#hyena laugh
thebeardlyben · 1 year
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Nim has become GNOLL! Patreon commission for @Nimratu
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justaloreaddict · 3 months
Okay, a friend has dragged me into Epic: The Musical and I gotta say: Hermes' laugh is so good. It feels very heartfelt hyena, if that makes any sense? A genuine laugh full of mischief and chaos. A sound welcome and yet heralding danger. I like it. It fits him well.
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justbeingnamaste · 2 months
‘Cringeworthy’: Sky News host reacts to Kamala Harris being an ‘🤡absolute clown show🤡
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spidermans-l-o-v-e-r · 5 months
Growing Pains
Pairing: Eddie x Reader
Word count: 2.2k
Notes: I’m gonna cry they don’t need to be THIS ATTRACTIVE, also boy did I NOT edit this 🥹🥹🥹 what a lovely lil request from my bestie who you know in this moment I’m realizing I don’t remember how to spell your user I’m sorry I love you ��🤣🤣 okay I checked it’s @chihard20
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The day started out normal, waking up snuggled in Eddie’s arms as he nuzzled your neck. He was always affectionate in the mornings, too sleepy to really want anything but you.
“Mornin’ Gorgeous” He mumbles into your neck, his hands trailing down your sides until they reach your hips. His fingers splay out over your plush body as he guides you on top of him. You giggle into him, rolling your eyes as you sit up. He likes when your hair is all messy like that after waking up
“Good morning baby” You grin, your hands sliding over his torso before planting them firmly on his chest. He grins wickedly at the way your back arches, blushing a little in the process as you start to roll your hips in slow circles. He smirks, sliding his hands back up your sides and squeezing lightly
“Ow!” You flinch away from his touch, and he stops immediately, sitting up
“Y/N? Hey… what’s wrong?” He feels your sides again, this time a little slower and you wince when his hands flow over a certain spot. He lifts your shirt and looks, there’s a bruise there, and it’s hot to the touch.
“What the hell is this??” He asks, his voice dripping with worry. He pushes your hair gently out of your face and you lean into his touch
“Okay wait wait don’t worry, Buck and I were working out yesterday and he got me in the side. It was a total accident I forgot about it”
He rolls his eyes, pulling you in carefully to kiss you “Remind me to kick his ass when I see him” you giggle and kiss him back, your lips moving slowly against his
“Will do”
Eddie painstakingly tells you he doesn’t want to have sex, and you’re snickering through it the entire time he’s trying to reassure you. It’s not that he doesn’t want it, he just doesn’t want to hurt you or anything. You begrudgingly accept his reasoning and get out of bed.
He takes his time in a very…very cold shower, cursing Buck with every pass of the loofah on his skin and you take that time to get washed up. You stare in the mirror, you look a little pale… a little tired. Huh maybe you just didn’t get enough sleep? Eddie was… enthusiastic last night to say the least. You just decide to shrug it off and finish getting ready for work.
After a busy breakfast and goodbye kisses to Chris, you’re both out the door, Buck is actually on time for once and you climb into the jeep.
“Thanks a lot cock block” Eddie mumbles as soon as his seatbelt is on and you snort loudly, holding your side lightly
“Don’t make me laugh! It hurts!”
“What do you mean cock block. I specifically did not call you this morning because I know y’all get it on every five seconds!!”
“You hurt her side! I couldn’t…. You know when she’s hurting like that. What kind of a man would I be!” Eddie frowns at him, crossing his arms over his chest
Buck looks at you in the rear view mirror “Damn, I didn’t think I hit you that hard Y/N, I’m really sorry.”
You shrug your shoulders, the pain is starting to flare up a little more so you adjust your seatbelt to not be over it.
“Hey it’s okay! It truly was an accident Buck, don’t worry about Mr. Horndog he’ll get over it”
You and Buck spend the rest of the ride teasing Eddie and laughing at him and he threatens to break up with the both of you. He slouches down in his chair, his arms crossed and pouting like a little kid. It’s impossible for you and Buck to not laugh at him.
It isn’t until a couple hours into your shift you start sweating. It’s not unbearably hot like it could be in L.A so maybe it’s just a you problem. You sit in the break area with a fan in front of you, your head laying on the cool table, you don’t realize your eyes were closed until someone’s hand is on your back, rubbing soothing circles to rise you.
“Hey Y/N, Cap wants you to…” Chim looks at you, you look worse than you feel which is pretty hard to achieve right now.
“Eddie?? Hey Eddie come up here, quick!!” Chim calls over the railing before coming back to stand by you. He gets down on one knee, pushing your sweaty hair off your forehead
“Hey… hey kiddo what’s going on?” He asks you softly and you look at him, your eyes a little hazy.
“Chim?” You say softly, you move your head slowly to the sound of Eddie’s footsteps as he jogs over
“Baby?? Y/N what’s going on” He repeats the question and you look at him with those same hazy eyes. He looks worried sick. You can see the panic behind the mask. You try to push yourself up slowly, but curl back up in a ball, crying out in pain and holding your sides
Chimney gets up from the floor, running to the railing “Call an ambulance!! Hen we need you, bring your med pack”
Buck holds back Eddie, standing in front of him as you’re laid out on the floor. Hen needs room to assess you and Eddie can barely give it to her
“Hey, she’s gonna be fine, it’s gonna be okay” Buck says softly, holding his arms, he’s just as nervous. His hands are shaking and Eddie looks at him, taking a deep breath and nodding. He pushes Buck to the side but puts his arm around him too. He knows how much Buck loves you and he knows Buck is probably freaking out thinking he caused this.
“It looks like appendicitis” Hen says, looking up at the boys.
“Oh thank god. I thought I killed her. I can’t go to jail! I’m too pretty for jail!”
You wheeze with laughter but stiffen and hold your side again, Eddie whacks Buck’s torso
“Don’t make her laugh!”
The ambulance comes in record time and you’re loaded into it. Eddie gets in back, holding your hand tightly and kisses your knuckles softly. The team promises they’ll come to the hospital after their shift and Buck swears he’ll take care of Chris.
The ride there is a bit slower, and Eddie looks like he’s going to have an anxiety attack
“I’m stable. Stop worrying” your words are short puffs of air and Eddie lays his forehead on your arm
“God you scared me… you are scaring me” He whispers to you, can’t this thing go any faster?
“This happens to a hundred million billion people Eddie” your voice is soft “I’m gonna be okay”
“I’m not dating a hundred million billion people, I’m dating you. I’m loving you.”
Your heart flutters when he says that, you sniffle a little and he wipes away your tears.
“I love you too” you whisper back, closing your eyes slowly to rest
“…I love you guys too” Adam the paramedic wipes away a fake tear and you snicker, wincing and groaning in pain but it’s just too stupid not to laugh
“Don’t make her laugh!!!”
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Buck is in the waiting room when Eddie is told he has to be there. His head snaps up and he gets up from his chair, Eddie hugs him tightly, patting him on the back
“What are you doing here?? I thought you were gonna watch Chris?”
“Isabel dropped by, and forced me out of the house” he chuckles, pulling away from Eddie.
“Said you shouldn’t be alone…Chris begged me to give this to Y/N, how could I refuse that face?”
Eddie sits in a chair and Buck plops down next to him, he passes him a piece of construction paper, Chris made a get well card, it’s got a picture of the two of them on the front cover. Eddie holds it, looking through it. God he couldn’t lose you, he should have been more serious about it earlier, maybe if he’d just asked a few more questions-
The card is snatched from his hands and he snaps out of it, Buck shakes it out. Eddie hadn’t even realized he was crying.
“There was nothing you could have done in the time you were with her to figure out it was appendicitis” He says firmly, giving Eddie no room to even fight it.
The wait isn’t long, two hours or so but it feels like so much longer to Eddie. He paces back and forth for a bit, before Buck gets up and trades places with him
“I’ll take a turn” he jokes a little and Eddie smiles sadly at him. Just glad he’s not alone anymore. He watches Buck pace slowly, breathing in time with his steps. He’s slouched in the chair, his arms crossed. He’d been in the same position this morning for more fun reasons and he wishes he could just go back to that.
“Mr. Diaz?” A doctor in scrubs comes out, taking off his bandanna. He sighs but smiles wearily at him. Eddie jumps out of his chair
“Is she okay? Please tell me she’s alive”
His voice cracks at the end of the sentence and Buck walks over, putting his arm around Eddie’s shoulders
“I’m Doctor Pascal. Of course she’s alive Mr. Diaz. She’s perfectly fine” He puts his hand on his arm and reassures him, a look of worry on his face
“Are you okay?” He asks, looking him over. Eddie is a wreck if he’s being honest. He nods fast, wiping the tears from his face
“I’m okay I’m fine. Can I see her? Can we see her?? Please”
Doctor Pascal gives Eddie another once over before nodding
“Yeah, yeah you can see her. But we only allow immediate family back there… so?” He looks at Buck kindly
“Oh I’m her boyfriend, he’s her husband”
Buck says it so calmly and smoothly, like he’s absolutely rehearsed this moment and was so ready for it
“Oh uh” Doctor Pascal just shrugs his shoulders “Follow me gentlemen”
Buck gives Eddie his biggest, shiniest smile and for the first time all afternoon Eddie laughs.
As soon as they all get to the room Buck is at your side, dramatically pushing Eddie out of the way, it makes you giggle and he cups your face in his hands, peppering little kisses all over
“Hi baby” he coos softly “It’s daddy Buck”
You snort and push his chest away, Eddie stands very still at the end of your bed, you look over to him, reaching your hand out weakly. You’re seeing two of him from the killer pain meds they gave you… but that just means you can see two equally as panicked faces
“I’m alive, Edmundo. I’m here” you say steadily and Buck kind of tugs him around the bed, joining your hands.
He finally snaps out of it, kicking off his shoes and climbing into bed with you. Dr. Pascal’s head snaps up from the computer
“Mr. Diaz wait you-“
Buck runs to the other side of the bed and helps you move over some, enough for Eddie to fit next to you. You wrap your arms around him so tightly, squeezing him as close as you can. You can feel tears falling onto your chest as you stroke his back, shushing him softly. He clings to you like his life depends on it and you understand that it probably does in this moment
“Just. Be careful with her okay?” Dr. Pascal scolds Eddie, who just nods slowly and gives him a thumbs up. The doctor leaves the room and you continue to stroke back, your hand trails up his neck and you start to play with his hair
“Daddy Buck?” You ask him, and you feel Eddie snicker into your neck
“I told Dr. Pascal I was your boyfriend and he was your husband
“You’ve been waiting to do that for so long how did it feel”
“Pretty triumphant not gonna lie”
You turn back to Eddie now, he finally pulls his face from your neck 
He kisses you softly, it takes a second for your fuzzy brain before your lips respond to his, he slips off your heart monitor and holds it out to Buck who rolls his eyes and puts it on his own finger. 
Eddie’s hand moves slowly over your body just feeling you. His hand settles on your chest right over your heartbeat and you smile softly, pulling away and taking his hand, kissing his palm
“Are you okay now?” You ask quietly and he sighs, nodding slowly 
“I’m so glad you’re okay… I haven’t been that scared in a long time.” 
“I know baby…but I’m okay now alright? I just have to heal” 
“And I promise I’ll wait on you hand and foot. You won’t have to lift a finger” he kisses your forehead
“Hey! I’ll even stay over and watch Chris so you can take care of her” Buck offers, as he messes around on the computer 
Eddie swats him away from the computer and you giggle
“Thanks Buck” He says sarcastically, but he means it, honestly.
“Hey it’s the least I can do for my partners!”
“Oh my god we’re not actually-“
Buck slaps his hand over Eddie’s mouth
“Do you want them to find out and kick me out?!”
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oddishblossom · 7 months
gifsets cannot do this scene justice i need you to hear this scene
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vanillayoteart · 26 days
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Giggle Yeen
(Dumb joke about making a dumb joke)  Something for arenovas from my weekly streams!
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coolcoolcoolbutwtf · 6 months
Joker junior isn't the only kid in the joker's gang anymore.
Harley: This is your new babysitter I mean older brother, You know Mr.J and I can't just spend all our time with you Junior. Why don't you and Trixter get yourselves introduced while playing somewhere away from here, Kay bye!
Trixter(Danny): ...
Trixter(Danny): I like your nails they are pretty.
JJ: *growling and hissing*
Harley tugging the child leach with junior in it: it don't bite.
Danny: Yes it do!
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bird-inacage · 29 days
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A Fortpeat Gifset | Fort's Personal 'Tipping' Service
Good grief you two, why am I even here? Peat is totally encouraging him at this point. That little collar rub? I see you.
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clown-eating-pig · 8 months
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Omg no way!! It’s Jon The Magnus Archives!!!!
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neilroost · 3 months
stu is not a golden retriever nor a dog in general he's a hyena send post
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Human: Hi Buddy!! AWWW DRAGON! COME ON DRAGON!! *gives all the pets*
Alien: ..... that is a carnivore that can bite at 1,100 psi force .... why are you calling it buddy
Human: Oh hooo hoo what is that *scritches* huh?
Hyena: *jumps*
Alien: *alarmed* !!!!!!
Human: >:( no you can't have the camera
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frugalkubal · 1 year
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Capybara and Magpie
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hookhausen · 6 days
got this book advertised to me on facebook & on one hand, my toddler friends in my school building would love this book
on the other hand and realistically, clark (and the batkids) would NEVER let bruce live this down and i think its hysterical
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ruanbaijie · 7 months
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THE SPIREALM 致命游戏 (2024) 1.24 adapted from the danmei novel Kaleidoscope of Death 死亡万花筒 by Xi Zi Xu 西子绪
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fishareglorious · 2 months
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i'd like to think in this scene as kakania gets teary over isolde, hofmann is in her seat pointedly ignoring what's happening and there's this split-second moment between her and marcus meeting eyes and silently greta convinces her to comfort kakania.
hofmann's thoughts go something like "hm, letting marcus have hands-on experience on how to deal with emotions running high in a controlled environment is a good decision to make. also. this means i won't have to partake in any of this woman's complicated relationship drama with isolde dittasdorf.
god im not touching that with a ten foot pole as much as i can."
later does she know she gets roped into it in the worst way possible
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findingcrow · 1 year
Did we ignore the fact that it’s canon that Halt made Will sleep in a tree once. (For context this was said in the sorcerer of the north) when Will came up with Greybeard Halt, Halt hated it so much that he had Will spend all night in a tree. Can we imagine this for a second. Like 15-16 year old Will, pulling out this mandola at random times as soon as Halt speaks, and starts singing at the top of his lungs “GREYBEARDHALTISAFRIENDOFMINE”. And he must have done this so many times that Halt was so fed up that he forces Will up a tree. And I think it would make it even funnier if he chased him up a tree and Will was so terrified of what would happen if he came down that he just stayed up there
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