#hunter- forever the mom friend
honestsister · 1 year
Me and the like 5 other big sis Luz truthers after WAD
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marymary-diva17 · 3 months
She has my heart and soul
Neteyam x reader
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Falling in love would be a life experience for everyone, and getting the chance to be with the one you love is special. True love had blossomed from this keep contention that couldn’t be broken by anyone else or even eywa herself. There also came problems when it came to love, and that will be outsiders who disagree with the relationship and tried to destroy a beautiful relationship. That love will keep defending itself forever and ever.
Y/n “ ………” you are laying on neteyam chest as the both of you are sleep together, but soon enough the sun light had hit your face making you wake up.
y/n " ummm" you soon rose up from your sleeping position and sat up in the bed.
neteyam " morning ma y/n" Neteyam soon had rose up from the bed, and soon brought you into a hug.
y/n " morning my teyam" neteyam soon kissed your cheek as he soon let go go you, and soon got up from the bed.
y/n " you making breakfast today my love or will I be doing that"
neteyam " I will be cooking mornings meal today my love"
y/n " good I love a guy who can cook" neteyam soon laugh the two of you had been a pair for quick some time, soon moving into a home that pair had made with the help of family and friends. Neteyam was making breakfast as you are cleaning the common area.
neteyam “ the food is ready”
y/n “ wow it smells wonderful” neteyam had served the food as the two soon, started eating dinner together.
y/n “ umm you are a good cook as well such amazing talent”
neteyam “ thank you my mom taught me some good recipes to us, for our meals together as a family she wanted me to make sure I’m a good mate and help out as well”
y/n “ well you are a good mate and have done your part as well,around the home and outside as well” neteyam had smiled towards you as the both of you finished eating breakfast before leaving the hut together.
?????? “ son and y/n good morning”
neteyam “ hello dad and mom”
neytiri “ hello my son and daughter in law”
y/n “ hello Jake and neytiri”
???? “ daughter there are you along with neteyam” Tsu’tey and norm had made their way towards the group. The couple had started off together on their morning outing, but had soon been joined by their parents.
norm “ so how are you two enjoying life together”
y/n “ it going well dad we have our good day and bad days”
neteyam “ yes what y/n say is true we also make sure to give each other space as well, things we learned from our parents”
Jake “ it good we were able to teach you all something”
neytiri “ yes it make me happy that you both have a blessed match, by the great mother herself and yourselves as well” the young couples had smiled at words of praise from neytiri.
????? “ good morning” the group soon loomed up tp see the rest of their family members, making their way towards the group.
kiri " we saw you all talking and thought it will be good to join you all"
Jake " that nice of you all my sons and spider I was wondering, if you all will love to come scouting with me and tsu'tey"
lo'ak " really dad we can go we mostly don't go with you two"
Jake " well it seems like a good time for you three to join us more then usual"
neteyam " we will love to father and tsu'tey it will be good"
Jake " then it official we will be leaving soon so go get your stuff"
spider " yes sir" the guys had ran off to get their stuff and soon returned to the group.
y/n " please stay safe all of you the rda is willing to do anything to win"
neteyam " we wil be safe"
neytiri " I will be here helping the young hunters so if any trouble comes, please call we need to make sure the family and clan stay safe"
Norm " I have a meeting with the doctors and healer so please, no one come back here injured for the day"
spider " we will do our best dad but no promises"
norm " oh eywa give me strength" the group soon parted from one other, as you had gone off with kiri and tuk. As they really wanted to spend time with you.
tuk " thank you for coming to spend time with us y/n"
y/n " hey it fun to spend time with my girls who are also my sister in law as well"
kiri " it good to see you and neteyam happily together, even due it was easy to see when we were all younger that the both of you are meant to be together"
y/n " thank you kiri he really makes me very happy"
kiri " we are happy for you both as well the clan will have strong leaders from the both of you" the tiro had gone to some fruit their clan, was not the only clan using this area the moment.
navi young women " I still can't believe that demon was able to get into toruk mako might family, and infect that whole clan with her kind"
navi young women 2 " some say she made neteyam be with her and that he doesn't even love her"
tuk " hey we can hear you both talking now dare you speak of her like that"
navi young women 3 " we are speaking the truth everyone feels bad for your brother, being with the demon women"
tuk " I will not like you bad mouth her"
y/n " tuk I can handle this situation it okay"
kiri " we will still speak up for you" you had nodded your head towards the pair has you, had walked up towards them.
y/n " I know you all don't like me and might never like me I'm okay with that, but do not insult my family and my clan like that ever"
navi young women " demon blow neteyam will never love you ever,and if you have any kids they will be cursed" the women soon came towards you with a blade, tuk was by you so you pushed her out of the way. As you had been cut by the blade on your arms making you hiss in pain.
tuk " y/n" tuk and kiri ran to your aid seeing that you are badly hurt, from the attack.
kiri " come on lets get her to grandmother she will need help right now"
navi young women " demon"
tuk " you will pay for that"
y/n " no tuk they are not worth it lets get home before anything else happens" tuk and kiri help your stand and take your back to the village. The trio had ran into Neytiri, mo'at, and norm who had started panicking when they saw you bleeding and hurt They went to help you right away.
norm " you will be fine the cut was not that deep but it will take time to heal"
y/n " okay"
neytiri " so these girls just attacked you after insulting you"
y/n " yes they seem not to like what I had told them"
tuk " they were being rude mom and insult not just y/n, but our family and clan"
neytiri " I will speak with Jake and tsu'tey this matter will not go unhandled"
????? " y/n" Soon neteyam came toward you and the others he seems worried.
neteyam " I was told of what had happened are you okay ... your arms"
y/n " I'm good it was not a dip cut so no need to worry yet"
tsu'tey " my daughter who has done this to you we most address it right now"
neytiri " it will be address"
Jake " y/n will you mind telling me what happened"
y/n " yes sir I was out with kiri and tuk we had went gather, when we came across some other girls from other clans nearby they had started insult me.... tuk had spoken up for me and soon I spoke as well they didn't seem to like that was one of girl came to attack I had pushed tuk out of the way of harm leading myself to get hurt as we all see"
kiri " they were calling y/n a demon and having if she and neteyam have any children they will be cursed” everyone soon become upset about hearing that, as that is major insult to you and all of them.
Loak “ how dare they insult you like that”
spider “ sis we will make sure they pay for their harsh words towards you”
Tuk “ y/n I’m sorry you got hurt protecting me from danger”
y/n “ tuk you are special to me and I will do anything, to keep our families and clan safe”
Jake “ we will find these girls and speak with their families and clan, we will make sure fair justice is served”
y/n “ okay”
norm “ you will need to be easy on your arms for the next couple days, as your injuries will still be healing form what happened today … if you sold feel well come right away and there will be another check up in the morning”
y/n “ yes dad”
moat “ here are some herbs that can help neteyam, make sure she take them night after dinner”
neteyam “ I will grandmother”
Jake “ you are a sully now y/n as will make sure no hurts you, and thinks they can get away with it”
y/n “ thank you once again” neteyam had soon taken you home and he was very upset, about the whole situation. It was ways to see by his tone and how she was standing as well.
later that night
y/n “ teyam”
neteyam “ yes my love”
y/n “ I’m fine there nothing to worry about”
neteyam “ there is so much to worry about, they attack my mate my wife and think it okay”
y/n “ ……..”
neteyam “ you are my heart and my soul i will do anything for you”
y/n “ oh neteyam” you had placed a hand on neteyam right check, making him look and you.
neteyam “ ……..”
y/n “ you are my heart and soul as well my mate and my husband”
neteyam “ we will find those girls and they will face judgement”
y/n “ okay as long I have you by my side”
neteyam " if we ever have kids in the future they will not be a cursed but a blessing" you had smiled at neteyam the events of the day had been hard, but it soon started fading away. The next day the girls who had hurt you along with insulting had been brought, infront of the clan to answer for their actions. Their families and clans had begged for forgiveness for the girls actions, forgiveness had been given but they had been told to stay away from you, along with kiri and tuk until future notice. Neteyam did say if anyone had any problems with you, they will need to address it with him which no one wish to do. You and neteyam are a perfect couple and will stand by each other no matter what happens, today or far in the future.
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xbomboi · 5 months
yapping about Briar. fellow Briar enjoyers assemble.
okay okay i don’t make it too obvious (or maybe i do, i wouldn’t know) but briar is my personal favorite character. i think about where the stories of all the characters would go and what their arcs would be a lot, but hers in particular is really important to me.
so i wanna talk about it.
first of all, she’s narcoleptic coded, right. we all know that. but her mom on the other hand reads to me, like, an alcoholic mother? and her dad is just willfully ignorant. either way, there’s a huge sense of neglect going on in that family. i mean go figure why briar would be the one doing most of the work raising her brothers. and of course she’s a party girl, because who’s gonna stop her? her parents? see yeah exactly.
so i don’t think it’s unreasonable to say she doesn’t have very strong parental figures in her life, at least not at home. but, and now you have to really hear me out about this one, i think baba yaga could take up a parental role in her life.
i know it isn’t much, but the seeds for her having at least a hint of a connection with baba yaga are there.
in the webisode “Stark Raven Mad”, baba yaga scolds briar for rambling about her party, and then as the commotion picks up she’s still exercising authority over briar in particular.
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then there’s thronecoming, wherein, when briar is sulking at the dance, upon noticing the picture on the projector, she asks baba yaga for answers, who provides them.
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and then skipping all the way to epic winter, after the girls become a little creeped out by her mannerisms and book it, briar is the one who makes sure to peak back in and give a parting remark.
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so i think there’s potential there to be explored. her feeling neglected at home and then finding solace in another adult at school would be neat.
but the fact that it’s baba yaga is important, so just put a pin in that and we’ll circle back to it.
now, i think out of the core four, she was (at least at first) the hardest to actually pin-point what the future of her story could look like. with raven, i think it’s pretty clear her journey is just continuing to combat the prejudices of the world as she fights for change, apple is now pretty much on a path to figuring out her own future as ruler of a kingdom and what that’s going to entail, and maddie is the goofball that’s there to have fun and be supportive along the way.
then there’s briar. and, let me be clear, no, in my mind that girl is not sleeping for 100 years with where things are heading; in the main universe of the story, briar will be free of the sleeping beauty destiny.
but it’s like, if she’s not gonna sleep, what more is there to actually do with her? what direction COULD her life go in? because if she’s no longer fated to sleep 100 years of her life away, then she can’t just party like there’s no tomorrow anymore. she’d need to decide what she actually wants to do with her life.
and i think i have an idea.
i mentioned her narcoleptic coding at the start with intent to bring it up again. see, you might notice that a lot of the fairytale aspects of ever after high can be read as allegories for real-world problems. for example, hunter and ashlynn’s relationship is treated in their world the same way society may look at queer couples or biracial couples. or how raven’s mom being trapped in a mirror is their world equivalent to not paying child support.
with that kind of correlation in mind, i think treating briar’s curse as a condition could open up an interesting opportunity. i think, in their world, curses as a whole could be viewed as a separate branch of medical specialization, with briar spearheading this notion of thought.
we know briar is well-versed in chemythstry already. in the webisode “Briar’s Study Party” she makes note of the fact that she’s been studying forever-after, and she demonstrates enough knowledge in the subject to enthusiastically teach it to her friends, who all end up acing their tests on it as a result.
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i think this is something she could potentially make a career out of. i think she could come to the conclusion that she wants to be able to help break curses for people everywhere, and could pursue learning to develop potions and elixirs to do so.
which could happen under baba yaga’s tutelage.
picture this: briar declares her newfound goal, to which baba yaga offers to teach briar all she knows in order to achieve what she’s set her sights on. briar—with an ounce of hesitance—accepts, and baba yaga officially takes her under her wing with the intent of mastering sorcery.
obviously, she wouldn’t lose who she is in this. she’s still gonna be an impulsive, adrenaline junkie who desperately needs a screentime limit on her mirrorphone. but in this process, she’d be rounded out by baba yaga and would in turn mature a bit from the experience. she’d get serious about life, but she wouldn’t let go of who she is at heart.
this could lead to her becoming the resourceful one in the main group. like on adventures, she’d be able to pull out a potion or whip something up (because i’m not going to let raven’s magic make her too o.p. she’s gotta have limitations) as a solution to problems. she could really have a role that proves useful and important to the story.
that’s my ideal pitch for where to take briar’s character.
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hamborgerqueen · 3 months
Starve a Fever (dpxdc)
Act 1: The Aftermath Never Looks Pretty
Scene 1: Hot Knife
Danny thought he was safe from disaster after everything he’d been through. He’d saved Amity Park from Ghosts and their Hunters time and again. Ancients, he saved the entire Ghost Zone—the Infinite Realms itself—from its very own tyrannical ruler when the fruitloop woke that damn Pariah Dark up from his forever nap. He even saved the world from his own future self, and it horrifies him to think about the thermos and its inhabitant locked away in the Long Now.
Yet, disaster strikes. It always has to in Danny’s life. Danny’s starting to think he was never meant to exist without disaster. That he’s cursed to forever half-live with everything crashing down around him no matter what he does. In another timeline, all it took for his entire family, his best friends, and the one good teacher in his life to be killed was him cheating on one stupid fucking test.
And in this one, all it took for the destruction of everything Danny ever cared about was for him to have a sleepover.
He should’ve known. He should’ve expected those bozos in white to try their luck again in destroying the Ghost Zone. Ever since they started kidnapping and experimenting on Ghosts, Danny has been working overtime to thwart them; he’s been endlessly ruining their bases, freeing their captives, and scaring them off of his streets.
But they’re like roaches, always coming back. It had gotten to the point that Amity Parkers, including his very own parents, got tired of their shit and started retaliating against their presence.
So, he should’ve expected this. Should have known that the GIW would take advantage of his parent’s portal once again. But this time, instead of the GIW getting permission to use the Portal, they invaded his home, killed his family, and shot a bomb into the Zone before Danny even woke up.
At least, that’s what Danny assumes is what happened, because there’s nothing left of his home to even figure out what really happened. If he had to make a guess, Danny would say the Ghost Zone acted on its own to protect itself, pushing out as much ectoplasm as it could to combat all the anti-ectoplasm that was shot in. Because that’s about the only thing Danny can think of that would destabilize the portal and the Zone that badly. The U.S. and the world is lucky that the explosion only took out half of Illinois.
Yeah, Danny thinks as he stares at the ashes of his home, lucky.
That’s what he must be too to have survived it all. From what Danny can remember, he’d woken up to the start of the explosion and didn’t even have enough time to transform before he felt like the portal opened up on him a second time. The tearing of his entire being, the evisceration of what makes him human—of what makes him a Ghost—and the subsequent nothingness until he woke up again.
It must have been weeks, months, maybe even a year. Danny couldn’t know for sure. All he’s done since he woke up is float above the remains of his home and feel every fissure in his core grow wider.
He failed them. Danny failed. He’d let go of his responsibilities—took a day off—and this is what happens. He’s lost everyone. His mom, dad, Jazz, Tucker, Sam—everyone. And there’s nothing he can do to fix it. He has no way to access the Ghost Zone, not unless he bows down to Vlad, if the fruitloop is even still around, or conveniently finds a natural portal. And even if he could get into the Zone and find Clockwork, it’s likely that if Clockwork could have done anything to stop this reality from happening then the Ghost would have done so already.
Which leads Danny to know this from deep within his heart, his core—
This was always meant to be.
Danny was always meant to lose everything.
The pain from accepting this breaks him, and all he can do is collapse into the ashes of his haunt and wail.
Scene 2: Genesis
Danny can't remember another day where his core didn’t throb, and his heart didn’t hurt. It seems like he's in a perpetual state of pain with his Obsession screaming from within him to fix what was done to his haunt, snarling at him to pick himself up and take on his responsibility (whatever that could be now that the Ghost Portal is destroyed along with his entire town).
Danny is starting to see how Dan truly came to be inevitable. He’s tried to block out his Ghost half by staying in his human form and depriving himself of any ectoplasm-rich environment, but his core still thrums with his heartbeat even though both his human body and his Ghost is weak. He’s so weak that he's even wound up passing out multiple times in random alleyways in random cities, or on the side of highways, walking toward a destination he doesn’t know and doesn’t care to figure out. If he feels himself coming across a place with higher ambient ectoplasm, he turns tail and runs.
What's worse is that there’s an anger within him that incites an even greater fear. It’s so strong that, in his lowest moments, he begs for the Ancients to be merciful. It’s gotten down to the point where all Danny can think of to stop himself from going ballistic is truly to bite the bullet.
But then he thinks about how Dani might still be out there, and it makes him continue walking. Vlad’s still missing; the fruitloop being the first person Danny tried to find, but there was no trace of him in Illinois nor in Wisconsin. Danny can only hope beyond anything that Dani might still be around, maybe even searching for him too. She said the last time they met—which from what Danny learned was around seven months ago and a month before the incident—that she’d be in the states for a while. A while being anywhere near one week or a full year. Danny desperately wants her to have meant a full year.
With no way to easily track his clone—the very last of his family, his people, his haunt, his responsibility—since every single piece of Ghost Hunting equipment blown up with the GIW and his parents inventions, Danny has been going off of his internal compass, letting his core direct him. It’s about the only thing that he lets his core do, no matter how much it screams at him to let out everything he’s holding inside.
Anyhow, it’s a very wishy-washy way of tracking since he’s trying to avoid areas rich with ectoplasm and other such places like Fawcett city that are so intertwined with the extranormal that they’re bound to affect his Ghost-half. He doesn’t know exactly where he’s being directed, but there’s a definite path. Every time he’s strayed from going due East, his core would roar and thrash within him until he redirects himself.
Danny almost regrets going off the whims of his core when he winds up in Gotham, a city bound to death and debauchery. He can feel his core sucking in every ounce of ectoplasm it can. The only thing keeping him from getting the hell out of dodge is the tugging on his core, the distant feeling of ectoplasm so familiar that he’d think it was his own if not for the fact he knows it’s not. If he digs into the feeling, Danny can make out all that makes Dani’s ecto-signature unique from his own, almost like an appraiser seeing every little detail defining an art piece as unique to its artist’s style.
Danny knows with every fiber of his being, even betting on his non-existent grave (something that somehow carries more weight than one would think), that Dani was at least in this city recently, if not in it now.
He drags his starving body through the bowels of Gotham, letting his eyes wander to the neon signs that mingle amongst the gargoyles. Danny doesn’t know much about the city, other than what his parents told him; of which was that he should never go there unless he wants to gamble his life away or die in a shoot-out between the various mobs, or in a rogue attack. He also remembers his parents trying to spook him with a rumor about there being a crime-lord so powerful that he strikes fear into the hearts of every criminal, rogue, and mob-boss in Gotham. A single man—the Batman, his parents would whisper as if simply saying his name could summon him even though they were nearly a thousand miles away—who stops at nothing to fulfill his mission.
Now his parents never told him what that mission was, but Danny really didn’t care to know and even just thinking about his mom and dad drives the hatchet deeper into the fissures of his core.
His feet, bare and bloody, scrap across the concrete, and Danny pushes himself to go faster as his nose picks up the actual scent of Dani—his clone, his cousin, his sister, his family, his haunt. Danny doesn’t even care that the nighttime stragglers—the gamblers, the drunks, the working girls, the homeless, and everyone else—are giving him an even wider berth as he starts to fling his head around, trying to catch the trail his core cries for him to follow. He forgets the pain from his hunger, the glass digging into his souls, and the strengthening of his Ghost as he finally, finally has a direct path to Dani.
Danny doesn’t even realize that he’s running until he’s already coming upon an abandoned building that’s drenched with ectoplasm. In the back of his mind, Danny makes the connection from the gaudy sign out front that this must have been some Ghost Hunter’s business, one that could actually do their job based on slight tang of blood blossoms. But the thought stays in the back of his mind until Danny rushes into the basement and sees it.
There, in the very center of the musty basement, is a circle of dried blood blossoms surrounding a very intricately written spell that Danny can’t make out because there’s a massive splatter of ectoplasm soaking the concrete. A splatter of ectoplasm that his core recognizes. A splatter that he lets himself drop onto his knees in front of, desperately grasping at the dissipating ectoplasm that smells like his own, but he knows it isn’t because it’s—
His core stalls like a car engine when you've pressed too hard on the gas. Danny feels the electricity inside of him crackle. Goosebumps spread across his arm, and his hair stands on end. The static in the air climbs, and there’s half a second before Danny’s humanity slips away in a lightning strike of pure white.
Danny takes that time to breathe in.
uuhhhhh okay well this is from my Thomas Wayne Batman thing here's the description lmao
Thomas Wayne (Batman) wards Danny Fenton (Phantom) after shenanigans and Amity Park plus half of Illinois exploding itself due to the Ghost Portal destabilizing after the GIW send a rocket of anti-ectoplasm into it. The Ghost Zone acted on its own to protect itself, pushing out as much ectoplasm as it could to combat all the anti-ectoplasm that was shot in. Luckily, it only took out half a state instead of the entire country.
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robinbuckleysfringe · 6 months
you are in love.
tom blyth social media au
pairing: tom blyth x reader
warnings: none
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5 | part 6
*tomblyth has posted*
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tagged yninstagram
liked by rachelzegler, yninstagram, joshandresrivera, hunterschafer, tomholland2013 and others
tomblyth happy birthday my love. hope the next trip round the sun is just as amazing as the last ❤️😘🎂
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yninstagram aww, thanks so much babe. it'll be even better with you by my side ❤️🫶🏻😘
↪️ tomblyth ❤️
↪️ rachelzegler you guys are so cute it makes me sick 🤮 (happy day of birth y/n 🫶🏻)
↪️ yninstagram rach, you literally have josh??? (thanks bby 🫶🏻)
hunterschafer happy birthday y/n!!!! love you!!! 💕💕💕
↪️ yninstagram love you too hunter!!!! 💕💕💕
tomholland2013 happy birthday y/n xx
↪️ yninstagram thanks tom 🫶🏻xx
camillaluddington happy birthday!!!!! love you
↪️ yninstagram aww, love you too x
user they're so cute wtf
user it's not a want, it's a need. I need what they have immediately
user this is so sweet!!!!
user if a man doesn't post these sort of photos of me for my birthday, I don't want him
*yninstagram has posted*
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tagged florencepugh & haileesteinfeld
liked by josephquinn, tomblyth, zendaya, chrisevans and others
yninstagram back with my girls 💜🏹
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tomblyth proud af!! 💜😘
↪️ yninstagram love youuuuuu 💜😘😘
rachelzegler get it gurl!!!
↪️ yninstagram 💜
florencepugh goofy 🤪💜
↪️ yninstagram the goofiest 💜🤪
haileesteinfeld can't wait for the next few months 💜
↪️ yninstagram excited doesn't begin to cover it!! 💜
user 👀👀👀
user omg are you returning to the mcu???!!!
user hawkeye season 2???
user what does this mean???
user this is defo her announcing she's returning to the mcu
↪️ user either with a season 2 of hawkeye or some other project with both her series costars
↪️ user 100%
user is this real???
1 year later
*yninstagram has posted*
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tagged tomblyth
liked by tomholland2013, rachelzegler, joshandresrivera, hunterschafer and others
yninstagram excited to spend forever with you ❤️🥰😘
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tomblyth love you forever darling ❤️😘
↪️ yninstagram ❤️❤️❤️❤️
rachelzegler YOU GUYS OMG 🥹🥹🥹🥹😍😍😍😍
rachelzegler over the moon happy for you!!!! so so so so much love for the two of you!!
↪️ yninstagram 🥰🥰
hunterschafer congrats girly!!! ❤️
↪️ yninstagram thank you bestie!! xx
zendaya congrats lovely!! xxx
↪️ yninstagram thank you Z 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
joshandresrivera been waiting for this moment!!! btw you should've heard rach's scream when she got your text 😂 xx
↪️ yninstagram love you guys 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
↪️ rachelzegler listen, I'm just very excited for my two besties. okay?? 🤭😍
haileesteinfeld so happy for you!! congrats 💜🫶🏻
↪️ yninstagram thanks Hails, love you 💜🫶🏻
joekeery congrats!! ❤️ xx
↪️ yninstagram ❤️🫶🏻 xx
robertdowneyjr congrats y/n, can't believe you're all grown up and getting engaged 🥺. love you kiddo xxx
↪️ yninstagram aww, love you (3000) dad 🫶🏻🫶🏻❤️❤️
user mom and dad getting married???
user your honour, they're in love
user this is amazing news omg!!!
*yninstagram has posted*
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tagged tomblyth
liked by rachelzegler, jacobelordi, zendaya, tomblyth and others
yninstagram alexa, play "you're in love" by taylor swift 🥂😘
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tomblyth love you more than you know darling ❤️😘
↪️ yninstagram 🫶🏻🫶🏻❤️❤️
rachelzegler MY BEST FRIEND IS MARRIED!!!!!!!!!
rachelzegler wedding of the century 🥰🫶🏻
↪️ yninstagram nah, that'll be yours and josh's 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
↪️ rachelzegler that reminds me. @/joshandresrivera when will that be??
↪️ joshandresrivera 🤐🤫 well I can't tell you that, can I? 😂
↪️ yninstagram just saying, it better be soon or rachel will explode 😂😂
↪️ rachelzegler she's not wrong 🤭😂
hunterschafer the BIGGEST congratulations girl 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
↪️ yninstagram does this make us sisters in law??
↪️ hunterschafer through the world of tbosas, yes it does 🫶🏻💕
zendaya massive congrats from both me and tom xx
↪️ yninstagram aw, love you guys 💕💕💕
robertdowneyjr congrats kiddo. love you 3000 xx
↪️ yninstagram love you 3000 dad xx
florencepugh SHUT UP YOU'RE SO PRETTY 😍😍😍😍
↪️ florencepugh also, congrats on the wedding you two 🥹🥹🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
↪️ yninstagram love you flo!!!!!!! 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻💕💕💕💕
haileesteinfeld a moment for the dress please 😍😍😍😍
↪️ yninstagram can you believe it was the first one I tried??
user this is the best news omg!!!
user oh to have been a fly on the wall at that wedding 🥺🥹
user they're so pretty wtf
↪️ user for real!!! tom's suit and y/n's dress is everything!!!
user Y/N WHERE DID YOU GET THE DRESS??!!! its literally the most stunning thing I've seen
user mom and dad are married 🥹🥹🥹
user 100% here for them getting their happily ever after 🥹🥹🥹🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
the final part is here!!! as per usual, feel free to comment any feedback.
now that this series is over, I'm more free to write any requests in between editing my Steve Harrington fic 🩷
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venoyale · 3 months
AO3 MASTERLIST - Jujutsu Kaisen
will be updating :)
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Gojo Satoru/Reader
Neighbourhood Watch (ongoing) - Rated E: AKA: THE Satoru Gojo being down bad for one (1) single mom. ★ fluff, SMUT, angst/comfort
Anteros (oneshot) - Rated E: "In Greek mythology, Anteros (/ˈæntərɒs/; Ancient Greek: Ἀντέρως Antérōs) was the god of requited love (literally "love returned" or "counter-love") and also the punisher of those who scorn love and the advances of others, or the avenger of unrequited love." ★ fluff, SMUT, angst/comfort
Kiss Me Better (oneshot) - Rated E: You've always understood the importance of words, especially ones that are said to someone who won't come back. However, you were foolish enough to believe this concept doesn't apply to your boyfriend, AKA The Strongest. Arguments break out, Shibuya happens, and you're left haunted by the last words you both uttered to each other. But what happens when he's quite literally sitting on your bed twenty days later, obviously missing you? And why aren't you kissing him?? ★ fluff, SMUT, angst/comfort
All I Need (oneshot) - Rated E: A friend of Shoko's is a friend of yours, right? So why does it seem like Satoru Gojo wants a lot more from you than expected? ★ SMUT, slightly obsessive but NOT yandere Gojo
Heartbeat (hiatus) - Rated E: When they reach the peak of ecstasy, Satoru wraps his arms around Suguru, eyes boring into the man on top of him. He wants to convey his feelings through words, but it gets stuck at the base of his larynx, so he only hopes that his saccharine moans and the unadulterated emotion pouring from his gaze sends the right message. Suguru burrows his face in Satoru’s neck so that he doesn’t see him falter under pressure. ★ SMUT, angst/comfort, misunderstandings
Venus Fly Trap (ongoing/semi-hiatus) - Rated E: What's the easiest way to capture (the heart of) the only daughter and heiress of the Gojo Conglomerate? Seems like only a certain woman has the answer to that, despite her shady and mysterious presence. ★ SMUT, sexual tension despite having marathon sex
Occult TV (ongoing/semi-hiatus) - Rated T: When Itadori, Iguchi, and Sasaki's Occult club expands into something big, like a paranormal investigation YouTube Channel, they're tasked to investigate the former home of a friend's guardians. Will they, a trio of amateur ghost-hunters, be able to find any solid evidence? Stay tuned to find out, only on Occult TV! ★ fluff, crack, slight angst/comfort
Valentine's Day 2018 (oneshot + platonic satoshoko) - Rated T: It’s not that she doesn’t care, but if she’s being honest to anyone including herself, she does not have the mental capacity to even try to be there for her white-haired friend. It’s futile, because the last person who truly understood Satoru left, and now he’s gone forever….Forever. That’s why Shoko’s here today, though. This Valentine’s Day marks the first of infinity where Suguru is gone forever. ★ angst/no comfort
Slow Mornings (oneshot) - Rated E: "Suguru now realizes just how scarce domesticity truly is, and how he almost threw it away when he wakes up on a chilly December morning with a sleeping Satoru in his arms. The expensive silk sheets that his husband had handpicked are wrapped around them tightly, bundling them up like a baby’s swaddle, or a hubby burrito as Satoru lovingly dubs it." ★ comfort, fix-it, fluff, a pinch of angst in the beginning
Character Studies
It's My Birthday, Did You Remember? (ongoing) - Rated M - Gojo Satoru: As a friend, teacher, and colleague, Satoru Gojo will always be the first person there when it comes to celebrating someone’s birthday. He thinks it’s important to celebrate the existence of a person, even if it’s for one day, and let it be known that they’re greatly appreciated. But what’s only known to a few, is that, his own birthdays weren’t like this when he was growing up…. ★ angst
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sagaduwyrm · 10 months
Infinite Realms World-building
So I have a lot of thoughts over why their aren't that many ghosts in the Ghost Zone/Infinite Realms and how other afterlives fit into the situation so here.
The Infinite Realms aren't an afterlife. They're not a place any mortal soul is supposed to reach. They're the lining between afterlives, the wall holding them apart, the cradle holding all those places souls are meant to go. The Infinite Realms aren't anything, just a no man's worthless land.
The Infinite Realms weren't anything.
But. Picture this.
You are dead.You are dead you are dead you are deadyou aredeadyouaredead
It hurt. It was the worst thing you've ever felt, that moment when the bindings between your mortal body and your immortal soul were sundered beyond all recovery. You're disoriented and in pain and crying, weeping wails echoing across the metaphysical expanse.
But then a hand reaches out to you.
Hands, really.
They whisper in your ear. Come home, one says, offering gentle, glittering love. You've earned this, screams another like it’s a battle-cry. A dozen voices like hellfire and damnation offer atonement, if that's what you seek, although the punishment they offer varies. One voice that is not a voice but is the void offers the rest of non-existence, the creak of a wheel suggests reincarnation.
These gods and demons and spirits and entities want you, is the thing. Their grip is like chains around your ankles, dragging you down, and you have to choose, you hAVe To cHooSE, or It Will Be Chosen For You.
And this is what's supposed to happen, isn't it? The next step. Your eternal rest. Getting to pick is a greater mercy than a little mortal deserves, even.
You aren't a little mortal. You refuse to be.
You are the woman who revolutionized school lunches.
You are the greatest hunter in the world.
You are Romeo and Juliet, except they were a tragedy and you are not because you can bet your ass you went out laughing.
You are the world's next rock-star whose voice no one ever got to hear.
You are a man who loves boxes.
You are a clever wish-granter, the greatest magician in the world..
You are a Queen with people to protect.
You are the master of technology.
You are a boy who died too soon, too young, and hell, you should give up, but you never got to see the stars. You never got to see the stars, or what your sister looks like graduating from college, or how your friends look when they change the world. You'll never know if you'll be an uncle, if you'll have your dad's shoulders or your mom's wiry strength, what it feels like to kiss someone, whether or not Dash will ever get that stick his ass and become a decent person again. No one will ever read your paper on the genesis of stars, or fly to Pluto in a rocket ship you designed, or welcome you home after you've fulfilled your life's dream and gone to space.
It's a goddamn tragedy is what it is.
And dying hurt, so bad you're not sure if you'll ever be the same. But. All your chains are broken now. Your soul is free, in a way that it's never quite been before. You are a butterfly, broken free from your cocoon.
And they want to chain you.
They whisper so sweetly, so gently in your ear, even as they tear you apart in a child's game of tug-of-war. You have to choose.
Fuck that.
Fuck that. Dying hurts but it also freed all the potential of your beautiful, brilliant soul, and you aren't going back. Maybe you’re Icarus, flying too close to the sun, but you have wings now, and you won't let them be pinned.
You take the plunge. Through brimstone, through the river with its eternal ferry, through light and dark and a thousand different afterlives that want you like they have any damned right to your soul.
You fly, and you aren't sure if you're running forward or fleeing, but you fly. And it takes forever, a century and a day that lasts less than the beat of a heart, but then you burst free of all those grasping hands and you see green.
The green is infinite and it's empty. But it's free. It's beautiful and bright and you breathe it in, this base stuff of reality, this entropy in motion, and your soul comes to life. You aren't bound anymore, not by the base practicalities of your body, not by the laws and hunger of the gods, not by anything but your own willpower and trust in yourself.
Once the Infinite Realms were empty, once they were nothing. Now there are ghosts singing their exultant freedom. With them they bring ideas and movement and life, and the eddies they stir become whole new beings, spirits that never lived as anything other than what they are. These empty currents now hold whole worlds, ghosts and spirits and monsters.
And one day some strange being comes and tries to take your freedom and he calls himself Pariah Dark. Maybe he was a determined mortal just like you, maybe he was a demon, something sent by the gods to punish you for daring to be more, but it doesn't matter. Regardless of how hard he tries, how many lands his armies invade, how deep he digs his clawed hands in, it doesn't matter. 
No one can conquer Infinity.
And then the Ancients awake. Even in a realm of equals, there are still those who are more. And what is the point of power if you can't protect your fellows?
So they shut him away, this fool who doesn't care for the freedom the Infinite offers, put him in a sleep so deep even his dreams can't disturb others. And when he wakes up there is a boy, small and young, but with more determination in his body than most could dare claim, and the tyrant who steals freedom is sent straight back to sleep.
The Infinite Realms need no King, but this boy is small and clever and kind, and when two people war, he is the first to come and mediate, the first to shove himself between their fury and make them remember themselves. They don't need a King, but the Infinite Realms are so big, with so many people, and they wouldn't mind a Speaker. Someone to connect them all, regardless of how far they lay apart.
And this boy with stars in his eyes and gentle hands grumbles, but he loves the Infinite as much as they love him, and he's almost meant for this, existing between Ancient and New, Living and Dead. They would never chain him, but he was always meant to explore, and who wouldn't want to meet and see and know everything?
The Infinite Realms are green and free and beautiful, and no god can ever change that.
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magnuficentwo · 2 months
Hi guys. Does anyone else think about the way Handsome Jack's mistreatment of Angel in a surface level seems like it makes sense, only for it to be so brutal, so insanely self-centered, so inhumane that it loses all the deniability the man could've once had? Does anyone think about how Angel's entrapment was not caused just because she killed her mom, but because Jack saw danger for HIMSELF in his daughter, not once thinking that she could've gotten hurt through it too ? Does anyone remember how his justification for why he "needed" to trap her away wasn't even really for her safety, it was for HIS feelings and HIS pain and HIS grief, never once focusing how Angel's siren powers acting out wasn't even her own fault. Because she was never even responsible for the fact she had them in the first place.
Angel never had anyone to guide her or help manage her phaseshift, no information on how she could cope with outbursts or keep everything in check because sirens are just hard to study and find in general, but also because people just didn't bother to try. She was blamed for her mother's death because she couldn't control herself, but she was a child. She literally Didn't know how to do that because no one Taught her how to, because there was no one who even could. Her punishment for something that was only barely her fault (because I really, REALLY doubt she would've killed her mom on purpose, especially given the context that she was already unstable from Jack's dialogue) was to get used as a human battery over and over in extremely painful circumstances, basically tortured for years and years while also isolated and only ever in contact with her abuser, with no one else knowing where she was or even WHO she was anymore, forever bound to do his bidding because there was literally nothing else she could do.
That is, until the vault hunters came along. The Vault Hunters, who by all means don't even know she exists properly and only understand her as a guide, not a person, are portrayed in her mind as potential saviours— Friends even, because she HAS no one else. These people were always her ticket out of the hell, and they had no idea.
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Does anyone think about how its the vault hunters taking action against Handsome Jack (The Villain) that leads Angel to finally speak up against Jack (Her Dad) and his abuse, even when she's punished for it, because she's just so tired, so utterly exhausted, so incredibly fucking angry with this fucking guy, that she just doesn't bring herself to care about it anymore ? How her rebellion comes from the tiniest sparks of hope of people standing against an overwhelming threat despite it seeming so impossible at first, despite the odds being completely stacked against them ? How Jack's first instinct when she acts out of line isn't to try and make Angel understand his side, to manipulate her as he does to everyone else, it's to directly punish her physically until she can't keep acting anymore (by shocking her) ? How much of a threat does this teenage girl pose to this grown ass man for him to want to do that, even when she's literally trapped away in what he believes to be an impenetrable base, away from everything and everyone, including himself ? And does he not feel shame knowing he does the things he does ? All the echo-logs indicate he doesn't, but his words are always pointing towards this secret 'care' for Angel, like he has to keep it hidden for some reason. And for what ? She still hates him. It would've been much more useful for him if he was just even the slightest bit more loving or caring, but it doesn't even cross his mind that it would be the case, because his head is so up his own asshole he can't see the effect that's already permeated all across Angel's demeanor to him. He doesn't see her as anything more than a tool, and she doesn't see him as anything more than a monster who's forcing her into living the worst life she could for his own purpose. And that's why she believes the only way out is to kill herself. Without her, Jack wouldn't be able to keep doing the things he wanted to, and it would be HER doing it, HER volition, HER autonomy getting regained for just this one time for a goal she thinks could be larger than herself, larger than her dad's reach over her.
And it was all thanks to Vault Hunters who never even knew her, Vault Hunters she sacrificed everything for because they were her friends in her mind.
I think about Angel a lot
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athena-xox · 3 months
Ever After High Facebook posts of note 👀
They give a lot of quotes from characters we don’t see in any other media
I definitely recommend checking out their Facebook because they give a lot of friendships there. Every post is linked
Also I’m making a post about all the confirmed birthdays later, keep your eyes peeled
They post this June 7th 2013, possibly written by Giles Grimm to the students/rebels/raven
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I’ve got no clue what this means and what they’re referring to but they say this about apple and briar “The Ever After Royals hope to put their best foot forward in the Forever After Reveal! Hex in daily beginning 6/24 to discover the whole story behind these best friends forever after” (post here) they also make a similar post about all the rebels here.
Briar referred to as an it girl #canon
Rebel inspiration post
They announce the legend of shadow high
Post about dex and dare
They make a post about tiny before any chapter two characters 😭😭
Even though confirming she’s a myth they quote cupid saying she can’t wait to discovers her destiny …
A scroll Apple sent her mom…
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Raven talking about cerise
Quote from Daring (I’m not sure if this is in any other media or not)
Apple quote on destiny
Cedar quote
Confirming the charming brothers + their roommates as friends
Hopper quote
Confirming that years are chapters? Or months? Either way new years post. Separate post about briar planning the party
Blondies thoughts on Raven not signing
Blondie on huntlynn
Sparrowchess confirmed on sparrows side ??
Cupids arrow
I just thought this was cute - Dexter watching romcoms - possible dexven
Every four years coach gingerbread makes winter games
Leap years canonically exist
Ashlynn plans Hunter a surprise birthday party
Spring unsprung is confirmed to be the first day of spring … even though true hearts day is said to be in spring. Although this is posted before both spring unsprung and thronecomimg come out. It’s bizarre that they talk about wonder though.
Cedar is confirmed to be like her dad
Blondie goes to the tower salon monthly
Cedar accidentally tells something about or to Raven … we don’t know what though
There’s a forest full of charming family trees, likely more than dex and daring mention in Blondie branches out
Daring quote
Both Maddie and Apple the student presidents support courtly in going to eah
They make a post about Maddie’s mh reference
Dappling art??
Whatever the heck this means about Farrah and Ash. “They’re united by a magical friendship that lasts for centuries.” Do they mean like the past cinderellas and godmothers???
Magazine about eah. Yall does anyone have this?? I want to know what interesting facts it says about briar
They asked if cedar should follow her destiny or fully commit to being a rebel … but they don’t do anything else with cedars plotline
Darabella propaganda 😒
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More darabella propaganda
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Barbie reference??? “Fairy secret”
Castle designs is possibly not a class but a summer break project
They learn about our world ?? They are a globe of earth
They spellebrate Halloween (this is after they say it’s a new school year so it could be a new thing Cupid taught them)
Yall don’t be surprised Disney canceled them… look at the book Rosabellas reading…
They spellebrate thanks giving (in November)
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bagelrites · 1 year
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Happy Birthday Dream!
Hope 24 is as epic as beating Minecraft vs 5 hunters 😁
Version without the text bubble (and me being sappy) under the cut.
Whenever I've been feeling down for the past year and a half, Manhunt has been there for me. I could literally watch these videos on loop forever, both for their cinematic editing and insane Minecraft parkour, and because their friendship bleeds through it all: Manhunt wouldn't be Manhunt without random karaoke, your mom jokes, BBH's mining songs, and George dying in the stupidest ways <3
All this is to say I'm so glad I found Dream, and the Dream Team, and the Muffinteers, and the whole Manhunt crew, and all of their friends. They've made my life better, and I'm so happy that I got to watch their lives get better, too. They really went from friends in the game to real life, right before our eyes.
Happy Birthday, Dream. Here's to another year of You, whether that means more music, more videos, six hunters and irl manhunt, or something entirely different. (Though I would give anything for Skeppy to be the sixth hunter but -- shush, I quiet my demons.)
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justme315 · 8 days
Caught 1/?
Fear, angst, pain, cursing, mention of drugs, g/t, graphic story of a crazy giant, mention of fatal vore, a mention of someone being suicidal, ¿gigantophobia?, trauma, bad response dough to fear
The world was not normal anymore. Everything started 15 years ago afer a yet another global pandemic. Some have passed away, some barely had any changes due to the illness but 1/14 of the population between 1 and 21 became really infected.
You see, it was not a typical disease. Sure, for some it was like a cold but those unfortunate young people who had the right genetic basis for the mutation of the disease were practically cursed. The mutation caused those sick people - depending on a person - either to shrink up to 3-4 inches or grow up to even 60 feet tall.
It took the doctors a few months to find medication to help control the sudden changes of size, but the illness was proven to be incurable. Medication could only help control the size changes slightly better but couldn't fully stop it.
Present time
In this crazy world there was only one thing that wasn't crazy.
"Hunter!" Nate yelled while chasing his best friend. The young boys were friends since they were 8 so now it was a decade of friendship. Their relationship was the only normal thing in the world: no lies, no envy just pure platonic love and..
"Give me back my phone, you psycho!"
"I'm gonna text her" Hunter laughed after unlocking his best friends phone "I'm finally gonna tell Evie that you have a crush on her!"
In a world full of the so called 'size shifters' (they could just call them weriedos in Nates opinion), so basically giants and tinies, having a friend like Hunter was a blessing. Well, at last Nate though that. Hunter didn't have too many friends becouse he wasn't very out going and could come off as cold sometimes but he was surely the sweetest, gentleman ever. Nate on the other hand was the most troublesome kid all middle and high school. He would always ruin something, say something rude to a teacher, skip classes, fail exams..
At last Hunter cared about him. And Nate cared about Hunter as well.
You could practically call them brothers at that point. 10 years of friendship? That sounds like 'forever' is ahead of them. Well.. it was.
This unfortunate day Nate has gotten a 'brilliant' idea: surprise (and scare) Hunter by coming out of his closet (no double meanings) as he returns home from soccer practice.
Everything was going well. Hunters mom bought the lie that Nate was supposed to wait for Hunter in his room and she left the house. Nate didn't have too much time before he heard Hunter opening the front door. He quickly jumped into the closet and closed the door, leaving just a tiny gap, so he could see what was happening on the outside.
The closet was dark, full of clothes and other stuff all around. Those things were nothing special: t-shirts, pants, caps, headphones, medication.. Wait, hold on.
"Why does he have pills in there?" Nate though, grabbing the bottle. His mind raced with thoughts. It was too dark for him to figure out what kind of medicine was in the bottle. It was weried. Hunter wasn't sick. Well, at last Nate didn't know anything about that. He didn't have allergies, he didn't have asthma, never even needed pain killers...
"What if those are like drugs?" Nates heart skipped a beat. It would explain why Hunter wouldn't tell him. Maybe he was ashamed that he was an addict?
No, drugs didn't make any sense. Hunter wouldn't have done that. That's something pretty much impossible to happen.
"Maybe he is sick and doesn't wanna tell me because it's terminal"
Now Nate felt like he was going to puke. What if this was something serious? What if Hunter would-?
Just as he was about to create next 2000 scenarios, Hunter entered the room.
"Crap" Nate gasped "I forgot about the prank!"
He wasn't in the mood for pranks anymore. He was supposed to scare Hunter but..
As Hunter sat on his bed, he called Nate out.
"I can see you, dumbass, you know?"
Nate signed and then slowly opened the closets door and stepped out. His best friend didn't seem very surprised.
"You idio-" The boy began to speak, but stoped mid sentence as he saw what was in his friends hands. He got pale. He became completely paralyzed. He was..
Nate didn't understand his expression. Surely, he couldn't have scared him. Hunter saw him. He wasn't as sly as normally. So why would he react this way?
He then looked carefully at his best friends expression. Hunters eyes flickered between Nates face and.. the bottle in his hand.
How could he have forgotten about that?
He looked down into his hand. Finally the light hit the white bottle with few simple blue words written on it.
Remedium Gigantismus.
"Heck of a weried name for a pill" Nate thought before he saw the smaller, English words.
A pill to help control morphing into a giant.
His eyes widden and he gasped.
Gigantismus. That means..
"A giant.." he mumbled under his breath. How was it possible he didn't realize earlier? He looked back at Hunter with wide, confused eyes.
Hunter stared at him looking almost terrified.
"Nate.." Hunters voice was a little shaky and he acted with a lot of caution "Let me-"
"Why the hell do you have those pills?" Nate spoke defensively. It felt surreal. Hunter never behaved like that. He never kept secrets. He most surely wouldn't be a fucking monster.
"Bro, I'm sorry, I should have told you sooner" the other boys brown eyes flickered with shame. He took a step into Nates direction but the shorter, blue-eyed one took a step back. Hunter was visibly shocked and hurt by that.
"What..? What the hell do you mean?" Nate still couldn't get that thought into his head. There had to be a different explanation. Hunter was not a freaking beast. He wasn't a man-eater. He wasn't one of those crazy giants that morph into their true size in the middle of a city to crush buildings, murder people and traumatize thoese who remain alive. Hunter wasn't like the one that to Nate.
"Nate, I really wanted to tell you. But after the accident in the gallery..." Right.
4 years ago Nate was in an art gallery with his so called girlfriend. She was his first crush. It was a great experience untill.. Unexpectedly one boy, barely older than them morphed into a giant. He crushed buildings, walls fell down, floors broke into parts, the rooftop fell on top of many people, the giant murdered and eaten humans that he could reach, he even ate the girl that went out with Nate. He only survived because he was under a pile of fallen materials. After the "accident", as everyone else refered to it, he became suicidal, had nightmares almost every night but most importantly began to hate giants with all his heart. Hell, not only giants. All of those freaking weriedos that change their sizes. His therapist couldn't help him. Noone really could. But Hunter was by his side after that terrifying, traumatizing experience. He was the only one who understood how much Nate hated thoese freaking monsterous giants and was the only one accepting the fact without telling him that "one situation doesn't define the whole species" or other shit people told him. They were murderers. Giants were murderers. Nothing more.
But now.. even Hunter didn't understand him.
"Tell me it's not what I think it is" Nate almost begged at this point. He was so angry, so confused and so unbelievably terrified "Tell me you're not a monster!!"
Hunters eyes became glossy "Nate, please.. I got infected 6 years ago. I didn't tell anyone. I wanted to.. I wanted to tell you but my parents told me it was a bad idea. And later the accident happened.. I didn't want fot you to hate me" he tried to explain as he was slowly breaking down.
Nate felt his heart beat faster, his breath quickened, his hands trembled as he held the bottle firmly, his mind was filled with thoughts, he couldn't control the growing rage.
"Are you a fucking giant?!" Nate yelled at Hunter, visibly furious and panicked, somehow at the same time. He felt like he was going to puke. His head hurt. And his heart? It stung so freaking bad that he thought he was going to have a heart attack.
Hunter stood there, quiet for a secound before nodding. He looked ashamed. Hurt even. He knew he shouldn't have kept this a secret but let's be honest, if he told Nate would they continue being friends? He didn't want to lose him. He just couldn't bare the thought..
They both kept quiet for a few seconds, the first thing to break the silence was the sound of the bottle falling down onto the floor.
"How could you..?" The blue-eyed began to speak.
"Nate, please, it doesn't have to change anything-" Hunter spoke even though he didn't believe that himself. His heart was pounding like crazy. He took two more steps into his best friends direction.
"Get away from me you monster!!" Nate snapped as he took a few steps back, visibly frighten by Hunter.
They have been friends for a freaking decade and now Nate was terrified of him.
Hunter broke down. Tears began to fall down his cheeks. He wasn't a monster.
"Please don't call me that" he though as he began to sob and cry louder. Just this exact secound he ran off the room and out if the house leaving Nate all alone.
The boy collapsed onto the floor, sitting there stunned, shocked and scared. He couldn't understand the situation. It was unbelievable. How didn't he notice? Was Hunter faking their friendship? Would Hunter hurt him?
No, of course not. That was Hunter.
Nate stood back up and took a deep breath.
"How could I have been so cruel to call him a monster? I fucking made him cry" he thought as he began to gain his senses again. When the fear began to fade away he realized what he had done. His behavior was unforgivable. Hunter was right that Nate wouldn't have took that information well.
"I have to fix this" Nate though as he realised he wouldn't loose his best friend like that. Not becouse he called him names. Maybe the could find a way to make it work?
Yeah, truthfully Nate doubted that. He wouldn't be friends with a giant. But he couldn't think about it now. It wasn't a giant, it was Hunter. He needed to find him and apologize and talk to him.
He ran after him, trying to find a direction he suspected the boy would choose. He knew his favorite forest spots and that's exactly where he went.
After almost 40 minutes of looking for Hunter, Nate has found Hunter. He was sitting on a tree branch, sobbing. Nate approached him, fear growing back in his body as well as tention, but he wouldn't give up so easily.
"Hey man.." Nate began to speak. The sudden sound must have startled Hunter because he fell down as he turned around to see who was speaking.
Before he could say anything the earth began to shake and he began to grow.
Nate looked up with wide eyes as his best friend was transformed into a 60ish foot tall giant beast.
"N-Nate..?" Hunter mumbled uncertainty as he realised he had grown, looking at his now tiny buddy.
Nate turned around and began to run as fast as he could. He wouldn't he cought by a giant.
"Wait, Nate, please!!"
Thank you for reading, sorry it took me so long to update, hope you enjoy a new story! 💙💙
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okay so for the ask game: Astarion. any questions, not sure if you wanted us to specify a specific one from the list or not sorry 👉👈
The ask game was for shipping but I'll play with this!
Who do I ship him with: Astarion has a lot of in-game flirtation with Wyll, and I think they'd actually do quite well together in a Spawn ending, as well as extremely tragically in an Ascended ending, where Wyll would have been trying to give him everything he wants only to have to become the Monster Hunter who takes him down in the end. Chefs kiss.
I also love Karlach/Astarion. Astarion joining her in Avernus where he never has to fear the sun again. Karlach never being alone again. They compliment each other in many other ways as well, and they highly respect each other in game. She is so proud of him, and he treats her with a gentle sort of love and kindness that he doesn't show to any other companion in canon (reference: if you ask to date them both at the same time, astarions dialogue is so loving toward karlach and her needs)
I do not think astarion and Laezel are good for one another but I haven't had anyone convince me yet. Even though they sleep together, I can't see the chemistry. She uses him as a service and he provides and imthe it fizzles.
I DO think Halsin and Astarion would be good *stepping stone* partners. I've written drabbels on this before. I love them as the kind of partners unbeholden to each other, who come together and separate sometimes for years at a time. I do not see them as true love that settles down and lives together forever.
I do not ship Bloodweave but I am no hater, I've reblogged great art about it and I've read some fics, I just can't understand on a deep level where they'd /genuinely love each other as people/. I do like the dialogue in Act 3 where Gale says he'd join Astarions hedonistic little party if he threw one. I think these two have good enemies to annoyed to friends dynamic
Shadowheart and Astarion I see respected friends only I see no chemistry, personally. Again, not a hater tho
I shop Jaheira and Astarion as Step Mom and Step Idiot
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eitaababe · 2 years
hello! <3 can i please request a neteyam x metkayina!reader oneshot where reader is apprehensive about choosing a mate, she knows everyone expect her to choose asap but prefers the idea of being friends with the person first (having a hard time trusting people easily/opening up). one day, after realizing her feelings for neteyam, she talks to him about this and he says something like “i’d always wait for you”. i’m so sorry if this is too specific, i have a thing for the concept of patient love/slowburn.
(also your writing is so beautiful, i’m in love with everything you post and always look forward for your works.)
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neteyam x metkayina! reader.
a/n — yo this took me forever to finish like i STRUGGLED IM SO SORRY 😭😭 / but SLOWBURNS >>> THEYRE JUST TOO GOOD MAN / also tysm nonnie giving you big smooches
! characters are aged up a few years for sake of plot
When the Sully's arrived to awa'atlu, Tsireya practically begged you to help her and her brother teach them your clan's ways. So you agreed, and like her, took a quick liking to one of the brothers.
You slowly grew closer to Neteyam, spending more and more time that started out with helping him breathe correctly, to how to ride his ilu, to eventually just being with him because you enjoyed his presence.
The two of you were currently sitting on the sand underneath a tree, his back to you as he sat in front of you, you re-braiding his hair. "He's just so- ugh! I just don't get why he is so obsessed with making my siblings feel so unwelcome." Neteyam complained, hissing when you pulled too hard.
"For eywa's sake, Neteyam. If I hear you complain about Ao'nung one more time, I'm going to rip my own eardrums out," You sighed, tsking when his hand grabbed your wrist from tugging hard. "Don't be such a baby, you asked me to redo your braids."
Opening his mouth to complain again, Kiri came in, interrupting you two. "Hey Y/n, I think your parents are looking for you."
Silently thanking eywa, Neteyam grinned, shaking his hair out. Kiri looked at her brother in amusement, breaking out into laughter. "You look so stupid, with your hair half done."
"Whatever, I'm going to mom to ask her to finish it for me. Find me once you're down, yeah?" He looked to you, softly rubbing your shoulder as a farewell.
"I will," you assured him, waving bye to his sister as well.
You entered your own marui, greeting your parents. "Oel ngati kameie."
Your parents nodded, gesturing you to come closer. "Daughter, we have something very important to address."
You sat down across from them, wearing a confused look.
"As you know, you're getting older," you nodded slowly, still confused. "Soon enough, you will need to find a mate. We talked to Ruto's parents, and we believe you two would make a fine match."
You shook your head in disagreement. "Father, I barely know Ruto. I've talked to him only once."
"Yes, but he is the son of one of our best hunter's in the clan. He would provide well for you."
"Please," you begged, looking to your mother for help. "Let me choose someone on my own."
Your parents shared a look, sighing as they turned to you. "Fine, we'll let you choose your own mate. But make it quick. We'll be waiting, and if you can't find someone, we'll talk to Ruto's parents about our agreement again."
You left the marui without another word.
Keeping your promise, you still went to the Sully family's marui, clearly shaken. Of course, the idea of being mated was something you thought about frequently, but the pressure of finding one soon so you wouldn't be set up with a stranger was all too much.
Collecting yourself, you called out to the family, Tuk immediately running up to you. "Y/n!" She giggled happily as you picked her up, hugging her close.
"Hi Tuktuk," you chuckled, eyes wandering to her hand, small fingers grasping a band of beads. She reached out to you, offering them. "What's this?"
"I made it for you!" You let her put it on your wrist, and thanked her, carrying her with you as you made your way towards Neteyam and his mother, who was just about finished with his hair.
"Hi y/n." Neytiri greeted, finishing up on her son's last braid. Upon hearing your name, Neteyam quickly looked up, smiling at the sight of you.
"Y/n!" He happily chirped, his eyes wandering towards your wrist. The bead pattern on your bracelet was matching to the one on his necklace, and you both shared a grin at the realization.
Tuk grinned proudly when the both of you shared a look at your matching jewelry, and jumped from your arms to her mothers embrace.
Getting up, Neteyam waved to his mother. "I'll be back before eclipse."
Nodding towards her son, and then you, the two of you made your way out the marui, walking along the shore.
"So, what did your parents want?"
Your smile faded at the mention of your parents. "They want me to pick a mate soon. They're so excited that they've already chosen someone."
"What? Who?" Neteyam panicked, eyes boring into yours.
"Ruto," you glumly replied. "I convinced them to give me some time though. To pick someone I want, not something that's set up. But I really don't have much time."
"Ruto?" he scoffed in disapproval. "He's got the personality of a rock," he joked, smiling when you faintly laughed. "My dads talked to me about the same thing. I just don't really know everyone on the island all that well, you know?"
"I'm sure you'll find someone," you comforted, a small wave crashing before your feet. "There's many beautiful metkayina women here. Sungia is one of the best healers I've seen. Ikla has a beautiful voice. Ezo is also a great dancer-"
"Easy there," Neteyam cut you off, slapping a hand over your mouth to shut up. Licking his palm, he pulled away, wiping his hand on your arm. "Ew! You're like Lo'ak when you do that."
"Maybe next time you shouldn't put your hand on my mouth, then." You laughed. "I was just saying, there's plenty of wonderful girls here. The men, whoever..."
"Don't fret. We'll find you a big, strong, hunter with a personality so you don't end up with Ruto the rock." He teased, lazily wrapping his arm around you and pulling your hair lightly, making you smack him in the stomach.
"Stop messing with my hair, you skxawng!"
Tuk and Neytiri watched the two of you from the marui, silently hoping the two of you would come to your senses soon.
The next few days went by, and you found yourself laying on Tsireya, complaining. "Eywa hates me!" You groaned, glaring up at the girl when she laughed at your declaration. "It isn't funny, Reya."
"It's a little funny, admit it."
"No it's not! My parents are going to force me to mate with this weird guy if I don't find anyone! I just don't get it, Eywa practically handed you Lo'ak, you have nothing to worry about. All the boys on this island are boring or like your brother."
Eyes widening at the dig at Ao'nung, Tsireya didn't scold you for it. "I mean, I'm not saying you're wrong," she softly threaded her hands through your hair as you let out another sigh. "But there has to be someone. What about Neteyam?"
You shot up like a rocket, rapidly shaking your head. "Absolutely not. No. I couldn't even- no. We're just friends."
"You are a terrible liar." Tsireya blankly stated, blinking at you.
"I'm not lying!"
"Have you seen the way you two look at each other? It's like you're in love. No one who is just friends looks at someone like that."
"Look," you started, pushing the thoughts of you and Neteyam as far as you could. "Even if I decided I liked him. That's if. If I did, his father wants him to be mated soon as well. He's Neteyam, I doubt he would settle for someone like me."
"Oh Y/n," Tsireya cooed, grasping your hand lightly. "Don't do that. Do not discount yourself. You are one of the most beautiful women on this island, anyone would be lucky to be your mate. Especially Neteyam."
Smiling gratefully at her, you didn't like the feeling that bubbled up when you pictured being with Neteyam. "Oh whatever. You're just pushing me towards Neteyam because you already like the family." You teased, laughing harder when her cheeks turned purple at the subtle mention of Lo'ak.
You can't help but let the thought of you and Neteyam linger the next few days. Yes, you enjoyed his company, but could you really spend the rest of your life as his mate?
You avoided him, denying that you could ever feel about him in that way. Denying that you shuddered at his touch, that you loved the way his eyes looked, that you loved how he talked, how he-
Ripping you from your thoughts, a pair of arms wrapped around you. "Hi y/n." Your favorite voice spoke, bringing a smile to your face.
"Hi 'Teyam." Yoy cheerfully replied, worries from before now long forgotten.
"You okay?" he asked, a concerned look in his eyes. "You looked like you were deep in thought."
"I'm fine," you assured, brought back to your harsh reality. "Just-"
"Trying to figure out who you could tolerate as a mate?"
You chuckled, nodding. "Yeah, pretty much."
"Then c'mon, let's go find someone."
Your protests against the idea of spying around the island to look for boys were quickly tossed aside. He was determined to find someone for you, and you couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed that he wanted to find someone for you so soon.
"Rotxo!" Neteyam called out, waving over at the boy. You rolled your eyes, but following the boy as he walked over towards Rotxo.
"Y/n, Neteyam, what are you two up to?"
"Nothing much," you smiled flatly, giving Neteyam a knowing look. "Just walking around the beach, showing him around the island."
"Ah, well, have fun! Let me know if you two need anything."
You both thanked him as you said your farewells and walked away, Neteyam glancing down at you multiple times. "...no?"
You continued on with your hunt, opting to look from afar rather than engage in a conversation with every boy you saw. You smiled and nodded at guys who didn't seem too bad, but you were silent for the most part. Neteyam wasn't dumb, you may not have been the closest but he could tell something was off. "Hey, we really don't have to do this if you don't want to."
"No, it's- it's fine," you quietly reassured him, letting a moment of silence pass by as you bit the inside of your cheek. "I'm just scared, you know? I'm going to be mated off with someone who I barely even know. Who I'm not even friends with. What if- what if I don't love him? What if he doesn't love me?" You worried, not realizing how Neteyam gently grasped your hand, squeezing it in comfort.
"Hey, you're going to be fine, alright? If you don't want to meet anyone new, maybe you'll grow to be fond of Ruto, and he'll learn to love you. Or maybe you'll even find someone else when you least expect it. But I'll always be here for you, you know that?"
Your heart clenched at the reminder of Ruto, and the limited time you had. You smiled wordlessly up at him, squeezing his hand back. "Thank you, Neteyam."
Yet you can't help but feel as though everything won't be fine.
With your time running out and no new candidates, you settle for trying to get to know Ruto. You really have no clue where to start, but you find him on his ilu, probably coming back from a hunt.
"Ruto!" You called out, his head snapping up at response of his name. His eyes land on your own and you freeze, not knowing what to do when he sends a small smile your way, and starts heading over towards you.
You begin to panic, rethinking your decisions. What were you even thinking? You barely know him, he's probably just as confused as you are.
Before you can succumb to the rest of your thoughts, an unfamiliar voice snaps you out of it. "Hey, y/n," the boy greets, towering over you, piercing yellow eyes burning i to your own. "What's up?"
"Uhm-" you stutter, swallowing down your suddenly very dry throat. "Just walking around. Wanted to see what you were up to."
Ruto hums, nodding once he finally understands why you came to him. "This is about our- arrangement, isn't it?"
"I'm sorry, that's it's all so awkward. Truth be told I wasn't for it either, but my parents were so insistent," he laughs at you when you groan in frustration. "How about this. We'll get to know each other. And if you really don't want to go through with this, we'll talk to them together."
You take a moment, considering his offer. There was no downside, really, at least for you. One hand, you make your parents and everyone else happy by finding a mate, or you get what you really want, a chance to finally get to know somebody, and take your time in choosing.
You and Ruto spent the next couple days together practically every minute, choosing activities that the other enjoyed, and learning more about each other the more you were together. Your parents were pleased at the interaction and word around the village traveled fast, everyone chattering about how you finally found 'the one'.
Neteyam ended up finding out the news from Lo'ak. Yes, it was his idea, but he couldn't help the way his heart sank when everyone was talking about you and your new mate, and how he was able to confirm the news with his own eyes when he spotted you two.
He sat in his family's marui, quieter than usual. Kiri and Lo'ak quickly noticed, exchanging knowing looks. "If you scrunch your face like that any longer, it's going to be permanent."
"Shut up, Lo'ak."
"I'm just saying. He's had that god awful pout on his face the past few days, it's bringing my mood down. What's wrong?"
Glaring his sibling's way, Neteyam only shook his head, eyes averting to the ocean. "Nothing's wrong."
"Something seems pretty wrong to me," Lo'ak stated, shrugging and leaning back casually. "Ever since y/n has been out and about with Ruto lately you seem all alone and missing her company and-"
The younger brother paused, mouth agape while his hand flies to cover it. "OH EYWA! You like y/n!"
"You are so slow sometimes, Lo'ak," Kiri rolled her eyes in annoyance, looking to Neteyam who seemed just about as surprised as his brother. "Don't tell me- you just realized too?"
She took his silence as a yes and pinched the bridge of her nose, sighing at both her brothers stupidity. "Neteyam, you cannot. She's betrothed to Ruto."
"I know." He replied quietly.
"And her parents aren't likely to change their minds."
"I know."
"And she actually seems to be enjoying his company lately."
"I know."
"So you better hurry up and tell her how you feel."
"I kn- wait, what?" Neteyam cut himself off, head swiveling to face the two. They only shrugged, as if it was the simplest thing in the world. "I can't just- just go and tell her how I feel."
"Why not? I mean really, what do you have to lose. If it doesn't work out then she ends up with Ruto anyways."
"You're not making me feel any better."
"Just go!"
So, like a man on a mission, Neteyam hurried to find you, only to see you with Ruto once more. He pauses mid-stride, wondering if this is really the best way to go about it. But in a moment of courage he acts on instinct, approaching you two.
You speak first, and when your laugh turns silent he can't help but feel as if he's intruding. "Neteyam? What's going on?"
"I just-" he stops himself, seeing Ruto stand next to you. He sees the way you two look together, almost perfect. Your beauty matches his own looks, and in no doubt would he provide well for you. His heart hammers in his chest, and cowardly, he averts the topic. "I was wondering if you've seen Ezo. I was thinking of taking you and my father's advice about reaching out to other women on the island."
"Oh," you quietly exclaimed, clearing your throat for whatever reason. "She was by the reef with Rotxo, last time I saw her."
He quickly thanked you and walked off, missing the way your face fell, and how Ruto was quick to console you.
"I guess I was wrong," you softly spoke, now sitting with both Tsireya and Ruto. Their eyes held sympathy for you, trying their best to help you in this complicated situation. "I mean, I really thought I had it all figured out. Me and Ruto were going to tell our parents that it isn't going to happen with us, and that I want to take it slow with someone I had in mind. And then he just- drops this on me!"
Tsireya rubs her hand on your shoulder in comfort, feeling sorry for her best friend. "Well- maybe it didn't even go well between them. For all we know, he could hate Ezo right now."
"Nobody hates Ezo." You state, Ruto quietly agreeing but still earning a glare from Tsireya.
"Maybe, just maybe, you should tell Neteyam how you feel anyways. He's looking for other women, but he's blind to the one just in reach."
"I don't know-" You start to protest, almost immediately getting cut off by both Ruto and Tsireya.
"No," they start, Ruto speaking up after. "You're going to tell Neteyam how you feel. Stop sulking on your butt and go get your man."
You whine and stomp your feet, childlike, before finally getting up. "Fine, I'm going. If this all goes wrong I'm blaming you both."
"Looking forward to it. Have fun!"
You wander along the sand, looking out of place and feeling more uncomfortable as more time passes. You try to spot Neteyam's dark blue skin, but to no avail, are unable to find him amongst the crowd of metkayina men.
Walking aimlessly and just about to give up on your search, you finally see him with Ezo, which is unsurprising. You can't decide if you should greet them, hide behind a tree, or hope that the ocean swallows you whole at any given moment. You opt for the latter, standing there awkwardly.
Neteyam greets you before you can say anything, and they both walk to you, and you decide to meet them halfway. They both wear a wide grin, and the sight feels like someone stabbed a dagger through your chest.
"What are you doing here? I thought you were with Ruto." Neteyam curiously piped up, making your chest throb even more when you think, he doesn't even want to see you.
"He just had some duties," you lie, shrugging carelessly. "I was just walking along here before I go back to my marui. What were you two up to?" You asked, hoping you wouldn't regret it.
"Well we spent most of the day together," Neteyam answered you, the truth making it feel like someone was slowly chipping away at your heart. "We swam and went on rides with the ilus..." he kept telling you about their day, but you stopped listening, zoning out.
We, we, we. It was funny how such a small word could cause you so much pain.
"Well that's lovely!" You faked a smile, blinking rapidly before tears would fall down your face. You turned away hastily, making your way in the opposite direction while yelling a jumble of words. Something along the lines of, "Wouldn't want to be in the way, see you later!"
Your face burns with embarrassment, thinking you could just march up and tell Neteyam that you want him, and he would willingly accept you. You think you got away, and then you hear him run up from behind you, making you shut your eyes tightly and hope he won't notice the red in your eyes.
"Y/n?" He called out worriedly, turning you around to face him, your eyes opening involuntarily. Ezo is nowhere to be seen, yet you really can't find it in you to care all that much. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" Neteyam questions, on making you want to cry harder.
"So much," you croak, trying to stop your voice from cracking as you continued to talk. "So much is wrong. I'm such a mess. I met Ruto and I became friends with him but I can't even get myself to like him, and then I feel like everything's hopeless, and that I won't find someone I like here and then I meet you," you sniffle, wiping your nose with the back of your hand, "and for the longest I can't comprehend what I feel for you and by the time I realize it's too late because you've already went off and found another girl."
"Hey," he soothes, head dipping down so his eyes can meet your own. "Who says I don't feel the same way about you?"
"Even if you did," you cried out hopelessly, all your pent up feelings unraveling in front of the one person you didn't want it to. "You'd have to wait so long. I don't- I don't want to rush into this. It's tedious, having to wait for someone like me when there's girls like Ezo who are ready for you now."
"There's nothing tedious about waiting for the girl you want to be ready," Neteyam spoke softly still, his thumb rubbing against the inner part of your forearm. "And I don't want girls like Ezo," he laughed, his other hand cupping your cheek. "I want you."
Before you even have the chance to protest, or come up with some dumb excuse or reason why you aren't fit for him he presses his lips to yours, deeming it the best way to shut you up. His lips mold against yours almost perfectly, and he finally pulls away, his smile brighter than any stars in the sky. "I only want you," he whispers, lips brushing against yours once more.
"So take your time, alright?"
a/n — anyways hope u enjoyed <33
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nightingale2004 · 14 days
Teen wolf fans, I have a vision/fanfic Idea.
Alright, so one of my old posts mentioned a time travel fic.
So my idea is that both the McCall and the Hale pack (+Peter, maybe) both get transported in the past to when their parents were teenagers.
In this timeline, they have to blend in and get help from the past Hale pack to get back to their original timeline.
But in the past, both packs learn something about their own families.
Stiles and Derek learn that both their mothers loved each other like sisters and that Stiles's moms family has been allies with the Hales for a very long time.
The Gajos family is also very magical (yes, I'm in love with magic! Stiles) and they have been the protectors of Beacon Hills with spark magic running through their veins, and they have also been emissaries to the Hale pack since forever.
Stiles learns about his mother's side of the family and sees how both his parents met in high school, which was Claudia making the first move, and Derek gets to see his family and his parents fall in love. Stiles also learns that Peter had a major crush on his own mother when he was a kid since Claudia was not just Talia's best friend and future emissary but also his babysitter, which Peter was not proud to admit.
Stiles also learns where he gets his attention span, adhd, and toughness from. Because young Claudia was definitely a force of nature, especially with her car Roscoe.
Stiles and Scott also learn that both their dad's actually knew each other, and Stiles' dad Noah was actually Rafael McCall's bestfriend and wingman for Scott's mother Melissa Delgado, whom they also knew in highschool. Stiles also learns that his dad was very socially awkward but extremely sarcastic and clumsy and will trip over air but give a non-serious answer. Stiles also learns how bad his dad Noah's relationship was with his own father. But Stiles is always eternally grateful that his mother made the first move.
Lydia also learns that her grandmother had a decent understanding of the supernatural and her banshee abilities.
Stiles also learns the reason why Claudia left the supernatural life and gave her position as emissary to Alan Deaton, which was to be with his dad. But that never stopped Talia from always seeking her council, emissary or not, Talia and the Hales always saw Claudia as family. Including Peter, and even though he will never admit it, Claudia was and still is his first love, and he was more than happy to have a piece of her within Stiles.
Stiles and Derek also get to see both their mothers being a bad@$$ duo against hunters and many other supernatural beings. Including them being powerful political leaders trying to keep the peace in Beacon hills and for everyone, including negotiating with the Argents and going to war w/ Gerard Argent. Also, I have no doubt that Peter and Noah were the only ones falling for Claudia's charms.
Also, let me know what you guys think.
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pigeonpeach · 8 months
I just want to be the one you love
Jean x reader
A/n: not my best work but i tried. Enjoy!
Summary: childhood crushes finding out they’ve been in love with each other the whole time.
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It seems like as long as you could remember that you has been in love with Jean. Hopelessly pinning that you would be by her side forever, that you would wake up each day to see her next to you, kiss her goodnight, lay on her lap, hold her hand, take her last name… You knew that such things were outlandish. She’s the Acting Grand Master now, she hardly has time for you. But you still find yourself reminiscing in the past.
Jean always was a social girl. Everyday she’d study then go to the library to study, then go down to the bakery in Mondstadt’s city to meet with her best friend: you. Life as a kid was easy then. Her little sister was just born but she didn’t have much time to play with her. She is just a baby after all. But you were someone she liked being around.
“Jean! Jean!” You said holding with you a basket. “My mom says that the library just got some new fiction books! Lets go check them out!” You grabbed her hand.
“Oh but my mom says I need to study more-“
“Just switch the covers! Easy!” You smiled.
“Actually that’s smart.. i guess as long as she doesn’t know… lets go then!”
If you asked Jean’s parents, they tolerated you for her sake. But they were busy at each other’s throats to care about her personal life. You fueled her curiosity and fed into the little rebellious spirit she had. Of course she was always careful. But oh how she loved sneaking snacks with you during sleepovers.
“Your house is huge! Oh my god you guys actually have like hallways!” You smiled as you walked through the Gunnhildr manor. It wasn’t like Diluc’s home but still you lived in a cottage at springvale, luxury is always surprising.
“I’m glad you like it. My Mom says that you can stay over for the night, you can sleep in one of the spare rooms.” Jean held your hand as she guided you through the hallways. It felt like you were a mouse, everything was so huge and clean. Everything was so tidy, fresh flowers in every vase, family portraits with gilded framing, and detailed wallpaper. You loved it.
“Aw.. what good is a sleepover if we aren’t in the same room.” You pout.
“That was just a offer, I didn’t want you to sleep on the floor. But we have to be careful because Barbra is a light sleeper.” She said. You nodded excitedly.
That night you two were too excited to go to sleep. You chatted about this book from Inazuma about these two opposing samurai ladies who fell in love and ended up married. Before you knew it however it was getting dark.
“That’s weird, we should’ve had dinner by now..” Jean said. “I didn’t even notice we weren’t summoned for dinner. I’m sure we can go ask the maids whats up.” She hopped off the bed, with you following suit, the two of you making your way downstairs. There was a muffled sound coming from somewhere. But it sounded like a argument. Instantly Jean stiffened. “O-oh… lets head back to the room.. i think there’s something going on down there.” She said. You noticed she seemed more down now.
“Oh! I packed snacks for us to share! We can have those if you’re really hungry.”
“That should work. As long as we don’t make a mess.”
You sat at Good Hunter now, where you worked now. Honey roast wrapped for later. A thought crossed your mind, maybe you could give it to her as a gift. And if she didn’t want it well Amber would. Amber loves meaty dishes. Your heart raced a little as you walked up the stairs, taking turns and turns to the Knight of Favonius headquarters.
“Say Jean, whats your take on love? Like what do you look for in a partner.” You two lounged on a blanket at windrise.
“L-love?” She seemed surprised.
“Yes. I’m just curious.” You added.
“W-well… I guess loyalty is one… maybe someone gentle and sweet. With.. a um..” she looked at you in a way that sent your heart racing for a moment. “Dedication… someone who would expand my horizons. Maybe a good chef, I always prefer meals made by loved ones.. What about you?”
“Definitely someone strong, chivalrous, like with you I value Loyalty and devotion. But I want someone really devoted, beyond normal means of dedication. Someone who would do anything for me, and preferably taller.”
“Interesting..” she said.
“Its been awhile hasnt it.” You said with a smile as you walked in her office. You noticed the look in her eyes as she saw you.
“What a pleasant surprise.” She sat up in her chair fixing her hair. Seems you caught her a bad time. Her hair was a mess and she looked sleep deprived.
“I brought you some lunch if you’d want it.” You said putting the food infront of her. She seemed quite hungry.
“Your timing is perfect actually. I haven’t eaten since yesterday.”
“What?” You said alarmed. “Jean what have you been doing to yourself! You can’t run the country on s empty stomach!”
“I know I know, its just it slipped my mind.”
“You should know better! You need to prioritize yourself sometimes you know. If you knew you were this deprived I’d have brought you a feast!” You sit across from her.
“Thank you, I’ll make sure to feed myself more properly next time.” Jean said. “So, how have you been?”
“The usual, around windblume is when business picks up. There’s lots of tourists these days.” You laid back in the chair. “Alot of the Knights come by too, but I hardly ever see you come outside nowadays.”
“Oh that.. I’ve been swamped with paperwork recently. You’ve heard of the dark night hero? Well he- they just attacked a relatively important fatuus and now they’re trying to get me to track them down.”
“If you ask me, I’d expel them all out of here. Tell goth it doesn’t matter what that pants guy gave him, we can’t have dozens of personel from another country occupying mondstadt!”
“Unfortunately that kind of situation is one Varka has to do.”
“that lousey… ugh. I’d tell them you’re doing your best but you’re not in charge of protecting them from anything. If they push further just bluff and say you have the authority to kick them all out.” You smile.
“You’re direct as always.” She smiled faintly. “Again, I can’t do that.”
“Well maybe what you need is a little break. Come outside! The weather is wonderful!” You said.
“I’d love to but-“ she looked up from her paper at you, for a minute, it felt like she was younger again, being dragged along by you to adventure she’d cherish afterwards. “Sure. Why not.” The smile on your face when she said those words, oh it cured her stress immediately. Your presence calmed her more than she knew it would. Feelings rising to the surface that she hid for so long. Yet… she didn’t mind it.
Jean looked at you, she just gotten back from training. She noticed you taking little peeks at her from your book. “I feel like I’m a mess.” She grimaced sitting next to you. “Its so hot out.. the sweat is practically pouring from me.”
“You look great though. I mean.. your muscles are coming in.” Gesturing to her arms.
“That’s good. But I’m parched, luckily i packed… oh no!” Jean opened her back to realize her bag was soaked. She quickly took everything out.
“Just lay them out in the sun.” You said. Luckily she didn’t keep anything too important in that bag. It just held her more comfortable clothes.. and now empty water bottle.
“Here have mine.” You said offering her your bottle. She took it.
“Thanks, i don’t know what i’d do without you.”
“You would be fine. You’re a strong woman.” You said.
But you were wrong. The worst part about her job was waking up early, when she’d have to leave her wonderful dream behind. When she’d so comfortably be dreaming of you, her hands wrapped around a pillow. Those dreams were her favorite. Still Jean had to go on with her day. That was until she paused. She’d been in love with her childhood best friend for years now, years of subtly flirting and playfulness never coming to be… she was going to change that today.
“Jean?” You said, you hadn’t expected to see her at your door, at this hour.
“I- can i come in.” She seemed rather flustered. In her hands was the biggest bouquets you had seen.
“O-of course.” You said. She walked in, sitting on your couch.
“I-I have to tell you something.” She said, you sat next to her. It was still pretty early. The sun just barely having risen.
“Alright. I’m all ears then-“
“I love you.”
“Wait… can you say that again?” You felt a bit shy all the sudden. You had always been the more confident of you two, able to hold your own. But now you were flustered.
“I.. I have known you for almost my whole life, and each memory of you.. has been a light in my life. I’ve cherished every gift and every word you ever gave me. I’ve longed for you to be in my life forever. I want to grow old with you, I want to come home to you, and every moment without you has only made my heart grow fonder of you. In my sweetest if dreams you’re besides me in my bed, and then I find it hard to wake up. I find myself looking for you in crowds… when you visited me recently.. i knew I couldn’t hide my feeling’s forever. I- I am deeply in love with you.” She said. You paused as you processed what she said. Your own heart racing.
“Jean… did you think I’d reject you?” You said, noticing how she shakes and quiver. “I’ve been dropping hints for our entire childhood almost.” You couldn’t help but smile. You notice the relief in her face as you say so.
“I-i worried i was over analyzing things. I had always brushed it off because you were always so forward..”
“Maybe I should’ve been more obvious then.. but i love you too Jean.” Your hands in hers, you looked into her eyes with a smile.
“It.. I’m sorry i just… I’m so happy right now I can’t really think straight.” The smile on Jean’s face was akin to patch of sunlight in the rain. Her hands grasped yours firmly, she raised one of your hands to press against her cheek. “I love you. I love you.”
“I love you too.” You said, leaning into a kiss.
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devilmayfamily · 1 year
Imagine your son has been a fan of Dante's forever, like since he was born, and when news spreads that the devil slayer is in town your son begs you to go see him even if that means spending a lot of money on this one little trip. You can't say no to your son, he's too cute! So you both go. And when you get there you realize that Dante isn't alone. No, no, no. His brother, Vergil, is there with him. And your eyes meet. And suddenly, your mind is filled with hundreds of memories from when you were a teen. And suddenly you don't want to be there anymore but you can't go, your son hasn't gotten his picture with Dante yet nor an autograph. So you stay. And when it's finally his turn in line, Vergil can't stop looking at the child. Snow white hair? Baby blue eyes? He's the spitting image of Dante, excited attitude and all. But Dante sees Vergil in the passion and drive and focus the kid has, talking about wanting to be a devil hunter one day.
"Does your mom approve of all of this kid?" Dante asks.
The two men look to you now and that's when they realize something you already knew.
"I think he'll do great," you reply.
Vergil stares. Dante chuckles.
"Well, maybe one day we'll get to see it and you can join us," Dante tells your son.
Vergil is still staring. You smile at him and the man just can't anymore. He whispers something to Dante before going behind the photo booth thing. Before you and your son leave, Dante shoves some paper in your hand as you shake his hand.
I'm surprised this is how we meet but Vergil always has his secrets. He misses you I think. Call the shop if you ever need us
You smile.
"What is it, Mom?" Nero asks.
"Just some note from an old friend," you reply.
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