role though, so. While a point in the "I don't like this" corner is clear, its not enough to get me to quit lmao
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jayflrt · 6 months
56 years since i last sent an ask . hello jayflrt 🙏 caught up w the updates AND WHERE DO I START????? this is all over the place by the way.
first of all jayyn washington date ┬┬﹏┬┬ they're so cute god take away all their problems double them and give them to sungjin, yuna and whoever that client is 🙏 that washington trip definitely took a turn . . . for good i hope . AND HEEJAY R SO CUTE LIKE THEIR DRINKING SESSION TOGETHER? fuck romance we need their friendship to thrive ‼️ and hoon as well ^^ i know this is all for the major angst that's coming up INCLUDING ALL THE THINGS JAY'S TELLING YN ESP ABOUT HER BEING NICE TO BE AROUND AND ALL BUT HE'S ONLY WITH HER FOR HIS TASK u love to torture us. i am not ready for the angst if jayyn dont end up together i will end it all and pretend this smau never happened.
AND. the interviews. that the fuck r the questions i hope someone asked me what kind of tree i want to be during interviews 😭 btw i am asking u the same question. what type of tree would u want to be?? bc it's an interesting question nonetheless. PLUS the way i gasped when jay said he wanted to punch sunghoon....in front of sungjin. ok i kinda knew it won't end badly ( i could be wrong but jay wouldnt fuck up that easily i trust him. ) it was all so fun and games we have hoonyn back as friends, hee hoon r almost okay as well AND THEN YUNA? I THOUGHT WE WERE DONE WITH HER? look i dont blame her for being the way she is since it mostly roots back to his parents but she's making it everyone's problem rn :/ IT'S SO ANNOYING LIKE I SAW YUNA'S PIC ON THE TL TODAY AND I WAS LIKE 'GIRLLLLL WHY R U DOING THIS' THIS SMAU IS EATING MY BRAIN 😭😭😭😭😭
btw im sorry for literally sending an essay here. ur logic behind everything esp how u've written the secret society and the whole thing about why it's called order of kyrptos ++ is so so good im loving this so far :o i hope u have a good day ahead ^_^
omg the washington chapter was like the only break they were able to catch 🥲 and then shit hits the fan as soon as mc leaves!!!! like i'd take that flight right back atp 🚶‍♂️ LMAOAO heeseung is wearing the #1 jay supporter crown rn honestly they're a married couple in another life ! BUT YES UNFORTUNATELY THERE IS THE IMPENDING ANGST but i am a firm believer in happy endings don't worry
nah seriously enough with "where do you see yourself in 5 years" i'd like to be asked how i see myself as a tree. also i think i'd probably like to be a bonsai tree just so i can be pampered. or a redwood tree because those are HUGE and they must receive so many hugs 🫂 what do you think you would be 🫢 LMFAOO it definitely could've ended worse for jay but he clutched up so well with the sunghoon throwing up excuse. also unfortunately yuna's still around but she won't be as big a presence as she was in the first act 😩 but so true she's absolutely a product of her upbringing but that doesn't excuse how she acts out with her friends :// like enough!!! HAHAH thankfully yuna's so pretty and makes me short circuit to the point that whenever i see her pictures online my only thoughts are Omg she's so pretty 😭😭
omg no you're totally good i love reading + replying 🧎‍♀️ also thank you for reading my story !! it makes me so glad to hear that you're enjoying the plot so far <3
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anakinskywalkerog · 2 years
so yes she did send it out and the whole year group knows about everything i said now... not about machete, because of my quick thinking skills, (and because i said i liked someone else and thats very convenient) although...
"hey, sythe, is it true you get horny when you see machete boi and hope he gets hard?"
no, it's not good... like, at all
he was like "sythe... its a joke, sythe, its a joke - why do you think they actually even mean that? people just like gossip and you've given them enough for ages"
basically he's on a POV that yes what i did was wrong (sending stuff that i should have been more careful with) to someone else but no, everything that happened is not entirely my fault
there's stuff in that and now a bunch of my friends and i have fallen out over it and its turned chaotic very quickly - some of the friends who are still with me said that in my position they would have kts :(...
but guess who had an hour long argument with machete afterwards? (wasn't even entirely his fault either i was annoyed at him (mostly life but idc atp) and felt like arguing with him over everything thats happened)
the first thing he said to me was "well what the fuck did you write about me"
to be fair i opened with "what the fuck are you saying about me"
knowing full well he never did... well, actually, i take it back, i never HEARD that he did, but you never know what they say, am i right?
i confronted him asking why he just glares (i didnt say stares because he would have definitely said "what are you implying", anakin style) instead of asking me to tell him the truth and hes conveniently skipping on answering that question
maybe he jut doesnt want to talk about it
but on the bright side you know that saying, "a friend in need is a friend in deed"? now i know who my real friends are i guess
ugh yikes i’m sorry everything turned dramatic quickly. that’s high school for you 🤷‍♀️ but you are STRONG and WAY TOO GOOD FOR HIM so fuck him honestly. i’m glad some of your friends stuck with you.
always be careful of what you put in writing and where, i guess. but i will also say, there’s something to be said for owning your feelings. like what would be the worst thing, if you were like—“yeah, i’m attracted to you, but you haven’t been very nice to me, so i don’t feel like there’s anything romantic here”—you leave him stunned with your honesty and then you just walk away. feign confidence even if you don’t have it. that, or just stop talking to him honestly, is my advice 🤦‍♀️
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staysuki · 3 years
hello! i just realized I've been reading your smaus (that i didn't know you write because I'm dumb for reading fics and not looking at the author's name 😭 I'm so sorry 😭) anyway, I've been reading—excuse my rudeness once more for not remembering your fic titles, i really suck at memorizing 😭—that hyunjin and reader fic, that seungming and reader fic, and that one where reader kind of help solves the school problems (oh my gosh I'm so terrible at this 😭 I'm really sorry 😭)
I'm honestly kind of been seunming biased lately 😭 so when i read the hyunjin fic, i was like "fuck, seungmin hates me now" and sob during the whole read, until i remember it's a hyunjin x reader fic 😭😭😭😭 and it also happened with the skz x reader one 😭 i was like "no! fuck! secretary kim don't leave 😭" and then realize that reader could literally end up with anyone else 😭
don't get me wrong though, i love all your works 🥺💗 every read puts me on a whole roller coaster ride so I'm really attached with how you write the characters and their development 🥺💗 (please, I've been sobbing so hard because of the hyunjin fic 😭 i just want candy and choco interactions back ffs 😭)
also, really excited for the season 3 of the skz x reader one (fuck, I'm really sorry for not doing well in memorizing the au titles 😭 I'll do better next time, i promise 😭) I've been really anticipating the 3rd season 🥺💗 so i hope it comes around soon 🥰
all of that aside, i do wish that you don't push yourself hard that you'll get exhausted. resting is really important! 😾 i also know that you have a life outside being a fic writer—i would know since i also write 🥴—so make sure you take time off. you don't have to always upload on time 🥺 just make sure to stay hydrated and safe and healthy 🥺🥰💗
(I'll appoint myself as 😿 anon because i feel like i might send anons in the future—that is if it's not taken 😭)
LMAOOO WHY IS THIS SO FUNNY PLS 💀💀. no need to apologize at all, i actually have the same problem from when i was a mere reader in this app— i feel bad so i also did my best to send some anon love to my fave writers once i started getting used to how this place works~ but dw, i totally understand, no need to keep apologizing, it is very funny 💀
maybe it'll help you better using the acronyms? SLC is the current hyunjin one. YHAM was the finished seungmin one. and EHALOJ is the skz ot8 one~ though idk, maybe random letters aren't the best to memorize either 🤡
you seem to be very tormented with the current state of all of my seungmin characters—i get ya, i get ya. tho tbf, i am doing that on purpose 😈😈😈. i'm also seungmin biased as well, maybe why he gets a ton of suffering, i'm a tough-lover after all 🤪. but i'm glad that you're very attached with the current state of things~ every chapter is indeed a rollercoaster, i'm actually very dizzy myself but hey, the ride soon becomes over as well so we'll see what happens in the end~
season 3 is not until mid-2022 so half a year of waiting to go~ but yk, i have a long supply of other fics and smaus that i want to go through so the page won't be dry~ i have a list of my current writing plan in #ashnnouncement ! i give updates from time to time. but all in all just wanna take a break from EHALOJ.
and ofc 😮‍💨 i've had plenty of rest recently. i like making smaus anyways. and jshwjshw please, my "update on time" is the least consistent thing ever 💀 don't worry about it. i think atp, people don't expect a proper update schedule in this blog anymore. it's either i upload 5 times a day or i disappear for a week.
but welcome to the family 😿anon! so happy to have you here uwu
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aaaaand hello everyone, we’re back to our regularly scheduled programming, welcome to yet another episode of 'and that's what you missed on professional tennis players being dumb' (laver cup drama recap coming soon i promise)
- The week following Laver Cup was absolutely wild; Nick got (kind of, but not really) banned from playing tennis, Rafa was legit walking around completely decked out in LC merch for days, Sascha (*a TEAM8 social media intern about to be fired) followed Stefanos on instagram, then Sascha (*actually him) unfollowed Stefanos on instagram
- Of course, we also had Roger confirming in an interview that Rafa is his boyfriend- Sorry, I mean, Roger used the French word for friend, 'copain’, which what do you know, is widely understood to mean boyfriend, when talking about Rafa in an interview. Yep, that’s an actual thing that happened. He’s truly out of control.
- Lots of singles players got involved in doubles nonsense, most notably Sascha teaming up with Isner for some reason (if that never ever happens ever again, it’ll be too fucking soon), and Daniil randomly deciding to come for Stefanos’s ex (To be continued...? 👀)
- Shanghai started out with truly iconic scenes, courtesy of everyone's favourite hateable Italian and our one and only Sir Andy (he really is back™)
- It turns out that Roger is completely useless at parenting their 3 adopted disaster children when Rafa is not there
- Marin Cilic and Andreas Seppi almost had a baby together
- Shockingly, after Stefanos beat Sascha in Beijing the week before (highlight of that anxiety-ridden clusterfuck of a must-watch match), they actually willingly practised together in Shanghai, but that's not all, because according to Sascha’s completely unprompted ramblings, they got a “little bit closer” at Laver Cup and are now “having a good relationship”, which frankly, left me absolutely fucking deceased
- Their enemies-to-lovers practice session did deliver though, because Stefanos was officially adopted into the Fedal family when he defeated Djokovic in the QFs, guaranteeing Rafa’s return to no. 1 in a few weeks (and therefore making sure Djokovic doesn’t get any closer to Roger’s record of 310 weeks at no. 1)
- We had the next edition of ‘tall, blonde next gen player breaks his shoelaces before match even starts’, but surprise! It was Sascha ! If that's not proof that him and Stefanos are soulmates, then I don't know what is. Andrey on the other side of the net clearly thought so too (I can spot a Saschanos shipper when I see one), but then not very nicely Sascha took revenge on him with a bagel for laughing at him: 6-0 7-6 :(
- Marcelo almost died of hysterical laughter when Kubi was hit in the dick by a ball on court, and very helpfully stood next to him, watching him suffer as he lay on the ground in agony
- Then Fedverev happened and OH THE DRAMA !! If you only ever watch one tennis match in your life, make it this one. There was clowning, loads of anxiety, "code violation, unsportsmanlike conduct, point penalty, Mr Federer" (fucking wild ??), butterfly-talk and so much more. We just hope Rafa survived okay watching it, back home in Mallorca.
- It's impossible to stay mad at Sascha for besting him though, and Roger is not immune to his charms either: he immediately said some adorable dad-things about him, as expected.
- Another positive outcome was that we can keep enjoying the fact that Fedal have both won exactly 381 Masters matches in their career #couplesgoals
- The Colombian lads casually bagelled the American servebots to everyone’s immense pleasure, so we had that going for us too
- Meanwhile Stefanos fell victim to Daniil ‘Bullshit Russian’ Medvedev for the 5th consecutive time, and in true Stefanos-style claimed that the reason for that was simply because playing him is #boring
- The media turned to our resident Stefanos-nonsense expert for comment, and Sascha pretty much just said, ‘I want to have nothing to do with this, but also Stefanos is wrong as usual.’ He did seem very exasperatedly fond when he heard about it though.
- Daniil, after having just won his 6 millionth tournament of the season (he actually genuinely smiled this time, but probably only because of Sascha being cute), didn't take kindly to the whole being boring thing however, and as it turns out he hate-watched Stefanos's last few vlogs in retaliation #newsubscriber
- Meanwhile everyone was baffled at why Isner of all people was at an UNIQLO exho, but Roger beat him in spectacular fashion, so we quickly got over that
- The ace on match point was a bit of an overkill though and brought back some unwanted W*mbledon memories, but to be fair, we're used to having war flashbacks about those two championship points by now
- For a glorious couple hours, the ATP’s Race to London ranking page was showing Rafa at a joint 15th place (with FAA), with zero points, but as qualified for London. That’s just how much of a legend he simply is.
- Stefanos’s social media break was never really a proper thing, but I’m happy to announce that we're back to full-speed; we got some philosophical, emo insta posts, and also a new vlog, in which he advises us to eat our rice, and proceeds to wander around Shanghai alone and unsupervised, non-stop blabbering about his iPhone. Good to have you back, Stef 💕
- In tragic #hairupdate news, Domi got rid of all his floof (which understandably had people near-suicidal), even more upsetting: David did the same thing (honestly, just wtf), then in our new #facialhairupdate sub-segment: it turns out Stefanos is growing his beard out because he doesn’t want to look too similar to Sascha, which is fair enough; it must get awkward when you go on a date with your boyfriend and people mistake you for brothers
- Kei in glasses happened though, thank you Naomi <3
- I also feel like Patrick McEnroe had some spectacularly incorrect takes to offer on something next gen related at some point, but I can’t actually remember what, so let’s just leave it at that
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feralraearc · 2 years
I freaking hate that almost half of the eddie munson fandom moved on so fast its so annoying 😤 thats not even mentioning the ones that got upset at the cosplayers having fun at conventions singing along metalica and having fun being eddie and decided its "cringe now" naaah ur attitude is the "cringe" one my guy. Ur one of my fav eddie munson blogs i hope you dont leave like half of them :/
AWWWWW ! thank you, you made my day ! i'll be here as long as my hyperfixation lasts honestly ! and i truly, TRULY do not get that kind of attitude ? when we know that eddie is like, the biggest NERD ever ? have we been watching the same show ??? the way he gets so excited when he plays DND in the first episode, like, he's so into it, and i relate A LOT to him because of that. ALSO "cringe culture", as a concept, needs to fucking die ATP. life is way too fucking short to worry about that kind of shit. and it can be soul-crushing at times, to be made fun of just because of what you like, and how much you like it. i know, i've been there. all my fucking life. to be shamed for what you like is so fucking awful and shitty like: LIVE AND LET LIVE. they're not hurting anyone, they're not hurting you, let people enjoy what they enjoy the way they want to enjoy it. nobody cares what you think, boo. (i'm talking to the people calling other people cringe, it's probably obvious but i don't want to come off as rude dkzodozdkzod)
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woozi · 2 years
yza <3 im so sorry for vanishing like that 😭 my phone's not doing well so it's hard to open tumblr. all the gif posts hang my phone and kick me out of the app 😭 i missed you sm
darling is so cute i love it really, the choreo is even cuter 😭 them hips wiggling shua and woozi do it the best i'm obsessed!!
the song is nice like it's not wow kind but still very cute and enjoyabe ( AND IU'S VERSION OF IT? GOD BLESS I LOVED THAT ) how was the overall cb for you? <3
from the solo trailers till the music show promo end, i enjoyed everything. so nice to see boys perform infront of carats 🥺
the way this was everyone's era <3 all of them shined equally in performances, songs etc the nose ring. anyway- hdjfdk 💀 okay but i genuinely meant when i said this was really everyone's era 😭😭 i swear
the songs are great too! i love them (except maybe ash jdjdkd) im so so obsessed with don quixote (and wonu co-wrote it 😭)
don quixote, 'bout you, hot, if you leave me, shadow, domino, march. i liked them all but this my current ranking hddjdj
if you leave me's lyric are so 💔🥺. wish they performed it or don quixote on dingo music </3
the music video is so fking cool tho? and watching pd's (the form of therapy youtube channel's) review i got to appreciate it even more
ALSO ALSO OH MY GOD 😭💔 STILL CRYING ABOUT IT, GOT7 ALBUM OH GOD 😭 they really did that im so so happy for them and proud yza 😭 not only did they come back, they came back with a banger 🔥 hopefully ppl will stop asking them about d*sbandnent. how was the experience for you?
we're not only infjs but also birthday month twins _+$+$($) love that for us honestly!
i'm doing good except i need some new gadgets dhjdkd i hope you're doing well 🥺💚💙 i missed you so much, take care yza 🥺 thank you for hanging out with me even tho i keep vanishing, will try to not vanish 😭😭😭
I MISSED U SM??????????????????? + omg no need to be sorry at all >:( also i relate sm JKHSDFJHKFDS my old ass phone crashes on every single app atp
PLEASE???????????????????? when i saw that part i just about fainted 😭 jihoon's rarely cute but when he's doing cute things... pain... REAL pain
ALSO AGREED W MY WHOLE CHEST?????????????? thats exactly how i described darling to my friends too dsjfdsjkfh she's not bad, and she has really served her purpose she's just not titty dropping yk <3 also sumn abt songs of this genre suit iu sm!!!!!! it sounds even more light when she sings it its v enjoyable. I LOOOVE what the boys have been doing, ion think i've ever been this overwhelmed with content tbh JDSFHJSDFSD but i'm not able to maximize it bc they always have cbs during finals season for me djfhsdkjfh but i can always catch up its nbd <3 how about uuu?
i was just gonna ask how u were finding this cb + ur rankings for the songs since i usually reply paragraph per paragraph without reading the whole thing yet AND I LOVE HOW U JUST MENTIONED EM DSJFHSDJKFH
AND SO TRUE???????????????? i really love how everyone had a chance to shine, esp members who dont get as much attention as the others (china line, dino). NOT THE WONWOORIDEUL JUMPING OUT???????????????????? 😭😭😭 i am surrounded by wonu girlies huh
also sOO valid of u <3 ash really isnt for everyone (esp w the amt of autotune and just… heavy semi-4th gen style in it), but she is my baby 🤩 (bc of the jihoon and ww chorus tbh) ALSO LOVE HOW BOUT YOU RANKS SO HIGH???
i bet thats another crier during cons....... its gonna make its smile flower moment tbh
AND YEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! especially love the aspect ratio changes + 3d illusions that is sooo fucking hard to do and takes sm time... not to mention the transitions and illustrations on there??????? and omg so many people have been watching that vid maybe i should too 👁
AND I KNOW????????????? PLEASE, NOW EVERYONE WANTS TO PULL A GOT7 AFTER VIRTUALLY SHITTING ON THEM THEIR WHOLE CAREER 😭 it really is next to impossible and i respect them sm for even pulling it off (+ jb doing all that fucking paperwork??? mustve been literal hell) its SUUUCH a different experience too when u just love a group who u can just TELL loves e/o vm. AND I HAVENT SEEN BIRDIEBLR THAT ALIVE IN YEARS???????????????? we got more content than we have in their whole career in that 1 week tbh (also just in general after they left jype lmfao)
PLS??????????????? matchy matchy 😋
mood tbh 😭 manifesting those new gadgets for us </3 AND NOOOOOOO, i dont mind at all tbh. didnt even get a tiny bit upset bc i totally understand <3 and if its any comfort to u i have unintentionally disappeared from my friends for a month just last month JKDFHJSDFHS AND THESE ARE MY IRL CHILDHOOD BESTIES I’D RIDE OR DIE FOR 😭😭😭 also worst yza moment i disappeared on them irl for 2 years with no explanation i am the absolute WORST JKFDHJD SO PLSSSSSSS!! don’t feel bad at all i def get what u mean <3 i’m grateful u even spend time w me!! that being said ty for hanging out w me and i hope the rest of ur day/week is very sexie <3 MWAH
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Mother Knows Best
Author’s notes: Another SpeedDemon fic? Say it ain’t so. I’m kidding. Can’t remember why I decided to write this aside from causing my bestie @girlwonder123x some pain (love you!). I also reference a few stories on @dctinytitans so you should totally check them out! (next Fic is gonna be a Lian Harper fic)
Rating: M for swearing and violence.
Words: 4606
         “Ok, lightning bug,” Irey reaches into her daughter’s crib,” Mama’s here. I gotcha.”
         Irey speaks softly, mostly about nothing, as she changes the five-month-old. Asha looks up at her mother, looking every bit like her father except for those dazzling green eyes, babbling and gurgling to herself. Irey smiles. She tickles the little girl, filling the room with giggles,” Someone’s in a good mood. You wanna see if Baba’s up? Huh? You wanna talk to Baba?”
         Asha snuggles up to her mother as they go to the living room. Irey makes a list of things she needs to do as she settles on the couch, pulling her nursing bra to the side. Asha latches on easily, long lashes fluttering shut. Irey looks down at her daughter with so much love. Breastfeeding is one of the things she’s loved most about being a mom. The health benefits and science behind it she loves, but being able to hold her baby, bonding with her this way is something she will never take for granted. After all, It’s something she never thought she would get.
         When Irey and her twin brother, Jai, were 13, they’d been told that they have a very low chance of ever having kids. This was due to the stress their powers put on their bodies, as they had to produce more ATP and there had been more science babble that Irey heard but didn’t process. At 13, she knew at some point she wanted a family, but not now. It didn’t really hit her until she was 17 and she had been dating Damian a while. They’d been cuddling on her bed, talking about nothing in particular. It just hit her how much she wanted to grow old and have a family with him. And how that might not happen.
         When Irey found out she was pregnant, she straight up called her doctor a liar. He did three different pregnancy tests, two in front of her face. She still couldn’t believe it. It wasn’t until that first ultrasound, where she heard Asha’s heartbeat for the first time, that it hit her. She was having a baby. The baby now nestled in her arms, contently nursing.
         Irey takes another minute to just be with her daughter before grabbing her communicator. She can’t exactly call Damian’s cell phone, but the process of getting in touch with him on the communicators is a pain in the ass. She has to request it, hope to whatever is out there that he’s available to talk and has service, and, even then, it’s not like they can really talk because it’s being recorded. Irey rolls her eyes as she selects Robin V (His brothers and Steph don’t even use the damn names anymore) and waits, her eyes drifting around the room. She smiles at a picture on the mantle. Damian and Irey are maybe 11 and curled up together in an oversized armchair. They were in the Wayne Manor library. Damian’s arm had found its way around her, holding her loosely. Irey, on the other hand, had both arms around his waist and her face practically buried in his neck, cuddling him like he was a teddy bear. You’d never know two seconds later he was punching Dick in the face.
         That had been the day they met. Her dad needed to talk to Dick (who she has long since stopped calling Uncle Dick because it was too weird) about something, and Damian was saddled with her. Damian had been an asshole towards her. He’s the first to admit it, but things got better as the day went on. He’d gotten her a rose from the garden after finding her crying there. He ended up reading Hamlet to her. Irey, to this day, still has no idea how they ended up cuddling in the photo. She just remembers feeling warm and Damian’s smooth voice reading the words she doesn’t quite understand.
         “Hello, my beautiful flower,” Irey looks at her communicator’s screen. Her heart soars at the sight of Damian. He looks like hell. Dark hair messy, dirt and sweat cover his face, showing her where his mask had been, a bruise starting to form on his cheek up towards his forehead. Irey beams, thinking he’s never looked more handsome.
         “Hey, babe,” Irey adjusts herself as Asha finishes feeding,” We miss you.”
         “Miss you too. I don’t like being away from my girls,” Damian smiles,” How are you?”
         “Well, not tracking a drug cartel in Guatemala, but I can’t complain,” Irey points the camera at Asha. The baby squeals at her father’s image, stretching her little fists out for him,” I think Asha misses her baba.”
         “Hi, Hayati,” Damian coos to his daughter,” I miss you so much. Baba loves you and can’t wait to see you tonight.”
         “Tonight?” Irey points the communicator back at her,” You all finished already?”
         “It’s been a week, Nuri,” he points out.
         “You’re working with Lian, Gar, and Bart. Forgive me for thinking the mission would last longer,” She teases. Damian smirks.
         “Why do you think I’m leading the team?” Irey snorts at this,” No, we finished yesterday. Father said to stick around til tonight, see if any more news comes our way. Then they’ll zeta us home.
         “I can’t wait to see you,” Irey gives him a smirk that sends a jolt of electricity down his spine,” I miss my fiancé. The bed is too big and cold without you.”
         “I’m sure we can warm it up,” Damian assures her with a wink,” Honestly, as much as I love you, Irey, it’s taken everything for me to not murder Bart. I can’t believe he’s related to you.”
         “I usually chalk it up to a future thing and leave it at that. Besides, your family isn’t much better.” Irey stands up, getting Asha a bottle of formula. Poor baby has her mother’s overactive metabolism. Irey sets the communicator on the counter, so she can still talk to him.
         “Fair enough,” Damian chuckles,” What do you two have planned for today?”
         Irey looks down at Asha, speaking in her baby voice,” Well, when it’s not 2:34 in the morning, Mama and Asha are going to get breakfast with Uncle Jai-Jai. Then we have to go to the doctor to get weighed. And if we’re still in a good mood, we’re gonna go grocery shopping and get yummy things to try; like bananas and strawberries and-“
         “You know,” A cool voice behind her interrupts,” If you speak to her like that, your daughter will grow up to be dimwitted.”
         Irey drops the bottle in her hand, whipping around. A woman looks at her. Dark brown hair, green eyes, caramel skin. Irey adjusts her grip on Asha, holding her as close to her chest as she can,” Talia.”
         “Irey?” Damian’s voice calls out. Irey uses a very tiny portion of her speed to grab the communicator so Damian can see her. She doesn’t dare use anymore or got too far, in fear of hurting Asha. Irey gasps when a dart hits her arm, barely missing her baby,” IREY?!”
         “Hello, my son,” Talia says coolly. Irey isn’t sure who recoils more at the words- her or Damian.
         “Damian,” Irey’s voice is firm,” I need you to hang up- “
         “N- “
         “Hang up and call the league.” Irey barks, not taking her eyes off of Talia. She feels different, slower. Whatever was in that dart must be neutralizing her powers. She growls,” What do you want?”
         “Can’t a grandmother come to see her granddaughter?” Talia moves towards her. Irey steps back, keeping her grip on Asha tight.
         “Stay. The. Hell. Away. From. My. Baby.” Irey spits. Talia smirks and it takes everything for Irey not to think of how much it looks like Damian’s.
         “You don’t scare me, speedster.”
         “I might not be scary, but I can be pretty fucking ruthless when it comes to my daughter’s safety.” Damian’s still watching, unable to move.
         “Who said it’s her safety you need to worry about?” Irey doesn’t have time to react as Talia pulls out a gun and fires at her. Just before Damian’s feed cuts out, he hears a crash and Asha crying…
         Dick, Jason, Cass, and Tim are silent as they enter their little brother’s apartment. Normally, they would stop to look at some of the pictures on the wall, as Irey likes to switch them out. Now they stop because of the blood splatter on the wall and the trail on the floor. Jason kneels beside a streak and mouths fresh. While Cass and Tim clear the living room and kitchen, Jason and Dick check down the hall. They open doors along the way, waiting for someone to jump out at them. Nothing. They check the master bedroom, finding nothing but an unmade bed and a pile of laundry. The men jump at the sharp cry that comes from the only room yet to be cleared.
         Cass and Tim meet them outside Asha’s room. Cass mouths Home clear. They nod. Dick throws the door open. Asha wails from her crib, holding onto the railing. While the other three check the room, Dick picks up his niece,” Hey, hey, hey. You’re ok. I got you, pretty girl, I got you.”
         “Dick.” Tim flips on the light. The front of Asha’s purple pajamas is covered in blood. Tears cut trails in the splatters on her cheeks.
         “Jesus fucking Christ,” Jason picks up a note in her crib. SAVE MY MOMMY in crisp feminine letters. The siblings exchange a knowing glance. This wasn’t good. Dick bounces Asha, trying to calm her, as Jason grumbles,” Wally’s gonna blow a gasket. Damian’s gonna blow a gasket.”
         “Baby,” Cass holds her arms out to Dick,” Give me baby.”
         Dick gently passes Asha to Cass. The dancer moves around the room in quick, sharp steps. The same pattern over and over. Most babies would hate the movement. Most babies don’t have Irey West for a mother. Asha’s cries fade to hiccups as she rests in her aunt’s arms, looking around for her mother or father.
         “We need to get her somewhere safe,” Tim says. Dick nods, already grabbing the prepacked diaper bag that Irey kept on the rocking chair. He opens her drawers, looking for something warm for the baby to wear in the cold December night.
         “So…who wants to tell Damian his fiancée and the mother of his child has been kidnapped by his mother?” Jason asks. No one answers him. No one wants to answer.
         After making sure Asha is secured to Jason’s chest with three separate straps and bundled up as warm as possible, the group heads towards the Batcave. It takes almost an hour to get there as Jason avoids any rough roads. Asha sleeps the whole way. They head Damian screaming the minute they ride into the cave.
         “WHERE ARE THEY?!” He roars at Bruce, Clark, and Diana,” WHERE’S MY FAMILY?!”
         “Damian, you need to calm down,” Bruce’s voice is firm and even.
         Asha wakes up at the sounds of her father’s shouts. She wriggles against her uncle, not wanting him anymore. Jason quickly unhooks her.
         “Damian-“Dick begins.
         “WHAT?!” Damian whips around. Everyone, everyone, watches his shoulders relax and his eyes soften. They hear the breath he releases at the sight of his daughter. Asha holds her arms out to him, babbling and cooing. Damian runs to Jason, cape flying up behind him, and taking her from him. He holds her tight, kissing her dark curls over and over and over,” I’m here. Daddy’s here. You’re safe. I got you. Daddy’s got you. I got you.”
         He holds her tight, just reminding himself that she’s here and alive and safe. But then he takes a closer look. Little bits of blood still fleck her cheeks and neck. His heart stops,” Where’s Irey?”
         None of his siblings answer him. Dick is the only one to meet his eyes. Instead of answering, he hands his little brother the evidence bag with the note inside. As quickly as his demeanor had changed when he saw Asha, it changes again. All the light fades from his eyes and his face grow tight. Asha gurgles in her father’s arms, typically something that would make him smile at her. This time he doesn’t react. He doesn’t look at his daughter, instead handing her to Dick. Asha’s confused as her father walks away. She starts crying. Damian doesn’t react.
         “Where are you going?” Dick asks, trying to calm Asha. The baby cries harder, stretching her arms out for Damian.
         “To find Irey,” Damian, without a second thought, hops onto his old motorcycle. He rides away before anyone can say anything to him.  
         Irey grits her teeth as the pain courses through her body. She won’t scream. Talia doesn’t get to hear her scream. Instead, Irey pulls on her chains. Why the fuck a church has a dungeon she’s not sure. Talia nods at her henchman, who cuts the electricity off. Irey releases a sharp breath.
         “I’m impressed,” Talia says, looking at Irey like a piece of meat,” I didn’t think you’d last this long.”
         “Fuck. You.” Irey growls. Her hair falls over her shoulders and into her eyes.
         Talia ignores this,” I suppose my son wouldn’t be attracted to someone weak. Though I still don’t see why he would choose you.”
         “Because I actually love him,” Irey doesn’t care if Talia knows it,” I love him and I love who he is- “
         “You stupid girl, you don’t know who he is- “
         “I know who you tried to turn him into. A cold-blooded killer who would never love anyone. Never let anyone in. And guess what, bitch? That isn’t Damian.” Irey can’t stop the cry of pain as Talia turns the electricity on again. Irey can tolerate more than a normal human, thank you speed force, but her muscles tighten until it feels like they’re ripping. She’s breathing heavily as the power cuts off.
         “I know my son better than some whore.” Talia’s words sting, but Irey meets her eyes.
         “I’m not a whore. I’m the love of his life, the mother of his child-“
         “A bastard-“
         “Just like her father.” Irey hates saying it, but technically it’s true,” But until her father, Asha will have a mother who loves her. Who will protect her. Who won’t ever use her like she’s just a pawn in a bigger game.”
         Talia slaps her across the face. Irey looks back at the older woman’s eyes, refusing to back down,” You think you scare me, bitch? I’m Irey West. I’ve been doing this shit since I was 10. There’s nothing you can do to me that I haven’t already been through.”
         “Maybe not you,” Talia’s fingernails dig into Irey’s cheeks,” But there’s a little girl I can still hurt.”
         Irey doesn’t recognize her voice through the anger and venom,” If you touch my daughter, I’ll shove my hand through your heart.”
         “My dear, there isn’t anything you can do to stop me-“
         “But there’s plenty I can do.” Both women look up. Damian stands in the doorway, blood on his uniform and his unsheathed katana. Irey relaxes at the sight of him,” Get away from her.”
         “Get him!” Talia shouts at the henchmen. Irey watches in horror as they attack Damian. But then she sees the cold look in his eyes. No.
         Damian doesn’t hesitate to kill the men, slicing them down as if they are inconveniences. No mercy, no pausing. Just killing. It’s just her, Talia, and Damian a minute later. Talia seems shocked,” I thought you weren’t supposed to kill.”
         “Doesn’t mean I can’t. I will say this one more time. Get. Away. From. Irey.” He snarls. Talia looks between Irey and Damian. Reaching into her pocket, she holds up a switch.
         “Unless I walk out of here, Asha will never see her mother again.” Damian looks between his mother and Irey. Irey can see some light come back into his eyes, see her Damian returning.
         “I won’t hurt you,” Damian sheathes his katana. He slowly moves towards them. Talia backs away towards another door. Just as Damian reaches Irey, Talia flips the switch. Irey screams at the top of her lungs, her back arching and every nerve flaring in pain.
         She sees snippets of her life pass before her eyes. She’s helping her mom make pancakes. Her dad is reading Lord of the Rings to her and Jai. She’s learning to throw lightning. She’s jumping around her room. She’s dancing in her underwear. She’s kissing Damian for the first time, his hands on her waist, the rain hitting their skin. Lian is shouting in her ear as something explodes. Mar’i’s teaching her how to make a Tamaranian dish. Jon’s telling her about an article he’s working on. Damian’s pressing kisses to her skin, telling her how beautiful she is. She’s holding Asha for the first time. Damian is down on one knee, asking her to be his forever.
         The pain cuts off and Irey slumps forward. Everything hurts. Her lungs feel like they’ve been fried. Her vision is blurry. Damian is at her chains. He picks the locks with ease and grabs her before she can fall to the ground. She can hear his heart beating. She can feel his arms shaking.
         “Irey…” She nearly sobs at the gentle way he says her name. She looks up at him.
         “Let’s go home.” She whispers. He nods. Damian removes his cape, wrapping it around her. She doesn’t bother reminding him that she doesn’t get cold. Irey lets him pick her up, breathing in his scent. Underneath the sweat and dirt, she picks up the traces of his cinnamon cologne. This is her Damian. He’s hers. She just has to remind him of that.
         Irey winces as Alfred dresses her shoulder. Whatever the dart had in it has yet to wear off. At least she has a cool new scar to show off.
         “I’m sorry, Miss Irey. Shouldn’t be much longer,” He assures her. Irey gives him a pained smile.
         “Would you believe me if I said giving birth to Asha with no painkillers hurt less than tonight?”
         “Miss Irey, you’ve sparred with Miss Mar’i before. I don’t doubt that you’ve faced worse pain in your life.” Irey laughs at this, then grabs her ribs,” Master Damian seems to be in a better mood.”
         “I saw him, Alfred. He went back to who he was before. Jason told me…He told me Asha was crying and Damian walked away from her.” Alfred finishes wrapping her shoulder.
         “Miss Irey, there are very few things in this world that we can change. Who Master Damian was before coming here is one of them.” Irey looks down,” However, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen him act like that.”
         “Yes. I believe the last time he gave into the darkness was about 5 years ago. After Miss Mar’i was nearly killed by her aunt.” For some reason this makes her feel a little better,” Miss Irey, if I may, Master Damian will never be free of those demons. No matter how much you might want to believe he could be, they are still there.”
         “I don’t know how to help him, Alfred.” She looks at the old butler,” I’m going to be his wife-“
         “Which means you, more than anyone else, have the privilege of knocking sense into his thick skull. Not an easy task as I’m sure you are aware of.”
         Irey laughs at this, ignoring the pain it causes her,” What would this family have done without you, Alfred Pennyworth?”
         “I do not believe the family would be as whole as they are. And a few of them would be missing limbs.” Irey laughs again. There’s a soft knock on the door,” It’s open.”
         Damian enters, holding a now sleeping Asha. He smiles at Irey. Irey sees his family at the doorway. She looks Alfred,” Can we have the room for a minute?”
         “Of course.” Alfred gathers his things and shoos the other’s away from the door. Damian sits on the bed with her.
         “How much trouble am I in?” He asks in Arabic. Both of them knew his family was probably listening right outside the door, but none of them spoke Arabic. Irey had learned it after they were dating.
         “Do you want me to answer honestly or sugar coat it?”
         “Damian, you shut down. They told me Asha was crying, crying for you, and you ignored her. Not once, in her entire life, have you done that.” Irey looks down at their sleeping daughter. Asha’s curls are damp from her usual night sweats. She sucks on a baby bottle top. She’s content in her father’s arms,” I know what happened scared you. It scared me too. But things like this will happen in the future.”
         “You don’t know that-“
         “I know we both agreed that we would continue to be heroes. To set an example for Asha. To make the world a better, safer place for her to grow up in.”
         “How could it be a better place for her to grow up in if her mother isn’t there? How can I look our beautiful little girl in the eyes and promise I will never let anything bad happen to her when I couldn’t protect you? How can I possibly look her in the eyes if I have to tell her she will never hear you sing her to sleep or hold her or tell her you love her?”
         “Baby, I know you are scared. I don’t know what I would do if you died and I had to raise Asha by myself. But that’s not what I’m worried about. I’m worried you will take all that hurt and anger and sadness and you’ll shut her out. You can’t do that. Not to Asha.”
         “Irey- “
         “I mean it, Damian. You cannot ignore Asha. No matter how much you are hurting. No matter how much you miss me. Asha needs you. She needs her father. She needs you to be there to wipe her tears away, patch up her skinned knees, fix her broken heart. She needs you to tell her stories about our old missions and how we fell in love. About the song you sang to me when you told me you had a crush on me. About our first kiss in the rain and the horrible head colds we had afterward. She needs you to chase the monsters away. She needs her daddy, especially if Mommy can’t be there.”
         Damian gives her a sad look,” I hate that my mother hurt you.”
         “Babe.” Irey kisses him. It’s soft and sad and longing,” What happened is not your fault. It’s hers. Only hers. You are not like her.”
         Damian tucks a strand of her fiery hair behind her ear,” I love you, Irey West. You are half my heart.”
         “I wonder who the other half is,” Irey presses a kiss to Asha’s forehead.
         “HAVE YOU TWO MADE UP YET?!” Jason yells. Irey laughs and Damian rolls his eyes.
         “Come on in, you guys,” Irey calls out. His family piles into the room. Damian scoots on the bed so he’s sitting beside her.
         “So the wedding still on?” Jason asks.
         “Todd, I swear to god-“
         “Actually,” Irey turns to Damian,” Can I see your ring?”
         Damian frowns, but hands over the obsidian engagement ring she’d given him two months ago. Irey’s own ring was at home. Irey turns to face him, holding one of his hands. Her eyes meet his, filled with love and awe,” Damian Wayne-Al Ghul, you are an impulsive man. You can be short tempered, bitter, broody-“
         “Have I mentioned how much I love this girl?” Jason asks. Dick shushes him.
         “There are a million things about you that I should hate. But I don’t. I don’t hate them, even though everyone keeps telling me I should.” Irey’s green eyes sparkle,” I meant what I said the first time I proposed. I’ve loved you since the day we met. You are my best friend, my rock, my confidant, my lightning rod. You have made me feel so beautiful and powerful and strong. Even though your mom is literally the worst mother-in-law ever, I still want to be your wife.”
         Damian beams at her. Irey holds up the ring and asks,” So, Damian Wayne-Al Ghul, do you still want to be my husband?”
         “Of course,” Damian laughs,” I have backed out yet.”
         Irey laughs and slips his ring back on,” Good because it would have been really awkward if you told me no in front of your family.”
         “We would have had to kick your ass,” Tim informs his little brother.
         “I think you mean try,” Irey says.
         “You have to take his side- “
         “Actually,” Irey turns to face the Batfam,” I decided to calculate who wins more often in a fight by reviewing old footage. Damian wins his fights against Tim 68% of the time, Jason 54%, Dick 77% of the time, and Cass 49.5% of the time. This means his odds of kicking your asses is about 62.125%”
         Damian grins at his brothers’ and sister’s stunned expressions,” She’s as smart as she is beautiful.”
         “I like you a lot less now,” Jason grunts.
         “What about Damian and Bruce?”
         “Insufficient information to draw a conclusion.” Irey grins,” You want to hear how likely he is to beat me in a fight?”
         The others roar with laughter, waking Asha. Irey gently takes the baby from Damian, shushing her. Asha looks up at her parents, specifically Damian. Then, clear as day, she exclaims,” Baba!”
         The other adults laugh while Damian and Irey look at each other stunned.
         “Bottle would be her first word,” Dick laughs.
         “She’s not saying bottle,” Damian’s trying very hard not to cry.
         “She said ‘baba’ that’s like universal baby talk for bottle,” Tim points out.
         “Baba,” Irey smiles at them,” means Daddy in Arabic. That’s what we call Damian at home. He’s Asha’s baba.”
         “Baba!” Asha smiles up at Damian,” Baba, baba, baba, baba…”
         “You know most infants aren’t actually talking around this time,” Tim informs them,” They just babble and we try to make sense of the gibberish-“
         Damian throws one of his hidden knives at Tim’s head. He misses, intentionally, but it shuts the older man up. The family decides to leave the young couple alone. Irey lays back, watching Damian as he coos to Asha in Arabic. His hands carefully caressing her curls and wiping drool from her chin. Irey smiles. This is her future.
         “I promise,” Damian says a little while later, Asha sleeping with her head on his shoulder. Irey looks at him, confused.
         “You promise what?”
         “I promise to not shut Asha out. If anything happens to you, I promise I won’t shut down. Or I’ll try at least.” Irey looks up at him, tears blurring her eyes.
         “Promise.” Damian pulls Irey close to him. She wraps her arms around his waist, nuzzling her face into his shirt. Damian listens as her breathing evens out and all the muscles in her body relax. This, this right here is heaven. His daughter sleeping on his chest and the love of his life at his side, both of them safe and loved and alive and with him.
         What more could he ask for?
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