#human children
sparkylurkdragon · 4 months
The other day I was at the retail job, and a little girl was Very Curious about my cane! She asked what it was, and I explained to her that it was to help me walk because I got sick. When her mom noticed her touching my cane, she said, quite gently but firmly, "No no. Don't touch [their] cane. Remember, it's like touching [their] actual body."
I did not actually mind it much because Little Kids Being Curious, but it was very good parenting, I thought, and I thanked the mother.
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7rashstar · 1 year
my fam is dog sitting creepy for me rn because i’m exhausted and the alone time has been absolutely wonderful but also i miss him soo so much. he’s coming home saturday night which seems so far away and also way too soon tbh lol
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crow-caller · 25 days
as a child there's nothing cooler than a kid who gets subjected to evil experiments and gains special abilities. it's even cooler if these abilities also cause unfathomable suffering to use/against others. children love stories like this.
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anymouslydone · 7 months
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intersectionalpraxis · 4 months
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"Gaza now has the largest population of child amputees in the world." [@/abrahammatar on X. June 5th, 2024.]
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notyourtoday · 10 months
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tomi4i · 6 months
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astraystayyh · 8 months
this post actually broke my heart.
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aichabouchareb · 8 months
Did you see the video where Israeli soldiers dressed up like Muslim women and doctors and stormed the hospital in the West Bank and assassinated 3 young Palestinians?⁣
Did you see the bloody pillow with the bullet hole in it?⁣
This video was taken just one day before Israel literally shot him in the face in his bed. ⁣
Just when you think they can’t get any lower, they do. I don’t care what lies they tell about this child, it is illegal EVERYWHERE to do what they did. ⁣
This kid had nothing to do with October 7th. And anything else he did, you simply aren’t allowed to go into a hospital and murder a paralyzed child. ⁣
It’s CRAZY that we even have to say this. ⁣
And the White House actually defended this today, but it was before this video was released. ⁣
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lesbianfiddleford · 3 months
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violottie · 5 months
...i begging yall do not get desensitised to reading these. this is horrific. this is evil. children... were shredded... SHREDDED. do you understand what that means? do you get how evil someone has to be to do that to another person? can you process that sheer malevolence and wickedness it would take to do that??!! to a child?!?!!!
"Al Jazeera's Hani Mahmoud from Rafah, southern Gaza: About seven people, a mother and her children were killed earlier today. We’ve seen video from the hospital where their bodies were taken. The children’s bodies arrived in plastic bags. They were shredded in the air strike on the home. The only survivor of the attack is the father. ⁠
"This pattern of killing entire families is nothing new after nearly seven months of war. Entire families have been obliterated in Israeli air strikes. Just in the past 30 minutes, there was a strike at the Nuseirat refugee camp in central Gaza. We’re trying to get more updates on that attack." from Al Jazeera English, 03/May/2024:
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bohemiandeer · 6 months
You know what hits me hard? When 5 to 6 year old children, all the way in Southeast Asia, knows about what's happening in Palestine right now. That children their age is getting bombed, that they're starving to death, that they're getting shot at, and sniped in the head. Because, just this past 2 or so months, I heard some of the little ones in the Kindergarten classes I'm TAing in as an Intern talk about it. Hell, one of the little boys downright said he didn't like Israel, because Israel is bad, because they do scary things. Another was questioning whether Palestine was bad too, because, "why else would they shooting at them?". A little girl in one of my classes doesn't want to finish her food at all, because she wants to save at least half her meat and rice for kids in Palestine, because she heard that, they don't have food. And that's just the ones I remember. Namely the inciting cases before their classmates slowly follow suit. The littles are fricking SCARED. We had to sit these kids down, and tell them that the topic is too mature for them at the moment, that they shouldn't even be concerned because they're KINDERGARTNERS, they're not even old enough to properly understand. The one teacher I was TAing for had to make a class announcement saying that. What gets me is, these are 5 to 6 year olds, the youngest I've worked with in this specific age group is 4. 5 years old on average, and they've already been exposed to the worst horrors genocide has to offer through the news and snippets of conversation among adults and hell, considering how many of them say they like to play games on Mama's phone, or their IPad, even from fricking social media. And the fact that, these literal babies, from all the way in Cambodia, has more empathy in their entire body and soul, than full grown fricking adults have in the nail of their pinky finger, gets me. FFS we as adults could LEARN from them I feel sometimes. I honestly don't know what to feel about it anymore. On the one hand, this is the next generation I'm working with. And if the next generation's default response to a tragedy such as Palestine, is what I've seen come up on occasion so far? Perhaps there's some bloody hope for this world after all. At least in this country. Especially since a majority of them already come from families who survived a genocide. These are the 3rd - 4th generation descendants of those who survived the Khmer Rouge. They've got grandparents at home, who no doubt are more than intimately familiar with what Palestine is going through right now. And it shows.
But on the other, it makes my heart sink because these are CHILDREN, these are LITTLE KIDS, they should be playing with their toys and watching cartoons and talking to their friends about everything from Spiderman to Speakerman to Kuromi and her friends, and be worried about whether or not they can go to playground that day, guranteed they're well behaved, or if Mama remembered to pack in their costume for swimming lessons that week. NOT JUST MY KIDS. But the little ones in Palestine too. They deserve better. They all deserve, so much better. Hell, it's come to the point that whenever I look at my kiddos right now, whether they'd be working in class, playing, doing something as mundane as eating lunch or getting ready for their nap. I think of the children their age in Palestine that didn't even get the chance to survive. I think of the ones whose memories from this age, is nothing but absolute horror and pain, rather than what has slowly become my normal, who never got to experience what my littles do on a daily basis right now.
Children shouldn't even be concerned about "War", about a Genocide. The last thing that should be on a 5 year old's mind, is pain, and suffering, and the worst horrors imaginable ever to be inflicted on a human being. ESPECIALLY WHEN IT'S INFLICTED, ON OTHER CHILDREN THEIR AGE. And for that alone, the world has failed them. Especially the kids in Palestine who didn't ask for any of this. They just wanted to carry on with life as kids do, the same way as my littles do on a daily basis no doubt, learning, playing, chatting with friends over their favourite cartoons and characters, worrying about whether they'd get to go to the playground or not that day.
I apologize for talking about this on this blog. I know my blog tends to be lighter in feel, a lot more unhinged and light hearted typically. I mean, I'm just a fricking nerd who likes to draw and write, and lurk about her favourite fandoms to consume and support what is shared among other nerds who also like to draw and write. But I couldn't stop thinking about it. About contemplating it, especially since I'll be back on a roll tomorrow, working with my kiddos again after not seeing them for 5 days straight because of Holidays. And, I just had to talk about it. This is something I felt I couldn't keep to myself this time, I don't think my soul'd be able to carry it. I had to talk about it.
FREE PALESTINE. Our children deserve better.
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cavalierzee · 4 months
A Palestinian David vs An Israeli Goliath
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A Palestinian David vs An Israeli Goliath
A Palestinian Child vs An Adult Israeli Trained To Kill
A Palestinian Rock vs An Israeli Assault Rifle
A Palestinian Original Land Owner vs A Zionist Invader
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thechekhov · 1 year
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ah, childhood.
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the-lady-maddy · 23 days
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