#honestly by the end I didn’t even care about the war effort LOL
asmolbirb · 4 months
Birb liveblogs the final Temeraire trilogy: League of Dragons
Overseas travel edition! I devoured this book on a 15hr flight without the ability to update my reactions live, so here they are all in one go, with much less screaming in the tags
So obvs I’m devastated that Tharkay is gone again but it’s tickling me pink that Laurence is like “oh we’re cuddling on dragonback? It’s Tharkay or bust for me uwu”. And it’s undeniably hysterical that in the middle of The Most Important War Effort So Far, Novik is taking extra time to discuss dragonback cuddle logistics. Truly zero notes
Naomi Novik stop killing off everyone Laurence cares about challenge ToT ToT ToT
Laurence screaming and thrashing while Hammond and Temeraire play dress up with him might be the funniest running gag in the entire series
I LIED the funniest running gag in the series is every single description of Temeraire “heroically” expressing 1 singular generosity
The Miss Merkelyte romcom C plot is absolutely sending me. What the fuck is happening lmao
“I’m soooo over my act of treason it doesn’t bother me at all” <- words dreamed up by the utterly deranged (someone who is not over his act of treason even a little bit)
Awwww baby’s first PTSD…….. :(
This will not surprise anyone but I’m immediately obsessed with Ning. Big fan of a character whose primary narrative purpose is to tell everyone they’re being big old idiots
Hoo boy the way Laurence handles his authority, particularly when reprimanding rude subordinates, sets off my competency kink like no one’s business. And he’s built like a linebacker on top of that?? *fans self* I’m so so glad we get to see him be a proper captain again, it’s a lovely bit of closure to finish out the series
“My dear, that is the Temeraire, herself” PARDON ME I MUST SQUEAL, I’m so unbelievably soft for this owo
Laughing my ass off at Laurence turning his raggedy band of ferals into a bunch of crypto bros
Man remember in the first few books when the divine wind was this mighty and rare thing? And now it seems Temeraire is loosing the thing twice a chapter. I love *clenches fist* a tangible depiction of growth over the length of a narrative
Crying screaming gnashing my teeth over Tharkay showing up out of nowhere at the end of everything and saying “hey. Do u wanna retire with me while ur dragon menaces the government? Do u wanna do that maybe forever? Haha jk……. unless…..?” They’re both so silly and speaking in so much euphemism. It’s gonna take them 10 years to even kiss each other. I’m coming apart at the seams about it
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saturn-sends-hugs · 5 months
ok, this has been burning a hole in my notes app and i’m just gonna send it out there:
Why (i think) the Finale was Like That:
to preface, if you liked the finale, good for you!! that’s totally valid and i’m not trying to bash that. but i know a lot of people were left wanting more, and i’m one of them. anyway, to my point:
as silly as it sounds, this show is not written for us.
we’re fans. the producers already know we’re gonna watch the show. they don’t need to convince us to give them our attention, they already have it. why waste time digging into random side characters in the larger Star Wars saga when the average person doesn’t even know who that is?
their real job is to convince outsiders to watch. to get hooked. to see an element they like, probably from the main movies, and tune in, even for one episode. if they can get them hooked with fennec or ventress or hell even rex, that’s a win for them.
the plot lines wrap up in such an unsatisfying way because honestly? they cant waste time focusing more on these characters than they have to. the people writing and designing the show might love them and want to include more meaningful resolutions, but that takes too long and costs too much money. you know what’s cheaper and will satisfy the average viewer? kill the mystery clones, cut off the “trauma hand”, and wrap it all up in a nice little “look, she’s joining the rebellion, guys!” moment because the more bland and broad the ending, the more people will understand it.
i mean, remember the Fives mention? Echo didn’t react, he didn’t even stutter, he literally moved the conversation along like they were talking about where to go for dinner like HELLO. we already know they cannot be bothered to show real important emotional scenes because that would take too much spotlight away from the whole star wars politics plot or whatever were supposed to care about. (honestly, who is watching bad batch for the og trilogy implications? woah tarkin and a couple other empire dudes are talking about project stardust definitely gimme more of that and not any meaningful connection between these characters i love)
it’s scummy, it sucks, it especially kills me that the story is basically lost to corporate greed but let’s be honest, this is Disney’s Star Wars. i could literally just leave it there. meaningful moments will always be sacrificed for shock value and character cameos because the random guy seeing an ad is only gonna watch the show if he thinks “oh cool, tarkin, i didn’t know he was in that show, maybe i should see what that’s about.”
and yes, i know, there absolutely is a ton of love and care poured into this show. i appreciate the effort that went into it. i’m just sad they didn’t have full creative freedom under Disney to give us the story we wanted.
but you know who won’t sacrifice story for money? you know who’s guaranteed to have the fans’ interests in mind? you know who does have full creative freedom and is equally pissed about bad show moments and want to do them better? FANFIC AUTHORS. Fan artists, theorists, even roleplay accounts and every other type of dedicated fandom blog is here for that shit and will reshape things however they want a million different ways because that’s the point. the show simply cannot give us what we want, but we can make it ourselves.
your support, your creativity, and your determination to give these characters what they deserve is how we can solve the problem.
i didn’t really mean to turn all “we’re all in this together” here lol but yknow what i really do mean that. i think supporting the community around you is the best option we have for truly enjoying all of this show’s potential.
tagging a few people cause i value your input!! and let’s be honest i’m probably leaving a few things out that you might be able to expand on: @the-bi-space-ace @inkstainedhandswithrings @phantom-of-the-501st
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dismightyman · 2 years
I finally have the time so imma drop some Vice stats cause she deserves it (this is gonna be long I’m sorry)
She’s 5’9 and honestly a little bitter about it cause her whole family was like 6’4 and above
Not many scars as most of the time she’s behind the wheel or in the air
Which doesn’t mean she can’t absolutely destroy someone when she wants too, she just doesn’t get the opportunity as often as the other Taskforce members
She prefers to be on the ground in a vehicle to flying. She’s an okay pilot but is truly a wizard behind the wheel.
She has a very dry sense of humor, so occasionally in the middle of an op you might hear her make a comment about the weather or talk about what’s happening like it’s rush hour in a busy city and not an active war zone.
She is very ride or die, the minute she feels like she’s found her forever home in the taskforce she is down to fuck shit up for any member of her team, zero hesitation.
Her love language is definitely giving gifts lol as soon as she feels like she’s been accepted into the taskforce she’s constantly giving people things, nothing crazy. But she’ll start carrying specific bands of cigarettes for the smokers, she’ll grab food from the mess and bring it to people just so they don’t have to walk all the way there. She’ll have Hair ties for the people with longer hair just in case they need it. It’s her version of showing she cares, that she’s thinking of them.
Her grandfather was a bit of a figiter so he taught her how to use scrap and bend metal and make little things to pass the time, eventually she got really good at making origami with really thin sheets of scrap. After a bad mission those will end up in the hands of her team too, tho not as open as the cigarettes. It’s too close to home for her to acknowledge our load but the team knows it’s her.
And now the origins lol
Growing up her dad was a criminal who helped move “product” for whoever had the cash for it and her mom was not in the picture.
So she lived with her grandfather most of the time. He was an old Vietnam veteran pilot (which is where the teeth came from lol) and taught her everything she knows about machines, inside and out. He was all she had most of the time and loved him to pieces. Her sense of humor, her wit, almost everything she was, was based around him. She did everything he did, fixed cars, flew the frankly death trap of a helo that he managed to get a hold of and fix up. Even did a little boonies racing with the boys when she was old enough.
Occasionally her dad would make appearances, a few weeks at a time and before she knew any better he had passed on some of his “magic” as he called it. Slight of hand, how to make something “Disappear”, how to add some special pockets to things. She started carrying her dads brand of cigarettes in her pockets-
(Lucky strikes. He always thought that was funny. “A little extra luck never hurt anybody” he’d say with a grin.)
-Hoping every time she could maybe get him to stick around a little longer if she was useful. When that didn’t work she’d pack around more things. His favorite whisky, gum, you name it. He’d just pat her on the head and keep moving to greener pastures.
It wasn’t until after he got caught up in the scene and was killed that she saw that “magic” for what is was. He was trying to teach her to be just like him, to take up the “family” business. It disgusted her but she realized this skill was all she really had left of her dad and she could never break the habit. Always kept a pack of Luckies on her, just in case.
Just before she graduated high school her grandfather passed away, it was his time but still it was devastating. He was her everything and now she had no one. So in an effort to keep his memory close and find some semblance of community she joined the army.
She kinda floated for a while, making some friends here and there but not really finding the family she craved. For the most part she kept her skills to her self. The driving and her “magic”. Didn’t want to stand out, to make herself different from the people she’d gotten used to. Sometime in the middle of all that her squad mates noticed her penchant for making things disappear and reappear. It was almost muscle memory for her at that point, she didn’t even realize she was doing it.
One night, they were out on patrol when one of her squad was mentioning wanting a drink and out of nowhere Vice produced a little shooter. Everyone was flabbergasted, eventually someone made a joke about what else she had and suddenly a pack of cigarettes, a can of chew, and two more shooters appeared. After that they’d just ask her what’s on the menu when they wanted something.
Thus Vice was born.
(that’s kinda all I’ve come up with lol I’m not sure how she joins the taskforce so I’ll have to think on that but here’s a deep dive on my girl)
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So one of my Friends had this HC that what if The Big Three actually grew up together with Zeus' Foster Caretakers from the Mythos?
We all know that in Myths, Zeus was the last born to escape and was taken care by the Nymphs, Kouretes, and even breast-feeded by the She-Goat, "Amalthea".
I imagine that an alternate version where the Six Siblings actually grew up together would've been fascinating, especially on how that we would've imagine the moments where The Kids bond with their Step-Parents besides than their Biological Mother.
None of the less, do you have any headcanons you'd like to share about the Golden Age in the Hercules Universe? I'd like to hear your own thoughts/opinions on Zeus' caretakers (especially Amalthea).
Also, would it be heartwarming to imagine that whenever Hades has terrible flashbacks about the Titan War, Persephone would always be there to comfort him about his Troubled Past with his Father?
Oh wow! I actually didn’t know Zeus had foster parents! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I’m a dummy when it comes to original Greek mythology sometimes lol.
(long rambles ahead lol)
I did find out through the Hades Challenge PC game that Zeus was raised in Crete (it was one of the little trivia questions Hades asks in the game lol), so I guess that makes sense lol!
Honestly, my whole headcanon/theory I guess for the “Golden Age” of Greece is that (of course) Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades were all born from Rhea and Kronos on the island of Crete. Back then, the world was run by the titans, some were good and some were bad. There were some Olympians that existed as well during this era like Demeter, Hermes, Athena, and Ares (and more of course). The three brothers had a pretty decent childhood and got along with each other (for the most part). They had a great relationship with their mother who loved them with all her heart, but their father was mean and cruel to them, so to protect them from their father’s wrath, Rhea sent her sons away to be raised by nymphs. The boys really missed their mother, though, and wished to stay with her forever.
One day, Kronos decided to start a war against the Olympians and the titans after learning about a prophecy that one of his sons would defeat him and the Olympians would rule. Kronos then kidnapped his two youngest sons (Poseidon and Hades) and swallowed them. Zeus and Rhea found out about this and made a plan to rescue Poseidon and Hades. Rhea would then trick Kronos into eating a rock, claiming it was Zeus. Zeus then leaped into action and defeated his father and rescued his little brothers. Kronos ended up coughing up the rock and placed a curse upon it, so if any Olympian ever looked at the rock they would fall into a deep sleep, but the rock was lost and forgotten for ages. Zeus and Poseidon (and possibly Hades, though, I doubt it because Hades seemed to be in good terms with the titans in the movie) worked together to take down the rest of the unruly titans and locked them away under the sea. For his heroic efforts of saving the cosmos, Zeus became a god and the new ruler of the universe. Rhea decided to become a guardian of the universe and watch over it so it wouldn’t end up the way it was when Kronos ruled. Zeus then created Olympus and granted all Olympians a role as a god and gifted his younger brothers their own realms to rule over, Poseidon: the sea and Hades: the underworld. Hades, of course, wasn’t happy about his new role as a god and to make matters worse, Zeus then commanded that their father, Kronos (as well as some other unruly titans), be sentenced to live in the underworld for the rest of eternity as punishment.
Eventually, Prometheus and Epimetheus (good titans) were given the task of creating mortals and animals with the help of Athena (who was given a city-state that became the capital of Greece: Athens, while her brother was granted his own land: Sparta). Mortals didn’t have much down on Earth though, so Prometheus sneaked up to Olympus and stole fire (which was only used by the gods) and gave it to the mortals and well…we all know what happened after that.
But yeah, that’s pretty much my “Golden Era” theory/story for the Hercules universe lol! I’ll give you a few headcanons about the Big Three when they were kids!
Zeus was the most popular of the three and had the most friends.
Zeus was the first one to discover Amalthea and make her their pet goat
Poseidon and Hades looked “normal” as kids, but after they became gods of their domain, their realms started to change their physical appearance over time.
Hades was actually pretty soft as a kid, but his personality toughened up as he got older.
Poseidon’s favorite activity was swimming when he was younger, but Hades wasn’t too fond of it and preferred playing on land.
Oh and yes! Persephone ABSOLUTELY comforts Hades when he has flashbacks about his father. It’s so freaking sweet lol! They usually come in night terrors and he either wakes up in the middle of the night panting and sweating or he’s tossing and turning and making noises in his sleep. Either way, Persephone wakes up with him and comforts him until they fall back asleep. He gets kinda embarrassed about having the nightmares at first because he didn’t want Persephone thinking he was some wimpy, pathetic god that’s afraid of his own father, but Persephone reassured him instantly that he had nothing to be embarrassed about and his feelings were absolutely valid, so from then on he was much more comfortable talking to her about it. Some nights when he struggles to fall back asleep after his night terrors (when Persephone is not around) he’ll drink a cup of hot tea or coffee (caffeinated, of course, because Hades is well known for hating decaf lol) and basically stay up until morning (of course, he’s much more irritable on those days because he didn’t get much sleep). But yeah, he does his best not to think about his dad or talk about him because it brings up bad memories of his childhood and the day he was nearly killed by his own father.
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mareenavee · 1 year
For the OC ask meme: Rose, Lilac and Daisy :)
Hello! Thank you for this :D
Ask game is here.
Flowery Asks for Nyenna from my fic The World on Our Shoulders!
Rose: What is your OC's favourite form of self-care?
This is honestly a really good question. I think people in Skyrim in general have very little time to rest, considering things like the Dragon Crisis and the Civil War. There's a lot to be stressed about at any given time. That said, Nyenna does stress bake lol. She learned a recipe for Snowberry Crostata early on in her efforts to make a home in Whiterun, and it's almost second nature for her to make them now. She can kind of tune out everything and focus instead on making pastry dough. Otherwise, drinks at the Bannered Mare or up at Jorrvaskr with her friends and family tend to be the tonic to various ills. Later on while she's busy saving the world, laughing and telling stories with her hired sellsword tends to help break up the bleariness and stress of her responsibilities.
Lilac: Does your OC have a comfort item? If so, what is it?
Nyenna hasn't had the opportunity to hang on to a lot of personal items for quite some time. She even sold off a pair of earrings she'd had since she was young early on in her flight out of Valenwood with her brother. But she does receive a gift that she keeps with her for the rest of her journey! Here's a fragment of an upcoming chapter 32 for you regarding this:
Teldryn walked into the inn with a swirl of wind and a few flurries of snow. He beamed as he saw her off to the side from the crowd and moved to sit at her side at their table. They finished their food, just enjoying the company of everyone, occasionally greeting the random passersby. Eventually the crowd started to quiet down as people either settled in to drink or left for their own homes.
“So, can I talk to you for a moment?” he asked. 
“Of course. What? Why would you have to ask?” Nyenna said warily. She really didn’t want anything ridiculous to spoil the moment of peace she had found. 
“Oh it’s just… well. Maybe it’s just easier to tell you. I got you something. I know you think you’re fine with just your bound weapons, but the Thalmor and their shock magic had me pretty worried about you. So… I had Alvor make me these. One each for you and me,” he said. She noticed his cheeks and ears had flushed a deep purple as he held out a pair of matching dragonbone daggers and cleared his throat. 
She took one with a small sound of surprise. It was even more gorgeous than she could have imagined. The blade, made entirely of bone and inlaid with ebony, was sharpened to perfection. The guard and hilt were also ebony. The grip was wrapped in fine leather and the pommel was set with a piece of obsidian.
“Teldryn, this is gorgeous! It must have cost a fortune. You didn’t have to do this for me,” she said, beaming. “Is this why you were picking at the dragon skeleton earlier?”
“Yes, that’s why. Also, it’s no trouble at all. I just want you to be able to defend yourself, just in case you end up in a situation where you run out of Magicka or something. Not that that ever really happens to you,” Teldryn answered with a shrug. “But still. And the dragonbone is kind of…I don’t know, symbolic, isn’t it?”
This was a perfect gift. It handled a flaw in her fighting style and provided a backup defense if she ever needed it. She turned it in her hands and the weight of it made her feel almost invincible. She kept holding the dagger out, letting the ebony catch the light of the flames.
“Wow. Thank you. I really love this,” she said, still in awe. She turned to Teldryn and, without thinking, leaned up to kiss him on the cheek. He let out an embarrassed laugh. 
“What was that for?” he asked, touching his own face.
“Just…thank you. For looking out for me. For everything,” she said quietly. He reached out and squeezed her free hand. 
“Think nothing of it,” he said, unconvincingly. Nyenna noticed he was still looking at her, face still flushed.
Daisy: What inspired you to create your OC?
I love this question! I talked about it here and here if you felt like reading more long ramblings (:
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tinyyoungblood · 3 years
hi!! do you know that tiktok trend where the girl asks her bf if he can temporarily break up with her so she can be heartbroken when she listens to olivia rodrigo’s new album and the bf always says no? could you do that but with peter and avenger!reader? i don’t really know how the avengers play into that but i trust you to think of something great. love your work babes <3
pairing: peter parker x avenger!reader
word count: 2.7k
a/n: hey fren, tysm <3 i do know that trend, and it always warms my darn heart. you probably meant for this to be a headcanon but halfway through i realised that i was writing full sentences, so i just rolled with it bc i have no self-control lol enjoy x
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Peter, I need you to break up with me.”
Not a moment later, you heard a series of loud crashes and Peter stumbled out of the bathroom, hopping on one leg while fiddling with his zipper. “What did you just say?” His eyes were wild as they scanned your face.
“I need you to break up with me,” you repeated calmly, not taking your eyes off your laptop.
“Break up with you?” Peter echoed, hand raking through his hair in bewilderment. “Why would I do that? Do you want to break up?”
This made you look up. Peter was staring at you like you had just insulted his face, making it quite an effort to stay serious. “It’s just for 34 minutes and 46 seconds,” you assured. “So I can listen to Olivia Rodrigo’s new album.”
He blinked at you.
“Please?” You set your laptop aside, shuffling to the end of the bed so you were sitting right in front of him. “I want to listen to it in full effect with a broken heart and everything.”
“I…” Peter slowly shook his head. A helpless laugh escaped him. “Um, no. Thank you.” He turned and made to return to the bathroom.
“Peter,” you whined and grabbed for his hand, pulling him to a halt.
“Sorry, angel.” He shrugged, supressing the faint tug at the corner of his mouth.
You pouted. “We can break up when you train with Bucky! In that way you won’t even notice because you’ll be busy and distracted. I won’t even be on your mind.” You weren’t sure what you had said that made Peter stare at you like you were insane, but it took him a second to snap out of it.
He cupped your face with his hands and made sure to meet your eyes. “Babe, I think about you all the time.” He said it like it was a wish he wanted to word correctly. Slow and precise. Then he switched to a lighter tone that implied that he was done with the conversation. “I’m not breaking up with you.” With that he turned and left for the bathroom.
“Fine,” you called back although the water was already running and you doubted that Peter could hear you. And if he did, he probably didn’t care. You took that as your cue to leave. Defeated, you plucked your headphones into your phone and picked out a song of Olivia’s album at random.
Steve was lounging on the couch of the common room when you entered. He looked up from his magazine and gave you a small smile by way of greeting. You returned it by tapping two fingers at your temple in salute, ignoring the way how his stare lingered a little longer. You sat down next to him. When you locked eyes again, you saw the silent question on his face and let out a laugh. It ended up sounding more like a delightful scoff.
“I know Tony takes pride in being the philanthropist amongst us, but for someone who grew up in the ice age, you’re really good at reading people’s faces.” You wanted to annoy Steve, maybe even coax out a laugh, but he just kept looking at you, and you held his gaze. You were good at it—an aftereffect of living with Bucky who happened to love the same yoghurt as you did. Sometimes you put all western movies to shame with the way you narrowed your eyes at each other early in the morning in front of the fridge.
To your luck, Steve was just as stubborn, which meant that you two could’ve kept it going until death if it weren’t for the door banging open.
“I can’t believe you did this to me!” A voice boomed. You took a wild guess and assumed it was Clint.
“Tell me about it!” Another voice bellowed right back.
A second later, Sam and Clint marched into the room, furious, whereas Bucky strolled in behind them with no care in the world.
The former two were holding bags of food. Both were animated and waving their arms through the air while arguing. You turned down the volume of your phone in time to hear Steve demand, “What’s going on?”
Clint and Sam stared daggers at Bucky until Steve amended, “Buck, what did you do?”
The man in question turned around, facing his best friend in exasperation. “I asked these two to get food for me.” This earned him a snarl. Bucky waved them off and examined his metal arm, unconcerned. “Honestly, I have no idea why they’re getting so worked up about it.”
“We—” Sam gestured wildly between Clint and himself. “—were asked to pick up food for him from two different places. And neither of us knew about it!”
“Yes, neither of us knew,” Clint chimed in, eyes narrowing at Bucky who was busy flicking dust off his arm. “And I don’t know about you, Sam, but I was touched. I was moved, okay? Because Bucky never asks for anything and here I was, thinking we’re starting to bond or whatever but now I just feel USED.”
Sam gave a harsh sound in agreement.
“Bucky,” said Steve after no one had anything to add. “What do you have to say to that?”
Your gaze flitted between them, not sure what to expect. Bucky didn’t give any sign of wanting to respond, making you wonder if he had heard Cap at all. But then a slow smile swept over his lips and you noted that it was probably the most feline smile you’d ever seen. It was a smile storybook villains wore after burning down the world.
“The only thing I have to say is that I regret not having the moment they ran into each other in the elevator on video tape, because that—” He turned and looked Sam and Clint straight in the eye. “—was amazing.”
No one spoke.
“Ruthless,” you said under your breath and just like marionettes, the four men glanced you before another argument broke.
You took the chance to turn the volume back up. “happier” was playing and you settled further into the couch to watch the scene unfold. Sam was arguing so passionately that the vein on his neck was making an impressive appearance. Clint, on the other hand, had a palm pressed flat to his chest; his face showing pure betrayal. Bucky didn’t seem to care for the chaos. He tried multiple times to grab for the bags only for one of them to move out of his reach. When you glanced at Steve, you nearly lost it.
He was staring at them like his lifespan had just been reduced to ten years. He looked like he wanted to throw pebbles after them.
Nudging him with your arm, you silently handed him one of your earphones. He glanced at you and hesitated, probably thinking of the many times you had offered him a taste of blaring electronic music. You rolled your eyes and insisted again. This time, Steve took it and you watched in amusement as his brows rose in surprise.
“I like the piano,” he mouthed and glimpsed at the name of the song. You grinned.
In the meantime, Clint and Sam had decided to form an alliance. They had planted themselves in the opposite couch, digging into the contents of the brown bags while Bucky gawked at them from the other side of the room with his mouth ajar and heart ripped out of his chest. Shaking his head in disbelief, he let himself fall into the armchair facing them. He looked devastated. You weren’t sure if you had to stifle a laugh or tears.
Next to you, Steve chocked back a laugh. You quirked an eyebrow and considered him only to realise the reason behind his glee. Bucky was brooding in his seat while Sam and Clint did an excellence job on commenting every bite. Nothing has ever received as much praise as that pasta, and you were certain that if this were a cartoon, there would be rain clouds hovering above Bucky’s head. As if the angels had set it up themselves, you took notice of the lyrics.
I hope you're happy, but not like how you were with me
I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go
So find someone great but don't find no one better
Bucky was pouting, poking the leather of his armchair with his finger while stealing glances at Sam and Clint. It was perfect. Steve slapped a hand on his chest and he tipped his head back, laughing.
I hope you're happy, I wish you all the best, really
Say you love her, baby, just not like you loved me
And think of me fondly when your hands are on her
I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
You were both laughing hysterically. The others had stopped their on-going war to stare at the two of you; their expressions baffled. The song came to an end and Steve gave back your earphone, rubbing his eye as if wiping away a tear. He rose and walked over to Bucky, hurling him to his feet and putting an arm around his shoulders.
“Oh, Buck,” Steve said with a note of laughter in his voice. “There’s a song I need to show you.” You smiled as you watched them leave.
“Well, this was fun.” You pushed yourself off the couch and shook your head as Sam offered you some of his sushi. “Thanks, but I’m on a mission to get heartbroken.”
Leaving the men to their food, you wandered the halls and listened to “traitor” as you walked past Wanda’s room. Her door was open and you could see that Vision was in the middle of a chess game with Bruce and Wanda. By the looks of it, Vision was as good as winning and you reined the urge to cheer for him. You peaked around the door frame and saw that Vision had their king in check. Deep betrayal crossed Wanda’s face.
You chuckled quietly and whispered, “FRIDAY, play what I’m listening to right now through the speakers in Wanda’s room.” FRIDAY didn’t bother to respond but not a second later, the lyrics were blasting through her room and their heads snapped up in confusion.
Don't you dare forget about the way
You betrayed me
'Cause I know that you'll never feel sorry
For the way I hurt, yeah
“Wanda?“ You heard Vision’s careful voice. “What is going on?”
Guess you didn't cheat
But you're still
You're still a traitor
“I’m not sure, but these lyrics aren’t wrong…You are a traitor.” Wanda narrowed her eyes at him, slowly bobbing her head to the music. Treason danced in her eyes. It was the beginning of a villain origin story.
“Maybe it’s a sign of God,” Bruce said and you almost burst out laughing.
God, I wish that you had thought this through
Before I went and fell in love with you
“Hell yeah!” Wanda yelled and this time you bolted down the hallway, wheezing. You dashed right into Tony’s lab and slammed the door.
“What are you on?” He looked up in amusement. You simply shook your head, laughter still bubbling over your lips.
“Just spreading love in this facility.” You waved your hand at nothing in particular and Tony nodded.
“Right, I heard you asked Peter to break up with you to listen to that one album? Very dramatic. I like it.”
“See.” You gestured at him, indicating that he was the only one who got it. “It’s a good album. Maybe you should ask Pepper to divorce you.”
Tony gave a humourless laugh. “Yeah, I don’t think she would come back if I asked her.”
“Yikes,” you mumbled and this time Tony’s laughed for real.
“So what? You’ve just been walking around waiting for heartbreak?” He turned back to whatever he was working on. You stepped closer to get a peek.
“Sounds tiring.”
“I’m powered by exhaustion” You handed him the wrench he needed. “Want a listen? I think there’s a song you might like.”
He contemplated the offer and lifted his shoulder in a half-shrug. “Sure, why not.” You couldn’t help but squeal. You knew that Tony probably didn’t care but sharing your music was always exciting.
Beaming, you removed your headphones and connected your phone to the speakers of Tony’s lab. The first tunes of “good 4 u” started playing and Tony tapped his foot to the beat, head bobbing just slightly. When the chorus hit, he stood up and you stepped back, thinking he wanted to headbang. Instead, he reached for a tool that was further away. You didn’t miss the way he moved his shoulders in a little dance move though.
“I like this one,” he said, and you flashed him a smile. You continued working on the suit, handing Tony things you knew he needed until you passed him a plier and he froze. You furrowed your brows, glanced at the tool you knew was the right one, and cocked your head in silent question.
Maybe I'm too emotional
Or maybe you never cared at all
Looking you straight in the eyes, he flung the plier over his shoulder, opened a drawer, and took out another plier to use on his suit. You gasped.
“How dare you,” you whispered in shock. Tony had the nerve to shrug.
“Enjoy your little heartbreak moment, Y/N.” He shooed you away like a cat. “FRIDAY, yank up the volume, would you.”
Well, good for you, you look happy and healthy
Not me, if you ever cared to ask
Good for you, you're doin' great out there without me
“Guys?” Peter’s voice was drowned out by the booming music. He was leaning against the doorframe, watching in amusement as you and Tony towered on the lab tables, using screwdrivers as provisional microphones. While Tony played a terrific air guitar, you sank dramatically to your knees and impressed the crowd with your air drumming skills.
“Guys?” Peter tried again, chuckling. This time you and Tony whipped around at the same time and pointed straight at Peter.
Like a damn sociopath
You threw your arms up in the air and spun in circles while Tony jumped into quite an impressive split leap.
I've lost my mind
I've spent the night cryin' on the floor in my bathroom
Just over the fact that I really don't get it
But I guess good for you
The song came to an end, and you leapt on Tony’s table to share a screwdriver with him as you sang the last lyrics together.
Well, good for you, I guess you moved on really easily
The song ended and all you could hear was heavy breathing. Peter began to clap. “This was great, you guys. Wow.”
You exchanged glances with Tony before making a show of bowing at the waist.
“So this is what happens when I refuse to break up with you?” Peter strolled over to where you sat on the lab table, positioning himself between your legs. Tony chuckled and jumped off to grab a water bottle from across the room.
“I’m gonna need you to elaborate on that,” you said, just for the devil of it.
Peter smiled. “Cap and Bucky are crying over a song, Vision is sending Wanda flowers in ten-minute intervals, and you are down here having a rock concert with Tony.”
You gave him a toothy grin. “I was just feeling sour.”
* * *
stay hydrated pals
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anigerrrr · 3 years
Just a friend from work
Natasha Romanoff x Carol Danvers
Word count: 1.5k
Summary:  Natasha doesn’t think that she’s dating the blonde woman, and they certainly shouldn’t as well. It’s not professional.
Warning: Protective Yelena, sister conversations, Captain’s bad acting 
(please let me know if there’s any I should add as well)
a/n: Hello! This is my first fanfic written in English for carolnat, and I just love them so much. English is not my mother language so please ignore my grammatical errors lol ! Please do comment if you have any thoughts or questions!
“So, how old is he?”
“That guy you’re dating.”
When Yelena started it - whatever it is, the redhead immediately made a full stop for this upcoming conversation.
“No,” Natasha said, half jaded from today’s mission. “Yelena, I already said that we are not gonna talk about this. Not now.”
“Excuse me, you almost got caught in the middle of the frickin’ building just for replying to someone's text.” Her sister’s brown eyes widened in disbelief, “and as your partner, little sister plus, I think I have a full right to know what’s happening.”
Ok, after all of the universal matters. The Snap, The Blip, The Endgame and The Reunion. Natasha let out a sigh. This world may be peaceful enough - almost too peaceful, for her younger sister to dig into her personal life now.
“It was something important from the HQ, ” she finally made something up, trying to convince Yelena. “Some information. Not anyone I’m dating, and I’m not seeing any single guy either.”
This part was sort of a truth.
Natasha wasn’t seeing a guy.
/ Coming back to earth in an hour. - C. /
That’s the reason she punched the bad guys in extra strength today, almost ruining Yelena’s nose as well in some kind of jump-scare situation. Well, Natasha just needed to end this mission. Efficiently. 
She’s expecting a woman with glowing fists.
“You may be the top assassin with excellent lying skills, but you know it’s useless to me.” Yelena teased in a raspy Russian accent, as if she just couldn’t let go of it. 
“I’ll take the compliment.”
“And does that mean you’re actually lying to me?”
Natasha smirked, taking off her suit as she replied to the blonde. “You’re less annoying when you’re still a little girl.”
She tried to pretend nothing actually happened in this present, and that’s what she should do for sure. She’s still an Avenger, reborn in the mysterious deal between Captain Marvel and the Soul Stone keeper after the war. 
Carol was there, shining like stars in the darkest underground. Vormir was a place of exchange, a place where only sacrifice made deals. But when it was about Carol, nothing seemed impossible to make a miracle in her hands. 
-It was easy, you know. I just asked him to return what we had left in that shit place.
-Yeah, I asked him nicely. See this smile? That’s how I got Nat back.
No one believed this story. It didn’t matter anyway, especially when these avengers witnessed Natasha taken back by Carol without any visible injuries.
Maybe just like how she found Tony and took him back at an unbelievable speed, there’s something always mysterious with Carol.
They supposed. 
“If you’re taking good care of yourself as Fanny is, I wouldn’t have asked.” Yelena rolled her eyes, and suddenly she saw something unusual on her sister’s back.
“Wait, Natasha. What is that?” As Yelena leaned closer, she narrowed her brown eyes to observe the unusual mark left on Natasha’s back. “It looks like a bite. Oh my God, are you turning into a vampire or something? “
She realized that maybe Yelena didn’t know what love marks were. As far as she knew, her younger sister hadn’t dated anyone since the collapse of the red room. 
“There’s no bite, Yelena. You’re exaggerating, it’s probably just a scratch from the fight.” Natasha pulled down her black tank top, adding an extra leather jacket she didn’t usually wear.
There’s a bite. 
And it took all her efforts to stay impeccable in front of her sister every time she felt it burning silently, especially after taking a shower or punching someone really hard. 
Carol did that. 
“Alright then, time for dinner?” Yelena shrugged, putting her oversized hoodie on. 
“Yeah, sure.” Natasha didn’t catch the full sentence from her partner-sister honestly, she focused more on the communicator that she’s been carrying all the time.
“Speaking of that…Mom - I mean, Melina. Anyway, she asked if we’d be free to show up for dinner next week.” Yelena said, pulling out her phone from the pocket as well. “I think Friday will be good, how do you think?”
/ Let’s catch up in the compound later, I need to take a really quick shower. - C. /
“Yeah, that’d be amazing…wait, what?” Natasha raised her head up and seized the blonde’s eyes, “I’m sorry, what was the question?”
/ In case you wanna know, I look like a total mess in purple blood now. They didn’t even act like living spices, what a day. - C. /
Natasha stopped, and smiled a bit for imagining the blonde woman’s messy look now. 
She didn’t reply a single word to these texts, but it kept coming up. It’s just like Carol knew that she’d always read them as soon as they were delivered. 
“Ok, that’s rude.” And her sister finally couldn’t take it any longer. “Admit it, Natasha. You’re apparently disturbed by someone that you don’t wanna tell me, why is that?”
Then, Natasha realized that Yelena was still standing in front of her the whole time. She didn’t pay attention to anything this young woman said about free or show. Or dinner. 
“I’m dealing with something important,” walking together out of their changing room, Natasha answered softly. She’s hiding her vague feelings of guilt. “- from work.”
“Natasha, we’re working together.” 
“Ugh, that’s different. That’s…” As Natasha tried to come up with something more persuasive, her younger sister stopped and nodded to someone.
“Oh, hey.” Yelena took a step back, and she seemed a little nervous. “Cap, we didn’t know you’re coming back today.”
When Natasha met the other blonde woman’s eyes, she found Carol’s hair still dripping. Ok, that’s definitely how a quick shower should be called.
“I left a message to Agent Romanoff.” Carol showed her audacity in acting surprised just right in front of the perfectly trained assassins. “Oh Romanoff, I was looking for you. Lucky me.”
“The mission I mentioned last night, remember that? It went a little bit wrong now.”
To Natasha’s surprise, her sister showed concern on her profile. “Is everything alright?”
Wait, Yelena could tell if she’s lying easily but actually believed in Carol’s almost-too-obvious acting?
“It will be,” Carol smiled back, taking a step in to pat Natasha’s left shoulder. “I just need to borrow your sister for a few minutes - hours, if you don’t mind?”
“Oh, that’s fine. She’s not actually paying attention to me anyway.” Yelena raised her eyebrow, adding a friendly suggestion to her Captain. “Just don’t let her suspicious friend bother her via texts during the mission.”
“Ha, that’s mature.” Natasha couldn’t help but roll her eyes back again, she knew Carol was trying to not let out a laugh. This woman is literally shining right now.
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah, totally.” Carol winked in a way that Natasha suspected she'd done this a thousand times. 
“See you later then, young lady.”
When they left the compound, Natasha shut the door of the training room and almost hit the blonde’s pretty nose.
“Are you fucking serious?” Natasha said as soon as there’s no one else between them. 
“You are wearing my jacket.” Carol just smirked happily, admiring how well it fit the redhead. “It looks cute on you, just keep it for me. Will you?”
Something did go wrong, between these two deadly women.
Any one in the galaxy would say it's very hard for Carol to stay in one place for a long time. But she did, she stayed on earth for almost a week, once a month. 
And any one in the Avengers’ HQ would say it’s very hard for Natasha to be disturbed by anything or anyone. Even so, she would not show it on her expression even a tiny bit.
That’s just not her thing.
Like dating someone, or texting someone back. Or admit that she’s caring for the blonde ones, not just her younger sister. 
But they did have sex (well it was amazing), twice. Ugh, maybe three times, if the very first time on Carol’s spaceship counted. 
That’s all, it's a healthy relationship between adults. 
It sounds professional.
“You should stop texting me while we’re at working hours.” Natasha sighed. 
“Wait,” Carol chuckled, her hair color looked darker when it’s wet. “Do we actually have ‘working hours’ in this job? I mean, when is it not ?”
“When we’re not on a mission.”
“But how do I know- ”
“You’re the Captain, Carol.”
“Oh,” Carol finally agreed with a small smile. “That makes sense.”
Every time. Natasha looked at her and thought. Every time she called her name, not Danvers or Captain, just Carol. The smile just came up like that, like nothing else in this world was more delightful than hearing Natasha say her five-letters name.
It’s silly, unprofessional.
But Natasha did that, once in a while.
“So,” Carol tilted her head slightly, and acted that she’s way more harmless than having power to blast spaceships in a single fist. “What’s the plan for dinner?”
“You’re gonna stay that much longer, Captain?” Natasha teased when she finally felt something was in control, by her. Carol’s thoughts were easy to be studied, or at least she gave in for her.
Carol hummed in a way that Natasha could tell she’s triggered, and dragged her leather jacket’s collar to lean in.
“Depends on what you’re offering me to eat, ma’am.”
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hotkoyo · 3 years
SFW Howie Alphabet Headcanons
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Author's Note: When will my husband come home from war?
Disclaimer: These headcanons are based on how I imagine Howie to be based on the game. You don't have to agree with what I say here as everyone is free to have their own ideas.
𝄥 𝄞 ── 𝄇
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
VERY affectionate. I honestly feel like he grew up surrounded with so much love and now he’s just overflowing with it. Howie is all about showing his love through warm hugs, having his arm around you, swinging your hands as you walk, head pats, you name it. Another one, in my opinion, is words of affirmation. He'd tell you how much you matter to him through words, like quoting lines from his favorite movies and saying "I love you" before you both go to sleep.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Affectionate. Lots of play fighting and cuddling during movie sessions. Singing to Disney songs at the top of your lungs. You guys make friendship bracelets for each other (and he never takes off his). Definitely one of those dudes who drive their best friend everywhere.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
If it’s not apparent already, this dude is a giant golden retriever and he lives for the cuddles. He is born to cuddle, baby. Due to his size, it’s natural that he ends up as a big spoon more often than not but he definitely loves the moments he gets to be the small spoon.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
So domestic, even when you guys just started dating. It’s easy to imagine yourself settling down with someone as warm and comforting as Howie. He would love to settle down and build a home with you and you guys love having conversations about your dream house and how your life would be like in five, ten years. He’s alright at cooking in general but can cook some amazing Chinese dishes that his mom taught him.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
It would be hard for him to get out of a relationship, to be completely honest. He’s one of those people who easily gets attachment issues and finds it hard to move on from a relationship. If he really has to be the one to end the relationship, he would want to talk it out with you and try to end your relationship on a good note. I feel like he’s one of those people who really values respect, even when things aren’t working out anymore between you two.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Howie is a hopeless romantic and while he does have his insecurities, I feel like he would really love to commit to someone. In terms of marriage, it really depends on you. I don’t think his career would hinder him much when it comes to popping the question, to be honest. If he feels like he’s comfortable enough with the relationship and sees that you are, too, I think he’d propose to you when he feels like the time is right.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Howie is a textbook example of a gentle giant. He knows he’s strong so physically, he knows when to hold back a bit. Emotionally, it’s canon that he’s a soft and caring boy through and through and he would never hurt you on purpose.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Ugh, he LOVES hugs. It’s canon that the Yan fam is really good with hugs so if you need a pick-me-up, he’s your man. Whenever you guys are alone, he acts like an overgrown koala because he can’t get enough of hugging you. If hot chocolate is a hug, it’s what Howie’s would feel like. Warm, familiar, and comforting.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He knows he loves you when he does but holds back a lot in fear of coming off too strong. If he feels that you feel the same, then he would say it pretty quickly into the relationship or during a spur of a moment. If it seems that you need more time, he would hold back just so that you wouldn't feel uncomfortable.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He’s the type who’s less jealous and more insecure. His jealousy isn’t going to make him act rashly and put you on the spot. It’s slow and creeping and you might not notice at first because of how well he conceals it but it becomes apparent by the way he starts to act distant.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Warm and gentle. His kisses make you feel so safe and loved and he likes to take the time to show you how he feels through the gesture. He loves to kiss you everywhere but his favorite places to kiss you are your nose and temples.
Also, kiss him on the forehead and he’d melt into a puddle. Another one of his hotspots is at the back of his neck. Kiss him there and watch him sputter as he tries to gain back his bearings.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He loves kids, kids love him. He humors the kids a lot and is a great impersonator so prepare yourself for some improvised skits in front of the kiddos. Can’t say no to the kids, though, so you might have to step in from time to time. Kids treat him like a human jungle gym. Which he actually is.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
I definitely see him as a morning person. Also, he’s so fit that you can’t tell me he doesn’t workout every single morning. Probably goes on an early jog and is one of those people who seems so chipper even if it's only seven in the morning.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Have you seen actors with their stage makeup on? There’s no way Howie’s skin stays so smooth and supple without some form of skincare routine. Has his own skincare routine and loves doing it with you together in front of the mirror (while making faces at you). After a good skincare session, he'll sit on the couch or in bed with you cuddled up to him as he reads scripts from his new upcoming projects.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Depending on how much he trusts you, it could be sooner or later. The thing with him is that he keeps things bottled up to himself. It’s hard and it’s tiring and the moment he feels safe with you, the dam breaks and he starts to reveal things about himself.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
It’s definitely hard to annoy Howie and even harder to provoke him. He has the patience of a saint and unless something is very wrong, you can always find him just chillin lol.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He’s quite sentimental so he definitely remembers your relationship milestones. He remembers a lot of small things about you; like how you like your cereal and your best friend’s name from high school. Some of the details can be fuzzy at times but he tries!
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Canonically: The moment you said yes when he asked to be your boyfriend at Luca’s "sister's wedding".
Headcanon: The time you both visited his family in Chicago for the holidays. You were walking home from dinner when the snowfall turned into a snowstorm. It was terribly cold and windy but you both kept on laughing at the situation and you looked so gorgeous with snow stuck to your hair under the waning streetlight that he didn’t even care that he's freezing his butt off.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Isn’t too protective in the traditional sense because he knows you can take care of yourself. More protective of how you feel because of his words and actions so he’s careful in what he says and how he says them because he doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. Highkey loves to be protected tho. Thinks it's kinda hot.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
Puts a lot of effort in his career, obviously. Howie is always so passionate and ambitious when it comes to being a top actor. Relationship-wise, he’s a simp. Dates are mostly casual with him but he puts extra time and effort in choosing or making gifts. All the extra and expensive bits goes into your anniversary dates.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
A lot of times, he leaves his wet, sweaty workout shirts at the corner of the room and somehow always forgets no matter how many times you’ve scolded him. Sometimes doesn’t close or tie snack packages properly so when it's your turn to eat them, they’re often stale. A terrible snorer when he’s had a long day on set.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Quite concerned. He likes to highlight the nice parts of his body through the clothes he choose to wear and tries to follow a healthy diet in general. He worked hard for his body and as much as embarrassing as it is to admit, he loves to show off and be admired for it (especially by you).
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
A strong believer that every person is complete and whole on their own. He believes that every person is their own and just because you love someone, it doesn't mean that your life must revolve around that person. Even so, he is a romantic. So even if he knows that he's complete without you, he does prefer to have you by his side.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He can play the piano really well. Aside from dance lessons, his parents put aside a lot of money to sign him up for piano classes when he was younger. Now, he plays them whenever he’s deep in thought and it’s always relaxing to hear him play.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
In general, Howie doesn’t like broccoli. Keep those away from him. Please. When it comes to partners, Howie stays away from people who make him feel less. Basically people who put him down for being who he is and liking the things he likes. Narcissists, if you will.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He’s a snuggler and he nuzzles into your side a lot when he sleeps. Whether you get too warm is your problem because this dude is Strong™ and won’t let you push him aside that easily. And, God, I hate to say this but he’s definitely a snorer. Not all the time but when he’s really tired.... let’s just say you won’t be getting a decent sleep.
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onceupona-chaos · 3 years
Feathers and dawn (part II)
Day 18 of Elriel month/ Teach me how to fly
You can read part I here.
"Spread your wings." 
The moment Elain opened her wings, the cold, impetuous wind hit them, and the full impact made her lose balance, almost falling backwards. Instead, she met Azriel's chest, his hands tightened on her waist, and her body went cold and hot all at once.
This time Elain did stop breathing. 
WC: 4164/ Warnings: Language
(I had so much fun writing this! As usual, sorry for any mistakes, English is not my first language. Sorry for any typos as well, but I can't look at it anymore lol)
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Elain had held that light inside of her with everything she got, and even so it came close to controlling her rather than the other way around.
She still could feel it, not the light that shone so bright to blind someone's eyes, but more like a gracious flame of a candle in her chest. But that was nothing compared to how the muscles on her back burned.
When her eyes cracked open, she was half expectant that all of it had been a delirious dream or one of those visions that still hunted her from time to time. But then she tried to move to a sit position, and a scream escaped from her throat at the very, very real pain punishing her upper body.
Her entire back was sore, and she could feel a complex extension of muscles - from her neck to the end of her spine - that was now linked to two massive weights coming out of her shoulder blades.
Excruciating, blinding pain.
Elain didn't notice the tears falling down her cheeks, couldn't even hear the sounds coming out of her own mouth.
Strong, calloused hands were pushing her hair away from her sweaty forehead a second later, and then Azriel’s beautiful face was there.
He was like a hiding spot in the middle of a storm, anchoring her from her agony, even though his expression was contorted in worry.
Azriel's eyes were wild, lips forming her name, but she couldn't hear a sound. Pain was all she knew, making her senses numbed.
Black dots started to dance in front of her eyes, her head getting light, and hazel ones full of terror was the last thing she saw before the world bleed into darkness again.
The next time Elain emerged to consciousness, first she smelled the leafy odor of salvia. Then the feeling of gentle, experienced hands massaged the line of her spine while she was lying on her stomach.
Heavy eyelids opened to the Velaris sunset, shades of pink and purple coloring the blue sky were visible through the familiar floor to ceiling windows, making her recognize her room in the river house.
Elain caught a movement from the corner of her eyes, and she inclined her head slightly to see Azriel, kneeling beside her bed, worry still printed in his face, but his eyes filled with relief now.
His hair was in complete disarray, the dark locks pointed in different directions as if he had run his hands through it repeatedly.
“You’re awake,” he breathed.
Those hands, unfamiliar hands, were still rubbing her exposed back, the gentle touch soothing the pain.
“That’s Majda, she’s almost finishing.” Azriel must have sensed her confusion. “How’s the pain?”
Her mouth was dry and it was an effort just to make words come out of it. “Tolerable” she said, voice raw.
He just nodded and then they fell in a comfortable silence. It was always like this with him - no need for empty words.
Azriel just stayed there in his vigil, shadows curling around his ankles, watching her with those familiar hazel eyes. Not the blazing gold of Cassian's, but rather an embrace shared between warm brown and stark gray, with hues of emerald green that would stand out according to his mood.
Eyes as complex as Azriel's himself, candidly observing her whilst Majda worked, her hands putting the exact amount of pressure to soothe her muscles, the salvia tuning the sharp pain into a dull ache. She didn't touch Elain's wings.
Even with their weights on her back, even with the feeling of that warm power in her chest, Elain still was prone to believe it all had been a dream if it wasn't for the pain.
When Majda finished the healing massage, she merely told them she'd come back the next few days to do it again.
The bedroom’s door clicked shut, and Elain was already trying to get up, Azriel immediately protesting, "You should stay in bed.”
"I want to see them" was her only reply. She needed to see, to look at them. To know they were real.
"Your muscles aren't strong enough to support the new weight -"
Indeed, when she tried to stand, her balance wavered and she toppled forward.
Azriel caught her before she could fall on her face, hauling her up. Gently, one of his hands passed behind her knees, the other around her waist, and he scooped her up.
Elain let her head fall against his chest, breathing his scent as he walked through the room. A few moments later, far more than was necessary to reach her mirror, he put her down, but remained close.
She didn't see her pale face or even care about the fact that she was wearing nothing, but a nightgown that reached the middle of her thighs. Not when two massive wings rested on the floor behind her, the soft, white feathers touching the carpet.
Elain turned around to see her back, to see the point where the skin ended and the feathering began.
They were beautiful.
But she never had felt more unworthy of something. She couldn’t even hold them up, couldn't even lift them from the ground. It had been so exhausting spent months trapped in that murky realm, visions blending together with reality, that she hadn’t want find out what else the Cauldron had given her, hadn't want to touch that flame burning in her chest, not when her own body felt foreign and now -
Only when she felt tears dripping onto her chest, Elain realized she was crying, exhaustion falling upon her as a blanket, covering her to the bones.
She stood there for enough time that the next time Azriel spoke, she had almost forgotten he was there.
Because she always seemed to sense whenever he was around.
"I will teach you everything."
It didn't sound like an offer at all. His words were a promise.
Slowly she turned from the mirror to face him - and nearly sobbed at how lovely and fiercely his eyes were, almost shining with sheer compassion.
Compassion for her, yes. But also for an Illyrian boy who didn't know how to fly, who found himself all alone in a war camp long ago. "I'll be with you and I'll teach you everything."
She didn’t know what to say, what to make of everything. So Elain only took his hand, interlacing their fingers and squeezing firmly.
But then, a thought struck her. "Truth-Teller," she gasped.
A smile curved his lips. "It's with me," he said. "I went back to the Cave. Turns out, without the Orb, the wards were gone."
Relief washed over her. And guilty.
"I'm sorry. I should - ."
Before she could finish her sentence, Elain was again in his arms. Azriel chuckled, but hadn't missed how heavy her eyelids were getting. "Not your fault. You weren't exactly in position to remember it," he said while gently carrying her back to bed.
But before he could lay down the mattress, he stopped by the side of the bed, and turned to look at her. Every ounce of amusement gone.
"I thought…" his words died and he shook his head.
No trace of that mask he so often used, no sign of his usually neutral expression.
The look on his face was Azriel in his most raw state. And she could see it.
I thought I had lost you.
She wished she wasn't so tired as she buried her face in the crook of his neck and breathed, "I know."
He nodded. He understood.
He murmured as he lay her in the bed, "Sleep. I still owe Nesta an explanation."
Elain smiled sleepily, and mumbled, "Good luck."
Just when darkness came to claim her once again, Elain felt the ghost touch of a light kiss in her temple and the smell of mist and cedar. ___________
The next day, Elain was sitting at her usual spot by the window of the living room in the river house, the Orb laying on a desk right in the center of the room. What was unusual, however, was the many pairs of eyes glued to her.
Cassian's jaw was still on the floor by the time Amren, the last one to arrive, entered the room. Even her face went a bit slack when she took in the wings and some emotion sparkled in her silver eyes.
Elain tried not to blush, but all that attention wasn't helping.
Although Feyre had helped her before to retract and summon her wings, which she was grateful for, Elain didn't want to summon them in front of everyone, so she decided to just get straight to the point.
She didn’t know how Azriel explained what had happened to the others, especially to Nesta. But given the look on her face fixed on Rhysand and on the spymaster, a perfect I Will Slay My Enemies look, according to Cassian, Elain wasn’t sure she wanted to know.
But as for now Azriel just held her sister's gaze, his face neutral.
"So…" Cassian began, waving a hand towards her wings. "What the hell?"
"I think what he's trying to ask you is," Nesta gave a look at her mate. "Where did those come from?"
Elain took a deep breath. "Well..." She bit her lip, trying to choose her words in order to make sense. "After I found out what I was, I've never accessed the full extension of my powers. I knew the Cauldron had given me something else,something more, but I didn't want to find out what it was."
Rhysand asked, "Why."
"Because I was too scared," She replied honestly. That was all she could say. She didn't want to, didn't know if she could relive those days when she couldn't tell reality and dreams apart.
She glimpsed at Azriel, who was at the corner of the room, sorrow shining on his face while he gave her a reassurance nod.
"So when I grabbed the Orb, it… whatever powers I have just grumbled in answer, as if they were the same… they came to the surface. It tried to stop them, push them back, to let go of the Orb, but I couldn't… it trapped me"
"That's because they are the same," Amren said. As soon as the words left her mouth, Elain understood what lay on her eyes: recognition.
"What wicked sort of plans the Cauldron may have for the three of you," Amren went on, nodding to Elain and her sisters.
"Amren," Rhysand said, the voice of the High Lord. "If you know something, just tell us."
The petite female gave him a hard look, before turning to Elain. "The Cauldron didn't make you any Seer." Amren tilted her head, studied Elain. "He also happened to make you an Oracle." Her eyes were practically two blazing stars, and Elain had to fight a shiver, before asking "An Oracle?"
"That 's right, girl."
"What's the difference?" Nesta demanded.
"A different group of Seers… powerful ones", Rhysand murmured, running a hand through his hair. "I thought they were just a myth."
"They were as real as you and me, Rhysand," Amren said, shaking her head.
It was Feyre's time to demand, "Someone please explain."
"Before the High Lords, there was a time where this world lived in complete, unshakable peace," Amren began. "The Oracles were the great responsibles for this time of harmony, a group of Seers who used to celebrate life and pulled the threads of Fate. They travel through words just like we travel between courts, using their Seer powers to See and manipulate the future to their will… to prevent any cause of conflict before it even became a conflict. Subtle, swift creatures those females"
Elain wasn't sure if anyone in the room was breathing.
Azriel asked quietly, "How did they disappear?"
"No one truly knows." Rhysand answered. "The legends don't go that far."
"Common Seers have the gift of sight, but it's limited in its own way," Amren explained. "Oracles, however, have other sort powers as well and they can see further in the future, no matter how distant."
There was one question in Elain's mind, essencial and terrifying. "What is my power?"
Amren's smile was a thing of pure wickedness. "I guess you'll have to find out."
"But why the wings?" Nesta asked, brows furrowed.
Amren eyes softened a little. "Some claimed some of them heritaged from an unknown race of warriors. But not every one of them had wings. If you were blessed with them, they would call you the Leader. The others would fly on their winged horses by her side, travelling through the world and maintaining their balance."
Elain's head was spinning. "But what about the Orb?"
"I might have an idea, but I'll need to do some research in the Helion's libraries first." Rhysand shot his mate a look, his lips curving. "Care to join?"
Feyre only rolled her eyes.
Cassian let out a long breath. "So you're telling me Elain could see if a war is truly coming and stop it before it even begins."
A sick feeling gathered on her stomach, and she blurted, "No."
"No what?" Amren asked thighly.
"No, I won't use my powers to play with Fate." She couldn't help the edge of rage in her words. "Espeacilly not when Fate itself had been playing with me all along."
Silence fell.
"You're right," Feyre offered at last, her voice soft. "It's your choice."
Gratitude washed over Elain.
"I want to learn how to fly, though" she blurted, glancing at Azriel, who was already smiling.
Feyre looked between them. "You'll find Azriel has… harsh methods, but they are quite efficient."
Rhysand, who had been just observing, suggested, "Maybe you, Feyre darling, can teach Elain, too."
"I will train her." Azriel's words were practically a snarl, challenge filling every one of them.
Elain looked at the shadows gathering around him as he stared at Rhysand, who just narrowed his eyes back. Strange.
"I'm sure Azriel is the better option to teach Elain, he was the one who taught me after all." Feyre was looking pointly at her mate. "But I can participate in a few lessons when they get tired of training alone." She said looking at Elain, eyes shining bright with an edge of mischief.
Elain ignored that.
"You'll have to build some muscles, you know that, right?" Cassian asked.
Muscles. It wasn't that Elain was opposed to that, but… she couldn't see herself as a warrior like her sisters. Surely, she wouldn't mind learning one thing or two, but...
"I'll help you."
Elain turned to her older sister, with raised brows. "I don't…"
"You don't have to learn how to use a sword, but I can help with your core muscles," Nesta offered.
Then, Elain couldn't stop the warmth in her chest - not from that source of power, but from pure gratitude. "Thank you."
Amren shocked her head and huffled a breath, edged with amusement, making Elain's brows furrow at that.
"A Made, reborn Fae and a Valkyrie training a new Oracle." Her lips curved in a feral smile. "Three Cauldron-blessed sisters, indeed."
Elain didn't have to use the Orb to know Fate had listened to Amren's words.
Azriel's curse hit Elain's ears, before her arm hit the rock as she fell on her face right into the lake.
They had been training for weeks now. At first, it was more about how to summon her wings and keep them up instead of resting on the ground.
Sometimes Feyre would join them, or even Nuala and Cerridwen made an appearance for what Cerridwen called "emotional support".
Which means they watched as Elain jumped just to fall right into that gods-damned lake and tried not to laugh. Cerridwen often failed spectacularly at that.
But after one particularly hard training lesson that ended up with more bruises Elain would care to admit, especially to her pride, Cerridwen had come to her room with a gift: a brand new and very pink apron with a winged fawn carefully embroidered at the front, the chain stitches meticulous done.
It was the most ridiculous apron Elain had ever seen - and she wore every chance she got with a stupid smile on her face.
But most of the time it was only Azriel and her. First they would stick to training, and she was able to focus only on the lessons. Until one day they had sat side by side at the shore, talking about everything and nothing, and, gods, she had missed him.
But then she felt that ravenous pull towards him and had to look away, before she could do something stupid again - and just like that she remembered why they had kept their distance in the first place.
She knew he desired her just as she desired him. She had seen the longing in his face, and had smelled his scent that night, darker than usual. Had read the hunger shining in his eyes as he looked at her.
But she had crossed a line he didn't want to cross.
Good thing now she had other things to worry about. Like ignoring the pain in her left arm, finding her way to the surface to get the hell out of that chilling lake.
But before she could do any of those things, Elain found herself looking at the sky and then the ground was beneath her.
And a very, very shirtless Azriel was by her side. "Are you alright?" he asked, wrapping his tunic around her shoulders, scanning for injuries.
Even with her teeth almost chattering off her mouth from the cold, Elain couldn't help but take one good look at his muscled chest, those intricate tattoos on display and she felt her face heating. Not from embarrassment, but from pure desire that was pounding in her blood, traveling through her body. All she wanted in that moment, and so many before that, was to touch him, taste him. Be with him, by his side.
She imagined what would be like to have that powerful body hovering over hers.
Then she blushed a bit at those thoughts, too.
"I"m fine," she blurted after a considerable time, enough to make Azriel blush as well. And make her consider throwing herself at the lake again.
To distract herself, Elain closed her eyes and accessed that flame in her chest, letting it shine bright inside her, waves of heat running through her veins and bones until she was no longer cold.
When she looked at Azriel, he was already watching her. He cleaned his throat. "You kept yourself on the air longer this time."
Elain raised an eyebrow, "I fell on the only rock in this entire river."
A gleam shone in his eyes.
Elain narrowed hers at him.
"Are you trying not to laugh?"
"No," he said, clapping his lips together.
Every pound of desire in her blood died. "You said it wasn't funny anymore after the first four times!"
At that, Azriel tipped his head back and busted out such a rich laugh, that even Elain couldn't stop the small smile on her own lips. "You are a terrible teacher."
Except that he wasn't. Azriel was patient and thoughtful. He had refused to let her practice anywhere but the lake, and when she said she didn't need to be coddled and could practice on land, he had scanned her face, so many emotions passing across his, and told her he wouldn't see her getting hurt.
So they practice on the lake. Every day.
That was weeks ago and Elain was starting to think she would never take to the skies. She still couldn't sustain herself on the air for more than a few seconds.
"What is it like? To fly, I mean." she asked, eyes fixing on the lake before her.
She felt Azriel's eyes on her. "It 's freedom." Truth echoed in his words.
Elain nodded to herself. "I can hear the wind calling me." Her wing ruffled as if in emphasis."I can feel every muscle in my body begging me to jump out of the windows and it just… it's getting harder to ignore."
Elain tried to stop the burning in her eyes, her voice was broken when she breathed, "Why me, if I can't even get close to being airborne for more than five seconds?"
Azriel kept silent for so long, she didn't know if he heard her, but she was too much of a coward to look at him. Didn't want to look at him, not like this, not again.
But then gentle fingers found her chin and slowly turned her head to meet hazel eyes shining bright as the sun above them.
"Come with me."
Next thing she knew she was taking his extended hand and he shot to the skies, his tunic flying from her shoulders while she was being cradled against his bare chest.
Even though he was made of muscles hard as rock, his skin was warm and soft as the finest velvet.
Azriel landed right on the top of one of the highest mountains surrounding Velaris, the city bursting with life so far below that it seemed one of Nyx's toys.
And Elain almost stopped breathing. "Are you going to push me?"
Azriel chuckled, but didn't answer. "Turn around and close your eyes."
"So you definitely are going to push me," she murmured, but did as she was told.
She didn't know what she was expecting, but it wasn't Azriel's large hands on her waist or the warmth of his body behind her.
"Spread your wings."
The moment Elain opened her wings, the cold, impetuous wind hit them, and the full impact made her lose balance, almost falling backwards. Instead, she met Azriel's chest and his hands tightened on her.
This time Elain did stop breathing.
Especially when Azriel's breath caressed the
shell of her ear. "Focus on the wind passing through your wings, how each feather answers to it. Try to understand its direction, its temperature."
So she did. And she could feel it. She could feel the most external layer of feathers absorbing the temperature impact of the icy wind. Could feel the most little plumes, so sensitive they could perceive the slight change in any air current direction.
She became aware of everything around her. But mostly of the heat emanating from Azriel's body on her back, of his thumbs now drawing small circles on her sides.
"When I was a boy, I used to think the same thing as you do now," he whispered. "I was locked away and had to suppress so many instincts…" He let out a breath. "These wings are yours and only yours, you command them. It might take some time, but you will fly and control your powers. Be patient. You can do whatever you want, Elain."
It was his words, the meaning. He believed in her, had always believed in her.It was that certainty that had her leaning into his touch.
She folded in her wings and tilted her head, slowly opening her eyes to find his beautiful face inches from hers, close enough for her to see the hues of green in his eyes.
"Thank you," she breathed.
Azriel said nothing. No, he just let every word shine in his gaze as he leaned down and brushed his nose against hers while his thumbs were still caressing her sides leisurely.
She sucked in a breath, eyes falling close as she lost herself at the pure intimacy of that touch. Elain's whole body went molten and she wanted nothing more than to melt against his chest.
But she couldn't cross that line again.
So she pulled back, just enough to look at his face and made herself say, "I think Nesta is waiting for me."
Shadows darkened his hazel eyes. "Right."
On their way to the House of Wind, she thought Azriel would keep silent but he surprised her when he said quietly, "Nuala and Cerridwen never told me you were training with them."
Despite everything, a faint smile curved Elain's lips. "You can't expect to know everyone secrets."
He lifted an eyebrow. "That's my job."
And Nuala and Cerridwen's, too.
"I don't want to be a warrior," Elain blurted. "But… maybe I can use my gifts - my sight gifts, I mean - to..."
A whisper of those shadows still filled his gaze, but Azriel gave her a small smile. "Like spying?"
Elain blushed. "Perhaps."
"You'd make a good spy, but you have to be patient."
Elain looked at him. At that male who had intrigued her and made her feel comfortable and safe from the very beginning. At that male who found her when no one else would, who had seen her. Had truly seen her.
No, she wouldn't cross that line now, but...
"I can be patient, Azriel," she breathed. Promised.
This time, hope shone so brightly in his hazel eyes that no room was left for shadows.
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nightrae13 · 3 years
Glaciator 2: Review
Just finished watching Glaciator 2, lol. I don’t want to further stretch things out to avoid toxic wars but I just wanted to say congratulations to all Marichat shippers out there who had the power to wait for this moment to come (although nothing beats the original Glaciator still)
Although, I didn’t find the whole episode really romantic (thanks to Mari being happy that Adrien’s upset so she could show off in front of him and LadyBug being too harsh on Chat, literally throwing him in the trash) I wanted to appreciate Chat’s efforts and looks for Marinette. He stayed and laughed with her even if he himself was heart broken. Also, the fact that Gabriel cared for Adrien in this episode. 
I did tell myself back then that I would go back to the Square for LadyNoir, but I just think they both need space first (I don’t even know if I still have respect for LadyNoir after the trash can scene). Didn’t we all had a headcanon back then (or at least at some point before some just got tired with this never ending “will they or won’t they” trope) that Marichat is the best ship because they both could get rid off their idealistic views to Adrien and LadyBug and learn to understand and accept at least for a moment that they can’t always get what they want?
I don’t mean to say that Chat and Mari would hit off just by a single episode (I don’t even ship them now at this point. Plus I enjoyed their dynamic in the episode mostly as friends.) but rather, I would love to see a development for their feelings for once. Something like, Chat despite still having feelings for LB, understands and accepts her feelings and views (example is Naruto in regards for his feelings for Sakura) or Marinette cheering up Adrien because she was sincerely concerned for him and not because she wanted to impress him.
This is one of the few episodes that actually focused on Adrien and it was the love square episode. I don’t know but to me, it just symbolizes that his character was just now merely there for the romantic plot (which he shouldn’t just be, honestly). 
Still, I have my gratitude for this episode. It wasn’t the best and it didn’t developed anything at all (maybe MariChat but we hardly get a closure between LadyBug saying sorry to Chat and Adrien already have his respect for Marinette ever since) but it still featured Adrien and at least gave credit for his feelings (though LB doesn’t). We had Kagami’s cute moments about a manga and for being concerned for Adrien and of course, Gabriel actually being a concerned dad.  
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c-aureus · 3 years
Ok, here’s a post I’ve been waiting to make: Why I’m worried about BotW2. Wall of text incoming. Now, I’m gonna preface this with a few things. Firstly, I waited to post this so that all of the immediate reactionary hype would die down a bit, and also so that I could contemplate on my thoughts for a while, before posting them. Secondly, this is not at all a criticism of the setting, or gameplay, both of which look incredible. However, for me at least, none of that was ever in doubt. Thirdly, I will freely admit that all of the forthcoming arguments are speculation. We do not yet know much of anything about the direction of the sequel, and I fully understand and admit that there is every chance that I could be completely wrong. In fact, I’d very much like for that to be the case. Alas, I am English, and cynicism is literally encoded into my DNA, so here’s a few things that I think are likely to happen, and why I’m so worried about them. My first point is kind of a big one, but honestly, it kinda sums my entire argument up: I’m worried that BotW2 is going to do everything it can to basically be a ‘soft reset’, regressing to the norm of BotW. What do I mean by this? Well. From a gameplay perspective, it will almost certainly use the time honoured Zelda tradition of resetting Link to 3 hearts and no powers at the beginning. Needless to say, I really do not want them to do this. From a story perspective, Link’s entire character arc in BotW was regaining the power he lost due to the Shrine of Resurrection. From a narrative perspective, I really do not want to see all of his growth and progress wiped away because ‘New Game lol’. Furthermore, on the topic of the Champions’ abilities... I honestly don’t think that any of them would just abandon him, however this argument goes 10x more for Mipha specifically. Mipha’s promise to Link in BotW was to ALWAYS heal him, and it is one of the most hauntingly beautiful things about her tragedy that she gets to fulfill her promise to him in death. Therefore, I simply cannot reconcile Mipha leaving Link (not sticking around to heal him) with her character. Because, BotW shows that her love and her devotion to Link are selfless, and absloute. She would NEVER renege on such a promise, even though Ganon was ‘defeated’. To do so is antithecal to her entire character. There’s also the matter of Link’s equipment. In a similar vein, I’d argue that much of Link’s equipment (including the Champions’ weapons and Zora Armour) hold enormous sentimental value to him, and if he is stripped of them for no good reason, then I will also be upset. Also, furthermore, BotW2 seems to be very strongly implying that Ganon was not ‘defeated’, which means that the Champions’ spirits cannot even be ‘at rest’, since surely their duty is not complete? Not that I think this should ever factor into Mipha’s personal motivation to continue healing Link, but whatever. What I fear is that there will be no mention nor presence of the Champions’ abilities, which... would really suck. Honestly, I’d even go so far as to say that it absolutely ruins Mipha’s character. Even if we’re being fooled and it’s not actually Ganon who is causing trouble (it does look pretty Malice-y, though...), I honestly, truly believe that they would not simply abandon Link. However, if it IS Ganon(dorf), then there is no excuse nor reason for their absence. This comes into my second point. I’m strongly suspecting that the plot of BotW2 is trying its absolute hardest to simply ‘reset the status quo’ that existed in BotW. By this, I mean that the trailers have already shown Ganon and implied him to be the villain, and Link and Zelda have been separated, presumably with Link having to rescue her. Again.
(On a side note, I do not believe that anyone truly believes that they’ve actually killed Zelda off, do they? I mean, come on. Her plot armour is thicker than the belt of a WW2 era dreadnought battleship. Which is a shame, tbh, becasuse it really prevents any kind of tension in the story, or interesting twists.) (On another side note, idk if I’ve actually seen anyone elaborate on how... depressing it is to have Ganon as the main villain AGAIN. The entirety of BotW was dedicated to defeating him, and many characters literally gave their lives to fight him, and now, after having been successful and defeated him, ‘lol he’s back again, lol.’ *Shrug*. I guess that it feels kinda cheap to me, along the lines of a last minute ‘oh wait, you didn’t REALLY beat him’, because they want to pad the game out more. Especially if there is no real consideration of this point from Link and Zelda’s pov: Namely, just how depressing it would be to lose everything to Ganon, finally defeat him, only to have him immediately return. At this point, I’d be lamenting on the unfairness that Ganon gets literally infinite chances to try again, but not all of his victims, which could be a really interesting psychological point of exploration, but I fear that the sequel will not make any effort to mention it. Hence my low-effort meme on the matter. ) So, basically, instead of giving us a new plot, in a new direction, with the consequences and events of the prequel fresh in mind and influencing character behaviour, we’re resetting the situation to how things were in BotW. Which... I’m extremely un-keen on. Since, it’s going to probably feel like a ‘we’ve already done this before’ kind of thing. A staleness, if you will. Again, I’d love to be proven wrong. However, what I suspect and fear is that we’re going to get this kind of situation, which I would really hate. The thing that I have been waiting for with the highest of anticipation was seeing how Link and Zelda would react to post-Calamity Hyrule, and how their failures and losses would impact them going forwards. I’m not going to give the Resurrection/Time Travel speech again, but I will mention it, since it is an absolutely valid goal, given the ‘rules’ by which the Zelda universe operates, and a valid response to the grief of losing characters that BotW/AoC establishes that they love. Again, I fear that the sequel will make no reference to this, which also feels like a massive disservice to the characters of the Champions. Also, it would be really unique, and not just the standard ‘defeat the Big Bad Evil Ganon’ that is every Zelda game. Ok, I really am done on that point here. It’s a topic for another rant, lol. TL;DR: I’m very, very worried that BotW2 will forgo narrative progression to simply reset the situation to how it was before, without any care for how that impacts the narrative. I mean, we saw how bad this ended up for the Star Wars sequels, so I think I have a right to be concerned... We know that this game grew out of being DLC for BotW. What I fear is that it will really end up looking like BotW DLC, rather than a sequel, from a narrative perspective. If anyone has any opinions or thoughts to add, then I’d love to hear them.
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tack-tick · 4 years
Dream SMP Pokemon AU Part One
Aka I’m bored and started thinking too hard about this. Hit the image limit so I’ll post part two later when I get the motivation.
General Lore
Humans and Pokemon share lives because of a curse from the gods
Humans used to abuse Pokémon’s power and did the old “get cursed for their arrogance thing” that always happens to humans in myths
Now when humans catch Pokemon, it’s understood by both parties that their sharing lives in exchange for getting to bond and battle together
If a human runs out of their three lives, the Pokemon they are bonded with dies
It’s considered a major dick move to forcibly separate a pokemon and trainer
Humans can only share lives with pokemon when they are at least 10 years old
Like getting a pokemon in the anime basically
This is basically just an excuse for why everyone has one Pokemon and I didn’t want to just say I was lazy
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Him and Ditto have the same freaking face
Nicknamed Spirit
Disguises itself as a Gyarados, Rapidash, or Dragonite depending on what’s needed
Nobody knows it’s a Ditto
People just assume Dream is confident enough in his abilities that he’s willing to give only one life to each of his pokemon
Nope, he just has a Ditto that’s really good at transforming and battling
Wears a mask that looks like Dreams when it transforms so it can hide the Ditto face
Dream does his spiel about not caring about anything on the server and the poor thing gets sulky
Dream has to apologize to it and gives it a lot of hugs
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Nicknamed Beckerson
Also has a tendency to take naps during important events
Could be one of the strongest pokemon there if the two bothered to train
Was a huge asset in the Dream Team vs L’Manberg War
Seriously this things attack stat is freaking insane
Already fully evolved when the war started
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Nicknamed Mars
I just looked at fire types and Mars fit the best
Plus Lions automatically equal awesome
Sapnap threatens to have Mars eat the smaller pokemon all the time
Will intimidate others by just gulping down magicarp in front of them
In like one bite each
Loves getting to set things on fire
Already fully evolved when the war started
Sapnap uses the “talking to a cat” voice with it
Still tries to sit in Sapnap’s lap after evolving and crushes him everytime
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A primeape nicknamed Henry
To quotes it’s sun pokedex entry “It has been known to become so angry it dies as a result”
That’s about all I needed to pair him up with Tommy
Shares Tommy’s temper and loyalty
Considered more loyal to his trainer than the average pokemon
Him and Tommy met in the woods when Tommy was about nine and Henry was a mankey
They just both looked at each other and got in a fistfight
Then Tommy took him home after he accidentally got hurt
Evolved when Tommy was exiled from New L’manberg
Dream was keeping him captive in a pokeball and only let him out when they visited Tommy
When it was let out it always tried to beat the crap out of Dream
Was told to stop doing that by Tommy because Dreams a friend
Which Henry thought was bullcrap but anything for Tommy
He’s doing better at Techno’s now
Trains with Carl a lot
But he misses Spins :(
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A Vesiqueen nicknamed Spins
Picked because bees
Best friend to Henry
Evolved at the festival in a last ditch effort to try and protect Tubbo because combee have really bad stats
Didn’t work because fire beats bug but she tried very hard
It didn’t work but the thought counts
Worried about her trainer due to all the previous leaders becoming corrupted by the power
Has vowed to stick by his side no matter what
Loves to make honey and brings it to Niki for her bakery
Currently sad because she thinks Henry is dead :(
Honestly wishes literally anyone else would be president for her trainers mental health
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Toxitricity that was not nicknamed
Picked because it’s the only pokemon with an association with music that actually looks like it can fight
I tried to find something with the colors but nope
There are probably better options out there but idk what they are
Met Wilbur as a Toxel when it’s parents abandoned it
Heard Wilbur playing his guitar and listened from the bushes
The it just followed him home and they got along
It evolved when Wilbur was exiled
Was one of the first to realize that something was wrong with him
Was one of the few who could snap Wilbur out of his delusions
Eventually even that didn’t work
It probably knew in the end that Wilbur was doomed
But It couldn’t just abandon its trainer
Not Wilbur no way
It was glad it got to see Gramps one last time
Now it exsists like those ghost pokemon in Lavender Town
Not a ghost type pokemon but literally a ghost
Called Ghostricity
Remembers about as much as Ghostbur
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An Emboar nicknamed Carl
Picked because it is, and I am quoting Bulbapedia, the “Mega Fire Pig Pokemon”
In other words, it’s a big boy!
How it met Techno will be explained in Philza’s entry so we’re gonna skip that
Was already fully evolved by the time Techno came to the Dream SMP
Just as bloodthirsty as his trainer and extremely good at battling
Loves to go to the Nether and soak in lava pools like a hot tub
Finds it very relaxing
Had an extra cost in bonding with Techno in that he also hears the voices
Finds them very annoying
Got jumped and taken hostage by the Butger Gang due to having water dumped on it
It was a lot of water
Which has managed to mega piss off Techno
Is very embarrassed at having to be rescued by Dream and Spirit
The closest to knowing what Spirit actually is
So looking forward to toppling the government
Currently training by sneaking out to waterfalls and standing under them
Very protective of Gramps
If you wanna do a speed run of getting fireblasted hurt Gramps in front of Carl
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A Drampa nicknamed Gramps
Literally all of its pokedex entries are about how it takes care of kids and is extremely threatening when pissed off
Gramps met Philza when It was raising a Tepig in the woods
Techno was little and had gotten lost in the woods and ran into Tepig
They got along and Tepig took him to see his “dad”
Drampa helped Techno get home and Philza let them stay at his house out of gratitude
Philza and Drampa got along and the rest is history
Considered a dad by Carl, Ghostricity, and Henry
A very nice dragon who has accidentally adopted like half the servers pokemon
Extremely long lived
Feels extreme guilt about Ghostricity’s whole situation
Hard to make mad but when it is mad
Totally doesn’t have a favorite pokemon in Carl
Who would dare spread such obviously and totally false slander
Currently under house arrest along with Phil
Wants to see his kids
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A Delphox nicknamed Sally after his mom
Was gifted to Fundy when he was little by his mom
Evolved from Fennekin to Braxien after the Final Control Room incident
Evolved from Braixen to Delphox during the final fight in the Manberg Vs Pogtopia War
Uses her magic to help Fundy build things
Has mixed feelings about Ghostbur and Ghostricity
Just wants to Fundy to be happy and appreciated
Currently sticking with her trainer and making sure he doesn’t get himself killed in trying to fight some of the most powerful people on the server
Is slightly freaked out by The Buther Gang thing
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An Empolean named Party
Picked because Club Penguin raid lol
Also blue and couldn’t find any cool duck pokemon
Quackity crashed on an island filled with the Piplup line
Had to stay for a couple of days to fix his boat
He left and found a piplup had snuck into his boat and decided to keep it
Has already evolved to Prinplup by the time Quackity was whitelisted
Evolved to Empolean during the duel with Technoblade in the control room
Loves screwing with people by freezing their stuff
Still has a surprisingly strong moral compass
Extremely loyal to its trainer and hated Schlatt with every bone in its body
Totally froze Schlatt’s gravestone at the funer
Hates going to the nether
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spockandawe · 3 years
I doubt this is something I’ll ever even try to write, because I rarely have the energy these days to devote my energy to a ‘lol but what if’ ship. But never say never, and I legit wrote the emilonni and tlj/sqq fics, after all, so I’m going to write this down and maybe, possibly, someday come back to it.
Now, hear me out
Wei Wuxian/Jin Zixun
Yes, yes, I know, but give me a second. It’s the sort of ship where I kind of want to do it just to see if it can be done, and where the idea of ‘textual support’ is kind of laughable, and it’s not like I’m smashing together two super-popular characters who just never happened to speak, and it’s the kind of ship where I think I could only shake one fic out of it before I was repeating myself, BUT.
First, a quote:
The person at the head of the group was Jin Zixun. He said, “Zixuan, is that Wei making trouble for you again?!”
Jin Zixuan said, “None of your business, don’t worry about it for now!” Seeing that Wei Wuxian grabbed Jiang Yanli and was about to take her away, he added, “Stop!”
Wei Wuxian said, “Oh, you want to fight? That’s fine with me!”
Jin Zixun said, “You Wei, just what do you mean by going against Zixuan so many times?”
Wei Wuxian looked at him. “Who are you?”
Jin Zixun paused in shock, and fumed, “You don’t know who I am?!”
“Why should I know who you are?”
When the Sunshot Campaign had first broken out, Jin Zixun had insisted on defending the back lines, due to an injury. He hadn’t had the chance to see what Wei Wuxian was like on the front lines, and most of his knowledge had come from rumors. He hadn’t care much for him, thinking that the rumors were simply exaggerations. However, a while ago, Wei Wuxian had summoned all of the dark creatures in the forest with a whistle, calling away the fierce corpses Jin Zixun’s group had been about to capture, causing their efforts to be wasted. He was already displeased.
Now, in front of his face, Wei Wuxian was asking who he was, stirring up a strange sense of indignation within him— He knew Wei Wuxian, yet Wei Wuxian didn’t know him, and even dared ask who he was in front of everyone. It was as if this had caused him to lose too much face. The more he thought about it, the more irritated he became.
Now, there’s a thoughtful meta I hopefully reblogged to my sideblog, which I would have to dig up or recreate on my own, about the most sympathetic possible reading of Jin Zixun. If memory serves, it has a lot to do about the precarious nature of his social position, where he’s part of the Jin clan, and kind of the closest thing Jin Zixuan has to a brother, but also, everyone knows that Jin Zixuan has half-siblings coming out of the woodwork, and many of them would be stoked to get Jin Guangshan to accept them into the family. At this stage in the story, Jin Guangyao is already a major player and a hero of the war and part of the venerated triad, where Jin Zixun spent a lot of time... not in the thick of things, like most other peers of his generation.
Is he an asshole? Yes! Is... Wei Wuxian an asshole? Also yes! One of them may be a more likeable asshole than the other, but that’s part of the excitement of a story like this, trying to coax people into holding a fannish position that they’d never considered before, and aren’t particularly eager to be convinced of. I don’t think I’m bad at that uphill climb, it just takes a lot of energy that I don’t often have to begin that journey in the first place. Also, one of these assholes is a certified grade-A torturer, and it’s probably not the one you dislike. Jin Zixun isn’t starting from an insurmountable disadvantage here. 
And see, the thing that got my attention is this: Earlier in this chapter, Wei Wuxian is a little melancholy, thinking about how since the Sunshot Campaign, lots of people are scared of him, hardly anyone is willing to be alone with him, and almost nobody would ever be willing to approach him alone. And here, we get the information that because Jin Zixun was injured early and wasn’t on the front lines of the Sunshot Campaign, he doesn’t know to be afraid. He tried to provoke Wei Wuxian before the hunt, he’s about to keep provoking Wei Wuxian, he’s Jin Zixun and he doesn’t afraid of anything. Yes, he’s about to say some very hurtful things, but I look at that, and I think ‘okay, now how do we recover from this?’ Giving Wei Wuxian someone who just... plain isn’t afraid of him (but is also derailed by me, your author, from taking that to unrecoverable places) would be good for him. Jiang Cheng will antagonize him and isn’t afraid of him, but they also share years of history and are dealing with a lot of other stresses in this situation, and Jiang Cheng is asking things from Wei Wuxian that Wei Wuxian is struggling to provide, and the golden core thing is still hanging between them. Lan Wangji isn’t afraid of Wei Wuxian, but Wei Wuxian parses his concern and worries as antagonism and criticism, and those stress him out in a whole different way. This dynamic, as much as I would have to work to make it happen, would bring something new to the table.
One of my favorite activities is crackshipping with sincerity, and when I poke at this, it genuinely feels like richer territory than it looks at first glance. A lot of the antagonists share some fascinating character notes with our lead, and what’s most interesting to me here is an elevated-but-precarious social position and the various stresses that puts upon our characters. Jin Guangyao is the most obvious example, and Su She echoes it more quietly, with how he struggled within the Lan Sect and eventually left (honestly, kudos to him for him and mianmian to be two of the only characters to realize that their home was hurting them and to leave). Jin Zixun is in a family position that’s close to being brothers with his sect’s heir, but isn’t quite brothers, and is close to the seat of power, but also in a precarious social position if someone acts against him. Jin Guangshan and Madam Jin create a dysfunctional family dynamic to grow up in, where Jin Guangshan’s heart attention strays from his wife, and his wife has beat at least one kid who wasn’t biologically hers in the household.
There’s some common ground, is all I’m saying
I don’t even know what would happen, necessarily, I’m talking this all out here right now, and the interesting part of ships like this is digging in extra deep, and seeing what unexpected thing shakes out. It isn’t quite in the style of the other notable rarepair fics I have managed to write, which tend to follow a paradigm of ‘[person] is floating unmoored from the world, and [love interest] gets them engaged with life again’, but it’s not totally out of line with my interests. Svsss won’t give us more detail about Tianlang-jun? Okay, what happens if I make him hopelessly fond, what happens then? What happens if I properly re-engage his sense of humor? I hardly had anything of substance to go on with Horuss, and that fic is old, but I managed to pull interesting things out of him with Roxy. And I mean... what does happen when Jin Zixun stops self-destructively antagonizing the people around him and starts acting in more neutral ways? Not even positive, I think this relationship is going to have a strong antagonistic component, but what happens if he stops basing his interactions purely on who gets the higher rung on the social ladder?
Now, I do have a problem, which is that plot is something that happens to other people. See also: the reason there has not been a tianlang-jun sequel. I think that it would almost definitely have to do with repairing the situation between Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli and both of them managing to dial it back a LITTLE so as not to completely sabotage their family member’s happiness, and that leading things forward. And in a ridiculous pipe dream that will never be realized, because either possible pov will be completely oblivious, I would also want to include Jin Zixuan’s confused bisexual awakening and his resentful (also confused) attraction towards Wei Wuxian, even if he still ends up with Jiang Yanli, but... wei wuxian isn’t going to notice, and neither is jin zixun, SO. That’s probably right out. And the plot implications would have to be... significant. Setting it post-Sunshot campaign means that the Wen situation is simmering, and any plot that involves me untangling that mess... terrifying! I wouldn’t know where to begin! But like, also. What if I could write this ship in a compelling way. I bet I could do it. Nothing feels as good as the sensation of ‘I have scored points on my own darling readers by convincing them to like something they didn’t want to like’, and usually, I only get that from the second person pov. It would be so hard to write this ship. But also, what if I did it.
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jbarness · 4 years
y/n’s nth date
a oneshot
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
about: common room conversations. today's topic: y/n's quite extraordinary dating life.
a/n: so i may be a bit busier than i expected but here's a lil something that's been in my drafts for a while before i post the first chapter of keys. its coming up in a few hours hehe. lol this has a bit of resemblance to one of my other works hihi. if u know, u know 😉. anyways, enjoy!! feedback is highly appreciated!! ♡
❗please DO NOT repost, translate, or copy my works❗
my masterlist
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“Ouch! What was that for, Y/N?!”
Tony yelled and Steve gave you his ever famous ‘eyebrows of disappointment’ when you threw a large pillow towards the cuddling couple. They were just sitting there on the floor, not even making a sound, just enjoying each other’s presence so it was pretty weird that you threw a pillow out of the blue.
You shrugged, “Nothin’ much, just felt like it.”
Everyone’s eyes were on you now. It’s not that you were acting weird, throwing stuff is kinda your thing. It’s just that you haven’t talked the whole time you were all in the common room, and you’ve all been there for an hour. You haven’t been talking for one fucking hour because you honestly felt lonely despite being around a room full of people you considered your family.
Most of them had someone. Tony has Steve, Wanda has Vision, Scott has Hope, Nat has Bruce, though he’s not here at the moment.
That leaves you, Sam, and Bucky, the members of the Single Club.
You loved them both dearly, you do, but you wanted a Steve to your Tony. Probably not the best example because of the whole Civil War thing, but they both truly loved each other, everyone could see that.
“You just felt like throwing a throw pillow to Tony and me while we were just sitting here barely talking?” Steve asked, raising an eyebrow.
“It is a throw pillow,” you said, shrugging once again.
Tony grabbed the pillow and threw it back to you aggressively, "Doesn’t mean you should just throw it out of the blue! Maybe warn us next time?”
Sam laughed, catching the pillow that was about to hit your face, “Don’t mind her, she’s just being bitter.” You smiled at him, "Can’t argue with that.”
“Well, you should try to date then,” Natasha suggested, making you, Bucky, and Sam laugh.
“She kind of gave up on it,” Bucky said and looked at you with a small smirk.
You nodded before drinking from your cup that was on the table, “I always end up in the weirdest places!”
Scott tilted his head, making him look like a confused puppy, “Like where?”
“Uhh..,” you sighed, “Their parents’ basement, a car in the shop, oh and did you forget that one time that I went home covered in blood ‘cause I ended up in a Hydra base?”
Scott nodded with a wrinkled nose, “Yeah, it’s probably safer if you never go on a date again. That basement sounds kinda weird and creepy.”
"Scott, not helping. Y/N, not all guys will bring you to the weirdest places. Believe it or not, some guys are actually pretty great and decent like, uh, Steve here. He’s respectful and kind and caring,” Hope said, completely unaware of the highly offended man beside her.
Tony smirked, “In the bedroom’s a totally different story.”
You laughed at Scott who was now sitting straight, “I’m not just gonna ignore the fact that you used Steve as an example while you’re here cuddling me,” he complained.
"Scott’s okay too, kind of a dumbass, but okay,” Hope said nonchalantly.
Wanda untangled from her lover and leaned forward, “Ooh, maybe who you’re looking for is right in front of you but you may be too bitter to see it,” she said wiggling her eyebrows.
You looked at the person who was seating across from you, “Barnes?”
Okay. He’s good looking, you’ve said that a few times to yourself already. You were friends and you were scared because if you two dated, there was no turning back. You worked really hard to be his friend after he came back from Wakanda. When he came to the tower, he always followed Steve wherever he went. He didn’t really trust anyone except for Steve. He eventually talked to the others who teamed up with him and Steve. Unfortunately for you, you teamed up with Tony. So, you only talked to him after almost a year after he moved in.
You remember it as if it was yesterday, you were teasing Sam about… okay maybe you don’t remember the exact details. It doesn’t matter! You were teasing Sam when he walked into the kitchen. You remember making your voice louder for him to hear even though you know he has supersoldier hearing. He laughed at something you said which made both you and Sam look at him. Bucky was smiling at you. It was the first time you saw it, and damn. “Please, continue teasing Sam. It can be exhausting you know? I’m glad to know that there’s someone who can take my place when I’m not there to do it,” he said sipping his coffee.
That was the day you became friends with Bucky Barnes. Aaaaand betrayed Sam Wilson.
“All I’m saying is, look at Tony and Steve. Hope and Scott. Even Vis and I. We all didn’t date first. We were…co-workers or friends first. We didn’t force ourselves to make a good first impression. We didn’t force ourselves to like the other. It just… sorta happened,” Wanda said, looking at Vision lovingly.
"Well said, Wands,” Nat smiled.
Sam clapped, “Yes! Don’t give up on love, my darling Y/N,” he said enthusiastically.
Wanda frowned and tilted her head, “Not my point.”
“What is it, Wilson?” You said, squinting your eyes.
Sam smiled nervously, scratching the side of his head, “Welllllllll, I may have another blind date for you.”
You crossed your arms in front of you, “No.”
“This is the last one!” Sam grabbed ahold of your ankle that was on his lap the whole time. You tried to kick him off, “You said that 10 dates ago!” you yelled finally sitting properly on the couch.
“10?” Steve asked.
Sam kneeled in front of you, pleading, “This one won’t take you somewhere weird!”
You rolled your eyes, “You said that 11 dates ago.”
Nat waved her hands, gesturing us to stop talking, “You’ve had 12 or 13 blind dates and all of them took you to weird places?”
You nodded. Not all of it was bad though, maybe six or seven of them were gentlemen. The rest of them were fun in a childish way. But the places, oh man, you’ve been to places you never thought you’d end up in on a first date.
“Sam, where do you even meet these people?” Scott laughed, massaging his temples.
You saw a confused Vision turn to Wanda, “Sam has friends?”
Sam stood up, “I swear, this is the– Sam has frie- yes I have friends!”
“Look, Sam, I appreciate your effort to find me love but, I’m sorry, I don’t want you to be my wingman anymore,” you smiled sadly, grabbing his hand.
“But that’s my thing!” Sam frowned, stomping his feet. You rolled your eyes, very mature.
Tony smirked, “So the spot’s open?”
Bucky raised his hand excitedly, “I’ll set you up with someone!”
“No offense but, do you know anyone else besides us, Barnes?” Natasha scrunched her eyebrows at the smiling soldier.
He nodded slowly, “Yes, I do… I-I uh go running outside sometimes, you know?”
“Wait. I didn’t mean immediately!” You yelled causing them to laugh. They didn’t know you weren’t joking. Sam gave you a date every week. Every. Single. Week. That was after the third date. The first three dates he gave you? You called them the Thursday, Friday, Saturday incident. Yep, three dates for three consecutive days.
Bucky nodded, reading your face, “No rush, Y/N. I’m just saying, I have someone who you might be interested in.”
Steve laughed, “Do you even know this guy, Buck?”
You noticed Bucky’s scrunched eyebrows and pouted lips turn to narrowed eyes and tight lips as if he was debating himself about something, “Uhhh… Pretty well actually.”
Wanda suddenly gasped and giggled causing everyone to look at her weirdly. “You okay, Wands?” you raised an eyebrow. She nodded, placing her chin in the palm of her hands, “Mhm! Continue!”
Hope cleared her throat, “This guy is not just someone you passed by or something?”
“You should be asking Sam that,” Bucky defended, making Sam roll his eyes.
Bucky looked back at you with his gorgeous blue eyes and that freaking smile that you love so much, “Y/N give me a chance on matchmakin’?”
You hesitated, “I don’t know. You and Sam might be talking about the same guy”
Sam grunted, standing up, and went over to Bucky who whispered in his ear. Sam’s eyes widened, his mouth forming an ‘o’ shape, turning to a big smile. “Very very different people, Y/N,” Sam’s smile got bigger and bigger as he went back to sit beside you.
You narrowed your eyes at the guys, “You sure?”
Here’s the thing, you don’t really trust those two idiots. They are not exactly friends, they’re more of frienemies. You three team up with one of you to make fun of the other or just prank the other.
They both nodded, “Absolutely.”
You gave in and sighed, “Okay. Just give me a week without a date please.”
“Sure,” Bucky smiled.
Nat cleared his throat, “So Y/N, tell us about every single guy Sam set you up with,” she wiggled her eyebrows, smirking.
You sighed, rolling your eyes. Yeah, this is gonna be a long night.
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After the talk about your dating life, the team decided to play some games. These things usually get out of hand as everyone’s competitive, including yourself so you decided to just watch them.
You stood up from your seat to make yourself a popcorn while everyone else grabbed their own snacks. Bucky grabbed a drink from the fridge and stood next to you, watching the popcorn.
“Barnes, tell me all about the guy you’re setting me up with,” you turned to look at him.
He exhaled, “I…hope you’ll like him.”
“That’s it?” You tilted your head, “Come on, tell me more! What’s he like? Where’s he taking me?”
He chuckled, “That’s what the date is for, doll.”
You sighed, “Right, of course.”
There was a moment of silence between the two of you while the rest of the team argued about what game they should play next.
“Is it… Sam?” you asked, breaking the silence.
He laughed, “It’s not, unfortunately. Unless you want me to set you up with him?” he smirked.
You shook your head, “Oh no thanks, he’s like a brother to me, you know that.”
Bucky smirked, leaning closer, “What about me, doll? What am I to you?”
The popping sounds saved you from the question, “I better…uh…the popcorn…I–” you said, doing all kinds of hand gestures. He chuckled and went back to the common room.
Damn, you can’t wait for your date with Bucky– your date with the guy Bucky set you up with. Damn it!
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“Okay, these jeans or these leggings?” Wanda held up your choices.
You looked at Wanda confused. “If you have to run from your date or something. We both know you don’t like running in a dress.”
“Oh, smart,” you nodded as you chose the jeans.
Wanda was helping you out for your date tonight. She seems excited about it, you thought. You, on the other hand, are not excited at all. Wanda knows that you were debating on whether you should go or not.
This past week was… something. Bucky kept flirting with you. Sometimes you laugh at it or roll your eyes, but most times you found yourself flirting back. Steve always said how Bucky was a ladies man back in the day and now, you could see why. He’s so confident now and he is naturally charming. The weirdest part about this is that after he flirts with you, he brings up the date. And he’s excited about it! It just does not make sense to you at all.
Wanda was brushing your hair when she noticed your ‘thinking face’, “You’re gonna enjoy this I swear, Y/N,” she smiled at you through the mirror.
You nodded, “Yeah...yeah! I’ve just been thinking about...Bucky. He happily volunteered to set me up with someone then he suddenly becomes flirty every single day before the date… I just--I don’t understand,” sighing, you stood up and looked at yourself at a bigger mirror.
“No one really understands Bucky that much except for Steve,” Wanda laughed. She turned you around and checked whatever else you may need. “You’re good to go, honey!”
“Where’s Bucky?” You asked. Wanda smiled, “He’s out, Sam’s taking you to the...place you’re supposed to meet.”
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Sam was awfully quiet driving his car. Something is definitely up. It’s been 15 minutes without him talking. He just hums whenever you talk.
“Alright, we’re here. Enjoy!” Sam said after he opened the car door for you. It was your favorite fast food place. Bucky must’ve told the guy that you love the food here.
You checked your messages for the 5th time tonight, ‘he’ll approach you when you enter :)’ Bucky wrote. You exhaled deeply, entering the restaurant.
“Hi, you look beautiful,” a voice from your left spoke up.
You looked over to see, “Bucky? What are you doing here?”
“I’m James, your date for tonight,” he smiled cheekily.
“Are you kidding me?” You raised an eyebrow, keeping yourself from smirking.
He shook his head, giving you the small bouquet of flowers he was holding. Taking your hand, he brought you to the table where you usually sat whenever you’re here with him. You were trying so hard to hide your smile but when you look at the man in front of you who was still smiling cheekily, you gave up and laughed.
“You know, Bucky told me you were cute and boy was he wrong. You’re beautiful, doll,” he said holding your hand that was on the table.
“Oh yeah? Did he also say that he flirted with me for the whole week after telling me that he’s setting me up on a date with you?” You smirked.
Buck-- James shrugged, “I mean, can you blame him? With you looking beautiful all the damn time, I can’t see why anyone wouldn’t make a move on you.”
You laughed, “Okay, okay. I still don’t understand any of this though.”
His flesh hand found its way on your cheek, making you look at his hypnotizing eyes. “I like you. A lot. You’ve always been so fun to be with, doll. You’re witty and sarcastic most of the time but you can be understanding and sweet when you need to be. You’re fierce and powerful. I just can’t get you out of your head ever since we went on that mission with Sam” he chuckled at the memory, “Remember? You took down the HYDRA agents while wearing that awfully large gown. Later on, we heard you singing a Backsync--?”
“Backstreet Boys”
“Backstreet Boys song, while there were screaming and gunshots in the background. You’re really strong and courageous, Y/N. I absolutely adore you.”
“I didn’t take you to be a sappy little shit, James” you smiled teasingly, “Buttttttt, I absolutely adore you too.”
He laughed, "Good to know, doll. But uhh, spoiler alert, you'll end up in a weird place after this date too."
You smirked, "And where's that?"
"In my arms," his cheeky smile found its way back to his lips, "Cause one's metal, the other's flesh. It's weird. Get it?"
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You may have answered something similar to this and I just missed it, but I was just wondering how you think Moon would react to Demetri and Hawk getting together? I know we talked about the two of them bonding over getting hurt by Hawk (which is now 1000% canon), so do you think she would be super over-protective now that she's seen the damage Hawk could potentially do? She definitely wouldn't be jealous or anything, but I feel like it could really go either way between trying to warn Demetri away from Hawk or celebrating the unity that their relationship brings to the formerly-warring groups.
Hiiiiii @soe-leo! Always nice to hear from one of the other regulars in the Binary Boyfriend fandom! I love your posts so much and The Cobra Effect absolutely SLAPS and is still one of my all-time favorite Elimetri fanfics <3
There’s actually a couple of fics on ao3 that I really like that address what Moon would think of them being together!!! They’re called Sparrowhawk and With Friends By Your Side, both by none other than the lovely @cc-tinslebee! (Btw bro I SEE YOU WITH ALL OF YOUR TAGS IN YOUR REBLOGS AND I APPRECIATE YOU MORE THAN YOU KNOW). Sparrowhawk has Moon and Demetri talking about both their relationships to Hawk, and later Hawk and Demetri’s budding romance. With Friends By Your Side has Moon giving Hawk “the talk” about not breaking her friend’s heart after they (somewhat awkwardly) reconnect through Demetri. Both worth a read to get a snippet on what Moon’s take on their relationship might be!
My personal take is that Moon would be somewhat wary at first, since she definitely knows how destructive Hawk can be at his worst. And hell, she remembers being so angry about him hurting Demetri that she left him for it, and she might not trust that that person is completely gone now. But Moon has also seen a softer, kinder side of Hawk, too (or at least we’re led to believe they were serious enough in their relationship that she has, lol. We didn’t actually see him being all that “soft” around her in the show proper, I feel like.)--I imagine it’s what led her to believe that she loved him. She’s seen, perhaps, some of his sensitive side, and loyal and committed he is when he makes up his mind that someone or something is what he wants (he DID get a tattoo for her, after all--it may have been some impulsive teenager dumb shit, but it’s still no small thing XD). And she’s seen firsthand how much he DOES care for Demetri at the end of the day, even if he doesn’t show it in super obvious ways. She saw Hawk constantly inviting Demetri to hang out with her and his other Cobra Kai friends and making an effort to include him in everything he could, despite Demetri having no affiliation whatsoever to Cobra Kai. She saw Hawk pull Demetri onstage at Valley Fest so that he could get in on the spectacle and be a part of the show. And, of course, Moon can see the genuine care from Demetri’s end, too--going to the All Valley Tournament to support Hawk despite basically having no interest in karate, just to name one thing. Moon can definitely tell these boys have a bond, and it’s possible she may have even picked up on it somewhat while she and Hawk were dating. She’s not the jealous type, of course, so she doesn’t feel threatened by Demetri--she’s secure enough in her relationship to not see him as competition. If anything, she feels an odd kind of solidarity with Demetri, because he can look past the lip scar and the overcompensating hairdo and see the beautiful, gentle, and loyal parts of Hawk, just like she can.
Of course, after everything that goes down between Demetri and Hawk, Moon can’t help but be overprotective of Demetri--she’s got an almost maternal streak, and I imagine she’s very protective of her friends and goes much more Mama Bear than you’d expect when they’re in harm’s way. She’s not a physical fighter, of course, but she’ll damn well fight for them with her words, like she did for Demetri when she broke up with Hawk. However, she’s seen that these boys have a genuine connection, and always probably felt a kind of “energy” between them, as she’d put it--and if anyone would be willing to let bygones be bygones and give people another chance, I feel like it’d be Moon. She knows Hawk can be good to Demetri (and mind you, he’d better be, or he’s going to get an earful from her), and she knows that he really does care. She just has to hope Hawk is at enough peace with who he is now that he doesn’t take his insecurities out on Demetri again and drive another rift between them.
And honestly, I like to think that Moon always had a feeling those two were meant for each other. Of course, when she was with Hawk, she figured it was just in a “best friend” sense, but later on? When they reconcile after the Christmas fight, and she sees after a while they’ve started dating? She’s just like “...ah, that makes a lot more sense, actually” XD Call it fate, energies, the alignment of the stars, what have you--Moon always had a feeling Hawk and Demetri were bound to each other somehow, and that they were always meant to end up together. And when she first sees them together, united again after everything and finally embracing their love, she just feels an odd sense of relief--like everything is finally falling into place and playing out like it’s supposed to. And here are these two boys who Moon both cares about so much, finally conquering their demons and learning to be happy and finding love in each other, just like she always had a feeling they would--and she honestly couldn’t be more thrilled. And, of course, the fact that it brings all her karate-learning classmates and their dojo rivalries a little closer to peace is a definite bonus. She’s mainly just happy to see her friends happy together, and finally seeing to have weathered the worst of their own personal storms--but the added unity it brings to the “karate faction” at their school is certainly a bonus XD
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sarcastic-bubbl · 4 years
Soft Mornings
Paring: Obi-wan Kenobi x Reader
Word count: 1.4K 
Warnings: Oral (female receiving), penetrative sex, honestly compared to the other shit I’ve written this is really tame. 
A/N: Just some soft morning sex with Obi-wan because who doesn’t want that.  
A wonderful warmth was the first thing you noticed as you woke. It surrounded you and held you tight. The room was quiet, except for the even breathing of your companion. You did dare move. You didn’t want to wake him just yet. For now, you were content to lay in his arms. You didn’t know how long you laid there before allowing your eyes to flutter open. Sunlight filtered through the windows-- a warm glow cast onto every surface. You turned your attention to the man next to you. Obi-wan looked so peaceful, so handsome. It wasn’t often that you woke up before him. Slowly and careful not to wake him, you ran your finger through his sandy coloured hair. It caught the sun in a way you could only describe as perfect. However, you could describe all of him as perfect. Your fingers moved from his hair to trace the line of his jaw. He was beautiful, every single part of him. Your hand moved idly down to his bare chest as you admired your lover. Your eyes looked over every inch of bare skin, careful to take in every feature possible. You would treasure this moment; you didn’t know when you’d have another. The war had made everything so uncertain, and there was no end in sight.  
 “G’morning,” Obi-wan slurred out sleepily; the words heavily accented. His accent was always thicker when he first woke up. You cupped his cheek in your hand and gingerly ran your thumb along the ridge of his cheekbone. “I didn’t wake you, did I?” “No.” His accent was already fading back to normal. You laid there in silence for a while after that; his brilliant blue eyes and pleasant smile held your mind hostage. You could have laid there, staring at him for the rest of time itself. Your mind didn’t wander to other topics as it often did in complete silence. At that moment, there was only him. When he propped himself up into a half-sitting position, your eyes followed. You watched as he tried to tame his messy locks but only made it worse. You couldn’t help but giggle quietly. “I’ve made a mess of it, haven’t I?” He asked, looking down at your still laying form. You pushed yourself up next to him and smoothed down the stray hairs. “Doesn’t help that it was already a mess,” you laughed.  
“I suppose it doesn’t.” He paused for a moment before continuing, “what would I do without you?” 
“Have the worst bed-head in the galaxy, obviously.” 
He chuckled at your teasing remark. “Obviously.” Your eyes locked once more; his gaze tender. You could feel the atmosphere in the room shift. The teasing air was gone, and in its place, a love that words could not adequately express. You and Obi-wan moved towards each other, your lips meeting softly in the middle. His lips danced against yours. “I love you.” It was nothing more than a whisper in between kisses. 
“I love you too.” Your reply was just as quiet. 
A large hand held the side of your head, the fingers weaving themselves into your hair. Your hands slid up along the plane of his chest before resting on his shoulders. Even as the kiss began to grow needy, it was never rough. Even when Obi-wan pulled your body against his, it was a gentle act. He held you close as you kissed, one hand massaging small circles into your back and the other still delicately cupping your face. One of your hands slipped from his shoulder, determined to touch as much as possible. You ran your fingers along the dips and ridges of his shoulders and arms. You smoothed your palm down his chest before ghosting over the scars that littered his abdomen. You felt a hum of approval against your lips as your fingers followed the line of his hip before stopping at his waistband. You tugged at it, encouraging him to take it off. He did, and moments later, he was pulling your night clothes off as well. Once you were both bare, Obi-wan positioned himself on top of you. Your need for him had been growing since the first kiss, but in this position, it increased tenfold. His gaze was intense and clouded with lust. His hair hung down to frame his face and tickle yours. What truly drove you crazy was the feeling of his erection pressed against your stomach. There was something about knowing he needed you just as badly. 
His lips met yours once again but did not linger long before kissing a line down your neck. The kisses continued past your collar bone and stopped just shy of your right nipple. He placed a light kiss on both before his mouth continued its journey down your body. His hands, however, weren’t ready to leave your chest alone. They massaged your breast, gently squeezing and pulling. Each kiss down your body drew a little gasp from your lips. A gentle nudge was all the instruction you need to open your legs. As Obi-wan settled between them, he placed a light kiss on each thigh before focusing his attention where you required it. With a flick of his tongue, the moans began to tumble from your open mouth. He didn’t bother with any teasing as he often did. He went straight to work, alternating between licking and sucking. Almost instinctively, your hand shot into his hair. Light tugs brought the most delicious moans from the man, and the way they vibrated through your sex was definitely a plus. With each passing second, you felt your arousal grow. You could feel the telltale signs of an orgasm building. “Keeping going,” you moaned.
 Your lover’s only response was to double his efforts, pushing you closer to your impending orgasm. You felt a finger slip into you and expertly curl against your g-spot in rhythm with Obi-wan’s tongue. An intense wave of please rushed over you all at once. Your grip on his hair tightened as you rode out your climax. The world grew fuzzy and distant as you came. Moments later, after your breathing had returned to normal and you could see clearly again, Obi-wan was on his knees and wiping his mouth off on the back of his hand. You propped yourself on your elbows, ready to trade places; you were very eager to return the favour. 
A strong hand on your chest pushed you back onto the bed. “Stay there.” You relaxed and watched as Obi-wan lined his throbbing erection with your entrance. He pushed into you slowly and groaned in, please. “Fuck.” The word was as slow and drawn out as his movements. When he was fully inside you, he went still. It was less to give you time to adjust and more to admire just how sexy you looked at the moment. Your lust-filled eyes and needy expression was a sight to behold, and he didn’t intend to look away for a second. His thrusts remained slow and measured as he began to move again, his eyes never leaving yours. He had learned to read you very well over the years; just as you were about to beg him to go faster, his pace increased. Your hand reached down to play with your still sensitive clit. It didn’t take long until your moans once again reached a crescendo, and your walls were fluttering against Obi-wan’s member. As you came down from your high, his trust grew faster, signalling his pwn orgasm was near. Moments later, Obi-wan was pulling out of you and replacing your sex with his hand. His breathing was fast, and his forehead glistened with sweat as he came on your stomach. You felt lines of warmth where his seed had landed. “That was wonderful,” breathed out Obi-wan as he brushed his hair out of his face. 
“Definitely,” you giggled. You looked down at the mess on your stomach and then to the closet. You needed to clean yourself before it dried. 
Obi-wan noticed your predicament. “Let me grab you a towel, dear.” He placed a sweet kiss on your lips before pushing himself out of bed. You watched him rummage around the closed for a moment before tossing a towel to you. Working quickly, you cleaned yourself. Obi-wan took the towel and tossed it in the hamper before crawling into bed next to you. His arm slipped around your shoulder and pulled you against his chest. “Now, what should we do for breakfast?”
Tags: @waatermelon-sugaar (hope you still wanted to be tagged, lol)
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