#hot tom holland imagine
waitimcomingtoo · 9 months
Hot N Cold
Pairing: Tom Holland x Actress!Reader
Synopsis: you and Tom can’t stop teasing each other in interviews
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“You three have spent a lot of time together making this movie. And you all seem to get along so great. Is it going to be hard to go back to making movies when you aren’t working with your best friends?” A journalist asked you, Tom, and Jacob one day on the press tour for your upcoming movie.
“No. I can’t wait for that.” Jacob answered. “I hate working with these two. They’re always arguing.”
“What? No we are not.” You insisted.
“We kinda are.” Tom said out of the corner of his mouth.
“No we are not. Why do you always have to disagree with me?” You asked and playfully smacked Tom’s arm.
“That’s a good point. You’re right. I do always disagree with you.” Tom said sincerely. “But maybe it’s because you’re always wrong?”
“You wish.” You scoffed. “Name one time I was wrong.”
“Yesterday, when you drove on the wrong side of the road.” He said immediately.
“That couldn’t happened to anyone, okay? It was not clearly marked.”
“It was clearly marked but you flew past the several giant “wrong way” signs because you’re a speed demon on the road.”
“That’s sexist.” You pointed at him. “You’re saying all women are bad drivers?”
“No. I’m saying this woman is a bad driver.” Tom said and pointed back at you. “You really don’t help the stereotype, darling.”
“Whatever. Fake news.” You rolled your eyes. “Ask us the next question please before I kill him.”
“All righty then. So, you’re all a few years out of high school now. How did you prepare for getting back into the mindset of a teenager?” The journalist asked.
“It was a really fun process actually. The director wanted to emulate a kinda 80s high school movie feel so he asked us to watch a few old movies so we could get the vibe he was going for. Like Breakfast Club, Back to the Future, stuff like that.” You explained.
“Yeah. We watched a few of them together.” Tom smiled as he looked over at you.
“Yeah, we did.” You smiled back at him.
“On your little movie dates in Tom’s trailer. That I was never invited to.” Jacob added. Tom blushed and looked down at his lap while you playfully rolled your eyes.
“They weren’t dates.” Tom insisted. “We were just watching the films we were told to watch.”
“You didn’t think those were dates?” You asked him, sounding hurt. Tom went bright red and scrambled to come up with something to say to explain himself.
“What?” Tom gulped. “No. I mean, I never thought of it like that but-“
“I’m messing with you.” You cut him off when you saw how flustered he got.
“Oh. You scared me so much just then. I didn’t know what to say.” He laughed and touched a cold hand to his hot face.
“I knew it would scare you. You’re so easy to make flustered.” You teased him, making him blush again.
“Hey.” He pouted. “I am not.”
“Yeah, okay.” You said sarcastically.
“Okay.” He mimicked you by sounding as dumb as possible.
“That actually brings me to my next question which was to ask you all to do an impression of each other.” The journalist said, making you and Tom remember that you were in an interview.
“If you want to impersonate Y/n, just whine and complain a bunch.” Tom said. “And leave your jumper on every plane you go on.”
“Okay, I’ve lost like three sweatshirts around you. That’s hardly anything.” You defended yourself.
“Imagine losing your jumper every time your travel.” Tom said to the camera.
“Imagine losing 13 colonies at once.” You snapped back.”
“Stop. You know I’m sensitive about that.” Tom jokingly whined, making you laugh.
“I can do a Tom impression. Um I want to ask Y/n to go to dinner with me um tonight but um what if I ask her and she says no?” Jacob said in a whiny voice coupled with a bad British accent.
“What?” Tom sputtered. “That’s not what I sound like.”
“Yes it is.” Jacob insisted. “I heard that every night during filming. In fact, I still hear it.”
“Aw. Wait, that’s so cute. Did you actually do that?” You asked Tom.
“Only in the beginning, okay? It wasn’t as pathetic as Jacob made it sound. I wanted to hang out with you but we didn’t really know each other yet so I was worried you’d say no.”
“Aw, honey.” You chuckled. “I would’ve never said no. I wanted to get to know you too.”
“I’ll never understand you two. You were fighting two seconds ago. Now you’re all nice and friendly?” Jacob pointed out.
“That’s just how we work.” You shrugged.
“Yeah.” Tom agreed. “We run hot and cold.”
“Exactly. But we’re friends most of the time. I don’t think we fight that much.” You replied.
“You kinda do, though.” Jacob insisted. “I’m expecting at least two more fights before the end of this interview.”
“We’ll see.” You shrugged but knew he was probably right.
“So, the press schedule is obviously very rigorous for a movie this size. Do you guys ever get a day off to do your own thing?” The journalist asked.
“We actually had a day off a little while ago. For Washington’s Birthday.” Tom answered.
“George?” You asked him.
“What other Washington is there?” He turned in his seat to ask you.
“You were just talking about one the other day. When we were asked what historical figure we’d have dinner with.” You reminded him.
“I remember the question but I didn’t say Washington.” Tom frowned on confusion.
“Yes you did. You said that Washington guy and then said it was a super British answer or something.” You insisted.
“Who are you talking about?” Tom shook his head and laughed endearing at you.
“That guy. Don’t you remember? You just said it yesterday.” You whined a little and pushed his arm. Tom looked at the camera in confusion before he connected the dots in his head.
“Wait, do you mean Winston Churchill?”
“Oh God.” Jacob groaned. “Here we go.”
“Oh yeah. Him.” You nodded and pointed at Tom.
“You thought his name was Washington Churchill?” Tom laughed incredulously.
“Well I don’t know who he is. It sounded right in my head.” You defended yourself.
“You don’t know who Winston Churchill is? He’s super important to history.”
“Oh yeah? So who is he?” You challenged Tom, knowing damn well he didn’t know the answer.
“He…” Tom started to answer and then trailed off.
“See!” You clapped your hands. “You don’t even know. I knew you were bullshitting yesterday. You have no idea what Washington Churchill-“
“Winston.” He corrected you.
“Whatever. You have no idea what he did. And yet you said you wanted to have dinner with him just to sound smart. Ugh. So pretentious.” You groaned and playfully rolled your eyes.
“All right, smart ass. Who was your answer?” Tom leaned on his chair and asked you. You were both in your own little worlds now and fully ignoring everyone else in the room.
“Jonbenet Ramsey.” You said like it was obvious.
“Are you kidding me? You’re making fun of my answer but you would pick Gordon Ramsey’s daughter out of anyone in the world to have dinner with?”
“First of all, dingbat, Jonbenet Ramsey is a little pageant girl who was murdered in 1996 and they still haven’t solved the case. I want to have dinner with her because I want to know who did it. It’s a very famous true crime case but I guess they didn’t teach you that in college. Oh wait. You didn’t go. You were too busy making movies nobody ever saw.” You said and poked his chest.
“Don’t even go there.” Tom warned. “If I pull up your IMDB right now, I’d have to scroll through dozens of commercials and straight to DVD films before I got to any substantial roles. Don’t think I forgot about all the time you spent on the Hallmark channel, darling.”
“Do it. Pull up my IMDB right now. I dare you. You know what, I’ll do it for you.” You said and pulled out your phone. Jacob immediately snatched your phone and put it in his pocket.
“No. Please, no more. We’re not doing this again. I can’t hear the IMDB argument again. You said you weren’t gonna fight anymore.” Jacob pointed out.
“All right. Fine. I’m disengaging.” You said and held your hands up in defense.
“Finally, some silence.” Tom sighed in relief. You gave him an icy stare and his smile immediately dropped.
When you sat down to do press the next day, you thought about what Tom had said about running hot and cold. You liked the playful fights you got into but you didn’t want him to start to think you actually disliked him. So when he came into the room and sat next to you, you got an idea.
“Good morning, darling.” He said politely.
“You know what Tom, why don’t we make a point to not fight today?” You suggested.
“Well darling, that’s the first good idea you’ve ever had.” He said with a smug smile. You smiled sarcastically at him as you narrowed your eyes.
“You’re so funny.” You said sarcastically. “How come you’re perpetually single?”
“Because I haven’t worn you down yet and gotten you to go out with me.” He quipped.
“Aw. You want to wear me down? So romantic. I can feel it working already.” You gushed and winked at him. Even though you were kidding, he felt himself blush and had to look away. The interviewer came in then and started to ask you a few questions. You managed to get through most of the interview before any fighting broke out.
“Okay. Now we’re gonna play a game called kiss, marry, kill. Your choices are Scarlett Johansson, Robert Downey Jr, and miss Y/n L/n.” The interview said.
“Oh God. That last actress is the worst.” Tom mumbled under his breath. You gave him a look and he faked an innocent smile.
“I mean I love her.” He corrected.
“Well Tom’s answer for kiss is obviously me.” You said simply.
“What? Obviously?” He scoffed.
“Yeah. Obviously.” You scoffed back to mock him.
“Excuse you. How is it obvious?” He asked and turned in his chair to face you. He mostly did this to keep the camera from seeing how much he was blushing.
“Please. You want to kiss me so bad. And marry me and kill me. So Tom’s answer to all of them is me.”
“That’s what you think, huh?” Tom smiled and leaned on his chair to be closer to you.
“That’s what I know. I can tell you’re dying to get with me. There is no use hiding it.” You shrugged, making Tom grow redder.
“Do you hear how conceited she is? What a diva you are. I’m gonna spread a rumor that you’re difficult to work with.” Tom teased you right back.
“Maybe you find it difficult to work with me because of how bad you want me.” You shrugged.
“Oh please. You’re just projecting because you have a big fat crush on me.” Tom replied.
“What?” You laughed. “In your dreams, maybe. I only go for guys over 5’9. You just missed the cut off, buddy.”
“Not just in my dreams. In my reality.” Tom insisted. “And I’m the average height of a woman so now you’re the one being sexist. But come on, we said no fighting. What would your answer be?”
“Oh yeah. I forgot about the question. Okay, let me think.” You tapped your chin. “I would kiss Bradley Cooper-“
“What? He wasn’t even an option.” Tom laughed in surprised.
“Oh shit. My bad.” You covered your mouth with your hand.
“How did his name even come up?” Tom asked you, feeling a little jealousy bubble up.
“Because.” You smiled coyly. “Have you seen him? He’s double handsome. He looks like a sexy UPS truck driver. I’d sign for that package I’ll tell you that right now.”
“I can’t believe you’re cheating on your husband with Bradley Cooper.” Tom shook his head.
“My husband?”
“Me.” Tom said like it was obvious, making you laugh.
“I know you’re kidding but you kinda are though. I was just saying that to Jacob the other day.”
“About me? You said I was your husband?” Tom smiled in surprise.
“Yeah. You’re my work husband. That’s why we’re so hot and cold. Because we’re like an old married couple.” You smiled and patted his arm.
“Aw. We are.” He gushed. “But you still never answered the question.”
“Oh my God. Who were the choices again?”
“Johansson, Downey, and yourself.”
“Okay. I think my answer is kill Johansson, sorry Scarlett, I love you. I’d marry Downey for that Iron Man money and then kiss myself.”
“You’d kiss yourself? Why?” Tom wondered.
“Because no one else will.” You groaned. “When I woke up this morning and I tallied in my head how long it’s been since I’ve been on a date and once I reached a conclusion, I started to cry.”
“Oh God. Has it really been that long?” Tom laughed.
“It’s been so long. We can’t talk about this right now. I’m gonna start crying again.” You said and pretended to wipe your eyes.
“Wow. I didn’t realize this game would bring out so many emotions.” The journalist laughed.
“Me either. God. I need a date.” You sighed in exasperation.
“All right. I got the hint. I’ll go out with you.” Tom rolled his eyes playfully.
“Oh, please. You wish I’d go out with you.”
“On every eye lash and 11:11, yeah.” He replied. You laughed and playfully smacked his arm as you wondered if he was telling the truth or not. The interview went on but you were barely paying attention as you were too busy wondering if you relationship with Tom was part of the reason you had been single for so long. No matter how nice or funny a guy was, you always ended up comparing them to Tom. If they couldn’t make you laugh as much or keep up with you the way he could, they just didn’t interest you. It didn’t help that In between your arguing and teasing, Tom always managed to slip some flirting in there. The more you thought about it, you realized he hadn’t been in a relationship since meeting you either. And maybe that had something to do with you.
“What do you think?” The journalist asked you. You blinked a few times and came back into the conversation.
“Sorry, what?”
“What was going on in there? You seemed so deep in thought.” Tom smiled fondly and poked your head.
“Don’t touch me, nail biter.” You said and swatted his hand away.
“At least I don’t stink up the whole hotel room by painting my nails every single day.” He shot back in a playful manner.
“Excuse me for wanting polished nails for these interviews. I just happen to chip them a lot. And if you don’t like the smell, go back to your own room. Stop always hanging out in mine.”
“But then how would I get to see you?” He asked with his stupid charming smile.
“What are you talking about?” You laughed. “We literally spend all day together in these interviews. Isn’t that enough for you?”
“With you, darling, there’s never enough time together.” He said with a sarcastic suaveness.
“Shut up.” You laughed again and looked down at your lap so he couldn’t see how that made you blush. He saw it anyway since he couldn’t never seem to take his eyes off you.
The next day, your relationship with Tom was heavy on your mind as you sat in your glam chair. You were spaced out all during hair and makeup as you thought about the possibility of becoming more than friends. You were more than ready to see him but when you walked into the press junket room, you only saw two chairs and Jacob occupying one of them.
“Oh. We’re paired together today?” You asked without realizing how disappointed you sounded.
“I’m sorry. I know you’d rather be with your boyfriend.” Jacob chuckled. You playfully rolled your eyes at him and hugged him hello.
“He’s not my boyfriend. But I do miss him.” You admitted as you sat in your chair.
“You know nobody believes that, right? You guys are clearly together.” Jacob snorted.
“We’re really not. I know how it looks but we’re just friends.” You insisted.
“Come on. There’s no way you two haven’t made out or something.”
“Maybe we have, maybe we have.” You shrugged, making Jacob gasp.
“Oh my God. I knew it. He wouldn’t admit it but I knew you two were hooking up.” He clapped his hands.
“We’re actually not.” You laughed. “It’s just funny to see people fight for their lives to prove that we’re together. I like to feed the flame sometimes with these interviews. You know, keep them all on their toes.”
“Really? Because I could’ve sworn you two were hooking up on set. You were always sneaking off together and no one could find you.”
“That’s just because we liked to spend time together. But we would never hook up. If we ever get together, it’s gonna be the real thing. I’m talking marriage and kids and a picket fence. And whatever the British equivalent of the American Dream is. Beans and toast maybe? I don’t know. But definitely not a hook up.”
“So what’s stopping you guys from being in a relationship now? You like him, don’t you? Why not just date?” Jacob wondered.
“I don’t know. We’ve gotten really close the past few months. I know we tease each other a lot, but I’ve never had that kind of banter with anybody. Talking with him and going back and forth is the best at part of my day. And of course I like him, but what if I say something but he doesn’t feel the same? That’ll make our friendship super awkward and don’t forget- we signed on for another movie. I don’t want to make things weird by suggesting we go out.”
“Oh my God.” Jacob laughed. “You’ve got to be kidding.”
“What?” You wondered.
“You can’t be this oblivious. Why do you think he’s always starting fights with you?”
“Because he’s irritating?”
“Well, yes. But also because he’s crazy about you.”
“What? No he’s not.” You scoffed. “He just likes to push my buttons.”
“Y/n, seriously, I’m telling you-“
Before Jacob could finish his sentence, the interviewer walked in with the camera crew. You and Jacob quickly dropped the conversation and turned to shake the interviewers hand. Your interview began and you had to force yourself to listen instead of thinking about what Jacob was about to say before he was interrupted.
Later that day, you went back to your hotel room and collapsed on your bed. It had been a long, long day of press and you weren’t with Tom for any of it. You saw him briefly at lunch but barely got a word in before getting shuffled to the next interview. You had just kicked your shoes off when there was a hasty knock at your door. You groaned and went over to it before opening it up.
“What?” You whined like a little kid. Tom put his hands on his waist and pushed you into the room before shutting the door behind him.
“If you’re gonna stay here I’m warning you right now that I chipped my thumb and I’m two seconds away from pulling out my nail polish-“
“I heard what you said.” He blurted to cut you off.
“Um, can you be more a little more specific?” You laughed. “You know I try to talk to you as little as possible.”
“Can we be serious for one minute?” Tom said hastily. You frowned in confusion but nodded your head and sat down. You’d never heard him sound so serious before so you dropped your usual mocking banter. You patted the spot next to you and he nervously sat down.
“What’s up?” You asked him. Tom scratched the back of his head before nervously cracking his knuckles.
“I just gotta talk to you about something.”
“Tom, you’re freaking me out. What’s going on?” You asked and put a hand on his back. He took a deep breath and looked at you.
“I heard you when you were talking to Jacob. I was walking by and I heard my name so I stopped and I listened.” He admitted.
“Oh, shit. You heard all that?” You grimaced. Tom was unphased and kept looking into your eyes.
“Did you mean what you said? Do you really think we’re gonna do the real thing one day? House and kids and-“
“-And beans and toast.” You cut in.
“Yeah. And that.” He chuckled softly. “Did you mean all that? Do you really see a future with us?”
“I mean, I did before I found out you were an eavesdropper.” You mumbled out of the corner of your mouth.
“Are you kidding me? I’m trying to have a serious conversation with you for once in our lives but you can’t be serious for one minute.” Tom huffed and sat on the bed next to you.
“This is who is am.” You shrugged. “You came to the silly lake and you found a silly goose. I don’t know what to tell you.”
Tom let out a dry laugh before looking at you. You looked into his eyes and saw that for once, he looked completely serious. You frowned at the unexpected candor in his eyes and gave him your full attention.
“Tell me you want me.” He said. “As much as I’ve wanted you since the day we met.”
“You do?” You asked doubtfully.
“Why do you think I invited you to watch all those movies with me? Or hang out in your hotel room every night? I want to be around you all the time. I just didn’t know how to say that since we’re never…” He trailed off as he searched for the right word.
“Serious.” You finished his sentence for him with a knowing smile.
“Exactly. I love joking around with you. I love how much you challenge me to come up with a better insult. I even love being teased for my nationality. But I also love when we just get to talk. I love to hear your perspective on things. I just like being near you.”
“Is this a practical joke?” You asked skeptically.
“Bitch, do I look like four lifelong best friends who compete to embarrass each other to you?” Tom sassed you. You gave him a warning look and he mumbled an apology.
“So you’re telling me you actually like me? For my personality?” You asked him.
“No, darling. I like you in spite of your terrible, garbage personality.” Tom teased you. You rolled your eyes at him but found yourself leaning in closer.
“I hate you.” You narrowed your eyes at him.
“I hate you too. See how much we can agree on?” Tom replied and smoothly put his arm around you. You looked over at the arm that was on your shoulders as you thought about what he was saying.
“You do realize if you were my boyfriend, we’d be fighting all the time.” You pointed out.
“We do that anyway.” He shrugged. “Why not throw some kissing and domestic partnership in there?”
“Oh, so I was right? You do want to kiss me, huh?” You raised your eyebrows as you teased him.
“Well, I have lips, you have lips, why not put them to use?”
“You have lips?” You pretended to gasp. “Where have you been hiding them this whole time?”
“Oh my God. You are such a little-“
You cut him off by cupping his face and pulling him into a kiss. He insulted left his head immediately as he wrapped his arms around you to kiss you back.
“I want you too.” You told him once you pulled away. He smiled in surprise and pressed his forehead against yours.
“Even though we can’t agree on anything?” He joked.
“Even though your hairline is receding, yes.” You replied.
“That wasn’t what I-“
“Shh.” You hushed him and kissed him again. “Don’t ruin the moment.”
Tag List 🏷️
@thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling
@whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings
@imyourliquor-youremypoison @andreasworlsboring101
@justcallmehitgirl @jackiehollanderr
@emmamarshmellow @unbelievableholland
@sovereignparker @every-marveler-ever @undiadeestos @eridanuswave​ ​
@solarxmoonchild @canyouevencauseicant
@quaksonhehe @lovelessdagger
@thesuitelifeofafangirl @marshxx @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie
@alexxcorona113 @lethal-wisdom
 @officialsimppage @peterbenjiparker @itsemohours
@freakofmusic25 @tomholland85
@olixerwxxd @leilanixx
@whereismytelephone @so-very-asleep @white-wolf1940
@spideyspeaches @hihiweezing
@dhtomholland @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @prancerrparkerr
@hallecarey1 @adayasgeorgia @blackwidowisthebest @imawhoreforu
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emmyrosee · 1 year
imagine when osamu is trying out glasses atsumu tries to sabatoge him by giving him the worst frames ever 😭 thats when samu’s lovely gf comes in to save the day and beat the crap out of him
IM GONNA BITE TSUMU, BUT NOT IN THE CUTE WAY THIS TIME😠💔 bullyin my man I swear to the lord-
Osamu’s already so, so terrified enough to buy frames because yeah, it’s a big deal, he wants to make sure he looks good because it’s a huge adjustment in his life. So, naturally, he takes you and Atsumu, because you’re his better half and Atsumu is his worse half who just tags along.
And when I tell you he picks the WORST frames for this poor man- I’m talking hot Cheeto red, grandma floral prints, pure circles with wirey frames, he’s tormenting his poor twin because he can, he’s completely overwhelming him, and while you’re sure it’s to try and make light of the situation, you’re not in the mood for it.
“Hey,” you whisper, sneaking up behind osamu as he wonders if the clear frames will work. “You feelin’ okay?”
“He’s driving me crazy,” he whimpers while his twin is trying on his own pairs. “I want this to be over, I’m just gonna pick one-“
“No,” you assure, kissing his cheek. “You pick the frames you want- I don’t care if we’re here five more minutes or fifty, you’re going to pick the ones you want because you’re the one who’s gonna wear them. You’re the one who’s nervous for them, and this is the fun part.”
“What about Atsumu?”
“I’ll deal with him.”
With that, Osamu feels a little more at ease, trying on frames and asking questions and thoroughly enjoying the way you’ve tugged Atsumu out by his ear and scold him for his behavior outside, the pout on his twins face only making him grin.
Ultimately, he finds a pair- a nice pair, dark brown with circled lenses that go flat on top think Tom Holland glasses HA- and he’s feeling so much better about it now. He smiles and places his order, the anxieties gone and now replaced with a small excitement to finally be able to see again.
At lunch, Osamu plants a kiss to your temple, “thank you for calming me down in there.” You hum happily and continue to eat your food, letting your ease further soothe him.
“Atsumu?” He continues, making the blonde twin look up from his noodles. He smirks, “I’ll see you in hell.”
Atsumu grins, “we got the express route, bro. And I’m takin you with me.”
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I was well re-watching the Tom Holland's Umbrella dance performance and my mind immediately thought about Levi doing it and god if I wasn't insanely captivated by that idea like just imagine though, it would be so hot.
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tarjapearce · 1 year
Ahem-Anon here my brain doesn’t wanna rest. Saw coach miguel post and this whole effin time i had MCU‘s Tom Holland Aunt may in my head. I don’t know why.
Anyways back to the errr hot aunt. Or another hot aunt? Yeah another hot aunt. Like single!dad miguel and gabi and reader is the sister of gabis decades mom and she was always there for miguel and lil gabi. Basically raised her with miguel. She comes to every soccer game (is probably the loudest cheerleader ever and curses in spanish lol), preps snacks, helps miguel in the house, watches gabi whenever his real work or spidy-work keeps him busy, has those little spa-girl-days with gabi and simply takes care of them and gabi just loves her Tia. (yes aunt is latina thank you very much) And ohhh boy here it comes: latina!aunt always had a crush on miguel but never voiced it out and miguel slooooowwwllllllyyyyyyy like snail slowly started to fall for her over the years and he kinda realizes it after he saw latina!aunt on a date with a dude, who was a douchebag towards latina!aunt and before he can jump in to save her she kicks the mans ball because she is bad ass as well and miguel has a shocked pikachu face as realization strikes him: damn i love this woman.
So he akwardly tries to confess and it takes a while and after he did, they kept it a secret trying not to get caught by gabi cause awkward and they are kinda scared gabi would be mad and they don’t want to hurt her, because obviously Gabi is nr. 1 in their heart. ( first gabi then the world, no wrong gabi is their world)
Also a bit guilt because of gabis mom? (She cheers from the heavens for them though) Also hot make out sessions and other 👀hmm hmm sessions, because Passion. They try to be so sneaky and quiet lol .
Though gabi is so smart ass and does catch them while they make out on the couch and now: they both sit side to side totaly embarrassed while gabi sits across them, arms crossed and tells them to spill the deal (yup she is a tiny cop, they are criminals hehehe). And it’s hilariously akward because big old Miguel being commanded by a tiny angry gremlin and her tia just wants to poof into thin air. In the end they do tell her that they love each other and gabi is like: OMG FINALLY! I have been waiting for years! Can you get married like right now? I want a sibling.
Again shocked pikachu faces lol and good night. Ahem-anon out.
Nonny, Gimme your brain for a bit, please 🤭 I'll return it. Promise. I'm seriously amazed at the creativity you guys have. Whipping stuff, amazing scenarios, plot skills in MINUTES, DAMN. So much to explore and sooo much to imagine. ❤️❤️❤️. Love you guys so much :'D. Love sharing ideas with talented people.
This was scrumptiously delicious ❤️❤️❤️❤️. And soo so fun to read !!!!
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tomholland1996simp · 2 years
I loved your “we gotta go” imagine when the reader pranked Tom. I was wondering if you could do the “starting an argument then flashing my boyfriend prank”. Thank you love your work xxx
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Flashing || Tom Holland
Summary: You do the ‘Starting an argument, then flashing my boyfriend’ prank on your lovely and stressed boyfriend, Tom.
I haven’t proof read this, so sorry if there’s mistakes.
You and your boyfriend always had an on going prank war. Even before you started dating, you both pranked each other here and there, making sure t record one another’s reactions. You both started off as being roommates, just you and him. At first you just walked passed each other, not wanting to get to know one another, not even trying to make a small conversation, with a ‘hi’ or ‘how are you?’.
But one day you both just clicked. Then you wouldn’t ever leave each others sides. Where ever Tom was, you was. Well except for when he went off filming, sometimes you went with him, however other times you had to work as well. At first you and Tom were blind, you both denied your love for each other. Until one rainy day, when you missed his company, missed annoying him every morning, you told him.
And that’s what brings you here today. 2 years you have been dating, and you have known him for 5 years. Living with Tom has its perks, you were always with him when he was in Kingston and you always had his dog Tessa.
“Hey guys, I hope your all doing well. I don’t know why, but everyone has been asking for me to do videos of me starting an argument with Tommy then doing something random. A few weeks ago Tom had done a prank on me, however that back fired.” You chuckle, holding the camera in your right hand, looking through the lens. It’s true sometimes the pranks could go so wrong, but then they could go right.
Last time Tom pranked you and it back fired on him, it was really funny. “Today I’m going to be starting an argument with Tom and then flashing him. He’s currently on a meeting call, and today i’ve been acting moody. So he was like “why you being moody today?”
“I have to make sure that i’m not in the frame and that you can see his clear reaction to me flashing him. I don’t know what to argue about, i’ll have to think of something.” You pause the camera, walking into the kitchen to set it up on the counter. You hid it by a plant pot, hoping your super hot boyfriend won’t see it.
You threw some more dirty dishes into the sink, it being the only thing you could think of to make a stupid argument. The camera is rolling now, you place a finger on your lips, signing that Tom was coming.
“Tom are you gonna help me?—You said you do the dishes and you didn’t do them.” You call out, rattling the dishes as you hear his tired foot steps.
“Oh my goshhh! Im so stressed. Can I get a hug? I need love..” He tiredly smiles, Tom loved physical touch when he was stressed, you always calmed him.
Tom walked over to you, extending his arms out for you to fall into. You move away from him turning off the tap, his arms falling with a frown on his face. “No can you just do the dishes”
“Can I get no love?” He chuckles, thinking your messing around. You sigh, giving him a quick hug, patting his back like he was a friend. “There’s your hug, now do the dishes.”
Tom kissed your bare shoulder, “I’ve been in meetings all day, i’ve missed you” holding onto you still as you pull away.
“Okay now do the dishes” Now this makes Tom confused, his eyebrows raising up as he looks into the sink. “There’s three dishes, babe” He tells you placing a hand on your waist, all he wanted to do is get love from his beautiful girlfriend.
“Okay but why do I always have to do your dishes?!” You snap a little, trying to sound annoyed.
“I told you i’m stressed out, and this is how you’re gonna treat me?” He still spoke in a soft tone, gesturing to the dirty dishes in the sink. “I’ll do them”
“Okay then do them”
“I’ve been on a meeting since 7 a.m. How’s I supposed to do them?” Tom chuckles, running his hands through his loose curls. “Well you could’ve woke up earlier to do-“
“Earlier baby girl-“ He laughs, looking at you.
“I’m just frustrated, because last night you literally said don’t worry about them i’ll get them. You lied, you said you would do them” That part was true, you didn’t mind though.
“Most of these are from breakfast, and when would I have time to clean them” He quickly bends down to stroke Tessa’s head, finding her as a way to calm him down.
“No that one is from last night, when you literally had cereal.” You pointed at the bowl, fixing your straps of your tank top.
Tom puts his hands on your shoulders, helping you fix them. Ahh you were so lucky, it’s all the small things he does. “I’ll clean them, baby..” He gently shakes your body, hoping that you will at least be less moody if he jokes around to make you laugh.
“Okay! Don’t touch me” You pull his arms off, looking into his chocolate brown eyes.
“Are you serious?”
“No, i’m just irritated.”
Then he moves to where another dirty pan was left on the stove, picking it up. “Thank you for cooking for me. I said thanks like four times, I said i’ll clean the dishes.” Tom puts the pan into the sink turning on the tap, getting ready to clean the dishes even though he’s tired and stressed.
“Okay but why do I always have to ask you?” You try to raise your voice, continuing the argument even though you felt so bad for your sweet and loving boyfriend.
“I didn’t have any other time to do ‘em babe. I’ve been on meetings” He started to clean the pan, squirting the washing up liquid onto the sponge.
He’s still looking at you, “Well if you had time to eat then you had time to do the dishes, Tommy. And you could’ve done some of the ones last night, babe.”
Then he puts everything down, starting to grow even more stressed by how you was treating him over dishes. “I was eating on my meeting, y/n. Are you serious?” He said, pulling a face when you told him again that he could’ve ‘woken up earlier’.
“You’ve seen me on my like….What are you talking about? You literally know I had zero time to do anything” Tom still didn’t raise his voice, not wanting the argument to get worse. Now was the time that you decided that you had to flash him.
Walking away you say, “It’s just the fact that you don’t care, and you leave your stuff everywhere. I spent twenty minutes cleaning up everything” You made sure you was out of the cameras view.
“I left a bowl out last night, i’m sorry, baby. What else can I say, I didn’t mean to.” He sighed turning the tap back on, fully done with the argument you had started.
“You leave everything everywhere, you leave your keys on the counter, you leave your wallet-“
“Why are you acting physco about it? Like I’m sorry that I leave some things in certain places, maybe it’s because im stressed. Like I understand when your stressed, i’m always here for you, i’m never like this” Tom keeps his eyes on the dishes, focusing on cleaning the pan and placing it on the rack when he’s done, moving onto the next dish.
“But like, it not being clean stresses me out to” Your hands slowly go to the bottom of your tank top, him not noticing yet. The camera couldn’t see you either, all they could see was Tom and then him trying to spray you with a laugh.
“Will you smile? Come give me-“ Tom looks back up ready to finish his sentence, the camera seeing his facial expression change. You lifted your tank top all the way up, not having worn a bra so he could see your boobs bare.
Tom smiles cheekily, “What the fuck?” He laughs, dropping the spoon in his hand, it landing back into the sink. “What you doing?” He smirks a laugh, turning of the tap walking over to you as you pull your top back down.
“Nothing” You innocently say, moving back into the cameras view.
“Why you doing that? Baby!” He whines.
“Are you still mad at me?” You try hold in your laugh, a smile falling from your lips.
“I’m not mad at you, you’re mad at me. So that’s how your gonna fix an argument, your just gonna flash me?” He’s still laughing as he cups your cheeks, pressing both your foreheads together.
“You think boobs can fix everything, because they can” You wrap your arms around his neck as he picks you up a little, laughing.
“Yeah?” You smirk.
“Okay” You peck his lips, his hands going to your waist as he looks at your cleavage from your top.
“why you being mean?”
“I’m not being mean” You told him, pulling away.
“You are, i’m gonna do the dishes” He told you.
“So why ain’t you doing them now?”
Then he gave you a ‘are you serious right now?’ look, “Because you just flashed me your tits babe.” He gave your clothed boobs a squeeze, slapping your ass as you went to walk away saying ‘and, and what about it?’
“You want me to do the dishes-“ You flash him again. “Stop, how am I meant to do them when your doing that. Okay, what do you want. I’m confused” He took a step towards you thinking you wanted to do something.
“No, I want you to do the dishes” You laugh from behind the camera.
“Oh my goshhhhh” He drags the word out. “Babe, i’m stressed and I don’t have a lot of time. So it’s either I do the dishes or we do something better”
“I want you to do the dishes quickly, then we can do something better as soon as your done” You tease him, knowing he will grow frustrated after.
Tom grabbed your waist, pushing your body into his. You could already feel his hard on, he was really turned on by you just flashing him? “But there’s a bigger problem now, baby girl” Tom told you with a smirk, placing a sweet kiss to your lips.
“Well do the dishes” You push yourself into him, hearing him grunt as you walk back behind the camera, flashing him again.
“Y/n, that’s not fair. That’s like me showing you my dick, then saying no do the dishes. Baby, come on. First you was mean, now your killing me here” He picked up the dirty spoon again, you finally having enough of the prank. You felt too bad, you wanted to end this and show your boyfriend some love.
You grab his hands, dropping the spoon from it, and pulling him in for a sweet kiss. His hands go around your waist again, swaying you both side to side. “it’s a prank, love. I’m playing with you, I wanted to start an argument then flash you. The cameras there- I’m sorry. You don’t have to do them, i’ll wash them up later” You peck his lips, seeing him feel relieved that it was all a joke.
“So your really not mad at me?” He questioned.
“No, i’m not”
A smirk played on his lips as an idea popped into his head, “So does that mean I can see your tits again………,in the bedroom?”
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silvyysthings · 4 days
Really, you post a Mike Faist pic? We know Luca features good-looking (read: hot) men who are also talented. We’ve seen the movies and here you are reminding us for some reason. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Is your Inbox flooded with such requests? 🤔 I’m here for delusional asks and your GIF meme responses, not pretty men.
I can only imagine when ‘Queer’ releases you’ll be throwing Drew Starkey and full-frontal Omar Apollo in your feed for us to see. And then you’ll continue to sprinkle photos of Timothée, Tom Holland, Austin Butler, Mike Faist, Josh O’Connor, Andrew Scott, Paul Mescal, and Armie Hammer. Have you no shame?
In all seriousness, keep it up! 😘 If I only sought out the delusion of fandoms I would stay on Reddit.
This ask wins 😍
Really whoever you are I love you haahahah
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marrziy · 8 months
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Esse cantinho é um atalho para todas as minhas obras. Encarem como uma prateleira de imagines e fanfics. Os links para as histórias serão adicionados sempre que eu postar. Está tudo separado por fandom, personagem e gênero, tem até um padrão de cor para cada tipo de trama:
séries l filmes l franquias
Bem-vindos ao meu quartinho da bagunça! Caso esse post se perca no meio de muitos outros, basta passar no meu fixado, vou deixar o link da masterlist por lá. Aqui tudo é misturado – série com filme e filme com série – mas quando o conteúdo for mais vasto, vou criar listas separadas com diferentes categorias.
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• Rafe Cameron
"Entre tapas, ciúmes e fodas"
Parte 1 (drama/sad)
Parte 2 (drama/dark)
Parte 3 (hot)
"Assopre o pavio" (drama/dark)
SCREAM (franquia)
• Ethan Landry
"Eu tirei a virgindade de um assassino?" (hot/um dark de leve)
• Billy Loomis
"Pertença e obedeça" (dark)
• Stu Macher
"Pertença e obedeça" (dark)
• Wes Hicks
"O que acontece à meia-noite?" (hot)
• Billy Hargrove
"Ebulição" (hot/romance)
• Jim Hopper
"Delinquente" (hot)
AHS (série)
• Kyle Spencer
"Ele aprendeu a sentir tesão" (hot com alguns poucos elementos sombrios)
• Tate Langdon
"Doente" (romance/terror/dark)
MARVEL (franquia)
• Peter Parker
"Vem relaxar de ladinho" - Tom Holland (hot)
• Tony Stark
"Bilionário Ordinário" (hot)
• Jack Marrowbone
"Decisão de não deixar partir" (sad)
• Brahms Heelshire
"Os bonequinhos de Brahms" (terror/dark)
• Lucifer Morningstar
"Afago ao rei deprimido" (romance/sad)
THE BOYS (série)
• Antológicas
"The Boys x Male Reader" (hot)
Homelander/Hughie/Billy x MaleReader!super-ass
HALLOWEEN (franquia)
• Michael Myers
"Pobre Michael" (terror)
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Outras listas:
HOT | masterlist
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step-sandman · 17 days
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Seeing Tom Holland in person was always a dream of mine. Eventually, I got lucky, and he was coming to a Convention near me. I immediately got tickets, and paid for a photo with him. I wanted to hug him, but didn't want him to feel the boner that I'd inevitably have if I did, so I made sure to put on my chastity cage.
At the convention, he Walked around the floor, wearing his Spidersuit. It was a pretty warm summer day, and the convention building AC wasn't doing very well, so I was just imagining him sweating in his suit.
Once it was time for the photos, I headed over. I was one of the last people in line. I wanted to be first, so he didn't feel tired by the end, and not give me enough attention, but there was little I could do about it now.
Once it was my turn, I walked up to him. he definitely smelled of sweat, his suit being a bit darker from the sweat soaking the spandex. his hair was still a bit wet.
"Sorry about the sweat, didn't know it was going to be so hot.
"No, no, don't mention it. I don't mind."
"Really? What, you like the smell of sweat?"
I blushed. "Well... Yeah, kinda."
"Oh yeah? Are you gay or bi?"
"Wanna come to my makeup room in the back?"
I couldn't believe he asked me that. I quickly replied yes, following him to the convention guests makeup rooms. We entered his, and he started undoing the suit a bit more, pushing it down to his hips, leaving the suit on around his legs, but revealing his pecs and abs.
"Wanna lick me clean? I have always wanted an assistant to that for me."
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constantineshots · 7 months
if Constantine got another live-action... 😶‍🌫️I hope not ...I prefer him in the paper and animated, I want an actor that is not too famous and too pretty(?)I mean someone whose face is not smooth and babyface but still somehow attractive like I want that feeling that when you look at him yu can tell that his going to be problem, that feeling as if you can smell the smoke on the screen everytime he appears?but obviously still somehow attractive and despite him looking a dumpster raccoon he still have Charisma.....his rizz is literally his superpowers. I don't want someone that looks like tom Holland or Chris Evans I want him to look like one of those weird uncle-guy that you would find sitting in a pub.
hello! :D
but yes, i agree. i dont think he’s a character meant to be the chris evans type. he’s hot in canon, but in like. you see him on the street and go “oh, he’s attractive.” not “super model sex haver” you know.
like i want to feel like he’s the strangest man i could possibly imagine, but he still has that john constantine feel. i want him to feel smoke and mirrors, but also mentally ill. i want to see this person and think “what’s wrong with that guy” but also have the subtle urge to kiss him. he needs to be pathetic wet cat energy, but also like. he’d fuck you over energy. you know.
weird guy you’d find in a pub. I LOVE THAT THATS WHAT HE IS
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waitimcomingtoo · 2 years
And Now I Just Sit In Silence
Pairing: Tom Holland x singer!reader
Synopsis: following your breakup, Tom is haunted by your songs about him everywhere he goes
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“Following her recent breakup with Marvel superstar Tom Holland, singer-songwriter Y/n L/n has blessed us with your next breakup anthem.” A talk show host said over the radio as Tom drove in his car. Tom shifted uncomfortably in his seat but left the radio on out of curiosity.
“Is it wrong that I was kind of rooting for them to break up so that we could get another album from her?” One of the other radio hosts asked in a sheepish voice. Tom scrunched his nose and gave his radio a disgusted look as if the hosts could see him.
“Thats horrible!” Another host laughed in shock.
“I’m just saying! She writes really good breakup songs. Not that I didn’t love her album about Tom when they were in love.” She defended her comment as Tom rolled his eyes.
“Well they’re not in love anymore, and we have the song to prove it. You are now listening to “Questions I Still Have” by Y/n L/n.” The first host said. Tom blinked back a few tears at the way they so confidently talked about your relationship ending as the intro to your new song played. The breakup was the worst thing he had ever gone through and yet they spoke out it so casually. He hadn’t heard it yet so he decided to let it play for a minute.
“Do you cry yourself to sleep? Maybe that’s just me.
When I think too hard about us I feel like I can’t breathe.
I thought that I was done. I thought you were the one.
I thought you’d take a bullet for me but it was you holding the gun”
A tear rolled down Tom’s cheek before he even realized he was crying. He had zoned out when he heard your voice over the radio and watched a million memories play in his head.
“I can’t listen to this.” He said and quickly changed the station. Your voice was still coming through his radio, just at a different part of the same song.
“I want to kill you for the way you made me feel, I want you to assure me it was real.
I want to call you ever name in the book, I want you to give me that one look.
I want you to tell me you want me again, I want to tell you I won’t be your friend.
I want you to call me and beg for me to come home, I want you to leave me alone”
“Oh my God. Is this song on every station?” Tom wiped his face from tears and changed the station again. When he heard your song the third station, he shut off the radio. He drove in silence for the rest of the time. He snuck glances at his passenger seat every so often and thought of all the times you had sat there. The seat was empty now, mirroring the way Tom felt inside. The laughter and conversation that used to fill his car was replaced with a dead silence. As soon as Tom parked, he broke down crying. He covered his face with his hands and cried into them as your lyrics replayed in his mind. He expected you to write a song about the ending of your relationship but actually hearing it left him feeling deflated and empty. Wanting to stop the feeling, he wiped the hot tears from his face and pulled out his phone. He hadn’t deleted your last conversation, the one where he ended your relationship, and often read it over again and tried to imagine how things would’ve been different if he said one thing differently. He read the last few things you had said to each other before typing out a new message.
“hey. I know it’s been a long time since we spoke last. I just wanted to say I heard your new song on the radio. it’s really good :)” Tom wrote out. He read his message over and then deleted it. It felt too casual considering the conversation right above it was the two of you breaking up. He thought about the lyrics you had just sung over his radio and typed out a new message.
“I miss you. please let me come home” He wrote out. He tried to read the message back but his eyes were too full of tears. He shook his head and decide against reaching out to you before deleting the message.
As the days went on, your song haunted Tom. He heard it everywhere he went. Every time he turned on his radio or walked into a store, your song was playing. He was happy to see you reaching success but hated having to relive the heartbreak every time he heard your music. But it wasn’t just the music that was plaguing him. Your breakup was the talk of the internet and he had to listen to everyone’s opinion on it. Even when he was doing something simple like sitting in the waiting room at his dentist, he was forced to hear about your breakup on the TV.
“I can’t believe they broke up. I thought they were just so cute together.” Some lady on a morning talk show Tom had never even heard of said to her fellow hosts on the panel. Tom rolled his eyes all the way to the ceiling as people he had never met talked about him like he was their close friend.
“I know! I thought they were gonna get married.” Another lady chimed in.
“So did I. How long were they together?”
“Two years? Three years?” One of the ladies asked.
“Three and a half.” Tom mumbled to no one in particular. His eyes were glued to the TV as pictures of you and Tom were displayed in the background of the women talking.
“Wow. I thought they were gonna get married.” A lady on the panel added.
“So did I.” One of the ladies chimed in.
“So did I.” Tom said under his breath. People in the waiting room were staring at him but he didn’t care.
“I wonder what happened.” One of the ladies said, making Tom gulp.
“I guess we’ll have to wait for the album to find out.”
“Luckily I don’t think we’ll have to wait too long. Check out what she said in a recent inverview with E!” A lady on the panel said before turning to the huge screen behind her. Tom felt his face get hot when a video of you talking to a journalist on a red carpet played. You were dressed in an off the shoulder black dress with a pearl choker around your neck. Tom couldn’t help but crack a smile to see you wearing the “revenge dress” you had once told him all about. Being a native of southwest London himself, he already knew about the iconic back dress Princess Diana once wore, but he pretended he hadn’t heard of it just because you seemed to excited to tell him. He smiled at the memory, but that smile quickly faded when he heard you talking on the TV.
“So does the new song mean there’s a new album in the future?” The journalist asked you.
“Definitely. I’m really excited to share it once it’s finished. I think it’s the most mature album I’ve made so far since I’ve never felt the way I’ve been feeling lately. I didn’t really know how to deal with all the emotions so I’ve just been writing it all down. It’s very carthartic for me so I’ve been writing new songs almost every day.”
“Wow. It must’ve been a tough breakup for you to be writing new songs everyday.” The journalist laughed and held the microphone out to you. You laughed awkwardly and Tom could see it all over your face that you didn’t find it funny.
“Definitely. Definitely.” You nodded and gave the camera a quick look. The look sent shivers down Tom’s spine and he felt like you were looking directly at him. He once again felt compelled to take out his phone and reach out to you.
“heard you’re working on a new album! that’s really exciting. I hope it’s going well!” He wrote out. He read it over and lost his nerve. He didn’t feel like he had any right to talk to you after the way he ended things. He deleted his message just as his name was called.
“Holland?” The dental assistant called out.
“Coming.” Tom got up and followed them into the into the little dentist room.
“Hey, aren’t you the guy Y/n just broke up with?” The dental assistant realized as they looked back at Tom. Tom felt the wind get knocked out of his chest from being confronted about the breakup in person.
“No. We broke up months ago. And I broke up with her. Not the other way around.” Tom said, instantly regretting it. He had tried to sound cool but he just came off like an asshole.
“Oh. Okay.” They laughed awkwardly. “Did you hear new song?”
“Every waking moment of my life.” Tom smiled sarcastically.
“Yeah. They play it here a lot. I think it’s pretty good. She seems really sad though. You must’ve really broken her heart, huh?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be scrapping my teeth or something?” Tom said flatly.
“Yeah. Lay back.” They said and Tom complied. He opened his mouth and zoned out as the dental assistant started working on his teeth. After a few minutes of silence, they started to hum your song. Tom gave them a look and they quickly stopped.
“Sorry. It’s a really good song.” They mumbled and went back to scrapping Tom’s teeth.
“So why did you dump her anyway?” They asked Tom after a beat of silence. Tom shut his eyes and zoned out for the rest of his time in the chair. When he got in his car after the appointment, he absentmindedly turned his radio on.
“Are you nice when you talk about me to your friends? Or are your stories filled with hate? Am I that girl you don’t see anymore, or that crazy bitch you used to date?” Your voice came on over his radio. His eyes welled up with tears and he quickly shut the radio off. He wiped his face free from tears and took his phone out.
“my mom was asking about you. I told her you’ve been smashing records with your new music. she misses you. so do I” Tom wrote out. He looked at his message and then let his eyes travel up to the last messages you had exchanged. He reread the conversation of him ending things and you trying to get him to explain why. He kept reading until his eyes got too blurry with tears to see anything. He deleted the message and put his phone down before driving home in silence.
The next time Tom heard your song on the radio, he let it play. He listened to it all the way through for the first time and cried the entire time. He parked his car once it ended and just sat there, staring at out thr windshield as tears fell down his face.
“You just heard “Questions I Still Have” by Y/n L/n. The singer-songwriters newest single quickly hit number one and has not given up that spot since. She has broken record after record with this song, lining up a promising outlook for her next album. We’re joined by the singer now.” The radio host said and Tom froze in his seat.
“Thank you for coming to the studio today to talk about your new single, “Questions I Still Have”. Tell us, what inspired this song?” The radio host asked you.
“Thank you for having me! I’m really excited to be here. And this song is about my recent breakup with my boyfriend.” You answered. Tom wished it wasn’t a radio interview so that he could see your face as you spoke about him. Even though you were talking in the past tense, it felt nice to hear you call him your boyfriend.
“Can you tell us who the song is about?” The host asked you.
“Unfortunately, I cannot.” You chuckled. “I want my fans to hear this song and think about their ex boyfriend. Not mine.”
“So it’s not about a certain web slinging super hero?”
“It’s about whoever you think about when you hear it.” You replied and Tom could hear the smile in your tone.
“Are you still in contact with this ex who shall not be named?”
“No, I’m not. We haven’t spoken since the breakup.” You answered, sounding sad over that fact. Tom looked down at his phone in shame and thought of all the times he started to reach out to you but stopped himself.
“May I ask what happened? What led to the breakup?”
“I wish I knew.” You laughed sadly. Tom gulped and felt a deep pit of shame inside himself. He took the cowards way out of your relationship and that had clearly hurt you.
“So he broke up with you and didn’t tell you why?”
“I mean, there’s a lot more to the story. I touch on it a little bit more on the album. But at the end of the day, the breakup was between him and I and I don’t want to have the private details all over the Internet. And I’m sure he wouldn’t want that either.” You replied. Tom couldn’t believe you were respecting his privacy after what he put you through. He appreciated it, but it also made him feel a hundred times worse.
“That’s understandable. I have to say, breakup definitely caught a lot of people by surprise being as this was the first public relationship for the both of you. I’m sure you’ve seen the army of your fans online threatening to beat him up and boycott his movies for breaking your heart.”
“I have seen that.” You laughed a little. “And as much as I appreciate the sentiment, it’s really not necessary. I never want to see anyone hate someone else on my behalf. I truly have no hard feelings for him. If he felt like he needed to end our relationship, I’m sure he had his reasons. Of course, I wish I knew those reasons but hey, we don’t always get closure after breakups. That’s something I’m learning to live with. So while I appreciate the support, my fans can stand down. No one has to beat anyone up. I wish him all the best.”
“Well that’s very mature of you.” The host commented. Tom turned the radio off and sunk down in his seat. Hearing you talk about the relationship gave him a weird feeling in his stomach. He knew you should hate him and be smearing his name all over the Internet, but you weren’t. You were being kind and civil and mature. This amplified his guilt to an unbearable extent and he found himself pulling his phone out to text you.
“I’m really happy for you. I wish you all the best too.” He wrote out. He read his message over a few times and then deleted it. One of these days, he would bring himself to hit send. That day just wasn’t today.
It wasn’t the next day either. Tom already had his phone out when he walked by a couple kids playing your song on their speaker.
“I wonder what you say when people ask why I’m not around. Do you tell them it ended mutually and try to hide your frown?
Or do you tell them I’m insane and tried to bleed you dry? Did you tell them you ended things and never told me why?”
Tom turned his head to listen to the lyrics before looking down at his phone. He opened up his iMessage app and clicked on your contact before typing out a message.
“hey. can we talk?” He wrote, then quickly deleted.
“I hate the way we ended things. -the way I ended things. I’m so sorry. I miss you so much. do you think we could meet up and talk about it?” He wrote instead. His thumb hovered over the arrow to send it and he was about to press down on it when he let out a defeated sigh.
“There is no way she wants to hear from me.” He mumbled to himself as he deleted his message.
As the weeks went on, the craze about your song eventually died down just in time for your next single to drop. Instead of avoiding it this time, Tom patiently waited for midnight to strike so that he could listen to it as soon as it came out. As soon as he heard the piano ballad intro, he started to tear up.
“Is it childish to say I thought we were meant to be? Is it wrong if I think you’re still a good guy, you just weren’t good to me?
I want you to be happy, just please don’t be happy yet. At first, I want you miserable. Please tell me I’m hard to forget”
Tom put his phone on the pillow next to him, the one where you used to lay your head, and let the song play. He shut his eyes and felt his salty tears roll down his face and into his ears. He reached a hand over and rested it on the bed so that he could pretend you were laying there beside him.
“So who do I tell my thoughts to now? Am I supposed to just write them down?
That’s kind of boring, wouldn’t you agree? I need someone to talk back to me.
And who do I give my love to now? I was planning on loving you for a lifetime. Planning to be your wife and settle down.
But you changed the locks me out before I gave up my keys. Now when I hear your name I can’t remember how to breathe.
And I can’t even join in with the shit talking from my friends. Because I know I’d take you right back if it meant this pain would end.
I find it strange how you were the first to leave, when it was you who first asked to kiss me.
I have all these questions I never got to ask. Like did I ever really know you under your mask?
Was I too boring or loud or rough? Was I too much for you or not enough?
Maybe I just wasn’t what you wanted anymore So I hope you find what you were looking for.
I don’t know where or how or when, but I know one day we will meet again.
Maybe we’ll politely smile and look away. Or maybe I’ll run into your arms and always stay.
But if you realize before then that you messed up. If by some chance there’s still a chance for us
If I was right and we were meant to be, then come back, I’ll be waiting where you left me.”
“Nice bridge.” Tom smiled through his tears. He knew that was always your favorite part of the song to write, the part you always spent the most time on. He never thought he’d hear a bridge dedicated to how he broke your heart.
Once the song ended, he reached for his phone and clicked on your contact. He stared at it for a long time before impulsively hitting the call button. He knew there was no way you’d answer since you were probably celebrating the release of your new song with your friends.
“Hello?” Your voice suddenly came from the other line. Tom gasped and quickly hung up before you could figure out it was him. He let out a defeated sigh and started your song from the beginning, listening to it until he fell asleep.
Tom had the next day off so he spent it in bed, under the covers, listening to your songs. He played them over and over until he had the words memorized and could mouth along to them as tears streamed down his face. He brought his pillow to his chest and hugged it, pretending it was you.
“What about the plans we made? Who gets to do those now? If I’m being totally honest, I’m down if you’re still down.
Do you still sings the songs we sang, or avoid the movies we liked? When I drive past the place we last kissed, it feels like salt right after the knife.
I wonder if you hate this song. Or if you defend me when i’m mocked. I wonder if you still think of me. Call me if I’m not blocked” He softly sang along as the song ended. He picked up his phone to replay it but clicked on your contact instead. His red eyes glazed over your last conversation and he felt a spark of inspiration in his chest.
“Fuck it.” He decided and hit the call button. His heart beat out of his chest as the phone rang and on the third ring, you picked up.
“Hello?” Your voice came through the phone. Tom sucked in a sharp breath and started to cry again at the sound of it. He covered his mouth so you couldn’t hear him but kept the phone against his ear.
“Hello? Is someone there?” You asked again.
“Oh my God.” Tom accidentally said out loud in a panic.
“Tom? Is that you?” You asked with less confidence than you had when you first picked up.
“Yeah. It’s me.” He said and sat up in his bed.
“Oh. Hi.” You answered quietly. Tom looked up to the ceiling as tears streamed down his face and tried to keep his voice steady.
“Hi.” He croaked out.
“Are you crying?”
“Yeah. A little.” He downplayed it as he wiped his face with the back of his hand.
“Because I didn’t think you’d pick up.” He said and started to cry again. You stayed silent on the other line and listened to him cry until he composed himself.
“Neither did I.”
“Why did you?” He asked you.
“I couldn’t help it. I needed to know what you were gonna say. If I’m honest with you, every single time I’ve gotten a notification on my phone since our breakup, I’ve hoped it was you. I just needed one last conversation. There were so many things I still wanted to say.”
“Me too. I wanted to reach out to you. So many times.”
“Why didn’t you?”
“I didn’t know what to say. You were always better with words than I was.” He said with a sad laugh.
“Yeah. You didn’t have too many words for me the last time we spoke.” You said coldly. Tom winced a little but took this as an opportunity to explain himself.
“I know. And I’m sorry about that.”
“What exactly are you sorry for?” You asked him, needing the closure for yourself.
“I’m sorry I ended things so abruptly. I know it came out of nowhere. And I’m sorry I did it over text. I knew I’d never be able to do it in person if I saw you crying so I took the cowards way out. I’m so sorry about that. You didn’t deserve that. You deserved a lot more than what I gave you.”
You were silent for a minute on the other end of the line and Tom could hear you sniffling back tears.
“You never even gave me a reason why.” You said quietly.
“I know. But honestly, I didn’t have a reason to give you.”
“Then why did you do it? Why did you break up with me?”
This time, Tom was the one to pause. He took in a sharp breath and decided it was time to be honest with both himself and you.
“Because I was scared. Terrified, actually.”
“Of what?”
“Of all of it. I had never been in love before you. I never even came close. But you came into my life and you understood me in a way I didn’t think anyone ever would. And I loved that. I loved days where you were the only person I spoke to all day. I loved everything about our relationship. But it wasn’t just ours. This was my first public relationship and I guess I just didn’t expect all the attention. Everyone had their opinion on us and they were giving it out every chance they got. We couldn’t go anywhere without people taking secret pictures and posting them. We’d go on dates and then I would get asked about it in interviews when I didn’t even know the world knew about it. I guess I started to feel like I wasn’t a person anymore. Not an individual one anyway. I felt like I was just one half of a couple that everyone had high expectations for. But it wasn’t just the media that had expectations of us. Our families did too. Everyone’s been asking me when I was gonna propose and as much as I wanted to, I didn’t want you to think I only did it because people kept pressuring me. Then I started to wonder if you even wanted me to at all.”
“Of course I did. But I wanted that when we were ready.”
��I wanted that too. But what if I was never ready? What if I couldn’t be a good husband for you? I started to think about our future a lot and just freak myself out. Because if I became your husband, then I’d become a father too. And what if I’m no good at that either? What if I can’t raise kids that you’d be proud of?”
“Tom, all of those things are way in the future. Why are you thinking about them now?”
“Because I knew it would happen one day. And I knew it would happen with you. When I realized you were the love of my life and I had already doing with who I would grow old with, I freaked out. It felt like all the things I pushed off to think about in the future were happening right now. And it all felt way too fast. So I panicked and broke up with you to slow it all down.”
“So you broke up with me because you don’t think you’ll be a good dad yet?” You asked, sounding like you found it amusing.
“Essentially, yes.” Tom answered, which made you laugh.
“Why are you laughing?” He asked and cracked a smile himself.
“Because I have spent the last few months thinking of every possible reason you could’ve had to break up with me and that never crossed my mind. That was such a you response. I should’ve known.”
“Why did you think I broke up with you?” Tom asked out of curiosity.
“I considered a few things. But I decided it was because I was too much and you couldn’t take it anymore. I thought you realized you didn’t want to be around me forever. I thought…I thought I bored you.”
“Darling, that wasn’t it at all. I didn’t leave because I didn’t love you. I left because I loved you too much. And I didn’t know how to handle it.”
“I wish you talked to me about this before you left. Because I would’ve told you that I don’t give a fuck what the world thinks of us. As long as we’re together, I don’t care if we’re married or not. A ceremony and a white dress won’t make me happy. Only loving you forever will.”
“You should write that down. It would make a good lyric.” Tom said through a smile.
“Maybe for my next album. By the way, when this new one comes out, don’t listen to track 5. I call you something that rhymes with “sick” in it.” You said playfully.
“Fingers crossed that it’s thick.” Tom joked.
“It’s not.” You laughed. Tom laughed too and you sat in comfortable silence for a minute.
“I think you’d be a good dad.” You said after a beat of silence. “But I’m a little busy breaking records right now so kids are the last thing on my mind. You don’t have to worry about that anytime soon.”
“I wish we had this conversation months ago. I wish I didn’t get so in my head.” Tom said and started to tear up again.
“I wish I didn’t hurt you.” He said after a beat of silence and started to cry.
“I was hurt. Now I’m significantly richer from the money my music about you have been making.” You said, making Tom laugh between his tears.
“Good. I’m glad.” He sniffled. You both went quiet again and just listened to the sound of each other breathing.
“I still love you.” He said after a minute. He heard you suck in a breath and then go quiet again. He cursed himself for messing it all up again but then you surprised him.
“Can you come over?”
“Yes.” He practically shouted and jumped out of his bed. He was gonna put on real clothes but decided it would take too much time and he needed to see you immediately. He grabbed his keys and ran out of his house as fast as he could while you listened to his hasty movements on the other line.
“Slow down.” You laughed when you heard his heavy breathing.
“I can’t. I’m about to run this red light.”
“Don’t do that.” You chuckled. “Just get here when you can.”
“I’ll get there even faster once I run over this pedestrian.”
“We can’t get back together if you go to jail for hitting a pedestrian.”
“But is that what’s really happening? Are we getting back together?” He asked hopefully and pressed down on the gas even harder.
“I don’t know. Maybe.” You said simply. Tom began to drive even faster and pulled up to your house in half the time it normally takes. He put the car in park and left the keys in the ignition just as you were coming out of your front door.
“You drove here barefoot?” You laughed as he got out of the car and ran towards you.
“I really wanted to see you.” He said as he scooped you up in a hug. You felt him lift you off the ground and spin you around in circles until he felt dizzy. When he put you down, he kept his arms around you and looked into your eyes.
“Have you been crying?” You asked as you touched your palm to his face. His eyes were red and puffy so you already knew the answer, but you wanted to hear it from him.
“All the time. Mostly in my car.” He admitted, making you crack a smile.
“Yeah. I know the feeling.” You told him. Tom smiled sadly and put his hands on either side of your face.
“I had so many things I wanted to say to you. So many things I typed out and deleted. Now that I’m actually with you, I don’t know what to say.”
“Maybe you don’t have to say anything.” You shrugged. “Maybe you should just kiss me.”
“Am I still allowed to do that?” Tom asked hopefully.
“You’ll always be allowed.” You said before pulling him down into a kiss. Tom shut his eyes and felt tears rolled down his cheeks as he kissed you back for the first time in months. You wrapped your hands around his wrists for a moment before tangling them in his overgrown hair to pull him closer. When you pulled away, Tom kept his forehead against yours and hit his eyes.
“I really missed you. I’m sorry I left you. I’ll never do it again. You’re my forever home.” He sniffled as tears rolled down his face.
“I’m really glad you called. I’m glad you came back to me.” You smiled and wiped his tears away with your thumbs.
“Of course I came back. I mean, you practically begged me to over the radio.” Tom said with a teasing smile.
“Oh, is that what you heard?” You raised an eyebrow. “I don’t remember writing a lyric like that.”
“Maybe I know your music a little better than you do.” Tom shrugged playfully.
“Oh, yeah. That’s definitely it.” You humored him. You looked into each others eyes for a minute before embracing in another kiss. When you pulled away, you took his hand and pulled him towards your house.
“Come inside. I was just writing a song about you.”
Tag List 🏷️
@awesomebooklover17 @thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling @serendipitous-amor @tom-hollands-wifey @20fandomfangirl
@lavender-writer @whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings @ultrunning @imyourliquor-youremypoison @andreasworlsboring101
@letsloveimagines @peterparkoure @a-villain-vying-for-attention @justcallmehitgirl
@jackiehollanderr @mara-twins @maryjanee23 @geeksareunique @emmamarshmellow @unbelievableholland @flixndchill
@sovereignparker @thisisthebiplace @every-marveler-ever @undiadeestos @caelestii-e @eridanuswave​ @itscaminow​ @fiantomartell
@solarxmoonchild @canyouevencauseicant @illwritetomorrow @thehappygrungelife
@saysomethingspiderman @smilexcaptainx @quaksonhehe @kelieah @seasidecrowbar
@lovelessdagger @electraheart-3174 @unbelievableholland @yourtypicalhotmess @horanxholland @thesuitelifeofafangirl @marshxx
@heyheycharlatte @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie @tomshufflepuff
@maybemona @alexxcorona113
@lethal-wisdom @xo-spidey @pandaxnienke  @thestylestour  @officialsimppage
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spidey0boi · 2 years
♡︎𐬿 Hold On ~ Part 1𐬿♡︎
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description ༄ : After a large battle, Peter finds you injuryed and doesn’t know what to do.
couple : tom holland!peter parker x Y/N boy ✰
Warning: ⚠︎︎ Mentioned Gore and Blood, heavy description of wounds ⚠︎︎
Information about Y/N: is a boy in this imagine but feel free to change the gender when reading ♡︎
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Peter looked for you, he searched high and low, he couldn’t find you. He began to cry out your name as tears ran down his face, his heart racing from his anxiety and fear of losing you kicking in like a ticking time bomb.
‘Goddamn it, Y/N.’ He thought as he swung though-out the city, it all burnt from the massive battle you both were just in. He needed to find you, he couldn’t find you on his tracker either. He was starting to think of all the horrible and terrible things that could of happened to you.
“Y/N!!” He cried out, his voice raw and full of fear and pain.
“P-P-P…P-Peter..” You groan out from under a rock, weakly lifting your out, blood dripping down your arm, tears escaping your eyes as your whole body felt the pain.
You had two cracked ribs, a cut in your head, a stab in your side, your arm was broken and your foot was twisted. Your whole body was nearly shattered from the walls from the billing falling down on you, your lucky to be alive.
“Y/N!?” He yelled, jumping down to see your hand poking out from the rocks and broken building. Peter body filled with fear as he pulled off everything single last one of the rocks and walls pieces, not caring how much it was hurting himself, he was able to do things, you couldn’t. You needed him.
Peter finally reached you and he saw the mess you were in.. you choked on his breath. Holy shit. Your were a mess.
Blood was all over you, a thick pile of blood on the floor and it gushing out your side where you had been stabbed. You had blood dripping out your mouth and every time you coughed you would bring up more blood. You were a real mess and he couldn’t even describe the ways your bones looked.
“Y/N!?! What the fuck!?! Oh my god?!” He panicked, rushing down to your side, where he kneeled and ran a hand through your hair. You smiled, you had lost a tooth and Peter thought it even tho you were in pain, quite dorky the way you were smiling at him.
“Oh.. baby.. oh my god..” He muttered as he looked over you. He suddenly started to put pressure on your wound and you screamed out, that hurt. More blood spewed out your month from the pressure of your ribs being touched and forcing a cough out.
“Peter… I need an medic.” You whimper, hot and fresh tears rolling down your face.
“I know.. I know..” He said as he got his phone and began to type 911 but no one answered, the lines were busy. He sobbed and threw his phone, gripping his hair in stressed.
“Fuck!” He cried, smashing his hand into a wall as he panicked over you. Your grabbed his face and made him look at you as the boy was clearly in distress. You smiled at him, your face covered in blood and looking all beat up.
“Peter… It-.. fuck.” You coughed and spat out the too the side. “I’m okay.. I’m okay..” You cry slightly. You felt your body collapsing slowly.
“No, Don’t talk like that. Hold on.” He whispers, kissing your head and sobbing. He didn’t want you to die. He wanted you to live. You smiled and ran a hand through his hair, smiling weakly.
“No.. It’s okay.. Let me sleep.. I’ll wake up. I promise..” You muttered, your voice becoming weak.
“No! Don’t fall asleep!! HELP!? SOMEBODY HELP US!” He screamed as he brought you into his arms, rocking you.
You felt your eyes slowly flutter shut as you watched your boyfriend scream out for help as you fell asleep, you didn’t want to fall asleep thought. You could feel your heart beating fast, you couldn’t fall asleep..
you couldn’t..
you had too..
hold on..
“No.. NO Y/N!” He screamed as it went black.
AN/ hey, hope y’all enjoyed this imagine :) let know if you want a part two <3
- S P I D E Y B O I.
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mxssingmemories · 1 year
Not a Girl.
Pairing: Tom Holland x teen trans male reader
Summary: Y/N is trans male, and after a fight with his mom, he goes straight to the person who knows him the best-Tom. They've been best friends for years, and Tom's happy to help his favorite person however he can.
Warnings: Transphobia, dyphoria, hurt/comfort, lots of love from Tom.
Word Count: 1,000 ish!
A/N: this is kind of a vent fic, and I'm sending love to everyone who's ever gone through this. So much love for y'all <3
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The familiar feeling washed over you as you heard your mother talking to your grandmother. they were in the middle of an argument again-to you, it seemed like they'd been arguing every single day. Your grandmother was a very religious woman, and your mother just..couldn't accept the fact that you were trans. This was not news to you-your mother had supported you during your early transition, but her support had wavered and eventually almost died out.
You didn't mean to, but you ended up accidentally overhearing part of the conversation.
"Jesus, I mean you never fucking know with Y/N! She- I mean he- God, I don't even know what to call her anymore!"
At this comment, your eyes filled with tears. You chose to ignore the rest off the conversation, throwing on a jacket and tank top over your binder and putting your shoes on. You flung open your door, barely bothering to say bye to your mother.
"Where are you going?"
"Out." You said, walking out the door and slamming it behind you, starting up the car. It was cold for an Autumn day, so you turned the heater on full blast, locked the doors, and let yourself cry. All the thoughts about you not really being trans, not being good enough, wanting to be a "real man" came at you like a hurricane, overwhelming the hell out of you.
It wasn't fair. You were pretty sure of who you are, hell, you've been out for almost two years! Sure, you didn't really present all that masculine but you knew in your heart you weren't a girl. Every time you looked at your bare chest, you felt nothing for it-you didn't feel attached to them at all, and never once have you imagined yourself without a flat chest. You hated the way your voice sounded. You hated almost everything about yourself, especially the "feminine" traits your mom constantly said she saw in you. Normally you would confront your mom about this. Today, though, it was just too much-and for once, you let it be.
Through your tears, you let your brain run on memory to take you where you needed to go. You ended up at Tom's cozy cabin in the woods-the place where the two of you would hang out the most often. You were there so much he even had your own room, the "Tom Holland best friend special", in his words. It had started pouring rain in the time you got there, just getting out of the car had you soaked.
When Tom heard the frantic knock on the door, he opened it with a smile on his face. That smile quickly vanished when he saw his best friend soaked and with tears running down his face, he quickly ushered you inside.
"Hey, hey, easy there. Why don't we get you a pair of dry clothes, yeah?" He sat you down gently on the soft brown couch, Tessa immediately jumping up on you and letting you hold onto her for dear life. The minute Tom disappeared, your sobs got louder, Tessa's concerned eyes finding your face and licking it. You buried your face in her fur, waiting for your bestfriend to come back anxiously.
Tom emerged from the stairs about a minute later, clean clothes in hand.
"Where do you wanna change, bug?" he asked you, voice softer than usual.
"Here's fine.."
"Alright, I'm gonna go into the kitchen and make us some hot chocolate, okay? Call me when you're ready for me to come back in." he said, heading back into the kitchen.
You got changed as quickly as you could, hoping your body could just disappear. The sounds of mugs clinking and things being made distracted your mind a little bit, and soon enough you called Tom back in.
Mugs of hot chocolate in hand, Tom sat down beside you. Now that you were more comfortable, he decided it was time to start the conversation.
"What happened, lovie?" he asked, concern finding its way back into his eyes.
"Nothing," you mumbled, "I'm fine."
"Bullshit. I'm not an idiot, Y/N. You showed up here in tears and shaking like a leaf..what's wrong?" his tone went from angry to tender in a flash, and tears sprung to your eyes for what seemed like the fiftieth time today. You sighed, deciding to come clean.
"Me and mom got into a fight. Afterwards, I heard her saying some stuff about me being trans. It really hurts Tom. I know I can't expect everyone to be okay with it, but I really thought she was on my side. I just..can't keep doing this. It's fucking awful." you whimpered.
"Oh, lovie," Tom cooed, putting you on his chest to where you could hear his heartbeat.
You let the tears fall once again, more desperately. The smell of the fireplace burning and the sound of the rain on the big glass windows eventually pulled you back to reality. Staring outside into the forest, you let your mind quiet down for the first time in a while, feeling safe in your best friend's arms.
"You know I'll always support you, right? Whatever happens, I'm here. You have a room at the cabin for a reason, bug. You're the best man I know by far, and nothing can change that. You're even better than Sebastian and Chris," he teased, making you smile.
"That's not a hard mark to beat," you giggled, rolling your eyes when Tom ruffled your hair.
"Wanna go take a nap? I'm sure you're positively exhausted. I'll carry you upstairs, if that's easier."
"Yes please," you mumbled, allowing Tom to hold you in his arms to carry you up the stairs. Finally opening the door to your room, he sat you on the bed after pulling the covers back.
"Want the fairy lights on?" he asked, and at your nod, the room was dimly lit once again. The atmosphere was perfect-the rain outside, the room lit by only the lights, and the comfort that washed over you was the best thing you'd experience in a while. As Tom went to leave, you grabbed his arm.
"Stay?" you practically begged, your puppy dog eyes at work.
"Of course, Y/N. That's what best friends are for." he smiled, tucking you back into bed. You curled up next to him, Tessa snuggling up with you both.
"G'night, lovie." he mumbled, letting his eyes shut. You were both content in each other's arms as you two finally let sleep take you.
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hrodvitnon · 10 months
Hot take but they seemingly went all the way down GvK's campy neon rabbit hole, now with a tinge of post-endgame MCU XD
I kinda miss Kotm's atmosphere and aesthetic even if that film had a truckload of problems. I'm all for the MV being a pure CGI spectacle and all, but it could've been something more.(imagine Dougherty's vibes and Guillermo del Toro's direction ;-;) At least we still have LoM and -1.0 to watch.
(Odd, I could've sworn I had 'MCU' blacklisted... but hey, at least the MV isn't full of crap like "The Hulk is just Shrek from Accounting now" or "Tom Holland".)
People have the option to skip out on GxK, which is fine (more big monster chaos for me, heh). I don't mind the descent into camp because it's not the first time Godzilla started out all grim and serious and then got progressively more fantastical. It's probably better for a series like Legacy of Monsters to tap into the MonsterVerse's serious aspects, because at least then it has the breathing room for stuff like lore and human drama so it's not all about big monsters duking it out. If I really have a problem with something in the MonsterVerse, then I can take it to the ol' AbraxasVerse workshop and iron it out there.
So yeah, I'm gonna withhold any serious judgment until the movie itself comes out, so I'll go where the MonsterVerse takes me. Even if the trip is full of left turns, heh.
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I am Leaving (But the Fighter Still Remains)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/52178569 by efla_13 Angry. That’s how Peter feels right now, how he feels a lot of the time lately. He barges into the little convenience store and the little bell twinkles out a welcome, completely missing the cashier’s look of terror and more importantly, the robber holding the gun. “Peter!” cries Ben, running into the store behind him. Suddenly, a shot rings out, and Peter isn’t angry anymore. Or, Peter isn't doing so hot. Coincidentally, Tony is also not doing so hot. Imagine how crazy it would be if they weren't doing so hot together. THIS WORK IS NOT FINISHED!! Though I guess it does sort of work as a one-shot (just a really depressing one lol) Words: 2080, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Peter Parker, Tony Stark, Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Pepper Potts, Steve Rogers, Other Avengers, Happy Hogan, James "Rhodey" Rhodes Relationships: Peter Parker & Tony Stark, Steve Rogers & Tony Stark, Avengers Team Members & Peter Parker, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Howard Stark & Tony Stark Additional Tags: im so sorry, I'm Bad At Tagging, Homeless Peter Parker, Homelessness, Angry Peter Parker, Hurt Peter Parker, Hurt Tony Stark, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Suicidal Thoughts, Drinking, Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Warning: Skip Westcott, Child Abuse, My First Fanfic, Dead Aunt May Parker (Marvel), Oops, Not Beta Read, no beta we die like may, Tagging as I go, will almost definitely add more, ew howard stark, dont worry he's dead though, Post-Movie: Captain America: Civil War (2016), SCREW INFINITY WAR AND ENDGAME, Tony Stark Has A Heart read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/52178569
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helsingsing · 1 year
I'm starting to think that celebrity crushes mean more than any other love😂, but you all know that feeling when you see a hot edit of your crush, how your heart beats and your chest tightens when you see them, the reason why I'm starting to think this, is becouse you can imagine practically anything without embarrassing yourself in front of someone in public. while at home in your room you can look at and drool over photos of some gorgeous actor all day long without anyone bothering you, mainly don't take this seriously, take it with exaggeration and as a joke, of course, I believe in true love and maybe even in love first glance, but sometimes this choice is simply better (and I also doubt that you don't go out the other Leonardo DiCaprio, johnny deep, bred pitt, rudy pankow, tom holland, drew starkey, chris-liam hemsworth, timothée chalamet, chaning tatum, ryan gosling, austin butler, glen powell, heath ledger, ben hardy, tom cruise, ryan reynolds, michael b. jordan, harry styles, shawn mendes, chris evans, jacob elordi, jason momoa, pedro pascal, george clooney, dwayne johnson zac efron, orlando bloom , henry cavill, iam somerhalder, andrew garfield, tom hiddleston, david beckham, chad michael murray, jim carrey, tom felton, cole sprouse, dylan o'brian, taylor lautner, justin bieber, nick jonas, robert pattinson, jeremy sumpter, jake gyllenhaal, noah centineo.....) I believe I had to write at least one of your celebrity crushes here, because if not, you're probably broken 😂
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me imagining hugging my celebrity crush…
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me judging someone after they tell me they don't have celebrity crush
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mcuparkergirlfics · 3 months
Hot Summer Tom Holland Head Canons
Feel free to take any of these head canons for imagines or long series and tag me @mcuparkergirlfics in your stories.
1. You thought the summer was going to bore you the death, that was until Tom moved in next door to you.    
2. Let the battle of the sexes begin! Headstrong exec (you) are paired with an overly confident, borderline arrogant transfer, Tom Holland, for a specific project that meets a deadline soon.    
3. You were flunking Forensic Science, an elective your parents made you take to broaden your studies. If you fail the course you won't graduate with honors. Enter Tom, expert in all things CSI as your dad hires him to be your private tutor for the summer.
4. You wanted to take a break from her hard lifestyle, goes to the beach on a whim. Seeking to get some sun and peace of mind, you didn't think anything would interrupt your reverie until Tom came along.    
5. During the summer break you decide to become a lifeguard trainee at the local community pool. Your instructor, Tom, took a little more time and attention on you than his other students.    
6. Your little brother, a comic book geek drags you to the local comics store and the clerk named Tom Holland offers to point you in the right direction. Not wanting you to leave so soon, Tom educates you on why comic books are so vital. 
7. Not wanting to play second fiddle to your firm any longer, you confesses your need to become more of an asset to the company. The chief executive makes a promise that you can't refuse. The only draw back: you would have to chaperone his aimless son, Tom Holland as he visits the city.   
8. It truly is the happiest place on Earth. You decide to go to Disneyland alone, hoping to enjoy the summer without thinking about how hard her loneliness has been hitting her. Tom only came to the Disney park to fast pass all the rides with his friends. Keeping up his end of the bet, Tom promises he will ride everything before 4pm. A handful of rides require two people, you watch from afar and helps him win the bet.
9. Your long held fear of the ocean is conquered when you randomly sign up for beginning surfing lessons with rookie Tom as her instructor. Realizing you were his only student he went overtime with his teachings.    
10. Taking summer classes at the local junior university was not in your plans. You would much rather be somewhere else. That was until you saw the new substitute teacher, Tom offering after class lessons. Not allowing yourself to become distracted, you almost turn away, but finds yourself walking by to his office.
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