#however. consider with me. do you think he ever just snapped on anyone
gammaraydeath · 10 months
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some things you can't wash away
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fluentmoviequoter · 8 months
Broken Heart Mender
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!cop!reader
Summary: After hearing Tim tell Angela why he's not in a relationship with you, you pull away and make yourself sick with a broken heart. After too long without hearing from you, Tim finds you and promises to make everything better.
Warnings: reader gets sick (vomiting, headache, losing weight, crying), slight miscommunication, angst to fluff & hurt/comfort
Word Count: 2.4k+ words
Masterlist | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
Picture from Pinterest
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“You know, you’re here a lot for someone who doesn’t work here,” Smitty points out.
“And you’re here a lot for someone who doesn’t work at all,” you argue playfully.
“She’s got a point,” Tim adds, shrugging at Smitty’s offended look.
You smile at Tim as you walk out, needing to return to your own station after spending too long on paperwork (to visit Tim). He’s been your friend since you were a rookie, and now he’s so much more.
You and Tim are safe places for one another; whenever one needs it, the other becomes an unlicensed therapist, a no-strings-attached hugger or cuddler on bad days, and a good listener, no matter the time or problem. Part of why you’re so willing to do such things for Tim is because you have feelings for him, a long-harbored crush that grows each time he’s kind to you or asks for your advice.
Tim, however, will happily listen to your problems and provide a shoulder to cry on, but he prefers to show his care by being what some (Angela) might call a ‘protective menace.’ He’s had feelings for you for as long as he can remember and shows it by staying close and keeping you out of harm’s way.
Whenever you run into each other at work, you find a way to stay together, and while Tim protects you, you try your hardest to make him smile. You like doing small things for him to make him happy because he deserves it. Likewise, he stays close because you deserve more than anyone can ever give you.
The only problem is that you’re both scared to let your feelings show, so you disguise it as friendship, a special bond that no one can break. Only a few people, those willing to look, can see that there’s more to your actions and words than a time-tested and bulletproof friendship.
Tim sighs when he sees Angela sitting at his desk.
“Don’t you have work to do?” he asks.
“You have questions to answer,” she replies, moving out of his seat and blocking the door. “I want to know about you and your friend.”
Tim rolls his eyes at her tone and air quotes. She has asked him about you before, but she’s relentless.
“Why aren’t you in a real relationship? Why haven’t you asked her out?” Angela inquires.
“Not your business, Lopez,” Tim answers.
You slow as you near Tim’s office, his voice and Angela’s drawing your attention as your smile drops.
“Just tell me why you won’t let her in that last little bit,” Angela demands.
“Not that it is any of your concern, but we won’t work. We’re not made for each other, we’re not soulmates, and we will not be good for each other, not like that,” Tim snaps.
Swallowing, you feel like your heart physically drops into your stomach, making you nauseous as you fight tears. You leave before Tim or Angela notice you’re outside, unwilling to see Tim after learning how he feels.
“What does that mean, Timothy?” Angela asks, quieter as she digs for the real reason.
Tim shakes his head, not ready to admit that he doesn’t consider himself relationship material. Regardless, you deserve someone better than him, though he has never considered it the other way around: you are too good for him and always have been.
“You’re right, it’s not my business. But it is hers,” Angela reminds him before leaving.
Distancing yourself from Tim is hard, but after his comments to Angela, it’s what you have to do. Tim doesn’t have feelings for you and thinks you aren’t good enough, which hurts. More than your feelings, you are mentally distraught. Your emotions are all over the place, swinging aimlessly from anger to denial to an overwhelming sadness that makes it impossible to do anything but cry.
After a long night of fighting with your emotions, you try to eat breakfast and realize that the hurt is physical, too. Rushing to the bathroom, you empty your stomach before moving to the floor as your tears continue. Losing Tim is the worst pain you’ve ever experienced, and this is only the beginning.
The alarm on your phone goes off, and you pull yourself off the bathroom floor and get ready, ignoring the pain building behind your eyes and the churning sensation in the pit of your stomach. It will be a long day, but if you can power through, you will take some time off next week.
Tim is neck-deep in paperwork for a Metro case, but every spare second he has is spent calling and texting you. You don’t answer, and Tim can't do anything as his worry increases. He realizes Angela was right, and you deserve to know how he feels and why he keeps you so close, yet not close enough.
By the end of the day, you haven’t been able to keep a single thing down, and you’re not sure if the emotional or physical pain is worse. Collapsing onto your couch, you let the tears begin anew as your week of PTO begins and your life as you know it ends.
Each day seems worse than the last, as you get sicker and sadder with each passing moment. When you summon the courage to step on the scale on Sunday morning, just three days after hearing Tim’s comments, you’ve lost a concerning amount of weight. You know it’s dangerous, but between the constant crying and the anxiety and sadness eating at you, there isn’t much you can do. There isn’t much you want to do except find a way to make yourself good enough for Tim Bradford.
It’s been days since Tim heard from you, and he’s worried. When Mid-Wilshire gets called to assist your station, he hopes to see you. Tim searches the crowd of blue until he finds your partner.
“Bradford,” your partner greets.
Tim asks where you are, curious as to why you aren’t together, and your partner explains that you’ve been off work since Saturday, sick with something.
“Do you know if she’s okay?” Tim asks.
“All I know is it has to be bad for her to take this much time off,” your partner explains with an apologetic shrug before being called away.
Tim’s protectiveness kicks into overdrive, his worry keeping him from being able to focus on anything else. He finds his captain and tells him what's going on before asking if he can go check on you.
As he drives to your apartment, Tim hopes it’s not as bad as it sounds while beating himself up for not coming to visit you sooner. The ignored calls should have been a sign that something was wrong, but he let work get in the way. Though you aren’t there to hear it, Tim promises he will never neglect you again.
It takes a minute to realize that the pounding sound is someone knocking and not an effect of your headache. Stumbling to the door, you answer it without checking who it is. When you see Tim’s face, you try to close the door, but you’re too weak, and Tim is too quick.
He rushes inside, looking at your pale face, unruly hair, and how your clothes hang off of you: an indicator you're unhealthily losing weight. It’s enough to push his protective side to action even as he fears the worst.
“You should go,” you tell him.
Tim ignores you, walking to your kitchen and setting water on the oven to boil. While he waits, Tim straightens up your apartment, moving quickly from room to room. He hasn’t spoken to you yet, and as you watch him, your emotions take over again.
With a few tears running down your face, you raise your voice and say his name. “You need to go.”
“No,” he answers simply. “You need help, you’re obviously sick and you’re not answering my calls.”
Tim's presence and how he acts like nothing has changed, and he’s still the protective friend he pretends to be, hurts you.
“Tim, get out!” you demand.
“Let me help,” he argues.
Shaking your head, you walk to your room and close the door, curling around your pillow as you cry. Each noise Tim makes in the kitchen feels like he’s laughing at you, and you don’t know how much more of this you can take.
He lets himself into your room after knocking, setting a mug of tea beside your bed, and rubbing your back. He notices how you stiffen but thinks it’s because you’re sick.
“What do you want to eat?” he asks.
“I want you to go.”
Tim nods, more to himself than you, and walks out of your bedroom. 
You hear the door close behind him and roll over, unable to decide if you want to drink the tea or throw it at the wall.
The following morning, you wake, and the first thing you remember is Tim leaving yesterday. Yes, you asked him to, but it still hurts. The cold mug beside your bed is a cruel reminder of everything you’ve lost. Rolling out of bed, you reach for the water on the nightstand. After the first drink, you race for the bathroom, wondering how long it takes for a broken heart to heal.
Someone pulls your hair out of your face, a kind hand pressed to your back as you cry. When you feel able, you lean back against the tub behind you. Tim moves back, wetting a washcloth before he kneels beside you. As he wipes your face and neck with the cool rag, you wonder what he’d do if you gave him an out.
“I heard what you said,” you admit quietly. “That we wouldn’t be good together.”
Tim slows his movements as he listens to you.
“It hurt.”
Fresh tears break over your waterline, tracking down your cheeks. Tim realizes that he’s the reason you feel so bad; that one comment made to protect his feelings, to hide them, made you feel so bad that you’re now physically sick.
“Hey,” he begins, moving to sit before you when you turn away. “Listen, I know you don’t want to believe me, but I only said that to get Angela to leave me alone, to protect myself. I don’t think that.”
“But you said it,” you point out tearily.
“I know, and I’m sorry. The truth is we wouldn’t be good together, but not because of you, never because of you. It’s me; I am not made for relationships and I’m not good enough for you.”
You choke on a sob, leaning toward Tim. He extends his arm, letting you move against his side.
“Since we met, I’ve wanted more,” he whispers against your hair. “But I was scared you’d realize I’m broken and leave… like everyone else.”
Shaking harder against his side, you cling to him as all your emotions mix. There is a chance this is a dream, but if you have to lose Tim, this seems like the best way to say goodbye.
“C’mon,” Tim urges gently, pulling you with him as he stands.
With a gentle hand on your back and one on your shoulder, Tim leads you to the couch. Covering you with a blanket, he promises to come right back. When he returns with a glass of water and a pack of crackers, you turn toward him.
“Are you going to leave?” you whisper.
Tim shakes his head. “Never.”
Nodding, you accept the crackers. After you eat a few and drink half the water Tim gave you, you sit back.
“I cleaned your apartment last night,” Tim tells you. “You want to change and clean up?”
You take a deep breath, and Tim senses your apprehension before adding, “I’ll help you.”
Taking Tim’s hand, you follow him back into your bedroom. After you change into the clothes he hands you, you sit on the bathroom vanity and let him wash your face and secure your hair.
“When’s the last time you ate? More than a few bites, I mean,” Tim asks, laying a hand on your thigh.
You shrug before admitting, “Last Wednesday.”
Tim’s jaw clenches, but he hides it with a quick nod. “I’m going to make you some more food. I know you probably don’t want to eat, and you don’t have to eat much, but you need something.”
Moving your hand onto Tim’s, you interlace your fingers with his. He leans in, releasing a chuckle when you throw your arms around his neck. Wrapping his arms around your waist, he pulls you to the edge of the vanity.
“I missed you,” you whisper in his ear.
“I missed you too,” he responds.
As you dry the ends of your hair while you exit the bathroom, you feel like a new person.
“We need to talk,” Tim says when he sees you. Your smile falls, and Tim takes your hand. “Not like that,” he promises.
“Like what?” you ask, curling your legs under you as you sit beside him.
“I meant what I said, but I need to make sure you know that. I have feelings for you, I have for a long time, I’m just terrified to show them because I’m not good enough for you.”
Boldly, you press your finger to his lips to stop him. He raises his brows at your movement, smiling with you.
“Yes, you are. You’re more than good enough. That’s why I fell in love with you.”
Tim pulls your hand away from his face, kissing your finger as he does so. “Even though I broke your heart and made you sick?”
“Broken heart sickness is curable, and you’re a pretty good doctor,” you tease, leaning toward him.
“I promise to make it better, and never do it again.”
You nod, trusting him entirely. Now that you’ve had a shower and heard that Tim feels the same, your stomach growls.
“It’s working already,” Tim says.
“I’m hungry again,” you marvel, smiling at Tim.
“I’ll offer a trade,” Tim begins. “A home-cooked meal for you, and a kiss for me.”
You nod, but Tim adds, “And I promise never to lie to protect myself again. I’ll tell you exactly how I feel, as long as you do the same.”
“I feel like I love you, Tim Bradford,” you reply, pulling him in for the promised kiss.
Your kiss is better than he expected, and Tim loses himself in the feeling of you until your stomach growls again, and you laugh against his lips. Tim broke your heart, but he put it back together with a piece of his; the best-broken-heart-mender in the world was by your side all along.
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rustygem · 7 months
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: ̗̀➛ “DOUBTS.” | v. ratio
彡 prompt: dr. ratio discovers that his lover is more insecure than they let on.
彡 warning(s): self degradation/loathing (from the reader).
彡 notes: gender neutral reader. maybe ooc! ratio. this was partly a vent lmao. all dividers are by cafekitsune!
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THE day you started dating Veritas Ratio was the best day of his life. He always considered you to be his equal in intelligence...and good looks too. Your more lenient personality, however, was in contrast to strict personality. But, you still taught your students well.
Granted, to Veritas, you really should be a little less merciful. You’re a professor, it's not like you're teaching preschoolers. If one of your students is stressed out, instead of coddling them, help snap them out of it.
Other than that, you’re a genuinely good professor. As stressed out as some of the students might be, they’re still learning. To Veritas, the way you teach shows that you’re confident in yourself and your teachings.
Although, outside of your job, lately you’ve been acting unusual. Veritas has noticed you hesitating to hold his hand. The way you’ve been kissing his cheeks instead of his lips, your refusal to look him in the eyes when talking to him.
Now Veritas Ratio doesn’t know how to comfort people. And when it came to you, he would give you a hug or a kiss, but that was about it.
Only because your concerns were the usual stress of work, so he wasn’t worried about you. He knew you were strong when it came to being a teacher, and that’s what he loved about you.
He thought to get you a coffee before your next lesson, as you are a hard worker. Of course, hard workers need energy and a relaxing drink. Especially when they’re in the presence of idiots.
So when Veritas hears you crying in your classroom, mumbling the cruelest words to yourself…his heart starts to ache.
Calling yourself a nuisance, nothing but a burden.
He’s damn near offended. If anyone else was caught talking like this about you, he’d have no problem insulting them back.
But…it was you saying these awful things about yourself. Why?
As you spotted him walking towards you, you wiped your eyes with a few tissues.
"Good morning, Veritas." You mumbled a soft 'thank you' as he handed you your coffee cup. You did your best to give him a smile, but you were only met with a glare in response.
"You know I despise lying, my dear." He leaned closer to you, your lips almost touching, as if he was about to kiss you.
“So, why don’t you be truthful?” The man with purple hair moved his head back, drinking his own coffee.
You were silent as you sipped your coffee, tears brimming from your eyes again.
“...I’m sorry, Veritas." Your voice was barely audible, until after you spoke again. “I…just felt like I’ve been of no use to you recently.”
Exhaling from his nose, he frowned. "I’m still failing to see how you could ever view yourself as a nuisance, [F/N]."
Oh, he heard that? Wonderful.
Getting up from your seat, you stared at your coffee cup. “I don’t feel like I’m your equal. That I’m below you.”
What. Were you serious? You were his lover. Of course you were his equal. Were you actually foolish? You were simply one of the most intelligent people he’s ever met, both academically and emotionally. You had a good heart as well. You were an honest person.
How could you speak about yourself this way? Absolutely not. He won’t hear it.
“Answer me this,” Veritas took the coffee cup out of your hand, setting both his and yours cups down on your desk. Staring into your eyes, he continued. “Have I ever told you that you were beneath me?”
“…No.” You mumbled.
“Have I given the impression that you’re bothersome, or a nuisance to me?”
“No, but–”
“Do you think I would be in love with you if I considered you to be worthless?”
No response from you.
Walking closer to you, he grazed your cheek. “So please, tell me where you got these thoughts from, sweetheart.”
Scrunching his eyebrows, Veritas thought for a moment. The first thought that came to his mind made his jaw clench.
“[F/N].” He said firmly, maintaining eye contact with you. “Has anyone said anything to you?”
Taking in his words, you broke eye contact with him. It was true that people talked about you behind your back. But, you’ve been feeling like this for a while…all your co-workers did was just make it worse.
“These thoughts have been sitting in my own mind for a long time, Veritas.” You stared at your shoes. “Nobody needed to say anything.”
Moving your chin up to make you look at him, his gaze softened. “Then let me tell you this.”
Taking your hands in his, he began. “I’m with you because I love you. Simple. You are forever my equal, and I‘be never imagined myself being with anyone but you.”
While his voice was nonchalant as ever, every single word still heartfelt, and came from a place of love.
Seeing your lips almost twitch into a smile, he continued, “Or should I remind you it was me who confessed to you?”
Yeah, that happened. Veritas Ratio told you he loved you. He didn’t expect you to feel the same way, forget starting a relationship with him.
Seeing tears almost well up in your eyes, he kissed your temple. “I love you, [Y/N], and that will never end. Am I understood?”
Nodding your head, you wiped your eyes. “Yes, I understand. I love you too, Veritas.”
With a satisfied hum, the genius reluctantly separated himself from you and picked up his coffee cup.
“Good, now get yourself together, my dear. You have a lesson in 5 minutes.”
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delusionalwh6re · 5 months
forest boy
aged up! neteyam sully x fem metkayina! reader
summary: neteyam caught your eye from the second his family came to your village, awa’atlu. as the two of you grow closer you can’t help but become more curious about the forest boy
warnings: fluff, angst, kissing, cussing, a bit suggestive, our man being sad (on eywa imma fuck somebody up), not so daddy jake being annoying, neteyam being silly
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it was past eclipse on awa’atlu. families were cleaning up after having dinner and preparing little ones for bed. there was a cool night breeze in the air. as the night grew darker while the bioluminescence grew brighter there wasn’t nothing keeping the two of you apart
from the second your eyes landed on neteyam sully, you knew you were in for it. there was something about his cold stare as he eyed your people after landing on his now what you know is called an ‘ikran’
it lit up something inside of you. you observed the family from a distance along side your friends tsireya, roxto and unfortunately ao’nung. you remember being very curious about the darker na’vi but nonetheless welcoming
during the first weeks of the sully family’s arrival you tried your best to get them as comfortable as possible. swimming with kiri as she oddly had a bond with your native creatures, feeding the ilus with tuk and having talks with lo’ak on how it’s okay to be different
you felt like you knew them forever. they were like siblings to you and you started to grow an immense love for them as the months went on. however, there was one person who you weren’t as close with…
the boy you admired from the second he first got here. neteyam. you weren’t sure if he wasn’t fond of the water or it was just you but you had a feeling he didn’t wanna be on your island
so as much as it pained you since you wanted to get to know him, you decided it was best to keep a distance, until tonight.
“how is that my fault?” you heard a voice angrily shout in the distance
“because you’re the older brother neteyam!” another masculine voice shouted
it didn’t take you long to recognize those voices, mostly because you decided to be nosy and peep from the rock you were sitting on
it was jake and neteyam… arguing?
“so just because he can’t listen to a single thing anyone says the blame is on me huh?” neteyam argued against his father
from the rare times you ever heard neteyam speak it was safe to say he was never this angry
“maybe if you kept an eye on him like me and your mother have asked we wouldn’t even be in this damn situation!” jake raised his voice while eyeing down his son
that’s when neteyam finally snapped
everyone was gagged to say the least…
you can just tell by the look on his father and the rest of his family’s face that this wasn’t like him
you observed all of their reactions. jake was shocked along with neytiri at her son’s sudden outburst, his sisters looked sympathetic knowing the stuff their eldest brother goes through isn’t fair and lo’ak looked guilty
“you’re grounded” was all jake had to say. he didn’t even know how to react so he decided to say the first thing that popped up in his mind
but before he even went on to justify his decision neteyam walked off. he was genuinely so tired of his father’s shit that he walked off ass far as possible. he ignored his parents protests and didn’t even care to think about future consequences
you, still watching from afar noticed him going into what your tribe considered a little forest. there was plenty of trees and plants where delicious fruit grew for your people
you had a mental debate with yourself on what to do. you were still peeping from a rock and if anyone looked hard enough they would notice and consider you one of the biggest creeps on pandora.
so you did what a normal person who knew how to mind their business wouldn’t do, you followed him
you as nonchalantly as possible walked after neteyam. keeping a distance of course because the two of you were still technically strangers and from the last time you checked he was pissed the fuck off
all neteyam kept repeating in his head was “it’s not fair, it’s not fair, it’s not fucking fair” how is it that he got the blame for his little brother’s dumb ass decisions? ‘such a skxawng’ he thought
neteyam walked out as far as possible. he wanted to be as far as possible away from everyone. he seriously just wanted time to himself
until some fish bitch made her presence awkwardly known aka you
while you were walking, you took in your surroundings of the little forest. you had never been here before. you were metkayina, it’s simply not something you did often
the only people you knew of who went here were the hunters who gathered fruits for the clan. it was actually kind of forbidden for the average na’vi to come here which is why you never been
it wasn’t needed and your place amongst your people was in the water and on the sand
which is another reason you were drawn to neteyam. he came from a completely different world miles and miles away. all those nights you were in the water, he was in the wind. all those days you were on the sand, he was walking through trees
you couldn’t help but be intrigued. maybe you got too ahead of yourself though when you noticed neteyam basically speeding away and as you tried to match his steps you fell with an obnoxiously loud yelp
you practically ate shit and you felt pain shoot through your legs. you coughed out the dirt that flew into your mouth and gasped for air as it was knocked out from your lungs when you fell
“are you alright?” a deep soothing voice rang through your ears
‘eywa take me away from my misery’ you thought as your head made its way against the ground as u attempted to hide your unwanted presence
there was a laugh that made your heart feel like it was racing a thousand tulkuns “damn girl, that’s how you feel huh?”
there was a pause and then a sudden thump on the ground next to you. you opened your eyes a bit to be met with those yellow ones you always found yourself getting lost in
you didn’t know if he was trying to be funny or if he was being genuine. the two of you were laying face first on the ground while looking at each other
the immense eye contact you two had going on was getting too serious for you and you couldn’t help but laugh. soon after, neteyam joined in on your laughing and it lasted for what felt like forever
it eventually died down and you two rolled over to look up at those sparkling dots so far away in the sky you were always curious about
it was almost as if neteyam read your mind because he spoke up “those are called stars”
“how do you know that?”
“growing up my dad told us stories and explained how he came from one. that one right there” he pointed to a star that seemed to look a bit larger than the others “that’s where sky people live”
you were amazed “wow, those are beautiful”
you were too intrigued with the ‘stars’ as neteyam called them that you didn’t even notice him staring at you. he was admiring the side of your face
“so beautiful” he mumbled
you just shook your head in agreement still in your own little world thinking he was still talking about the stars
you were caught out of your trance when neteyam suddenly stood up to his full height and wiped the dirt off of him. you sat up too and started picking grass out of your hair
he was much taller than you thought. even while sitting since you had never even been this close to him before. now you weren’t too familiar with size kinks but eywa forbid you just gained one…
“here” he reaches his hand out for you to grab
“thank you” you gladly accepted his hand and gave him a small smile
he returned the smile as he quietly watched you fix yourself up. you had dirt all over you and he couldn’t help but try not to laugh as he imagined how you even got here in the first place
while you finished fixing your appearance your heart dropped to your teal ass as neteyam spoke
“so why were you following me?”
“you heard me”
you were more than embarrassed. you felt as if eywa truly loved all of her children and wanting nothing but happiness for each and every one of you, she would snatch you up right now
“look i can explain” you stuttered
he nodded before licking his lips and crossing his arms while staring at you waiting for your next words
you started to play with your hair which is something you did when you got nervous “you see, it’s really not what it looks like”
he hummed and waited for you to continue
“so basically what happened was, i was on the beach and then an evil witch came out of nowhere. she looked like she was attacked by seaweed because she was covered in it. a disaster right? so then she used her evil witch powers and dragged me all the way out here after you to try and lure us into her cult” you explained
by the look on neteyam’s face you knew he was buying that shit
he chuckled “an evil witch huh?”
you giggled “yes! eywa forgive me but she wasn’t the best looking either.. truly a nightmare”
“you know, im glad we were able to escape this evil witch. that would be such a horrible way to go out” he dramatically sighed
“exactly, and imagine how our parents would feel! it would be a really really sad story and children wouldn’t be able to sleep at night” you playfully wiped an imaginary tear from your eye
he couldn’t help but laugh at the ridiculous story you just came up with. he knew you followed him but chose to ignore it because your sense of humor had just made him forget why he even came out here in the first place
dare he say this was meant to be..
your heartwarming laugh filled his ears as your face reddened a bit. the embarrassment was still there but him flowing along with your story made it less painful
you spoke shyly with a smile “im y/n”
he smiled “yeah i know”
your eyes widened slightly. he knew you? what the flip! this couldn’t be real
“you do?” you titled your head
“my siblings metioned you, specifically my sisters. the pretty girl who’s always nice to them” he shook his head laughing
you blushed hearing those words come out of his mouth when describing you
“they forgot to mention you were a stalker though” he side eyed you
“alright not too much” you held your hand up
the two of you laughed and eventually started to walk deeper into the little forest. you could’ve sworn from then on it was a dream
the night consisted of more laughing, deep conversations, shitting on sky people, conspiracy theories and daydreaming about the forest neteyam missed dearly
“do you think about your home?”
“every single day”
you smiled at him. the two of you found your way to this secluded beach not too far from the little forest and have been sitting here for the past few hours engaging in each other’s presence
“i wish we would’ve never left” his voice sounded like it cracked a bit
you having the comforting instinct you did slightly rubbed his back. it was safe to say that the two of you had built a bond in the last couple of hours so this was much appreciated by neteyam
“im sorry you had to leave your home neteyam. thats truly awful, hopefully one day you’re able to go back. be with your people and fulfill your destiny, you will always be welcomed here if you ever wanna come back” you gave him a soft smile as he turned to look at you
his pupils dilated as he looked at you. he would be lying to himself if he said you weren’t the most beautiful girl he has ever seen, and he swore by that
you laughed at his reaction “you know, i could’ve sworn you hated me”
“really? what made you think that?”
“because you were never around whenever i did activities with your siblings and just simply avoided me”
“oh, well that’s because you made me nervous” his cheeks became a deep purple and he looked away
you gasped “no way! i made the one and only mighty warrior nervous? im truly honored”
he laughed at your teasing and watched as you dramatically flipped your hair
you looked back at him with a smile as there was a comfortable silence forming between you two
“you’re beautiful y/n, you know that right?” his voice suddenly became raspy as he looked between your eyes and lips
you felt your entire heat up at his words
“im talking to you” his hand made its way to your knee as he turned his body
“i don’t know maybe you should show me how beautiful i am” you shrugged your shoulders
he smirked “don’t start something you can’t finish”
“would it be starting something i can’t finish or you wouldn’t be able to make me finish?” you challenged
he licked his lips and tucked his bottom lip between his teeth while holding eye contact with you
“i can make you finish, trust” his hand trailed up your thigh
you smiled and whispered “prove it”
his heart picked up at your words before he made the rational decision of crashing his lips onto yours
your lips moved in sync perfectly. his hand slowly made its way onto your hip as you gripped onto the side of his neck for dear life. kissing neteyam was like breathing in fresh air. it was like tasting the sweetest fruit on the planet. it was like ascending to the great mother herself
it was everything you ever wanted
unfortunately there’s this thing called breathing that requires you to live and you two had to pull away to do that
neteyam was the first to speak up and gasping for air “i could do that forever”
you smiled “me too”
the both of your hands made its way to eavh other to hold as your foreheads were pressed together
“thank you” he breathed out
you bit your lip in confusion “for what”
“being an escape, letting me forget about all the fucked up shit that just happened” you could feel his body tense up from just thinking about the events from earlier
you smiled and shook your head “you don’t have to thank me for that, i’ll always be here”
“fuck can you get anymore perfect?” he huffed
you laughed as you wrapped your arms around his neck and dragged your legs across his lap
he gladly held onto you and he looked up at like with so much love and lust it was starting to feel like his eyes were gonna explode from the overwhelming feeling
he smirked at the new position “you just wanna be all over me huh?”
you playfully rolled your eyes before pushing him onto the sand and connecting your lips again “shut up”
authore speaks 🤍
imma let yall figure out what happened after.. 😏
i plan on writing how i used to write on wattpad with my “y/n”, so basically she’s not gonna be a crybaby, she don’t take bs from anyone and she can stand on her own! i don’t like how some of yall be makin her a crybaby and scary, hoe stand up!
my girl will have a sense of humor and be a bad bitch!!!
i love this fandom sm. i’ve been in it literally since the first movie and i’ve been lurking (if u seen me liking a bunch of ur shit no u didn’t 😁) but i finally made my first avatar fanfic 🥹
i can’t wait to right more and watch this fandom grow more and more while being apart of the journey <333
love, liana
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cactus-cuddler · 3 months
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝑺𝒑𝒚 𝒔𝒆𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 // first part
Natasha Romanoff
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x female reader
Word count: 2,1k
Plot: you and Natasha are two spies who have worked together for many years. During these years, a particular chemistry has arisen between you that will make something emerge that you couldn't have foreseen
Genre: Romantic Erotica
Warnings: this story contains descriptions of sexual activity
Author's Notes: English is not my first first language so I apologize for any errors! Let me know what you think!
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You and Natasha are the most famous spy couple in the world. There isn't a mission you haven't completed, and your lives revolve around espionage. You don't consider yourselves friends, and you don't think you ever will be; you only refer to each other as 'colleagues'. Nothing more and nothing less, but between you, outside of your work, there is a strange and deadly chemistry.
In the facility where you work, each of you has an apartment with everything that is yours. There are no rigid timetables to follow; you have total freedom of movement. From the outside, the building that houses you looks like a very normal condominium, and it is. Most of the people who live there are spies, but there are also ordinary people and children. No one is allowed to know the identity of others except within couples, so you don't know who is a spy and who is not inside the building.
Your apartment is furnished according to how you always dreamed your home would be when you moved out on your own. It has a bedroom, a guest bedroom, and a connected kitchen and living room; however, they are separated by a curtain. You have a cat sleeping on the armchair, occupying the place where you usually like to read and watch movies, so you are forced to sit on the soft sofa that you typically reserve for your guests.
It's a beautiful day outside. You notice as you adjust the curtains on the window that you live on the top floor, so you enjoy a spectacular view of your town. The doorbell rings unexpectedly, and you're alarmed since you're not expecting any visitors. It could be anyone! You shout, 'I'm coming!' and then put on a cardigan with pockets hiding weapons, just in case it's an attack—unlikely, but never say never. You open the door carefully, and there stands a redhead with a friendly smile on the threshold. You stare at her for a few moments. She's wearing a simple T-shirt that says 'I 🌵 cactus' and gray sweatpants. You don't even understand the effect she has on you. Every time she looks at you outside of a mission, you become like a broken record that only makes one sound: the 'tumtum' of your heart. She has never been in your apartment in all the years you've been working together, which is why you're very surprised.
"Haven't they taught you how to welcome guests?" she asks you sarcastically, and you snap out of your trance. She sits inside your apartment and looks around as if lost. "You have good taste," she compliments, and you smile shyly.
"How can I help you?" you ask her but she’s lost in petting your cat. You clear your throat as you cross your arms to remind her that you're there.
"I just wanted to see you," she says, looking at you with her penetrating gaze. You didn't expect such an answer, and you were absolutely not ready to receive it because your heart starts beating hastily, leaving you breathless. "What a beautiful cat! What's his name?" she asks you, but it doesn't have one yet. You found him yesterday, cold and hungry, and you couldn't leave him there!
“He doesn't have one yet" you reply, trying not to tremble.
“What do you think of Dymka? It’s a Russian name” you like it so you nod in approval. You ask her if there is something she wants to eat and she asks you for a beer but you don't have it in your fridge. You have only water, tea and fruit juice.
"Your fridge looks like a baby’s" teases you with a sarcastic voice. Pretend nothing and serve her a glass of orange juice and pour one for yourself while Dymka sits on Natasha’s legs.
"I have a favor to ask you. I have a problem with the water pipes, and I remember that," she starts talking, and before finishing the sentence, she lowers her voice, "during an old mission we had the same problem and you were able to solve it," she concludes. For a second there, you really thought she was just there to see you, and you feel stupid.
"Of course!" you answer, hiding your disappointment. After finishing your drink, you go to her apartment. She lives downstairs, in apartment 52. Her house is rather messy; she has dirty clothes around, including bras, beer bottles, and empty canned food.
She apologizes for the mess, but it doesn’t bother you; on the contrary, you are pleased that she also lives alone and has no traces of any partners. She takes you to the kitchen, which, unlike the living room, is clean and immaculate. You open the door under the sink and, once you understand the reason for the leak, you get to work, asking Natasha to help you by passing the necessary tools.
"Where did you learn?" she asks curiously. You smile softly, and while you wash your hands, you tell her that when you were little, your father forced you every time to keep the light on while he had to solve small problems. Every time you watched him, you learned how to fix things without having to call a plumber or an electrician.
She invites you to eat with her that night, she feels indebted to you so she decides to offer you a pizza. You take it easy.
You're sitting at the kitchen table. She refuses to let you stay in a dirty place like her living room, so you're sitting next to each other on the table. There's a particular tension in the air between you. It's not discomfort, but something that makes your heart beat timidly and makes it seem like there's nothing else around you. She looks at her phone silently, and you try to find topics to talk about, but she interrupts you, "I saw a movie start like that," she says with a seductive voice. You blush and wait for her to continue, hoping she doesn’t mean what you understand.
"How?" you ask.
"With one person fixing something for someone, the other one doesn’t know how to pay and so..." She starts talking and leaves the phrase hanging, stroking your thigh from under the table. "Do you think I haven’t noticed how you look at me?" she asks you and inside you begin to feel an unusual warmth.
"How do I look at you?" you ask with a tremble in your voice, while her grip on your thigh gets stronger and stronger.
"Every time you look at me, your eyes always tell me 'fuck me,' and you don’t know how hard it is for me every time to hold back," she whispers in your ear. Your body is literally on fire. Between your legs, you feel something pulsating, something that begs to be stimulated. You swallow, feeling petrified. You don’t know what to do, how to react, or what is going to happen. Your mind is a mix of emotions and feelings that you haven’t experienced in a while, and you didn’t think it could be caused by a woman. But the woman next to you is not just any woman. She is Natasha Romanoff, the one who can render you speechless with just one look.
"Am I wrong?" she asks you, moving a lock of your hair behind your ear. You say no with your head. You know it’s something you want even though there’s something in your head that tells you you’d regret it and that’s wrong.
"Tell me you want it," she says, curling a lock of your hair to her finger.
"I want," you say in a gentle whisper, normally a phrase like that would have embarrassed you, but right now you feel imposing in front of her.
"What do you want?" she continues teasing you, moving her hand from thigh to more internally.
"I want you to fuck me" you whispers and she takes your chin and kisses you passionately. You eat each other’s lips and it seems to come from a primal feeling that was secretly hiding inside you. During the kiss she lifts you up and makes you sit on the table without taking her lips off of yours. She explores your body by pressing her hands on your buttocks in a possessive way. As if she were afraid that someone might catch you and take you away from her. She begins to undress you carefully and admire your body like a painting. She likes every inch of your body. She eagerly inhales the scent of your skin and kisses every inch of it.
"You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen," she says before kissing you again. An avid, passionate kiss that screams "again".
You’re in your underwear, it’s uncoordinated, which is why you’re embarrassed. But it’s not your fault, how could you have imagined that this would happen? She caresses your breasts from under the bra teasing your nipples that become turgid to her touch then she loses it and looks at you enchanted by your body. With both hands she touches your breasts, squeezes them in her palm. Then, as she continues to massage one, she takes the other’s nipple in her mouth. First sucking it and then biting it between your teeth, paying attention to give you just pleasure. In the meantime, small sighs of pleasure emerge from your lips. Your mind is clouded by the sweet but tantalizing scent of the woman beneath you and you can’t process any thoughts other than what you’re feeling. Between your legs you feel an unbearable and heartbreaking sensation. You want that she touches you there, you want she looks at you there, and you want she fills you with her fingers. You would never be able to compose such a perverse sentence so you start slowly massaging yourself from the fabric of your briefs while she continues her perverse play with your breasts.
She starts undressing too with your help between stolen kisses. Her body in your eyes is just perfect and her curves make you crazy. You are afraid to touch her because you fear to hurt her, you see her as a crystal vase: beautiful but equally delicate. While you are still sitting on top of the table she ducks and with her teeth tries to remove the only garment you have left, inhaling your smell and admiring how wet you are just for her.
"Is this for me?" she asks and you nod shyly. She take off your panties and gently caress you, giving you a little taste of what you’re about to do. She take out her tongue and look straight at your eyes and then you feel a warm and pleasant feeling in your intimacy. She leaves you a kiss on your clit before she starts sucking and from your lips you start to make small moans. You put your hands on her head pushing it more towards you and when she finds the rhythm that makes you crazy, you caress her hair and your moans become stronger. It leaves you dissatisfied and gets up to take possession of your lips and you feel the taste of her mouth mixed with that of your liquids, it's a taste that turns you on even more. Meanwhile Natasha with her fingers looking for your sweet opening that penetrates first with one finger and then with two.
"Nat, you’re driving me crazy," you say between groans and the other, and you move your pelvis over her fingers until you come on them. Natasha licks her fingers satisfied for her work while you continue to sigh for the pleasure you have felt.
You move into her bedroom, you don’t notice how it is furnished because you wouldn’t even have time to admire it. She puts you on top of the bed and puts herself on top of you with the knee placed in the middle of your legs to be able to tease you again in the middle and you kiss again. Then she turns by placing her buttocks on your face to put herself again where she caused the fireworks inside you and starts to penetrate you again with just one finger going deep causing you a pleasant feeling while you focus on her and her own pleasure.
You are interrupted by the doorbell and quickly disconnect as if you were at a crime scene and she lends you a t-shirt of her pajamas while she puts on the first things she finds to open the door. She return to the room with a face with an expression of disappointment and surprise and announces: "we have a new mission".
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Thanks for reading!
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝑺𝒑𝒚 𝒔𝒆𝒅𝒖𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏 // Second part
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gummyfang · 1 year
♡♡♡ |   ˗ˏˋ TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT  ´ˎ˗
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➳ 【 S i m o n ‘G h o s t’ R i l e y x Reader 】
❧ Warnings: 𝟏𝟖+, 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭, 𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐰, 𝐚𝐟𝐚𝐛 / 𝐠𝐧 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫, 𝐩 𝐢𝐧 𝐯, 𝐣𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐱, 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐠𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐮𝐧𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐱, 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭 𝐚 𝐰𝐚𝐥𝐥, 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐞, 𝐝𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐲 𝐭𝐚𝐥𝐤
[ 𝟑.𝟒𝐤 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 ]
[ REQUEST BY ANON ] On my knees and requesting respectfully a jealous Ghost fic cos I just wanna be manhandled by that giant behemoth of a man. Just throw me against the wall and break my back daddy 💦😭 
𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: sneef sneef i actually interp him as a v soft dom or sub but i cant say im not a rough ghost enjoyer on occasion. also this is not a canon-compliant fic don’t come at me im just here for a good time. ft keegan bc i wanted to add him. this kinda sucks lol.
𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 ♡
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It wasn’t like you ever purposely set out to make Simon envious of the men you spoke with.
It was just that, as you’d learned, your Lieutenant was a lot more prone to envy than anyone could have predicted.
When the two of you had spent your first night together and officially gotten together, you and Simon had made the mutual decision to keep your relationship on the down low. Considering Simon was technically your superior at work, you two didn’t want to get into problems with your jobs due to a lack of professionalism. 
That, and Simon was not a man who enjoyed attracting much social attention to himself anyways. He loathed the potential buzz that a new relationship on base would spark, and decided it would be better to announce somewhere later along the line.
This, however, came with one very obvious problem.
You were attractive.
Your good looks were not the issue by themselves. Simon could not deny he reveled in how handsome you were when you gave him one of your loving stares, and how pretty you looked beneath him when he fucked you stupid.
No, the problem was that your attractiveness did not go unnoticed to other men either.
All Simon could do was let the simmering sting of jealousy stew in his chest as he watched you talk to Keegan. You seemed to be blissfully unaware of the ways in which Keegan’s gaze lurked over your form, like a dog salivating at the sight of a steak. But Simon noticed. He sure as fucking hell noticed.
“Good job during training today. Your form is getting better.” 
The flirtatious undertone of the compliment clearly went over your head, as you just chuckled and thanked him. Simon’s grip on his own crossed arms hardened considerably, earning him some nervous looks.
He was leering at the two of you with a thunderous gaze, the atmosphere practically rumbling with tension. It was starting to become apparent how much this bothered him, some of the soldiers sitting near him sharing concerned but equally confused glances. 
If Simon was being honest with himself, he’d probably realize Keegan’s attraction wasn’t as predatory as he was making it out to be in his mind. You’d been friends with the man for months, and you’d been getting along with him very well long before you entered your relationship with Simon.
But the Lieutenant was not being honest with himself, and he couldn’t give less of a damn whether Keegan wanted to propose to you with flowers or just herd you into his bed. His attraction to you was clear as fucking day, and there was nothing Simon could do to stop it without drawing attention to your relationship status.
Lieutenant Ghost was a man of terrifyingly strong control.
And yet, he felt all that control slip from his iron grasp as he watched Keegan extend his hand as he laughed, his fingers intently tracing over your hip.
With that, his patience snapped like a tightly-strung rope. He rose to his feet with an aura so threatening it would make any hostile think twice before approaching him.
Keegan’s steel gaze turned icy as it moved from you to the Lieutenant’s hulking figure behind you. The corners of your mouth dropped slightly as you noticed the abrupt change in Keegan’s demeanor, before feeling the cold zipper of an open jacket brush against your neck. You turned around, faced with your boyfriend’s chest that was practically in your face right now.
“You are needed in my office.”
For a moment, you thought Ghost was talking to Keegan. It was only because he placed his hand firmly on your shoulder that you knew he was talking to you. The two men were locked in what appeared to be a staring match. You swallowed thickly as the tense, uncomfortable atmosphere became more noticeable to you, prickling at your skin.
Finally, it was Keegan who relented, his gaze moving down. “See you later then.” he said, voice devoid of the playful edge it was filled with earlier. He gave you and Ghost one last wary glance, before heading off to a group of people in the corner.
You watched him leave, slightly baffled, before feeling Simon’s iron grip pull you away.
You eyed him with confusion and slight annoyance. Simon, on the other hand, was staring straight ahead, refusing to look at you as he pushed you along. You had never seen him act like this.
“What’s all this about?!” you hissed in a hushed tone. “We’re being stared at!”
You didn’t receive a response. Whatever he had on his mind, he was too focused on it to pay you any mind right now.
Things became even more confusing when he headed straight past the door to his shared office, your brow furrowing even deeper now. “Lieutenant?” you tried, a hint of concern laced in your voice. 
Suddenly, the grip on your shoulder moved down to grasp at your wrist instead, large hands clamping down around your flesh. It didn’t hurt, Simon always had the wits not to hurt you, but his grip was still unrelentingly tight. With his other hand, he unlocked the door to his private room, dragging you in with him. 
Before you could question him any further, he’d ripped off his mask and hungrily sunken his lips against yours.
Your hands froze at your sides, too shocked to respond as his tongue aggressively pushed at your lips. Sighing out a quiet moan, you opened your mouth, met with the overwhelming feeling of Simon wrapping his tongue around yours. 
Simon rumbled out a low groan as you finally started to regain control of your senses, your hands finding their way to the back of his neck. You held onto fistfuls of his hair, tugging at it lightly as his tongue danced with yours feverishly.
You managed to break away after a few minutes of his hurried and rough kisses, only for him to possessively start teething at your neck. 
“Simon…” you mewled, head tipping back to grant him more access. You were so confused but god, you didn’t mind this. Simon was usually incredibly careful and gentle with you. This was new. 
You grabbed onto his shoulders shakily, stabilizing yourself as Simon continued his merciless onslaught on your skin. You sucked in a breath when you felt him teeth at your neck, switching between feverish licks, harsh sucks and bites. You definitely knew that was going to bruise.
“Si, they’re- fuck- people are gonna see that!” you breathed out, tapping him on his side. “Good.” his deep voice rumbled in response, the first word he’d uttered to you since you left with him. His voice had an uncharacteristically dark edge to it, at least when it came to you. “Maybe that’ll keep those fuckers off of ya next time.”
Your eyes widened slightly. Oh.
It was only then that the quarter fell in your mind. Not once in the short month you’d been together had it occurred to you that Ghost was capable of jealousy, much less one to act on it. 
Honestly, you felt a little bad for him. Not that you really could have done anything about it, the idea to keep your relationship hidden was Simon’s idea and mutually agreed upon. But you honestly hadn’t considered how it was possibly affecting him. 
Still, you were pretty sure you knew how to make that up to him right now.
Besides, it wasn’t like you hadn’t imagined what it would be like if Simon fucked the living hell out of you before.
You hiked up one of your legs intently, hooking it around his as you hung off his body. You’d hike it up to his hip if you could, and you sure as hell tried, but God, were you reminded of how Simon easily towered above you in moments like this.
Nonetheless, he seemed pleasantly responsive to your advance. His hand found its way to the small of your back, fingers digging into your skin so harshly you were sure they would leave light flushed marks.
You could feel his prominent, rock-hard erection prod against your belly. Your hands slid down, fingers circling around his belt slowly and gently. Your fingernails dug themselves against his toned stomach, crescent-shaped marks glaring right above the place he wanted your hands most. Simon did not seem to reciprocate the slow, patient teasing you were trying to coax him into. You sucked in a sharp breath as you felt his thick thumbs roughly force their way past the waist of your pants, roughly tugging at the material. Then it stopped. You blinked, looking up at Simon, realizing he was staring straight back at you. He was a damn sight to behold. His balaclava had been roughly tugged down to pool around his neck, revealing those pretty swollen lips and that sexy stubble he usually kept obscured. You could see a dimly glistening trail of spit trailing down from the corner of his lip, undoubtedly due to the tilted angle he’d been ravaging your neck at. He didn’t move his hands, his head instead inching a little closer. “You can tell me to stop.” he responded in that gruff tone, lust dragging his voice down by at least an octave. 
“You can tell me to stop, or that you don’t want this, and we can stop. But if you don’t-” His grip tightened on your trousers, the pull of the fabric drawing you in closer. “-I will have my way with you.” Fuck. Even when he wanted to do nothing but jump you and rail you until your legs gave out, he still waited for your word without fail. You felt a wave of arousal pool between your legs intensely, your clit throbbing gently at the dark promise rumbling in your ear. Your eyes were almost glazed over as you just stared back at him for a moment, puffy breaths seeping out through parted lips. “You may, please-” Your plea had only barely tumbled off your lips when Simon crashed his own on them again. Wasting no time getting down to business, those thumbs hooked around the waist of your pants were yanked down, taking the fabric down with them. Your underwear soon followed, all while his tongue was still firmly pressed against yours. 
Simon wasn’t kidding when he said he’d have his way with you. You felt his large hands clamp around your sides like a vice, bending and molding you to his liking as if you were clay. His mouth began its second onslaught on your sensitive neck and shoulders, this time biting from the back.
You felt him twist you around, effortlessly as if you were a doll, his left hand leaving your waist to clamp around your wrists instead. You were at his mercy, and the thought made the slick sensation between your folds even more apparent. 
It was as if Simon read your mind. The hand that had momentarily remained on your waist trailed down quickly, your shirt curling under his fingers as he kept them pressed tightly against your body. 
Simon was a man who enjoyed taking his time with you, most of the times he’d have sex with you being preceded by extensive foreplay, but he was in no such mood right now. 
His index and middle finger dipped down smoothly, squeezing your clit between them just perfectly. Your mouth opened in a quiet gasp as you instinctively pressed your body into his chest, though the grasp on your wrists ultimately held you in place firmly. 
The pressure on your clit was rough, deliciously so. His movements were swift and controlled as he rubbed up and down just perfectly, fingers occasionally dipping down to prod at your entrance before sliding back up. “Simon, oh God, mmmf…”
You whimpered, your head leaning against his shoulder for any semblance of support. “‘S that good?” The bass of his voice rumbling in your ear made you shudder, swallowing thickly.
“Yeah, mm… Simon… Simon-” His name drifted off your lips in broken moans and whines, and the Lieutenant absolutely reveled in it. He was the only one who would ever get to hear you moan his name like this, only his name.
“Could anyone else touch you like this? God, you’re so fucking wet for me. All for me.” He growled possessively. This time when his hand slid down, they encircled your hole before plunging in fully without warning.
You whined quietly as you felt his thick digits curl against your g-spot expertly, filling you up nicely and leaving no room for small casual pleasantries. He plunged in harshly with a grunt, and you let out a loud moan. “Speak up.”
“Jus’ you. Only you, Si- God.” Your boyfriend kept ramming his digits into your cunt at a merciless rate, as your breaths started to come out in high-pitched whines and pants. He peered at you through the holes of his skull-shape mask still resting on his face. Simon reveled in watching you lose your composure and whimper like a bitch in heat for all the ways in which he could make you feel good.
“I can’t understand you when you sound like that.” Your glazed eyes snapped open, looking up at him as he looked at you darkly. Fuck, he was enjoying toying with you.
“You’re th’ only one. The only one. Nobody else. Nhh… Si… only one who can make me feel s’good…” 
You were struggling to think straight, struggling to form a cohesive sentence as the loud squelching of Simon’s fingers abusing your pussy echoed off the walls. Your head lurched forwards with a loud breathy moan as he changed his angle, somehow hitting your G-spot even more precisely.
You looked back at him, lust clouding your vision as your voice lowered to a more devious tone.
“Keegan could never… make me feel like this…” Instantly, the movements inside you stopped, his fingers stilling inside of you and his other hand finally releasing your wrists. For a second, you thought you fucked up royally and actually hit a nerve. 
This was not the case. Quite the opposite, in fact. 
You heard aggressive rustling and the rumble of a zipper being undone. You tried looking back at him but gasped when you felt his hand clamp down on the back of your neck, torso pressed firmly against the wall. 
His other hand quickly pulled out of you, instead roughly realigning your hips to be further back. The whimper humming softly in your throat suddenly burst out as a loud squeak as the feeling was soon replaced with that of his weeping tip prodding at your cunt, his erect cock pushing its way between your folds.
Simon roughly shoved his way inside, hand roughly keeping you from instinctively lurching forwards. His warm breath puffed against your ear with rumbling grunts as he pushed himself in deeper, until his pelvis was pressed snugly against your ass.
The man did not give you much time to adjust to his girth before starting to move. Not that you needed much time after the rough way in which he had prepared you with his fingers. 
By now, the slick was generously coating your walls, lubricating your hot cunt enough for Simon’s cock to slip in and out effortlessly.
Your mouth fell agape, your cheeks flushed as you struggled to keep your wobbly legs from collapsing, Simon’s rough and fast thrusts throwing you off balance. But nothing slipped past Ghost, you soon remembered, as you felt his tattooed muscular arm clamp around your middle harshly to keep you stable.
You quickly lost control over your volume, whines and whimpers steadily turning into loud and broken. This was usually where Simon would shush you, shove his fingers into your mouth or kiss you. But not this time. “You’re so fucking loud… Fuck, you love this, don’t you?” he growled into your ear, adjusting his pace until he was brutally pistoning his dick into your cunt, his balls audibly smacking against your skin.
“God… you fit so fucking perfectly around this cock. Your pussy was made for this cock.” Simon was usually not one for dirty talk, the words leaving an odd and cringeworthy taste in his mouth after he’d say them. But he couldn’t stop himself, his brain just rolling out the word vomit to subject you to like an assembly line.
You sure as hell weren’t going to complain.
“Simon, fuck- Fuck! Please, just like that. I need- I need you.”
The consistency of his thrusts faltered at that, something that almost sounded like a whimper erupting from his throat. 
A drop of sweat rolled down your forehead as your eyebrows scrunched together, starting to feel the familiar knot in your stomach tightening. Your boyfriend fingering you had already gotten you halfway there, and with the pace at which he was drilling into you you weren’t going to last much longer.
“C’mon, love. My name- let them know. They can all fucking know. Please. I need them to know who’s fucking you. Please…”
He groaned loudly as his hips stuttered, unable to resist you. Goddamn you. You could metaphorically get him to his knees even when he was fucking you against a wall like he wanted to wreck you.
You whimpered, tongue swiping over your lips before obliging him. “Simon- mmm, Simon…” You were hesitant, your boyfriend’s wishes upon establishing your relationship ringing in your mind. But the rough smack you got to your hip told you he couldn’t give less of a fuck right now. “Simon, fuck- God, Simon! Simon!” His name continued to tumble off your lips like a mantra, each thrust into your spongy cunt leaving you less able to think. He was the only thing on your mind, just Simon, only he could fuck you like this. Finally, the coil that had been building came undone accompanied by a loud scream of his name. Your pussy clenched harshly around him as you came on his cock. You were goddamn grateful Simon was holding you up right about now, as you were sure you would have sunken to the floor had it not been for his arm keeping you secure.
The feeling of you clenching around his dick finally sent Simon over the edge too. He let out the most delicious guttural groan as his movements stuttered for one final time, cock quivering before shooting his seed deep inside of you. 
He continued to sloppily fuck his cum into you a few more times before his movements stilled completely, stabilizing himself against the wall with his hand. A silence fell over the two of you as you just took a moment to catch your breaths, Simon’s other hand rubbing over your stomach almost apologetically. It wasn’t an uncomfortable silence by any means, but it was also one filled with the realization that there was no way nobody had heard you. 
It wasn’t going to be long before everyone knew who the Lieutenant had been fucking in his room.
“Si, I gotta- I gotta sit.” you finally broke the silence. He responded quickly, pulling out of you with a shaky breath before guiding you to his bed, helping you sit down as he took off his mask and placed it on his nightstand. He eyed your cunt, gently reaching down to half-heartedly shove some of his oozing cum back into your pussy. You whined softly, but didn’t have the energy to do anything else, instead just leaning against his chest. “You sure you don’t mind?” you whispered, fingers tracing the dark lines of his tattoo gently. Simon just grunted.
“It was bound to come out sooner or later.” he said gruffly. “I was growing real sick of it anyway. About time those shitbirds learned you’re spoken for.” You chuckled softly, wrapping an arm around his waist to sleepily tug him into a hug. “You found one hell of a way for them to find out, though. Fucking hell, Si.”
That earned you a gruff chuckle from your boyfriend, who started to guide you to lie down with him on the bed and pulled you tighter against his chest. His lips gently pressed to your forehead as you closed your eyes, the finger drawing figures on his arm slowly coming to a halt as you dozed off in his arms.
You’d both deal with the consequences of this in the morning.
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@rahmown​ (ty for being the first and only one so far <33)
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turtle-steverogers · 2 months
Consider: Bucky lets Alpine wander all over their kitchen counters if she pleases. Steve, however, tries to keep her off the counters. Sometimes Bucky walks in on Steve having a dead serious conversation with Alpine (sometimes even in his serious, disappointed Captain America voice), like, c'mon, girl, we talked about this.
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OKAY CUZ ALPINE AND STEVE'S FEUD FEEDS MY LITERAL SOUL LIKE ON FUCKING GOD THIS IS EVERYTHING TO ME. now this isn't about kitchens or sandwiches, but you get the gist.
also norman is their dog. here is a picture commissioned from the super talented @hopelessartgeek by my dear friend @buffyscribbless !!! coolest thing ever!!!!
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“Bucky, get your fuckin’ cat, Jesus Christ!”
Steve resists the urge to throw the goddamn thing as Alpine bats his head with her paw for the millionth time since the movie started. Norman was growling up at her, drowning out the sounds of Indiana Jones in the background.  
“If you wanna murder her already, I’m not gonna stop you,” Steve grumbles to Norman, ducking his head as Alpine takes another swing at his ear.
“No, no one is murdering anyone,” Bucky snaps, padding into the room and plucking Alpine up from her purchase on the back of the couch. “You coulda just moved her if she was bothering you so much.”
“I tried!” Steve cries, sitting up indignantly. “She just hissed at me and started doing it again!”
Norman was whining now, turning in circles by Steve’s feet and casting furtive glances towards where Alpine was grooming herself on Bucky’s lap.
“That fucking gremlin seems to only like you,” Steve says, not bothering to keep the distaste from his tone.
“She can sense that you’re bothered with her,” Bucky says, staring lovingly down at Alpine, who is now asleep against his stomach.
“I don’t think cats work like that,” Steve scrunches his nose. “I just think she hates me.”
Bucky shrugs. “She’ll warm up to ya.”
“Hip hip fucking hooray.”
“Norman, no! No, Norman, leave her- no- fuck, BUCKY!”
Bucky barrels into the room freezing momentarily to take in the scene of Steve holding Norman back while Alpine shoves soil at them from her perch on one of the windowsills.  
He stifles a laugh and Steve shoots him a glare. “Shut the hell up and get your fucking demon out of the succulents.”
Swallowing his laughter and putting on a solemn face, Bucky crosses to Alpine and sets her on the ground.
“She’s just restless,” Bucky insists. “I just need to get her a cat tree or something.”
“Then fucking do it and don’t let her mess with my plants!” Steve just barely stops himself from stomping his foot.
“Okay, okay.” Bucky raises his hands in mock surrender. “I’ll go do that now. Go walk Norman or something.”
Steve huffs, grumbling to himself as he grabs Norman’s leash off its hook. On his way out, he tosses a middle finger in Alpine’s direction.
“Steven Grant!”
“She deserves it!”
It’s the middle of the goddamn night and Alpine is scratching. Bucky had kept to his word and gotten Alpine a cat tree, but since then, the fucking terror has done nothing but scratch the fucking thing. Steve wouldn’t mind if Bucky hadn’t insisted that they keep the tree in their bedroom so, ‘Alpine can sleep near us, c’mon, you let Norman sleep in our bed.’
Steve had lost that argument as soon as the Norman card was pulled. You can’t really argue with hypocritical logic.
“Will you please stop already!?” Steve hisses into the dark quiet of the room, careful not to wake Bucky or Norman up.
He sees Alpine’s yellow eyes turn in his direction and they hold eye contact for a tense moment before she hops up onto the bed next to Steve.
“Oh no you don’t,” Steve says through clenched teeth as Alpine begins to knead her paws into his stomach.
Steve groans, letting his head drop back onto the pillow. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
He’s home alone, fist clenched tightly in his hair as he tries to regain control over his breathing.  Norman’s hovering nearby, providing company and comfort, but not coming closer for fear of overwhelming Steve.  
He hadn’t expected the movie he’d been watching to trigger him, but one loud fight and a door slam later, he was 7 years old again, cowering under the kitchen table while his ma and dad screamed at each other. 
The shaking is getting worse and Steve has half a thought to call Bucky, but he’s in a meeting right now at the Tower and that would be unfair to ask of him. No, he could handle this by himself. Everything was going to be okay.
Another shout sounds from the TV and Steve gasps, reaching for the remote and forcefully shutting it off.  He braces his forearms on his knees and leans forward, opening his eyes and attempting to tap back into his surroundings.  Norman comes a little closer, nudging his hand with his nose until Steve begins to run a shaking hand down his head.
It does a little to calm his nerves, but his heartbeat is still too erratic and his senses are still foggy and anxious.  Across the room, Alpine meows loudly and Steve looks up in time to see her knock her plastic food bowl off the counter.  It’s empty and bounces when it hits the ground and Alpine fixes Steve with a look as if to say, ‘feed me’.
Steve huffs out a surprised laugh, panic forgotten as he stands from the couch, crossing to pick up the bowl before filling it with cat food.  He sets it back on the counter and watches in surprise as Alpine nestles her head against his arm before digging into the food.
“Ya know, you’re not actually that bad.” Alpine purrs in response and Steve smiles. “I think I might not hate you.”
Alpine cuts herself off from eating and begins to convulse violently, spitting up a hairball a few moments later.
Steve blinks. “What the fuck.”
Alpine just looks at him again, meowing.
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rafesapologist · 1 year
the set up — rafe cameron; part eight
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𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: you've been one of the pogues since childhood, and your loyalty has always lied within your friend group, who is practically your family. when a threat by the name of rafe cameron begins to threaten the pogue's plans, they assign you to gain the trust of the dubious kook and keep an eye on what he's up to. however, now it's been six months since your friends set you up to spy on the kook prince himself, but what you didn't anticipate was to fall head over heels for the boy. your relationship had soon become inviolable shortly after your guys' first exchanges, much to your friends' dismay, and you two became practically inseperable. that was, until rafe discovers the truth.
warnings: swearing, mature themes, angst, sad-ish rafe, smut (minors DO NOT INTERACT, 18+)
author's note: this one is to (hopefully) make up for having to cut the last chapter short due to personal stuff. enjoy my loves
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You were pissed at JJ.
Matter of fact, it was much more than that; you loathed him. He was supposed to be your best friend, your confidant, yet he was too caught up within his fit of jealousy to realize that your time with Rafe Cameron was merely an act for the sake of your friends' livelihood. Hell, if anyone knew that it should have been JJ considering he was half of the reason the whole scheme was conspired in the first place.
You wondered what his real problem was and where it came from, considering that he had never treated you like less than until you brought up going to Midsummers with Rafe. From internal dialogue, you demanded answers and to know what had him so affronted. Out of all people, you assumed that he would have your back through the entire plan, however he was doing quite the opposite.
"I can't fucking believe him. I mean - Who does he think he is?" You remonstrated, a scowl tainting your facial features ever so palpably.
"Relax princess," Rafe let out a soft partly suppressed laugh, "how does he have you this riled up in the first place?"
Despite your indignation, you froze at his question. You knew that you couldn't flat out tell him the real reason why you and JJ got into it, for obvious reasons, so what was the next best option? Lie.
"He told me I was spending too much time with Pope and got mad at me." You blurted out before you could actually think about what you were really saying. You avoided eye contact with Rafe in hopes that he wouldn't find any evidence of deception in your expression, opting to completely circumvent his observing gaze by shifting your body away from him while you blankly stared out the car window.
"Pope? I don't think I ever see you with him unless JJ is around too." His brows furrowed.
"I mean I am close with him kind of," you added, "I used to study with him all the time after school, cause he's like a genius or whatever. But it wasn't like that. Pope's too innocent." You shrugged, your words spewing from your lips with little to no thought as your only goal was to steer the boy away from any suspicion of you.
"Are you sure it's nothing more than that?
Your eyes widened in disbelief as your head snapped towards Rafe's direction while he continued to drive, "Are you serious?" You catechized in a state of dubiety.
"Just wondering." The sandy-haired boy stated as though he asked nothing wrong, which only seemed to set you off more on top of your prior situation at hand.
"For your information, no it's not more than that, and two, why do you care?" You folded your arms in your seat as you turned to face Rafe with intent to interrogate him on his unappreciated inquisitiveness.
"Don't ask questions you already know the answer to." He glanced over at you with a suggestive look written on his face and in his eyes that sent shivers down your spine and planted those same old butterflies in your stomach.
"Well, I did ask." You pestered in hopes it would provoke some sort of reaction out of him, which seemed to be easy for you to do.
"I just don't think you deserve to settle for some Pogue dude who can't come close to giving you a real future." Rafe kept his eyes pointed straight ahead onto the road in front of him as he spoke, making you wonder if he just havering or not.
"And what, you can?" You scoffed.
"I would." He declared in a way that implied to you that he was more than sure of himself and what exactly he was promising to you, although it seemed rather delusive and improbable to happen.
"Yeah. I'm sure you tell every girl that." You heaved a displeased sigh to yourself as you slouched back into your seat, refusing to believe that the Rafe Cameron, the Kook Prince himself, would genuinely be the type to go out of his way to make the effort for any woman, unless he was trying to sleep with her.
"You really have no faith in me, pretty girl." Rafe breathed out a half-hearted chuckle at your lack of credence in his word, however he must have taken some amusement in your incredulity judging by the way his continual smirk stayed present on his face.
"Shut up, Cameron. Just take me home."
"I have a better idea, first." He replied, his lips curling up into a suppressed thin-lip smile.
"Great. Now I'm being kidnapped too." You rolled your eyes once more, rubbing your forehead in distress.
"It's not kidnapping if you willingly got in my car, y/n."
"It's kidnapping if you're taking me places I didn't agree to go to!" You protested, flailing your hands in the air at him, which of course only earned you a chuckle on his part.
"Would you rather me take you back to JJ?" Rafe threatened flippantly as the car suddenly pulled into yet another empty parking lot. Typical.
"Would have rathered you take me home but whatever." You mumbled to yourself with your arms still folded over your chest as you peered up from your seat to observe your new surroundings, which deemed foreign to you.
"Rafe- Why are we at another parking lot? You know you're really not clever with your date ide-"
"Just trust me." Rafe shushed as he turned the car off and exited, only to meet you at the passenger side door to open it for you as he had done previously. Sure it was an almost banal thing of him to do, but you had to admit that part of you enjoyed his acts of courtesy.
You remained hesitant with him, however your curiosity was a much greater component in you decision making that had led you to following him anyways. You treaded closely behind him as he headed into the direction of a purportedly seclusive area of a place that appeared to lead to a beach, judging by the way that sand had come into your view. You fumbled through a small patch of dead trees as you made your way to a wide open shore with an absence of debris that beaches you had seen normally had.
"This is where I usually go to get away." Rafe suddenly confessed while he took in the scenic view ahead of him.
"So this is the spot you take all your hookups to. Nice." You nodded with your lips pressed together, confused as to why you were even there in the first place.
"You're so stubborn, you know that?" He rolled his eyes, sighing as he sat down on an individual log that rested in the sand.
"So I've been told."
"Just come sit with me." Rafe gingerly pleaded to you while he combed a hand through his straight locks that displayed blends of wheaty and brown undertones, combining to create a dimensional shade of dirty blond that was unique to his features, "Please?"
You wanted to resist his request initially and continue your usual back-and-forth banter that the two of you always kept up with, however you saw something different in Rafe's eyes when he asked you to sit with him. A new candor that had washed over him that had you obeying his call.
Both of you had sat besides each other for a few minutes, basking in each other's silence as the sounds of the distant waves crashed upon the shore harmoniously. You kept your gaze directly at the view of the ocean ahead, your fingers interlocked under your knees while you sat with your legs up to your chest as you took in the scenery around you. Although your vision was aimed at the oceanfront, you could feel the burning stare of those familiar azure eyes trained onto you, causing your body temperature to rise rapidly.
"I came here a lot when I was younger." Rafe broke the silence abruptly, causing you to snap your head in his direction with your brows furrowed in confusion. "To get away from my parents when they were fighting, and sometimes from Sarah." He continued on, a quiet dry laugh escaping his rosy-pink lips.
"Why did you need to get away from them?" You asked rather lowly, scared to say the wrong thing in such an earnest moment.
The blond sighed deeply in response as his eyes began to scan the area ahead of him intently before he spoke. "They fought a lot, my mom and dad. Sometimes to the point where I thought they were going to kill each other," his nose wrinkled as a display of discomfort, "but I was the oldest so everyone expected me to protect Sarah and Wheezie when things got bad like that, and I did. Every single time. But, what I think they failed to realize was that it was just as uneasy for me to witness as it was them. I didn't wanna see or hear them fight either, but I had no choice. I needed to get away from it at some point, so I started coming here."
Your lips formed into a significant frown as he spoke, taking in his shattering words and that cold look that casted over his face that you knew was only to cover up from the pain he felt reliving the events he was describing. You would have never guessed there was so much hiding beneath that posh demeanor of his, however you felt as though there was more that had yet to be said.
"Did they ever notice when you'd run away like that?" You asked sheepishly.
"Nobody noticed when I was gone. They were only concerned when they needed me for something again." Your heart began to break piece-by-piece as Rafe's revelations had began to unfold slowly. The tragedy in what he was telling you was beginning to make your throat swell as tears threatened your eyes, asking yourself how a family could be so cruel to one of their own, a scenario you were quite familiar with yourself.
"It only ended once they finally got divorced and my mother ran away back to her hometown," Rafe seemed to wince at the statement, scratching the back of his head to mask his reaction, "I never saw or heard from her again after that. Honestly I couldn't tell you if she was alive or dead right now, crazy as it sounds."
You pressed your lips together into a thin line once they began to quiver as you digested Rafe's story. You forced yourself to look away from him and focus your attention to your hands that fiddled in your lap, knowing that if you looked at him any longer you would surely lose your composure.
"Rafe.. I-I'm so sorry." You breathed out quietly, a weakness in your voice that made him turn his head to observe the state that you were in. It was safe to say that he was staring at you once again, considering the intensity of his glare could be felt from miles away, but you refused to look up and reveal to him how much distress the detailed account of his previous life had put you in.
"My experience isn't quite the same as yours, but I understand your pain, Rafe. In a sense, I do." You uttered with your eyes glued to the sand below your feet.
"What do you mean?" Rafe asked, watching you keenly as you spoke.
"My family is pretty fucked up, too. Not in the same exact way as yours may be, but still, fucked." You let out a dry laugh, kicking the sand between your toes away from you, "My mother is verbally abusive and neglectful, and my dad is just, barely ever home. Sometimes I wonder if it's because he's trying to get away from her, although I wouldn't blame him for that, but I needed him many times in my life and he was never there. Plenty of times she was saying these God awful things to me, tearing me down for most of my life, and the one person who was supposed to be there to protect me just... Wasn't." You shook your head as it hung low to the ground, fighting off the urge to cry that overcame you as you recalled the burning memory of your childhood.
"It's not my place to speak on what they went through, but JJ and John B came from homes similar to mine. Absent, hell even abusive if that's what you wanna call it, parents. We basically raised ourselves, I mean we still are essentially. At times I would think that I still don't know any better than that nine year old girl who wondered how she was going to make it in life given the circumstances she was put into. Part of me will always resent my parents for doing this to me." Your voice cracked as you spoke, a queasy feeling building up in your stomach as you basically bared your soul to some boy from Figure Eight.
"Hey," Rafe cooed as he placed his large hand ontop of your thigh, "just because you were dealt with a bad hand growing up doesn't mean you are subjected to a bad life, y/n. They can't determine how far you're going to go, and you'll sure as hell get a lot farther than them I'm sure."
"Rafe," you shooked your head at him as you quickly wiped a single tear that escaped your eye, "I live on the Cut. I'd have to work two jobs to even come close to being comfortable, and even then, it still wouldn't be enough to get by long term. I have to work ten times harder than anyone else on this island because of the situation I was born into, the family I was born into. It'll be a hassle for the rest of my life. I don't get to live in a mansion and own some fancy yacht because my dad has the money, I wasn't given that privilege in life."
Your words wounded Rafe a little bit, as much as he hated to admit, but he knew you had a point and for that he couldn't be mad at you for it. He knew you were at an unfair disadvantage simply because of who your parents were and what little effort they made into giving you a congenial life, and it hurt him knowing you were made to suffer because of other people's foolish mistakes and selfishness.
"You deserve a happy life just as much as anyone else, actually probably even more than most." The blue-eyed boy urged with ardent feelings present in his tone.
"You're just saying that." You rolled your eyes half-heartedly, nudging him softly in disagreement to his statement.
"I'm not, y/n. I mean it, genuinely. You've been through so much and here you are, still so lively and caring. Most people in your shoes would have let their past turn them heartless, but you.. You're infectious and kind despite having gone through hell. I don't think you give yourself enough credit for that." His words were sweet and genuine in a way that had your heart practically melting in his hands, a feeling you had yet to feel so authentically as you did in that moment as you sat there on a vacant beach, staring into the mesmerizing lazuline eyes of Rafe Cameron.
Your lips stayed slightly parted subconsciously as you found yourself getting lost in the current moment that was unfolding between you and the Kook Prince himself, a scene you never would have imagined yourself being in three weeks before. You watched as his pupils widened, his gaze flickering between your eyes and your swollen lips. His free hand ghosted your forearm as it made its way up to your cheek, wiping the reminisce of tears that trailed down your face. You peered up at him coyly, staring back at him through your eyelashes as you gently rested your head into his warm open hand while his thumb slowly caressed the soft skin.
"So beautiful." Rafe whispered under his breath as he looked at you with full admiration that made your legs feel weak. You weren't entirely sure why, perhaps it had been the vulnerability you were subjected to in that moment, but you felt like crying again. This time however, it wasn't from sadness or pain, but relief. A relief that for the first time in your entire life, someone had saw you for who you were and was willing to provide you a safety net for you to let down your walls and fall freely into them. Sure your friends came close to it, but with Rafe it was far different. The feeling was intense and invoked a child-like excitement, even joy, out of you. It made you feel giddy inside, as though you couldn't help but smile in his presence even when he wasn't saying a word.
The scent of a warm spice and musk fragrance invaded your space and filled the air around you, tangling you into an inebriated trance fueled by the essence of desire and impulse. You felt as though you were being taunted by Rafe's refusal to move from the position he was in, yet igniting a flame inside of you by his voluptuary touch. It was clear that he was waiting for your invite despite knowing you had craved his taste once before, but he needed your to confirm that the drive to do so was still lingering inside of you. He watched as you took matters into your own hands and climbed back onto his lap, a seat that had basically become yours after the moment the two of you had in his car.
Unlike the time before, you wanted this moment to be one of undescribable vehement, like you had never been touched properly in your lifetime. Rafe remained silent and kept his eyes glued to you and your figure, holding your hips steady against his waist.
"I know you're going to think I'm crazy for saying this right now, but Rafe," you swallowed hard as you struggled to form a coherent sentence under his stare, "I'm ready for this now."
He chuckled tauntingly, "Ready for what, pretty girl?"
"Don't make me say it." You whined, throwing your head back in aggravation.
"Dunno what you're talking about, angel." Rafe smirked as he shrugged, attempting to act as though he was blissfully unaware to the way that your hips your bucked up against him impatiently.
"I want you, idiot." You rolled your eyes at him, groaning as the tension grew unbearably painful between your thighs as the fabric of his khakis rubbed against you.
"Really? I couldn't tell." The devilish boy formed a smug look across his face as he took notice of your eagerness to get ahold of him. He scanned your frame, noticing the hazy look that had clouded over your normally doe-like eyes. Rafe was a man of great strength, but when it came to you, he was putty in your hands.
"Rafe, do something, please." You begged, unable to fully move your hips as he held onto them firmly, keeping you in place.
"Tell me what you want me to do and I will, princess." He murmured into your ear lowly as his lips ghosted your neck before landing onto the sweet spot he had found on you before, immediately earning a whimper to escape your lips quietly.
"Touch me, anything." You answered vaguely as your impatience consumed you more and more by the second, unable to contain the burning in your core.
"Hmm, where do you want me to touch you?" His voice remained low a husky, enough to make you want to collapse in his arms. You removed your hand from behind his neck and snaked it down to the side of your hip, grabbing one of his wrists and re-positioning it right along the center between your thighs.
Your mouth fell agape as Rafe obeyed your wishes and began moving his fingers up and down your blazing core, adding more pressure as your hips grinded against his long digits. Heat rushed to your cheeks at the realization of what exactly you were doing, except you were far too into it to care about the reality of it afterwards. You found that your desire only increased as he teased you through the fabric of your shorts, agonizingly. Without a second thought, you placed your hand onto of his and laced your fingers together, forcing him to speed up his movements and add even more pressure.
Rafe seemed to have taken note of your demands as he removed his hand and began unbuckling your denim shorts swiftly before sliding his fingers underneath your lace thong briskly. Your head fell back instinctively, soft moans escaping your lips that fueled Rafe's ego proudly. He found himself stuck in a daze as he watched you fall under the spell of his trained fingers as they massaged through your folds hastily, causing you to press your hips against him more as they bucked up against his hands.
Just when you found prodigious pleasure in the way Rafe's fingers felt against you, shock waves coursed through your body like electricity once you felt two of his lengthy digits curl up inside of you. Your eyes rolled back, taking in the bliss that was Rafe Cameron's two fingers thrusting into you at a pace that made your legs feel like jello. Your moans became erratic and uncontrollable as the sandy-haired boy pushed his fingers up further into you, gliding them in and out rapidly as he continuously pressed against your cervix with force.
"Does that feel good, princess?" Rafe mumbled against your collarbone as he kissed along the prominent bone passionately, trying to withhold himself from losing control of his own.
"Don't stop." You whined as you begged him to continue, grinding against his fingers keenly with hopes to feel as much of him as you possible could, a state of euphoria approaching you slowly.
"R-Rafe, I can't take it." You pleaded, wincing as his pace continued to fasten inside of you.
"C'mon angel, you can do it. You're almost there." He coaxed you softly as he sinisterly placed his thumb onto your clit and began unhesitatingly rubbing swift circles against it, sending your mind and body into a frenzy.
You placed your hands onto his shoulders and gripped onto them tightly as you began to reach your peak, your thighs shaking and your legs giving out as the muscles within them began to spasm uncontrollably. A throbbing feeling reached your core as you continued grinding against Rafe's fingers with speed as you chased your high, your moans becoming explicit and noisy.
"Cum on my fingers, baby, it's okay. Let it out." Rafe ushered as he kept up his movements while your body convulsed against him, feeling as rush go through your body as explosions set off within your core region. You felt an immense release as you came undone along his fingers, crying out as you felt an overwhelming amount of pleasure take over your body.
Rafe removed his hand out of you, buttoning your shorts back up and zipping them for you as he pecked your cheek gently.
"Are you okay?" He asked, scanning your features for any sign of pain or distress.
"Mm, yeah I'm good." You wearily hummed as you collapsed into him, burying your face into the crook of his neck while you closed your eyes, taking in the events that had just occured as well as the aftermath of the pleasure that obtained your body.
The hubristic boy chuckled at your state of defeat, "You did good, pretty girl." A small, thin lipped smile formed at the corners of his mouth as he caressed up your hips and thighs slowly, "C'mon I know you're tired, I'll take you home, or wherever. I've gotta head back to my place, anyways."
"Why?" You groaned, not wanting to removing yourself from the daydream you were currently in.
"My dad texted me, said he needs my help tonight." Rafe shrugged.
"Did he say with what?" You asked, reality now coming back to you at the mention of his infamous father.
"Yeah, sort of. He said he needed help moving some cargo onto this ship he owns. I guess it's heavy." Rafe's words came out rather bluntly and plain, as though he was talking about the weather or his weekly schedule. His statement replayed in your head a few times before you sat up and attempted to make sense of what he was talking about.
"Like just random stuff?" You questioned, pining for further answers as the topic sparked your interest and concern.
"Yes and no," he scratched the back of his head, scrunching up his nose as he lowered his voice, "but if I tell you, promise me you won't run back to your Pogue friends and tell them." Rafe asserted with seriousness, staring into your eyes as he held the sides of your arms firmly.
"Okay," you held your hands up in defense, causing his body to relax, "I promise I won't."
"See my dad and I took this trip to the bahamas a while ago, he said it was a business trip and that he wanted me to tag along for whatever reason. Come to find out, as soon as we get there, he tells me about this gold he has hidden and how he wants me to help him ship it to Switzerland so that nobody else can get ahold of it, since it's ours anyway."
Your body froze in place, staring back at Rafe was those horrifying words slipped out of his mouth without a second thought as he found sanctuary within you, despite the lack of longevity in your relationship thus far. You thought about your friends all of the sudden, and your mouth felt dry, knowing that this was exactly what they needed to know and stop before Rafe and his dad could put them in a position where the gold would be out of their reach for good.
You felt an immense pressure with the new information given to you, a burden weighing heavy on your shoulders. Your mind raced as you replayed his statement over and over again, wondering what you should do and who you should tell first, eager to relay the word back to your friends as soon as possible.
"Oh, okay that makes sense." You let out a small, half-hearted laugh, rubbing your upper arm slowly. "But, uh, Rafe?"
"Can you just drop me off at the chateau? I think I'm gonna sleep there tonight.
taglist:  @ellesalazar, @champomiel, @vadinaleme, @kys4-20, @gills-lounge, @allsmilesreally7, @sublimepenguinpeach-blog, @sp00ky-spr1te, @bibliophilewednesday, @haroldpotterson, @i-love-rafe, @ellesalazar, @calmoistorm, @abundantxadorations, @fals3-g0d, @gillybear17, @oiiviagrande, @hockeybabe87, @augustlikesdeath, @wpdailyminimeta, @palmwinemami, @loxleys-blog, @ikisscline, @flyestvenustrap, @lonelyladyghost, @edance2000,
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biteofcherry · 1 year
Bumping into Omega's crush🥰😉
I take it's a follow up to this ask? 😊 Meeting Omega's hot crush wouldn't go as you think it would, though it's hilarious in a different kind of way.
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A fallen crush
Grain of Truth Masterlist
alpha!Steve Rogers x omega!female reader
warnings: none really; Steve being possessive; mention of sexy stuff; also alpha Steve is a warning, since he drives a girl stupid 😜
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Steve's eyebrows drew in a confused frown as he watched a faint scowl twist your beautiful face, which just seconds ago shone with a bright smile.
This was not the reaction he would've expected.
No, quite the opposite. There should be that glow and sparkles in your eyes, like when he first told you about taking you to the movie premiere and post movie VIP party.
A movie with your annoying star crush, Ari Levinson.
He'd gladly not do it; not only to avoid watching you drool over some actor (even if Steve himself considered him a good one), but because Steve wasn't a fan of big events where he had to dress up.
But he knew it would make you happy and no force - even his possessiveness - could stop him from making your dreams come true.
So when Natasha landed the gig as a fight choreographer for the movie, which then allowed her a VIP pass to the premiere, she offered it to Steve, knowing how much you liked Levinson. Steve was certain she did it mostly to annoy him, surprising you was an additional bonus.
You were so excited to go that it melted away even Steve's own grumpy approach.
Then you were introduced to Ari Levinson and Steve watched, in preparation for having to fucking fight an A-lister, as you shook hands with him and exchanged smiles.
However, when Levinson finally moved away to talk with someone else, your pretty face lost the brightness Steve expected to see at least for the whole night.
"What's up, sweet brat?" He asked, tugging you closer to him.
"Nothing," you shrugged, pretending to look around in curiosity.
"Nothing, sure." Steve was having none of it. "You're at a movie premiere, which you were very excited for. You met your stupid celebrity crush, who held your hand far too long and I didn't even rip his head off. Shouldn't that make you happy?"
"I am happy!" You huffed, but your tone and your glare said otherwise.
"Mhm, yes, you're radiating a happy hissy fit." Steve snorted and pulled you with him a few steps back, into a darkened corner of the party hall.
"So what is it, really?" His voice softened slightly.
"Nothing, just-" you bowed your head, worrying your bottom lip between your teeth- "I just thought it would be different."
"How so?" Steve wondered if there was something about this event that bothered you, or if you felt disappointed that your crush didn't fall head over heels for you.
Which, on one side, was good, because otherwise Steve would beat the guy. On the other side, Steve himself didn't get how someone couldn't see how perfect you are.
When you lifted your head up, it wasn't to confess some sad discomfort, but to snap at him in annoyance:
"I thought I would want him!"
Steve blinked. Now completely confused, but also sensing a wave of possessive anger that threatened to grow if you ever mentioned wanting another man.
"Excuse me?"
"Ugh! It's all your fault!" You poked at Steve's chest.
"Ari Levinson was the hottest Greek God. And yeah, he's still fucking hot. I admit that. He is attractive." You ranted in a heated, though hushed tone.
"But I wanted him. I used to imagine him. And now? Now there's zero lust. Absolute zero. Like my pussy is dead for anyone that's not you, you stupid bossy alpha!"
Steve stared at you for a long moment; at your eyes sparking with the force of a lightning, your cute nose scrunched up in a scowl, your lips parted and teeth bared.
A thin line of propriety separated you from being bent over the nearest table and having the attitude spanked out of you.
Steve's hand moved up your back, until he gripped the back of your neck. He leaned down, lips brushing the shell of your ear.
"It better be dead for anyone that's not me, or they're dead."
A shiver trickled down your spine at his growl. You went pliant in Steve's hands, knees going weak.
"You have bad movie lines," you snorted.
"I don't need any lines to have you begging for my knot." Steve's other hand slipped along the slit in your dress.
"Now," his fingers dipped beneath the fabric and between your thighs, "do you want to do it somewhere here, at the party, so your fallen crush can hear it? Or do you want to be a good girl and scram for me at home?"
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sakura-chan-25 · 10 months
Dizzy Day (Rewrite)
Pairing: Lucifer x MC
Summary: MC feels dizzy, hates that feeling, so Lucifer stays with them until they're better.
Word Count: 620
Warning(s): dizziness, a small bit of swearing (literally ’fuck’ just once), pet names (honey), a lot of groaning in annoyance
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"I'm dizzy", MC mumbled tiredly as they let their head drop onto the table with a quiet 'thud'. Lucifer looked up from his paper work, worry in his eyes. The human was in his office right now, sitting opposite him and doing some homework. They still hadn't moved their head and Lucifer was starting to think that they may have passed out, so just in case he called out their name.
"Mhm?", they responded with the same tiredness lacing their voice from before.
"Explain to me.", he said and MC groaned in annoyance, lifting their head again. MC just told him they were feeling dizzy! What is there to explain?!
They groaned again and almost yelled: "It's just so annoying! I don't pass out! I have to feel every single thing! I have to feel my heart pounding in my rib cage, I have to feel how air is so fucking hard to get into my lungs, I have to feel my hands shaking, I have to see the room spinning around, I have to feel the weakness of not being able to hold up my body! But does anyone listen? OF COURSE NOT!", the human smacked their head onto the table with a very loud 'thud' and a silent 'ow' leaving their lips. Lucifer was quiet the whole time and listened. He waited a moment before talking, waiting for them to say anything else, but he didn’t expect hearing the softest "sorry" he's ever heard leaving their mouth and his eyes widened. He whispered a little "okay" before standing up and walking to where MC sat.
"Why are you apologizing?", he asked softly as he sat down on the table and cradled their head in his lap. The human didn't answer and buried their head deeper into his lap, appreciating his hand playing with their hair. "There is no need for you to do so. I'd rather hear you yell than seeing you bottle up your emotions."
"Lucifer, honey. That's exactly what you're doing, too. Bottling up emotions, I mean. I don't want to hear you yell though!", they said, quickly snapping their head up and just as quickly lowering it again and closing their eyes while grabbing Lucifer's arm for stability.
"Are you alright?!", Lucifer asked uncharacteristically panicked, MC’s comment completely forgotten as if they never mentioned it to begin with. The human nodded and put their head into his lap again.
They didn't hear Lucifer's question the first time, so he had to ask them a second time. Only to realize that they couldn't really make out the words right now.
They were awfully pale and their eyes unfocused. Lucifer sighed, thinking about another way to ask them.
He poked at their shoulder until the human slightly moved their head and pointed at the couch. MC squinted their eyes, trying to figure out what that spot of blacks and reds (was there something bright/yellow-ish, too?) could be. It took them some time but they guessed that it had to be the couch with the window behind. (The colours wouldn't fit anywhere else in this room)
The demon still pointed and patiently waited for their answer. MC hummed in confirmation after a while, so Lucifer slowly picked them up and carried them over to the couch.
Once they laid there comfortably, he began to play with their hair again, making them feel even more drowsy than before. This time however it was because of sleepiness. Lucifer slowly put the spare blanket over their body as MC quietly whispered in slight confusion: "But... work?"
The only response the human got from him was a gentle kiss on the forehead, soothing them a bit until sleep finally took over them.
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A/n: It's so funny to see how my symptoms developed with just reading my fics! When I wrote this the first time (I think pretty much a year ago) that was a pretty bad day, but nowadays I would consider that an okay day (not great, but also not bad). Anyways I hope you enjoyed and have a good day/night! :D
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waywardqueen411 · 1 month
A New Legacy - Hogwarts Legacy x Harry Potter Crossover - Part 1
After a rather brutal encounter with Ranrok's loyalists, the Hero of Hogwarts finds herself falling through time and space entering a world that's almost home, but not quite. Of course there's nothing else to do aside from adapt, improvise and overcome.
Part 2
A/N: Hi there! I'm new to posting on tumblr, but I've just finished Hogwarts Legacy and I need to write this fic. Please reblog and let me know your thoughts!
Warnings: Violence, Major character death, the tiniest bit of angst, spoilers for Hogwarts Legacy
Pairing: Sebastian Sallow x Female!Reader, Ominis Gaunt x Female!Reader (more to be added on as the story progresses)
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The camp was one of the bigger one's as of late. Almost as big as one of the mining sites. You wondered how you'd let such a large following build up, mentally scolding yourself. You considered it a truly lucky coincidence that thus far, it seemed that Ranrok hadn't confided his true plans to any of his commanders - but you couldn't be certain that knowledge of the truth of ancient magic died with Ranrok amongst his ranks.
You hoped that Ranrok was selfish enough to have never told anyone the truth.
A moment later, you quickly spotted your chance to attack, as both the guards lowered their weapons for a cup of tea. You were about to step forward, disillusionment charm and all, when you heard the sound of twigs snapping behind you.
Silently, you turned around but saw no one. There was a strange glint, however, as light reflected off of something that wasn't there.
You sighed softly, backing up slowly until you were next to the disillusioned figure, before pulling both of your best friends to hide behind a nearby bush.
"What the hell do you two think you're doing here?" you asked in a whisper-yell. Sebastian held his hands up in surrender.
"I swear, it wasn't on purpose," he replied.
"Its true," Ominis said in a hushed voice. "Sebastian convinced me to come see him in the woods when we stumbled across the goblin camp."
You glared at them both, but felt a pang of sympathy run through you. The relationship between Ominis and Sebastian had been strained at best, and you were almost glad to see them together.
"He's telling the truth, Snidget," you smiled softly at the nickname - something Seb had taken to call you whilst the two of you practiced quidditch in the late hours of the night.
"Snidget?" Ominis repeated, clearly holding back his laughter.
"Piss off, Omi," you mumbled, but the smile on his face did not dissipate.
"Enough talking," Sebastian said, blushing faintly. "Are we going to sit around and hide, or are we going to kick some goblin butt?"
Ominis and Sebastian both look determined. You sighed softly.
"Something strange is happening here," you said and they shot each other identical looks of concern, "These goblins have been gathering for weeks, ever since I - ever since Ranrok's death. I think they're planning something - something that would continue his work."
"Well we can't have that now, can we?" Ominis asked, his wand held out steadily. You sighed.
"I don't suppose there's any convincing the two of you to go back to the common room," you said, shaking your head.
"We're in this together," Ominis responded, smiling a little. It was a phrase you'd grown fond of hearing, before the three of you would sneak off on your usual adventures, when trouble would undoubtedly be afoot. It was something you hadn't heard in a long time.
"Alright then," you said, insanely appreciative of your friends, "but keep your guard up. Something is wrong here. I can feel it,"
"We'll be careful," Ominis said before Sebastian could let out another quick comment. You squeezed his forearm in thanks, before going into mission mode.
"Wait for my signal," you said, before directing your friends out. The three of you split up, so that each of you were attacking from a different direction.
You walked forward slowly. There were nine guards - excessive, but handleable, especially with your friends near by. You silently removed the charm before standing up and walking towards the three cloest to you.
"Lovely night tonight," you commented, grabbing the attention of all the goblins on guard. "Confringo!" you cast in the moment it took them to realize what was going on. Sebastian and Ominis removed their charms immediately and began their attack.
Spells flew everywhere. A Leviosa from Sebastian shot past your ear. You ducked and rolled past the attack of a goblin, breaking his shield with your own Protego. Ominis shot a blasting curse. You felt the heat from it against your back, You shot curse after curse. Three goblins became two. Two became one. You felt Sebastian's Glacius brush past your arm. Goblins attacked all around you.
You cast one last Incendio and the woods went silent.
"Everyone alright?" you asked, gasping for breath slightly. Sebastian nodded, and Ominis gave you a thumbs up from where he was keeled over in front of the body of a dead goblin.
You looked to Sebastian again. Sweat dripped down the side of his face and he had a small gash on his lip. "You're hurt," you said softly, walking over to him and brushing over the injury gently with your thumb. Sebastian winced, his brown eyes meeting yours.
"I'm fine," he said, reaching into his pocket and taking a small sip of healing potion. The cut vanished before your eyes and you smiled softly.
"Let's keep going," you said. "Ominis?"
"I'm ready," he said, standing upright with his wand extended. You grit your teeth and pushed past the body of the goblin in front of the gate.
The three of you encountered another two small groups of goblins once you entered. You made quick work of them, blasting and cursing until your throat was sore, before you reached the center of whatever it was the goblins were doing.
"Is everyone alright?" you asked softly, but you already knew the answer. Sebastian had been sliced by a goblin silver sword on his arm, and Wiggenweld only somewhat stemmed the bleeding. Ominis had been slashed across the face by goblin claws and didn't look like he had it in him to speak.
"Brilliant," Sebastian said, his breathing labored as he clutched onto his side. Ominis made a noise of agreement. You regretted dragging your friends into this.
"I'm so sorry," you said, huffing. You had been sliced in the leg.
"Let's get what we came for and leave," Sebastian suggested.
At the very least, when you pushed past the door into what seemed to be the main area, there were no goblins on duty. It seemed as though the three of you had caught them by surprise.
"Alohamora," you muttered and pushed past the doorway.
Immediately, you gasped as you walked though what could only be a portal. You friends followed suit and you felt yourself being pushed forward into an unknown room.
"Lumos," you cast when you found your footing. The moment you did, you almost dropped your wand.
"That sound," Ominis said, "It sounds like-"
"Clocks," you muttered, looking around at giant room.
"Not clocks," Sebastian said, worry filling his voice, "We have to get out of here, now."
"I don't understand," you said, walking towards the beautiful gold clocks and hourglasses, "They're beautiful," you felt almost pulled in.
"Those aren't clocks, those are time turners!" Ominis said, grabbing a hold of you and pulling you away from the golden hourglass you were about to touch.
A loud bang resounded in the room. A massive explosion rumbled through the floors. You and Ominis went flying across the room.
"You again!" you heard the voice of a goblin who looked vaguely familiar. One of Ranrok's commanders. "You'll pay for what you did. You and your stupid friends!"
Your head was ringing from the explosion. You looked to where Sebastian laid on the floor a good few feet away from you, barely conscious. "Sebastian!" you called out, trying to run towards him, but Ominis held you back.
"We have to go!" he demanded, the walls crashing in around him.
"Go?" the goblin asked. "You won't be going anywhere," he said. You turned to him. The entire room was crumbling around you.
"Please," you begged, "You cant want to die in here with us! Help us!" you said desperately.
"The only ones dying in here will be you three!" The goblin shouted, pulling out some kind of dagger and throwing it towards the center of the room, to the largest hourglass.
"Sebastian!" You cried out, reaching out towards him. But it was too late. The dagger landed on the center hourglass and shattered it, sand pouring out and directly on to Sebastian. A powerful magic filled the room and you felt as though you were going to be suffocated.
"No!" you cried out, tears streaming down your face. Ominis held on tightly to you as you watched the power destroy Sebastian's body, blasting him like lightening - like your own powers. "Sebastian," you whispered. Ominis squeezed you so tightly you almost couldn't breathe.
"You're next!" The goblin screamed. you looked to him and felt nothing but pure rage fill your body. Your hands shook and you saw nothing but the goblin in front of you. Suddenly you understood what Sebastian meant when he first taught you the Unforgivables.
"Avada Kadavra!" you cast out, and the goblin dropped dead.
"No," Ominis cried, but it was too late. You tried to cast another spell. Protego, something, but your wand sparked and failed.
The sand spun around you, enveloping your and Ominis in a storm.
"I'm sorry, Omi," you said, tears streaming down your face silently. He held you even tighter. "I never meant - for any of this-"
"It's alright," he said.
A moment later, both his and your wands disappeared into the sand storm. You gasped, reaching into the sand. It felt like holding fire.
"I'm so sorry," you cried out. Ominis smiled slightly. His eyes looked so beautiful, even in the tragic moment. He held you close and wiped the tears from your cheeks.
"Like I said," he whispered, "We're in this together," he pulled you into his chest and you felt the ground disappear from beneath your feet.
This was it.
You felt a warmth in your chest then, and you looked down to see black sputters enveloping you through the sands. "What-" Ominis tried to ask, pulling away but you immediately pulled him back.
"Ancient magic," You managed to say, and your grip on Ominis tightened. You felt your magic burst out of you, trying to protect you, trying to push Ominis away, but you resisted.
'He can't die,' you thought to yourself. 'My magic must protect him. He's a part of me too. Just as Sebastian was,'
The last thing you saw was ancient magic filling your vision as you held on to Ominis for dear life before darkness took over.
Part 2
Let me know what you think!
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valentoru · 1 month
|| Limitless ||
SYNOPSIS: Gojo Satoru, a big time artist, who’s known for leaving a trail of broken hearts in his wake wherever he goes. And you, the lead guitarist of an upcoming band, who’s absolutely certain that no one will ever love you. Through an accident in which you happened to kiss Gojo in a frantic state, you both decide, via convenience alone—and zero regard for both of your managers—to pull a fake dating stunt what could go wrong? Any press is good press…right?
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You stayed back late on Monday to work on some lyrics and some other things that you needed to get put in order before the big performance at Geto’s event. This event was extremely important. It held great meaning you needed everything to go perfectly.
So there you sat at 8pm click click clicking away at your computer. You had to admit, all this work that you’d fallen back on was almost too much for you to handle. You’d even briefly hovered over Maki’s contact to summon her. You weren’t sure if you wanted her moral support or her simple help, but you needed something.
The minutes ticked by as you stared at your laptop display, wondering what to type. Making up scenarios, even remembering and reviewing past arguments wishing you’d spoken your mind. That was something you had to work on.
You were halfway though reciting what you were going to say at the concert, expressing what a great honour it would be when the door slammed open
You looked over at the door to see the culprit, it was Inumaki. With Yuji closely following behind.
Inumaki slammed his files down on the desk slamming his hand on top, Yuji mumbling something about calming down. Inumaki sat at the table sulking as Yuji’s face morphed into that of worry upon noticing you.
You stared at the scene for a moment, collecting your barrings. “What’s wrong?”
You had honestly expected the answer to be, I can’t work out my chords and managed snapped the strings on my base or I got offered to do a brand deal with a shitty company that I don’t even like and I don’t want to do it however my hands are tied since the promotion team wants me to do it.
Instead, you got; “your stupid boyfriend is what’s wrong”
By now, the fake dating thing was old news: you didn’t startle anymore when Satoru was referred to as your boyfriend. Still, Inumaki’s words were so full of venom and unexpected that you couldn’t help but answer, “Who?”
“Gojo.” He spat his name like it was a curse.
“He wasn’t the nicest to Inumaki just now.” Yuji explained in a significantly milder tone, avoiding your eyes, you knew these boys too well, they never got like this about anyone, no matter what.
“Oh. Right.” This was bad. Very bad. “What happened.”
“He essentially told me I’ll never amount to anything as an bassist. He fucked with my guitar tune too.”
“Shit.” You bit your lower lip. “I’m sorry, Inumaki.”
“It’s completely fucked up all of, well, everything. Set me back. All because Gojo has to go and nitpick everything. I didn’t even ask for his fucking opinion.”
You chewed on the inside of your cheek, trying to come up with something inspiring to say and failing miserably. “I’m really sorry.”
“Y/N do you guys talk about this stuff?” Yuji asked out of the blue, eyeing you suspiciously. “Does he tell you about his opinions on this stuff?”
“What? No. No, I…” I talk to him for exactly fifteen minutes a week. And okay, yeah, I’ve kissed him. Twice. Sat on his lap. Once. But it’s just that, and Clyde—he speaks very little. I actually which he spoke more, since I know nothing about him and I’d like to know at least something. “No, he doesn’t. I think it would probably be awkward if he did, considering you’re, you know, in the same band as me.”
“God.” Inumaki slammed his hand against the edge of the table, making your jump. “He’s such a dick. What as sadistic asshole.”
You opened your mouth—to do what, exactly? To defend Satoru? He was a dick. You had seen him being a dick. In full action. Maybe not recently, and maybe not to you, but if you’d wanted to count on your fingers the number of acquaintances who’d ended up in tears because of him, well…you would be both your hands, then your toes. Maybe borrow some of Yuji’s, too.
“Did he explain where you should improve at least? What you need to work on?”
“Everything. He wants me to change everything right from my work ethic to how much I practice to how I look at my guitar when I play. And the way he said it, his air of superiority—he is so arrogant.”
Well. It was no news, really. You scratched your cheek, trying not to sigh. “It sucks. I’m sorry,” you repeated once more, at a loss for anything better and genuinely feelings for Inumaki.
“Yeah, well.” He stood and walked around the table, coming to a stop in front of you. “You should be.”
You froze. Surely you just misheard. “Excuse me?”
“You’re his girlfriend.”
“I…” really am not. But, even if you had been. “Toge, I’m only dating him. I’m not him. How could I have anything to do with—”
“You’re fine with all this. With him acting like that—like an asshole on a power trip. You don’t give a shit about the way he treats everyone in the world, otherwise, you wouldn’t be able to stomach being with him.”
At his tone, you took a step back.
Yuji lifted his hands in a peacekeeping gesture, coming to stand between you. “Hey, now. Let’s not—”
“I’m not the one who said that to you, Toge.”
“Maybe. But you don’t care that half of the fucking world lives in terror of your boyfriend, either.”
You felt anger bubbling up. “That is not true, you know that. I am able to keep my professional relationships and my personal feelings for him—”
“Because you don’t give a shit about anyone but yourself.”
“That’s unfair. What am I supposed to do?”
“Get him to stop being a dick.”
“Get him—” you sputtered. “Toge how is that a rational response for you to have about Satoru criticising you—”
“Ah, Satoru, is it?”
You gritted your teeth. “Yes, Satoru. What should I call my boyfriend to better please you? Mr Satoru Gojo?”
“If you were a half decent ally to the world, you would just dump your fucking boyfriend.”
“How—do you even realise how little sense you’re…”
No reason to finish your sentence, since Inumaki was storming out of the room and slamming the door behind him. Clearly he was uninterested in anything you might have wanted to add. You ran a hand down your face, unsettled by what had just happened.
“He’s not…he doesn’t really mean that. Not about you at least.” Yuji said, scratching his head. A nice reminder to you that he had been standing there, in the room, for the entirety of this conversation. Front-row seat. It was going to take maybe fifteen minutes before everyone else’s knew about it.
You nodded. “Yeah, well.” Being horrible to me isn’t going to make his improvements go any faster, you didn’t add
Yuji sighed. “It’s not personal. But you have to understand it’s weird for us. Because Gojo…maybe he wasn’t like this to you but you must know the kind of guy he is right?”
You rolled you eyes. You were fully aware, you’d been told millions of times by now. You were tired, if anything. All you did was nod, grab your belongings and leave, not saying a word leaving Yuji stood in that room alone. You didn’t have the energy for any of this.
Once you got home, you lay on your unmade bed looking up at the glow-in-the-dark stars. It had been more that two years since you had borrowed Megumi’s strop ladder and fearfully stuck them to the ceiling. The glue was starting to give out, and the large comet in the corner by the window was going to fall off any day now. Without thinking it through you rolled out of bed and rummaged inside the pocket of your discarded jeans until you found your cellphone.
You hadn’t used Satoru’s number since he’d given it to you a few days ago—“If anything comes up or you need to cancel, just give me a call. It’s quicker than email.” When you tapped the blue “message” icon under his name a white screen popped up, a blank slate with no history of previous messages. It gave you an odd rush of anxiety, so much so that you typed the text with one hand while biting the thumbnail on the other.
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TAGLIST(34/50): @bbmsxlene @lunavelha @satoryaa @tranzumaki @k-kkiana @luvkvni @lysaray @kalulakunundrum @arysbruv @r4veeen @stillnotherapy @catobsessedlady @colortheoryrocks @minzxec @dazqa @packsvlog @luvvmae @simplysm1le @mintfyi @disenchantedzs @littlecritteryay @fackeraccount @astro-stars @lavender-hvze @miizuzu @rayrayline @kanaojacksonofc @letsmyy @serenadesvt @art-n-rot @aastrobliss @herdemisee @tikideedee
So…like…heh…it’s been a minute…or two.
Anywayyyy this is sort of a filler so…like…ya…next chapter is gonna be FUN tho so 😈
© valentoru all rights reserved- do not publish my work on other platforms, plagiarise or translate.
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manicrouge · 9 months
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[𝙺𝚎𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚗 𝚁𝚞𝚜𝚜 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛]
[𝙳𝚊𝚝𝚎 𝙿𝚘𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍]: 29/12/23
[𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚞𝚝]: Keegan lies to you the night you meet yet you remain oblivious to it until you bring it up to him again.
[𝙲𝚠]: angst i guess but it's not that bad.
[𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚝]: 4,533
[𝙰/𝙽]: I had plans for this but I really don't have the motivation to finish it, but considering it's quite a few words I didn't want it to go to waste- there's no smut, apologies, but smut isn't really something I'm overly passionate about so I hope that this fluff is good enough to suffice !!
Please don't post my work anywhere else without my permission !!
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There's something about him and you're not sure if you should really speak on it because then, ultimately, your delusion is in the real world and not confined to your head. It's torture though, it really is, the constant headache of worrying about how you look and what you're doing when you're around him, and still, you can't seem to snap about it. 
There's a limit to love, you've agreed to that inwardly. Some things you do in the name of love are okay: buying them something just because it reminds you of them, getting them something when they're too busy to get it for themselves, asking them out and asking them if they would like to accompany you on a date somewhere in the city. 
That's normal for love, it something you imagine most people do. 
But then there's your tricky little mind and it seems to kick and scream at the thought of doing something sane in the name of love. You don't want to do any of those things, you don't want to be nice. It's obvious, at least, you think it is. 
He makes you a violent person. 
Perhaps its because you want to show off, you want to him to see you and admire that you did everything he wants from you and much more. When you were just a rookie, you're quite sure you were close to being kicked out, being forced to resume life the way you had prior to them finding you on the side of the road after ODIN had been attacked.
The very thought, even to this day, makes you nauseous. Facing the unbearable heat, soldiers and starvation is a recipe for disaster, and after going without food for however long you did, you had sworn you weren't going to let anything compromise that. But things were overwhelming and you were essentially a burden during the first few months of your training; you couldn't do anything right. 
But he saw you at your lowest, and he didn't let that happen. In fact, you're quite sure he saved you when you met that night. 
'Crying won't get you anywhere, kid.'
If there was one thing about Keegan, he was absolutely right about everything. Including that. 
Pushing your head up from out of your lap, you sniffled, rubbing your nose as you catch a set of blue eyes staring at you. He was unlike anyone you had ever seen before, a mask covering his features, beanie atop his head as he approaches you, kicking a stone beside you. You turn your head away from him and watch as the little rock rolls down the edge of the hill in the direction of the track. 
'You were supposed to be asleep an hour ago,' he adds, taking a seat beside you. You keep your eyes trained on the direction the stone had slipped, keeping your arms wrapped around your knees before resting your chin upon them. 'You'd get into trouble if one of the superiors caught you outside.'
'I'm no good anyway,' you said, 'better going out this way than any other way.'
Your tone was bleak as you contemplated throwing yourself down the hill. It wouldn't have killed you, but it would free you from the shame of having to speak to the man sitting beside you. 'They're gonna get rid of me soon, throw me to the wolves.'
There wasn't a reply from the man sitting beside you for a while as he shifted where he was sitting. You hear the tear of velcro and finally decided to turn your head to see him holding a box of cigarettes in his hand.
'When I was first starting out,' he began, 'couldn't shoot a sniper for the fuckin' life of me,' he continued, plucking a cigarette from the carton. Bringing his hand up, he hooked his fingers under the edges of his mask, pulling it up, revealing his jaw and lips. 
Much to your surprise, you spied black stubble around his mouth and trailing his jawline. Placing a cigarette between his lips, he grabbed the lighter from the box. Cupping his hand around his mouth, It took a moment, the item in his hand spluttering before eventually spitting a full enough flame for him to light his cigarette. 'I could shoot every other gun okayish, but I wasn't the asset they needed me to be.'
'Don't believe you,' you mumble, looking at the pattern on his mask. You recalled the white markings to belong to a particular unit that even the General had trouble addressing. They did their own thing, stayed out of everyone else's way. 'You're a Ghost, aren't you? Best of the best.'
You don't look at a Ghost unless they talk to you. 
'The mask?' he asked, 'part of the branding, forget I have it on half the time,' he admits, taking a puff from his cigarette. 'Everyone has to start somewhere, kid.'
'I've been here for months and I'm still awful at everything,' you confessed, 'I can't shoot a gun for the fuckin' life of me; my aim is off and I can never seem to focus.'
'If you think about it too much, you'll struggle,' he said. 
'A- And, I can't do close combat- I've been to the infirmary more times than I can count... whenever I go to the nurse now, she doesn't even speak to me,' you rambled, running your hand through your hair. Your throat starts to clog up as you continued to pour your heart out to the man sitting beside you. You couldn't really seem to help it; he was there, and from what you could tell, he wasn't discouraging your fury.
Rules had it that your hair was supposed to be slicked back out of your face and tied up, but after the day you had had, you couldn't muster the strength to keep it tied up. So, after you had had a shower, you kept it out to keep the dull ache in your head away for as long as you could.
You were surprised the man beside you hadn't said anything to you about it. Only, when it's out of your way, you found it easier to keep your hands from plucking and picking at your scalp whenever the anxiety got too much and you were scared you were going to drown in a well of your own tears.
'You're too stressed about everything,' he said, 'if you overthink it, like I said, you're gonna fuck it up. What's got you so stressed, kid?' he asked, looking at you. Your eyes water as you turn your head away from him, letting out a shaky exhale. 
A better question would have been what wasn't stressing you out. 
'Hey, don't shut down on me, tell me what's wrong... can't promise I'll be much help, but it's good to have someone to talk to,'  he said, 'talk at me, tell me what's wrong,' he demanded, as though he was some form of saviour.
Only, in that moment, he was.
'They're gonna throw me out if I can't be what they want me to be,' you were much too choked up to fight against the urge of spilling your guts to the Ghost, your grip around your knees growing tighter as you began to shake. 'And I can't go back out there; if I go back out there, 'm gonna die, I know I am,' you sniffled, 'a- and I can't die, especially not out there with those monsters I can't but I'm going to if I don't get better but I don't think I can get better and- and—'
A firm hand was placed on your shoulder, his arm wrapping around you as he pulled you to his side.
You were startled at first, feeling his gloved hand on your shoulder, being pulled close enough for your senses to be flooded with his cologne. Ghost's weren't supposed to be like this, they were supposed to be aloof, transparent, careless. Yet, as he held you, you found your trembling nerves were soothed with his efforts.
The cigarette on his breath stained the moment, and when you opened your eyes, you found that he had tossed the cigarette down the same hill that the little rock he had kicked had rolled down, the red hue of the burning tip settling into the darkness while winking at you.
'You're not gonna get thrown out, kid,' he quietly said, 'it's been a tough change, I know it has been, but you can't let it get to you because, if you do, the stress is gonna kill you before anything beyond this base gets to you, hm?' he asked, looking at you.
You looked back at him, thinking back to that morning where you had pulled out a small clump of hair from the your head. You'd spent the next hour crying over it, and whittled yourself so far down that you'd convinced yourself you were going to die.
Everything lead to the thought of death with you. You couldn't escape it. The devil caged you and he trapped you, laughing in your face as he dangled your very livelihood before you.
And still you failed.
'How do you know that?' you asked, 'you think some sort of miracles going to happen?' you continued.
'I'm going to teach you,' he said, 'I'll give you a helping hand; wanna see if you're as useless as you're saying you are or if you're just overcomplicating everything.'
'You don't have the time to do that, at this point I'm gonna be 90 but the time I manage to land a hit on someone in training.'
'And how do you know that?' he asked, 'you my Captain?'
You stared at him, the sudden shift in his tone causing your face to heat up.
'You'd be wasting you time with me,' you said, shaking your head, attempting to pull away from him, all for his grip on you to tighten.
He wasn't going to let you pull away from him, especially while in the state you were in. You'd curse him if you didn't feel so secure in his arms, so, you simply give in to the urge of staying close to him, not allowing your ego to destroy the first ounce of comfort you had gotten since arriving on the base.
'Wasting time here with you now; could be in bed,' he stated simply, 'I'll speak to someone, get you put under my supervision until I'm sure you'll be fine returning to your brigade.'
'Are you allowed to do that?' you asked.
'Captains in your department barely look at me, kid,' he chuckled, ''scared I'm gonna bash the brains in with the butt of my gun or somethin'. They won't turn down my request- especially if you're as much as a burden as you're sayin' you are; they'd be happy to get you off their hands if that's the case, not that they'd refuse me in the first place.'
He spoke to you as though you were a friend, but you regarded his support as treating you most likely as a lesson; the men your department had little interest in showing a woman how to fight, perhaps that was why you were struggling so much. No one really wanted to give you the time of day, and in a path where it was either sink or swim, you found their actions were taxing.
It was blatant that the men you worked with had little interest in you, and you're clued up enough now to know that. Yet, deep down, you're sure you've always been conscious to their biases towards male soldiers, only, now, you say it without fear of being reprimanded for your supposed 'accusation'. They can't do shit to you anymore and you're thankful for it, because, in the end, if they even look in your direction, you'd have no issue bashing their brains in with the butt of the pistol in the holster on your thigh.
Recently, you find you've been going back to that night where you had been in tears, mostly while by yourself, whether it be at the base or elsewhere, you were focused on that pesky little memory which lead to your stomach pulsing in a sickly manner as you recall the feel of his hand resting on your shoulder and the smell of his cologne.
Little has changed- if anything.
Only, he's a little taller than he was when you first started training together. His height has him towering over you now, and you always laugh about it to yourself whenever your sparring with each other- especially when you're able to put him on his ass.
There's confusion surrounding the memory in your mind, you have mostly forgotten about it until one day, it reappeared. You're unsure what triggered the memories resurgence, and you review it with a sinful glint in your eyes, even with the lack of suggestiveness about the scene.
There's something there that makes you want to scream, that makes you want to cover the world in blood, and you have been fighting with yourself attempting to unwind the memory, unwrap the secrecy of its meaning which it is rejoicing in while you're suffering.
The next op leads you to No Mans Land, Elias has sent his sons there with the intent of helping you track down Ajax. You're familiar with the tactics and intent between sending his two boys out there, though none of you really comment or acknowledge the possibility of your squad growing with two members, and supposedly a dog. You're happy to do the work he assigned his boys with yourself; it would be nothing but a quick in and out, especially with the looming time between Ajax's kidnapping and where you find yourself right now.
It's been weeks and you're still no closer to getting him back and you find, while peering through your scope, searching for any sign of the Walker boys, you're gritting your teeth as you contemplate the damage it's doing to Keegan. Both of them are good friends, been together since day one.
But there's nothing you can do; one wrong move and Ajax will be gone forever, and you're not selfish enough to put the life of a friend on the line. You'd put yours on the line before you even dare to put someone else's out for your own greedy intent.
The Federation are like dogs, and as soon as they catch a whiff of Ghost blood, they'll have their feral little backs up, huffing, puffing and growing, impersonating that of a wolf, when, in reality, they're nothing of the sorts. Instead, the puny little pups who cower at the sight of their own shadow... or Rorke. But neither of them are very different from one another.
'You catch anything, kid?' Keegan calls through coms.
Looking down from your position, you catch the man standing below you, Merrick surveying the surrounding area as you hold your sniper up, keeping your eyes on the terrain surrounding you.
You're a fair distance away from where the Walker boys were sent by Elias, ensuring the area is clean for when they eventually make their way to the meet up spot.
'Negative,' you respond, pulling your scope away from your face, 'clear,' you say, 'they're all hauled up at the camp the Walker boys are goin' to- that's my bet anyway,' you say, hooking your arm through the strap on your sniper, carefully making your way down from the tree.
Setting on a curve in the tree, you look down at the ground, shuffling off while keeping hold of a branch. With a grunt, you push yourself off of it, landing on the ground with ease.
'Stalker-Six, this is Viking Actual, we are en route to the target location, how copy?' you perk your ears up, while you busy yourself with grabbing your canteen off of your belt, frowning when you're greeted with a distinct lightness. During the walk up to the scope point, you're quite sure you were only sipping at it. 'We are en route to target location location, how copy?'
A step closer to getting Ajax back.
Hooking you canteen back onto your vest, you lift your head to see Keegan holding his own out to you, 'you drink like it's goin' out of fuckin' fashion, kid,' he remarks, letting go of it as you grab it out of his hands. Unscrewing the lid, he watches you, 'just don't finish it all; can't drink any of the water around here and we don't know how long they're going to be.'
'Solid copy, viking,' Merrick responds, 'be advised, recent reports indicate a lot of enemy movement in that area. We're on a schedule here, so get that intel and get out fast,' he continues. Both you and Keegan listen, and you take two sips of water from his canteen with his narrowed gaze on you before relenting, giving him the bottle back. 'See?'
'Roger that.'
'You're the one with an empty canteen, princess,' he answers, snatching it off of you, putting it back onto his belt. 'We best continue to move up from this position; we're too far out to meet them,' he says, looking to Merrick who hums, 'we're clear to proceed—'
He's crudely cut off by a distant rumble, the shudder resulting in the wind picking up pace, a crows cried out in the distance.
The collateral damage done to the world since ODIN was ripped from the States has been catastrophic, and every now and again, you observe your surroundings with a reservation set for when you make it back to the base; you don't have time to contemplate and wallow in your sorrows, rather, you simply have to get on with it, just as Keegan does as he opens his mouth to speak again.
'Whole place is gonna be swallowed soon,' he sighs, turning to look down the path.
Merrick proceeds forward without another word, intent on keeping on the schedule he has planned out since hearing word from Elias requesting you're there to meet the boys for the information.
Keegan takes a small step before stopping looking over his shoulder at you, 'c'mon, kid, burning daylight,' he says, motioning his head in the direction of Merrick who has already began to trail the path down, 'and water too,' he chuckles, picking up the pace.
It takes a moment to realise why he's suddenly hot on his feet, his sudden shift in mood causing your heart to murmur as you finally see some form of happiness on his face.
You're a second away from smiling at him, and then his comment strikes you like a blunt blade and you grumble out a curse, following after the two men with a huffing breath and curse
'Stalker Six, we got something here, looks like they're digging through some sort of wreckage.'
After a few minutes of silence and trivesing through the remains of the wild life in the rotting area, you're greeted with the voice of the same Walker boy who has been doing all the talking.
You're familiar with his name, Hesh. Although, as you're walking beside Keegan, you find the name of the other one escapes you. It doesn't help that he certainly is not one for words.
The comment he makes has all three of you sharing a look, unable to muster any form of response. Despite the urge to speak, you remain quiet, watching as Merrick's brow furrows, rubbing his masked mouth with his hand. 'What do you mean? What kind of wreckage?'
It could be anything and you've learned, over the years, that nothing should surprise you anymore. Hell, even if aliens greet the remnants of Earth tomorrow, you're convinced you'll barely bat an eye to it; it's simply just another day on the job.
'Not sure. It's guarded, but we're gonna push through.'
It's good to know the boys share the same determination as their father, though, the mysterious wreckage works to cause your brow to wrinkle as you contemplate what exactly they're up to now. 'Do they ever have a fuckin' off day?' you ask.
'Negative,' Merrick retorts, 'enemy always has to be doin' something, was the same in the Second World War and it's the same in this one too. You let the enemy loose for a moment of shut eye, they'll dig your grave and put you in it by the time you wake up again,' he continues, his tone gruff as you watch his back.
It's difficult to miss the gunshots the further the Walker boys push into No Man's Land, and you find your hand hovering about the pistol in your holster just to make sure nothing and no one will pounce on you.
While proceeding to the meet up spot, you busy yourself with the thought of Merrick's words, while keeping a watchful eye out for any signs of moment. Nothing is going to get past you, and if it does, you're thankful you have the watchful eye of Keegan located at your side.
It's difficult to even think of him never being as capable as he is today, and when you glance at him, you find your mind falling back to the night once again.
There's something in your chest that flutters at the thought of his care towards you from the night you met all away to right in this moment; Keegan always has your back.
And you always have his... only because of his training, of course.
He catches your look almost immediately and you catch his face shifting beneath his mask.
'What?' he asks, 'something on my face?' he asks, clearly amused.
You say nothing for a moment, looking in Merrick's direction to see the man is a fair distance away from the pair of you.
'You remember how we met, right?' you ask, to which he nods his head, keeping his eyes surveying the area. 'When we met, you said you were a shit shot and—'
You stop when you catch Merrick looking at Keegan with a raised eyebrow. Typically, the man kept his nose out of the conversations the pair of you have; there's nothing in there for him to really understand, only bothering to join the debate when it is of importance.
In fact, he remarked that, before meeting you, Keegan was quiet- and he still is, in your humble opinion, yet, apparently his short and witty replies to your comments render all the Ghosts shocked.
The pair of them share a look, and you catch it. It's subtle, you'll give them that, but it's notable enough for you to let out a short laugh.
'What?' you slowly say.
Keegan takes a breath, turning his attention to you. He's grinning beneath the mask.
'You wanna know the truth?' he asks.
Your eyes narrow.
'What truth?'
'I lied to you when we first met,' he says.
It's as though a bullet is fired into your stomach as you look at the man in front of you. He's unmoved by his confession, carrying on as though he has said nothing to you.
'You lied to me? About what?' you ask.
Maybe it was about the fact that he really wanted to take you under his wing, maybe he was full of shit about that- what if it was a funny dare or something? You'd take the pistol out of the holster and blow your brains out if such is the case.
His calmness is insulting as he looks at you.
'Saying I was a shit shot, I'm a liar,' he says, and despite the match, you can see him smiling under it, 'was one of the best in my squad, that's how I got the attention of Elias in the first place.'
'W- Why would you lie about that?' you ask.
Your entire life seems to be a lie in a moment of overdramatic reflection.
'Because you looked like you needed someone to relate to,' he shrugs, as though it's something that means little. 'I didn't want to make you feel like you had no one there,' he says, 'the people in the squad you were in when I met were unforgiving to you, kid; they expected perfection from the minute you joined and you were capable of that because you need help and—'
'I needed you,' you state, not caring for any excuse he'd muster up.
Beneath his mask, you note the smile on his face as he nods his head.
'You said it yourself,' he chuckles.
'Didn't think you'd risk your own price to do somethin' nice,' Merrick butts in, 'suppose you did the right thing though, got one of the strongest fighters on our squad through a lie.'
Your cheeks redden at the compliment and you rub your face with your gloved hand.
'Was all worth it in the end,' Keegan shrugs.
As you push forward, per the command of Merrick, your heartbeat is ringing in your ears- it's pathetic really; you feel like a fucking high schooler as your thoughts are swarmed with the very thought that, even upon meeting you, he cared enough about you to lie to you.
You know him well enough to know that despite his quiet nature in the face of opposition and those who he doesn't know, he's a prideful man and he takes pride in his work and abilities. His confidence, while at times annoying, is something you wouldn't change in the world. His confidence keeps you alive and his confidence is the very reason you're standing beside him and fighting beside him.
After a while of silence, you look at him and nudge him with your elbow.
'Thanks for lying to me,' you say.
'You're welcome,' he answers, looking at you, 'all you needed to have was a little bit a of help- somethin' they weren't ever going to give you.'
'Why did you even approach me in the first place?'
He turns away from you for a moment, sucking in a breath. That glowing confidence seems to disappear for a moment, but after a brief second of collecting himself, he turns back to you.
'I thought you were pretty.'
You're winded, and not by the walk.
'I was a crying, snotty mess,' you blurt out, to which he rolls his eyes.
'I'd seen you around the base, and you only started crying when I starting talking to you properly. But, even if you're a crying snotty mess or not, it doesn't matter to me, kid,' he says, 'you looked pretty.'
You bite your lip, turning away from him. Unfortunately, you lack what he has in abundance. He doesn't say anything further as the you proceed to the meeting spot, instead, he slips his hand into yours, tightly squeezing it.
It's short and brief as he soon lets go at the sound of a barking dogs, although, before the pair of you jump back into action, you both offer. each other a knowing look as you prepare to paint the world red; you know his eyes are on you.
We'll talk about this later.
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TAGS: (If you would like to be added to the tag list let me know!) @forever-twenty-two-years-old @iizx7y @phantomreadsandreblogs
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104 notes · View notes
vandal-flower · 6 months
Chapter 6 - Emperor and Heir
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Blue Roses with Gold Lining
With his majesty's goal in mind, you continue to work in the library. However Michael's meeting with her majesty and Aurora intoduces a requirement for both your plans to succeed.
W.C: 3.4 words. (I'm so proud.)
Warnings: Mentions of children, intimacy via touch, stories on infidelity, dialogue, implied kissing.
I.¹ - II.² - III.³- IV.⁴ - V.⁵
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"I want you to remain loyal to me Michael."
You gently rub his hand with your own. Silently pleading with him to fulfill your request. Your desire. In exchange of his loyalty, you'll make him an emperor. The mightiest known to man.
Michael's eyes look at you, and he then chuckles to himself. "What ever ploy you are trying to play is good, but not good enough. Consider your script rejected."
For a moment, his words caught you off guard, but you quickly compose yourself to snap back at him.
"Oh, your majesty, this isn't some ploy I'm playing just to get a head start in the competition. I mean it. Honest.", you calmly say, "Also, I don't always follow by a script, I prefer to improvise occasionally."
He gives you a look of uncertainty, unsure if what you are saying is really true.
"Your majesty, if you truly do lack faith in me, then please, do name one time that I, (Name), daughter of one of the Ministers of House Ludwig, has ever deceived you."
"Fair enough.", he replies. You possess a trait that not even his mother's court cannot get their hands on. Convincing. One could say you're manipulative to a degree.
On your first day at the palace, you were able to form a pact with him, and own your own terms and conditions. He will- he must help you in times of need. It's only fair.
You gently take his hand off your face. Had anyone seen you with the prince like this, you'll never hear the end of such gossip. The people residing in this palace have the largest ears and the loudest mouths known to man.
That is not to say that you don't enjoy such gossip while drinking your tea.
You quickly pick up the papers on the floor and hold them tightly to your chest. "Anyways in short, in order for you to become an emperor, you must help me into gaining some power in this place. Fair enough?", You explain.
"Alright then.", he mutters as he rakes his hand through his hair. You smile at how quickly he accepts your proposal, not questioning you or having any suspicions.
"Since you decided to take the initiative to approach 'Little Miss Pinkie' for me, smooth-talk your way into her confessing about her new accessories. Talk to other women too, just in case.", you remind him.
"Just in case of what?"
"Just in case, I don't get into trouble for falsely accusing someone.", you reason.
"I'm the daughter of a minister, not a princess like the others. The chances of me getting punished for minor things is higher compared to anyone in the place."
'Valid points.', he thinks. "Well then, I guess I must get to work then. I ask for a goodluck kiss before I go." , he says, as he points to his lips with his index finger.
The smirk on his face.
"No. It's unnecessary."
"I'm not leaving until you give me what I want."
You sigh in defeat. 'He's awfully stubborn for his age. It's almost concerning.', you think bringing his face closer to yours and gently plant your lips onto his, a peck on the cheek.
"Can I have one more?", he asks with a cheeky smile on his face.
"I recall that you asked for a kiss, not kisses Michael."
"Are harsh words really necessary whenever we converse alone?"
"Yes, now go do smooth talk your wives-to-be."
Before you walk out, he calls out to you. "And where will our secret meetings take place, if you want that plan of yours to succeed?"
"Meet me in the library, before evening. If you're unable to do that, I come see you myself. I hope you don't have any duties to attend at that time."
You walk out of the room and come face-to-face with Alexis. He stares at you for a moment, before giving you a look of distaste, and walking off to enter the room.
"Good afternoon, royal advisor Ness. I believe it is good courtesy to greet, don't you think so?", you turn to face him, just to see him halt his movements.
"You don't need my greetings, you are but filth in my eyes.", he snarls at you. You take notice at how dull his eyes are. You shrug it off, "Very well then. Good to know that is how you view me, dear sir. Anyway, may you enjoy your day."
You continue your way down the halls as he stands there, still in his position. You wonder to yourself if he acts like this to anyone, or just you. Either way, you couldn't care less.
Ness scoffs to himself before entering the room. 'Who does that woman think she is?', he thought to himself. He quickly puts a smile on his face for his majesty. It is protocol for royal advisors to look their best when presenting themselves to their master.
For him, it was his smile.
As soon as he entered, he saw his majesty smiling to himself. Ness wondered why. Was because his great majesty played mind games with you, like the other women or, was it because his majesty merely thinks you are a joke to him?
Michael calms himself as he notices Ness and stops smiling. Ness takes notice of this, but doesn't question it. "Your majesty, the queen has requested your presence at her chambers. She says it is something concerning your interactions with the participants.", he says.
"My interactions with the participants?", Michael questions. "Indeed your majesty.", Ness answers. "Though it is rude of me to make assumptions concerning this matter that does not need my input, however I think...", he takes a pause for a moment.
Michael's face hardens, "You think?". Ness takes a deep breath and looks away, "I think it is about future heirs, your majesty."
Michael's face becomes sour with the thought of future children. He didn't like them, but didn't hate them either. He just thought they were just...there.
It already didn't help that he has to choose a queen- empress suitable for him and his standards. But his mother was just piling more pressure onto him with the thought of children.
Though it is just as assumption made by his advisor, so there could be a chance that it could be false.
He straightens his posture, "Alright then, escort me to her." Ness smiles once again. "Of course your majesty.
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"So, my dearest Michael, it seems you have been doing quite well lately. Alexis informed me about your wellbeing before I requested your presence.", the queen says, placing her teacup on the saucer ontop of the table. She then rests her hands on her lap.
"Yes, mother. I hope you are also faring well.", Michael says, drinking his own cup of tea. His mother smiles, the crinckles under eyes show how sincere her emotion is. She really is doing well. "I have, no need to worry about your mother, after all I did want to talk about your interactions with the participants."
His jaw tightens, 'The issue can't be that important.'
"What about them, surely you aren't afraid one of the participants will drop out of the competition due to my 'intolerable behaviour?"
His mother chuckles to herself. "Of course not, it's just that I want to see how you have progressed." Michael raises an eyebrow. "And if you bedded any of the girls."
He pinches the bridge of his nose. 'Damn it, Ness was right.'
He remembers about how Ness would constantly be right on his assumptions. And this one was no different.
"Mother dearest, don't you think that this conversation is too early. We are only a few months in, and here you are talking about heirs already.", Michael explains. His mother gives him a serious look and sighs to herself.
"Michael, it's for the palace's sake. If any of those girls don't produce an heir suitable for the throne, the palace will fall into pieces.", she reasons. "This is the only way for you to become a true king."
"I don't want to become a king, mother.", Michael says.
His mother becomes stunned at his words, before she could say anything, he interrupts her.
"I want to become an emperor, the greatest one known to man."
She looks at him with a puzzled look before smiling. "Very well then, but in order to do that you must listen to what I have to say." She stands up and walks up to the prince.
"I want you to bed one of those fifteen girls. In order for you to become the greatest emperor, you must have a suitable heir."
She takes his hands into hers and gently squeezes them, silently pleading with him to listen to what she has said.
"If you don't know which one you should start with, I'll choose which one is best.", her words stern and her face serious. Michael lowers his head as an attempt to not look at his mother.
"Please my son, I'm only doing this for you. Don't become a disappointment, because I know only you can be the greatest."
Michael raises his head and looks at his mother's pleading eyes. "Yes mother, I hear you. I'll do what you have to say." His mother smiles and gently places a kiss on his cheek. "Thank you, my dearest."
Moments later, Michael excused himself to prepare himself to meet with one of the participants. As the door closes, the queen's most trusted servant, a middle-aged woman enters the room quietly.
"Sophia.", the queen called out to her servant. "Yes, your majesty."
"Monitor those girls for me. Bring me the ones that are most beautiful, and most importantly..."
"Suitable enough to produce an heir."
Sophia looked at the queen with surprise, "Your majesty, forgive me for asking but, isn't it too early for such things?"
The queen smiled at her servant, "I'm merely doing it for my son, he wishes to become an emperor. These girls didn't come here to just have the 'princess treatment' for free."
Her smile grew wider, "They have to work for it Sophia, and I'm making them work for it. Even if it means making them drop out of the competition."
Sophia titled her head to the side in confusion. "And what do you mean by that, your majesty?" The queen laughed to herself loudly, catching her servant off guard.
"You ask ridiculous questions, Sophia.", she answers. "I'll simply root them like the flowers in my garden. Once I see any of their petals wilt or slight change in their behaviour, I'll simply get rid of them."
"I only want flowers that are absolutely perfect for my son."
Sophia smiled to herself as she heard the queen's explanation. "Indeed your majesty, only the best is suitable for his majesty."
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In the garden, sat Michael and Aurora of the Palace of Cecil, infamous for her lavish lifestyle. She wore jewelry and a tight fitting dress, intended to show her curves as an attempt to seduce the prince.
"Your majesty, it's a great honor to be in your presence once again. I had thought I would never had the opportunity to see you again, but you managed to lift my hopes.", she looked at him with an adoring look. Michael smiled at the praise he was given.
"Of course my dear, I would never leave you all alone by yourself.", Michael starts. "I missed you with all my heart, my dearest.", he gently rubs her cheek, causing her cheeks to become a tint of pink.
She giggles at the attention given to her. "You know how to make a princess swoon for you, your majesty!", she says with excitement. Michael smiles to himself.
Aurora twirls a piece of her hair,"So if I may ask your majesty, where is Alexis? It's strange not seeing him with you.", she looks over to him with a pout. He is surprised but questions her,"Why would you want to know?"
Aurora giggles in response, unaware this irritated the prince. He noticed this was a habit of hers, to annoyingly giggle at an inquiry she wishes not answer.
"Anyways.", the prince starts,"I would like to ask where you get such beautiful dresses and accessories. I believe they greatly suit you."
Michael gives her a gentle smile, waiting for her to answer and potentially give up some information concerning the suspicious increase of taxes.
"Oh these, they're just some gifts my parents sent from home. I hope one of these days we could visit my homeland.", she says. Her smile falters a bit.
He smiles.
"So, if I may ask, what were you doing when I wasn't around?" Aurora giggled nervously, fidgeting with her hands. "I was...well. I was thinking about you, your majesty."
Michael looks at her with disappointment. "Aurora, do you recall the words I told the participants those few months ago?" She hesitantly nods. "You do know I refer to you as well." His tone becoming darker with every word he spoke.
"I instructed you to either show me your affections, or become someone of great use to me. And yet..."
"You decide not to pick any one of the options I gave you. You decided to waste my time."
She stands up in shock at his words, her nails stinging her palm. "How could you think of me that way?!"
She stared at the prince with anger, before realizing what she has done and sitting herself back down. She yelled at the prince. She caused a scene. If anyone were to see what had happened, rumors would spread like wildfire.
Suddenly, she puts a gentle smile on her face. "Forgive me your majesty for my outburst, I didn't know how to react when you said such hurtful words to me." She pouts as a way to soften his heart, but unknowingly fails to do so.
Michael quirks a brow at her act, but decides to brush it off and forgive her, reluctantly. Her pout is replaced with a smile as she fixes her dress and her hair.
With him reaching a near dead end, Michael decides to make a final move.
"Why don't you come to my chambers, alone."
Aurora is shocked at the invitation and deducts that not only could this be a great opportunity to surpass her competitors, but also as a way to gain an advantage of potentially producing an heir before anyone else.
"I would love to, your majesty.", as she reached her hand out for him to escort her, personally.
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You awaken from your nap in the library, you then stretch your arms before folding them. Your eyes slowly adjust to your surroundings, looking at the wooden shelves filled with books from top to bottom.
'I've never seen Michael read a book ever since I came here.', you wonder. It's a mystery to you on why this place has a whole library, but you have seen no one enter the place.
Other than the maids coming to dust the area thoroughly, but that doesn't matter. You should focus on more important things. For instance, where is Michael?
You take a look at the sky through the window. It's past evening. The two of you were supposed to meet before then. You blame yourself for dozing off, when trying to learn about the royal etiquette. The book you read was big enough to be used as a murder weapon.
You hastily walk out of the library, to go meet with him. 'He probably did this on purpose, making me work like a mad woman. Though it is my fault for not keeping track of time.'
When you reach the doors to his chambers, you knock on the door to check if he's available.
You hear a few whispers, not audible enough for you to make out what their saying. "Enter.", but you hear someone whisper to someone, to not let you enter.
Taking in a deep breath, you enter.
The scene before you was Michael and Aurora holding each other in their arms. Her palms resting on his chest and his hands on the sides of her hips.
They both look disheveled. You saw smudges of pink lipstick trailing from his lips to his neck and his collar unbuttoned and wrinkled, while her sleeves lower than they were before.
The smile on Michael's face was mocking and the flushed cheeks of Aurora was almost identical to her hair. As well as the pink smudged lipstick on her lips.
To witness such a thing before you. It hurts. You've read stories on women who've caught their husband in the act of an affair, but acted as if it never happened.
You've eavesdropped on your mother and the other ministers' wives conversations a few times before. According to your mother, one woman found her husband in bed with another, but only asked for what he wanted for dinner.
It's quite devastating when you think about it. But that doesn't matter. You're dealing with a prince who's love and affections could be given to all, but is not truly genuine.
You should care less.
"I sincerely apologize for interrupting your time with his majesty, however I am need of his assistance." Aurora gave you look of disdain, upset about how you barged into the room of them cuddling together.
The nonchalance in your voice does not help either.
"What is that you need his majesty's assistance with, you can clearly see that I'm still having my time with him.", she breaks away from his hold and stands in front of you.
"I can understand why you are upset about me barging in, however his majesty has a meeting with me. So, please excuse us."
You gestured to Michael so the both you could go, and he nods.
"Lady (Name) is right, you should get going. You've spent more than enough time with me.", he takes a napkin out of his pocket and wipes his face. "We'll continue this later."
"But your majesty-"
"Get going now, or are you incapable of escorting yourself out?"
With no other option, Aurora leaves, but with a sour look on her face directed to you. You could almost see tears coming from her eyes, you almost felt bad for her.
Key word, almost.
You waited to hear the sound of her footsteps to diminish. You sigh to yourself and look over to Michael. The smile on his face.
"So, did you get anything from her?", you started. He looked at you, fixing his collar and wiping the lipstick stains.
"Why, but of course. At first, she claimed her parents sent her gifts, but with a kiss or two, she confessed to the tax increase."
"Did she ever explain why she did all this?"
He gave you a side eye before continuing , "Apparently to gain more of my attention, it's a habit of hers to seek the attention of every person around her. Friend or foe."
He chuckled at the look on your face. You were...disappointment. The sympathy you had for her died when you heard the reason why of the sudden tax increase.
"How did she manage to do this? Surely, she couldn't have done it by herself.", you questioned.
"She asked her majesty. My mother."
Pardon. He saw how confused you are, with your mouth agape and your brows raised.
"I suspect my mother has given her permission to do whatever she wants in order to get my attention.", he says.
"Wouldn't that be an unfair advantage, what about the rest of participants?", you were confused. Did her majesty really not care of what the public thought of her?
"It would only be unfair if I fell for it, after all I'm not all that interested with anyone at the moment.", he smiled mischievously.
For some odd reason, you were relieved when he said those words. "Why are you so relieved at this fact? I thought you already knew I'm not interested into such women.", he started.
You shot him an irritated look, "Then do explain the lively scene I saw moments before. Was it to rile her on, to play with her, to bed her, your majesty?"
He stated clapping at you, as if saying 'Precisely the point.' To say it felt humiliating would be an understatement. But you didn't know why.
You took a deep breath.
"Would it be wrong for I to assume that her majesty, requested an heir from you?"
His form became still as if he had been turned to stone. "If that is the case then..."
You straightened your posture.
"Would you do the honor, of making me the first woman to carry your child."
In order for Michael Kaiser to become an emperor, he needs to have heir.
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@lightoftheamethyst , @kimura-uzuri , @kascar-chronicle , @faaariiii-world , @comet-kun , @nerdiel-has-no-braincells , @ariachaos , @kaisers-wife , @v1viarisu , @sleepyharuu , @izayumi-chan , @tamashiiraiden.
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mummybear · 1 year
My Brother's Best Friend - Chapter One - Unexpected Night
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Words: 4079
Warnings: Swearing, Dirty Talk, Attempted Assault (Implied Sexual), Possessive Stiles, Protective Stiles, Grinding, Talk Of Marking, Protective Scott. Think that's it.
Characters: Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Reader/Sadie McCall, Lydia Martin, Liam Dunbar, Allison Argent, Travis(OC)
Summary: Stiles Stilinski has always been your weakness, but since he was your brother's best friend you'd stayed away. When Stiles comes back to Beacon Hills fresh from his time in the FBI Academy something is very different about the boy you once knew.
A/N So hey guys! I know it's been a while hopefully this is the start of me getting back into my writing! We shall see. I really hope you guys enjoy this, any feedback is encouraged as always, and please let me know if you would like a tag as I update.
Chapter 1 - Unexpected Night
I can’t believe this goddamn party is still going on. I am far too drunk right now, I just want to  sleep. However, as usual, my dumbass brother is too busy making out with his girlfriend. Don’t get me wrong, Allison is amazing, and I’m so happy for them. They had realised that they belonged together not long ago, after years of dating something happened. Scott didn’t explain it further than saying it was a wolf thing, that apparently I wouldn’t understand. 
Mom always tells me never to go home by myself, however, right now I’m seriously considering it. I don’t even know why I came here tonight. It was stupid, they’re all his friends anyway, the great Scott McCall, I’m pretty sure people forget that I even exist. Not that I have any ill feelings towards him, he’s my brother, yes he might be a giant pain in the ass but all he’s ever done is protect me and look out for me.
If I’m honest with myself, I do know why I came here tonight, Stiles is here. He’s finally back from his FBI training, I hadn’t asked Scott too much about the situation, or how long he was back for. In fact I hadn’t even seen him yet. 
Yes it’s one giant cliche. I have the world's biggest crush on my big brother’s best and oldest friend. I think I have since I was ten and Stiles was fourteen, I’ve been following them around for the better part of ten years. Before that I’d avoided them as much as possible. Then one day everything changed, as soon as I started hanging out with Scott and his friends, I finally felt like I fit in. I’m not sure what changed exactly, but whatever it was made it easier for me to become part of their group. Scott’s probably everything a big brother should be, and I know if he knew what I felt for Stiles he’d try and talk to me about it. Probably try and make me see what I’m already afraid of, that Stiles and I wouldn’t work. 
Not really sure why I’m having these thoughts, probably has something to do with the fact that I’m drunk off my ass, in this random ass house. And while it may not be the best time for it, when I’ve been drinking my mind tends to wander. 
After finally traipsing my way upstairs I find a bedroom, one that doesn’t really appear to belong to anyone, at least not permanently. Maybe it’s a spare room? People still have those, right? I close the door softly behind me. I’m unable to find a lock for the door, so I opt to just lay down for a minute or two, just to rest my eyes. I quickly climb up onto the bed and as soon as my head hits the pillow I let out a sigh of relief, finally giving in. I close my eyes, hoping that both the room and my head will stop spinning at some point soon. I can hear some kind of arguing going on behind the door, but I can’t bring myself to open my eyes, it feels like they’re being weighed down, I hadn’t had a drink in such a long time, but I don’t remember it ever hitting me like this before.
Suddenly there’s the sound of the door crashing open, as it bounces hard against the wall, before it slams closed again. I wince, feeling a throbbing in my head suddenly and manage to wrench my eyes open. However, they snap all the way open in fear as soon as I register the big body standing in the corner of the room. I can feel eyes on me as a tense silence settles over the room. Clearly he knows I’m awake, but he’s yet to make a move. 
A sudden sickness overtakes me, when I hear Stiles on the other side of the door, quieter, but still audible, shouting my name, or his nickname for me. Mini or Mini McCall was the go to name for me among most of Scott’s friends. He sounds worried as he calls for me, and my head is so foggy that I can’t concentrate on anything, I can’t even tell if I’m imagining Stiles calling for me, why would he want to find me? He hadn’t so much as texted me since he’d been home, much less tried to see me or speak to me in person. It was strange, almost like he was avoiding me, even Stiles’s dad hadn’t seen him yet.
I clear my throat, testing out if I can speak or not, but the nerves are clear in my every word. “W-Who are you?” I manage to stutter out, my throat a little sore and my voice a bit hoarse. 
“Don’t you worry about it, Doll. Just close your eyes, don’t worry about anything, I'll take real good care of you. Go back to sleep,” there’s a clear threat in that deep voice, one that makes me shudder. 
I quickly sit up, doing my best to ignore the way the entire room blurs and moves once again. As I try to back myself into a corner, trying to make myself as small as possible. I know it’s stupid, but I also know I don’t stand a chance in hell of standing up right now, I’m scared and drunk off my ass, feeling like a fucking idiot for isolating myself in a freaking bedroom of all places, I should’ve just found Scott, or even Lydia.
He smirks at me as starts to walk closer and I can finally see his face. I don’t recognise him, but that isn’t really a shock, he’s definitely older than me, not sure if he’s older than my brother though. A sickness coats my throat just seeing the look on his face, the sick twisted grin. The door hasn’t stopped rattling since he stepped inside, so I keep my gaze fastened to it. 
I’m hoping for a miracle, however unlikely it might be. He closes in on me until I can no longer see the door behind him, because this guy's huge hulking frame is blocking my view of anything but him. On instinct I close my eyes and hold my legs tighter, and I finally let out a scream.
“Stiles!” The scream sounds helpless and terrified as it’s ripped from somewhere deep within me, which makes complete sense, given the current circumstances.
He reaches for me, I can feel his large moist palm as he grips my knee squeezing roughly, trying to pry my legs down or apart, with enough force to leave a bruise. But before he can get too far, the door smashes open against the wall once more, revealing a much more welcome intruder. My heart thuds even harder in my chest, because the guy releases me in surprise and whirls around on my saviour. 
I see him then, Stiles Stilinski in the flesh. And what flesh it is, he’s put on muscle lately. Muscle that could rival even that of my big brother, the true Alpha. But this guy is huge and I can see Stiles gulp from across the room, but his eyes harden as the flick between me and the guy who still has his hand firmly gripping my knee.
“Get your filthy fucking hands off of her!” Stiles shouts, taking another step into the room.
“Nah. Not gonna happen.” The guy states with a slimy grin, as his eyes slide over me, making me wish I was anywhere else.
“I said get the fuck away from her. What the hell is wrong with you?!” Stiles growls, stepping closer to this giant of a man. But I can only watch from where I sit, still paralysed with fear.
“Get over yourself, Stilinski, we were just gonna have a little fun. Stop being so hard up, go find your own pussy. This one's mine tonight, maybe I’ll let you have a go tomorrow. After I’ve used her up, such a pretty little body, bet she’s gonna feel real fuckin’ good.”
The words almost make me throw up, but my tongue feels swollen and I can speak. My eyes lock with Stiles for the first time in years as a tear slides down my cheek. 
“I’ll make you fucking eat those words, Travis. The only thing you’re about to feel is my fist,” Stiles snarls, “take your fucking hands off of her.”
“Whose makin’ me? Your pansy ass?” Travis laughs, removing his hands and taking a few steps closer to Travis.
Suddenly those deep brown eyes draw me in like never before and my heart stills in my chest. This is the first time I’ve seen him in a few months. The FBI program has kept him so busy lately that we haven’t seen much of him. But still, I could swear there’s something a little different about him, other than his size, but there’s definitely something different about his eyes, something that I can’t quite place.
I can’t tear my gaze away, instead they fall to his lips and I shift uncomfortably where I sit, suddenly a growl tears through the room. My eyes widen and I look to the doorway behind Stiles, expecting to see my brother, but he isn’t there. I swallow thickly as my eyes automatically snap back to Stiles, and I see it, the flaring of his nostrils, the way his eyes are focused entirely on me, then I realise the sound could only have come from him. But he doesn’t share the same wolf affliction that my brother has, at least, not that I know of. How much has changed since I last saw him! 
Stiles steps closer, body tense and unflinching. All traces of fear have disappeared from his face. Now he just looks furious, more so than anyone I’ve ever seen before. 
“Mate.” Stiles snarls, shoving the guy as soon as he’s close enough, and to my utter shock and surprise the guy slams back into the wall with a crash, leaving behind an imprint of his giant body as he slides down the wall with a groan. Everything happens so fast, I don’t have time to analyse what the hell Stiles meant when he’d growled that one word. But I can’t help but shudder with excitement at the way my body responded.
Suddenly, I hear footsteps hammering up the stairs, and before I know it Scott has Stiles pinned against him, as Liam all but wrestles the other guy from the room. 
“Stiles, you need to calm down, breathe buddy. ” Scott instructs calmly, his deep red Alpha eyes flaring to life, like they would when he’s trying to calm the other members of his pack. Something flits across my brother’s face as he relaxes his grip a little. Whatever it is, seems to register with Stiles that other than my brother we’re alone in the room and safe once again.
His body goes completely lax and Scott releases the tight band he’d been holding around his best friend. I can’t help but stare as Stiles staggers towards me. Safe to say I’ve sobered up in the last five minutes.
“Can one of you tell me what the hell just happened here?” Scott asks carefully, but I can’t take my eyes off of Stiles.
“Just give us a minute, Scott. I, um, I think I should talk to Stiles.” 
I hear my brother huff out a breath before he leaves, closing the door quietly behind him.
“I’ll be back in ten if you’re not downstairs before then, we’re going home.” He calls through the door. Then the door opens again and Scott smiles at us both, “oh and thanks for having my sister's back, buddy.”
Stiles turns towards the doorway with a slight smile as his eyes lock on his Alpha, “Always, Scotty, you know that. We won’t be long.”
I finally let myself relax a little when the door closes. Stiles crawls on the bed and sits in front of me. He rests his hand over the reddened skin on my knee, and lets out another quieter growl. “I’m gonna fucking kill him. He won’t ever touch anyone ever again.” 
“Hey, I’m okay,” I whisper, resting my hand on top of his, “you saved me.” 
He runs a shaking hand through his thick hair and his eyes lock with mine once more.
“I should’ve been here. I’m supposed to protect you, I’m so fucking sorry, Mini. If that sick fuck had touched you…” He sounds so defeated and my heart squeezes at his words.
“You got here in time, you’ve always had my back. This time wasn’t any different, except maybe that,” you giggle slightly, as you nod toward the dent in the wall.
He shifts closer to me and drops his forehead against mine, letting out a contented sigh. I let my eyes slip closed for a second. For once I give myself the freedom to enjoy the closeness, I open my eyes again and those gorgeous chocolate brown eyes are focused on mine. I lick my lips and feel the shuddered breath that escapes his lips. 
Ever so gently he reaches out and his thumb brushes my bottom lip. 
“You’re so fucking beatiful. Please tell me you feel this, Mini, because you smell so damn good, I don’t know If I’m strong enough to stay away.” 
I swallow thickly as his nose nudges mine gently, my entire body practically vibrating with need. 
“Y-Yeah, I feel it,” I reply quietly, scared that if I talk too loud this dream will end, I don’t dare to tell him just how long I’ve felt these things though.
“Then we should probably talk. Because I need to tell you some things before this goes any further,” he replies, voice hoarse and strained, like it’s painful for him to speak these words. But then he goes to pull away and all my instincts go into overdrive, and I finally give in to what I want, I clamp onto him and don’t let go.
Nor do I fight the need to keep him close to me. Right where he belongs. My fingers push into his thick hair and I gently tug him back towards me, just those last few millimetres. Until his lips brush mine ever so briefly. He doesn’t even try to fight me, and I can feel the shudder that runs through his entire body when I push him back and straddle his lap, wrapping my legs around his waist. I think there’s some kind of trick of the lights because I could swear there’s this purple glow in his eyes for a few seconds before they settle back on brown. But I push the thought  away for now, and press myself a little closer. So that every part of our bodies is connected.
“Tell me later, please Stiles, I need this.” I hope I don’t sound as desperate as I feel, Stiles doesn’t move, but I hear how hard he swallows, almost like a gulp as he lets his eyes slip closed. Following his lead I let my own eyes close when his hand cups my cheek, the other hand slips somewhere much less innocent. When he cups my ass his long fingers curl and he squeezes slightly, letting out a groan of pleasure when I grind down against the obvious hardness pressing against me.
Suddenly his lips are on mine, insistent and urgent, and it feels like all the air has been sucked out of the room. Our lips are in perfect sync, and a shudder rolls through me when his tongue nudges my lips, seeking permission that I happily and easily grant. I’m rocking my hips in a steady rhythm now, and the kiss grows deeper, his fingers dig harder into my skin as he urges me to keep moving. 
Holding me as close as he physically can against his body, Stiles sits up, turning us so that my back hits the mattress and he’s hovering above me. He breaks our kiss and I gasp for breath as he drags his lips across my cheek and down into the crease of my neck. He groans as he inhales deeply, “smell so good. My mate. Just wanna mark you up, make you mine the right way.” His voice vibrates against my skin and I shiver as he laps at the soft skin of my neck.
Confusion sweeps through my lust-addled brain at his wording. 
“What do you mean?” I ask breathlessly, more confused about his words than I’d care to admit.
Pulling back to meet my eyes he smiles, and ducks his head looking a little more like the Stiles I remember. I cup his cheek gently, urging him to look at me again.
“This is why I said we should talk. I can’t do what I need to. Not without you knowing what you’re letting yourself in for. I’m not the same man I was the last time I saw you, something happened, I just…I don’t know how to begin to explain this.”
It hurts me that he sounds so defeated already, almost like he’s worried about what he has to tell me.
“Don’t you know by now, nothing you tell me will change how I see you,” I tell him honestly, pulling him closer so his body is pressed against mine, and he finally lets some of his weight rest on me.
“I wanna believe you, but I’m scared. This is huge, and I can’t let anyone down, but especially you, I can’t lose you. Especially not now I know what you are to me, not now I’m so close.” 
Before I can ask what he means there’s a hesitant knock on the door, before it slowly creaks open. Liam stands there, watching us sheepishly for a few seconds before Stiles growls at him, I can’t help but frown as I look up at my protector. But then I see it again, the purple in his eyes. 
The gasp falls from my lips unintentionally and as soon as it does Stiles snaps his gaze towards me. Closing his eyes, he takes a deep breath, his fingers tightening their hold on me and I can only stare up at him. 
“Liam, get the fuck out. Now!” Stiles snarls.
“But, Scott said…” 
Stiles is off the bed before I can react, when I do finally open my eyes I can’t believe what I’m seeing. Stiles has Liam pinned to the wall by his throat. And Liam is trying to get free, but he’s stuck fast. I can’t help but wonder, how the hell is that possible! 
Mouth agape I watch as my brother’s Beta looks over at me, “little help here, mini. Calm your man down, please.” 
My man? I inwardly ask myself, we’ve fooled around for all of 5 minutes and suddenly he’s mine. While I can’t fight the pleasure at hearing those words, I also can’t help but fight the confusion, maybe he wants me to calm Stiles down so he doesn’t have to hurt him. 
“What do you want me to do?” I ask nervously, looking between the two of them.
Stiles gives a final squeeze before dropping Liam and racing to me, covering me with his body. 
“Don’t you dare fucking look at her!” Stiles snarls, his arms shaking as he holds himself above me. “Tell Scott we’re coming and leave now!” Stiles warns in a low commanding voice that sends shivers racing across my body as he carefully tugs my skirt back into place. 
I can’t deny the pulse between my thighs, even as I clamp them shut, and the whimper that falls from my lips causes Stiles to stiffen. Before he’s off the bed, practically throwing Liam further down the hallway when he doesn’t move by himself, slamming the door behind him. Before he turns back to me. 
“God, please tell me you know what you just said,” Stiles rasps as he pulls me up off the bed and hauls me against his hard body.
“I don’t… what do you mean?” I ask, frowning in confusion, as I try to search his eyes for an answer. I hadn’t said anything… had I?
Stiles whimpers like those words cause him some kind of pain. He shakes his head, running his fingers through the thick mass of hair before tugging at it harshly. I want to comfort him but I don’t know how. Hell I don’t have a clue what the fuck is happening right now.
“We can’t do this. Not right now.” His words sound harsh and bitter, no matter how softly he speaks them.
I stumble away from him, confusion and hurt lancing through me like an actual weapon. I know there’s a reason for this, but it doesn’t hurt any less, doesn’t feel any less like rejection either. Tears fill my eyes, it’s irrational and I don’t feel even remotely in control of my emotions right now, but I can’t stop it, maybe i’m still drunk. Though it doesn’t feel like that’s it. Stiles steps towards me again and I step back, “no, no. Please, Sadie, I want to. But not until you know everything! I swear to you, whatever you’re thinking, we can talk about it. Please, Mini, just trust me.” 
Hearing my real name on his lips is so strange, but I can’t deny that I really like hearing him say it.
I feel myself giving in, because as much as it hurts to have him turn me down, he's still one of the best people in my life. And despite myself, I’ve been in love with this pain in the ass longer than I can even remember, he’s yet to let me down in a real way. Letting out a sigh, I know it’s best to give him the chance to explain.
“Fine. Then let’s talk.” 
He swallows thickly, as I watch him carefully. Pretty sure I’m not going to like the next thing that comes out of his mouth. He looks nervous and twitchy.
He winces before he even speaks, “I’m sorry. But not here, let’s go home, there’s too many ears here. I swear I’ll tell you everything as soon as we’re safe,” he all but begs, holding out his hand for me.
Pushing away any and all doubts, I take his hand. Watching as he visibly relaxes and pulls me closer to him.
“Thank you, I promise, I’ll make this up to you,” he whispers before pressing a kiss to my inner wrist. Yet another shiver ripples through my body at the contact that I can’t control. 
He keeps me tucked into his side as we leave the room, careful to touch as few people as possible while we walk. When we finally make it outside, Scott’s waiting with the rest of the pack. Stiles looks reluctant to get in the car, judging by the way Liam forces his body closer to the opposite door Stiles’ look had been less than friendly. 
He slips inside and I can’t help but squeak in surprise as he hauls me inside with him, not into my own seat but so that my back is tightly pressed against his front, and his arms band protectively around my waist. 
“Dude. Come on! Not in my car, she’s still my little sister. Damn,” Scott groans, locking eyes with Stiles in the rear view mirror.
Stiles seems to consider his words before he reluctantly relents, moving to the middle seat before he gently eases me into the seat as far away from Liam as humanly possible. Keeping a hand firmly planted on my thigh, huffing like a petulant child, I can’t help but giggle. It’s almost like he can’t stop himself from touching me. His long fingers tightly curl around my leg, almost like he’s afraid someone will take me from him if he lets go. Taking a deep breath I tentatively slip my fingers between the gaps in his, gently squeezing them, hoping to offer even a little comfort, those big brown eyes jump to mine and he visibly relaxes into the seat.
I look up and catch my brother’s eyes. I can’t work out the look on his face, for the first time since we were kids, I can’t tell what he’s thinking and for some reason that only makes me even more anxious.
Tags: @julzdec @lettersofwrittencollective @mogaruke @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @lilulo-12fanfiction @charmed-asylum @defenderrosetyler @foxyjwls007 @mylovelydame21 @akshi8278 @stylesismyhubs @peachyyybabyy @fantasy-myth1 @coffeebooksandfandom @magssteenkamp @screamxqueenx94 @brien-odylan @riseandshinelittleblossom @ceceliaking-18 @mrs-mitch-rapp93 @missindecision @chewie-redbird
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haihaihaitani · 1 year
Don't Be Scared ~ *Rindou Haitani*
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Summary: It seems Rindou’s colleagues don’t respect you as they go out of their way to make you miserable. But you would never tell Rin this. You’re stronger than that, right?
Pairing: Rindou Haitani X G/N!Reader
Genre: Angstyish Drabble
Word Count: 686
Warning: swearing, anxiety attack, insecurities. Rindou being OOC (but I need him to be this way), hating the nickname baby (seriously I could rant about how much I hate being called this, but I think I summed it up pretty well in this)
A/N: I wrote this as a sort of therapy piece. Two things mentioned in this story are insecurities of mine. And sometimes I just imagine a lovely anime boy telling me he’s going to protect me. So yeah. Very self-indulgent. 
A/N 2: Also my dad had piranhas. That’s why they’re here.
You were officially having the worst day ever. Currently, you were curled up in the far corner of your husband’s office, behind his couch. You were squeezed into a tight ball, shaking and crying like a child. All because you were embarrassed in front of your husband’s coworkers.
Honestly, you couldn’t remember who it was who did it and you frankly didn’t care. You could still remember what he did clearly, even though it happened over an hour ago. You don’t think you were ever going to forget.
You were on your way to your husband’s office with some important paperwork when some guy jumped out and scared you. You hated jumpscares because you always felt stupid afterwards. However, after he jumped out, you tripped over your own feet and fell on your ass.
While you were trying to fight back your heavy breathing and tears, the guy laughed and said, “Ha! Gotcha, you whore.”
You were frozen.
A whore? Is that what these people thought of you? You thought…
You shook your head. It didn’t matter what you thought anymore. What mattered is that no one here respected you. Maybe your own husband didn’t respect you like you thought. You just wanted to disappear and believe none of this ever happened. That when you close your eyes, count to three, and open them, you’d be home again.
The door to the office opened. You heard Rindou call out to you, “Baby? Are you here? Ran said he saw you run in here.”
Baby. You were right. Your own husband didn’t even respect you to see you as anything more than a child. Were you being dramatic? Sure. But you still felt justified in being a little extreme considering the humiliation you were subjected to.
“Babe?” Rindou’s voice was much closer to you now and you felt his shoulder brush against yours. You squeezed yourself into a tighter ball to get away from him. “Hey. What’s wrong?”
“Nothing. Go away.”
“I’m not going anywhere until you tell me. Something is bothering you and I will do whatever I can to make it right.”
“No! It’s embarrassing and I just want to crawl into a hole and die!”
You weakly struggled against him when he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into his lap. “Love, please. Let me help you.”
Taking a few breaths to try and calm yourself, you told him. You recounted the mortifying ordeal with the jumpscare and how he called you a whore. You then let your insecurities spill, how you were so stupid that you could handle a bloody massacre but couldn’t watch a horror movie. You mentioned that you didn’t think anyone respected you, much less like you and you wished you weren’t so dramatic, but explained that these were the thoughts and feelings you were having.
When you were done, Rindou didn’t say anything for a long time. You were about to ask him to say something when he whispered, “I’ll kill him.”
“I’ll fucking kill him. I’ll gut him like a fish and feed him to your piranhas for making you feel this way.” He snapped, his voice cold and deadly.
You shook your head and burrowed yourself into his chest. “Don’t do that. You’ll make yourself work more for something those fish won’t eat.”
He gave a slight chuckle but pulled you in closer. “I’m glad you’re making jokes but I’m furious someone would make you doubt yourself like that. You are not a baby and you are not a whore. I love you so much, I married you. If you want, I’ll stop calling you baby. I call you whatever you want. But you have to know that I have never thought less of you and I never will. You are the love of my life and I will never, ever stop loving you, okay?”
You nodded. “Can we go home?”
Rindou kissed the top of your head. “Of course, my love. Right after I call Ran, okay? I have to order a hit.”
“Tell him to be slow and painful.”
“Anything for you.”
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